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The Perspectives of Negros Occidental High School Grade 11 Students to the Impacts of

Irregular Schedule on the Performances and Lifestyles

In the fulfilment of First Semester Practical Research I

Catherine Estampador

Dipsy Orolfo

Elaiza Marie Ynzon

Ella Nicole Medina

Jasmin Go

Lara May Flores

Shaina Jane Santibanez

Trixie Lacson

Mark Llander Beatingo

Daniel Atilano


Mrs. Eden A. Rufin

Research Adviser

October 11, 2017


This school year, the Department of Education (DepEd) fully implements the K to 12
curriculums, with the kick-off of the Senior High School which added two more years Grades
11 and 12 to basic education. The K to 12 Program covers Kindergarten and 12 years of basic
education (six years of primary education, four years of Junior High School, and two years of
Senior High School [SHS]) to provide sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, develop
lifelong learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary education, middle-level skills development,
employment, and entrepreneurship. In Senior High, students will pursue a track that will prepare
them for employment or college education. Each student in Senior High School can choose
among three tracks: Academic; Technical-Vocational-Livelihood; and Sports and Arts. The
Academic track includes three strands: Business, Accountancy, Management (BAM);
Humanities, Education, Social Sciences (HESS); and Science, Technology, Engineering,
Mathematics (STEM). Students undergo immersion, which may include earn-while-you-learn
opportunities, to provide them relevant exposure and actual experience in their chosen track.

Statement of the Problem

K to 12 program implementation led to the demand for more classrooms, which continues
to hound public schools as the classes started. And unfortunately, one of these public schools is
our very own School of Excellence, the Negros Occidental High School (NOHS). Some school
buildings for senior high students have yet to be completed, with a waiting time of months or a
year. As a resolution, our school, with the accompany of DepEd City Schools Division, has
resorted to holding double shift classes in some high schools to temporarily address the backlog
in classrooms. The double shifting was implemented for Grades 11 and 12 classes, wherein
each grade will hold all their classes in just half a day with minimized or no vacant period. For
instance, Grade 11 will use the classroom in the morning while Grade 12 will occupy the
classroom in the afternoon. The morning shift will start classes at around 6 a.m. and end at 12
noon while the afternoon shift will begin at 12 noon and end at 6 p.m. The new schedules would
pose a challenge for affected students as they will either have to wake up early for school or go
home late. Another option is to hold classes either in libraries or other structures inside the
school premises while waiting for the completion of the school buildings. Not only the Negros
Occidental High School is faced with the unfinished construction of senior high school buildings,
but apparently other areas as well. Outgoing Education Secretary Armin Luistro said that
Mondays opening of classes is the best class school opening, despite the low enrolment in
senior high schools nationwide. Though he also admitted there remains to be a problem, it was
solvable and none of it was too great to overcome.

Waking up so early is not that as easy as it is planned. Even alarm clocks are set up to the
highest volumes or to the unique-and-funniest-way to turn its sound off in the next morning,
the ones drowsy body will make any solutions to kill the annoying tune so it could lie down on
the bed and sleep again. Especially, when one is too tired because of staying awakefor the whole
night and making homework & school projects, or just a bad developed habit. This became a
major problem for the Grade 11 students of Negros Occidental High School since they were the
morning shift class that starts as early as 6 am. Students should wake up so early depending on
how fast they move at the morning and how long their travel time was. Since the class schedules
cant be adjusted for the students (because of schools legit reasons and considerations) and
ones successful time-management is barely achievable, the students just ignore and least
prioritized the something that human body mostly need, the at least 8 hours of sleep.

Several People have an inherent understanding of why enough of sleep is important. It

recharges the body during the night and lets us face each day bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Of
course, most people also suffer from a lack of sleep or a lack of quality sleep. This can be due to
environmental factorslike noisepersonal habits, health reasons, or stress. Regardless of why
ones might be getting a lack of sleep, the side effects on the health will be the same. Although it
may seem like you can get by on subpar sleep without issue, the truth is that a lack of sleep
causes a series of subtle and not-so-subtle detrimental effects on the body. First, a less
immediately obvious side effect of sleep deprivation is the fact that your body wont be able to
muster its normal defences. A lack of quality sleep means that the body will be prey more often
to colds and minor infections and that any existing illnesses will take longer to heal. Second, it
causes your body to lower its amounts of the hormone leptin (appetite suppressant) and then
raise its levels of ghrelin (appetite stimulant), meaning you will find yourself hungrier and more
prone to overeat. This can lead to unwanted weight gain and the associated health issues. Third,
old and damaged skin cells will start taking their toll on your appearance since sleep is a prime
time for the body to get to work on repairing damaged cells and renewing old ones. Fourth, A
lack of sleep generally makes the body weaker since the muscles lack their normal levels of
energy. The ability to process space and coordinate of the body will suffer. Fifth, A lack of sleep
makes it harder to recall memories and to form new ones. The weaker ability to recall comes
from the general sluggishness and slowing of the brains processing power when sleep deprived.
The difficulty in forming new memory is slightly more involved. And lastly, Visual disturbances
and hallucinations tend to kick in during prolonged cases of sleep deprivation.

Also, having irregular schedules can greatly affect ones lifestyle and daily schedules.
The usual school hours will become students' free time, making them to have time to do
whatever and go wherever they want. These usually refer to going out with 'barkadas' to the
clubs, malls, hideouts, computer shops, etc. and trying or doing some irrelevant activities. As a
result overtime, Most of the students exposed to these "free time manner" will become
stereotyped. They are usually defined as students who do not prioritize studies, who are
nonchalant, could not accomplish their academic requirements because of having big chances for
dropping their subjects and focusing more on the other matters instead of performing well at
school. Frequent tardiness, absences and lack of determination can be started to be observed.
This case scenario is highly potent to become a great alarming issue for the youth in the near

In this matter, the researchers are motivated to further investigate if there are impacts to
irregular schedule on the performances and lifestyles of the Negros Occidental High Senior High
Grade 11 students. Specifically, this study aims: to determine the causes of sleep deprivation
(lack of sleep) of the Negros Occidental High School Grade 11 students; to determine the effects
of sleep deprivation to the Negros Occidental High School Grade Grade 11 students; to
determine the frequency rate of tardiness and absences of the Negros Occidental High School
Grade Grade 11 students; and to determine the usual routines of Negros Occidental High School
Grade Grade 11 students in their afternoon free time.
Review of Related Literature

Sleep deprivation is defined as not obtaining adequate total sleep. When someone is in a
chronic sleep-restricted state theyll notice excessive daytime sleepiness, fatigue, clumsiness, and
weight gain or weight loss. In addition, being sleep-deprived affects both the brain and cognitive
function. Interestingly, theres a subset of cases whereby sleep deprivation can actually lead to an
enhanced mood, alertness, and increased energy. Note that relatively few studies have compared
the different effects between chronic partial-sleep restriction and acute total-sleep deprivation,
and the total absence of sleep over long periods of time has not been studied in humans. That
being said, long-term total sleep deprivation resulted in death in lab animals. (Smith 2014)

There are various factors that may cause an individual to get insufficient sleep and lead to
sleep deprivation, including environmental, habitual, medical and psychological causes. In many
cases, the cause is multi factorial and several different factors play a role in the presentation of
the condition. Behaviourally induced insufficiently sleep syndrome is a sleep disorder associated
with chronic sleep deprivation caused by a voluntary pattern of restricted sleep. This usually
occurs because individuals are unaware that their body has higher demands of sleep and they
choose to remain awake to socialize or enjoy hobbies, thus restricting sleep time. The use of
stimulants can also have an impact on sleep. For example, some people may consume alcohol or
caffeine close to bedtime, which can increase the difficulty to fall asleep. Specific work
environments are more likely disrupt natural sleep-wake cycles of the body and cause sleep
deprivation. In particular, shift workers and people that frequently travel by air tend to have
irregular sleep patterns and often do not get enough sleep. Young children and adolescents
require more sleep than adults, but study commitments and school schedules can make it difficult
to get the required amount of sleep, sometimes leading to derivation. This is particularly
common in adolescents, as the sleep-wake cycle shifts causing them to fall asleep later, but the
early school schedule requires them to awaken before they get enough sleep. In some cases,
sleep deprivation can occur as a result of stimuli in the environment where the patient sleeps.
This may include extreme temperatures, a loud neighbourhood, or sharing a bed with a partner
that snores. New parents commonly experience sleep deprivation, as a result of needing to get up
throughout the night to feed or care for infants or young children. Additionally, the sleep habits
can also have an effect on the quality and quantity of sleep. This may include the consumption of
stimulants or the activities undertaken, such as physical exercise or screen time, close to bedtime.
UM SOM study finds intriguing relationship between sleep, cognition and kynurenine
compound. Research suggests natural remedy for sleep problems in young people. Study
provides new insights into how sleep contributes to brain plasticity.

Insomnia is a condition involving difficulty sleeping at night that affects up to a third of

the adult population and is associated with sleep deprivation. It is characterized by symptoms of
daytime sleepiness and difficulty with concentration, memory and performing well at school or
work. There are various causes of insomnia and, as a result, sleep deprivation such as: Anxiety,
Neurotransmitter imbalances, Concurrent medical conditions, Stimulant medications, Psychiatric
issues and Environmental factors. Some people also suffer from idiopathic insomnia and sleep
deprivation, without a clear and identifiable cause. Sleep apnea is a health condition involving
the collapse of the upper airway while an individual sleeps, leading to reduced airflow to the
lungs. This often causes the individual to wake up at frequent intervals during the night as a
reflex response to insufficient oxygen supply. Following this, it is common for patients to
become sleep deprived and experience symptoms of sleepiness during the day.
Short-term illnesses such as a cold, influenza or tonsillitis can cause changes to breathing while
sleeping, causing an individual to wake up frequently throughout the night. This can fragment
the sleep and cause sleep deprivation.

Most people dont get enough sleep. We are a society that burns the candle at both ends,
a nation where people stay up all night to study, work, or have fun. However, going without
adequate sleep carries with it both short- and long-term consequences. In the short term, a lack of
adequate sleep can affect judgment, mood, ability to learn and retain information, and may
increase the risk of serious accidents and injury. In the long term, chronic sleep deprivation may
lead to a host of health problems including obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and even
early mortality. The price of insufficient sleep may be poor health. Study after study has revealed
that people who sleep poorly are at greater risk for a number of diseases and health problems.
And now the search is on to discover why this might be. More lack of sleep exacts a toll on
perception and judgment. In the workplace, its effects can be seen in reduced efficiency and
productivity, errors, and accidents. Sometimes the effects can even be deadly, as in the case of
drowsy driving fatalities. (Jones 2014)

According to Dr. John Cline Smith (2014), writing in Psychology Today, emphasizes the
significance of these results, noting that students actually use the [extra hour in the morning] for
sleeping and are not spending another hour [at night] on the computer, watching TV, socializing
or doing home work. Studies in Minnesota also have confirmed these findings. In addition,
students who began school at the later time showed significantly better performance in tests of
their concentration levels and their ability to pay attention. Studies also indicate that that later
start times result in better driving and subsequently fewer accidents. A recent study compared car
accident statistics in two Virginia cities with school start times that were 75 to 80 minutes apart
from one another to determine if there were any differences that could be attributable to
insufficient sleep among teenagers. Motor vehicle accident rates in the first town, where 16- to
18-year-olds attended school at the traditional start time, occurred at a rate of 65.8 per 1,000 in
2008 and 71.2 per 1,000 in 2007. In comparison, accident rates within the community in which
schools began later in the day stood at 46.6 per 1,000 in 2008 and 55.6 per 1,000 in 2007,
demonstrating a difference that was statistically significant. The study notes that traffic
congestion was taken into account when comparing these figures and that this factor did not
account for the difference in crash rates. Findings in Fayette County, Kentucky, were similar:
after the start times in high schools were delayed to 8:30am, the number of teenagers involved
in car crashes dropped, even as they rose in the state. Behavioral factors are also important to
consider. According to a 2011 study conducted by staff at the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, insufficient sleep among high school students is associated with a wide range of
what are deemed health-risk behaviours, including: Lack of exercise, Poor diet, Use of
computers for three or more hours each day, Physical fighting, Cigarette, alcohol, and marijuana
use , Sexual activity , Depression, Suicidal tendencies One of the authors of the study further
explained that a public health intervention is greatly needed as a result of these findings. She
went on to note that the consideration of delayed school start times may hold promise as one
effective step in a comprehensive approach to address this problem. Alongside scientific
findings proving the importance of sleep, especially in adolescence, education experts are
focusing more on the effect of insufficient sleep on middle and high school students academic
performance, behaviour, and reported moods. This emphasis has led to the shift of many middle
and high schools to later start times that allow students to sleep more, thus accommodating the
sleep-wake phase delay and ensuring better rested students for first period. A 2010 article in the
Los Angeles Times states that no one has kept track of how many schools have changed their
start times, which is consistent with the research conducted for this report.54 However, the
article also noted that at the time of writing, Since the discussion on school start times began
more than a decade ago, not a single district that has made the change has decided to change

A recent CDC report found that across forty states more than 75 percent of public schools
started earlier than 8:30 am. Students often do not acquire the recommended eight to ten hours of
sleep due to a natural and biological tendency for teenagers to fall asleep at later times. Contrary
to logical thinking, most school systems fail to recognize the destructive effects of such lack of
sleep and implement a learning schedule in direct opposition to the mental and physical needs of
the student body. Without the dramatic shift nationwide of school start times and the crucial
support of the public in order to create a vital change, high school students will continue to be at
a high risk of depression, fatigue, and stress, all aspects of which plague the nations education
system and leads to an askew societal mentality which values production more than health and
happiness. Research supporting the positive effects of earlier start times is nonexistent and stems
from possible logistical issues that may arise from a shift of schedule and not the health effects
of such a systematic implementation in American culture. The early school day start enforced by
the greater part of high schools in the United States is detrimental to the education and health of
students and substantially contrasts with scientific data as it limits students ability to retain and
process information, damages biological sleep cycles, leads to increased likelihood for chronic
stress and depression, and creates a negative learning atmosphere. High schools across the
United States need to immediately administer a school start of no later than 8:30 am. to
counteract the destructive cycles present due to the current status of educational systems
throughout the nation. Studies by the University of Minnesota, Brown University, and the
Childrens National Medical Center found school start times at developmentally appropriate
hours betters the health and academic performance of students and shows a more appropriate
duration of sleep. Although most schools in the United States do not start after 8:30 am., analysis
of tardiness and student performance in earlier classes when compared to later times can give
researchers a greater understanding of the benefits of shifting the schedule. In a study of public
high schools in Chicago, researchers found an increase in absences and a decrease in academic
performance when analysis compared earlier class times to classes later in the day. Imagine if the
classes at the end of the day, ones in which attendance and test scores skyrocketed, were the
initial classes in a schools schedule. Once again, the Pediatrics Academy found, studies
comparing high schools with start times as little as thirty minutes earlier versus those with later
start times demonstrate such adverse consequences as shorter sleep duration, increased
sleepiness, difficulty concentrating, behavior problems, and absenteeism. Since 2007, the CDC
annually finds that only one out of three high school students sleep eight hours or more during
the week, a horrifying statistic when one realizes the chronic sleep deprivation students go
through each and every day. Unfortunately, often the decision to shift an individual schools
schedule comes down to the superintendent and administrators of each separate school district
rather than government regulation. Recently, both the American Academy of Pediatrics and the
CDC released official statements regarding a needed shift in nationwide start times to no earlier
than 8:30 am. The American Academy of Pediatrics in their statement said, In most districts,
middle and high-schools should aim for a starting time of no earlier than 8:30 a.m. However,
individual school districts also need to take average commuting times and other exigencies into
account in setting a start time that allows for adequate sleep opportunity for students.

Senior high school students in the Cordillera face a dilemma as the Department of
Education (DepEd)-Cordillera Administrative Region admitted the lack of classrooms for
incoming Grade 11 students. DepEd assistant regional director Soraya Faculo admitted that close
to 60 percent of the classrooms needed for thousands of Grade 11 finishers has yet to be
completed before the 2017-2018 school year starts. Faculo said only 502 of the targeted 1,244
classrooms for senior high school students in public institutions are available, leaving the region
with a 59.24 percent deficit. The DepEd official added that the Department of Public Works and
Highways (DPWH) claimed their contractors are having difficulty in hauling materials
particularly in remote areas in the region due to road conditions. Apayao has the largest shortfall
of senior high school classrooms, at 76.50 percent, followed by Tabuk City at 74.38 percent, and
Kalinga, 71.05 percent. Ifugao is short of 66 percent while Mt. Province is 59 percent short with
Baguio City 49.58 percent short of the needed number of classrooms while Benguet has the
highest completion rate of finished classrooms at 69.2 percent. We have been continuously
urging our partner agency, the DPWH to fast track the construction of the buildings. However,
although our senior high school buildings are not yet completed, we are looking ways on how we
can accommodate our incoming grade 11 students, said Faculo. The education department in
the region explained that more than 13,000 incoming Grade 11 students will be going back to
school in June 5 based on the early registration done by the agency. DepEd-Cordillera has
opened its Senior high school voucher program to give financial assistance to qualified Grade 10
completers who wish to enroll in private and non-DepEd public senior high schools (SHS). It
also aims to empower students with the choice to pursue their desired SHS education. Only
Grade 10 completers from private schools who are not Educational Service Contracting (ESC)
grantees may submit their applications. Grade 10 completers from public schools, including state
universities and colleges (SUCs) and local universities and colleges (LUCs), and ESC grantees
from private schools are already pre-qualified for the program and do not need to apply. The
amount of SHS VP subsidy depends on the category of the qualified voucher recipient (QVR),
and the location of the school where the QVR will enroll. Grade 10 completers from private
schools shall receive a maximum of P18,000 if they enroll in NCR, P16,000 in HUCs, and
P14,000 in other cities and municipalities. Those who enroll in SUCs and LUCs shall receive a
maximum of P11,250 for NCR, P10,000 for HUCs, and P8,750 for other cities and
municipalities, regardless of where they completed their junior high school. The voucher will not
be given as cash or check to the students. DepEd will directly transfer the SHS payments to the
school where the QVRs chose to enroll. (Notche 2014)

Teenage students show substantial signs of fatigue and lack of sleep due to an irreversible
shift in their biological clocks and circadian rhythm as well as a shift in the time period in which
the production of melatonin occurs. The American Academy of Pediatrics characterizes this
phenomenon as a phase delay and sites an extreme shift in the process of nocturnal melatonin
secretion in the human body along with a dramatic transition in circadian rhythm from one which
shifts from a morning type to an evening type as a result of the onset of puberty. Schools
with start times at 8:30 or later found that students do not go to bed later as a result of the
change, but actually get an hour more of sleep per night. Overall, the school bell shift gives
students an average of five more hours of sleep per week, which may not seem like much, but
when put on a larger scale, it adds up to around two-hundred more hours of sleep per year. The
effects of scarcity of sleep resulting from early school start time are numerous in quantity.
Researchers and scientists often find an increase in stress, obesity, and depression among others.
The National Sleep Foundation found relationships between sleep level and drowsy driving,
irritability, depression, violence, drug use, decision making, and academic and athletic
achievement. Once more, in a scholarly journal and longitudinal study of sleep timing and
circadian rhythm written by Stephanie J Crowley, she identifies the consequences of irregular
sleep phase delay as linked to ...reduced alertness and performance,greater use of alcohol,
nicotine and caffeine, and an increased risk for depression and obesity. All studies point to
severe issues when an individual receives insufficient sleep, as research from several hundred
researchers and scientists across the country can conclude. One can argue American society
values hard work and production more than any other country in the world. But does being stuck
in the way of normality really validate the halt of progress, especially if it is for the better?
Advocates against a change in the school system cling to scheduling and economic issues as
obstacles in enacting an adjustment in high school start time. As a society all individuals must
come together and fight for moral values such as health and happiness and put it above money,
greed, and production. A start time of 8:30 for all high schools in the United States allows for a
majority of students to receive a proper amount of sleep while also leaving ample time for after
school activities, sporting events, bus and public transportation, and the synthesis of the school
schedule of the students with the work schedule of parents. American society must become
aware of the ruinous cycle present in high schools and immediately put pressure on government
and school officials to put forth a plan in starting schools later to allow students, particularly
teenagers, to sleep more, perform at a higher level in the classroom, and be more joyful, healthier
members of society in order to begin a trend of positive learning. (Shamps 2009)
Despite of the enormous volume of exams and schoolwork and tight schedule, young
teenagers have, they still have some free time to spend with their friends, do new activities, and
relax before classes start again. They have different possibilities depending on where they live,
their economic situation and their age. But all students and young people have many options to
spend their valuable free time, although sometimes they dont know what to do and they stay at
home having a nap or totally bored. Sport activities are the first option for most students. Joining
to a football, basketball, hockey, handball or volleyball team are interesting ways of doing
exercise and having a good time. Teenagers can also play tennis, go to the swimming pool, or
work out at a gym. The good side of sport activities is that they help you to stay fit and healthy.
Most sports are also funny, like team sports. You can practice sport alone or with your friends,
and you can also meet new interesting people. The bad side of this kind of activities is the
possibility of having an injury. If you arent careful, you can easily fall down and break an arm
or a leg. And if this happens, you wont be able to practice any sport or do any physical effort for
a long time. Many young people do sport because they want to be like their idols. They want to
play tennis as well as Nadal, or be as good at football as Messi, so they train a lot of hours. This
is a good reason for practicing sport, too. Another good option to spend your free time is going to
the park. There are lots of parks in all cities, and you can go alone, with your family or with your
friends. In a park, you can read a book or have a nap. You can also kick a football around. And,
if you want, you can take a picnic basket and a picnic rug and have a picnic. But remember: be
careful with ants. This activity have one advantage: you can stay outdoors, surrounded by nature,
but you dont have to do physical efforts. You can just relax. The problem is that going to the
park is only an option in a good, sunny day. You cant have a picnic during a storm. Teenagers
that dont want to be outdoors can stay at home. They can spend their free time watching a good
film or any TV programme. There are many types of films to see, like comedies, action films,
horror films and thrillers, romantic and musical films, documentaries, Science fiction and
fantastic films And there are also hundreds of different TV programme, like soap operas, talk
shows, sport programs, documentaries, and more. When you are bored of TV programs and dont
want to rent a film, you can switch on your computer. Nowadays teenagers love to surf the
Internet for hours, where they can talk with their friends using social networking sites, blogs or
chat programs. They can also research images and videos, download music and know what is
happening all around the world visiting news websites. And when there isnt any interesting
thing in the Internet, they can use the computer or a game console to play videogames. Watching
TV can be very funny, and there are lots of good films you can choose. When you are surfing the
Internet, you can find really interesting news, videos or programs. Internet, like telephones, also
helps you to be in contact with your friends, even if each of you live in a different city or
country. And its proved that videogames help to train your brain and your intellectual abilities.
But, like all things, abusing of TV and computers can be really harmful. If you usually spend a
lot of hours in front of TV, youll probably have to do some extra physical exercise if you want
to keep fit and with good health. Despite these problems, TV and computers are two of the best
friends of bored students at their free time. Many young people prefer going out with their
friends to stay at home all day. If they decide to go out, there are many things they can do. They
can go for a walk, play any sport or go shopping. They can go out to a bar, or go out for a coffee,
if they want to sit and talk. They can play billiards, bowling, chess, cards, too .They can have
dinner at a restaurant, have a barbecue, go to the swimming pool, or any other activity that they
all enjoy. Finally, at night they can go to a disco, to a party or to a concert. These are perfect
options if you want to keep in contact with your friends, meet new people, or both things.
Although youll prefer to stay at home if you are ill or if all your friends have gone for holidays
and you are alone. Going out are what most young people do at weekends. Finally, some people
prefer cultural and artistic activities. In a normal-sized city, this kind of people has many cultural
locations and events to attend. They can visit a museum or an art gallery, go to the zoo or the
aquarium, read novels and comics, listen to music, study something interesting or write in their
diary. They can learn to play musical instrument, too, like guitar, piano, flute, violin, clarinet,
saxophone, trumpet, drums. There are also many, many arts and crafts to learn and practice, like
drawing, painting, sculpting or making furniture. These are interesting and relaxing activities
most people can practice, even when some of them are a bit expensive (like going to museums,
concerts or operas). As we can see, there are thousands of different activities to choose when
young people have some free time to spend. There are the same number of activities to do as the
number of teenagers they can practice them. Some of these activities are healthier (like sports),
some of them are more ecological (going to the park or going for a walk), and some of them are
more instructive (going to museums or doing cultural activities) than others. But all of them are
recommendable things, as there are other activities some people do that can affect their own
health or health of people who are around them. Activities like breaking benches and bins,
burning rubbish containers or stealing things are really insane leisure activities, because they are
bad and harmful for the one who does them and for the rest of us. So, in conclusion, we have the
possibility of spending our free time doing funny and interesting activities, wherever our likes
are. (Clark 2016)

What Adolescents Do with their Free Time When adolescents are not in school during
the week, they typically engage in many diverse activities: like Sports, music, clubs, or other
extracurricular activities, Socializing or relaxing , Taking care of siblings (or other family
members) or doing chores, Working at after school jobs (some to financially help their families),
Traveling from school to home (which may involve long distances in some rural areas)
Completing their homework, Watching TV, listening to music, interacting with other media This
report detailed the following primary results: Teenagers spend nearly 9 hours a day involved in
some type of mediawith music and TV remaining the favorites. Pre-teens (aged 8 to 12) spend
about 6 hours a day in one or more media-related areas. 67% of teenagers listen to music every
day, between 58% and 62% watch TV, and 45% use social media every day. Boys are more
involved in video games. Male teenagers spend an average of 56 minutes a day gaming, while
girls spend only 7 minutes a day. Girls spend more time on social media or reading than boys.
Students from poverty backgrounds have less access to computers, tablets, and smart phones
than non-poverty studentsbut spend more time on these devices when they own one. African-
American teenagers spend more time in media-related interactions than other ethnic groups
(averaging 11 hours and 13 minutes per day). This contrasts with Caucasian teenagers who
average 8 hours and 48 minutes in media-related involvements. Half of the teenagers say they
watch TV or use social media either a lot or sometimes while doing their homework, and
76% say they listen to music while working. Half of the teens say that listening to music helps
their work, while only 6% thought that it hurt their work. While adolescents are clearly multi-
taskingbeing engaged in the after-school activities noted above at the same time that they are
media-involved and media-connectedthere are two concerning issues? The first concern
involves the last Common Sense Media survey result indicating that 50 to 76% of the teenaged
respondents are media multi-tasking while doing their homework. With most middle and high
school homework focused on applied and higher ordered thinking activities, this multi-tasking
may be directing students attention more to their social worldsand less to the cognitive
learning processes needed to learn and master the skills embedded in their homework. The
second concern relates to the fact that some adolescents are media engaged not just late at night,
but in the middle of the night. Indeed recent 2015 studies in Great Britain and Scandinavia have
found that 25% or more of the adolescents there keep their smartphones and other devices on
during the night, and that they frequently are woken up by, for example, friends texts or social
media prompts. Knowing that this is occurring here in the US (as discussed in a 2014 New York
Times article), we come full-circle back to the issue of how much sleep our adolescents need and
how much sleepdue to their own social media habitsthey are not getting. Between the
school dismissal bell and the call for dinner, how do kids fill their time? If you picture an idyllic
afternoon of bike rides, playgrounds and ice cream trucks, think again. These days, its almost
impossible to imagine an off-the-grid, device-free existence, and this is especially true of
children who have come of age in a tech-saturated world. In fact, most of the after-school
activities of children involve technology. A significant majority of children (64%) watch
television or movies after school, regardless of their age group. More than four in 10 (42%) play
video games, but this is much more common among children ages 912 (48%) and 1317 (49%).
More than one-quarter (27%) spend their free time on social media or texting with friends,
though this is primarily an activity among the 1317 age group (48%). Half as many 912 year
olds (25%) do the same, as well as only 13 percent of those eight or younger. One in four (25%)
spend time browsing online, another activity dominated by teens. (Tarkoil 2013)

Research Steps

The research conducted for this study followed the following procedures to ensure that
the interviews yielded data consistent with the objectives:

1. With the use of Voluntary Sampling method, student respondents were invited to the
study by the researchers, and were informed of the risks involved.
2. In-depth (semi-structured) interviews were held in each student respondents.

3. Interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed within a day of the interviews.

4. Follow up informal contact was initiated, and each student was given his or her
respective transcript for profile checking, and to verify his or her transcripts.

5. Each respondent profile data was reviewed by the researchers.

6. Interview Proper data was reviewed by the researchers.

7. The researchers coded the data to their respective themes and matrix.

The audit trail was documented to ensure verifiable research steps throughout the process

Qualitative Analysis

Qualitative research studies involve a continuous interplay between data collection and
data analysis. For this reason, the researchers analyzed the collected data and begin identifying
themes for the discussion and conclusion making. In order to achieve this, the researchers
followed the systematic steps:
Step 1: Organize and prepare the data for analysis. During this step, the researchers reviewed
audio tapes from interviews and transferred into word document transcripts.

Step 2: Read through the data. The researchers reflected on the overall meaning to gain a general
sense of the information and ideas that the participants conveyed.

Step 3: Begin detailed analysis with the coding processes. The researchers organized the material
into segments by taking the text data and segmenting sentences into labeled themes.

Step 4: Use the coding process to generate a description of the setting or people as well as
themes for these for analysis. The researchers used this process to generate codes for the
descriptions, which then led to generalizing a small number of themes.

Step 5: Advance how the description of the themes will be represented in the qualitative
narrative. For this step, the researchers wrote the theme contents into narrative passages, so that
the findings emerged logically from the participants responses.

Step 6: Interpret the meaning of the data. In this step, the researchers read the narrative data and
reconsidered their respective themes for data analyzations to form discussions and conclusions.

Research Findings

Theme Results of the Interview Generalization

According to the "I usually sleep late because The results show that
respondents, they indeed there are homework or homework and output
sleep late because of the outputs that should be done, making, internet and
varying reasons and factors lessons that should be computer use are the causes
that delays their sleep. reviewed and I do them of sleep deprivation of
usually at night." Grade 11 student
"I sleep late because of
Internet surfing. I still update
my Social Media accounts,
stream for movies and anime,
or play computer games.
Internet and Computer use
prevents me to sleep early."

The Matrix 1 shows causes of the sleep deprivation of the NOHS Grade 11 Senior High student
respondents believed.



Theme Results of the Interview Generalization

According to respondents, "Every night is not enough The results show the different
there are varying effects sleep for me. Because of that, effects of sleep deprivation to
that they indeed experience it discourages me to go the Grade 11 student
because they lack sleep for anywhere, especially going to respondents such as: physical
the night. school. It makes me feel tired, patterns like headache and
even just after waking up. As weaknesses and oversleeping.
a result, I usually oversleep."

"I could experience physical

patterns such as headache,
dizziness, and eyesore if I
lack sleep for the night.

"Lacking of sleep really

affects my study habits since
it is hard to think or recall if
you haven't sleep enough."

The Matrix 2 shows the effects of sleep deprivation of the NOHS Grade 11 Senior High student
respondents experienced.



Theme Results of the Interview Generalization

According to the "For the last quarter, my tests The results show that the
respondents, the irregular and output scores are only at Grade 11 student respondents
schedule indeed affects their the satisfactory level and my believe that the irregular
grades and performances in average grade is only at the schedule have impacts to
school. ranges of 85 to 90. I believed their grades, school
that it is our irregular performances and the
schedule who impacted my manners of their output
grades and school making.
performances since it is
unsettling for me to study
having early morning classes
and lack of sleep. "

"I could still submit my

outputs ahead or in time
regardless of the schedule
because I usually stay up late
all night just to finish that
certain output."

The Matrix 3 shows the perspectives of Grade 11 Senior High student respondents to the impacts
of irregular schedule on the grades and performances.



Theme Results of the Interview Generalizations

According to some of the "I believe that this irregular The results show that the
respondents, the irregular schedule of ours is the main irregular schedule the main
schedule is indeed a factor reason why there are days reason for the tardiness of
or challenge to arrive on that I am late. If only the some of the Grade 11 student
time for their classes. classes do not starts early as 6 respondents.
am, I could arrive in time for
my first classes even I
overslept up to pass 5 am and
my home is distant from the

Theme Results of the Interview Generalizations

According to some of the "Our irregular schedule is not The results show that the
respondents, the irregular a hindrance for me to be in irregular is not the reason for
schedule is not a factor or time for my first classes since the tardiness of some of the
challenge to arrive on time I wake myself up very early Grade 11 student
for their classes. every morning so that I could respondents.
catch my travel time and our

Matrix 4 shows the frequency rate of tardiness of the Grade 11 student respondents
regarding to the irregular schedule and their reasons and insights.



Theme Results of the Interview Generalization

According to the "I'm only absent if I am sick, The results show that the
respondents, the irregular I need rest for recovery and I Grade 11 student respondents
schedule is not the reason or have to go to the doctor for a only get absents if they are
responsible for their check-up. So, it only rare that sick or they have to
absences. I could skip classes for a participate in their
day." extracurricular activities.

"I'm always present for my

classes and rarely got absents.
But if I do, my extracurricular
activity is the reason and not
anything related to our
irregular schedule."

Matrix 5 shows the frequency rate of absences of the Grade 11 student respondents regarding to
the irregular schedule and their reasons and insights.



Theme Results of the Interview Generalization

According to the "After school, I go straight The results show that the
respondents, there are home so that I could rest and activities of the Grade 11
several of activities they do sleep since I lack sleep last respondents after class, in
after class and in their night." their afternoon free time, are
afternoon free time. going straight to home,
"After class, I usually go sleeping, doing their outputs,
home for me to study, read studying, internet & computer
books or do my homework use and participating in their
and outputs for the next day extracurricular activities

"I usually hang out with my

barkadas after class, and go to
the places where we could go
such as malls, to their houses,
computer shops, etc."

"Afternoon is my Internet
time. I am already sitting
somewhere in that time
digging up my Social Media
accounts, streaming some
anime or movie, and video

"We have sometimes

practice, meeting or training
for my extracurricular
activities in the afternoon. So
for that day, I go straight to
our venues or training area
for me to attend those

The Matrix 6 shows the activities of the Grade 11 student respondents after their classes and
afternoon free time.

Therefore, based on the results of the interview of the selected Grade 11 student
respondents, that the irregular schedule has great impacts to their school performances, such as in
their average grades, scores, output making manners & attendance, and daily lifestyles, such as
their usual routines, activities & personal schedules.

Additionally, it could be also concluded that the student respondents of the interview
dislike the changes brought by the irregular class schedule in their lives since they all answered
"no" on the last additional interview question if they still would love to have the same schedule
for the nest year.


Even though this study tackled specific experiences and insights of the selected student
respondents, the researchers would like to recommend to the related future studies to have wider
target population scopes, bigger respondent number, and have higher class institute venues, such
as universities, experiencing the same schedule scenario to our school for their interviews and


Respondents Name Section Age Sex

Respondent A April Joy Puertas HUMMS B 17 Female
Respondent B Ma.Antonnete Mahilum HUMMS A 16 Female
Respondent C Rouel Dedace HUMMS A 19 Male
Respondent D Kimberly Hofilena ABM C 17 Female
Respondent E Runon Gilboy Jr ABM C 17 Male


Respondent A

Interviewee: April Joy Puertas

Interviewer: Shaina Jane Santibanes
Date of Interview: October 10, 2016
Interview Start Time: 2:03 pm
Interview End Time: 2:11 pm
Interview Duration: 8 minutes

Uy, Good Afternoon.

-Good Afternoon, tee ma interview na kamu?

Oo tani, Wla ka na may ginahimu hw?

-Umm, libre na ku sbung auh, ndi na ku taken. Chos!

Kabalu ka naman gru ang study namun, the ----. Sugod na ta ah.
-Cge ah

So profile mu ta danay Una. Anu ngalan mu?

-Daw ndi mu pa ku bla kilala. Si April Joy Puertas gle ah.
Anu section mu ya?
Grade 11 HUMMS B ah.
Pila ka na ya?
Anu gender mu?
-anu klase pamangkut na man? syempre girly eh.

Tapus na profile ta, Interview na ta ah. Number 1. Are you sleeping always early at night?
-No, I sleep late always. And I, Thank you!

Number 2. What are the usual factors ang things that delay your sleep or cause you to
sleep late?
-Umm, pwede ka Hiligaynon na lang?

Oo ah, dapat proud ka nga Pilipino ka.

-Mayu. um, ang gapa late sa akun tulog ang mga assignments. Tapus ma tuon pa ku na,
basa basa.

Lul, dw gatuon ka gd?

-Oo ah! aku pa ya. tsk. Tapus syempre Facebook Facebook, Insta(gram), Friendster pa da
kung gusto mu. Dayun YouTube da eh.

Sure ka nga YouTube lang?

-Indi ku bala pag ibuking. Next na bi.

Gadali? may laktan? Number 3. For you, are you getting enough sleep every night?
-Of course, Indi!

Proceed ta number 4. How does lacking of sleep affects you for that day?
-Anu mga epektu sa akun kung kyulang tulog ku?

Anu pa beh?
-Syempre galingin ulo ku, dayun gakawad an ku energy, nakapuy ku biskan bag o bugtaw.
Dayun, may impact gd ya aa study habits ku eh.

As if may Study habits ka gd. Number 5 auh. Does the Irregular Schedule affects your
performance, project making and output submission in school?
- Oo, daku gd epektu ya, next.

How frequent can you submit your outputs ahead or at the deadline?
-Permi eh, pero ndi man tanan man gs ma pass ku in time.

Tutum bata bah. So far, how were the scores in most of your tests?
-Katamtaman ah, Average.

Anu general Average mu sang last?

-90 man auh, may honor.

Do you think that the irregular schedule of classes have great impacts to your grades?
-Oo, may Ara man gd ah.

Number 10, how frequent do you get for your classes?

-Laka man lang auh, aga man ku bugtaw permi auh. Danay lang, damu questions bah.

Amu na gne dasigun ta para maatapus na. Eleven, How about your absences? How often
are they?
-Laka man auh, kung ginamasakit lang ko or may practice kme saut.
Number 12 So do you think that irregular schedule of classes is a great factor or challenge
to be on time for your classes?
-Oo gru. Aga aga pa naman start sag klase ta. Tapus yawan gd ya ang mga layu balay nga
ginapulian. Budlay mag keep up sa sched ta ni.

Number 13. After school, where are you always heading or hanging out?
-Makadtu da sa mall, or biskan diin lagawan. Dayun, may to un puli man sa balay deritso.
or kis a sa ginapraktiaan namun saut eh.

Number 14. What are the thinga /activities you usually do for your afternoon freetime?
-Umm, lagaw lagaw, or matulog sa balay. himu assignments, projects. or practice saut eh.

Number 15 For you, did the irregular schedule of classes affect the usual routines/schedule
of your life?
-Oo ah, half day pa naman klase mu adlaw adlaw. Damu gid na ya adjustments, naanad ta
daan sa sang Una nga sched.

Last na. So, so you still want have the same schedule for the next year?
-Indi na. Mas namian ku giyapun ang parehas sang na kay indi tu ya haslu nga sched.
maburaw buraw ka pa tu ya, kag nami kay isa isa gd oras ang mga klase, indi rush. damu
pa vacant. kag... amu na. pwede na ka puli?

Oo ah. Thank you gd.

Respondent B

Interviewee: Ma. Antonnete Mahillum

Interviewer: Mark Llander Beatingo
Date of Interview: October 10, 2016
Interview Start Time: 2:15 pm
Interview End Time: 2: 20 pm
Interview Duration: 5 minutes

Excuse me mads good afternoon napilian ka namun nga e interview gali para sa amon
research okay lang? Basi busy ka?
-Ok lang ahh no probs.

So bale amon research is about amu ni. 16 questions ni sa tanan structured ni sa kag feel
free to answer lang ahh kay wala man choices bali sugod tah sa profile danay ah

Name mo?
-Ma. Antonette Mahilum
Grade 11 section?
Gender? kabalo nako pero sabta lang para sure
- Female

Sige 1st question ahh katulog kaman timpranu kung gab e?

-Gab e nako permi katulog mahimo pako dayun ulobrahon nga e pass pagka bwas.

Ano mga factor ngaa delay tulog mo? Ano gid reason mo ngaa permi ka late tulog?
-gahimo assignment or ga internet search answers para sa assign

So kulang gid tulog mo kada gab e?

-Kulang na kulang gid eh.

Kung kulang tulog mo anu na ang effect para cmu?

-ginatamad ko magbangon kag magalakt kapin pa kis ah magpa skwelahan eh.

So para cmu gaka apektuhan gid ang performance mo sa school sa irregular schedule?
-uu gaka apektuhan gid

Permi mo man ma pass outputs mo on time?

-uu gaka pass ko man permi on time kay ginapulawan ko gid na.

Kamusta man scores mo sa imo test?

-taas man ahhh maka pasar man permi

Anu grades mo sang last quarter?

-90 plus man ahhh

Feel mo may impact gid ang irregular schedule sa grade mo?

- uu pero daw wala man gid big event nga ma fail ko

Anu ka frequent lateness mo?

- wala man ko gakalate aga pako permi

Imo absences yah kamusta man?

-wala man ko ka agi absent except lang guro kung may hampang sa chess kay excuse man
ko na

Para sa imo hadlang ayhan ang makapaaga ka pa sa school tungod sa irregular class
- daw indi man gid kay CAT man ko so naanad nako sa amo ni nga schedule depende
nalang gid na sa student.

After school diin ka dayun ga kadto?

-puli sa balay diretso kag kung kis a sa lopues ehh kay kung need mamakal materials para
sa ulobrahon.

Anu gina himo mo yah dayun pagkahapon?

-tulog pahuway kag kung tapos na himo sang assignments or output.

So para cmu naka apekto gid bala ang irregular schedule ta para sa daily routines nga hina
himo mo?
- uu grabe gid bag o sang routine ko d parehos sang last

Lastly gusto mo pa ni ayhan ang amo ni nga school year para sa nxt year?
- No , kay ang aml ni nga schedule daw ka complicated kag gusto ko na ibalik gid ang
regular classes.

Thank you gid sa time kag patience sa pag answer ka questions ahh
-welcome nong basta ikaw ahh

Respondent C

Interviewee: Dipsy Marie Orolfo

Interviewer: Rouel Dedace
Date of Interview: October 10, 2016
Interview Start Time: 2:30 pm
Interview End Time: 2:37 pm
Interview Duration: 7 minutes

Excuse me migo good afternoon ako gali si dipsy ma ask ko tani questions para sa amun
research pwede lang? Basi busy ka or what..?
- ok lang gid ah

So bale amon research is about ------ 16 questions ni sa tanan structured ni sa feel free to
answer lang ahh kay wala man choices imo lang gid yah answer na feel mo amo na ang
gusto mo isabat. So sugod tah sa profile danay ah.

Name mo?
-Rouel Dedace
Grade 11 section?
- Male

First question katulog kaman timpranu kung gab e?

-gatulog ko permi gab e na
Ano ang factor ngaa delay tulog mo? Main reason mo ngaa gatulog ka late at night?
-Answer assignments kag pulaw sa facebook eh

So kulang gid tulog mo ?

-Kulang gid

Kung kulang tulog mo anu gaka feel mo na effect cmu?

-katalamad mag bangon kag wala gana magpa skwelahan wala pagid energy.

Para cmu gaka apektuhan gid ang performance mo sa school sa irregular schedule?
-uu kay d sanay lawas ko sa schedule

Permi mo gaka pass ouputs mo on time??

-minsan oo minsan hindi.

Kamusta man scores mo sa imo test?

-ok lang taas man

Anu grades mo sang last quarter?

-90 plus makapasar na

Feel mo may impact ang irregular schedule sa grade mo subong?

- uu kay sa irregular schedule gaka late ko

Anu ka frequent lateness mo?

- twice or once a week guro

Kamusta imo yah absences?

-d man gid ko pala absent except lang guro lain matyag ko.

Para sa imo balakid ayhan ang irregular schedule para magpa aga ang isa ka edtudyante?
- uu kay lapyo pa ang iban nga students pag abot sa school

After school diin ka dayun ga kadto?

-puli sa balay diretso kag magbulig sa balay

Anu gina himo mo yah dayun pagkahapon?

-tulog kag relax lang e chill lang

Para cmu naka apekto gid bala ang irregular schedule ta para sa imo daily routines nga
gina himo mo?
- uu damo nagbag o tungod sa irregular schedule tah

Lastly gusto mo pa ni ayhan ang amo ni nga school year para sa nxt year?
- yes biskan amo ni nga schedule mas magaan ko damo nga time para magpahuway kag
himo school work
Thank you gid sa pag lend mo sakon sang imo time migo salamat gid liwat
-welcome man

Excuse, Good afternoon. Napilian ka namun tne para mag answers sng amun interview.
Okay lng? basi busy ka or anu.
-Ah okay lng auh.

Respondent D

Interviewee: Kimberly Hofilena

Interviewer: Trixie Lacson
Date of Interview: October 10, 2016
Interview Start Time: 2:45
Interview End Time: 2:52 pm
Interview Duration: 7 minutes

So, bale Amun study, may 16 questions ni tanan. Structured interview. And feel free to
answer any kay Wla man choices. Pero profile ta danay. Anu imu Name?
-Kimberly Hofilena
Grade 11 section?
Imu edad?

So start na ta Questions. Una, Makatulog ka permi timpranu taga gab e?

-Ah ndi gd eh, late na ku permi tulog, aga pa dayun bugtaw.

So anu ang mga bagay or factors ang ga pa delay sa imu sleep? anu gd permi ang mga
rasun nga permi ka late tulog?
-Laban Laban kay gatuon ku na, gahimu assignments, or kis a ma internet internet. amu
man lng na.

So, kulang gd imu tulog taga gab e?

-Oo gid eh.

So para sa imu, anu epekto kung kulang tulog mu?

-Kung kulang gd tulog ku, gatamad ku mag giyu. Kis a ginatamad na ku magkadtu sa
skwelahan. Tapus gasinakit na aku ulo or Mata.

Ahh... So next is, para sa imu, gaka epektuhan gd ang performance mu sa school sng
irregular schedule ta ni?

Permi mu ma pass imu outputs in time?

-Oo man, pero ndi gd sila tanan tanan. may Ara man kis a late ku pass

Kamusta naman ya imu mga scores sa imu tests kag outputs sa mga last days ni?
-Hmm, dw Tag as man...

So, anu imu General Grade sng first Quarter ni?

-Hmm, 90 plus man auh.

Para sa imu, may impact ayhan ang Irregular Schedule sa Grade mu?
-Oo, pero ndi man gd guro amu nah kadaku.

Anu ka frequent ka gaka late sa imu class?

-Hmm, samalaka man lng auh.

Imu ya absences?
-Laka laka man. Kung ginahilananat ku nga mapadoctor gid kami.

Para sa imu, hadlang ayhan ang irregular schedule ta ni para manimpranu diri sa
-sa akun, makabugtaw man ku timpranu mu, tee makapanimpranu man ku di sa
eskwelahan, So no. depende lng gd na yah gru sa estyudante kung early pa sya mabugtaw

Ookaaay... Next, After School? Diin ka dayun gakadtu pagkatapus klase?

-Puli deritso, kis a kadtu sa mall kung may mga balaklun or lagaw2x na lng eh.

Anu dayun nga mga ginahimu mu sa hapun?

-Hmm, Tulog eh. Bawi in ku gd, aga pa ku bugtaw mu.. Tapus ma internet internet pa ku
na anay, kag himu na lng assignments eh.

So para sa imu, naapektuhan gd sng irregular schedule ta ni ang mga daily routines sng
kabuhi mu?
-Hmm.. Oo.

Lastly, gusto mu pa ayhan nga parehas giyapun schedule ta para sa next school year?
-Ah, ndi na ku yah. gusto ku na gne mabalik na schedule ta parehas sng Una

Thank you gd sa pag answer sng amun Interview.

-Thank you man.

Respondent E

Interviewee: Runon Gilboy Jr.

Interviewer: Ella Nicole Medina
Date of Interview: October 10, 2016
Interview Start Time: 3:01 pm
Interview End Time: 3:07 pm
Interview Duration: 6 minutes

Good Afternoon. Ma Interview na kami tani regarding sa study namun nga ------. 16
Questions, So we hope nga ndi ka Busy.
-Sure, freetime man subong ah.

So Profile ta danay, imu name?

-Runon Gilboy Jr.
Grade 11 section anu?
Imu age?
Imu Gender?

So sugod ta sa Interview Proper. First, Permi ka gatulog ka permi timpranu taga gab e?
-Wala ah, gab e na ku permi gatulog.

Anu ang mga rason ngaa gab e ka na gatulog?

-Ahh, Gaming. Computer. Tapus tan aw Anime or Movies. Chat chat na lang dayun eh.

For you, enough ang sleep mu every night?

-Indi gid eh. Permi pulaw.

So, anu ang mga epekto sa imu sa pagka aga kay kulang tulog mu?
-Buraw eh. Tapus gapalangluya ku, kalaen sa pamatyagan.

Next, Para sa imu, na apektuhan gd sng irregular schedule ang school performances mu?
-Oo eh, daku gd.

Permi mu ma pass imu outputs in time or ahead sa deadline?

-Kis a Oo, or kis a ndi man, gakalate submission man ku. Gamay man lng minus ah.

Mga pila man ang scores mu sa outputs kag tests mu?

-Okay man lng. indi man gid nubo, indi man gd amu nah kataas.

Pila imu General Average sng last grading?

-mga 89.

Sa imu ayhan, Na apektuhan sng irregular sched ta ang imu grades?

Kapila ka ma late sa isa ka semana?
-mga Twice or Thrice man lng ah.

Anu ka permi naman imu absents ya?

-Hmm, Kis a kis a kung may masakit ku, may okasyon or may himuon gd ku.

Sa imu ayhan, hadlang ayahan ang sched ta sa para maka abut di sa eskwelahan on time?
-Oo eh, kung adlaw lng Tani sugod sang klase ta, indi ku ma late ya.

Tapus School, sa hapun. Diin ka dayun gakadtu?

-Mapuli, or mapakompyuteran. or kis a lagaw sa balaya
sng barkada. daw amu man lng na ah

Anu dayun mga usual activities mu sa hapun tapus skwela?

-matulog ku na, dayun tan aw anime, internet, ma hampang kompyuter, upod sa barakada
or bulig na lng sa balay.

Naapektuhan gd ayhan sng irregular sched ta ang mga nakasanayan mu sa kabuhi?

-Oo eh, sa pagtulog pa lang daan, permi na ku subong perdi.

So, sa Next school year, anu na gusto mu nga schedule ta? amu giyapun parwhos sbung?
-Ah, indi na ku ya ah. Balik na ta Tani sa regular ta nga schedule. Yugs, kadugay ambi
mahuman sng building ta to oh.

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