Global Knowledge and New Horizons Case Study0

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Transforming Skills

Management into Strategic

Business Enablement
Microsoft Certification Helps
Organizations and Individuals
Thrive Through Change and
Get Ready for the Future

Enhancements made by Microsoft to its closely follow these companies’ activities and
certification program make certifications technological changes so that they can assist
more meaningful and practical than ever, with skills management and certification
helping companies recruit the best planning. Global Knowledge’s business is
candidates for their open positions and growing as companies are once again
helping individual professionals chart a allocating larger budgets to training and
strategy for more rewarding employment certification.
with lifelong learning.
Global Knowledge offers Microsoft technology
Two Microsoft Gold Certified Partners and training, extending the Microsoft curriculum
Certified Partners for Learning Solutions with additional content designed to help
(CPLS), Global Knowledge and New Horizons students address the challenges they find in
Southern California, offer a wide range of their role and organization. Global Knowledge
training and certification programs to prepare training labs provide a rich learning
organizations and individual professionals for environment, incorporating virtual machines to
the future. As both partners’ research and give students wide exposure to the particular
experience show, Microsoft Certification plays capabilities, opportunities, and challenges
a critical role in helping companies realize the associated with technologies they learn about.
full benefits of the technology that they invest In addition, boot camps take students through
in. two days of highly intensive preparation,
followed by a certification exam. Many Global
Global Knowledge: Training and Knowledge customers pair the skills transfer
Certification at a Global Level training with a subsequent boot camp and
Founded in 1995, Global Knowledge employs certification. The company delivers these
more than 1,300 people worldwide. Corporate programs in its own facilities and remote
headquarters are in Cary, North Carolina. channels, or on-site at customer locations.
Global Knowledge operates training centers Setting up a training location and then
across the United States and in 22 other adjusting it to serve as a certification exam
countries. The company serves business facility is a turnkey operation that requires
customers of any organizational type in all efficient setup of desktops and servers.
industries. With Global Knowledge’s worldwide
presence and advanced training-delivery Most instructors at Global Knowledge teach
system—which combines on-site, virtual, and Microsoft technology and other domains, such
mobile training and certification offerings—the as Cisco networking tools or project
Fortune 100 companies are a target market of management skills. The majority of instructors
great value for the company. Sales executives are contractors who run their own business
“Certification should
figure into a company’s
strategy and planning,
This is second page header (with 4 para marks ahead of it) because assisting your
people to perform at
their best level enables
the organization to
succeed. As an
employer, you may be
concerned that you
invest in training and
certification and people
leave for another job.
But what if you don’t
make the investment,
and they stay?”
— Craig Brown, Practice
Leader – Microsoft, Global
and can bring a practical, real-world competency participation and help it make a
perspective to the learning environment. compelling business case for its expertise,”
says Brown. “Microsoft Certification today
Assessing the markets from time to time in demonstrates that an IT professional has
research projects, Global Knowledge can offer deep-reaching, practical insight into a
clear evidence for the value of training and particular technology. This is far more valuable
certification. The company’s “2010 IT Skills for employers and their people than more
and Salary Report” notes that both managers broad-ranging certifications with less
and team members in IT departments definition.”
overwhelmingly agree that training and
certification have a positive impact on job As Brown goes on to explain, “Training without
performance. Findings also show certification is never quite complete because
professionals who obtained an IT or project the learner’s achievement is not validated.
management certification during the last five Certification, especially with the specificity
years earned an average of U.S.$5,242 more Microsoft has introduced in Microsoft Certified
per year than their peers without certification. IT Professional (MCITP) and other
Of the 20 most popular certifications in the certifications, helps an employer verify with
industry, five are from Microsoft. One of the great efficiency that a candidate has exactly
Microsoft Certifications, Microsoft Certified the skills the company needs. Certification
Technology Specialist (MCTS), especially connects directly to productivity, and people
helps boost earning power when professionals who obtain certification tend to be more
hold several MCTS qualifications. The satisfied employees, commit more to their
professionals with multiple MCTS designations jobs, and accomplish more. Certification
earn $13,000 more per year on average than should figure into a company’s strategy and
those with a single MCTS certification. planning, because assisting your people to
perform at their best level enables the
Craig Brown, Practice Leader – Microsoft at organization to succeed. As an employer, you
Global Knowledge, is involved in the design of may be concerned that you invest in training
many of the company’s training and and certification and people leave for another
certification offerings and provides critical job. But what if you don’t make the investment,
collaboration with the enterprise sales team. and they stay?”
Brown is enthusiastic about the company’s
certification offerings and Microsoft Global Knowledge includes a certain amount
Certification in particular. “I’m very proud of our of behavior modification in its learning and
large-scale certification offerings, where we certification offerings. Brown states, “Some
often get hundreds of people in Microsoft highly motivated students will learn whatever
partner companies to obtain the right they like through self-study. But many people
certifications to qualify the organization for need the interaction with an instructor and
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other students. For them, distance learning is

too easily interrupted by distractions on the
job. That’s also why our boot camps lead
directly to certification. You don’t want life
getting in the way. The longer people wait to
take the certification exam after completing
training and preparation, the lower the success
rate.” The company is currently experimenting
with ways to provide the most direct,
meaningful learning experience for students
who join an instructor-led course remotely from
their offices or homes. Says Brown, “There are
many opportunities to enrich training delivery
through the cloud and encourage students to
participate intensely. As we integrate live
relationships more into this learning scenario,
it will become more effective and give us
greater flexibility in serving our customers.”
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New Horizons Southern California: Serving the business, consumer, and public-
Preparing Individuals and Organizations to sector markets, New Horizons Southern
Grow and Thrive California supports a broad range of
A franchise in the New Horizons Worldwide
customers—small and large companies across
network, the world’s largest independent IT
all industries; early-career, midcareer, and
training provider with more than 300 learning
transitioning individual professionals; and any
centers in 60 countries, New Horizons
type of public-sector entity. After people have
Southern California serves individuals and
been through a New Horizons Southern
business customers at five locations in its
California program, the company makes
geographical area. The company offers
placement services available to them.
training and certification for products from
leading companies, such as Microsoft and
Part of New Horizons Southern California’s
Cisco, and in disciplines that are not confined
portfolio is an infrastructural learning
to a specific technology, including information
assessment, which includes a review of an
security, project management, and healthcare
organization’s training, certification, and skills
management needs. Tina Travierso, Director
of Partner Relations and Marketing at New
New Horizons Southern California delivers
Horizons Southern California, explains,
training in its classrooms, online, at customer
“Companies often invest in new technologies,
locations, and through mentored learning,
but may lack the skills to deploy them
which lets students move forward at their own
effectively. They only use a small part of the
pace and provides extensive instructor
capabilities they purchase or, as long as 18
interaction and guidance. The company also
months after they acquired a new solution,
offers boot camp programs for professionals
they may not have implemented it at all. In
who obtained older Microsoft Certification
consequence, they often spend large amounts
levels, such as Microsoft Certified Systems
on customized capabilities or workarounds.
Engineer (MCSE) or Microsoft Certified
When deployment delays are related to skills
Systems Administrator (MCSA) certifications,
gaps, we can show business executives how
to help them update their skills and transition
Microsoft Certification for their IT team
to the newer, more specialized Microsoft
members can help them gain the full value of
Certifications. New Horizons Southern
their technology investments and realize huge
California offers certification exams facilitated
cost savings.”
by Prometric and Pearson VUE at its locations.
In addition to learners who received training
Although not all employers understand the
from the company, people who have gained
relevance of Microsoft Certification, individual
their skills elsewhere can also take these
professionals have presented New Horizons
Southern California with increased demand for
certification-directed training and exams.
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Almost 100 percent of the individuals who candidate’s initiative and readiness to engage
engage with the company on their own, rather in lifelong learning.
than through an employer, pursue certification.
Rebecca Bergstrom, Special Projects and Business managers and instructors at New
Marketing Manager at New Horizons Southern Horizons Southern California like the changes
California, has received requests from Microsoft has made to the certifications in
students who want to show their employers recent years, for example, by introducing
that certification can have benefits for a specialized certification in MCTS and MCITP
company. “Many times, individuals make the categories. Megan Nolan, Director of Sales at
business case for certification to their New Horizons Southern California, says, “In
managers,” Bergstrom comments. “It’s often the past, Microsoft Certification was of a more
different in the public sector, where many general nature, and professionals would take
organizations follow directives or initiatives that significant time away from work to be certified.
require technical certification from vendors or With the highly practical specializations in the
job candidates.” When New Horizons Southern MCTS and MCITP certifications, people don’t
California approaches potential business have to take as many classes to become
customers, the conversation most often starts certified, certification is clearly connected to
with the IT managers, who are usually more defined technical expertise with Microsoft
aware of skills gaps and the value of products, and companies can gain a much
certification than human resources managers faster return on a much smaller investment in
are. training and certification. As a result, it has
become much easier to have productive
New Horizons Southern California uses conversations with business decision makers
independent research, including reports from who are responsible for skills management in
Robert Half Technology, to help set the proper their companies.” Instructor David Metzgar
context for certification. A Robert Half adds, “MCSE and MCSA professionals usually
Technology report, “IT Hiring and received their certifications in 2003 or earlier,
Compensation Trends 2010,” states that CIOs for the technologies available at the time. The
and IT managers can’t easily find properly professionals can be confused by the newer
qualified IT professionals for their certifications, but they always see the value
organizations. The right technical qualifications when we explain the differences and how they
help boost an IT professional’s chances of can incorporate updated certification into their
finding rewarding employment, and career path. They also appreciate that the
certification is seen by hiring managers as exams assess their expertise by reflecting
evidence of a person’s skill and expertise. As real-life work scenarios.”
the report mentions, Microsoft Certifications
are among the most highly valued. For the New Horizons Southern California
Certifications also demonstrate a job team, there is no doubt that Microsoft
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Certification is important to employers and and certification to people who are already
individuals. As Cindy Sutherland, Career with the company than to hire people with the
Development Director at New Horizons certifications a business looks for. These
Southern California, explains, “Especially in a certified employees also are more loyal and
bad economy, employers can be more stay longer in their jobs.”
selective in reviewing candidates.
Certifications help a person stand out from the As instructors and business managers at New
crowd. The stamp of approval from Microsoft Horizons Southern California experience,
speaks volumes about a candidate’s generational and technological changes boost
professional qualification, willingness to learn, interest in certification as more professionals
and readiness to make a strong contribution in with their own certifications move into
a new role.” Instructor Bill Berger, who is also executive roles and vendors like Microsoft
responsible for the Mentored Learning offering, continue to make certification programs more
comments, “Companies receive as many as relevant and practical. And, although the
400 resumes for a single opening in the IT company will continue to offer a variety of
department. Microsoft Certification is a strong learning channels, instructor-led training
testament to professional expertise. leading to certification is here to stay.
Companies and hiring managers also Instructor Bill Sullivan says, “People go to a
understand that certification requires class to prepare for certification because they
commitment and courage, and the people who want the interaction with their peers and with
gained certification may operate from a the instructor. MCITP training, for one,
mindset of feeling confident and looking for the involves a lot of practical reasoning where
best way to make an impact.” learners can really enrich each other’s
experience.” Sybil Earl, Director of Operations
Travierso, Sutherland, and their colleagues and Instructor Manager at New Horizons
help individuals access government resources Southern California, explains, “We know that
for training and certification that have become Microsoft Certification of IT professionals has
available through the federal Workforce an immediate impact on successful and
Investment Act, more recent stimulus funding, complete technology implementations. In
and other measures. These resources are many of the instructor-led training courses, we
particularly important for people who are meet people who have to resolve an
underemployed or unemployed. New Horizons implementation that didn’t go entirely well.
Southern California also works hard to show They look to Microsoft Certification to help
companies that investing in their current them gain and validate the skills their
employees may make better business sense organization needs, and often are very
than restructuring the workforce. Says enthusiastic about learning from the
Sutherland, “It is generally much less experience of other students.”
expensive and disruptive to provide training
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For more information about Microsoft Certification, go to or contact Amber Reed at

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