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Chapter 8:

Staffing Your Practice

Next to you, your staff is the most significant contrary, or have verbally indicated that the parties
ingredient in the recipe for dental success. Take have a contract, employers generally have the right
the time and spend the money to get and keep to discharge at will. However, office manuals,
good employees. written documents and oral agreements may
alter the employment at-will relationship. Today,
Employment of Office Staff this broad right is limited by a number of feder-
The employment relationship between a dentist al, state and local laws.
and the office staff is governed by federal and
Some states infer a promise of fair dealing as
state laws on employment, relevant provisions of
part of the employment relationship. Other states
the state dental practice act and the terms of any
have found that an employee handbook or written
employment agreement established between the
offers of permanent employment may constitute
parties. Information on federal and state employ-
a contract. Therefore, if termination is necessary,
ment laws is available through the U.S. Department
all rights provided by law and established by
of Labor and state departments of labor.
agreement must be respected by the employer.
Employers should consult with their attorney The office staff is
Hiring Practices
before terminating an employee or preparing generally protected by
With regard to hiring, the office staff is generally
employee handbooks, contracts or other docu-
protected by law against discrimination based on
ments that might be construed as a contract law against discrimi-
sex, age, race, color, disability, religion or national
of employment.
origin. In addition, some state and/or local laws nation based on sex,
prohibit discrimination based upon sexual orien-
Offering Retirement Benefits age, race, color,
tation. The protections afforded by the various
Finally, with regard to retirement, the law does
laws cover hiring practices, wage and fringe ben- disability, religion or
not require an employer to establish retirement or
efits, work assignments, conditions in the work-
pension plans, nor does it establish benefit levels national origin.
place and termination.
for such plans. When a private employer elects to
Before hiring any employees, contact your states set up such a plan, the employer may specify many
Department of Labor and request whatever of the conditions for the plan, subject to federal
information is available on wages, hours and and state law. However, federal law, ERISA, (the
working conditions in professional occupations. Employee Retirement Income Security Act) regu-
A good website for general information on this lates who must be included in such plans and pro-
subject administered by the Small Business visions of that law must be closely followed.
Administration is
Pension plans and the rights of employees under
Before beginning employment, the dentist and the plans are also governed by the general con-
staff members should clearly establish a working tract law of the state. Pension plans should be
arrangement that includes compensation, the prepared with the close assistance of an attorney.
obligation of all parties to adhere strictly to all laws
Professional Liability. The legal basis for most den-
governing dental practice and occupational safety
tal malpractice cases is negligence on the part of
and health, benefit programs, periodic performance
the dentist or staff members for whom the dentist
and compensation plan review and termination.
is legally responsible. Generally, the law imposes a
An employee handbook is often used to address
duty on the part of the dentist or any defendant
these important issues.
to conform to a specific standard of conduct to
protect the plaintiff from an unreasonable risk of
harm. If that duty is breached and the plaintiff is
There is no general law that prohibits a private
injured as a result, then the defendant may be
employer from discharging an employee. Unless
liable for any damages sustained by the plaintiff.
employers have entered into a contract to the
Under the law, the dentist is required to possess thoroughly. Problems with such an arrangement
and exercise the knowledge and skill of members sometimes outweigh savings in salary or other
of the profession in good standing. In some states, advantages you anticipate.
this requirement is judged in the context of the
Compatibility, education and experience are the
same or similar localities as that in which the
three key elements in selecting your office staff.
dentist practices. In other states, a more general
Compatibility is the applicants potential to get
or national standard is accepted by the courts. In
along well with you, other employees and
addition, the dentist must use any superior judg-
patients. Close constant contact between dental
ment, skill and knowledge that he or she actually
personnel makes compatibility imperative. And
possesses. Therefore, in some states a dental
good relationships between your patients and
specialist may be held to a higher standard of
staff members are essential for effective treatment.
care than a general practitioner.
In reviewing an applicants educational back-
As an employer, a dentist is also responsible for
ground, look for training in an ADA-accredited
the negligent acts of his or her employees that
program, if appropriate. If you are unfamiliar
occur within the scope of the employment relation-
with the type of training or the institution, check
ship. This liability stems from the special relation-
with the local dental society for more information.
ship between the employee and employer and may
be imposed even though the employer-dentist The American Dental Association offers many
played no direct part in the negligent conduct. practice management products you may find
helpful for your recruiting, hiring, and training
efforts, such as Smart Hiring: A Guide for the
Choosing Employees
Dental Office and Employee Office Manual. For
As a new solo practitioner, you may decide to
additional information, contact ADA Catalog
hire only one employee to fill the roles of recep-
Sales, 1-800-947-4746, or visit the e-catalog
tionist, secretary and dental assistant. Due to the
Web site,
complexity and demands of being the lone auxil-
iary, it is essential this person be both compatible
and experienced in the duties to be performed. If Attracting and Interviewing
youre married, dont be tempted to ask your Potential Employees
spouse to serve as your first employee unless he In some communities, word-of-mouth among
or she is extremely interested and you discuss it professionals is the best way to attract potential
employees to your practice. Other dentists in
Sample Ad your community may refer suitable people they
know who are looking for work.
Dental Assistant Wanted To Join Our Team! Or you may advertise in the local paper for
Our clean, modern general dental practice caters to patients of all ages. As a team, auxiliary personnel. A well-written, concise
we all strive to provide the highest quality dental care in a fun and friendly environment. advertisement giving essential details of the
Located in an easily accessible professional building in Washington, D.C., we enjoy position should attract suitable candidates. The
easy parking and nearby shops. We are looking for the right RDA to compliment our Internet may be a source for locating candidates
friendly team-oriented staff. We enjoy a Monday through Thursday workweek and as well, at sites such as
offer a competitive salary, medical benefits, and profit sharing plan. If you are reliable,
Today, there are numerous general on-line job
personable, and love what you do, call/fax/mail/email us your resume. EOE. The
banks. You may be familiar with some of these
position is immediately available. Contact Mary at (Phone) 111-222-3333, (Fax)
Web sites, which include:
111-222-3333, or visit our Web site at Washington, D.C.
Dentists, 123 Washington Road, Washington, D.C. 12345. Americas Job Bank,;
Career Builder,
Sample Employment Application

Note: Please consult with your personal attorney for state-specific employment application language.
If your dental practice uses a probationary period policy, you can use this language on your employment application.


Applications are considered for all positions without regard to race, color, religion, sex,
national origin, age, marital or veteran status, or disability.


Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________
First Middle Last

Address: __________________________________________________________________________________
Street Address/Apt. number City/State Zip Code

Social Security No.: _________________________Telephone Number: ________________________________

Drivers License Number: _____________________State Issuing Drivers License:________________________

Have you ever used another name for work or school? n Yes n No

If yes, please state name(s), dates and circumstances: ______________________________________________

Are you over the age of 18? n Yes n No

If employment is offered, can you submit a birth certificate, Social Security card, certificate of U.S. Citizenship, or
other verification of your legal right to work in the U.S.? n Yes n No
Have you ever been convicted of a felony or criminal offense, including driving under the influence of alcohol or
drugs, but excluding minor traffic violations and parking tickets? Applicants are not obligated to disclose sealed
or expunged records of conviction or arrest. A conviction record will not necessarily bar your from employment.
Each application will be individually considered on its merits. n Yes n No
If yes, please describe: _______________________________________________________________________


How did you learn about (XYZ Dental Office)?_____________________________________________________


Position applied for: _________________________________________________________________________

Date Available: _________________________________Salary Desired: ________________________________

Are you presently employed? n Yes n No

Are you willing to work overtime, if necessary? n Yes n No
Have you ever applied to our dental office before? n Yes n No If yes, when? _________________

Have you ever been employed by (xyz dental office)? n Yes n No If yes, when? _________________

Typing: _______ wpm Shorthand: ________ wpm

Dictaphone: n Yes n No Word Processing: n Yes n No

Computers: Hardware: _____________________________________________________________________

Software: ______________________________________________________________________


Dates Did You Grade Point

Name & Location of School Attended Graduate? Degree Major Average

High School



Licensing/Certifications: _______________________________City/State: ______________________________

Employment History
List the most recent position first. Although some of the information requested below may be on your resume,
please complete all of the employment history requested. Include your resume as well.

Name of company:__________________________________________________________________________
Type of Business: ___________________________________________________________________________

City/State: _________________________________Company Telephone Number: ________________________

Date of employment: From ____________ To ____________ Salary: From ___________ To ___________

Exact title or position ________________________________________________________________________

Immediate Supervisor: _______________________Supervisors position: ______________________________

May we contact? ___________________________________________________________________________

Reason for leaving:__________________________________________________________________________

Description of duties, responsibilities and accomplishments: _________________________________________

Name of company:__________________________________________________________________________

Type of Business: ___________________________________________________________________________

City/State: _________________________________Company Telephone Number: ________________________

Date of employment: From ____________ To ____________ Salary: From ___________ To ___________

Exact title or position ________________________________________________________________________

Immediate Supervisor: _______________________Supervisors position: ______________________________

May we contact? ___________________________________________________________________________

Reason for leaving:__________________________________________________________________________

Description of duties, responsibilities and accomplishments: _________________________________________

Name of company:__________________________________________________________________________

Type of Business: ___________________________________________________________________________

City/State: _________________________________Company Telephone Number: ________________________

Date of employment: From ____________ To ____________ Salary: From ___________ To ___________

Exact title or position ________________________________________________________________________

Immediate Supervisor: _______________________Supervisors position: ______________________________

May we contact? ___________________________________________________________________________

Reason for leaving:__________________________________________________________________________

Description of duties, responsibilities and accomplishments: _________________________________________

Name of company:__________________________________________________________________________

Type of Business: ___________________________________________________________________________

City/State: _________________________________Company Telephone Number: ________________________

Date of employment: From ____________ To ____________ Salary: From ___________ To ___________

Exact title or position ________________________________________________________________________

Immediate Supervisor: _______________________Supervisors position: ______________________________

May we contact? ___________________________________________________________________________

Reason for leaving:__________________________________________________________________________

Description of duties, responsibilities and accomplishments: _________________________________________

Please explain what you were doing during any periods of unemployment between the above jobs: ___________


Have you ever been terminated from employment or asked to resign by any employer? n Yes n No

If yes, please explain: ________________________________________________________________________

Please read carefully before signing
(XYZ Dental Office) is an equal opportunity employer. I understand that no question being asked as part of my
consideration for employment is intended to be unlawful.

I certify that the information contained in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge and understand
that falsification of this information is grounds for refusal to hire or, if hired, dismissal.

I authorize any of the persons or organizations referenced in this application to give you any and all information
concerning my previous employment, education, or any other information they might have, personal or otherwise,
with regard to any of the subjects covered by this application and release all such parties from all liability for any
damage that may result from furnishing such information to you. I authorize you to request and receive such

In consideration for my employment and my being considered for employment by your company, I agree to con-
form to the rules and regulations of the company and acknowledge that these rules and regulations may be
changed, interpreted, withdrawn, or added to by your company at any time, at the companys sole option and
without prior notice to me. I further acknowledge that my employment may be terminated, and any offer of
employment, if such is made, may be withdrawn, with or without prior notice, at any time, at the option of the
company or myself.

I understand that no representative of the company has any authority to enter into any agreement for employment
for any specified period of time, or assure or make some other personnel move, either prior to commencement of
employment or after I have become employed, or to assure any benefits or terms and conditions of employment,
or make any agreement contrary to the foregoing.

I acknowledge that I have advised that this application will remain active for no more than 90 days from the date it
was made.
Date: ______________________ Signature:______________________________________________________

Healthcare Monster, Use your office phone number in an advertise- ment if you need an employee immediately and
and list a specific time frame for these calls. For
example, you might state that they should call
between 1:00 and 3:00 pm.
The Internet now makes it easy to narrow your
Screening resumes by mail or through the use of
search for your dental team. Specialty e-recruiting
a blind box number will eliminate telephone calls
sites target a smaller, more qualified audience.
that might interrupt your routine throughout the
These sites can also provide various services,
day. However, some people-oriented applicants
such as resume databases or unique software
may not be comfortable sending resumes if they
tracking that allows employer and applicant to
dont know who will be receiving them.
communicate with each other through the hiring
process. Dentists can also place advertising After a week to ten days, review all the applications
banners, channel buttons, and splash pages on or resums you have received. Eliminate those
these e-recruiting Web sites. that do not meet your stated qualifications (not
available full time; no experience) and sort the rest Be sure your help
Listed below is just a sampling of specialty job
into A and B lists. Call each qualified candidate wanted ads do not
sites of organizations that are geared toward the
to review employment history, availability and
dental profession.
other basics. Note the applicants voice and discriminate. manner. Does he or she project professionalism?
Based on the phone interviews, schedule appoint-
ments for applicants. You may want to use your day off for interviews. Have each candidate complete an employment
application. These can be purchased from most
dental supply houses, office stationery stores, or you may want to develop your own form, based
on the following sample. During the interview
When interviewing experienced applicants, you
Newspaper want ads remain a valuable resource
may want to elicit the following information
for job seekers. The Internet allows access to
from your discussion:
many of these newspapers (large metros, local,
campus, alternative, etc.) as well as other news 1. Why did they leave their previous jobs? Note
sources around the world. There are many Web any criticism of former employers. These com-
sites that can link you to numerous newspapers. ments can be revealing and may indicate future
One such example is problem areas.
Employers can post want ads on the Web sites of 2. Is the persons experience applicable to your
various dental associations, societies, universities, practice needs? This is especially important if
and dental schools. Obviously, if you have a dental yours is a specialty practice.
practice Web site, you could use it to post your
3. Does the applicant seem flexible? Responsibilities
own job openings.
may change as the staff grows. Each employee may
Be sure your help wanted ads do not discriminate. have specific assignments but will also need to
remain flexible to perform other duties as needed.
An experienced assistant will recognize hours
and responsibilities may vary due to emergencies. Examples of some of the more typical background
resources include the applicant, former employers,
4. How is the applicants appearance? An applicant
educational institutions, governmental sources,
should have a well-groomed appearance.
consumer credit agencies, Internet databases, and
5. Does the applicant have transportation to and personal references. Many employers choose to
from the office? If public transportation is not use professional background check companies
easily accessible, punctuality may be a problem. because of their expertise and convenience.
During the interview, try to avoid questions that As you might expect, doing a thorough back-
can be answered simply yes or no. Let the ground check takes time; a project you may want
applicant do the majority of speaking, in order to to outsource.
find those candidates who are intelligent and alert.
A dentist who hires a third party to perform
Take special note of people who ask you questions background checks on prospective employees
about your practice. This can indicate a real inter- should also be mindful of the Fair Credit
est on their part. Discuss office policies briefly Reporting Act. A dentist who hires a third party
and ask the applicants expectations for starting to perform background checks on prospective
and regular salaries; expectations should roughly employees should also be mindful of the Fair
equal the pay offered. At the end of the interview, Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). The FCRA
let the applicant know that you will be in touch imposes various requirements on employers who
regarding your decision but do not commit your- rely on consumer reporting agencies to conduct
self to hiring anyone. background investigations in connection with
prospective employees. The term consumer-
Write down your impressions immediately after
reporting agency is defined quite broadly, such
the interview so they wont be forgotten, or use
that any dentist who hires a third party (e.g., pri-
the form at the end of the chapter to help you
vate detective, employment screening company,
collect your impressions of the candidates. If you
on-line data broker, etc.) to investigate an appli-
have asked the applicants to provide references,
cants background will be subject to the terms of
call those previous employers or character refer-
the statute. First, the dentist must provide the
ences at this point. Always ask for references and
prospective employee with a notice that the den-
always call the references. Be sure to get written
tist is seeking a background report concerning
permission to call the references.
the individual. This notice must be in writing,
clear and conspicuous, and in a document that
Sample Letter to an Unsuccessful Applicant solely consists of the disclosure. Second, the den-
tist must obtain the written authorization of the
Date individual prior to seeking the background
Name check. This authorization may be included in the
Address employment application itself. (The dentist may
Dear (Name): also want to include a stipulation that states that
Thank you for taking the time to meet with us during your recent visit to (Dental Office). We enjoyed the furnishing of any false information in the
meeting with you and hope that your visit proved to be informative and interesting. application is grounds for denial of employment.)
Unfortunately, due to our staffing requirements, we may employ only a limited number of the many If the applicant refuses to consent to a reasonable
candidates interested in positions with our dental team. Therefore, I regret to inform you that we are request for information, some jurisdictions may
unable to offer you a position at this time. allow the dentist legally to decide not to hire the
Please accept our best wishes for your future success, and thank you again for your interest in person on that ground.
(Dental Office).
Thus, dentists should give serious thought to
performing background checks on their prospec-
tive employees. While the scope and detail of the
background check may vary depending on the (if you have structured the training period as a lower
position available, background checks may help salary time) and explain your employment review
dentists minimize or avoid liability for claims of procedure, which should be done at least annually.
negligent hiring. Background checks may simi-
The American Dental Association offers many
larly curb instances of theft and workplace vio-
practice management products you may find
lence. However, because federal and state law
helpful for your training efforts, such as Fast-
governs the procedures and scope of background
Track Training: The Basics for New Dental Staff,
checks, a dentist should consult with an attorney
Basic Training II: for New Clinical Personnel, Basic
familiar with federal and state law in this area
Training III: for Dental Administrative Personnel
before undertaking this process.
and CEO Crash Course: A Dentists Guide to
After interviewing is completed, list applicants Practice Leadership. For additional information,
according to degree of qualification. Call the first contact ADA Catalog Sales, 1-800-947-4746, or
applicant on the list, offer the job and indicate visit the e-catalog Web site,
what the compensation will be. If the person does
not accept, call the second person on the list, Annual review Schedule compensa-
repeating until the position is filled. Never let any- The annual review allows employer and employee
one know that they were not the first person on the list. a frank discussion about performance, salary and tion reviews 30 days
Write to the candidates whom you did not select any other situation that requires comment. Some
after performance
to let them know of your decision and to thank consultants and experienced practitioners schedule
them for their interest. In addition, tell them you compensation reviews 30 days after performance reviews to allow for
will keep their name on file for future reference. reviews to allow for corrections or expansion of
corrections or
duties where appropriate.
Training Period expansion of duties
When your new employee begins, explain office Employee performance
where appropriate.
policies in detail, answer questions, discuss com- When an employees performance is inadequate,
pensation and benefits, and review office hours have a review meeting with the person as soon as
and length of training period. possible. Describe your view of the situation and
ask for an explanation. If probation is warranted,
The new employees training period should be
the procedure set forth in your employee hand-
long enough to allow you an opportunity for a
book should be followed. Terminations should
complete evaluation and short enough so that
be made in accordance with state and federal
the employee is not discouraged. During the
employment laws and in consultation with your
training period you may decide to pay a salary/or
personal attorney.
hourly amount slightly lower than you would pay
a full time employee. An applicants motivation
to perform well during the training period may Salary and Compensation Policies
be enhanced by the awareness of a possible Salary and compensation levels depend on the
compensation increase. local economy. You are competing for employee
talent with all other employers in your area.
At the end of the training period discuss perfor-
However, quality is more important than cost.
mance strengths and weaknesses candidly with
To secure good talent, you must be willing to pay
the employee. If your employee handbook
good wages.
provides for a disciplinary process, that process
should be followed if you are addressing perfor-
How to identify possible wage levels
mance problems.
1. Check help wanted ads in the classified section
If the new employee proves to be acceptable during to determine what other practices are offering.
the training period, increase the persons salary
New Hire Checklist

Employee Name __________________________________ Date of Hire ________________________________

Social Security Number_____________________________ Home Telephone Number _____________________

To Do
q Complete employee documents such as state and federal forms (i.e., W-4 and I-9). Make sure these documents
are signed and dated.
q Make sure social security number is on file.
q Comply with INS (Immigration and Naturalization Services) regulations.
q Obtain copies of and verification of licenses, if applicable.
q Some states require training in dental radiography procedures for certain staff members. Contact your state
dental society for more information.
q Make sure employment application (signed and dated) and resume are on file.
q Verifications of immunizations, such as hepatitis vaccine, if applicable.
q Obtain the name and phone number of an individual to contact in the event of an emergency.
q Decide whether an office key should be given to your employee. Document all of the items that you give to
an employee when you hire them. Ask each new employee to review and sign the list, and make sure the
employee understands that he/she must return the items and equipment when employment ends.
q Order name badge, if applicable.
q Engage in office tour and introduce employee to coworkers. (Review parking area, time cards, storage for
personal belongings, employee lounge, etc.)
q Set training (clinical, office software systems, etc.) schedule.
q Explain office security policies. Go over alarm system and instructions on opening and closing the office.
q Set date for 90-day performance appraisal.

Office Policies and Procedures to Review

q Philosophy and mission statement of your dental practice. Discuss the standards of performance that are
required in your dental practice.
q Review and document patient confidentiality policies, along with HIPAA privacy policies if applicable. (If your
practice is required to comply with HIPAA, review HIPAA Security policies by compliance date of April 21,
q Discuss medical and dental benefits, if applicable.
q Discuss insurance and pension plans, if applicable.
q Provide the employee with your employee office manual. Ask employee to read the employee office manual and
sign a form indicating that he or she has read, and understands the contents of the manual.
q Review infection control procedures and bloodborne diseases policy, as well as personal protective attire.
q Discuss anti-harassment policies and provide your new employee with a copy of the policy if it is not included
in the employee office manual.

q Discuss pay rates, overtime, pay days, and incentive plans.
q Discuss your communications policy, such as personal use of telephone, cell phone usage,
e-mail, etc.
q Distribute a copy of your dental office organizational chart and job descriptions of your dental practice, if one
q Provide your new employee with a copy of the job description and retain a signed copy acknowledging receipt
of the job description in the employees
personnel file.
q Discuss performance evaluation process and schedule.
q Discuss work schedule.
q Discuss attendance policy, and who to contact in cases of absences and tardiness.
q Discuss dress, appearance, and uniform policies.
q Review patient contact procedures.

q Offer map of neighborhood showing restaurants, shopping centers, and other attractions.
q Discuss all other office policies, procedures, or patient services youd like to highlight.
q Set aside time to meet with new employee to thoroughly answer questions
he or she may have.

2. Ask your dental supply dealer. They can be a from local wage-hour offices. Please note that
good informal source of information. employers cannot simply designate an employee
as salary or hourly wage according to personal
3. Check articles and surveys that are published
preference. The nature of the job dictates whether
in various journals.
an employee should be paid on a salary or on an
4. Check with the dental staff of an educational hourly basis.
institution in your area.
Review the U.S. Department of Labor regula- Compensation Policies
tions ( to make sure you are prop- While the amount of compensation you offer
erly classifying your employees (exempt or non- may depend on local or regional economic fac-
exempt). The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) tors, other aspects of your compensation policy
establishes minimum wage, overtime pay, record- will be your own personal choice. The following
keeping and child labor standards affecting full- sample office policies delineate the many details
time and part-time workers in the private sector. and components of compensation.
The FLSA exempts from its coverage any
One last note. Consider using a payroll service
employee employed in a bona fide executive,
or a computerized accounting program. This can
administrative, or professional capacity.
help you run the office more efficiently, while
However, the exemptions are generally narrowly
keeping you in control of the payroll process.
defined under FLSA and an employer should
Contact SurePayroll @ 866-535-93592 or log on
carefully check out the exact terms and condi-
tions for each. Specific information is available
for more information.

Sample Office Policies

Compensation Hours
Each new employee hired receives starting compensation, Office hours are from 8:30 am. to 5:00 p.m., with one
which is determined on an individual basis. Consideration hour for lunch. all employees are expected to be at the
is given to the following: office 30 minutes prior to the time the first patient is to
a. educational background be seen. Tardiness will not be tolerated.
b. past employment experience
When an assistant finishes his or her duties for the
c. training and experience in dentistry
day, he or she will be expected to assist the reception-
d. unique talents, abilities or training that would be
ist or other assistants until everyones work is finished.
useful in the new position
There are no scheduled coffee breaks during the day.
After a three-month training period, each employee will Five work days are considered one work week. Working
have an evaluation and be considered for an increase hours may be changed to accommodate the needs of
in compensation. The amount of the raise will be deter- the patients or the doctor. Advance notice will be given
mined on an individual basis, based on: whenever possible.
1. Interest in office and duties
Work week
2. Efficiency
The regular work week consists of the following days:
3. Personal appearance
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday (9-1), Thursday, Friday
4. Promptness
and Saturday (9-1). This schedule may be changed at
5. Dependability
any time by the doctor.
6. Individual value to the office
Periodic compensation reviews will be scheduled.
Employees will schedule their vacations after consult-
Raises are given only if they are earned and will
ing with the doctor, preferably while the doctor is on
depend on business considerations, the economy and
vacation or when the doctor will be out of the office for
performance. If the employee has not earned and is
an extended period of time. Each employee who has
not entitled to an increase in compensation, a frank
been employed at least twelve (12) months shall be eli-
discussion between the employee and employer will
gible for one weeks vacation with pay. Employees who
review performance problem areas.
have been employed for more than twelve (12) months
Pay day will receive two weeks vacation with pay. Vacation time
Paychecks will be prepared on the 15th and the last and/or pay is not cumulative and must be taken in the
working day of each month. current calendar year in which it is earned.

Bonuses Employment Status

Bonuses may be paid for services or success over and (Practice name) is an at-will employer and either the
above the usual or expected. (practice name) or the employer may terminate the
employment relationship at any time with or without
Sick pay
notice or cause. Any disciplinary procedures are sub-
After the initial three months training period, five days
ordinate to the (Practice Name)s at-will employment
sick leave with pay will be allowed for each twelve-
month period. The sick leave plan does not carry over
from one calendar year to another.

Any unused sick days will be paid at the close of the

year as a form of wellness bonus. Upon termination
from employment, unused sick days will be paid to
the employee.

Holidays shoes. The employee will be responsible for the fur-
The office will recognize the following holidays during nishing of the rest of his or her uniforms and the
the year: (If the holiday should fall on the employees laundering and care of them. Only uniforms approved
day off, then the employee will be entitled to equal by the doctor will be used in the office.
time off at another date.)
January 1 New Years Day
Except for professional meetings, vacation time and
July 4 Independence Day
holidays, all employees, are expected to report for work
September (1st Monday) Labor Day
on days when the doctor is out. During this time cabinets
November Thanksgiving Day
can be cleaned equipment serviced, records brought
December 24 Christmas Eve Day
up to date, shelves cleaned, supplies straightened,
December 25 Christmas Day
x-ray tanks cleaned, x-rays processed and mounted,
December 26 Day after Christmas
charts filed, operatories and reception room cleaned,
(Doctor may wish to substitute Jewish holidays as
and all accessible areas dusted and cleaned. Should
an employee take this time off, it will be without pay.
Dental care For efficient use of
Full-time employees will receive free dental care after
This handbook of personnel policies is prepared as
six months of employment, excluding lab fees and your allied dental
a guide and reference for employees of this dental
other related costs. Members of their immediate
office and is not a contract for employment. It personnel you
families will be treated at 80% of the normal fee.
expresses current policies of this office and will be
(Immediate family includes spouse and children.) should delegate
updated as new policies or procedures develop.
Uniforms responsibilities.
The practice will purchase three (3) complete uni-
forms for each new employee, excluding

Increasing Your Staff add a dental hygienist to your team even if it is

Your first employee is likely to be someone who is for only one to two days per week. Pursuant to
versatile who can handle all allied dental personnel the overtime rules, dental hygienists are exempted
duties. As your practice expands, you may add other from the overtime provisions only if they have suc-
employees to help you increase your productivity. cessfully completed four years of pre-professional
For efficient use of your allied dental personnel you and professional study in an accredited college or
should delegate responsibilitiesfor example, while university approved by the Commission on
one employee maintains your business affairs, the Accreditation of Dental and Dental Auxiliary
other covers by performing chairside duties. Educational Programs of the American Dental
Association. The timing of this addition is
You should want to employ additional allied
dependent upon many factors-some personal,
dental personnel if your workforce is overloaded.
some professional and all highly individualized.
Remember: in these instances the increase in
production generated by the new staff member One of the factors to be considered is your patient
will likely be much higher than the additional load. Tally the number of prophylaxes you do in
persons salary and other expenses of employment. an average week. If you spend one day a week (or
8 hours, total) on cleanings, as is more commonly
the case with a new practice, you may need to
Hiring a Dental Hygienist
hire a hygienist to see patients one day per week.
At some time in the development of your practice,
You can then increase your employed hygienist
perhaps within 6-12 months, you may want to
time in proportion to the patient demand.
Adding a hygienist to your practice will free you
Staff Meetings
to concentrate on other dental treatment, while
Some consultants recommend a regular staff
the hygienist performs routine prophylaxes and
meeting lasting one to one and a half hours
dental health education. Other advantages of
every two weeks.
hiring a hygienist include reducing the time a
patient must wait for an appointment for treatment Staff meetings are an accepted way to discuss
and the addition of further positive influences on problems or other situations related to the
your patients, setting the stage for case acceptance. practice, as well as to educate your employees.
The dentists enhanced ability to see patients on It is also a time to monitor the office efficiency
time and to see a greater number of patients during the previous month and to discuss ways
each week adds a great deal to the productivity to improve patient care.
of the practice.
Develop an agenda to conduct a meeting in an
orderly and efficient manner. A list posted out
Job Descriptions and of public view, perhaps in the lab, should be
Some consultants Procedure Manual provided to allow the staff, including the dentist,
Written job descriptions and a procedure manual to contribute subjects for the agenda and to be
recommend a regular will help your employees understand and perform explored at the meeting. The staff meeting
their duties. The job description should include a allows you to evaluate your employees opinions
staff meeting lasting
short statement about position and a list of before making changes in office procedures.
one to one and a half duties. Sometimes duties are organized in daily,
weekly, and monthly categories. Good resources Website Resources:
hours every two weeks.
to use for these subjects include Employee Office Centers for Disease Control and
Manual: A Guide for the Dental Practice and Prevention, This organiza-
Smart Hiring: A Guide for the Dental Office. For tion has a wealth of information on work-
additional information, contact ADA Catalog place hazards.
Sales, 1-800-947-4746, or visit the e-catalog
Bureau of Labor Statistics,
Web site,
This government resource features statistics
on wages, earnings, benefits, productivity,
Clarify duties
and other issues.
When more than one employee works for you,
make sure they understand their individual, This
responsibilities, but emphasize that each must resource offers information on federal and
be flexible to perform other duties as needed, state regulations and guides on managing
as allowable by state law. employees.
One duty for which all auxiliaries should assume Equal Employment Opportunity
responsibility is answering the telephone. Some Commission, This resource
believe that a dentist should never answer the features regulations guidance for employees
office phone; your staff should screen all calls. and employers.
Although your receptionist is generally responsi-,
ble for this, other employees should be prepared
This resource offers federal and state
to take over when necessary. Provide a list of
labor laws posters.
people, such as your spouse and other family
members, to whom you will speak whenever National Institute for Occupational Health
there is an emergency. Otherwise, direct your and Safety, This
staff to take messages so you may return calls. resource offers information on just about any

occupational topic that employees face in U.S. Department of Justice ADA
todays workplace. Homepage, This
resource offers Americans with Disabilities
Occupational Safety and Health
Act legal documents, publications, and other
Administration (OSHA),
This resource features OSHA regulations
and compliance resources. U.S. Department of Labor,
This resource features information on labor
Social Security Administration,
laws, regulations, statistics, and other subjects. This resource features on-line
services and benefit information of the Social
Security Administration.

Sample Dental Assistant Job Description

Note: Content and expanded functions may vary in accordance with state dental practice acts.

PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITIES - Give patient instruction and demonstrate,

Responsible for assisting the dentist in the clinical when necessary
treatment of patients. - Monitor patient flow
- Notify Treatment Coordinator if a patient should be
called in the evening after a difficult appointment
Patient Management
- Greet patients when they sign in and monitor arrival Treatment Room Management and Sterilization
time - Check to ensure that dental units are ready, stocked,
- Escort patients to treatment room and clean at all times
- Seat patients and have proper set up for procedures - Oversee cleanliness of the treatment room accord-
- Show care and concern, and help patients feel com- ing to sterilization procedures
fortable - Disinfect treatment rooms according to OSHA regu-
- Obtain and review health histories according to lations
office protocol - Sterilize all instruments and handpieces according
- Try not to leave your patient unattended in the chair to OSHA regulations
- Anticipate and assist dentists needs at all times - Organize trays, instruments, and treatment room
- Perform expanded functions and other tasks as drawers at all times
assigned by the dentist - Ensure that office sterilizations procedures docu-
- Mix dental materials ment is on display
- Ensure all patients questions are answered thor- - Send out promptly and monitor all dental laboratory
oughly before they leave cases
- Chart all patients and record date, service rendered, - Implement a preventative maintenance/cleaning
and any charges schedule for dental equipment
- Escort patients from the treatment room - Maintain dental office emergency kits and nitrous
- Ensure proper treatment notes are recorded in and oxygen tanks
patients chart - Follow laboratory procedures according to office
- Perform clinical procedures as practice act allows protocol
and as directed by dentist

- See that records are stored securely and handled in Education/Experience
compliance with legal requirements, including the - High school diploma
HIPAA privacy and security regulations if applicable - Graduate of ADA-accredited dental assisting pro-
- Accurately file patient information gram or dental assisting experience preferred
- Arrange patient charts and radiographs for next - Coursework in dental instruments and procedures
days appointments - Compliance with state dental practice requirements
- Track cases and referral to and from other doctors (i.e., Xray requirements, OSHA training)
- Assist in the administration of the recall system - Legible handwriting for notations in patient chart;
Inventory Management computer skills desired [list programs]
- Monitor inventory and order dental office supplies - Commitment to CE for career development
as needed
- Ensure that treatment rooms are stocked at all times
- Good interpersonal skills to maintain effective rap-
Office Participation port with patients, dentists, other staff members,
- Help in other areas of the office when necessary and community
(i.e., phones, unpacking supplies, completing insur- - Effective verbal skills to communicate with patients
ance forms, moving dismissed patient records, etc.) and staff
- Be an active participant in staff meetings
- Promote team concept by interacting with others in
the office

Sample Receptionist/Administrative Assistant Description

Reports to: Patient Management

- Maintain a professional reception area/office; orga-
nize patient education materials, keep the facility
Responsible for maintaining appearance and order of
neat, etc.
dental office, patient scheduling, and patient manage-
- Greet and welcome patients and visitors to the prac-
SPECIFIC DUTIES - Check in patients according to office protocol, veri-
Reception Management fying and updating health information
- Open and close dental office according to office pro- - Manage recall and inactive patient system
tocol - Confirm the next days appointments by telephone
- Check the daily schedule for accuracy and post it in - Schedule patients for efficient use of doctor and
all treatment rooms staff time
- Answer and respond to telephone calls with profes- - Check patient back up list to try to fill in cancellation
sionalism and no-show appointment times
- Review supplies for reception and provide order to - Collect payment from patients at time of treatment
business manager - Make follow-up appointments as needed
- Maintain petty cash - Assist in the treatment room as needed
- Ensure that HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices
Notice is on display, if applicable

Records Management - Prepare and send out continuing care notices on the
- Gather and accurately record dental, medical, and 15th of each month
insurance information from patients - Prepare and send out correspondence as directed
- See that records are stored securely and handled in by the doctor
compliance with legal requirements, including the
Inventory Management
HIPAA privacy and security regulations, if applicable
- Monitor inventory and order dental office supplies
- Accurately file patient information
as needed
- Arrange patient charts and radiographs for the next
- Monitor and make sure all dental office equipment
days appointments
is working properly
- Track cases and referrals to and from other doctors
Office Participation
- Be an active participant in staff meetings
- Update insurance information on all patients at all
- Perform other tasks as assigned by the dentist
- Submit treatment plans for predetermination of
- Prepare claim forms for patients with dental
- High school diploma
- Organize supporting materials for claim forms, such
- 2 years office experience preferred
as radiographs or written narratives
- Legible handwriting for notations in schedule
- Mail claim forms from office
- Assist in the resolution of problems with third-party Interpersonal
payers - Good interpersonal skills to maintain effective rap-
port with patients, dentists, other staff members,
and community
- Prepare billing statements promptly and accurately
- Effective verbal skills to communicate with patients
mail billing statements as directed by the dentist
and staff
- Prepare and mail overdue account letters as directed
by the dentist
- Telephone patients with accounts overdue
- Post checks received each day

- Sort, organize, and distribute mail
- Prepare and send out new patient and referral
thank-you letters


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