Lessonplan Dumlayangonzalesorasan

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A semi-detailed Lesson Plan

In English

Grade IV

Prepared By:

Shamah Dumlayan

Jill Marie Gonzales

Rochelle Orasan

I. Learning Objectives: At the end of the lessons 100% of the students will be able to:
a) Identify the different Parts of a Letter in a given example;
b) determine the different function of each part and;
c) Can create their own letter.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Parts a Letter
Reference: Grace U. Rabelas and Victoria D. Mangaser et.al (2015), English
course: Visabal Group Publishing Inc. Meralco Avenue, Pasig City
PowerPoint presentation
A. Classroom Routine
Arrangement of Chairs
B. Learning Stage
Teacher will have a scramble words in his/her hand, and he/she will show
a sample letter. He/she will let his/her students to form the scramble
words and put it in its specific parts of the letter.
Students will form the word and put it in the letter. After the activity the
teacher will now tell the students our lesson for today is about the parts
of a letter we will now learn and now its function and purpose.

Firming up
Who among you here had experienced to write an excuse letter?
Kindly raise your hand.
So who can tell me what is this?
Letter is a written message addressed to a person or organization,
company or an institution. It could be a formal letter, an informal letter,
or friendly letter.
The HEADING contains the address of the sender and the date the
letter was written.
The GREETING starts the letter and usually begins with the word DEAR.
The Body of the Letter contains the message of the sender. The Body is
written as text.
The closing consist of a short phrase, like Your Love, your friend and

C. Assessment
Think of someone from your class you would like to thank. Write a letter
to him/her using the correct format in writing a letter. Do this on a
clean sheet of paper; apply the parts of the letter.

D. Homework
145 Vicastro St.

Carmen Cagayan De Oro

Cagayan De Oro City

April 19, 2016

Dear Mr. Santos,

Thank you for letting me stays in your house for the whole week. I am very lucky that
even when there was barely enough space, you, and your wife let me stay there. Thank
you and god bless.

Your friend,

Jennifer Lopez

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