Ass Set 4 ND 5

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HW #4 and #5 - Due as Noted below.

Tuesday October 3rd, 2016

(10 pts)
P1. Complete the derivation for the T-t trajectory on Exam #1

Thursday - October 5th, 2016

P1. Worth 5 pts
Answer the following quiz type questions:

Q-1 Effective diffusivity takes into account what three things?

Q-2 For diffusion limited reactions, the reaction rate depends on what two parameters?

Q-3 The following mass transfer limited reaction is carried out in packed bed reactor.
Given the expression for conversion =

L1 = 2L2
ac1 = ac2
and knowing that
kc is proportional U1/2

What is the conversion if you were to double the flow rate?

P2. Worth 15 pts

Watch the video solution for solving for the Effectiveness Factor for Single Catalyst Pore

ALL problems, unless otherwise specified, are from the CD-ROM Chapter 12 material.

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