Using Global Payroll Interface

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Global Human Resources

Using Global Payroll

This guide also applies to on-premise

Release 9 implementations
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Using Global Payroll Interface

Part Number E53102-02

Copyright 2011-2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Authors: Carla Fabrizio, Angela Brown, Jan Somers, Alison Firth, Tim Bisset

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Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud
Using Global Payroll Interface


Preface i

1 Overview 1
Manage Payroll Outbound Interface: Overview .......................................................................................................... 1
Implementing Payroll Interface: Procedure ................................................................................................................ 2
Payroll Interface Setup for US ADP Solutions: Critical Choices .................................................................................. 6
Payroll Employment Hierarchy Profile Option: Critical Choices ................................................................................. 10

2 Manage Elements 12
Creating Payroll Elements for Payroll Interface: Worked Example ............................................................................ 12
Creating Voluntary and Pre-statutory Deductions: Procedure .................................................................................. 16
Adding Involuntary Deductions to a Calculation Card: Procedure ............................................................................ 17

3 Define HCM Extract Definitions 21

Extract Components: How They Work Together ..................................................................................................... 21
Creating Extract Definitions for Payroll Interface: Procedure .................................................................................... 23
Using Different Modes for HCM Extracts : Explained .............................................................................................. 24
Copying Extract Definitions for Payroll Interface: Critical Choices ............................................................................ 25
Creating a Payroll Interface Report from a Copy: Worked Example ......................................................................... 27
Defining an Extract: Worked Example ..................................................................................................................... 29
Defining an Extract Using the Simplified Interface: Worked Example ....................................................................... 37
Frequently Used User Entities in HCM Extracts ...................................................................................................... 44
Payroll Interface Output File Templates: Highlights .................................................................................................. 44
Predefined Extracts ................................................................................................................................................. 45
FAQs for Define HCM Extract Definitions ................................................................................................................ 87
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud
Using Global Payroll Interface

4 Manage Batch Uploads 90

Payroll Batch Loader Tasks: Explained ................................................................................................................... 90
Setting Up the Desktop Integration for Excel: Procedure ........................................................................................ 93
Working in Desktop Integrated Excel Workbooks: Points to Consider ..................................................................... 94
Importing Data Using the Payroll Batch Loader: Procedure ..................................................................................... 95
Payroll Batch Statuses: Explained ........................................................................................................................... 96
Creating Element Entries Using the Batch Loader: Worked Example ....................................................................... 97
Creating Globals Using the Batch Loader: Worked Example ................................................................................... 99
Payroll Batch Loader Workbooks .......................................................................................................................... 102
FAQs for Manage Batch Upload ........................................................................................................................... 122

5 Maintain Personal Payroll Information 124

Manage Calculation Cards .................................................................................................................................... 124
Manage Element Entries ....................................................................................................................................... 128
Manage Personal Payment Methods ..................................................................................................................... 131
Manage Payroll Relationships ................................................................................................................................ 134

6 Manage Outbound Payroll Interface 140

Calculate Gross Earnings ...................................................................................................................................... 140
Run Outbound Interface Reports .......................................................................................................................... 145
Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Preface
Using Global Payroll Interface

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Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 1
Using Global Payroll Interface Overview

1 Overview

Manage Payroll Outbound Interface: Overview

You can create your own HCM extract definitions to extract and send personal payroll information to a third-party payroll
provider. In a legislative data group that uses the Payroll Interface payroll product usage setting, payroll coordinators can use
the following features to more easily validate and extract payroll information:

Two predefined extract definitions, which you can copy and adapt to your requirements:

Global Payroll Interface

US ADP PayForce Periodic Extract

Calculate Gross Earnings process, which you can run each period to update earnings balances. If you use this
process, you can check gross earnings results using:

View Person Process Results page, which includes the statement of earnings

Element Result Register

Payroll Balances Report

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 1
Using Global Payroll Interface Overview

Payroll coordinators use the following tasks on a periodic basis to manage and extract data to send to third-party providers.

These processes use element entries, payroll relationships, and calculation cards to determine payroll-related values to
retrieve and calculate along with other HR-related values for a worker, such as benefits information.

Related Topics
Calculating Gross Earnings for Payroll Interface: Overview

Implementing Payroll Interface: Procedure

Use predefined Payroll Interface extract definitions to send payroll-related employee information to a third-party payroll
provider. The setup steps required for Payroll Interface vary depending on your business requirements, the Oracle products
and features you use, and the data required by your third-party payroll provider.
Generate the task list in the Setup and Maintenance work area using the Workforce Deployment offering. This topic helps you
determine which implementation steps to complete for the following task areas and the roles that can perform them.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 1
Using Global Payroll Interface Overview

Task Area Role Work Area

Defining Enterprise Structures Application Implementation Setup and Maintenance


Defining Payroll Product Usage Application Implementation Setup and Maintenance


Defining Elements, Balances, and Application Implementation Setup and Maintenance

Formulas Consultant

Managing Data Security IT Security Manager Setup and Maintenance

Creating an Extract Definition Application Implementation Setup and Maintenance


Managing Payroll Process Application Implementation Setup and Maintenance

Configuration Groups Consultant

Managing Personal Payroll Payroll Coordinator Payroll Administration, Payroll

Information Calculation, and Payment

Other topics may provide additional setup guidance specific to your third-party provider.

Defining Enterprise Structures

Ensure that your implementation includes the enterprise structures required to support payroll relationships for your workers.
To confirm your enterprise structures setup:
1. In the Define Geographies for HCM task list, verify the predefined geographies and load any additional local
geographies, as needed.
2. In the Define Legal Jurisdictions and Authorities task list, perform the following actions:

Create a legal jurisdiction if not already created or predefined for your country or territory.

Create a legal authority for each government body you interact with.

Create addresses for legal entities and legal authorities

3. In the Define Legal Entities for HCM task list, perform the following actions:

Create a legislative data group (LDG) for each country of operation, to partition your payroll data.

Create at least one legal entity designated as a payroll statutory unit (PSU) for each LDG.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 1
Using Global Payroll Interface Overview

Associate each PSU with one LDG.

Optionally, create calculation cards for statutory deductions for each PSU, if supported by the LDG.
4. In the Define Legal Reporting Units for HCM task list, perform the following actions:
Create any additional tax reporting units (TRUs) that you need.
Optionally, create calculation cards for statutory deductions for each TRU, if supported by the LDG.
5. In the Define Business Units for HCM task list, create business units that you use to associate other objects.

Defining Payroll Product Usage

Select the correct payroll product for each of your countries and territories to ensure that payroll-related features work
correctly in your implementation. For example, the earnings element template for Payroll Interface creates necessary objects,
such as input values, balances, and formulas, so that the Calculate Gross Earnings process includes the element.
1. Use the Manage Payroll Product Usage task to set the product usage value for each country or territory to Payroll

Defining Elements, Balances, and Formulas

Configure the payroll objects for employee-level information required by your third-party provider. For example, to capture
employees' payment details, such as bank information for electronic funds transfer payments, you must create organization
payment methods. An application implementation consultant must perform the following steps:
1. Use the Manage Consolidation Groups task to create at least one consolidation group for each LDG where you
create elements. The payroll definitions you create later require a consolidation group.
2. Optionally, if your payroll provider requires any employee bank data, use the Manage Organization Payment Method
task to create a payment method for each LDG.
3. Use the Manage Payroll Definitions task to create a payroll definition for each payroll frequency, such as weekly or

To upload a batch of payroll definitions, use the Batch Loader task in the Payroll Administration work

4. Use the Manage Elements task to create any earnings or deduction elements. After creating an element, edit it
to create at least one element eligibility record. The newly created element generates database items that the
Calculate Gross Earnings process can use to get earnings information and the extract process can use to get
deduction information.

Before you enable multiple entries of the same element, confirm that your third-party provider can
manage them.

5. Use the Manage Elements task to create element eligibility records for predefined statutory deduction elements.
You must complete this task before you hire employees.

Managing Data Security

The security setup provides payroll coordinators access to the appropriate tasks, data, and features through the payroll
coordinator job role.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 1
Using Global Payroll Interface Overview

An IT security manager must perform the following security-related configuration actions:

1. For each payroll definition, use the Manage Payroll Security Profiles task to set up the payroll security profile.
2. For each legislative data group, use the Manage Legislative Data Group Security Profiles task to set up security.
3. Use the Assign Security Profiles to Role task to create at least one data role for the payroll coordinator job role with
the appropriate security profiles.
4. Use the Manage Role Provisioning Rules task to provision the payroll coordinator role.

Creating an Extract Definition

Create the extract definition and process that extracts data from HCM for your third-party payroll provider. The requirements
of your third-party provider determine which data to extract, and how to structure and deliver it.
An application implementation consultant must perform the following steps:

1. Use the Manage Extract Definitions task to copy the predefined extract definition you use for your report, and save it
under a new name.
2. Edit the extract definition to meet the requirements of your payroll provider.
3. Submit your changes.
The application generates an extract process using your modified definition.

Managing Payroll Process Configuration Groups

An application implementation consultant must perform the following configuration step:
1. Use the Manage Default Process Configuration Group Profile Option Values task to select the default group as the
value for the Process Configuration Group profile option.
2. Use the Manage Payroll Process Configuration task to review the default settings in the default configuration group.
For example, you might change the values for chunk size or number of threads to optimize performance when
calculating gross earnings.

Managing Personal Payroll Information

A payroll manager performs the following steps to optionally upload personal payroll information, such as initial balance values
or employee bank details.
1. Optionally, to load initial balances:

Create balance initialization elements.

Use the batch loader to load the initial values to the staging tables.

Submit the Load Initial Balances task to initialize the balances in the Payroll Calculation work area.
2. Optionally, if you created any organization payment methods and want to load personal bank information for EFT
payments, use one of the following methods to migrate bank data:
Batch Loader task in the Payroll Administration work area

Manage Personal Payment Methods task in the Payment Distribution work area (for individual employees)

Manage Personal Payment Methods web service

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 1
Using Global Payroll Interface Overview

Related Topics
Creating Legal Entities, Registrations, and Reporting Units: Examples

Payroll Statutory Units, Legal Employers, and Tax Reporting Units: How They Work Together

Elements: Explained

Creating Payroll Elements for Payroll Interface: Worked Example

Creating Extract Definitions for Payroll Interface: Procedure

Payroll Interface Setup for US ADP Solutions: Critical

The setup steps required for the Oracle Fusion Global Payroll Interface for the United States may vary depending on the
Oracle Fusion products and features that are already configured in your enterprise and the data you want to make available to
ADP PayForce and ADP Connection for PayForce.
In addition to the setup points described for the Global Payroll Interface, the following assumptions and configuration
requirements exist for your ADP solutions in the following areas:

Organizations and Locations

US Geographies
Person Information
Element Management
Payroll Definitions
ADP Configuration

Organizations and Locations

When setting up your organizations and locations, consider the following:

When setting up your organization structure, a one-to-one mapping must exist between a legal employer and a
payroll statutory unit (PSU).
When defining locations, you must use the United States tax address format.

US Geographies
You must consider the following requirements:

To properly populate the system with geographies information, you must run the Load Geographies for US task from
the Functional Setup Manager.
You must have a valid Vertex Geocode license. It is required for employees to receive their default tax card.

Person Information
When managing employee information, consider the following:

Each employee in the payroll must have a default tax card associated with a tax reporting unit (TRU).

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 1
Using Global Payroll Interface Overview

You cannot use commas in any part of any address, as ADP Connection for PayForce does not support their usage.
You must use the United States tax address format for employee addresses.
ADP PayForce users must use the Manage Common Lookups task to update the
PER_NATIONAL_IDENTIFIER_TYPE lookup type with the following new lookup code:

Lookup Code Meaning Tag


For each employee you want to report, use the National IDs region in the Manage Person page to add their ADP
PayForce file number.

Element Management
When defining the elements for your earnings and deductions, consider the following:
Employee Work Relationships
Payment Methods
Element Termination Rules
Piece-Rate Elements
Recurring Elements
Nonrecurring Deduction Elements
Nonrecurring Earnings Elements

Employee Work Relationships

ADP Connection for PayForce does not support multiple terms, so employees should not have multiple terms in a single
work relationship. Any earnings you define at the terms level, including salary, is passed on to the primary assignment. If an
employee has multiple terms with earnings at the terms level, ADP Connection for PayForce may not correctly interpret the
values passed to the primary assignment.

Payment Methods
When defining payment methods, consider the following:

Employees cannot have both check and direct deposit payment methods.
Personal payment methods for direct deposit payments must be either set to 100% or use fixed dollar amounts.
When defining Personal Payment Methods, do not select a run type. Leave this field blank.

Element Termination Rules

ADP PayForce does not support earnings proration. Therefore, all earnings elements other than salary earnings must use a
Last Standard Process Date or Final Close termination rule. Do not use Last Standard Earning Date.

Piece-Rate Elements
ADP Connection for PayForce does not support piece-rate earnings. Do not pass any elements of this type through the
Payroll Interface.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 1
Using Global Payroll Interface Overview

Recurring Elements
When defining recurring elements, consider the following:

Employees cannot have more than one of same recurring element (deductions or earnings). When defining your
recurring elements, you must prohibit multiple entries.
When creating a recurring deduction element, and you want the deductions to stop after a set goal amount, you
must create an input value for that element and provide the amount. This input value must be named "Goal Amount".
When defining deduction elements with a different periodicity than your payroll period, you must assign the elements
an input value with the special purpose of "Periodicity" and then set their periodicity. For example, to take a
deduction monthly with a weekly payroll, you set the element's periodicity to monthly.
Any earnings elements have the Periodicity input value created automatically.

This information is included in the extract, but it is not used by ADP Connection for PayForce.

Nonrecurring Deduction Elements

The US ADP PayForce third-party periodic extract pulls only nonrecurring voluntary deductions. Nonrecurring pretax
deductions are not included.
When defining nonrecurring deductions, you must create and set the following input values for each deduction element:

Input Value Special Instructions

Deduction Value You must identify whether this element is deducting

either as a flat amount or a percentage. Use this input
value to track the amount of the deduction.

For this input value, set the Special Purpose field to
"Primary Input Value".

Third-Party Deductions Type Set the only valid value as "Adjust Ded Code", and
select this value during element entry.

Third-Party Deductions Code Define values for each of the valid 3-character ADP
PayForce deduction codes.

During element entry, select the appropriate code for the
deduction code.

Nonrecurring Earnings Elements

The US ADP PayForce third-party periodic extract pulls the following nonrecurring earnings types only:

Supplemental earnings (such as bonuses and commissions)

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 1
Using Global Payroll Interface Overview

Nonrecurring regular and imputed earnings are not included.

Flat amount earnings

Hours * rate earnings elements are not included.

When defining nonrecurring earnings, you must create and set the following input values for each earnings element:

Input Value Special Instructions

Third-Party Earnings Type Create the following values, based on the ADP earnings

Earnings 3 Code

Earnings 4 Code

Earnings 5 Code

During element entry, select the appropriate code for the

earnings type.

Third-Party Earnings Code Define values for each of the valid 3-character ADP
PayForce earnings codes.

During element entry, select the appropriate code for the
earnings code.

Payroll Definitions
When creating payroll definitions, consider the following:

Do not use the bimonthly, lunar monthly, or semiannual payroll frequencies.

Specify your ADP PayForce Company Code as the first three characters of the payroll reporting name.

ADP Configuration
Prior to running your first extract, consider the following:

You must perform a mapping exercise with ADP Connection for PayForce. This establishes the baseline between the
data in ADP and Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management for the United States. Refer to your ADP documentation
for more information.

Existing ADP Connection for PayForce users will already have identification numbers for their employees recorded
in ADP's system. However, all persons reported through the Payroll Interface must have their own Oracle employee
IDs. You must use ADP's conversion utilities to convert your employees' legacy IDs into the new ones generated by
the payroll interface.

Alternatively, the user can modify the extract to pass the legacy ADP employee ID dependent upon where customer
stores the value in Fusion.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 1
Using Global Payroll Interface Overview

Related Topics
Copying Extract Definitions for Payroll Interface: Critical Choices

Creating Payroll Elements for Payroll Interface: Worked Example

Payroll Employment Hierarchy Profile Option: Critical

You can use profile options to specify the values you want to display for each level of the payroll employment hierarchy. The
hierarchy appears in the View Person Process Results pages. You can specify up to three values at each level to help identify
the record. For example, you might select legal employer name and job name to identify employment terms records, and
assignment name and number to identify assignment records.
Depending on the employment model used in your enterprise, you can use the following levels to set up your payroll
employment hierarchy:

Payroll relationship
Employment terms

To define profile option settings and values, select the Manage Payroll Employment Hierarchy Profile Option Values task in the
Setup and Maintenance work area.

Profile Options for the Payroll Relationship Level

The following table lists the profile option codes and available profile values at the site level for the payroll relationship level of
the payroll employment hierarchy.

Profile Option Codes Profile Values




Payroll Statutory

Unit Name

Payroll Relationship Type

Profile Options for the Employment Terms Level

The following table lists the profile option codes and available profile values at the site level for the employment terms level of
the payroll employment hierarchy.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 1
Using Global Payroll Interface Overview

Profile Option Codes Profile Values

PAY_ EMP_ HIERARCHY_ TERM_DESC_1 Employment Category

PAY_ EMP_ HIERARCHY_ TERM_DESC_2 Legal Employer Name


Job Name

Position Name

Payroll Name

Location Name

Profile Options for the Assignment Level

The following table lists the profile option codes and available profile values at the site level for the assignment level of the
payroll employment hierarchy.

Profile Option Codes Profile Values


PAY_ EMP_ HIERARCHY_ ASG_DESC_2 Assignment Number

PAY_ EMP_ HIERARCHY_ ASG_DESC_3 Employment Category

Grade Name

Job Name

Legal Employer Name

Location Name

Position Name

Overriding Site-level Values with User-level Values

You can override site-level values at the user level. For example, you might use position as the default value and override it
with job for the payroll administrator who manages records for a group of workers who are not assigned to positions.

Related Topics
Payroll Relationships: Explained

Viewing and Editing Profile Option Values: Points to Consider

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 2
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Elements

2 Manage Elements

Creating Payroll Elements for Payroll Interface:

Worked Example
The example shows how to create elements for a US legislative data group where the payroll product usage is set to Payroll
Interface. You can use the earnings elements in the Calculate Gross Earnings process.
The following table summarizes key decisions for each element that you create and provides the selections for this example.

Decision to Consider In This Example

What is the primary classification? One of these choices:

Standard Earnings

Supplemental Earnings

Taxable Benefits

Pretax Deductions

Voluntary Deductions

Information elements aren't supported.

At which employment level should this element be Select the appropriate level. Typical examples are:
Payroll relationship level for deductions and
benefits elements

Assignment or terms level for salary, pension, and

social insurance elements

Assignment level for overtime rules, rates, and

bonus elements

Check whether your third-party payroll provider can

handle terms-level information.

Does this element recur each payroll period, or does it Select Recurring or Nonrecurring.
require explicit entry?

What are the input values for deduction elements? Period Deduction Amount (primary input value)

Goal Amount

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 2
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Elements

Creating an Element
Before creating an element, confirm that your Payroll Product Usage setting is Payroll Interface. This setting
controls the behavior of important payroll-related features, such as element templates.

1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, click Manage Elements.

2. In the Search Results section, click Create.
3. Select your legislative data group.
4. Select the primary classification that matches the purpose or use of the payroll element.

Element Example Primary Classification

Recurring base pay Annual salary, hourly earnings Standard Earnings

Recurring payments Allowance Standard Earnings

Nonrecurring payments Bonus Supplemental Earnings

Recurring or nonrecurring Savings plans, charitable Voluntary Deductions

voluntary deductions contributions, or uniform deposit

5. Select the secondary classification that corresponds to the selected primary classification.

Example Purpose or Use Secondary Classification

Recurring base pay Regular

Nonrecurring payment Bonus

Recurring voluntary deduction Select the relevant choice. If there is none, leave it

6. Click Continue.
7. On the Basic Information page, complete the fields as shown in this table, and then click Next.

Field Sample Value

Name Annual Salary

Hourly Wages

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 2
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Elements

Field Sample Value


Spot Bonus

Red Cross Contribution

Reporting Name Enter the name that you want to display on reports
for this earnings or deduction payroll element.

Effective Date 1/1/1951

Enter an early date so that the payroll element is
available for use immediately.

Input Currency US Dollar

Should every person eligible for the element No

automatically receive it?

What is the earliest entry date for this First Standard Earnings Date

What is the latest entry date for this element? Last Standard Process Date

At which employment level should this Select the appropriate level, such as payroll
element be attached? relationship for deductions and benefits, and terms
or assignment level for salary.

Does this element recur each payroll period, Recurring or Nonrecurring

or does it require explicit entry?

Process the element only once in each payroll Yes


Can a person have more than one entry of this No

element in a payroll period?

8. Click Next.
9. On the Additional Details page, click Next.
10. Verify the information is correct, and then click Submit.

Setting Up Input Values for Deduction Elements

You must create input values for deductions and select the special purpose Primary Input Value for one of the input values.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 2
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Elements

Optionally, for recurring elements, specify an input value that limits the amount deducted for an input value using a goal

1. In the Element Overview hierarchy, select Input Values.

2. From the Actions menu, select Create Input Values.
3. For all deduction elements, enter the following values.

Field Value

Name Name of the input value, such as Period Deduction


Special Purpose Primary input value or Percentage

Unit of Measure Money

Create a Database Item Yes

4. For recurring deduction elements with a goal amount, enter the following values.

Field Value

Name Goal Amount

Unit of Measure Money

Create a Database Item Yes

You must name the input value Goal Amount.

5. Click Save.
6. Click Submit.

Setting Up Element Eligibility

On the Element Summary page, update the newly created element detail for eligibility.

1. From the Edit menu, select Update.

2. In the Element Overview hierarchy, select Element Eligibility.
3. From the Actions menu, select Create Element Eligibility.
4. In the Element Eligibility name field, enter the element name with the suffix: Open.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 2
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Elements

5. In the Eligibility Criteria section, select All payrolls eligible.

6. Save and submit the element.

Creating Voluntary and Pre-statutory Deductions:

Use the Manage Elements task to create voluntary and pre-statutory deductions, such as pensions. You manage pension
deductions through calculation cards or element entries, depending on country-specific rules. You manage other voluntary
deductions, such as gym membership, union membership, and charity donations, through element entries.
Use these steps to set up deductions:

1. Create the elements.

2. Create the third-party payees.
3. Create a third-party payment method for each third-party payee.
4. Enter the deduction details for each person, which can be done in the following ways, depending on the deduction
type and your setup:
Create a Benefits and Pensions calculation card.

Create an element entry.

Load benefit batches.

Creating Elements
When you create a pension plan deduction, if you select the Benefit category, or it's selected for you, the element template
creates a calculation component. You add this component to Benefits and Pensions calculation cards to assign it to your
To create other voluntary deductions:

Select the Standard category.

This selection means that you manage these deductions using the Manage Element Entries page.
After creating the element, you must add a Payee input value and select Third-Party Payee as the special purpose
for this input value.
If appropriate, you can enter a default value on the element or element eligibility record to populate the third-party
payee details.

Creating Third-Party Payees

To create third-party payees use the Manage Third Parties page in the Payment Distribution work area. For pensions, select
the Organization payee type and select the Pension Provider party usage code.

Creating Third-Party Payment Methods

To create payment methods for all external payees, use the Manage Third-Party Payment Methods task in the Payment
Distribution work area.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 2
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Elements

Entering Deduction Details for Each Person

For pensions created with the Benefit category, create a Benefits and Pensions calculation card for the worker, add your new
pension calculation component to the card, and enter the payee and other details.
If you load your pension information using the Load Benefit Batches process, the payroll application creates the calculation
card automatically. Before running this process, you must create an XML file that contains the data you want to transfer to
For other voluntary deductions, create element entries. If the payee is not defaulted from the element or eligibility record, enter
the payee on the element entry.

Related Topics
Creating a Personal Calculation Card: Worked Example

Creating Elements for Pension Deductions: Worked Example

File Format for Importing Pension Deductions to Payroll

Entering Calculation Values for Pensions: Points to Consider

Creating Third-Party Payment Methods: Procedure

Adding Involuntary Deductions to a Calculation Card:

You use element templates to create the involuntary deduction elements supported for your legislation, such as bankruptcy
orders, garnishments, child support payments, tax levies, and educational loans. The templates also create calculation
components, which you can add to a personal calculation card, so the deductions are processed during a payroll run.
This figure shows the steps involved in creating an involuntary deduction and adding it to a personal calculation card:

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 2
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Elements

Before you can add an involuntary deduction to a personal calculation card, you must first:

Create a third party to receive the payment.

Create a third-party payment method.
Create an involuntary deduction element.
You can create multiple elements for the same involuntary deduction type if processing information or other details
vary. For example, each jurisdiction you deal with may have different processing rules for court orders.

Creating an Involuntary Deduction Calculation Card

Follow these steps:

1. In the Payroll Administration or Payroll Calculation work area, click the Manage Calculation Cards task.
2. Search for and select the payroll relationship.
3. If the person doesn't already have an involuntary deduction calculation card, click Create.
4. Enter a start date for the card and select the involuntary deduction card type.
5. Click Continue.

Adding the Calculation Component to the Calculation Card

You can add multiple calculation components for the same or different involuntary deduction types. For example, you could
add two child support components and one garnishment component to the same calculation card.
On the Manage Calculation Cards page:

1. In the Calculation Components section, click Add Row.

2. Select the calculation component with the same name as the involuntary deduction element.
3. Optionally, enter a number in the Subprocessing Order field if the calculation card will include more than one
calculation component.
By default, the payroll run processes these element entries in order by date received, starting with the oldest entry.
4. Enter a reference code to uniquely identify this deduction, such as a court order number, case number, or other
identifier provided by the issuing authority.
5. Complete the fields on the Calculation Component Details tab.

In the Involuntary Deduction Payment Details section, select all payees for the deduction.
The payee fields display all third-party person payees associated with this payroll relationship and all external
payees defined for your legislative data group.

In the Involuntary Deduction Rules section, specify the information you require, including:
The date the involuntary deduction order was received
The issuing authority (such as a court)

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 2
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Elements

The frequency of the deduction such as monthly or weekly, regardless of the payroll frequency. If you leave
the Frequency field blank, the application uses the payroll frequency.

Entering Values for the Deduction Amounts

You enter the order amount, fee, or other amounts used in the calculation on the calculation card. The values you enter
replace any default values defined in calculation value definitions. The default order amount for an involuntary deduction is
typically zero.
To create overrides on the Enterable Calculation Values on the Calculation Cards tab, complete the fields as shown in the
following table. The values you can enter may vary by country or territory, but typically include the items described in the table

For most values, you can enter either an amount or a rate. Enter a rate if you want the application to calculate the
amount as a percentage of available pay. For example, to define a rate of 20 percent for the order amount, create
an Order Amount (Rate) value and enter 20 in the Rate field.

Calculation Value Description

Order Amount Rate or amount paid to the Order Amount Payee based
on the frequency you specified.

For example, if you specified a frequency of monthly in
the component details, enter the amount to deduct each
month, regardless of the payroll period. The application
automatically calculates the correct amount to deduct in
each payroll period.

If you leave the Frequency field blank, this amount is
deducted at the payroll frequency defined at the terms
or assignment level.

Organization Fee Rate or amount paid to the Organization Fee Payee

each time the deduction is processed.

Person Fee Rate or amount paid to the Person Fee Payee each time
the deduction is processed.

Processing Fee Rate or amount paid to the Processing Fee Payee each
time the deduction is processed.

Initial Fee Rate or amount paid to Processing Fee Payee the first
time this deduction is processed.

Maximum Withholding Amount and Minimum Maximum and minimum rates or amounts that can be
Withholding Amount withheld in one payroll period for this deduction.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 2
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Elements

Calculation Value Description

Maximum Withholding Duration The number of days after the Date Received that the
order is valid. For example, a court order might only be
valid for 90 days after the date issued.

Protected Pay Amount Amount of the employee's pay that is exempt from
this deduction. Only pay exceeding this amount will
be included in the deductible amount (available for the

Exemption Percentage Percentage of the employee's pay that is exempt from

this deduction.

Related Topics
Involuntary Deduction Processing: Examples

Creating Third Parties: Points to Consider

Fee and Proration Rules for Involuntary Deductions: Explained

Creating Third-Party Payment Methods: Procedure

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

3 Define HCM Extract Definitions

Extract Components: How They Work Together

The HCM Extracts feature is a flexible tool for generating data files and reports. This topic covers how you can use the extract
components to define what information you want the application to extract and report on. It also explains how the application
displays, formats, and delivers the information.

Extract Definitions
An extract definition refers to the complete setup of an extract, that consists of extract data groups, criteria, records,
attributes, advanced conditions and output delivery options. An extract definition consists of:

One or more extract data groups, depending on how many logical entities you want to extract.
One or more extract records depending on how many groups of information you want to collect.
One or more attributes depending on how many individual fields of data you want to collect.

You use HCM extracts to extract, archive, transform, report, and deliver high volumes of HCM data from the Fusion HCM
database. You can generate the output in the following formats:


You can distribute the extracted information by e-mail, fax and other delivery modes. Some common examples of extracts
are: PDF payslips delivered to employees' mailboxes, payroll or benefits data transferred to third-party service providers, HR
and talent data exchange between Fusion and legacy applications, for example in a coexistence scenario.

Data Groups
Extract data groups represent a business area or logical entity, for example person, assignment, or benefits. The application
uses this information to retrieve the database item groups. You define one data group as the primary or root data group and
this data group is the starting point of the data extraction.
Extract data group connections capture the association details between the current data group and the parent data group.
The data group connections form the hierarchical relationship among the data groups.
You can define a set of filtering conditions the application must perform on an extract data group using the extract data group
criteria. You specify the criteria conditions using an expression or fast formula.

Extract Records
Extract records represent a grouping of related data or a physical collection of all fields required in the extract. For example,
the Employee data group can have records such as Basic Details, Pay Details, Location Details, and Primary Contact. An
extract record is a collection of attributes which you can organize in a required sequence. For example, if a data group has 3

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

records, then you can specify the sequence in which the application processes the records. You can also select the next data
group to identify which data group the application processes next.

Attributes are the individual fields inside the extract record. An attribute is the lowest attribute level of a HCM extract and
represents a piece of information, for example, person first name, person last name or person date of birth.
This figure demonstrates the hierarchy of information within a data group definition.

Related Topics
Generating Flexfield Database Items: Explained

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Creating Extract Definitions for Payroll Interface:

Design an extract definition to meet the requirements of your third-party payroll provider using the Manage Extract Definitions
task from the Data Exchange work area. Copy a predefined extract or create a new one, and optionally, refine the report
process extract, such as its flow submission parameters.
When you create an extract definition, you define data groups, records, and attributes. You define what you want to extract,
how to extract, and how to deliver the extracted data.
When you submit the extract definition, the application creates a payroll interface report process that you run to perform the
actual extraction of data. Any subsequent changes you make to the extract definition will affect your extract process.

Creating a New Extract Definition

To create an extract definition to use for a new extract process:
1. On the Manage Extract Definitions page, click Create.
2. Select the Payroll Interface extract definition type.
This predefined definition type includes basic parameters that support the extract process, such as the parameter
that enables extracting only changed data since the previous extract.
3. Build data groups, records, and attributes for the data that you want to extract.
4. Generate formulas.
5. Define delivery options and submit your changes.

Copying an Existing Extract Definition

To copy an existing extract definition:
1. On the Manage Extract Definitions page, select the extract definition you want to copy, and then click Copy.
2. Use one of the predefined extract definitions shown in the following table.

Extract Definition Description

US ADP PayForce Third-Party Periodic Extract Designed for Automatic Data Processing (ADP) in
the US, but suitable for other third parties in the US
with modifications.

Global Payroll Interface Extract Designed for global applications. Includes all
employee attributes organized by data groups for
new hire, changed, or termination data.

3. Enter a name for the extract. This is the name the application uses for extract process that it creates for this extract
4. Select a legislative data group.
5. Modify the records and attributes as needed, and then generate formulas.
6. Define delivery options and submit your changes.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Refining the Extract Process

To refine the extract process:

1. Select the Refine Extract task from the Data Exchange work area.

2. Edit the parameters to determine which parameters should display and which values are required.

For example, hide a specific parameter, or set a specific parameter so its value is required to run the extract
3. Add parameters, as needed, that you want available for entry when submitting the extract process.

Related Topics
Payroll Interface Reports: How They Are Processed

Using Different Modes for HCM Extracts : Explained

You can create an extract to output data in different modes in the Manage Extract Definitions page. Use modes to extract
data that has changed since the previous extract runs. For example, you can extract employee details whenever there is a
change in the employee's location.

Extract Modes
To enable different modes in an extract, you include the CHANGES_ONLY parameter and set up threading details in
the extract definition. While running the extract you can use the CHANGES_ONLY parameter to control the extract
mode. For example, to find out if the job name has changed on a person's assignment , set up multi-threading database
items at assignment level and include the CHANGES_ONLY parameter. When you run the extract in the ATTRIBUTE
mode, the extract compares data from the multi-threading level and outputs the incremental changes. You can link the
PER_EXT_CHANGES_ONLY lookup to the CHANGES_ONLY parameter so that you can select a mode when you submit the
The following table describes the different extract modes, their lookup values and descriptions.

Mode Lookup Value Description

N All attributes Includes all data in the extract

Y Changed attributes Compares this extract run with the

previous extract runs and displays
the data that has changed only.

ATTRIBUTE Changed and marked attributes Includes elements that have

changed or marked as mandatory

ATTRIB_OLD Changed and marked attributes Displays elements that have

with previous values changed or marked as mandatory
plus their previous value

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Mode Lookup Value Description

You must run the Payroll
Interface with the Attrib_
Old mode whenever you
use the US ADP PayForce
Third-Party Periodic

ATRIB_BLOCK Changed, marked attributes, Displays the following data under

previous data under threading threading data group:
Changed data

Data marked as mandatory

Previous values

Parent data group values

Copying Extract Definitions for Payroll Interface:

Critical Choices
The extract definition determines the data you extract from HCM for your third-party payroll provider. The following table lists
the predefined extract definitions available that you can copy and edit to meet your business-specific extract requirements.

Extract Definition Purpose Output

Global Payroll Interface Derives payroll data either from eText

element entry values or from
balance results created by the
Calculate Gross Earnings process.

US ADP PayForce Third-Party Derives payroll data balance eText or XML

Periodic Extract results created by the Calculate
Gross Earnings process, including
common HR and payroll data, and
run by pay period. Output format
is compliant with ADP PayForce

Payroll Interface for NGA Extracts general-purpose HR XML

and payroll data and transforms
the data into an HR-XML format
compliant with NGA standards.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Extract Definition Purpose Output

Feature Comparison
The following tables compares the features between the predefined extract definitions to help you determine which one best
meets your requirements.

Global Payroll US ADP PayForce Payroll Interface for

Interface Periodic NGA

Element entry values Yes No Yes

Calculated balance Yes Yes No


Run multiple times per Element entries only No Yes

payroll period

Run once per payroll Balance values only Yes No


Requires running Balance values only Yes No

Calculate Gross Earnings

Requires calculation card Yes Yes Yes


Supports Element Result Yes Yes No

Register, Payroll Balance
Report, and Balance
Exception Report

Supports dynamic No No Yes

output file naming

Supports 3-tier Yes No Yes

employment model

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Creating a Payroll Interface Report from a Copy:

Worked Example
This example demonstrates how to create an payroll interface report by copying an existing extract definition. The generated
process extracts payroll-related employee and assignment information to submit to a US third-party payroll provider.
This worked example assumes that you completed the setup steps during implementation according to your business
The following table summarizes the key decisions for the scenario of building an extract definition.

Decisions to Consider In This Example

What special parameters does the extract use? Parameters that support the option of extracting only
changed records since the previous periodic extract run.

What special employee information does the payroll Employee and assignment data for recurring earnings
provider require? each payroll period.

The steps in this scenario are:

1. Copy the existing extract definition for US third-party payroll providers.

2. Submit the copied extract definition to create the extract process.

3. Edit the parameters of the generated extract process, as needed.

You can perform all of these steps from the Data Exchange work area.

Copying the Extract Definition

1. Select the Manage Extract Definitions task in the Data Exchange work area.
2. In the Name field in the Search section, enter US ADP.
3. In the Search Results section, select the row containing US ADP PayForce Third-Party Periodic Extract, and then
click Copy.
4. Enter a name for the new extract definition, for example US Payroll EFT Report, and the click OK.

The name assigned here for the generated extract process displays in the list of available processes
when you select the Submit a Process or Report task.

5. Search for your extract definition.

6. In the Search Results section, select the name of your new extract definition.
7. Edit the basic information about your extract definition as shown in the following table, and then click Save.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Field Value

Tag Name Name used in the XML data file. Generated

automatically, but you can modify it.

Description Optional text that displays in the search results

about the generated report process for this extract.

8. Click Save.
9. Click Design to make any changes to data groups, records, or attributes.
10. Click Deliver and change the delivery options to use the template created for your extract.

Compiling Formulas
1. Click Validate.
2. Click Compile All Formulas.

Compiling formulas can take several minutes. Collapse and expand your extract in the hierarchy to
refresh. You must wait for all formulas to compile before moving to the next step.

3. Scroll down to verify that the formulas compiled without error.

4. Click Submit.

Refining the Extract Process

After you submit an extract definition, you can further refine how to use its extract process, which parameters should display,
and which values are required. This example specifies flow parameters so that a person submitting the extract process can
choose values from choice lists.
1. From the Data Exchange work area, select Refine Extracts.
2. In the Flow Pattern field, enter you extract name, for example, US Payroll EFT Report.
3. In the Search section, select the legislative data group, and then click Search.
4. In the Search Results section, in the row containing your extract, click Edit.
5. On the Parameters tab, click Edit to modify each of the following parameters as shown in this table.

Flow Parameter Display Format Lookup Display

Changes Only Lookup Choice List PER_ EXT_ Yes


Payroll Name SmartLOV Payroll Mandatory

Payroll Period SmartLOV Payroll Period Mandatory

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

6. Verify that the remaining parameters are set to your preference. Decide whether to display other parameters or
make other parameters required to submit the process.
7. Click Submit.

Related Topics
Payroll Interface Reports: How They Are Processed

Implementing Payroll Interface: Procedure

Defining an Extract: Worked Example

This example demonstrates the steps required to create an extract definition using the Desktop interface. You can access the
Desktop interface by clicking the Switch Layout button on the Manage HCM Extract Definitions page.
Before you create an extract definition, you should understand the following details:

Information that you want to extract

Structure in which the data must be extracted
How you want to deliver this data (including file format, delivery mechanism, and frequency information)

FAST bank is a global organization with subsidiaries all over the world. As part of an external business reporting requirement,
FAST bank is required to extract the department and employee details (grouped by department) across the entire company.
This information must be sent to a third party in an XML file and to HR Managers in a PDF file using e-mail.
The following table summarizes the key decisions in this scenario:

Decisions to Consider In This Example

How many extracts do I create to produce this type of You create one extract definition to define a headcount
report? report.

How many data groups do I create? In this example there are 2 functional groups of
information, therefore you create two data groups, one
for department and one for employees.

How many records do I create? You decide the number of records based on the
subgroup of attributes within a data group. In this
example, you create two records for the department
data group:

Department Details

Department Summary

You create one record for the employees data group:

Employee Details.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Decisions to Consider In This Example

How many attributes do I create? You decide the number of attributes based on the
specific information required for that report. In this
example, create the following attributes for the
Department Details record:

Department Name

Department Location

For the Department Summary record, create the

following attributes:

Record Code

Report Date

Employee Count

For the Employees Details record, create the following


Full Name


Date of Birth



Tax Rate

Do I create any fast formulas? You can use fast formulas at the following levels:

Extract Criteria level to determine certain

Extract Rule level to derive attribute values.

Extract Advanced Condition level to specify

complex conditions.

Extract Record level to automatically generate

formulas when you use the Generate Formula

Creating an Extract Definition

1. On the Manage HCM Extract Definitions page click on the Create icon.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

2. Use the Switch Layout button to open the extract in the Desktop interface.

3. Enter 01-Jan-2000 as the Session Effective Date.

The session effective date is an effective start date that applies to all date-effective interactions in the current

4. Enter FAST Bank Extract as the name and select HR Archive as the type. The application automatically creates the
tag name based on the extract name and uses this name to generate the XML output file.

5. Click Save and the application saves the extract definition and automatically generates the parameters based on
the type of extract. The parameters control the output of an extract. In this example, the application creates the
following parameters:

Effective Date

Legislative Data Group

Parameter Group

Report Category

Request ID

Start Date

Creating Extract Data Groups

1. Select the Extract Data Group link from the navigation tree to open the Extract Data Groups region.

2. Click on Create to define a new data group. A data group represents data that belongs to one or more logical data

3. Complete the general fields, as shown in this table:

Field Name Entry

Name Departments


Root Data Group Yes (By selecting this checkbox you select this
data group as the starting point for the extract

4. Select Save and Create Another to create a data group for Employees.

5. Complete the general fields, as shown in this table:

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Field Name Entry

Name Employees


Root Data Group No

Creating Extract Data Group Connections

1. Select Extract Data Group in the navigation tree to display the data groups in a table.
2. Select the Employees Data Group and define the data group connection details.
3. Complete the general fields, as shown in this table:

Field Name Entry

Parent Data Group Departments

Parent Data Group Database Item PER_ EXT_ ORG_ ORGANIZATION_ ID

Data Group Database Item PER_ EXT_ ASG_ORG_ID

4. Define the data group criteria for each data group.

Creating Extract Records

1. Select the Departments Data Group from the navigation tree and select the Create icon in the Extract Records
region. Extract records represent a physical collection of all required fields. If a data group has 3 records, then you
can specify the sequence in which the application processes the records using the sequence field. You can also
select the Next Data Group to identify which data group the application processes next.
2. Create two records for the Departments Data Group.
3. Complete the general fields, as shown in this table:

Field Department Summary Department Details

Name Department Summary Department Details

Effective Start Date 1/1/00 1/1/00

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Field Department Summary Department Details

Sequence 20 10

Type Trailer Record Header Record

Process Type Fast Formula Fast Formula

Next Data Group NA Employees

4. Save the records, then select the Employees Data Group and select the Create icon in the Extract Records region.
5. Create one record for the Employees Data Group.
6. Complete the general fields, as shown in this table:

Field Name Entry

Name Employee Details

Effective Start Date 1/1/00

Sequence 10

Type Detail Record

Process Type Fast Formula

Creating Attributes
1. Select the Departments Data Group from the navigation tree and select the Department Details record.
An extract attribute is an individual field of a record.
2. Create the following extract attributes for the Department Details record and select Save.
3. Complete the general fields, as shown in this table:

Field Name Attribute Entry Attribute Entry

Name Department Name Department Location

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Field Name Attribute Entry Attribute Entry

Type Database item group Database item group

Database Item Group Organization Name Organization Location Country

4. Save the record, then select the Department Summary record.

5. Select the Create icon in the Extract Attributes region.
6. Create the following extract attributes for the Department Summary record and select Save.
7. Complete the general fields, as shown in this table:

Field Name Attribute Entry Attribute Entry Attribute Entry

Name Record Code Report Date Employee Count

Data Type Text Date Number

Type String Parameter Element Summary Element

String Value 999 NA NA

Parameter Effective Date NA NA

Aggregate Function NA NA Count

Aggregate Record NA NA Employees Employee

Name Details

8. Select the Employees Data Group from the navigation tree and select the Employee Details record.
9. Create the following extract attributes for the Employee Details record and select Save.
10. Complete the general fields, as shown in this table:

Field Name Attribute Entry Attribute Entry Attribute Entry

Name Full Name Gender Date of Birth

Start Date 1/1/00 1/1/00 1/1/00

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Field Name Attribute Entry Attribute Entry Attribute Entry

Data Type Text Text Date

Type Database Item Group Decoded database Database item group

item group

Database Item Group Person Full Name Person Gender Person Date of Birth

Field Name Attribute Entry Attribute Entry Attribute Entry

Name Salary Bonus Tax rate

Start Date 1/1/00 1/1/00 1/1/00

Data Type Number Number Text

Type Database item group Record Calculation Rule

Database Item Group Assignment Salary NA NA


Calculation Expression NA Salary * 0.5 NA

Rule NA NA FAST Bank Tax Rule

Defining the Delivery Options

1. Navigate to the Extract Execution Tree to validate the extract definition setup.
2. Select Export XSD to download the XML Schema Definition (.XSD) file for this extract setup. This exported file
contains the structure of the extract definition: the data groups, records, and attributes.
3. Select the Extract Delivery Options region to define the formatting and layout options for the extract definition.
4. Complete the general fields, as shown in this table:

Field Value Value

Start Date 1/1/00 1/1/00

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Field Value Value

End Date 12/31/12 12/31/12

BI Publisher Template ReportLayout EFTLayout

Output Type PDF EFT

Delivery Type E-mail FTP

Delivery Option Name E-mail to HR FTP to 3rd Party

Output Name HeadcountReport EFTReport

5. Define further information for each delivery option in the Additional Details region. For example, add the server,
username and password for the FTP delivery type.
6. Enter FAST Bank Extract as the reporting category and click Submit.

Submitting an Extract
An extract definition automatically creates an extract process (payroll flow) with the same name as the extract. The extract
process enables you to define an execution sequence of multiple tasks, including pre and post tasks using the extract
process. You can use the Refine HCM Extracts task to view and modify the extract process submission parameters, if

1. Select the Submit an HCM Process task and select the FAST Bank Extract process.
2. Enter FAST Bank Extract - Jan 2012 as the Payroll Flow (extract process).
3. Enter 1/1/12 as the Effective Date.
4. Select Next. You can specify interaction details if the task is dependent on other tasks with different extract
processes. For example, this task must wait because another task is running.
5. Select Next and review the extract. You can schedule the extract, or run it immediately.
6. Select Submit.
7. Select OK and View Checklist to view the status of the process.
8. Select the View an HCM Process task to review the results of the extract run. Search for the FAST Bank Extract
9. Select Go to Task for FAST Bank Extract - Jan 2012, click the eyeglasses, and view the report output by selecting
the report name.

Related Topics
How do I create a BI Publisher template for HCM extract

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

HCM Extracts Delivery Options: Explained

Defining an Extract Using the Simplified Interface:

Worked Example
This example topic demonstrates how to create a HCM extract including creating data groups, records, and attributes
using the Simplified interface. You can access the Simplified interface by clicking the Switch Layout button on the Manage
HCM Extract Definitions page. FAST Bank is a global organization with subsidiaries all over the world. As part of an external
reporting requirement, FAST Bank must obtain the department and employee details across the entire company. This
information must be sent to a third party in an XML file and to the HR manager with employee details grouped by department
as a Headcount Report.
The following table summarizes the key decisions in this scenario:

Decisions to Consider In This Example

How many extracts do I create to produce this type of You create one extract definition to define a headcount
report? report.

How many data groups do I create? In this example there are 2 functional groups of
information, therefore you create two data groups, one
for department and one for employees.

How many records do I create? You decide the number of records based on the
subgroup of attributes within a data group. In this
example, you create two records for the department
data group:

Department Details

Department Summary

You create one record for the employees data group:

Employee Details.

How many attributes do I create? You decide the number of attributes based on the
specific information required for that report. In this
example, create the following attributes for the
Department Details record:

Department Name

Department Location

For the Department Summary record, create the

following attributes:

Record Code

Report Date

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Decisions to Consider In This Example

Employee Count

For the Employees Details record, create the following


Full Name


Date of Birth



Tax Rate

Do I create any fast formulas? You can use fast formulas at the following levels:

Extract Criteria level to determine certain

Extract Rule level to derive attribute values.

Extract Advanced Condition level to specify

complex conditions.

Extract Record level to automatically generate

formulas when you use the Generate Formula

Creating an Extract Definition

1. On the Manage Extract Definitions page click on the Create icon to create a new extract.
Use the Switch Layout button to open the extract in the Desktop interface. Use the Desktop interface to create
and define HCM extracts without using a drag and drop system. You can perform most of the tasks for defining
the extract in the Simplified interface. To enter an effective date for the extract, you must switch to the Desktop
2. Enter FAST Bank Extract as the name and select HR Archive as the type. The application automatically creates the
tag name based on the extract name and uses this name to generate the XML output file.
3. Click Save and the application saves the extract definition and automatically generates the parameters based on the
type of extract. The parameters control the output of an extract.

Creating Extract Data Groups

1. Select the Design icon to create the data groups.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

2. Select the Create icon or use the HCM Data Objects tree to drag and drop a data group into the local area. A data
group represents data that belongs to one or more logical data entities.
3. Using the drag and drop action, the application automatically creates the following information:

Field Name Entry

Name Departments


Root Data Group Yes (By selecting this checkbox you select this
data group as the starting point for the extract

4. Select Save and create another data group with the following information:

Field Name Entry

Name Employees


Root Data Group No

Creating Extract Data Group Connections

1. Ensure you enter the following details to create the extract data group connections.
2. Complete the general fields, as shown in this table:

Field Name Entry

Parent Data Group Departments

Parent Data Group Database Item PER_ EXT_ ORG_ ORGANIZATION_ ID

Data Group Database Item PER_ EXT_ ASG_ORG_ID

3. Define the data group criteria for each data group.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Creating Extract Records

1. Select the Department Data Group and ensure it includes the following extract record details. Extract records
represent a physical collection of all required fields. If a data group has 3 records, then you can specify the
sequence in which the application processes the records using the sequence field. You can also select the Next
Data Group to identify which data group the application processes next.
2. Complete the general fields, as shown in this table:

Field Department Summary Department Details

Name Department Summary Department Details

Effective Start Date 1/1/00 1/1/00

Sequence 20 10

Type Trailer Record Header Record

Process Type Fast Formula Fast Formula

Next Data Group NA Employees

3. Save the records and then select the Employees Data Group. Ensure this data group includes the following extract
record details.
4. Complete the general fields, as shown in this table:

Field Name Entry

Name Employee Details

Effective Start Date 1/1/00

Sequence 10

Type Detail Record

Process Type Fast Formula

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Creating Attributes
1. Select the Departments Details record within the Department Data Group and ensure it includes the following
extract attribute details.

2. Complete the general fields, as shown in this table:

Field Name Attribute Entry Attribute Entry

Name Department Name Department Location

Type Database item group Database item group

Database Item Group Organization Name Organization Location Country

3. Select the Department Summary record and ensure it includes the following extract attribute details.

4. Complete the general fields, as shown in this table:

Field Name Attribute Entry Attribute Entry Attribute Entry

Name Record Code Report Date Employee Count

Data Type Text Date Number

Type String Parameter Element Summary Element

String Value 999 NA NA

Parameter Effective Date NA NA

Aggregate Function NA NA Count

Aggregate Record NA NA Employees Employee

Name Details

5. Select the Employee Details record within the Employees Data Group and ensure it includes the following extract
attribute details.

6. Complete the general fields, as shown in this table:

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Field Name Attribute Entry Attribute Entry Attribute Entry

Name Full Name Gender Date of Birth

Start Date 1/1/00 1/1/00 1/1/00

Data Type Text Text Date

Type Database Item Group Decoded database Database item group

item group

Database Item Group Person Full Name Person Gender Person Date of Birth

Field Name Attribute Entry Attribute Entry Attribute Entry

Name Salary Bonus Tax rate

Start Date 1/1/00 1/1/00 1/1/00

Data Type Number Number Text

Type Database item group Record Calculation Rule

Database Item Group Assignment Salary NA NA


Calculation Expression NA Salary * 0.5 NA

Rule NA NA FAST Bank Tax Rule

Defining the Delivery Options

1. Select the Deliver icon to define the delivery options.
2. Select Export XSD to download the XML Schema Definition (.XSD) file for this extract setup. This exported file
contains the structure of the extract definition: the data groups, records, and attributes.
3. Use the delivery options page to define the formatting and layout options for the extract definition.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

4. Complete the general fields, as shown in this table:

Field Value Value

Start Date 1/1/00 1/1/00

End Date 12/31/12 12/31/12

BI Publisher Template ReportLayout EFTLayout

Output Type PDF EFT

Delivery Type E-mail FTP

Delivery Option Name E-mail to HR FTP to 3rd Party

Output Name HeadcountReport EFTReport

5. Ensure you enter the additional information such as, the server, username, and password for the FTP delivery type.
6. Enter FAST Bank Extract as the reporting category and click Submit.

Submitting an Extract
An extract definition automatically creates an extract process (payroll flow) with the same name as the extract. The extract
process enables you to define an execution sequence of multiple tasks, including pre and post tasks using the extract
process. You can use the Refine HCM Extracts task to view and modify the extract process submission parameters, if

1. Select the Submit an HCM Process task and select the FAST Bank Extract process.
2. Enter FAST Bank Extract - Jan 2012 as the Payroll Flow (extract process).
3. Enter 1/1/12 as the Effective Date.
4. Select Next. You can specify interaction details if the task is dependent on other tasks with different extract
processes. For example, this task must wait because another task is running.
5. Select Next and review the extract. You can schedule the extract, or run it immediately.
6. Select Submit.
7. Select OK and View Checklist to view the status of the process.
8. Select the View an HCM Process task to review the results of the extract run. Search for the FAST Bank Extract
9. Select Go to Task for FAST Bank Extract - Jan 2012, click the eyeglasses, and view the report output by selecting
the report name.

Related Topics
How do I create a BI Publisher template for HCM extract

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

HCM Extracts Delivery Options: Explained

Frequently Used User Entities in HCM Extracts

A user entity is a logical entity associated with a data group defined using HCM extracts. This topic describes user entities
related to people and payroll, and describes the type of data you can extract by using those user entities. You select user
entities in the application when you define a data group.
The following table lists the most frequently used user entities.

User Entity Name and Code Description

Person (PER_ EXT_ SEC_ PERSON_UE) Retrieves all persons across the enterprise and all
person related attributes.

Worker (PER_ EXT_ SEC_ ASSIGNMENT_ UE) Retrieves all workers across the enterprise and all
person, worker related attributes. For example,
relationship, term and assignment details.

Worker Payroll (PER_ EXT_ PAY_ EMPLOYEES_UE) Retrieves all workers and their payrolls across the
enterprise, all person, worker, payroll related attributes,
and element entry data.

This table describes the most frequently used user entities related to person and payroll in HCM extracts.

Related Topics
Generating Flexfield Database Items: Worked Example

Payroll Interface Output File Templates: Highlights

The delivery options for predefined extract definitions specify eText templates that Oracle BI Publisher uses to produce the
output files sent to third-party payroll providers for payment processing. If you have additional information to send that isn't
supported by the predefined eText templates, you must modify them or create a new ones, as needed.

Understanding eText Templates

An eText template is an RTF-based template that you use to generate text output for electronic funds transfer (EFT) and
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) information. At run time, BI Publisher applies this template to an input XML data file to
create an output text file for submission to a bank or other customer. The delivery file for electronic communication requires
that eText templates follow specific format instructions for exact placement of data.
For information about creating and modifying eText templates to use for formatting output files, refer to the following
section in the Report Designer's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher:

See: Creating eText Templates

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Predefined Extracts

Global Payroll Interface Extract Definition

This topic describes the data components of the predefined Global Payroll Interface extract definition. The structure of this
extract and its HCM data objects determine what data you can extract and send to your third-party payroll provider. If your
payroll provider requires additional information, you can modify the extract definition using the Manage Extract Definitions task
in the Data Exchange work area.
The structure of data groups in this extract provides the ability to isolate changed data based on the business event for the
data change, such as new hire or termination. The root data group contains the following primary data groups:

New Hire Records

Changed Records

Terminated Employee Records

New Hire Records

All attributes for all records in this data group include Record ID, Record Type, Employee ID, Effective Date, in addition to the
attributes listed in the following table.

Record Name Included Attributes

Key Data Payroll Name, Data Extract Date, Data Extract Time,
Business Event Type, Retroactive Payroll Period

Hire Data Hire Date, Hire Action Type, Hire Reason

Personal Identification Data Document Type, National ID, Expiration Date, Place of
Issue, Date of Issue

Personal Name Data First Name, Last Name, Middle Name, Initials, Title,
Preferred Name, Name Suffix, Full Name, Local First
Name, Local Last Name, Name Type, Name Prefix

Basic Pay Salary Data Salary Basis, Basic Pay, Salary, Salary Basis Name,
Payment Frequency, Currency Code

Contract Data Contract Code, Contract Type, Qualification Code,

Contract Start Date, Contract End Date, Hire Reason,
Contract End Reason, Contract Change Reason,
Probation Period, Employment Rate

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Record Name Included Attributes

Deduction for Loan Data Reserved Input Value, Input Value, Deduction End Date,
Deduction Code, Autoindirect Only, Processing Type,
Usage Level, Assignment ID, Element Classification,
Secondary Classification

Deduction for Social Insurance Data Reserved Input Value, Input Value, Deduction End Date,
Deduction Code, Autoindirect Only, Processing Type,
Usage Level, Assignment ID, Element Classification,
Secondary Classification

Supplemental Earnings Data A placeholder used for context of supplemental


Address Data Address Type, Address Line 1, Address Line 2, Address

Line 3, Address Line 4, House Number, House Number
Suffix, City, Postal Code, Postal Code Extension,
Country, District, Region, Country Code

Bank Data IBAN, Bank Number, Bank Code, Bank Name, Account
Owner, Account Number, Account Type, Bank Branch
Number, Country, Payment Percentage, Payment
Method, BIC, Currency Code

Communication Data Business E-Mail, Fax Number, Business Phone Number,

Personal E-Mail, Home Fax Number, Home Phone

Marital Status Data Gender, Marital Status, Marital Status Effective Date

Family Data Relationship, First Name, Last Name, Name Prefix, Title,
Date of Birth, Gender, Marital Status, Country of Birth,
Dependent Relative

Hire Date Details Group Hire Date

Seniority Date Data Seniority Date

Job Position Data Job Code, Job Title

Leave of Absence Data Absence Start Date, Absence End Date, Absence Code,
Absence Reason, Absence Type

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Record Name Included Attributes

Organization Assignment Cost Center Data Primary Cost Center

Organization Assignment Data Location, Organizational Unit, Company Code,

Establishment Code, Department Code, Employment

Personal Data Date of Birth, Name Type, Place of Birth, Country Code
of Birth, Last Name, District of Birth, Middle Name,
Preferred Name, Country of Birth, Name Prefix, Name
Suffix, Highest Level of Education, Date of Death,
Disabled, Ethnicity, Disability Percentage, Religion

Social Insurance Data Social Insurance Code, Social Insurance Number

Regular Earnings Data A placeholder used for context of regular earnings.

Changed Records
All attributes for all records in this data group include Record ID, Record Type, Employee ID, Effective Date, in addition to the
attributes listed in the following table.

Record Name Included Attributes

Key Data Payroll Name, Data Extract Date, Data Extract Time,
Business Event Type, Retroactive Payroll Period

Hire Data Hire Date, Hire Action Type, Hire Reason

Personal Identification Data Document Type, National ID, Expiration Date, Place of
Issue, Date of Issue

Personal Name Data First Name, Last Name, Middle Name, Initials, Title,
Preferred Name, Name Suffix, Full Name, Local First
Name, Local Last Name, Name Type, Name Prefix

Basic Pay Salary Data Salary Basis, Basic Pay, Salary, Salary Basis Name,
Payment Frequency, Currency Code

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Record Name Included Attributes

Contract Data Contract Code, Contract Type, Qualification Code,

Contract Start Date, Contract End Date, Hire Reason,
Contract End Reason, Contract Change Reason,
Probation Period, Employment Rate, Normal Working

Deduction for Loan Data Reserved Input Value, Input Value, Deduction End Date,
Deduction Code, Autoindirect Only, Processing Type,
Usage Level, Assignment ID, Element Classification,
Secondary Classification

Deduction for Social Insurance Data Reserved Input Value, Input Value, Deduction End Date,
Deduction Code, Autoindirect Only, Processing Type,
Usage Level, Assignment ID, Element Classification,
Secondary Classification

Supplemental Earnings Data A placeholder used for context of supplemental


Address Data Address Type, Address Line 1, Address Line 2, Address

Line 3, Address Line 4, House Number, House Number
Suffix, City, Postal Code, Postal Code Extension,
Country, District, Region, Country Code

Bank Data IBAN, Bank Number, Bank Code, Bank Name, Account
Owner, Account Number, Account Type, Bank Branch
Number, Country, Payment Percentage, Payment
Method, BIC, Currency Code

Communication Data Business E-Mail, Fax Number, Business Phone Number,

Personal E-Mail, Home Fax Number, Home Phone
Number, Person ID, Home Mobile Phone, Work Mobile
Phone, Home E-Mail, Work E-Mail

Marital Status Data Gender, Marital Status, Marital Status Effective Date

Family Data Relationship, First Name, Last Name, Name Prefix, Title,
Date of Birth, Gender, Marital Status, Country of Birth,
Dependent Relative

Hire Date Data Group Hire Date

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Record Name Included Attributes

Hire Seniority Date Data Seniority Date

Job Position Data Job Code, Job Title

Leave of Absence Data Absence Start Date, Absence End Date, Absence Code,
Absence Reason, Absence Type

Organization Assignment Cost Center Data Primary Cost Center

Organization Assignment Data Location, Organizational Unit, Company Code,

Establishment Code, Department Code, Employment

Personal Data Date of Birth, Name Type, Place of Birth, Country Code
of Birth, Last Name, District of Birth, Middle Name,
Preferred Name, Country of Birth, Name Prefix, Name
Suffix, Highest Level of Education, Date of Death,
Disabled, Ethnicity, Disability Percentage, Religion

Social Insurance Data Social Insurance Code, Social Insurance Number

Regular Earnings Data A placeholder used for context of supplemental


Termination Data Termination Date, Termination Type, Termination Action

Code, Termination Reason

Terminated Employee Records

All attributes for all records in this data group include Record ID, Record Type, Employee ID, Effective Date, in addition to the
attributes listed in the following table.

Record Name Included Attributes

Key Data Payee ID, Payroll Period, Company Code, Country

Code, Payroll Name, Data Extract Date, Data Extract
Time, Business Event Type, Retroactive Payroll Period

Termination Data Termination Date, Termination Type, Termination Action

Code, Termination Reason

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

US ADP PayForce Third-Party Periodic Extract Definition

This topic describes the various component data groups of the US ADP PayForce third-party periodic extract definition for the
Oracle Fusion Global Payroll Interface for the United States.
This extract has been provided for ADP PayForce and ADP Connection for PayForce users. If your payroll installation requires
additional information be sent to ADP Connection for PayForce, or if you are using a different third-party provider, you must
modify this extract through the Manage HCM Extract Definitions task. Use the provided tree structure to customize the data
groups, extract records, and data elements as needed. You define what you want to extract, how it is extracted, and how
you want to deliver the extracted data.
The US ADP PayForce third-party periodic extract definition consists of the following data groups:

Main Block
This data group contains the four primary groups of the extract definition. To view its specific parameters, you must select the
appropriate subordinate data groups in the tree.
Direct Deposit Data
Contains parameters related to personal payment methods.

Earnings and Deductions Data

Contains parameters related to earnings and deductions.

HR Records Data
Contains parameters related to HR data.

Job Data
Contains parameters related to jobs.

Earnings Records
Contains parameters related to earnings records.

Name Tag Name Type Data Type

PAYROLL_ PAYROLL_ Procedure element Number


PAYROLL_ PAYROLL_ Procedure element Number


CALC_ CALC_ Procedure element Number


BALANCE_ TYPE_ID BALANCE_ TYPE_ID Procedure element Number

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Name Tag Name Type Data Type

BASE_ BASE_ Procedure element Text


RUN RUN Procedure element Text


BASE_ BASE_ Procedure element Text


PRIME_ ELEMENT_ID PRIME_ ELEMENT_ID Procedure element Number

PRIME_ BASE_ PRIME_ BASE_ Procedure element Text


PRIME_ PRIME_ Procedure element Text


PRIME_ ELEMENT_ PRIME_ ELEMENT_ Procedure element Text


PRIME_ ELEMENT_ PRIME_ ELEMENT_ Procedure element Text






Third-Party Earnings RULE_ EARNING_CODE Rule Text


Third-Party Earnings RULE_ EARNING_TYPE Rule Text




Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Name Tag Name Type Data Type



Internal balance identification number. Not passed on the extract.

User-defined name of the balance.

Name of the balance category. Not passed on the output file to third party.

Internal identification number. Not passed to the third-party provider.

Internal identification number. Not passed to the third-party provider.

Internal ID generated from the Calculate Gross Earnings process. Used for the calculation of earnings only and not passed on
the extract

Base element name, as defined on the Manage Elements page.

Internal identification number. Not passed to the third-party provider.

Indicates if this element was created at the assignment level.

User-defined element name, as defined on the Manage Elements page.

Indicates if this element was created at the payroll relationship level.


Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Indicates if this element was created at the terms level.

Balance's reporting name, as defined in the Reporting Name field in the Manage Balance Definitions task.

End date of the earnings element.

Salary amount.

Element frequency.

Identifies the element as recurring or nonrecurring.

Value of the balance.

Third-Party Earnings Code

Three-character code used in the ADP PayForce system for the nonrecurring earning. Defined in an input value on the
deduction element.

Third-Party Earnings Type

ADP PayForce earning code type assigned to this earning. Defined in an input value on the earnings element.

Earnings and Deductions Balances

This node contains four subordinate data nodes for earnings and deductions. To view its specific parameters, you must select
the appropriate subordinate nodes elsewhere in the tree.
Earnings Data
Contains internal identifiers related to earnings records.

Taxable Benefits Data

Contains internal identifiers related to taxable benefits.

Pre-Statutory Deductions Data

Contains internal identifiers related to pre-statutory deduction records.

Voluntary Deductions Data

Contains internal identifiers related to voluntary deduction records.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Earnings and Deductions Records

Earnings and deductions information derived from user-defined deduction element entries and earnings balances.

Name Tag Name Type Data Type

Record Type Record_Type String Text

Company Company Database item group Text

Payroll Payroll Database item group Text

Payroll Frequency Payroll_ Frequency Database item group Text

Record Number Record_Number Database item group Number

Employee ID Employee_ID Database item group Text

Assignment ID Assignment_Id Database item group Number

Third-Party ID National_ Identifier_ Database item group Text


Payroll Reporting Name Payroll_ Reporting_ Database item group Text


Assignment ID
Fusion internal ID for the employee's assignment. Not passed on the extract and is not used by ADP.

Tax reporting unit responsible for the employee's tax and regulatory reporting, as defined on their tax card.

Employee ID
For new ADP customers, this 11-character value uses the following pattern: AABB3456789
AA are the first two characters of the employee's first name. If the first name is missing, "FF" is used instead.
BB are the first two characters of the employee's last name.
3456789 are the third through ninth digits of the employee's national identifier, rearranged to maintain privacy.
For example: "John Smith 123-45-6789" could become "JOSM5398647".

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Name of the payroll definition, as defined in the Manage Payroll Definitions task.

Payroll Frequency
Frequency of the payroll definition, as defined in the Manage Payroll Definitions task.

Payroll Reporting Name


Record Number
Record number derived and passed to ADP on the job, deductions, and direct deposit records. Automatically generated,
based on the employee's assignments.

Third-party providers other than ADP may require different assignment identifiers compliant with their own

Record Type
Identifies this record as delivering earnings and deductions-specific information on the extract. For use by the third-party
provider only.

Third-Party ID
ADP PayForce 6-digit file number. Defined as a different lookup under the national identifier.

Pre-Statutory Deductions Records

The values for these parameters are derived from the input values for pre-statutory deduction elements.

Name Tag Name Type Data Type

Reserve Value Reserve_Value Database item group Text

Entry Value Entry_Value Database item group Text

Deduction End Date Deduction_ End_Date Database item group Date

Effective Date Effective_Date String Text

Deduction Code Deduction_Code Database item group Text

Indirect Only Indirect_Only Database item group Text

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Name Tag Name Type Data Type

Processing Type Processing_ Type Database item group Text

Usage Level Usage_Level Database item group Text

Element Assignment ID Element_ Assignment_Id Database item group Number

Element Entry ID Element_ Entry_Id Database item group Number

Element Frequency Element_ Frequency Rule Text

Deduction Code
Name of the element.

Deduction End Date

End data of the element entry.

Effective Date
Not used and not passed to the third-party provider.

Element Assignment ID
Internal identification number. Not passed to the third-party provider.

Element Entry ID
Internal ID for the element entry.

Element Frequency
Periodicity of the earning or deduction, as defined by the element's input value identified with the Periodicity special purpose.

Entry Value
Represents the earning or deduction amount, as defined by the element's input value identified with the Primary Input Value
special purpose.

Indirect Only
Identifies direct or indirect entries at the element level. Elements marked as indirect are excluded from the extract.

Processing Type
Identifies the element as recurring or nonrecurring, as set during element definition.

Reserve Value

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Input value specified during element entry.

Usage Level
Indicates the level where the element is assigned. Valid values are Payroll Relationship, Assignment, and Term.

Taxable Benefits Records

This data group contains information derived from Imputed Earnings elements. Some of these parameter values are derived
from the element definition, and some are from the employees' element entry.

Name Tag Name Type Data Type

Reserve Value Reserve_Value Database item group Text

Entry Value Entry_Value Database item group Text

Deduction End Date Deduction_ End_Date Database item group Date

Effective Date Effective_Date String Text

Deduction Code Deduction_Code Database item group Text

Indirect Only Indirect_Only Database item group Text

Processing Type Processing_ Type Database item group Text

Usage Level Usage_Level Database item group Text

Element Assignment ID Element_ Assignment_Id Database item group Number

Element Entry ID Element_ Entry_Id Database item group Number

Element Frequency Element_ Frequency Rule Text

Deduction Code
Name of the element.

Deduction End Date

End date of the element entry.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Effective Date
Not used and not passed to the third-party provider.

Element Assignment ID
Internal identification number. Not passed to the third-party provider.

Element Entry ID
Internal ID for the element entry.

Element Frequency
Periodicity of the earning or deduction, as defined by the element's input value identified with the Periodicity special purpose.

Entry Value
Represents the earning or deduction amount, as defined by the element's input value identified with the Primary Input Value
special purpose.

Indirect Only
Identifies direct or indirect entries at the element level. Elements marked as indirect are excluded from the extract.

Processing Type
Identifies the element as recurring or nonrecurring, as set during element definition.

Reserve Value
Input value specified during element entry.

Usage Level
Identifies the level at which the element is assigned. Valid values are Payroll Relationship, Assignment, and Term.

Voluntary Deductions Goal Amount Records

This data group contains information in the Goal Amount special input value. This parameter is used when the deduction
element has a maximum threshold.
Goal Amount
Defines the maximum amount accrued before the deduction stops. Set as an input value during element entry.

HR Records
This data group contains HR-specific information on the employer and employees.

Name Tag Name Type Data Type

Record Type Record_Type String Text

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Name Tag Name Type Data Type

Company Company Database item group Text

Payroll Payroll Database item group Text

Payroll Frequency Payroll_ Frequency Database item group Text

First Name First_Name Database item group Text

Middle Name Middle_Name Database item group Text

Last Name Last_Name Database item group Text

Name Suffix Name_Suffix Database item group Text

Name Prefix Name_Prefix Database item group Text

Preferred Name Preferred_Name Database item group Text

Street 1 Street1 Database item group Text

Street 2 Street2 Database item group Text

Street 3 Street3 Database item group Text

City City Database item group Text

State State Database item group Text

Postal Code Zip Database item group Text

Country Country Database item group Text

Street 1 Other Street1_Other Database item group Text

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Name Tag Name Type Data Type

Street 2 Other Street2_Other Database item group Text

Street 3 Other Street3_Other Database item group Text

City Other City_Other Database item group Text

State Other State_Other Database item group Text

Postal Code Other Zip_Other Database item group Text

Country Other Country_Other Database item group Text

SSN SSN Database item group Text

Original Hire Date Original_ Hire_Date Database item group Date

Gender Sex Database item group Text

Marital Status Marital_Status Database item group Text

Birth Date Birth_Date Database item group Date

Date of Death Date_of_Death Database item group Date

Visa Number Visa_Number Database item group Text

Visa Expiry Date Visa_ Expiry_Date Database item group Date

Visa Type Visa_Type Database item group Text

E-Mail Address Email_Address Database item group Text

Ethnicity Race_Ethnicity Database item group Text

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Name Tag Name Type Data Type

Home Phone Home_Phone Database item group Text

Work Phone Work_Phone Database item group Text

Employee ID Employee_ID Database item group Text

Citizenship Status Citizenship_ Status Database item group Text

Citizenship Citizenship Database item group Text

Home Phone Area Code Home_ Phone_ Database item group Text

Work Phone Area Code Home_ Phone_ Database item group Text

Birth Date
Employee's date of birth, as defined in the Person Information page.

Employee's national citizenship, as defined in the Documents tab of the Person Information page.

Citizenship Status
Employee's national citizenship status, as defined in the Documents tab of the Person Information page.

City of the employee's home address, as defined in the Person Information page.

City Other
City of the employee's mailing address, as defined in the Person Information page.

Tax reporting unit responsible for the employee's tax and regulatory reporting, as defined on their tax card.

Country of the employee's home address, as defined in the Person Information page.

Country Other

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Country of the employee's mailing address, as defined in the Person Information page.

Date of Death
Employee's date of death, as defined in the Person Information page.

E-Mail Address
Employee's e-mail address, as defined in the Person Information page.

Employee ID
For new ADP customers, this 11-character value uses the following pattern: AABB3456789
AA are the first two characters of the employee's first name. If the first name is missing, "FF" is used instead.
BB are the first two characters of the employee's last name.
3456789 are the third through ninth digits of the employee's national identifier, rearranged to maintain privacy.
For example: "John Smith 123-45-6789" could become "JOSM5398647".

Employee's ethnicity, as defined in the Person Information page.

First Name
Employee's first name, as defined in the Person Information page.

Employee's gender, as defined in the Person Information page.

Home Phone
Employee's home phone number, as defined in the Person Information page.

Home Phone Area Code

Area code of employee's home phone number, as defined in the Person Information page.

Last Name
Employee's last name, as defined in the Person Information page.

Marital Status
Employee's marital status, as defined in the Person Information page.

Middle Name
Employee's middle name, as defined in the Person Information page.

Name Prefix
Employee's name prefix, as defined in the Person Information page.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Name Suffix
Employee's name suffix, as defined in the Person Information page.

Original Hire Date

Employee's original date of hire, as defined in the Enterprise section of the Service Dates region of the Manage Work
Relationship page.

Name of the payroll definition assigned to the employee, as defined in the Manage Payroll Definitions page.

Payroll Frequency
Frequency of the payroll definition assigned to the employee, as defined in the Manage Payroll Definitions page.

Postal Code
Postal code of the employee's home address, as defined in the Person Information page.

Postal Code Other

Postal code of the employee's mailing address, as defined in the Person Information page.

Preferred Name
Employee's preferred name, as defined in the Person Information page.

Record Type
Identifies this record as delivering HR-specific information on the extract. For use by the third-party provider only.

Employee's social security number, as defined in the Person Information page.

Two-letter postal abbreviation of the employee's state, based on their home address, as defined in the Person Information

State Other
Two-letter postal abbreviation of the employee's state, based on their mailing address, as defined in the Person Information

Street 1
Street 1 field of the employee's home address, as defined in the Person Information page.

Street 1 Other
Street 1 field of the employee's mailing address, as defined in the Person Information page.

Street 2

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Street 2 field of the employee's home address, as defined in the Person Information page.

Street 2 Other
Street 2 field of the employee's mailing address, as defined in the Person Information page.

Street 3
Street 3 field of the employee's home address, as defined in the Person Information page.

Street 3 Other
Street 3 field of the employee's mailing address, as defined in the Person Information page.

Work Phone
Employee's work phone number, as defined in the Person Information page.

Work Phone Area Code

Area code for employee's work phone number, as defined in the Person Information page.

Visa Number
Employee's visa number, as defined in the Documents tab of the Person Information page.

Visa Expiry Date

Expiration date of the employee's visa, as defined in the Documents tab of the Person Information page.

Visa Type
Type of employee's visa, as defined in the Documents tab of the Person Information page.

Job Records
This data group contains job-specific information for the employer and employees.

Name Tag Name Type Data Type

Record Type Record_Type String Text

Hire Date Hire_Date Database item group Date

Company Seniority Date Company_ Seniority_ Database item group Date


Termination Date Termination_ Date Database item group Date

Home Department Home_ Department Database item group Text

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Name Tag Name Type Data Type

Payroll Payroll Database item group Text

Payroll Frequency Payroll_ Frequency Database item group Text

Record Number Record_Number Database item group Number

Retirement Date Retirement_ Date Database item group Date

Job Title Job_Title Database item group Text

Job Code Job_Code Database item group Text

Employment Status Employment_ Status Database item group Text

Location Name Location_Name Database item group Text

Location Code Location_Code Database item group Text

Employment Category Employment_ Category Database item group Text

Employee Type Employee_Type Database item group Text

Standard Hours Standard_Hours Database item group Text

Company Company Database item group Text

Standard Hours Standard_ Hours_ Database item group Text

Frequency Frequency

First Name FIRST_NAME_J Database item group Text

Last Name LAST_NAME_J Database item group Text

SSN SSN_J Database item group Text

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Name Tag Name Type Data Type

Employee ID Employee_ID Database item group Text

Supervisor ID Supervisor_ID Database item group Text

Salary Basis Amount Salary_ Basis_Amount Database item group Number

Salary Basis Frequency Salary_ Basis_ Database item group Text


Tax reporting unit responsible for the employee's tax and regulatory reporting, as defined on their tax card.

Company Seniority Date

Employee's seniority date, as defined in the Legal Employer section of the Service Dates region of the Manage Work
Relationship page.

Employee ID
For new ADP customers, this 11-character value uses the following pattern: AABB3456789
AA are the first two characters of the employee's first name. If the first name is missing, "FF" is used instead.
BB are the first two characters of the employee's last name.
3456789 are the third through ninth digits of the employee's national identifier, rearranged to maintain privacy.
For example: "John Smith 123-45-6789" could become "JOSM5398647".

Employee Type
Employee exemption status, as defined in the Hourly Paid or Salaried field of the Job Details section of the Assignment Details
region of the Manage Employment page.

Employment Category
Employee employment category, as defined in the Assignment Category field of the Job Details section of the Assignment
Details region of the Manage Employment page.

Employment Status
Eployee's employment status (full time, part time, regular or temporary, and so on). Deined in the assignment category field of
the Job Details section of the Assignment Details region of the Manage Employment page.

First Name
Employee's first name, as defined in the Person Information page.

Hire Date

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Employee's hire date, as defined in the Work Relationship section of the Manage Employment task.

Home Department
Employee's home department, as defined on the employee's assignment or term.

Job Code
Job code assigned to the employee's job, as defined in the Manage Jobs page.

Job Title
Employee's job title, as defined in the Job field of the Job Details section of the Assignment Details region of the Manage
Employment page.

Last Name
Employee's last name, as defined in the Person Information page.

Location Code
Code assigned to the employee's work location, as defined in the Manage Locations page.

Location Name
Name of the employee's work location, as defined in the Manage Locations page.

Name of the payroll definition assigned to the employee, as defined in the Manage Payroll Definitions page.

Payroll Frequency
Frequency of the payroll definition assigned to the employee, as defined in the Manage Payroll Definitions page.

Record Number
Identifies the employee's assignment, with 0 representing the primary assignment, and incrementing by 1 for each
subsequent assignment.

Third-party providers other than ADP may require different assignment identifiers compliant with their own

Record Type
Identifies this record as delivering job-specific information on the extract. For use by the third-party provider only.

Retirement Date
Employee's date of retirement, as set in the Retirement section of the Assignment Details region of the Person Information

Salary Basis Amount

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Employee's salary amount, as set in the Salary Details section of the Manage Salary page.

Salary Basis Frequency

Employee's salary basis, as set in the Salary Details section of the Manage Salary page.

Employee's social security number, as defined in the Person Information page.

Standard Hours
Employee's standard number of work hours per period, as defined in the Working Hours field of the Job Details section of the
Assignment Details region of the Manage Employment page.

Standard Hours Frequency

Period set for the employee's working hours, as defined in the Frequency field of the Assignment Details region of the
Manage Employment page.

Supervisor ID
Employee's supervisor, as defined in the Name field of the Manager Details subsection of the Job Details section of the
Assignment Details region of the Manage Employment page.
This 11-character value uses the following pattern: AABB3456789

AA are the first two characters of the employee's first name. If the first name is missing, "FF" is used instead.
BB are the first two characters of the employee's last name.
3456789 are the third through ninth digits of the employee's national identifier, rearranged to maintain privacy.

For example: "John Smith 123-45-6789" could become "JOSM5398647".

Termination Date
Employee's termination date, as set through the Terminate Work Relationship task.

Job Extra Block

This data group contains FLSA-specific information related to the employees.
FLSA Status
Employee's overtime exemption status, as defined in the FLSA Status field of the United States Job Information section of the
Manage Jobs task.

Pre-Statutory Deductions Goal Amount Records

This data group contains information in the Goal Amount special input value. This parameter is used when the deduction
element has a maximum threshold.
Goal Amount
Defines the maximum amount accrued before the deduction stops. Set as an input value during element entry.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Taxable Benefits Goal Amount Records

This data group contains information in the Goal Amount special input value. This parameter is used when the deduction
element has a maximum threshold.
Goal Amount
Defines the maximum amount accrued before the deduction stops. Set as an input value during element entry.

Direct Deposit Records

This data group contains information on personal payment methods.

Name Tag Name Type Data Type

Record Type Record_Type String Text

Employee ID Employee_ID Database item group Text

Company Company Database item group Text

Payroll Payroll Database item group Text

Payroll Frequency Payroll_ Frequency Database item group Text

Payment Priority Payment_ Priority Database item group Number

Transit Number Transit_Number Database item group Text

Account Number Account_Number Database item group Text

Deposit Amount Deposit_Amount Database item group Text

Payment Method End Deduction_ End_Date Database item group Date


Account Type Account_Type Database item group Text

Effective Date Effective_Date String Text

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Name Tag Name Type Data Type

Maximum Payment Maximum_ Payment_ Database item group Number

Priority Priority

Previous Payment Previous_ Payment_ Rule Date

Method End Date Method_ End_Date

Account Number
Employee's bank account number for direct deposit, as set in the Bank Accounts table of the Manage Personal Payment
Methods task.

Account Type
Identifies the account as either checking or savings. Defined in the Manage Personal Payment Methods task.

Tax reporting unit responsible for the employee's tax and regulatory reporting, as defined on their tax card.

Deposit Amount
Amount of each direct deposit, as defined in the personal payment method.

Effective Date
Not used and not passed to the third-party provider.

Employee ID
For new ADP customers, this 11-character value uses the following pattern: AABB3456789

AA are the first two characters of the employee's first name. If the first name is missing, "FF" is used instead.
BB are the first two characters of the employee's last name.
3456789 are the third through ninth digits of the employee's national identifier, rearranged to maintain privacy.

For example: "John Smith 123-45-6789" could become "JOSM5398647".

Maximum Payment Priority

While not passed on the extract, this parameter is used to derive the Full Deposit value on the extract.

Payment Method End Date

Effective end date of the direct deposit.

Payment Priority
Processing order of the personal payment method. While this parameter is not passed on the extract, it is used to derive the
Full Deposit value on the extract.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Name of the payroll definition, as defined in the Manage Payroll Definitions task.

Payroll Frequency
Frequency of the payroll definition, as defined in the Manage Payroll Definitions task.

Previous Payment Method End Date


Record Type
Identifies this record as delivering information specific to direct deposits on the extract. For use by the third-party provider

Transit Number
Employee's personal bank transit number.

Voluntary Deductions Records

The values for these parameters are derived from the input values for voluntary deduction elements.

Name Tag Name Type Data Type

Reserve Value Reserve_Value Database item group Text

Entry Value Entry_Value Database item group Text

Deduction End Date Deduction_ End_Date Database item group Date

Effective Date Effective_Date String Text

Deduction Code Deduction_Code Database item group Text

Indirect Only Indirect_Only Database item group Text

Processing Type Processing_ Type Database item group Text

Usage Level Usage_Level Database item group Text

Element Assignment ID Element_ Assignment_Id Database item group Number

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Name Tag Name Type Data Type

Input Value Name Input_ Value_Name Database item group Text

Element Type ID Element_ Type_ID Database item group Number

Third-Party Deduction Third_ Party_ Deduction_ Rule Text

Type Type

Third-Party Deduction Third_ Party_ Deduction_ Rule Text

Code Rule

Element Entry ID Element_ Entry_Id Database item group Number

Element Frequency Element_ Frequency Rule Text

Deduction Code
Name of the element.

Deduction End Date

End date of the element entry.

Effective Date
Start date of the element entry.

Element Assignment ID
Internal identification number. Not passed to the third-party provider.

Element Entry ID
Internal ID for the element entry.

Element Frequency
Periodicity of the earning or deduction, as defined by the element's input value identified with the Periodicity special purpose.

Element Type ID
Internal ID used to identify the element definition.

Entry Value
Represents the earning or deduction amount, as defined by the element's input value identified with the Primary Input Value
special purpose.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Indirect Only
Identifies direct or indirect entries at the element level. Elements marked as indirect are excluded from the extract.

Input Value Name

Name of the input value.

Processing Type
Identifies the element as recurring or nonrecurring, as set during element definition.

Reserve Value
Input value specified during element entry.

Third-Party Deduction Code

Three-character code used in the ADP PayForce system for the non-recurring deduction. Defined in an input value on the
deduction element.

Third-Party Deduction Type

Used as a column header in the output file. Value must be "Adjust Ded Code" and is defined in an input value on the
deduction element.

Usage Level
Indicates the level where the element is assigned. Valid values are Payroll Relationship, Assignment, and Term.

Extract Delivery Options

Defines the extract output, such as PDF, XML file, CSV, Excel, and so on. ADP Connection for PayForce requires TXT format.
US ADP Connection for PayForce Recurring
Name of the ADP Connection for PayForce output file containing recurring element data.

US ADP PayForce Nonrecurring

Name of the ADP Connection for PayForce output file containing nonrecurring element data.


Name of the XML file. For use in cases where you want to use a third-party provider other than ADP.

US ADP Connection for PayForce Recurring Periodic Output

This topic describes the format of the recurring periodic output file for the US ADP Connection for PayForce third-party
periodic extract.
The output file consists of the following sections:

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

HR Records
Contains HR-specific information on the employer and employees.

Field Name Extract Node Name Extract Tag Name

Record Type Record Type Record_Type

EMPLID Employee ID Employee_ID

Company Company Company

PAYROLL Payroll Payroll

PAY FREQUENCY Payroll Frequency Payroll_ Frequency

FIRST_NAME First Name First_Name

MIDDLE_NAME Middle Name Middle_Name

LAST_NAME Last Name Last_Name

NAME_SUFFIX Name Suffix Name_Suffix

NAME_PREFIX Name Prefix Name_Prefix

PREFERRED_NAME Preferred Name Preferred_Name

STREET1 Street 1 Street1

STREET2 Street 2 Street2

STREET3 Street 3 Street3

CITY City City

STATE State State

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Field Name Extract Node Name Extract Tag Name

ZIP Postal Code Zip

COUNTRY Country Country

STREET1_OTHER Street 1 Other Street1_Other

STREET2_OTHER Street 2 Other Street2_Other

STREET3_OTHER Street 3 Other Street3_Other

CITY_OTHER City Other City_Other

STATE_OTHER State Other State_Other

ZIP_OTHER Postal Code Other Zip_Other

COUNTRY_OTHER Country Other Country_Other


ORIG_HIRE_DT Original Hire Date Original_ Hire_Date

SEX Gender Sex

MAR_STATUS Marital Status Marital_Status

BIRTHDATE Birth Date Birth_Date

DT_OF_DEATH Date of Death Date_of_Death

CITIZENSHIP Citizenship Citizenship

CITIZENSHIP_ STATUS Citizenship Status Citizenship_ Status

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Field Name Extract Node Name Extract Tag Name

VISA_NBR Visa Number Visa_Number

VISA_EXPIRE_DT Visa Expiry Date Visa_ Expiry_Date

VISA_TYPE Visa Type Visa_Type

EMAIL_ADDRESS E-Mail Address Email_Address

RACE_ETHNICITY Ethnicity Race_Ethnicity

HOME_PHONE Home Phone Home_Phone

WORK_PHONE Work Phone Work_Phone

Employee's date of birth, as defined in the Person Information page.

Employee's national citizenship, as defined in the Documents tab of the Person Information page.

Employee's national citizenship status, as defined in the Documents tab of the Person Information page.

City of the employee's home address, as defined in the Person Information page.

City of the employee's mailing address, as defined in the Person Information page.

Tax reporting unit responsible for the employee's tax and regulatory reporting, as defined on their tax card.

Country of the employee's home address, as defined in the Person Information page.

Country of the employee's mailing address, as defined in the Person Information page.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Employee's date of death, as defined in the Person Information page.

Employee's work e-mail address, as defined in the Person Information page.

For new ADP customers, this 11-character value uses the following pattern: AABB3456789
AA are the first two characters of the employee's first name. If the first name is missing, "FF" is used instead.
BB are the first two characters of the employee's last name.
3456789 are the third through ninth digits of the employee's national identifier, rearranged to maintain privacy.
For example: "John Smith 123-45-6789" could become "JOSM5398647".

Employee's first name, as defined in the Person Information page.

Employee's home phone number, as defined in the Person Information page.

Employee's last name, as defined in the Person Information page.

Employee's marital status, as defined in the Person Information page.

Employee's middle name, as defined in the Person Information page.

Employee's name prefix, as defined in the Person Information page.

Employee's name suffix, as defined in the Person Information page.

Employee's original date of hire, as defined in the Legal Employer section of the Service Dates region of the Manage Work
Relationship page.

Frequency of the payroll definition assigned to the employee, as defined in the Manage Payroll Definitions page.


Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Name of the payroll definition assigned to the employee, as defined in the Manage Payroll Definitions page.

Employee's preferred name, as defined in the Person Information page.

Employee's ethnicity, as defined in the Person Information page.

Record Type
Identifies this record as delivering HR-specific information on the extract. For use by the third-party provider only.

Employee's gender, as defined in the Person Information page.

Employee's social security number, as defined in the Person Information page.

Two-letter postal abbreviation of the employee's state, based on their home address, as defined in the Person Information

Two-letter postal abbreviation of the employee's state, based on their mailing address, as defined in the Person Information

Street 1 field of the employee's home address, as defined in the Person Information page.

Street 1 field of the employee's mailing address, as defined in the Person Information page.

Street 2 field of the employee's home address, as defined in the Person Information page.

Street 2 field of the employee's mailing address, as defined in the Person Information page.

Street 3 field of the employee's home address, as defined in the Person Information page.

Street 3 field of the employee's mailing address, as defined in the Person Information page.


Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Expiration date of the employee's visa, as defined in the Documents tab of the Person Information page.

Employee's visa number, as defined in the Documents tab of the Person Information page.

Type of employee's visa, as defined in the Documents tab of the Person Information page.

Employee's work phone number, as defined in the Person Information page.

Postal code of the employee's home address, as defined in the Person Information page.

Postal code of the employee's mailing address, as defined in the Person Information page.

Job Records
Contains job-specific information for the employer and employees.

Field Name Extract Node Name Extract Tag Name

Record Type Record Type Record_Type

EMPLID Employee ID Employee_ID

Company Company Company

PAYROLL Payroll Payroll

PAY FREQUENCY Payroll Frequency Payroll_ Frequency

EMPL_RCD_NBR Record Number Record_Number

HIRE_DT Hire Date Hire_Date

CMPNY_ SENIORITY_DT Company Seniority Date Company_ Seniority_ Date

TERMINATION_DT Termination Date Termination_ Date

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Field Name Extract Node Name Extract Tag Name

SUPERVISOR_ID Supervisor ID Supervisor_ID

RETIRE_DT Retirement Date Retirement_ Date

JOBTITLE Job Title Job_Title

JOBCODE Job Code Job_Code

EMPL_STATUS Employment Status Employment_ Status

LOCATION_NAME Location Name Location_Name

LOCATION Location Code Location_Code

ASSIGN_CATG Employment Category Employment_ Category


EMPL_TYPE Employee Type Employee_Type

STD_HOURS Standard Hours Standard_Hours

STD_ HOURS_ FREQUENCY Standard Hours Frequency Standard_ Hours_ Frequency

Salary Basis Frequency Salary Basis Frequency Salary_ Basis_Amount

Salary Basis Amount Salary Basis Amount Salary_ Basis_ Frequency

HOME_ DEPARTMENT Home Department Home_ Department

WORKERS_ COMP_CD intentionally left blank intentionally left blank

Designates the employee's employment status (full time, part time, regular or temporary, and so on). Defined in the
Assignment Category field of the Job Details section of the Assignment Details region of the Manage Employment page.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Employee's seniority date, as defined in the Legal Employer section of the Service Dates region of the Manage Work
Relationship page.

Tax reporting unit responsible for the employee's tax and regulatory reporting, as defined on their tax card.

Identifies the employee's assignment, with 0 representing the primary assignment, and incrementing by 1 for each
subsequent assignment.

Third-party providers other than ADP may require different assignment identifiers compliant with their own

Employee's status, as defined in the Assignment Status field of the Assignment Details region of the Manage Employment

Employee exemption status, as defined in the Hourly Paid or Salaried field of the Job Details section of the Assignment Details
region of the Manage Employment page.

For new ADP customers, this 11-character value uses the following pattern: AABB3456789
AA are the first two characters of the employee's first name. If the first name is missing, "FF" is used instead.
BB are the first two characters of the employee's last name.
3456789 are the third through ninth digits of the employee's national identifier, rearranged to maintain privacy.
For example: "John Smith 123-45-6789" could become "JOSM5398647".

Employee's overtime exemption status, as defined in the FLSA Status field of the United States Job Information section of the
Manage Jobs task.

Employee's hire date, as defined in the Work Relationship section of the Manage Employment task.

Employee's home department, as defined on the employee's assignment or term.

Job code assigned to the employee's job, as defined in the Manage Jobs page.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Employee's job title, as defined in the Job field of the Job Details section of the Assignment Details region of the Manage
Employment page.

Code assigned to the employee's work location, as defined in the Manage Locations page.

Name of the employee's work location, as defined in the Manage Locations page.

Frequency of the payroll definition assigned to the employee, as defined in the Manage Payroll Definitions page.

Name of the payroll definition assigned to the employee, as defined in the Manage Payroll Definitions page.

Record Type
Identifies this record as delivering jobs-specific information on the extract. For use by the third-party provider only.

Employee's date of retirement, as set in the Retirement section of the Assignment Details region of the Person Information

Salary Basis Amount

Employee's salary amount, as set in the Salary Details section of the Manage Salary page.

Salary Basis Frequency

Employee's salary basis, as set in the Salary Details section of the Manage Salary page.

Employee's standard number of work hours per period, as defined in the Working Hours field of the Job Details section of the
Assignment Details region of the Manage Employment page.

Period set for the employee's working hours, as defined in the Frequency field of the Assignment Details region of the
Manage Employment page.

Employee's supervisor, as defined in the Name field of the Manager Details subsection of the Job Details section of the
Assignment Details region of the Manage Employment page.
This 11-character value uses the following pattern: AABB3456789

AA are the first two characters of the employee's first name. If the first name is missing, "FF" is used instead.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

BB are the first two characters of the employee's last name.

3456789 are the third through ninth digits of the employee's national identifier, rearranged to maintain privacy.
For example: "John Smith 123-45-6789" could become "JOSM5398647".

Employee's termination date, as set through the Terminate Work Relationship task.

Placeholder for future functionality. Intentionally left blank.

Earnings and Deductions Records

Contains earnings and deductions-specific information for the employer and employees. This includes recurring earnings.

Field Name Extract Node Name Extract Tag Name

Record Type Record Type Record_Type

EMPLID Employee ID Employee_ID

Company Company Company

PAYROLL Payroll Payroll

PAY FREQUENCY Payroll Frequency Payroll_ Frequency

EMPL_RCD_NBR Record Number Record_Number

Element Name Deduction Code Deduction_Code

Element Amount Entry Value Entry_Value

Element Percentage Entry Value Entry_Value

GOAL_AMT Goal Amount Goal Amount

Element End Date Deduction End Date Deduction_ End_Date

ELEMENT FREQUENCY Element Frequency Element_ Frequency

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Tax reporting unit responsible for the employee's tax and regulatory reporting, as defined in the Manage Legal Reporting Unit

Element Amount
Represents the earning or deduction amount, as defined by the element's input value identified with the Primary Input Value
special purpose. Either this field or the Element Percentage field is populated in the file, but not both.

Element End Date

End date of the element entry.

Element Name
Name of the element.

Element Percentage
Represents the earning or deduction percentage, as defined by the element's input value identified with the Primary Input
Value special purpose. Either this field or the Element Amount field is populated in the file, but not both.

Periodicity of the earning or deduction, as defined by the element's input value identified with the Periodicity special purpose.
ADP does not use this field.

Identifies the employee's assignment, with 0 representing the primary assignment, and incrementing by 1 for each
subsequent assignment.

Third-party providers other than ADP may require different assignment identifiers compliant with their own

For new ADP customers, this 11-character value uses the following pattern: AABB3456789
AA are the first two characters of the employee's first name. If the first name is missing, "FF" is used instead.
BB are the first two characters of the employee's last name.
3456789 are the third through ninth digits of the employee's national identifier, rearranged to maintain privacy.
For example: "John Smith 123-45-6789" could become "JOSM5398647".

Defines the maximum amount accrued before the deduction stops. Set as an input value during element entry.

Frequency of the payroll definition, as defined in the Manage Payroll Definitions task.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Name of the payroll definition, as defined in the Manage Payroll Definitions task.

Record Type
Identifies this record as delivering earnings and deductions-specific information on the extract. For use by the third-party
provider only.

Direct Deposit Records

Contains direct deposit-specific information for the employer and employees.

Field Name Extract Node Name Extract Tag Name

Record Type Record Type Record_Type

EMPLID Employee ID Employee_ID

TRU Company Company

PAYROLL Payroll Payroll

PAY FREQUENCY Payroll Frequency Payroll_ Frequency

EMPL_RCD_NBR Record Number Record_Number

FULL_DEPOSIT derived derived

TRANSIT_NBR Routing Transit Number Transit_Number

ACCOUNT_NBR Account Number Account_Number

DEPOSIT_AMT Deposit Amount Deposit_Amount

Payment Method End Date Deduction End Date Deduction_ End_Date

ACCOUNT_TYPE Account Type Account_Type


Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Employee's bank account number for direct deposit, as set in the Bank Accounts table of the Manage Personal Payment
Methods task.

Identifies the account as either checking or savings. Defined in the Manage Personal Payment Methods task.

Amount of each direct deposit, as defined in the personal payment method.

If this attribute is set to any value greater than zero, the FULL_DEPOSIT attribute cannot be set to Yes.
For example, the employee wants 100 USD to be deposited into a savings account and the rest into a checking
account. Therefore, for their first direct deposit record, set DEPOSIT_AMT to "100" and FULL_DEPOSIT to "N".
For the second record, set FULL_DEPOSIT to "Y" and pass nothing in DEPOSIT_AMT.

Identifies the employee's assignment, with 0 representing the primary assignment, and incrementing by 1 for each
subsequent assignment.

Third-party providers other than ADP may require different assignment identifiers compliant with their own

For new ADP customers, this 11-character value uses the following pattern: AABB3456789

AA are the first two characters of the employee's first name. If the first name is missing, "FF" is used instead.
BB are the first two characters of the employee's last name.
3456789 are the third through ninth digits of the employee's national identifier, rearranged to maintain privacy.

For example: "John Smith 123-45-6789" could become "JOSM5398647".

Identifies which direct deposit record is the last one that will receive all remaining money.

If this attribute is set to Yes, the DEPOSIT_AMT attribute cannot be greater than zero.
For example, the employee wants 100 USD to be deposited into a savings account and the rest into a checking
account. Therefore, for their first direct deposit record, set DEPOSIT_AMT to "100" and FULL_DEPOSIT to "N".
For the second record, set FULL_DEPOSIT to "Y" and pass nothing in DEPOSIT_AMT.

This value is derived and not set on the extract.

Payment Method End Date

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

Effective end date of the direct deposit.

Frequency of the payroll definition, as defined in the Manage Payroll Definitions task.

Name of the payroll definition, as defined in the Manage Payroll Definitions task.

Record Type
Identifies this record as delivering information specific to direct deposits on the extract. For use by the third-party provider

Employee's personal bank transit number.

Tax reporting unit responsible for the employee's tax and regulatory reporting, as defined on their tax card.

FAQs for Define HCM Extract Definitions

How do I define an employee's ADP PayForce file number?

Use the Manage Common Lookups task to update the PER_NATIONAL_IDENTIFIER_TYPE lookup type with the following
new lookup code: PAYINT_EMPLOYEEID. Set the Meaning as "Employee ID for ADP PayForce" and the Tag as "+US".
Once the lookup type has been configured, for each employee you want to report, use the National IDs region in their
Manage Person page to specify their ADP Payforce file number.

What's BI Publisher and how does it work with HCM extracts?

BI Publisher is a set of tools you use to create highly-formatted reports based on data models. With BI Publisher, you can:

Author, manage, and deliver documents

Create interactive management reports
Create highly-formatted, customer-facing documents
Create government documents
Create electronic funds transfer (EFT) documents

BI Publisher transforms the extracted data from the database and presents that data into a report.

Related Topics
Defining the BI Publisher Template for HCM Extracts: Worked Example

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

How can I restrict the records to be extracted?

You can use extract data group criteria to define a set of filtering conditions the application performs on an extract data
group. For example, you can use database items in the fast formula to represent the town_or_city and primary_flag columns
in the per_addresses table to restrict the data to people living in London only. The extract definition would then exclude
people with a primary address of anywhere other than London. You can specify the criteria conditions using an expression or
fast formula.

What's a threading database item and what is its connection

to the extract data group?
A threading database item is required for implementing the Changes Only feature. The threading database item is a unique ID
in the chosen user entity (UE). Generally, for Pay Employee UE and Assignment UE it would be DBI with %ASSIGNMENT%ID.
For Person UE, it would be DBI with pattern %PERSON%ID. You can declare one threading database item at the root data
group or any child data group level. For example, you declare the threading database item from the location where you need
changes only.

What's a conditional action?

A conditional action identifies the action to perform, and optionally, a message based on the outcome of a conditional
expression or a predefined fast formula. Conditional actions are applied on the extracted data similar to criteria conditions that
are applied prior to extraction. Actions and messages are predefined in lookups, and you can add your own messages by
creating new values for the lookup.
When a condition is satisfied, you can use this feature to perform certain predefined actions. For example, you can exclude
employees that satisfy a condition, such as all employees from a predefined country. You can also configure this feature to
raise a warning when an employee's salary is blank or beyond a specific level.

What's an exclusion rule?

You can't exclude or override a record that doesn't suit your requirements with your own record by using an exclusion rule.
The extract process doesn't process excluded records based on the legislative data group.

What is extract data group filtering?

Extract data group filtering filters data extracted in the data group. You can specify to filter data group as an expression
(in popup) or as fast formula, and you can choose one or both. You can build criteria using the available database items,
parameters and operators (conditional and logical). The filter criteria will be more efficient as it gets appended to the User
Entity SQL at the time of execution. If you can't specify the criteria as an expression, then you can place logic inside a fast
formula and select here. Fast formulas return values of Y or N to indicate if you must extract the record or not. If both criteria
and formula are specified, then both the conditions are applied.

What's an extract data group connection?

Data group connections enable you to define the master-detail of parent-child relationship between the entities. For example,
the Employees and Departments data groups are linked with Department ID.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 3
Using Global Payroll Interface Define HCM Extract Definitions

What are extract data group criteria?

You can specify the filter conditions of what data you want to archive by using the data group criteria. You can specify the
filter conditions as an expression or fast formula.

What's a reporting category in HCM extracts?

Reporting categories help to create combinations of various delivery options under a single run process or report category. By
using report categories to deliver a HCM extract using a single run enables you to deliver multiple forms of output to multiple
users for an extract definition. For example, an organization has a requirement to extract HR data and to e-mail the extracted
data as a PDF report to HR , and FTP the same data in an EFT file to a third party. The organization can achieve this by
creating 2 delivery options and grouping them under one reporting category.

Can I use Oracle Transaction Business Intelligence (OTBI) with

HCM Extracts?
Yes. You have two options:
HCM Extracts can extract the data and produce an output using CSV, XML, or PDF. OTBI can then accept a data source in
excel or XML format.
BI Publisher can also accept a data source in excel or XML format. HCM Extracts has integration with BI Publisher.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 4
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Batch Uploads

4 Manage Batch Uploads

Payroll Batch Loader Tasks: Explained

Payroll managers and administrators use the batch loader for a variety of purposes when migrating and loading data during
implementation and on an ongoing basis. This topic compares the different tasks to help you determine which approach to
take when loading data.
You can use the batch loader tasks and processes to perform the following actions:

Create, update, and delete data for supported objects

Create elements and formulas using template questions
Create batches from files
Migrate objects between environments

The following table describes the tasks and processes that you might use when working with the batch loader. You can
access these tasks and processes in the Payroll Administration work area or using the Enter Batch task in a payroll flow.

Task or Process Description Comments

Batch Loader Launches a workbook where you Access this task in the Tasks pane.
can create a batch or search for
and view an existing batch.

Create Batch Creates a batch to load element Access this process from the
entries or balances by object Submit a Payroll Flow task.
group. Populates a workbook
with all the elements or people in
the object group you select when
submitting the process.

Create Batch for an Object Downloads some or all records and Copy the batch lines to a new
history for a specified object, such batch in another environment and
as an element or formula, into a submit the Transfer Batch flow to
batch for data migration. create the data.

Access this process from the
Submit a Process or Report task.

Enter Batch For user-defined flows, launches a Sequence tasks in the flow pattern
workbook for a single batch. so that the Transfer Batch task
follows the Enter Batch task.

Access this process from the
checklist of a user-defined flow

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 4
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Batch Uploads

Task or Process Description Comments

Load Batch from File Uploads a file and transforms its Access this process from the
data using the specified formula Submit a Payroll Flow task.
into a batch that you can transfer.

Purge Batch Removes the specified batch. You can purge a batch at any time.
You can't transfer or view purged

Access this process from the
Submit a Process or Report task.

Transfer Batch Creates entries in the applicable Access this process from the
HCM tables for the specified batch. Submit a Process or Report task.

Creating, Updating, and Deleting Data

The batch loader workbooks provide a fast way to upload batches of data. You create batches based on predefined
templates, enter your data, load data into staging tables, and then transfer the batch into the HCM tables. The following figure
illustrates the basic process and the tasks you use.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 4
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Batch Uploads

The task names in the workbook represent the type of object the batch loader supports. The task actions available depend
on the task name you select, shown in the following table.

Task Name Task Action

Balance Group Add Balance Definition

Remove Balance Definition

Bank Create

Bank Branch Create

Element Create



Element Entry Create

Element Input Value Create



External Bank Account Create

Fast Formula Create



Object Group Create


Payroll Definition Create



Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 4
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Batch Uploads

Task Name Task Action

Payroll Relationship Add Payroll

End Payroll

Personal Payment Method Create

User-Defined Table Create


Related Topics
Loading a Batch From a File: Procedure

Migrating Objects Using the Payroll Batch Loader: Procedure

Setting Up the Desktop Integration for Excel:

To use a desktop integrated Excel workbook to create or edit records that you can upload to the application, you must meet
software requirements, install a desktop client (and reinstall when necessary), and set up Microsoft Excel.

Meeting Software Requirements

Make sure that you have:

Microsoft Excel 2007 or 2010

Microsoft Windows XP Professional, Vista - Business, Vista - Ultimate, or 7

Installing the Desktop Client

Install the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration Add-in for Excel, which is a desktop client that lets you use the integrated
workbooks that you download from the application.
1. Make sure you are signed in to your computer with your account. For example, you can't have someone else sign in
as an administrator and make the installation available for everyone using your computer.
2. In the application, look for the client installer under Navigator - Tools . If it's not there, then ask your administrator
where you can find the installer.
3. Run the installer as you would any program that you install on your computer.

Reinstalling the Client

You must reinstall the desktop client if:
The client version changes and you don't get automatic updates.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 4
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Batch Uploads

You can find your client version in the About section of the workbook and ask your administrator if that
version is the latest.

The location of the client installer ever changes. You must use the installer from the new location.

To reinstall for any reason:

1. Uninstall the Oracle ADF Desktop Integration Add-in for Excel client, using Add or Remove Programs as you
would to uninstall any program on your computer.
2. Follow the steps above to install the client.

Setting Up Microsoft Excel

Perform the following steps in Microsoft Excel only once, even if you reinstall the desktop client.

1. Click the Microsoft Office button, and click the Excel Options button.
2. In the Excel Options dialog box, select the Trust Center tab, and click Trust Center Settings.
3. In the Trust Center dialog box, select the Macro Settings tab, and select the Trust access to the VBA project
object model check box.

The exact steps can vary depending on your version of Microsoft Excel.

Related Topics
Oracle ADF Desktop Integration for Excel : Troubleshooting

Working in Desktop Integrated Excel Workbooks:

Points to Consider
Where available, you can download a desktop integrated Microsoft Excel workbook and use it to create or edit records.
When you're using the workbook, no changes are actually made in the application; your edits take effect only after you
upload the records back. As you work, keep in mind the following points to consider.

What You Must Not Do

To make sure that the upload to the application goes smoothly, don't:

Rename text from the integrated workbook, for example the worksheet or tab names.
Use your own styles in the file.
Add columns.
Delete any part of the template, for example columns.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 4
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Batch Uploads

Hide required columns and status columns or headers.

Some column headers in the integrated workbook might include [..]. This means that you can double-click or right-click within
any cell in the column to open a dialog box that lets you select a value to insert into the cell.

In the workbook, you might find statuses for:
Worksheet: The status in the header area applies to the entire worksheet, or tab, within the integrated workbook.
Table: The status applies to only the corresponding table.
Row: The status applies to the state of the row within the workbook, not to the record itself. For example, if the row
is for a business document, the status does not mean the status of the document itself, but of the data in the row, in
the context of the workbook.

Some integrated workbooks have searches. For the search to work within the workbook, you must sign in to the application.

Refreshes After Upload

After you upload to the application, you might need to refresh the data in the table if your changes are not reflected in the
application. You can use the refresh option for the table, or perform a filter or search on the table.

Related Topics
Oracle ADF Desktop Integration for Excel : Troubleshooting

Importing Data Using the Payroll Batch Loader:

The payroll batch loader imports data from integrated Microsoft Excel workbook templates into the staging tables and
transfers that data into the application.
The upload tasks available vary depending on the data type that you want to load. Each workbook template includes required
and optional columns for loading data.

You perform tasks with interdependencies sequentially, creating separate workbooks for each task. For example,
a bank must exist before you associate its branches, so you first create banks in one workbook, and then create
the branches in the next workbook.

The following figure illustrates the basic process for importing data using the batch loader.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 4
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Batch Uploads

Before you can populate worksheets, you must have installed Oracle ADF Desktop Integration for Excel.

Populating the Workbook

When you download the batch loader workbook, you use it to enter your data. The following steps show how to download
the workbook, add your data, and upload the data to the staging tables.

1. In the Payroll Administration work area, click Batch Loader, and then click Download. Open the workbook and
sign in.
2. On the last row of the Batch Header Sheet tab, in the Batch Name field, enter a name for the batch.
Use this name when submitting the transfer process that moves the data from the staging tables.
3. In the same row, select the legislative data group from the list, then click Save.
4. On the Batch Content Sheet tab, under Batch Contents Action, click Add, and then select the task you want.
5. In the Batch Content Line Details section, insert rows for each data item that you want to add and enter all required
6. Click Save and leave the workbook open.

Transferring the Batch

After you have saved your data to the staging tables, you submit a process to transfer the batch. The following steps show
how to move the data from the staging tables and verify that the transfer succeeded.

1. In the Payroll Administration work area, click Submit a Process or Report.

2. Select your legislative data group.
3. In the Flow Pattern column, select Transfer Batch, and then click Next.
4. In the Payroll Flow field, enter a name for the process. You can use this name later when looking for process status.
5. In the Batch field, search for and select the batch name you want to transfer, and then click Next.
6. On the Enter Flow Interaction page, click Next.
7. On the Review page, click Submit, and then click OK and View Checklist.
8. Click Refresh until the Transfer Batch process status displays as complete.
9. In the workbook, display the Batch Messages Sheet, then display the Batch Content Sheet. Verify that the status
shows as Transferred.
10. Display the Batch Message Sheet. You should see no error messages

Payroll Batch Statuses: Explained

The payroll batch loader workbooks display a status on the Batch Header Sheet. The status reflects the status of the
batch header, all the batch lines, and any control totals specified for the batch. Use the Batch Loader task from the Payroll
Administration work area to download the workbooks.
On the Batch Header Sheet, you can see the following status values.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 4
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Batch Uploads

Status Meaning

Valid All of the lines, totals, and header are valid

Transferred All of the lines, totals, and header are transferred from
the staging tables to the applicable HCM tables

Transfer incomplete The header and totals are transferred along with only
some of the lines

Unprocessed At least one line, total, or the header is unprocessed,

and no lines transferred

Error The header wasn't transferred and at least one line,

total, or the header is in error

Creating Element Entries Using the Batch Loader:

Worked Example
This example demonstrates how to create element entries for bonus earnings for two workers in the InFusion US Sun Power
legislative data group using the payroll batch loader. Nancy is an executive and receives a bonus based on ten percent of her
salary. Joseph is an instructor and receives a fixed amount of 500.
You select the annual bonus element and create element entries in the workbook.

This worked example assumes that you completed the following prerequisites:

1. Install Oracle ADF Desktop Integration Runtime Add-in for Excel

2. Create a bonus element at the assignment level for element entries
3. Identify the assignment numbers of the workers who receive the bonus element entries

Creating a Batch Header

1. From the Payroll Administration work area, select the Batch Loader task.
2. On the Batch Loader page, click Download.
3. After the DesktopGenericBatch.xlsx file downloads, open the file.
4. When prompted to connect, click Yes.
5. In the Login dialog box, enter your user ID and password, and then click Sign In.
6. Navigate to the Batch Header Sheet at the bottom of the workbook.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 4
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Batch Uploads

7. In the Batch Name column of the Search Results section, enter InFusion Bonus.
8. In the Legislative Data Group list, select InFusion US Sun Power.
9. Click Save.
10. In the Upload Options dialog box, accept the default selection and click OK.
Once your selections are saved, the Batch Status text for that row displays that the row inserted successfully.

Creating Batch Content

1. On the Batch Header Sheet, double-click the batch name InFusion Bonus to prepare for data entry.
2. Navigate to the Batch Content Sheet.
3. Under Batch Contents Action, click Add.
4. Search for and select the Bonus - Annual task name, and then click OK.
The workbook refreshes to display the columns for the selected element, ready for data entry.
5. In the Batch Line Content Details section, enter the values for Nancy as shown in this table.

Field Value

Line Sequence 1

Effective Start Date 2012-12-15

Assignment Number E1000842

Percentage 10

Legislative Data Group InFusion US Sun Power

6. Right-click the next row number and insert a row for Joseph's details.
7. Enter the values for Joseph as shown in this table.

Field Value

Line Sequence 2

Effective Start Date 2012-12-15

Assignment Number E1003564

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 4
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Batch Uploads

Field Value

Pay Value 500

Legislative Data Group InFusion US Sun Power

8. Click Save.
9. In the Upload Options dialog box accept the default selection and click OK.

Keep the workbook open. You verify the transfer of the element entries in the final step of this example.

Transferring the Batch

1. From the Payroll Administration work area, click Submit a Process or Report.
2. In the Legislative Data Group field, select InFusion US Sun Power.
3. In the Flow Pattern column, select Transfer Batch, and then click Next.
4. In the Payroll Flow field, enter a name for the process, such as InFusion Bonus Batch.
5. In the Batch field, search for and select InFusion Bonus, and then click Next.
6. On the Enter Flow Interaction page, click Next.
7. On the Review page, click Submit.
8. Click OK and View Checklist.
9. Click Refresh until the Transfer Batch process status displays as complete.

Verifying the Transfer

1. In the workbook, navigate to the Batch Content Sheet.
Notice that the status displays as transferred.
2. Navigate back to the Batch Message Sheet.
You should see no error messages. Nancy and Joseph should now have the bonus element entries. You can use
the Manage Element Entries task to find the workers and view the element entries.

Creating Globals Using the Batch Loader: Worked

This example demonstrates how to enter globals for two types of bonuses in the InFusion US legislative data group using the
payroll batch loader workbook. You set the bonus values for executives at ten percent of their salary and instructors at a fixed
value of 500. You can change these values later in the global to apply the same value in any formulas that use them.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 4
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Batch Uploads

The following table summarizes key decisions for this scenario.

Decisions to Consider In This Example

Load what type of data? Fast Formula Global

Create which globals? Executive Bonus for a percentage and Instructor Bonus
for a fixed amount.

This worked example assumes that you installed Oracle ADF Desktop Integration Runtime Add-in for Excel.

Creating a Batch Header

1. From the Payroll Administration work area, select the Batch Loader task.
2. On the Batch Loader page, click Download.
3. After the DesktopGenericBatch.xlsx file downloads, open the file.
4. When prompted to connect, click Yes.
5. In the Login dialog box, enter your user ID and password, and then click Sign In.
6. Navigate to the Batch Header Sheet at the bottom of the workbook.
7. In the Batch Name column of the Search Results section, enter InFusion Globals.
8. In the Legislative Data Group list, select InFusion US.
9. Click Save.
10. In the Upload Options dialog box, accept the default selection and click OK.
After you save your selections, the Batch Status text for that row displays that the row inserted successfully.

Creating Batch Content

1. On the Batch Header Sheet, double-click the batch name InFusion Globals to prepare for data entry.
2. Navigate to the Batch Content Sheet.
3. Under Batch Contents Action, click Add.
4. In the Task Name field, enter Fast Formula Global.
5. Click Search.
6. Select Fast Formula Global, and then click OK.
The workbook should update to display the columns for the selected task, ready for data entry.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 4
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Batch Uploads

7. In the Batch Line Content Details section enter the values for each global as shown in this table.

Field First Global Value Second Global Value

Line Sequence 1 2

Effective Start Date 2011-01-01 2011-01-01

Effective End Date 2020-12-31 2020-12-31

Value .10 500

Data Type N N

Name Executive Bonus Instructor Bonus

To insert more lines for additional global values, right-click on the row number where you want to add a
row, and then select Insert.

8. Click Save.
9. In the Upload Options dialog box accept the default selection and click OK.

Keep the workbook open. You verify the transferred globals in the final step of this example.

Transferring the Batch

1. From the Payroll Administration work area, click Submit a Process or Report.
2. In the Legislative Data Group field, select InFusion US.
3. In the Flow Pattern column, select Transfer Batch, and then click Next.
4. In the Payroll Flow field, enter a name for the process, such as InFusion Globals Batch.
5. In the Batch field, search for and select InFusion Globals, and then click Next.
6. On the Enter Flow Interaction page, click Next.
7. On the Review page, click Submit.
8. Click OK and View Checklist.
9. Click Refresh until the Transfer Batch process status displays as complete.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 4
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Batch Uploads

Verifying the Transfer

1. In the workbook, navigate to the Batch Content Sheet.
You should see the status displayed as transferred.
2. Navigate back to the Batch Message Sheet.
You should see no error messages. You can use the new globals in your formulas.

Payroll Batch Loader Workbooks

Payroll Batch Loader Workbook for Payroll Definitions

Import payroll definitions using the Batch Loader task in the Payroll Administration work area. You enter the data in integrated
Microsoft Excel workbooks, save it to the staging tables, and then transfer the data into the application. This topic explains
the tasks you can add to the workbook and the columns you complete for each task.
Using the payroll batch loader, you can create, update, or delete multiple payroll definitions for multiple legislative data groups
at the same time. This table describes the batch upload tasks that manage payroll definitions.

Task Name Purpose

Create Payroll Definition Create a payroll definition and generate a schedule of

payroll periods based on the specified dates, period
type, and number of years.

Update Payroll Definition Update an existing payroll definition, for example, to

extend the number of years or change the associated

Delete Payroll Definition Delete an unused payroll definition.

You can't delete a payroll definition that is
you associated with a person or that you
used in a payroll run.

Columns for Create Payroll Definitions

Creating payroll definitions using the batch loader supports only dynamic date generation for payroll periods based on the
calculation rules you specify in the workbook.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 4
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Batch Uploads

To specify calculation rules for dates:

1. Load rules for calculating the dates for payroll cycle events, such as date earned and payslip availability date.

2. For each date, you define the rules by specifying number of days (calendar or work days) before or after a base

Column Required Comments

Line Sequence Yes NUMBER

Enter 1 for the first row and
continue sequentially for
subsequent rows.

Legislative Data Group Yes VARCHAR2(240)

Name of the existing legislative data
group in which to create the payroll

Legislative group names are case-
sensitive. Enter the name exactly.

Effective As-of Date Yes DATE

The first date that processes
can use the payroll definition for
employee data. Use a date on
or before the earliest date of any
historical data you load.

Must be in the format YYYY-MM-

Name Yes VARCHAR2(80)

Name of the payroll definition to
create. Payroll definition names
are case-sensitive. Enter the name

Consolidation Group Yes VARCHAR2(60)

Name of the existing consolidation
group in the specified legislative
data group to use for the payroll

Consolidation group names are
case-sensitive. Enter the name

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 4
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Batch Uploads

Column Required Comments

Period Type Yes VARCHAR2(30)

Frequency of the payroll cycle for
the payroll definition. Valid values
are Annually, Bimonthly, Biweekly,
Monthly Calendar, Monthly
Lunar, Quarterly, Semiannually,
Semimonthly, and Weekly.

Use the Manage Common Lookups
task to see the lookup meanings for
lookup type.

Period types are case-sensitive.
Enter the period type exactly.

First Period End Date Yes DATE

Last date in the first payroll period
during which the payroll is available
for processing. Must be in the
format YYYY-MM-DD.

For semimonthly payroll
definitions, the first period
end date is typically the
15th of the month.

Number of Years Yes INTEGER(5)

Number of years of time periods
to generate starting from the
beginning of the first period.

Valid values are 1 through 10.

Payroll Run Days Yes NUMBER(2)

Number of days that the payroll run
falls before or after the base date.
Valid values are 0 through 99.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 4
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Batch Uploads

Column Required Comments

Date Earned Days Yes NUMBER(2)

Number of days that date earned
falls before or after the base date.
Valid values are 0 through 99.

Date Paid Days Yes NUMBER(2)

Number of days that date paid falls
before or after the base date. Valid
values are 0 through 99.

Payslip Availability Days Yes NUMBER(2)

Number of days that payslip
availability falls before or after
the base date. Valid values are 0
through 99.

Cutoff Days Yes NUMBER(2)

Number of days that the cutoff date
falls before or after the base date.
Valid values are 0 through 99.

Payslip Available Before or After No VARCHAR2(1)

Base Date
Indicates whether the payslip
availability date should fall on, after,
or before the base date for the
payroll cycle event.

Valid values are case-sensitive,
either A (after), B (before), or O (on).
Use the Manage Common Lookups
task to see the lookup codes for
the PAY_ DATE_OFFSET lookup

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 4
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Batch Uploads

Column Required Comments

Payroll Run Before or After Base Yes VARCHAR2(1)

Indicates whether the payroll run
should fall on, after, or before the
base date for the payroll cycle

Valid values are case-sensitive,
either A (after), B (before), or O (on).
Use the Manage Common Lookups
task to see the lookup codes for
the PAY_ DATE_OFFSET lookup

Cutoff Before or After Base Date Yes VARCHAR2(1)

Indicates whether the cutoff date
should fall on, after, or before the
base date for the payroll cycle

Valid values are case-sensitive,
either A (after), B (before), or O (on).
Use the Manage Common Lookups
task to see the lookup codes for
the PAY_ DATE_OFFSET lookup

Date Paid Before or After Base Yes VARCHAR2(1)

Indicates whether date paid should
fall on, after, or before the base
date for the payroll cycle event.

Valid values are case-sensitive,
either A (after), B (before), or O (on).
Use the Manage Common Lookups
task to see the lookup codes for
the PAY_ DATE_OFFSET lookup

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 4
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Batch Uploads

Column Required Comments

Date Paid Day Type Yes VARCHAR2(1)

Type of days used to calculate
payroll cycle event dates, such as
calendar days or work days.

Valid values are case-sensitive,
either C (calendar days) or W (work
days). Use the Manage Common
Lookups task to see the lookup
codes for the PAY_ BASE_OFFSET
lookup type.

Payslip Availability Day Type Yes VARCHAR2(1)

Type of days used to calculate
payroll cycle event dates, such as
calendar days or work days.

Valid values are case-sensitive,
either C (calendar days) or W (work
days). Use the Manage Common
Lookups task to see the lookup
codes for the PAY_ BASE_OFFSET
lookup type.

Cutoff Day Type Yes VARCHAR2(1)

Type of days used to calculate
payroll cycle event dates, such as
calendar days or work days.

Valid values are case-sensitive,
either C (calendar days) or W (work
days). Use the Manage Common
Lookups task to see the lookup
codes for the PAY_ BASE_OFFSET
lookup type.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 4
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Batch Uploads

Column Required Comments

Payroll Run Date Day type Yes VARCHAR2(1)

Type of days used to calculate
payroll cycle event dates, such as
calendar days or work days.

Valid values are case-sensitive,
either C (calendar days) or W (work
days). Use the Manage Common
Lookups task to see the lookup
codes for the PAY_ BASE_OFFSET
lookup type.

Date Earned Day Type Yes VARCHAR2(1)

Type of days used to calculate
payroll cycle event dates, such as
calendar days or work days.

Valid values are case-sensitive,
either C (calendar days) or W (work
days). Use the Manage Common
Lookups task to see the lookup
codes for the PAY_ BASE_OFFSET
lookup type.

Payslip Availability Base Date Yes VARCHAR2(1)

Date used as the basis for
scheduling when workers can view
their payslips.

Valid values are case-sensitive,
either E (period end date) or
S (period start date). Use the
Manage Common Lookups task
to see the lookup codes for the
PAY_BASE_DATE lookup type.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 4
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Batch Uploads

Column Required Comments

Cutoff Base Date Yes VARCHAR2(1)

Date used as the basis for
scheduling the final date for
entering payroll information in the
payroll period.

Valid values are case-sensitive,
either E (period end date) or
S (period start date). Use the
Manage Common Lookups task
to see the lookup codes for the
PAY_BASE_DATE lookup type.

Payroll Run Date Base Date Yes VARCHAR2(1)

Date used as the basis for
scheduling the date used by payroll
calculation processes to retrieve
effective values, such as employee

Valid values are case-sensitive,
either E (period end date) or
S (period start date). Use the
Manage Common Lookups task
to see the lookup codes for the
PAY_BASE_DATE lookup type.

Date Earned Base Date Yes VARCHAR2(1)

Date used as the basis for
scheduling the date on which the
application processes element
entries for the payroll run.

Valid values are case-sensitive,
either E (period end date) or
S (period start date). Use the
Manage Common Lookups task
to see the lookup codes for the
PAY_BASE_DATE lookup type.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 4
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Batch Uploads

Column Required Comments

Date Paid Base Date Yes VARCHAR2(1)

Date used as a basis for scheduling
the date the application marks
employee records as paid.

Valid values are case-sensitive,
either E (period end date) or
S (period start date). Use the
Manage Common Lookups task
to see the lookup codes for the
PAY_BASE_DATE lookup type.

Allow Negative Payments No VARCHAR2(80)

Whether the prepayments process
can include negative payments.

Valid values are case-sensitive,
either Yes or No. Use the Manage
Common Lookups task to see the
lookup meanings for the YES_NO
lookup type.

Ledger No VARCHAR2(30)

Name of general ledger used to
cost entries for the payroll run
results in the legislative data group.

Ledger names are case-sensitive.
Enter the ledger name exactly to
ensure the association with the
ledger is correct. The batch upload
and transfer processes don't
perform validation on this value.

Default Payment Method No VARCHAR2(80)

Name of a payment method
already defined in the organization
payment method to use for workers
with no personal payment methods

Columns for Update Payroll Definitions

The Update Payroll Definitions task workbook uses the following columns to update existing payroll definitions.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 4
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Batch Uploads

Column Required Comments

Line Sequence Yes NUMBER

Enter 1 for the first row and
continue sequentially for
subsequent rows.

Legislative Data Group Yes VARCHAR2(80)

Name of the existing legislative data
group for the payroll definition to

Effective Start Date Yes DATE

Effective start date of the payroll
definition to update. Must be in the
format YYYY-MM-DD.

Effective End Date Yes DATE

The end date of the payroll
definition to update. Must be in the
format YYYY-MM-DD.

Name Yes VARCHAR2(30)

Name of the payroll definition to
update for the specified legislative
data group.

Payroll definition names are case-
sensitive. Enter the name exactly.

Ledger No VARCHAR2(30)

Name of the general ledger used
to cost entries for the payroll run
results in the specified legislative
data group.

Ledger names are case-sensitive.
Enter the ledger name exactly.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 4
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Batch Uploads

Column Required Comments

Number of Years No INTEGER(5)

Incremental number of years of
time periods to generate starting
from the beginning of the first
payroll period.

Valid values are 1 through 10.

Allow Negative Payments No VARCHAR2(80)

Whether the prepayments process
can include negative payments.

Valid values are case-sensitive,
either Yes or No. Use the Manage
Common Lookups task to see the
lookup meanings for the YES_NO
lookup type.

Columns for Delete Payroll Definition

The Delete Payroll Definition task workbook uses the following columns.

Column Required Comments

Line Sequence Yes NUMBER

Enter 1 for the first row and
continue sequentially for
subsequent rows.

Legislative Data Group Yes VARCHAR2(80)

Name of the existing legislative data
group for the payroll definition to

Effective Start Date Yes DATE

Effective start date of the payroll
definition to delete. Must be in the
format YYYY-MM-DD.

Effective End Date Yes DATE

End date of the payroll definition
to delete. Must be in the format

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 4
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Batch Uploads

Column Required Comments

Name Yes VARCHAR2(80)

Name of the existing payroll
definition to delete for the specified
legislative data group.

Payroll definition names are case-
sensitive. Enter the name exactly.

Related Topics
Payroll Definitions: Explained

Payroll Batch Loader Workbook for Payroll Relationships

Import payroll assignment information using the Batch Loader task in the Payroll Administration work area. You enter the data
in integrated Microsoft Excel workbooks, save it to the staging tables, then transfer the data into the application. This topic
explains the tasks you can add to the workbook and the columns you complete for each task.
This table explains the tasks that you can add to the workbook to manage the assigned payrolls for workers.

Task Name Purpose

Add Payroll Assign an existing payroll to an employee

End Payroll End-date an assigned payroll and update the element

duration dates.

Columns for Add Payroll

The Add Payroll task workbook uses the following columns to assign existing payrolls to employees.

Column Required Comments

Line Sequence Yes NUMBER

Enter 1 for the first row and
continue sequentially for
subsequent rows.

Assignment Number Yes NUMBER(18)

The terms or assignment number
of the employee. Must begin with

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 4
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Batch Uploads

Column Required Comments

either of the following uppercase

E (for assignment)

ET (for terms)

Payroll Yes VARCHAR2(80)

Name of the payroll to assign to the

Payroll definition names are case-
sensitive. Enter the name exactly.

Effective As-of Date Yes DATE

The first date the payroll is available
for the employee. Must be on or
before the earliest date of any
historical data you load for the

Columns for End Payroll

The End Payroll task workbook uses the following columns.

Column Required Comments

Line Sequence Yes NUMBER

Enter 1 for the first row and
continue sequentially for
subsequent rows.

Assignment Number Yes NUMBER(18)

The existing terms or assignment
number of the employee. Must
begin with either of the following
uppercase letters:

E (for assignment)

ET (for terms)

Payroll Yes VARCHAR2(80)

Name of the payroll to remove from
the payroll relationship.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 4
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Batch Uploads

Column Required Comments

Payroll definition names are case-
sensitive. Enter the name exactly.

Effective As-of Date Yes DATE

The end date of the assigned

Payroll Batch Loader Workbooks for Bank Data

Import bank data using the Batch Loader task in the Payroll Administration work area. You enter the data in integrated
Microsoft Excel workbooks, save it to the staging tables, then transfer the data into the application. This topic explains the
tasks you can add to the workbook and the columns you complete for each task.
This table explains the four tasks that you can add to the workbook that load bank information.

Task Name Purpose

Create Bank Create a bank name and optional bank code, making it
available when creating bank branches.

Create Bank Branch Create a branch of an existing bank. Branch data

includes name, number, and identifiers for electronic
funds transfer (EFT) payments.

Create External Bank Account Create a bank account, based on an existing bank and
branch, to use in personal payment methods.

You can't create bank account numbers of
source accounts for payments to workers
using this task.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 4
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Batch Uploads

Task Name Purpose

Create Personal Payment Method Create personal payment methods details, such as
allocation of EFT payments to a worker.

To create personal payment details for
external payees, use the Manage Third-
Party Payment Methods task in the Payment
Distribution work area. The batch loader
doesn't include a task to manage payments
to third parties.

These four tasks have interdependencies. Create separate workbooks for each task, for each legislative data group where
you add bank information, to preserve the data dependency. For example, you can first create multiple banks in one
workbook, and then create all of the branches in the next workbook, and so on.

Bank Columns
The Create Bank task workbook uses the following columns to create a bank name and optional bank code identifier.

Column Required Comments

Line Sequence Yes NUMBER

Enter 1 for the first row and
continue sequentially for
subsequent rows.

Bank Name Yes VARCHAR2(1440)

Name of the bank to create.

Ensure that no with the
same name exists in
your database and that
you follow all naming

Bank Number No VARCHAR2(400)

Bank number of bank to create.
Bank number validation varies
depending on country-specific

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 4
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Batch Uploads

Bank Branch Columns

The Create Bank Branch task workbook uses the following columns to create branch information for a specified bank name.

Column Required Comments

Line Sequence Yes NUMBER

Enter 1 for the first row and
continue sequentially for
subsequent rows.

Bank Name Yes VARCHAR2(1440)

Name of the existing bank for the
branch to create.

Bank names are case-sensitive.
Enter the name exactly.

Bank Branch Name Yes VARCHAR2(1440)

Name of branch to create. Must
be unique for the bank name and
legislative data group that you
select in the batch header.

Bank Branch Number Yes VARCHAR2(120)

Branch number of branch to
create. Must be unique for the bank
name and legislative data group
that you select in the batch header.

Branch number validation varies
depending on country-specific
rules. For example, in Australia, the
combined value of bank number
and branch number must not
exceed six numbers.


Bank identifier code or SWIFT code
that identifies bank and branch
information for payments between
two financial institutions.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 4
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Batch Uploads

External Bank Account Columns

The Create External Bank Account task workbook uses the following columns to create bank accounts, based on existing
banks and branches. After you create external bank accounts, you can use them in personal payment methods for workers
and third-party payees.

Column Required Comments

Line Sequence Yes NUMBER

Enter 1 for the first row and
continue sequentially for
subsequent rows.

Bank Name Yes VARCHAR2(1440)

Name of existing bank. Bank
names are case-sensitive. Enter the
name exactly.

Bank Branch Name Yes VARCHAR2(1440)

Name of existing branch. Branch
names are case-sensitive. Enter the
name exactly.

Bank Account Number Yes NUMBER(18)

The bank account number to
receive EFT payments.


International bank account number
conforming to the ISO standard for
uniquely identifying a bank account
for payments between banks. For
some legislations only.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 4
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Batch Uploads

Column Required Comments

Account Type No CHAR(32)

Based on values in the
lookup table. Valid values are:





Secondary Account Reference No VARCHAR2(120)

Usage varies by legislation, for
example, Building Society Number
in the UK.

Account Name No VARCHAR2(1440)

Label used to identify bank account
when there are multiple accounts,
for example, Checking or Savings.

Person Number Yes NUMBER(18)

Payroll relationship ID or third-party
payee ID of an existing person with
a corresponding TCA party.

Personal Payment Method Columns

The Create Personal Payment Methods task workbook uses the following columns to set up payment details for individual
workers, such as allocations of EFT payments. To create personal payment details for external payees instead of workers,
use the Manage Third-Party Payment Methods task from the Payment Distribution work area.

Column Required Comments

Line Sequence Yes NUMBER

Enter 1 for the first row and
continue sequentially for
subsequent rows.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 4
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Batch Uploads

Column Required Comments

Effective Start Date Yes DATE

The first date the payment method
is available for use. Must be in the
format YYYY-MM-DD.

Name Yes VARCHAR2(250)

Name of the payment method to

Payroll Relationship Number Yes NUMBER(18)

Existing payroll relationship ID
that identifies the person whose
payment information you want to

Amount No NUMBER

If you select Amount as the
payment amount type, the amount

Priority Yes NUMBER(18)

When multiple payment methods
exist for a person, priority identifies
which payment method to process

Organization Payment Method Yes NUMBER(18)

The existing ID of the organization
payment method for the worker's
payroll. If you also provide bank
account information, this value
must be the ID of an EFT method.
The upload fails if you use the ID of
another method, such as check or

Percentage No NUMBER(22)

If you select Percentage as
the payment amount type, the
percentage value.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 4
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Batch Uploads

Column Required Comments

Payment Amount Type Yes VARCHAR2(30)

Determines whether to use the
Amount or Percentage columns
to specify how much is paid. Valid
values are Amount or Percentage.

Bank Account Number Yes NUMBER(18)

The existing bank account number
to receive EFT payments.

Payroll Batch Loader Workbook for Globals

Import globals using the Batch Loader task in the Payroll Administration work area. You enter the data in integrated Microsoft
Excel workbooks, save it to the staging tables, and then transfer the data into the application. This topic explains the tasks
you can add to the workbook and the columns you complete for each task.
Globals are used to store values that are constant over a period of time and may be referenced in formulas, such as the name
of a rate, a specific date, or a company terms.
This table explains the task that you can add to the workbook to create global values.

Task Name Task Action Purpose

Fast Formula Global Create Create global values for reference

in fast formulas.

Columns for Create Globals

The Create task workbook uses the following columns to create global values.

Column Required Comments

Line Sequence Yes NUMBER

Enter 1 for the first row and
continue sequentially for
subsequent rows.

Effective Start Date Yes DATE

Effective start date of the global
value definition. Must be in the
YYYY-MM-DD format.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 4
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Batch Uploads

Column Required Comments

Effective End Date Yes DATE

Effective end date of the global
value definition. Must be in the
YYYY-MM-DD format.

Value Yes VARCHAR2(240)

Value corresponding to the global
that is defined by the customer.

Data Type Yes VARCHAR2(1)

Type of data used to create the
fast formula definition. Data types
include date, number and string.
Accepts values like N for Number
and so on.


Name of the global value definition.
Definition names are case-sensitive.
Ensure that you enter the name

Legislative Data Group No VARCHAR2(240)

Name of the existing legislative data
group used to create a global value
definition. Legislative group names
are case-sensitive. Make sure that
you enter the name exactly.

FAQs for Manage Batch Upload

How can I access the payroll batch loader?

For payroll managers and administrators, select the Batch Loader task in the Payroll Administration work area. If a flow
includes the batch loader, you can also access it from the Payroll Checklist work area using the Enter Batch task on the
Payroll Flow page.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 4
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Batch Uploads

Can I use the batch loader to upload a spreadsheet I create?

No, you can't if you didn't download the payroll batch loader workbook. The batch loader workbook automatically inserts
macros essential to successful processing. You can download the batch upload workbook to your desktop and edit the data
before loading it.

How do I modify an Excel workbook template for the payroll

batch loader?
You can't modify the structure of integrated Microsoft Excel workbooks because they're based on predefined templates. This
restriction ensures the fields entered correspond exactly to the HCM tables that receive the uploaded data.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 5
Using Global Payroll Interface Maintain Personal Payroll Information

5 Maintain Personal Payroll Information

Manage Calculation Cards

Personal Calculation Cards: How Their Entries Fit Together

Personal payroll calculation cards capture information specific to a particular payroll relationship. Payroll runs use this
information to calculate earnings and deductions. Actions such as hiring a person or loading data may create some cards
automatically. Otherwise, you can create the card manually. You can also add components to cards and enter calculation
values, which may override default values. Additionally, you can associate the card with a tax reporting unit.
To view and manage calculation cards use the Manage Calculation Cards task in the Payroll Administration or Payroll
Calculation work area.

Card Types
The types of calculation cards you can create and the type of information captured on a card vary by country or territory.
Examples include cards for:

Statutory deductions
Involuntary deductions
Time card entries
Benefits and pensions

Additional cards may be available to capture information for reporting purposes.

Card Creation
In countries where all employees are subject to the same set of statutory deductions, the application automatically creates
one or more statutory deduction calculation cards when you hire a new employee. In other countries, you must create
calculation cards manually.
For other card types, you create calculation cards as needed for each employee. If you load absence, time card, or pension
data from another application, the application automatically creates the calculation cards.

Calculation Components and Component Groups

The Calculation Card Overview pane shows a hierarchy of calculation components within component groups. For example,
child support, education loan, and alimony are calculation components in the US involuntary deduction component group.
Each component relates to an element, such as an income tax deduction. Adding a calculation component to the card
creates an entry for the related element.
A calculation component may have one or more references that define its context, such as the employee's place of residence
or tax filing status.
Click a row in the Calculation Components table to see component details. Use the Component Details section to enter
additional values used to calculate the component.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 5
Using Global Payroll Interface Maintain Personal Payroll Information

For some countries, the Manage Calculation Cards page doesn't include the Calculation Components and
Component Details sections. Instead, the layout of the page is specific to the data items required for the country.

Enterable Calculation Values

When you select a calculation component, you may see the Enterable Calculation Values on the Calculation Card tab. Here
you can enter specific rates or other values for the person, which may override default values held on a calculation value
definition. For example, if an employee qualifies for a special reduced tax rate, you enter the rate as an enterable value on
their personal calculation card.
You can't override values loaded from another application, but you may be able to add values, such as adding additional
contributions to a pension deduction.

Tax Reporting Unit Associations

Click the Associations node in the Calculation Card Overview pane to associate a tax reporting unit with the card.
Associations determine:

Which rates and rules held at tax reporting unit level apply to the calculation of the components
How the calculations are aggregated for tax reporting

Rules about what you can enter here vary by country:

Typically, all components on a calculation card are associated with the same tax reporting unit by default.
You may be able to associate individual components with different tax reporting units.
If a person has multiple terms or assignments, you may be able to associate specific terms or assignments with
calculation components.

Related Topics
Enterable Values on Calculation Cards: Explained

Creating a Personal Calculation Card: Worked Example

This example demonstrates how to create a calculation card at the payroll relationship level. The calculation card captures
information for an income tax deduction that varies depending on a person's tax filing status.

1. Make sure your legislation supports an income tax deduction.
If it does, the necessary calculation card definition and calculation components are predefined.

Create the Calculation Card

1. In the Payroll Administration or Payroll Calculation work area, select Manage Calculation Cards.
2. Enter the person's name and legislative data group in the Search section.
3. Click Search.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 5
Using Global Payroll Interface Maintain Personal Payroll Information

4. Click the person's name in the Search Results to open the Manage Person Details page. Any available calculation
cards appear in the Search Results.
5. Click Create to open the Create Calculation Card window.
6. In the Name field, select Statutory Deductions as the calculation card type.
7. Click Continue to display the Manage Calculation Cards page.

Use the Calculation Card Overview pane to view the component groups associated with this calculation
card. In this example, you should see a Taxes component group. A calculation card may contain multiple
component groups.

Create Calculation Components

1. In the Calculation Card Overview pane, click the Taxes node.
2. In the Calculation Component section, click Add Row to open the Create Calculation Component window.

You may see a country-specific template instead of the Calculation Component and Component Details

3. In the Calculation Component field, select Income Tax.

4. Click OK.

Create Calculation Component Details

1. In the Calculation Component Details section, click Create.
2. In the Calculation Component Details field, select Income Tax Details.
3. Click OK.
4. Complete the fields displayed in the Component Details section. For this example, select the person's tax filing
status in the Tax Code field.

Component details vary for each calculation component. For some components, you may also be able
to enter amounts, rates, or other values. If you can enter values, the Enterable Values on Calculation
Cards tab appears. For this example, no values can be entered.

Creating an Association
Associations link a calculation card or component with a tax reporting unit.

1. In the Calculation Card Overview pane, click the Associations node.

2. Click Create.
3. Select your legislative data group and click OK.
Since you didn't select a calculation component, the tax reporting unit is associated with all components on the
4. Select the new association in the Associations section, and then click Create in the Association Details section.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 5
Using Global Payroll Interface Maintain Personal Payroll Information

5. Select the employment terms and the calculation component you just created, and then click OK.
6. Click Save and Close.

Related Topics
Creating Calculation Cards for Deductions at Different Levels: Examples

FAQs for Manage Calculation Cards

How do I associate calculation components with tax reporting units and terms or
assignments on a personal calculation card?
From the Manage Calculation Cards page in the Payroll Administration or Payroll Calculation work area, click Associations
in the Calculation Card Overview pane. Click Create in the Associations section, and then select a tax reporting unit. To
associate all calculation components on the card with this tax reporting unit, leave the Calculation Component field blank.
Otherwise, select the calculation component you want to associate. Note that you must add calculation components before
you can create associations for those components.
For persons with multiple terms or assignments, you can identify the terms or assignments that pertain to each calculation
component (if supported by your localization and card type). To do this select an association in the Associations section,
and then click Create in the Association Details section. Select the terms or assignment and the associated calculation
component. Note that you must create and save an association before you can create association details.

Not all localizations or card types use associations. Some use associations but do not support association details.

Why can't I create calculation components or component details for a personal calculation
The calculation card definition determines which components and component details you can create. For some card types,
you can only create one calculation component of any particular type. If you're trying to create a calculation component that
varies based on one or more references (such as a tax that varies based on a person's place of residence), you must select
the reference in the Calculation Card Overview pane before you can add the component. You can't create component details
until you create a calculation component.

Why can't I end or delete a calculation card, component, or component details?

You cannot delete a calculation card or component until you have deleted all its child components and details. Starting from
the bottom of the hierarchy, delete the child components in the following order: association details, associations, component
details, components, and calculation card. Additional rules and restrictions, specific to your localization, may apply.

How do I set the end date for a calculation component?

Select the date in the Effective As-of Date field on the Manage Calculation Cards page before you select the End Date action
for a calculation component or component detail. Make sure that the end date you enter for any parent component is not
earlier than the end date of any child component.

How do I suspend a calculation component?

First, end all component details. Then set the end date for the calculation component on the personal calculation card. To
suspend all calculation components on a calculation card, end all the calculation components. Then set the end date for the
calculation card. If you want to resume payments at a later date, adjust the end dates accordingly. This is useful, for example,
if you need to temporarily suspend a contribution to a charitable organization or retirement fund.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 5
Using Global Payroll Interface Maintain Personal Payroll Information

Related Topics
What happens when I end date an object

Manage Element Entries

Element Input Values: Explained

An element's input values define the entry values available on each entry of this element. Each input value has a unit of
measure, such as money or date. Input values can include validations and conditions to control the data entry of the element
entry assigned to a person. For example, an earnings element may have an input value for hours worked, which is required
and has a unit of measure of number.
When you create an element, some input values are created automatically depending on your payroll product usage and the
element classification. You can create additional input values for any element, as needed.

Input Value Options

For each input value created you can modify these attributes:

Field Purpose

Display Sequence Enter a number to control the display order of the entry
value on element entries.

Special Purpose Select how the input value is to be used. For example,
you can indicate that it holds a percentage value, a
rate, or third-party payee details. This value assists
with processing the input value based on what type of
information it holds.

Unit of Measure Select the value that describes the type of value the
entry value can hold, such as number or character.

Displayed Select to display the input value on the element entry.

Allow User Entry Select to enter values on element entries.

Required Select to make the input value a required entry value on

the element entry. If you select Required, you must also
select Displayed and Allow User Entry.

Create a Database Item Select if you want to make the values available for
formulas or HCM extract.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 5
Using Global Payroll Interface Maintain Personal Payroll Information

Field Purpose

Default Enter a value that appears as the default value for this
entry value in element entries, if needed.

Apply default at runtime Select to apply the default value when you run the
payroll process, rather than when you create the
element entry. This selection ensures you use the latest
value on the date of the payroll run. You can manually
override the default value on the element entry.

Minimum Enter a minimum value, if needed.

Maximum Enter a maximum value, if needed.

Validation Formula Enter a formula that validates the entry value entered on
element entries, if needed.

Validation Source Use with the other input value options to select the valid
validation method, such as lookups or formulas.

Lookup Type Specify a lookup type to provide a list of values for an

entry value. This option is available for input values of
type Character only.

Warning or Error Use when you are validating the input value or entering
a minimum or maximum value. It specifies whether
a warning or an error displays if the entry fails the
validation condition or doesn't meet the minimum or
maximum value indicated.

Reference Use to associate a balance context with the run result.

For example, you can associate a context, such as
jurisdiction, with an element. Create an input value for
jurisdiction and select the jurisdiction context in the
reference field. Then the run result value of the input
value works as a context value when updating the

If you select a reference then the lookup type and
validation source values should be automatically
set to the reference context. You must provide the
reference field first for the validation source value to be
automatically populated.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 5
Using Global Payroll Interface Maintain Personal Payroll Information

Once an element is processed, you can't update certain input value attributes, such as unit of measure. This
restriction ensures that you can't change attributes that would invalidate prior results.

Related Topics
Element Entries: How Element Setup Affects Entries and Their Entry Values

Elements: Explained

Element Entry Methods: Explained

Create element entries for compensation or basic benefits for an employee assignment. For example, you can create element
entries for an employee's overtime hours or medical premium deduction amount.
Create an element entry using the following methods:

Manual entry on the Manage Element Entries page

Batch entry using the batch loader in the Payroll Administration work area
Automatic entry for all eligible workers
Automatic entry by other processes

In addition, web services are available for managing element entries.

Manual Entry
On the Manage Element Entries page, you can:

Create manual entries for some elements, such as voluntary deductions.

View all of the element entries for a person on the summary page, including entries created automatically by other
Sort the list of entries by element name.

Batch Entry
You can use batch loader workbooks to quickly enter batches of element entries.
For example you can enter batches for:

Time card data, such as hours worked, overtime, and absences for hourly employees
Nonrecurring earnings or deductions, such as an annual bonus amount
A one-time change to recurring earnings or deductions
For example, if the parking garage is closed due to repaving for half the month, you can reduce the monthly parking
deduction by half for one month only.

Automatic Entry for All Eligible Workers

Selecting the Automatic Entry option for an element eligibility record initiates a process to create element entries for all eligible
workers. It also ensures that hiring eligible workers in the future automatically creates an element entry for them.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 5
Using Global Payroll Interface Maintain Personal Payroll Information

Automatic Entry by Other Processes

There are certain processes and actions within salary administration, compensation, benefits, and payroll that can generate
new element entries. You maintain these entries through the original processes that generated them. You don't maintain them
on the Manage Element Entries page.
For example:
If you associate a salary element with a salary basis, assigning workers to that salary basis automatically creates
element entries.
Allocating other compensation and benefits, or adding a payroll component to a personal calculation card,
automatically creates element entries.

Related Topics
Element Entries: How Element Setup Affects Entries and Their Entry Values

FAQs for Manage Element Entries

What happens if I manually enter a value in an element entry value that has a runtime default
Any subsequent changes to the default value on the element or element eligibility record won't affect the element entry.
However, you can clear your entry if you want to restore the default value.

Related Topics
Default Values for Element Entries: Critical Choices

Manage Personal Payment Methods

Splitting Up Payroll Payments: Examples

You can allocate payroll payments to different personal payment methods using percentages, fixed amounts, or a
combination. You can create personal payment methods either from your portrait or on the Manage Personal Payment
Methods page. The following scenarios illustrate how you can split up payments.

Using Fixed Amount Payments

Barbara wants 100 USD each payroll period deposited in her savings account and the remainder paid by check. Barbara
first creates a check payment method so it is processed last. Then she creates an electronic funds transfer (EFT) payment
method for her savings account and sets the amount to 100. When Barbara decides to stop the transfers to her savings
account, she deletes that payment method.

Using Percentage Payments

Oscar wants to contribute to the college fund he set up for his children. Because Oscar frequently receives bonuses and
sales commissions and his net payment amount always changes, he adds a payment method that allocates four percent of
his pay to the fund. By using a percentage rather than a fixed amount, Oscar can contribute to the fund at the same rate he

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 5
Using Global Payroll Interface Maintain Personal Payroll Information

Using a Combination of Payments

Jim works in Arizona, but his wife and children reside in Texas. Each payroll period, Jim wants the following disbursements:

900 USD transferred to his checking account for his wife's household expenses in Texas
A percentage transferred to his children's college fund
The remainder paid to him by check for his expenses in Arizona

Jim creates three payment methods: a check payment method for remaining pay, an EFT payment method with his checking
account bank details, and an EFT payment method with the college fund bank account details.

Entering Bank Information for Personal Payment Methods:

Critical Choices
You can enter bank, branch, and bank account information centrally as part of implementation, or you can let employees add
their own bank information. You can share this information across multiple applications for different purposes. The following
table summarizes several approaches for creating bank information for employees.

Approach Purpose

Manage Banks page and Manage Bank Branches page Create or edit banks and branches centrally for outgoing
payments or receiving payments

Manage Personal Payment Methods page Create or edit employee bank account details for
receiving payments

Payroll batch loader Load personal payment methods and employee bank
account details using an integrated Excel workbook

Web service Import personal payment methods and employee bank

account details from an external source

Controlling Who Can Manage Banks and Branches

The following table shows the roles that are typically involved in managing bank information, what actions they can take by
default, and which pages they use.

Role Can Create Banks and Can Create Employee Location

Branches? Bank Account Details?

Cash Manager Yes No Manage Banks page

and Manage Bank
Branches page, Setup
and Maintenance work

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 5
Using Global Payroll Interface Maintain Personal Payroll Information

Role Can Create Banks and Can Create Employee Location

Branches? Bank Account Details?

Payroll Administrator No Yes Manage Personal

Payment Methods page,
Payroll Coordinator Payment Distribution
work area
Payroll Manager

Employee No Yes Manage Payment

Methods page, Portrait

To extend the ability to create banks and branches to other roles, add the Bank and Branch Management duty role to the
relevant role.

If you enable employees or other roles to create banks and branches, provide guidance to use unique names and
follow appropriate naming conventions.

Related Topics
Defining Security After Enterprise Setup: Points to Consider

Bank, Branch, and Account Components: How They Work Together

Payroll Setup Tasks for Banks and Cash Management: Explained

Payroll Batch Loader Workbooks for Bank Data

FAQs Manage Personal Payment Methods

Why can't I delete, end date, or change the processing order of a personal payment
You can't make date-effective changes that cause effective records for the default payment method to overlap. Ensure that
your change results in a valid default payment method with dates that don't overlap with other records.
Payment methods defined for a person contain date-effective records that allow changes to occur at different points in time.
For example, you can define a payment method in advance to start on the date that you specify.
A person's payroll relationship must have only one default payment method in effect at any point in time. If a person has
multiple payroll relationships, you must specify a default payment method for each payroll relationship.

Related Topics
What's the difference between updating and correcting a date-effective object

What happens if I delete a record

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 5
Using Global Payroll Interface Maintain Personal Payroll Information

Why can't I add or edit banks and branches for personal payment methods?
You can't edit bank and branch information on the Manage Personal Payment Methods page. Contact your help desk for
assistance. You may be able to create banks and branches, if you have the appropriate security privileges.

Manage Payroll Relationships

Payroll Relationships: Explained

A payroll relationship represents the association between a person and a payroll statutory unit, which is the legal entity
responsible for employee payment. Payroll relationships group a person's employment terms and assignment records based
the payroll statutory calculation and reporting requirements. Payroll relationships also facilitate the capture and extraction of
HR and payroll-related data sent to a third party, such as a payroll provider for payroll processing.
Payroll processing always occurs at the payroll relationship level. When you display the results of a payroll process for a
person, you start by selecting the person's payroll relationship record and then drill down to view details.
Payroll relationships aggregate balances at the payroll relationship level. Within a payroll relationship, payroll processes can
aggregate balances for multiple employment terms and assignment records. Balances don't span payroll relationships.

Creation of Payroll Relationship Records

When you hire a person, the new-hire process automatically creates a payroll relationship record for that person. As you
add employment terms or assignments for that person, the following factors control whether the event creates a new payroll
relationship and makes the person eligible for payroll processing:

System person type

Payroll statutory unit
Country-specific and predefined relationship mapping rules
Payroll relationship types

Relationship mapping rules, which map person types to payroll relationship types, can vary by country or territory. For
example, in the US, the mapping rules ensure that the Employee person type is configured for payroll processing, whereas
the Contingent Worker person type is excluded from payroll processing.

Payroll relationships and work relationships have no direct association.

Related Topics
Payroll Employment Model: Explained

Transferring Payrolls: Example

The following scenario illustrates the most common time when you would transfer a person's payroll:

Transferring a Person's Payroll from Weekly to Semimonthly

You manage Carrie Smith, a part-time temporary employee, assigned to a weekly payroll. Carrie accepted an offer to
become a full-time permanent employee in the same position, starting one month from now. You can update Carrie's terms

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 5
Using Global Payroll Interface Maintain Personal Payroll Information

or assignment record on the Manage Payroll Relationships page. You transfer her to a payroll appropriate for a full-time
permanent employee, such as monthly or semimonthly, and set the effective date to the start date of the transfer.

Element Duration Dates in Payroll Relationships: Explained

Element duration dates control when element entries for an employee start or end. View and manage these dates on
the Manage Payroll Relationships page in the Payroll Calculation work area when you hire, terminate, add, or transfer an
employee's payroll. This topic explains the predefined dates, how and when they're populated, and how they affect payroll
In addition to the following predefined element duration dates, you may have additional dates created as time definitions at
your site. Predefined element duration dates include:

First standard earnings date

Last standard earnings date

Last standard process date

Final close date

Element entries end on one of the last standard dates or the final close date, depending on the element setup.

Element Duration Dates on the Manage Payroll Relationships Page

You may see multiple sections displaying element duration dates on the Manage Payroll Relationships page. Each section is
for a different level of the employment hierarchy: payroll relationship, employment terms, and assignment. In the Assignment
section, the first Element Duration Dates section shows the dates associated with the assigned payroll. The second section
shows dates associated with the assignment itself. Information in this section overrides information in the section for the
assigned payroll.

Initial Date Values

The following table provides information about what actions set the date values and which dates they're based on.

Date Description Actions Setting Dates Date Used

First Standard Earnings Date when standard Hire, add payroll, or Hire date or the effective
Date earnings start transfer payroll date of the change

Last Standard Earnings Date when standard End employee Termination date. For
Date earnings stop assignment or terms, or transfer, last day of the
accumulating transfer payroll payroll period or one day
before transfer date.

Last Standard Process Last date that at regular End employee Last day of the payroll
Date payroll process can assignment or terms, or period
include elements for transfer payroll
normal processing

Final Close Date Last date that a None, but you can End of time unless
supplemental payroll manually set to limit manually set

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 5
Using Global Payroll Interface Maintain Personal Payroll Information

Date Description Actions Setting Dates Date Used

process can include the length of time that
element entries element entries are
open for processing, Note
such as the date on The End Payroll
which processes skip action does not
terminated assignments set a final close
date. You must
set the final close
date if you want
to end a payroll

Changing Date Values

The following table shows the dates you can change.

Date Field Set Automatically Editable

First Standard Earnings Date x

Last Standard Earnings Date x

Last Standard Process Date x x

Final Close Date x

User-defined Time Definition x

Related Topics
Determining an Element's Latest Entry Date: Critical Choices
Using Time Definitions for Severance Pay: Example

Payroll Relationship Rules: Explained

The payroll relationship rule determines what happens when you terminate the last active employment terms or assignment
record for a payroll relationship. The rule also determines whether the application creates a payroll relationship when you add
a new terms or assignment record for an employee. This topic describes the predefined rules and shows which countries use
each rule.
Each localization uses one of the following payroll relationship rules:
Lifetime rule
Continuous period of service rule

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 5
Using Global Payroll Interface Maintain Personal Payroll Information

Independent rule

How Rules Affect Payroll Relationships

The following table shows how these rules affect the status and creation of payroll relationships.

Rule On Terminating Last On Creating Countries

Terms or Assignment Subsequent Terms or

Lifetime Status remains Active Use existing payroll Canada

relationship for the same
payroll relationship type Germany
and PSU


United States

Continuous Period of Status becomes Inactive Depending on date Australia

Service one day after termination validation, use existing
payroll relationship for China
the same type and
PSU, or create payroll Hong Kong



Saudi Arabia


United Arab Emirates

Unite Kingdom

Independent Status becomes Inactive Create a payroll None

and payroll relationship relationship and enforce
ends one day after only one record per
termination payroll relationship

Date Validation for the Continuous Period of Service Rule

Under the Continuous Period of Service Rule, when a payroll relationship exists, date validation occurs to determine whether
to use the existing payroll relationship or to create one. The application compares the start date of the new terms or
assignment to the last standard earnings date of the existing payroll relationship. If the start date is before the last standard
earnings date, the application uses the existing payroll relationship, otherwise, it creates a new one.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 5
Using Global Payroll Interface Maintain Personal Payroll Information

Setting End Dates for Terminations: Examples

These scenarios illustrate how to set the last standard process date and final close date for element entries at the assignment
and terms levels. (You cannot change the last standard earnings date.) You set element duration dates in the Payroll Details
section of the Manage Payroll Relationships page of the Payroll Calculation work area.

Excluding Terminated Employees from Process Consideration

You terminated Heidi's assignment on 3 June 2014. The termination process automatically set the last standard earnings
date to the termination date (3 June 2014) and the last standard process date to the end date of her weekly payroll (6 June
2014). The termination process does not set a final close date.
To ensure that payroll processes don't consider Heidi for processing for one full year after termination, you set the final close
date to 3 June 2015.

The latest entry date defined for any severance payment elements determines the last date you can enter element
entry details for the terminated employee's severance payment. You can view the latest entry date setting on the
Element Summary section of the Manage Elements page.

Extending the Last Standard Process Date for Compensation

Anthony has two terms, one on a weekly payroll and one on a monthly payroll. On 10 June 2014, an HR manager terminated
Anthony's employment terms record on the weekly payroll. The termination process automatically set the last standard
process date to the end date of the payroll period. Anthony's termination package specifies that he should receive
compensation payments through the month of June. To ensure he is paid on both the weekly and monthly payroll through
June, you change the last standard process date on the weekly payroll to 30 June 2014.

Related Topics
Determining an Element's Latest Entry Date: Critical Choices

Using Time Definitions for Severance Pay: Example

Terminations: How They Affect Payroll Processing

Initiating a termination automatically sets dates that control when the person's element entries end. The effect of a termination
on payroll relationships, employment terms, and assignments depends on the type of termination and country-specific payroll
relationship rules.

Entry Dates That Affect Processing

Element setup determines which element duration date is significant for a specific element. The termination process sets the
end dates automatically, except the final close date, which the payroll administrator enters.

If a person has multiple assigned payrolls, the termination process sets the last standard process date for all
active payroll records at each employment level to the latest date.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 5
Using Global Payroll Interface Maintain Personal Payroll Information

How Terminations Are Processed

When you terminate an assignment, employment terms, or entire work relationship, the application terminates the appropriate
payroll records. The type of termination and the payroll relationship rule for the country or territory determine which payroll
objects the process terminates.
When you receive notification of a termination, you might perform the following tasks in the Payroll Calculation work area,
either manually or as part of a payroll termination flow:

Update element entries, for example, enter severance payment details on the Manage Element Entries page.

Verify termination dates and element duration dates on the Manage Payroll Relationships page.

Update personal calculation cards to provide information required for tax reporting on the Manage Calculation Cards

If you use Oracle Fusion Global Payroll for payroll processing, your termination flow might include one or more automatic or
manual tasks such as the ones listed above. You can use the following work area to manage these flows:

Payroll Dashboard to view the details of payroll termination flow tasks and navigate to any items requiring attention

Payroll Checklist to view the status and results of tasks in an active flow

Related Topics
Determining an Element's Latest Entry Date: Critical Choices

FAQs for Manage Payroll Relationships

How can I add or transfer a person's payroll?
You assign a worker to a payroll or transfer a worker to another payroll in the Payroll Details section on the person's Manage
Payroll Relationships page. Select a terms or assignment record in the Payroll Employment Tree to display the appropriate
Payroll Details region.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 6
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Outbound Payroll Interface

6 Manage Outbound Payroll Interface

Calculate Gross Earnings

Calculating Gross Earnings for Payroll Interface: Overview

Payroll coordinators run the Calculate Gross Earnings process to calculate periodic balances and validate gross earnings
calculations before extracting and sending data to a third-party payroll provider. Submit this process to validate the
calculation of gross earnings results and update payroll balances before sending any data to a third-party payroll provider.
After submitting the process, view the results and further validate these results by performing the following steps:

1. Submit predefined reports to help validate the run results and ensure that all data is ready for the extract process.

2. Compare balances between different payroll periods and run the predefined reports to help with validation.

3. If required, make corrections, and retry or roll back the process.

For example, after submitting the process, you might update a person's record with missing information that would
affect results, such as adding an earnings element entry. You would mark the person record for retry and resubmit
the process

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 6
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Outbound Payroll Interface

The following figure illustrates the calculation and validation process.

You run the Calculate Gross Earnings process by selecting the Submit a Process or Report task from the Payroll Calculation
work area. Some third-party payroll providers required that you extract all records to establish a baseline for the first time
extract report that you generate.

Related Topics
Creating a Payroll Interface Report from a Copy: Worked Example
Creating Extract Definitions for Payroll Interface: Procedure

Gross Earnings: How They Are Calculated

The Calculate Gross Earnings process calculates gross compensation values based on payroll frequency and the element
entries attached to an employee. Calculations apply to the gross value of regular and supplemental earnings element

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 6
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Outbound Payroll Interface

classifications. Run results don't include any results for imputed earnings, statutory information, absences, or voluntary or
involuntary deductions. You can verify the results by viewing the statement of earnings, run results, and predefined payroll
The process reports deductions at the payroll relationship level as follows:
Flat amounts for the primary assignment only
Percentage amounts aggregated for each assignment or terms record

Settings That Affect Calculation

When you submit a process to calculate gross earnings, you complete information that determines which payroll relationships
and element entries to process and the calendar dates to use for the calculations.
You can enter the following parameters when running the process.

Parameter Purpose

Payroll Flow Name you assign when you submit the process. After
running the process, you can use this name to search
for it and monitor its status.

Payroll Name of the payroll definition that determines the payroll

period, calendar, and frequency

Payroll Period Payroll period for the payroll you are calculating, which
determines other dates for processing

Process Date Optional. First date range on which to retrieve effective

data for calculation, typically the process dates of the
specified payroll definition

Date Earned Optional. Date of element entries to include in the

calculation run. Overrides the default value determined
by calendar of the specified payroll definition.

Consolidation Group Optional. Name of the grouping of payroll runs for

the specified payroll definition. Overrides the default
consolidation group for post-run processing.

Run Type Name of the run type that determines which payroll
calculations to perform.

Payroll Relationship Group Optional. Name of a group of payroll relationships to limit

the people that are included in the run.

Process Configuration Group Optional. Name of a group that determines performance

parameters such as logging, chunk size, and number

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 6
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Outbound Payroll Interface

Parameter Purpose
of threads. Overrides the default process configuration

Element Group Optional. Name of a group of regular or supplemental

earnings elements included in the run. You create
element groups on the Manage Object Groups page.

How Results Are Calculated

Calculations of gross earnings occur at the payroll relationship level. The payroll relationship structure groups employment
terms and assignments together for calculations based on the payroll statutory unit. The resulting multilevel aggregation
ensures the correct calculation and distribution of earnings. The following figure illustrates the calculation process.

The main steps of the calculation process are as follows:

1. The process identifies the payroll relationships to process. If you specify a payroll relationship group, the parameter
limits processing to the people in the group.
2. The process creates a payroll action representing the payroll and a payroll relationship action for each relationship
3. The process loads into memory the element entries for the payroll relationship action.
4. The process identifies and determines any formulas to run for calculating the element entries.
5. At the end of the process, there is one run result value for each element entry value. If the element entry involves
currency conversion, the payroll calculation uses the current conversion rate and rounds the monetary result based
on the formula rules.
6. For each run result, the process determines which balances the result should feed. The process then writes and
updates the balances to the database.

Example 1: Calculation Based on Annual Salary Basis

Your payroll provider might require you to pass values for gross earnings periodically, based on the payroll frequency of
each employee. If you use an annual salary basis to store the values, you can run the Calculate Gross Earnings process to
calculate the values by payroll period.
The formula attached to the annual salary would calculate the periodic value and feed this to a run result during the payroll
run. You can then extract the run result value using a payroll interface report.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 6
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Outbound Payroll Interface

Example 2: Calculation Based on an Element Group

To avoid processing all the regular and supplemental earnings in a calculation process, the process to consider only the
earnings elements you associate with an element group. You specify the value of the element group as a parameter when
submitting the Calculate Gross Earnings process.

Related Topics
Object Groups: Explained

Viewing and Verifying Gross Earnings Calculation Results:

Points to Consider
Monitor the progress of a submitted Calculate Gross Earnings process. View any warning or error messages. View the actual
run results to ensure accuracy and to minimize the effort involved in correcting problems you find later.

Viewing Results
View results in the Payroll Calculation work area, investigate and correct any problems.
1. From the Overview page, click Go to Task for the flow.
2. On the Process and Reports tab, click Go to Task to view completed records and any records that are preventing
the task from completion.

Use the following table as a guide for which task to use to view results.

Task Usage

View Payroll Process Results Verify the results for all the people and payroll
relationship actions processed in a payroll flow. Use this
task if you don't recall which payroll flow included the

1. Locate the payrolls recently processed to identify

the payroll that contains the results.

2. Go to the View Person Process Results page.

View Person Process Results Verify individual run results for the payroll flow. Refer to it
also when researching results for a person over several
payroll periods.

View balance results to confirm that the process

completed, a worker has the correct pay, and
compare and adjust balances.

View run results for all elements processed.

View messages generated by payroll processes, if


Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 6
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Outbound Payroll Interface

Balance Results: Review balance results to confirm that the process has completed successfully, to check that a
worker has the correct pay, and to check a balance before and after adjusting it
Run Results: Review run results for all elements processed
Messages: View messages generated by payroll processes, if any.

Viewing Reports
To further validate records or balances, submit and verify the output of the following reports, using the Submit a Process or
Report task from the Payroll Calculation work area.
Element Result Register
This register lists the elements and pay values for a worker, such as earnings amounts processed by the Calculate
Gross Earnings process.
Payroll Run Result Report
This report extracts balances written by the Calculate Gross Earnings process for a specific payroll period. Use it to
verify the values in the Element Result Register.

When you are ready to extract the data for your third-party payroll provider, submit the payroll interface report to retrieve data
for all employee records meeting the process criteria.

Run Outbound Interface Reports

Payroll Interface Reports: How They Are Processed

After you create an extract definition, you can submit the extract process for your payroll interface report. Use the Submit a
Process or Report task from the Payroll Calculation work area or the Submit Extracts task from the Data Exchange work area.

Settings That Affect Report Output

When you submit a payroll interface report, the extract process captures values for all employees that match the specified
criteria. The following table describes the flow submission parameters you complete.

Parameter Purpose

Legislative Data Group Name of partition used for payroll information.

Payroll Flow Name you assign when you run the process. After
submitting the process, you can use this name to search
for it and monitor its status.

Effective Date First date on which to retrieve effective records.

Payroll Name Name of the payroll definition from which to extract data.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 6
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Outbound Payroll Interface

Parameter Purpose

Payroll Period Name of the payroll time period as entered in the payroll

Changes Only Optional. Indicator that determines whether to extract

only changed records. If not selected, the process
extracts all records matching the process criteria.

Process Configuration Group Optional. Name of a configuration group that determines

performance parameters, such as logging, chunk size,
and number of threads. Overrides the default process
configuration group.

How Initial and Subsequent Reports Are Processed

Your payroll provider might require that you provide all the records defined in the extract each period, or only new or changed
data. The flow submission parameter, Changes Only, controls the scope of the extract. When set to Yes, the application
compares the extracted employee data with the values from the previous payroll period. If it finds changes are found, the data
output file contains only the records for each employee with changes. If it finds no changes, the data output file contains no

Extracting Payroll Data for Third-Party Processing: Worked

This example demonstrates how to run and validate an extract process that extracts payroll-related employee information
to send to a third-party payroll provider. In this example, the third party is a payroll provider named ADP Streamline, which
issues employee payments in France.
The payroll provider expects one output file for each weekly payroll period. The output file contains only records of employees
where a value has changed. When the payroll provider receives the output file, the changed data updates the payroll
provider's data.
Extracting data for periodic third-party payroll processing involves four primary steps:

1. Run the Calculate Gross Earnings process.

2. Verify the results in the Element Result Register and Payroll Balances reports.

3. Run the extract process.

4. Verify the results in the output file.

Assumptions and Prerequisites

This worked example assumes that the following prerequisites are complete:

1. You created the extract definition and output template for France ADP Streamline Payroll.

2. Eligible employees have element entries for any elements referenced in the extract definition.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 6
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Outbound Payroll Interface

3. Employees opting for electronic funds transfer payments have their personal payment methods set up with the
appropriate bank, branch, and account information.
4. You provided a full extract of all employee data to ADP Streamline as a baseline.

Submitting the Calculate Gross Earnings Process

The Calculate Gross Earnings process ensures that all balances retrieved by the extract process are up-to-date and accurate.

1. In the Payroll Calculation work area, click the Submit a Process or Report task.
2. In the Legislative Data Group list, select InFusion FR.
3. Select the Calculate Gross Earnings flow pattern, and then click Next.
4. On the Enter Parameters page, enter values as shown in the following table.

Field Value

Payroll Flow Name to identify the process you are submitting, for
example, InFusion FR Weekly Calculation.

You can use this name when searching
for status or results of the process.

Payroll Name of the payroll definition, for example, InFusion

FR Weekly Payroll.

Payroll Period First payroll period that has not already been
calculated and extracted for the payroll.

Run Type Regular

5. Skip the Enter Flow Interaction page and the Schedule page.
6. On the Review page, review the values and then click Submit.
7. Click OK and View Checklist.

If you choose not to view the checklist now, you can search for your process later from the Payroll
Calculation work area.

Verifying and Viewing Results

Verify that the process completed successfully, and then verify the balances in the two reports generated by the Calculate
Gross Earnings process.

1. In the task list, in the row containing Calculate Gross Earnings, click Go to Task.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 6
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Outbound Payroll Interface

2. On the Processes and Reports tab, verify that the process is 100 percent complete.

If the process is not 100 percent completed, go to the Errors and Warnings tab to check for any

3. On the Processes and Reports tab, in the row with the process ID, click View Results.

You should see two reports in the View Results window:

Payroll Balances Report

Element Result Register

4. Click the file name or URL of each report to view its content.

Running the Extract Process

The extract process retrieves balances from the results of the Calculate Gross Earnings process and other payroll-related
information, using element entries and database items determined by the extract definition.

1. In the Payroll Calculation work area, click the Submit a Process or Report task.

2. In the Legislative Data Group list, select InFusion FR Sun Power.

3. Select the ADP Streamline Payroll Extract flow pattern, and then click Next.

4. On the Enter Parameters page, enter values as shown in the following table.

Field Value

Payroll Flow Name to identify the process you are submitting, for
example, InFusion FR Weekly Payroll.

You use this name when searching for
status or results of the process.

Effective Date Last date in range to retrieve effective data.

Changes Only Yes

Payroll Name Name of the payroll definition, for example, InFusion

FR Weekly Payroll.

Payroll Period The same payroll period as was selected when

running the Calculate Gross Earnings process.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 6
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Outbound Payroll Interface

5. Skip the Flow Interaction page and the Schedule page.

6. On the Review page, review the values and then click Submit.

7. Click OK and View Checklist.

If you opt not to view the checklist now, you can always search for your process later.

Verifying the Output File

You can view the output file to verify that it contains the data you expected.

1. In the task list, in the row containing the name of your extract process, click Go to Task.

2. On the Processes and Reports tab, verify that the process is 100 percent completed.

If the process is not 100 percent completed, go to the Errors and Warnings tab to check for any

3. On the Processes and Reports tab, in the row with the process ID, click View Results.

4. In the View Results window, click the file name or URL of the output file to view its content.

5. Click OK.

Related Topics
Creating Extract Definitions for Payroll Interface: Procedure

Extract Components: How They Work Together

Resolving US ADP PayForce Third-Party Periodic Extract

Errors: Examples
The Oracle Fusion Global Payroll Interface for the United States keeps no records of what files you send to ADP PayForce
and ADP Connection for PayForce or when you send them. It is up to you to ensure the accuracy of the Oracle Fusion
Human Capital Management for the United States data you capture and upload to ADP. The data maintained in Fusion
must remain your source of truth. Any change or correction of employee or payroll data must be made in the Oracle Fusion
application first and then communicated to ADP Connection for PayForce through the upload process.
The following examples provide instruction on how to maintain your data integrity on both the Oracle and ADP sides:

Correcting Employee Data Before Output File Generation

Correcting Payroll Data Before Output File Generation

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 6
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Correcting Data Before Output File Upload

Correcting Data After Output File Upload

Resolving Invalid or Missing Earnings Data

Correcting Employee Data Before Output File Generation

In the case where you have found an error in your employee data, and you have not yet submitted the extract process, simply
make your corrections in Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management for the United States. Your changes will be migrated to
ADP when you perform your next upload.
If you discover your errors after generating the output file, refer to "Correcting Data Before Output File Upload" below.
If you discover your errors after uploading the output file to ADP, refer to "Correcting Data After Output File Upload" below.

Correcting Payroll Data Before Output File Generation

In this case, you want to make payroll changes for one or more employees (such as applying an additional earnings entry)
after running the Calculate Gross Earnings process but before submitting the extract process. To resolve, you must:

1. Mark the Calculate Gross Earnings process for retry.

2. Correct the payroll information.

3. Retry the process. The system recalculates and generates new results for the affected employees.

If you discover your errors after generating the output file, refer to "Correcting Data Before Output File Upload" below.
If you discover your errors after generating the output file to ADP, refer to "Correcting Data After Output File Upload" below.

Correcting Data Before Output File Upload

In this case, you need to make corrections to your employee or payroll data, but you have already generated the extract file. If
you know for certain that the last extract file was not sent to ADP, you must:

1. Roll back the payroll extract process.

2. Correct the errors.

3. Rerun the extract process.

If you discover your errors after uploading the output file to ADP, refer to "Correcting Data After Output File Upload" below.

Correcting Data After Output File Upload

If you discover errors in your data after you have generated the output file and uploaded it to ADP Connection for Payforce,
you must first correct the data within Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management for the United States. Once that is complete,
use the tools and processes provided by ADP to ensure that their data is updated to match the data maintained by Oracle.
ADP Connection for PayForce has no rollback functionality, so you must make these corrections manually. This ensures the
information maintained by ADP correctly reflects the information maintained by Oracle.
If manual intervention is not possible on your ADP system, then you must:

1. Restore your ADP system from the prior day's backup.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Chapter 6
Using Global Payroll Interface Manage Outbound Payroll Interface

2. Roll back the Payroll Interface payroll extract process.

3. Resubmit the extract process to generate a new output file.

4. Upload the new file.

Resolving Invalid or Missing Earnings Data

You use the Calculate Gross Earnings process to calculate periodic payroll run results and validate gross earnings
calculations before you extract and send data to the third-party payroll provider. For any payroll period, if you fail to run this
process before generating the output file, the gross compensation values for your employees may be incorrect or missing
If you are unsure that you have run Calculate Gross Earnings process:

Check the payroll process or person process results to confirm whether or not Calculate Gross Earnings has been
run for this payroll period.

If not, run Calculate Gross Earnings before continuing.

If you have already submitted the extract process, check the output file for empty or missing DE records (earnings).

To resolve, you must roll back the payroll extract process, submit the Calculate Gross Earnings process, and then
generate a new output file.

Once you have uploaded the output file, check your payroll data in ADP for PayForce for missing or incorrect

To resolve, you must use the tools provided by ADP to ensure the earnings data is correct. ADP Connection for
PayForce has no rollback functionality, so you must make these corrections manually. No action is required in Oracle
Fusion Human Capital Management for the United States. When you submit the Calculate Gross Earnings process
for the next payroll period, the earnings information will be captured.

Related Topics
Manage Payroll Outbound Interface: Overview

FAQs for Run Outbound Interface Reports

What happens if I fail to upload my US ADP Connection for PayForce output file?
If you fail to upload an output file to ADP Connection for PayForce before generating a new file, what you should do depends
on if you have uploaded the second, newer file. If you have uploaded the newer file, you must use the tools and processes
provided by ADP to ensure that the data and changes reflected in the older file are included into their records. ADP has
no rollback functionality, so you must enter this data manually. If manual intervention is not feasible, then you must restore
the ADP system using a backup prior to the upload and then upload both output files in their proper order. If you have not
uploaded the newer file, upload the older file first to ADP and then the newer file. This ensures the data maintained by ADP
correctly reflects the data maintained by Oracle Fusion HRMS (US), which is the source of truth.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Glossary
Using Global Payroll Interface

abstract role
A description of a person's function in the enterprise that is unrelated to the person's job (position), such as employee,
contingent worker, or line manager. A type of enterprise role.

A set of information, including job, position, pay, compensation, managers, working hours, and work location, that defines a
worker's or nonworker's role in a legal employer.

calculation card
Captures values required for payroll calculations for some earnings and deductions, such as absence payments and
involuntary deductions. For some countries, you can also create various types of cards to hold default values for tax reporting
units or payroll statutory units.

calculation component
An individual calculation captured on a calculation card, which is typically associated with an element.

An XML filter or SQL predicate WHERE clause in a data security policy that specifies what portions of a database resource
are secured.

data dimension
A stripe of data accessed by a data role, such as the data controlled by a business unit.

data role
A role for a defined set of data describing the job a user does within that defined set of data. A data role inherits job or
abstract roles and grants entitlement to access data within a specific dimension of data based on data security policies. A
type of enterprise role.

data security policy

A grant of entitlement to a role on an object or attribute group for a given condition.

database item
An item of information that has special programming attached, which formulas and HCM extracts use to locate and retrieve
the data.

database resource
An applications data object at the instance, instance set, or global level, which is secured by data security policies.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Glossary
Using Global Payroll Interface

Component in the calculation of a person's pay. An element may represent a compensation or benefit type, such as salary,
wages, stock purchase plans, pension contributions, and medical insurance.

element classification
Provides various element controls, such as the processing order, balances feeds, costing, and taxation. Oracle predefines
primary element classifications and some secondary classifications. You can create other secondary classifications.

element eligibility
The association of an element to one or more components of a person's employment record. It establishes a person's
eligibility for that element. Persons are eligible for the element if their assignment components match the components of the
element eligibility.

element entry
The record controlling an employee's receipt of an element, including the period of time for which the employee receives the
element and its value.

element template
Predefined questions that you answer to create elements and associated items. Templates vary depending on the element
classification, country, and products you are using.

employment terms
A set of information about a nonworker's or employee's job, position, pay, compensation, working hours, and work location
that all assignments associated with the employment terms inherit.

enterprise role
Abstract, job, and data roles are shared across the enterprise. An enterprise role is an LDAP group. An enterprise role is
propagated and synchronized across Oracle Fusion Middleware, where it is considered to be an external role or role not
specifically defined within applications.

Grant of access to functions and data. Oracle Fusion Middleware term for privilege.

fast formula
A simple way to write formulas using English words and basic mathematical functions. Formulas are generic expressions of
calculations or comparisons that repeat with different input values.

final close date

The last date on which a payroll run can process element entries. Typically, the last effective date of the payroll record.

Store values that are constant over a period of time. You can reference them in several formulas. Examples include the name
of a rate, a specific date, or a company term.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Glossary
Using Global Payroll Interface

input value
Field defined for an element that holds information about an element entry that's needed for calculation. For example, hours
worked, an alternate payment rate, or the amount of a bonus or deduction.

job role
A role for a specific job consisting of duties, such as an accounts payable manager or application implementation consultant.
A type of enterprise role.

last standard earnings date

Date on which standard earnings stop accumulating, typically the date of the termination or payroll transfer.

last standard process date

Last date on which element entries are considered for normal processing in a payroll run. Typically, the last day of the payroll
period in which a termination or payroll transfer occurs.

legal employer
A legal entity that employs people.

lookup type
A set of lookup codes to be used together as a list of values on a field in the user interface.

object group
User-defined set of elements or people that restrict the items you want to include in various processes and reports.

payment method
Indicates the method of payment, such as check, cash, or credit.

payroll batch loader

An integrated Microsoft Excel workbook loader that helps you enter data more easily into HCM tables. Used for entering
balances, balance groups, elements, element entries, payroll definitions, assigned payrolls, bank information for personal
payment methods, formula global values, and user-defined tables.

payroll interface report

A process to extract and generate a report of payroll-related data sent to a third-party payroll provider.

payroll relationship
Defines an association between a person and a payroll statutory unit based on payroll calculation and reporting requirements.

payroll relationship rule

Determines how the application creates payroll relationships when hiring or rehiring an employee, and how it sets end dates
on termination.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Glossary
Using Global Payroll Interface

payroll relationship type

A predefined value that controls and groups person records into payroll relationships. If a person has more than one payroll
relationship type in the same PSU, such as employee and contingent worker, multiple payroll relationships exist for that

payroll statutory unit

A legal entity registered to report payroll tax and social insurance. A legal employer can also be a payroll statutory unit, but a
payroll statutory unit can represent multiple legal employers.

personal payment method

Method of payment to a person for a particular payroll. When an administrator assigns a person to a new payroll, payments
are made using the default organization payment method for the new payroll until a personal payment method exists.

profile option level

A level at which profile option values are defined. Site, product, and user are predefined levels.

recurring element entry

An entry that processes regularly at a predefined frequency. The entry exists from the time you create it until you delete it or
the employee's element eligibility ceases.

Controls access to application functions and data.

SQL predicate
A type of condition using SQL to constrain the data secured by a data security policy.

system person type

The type used to classify the person at the system level in human resources. For example, the system person type can be
either employee or contingent worker. In human resources, user-defined person types are associated with system person

tax reporting unit

A legal entity that groups workers for the purpose of tax and social insurance reporting.

Voluntary or involuntary ending of a work relationship. When workers or nonworkers leave the enterprise, you terminate their
work relationships. When you terminate a work relationship, any assignments and employment terms associated with the
relationship are ended automatically.

work relationship
An association between a person and a legal employer, where the worker type determines whether the relationship is a
nonworker, contingent worker, or employee work relationship.

Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud Glossary
Using Global Payroll Interface

XML filter
A type of condition using XML to constrain the data secured by a data security policy.


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