Carbonífero Córdoba

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ISSN 00168521, Geotectonics, 2013, Vol. 47, No. 3, pp. 215240. Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2013.

Morphotectonic Study of Two Regions in the CentreSouth Segment

of Spain: Crdoba and Granada1
M. O. Cotilla Rodrguez, D. Crdoba Barba, and F. J. Snchez Dulcet
Departamento de Fsica de la Tierra, Astronoma y Astrofisica I (Geofisica y Meteorologa), Facultad de Ciencias Fsicas.
IGEOUniversidad Complutense de Madrid, Ciudad Universitaria, Madrid, 28040 Espaa
Received August 30, 2011

AbstractThe morphotectonics of Crdoba and Granada are differentiated using the Rantsman method
[53]. Over 40 quantitative geomorphologic indicators are used in the systemic classification. Both areas are
included in what are known as the macroblocks no. 1 (Southern) and no. 2 (SubWestern 2A) of the Iberian
Peninsula megablock. The qua ntities of the four lowest order Territorial Units defined for Crdoba/Granada
are: mesoblocks (4/4), blocks (9/9), microblocks (15/35) and nanoblocks (64/83). The main linea
ments/intersections determined in Crdoba total 16/1041 and in Granada 25/633, A series of seven morpho
structural scarps is found in both areas, along with important modifications (inflections) in some river beds.
Some of the structures described are seismicityrelated. Crdoba displays less activity than Granada. Between
the towns of Loja, Beas de Granada, and Lentej a seismoactive sector (~820 km2) with blocks B2, B3, B5,
and B6 forms the area where the deep earthquakes are concentrated.
DOI: 10.1134/S0016852113030072

1 INTRODUCTION The relief of Andaluca is very complex because of

its variety and spatial distribution (Fig. 3). Approxi
The background to this morphotectonic study is a mately 15% of the altitudes are over 1000 m. The
structured series of results for different regions and coastal relief is also varied, with a notable predomi
countries, including Spain. These have been used to nance of marine terraces and cliffs between Mlaga
test the validity of the Rantsman [53] Russian mor
GAlmera. The configuration and spatial distribu
photectonic methodology. The principal aims of this
method are to demonstrate the spacetime relation tion of the rivers and their basins are reflected in the
ship of the relief with the deep structure and its hierar relief maps. The authors therefore consider this to be
chy. The two areas of Spain studied here, Crdoba [C] an ideal framework for applying the methodology
and Granada [G] (Fig. 1), have almost equal surface
areas of 13769 and 12635 km2, respectively. They were
analysed in less detail on another scale by the authors, FRANCE
within the morphotectonic framework of the Iberian
Peninsula [IP] (Fig. 2a). Many of the particular char
acteristics of these zones were however ignored or
excluded, and the opportunity is now taken to present

them. G

C and G are geographically adjacent areas in

Andaluca (87268 km2). This region has eight prov
inces (Almera, Cdiz, C, G, Huelva, Jan, Mlaga, AS
and Sevilla). They are tectonically different, although TE
they belong to the same region in southern Spain. QU
They can also be considered to have very different geo A DA AS
morphological and hydrological characteristics within BE MEDITERRANEAN SEA

the Betics (Fig. 3) and from a seismic point of view

there is a marked difference. To date, however, there
Fig. 1. Studied zones in Spain.
has been no morphotectonic evaluation showing this
1Andaluca areashadow zone; 2three main tectonic
difference overall. regions: Guadalquivir, Bticas Externas and Bticas Inter
1 The article is published in the original.
nas; 3gray boxprovinces of: CCrdoba, GGran
ada (both in black).

0 200 400 600 800 1000 cant: [1, 2, 9, 11, 12, 20, 2224, 26, 3638, 41, 45,
4851, 5457, 5969, 7276, 7880]. These confirm
L17 L18 40 4800 that the Betic Cordilleras form part of a large band of
42 43
L16 34
37 38
L19 1 32 31 regional tectonic deformation from the NWSE con
33 41
A7 L10 L11 39 8
2 26 vergence of the African and Eurasian plates (Fig. 4a).
25 26 27
3 3 This activity began in the Upper Cretaceous and is still
A6 23 31 32 4 A2 5
L7 29
L15 L20 continuing (~4 mm/year). Many of the relief charac
6 A5 teristics of these chains have been produced since the
L9 22 28 30
17 18
20 L14
4400 Tortonian. The study area can be divided geographi
L12 19
14 21
7 8 9
cally into three large areas: 1) Sierra Morena; 2) Intra
13 A5
A4 L5
12 15 betic Depression; 2) Betic System (Fig. 3). The first of
L6 9 L20
7 8 10 11 these is a cordillera in southern Spain ~500 km in
L4 5 L2
3 L3 MURCIA length. It separates the Central Meseta (Palaeozoic
A3 A1
50 100 150 200 km 1
2 materials) (Fig. 4b) to the N from the Intrabetic
A2 Depression (Tertiary and Quaternary sediments) to
the S with altitudes just above 1000 m (maximum alti
tude 1332 m in the Sierra Madrona). The Meseta is the
oldest relief unit of the IP, and the one which occupies
(b) the largest surface area with a mean altitude of 600 m.
10 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 Sierra Morena is structurally a horst, as it is bordered
GABO ORTEGAL 44 by faults and graben. At the eastern end it is in contact
with the secondary and tertiary materials of the Betic
Systems. The maximum altitudes are: Sierra de Mad
42 rona (1324 m), Bauelas, Corral de Burros (1312 m),
and Estrella (1298 m). The Intrabetic Depression
(Fig. 3) is a triangular sunken structure (between the
40 Cordillera Subbtica and the Cordillera Penibtica)
(Fig. 3) running approximately ENE to NESW from
C to the Gulf of Cdiz. This type of structure charac
38 teristically appears alongside the Alpine cordilleras;
another example in the IP is the Ebro valley in the
1 3 Pyrenees (Fig. 4b). The more or less closed depres
PUNTA DE TARIFA 36 sions include: Antequera, Baza, G, Guadiz, Huscar,
2 4
Lorca, and Ronda. Note that whole G basin (Fig. 3) is
included between the Cordillera Subbetica and the
Cordillera Penibtica, while the Hoyas de Baza and
Fig. 2. Megablock Iberian Peninsula (a) and main water Huscar are only in the Cordillera Subbtica.
shed of the Iberian Peninsula (b).
a: 1intersections (knots) of the lineament zones (1, 2, 3); To the N of the province of G there are the two very
2main lineament zones (4, 5, 6); 3relative uplift areas important depressions in Andaluca mentioned above,
(7, 8, 9); 4relative downthrows areas (10, 11). Hoyas de Baza and de Guadix (Fig. 3). Hoya de Gua
b: 1principal watershed; 2main directions of the larg
est basins; 3local directions of secondary basins; 4ris
dix, approximately 500 km2, is contained within a sys
ing zones; Basins: Z1atlantic, Z2mediterranean, tem of four sierras: Mgina (to the N), Nevada (to the S),
Z3northern. Baza (to the E), and Harana (to the W) with the rivers
Fardes and Guadix running through it. To the W the
Monte Jabalcn separates it from the homologous
mentioned above. The research began in summer Hoya de Baza, a raised depression with mean altitude
2007, with field work carried out in four periods: 1) 1000 m. This is an altiplano with tabular relief and a
JuneAugust 2008 (G); 2) NovemberDecember dense hydro graphical network, although there are also
2009 (G); 3) JanuaryFebruary 2010 (C); 4) Octo gullies and ravines due to the predominant lithological
berDecember 2010 (C). types. This is also defined within a system of sierras:
Baza, Cazorla, La Estancia, La Sagra, and Orce.
TECTONICS OF CRDOBA AND GRANADA The Cordilleras Bticas, or Betic Systems, are a
series of mountain systems extending across the south
Over time, the geology and tectonics of the C and of the IP (from the Gulf of Cdiz to Alicante and the
G areas have been investigated in depth. The following Balearic Islands) (Fig. 3). Geologically they form part
results are among the most representative and signifi of the Gibraltar Arc. They are subdivided (transver

GEOTECTONICS Vol. 47 No. 3 2013


n a
o r e
r a c a
i e r t i
S e
a B
Gu n
s i
r e s o HG
e p i c o i c
t t
b e
b b SN
u r
S t e CG
s I
c o s
m o i
t e c b t ALP
s r i
i u
S S e n
Gulf of Cdiz P
a s MA MO
e m
i s

GI Mediterranean sea

Fig. 3. Main structures in the Cordilleras Bticas.

Heavy black arrowsstrike of main stress. Localities: ALPAlpujarras, CACdiz, GIGibraltar, MAMlaga, MOMot
ril. Structures: CGGranada Basin, GUAGuadalquivir Basin, HGHoya de Guadix, SNSierra Nevada.

sally) into three Cordilleras: 1) Prebetic; 2) Subbetic; panda, Loja, de Jan (1870 m), Harana (2027 m), Hu
3) Penibetic (Fig. 3). This orographic complex is the tor (1675 m), Mgina (2167 m), and La Sagra (2383 m).
most important mountain relief in Spain. It extends The Cordillera Penibtica is the southernmost of the
~600 km from the Strait of Gibraltar to Cap de la Nao, orographic complex, adjoining the S coast of
and then continues under the sea to the Balearic Andaluca, between Cdiz and Almera. It is consid
Islands. More specifically, the Cordillera Prebtica is ered the fundamental axis of the Cordilleras Bticas.
the outermost zone of the Betic Depression (the most The structure is a complex pile of three mantles of tec
northern part of the complex). It does not appear at tonic slump: 1) Alpujrride; 2) Nevado Filbride;
the western end of the structure. Here there is no out 3) Malgide. The first two outcrop in the Sierra
crop of the preMesozoic basement and there are no Nevada [SN] and are Palaeozoic metamorphic mate
magmatic rocks, except for postorogenic volcanism. rials. The Cordilleras Subbticas and Prebticas can be
The sierras which form it include: Alcaraz, Cazorla, de seen slightly to the N of the sunken areas of the Hoyas
Castril, de Mara, de Mariola, del Taibilla, de la Sagra, de Baza and Guadix. The highest points and the sierras
and Segura. which form this cordillera include: Sierra de las Nieves
(1919 m), Sierra de Tejada (2066 m), Sierra de Almi
The Cordillera Subbtica (Fig. 3) runs from jara (1791 m), SN (3482 m), Sierra de la Contraviesa
Gibraltar to Alicante. This is the innermost part of the (1545 m), Sierra de Gdor (2249 m), Sierra de Baza
external zone of the Cordilleras Bticas, northern of (2269 m), and Sierra de los Filabres (2168 m).
the Cordillera Penibtica (Fig. 3). It is longer and with
a larger surface area than the Sierra Prebtica Figure 2 from Cloetingh et al. [12] presents the
described above. This chain is formed by a series of main structural characteristics of the IP. It shows that
limestone and dolomitic sierras of relatively low alti the GuadalquivirCordilleras Bticas segment (Fig. 1)
tudes, separated from each other by lithologically influ tended to uplift (1251000 m) in the PliocenejQua
enced tectonictype intramontane valleys. These sierras ternary time interval. On the other hand, it could be
include: Grazalema (1654 m), Sevilla (1132 m), Para considered that around the BeticRiff area there is

GEOTECTONICS Vol. 47 No. 3 2013


30 20 10 0 10






10 8 6 4 2 0 2 4







Fig. 4. Plates and seismicity in surrounding Iberian Peninsula (a) and Seismicity of the Iberian Peninsula (b).
a: the American, Eurasian and African plates; epicentresblack circles; the main stresswhite arrows.
b: the epicenters (circles) from IGN data.

GEOTECTONICS Vol. 47 No. 3 2013


currently a regional and compressive stress tensor, with 0450 W 0300 W

1 taken to be subhorizontal and running in direction 3745 N
NNWSSE, and 3 in general subvertical. This is
coherent with the NWSE Eurasian and African plate
convergence. 3 2
In the land area of Andaluca and Alborn Sea 1
there are many active faults. Thus, for the region stud
ied here it is considered that the northern part of the
G basin is marked by an extensive normal fault, while 2 3
the eastern part is affected by normal faults, but run
ning NWSE. Reicherter et al. [56] maintain that in 3650 N
the G depression (Fig. 3) (eastern and southeastern
0450 W 0300 W
boundaries) and the immediately surrounding areas
3745 N
there are many active faults, most of which are normal (b)
although some with rightlateral strike slip are also 4
found. The following are considered the most signifi
cant: 1) Ventas de Zafarraya scarp; 2) Pinos Puente fault 2
scarp. Later, Pelez et al. [51] describe a total of 30 active
and potentially active faults for the G basin. This number
is obviously very high and if certain would imply a high
level of risk, with magnitudes as high as 6.8 suggested. 3
Figure 1 from Estvez and Sanz de Galdeano [19]
includes the Negratn alignment. This structure 3650 N
appears (WE) in: Loja, Hutor Tajar, Pinos Puente,
Fig. 5. Seismic activity map (1988) by second iteration (a) and
Calicasas, Iznalloz, Bogarre, Hulgano, Baos de density of epicentres map (1988) by second iteration (b).
Alicn, Negratn, and Baos de Zjar. According to a: the zones: 13020, 22010, 3<10.
these authors the alignment acted in the Pleistocene as b: the zones: 12520, 22015, 31510, 4<10.
a left lateral inverse slip fault. On the other hand, Sanz
de Galdeano et al. [68] consider it highly probable that
the fault in the N of the Sierra Tejada, G, is the seis
mogenetic source of the 1884 earthquake. These
authors identify 35 faults (15 active and 20 potentially The results obtained for C and G, linked with seis
active in the G basin). The Zafarraya fault is also con micity and seismic risk mainly include the following:
sidered to be one of the most active in the area. [38, 10, 21, 2535, 3944, 4648, 54, 58, 62, 67,
Approximately 15 km long, it runs EW to the south of 6971, 78].
the Zafarraya depression, then incurves NWSE in the The seismicity of the IP and northern frica is
western part. This normal fault can be easily seen in linked to the convergence of the Eurasian and African
the exposed (soil) sediment sections of some roads. plates. The distribution of this seismicity from around
the Azores to Tunisia is diffuse and heterogeneous
The crustal structure under the IP is known to be (Figs. 4a, 4b). This distribution is not lineal but instead
divided into layers at velocities ranging from 46.9 km/s, covers a band of varying width. More specifically, it is cer
approx. 38 km thick in the SN area. The mantle has a tain that the Betic region has the highest level of seismic
characteristic continental value of 8.1 km/s. To the south, activity in the IP, although with moderate values.
in the Alborn Sea, the differentiation of the crust is not
Herraiz et al. [26] produced various maps and dia
so well defined and is characterized by velocities of grams (19801995) of the seismicity of the IP in an
6.1 km/s and thickness of 1416 km. The interval veloc attempt to estimate the influential tensors. With these
ity of the mantle is 7.67.9 km/s. This corresponds to data we have determined that 75% of events are at
oceanic or thinned continental crust. It has also been depths of less than 6 km; and 85% of the earthquakes
demonstrated that there is a steep gradient in the ocean have magnitudes lower than 3.5 (Fig. 4b). Carreo
continent transition zone. Some experts suggest that et al. [10] carried out a 64day campaign in 1988 to test
there is a transversal differentiation between the crust of the microseismicity between Mlaga, G and Motril at
the Betic region and the Alborn Sea which may be a total of 31 stations. They determined 198 events, all
linked to passive rift boundaries and transformation. of low magnitude (13.5) and at depths of 0100 km.

GEOTECTONICS Vol. 47 No. 3 2013


0450 W 03 00 W of the IPAlborn Sea. In particular, there are nine

3745 N solutions for the Betics (earthquakes: a) superficial6;
(a) 3 b) intermediate2; c) deep1). Eight of these events show
predominantly vertical movement (normal or reverse).
Pea et al. [52] produced a seismicity classification
with an analysis of groups in the southern IP for the
1 period 19621989. They state that the most relevant
seismic activity is found in areas where there is an
important cluster of events. Their figure 5 highlights
the G and Loja seismic clusters. On the other hand,
3 Buforn et al. [8] used data provided by the IGN
3650 N (19801999) to study the seismicity in the southern IP.
0450 W 03 00 W
They consider that the area is divided into three parts,
3745 N with the central area (identified as B in their figure 2)
(b) of interest here. These authors proposed a depth of
4 3 40150 km for seismic activity. They conclude that
there are three zones of epicentral concentrations,
2 with one in the G basin (mb~3). Their figure 8
2 includes four focal mechanism solutions for deep
1 events (h > 600 km). The characteristic fault type has a
NS vertical plane.
Various isoseismals drawn by other experts in the
4 study area are represented in different figures. These
3650 N include: 25.12.1884 (Arenas del Rey), 19.04.1956
(Santa F), 01.05.2002 (Padul), 28.12.2002 (Ogi
Fig. 6. Seismic activity map (19701990) by second itera jares), 10.10.2003 (Cllar), and 05.11.2009 (Ventas de
tion (a) and density epicentres map (19701990) by sec Huelma). Taking into account the number of points
ond iteration (b). used for the curves and the figures obtained we con
a: the zones: 12515, 21510, 3<10.
sider that these cannot be reliably linked to any seis
b: the zones: 13025, 22515, 31510, 4<10.
mogenic structure.
Table 1 shows the five most severe significant earth
183 events occurred at depths within the 030 km quakes which have occurred in the IP. These include
range, and 175 at 020 km. They determined 5 joint the earthquake of 25.12.1884 in Arenas del Rey, G,
focal mechanisms in: Loja, Mlaga, and NE of Motril, mentioned above. The six strongest seismic events in
and 2 SW of G. The overall result was a predominance G (I 8, MSK scale) are shown in Table 2. The most
of normal and inverse vertical faults. With this data important included in this data are the earthquakes in
base, we produced two special maps for the G area of: Arenas del Rey, and in Baza (30.09.1531) in terms of
1) seismic activity; 2) epicentre density (Figs. 5a, 5b). the number of deaths and the damage caused. Table 3
In them, a series of zones was identified with definite contains the three most important seismic series in G,
tendency to the NW. The IGN data of 19701990 with the Arenas del Rey earthquake again the most
were then used to produce the same types of maps for severe.
this region (Figs. 6a, 6b). In these, three zones can also The data for the selected earthquakes with focal
be seen with a predominantly NW direction. mechanism solutions (total 89) for G are grouped into
Figure 5 from Udas and Buforn [77] contains 31 locations (Table 4). Of these solutions 13 for Loja
15 focal mechanism solutions for the southern region and 10 for Alhama de Granada are of particular inter

Table 1. The most important earthquakes in the Iberian Peninsula

No. Date Magnitude/Intensity Locality Deaths
1 1428.02.02 /910 QueralbsGirona 800
2 1748.03.23 6.2/9 EstubenyValencia 38
3 1755.11.01 8.5/10 SW Cabo de San Vicente 15000
4 1829.03.21 6.6/910 TorreviejaAlicante 389
5 1884.12.25 6.5/910 Arenas del ReyGranada 839

GEOTECTONICS Vol. 47 No. 3 2013






8 6 4

Fig. 7. Selection of seismicity to south of Spain (20072011).

Localities: AArenas del Rey, CCrdoba, DDrcal, GGranada, JJan, LELentej, MMlaga, PPortugal.
Regions: GCGulf of Cdiz, MMMediterranean Sea. Epicentresblack circles; group of epicentresdiscontinuos circles

est. 87 events have a magnitude lower than 5, and only tudes of all these events are below 5.1 and only one is
the earthquake of 29.03.1954 (h = 657 km) was mag at a depth greater than 5 km.
nitude 7. Forteen earthquakes are at depths ranging Figure 7 has also been produced, with epicentre
from 10660 km. Only three of these are very deep locations during the period 20072011 in the province
earthquakes (>600 km), and they are located within a of G using IGN information. This includes a total of
very limited and well defined area (between Drcal 43 earthquakes with magnitudes ranging from 2.06.3
(29.03.1954, h = 657 km) and Lentej (30.01.1973, h = and depths varying from superficial to 620 km. Twelve
660 km)) (Fig. 7). epicentre clusters around C and G are shown as bro
ken circles. This confirms the activity and multiple
A deep earthquake (h > 600 km) occurred recently faults in these areas. This information coincides with
(11.04.2010) near DrcalLecrn, G, I = 2 (EMS
scale) with coordinates 37440.44 N, 032872 W
according to the USGS. Three other international Table 2. The most important earthquakes in Granada
agencies gave different data (Table 5). All agree, how
ever, that this area is historically prone to these events Magni
No. Date tude/Inten Locality Deaths
of this type. According to the USGS the focal mecha sity
nism solution is a combination of a normal NE direction
fault and lateral displacement. This confirms the propos 1 1431.04.24 6.7/89 South of Granada
als of some experts who designate the Granada basin as
2 1531.09.30 /89 Baza 400
one of the most seismically active areas of the IP.
3 1806.10.27 5.3/8 Pinos Puente 13
Table 6 refers to C and shows the considerable dif
ference in the level of seismic activity, here much lower 4 1884.12.25 6.5/910 Arenas del Rey 839
than in G. Table 7 shows the seven earthquakes with 5 1954.03.29 7.0/5 Drcal
focal mechanism solutions for this province, near
Montilla, Montoro, and Fernn Nez. The magni 6 1956.04.19 5.0/8 Albolote 19

GEOTECTONICS Vol. 47 No. 3 2013


4 D


C a lim

G ul


ua a


Be 3
a Ja ua 5


2 a to G
sn m

Ri A 1 ue be

ve H za

ra r

Rivera de
de sc7 ivir
E dalqu




i va






11 ajoz K G


6 F
Esc 6






Gu bil

ada Cu Almanzora



37 o de
Moro 8

n Guadalhorce J eo

lete 13
Gu iar

8 4


Fig. 8. Scheme of the fluvial system in Andaluca main fluvial rivers with their denominations; the straight studied sectionblack
line (indicated by a letter); the curve studied section indicated by star with a number; middle superficial fluvial senseblack
arrows (to favor) and white arrow (to opposite); morphostructural escarpmentblack line with an acronym (Esc6); basin bound
arydiscontinuous line.

what is shown in the tables displayed here. It should be METHODS AND RESULTS
noted that during this period there are two seismic
series: a) 12.01.2009 = 35 events of magnitude 0.8 The experience acquired in morphotectonic meth
3.1, in the city of G; b) 02.03.2009 = 40 events of mag ods can be found in the following references: [1318,
nitude 0.52.6, near Alhama de Granada. 53]. Table 8 shows the methods used and table 9 con
tains some useful definitions.
C and G are seismically active, although this activ
ity is moderate. G in particular presents a slightly Structuralmorphostructural methods have always
higher level of activity. Thus, with the data mentioned been used by Russian experts for morphotectonic
we consider that the thickness of the seismoactive layer research. These facilitate the differentiation of mor
in C is 10 km, and in G, unusually, it is divided into phostructures produced during the neotectonic evolu
three well differentiated parts: 1) highest activity level, tion of an area and allow the heterogeneous develop
from the surface to 20 km; 2) from 2060 km; 3) more ment of the morphostructural complexes, the struc
than 600 km, with magnitudes greater than 6.5, but turaltectonic features of the relief, and the
much less frequent. deformations of the geomorphological levels to be
defined. This makes it feasible to define the main
boundaries of the morphotectonic or tectonic units
Table 3. The most important seismic series in Granada [TU], and of the linear elements (lineaments or align
ments) and their intersections, from a morphochrono
No. Time Locality Events logical viewpoint. This is advisable when examining
many geophysical problems, as one of the aims of
1 1778 Granada 26 morphostructural analysis is to devise interdisciplinary
criteria for determining areas where earthquakes are
2 18061807 Pinos Puente 159 most likely to occur (although this is not the aim of this
paper). This has highlighted the existence of the mor
3 18841886 Arenas del Rey 253
phostructuralrecent tectonic movementsseismicity

GEOTECTONICS Vol. 47 No. 3 2013


Table 4. Focal mechanisms in Granada

No. Date H (km) M/I Reference Locality

1.1.13 13.02.198514.11.1994 520 2.03.7/4 Galindo; Herraiz; Serrano; Vidal Loja

2.1.10 09.10.198304.03.1994 214 2.83.4/24 Galindo; Herraiz; Serrano; Vidal A. de Granada
3.1.8 05.12.198812.11.1991 l7 2.34.0/25 Herraiz; Mezcua; Serrano Agrn
4.1.6 25.12.198808.08.1994 57 2.74.0/26 Serrano Padul
5.1.4 15.03.198503.03.1994 59 2.94.0/25 Galindo Santa F
6 .1.4 24.05.198506.12.1994 312 2.73.0/23 Galindo Granada
7.1.4 29.03.195411.04.2010 4657 2.87.0/25 Buforn1 Drcal
8.1.3 02.08.199108.01.1994 13 3.03.6/23 Rodrguez; Serrano Cacn
9.1.3 21.03.1993 23 2.93.3/23 Serrano La Zubia
10.1.3 17.01.199403.12.1994 28 3.23.5/23 Herraiz; Rodrguez Guadix
11.1.2 24.06.198423.12.1994 15 3.05.0/25 Buforn; Serrano Almuecar
12.1.2 13.02.198518.09.1995 230 2.93.0/2 Galindo; Herraiz Zafarraya
13.1.2 22.11.199222.12.1993 3 2.73.6/3 Herraiz; Serrano Arenas del Rey
14.1.2 01.08.198518.01.1986 5 2.53.0/2 Galindo; Vidal Escuzar
15.1.2 07.06.198601.07.1995 513 3.13.2/34 Herreaiz; Vidal Iznalloz
16.1.2 20.08.1988 2 3.43.9/45 Serrano; Herraiz Chauchina
17.1.2 20.07.198901.07.1990 28 2.62.8/ Serrano1; Serrano Ventas de
18.1.2 10.12.199124.10.1994 34 2.93.3/23 Serrano Jayena
19.1.2 28.01.199217.03.1995 23 3.23.9/34 Herraiz; Serrano Chimeneas
20.1.2 20.01.199406.06.1995 2 3.13.3/2 Herraiz Zagra
21.1 30.01.1973 660 4.0/ Buforn1 Lenteji
22.1 20.06.1979 60 4.5/6 Buforn Beas de Granada
23.1 25.07.1993 2.7/ Serrano HuetorTajar
24.1 16.08.1986 5 3.0/2 Herraiz Sierra Nevada
25.1 21.06.1991 5 2.7/ Serrano Dilar
26.1 24.08.1985 5 3.0/2 Vidal Salobrea
27.1 28.08.1985 5 2.7/ Vidal M. de Zafayona
28.1 14.09.1985 7 3.5/4 Herraiz Colomera
29.1 07.10.1989 3 3.2/4 Serrano Alhendn
30.1 02.04.1992 24 3.3/2 Serrano La Zahora
31.1 19.06.1993 5 2.7/ Serrano Las Gabias
Note: BufornBuforn et al., 1988; Buforn1Buforn et al., 1991; GalindoGalindoZaldvar et al., 1993; HerraizHerraiz et al.,
2000; MezcuaMezcua and Rueda, 1997; RodrguezRodrguezPascua, 1997; SerranoSerrano, 1999; Serrano1Ser
rano et al., 1996; VidalVidal Snchez, 1986; Mmagnitude, Iintensity, Hdepth.

system and defined the general structure of a morpho The morphoisohypses produced on the topo
structural study. This morphotectonic technique is graphic bases in three generations indicate the pres
very laborious and timeconsuming, and requires con ence of blocks with different forms and spatial orien
siderable experience in field work and data from other tation. In general, the blocks defined in C have larger
specialist areas. surface dimensions than those of G. The borders of the

GEOTECTONICS Vol. 47 No. 3 2013


Table 5. The Granada earthquake of 11.04.2010 The main firstorder watershed in the IP is shown
in Fig. 2b. The segment within Andaluca presents var
Magnitude Depth (km) Reference
ious inflections to the S of G. Approximately parallel
47 610 Instituto Geogrfico Nacio to the coastline, its outline can be seen from the W and
nal, Espaa to the N of Nerja (province of Mlaga) to the N of
6.2 617 Instituto Andaluz de MotrilSN and to the S of G, continuing NE towards
Geofsica, Espaa the province of Jan. The sinuosity coefficient for this
6.3 619.7 US Geological Survey segment is 0.56 which means that this segment of the
watershed is affected by new transversal structures.
The hydrogeomorphologic task is centred mainly
Table 6. The most important earthquakes in Crdoba on the Guadalquivir River and its basin (Tables 11, 12,
No. Date Intensity/Magnitude Other data Fig. 8). The main data for this river are: lengt h =
722 km, area = 57071 km2, mean height = 1400 m,
1 880 8/ sinuosity coefficient = 0.92. Field work was carried out
2 944.07.03 7/ on 13 straight and 13 curved stretches, selected previ
3 955.09 8/ ously. However, for the purposes of this present study
4 1930.07.05 8/4.9 Locality: Montilla
only five sectors are of interest. The main tributary
streams are: Cacn, Calderitos, Coronadas, de la Miel,
del Monte de la Morena, del Templete, Galapagares,
main blocks are related to the seven morphostructural Guadajoz, Guadantn, Marmota, and Torvisca
scarps already mentioned and to some faults. There are (Fig. 8). The general configuration of the basin or
significant differences in altitude between C and G. In G southern slope is dendritic. In this sector the predom
the maximum value of the altitude difference is 620 m, inant direction is SENW, although in the upper to
middle reaches of the tributaries an EW orientation
while in C this value is only 160 m.
can also be clearly seen, i.e. parallel with the direction
As an indispensable adjunct to the morphotectonic of flow of the Guadalquivir River itself.
investigations a study was made of the block fractures The northern and southern slopes of the Guad
in C and G (Table 10). The fracturing is slightly greater alquivir River present significant differences in alti
in C. To do this, the authors studied three structures tude. The N bank is higher than the S and has a greater
related to neotectonic uplift in the region: 1) Valle de number of tributaries. This is mainly related to the
Lecrn, to the S of the G basin and W of the SN; 2) the lithology. In general terms, all the tributary streams of
Corredor de las Alpujarras, to the S of the SN; 3) SN. the asymmetrical river basin of the Guadalquivir can
A significant number of normal faults were detected. be considered to form a concave arc to the W, modified
In the case of the Valle de Lecrn the faults run NNW in the direction: 1) NWSE (Rivers: Rivera de Huelva,
SSE to EW. In the Corredor de las Alpuj arras EW is Viar, Rivera de Huesna, Bmbezar, Guadiato, and
the main orientation. But in general terms there are Guadalmellato); 2) NESW (Rivers: Jndula, Guad
some structures running NS which cannot be alimar, Guadaln, and Guadiana Menor). All the trib
explained by the great uplift of the SN. It should also utaries of the southern catchment flow directly SE
be taken into account that most areas show a predom NW. However, the longest Genil also in the south flows
inance of structures extending NESW over those of EW from its source to N of Mlaga.
NWSE compression. These latter present the same In the Guadalquivir River basin there are various
orientation as the compression of the African and Eur straight reaches (Fig. 8). The straight reach in the
asian plates, this offers an explanation for the crustal Genil, E of G between Cerro del Mojn Alto (3098 m)
bulge. and Cenes de la VegaHutor Vega in the N part of the

Table 7. Focal mechanisms in Crdoba

No. Date H (km) M/I Reference Locality

1.1.5 26.05.198516.06.1985 513 3.25.1/35 Galindo; Vidal Montilia

2.1 23.07.1985 13 3.5/3 Galindo Fernn Nez
3.1 08.05.1986 5 3.2/4 Herraiz Montoro
Note: GalindoGalindoZaldivar et al., 1993; HerraizHerraiz et al., 2000; VidalVidal Snchez, 1986; Mmagnitude,
Iintensity, Hdepth.

GEOTECTONICS Vol. 47 No. 3 2013


Table 8. Methods applied

No. Method No. Method
1 Hipsometric 11 Main surfaces (isobasites)
2 Maximum heights 12 Differences of the main surfaces
3 Minimum heights 13 Amplitude of the relief
4 Vertical disection 14 Fluvial system (rivers, basins, watersheds)
5 Superficial disection 15 Lineal elements of the relief
6 Maximum slopes 16 Spectral change factor of the basins
7 Middle slopes 17 Index of simetry to the basins
8 Height surfaces 18 Shape and strike rate of the basins
9 Morphoisohipses 19 Change factor of the slopes
10 Potential intensity of the fluvial erosion 20 Sinuosity coefficient

Table 9. Brief definitions

No. Element Definition
1 Lineament The boundary between the TU. It is an expression of tectonic activity during the
most recent orogenic period. It has different rank according to the structures
involved. It is possible to distinguish longitudinal and transverse types.
2 Zone of lineaments A set of lineaments.
3 Lineament intersection(knot) Always is wider than the lineaments from which is former. It is related with the
rank of the structures involved.
4 Territorial Unit [TU] Areas with the same geologic history.
5 Megablock The largest TU of a region with the same geodynamic behavior in the current
stage of geological development.
6 Macroblock It is a TU inside the megablock. It is differentiated by the type of orogenesis
and/or a largescale tectonic features.
7 Mesoblock The TU included in a macroblock. It differs either by the dominant type of relief
or by average parameters of the relief (such as height of peaks, dominant strikes,
relative area occupied by basins and ranges, etc.) or by the pattern of main ele
ments of relief.
8 Block A TU inside a mesoblock. In it is necessary considering the neotectonic history.
9 Microblock It is a TU within which the quantitative indexes of major elements of relief change
little, whereas across the limits of these areas a significant change in at least to
quantitative index takes place.
10 Nanoblock The most little TU. It is included in microblock. The quantitative indexes are tak
ing in consideration.
11 Main watershed A line over the top of heights that limit the fluvial basins.

SN is part of morphostructural scarp (Esc1). This Aguas Blancas, Beiro, Cacn, Cubillas, Darro, and
extends to the E of G (Punta de Juntillas (3143 m), Dilar. This tributary of the Guadalquivir flows through
Pen del Puerto (2754 m), Alto de San Juan (2786 m), the two provinces of interest here, C and G. The whole
Morrn de Medioda (2754 m) and Morrn de Hor length of the Guadajoz River (Tables 11, 12, Fig. 8) is
nillo (2338 m)) towards Almera (Peones del in C. This is the other tributary of the Guadalquivir
Medioda (2357 m), Cerro del Almirez (2517 m), Bui and its tributary streams are the Abades, Carchena, del
tre (2465 m), and Cerro del Rayo (2402 m)). lamo, Fontalba, and Ventogil.
The stream system of the western sector of the SN The Adra River (Tables 13, 14, Fig. 8) in the stretch
and the east of the G River basin shows the neotec from the eastern SN, flows in a clear NS direction,
tonic activity clearly in the relief. Thus the Genil approximately rectilinear and entrenched from its
(Tables 1114, Fig. 8) has the following tributaries: source and parallel ~20 km with the Guadalfeo. Both

GEOTECTONICS Vol. 47 No. 3 2013


Table 10. Fractures in the Crdoba blocks/Granada (concave) intersections are tectonic. The Beznar and
blocks Rules reservoirs are located on the straight stretch in a
Lenght of fractures stepped system, along with the towns of Lanjarn,
Block Orgiva, La Taha, Cdiar, Jorairatar, and Los Mon
1 km 5 km Block 1 km 5 km toros. This complex is another morphostructural scarp
(Esc2), which coincides with the Corredor de las Alpuj
B1 20/5 5/2 B6 3/38 1/19
B2 55/17 18/3 B7 2/27 1/12
In relation to the above, it is interesting to observe
B3 58/39 22/12 B8 69/36 33/28
in more detail the two fluvial inflections mentioned.
B4 48/19 17/5 B9 16/2 4/1 There are two straight NS reaches: 1) to the W the Ro
B5 5/26 1/10 276/209 102/92 Grande (tributary of the Guadalfeo), 2) to the E the
Mecina (a western tributary of the Adra). This occurs
close to Alpujarra de la Sierra (Sierra Nevada). In this
reach a 50 km morphostructural line running EW reach the Guadalfeo runs EW for ~26 km. The tribu
from the Guadalfeo where the course of this river tary streams to the N and S flow approximately per
bends approximately 90 the W; the Adra has a similar pendicular to it. This morphostructural step (Esc3)
bend, but in the opposite direction, to the E. These corresponds to the W with the graben depression of the

Table 11. Rivers of Crdoba by basin

Basin Maximum Asymmetry
order of the main Basin
Sigla Localization Denomination strike
of the river river
CGuadalquivir Crdoba Guadalquivir 8 Part N ~EW
CGenil Palma del Ro Genil 6 Part W SENW Southern
CGuadajoz Castro del Ro Guadajoz 5 Part W SENW Southern
CBembzar Hornachuelos Bembzar 5 Part SW NWSE Northern
CGuadiato Almodovar del Ro Guadiato 5 Part NE NESW Northern
CGuadalmellato Villafranca de Crdoba Guadalmellato 5 Part NE NWSE Northern
Note: CCrdoba.

Table 12. Data of Crdoba basins

Southern Northern
CGenil CGuadajoz CBembzar CGuadiato CGuadalmellato
Order 6 5 5 5 5
Strike of superficial drainage SENW SENW NWSE NESW NWSE
Maximum altitude of the basin (m) 3.470 1.410 700 700 765
Index of Gavelius 0.55 0.5 0.45 0.51 0.48
Lenght of the main river (km) 125 90 56 40 94
Sinuosity coefficient 0.63 0.65 0.71 0.58 0.83
Middle slope of the main river (m/km) 27.8 15.7 12.5 17.5 8.1
Type valley (V) 25 20 18 10 22
Type vallley (U) 28 18 12 5 19
Anomalous segments 10 10 8 4 12
Fluvial terraces 4 4 3 3 4
Cascades 2 2 1 1 2
Cones and alluvial fans 6 5 1 1 2
Note: See Table 11.

GEOTECTONICS Vol. 47 No. 3 2013


Table 13. Rivers of Granada by basin

Basin Maximum order Asymmetry of Drainage
Sigla Localization Denomination of the river the main river strike

GFeo MotrilSalobrea Guadalfeo 5 Part E S Southern

GVerde Almuecar Verde 3 Part E S Southern
GTranco La Rabita Tranco 3 Part E SE Southern
GAAdra Adra (Almera) Adra 5 Part E S Southern
GGenil Granada Genil 7 North EW Northern
Note: GGranada.

Table 14. Data of the Granada basins

Parameters Southern Northern
GFeo GVerde GTranco GAAdra GGenil
Order 5 3 3 5 7
Strike of superficial drainage NS NS SE NS EW
Maximum altitude of the basin (m) 3470 1480 1200 2780 3470
Index of Gavelius 0.7 0.5 0.5 0.55 0.63
Lenght of the main river (km) 55 14 16 52 40.4 (359 km total)
Sinuosity coefficient 0.64 0.71 0.63 0.85 86
Middle slope of the main river (m/km) 63.3 107.0 75.0 53.5 0.84
Type valley (V) 20 3 4 15 45
Type valley (U) 10 4 2 4 29
Anomalous segments 8 2 3 2 33
Fluvial terraces 4 3 3 4 5
Cascades 2 1 2
Cones and alluvial fans 10 1 1 4 10
Note: See Table 13.

Valle de Lecrn, and is between the S versant of the SN takes the same form as the western axis of this Sierra,
and the northern slopes of the Sierra de Lujar and whereas in the SW segment of G the Verde River and
Sierra de la Contraviesa. the western tributaries of the Guadalfeo (Toba and
The Guadalfe River in the stretch between the Izbor) and the Tranco River, in the SW segment of G,
Rutes reservoir and Motril has various interesting have a welldefined NWSE alignment. These align
compression and extension structures, with uplift ments reach a maximum length of 15 km and the
(Sierra de los Gujares and Sierra de Lujar) and entrenchment of the river and altered profiles of the
related depressions (Molvizar, Lobres and Motril terraces can be clearly seen.
basins). The direction of the river is clearly NNESSW
and its poorly conserved terraces correspond to a The inflection or concave arc (no. 8) in GGenil
Utype valley. River (Fig. 8), between the towns of Santa F, Cenes
The Tranco River flows to the SE of G and to the E de la Vega, and Hutor Vega presents lithological and
of Motril in La Rabita, (Tables 13, 14). This river dis altimetric changes. Alterations can be seen in the pro
plays a clear transversal anomaly in direction NE in files of the fluvial terraces and the valleys of the
the segment with its initial tributaries (Albuol River) entrenched rivers. There is also an inflection in the
in the Sierra de Contraviesa. This anomalous area Genil, identified here as no. 9 (Fig. 8), between the

GEOTECTONICS Vol. 47 No. 3 2013


Table 15. Basins from the main watersheds mentioned above and Alhama de Granada until the
confluence in Moraleda del Zafayona (southern basin
Cate Crdoba Granada of the Genil). This trend, although less marked,
gory Northern Southern Northern Southern appears to the E in the same basin. It can be found here
in the Santapudia stream at lower altitudes. This
1 4 4 8 occurs near the towns of La Malah and Santa F;
2 19 23 42 16 10 26 2) H in the Cubilla, in the northern basin of the Genil
River, running NESW. It is asymmetrical to the S and
3 36 39 75 33 28 61 approx. straight between Iznalloz and Pinos Puente. It
4 70 65 135 75 60 135 is located between the Sierra del Pozuelo (1502 m) to
the N and the Sierra de Cogollos (1829 m) and Sierra
Arana (2027 m) to the S.
Table 16. The main strike of the fluvial systems in Crdoba To the N of G in the ObeilarPinos Puente
and Granada Embalse de CubillasGevejar area a morphostruc
Crdoba Granada tural scarp has been mapped (Esc4). This is associated
Strike with successive inflections of the Cubillas and the
% Arroyo de la Caada river beds. There is another mor
EW 13 22 phostructural scarp (Esc5) in the area of the Sierra de
NS 14 21
Alhama, to the SW of G, on the boundary with the
province of Mlaga, exactly SE of the Sierra de Loja.
NE 16 15 Unusually, this has two segments. The western seg
NW 19 15 ment runs NWSE and the eastern segment EW, but
NNE 18 12 both are on the Crdenas River which runs directly NS
NNW 20 15 from Ventas de Zafarraya towards VlezMlaga and
the Ensenada de VlezMlaga. The direction of this
scarp is completely different from the predominantly
Table 17. Anomalous bifurcation rates (Rb) in Crdoba NS orientations of the zone.
and Granada In C there is the straight reach K of the Guadajoz
Crdoba Granada River (Fig. 8), affluent on the S versant of the Guad
Rb alquivir, direction SENW. It is located between Sierra
% de Albayate (1285 m) and Albendn, Vadomojn reser
12 25 32 voir. It crosses the Sierra de los Judos in C and Sierra
de San Pedro in Jan. This is an entrenched valley
23 21 29
~30 km long. It is parallel to the Genil between the
34 25 30 towns of Palenciana, Puente Genil and La Montiela,
~40 km long. Associated with the Guadajoz River
there is a concave inflection to the W (no. 10) (Fig. 8).
Table 18. Anomalous segments of the Crdoba and Gran This inflection occurs between Albendn and Castro
ada rivers
del Ro with an asymmetrical NS profile. In the
Crdoba Granada N sector the altitude is higher (500 m), while to the S
Basin it forms a basin between Baena, Montilla and Nueva
Events Carteya.
Northern 45 69 There is a SWNE morphostructural alignment
which forms an important scarp (Esc6) (Fig. 8) on the
Southern 57 73
S versant of the Guadalquivir between the towns of
Total 102 142 Ecija (Sevilla), Fernn Nuez and Caete de las
Torres (both in C). This alignment is parallel to the
course of the Guadalquivir between the towns of
towns of Ecija (in Sevilla) and Puente Genil (in C), Palma del Ro, C, and Montoro. Associated with this
asymmetrical and flowing EW. alignment the river beds of the tributaries Genil and
The Cacn River, affluent of the Genil, to the W of Guadajoz both present inflections in the towns of
G, has two straight reaches (Fig. 8): 1) J between Ecija and Castro del Ro, respectively.
Cacn, Arenas del Rey, Sierras de Tejada, Almajara In C, but on the N versant of the Guadalquivir
and Alhama (1345 m), and the Bermejales reservoir River, there is another morphostructural alignment
with approximately SSWNNE orientation, and par (Esc7) (Fig. 8) associated with inflections of the tribu
allel to the Alhama de Granada between the Sierras taries Bembezar, Guadiato and Guadalmellato. This

GEOTECTONICS Vol. 47 No. 3 2013


alignment is also parallel to the Guadalquivir River Table 19. Uplift segments of the 23 order in Crdoba
and runs SWNE, between the towns of Hornachue and Granada blocks
los, Campo Alegre, Cerro Mudiano, and Adamuz. In Crdoba Granada
this segment of the N versant the tributaries (Bem
bezar, Guadiato, and Guadalmellato) run NWSE. blocks events blocks events
The Lecrn valley has a well defined graben struc B2 17 B3 18
ture with normal EW faults, related with the Sierra de
B3 15 B6 25
los Gujares. In this valley the entrenchment of the
river is clear and also its relationship with the regional B8 20 B8 12
tendency to uplift. The Granada River basin is made 52 55
up of Upper Miocene, Pliocene and Quaternary sedi
ments and demonstrates the tendency to subsidence
within a regional uplift framework. The seismicity Table 20. Activity in the Crdoba and Granada blocks by
within it is moderate although to the S major events area
have occurred, such as the earthquake of 1884. There
Crdoba Granada
are also two parallel systems of strikeslip faults in the Uplift
contact between the SN and the Sierras de Lujar, Con intensity very
active weak
active weak
traviesa, and Gador. The length of these systems is active active
approximately 80 km. % 25 20 32 30 30 44
Table 15 shows the differences between C and G in
the quantities and orders of the river basins. Table 16
contains information on the predominating directions Table 21. Difference of isobasites in the Crdoba Mesob
of the river network in C and G. These are congruent lock [to distinguish uplift intensity (very active, active and
with the tilting defined. A higher percentage of anom weak)]
alous bifurcation relationships can be seen in G than Mesoblocks
in C (Table 17). G has a greater number of anomalous Difference of isobasites
sectors in the rivers studied (Table 18). This obviously northern (m) southern (m)
corresponds to more important neotectonic activity. 23 10 10
An equal quantity of blocks was located (3) trend
45 30 50
ing to young uplift (2nd3rd order) in C and G, but
their values are different (Table 19). Table 20 shows Classification Active Very active
that there is more neotectonic activity of the blocks in
G. This is confirmed with Tables 21 and 22.
Table 22. Difference of isobasites in the Granada Mesoblock
Based on the data consulted and results obtained, [to distinguish uplift intensity (very active, active and weak)]
our interpretation of the close spacetime proximity
of such different and hypsometrically contrasted geo Mesoblocks
logical structures in the Southern macroblock as are Diference
of isobasites ME1.1 ME1.2 ME1.3 ME 1.4
found in the G basin and the SN, is that this is the (m) (m) (m) (m)
result of the combined action of local isostatic decom
pensation and the regional compression of the African 23 10 10 20 15
and Eurasian plates. In this environment there is an 45 50 60 90 80
important lateral increment in the thickness of the Classification Active Active Very active Very active
crust from the G basin to the SN. The basin also has
significant superficial and deep (0660 km) seismic
activity while the Sierra only presents weak superficial described in tables 25 and 26. Tables 27 and 28 contain
activity (010 km). their main characteristics and tables 29 and 30 contain
data for the lineaments defined (Fig. 9b). The char
Morphotectonics of Crdoba and Granada acteristics of the different order intersections and
knots of these lineaments are shown in tables 31, 32
The result obtained with the Rantsman method
and 33. This last table confirms the higher level of
[53] for C and G means that two active macroblocks
activity in G.
can be considered to exist in the south of the IP
(Fig, 2a). Table 23 brings together data of interest for C and G are not significantly different in either sur
the largest TU defined. Table 24 contain data for the face area, or quantities of macroblocks, mesobloclcs
lower order TU (mesoblocks, blocks, microblocks and and blocks. However there are differences in the TU
nanoblocks) (Fig. 9a) and delimited blocks are categories of microblocks and nanoblocks, with 15/35

GEOTECTONICS Vol. 47 No. 3 2013


Table 23. Characteristics in the Crdoba and Granada macroblocks

No. Characteristics Crdoba Granada
1 Type of relief Height Mountain
2 Maximum altitude (m) 693 3482
3 Middle altitude (m) 375 500
4 Mesoblocks 4 4
Blocks 9 9
Microblocks 15 35
Nanoblocks 64 83
5 Height disection (m) 350 1225
6 Uplift by difference of isobasites (m) of order difference:
23 10 10
45 30 90
25 50 110
7 Downtrow areas (%) 4.5 5.1
8 Fluvial anomalies 120 200
9 Shape type of the fluvial valleys (V/U) 463/658 225/247
10 Surface tops (Plain/Peak) 210/200 319/377
11 Area (km2) 13769 10132
12 Middle slope () 2.1 3.6
13 Main strike of the fluvial system SW EW
14 Marine terraces 5
15 Main strike of the structure NE EW
16 Drainage type Superficial Superficial
17 Middle drainage value (km/km2) 1.7 0.8
18 Fractures with L > 2 km/km2 102 92
19 Main strike of the structure NE EW
20 Maximum order of the river 6 6
21 Epicentral density, h = 0300 km (19702004) 0.02 0.6
22 Knots 1.041 633

Table 24. Characteristics of the Crdoba/Granada mesoblocks

Mesoblocks Blocks Microblocks Nanoblocks Intersections Valley (V/U)
Northern NWNE/MES1.31.4 5/5 6/19 32/38 460/200 (238/316)/(110/120)
Southern SWSE/MES1.31.4 5/5 6/19 32/45 571/433 (225/342)/(115/127)
9/9 15/35 64/83 1031/633 463/658

microblocks and 64/83 nanoblocks in C/G, respec many intersections as G for the range in question. In
tively. This can be interpreted as recent fracturing, and relation to the differences in basic or isobase surfaces
corresponds to greater neotectonic activity in G than it can be seen that the two northern mesoblocks of C
in C. There are also differences in the relief lineaments (NW and NE) are active and the two southern blocks
and intersections, with C/G values for lineaments/ (SW and SE) are very active (Table 21). In G, three
intersections of 16/1041 and 24/633, respectively. mesoblocks (ME1.2, ME1.3 and ME1.4) are very
active and ME1.1 is active (Table 22).
In specific terms the difference in quantity and
order (39) of the lineament intersections between C In C there are two morphostructural scarps (Esc. 6, 7)
and G are shown in Table 33. Note that C has 3rd order (Fig. 8) in G there are five (Esc. 15). These are asso
but G has not. However, G presents almost twice as ciated with the delimited alignment zones and the

GEOTECTONICS Vol. 47 No. 3 2013


(a) Bc3 Bc4 Bc5

Bc1 J
Bg9 Bg5
S EJ Bg4
37 Bg1
Bg3 Bg6


8 6 4

(b) LB13
C 6
LB8 2 LB4 7 J
1 3
A1 9 8
S EJ LB1 10 LT4
13 G
H LT16 11
12 LL1 17
37 L1
GC 15 16




8 6 4
Fig. 9. Scheme of Territorial Units in Crdoba and Granada (a) and scheme of the main lineaments and intersections in Crdoba and
Granada (b).
a: Localities: CCrdoba, EJEcija, GGranada, HHuelva, JJan, MMlaga, MMMediterranean Sea, MOMotril,
PORPortugal, SSevilla; block: Bc1Crdoba block (Tables 25, 27), Bg1Granada block (Tables 26, 28)); study areadiscon
tinuous lines.
b: Lineamentsblack lines (L1 (Tables 29, 30)); lineament intersection or knotblack circles: 1CAZ1, 2CAZ2, 3
CR20, 4CR4, 5CM12, 6CR5, 7CV18, 8CV33, 9CV19, 10CM3, 11GR11, 12GR13, 13GM14, 14
GM33, 15GR1, 16GA2, 17GM34 (Tables 31, 32)); study areadiscontinuous lines.

GEOTECTONICS Vol. 47 No. 3 2013


Table 25. Short description of the Crdoba blocks

Blocks Denomination Localities Hmax (m) Lineaments
Bl Sierra Albarrana Hornachuelos, Los Campillos, Sierra del Caballo, 647 A1, LB8
Sierra Alta, Sierra Albarrana
B2 Fuente Obejuna Sierra del Esparragal, Villaviciosa de Crdoba, Sierra 804 A1, LB2 ,LB8
de los Santos, Fuente Obejuna
B3 Crdoba Hinojosa del Duque, PearroyaPueblonuevo, 780 A1, LB11, LB12A
Espiel, Sierra de la Mesegara
B4 Adamuz Santa Eufemia, Dos Torres, Villafranca de Crdoba, 770 A1, LB12A, LB13, LB14
Fresnedilia, Adamuz
B5 Montoro Cardea, Colmena, Embalse de Martn Gonzalo, 780 A1, LB13
B6 El Zapillo Laguna de Mendoza 760 A1, LB1
B7 Fuente Palmera Los Olivares, La Jara, Fuente Carreteros 176 A1, LB1, LB3
B8 Puente Genil La Victoria, La Rambla, Guadalczar, Fernn 1578 A1, LB3, LB4
Nez, Chacn, Lucena, Sierra de Gaena
B9 Bujalance Canete de las Torres, Bujalance, El Carpio, Villa del 300 A1, LB4
Ro, Castro del Ro

Table 26. Short description of the Granada blocks

Blocks Denomination Localities Hmax (m) Lineaments
B1 Villanueva de Tapia Villanueva de Tapia, Dehesa de los Montes, Cuesta Blanca 920 L1, LL1
B2 Salar Sierra de Loja, Cerro de Santa Luca, Los Llanos, 1000 LI
La Torrecilla, Valdeiglesias
B3 Chimeneas Agrn, Esczar, Chimeneas, Gabia la Grande, Otura, 2300 L1, L2, LL1
Lanjarn, Molvzar, Salobrea
B4 HuetorTajar Zagra, Ventorros de San Jos, Sierra de Parapanda, 1600 Li, LLl, LL2
Illora, Sierra del Marques
B5 Granada Maracena, Atarfe, Cogollos, Sierra del Pozuelo, Beralua 2030 L2, LL1, LL2
de las Villas
B6 Motril Lacalahorra, Huneja, Lanteira, Valor, Albondn, 3300 L2, L3
Alfornon, Motril
B7 Sierra de los Filabres Las Vias, Gorafe, Freila, Villanueva de las Torres, 2270 L2, L3, LL2
Zjar, Baza, La Jmula
B8 Sierra de Montilla Torres de la Umbria, Sierra Bermeja, Sierra de Mon 2380 L2, LL2
cayo, Sierra de Orce
B9 Algarinejo Aguila, Rincn de Murca 800 LL1,LT6

Table 27. Characteristics of the Crdoba blocks

Localization in Valley Top surfaces Control

Blocks Microblocks Nanoblocks
Mesoblock V U flat peak points
Bl 1 2 Mes NW 15 15 10 8 18 10
B2 2 7 Mes NW 30 35 36 28 64 35
B3 2 8 Mes NE 45 50 40 28 68 33
B4 3 8 Mes NE 44 67 60 38 98 38
B5 1 3 Mes NE 13 18 10 5 15 16
B6 1 2 Mes SW 8 12 5 3 8 5
B7 2 2 Mes SE 5 8 5 3 8 10
B8 3 15 Mes SE 68 70 70 85 155 39
B9 1 4 Mes SE 24 38 14 8 22 17
16 51 252 313 250 206 456 203
Note: See Table 25.

GEOTECTONICS Vol. 47 No. 3 2013


Table 28. Characteristics of the Granada blocks

Micro Localization Valley Top surfaces Control

Blocks Nanoblocks
blocks in mesoblock V U flat peak points

B1 1 2 Mes 1.1 5 5 5 5 10 7
B2 3 5 Mes 1.1 20 21 12 15 27 12
B3 7 8 Mes 1.3 46 38 40 42 82 33
B4 5 8 Mes 1.3 45 40 45 57 102 27
B5 3 6 Mes 1.3 30 45 45 44 89 22
B6 5 12 Mes 1.2 60 49 60 80 140 35
B7 3 8 Mes 1.4 48 55 58 60 118 28
B8 4 7 Mes 1.4 60 54 50 69 119 35
B9 1 2 Mes 1.3 5 3 4 5 9 5
32 58 319 310 319 377 696 204
Note: See Table 26.

Table 29. Brief description of the main lineaments (morphoalignments) in Crdoba

Linea Length Intersec
Localities Strike Order Ks
ments (km) tions
A1 Palma del Ro, Posadas, Almdovar del Ro, Crdoba, SWE 435 2 0.97 10
Alcolea, Villafranca de Crdoba, Pedro Abad, Mon
toro Villa del Ro
L6 Guadalmez NW 168 3 0.89 2
LB1 Palma del Ro, Puente Genil, Benalmejo, Encinas NWSE 106 4 0.67 4
LB2 Sierra del Ducado, Belmez, Villanueva del Rey, El NWSE 100 4 0.70 6
Vacar, Almdovar del Ro
LB3 Almdovar del Ro, Siete Torres, Cerro de Valdepeas NWE 56 6 0.55 3
LB4 El Figuern, Cerro de Valdepeas, Donadio de las NWSE 81 5 0.92 4
Peas, Cerro Cabezas de Grillos;
LB5 Puente Genil, Mlaga NS 20 6 0.85 1
LB6 Sierra del Castillo, Cerro Cabeza de Grillos NESW 48 6 0.92 2
LB7 Cerro Cabeza de Grillos NS 40 6 0.88 1
LB8 Hornachuelos, Embalse de Bembezar, La Adelfilla, NNW SSE 64 5 0.97 3
Sierra del Ducado
LB9 Sierra del Ducado, Cantos Blancos NESW 62 6 0.97 2
LB10 Loma del Tbaco, Belmez, Villanueva del Rey, Casas NS 28 6 0.87 4
del Vin
LB11 Cantos Blancos, Casas del Vin, Caballn de NWSE 76 6 0.75 5
Cuenca, Cerro Gordo, Villafranca de Crdoba
LB12 Adanuez, Caballn de Cuenca, Conquista NESE 56 5 0.50 2
LB13 Montoro, Caada de la Huesa NS 46 6 0.98 2
LB14 Guadalmez, Conquista, Colmena NWSE 70 6 0.95 3
Note: Kssinuosity coefficient.

Negratin alignment, mentioned in Section 2 above, NNW, and then continues almost to the province of
coincides with segments of the scarps delimited to the Jan. This structure differentiates clearly between the
north of G and with alignments LL1LL2. In this sec blocks to the S (direction NS) and to the N (direction
tor there are ten alignment intersections. EW) of G. The two most important morphostructural
The most significant lineament in G is L2 (Motril), scarps are therefore: 1) Esc1 which corresponds to
since it has a sudden inflection from SSE to EW to alignments LL1 and L1, with knots GM14, GM33 and

GEOTECTONICS Vol. 47 No. 3 2013


Table 30. Brief description of the main lineaments (morphoalignments) in Granada

Lineaments Localities Strike Length (km) Order Ks Intersections

L1 Cdiz WNESE 300 3 0.80 9

L2 Motril NE 232 3 0.55 11
L3 Almera NW 85 3 0.95 2
LT1 Adra, Alcudia NW 50 5 0.98 3
LT2 Pitres, Alcudia NE 40 6 0.90 3
LT2A Izbor, Lanjarn EW 8 5 0.95 2
LT3 Jaloche, Sierra de Madrid NW 50 5 0.94 5
LT4 La Colonia, Mala WN 26 6 0.89 2
LT5 Navachica, HuetorTajar NW 30 5 0.97 4
LT6 Alhama de Granada, Algarinejo NW 16 5 0.90 4
LT7 Baza, Puebla de Don Fabrique NE 50 5 0.89 4
LT8 Fuente Vaquero, Sierra del Marqus NW 22 5 0.92 3
LT9 Sierra Elvira, Campotejar NS 26 5 0.88 2
LT10 Baos de Zjar, Sierra Seca NW 18 5 0.89 1
LT11 Galera, La Hoya del Espino NS 26 5 0.90 2
LT12 Vilano, Milanos NS 18 5 0.85 3
LT13 Cuna, Caratunas NS 14 5 0.98 3
LL0 Zafarraya, Venta de Leche EW 24 5 0.88 3
LL1 Embalse de Iznajar, Granada EW 75 4 0.91 6
LL2 Fuente Vaqueros, Madroal EW 120 4 0.89 11
LL3 Embalse Cubillas, Benaloa de Guadiz EW 40 5 0.95 2
LL4 Piar, Baza EW 24 5 0.96 5
LL5 Castillejar, Venta Micena EW 22 6 0.99 2
LL6 Drcal, Padul EW 21 6 0.90 3
LL7 Almegjar EW 26 6 0.91 3

Note: Kssinuosity coefficient.

GM34; 2) Esc 2 follows alignments LT3 and LL7, with shown that neotectonic uplift (isobase method) only
intersections GA26, GM27, GM43, GM44, and occurs in the eastern sector of SN.
GV28. Alignment L1also undergoes sudden modifica Between the towns of Loja, Beas de Granada, and
tions as it runs SW to NNE and them to SE to near Lentej a seismoactive sector (~820 km2) has been deter
Motril. These two 3rd order alignments L1 (Cdiz) mined with blocks B2, B3, B5, and B6 (Fig. 10). This is
and L2 (Motril), 300 km and 232 km long, respec the area where deep seismicity is located (h > 60 km). 6 of
tively, converge to the south of Motril (Fig. 2a) in the the 12 epicentre cluster zones shown in figure 7 coin
Alborn Sea where they form a seismoactive intersec cide here. Another smaller zone (~350 km2) included
tion. The deep earthquake zone of southern Spain is within the previous one, presents seismicity at depths
confined between these two alignments and it has been greater than 600 km. This zone is located W of the SN

GEOTECTONICS Vol. 47 No. 3 2013


Table 31. Data of the main intersections in Crdoba

Intersections Order Lineaments Denomination Mesoblock Blocks Total

N6 3 A1, L6 Marmolejo Jan

Caz1 4 A1, LB1 Palma del Ro Mes NW B1, B6, B7 3
Caz2 4 A1, LB8 Puebla de la Parrilla Mes SE B1, B7 2
Cros4 5 A1, LB4 Majareque Mes NE, Mes SE B3, B8, B9 3
Cros5 5 A1, LB13 Montoro Mes NE, Mes SE B4, B5, B9 3
Cros20 5 A1, LB2, LB3 Empedrada Mes NW, Mes NE, Mes SE B2, B3, B8, B9 4
Cmor3 6 LB3, LB6 La Montiela Mes SE B7, B8 2
Cmor6 6 LB2, LB8, LB9 Sierra del Ducado Mes NW, Mes NE B2, B3 2
Cmor12 6 A1, LB12 Pedro Abad Mes NE, Mes SE B4, B9 2
Cmor24 6 A1, LB11 Villafranca de Crdoba Mes NE, Mes SE B3, B4, B9 3
Cmor25 6 A1, LMil Villa del Ro Mes NE, Mes SE B5, B9 2
Cmor26 6 L6, LB14 Embalse de Chilln Mes NE B4 1
Cna14 7 LB11, LB12 Cerro Gordo Mes NE B3, B4 2
Cna15 7 LB11, LB12A Caballo de Cuenca Mes NE B3, B4 2
Cna16 7 LB10, LB11 Casas de Vinn Mes NE B3, B4 2
Cna17 7 LB4, LB5, LB7 Cerro Cabeza de Grillos Mes SE B8, B9 2
Cna27 7 LB12, LB14 Conquista Mes NE B4 1
Cna28 7 LB13, LB14 Colmena de la Huesa Mes NE B4, B5 2
Cam7 8 LB4, LB6 Santa Cruz Mes NE B8, B9 2
Cam8 8 LB3, LB6 Cordobilla Mes SW, Mes SE B7, B8 2
Cam9 8 LB3, LB5 Puente Genil Mes SW, Mes SE B7, B8 2
Cam11 8 LB8, LB10 Loma del Tbaco Mes NW B1, B2 2
Cam13 8 LB11, LB9 ZjarCantos Blancos Mes NE B3, B4 2
Cve18 9 LB4, LB6, LB7 Donaldo de las Viass Mes SE B8, B9 2
Cve19 9 LB3, LB6 Santaella Mes SE B7, B8 2
Cve21 9 LB2, LMi2 El Vacar Mes NE B2, B3 2
Cve22 9 LB2, LB10 El Guadillo Mes NE B2, B3 2
Cve23 9 LB2, LB0 Belmez Mes NE B2, B3 2

and S of G and corresponds to microblocks B3.5, B3.7 and W. This can be interpreted as a contemporary influ
and B3.8. The main first order watershed presents a SE to ence of the deep structure on the local relief.
EW inflection with this very deep earthquake zone to the Finally, it should be noted that the whole of this
South. The lineaments in this area are significantly mod seismoactive area is included in the highest seismic
ified, so that the main axes of the blocks mentioned are risk zone in the IP (zone A) (Fig. 10) in agreement
differentiated from the neighbouring blocks to the N, E with Cotilla et al. [18].

GEOTECTONICS Vol. 47 No. 3 2013


Table 32. Data of the main intersections in Granada

Intersections Order Lineaments Denomination Mesoblock Blocks Total
GR1 5 L1, LL0 Cerro Mes1.1 B2.1, B2.3, B3.4 3
GR10 5 L1, LL0 Los Alazores Mes1.1 B1, B2.1, B2.3 3
GR11 5 LI, LL1 Ventas de Santa Brbara Mes1.3 B1, B2.1, B9, B4.1 4
GR13 5 L1, LL1, HuetorTajar Mesl.3 B2.2, B3.3, B4.1, B4.5 4
GR46 5 L2, L3 Fonelas Mes1.4 B5.2, B6.1, B7.1 3
GA2 6 L1, LL6 Jaloche Mes1.1 B2.3, B3.2, B3.8 3
GA3 6 L1, LT6 La Esperanza Mes1.3 B2.1, B2.2, B4.1 3
GA4 6 LL2, LT8 Ansola Mes1.3 B4.2, B4.3, B5.1 3
GA5 6 L2, L3, LL3 Benala de Guadix Mes1.3 B5.1, B5.2, B6.1, B7.1 4
GA6 6 L2, LL4 La Almida Mes1.3 B5.2, B5.3, B7.1 3
GA7 6 LL2, L1T18 Olivar Mes1.4 B7.2, B8.5 2
GA8 6 LL5, LT7 Castillejar Mes1.4 B8.1, B8.2, B8.3 3
GA26 6 L2, LL7 Los Alazores Mes1.2 B6.1, B6.2, B6.3 3
GA32 6 L1, LT5 El Chaparral Mes1.1 B2.2, B3.3, B3.4 3
GA41 6 L1, LT6 Alhama de Granada Mes1.1 B2.1, B2.2, B3.4 3
GA45 6 LT7, LL4 Raposo Mes1.3 B7.1, B7.2, B7.3 3
GV25 7 LL7, LT1 Ugijar Mes1.2
GV28 7 LT3, L1T19 Restabal Mes1.3 B3.5, B3.7, B3.8 3
GV29 7 LL6, LT3 Drcal Mes1.3 B3.5, B3.6, B3.7, B3.8 4
GV30 7 LT4, LT5 Arenas del Rey Mes1.3 B3.2, B3.3, B3.4 3
GV31 7 LT3, LT4 Mala Mes1.3 B3.3, B3.6, B3.7 3
GV35 7 LL2, L1T20 Izanallosa Mes1.3 B4.4, B5.2 2
GV36 7 LL2, LL4 Los Montalbanes Mes1.3 B4.4, B5.2, B5.3 3
GV37 7 LT9, L1T21 Campotjar Mes1.3 B4.3, B4.4 2
GV38 7 LL4, L1T22 Gor Mes1.4 B7.1, B7.2 2
GV39 7 LT7, LT11 Las Santas Mes1.4 B8.1, B8.3, B8.4 3
GV40 7 LL6, LT13 Cartujo Mes1.3 B3.5, B3.6, B3.5A 3
GM6 8 LL2, LL4 Embalse de Cubillas Mes1.3 B5.2, B7.4 2
GM9 8 L1, LT5 Navachica Mes1.1 B3.2, B3.4 2
GM12 8 LL1, LT6 Fuente de Gesna Mes1.3 B1, B4.1, B9 3
GM14 8 LL1, LT3 Gijuela Mes1.3 B3.3, B4.2, B4.5 3
GM15 8 LL2, LT9 Caparacena Mes1.3 B4.3, B5.1 2
GM17 8 L3, LT1, LT2 Alcudia de Gudix Mes1.4 B6.1, B6.2, B6.4, B7.1 4
GM18 8 L2, LL4 Puntal Blanco Mes1.3 B5.3. B7.1, B7.2 3
GM19 8 L2, LL2 Valdemanzano Mes1.4 B5.3, B7.2, B8.5 3
GM20 8 LL2, LT8 Corts de Baza Mes1.4 B7.2, B8.1, B8.5 3
GM21 8 LL2, LT7 Benamaurel Mes1.4 B7.2, B8.1 2
GM22 8 LL2, LT7 Jabalcn Mes1.4 B7.3, B8.1, B8.2 3
GM23 8 LL5, LT11 Galera Mes1.4 B8.2, B8.3, B8.4 3
GM24 8 LL7, LT1 Chen Mes1.4 B6.2, B6.3, B6.5 3
GM27 8 L2, LT2 Caratunas Mes1.4 B3.5A, B8.1 2
GM33 8 L2, LL1 HutorVega Mes1.3 B3.6, B5.1, B6.1 3
GM34 8 L2, LL7 Canadillas Mes1.3 B3.6, B6.1 2
GM43 8 L2, LL7 Orjiva Mes1.3 B3.5, B63 2
GM44 8 L2, L1T19 Izbor Mes1.2 B3.5, B3.8, B6.3 3
GN42 9 LT8, L1T23 Limones Mes1.3 B4.2, B4.3 2

GEOTECTONICS Vol. 47 No. 3 2013


Table 33. Lineament intersections in Crdoba and Granada Andaluca, and in particular of C and G, to be evalu
ated from a different viewpoint.
Crdoba Granada
Order The land area of G is much more active and its TU
Events are more fragmented and smaller in area than those of C.
The alignments are shorter in length and present more
3 1
intersections in G than in C.
4 2 2
The land areas of C and G are included in what are
5 3 5 known as macroblocks no. 1 (Southern) and no. 2
6 6 11 (SubWestern 2A) of the IP megablock. The quantities
7 6 11 of the four lower orders TU defined for C/G are:
8 5 18 mesoblocks (4/4), blocks (9/9), microblocks (15/35),
and nanoblocks (64/83). The quantity of main linea
9 5 2
ments/intersections determined are 16/1041 in C and
28 49 25/633 in G. In both areas there is a series of seven very
significant morphostructural scarps, as well as important
modifications (inflections) to some of the river beds.
CONCLUSIONS The depth of the seismoactive layer in C is around
10 km, while in G its particular feature is that it is
For the first time the morphotectonic differentia
divided into three clearly differentiated parts: 1) high
tion (using the Rantsman method [53]) is presented est level of activity to 20 km; 2) from 2060 km;
here of two land areas in the south central region of 3) more than 600 km, with magnitude greater than 6.5.
Spain. These are located tectonically in the northern Between the towns of Loja, Beas de Granada, and
zone of influence at the edge of the Eurasian and Afri Lentej there is a seismoactive sector (~820 km2) with
can plates. This result allows the seismic activity of blocks B2, B3, B5, and B6, where the deep earth






8 6 4
Fig. 10. Seismoactive area in Granada.
Localities: AArenas del Rey, BBeas de Granada, CCrdoba, DDurcal, EEmbalse Iznajar, GGranada, GC
Gulf of Cdiz, JJan, LLoja, LELentej, MMlaga, MMMediterranean Sea, PPadul, PORPortugal, S
Sevilla; gray shadow zoneseismoactive sector; seismic zonetransverse lines.

GEOTECTONICS Vol. 47 No. 3 2013


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GEOTECTONICS Vol. 47 No. 3 2013

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