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andard Method of Test for Resistance of Compacted Bituminous Mixture to Moisture Induced Damage 1. SCOPE 11 Tuis method covers preparation ‘of specimens and measurement of the change of diametra tensile sens sling from the effects of saturation and accelerated water conditioning of com- ‘acted bituminous mixtures in the labo- {atory. The results may be used to predict. longterm stripping susceptabilty of the ‘ituminows mixtures, and evaluating i= vid ant-stipping addiives which are added to the aepbalt cement of pulvers- lent solids, such a bydzated lime. which sie added to the mineral aggre 12 The values stated in Stunts are to be reguded the standard. 2 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS 2A AASHTO Standards: M136 T1665 T8 168 T109 126 T20 Requirements for Mixing Plants for Hot Mixed, Hot-Laid Biruminous Paving, Mintures Bulk Specific Gravity of Compacted Bits ‘ainous Mixcares Compressive Strength of Bituminous Mix- Sampling Bituminows Paving Mixtures Maximum Specific Gawity of Bitumi- sous Paving Mixtures Resistance to Plastic Flow of Bituminous Mixtures Using Mar- ‘hall Apparatus Resistance to Defor- ‘nation and Cohesion of Bituminous Mix: ces by Means of Hyeem Apparais Preparation of Test AASHTO DESIGNATION: T 283-89 Specimens of Bins- rminovs Mixtures by Meags of California Kaeading Compactor T 269 Percent Air Voids in Compscted Dense and Open Bituminous Paving Mixtures 22. ASTM Standards: 1 3387 Test for Compaction and Shear Properties of Bituminous Mix- tures by Means of the US. Corps of Engi neers Gyratory Testing Machine (GTM) D 3549 Test jor Thickness or Heieht of Compacted Bituminous Paving Mixtue Specimens 3. SIGNIFICAN AND USE, BAAS noted ig the scope, this method is intended ta evaluate the effects Df sxturation and accelerated water con- tioning of compacted bicuminous mix (uees in the laboratory. This method can bye used (a) fo test bituminous mixtures in conjunction wids auxtute desig vest ing, (b) to test bituminous mixtures pro- daced a¢ mixing plants. and (e) to test tie bivuminons conerete cores obtained from completed pavemeats of any age ‘32. Numerical indices of rewined in- ézect tensile propetes ae obtained by comparing the retained indirect proper- es of saturated, accelerated water-con- dltioned laboratory specimens with the simular propemies of dry specimens 4, SUMMARY OF METHOD 4 Test specimens for each set of avs conditions, sven as, plaia sephalt shalt wieh anustnpping agent, and ag regale ested with lime, are tested (Note 1). Each set of specimens is di- ide into subsets, One subse is ested in dry condition for indiret tensile stengt. The other subset i subjected to vacuum saturation followed by a fieeze and warmater soaking cycle and then tested for indirect tesile sength. Nu- merical indices of retained indirect ten sile szength propemies ace computed from the ext data obtained on the to subsets: dry and conditioned. NOTE 1—ic ir tecommended to prepare ‘wo adeitional specimens forthe seu These Specimens ean Wen be used to establish tbe ‘acuum srrcon techni a gven in Se: won 95. 5, APPARATUS 5.1 Equipment for preparing and compacting specimens from ene of the following: T 245 and T 247, or ASTM D 3387 : 5.2. Vaewum container. preferably ‘Type D. om ASTM D2041 and vacuum ‘pump or water aepirator from ASTM D 2041 including manometer. or vacuum enuee. 53. Balance and water bath fom T 16. St Water bath capable of main- tsining a temperature of & = 1°C (140 = 18 5.5. Freezer maimained at ~18 = ¥C0 = 5. 5.6 A supply: of plas lm for wrapping, heavy-duty leak proof plasic bags to enclose the saturated specimens snd masking tape. 5:7 LO-mL graduated cylinder 58 Aluminum pans having a surface axea of 48400-64500 square ullimeters (75-100 square inches) in the bottom and a depth of approximately 25 mm (in. 5.9 Forced air daft oven capable of 751 782 maintaining a temperature of 60 = 1°C (40 = LF), $10 Loading jack and ring dyno ‘mometer from T 235, or 3 mecharical hydraulic tesuag machine from? 167 1o provide a range of accurately control- lable rates of verucal deformation incd- ‘ng 50 mm per inate @ in. per mauie) S11 Loodng Siripi—I used, steel loading strips with a concave surface having a radius of curvarue equal tothe nominal radius ef Ue test specimen, For Specimens 101.6 ram (4 in) in diameter the loading serps shall be 12.7 mm (0.5 in) wide, and for specimens 152.6 mm (Gin) in diamever the loading strips shall be 19.05 mm (0.75 in) wise. The length of the loading sinps shall exceed the thickness of the specimens. The edges of the loading suips shall be rounded by grinding 6. PREPARATION OF LABORATORY TEST SPECIMENS 6.1 Specimens 101.6 mm (4 in) in ameter and 63.5 mm (25 in.) thick are usually used. Specimens of other dimen sions may be used i desired and should bbe used if aggregate larger than 25.0 mm (@ in) is present in the mixture andor '5 not permited to be sealped out 62 After mixing, the mixture shall be placed in an aluminum pan having 8 surface area of 48400-64500 square ‘millimeters (75-100 squate inches) in {he bottom and a depth of approximately 25mm (J in.) and cooled at room temper ‘ture for? = OS hours. Then the mixture shall be placed in a 60°C (140°F) oven for 16 hours for curing. The pans should 'oe placed on spacers to allow air citeula- tion under the pan if the shelves are ot perforated. 63. After curing, place the mixture in an oven at 135°C (275°) for 2 hours rior to compaction. The mixture sball bbe compacted 10 7 = 1.0 percent air voids of « void level expected in the field. This level of voids ean be obtained by adjusting the number of blows in T 245; adjusting foot pressure, number of ‘amps, levelling load, er some combina: tion in F 247; and adjusting the nubet of revolutions in ASTM D 3387. The exact procedure must be determined ex- METHODS OF SAMPLING AND TESTING penimentally for each mixture before ‘compacting the specimens for each set 64 After extaeton from the molds, the test specimens shal be stored for 72 to 96 hours at room temperate, 7. PREPARATION OF CORE TEST SPECIMENS JA Select locations on the com pleted pavement w be sampled, and ob tain cores. The number of cores shal be eat sx for each set of mix conditions, 7.2. Separate core layers as necessary by sawing or other suitable means, and Store layers to be tested at room empert> 8. EVALUATION OF TEST ‘SPECIMENS AND GROUPING 8.1._Determine theoreual saxinnum specific pravty of miature by T 209 82 Determine specimen thickness by ASTM D 3549, 83° Determine bulk specific gravity by T 166. Express volume of specimens in cubic centimeters. 84 Calculate air voids by T 269 85. Son specimens taro to subsets of three specimens each so that average alr Voids ofthe two subsets are approx mately equal, 9. PRECONDITIONING OF TEST SPECIMENS 9.4 One subset willbe tested dry and the other will be preconditioned before vesting. 92 The dry subset will be stored at room temperanwe unt testing. The specimens shall be wrapped with plastic for placed in a heavy duty leak proof plastic bag. The specimens shall then be laced in a 25°C: (17°F) water bath for 2 minkinum of 2 hours and then tested 8 described in Section 10, 9.3 The ether subse shill be conde Wioned as follows: 9.3.1 Place the specimen inthe vac- ‘vain container supported above te con twiner botiom by a spacer. Fill the cor T283 Yainer eth distilled water at room tem erature so thatthe specimens have st least one inch of water above thee sur face. Apply @ vacuum of 13-67 ka absolute pressure (10-26 in. Hg parial pressure) for a shor te (S 10 10 min tes). Remove the vacuum and leave the specimen submerged in water fora shor fume (S to 10 minutes), 93.2 Determine bulk specific grav ity by T 166. Compare saturated surface ‘dry mass with saturated surface dry mass Setermined in Section 8.3. Caleulate vol. lume of absorbed water 933 Determine degree of satoration by comparing volume of absorbed water with volume of air voids from Section 5.4. If the volume of water is between 55 percent and 80 percent af the volume of air, proceed to Section 9.3.4, I volume of waters less than SS percent, repeat he rocedure beginning wit Section 9.3.1 lsing more vacuum andlor dime. If vole lume of water is more than £0 percent specimen has been damaged and is dis. carded, Repeat the procedure begioning with Section 9.3.1 using less vacuum andior time 934 Cover the vacuum saturated specimens tightly with plastic frm (se Fan rap or equivalent, Place each wrapped specimen in a plastic Bap con- ‘aiming 10 mL of water and seal the bap. 935 Place the plastic bag con wining specimen in a freezer at ~18 * C0 = SF for a minimum of V6 hous. 9.26 After removal from te freezer place the specimens into’ a 60 = IC (140 = 15°F) water bath for 242 1 hnours. As soon as postible afer place- ‘ment in the water bath, remove the plas. tic bag and film from the specimens, 93.7 After 24° 1 hours inthe °C (140°F) water bath, remove the spe ‘mens and place them in # water bath steady at 25 © OSC (77 = IF) for 2 = L hours. I may be necessary to add ice to the water bath to prevent the water lemperature from rising above 25°C 77°F). Not more than 1S minster shoold be required for te water bath to reach 25°C 7"R), Test the specimens as de- scribed in Section 10, NOTE 1—~An alienate nebo ito hins- hate Secions 93.4 and 9.35, and the wer "Aller removal from the fever” Set T2383 926. Thin wil lininae te ese shaw con dioning 10. TESTING 10.4 Determine the indices tensile strength of dry and conditioned speci: mens at 250 77). 10.2 Remove the specimen fom 25°C OTF) water bath and place bee tween the two bearing plates in the ts lng machine. Cage must be taken so that the Joad will be applied along the lames ‘er ofthe specimen as lustated it Table 1. Apply the load to the specimen by means of the constant cate of movement Of the testing machine head of 50 mm @ in) per minute NOTE 3 When reviewing 2 faltre oe sped pavement he temperate of spec ‘mens in Secoons 10 land 10 of 29 TF) Should be ehanged wo 1 (SSH) 103 If steel loading stipe ate used cord the maximum — compressive stength noted on the testing machine, and continue loading until a. vertical METHODS OF SAMPLING AND TESTING ‘rack appeas. Remove the specimen fiom the machine and pull apart at the crack, Inspect the interior surface for sinpping and cecord the observations 10.4 UF steel loading stips are not Used, stop loading a5 soon at the mani= ‘mum compressive load ir reached, Re ord the maximum compressive. foad, Remove the specimen, measire and cord the side (edge) flattening to the Beare O.1 mm (0.1 in). The flattening ‘may be easier to meat if the flattened fede is rubbed with the lengthwise edge Gf a piece of chalk After recording the Awtening. replace the specimen in the ‘compression machine and conspress unit 2 verucal crack appears. Remove the Specimen from ge machine and. pull apa a the crack, Inspect the interior surface for stipping and record the ob- HL. CALCULATIONS tf steel loading sips ae used calculate the tensile strength a follows, 75) where S = tensile suength, Pips, P = maximum oad, Newions (pounds) = specimen chickues, mm loches) and D = specimen diameter, mm (inches) U2 If stel loading stipe s1e not sed, calculate the tensile ezength of = 101.6-mm (4-in) diameter specimen as follows St Units here Seaside sept Pa Sig = maximum tensile sues cones. Ponding co the width of flaened tues from Table ‘TABLEL Maumur Tense Sires Sor 4 Base Indes ofa 4000 Newton 10090 hp. ond, 101mm (in) Diameer Specimen 354m (inom Langan eee Tom" 6 2 (69) tis (6 aor 16) azeq loon as) 3105) somzqsy 2000) vowing) racer er (08) z308 rosa, 29/09) onsen) en e105 0 6 754 F = maximum load, Newtons, and 1 = specimen thickness, mn US. Customary Units: where = tensile suength ps, METHODS OF SAMPLING AND TESTING Su = maximum tensile stess comes: Ponding 0 the width of flattened auea from Table P= maximum load, pounds, and 1% specimen thickness, inches, 11.3 Express the mumenea) index of resistance of asphalt mixtures tote det ‘mental effect of water asthe ratio of the ‘ripinal strength tat i retained ater the 7283 fheeze-warm water conditioning. Caleu- inte a follows: Teale Sung Rave (TSR) = S where average tensile strength of cond loned subse

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