The Cocktail (Highball) Problem: Anthony Anderson

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The cocktail (highball)

Anthony Anderson
Department of Physics, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario,
N2L 3G1, Canada

A simple analysis of the impact with the Two-ball problem

ground of two or more elastic balls in
contact yields some interesting results. We let the masses of the lower and upper balls be
m1 and m2 respectively with m1 > m2 . They are
dropped vertically from an original height h0 . It is
A popular demonstration of the principles of assumed that h0 is very much greater than the radii
conservation of linear momentum and energy of the balls. The
balls have a common downward
involves dropping two contacting superballs velocity v0 = 2gh0 just before impact. If the
vertically to the ground. If the lower ball is lower ball makes an elastic collision with the
more massive than the upper, kinetic energy ground, it will rebound with an upward speed of
is transferred to the latter with the result that v0 . The subsequent collision between the two
its maximum height after the collision can be balls, also assumed to be perfectly elastic, is as
considerably greater than that of the original shown in figure 1. If we take up as positive
release point. In this article, a simple analysis of and apply conservation of linear momentum and
the dynamics of this process is presented, together kinetic energy, we obtain
with extensions to the case of three or more balls.
The theoretical limits of the final velocity of the m1 v0 m2 v0 = m2 v2 + m1 v1 . (1)
uppermost ball are calculated for several cases,
with some unexpected results. 1
m v2
2 1 0
+ 12 m2 v02 = 12 m2 v22 + 12 m1 v12 . (2)

Figure 1. The two-ball problem.

76 Phys. Educ. 34(2) March 1999


Figure 2. The three-ball problem.

From (1): Substitute (6) into (1):

m1 (v0 v1 ) = m2 (v2 + v0 ). (3) m1 v0 m2 v0 = m2 v2 + m1 (v2 2v0 ).

From (2):
Solve for v2 :
m (v 2
2 1 0
v12 ) = 12 m2 (v22 v02 )
v2 = (3m1 m2 )v0 /(m1 + m2 ). (7)
We apply equation (7) to three special cases:
m1 (v0 v1 )(v0 + v1 ) = m2 (v2 v0 )(v2 + v0 ). (a) if m1 = m2 , v2 = v0 as expected
(4) (b) if m1 = 3m2 , v2 = 2v0
Divide (4) by (3): (c) if m1  m2 , v2 = 3v0 .
v0 + v1 = v2 v0 Hence the limiting maximum height reached by
the upper ball is h2 = 9h0 .
2v0 = v2 v1 . (5)
Three-ball problem
Equation (5) is an example of the principle
that for any one-dimensional elastic collision, the The collisions are represented in figure 2. The one
relative speed of approach equals the relative speed of main interest is between m2 with initial upward
of separation. We will use the linear equations speed v2 given by equation (7) and m3 with initial
(1) and (5) to find the rebound speed of the downward speed v0 . We use equations (1) and (5)
upper ball. This results in considerable algebraic with appropriate changes:
simplification compared with the direct use of
equation (2), with its squared velocity terms. m2 v2 m3 v0 = m3 v3 + m2 v20 (10 )
From (5):

v1 = v2 2v0 . (6) v2 + v0 = v3 v20 . (50 )

Phys. Educ. 34(2) March 1999 77


From (50 ): from which we find that

v20 = v3 v2 v0 . (8)
= 1 ( + ) = 1 . (13b)
Substitute (8) into (1 ):
The required mass ratio is
m2 v2 m3 v0 = m3 v3 + m2 (v3 v2 v0 ).

m2 /m1 = / = . (14)
Use (7) to eliminate v2 and solve for v3 :
Substitution of these optimal values of and
(7m1 m2 m22 m1 m3 m2 m3 )v0
v3 = . (9) (equations (13)) into equation (10) gives the
(m2 + m3 )(m1 + m2 ) maximum value of v3 as follows:
We apply equation (9) to three special cases:
(7 9 )v0
if m1 = m2 = m3 , = v0 v3 = . (15)
(a) v3 1+
as expected
(b) if m1 = 3m2 = 9m3 , v3 = 3.5v0 We apply equation (15) to three special cases:
(c) if m1  m2  m3 , v3 = 7v0 . (a) if = m3 /M = 0.04,
Hence the limiting maximum height reached by then m2 /m1 = 0.2 and v3 = 4.33v0
the uppermost ball is h3 = 49h0 . (b) if = 0.01,
Now suppose that the total mass of the three then m2 /m1 = 0.1 and v3 = 5.55v0
balls is constant (with M = m1 + m2 + m3 ) and (c) if = 0.0001,
that a particular mass of the lightest ball is selected then m2 /m1 = 0.01 and v3 = 6.84v0 .
(with = m3 /M). What is the value of m2 /m1 Clearly the last example is approaching the
such that v3 is a maximum, and how does v3 limiting value of v3 = 7v0 obtained earlier for
depend on in this case? the extreme case of m1  m2  m3 .
We define = m2 /M and = m1 /M with
+ + = 1. Then from (9):
Multi-ball problem
(7 2 )v0
v3 = . (10)
( + )( + ) We have shown that the maximum speed of the
uppermost ball has the following limiting values:
We replace by (1 ) and treat
as a variable, with constant. After some v1 = v0 ; v2 = 3v0 ; v3 = 7v0 .
manipulation, equation (10) may be written as
follows: Extending the analysis to four balls with m1 
m2  m3  m4 gives v4 = 15v0 with h4 =
7 8 2 7 + 2
v3 = . (11) 225h0 . It can be shown that in general
( + )(1 )
vn = (2n 1)v0 (16)
To find the condition for maximum v3 , we
differentiate equation (11) and equate dv3 /d to where n is the number of balls.
zero. After considerable algebraic bookkeeping, If we were to drop the balls from the top of
during which many terms cancel, the following the CN Tower in Toronto, which has a height
surprisingly simple quadratic equation emerges: h0 = 560 m, through frictionless air or a very
long vacuum tube, we could ask how many balls
2 + 2 + ( 1) = 0. (12)
would be required in order to give the uppermost
Moreover, this equation factorizes: one a rebound speed greater than that necessary
to escape the gravitational pull of the Earth. The

( + )( + + ) = 0.
Often when a simple result such as equation (14) emerges
from a complicated algebraic expression, the inference is that
The positive root gives a different, perhaps more subtle, approach would give the
answers more directly. Are there any suggestions from readers
= (13a) of Physics Education?

78 Phys. Educ. 34(2) March 1999


escape speed, which is independent of the mass intended line of action was well away from the
of the ball, is given by the following well-known overhead lights, saying Now we wont do any
expression: damage. Alas, on impact with the floor, the line
p between ball centres was not quite vertical. The
vesc = 2GME /RE smaller ball rebounded obliquely at great speed
and hit the professor in a most sensitive spot,
and has a value of 11 200 m s1 . It is easily shown causing him to exclaim, in a falsetto voice, Maybe
that my last statement was somewhat optimistic! It
p is recommended that the balls (please dont ask
v0 = 2gh0 = 2 9.8 560 = 104.8 m s1 which ones!) be drilled and loosely assembled on
a stiff wire, so that the direction of rebound motion
and for n = 7 we find v7 = (27 1)v0 = 127v0 = is reasonably well controlled. In the worst possible
13 410 m s1 , provided that mn  mn1 , all scenario, it would be most unfortunate if the value
collisions are elastic and all dissipative processes of n in equation (16) above were inadvertently
are neglected. Unfortunately, even if the mass increased by one or two. . . .
ratio for adjacent balls were limited to 103 , we
find that to launch a microgram ball into space,
the mass of m1 would need to be about 109 kg, Acknowledgment
more than enough to destroy the foundations of
the tower! Helpful discussions with my colleagues, Phil East-
man and Bill Smith, are gratefully acknowledged.

A cautionary note Received 10 September 1998

PII: S0031-9120(99)97399-9
A word of warning is in order for those instructors,
especially males, planning to demonstrate these
physical principles. In an item on the popular
TV program Americas Funniest Home Videos, a Further reading
professor was filmed, presumably by a student in Harter W G 1971 Am. J. Phys. 39 656
the audience, demonstrating the two-ball problem. Isenberg C 1992 Physics Review 2 21
He carefully positioned the balls so that their Mellen W R 1968 Am. J. Phys. 36 845

Phys. Educ. 34(2) March 1999 79


Another round of cocktails then the n th ball will have an upwards speed of nv0
and will rise to a height of n 2 h0 . Incidentally, the
(highballs) term in square brackets represents the number of
balls in a close-packed equilateral triangle with n
In a recent paper in this journal [1], a simple along each side. (Anyone for a game of snooker
analysis of the impact with the ground of two or as we drink our cocktails?)
more contacting elastic balls was presented. It was The kinetic energy of the n th ball is given by
shown that the maximum speed of the uppermost
n th ball was given by 1 1 m1 n
E kn = mn vn2 =   (nv0 )2 = m1 v02 .
vn = (2 1)v0
n 2 2 n (n + 1) /2 n +1
For large n , it can be seen that Ekn approaches
where v0 = (2gh0 )1/2 , h0 being the height of the a limiting value of twice the initial kinetic energy
original release point above ground level. This of the bottom ball. The top ball increases speed
result is conditional on mn  mn 1 , all collisions proportionately with n , but its diminishing mass
being perfectly elastic and all dissipative processes regulates the total energy it can obtain. It is
being neglected. also Peasy to relate the sum of all the masses,
It has been pointed out [2] that the masses of M = n1 mn , to that of the bottom ball for large
the balls can also be arranged so that the total values of n : since the initial kinetic energy of all
kinetic energy is delivered to the top ball, leaving balls is transferred to the top one, we have
all the others at rest at ground level (assuming
their sizes are  h0 ). We first consider the two- 1 1 n
ball problem: the lower ball has mass m1 and Mv 2 = mn vn2 = m1 v02 .
2 0 2 n +1
bounces from the floor with speed v0 . It collides
with the second ball, mass m2 , moving downwards For n  1, M = 2m1 . This result can also be
with speed v0 . If the lower ball is to be at rest after obtained mathematically as follows [3]:
this collision, then the upper ball must have speed
M = m1 + m2 + . . . + mn
2v0 in order to satisfy the condition that the relative  
speed of approach must equal the relative speed 1 1 1 2
= m1 1 + + + + ... + .
of separation for a one-dimensional elastic collision 3 6 10 n (n + 1)
[1]. The relation between the masses is obtained
by applying momentum conservation: Each term can be expressed as the difference
between two parts:
m1 v0 m2 v0 = m2 2v0 + m1 0
2 2 2
= .
which gives n (n + 1) n n +1
m2 = m1 /3.
When the summation is made, all terms cancel
except the first and last. Hence
Similarly, the collision between m2 and m3 can be
described as follows:  
M = m1 2 = 2m1 as n .
m2 2v0 m3 v0 = m3 3v0 + m2 0. n +1
In an earlier paper [1], it was shown that if
Hence the balls are dropped from the top of the CN
m3 = m2 /2 = m1 /6. Tower in Toronto (h 0 = 560 m), and if mn  mn 1 ,
only seven balls are required to give the top
Extension to four balls gives the following result: one a speed greater than required to escape the
m3 3v0 m4 v0 = m4 4v0 + m3 0 gravitational field of the Earth, again assuming all
collisions are elastic and all dissipative processes
and so are neglected. However, even if the mass ratio for
m4 = 3m3 /5 = m1 /10. adjacent balls is limited to 1000, we found that to
launch a microgram ball into space, the mass of the
In general, if bottom ball would need to be 109 kg, so that this
experiment would presumably be unacceptable to
mn = m1 /[n (n + 1)/2] the owners of the tower and nearby residents. If,
on the other hand, we use balls with the sequence

172 Phys. Educ. 34(4) July 1999


of masses outlined above, although we would need absolute truth of calculators and cheerfully write
107 balls to achieve escape speed for the top one, down answers to seven places if the calculator
the mass of the bottom ball would be only 5778 shows seven places. The calculator has become a
times that of the top one and the total mass of all Delphic oracleunfortunately the students cannot
balls just twice this value. In other words, to launch interpret its utterances.
a 10 g ball into space, we would need a total mass Square roots offer a splendid opportunity to
of only 115 kg. Moreover, since all remaining balls introduce the idea of interpolation to students. An
are nominally at rest after the collisions, multiple important by-product is that it also allows us to show
launches could be readily made by replacing the the usefulness of scientific notation. Many years
top ball and taking the assembly back to the top of ago I developed a technique to take square roots
the tower using its fast elevator! in my head. It seemed quite obvious to me, but
A more realistic demonstration involves five several people have said that it is not and have
identical superballs, each of mass 10 g, say, asked me to share it. Moreover, as I examined
which are weighted with different amounts of lead the technique, I was able to prove a theorem that
shot inserted symmetrically into small holes to confirms its validity.
give resultant masses of 10, 15, 25, 50 and Let me first demonstrate the method. Consider
150 g. Alternatively, balls increasing in radii to a four-digit number, for example 6736. We first
give these mass ratios can be used. A commercial write it as 67.36 102 . This reduces it to a
assembly under the name Ninja-Balls is available more manageable form. The square root of the
from scientific suppliers. The balls are also drilled exponential term is 10. Since 67.36 lies between
vertically and loosely mounted on a stiff wire for 64 and 81, its root must lie between 8 and 9. Now,
safety reasons, as discussed earlier [1]. Dropping 81 is 17 more than 64 and 67.36 is 3.36 more than
the assembly from a height of 2 m should result 64. Let the root of 67.36 be 8 + , where is less
in the 10 g ball reaching a height close to the than 1 and unknown. The basis of the method is to
theoretical value of 50 m. Try it outside! assume that

Helpful discussions with our colleagues Neil Isenor = 3.36/17 = 0.198. (1)
and Phil Eastman are gratefully acknowledged.
(Note that the division may be done mentally.) In
Anthony Anderson and John Vanderkooy other words, the root lies between 8 and 9 in the
Department of Physics, University of Waterloo, same ratio as its square does between 64 and 81.
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1, Canada We therefore assert the root of 67.36 to be 8.198.
The correct value is 8.207, which is equivalent to
an error of 9 parts in 8200 or 0.11%, and the root
References of 6736 is therefore 81.98.
Over the years I have found that the method
[1] Anderson A 1999 Phys. Educ. 34 76 works well, giving results to better than 1%. Let us
[2] Isenor N R 1999 Private communication now examine it and see if we can justify it. The
[3] Korn G A and Korn T M 1968 Mathematical square of a digit n is n 2 . The square of n + 1 is
Handbook for Scientists and Engineers
2nd edn (New York: McGraw-Hill) p 981 (n + 1)2 = n 2 + 2n + 1. (2)

An increase in n by 1 increases the square by 2n +1.

If < 1, what is the value of (n + )2 ?
Interpolation: a lost art (n + )2 = n 2 + 2 n + 2 . (3)
Those of us of a certain age who grew up before
Clearly 2 n + 2 must be a fraction of (2n + 1).
the pocket calculator had several advantages
This yields
over students today. Admittedly there were
disadvantages as well. However, slide rules
2 n + 2 = (2n + 1) = 2 n + . (4)
taught us the significance of significant figures (pun
intended!). Using trigonometry and logarithmic Since and are both less than 1, we find to the
tables gave us a facility in the use of interpolation. first order that
This also meant that we were comfortable with the . (5)
ideas of estimation and approximation quite early
in our studies. We learned to think in orders of This is the justification of equation (1).
magnitude and to judge the reasonableness of an As a second example take the five-digit number,
answer. Students today, in contrast, believe in the 43 278. This may be written as 4.3278 104 . Its

Phys. Educ. 34(4) July 1999 173


root lies between 2 and 3 102 . Applying equation mathematical limitations of students today and seek
(5), we find ways of replacing rote methods with understanding.

= 0.3278/5 = 0.0658. (6) Ronald Newburgh

The Rivers School, 333 Winter Street, Weston,
Therefore the root of 43 278 is 2.0658 102 . The MA 02493, USA
correct value is 2.0803 102 , an error of 0.7%.
Explaining the technique so that students can
understand and use it does take time. The results
are well worth it. With practice they are able
to use the method themselves. They begin to Whats in a bulb?
understand interpolation and see the power of
scientific notation. This leads immediately to better The article on the switching time of a 100 watt bulb
understanding of order of magnitude. They begin (Menon V J and Agrawal D C 1999 Phys. Educ.
to know in advance the range in which the unknown 34 346) is somewhat unrealistic in that it ignores
root must lie. They also learn to appreciate heat losses from the filament of the bulb. It is
the power of proof in mathematics. This is an easy to add terms for the thermal radiation from
appreciation many students lack. Discussing the the surface of the filament, although it will then
meaning of equation (5) makes them aware that the be necessary to integrate numerically. A graph
method is not limited to specific numbers or ranges of temperature against time will then be seen to
but applies quite generally. reach a steady temperature. The time required is
My goal is to show that the calculator, though a somewhat arbitrary because it depends on what
useful tool, is no more than that. The mind is more temperature is taken to represent full brilliance, but
powerful. it will be somewhat larger than the figure of 0.06 s
stated in the article, probably quite near the value
I wish to thank my colleagues, James Anton and 0.10 s.
Andrew Freda, of The Rivers School for their
interest in the method and their encouragement Don Hinson
to share it. They are both much aware of the 51 Greenway, Chesham, Bucks HP5 2BY, UK

174 Phys. Educ. 34(4) July 1999

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