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Moreno 1

Ashley Moreno
Student Lesson Plan
EDU 280

Objective: To inform the class of Cults and its basics. The goal would be to showcase this not
just through simple lecturing, but through visual aids and examples.

Materials/Equipment: Handout sheet with seven examples of notorious cults, two videos from
The Simpsons, one teaser trailer video of The Invitation (2015), the Elmo, and Google slides.

Start out with why I chose this topic.
PowerPoint Presentation
Slide 1 Intro slide Slide 8 Why do people join
Slide 2 What are cults? cults?
Slide 3 Recruitment Slide 9 Cults in media
Slide 4 Types of cults Slide 10 Activity
Slide 5 Religious Slide 11 Closing slide
Slide 6 Commercial Slide 12 References
Slide 7 Following

Closure: Thank you for listening. Does anyone have any questions or comments?

Outline for Lesson Plan:

Slide 1 Introduction Slide

When I hear the word cult, I feel afraid. Thats why I chose this as m topic. I wanted to
broaden my knowledge, so I researched cults with an open mind. Despite that, I still am a
bit afraid of cults, but now I know that theres way more to them than I thought.
Slide 2 What are cults?
The word cult can be defined in two ways.
DEFINITION ONE: a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a
particular figure or object.
DEFINITION TWO: a person or thing that is popular or fashionable, especially among
a certain section of society.
Slide 3 - Recruitment
The main methods of cult recruitment revolve around deception and manipulation.
Slide 4 Types of cults
Slide 5 Religious
Religious cults have similar beliefs and practices.
Beliefs: a god or the leader, salvation, the afterlife.
Simpsons video.
Moreno 2

Groups: strict, abusive, isolated.

Slide 6 Commercial
Commercial cults are sustained by beliefs in attaining wealth and power.
Some commercial cults are crossovers to political and religious cults.
Simpsons video.
Slide 7 Following
A cult following is a group of fans who highly admire a work of culture.
Cult followings are usually benign.
Slide 8 Why do people join cults?
Dependency: an intense desire to belong, stemming from a lack of self-confidence.
Unassertiveness: a reluctance to say no or question authority.
Gullibility: a tendency to believe something without really thinking about it.
Desire for spiritual meaning: a need to believe that life has a higher purpose.
Slide 9 Cults in media
Photo of the 2013 film The Sacrament.
Photo of the 2015 film The Invitation.
Photo of the 1984 film Children of the Corn.
Teaser trailer video of The Invitation.
Slide 10 Activity
o I am a lonely person a good part of the time.
o I tend to be a follower more than a leader.
o I am not very satisfied with my church.
o Somehow, I feel my idealism and purpose in life hasnt been properly tapped or
o Ive been having some personal problems I cant seem to solve.
Slide 11 Closing slide
Any questions?
Slide 12 References

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