VL2017181002247 Da02

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Digital assignment#2_SWE2018

Fall 2017-18

School of Information Technology & Engineering

MTech Software Engineering
Deadline : 12/10/2017 Course Code: SWE2018
Faculty : R KirubaThangam Slot : G2+TG2

Object Oriented Analysis and Design

Digital Assignment II (Fall 2017-18)

Give one page writeup Problem description of the system (detailed description about the
application which may include the problems faced by stake holders, features of proposed
system ,benefits of the solution etc.. ) you have selected.
1) Apply noun phrase approach for your scenario and identify the classes their attributes
and operations .
2) Design a class diagram based on the analysis you have done using the noun phrase
approach. Indicate all possible collaborations

Class diagram should be drawn using any UML tool .
The contents should be typed in times new, font size:11, line spacing :1.5,
The writeup may be minimum of one page.
Follow the given template for front page of document & noun phrase approach.
Give proper heading for every diagram (Eg:Class Diagram of ATM system.)
Upload the file in doc/docx format before the deadline.
Follow template provided in schoology.

Faculty : R KirubaThangam
Deadline : 12/10/2017

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