Soal Uraian Bab I

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Soal uraian Bab I

1. Differentiate the text and nontext ! Then, give the examples!

2. Elaborate the meaning of context by giving the example!

3. Give the examples of coherence and cohesion in one text, then analyze them.

1. text is an extended structure of syntactic units (i.e. text as super-sentence) such as words,
groups, and clauses and textual units that is marked by both coherence among the elements
and completion, whereas a non-text consists of random sequences of linguistic units such as
sentences, paragraphs, or sections in any temporal and/or spatial extension. In its social-
semantic perspective, text is an object of social exchange of meanings.

2. Context is the information necessary to correctly interpret a word or phrase that could
otherwise be interpreted in a number of different ways. Without context, the speaker appears
to be simply saying that New York is a bad place to live for everybody. When the context is
supplied, it's clear that the speaker is only saying that New York is a bad choice for people
who prefer small towns. That's why it's unfair to quote someone out of context--to repeat
something the person says without enough information to prevent readers or listeners from
misunderstanding the true meaning of the quote.
Similarly, if you ask a question about English here, you may be asked to provide additional context,
such as an example sentence that illustrates the problem you want to solve. Many words and phrases
can have different meanings based on context, so it may not be possible to answer the question
without more information that narrows down the possible answers.

Context is anything that goes along with the text that could change its meaning. It may
mean other text in the same work, or it may mean where you find the text, or who is reading
it. It also can be extended to non-text situations such as in:

Can you give me more context? I can't guess what this object is without knowing where it is from.

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