4 Biogeochemical Cycles Project-1

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4 Biogeochemical Cycles Project

Due: Fri, Dec.9 2016

Using your book, notes, & other creditable sources, you will produce a labeled diagram and summary of each of the 4 biogeochemical cycles
showing the transfers and transformations of these vital substances.

Make sure you address the specifics listed for each cycle.
1. Hydrological cycle
On the cycle diagram label the following:
a. condensation
b. precipitation
c. percolation/infiltration
d. runof
e. evapotranspiration (transpiration)
f. surface water
g. aquifer/ground water
h. Biota waste
i. Autotrophs
j. Heterotrophs
k. light energy
l. evaporation
2. Carbon/Oxygen cycle

On the cycle diagram label the following:

a. Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
b. Carbonate (CO3)2-
c. Oxygen (O2)
d. Fossil Fuels
e. Photosynthesis
f. Respiration
g. Combustion
h. Decomposition
i. Biota waste
j. Methane (CH4)
k. Autotrophs
l. Heterotrophs

3. Nitrogen cycle
On the cycle diagram label the following:
a. Nitrogen (N2)
b. Nitrogen fixing bacteria
c. Nitrification
d. Denitrification
e. Ammonia (NH3) & Ammonium ion (NH4+)
f. Nitrates (NO3 -)
g. Nitrites (NO2 -)
h. Fertilizers
i. Assimilation
j. Decomposition
k. Biota waste
l. Autotrophs
m. Heterotrophs

4. Phosphorus cycle
On the cycle diagram label the following:
a. Phosphate (PO4-)
b. Precipitation
c. Erosion
n. Fertilizers
o. Deposition
d. Assimilation
e. Decomposition
f. Biota waste
p. Autotrophs
q. Heterotrophs

Specifications to follow:
1. No Notebook Paper
2. Only 1 labeled Biogeochemical cycle diagram per sheet of paper, diagram should fill the sheet
3. All diagrams MUST be drawn. Color is optional, but encouraged
4. Any extra creativity may be subject to extra credit
5. Questions must be included with the answers

1. Where is most water found on earth?

2. What process changes liquid water into water vapor?
3. What process changes water vapor into liquid water?
4. What is the process that allows liquid water to return to the earth from the atmosphere?
5. _____ accumulates water into creek, rivers, and lakes?
6. What process occurs when water goes into the ground?
7. ____is the release of water from plants.
8. In the carbon cycle, what gaseous molecule is found in the atmosphere?
9. In what process do autotrophs use atmospheric CO2 to make carbohydrates?
10. When a heterotroph consumes an autotrophs carbohydrates, it performs ____ that releases the carbon back into the atmosphere.
11. What is it called when CO2 is release from a campfire?
12. What is the process when dead organisms are broken down?
13. Coal, oil, and natural gas are types of _____.
14. What are the two ways in which carbon is returned to the atmosphere?
15. Carbon is stored underground for millions of years as _____?
16. Carbon and oxygen is a primary component of which macromolecules?
17. What gas makes up 78% of the atmosphere?
18. Autotrophs absorb nitrogen in what process?
19. What is the source of nitrogen for heterotrophs?
20. When a heterotroph dies or releases waste, nitrogen is changes into ammonia by the process of_____.
21. Ammonia is changed by nitrifying bacteria into nitrites then nitrates in a process called?
22. What is nitrogen fixation?
23. What type of organism preforms all the nitrogen processes in the ground?
24. Nitrogen is a primary component of which macromolecules?
25. What kind of relationship exists between plants and nitrogenfixing bacteria?
26. How do industrial processes affect the amount of fixed nitrogen in an ecosystem? What are some possible consequences?
27. The phosphorous cycle is different from the other three cycles because it functions on a ___scale instead of a global scale.
28. Phosphorus cycles between the geosphere, hydrosphere, and the biosphere but not the ____.
29. What phase of matter is phosphorus not typically found in?
30. Phosphorus is a primary component of which macromolecules?

Requirements Maximum Earned Points


Cycles 60
-Drawn Cycles Present (4 cycles total)
-All given words present and correct for each cycle
Summary 10
-Description of each of the four cycles in students own
Questions 30
-Question and answer present and complete
Extra Points 10

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