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Sas alata cEeeeree none + Aer t | chet le one @ethechanicaltesi ; Pee ecrk QChamcucal test rt en tet bar O@phasicat vest @ whar is nor? NOT Is @ none Aesictive testing -Afied jhe test)” Thame. is neChanging oh it Shope pPhysical Chamicol & Nolune A the molaal. § @ what is vt? Destruciive testing is destroyed’ a'meial to Sind Ouk Some Kina OF HS Chawaci eves «Anyone OF its Share , physical on Nature be c-hanging, Gf vai igore.: ULTRA a5 Sonic.» ie ' 4 Be OR Veryhigh — Soundusaves. 1 Be foe ma r very: high. tregpuamen a Soumd wane, 4egii ng. And Sed “mere than human audiatbe age 4.20,co0t12. (2okH2). $+ ie Yo Sind oul masiniads, cute and stalin. y 5 yyy ©) Sound wares divided by ren 1) Subsonic. tomge —, © — Ionzertes nit hb ane visite. o> Pemavn Prange. —p le ~ 20,00K2= It & Lenn ama visite 5) mere. than Runam Oudialle +, > above 20kHZ= SH “4 visible rrrv7y y ae = ‘Vegeles /S8ec oe . lem hZ = 10H st kaz: : lomkHZ = 10,60, 65 HZ =o HZ. * apace 15, Amillion Hz. eae FV. VIIVDDVIDDD Ce vm az rT 7 GD Seokhz = o-emHz. Waa aey , oD a eer e Ca a Ce it teeters 3 URES Medes “and Pofegabiss of Scund Wares. 2 Longitudened team. (on> a aia ditavional brane. ® Shan wane Gy Trameverge. dane © Surfrea usane Cond Repti er %). pat Lode. @n ae wane. '@ Lis —> Ponticle vibrakis (I!) poraliel 40 tha. Haropatin d dixectiin P+. Sand waves BFP t fe Particle motion. sw — > Panicle vitaies (Ly) perperdiculon 4o the Propogatiin 6h direction df te Sound waves, Be. : ‘ ™y Particle motion. Osurf io —» The particle vibes naithe, porallel nov perpendicular he Propagalic, is elliptical. G-Finge ving os «ERG fedial come ~ GH Of ona dunt Gv) Amplitude dept, becomes 14, ci OD SHS Cheseck "Hho Siw fhe, Maar Surface. »emualion Campureat “Ho 'Lia ates’ 8 aon A SHO. gt prepogation siveng elasite, forces of solid. Oke’ Other sie Preficalty ne ble thane fone. it 16 nonevisient a eli “eae th © amet on Sun Sece wore, trowel, L Cure) $4 i nat Shas "eee ee : ot. ni ernang Y yehlectal. $4 i mation s particle vibration Yeo eltipticay. : i $1 com be almost Completaly aliterbed by Qxcass Couplamt ov by touching.a inger “tothe Surface To doléet Surfore crock amd ft penetrate, one tame length , amd ane genanalasl by dinecbrg tre Ieiclemk longitudinal wana ab WS and critica angle @ ple Wowe —» Basically useat te findout Ureninabien | Tijes 4 dobeck in vey Small tik. velocihy ve vist dixet dopendsuson | Ci) The & the motentod Gi) Tyee & melsrial Gi Angle h grveiclant ‘ Cw) freaptamey & anniatent. Sr is amixs oa oe ree Les @ Sun Seren toome. $0 velo chy is eta vaabetad ea) vel vee veh) G) Symmericat Cailational) . Gi) ASY metric |. Sa “Ss we 3 A a EARS ¥y Symmetrical Asymmetrical. Ave et se Plate. wove. or Lambwave ; by using: Longitudinal waves uhioh developing ither Symmeirical’ on ASymmeivical waves - [o Ji Brot Possible to generate. Shu, '- ov Surface wave on materialS thinner than one -halt [> wane length | Pre eee ee 7 Tao basic forme of plate waves ane Symmeinical on ablatooal = A2yM Metical or Flaccuial aves Bach dein te esther sub — divicted rate Several mediy dlopending on Velocily which fam be Con\aolled by ample of incident. ¢4 is differen icc. material thk, velocity anal frequency. APPLICAtio! : : : Gamenally uiccl fo maatura th “thie do detect omy Jaminalién is thame which ae Pomallet 10 ths. Only Surface. Sw 6418 Sheen modula which ane rst i Parallel. $+ is usec for plate pipe dwelcl. @ Comporigon of different waves. | ProPeriies Liat SHiwi ort wave | aT Existence — [solid liquid,ged gelid Solid by Vetoctty Highest lore kefius least ar 0.9 jee | Gor rq sus C [Propagation | para tte Perpendicular! eltiptical i-Jicave | : d-Jwave length, Highest — farekor is |reast arp oat (ez of SH) @| Resplvtion Leas4 les than Surf least Chighesy) wave : fleewciienty lie ess than Suef] bestChighest) wave. tratin: : eet i Uighest less oe Least, @ L Why Shaowwave: HOF the longitudinal wave 2 | because Shaw wave mere atienualion han die. i Nongitudhinat wave . $1 Gonarati ¥ of 4g Hensity, | The does of attyaction betuecen Melaenlas ane : 480 small, H) wave Prepegatio depends vpon @) Elastic Property I) density CEx air Ksteelatifs) Lw Stes both SS ‘ SB g Back x ovr. © front ey" Fae : . i: im “atticle mokan Particle motion fentienck, aon oa (Parattet. : 7 at ' Gyre is wove? teas OD) ‘ ~ The ultrasound Shes aise mabiniol an egelie iamal Gree a wome form fs Cotes one whet @ wanes Samgits 2, (n) . os : The ditience Ultrasone pulre Srosaly ulate O Poriicl makes Una Complete cycle. is Called wave length, o ae Cr ‘The AiStamer between dhe. Some’ particle tn tad Point, ae distance travelled by ene cycle (a inmeter) AsV/p © hot is sensitivity? 341s tha ability te dalaee dh $mal/ of th che fect. ie Sensitivity fa probe. ¢ meaSures! by the amplibiole § its response 10 the emery. reflected froma stb dis ccibinaily [Fat Jottom halo vn. 510 refleetor] A) stat & trope? ee [No anetorabing (A) o eyes Por. secera), Jz = tees free, Bo no egols 7 given Prricd & bins K cabled he. frespasney © what & yeloeid 7 ‘ Ae Porticle Mevowiant tr a Portioulor obisfanaa, por unit: of Gris. [rowel teamugh 0, macliim daponcls upon properties, Density ame modo of te probe. : | : | verY, i Q) what is vibration? a “fe dispheamone 4a mass famits ves position G) whet is propagation? Th adlvoncamont fa wae ‘thraygh a madi, Ultra Sone wars trevellodng movement Called pre @ whet is mode? : : fo manner tn which accoustic emery § prepegalicl Hormigh a malcniol as chonoelirized by The particle motion & the wane chong, From one. form & particle Vibration 40 Amother. differ trom ona dixechin to amore, Moda Consergion occurs when a Soumd Beam Strikes oan tnlrpce between fixomadsn of | diferent Velocities at an ample OL Curved Sumfpeos. © tier Is reflection? The roliom Of Sound uae Called ye tection. CQ) (S) what ig Trompmission 9 A fottion of the Sound ware. travelling Awieughan Toterfaee into the. Seconel madium(D) 1% cated Trang mission PTY Va veo BD wher & Accoustic impectance 7 Whe fooler which Contig the! Prepagabin dan Ultrasonic wave at a by tntordoee.. J+ iS fia | Product: 6b the material density ama te accoussic: views Velocity within te material, eee Teves etait ee yy SS a product ef ‘the density apd Spundy SD velociliy [z in Kg Ine se} - ZrOnv Dywhae is Attenualign 2 From tha. Souree of uliva Sonic Energy the. - Wécken Will be te beam called ae Attenuation! ‘ Pee n Hak we tue toed ©F olive Sonic. Energy akweh travelling treaugh 0 madi glia’ 48 Seailering and abSorption “The Amplituce ig, lavergely prtportional Jo the diStamea.. Se thak Ff He diSience. 's doobled The amplitude 5 halves. ic GAB veduchin. The Atlenualiin co- efficient Since AHBS = 6d8 SL = A= S dB/am Whee T> an Example? plate The gemm, freq AmHZ , Probe, dhe fomm, Near Sieid lengte 7mm te Second Bus echo at Gomm distance, NG Freater than Sn Glens) .aratore the. Seecnd ame South erkes oie on GB Slope. ee Take The iff meek, omplitucle Meaturad belocan second and fanth echo soda Tota beam ciStames between Second and Foe; Coke = 1Qomm, wo fae i?) thet & Atenuatlece? ‘AS the Less & emengy (Accoustic) pex wait & distomer. Gradual loss & emarngy 28 Soamd boom ae Te ‘aHlenalin “ Jonssalliin of the ph: modlinios at Amnz is ne =le-6 (aa Yd8/mm fy) => 33d8/m, Trash A material 1s collect Attenualiin. Ip 4 ital Te go 7 e Th. % B Attemualltin Gon Xeride = Rots g Mengities, Se ee >I2 Attenied’on Scatter Absorption Snclusion, porosity, Come @ groan, Astemuadicn Mean + tap) ot (i) Scatten Gil) Sater Sememen Cis) Ream Sprenst Dead eset eater ryrye 1 es a ab at Go 0 aC ORO UT eget ) AbGorpiion : @| Mechamical effect. $n tha -cuagh LN mprve AmPliSier Amal tnorece the trang sisting powe: ' | AbSexPiion & a direct! Conveidion ot! Sound emangy tte haok- A bSoxp rion usually iseredlgas With Freqrramas. | 2-20 leg we ga va Mi Va one A inpek out put. voltage respecniiply ¥) Scatter ; oe | Mainly depends upon coarte Gren Size: Ciredusion , pores, laminontyaa’), how frequency fo mamta Sensitivity, Fer Quam Size Smaller than tha Wane. lengt.. Seah ering ig practically vegiibie. Grain size Me"? View BF te wore length) fou inerense ropidly Appronimate¥as te d1d Pouer Of grain Sike to make itself at [SIZE trom Xo te He fUb yale Wari length. (eneess ry.) Hime fo Measure Atfemualin ? AMemuolin = Al AL = £ BP Amplitude haighs 1 Aa. Fullp Amplitude haight ” jAMeriGensTD:' a IKicy) > %e => 02S dB/am , British sD Gommakn, Pha-tomm, AmMYZ, Ns 2 PA => 160mm eS : Ru to Set aed Fay Zona. auray. 2nd Bu te $ac 221 AiStames . S-6 oaeo Se -AMenwalion ith Fa ay aati] 6 = BE tees EXSY Bu oc aor = weg. ode AR diff asde amd Boat 807 2at 2x30 § > 14 Go! — “=D 0-31 d8/mm dla paneer rey oh ci), eevee Py ye vr er DDD DD pee reeed (iM) Dead Zona ? Ge The dead Zone ig an Grea clive hy babes “the Sti fece Of te Specimen. Whane, Qtramacucae is; Copied. The dap & the Zme is Sematimes Estimated by he position of qu. Mitial Pulge displayed on ace’i. A delay line or dual. clamant Probe Uesel 40 Sedicale not Suafoca dayect. When the proba. is” OA a tramamitier and Receive, ‘i The transmission continnes Until the Pulse cuas cut amok than only it Com oer os a Teeaiver. AIBC ewem ablov ta elecliccad Pube & [eur off tn orgsiak. becouse of ite tn@xtia Continuas {FO Vibrate by he dime: the pulge dies ot ov the [CAYS IAL S10PS Vibwate the Sonic @nergy +Havelg inte [AKL Second moaliriat mA the iStames travelted [PY Me Sound energy withon “he pulse chunalion [Perc 18 knmon ar daod Zona, | When a flow lies within thy, Zone - onal Initial pulse) Signal Grom tes will not Le yeeeived amd hence cammet be daleelad To (b+ he. internal Aomping tne, probe may be. Improved _ Pod Zene depends upon o 1! pulse lemgth i) Dual fumelisn the, Arangal veey hi) Amplify Jain time : ID Gain Setting Internal vevevbor ton, ‘ ae (A) gone 1s Neon zone? a The, jinlompiliy vn the Near Zone. Vansag! iwegulardy F dine be Sora wore. interackun chosé 4o He = Monbdiizan’ This prevents Reliable alatisbuie ok 7 Aiseenfimuities close. fo the Surface. Ee ' Near Trangitien : erg 2enk ” cay zone. 1 z ‘4 ‘ Lo ‘ : ‘ oc j Be ae NFPA 2 7 i ; Near field + - Fresnel Zone. Far fied — Fraum heffex zone Neay lield thoveasing 3n-Shows neanks Smooth Curve Leith Zens Poink amd Setondany maneima Whose peaks move rapidly towards te ckSide, N= OZ . They formula covers tu ctal Gistames som the hemidicer thithe the beam 18 developing in a plattle Stama- off wadge. ov act, Thamefera, whan Caleutaling tha neon zone am angle Probe allesence Must ba TIAdke apr te clovélep ment Jain ce pergipom. The Neo Zane Nigh heh Freqnremeg Cenixet the Srett;.dio. Probe. WHoo to meosgune Neon zona? From thitiat ig impess/bie te mantune the! Nea z, yrveaes vytD yaad From the Sal. So we muss Kmoo the [aset Of te crystak Surface. “2 N24 defects lecatec| within thenlear Zone 16 affected by the diffraction pattern. $418 diffreult +o determine the Size of te defects evan aieya)) que r e 5 r ASmiz, Blomm, beam travel made HO PEIS PEX —lomm. Ni SHE hx sx Leo. oo AXNV A326 0 KITE => 32-46mm We Must news Sobrwacd the perspex wedge part the beam which is lomm. Moilipled by the ratio of Ine Pers pex| amd Sieel velocities which 16 1ox2730 =8- Am 2250 : . Warafere madi hied Nea Zora = 38-46-84 = 80mm, Q] FAR Zone ? (Frayn hole Zone) © Seattering ; Jost as light dg Scattered by omone $eg. Uae waves Scattered b: 2 fleet ot Y POrES, boundanier oy “NC Precipitates on defects Q\ Absorption ; : S715 tee Less doe te mechanical interaction of tha molecules Causing fiction amd Finally, being dissipated th the, form of haat i Rl ReFractiong crt cul, xt { 9418 defined agrte: a or Chamge tn .aliyection .of LiKe Sourd ag ia prepogated Hineugh an -tnlirdace bebwees matinial, Rening Aifferant Velocities SB] DiLFrad tion ;* Rogugh Sux Seen; Vestn ochunact Sunfoe affedt Gee palicnm must be Conridered A “Suilocs Rewenan modifies 'b gna “Camd Pant hte bear 18 diffracted, At the Exliome 6 0 vou nares vob le'es: fon, Aivection Change. termed Seater Oceuns fo tha above rulers clo not one b Capek. : i Ths 1s the okect as method onea Kmasn ay “Tense TE. Diffraction now TOF Crime of Flight] TY] Resolution: TK ability 40 Shoo Sepanais $rabica tiers, ten the Aimeenbsruibiss , Wi ing boson ‘|a0 dapt,. The a Sagh Areapuaneey Ret oind broad hand widt roo X Probes. Pes aene neve) aay Pees ay Pee eo we Cee er casa boat tee U] Rane Section : pressure. drop ov lew presSuha woame Prepagatasn From the mecla, Conversion, gacidant t reflection ‘gt medium : t __ mode Convergion gotrrer face) Td mecdivm Rana foatin V7] THROLGN TRANS MSston | “el Mramamitting & Racaiving Probes on opposite Sides & a, ccna ie) one. debe th Ake Same. arcis. Tha PreSemee of dohect io tncicatod by the Yeductin A reanived cok, Gt fe not possinte. to get the opin 5 te defect, Ww] RESONACE : _, Resentes, ExciStS Wharaven ‘the. theg of malarial corn. % Wame..| te multiple Seumd in Rak material, 0 ee ot Earlier tue Mesitaa mamt was done by des moticd. Neus D' malin fg -used of polse — cho mathod only GF a then plate om oscitiols freely on both faces. he. fumdamantal or first chonoclin istic, hos nd wane lengtna A= kx a t= 35 Amz (wee | Practical application ; Con Kasrons BPIPes CCERSSIEIO. How even Corresion | Fouthiy odhes Joints, of Plates Gey mathod. hana 1S ne pitting, 2MH2 Scitation thus has one hathwaneHemgit] ipo Plots thins oma the na, chanecliriste Oscillation The teicknass of plats determcnaal by 3mk2 -Amuz ; i (SS BSS iiead BSca7 eagh «| deesles “on Jy 2estengh| | wall the maaburamemt of onaSide. ob the wall ss lamination 1h Sheets, Yon In plakngs or at Soklered, also be clatacléol by ths The residuad watt dre whion Of interegs In Cose. of Corpsion Can be detectea by thy metiod only \$ the wean © uniform anal if tse Tee Neve sere sey era 2 a oh al a a ic a CCI cect Cmeet sr eratey 2] BEAM SPREAD e Tha. Fax Zona Ss also charact erized by |: Spreading of the beam eis trom its eenial axis Sing =K% . 94 is Valid for Small divergence ov circulon the angie of divergence Canndi be assessed, Accurately by He enuatiin, dn ouch Cases beam spread is found accuraiely by escpeti memt. y K ang ducer So TS primainie of aiventton 1G Setendary Lubes |@2 Vitrasepic Energy is concen tated along Ate. Centre line of i Beam, Gi) The Secondary 2 side lobes trom at the. hang, Foes Oma Rodin auing Prom the principle, civearion of go, . We Secendony Lobes Ropresemt ta Onass ob High amd Low intensities at theedge of the beam, i) Fev a given Freqnancy & éwialley IFieama disean | drow o Areatin beam Spread angle ten a large. Alamalen Jronsducax. 2 es ' IIE the Fremmamey Chang | : “TG Beam gs precs| abso chama ing, \ 1 Small tn, \Vtoneducey lorge dia Transducers . Ke Sing SKY © = heme eveptsitinal Poser: loo ex Sree, 1 1.08 Cede) 40d © +56 6a) sox K-values —» . : bee Aiyergemes. eam be: Yediuead by imereoneg “tw trang dean Ponyamey ra Jewegen. diy Famschiscan . tmz, dia Beam ,clvesgemea ad" " NT : ‘ : Vg half power peimt (0-707, Giotensity) PPP EVO D OOD OOOO DVD IID? Oy ye zy teen teed tat Saal al ALL YI] via tom: Wamiza— Tl" Beam Seveag =! Din 23-00 1 hz a G i Levger diamalin ured used at the Treapameiey te avoid very wide Beam Spread. | Gd Sing 2k AG DIAS lomm Sing, 2 Kx = 1292x4768 Ee Sine, 2 0-6) Zangle S/n, = 355° Fall Angle © = 35S-SKQ a7 1) DA-23e—m = 122% 4-768 eas, % =e Fullangie = 29% ii) Smnz, gtomm — B.a3° 2-Sm¥2,Plomm — 16.2" ZI) DB Ratié «opp, “AMPLITUDE: ©! 261 2 too te 80% eae 6 100 46 So% el oe . 12 loo to 25K Bit 1 . lov to2o0% lot! i oc Jeo te 10% loo?! Ao EX 4 \ a 2x2il Gt6 21 => 1208 2 W25x2%2 2 | 24646 ol => \4dgR i) 625: ] 25%26 =) S*SxXSKS' | => SEB (414 +444] Pl ot ia aby a) a yy a) ve : ha ete aaatenteaet a eet eater ne ere ee (sak elf adsl aha Lal at al a Ar Peleg Hy (AR. =-b6dg iv 80% Amp reduce Ao, Ans 2eleg Wy (82 =6dR dae 20leg° We olecrens fag Ame ¥ da- aolog Ha Me Amp oo feo 80% amp reduce GAB Act Amp ineneasing aa Edge Peleg HA) dg c2elog Hef, Aosles 6, = ge | GAs 2oleg zz H2 = 80 Antiles, Gf, = Hyg, =40% li ita oe | = BOK Na lenge Fe Flector at some amd beyond 3nz (Near Zone) BES 2 Signal of will be Hoe Signal size 4, Ok 40mm 2 eZ FSH. whal tom Q laxge reflector Banal Size = S45 x 50% =p 3ThFsa Signal Size. 36/4 50/ 28% (dimension) q Fotmuias D) wave lengh CA) 5 We mm/see @ srews Las Sini vy Siny Vv, 2 @ Near Field lengix = Oe N= DZ mm @ aceoussic impedance Z = Py, Cm /sec decite; e deo. 2elog HL Ho 6) Half angle Beam Spread sineg = KY, K = 122)” joo% ez) K = FOB © 90%, rede kK s©'S6 504 6dB io Veloechy y oy [a'stannea /tims] IM Senginivity = Ys © tomes i : crgstag 2 Nelocthy of crystal maker = ve crooks 2x Preqpuarnesy AeA my pavers ween vee) ie Ce Nee yes el : fa GG ae Gat eee tecer ad Found @ s Chocks BP! by angle Sheepiog. Ge one ic Shasking by, Vier Vac BLeGk. PCD Seeendig Checking by Yeflection Srom AGP) knew NS Contimisiyy sey Swrendeaa flow A Above formula used. Movurite oe I IQ Thickness ‘ds onysil a . Veloce: fy ‘of engl mold i 2 Quontz Velocity —7 S760 m/s 5 4AmHZ = STee Kt mis 2*Ax 10! mz oa @) uTsource cavers HISTORY | 7A-SOURCE CRYSTAL HISTORY Curia broths obsewed th, stat fist sm 1880. The. Lip mam ives chectaicat charge to Queniz th 1897, Than i418 olevelopad later in ~ Bond War ae Quarts © Silicon oxide (Si0g) granite natural O48 taf > Piezo -clecivic & Steer A Malenal Exhibits Piezo — Glecivicity if its ceysial Siruclina does not have Center & Symmery, Piezo checks cenamics have tee Property ther above 2 cextamm temp (curie feme) this do here GQ Center of S¥mmEry. belas ty emp howenen a rrelang acs @ phere Change to a Ron~ Combo - Symmetic Strwaltne. gn tha phase the. Srystat Ror builk th AiPpole which may Switched ein amy paginas dreclitn on the apelicai, fa SuFFi ciewkly hgh ehackine fiekal , IF a single engsiat 1% cooieal elas the Curie Bomp Va the pre semen moa Glace 4iald the cleeic dipdes tema to olin Tham Seles tm the divection nearest to tea Applies cleclid Sickel. rryvyoo le ( i a ® Symmetry af Non-Céarro Symmetric po g : S200 o@ ee Go S206 ve AFIex Cooling the romoval “st the Cactus [ela he dkpolas. Camnst rabon te Atal Svigisal position, Amal the cryrtol becomes pormanantly piezo - elockue. A Sheri voltage pulse of eS tan to miche Seeond and voltage of aée to lecoy Can oScillaie the crygial 40,145 Natural tregquamey, whieh daponds on the the and malliviog o the crystal. 12 %.-@pt for Compressonal wave WD y -evt for Shear Gave (if Polorized cxysiel mode ' < Pressing into S _ Powder + Wafly healed > Pressing into hepa Allowing Cool at very Strong elecrrical iad! Tha ts alfects te atomic. Structure of dhe Crystal lattice. “Kid Quartz. — Sig i) Vthram Sulphate: _ Liso, iit) Barium Titanate — BaTio, iv) lead metanicbate - Ponb Og IV) Leod Zinconate Titanate PeT _ Po210, PbTiog Recently Experiment, Ign Re & Sensitivity Polyvinyt Chloride Probes, jie) Qualities of trangdvcer, MATE RM cae suite? RECENER ee cie | > Quariz Poor FAIR Pooy | s7sc Rees Poor | Pxcelen| Good | 6% ® BARium, \ TITANATE Greed | caiy Faty la’ @ LBAD Litdun| : Ti TAWATE VERY : [zinconarte] | Good | Peer | Geos | 360% prado Penenahean va Prrerye poyrr yr rr evra 1 =a! A t @ Dam ping Slog ' CryStal 9 S¥er Coating — i) These wive i) Blectedte Packing = Barium Titanaie eye yr ol WE ona. used —Veaal lithue Titanate [Zin ka Lithium guiphaieq : 1 Shami caleanpensmt: (P ocean ‘ Waren Soloble., INSTRUCTION 0} CONSTRUCTION OF PROBES A> Normal Probe Co") + Coarcal Connecter Ja— Probe Cate : = SiWwer Gace. Eleewecte Protective mambrane $4 necessary 40 Seldeving ip. Connecting wire, [eleevede] “SEd LASide probe ih opposie side Me Fitted on both faces of crystal trom these clackodes Leng 4S the Comecter socket of fy Probe, Cork material, Used 40 aveid Eche Vibration. onduives 4. of Bw yD Damping oe Vi) Protective, Mombtane, ~ Sometimes, amping Material 18 alge applied on th tener foce of ye Crystal, Bus Vibraiions ave observed And 14 Canned Come back pass out. S448 Covered te Grout Sur Fhe. YA amd it ig Satlj te avoid Aixect’ Cravoh and other Weak faults. 54 ts nos S8I9g han the crystal’ Will 9+ i more. brat thum al In Sotating moatenial vsed to protect the ‘Probe, The! ©. Ben face. ef Masta Trem, malaiad TH knoon ACCougtic Properties % attached Jo the Ovter fob. OF the ery otal utc, Prehects th ery ctal from wear dng tear. prover f, Te mersion testing will be. fitted tno, waten- hight * body Choaing). rary i) Mo) Py rev r OVD DD yao rrvye My Nownal ProbeGR) ~——PRIgE Bony | eR Stal DariPmnie Seve, PERSpey fe Sesotanon 9 I4 i wsent’ Ao redvea A! deed Zone and improve The Mann Sun foe, takeat (nese Sticfooe Reselatun) 69 The ergsial is mowntid: on: porns block Witt litte ongutaltin Cs to7*) at Wem angle. ig ableot Reef angle; : "Te ame. oventap § bot beams te pick ve ths Kary hy Surfoes dis conbien igieg Cee ete ce echos Coming Stes the Cire, Bu eche ond it 1S QB dif frente to idemtify to 2nd Bu echo. Thensfone for Callibralin with TR Probe. oe ea Seas oH thing 0x Step wedge. j tong delay block for jrang mission end FECEPHON One. used to Aseuce choael a i Vi) An accovgiical perriey ig Provided betueen the Hee Sections Of the Probe 40 avoid any |! CrvO8$ Sate Citta ‘ TR Probe Reorecol ‘i 2 clelay (Pers Pex dis move ge decd Zone Se {Fv026c%. vu $ a wb x = $-4 =Vrewe—d = Acrval Beam path = Thickness ofthe Steps = derereur (¢-4) = Measuring eroy velals ter YY DVIVIFIDOIDD ‘ * 4 a 1 a 1 2 1 x 1 1 1 1 4 * 4 4 4 @Angie pisbe toa, Rae Mu Cashed a Body : eo G 5 tom pracsion Prove plastic. a I perspex incident Angle. fh Probe Sndex ca oysial is mountial on perspex i) From the ergsial te perspex longitudinal wane Propogalad in between the PexSpex to material Inter Cace, Chonge.s Hs med@ will produce the desived amgle ef eftaction ii) Damping roaterial: Pe reflected Sound bean in the Perspex wedge. is damped CStopped) with, A Svitable damping. material, : : ‘ Wi) bertey contact on Toph Surface Wt) give move umilerm Covpling ow lets Scie IW one drow backin Some cases ts He facy that Hang mid pulse Grd Ha echoes one Some What lovoasian ama wereets near tr. Surface, one Aifficudb- 4 tatiets' AlSo theie will he & Slight less of Sencitiviay ®) Protective membrane OF Angle probe 1) dee te wear ona teon tw Sole of an ongie, Prove the beam exit point ome the a vetrmeliad been moy Change te avo du ch. ge ond Reesible damoge ‘6 th crystal It Com be. Fitted with a pow sole Dew proiective membrane CNormalPrope) - - 1) To Anclizce wean and San ch Noranal Probe, ©) Th sole must be Ti pram oil. ATOR Artadung it 1S odwisible #© erm fhe. Around Surfeck amd the Sele to about Bo day. ancl than 4p Coal it Slavky for Obed 15 minuléy fo aveid SvboSeqniont cnacks Grising trom jrtermal Stresses, iD Te thin Shoat of port poo is fitted on te te hetiom { of the “probe sing & Special aolhesive. ] YD Gert cone i§ Jaken fo-entune that no avy bubbles remom enbiappoo! between fis probe amd fe pew Sole. ceteeeted 6 e Aceousti¢, fenses one. feo hjrcs- 4 @ Cylindticat Cling focus) © Spharieot Cspot feorou) - Advantages : Cid High. Seng MAty sin: Smal, 1, Soy oh eS Ga High Resolving. power, Ci) Compensate for 188+ part conioure © Ercamima 0 given, denth of the 4054 part more Care fully., © cylindrical China focus).feng. narot TkeRR i rergin 1 ERR Oe — mo be, oneal ' ae ey odvical feng line foens ; wy a ~~ Tes piece cyl : TBrdrical lenses: ggphenical lenses. GD Tha. foeusing ineneores its inlengity, Bot Shoriens Hs Use ful Range. oe ii) white cystindvical-lens abeve ae Greaton width the Sphenicat loms hoy the 9 ventas Sensitivity, 1D) The Sphanicad tena is Often Used ‘whan immersion desting pans easing @ Roegh Sux face. WD Cylindrical ground lenses foes te. Sounal boom toa tine. D spherically gram lenges fees te beam toa ‘point . Focused beam increases MCVEASE th Intensity , ‘ my Vo ee a er i yi ® Spherical lenses : Focused (eaten re doreribeat by thus focad Longin. The Sher Forat fergie gre for Ercamimeny “onens 6t the Sreecmen chose 40 the Sunfoes longer focal lamging one” “fo ee Deeper anaey Probes ° Prebes One mony Shapes, Size & physical ASNCS. Single lomant ox double. The doulie| Clamant probe a trang mittey mel The, Other | is @ receiver but both mounted ih ‘he Same Casing] 1) paint +@RoSh WD Single. etament iD Dovbie element WD Angle Reaw ) Focused i) moSaia VID Conract Nit) immersion AY omy fregrsemey hanger the Dia beonsdueon the Straighlin tue beam. & given Gamelis thane it less beam Spread at higher Freqpremeton iffe. f 1 @different between normal and lenses engsial, Nermal SryStal Conteuy Correction jenges. Aecovstical lenges increase trangducer Sensitivity and TeSolvtion | bot decrease. ‘thats use fu) Feange. Probes with Contour Corrected soles. whan 4@6 ting @ Shecimen with smal} diameter(like rods, pipes Cte) ovdinary probes cto Rol provide Adeaquate coniact. To ensure Svfficient Sound energy Is fans mitted im to the Specimen the matching Sele 1 permanent Fixed thto the: probe. Seley ce Fe ee 7 @ The manner of ergsials. ie G) Qvoiz: oss ate figs makincal ascot Peo Genonater of Accoutic ee aie \Soluble. in Water. Gy Lith ium Sulphate + Very good Reeatmen , Sdubte is Water, amd heles [66's C73 -8'c) it) Polarized ceramies: Produco the most Efficieny Gonanalers of Accoustic energy. Bot they howe do a ‘Tersdamey te wean Common polarized ceramics inchusha Banivm Tamale Leod makanisBali amd lose zincenals /tijomats , We cababilty 4 a Trans ducer i& Described by thnes. terms. @. Sengitivity b- Resolution C- Efficiency — energy conversion EFF ecriveness, ® ft crystal uc) very high Frequremen Stan gducer ts Vey Ahan Ahonedone. Fragile in Conkset Aesting So used for immersion testing G@ INCIDENT ZREFRACTED “ANGLES Rive Svea Angi@ ~ — Pergeex |'Secend Refroct Angle __ maky af. C300) Crvead onal abuays gneidame oe @erticos, Angle - The Arg ha sneidemer miomeases, Ret rockin of the Urngituclinad rere neranes um’ Here Coma, o point where tolat hekledkin ob ats Occur. flze Shaon. : Tes poing ig Cotect tre. Sst oritical peink. Lengitudiio! wore 0 ow? IT AS First critica gt for - 4 C20 Aisa Upto 33 — 87 STA ay End critical Angle Above 57. .4° Surface toane « Ba all angles one fneidant omalas. 7 Retrocied angle. Leb 50> BB gw 333-e Sura —» Above Bo Woo a a yy ey SWw from 27-4" to o7At Lowest Sid Shw Angle ig - 35° Tha Gneidemt Angle ts above S74" the Shear wore ts rspllaced by & Surface wane. ce angle is coWlad he Second Critical Angie. maximum robroolid aorgle- is Bot Reflection = Te amghe of Reflection ak am infirbes OM Bowmdany obacays enpuol 40 tha Angle df Socidant. Anghe i = Angle teflection 1) Find ow Sneidomt 8. Rab hockiol Angles Afumuiinn Sto ~ 3130/5 Steel Siw — 8246m/¢ : ware lin — 148omls Buda only passes Longitudinal wore D Refactes angle ag in steel is 43° i Alominiom Weritical angle 14° 1 ater ie ards steel 1D Seeidamt omgle 26-S in perspex ic 46° in Steel © i vetocil sensor oo = Omg also a fete {S), Pre ponakiin & frgle probe « Velocthy im perspex Gg) Velocity in Steet Gs) (9 Rings cri Reak omg te - 2730 m/see - S960 m/gee sini oe S Sins ve = FBS x cing) S460 XL se2ye #) Secon xi A) Second criticad angle Sini = 27BC x gings” 3245 i 2842 iW) Reagr i 2" b22Bo B24 wSings® = Berg" i) Steet amd alimim Rabia = S32 =po.gey : BAAS 0-464 x48 242° se the amgle 4€ cieal is 49 19 Abn. | Syed adeeb ev aye avev sve) hv) a) ven) yyw) be aa) ne re eee VY whok Uoula be the Achrocled Lengitudemal KEY i is he ample A reidamt Pon mgt, a wolin yo 8t eal | Seker foes ig tat | i ey \ water | | Sieel. Sink oN. Se : 2 gin i." 1860 m/s raqnaes Brag m/s | : | ging | \ i giny = 3245 xsini2™ | ! Sco = 26-7 | WVID $F Wwe one clerk immersion scanning te incidents | malirtoal is wali Se a uhde noe set of fg hes neaot {| fe be Workad mk, | The Gt eisical Angle ie aba theidant | ar which dha Compression ane, iA the test malaniah & qomanstesl ak aot Sint LG gine Mee GQ) 2738 4) ep27,2° S%b0 Gd Be yl a as sabe “fe Seema critical amale ie th Gneid Je ak? Which @ Shae UEEeis gerenclict 1 Ha malinicd 16 a6 2D hat fe first evista orgs Shen teahing Alum tr Uabin, Stat \. wa JARO Gar @ UGAboe Gace Tabi D- 2342 TThenahee §'64 enitiant Agta 213: Sa" i stai : ———~ x Vin pars eax

25-8° fn a waliy immersion Ulragonic Energy ig transmitted mo Steel Ot an theident cungle Hae what & the Angle & velracted Shean wave th tte malin at ) : Siny = 3245 apap" Tee peoeNah eo areNe yaaa Ss ay oa i cD Cee Probe: = '® via sonic test panomalin = Gs velocity of Sound | GD Surdeca contin f fast malinial = 1G suface, nevghnase : 1G) Aceems tis Atienualig, | CY) Act euatic Sm pedames , Svitable prove selection | UT gies The best ress the fect | hin Ho beam te Perpandteton 46 tha sheet ‘i (Gd Thickness Of material . GO Nema on angle IG TR gy Single, (Re mance chanel Zr) ie GO mode convention z fe Beever ome Gh werd : (0 Types flaws alctolidls whic i betion (ovientay, 7 | 8 iT MAC Wit) Sensitivity C4) . Vit) Ackek Onahualic, TE signal, omplilte Shape. Hh ple indicalzs, Pole B'Stortion , coe fete ® Setesiion of probes enweid scanning eee (Ci) qo-k Gm qe-8&% ( On Pree Long itudunal oe lef Ci Sing = I> 2y, (9 Sing = 28 honge dia probes |Cio Matte bean Coveraga (Go Maccumun Scammnig Passes, Gi Smatiey beam Spread G0 Langer te naan zone ‘ QO Greats out pub & emang y t | Limivs = IC ais ieutly ea defining a Small Slaw ip a | Jorge beam |G Limiting Factor ane test Sun face Slat ness Pirse 6 gt Freqecrey gf : i Ee Po vees aaa) oteercasing eed vee epee PeDe Nee Ya vena saree ane yy ey eevee Ted fie © Sman dia proves ® (o> Pick 60 tometemly lomkict flaws, I SAesaht beam com TMM mize ve flectore from Side JD) betien te ealges of longa flaw WD can Pi poink a Smait Fino. © Seession of mei frecramasey PPAV Ss Pept PPY Bding, Gy depemres cpon Gre Sze (iD da pancdr Rm Hue CRenge. of teayy We) Meaturemant p, eae [Seositiviy] f* Kis Smalien The beam sprenet 8) bengen the heen Zane, 40) Smeaton 4 emel Zone ND beer pamalraliy paver, © Test Apelicalim amch Srewrmanenis (C27. Ga Forging bursts, flaking RPiPi'y _ tommz selected te Se jocole smalior MFCTOS CoPIc ine lus oval : ome Seg rep alien . NO Langa. medkim Corben Sioa — 1-Smnz tamelraliy ip Casings A mars ‘ WHR Conbon steel 3 eS see (-em4z) Raging bes freqrierey Carats Strvckne cousoy Ss Amd lock of sec iv] Than Shoat + Cmm belos —amtz Co ee = ake eto men — SWHZ Uned prod pore yyrraoe Pav eee 1 yy on) ed q Test agplications © YF) erences Range: Test Applications (OD 2eokn2 -tmuz + Casings Grog iron, Nedulan iron ave Caen] velokivdy Conase greinad malarial, Such as Capper ame Stainless Sieels, CH gooknz - Smaz Castings Steal, Abeniim Brass, fe ' Grek Other malinials uth Retina | Grain Size. GA) WoktZ - 2.08m¥z t plastic and phasic ee -malivials Sech a solid Recret Prepellanis ard Power grains, 2 Roles Preducla meraliic shatk, i Plate, Bony ama di tmz — Sma Billets. Q) 2.25mHe— lomiz + Drown amd Exta ad oe ie Bars, Tubes and Shapas, 5 Forgings @)Amnz - tomnz Gib 2:2%maz —tomaz : Glass md Coromrier (i) Imax -225miz + welds Tmnz ~ tomiz : Mainienance Snspection ¢ SPeeially f ang ue Cracks , ® prove Selection of pire: yoray Sing = l-2t 5 Sn) Prove factor (WD Conveni ence. Formude t 2 cory - Ex: . . C2 OD= loomm | tie = 2omm a Sing =I 2t S oD a S'n® = = 2x20 - to > SING = o-G a © = 37 = Ga \—Sin® sy J- Sin 37% 2 2 ° => p+ 2Ki00 = => 2omm oe Ci) Stn p= 142 : OO 2208 a a2 - 20g - Ct et a al lle ol a a OOO OOOO RC aCe Ee Ceeete lv) Ths Bmm OD = 200mm ® TH g “ea 2a De-o4 From thy yale probe selected by gropd, IE is coms *- 60" : | MS between To-Go) oe vned Gel i betiey Pratically to find wur Came ck ovgls Probe sha pipe CO Taka He pices o Pine amd Scam te pickup dns Cornan ech . G) te draw the ae of -te Hike amok math the Cemwalins Hue to BP graph. ee oe k amd Full Bp jot . Nele ama todo te Joo oy pratically co ww? WI? When 1éising Sher umes if the Rebs of | ees Te for inSike. Surbren Giambi.) dafedds Whts a nermal AS” 60h Te. Became te Senet Lill nol touch The ies eset eke ed: : Pe P34 te 6 chue pine fais a Solas 7 Rabie is o1a5 Sethe nermal SYD Probe. Suna ommay fewer the ins ihe. wall. I) V4" dae G' daw pine. ooo of | => 6.256 Rabie is 0-26. $4is above on or 20% So the | Sob STD normal Prove s [457 beh 7°] sae omergy js wil net tore, 40 ingicte wall * Speeas Sromadercan dene bean dovelsnad with curved wear Plates designed fox Seaci ke Lomelin piROs Some 6b thane probe: are, designed with Hoo transduenn ta OES | oe Scamny clotesise vrechon CotreamAenambrao ) Ota Centon choecwise CAriat on Usngituclinad Aire ction) Bickness (a) to: diomlé, C0) B over 0.2 or 20x, deeded Neier ey ey LIEN Feb ey speek ae St beets ron corece Vii) TaBLE For | ons PPE SIZE -Aun Broke ANGLES. ® errs . Maximum tau Fire oD 35 AS’ liens Gor A’ (loomem) 28 rim 146mm Ge Tm 6 Qsemm) | a agmm Brame | jo-ogmm BS (2eomm) | 42. 6me 29.2 mn (3. A mm 18 C2Somm) | 5 3.26mm 368mm Jee1s mm 12 Geoomm) | 63-4 mm AasBmn Qeslmm ha (38emm) 7-4. Sm Sietmm 23.45mm 16 (Aobo) | 95.2 wm SB-Amm | 26.8 mm Ne CASomm) 145. 26em 65 -Tmm 30.15 mm | 2c’ (Seema) [106+ Sem TB3-omm 33-Smm (G, .Gonanat Said of JT ‘ vohay Pendpooe. ig used in probe. ©) Bowely availabe Ae ee re ey fiicibek vetscily iN) Snlrtenenee. echoes ora homimalict On Shee. ot Prete (sean) radwerg Ultimate Me gnola peink & alro hangicg : [© Probes ana csod = ~T 4o4s'c famp ® Angle Probe. Accaph= + 2° [S Minimum Seams Bee gat" Sihapemala upon abe Cunvalina te Shae, Se cee 18 alse Aspens pen pap [Pus Raptasion Rare] @ Overtap _ iy Oh he ee Is 46 ‘ (4) On weld Scams — whch side bevet han Side Shard be scan i Maleriad veloer iy is, | Cr@asing — —~ Whare. ta haak tg en, | (Be maleiot. 3) Seaiie, beeomox Signheont when the Grate size Cx cess ~ {ate {oiny ThA only a thumb rule. CAG ng Fey Pred PIED vr ard D DDD D DDD a> ReSracyion LOUBAT ta 5) tode ee > cupid sire ae Coles ol D)otortoeg oD reswt Above — Nomen tik, Pen eee . Cheragicg = The dagen Oe Ge af oo. ng ing _ \ "ai laying Te ag a A Neg Deetcci k, chamgi iq: = \ 0) Decree oo eet - Beam. Spread £ A pF : (O) she, Ate onty eacisiondi’ és, Solid 2 oe QoiStemeg “(p Shw + . Solid Nant Ona gg an ‘Sorta only beastie ‘mater al c. - Llas Vong hog VERT Ome) Vgiditty ~ ony Blase cthy not: Figiaity © Ros is vebseky Change: in Ate motswal ? The particls ctoraity Sa malsntal helps 4o chalaimis Ha velocity & Sound. The Nebo ott, 6h Band will Cheng exit mous ton Oe dereelsin maciiom 42 gmocthan maduun. The choaticc® ot thimalatal alse a Lackin . Sowd Moves foaten in Stet | FHarefre. longer canna lamgit uth evergitiag che erat. f Th ware Lang tnualsr usealel be KSKETION then a ware length in sisal pire, : malarial fare dé Meroe veloc, became & i's rigid’ » density Ord chastiarhy . ql a i cor re i a) why Om IS a Peer Conduclin ultvasonie? | AWS Poor tranemitier of UltyaSoume Because the pordicle clunsity airs fess, That is difficult 40 tramam!} Ha Sammel Ororgy trom ene porticte to Gmerthen Porkela. | / POP PIIIPIIIIV IDO DVD PD VVDIIDDAYIFIFIIIIIIIW>DIDDD aaa bet Ct tt eta cel ( @ what & PiezZe elechic. effect? @) A transducer is a device “thek Conver¥S ELECTRICAL Energy fee] te mechanicac, Peer We no megs ce ENERY 45 ELECTRicaL EMERGry is Calied Pi€ze electric. effeat. (GE) Hee to findort Unknown werd ona Tob? IC. Scam’ ha need onan by nermakt prove. Where the probe © Caring on the wold The Amplithde 6 the eplo age Js dlaerensing | Became there is two. ean one iS the wel malat is ardor then the bare matal onthe tole is way he cuwalin on te opposite Sida. W) ETCHING TEST : | Take dilute Nimie acia Oral, | or plied the nelac ana. The hank a ected | Zoe Shell be Combs visual on block colouy Thin komen the acid by cbeth Ae ono Corresion T) Wydvo Gowmaped Test by oT. . pa blten cai geen Ed TAKE 4 Bus cokes. 964 the Atm echo at 80%. 11 amy Attomnalin oe ef ie [Rydmegen embrit lemant: & Struck] 2 haprancey he A, echo Wotd be doonearing, U) e.g (Gmrnz) te Ganz usea Ave Contdck Jessi abeve Gmrz te 25mnz used fer tren arto Vesting VJ wea you Inset 4a benadact malinial From thin Side o* rier Sida? uch ? ST Akon Sicke 1 possible we TR Probe. May be hetter scam krom thick side. berate Side Reon zine Proem W] woutal it practical so use q 2° Proves 4, S to WS PECH A huminium Job 2 why ? Bo Lengitveluint angi Shaon eae Lome. Crust ae tte Same, i : the bong itucbmedt amnal Core aorgha. if hob Uscat in desiing became the abracted One [net prpendioulen 46 de Surface Omak miki eae veda Vee eve Vea Deere reed Neve Nev edt payed Ab bse) beds 4 x] How is the initial pulse formed or Prediuvcact When the machine Stanb “ike pulse Gamarotnin acclorata The Voltage. te x-hasig Ome oppann YJ what is Ultra Senia beam? |=] whok is Beam pat? UlizeSeumd bear Hravelling faside the Material] diStames. is called Beam path(8P). AA) whak is Skip grull Sieip Beam path? “he ullnseuma wane. bvel and | Strike at the bottom is Called ¥ Skip Beam path, The Ulva Sonal Wore travel Sirike Surface ana Pownce. to tha top Sunfoea § Called Fur Skip Beam path | : | at Te botiom |ASJ what is probe gndox Poiny? The Ulbrasonic ound CxS} ox entey the point IS Called probe Sndox points The Uliva Sound exisa Prom the Probe te material or Lind modium JAC) How to find our “peneiraring power ? Pui the Normal Probe oni, BLOCK Pers Pox Compress the Rack wak echos. iF ae Coming 2104 Ru los PP. if itis > be ie (mg Geoel pe ‘ ce At] Coleutale Te {nStrumant with at 4 Steel Galibration block travonge eco Pers pex- The & Steel block 225mm Eqpivelos Ream path to poseex at = TRS x25 26mm Ba2e i Somm Stee) = Damm Perspen, L'ss cho te ser Es =2-3 SG Bwvigion. Lreten lems pirision Each ma Ms 8 § vivision] Trad echo teser WSx2 a 4g Dixa echo 4oSet ev ara ley 3 464 iudy @che to8ek Ss x4 EF AE} Using Almm eck, vamge re Set Le te loomm, Img = 160 a\> aie! Almm Setiiag for tee Voommsenge by MI «eg ss Ss pivsion] rsa) Angle Checkung of a probe? Ex: omm tie prove Get Be trim akenson flas @epth) = 40 Bee i Seco =Sece x 22 uy aoe 4o cose” Be => cose 20.5 @ = 60 AG] CASTING beles T5mm — tusinerystal Above Tamm — Single Grysiqi, PONT Sy Sa] —p Tramnenitter and RECEIVE, co jAw] Generally using the size. ©f probes: a sa oe eee Angle Prove - Amz omag => MHZ ~AS,ES TO oy Angles — Bxammxroxrw—d sizes Normal Probe — gEmm, Siomm, woamm 5mNZz, AMHZ, Omnz TA POE = Angle 5° yoq? AZ] Veloci Cid Stee = Co ee velocity aunibs 5460 m/sec 26.4 mK Ise = | million Heyy = 10,00, 68 Heriz = leoo Kilo Hevtz = sx = Ben kHz = So x10? hz. ea a ey ey 0 of a ial 1 THROLGH TRang mission 9 Transmitiey * Recaiver ie Aramgmitisin teshing anally uses tha pitch ~caleh oe A Bge3: 0 Better noon Surface dalrelium Gey Copablity of tes fing Htcvertest Specimens [Less Aveouarion| Pis Advani ages: DWE Gannett coladals Hur Aiscentinviyy depts| ND Onky Shows aloss Of Sound energy, | | AK] ,CAncutating Nelocity from ‘a. '4 Std. Physical measunamact a ase Lira Senic weagucamant * = Percembaga enney = Percambage ennior Calibration maiencal | he ey _ Matai ly =NELOCH. th Loknousn . Specimen. YIVIVIIVIVIOODAIDOIIDG Ex: Acta yy =llmm UT meagurcmank ~lomn Penner 212. ~ a0 } \ \ Sovelociy = 12x S9Go : 5 T1S2m/se. eh ha nl aek a ll a el all +O fate @) To Dekirrmme tha trkna to mela ethen “than Steel. Actual tk ome bare Asndiry xvelocit of Sample Velecity Jn Steel. Example Actual tue = 2 Jima base yeadug = 4.4mm alibration for Steel block Time hase reading for Alominivon ) Actual the 2 Ty x 6320 Babe | = V4 6320 BA6o | = lomm, Wi) Percentage = obtained Seme x loo Tetal W) To Find ovt Faxan rere +o deg Cc. & 2F-32 og . F-32 is 180 a AT &1D Temp & pressure. At Adexe = B\deqF At © degc © 2 dege vii ‘J pulse @the also called as ve Plection metnod smaterial Ae testing by Short blast method DRe flection: Ulina Sonic @nergy pass Trough material & 10% almost ae qo% is veflected a4 the In Aen foe then the back wall veflecite, do ga te TRHlection Tako 18 1% trom the lo Relracted emang y Pulse €cho teu, the Point Nats NE pint Neate 4 — for 26mm the os on ” ous — _ Soy Seommiiy 16 Bo AS — for Beso mm th, Seomm Steet Beis2 vedintes X = Be xloso Sao = 0-080 008389 malsee 28-3 Sec H Basically tos metrods Ci) COntaltme thed GO immersion methed Hs PO Nevis raed yy ee CECE CEE CO CEE CEEOL CE teen Cote ‘ @ COuPLANT, (7 ae @ Gowhy Complant is used ? SIS Used 1oAamove te aur inierfos bekween the | Prebes amd des} piece. becoune a ig poet jransmitter oh Lihagonic wove. Almost 90% 6 reflected. Se cerplawt is weed ia Ui COPA Cercle Provide O Scitabie Sound pat ekueam the, Arams ducer ane the desi Suv fare. GO 84 ude ta the Mevement Of the bromgclucen ove, tthe Sur foes. : i) oi WO Wall paper paste hax Cevomhages os [ND Heawien, Corgi, onkS Bech Os Grease, ter Heawy ei} Cam be us ake Rough wr vertical guy faces Vid $n all cases The Couplant Possible aT 4 Couplamr aL ag wedge and Oster the Aix eesion OF tine Soume beam Should be as tha as On cessive iy may aci Whae oa Kankd paste Complom con not be uxen & TEbbey chant Some times be. lems hebseen dhe Avan dean amof ths fest part bred by p ©) couplants : CD water Gi) Wall, paper patie Gi. 61) Gy) Grease Wvd Robber Sheet ee Ciy high temp Cplame Git) Non ~ doxia (Poison) Gil) Wen ~ in Slam mable CV) New ~ Corredive scm Ee ee ee yye prone Pyyrer adr rr VDD (ai OO OUIUEOEAIAIGSENI Ee @ CALIBRATION S Caliiorasion Of QinSttument with, A Hamaduean Aagnuiner Ak eaSt tose veslectiong Bu trem the the RLOck, Calibration is GED Angle. probe, GD eit Poiae Civ) nead 2am Cv) Reselotion Cv) PR oF Normal probe Gil) Paviiat ~ Calitora tion. Ganges From vy, Bio Cette — 250m | Fee. 26, ee ae teee: eer aec cs Foen 160 —» los 225, 380,475, bog, Remngen From V2 BLece a tae Fees 25 —s 25,100,195, 266, 325 ~12-Simn Foca Se 3 $8, 125,200,275, 355, @IR rove - Geme of the Angulasion mOrystay Se Crosstalk, and mode, Comverion eohag Meat be take fuse knoon thy for calibre bien q Sensitivity seriag [pac] . CG Size ana naling the dole, excnoslag @ Probatte lecabien sf steals GED eriembabis je the Port tegtag To home. meck~vp 6 tha. parks a he moda Same, malalbnG@ical Propantics [Bize, nabina ond Mentalism] Noiches Size: Oo VS norek #) Uo ~ Notey, HO) Ly — Bolte: Noch Fox ange. probe Side drilled hole | becouse they present tha Game area of yelleeten to amy ic: fe [pac] STD Reference Rrocks (i) Selected malanal i) Proper Attemualiin, grain Size , Heat iveatment, amd Free of diScenta cities. 3) AW pimamsions must be precifely machnod YAN holes flabhotion gside avilled madi be Ceniyolies YOPIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDD @) Thiae comimen used SS of Sw Releraner Block. @ Ci Area Amplitude, BLOCK = Git PiStonea. Amplitude Broak KID ASTM Basic setof Aven oo Hl hte! oman amplitale Brecns Loac] me pAAB. Provide stds different Sizes a4 the Same depth For dig continuities of (tak aL sk st a Cl lal al a BL G) DAB: i [i if Previde SIDS fer 4 iSeeMriinuies of the Same Size -amd Aifferent depit Ihe -AST™ Basic sei of : N@a/di Stamen Amplitude Brock A Bock Fan iz i ed comalat obiSiames ore y ony h : : Sith 1d amd 6 Inches trom tha 108 Surfaca doh FRA The hee Remaining blocks exch hare an ey FRM amal malas ohiStamcas 3" ee! fn ths basic Ser the thee bloce Coe) onal ae Provicte tha! om ee ee ee tite 86) hh FBH ang very fhe AiStanea ~ amp! i ing AStancas provide, Huge relabion Skip SORRAcE METAL DISTANCE INCHES z 3 Fen ow weam tots Is[s[sl3a]slals la AST Basic ses of Reference BLocks. Poo Pry Py yr VDDD’ yt toed | @ @ iv). Anothey one iS ‘Iw. Cv, ) Brock a) v) special Calibration Sis welding CASting Piping on. perches eldest to tha S7D, ASunrinen, Irguarlivey Coumsil (AIC) ASME BLOC, Flat bottomed hole 3 sizes either 3¢fda, Or SSA ov Blea dia fox Sesting Sensi ox holes vity, levels and aceest {Reiect levels for dapins amd each, of the Set of Rrecks, Contains the Same Sized Shi bottomed hele in Cach hiock ALCOA SERIES A Relevence RL TEES A ecks § e 08 oo xe , 100 ce sete ere Rn oo . Wei d to4 not “Shown ro 51 Consisis of eg biscks 379, long, ame 1s Sqpeana . Th dle amalins Vary from ey 1085, These blocks one Rumbbenad 46 cannosponal with te Aiareatin & te Aelox 0.4 block — Yj oka Biow ~Y%y de upto 8 oy — "a Mle a : ALCOR Seviesg REE Rieck wa TE REF Breck 2 oe) ae B DIMENSION A DIMEN SDN By Dimension 8 % ~Ny e+“ : eu | 344 - 4.3 Ye - 2, oe Sioa, y We -~S4 4 ~ 244 8/e4 3 — i? Ye 3. Bo 34 hy 4 - 334 PVIIIIIIVIIVI DD DD VDDD DODD DD DDD al A A ETS fool ih of of ft ¢ COCEE CCE CEC OEELEEL LS [The Aleca Series @ or Hitt AiStamee: mnpliticte @ blocks Consists of OG) Seliwers AN the blocks, hare g"cleep! flat bestom hete. Arived divat th cents Oh tre bottom | Susfoee Tha hide amalin 18 Ha Some. dor flecks in Ona Sek. Seb Of blocks with 3/63 orsey ors Th. motor DiStowen (y Cneln Set ore oye te eg 1706 one OF isCh tncnemanl cored 1 eg ogy 5-94" tn helk Wek tnemamants . : ID Anotinn Hype “CALIBAN bidcie ge | \tw RLeck , | | anennafionnt’ Susiiivie of welaing| | Giy vy Breen @) ve Breck Ge) Tew Brece | L Tastitoie Sf weld 5 | a SID CALIBRATION Blocks & LE i: i ST CAUIBRAMON OF MACHINE: RETIN Sie (2) IW ~Tniemational Institute of welding low - Tnstituie of welding . Pin — Doich Industrial Noung, Pe ® v, Brock . ts ~ 4904 1989 . i DIN ~ 8420-5 Greyman S10 . é BS - 2704 - = : 2 = 2 - £ - a i : i : ___ 300mm 0 4 q a | fe Cpe eee (Ce aaa tat acral gt eee ‘ © No Block.» DIN S492 Gaes) CO aie cosh Yo S graye Dales one between 22 mm, Bal 2-Smm and Zar 4mm Cenives, Tovget of deena: 13,19, 25 32, 43;50,56,amd62mm Toletames + O.lnm ‘ © Seam spredd : Ex: hole deri £5,50/78 inm negeact ively. % GAY below 10% 04 Beam Spread 18 apt taren forvalue, Gi) for maxienom toy of the SCentreline SkiP_ - ba #) 20% OF He Skip Fuad GW 20% of the Skip Bacxoard a ety vey a) ave ed ever eed) ye) © The_vses of calibration Blocks (otiliga} @ NV, Broek + D Re Cali byation of Nowmal prope i) Asgessmant of dead zone BD Cheoring Ymaonily of the Amplifier wD Checuirg linnoils of Hi timebase me ASeSsing Overall sengitivity of Probe & amplitude VO Chdokimg Resolution : ViD Petermuimatin Of probe Index, Nii) Determination of Angle Refraction Ix) Range calibration of angie probe XD Sensitivity Setting of NPAAP Na Breck: best te V, BLOCK. Soma be sed for site boone Similar de Sess versaile. ty it’s Sonetion, Kow Broce : Dasigned fey Ream Profile , mony distances |e Trom different divection te target holes, Wainy Used angle probes in weld iesting, Kid Beam divergence Cid Resolution Gi) Sensitiviry Seiring [pac] Forged hetes 13,19,25 460" Probe beam @dge ~26dB (4) 10 probe, beam edge ~lodg (3;,) ASME SEC TK. Calibration yes! PRIS Shalt Axilled hoieg oy notdhag . be side The comarure OF the WRIA Guy foee grat be ee KL Cal Calibration blocgs Can be uy BAC Holes Target : rat Roi. \ oa 9% hos tik ee aot hole, 24g, Co-Bmn) Netch dept, 4107 -oe2 Tolerance tones joes eterno ica, Fe ©°Smm) thcwe-asing | Mora Hen Block duane | Snente the diamals Seomm ox ty ANGLE BEAM PLoT | POT From Tow Brock . | Po Selva eve ayaa a) rege | wen mk CF] Hole diameie aa NoiCh gize 2-34 “Width K sox 3-12 a Dept - 2% of Tay l4-68 0-04? Whichever 15, > O75 | Coreares) ia a 7-8 | base metat Le 2.min 43 iD hyo de, Amplitude Vinearity cheaking J . § Signal ame the Weaken Signa] CABRATION SyoTEM CHECKIN | ® Y ING. i eMANREY Oy Hot, ae ‘ DS) Wh do the Horizontal linearity Checking > dF the poige TE lec: - A70PS Flow tale. ts Constantly Leaner} Aa not, ve = hie) Why do the. Screen height Vimearity Ghecking 7 the Cathode Ray tobe Screen wit), ght dividing lines 0} Variable. a seen hee naan ity (verical linearity] OY) Screen hesght brawanity © i Set 2 erg Bw ches. the firsy Bw 0% Be% fo ses it, Whe they the hei F Screens | Note the Amp heignt of th each | 4 Echos with Seven line, Reduce 248 fer siep & Y SEP. Note | @ach @ches height of each veducing level, S's Allowable +54 of FsH Nole: Take From, any Backwall echos. \ ye my Pe ) hy Tye y Hee ya > @ | N] Hevi zonial linearity [eee ores Take aileas} | Range Setting | | 4 018 Echos, oy loomm by Vy; Block. Same Setting to Pvt the PIObe on |Va BLock. $f Cac, Bis ches will be on ii 's location or net nore it, Lt's allowable Lax of Foy. tye] AMPLITUDE LINE ARiTy: ' Take Zork Bw aches. Eiygs Bu to SOt Bex ang nele | Sach Buy kchos % of AmP litua,| | haighi. : Reduce 6 Ag, FEdeeing haiphe of gop Nee each Bw Cohos Amplitude, 91'S allouabie 4202 of F544 Original Amplitude The : : P — The veduebicn Ar DEWATIon = Ache twice Original Amplitude Of 4ha cho Ex! 25emmrange faceag Nore NH yneIynt3 eches veduce ly, 2 Ge etegsion Testing : »D Certain [imitations im manual Contact bNtasonic testing - #9 To Raduco. Vantous nous CapeLit bas, ) 1 AVIO Masia and Semiaviomaric ane eed nee ® CO Stead of Production/Centinous ™ASS Production ) Humon ener Od O Vantalicn Gonanal jest Efficiency Pry OVI VDD O) Te handle MULK ple, Scanning techni: [mere than one Pree] pee. , i) Dif Ficue ty Focusing Seuma beam to Ihenast and in Maas of ‘dlopting 4. Contoun, Vaniclisns eepcmess MP te range Y Greneraity limited to fy, 10-1012 maz Onn Port 40 be te Sieg Shout fare Comparatively toni soeen “MOSS = SeA!00 Gaomals and Sunfree Conk. Vani i) $a. Stomension 7G the port tobe ested is uSvally immersed yn Water Conlarneny al KA dame VUtasenic tegii endealte ee terete WSF the Post is tes big amet haan foe te, © ig Veet bubbler /sanucrha TAO WhiCK Water : 8 Fed to MO un a wala el between 4p. eed ee Bis ony te eee dee Probar te O88 En desaas te tnbiocties comeabsi for Cen et Ook oma a, Prtee with wegpeat de ci. teat Su foce. AP ttecice Shoo wane, +n Bo the test pote, Tob ~— Tesi object Neale, -BupBieg ey Seed eee Bur ty is Pegsible Scanning Speed 3-Gtimeg The Vimiy, For manual cm snportant fackis to be Canticloreel * for these Caleulabiors, i) Minimum gize of defeci 40 be detected _ I) Size of the prove and fective Leamuwiddt, 7) poise repetition Gequency (PRE) ) SySiem ves pense kime (audic Wisual lane / *ECerder /date teaser ang maker out poid] minimum 6 ize of defect jo be derecteg = Prowe Size 26mm [effective beam width PRE of ay. Syétem = Booz, Smm linear 1% taken ag 20m) SYSiem res ponse Hime. so.01 sec C5 pulses) limiting Seeea of Seanning =S defect Car tnowel ith, Heneseiion = 16 rm “itch defect Shaul ke trdlan the Soumel beam for positive interception P0-0lsec] t. evee limiting Seal of Scamming ee = 'Se@rnm (eee ‘ ey Ho i) Vo) a) | . Disi urbdmess’ Caured by te reflection! Omd rabraction th! Sin face Canbeun OS the fest ebjeci, Can, Came Great Ail fieully 15 vntenpreation Of the 1esi-1esul}s. Thy, Con be ecpaniamead When Cokibrabing (comm Side, wring Qamm & preve, DB Pass— >Los —» Genverted (Shan isara.» Teflecled Luy © Seven hevglvess - Less of Flow echo (Reduckin of Bw) . . Inereasing Width Of draes mission Goes of Re) Distei tien of tha wave : Gs inckicoliins. Rw pas OF Suvfars wane. and Supurcry When Ulla Sonia Wane Ao metal in a Sho gd dhe, pant Grovabmess) Sn Ws ose the Send ware Ye~Centingl inside th. material So as 4© accemedaie te difference wn travel dime. whan ths difference tn ee Crwel te ova halk i. Gandod of Seurd wane a PreSSura. Ware Combines with a Tare faciion wave ond the vesutant emargy is nosaly zene th Hie matal « passing Jromligneal WStaneeS A dhe SurQace of i@ Surfoce Conteun @ | Tha Critical “eghqass Re Re ssAznw 2Q2-¥, Dave Dy . = Ve 20.9) Devan sy Az 2 Wav) Hy méde Conversion ” GD Aisferens in, trayel dime th Couphing mediiin Gi) Reflection of the Side do be emangy from the. Serfane. - _ ® Smmergion deg} | ‘ ins aa Bc (ware) Kon MEthod oduisible te ke, Ybrkinc, 1D Immerg: ep water Bap if Gor 1s) Sma mutkiple of anbiames cho wourd OPREAR between onlby Smrfoea & back, Sua foca. Gnaicolin. Holes cgre Gls a ak bubbles fem ta cater eal Pe Dea eevee ever ey vay ey ie Mey poe Ne IE EDEN ENT ED a Reflection & rans mission formulas: & 1) detansivy , Gi Amplitude - Pet ler l@%+R=D : a Rs B22 iy Garz, Za +2, Sea Bz @a+z)? Za+Z, : beau Of Reflection and transmission Of duce oo ee Z2= Caxve Z > Accousiia impedance Paes density of maieriat V => velocity ©f material Reflection ca): ees the rabinn of Sound wou, tom tn fino | Tyansmisgion CD) . ae A Pertion Of sound wae Dea tolesface IA to tne, Second mediums ® Example: () Steet te water indensity R.(s-a5y ChS+45)* = 0-88 = 88% Ds 4xKlSxas io => 12% 1) Water 4o Siee! a Intensity 2. R24 5-15) Gos” = 0-88 = 88% D = 4%VSx45 @s4rsy* = O12 = 12% Ampliteda = [Snencity | @ ass) = Caves Zi Steel is Z2 water is OS rage 2 oe De 2x18 = AB x 10° Kg /nP/se0 215 xI0& keg Im*/g ec Ra bS-46 bs+45 = 0-935 =A3-5% = 0665 : =>0. 065 Poesy Amplitude R= 45-15 Agas = 6-936 2 4BS% 2x5 Acs = © 0645 XI 5 6AS% fex Ronly => ask, Bey ye) PYVIIIIVIIIDIIDD Pye re vre Sean slat bat hth a al ol ot at oh oh a bh @ 13 $n Contact iesiing - lucite wedge Ugad in Angle beam + Jesiing fies indicates the Angle of Rahiaction a Given material . ® Immersion Ingeection HD $a dmmersicn desting +e Angle Shoan by Angle. Teckication en the manipulator ie tha Angle of | incidence. The Angle gnoticals, Showed jhe Angle of Refraction | Re hae k ceamven! a cou ce waa eee Se einen @ differnt Makinial was ing pecied. iD wi amgie beam Jesting & Small Sndtcalzs, From tha Suvface oil be Present ag moS4 Of the Seund baam will be reflected aumy from tne Probe, YD) Fer an immersion testing Application whana q Skanpan ‘ham Notma! SS sumd bean # Rearuinasl 4 focised Vramsducan Shinld be. sea Ved a focal Samat of gi MohES in wotey Sam “to Being 40 Fors the ©7238 meh below the Surface ofa Sieg Velocity of sie 7 a Skmssec Velocity of water > To "Stem Ke =4 Focal dans s Te rab 4'xo.25" =" | she forol Length, age Se Thee the wali path. cislarnen mutt be 4" te Jes Ho feam at 0:28" belaa te Sur faca., @ Special Aeplication of immengion jesting CO Th Busser GY The Sauter immersion 1es¢ ae Test Specimen, Face plaie : a Transducer Tl a Transdvcey cavie Sound Path pp [4+—- rater By Bs: water Hose. _ Sopnecier iid POPIDIFIVIVIIIVIVIVAD ODIO DDDDFOFIDPIOOIDODIIFIIDDD Ci An advantage of the Bubbler Ig that ho immersion dante ig Teqpuirad. A Technique Similar to the Bobbtey a 18 WSed in Contact 4aotin Search unit, J and Utilizes a, invigated, we Lal nf eflected Fem dhe Part Susface, away From “ihe ivan sducex (Bhase wane will net Prepogalis yo water) B Angie of incidence is 20 angie of Refraction NW) plate ware Shoanwane Canned ex allot in water, bub thot OF fre, PAvES Can be Used ty Sonic Sreigy trangmitied in longitudinal in watey than, mode elminaied 4e Shas. oy plaie “Pen enlaning, Techniques can alge be used do inspect Burd welds VD Immersion | ® Ber welds s6 immersion fesiing, & ‘tT inek Marthe 1) The froma in ©6128" min Surface yellechion may be Used Fmmersien esting, te determine iF the, Seund beam 1s dy te tne Jesa pant, ee a, ote tank tadicate dhe. Angie of incidence, PPV VVVVVVOVIVVODDD Setar sabcel col al ol sol ab gl tof seal COE CECE 2) Angle Variation in different material and > Calevlation: Ex: Sreel and aluminium = 3125 é 32as Alan angle 46°44 sie 0-96 “ Theangie of Ae = 0:96 x45 The wefracted angle = 43 ©THE TABe oF Poone Angie in OCP MATERaL | Stee! | Abinimium Copper [BRASS lrunGsien ! ae W265 44°65 34-5 oye ee eee le Le To | Gag 410 | 36.5 44.5 oy | eee 375 | as.5 AAS as |ao.s | oo | 38° | 33.6 ieee . ae iw) ERYSIAL OR INMM Neax field leagth in Sige! Freq, MHz! 5 iT} 24 4 1-06 A24 24-A4l 2 212 BAT] 48-81 eo] at | leas faqs 6 6:35 26-42| 146.44 i] Trignemetric Ratios Sing | Cose GL Sece | Tane AS; 14 a colo. ie Tl 2.92 |.2.95 oT oy) 08s Os 0.494 0:34 Seco = bags Cosco a cottarne = ly Peay nae ay Oa eet) lo} (i) TABLE t Dengity, Velocilys Acousitc imPedanco, @& aablak ha af ol a al DENSITY [V-Trangver| V-Longity — | Mareen [OT ral, m/s els Ae 200 ‘3120 6320 11064 [Alumimiuen oxide] 3600 S500 AD "az 4am Cast iton ©4650, 2200 BSED. 24150 Steel lowalioy | 1850 2250 5940 46629 Steel Cali -bloc! 1850 3250 5920 -|4e4a72 Copper 8900 2266 A Teo 41830 Grey Casting |] 200 2650 A6® B3i20 Havd metal | tl oD A 0DD 68e0 74 300 Pers Pex 180 1430 2730 ae Magnesium | i700 eso B17 980g | Motor oil 8110 7 \140 1632 | Glass 3600 2560 4260 15336 | rin 300 Pt 70 3320 24236 TITANIUM, A540 3180 6230 28264 TONGST En \Gico 26Re 5460 loa 2k DRANILM (Sto. | ----- S200 S39Bi0 WATER (282) | tooo cane 1480/1486 Zine leo 2Ho AITO. 29607 DENSITY Ty. Trans, ]V. Long MATERIAL |g /m3 | m/s. mis”, SILVER |10560 ‘S40 . | 3600 BRass | Bice 2120 A430 Geip |} 14300 [126 3240 GIvceane | 1300 sees 1920 PLATINUM |2. 1.460 70 3960 POLYSTROL| logo so | 2380 Bismum | ag 6% Moo 2180 CADION Sop 150 27186 NICKEL | G26 2960 5630 — M400 “Too 2160 oh oT ee 840 925 2340 Quartz GLASS | 2600 3515 S570 Polymide Crvteny | 100 1080 2620 PeLy vinve| CHLORIDE | (Abo 1o6e 2395 Creve nano} PORCELAIN] 2 4.60 3506 S600 Guariz |-.650 eeeeae S760 ConcrETE 200 ae 4660 | Cidacconstic PROPERTIES OF GEUESAL MseTALG AND sbuMens ®S 5 ne vaioat a ie MATERIAL Dapsity (2) pe sepecites inkell SEBS Ferrous meial Carbon Stae! . f annealed 78s S-44| 3-24) 2.0 | 4.66 Ato anneciog! 7:86 5-95 | 3.26 |3-c | 4-68 je 8 3-4o} 2-23 AG Cass ix a 695-795 |3.5-se)2-2-3.21 . eee S2l00 Siee, Annealed 7-83 5-99 |3.27 469 Hardened 48 Is.29 | 3.2 ce |Stain less Steel: Tyee 302) | 79 8-66 | 3-12 [3.2 |4.47 Boa | 3.4 8.64 | 3:07 eae i i 347 | Ta 5-74) 3 e |2.8 | 4.34 Aw 1:67 $-39 | 2-4q Joe AIS 420 | a4 6-er | 3-36 A638 I Non Ferrous Metals, Aluminium too | 271 635 | 30 |2-4 | W712 Alunsintem aly : 207-74 2-Bo G-a5 [3:0 [279 | 175 Boia 185 j1280 | 8.71 | 7-87 | 2-37 IGoPrer Nic 8-4 4-To |2.26 | 1-93 14018 Copper ANoys 2eoariidge | Sea || brass 164) 7 AG4 40.467 Cnaval brasg) | 8-4! 4-43 [22 |1.95] 3.73 N GS Em/StmgACTOUSNE Sibvid Ponte veloenies ‘Smredance i ee [MATERIAL Baal eae B30 Cphosphor) | 8-86 3:53 [2.23 | 2.01 Bronze sua] a "752 Ohickel sine, B15 {4-62 |2-32 |1eq | 4. 6s -18] Be Lead Pune 34 lang let jo-64 | 2-45 e Kard (a4 pb-65b)} 10-88. bone 0-81 [og | 2-35 ie Magnesiom aurs| j.7g 5-74 | 320 |2.a7 | 1-01 ie wa Merouny liquid [13-65 |ias |... |... has . Moly ® demum, 10-2 625 |3.85 [3.1 6-38 ic ft. Nickel it Puna B-8 5-63 laa, 2-64 14-95 aad Encore; a5 S°B2 |3.02 |g 4 14-95 - Erconet x Ter, a3 5-44 [a2 | Aaa hie) B83 835 |272 |246 lane THaniun, Commerc. Olly pune, AS Tete 1312 lag 275 Tungsten 925 [S18 [287 | gag Non metals Air Jo -00124 Tega, Ethylene gly cot, few Pegg eee: wee 1018 Glass plaie 25 5:77 13-43 (9.14 4d Glass pyrex 2-23 S57 Jaa [aig lyon Gly cevin | 1:26 192 fie sre | On Og, a ° Scie CBT Jiezy ©1860 we @ Densitv(e) pPonlc velocities tocm/s| Accougsic MATERIAL len iach) a rime erat Trans former +92 1-38 ae Paraffinwax | o.q is os MOY! methyaery tare Gveive, Plexiglass) | 1-18 267 fiz | pus Poly camide’ Cryin) | bron tee 0-18-0277 Pov tera Flune athy vee ' Fete fon) 2:2 135]. a. Geertz Natural | 2.65 $-73 152 : r Rubber, Vuleani zed! 464 = the 24 7 ae Tengsien Carbide! 3 a Pe ee. a SAB Nguid (F) | ) re 49g los LANG Tee (gy es 3-98 | 19g 6-36 > b © v Longitudinal SHEAR Surface, Wave ware, usave, ASCOUSIC Impedamea’G). = pay. COLULTRASONIC DISPLAY & EQUPMENT ConrROLS There ore three bots ees © visual displays. CY A- Scan (ir) @céan’ Gil) ¢-Scay i Ac Scan A. Snitigh pose : 8. Discoatinsity | ©. Back wali cetg 77 Front Surface be VUVIPOIIIADIPOIIIVIDODIDDIIDD Ww)C-Sean B&C Scam — Usually uged in Automatic tesi Sygiem nat al a ONE ROC ial ml at a hick ell ol ll al P-Sean CROSS SECTIONAL, View. = DEPTH &AMoLitupE ” of adeteet. * Information” on a ivi Sval di 8 12 And DScang, + Nain SaS igplay Un tacey Povating PY IPVIVIPIIIII HDD II IDIIDIDIDDIDDIIDIIIIIIIDDDDIDIDIDD 4 Vextical tness % foes, Morizental | iW) a ~— | Atienuaioy = pulseGeneraigy Te base Generator] OSI IOITININIIEID ICE ERECT ae fe isha at tM ak ald ad ‘ [Zee Sia! be” ¥] TaBreck diagram (five basic blocks) G3) > The clock Mimex /Synchnizer 2) The. hang mister /sendex/ pulser Dt Sueep Genenalor 1A) The Receiver /ampli fer D the. pigploy: unit, ID Clock dimer : : @ ‘prowde Constant rate, of pulses, Cco-erdinaier for all other functions. Time 1% varied by PUISE Reperition Rale [rar], Provide eieaivical enegy Je both transmitter : ond the Sueep Genevaior 2 TRANS mivTER : TRANS puyTeR, To transmit Nas, Voltage’ pu'se ot Shovt doration. The piezoetec: Ne Clement tthe tangdueey Provide @ xefevence Indicaliin CSnisial poles , They leg is Ve lfered 1o as the Cleciical Zeng to Acoustical 3) Sweep Generate; - Fem legs ve wighe Aka Selockig Speed foseang G Sueep bas Kaen ac time. Wed to Gananats, toasse. Loren’ AE The ame fovins Sueep line is Called he “Sais te, ae Se o yc, bee Ve age ciaabast Conus’ yecel veal emerges to etoeliitall Y= The veeaune! WH amplify Liter ama, reckidy oy PUES amof P88S diam fo the. Aisploy Umit, SPOPHIOPO IPO IOPIKO IIIA IIIIIIIIIADIIIIIIMIMAIFIIIIIDIVIDS 5) Cathode ro fou: Li Simidon fo piclin fits fT vortinny anol Fenlet defhesion phies Tat @allid a phos plover, pulse meervonrte Role wil affect 4— angeunl of ba Prles. Reposition ral Conirel be [Jone Sevnal ASfenont fons, Tixea a SwitChs om variably al Yonge Gre or by moans of chy maboval rome. Gere D pate sogy a polis enna, condiols Hs charges of te voltage Appel te Be piezo-cleeh2 elymamk voltage Tange. trem 200 te excease of Leen vol: Capa bilities, 4 "2x7. (heeoqe © Weve tis) [D Damping : (poise length) Ineraeasi i a damping silt dowrcayg a Weging effect Of dhe ened ah a ae See face reselulins amot at ‘fe Samo, oo, SR Of matirial pematia lui, 7 @ Ger centre « A Post beng Creamincal ig Controlled bby {ransmiter Givens, ©) Band width: Bock Ikanidacan emil a romge. of fh Pe TA RagmHz Lill Omit centring Arendt 2.26mbhz Band width & setecied for te most Part ty the yee Malsniol 4e be mspected and the, Sensitivity yeoyuteg _ © Blane Amelitude correction mre (DAC) >) TRA is Conimotted Soma tnStsumemnl Jor arremuabine, Over A-Aivem maldniad eared dmplitude, Wadcalitn from equal reflection ak” diffensnt daplhs. () Feoum/snrensity:. fs lay Contos sncbde. feces, Imensity, Veriical Pd Borizontal Suaer mengiindat I) Deloy Contvol ** : Tuo! controls essential te tha calibrdtion. Ci) Queee #) delay Comme! ii) Remge Conte : delay Conkiol mone ta disghey orderly oonecs ha . Viewing Senaam Ramge Conbiet 1s provides ta nececsdry Exgamyion and Compression of the Sudeep, HL] Gate contrals : RUS Controls, 94% ured te mecites seus Sora Secek fic ke Sweee. Gare e Used te dross aHonuiliin fO7 Tener AIS cominuitied : : a tre Setting i Invested Aaa omy] : | Position of ee COC CCHCCCOCC CCC (CCC COCC CC Ce CeCe CCC: tua y a ae od 5 Sof le ofa icie gg ZG ELS ad Sweep Civcuit t : : [ sini ue Sine Vo => 2730 3245 Xo L>sxee | Se Allin Aalwactect Angle 1 JIIPIPIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII’) 1 ML oy o'gqaxiB8© Va 2730 ee Toting « hk chspth -12emm SO ~tiamm sion ssa Cos ae AS Pev the practically Time, be ; ee Rema. Aanminn So Res 2187-7 => 165-SseP deelh = 165-5 X0-7355 \20mm SP 5 165-Sx0.68 =, 112 mm ne enaneaninionie eae n iti manatee: YIIIPIIIPIIIFIDIIIID ©P Job and Se1 the Bes 4p 80% (+a) Angle Probe : Take 2 Same angte Probe. Scam oppose te pick op Wand Full Be a a Aso Probe | Cowen” with Dac C£de) ‘Wwans$er Convection e 8 Cae set Block. BE the destbel on ake tog giiyface @ METHOD oF v PATH TELAT A @ Trans fer Certecii Normal Probe : FSi Bu +0 sey Box From the Calibration block de pol she Probe. $Y Br sev 4g 58 V8 %, ri INCH mm ha [0-18 Me [hs Ye 23 % 312 Me |a6e % leo. Ye |78 ie 18.3 3% jag he No Yo |o5 | Fhe | 14.06 | Ye lite | a, \1a-75 a TYPES OF NozZLe SETTING i RNA RARELE SETTING Sh on Nezece CT tem) ryFosod step AE re Normal Proke if e inside 41S Posgiple. aR NNN a Mal ey Eye Ne yay yeas 1: Pser th ov though NOZZLE by normal if msisle is possible. Angle. probe, Angle, probe. Nowmal Probe. NW] Comer Joint IV] Finest weld a PP Ang le 1G) PPPVIVIIIFIIITDIIVIDIIGIIG) bart Scamming by Rermal probe i POPIIPIIPIIIIDIDIDDD CacHataG recat ivi] T Join? ov NozZLE writ PAD movement O r : ® Te thee. defect Shapesof echo pattern, 1® planan Anki clock Ceogkuise wise Fee immer rrr *) Sphunicat rey rey yyy SEEAEEL : Ani clecxsite Chckurce i ) ) te geten TPT TTT J ani 77 Anw clocnwice. ete wige yp) (eet ee sat ae aap (aie eee rae call © WELD Pefecis Co Bhamy defect i nanite Amt or excess pamatnation Shento Normal cheeky feveh or tte top. ¢ fee chteee be wed hiSfenant omg KD miss matal s whens, : ida ‘ofthe Tob. a Ora Biko Ais ney en | "OnE BP IS long omy Saicaliing Ascthe: Sida \ ca defect Behe Caninig Jo grind oma foo te wate on | mal probe. UHERE ony | © vet foreamant: clap 4 to Cin BSmaich) auch the Skip Bp |, Bie es 5) } Sout ana 11 may Yet vata tty Wi) Lacko$ penerration nyt ES ea Ddentified bya Sharp echo Bots Sides of he werd beam path of which Cortes pends do tthodtikns, * (|) probe. ts moved orbeng tre bemgth Of tty cool “1 Snot Newnavis ar the Same position onthe Sercig iy) Excess penetration @Qdepamdms Upon the Shope é theres? ® svreg cele cog be, present ®zap tore thon \ Bp 6k the Tob thtay , JN] Rest Greeny oo wey Pro. Sharp echo from the yool foce. SEO De Ve) eV a ed eevee eevee) be) bes sd ri: . © Ski vi Boke soaieslir trem baceng when a backing Strip ig Used, the geund beam moyy enter the backing Strip and veflected Mil) plies ov pipes 10 AUT tuexnacs ne Pipes in OUT iewnags . Fog | Gnaicallim wilh be Present then Scanat ond no ache gnbicalicn Seanred from thin Side ng From thick Side Wil be present Lihen EOS Ol ol al a RC al a tt ACEO vod tee aebatcae ® Bs - 3923 -u1 AC — 8500 To Aid the gdenti fi Cation oF defects “ites ana. Tour basta probe m: jovements , Cid Rotational @y Swivel ia Bg 3923) i) Ovbidal ii) Lateral MD Traversing (ordeeiy is a6 sang) a) Porosity is a CDiffactiony oliffose refleciey Measurement wSwement CAB disp fo, feng, P° dB drop 5, height Craverge. Soresaret) eran OrbHal Latevat i I Rorarionay Fronti Back Travers} "3 gate Py aie Loo oa > Pyy ID errr cence rl eee es ede ves tears eral (et ere Excess penetration I ‘ Echo amplitude beiveen 10 4090% 7 Dependan: on lop, and probe omgle muubbivanga. $ igrat | Echo falls yapidly when ample move traversed foresard pens i Net PessibIa to medsune dapix with angle, | Probe. lemath difficult tout usually by odB. © Rows Concavity » . i Eche Shavp and longe usin Yeatuced anata. iFlem mede. conversion utth Ge probe | Probe movement: : i Eche Chore ome lotge with reobueast vorga. fen | mMede Conversion with Ge® probe : MeeSunemank t | Use cembre beam and 2, | £8 otro Cheilig ekg) fox Nahe. Not possible. abicays te mata haghe '@ Reet crac: | Usually nigh omoplitle ves pense sith Sivfree OPppentonad . Probe, move mank | ' orbit obo hatal over henge, angle letenal , i echo had with meth omnga. signals amd | Veriations in dima base TOA Sundials GAR Fox lena tt, | Traverse forma Wttn 2edQ dx hecghs, 1 - @ Leck of Penetration: ' Similan 40 Come teflecter Uith lage Radwou echo from both cides. co Probe movement : con tim 8h4h 70 probe when fravesed boage movement for 2l8 dnoP oy oxbitecks falls Tapidly. Masjuramant + Labial u.. 64g ox 2048 drop Trawrse Use 2eda, os Wale der Te” Paste, © tiss ~Alligameat herve ashe Siem ong Side. No Sche fren OPPESite Side. Probe movemens: Traverse back €che falls rapidly Measimemenk t + balened 4ereda crop r - |@® Lackof fosion: Eche loyge single navies a4 aime base When Side wall peor ech» Crom, OpPesi1e side Con Scam: Probe Movemens Roiaie ov orbi} echo tals xagidly, measwamont + Fordapth use soda, Fer log use Gag erv2eda vey Ded Medes a aise ay es Ee sees ey be) he) ay ay, Frm hy Seip | | “ @ © Cracx: Mviiple pack reflectox usvally high empl Hala four on Gyre OF cnmek and size’ peeks with Fi Fee Opfeananes, Probe movement : Orbit—eche Latd over lange angi. Campanad With 4tusien defecis, Lateral ~ signal hud iit Varying Kaighe Fer teng tn Use. CAR or 2ed@ Fer Yee use 22g, MenSunemant © Gos pore; | Sphanccay EXem veblecrey ase preg gts Rooks ache He, Btmilar te otvitiedt hele ov Odin Of Gal beating : MPP rEXIMaIElY Bey on Probe movement: block tniemai ly : BOIS, Iaterad aaa traverse aobs fails | TARY Orbit Othe hetshe vemasns. | Mead unemnant : i Impractcat te mangers bagh: ood tong th. Beporas lsslaied reflector. ¢ quale Teflectivity Ooms! lise ansa on PGs @eoresity : Monipie peak echo. bas intensity 2e7c2t, brood at fone bare, Dune tonumanns 4 Prebemovemant : a Orbis echoes Lat with ormellc (Pp Meatunambnt + Gnoiicals anea by Pins de wilt Nona between 207 10.40%. Probe mevemamt + Orbit, echo hald With Vaniswy maxima and minima, Similay witn traverse Rorarional - che win drop Quickdy lateret - win Peduen large vasialions iy hadhe Perhaps with fetal loss of Signai fos Short distamen, less than beam width | () to Sind oUF tte esi ote th odefect W=Ces® (R-A) B- Ks Backward BP AS te Formord Bp Si mey be Prareally doing Pointing last maximum Signat fom:iraverte and laleat Coons. q © Lincan Snebusion: (Slag) 4 Echs moa be sida at nie bore ong | Will be. mulls feces lua Ye mole then a Single, range. Segal Preyer arr re © rceeunees® : [© Lemmmalion + © | Any disconknuyieg Caning Complate loss of beck reflection Which cannot be. Conbaiinact wtim & cirale the Homan d which Bg mm] ov mahal te Plat Hue. hachenar i grealin SA-438 ey 578. ® wero: rosie Lack of Fusion, in campleli poralialim ane, Un ceaekobts vejerdiass OF tema tt is Unaeceptabie , Slag Amel Other imperfections. one uneccepla le, AP the tndiantiin Excaad fe reherance level emplitede anal Lane length uWich exeand gleglennte Gre) Mae opto mm = Ada \4tuc temmte St1mm Vag Aik abe 57mm Undlenent 0. mu denept MGS ~ MACH Normal Gandtidhid 1:6 be 2mm 0. O88 a. DIF Eten — Som Discontinuities TRAIN PATIES @ fnhenser © processing © sewice Siece Chiowreler wiping, Seams, nals ong] AO Reeceteirg ee welebig hear tveabinig 2 plates, ie whak §S digceninuity 7 ® wrat & catied defect ? HS performance intenied service en use Called defect. When a diScenkinuity ina matenial inter Serves ui its ee _ —_ ,_,__xEE Conditions Sen a4 BEES Covrasion, fatigue avd wean : Any in hemegemialiy ina malinial 1 calied disaniineity th Oe Wonten caligercas ® Sohenont Cambor) ona. alotich to mallinis Solid Sicals., j omel Casting process And one precent trom Me Blarai 3 Process Such as machimedg forming Coc Likes , rolling oe ey yrvVPVIVIDD yw yr? ) rw? eet a ets eg Geet tee Geer eee Gata at Bagic Principles of Non —Desinveiive Examination, G9 ) what is. NOT? NDT is @ non-destructive testing, AMrecthe 1e84 thas is | R0 Chamging an pilysicat , Machanicat knolinn Ht. Job. Oubry py aor Wi reqnaredy ? TO Predust 9 matenial Vo Quali le 5 ie a gee ee (D what ic auabils » We Adgrsa te Ghich @ genci he Product to Sol TH ranks Ha cubtomar : o © what & men Rewalane Sreticnlin? A ANne. nticalin wich occu ea Regutt of the Conponenls Jeamaliy ov Comiguralicn sueh on @ Chara 1 Seerion , Keys, Splines bolt thresels press $14 pois, ASSembize Parts ex rogh Surfaces, SH Cadel be, Comes by an oalias Ais Cootinvity that wee datinminasl net te affect the Compnsnld bredubmass whan enatralet nt tt oppreprials Ccemptanen. cris — ia © that 18 discontinvity? Arg Socad a ere oo Fe Aaomeliy giriclire | Composition ox proparlis oy | Presenen of helo, are Ox endeks, j Dis continvities ano net ehiomys bac! 0, hodtendasus mek my en Semabinias be naamad 5, he design ox meg be halpdut ih Soma teinds | Ce! Sematinas crwck abo Stepral toy poresity, (GD) wrok & defect ? Wham a discontinuity Single or mulbiple a leo. Size Shape ype amet \wealiin thak it enoala, ® Sub Stantial Change. of malas paths in Sewiea | N15 cablect qQ defect | Finding aefects j2 cna ot the moot trea pense ob Jeotive of NDT. & whet 8 Casting? Caring 14 the proses of camsing {, sapecnmalan ty | i Fla comity or moulel evel’ Si fy dteg vsatel Shope . AN malSrial sed th molt manuboebining oF Boma Sage Of preegoging, Jigpuia Steel —s Selick conesmbialiin > So lick Jo heowitemp A) PX VPIIVIAVIPO OD YO Dvr YD Dre DDO OI exI-II--IIDIDIDDD Goro i$ Comesion ? © The oxidation of ike Suvfese the malo, oxiato ASPESIIE Yowm ome malat ie lest an tha res of Coevresion, Types ©f Conesion: CiY Genenad Corson GD Pitting Comesion CIM Crevice corrosion GY) dntew Bray Covvosion WD. Stress Covegion © what is Pitting Serresion? | The Ans i & localised cenesion by which pits eae | ] Gevalspad ertemding dane tte the mafat ® whor is, enghesion? SHS 0. 9r0cuat Leos Sey Plow direction FOF Lignud ev FP AH Occur Date Serr Poeen te Sub Sevfecs| (@ what is wie ' A critical density ©f atomic Gy cag om Aifluging Hwegh the steel is vequired to Gawarate hic damage ad Ge oshak S coded A Coda. ta bedy of Laws. 94 “heating legal status 94 win biome connidansel | ID whok & gr? The acct obecamont bye fe be; Covance wit be te STD Tha Lim STO alii apelien fe mamaroy fypes, of Graertants, inolucy Coder amd Spaciticaluss SS ore e SAONEs, Yeepmencdad Proctias PBS of graph Y¥mbels clagg; ¥cation ama AKni tions of denmg ‘ Tse, S1DS s cane ans Such worl, eCAus.2 o maltin 4 Choicg = | © whak ic spsct deal 7 ‘ i Be Fined ote eumont chosti dade tobe disextsay 12 ‘ Ee Spaei tieadin Thy type & cleseniber a, a datouled, Bescription of the ports of a whole, Sialomont or emumenalein of perbicelors aa “te celal on Or rages [Sze squalls pest mamee tema ole. YY IDIIIIIIIIIDIG DI YD IIIVDDVIIDDDIIIIIDADIDIDIIDIDIDD AN Powen Boilers “= Material seeottealins Pont A ~ Feira. malaniats Pevt B— Now Fenner maliniads Poste — welding Reda, ;clecincdes end : Filler malals Rates. dev Construction of ‘Nucor power ee eee Svebsection NCA ~ General Ragpuinemonls fy Brvision | ares ‘pivision 2 Division 4 Subsection NR class 4 Component Ne —Class2 e - NO.- class 3 . Ne mee : MF — Component Sopports NG cmne Soport Structure Aprende xees. Division 2. = NALS Coda fy, Concnalé Raoelin vessels O98 Containments, ~ Heating Boileas, : 4 ae — Noen- pesiquciive Examinations Nr = Recomended ewes te Cane ana, spanabién Heating Boilers Pe Bee a OF Pawar Bride, WE | prossue Vess ais IDiviSlon — 4 Bivision-2 Ate native ruber. m ; 7. welding and Brazing Qualification, = Flere gics, nan Povey plastic pressuna’ Vessels. AT putes fey eiseivica (ees c. ‘ Nucleay Pewers plant Components. F Tl. Asme. Works Closely with American National sids Insiiteie -CARS1) te assure shat tue Resultiig clocuments meet te ancr's Greta fox publication AS Amevican Naliongl Sts, ye > Dey @ Ec V ones Fe Cope APPLICATION SEAS 1.|S€-444 | Longitudinal Wave te51 by the Contact 1985] 4 method ?/S8-13 |UT oF pipesd Tubes Lies TRI] ee -|se-273 UlitaSonic Examination of welded PiPe& Tubing |14¢R3) '/SE-197| Measuring thickness. by manval vlitaSonic polse- echo SA-888| UttiaSonic Examination of Heavy giee! Fengings 9 26 aa wl a a ot ol aig Sosa Boe $A~435| Longitudinal wave Litrasenie. Examinaiien Of Stee] phig 19.22 al [SA -S'77} Angle: Beam UT of Siceis plaies Nag 3] lelsa-1@ lus ur o¢ plainand ciad sieet plaies haga} 4 i SA-G09 Icastings, Corson, lewalley ant Trariensitic Siainiess Stee! UlrsSenie Examinadions lage : IP/S4~745 Joiiaasenic: Braminaiions of AvStent te Steet Login 1986 Necleor Application jie | |SB-SlolnicKes Alby Repth Raq fox muclesr Apphcaly \3/SB~s4g |S -504] wicket Atioy plate: fer Alominiom alloy plate fan pressure vessets \ [jse-si3 [ricnel alloy gaamloss pine a Tove Arplianion int) ej (es \ Examination of weldments 1974] a7 he 'e]E ~ 317} Recomended practice for Salvating Pes fermen! |Cheracterigtics Of pulse eche -v1 8¥Stem e : ree 2 TIE-A2B |Recomenced practice for fabrication Beontrel OF SE™I Reference blocks Used th UT 1480) + [R]E-424 [Recomended practice for marsuning Ultrasonic i j Velocity th maqentat 7 hale - Se | Definition and terms to utasenictess ~ ag &~S87|stD Practice Fay Ultradent Angle Ream Examination ey tha Coniacr |___] Examinarien ey tie Contact metaad | a GD AgmE ~ American Society Of Mechanical’ Ewa ASIM - American Society for testing materials.) Wi) ASNT — American Society For Non.desiwuciive teStings IW ANSI = American Nation Standards Insiioie VD AWS ~ American welding Society Ni 180 — Tniernational ovganiSations for Slandardiga, STD TEST rp PROCEDURE ACCEPTANCE CANERIA RT | Avicle 22 Secu APPEndix~ 4 Sec TM By-4 UT Jarsicte 45823 sec¥ |aprendix-i2 6, Mel | avtele 1326 secE |appendix-6 4% LeT article G Sec ZT | aprendix-@ bon API. Diet of arcing [lass As BBS »» PIIIIVIIIIG ) yy. YIYOYIIIOOOTY DD 7 NaN SW ew we e a of | a Dis continuities @ E lire Sonic testa vetent discontinuities iia matenial aml asses gos ub Size, location and sevayivy, For meiats a | care gene Cid $n hanarte OMS con, e Te Jornect canny’ Satie dion’ of [ fratals stem liguia ie sold sinte here chenecis Oe Cust ham [Te mothe maid geliaifies ta the form ot tnGot, Gillet oy casting NSeenHOuities can be classified in 9 General Cte ona. present, © Arocneles: peresity ona Terres toy gas unloh it enivioney Lohan the Motlem minted Solid Cieg | ermal Shvinkege atuving Solichi ficabes, OF te malas to inges form Wy occuns inthe Centon of ay moO} CEL OME Uehann the oti stviloy tion OF tie Vane, chamenli & net umiderm Heceughent: the ingest ee ee THEISSE thhsant atiscestiqutny Seumat'vn Cas: Purslie Casting | B® cold Gude © per feans PQDIrrinvage Dire -Shriataga © Brow hoies and Povosi ty Kay on: = : & HEtk sectio, [@ BLES | ore Sma hole ot the Surfam a oo Se ce ee een eee sis ca The walkin yn he Sana, Steamt9ea) & velaroc nti forms biosbotes oF te gus fore of the Casting i), Pypcess. AiSCentin vitigg J@ more aiscantinsiver may be hrheduead nie the malinial ID Some Of ths whanant roy Change HS natune ema Posi tley © sub-guilos sisconsinviNor may become ofan 40 tre Sui foe. Thee one collect procts jncuead enooks , Relliog AS Sm ativivi tics: A) SF thane a PIPING, OF A Central Porosity a tne ng ot/ er When 155 glartensd Hoy fom ite lamination , ID AE thas ane. non mobalie Inebsions present nce ingot [billion nol whan this ig velled tte bon Stece Ahem trege inebesions GE Saprearcal cut tate thinner Aisconting Here aiest Singer’ ~ WS IAing AiSematinsitiag TS AS ' @® croers + © high Hhumal Siresses kueto lack of prapan Prepa: @ pest beable ® vapid weiding rE © fowl ctaohricse mamipvlalir (angle) i Pepanding on te Shape, orientation and Jecation thie one called Cid Shon erseks gy) longitude lil tree verte cneedy. BD Poresi’s ax enwaprest tte wolel malt ical porosity Excess moistvrs content vi Ape etoeldele OQCberali wey by ite Sphonical loge - (@ slag srcbston' he fluc ceverwy ths lahrode malls relay oma usually Flats above dts molten malar. : | @ Bue te Herons claamis © Ege ereparabin Queldr, | Fecvnigne Tha Slag com be enkrapad (hho wet malas | @ Sr is chara clerizeat by te ive ton Shope. f Logic of Surion : Smproman fusion betucen, Porart: mall one - weled mail en betwesn loysrs of wotd mold, @ Ampresan ceare Orrehsaley Dhow waleby elinnant @ Seng amd plamar in Shape - ® ypdercar 1341s a Surfoer ‘defect located along he, Loe of ha weld melbl emol is Often tums nei Skapact. ® hesida walls of the weld Joint ore burnact ase i A WeOluetién of bern malbr fhrckness. a * iv 7 © 7 7 T + 4 1 + % q 1 my 1 Sears lee Qmeroparn hendiing o¢ fl |© usually Conse by Cxmes weldiig eornont. (D improper etaclcoals manipulation ema : @® pre drog dee to magnate Peta . : ©) Goinde's gnecka: © 94 warend by the procats, aes BD Correct by tte Cx cass hoot Rararaltc| af Grinds S tray ocoun vight ogbs to the chivectios ol wotarion of the @yincling whast (D Visor troax monk cnoskg. : @ hee one consent by Stresses built op cing nals amet Coeling Dun egpral cocling betucen Noga hau Seciion © tine ances howe no Spoete ot section tevally Starter syerp Con mars Ulich Ack Gy givegs Concemtva kon permis, (B) Foegong + Forming KS cent wouy MOA Cacins When mali ee | forgest Presseck or @octy ‘ss MASE Tt OL Cenone Shapes (3) Sersis buch + @ Ths & a yeptine yy mates pe by foeging oF improper Jomp © aursis be Citta internal gy Qclormal (oflen bpon fo dhe Bey foe) te lone vi tracks, inwda fonging Came tha malt by alow Gea te dum lap 1 ‘® Kerging COkes: Ca be Consi : ternal Cones by hydresen orginally thane in dis maliniad Service AiSceaimyi sien: © Servicer is conical NOs ana in eae side tre malacad Lee Pe Senvien p1 Povforms © Voniss Seite conot end ay. Wes Ser Verity cam inalven typical tiScamba cities Exam : BD favigew ermeke~ laden toy vopacia lo ody @ were Gromulen covresion Crears me thrdvens} by the Coming Sects oF Cevresion ema Harmal reser iis bskalas of vine sonic Elen Precess — Sergins, welling ox Process & Satriades Gaolet5 ; ) Senvica = coresionpiring Grlomar ctakers 7 [erace tack of Price ee) Gvtan the beeen is Setting penpanal oo ne Prodkves Ly OmPlituda Conch Sone Gorm ay Ogee OF MEP TEL ehemgool fans toll bo Corridera ble olifP i eae - hey D> Sehericattakects , Ceoroaiy> @ Rek\eor only a smab amamt of Gad. Howes Cate h Wawel be Small amok will Yemacy onchorgsot Uhen te & oppresch is CLerngeot , : [@ srchurions? @ Srragulion Sage Git gue yiGe4e an Geko @ Whe by : ~ Seek VAL Ome BAMA OF Campana y tos Weigle Chega aoe “ Bend Fetes Ulhesonie tes Can PT loons. Whim any Ene matals Be bendtel by Varun, Methods including brazing i R=(4-Z2 > 16D Boze) RI A Ss0d bend goes not ARETHON OF Jocn oF ben, Flas doreckion, G2 Sy vel lection. pone te Simlan to conventional Di vaaicalsae tet eit aope ay a eee nye h yap Meth eye Mvey anes: nck of is | a eins “tbat i PE Bond ee . | WEES | | Rare malinial Reds ,Axles : Longituderal amd dramsverste tess cam he remel malintat Cosa Somm ex mor), Long ited! - ae fom ome sovxa AMAZ Probe with Protective cover, Mransverse Scanning NecetSery 4edeon is Awe or Sena ANREAO OS, $9 PYACHCR ZI9nZng SGanning Ualucen [tse Sufaces lina, Making an amps of aot | CdK pee: TeSINg 2 Long eats flaws rg alte Bec ; Seammcg TD clekect Hann jd re ReeoaSeny be werk ebiiquae with angie 0f BSA93 bras clay. bean amgle tn 21g -Za5 Arection along fuse leagitud-nal Serio (ynes making an e 1 vege OFA ak ts ack | Qowplele scams yanetbon tativiat wi Haneles Peart 1D bongitwaeras teat trom eek owol wlth O-pmae ~ (D Tromeveme fori alors emcl beiveen too Su, = tit, BaamaZz os Sf thre rs a flaw tn a be BStammed all ancemal Inordan - delinminake ©f pesition ancl size : LUlbe onic Testing og Dodie? 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Plame Ee tohon he Sermrol beam i ref lected by rhe lelefect toda yoost vine probe. esting fewer Porlge__ 7 & Testing vere: partion The cree] + ]R Of te veld JTYPe Tondem +€chnigue Ted g (sing Voteletay | DIVER SESE Ths bee oh edge, prapenal, to | Tees a) Tele bebo rraane Wy ) = Vesting of pipes tube ee Prepeges ancund He wall ty a ig. zag Patlean . when using Shaan | VP As vabe of thc eet glad Over 6-2 oy 207 + Th dened fee at yop He thnw statnalld Chor aslo 70") | ®z BSbp BM ful Sip WiStanant faking b Lag feo probes, x Tose n pladés : fesving_of welds on plodba: CG molintat G) Delos ot Wolol preperalnin (i) u0lel proces Anal prokabie defects expeclés WW) applica the pot | D Acceplaren eritenca, Sclechion Pf prebi . © pre 2 thion (ease : Clee, Oe a | On minimem Size of flaw anal atlonnalinr + ey rae @flea onthe maliias aot BoomSerese! whish vane bith | fregrumey Shautol be Cons iclanecd, fer mitd 4e0b wetels > Frey 87§2 diz dod He tole it Will be Sotesfa efor , | Pris ca! Amt of fbb FO = eect (a poubatege = Fo~ O/ |nmetes: @ maioniat dtr amd Svfaer Concdition @D Novwah probo pemrie i@ Regt probe gy mz [@ Bat pornt- Of Angle probe © Range Cotibration of wovmal amet Ang , Ssival me ien © Fert POM SIP Stamens, 6 Be, pu 2p Swivelmobien One aletach bet Normal ama angle é) Trams 0528 Correction be. Se D Coupiet (depend, “Pon Suefares ernclition ane Position) HD A Sinple flaw locating vate C Biche ule Seats) th Nocmat J aagee Som be masts Double V Jone Coon Teint) Bf eccessibte ts doullo YU bust oink moy be & from al four $ichay Creo Seat iron: Uftagonic PO mae /)ty Of Frey ceostmin 'S puch less. The Cpeotmon Of high Vighcli'y Gr enaahs 2G fnm. GF wy fee oScan above Zoomm , Too mettools Applet om Hs Same 24 ofr Stent castings but iH mustbe noteoi Hab graphite Urebnaions preclias. Consiclnalle Stroy ehes Sonal ff, i Mest CobeS te botfom eahs ©nky Gan be seq for ©S1i mation a clean rey a Ons te te baat qmalihy © reens ra light walks bitieks, Froka © AbSerptlon K8calt ening cc y Baby on the th tonmas Seen te ae ees Fn ere Dav motets ara Comsiderally mane é | Svlitatog Fass GE) hen thay enol Them hon Seperate; are. eee 1 ddan te aboat SU Shaped Ghee) weeks oa Lepittinas Goel hs Swrfoes Crnekes 1, ba, iSubelix, a aon esac dey ‘ i Pramsvorte FeSt60y for 0 ie @) | floes by mama 6b EO" hom aryl ablerg 2 O13 Long . 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Com ha wea) 1h stenel of pulse Pohemetihay | ALESIS: Shaienaga cavisies, blowers, throbs: tony Omof SHOES Conn be Aciectaa | Feoginga : | agers et tates writen Steere thepn me ga, matinee Gee dating Te eps © bres Atos jotstects ® Facing ing burst: SPSS GY Harnad ersede, Fre gress 4 Sma & Seirabio 7 @ caren 1A Rematinus peg ot ice ey nae a ort enbes ee We Fleckrag Momubselinig peters Spebsiog: The non metallic robaionans Counest by the lm Punt ha 0 ‘the Boring, MOWAR. Thre tr elrrion ans Dr gd Pessith 94 ie Sehicator pamily Srhinicas ~Shaens ual i i Cees by te onlinpray Ge temoton malinial Shin toga Sloss: Shaimicage 44593 aw cowition temect ching Vana fe deticl Conesntin chien, . wtove TSevinteye -C PiPL) The soliont Hication pre eoes, Sorts Swiforer amal VER qousnds the conkic H tte age, (oar te cipal Ser golictity. MORtOF He Slat Frenbs Ths cavity 1d eatinal Pips emkis ting. Shinkags ({ilomuebony Swinkge) s0):de fread, [Can not be Gevrecth, Contetlad Std SOE Om the Conley bing SARL Ro coten bak deste tome groabionh Ahaing SeV AL fren biin . tesmrts “Te ge pe nkge fh Observer (9 ty Sm Sega 4 Belicts dole $4 Cony RSS SS lake nec Teatuice Sesceehy or tigua giaci dene nan ee Praised ana The covition treat Asgwt ane in ve ie ee [Cadieol isne Sarinnage - OIA BEET Cotes Que %5 fermen ‘then metho mala & Peugen| ove Me MScontingity is erensg 3} coy HK tsion betucen use Mevespires % Aiklernt dong CShrintensen) Hot dean ii ceetet by Untonay Slein ot \igh ema tacwoy, Sechion & acentiog SA te mula eoolg “hye Crees ors OLScom\in Un ond Seroraly treag9 20) dove . 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Wh the: obire. in, Roh Sleeact Ae wee atten onl an exbiBea Sain, dor y Earn Gon Woe Condichanan Thtema? Pine" ches extrarien aeseot Pine" Ths te Galley SERSEE 94 he nat dncanat Shoe rege he Le properly Tae Gore be Cracks ov galling 1h the finishes Rot. Tes con be ih hoor Of fer extmaion as wetios ih eal Sx tering Ronn 8 he eomginat foor Steet conbennat © croak O% Penesily Aoaliscontinuity wwbel sho, we ie Fev} alge, ja Rolling efeds : The. Procees gf plastically deforming moat by PASSING 14 bet neen abl ic knoonas Rolling, Tamination: Aloag¢ porosity, pine ond nem mubalic racbssien im ASIA. Chen vellest she Shah or pleke weber iaiton anct SPremel Tae th qn abirectitn, Mainly th ha aiecetien H tem Thane Flartenag okiScontineisiaa ere Called mination , Biringerg s Thee ae the tengen aenet thenmens Conti vnabins 6 news eee Theisen, Present th the Bringinad billets shen zelleel ite G row deen rT Oyen 8 Gonsrally aasociaten min Changatse once ox Bakphdo thabsions tr maka t , Seems: Sedeer ensota ex irmeg tori hea on dra Speen Aheagu fh Neltest ore Stretches outbanct fongthrnse, Ot coe eee Seema ee coca by foley the nalat daa te tapers, yolling ex by clofeck th fhe roller : Brielebect PiPe ana Teboing datects sselctaa, Antenne 1d decmach rom BHO med Wetabect by pet taming Fehon oy abel’ ucliny, BSE * Seon. Sexe ag fem lect Ge tesonad® the (ong tient eee tee cba pe cae Than OP ACOA OF the aside oyatsi eda aes trom faulbuotaug | FENIAN ON! Ths Nominees prenent the plete Sea wee Cortical Over in the pine made out Gh thar Pl ern : zg Spemaless eibe amet tubing dal ecig be Seoemas A eer Originally Prevent wy tie billet, 9g Preclvekion & the Seamless tuba wil tera ete Leet fe tee Slug At Some Stage she malay bes Fera'ss Th Cause & Mamdyeh end the Pntide g, y dee fecteg between ‘he sining ee Pi [Pxsing detects: Dyas: Fe Orde. we Pulling of maka} Spplied onthe Qxit A esol hay oy 7 Oy Uae OF fae, “BS epevayiens fave! Wregh aad fay manna tonite Geren ee Joy Susassive oirantng ty Knoonen 6. Prveusing, Seems 7 Seems Gm econ lowion the dracon prectuee Seams Silvers wv pire An Fook or uive Ff tho Stacking ved TR Pre Corse) hog. Sueh oy seniors? 7h, past Gonmon ips A chrawing obtect & l ce ~beut oe Chavon HOHE. TH 16 eatlent epeing, | weld defects | _— wrat & weld? 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Deportes pen the Stra SSanct qed Moy be na Yitlely prise te fa chu erica.” tencditions ROA Mos, ‘ wrnends 8 canbacting madenn fOMch meg be Liquil & goa Some Sorkin so ee Gowresiso cm in 4 a Chentoat ican, SOU IHS tno pickling of he tee me coral Chenicar eabis. Bednone CovreSion : Belen. Gowveston ; Detain ve veep eet se pay Cwrrant between thom Teresion pwtection: Tacs Xs Re Sinpie Strasse Problems tom teat ie aaa Om3 EN te, Preventing Sek H Consesion. Thane @ he Cure —aii beeause hp. vantedls a motets possible emnviton (Corrosive, macy +The Gremanas meth anol eae Shoe matics Fatigues Fathas occues unclen eonetitton of tusamie(7y loony ore colina fatigue torbras ; : A Pont con be Bulj@erenl to Vantias Kinds looks _ IG Farts earn aoe yey uth 6b dersile bvesses, IG practically ab fatigue qoilne rtort arte gucfoes (& oun thn hada doliges . a mented (niMation i) Ermer —propegaticn enet fi) fracture WER: Wear & Propably te mest (mPettont factor fata | Oleterioration OF machinery sith moving cempe | Fanctemonlot Avescts dh Cenvesion Fasinte. nresion fabigua erag we alakivant So tte Gmicinscl eeklong Qn eg rettive a ama a tyolic ttress feadhs fo promatue Focdine th matots by crsekiny : A pre ~conediaa Casctran aoe net ntecesen ly JEP Apereciolte yaotuelin oo fabigve fe ne cteas prefs MP OA ewaoae the Cantesion ‘vets Gh meted, Th mSeni hE observes faulnes are in feet cnivesion fotigen, a c Sines oily dedigen creaming tron abseblt Voceun, [Catt Ge tonnta oo pins Yabigen | See $4 hes heen Quan that ty mony metals, au, | Combas oles epi Shrenghs to ieresoen 15 sin eatmey, Ss Jerrad Corvesion Fabiges Shatel nett Steen Gln stress Corrosion enaeking EAtvess: Gowvesion Cnagking caves! Static. tension Stress yethey ipl GANS onclin conditions ef hea thas of sly remit Styege | SETSEITY wales canditions 6 metova? Sm Peiten TK cbabe lito Hore emat dlna vali, Exome®? Siser ay Soh necmivana HR yelos Cr 5106) A fodigua, An ieee 1 the Membacgh sgehe. Saaha Ae AS Callest datiqen bina bility Sf we feesy Coeredtes & S paetman oy Srelz. | ame then tang RMS eit fowen py Habiges Srrangtt Jur ROLE Cemeesion igus Sirevgin? Whine De Comnet berg Ovt Srvese Cotewlation ona Gmatat SWB tne. InSteoal te Strantth yale appliqn ta [= Mee cose & CF, doporea: om the rumbor ob Holes, lo-Seupg. NFOX Stromgin Prideende ih the VSR jon Noe, bos abuay ent isi lege 4o—Bomeg Fa iQue Stems HK tn MY cletomingsl tn fhe Serena stagart fa [Se pari monte, Ths less S Coteuta hic Canctitiens See. Utteee eR lying Omctlianating Stvagg 18 tos Frey oF The hen bey Os Sgeles belongs. Ao Chesen time om Pressey Ons Plottest bag rams orator Ag clas yeat Fora gheas g Stipa (oe Qetas Se Suk bi Creme fo Predera nak & isz Meda Tor A Hh machin tome eeu tee ee Meda frog _ Covresion daly To 4tea passive siaie eee trigne 1a the Sate of untiahle fk Rass ty Pees Corrosion conettiiee | Hens on. ees ote Gs ther : [tRCreaa ORY Ie Celene 1a el AN ye. a Nabe Om | fouscy ferweoSion vate ry meaty Prove etton 1h mace a : SF by cathechs bY anole, Pretection avcia pit ng, Jk Wb Qentar Comvesion, Keay tome hele hs is” feet eaten ercrens %X eerrerive agement PS (PRIS Sem idanations ends | NT APPLY Les nae Brees e4 , Avsial Stree fercentation by avid Retohan | ete Ce toes olay dahecr s rUlevation we om eel eSGUSRal elas tres Je cy oo [Mom Passive prmantiiy Brarete ! LES emer damiey ate SuttaLRe.Ave tbe tects Budoct Protection, th passivity metbe @ aap ve ate Ha Sema Hee 8 Sm Prashaly eiressen gut foyer combe Cehianaal by sume claelve plating {cohmiguar. S ‘ y atte dype ebrelioby ten oy nu 23! nievel plating Caing w Y Culp Runoks bathe feubich Sersemdary brightness | Coven as benzoic cos Sutphimide) an Siraighe formarval protective maasuvas oe ron . Uke epelyrns pares, Plaste &% yy a a nal ona EE 2 Ha Produet to Soroe fe Pupese, wR Taba lity eunel mininuum Mamionanes thet ie Buatis 7 ; Quakily Moy be Alinad a tw botatihy a feabiarony eee eee ee ite | abil¥y $0 sated) a given nas [Ory Assuranen nich SOmPYESGA TK dase Cats ut tos pomally C1) Quoted Actmeinig ination Gr) Quatily Conte! Quali 4 nsswares: Qual) Meare, an thace weet plamed ard tystemale detirs tobon bya ing ox Sewies, organigallisis fo snStil Condidemen 4% Zl, mind & buyer thie fhe precuek 6 Borvics 13 mosle an Pera $10 amet jo tenves th, Prrtose wel! Melis getminiShation : Preparatiin of Quatily Acsurenas Mord, (seal masfabring procaine met Saco Proemdines , che cwmanlales at A ferant $4030. yeui eas ond awit AN thope cebivities ong aimed Ateaatminigdortys the O08 18 dhe Product by sevice ty imgh tu human TE Otrnee . GAQMNG Rentee) OAKS combat f Conerting sekivity & i Buolihy ‘KeSumdmen menausing emel tating doer ditieade, Vane: | Cheroglntstia, ha preotuet per HOMO! Coloration MABAUTing feels and Frodes anol insPectven 84 Prodnelf | OD Per te approved Arawsings omc Speed kos fies are | ASEOME tee madam eponackerisher & fhe prodel Mock canbfroabin An predut, [Wot is aSpeciion? Gnepecrion 19 the Process of Coceminatton J2>4 assees mont OF e ‘s x: fea ox RSet “fred Ay Caen nejectast orieers, esting 13 le Process of Subiscting te Pr fo the physical concitiens egal to uege. oy tog hy nee hides UNGR. emol asses fa SUMAN met fo of safely buin th fhe Prockeet-, CEES, STANDARDS AnD SPECIFICATIONS : oe SPECIFICATIONS Genanat $n the foot ia uy peren Gea lines de Sate O28 GM amet Jobe cates Prachrae , TM 1905 poeta bred bh Rake poe Boiler ExPtoisen | ‘The Fossy legar Code & vutos WK the Gonstvechin of Stocun boilers ts 1907. Th 1908 4 State of ohus PASS 22} Simi Mambo ching omol eens mnceto, Cometh td ip, low 1eg lation. Ro th Om apeaat in ig) 4 tee. 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