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Urista 1

Sandra Urista

Cycle 38

September 24, 2017

The Differentiated Classroom

Differentiated instruction means tailoring instruction to meet the needs of the individual

student. Every student is unique and learns in a different way. In todays classroom, a teacher

can expect a mixture of students with different ability levels, ethnic backgrounds, family

situations, maturity levels and learning skills. Lesson plans need to be design to meet the needs

of the individual students and to keep the students engage with the lesson.

In my differentiated classroom, my lesson plans will reflect what students need to learn,

how the student learns, how to measure the end result of their learning, and the learning

environment. In the content area, I can insure reading materials vary in readability levels or by

putting text materials on tape. For processes, I can vary the length of time a student may take to

complete a task for a struggle student or encourage an advance learner to purse a topic in greater

depth. For product, use rubrics that match students skills level. Also vary the ways a student can

express himself/herself (PowerPoint Presentation, portfolio, or essay). For learning environment,

I can develop routines that allow students to receive help when other students are busy.

As I get ready to enter the classroom as a teacher, I realize all students are unique. Their learning

style is different from each other. I need to understand the needs of my students and adapt the

learning environment that will promote their learning. To help expand my knowledge I will

seek guidance from my mentor and administrators. I would also see what workshops Region 19

is offering relating to this topic.

Urista 2

A few books I would check out is Differentiated Instruction: Making it Work by Patti

Drapeau, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey and Focus: The Hidden

Driver of Excellence by Daniel Goleman

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