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File No.: J901-2009


P DL/T 5210.2-2009

Code for Construction Quality Acceptance

and Evaluation of Electric Power Construct
- Part 2: Boiler Unit

Issued on July 22, 2009 Implemented on December 1, 2009

Issued by the National Energy Administration of the People's Republic of China

1 Scope ................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Normative references........................................................................................................... 1
3 General Provisions .............................................................................................................. 2
4 Construction Quality Acceptance ........................................................................................ 2
4.1 Requirements in Construction Quality Acceptance .................................................. 2
4.2 Division Of Construction Quality Acceptance Range And General Tables.............. 5
4.3 General Standard (Criteria)................................................................................... 194
4.4 Installation of boiler body..................................................................................... 215
4.5 Installation of Boiler Dust Removing Device....................................................... 317
4.6 Integral Air Pressure Test of Boiler....................................................................... 331
4.7 Installation of Boiler Fuel Fired Equipments and Pipes ....................................... 333
4.8 Installation of boiler auxiliary machinery............................................................. 350
4.9 Coal handling equipment installation ................................................................... 428
4.10 Installation of Desulfurization Equipment.......................................................... 459
4.11 Installation of Denitration Equipment................................................................. 473
4.12 Boiler Wall Masonry........................................................................................... 493
4.13 Heating Equipments and Piping Insulation in the Whole Plant.......................... 526
4.14 Painting of Equipments and Pipelines in the Whole Plant.................................. 545
4.15 Installation of Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler................................................. 550
5 Evaluation on the Construction Quality of Single Project............................................... 580
5.1 Basic Requirements .............................................................................................. 580
5.2 Evaluation Provisions ........................................................................................... 581
5.3 Evaluation Content ............................................................................................... 582
5.4 Evaluation Methods .............................................................................................. 582
5.5 Evaluation on Construction Quality of Boiler Body Installation and Integral Air
Pressure Test Project ...................................................................................................... 585
5.6 Construction Quality Evaluation on the Installation Project of Boiler Dust
Removing Devices, Desulfurizing and Denitration Equipments ................................... 592
5.7 Construction Quality Evaluation of Boiler Auxiliary Machinery Installation Project
....................................................................................................................................... 604
5.8 Construction Quality Evaluation on the Installation Project of Coal Handling
Equipments, Fuel Fired Equipments and Pipes ..............................................................611
5.9 Evaluation on the Construction Quality of Boiler Wall Masonry, Equipment Piping
Insulation and Painting Engineering.............................................................................. 621
5.10 Evaluation on the Construction Quality of Single Project of Circulating Fluidized
Bed Boiler Installation ................................................................................................... 631
5.11 Evaluation Score Summary of Each Position (Scope) in Single Project ............ 652
5.12 Construction Quality Evaluation Report of Single Project................................. 652
6 Quality Evaluation of Single Unit ................................................................................... 654
7 Quality Evaluation of Overall Project ............................................................................. 657
Annex A (Normative) Installation of Waste Incineration Boiler ........................................... 661
Annex B (Normative) Installation of Biomass Incineration Boiler....................................... 744
Annex C (Normative) Installation of Combustion Engine Exhaust-Heat Boiler .................. 784
Annex D (Normative) Confirmation and Signature Table of Unit Project Appearance Quality
Acceptance ............................................................................................................................ 828
Annex E (Normative) General Testing Methods ................................................................... 830
Explanation of Wording in This Code................................................................................... 831

The standard series "Code for Construction Quality Acceptance and Evaluation of
Electric Power Construct consists of 9 parts:
DL/T 5210.1 Part 1: civil work
DL/T 5210.2 Part 2: boiler unit
DL/T 5210.3 Part 3: steam turbine generator unit
DL/T 5210.4 Part 4: thermal meter and control device
DL/T 5210.5 Part 5: piping & system
DL/T 5210.6 Part 6: the equipment and the system with the water treatment and
hydrogen generation
DL/T 5210.7 Part 7: welding
DL/T 5210.8 Part 8: processing preparation
DL/T 5161.1~5161.17-2002 Part 9: specification for construction quality checkout
and evaluation of electric equipment installation
This Part is the second part of DL/T 5210.
This Part is formulated by the National Development and Reform Commission according
to the requirements of the document "Announcement on Issuing the Professional Standard
Project Planning in 2008" (Fagaiban Gongye [2008] No. 1242).
During the drafting procedure, this Part referenced "Standard for Quality Inspection and
Evaluation of Thermal Power Construction" (Boiler Part) (Jian Zhi [1009] No.111) issued by
the Department of Construction Coordination - the former Ministry of Electronics Industry.
Compared with "Standard for Quality Inspection and Evaluation of Thermal Power
Construction" (Boiler Part) (Jian Zhi [1009] No.111) issued by the Department of
Construction Coordination - the former Ministry of Electronics Industry, this part reflects the
principles "separation of inspection and evaluation, acceptance inspection intensifying, means
perfecting and process control", and intensifies the quality acceptance management.
Annex A, Annex B, Annex C, Annex D and Annex E are normative in this Part.
This Part is proposed by the China Electricity Council.
The Technical Committee for Standardization of Thermal Power Construction in power
industry is under the jurisdiction of and in charge of the explanation of this Part.
Chief Drafting Organizations: TianJin Electric Power Construction Company,
Shandong Electric Power Construction No.2 Company
Participating organization: Ningxia Electrie Power Construction Company, Hunan
Provincial thermal power construction Co., Ltd., Yunnan thermal power construction Co., Ltd.,
Shanghai Power Erection No.2 Company, Sichuan No.3 Electrie Power Construction
Chief drafting staffs: Liang Binghai, Zhang Dongmao, Li Jinxi, Wang Hongkui, Wang
Yonglaing, Chai Xiqiang, Xie Honggang, Jia Guangming, Wang Yanyan, Shang Yuling, Yu
Guoqiang, Yao Hongmin, Ou Lixin, Liu Yunpan, Shao Zhaozhong, Li Jun
The standard "Standard for Quality Inspection and Evaluation of Thermal Power
Construction" (Boiler Part) (Jian Zhi [1009] No.111), issued by the Department of
Construction Coordination - the former Ministry of electronics industry, shall be abolished
from the implementation data of this Part.

During the process of implementing this Part, the relevant opinions and advice, whenever
necessary, can be posted or passed on to the Standardization Center of the China Electricity
Council (No. 1, 2nd lane, Baiguang Road, Beijing 100761).

1 Scope
This Part in DL/T 5210 specifies the relevant requirements in construction quality
acceptance standard, quality evolution of single project, quality evolution of single unit, and
quality evolution of overall project of boiler unit in thermal power generation engineering.
This Part is applicable to the construction quality acceptance and evaluation for new,
extended rebuilt thermal power boiler unit with the unit capacity 300MW~1000MW. the
construction quality acceptance evaluation for thermal power boiler unit with unit capacity
under 300MW~1000 MW may comply with this part by reference (the contents on waste
incineration boiler, biomass incineration boiler and combustion engine exhaust-heat boiler are
detailed in Annex A, Annex B and Annex.

2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provision which, through reference in this
text, constitute provisions of this Part. Subsequent amendments (excluding correction to) to,
or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, parties to agreements based
on this Part are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions
of the standards indicated below. For undated references, the latest editions of the normative
documents are applicable to this part.
GB 1231-2006 Specifications of High Strength Bolts with Large Hexagon Head, Large
Hexagon Nuts, Plain Washers for Steel Structures
GB 3632-2008 Sets of Torshear Type High Strength Bolt Hexagon Nut and Plain Washer
for Steel Structures
50205-2001 Code for Acceptance of Construction Quality of Steel Structures
GB/T 50375-2006 Evaluating standard for excellent quality of building engineering
GB 8918-2006 Steel wire ropes for important purposes
DL 612-1996 Supervision code for boiler and pressure vessel of the power industry
DL 647-2004 Inspection code for boiler and pressure vessel in thermal power plant
DL/T 776-2001 Technical requirements for insulation material of thermal power plants
DL/T 777-2001 Technical requirements for boiler refractory of thermal power plants
DL/T 869-2004 The code of welding for power plant
DL/T 902-2004 Technical requirements and test methods of abrasion resistant refractory
DL 5000-2000 Technical Code for Designing Fossil Fuel Power Plants
DL 5009.1-2002 Code of safety operation in power engineering construction Part 1:
Thermal Power Plant
DL 5011-1992 The Code of Election and Acceptance for Power Plant Construction -
steam turbine unit part
DL 5031-1994 The Code of Election and Acceptance for Power Plant Construction -
Piping Part
DL/T 5047-1995 The Code of Election and Acceptance for Power Plant Construction -
Boiler Unit Part
DL/T 5161-2002 Electric Equipment Installation Engineering

DL/T 5190.4-2004 The Code of Election and Acceptance for Power Plant Construction -
Part 4: Chemistry for fossil fuel power plant
JGJ 82-91 specifications on design and construction and acceptance of high strength
bolts for steel structure
T SG R0004-2009: Supervision Regulation on Safety Technology for Stationary Pressure

3 General Provisions
3.0.1 This standard is formulated with a view to intensifying construction engineering
quality control in electric power industry, improving construction quality level, and unifying
the relevant requirements in construction quality acceptance standard and evaluation for
thermal power generation engineering.
3.0.2 The construction quality acceptance for thermal power generation project shall be
conducted by inspection lot, subitem project, subsection project, and unit project. the
construction quality acceptance is only applied with a quality grade "qualified"; in case of any
nonconformity, it shall comply with Article 4.1.12 in this Part.
3.0.3 The engineering quality evaluation shall be conducted for the projects with the "high
quality" engineering objective.
3.0.4 The engineering quality evaluation shall be conducted by the three phases (stage) -
single project, single unit and overall project.
3.0.5 The construction quality evaluation for single project shall be conducted upon that the
construction quality acceptance for all unit projects is qualified and the collection and
rearrangement of engineering technical document is completed, and the evaluation shall cover
the whole work content before 168-h trial operation with full load.
3.0.6 The quality evolution for single unit shall be con ducted after the construction quality
acceptance for all single projects and the 168-h trial operation of the unit with full load are
completed and the environmental protection projects supported are normally put into
operation. the synergic system shall be bought into the evaluation for the first unit.
3.0.7 The quality evolution for overall project shall be conducted after the quality evolution
for all single units, the performance tests of the units and the engineering archives evaluation
are completed.

4 Construction Quality Acceptance

4.1 Requirements in Construction Quality Acceptance
4.1.1 The inspection, acceptance and acceptance confirmation and signature for thermal
power boiler units shall be conducted according to the requirements of this Part.
4.1.2 For the inspection and acceptance for the project construction quality, the construction
organization shall prepare the quality acceptance range division table on the base of the works
scope according to the requirements of Chapter 4 in this Part; the supervision organization
shall conduct the examination and the parties of construction, supervision and construction
organization jointly sign and seal for approval after the construction organization make a
confirmation. For the engineering projects with engineering general contract or construction

project management (mode), the construction organization may, according to the actual
situation, add acceptance organizations in column "acceptance organization" in the
construction quality acceptance range division table; if the design organization and the
equipment manufacture organization in column "acceptance organization" participate in the
quality acceptance, the construction organization may make proper adjustment according to
the actual situation.
4.1.3 The part of the inspection items in "Construction Quality Acceptance Range Division
Table" in Chapter 4, incongruent with the ones in the actual project, may be added or canceled.
the items added or canceled may be numbered or not in the project numbering in the
construction quality acceptance range, but the original number shall not be altered.
4.1.4 The project construction quality shall be inspected by the acceptance organization
specified in "Construction Quality Acceptance Range Division Table". the acceptance for
inspection lot , subitem project and subsection project, the supervision organization shall, if
participating in, shall organize them, and the organizations concerned shall participate; the
construction organization shall organize the acceptance for unit project, and the organizations
concerned shall participate; the design organization and the manufacturing organization shall
participate in the acceptance of the related items according to the requirements of
"Construction Quality Acceptance Range Division Table". The quality acceptance personnel
shall hold the qualification certificate consistent with his/her acceptance profession, and the
qualification certificate shall be within the validity period. The acceptance authority of the
personnel involved in the quality acceptance for unit project, subsection project, subitem
project and inspection lot shall be determined by the organizations concerned, organizes by
the construction organization.
4.1.5 In the engineering quality inspection and acceptance, the quality inspection personnel
at all levels shall strictly comply with the requirements of this part as well as the relevant
current national standard, professional standard, contract terms, design document and
manufacturing technical document, and they shall be responsible for the acceptance results.
4.1.6 The quality acceptance must be conducted after the construction project is completed.
the construction organization shall apply the quality acceptance to the project supervision and
the development organization upon the construction organization has done self-checking and
prepared complete selfchecking records.
4.1.7 The construction organization shall notify the supervision organization and the
organizations concerned to conduct witness acceptance before being concealed, and complete
the inspection acceptance record and the confirmation and signature.
4.1.8 The appearance quality of unit projects shall be inspected by the quality inspection
personnel with visual observation, feeling or necessary measurement, and confirmed and
singed according to the overall condition of the inspected project (see Annex D).
4.1.9 The inspection and acceptance of project construction quality shall comply with the
requirements in Chapter 4 of this Part and be conducted by inspection lot, subitem project,
subsection project and unit project; where a unit project is constructed by multiple
construction organizations by sections, subunit projects may be set up. the subunit project
number is the original unit project number affixed with English letters for distinguishing.
4.1.10 The project construction quality acceptance shall meet the following requirements:
The acceptance for subitem project shall be conducted only upon the acceptance for

inspection lots is qualified; the acceptance for subsection project shall be conducted only
upon the acceptance for subitem projects is qualified; the acceptance for unit project shall be
conducted only upon the acceptance for subsection projects is qualified.
4.1.11 The "qualified" construction quality acceptance for inspection lot, subitem project,
subsection project and unit project shall meet the following requirements:
1 The complete inspection is conducted for the inspection items according to the
requirements on inspection lots and subitem projects, and the inspection results meet the
quality criteria; the quality acceptance for this inspection lot or subitem project is qualified.
2 The acceptance for the inspection lots contained in a subitem project is qualified and
the data for the subitem project is complete; the quality acceptance for this subitem project is
3 The acceptance for the subitem projects contained in a subsection project is qualified
and the data for the subsection project is complete; the quality acceptance for this subsection
project is qualified.
4 The quality acceptance for the subsection projects contained in a unit project is
qualified and the data for the unit project is complete and meets the records management
requirements; the quality acceptance for this unit project is qualified.
4.1.12 The nonconformity of construction quality, if existing, shall be registered for record
and treated according to the following requirements:
1 The inspection items for reworked ones, or replaced instrument or equipment, shall
be conducted again.
2 The inspection items replaced, which satisfies the functional requirements of safe
handling, may be inspected according to the technology processing scheme and the negotiated
3 Unqualified inspection item, which cannot be replaced or reworked, shall be
identified by the certifying agency or the organizations concerned; the inspection items
without effects on inner quality, service life, use function and safe operation may be given
with quarter. the items given with quarter may not be inspected again, but they shall be
indicted in column "acceptance conclusion", and the written report shall be attached following
the acceptance table.
4.1.13 The construction quality of inspection lot and subitem project under one of the
following conditions shall not be inspected:
1 The inspection results of its Dominant inspection items cannot meet the quality
2 The design organization or the manufacturer has data requirement in quality criteria
and the measured data are not filled in the inspection result columns.
3 The quality acceptance documents do not conform to the records management
4.1.14 The quality problems caused by design or equipment manufacturing shall be solved
by the design or equipment manufacture organization. when the onsite processing entrusted to
the construction organization can not make individual dominant items meet the standard
requirements completely, the concessional treatment may be applied upon the confirmation
signature in writing made the development organization jointly with the design organization,
manufacturing organization, the supervision organization and the construction organization.

the project (item) with concessional treatment may not be inspected again, but it shall be
indicated in column "acceptance conclusion", and the written report hereof shall be attached
following the acceptance table.
4.1.15 The quality acceptance documents for inspection lot, subitem project, subsection
project and unit project shall be of accurate data, complete document collection, and complete
signature procedure; and the material and handwriting for document preparation shall meet
the requirements of "durability" and the records management specifications.

4.2 Division Of Construction Quality Acceptance Range And General Tables

4.2.1 The quality inspection and acceptance shall be conducted by inspection lot, subitem
project, subsection project and unit project. In this Part, two acceptance range division tables
are provided: Table 4.2.1-1, Quality Acceptance Range Division Table for Installation
Construction of General Boiler; Table 4.2.1-2, Quality Acceptance Range Division Table for
Installation Construction of Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler. These two tables are used
according to the actual form of the boiler and the acceptance range division shall meet the
requirements specified in the tables.
Table 4.2.1-1: Quality Acceptance Range Division Table for Installation Construction of
General Boiler
Project number Acceptance organization

Unit Subsection Subitem Inspection Project name Property Construction Supervision Design Ma
project project project lot organization organization organization or

01 Installation of boiler body

01 Installation of steel frame

01 Lineation of boiler foundation Dominant

01 Lineation of boiler foundation Dominant

02 Installation of column baseplate

(iron gasket)

Installation of column baseplate

(iron gasket)

03 Combination of boiler steel


Combination of boiler steel


02 Connection of high-strength bolt Dominant

04 Installation of steel frame

01 Inspection of post\beam\bracing

02 Connection of high-strength bolt Dominant

03 Installation of post Dominant

04 Installation of transverse beam Table 4.4.5

05 Installation of top plate beam Dominant

01 Inspection of plate beam Table 4.3.3

02 Installation of top plate beam Dominant Table 4.4.6

03 Connection of high-strength bolt Dominant Table 4.3.4

06 Reinspection of entire steel


Table 4.4.4
Reinspection of entire steel
01 Dominant Table 4.4.5
Table 4.4.6

07 Secondary grouting of column


Project number Acceptance organization

Number of quality
Unit Subsection Subitem Inspection Project Name Property Construction Supervision Design Manufacturing Development
acceptance table
project project project lot organization organization organization organization organization

01 01 07 01 Secondary grouting of column base Dominant Table 4.4.7

02 Aggregate installation of platform and ladder

01 Aggregate installation of platform and ladder

01 Inspection of platform, ladder and equipment Table 4.4.13

02 Aggregate installation of platform and ladder Table 4.4.14

03 Installation of tube-box-type air preheater

01 Assembly of tube-box-type air preheater

01 Inspection of tube-box equipments for air preheater Table 4.4.15

02 Assembly of air preheater tube-box Table 4.4.16

02 Installation of tube-box-type air preheater

01 Inspection and lineation of support steel frame for air preheater Table 4.4.17

02 Installation of tube-box-type air preheater Dominant Table 4.4.18

03 Installation of preheater turning angle (connection box)

01 Inspection of preheater turning angle (connection box) Table 4.4.19

02 Installation of preheater turning angle (connection box) and expansion joint Table 4.4.20

04 Installation of rotary air preheater Dominant

01 Installation of rotary air preheater with air shield

Lineation Inspection of support steel frame for rotary air preheater with air
01 Table 4.4.21

02 Installation of iron gasket for rotary air preheater with air shield Table 4.4.22

03 Installation of bearing for rotary air preheater with air shield Dominant Table 4.4.23

04 Installation of stator for rotary air preheater with air shield Table 4.4.24

05 Installation of main body of rotary air preheater with air shield Dominant Table 4.4.25

06 Installation of driving device for rotary air preheater with air shield Dominant Table 4.4.26

Installation of rotary air duct with air shield and auxiliary facilities for slag
07 Table 4.4.27

02 Installation of rotary heating surface air preheater Dominant

Lineation Inspection of support steel frame for rotary heating surface air
01 Table 4.4.21

02 Installation of stator for rotary heating surface air preheater Table 4.4.28

03 Installation of bearing for rotary heating surface air preheater Dominant Table 4.4.23

Project number Acceptance organization

Number of quality
Unit Subsection Subitem Inspection Project name Property Construction Supervision Design Manufacturing Development
acceptance table
project project project lot organization organization organization organization organization

01 04 02 04 Installation of rotor for rotary heating surface air preheater Dominant Table 4.4.29

05 Installation of driving device for rotary heating surface air preheater Dominant Table 4.4.26

06 Installation of sealing for rotary heating surface air preheater Dominant Table 4.4.30

07 Installation of slagging system equipments Table 4.4.31

Installation of rotary air duct with rotary heating surface and auxiliary
08 Table 4.4.27
facilities for slag blower

03 By-part trial operation of rotary air preheater Dominant

01 Trial operation of oil system Table 4.4.32

02 Trial operation of driving device Table 4.4.33

03 By-part trial operation of air preheater Dominant Table 4.4.34

05 Installation of boiler backplate, sealing member and door opening

01 Installation of backplate

01 Installation of backplate Table 4.4.37

02 Installation of water sealing\sand sealing devices Dominant

01 Installation of water sealing\sand sealing devices Dominant Table 4.4.38

03 Installation of boiler top sealing cover shell and partial sealing member Dominant

01 Installation of boiler top sealing cover shell and partial sealing member Dominant Table 4.4.39

04 Installation of boiler door opening Dominant

01 Installation of boiler door opening Dominant Table 4.4.40

06 Aggregate installation of slag well and ash bucket

01 Installation of slag well

01 Installation of slag well Table 4.4.41

02 Assembly of ash bucket

01 Assembly of ash bucket Table 4.4.42

03 Installation of ash bucket Dominant

01 Installation of ash bucket Dominant Table 4.4.42

07 Installation of combustion equipment

01 Installation of spiral-flow burner

01 Inspection of spiral-flow burner equipments Table 4.4.43

Project number Acceptance organization

Number of quality
Unit Subsection Subitem Inspection Project Name Property Construction Supervision Design Manufacturing Development
acceptance table
project project project lot organization organization organization organization organization

01 07 01 02 Installation of spiral-flow burner Dominant Table 4.4.44

02 Installation of single-flow burner

01 Inspection of single-flow burner equipments Table 4.4.45

02 Installation of single-flow burner Dominant Table 4.4.46

03 Installation of oil (gas) burner

01 Inspection of oil (gas) burner equipment Table 4.4.47

02 Installation of oil (gas) burner Dominant Table 4.4.48

04 Installation of oil-free ignition device (tiny-oil ignition device)

01 Installation of oil-free ignition device (tiny-oil ignition device) equipments Table 4.4.49

02 Installation of oil-free ignition device (tiny-oil ignition device) Dominant Table 4.4.50

08 Installation of steam drum Dominant

01 Inspection and lineation of steam drum Dominant

01 Inspection and lineation of steam drum Dominant Table 4.4.51

02 Installation of steam drum Dominant

01 Installation of steam drum Dominant Table 4.4.52

03 Installation of drum internals Dominant

01 Inspection of drum internals Dominant Table 4.4.53

02 Installation of drum internals Dominant Table 4.4.54

09 Installation of steam separator and water storage tank

01 Inspection and lineation of steam separator

01 Inspection and lineation of steam separator Table 4.4.51

02 Installation of steam separator Dominant

01 Installation of steam separator Dominant Table 4.4.52

03 Installation inspection and lineation of water storage tank

01 Installation inspection and lineation of water storage tank Table 4.4.51

04 Installation of water tank Dominant

01 Installation of water tank Dominant Table 4.4.52

Project number Acceptance organization
Number of quality
Unit Subsection Subitem Inspection Project name Property Construction Supervision Design Manufacturing Development
acceptance table
project project project lot organization organization organization organization organization

01 10 Installation of water cooled wall Dominant

01 Assembly of water cooled wall

01 Inspection of heating surface equipment Table 4.3.7

02 Installation of collecting box Dominant Table 4.3.10

Table 4.3.9
03 Assembly of water cooled wall Dominant
Table 4.4.55

02 Installation of water cooled wall component and single sheet

01 Inspection of heating surface equipment Table 4.3.7

02 Installation of collecting box Dominant Table 4.3.10

Table 4.3.9
03 Installation of water cooled wall Dominant
Table 4.4.56

03 Assembly of spiral water cooled wall

01 Inspection of heating surface equipment Table 4.3.7

Table 4.3.9
02 Assembly of spiral water cooled wall Dominant
Table 4.4.57

04 Installation of spiral water cooled wall

01 Inspection of heating surface equipment Table 4.3.7

02 Installation of collecting box Dominant Table 4.3.10

Table 4.3.9
03 Installation of spiral water cooled wall Dominant
Table 4.4.58

05 Assembly of water cooled wall with extension wall

01 Inspection of heating surface equipment Table 4.3.7

Table 4.3.9
02 Assembly of water cooled wall with extension wall Dominant
Table 4.4.55

06 Installation of water cooled wall (with extension wall) component and single


01 Inspection of heating surface equipment Table 4.3.7

02 Installation of collecting box Dominant Table 4.3.10

Installation of water cooled wall (with extension wall) component and single Table 4.3.9
03 Dominant
sheet Table 4.4.56

07 Installation of stiffening bar

01 Inspection of equipments Table 4.3.2

02 Installation of stiffening bar Dominant Table 4.4.71

08 Installation of downstream tube

Project number Project Name Property Acceptance organization Number of quality

Inspection acceptance table
Unit Subsection Subitem Construction Supervision Design Manufacturing Development
project project project organization organization organization organization organization

01 10 08 01 Inspection of equipments Table 4.3.8

02 Installation of collecting box Dominant Table 4.3.10

Table 4.3.9
03 Installation of downstream tube Dominant
Table 4.4.59

09 Installation of evaporating pipe

01 Inspection of equipments Table 4.3.8

Table 4.3.9
02 Installation of evaporating pipe
Table 4.4.59

10 Installation of hoisting devices

01 Inspection of equipments Table 4.3.5

02 Installation of hoisting devices Dominant Table 4.3.6

11 Installation of superheater

01 Assembly of high temperature superheater tube row

01 Inspection of heating surface equipment Table 4.3.7

Table 4.3.9
02 Assembly of high temperature superheater tube row Dominant
Table 4.4.60

02 Installation of high temperature superheater

01 Inspection of heating surface equipment Table 4.3.7

02 Installation of collecting box Dominant Table 4.3.10

Table 4.3.9
03 Installation of high temperature superheater Dominant
Table 4.4.61

03 Assembly of high temperature superheater tube row

01 Inspection of heating surface equipment Table 4.3.7

Table 4.3.9
02 Assembly of low temperature superheater tube row Dominant
Table 4.4.62

04 Installation of low temperature superheater

01 Inspection of heating surface equipment Table 4.3.7

02 Installation of collecting box Dominant Table 4.3.10

Table 4.3.9
03 Installation of low temperature superheater Dominant
Table 4.4.63

05 Installation of pendant superheater

01 Inspection of heating surface equipment Table 4.3.7

02 Installation of collecting box Dominant Table 4.3.10

Project number Acceptance organization

Number of quality
Unit Subsection Subitem Inspection Project Name Property Construction Supervision Design Manufacturing Development
acceptance table
project project project lot organization organization organization organization organization

01 11 05 Table 4.3.9
03 Installation of pendant superheater Dominant
Table 4.4.61

06 Assembly of wall enclosure superheater

01 Inspection of heating surface equipment Table 4.3.7

02 Installation of collecting box Dominant Table 4.3.10

Table 4.3.9
03 Assembly of wall enclosure superheater Dominant
Table 4.4.55

07 Installation of wall enclosure superheater component and single sheet

01 Inspection of heating surface equipment Table 4.3.7

02 Installation of collecting box Dominant Table 4.3.10

Table 4.3.9
03 Installation of wall enclosure superheater component and single sheet Dominant
Table 4.4.56

08 Installation of ceiling superheater

01 Inspection of heating surface equipment Table 4.3.7

02 Installation of collecting box Dominant Table 4.3.10

Table 4.3.9
03 Installation of ceiling superheater Dominant
Table 4.4.64

09 Installation of stiffening bar

01 Inspection of equipments Table 4.3.2

02 Installation of stiffening bar Dominant Table 4.4.71

10 Installation of desuperheating device

01 Installation of desuperheating device Table 4.3.10

11 Installation of superheated steam connection pipe

01 Inspection of equipments Table 4.3.8

Table 4.3.9
02 Installation of superheated steam connection pipe
Table 4.4.59

12 Assembly of steam-steam heater

01 Inspection of equipments Table 4.3.7

Table 4.3.9
02 Assembly of steam-steam heater Dominant
Table 4.4.65

13 Assembly of steam-steam heater

01 Assembly of steam-steam heater Dominant Table 4.4.66

14 Installation of hoisting devices

Project number Acceptance organization

Number of quality
Unit Subsection Subitem Inspection Project Name Property Construction Supervision Design Manufacturing Development
acceptance table
project project project lot organization organization organization organization organization

01 11 14 01 Inspection of equipments Table 4.3.5

02 Installation of hoisting devices Dominant Table 4.3.6

12 Installation of reheater Dominant

01 Assembly of high temperature reheater tube row

01 Inspection of heating surface equipment Table 4.3.7

Table 4.3.9
02 Assembly of high temperature reheater tube row Dominant
Table 4.4.60

02 Installation of high temperature reheater

01 Inspection of heating surface equipment Table 4.3.7

02 Installation of collecting box Dominant Table 4.3.10

Table 4.3.9
03 Installation of high temperature reheater Dominant
Table 4.4.61

03 Assembly of low temperature reheater tube row

01 Inspection of heating surface equipment Table 4.3.7

Table 4.3.9
02 Assembly of low temperature reheater tube row Dominant
Table 4.4.62

04 Installation of low temperature reheater

01 Inspection of heating surface equipment Table 4.3.7

02 Installation of collecting box Dominant Table 4.3.10

Table 4.3.9
03 Installation of low temperature reheater Dominant
Table 4.4.63

05 Installation of desuperheating device

01 Installation of desuperheating device Table 4.3.10

06 Installation of superheated steam connection pipe

01 Inspection of equipments Table 4.3.8

Table 4.3.9
02 Installation of reheated steam connection pipe
Table 4.4.59

07 Installation of hoisting devices

01 Inspection of equipments Table 4.3.5

02 Installation of hoisting devices Dominant Table 4.3.6

13 Installation of economizer

01 Assembly of economizer

01 Inspection of heating surface equipment Table 4.3.7

Project number Acceptance organization

Inspection Number of quality

Unit Subsection Subitem Project Name Property Construction Supervision Design Manufacturing Development
lot acceptance table
project project project organization organization organization organization organization

01 13 01 Table 4.3.9
02 Assembly of economizer Dominant
Table 4.4.67

02 Installation of economizer component and single sheet

01 Inspection of heating surface equipment Table 4.3.7

02 Installation of collecting box Dominant Table 4.3.10

Table 4.3.9
03 Installation of economizer component and single sheet Dominant
Table 4.4.68

03 Assembly of supporting tube

01 Inspection of heating surface equipment Table 4.3.7

Table 4.3.9
02 Assembly of supporting tube
Table 4.4.69

04 Installation of supporting tube component and single tube

01 Inspection of heating surface equipment Table 4.3.7

02 Installation of collecting box Dominant Table 4.3.10

Table 4.3.9
03 Installation of supporting tube component and single tube Dominant
Table 4.4.70

05 Installation of water supply connection pipe

01 Inspection of equipments Table 4.3.8

02 Installation of water supply connection pipe Table 4.4.59

06 Installation of boiler recirculating pipe

Table 4.3.9
01 Installation of boiler recirculating pipe
Table 4.4.59

07 Installation of hoisting devices

01 Inspection of equipments Table 4.3.5

02 Installation of hoisting devices Dominant Table 4.3.6

14 Hydrostatic test for entire boiler Dominant

01 Hydrostatic test for entire boiler Dominant

01 Hydrostatic test for entire boiler Dominant Table 4.4.72

15 Installation of water supply pipe

01 Installation of water supply pipe

Table 4.3.9
01 Installation of water supply pipe
Table 4.4.59

02 Installation of desuperheating water pipe

Project number Acceptance organization

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project project project lot organization organization organization organization organization

01 15 02 Table 4.3.9
01 Installation of desuperheating water pipe
Table 4.4.59

16 Installation of blowdown pipes and equipments

01 Installation of intermittent blowdown pipe

Table 4.3.8
01 Installation of intermittent blowdown pipe Table 4.3.9
Table 4.4.80

02 Installation of continuous blowdown pipe

Table 4.3.8
01 Installation of continuous blowdown pipe Table 4.3.9
Table 4.4.80

03 Installation of intermittent blowdown flash tank

01 Installation of intermittent blowdown flash tank Table 4.4.81

04 Installation of continuous blowdown flash tank

01 Installation of continuous blowdown flash tank Table 4.4.81

05 Installation of drain flash tank

01 Installation of drain flash tank Table 4.4.81

06 Installation of blowdown heat exchanger

01 Installation of blowdown heat exchanger Table 4.4.81

17 Installation of water supply, drainage and air release pipes

01 Installation of emergency drainage pipe

Table 4.3.8
01 Installation of emergency drainage pipe Table 4.3.9
Table 4.4.80

02 Installation of highpressure drainage duct

01 Installation of highpressure drainage duct Table 4.3.8

Table 4.3.9

Table 4.4.80

03 Installation of low-pressure drainage duct

Table 4.3.8
01 Installation of low-voltage drainage duct Table 4.3.9
Table 4.4.80

04 Installation of water feed pipe for cool furnace

Table 4.3.8
01 Installation of water feed pipe for cool furnace Table 4.3.9
Table 4.4.80

05 Installation of back flushing pipe

Project number Acceptance organization

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project project project lot organization organization organization organization organization

01 17 05 Table 4.3.8
01 Installation of back flushing pipe Table 4.3.9
Table 4.4.80

06 Installation of air release pipe

Table 4.3.8
01 Installation of air release pipe Table 4.3.9
Table 4.4.80

07 Pipes of high and low pressure cooling water system for boiler

circulation pump

Table 4.3.8
Pipes of high and low pressure cooling water system for boiler
01 Table 4.3.9
circulation pump
Table 4.4.80

18 Installation of steam exhaust pipe

01 Installation of safety valve blow-off pipe (including muffler)

Table 4.3.8
01 Installation of safety valve blow-off pipe (including muffler) Table 4.3.9
Table 4.4.80

02 Installation of ignition steam exhaust pipe (including muffler)

Table 4.3.8
01 Installation of ignition steam exhaust pipe (including muffler) Table 4.3.9
Table 4.4.80

03 Installation of sootblowing steam exhaust pipe

Table 4.3.8
01 Installation of sootblowing steam exhaust pipe Table 4.3.9
Table 4.4.80

04 Installation of flash tank blow-off pipe

Table 4.3.8
01 Installation of flash tank blow off pipe Table 4.3.9
Table 4.4.80

19 Installation of soot blower

01 Installation of soot blower

01 Installation of soot blower Table 4.4.82

02 Installation of sootblowing steam pipe

Table 4.3.8
01 Installation of sootblowing steam pipe Table 4.3.9
Table 4.4.80

20 Installation of sampling pipes and equipments

01 Installation of sampling pipe

DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table

01 Installation of sampling pipe
DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table

Project number Acceptance organization

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project project project lot organization organization organization organization organization

01 21 Installation of chemical feed pipe and equipment

01 Installation of chemical feed pipe

01 Installation of chemical feed pipe DL/T 5210.52009: Table

DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table


22 Installation of boiler sundry pipe

01 Installation of steam and drainage duct for air heater

DL/T 5210.52009: Table

01 Installation of steam and drainage duct for air heater
DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table

02 Furnace-near warm rising duct

DL/T 5210.52009: Table

01 Furnace-near warm rising duct
DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table

03 Fuel oil steam pile

DL/T 5210.52009: Table

01 Fuel oil steam pile
DL/T 510.5-2009: Table

04 Installation of snuffing steam pipe for coal mill

DL/T 5210.52009: Table

01 Installation of snuffing steam pipe for coal mill
DL/T 510.5-
2009: Table 4.5.3

05 Installation of boiler service water pipe

DL/T 5210.52009: Table

01 Installation of boiler service water pipe
DL/T 510.5-2009: Table

06 Installation of air preheater wash-water pipe

DL/T 5210.52009: Table

01 Installation of air preheater wash-water pipe
DL/T 510.5-
2009: Table 4.5.3

07 Furnace shutdown protection system pipe

DL/T 5210.52009: Table

01 Furnace shutdown protection system pipe
DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table

08 Cooling water conduit for oil-free ignition (oil-tiny ignition) system

Project number Acceptance organization

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project project project lot organization organization organization organization organization

01 22 08

01 Cooling water conduit for oil-free ignition (oil-tiny ignition) system DL/T 5210.52009: Table
DL/T 510.5-2009: Table


09 Installation of flame-check cooling wind and carrier wind pipe for oil-free

ignition (oil-tiny ignition) system

DL/T 5210.52009: Table

Installation of flame-check cooling wind and carrier wind pipe for oil-free 4.5.2,
ignition (oil-tiny ignition) system DL/T 510.5-
2009: Table 4.5.3

10 Installation of flame-check cooling wind pipe

DL/T 5210.52009: Table

01 Installation of flame-check cooling wind pipe
DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table

11 Installation of other system pipes

DL/T 5210.52009: Table

01 Installation of other system pipes
DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table

23 Installation of pipe and equipment in slag and ash handling system

01 Installation of ash handling system equipments

01 Installation of ash handling system equipments Table 4.4.99

02 Installation of boiler slag barn and auxiliary facilities

01 Installation of boiler slag barn and auxiliary facilities Table 4.4.100

03 Installation of air preheater flush tank

01 Installation of air preheater flush tank Table 4.4.81

04 Installation of ash removal pipe

DL/T 5210.52009: Table

01 Installation of ash removal pipe
DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table

05 Installation of deslagging water conduit

DL/T 5210.52009: Table

01 Installation of deslagging water conduit
DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table

06 Installation of gasification wind pipe

DL/T 5210.52009: Table

01 Installation of gasification wind pipe
DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table

Project number Acceptance organization

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project project project lot organization organization organization organization organiztion

01 23 07 Installation of ash-convey compressed air pipe

DL/T 5210.52009: Table

01 Installation of ash-convey compressed air pipe
DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table

08 Installation of ash removal wash-water pipe

DL/T 5210.52009: Table

01 Installation of ash removal wash-water pipe
DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table

24 Installation of compressed air pipe and equipment

01 Installation of air storage tank

01 Installation of air storage tank Table 4.4.81

02 Installation of instrument-service compressed air pipe

DL/T 5210.52009: Table

01 Installation of instrument-service compressed air pipe
DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table

03 Installation of station-service compressed air pipe

DL/T 5210.52009: Table

01 Installation of station-service compressed air pipe
DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table

25 Installation of boiler body auxiliaries

01 Installation of steam drum water gauge Dominant

01 Installation of steam drum water gauge Dominant Table 4.4.83

02 Installation of safety valve Dominant

01 Installation of piston and impulse type safety devices Dominant Table 4.4.84

02 Installation of spring type safety devices Dominant 0 Table 4.4.85

03 Installation of pressure gauge

01 Installation of pressure gauge Table 4.4.86

04 Installation of expansion indicator

01 Installation of expansion indicator Dominant Table 4.4.87

26 Installation of fume, wind, coal, and powder pipes and auxiliary facilities

01 Installation of flue

Project number Acceptance organization

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project project project lot organization organization organization organization organiztion

01 26 01 01 Assembly of flue Table 4.4.89

02 Installation of flue Table 4.4.89

03 Installation of flue operating devices Table 4.4.90

04 Installation of flue supporter and hanger Table 4.4.94

02 Installation of hot air duct

01 Assembly of hot air duct Table 4.4.89

02 Installation of hot air duct Table 4.4.89

03 Installation of hot air duct operating devices Table 4.4.90

04 Installation of flue supporter and hanger Table 4.4.94

03 Installation of cold air duct

01 Assembly of cold air duct Table 4.4.89

02 Installation of cold air duct Table 4.4.89

03 Installation of cold air duct operating devices Table 4.4.90

04 Installation of cool air duct supporter and hanger Table 4.4.94

04 Installation of raw coal pipe

01 Installation of raw coal pipe Table 4.4.89

02 Installation of coal valve Table 4.4.91

05 Installation of milling pipe

01 Installation of milling pipe Table 4.4.89

02 Installation of milling pipe operating devices Table 4.4.90

03 Installation of pulverized coal chute Table 4.4.89

04 Installation of coal back pipe Table 4.4.89

05 Installation of recirculating pipe Table 4.4.89

Installation of powder barn explosion door, moisture absorption pipe and

06 Table 4.4.89
powder discarge pipe

07 Installation of powder measuring device Table 4.4.92

08 Installation of extinguishing device Table 4.4.93

09 Installation of milling pipe supporter and hanger Table 4.4.94

06 Installation of powder feed pipe

Project number Acceptance organization

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acceptance table
project project project lot organization organization organization organization organiztion

01 26 06 01 Assembly of powder feed pipe Table 4.4.89

02 Installation of powder feed pipe Table 4.4.89

03 Installation of powder feed pipe operating devices Table 4.4.90

04 Installation of powder feed pipe supporter and hanger Table 4.4.94

07 Installation of mill separator

01 Assembly of mill separator Table 4.4.95

02 Installation of mill separator Table 4.4.95

03 Installation of ladder sollar Table 4.4.14

08 Installation of fine powder separator

01 Assembly of fine powder separator Table 4.4.95

02 Installation of fine powder separator Table 4.4.95

03 Installation of ladder sollar Table 4.4.14

02 Installation of boiler unit dust removing device

01 Installation of electric dust collector

01 Lineation of electric dust collector base

01 Lineation of electric dust collector base Dominant Table 4.4.1

02 Installation of iron gasket for electric dust collector

01 Installation of iron gasket for electric dust collector Dominant Table 4.4.2

03 Assembly of electric dust collector structure

01 Assembly of electric dust collector structure Table 4.4.3

04 Installation of assembly parts and single post in electric dust collector


Installation of assembly parts and single post in electric dust collector Table 4.4.4, Table
structure 4.4.5

05 Installation of base beam for electric dust collector

01 Installation of base beam for electric dust collector Table 4.4.6

06 Installation of column top support of electric dust collector Dominant

01 Installation of column top support of electric dust collector Dominant Table 4.5.1

07 Secondary grouting of base baseplate grouting for electric dust collector Dominant

01 Secondary grouting of base baseplate grouting for electric dust collector Dominant Table 4.4.7

Project number Acceptance organization

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Unit Subsection Subitem Inspection Project Name Property Construction Supervision Design Manufacturing Development
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project project project lot organization organization organization organization organiztion

02 01 08 Aggregate installation of electric dust collector enclosure

01 Aggregate installation of electric dust collector enclosure Table 4.4.37

09 Installation of top beam for electric dust collector Dominant

01 Installation of top beam for electric dust collector Dominant Table 4.4.6

10 Installation of tectal lamina for electric dust collector

01 Installation of tectal lamina for electric dust collector Table 4.4.39

11 Aggregate installation of ladder sollar for electric dust collector

01 Aggregate installation of ladder sollar for electric dust collector Table 4.3.1

12 Aggregate installation of inlet and outlet smoke boxes for electric dust


Aggregate installation of inlet and outlet smoke boxes for electric dust
01 Table 4.4.42

13 Aggregate installation of ash bucket for electric dust collector

01 Aggregate installation of ash bucket for electric dust collector Table 4.4.42

14 Aggregate installation of electrode bar for electric dust collector Dominant

01 Aggregate installation of electrode bar for electric dust collector Dominant Table 4.5.2

15 Aggregate installation of distributing plate and baffle board for electric dust


Aggregate installation of distributing plate and baffle board for electric dust
01 Table 4.5.3

16 Installation of mechanical rapping and driving device for electric dust


Installation of mechanical rapping and driving device for electric dust

01 Dominant Table 4.5.4

17 Installation of electromagnetic rapper for electric dust collector Dominant

01 Installation of electromagnetic rapper for electric dust collector Dominant Table 4.5.5

18 By-part trial operation of rapping and driving devices for electric dust

By-part trial operation of rapping and driving devices for electric dust
01 Dominant Table 4.5.6

02 Installation of bag-type dust remover

01 Lineation of bag-type dust remover foundation Dominant

01 Lineation of bag-type dust remover foundation Dominant Table 4.4.1

02 Installation of iron gasket for bag-type dust remover Dominant

01 Installation of iron gasket for bag-type dust remover Dominant Table 4.4.2

03 Assembly of electric dust collector structure

Project number Acceptance organization

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project project project lot organization organization organization organization organiztion

02 02 03 01 Assembly of electric dust collector structure Table 4.4.3

04 Installation of assembly parts and single post in electric dust collector


Installation of assembly parts and single post in electric dust collector Table 4.4.4, Table
structure 4.4.5

05 Secondary grouting of bag-type dust remover foundation

01 Secondary grouting of bag-type dust remover foundation Table 4.4.7

06 Aggregate installation of bag-type dust remover enclosure

01 Aggregate installation of bag-type dust remover enclosure Table 4.4.37

07 Installation of rotatory injection facility for bag-type dust remover Dominant

01 Installation of rotatory injection facility for bag-type dust remover Dominant Table 4.5.7

08 Installation of bag-type dust remover card

01 Installation of bag-type dust remover card Table 4.5.8

09 Installation of filter bag and bag cage for bag-type dust remover Dominant

01 Installation of filter bag and bag cage for bag-type dust remover Dominant Table 4.5.9

10 Installation of vibration driving device for bag-type dust remover Dominant

01 Installation of vibration driving device for bag-type dust remover Dominant Table 4.5.10

11 Trial operation of vibration driving device for bag-type dust remover Dominant

01 Trial operation of vibration driving device for bag-type dust remover Dominant Table 4.3.14

03 Air pressure test for entire boiler

01 Air pressure test for entire boiler

01 Air pressure test for entire boiler

01 Air pressure test for entire boiler Dominant Table 4.6.1

04 Installation of fired equipments and pipes for boiler

01 Installation of oil tank and auxiliaries

01 Installation of oil tank and auxiliaries

01 Installation of oil tank Dominant Table 4.7.1

02 Installation of oil tank auxiliaries Table 4.7.2

02 Installation of oil supply equipments and pipes

01 Installation of oil supply equipments

Project number Acceptance organization

Number of quality
Unit Subsection Subitem Inspection Project Name Property Construction Supervision Design Manufacturing Development
acceptance table
project project project lot organization organization organization organization organiztion

04 02 01 Inspection and lineation of oil pump foundation; installation of iron gasket

01 Table 4.3.11
and stone bolt

02 Overhaul of screw oil pump Table 4.7.4

03 Installation of screw oil pump Table 4.7.5

04 By-part trial operation of screw soil pump Dominant Table 4.7.11

05 Overhaul of plunger type fuel pump Table 4.7.6

06 Installation of plunger type fuel pump Table 4.7.7

07 By-part trial operation of plunger type fuel pump Dominant Table 4.7.11

08 Overhaul of centrifugal oil pump Table 4.7.8

09 Installation of centrifugal pump Table 4.7.9

10 By-part trial operation of centrifugal pump Dominant Table 4.7.11

11 Installation of fuel oil heater and filter Table 4.7.10

12 Installation of fuel oil auxiliary device Table 4.7.13

02 Fuel oil pipe Dominant

01 Installation of fuel oil pipe Dominant Table 4.7.12

05 Installation of boiler auxiliary machinery 0

01 Installation of steel ball coal mill Dominant

01 Overhaul of steel ball coal mill

01 Inspection of main bearing Table 4.8.1

02 Inspection of gearwheel Table 4.8.2

02 Installation of steel ball coal mill Dominant

01 Inspection lineation of foundation; installation of iron gasket stone bolt Table 4.3.11

02 Installations of main bearing of steel ball coal mill Dominant Table 4.8.3

03 Installation of main body of steel ball coal mill Table 4.8.4

04 Installation of driving device for steel ball coal mill Table 4.8.5

05 Installation of oil system for steel ball coal mill Dominant Table 4.8.6

03 By-part trial operation of steel ball coal mill

01 By-part trial operation of steel ball coal mill Dominant Table 4.3.14

02 Installation of fan mill Dominant

Project number Project Name Property Acceptance organization Number of quality

acceptance table
Unit Subsection Subitem Inspection Construction Supervision Design Manufacturing Development
project project project lot organization organization organization organization organiztion

05 02 01 Installation of fan mill Dominant

01 Inspection lineation of foundation; installation of iron gasket stone bolt Table 4.3.11

02 Installation of main body of fan mill Table 4.8.13

03 Installation of oil system for fan mill Dominant Table 4.8.14

04 Installation of driving device for fan mill Table 4.8.15

02 By-part trial operation of fan mill Dominant

01 By-part trial operation of fan mill Dominant Table 4.3.14

03 Installation of MPS medium speed roller mill Dominant

01 Installation of MPS medium speed roller mill Dominant

01 Inspection lineation of foundation; installation of iron gasket stone bolt Table 4.3.11

02 Installation of main body of MPS medium speed roller mill Dominant Table 4.8.16

03 Installation of driving device for MPS medium speed roller mill Table 4.8.17

04 Installation of oil system for MPS medium speed roller mill Dominant Table 4.8.18

02 By-part trial operation of MPS medium speed roller mill Dominant

01 By-part trial operation of MPS medium speed roller mill Dominant Table 4.3.14

04 Installation of Type E medium speed roller mill

01 Installation of Type E medium speed roller mill Dominant

01 Inspection lineation of foundation; installation of iron gasket stone bolt Table 4.3.11

02 Installation of main body of Type E medium speed coal mill Dominant Table 4.8.19

03 Installation of oil system for Type E medium speed roller mill Dominant Table 4.8.18

04 Installation of driving device for Type E medium speed roller mill Table 4.8.20

02 By-part trial operation of Type E medium speed roller mill Dominant

01 By-part trial operation of Type E medium speed roller mill Dominant Table 4.3.14

05 Installation of RP bowl type mill Dominant

01 Installation of RP bowl type mill Dominant

01 Inspection lineation of foundation; installation of iron gasket stone bolt Table 4.3.11

02 Installation of main body of RP bowl type mill Dominant Table 4.8.21

03 Installation of oil system for RP bowl type mill Dominant Table 4.8.18

Project number Acceptance organization

Number of quality
Unit Subsection Subitem Inspection Project Name Property Construction Supervision Design Manufacturing Development
acceptance table
project project project lot organization organization organization organization organiztion

05 05 01 04 Installation of driving device for RP bowl type mill Table 4.8.22

02 By-part trial operation of RP bowl type mill

01 By-part trial operation of RP bowl type mill Dominant Table 4.3.14

06 Installation of blower

01 Installation of blower Dominant

01 Inspection lineation of foundation; installation of iron gasket stone bolt Table 4.3.11

Table 4.8.23
02 Installation of blower Dominant
Table 4.8.24

03 Installation blower motor Table 4.8.25

04 Installation of oil system for blower Dominant Table 4.8.26

02 By-part trial operation of blower Dominant

01 Segmental trial operation of blower Dominant Table 4.3.14

07 Installation of draught fan

01 Installation of draught fan Dominant

01 Inspection lineation of foundation; installation of iron gasket stone bolt Table 4.3.11

Table 4.8.23
02 Installation of draught fan Dominant
Table 4.8.24

03 Installation of draught fan motor Table 4.8.25

04 Installation of oil system for draught fan Dominant Table 4.8.26

02 By-part trial operation of draught fan Dominant

01 By-part trial operation of draught fan Dominant Table 4.3.14

08 Installation of primary air fan Dominant

01 Installation of primary air fan

Lineation for foundation inspection and installation of iron gasket and stone
01 Table 4.3.11

Table 4.8.23
02 Installation of primary air fan Dominant
Table 4.8.24

03 Installation of primary air fan motor Table 4.8.25

02 By-part trial operation of primary air fan Dominant

01 By-part trial operation of primary air fan Dominant Table 4.3.14

09 Installation of seal fan

01 Installation of seal fan

Project number Acceptance organization

Number of quality
Unit Subsection Subitem Inspection Project Name Property Construction Supervision Design Manufacturing Development
acceptance table
project project project lot organization organization organization organization organiztion

05 09 01 Lineation for foundation inspection and installation of iron gasket and stone
01 Table 4.3.11

Table 4.8.23
02 Installation of seal fan
Table 4.8.24

02 By-part trial operation of seal fan

01 By-part trial operation of seal fan Dominant Table 4.3.14

10 Installation of highpressure liquefied air blower Dominant

01 Installation of highpressure liquefied air blower

Lineation for foundation inspection and installation of iron gasket and stone
01 Table 4.3.11

02 Installation of highpressure liquefied air blower Table 4.8.27

02 By-part trial operation of highpressure liquefied air blower

01 By-part trial operation of highpressure liquefied air blower Dominant Table 4.3.14

11 Installation of other blowers

01 Installation of other blowers

Table 4.8.23
01 Installation of plasma blower
Table 4.8.24

Table 4.8.23
02 Installation of flame-check cooling fan
Table 4.8.24

Table 4.8.23
03 Installation of pulverized coal exhauster
Table 4.8.24

02 Trial operation of blower

01 Trial operation of blower Table 4.3.14

12 Installation of pulverizer coal feeder

01 Installation of impeller feeder

01 Installation of impeller feeder Table 4.8.28

02 By-part trial operation of impeller feeder

01 By-part trial operation of impeller feeder Dominant Table 4.3.14

13 Installation of pulverized coal screw conveyer

01 Installation of pulverized coal screw conveyer

01 Installation of pulverized coal screw conveyer Table 4.8.29

02 By-part trial operation of pulverized coal screw conveyer

01 By-part trial operation of pulverized coal screw conveyer Dominant Table 4.3.14

14 Installation of scraper pulverized coal conveyer

Project number Acceptance organization

Number of quality
Unit Subsection Subitem Inspection Project Name Property Construction Supervision Design Manufacturing Development
acceptance table
project project project lot organization organization organization organization organiztion

05 14 01 Installation of scraper pulverized coal conveyer

Lineation for foundation inspection and installation of iron gasket and stone
01 Table 4.3.11

02 Installation of scraper pulverized coal conveyer Table 4.8.30

02 By-part trial operation of scraper pulverized coal conveyer

01 By-part trial operation of scraper pulverized coal conveyer Dominant Table 4.3.14

15 Installation of scraper coal feeder

01 Installation of scraper coal feeder

Lineation for foundation inspection and installation of iron gasket and stone
01 Table 4.3.14

02 Installation of scraper coal feeder Table 4.8.30

02 By-part trial operation of scraper coal feeder Dominant

01 By-part trial operation of scraper coal feeder Dominant Table 4.3.14

16 Installation of vibration coal feeder Table 4.3.11

01 Installation of vibration coal feeder

Lineation for foundation inspection and installation of iron gasket and stone
01 Table 4.3.11

02 Installation of vibration coal feeder Table 4.8.31

02 By-part trial operation of vibration coal feeder Dominant

01 By-part trial operation of vibration coal feeder Dominant Table 4.3.14

17 Installation of belt type coal feeder

01 Installation of belt type coal feeder

Lineation for foundation inspection and installation of iron gasket and stone
01 Table 4.3.11

02 Installation of belt type coal feeder Table 4.8.32

02 By-part trial operation of belt type coal feeder Dominant

01 By-part trial operation of belt type coal feeder Dominant Table 4.3.14

18 Installation of electronic weighing coal feeder

01 Installation of electronic weighing coal feeder

Lineation for foundation inspection and installation of iron gasket and stone
01 Table 4.3.11

02 Installation of electronic weighing coal feeder Table 4.8.32

02 By-part trial operation of electronic weighing coal feeder Dominant

Project number Acceptance organization

Number of quality
Unit Subsection Subitem Inspection Project Name Property Construction Supervision Design Manufacturing Development
acceptance table
project project project lot organization organization organization organization organiztion

05 18 02 01 By-part trial operation of electronic weighing coal feeder Dominant Table 4.3.14

19 Installation of air compressor

01 Installation of air compressor

01 Lineation for foundation and installation of iron gasket and stone bolt Table 4.3.11

02 Installation of air compressor Table 4.8.33

03 Installation of dryer Table 4.8.34

02 By-part trial operation of air compressor Dominant

01 Segmental trial operation of air compressor Dominant Table 4.3.14

20 Other auxiliary machinery

01 Installation of auxiliary pump for boiler body

01 Installation of plasma cooling water pump Table 4.8.35

02 Flushing water pump for air heater Table 4.8.35

03 Installation of drainage pump for air heater Table 4.8.36

04 Start-up drainage pump Table 4.8.36

05 Installation of forced circulating pump Dominant Table 4.8.37

06 Installation of start-up circulating pump Dominant Table 4.8.38

07 Installation of emergency feed pump Dominant Table 4.8.39

02 By-part trial operation of auxiliary pump for boiler body

01 Segmental trial operation of pump Dominant Table 4.8.40

03 Installation of deslagging machinery Table 4.3.14

01 Installation of submerged chain conveyer Dominant Table 4.8.41

02 Installation of slag crusher Table 4.8.42

03 Installation of slag conveyer Dominant Table 4.8.43

04 Installation of slag slurry pump Dominant Table 4.8.44

05 Installation of overflow water pump Table 4.8.45

06 Installation of flushing water pump Table 4.8.46

07 Installation of dredging machine Table 4.8.47

04 By-part trial operation of deslagging machinery Dominant

Project number Acceptance organization

Number of quality
Unit Subsection Subitem Inspection Project Name Property Construction Supervision Design Manufacturing Development
acceptance table
project project project lot organization organization organization organization organiztion

05 20 04 Table 4.3.14
01 By-part trial operation of deslagging machinery
Table 4.8.40

05 Installation of ash removal machinery

01 Installation of gasification fan Table 4.8.48

02 Installation of ash removal compressor Table 4.8.33

03 Installation of double-shaft mixer Dominant Table 4.8.49

04 Installation of feeder Table 4.8.31

05 Dry ash bulk loader Table 4.8.29

06 Thickener Dominant Table 4.8.50

07 Centrifugal mortar pump Dominant Table 4.8.51

08 Plunger mortar pump Table 4.8.52

09 Water segregating mortar pump Dominant Table 4.8.53

10 High pressure mortar scavenging pump Table 4.8.54

11 Oil isolation mud pump Table 4.8.55

12 Installation of belt for ash removal pipe Dominant Table 4.8.56

13 Installation of Root's blower Table 4.8.57

06 By-part trial operation of ash removal machinery Dominant

Table 4.3.14
01 By-part trial operation of ash removal machinery Dominant
Table 4.8.40

21 Installation of lift system in boiler house Dominant

01 Installation of electric block

1 Inspection and installation of electric block Table 4.8.58

2 Load test of electric block Dominant Table 4.8.59

02 Installation of hoisting equipment

01 Installation of tracks Table 4.8.60

02 Assembly and installation of loading bridge Table 4.8.61

03 Overhaul installation of transmission gear Table 4.8.62

04 Empty and static load test of crane Dominant Table 4.8.63

05 Dynamic load test of crane Dominant Table 4.8.64

06 Electrified trial operation of crane Dominant Table 4.8.65

Project number Project Name Property Acceptance organization Number of quality

acceptance table
Unit Subsection Subitem Inspection Construction Supervision Design Manufacturing Development
project project project lot organization organization organization organization organiztion

05 21 03 Installation of overhead traveling crane

Table 4.8.60
01 Inspection and installation of overhead traveling crane Table 4.8.61
Table 4.8.62

Table 4.8.63
02 Load test of overhead traveling crane Dominant
Table 4.8.64

06 Installation of coal handling equipment

01 Installation of disk coal allocating machine

01 Installation of disk coal allocating machine

01 Installation of disk coal allocating machine Table 4.9.1

02 By-part trial operation of disk coal allocating machine Dominant Table 4.3.14

02 Installation of vibrating coal screen

01 Installation of vibrating coal screen

Lineation for foundation inspection and installation of iron gasket and stone
01 Table 4.3.11

02 Installation of vibrating coal screen Table 4.9.2

03 By-part trial operation of vibrating coal screen Dominant Table 4.3.14

03 Installation of probabilistic coal screen

01 Installation of probabilistic coal screen

01 Installation of probabilistic coal screen Table 4.9.3

02 By-part trial operation of probabilistic coal screen Dominant Table 4.3.14

04 Installation of hammering coal crusher and reactive coal crusher

01 Installation of hammering coal crusher and reactive coal crusher

Lineation for foundation inspection and installation of iron gasket and stone
01 Table 4.3.11

02 Installation of hammering coal crusher and reactive coal crusher Table 4.9.4

03 By-part trial operation of hammering coal crusher and reactive coal crusher Dominant Table 4.3.14

05 Installation of ring type coal crusher

01 Installation of ring type coal crusher

Lineation for foundation inspection and installation of iron gasket and stone
01 Table 4.3.11

02 Installation of ring type coal crusher Table 4.9.5

03 By-part trial operation of ring type coal crusher Dominant Table 4.3.14

Project number Project Name Property Acceptance organization Number of quality

acceptance table
Unit Subsection Subitem Inspection Construction Supervision Design Manufacturing Development
project project project lot organization organization organization organization organiztion

06 06 Installation of bridge type screw coal unloader

01 Installation of bridge type screw coal unloader

01 Installation of bridge type screw coal unloader Table 4.9.6

02 By-part trial operation of bridge type screw coal unloader Dominant Table 4.3.14

07 Installation of rotary car dumper Dominant

01 Installation of rotary car dumper Dominant

Lineation for foundation inspection and installation of iron gasket and stone
01 Table 4.3.11

02 Installation of rotor for rotary car dumper Dominant Table 4.9.7

03 Installation of car puller platform Table 4.9.8

Installation of heavy and light vehicle shunting machine for rotary car
04 Table 4.9.9

05 Installation of wheel gripper for rotary car dumper Table 4.9.10

06 Installation of dust cleaning apparatus for rotary car dumper Table 4.9.11

07 By-part trial operation of rotary car dumper Dominant Table 4.3.14

08 Installation of bucket wheel stacker reclaimer Dominant

01 Installation of bucket wheel stacker reclaimer Dominant

01 Inspection of equipments for bucket wheel stacker reclaimer Table 4.9.12

02 Assembly of metal frame for bucket wheel stacker reclaimer Dominant Table 4.9.13

03 Installation of bucket wheel stacker reclaimer Dominant Table 4.9.14

04 By-part trial operation of bucket wheel stacker reclaimer Dominant Table 4.9.20

09 Installation of dynamic electronic rail balance

01 Installation of dynamic electronic rail balance

Lineation for foundation inspection and installation of iron gasket and stone
01 Table 4.3.11

02 Installation of dynamic electronic rail balance Table 4.9.15

03 By-part trial operation of dynamic electronic rail balance Dominant Table 4.3.14

10 Installation of belt coal conveyer Dominant

01 Installation of belt coal conveyer Dominant

01 Installation of belt coal conveyer Dominant Table 4.9.16

02 By-part trial operation of belt coal conveyer

Project number Acceptance organization

Number of quality
Unit Subsection Subitem Inspection Project Name Property Construction Supervision Design Manufacturing Development
acceptance table
project project project lot organization organization organization organization organiztion

06 10 02 01 By-part trial operation of belt coal conveyer Dominant Table 4.3.14

11 Installation of magnetic separator

01 Installation of magnetic separator

01 Installation of disc type magnetic separator Table 4.9.17

02 Installation of belt magnetic separator Table 4.9.18

03 By-part trial operation of disc type magnetic separator Dominant Table 4.3.14

04 By-part trial operation of belt magnetic separator Dominant Table 4.3.14

12 Installation of sampling device

01 Installation of sampling device

01 Installation of sampling device Table 4.9.19

02 By-part trial operation of sampling device Dominant Table 4.3.14

13 Installation of electronic belt weigher

01 Installation of electronic belt weigher

01 Installation of electronic belt weigher Table 4.9.24

02 By-part trial operation of electronic belt weigher

01 By-part trial operation of electronic belt weigher Dominant Table 4.3.14

14 Installation of chain code calibrating apparatus

01 Installation of chain code calibrating apparatus

01 Installation of chain code calibrating apparatus Table 4.9.25

02 By-part trial operation of chain code calibrating apparatus Dominant Table 4.3.14

15 Installation of equipments in coal water treatment house

01 Installation of belt press filter

01 Installation of belt press filter Table 4.9.21

02 By-part trial operation of belt press filter Dominant Table 4.3.14

02 Installation of dosing device

01 Installation of dosing device Table 4.9.22

02 By-part trial operation of dosing device Dominant Table 4.3.14

03 Installation of mud scraper

Project number Acceptance organization

Number of quality
Unit Subsection Subitem Inspection Project Name Property Construction Supervision Design Manufacturing Development
acceptance table
project project project lot organization organization organization organization organiztion

06 15 03 01 Installation of mud scraper Table 4.9.23

02 Segmental trial operation of mud scraper Dominant Table 4.3.14

04 Installation of pump

Table 4.8.44, Table

01 Installation of pump

02 By-part trial operation of pump Dominant Table 4.3.14

16 01 Installation of electric block for coal conveying system

01 Inspection and installation of electric block Table 4.4.58

02 Load test of electric block Dominant Table 4.4.59

02 Installation of crane in coal conveying system

01 Installation of crane in coal conveying system Table 4.8.60~62

02 Load test of crane in coal conveying system Dominant Table 4.8.63~64

07 Installation of desulfurization equipment

01 Installation of gas system

01 Installation of booster fan

Lineation for foundation inspection and installation of iron gasket and

01 Table 4.3.11
stone bolt

Table 4.8.23
02 Installation of booster fan
Table 4.8.24

03 Installation of draught fan motor Dominant Table 4.8.25

04 Installation of oil system for booster fan Dominant Table 4.8.26

05 By-part trial operation of booster fan Dominant Table 4.3.14

02 Installation of centrifugal blower

Lineation for foundation inspection and installation of iron gasket and

01 Table 4.3.11
stone bolt

Table 4.8.23
02 Installation of cooling fan
Table 4.8.24

Table 4.8.23
03 Installation of air cleaning fan
Table 4.8.24

Table 4.8.23
04 Installation of seal fan
Table 4.8.24

Table 4.8.23
05 Installation of low-leak fan
Table 4.8.24

Table 4.8.23
06 Installation of damper seal fan
Table 4.8.24

07 Segmental trial operation of fan Dominant Table 4.3.14

Project number Acceptance organization

Number of quality
Unit Subsection Subitem Inspection Project Name Property Construction Supervision Design Manufacturing Development
acceptance table
project project project lot organization organization organization organization organiztion

07 01 03 Installation of GGH gas reheater Dominant

01 Inspection and lineation of support steel frame for GGH gas reheater Table 4.4.21

02 Installation of stator for GGH gas reheater Table 4.4.28

03 Installation of bearing for GGH gas reheater Dominant Table 4.4.23

04 Installation of rotor for GGH gas reheater Dominant Table 4.4.29

05 Installation of driving device for GGH gas reheater Table 4.4.26

06 Installation of sealing for GGH gas reheater Dominant Table 4.4.30

07 Installation of oil system equipment Table 4.4.31

08 Installation of auxiliary facilities for air duct and slag blower Table 4.4.27

Dominant Table 4.4.32

09 By-part trial operation of GGH gas reheater Table 4.4.33
Table 4.4.34

04 Installation of flue

01 Aggregate installation of uncleaned flue Table 4.4.89

02 Aggregate installation of clean flue Table 4.4.89

03 Installation of flue operating devices Table 4.4.90

04 Installation of flue supporter and hanger Table 4.4.94

Table 4.4.13
05 Inspection and installation of platform and ladder equipment
Table 4.4.14

06 Air pressure test Dominant Table 4.6.1

02 Installation of sulfurous gas absorption system

01 Installation of absorption tower

Lineation for foundation inspection and installation of iron gasket and stone Dominant Table 4.3.11

02 Installation absorption tower drum Dominant Table 4.10.2

03 Installation absorption tower auxiliaries Table 4.10.3

04 Installation of sprinkler pipe Table 4.10.4

05 Installation of demister and wash water pipe Table 4.10.5

Table 4.4.13
06 Inspection and installation of platform and ladder equipment
Table 4.4.14

07 Water filling test Dominant Table 4.10.8

02 Installation of oxidation fan

Project number Acceptance organization

Number of quality
Unit Subsection Subitem Inspection Project Name Property Construction Supervision Design Manufacturing Development
acceptance table
project project project lot organization organization organization organization organiztion

07 02 02 Lineation for foundation inspection and installation of iron gasket and

01 Table 4.3.11
stone bolt

Table 4.8.23
02 Installation of oxidation fan
Table 4.8.24

03 Installation of oxidation fan motor Table 4.8.25

04 By-part trial operation of oxidation fan Dominant Table 4.3.14

03 Installation of slurry circulating pump

Lineation for foundation inspection and installation of iron gasket and

01 Table 4.3.11
stone bolt

02 Installation of slurry circulating pump Table 4.8.51

03 By-part trial operation of slurry circulating pump Dominant Table 4.8.40

04 Installation of slurry stirrer

DL/T 5210.6-2009: Table

01 Installation of slurry stirrer

DL/T 5210.6-2009: Table

02 Trial operation of slurry stirrer Dominant

05 Installation of gypsum discharge pump

01 Installation of gypsum discharge pump Table 4.8.51

02 Trial operation of gypsum discharge pump Dominant Table 4.8.40

06 Installation of absorption system pipes

DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table

01 Installation of oxygenized air pipe

DL/T 5210.6-2009: Table

02 Installation of rubber lined pipe

DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table

03 Preparation and installation of supporter and hanger

DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table

04 Water pressure test of pipes Dominant

03 Installation of limestone pulverizing system

01 Installation of ball mill Dominant

Lineation for foundation inspection and installation of iron gasket and

01 Table 4.3.11
stone bolt

Table 4.8.1
02 Overhaul of ball mill
Table 4.8.2

Table 4.8.3
Table 4.8.4
03 Installation of ball mill Dominant
Table 4.8.5
Table 4.8.6

04 Trial operation of ball mill Dominant Table 4.3.14

02 Installation of pulverizing auxiliary device

Project number Acceptance organization

Number of quality
Unit Subsection Subitem Inspection Project Name Property Construction Supervision Design Manufacturing Development
acceptance table
project project project lot organization organization organization organization organiztion

07 03 02 Lineation for foundation inspection and installation of iron gasket and

01 Table 4.3.11
stone bolt

Table 4.9.17
02 Installation of disc and draper type iron separator
Table 4.9.18

03 Installation of hammer and impact crusher Table 4.9.4

04 Installation of vibration feeder Table 4.8.31

05 Installation of electronic weighing feeder Table 4.8.32

06 By-part trial operation Dominant Table 4.3.14

03 Installation of conveyor equipment

Lineation for foundation inspection and installation of iron gasket and
01 Table 4.3.11
stone bolt

02 Installation of scraper conveyer Table 4.8.30

Table 4.8.60
03 Installation of column cantilever crane Table 4.8.61
Table 4.8.62

Table 4.8.60
04 Inspection and installation of overhead traveling crane Table 4.8.61
Table 4.8.62

05 Installation of bucket elevator Table 4.15.24

06 By-part trial operation of bucket elevator Dominant Table 4.3.14

07 Installation of belt in limestone stacking house Table 4.9.16

08 Installation of corrugated and sidewall belt conveyer Table 4.9.16

09 By-part trial operation Dominant Table 4.3.14

Table 4.8.63
10 Load test of crane Dominant
Table 4.8.64

04 Slurry preparation system

01 Installation of limestone storage facility

Lineation for foundation inspection and installation of iron gasket and

01 Table 4.3.11
stone bolt

Table 4.10.2
02 Installation of limestone bin
Table 4.10.3

Table 4.10.2
03 Installation of limestone flour barn Dominant
Table 4.10.3

02 Installation of limestone slurry storage tank

Table 4.10.2
01 Installation of limestone slurry storage tank
Table 4.10.3

DL/T 5210.6-
02 Installation of limestone slurry storage tank
2009: Table 4.3.1

03 Water filling test of tank container Dominant Table 4.10.8

Project number Acceptance organization

Number of quality
Unit Subsection Subitem Inspection Project Name Property Construction Supervision Design Manufacturing Development
acceptance table
project project project lot organization organization organization organization organiztion

07 04 02 DL/T 5210.6-2009:
04 By-part trial operation of stirrer Dominant
Table 4.3.28

03 Installation of slurry preparation equipment

Lineation for foundation inspection and installation of iron gasket and

01 Table 4.3.11
stone bolt

02 Installation of limestone slurry pump Table 4.8.51

03 Installation of screw conveyer at powder barn outlet Table 4.8.29

04 Installation of liquefied air blower Table 4.8.27

Table 4.3.14
05 By-part trial operation Dominant
Table 4.8.40

04 Installation of rubber lined pipe

DL/T 5210.6-20
01 Installation of rubber lined pipe
09Table 4.3.13

DL/T 5210.5-20
02 Water pressure test of pipes Dominant
09Table 4.5.5

05 Slurry conveyor system

01 Installation of limestone slurry tank

Lineation for foundation inspection and installation of iron gasket and

01 Table 4.3.11
stone bolt

Table 4.10.2
02 Installation of limestone slurry tank
Table 4.10.3

DL/T 5210.6-2009: Table

03 Installation of limestone slurry tank stirrer

DL/T 5210.6-2009: Table

04 Trial operation of stirrer

02 Installation of limestone slurry relay box

Lineation for foundation inspection and installation of iron gasket and

01 Table 4.3.11
stone bolt

Table 4.10.2
02 Installation of limestone slurry relay box
Table 4.10.3

DL/T 5210.6-2009: Table

03 Installation of limestone slurry relay box stirrer

DL/T 5210.6-2009: Table

04 Trial operation of stirrer

03 Installation of limestone slurry transfer pump

Lineation for foundation inspection and installation of iron gasket and

01 Table 4.3.11
stone bolt

02 Installation of limestone slurry transfer pump Table 4.8.51

03 Trial operation of limestone slurry transfer pump Table 4.8.40

04 Installation of pit equipment

DL/T 5210.6-2009: Table

01 Installation of stirrer

Project number Acceptance organization

Number of quality
Unit Subsection Subitem Inspection Project Name Property Construction Supervision Design Manufacturing Development
acceptance table
project project project lot organization organization organization organization organiztion

07 05 04 02 Installation of dredge pump Table 4.8.51

DL/T 5210.6-2009: Table

03 Trial operation of stirrer

04 By-part trial operation of pump Table 4.8.40

06 01 Installation of desulfuration system hoisting equipment

Table 4.8.58, Table

01 Installation of desulfuration system hoisting equipment

Table 4.8.59, Table

02 Load test of desulfuration system hoisting equipment

07 Evacuation system

01 Installation of emergency slurry tank

Lineation for foundation inspection and installation of iron gasket and

01 Table 4.3.11
stone bolt

Table 4.10.2
02 Installation of emergency slurry tank
Table 4.10.3

Table 4.4.13
03 Inspection and installation of platform and ladder
Table 4.4.14

DL/T 5210.6-2009: Table

04 Installation of stirrer

DL/T 5210.6-
05 Trial operation of stirrer
2009: Table 4.3.28

02 Installation of emergency slurry pump

Lineation for foundation inspection and installation of iron gasket and

01 Table 4.3.11
stone bolt

02 Installation of emergency slurry pump Table 4.8.51

03 Trial operation of emergency slurry pump Dominant Table 4.8.40

03 Installation of pit pump

01 Installation of draining pump Table 4.8.51

02 Trial operation of draining pump Table 4.8.40

04 Installation of slurry recycle pipe

DL/T 5210.6-009Table
01 Installation of rubber lined pipe

DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table

02 Water pressure test of pipes Dominant

08 Unwatering system

01 Installation of dehydration and conveyor equipments

Lineation for foundation inspection and installation of iron gasket and

01 Table 4.3.11
stone bolt

02 Installation of vacuum belt water extracter Dominant Table 4.10.11

Project number Acceptance organization

Number of quality
Unit Subsection Subitem Inspection Project Name Property Construction Supervision Design Manufacturing Development
acceptance table
project project project lot organization organization organization organization organiztion

07 08 01 03 Installation of gypsum belt conveyer Dominant Table 4.9.16

04 By-part trial operation of belt conveyer Dominant Table 4.3.14

02 Installation of tank container

Lineation for foundation inspection and installation of iron gasket and

01 Table 4.3.11
stone bolt

Table 4.10.2
02 Installation of gypsum slurry tank
Table 4.10.3

Table 4.10.2
03 Installation of gypsum slurry overflow tank
Table 4.10.3

Table 4.10.2
04 Installation of wastewater tank
Table 4.10.3

Table 4.10.2
05 Installation of filtrate water tank
Table 4.10.3

DL/T 5210.6-2009: Table

06 Installation of stirrer

03 Installation of pumps

01 Installation of gypsum discharge pump Table 4.8.51

02 Installation of gypsum slurry pump Table 4.8.51

03 Installation of gypsum overflow pump Table 4.8.51

04 Installation draining pump in gypsum dehydration pit Table 4.8.51

DL/T 5210.3-2009: Table

05 Installation of vacuum pump

DL/T 5210.3-2009: Table

06 Installation of filtrate water pump

07 Installation of feed pump at rotational flow station Table 4.10.9

DL/T 5210.3-009Table
08 Installation of wastewater transfer pump

DL/T 5210.3-2009: Table

09 Installation of draining pit pump

10 By-part trial operation of pump Table 4.8.40

04 Installation of gypsum rotational flow station

01 Installation of gypsum rotational flow station Table 4.10.10

02 By-part trial operation Table 4.3.14

05 Installation of pipes

DL/T 5210.6-2009: Table

01 Installation limestone slurry rubber-lined pipe

DL/T 5210.6-2009: Table

02 Installation of slurry recovery system pipe

DL/T 5210.6-2009: Table

03 Installation of gypsum unwatering system pipe

Project number Acceptance organization

Number of quality
Unit Subsection Subitem Inspection Project Name Property Construction Supervision Design Manufacturing Development
acceptance table
project project project lot organization organization organization organization organiztion

07 08 05 DL/T 5210.6-2009: Table

04 Installation of limestone conveyer pipe

DL/T 5210.6-2009: Table

05 Installation of other rubber lined pipe

DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table

06 Water pressure test of pipes Dominant

09 Installation of process water system

01 Installation of process water tank

Lineation for foundation inspection and installation of iron gasket and
01 Table 4.3.11
stone bolt

Table 4.10.2
02 Installation of process water tank
Table 4.10.3

02 Installation of process water pump

Lineation for foundation inspection and installation of iron gasket and

01 Table 4.3.11
stone bolt

DL/T 5210.3-2009: Table

02 Installation of process water pump

03 By-part trial operation of process water pump Table 4.8.40

03 Installation of flushing water pump

Lineation for foundation inspection and installation of iron gasket and

01 Table 4.3.11
stone bolt

02 Installation of flushing water pump Table 4.8.46

03 By-part trial operation of flushing water pump Table 4.8.40

04 Installation of recycle water pump

Lineation for foundation inspection and installation of iron gasket and

01 Table 4.3.11
stone bolt

DL/T 5210.3-2009: Table

02 Installation of recycle water pump

03 By-part trial operation of recycle water pump Table 4.8.40

05 Installation of process water pipe

DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table
01 Installation of process water pipe
DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table

DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table

02 Water pressure test of pipes

10 Corrosion protection

01 Corrosion protection of absorption tower

DL/T 5210.6-2009: Table

01 Rubber lining of absorption tower drum Dominant

DL/T 5210.6-2009: Table

02 Rubber-lining of absorption tower pipe joint chair Dominant

Project number Acceptance organization

Number of quality
Unit Subsection Subitem Inspection Project Name Property Construction Supervision Design Manufacturing Development
acceptance table
project project project lot organization organization organization organization organiztion

01 DL/T 5210.6-2009: Table

03 Rubber-lining of internal bearing beam in absorption tower Dominant

02 Corrosion protection of gas system

DL/T 5210.6-2009: Table

01 Flue spray coating Dominant

DL/T 5210.6-2009: Table

02 GGH gas reheater spray coating Dominant

Corrosion Protection of tank container

DL/T 5210.6-2009: Table

01 Rubber-lining of emergency slurry tank 4.12.3, DL/T 5210.6-2009:
Table 4.12.4

DL/T 5210.6-2009: Table

02 Rubber-lining of gypsum overflow tank
DL/T 5210.6-2009: Table

DL/T 5210.6-2009:
Table 4.12.3,
03 Rubber-lining of gypsum slurry tank
DL/T 5210.6-2009: Table

DL/T 5210.6-2009:
Table 4.12.3,
04 Rubber-lining of limestone slurry tank
DL/T 5210.6-2009: Table

Table 4.2.1-1 (continued)
Project number acceptance organization

Unit Subsection Subitem Inspection

Number of quality
project project project lot Project name Property Construction Supervision Design Manufacturing Development
acceptance table
organization organization organization organization organization

07 10 03 DL/T 5210.6-2009: Table

4.12.3, DL/T
05 Rubber-lining of filtrate water tank
5210.6-2009: Table

DL/T 5210.6-2009: Table

4.12.3, DL/T
06 Rubber-lining of other small tanks
5210.6-2009: Table

11 Installation of sea water desulfurization equipment

01 Installation of booster fan

Lineation for foundation inspection and installation of iron

01 Table 4.3.11
gasket and stone bolt

Table 4.8.23
02 Installation of booster fan
Table 4.8.24

03 Installation of draught fan motor Dominant Table 4.8.25

04 Installation of oil system for booster fan Dominant Table 4.8.26

05 By-part trial operation of booster fan Dominant Table 4.3.14

02 Installation of GGH gas reheater

Inspection and lineation of support steel frame for GGH gas
01 Table 4.4.21

02 Installation of stator for GGH gas reheater Table 4.4.28

03 Installation of bearing for GGH gas reheater Dominant Table 4.4.23

04 Installation of rotor for GGH gas reheater Dominant Table 4.4.29

05 Installation of driving device for GGH gas reheater Dominant Table 4.4.26

06 Installation of sealing for GGH gas reheater Dominant Table 4.4.30

07 Installation of oil system equipment Table 4.4.31

08 Installation of auxiliary facilities for air duct and slag blower Table 4.4.27

Table 4.4.32~
09 By-part trial operation of GGH gas reheater Dominant
Table 4.4.34

03 Installation of flue

01 Assembly and installation of uncleaned flue Table 4.4.89

02 Assembly and installation of clean flue Table 4.4.89

03 Installation of flue operating devices Table 4.4.90

04 Installation of flue supporter and hanger Table 4.4.94

05 Inspection of platform, ladder and equipment Table 4.4.13

06 Installation of platform and ladder Table 4.4.14

07 Air pressure test Dominant Table 4.6.1

04 Installation of absorption tower

Lineation for foundation inspection and installation of iron

01 Table 4.3.11
gasket and stone bolt

02 Installation of absorption tower drum Dominant Table 4.10.2

03 Installation of absorption tower auxiliaries Table 4.10.3

04 Installation of sprinkler pipe Table 4.10.4

05 Installation of demister and wash water pipe Table 4.10.5

Table 4.4.13
06 Installation of platform and ladder
Table 4.4.14

07 Water filling test Dominant Table 4.10.8

05 Installation of booster water pump

Lineation for foundation inspection and installation of iron

01 Table 4.3.11
gasket and stone bolt

DL/T 5210.3-2009: Table

4.3.24 or DL/T
02 Inspection of booster water pump
5210.3-2009: Table

DL/T 5210.3-2009: Table

4.3.25 or DL/T
03 Installation of booster water pump
5210.3-2009: Table

04 By-part trial operation of booster water pump Dominant Table 4.8.40

06 Installation of aeration fan

Lineation for foundation inspection and installation of iron

01 Table 4.3.11
gasket and stone bolt

Table 4.8.23
02 Installation of aeration fan
Table 4.8.24

03 Installation of aeration fan motor Table 4.8.25

04 By-part trial operation of aeration fan Dominant Table 4.3.14

07 Installation of pipes

DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table

01 Installation of sea water supply and drain pipes 4.5.2, DL/T
5210.5-2009: Table 4.5.3

DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table

02 Installation of air distributing pipe for aeration basin 4.5.2, DL/T
5210.5-2009: Table 4.5.3

DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table

03 Installation of other pipes 4.5.2, DL/T
5210.5-2009: Table 4.5.3

DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table

04 Water pressure test of pipes Dominant

08 Corrosion Protection of equipment and tanks

DL/T 5210.6-2009: Table

4.12.3, DL/T
01 Rubber lining of absorption tower drum Dominant
5210.6-2009: Table

DL/T 5210.6-2009: Table

02 Flue spray coating Dominant

DL/T 5210.6-2009: Table

03 GGH gas reheater spray coating Dominant

DL/T 5210.6-2009: Table
04 Pipe rubber-lining

DL/T 5210.6-2009: Table

4.12.3, DL/T
05 Rubber-lining of other tanks
5210.6-2009: Table

08 Installation of flue gas denitration device

01 Installation of steel frame for denitration device

01 Base lineation of denitration device steel frame

01 Base lineation of denitration device steel frame Dominant Table 4.4.1

02 Installation of column baseplate (iron gasket)

01 Installation of column baseplate (iron gasket) Table 4.4.2

03 Assembly of steel frame for denitration device

01 Assembly of steel frame for denitration device Table 4.4.3

02 Connection of high-strength bolt Dominant Table 4.3.4

04 Installation of steel frame for denitration device

01 Inspection of post\beam\bracing Table 4.3.1\Table 4.3.2

02 Connection of high-strength bolt Dominant Table 4.3.4

03 Installation of post Dominant Table 4.4.4

04 Installation of transverse beam Dominant Table 4.4.5

05 Reinspection of entire steel frame Dominant

Table 4.4.4~
01 Reinspection of entire steel frame Dominant
Table 4.4.6

06 Secondary grouting of column base Dominant

01 Secondary grouting of column base Dominant Table 4.4.7

07 Assembly and installation of platform and ladder

01 Inspection of platform, ladder and equipment Table 4.4.13

02 Assembly and installation of platform and ladder Table 4.4.14

02 Gas fume system

01 Assembly and installation of flue Table 4.4.89

01 Assembly and installation of inlet flue fore part Table 4.4.89

02 Assembly and installation of inlet flue trailing part Table 4.4.89

03 Assembly and installation of outlet flue fore part Table 4.4.89

04 Assembly and installation of outlet flue trailing part Table 4.4.89

05 Assembly and installation of bypass flue Table 4.4.89

02 Assembly and installation of ash bucket

01 Assembly and installation of reactor ash bucket Table 4.4.42

03 Installation of flue operating devices

01 Installation of inlet flue operating devices Table 4.4.94

02 Installation of outlet flue operating devices Table 4.4.94

03 Installation of bypass flue operating devices Table 4.4.94

03 Installation of denitration reactor

01 Assembly and installation of reactor shell body

01 Assembly and installation of reactor shell body Table 4.4.37

02 Assembly and installation of reactor enclosure Table 4.4.39

01 Assembly and installation of reactor inlet hood Table 4.4.39

02 Assembly and installation of reactor outlet hood Table 4.4.39

03 Installation of catalyst lining truss

01 Installation of catalyst top truss in reactor Table 4.11.2

02 Installation of catalyst bottom truss in reactor Table 4.11.2

03 Installation of catalyst standby layer truss in reactor Table 4.11.2

04 Installation of slag blower equipment

01 Installation of slag blower equipment Table 4.4.82

Table 4.3.8
02 Installation of slag blower pipe Table 4.3.9
Table 4.4.80

Installation of catalyst overhaul lift system and load test Dominant

01 Installation of catalyst overhaul lift system Dominant Table 4.8.58

02 Load test of catalyst overhaul lift system Dominant Table 4.8.59

06 Installation of catalyst and sealing element Dominant

01 Installation of catalyst and sealing element Dominant Table 4.11.3

07 Installation of sampling pipe

DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table
01 Installation of sampling pipe
DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table

08 Installation of reactor sealing element

01 Installation of reactor sealing element Table 4.4.39

09 Installation of reactor access port

01 Installation of reactor access port Table 4.4.40

04 Reducer preparation and storage system

01 Installation and trial operation of reducer compressor

DL/T 5210.6-2009: Table

01 Installation and trial operation of reducer compressor

02 Installation of buffer tank

DL/T 5210.6-2009: Table

Installation of buffer tank

03 Base inspection and lineation of reducer hold-up vessel, and

installation of iron gasket and foundation bolt

Base inspection and lineation of reducer hold-up vessel, and

01 Table 4.3.11
installation of iron gasket and foundation bolt

04 Inspection and installation of reducer hold-up vessel Dominant

01 Inspection and installation of reducer hold-up vessel Dominant Table 4.11.6

05 Installation of internal devices for reducer hold-up vessel

01 Installation of internal devices for reducer hold-up vessel Table 4.11.7

06 Inspection and installation of reducer evaporator main body

01 Inspection and installation of reducer evaporator main body Table 4.11.8

04 07 Installation of circulating pump for reducer evaporator

01 Installation of circulating pump for reducer evaporator Table 4.8.38

02 Trial operation of circulating pump for reducer evaporator Table 4.8.40

08 Installation of sump pump

Lineation for foundation inspection of sump pump, and installation of

01 Table 4.3.11
iron gasket and stone bolt

02 Installation of sump pump Table 4.8.36

03 Trial operation of sump pump Dominant Table 4.8.40

09 Installation of air compressor

Base lineation of air compressor, and installation of iron gasket and

01 Table 4.3.11
foundation bolt

02 Installation of air compressor Table 4.8.33

03 By-part trial operation of air compressor Dominant Table 4.3.14

10 Installation of drying apparatus

01 Installation of drying apparatus Table 4.8.34

11 Installation of sprinkler pipe

DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table

01 Installation of reactor spray line
DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table

12 Installation of pipes in reducer preparation and storage system

DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table
01 Installation of compressed air pipe
DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table

DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table

02 Installation of reducer preparation and transmission pipeline Dominant
DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table

DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table

03 Installation of nitrogen pipes
DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table

DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table

04 Installation of domestic water pipe
DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table

05 Reducer conveyor system

01 Reducer conveyor system Dominant

DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table

01 Installation of reducer conveyer pipe Dominant
DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table

06 Dilution air system

01 Installation of dilution air pipe

DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table
01 Installation of dilution air pipe
DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table

02 Trial operation and installation of dilution air fan

DL/T 5210.6-2009: Table

01 Trial operation and installation of dilution air fan

03 Installation of static mixer (AIG) Dominant

01 Installation of reactor static mixer (AIG) Dominant Table 4.11.15

04 Installation of injection pipe

DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table

01 Installation of injection pipe Dominant
DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table

09 Boiler wall building

01 wall building of boiler body Dominant

01 Membrane wall boiler wall

Table 4.12.1-1
01 Membrane wall boiler wall Dominant
Table 4.12.1-2

02 Combustion chamber hopper wall

Table 4.12.1-1 Table

01 Combustion chamber hopper wall Dominant

03 Wall enclosure superheater boiler wall

Table 4.12.1-1, Table
01 Wall enclosure superheater boiler wall Dominant

04 Ceiling superheater boiler wall

01 Ceiling superheater boiler wall Dominant Table 4.12.2

05 Upper boiler wall

01 Upper boiler wall Dominant Table 4.12.3

06 Boiler wall of economizer

01 Boiler wall of economizer Table 4.12.4

07 Burner boiler wall

01 Burner boiler wall Dominant Table 4.12.5

08 Boiler wall of door opening

01 Boiler wall of door opening Table 4.12.6

09 Boiler wall of header tank

01 Boiler wall of header tank Dominant Table 4.12.7

10 Boiler wall of cinder room

01 Boiler wall of cinder room Table 4.12.8

11 Armored boiler wall

01 Armored boiler wall Dominant Table 4.12.9

02 Laying of cast stone plate on boiler ash channel

01 Laying of cast stone plate on boiler ash channel

01 Laying of cast stone plate on boiler ash channel Table 4.12.13

10 Thermal equipment and piping insulation in the whole plant

01 Boiler equipment and piping insulation

01 Thermal insulation for boiler room equipment

01 Thermal insulation for membrane wall boiler wall Table 4.13.1

02 Insulation for boiler wall of rear fume shaft superheater Table 4.13.1

Table 4.13.2
03 Thermal insulation for steam drum
Table 4.13.3

Table 4.13.2
04 Thermal insulation for steam-water separator
Table 4.13.3

05 Thermal insulation for burner Table 4.13.3

06 Thermal insulation for fine ash bucket Table 4.13.3

Table 4.13.2
07 Thermal insulation for boiler body header
Table 4.13.3

08 Thermal insulation for furnace top large hood Table 4.13.1

09 Thermal insulation for air preheater Table 4.13.1

Table 4.13.2
10 Thermal insulation of intermittent blowdown flash tank
Table 4.13.3

Table 4.13.2
11 Thermal insulation of continuous blowdown flash tank
Table 4.13.3

Table 4.13.2
12 Thermal insulation for atmosphere flash tank
Table 4.13.3

Table 4.13.2
13 Thermal insulation for powder separator
Table 4.13.3

Table 4.13.3
14 Thermal insulation for fan
Table 4.13.4

Table 4.13.3
15 Thermal insulation for primary air fan
Table 4.13.4

Table 4.13.3
16 Thermal insulation for draught fan
Table 4.13.4

17 Thermal insulation for mill fan Table 4.13.3

Table 4.13.3
18 Thermal insulation for flue
Table 4.13.4

Table 4.13.3
19 Thermal insulation for hot air duct
Table 4.13.4

Table 4.13.3
20 Thermal insulation for cool air duct
Table 4.13.4

21 Thermal insulation for electrical dust precipitator Table 4.13.3

02 Thermal insulation for boiler piping

01 Thermal insulation for downstream pipe Table 4.13.6

02 Thermal insulation for evaporating pipe Table 4.13.6

03 Thermal insulation for superheater connection pipe Dominant Table 4.13.6

04 Thermal insulation for reheater connection pipe Dominant Table 4.13.6

05 Thermal insulation for water supply pipeline Dominant Table 4.13.7

06 Thermal insulation for recirculating pipe Table 4.13.6

07 Thermal insulation for emergency dewatering conduit Table 4.13.6

Table 4.13.6
08 Thermal insulation for desuperheating water pipe
Table 4.13.12

Table 4.13.6
09 Thermal insulation for boiler dewatering conduit
Table 4.13.12

10 Thermal insulation for boiler blowdown pipe Table 4.13.6

Table 4.13.5
11 Thermal insulation for soot blowing pipe
Table 4.13.6

Table 4.13.6
12 Thermal insulation for sampling pipe Table 4.13.12
Table 4.13.13

13 Thermal insulation for ash removal pipe Table 4.13.6

14 Thermal insulation for milling pipe Table 4.13.6

15 Thermal insulation for powder feed pipe Table 4.13.6

16 Thermal insulation of oil supply and return pipe in the boiler room Table 4.13.6

17 Thermal insulation of equipment and pipe in the oil pump room Table 4.13.6

Table 4.13.6
18 Thermal insulation for boiler thermal instrumentation pipe
Table 4.13.12

Table 4.13.13
19 Thermal insulation for boiler valve and flange
Table 4.13.14

02 Thermal insulation for steam turbine equipment and pipe Dominant

01 Thermal insulation for equipments at steam turbine house

Table 4.13.8~
01 Thermal insulation for steam turbine main body Dominant
Table 4.13.11

Table 4.13.2
02 Thermal insulation for high pressure heater
Table 4.13.3

Table 4.13.2
03 Thermal insulation for low pressure heater
Table 4.13.3

Table 4.13.2
04 Thermal insulation of deaerator and deaerator water tank
Table 4.13.3

02 Thermal insulation forturbine house pipe

01 Thermal insulation for main steam pipeline Dominant Table 4.13.7

02 Thermal insulation for reheated steam pipe Dominant Table 4.13.7

03 Thermal insulation for all-level steam extraction pipe Table 4.13.6

04 Thermal insulation for auxiliary steam pile line Table 4.13.6

Thermal insulation of heating steam, gland sealing steam and valve

05 Table 4.13.6
stem steam leakage pipe

06 Thermal insulation for water supply pipeline Dominant Table 4.13.7

07 Thermal insulation for condensate pipe Table 4.13.6

Table 4.13.6
08 Thermal insulation for high pressure heater drainage duct
Table 4.13.12

Table 4.13.5
09 Thermal insulation for drain and blowdown pipe at turbine house
Table 4.13.6

Table 4.13.5
10 Thermal insulation of main throttle valve and steam lead pipe Dominant
Table 4.13.6

Table 4.13.13
11 Thermal insulation for steam turbine valve and flange
Table 4.13.14

03 Thermal insulation for chemical water equipment and pipe

01 Thermal insulation for chemical water equipment

01 Thermal insulation for chemical water equipment Table 4.13.3

02 Thermal insulation for chemical water pipe

Table 4.13.6
01 Thermal insulation for chemical water pipe
Table 4.13.12

04 Thermal insulation of equipments and pipes in the denitration area

01 Thermal insulation of equipments in the denitration area

01 Thermal insulation for fume exchanger Table 4.13.3

02 Thermal insulation for flue Table 4.13.3

03 Thermal insulation for air lancing fan Table 4.13.3

04 Thermal insulation for air cleaning fan Table 4.13.3

02 Thermal insulation of pipes in the denitration area

01 Thermal insulation for auxiliary steam pile line Table 4.13.6

05 Thermal insulation of equipments and pipes in the denitration area

01 Thermal insulation of equipments in the denitration area

01 Thermal insulation of equipments in the denitration area Table 4.13.3

02 Thermal insulation of flues in the denitration area Table 4.13.3

02 Thermal insulation of pipes in the denitration area

01 Thermal insulation of pipes in the denitration area Table 4.13.6

11 Painting of equipment and pipe in the whole plant

01 Painting of equipment and pipe in the boiler room

01 Painting of equipment in the boiler room

01 Painting of equipment metal surface in the boiler room Table 4.14.2

02 Painting of boiler body and tail steel frame Table 4.14.2

03 Painting of cool air duct metal surface Table 4.14.2

02 Painting of boiler room pipe

Table 4.14.2
01 Painting of boiler room pipe Table 4.14.4~
Table 4.14.6

02 Painting of boiler room supporter and hanger Table 4.14.2

02 Painting of equipment and pipe in the turbine hall

01 Painting of equipment in the turbine hall

01 Painting of equipment metal surface in the turbine hall Table 4.14.2

Painting of equipment thermal insulation rendering coat in the turbine

02 Table 4.14.1

Sticking glass fiber cloth for equipment thermal insulation rendering

03 Table 4.14.3
coat in the turbine hall

Painting of equipment thermal insulation rendering coat glass fiber

04 Table 4.14.6
cloth layer in the turbine hall

02 Painting of pipe in the turbine hall

Table 4.14.2
01 Painting of pipe in the turbine hall Table 4.14.4~
Table 4.14.6

02 Painting of supporter and hanger in the turbine hall Table 4.14.2

Table 4.14.2
03 Painting of service water pipe Table 4.14.4~
Table 4.14.6

03 Painting of chemical water equipment and pipe

01 Painting of chemical water equipment

01 Painting of chemical water equipment metal surface Table 4.14.2

02 Painting of chemical water pipe

Table 4.14.2
01 Painting of chemical water pipe Table 4.14.4~
Table 4.14.6

04 Painting of equipment pipes in the fuel pump room and ignition system

01 Painting of equipments in the fuel pump room

01 Painting of equipment metal surface in the fuel pump room Table 4.14.2

02 Painting of equipment pipes in the fuel pump room and ignition system

Table 4.14.2
01 Painting of fuel oil and ignition system pipe Table 4.14.4~
Table 4.14.6

05 Painting of dust remover equipment

01 Painting of dust remover equipment

01 Painting of dust remover steel structure Table 4.14.2

02 Painting of dust remover equipment Table 4.14.2

06 Painting of ash handling system equipment and pipe

01 Painting of ash handling system equipment

01 Painting of ash handling system equipment Table 4.14.2

02 Painting of ash handling system pipe

01 Painting of ash handling system pipe Table 4.14.2

07 Painting of equipment and pipe in the air compressor room

01 Painting of equipment and pipe in the air compressor room

01 Painting of equipment in the air compressor room Table 4.14.2

02 Painting of pipe in the air compressor room

Table 4.14.2
01 Painting of compressed air pipe Table 4.14.4~
Table 4.14.6

08 Painting of equipment and pipe at hydrogen generation station

01 Painting of equipments at hydrogen generation station

01 Painting of equipments at hydrogen generation station Table 4.14.2

02 Painting of pipe at hydrogen generation station

01 Painting of pipe at hydrogen generation station Table 4.14.2

09 Painting of electrical equipment frame and instrument pipe

01 Painting of electrical equipment frame

01 Painting of cable frame Table 4.14.2

02 Painting of electrical equipment Table 4.14.2

03 Painting of electrical hard busbar Table 4.14.2

04 Painting of electrical dial Dominant Table 4.14.2

02 Painting of electrical instrument pipe

01 Painting of instrument pipe and supporter and hanger Table 4.14.2

10 Painting of circulating water pipe

01 Painting of circulating water pipe Dominant

Table 4.14.2
01 Painting of circulating water pipe Dominant Table 4.14.4~
Table 4.14.6

11 Painting of equipment and pipe in desulfuration zone

01 Painting of equipment and pipe in desulfuration zone

01 Painting of emergency motar discharge tank Table 4.14.2

02 Painting of motar praperation tank Table 4.14.2

03 Painting of steel structure Table 4.14.2

02 Painting of equipment and pipe in desulfuration zone

Table 4.14.2
01 Painting of pipe in desulfuration zone Table 4.14.4~
Table 4.14.6

12 Painting of equipment and pipe in denitration zone

01 Painting of equipment in denitration zone

01 Painting of equipment in denitration zone Table 4.14.2

02 Painting of pipe in denitration zone

Table 4.14.2
01 Painting of pipe in denitration zone Table 4.14.4~
Table 4.14.6

(Seal) (Seal) (Seal)

Development Supervision Construction
organization organization organization
Date: Date: Date:

Table 4.2.1-2: installation quality acceptance range division table of circulating fluidized bed boiler
Project number acceptance organization

Number of quality
Unit Subsection Subitem Inspection Project name Property Supervision Design Manufacturing Development
construction acceptance table
project project project lot organization organization organization organiztion

01 Installation of boiler body

01 Installation of steel frame

01 Lineation of boiler foundation Dominant

01 Lineation of boiler foundation Dominant Table 4.4.1

02 Installation of column baseplate (iron gasket)

01 Installation of column baseplate (iron gasket) Table 4.4.2

03 Combination of boiler steel frame

01 Combination of boiler steel frame Table 4.4.3

02 Connection of high-strength bolt Dominant Table 4.3.4

04 Installation of steel frame

Table 4.3.1
01 Inspection of post\beam\bracing
Table 4.3.2

02 Connection of high-strength bolt Dominant Table 4.3.4

03 Installation of post Dominant Table 4.4.4

04 Installation of transverse beam Table 4.4.5

05 Installation of top plate beam Dominant

01 Inspection of plate beam Table 4.3.3

02 Installation of top plate beam Dominant Table 4.4.6

03 Connection of high-strength bolt Dominant Table 4.3.4

06 Reinspection of entire steel frame Dominant

Table 4.4.4~
01 Reinspection of entire steel frame Dominant
Table 4.4.6

07 Secondary grouting of column base


01 Secondary grouting of column base Dominant Table 4.4.7

02 Aggregate installation of platform and ladder

01 Aggregate installation of platform and ladder

01 Inspection of platform, ladder and equipment Table 4.4.13

02 Aggregate installation of platform and ladder Table 4.4.14

03 Installation of tube-box-type air preheater

01 Assembly of tube-box-type air preheater

01 Inspection of tube-box equipments for air preheater Table 4.4.15

02 Assembly of air preheater tube-box Table 4.4.16

02 Installation of tube-box-type air preheater

Inspection and lineation of support steel frame for air

01 Table 4.4.17

02 Installation of tube-box-type air preheater Dominant Table 4.4.18

03 Installation of preheater turning angle (connection box)

01 Inspection of preheater turning angle (connection box) Table 4.4.19

Installation of preheater turning angle (connection box)

02 Table 4.4.20
and expansion joint

04 Installation of rotary air preheater


01 Installation of rotary air preheater with air shield

Lineation Inspection of support steel frame for rotary air

01 Table 4.4.21
preheater with air shield

Installation of iron gasket for rotary air preheater with air

02 Table 4.4.22

Installation of bearing for rotary air preheater with air

03 Dominant Table 4.4.23

Installation of stator for rotary air preheater with air

04 Table 4.4.24

Installation of main body of rotary air preheater with air

05 Dominant Table 4.4.25

06 Installation of driving device for rotary air preheater with Dominant Table 4.4.26

air shield

Installation of rotary air duct with air shield and auxiliary

07 Table 4.4.27
facilities for slag blower

02 Installation of rotary heating surface air preheater Dominant

Lineation Inspection of support steel frame for rotary

01 Table 4.4.21
heating surface air preheater

Installation of stator for rotary heating surface air

02 Table 4.4.28

Installation of bearing for rotary heating surface air

03 Dominant Table 4.4.23

Installation of rotor for rotary heating surface air

04 preheater Dominant Table 4.4.29

Installation of driving device for rotary heating surface

05 Dominant Table 4.4.26
air preheater

Installation of sealing for rotary heating surface air

06 Dominant Table 4.4.30

07 Installation of slagging sytem equipments Table 4.4.31

Installation of rotary air duct with rotary heating surface

08 Table 4.4.27
and auxiliary facilities for slag blower

03 By-part trial operation of rotary air preheater Dominant

01 Trial operation of oil system Table 4.4.32

02 Trial operation of driving device Table 4.4.33

03 By-part trial operation of air preheater Dominant Table 4.4.34

05 Installation of boiler backplate, sealing member and door


01 Installation of backplate

01 Installation of backplate Table 4.4.37

02 Installation of water sealing\sand sealing devices

01 Installation of water sealing\sand sealing devices Table 4.15.2

03 Installation of boiler top sealing cover shell and partial

sealing member

Installation of boiler top sealing cover shell and partial

01 Dominant Table 4.4.39
sealing member

04 Installation of boiler door opening Dominant

Installation of boiler door opening

01 Dominant Table 4.4.40

05 Installation of furnace top sealing Dominant

01 Installation of furnace top sealing Dominant Table 4.4.39

06 Installation of inner guard board at flue gas entrance on

rear shaft upper part

Installation of inner guard board at flue gas entrance on

01 Table 4.15.4
rear shaft upper part

07 Sealing and installation on fire-toward surface of water

cooled wall

Sealing and installation on fire-toward surface of water

01 Dominant Table 4.15.5
cooled wall

08 Installation of boiler body sporadic sealing

01 Installation of boiler body sporadic sealing Table 4.4.39

06 Assembly and installation of metal parts

01 Installation of cyclone separator Dominant

01 Installation of cyclone separator Dominant Table 4.15.7

02 Installation of outlaid bed Dominant

01 Installation of outlaid bed Dominant Table 4.15.8

03 Installation of feed-back device

01 Installation of feed-back device Table 4.15.9

04 Installation of charging device

01 Installation of charging device Table 4.15.10

05 Installation of air-water combined slag cooler

01 Installation of air-water combined slag cooler Table 4.15.8

06 Installation of compensation devices Dominant

01 Installation of compensation devices Dominant Table 4.15.11

07 Installation of ballistic cap Dominant

01 Installation of ballistic cap Dominant Table 4.15.12

08 Installation of fixing devices for the heating surface of

outlaid bed

Installation of fixing devices for the heating surface of

01 Table 4.15.13
outlaid bed

09 Assembly of ash bucket

01 Assembly of ash bucket Table 4.4.42

10 Installation of ash bucket Dominant

01 Installation of ash bucket Dominant Table 4.4.42

07 Installation of combustion equipment

01 Installation of combustion equipment

01 Installation of combustion equipment Table 4.15.14

08 Installation of steam drum Dominant

01 Inspection and lineation of steam drum Dominant

01 Inspection and lineation of steam drum Dominant Table 4.4.51

02 Installation of steam drum Dominant

01 Installation of steam drum Dominant Table 4.15.15

03 Installation of drum internals Dominant

01 Inspection of drum internals Dominant Table 4.4.53

02 Installation of drum internals Dominant Table 4.4.54

09 Installation of water cooled wall Dominant

01 Combination of water cooled wall

01 Inspection of heating surface equipment Table 4.3.7

02 Installation of collecting box Dominant Table 4.3.10

Table 4.3.9
03 Combination of water cooled wall Dominant
Table 4.4.55

02 Installation of water cooled wall component and


01 Inspection of heating surface equipment Table 4.3.7

02 Installation of collecting box Dominant Table 4.3.10

Table 4.3.9
03 Installation of water cooled wall Dominant
Table 4.4.56

03 Assembly of spiral water cooled wall

01 Inspection of heating surface equipment Table 4.3.7

Table 4.3.9
02 Assembly of spiral water cooled wall Dominant
Table 4.4.57

04 Installation of spiral water cooled wall

01 Inspection of heating surface equipment Table 4.3.7

02 Installation of collecting box Dominant Table 4.3.10

Table 4.3.9
03 Installation of spiral water cooled wall Dominant
Table 4.4.58

05 Installation of air chamber water cooled wall Dominant

01 Inspection of heating surface equipment Table 4.3.7

02 Installation of air chamber water cooled wall Dominant Table 4.15.16

06 Installation of stiffening bar

01 Equipment inspection Table 4.3.2

02 Installation of stiffening bar Dominant Table 4.4.71

07 Installation of downstream tube

01 Equipment inspection Table 4.3.8

02 Installation of collecting box Dominant Table 4.3.10

Table 4.3.9
03 Installation of downstream tube Dominant
Table 4.4.59

08 Installation of evaporating pipe

01 Equipment inspection Table 4.3.8

Table 4.3.9
02 Installation of evaporating pipe
Table 4.4.59

09 Installation of hoisting devices

01 Equipment inspection Table 4.3.5

02 Installation of hoisting devices Dominant Table 4.3.6

10 Installation of superheater

01 Assembly and installation of high temperature


01 Inspection of heating surface equipment Table 4.3.7

Table 4.3.9
02 Assembly of high temperature superheater tube row Dominant
Table 4.4.60

02 Installation of high temperature superheater

01 Inspection of heating surface equipment Table 4.3.7

02 Installation of collecting box Dominant Table 4.3.10

Table 4.3.9
03 Installation of high temperature superheater Dominant
Table 4.4.61

03 Assembly of moderate temperature superheater tube row

01 Inspection of heating surface equipment Table 4.3.7

Table 4.3.9
02 Assembly of moderate temperature superheater tube row Dominant
Table 4.4.62

04 Installation of high temperature superheater

01 Inspection of heating surface equipment Table 4.3.7

02 Installation of collecting box Dominant Table 4.3.10

Table 4.3.9
03 Installation of moderate temperature superheater Dominant
Table 4.4.63

05 Assembly of low temperatute superheater tube row

01 Inspection of heating surface equipment Table 4.3.7

Table 4.3.9
02 Assembly of low temperatute superheater tube row Dominant
Table 4.4.62

06 Installation of low temperature superheater

01 Inspection of heating surface equipment Table 4.3.7

02 Installation of collecting box Dominant Table 4.3.10

Table 4.3.9
03 Installation of low temperature superheater Dominant
Table 4.4.63

07 Assembly of wall enclosure superheater

01 Inspection of heating surface equipment Dominant Table 4.3.7

02 Installation of collecting box Dominant Table 4.3.10

Table 43.9
03 Assembly of wall enclosure superheater Dominant
Table 4.4.55

08 Installation of component and single sheet for wall

enclosure superheater

01 Inspection of heating surface equipment Table 4.3.7

02 Installation of collecting box Dominant Table 4.3.10

Installation of component and single sheet for wall Table 4.3.9

03 Dominant
enclosure superheater Table 4.4.56

09 Installation of ceiling superheater

01 Inspection of heating surface equipment Table 4.3.7

02 Installation of collecting box Dominant Table 4.3.10

Table 4.3.9
03 Installation of ceiling superheater Dominant
Table 4.4.64

10 Installation of stiffening bar

01 Equipment inspection Table 4.3.2

02 Installation of stiffening bar Dominant Table 4.4.71

11 Installation of desuperheating device

01 Installation of desuperheating device Table 4.3.10

12 Installation of superheated steam connection pipe

01 Equipment inspection Table 4.3.8

Table 4.3.9
02 Installation of superheated steam connection pipe
Table 4.4.59

13 Installation of hoisting devices

01 Equipment inspection Table 4.3.5

02 Installation of hoisting devices Dominant Table 4.3.6

11 Installation of reheater Dominant

01 Assembly of high temperature reheater tube row

01 Inspection of heating surface equipment Table 4.3.7

Table 4.3.9
02 Assembly of high temperature reheater tube row Dominant
Table 4.4.60

02 Installation of high temperature reheater

01 Inspection of heating surface equipment Table 4.3.7

02 Installation of collecting box Dominant Table 4.3.10

Table 4.3.9
03 Installation of high temperature reheater Dominant
Table 4.4.61

03 Assembly of low temperature reheater tube row

01 Inspection of heating surface equipment Table 4.3.7

Table 4.3.9
02 Assembly of low temperature reheater tube row Dominant
Table 4.4.62

04 Installation of low temperature reheater

01 Inspection of heating surface equipment Table 4.3.7

02 Installation of collecting box Dominant Table 4.3.10

Table 4.3.9
03 Installation of low temperature reheater Dominant
Table 4.4.63

05 Installation of desuperheating device

01 Installation of desuperheating device Table 4.3.10

06 Installation of reheated steam connection pipe

01 Equipment inspection Table 4.3.8

Table 4.3.9
02 Installation of reheated steam connection pipe
Table 4.4.59

07 Installation of hoisting devices

01 Equipment inspection Table 4.3.5

02 Installation of hoisting devices Dominant Table 4.3.6

12 Installation of economizer

01 Assembly of economizer

01 Inspection of heating surface equipment Table 4.3.7

Table 4.3.9
02 Assembly of economizer Dominant
Table 4.4.67

02 Installation of economizer component and single sheet

01 Inspection of heating surface equipment Table 4.3.7

02 Installation of collecting box Dominant Table 4.3.10

Table 4.3.9
03 Installation of economizer component and single sheet Dominant
Table 4.4.68

03 Assembly of supporting tube

01 Inspection of heating surface equipment Table 4.3.7

Table 4.3.9
02 Assembly of supporting tube
Table 4.4.69

04 Installation of supporting tube component and single


01 Inspection of heating surface equipment Table 4.3.7

02 Installation of collecting box Dominant Table 4.3.10

Installation of supporting tube component and single Table 4.3.9
03 Dominant
tube Table 4.4.70

05 Installation of water supply connection pipe

01 Equipment inspection Table 4.3.8

02 Installation of water supply connection pipe Table 4.4.59

06 Installation of boiler recirculating pipe

Table 4.3.9
01 Installation of boiler recirculating pipe
Table 4.4.59

07 Installation of hoisting devices

01 Equipment inspection Table 4.3.5

02 Installation of hoisting devices Dominant Table 4.3.6

13 Hydrostatic test for entire boiler Dominant

01 Hydrostatic test for entire boiler Dominant

Integral water pressure test of boiler primary steam and

01 Dominant Table 4.4.72
water circuit

Integral water pressure test of boiler secondary steam and

02 Dominant Table 4.4.72
water circuit

14 Installation of emergency water feed pipe

01 Installation of emergency water feed pipe

Table 4.3.9
01 Installation of emergency water feed pipe
Table 4.4.59

02 Water pressure test of emergency water feed pipe Table 4.4.72

15 Installation of water supply pipe

01 Installation of water supply pipe

Table 4.3.9
01 Installation of water supply pipe
Table 4.4.59

02 Installation of desuperheating water pipe

Table 4.3.9
01 Installation of desuperheating water pipe
Table 4.4.59

16 Installation of blowdown pipes and equipments

01 Installation of intermittent blowdown pipe

Table 4.3.8
01 Installation of intermittent blowdown pipe Table 4.3.9
Table 4.4.80

02 Installation of continuous blowdown pipe

Table 4.3.8
01 Installation of continuous blowdown pipe Table 4.3.9
Table 4.4.80

03 Installation of intermittent blowdown flash tank

01 Installation of intermittent blowdown flash tank Table 4.4.81

04 Installation of continuous blowdown flash tank

01 Installation of continuous blowdown flash tank Table 4.4.81

05 Installation of drain flash tank

01 Installation of drain flash tank Table 4.4.81

06 Installation of blowdown heat exchanger

01 Installation of blowdown heat exchanger Table 4.4.81

17 Installation of water supply, drainage and air release


01 Installation of emergency drainage pipe

Table 4.3.8
Installation of emergency drainage pipe Table 4.3.9
Table 4.4.80

02 Installation of highpressure drainage duct

Table 4.3.8
01 Installation of highpressure drainage duct Table 4.3.9
Table 4.4.80

03 Installation of low-pressure drainage duct

Table 4.3.8
01 Installation of low-pressure drainage duct Table 4.3.9
Table 4.4.80

04 Installation of water feed pipe for cool boiler

01 Table 4.3.8
01 Installation of water feed pipe for cool boiler Table 4.3.9
Table 4.4.80

05 Installation of back flushing pipe

Table 4.3.8
01 Installation of back flushing pipe Table 4.3.9
Table 4.4.80

06 Installation of air release pipe

Table 4.3.8
01 Installation of air release pipe Table 4.3.9
Table 4.4.80

18 Installation of steam exhaust pipe

01 Installation of safety valve blow off pipe (including


Table 4.3.8
Installation of safety valve blow off pipe (including
01 Table 4.3.9
Table 4.4.80

02 Installation of ignition steam exhaust pipe (including


Table 4.3.8
Installation of ignition steam exhaust pipe (including
01 Table 4.3.9
Table 4.4.80

03 Installation of sootblowing steam exhaust pipe

Table 4.3.8
01 Installation of sootblowing steam exhaust pipe Table 4.3.9
Table 4.4.80

04 Installation of flash tank exhaust pipe

Table 4.3.8
01 Installation of flash tank steam exhaust pipe Table 4.3.9
Table 4.4.80

19 Installation of soot blower

01 Installation of soot blower

01 Installation of soot blower Table 4.4.82

02 Installation of sootblowing steam pipe

01 Table 4.3.8
Installation of sootblowing steam pipe Table 4.3.9
Table 4.4.80

20 Installation of sampling pipes and equipments

01 Installation of sampling pipe

DL/T 5210.5- 2009:

Table 4.5.2
01 01 Installation of sampling pipe
DL/T 5210.5- 2009:
Table 4.5.3

21 Installation of chemical feed pipe and equipment

01 Installation of chemical feed pipe

DL/T 5210.5- 2009:

Table 4.5.2 DL/T
01 Installation of chemical feed pipe
5210.5- 2009: Table

22 Installation of boiler miscellaneous pipes

01 Installation of steam and drainage duct for air heater

DL/T 5210.5- 2009:

Table 4.5.2 DL/T
01 Installation of steam and drainage duct for air heater
5210.5- 2009: Table

02 Furnace-near warm rising duct

DL/T 5210.5-2009:
Table 4.5.2
01 Furnace-near warm rising duct
DL/T 5210.5- 2009:
Table 4.5.3

03 Fuel oil steam pile

DL/T 5210.5- 2009:

Table 4.5.2 DL/T
01 Fuel oil steam pile
5210.5- 2009: Table

04 Installation of boiler service water pipe

DL/T 5210.5- 2009:

Table 4.5.2
01 Installation of boiler service water pipe
DL/T 5210.5- 2009:
Table 4.5.3

05 Installation of air preheater wash-water pipe

DL/T 5210.5- 2009:

Table 4.5.2
01 Installation of air preheater wash-water pipe
DL/T 5210.5- 2009:
Table 4.5.3

06 Furnace shutdown protection system pipe

DL/T 5210.5- 2009:

Table 4.5.2 DL/T
01 Furnace shutdown protection system pipe
5210.5- 2009: Table

01 22 07 Installation of flame-check cooling wind pipe

DL/T 5210.5- 2009: Table

01 Installation of flame-check cooling wind pipe 4.5.2 DL/T 5210.5- 2009:
Table 4.5.3

08 Installation of other system pipes

DL/T 5210.5- 2009: Table

01 Installation of other system pipes 4.5.2 DL/T 5210.5- 2009:
Table 4.5.3

23 Installation of pipe and equipment in slag and ash removal


01 Installation of slagging sytem equipments

01 Installation of slagging sytem equipments Table 4.4.99

02 Installation of boiler slag barn and auxiliary facilities

01 Installation of boiler slag barn and auxiliary facilities Table 4.4.100

03 Installation of air preheater flush tank

01 Installation of air preheater flush tank Table 4.4.81

04 Installation of ash removal pipe

DL/T 5210.5- 2009: Table

01 Installation of ash removal pipe 4.5.2 DL/T 5210.5- 2009:
Table 4.7.3

05 Installation of deslagging water conduit

DL/T 5210.5- 2009: Table
01 Installation of deslagging water conduit 4.5.2 DL/T 5210.5- 2009:
Table 4.5.3

06 Installation of gasification wind pipe

DL/T 5210.5- 2009: Table

01 Installation of gasification wind pipe 4.5.2 DL/T 5210.5- 2009:
Table 4.5.3

07 Installation of ash-convey compressed air pipe

DL/T 5210.5- 2009: Table

01 Installation of ash-convey compressed air pipe 4.5.2 DL/T 5210.5- 2009:
Table 4.5.3

08 Installation of ash removal wash-water pipe

01 DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table

01 Installation of ash removal wash-water pipe
DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table

24 Installation of compressed air pipe and equipment

01 Installation of air storage tank

01 Installation of air storage tank Table 4.4.81

02 Installation of instrument-service compressed air pipe

01 DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table

Installation of instrument-service compressed air pipe
DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table

03 Installation of station-service compressed air pipe

01 DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table

Installation of station-service compressed air pipe
DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table

25 Installation of boiler body auxiliaries

01 Installation of steam drum water gauge Dominant

01 Installation of steam drum water gauge Dominant Table 4.4.83

02 Installation of safety valve

01 Installation of piston and impulse type safety devices Dominant Table 4.4.84

02 Installation of spring type safety devices Dominant Table 4.4.85

03 Installation of pressure gauge

01 Installation of pressure gauge Table 4.4.86

04 Installation of expansion indicator Dominant

01 Installation of expansion indicator Dominant Table 4.4.87

26 Installation of fume, wind, coal and powder pipes

01 Installation of flue

01 Assembly of flue Table 4.4.89

02 Installation of flue Table 4.4.89

03 Installation of flue operating devices Table 4.4.90

04 Installation of flue supporter and hanger Table 4.4.94

02 Installation of hot air duct

01 Assembly of hot air duct Table 4.4.89

02 02 Installation of hot air duct Table 4.4.89

03 Installation of hot air duct operating devices Table 4.4.90

04 Installation of flue supporter and hanger Table 4.4.94

03 Installation of cold air duct

01 Assembly of cool air duct Table 4.4.89

02 Installation of cold air duct Table 4.4.89

03 Installation of cold air duct operating devices Table 4.4.90

04 Installation of cool air duct supporter and hanger Table 4.4.94

04 Installation of raw coal pipe

01 Installation of raw coal pipe Table 4.4.89

02 Installation of coal valve Table 4.4.91

05 Assembly and installation of gasification wind pipe

01 Assembly and installation of gasification wind pipe Table 4.4.89

02 Table 4.4.89
DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table
Installation of gasification wind pipe Dominant 4.5.2
DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table

03 Installation of gasification wind operating devices Table 4.4.90

04 Installation of gasification wind supporter and hanger Table 4.4.94

27 Installation of main body flow channel

Assembly and installation of cyclone separator inlet flue

01 Table 4.4.89
Assembly of cyclone separator inlet flue

02 Table 4.15.17
Installation of cyclone separator inlet flue

02 Assembly and installation of cyclone separator outlet flue

01 Assembly of cyclone separator outlet flue Table 4.4.89

02 Installation of cyclone separator outlet flue Table 4.15.17

03 Assembly and installation of ash channel from cyclone

separator to feed-back device

01 Assembly of ash channel from cyclone separator to Table 4.4.89

feed-back device

02 Installation of ash channel from cyclone separator to Table 4.15.17

feed-back device

04 Assembly and installation of feed-back instrument to

outlaid bed ash channel

01 Assembly and installation of feed-back instrument to

Table 4.4.89
outlaid bed ash channel

Assembly and installation of feed-back instrument to

02 Table 4.15.17
outlaid bed ash channel

05 Assembly and installation of feed-back instrument to hearth

box ash channel

01 Assembly of feed-back instrument to hearth box ash Table 4.4.89


02 Installation of feed-back instrument to hearth box ash Table 4.15.17


06 Boiler wall from outlaid bed to hearth box ash channel

01 Boiler wall from outlaid bed to hearth box ash channel Table 4.15.17

07 Installation of hearth box to slag-cooler ash channel

01 Installation of hearth box to slag-cooler ash channel Table 4.15.17

08 Installation of ignition air duct

01 Installation of ignition air duct Table 4.15.17

09 Installation of flexible expansion joint

01 Installation of flexible expansion joint Table 4.15.18

10 Installation of metal expansion joint

01 Installation of metal expansion joint Table 4.15.19

11 Installation of outlaid bed slag discharge pipe

01 Installation of outlaid bed slag discharge pipe DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table


DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table

12 Installation of slag discharge pipe for feed-back instrument

01 Installation of slag discharge pipe for feed-back instrument DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table

DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table

13 Installation of slag discharge pipe for slag cooler

01 Installation of slag discharge pipe for slag cooler DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table

DL/T 5210.5-2009: Table

28 Installation of limestone conveyer pipe

01 Installation of limestone conveyer pipe

01 Installation of limestone conveyer pipe Table 4.4.89

Table 4.4.90

Table 4.4.94

02 Installation of bin pump Table 4.15.23

03 Installation of flue operating devices Table 4.4.90

02 Installation of boiler dust removing device

01 Installation of electric dust collector

01 Lineation of electric dust collector base

01 Lineation of electric dust collector base Dominant Table 4.4.1

02 Installation of iron gasket for electric dust collector

01 Installation of iron gasket for electric dust collector Dominant Table 4.4.2

03 Assembly of electric dust collector structure

01 Assembly of electric dust collector structure Table 4.4.3

04 Installation of assembly parts and single post in electric

dust collector structure

01 Installation of assembly parts and single post in electric Table 4.4.4, Table 4.4.5

dust collector structure

05 Installation of base beam for electric dust collector

01 Installation of base beam for electric dust collector Table 4.4.6

06 Installation of column top support of electric dust collector Dominant

01 Installation of column top support of electric dust collector Dominant Table 4.5.1

07 Secondary grouting of base baseplate grouting for electric Dominant

dust collector

01 Secondary grouting of base baseplate grouting for electric Dominant Table 4.4.7

dust collector

08 Aggregate installation of electric dust collector enclosure

01 Aggregate installation of electric dust collector enclosure Table 4.4.37

09 Installation of top beam for electric dust collector Dominant

01 Installation of top beam for electric dust collector Dominant Table 4.4.6

10 Installation of tectal lamina for electric dust collector

01 Installation of tectal lamina for electric dust collector Table 4.4.39

11 Aggregate installation of ladder sollar for electric dust


01 Aggregate installation of ladder sollar for electric dust Table 4.3.1


12 Aggregate installation of inlet and outlet smoke boxes for

electric dust collector

01 Aggregate installation of inlet and outlet smoke boxes for Table 4.4.42

electric dust collector

13 Aggregate installation of ash bucket for electric dust


01 Aggregate installation of ash bucket for electric dust Table 4.4.42


14 Aggregate installation of electrode bar for electric dust Dominant


01 Aggregate installation of electrode bar for electric dust Dominant Table 4.5.2


15 Aggregate installation of distributing plate and baffle board

for electric dust collector

15 01 Aggregate installation of distributing plate and baffle board Table 4.5.3

for electric dust collector

16 Installation of mechanical rapping and driving device for Dominant

electric dust collector

01 Installation of mechanical rapping and driving device for Dominant Table 4.5.4

electric dust collector

17 Installation of electromagnetic rapper for electric dust Dominant


01 Installation of electromagnetic rapper for electric dust Dominant Table 4.5.5


18 By-part trial operation of rapping and driving devices for Dominant

electric dust collector

01 By-part trial operation of rapping and driving devices for Dominant Table 4.5.6

electric dust collector

02 Installation of bag-type dust remover

01 Lineation of bag-type dust remover base Dominant

01 Lineation of bag-type dust remover base Dominant Table 4.4.1

02 Installation of iron gasket for bag-type dust remover Dominant

01 Installation of iron gasket for bag-type dust remover Dominant Table 4.4.2

03 Assembly of electric dust collector structure

01 Assembly of electric dust collector structure Table 4.4.3

04 Installation of assembly parts and single post in bag-type

dust remover structure

01 Installation of assembly parts and single post in bag-type Table 4.4.4

dust remover structure Table 4.4.5

05 Baseplate grouting of bag-type dust remover base

01 Baseplate grouting of bag-type dust remover base Table 4.4.7

06 Aggregate installation of bag-type dust remover enclosure

01 Aggregate installation of bag-type dust remover enclosure Table 6.5.1

07 Installation of rotatory injection facility for bag-type dust Dominant


01 Installation of rotatory injection facility for bag-type dust Dominant Table 4.5.7


08 Installation of bag-type dust remover card

01 Installation of bag-type dust remover card Table 4.5.8

09 Installation of filter bag and bag cage for bag-type dust Dominant


01 Installation of filter bag and bag cage for bag-type dust Dominant Table 4.5.9


10 Installation of vibration driving device for bag-type dust Dominant


01 Installation of vibration driving device for bag-type dust Dominant Table 4.5.10


11 Trial operation of vibration driving device for bag-type dust Dominant


01 Trial operation of vibration driving device for bag-type dust Dominant Table 4.3.14


03 Air pressure test for entire boiler

01 Air pressure test for entire boiler

01 Air pressure test for entire boiler

01 Air pressure test for the flow channel of boiler body Dominant Table 4.6.1

02 Air pressure test for fluidized air system Dominant Table 4.6.1

04 Installation of boiler fuel fired equipments and pipes

01 Installation of oil tank and auxiliaries

01 Installation of oil tank and auxiliaries

01 Relevant installations Dominant Table 4.7.1

02 Installation of oil tank auxiliaries Table 4.7.2

02 Installation of oil supply equipments and pipes

01 Installation of oil supply equipments

01 Inspection, lineation, iron gasket and base bolt of oil pump Table 4.3.11


02 Overhaul of screw oil pump Table 4.7.4

03 Installation of screw oil pump Table 4.7.5

04 By-part trial operation of screw soil pump Dominant Table 4.7.11

05 Overhaul of plunger type fuel pump Table 4.7.6

06 Installation of plunger type fuel pump Table 4.7.7

07 By-part trial operation of plunger type fuel pump Table 4.7.11

08 Overhaul of centrifugal oil pump Table 4.7.8

09 Installation of centrifugal pump Table 4.7.9

10 By-part trial operation of centrifugal pump Dominant Table 4.7.11

11 Installation of fuel oil heater and filter Table 4.7.10

02 Fuel pipes

01 Installation of fuel pipes Dominant Table 4.7.12

05 Installation of boiler auxiliary machinery

01 Blower installation

01 Blower installation Dominant

01 Lineation for base inspection and installation of iron gasket Table 4.3.11

and stone bolt

02 Blower installation Dominant Table 4.8.23

Table 4.8.24

03 Installation of blower motor Table 4.8.25

04 Installation of oil system for blower Dominant Table 4.8.26

02 By-part trial operation of blower Dominant

01 By-part trial operation of blower Dominant Table 4.3.14

02 Installation of draught fan

01 Installation of draught fan Dominant

01 Lineation for base inspection and installation of iron gasket Table 4.3.11

and stone bolt

02 Installation of draught fan Dominant Table 4.8.23

Table 4.8.24

03 Installation of draught fan motor Table 4.8.25

04 Installation of oil system for draught fan Dominant Table 4.8.26

02 By-part trial operation of draught fan Dominant

01 By-part trial operation of draught fan Dominant Table 4.3.14

03 Installation of primary air fan

01 Installation of primary air fan

01 Lineation for base inspection and installation of iron gasket Table 4.3.11

and stone bolt

02 Installation of primary air fan Dominant Table 4.8.23

Table 4.8.24

03 Installation of primary air fan motor Table 4.8.25

02 By-part trial operation of primary air fan Dominant

01 By-part trial operation of primary air fan Dominant Table 4.3.14

04 Installation of high-pressure liquefied air blower

01 Installation of high-pressure liquefied air blower

01 Lineation for base inspection and installation of iron gasket Table 4.3.11

and base bolt

02 Installation of high-pressure liquefied air blower Dominant Table 4.8.23

Table 4.8.24

03 Installation of high-pressure liquefied air blower motor Table 4.8.25

02 By-part trial operation of high-pressure liquefied air blower Dominant

01 By-part trial operation of high-pressure liquefied air blower Dominant Table 4.3.14

05 Installation of other blowers

01 Installation of other blowers

01 Installation of flame-check cooling blower Table 4.8.23

Table 4.8.24

02 Trial operation of blower

01 Trial operation of blower Table 4.3.14

06 Installation of scraper coal feeder

01 Installation of scraper coal feeder

01 Lineation for base inspection and installation of iron gasket Table 4.3.14

and stone bolt

02 Installation of scraper coal feeder Table 4.8.30

02 By-part trial operation of scraper coal feeder Dominant

01 By-part trial operation of scraper coal feeder Dominant Table 4.3.14

07 Installation of vibration coal feeder Table 4.3.11

01 Installation of vibration coal feeder

01 Lineation for base inspection and installation of iron gasket Table 4.3.11

and stone bolt

02 Installation of vibration coal feeder Table 4.8.31

02 By-part trial operation of vibration coal feeder Dominant

01 By-part trial operation of vibration coal feeder Dominant Table 4.3.14

08 Installation of belt type coal feeder

01 Installation of belt type coal feeder

01 Lineation for base inspection and installation of iron gasket Table 4.3.11

and stone bolt

02 Installation of belt type coal feeder Table 4.8.32

02 By-part trial operation of belt type coal feeder

01 By-part trial operation of belt type coal feeder Dominant Table 4.3.14

09 Installation of electronic weighing coal feeder

01 Installation of electronic weighing coal feeder

01 Lineation for base inspection and installation of iron gasket Table 4.3.11

and stone bolt

02 Installation of electronic weighing coal feeder Table 4.8.32

02 By-part trial operation of electronic weighing coal feeder Dominant

01 By-part trial operation of electronic weighing coal feeder Dominant Table 4.3.14

10 Installation of air compressor

01 Installation of air compressor

01 Lineation for base and installation of iron gasket and stone Table 4.3.11


02 Installation of air compressor Table 4.8.33

03 Installation of dryer Table 4.8.34

02 By-part trial operation of air compressor

01 By-part trial operation of air compressor Dominant Table 4.3.14

11 Installation of emergency feed pump

01 Installation of emergency feed pump Dominant

01 Lineation for base and installation of iron gasket and stone Table 4.3.11


02 Installation of emergency feed pump Table 4.8.39

03 Trial operation of emergency feed pump Table 4.3.14

12 Other auxiliary machinery

01 Auxiliary machinery of boiler body

01 Flushing water pump for air preheater Table 4.8.35

02 Installation of drainage pump for air heater Table 4.8.36

03 Bucket elevator Table 4.15.24

04 Rotation flap valve Table 4.15.25

05 Installation of pickfront Table 4.8.47

02 By-part trial operation of auxiliary machinery for boiler


01 By-part trial operation Table 4.3.14

Table 4.8.40

03 Installation of deslagging machinery

01 Installation rotary-drum slag cooler Dominant Table 4.15.26

02 Installation of slag crusher Table 4.8.42

03 Installation of scraper slag conveyer Dominant Table 4.8.30

03 Installation of slag slurry pump Dominant Table 4.8.44

04 Installation of overflow water pump Table 4.8.45

06 Installation of flushing water pump Table 4.8.46

07 Installation of dredging machine Table 4.8.47

04 By-part trial operation of deslagging machinery Dominant

01 By-part trial operation of deslagging machinery Dominant Table 4.3.14

Table 4.8.40

05 Installation of ash removal machinery

01 Gasification fan Table 4.8.48

02 Installation of air compressor for ash removal Table 4.8.33

03 Installation of double-shaft mixer Dominant Table 4.8.49

04 Installation of feeder Table 4.8.31

05 Dry ash bulk loader Table 4.8.29

06 Centrifugal mortar pump Dominant Table 4.8.51

07 Plunger mortar pump Table 4.8.52

08 Water segregating mortar pump Dominant Table 4.8.53

09 High pressure mortar scavenging pump Table 4.8.54

10 Oil isolation mud pump Table 4.8.55

11 Installation of belt for ash removal pipe Dominant Table 4.8.56

12 Installation of Root's blower Table 4.8.57

06 By-part trial operation of ash removal machinery Dominant

01 By-part trial operation of ash removal machinery Dominant Table 4.3.14

Table 4.8.40

13 Equipments for making and transporting limestone

01 Installation of vibrating screen

01 Lineation for base inspection and installation of iron gasket Table 4.3.11

and stone bolt

02 Installation of vibrating screen Table 4.9.2

03 By-part trial operation of vibrating screen Dominant Table 4.3.14

02 Installation of probabilistic screen

01 Installation of probabilistic screen Table 4.9.3

02 By-part trial operation of probabilistic screen Dominant Table 4.3.14

03 Installation of hammer crusher and reactive coal crusher

01 Lineation for base inspection and installation of iron gasket Table 4.3.11

and stone bolt

02 Installation of hammer crusher and reactive coal crusher Table 4.9.4

03 By-part trial operation of hammering stone crusher and Table 4.3.14

reactive stone crusher

04 Installation of ring stone crusher

01 Lineation for base inspection and installation of iron gasket Table 4.3.11

and stone bolt

02 Installation of ring stone crusher Table 4.9.5

03 By-part trial operation of ring stone crusher Table 4.3.14

05 Installation of magnetic separator

01 Installation of disc type magnetic separator Table 4.9.17

02 Installation of belt magnetic separator Table 4.9.18

03 By-part trial operation of disc type magnetic separator Dominant Table 4.3.14

04 By-part trial operation of belt magnetic separator Dominant Table 4.3.14

06 Installation of belt stone conveyer

01 Installation of belt stone conveyer Dominant Table 4.9.16

02 By-part trial operation of belt stone conveyer Dominant Table 4.3.14

07 Bucket elevator

01 Installation of bucket elevator Table 4.15.24

02 By-part trial operation of bucket elevator Table 4.3.14

Table 4.8.40

08 Installation of vibration feeder

01 Installation of vibration feeder Table 4.15.27

02 Trial operation of vibration feeder Table 4.3.14

Table 4.8.40

09 Installation of bin pump

01 Installation of bin pump Table 4.15.23

10 Installation of conveying fan Dominant

01 Installation of conveying fan Table 4.8.57

02 Trial operation for the installation of conveying fan Dominant Table 4.3.14

Table 4.8.40

11 Installation of dedusting equipment

01 Installation of dedusting equipment Table 4.15.28

02 Trial operation of dedusting equipment Table 4.3.14

Table 4.8.40

14 Installation of lift system in boiler house Dominant

01 Installations of electric block

01 Inspection and installation of electric block Table 4.8.58

02 Load test for electric block Dominant Table 4.8.59

02 Installation of crane

01 Installation of track Table 4.8.60

02 Assembly and installation of loading bridge Table 4.8.61

03 Overhaul and installation of transmission machinery Table 4.8.62

04 Empty and static load test of crane Dominant Table 4.8.63

05 Live load test of crane Dominant Table 4.8.64

06 Electrified trial operation of heavy machine Dominant Table 4.8.65

03 Installation of bridge crane

01 Inspection and installation of bridge crane Table 4.8.60~

Table 4.8.62

02 Load test of bridge crane Dominant Table 4.8.63

Table 4.8.64

06 Installation of coal handling equipment

01 Installation of disk coal allocating machine

01 Installation of disk coal allocating machine

01 Installation of disk coal allocating machine Table 4.9.1

02 By-part trial operation of disk coal allocating machine Dominant Table 4.3.14

02 Installation of vibrating coal screen

01 Installation of vibrating coal screen

01 Lineation for base inspection and installation of iron gasket Table 4.3.11

and stone bolt

02 Installation of vibrating coal screen Table 4.9.2

03 By-part trial operation of vibrating coal screen Dominant Table 4.3.14

03 Installation of probabilistic coal screen

01 Installation of probabilistic coal screen

01 Installation of probabilistic coal screen Table 4.9.3

02 By-part trial operation of probabilistic coal screen Dominant Table 4.3.14

04 Installation of hammer coal crusher and reactive coal


01 Installation of hammer coal crusher and reactive coal


01 Lineation for base inspection and installation of iron gasket Table 4.3.11

and stone bolt

02 Installation of hammer coal crusher and reactive coal Table 4.9.4


03 By-part trial operation of hammering coal crusher and Dominant Table 4.3.14

reactive coal crusher

05 Installation of ring type coal crusher

01 Installation of ring type coal crusher

01 Lineation for base inspection and installation of iron gasket Table 4.3.11

and stone bolt

02 Installation of ring type coal crusher Dominant Table 4.9.5

03 By-part trial operation of ring type coal crusher Dominant Table 4.3.14

06 Installation of bridge type screw coal unloader

01 Installation of bridge type screw coal unloader

01 Installation of bridge type screw coal unloader Dominant Table 4.9.6

02 By-part trial operation of bridge type screw coal unloader Dominant Table 4.3.14

07 Installation of rotary car dumper

01 Installation of rotary car dumper Dominant

01 Lineation for base inspection and installation of iron gasket Table 4.3.11

and stone bolt

02 Installation of rotor for rotary car dumper Dominant Table 4.9.7

03 Installation of the car puller platform Table 4.9.8

04 Installation of heavy and light vehicle shunting machine for Table 4.9.9

rotary car dumper

05 Installation of wheel gripper for rotary car dumper Table 4.9.10

06 Installation of dust cleaning apparatus for rotary car dumper Table 4.9.11

07 By-part trial operation of rotary car dumper Dominant Table 4.3.14

08 Installation of bucket wheel stacker reclaimer Dominant

01 Installation of bucket wheel stacker reclaimer Dominant

01 Equipment inspection for bucket wheel stacker reclaimer Table 4.9.12

02 Combination of metal frame of bucket wheel stacker Dominant Table 4.9.13


03 Installation of bucket wheel stacker reclaimer Dominant Table 4.9.14

02 By-part trial operation of bucket wheel stacker reclaimer

01 By-part trial operation of bucket wheel stacker reclaimer Dominant Table 4.9.20

09 Installation of dynamic electronic rail balance

01 Installation of dynamic electronic rail balance

01 Lineation for base inspection and installation of iron gasket Table 4.3.11

and stone bolt

02 Installation of dynamic electronic rail balance Table 4.9.15

03 By-part trial operation of dynamic electronic rail balance Dominant Table 4.3.14

10 Installation of belt coal conveyer Dominant

01 Installation of belt coal conveyer Dominant

01 Installation of belt coal conveyer Dominant Table 4.9.16

02 By-part trial operation of belt coal conveyer Dominant

01 By-part trial operation of belt coal conveyer Dominant Table 4.3.14

11 Installation of magnetic separator

01 Installation of magnetic separator

01 Installation of disc type magnetic separator Table 4.9.17

02 Installation of belt magnetic separator Table 4.9.18

03 By-part trial operation of disc type magnetic separator Dominant Table 4.3.14

04 By-part trial operation of belt magnetic separator Dominant Table 4.3.14

12 Installation of sampling device

01 Installation of sampling device

01 Installation of sampling device Table 4.9.19

02 By-part trial operation of sampling device Dominant Table 4.3.14

13 Installation of equipments in coal water treatment house

01 Installation of belt press filter

01 Installation of belt press filter Table 4.9.21

02 By-part trial operation of belt press filter Dominant Table 4.3.14

02 Installation of dosing device

01 Installation of dosing device Table 4.9.22

02 By-part trial operation of dosing device Dominant Table 4.3.14

03 Installation of mud scraper

01 Installation of mud scraper Table 4.9.23

02 By-part trial operation of mud scraper Dominant Table 4.3.14

04 Installation of recycle water pump

01 Installation of recycle water pump Table 4.8.45

02 By-part trial operation of recycle water pump Dominant Table 4.3.14

05 Installation of mud pump

01 Installation of mud pump Table 4.8.44

02 By-part trial operation of mud pump Dominant Table 4.3.14

06 Installation of pump for lifting coal and water

01 Installation of pump for lifting coal and water Table 4.8.45

02 By-part trial operation of pump for lifting coal and water Dominant Table 4.3.14

09 Boiler wall masonry Dominant

01 Insulation boiler wall of boiler body equipment Dominant

01 Boiler wall in water-cooling chamber

01 Installation of anchoring element Table 4.15.29

02 Insulation boiler wall in water-cooling chamber Table 4.12.15

02 Boiler wall in dense phase area Dominant

01 Installation of anchoring element Table 4.15.29

02 Boiler wall in dense phase area Dominant Table 4.12.17

03 Boiler wall of water wall at the roof of the furnace and Dominant

fume outlet

01 Installation of anchoring element Table 4.15.29

02 Boiler wall of water wall at the roof of the furnace and Dominant Table 4.12.17

fume outlet

04 Boiler wall for cyclone separator Dominant

01 Installation of anchoring element Table 4.15.29

02 Insulating brick (plate) masonry Dominant Table 4.12.18

03 Refractory brick masonry Table 4.12.18

Table 4.12.19

05 Boiler wall in ignition air duct

01 Installation of anchoring element Table 4.15.29

02 Insulating brick (plate) masonry Table 4.12.18

06 Boiler wall of outlaid bed Dominant

01 Installation of anchoring element Table 4.15.29

02 Insulating brick (plate) masonry Table 4.12.18

03 Refractory and wear-proof boiler wall masonry Dominant Table 4.12.17~

Table 4.12.19

07 Boiler wall of feed-back instrument Dominant

01 Installation of anchoring element Table 4.15.29

02 Moisturizing brick (plate) masonry Table 4.12.18

03 Refractory and wear-proof boiler wall masonry Table 4.12.17~

Table 4.12.19

02 Boiler wall of boiler body flow channel Dominant

01 Flue at the inlet of cyclone separator Dominant

01 Installation of anchoring element Table 4.15.29

02 Insulating brick (plate) masonry Table 4.12.18

03 Refractory and wear-proof boiler wall masonry Dominant Table 4.12.17~

Table 4.12.19

02 Flue at the outlet of cyclone separator Dominant

01 Installation of anchoring element Table 4.15.29

02 Insulating brick (plate) masonry Table 4.12.18

03 Refractory and wear-proof boiler wall masonry Dominant Table 4.12.17

~Table 4.12.19

03 Boiler wall from cyclone separator to feed-back instrument

ash channel

01 Installation of anchoring element Table 4.15.29

02 Insulating brick (plate) masonry Table 4.12.18

03 Refractory and wear-proof boiler wall masonry Dominant Table 4.12.17

Table 4.12.18

04 Boiler wall from feed-back instrument to furnace ash


01 Installation of anchoring element Table 4.15.29

02 Insulating brick (plate) masonry Table 4.12.18

03 Refractory and wear-proof boiler wall masonry Dominant Table 4.12.17

Table 4.12.18

05 Boiler wall of outlaid-bed ash channel for feed-back


01 Installation of anchoring element Table 4.15.29

02 Insulating brick (plate) masonry Table 4.12.18

03 Refractory brick masonry Dominant Table 4.12.17

Table 4.12.18

06 Boiler wall from outlaid bed to furnace ash channel

01 Installation of anchoring element Table 4.15.29

02 Insulating brick (plate) masonry Table 4.12.18

03 Refractory brick masonry Dominant Table 4.12.17~

Table 4.12.19

07 Boiler wall from furnace to slag-cooler ash channel

01 Installation of anchoring element Table 4.15.29

02 Insulating brick (plate) masonry Table 4.12.18

03 Refractory brick masonry Dominant Table 4.12.17

Table 4.12.18

08 Boiler wall of feeder

01 Installation of anchoring element Table 4.15.29

02 Insulating brick (plate) masonry Table 4.12.18

03 Refractory brick masonry Dominant Table 4.12.17

Table 4.12.18

03 Boiler wall of other equipments

01 Boiler wall of slag cooler

01 Installation of anchoring element Table 4.12.14

02 Insulating brick (plate) masonry Table 4.12.18

03 Refractory brick masonry Dominant Table 4.12.18

02 Pouring of refractory material at boiler top

01 Refractory brick masonry Table 4.12.17

03 Boiler wall of door opening

01 Boiler wall of door opening Table 4.12.17

04 Boiler wall of header tank

01 Boiler wall of header tank Table 4.12.17

05 Armored boiler wall

01 Armored boiler wall Table 4.12.17

06 Boiler wall of economizer

01 Boiler wall of economizer Table 4.12.17

04 Masonry of cast stone plate for ash channel

01 Masonry of cast stone plate for ash channel

01 Masonry of cast stone plate for ash channel Table 4.12.13

05 Boiler baking Dominant

01 ; Boiler baking Dominant

01 Boiler baking Dominant Table 4.12.20

02 Inspection after baking the boiler Dominant Table 4.15.30

10 Thermal equipment and piping insulation in the whole plant

01 Boiler equipment and piping insulation Dominant

01 Boiler house equipment insulation

01 Membrane-wall boiler wall insulation Table 4.13.1

02 Insulation for boiler wall of rear fume shaft superheater Table 4.13.1

03 Steam drum insulation Table 4.13.2

Table 4.13.3

04 Steam-water separator insulation Table 4.13.2

Table 4.13.3

05 Insulation for burner Table 4.13.3

06 Insulation for fine ash bucket Table 4.13.3

07 Insulation for boiler body header Table 4.13.2

Table 4.13.3

08 Insulation for air preheater Table 4.13.1

09 Insulation for intermittent blowdown flash tank Table 4.13.2

Table 4.13.3

10 Thermal insulation for continuous blowdown flash tank Table 4.13.2

Table 4.13.3

11 Thermal insulation for atmosphere flash tank Table 4.13.2

Table 4.13.3

12 Thermal insulation for blower Table 4.13.3

Table 4.13.4

13 Thermal insulation for primary air fan Table 4.13.3

Table 4.13.4

14 Thermal insulation for draught fan Table 4.13.3

Table 4.13.4

15 Flue thermal insulation Table 4.13.3

Table 4.13.4

16 Thermal insulation for hot air duct Table 4.13.3

Table 4.13.4

17 Thermal insulation for cool air duct Table 4.13.3

Table 4.13.4

18 Thermal insulation for liquefied air duct Table 4.13.3

Table 4.13.4

19 Thermal insulation for electrical dust precipitator Table 4.13.3

20 Thermal insulation for flue gas entrance upside of Table 4.13.1

boiler-rear shaft

02 Thermal insulation for boiler piping

01 Thermal insulation for downstream pipe Table 4.13.6

02 Thermal insulation for evaporating pipe Table 4.13.6

03 Thermal insulation for superheater connection pipe Dominant Table 4.13.6

04 Thermal insulation for reheater connection pipe Dominant Table 4.13.6

05 Thermal insulation for water supply pipe Dominant Table 4.13.7

06 Thermal insulation for recirculating pipe Table 4.13.6

07 Thermal insulation for emergency dewatering conduit Table 4.13.6

08 Thermal insulation for desuperheating water pipe Table 4.13.6

Table 4.13.12

09 Thermal insulation for boiler dewatering conduit Table 4.13.6

Table 4.13.12

10 Thermal insulation for boiler blowdown pipe Table 4.13.6

11 Thermal insulation for soot blowing pipe Table 4.13.5

Table 4.13.6

12 Thermal insulation for sampling pipe Table 4.13.6

Table 4.13.12
Table 4.13.13

13 Thermal insulation for ash removal pipe Table 4.13.6

14 Thermal insulation of oil supply and return pipe in the Table 4.13.6

boiler room

15 Thermal insulation of equipment and pipe in the oil pump Table 4.13.6


16 Thermal insulation for boiler thermal instrumentation pipe Table 4.13.6

Table 4.13.12

17 Thermal insulation for boiler valve and flange Table 4.13.13

Table 4.13.14

02 Thermal insulation of steam turbine equipment and pipe Dominant

01 Thermal insulation for turbine house equipment

01 Thermal insulation for steam turbine main body Dominant Table 4.13.8~

Table 4.13.11

02 Thermal insulation for high pressure heater Table 4.13.2

Table 4.13.3

03 Thermal insulation for low pressure heater Table 4.13.2

Table 4.13.3

04 Thermal insulation of deaerator and deaerator water tank Table 4.13.2

Table 4.13.3

02 Thermal insulation for turbine house pipe

01 Thermal insulation for main steam pipeline Dominant Table 4.13.7

02 Thermal insulation for reheated steam pipe Dominant Table 4.13.7

03 Thermal insulation for All-level steam extraction pipe Table 4.13.6

04 Thermal insulation for auxiliary steam pipe Dominant Table 4.13.6

05 Thermal insulation of heating steam, gland sealing steam Table 4.13.6

and valve stem steam leakage pipe

06 Thermal insulation for water supply pipe Dominant Table 4.13.7

07 Thermal insulation for condensed water pipe Table 4.13.6

08 Thermal insulation for high pressure heater drainage duct Table 4.13.6,

Table 4.13.12

09 Thermal insulation of drainage pipe in the turbine house Table 4.13.5,

Table 4.13.6

10 Thermal insulation of main throttle valve and steam lead Dominant Table 4.13.5,

pipe Table 4.13.6

11 Thermal insulation for steam turbine valve and flange Table 4.13.13

Table 4.13.14

03 Thermal insulation for chemical water equipment and pipe

01 Thermal insulation for chemical water equipment

01 Thermal insulation for chemical water equipment Table 4.13.3

02 Thermal insulation for chemical water equipment

01 Thermal insulation for chemical water equipment Table 4.13.6

Table 4.13.12

11 Painting of equipment and pipe in the whole plant

01 Painting of equipment and pipe in the boiler room

01 Painting of equipment in the boiler room

01 Painting of equipment metal surface in the boiler room Table 4.14.2

02 Painting of boiler body and tail steel frame Table 4.14.2

03 Painting of cool air duct metal surface Table 4.14.2

04 Painting of liquefied air duct metal surface Table 4.14.2

02 Painting of boiler room pipe

01 Painting of boiler room pipe Table 4.14.2

Table 4.14.4~T able 4.14.6

02 Painting of boiler room supporter and hanger Table 4.14.2

02 Painting of equipment and pipe in the turbine room

01 Painting of equipment in the turbine room

01 Painting of equipment metal surface in the turbine room Table 4.14.2

02 Painting of equipment thermal insulation rendering coat in Table 4.14.1

the turbine room

03 Sticking glass fiber cloth for equipment thermal insulation Table 4.14.3

rendering coat in the turbine room

04 Painting of equipment thermal insulation rendering coat Table 4.14.6

glass fiber cloth layer in the turbine room

02 Painting of pipe in the turbine room

01 Painting of pipe in the turbine room Table 4.14.2

Table 4.14.4~
Table 4.14.6

02 Painting of supporter and hanger in the turbine room Table 4.14.2

03 Painting of industrial water pipe Table 4.14.2

Table 4.14.4~
Table 4.14.6

03 Painting of chemical water equipment and pipe

01 Painting of chemical water equipment

01 Painting of chemical water equipment metal surface Table 4.14.2

02 Painting of chemical water pipe

01 Painting of chemical water pipe Table 4.14.2

Table 4.14.4~
Table 4.14.6

04 Painting of equipment pipes in the fuel pump room and

ignition system

01 Painting of equipments in the fuel pump room

01 Painting of equipment metal surface in the fuel pump room Table 4.14.2

02 Painting of equipment pipes in the fuel pump room and

ignition system

01 Painting of fuel oil and ignition system pipe Table 4.14.2

Table 4.14.4~
Table 4.14.6

05 Painting of dust remover equipment

01 Painting of dust remover equipment

01 Painting of dust remover steel structure Table 4.14.2

02 Painting of dust remover equipment Table 4.14.2

06 Painting of ash handling system equipment and pipe

01 Painting of ash handling system equipment

01 Painting of ash handling system equipment Table 4.14.2

02 Painting of ash handling system pipe

01 Painting of ash handling system pipe Table 4.14.2

07 Painting of equipment and pipe in the air compressor room

01 Painting of equipment and pipe in the air compressor room

01 Painting of equipment and pipe in the air compressor room Table 4.14.2

02 Painting of pipe in the air compressor room

01 Painting of compressed air pipe Table 4.14.2

Table 4.14.4~
Table 4.14.6

08 Painting of equipment and pipe at hydrogen generation


01 Painting of equipments at hydrogen generation station

01 Painting of equipments at hydrogen generation station Table 4.14.2

02 Painting of pipe at hydrogen generation station

01 Painting of pipe at hydrogen generation station Table 4.14.2

09 Painting of electrical equipment frame and instrument pipe

01 Painting of electrical equipment frame

01 Painting of cable frame Table 4.14.2

02 Painting of electrical equipment Table 4.14.2

03 Painting of electrical hard busbar Table 4.14.2

04 Painting of electrical dial Table 4.14.2

02 Painting of electrical instrument pipe

01 Painting of instrument pipe and supporter and hanger Table 4.14.2

10 Painting of circulating water pipe

01 Painting of circulating water pipe

01 Painting of circulating water pipe Dominant Table 4.14.2

Table 4.14.4~
Table 4.14.6

(Seal) (Seal) (Seal)

Development Supervision
Construction organization
organization organization

Date Date Date

4.2.2 The construction management conditions of unit project shall be inspected during the construction and acceptance of unit project and the inspection
results shall be filled in Table 4.2.2.
Table 4.2.2: record of inspection for construction management of unit project ()
Project name Development organization

Design organization Profession director of design organization

Supervision organization Supervision engineer of unit project

Construction organization Construction technology director of unit project

Commencement date of unit project Completion date of unit project

Inspection results of construction management

No. Inspection items of construction management system and implementation performance Inspection result

1 List of implemented technical standards

2 Preparation and reviewing of construction organization design and construction scheme

3 Examination and inspection of construction drawing

4 Acceptance and inspection of equipments and materials

5 Implementation condition of compulsory provision

6 Quality management statute and implementation performance

7 Safety management system and implementation performance

8 Objective and system on energy conservation and emission reduction

9 Environmental protection

10 Prior certification condition of special type of work

11 Management of measurement tools

12 Qualification management of subcontractor

13 Management situation of engineering materials

14 Inspection results of quality supervision and problem resolution condition

Acceptance conclusion:

General supervision engineer: Date

profession director of design organization: Date

4.2.3 The information listed in Table 4.2.3 shall be examined for the unit project acceptance; the inspection results shall be complete and meet the
requirements of records management.
Table 4.2.3: check table of quality control documents of unit project ()
________Unit Project number
No. Document name Copies desired Copies obtained Check condition

1 Registration forms of design alteration and advice notes of materials substitutes

2 Registration form of factory test report and quality certificate documents for equipment and material

3 Equipment defect notice and equipment defect handling report

4 Registration form of measurement tools used in the unit project

5 Quality acceptance table of inspection lot

6 Quality acceptance table of the subitem project

7 Quality acceptance table of the subsection project

8 Quality acceptance table of the unit project

9 Confirmation and signature of concealed project

10 Construction record

11 Confirmation and signature of single machine trial operation

12 Inspection table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions

Acceptance organization Signature

Construction organization Date

Supervision organization Date

Development organization Date

4.2.4 The advice notes for engineering design alteration, material substitution and altered design shall be numbered, registered and attached on the
registration form. The registration of engineering design alteration and material substitution in unit project shall meet the requirements specified in Table
Table 4.2.4: registration form of advice notes for design alteration and materials substitutes of unit project ()
________Unit Project number
No. of amended contents in the advice
No. Name of advice note Original number Drawing number related to alteration Implementation

Construction organization Date Supervision organization Date

4.2.5 The factory test reports and the quality certificate documents of equipment and material shall be numbered, registered and attached on the registration

form. The registration of equipment and material factory test report and quality certificate documents of unit project shall meet the requirements specified in
Table 4.2.5.
Table 4.2.5: registration form of equipment and material factory test report and quality certificate document in unit project ()
________Unit Project number
Total pages of Original number of report and quality certificate
No. Name of equipment and material test report and quality certificate document Report issuing organization Remarks
the report document

Prepared by Date

4.2.6 Any equipment defect shall be inspected and confirmed by the construction, supervision, manufacturing and development organizations together and
the advice note of equipment defect shall be filled in. The filling of equipment defect advice note shall meet the requirements specified in Table 4.2.6.
Table 4.2.6: advice note of equipment defect
________Unit Project number
Project name

Unit project name Subitem project name

Name of inspection lot SN.

Equipment name Discovering date

Condition of equipment defect:

Construction organization:


Construction organization Manufacturing organization

Supervision organization Development organization

Treatment suggestion:

Profession director of the development organization:


Acceptance organization Defect treatment suggestion Signature

Construction organization Date

Manufacturing Date

Supervision organization Date

Development organization Date

4.2.7 After the equipment defect treatment, the defect treatment organization shall submit the report to the development organization, and the development
organization shall organize the organizations concerned to conduct inspection and acceptance and sign the equipment defect treatment report. The filling of
the equipment defect reports shall meet the requirements specified in Table 4.2.7.
Table 4.2.7: Equipment defect treatment report
________Unit Project number
Project name

Unit project name Subitem project name

Name of inspection lot SN.

Equipment name Treatment date

Defect treatment condition:

Profession technical director:


Defect treatment results:

Supervision organization:


Acceptance organization Acceptance opinion Signature

Construction organization Date

Manufacturing Date

Supervision organization Date

Development organization Date

4.2.8 The measurement tools used in the construction must be inspected, and used within the calibration validity period. All measurement tools used in the
construction procedure shall be registered according to the requirements specified in Table 4.2.8. The supervision engineer shall conduct the inspection and
confirmation (approval) for the measurement tools registered in the table.
Table 4.2.8: registration form of measurement tools used in unit project ()
________Unit Project number
Calibration validity
No. Name of measuring equipment (instrument, tool) Type/model Factory number Quantity limit Accuracy class Remarks

Construction organization Date Supervision organization Date

4.2.9 The construction quality of inspection lots shall be inspected and accepted according to the quality criteria of the inspection items, and the acceptance
table for construction quality of inspection lot shall be filled. Signature shall be done according to the requirements specified in Table 4.2.1: Construction
Quality Acceptance Range Division Tab. for the items outside of the acceptance range, the acceptance organization column shall be filled with "/". The
construction quality acceptance of inspection lots shall meet the requirements specified in Table 4.2.9.
Table 4.2.9: construction quality acceptance table of inspection lot ()
________Unit Project number Property: Table . . .
Name of subitem project

Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria Quality inspection result Conclusion

Acceptance conclusion

Signature of the acceptance organization

Construction organization Date

Supervision organization Date


Design organization Date

Development organization Date

4.2.10 Construction quality acceptance table on subitem project shall be filled in accordance those specified in Table 4.2.10. It shall be signed according to
the requirements of Construction Quality Acceptance Range Division Table 4.2.1; as for the items outside of the acceptance range, the acceptance
organization signature column shall be filled with "/".
Table 4.2.10: construction quality acceptance table of subitem project ()
________Unit Project number Property:
Name of subsection project

No. Name of inspection lot Property Acceptance result Remarks

Acceptance conclusion

Signature of the acceptance organization

Construction organization Date

Supervision organization Date

Manufacturing organization Date

Design organization Date

Development organization Date

4.2.11 The construction quality of subitem project shall be inspected according to those specified in Table 4.2.11 and the construction quality acceptance
table of subsection project shall be filled in. It shall be signed according to the requirements of Construction Quality Acceptance Range Division Table 4.2.1;
as for the items outside of the acceptance range, the acceptance organization signature column shall be filled with "/".
Table 4.2.11: construction quality acceptance table of subsection project ()
________Unit Project number Property:
Unit project name

No. Name of subitem project Property Acceptance result Remarks

Acceptance conclusion

Signature of the acceptance organization

Construction organization Date

Supervision organization Date

Manufacturing organization Date

Design organization Date

Development organization Date

4.2.12 The construction quality of unit project shall be accepted according to those specified in Table 4.2.12 and the construction quality acceptance table of
unit project shall be filled in. It shall be signed according to the requirements of Construction Quality Acceptance Range Division Table 4.2.1; as for the items
outside of the acceptance range, the acceptance organization signature column shall be filled with "/".
Table 4.2.12 ( ) Quality acceptance table of the unit project
________Unit Project number:

SN Name of subsection project Acceptance result Remark

Acceptance conclusion:

Signature of acceptance organization

Construction organization Date

Supervision organization Date

Manufacturing organization Date

Design organization Date

Development organization Date

4.2.13 See the following tables for construction record, confirmation and signature, as well as implementation performance Check table list of compulsory
provisions produced by each unit project of boiler installation:
Table 4.2.13-1 Check table list on construction record, confirmation and signature, as well as implementation performance of compulsory provisions for
the unit project of boiler body;
Table 4.2.13-2 Check table list on construction record, confirmation and signature, as well as implementation performance of compulsory provisions for
the unit project of boiler dust removing device installation;
Table 4.2.13-3 Check table list on construction record, confirmation and signature, as well as implementation performance of compulsory provisions for
the unit project of integral air pressure test of boiler;
Table 4.2.13-4 Check table list on construction record, confirmation and signature, as well as implementation performance of compulsory provisions for
the unit project of boiler fuel fired equipment and piping installation;
Table 4.2.13-5 Check table list on construction record, confirmation and signature, as well as implementation performance of compulsory provisions for

the unit project of boiler auxiliary machinery installation;
Table 4.2.13-6 Check table list on construction record, confirmation and signature, as well as implementation performance of compulsory provisions for
the unit project of coal handling equipment installation;
Table 4.2.13-7 Check table list on construction record, confirmation and signature, as well as implementation performance of compulsory provisions for
the unit project of desulfurization equipment installation;
Table 4.2.13-8 Check table list on construction record, confirmation and signature, as well as implementation performance of compulsory provisions for
the unit project of denitration equipment installation;
Table 4.2.13-9 Check table list on construction record, confirmation and signature, as well as implementation performance of compulsory provisions for
the unit project of boiler wall masonry;
Table 4.2.13-10 Check table list on construction record, confirmation and signature, as well as implementation performance of compulsory provisions for
the unit project of thermal equipment and piping insulation in the whole plant;
Table 4.2.13-11 Check table list on construction record, confirmation and signature, as well as implementation performance of compulsory provisions for
the unit project of equipment and pipe painting in the whole plant;
Table 4.2.13-12 Check table list on construction record, confirmation and signature, as well as implementation performance of compulsory provisions for
CFB boiler installation;

Table 4.2.13-1 Check table list on construction record, confirmation and signature, as well as implementation performance of compulsory provisions for the unit project of boiler
SN Name of information Table No. Remark

1 Installation of steel frame

1 Re-inspection sampling record of boiler steel frame high-strength bolt Table 4.4.8

2 Fastening record of boiler steel frame high-strength bolt Table 4.4.9

3 Re-inspection record after fastening boiler steel frame high-strength bolt Table 4.4.10

4 Inspection construction record of boiler steel frame large plate beam Table 4.4.11

5 Secondary grouting confirmation and signature of boiler steel frame column base Table 4.4.12

6 On-site re-inspection report of a set of high-strength bolt Provided by testing organization

7 Field inspection report of friction surface antiskid coefficient Provided by testing organization

8 Construction record drawing of boiler column baseplate center distance and elevation Not providing record drawing formwork

9 Construction record drawing of boiler column baseplate diagonal Not providing record drawing formwork

10 Construction record drawing of boiler 1m elevation line Not providing record drawing formwork

11 Construction record drawing of boiler post elevation and verticality Not providing record drawing formwork

12 Construction record drawing of boiler post center distance Not providing record drawing formwork

13 Construction record drawing of boiler post diagonal Not providing record drawing formwork

14 Construction record drawing of boiler column top elevation Not providing record drawing formwork

15 Construction record drawing of boiler large plate beam Not providing record drawing formwork

Measuring record of large plate beam deflection (including deflection values before and after installation/
16 Not providing record formwork
hydraulic test)

2 Installation of tube-box-type air preheater

1 Lineation record drawing of tube-box-type preheater support steel frame Not providing record drawing formwork

2 Sealing confirmation and signature of tube-box-type air preheater manhole door Table 4.8.10

3 Oil penetration test confirmation and signature of tube-box-type air preheater Table 4.4.35

4 Air pressure test confirmation and signature of tube-box-type air preheater Table 4.4.36

3 Installation of rotary air preheater

1 Lineation record drawing of rotary preheater support steel frame Not providing record drawing formwork

2 Installation record drawing of rotary preheater connecting plate intermediate beam Not providing record drawing formwork

3 Alignment record drawing of rotary preheater bearing Not providing record drawing formwork

4 Installation alignment record drawing of rotary preheater rotor (roundness, verticality and flourishing degree) Not providing record drawing formwork

5 Installation record drawing of rotary preheater transmission shroud ring Not providing record drawing formwork

6 Alignment record drawing of rotary preheater transmission gear and shroud ring Not providing record drawing formwork

7 Alignment record drawing of rotary preheater coupling Not providing record drawing formwork

8 Seal clearance record drawing of rotary preheater center cylinder Not providing record drawing formwork

9 Radial seal clearance record drawing of rotary preheater Not providing record drawing formwork

10 Axial seal clearance record drawing of rotary preheater Not providing record drawing formwork

11 Circumferential seal clearance record drawing of rotary preheater Not providing record drawing formwork

12 Sealing confirmation and signature of rotary air preheater manhole door Table 4.8.10

13 Hydraulic pressure confirmation and signature of rotary preheater oil station cooler Table 4.8.7

14 Inspection confirmation and signature before trial operation of rotary preheater Table 4.8.11

15 Confirmation and signature after segmental trial operation of rotary preheater Table 4.8.12

16 Confirmation and signature after trial operation of rotary air preheater oil system Table 4.8.12

17 Confirmation and signature after trial operation of rotary air preheater driving device Table 4.8.12

4 Installation of combustion equipment

1 Alignment record drawing of boiler combustion center Not providing record drawing formwork

2 Installation record drawing of boiler burner Not providing record drawing formwork

5 Installation of steam drum

1 Record drawing of steam drum installation Not providing record drawing formwork

2 Sealing confirmation and signature of steam drum Table 4.4.77

6 Installation of steam-water separator and water tank

1 Installation record of steam-water separator and water tank Not providing record drawing formwork

2 Sealing confirmation and signature of steam-water separator and water tank Table 4.4.77

7 Installation of water cooled wall

1 Installation record of water cooled wall Not providing record drawing formwork

2 Combination record drawing of water cooled wall Not providing record drawing formwork

3 Installation record drawing of downcomer Not providing record drawing formwork

4 Through ball confirmation and signature of water cooled wall Table 4.4.73

5 Cleaning and sealing confirmation and signature of water wall header Table 4.4.74

8 Installation of superheater

1 Combination record drawing of high-temperature superheater Not providing record drawing formwork

2 Combination record drawing of low-temperature superheater Not providing record drawing formwork

3 Installation record drawing of high-temperature superheater Not providing record drawing formwork

4 Installation record drawing of low-temperature superheater Not providing record drawing formwork

5 Installation record drawing of platen superheater Not providing record drawing formwork

6 Combination record drawing of wall enclosure superheater Not providing record drawing formwork

7 Installation record drawing of wall enclosure superheater Not providing record drawing formwork

8 Installation record drawing of ceiling superheater Not providing record drawing formwork

9 Combination record drawing of steam-steam heater Not providing record drawing formwork

10 Installation record drawing of steam-steam heater Not providing record drawing formwork

11 Through ball confirmation and signature of superheater Table 4.4.73

12 Confirmation and signature of superheater header cleaning and sealing Table 4.4.74

9 Installation of reheater

1 Combination record drawing of high-temperature reheater Not providing record drawing formwork

2 Combination record drawing of low-temperature reheater pipes Not providing record drawing formwork

3 Installation record drawing of high-temperature reheater Not providing record drawing formwork

4 Installation record drawing of low-temperature reheater pipe Not providing record drawing formwork

5 Through ball confirmation and signature of reheater Table 4.4.73

6 Confirmation and signature of reheater header cleaning and sealing Table 4.4.74

10 Installation of economizer

1 Combination record drawing of economizer Not providing record drawing formwork

2 Installation record drawing of economizer Not providing record drawing formwork

3 Combination record drawing of hanging pipes Not providing record drawing formwork

4 Through ball confirmation and signature of economizer Table 4.4.73

5 Confirmation and signature of economizer header cleaning and sealing Table 4.4.74

11 Hydrostatic test for entire boiler

1 Confirmation and signature of hydrostatic test for entire boiler Table 4.4.78

2 Confirmation and signature of boiler wall seal welding inspection Table 4.4.79

Only carrying out inspection before and after

3 Confirmation and signature of hanger rod force inspection Table 4.4.98
hydraulic test during the installation

12 Installation of water supply pipe

1 Confirmation and signature of desuperheating water pipe flushing Table 4.4.75

2 Confirmation and signature of water supply pipe flushing Table 4.4.75

13 Installation of blowdown pipes and equipments

1 Confirmation and signature of blowdown pipe and equipment cleaning and sealing Table 4.4.74

14 Installation of water supply, drainage and air release pipes

1 Confirmation and signature of water supply, drainage and air release pipe flushing Table 4.4.75

15 Installation of soot blower

1 Tightness test of soot blower installation Table 4.4.88

16 Installation of sampling pipes and equipments

1 Confirmation and signature of sampling pipe and equipment installation flushing Table 4.4.75

17 Installation of chemical feed pipe and equipment

1 Confirmation and signature of chemical feed pipe and equipment installation flushing Table 4.4.75

18 Installation of boiler sundry pipe

1 Confirmation and signature of boiler sundry pipe flushing Table 4.4.75

2 Confirmation and signature of boiler sundry pipe purging Table 4.4.76

19 Installation of cinder removal pipes and equipments

1 Confirmation and signature of cinder removal pipes and equipments flushing Table 4.4.75

2 Confirmation and signature of cinder removal pipes and equipments purging Table 4.4.76

3 Tightness test of cinder removal pipes and equipments Table 4.4.88

20 Installation of compressed air pipe and equipment

1 Confirmation and signature of compressed air pipe and equipment purging Table 4.4.76

2 Tightness test of compressed air pipe and equipment Table 4.4.88

21 Installation of boiler body auxiliaries

1 Installation record drawing of steam drum water meter Not providing record drawing formwork

2 Installation record drawing of expansion indicator Not providing record drawing formwork

Only carrying out inspection before and after

3 Expansion indication record table Table 4.4.97
hydraulic test during the installation

22 Installation of fume, wind, coal and powder pipes

1 Confirmation and signature of flue welded junction oil penetration test Table 4.4.35

2 Confirmation and signature of air duct welded junction oil penetration test Table 4.4.35

23 Inspection table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions

Check table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions for subsection project of steel frame
1 Table 4.4.101

Check table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions for subsection project of combustion
2 Table 4.4.101
equipment installation

3 Check table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions for steam drum installation Table 4.4.102

Check table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions of steam-water separator and water
4 Table 4.4.102
tank installation

5 Check table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions of water cooled wall installation Table 4.4.103

6 Check table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions of superheater installation Table 4.4.103

7 Check table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions of reheater installation Table 4.4.103

8 Check table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions of economizer installation Table 4.4.103

9 Check table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions for equipment (such as boiler Table 4.4.104

discharging, sampling, drainage, heating, sootblowing, steam exhausting and dosing equipments) and pipe

10 Check table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions of hydrostatic test for entire boiler Table 4.4.105

Table 4.2.13-2 Check table list on construction record, confirmation and signature, as well as implementation performance of compulsory provisions for the unit project of boiler dust
removing device installation
SN Name of information Table No. Remark

1 Installation of electric dust remover

1 Record drawing of electric dust removal foundation lineation and iron gasket installation Table 4.5.11

2 Installation record drawing of electric dust removal steel frame Table 4.5.12

3 Installation record drawing of electric dust removal column top support Not providing record drawing formwork

4 Installation record drawing of electric dust removal shell Not providing record drawing formwork

5 Installation record drawing of electric dust removal top beam Not providing record drawing formwork

6 Oil penetration test confirmation and signature of electric dust removal ash bucket Table 4.4.35

7 Oil penetration test confirmation and signature of electric dust removal inlet and outlet smoke box Table 4.4.35

8 Oil penetration test confirmation and signature of electric dust removal shell Table 4.4.35

9 Oil penetration test confirmation and signature of electric dust removal top plate Table 4.4.35

10 Adjustment record of electric dust removal polar distance Not providing record drawing formwork

11 Rapping installation record of electric dust removal positive pole and negative pole Not providing record drawing formwork

12 Confirmation and signature of electric dust removal air pressure test Table 4.6.2

13 Confirmation and signature before rapping trial operation of electric dust removal negative pole Table 4.9.26

14 Confirmation and signature of rapping trial operation of electric dust removal negative pole Table 4.5.13

15 Confirmation and signature before rapping trial operation of electric dust removal positive pole Table 4.9.26

16 Confirmation and signature of rapping trial operation of electric dust removal positive pole Table 4.5.14

2 Installation of bag-type dust remover

1 Record drawing of bag-type dust remover foundation lineation and iron gasket installation Table 4.5.11

2 Installation record drawing of bag-type dust remover steel frame Table 4.5.12

3 Installation record drawing of bag-type dust remover shell Not providing record drawing formwork

4 Installation record drawing of bag-type dust remover rotatory injection facility Not providing record drawing formwork

5 Installation record drawing of bag-type dust remover bag cage Not providing record drawing formwork

6 Oil penetration test confirmation and signature of bag-type dust remover ash bucket Table 4.4.35

7 Oil penetration test confirmation and signature of bag-type dust remover inlet and outlet smoke box Table 4.4.35

8 Oil penetration test confirmation and signature of bag-type dust remover shell Table 4.4.35

9 Confirmation and signature of bag-type dust remover air pressure test Table 4.6.2

10 Confirmation and signature before trial operation of bag-type dust remover vibration driving device Table 4.9.26

11 Confirmation and signature for segmental trial operation of bag-type dust remover vibration driving device Table 4.9.27

3 Check table on implementation performance of compulsory provisions for electric dust remover

1 Check table on implementation performance of compulsory provisions for dust removing device Table 4.5.15

Table 4.2.13-3 Check table list on construction record, confirmation and signature, as well as implementation performance of compulsory provisions for the unit project of integral air
pressure test of boiler
SN Name of information Table No. Remark

1 Air pressure test for entire boiler

1 Confirmation and signature of air pressure test for entire boiler Table 4.6.2

2 Confirmation and signature of flue and air duct air pressure Table 4.6.2

3 Confirmation and signature of pulverized coal pipe air pressure Table 4.6.2

Table 4.2.13-4 Check table list on construction record, confirmation and signature, as well as implementation performance of compulsory provisions for the unit project of boiler fuel
fired equipment and piping installation
SN Name of information Table No. Remark

1 Installation of oil tank and auxiliaries

1 Confirmation and signature for filling water in the oil tank Table 4.7.3

2 Installation of oil supply equipments and pipes

1 Alignment record drawing of oil pump coupling Not providing record drawing formwork

2 Confirmation and signature of fuel oil pipe hydraulic test Table 4.7.14

3 Confirmation and signature for fuel oil pipe purging Table 4.7.15

4 Confirmation and signature before trial operation of oil pump Table 4.8.11

5 Confirmation and signature after trial operation of oil pump Table 4.8.12

6 Check table on implementation performance of compulsory provisions for subsection project of oil supply Table 4.7.16
equipment and pipe installation

Table 4.2.13-5 Check table list on construction record, confirmation and signature, as well as implementation performance of compulsory provisions for the unit project of boiler
auxiliary machinery installation
SN Name of information Table No. Remark

1 Installation of steel ball coal mill

1 Record drawing of coal mill foundation inspection lineation Table 4.8.8

2 Alignment record drawing of coal mill platen Table 4.8.8

3 Alignment record drawing of coal mill shaft block Table 4.8.8

4 Alignment record drawing of coal mill gearwheel Table 4.8.8

5 Alignment record drawing of coal mill pinion gear Table 4.8.8

6 Alignment record drawing of coal mill reductor coupling Table 4.8.8

7 Alignment record drawing of coal mill reductor and motor coupling Table 4.8.8

8 Alignment record drawing of coal mill turning coupling Table 4.8.8

9 Hydraulic test confirmation and signature of coal mill bearing bush Table 4.8.7

10 Hydraulic test confirmation and signature of coal mill oil station Table 4.8.7

11 Fastening confirmation and signature of coal mill bolt Table 4.8.9

12 Sealing confirmation and signature of coal mill manhole door Table 4.8.10

13 Confirmation and signature before trial operation of coal mill Table 4.8.11

14 Trial operation confirmation and signature of coal mill Table 4.8.12

2 Installation of medium-speed coal mill

1 Record drawing of coal mill foundation inspection lineation Table 4.8.8

2 Installation alignment record drawing of coal mill platen Table 4.8.8

3 Installation record drawing of coal mill stone bolt Table 4.8.8

4 Installation alignment record drawing of reductor Table 4.8.8

5 Alignment record drawing of coal mill motor and reductor coupling Table 4.8.8

6 Alignment record drawing of coal mill driving plate Table 4.8.8

7 Alignment record drawing of coal mill nozzle ring Table 4.8.8

8 Alignment record drawing of coal mill grinding roller Table 4.8.8

9 Hydraulic test confirmation and signature of coal mill oil station Table 4.8.7

10 Sealing confirmation and signature of coal mill manhole door Table 4.8.10

11 Confirmation and signature before trial operation of coal mill Table 4.8.11

12 Trial operation confirmation and signature of coal mill Table 4.8.12

3 Installation of bowl-type medium-speed coal mill

1 Record drawing of coal mill foundation inspection lineation Table 4.8.8

2 Installation record drawing of coal mill stone bolt Table 4.8.8

3 Installation alignment record drawing of coal mill platen Table 4.8.8

4 Installation record drawing of coal mill reductor Table 4.8.8

5 Alignment record drawing of coal mill side engine body Table 4.8.8

6 Alignment record drawing of coal mill reductor and motor coupling Table 4.8.8

7 Record drawing of clearance ( mating skirt seal) between coal mill mating skirt device and internal gas seal Table 4.8.8


8 Record drawing of clearance between coal mill scraper device and side engine body bottom cover plate Table 4.8.8

9 Record drawing of clearance (gap seal) between coal mill sealing strip bowl mill shell Table 4.8.8

10 Record drawing of clearance between bowl mill regulating ring and separator body Table 4.8.8

11 Record drawing of clearance between coal mill inner cone and coal chute Table 4.8.8

12 Record drawing of clearance between coal mill inverse cone and inner cone Table 4.8.8

13 Record drawing of clearance between grinding roller and bowl mill Table 4.8.8

14 Record drawing of clearance between spring mill loading device and grinding roller head Table 4.8.8

15 Fastening moment record drawing for bolts in each part of coal mill Table 4.8.8

16 Hot tightening record of impeller bolt (fan mill) Table 4.8.8

17 Hydraulic test confirmation and signature of coal mill oil station Table 4.8.7

18 Sealing confirmation and signature of coal mill manhole door Table 4.8.10

19 Confirmation and signature before trial operation of coal mill Table 4.8.11

20 Trial operation confirmation and signature of coal mill Table 4.8.12

4 Fan

1 Record drawing of fan foundation inspection lineation Table 4.8.8

2 Alignment record drawing of fan platen Table 4.8.8

3 Alignment record drawing of fan shaft block Table 4.8.8

4 Alignment record drawing of fan coupling Table 4.8.8

5 Alignment record drawing of fan current collector Table 4.8.8

6 Alignment record drawing of clearance between fan blade and shell Table 4.8.8

7 Hydraulic test confirmation and signature of fan shaft block cooling water chamber Table 4.8.7

8 Hydraulic test confirmation and signature of fan oil system Table 4.8.7

9 Sealing confirmation and signature of fan manhole door Table 4.8.10

10 Confirmation and signature before trial operation of fan Table 4.8.11

11 Confirmation and signature for trial operation of fan Table 4.8.12

5 Installation of coal feeder

1 Record drawing of coal feeder foundation inspection lineation Table 4.8.8

2 Inspection confirmation and signature before trial operation of coal feeder Table 4.8.11

3 Trial operation confirmation and signature of coal feeder Table 4.8.12

6 Installation of air compressor

1 Record drawing of air compressor foundation inspection lineation Table 4.8.8

2 Inspection confirmation and signature before trial operation of air compressor Table 4.8.11

3 Trial operation confirmation and signature of air compressor Table 4.8.12

7 Auxiliary machinery installation of boiler body, ash removal and slag removal system

1 Construction record drawing of foundation inspection lineation Table 4.8.8

2 Alignment record drawing of coupling Table 4.8.8

3 Hydraulic test confirmation and signature of hydraulic shutoff door Table 4.8.7

4 Hydraulic test confirmation and signature of oil station Table 4.8.7

5 Inspection confirmation and signature before trial operation Table 4.8.11

6 Trial operation confirmation and signature Table 4.8.12

8 Installation of hoisting facilities in the boiler room

1 Inspection confirmation and signature before trial operation Table 4.8.11

2 Trial operation confirmation and signature Table 4.8.12

9 Check table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions

1 Check table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions for installation of coal mill Table 4.8.66

2 Check table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions for installation of fan Table 4.8.67

3 Check table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions for installation of coal feeder Table 4.8.68

4 Check table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions for installation of air compressor Table 4.8.69

5 Check table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions for installation of pump equipments Table 4.8.70

6 Check table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions for installation of ash removal and Table 4.8.71
slag removal equipments

7 Check table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions for installation of hoisting facilities Table 4.8.72
in the boiler room

Table 4.2.13-6 Check table list on construction record, confirmation and signature, as well as implementation performance of compulsory provisions for the unit project of coal
handling equipment installation
SN Name of information Table No. Remark

1 Installation of disk coal allocating machine

1 Inspection confirmation and signature before trial operation of disk coal allocating machine Table 4.9.26

2 Trial operation confirmation and signature of disk coal allocating machine Table 4.9.27

2 Installation of vibrating coal screen

1 Inspection confirmation and signature before trial operation of vibrating coal screen Table 4.9.26

2 Trial operation confirmation and signature of vibrating coal screen Table 4.9.27

3 Installation of probabilistic coal screen

1 Inspection confirmation and signature before trial operation of probabilistic coal screen Table 4.9.26

2 Trial operation confirmation and signature of probabilistic coal screen Table 4.9.27

4 Installation of hammer crusher and reactive coal crusher

1 Record drawing of foundation inspection lineation Not providing record drawing formwork

2 Inspection confirmation and signature before trial operation of coal crusher Table 4.9.26

3 Trial operation confirmation and signature of coal crusher Table 4.9.27

5 Installation of loop hammer crusher Not providing record drawing formwork

1 Record drawing of foundation inspection lineation Not providing record drawing formwork

2 Inspection confirmation and signature before trial operation of coal crusher Table 4.9.26

3 Confirmation and signature after trial operation of coal crusher Table 4.9.27

6 Installation of bridge type screw coal unloader

1 Inspection confirmation and signature before trial operation of bridge type screw coal unloader Table 4.9.26

2 Confirmation and signature after trial operation of bridge type screw coal unloader Table 4.9.27

7 Installation of rotary car dumper

1 Record drawing of rotor carrier roller base foundation inspection lineation Not providing record drawing formwork

2 Record drawing of car puller platform foundation inspection lineation Not providing record drawing formwork

3 Record drawing of light-vehicle shunter transmission rack foundation inspection lineation Not providing record drawing formwork

4 Record drawing of heavy-vehicle shunter transmission rack foundation inspection lineation Not providing record drawing formwork

5 Alignment record drawing of rotor carrier roller base Not providing record drawing formwork

6 Installation alignment record drawing of reductor Not providing record drawing formwork

7 Alignment record drawing of inlet and outlet end disc driving motor and transmission rack Not providing record drawing formwork

8 Alignment record drawing of motor and reductor coupling Not providing record drawing formwork

9 Confirmation and signature of hydraulic oil station and pipe oil filtration Table 4.9.27

10 Inspection confirmation and signature before trial operation of car puller platform Table 4.9.26

11 Trial operation confirmation and signature of car puller platform Table 4.9.27

12 Inspection confirmation and signature before trial operation of light-vehicle shunter Table 4.9.26

13 Trial operation confirmation and signature of light-vehicle shunter Table 4.9.27

14 Inspection confirmation and signature before trial operation of heavy-vehicle shunter Table 4.9.26

15 Trial operation confirmation and signature of heavy-vehicle shunter Table 4.9.27

16 Sampling re-inspection record of car dumper high-strength bolt Table 4.4.8

17 Fastening record of car dumper high-strength bolt Table 4.4.9

18 Re-inspection record after fastening of car dumper high-strength bolt Table 4.4.10

19 Inspection confirmation and signature before trial operation of car dumper Table 4.9.26

20 Trial operation confirmation and signature of car dumper Table 4.9.27

8 Installation of bucket wheel stacker reclaimer

1 Record drawing of foundation inspection lineation Not providing record drawing formwork

2 Installation alignment record drawing of reductor Not providing record drawing formwork

3 Alignment record drawing of reductor shaft end gear and center transmission rack Not providing record drawing formwork

4 Segmental trial operation confirmation and signature of hydraulic oil station Table 4.9.27

5 Sampling re-inspection record of bucket wheel machine high-strength bolt Table 4.4.8

6 Fastening record of bucket wheel machine high-strength bolt Table 4.4.9

7 Re-inspection record after fastening of bucket wheel machine high-strength bolt Table 4.4.10

8 Inspection confirmation and signature before trial operation of bucket wheel machine Table 4.9.26

9 Trial operation confirmation and signature of bucket wheel machine Table 4.9.27

9 Installation of dynamic rail balance

1 Inspection confirmation and signature before trial operation of dynamic rail balance Table 4.9.26

2 Trial operation confirmation and signature of dynamic rail balance Table 4.9.27

10 Installation of belt coal conveyer

1 Record drawing of foundation inspection lineation Not providing record drawing formwork

2 Alignment record drawing of motor and reductor coupling Not providing record drawing formwork

3 Inspection confirmation and signature before trial operation of belt coal conveyer Table 4.9.26

4 Trial operation confirmation and signature of belt coal conveyer Table 4.9.27

11 Installation of disc-type iron separator

1 Inspection confirmation and signature before trial operation of disc-type iron separator Table 4.9.26

2 Trial operation confirmation and signature of disc-type iron separator Table 4.9.27

12 Installation of belt-type iron separator

1 Inspection confirmation and signature before trial operation of belt-type iron separator Table 4.9.26

2 Trial operation confirmation and signature of belt-type iron separator Table 4.9.27

13 Installation of sampling device

1 Record drawing of foundation inspection lineation Not providing record drawing formwork

2 Inspection confirmation and signature before trial operation of sampling device Table 4.9.26

3 Trial operation confirmation and signature of sampling device Table 4.9.27

14 Installation of equipments in coal water treatment house

1 Record drawing of coal-water lift pump foundation lineation Not providing record drawing formwork

2 Inspection confirmation and signature before trial operation of coal-water lift pump Table 4.9.26

3 Trial operation confirmation and signature of coal-water lift pump Table 4.9.27

4 Record drawing of reuse water pump foundation lineation Not providing record drawing formwork

5 Inspection confirmation and signature before trial operation of reuse water pump Table 4.9.26

6 Trial operation confirmation and signature of reuse water pump Table 4.9.27

7 Record drawing of mud pump foundation lineation Not providing record drawing formwork

8 Inspection confirmation and signature before trial operation of mud pump Table 4.9.26

9 Trial operation confirmation and signature of mud pump Table 4.9.27

10 Inspection confirmation and signature before trial operation of dosing device Table 4.9.26

11 Trial operation confirmation and signature of dosing device Table 4.9.27

12 Inspection confirmation and signature before trial operation of mud scraper Table 4.9.26

13 Trial operation confirmation and signature of mud scraper Table 4.9.27

15 Inspection table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions

1 Check table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions for installation of coal handling Table 4.9.28

Table 4.2.13-7 Check table list on construction record, confirmation and signature, as well as implementation performance of compulsory provisions for the unit project of
desulfurization equipment installation
SN Name of information Table No. Remark

1 Installation of absorption tower

1 Construction record drawing of foundation lineation Not providing record drawing formwork

2 Confirmation and signature of secondary grouting Table 4.4.12

3 Construction record drawing of drum verticality and radian Not providing record drawing formwork

4 Confirmation and signature of absorption tower cleaning and sealing Not providing record drawing formwork

5 Confirmation and signature of water filling test Table 4.10.8

2 Installation of booster fan

1 Construction record drawing of foundation lineation Not providing record drawing formwork

2 Confirmation and signature of secondary grouting Table 4.4.12

3 Record drawing of clearance between dynamic and static parts Not providing record drawing formwork

4 Levelness record drawing of shaft block Not providing record drawing formwork

5 Installation alignment record drawing of coupling Not providing record drawing formwork

6 Adjustment record drawing of blades (adjustable movable blade) Not providing record drawing formwork

7 Pressure test confirmation and signature of oil cooler Table 4.8.7

8 Static inspection confirmation and signature before segmental trial operation Table 4.8.11

9 Confirmation and signature of segmental trial operation Table 4.8.12

3 Installation of oxidation fan

1 Construction record drawing of foundation lineation Not providing record drawing formwork

2 Confirmation and signature of secondary grouting Table 4.4.12

3 Installation alignment record drawing of coupling Not providing record drawing formwork

4 Inspection confirmation and signature before segmental trial operation Table 4.8.11

5 Confirmation and signature of segmental trial operation Table 4.8.12

4 Installation of other fans in gas system

1 Construction record drawing of foundation lineation Not providing record drawing formwork

2 Confirmation and signature of secondary grouting Table 4.4.12

3 Inspection confirmation and signature before segmental trial operation Table 4.8.11

4 Confirmation and signature of segmental trial operation Table 4.8.12

5 Installation of GGH gas reheater

1 Construction record drawing of foundation lineation Not providing record drawing formwork

2 Confirmation and signature of secondary grouting Table 4.4.12

3 Construction record drawing of bearing verticality and levelness Not providing record drawing formwork

4 Sealing confirmation and signature of manhole door Table 4.8.10

5 Inspection confirmation and signature before segmental trial operation Table 4.8.11

6 Confirmation and signature of segmental trial operation Table 4.8.12

6 Installation of flue

1 Confirmation and signature of oil penetration test Table 4.4.35

2 Confirmation and signature of cleaning and sealing Table 4.8.10

3 Confirmation and signature of air pressure test Table 4.6.2

7 Installation of slurry circulating pump

1 Construction record drawing of foundation lineation Not providing record drawing formwork

2 Confirmation and signature of secondary grouting Table 4.4.12

3 Record drawing of shaft block levelness Not providing record drawing formwork

4 Installation record drawing of coupling Not providing record drawing formwork

5 Inspection confirmation and signature before segmental trial operation Table 4.8.11

6 Confirmation and signature of segmental trial operation Table 4.8.12

8 Installation of other pumps

1 Construction record drawing of foundation lineation Not providing record drawing formwork

2 Confirmation and signature of secondary grouting Table 4.4.12

3 Inspection confirmation and signature before segmental trial operation Table 4.8.11

4 Confirmation and signature of segmental trial operation Table 4.8.12

9 Installation of ball mill in coal pulverizing system

1 Construction record drawing of foundation lineation Not providing record drawing formwork

2 Confirmation and signature of secondary grouting Table 4.4.12

3 Hydraulic test confirmation and signature of bearing cooler Table 4.8.7

4 Construction record drawing of bearing levelness Not providing record drawing formwork

5 Sealing confirmation and signature of manhole door Table 4.8.10

6 Inspection confirmation and signature before segmental trial operation Table 4.8.11

7 Confirmation and signature of segmental trial operation Table 4.8.12

10 Installation of slurry preparation and conveying equipment

1 Construction record drawing of foundation lineation Not providing record drawing formwork

2 Confirmation and signature of secondary grouting concealed project Table 4.4.12

3 Inspection confirmation and signature before segmental trial operation Table 4.8.11

4 Confirmation and signature of segmental trial operation Table 4.8.12

11 Installation of dehydrating system conveying equipment

1 Construction record drawing of foundation lineation Not providing record drawing formwork

2 Inspection confirmation and signature before segmental trial operation Table 4.8.11

3 Confirmation and signature of segmental trial operation Table 4.8.12

12 Installation of other boxes and tanks

1 Construction record drawing of foundation lineation Not providing record drawing formwork

2 Confirmation and signature of secondary grouting Table 4.4.12

3 Construction record drawing of drum verticality and radian Not providing record drawing formwork

4 Cleaning and sealing confirmation and signature of manhole door Table 4.8.10

5 Confirmation and signature of water filling test Table 4.10.8

13 Installation of stirrer

1 Inspection confirmation and signature before segmental trial operation Table 4.8.11

2 Confirmation and signature of segmental trial operation Table 4.8.12

14 Installation of pipes

1 Tightness test confirmation and signature of pipes Table 4.4.88

15 Corrosion proof of equipments and tanks

1 Polishing confirmation and signature of metal surface Table 4.10.6

2 Construction record table of on-site preparation Not providing record drawing formwork

3 Cleaning and sealing confirmation and signature Table 4.8.10

16 Installation of sea water desulfurization equipment

1 Construction record drawing of foundation lineation Not providing record drawing formwork

2 Confirmation and signature of secondary grouting Table 4.4.12

3 Various acceptance records of GGH gas reheater

4 Inspection confirmation and signature before segmental trial operation Table 4.8.11

5 Confirmation and signature of segmental trial operation Table 4.8.12

17 Inspection table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions

1 Check table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions for installation of desulfurization Table 4.10.12

Table 4.2.13-8 Check table list on construction record, confirmation and signature, as well as implementation performance of compulsory provisions for the unit project of denitration
equipment installation
SN Name of information Table No. Remark

1 Installation of flue gas denitration device

1 Re-inspection sampling record of denitration device steel frame high-strength bolt Table 4.4.8

2 Fastening record of denitration device steel frame high-strength bolt Table 4.4.9

3 Re-inspection record after fastening of denitration device steel frame high-strength bolt Table 4.4.10

4 On-site re-inspection report of a set of high-strength bolt connection Provided by testing organization

5 Field inspection report of friction surface antiskid coefficient Provided by testing organization

6 Construction record drawing of denitration device steel frame column baseplate center distance and elevation Not providing record drawing formwork

7 Construction record drawing of denitration device steel frame column baseplate diagonal Not providing record drawing formwork

8 Construction record drawing of denitration device steel frame 1m elevation line Not providing record drawing formwork

9 Construction record drawing of denitration device steel frame post elevation and verticality Not providing record drawing formwork

10 Construction record drawing of denitration device steel frame post center distance Not providing record drawing formwork

11 Construction record drawing of denitration device steel frame column post diagonal Not providing record drawing formwork

12 Construction record drawing of denitration device steel frame column top elevation Not providing record drawing formwork

2 Gas system

1 Oil penetration test confirmation and signature of flue and ash bucket welded joints Table 4.4.35

2 Air pressure test confirmation and signature of denitration gas system and reactor Table 4.6.2

3 Denitration reactor

1 Cleaning and sealing confirmation and signature of reactor Table 4.8.10

2 Oil penetration test confirmation and signature of welded joints Table 4.4.35

3 Installation concealment confirmation and signature of catalyst Table 4.11.5

4 Installation record of catalyst module Table 4.11.4

4 Reducer preparation and storage system

1 Record drawing of reducer storage tank foundation inspection lineation as well as iron gasket and stone bolt Not providing record drawing formwork

2 Trial operation confirmation and signature of circulating pump for reducer evaporator Table 4.8.12

3 Record drawing of sump pump foundation inspection lineation as well as iron gasket and stone bolt Not providing record drawing formwork

4 Trial operation confirmation and signature of sump pump Table 4.8.12

5 Record drawing of air compressor foundation lineation as well as iron gasket and stone bolt installation Not providing record drawing formwork

6 Segmental trial operation confirmation and signature of air compressor Table 4.8.12

7 Hydraulic test confirmation and signature of reducer storage tank Table 4.11.10

8 Hydraulic test confirmation and signature of reducer pipes Table 4.11.11

9 Gas-tightness test confirmation and signature of reducer storage and transmission pipes Table 4.11.12

10 Purging confirmation and signature of reducer preparation and transmission pipes Table 4.11.13

11 Confirmation and signature of nitrogen replacement Table 4.11.14

5 Dilution air system

1 Trial operation confirmation and signature of dilution fan Table 4.8.12

6 Inspection table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions

1 Check table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions for subsection project of reducer Table 4.11.16
preparation and storage system

Table 4.2.13-9 Check table list on construction record, confirmation and signature, as well as implementation performance of compulsory provisions for the unit project of boiler wall
SN Name of information Table No. Remark

1 Wall masonry of boiler body

1 Re-inspection sampling record of boiler wall and insulation material Table 4.12.10

2 Acceptance confirmation and signature for critical processes in the concealed project of boiler wall Table 4.12.11

3 Inspection record of boiler wall surface temperature Table 4.12.12

2 Inspection table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions

1 Check table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions for subsection project of internal Table 4.12.24
boiler wall masonry

Table Check table list on construction record, confirmation and signature, as well as implementation performance of compulsory provisions for the unit project of thermal
equipment and piping insulation in the whole plant
SN Name of information Table No. Remark

1 Boiler equipment and piping insulation

1 Sampling re-inspection confirmation and signature of thermal insulation material Table 4.13.15

2 Inspection record of boiler body external thermal insulation surface temperature Table 4.12.12

2 Thermal insulation for steam turbine equipment and pipe

1 Sampling re-inspection confirmation and signature of thermal insulation material Table 4.13.15

2 Surface temperature inspection record of main steam pipe Table 4.12.12

3 Surface temperature inspection record of reheated steam hot segment pipe Table 4.12.12

4 Surface temperature inspection record of reheated steam cold segment pipe Table 4.12.12

5 Surface temperature inspection record of water supply pipe Table 4.12.12

6 Surface temperature inspection record of steam turbine equipment Table 4.12.12

3 Thermal insulation for chemical water equipment and pipe

1 Sampling re-inspection confirmation and signature of thermal insulation material Table 4.13.15

4 Equipment and piping insulation in the desulfurization area

1 Sampling re-inspection confirmation and signature of thermal insulation material Table 4.13.15

5 Equipment and piping insulation in the denitration area

1 Sampling re-inspection confirmation and signature of thermal insulation material Table 4.13.15

6 Check table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions of thermal equipment and piping
insulation in the whole plant

1 Check table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions for subsection project of steam Table 4.13.17
turbine equipment and piping insulation

Table 4.2.13-11 Check table list on construction record, confirmation and signature, as well as implementation performance of compulsory provisions for the unit project of
equipment and pipe painting in the whole plant
SN Name of information Table No. Remark

1 Check table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions for equipment and pipe painting in
the whole plant

1 Check table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions for equipment and pipe painting in Table 4.14.7

the boiler room

2 Check table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions for equipment and pipe painting in Table 4.14.7
the turbine room

3 Check table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions for water treatment and hydrogen Table 4.14.8
generation equipment and pipe painting

4 Check table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions for equipment and pipe painting in Table 4.14.7
the fuel pump room and ignition system

5 Check table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions for equipment and pipe painting in Table 4.14.7
the air compressor room

6 Check table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions for circulating pipe painting Table 4.14.7

7 Check table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions for equipment and pipe painting in Table 4.14.7
the desulfurization area

8 Check table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions for equipment and pipe painting in Table 4.14.7
the denitration area

Table 4.2.13-12 Check table list on construction record, confirmation and signature, as well as implementation performance of compulsory provisions for CFB boiler installation
SN Name of information Table No. Remark

Unit project of boiler body installation

1 Installation of main runner

1 Oil penetration test confirmation and signature of cyclone separator inlet flue Table 4.4.96

2 Oil penetration test confirmation and signature of cyclone separator outlet flue Table 4.4.96

3 Oil penetration test confirmation and signature of flue from cyclone separator to feed-back Table 4.4.96

4 Oil penetration test confirmation and signature of flue from feed-back instrument to outlaid Table 4.4.96

5 Oil penetration test confirmation and signature of flue from feed-back instrument to furnace Table 4.4.96

6 Oil penetration test confirmation and signature from outlaid bed to furnace Table 4.4.96

7 Oil penetration test confirmation and signature of ignition air duct Table 4.4.96

Unit project of boiler body boiler wall masonry

1 Wall masonry of boiler body

1 Re-inspection sampling record of boiler wall and thermal insulation material Table 4.12.10

2 Acceptance confirmation and signature for critical processes in the concealed project of Table 4.12.11
boiler wall

3 Inspection record confirmation and signature of boiler wall surface temperature Table 4.12.12

2 Boiler CFB

1 Re-inspection sampling record of wall pouring material in boiler Table 4.12.21

2 Installation confirmation and signature of anchoring elements in each position Table 4.15.32

3 Boiler wall construction record in boiler Table 4.12.22

4 Masonry confirmation and signature of refractory and wear resistant materials in cyclone Table 4.15.33

5 Masonry confirmation and signature for refractory and wear resistant materials of outlaid Table 4.15.34

6 Actual temperature fluctuation curve of integral boiler baking Actual fluctuation curve, not providing
standard record formwork

7 Inspection confirmation and signature of integral boiler baking Table 4.12.23

3 Inspection table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions

1 Check table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions for subsection Table 4.12.24
project of internal boiler wall masonry

Note: only the specific check tables for construction record, confirmation and signature, as well as implementation performance of compulsory provisions of CFB boiler are listed in this table; check tables for
construction record, confirmation and signature, as well as implementation performance of compulsory provisions same as each unit project of general boiler shall be enforced according to the above general boiler list

4.3 General Standard (Criteria)
4.3.1 Inspection of post:
1 Application scope: inspection of steel frame post
2 for the inspection of post, transverse beam and support, a certain quantity of equipments
may be selected from steel frame each layer, and the test may not be conducted root by root, but
the main beam and the main post shall be inspected by 100%. The specific random inspection
proportion shall be determined jointly by the supervision organization and the construction
organization, and the randomly inspecting quantity shall represent the mass distribution
characteristic of the equipment in a complete lot. the post, transverse beam and support with
obvious deviation must be tested.
3 See Table 4.3.1 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table 4.3.1: post inspection
Procedure Property Inspection method and
Inspection item Unit Quality criteria

Appearance inspection of Free from crack, skin lamination,

equipment severe rustiness or damage

The weld size meets the design

requirements of the manufacturer Observation; testing the weld
and the welding is free from size with welding inspection
Manufacturer welded joints Dominant
defects like undercut, gas cavity ruler; checking the outgoing
and crack; welded joints are quality certificate
formed better

Checking the product

Material Dominant No misusage
technical information

Deviation 8m mm
of post Inspecting with a steel tape
length >8m mm
Testing the two position
Not larger than 1/1000 the pillar forming a angle of 90;
Tortuosity of post mm
length, and not exceeding 10 inspecting with pulling line
and steel ruler

Not larger than 1/1000 the pillar Testing by the method

Twist value of post mm
length, and not exceeding 10 specified in E.4 in this Part

Testing with a 1m equilateral

L-square and feeler gauge, or
Verticality deviation of base 5/1000 The length of the base with suspension wire drop
plate on post base plate and steel ruler; testing the two
position forming a angle of

Testing the two position

Planeness deviation of base 5/1000 The length or width of
mm forming a angle of 90with
plate on post base the base plate
1m steel ruler and feeler


4.3.2 Inspection of transverse beam and support

1 Application scope: inspection for steel frame transverse beam and support
2 See Table 4.3.2 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.3.2: inspection for transverse beam and support
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Free from crack, skin

Equipment appearance lamination, severe rustiness Observing
or damage

The weld size meets the

design requirements of the
Observation; testing the weld
manufacturer and the
size with welding inspection
Manufacturer's welded joints welding is free from defects
ruler; checking the outgoing
like undercut and crack;
quality certificate
welded joints are formed

Checking the product

Material Dominant No misusage
technical information

L1000 mm
Equipment -4

inspection 0 Testing the length of the four

Length -6 corner angles with steel tape,
deviation 0 and taking the maximum
3000<L5000 mm
-8 value of the tolerance


Testing the two position

Deviation of deflection and sidewise Not larger than 1/1000 the forming a angle of 90;
bending full length and 10 inspecting with pulling line
and steel ruler

Not larger than 1/1000 the testing by the method

Twist value mm
full length and 10 specified in E.4 in this Part

Diameter and location of transverse Meeting the requirements of Testing with spring scale and
beam lifting holes the drawing steel tape

Note: L - length of transverse beam

4.3.3 Inspection of Plate Beam
1 Application scope: Inspection of steel frame plate beam
2 See Table 4.3.3 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.3.3: Inspection of Plate Beam
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Equipment appearance free from crack, skin Observing

of Plate lamination, severe
Beam rustiness or damage

the weld size meets the

design requirements of the Observation; testing the
manufacturer and the weld size with welding
Manufacturer's welded joints Dominant welding is free from inspection ruler; checking
defects like undercut and the outgoing quality
crack; welded joints are certificate
formed better

Checking the product

Material Dominant No misusage
technical information

Mian beam 15 Testing the width central

position of the upper and
deviation of mm 0
Secondary beam lower cover plates with a
plate beam -10
steel tape

Height H1600mm 3 Testing the center at both

deviation of 1600<H3000mm mm 5 ends of the web plate with
plate beam H>3000mm 8 a steel tape

Testing the upper and

lower cover plates every
Width deviation of plate beam mm 5
other 2 m with a steel

Testing the location of the

Central position deviation of plate beam
mm 5 two end faces with pulling
and web plate
line and steel ruler

Inclination H1600mm 3
deviation of
Testing two end faces with
plate beam mm
H>1600mm 5 L-square and ruler
and cover

Placing the beam

vertically, and testing with
Lateral curvature deviation of plate the full length of the
mm a steel ruler after pulling a
beam plate beam and 10
lkine from a side of the
web plate

Upward 30 Placing the beam

Vertical horizontally, and testing
deflection of mm with a steel ruler after
Downward 5
plate beam pulling a line from a side
of the cover plate

the full length of the

H2000mm testing by the method
Twist value plate beam and 10
mm specified in E.4 in this
of plate beam the full length of the
H>2000mm Part
plate beam and 16

Distance between centers of connecting Meeting the requirements Testing with spring scale
holes of high-strength bolt of the design drawing and steel tape

Position of Horizontal distance

high strength deviation
meeting the requirements Testing with spring scale
bolt mm
Vertical distance of the design drawing and steel tape

Testing the height of both

Height deviation of center line pf ends on the root on the
mm 2
connecting bolt hole group base of the lower cover
plate of the plate beam

Horizontal L2m 3
deviation of
center line pf
mm Testing with a level meter
connecting L>2m 5
bolt hole

Diameter and location of plate beam Meeting the requirements Testing with spring scale
lifting holes of the drawing and steel tape

Note: H - height of plate beam; L - distance from the connecting bolt hole group center line to
the measuring baseline
4.3.4 Connection of high-strength bolt
1 Application scope: connection of steel frame high-strength bolt
2 See Table 4.3.4 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.3.4: connection of high-strength bolt
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Equipment Hole +1.0 Testing the two position

17mm mm
inspection diameter 0.0 forming a angle of 90with a
deviation vernier caliper; randomly
of bolt >17mm mm inspecting large joint, and at
hole least 2 positions each joint

Ovality 17mm mm 1.0 Testing with a vernier caliper;

deviation randomly inspecting large
of bolt >17mm mm 1.5 joint, and at least 2 positions
hole each joint

Free from crack and

bruising, or attachment like
Appearance of connector oil sludge and floating rust; Observing
the screw thread is in good

Meeting the relevant

Bolt, nut and gasket Dominant provisions of GB

Inspecting three groups of
specimen each lot, and the Submitting after sampling on
Antiskid coefficient of friction
Dominant inspection minimum value site; providing the
must not be less than the reinspection report
deisng value

Meeting the relevant

Connector of high-strength bolt Dominant provisions of GB

Conforming to the Conducting the spectral

Material Dominant manufacturer's technical analysis on site and providing
document the report

The surface treatment

meeting the requirements of
the equipment technological
documents; the surface is
Friction joint surface of node Dominant dry and clean, free from Observing
scale, oil sludge and dust, or
defects like deformation,
edge liftingm bending and
Meeting the requirements of
the equipment technological
documents; complying with
the relevant provisions in Testing with a torque
Bolt tightening torque Dominant
GB 50205-2001 if there is measuring spanner
no requirment in the
equipment technological

4.3.5 Inspection of hoisting device

1 Application scope: preinstallation inspection for bearing and hoisting device (hanger) for
boiler body components (like steam drum, heating surface, collecting box, burner and main body
2 See Table 4.3.5 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.3.5 Inspection of hoisting device
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

The surface is free from

defects like damge, crack
Appearance of parts (lifting lug, Observing and conducting
Equipment and skin lamination; the
hanger rod, hanger plate, jib pin, trial assembly for hanger rod
inspection hanger rod thread surface is
transition beam, etc.) nut one by one
free from bruising and
well-integrated with the nut

External dimension of parts mm Meeting the requirements of Randomly inspecting with a

the manufacturer's design steel tape

Checking the product

No misusage; conducting
technical information;
spectral analysis on alloy
Parts material conducting the spectral
component and making
analysis on alloy component
marks in obvious positions
and providing the report

Observation; visual
1 The length of the hanger
observation on the ones with
Flexibility of hanger rod mm rod and the full length less
larger flexibility; testng with
than or equal to 4
pulling line and steel ruler

The weld height meets the

requirements of the drawing, Observation; randomly
Manufacturer welded joints free from defects crack, slag inspecting the weld size with
inclusion and gas cavity, and welding testing ruler
formed better.

4.3.6 Installation of hoisting device

1 Application scope: preinstallation inspection for bearing and hoisting device (hanger) for
boiler body components (like steam drum, heating surface, collecting box, burner and main body
2 See Table 4.3.6 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.3.6: installation of hoisting device
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Checking with a steel tape

according to the requirments
Center line deviation in vertical and of the drawing on the base of
Installation mm 5
horizontal directions vertical and horizontal
expansion center line of the

Jib pin and cotter pin are

Jib pin installation installed completely, and Observing
cotter pin

The connection mode meets

the requirements of the
drawing; the length of the
hanger rod screw thread
screwed into the petal
Connection of hoisting device Dominant Observing
basket nut meet the
requirements of the
drawing; screw threads are
arranged drop-proof

Length of screw rod coming out the mm Consistent; and the reveal Observing
nut length is not less than 3

Levelness deviation of middle

transition connection beam on mm 5 Testing with a iron level
combination hanger

The direction meets the

design requirements; the
Joint surface of spheric cushion Observing
joint surface is coated with
black lead powder lubricant

Conforming to the
Spring mounting spring mounting mm equipment technological Inspecting with a steel tape

Judging by shaking the

hanger rod with hnads or
hand hammer for at least of 3
Hanger rod force Dominant Reasonable load distribution
1. after loading
2. after loading boiler
water pressure
3. in steam tightness test

The welded joints meet the

requirements of the Observation; randomly
Welding drawing, free from defects inspecting with a weld
crack, slag inclusion and gas inspection ruler
cavity, and formed better.

4.3.7 Inspection of heating surface equipment

1 Application scope: inspection for equipments like boiler water wall, superheater, reheater,
economizer, steam-steam heater, pendant tube, and main body pipeline
2 See Table 4.3.7 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.3.7: inspection of heating surface equipment
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Free from dust, scale, water

Equipment accumulation, and metal Air lancing with compressed
Pipe internal cleaning Dominant
inspection chip and making reliable air
blockage after cleaning

External diameter meeting the requirements of Randomly inspecting;

Pipe deviation the drawing testing with vernier caliper,
Dimension micrometer and thickness
Wall thickness deviation

Membrane Length deviation Dominant mm meeting the requirements of Testing with steel ruler and
water wall Width deviation Dominant mm the drawing angle ruler after pulling line;
tube row Deviation of diagonal or inspecting the samples on
Dominant mm
line the pipe reshaping platform

Burner deviation

Door hole

Testing with steel ruler and

meeting the requirements of angle ruler after pulling line;
Snake-like Length deviation mm
the drawing or inspecting the samples on
tube bank
the pipe reshaping platform

Width deviation mm

Length deviation of meeting the requirements of

mm Inspecting with a steel ruler
straight pipe segment the drawing

Angular deviation of meeting the requirements of Testing with steel ruler by

Single bend pipe the drawing pulling line
pipe Testing with steel ruler after
pulling line on two positions
Degree of curvature mm 10
forming a angle of 90 with
larger flexibility

Auxiliaries (sealing fill block, Correct location; free from Observation; testing with a
sleeve, hoisting device, etc.) damage and deficiency steel tape

Checking the technical

document and the exfactory
No misusage; meeting the quanlity certificate;
requirements of the conducting the spectral
Material Dominant
equipment technological analysis on alloy steel
documents component and providing
the report; making marks on
obvious positions

Meeting the requirements of

Sphere test of single pipe (bank) of
Dominant Article 3.1.4 in DL/T On site Sphere test
heating surface

The welded joints meet the

requirements of the drawing, Observation; randomly
Manufacturer welded joints Dominant free from defects crack, slag inspecting the weld size with
inclusion and gas cavity, and a welding testing ruler
formed better.

4.3.8 Inspection of boiler body, and auxiliary pipe equipements

1 Application scope: inspection for pipelines like boiler body downcast pipe, evaporating
pipe, steam connection pipe, water supply connection pipe, recirculating pipe, and desuperheating
water pipe
2 See Table 4.3.8 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.3.8: Inspection of boiler body, and auxiliary pipe equipements
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Equipment Meeting the requirments of Checking the product

Pipe material Dominant
inspection the design technical information

Pipe appearance Free from crack, bruising, Observation; testing with

chap, flattening, blister and measuring instrument in case
layering; depth of local of question on defect depth
damage on surface 10%
the design thickness of the
pipe wall

Conducting the spectral

Material of alloy steel component Dominant No misusage analysis and providing the

Testing with steel ruler and

External diameter and wall thickness Meeting the requirments of
vernier caliper; randomly
of pipe the design
inspecting at least 2 roots

Flexibility Observation; inspecting

deviation pipes with obvious deviation
Dg100mm mm 1; and 20
of the by steel ruler after pulling
horizontal line
pipe Dg>100mm mm 1.5; and 20

Meeting the requirments of Testing with steel ruler by

Angular deviation of bend pipe
the design pulling line

Good appearance quality,

Elbow preparation free from crack and Observing
lamination on surface

Free from sundries like Air lancing with compressed

dust, scale, water air; for large aperture pipe,
Pipe internal cleaning Dominant
accumulation and metal confirming by pulling
chip brushing with a wire brush

Meeting the requirements of

Valve inspection Dominant 3.5 (valve inspection) in DL Check the inspection record

Meeting the requirements of

the design drawing and the
Supporter and hanger section 4.4 in DL Observing
5031-1994; providing the
product certificate

4.3.9 Heating surface contra aperture

1 Application scope: inspection for pipelines like boiler body downcast pipe, evaporating
pipe, steam connection pipe, water supply connection pipe, recirculating pipe, and desuperheating
water pipe
2 See Table 4.3.9 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.3.9: heating surface contra aperture
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Groove meeting the requirements of

Groove form Dominant mm Observing
preparation the drawing

Testing with weld inspection

Groove angle deviation 2.5

Meeting the requirements of
Detecting with L-square and
Slope deviation of groove end face mm Article 3.1.8 in DL/T
feeler gauge

Metallic luster but iron rust

or oil sludge within the
Groove cleaning Visual check before welding
range 10 ~15 mm inside and
outside of the pipe end

10% the pipe wall Testing with 100mm gap

Contra aperture misalignment Dominant mm
thickness and 1 ruler and feeler gauge

Testing with steel ruler and

feeler gauge on the position
Contra aperture deflection degree Dominant mm 2/200
Contra 200 mm away from welded
aperture of joint center; the result 2mm
pipe Meeting the requirements of
Table 1 in DL/T 869-2004;
Testing with feeler gauge
Gap between clearance Dominant mm the V groove meeting the
during operation procedure
requirements of the
operation guide book

Note: where individual pipe cannot meet the requirements in tube bank contra aperture, it may be negotiated with the owner
(construction organization) and the quality inspection station, and the reasons shall be indicated.

4.3.10 Inspection and installation of boiler header (desuperheating device)

1 Application scope: installation of spare parts for boiler superheater header, reheater
header, water wall header, steam header, desuperheating device header and pressure-bearing
component steam-water header
2 See Table 4.3.10 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.3.10: Inspection and installation of boiler header (desuperheating device)
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Free from crack, bruise,

Appearance inspection chap, flattening, blister Observing
and lamination

Depth of Connecting pipe seat mm 10% Design thickness

defect Observing
Header drum mm 1

Meeting the requirements of

Testing with steel ruler and
End face inclination Article 3.1.8 in DL/T
glass tube level
Randomly inspecting with
Angular deviation to the meeting the requirements of L-square and steel ruler, or
header the drawing randomly inspecting by

Distance deviation of mm meeting the requirements of Randomly inspecting with

pipe joints the drawing steel ruler on the positions
close to header drum and
pipe orfice

Free from sundries like dust,

Internal cleaning of header and Inspecting with lighting and
scale, water accumulation
connecting pipe seat reflector
and metal chip

Smooth and clear jet orifice

Sprayer nozzle of desuperheating
and correct spray nozzle Observing

Fixing firm; the wall

Internal sleeve of desuperheating
thickness meets the Observing
requirements of the drawing

No misusage; marking Conducting the spectral

Material of alloy steel element Dominant striking mark on obvious analysis and providing the
position for alloy component report

Vertical and horizontal

center line marks (punching) Rechecking with steel ruler
Header lineation
on both ends faces of the and glass tube level

Inspecting in accordance
Elevation deviation of header Dominant mm 5 with the requirements E.2 in
this Part

Inspecting in accordance
Vertical and horizontal levelness
Dominant mm 3 with the requirements E.3 in
deviation of header
this Part

Testing the distances to the

header longitudinal center
line at the two ends of the
Installation Range deviation of vertical and header respectively by
horizontal center line of the header Dominant mm 5 pulling line and suspending
to the boiler center line wire drop in accordance with
the requirements of E.1 in
this Part on the base of the
boiler center line

Measuing the distance of

both ends of he two header
Range deviation of center lines
mm 5 center lines in accordance
between headers
with the requirements of E.1
in this part

Free from sundries like dust,

Internal cleaning of header and Inspecting with lighting and
Dominant scale, water accumulation
connecting pipe seat reflector before sealing
and metal chip

4.3.11 Foundation inspection and lineation of auxiliary machinery and installation of iron gasket
and stone bolt

1 Application scope: base inspection and lineation of boiler auxiliary machinery, and
installation of iron gasket and stone bolt
2 See Table 4.3.11 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.3.11: Foundation inspection and lineation of auxiliary machinery and installation of iron
gasket and stone bolt
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Comparing with the

Base geometric dimension mm 20 drawing and testing with a
steel ruler

Comparing with the

Central position deviation mm 20 drawing and testing with a
Foundation steel ruler
(base) Free from reinforcement
inspection exposion, beehive, hole,
Foundation surface quality Observing
slag inclusion, looseness or
crack on surface

On site actual
Strength of foundation concrete for mfcn1.15fcu,k;
measurement or inspecting
equipment installation fcu,min0.95fcu,k
the test report

Suspending a plumb bob

and testing with a steel
ruler on the base of the
Deviation of vertical and horizontal
20 building reference point of
main center line of the base
main house or vertical and
horizontal center line of the

Base boiler

lineation Suspending a plumb bob

Distance deviation of center lines 3 and testing with a steel

Inspecting with a steel

Foundation bolt hole deviation 10

Testing by method E.2 in

Elevation deviation 10
this Part

Installation Meeting the computational

of iron Area of iron gasket group requirments of Annex K in Inspection abd calculation
gasket DL/T 5047-1995

Exceed the machine frame

Length mm
Geometric 20
dimension of General Inspecting with a steel
plain iron auxiliary 60~100 ruler
(width) mm
gasket machinery

Coal mill 100~150

Geometric (oblique) 1: 10~1: 20 Inspecting with a steel

dimension of Thickness of thinest edge mm 4 ruler
inclined iron
Length, width mm Same to plain iron gasket

Flat, smooth and free form

burr and oil stain; inclined
Surface quality of iron gasket Observing
iron gasket processed

Plaing stable; arranged the

Placement order thick blocks in lower layer Observing
and thinest ones in middle

Generally, less than or

Blocks of iron gasket Block Observing
equal to 4

Contacting close and solid;

the wedge depth of a
Testing with feeler gauge
Arrangement Interlayer contact 0.1mm feeler gauge is not
and steel ruler
of iron larger than 20% the iron
gaskets gasket length

Placement location is
arranged on main load
carrying pedestal and
Placement position foundation frame stud part Observing
of the equipment or on
both sides of the
foundation bolt

Grinding with the iron

gasket and showing
Polishing flat and smooth; uniform marks; inspecting
Contact surface to base
contacting well longitudinal and horizontal
horizontality with a level

Spot welding of iron gaskets in all Firm spot welding without Observing and tipping with
layers before grouting looseness a hand hammer

(1/100) L
Vertical misalignment of stone bolt mm Measuring with a L-square
(L-Bolt length )

Distance of hook (loop) head to hole The bottom shall not

wall contact the hole wall

Smooth and good contact;

bolt shall expose 2-3
bolt Installation of stone bolt, nut and gasket Observing
buttons after nuts are
tightened up

Inspecting the construction

Concrete strength in foundation bolt 70% Concrete design
note and the specimen
tightening strength
strength report

Installation of mobile foundation bolt The direction of the Observing

for anchor slab rectangular head shall be
marked on the upper end
face of the bolt

Note: mfcu--Mean value of the strengthes of the concrete in same acceptance lot ; N/mm2fcu,k--Mean value of designed concrete
strengthes ; N/mm2fcu,miu--Minimum value of the strengthes of the concrete in same acceptance lot ; N/mm2

4.3.12 Installation of shaft coupling, pulley and chain wheel:

1 Application scope: installation of shaft coupling, pulley and chain wheel of boiler
auxiliary machinery
2 See Table 4.3.12 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.3.12: Installation of shaft coupling, pulley and chain wheel
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Complete parts; free of

Appearance inspection of crack and burrs; unimpeded
of shaft Observing
components oil hole; with steel grade

Meeting the requirements of Testing with micrometer

Match of axis and hole
the drawing caliper and vernier caliper

Installing in original fits in

pairs specified as the
manufacturer, but in mixed
way; free of impact mark
and damage on spare parts
in assembling; no gasket
adding or tightening force
on conpact shaft end;
Assembly technique Observing
toothed sleeve and gear
meshing correctly, and
toothed sleeve twisting
flexibly on gear; shaft
coupling assembling no
loosening, no clearance on
both sides of the bond;
reliable retaining nut

Center 1500<n3000r/min 0.04

deviation 750<n1500r/min 0.06

Dominant mm
of solid 500<n750r/min 0.08
coupling n500r/min 0.10 Testing with feeler gauge or

Center 1500<n3000r/min 0.06 dial gauge on circle divides

deviation 750<n1500r/min 0.08

Dominant mm
of spring 500<n750r/min 0.10
coupling n500r/min 0.15

End face spacing of two half Meeting the requirments the Testing with feeler gauge or

coupling equipment technological steel ruler
records or Article in
DL/T 5047-1995

Fitting the coupling stylus

pin hole; stylus pin having
tightening force and nut
having locking device; the
Installation of flexible coupling clearance of 0.5 ~ 2mm is Observing and testing with
flexible coupling stylus pin between leather washer and steel ruler and feeler gauge
stylus pin, and the leather
washer and stylus pin shall
be assembled tight without

Meeting the requirments the

Inspecting the oil
Tooth coupling oil quality equipment technical
conformity certificate

Fastening firm; convenient

in disassembly and
Coupling safety guard assembly; proper and Observing
uniform clearance, no
friction with coupling

The coordination between

axis and hole meet the
Observing and checking the
requirements of the
Coupling with safety pin equipment technological
drawing; the diameter and
material of safety pin shall
not be changed at will

Spring adjustment shall

Measuring according to the
comply with the
requirements of the
Coupling with restraining spring requirements of the
equipment technological
equipment technological

V belt Center deviation value of Pulling line and testing with

mm 1
pulley two wheels steel ruler

Center deviation value of Pulling line and testing with
belt mm 1.5
Installation two wheels steel ruler
of pulley
The center deviation,
and chain
parallism and chain sag of
two chain wheels shall Pulling line and testing with
Chain wheel installation
meeting the requirments the steel ruler
equipment technical

Note: n - coupling rotational speed

4.3.13 Installation (inspection) of reductor:
1 Application scope: installation (inspection) of reductor of boiler auxiliary machinery
2 See Table 4.3.13 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.3.13: installation (inspection) of reductor
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Clean and free of casting

sand, crack and burrs;
smooth and clean tooth Observing, and rechecking
Appearance surface; the assembly of gear equipment technical
and shaft shall meet the information
requirments the equipment
technical document

Meeting the requirments the

Rechecking the equipment
Model equipment technical
technical information

Inside and outside Smooth, free from

housing rust,scratch; clean and neat Observing
Rolling body with coating lubrication oil

Meeting requirements of
Measuring with micrometer
Shaft fit equipment technical
or vernier caliper

Meeting requirements of
Examining with feeler gauge
Thrust gap and expansion clearance mm equipment technical
Installation or pressing lead wires
Gear Tooth width 60
of reductor
meshing Making rocords for color
contact Tooth height 50 print inspection


Contact patch being loacted

Wormwheel meshing contact Making rocords for color
on certer position, wihtout
surface print inspection

Tooth top Meeting the requirments the Testing with feeler gauge or
mm equipment technical pressing lead wires along the
lash Tooth side
documents tooth width direction

A 0.1 mm feeler gauge

Joint surface of cover engine block cannot be wedged inside
Contact tight, oil tightness
flange when not tightening the
connecting bolt up

Tightening evenly and with

Coupling bolt locking device and consistent Inspection with a spanner
in direction

Flexible, stable, Operating jiggle; mornitoring

Inspection for integral assembling
no-impacting, continuing or and observing

no-blocking rotation

4.3.14 By-part trial operation of auxiliary machinery:

1 Application scope: by-part trial operation of boiler auxiliary machinery
2 See Table 4.3.14 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.3.14: by-part trial operation of auxiliary machinery
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Without sundries Carry out internal

Internal inspection of mechanical and inside(instrument,temporary inspection and
interconnection system consolidation,etc);and confirmation and signature
personal shall not stay there of seal shall be transacted

Testing by tapping with

Without parts missing and
Bolted connection of each position hand hammer or with

Protection cover and fence

Prevention of exposed section rotating shall be all ready and Observing

Strength of secondary concrete Examining the

Reaching the design value
pouring layer construction note

Without scaffold or other

Equipment surrounding Observing

Road Unimpeded on-site channels

Necessary illumination
Inspecting Without combustibles and
for trial
for on-site Firefighting explosives; with fire-fighting
condition equipment and facilities
of trial Complete
operation telecommunication
Communication equipment of on-site trial
operation and operating

Meeting the requirements of

Apparatus (instrument)
trial operation

Unimpeded water returning

Cooling water
and sufficient water quantity

Oil level Proper oil level

Lubricating Meeting the requirements of
Sample testing or analysis
oil Oil quality the equipment technical
report checking

Correct turning; normal

Trial operation for 2 h;
Motor noload running current,vibration,temperature
rise, sound, etc.

Sliding bearing Dominant 65 Testing with
thermodetector; Observing
temperature Rolling bearing Dominant 80
the meters

Maximum mechanical two-way Testing with vibration

mm 0.10
amplitude gauge

Being parallel; two friction

supports for brake shoes
shall uniformly compacted
Brake strigil and brake wheel against the brake wheel Observing
during the braking; contact
area 75; stable and reliable
acting; no over heating

Distinct switch sign;

opening corresponding with
Manipulation and limiting device the actual one; flexible, Observing
corrction and reliable
operation; accurate limiting

Without abnormal virbartion,

Reciprocating parts blocking or off-tracking in Observing
the entire process

Flexible adjustment; acting

sensitively and correctly
Safety valve and unloading valve within the range specified by Observing
the equipment technological

Wedge shaped belt drive No skliding or jammed edge Observing

Stable operation without

Chain drive Observing
abnormal sound

Operation adjustment shall

meet requirements of
equipment technological
records;the fixed value of oil
pressure chaining cover shall Recheck technological
Lubricating oil system meet requirements of document,inspect oily test
equipment technological report
records; oily shall meet the
requirements of the
equipment technological

Meeting the requirments the

equipment technological
Oil poump Mechanical sealing device Observing
documents; good sealing; no
leak or heating

4.3.15 Inspection for refractory and insulation material:

1 Application scope: inspection of refractory and insulation material
2 For inspection of insulation material, refractory insulation pouring material,
abrasionproof refractory pouring material, insulating brick, abrasionproof refractory insulating
brick and test specimen, a certain amount of material may be selected from each lot and submitted
to the institution with corresponding qualification for inspection. the specific random inspection
proportion shall comply with the requirements of DL/T 902-2004 "Technical requirements and test
methods of abrasion resistant refractory material", or be determined jointly by the supervision and
construction organizations. the randomly inspecting quantity shall represent the quanlity
distribution characteristic of the material in bulk. the material with obvious deviation must be
3 See Table 4.3.15 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.3.15: inspection for refractory and insulation material
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

The indexes meet the

Inspection of material (including requirements of DL/T
high alumina cement , portland 777-2001 "Technical Checking the certificate
cement and aluminate cement) requirements for boiler documents
certificates refractory of thermal power

Refractory Inspecting by the inspection

material Volumetric weight (volume density) Dominant method (criteria) specified in
inspection Annex A in DL/T 777-2001

Inspecting by the inspection

In accordance with DL/T
Refractability Dominant method (criteria) specified in
Annex A in DL/T 777-2001

Content of aluminum oxide

Dominant Chemical analysis

Particle size Dominant Testing with a steel ruler

Inspection of material (including The indexes meeting the

high alumina cement and portland Dominant requirements of DL/T Checking the certificates
cement) certificates 776-2001

Unit weight Dominant Generally, inspecting by the

Inspection Tensile strength Dominant inspection method (criteria)
for Heat conductivity factor Dominant specified in Annex A in DL/T
insulation particle size Dominant 776-2001; for new type
In accordance with DL/T
material Service temperature Dominant insulation material, testing in
Appearance accordance with the
requirements of the
Dimensional variation
manufacturer's technical
Ignition loss Dominant

4.3.16 Inspection of abrasionproof refractory and product:

1 Application scope: inspection of abrasionproof refractory and product
2 See Table 4.3.16 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.

Table 4.3.16: Inspection of abrasionproof refractory and product
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Inspection of material (including

The indexes meeting the
high alumina cement , portland
Dominant requirements of DL/T Checking the certificates
cement and aluminate cement)

Wear resistance Dominant

Volume density Dominant

Inspection of The related quality indexes
Cold compressive strength Dominant The related quality indexes
abrasionproof of abrasionproof refractory
Cold rupture strength Dominant of abrasionproof refractory
refractory castable, plastic material,
Thermal shock resistance Dominant castable, plastic material,
and product ramming material and
Burning-after linear variation ratio Dominant ramming material and
products shall be inspected
Refractability Dominant products shall meet the
according to the relevant
Refractoriness under load Dominant requirements of DL/T
requirements of Section 6 in
Plasticity index Dominant % 902-2004
DL/T 902-2004
Chemical composition Dominant %

Dimensional variation mm

4.3.17 Inspection of insulating concrete test block

1 Application scope: inspection of insulating concrete test block
2 See Table 4.3.17 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.3.17: Inspection of insulating concrete test block
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Inspecting by the inspection

Volumetric weight (volume density) Dominant method (criteria) specified in
Annex A in DL/T 777-2001

Inspecting by the inspection

Stoving compression strength Dominant method (criteria) specified in
Annex A in DL/T 777-2001
Generally, inspecting by the
inspection method (criteria)
specimen Heat conductivity factor Dominant
Meeting the relevant specified in Annex A of
requirements of DL/T DL/T 776-2001
776-2001 or DL/T 777-2001 Generally, inspecting by the
inspection method (criteria)
Service temperature Dominant
specified in Annex A of
DL/T 776-2001

Inspecting by the inspection

Volumetric weight (volume density) Dominant method (criteria) specified in
Annex A in DL/T 777-2001
Inspecting by the inspection
test block Stoving compression strength Dominant
method (criteria) specified in

Annex A in DL/T 777-2001

4.3.18 Inspection for rendering coat mortar specimen:

1 Application scope: inspection for rendering coat mortar specimen
2 See Table 4.3.18 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.3.18: inspection of rendering coat mortar specimen
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Chaping and peeling after drying

Dominant No chaping or peeling Observing
rendering coat
Inspecting by the inspection
Volumetric weight (volume density) Dominant method (criteria) specified in
Annex A in DL/T 776-2001
Inspecting by the inspection
Stoving compression strength Dominant method (criteria) specified in
Meeting the related technical Annex A in DL/T 776-2001
conditions of DL/T 776-2001 Inspecting by the inspection

Inspection Volumetric weight (volume density) Dominant method (criteria) specified in

of Annex A in DL/T 776-2001
sampling Inspecting by the inspection
test block Stoving compression strength Dominant method (criteria) specified in
Annex A in DL/T 776-2001

4.3.19 Inspection of refractory concrete test block:

1 Application scope: inspection for rendering coat mortar specimen (block)
2 See Table 4.3.19 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.

Table 4.3.19:inspection of refractory concrete test block

Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Inspecting by the inspection

Volumetric weight (volume density) Dominant method (criteria) specified in
Annex A in DL/T 777-2001

Stoving compression strength Dominant Inspecting by the inspection

method (criteria) specified in
proportion High temperature residual strength Dominant
Annex A in DL/T 777-2001
Meeting the relevant Inspecting by the inspection
Thermal shock stability Dominant requirements of DL/T method (criteria) specified in
777-2001 Annex A in DL/T 777-2001

Inspecting by the inspection

Service temperature Dominant method (criteria) specified in
Annex A in DL/T 776-2001

Inspection Inspecting by the inspection

of Ambient compressive strength Dominant method (criteria) specified in
sampling Annex A in DL/T 777-2001

test block

4.4 Installation of boiler body

4.4.1 Lineation of boiler foundation:
1 Application scope: boiler foundation lineation
2 See Table 4.4.1 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.1: boiler foundation lineation

Pitted surface, the position

Observing, and inspecting
Foundation surface placing iron gasket shall be
with a level ruler

Testing with a steel tape;

Distance deviation between vertical
measuring the boiler center
Inspection and horizontal central line of Dominant mm 20
line on the base of the axes of
and foundation and benchmark of plant
the pillar in the front row
Testing with gradienter and
of Elevation deviation of foundation 0
mm steel ruler, and comparing
foundation plane -20
with the design elevation

Deviation of foundation external +20

dimension 0 Testing with steel tape or

Central line deviation of embedded steel ruler

mm 2
foundation bolt

4.4.2 Installation of column baseplate (iron gasket):

1 Application scope: installation of column baseplate (iron gasket)
2 See Table 4.4.2 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.2: Installation of column baseplate (iron gasket)
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

The surface is smooth and

tidy free from damage; the
Columnar dimension meets the
Observing abd measuring the
facet Base plate inspection requirements of the
dimension with a steel ruler
Installation drawing; no damage on the
screw thread of the
adjusting bolt

Spacing Post spacing10m mm 1

deviation Testing with spring scale and
of Post spacing>10m mm 2 steel tape


Horizontal deviation of column base

Dominant mm 0.5 Testing with a frame leveller

Difference Diagonal line 20m 5

Testing with spring scale and
beween Dominant mm
steel tape
central Diagonal line >20m 8

lines of

Testing with level meter and

Elevation deviation of base plate Dominant mm 3
steel ruler

Testing with level gauge and

Elevation deviation of column base steel ruler, or predicting
Dominant mm 3
plates according to the measured

Total height of secondary pouring mm 50 Inspecting with a steel tape

Block number in each group Block 3 Observing

Placing position Under post soleplate stud Observing

Iron gasket Meeting the drawing Determined by the
Bearing pressure
installation design calculation

No looseness; mutual spot

Observing,and tapping with
Installation of iron gasket welding; spot welding with
hand hammer
post base plate

4.4.3 Steel frame assembly

1 Application scope: assembly of steel frame column and beam assembly parts. the "steel
frame assembly" subitem project is always reserved in the acceptance range division of the boiler
steel frame installation in this revision, and it may be selected in the on site preparation of the
profession acceptance range division according to the specific conditions.
2 See Table 4.4.3 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.3: steel frame assembly
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Scribing the geometrical

center line of the post plane;
scribing the center lines of
post bed and top plate on the
Correct method and definite base of the post surface
Post lineation Dominant
mark plane; the 1m elevation line
of the post shall be
determined according to the
requirements of E.2 in this

Take the geometrical center

line of beam cover plate as a
Correct method and definite reference,then line out a
Transverse beam lineation
mark center line on the upper and
lower cover plates of the

Pillar Deviation of butt joint center line mm 1.5 Measuring with a steel tape
combination Length Weighing with a spring scale
L8m mm 0

and measuing the length of
L15m mm the four corner angle with a
deviation -6
flexible rule; adopting the
L>15m mm maximum deviation value

Pulling line and testing the

1/1000 Post length, and
Tortuosity Dominant mm two position forming a angle
of 90 with a steel ruler

Weighing with a spring scale

1/1000Post spacing, and and measuing on the upper,
Spacing deviation of columns Dominant mm
10 middle and lower positions
with a flexible rule

Weighing with a spring scale,

and measuring the spacing
1/1000Post spacing, and
Parallel misalignment of colums Dominant mm deviation of the upper and
lower ends of two columns
with a steel tape

Weighing with a spring scale

and measuring with a steel
Elevation deviation mm 5
tape rule on the reference of
Transverse 1 m elevation line
beam 1/1000 Beam length, and Predicting according to the
Beam parallism deviation mm
assembly 5 beam elevation deviation

Testing with spring scale and

Diagonal line deviation of 1.5/1000 Diagonal line
Dominant mm measuring withn a steel tape
assembly parts length, and 15

Relative malposition between Testing the both ends of a

mm 5
beam and column center beam with a steel ruler

Correct location; close to

Installation of connecting plate the beam column without Observing

Meeting the requirements

Connection of high-strength bolt Dominant specified in Table 4.3.4 of
Component this Part
examination Welding type meeting the
requirements specified in
manufacturer's technical
Observating, and inspecting
documents; no such defects
Welding Dominant the weld size with welding
as slag inclusion, undercut
inspection ruler
pore or incomplete
penetration; good weld
seam shaping

Note: L - post length

4.4.4 Installation of boiler steel frame assembly parts and post

1 Application scope: installation of boiler steel frame assembly parts and post
2 See Table 4.4.4 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.4: Installation of boiler steel frame assembly parts and post
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Scribing the geometrical

center line of the post plane;
scribing the center lines of
post bed and top plate on the
Correct method and definite base of the post surface
Lineation Post lineation Dominant
mark plane; the 1m elevation line
of the post shall be
determined according to the
requirements of E.2 in this

Measuring the deviation

from the post bottom center
of steel
line to the column base plate
frame Center line deviation of post base Dominant mm 5
center line on the four
positions (front, back, left
and post
and right)

Testing accoridng to the

Elevation deviation of post mm 5
requirements of E.2

Mutual elevation difference between Predicting according to the

mm 3
posts post elevation

Weighing with a spring scale

1/1000Post spacing, and
Distance deviation between posts mm and measuing on the upper,
middle and lower positions

Testing with theodolite and

1/1000 Post length, and steel ruler at the two
Verticality deviation of post mm
15 directions forning a angle of
90 degree

Deviation of butt joint center line mm 1.5 Measuring with a steel tape

Large and small Measuring the large diagonal

opposite angles on Dominant mm line and corresponding small
column top 1.5/1000Diagonal line diagonal line between posts;
Large and small length, and 15 weighing with a spring scale
line of
opposite angles on 1m Dominant mm and measuring with a steel
elevation tape rule

Welding Dominant Welding type meeting the Observing, and testing the
requirements specified in weld size with welding
manufacturer's technical inspection ruler
documents; no such
defects as slag inclusion,
undercut pore or incomplete
penetration; good weld
seam shaping

Smooth, correct position,

Installation of connecting plate Observing
clinging to the structure

4.4.5 Installation of transverse beam

1 Application scope: installation of single transverse beam between boiler steel frame posts
2 See Table 4.4.5 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.5: installation of transverse beam
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Take the geometrical center

line of beam cover plate as a
Correct method and definite reference, then line out a
Lineation Transverse beam lineation
mark center line on the upper and
lower cover plates of the

Testing according to the

Elevation deviation mm 5
requirements of E.2

Testing with glass tube level

Levelness deviation 5
or level

Testing the distance between

Deviation from the column center the both ends center line of
line the beam and the shell center
line with steel ruler

Smooth, correct position,

Installation of connecting plate Observing
Transverse clinging to the structure
beam Welding type meeting the
Installation requirements specified in
manufacturer's technical
Observating, and inspecting
documents; no such defects
Welding Dominant the weld size with welding
as slag inclusion, undercut
inspection ruler
pore or incomplete
penetration; good weld
seam shaping

Meeting the requirements

Connection of high-strength bolt Dominant specified in Table 4.3.11 of
this Part

4.4.6 Installation of top plate beam

1 Application scope: installation of single transverse beam, plate beam and steel frame on
boiler top
2 See Table 4.4.6 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.6: installation of top plate beam

Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Center line deviation of main beam

Testing distance between two
support and column top surface Dominant mm 3
centre lines with a steel ruler

Testing according to the

Elevation deviation Dominant mm 5
requirements of E.2

Testing with glass tube or

Beam levelness deviation mm 5
level gauge horizontally

Weighing with a spring scale;

testing the distance between
Beam spacing deviation Dominant mm 5
center lines of both ends of a
beam with a steel tape rule

Predicting according to the

Beam parallism deviation mm 5
beam spacing deviation

Testing with spring scale and

Beam diagonal difference Dominant mm 1/1000 and 10
steel tape
Installation Correct location; tight
Installation of plated beam Dominant Observing
of boiler combination
top steel Smooth, correct position,
Installation of connecting plate Observing
frame clinging to the structure

Position deviation of transverse Testing with steel tape or

mm 3
beam lifting holes steel ruler

Difference of diagonal line of 1/1000 Post length, and Testing with spring scale and
transverse beam lifting holes 10 steel tape

Welding type meeting the

requirements specified in
manufacturer's technical
Observating, and inspecting
documents; no such defects
Welding Dominant the weld size with welding
as slag inclusion, undercut
inspection ruler
pore or incomplete
penetration; good weld
seam shaping

Meeting the requirements

Connection of high-strength bolt Dominant specified in Table 4.3.4 of
this Part

4.4.7 Secondary grouting of column base:

1 Application scope: secondary grouting of boiler steel frame post base
2 See Table 4.4.7 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.7: secondary grouting of post base
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Foundation Foundation cleanness Dominant Free of sundries and dirt Observing

inspection No missing solder or
welding slag; weld length
Appearance inspection of
and height meet the design Observing
foundation bolt (steel bar)
requirements; free of oil
sludge after bolting up

Checking the design

Shall meet the design
Secondary grouting concrete grade Dominant information and onsite
proportioning of concrete
Secondary Compacting when
grouting grouting,smooth surface,no
Observing and inspecting the
Secondary grouting pitted surface,external
construction records
dimension shall meet
requirements of design

4.4.8 Reinspection of high-strength bolt for boiler steel frame; witnessing the sampling records
1 Application scope: reinspection sampling of high-strength bolt for boiler steel frame
2 Th records on sampling for reinspection shall meet the requirements specified in Table
Table 4.4.8: witnessing records on sampling for reinspection of boiler steel frame high-strength

Project name

Name of subitem
Project number

Sampled by Sampling date

Submitting data
Manufactruing lot number
Specification Supply quantity (set) Sampling quantity (set) Remarks
of high-strength bolt


Acceptance suggestion Acceptance signature

4.4.9 Fastening record of boiler steel frame high-strength bolt:

1 Application scope: fastening of high-strength bolt for boiler steel frame
2 The fastening records shall meet the requirements specified in Table 4.4.9.
Table 4.4.9: Fastening record of boiler steel frame high-strength bolt

Project name

Name of subitem
Project number

Construction director Technical director Fastening position:

Fastening requirements (including primary and final fastening torsion moment):

Spanner torsion
Spanner No.: Spanner No.: Spanner No.:
moment after

Specification of Quantity of Primary fastening Primary fastening

Final fastening staff Final fastening date
high-strength bolt high-strength bolt staff date

Instruments and numbers

Inspection conclusion:

Acceptance suggestion Acceptance signature

4.4.10 Fastening reinspection record of boiler steel frame high-strength bolt:

1 Application scope: reinspection after fastening of high-strength bolt for boiler steel frame
2 The fastening reinspection records shall meet the requirements specified in Table 4.4.10.
Table 4.4.10: Fastening reinspection record of boiler steel frame high-strength bolt

Project name

Name of subitem
Project number
Reinspection position

Reinspection requirements:

Specification of Quantity of
Node name and number Operator Inspection date
high-strength bolt high-strength bolt

Instruments and numbers

Inspection conclusion:

Acceptance suggestion Acceptance signature

4.4.11 Inspection records for large plate beam of boiler steel frame:
1 Application scope: inspection before hoisting of large plate beam of boiler steel frame
2 The inspection records for large plate beam shall meet the requirements specified in Table
Table 4.4.11: Inspection records for large plate beam of boiler steel frame

Project name

Name of subitem project Project number

Construction date

Construction director Technical director

Plate beam number

Appearance quality
Length deviation of
plate beam
Width deviation of
plate beam
Height deviation of
plate beam

Spacing of two
supporting points

Vertical deflection

Twist value

Central position of
web plate
Lateral curvature of
web plate
Weld quality
Node bolt hole
meeting the

Instruments and numbers

Inspection conclusion:

Acceptance suggestion Acceptance signature

4.4.12 Confirmation and signature for baseplate grouting of boiler steel frame post base:
1 Application scope: confirmation and signature for baseplate grouting of boiler steel frame
post base
2 The confirmation and signature for post base baseplate grouting shall meet the
requirements specified in Table 4.4.12.
Table 4.4.12: Secondary grouting confirmation and signature of boiler steel frame column base

Project name

Name of subitem
Project number

Grouting time Technical director

Inspection condition before grouting:

Inspection condition after grouting:

Instruments and numbers

Inspection conclusion:

Acceptance suggestion Acceptance signature
4.4.13 Inspection of platform and ladder equipments:
1 Application scope: inspection of platform or ladder equipments for station boiler, electro
dedusting, auxiliary machinery steel structure, etc.
2 See Table 4.4.13 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.13: inspection of platform and ladder equipments
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

The weld size meets the

design requirements of the
Observating, and inspecting
manufacturer and the
Manufacturer welded joints the weld size with welding
welding is free from defects;
Appearance inspection ruler
welded joints are formed

Primary members are free

Equipment appearance from crack, skin lamination, Observing
severe rustiness or damage

Testing both ends with a steel

Length deviation mm 0~2/1000 Length, and 10

Testing both ends with a steel

Width deviation mm 5
inspection L<6m 6
Pulling line and testing with
lateral L=6~10m mm 10
steel ruler
L>10m 12

Length deviation mm 10 Inspecting with a steel tape

Solid bend Pulling line and testing with
Tortuosity mm 5
steel ruler
Side bend

Note: L - platform length

4.4.14 Aggregate installation of platform and ladder:

1 Application scope: Construction quality qcceptance for the installation of platform and
ladders for station boiler, electro dedusting, auxiliary machinery steel structure, etc.
2 See Table 4.4.14 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.14: aggregate installation of platform andladder

Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Testing the location of the

four corners of the platform
Platform elevation deviation mm 10 in accordance with the
requirements of Article E.2
in this Part

As for the horizontality

between two brackets,
Levelness deviation of platform testing the root according
mm 2/1000
bracket to the requirments of E.3 in
this Part. testing the bracket

Aggregate with a level ruler

installation Height difference of connection for Inspecting two points with a

mm 5
of two platforms steel tape
platform Pulling line; testing with a
and ladder steel ruler at longitudinal and
Center line deviation of platform and
mm 10 horizontal directions and
testing two points at each

Consistent laying direction;
of Installation direction and
straight and even; uniform Observing
platform fixing
gap joint; firmly fixed

Observing; testing with a

Flatness deviation mm 3 steel ruler on position with
obvious deviation

Verticality deviation of rail post mm 3 Testing with the levelling rod

Uniform spacing; meeting

Post spacing mm Inspecting with a steel ruler
the design

Pulling lines at the two

position which forming a
of handrail Flatness deviation of Horizontal pole Dominant mm 10
angle of 90; inspecting with
a steel ruler
Symmetrical handrail on
Handrail installation both sides; smooth and Observing
clean joint free from burr

Straight and even; no

Brattice installation Observing
obvious unevenness

Welding type shall meet the

Observating, and inspecting
requirements specified in
Welding Welding Dominant the weld size with welding
manufacturer's technical
inspection ruler
documents; no such

defects as slag inclusion,
undercut or pore; good
weld seam shaping

4.4.15 Inspection of tubular air preheater tube-box equipment:

1 Application scope: inspection of equipments like air preheater tube-box
2 See Table 4.4.15 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.15: Inspection of tubular air preheater tube-box equipment
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Pipe plate and pipe are free

of damage, crack, rustiness
Appearance inspection of tube-box Observing
or flattening; pipe inside is
free from sundries

Measuring with a steel ruler

along the center line
respectively on two
Tube-box height deviation mm 4
orthogonal sides of the
tube-box, and adopting the

Measuring the diagonal line

Tube-box height 3m mm 5 length with a steel ruler on
two orthogonal sides of the
tube-box, and working out
line on
the difference of the
tube-box Tube-box height >3m mm 7
diagonals on each side;
Equipment side
adopting the mean
Measuring with a 1m large
Flatness deviation of pipe plate edge mm 10 steel ruler and a 150mm
small steel ruler

Tilting the tube-box and

Tightness test of pipe end welded observing and inspecting
Dominant Without seepage
joint after injecting kerosene from
pipe plate inside

Welded joints shall meet the

requirements of the
technical documents
provided by the Testing welded joints with a
Manufacturer welded joints manufacturer,and the weld inspection ruler;
formed surface shall be observing others
good and free from such
defects as crack, undercut,
pore and slag inclusion

4.4.16 Assembly of tube-box-type air preheater:

1 Application scope: assembly of tube-box air preheater equipments

2 See Table 4.4.16 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.16: Assembly of tube-box-type air preheater equipment
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Difference Height of assembly parts Measuring the diagonal line

mm 5
of side 3m length of the assembly parts
diagonal with a steel ruler on two
line of orthogonal sides of the
Height of assembly parts
tube-box mm 7 tube-box; workign out the
assembly diagonal difference of each
parts side; adopting the mean

Taking the outer wall

connecting line of the
Diagonal line deviation of assembly
mm 15 periphery pipe in the pipe plate
parts pipe plate
as a testing reference, and
testing with a steel ruler

Suspending lines, and

measuring the perpendicularity
of the edge pipes at the four
Tube-box verticality deviation mm 5
corners of the tube-box on
the assembly location with a
steel ruler

Assembling tight; spot

welding solid; the exposed Observing; testing with a steel
Antichafe casing layout height of the sleeve meets ruler; randomly inspecting 1%
the requirements of the the total number of sleeves
drawing; clean sleeve inside

Measuring edges of the

Elevation deviation of adjacent pipe
mm 5 adjacent side pipe plates of two
plates of two tube-boxes
tube-boxes with a steel ruler

Welded joints shall meet

requirements of information
provided by the
Testing weld bead height with
manufacturer,and the
Welding weld inspection ruler;
formed surface shall be
observing others
good and free from such
defects as flaw, undercut,
pore and slag inclusion

4.4.17 Inspection of support steel frame for tube-box air preheater:

1 Application scope: inspection of support steel frame for tube-box air preheater
2 See Table 4.4.17 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.17: Inspection of support steel frame for tube-box air preheater
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Testing with steel ruler and
glass horizontal tube, taking
Elevation deviation of support frame
mm 10 1m elevation line of boiler
steel frame main column as
the reference

Testing tops at both ends of

Bearer frame upper levelness
mm 3 supporting frame with glass

4.4.18 Installation of tube-box-type air preheater:

1 Application scope: installation of spiral box-type air preheater.
2 See Table 4.4.18 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.18: Installation of tube-box-type air preheater
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Suspending plumb bob,

testing four corner side tube
Tube-box verticality deviation mm 5 verticality of tube-box
assembly parts with steel

Taking the center line of side

rack pipe in lower pipe plate
Spacing deviation of tube-box and as reference; pulling line;
Dominant mm 5
boiler post center lines measuring the distance to the
post center line at two
directions with a steel ruler

Taking the 1m elevation line

of the boiler steel frame main
Equipment post as reference; testing
Installation with steel ruler and glass
Air preheater top elevation
mm 15 tube horizontally on the
middle of the four side
lengthes of the upper pipe
plate of the tube-box
assembly parts

Welded joints shall meet

requirements of information
provided by the
Testing weld bead height
manufacturer,and the
Welding with weld inspection ruler;
formed surface shall be
observing others
good and free from such
defects as flaw, undercut,
pore and slag inclusion

4.4.19 Inspection of tube-box air preheater corner box (communicating pipe) and expansion

1 Application scope: tube-box air preheater corner box (communicating pipe) and
expansion joint
2 See Table 4.4.19 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.19: Inspection of tube-box air preheater corner box (communicating pipe) and expansion
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Equipment appearance is
free of the defects like
Appearance inspection of equipment Observing
damage, crack, rustiness and
Conforming to the
External dimensions manufacturers technical
Testing inlet and outlet end
mm document
faces with a steel ruler

Deviation of diagonal line 10

4.4.20 Installation of tube-box air preheater corner box (communicating pipe) and expansion
1 Application scope: equipment arrangement of tube-box air preheater corner box
(communicating pipe) and expansion joint
2 See Table 4.4.20 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.20: Installation of tube-box air preheater corner box (communicating pipe) and
expansion joint
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Pulling line by taking the

Deviation of outlet and
mm 10 post center line as reference,
inlet center lines
corner and testing with a steel ruler
box Smooth and flat box,
(connecting without obvious roughness;
pipe) Appearance inspection temporary weldment cut Observing
cleanlily, without sundries
in the box

The cold drawing meeting

Equipment Observing and inspecting
the design specifications;
installation the cold drawing
Expansion joint Dominant welding direction of sealing
construction technique
plate bing consistent with
the media flow direction

Conducting oil penetration

Tightness test of welded joints Dominant Without seepage test with kerosene;

Welded joints shall meet Testing weld bead height

Welding requirements of information with weld inspection ruler;
provided by the observing others

manufacturer,and the
formed surface shall be
good and free from such
defects as flaw, undercut,
pore and slag inclusion

4.4.21 Foundation lineation of rotary air preheater:

1 Application scope: Inspection lineation of Foundation (base) and support steel frame for
rotary air preheater
2 See Table 4.4.21 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.21: Foundation lineation of rotary air preheater
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Suspending lines and drop by

taking the boiler center line
Deviation of preheater vertical and
Dominant mm 2 as reference, and inspecting
horizontal center lines
with spring balance
combined with steel tape

Suspending lines and drop by

taking the preheater vertical
Deviation of stator support center and horizontal center line as
mm 2
line reference, and inspecting
Foundation with spring balance
lineation combined with steel tape

Taking 1m elevation line of

the boiler as reference, and
Elevation deviation of stator support +0
mm inspecting the steel plate top
bearing point -20
surface on bearing point with
a steel ruler and a glass tube

Testing the steel plate top

Levelness deviation of stator surface of the bearing point
mm 2
support bearing point with a levelling ruler or a
glass tube

4.4.22 Installation of iron gasket for rotary air preheater:

1 Application scope: installation of support iron gasket and expansion bearing for rotary air
2 See Table 4.4.22 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.22: Installation of iron gasket for rotary air preheater
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Iron Meeting the technical

gasket Dimension of plain iron gasket mm repuirements the Inspecting with a steel ruler
installation manufacturer

Flat, smooth, burr free and

Surface quality of iron gasket Observing
oil stain free

Steady placement with
placing thick piece at
underlayer,thin block at
Placement order Observing
upperlayer and the thinnest
block shall be placed in
middle layer

Blocks of iron gasket Block 3 Observing

Solid contact,the access

depth by 0.1 mm feeler
Testing with feeler gauge and
Interlayer contact gauge shall not exceed 20 %
steel ruler
contact length of sizing

Inspecting with a feeler

Contact with bearing beam Good contact

4.4.23 Installation of rotary air preheater bearing:

1 Application scope: installation of supporting bearing and guide bearing for rotary air
2 See Table 4.4.23 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.23: Installation of bearing for rotary air preheater
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Free of crack, skin

lamination and rustiness;
Appearance Trial operation, observation
rotating smoothly and
Meeting the specification of
the relevant technical Measuring with pressing lead
Bearing ball clearance
documents of the wire or feeler gauge
Bearing Bearing Clearance to bearing
installation seat sleeve (tightening force) Meeting the equipment
technological records
Clearance to bearing Measuring in assembling
mm provided by the
Bearing sleeve
Shaft fit condition

Meeting the technical

requirment of the equipment Check with an accurate level
Horizontal deviation of bearing Dominant mm
manufacturer; <0.05 if not meter

4.4.24 Installation of stator for rotary air preheater with air shield:
1 Application scope: installation of stator for rotary air preheater with air shield
2 See Table 4.4.24 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.24: Installation of stator for rotary air preheater with air shield

Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Stator Diameter6.5m 10 With a steel ruler, testing the

assembly upper and lower end faces
and 6.5m<Diameter10m Dominant mm 12 respectively on the diameter
of stator
installation location of stator casing radial
casing 10m<Diameter18m 14
partition panel

Diameter6.5m 3 With a level ruler or glass

Levelness tube level, testing over 16
deviation 6.5m<Diameter10m 4 points along the
of stator circumferential direction on
end face 10m<Diameter18m 5 the upper and lower end faces
of the stator

Testing 1~2 points

Stator end face splicing respectively on each abutted
mm 0.5
misalignment seams with a steel ruler and a
feeler gauge

Consistent with the air

shield gyratory direction;
Synchronous device assembling Observing
ball twist joint with proper

Planeness deviation of air shield 2 Air shield radius; and Pulling line and testing with
sector bottom whole bottom 8 steel ruler or glass tube level

Testing 1 point for each joint

Casting iron plate
mm 0.5 with a steel ruler and a feeler
Frame misalignment
Planeness deviation of
device Pulling line and testing with
integral casting iron Dominant mm 1.5
steel ruler or glass tube level

Testing the four directions

Deviation of stator support from
mm 5 (front, back, left and right)
support base center line
with a steel ruler

The upper and lower

contact surfaces of the
Stator movable support Observing
roller contact good and roll

Taking 1m elevation line of

the boiler steel frame as
Elevation deviation of stator upper
mm 5 reference; testing the flange
end face
faces on supports with glass
tube level

Levelness Centering at stator With glass tube level or level

Dominant mm 2
deviation positioning ruler, testing 16 points along

of stator After thermal the circumferential direction
transmission element 6 on the stator upper end face

The elements are not

Thermal transmission element loosened in sector bin; no
installation sundries in the clearance
between elements

Drawing up 8 divides along

the stator circle; rotating the
air shield by pushing, and
measuring the distance from a
Verticality deviation of main shaft
Dominant mm 2.5 fixed point on the air shield
relative to stator
excircle to all divides on the
stator with a dial indicator;
working the distance
difference of eight points

Welded joints shall meet

requirements of
information provided by
Testing weld bead height with
the manufacturer,and the
Welding weld inspection ruler;
formed surface shall be
observing others
good and free from such
defects as flaw, undercut,
pore and slag inclusion

4.4.25 Installation of main body of rotary air preheater with air shield:
1 Application scope: installation of main body (including air shield, shroud ring and sealing)
of rotary air preheater with air shield
2 See Table 4.4.25 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.25: Installation of main body of rotary air preheater with air shield
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Drawing 8 divides along the

circle and testing the round
of main Radial runout of shroud ring Dominant mm 2
pin external surface with a
dial gauge

Drawing 8 divides along the

circle and testing theshroud
Axial runout of shroud ring mm 8
ring upper plane with a dial

Taking the stator radial

partition panel as reference;
Synchronism deviation of upper and
mm 10 testing the corresponding
lower air shields
location of the upper and
lower air shield circles

Rawing 8 divides along the
excircle of the sealed
Radial runout of sealed
Dominant mm 2 chamber; rotating the air
shield by pushing; testing all
divides with a dial gauge
Clearance between
sealed chamber and snap Uniform clearance Measuring with a steel ruler
ring seat

Casting iron antichafe

Smoothly moving Observing

Spring height mm Inspecting with a steel ruler

and Testing the relevant position
Clearance between Conforming to the
adjustment of hanger and support points
sealing frame casting mm equipment technological
of sealing with a steel ruler or a feeler
iron plate stator end face documents
regulating gauge

device Clearance between

mm Inspecting with a steel ruler
double nut and support

Welded joints shall meet

requirements of information
provided by the
Testing weld bead height
manufacturer,and the
Welding with weld inspection ruler;
formed surface shall be
observing others
good and free from such
defects as flaw, undercut,
pore and slag inclusion

4.4.26 Installation of air preheater driving device:

1 Application scope: installation of air preheater driving device (including centering of
reductor, motor and coupling)
2 See Table 4.4.26 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.26: Installation of air preheater driving device
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Gear case is free from noise

Inspection of reductor turning Turning and observing
and oil leak
Installation Conforming to the
Clearance between shroud ring Inspecting by inserting the
of driving Dominant mm equipment technological
round pin and cycloidal gear root special template gauge
device documents

Contact surface of shroud ring

65% Tooth width Check the color print
round pin and gear

The location direction meeta

Location direction and fixing the requirements of the Observing
drawing; firmly fixed

Coupling alighment mm Axial and radial deviation Inspection


Tight sealing; the turning set

Shaft seal installation filling joints are staggered Observing
90 with proper elasticity

Welded joints shall meet

of other
requirements of information
provided by the
Testing weld bead height with
manufacturer,and the formed
Welding weld inspection ruler;
surface shall be good and
observing others
free from such defects as
flaw, undercut, pore and slag

4.4.27 Installation of air preheater pipe and slag blower:

1 Application scope: installation of rotary air preheater pipe and slag blower (including
pipes for rinsing and fire-fighting, auxiliaries equipments like slag blower and hole door)
2 See Table 4.4.27 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.27: Installation of air preheater pipe and slag blower
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Reasonable pipe
Pipe arrangement, esthetic
Pipe installation Observing
installation appearance, correct direction
of strike, firmly fixed support

Meeting the equipment

technological documents;
flexible rotation free of
Operation driving part Trial operation, observation
blocking and rebounding;
Installation rotating parts coated with
of powdered lubricant
sootblowing Clean and smooth sealing
and surface without attachment;
cleaning correct installation position; Observing,testing with a steel
Rotating seal joint
system the spring operating height ruler
meets the equipment
technological documents

Correct installation position;

Installation position
firmly fixed

Correct location; flexible

Hole door installation Checking with the drawing
control gear; tight sealing
Hole door Welded joints shall meet
Testing weld bead height with
installation requirements of information
Welding weld inspection ruler;
provided by the
observing others
manufacturer,and the formed

surface shall be good and
free from such defects as
flaw, undercut, pore and slag

4.4.28 Installation of stator for rotary heating surface air preheater:

1 Application scope: installation of stator for rotary heating surface air preheater, inlcuding
equipments like girder, end column or support, enclosure, quadrant plate barn, and support
2 See Table 4.4.28 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.28: Installation of stator for rotary heating surface air preheater
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

With a steel ruler, testing the

upper and lower end faces
Roundness deviation of stator Dominant mm 2 respectively on the
diameter location of stator
casing radial partition panel

With a glass tube level and a

steel ruler, testing 16 points
Planeness deviation of stator end
Dominant mm 2 respectively along the
circumferential direction on
the stator and the end face

Measuring the upper and

Levelness deviation of upper and lower beams surfaces with a
Dominant mm 2
lower beam glass tube level and a steel

Deviation of stator support from Testing the front and back

Assembly Dominant mm <5
support base center line positions with a steel ruler
The upper and lower contact
Stator movable support surfaces of the roller contact Observing
of stator
good and roll flexible

Taking 1m elevation line of

the boiler as reference, and
Elevation deviation of stator upper
Dominant mm 3 inspecting the upper flange
end face
face on bearing point with a
steel ruler and a glass tube

With glass tube level or steel

Levelness deviation of stator during ruler, testing 8 points along
Dominant mm 2
positioning and centering the circumferential direction
on the stator upper end face

Suspending wire and drop;

Stator verticality deviation Dominant mm 2
and measuring with steel rule

Welded joints shall meet Testing weld bead height

Welding requirements of information with weld inspection ruler;
provided by the observing others

manufacturer,and the
formed surface shall be
good and free from such
defects as flaw, undercut,
pore and deformation

4.4.29 Installation of rotor for rotary heating surface air preheater:

1 Application scope: installation of rotor for rotary heating surface air preheater, including
equipments like central incase, rotor alternate bay, thermal transmission element and shroud ring
2 See Table 4.4.29 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.29: Installation of rotor for rotary heating surface air preheater
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Rotor Verticality Diameter6.5m 1

assembly deviation
Measuring with L-square,
and of main mm
steel ruler and level ruler
installation shaft and Diameter>6.5m 2


Diameter6.5m 2
Testing 16 points along the
deviation 6.5m<Diameter10m Dominant mm 3
rotor circle direction
of rotor
10m<Diameter18m 4

Testing the four directions

Deviation of rotor support seat to
Dominant mm <2 (front, back, left and right)
center line
with a steel ruler

Measuring over 4 points on

Levelness deviation of rotor support
Dominant mm <0.5 the support seat upper
surface with a level gage

Testing over 16 points along

Planeness deviation of rotor upper
mm <3 the circle on the rotor end
end face
face with a level gage

The rotor perpendicularity Measuring the main shaft

meets the requirements of upper end face with a
the drawing accuracy level

Levelness deviation of rotor Measuring with a accuracy

Rotor installation Dominant mm
spindle 0.05 level

Concentricity of rotor with

enclosure; deviation 3; Inspecting with a steel ruler
uniform clearance around

Rotor welding meets the

requirements of the
Rotor welding manufacturer's drawing; Observing
shaping better free from

Drawing 8 divides along the
Radial runout of shroud circle and testing the round
mm 2
ring pin external surface with a
dial gauge
ring Dominant
Drawing 8 divides along the
Axial runout of shroud circle and testing theshroud
mm 4
ring ring upper plane with a dial

4.4.30 Installation of driving device for rotary heating surface air preheater:
1 Application scope: installation of driving device for rotary heating surface air preheater,
inluding central incase sealing, radial seal, axial seal and circumferential sealing
2 See Table 4.4.30 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.30: Installation of driving device for rotary heating surface air preheater
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Sealing Check according to the

Rotor Installation position Correct position
device design drawing
installation Smoothness; connection
Joint connection Inspecting with a steel ruler
and tee deviation < 2mm

steel Roundness deviation mm <1mm Testing with a dial gauge

Meeting the equipment

technological documents; the
Measuring with a steel ruler
Axial seal clearance Dominant mm installation direction of the
and a feeler gauge
angle plate is consistent with
the rotor gyratory direction

Meeting the equipment

technological documents; the
Measuring with a steel ruler
Axial seal clearance Dominant mm installation direction of the
and a feeler gauge
angle plate is consistent with
the rotor gyratory direction

Meeting the equipment

technological documents; the
Measuring with a steel ruler
Circumferential seal clearance Dominant mm installation direction of the
and a feeler gauge
angle plate is consistent with
the rotor gyratory direction

Meeting the equipment

technological documents; the
Measuring with a steel ruler
Central incase sealing Dominant installation direction of the
and a feeler gauge
angle plate is consistent with
the rotor gyratory direction

Fixed bolt installation The installation direction Observing and testing with a
meets the requirements of the spanner
manufacturer's technical
document; firmly fixed

Meeting the requirements of

Installation of sealing regulating
manufacturer's technical Observing

Welded joints meet the

requirements of the data Testing weld bead height
Welding provided by the manufactory; with weld inspection ruler;
without defects like observing others

4.4.31 Installation of lubricating device for rotary heating surface air preheater:
1 Application scope: installation of lubricating device for rotary heating surface air
preheater, including oil station and pipe equipments
2 See Table 4.4.31 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.31: Installation of lubricating device for rotary heating surface air preheater
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

The test pressure shall meet

the equipment manufacturer's
Installation requirments, or be 1.25 times
Tightness of cooling water chamber Closeness and inleakage
of the cooling water maximum
lubricating pressure; observing in test or
device inspecting the test records

Correct position and firm

Installation of lubricating device Observing

Welded joints shall meet

requirements of information
provided by the
Testing weld bead height
manufacturer,and the formed
Welding with weld inspection ruler;
surface shall be good and
observing others
free from such defects as
flaw, undercut, pore and slag

Reasonable pipe
arrangement, esthetic
Pipeline installation appearance, correct direction Observing
of strike, firmly fixed

4.4.32 By-part trial operation of oil system for rotary air preheater:
1 Application scope: by-part trial operation of oil system for rotary air preheater, including
trial operation of oil station and equipments like oil system oil circulating equipment
2 See Table 4.4.32 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
BTable 4.4.32: by-part trial operation of oil system for rotary air preheater

Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Without sundries inside

Internal inspection of mechanical and (instrument, temporary
interconnection system consolidation, etc); and
personal shall not stay there

Without parts missing and Inspecting with monkey

Bolted connection of each section
looseness spanner
Protection cover and fence
before Protection of each exposed
shall be all ready and Observing
by-part transmission part
For unimpeded water
Cooling water returning and sufficient Observing
water quantity

Oil level Proper oil level Observing

Meeting the requirements
oil Inspecting and checking the
Oil quality of the equipment technical
oil quality report

Correct rotation direction;

current, vibration,
Oil pump motor Observing; tesging
temperature rising and
sound shall be normal

Stable and free of abnormal

Oil pump operation Observing; testing

Meet requirements of the

data provided by the Testing with a
Bearing temperature Dominant
manufactor; <80 without thermodetector

By-part Meet requirements of the

trial data provided by the Inspecting with a vibration

Bearing vibration mm
operation manufactor; <0.10 without meter

Meeting requirements of
the technological document
Pump fuel feed pressure MPa Pressure gage observation
provided by the

Inspection of oil system Without seepage Observing

Meeting the requirments

the equipment technical
Trial operation time Dominant h Recording
docuemtns; 2h, without

4.4.33 By-part trial operation of driving device for rotary air preheater:

1 Application scope: by-part trial operation of driving device for rotary air preheater,
inlcuding trial operation of motor and reductor equipments
2 See Table 4.4.33 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.33: by-part trial operation of driving device for rotary air preheater
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Without sundries inside

Internal inspection of mechanical and (instrument, temporary
interconnection system consolidation, etc); and
personal shall not stay there

Without parts missing and Inspecting with monkey

Inspection Bolted connection of each section
looseness spanner
by-part Protection cover and fence
Protection of each exposed
trial shall be all ready and Observing
transmission part
operation reliable

Oil level Proper oil level Observing

Meeting the requirments
oil Inspecting and checking the
Oil quality the equipment technical
oil quality report

Correct rotation direction;

current, vibration,
Drive motor Observing; testing
temperature rising and
sound shall be normal

Stable and free of abnormal

Reductor operation Observing; testing

Rotation direction of reductor output

Correct rotation direction Observing

Meeting the requirements

By-part of the data provided by the Inspecting with a

Bearing temperature Dominant
trial manufactor; <80 without thermodetector

operation requirements

Meeting the requirements

of the data provided by the Inspecting with a vibration
Bear vibration mm
manufactor; <0.10 without meter

Driving equipment inspection No leakage Observing

Meeting the requirments

the equipment technical
Trial operation time Dominant h Recording
docuemtns; 2h, without

4.4.34 By-part trial operation of rotary air preheater:

1 Application scope: by-part trial operation of rotary air preheater, including synchronous
trial operation of motor, reductor and preheater main body

2 See Table 4.4.34 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.34: by-part trial operation of rotary air preheater
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Without sundries inside

Internal inspection of mechanical and (instrument, temporary
interconnection system consolidation, etc); and
personal shall not stay there

Without parts missing and Inspecting with monkey

Inspection Bolted connection of each section
looseness spanner
by-part Protection cover and fence
Protection of each exposed
trial shall be all ready and Observing
transmission part
operation reliable

Oil level Proper oil level Observing

Meeting the requirements
oil Inspecting and checking the
Oil quality of the equipment technical
oil quality report

By-part Preheater Sliding bearing 65

trial bearing Dominant Testing with thermodetector
operation temperature Rolling bearing 80

Maximum mechanical two-way

mm <0.1 testing

Smooth performance
wihtout abnormal noise;
cooling and lubricating
General requirements system are formally put Observing
into use; pump fuel feed
being normal; reductor with
no oil leak

The current is not larger

than the specified value and
the current fluctuation
Motor current Dominant A Checking meters
meets the requirments the
equipment technical

Normal, less than the

Motor bearings temperature rise Testing with thermodetector
permissible value

Meeting the requirements

Bearing temperature of the equipment technical Testing with thermodetector
Reductor document

Vibration mm <0.1 Testing with vibration meter

Sealing inspection Dominant High performance in Observing

sealing device adjustment
and allawable slight
friction in mobile and static

Meeting the requirments

the equipment technical
Trial operation time Dominant h Recording
docuemtns; 8h, without

4.4.35 Confirmation and signature for oil penetration test of tubular air preheater welded joints:
1 Application scope: welding inspection with oil penetration test for welded joints on
tubular air preheater tube-box end plate and enclosure
2 The confirmation and signature for welded joints oil penetration test shall meet the
requirements specified in Table 4.4.35.
Table 4.4.35: confirmation and signature for welded joints oil penetration test _________

Project name

Name of subitem
Project number

Equipment name

Test parts

Record of inspection

Inspection item Inspection result Remarks

Brush the sighting plane of a welded

joint with lime water; brush the other
plane of the welded joint with kerosene
after lime water drying; inspect the
lime water brushed plane 20min after
kerosene brushing

Inspection conclusion:

Acceptance suggestion Acceptance signature



4.4.36 Confirmation and signature of tubular air preheater air pressure test
1 Application scope: tightness inspection with wind pressure test for tubular air preheater
2 The confirmation and signature for air pressure test shall meet the requirements specified
in Table 4.4.36.
Table 4.4.36: Confirmation and signature of tubular air preheater air pressure test

Project name

Project number Equipment type

Equipment Number Test pressure

Pressure test medium

Inspection item Inspection result Remarks

Inspection before tubular air preheater system


Testing procedure:

Inspection conclusion:

Acceptance suggestion Acceptance signature



4.4.37 Assembly and installation of frame cover

1 Application scope: assembly and installation of frame covers of all kinds
2 See Table 4.4.37 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.37: assembly and installation of frame covers
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Inspection Without flaw, skin

Appearance inspection of frame
for lamination, serious rust and Observing
assembly damage
parts of Checking drawing design;
equipment Material Dominant No misusage carrying out spectral analysis
and frame for alloy components
cover Physical Measuring length of two
dimension Side length1m mm corresponding sides with
deviation steel tape
of frame 0 Measuring 3 points with
Side length3m
cover -8 steel tape (two sides must be

( assembly 0 measured)
Side length5m
parts ) -10

Measuring 4 points with

Side length>5m steel tape (two sides must be

Diagonal Side length2.5m 5

difference Side length5.0m 8

of frame Dominant mm Measuring with steel tape

Side length>5.0m 10
parts )

Side length2.5m 4
Pulling line and testing with
of frame Dominant mm
steel ruler
cover Side length>2.5m 8

Welding type meeting the

requirements specified in
manufacturer's technical
Observating, and inspecting
Welded joint inspection of frame documents; no such defects
the weld size with welding
cover (assembly parts) as slag inclusion, undercut
inspection ruler
pore or incomplete
penetration; good weld
seam shaping

Suspending line and drop;

1/1000The height of testing with steel ruler;
Verticality deviation of frame cover mm
frame cover, and 10 measuring over 2 places for
each component

Taking the beam or column

Position deviation of frame cover Dominant mm cneter line as reference;
testing with steel ruler

Satisfying the the

Installation requirements of frame cover
thermal expansion direction
Bolted connection Dominant and clearance; consistent Observing
bolt assembling direction;
2~3 rings of screw thread

Welding type meeting the Observating, and inspecting

Welding requirements specified in the weld size with welding
manufacturer's technical inspection ruler

documents; no such defects
as slag inclusion, undercut
pore or incomplete
penetration; good weld
seam shaping

4.4.38 Installation of sand and water seal

1 Application scope: installation of sealing devices like sand seal water seal for boiler
2 See Table 4.4.38 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.38: installation of sand and water seal
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Equipment meeting the requirements of

External dimension of parts Inspecting with a steel ruler
installation the drawing

Testing over two points on

Levelness deviation of cell body
mm 5 each side with a glass tube
base plate

Observation,and pulling line

Planeness deviation of cell body at the obvious location of
mm 5
vertical plate (flashboard) deviation; testing with the
steel rule

Cell body water filling test Dominant Tight without leak Test, observation

Cell body internal cleaning Without sundries

Dry without sundries like

organic matter or soil;
Sand quality of sand seal trough
Generally, uniform sand Observing
particle 1.5 ~ 2mm

Uniform surface;
Sanding in sand seal trough accordance of heights

Flashboard with adequate

Observing and testing
thermal expansion amount;
Installation of sand or water seal Dominant thermal expansion spacing
meeting the requirements of
with steel ruler
the design

Installation Pipe internal cleaning Dominant Clean and impurity-free

of water
Pipe arrangement directions
are reasonable with gradient
inlet and
Piping installation which not be less than
2/1000; favorable thermal
compensation measures

Valve installation Firmly installed; location

convenient for operation

and overhaul

Esthetic appearance in
Supporter and hanger technology and solid

Smooth in sureface; good

Requirements in appearance of sealing; uniform weld
components installled bead height; free of slag
and spatter without defect

Welding type meeting the

requirements specified in
manufacturer's technical
Observating, and inspecting
documents; no such defects
Welding the weld size with welding
as slag inclusion, undercut
inspection ruler
pore or incomplete
penetration; good weld
seam shaping

4.4.39 Installation of boiler top sealing cover shell and partial sealing member
1 Application scope: installation of sealing cover shell and other partial sealing element for
furnace top
2 See Table 4.4.39 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.39: Installation of boiler top sealing cover shell and partial sealing member
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

External dimensions meet

drawing design
requirements and are free
Observing, testing with steel
Appearance of spare parts from such defects as skin
Equipment lamination, severe
inspection corrosion, damage or

Checking drawing design;

Material Dominant No misusage carrying out spectral analysis
for alloy components

Installation positions and

meeting the requirements of
Installation dimensions for parts (structure and Testing with a steel ruler
the drawing
sealing plate etc.)

Meeting the requirements

Installation of furnace top handrail specified in Table 4.4.14 of
this Part

Observing; testing with steel

Plane deflection of sealing element mm 5 ruler on the position with
obvious deflection

Partial planeness deviation of mm 5 Observing; testing with steel

sealing element joints ruler on the position with
obvious deviation

Proper hole opeing position

and dimension; enough pipe
Sealing plate piping hole Observing
expansion displacement

Solid connection; consistent

exposed screw thread; full
weld on inside root of the
member; the quantity and
location of bolt, nut and
Bolted connection Observing
gasket shall meet the design
requirements as well as
the requirements in frame
cover thermal expansion
direction and clearance

Screw without looseness

Observing; test the
and shedding; the quantity
Self-tapping bolted connection tightenness with a
and location meet the design

Sufficient heat expansion

displacement, without Observing; testing with steel
Heat expansion inspection Dominant
wrong welding and welding ruler, if necessary

Welding type meeting the

requirements specified in
manufacturer's technical
Observating, and inspecting
documents; no such defects
Welding the weld size with welding
as slag inclusion, undercut
inspection ruler
pore or incomplete
penetration; good weld
seam shaping

4.4.40 Installation of boiler main body door opening

1 Application scope: installation of door and hole for boiler body
2 See Table 4.4.40 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.40: installation of door and hole for boiler main body
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Appearance Free of scar, crack and

Boiler door appearance Observing
inspection perforate blister

Equipment Boiler door and encasing room Filled with asbestos cord
installation sealing and sealed tight
Right direction and flexible
Boiler door switch

Boiler door installation position
mm 10 Inspecting with a steel ruler

Full weld of inside root on

Door Root welding
2~ 3 rings of screw rod shall
Nut connection be exposed outside of the Observing
screw rod

Full and tight filling without

Boiler door sealing surface

Hole cut onsootblowing

hole enclosure being of
Installation of slag blower sleeve Dominant concentricity, solid welding Observing
and perpendicular to boiler

4.4.41 Installation of slag well

1 Application scope: installation of slag well at boiler room
2 See Table 4.4.41 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.41: installation of slag well
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Primary members without

Appearance inspection of equipment flaw, skin lamination, Observing
serious rust and damage

Inspecting the upper and

1/1000 Post spacing, and
Post spacing deviation mm lower positions with a steel
Post ruler
assembly Pulling lines at the two
and position which forming a
1/1000 Post height, and
installation Verticality deviation mm angle of 90; inspecting with
a steel ruler after suspending
line and drop

Frames Testing the framework upper

Deviation of length or width mm 10
assembly port with the steel ruler
and Testing the framework upper
Deviation of diagonal line mm 15
installation surface with the steel ruler

Taking a 1m elevation line as

reference; testing with steel
Elevation deviation mm 5 tape and glass tube water
level gage at the four corners
of the upper port

The direction and location

Water sprayer meet the design; unimpeded Observing and water test

hole opening

The direction and location
meet the design; the
Sluicing nozzle
connection screw thread is
tight without leakage

Meeting Table 4.3.40 of this

Door, hole

Meeting the requirements of

the drawing design; flexible
Slag door operating devices Motion test
rotation; complete opening
or shutdown

Welding type shall meet the

requirements specified in
manufacturer's technical Observating, and inspecting
Welding documents; no such defects the weld size with welding
as slag inclusion, undercut inspection ruler
or pore; good weld seam

Observing, transacting
Watering test Dominant Tight and without leakage
confirmation and signature

4.4.42 Ash bucket assembly and installation

1 Application scope: acceptance for assembly and installation of ash bucket for boiler or
2 See Table 4.4.42 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.42: ash bucket assembly and installation
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

sheet Single sheet member external Meeting the requirements of
mm Inspecting with a steel ruler
member dimensions the drawing

External 0
Interface side length deviation
dimensions -10
of ash mm Inspecting with a steel ruler

bucket Interface diagonal line difference 10


Verticality deviation of ash bucket Suspending a plumb bob and

Installation mm 10
upper and lower ports testing with a steel ruler

Observing oil penetration test

Tightness test of welded joints Dominant Tight and without leakage
or inspecting the records

Ash bucket appearance Flat and smooth ash bucket Observing

plane wihtout obvious
roughness; temporary
welding ironworks are cut
off and polished properly;
no sundries in ash bucket

Welding type shall meet the

requirements specified in
manufacturers technical Observating, and inspecting
Welding documents; no such defects the weld size with welding
as slag inclusion, undercut inspection ruler
or pore; good weld seam

4.4.43 Inspection of spiral-flow burner equipments

1 Application scope: inspection and acceptance for boiler spiral-flow burner equipments
2 See Table 4.4.43 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.43: Inspection of spiral-flow burner equipments
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Without flaw, deformation,

Equipment appearance Observing
serious rust and damage
Spectral analysis on alloy
installation Meeting the design
Material Dominant component on site and
providing the test report

4.4.44 Installation of spiral-flow burner

1 Application scope: acceptance for installation of boiler spiral-flow burner, U shaped and
W shaped fire single-flow burner
2 See Table 4.4.44 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.44: installation of spiral-flow burner
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Testing the central position

Nozzle elevation deviation Dominant mm 5 elevation of nozzles with a
of burner
glass tube level

Taking the boiler cneter line

as reference, pulling line,
Center deviation of nozzle room Dominant mm 5
and inspecting with steel

Taking the nozzle vertical

end face as reference;
Deviation of burner inserted into the
Dominant mm 5 measuring the water cooled
wall center line spacing with
a steel ruler

Concentricity Without adjusting

mm 5
deviation of mechanism
Measuring with a steel ruler
primary and
secondary air Without adjusting mm 3
fan drums

Tight shaft seal, flexible

rotation, block-free, correct
Driving part (blade baffle, operation
Dominant scale indication, Observing
regulating mechanism, etc.)
corresponding with the
actual position

Correct gasket adding;

Sealing compound face Dominant Observing
tight without leak

Meet the requirements of

Installation position and direction Observing
the drawing design

The welding meet the

design requirements of the
manufacturer; welded Observating, and inspecting
Welding joints is shaped better the weld size with welding
without defect; the inspection ruler
dimension meets the design

Meeting the requirements

Installation of hoisting devices Dominant specified in Table 4.3.5 and
4.3.6 of this Part

4.4.45 Inspection of single-flow burner equipments

1 Application scope: inspection and acceptance for tangential firing single-flow burner
equipment (boiler four corners)
2 See Table 4.4.45 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.45: Inspection of single-flow burner equipments
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Inspection Without flaw, deformation,

Equipment appearance Observing
before serious rust and damage
t300mm 3
Deviation Pulling line; testing the
of nozzle 300<t500mm 4 distance between horizontal
center center lines of two adjacent
500<t800mm 5
pitch (t) nozzles with a steel ruler
t>800mm 6

Deviation H2.5m 4
of total
distance 2.5m>H5m 8 Pulling line; testing the

(H) of distance between horizontal

upper center lines of two adjacent

and nozzles with a steel ruler

H>5m 10


Deviation H5m 5 Taking upper and lower

value of
nozzles as reference; pulling
nozzle mm
line and testing with a steel
center H>5m 6

4.4.46 Installation of single-flow burner

1 Application scope: inspection and acceptance for tangential firing single-flow burner
equipment (boiler four corners)
2 See Table 4.4.46 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.46: installation of single-flow burner
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Testing the central position

Nozzle elevation deviation Dominant mm 5 of burners in each group
of burner
according to E.2

Taking centered water cooled

Correct hypothetical wall as reference;
tangential circle line on determining the vertical and
Burning tangential lineation
tangential circle platform horizontal center line of the
with obvious mark hearth; line out the tangential
circle and reference tangent

Suspending a plumb bob;

Deviation of the tangent of nozzle
pulling line; testing with a
central axis to burning tangential Dominant 0.5
steel ruler; working the
deviation angle

Verticality deviation of burner Pulling plumb-bob line and

mm 5
enclosure testing with steel ruler

Taking the nozzle vertical

end face as testing reference;
Deviation of depth of nozzle
Dominant mm 5 testing the water cooled wall
inserted into hearth
center line spacing with a
steel ruler

Meeting the requirment of

Deviation angle of upper and lower
the drawing; correct scale Observing

Tight shaft seal, flexible

rotation, block-free, correct
Driving part (blade baffle, operation
Dominant scale indication, Observing
regulating mechanism, etc.)
corresponding with the
actual position

Correct gasket adding; tight

Sealing compound face Dominant Observing
without leak

The welding meet the
design requirements of the
Observating, and inspecting
manufacturer; welded joints
Welding the weld size with welding
is shaped better without
inspection ruler
defect; the dimension meets
the design requirement

Meeting the requirements

Installation of hoisting devices specified in Table 4.3.5 and Observing
4.3.6 of this Part

4.4.47 Inspection of oil and gas burner equipment

1 Application scope: inspection and acceptance for boiler oil and gas burner equipments
2 See Table 4.4.47 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.47: Inspection of oil and gas burner equipment
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Straight, even, internally

Core tube of oil gun unimpeded and with no Disassembly inspection

Straight, even, internally

unimpeded; smooth and
Atomizing nozzle Dominant clean atomizing slice Disassembly inspection
Inspection without damage; tight joint
before without leakage
installation Bend radius is by 10 times
greater than external
diameter and the minimum Testing real objects or
External dimension of metal hose distance from joint to the checking technical
starting-bend point is by 6 information of products
times greater than external

4.4.48 Installation of oil and gas burners

1 Application scope: inspection and acceptance for boiler oil and gas burner equipments
2 See Table 4.4.48 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.48: installation of oil and gas burner
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Taking water cooled wall as

Positions of oil gun stretched into
Meeting the design reference; testing with a steel
the hearth
Installation In right position; with free
Actuating mechanism Observing
of burner expansion and contraction

Good atomization; the

Spray test Dominant capacity satisfies the design Field testing and observing

Simple and clear layout;
installation technology
featuring in esthetic
Piping installation Observing
Oil inlet appearance and being
and return convenient for operation
branch and overhaul
pipe Joint tight without leak;
connection of branch pipe
Joint installation Observing
and oil gun tight with good
elasticity but leakage

4.4.49 Pre-installation inspection of oil-free ignition device and tiny-oil ignition device
1 Application scope: pre-installation inspection and acceptance for boiler oil-free ignition
device and tiny-oil ignition device
2 See Table 4.4.49 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.49: pre-installation inspection of oil-free ignition device and tiny-oil ignition device
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Shall be free from defects

Equipment appearance Observing
like deformation and crack

Checking the manufacturer's

technical document;
Meeting the requirements
Pre-installation Material Dominant conducting the spectral
of the design drawing
inspection analysis for alloy

Meet the requirements of

Density adjusting device the design document; no Observing

4.4.50 Installation of oil-free ignition device and tiny-oil ignition device

1 Application scope: installation of oil-free ignition device and tiny-oil ignition device
2 See Table 4.4.50 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.50: installation of oil-free ignition device and tiny-oil ignition device
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Installation Observing; testing with

of oil-free Meeting the equipment L-square and steel ruler on
Nozzle angle Dominant
ignition installation instruction the positon with obvious
device deviation
(plasma Clearance of nozzle to water wall
mm Not affacting expansion Observing
ignition tube
device) Correct welding material
and selection; welding meets the
Testing external dimensions
tiny-oil Welding Dominant design requirements;
with welding inspection ruler
ignition flawless; welded joints
device shaping good

Being vertical; the deviation Observing; testing with a
Mounting plate and carrying
meet the design level ruler on position with
cylinder for plasma generator
requirements obvious deviation

Being horizontal; the Observing; testing with a

Bracket for plasma generator deviation meet the design level ruler on position with
requirements obvious deviation

On site pushing and pulling

Pusher installation Free access without jam

Wind, Inspecting with air pressure

Tightness test Dominant Tight and without leakage
powder, test
gasses Sealed severely and without
Pipe joint Dominant Observing
and leakage
Internal cleaning Clean and without sundries Observing

4.4.51 Inspection and lineation of steam drum (steam-water separator):

1 Application scope: applicable to the inspection and lineation of such equipments
(drum and stub tube) as steam drum, steam-water separator and water storage tank.
2 See Table 4.4.51 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.51 Inspection and lineation of steam drum (steam-water separator)
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Free from crack, double skin Observing depression and

Equipment Appearance and scar; the depth of pockmark depth, and
inspection depression and pockmark inspecting with measuring
shall not exceed 3~4 mm instruments if necessary

Checking the design

drawing, product quality
qualification and supervision
Material Meeting manufacturer's inspection certificates;
design requirements carrying out spectral analysis
for alloy assembly unit and
Drum providing the report, marking
on obvious positions

Checking the design

Meeting manufacturer's drawing, product quality
Wall thickness mm
design requirements qualification and supervision
inspection certificates

Checking the design

drawing, product quality
Without such defects as qualification and supervision
Welded joint
crack and pore, good shaping inspection certificates;
carrying out appearance

Carrying out spectral
Material of alloy analysis for alloy assembly
Dominant No misusage
assembly unit unit and providing the report,
marking on obvious positions

Checking according to the

manufacturer's drawing

Height of pipe head Checking design drawings,

product quality qualification
External diameter of pipe
Dominant and supervision inspection
mm Meeting manufacturer's
certificates; randomly
Wall thickness of pipe design requirements
Dominant inspecting pipe heads of the
Stub head
same specification with steel
Groove of pipe head ruler and vernier caliper;
random inspection quantity
Angle of pipe head Dominant Degree
shall not be less than 2

Checking the design

documents, product quality
Without such defects as
Welded joints of pipe qualification and supervision
Dominant crack, slag inclusion and
seat inspection certificates;
pore, good shaping
carrying out appearance

Without such sundries as

Internal cleaning Observation
dust, scale and metal chip

Pulling line at the position of

20mm inner side of welded
joints at both ends of the
Full length flexibility of the drum mm 20
drum, testing two directions
in 90 with steel ruler,
adopting the maximum value

Smooth, without radial

Manhole door joint surface Dominant perfoliate scar, local scar Observation

Meeting the design

Checking the design
requirements of the
documents, product quality
manufacturer; appearance
qualification and supervision
Other welded joints Dominant shall be free from such
inspection certificates;
defects as cracks, slag
carrying out appearance
inclusion and pores; good

Using the pipe seat around
the boiler drum center as the
reference for transverse
With center marks on both
center, using the horizontal
ends (punching), marking
Installation lineation Dominant center as the reference for
out vertical and horizontal
longitudinal center,
center lines on the drum
re-checking horizontally with
steel tape, steel ruler and
glass tube

4.4.52 Installation of steam drum (steam-water separator):

1 Application scope: applicable to the installation of such equipments (drum and stub
tube) as steam drum, steam-water separator and water storage tank.
2 See Table 4.4.52 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.52 Installation of steam drum (steam-water separator)
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Checking according to the

Installations direction Correct
design drawing

Testing according to the

Elevation deviation mm 5
requirements of E.2

Vertical and horizontal levelness Testing according to the

mm 2
deviations requirements of E.3

Taking the boiler transverse

expansion center as
Transverse central position
mm 5 reference, suspending a
deviation Dominant
plumb bob, testing with steel

Taking the boiler

longitudinal expansion center
installation Longitudinal center position
mm 5 as reference, suspending a
plumb bob, testing with steel

Shall coincide at the circular

Contact of steam drum flying rings
arc with 90 contact angle, Testing with feeler gauge
with steam drum excircle
local clearance 2mm

Suspending a plumb bob,

Verticality deviation Dominant mm 1 L, and10 and measuring with steel

Meeting the requirements

Hoisting device Dominant specified in Table 4.3.5 and
4.3.6 of this Part

Note 1: If the requirements can not be met due to the equipments, the problems shall be treated according to the manufacturer's
opinions after negotiated with the manufacturer.
Note 2: LHeight of steam-water separator.

4.4.53 Inspection of drum internals:
1 Application scope: applicable to installation of drum internals.
2 See Table 4.4.53 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.53 Inspection of drum internals
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Checking according to the

Equipment type and quantity Complete
design drawing

Spectrum analysis
No misusage of the alloy inspection, providing the
Equipment material
material report, and marking on
obvious positions

No obvious defects such as

Inspection Appearance Observation
rust, damage or deformation
of internal
Good shaping, without
welding skip and crack,
cleaning up the splash, and
Manufacturer's welded joints Dominant Observation
the welded joints shall meet
requirements of the design

Bolt shall be complete and

Bolt and nut connecting piece Observation

4.4.54 Installation of drum internals:

1 Application scope: applicable to re-assembly of disassembled drum internals.
2 See Table 4.4.54 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.54 Installation of drum internals
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Installation Correct, and be correspond Checking according to the

Installation position
of internal with the original marks design drawing
devices Observing and inspecting
Connecting clapboard Dominant Tight and without leakage
with light

Tight, gasket shall meet the

design requirements, bolted
connection shall be fastened,
Flange and bolt connection Dominant Inspecting with spanner
without looseness and
equipped with anti-looseness

Welding Dominant Good shaping, no defects Observation

such as welding skip,
undercut and crack, cleaning
up the splash, and the
welded joints shall meet 262

requirements of the design


Be free from dust, scale,

Steam drum internal cleaning Dominant metal chip, welding slag and Observation
construction residue

Bolt screw thread and flange

gasket circle shall be coated
evenly with lubricant of
black lead powder, and the Observing and inspecting
Installation of manhole door Dominant
flange gasket shall be in with spanner
good condition with true-up,
deflection, bolt-up, and even

4.4.55 Assembly of membrane-type wall (water cooled wall and wall enclosure
1 Application scope: applicable to inspection of such equipments as water cooled wall
(including radiant reheater), water cooled wall with extension wall, enclosure wall (extension
enclosure wall) and middle partition as well as assembly of pipe banks.
2 See Table 4.4.55 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.55 Assembly of membrane-type wall (water cooled wall and wall enclosure superheater)
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting the requirements
Installation of stiffening bar specified in Table 4.4.71 of
this Part

Meeting the requirements

Equipment Through-ball test after pipe Observing or inspecting test
Dominant specified in 3.1.4 of DL/T
assembly assembly record

Meeting the requirements

Pipe contra aperture Dominant specified in Table 4.3.9 of
this Part

Width Width3m mm Light pipe 3; finned pipe 5 Testing the center distance of
two side pipes on the top,
middle and bottom positions
of Light pipe 5; finned pipe
according to the
assembly Width>3m mm 2/1000; maximum shall not
requirements of E.1 in this
parts be greater than 15

Measuring two terminal

spacing of assembly upper
Length deviation of assembly parts mm 10 and lower header according
to the requirements of E.1 in
this Part

Taking the center line of the
header as the reference,
Diagonal line deviation of
Dominant mm 10 testing according to the
assembly parts
requirements of E.1 in this

Observing and testing with

Planeness deviation of pipe bank mm 5 steel ruler on the obvious
uneven positions

Spacing deviation of side rack

Measuring with steel ruler
pipes when two membrane-type mm 3
according to the drawing
walls are spliced

Taking the upper header

Vertical and horizontal center line
mm 10 center line as reference,
deviation of burner opening
testing with steel tape

Meeting the drawing,

Sealing member smooth, firm, kerosene test Observation
tight without leakage

Meeting the requirements

Hole door installation specified in Table 4.4.40 of
this Part

The welded joints meet the

requirements of the drawing,
Welding Dominant free from such defects as Observation
crack and pore, and good

a Through-ball test after pipe assembly: to inspect the internal diameter of assembled welded junction and avoid internal

4.4.56 Installation of membrane-type wall (water cooled wall and wall enclosure
1 Application scope: applicable to installation of water cooled wall (including radiant
reheater), water cooled wall with extension wall, enclosure wall (extension enclosure wall)
and middle partition assembly and spare parts.
2 See Table 4.4.56 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.56 Installation of membrane-type wall (water cooled wall and wall enclosure superheater)
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting the requirements of

Equipment Through-ball test before contra Inspecting test record after
Dominant Article 3.1.4 in DL/T
installation aperture welding of pipe bank a but welding

Meeting the requirements Observing and measuring

Pipe contra aperture specified in Table 4.3.9 of with a welding measuring
this Part scale

Integral width deviation after 2/1000, maximum shall not Testing with spring scale and
Dominant mm
installation be greater than 15 steel ruler

Suspending a plumb bob and
Verticality deviation of pipe bank mm 1 length, and15
testing with a steel ruler

Spacing deviation of side rack pipes

Measuring with steel ruler
when membrane-type walls are mm 3
according to the drawing

Meeting the drawing, with

Connecting device Observation
free expansion

Meeting the drawing,

Sealing member smooth, firm, tight without Observation

The welded joints meet the

requirements of the drawing,
Seal welding Dominant free from such defects as Observation
crack and pore, and good

a Through-ball test before contra aperture welding of pipe bank: to inspect foreign matters in the pipe during the period of
equipment storage and transportation and eliminate potential pipe bursting of equipment.

4.4.57 Assembly (pre-assembly) of spiral water cooled wall:

1 Application scope: applicable to assembly or pre-assembly of spiral water cooled
2 See Table 4.4.57 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.57 Assembly (pre-assembly) of spiral water cooled wall
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Equipment Rising angle deviation of spiral Pulling line, testing and

Dominant Degree 0.5
assembly pipe calculating with steel ruler

Measuring with steel ruler

Pipe pitch deviation Dominant mm 2
according to the drawing

Meeting the requirements of

Through-ball test after pipe Observing or inspecting test
Article 3.1.4 in DL/T
assembly record

Meeting the requirements

Pipe contra aperture specified in Table 4.3.9 of
this Part

Width Width3m mm Light pipe 3; finned pipe 5 Testing the center distance of
two side pipes on the top,
middle and bottom positions
of Light pipe 5; finned pipe
according to the
assembly Width>3m mm 2/1000; maximum shall not
requirements of E.1 in this
parts be greater than 15

Length deviation of assembly parts mm 10 Measuring the spacing

between upper and lower
pipe opening reference center
lines of assembly according
to the requirements of E.1 in
this Part

Taking the center line of the

pre-assembly center line as
Diagonal line deviation of the reference, testing
Dominant mm 10
assembly parts according to the
requirements of E.1 in this

Observing and testing with

Planeness deviation of pipe bank mm 5 steel ruler on the obvious
uneven positions

Pulling line, testing and

Horizontal torsional deformation mm 8
calculating with steel ruler

Meeting the drawing,

Installation of tension plate Observation
smooth, and welded firmly

Spacing deviation of side rack

Measuring with steel ruler
pipes when two membrane-type mm 3
according to the drawing
walls are spliced

Taking the upper pipe

Vertical and horizontal center line opening reference center line
mm 10
deviation of burner opening of assembly as reference,
testing with steel tape

Meeting the drawing,

Sealing member smooth, firm, kerosene test Observation
tight without leakage

Meeting the requirements

Hole door installation specified in Table 4.4.40 of
this Part

The welded joints meet the

requirements of the drawing,
Seal welding Dominant free from such defects as Observation
crack and pore, and good

a Through-ball test after pipe assembly: to inspect the internal diameter of assembled welded junction and avoid internal

4.4.58 Installation of spiral water cooled wall spare parts (assembly):

1 Application scope: applicable to installation of spiral water cooled wall assembly or
spare parts.
2 See Table 4.4.58 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.58 Installation of spiral water cooled wall spare parts (assembly)
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Through-ball test before contra Dominant Meeting the requirements of Inspecting test record after

aperture welding of pipe bank a Article 3.1.4 in DL/T but welding

Meeting the requirements Observing and measuring

Pipe contra aperture Dominant specified in Table 4.3.9 of with a welding measuring
this Part scale

Suspending a plumb bob and

Verticality deviation of pipe bank mm 1 length, and15
testing with a steel ruler

Integral width deviation after 2/1000, maximum shall not Testing with spring scale and
Dominant mm
installation be greater than 15 steel ruler

Meeting the drawing, with

Connecting device Observation
free expansion

Inspecting according to the

Elevation of four-corner
Dominant mm 2 requirements of E.2 in this
horizontal pipe (each layer)

Suspending a plumb bob;

pulling line; measuring with a
Deviation of spiral angle Degree 0.5
steel ruler; calculating angular

Pulling line; measuring with a

Horizontal torsion Dominant mm 8 steel ruler; calculating angular

Sealing member installation

shall meet the drawing,
smooth, firm, kerosene test
tight without leakage
Seal welding Dominant The welded joints meet the
requirements of the drawing,
free from such defects as Observation
crack and pore, and good

a Through-ball test before contra aperture welding of pipe bank: to inspect foreign matters in the pipe during the period of
equipment storage and transportation and eliminate potential pipe bursting of equipment.

4.4.59 Installation of boiler body pipes:

1 Application scope: applicable to assembly and installation of boiler body downcast
pipe, evaporating pipe, steam connection pipe, water supply connection pipe, recirculating
pipe, and desuperheating water pipe.
2 See Table 4.4.59 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.59 Installation of boiler body pipes
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting the requirements

Equipment inspection specified in Table 4.3.8 of
this Part

Meeting the requirements
Inspection and installation of header specified in Table 4.3.10 of
this Part

Correct, meeting the Checking according to the

Pipe installation direction Dominant
drawing drawing

Meeting the requirements

Pipe contra aperture Dominant specified in Table 4.3.9 of
this Part

Verticality deviation of the vertical

mm 2, and15
pipe Observation; inspecting

Flexibility pipes with obvious deviation

DN100mm mm 1, and20
of the by steel ruler after pulling

horizontal line
DN>100mm mm 1.5, and20

Randomly inspecting more

Spacing deviation of pipe segments than 2 positions on each
mm 5
in rows group of pipe segments,
measuring with steel ruler

Observation; measuring
Equipment pipes with obvious deviation
Planeness deviation of pipe bank mm 10
installation by steel ruler after pulling

Meeting the drawing, firmly

Supporter and hanger Dominant installed, accurate position, Observation
uniform load carrying;

Reserved expansion
direction shall be correct;
Measuring with steel ruler
Installation of guide mm expansion capacity shall
according to the drawing
meet the requirements of
the drawing

Meeting the requirements of

Valve Dominant Observation
5.5 in DL 5031-1994

The welded joints meet the

requirements of the
Welding Dominant drawing, free from such Observation
defects as crack and pore,
and good shaping

Note: DNNominal diameter of pipes.

4.4.60 Assembly of vertical superheater (reheater):

1 Application scope: applicable to integral assembly or pipe bank assembly of platen
superheater, finishing superheater, final reheater and vertical low-temperature superheater.
2 See Table 4.4.60 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.60 Assembly of vertical superheater (reheater)

Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting the requirements

Inspection and installation of header specified in Table 4.3.10
of this Part

Meeting the requirements

Through-ball test after contra Inspecting test record after
Dominant of Article 3.1.4 in DL/T
aperture welding of pipe bank but welding

Meeting the requirements

Pipe contra aperture Dominant specified in Table 4.3.9 of
this Part

Observing; inspecting with

Spacing deviation of pipe bank mm 5 a steel ruler on position
with obvious deviation

Testing distance between

center lines on the top,
middle and bottom
Width deviation of assembly parts Dominant mm 10 positions of two side pipes
with steel ruler according
to the requirements of E.1
in this Part

Observing, pulling line and

testing with steel ruler on
assembly Planeness deviation of pipe bank mm 20
the obvious uneven

Meeting the design

Measuring with steel tape
Wear device requirements of the
according to the drawing

Meeting the design

Measuring with steel tape
Pipe clamp requirements of the
Installation according to the drawing
Meeting the design
auxiliaries Measuring with steel tape
Hanging iron plate requirements of the
according to the drawing

Meeting the drawing;

Measuring with steel tape
Comb plate correct installation
according to the drawing
position, firm, regular

The welded joints shall

meet the requirements of
the drawing, free from
Ironworks welding Dominant Observation
such defects as undercut,
crack and pore, good

a Through-ball test after contra aperture welding of pipe bank: to inspect the internal diameter of assembled welded junction and
avoid internal blocking.

4.4.61 Installation of vertical superheater (reheater):

1 Application scope: applicable to integral assembly or spare parts installation of platen
superheater, finishing superheater, final reheater and vertical low-temperature superheater.
2 See Table 4.4.61 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.61 Installation of vertical superheater (reheater)
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting the requirements of

Through-ball test before contra Inspecting test record after
Dominant Article 3.1.4 in DL/T
aperture welding of pipe bank but welding

Meeting the requirements

Pipe contra aperture Dominant specified in Table 4.3.9 of
this Part

Clearance between edge pipe and Meeting the requirements of Testing several points with a
Dominant mm
boiler wall the drawing steel ruler

Downward expansion clearance of

Meeting the requirements of Testing several points with a
elbow at the bottom of serpentine Dominant mm
the drawing steel ruler
1/ length of pipe bank,
installation Verticality of pipe bank mm

Observing, pulling steel wire

Planeness deviation of pipe bank mm 20 and testing with steel ruler on
the obvious uneven positions

Correct position and angle;

Installation of auxiliaries (wear and meeting the drawing
mm Measuring with steel tape
fixing devices) requirements; firmly

Without such defects as Observing, testing the weld

Ironworks welding Dominant crack, slag inclusion and size with welding inspection
pore, good shaping ruler

a Through-ball test before contra aperture welding of pipe bank: to inspect foreign matters in the pipe during the period of
equipment storage and transportation and eliminate potential pipe bursting of equipment.

4.4.62 Assembly of horizontal superheater (reheater):

1 Application scope: applicable to the assembly of horizontal superheater and reheater
installed in the vertical shaft at the tail.
2 See Table 4.4.62 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.62 Assembly of horizontal superheater (reheater)
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

assembly Through-ball test after pipe bank Dominant Meeting the requirements of Inspecting test record before
assembly Article 3.1.4 in DL/T but welding


Meeting the requirements

Pipe contra aperture Dominant specified in Table 4.3.9 of
this Part

Spacing deviation of pipe bank mm 5

Testing distance between

center lines on the top, middle
Width deviation of assembly and bottom positions of two
Dominant mm 10
parts side pipes with steel ruler
according to the requirements
of E.1 in this Part

Observing, pulling line and

Planeness deviation of pipe bank mm 20 testing with steel ruler on the
obvious uneven positions

Suspending a plumb bob;

Verticality deviation of side rack testing with steel ruler;
mm 5
pipe of assembly parts randomly inspecting several

Meeting the drawing, welded

Installation of wear firmly, smooth, and not
Measuring with steel tape
devices influencing thermal

Installation Installation of pipe

Meeting the drawing Measuring with steel tape
of clamp
auxiliaries Installation of
Meeting the drawing Measuring with steel ruler
hanging iron plate

Meeting the drawing; correct

Comb locating plate installation position, firm, Measuring with steel ruler

The welded joints meet the

requirements of the drawing, Observation; randomly
Ironworks welding Dominant free from such defects as inspecting the weld size with a
crack and pore, and good welding testing ruler

a Through-ball test after pipe bank assembly: to inspect the internal diameter of assembled welded junction and avoid internal

4.4.63 Installation of ceiling superheater:

1 Application scope: applicable to installation of membrane-type wall and single pipe
in ceiling superheater.
2 See Table 4.4.63 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.63 Installation of ceiling superheater
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting the requirements
Pipe contra aperture Dominant specified in Table 4.3.9 of
this Part

Pipe spacing mm Uniform Observation

Installed at the horizontal

center line of the pipe,
clearance between fins shall
Fin installation meet the drawing Observation
requirements, welding mode
shall meet the requirements
of the drawing

Randomly inspecting several

points on the front, middle
Elevation deviation of pipe bank mm 5 and back according to the
requirements of E.1 in this

Observing, pulling line and

Planeness deviation of pipe bank mm 5 testing with steel ruler on the
obvious uneven positions
Clearance between side rack pipe Meeting the drawing,
Dominant mm
and pipe on boiler heating surface deviation5 mm Randomly inspecting several

Clearance between pipe bank and Meeting the drawing, points with a steel ruler
Dominant mm
front water wall pipe deviation5 mm

Meeting the drawing,

Clearance of pipes through ceiling without additional stress,
mm Observation
in vertical pipe banks ceiling pipes can expand

Firmly installed, normative,

Fixing device of ceiling pipes Observation
can meet free expansion

Meeting the drawing,

Installation of sealing members Dominant smooth, firm, seal welding Observation
tight without leakage

The welded joints meet the

requirements of the Observation; randomly
Welding Dominant drawing, free from such inspecting the weld size with
defects as crack and pore, a welding testing ruler
and good shaping

4.4.64 Installation of horizontal superheater (reheater):

1 Application scope: applicable to installation of horizontal superheater and reheater
assembly or spare parts.
2 See Table 4.4.64 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.64 Installation of horizontal superheater (reheater)

Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting the requirements of

Through-ball test before contra Inspecting test record after
Dominant Article 3.1.4 in DL/T
aperture welding of pipe bank but welding

Meeting the requirements

Pipe contra aperture Dominant specified in Table 4.3.9 of
this Part

Spacing deviation of pipe bank mm 5 Observation

Observing; testing with steel

Planeness deviation of pipe bank mm 20 ruler on the position with
obvious deviation

Distance deviation of pipe bank

mm 5 Measuring with steel ruler
edge pipe and membrane-type wall

Meeting the drawing,

welded firmly, smooth, and
Equipment Wear device Observation
not influencing thermal

Meeting the drawing,

correct Installation position,
Installation of fixing device Observation
uniform spacing between
pipe banks, firmly fixed

Without such sundries as Inspecting with lighting,

Header internal cleaning Dominant dust, scale, seeper and metal reflector or sightglass before
chip sealing

Meeting the drawing,

Sealing member Observation
smooth and firm

The welded joints meet the

requirements of the Observation; randomly
Ironworks welding Dominant drawing, free from such inspecting the weld size with
defects as crack and pore, a welding testing ruler
and good shaping

a Through-ball test before contra aperture welding of pipe bank: to inspect foreign matters in the pipe during the period of
equipment storage and transportation and eliminate potential pipe bursting of equipment.

4.4.65 Assembly of steam-steam heater:

1 Application scope: applicable to assembly of steam-steam heater.
2 See Table 4.4.65for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.65 Assembly of steam-steam heater
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting the requirements

Equipment inspection specified in Table 4.3.7 of
this Part

Meeting the requirements
Inspection and lineation of drum
specified in Table 4.3.10 of
and header
this Part

Meeting the requirements

Pipe contra aperture Dominant specified in Table 4.3.9 of
this Part

Testing according to the

Vertical and horizontal
Dominant mm 3 requirements of E.3 in this
levelness deviation

Respectively testing the

positions of two terminals
Drum Longitudinal center line between the drum and small
Dominant mm 5
and distance deviation header according to the
small requirements of E.3 in this
header Part

Taking the edge pipe terminal

of the drum and small header
Difference between
Dominant mm 10 as the reference, testing
diagonal lines
according to the requirements
of E.1 in this Part

Uniform spacing; straight

Connecting pipe
and even pipes

Straight and even, without Observation

Bracing plate welding skip, firm bolted


Carrying out hydraulic test

with 1.25 times of working
Primary steam side tightness test Dominant MPa Tight and without leakage
pressure, observing or
inspecting test records

The welded joints meet the

requirements of the drawing, Observation; randomly
Welding Dominant free from such defects as inspecting the weld size with
crack and pore, and good a welding testing ruler

4.4.66 Installation of steam-steam heater assembly:

1 Application scope: applicable to installation of steam-steam heater assembly.
2 See Table 4.4.66 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.66 Installation of steam-steam heater assembly
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

installation Drum elevation deviation Dominant mm 5 Testing the end face position
of the connecting pipe seat at
the top of the drum according
to the requirements of E.2274
this Part

Suspending a plumb bob,

Drum verticality deviation mm 2 length testing two directions in 90
with steel ruler

Suspending a plumb bob,

pulling line, according to the
requirements of E.1 in this
Part, respectively testing the
Drum center line deviation Dominant mm 5
spacing between two
upper/lower terminal centers
of the drum and the boiler
center line

Firmly fixed, beautiful

Installation of auxiliaries technology, convenient for Observation
watch and maintenance

4.4.67 Assembly of economizer:

1 Application scope: applicable to integral assembly of economizer or monolithic
assembly of pipe bank.
2 See Table 4.4.67 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.67 Assembly of economizer
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting the requirements

Inspection and installation of header specified in Table 4.3.10 of
this Part

Meeting the requirements

Observing or inspecting test
Through-ball test of pipe Dominant of Article 3.1.4 in DL/T

Meeting the requirements

Pipe contra aperture Dominant specified in Table 4.3.9 of
this Part

Taking the equidistant point

of extracting side pipes at
both ends of header
Diagonal line difference of each plane longitudinal center line as
Dominant mm 10
in assembly parts the reference, testing
according to the
requirements of E.1 in this

Spacing deviation of pipe bank mm 5 Observation

Width deviation of assembly parts Dominant mm 5 Testing the distance between

two side pipe center lines
with a steel ruler on 3 points
of the assembly along the
length direction of the pipe

Suspending a plumb bob;

Verticality deviation of side rack pipe testing with steel ruler;
mm 5
of assembly parts randomly inspecting several

Observing, pulling line and

testing with steel ruler on the
Planeness deviation of pipe bank mm 20
position with obvious

Suspending a plumb bob;

Distance deviation from header center testing with steel ruler;
mm 10
line to serpentine pipe elbow randomly inspecting several

Meeting the drawing,

welded firmly, smooth, and Randomly inspecting several
Assembly of wear device
not influencing thermal points with a steel ruler
Installation Installation position shall
of meet the drawing, pipe
Assembly of pipe clamp Observation
auxiliaries clamp stationary barrier
without shedding

Correct installation
Assembly of hanging
position, meeting the Observation
iron plate

Without such defects as Observing, testing the weld

Ironworks welding Dominant crack and pore, good size with welding inspection
shaping ruler

a Through-ball test of pipe: through-ball test shall be carried out after single row of pipe banks are assembled and welded,
internal diameter of welded junction after assembly and welding shall be inspected

4.4.68 Installation of economizer:

1 Application scope: applicable to integral installation of economizer or monolithic
installation of pipe bank.
2 See Table 4.4.68 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.68 Installation of economizer
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting the requirements

Pipe contra aperture Dominant specified in Table 4.3.9 of
this Part

Spacing deviation of pipe bank mm 5 Observation

Suspending a plumb bob;
Verticality deviation of side rack testing with steel ruler;
Dominant mm 5
pipe of assembly parts randomly inspecting several

Clearance between assembly side

Meeting the requirements of Testing several points with a
rack pipe and boiler wall (or Dominant mm
the drawing steel ruler
enclosure wall pipe)

Suspending a plumb bob;

Verticality deviation of side rack testing with steel ruler;
mm 5
pipe of assembly parts randomly inspecting several

Testing the distance between

two side pipe center lines
with a steel ruler on 3 points
Width deviation of assembly parts Dominant mm 5
of the assembly along the
length direction of the pipe

Observing, pulling line and

testing with steel ruler on the
Planeness deviation of pipe bank mm 20
position with obvious

Meeting the drawing,

welded firmly, smooth, and
Installation of wear devices Dominant not influencing thermal Testing with a steel ruler
expansion and flue gas

Installation position shall

meet the drawing, pipe
Installation of fixing pipe clamp Testing with a steel tape
clamp stationary barrier
without shedding

Meeting the drawing;

Installation of locating plate uniform spacing, correct Testing with a steel ruler
position, firm

The welded joints meet the

requirements of the Observation; randomly
Welding Dominant drawing, free from such inspecting the weld size with
defects as crack and pore, a welding testing ruler
and good shaping

Note: Pipe bank bracing inspection is only restricted to partition structure.

4.4.69 Assembly of supporting pipe:

1 Application scope: applicable to assembly of back water cooled wall supporting pipe,
back rack pipe and economizer supporting pipe.
2 See Table 4.4.69 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.

Table 4.4.69 Assembly of supporting pipe
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting the requirements

Inspection and installation of header specified in Table 4.3.10 of
this Part

Meeting the requirements

Pipe contra aperture Dominant specified in Table 4.3.9 of
this Part

Measuring distance between

centers of two side pipes on
the top, middle and bottom
Overall width deviation of pipe
mm 5 positions of pipe bank
according to the
requirements of E.1 in this

Taking the center line of the

header as the reference,
Diagonal line difference of
Equipment Dominant mm 10 measuring according to the
assembly parts
assembly requirements of E.1 in this

Testing the center distance of

Pipe spacing deviation mm 5 two adjacent pipes with steel

Taking the center line of the

Pipe length deviation mm 5 header as the reference,
measuring with steel ruler

Observing, pulling line and

Planeness deviation of pipe bank mm 20 testing with steel ruler on the
obvious uneven positions

Correct position, firmly

Installation of pipe clamp Observation

Without such defects as Observation; randomly

Welding Dominant crack and pore, good inspecting the weld size with
shaping weld testing ruler

4.4.70 Installation of supporting pipe:

1 Application scope: applicable to installation of back water cooled wall supporting
pipe, back rack pipe and economizer supporting pipe.
2 See Table 4.4.70 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.70 Installation of supporting pipe
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

installation Inspection and installation of header Dominant Meeting the requirements
specified in Table 4.3.10 of
this Part

Meeting the requirements

Pipe contra aperture Dominant specified in Table 4.3.9 of
this Part

Suspending a plumb bob;

testing with steel ruler;
Verticality deviation of pipe mm 5
randomly inspecting no less
than 2 pipes

Pipe spacing deviation mm 5 Observation

Clearance between edge pipe and Meeting the requirements of Testing several points with a
boiler wall the drawing steel ruler

Observing, pulling line and

testing with steel ruler on the
Planeness deviation of pipe mm 20
position with obvious

Uniform load carrying, with Shaking with hand or

Load carrying of hanging pipe Dominant
additional stress knocking with hand hammer

Correct position, firmly

Fixing device Observation

Meeting the drawing

requirements, without such
Ironworks welding Observation
defects as welding skip,
undercut and crack

4.4.71 Installation of stiffening bar:

1 Application scope: applicable to the installation of stiffening bar of water cooled wall,
water cooled wall with extension wall (superheater) and enclosure wall.
2 See Table 4.4.71 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.71 Installation of stiffening bar
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Taking the upper header as

Installation the testing reference,
of according to the
Elevation deviation of stiffening bar Dominant mm 5
stiffening requirements of E.1 in this
bar Part, measuring at both ends
of each stiffening bar

Testing with steel ruler for

Distance deviation of the central
more than 2 points on each
distance from stiffening bar to mm 5
stiffening bar (two ends must
heating surface
be measured)

Connection between stiffening bar Meeting the drawing; Observation

and water cooled wall without welding skip and
wrong welding, correct 279
installation, free expansion

Vertical and horizontal levelness of Testing horizontally with

mm 5
stiffening bar iron or glass tube

Reserved expansion capacity of Meeting the design Measuring with steel ruler
vertical stiffening bar requirements of the drawing according to the drawing

In the right direction,

Corner expansion direction and expansion capacity shall Measuring with steel ruler
Dominant mm
reserved expansion of stiffening bar meet the requirements of the according to the drawing

Straight and even

installation, uniform
Observing and measuring
Installation of guide Dominant mm clearance between guide and
with steel ruler
guide post, meeting the

Installation of corner connection Meeting the design

pieces requirements of the drawing

Weld bead height shall meet

the requirements of the
Ironworks welding Dominant drawing, free from such Observation
defects as crack and
undercut, good shaping

4.4.72 Hydraulic test for entire boiler:

1 Application scope: applicable to integral hydraulic test after boiler is installed.
2 See Table 4.4.72 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.72 Hydraulic test for entire boiler
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting requirements of technical

Observing with
standards provided by manufacturer, and
Hydraulic calibrated standard
Test pressure Dominant MPa meeting requirements of Article 14.9 in
test pressure gauge (not less
DL 612-1996 where there is no
than 0.5 level)

Water Steam pressure Adopting desalted water or tempered

quality <9.8MPa water
for Steam
Adopting desalted water
hydraulic pressure9.8MPa
Chloride ion content mg/L <0.2

Sample analysis shall

Content of be carried out by
hydrazine or mg/L 200~300 chemical professional
acetone oxime personnel for water

PH value 10~10.5

Meeting requirements of the equipment

technical documents provided by the Measuring with
Water temperature
manufacturer, in general, should be thermometer

Ambient temperature a Actual measurement

Meeting the requirements in Article 3.6.6

Test conditions, scope and Inspecting before and
of DL/T 5047-95 and the approved
procedures during the test
hydraulic test operation instructor

There shall be no seepage or deformation

Meeting the
fracture at bearing pieces, all welded
Tightness inspection Dominant requirements of Article
joints, manholes, handholes, flanges and
3.6.6 in DL/T 5047-95

Discharge timely, according to the

requirements of equipment technical Inspecting item by
conditions or specification, adopting item, and transacting
Recovery after test
corrosion-proof measures; defects found confirmation and
in the hydraulic test shall be eliminated signature

a If the ambient temperature of hydraulic pressure can not reach the standard specification and hydraulic test must be carried out
immediately, reliable cold-proof and anti-freezing measures shall be adopted.

4.4.73 Confirmation and signature of through-ball test:

1 Application scope: applicable to inspect pipe through-ball test of equipments on the
boiler heating surface.
2 Confirmation and signature of through-ball test shall be in accordance with those
specified in Table 4.4.73.
Table 4.4.73 Confirmation and signature of through-ball test

Project name

Subitem project Inspection lot Project number

Pipe specification Quantity Material

Ball diameter and

serial number

Through-ball record:

Inspection conclusion:

Acceptance suggestion Acceptance signature



4.4.74 Cleaning and sealing confirmation and signature of header tank (vessel):
1 Application scope: applicable to cleaning, inspecting and sealing of such equipments
as continuous discharge, fixed discharge, drain flash tank, water storage tank and boiler
header tank.
2 Sealing confirmation and signature shall be in accordance with those specified in
Table 4.4.74.
Table 4.4.74 Cleaning and sealing confirmation and signature of header tank (vessel)

Project name

Project Inspection lot

Subsection project
number name

Material Specification Quantity

Inspection content Inspection result

Sundries such as dust, scale, seeper and metal
chip in the equipment

Compressed air purging after sundries in the

equipment are cleaned up

Unimpeded conditions of inlet and outlet pipes

and discharge pipes

Intact conditions of internal equipments

Temporary blocking conditions of pipe joint

and handhole cover device


Inspection conclusion:

Acceptance suggestion Acceptance signature



4.4.75 Confirmation and signature of pipe flushing:

1 Application scope: applicable to the flushing inspection after boiler body and
auxiliary pipe installation.
2 Pipe flushing confirmation and signature shall be in accordance with those specified
in Table 4.4.75.
Table 4.4.75 Confirmation and signature of pipe flushing

Project name

Inspection lot Project

Subsection project
name number

Ambient temperature Flushing Medium

medium temperature

Flushing equipment Flushing water

Flushing date
name pressure

Inspection record:

Inspection conclusion:

Acceptance suggestion Acceptance signature



4.4.76 Confirmation and signature of pipe purging:

1 Application scope: applicable to the purging inspection of boiler miscellaneous pipes.
2 Pipe purging confirmation and signature shall be in accordance with those specified
in Table 4.4.76.
Table 4.4.76 Confirmation and signature of pipe purging

Project name

Inspection lot Project

Subsection project
name number

Ambient temperature Purging medium

Accuracy class of Medium

Pressure gauge type
pressure gauge pressure

Verification serial
number of pressure Test date

Inspection record:

Inspection conclusion:

Acceptance suggestion Acceptance signature



4.4.77 Confirmation and signature of steam drum sealing:

1 Application scope: applicable to inspection after installation and before sealing of
boiler drum internal devices.
2 Steam drum sealing confirmation and signature shall be in accordance with those
specified in Table 4.4.77.
Table 4.4.77 Confirmation and signature of steam drum sealing

Project name

Inspection lot
Project number Boiler type

Steam drum Steam drum

specification material

Inspection item Inspection result

Installation conditions of
internal devices

Internal cleaning conditions

(without such sundries as dust,
scale and metal chip)

Internal articles residue (without

tools and other articles)

Manhole door sealing surface

smooth, without perfoliate nick

Counting conditions of
construction personnel before

Manhole gasket replacement

and manhole door sealing

Inspection conclusion:

Acceptance suggestion Acceptance signature



4.4.78 Confirmation and signature of hydraulic boiler test:

1 Application scope: applicable to inspection of hydraulic test process and result for
entire boiler.
2 Confirmation and signature shall be in accordance with those specified in Table
Table 4.4.78 Confirmation and signature of hydraulic boiler test

Project name

Name of subsection Inspection lot

Project number
project name

Volume of Ambient
Boiler type
pressure test water temperature

Accuracy class of
Pressure gauge type temperature in
pressure gauge
the system

Verification serial
number of pressure Design pressure Test pressure

Inspection item Inspection results Inspection item Inspection results

Installation of upper Desalted water

pressure gauge index

Installation of lower
Test water index
pressure gauge

Test process:

Inspection conclusion:

Acceptance suggestion Acceptance signature


Supervision Date:




4.4.79 Confirmation and signature of boiler wall seal welding inspection:

1 Application scope: applicable to the welding and sealing inspection of boiler body
primary sealing and secondary sealing.
2 Confirmation and signature shall be in accordance with those specified in Table
Table 4.4.79 Confirmation and signature of boiler wall seal welding inspection

Project name

Subsection project Inspection lot name Project number

Inspection content Inspection result

Welding of membrane-type wall fin


Seal weld in constructed cutting hole

Angle (local) seal weld

Seal welding at wall pipe

Seal welding of hole door installation

Welding at the joint of guard plate

and heating surface

Welding of insulation hooked nail

Open pore welding of thermal

measuring devices

Treatment of temporary ironworks

Inspection conclusion:

Acceptance suggestion Acceptance signature



4.4.80 Installation of boiler auxiliary pipe:

1 Application scope: it is applied for the installations of pipes for boiler pollution
discharging, sampling, water draining, heating, soot-blowing, steam exhausting and dosing.
2 The quality criteria and inspection methods are detailed in Table 4.4.80.
Table 4.4.80 Boiler Auxiliary Pipe Installations
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Pipe Planning
Overall planning, reasonable layout
installation layout

Route short, regular, beautiful, and

without influencing the operation
direction of
passage and the operations of other

The pollution discharging and water

Checking the drawing or
Pipe layout draining pipes under different pressures
Connecting shall not be connected to the same
with mains main, and the connection angle with
the main shall meet the design

expansion Dominant Shall meet the operating requirements

Reasonable arrangement, sound

Checking the drawing and
Supporter and hanger layout construction and without impacting on
thermal expansion

The location shall be convenient for

operating and repairing, and the valves Checking the drawing and
Valve layout
(a few valves) line up neatly with even observing

Free from dust, scale, water

Pipe inside cleaning accumulation, and metal chip; Compressed air blowing
making reliable blockage after cleaning

Meeting the requirements specified in

Pipe contra aperture Dominant
Table 4.3.9 of this Part

Flexibility of DN100mm mm 1of the length and 2 0

Checking the drawing,
pulling line and
pipe (DN
DN>100mm mm 1.5 of the length and 20 measuring with steel ruler


Observing, suspending
Verticality deviation of
mm 2 of the length and 1 5 plumb and testing with
steel ruler

Regular arrangement and uniform Observing and testing

Pipe segment in rows
distance with steel ruler

Measuring with level

Pipeline slope aspect and
% Meeting the requirements of the design ruler, pulling line, or
testing with a steel ruler

Can be able to carry out free thermal

compensation without influencing the Calculating the expansion
Pipe thermal expansion Dominant
thermal expansion of the boiler body quantity and observing
assembly unit

Meeting the requirements of Article 5.5

Valve Observation
in DL 5031-1994

In the position convenient for

Water draining tank and inspection, with filter screen and upper
drainage funnel cover, firmly fixed, with beautiful

Meeting the requirements of Article 5.6

Supporter and hanger Dominant Observation
in DL 5031-1994

Leveling joint surface, free from

perfoliate scratch; the internal diameter
of the gasket shall be larger 2~3 mm
than the flange internal diameter, and
Pipe Measuring with the steel
the flange butt joint shall be parallel
auxiliary ruler, observing and
Flanged connection and concentric, as well as the deviation
installations inspecting bolts with the
shall not be greater than 1.5 flange
torque spanner
outer diameter and shall not be greater
than 2mm;the bolt stress shall be even,
and the bolt shall reveal the nut with
2~3 pieces thread interval

Steam sampler of sampling

Correct installation direction Observation

Muffler installation Meeting the design; firmly installed Observation

The welded joints shall meet the

Observation; randomly
Welded joints by requirements of the drawing; it shall be
Dominant inspection with a weld
manufacturer free from defects crack, slag inclusion
inspection ruler
and gas cavity; shaped well

a. Where there is no requirement for design, the pollution discharging and water draining pipes shall be provided with the slope
of not less than 0.2 % under the operation conditions; where the soot blower system pipes are installed, the downward expansion
and thermal compensation of the water-wall shall be considered and the pipes shall be provided with the 2 %drainage slope.

4.4.81 Pollution discharging (water draining) flash tank installation:

1 Application scope: it is applicable to the installations of pollution discharging (water

draining) flash tank, air pre-heater flush tank and gas tank.
2 The quality criteria and inspection methods are detailed in Table 4.4.81.
Table 4.4.81 Pollution Discharging (water draining) Flash Tank Installation
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting requirements of design technical Checking the design

Specification and type
document technical information

Without defects such as flaw, deformation

Equipment appearance Observation
and damage, etc.

Dimension, connection tube center and

Observation and feeler
cylinder position shall evenly meet
Equipment Cylinder nozzle gauge and steel
requirements of the drawing and the flange
inspection ruler-based test
face shall be without inclination

Cleaning the interior of

Impurity-free Observation
cylinder and each nozzle

Without flaw, sand hole and other defects;

Door hole the sealing surface without penetrability or Observation

Position and direction Meeting the requirements of the design Observation

Datum elevation point

based measurement
Elevation mm 5
with glass pipe and
horizontal steel tape

Observation and
Connect to base Firm spanner-based

Cylinder Testing by level ruler,

Vertical verticality mm 5 steel ruler or by
deviation suspending plumb

Equipment Level ruler-based
Horizontal levelness mm 5
installation testing

Intact appearance without damage, correct

Water level gauge Dominant Observation
position, straight and even

Qualified verification, flat and smooth flange

face; correctly-added cushion;
Safety valve Dominant uniformly-stressed bolt; consistent reveal of Observation
screw thread and screw thread revealing 2-3

Verification qualified, firmly fixed,

Pressure gage Dominant convenient for observation and maintenance Observation
before installation

Seal (Manhole) Qualified cleaning before sealing, transacting Observation

confirmation and signature, correct manhole
pad, uniform bolting up, consistent threading
and installation direction; the screw thread
revealing 2-3 threads.

4.4.82 Soot blower installation:

1 Application scope: this table is applicable to the installations of steam soot blower
and impulsive soot blower.
2 The quality criteria and inspection methods are detailed in Table 4.4.82.
Table 4.4.82 Soot Blower Installation
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Steam soot Appearance inspection of Without bruise, damage, crack,

blower components deformation and other defects
installation Spectrum analysis
inspection with
Alloy steel component material
Dominant No misusage providing the report;
making marks at the
obvious section

Distance deviation from soot

Inspecting with a steel
blower vent center to heating mm 10
surface edge

Horizontally testing with

Vertical and horizontal deviations
mm 1 of the length glass pipe or testing with
of sprayer nozzles
level ruler

Flexible rotation, stable

movement, travel switch Checking the drawing;
Rotating parts of soot blower Dominant
movement is consistent with s trial operation
blowing pipe stroke

Testing with steel tape

Correct direction, consistent
according to the design
Obligated expansion direction with the design requirements of
Dominant mm data or expansion system
and expansion value of soot blower manufacturer on the vertical and
drawing of the
horizontal obligated expansion

Correct installation position of Observation according

Installation position of soot blower soot blower and meeting the to the equipment number
drawing requirements and the drawing

Meeting the drawing, firm

installation, correct position
without impacting the
Supporter and hanger Checking the drawing
expansion; the sliding support
shall be correct in the direction
without jamming

Meeting the requirements of the

Sealing antichafe device Observation

The welded joints meeting the
requirements of the drawing, Observation; randomly
Ironworks welding free from defects crack, slag inspection with a weld
inclusion and gas cavity, and inspection ruler
shaped well

Appearance inspection of Without bruise, damage, crack,

components deformation or other defects

Spectrum analysis
inspection with
Alloy steel component material
Dominant No misusage providing the report;
making marks at the
obvious section

Testing with steel tape

Correct direction, consistent
according to the design
Expansion with the design requirements of
Dominant data or expansion system
direction manufacturer on the vertical and
drawing of the
horizontal obligated expansion

Distance from
tank shell center 0.5<L<1.5 (L-length) and Inspecting with a steel
Dominant m
to heating meeting the design requirements ruler
surface edge

Impulsive Verticality
Suspending plumb and
soot blower deviation of mm 2
steel ruler-based testing
installation tank shell

Nozzle orifice Meeting the specification of

Dominant Observation
direction drawing; correct direction
Sprayer nozzle Length diving
Meeting those specified in the Inspecting with a steel
into the furnace Dominant mm
drawing ruler

Internal inside cleaning without dirt or

acetylating block Compressed air purging
cleaning sundries
and compression
Direction and Conforming to the provisions of
pipe installation Observation
layout technical document

Meeting the drawing; correct

Supporter and hanger, pipe clamp and firm installation position Checking the drawing
without impacting expansion

0.55 and shall meet the technical

Tightness test pressure MPa
document specifications

No leakage at the weld bond, Inspecting gas leakage

Tightness inspection of system Dominant
valve and flanged connection with soapy water

4.4.83 Installation of steam drum water gauge:

1 Application scope: it is applicable to the installations of steam drum water level
gauge and other fellow water level gauges.
2 Quality criteria and inspection methods are detailed in Table 4.9.12

Table 4.4.83 Installation of Steam Drum Water Gauge
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

The screw is without thread slipping,

bending, crack or other defects; the
Trial preparation
Main body appearance screw and nut are well-integrated; the
parts are without deformation, crack,
damage or other defects.

The joint surface of flat and sheet mica

Concealed joint surface Dominant cover plate shall be smooth, tight, slick Color-painting testing
and contact- uniform

Tight sealing surface of the valve spool Painting and inspecting the
Steam and water valves Dominant and the valve seat, correct filling of the sealing surface, and try to
filler, and flexible valve switch operate the valve

Top quality, transparent, straight and

Sheet mica appearance Dominant even, uniform without dot, wrinkle, Observation
crack or bending
pressure mm 0.8~1.0
thickness Outside micrometer
of sheet caliper-based testing
mica mm 1.2~1.5

Concealed joint surface Better to apply smooth red copper

gasket gasket

No leakage; Meeting requirements

specified in the technical document
Water pressure test with provided by the manufacturer, and Observing or inspecting
water level gauge testing according to the working test record
pressure if no requirements are

Equipment Observation and level

General requirements Correct location, straight and even
installation ruler-based testing

0.8 times of inside diameter through ball

Internal cleaning of closed
inspection and blowing down for pipe; Observation
clean without impurity

The steam communicating pipe inclines

towards the water level gauge direction;
the water communicating pipe inclines
Installations of water level towards the steam drum direction; Observing; testing with
gauge and steam drum expansion clearance shall be reserved glass pipe level or level
communicating pipe for the steam and water communicating ruler
pipe support; communicating pipe valve
of water level gauge shall be
horizontally installed

Take the storage tank center
line as the reference, and
horizontal testing with the
Water level line deviation mm 1 glass pipe in accordance
with the requirements of
equipment technical
conditions and the drawing.

Obvious water level lines with normal,

Water level line mark Observation
high and low marks

Housing installation Meeting the drawing; firmly fixed Observation

4.4.84 Installation of piston and impulse type safety devices:

1 Application scope: it is applicable to the installations of impulse type safety devices
composed of the piston type main safety valve, spring (or heavy bob) type pulse valve
2 The quality criteria and inspection method are detailed in Table 4.4.84.
Table 4.4.84 Installations of Piston, Impulse Type Safety Devices
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Equipment Spectrum analysis and report

Alloy parts materials Dominant No misusage
inspection consultation

Working accuracy and Meeting requirements of equipment Measuring instrument-based

roughness of parts technical document inspection

Meeting the requirements of Article

Alloy bolt hardness test Inspecting the test records
3.1.16 in DL/T 5047-1995

Valve appearance Without sand hole or crack Observation

Meeting requirements of equipment Inspecting the product

technical document technical data

Flaw-free and layering-free; both

Appearance end surfaces shall be vertical to the Observation
spring center line

External Meeting requirements of equipment

mm Steel ruler-based testing
dimensions technical document

Complete Universal testing machine or

Drawing the spring characteristic
Spring compression Dominant other methods-based testing
curve; the test results meeting the
compression test according to those specified
equipment technical document
test Working load in Article 4.4.8 in DL/T
Dominant requirements of manufacturer
test 5047-1995

Joint surface of valve clack Without pockmark or trench and

Dominant Inspecting with color print
and valve seat with good contact

Inspecting with dial indicator

Flexibility of valve rod mm 0.1/1000
clipped to lathe

Meeting requirements of equipment Feeler gauge and

Parts clearance between parts mm
technical document caliper-based testing

Main emergency valve piston
Flawless and trenchless Observation
chamber appearance

Meeting requirements of equipment

Starting stroke Dominant mm Measured stroke
technical document

Flat and smooth joint surface;

correctly-added cushion; Observation and torque
Flanged connection
uniformly-stressed bolt; and screw spanner
thread shall reveal 2 ~ 3 threads

Meeting the requirements specified

Contra aperture
in Table 4.3.9 of this Part

Checking technical
Pulse valve electromagnetic
Dominant Correct position and firm fixation information of products and
devices and driving levers
Horizontal lever, non-tilting forcing
and supporting point assembly; the Level ruler inspection and
Lever-type pulse valve lever
Dominant vertical misalignment of support heavy bob weighing and
heavy bob
lever guide brace shall be no greater inspection
than 1/100; firmly fixed heavy bob

Pulse pipeline Meeting the Table 4.4.80 in this part

Internal cleaning; no vertical

Buffer container Observation
installation or water accumulation

Pulse valve and pipeline Reasonable layout, firm fixation and

support beautiful process

4.4.85 Installation of spring type safety devices:

1 Application scope: used for the installation of spring type safety devices.
2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.4.85.
Table 4.4.85 Installation of Spring Type Safety Devices
Inspection method
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria
and instrument

Equipment Equipment
Without sand hole or crack Observation
inspection appearance

Spectrum analysis
Material of alloy
Dominant No misusage and report

Hardness test of Meeting the requirements of Article 3.1.16 in Inspecting the test
alloy bolt DL/T 5047-1995 records

Joint surface of
Without pockmark or trench and with good Color printing
valve clack with Dominant
contact inspection
valve seat

Inspecting with dial

Flexibility of valve
mm 0.1/1000 indicator clipped to

Fitting clearance mm Meeting requirements of equipment technical Testing with feeler

between parts document gauge and caliper

Meeting requirements of equipment technical

Starting stroke mm Measured stroke

Flat and smooth joint surface; correctly-added

Observation and
Flanged connection cushion; uniformly-stressed bolt; and screw thread
torque spanner
with 2~3 threads revealed
Meeting the requirements specified in Table 4.3.9
installation Butt welding Dominant
of this Part

Installation of Beautiful technology, welded joint without such

discharge pipe defects as lack, undercut and crack

4.4.86 Installation of pressure gauge:

1 Application scope: Used for the installation of local pressure gauge of boiler.
2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.4.86.
Table 4.4.86 Installation of Pressure Gauge
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Being qualified through

Checking the calibration
verification, firmly fixed and
Installation of pressure gauge records of pressure gauge and
convenient for observation and

Correct position Observation
of buffer unit

Checking the product

Installation of technical information;
Meeting the requirements of the
pressure gauge Material Dominant conducting the spectral
tube analysis on alloy component
and issuing the report
Valve Correct position, convenience for
installation operation

Reasonable arrangement, sound

Checking the drawing and
Supporter and hanger layout construction and without
impacting on thermal expansion

The welded joints shall meet the

requirements of the drawing, be Observing and randomly
Welding Dominant free from such defects as crack and inspecting with weld
gas cavity, and be formed in good inspection ruler

4.4.87 Installation of expansion indicator

1 Application scope: Used for the installation of expansion indicator of boiler body
2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.4.87
Table 4.4.87 Installation of Expansion Indicator
Inspection method
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria
and instrument

Clear scale of indicator dial,
obvious zero position, adequate Checking the swelling
Inspection of indicator
rigidity and top end of pointer, capacity and the scale
adequate measurement range of range of indicator dial

Firm and reliable welding,

adequate movement amount
Installation of supports Dominant left at the installation position, Observation
beautiful technique, without
affecting the passageway

Accurate position of zero

position pointed by the pointer,
Dominant firmly welding, clearance Observation
Indicator pointer
(3mm) between the point and

Accurate position of zero

position pointed by the pointer,
Three-way flexible sliding of point rod
Indicator Dominant Observation
pointer with sleeve, and adequate
expansion movement of pointer

Accurate installed zero

position, with adequate
Observing and
two-way expansion
Dial Dominant measuring with steel
measurement ranges, right
expansion direction and firm

4.4.88 Confirmation and signature of pipe tightness test:

1 Application scope: Used for the tightness test after installing the boiler auxiliary
2 The confirmation and signature contents shall meet the requirements of Table 4.4.88.
Table 4.4.88 Confirmation and Signature of Pipe Tightness Test
Project name

Subsection project System name Project number

Environment temperature Medium Medium temperature

Pressure gage type Accuracy class of the pressure gauge Calibration serial number of the pressure gauge

Working pressure of system Test pressure Date of test

Test process:

Inspection conclusion:

Acceptance organization Acceptance suggestion Acceptance signature

Construction organization Date:

Supervision organization Date:

4.4.89 Assembly and installation of fume, wind, coal and powder pipes
1 Application scope: Assembly and installation of fume, wind, coal and powder making
(feeding) pipes
2 See Table 4.4.89 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.89: Assembly and installation of fume, wind, coal and powder pipes
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Measuring the two

Length deviation of components mm 2 length; and 10 directions forming 90
with a steel ruler
Pulling lines at the two
position which forming a
Curvature degree of component mm 2 length; and 10
angle of 90; inspecting
with a steel ruler

Uniform contra aperture

clearance; flat and smooth
Observing and testing the
gas cutting surface; contra
contra aperture
aperture misalignment
Pipe contra aperture misalignment with
1mm; the pipe groove shall
100mm gap ruler and
be processed if pipe wall
feeler gauge
thickness (S) is not less than

Taking a 1m boiler
elevation as reference;
testing over two points for
installation Elevation deviation of installation mm 20
each component with steel
ruler and glass tube level
(both ends must be tested)

Taking the boiler structure

Vertical and horizontal position
mm 30 center line as reference,
deviation of Piping installation
inspecting with steel ruler

No sundries (incuding that

the temporary reinforcement
Cleaning in pipes Observing
ironworks shall be cut and
polished clean)

Corrugated expansion joint Dominant The cold drawing dimension Inspecting the cold
shall meet the requirements drawing records
of the drawing; sealing plate
welding shall be tight without
leak; guide plate opening 299

direction shall be consistent

with the media flow
direction; no jam

Enough swelling capacity;

Sleeve expansion joint Dominant
good sealing

The guide plate installation

direction and gap character
meet the requirements of the
Nonmetallic expansion joint Dominant Observing
drawing; the expansion joint
has enough swelling capacity
with good sealing

Correct location and

Explosion direction; the thickness and
Explosion door installation Dominant Checking the drawing
door making of rupture disk shall
meet the design requirements

The installation position

Installation direction meets the drawing Observing
Air heater
1.25 times the maximum
Tightness inspection Dominant working pressure; tight Hydraulic pressure test
without leak

Installation of The installation position

miscellaneous Muffler direction meets the drawing Observing
part design

Correct location and Checking with the

Flap valve
direction; flexible operation drawing

Meeting the requirments of Checking with the

Wood chip (wood block) separator
the design drawing

Flexible control gear and

opening meet the design; shut
Installation of flashboard (valve,
down tight; spindle nose with Observing; Trial operation
scale division consistent with
baffle location

Flat and smooth flange face;

correctly-added cushion;
Flanged connection uniformly-stressed bolt; and Observing
consistent reveal of screw

Welding Welded joints shall meet Testing weld bead height

requirements of information with weld inspection
provided by the ruler; observing others
manufacturer,and the formed
surface shall be good and free 300

from such defects as flaw,

undercut, pore and slag

Conducting Kerosene test

Tightness of welded joint Dominant Tight and without leakage
on welded joints

4.4.90 Installation of operating devices for fume, wind, coal and powder pipes
1 Application scope: installation of operating devices for fume, wind, coal and powder
pipes (making and feeding)
2 See Table 4.4.90 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.90: Installation of operating devices for fume, wind, coal and powder pipes
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting the design; correct

Operating devices layout layout; lined neatly and of Observing; trial operation
easy operation

Angle of universal joint connecting Observingl testing with

Equipment pipe goniasmometer if necessary
installation Operation is flexible and Trial operation and
Motion test of blocking device
reliable observation

Distinct opening indication

Trial operation and
Control gear mark and corresponding with the
actual opening

4.4.91 Assembly and installation of fume, wind, coal and powder pipes valve
1 Application scope: installation of operating devices for fume, wind, coal and powder
pipes valve (making and feeding)
2 See Table 4.4.91 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.91: Assembly and installation of fume, wind, coal and powder pipes valve
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Equipment appearance is
free of the defects like
Appearance inspection of equipment Observing
damage, crack, rustiness and

Conforming to the
Equipment Testing inlet and outlet end
External dimensions mm manufacturers technical
inspection faces with a steel ruler

Meeting the design Checking the product

Material inspection
requirements certificate

Consistent with the design

Opening direction Check with the drawing

Correct installation position;
installation direction being
Installation position and direction Checking the drawing
consistent with the drawing;
easy operation

Correct gasket adding; tight

without leakage; uniform
Flanged connection load carrying on bolt; Observing
Equipment consistent exposed screw
installation thread

Flexible control; opening

Valve control inspection meeting the relevant Trial operation, observation
requirements; easy operation

Inside clean; correct

direction of strike;
Sealing air system Observing
technology featuring in
esthetic appearance

4.4.92 Installation of mechanical powder measuring device

1 Application scope: installation of powder measuring device in pulverizing system
2 See Table 4.4.92 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.92: installation of mechanical powder measuring device
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting the design specifications;

the measuring points shall have
representativeness; the floating mark Trial operation and
Measuring point location
shall not clash with thermal observation
measuring devices in powder barn
or powder barn wall

Equipment Tight without leakage, equipped

Floating mark Observing
installation with safety tie

Installed in proper position of the

Installation of operation Trial operation and
operation layer; flexible and reliable
driving device observation

Obvious and distinct; corresponding

Trial operation and
Powder level indicating mark with the actual position of floating

4.4.93 Installation of extinguishing device

1 Application scope: installation of extinguishing device in pulverizing system
2 See Table 4.4.93 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.93: installation of extinguishing device
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

The location and injection

Installation Installation of injection pipe head Observing
direction meet the design

Reasonable pipe
arrangement, esthetic
Piping installation Dominant appearance, correct Observing
direction of strike, firmly
fixed support

4.4.94 Installation of supporter and hanger for fume, wind, coal and powder pipes
1 Application scope: installation of supporter and hanger for fume, wind, coal and powder
pipes (making and feeding)
2 See Table 4.4.94 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.94: installation of supporter and hanger for fume, wind, coal and powder pipes
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

No severe corrosion, damage or

Appearance Observing

meeting the requirements of the

External dimensions Inspecting with a steel ruler
Checking with the drawing
inspection Quantity of spare parts Complete

Conducting the spectral

Meet the requirements of the drawing
Material analysis inspecting for alloy

Meet the requirements of the drawing Checking with the drawing

Installation position
design and inspecting

The type and specification meet the Checking with the drawing
Installation type
requirements of the design document and inspecting
Equipment Checking with the drawing
Installation elevation mm Consistent with the drawing design
installation and inspecting

Checking with the drawing

Installation direction Correct direction
and inspecting

Supporter and hanger Checking with the drawing

Stressed uniformly
bearing and inspecting

4.4.95 Installation of powder separator:

1 Application scope: installation of separator in pulverizing system
2 See Table 4.4.95 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.95: installation of powder separator
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

No severe corrosion,
Appearance Observing
Equipment damage or deformation
inspection Meeting the requirements
External dimensions mm Inspecting with a steel ruler
of the drawing

Installation Adjustment core and sleeve Lifting uniform and free

of sperator Flexible control; consistent
Installation of turning vane
opening; correct direction

Flexible control; the

opening meets the design;
shut down tight; scale
Trial operation, observation
Installation of adjustment operating division corresponds with
devices the actual opening; spindle
nose with scale division
consistent with the baffle

Contra aperture clearance is

uniform; gas cutting surface
at terminal is repaired to be Observing and testing the
flat and smooth; contra contra aperture misalignment
Combination contra aperture
aperture misalignment is not with 100mm gap ruler and
greater than 1 and terminal feeler gauge
face shall be processed into

Meeting the design; firmly

Installation of supporter Observing
fixed; correct location

No sundries (incuding that

the temporary reinforcement
Separator Internal cleaning Observing
ironworks shall be cut and
polished clean)

Oil penetration test;

Tightness test of welded joints Dominant Tight and without leakage

Welded joints shall meet

requirements of information
provided by the
Measuring the weld bead
manufacturer,and the
Welding Dominant height with a weld seam
formed surface shall be
detection ruler; observing
good and free from such
defects as flaw, undercut,
pore and slag inclusion

Taking the factory building

datum elevation as reference;
testing the inlet central
Elevation deviation mm 20
position of the separator with
steel ruler and glass tube

Central position deviation mm 10 Taking the factory building

reference point or boiler
center line as masuring basis;
testing steel ruler and glass
tube level

Suspending a plumb bob and

Verticality deviation mm 10
testing with a steel ruler

Correct location and

Explosion direction; the thickness and
Checking the drawing and
door Explosion door installation Dominant making of rupture disk shall
inspecting with a caliper
installation meet the design

Manhole door control direction Correct Observing

Right position; meeting the

Installation Installation position Checking the drawing
requirements of the drawing
manhole Root welding Full weld of root Observing

door Fixed bolt

Tightened up, exposed
Bolted connection length of bolt screw thread Observing
shall be consistent

Flat and smooth flange face;

correctly-added cushion;
Flanged connection Dominant uniformly-stressed bolt; and Observing
consistent reveal of screw

4.4.96 Confirmation and signature for oil penetration test of fume, wind, coal and powder pipes
welded joints
1 Application scope: confirmation and signature for oil penetration test of fume, wind, coal
and powder pipes welded joints
2 The confirmation and signature should meet the requirements of Table 4.4.35.
4.4.97 Indication records of expansion at all stages
1 Application scope: indication records of boiler expansion at all stages after and before
water loading in hydraulic boiler test, ignition and whole set start-up
2 The records shall meet the requirements specified in Table 4.4.97.
Table 4.4.97: indication recorder of boiler expansion at stage _________________

Project name

Name of subitem
Project Numbrt

Construction stage

Recording date
Recorded by (before / after

Expansion indication record value

Recording before the stage Recording after the stage

position of
Up and Down Front and back Left and right Up and Down Front and back Right and left

Acceptance opinion Acceptance signature




4.4.98 Confirmation and signature for inspection hoisting device load carrying at stages
1 Application scope: confirmation and signature for inspection hoisting device load
carrying at stages after loading of boiler hoisting device device, after water load in water pressure
test and in steam tightness test
2 The confirmation and signature content should meet the requirements of Table 4.4.98.
Table 4.4.98: confirmation and signature for inspection on boiler hoisting device load carrying at
stage ________________

Project name

Name of subitem
Project number

Construction stage

Examiner Inspection date

Inspection conclusion

Installation position of
Load carrying condition
hoisting device

Hoisting device for water

cooled wall

Hoisting device for


Hoisting device for


Hoisting device for


Hoisting device for furnace

top equipment

Other hoisting device

Acceptance suggestion Acceptance signature




4.4.99 Installation of boiler ash handling system equipment:

1 Application scope: installation of equipments for AV pump, MD pump, TD pump,
gasification plate and filter in ash handling system
2 See Table 4.4.99 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.99: Installation of boiler ash handling system equipment

Inspection method and

Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Foundation Deviation of vertical and horizontal

mm 5 Testing with steel tape
and ash center line
Elevation deviation mm 5 Measuring with glass tube

inspection level and steel ruler

Levelness deviation of ash bucket

flange or foundation embedded mm 2 Testing with an iron level

Embed quality of Foundation Solid and reliable wihtout

embedded parts cavity

Meeting the design Observing; checking with

Specification and type
requirements the drawing

Components are free from

Equipment appearance defects like deformation, Observing
crack, blister and damage

Internal cleaning Clean and without sundries Observing

Good circular arc face, free

Cupola valve inspection of rustiness and blister; Observing
good actuating mechanism

Flexible control; flat and

smooth flange connection
Flashboard door inspection Observing
face; flashboard with no

The specification meets the

Expansion joint inspection requirements of the drawing; Observing
complete without damage

Installation Foundation or ash bucket

Firm and reliable Observing
of air pump connection
(tank type Correct, with good thermal Observing; checking with
Position and direction
tube compensation measure the drawing
blower) Measuring with glass tube
Elevation deviation of installation mm 5
level and steel ruler

Deviation of vertical and horizontal

mm 5 Measuring with a steel tape
center line

Flat, smooth flange face;

correct bolt orientation;
uniform tightening force; Observing and randomly
Flange and bolt connection
correct gasket adding; tight inspecting with spanner
gasket; consistent length of
exposed screw thread

Enough swelling capacity;

Installation of expansion joint solid connection; good Observing

Installation of flashboard door Consistent direction; Observing

convenient for operation;
fastened flange and bolted

connection; flexible control

Right direction; flexible

rotation; solid bolted
Randomly inspecting with
Cupola valve installation connection with joint surface
of flange for air pump;
gasket tight without leakage

Free of sundries like soil,

scale, water accumulation
Internal cleaning and metal chip; effective Observing
isolation from the ash bucket
before being used

Meeting the requirments of Observing; checking with

Gasification flute layout
the design the drawing

Distance deviation of gasification

mm 5 Measuring with a steel tape
flute end to slag storage inwall

Distance deviation of gasification

Installation Dominant mm 5 Measuring with a steel tape
flute longitudinal center lines
Fastened pressure bolt; tight
Gasification plate installation connection between Observing
gasification plates

Meeting the drawing and

Gasification flute fixing dolid connection with Observing
storage bottom

Internal cleaning of air slide track Clean and without sundries Observing

Right direction; firm

connecting bolt beteen Observing and randomly
Installation of dust remover shell
equipment and flange; inspecting with spanner
gasket tight without leakage
Quantity complete; correct
specification; firm hold Observing and randomly
installation Installation of woven bag
down device and connecting inspecting with spanner

Vertical and horizontal center line

mm 5 Measuring with a steel tape
deviation of equipment and support

The location meets the

drawing; the rupture disk Remeasuring with steel ruler
door Explosion door installation
thickness and making meet by referring to the drawings
the design requirements

Straight and even; good
of ladder Installation of ladder sollar Observing
welding fabrication

4.4.100 Installation of boiler slag barn and auxiliary facilities

1 Application scope: installation of equipments for slag barn, dehydration barn and buffer
2 See Table 4.4.100 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.4.100: Installation of boiler slag barn and auxiliary facilities
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting the design Observing; checking with

Specification and type
requirements the drawing
Components are free from
Equipment appearance defects like deformation, Observing
crack, blister and damage

Pulling line and suspending

Concentricity deviation mm 10 plumb; measuring with a
Equipment steel ruler
Roundness deviation mm 15 Measuring with a steel tape

Perimeter deviation mm 20 Measuring with a steel tape

Spacing deviation of post Dominant mm 1 Post spacing, and 10 Measuring with a steel tape

Verticality deviation mm 1 Post height, and 15 Measuring with a theodolite

of steel Elevation deviation mm and 10 Measuring with a steel tape
Meeting the requirements
High strength bolt specified in Table 4.3.4 of
this Part

Center line deviation mm 20 Measuring with a steel tape

Measuring with glass tube

Levelness deviation mm 5
level and steel ruler

Measuring with glass tube

Elevation deviation mm 20
level and steel ruler

Installation Firm connection of

of the foundation embedded parts

Main body support mm Observing
main body (post); the type meets the

Levelness deviation of overflow Testing with glass tube level

mm 3
weir or level gauge

The location meets the

Installation of overflow water outlet
design requirements; firmly Checking with the drawing

Weld surface quality Weld joint shall be without Observing
defects such as flawless,air
hole,etc with best forming
and the weld joint height
shall meet requirements of

Tight without leakage; oil

Tightness Observing
penetration test

Rapping meeting the requirements of Checking with the drawing;

Installation position
device the drawing Measuring with a steel tape

installation Fixing Firm and reliable Observing

Bailing Bailing device fixing Firm Observing

Meeting the drawing
installation Installation position Checking with the drawing

Slag Sealing property Tight and without leakage Watering test

Dominant Meeting requirements of
Installation direction equipment technical Checking with the drawing

4.4.101 Inspection table for implementation performance of compulsory provisions on

subsection project of boiler steel frame amd combustion equipment installation:
1 Application scope: Inspection on implementation performance of compulsory provisions
on subsection project of boiler steel frame amd combustion equipment installation
2 The implementation performance of compulsory provisions on subsection project of
boiler steel frame amd combustion equipment installation shall meet the requirements specified in
Table 4.4.101.
Table 4.4.101: Inspection talbe on the implementation of the compulsory provisions for the
subsection project of boiler steel frame installation
Project name

Name of subsection
Name of unit project Installation of boiler body Installation of steel frame

Project number Acceptance time Date:

Implementation Related
No. Inspection item
performance information

Alloy steel (excluding low alloy steel such as 16Mn) spare parts
shall be analyzed and reinspected piece by piece with spectrum.

Acceptance result

Construction organization: (Seal) Supervision organization: (Seal)
Project technical director: Supervision engineer :
Date: Date:

Note: the content listed in this table may be added or canceled according to the actual situation.

4.4.102 Inspection talbe on the implementation of the compulsory provisions for thesubsection
project of boiler drum installation
1 Application scope: inspection on the implementation performance of compulsory
provision in steam drum, steam separator and water storage tank installation
2 The implementation performance of compulsory provisions in boiler drum installation
subsection project shall meet the requirements specified in Table 4.4.102.
Table 4.4.102: Inspection talbe on the implementation of the compulsory provisions for the
subsection project of boiler drum installation
Project name

Name of unit Name of subsection

project project

Project number Acceptance time Date:

No. Inspection item Related information

The installation organization shall consult manufacturing quality

inspection records (including nondestructive testing record),
before frame, steam drum, header, pressure vessel and main
pipes are installed.When quality certificate information is
incomplete or quality is doubtful, installation organiation shall
question manufacturing organization with development
organization, as well as require reinspection.Installation shall
not be carried out without inspection.

Steam drum and header hoisting must be carried out after

qualified boiler frame alignment acceptance; during the
installation alignment of steam drum and header, measurement
2 shall be carried out according to the rechecked punching center
line on the frame center line, steam drum and header;
installation elevation shall be subject to frame 1m elevation

Arc strike and welding shall not be carried out on the steam
drum wall where welding is prohibited, they must be agreed by
the manufactory, and strict welding process qualification shall
be carried out before welding.

Acceptance result

Construction organization: (Seal) Supervision organization: (Seal)

Project technical director: Supervision engineer:
Date: Date:

Note: the content listed in this table may be added or canceled according to the actual situation.

4.4.103 Implementation performance inspection table of compulsory provisions for subsection

project of boiler heating surface equipment and piping installation
1 Application scope: inspection for implementation performance of compulsory provision
in installation of water cooled wall, superheater, reheater, economizer and connection pipe
2 The implementation performance of compulsory provisions for subsection project of
boiler heating surface equipment and piping installation shall meet the requirements specified in
Table 4.4.103.
Table 4.4.103: implementation performance inspection table of compulsory provisions for
subsection project of boiler heating surface equipment and piping installation
Project name

Name of subsection
Name of unit project

Project number Acceptance time Date:

Implementation Related
No. Inspection item
performance information

Personnel working on operating boiler,pressure vessel and

1 pipe,inspection,welding,post-weld heat treatment,non-destructive
testing shall obtain relevant qualification certificate.

The sphere test must be conducted for boiler heating surface pipes
before assembly and installation. the diameter of ball for test shall
meet the relevant requirements. the seal measure shall be taken
after sphere test.

Before boiler unit is combined and installed, development

organiztion (owner) shall organize "supervision" and "safety
inspection" and must carry out reinspection for the equipements
according to the requirements of this code. Manufacturing defects
3 discovered shall be submitted to the owner and manufactory for
treatment, confirmation and signature. If installation quality can
not reach the requirements of this code due to manufacturing
defects, it shall be confirmed and sined by the representives of the
owner and manufacturing organization.

Quality of alloy steel components shall meet the requirements
specified in equipment technological documents; before
installation, material quality shall be reinspected and
marked in obvious positions; after installation, marks shall
be checked; those materials without clear marks shall be

Cleaning up pipe interior,clearing off scale and sundries shall be

carried out before installing pipe,provided tapping on the pipe
required for installation,then the slag or scrap iron shall be
prevented falling into pipe.

Distance between center line of boiler heating surface pipe

welded junction and pipe bending starting point or header outer
6 wall or support edge shall be at least 70mm; distance between two
butt welding openings of the same pipe shall not be less than

Electric arc must not be ignited, current must not be tested or

temporary upholder must not be welded randomly on the surface
of welded workpiece; chucking appliance for contra aperture shall
not be welded on the high alloy steel material surface.

Acceptance result

Construction organization: (Seal) Supervision organization: (Seal)

Project technical director: Supervision engineer :
Date: Date:

Note: the content listed in this table may be added or canceled according to the actual situation.

4.4.104 Inspection table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions in boiler

miscellaneous pipes installation
1 Application scope: inspection on the implementation performance of compulsory
provisions for equipement (such as boiler discharging, sampling, drainage, heating, sootblowing,
steam exhausting and dosing equipments) and pipe installation
2 The implementation performance of compulsory provisions in boiler miscellaneous pipes
installation shall meet the requirements specified in Table 4.4.104.
Table 4.4.104: Inspection table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions in
boiler miscellaneous pipes installation
Project name

Name of subsection
Name of unit project

Project number Acceptance time Date:

No. Inspection item Related information

Medium and low alloy-steel pipe, pipe fittings,pipe auxiliaries

1 and valve shall be carried out spectrum recheck piece by piece
before using, and material quality shall be marked.

The heating temperature shall be controlled under the lower

2 critical temperature AC1 of the pipe where alloy-steel pipe shall be
carried out bending alignment partially.

Cleaning up pipe interior,clearing off scale and sundries shall be

carried out before installing pipe,provided tapping on the pipe
required for installation,then the slag or scrap iron shall be
prevented falling into pipe.

Personnel working on operating boiler,pressure vessel and

4 pipe,inspection,welding,post-weld heat treatment,non-destructive
testing shall obtain relevant qualification certificate.

The sphere test must be conducted for boiler heating surface

pipes before assembly and installation. the diameter of ball for
test shall meet the relevant requirements. the seal measure shall
be taken after sphere test.

Distance between center line of boiler heating surface pipe

welded junction and pipe bending starting point or header outer
6 wall or support edge shall be at least 70mm; distance between
two butt welding openings of the same pipe shall not be less than

Electric arc must not be ignited, current must not be tested or

temporary upholder must not be welded randomly on the surface
of welded workpiece; chucking appliance for contra aperture
shall not be welded on the high alloy steel material surface.

Acceptance result

Construction organization: (Seal) Supervision organization: (Seal)

Project technical director: Supervision engineer :
Date: Date:

Note: the content listed in this table may be added or canceled according to the actual situation.

4.4.105 Inspection table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions for

hydrostatic test for entire boiler
1 Application scope: inspection on implementation performance of compulsory provisions
in hydraulic boiler test

2 The implementation performance of compulsory provisions for hydrostatic test for entire
boiler shall meet the requirements specified in Table 4.4.105.
Table 4.4.105: Inspection table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions for
hydrostatic test for entire boiler
Project name

Name of subsection
Name of unit project

Project number Acceptance time Date:

Implementation Related
No. Inspection item
performance information

Desalted Water shall be adopted in the water pressure test for

boiler with steam pressure of 9.8 MPa or higher level. the quality
of the integral water pressure test shall meet the following
1 requirements: 1) for desalted water, the Chloride ion content is
0.2 mg/L; 2) hydrazine or acetone content is 200 mg/L ~300
mg/L; 3) pH value is 10 ~10.5 (adjusting with Ammonia

At least two qualified pressure gages with the accuracy not

lower than grade 1.5 shall be installed on the boiler in water
pressure test; the test pressure shall be the reading of the pressure
gage on main steam drum or superheater outlet leg.

Personnel working on operating boiler,pressure vessel and

3 pipe,inspection,welding,post-weld heat treatment,non-destructive
testing shall obtain relevant qualification certificate.

Water whose quality does not conform to standard requirements

must not be poured into the boiler heating surface system. If
reliable chemical water treatment conditions are not provided,
boiler must not be started up.

The pressure for boiler overpressure test shall comply with the
requirements of the manufacturer. without requirements of the
manufacturer, for boiler body (superheater), the testing pressure
shall be 1.25 times the boiler design pressure; for monotube
boiler, it shall be 1.25 times the design pressure of the
superheater outlet and shall not be less than 1.1 times the
economizer design pressure; for reheater, it shall be 1.50 times
the design pressure.

When overpressure test is carried out for the boiler, hydraulic

pressure shall rise and drop slowly.When the hydraulic pressure
rises to the working pressure, it shall be suspended from rising,
6 rise to the overpressure test pressure after noleakage or abnormal
phenomena is inspected, kept for 20min under the overpressure
test pressure, drop to the working pressure, and then reinspection
shall be carried out (pressure shall be constant during the

inspection period).
During the hydraulic test, ambient temperature shall not be less
than 5. When ambient temperature is less than 5,
antifreezing measures must be adopted. Water temperature in the
hydraulic test shall be controlled according to the values
specified by the manufactory, should be 30~70 in general.

Acceptance result

Construction organization: (Seal) Supervision organization: (Seal)

Project technical director: Supervision engineer:
Date: Date:

Note: the content listed in this table may be added or canceled according to the actual situation.

4.5 Installation of Boiler Dust Removing Device

4.5.1 Installation of supports:
1 Application scope: installation of dust removing device support in electric dust
2 See Table 4.5.1 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.5.1 Installation of supports
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Support type shall meet the

requirements of equipment
Installation type of supports Dominant technical documents, and Observation
may expand freely along
the expansion direction

Central distance deviation

Installation mm 2 Measuring with steel tape
of adjacent supports
of supports
Diagonal deviation of
Dimension mm 3 Measuring with steel tape
adjacent supports
Measuring with leveling
supports Support elevation deviation mm 3
pipe or level instrument

Surface planeness of
mm 1 Inspecting with level ruler

4.5.2 Assembly and installation of electrode:

1 Application scope: assembly and installation of electrode in electric dust remover.
2 See Table 4.5.2 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.5.2 Assembly and installation of electrode

Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Surface is smooth and flat,

Appearance burr free, without obvious Observation
damage or rust
plate Meeting the requirements of Testing with a steel tape,
Physical dimension
the drawing randomly inspecting 5%

Planeness deviation mm 5 Pulling steel wire on the

special dressing plate,
testing several points on the
mm 4 horizontal and vertical
directions with steel ruler

Surface is flat and straight,

Appearance burr free, without obvious Observation
damage or rust

Negative Meeting the requirements of Testing with a steel tape,

Physical dimension
pole the drawing randomly inspecting 5%
frame Suspending and pulling a
Plane planeness
Equipment Meeting the manufacturing wire, testing with a steel
deviation (bending and
installation technical documents tape, randomly inspecting

Straight and even in the full

length, smooth and clean,
Negative pole burr Appearance Observation
firmly welded, free from
line (negative pole
cracks and burr
fishbone needle)
Physical Meeting the requirements of Testing on the special
dimension the drawing dressing plate

Spare parts shall be complete

and meet the requirements of
the drawing; boom shall be
straight and even; bolts shall
Appearance of the hoisting device
be complete and well Observation
of negative poles
integrated with the nuts;
sleeve shall be free from
cracks and meet the
requirements of the drawing

Equipment Meeting the requirements the Suspending, pulling wire,

assembly Installation of frame and shell Dominant equipment technical testing several places on the
and documents horizontal and vertical
installation Positive Plane bending Dominant mm 10 directions with a steel ruler
Diagonal difference Dominant mm 5 Testing with a steel ruler

Suspending, pulling wire,
Negative Frame planeness testing several places on the
Dominant mm 10
pole deviation horizontal and vertical
frame directions with a steel ruler
Diagonal difference Dominant mm 5 Testing with steel tape

Testing several points on

Distance deviation of positive plate both the vertical and
mm 3
(between negative pole frames) horizontal directions with a
specialized gauge

Suspending plumb bobs at

both ends before and after
Verticality deviation a L/1000, and10
the pole plate, testing with a
Positive steel ruler
plate Meeting requirements of Testing with steel ruler and
equipment technical glass tube, taking the girder
Elevation deviation
document. Without at the top of electric dust
requirements, 2 remover as the reference

Suspending plumb bobs at

the terminals before and
Verticality deviation a mm L/1000, and10
after the frame, testing with
a steel ruler
Meeting requirements of Testing with steel ruler and
equipment technical glass tube, taking the girder
Elevation deviation mm
document. Without at the top of electric dust
requirements, 2 remover as the reference

Use specialized gauge to test

the distance between the
burr line point and the
Spacing deviation between positive
Dominant mm 10 positive pole working
pole and negative pole
surface on several points in
both vertical and horizontal

Installation Rapping Meeting the requirements the

Fastening torque of Testing with a torque
of other devices Dominant equipment technical
connecting bolt measuring spanner
parts of the documents
positive Pulling a horizontal line and
Levelness deviation Dominant mm 3
pole testing with a steel tape

Hoisting device of negative poles Dominant Boom is vertical, fulcrum Measuring and observing
bearing is horizontal; bolted with level ruler and plumb
connection is firm and bob
reliable; the sleeve is stressed
uniformly; the surface is 319
clean, free from dust and oil

Clean up burr, sharp corners,

Electrode clearing Dominant Observation
crater and welding slag

Cleaning within the electric field Dominant Without sundries Observation

The bolt is uniformly

stressed, screw threads
exposed out of the nuts 2~3
Bolted connection threads and with consistent Observation
exposed length; spot welding
firmly according to the
requirements of the drawing

Meeting the design Checking design

Installation of heating devices
requirements information

Welding type shall meet the

requirements specified in
manufacturer's technical
documents; no such defects Observing, testing the weld
Welding as slag inclusion, undercut, size with welding inspection
Welding quality Dominant
quality pore or incomplete ruler, carrying out oil
penetration; welded joint penetration test
shaping shall be good;
tightness test shall be carried
out after welding

a In the quality standard of anode plate and frame installation verticality index, L is the height of the positive plate or negative
pole frame.

4.5.3 Installation of distribution plate and baffle plate:

1 Application scope: installation of distribution plate and baffle plate in electric dust
2 See Table 4.5.3 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.5.3 Installation of distribution plate and baffle plate
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting the drawing

Physical dimension of plate mm Measuring with steel tape
Equipment Meeting the design
Opening of the plate Measuring with a steel ruler
inspection requirements

Pulling a wire and measuring

Plate plane flexibility Dominant mm 3
with a steel ruler

Equipment Suspending a plumb bob and

Plate verticality deviation mm 5
installation measuring with a steel ruler

The bolt is uniformly
stressed, screw threads
exposed out of the nuts 2~3
Connecting bolt threads and with consistent Observation
exposed length; spot welding
firmly according to the
requirements of the drawing

In correct position, not

influencing the free
Installation of baffle plate expansion of positive and Measuring with a steel ruler
negative plate, welded

4.5.4 Installation of rapping and driving devices:

1 Application scope: installation of rapping and driving devices in electric dust
2 See Table 4.5.4 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
4.5.4 Installation of rapping and driving devices
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Without crack, serious

Assembly unit appearance Observation
damage or deformation
Gear case is free from
inspection No-load running for 2h,
No-load running of single reductor noise, oil leakage and

Coupling installation shall

be free from looseness and
clearance at both sides of
the key; two center
Observation; testing the center
deviation shall meet the
deviation with feeler gauge or
requirements of Article
Equipment Installation of transmission shaft dial indicator at the quartering in DL/T
installation coupling point of the circumference;
5047-1995; two half
testing the clearance with steel
coupling spacing shall
meet the requirements of
equipment technical
documents or Article in DL/T 5047-1995

Firmly fixed, flexibly

Installation of rapping hammer Trial operation observation

Position of Trial operation, testing with

Positive pole rapping mm
Meeting the provisions of
rapping steel ruler
technical documents
hammering Negative pole rapping mm

point Distribution plate
mm 5

4.5.5 Installation of electromagnetic rapper:

1 Application scope: installation of electromagnetic rapper in electric dust remover.
2 See Table 4.5.5 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.5.5 Installation of electromagnetic rapper
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Without crack, serious damage or

Assembly unit appearance Observation
Equipment deformation
inspection Inspection of bracing isolator and Without crack, spot or serious Carrying out withstand
pressure-bearing isolator damage voltage test

Exposed length of rapping rod

Installation of electromagnetic Testing with a steel
shall meet the requirements of
rapping stroke limiter ruler
technical documents

Rapper center shall coincide with

that of rapping pole; concentricity Testing with a steel
Installation of rapping hammer mm
deviation shall not be greater than ruler
Equipment 5
Positive pole rapping mm
Meeting the provisions of
Position of
technical documents
rapping Negative pole rapping mm Trial operation and
hammering observation
Deviation of rapping hammering
point Distribution plate
mm point with the center shall not be
greater than 5

4.5.6 Segmental trial operation of rapping and driving devices:

1 Application scope: segmental trial operation of rapping and driving devices in
electric dust remover.
2 See Table 4.5.6 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.5.6 Segmental trial operation of rapping and driving devices
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Rotating parts shall operate

smoothly, without abnormal
trial General requirements Trial operation observation
noise and vibration; reductor
shall not leak oil

Bearing Sliding bearing 65

Testing with thermometer
Temperature Rolling bearing 80

Flexible operation and

Rapping hammer operation condition Dominant Trial operation observation
correct rapping position

Segmental trial operation time Dominant h According to provisions of

the equipment technical

document, if there is no
provision, not less than 8h

Tightness Welded joint Ventilating before

insulation, inspecting by
Dominant Tight and without leakage smearing soapy water;
Test Door opening inspecting welded joints
through oil penetration test

4.5.7 Installation of rotary injection device:

1 Application scope: installation of rotatory injection facility in bag-type dust remover.
2 See Table 4.5.7 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.5.7 Installation of rotary injection device
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Good appearance, without

Appearance such defects as damage and Observation
Meeting the requirements of
Geometric dimension mm Observation and recheck
the drawing

Internal inspection Clean and without sundries Observation

Center line deviation mm 5 Testing with a steel ruler

Elevation deviation mm 10 Testing with a steel ruler

Concentric deviation of tubesheet

mm 10 Testing with a steel ruler
opening and nozzle

Equipment Coupling Radial deviation 0.10 Recheck

Dominant mm
installation alignment
End surface deviation 0.05 Recheck

Without leakage on the flange

Flange connection Observation
sealing surface

Coupling protection cover Firm and beautiful Observation

Meet the requirements

Installation of reductor specified in Table 4.3.13 of
this Part

4.5.8 Installation of tubesheet:

1 Application scope: installation of tubesheet in bag-type dust remover.
2 See Table 4.5.8 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.5.8 Installation of tubesheet
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Equipment Meeting the requirements of Re-inspecting with steel

Physical dimension mm
inspection the drawing ruler

Opening of the plate Meeting the design Re-inspecting with steel

requirements ruler

Re-inspecting with steel

Central position deviation mm 1.5

Plate planeness deviation mm 2/1000 length of tubesheet Testing with a steel ruler

Fastening, spot welding

Connecting bolt Dominant Testing with spanner
installation firmly

Installation of support Firm Observation

The weld height meets the

requirements of the drawing,
Welding quality free from such defects as Observation
crack, slag inclusion and
pore, and good shaping

4.5.9 Installation of filter bag and bag cage:

1 Application scope: installation of filter bag and bag cage in bag-type dust remover.
2 See Table 4.5.9 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.5.9 Installation of filter bag and bag cage
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Surface is smooth and flat,

Appearance burr free, without obvious Observation
damage or rust
Meeting the requirements of
Physical dimension mm Testing with a steel ruler
Equipment the drawing
inspection Surface is flat and straight,
Appearance burr free, without obvious Observation
damage or rust
Meeting the requirements of
Physical dimension mm Testing with a steel ruler
the drawing

Meeting the requirements of

Spacing deviation of filter bag Dominant mm Testing with a steel ruler
the drawing

Clean in the dust remover Dominant Clean and without sundries Observation

The bolt is uniformly

stressed, the exposed length

Equipment of screw threads is the same,

Bolted connection Observation
installation spot welding firmly
according to the
requirements of the drawing

The weld height meets the

requirements of the drawing,
Welding quality Dominant Observation
free from such defects as
crack, slag inclusion and

pore, and good shaping

4.5.10 Installation of vibration driving device:

1 Application scope: installation of vibration driving device in bag-type dust remover.
2 See Table 4.5.10 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.5.10 Installation of vibration driving device
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Appearance inspection of
Without crack or damage Observation

Equipment Equipment vertical and horizontal mm 5 Measuring with steel ruler

inspection center line deviation

and Shaft center deviation Dominant mm 3 Measuring with steel ruler

Meeting manufacturer's
Testing with level instrument
Shaft levelness deviation Dominant mm requirements, and0.5L
or glass tube horizontally
(Laxial length)

Meeting the requirements of

Testing with micrometer
Match of shaft and hole drawing, matched tightly,
caliper and vernier caliper
without looseness

Meeting equipment
Center deviation of the two shafts Dominant mm Testing with steel ruler
installation requirements
Meeting equipment
of End face spacing of coupling Testing with steel ruler
installation requirements
Solid, firm, convenient
disassembly and assembly,
Installation of connecting shaft
proper and uniform Observing and inspecting
safety guard
clearance, without friction
with connecting shaft

Uniform load carrying,

Installation Installation of vee belt
proper elasticity
of vee belt
Center deviation value of two
wheel Dominant mm 1 Inspecting by pulling line

Meet the requirements

Installation of reductor specified in Table 4.3.13 of
of reductor
this Part

4.5.11 Records on foundation lineation and iron gasket installation:

1 Application scope: foundation lineation and iron gasket installation of dust remover.
2 Records shall meet the requirements specified in Table 4.5.11.
Table 4.5.11 Records on foundation lineation and iron gasket installation

Project name

Name of subitem
Project number

Construction date

Construction director Technical director

Foundation No.


Iron gasket

Iron gasket

Attached figure of foundation opening opposite angle dimension:

Inspection conclusion:

Acceptance opinion Acceptance signature



4.5.12 Steel structure installation records:

1 Application scope: steel structure installation records of dust remover.
2 Records shall meet the requirements specified in Table 4.5.12.
Table 4.5.12 Steel frame installation records

Project name

Name of subitem
Project number

Construction Construction date


Construction director Technical director

Installation records shall include the following main contents:

a. Post spacing
b. Corresponding post diagonal
c. Post elevation
d. Post verticality
Specific values shall be attached with figures.

Inspection conclusion:

Acceptance opinion Acceptance signature



4.5.13 Trial operation confirmation and signature of electromagnetic rapping:

1 Application scope: electromagnetic rapping of electric dust remover.
2 See Table 4.5.13 for confirmation and signature requirements.
Table 4.5.13 Trial operation confirmation and signature of electromagnetic rapping

Project name

Name of subitem project Project number

Equipment type Equipment number

Construction organization Technical director

Inspection item Inspection result Remark

Abnormal sound in the


Height of electromagnetic
rapping stroke limiter

Concentricity of rapping

Verticality of rapper

Running time

Inspection conclusion:

Acceptance opinion Acceptance signature




4.5.14 Trial operation confirmation and signature of mechanical rapping:

1 Application scope: mechanical rapping of electric dust remover.
2 See Table 4.5.14 for confirmation and signature requirements.
Table 4.5.14 Trial operation confirmation and signature of mechanical rapping

Project name

Name of subitem project Project number

Equipment type Equipment number

Construction organization Technical director

Inspection item Inspection result Remark

Abnormal sound in the

Mechanical working


Motor temperature

Rapping hammer
operation condition

Bearing temperature

Running time

Inspection conclusion:

Acceptance organization Acceptance signature




4.5.15 Inspection table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions for

dust removing device installation:
1 Application scope: implementation performance of compulsory provisions for the
electric dust remover and bag-type dust remover.
2 See Table 4.5.15 for inspection requirements.
Table 4.5.15 Inspection table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions for dust
removing device installation

Project name

Subsection project
Unit project name

Project number Acceptance time Date

Implementation Related
No. Inspection item
performance information

In the process of equipment installation, inspection and
acceptance shall be carried out in time; if the last procedure has
not pass the inspection and acceptance, the construction of next
procedure shall be not carried out. The qualified inspection and
acceptance must be carried out before concealing the concealed
work, and transact the confirmation and signature.

Equipment repair in the process of trial operation and after trial

operation shall be transacted working tickets

Acceptance result

Construction organization: (Seal) Supervision organization: (Seal)

Project technical director: Supervision engineer:
Date Date

Note: the content listed in this Table may be increased or decreased according to actuality.

4.6 Integral Air Pressure Test of Boiler
4.6.1 Integral air pressure test of boiler:
1 Application scope: acceptance for integral air pressure test of boiler. Integral air
pressure test scope shall include: air pressure test for boiler furnace, flue and air duct, and
electric dust remover, etc. On-site construction organization may determine the air pressure
test scope according to the actual situation.
2 Integral air pressure test of boiler shall be in accordance with those specified in Table
Table 4.6.1 Integral air pressure test of boiler
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

According to the provisions of

equipment technical
documents, if there is no In the test, observing the
Test pressure Pa
provision, positive pressure blast pressure gauge
test may be carried out
according to 500Pa

Meeting the approved

Air pressure test procedure Observing the test process
Integral measures of air pressure test
Door and hole
test of Welded joints
Inspecting by listening the
Movable sealing air leakage sound with ear
furnace Tightness Dominant Tight and without leakage
device and smearing the welded
Baffle joints with soapy water

Expansion joint

Complete defect record is Checking the record and

Defect record and treatment needed, and defects shall be inspecting defect treatment
timely treated. results

4.6.2 Confirmation and signature of air integral air pressure test of boiler:
1 Application scope: confirmation and signature after integral air pressure test of boiler.
2 Confirmation and signature of integral air pressure test of boiler shall be in
accordance with those specified in Table 4.6.2.
Table 4.6.2 Confirmation and signature of integral air pressure test of boiler

Project name

Subsection project
Project number

Test pressure

Testing time

Test scope



Acceptance opinion Acceptance signature




4.7 Installation of Boiler Fuel Fired Equipments and Pipes
4.7.1 Installation of oil tank:
1 Application scope: combination and installation of oil tank with any volume.
2 See Table 4.7.1 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.7.1 Installation of oil tank
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Planeness Plate thickness>5 10 Inspecting with template

Dominant mm (1.5m chord length) and steel
of tank
Plate thickness5 15 ruler
Measuring 8 diameter
directions at tank bottom and
Roundness deviation Dominant mm 100/100050
at the angle steel of upside

Center line deviation Testing with a steel ruler

Taking elevation reference

10 point provided by civil work

Elevation deviation mm organization as reference,
and testing with level

Measuring with plumb bob,

Verticality deviation of tank body mm <10
steel ruler or theodolite

Firmly fixed, without foot

Fixation of oil tank Observation
Installation margin deflection

of oil tank Inspection of oil tank welded

Dominant Tight and without leakage Kerosene seepage inspection

Welded joints shall meet

requirements of information
provided by the
manufacturer, and the Testing weld bead height
Welding Dominant formed surface shall be with weld inspection ruler;
good and free from such observing others
defects as crack, undercut,
pore, slag inclusion and
incomplete penetration

DTank body diameter

4.7.2 Installation of oil tank auxiliaries:

1 Application scope: combination and installation of any oil tank auxiliary.
2 See Table 4.7.2 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.7.2 Installation of oil tank auxiliaries
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Open pore position

In and
Pore diameter
out oil mm Meeting the design drawing Testing with a steel ruler
Pipe diameter

Installation position

Meeting the requirements of

Expansion compensation Observation
the drawing
Drainage slope and

Testing with 1.25 times of

Hydraulic test Dominant Tight and without leakage working pressure at the
steam side and observing

Meeting the requirements of

Installation Installation of effluent pipes
the drawing
Meeting the requirements of
auxiliaries Installation of cooling spray pipe
the drawing

The type conforms to

provisions of the design, the
structure is intact, contact is
tight, free from adherence,
Pressure valves (vacuum the inner chamber is clean
valves) and unimpeded, the
operation is flexible and the
material of the valve surface
conforms to provisions of
the manufacturer.

Guide tube, copper wire

gauze Meet the design

Bearing capacity of specifications

pressure vent valves

Hydraulic Filling oil quality Meet the design

safety Dominant
valve Oil level mm

Copper wire gauze and

aluminum parting sheets are
clean, unimpeded and free
Installation from sundries; installed
of flame Installation of the flame arrester correctly; connecting bolt is
arrester firm and tight, the enclosing
cover is correctly installed
and free from leakage of
rain and snow

Opening position is correct,
the spark-proof copper
Installation of dip hatch hole mosaic layer is intact ; the
hole cap is close; the switch
is flexible

Position and quantity shall

Installation of lighting hole meet the design, good
transmission, tight sealing

Position Meet the design

of specifications
Quantity Observation
Tight close, hole wall
door Door opening
smooth and clean

Buoy Heavy punch can slide Kerosene seepage inspection

freely on the slide track;
buoy tightness is good.
Relative weight difference
of buoy and heavy punch
shall be adjusted properly
Heavy punch
according to the
of oil level
requirements; oil level
indication shall be correct
Surface is flat and smooth,
Scale scale division is distinct and

Distinct, firm, not jamming

with scale

Steel wire rope Joint is firm and reliable

Welded joints shall meet

requirements of information
provided by the
manufacturer, and the Testing weld bead height
Welding Welding Dominant formed surface shall be good with weld inspection ruler;
and free from such defects observing others
as crack, undercut, pore,
slag inclusion and
incomplete penetration

4.7.3 Confirmation and signature for filling water in the oil tank:
1 Application scope: inspection confirmation and signature for filling water in the oil
2 Confirmation and signature shall meet the requirements specified in Table 4.7.3.
Table 4.7.3 Confirmation and signature for watering test of oil tank

Project name

Name of subitem
Project number

Equipment number

Inspection item Inspection result Remark

Internal inspection of
oil tank

Appearance inspection
of oil tank

Tightness inspection of
welded joints

Foundation sinking
inspection after

Inspection conclusion:

Acceptance opinion Acceptance signature



4.7.4 Overhaul of screw oil pump:

1 Application scope: overhaul of screw pump in boiler fuel oil system.
2 See Table 4.7.4 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.7.4 Overhaul of screw oil pump

Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Appearance inspection of pump Without crack, damage or

body deformation Observation

Central oil hole Clean and unimpeded

Meeting the requirements of

Clearance to bushing Dominant mm the drawing, without
requirements, 0.07~0.13

Meeting the requirements of

Gap between the idler spindle and
Dominant mm the drawing, without
the bushing
requirements, 0.05~0.12

Inspection Meeting the requirements of

Clearance between the thrust bush Testing with vernier caliper
of pump mm the drawing, without
and shaft sleeve
requirements, 0.03~0.08

Clearance between the screw rod

mm 0.02~0.04
and the thrust bush

Meeting the requirements of

Clearance between the idler spindle
mm the drawing, without
and the upper cover end face
requirements, 0.30~1.0

Flat, smooth, clean and burr

Each joint surface Observation

Smooth, free from jamming

Turning after integral assembly Manual turning, monitoring
and noise

4.7.5 Installation of screw oil pump:

1 Application scope: installation of screw pump in boiler fuel oil system.
2 See Table 4.7.5 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.7.5 Installation of screw oil pump
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Taking elevation reference

point provided by civil work
Elevation deviation of shaft center mm 5 organization as reference,
and testing with level

Testing with an accurate

Shaft levelness deviation mm 0.1
level instrument

Center deviation in vertical and

mm 10 Testing with a steel ruler
horizontal directions

Axial and radial Testing with an accurate

Dominant mm <0.1
deviation level instrument

Coupling spacing mm Meeting the requirements Testing with a steel ruler

of manufacturer's technical
document, without
requirements, 2~4

Installed at a place of light

vibration, convenient for
Pointer installation Observation
observation and firm

Correct position, firmly

Installation of protective cover fixed and without friction Observation
with coupling

4.7.6 Overhaul of plunger-type fuel pump:

1 Application scope: overhaul of plunger pump in boiler fuel oil system.
2 See Table 4.7.6 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.7.6 Overhaul of plunger-type fuel pump
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Free from crack, blister, rust

Equipment appearance Observation
and damage

Gear and shaft assembly Without looseness Turning inspection

Not less than 50% along the

tooth depth; not less than Inspecting with color print
Gear meshing
60% along the tooth width; method
Reductor and without deflection
Meeting the requirements of
Equipment Side and top clearance of
mm manufacturer's technical Inspecting with feeler gauge
inspection gear

Flange contact of cover

Contact tight, oil tightness Observation
and body of machine

Meeting the requirements

Inspecting with color print
Gear pump clearance meshing the equipment technical
feeler gauge

Keeping for 5min under 1.25

Hydraulic test of oil cooler Dominant MPa Tight and without leakage times of the maximum
cooling water pressure

4.7.7 Installation of plunger-type fuel pump:

1 Application scope: installation of plunger pump in boiler fuel oil system.
2 See Table 4.7.7 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.7.7 Installation of plunger-type fuel pump
Inspection method
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria
and instrument

Pulling line and

Equipment Vertical and horizontal center line
mm 10 testing with steel
installation deviation of the pump body

Elevation deviation of shaft center mm 5 Testing horizontally

with glass tube

Testing with an
Meeting manufacturer's
Shaft levelness deviation Dominant mm accurate level
requirements, and0.5

Testing with an
Axial and radial
Dominant mm <0.1 accurate level
Meeting the requirements of
manufacturer's technical Testing with a steel
Coupling spacing
document, without ruler
requirements, 2~4

Manual turning of Flexible rotation, portable and Turning and

Installation of reductor stable meshing observing
reductor Installation and Correct installation direction
fixation of reductor and firmly fixed

Clean, connected tightly,

Installation of oil pipeline Observation
without leakage

Accurate actuation constant

Safety valve value, tight connection and easy Observation

Installed at a place of light

Pointer installation vibration, convenient for Observation
observation and firm connection

Correct position, firmly fixed

Installation of protective cover and without friction with Observation

4.7.8 Overhaul of centrifugal oil feed pump:

1 Application scope: overhaul of centrifugal oil pump in boiler fuel oil system.
2 See Table 4.7.8 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.7.8 Overhaul of centrifugal oil feed pump
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Tight and without

Equipment Observing and testing with
Pump body outrigger contact mm warping, local
inspection a feeler gauge

Free from air hole, crack, Observing the shell,

burr; the finish surface is impeller, combination
Appearance inspection
flat and smooth; each pore plane, flange face and pore
canal is unimpeded canal

Meeting the requirements Testing with a dial

Flexibility of pump shaft mm
the equipment technical indicator
Matching of impeller and shaft Observation

Flourishing degree of impeller and
Inspecting with a dial
shaft sealing ring
Balance disc ladle skewness mm

Meeting the requirements

Clearance between the liner seal of equipment technical
mm Testing with vernier caliper
ring and the pump shell documents, without
requirements, 0.02~0.05

Meeting the requirements

Radial clearance between the
of equipment technical
impeller wear ring and the sealing Dominant mm Testing with vernier caliper
documents, without
ring (each side)
requirements, 0.12~0.20

Without rust, flexible Observing clearance and

Shaft bearing inspection
rotation tightening force with feeler

Meeting the drawing, with gauge, or inspecting by

Bearing bush inspection
correct clearance pressing fuse

Meeting the requirements

Axial clearance of sealing rings Dominant mm the equipment technical
Inspecting with a dial
Meeting the requirements
of equipment technical
Expansion clearance mm
documents, without
requirements, 0.25~0.35

Meeting the requirements

Mechanical seal Dominant Observation
of the drawing

Flexible, free from Manual turning, monitoring

Inspection for integral assembling
jamming and noise and observing

Unimpeded and without Blowing with compressed

Balance pipe inspection
blocking air

4.7.9 Installation of centrifugal oil feed pump:

1 Application scope: installation of centrifugal oil pump in boiler fuel oil system.
2 See Table 4.7.9 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.7.9 Installation of centrifugal oil feed pump
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Equipment Deviation in the vertical and Inspecting with a steel

mm 10
installation horizontal center lines ruler

Taking elevation reference

point provided by civil
Elevation deviation of shaft center mm 5 work organization as
reference, and testing with
level instrument

Testing with an accurate

Shaft levelness deviation mm 0.1
level instrument

Axial and radial Testing with an accurate
Dominant mm <0.1
deviation level instrument
Coupling Meeting the requirements of
alignment manufacturer's technical
Coupling spacing mm Testing with a steel ruler
document, without
requirements, 2-4

Installed at a place of light

vibration, convenient for
Pointer installation Observation
observation and firm

Correct position, firmly fixed

Installation of protective cover and without friction with Observation

4.7.10 Installation of fuel oil heater and filter:

1 Application scope: installation of heater and filter in the boiler fuel oil system.
2 See Table 4.7.10 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.7.10 Installation of fuel oil heater and filter
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Smooth, clean, free of

cracks, rust, without
Filter appearance
penetrating scratch on the
flange joint surface

Meeting the requirements of

Gasket material and coating
the drawing

Carrying out test on the

Meeting requirements of steam side with a pressure

Heater equipment technical 1.25 times of the working

installation Tightness test Dominant documents; tight and pressure, keeping it for
without leakage at the oil 10min, reducing to the design
and steam side pressure, inspecting and

Center line deviation mm

Expansion clearance to Meeting the design

mm Observation
Stone the lug support hole requirements
bolt Expansion direction to
the lug support hole

Free of cracks, internal

cleaning, filter screen
Equipment inspection density meeting the drawing Observation
requirements, smooth and

Sealing surface is smooth
and clean, free from rust,
Sealing surface, gasket material,
groove mark; gasket
material and paint shall meet
the design requirements

Installation of air valve and sump Tight and without leakage,

oil valve convenient operation

4.7.11 Segmental trial operation of oil pump:

1 Application scope: segmental trial operation of oil pump in the boiler fuel oil system.
2 See Table 4.7.11 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.7.11 Segmental trial operation of oil pump
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Without sundries outside of the

Internal inspection of mechanical and oil pipes (without temporary
interconnection system strengthening), without personnel
in the oil tank

Without parts missing and

Bolted connection of each position Inspection
Inspection looseness
Protection of each exposed Protection cover and fence shall
trial Observation
transmission part be all ready and reliable
For unimpeded water returning
Cooling water Observation
and sufficient water quantity

Oil level Proper oil level Observation

(grease) Meeting the requirements the Inspecting and checking
Oil quality
equipment technical documents the oil quality report

Trial Without abnormal vibration,

operation Reciprocating parts blocking, off-tracking in the Observation
of entire stroke
equipment Maximum mechanical two-way Testing with vibration
mm <0.1
amplitude meter

Meeting the requirements the

equipment technical documents;
Oil pump mechanical sealing device Inspection
good sealing; no leak or heat

Correct rotation direction;

No-load running of motor current, vibration, temperature Inspection
rising and sound shall be normal

Testing with
Bearing Sliding bearing 65

Temperature Rolling bearing 80

Pressure shall be stable and reach Observing pressure
Outlet pressure of oil pump MPa
the design value gauge and recording

Tightness of oil pump with system

Tight and without leakage Inspection

Flexible, free from jamming and

General requirements Inspection

4.7.12 Installation of fuel oil pipe:

1 Application scope: installation of fuel oil system pipes (pipes supplied by the factory)
in the boiler room.
2 See Table 4.7.12 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.7.12 Installation of fuel oil pipe
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Checking the product

Pipe materials Dominant Meeting design
technical information

Free from crack, damage,

chap, flattening, blister and
Observation; testing with
layering; depth of local
Pipe appearance measuring instrument in case
damage on surface 10%
of question on defect depth
the design thickness of the
pipe wall

Conducting the spectral

Alloy steel component material
Dominant No misusage analysis and providing the
Testing with steel ruler and
of pipes External diameter and wall thickness
mm Meeting design vernier caliper; randomly
and pipe of pipe
inspecting at least 2 roots
Air lancing with compressed
Free from sundries like dust,
air; for large aperture pipe,
Pipe internal cleaning Dominant scale, water accumulation
confirming by pulling
and metal chip
brushing with a wire brush

Meeting the requirements of

Valve inspection
Article 3.5 in DL 5031-1994

Good appearance quality,

Elbow preparation free from crack and Observation
lamination on surface

Meeting the requirements of

Supporter and hanger preparation
Article 4.4 in DL 5031-1994

Pipe Piping Overall planning, Checking drawing or

Planning layout
installation layout reasonable layout observing

Pipeline direction of Route short, regular,

strike beautiful, and without
influence to the operation

passage and operation of
other equipment

Discharge pipes of different

voltage shall not be
connected to the same main,
Connection with mains
and the connection angle
with the main shall meet the
design requirements

Thermal expansion Shall meet the operating

compensation requirements

Reasonable arrangement,
sound construction and Checking drawing and
Supporter and hanger layout
without impacting on observing
thermal expansion

The location shall be

convenient for operation
Checking drawing and
Valve layout and repairing, and the valve
(more valves) line up neatly
with even intervals

Meeting the requirements

Contra aperture of pipe specified in Table 4.3.9 of
this Part

Flexibility Dg100mm mm 1 length, and20 Checking drawing, pulling

of the
line and measuring with steel
Dg>100mm mm 1.5 length, and20 ruler

Observing, suspending
Verticality deviation of the vertical
mm 2 length, and15 plumb bob, and testing with
a steel ruler

Regular arrangement and Observing and testing with a

Pipe segment in rows
uniform distance steel ruler

With level ruler, pulling line,

Pipe slope aspect and gradient Meeting design a
or testing with a steel ruler

Can be able to carry out free

thermal compensation, and
Calculating expansion
Pipe expansion Dominant not influence the thermal
quantity and observing
expansion of the boiler body
assembly unit

Installation Meeting the requirements of

of pipe Article 5.5 in DL 5031-1994

Discharge funnel In the position convenient Observation

for inspection, with filter
screen and upper cover,
firmly fixed, with beautiful

Meeting the requirements of

Supporter and hanger
Article 5.6 in DL 5031-1994

Leveling joint surface, free

from perfoliate scratch, and
the internal diameter of the
gasket shall be larger 2~3
mm than the flange internal
diameter, and the flange butt
joint shall be parallel and Measuring with the steel
concentric, as well as the ruler, observing and
Flange connection
deviation shall not be inspecting bolts with the
greater than 1.5 flange torque spanner
outer diameter and shall not
be greater than 2mm;the
bolt stress shall be even, and
the bolt shall reveal the nut
with 2~3 pieces thread

Correct installation position

Static protective grounding Observation
and direction; firmly fixed

The welded joints meet the

requirements of the Observation, randomly
Welded joint Dominant drawing, free from defects inspecting with welding
crack, slag inclusion and gas testing ruler
cavity, and formed better.

a Where there is no requirement in the design, discharge pipe shall be provided with not less than 0.2% gradient on the condition
that it guarantees the operation state

4.7.13 Installation of fuel oil auxiliary equipments:

1 Application scope: installation of such equipments as oil discharge box, sump oil box,
recovered oil pump and oil water separator.
2 See Table 4.7.13 for the quality criteria and the inspection method.
Table 4.7.13 Installation of fuel oil auxiliary equipments
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Smooth, clean, free of

Appearance cracks, rust, without
Equipment appearance Appearance observation
inspection penetrating scratch on the
of flange joint surface
equipment Meeting the requirements of
Gasket material and coating Observation
the drawing

Deviation of vertical and horizontal mm 10 Inspecting with a steel ruler

center line

Taking elevation reference

point provided by civil work
Center elevation deviation mm 5 organization as reference,
and testing with level

Inspecting with an accurate

Shaft levelness deviation mm 0.1
installation level meter

Equipment verticality deviation mm 1 Measuring with level meter

Installed at a place of light

vibration, convenient for
Pointer installation Observation
observation and firm

Correct position and Checking drawing and

Equipment installation and fixation
direction; firmly fixed observing

4.7.14 Confirmation and signature for hydraulic test of fuel oil pipes:
1 Application scope: confirmation and signature for hydraulic pressure inspection after
fuel oil system pipes (pipes supplied by the factory) are installed in the boiler room.
2 Confirmation and signature shall be in accordance with those specified in Table
Table 4.7.14 Confirmation and signature for hydraulic test of fuel oil pipes

Project name

Name of subitem project Project number

Pressure test medium Working pressure

Test pressure Pressure gauge type

Verification serial number of Accuracy class of pressure

pressure gauge gauge

Ambient temperature Test date

Inspection record

Inspection item Inspection result Remark

Hydraulic pressure inspection of oil

pipeline system

The pressure lifting speed of the

hydraulic test

Hydraulic test record

Inspection conclusion:

Acceptance organization Acceptance opinion Acceptance signature

Construction organization Date

Supervision organization Date

4.7.15 Confirmation and signature for steam purging of fuel oil pipes:
1 Application scope: confirmation and signature for steam purging inspection after fuel
oil system pipes (pipes supplied by the factory) are installed in the boiler room.
2 Confirmation and signature shall be in accordance with those specified in Table
Table 4.7.15 Confirmation and signature for steam purging of fuel oil pipes

Project name

Name of subitem project Project number

Purging medium Steam pressure

Ambient temperature Purging date

Inspection record

Inspection item Inspection result Remark

Pipeline system inspection

Inspection of the steam

quality (observation) after

Inspection conclusion:

Acceptance opinion Acceptance signature



4.7.16 Implementation performance inspection of compulsory provisions for subsection

project of oil feeding facility and pipe installation
1 Application scope: implementation performance inspection of compulsory provisions
in the installation of fuel oil system pipes (pipes supplied by the factory) in the oil feeding
facilities and boiler room.
2 Implementation performance of compulsory provisions for oil feeding facility and
pipe installation shall be in accordance with those specified in Table 4.7.16.
Table 4.7.16 Implementation performance inspection table of compulsory provisions for subsection project
of oil feeding facility and pipe installation

Project name

Subsection project Oil feeding facility and pipe

Unit project name Oil feeding facility and pipe installation
name installation

Project number Acceptance time Date

Implementation Related
No. Inspection item
performance information

All the pipes must be carried out with hydraulic test (1.25 times of
working pressure) and shall be qualified and approved according
to the standard requirements after the fuel oil system is

Fresh water rinsing or steam purging shall be carried out for fuel
oil system after installed; approved technical measures shall be
adopted during the purging; check valve core, adjusting valve
core and orifice plate shall be taken out before purging; entire
2 target type flowmeter shall be taken out and replaced with stub
pipe; purging times shall not be less than 2 until the medium
purged is clean; residue in the dead angle shall be cleaned up after
purging is qualified and confirmation and signature shall be

Oil circulation test for the total system shall be carried out after
the fuel oil system is installed; the oil pump segmental trial
operation may be accompanied to be carried out; approved
3 technical measures shall be provided during test; and the cycling
time is generally not less than 8h; the filter shall be cleaned after
the oil circulation is completed and confirmation and signature
shall be transacted.

Conditions shall be possessed by the fuel oil system before filled

with oil: civil work and installation are completed and qualified
through acceptance; lightning protection and electrostatic-proof
facilities are installed according to the design and qualified
through acceptance; with reliable heating steam source;
4 illumination and communication facilities in the oil zone are
possessed of application conditions; fire passage is unimpeded
and fire fighting system is qualified through test and in the
stand-by condition; fireproof management system and specific
personnel management are established in the oil zone; fences in
the oil zone are intact and equipped with warning signs.

Valves of fuel oil pipes shall pass the hydraulic test in 1.5 times of
working pressure

Distance between center line of boiler heating surface pipe

welded junction and pipe bending starting point or header outer
6 wall or support edge shall be at least 70mm; distance between two
butt welding openings of the same pipe shall not be less than

Electric arc must not be ignited, current must not be tested or

temporary upholder must not be welded randomly on the surface
of welded workpiece; chucking appliance for contra aperture shall
not be welded on the high alloy steel material surface.

Disintegration overhaul must be carried out for valves of oil pipes

before installation; their tightness, clearance, stroke and
8 adjustment dimension shall meet the requirements of the drawing;
cleaning and installation direction of valve chamber shall be
guaranteed after installation.

Hole drilling, gas cutting and welding shall not be carried out on
the oil pipes after cleaning and sealing.

Acceptance result

Construction organization: (Seal) Supervision organization: (Seal)

Project technical director: Supervision engineer:
Date Date

Note: the content listed in this Table may be increased or decreased according to actuality.

4.8 Installation of boiler auxiliary machinery

4.8.1 Inspection of the main bearing of steel ball coal mill:
1 Application scope: inspection of the main bearing of steel ball coal mill
2 See Table 4.8.1 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table 4.8.1: Inspection of the main bearing of steel ball coal mill
Inspection methods
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria
and instruments

The bearing pad is free from

Main blister, crack, bodiless, the
Appearance of bearing pad and upper
bearing upper waguet is free from
overhaul no-welding, burr and
buckling deformation

Appearance of bearing pad return chute,

Clean, unimpeded and no
water chamber, upper waguet inwall and oil

Testing with 1.25

times cooling water
Tightness of the cooling water
Dominant No leakage design pressure to
observe or examine
test records

Meeting the requirements

the equipment technical
Contact angle Dominant Angle
Bearing documents, when there is no
Inspecting with color
pad requirements
The contact points shall be
Contact surface Dominant not less than 1~ 2 on each
1010mm2 surface

Groove space Dominant mm Meeting the specification of Testing with feeler

equipment technological gauge and steel ruler
records, and scraping the
liqulate oil gap in 350
accordance with the 1.5~2
of the axle diameter where
the regulation shall not be

Meeting the requirements

Testing with the feeler
Thrust gap mm the equipment technical

4.8.2 Examination of gears with different diameter of the steel ball coal mill
1 Application scope: examination of gears with different diameters of the steel ball coal
2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.2
Table 4.8.2: Examination of gears with different diameters of the steel ball coal mill
Inspection methods and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting requirements of
Testing with the steel
Geometric dimension mm the equipment
technological documents

Smooth and tooth surface,

Appearance free from flaw, burrs, Observation
sinkhole and looseness

The flange shall be

Rechecking the
smoothen, rustless, and
Drum is connected with flange, toothed ring requirements of
the pitch of the aperture
converged flange, bolt and tack hole equipment technological
Big gear and hole count shall meet
wheel drawing

inspection Meeting the requirements

and End cover assemble mark the equipment technical Check mark

assembly documents

Testing with a feeler

Assembling Combining joint surface gap mm 0.1
of two half
Diameter deviation mm Meeting the requirements
stud rings Testing with the steel
the equipment technical
Ellipticity deviation mm documents

The tooth surface is

smooth and clean, free
Tooth inspection Observation
from flawl, burr, sinkhole
and porosity

Conforming to the
Tooth, coupling, bearing and shaft assembly equipment technological Observation

Contacting and connecting bolt of the Solid and great Testing with feeler
bearing pedestal and basic frame contacting, gapless, gauge, and tapping it by
tightening evenly and hand

with locking device

Meeting the requirements

Examining with feeler
the equipment technical
Bearing type, gap mm gauge or pressing lead
documents, Keep record
for gaps

Meeting the requirements Sampling test or oily

Oily designation the equipment technical certificate of conformity
documents rechecking

The proper filling volume

Filler loading shall be 2/3 of the bearing Observation
volume generally

Meeting requirements of
Gap between the bearing outer ring and the the technological Inspecting the pressing
upper cover top document provided by the lead wires

4.8.3 Installations of main bearing of steel ball coal mill

1 Application scope: installations of main bearing of steel ball coal mill
2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.3
Table 4.8.3: Installations of the main bearing of the steel ball coal mill

Inspection methods and

Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Testing bedplate
0.2Bedplate longitudingal and
bearing Horizontal deviation of the bedplate mm
length(width) transverse with the
precision leveler

Between the spherical face and the Testing with the steel
mm Marking line and aligning
bedplate vertical and horizontal centers ruler

Taking the bearing pad

surface as reference and
Elevation deviation of the main bearing Dominant mm 10 testing with glass tube
leveler and precision

Taking the bearing pad

Between surface as reference and
Relative elevation deviation Dominant mm 0.5
bearings testing with and precision

Meeting the drawing paper

and meeting the true Testing with the steel
Distance between centers mm
length and expansion ruler

displacement of coal mill

Space deviation mm 2

Deviation of diagonal line mm 2

Levelness deviation of the bearing liner Testing with a frame

Dominant mm 0.10
bottom leveler

Testing with 1.25 times

Water pressure test in the bearing cooling water maximum
cooling water room pressure, and observing or
examining test records

4.8.4 Installation of main body of steel ball coal mill

1 Application scope: installing the main body of the steel ball coal mill
2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.4
Table 4.8.4: installation the main body of the steel ball coal mill
Inspection methods and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Inspect with an accurate

0.1Centre distance
level meter on the
Levelness deviation of the shaft neck mm between the two end
quartering points of the

Conform to the primary

Tile edging and oil groove gap of tile Testing with a feeler
mm record of bearing shoe
edgings of two bearings gauge
Meeting the requirements
the equipment technical
Shaft seal installation technology Observation
documents, Even contact,
and proper tightness

Meeting the requirements

Filler clamping ring and radial the equipment technical Testing with a feeler
clearance of shaft neck documents(3~4) when there gauge
is no requirement, and even

Installing Meeting the requirements

Contacting the large toothed gear and Testing with a feeler
the big gear the equipment technical
cylinder end cover flange gauge
wheel documents

The gap of the breadth of two

mm 0.1
semi-toothed rings

Meeting the requirements

With requirements the equipment technical

Big gear documents

wheel Radial Pitch circle diameter (m)

mm Testing with a dial gauge
flutter Without deviation 0.25
requirements Pitch circle diameter (m)
Axial deviation mm

Connecting bolt Tightening evenly, with Examining with torque

locking device spanner when there are
requirements and
examining by tapping
slightly when there are no

Flutter degree shall be

adjusted to be qualified and Check with a vernier
Nail fastening, hole reaming
the pin hole shall be caliper
matched correctly

Assembling firmly, and the

gap on both sides of the gear
Gear cover installation ring shall be even, and the Observation
joint surface shall be
strictness and inleakage

The thickness is uniform

Laying asbestos plate Observation
and the seam is tight

Meeting the requirements

Testing with the steel
Scaleboard installation gap mm the equipment technical
Scaleboard ruler
Meeting the requirements
the equipment technical Testing with the torque
Scaleboard bolt installation
documents. Tightening spanner
evenly, with locking device

Meeting requirements of the

drawing, and even both Testing with the steel
Radial clearance Dominant mm
sides , but the upper part is ruler

Passageway larger than the lower part

hopper Tank shell expansion
Axial clearance(force bearing end) mm
installation calculated value+3

Best sealing without

Sealing device Dominant impacting tank body Observation

Tapping with hand

Separator, discharge powder tube, Positioning in accordance
hammer to recheck
primary air component hopper and with the equipment number
equipment technological
hopper adapter installing and bolt-up evenly

Fix firmly, and the gap

between each part shall Meeting the specification
device Installing the hollow pipe, spiral pipe
Dominant meet the equipment of equipment
installations and hot air chamber
technological records technological records

Meeting the requirements

Installing sealed air bellows the equipment technical Observation

4.8.5 Installation of driving device for steel ball coal mill

1 Application scope: installing the steel ball coal mill motor, reductor and turning gear

2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.5
Table 4.8.5: Installation of driving device for the steel ball coal mill
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria methods and

Tooth width60, Tooth height50, Inspecting with

Large toothed gear meshing contact face %
Moulage cantered color print

When distance between

mm 2.45~1.70
Installing lash with When distance between
2.17~1.40 Testing with the
the pinion the big centers>2000~3150
pressing lead
gear When distance between wires at the eight
gear 1.80~1.06
centers>1250~2000 divides of the
When distance between circumference

Meshing gap deviation mm 0.15

Measuring with
Meeting requirements specified in the dial
Coupling center alignment
Installation Table 4.3.12 of this Part indicator,
of reductor feeler gauge

Horizontal deviation of vertical and Inspecting with

mm The water bubble is in the middle
horizontal direction level ruler

Meeting requirements of Table Measuring and

Installing anchor bolt
4.3.11 of this part observing
Motor Measuring with
installation Meeting requirements specified in the dial
Coupling center alignment
Table 4.3.12 of this Part indicator,
feeler gauge

Meeting requirements of Table Measuring and

Installing the anchor bolt
Installing 4.3.11 of this part observing
the rotor Measuring with
turning Meeting requirements specified in the dial
Coupling center alignment
gear Table 4.3.12 of this Part indicator,
feeler gauge

4.8.6 The steel ball coal mill oil system installation

1 Application scope: installing the steel ball coal mill oil system
2 The quality criteria and inspection method (See Table 4.8.6) of installing steel ball coal
mill oil system
Table 4.8.6: Installation of oil system for steel ball coal mill
Examining Inspection methods and
Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria
procedure instruments

Oil tank and equipment appearance In good condition without Observing, inspecting the
scar and with complete water infusion or oil

components impregnate

Without scale and welding

Clean the internal oil tank Dominant residue, and clean the Observation

Testing with 1.25 times

cooling water design
Oil cooler tightness test Closeness and inleakage
pressure to observe or
examine test records

Oil cleaner Meeting the requirements

the equipment technical Observation
Oil heating unit documents

Inspecting with color

Gear oil Contact surface of gear % 75

Inspecting with the

Pump Radial clearance mm 0.25
pressing lead wires

With correct location,

clean inwall and close
Oil piping installation Observation
connection with

Reasonable layout, and

Checking the drawing and
Pipe installation correct, regular and
beautiful direction of strike

The location shall be

Equipment convenient for operation Checking the drawing and
Valve installation
installation and repairing, lined neatly observing
and even interval

Reasonable arrangement,
sound construction and Checking the drawing and
Supporter and hanger installation
without impacting on observing

Location, correct number

Installation of local meter shall be convenient for Check

4.8.7 The confirmation and signature of water pressure test oil station cooler, bearing
cooling water room, etc
1 Application scope: applicable to inspect the tightness of the boiler auxiliary machinery
with oil system
2 Confirmation and signature content (See Table 4.8.7)
Table 4.8.7: The confirmation and signature of water pressure test oil station cooler, bearing cooling water
room, etc

Project name

Inspection lot name Equipment type

Pressure gauge type Equipment name

Accuracy class of the

Testing medium
pressure gauge

Verification serial
Surrounding temperature number of pressure

Tester Date of test

Inspection record

Inspection item Inspection result Remarks

The pressure lifting speed of

the water pressure test

Oil system Inspection

Water pressure test records

Inspection conclusion:

Existing problems and disposal opinion:

Acceptance opinion Acceptance signature




4.8.8 Construction record

1 Application scope: applicable to the construction record of all equipment installation in
the boiler auxiliary machinery, and the specific content may be filled by oneself
2 Records shall be met requirements specified in Table 4.8.8

Table 4.8.8: construction record

Project name

Inspection lot name Project number

Equipment name

Acceptance opinion Acceptance signature

Construction team Date:

Construction site Date:

Project department Date:

4.8.9 The tightness records of the coal mill

1 Application scope: applicable to the hot tightening of coal mill bolt
2 Records shall be met requirements in Table 4.8.9
Table 4.8.9: The tightness records of the coal mill

Project name

Inspection lot name Project number

Tightening requirements:

Primary fastening Final tightening

Bolt specification Bolt quantity Moment Constructor
date date

Instruments and numbers

Inspection conclusion:

Acceptance opinion Acceptance signature



4.8.10 The confirmation and signature of the equipment manhole door

1 Application scope: applicable to the manhole door sealing before trial operation after
cleaning the internal auxiliary machinery equipment of the boiler
2 Confirmation and signature shall be met requirements in Table 4.8.10
Table 4.8.10: The confirmation and signature of the equipment manhole door

Project name

Subsection project
Equipment name

Seal time Checker

Inspection record

Inspection item Inspection result Remarks

Inspecting the
construction remains
in the internal

The temporary
weldment inspection
of the internal

Inspecting the
construction remains
left in the flue and air
flue connected to the

Inspection conclusion:

Existing problems and disposal opinion:

Acceptance opinion Acceptance signature




4.8.11 Confirmation and signature of the examination before equipment trial operation
1 Application scope: applicable to the confirmation and signature of the examination
before trial operation of all rotating equipment of the boiler auxiliary machinery, and may
properly increase or decrease the inspection item
2 Confirmation and signature content (See Table 4.8.11)
Table 4.8.11: ________________ Confirmation and signature before equipment trial operation

Project name

Equipment name Project number

Equipment type Equipment type

Installation organization Technical director

Inspection item Inspection result Remarks

Internal cleaning degree of the


Complete degree of the system

(installation situation on the local
temperature and pressure, accessory,

Improvement degree of the cooling

water system

Improvement degree of the lubricating


Complete degree of heat control

equipment installation

Situation on manhole seal

Installation situation on rotating partial

protection cover

Safety situation on the equipment


Inspection conclusion:

Acceptance organization Acceptance opinion Acceptance signature

Construction organization Date:

Debugging organization Date:

Supervision organization Date:

Construction organization Date:

4.8.12 Confirmation and signature of the equipment trial operation

1 Application scope: applicable to the confirmation and signature of all equipment trial
operation in boiler auxiliary machinery
2 Confirmation and signature requirements (See Table 4.8.12)
Table 4.8.12: Confirmation and signature of the equipment trial operation

Project name

specifications \ Equipment
Equipment name
type of the quantity:

Trial operation

Trial operation

Trial operation

Trial operation process:

Inspection conclusion:

Acceptance opinion Acceptance signature




4.8.13 Installation of the fan mill main body

1 Application scope: installing main body of the fan mill
2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.1
Table 4.8.363: Installation of main body of fan mill
Inspection methods and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

The appearance of the stator shell and Free from flaw and
the separator blister

Welding and bolted

connection firmly, and
Rotor appearance
without flaw, blister or
Equipment deformation
inspection Free from flaw and
blister, and the casting
The appearance of the bearing box and shall be smooth and
the bedplate clean, the bedplate shall
be welded firmly with
smooth finished surface

Installing Vertical shaft, stator shell wearing Fix firmly, smooth and
equipment plate no-looseness

Installation of the sizing block and the Meeting requirements of

anchor bolt Table 4.3.11 of this part

Center deviation in vertical and mm 3 Suspending a plumb bob

horizontal directions of the stator shell and measuring with a

steel ruler

Levelness deviation of the up and Testing with the leveling

mm 2
down flange rod

The asbestos packing

shall be filled properly
to be close and with
Seal packing of the stator shell front
no-leakage in Observation
accordance with
specifications of the

Type shall meet the

Bearing designation requirements of the Observation

Bearings Motor end 0.35 Inspecting with the

Dominant mm
gap pressing lead wires
Rotor end 0.55

Testing with accuracy

Levelness deviation of the main shaft Dominant mm 0.04 level meter at circle
quartering point

Gap Axial direction

Meeting the Testing with the steel
the rotor Dominant mm
specification of drawing ruler
and the radial direction

stator shell

Flexible switch shall

Pulverized coal classifier, flapper
meet requirements of the Observation

Meeting the
requirements the
The gap between the anchor and the Testing with the steel
mm equipment technical
beater plate ruler
documents, 50 when
there is no requirement

Meeting those specified

Installing explosion valve Observation
in the drawing

4.8.14 installation of the fan mill oil system

1 Application scope: installing fan mill oil system
2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.14
Table 4.8.14: installation of the oil system of fan mill
Inspection methods and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

In good condition without Observing, inspecting

Oil tank and equipment appearance scar and with complete water infusion or oil
components impregnation

Free from scale and
Clean the oil tank Dominant welding residue, and clean Observation
the inside

Testing with 1.25 times

cooling water design
Oil cooler tightness test Dominant Closeness and inleakage
pressure to observe or
examine test records

Oil cleaner Meeting the requirements

the equipment technical Observation
Oil heating unit documents

Meeting the requirements

Color, feeler gauge
The meshing gap of the gear oil pump mm the equipment technical

Cleanly scrub inwall and

closely link with
no-leakage to be
Oil box installation Observation
convenient for inspection
and equipment

Clean the pipe inside

cleanly with reasonable
and regular layout, which Checking the drawing and
Pipe installation
shall not impact the observing
equipment inspection and

Oil Rotor end 200Mesh

installation Observation
Motor end 60Mesh

The location shall be

convenient for operation Checking the drawing and
Valve installation
and repairing, lined neatly observing
and even interval

Reasonable arrangement,
sound construction and Checking the drawing and
Supporter and hanger installation
without impacting on observing

Location, correct number

Installation of local meter shall be convenient for Check

4.8.15 Installation of fan mill driving device

1 Application scope: installing the driving device of fan mill
2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.15
Table 4.8.15: Installation of the driving device of fan mill

Inspection methods and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting requirements of
Installation of the anchor bolt Measuring and observing
Table 4.3.11 of this part

Center elevation deviation mm 10 Measurement

Vertical and horizontal center line
installation mm 3 Measurement

Meeting requirements
Measuring with the dial
Coupling center alignment Dominant specified in Table 4.3.12
indicator, feeler gauge
of this Part

4.8.16 MPS (ZGM) Installation of the medium speed coal mill main body
1 Application scope: installing main body of the medium speed roller mill
2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.16
Table 4.8.366: MPS (ZGM) Installation of the medium speed coal mill main body
Inspection methods and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Free from flaw and blister,

solder skips and the
geometric dimension shall Observing and testing with
Appearance of stator shell
meet technical a steel ruler
requirements of the

Base plate inspection Meeting the requirements

the equipment technical Observation, measuring
Inspection on the anchor bolt documents
Labyrinth seal Meeting the requirements
the equipment technical Observation, measuring
Nozzle ring documents

Flexible switch, the

opening angle ought to be Rotating by hand shall be
Door deflector baffle of the separator
same to the sctual angle with flexible operation

Meeting requirements
Reductor inspection specified in the Table
4.3.13 of this part

Meeting requirements
Bedplate Foundation examination and score and Testing with the feeler
Dominant mm specified in the Table
installation iron gasket stone bolt installation gauge and the steel ruler
4.3.11 of this part

Deviation of the bedplate and base

Dominant mm 2 Testing with the steel ruler
center line

Deviation of the bedplate centre

Dominant mm 2 Testing with the steel ruler

Testing the bedplate
vertical and horizontal
Bedplate levelness deviation Dominant mm/m 0.1
direction with accuracy
level meter

Relative elevation deviation of the

Dominant mm 3 Testing with a level meter

Center line deviation of the machine

Dominant mm 3 Testing with the steel ruler
Casing base
installation Relative elevation deviation of the
Dominant mm 2 Testing with the steel ruler
machine base

The periphery is uniform ,

Meeting the requirements
The gap of the air labyrinth seal ring Dominant mm Testing with a feeler gauge
the equipment technical

Grinding Axial direction mm Meeting the requirements

device Dominant the equipment technical Testing with a feeler gauge
ring gap
installation Radial direction documents

Meeting the requirements

Central distance deviation of grinding the equipment technical Testing with the special
Dominant mm
rollers documents, 3when there tools and the steel ruler
is no requirement

Meeting requirements of
Pressure Lower press ring frame of the pressure the equipment technical Testing with the steel ruler
devices device installation document and the and the feeler gauge
term in the DL/T 5047-95

4.8.17 MPS (ZGM) Installation of driving device for MPS medium speed roller mill
1 Application scope: installing driving device of the medium speed roller mill
2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.17
Table 4.8.17: MPS (ZGM) Installation of driving device for MPS medium speed roller mill
Inspection methods and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Before tightening bolt, the

gap shall be less than 0.1,
Contact with reductor and machine Testing with the steel ruler
mm and the gasket adding shall
frame and observing
not be allowed between the
contact face

Installation Center line deviation of reductor and

mm 0.4 Testing with the steel ruler
of reductor base frame

Levelness deviation of the reductor top Permissible Testing with the leveling
surface deviation<0.2/1000 rod

The upper plane shall be

Slide rail installation flush with constant altitude, Observation
the bedplate supporting

surface and between the

Meeting requirements
Testing with dial gauge
Coupling alignment Dominant specified in the Table
and the feeler gauge
Motor 4.3.12 of this part
installation Meeting requirements
Installation of the anchor bolt specified in the Table Observation
4.3.11 of this part

4.8.18 Oil system of the medium speed coal mill installation

1 Application scope: installing oil system of medium speed coal mill
Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.18
Table 4.8.18: Oil system of the medium speed coal mill installation
Inspection methods and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

In good condition without Observing, inspecting the

Oil tank and equipment appearance scar and with complete water infusion or the oil
components impregnation

Free from scale and

Clean the oil box inside Dominant welding residue, and clean Observation
the inside

Testing with 1.25 times

Inspection cooling water design
Oil cooler tightness test Closeness and inleakage
of pressure to observe or
equipment examine test records

Oil cleaner Meeting the requirements

the equipment technical Observation
Oil heating unit documents

Inspecting with color

Gear wheel contact face % 75
Gear oil print
pump Inspecting with the
Radial clearance mm 0.25
pressing lead wires

With correct location,

Equipment clean inwall and close
Oil box installation Observation
installation connection with

Reasonable layout, and

Checking the drawing and
Pipe installation correct, regular and
beautiful direction of strike

Adopting argon arc

Installing the hydraulic and lubricating welding technology with
system of the oil pipeline clean inwall and

The location shall be
convenient for operation
and inspection with neatly
Checking the drawing and
Valve installation Dominant arrangement and even
interval, and the tightness
test must be carried out
before installing

Reasonable arrangement,
sound construction and Checking the drawing and
Supporter and hanger installation
without impacting on observing

Location, correct number

Installation of local meter shall be convenient for Check

Table 4.8.19.: Installation of the main body of Type E medium speed coal mill
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Geometric dimension and Measuring, observing and

Up and down grinding ring
material examining

Meeting design Product qualification

Steel ball specification certificate

The semidiameter and

depth of the arcking groovy
shall meet requirements of
equipment technological
Grinding ring arc slot Check
document, and the arcking
Equipment tank surface shall be
inspection smooth and clean without
flaw, damage and loss

Without deformation and

Air tight ring Observation

Meeting requirements of
Reductor the equipment Observation
technological document

Meeting requirements of
Baseplate the equipment Observation
technological document

Installation Take the base center line

Central position deviation of the base
of the base Dominant mm 1.5 as reference to examine
plate the plumb bob
foundation Take the base center line
Central position deviation of the
Dominant mm 3 as reference to examine
machine base
the plumb bob

Measuring with level
Elevation deviation Dominant mm 2

Measuring with
Levelness deviation of the base plate Dominant mm/m 0.1
0.02mm/m leveling rod

The gap between the gular baffle of Meeting requirements of

Measuring with the feeler
the nozzle ring and down grinding Dominant mm equipment technological
ring document
of milling Arrangement Installing correctly Recheck
device Steel
Meeting requirements of
ball Total clearance of finally
Dominant mm equipment technological Inspection
twain balls

Four hydraulic heads must

Pressurizing Pressurizing equipment be totally dived into the
Type 0 pit

Rational and correct layout

Installation orientation, correctly using
of Installation of pipeline pipe clamp and esthetic
equipment appearance technology
without looseness

Installing measuring point

and direction shall meet
requirements of equipment
of mill Installation of mill separator Observation
technological records, and
with flexible opening baffle
and accurate indication

Reductor vibrating Dominant mm 0.05 Vibration measurer testing

Observing at the
transverse axis of pressure
trial Upper grinding ring amplitude Dominant mm 5
device or Nitrogen
pressing cylinder

Normal sound of rotatable

Each connected component Observation
parts and without looseness

4.8.20 Installation of driving device of the Type E medium speed coal mill
1 Application scope: Installation of driving device of Type E medium speed coal mill
2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.20
Table 4.8.20: Installation of driving device of the Type E medium speed coal mill
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Installation Closely contacting and

of driving Contact with reductor and base plat gasket adding shall be Observation
device strictly prohibited

Measuring with dial
Deviation of reductor and spindle center Dominant mm 0.05

Deviation of airtight seal cover and Measuring with dial

Dominant mm 0.05
spindle center gauge

Horizontal deviation of shaft Testing with the accuracy

Dominant mm/m 0.03
end level meter
worktable Axial rocking deviation Dominant mm 0.05 Testing with dial gauge

Radial rocking deviation Dominant mm 0.02 Testing with dial gauge

4.8.21 Installation of the main body of Type RP (hP) bowl type mill
1 Application scope: Installation of main body of Type RP (hP) bowl type mill
2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.21
Table 4.8.21: Installation of the main body of Type RP (hP) bowl type mill
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Without flaw and blister

Engine block appearance Observation
and solder skips

Meeting equipment
Base plate examination Observation
technological records

Sound gear meshing of

gear worm, the machining
Worm gear case surface shall be without Observation
flaw, dirty spot and rusty

Tightening connecting Testing with torque

Wear-resisting plate
bolt spanner

Flexible switch, and the

opening degree shall be
Door deflector baffle of the separator Flexible manual operation
fitted to the angle

Installation Foundation Anchor bolt shall be

Verticality deviation mm Testing with the steel ruler
of bolt concentric with casing

Installation technology mm The drainage pipe gradient Measuring with ruler and
of the bushing bottom observing
shall not be less than
10.Nut of anchor bolt
bottom shall be firmly
spot welded with bolt, and
the grease shall be daubed
on its upper part screw 371
thread, and the batched
jute shall be daubed on the
upper port of bolt and

Space deviation Dominant mm 2

Testing with the steel ruler
Deviation of diagonal line Dominant mm 3

Elevation deviation of base Measuring with

Dominant mm 10
plate auto-collimator

Aliquot circumference,
Gap at sealing place of the Even circumference gap
mm and testing with feeler
mill spindle neck with less than 0.10
Take the base center line
of base
Central position deviation Dominant mm 2 as reference to examine
plate and
the plumb bob
Vertical and horizontal
Measuring with
levelness deviation of mm 0.1mm/m
0.02mm/m leveling rod

Levelness deviation of the Measuring with

Dominant mm/m 0.1
base plate 0.02mm/m leveling rod

Positioning in accordance
with equipment number, Meeting the specification
Engine block, separator, female cone,
and cladding sealing of equipment
outlet device center coal drop pipe
compound on hole bolt technological records
and joint surface

Implement in accordance
Nitrogen charge with requirements of Observation
technological document

Meeting requirements of
Inspecting with a feeler
Grinding roller gap Dominant mm equipment technological
records, and with even gap

4.8.22 Installation of driving device of Type RP (hP) bowl type mill

1 Application scope: Installation of driving device of Type RP (hP) bowl type mill
2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.22
Table 4.8.22: Installation of driving device of Type RP (hP) bowl type mill
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Before tightening bolt, the

gap shall be less than
Installation Contact face of reductor and machine Observing and testing with
mm 0.1,and gasket adding shall
of reductor frame steel ruler
not be allowed between the
contact face

Center line deviation of reductor and mm 0.4 Testing with the steel ruler

base frame

Top surface levelness of reductor mm Permissible error<0.2/1000 Testing with leveling rod

Meeting the requirements

Testing with dial gauge and
Coupling center alignment Dominant specified in Table 4.3.12 of
feeler gauge
Installation this Part
of motor Meeting the requirements
Installation of anchor bolt specified in Table 4.3.11 of Observation
this Part

Meeting the requirements

Installation of anchor bolt specified in Table 4.3.11 of Measuring, observing
this Part
of turning
Meeting the requirements
gear Testing with dial gauge and
Coupling center alignment specified in Table 4.3.12 of
feeler gauge
this Part

4.8.23 Installation of radial fan

1 application scope: applicable to installing all radial fan of the boiler auxiliary
2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.23
Table 4.8.23: Installation of radial fan
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Impeller direction of rotation and

bend direction of leaf blade Meeting equipment
technological records
Air outlet angle of the stator shell Observation

Appearance of the stator shell and Without flaw and blister

Equipment rotor and solder skips

inspection Internal wear-resistance plate of the Firm, smooth and without Testing by tapping with
stator shell looseness hand hammer

Complete widget without

deformation, damage, and Reinspection. Flexible
Inlet control damper
operation fixed firmly with manual operation
flexible and synchronous

Installation Contact face of bearing pedestal

Point/cm2 1, Even and balance Color printing examination
of and bedplate
equipment Testing with 1.25 times
Water pressure test of the bearing cooling water maximum
Dominant Closeness and inleakage
cooling water room pressure to observe or
examine test records

Recheck requirements of
Correct assembling without technological document
Impeller and shaft assembly
looseness and examining by moving

Meeting requirements of
Recheck, and testing with
Bearing designation and gap mm equipment technological
pressing lead wires

Vertical and horizontal center line

mm 10 Testing with the steel ruler

Testing with level or

Elevation deviation of shaft center mm 10 horizontal testing with the
glass tube

Testing with the accuracy

Shaft levelness deviation Dominant mm/m 0.1
level meter

Axial direction Meeting requirements of

Eight equant point of
Impeller equipment technological
mm circumference, testing with
sloshing Radial direction records, 2without
dial gauge

Meeting requirements of
Concentricity deviation at all levels equipment technological
of stator shell records, 5without

Air inlet
Axial direction Testing with the steel ruler
gap of Meeting requirements of

stator drawing, 2without

shell requirements, even and
Radial direction
and balance


Meeting requirements of
The seal clearance of rotor spindle drawing and the expansion Testing with feeler gauge
and stator shell displacement of stator shell and steel ruler
heated shall be considered

Meeting requirements of
equipment technological
Thrust gap
Blower records, 0.3~0.4without Testing with pressing lead
bearing requirements0.3 ~ 0.4 wires

Meeting the specification

Expansion clearance
of drawing

Opening direction Correct opening direction Observation

Acanthus plate shall be

Installation of acanthus fixed firmly with adequate Testing with the feeler
Inlet plate expansion clearance to the gauge
control outer cover
damper Flexible and correct, the
concerted action, opening
Control operation device Observation
indicator shall be
corresponded with real


4.8.24 Installation of axial fan

1 Application scope: applicable to installing of all axial flow fan of the boiler auxiliary
2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.24
Table 4.8.24: Installation of axial fan
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Smooth surface without

Principal axis flaw and blade edge

The edge shall be free of

Blade gap and dent, and the outer
cover shall be without
Equipment Observing and testing with
deformation, crack and
inspection steel ruler
solder skips, and the
assembling of rotor and
Outer cover
axial shall be solid. This
shall meet requirements of
technological documents

Meeting requirements of
Recheck, and testing with
Bearing designation and gap mm equipment technological
pressing lead wires

Correct assembling without

Blade and blade hooter assembling Testing with spanner

Meeting requirements of
Eight equant
Radial clearance of blade top and stator equipment technological
mm circumference, and testing
shell records, 2 ~ 3without
with feeler gauge
Installation requirements
of Vertical and horizontal center line Testing with plumb and
mm 10
equipment deviation steel ruler

Horizontal testing with the

Elevation deviation of shaft center mm 10
glass tube

Measuring with accuracy

Shaft levelness deviation Dominant mm/m 0.10

Flexible and correct, and

the opening indicator shall
Adjusting device of movable vane Dominant Observation
be corresponded with the
real situation

4.8.25 Installation of air blower motor

1 application scope: applicable to installing air blower motor of the boiler auxiliary
2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.25

Table 4.8.25: Installation of air blower motor
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Motor Contact angle Angle 60 ~ 75 Color printing examination

pad Contact face Point/cm2 1, Even and balance

Meeting requirements of
Installation of anchor bolt Table 4.3.11 of this part Measuring, observing

Vertical and horizontal center Testing with plumb and steel

mm 10
line deviation ruler

Meeting requirements of
equipment technological
of motor Magnetic center deviation of
Dominant mm records, 1without Testing with the feeler gauge
requirements, and even and

Meeting requirements
Testing with dial gauge and
Coupling center alignment Dominant specified in Table 4.3.12 of
feeler gauge
this Part

4.8.26 Installation of oil system of air blower

1 Application scope: applicable to installing air blower with oil system of the boiler
auxiliary machinery
2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.26
Table 4.8.26: Installation of oil system of air blower
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

In good condition without Observing, Examining

Appearance of oil tank and equipment scar and with complete water infusion or oil
components impregnate

Without scale and welding

Clean the internal oil tank Dominant residue, and with clean Observation

Testing with 1.25 times

Equipment cooling water design
Oil cooler tightness test Closeness and inleakage
inspection pressure to observe or
examine test records

Oil cleaner Meeting requirements of

equipment technological Observation
Oil heating device records

Meeting requirements of
Color printing and testing
The meshing gap of the gear oil pump mm equipment technological
with feeler gauge

With correct location,
Installation of oil tank clean inwall and linking Observation
closely and tightly

Reasonable layout, correct,

Checking drawing and
Installation of pipeline regular and beautiful
direction of strike

The location shall be

Installation convenient for operation Checking drawing and
Installation of valve
of and repair with lined observing
equipment neatly and even interval

Reasonable arrangement,
sound construction and Checking drawing and
Installation of supporter and hanger
without impacting on observing

Location, correct number

Installation of local meter shall be convenient for Recheck

4.8.27 Installation of high pressure liquefied air blower

1 Application scope: applicable to installing high pressure liquefied air blower of the
boiler auxiliary machinery
2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.27
Table 4.8.27: Installation of high pressure liquefied air blower
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting requirements of
Specification and type Check with documents

Without flaw and blister and

Shell appearance
solder skips

Without flaw and blister,

Pulley appearance
with smooth and clean burrs Observation
Equipment Meeting relevant
inspection Welding requirements of DL/T

Dimension, connection tube

center and angle shall meet
Interfaces of welding pipe port requirements of drawing and
the flange face shall be
without incline

Installation Installation Vertical and horizontal Measuring with plumb and

mm 3
of of shell center line deviation steel ruler
equipment Meeting requirements of
Direction Observation

Levelness mm 2 Measuring with leveling


Inlet-outlet elevation
mm 10

Tightening evenly and with

Bolted connection mm locking device and consistent

In good condition without

Elastic pad mm Observation

Connect to base Dominant mm/m 0.1

Parallel misalignment Measuring with accuracy

mm 0.5
between shafts level
Relative position mm 1 Measuring with steel tape
of belt
pulley Meeting requirements of
Belt combined Measuring with leveling
equipment technological
deflection rod

Meeting requirements of
Direction of rotation equipment technological Observation

Free from any external

Equipment stress situation
additional load

4.8.28 Installation of impeller feeder

1 Application scope: applicable to installing impeller feeder
2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.28
Table 4.8.28: Installation of impeller feeder
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Installation Meeting requirements of

Inspecting parts of pulverizer coal
of equipment technological Observation
equipment records

Firm correctly, the main

Assembling the main shaft and shaft shall be non-bend, and
Dominant Disc moving, observing
impeller nut of shaft head shall be
with locking device

Gap of flatten scraper and

circular disc shall meet
Gap of trimming edge opening and Testing with feeler gauge or
Dominant mm requirements of equipment
circular disc steel ruler
technological records,
1.5without requirements

Meeting requirements of
Measuring impeller clearance mm equipment technological
records, and with even gap

Safety pin material and
diameter shall meet
Safety device Testing with vernier caliper
requirements of equipment
technological records

Shaft seal of the main shaft Dominant Closely seal, no-leakage, oil Observation

Levelness deviation of vertical and

mm/m 2 Testing with leveling rod
horizontal direction

4.8.29 Installation of pulverized coal screw conveyer

1 Application scope: applicable to installing this type of pulverized coal conveyer
2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.29
Table 4.8.29: Installation of pulverized coal screw conveyer
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Flatten cell body without

Cell body appearance
flaw Staying, and testing

Flatten, without tortuosity with steel ruler

Cell body flange and upper cover flange
and deformation
Appearance Without flaw and blister Observation
Screw shell
0.5Shaft section Staying, and testing
Shaft bend (evert section) mm
length with steel ruler

Without flaw, blister and

Suspending tile of each group Observation
unimpeded oil hole

Testing with level or

Center elevation deviation mm 10 horizontal testing with
the glass tube

Levelness Longitudinal direction 1/3000flute length Testing with leveling

deviation rod
Overall length 10
of slot Degree of Lateral direction mm 1 Pulling line and testing
shell curvature with steel ruler
Overall length mm 5

Steady and firmly, without

Cell body fixing impacting on thermal
expansion Observation

Flatten without warping,

Installation of upper cover
and seal closely

Installation Installation sequence Starting from reductor side Observation

of screw
On one and the same axial Staying, and testing
axle Shaft center deviation mm
line with steel ruler

Gap of shaft and cell body mm 2, Even and balance Testing with the feeler
Contact gap of suspending tile and its clip mm 0.1

0.20 ~ 0.30, or meeting
Top mm requirements of equipment
tile and shaft
technological records Measuring with the

0.10 ~ 0.15, or meeting feeler gauge

Neck gap Both sides mm requirements of equipment

technological records

10, Or meeting
Distance of suspending tile and both ends
mm requirements of equipment
of shaft shoulder
technological records

0.5/1000Axial length or
meeting requirements of Measuring with steel
Expansion clearance of screw axes mm
equipment technological ruler

The valve shall keep to cell

Valve of body tight and closely with
Installation of valve of pulverized coal Disc moving,
pulverized inleakage, flexible
chute observing
coal chute operation, and correct signs
of ON or OFF

Meeting Table 4.3.13 of

Installation Reductor
this part
of driving
Meeting Table 4.3.12 of
device Coupling center alignment Dominant
this part

4.8.30 Installation of scraper coal feeder

1 Application scope: applicable to installing this type of coal feeder
2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.30
Table 4.8.30: Installation of scraper coal feeder
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Coal scraper blade shall be

flatten, and gap shall meet
Gap of scraper and base plate and gap requirements of equipment Observing, testing with steel
of Dominant mm
of scraper and both sides technological records and ruler
shall be request not to
occur friction

Levelness deviation mm 2 Length Testing with leveling rod

track Parallel misalignment of two
Dominant mm 2 Testing with the steel ruler

Equipment shall be in good

condition, flexible and with
Regulating device of chain tension proper tight regulation, Observation
which shall set aside above
2/3 to control margin

Flexible switch and correct
Coal gate adjusting valve Observation

Meeting Table 4.3.13 of

Installation of reductor inspection Dominant
this part

4.8.31 Installation of vibration coal feeder:

1 Application scope: applicable to installing this type of coal feeder
2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.31
Table 4.8.31: Installation of vibration coal feeder
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting requirements of
Installation of angle of coal supply
Angle equipment technological Observation

Installation of coal supply slot and

Connecting firmly Testing with spanner
Installation Meeting requirements of
equipment technological
Electromagnet gap mm Testing with the steel ruler
records; 1.8 ~ 2without

Compaction nail of vibrotatten Tightening evenly with locking

Dominant Testing with spanner
spring pack device

4.8.32 Installation of belt coal feeder

1 Application scope: applicable to installing the belt coal feeder
2Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.32
Table 4.8.32: Installation of belt coal feeder
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Staying and measuring

Base dimensional deviation mm 20
with steel ruler

Staying and measuring

Scribing Center line deviation mm 20
with steel ruler
line for
base Concrete strength % 70 design strength Check test report

Anchor bolt deviation mm 10 Measuring with steel ruler

Measuring with
Elevation deviation mm 10

Installation Sizing Length mm Above base plate20 Measuring with steel ruler
of sizing block
block and dimension Width mm 60 ~ 100 Measuring with steel ruler

Sizing block location Both side of anchor bolt Observation

Contacting of sizing block layers mm Close contact, and the Measuring with feeler
partial gap 0.1, and the gauge
stuffing length 20 % the
sizing block contact

Meeting requirements of
Installation of anchor bolt
Table 4.3.11 of this part

Spot welding firmly

Testing with feeler gauge,
Sizing block fixing before grouting without
and tapping it by hand

Measuring with leveling

Vertical levelness deviation Dominant mm 1
Guide rail
Measuring with leveling
Lateral levelness deviation Dominant mm 1

In good condition with

Regulating device of chain tension Rotating, observing
flexible controlling

Best seal, and the

expansion clearance shall
Installation Installation of connector meet requirements of Observation
of other equipment technological
parts records

Flexible, and intubating

Assembling coal valve Observation
without bending

Protective hood Firm, without friction Observation

4.8.33 Installation of air compressor:

1 Application scope: applicable to installing air compressor
2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.33
Table 4.8.33: Installation of air compressor
Inspection method
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria
and instruments

Equipment Without defects such as

Integral appearance Observation
inspection scathe and crack

Meeting requirements of
Bent axle and equipment technological Color printing
Contact angle Dominant Angle
axle pad records, 90 ~ 120without inspection

Meeting requirements of
bearing Diameter of equipment technological
Dominant mm
bush axle<50mm records; 0.08 ~
0.12without requirements

Meeting requirements of Testing with feeler

Diameter of equipment technological gauge after
Top Dominant mm
axle50 ~ 150 records; 0.10 ~ tightening
0.15without requirements attachment bolt

Gap Diameter of Dominant mm Meeting requirements of

axle150 ~ equipment technological
300 records; 0.20 ~
0.30without requirements

Even gap between both

Gap of bearing bush sides, and the total shall
Dominant mm
lateral part be 1.5 times of the top
Testing with the
feeler gauge
1~1.5, Soft metal gasket
Tile edging gap of
Dominant mm shall be added in the
bearing bush
middle section

Oil hole Unimpeded Observation

0.05Contact closely,
best; light leakage shall
not more than two Examining light
Gap of piston ring and
mm sections; the distance of leakage and testing
cylinder wall
light leakage section and with feeler gauge
foreshaft of piston ring
shall be >30of arc length

Gap of non-lubricating
Testing with the
position ring and mm 0.1 ~ 0.2
feeler gauge
cylinder wall
Side clearance of piston
position mm 0.05 ~ 0.1
ring in the slot interior

3 ~ 5 piston diameter
Piston ring end or meeting requirements
clearance of equipment
technological records

Piston ring end angular With angle deviation90

Angle Observation
misalignment ~ 120

Gap of both end dead Meeting requirements of

Testing with
point of piston and air mm equipment technological
pressing lead wires
cylinder records

Inspecting leak with

kerosene and
Equipment valve for Contacting closely of
Tightness oil-leakage with
inspection absorbing and valve reed and valve seat
1-2 drop per
discharging air

Meeting requirements of
Precision of suction and
equipment technological Observation
discharging valve reed

Spring anchorage Even elasticity and

bracket of suction and tension of the elasticity
discharging valve reed shall be same

Meeting requirements of
Range of suction and equipment technological
discharging valve reed records; 3 ~ 4without

Connect the cap bolt of

suction and discharge Solid and closely

Soft metal copper

Material and daubing of cylinder head asbestos and rubber
gasket gasket, and clad lead

Unimpeded and in good

condition with
Air filter
non-deformation and

Observing, the test

pressure shall be 1.5
P0.49MPa MPa
Water pressure P, and shall not be
test of less than 0.2MPa
intermediate Closeness and inleakage Observing, the test
condenser and P>0.49Mpa(P---Work pressure shall be
air reservoir stress of the service MPa 1.25 P, and shall not
water) be less than

Meeting requirements
specified in the DL/T
Pipe and valve of oil system, gear oil 5210.5-2009 , and
pump and oil filter meeting requirements of
equipment technological

Take the shaft and

main combined
Installation of polished surface as
Levelness Longitudinal direction mm 0.15 Length
equipment the reference, and
deviation of
engine block testing with the
accuracy level meter

Lateral direction mm 0.15 Width

Meeting Table 4.3.12 of

Centre Coupling
this part
Belt pulley

Safety valve and unloading valve Operation fixed value

shall be accurate,
continuous and close for
easy operation

Installing pressure gauge

and thermometer at the
section with less
Installation of meter vibration where shall be
connected firmly and
shall be convenient for

4.8.34. Installation of dryer

1 Application scope: applicable to installing dryer of compressor plant
2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.34
Table 4.8.34: Installation of dryer
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting requirements of
Meeting requirements of
Specification and type equipment technological
design technique document

Without defects such as flaw,

Equipment appearance deformation and damage, Observation
Equipment Dimension, connection tube
inspection center and cylinder angle
Observing and checking
shall evenly meet
Cylinder and nozzle equipment technological
requirements of drawing and
the flange face shall be
without incline

Clean the interior of cylinder and

Without sundries Inspection
each nozzle

Meeting requirements of
Location Observation

Meeting requirements of
Direction Observation

Perpendicularity deviation of
mm 5 Testing with the steel ruler
Installation of
Connect to base Firmly Inspection
Installing pressure gauge and
thermometer at the section
with less vibration where
Installation of meter Observation
shall be connected firmly and
shall be convenient for

4.8.35 Installation of cooling water pump

1 Application scope: applicable to installing this type of pump

2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.35
Table 4.8.35: Installation of cooling water pump
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting requirements of
Scribing line and inspecting base
Table 4.3.11 of this part

Installation of sizing block and Meeting requirements of

anchor bolt Table 4.3.11 of this part
Equipment Without flaw, blister, rust
Equipment appearance inspection Observation
inspection and damage

Meeting requirements of
equipment, with proper
Shaft packing Observation
elasticity, closeness and

Vertical and horizontal center line

mm 10 Staying, and testing with
deviation of the pump body
steel ruler
Center elevation deviation mm 5

Installation of Testing with the accuracy

Levelness deviation mm/m 0.1
equipment level meter

Meeting Table 4.3.12 of

Coupling center alignment Dominant
this part

Firm and esthetic

Coupling protection cover Observation

4.8.36 Installation of drainage pump

1 Application scope: applicable to installing this type of pump
2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.36
Table 4.8.36: Installation of drainage pump
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting requirements of
Scribing line and inspecting base
Table 4.3.11 of this part

Installation of sizing block and Meeting requirements of

anchor bolt Table 4.3.11 of this part
Equipment Without flaw, blister, rust
Equipment appearance inspection Observation
inspection and damage

Meeting requirements of
equipment, with proper
Shaft packing Observation
elasticity, closeness and

Installation Staying, and testing with

Center line deviation mm 10
of steel ruler
Elevation deviation mm 5

Testing with the accuracy
Levelness deviation mm/m 2
level meter

Iron feet shall be equipped

Installing motors with different
mm with spacer shim with 1~2 Inspection
pump pedestals

Complete, firm, without

Cooling water pipe Observation
interfering with channels

Meeting Table 4.3.12 of this

Coupling center alignment Dominant

Firm and esthetic

Coupling protection cover Observation

4.8.37 Installation of boiler forced circulation pump

1 Application scope: applicable to installing this type of boiler forcing pump
Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.37
Table 4.8.37: Installation of boiler forced circulation pump
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Inspecting freeze
protection(preservation)protection No-leakage Observation
Block-free; flexible and Barring inspection with
Inspecting motor shaft and bearing
even barring special tools

Meeting requirements of
Flange face horizontal deviation of
Dominant mm equipment technological Calculating and measuring
Installation pump shell lower end
Meeting requirements of
equipment Installing connecting bolt of pump
Dominant equipment technological Testing with torque spanner
and motor

4.8.38 Starting circulation pump installations

1 Application scope: applicable to installing starting circulation pump of boiler
2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.38
Table 4.8.38: Starting circulation pump installations
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting requirements of
Scribing line and inspecting base
Table 4.3.11 of this part

Installing sizing block and anchor Meeting requirements of

Equipment bolt Table 4.3.11 of this part
Without flaw, blister, rust
Equipment appearance inspection Observation
and damage

Shaft packing Meeting requirements of Observation

equipment, with proper
elasticity, closeness and

Center line deviation mm 10 Pulling line and testing with

a steel ruler
Elevation deviation mm 5

Testing with the accuracy

Levelness deviation mm/m 2
level meter
Iron feet shall be equipped
of Installation of motors with different
mm with spacer shim with 1~2 Inspection
equipment pump pedestals

Meeting Table 4.3.12 of

Coupling center alignment Dominant
this part

Firm and esthetic

Coupling protection cover Observation

4.8.39 Installation of emergency up-feed pump

1 Application scope: applicable to installing emergency up-feed pump of boiler
2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.39
Table 4.8.39: Installation of emergency up-feed pump
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting requirements of
Scribing line and inspecting base
Table 4.3.11 of this part

Installation of sizing block and Meeting requirements of

anchor bolt Table 4.3.11 of this part
Equipment Without flaw, blister, rust
Equipment appearance inspection Observation
inspection and damage

Inspecting joint surface of pump

Flatten, burr free and pit Observation

Unimpeded loop with Inspecting after bolt

Seal loop location
directing to water inlet hole tightened

Meeting requirements of
equipment, with proper
of Shaft packing Observation
elasticity, closeness and

Center line deviation mm 10 Pulling line and testing with

a steel ruler
Elevation deviation mm 5

Testing with the accuracy

Levelness deviation mm/m 2
level meter

Iron feet shall be equipped

Installing motors with different
mm with spacer shim with 1~2 Inspection
pump pedestals

Complete, firm, without
Cooling water pipe Observation
interfering with channels

Meeting Table 4.3.12 of this

Coupling center alignment Dominant

Firm and esthetic

Coupling protection cover Observation

Coasting operation with

Operation of pump off and coasting determinated time and Observation
without sudden stop

4.8.40 Test run by parts of pump

1 Application scope: applicable to installing all pumps at boiler side
2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.40
Table 4.8.40: Trial operation by parts of pump
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Without sundries
Carry out internal
Preparation inside(instrument,
Internal inspection of mechanical and inspection and confirmation
for trial temporary consolidation,
interconnection system and signature of seal shall
operation etc); and personal shall not
be transacted
stay there

Testing by tapping with

Without parts missing and
Bolted connection of each section hand hammer or with

Protection cover and fence

Prevention of each exposed section
shall be all ready and Observation

Without scaffold and other

Equipment surrounding Observation

Unimpeded on-site
Channels Observation

Illumination Necessary illumination

Without combustibles and

Inspecting explosives; with

on-site fire-fighting equipment and

condition facilities

of trial Complete

operation telecommunication
Telecommunications equipment of on-site trial
operation and operating

Meeting requirements of
trial operation

For unimpeded water
Cooling water pipe returning and sufficient
water quantity

Watching oil scale or oil

Oil position Proper oil level
Lubrication Meeting requirements of
Sample testing or analysis
Oily equipment technological
report checking

Correct turning, current,

vibration, temperature Observation Watching trail
Motor idling
rising and acoustic, etc operation for 2 hours
shall be normal

Sliding bearing Dominant 65 Testing with thermoscope
or observing instrument
Angle Sliding bearing Dominant 80

Maximum mechanical two-way Testing with vibration

mm 0.10
amplitude gauge

Meeting requirements of
equipment technological
records, best seal without
Sealing device oil leak, no-heating, a small Observation
amount of dropping water
may be allowed at packing
set sealed

Sound normal, non-friction

Operation condition Monitor of audition pin
and without shocking
Equipment Without abnormal
trail vibration, blocking,
Reciprocating parts Observation
operation off-tracking in the entire

Operation adjustment shall

meet requirements of
equipment technological
records; the fixed value of
Recheck technological
oil pressure chaining cover
Lubricating oil system document, inspect oily test
shall meet requirements of
equipment technological
records; oily shall meet
requirements of equipment
technological records

Fix the value at a point and

Outlet pressure Dominant MPa Measuring pressure gauge
keep stable

Continuous trial operation time h 4~8 Timing

4.8.41 Submerged chain conveyer installations
1 Application scope: table 4.8.41-1 shall be applicable to installing boiler submerged
chain conveyer, and table 4.8.41-2 shall be applicable to installing dry type residue extraction
2 Quality criteria and inspection methods are shown in Table 4.8.41-1, 4.8.41-2
Table 4.8.41-1: submerged chain conveyer installations
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Good appearance, free

Appearance from defects such as
bruising, crack, etc.

Meeting requirements of Observation

Geometric dimension mm equipment technological

Internal inspection Clean and without sundries

Meeting requirements
Scribing line and inspecting base specified in the Table
4.3.11 of this part

Elevation deviation of installation mm 10 Level measurement

Coal scraper blade shall be

flatten, and gap shall meet
Gap of scraper and base plate and requirements of equipment Observing, testing with steel
Dominant mm
gap of scraper and both sides technological records and ruler
shall be request not to
occur friction

Installation Chain Levelness deviation mm 2 Length Testing with leveling rod

The parallel misalignment
equipment Track Dominant mm 2 Testing with the steel ruler
of two tracks

Equipment shall be in good

condition, flexible and with
Regulating device of chain tension proper tight regulation, Observation
which shall set aside above
2/3 to control margin

Observing, and testing with

Pressurizing equipment Closeness, without leak
1.25 times design pressure

Esthetic appearance of
Installing pipeline pipeline layout, rational Observation
direction of strike

Table 4.8.41-2: Installation of dry type residue extraction mechanism

Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Best appearance without
defects such as
non-deformation and
Equipment Meeting the specification
inspection of equipment
Geometric dimension
technological records of
the manufacturer

Clean and without

Internal inspection

Take lateral and

longitudinal center line of
boiler refuse vessel as the
Scribing line and inspecting base mm 3 center line of installing
crusher, and determinate
location with plumb, and
test with steel tape

Verticality deviation mm 2 Measuring with plumb

of upright Deviation of diagonal line mm 3 Measuring with steel tape

column Testing with glass tube or

Deviation in height mm 1

Plane surface deviation in height of

mm 1 Measuring with level
crusher case body
Installation Spot checking with
Bolted connection Firm and even stress
of spanner
hydraulic Flexible and flatten
pressure companding with
Guide lever installations Observation
crusher no-incline and

Fixing firmly, continuous

Installing expansion joint welding, without solder

Deviation between center

line of hydraulic cylinder
Hydraulic mm 1.5 Measuring with steel tape
piston rod and center line of
extrusion head guide lever
Firm root, and mudsill
Installation of equipment Observation
without solder skips

Internal cleaning, welding

Hydraulic pipeline Observation

Installing structure part of hydraulic Meeting requirements of

pressure crusher manufacturer installation


Take the boiler lateral

Steel belt direction and longitudinal
clinker center line as the
Scribing line for base mm 3
conveyer installation center line of
installation the steel strip clinker

Joint surface shall be

alignment, and the
Installing joint surface of deviation shall not exceed Observation and
side surface 2mm, tightening end measurement

Installation surface with connecting

of case bolt
body Height deviation of bottom Observation and
mm 0.5
joint surface measurement

Straightness deviation of Pulling a horizontal line

each section center line mm 3/6000 L(L length) and testing with a steel
tieline of case body tape

Deviation of headroll symmetrical centre

Measuring with plumb
line and contact ratio of conveyor mm <3
and steel tape
longitudinal center line

Deviation of headroll symmetrical centre

Measuring with plumb
line and contact ratio of conveyor mm <3
and steel tape
longitudinal center line

Deviation of carrier roller and parietal Measuring with angel rule

mm 1/1000L (L-length)
perpendicularity and steel tape

Parallel misalignment of neighboring two Measuring with level

mm <1
carrier rollers meter

Deviation of distance between the center

line of scraper blade, riding wheel, chain Measuring with plumb
mm 2
and slot and the longitudinal center line and steel tape
of conveyor

Lap length of neighboring two steel plates mm 151 Measuring with steel tape

Meeting requirements of
Installation of driving device
manufacturer instruction

Refer to Table 4.3.13 of

Installing reductor
this part

Regulating device of chain Equipment shall be in Observation
tension good condition, flexible
and with proper tight
regulation, which shall set
aside above 2/3 to control 393

Observing, and testing

Hydraulic device and pipe Closeness, without leak with 1.25 times design

4.8.42 Slag crusher installation

1 Application scope:applicable to installing boiler slag crusher
2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.42
Table 4.8.42: Slag crusher installations
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Best appearance,without
Appearance defects such as
Equipment inspection


Meeting requierments of
Geometric dimension mm equipment technological

Clean and without

Internal inspection

Meeting requirements of
Scribing line and inspecting base
Table 4.3.11 of this part

Even tightening
Flange connection mm force,closeness and Observation
Installing equipment


Elevation deviation of installation mm 10 Measuring with level

Testing with gradienter or

Elevation deviation of shaft center mm 10
glass tube level

Installation of protective layer Safe and riliable Observation

4.8.43 Clinker conveyer installations

1 Application scope:applicable to installing boiler clinker conveyer
2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.43
Table 4.8.43: Clinker conveyer installations
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting requirements of Table

Installation of steel frame

Scribing line for base inspection

4.3.11 of this part

0.5Length of each section Testing with the steel

Center line deviation mm
of structure ruler

Elevation deviation mm 10 Measuring with

gradienter or glass tube

Lateral direction
Levelness 0.2Length(width) and Pulling line and testing
deviation overall length of frame10 with a steel ruler
Longitudinal direction

Vertical and horizontal center line Testing with the steel

mm 5
deviation ruler

Measuring with
Roller installation

Elevation deviation of shaft center mm 10 gradienter or glass tube


Testing with levelling

Levelness deviation mm 0.5

The angle of roller center line and Staying,and testing

Maintain perpendicular
center line of conveyer belt length with steel ruler

Flatten,smooth and clean slip

plane of bearing,without
Tail tension apparatus
burrs,lead screw,bending and
with flexible control
Firm erection of
framing,parallel slideway
Perpendicular tension apparatus of without bending;block-free of
central section roller bearing and Rotating,observing

slideway,flexible elevation and

subsidence of sliding

Firm fixing of counter weight

frame and the emplacement of
Installation of counter weight frame
clump weight in accordance
and clump weight
with requirements of design

Testing with the steel

Deviation of distance between centers mm 20

Levelness deviation of up and down Testing with levelling

mm 0.5
Carrier roller carrier roller rod
installation Face height deviation of Testing with gradienter
mm 2
neighbouring carrier rollers or glass tube level

The bolt shall be between slot

Connection of roller carrier and belt
holes with taper liner rion and
locking pad

The installation of roller Rotating,observing

carrier slot and axle head of

Carrier roller
carrier roller shall be
colse,firm and tight

Each part shall be smooth and
Parts appearance flattening without solder skips
and deformation

Meeting equipment
technological records,weight
Installing supporter and hanger
shall not be pressed on the slag
Slag Observation
leading slot
Parallel slag leading slot shall
fit to the center of conveyer
Installation of slag leading slot belt with even both side and
with inleakage of belt

Inspecting bolt
Flange gasket shall be close
elasticity with
and bolt-uo,and the nut screw
Flange connection spanner,and observing
thread shall be revealed
the leanth of bolt
properly from the bolt
revealling from bolt

The contact of sweeper and

Sweeper installation belt shall be level,close and Observation
firmly installed

4.8.44 Slag slurry pump installation

1 Application scope:applicable to installing slag slurry pump of boiler
2 Quality criteria and inspection method (See Table 4.8.44)
Table 4.8.44: slag slurry pump installations
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting requirements specified

Scribing line and inspecting base
in the Table 4.3.11 of this part

Installing sizing block and anchor Meeting requirements specified

bolt in the Table 4.3.11 of this part
Equipment inspection

Without flaw,blister,rust and

Equipment appearance inspection Observation

Unimpeded loop with directing Inspecting after tightening

Seal loop location
to water inlet hole the bolt

Meeting requirements of
equipment,with proper
Shaft packing Observation
elasticity,closeness and

Vertical and horizontal center line Staying and testing with

mm 10
Installing equipment

deviation of the pump steel ruler

Center elevation deviation 5

Testing with the accuracy

Levelness deviation mm/m 0.1
level meter

Meeting requirements specified
Coupling center alighment Dominant
in Table 4.3.12 of this part

Coupling protection cover Firm and esthetic appearance Observation

Continue coasting operation

Operation of pump off and coasting for a certain time without Observation
sudden stop

4.8.45 Installation of overflow water pump

1 Application scope:applicable to installing this type of pump
2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.45
Table 4.8.45: Installation of overflow water pump
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Without flaw,blister,burrs and

damage,and the joint surface
Joint surface of shell and flange
shall be smooth with close
Without flaw,burrs and iron
Impeller and bearing parts

Meeting requirements of
Coordination of impeller and shaft
equipment technological records
Equipment inspection

Testing with the dial

Shaft tortuosity mm 0.05

Without casting
Bearing oil room sand,sundries,and the interior Observation
shall be clean

Meeting requirements of
equipment,with proper
Shaft packing
elasticity,closeness and

Wear-resistance bushing block of Meeting equipment

pump shell requirements,and fix firmly

Vertical and horizontal center line

mm 10
deviation of the pump Pulling line and testing
Installing equipment

with steel ruler

Elevation deviation of shaft center mm 5

Testing with the

Shaft levelness deviation mm/m 0.1
accuracy level meter

Meeting Table 4.3.12 of this

Coupling center alighment Dominant

4.8.46 Installing flush water pump

1 Application scope:applicable to installing this type of pump of boiler
2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.46
Table 4.8.46: Installing flush water pump

Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Free from flaw,blister,rust

Ewuipment inspection Observation
and damage

Meeting requirements
Scribing line and inspecting base specified in the Table 4.3.11
of this part
Installing equipment

Vertical and horizontal center line Pulling line,and testing with

mm 10
deviation of the pump body steel ruler

Testing with gradienter or

Center elevation deviation mm 5
glass tube level

Testing with the accuracy

Levelness deviation Dominant mm 1Axial length
level meter

Meeting requirements
Testing with dial gauge and
Coupling center alighment Dominant specified in the Table 4.3.12
feeler gauge
of this part

4.8.47 Installing dredging machine

1 Application scope:applicable to installing dredging machine
2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.47
Table 4.8.47: Installing dredging machine
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Elevation deviation Dominant 10

mm Measuring with level
Vertical and horizontal levelness
Dominant 2
Installing equipment

Axial central position deviation mm 5

Pulling steel wire and
Longitudinal center line deviation mm 5

Gap between doctor blade of Meeting requirements of

Dominant mm
dredging pole and coal bunker equipment technological records
Measuring with steel
Distance of the scraper under the
Meeting requirements of tape
dredging pole and outlet of coal Dominant mm
equipment technological records

4.8.48 Installation of gasification blower

1 Application scope:applicable to installing gasification blower of boiler
2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.48
Table 4.8.48: Installation of gasification blower
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Impeller direction of rotation Meeting requirements of Observation

equipment technological
Air outlet angle of the stator shell Angle

Appearance of the stator shell and Without flaw and blister and
rotor solder skips

Lineation for foundation and Meeting requirements

installation of iron gasket and stone specified in the Table 4.3.11
bolt of this part

Correct assembling with

Installing equipment

Impeller and shaft assembly


Vertical and horizontal center line

mm 10 Testing with the steel ruler

Testing with gradienter or

Elevation deviation of shaft center mm 10
glass tube level

Testing with the accuracy

Shaft levelness deviation Dominant mm/m 0.1
level meter

4.8.49 Double-shaft mixer installation

1 Application scope:applicable to installing double-shaft mixer
2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.49
Table 4.8.49: Double-shaft mixer installation
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Vertical and horizontal center line Pulling line and testing

mm 20
deviation of base with the steel ruler

Deviation of distance between

mm 3 Measuring with steel ruler
Lineation centre lines

Elevation deviation mm 10 Measuring with level

Steady placement with placing

thick piece at underlayer,thin
Placement sequence block at upperlayer and the Measuring with steel ruler
thinnest block shall be placed
at middle layer
Sizing block installation

Sizing block number Piece General4 Measuring with steel ruler

Solid contact,the access depth
by 0.1 mm feeler gauge shall Testing with feeler gauge
setting Interlayer contact
not exceed 20 % contact length and steel ruler
of sizing block

Placement locations shall be

on the main force
Placement position bedplate,steel bar section of Observation
base frame or both sides of
anchor bolt

Grinding with sizing
Smooth refining and best
Base contact face moulage;examing vertical
and horizontal direction
with levelling rod

Spot welding of sizing block at Firm spot welding without Observing,and tapping with
each layer before grouting looseness hand hammer

Center deviation value of two

chain wheels and the sag
degree of parallism and chain Staying and testing with
wheel Chain wheel installation Dominant
shall meet requirements of steel ruler
equipment technological

4.8.50 Thickener installation

1 Application scope:applicable to installing thickener
2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.50
Table 4.8.50: Thickener installation
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Be well accommodated
Appearance Appearance of rake,running
without flaw,rust and Observation
inspection roller,track,geear and rack

Testing with gradienter or

Elevation deviation mm 5
glass tube level

Levelness deviation mm 3 Length

Testing with glass tube
Levelness deviation of rake mm 2 Length

Meeting requirements of
Distance deviation of bottom of the pool mm equipment technological
Tooth rake

Testing with steel ruler or

Length variation mm 8 examing with staying wire

Height deviation mm 4

Testing with the steel

Diameter deviation of center circle mm 5
Track laying

Testing with glass tube

Levelness deviation mm 1.5

Testing with feeler gauge

Height difference of joint top mm 0.5
and steel ruler

Testing with the steel


Diameter difference of center circle mm 5



Testing with glass tube
Levelness deviation mm 1.5

Joint of rack fixed mount and track Shall be staggered Observation

face of Tooth width 50
Color printing
transmission %
gear and
Tooth height 40

Testing with the steel

Deviation of running roller and center mm 2

Testing with glass tube

Levelness deviation of gear frame mm
Integral Meeting requirements
installation Installing and inspecting reductor specified in Table 4.3.13
of this part

Meeting requirements
Coupling center alighment Dominant specified inTable 4.3.12
of this part

4.8.51 Installing centrifugal mortar pump

1 Application scope:applicable to installing centrifugal mortar pump
2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.51
Table 4.8.51: Installing centrifugal mortar pump
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Free from flaw,blister,burrs

and damage,and the joint
Joint surface of shell and flange
surface shall be smooth with
close contact

Without flaw,burrs and iron Observation

Impeller and bearing parts

Meeting requirements of
Equipment inspection

Coordination of impeller and shaft equipment technological


Shaft tortuosity mm 0.05 Testing with dial gauge

Without casting
Bearing oil room sand,sundries,and the Observation
interior shall be clean

Water pressure test of the bearing Dominant Closeness and inleakage Testing in accordance with
cooling water system 1.25 fold the maximum
working pressure of the
cooling water. Observing or
checking the record

Recheck,and testing with

Bearing designation and gap
pressing lead wires
Meeting requirements of

Whirling degree of impeller mm equipment technological Measuring with dial gauge


Gap of impeller seal ring Measuring with feeler gauge

Meeting requirements of
equipment,with proper
Shaft packing
elasticity,closeness and

Wear-resistance bushing block of Meeting equipment

pump shell requirements,and fix firmly

Vertical and horizontal center line

deviation of the pump Pulling the line and testing
with steel ruler
Installing equipment

Elevation deviation of shaft center 5

Testing with the accuracy

Shaft levelness deviation mm/m 0.1
level meter

Meeting requirements
Coupling center alighment Dominant specified in Table 4.3.12 of
this part

4.8.52 Installation of water spraying plunger type mortar pump

1 Application scope:applicable to installing water spraying plunger type mortar pump
2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.52
Table 4.8.52: Installation of water spraying plunger type mortar pump
Inspection method
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria
and instruments

Without flaw,blister,rust
Inspecting parts appearance Observation
and damage

Close contact with

Inspecting the sealing contact of valve seat Testing with the
Dominant mm penetrating gap
and valve disc feeler gauge
Pump inspection

Inspecting guide rod of valve disc and contact Flexible elevation and
face of guide sleeve subsidence of guide rod

Spring shall be flawless

Valve spring inspection and with proper Observation

Free from
Welding line crack,sealing-off,pore Observation
and slag inclusion

Ovality 0.05
Testing with dial
Conicity 0.05

Free from burrs and

Inspection of Meeting requirements of
junk Dimension mm the equipment
ring,supporting technological records Observation
ring and
Junk ring Unimpeded eyelet
distance ring

Water spray ring Unimpeded drain hole

Type V sealing surface

without defect and with
Assembling plunger and plunger bushing Dominant Observation
best contact of plunger

Color printing
Contact point Point/cm2 1, and all even
sliding block Area of contact surface % 80 Observation
and slide track
Testing with the
Gap mm 0.15~0.30
feeler gauge

Meeting requirments of
Sliding block Type the equipment technical
Measuring with the
shaft docuemnts
pressing lead wires

Gap mm 0.06~0.15

Piston Appearance Smooth surface

Testing with dial
pole Tortuosity mm 0.1

Appearance Without flaw and blister

Air chamber In good condition Observation

Skin of air pocket without flaw and


Type Observing and

Meet requirements of
measuring with the
Reductor Clearance mm pressing lead wires
rolling bearing

Inside and outside turn Free from Observation

rusting,scratching and
with smooth rolling

The 0.1 mm feeler

gauge shall be
request not to insert
Flange joint surface of cover and engine body Close contact with oil
under the
of the reductor tightness
circumstance that
without tightening
up nut

Meeting requirements of
equipment technological
Contact Tooth width %
records; 60without
surface of big
requirements Color printing
and small gear
Meeting requirements of examination
meshing of
equipment technological
reductor Tooth height %
records; 50without

Meeting requirements of
equipment technological
Tooth top mm
records,0.20 ~ 0.25
Meshing gap Testing with feeler
without requirements
of big and gauge or pressing
Meeting requirements of
small gears of lead wires
equipment technological
reductor Tooth side mm
records,0.35 ~ 0.45
without requirements

Vertical and horizontal center line deviation of Staying,and testing

mm 10
the pump body with steel ruler

Testing with
Installing main pump

Elevation deviation of shaft center mm 5 gradienter or glass

tube level

Testing with the

Shaft levelness deviation Dominant mm 1 Axial length
accuracy level meter

Meeting Table 4.3.12 of

Coupling center alighment Dominant
this part

4.8.53 Installing water segregating mortar pump

1 Application scope:applicable to installing centrifugal mortar pump
2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.53
Table 4.8.53: Installing water segregating mortar pump
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Without flaw,blister,rust and

Ewuipment inspection Observation


Scribing line for base Meeting requirements

specified in the Table 4.3.11

of this part

Meeting requirements
Installing sizing block and anchor
specified in the Table 4.3.11
of this part

Center line deviation mm Meeting requirements of Measuring with steel ruler

Installing tank shell

equipment technological

Direction records Observation

Suspension wire and

Perpendicularity deviation Dominant mm 2 Tank height
measuring with steel rule

Meeting the requirements

Layout Observation
specified in design drawing

Contra Dn<100 mm 1 Measuring with ruler at the

aperture section 200mm away from
Installing pipeline

flatness Dn100 mm 3 welded junction center

Perpendicularity deviation mm 2/1000 and 15 Testing with level and ruler

Meeting design with easy

Installing valve Observation

Correct connection without

Flange installations Observation

Hydraulic Meeting requirements of Check requirements of

control Hydraulic system installation equipment technological equipment technological
system records records

Without blister,air hole,slag

Welding Welding Observation
inclusion,solder skips,etc.

Testing in accordance with

Tightness test Dominant No-leakage 1.25 fold design

4.8.54 Installations of high pressure mortar scavenging pump

1 Application scope:applicable to installing high pressure mortar scavenging pump
2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.54
Table 4.8.54: Installations of high pressure mortar scavenging pump
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Free from flaw,blister,rust

Parts appearance inspection Observation
and damage
Overall Inspecting the sealing contact of Testing with injecting
appearance valve seat and sealing surface of Dominant Contact tightly kerosene,and obeserving
inspection valve disc after five minutes

Flawless and with proper

Valve spring inspection Observation

Flawless and with proper
Appearance Observation
Ellipticity mm 0.03
Testing with dial gauge
Conicity mm 0.03

Flawless and smooth

Appearance Observation

Meeting requirements of
Fitting gap with plunger equipment technological
Plunger records
inspection Packing shall be in good
condition with proper
Seal packing of plunger tightness and meet Observation
requirements of
technological records

Point Color printing

Contact point 1, and even
Assembling /cm examination
Area of contact surface % 80 Observation
block and
slide track Testing with the feeler
Gap mm 0.15~0.25

Color printing
Contact face Point/cm2 1~2, and all even
Bent axle
and axle Area of contact surface % 80
Meeting the requirements of
Gap mm
the technical document

Meet the requirements of

Reductor the drawing Observing and

Clearance mm
rolling measuring with the
bearing Rustless, free from scuffing, pressing lead wires

Internal and external circles and the rolling surface is


Insert a 0.1mm feeler

Joint Reductor cover and engin body
Contact tight, oil tightness gauge when the bolt is
surface flange joint surface

Contact Meeting requirements of

surface of equipment technological
Tooth width %
the records; 50without Color printing
reductor requirements examination
gear wheel Meeting requirements of
Tooth height %
shaft and equipment technological

gear records; 40without
meshing requirements

Tooth top mm
technological records 0.15 ~
Meshing 0.20 without requirements Testing with feeler gauge
gap Meeting requirements of or the pressing lead wires

equipment technological
Tooth side mm
records; 0.20~0.25without

Center deviation in vertical and

Pulling line,and testing
horizontal directions of the pump mm 10
with steel ruler

Testing with gradienter

Elevation deviation of shaft center mm 5
Equipment or glass tube level
installation Testing with the accuracy
Shaft levelness deviation Dominant mm 1 Axial length
level meter

Meeting requirements
Coupling center alignment Dominant specified in the Table 4.3.12
of this part

4.8.55 Installation of oil isolation mud pump

1 Application scope:applicable to installing oil isolation mud pump
2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.55
4.8.55: Installation of oil isolation mud pump
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Free from flaw, blister, rust

Parts appearance inspection Observation
and damage

Contact angle of the crankshaft and the
Angle technological records,and Observation
Inspection and installation

Meeting requirements of
equipment technological
Gap Both sides Dominant mm
records; 0.15~0.20without
requirements Testing with the pressing
the crank
Meeting lead wires or the feeler
shaft and
requirmentsequipment gauge
the bearing
Top section Dominant mm technological records ,

Gap on both ends of the piston dead Dominant mm Meeting Testing with pressing lead
point requirmentsequipment wires
technological records,and
0.5~0.1 without

Gap of the piston ring and the cylinder

mm 0.05~0.1 Testing with a feeler gauge

Piston ring end angular misalignment Angle 90~120 Observation

technological records,and
Piston ring end clearance mm in accordance with the
3~5 piston diameter Testing with a feeler gauge
when there is no

Gap between the piston ring and the

mm 0. 05~0. 10
piston groove side face

Sliding Point
Contact face 6/2525 Color printing examination
block and /mm2
slide track Inspecting with a feeler
Gap mm 0.15~0.30
assembling gauge

According to the
requirements spcecified in
Oil isolating cylinder and piston barrel equipment technological
body are sealed. records, "O" seal ring shall
be used and the sealing
shall be tight.

Unimpeded and clean

Wash tank and "Z" pipe installation Observation

Vertical and horizontal center line Staying and testing with

mm 10
deviation of the pump body steel ruler

Testing with gradienter or

Elevation deviation of shaft center mm 5
glass tube level

Testing with the accuracy

Levelness deviation of the shaft Dominant mm 1Axial length
level meter

Meeting requirements
Coupling center alignment Dominant specified in theTable 4.3.12
of this part

Meeting requirements
Installing and inspecting reductor specified in the Table
4.3.11 of this part

4.8.56 nstallation of the ash removal pipe belt machinery

1 Application scope:applicable to installing ash removal pipe belt machinery
2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.56

Table 4.8.56 Installation of the ash removal pipe belt machinery
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting requirements of Table

Scribing line for base inspection
4.3.11 of this part

0.5Length of each section Testing with the steel

Center line deviation mm
Framework installation

of structure ruler

Measuring horizontally
Elevation deviation mm 10 with the level or the
glass tube

Lateral direction
Levelness 2Length(width) and overall Staying and testing
deviation length of frame10 with steel ruler
Longitudinal direction

Vertical and horizontal center line Testing with the steel

deviation ruler

Measuring with
Roller installation

Elevation deviation of shaft center mm 10 gradienter or glass tube


Testing with levelling

Levelness deviation 0.5

The angle of roller center line and Staying and testing

Angle Maintain perpendicular
center line of conveyer belt length with steel ruler

Flatten,smooth and clean slip

plane of bearing,without
Tail tension apparatus
burrs,lead screw,bending and
with flexible control
Firm erection of
framing,parallel slideway
Perpendicular tension apparatus of without bending;block-free of
central section roller bearing and Rotating,observing

slideway,flexible elevation and

subsidence of sliding

Firm fixing of counter weight

frame and the emplacement of
Installation of counter weight frame
clump weight in accordance
Carrier roller installation

and clump weight

with requirements of design

Testing with the steel

Deviation of distance between centers mm 20

Levelness deviation of up and down Testing with levelling

mm 0.5
carrier roller rod

Face height deviation of mm 2 Testing with gradienter

neighbouring carrier rollers or glass tube level

The bolt shall be between slot

Connection of roller carrier and belt
holes with taper liner rion and
Carrier locking pad
roller The installation of roller Rotating,observing
installation carrier slot and axle head of
Carrier roller
carrier roller shall be
colse,firm and tight

Each part shall be smooth and

Parts appearance flattening without solder skips
and deformation

Meeting equipment
technological records,weight
Installing supporter and hanger
shall not be pressed on the slag Observation
Ash pipe installation

leading slot

Flange gasket shall be close

and bolt-up,and the nut screw
Flange connection
thread shall be revealed
properly from the bolt

Weld joint shall be without

defects such as flawless,air
Weld surface mass hole,etc with best forming and Observation
the weld joint height shall
meet requirements of drawing

The contact of sweeper and

Sweeper installation belt shall be level,close and Observation
firmly installed

Esthetic appearance anf

Accessory Crossing bridge and climbing
firm,meeting requirements of Observation
installation steps,and fence for safety

Meeting the requirements

Installations of sizing block and
specified in Table 4.3.11 of this
foot-screw of drive motor

Meeting requirements of
Belt requirements equipment technological Observation


The tensioning stroke of

tension apparatus behind the
Belt laying

Belt truncated length mm

cemented belt joint shall

The surface with thicker glue

Selection of belt working surface
line shall be chosen

Setting belt interfaces The working surface of

cementing interface shall
follow the direction of travel
of belt,and the belt length
between two joints shall 6
roller diameter

Close mouth must be

Close mouth of glue joint

Thickness shall be even and air

hole,bulging and crack shall be
Cemented belt joint

free,and the seam crossing of

Appearance inspection of glue joint Dominant
the joint surface shall cover
one layer of fine canvas with

Meeting requirements of
Strength test of glue joint Dominant equipment technological Test measurement

4.8.57 installations of Root's blower

1 Application scope:applicable to installing Root's blower
2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.57
Table 4.8.57: Installations of Root's blower
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting requirements of the

Specification and type Check with documents

Without flaw and blister and

Shell appearance
solder skips

Without flaw and blister,with

Pulley appearance
Equipment inspection

smooth and clean burrs

Weld joint shall be without defects

such as flawless,air hole,etc with
Welding best forming and the weld joint Observation

height shall meet requirements of


Dimension,connection tube center

and angle shall meet requirements
Interfaces of welding pipe port
of drawing and the flange face
shall be without incline

Vertical and horizontal Measuring with plumb

mm 3
center line deviation and steel ruler
Installing equipment

Integral installation

Direction Meeting drawing Observation

Levelness mm 2 Measuring with

levelling rod

Inlet-outlet elevation mm 10


Tightening evenly and with

Bolted connection mm locking device and consistent
Elastic packing mm In good condition without damage

Connect to base Dominant mm/m 0.1

Measuring with
Parallel between shafts mm 0.5
accuracy level
Installing Measuring with steel
Relative position mm 1
belt roller tape

Meeting requirements of Measuring with

Belt total deflection
equipment technological records levelling rod

Meeting requirements of
Direction of rotation
equipment technological records

Free from any external additional

Equipment stress situation
Meeting relevant requirements of
Installing pipeline
DL/T 5210.5-2009

Meeting relevant requirements of

Installing supporter and hanger
DL/T 5210.5-2009

4.8.58 Repairing and installing electric block

1 Application scope:applicable to installing all electric block at boiler side
2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.58
Table 4.8.58: Repairing and installing electric block
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Brake ring Without damage and grease Observation

Revolving along the axis of brake

Dominant mm 1.5~3 Measuring with steel ruler

Gear shall be without

Repairing electric block

damage,and oily shall meet

Reduction box Observation
requirements of

Without broken wires and

Steel wire Observation
hard bending

Without flaw and other Observation and manual

Pulley and hook
damage,and flexible rotation operation

Rope shall be compacted by

Fix steel wire on winding drum Inspecting with spanner
press plate with firm bolt

Pigtail length of
outstretching from bottom of Observing,knocking and
Fix steel wire on outer cover mm
wedge box50, Tightening testing by hand hammer
chock wedge

Without looseness,and steel

Rope guide Observation
wire shall be block-free

Gear shall be scatheless and

its relative position shall
Travelling reduction gear Observation
meet requirements of

Scatheless surface,flexible
Transport wheel Observation

Restricting electric block not

Installing machine of blocking
to slide out track,and not to Observation
touch obstacle

One side of transport wheel

Installations of electric block

Gap between lateral margin of I

shall close to I beam,and
beam lower wing and transport mm 2~4
testing another side with steel
wheel margin

Steel wire reservation on winding

drum where hook at the extreme Dominant circle 3 Observation
lower position

Distance between pulley and drum

cheek where hook at the extreme mm 600 Measuring with steel tape
higher position

4.8.59 Load test of electric block

1 Application scope:applicable to installing all load test of electric block at boiler side
2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.59
Table 4.8.59: Load test of electric block
Inspection method and
Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria
measuring instrument

Stable zero friction and

Hook where no load Observing and listening by ear

Brake Reliable
Use 1.25 times rated load to lift
Steel wire Dominant May get loose it to 100 mm height,and inspect
load test
it after 10 min.
Load Load hook No-deformation
Elevation and subsidence of
Stable zero friction and
hook and travelling of Dominant
impaction Elevation and subsidence with
Dynamic traveller
rated load,observing after
load test Gliding distance of
travelling 15 min.
suspended object after Dominant mm 50

4.8.60 Track installations
1 Application scope:applicable to installing track of hoisting machinery at boiler side
2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.60
Table 4.8.60: Track installation
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Track Flawless,honeycomb and

Appearance of foundation beam Observation
installation pitting surface

Concrete strength 70%Design strength Measuring with resiliometer

Elevation of crane beam and

mm 10 Measuring with level
deviation of design elevation

Deviation Measuring with steel tape

Span<19.5mm Dominant mm 3
of track with adding 100 N tension
and Measuring with steel tape
Span19.5mm Dominant mm 5
design with adding 150 N tension

Monorail Flatness deviation mm 3 Staying measuring

Deviation of reference
line mm 3 Staying measuring

Longitudingal levelness
mm <1/1500 Post distance Measuring with level

Lateral direction
mm <1/100 Width of track Measuring with levelling rod
Track levelness deviation

High and low difference

of railhead elevation of Dominant mm 10 Measuring with level
full range

Pillar section mm 10
rack and
Measuring with level
Other sections mm 10

General joint mm 1~2 Measuring with feeler gauge

Track gap

Temperature adapter mm 4~6 Measuring with steel ruler

Gap of temperature joint and

mm 1 Measuring with steel ruler
design value deviation

Lateral direction
Track mismatch Measuring with leveling rule
mm 1
joint and feeler gauge
Vertical deviation

Splint and track shall close to

Observing,knocking and
Tightening track bolt nut with complete washer
testing by hand hammer
ring,and tightening fimly

Track joint welding Meeting design specification

Terminal limiting device Locating correctly and firmly Observation

Press plate and sizing block contact Knocking and testing by

Good and solid no-looseness
with rail and crane beam hand hammer

4.8.61 Assembly and installation of loading bridge

1 Application scope: applicable to the assembling and installing of the bridge crane
bridge framework on the bolier side
2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.61

Table 4.8.61: Assembly and installation of the loading bridge

Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Bolts of each part shall be

Installation tightened and
of bridge Appearance inspection no-looseness,and the weld Observation
framework joint shall be without solder
skips and crack

Measuring wheel central

distance with steel tape
Span deviation of main beam mm 5
adding 100~150 N

Pulling steel wire and

Main beam deflection mm/m (0.9~1.3)S/1000
testing with ruler

Box beam mm 5 Measurement bridge
framework and diagonal
of diagonal
line with steel tape
line of the Single web or trussed
mm 10 adding 100~150N
bridge beam

Lateral curvature of box girder mm <1/2000 Span

Lateral Span L16.5m mm 5 Pulling steel wire and

bending of testing with ruler
single web
Span L>16.5m mm <L/3000
and beam

Track Span-end mm
Measuring with steel
of box Span<19.5m mm 1~5
girder Midspan
traveller Span19.5m mm 1~7

Traveller track deviation of single web

mm 3 Measuring with steel tape
and beam truss

Track gauge3.5m mm 3
Measuring with level on
Track gauge4m mm 5 one and the same cross
of traveller
Track gauge>4m mm 7

Measuring with steel

Trundle span deviation mm 3

L/1000, And the direction

of deflection of two driving Measuring with pulling
Skewness of big wheel end surface mm
wheels (or following steel wire
pulley) shall be opposited

Location difference of two wheels on Measuring with pulling

mm 1
one and the same balance beam steel wire

Location difference of one and the

Measuring with pulling
same end distance from the farthest mm 3
steel wire
two wheels

Measuring with
Perpendicular skewness of big wheel mm L/400
suspension wire plumb

Measuring with dial

Flutter of each transmission shaft mm 1

Specification shall meet

Observing and inspecting
Appearance of steel wire requirements of design
intensity certification
without broken strand

Cylinder number of steel wire on drum

where hook at the extreme lower Circle 2

Steel wire on drum where hook at the Drum shall be able to Observation
extreme lower position contain entirely

Correct,firm and reliable

Dampener,limit switch
installation site

4.8.62 transmission gear repairing and installation

1 Application scope:applicable to installing and repairing track of transmission gear of
hoisting machinery at boiler side
2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.62
Table 4.8.62: transmission gear repairing and installation
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting requirements
Repairing reductor specified in the Table 4.3.11
of this part

Radial deviation
of motor mm 0.08

and End surface deviation Measuring with dial gauge


Radial deviation of coupling

mm 0.15
center of each driving vehicle

Appearance of brake
Free from flaw and scar Observation
strap,drum,pulley and hook

Gap between brake strap of long

0.7~0.8and both sides shall Measuring with feeler
stroke brake and unilateral brake mm
Transmission be even gauge
Gap 0.5~0.7and both sides shall
repairing and D=100mm mm
between be even
brake 0.7~0.9and both sides shall
D=100mm mm
strap of be even
long Measuring with feeler

stroke gauge

brake and 0.9~1.1and both sides shall

D=100mm mm
unilateral be even

Brake strap gap mm Consistence full length Observation

Qualified oily,flexible
Brake oil pump or electromagnet Observation
operation and block-free

Grease without rust and

Wheel bearing Observation

4.8.63 Crane of empty and static load test

1 Application scope:applicable to empty and static load test of hoisting machinery at
boiler side
2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.63
Table 4.8.63: Crane of empty and static load test
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting requirements of
Gap between edge of big and small
mm drawing and at one and the Observation
trundle edge and track
same side

Wheel and rail contact Solid and gapless Observation

Travelling of big and Flexible rotation without

small travellers strange sound

Wheel rolls on the track Block-free and off-tracking

Unload test

Brake Sensitive and reliable Observation

Test on
big and Correct and reliable
Limit switch
small operation
roadster Interlock protection Correct and reliable
device operation

Gear case No-impacting sound

Hand feel

Bearing temperature Normal

Catenary Electric bridge type Dominant mm <L/700

arc of
crossbeam Electric monospar Dominant mm <L/600 Transit survey
at running
test Manual operation Dominant mm <L/500

Deflection of bridge
Dominant mm <L/700 Measuring with steel ruler
Static load test

Shall be rehabilitation and

Deflection of bridge without redidual
Inspecting Dominant
framework deformation and abnormal
with 1.25
times Hooking with 1.25 times
Without residual
running Rotary hook opening Dominant rated load for 10 min,and
test inspecting it after unloading

Welding Flawless

Iron work Flawless

4.8.64 Crane live load test

1 Application scope:applicable tolive load test of hoisting machinery at boiler side
2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.64
Table 4.8.64 Crane live load test
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Testing load kg 1.1 times rated load Weigh or calculate

Test continuous time min 10 Timing

Stable,without abnormal
Travelling of big and small vibration,blocking and
Dominant Observation
travellers impacting,and wheel track
shall be carded

Motor temperature
Normal Hand feel
Dynamic load test

Bearing temperature

Flexible rotation,with
Variable speed drive parts abnormal vibration,gear Observation
meshing and normal sound

Operation Sensitive Observation


Brake strap temperature Normal Hand feel

Stable elevation and

Big and small hook Dominant subsidence,and drum steel
wire shall be lined neatly
Normal operation,and
Motor,control equipment,limit
accurate and reliable
switch and interlock protection

4.8.65 Electrified trial operation of crane belt

1 Application scope:applicable to on-going electrified tiral operation of hoisting
machinery at boiler side
2 Quality criteria and inspection method are shown in Table 4.8.65
Table 4.8.65: Electrified trial operation of crane
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Entire electrical equipment (contain

insulation resistance between slide
Dominant megohm 0.5 Inspection
wires and insulation resistance
Equipment trail operation

against ground)

Rotation direction of motor Corresponding to controler Observation

Meeting relevant
Trial operation of motor requirements of motor trial Inspecting,observing

Inspecting limit switch operation Dominant Correct and reliable Check and test

Inspecting operation of braking
Dominant Flexible and reliable Check and test

Blaking time of bridge framework

min Accordance Record
travelling motor driving seperately

Interlock protection device of

Flexible and reliable Inspection
bridge framework

Lumination and audible signal

Clear and reliable Inspection

Working condition of control panel

Normal Inspection
and controller

Working condition of motor Dominant Normal Inspection

Without vibration of
connection point,and the
Trail operation with dynamic and
motor shall be without Observation,Inspecting
static load
overload and with normal

Operation inspection of electric rail

Dominant Correct and reliable Observation

4.8.66 Inspection table on the implementation of the compulsory provisions for the subsection
project of coal mill installation
1 Application scope:applicable to inspecting the implementation of the compulsory
provisions for the subsection project of coal mill in the process of boiler auxiliary machinery
2 Inspection of compulsory provisions implementation shall meet the requirements
specified in Table 4.8.66
Table 4.8.66: Inspection talbe on the implementation of the compulsory provisions for the subsection project
of coal mill installation

Project name

Subsection project
Unit project name Installation of boiler auxiliary machinery Coal mill installation

Project number Acceptance time Date:

Implementation Related
No. Inspection item
performance information

Alloy-steel pipe,pipe fittings,pipe auxiliaries and valve shall be

1 carried out spectrum recheck piece by piece before using,and
make marks for material

The heating temperature shall be controlled under the lower

2 critical temperature AC 1 of the pipe where alloy-steel pipe shall
be carried out bending alignment partially.

3 Fixing and adjusting supporter and hanger shall be carried out in

time where installing pipe,and the supporter and hanger location
shall be correct and its installation shall be smooth,firm and keep
best contact to pipe

Cleaning up pipe interior,clearing off scale and sundries shall be

carried out before installing pipe,provided tapping on the pipe
required for installation,then the slag or scrap iron shall be
prevented falling into pipe.

In the process of equipment installation,inspection and

acceptance shall be carried out in time;provided last procedure
has not be qualified by inspection and acceptance,the next
procedure shall not be carried out,and the concealed project
must be carried out after inspecting and accepting its
qualification and transacting approvals

Personnel working on operating boiler,pressure vessel and

pipe,inspection,welding,post-weld heat
treatment,non-destructive testing shall obtain relevant
qualification certificate.

Alloy steel parts and pipe material shall be carried out spectrum
7 test or other test before and after installing,reparing and
transforming,and check type of steel to prevent misuage

Equipment repair in the process of trial operation and after trial

operation shall be transacted working tickets

Acceptance result

Construction organization:(seal) Supervision organization:(seal)

Project technical director: Supervision engineer:
Date: Date:

Note: the content listed in this Table may be increased or decreased according to actuality.

4.8.67 Inspection talbe on the implementation of the compulsory provisions for the subsection
project of blower
1 Application scope:applicable to inspecting the implementation of the compulsory
provisions for the subsection project of blower in the process of boiler auxiliary machinery
2 Inspection of compulsory provisions implementation shall meet the requirements
specified in Table 4.8.67
Table 4.8.67: Check table on the implementation of the compulsory provisions for subsection project of
blower installation

Project name

Subsection project
Unit project name Installation of boiler auxiliary machinery Blower installation

Project number Acceptance time Date:

Implementation Related
No. Inspection item
performance information

Alloy-steel pipe,pipe fittings,pipe auxiliaries and valve shall be

1 carried out spectrum recheck piece by piece before using,and
make marks for material

The heating temperature shall be controlled under the lower

2 critical temperature AC 1 of the pipe where alloy-steel pipe shall
be carried out bending alignment partially.

Fixing and adjusting supporter and hanger shall be carried out in

time where installing pipe,and the supporter and hanger location
shall be correct and its installation shall be smooth,firm and keep
best contact to pipe

Cleaning up pipe interior,clearing off scale and sundries shall be

carried out before installing pipe,provided tapping on the pipe
required for installation,then the slag or scrap iron shall be
prevented falling into pipe.

In the process of equipment installation,inspection and

acceptance shall be carried out in time;provided last procedure
has not be qualified by inspection and acceptance,the next
procedure shall not be carried out,and the concealed project must
be carried out after inspecting and accepting its qualification and
transacting approvals

Personnel working on operating boiler,pressure vessel and

6 pipe,inspection,welding,post-weld heat treatment,non-destructive
testing shall obtain relevant qualification certificate.

Alloy steel parts and pipe material shall be carried out spectrum
7 test or other test before and after installing,reparing and
transforming,and check type of steel to prevent misuage

Equipment repair in the process of trial operation and after trial

operation shall be transacted working tickets

Acceptance result

Construction organization:(seal) Supervision organization:(seal)

Project technical director: Supervision engineer:
Date: Date:

Note: the content listed in this Table may be increased or decreased according to actuality.

4.8.68 Check table on the implementation of the compulsory provisions for subsection project
of coal feeder installation
1 Application scope:applicable to inspecting the implementation of the compulsory

provisions for the subsection project of boiler coal feeder installation
2 Implementation of the compulsory provisions for subsection project of coal feeder
installation shall be in accordance with those requirements specified in Table 4.8.68
Table 4.8.68: Check table on the implementation of the compulsory provisions for subsection project of coal
feeder installation

Project name

Subsection project
Unit project name Installation of boiler auxiliary machinery Installation of coal feeder

Project number Acceptance time Date:

Implementation Related
No. Inspection item
performance information

Alloy-steel pipe,pipe fittings,pipe auxiliaries and valve shall be

1 carried out spectrum recheck piece by piece before using,and
make marks for material

The heating temperature shall be controlled under the lower

2 critical temperature AC 1 of the pipe where alloy-steel pipe shall
be carried out bending alignment partially.

Fixing and adjusting supporter and hanger shall be carried out in

time where installing pipe,and the supporter and hanger location
shall be correct and its installation shall be smooth,firm and keep
best contact to pipe

Cleaning up pipe interior,clearing off scale and sundries shall be

carried out before installing pipe,provided tapping on the pipe
required for installation,then the slag or scrap iron shall be
prevented falling into pipe.

In the process of equipment installation,inspection and

acceptance shall be carried out in time;provided last procedure
has not be qualified by inspection and acceptance,the next
procedure shall not be carried out,and the concealed project must
be carried out after inspecting and accepting its qualification and
transacting approvals

Personnel working on operating boiler,pressure vessel and

6 pipe,inspection,welding,post-weld heat treatment,non-destructive
testing shall obtain relevant qualification certificate.

Alloy steel parts and pipe material shall be carried out spectrum
7 test or other test before and after installing,reparing and
transforming,and check type of steel to prevent misuage

Equipment repair in the process of trial operation and after trial

operation shall be transacted working tickets

Acceptance result

Construction organization:(seal) Supervision organization:(seal)

Project technical director: Supervision engineer:
Date: Date:

Note: the content listed in this Table may be increased or decreased according to actuality.

4.8.69 Check table on the implementation of the compulsory provisions for subsection project
of air compressor installation
1 Application scope:applicable to inspecting the implementation of the compulsory
provisions for the subsection project of air compressor
2 Implementation of the compulsory provisions for subsection project of air compressor
installation shall be in accordance with those requirements specified in Table 4.8.69
Table 4.8.69: Check table on the implementation of the compulsory provisions for subsection project of air
compressor installation

Project name

Subsection project Air Contraction cavity

Unit project name Installation of boiler auxiliary machinery
name compression installation

Project number Acceptance time Date:

Implementation Related
No. Inspection item
performance information

Alloy-steel pipe,pipe fittings,pipe auxiliaries and valve shall be

1 carried out spectrum recheck piece by piece before using,and
make marks for material

The heating temperature shall be controlled under the lower

2 critical temperature AC 1 of the pipe where alloy-steel pipe shall
be carried out bending alignment partially.

Fixing and adjusting supporter and hanger shall be carried out in

time where installing pipe,and the supporter and hanger location
shall be correct and its installation shall be smooth,firm and keep
best contact to pipe

Cleaning up pipe interior,clearing off scale and sundries shall be

carried out before installing pipe,provided tapping on the pipe
required for installation,then the slag or scrap iron shall be
prevented falling into pipe.

In the process of equipment installation,inspection and

acceptance shall be carried out in time;provided last procedure
has not be qualified by inspection and acceptance,the next
procedure shall not be carried out,and the concealed project must

be carried out after inspecting and accepting its qualification and
transacting approvals

Personnel working on operating boiler,pressure vessel and

6 pipe,inspection,welding,post-weld heat treatment,non-destructive
testing shall obtain relevant qualification certificate.

Alloy steel parts and pipe material shall be carried out spectrum
7 test or other test before and after installing,reparing and
transforming,and check type of steel to prevent misuage

Equipment repair in the process of trial operation and after trial

operation shall be transacted working tickets

Acceptance result

Construction organization:(seal) Supervision organization:(seal):

Project technical director: Supervision engineer:
Date: Date:

Note: the content listed in this Table may be increased or decreased according to actuality.

4.8.70 Inspection talbe on the implementation of the compulsory provisions for the subsection
project of pump equipment installation
1 Application scope:applicable to inspecting the implementation of the compulsory
provisions for the subsection project of pump equipment installation in the process of boiler
auxiliary machinery installation
2 Implementation of the compulsory provisions for subsection project of pump
equipment installation shall be in accordance with those requirements specified in Table
Table 4.8.70: Check table on the implementation of the compulsory provisions for subsection project of
pump equipment installation

Project name

Subsection project Air Contraction cavity

Unit project name Installation of boiler auxiliary machinery
name compression installation

Project number Acceptance time Date:

Implementation Related
No. Inspection item
performance information

Alloy-steel pipe,pipe fittings,pipe auxiliaries and valve shall be

1 carried out spectrum recheck piece by piece before using,and
make marks for material

The heating temperature shall be controlled under the lower

critical temperature AC 1 of the pipe where alloy-steel pipe shall

be carried out bending alignment partially.

Fixing and adjusting supporter and hanger shall be carried out in

time where installing pipe,and the supporter and hanger location
shall be correct and its installation shall be smooth,firm and keep
best contact to pipe

Cleaning up pipe interior,clearing off scale and sundries shall be

carried out before installing pipe,provided tapping on the pipe
required for installation,then the slag or scrap iron shall be
prevented falling into pipe.

In the process of equipment installation,inspection and

acceptance shall be carried out in time;provided last procedure
has not be qualified by inspection and acceptance,the next
procedure shall not be carried out,and the concealed project must
be carried out after inspecting and accepting its qualification and
transacting approvals

Personnel working on operating boiler,pressure vessel and

6 pipe,inspection,welding,post-weld heat treatment,non-destructive
testing shall obtain relevant qualification certificate.

Alloy steel parts and pipe material shall be carried out spectrum
7 test or other test before and after installing,reparing and
transforming,and check type of steel to prevent misuage

Equipment repair in the process of trial operation and after trial

operation shall be transacted working tickets

Acceptance result

Construction organization:(seal) Supervision organization:(seal)

Project technical director: Supervision engineer:
Date: Date:

Note: the content listed in this Table may be increased or decreased according to actuality.

4.8.71 Check table on the implementation of the compulsory provisions for subsection project
of slag removal and ash handling equipment insllation
1 Application scope:applicable to inspecting the implementation of the compulsory
provisions for the subsection project of slag removal and ash handling equipment installation
in the process of boiler auxiliary machinery installation
2 Implementation of the compulsory provisions for subsection project of ash handling
equipment installation shall be in accordance with those requirements specified in Table

Table 4.8.71: Check table on the implementation of the compulsory provisions for slag removal and ash
handling equipment installation

Project name

Installation of ash handling and

Subsection project
Unit project name Installation of boiler auxiliary machinery scrap removal equipment

Project number Acceptance time Date:

No. Inspection item Related information

Alloy-steel pipe,pipe fittings,pipe auxiliaries and valve shall be

1 carried out spectrum recheck piece by piece before using,and
make marks for material

Fixing and adjusting supporter and hanger shall be carried out in

time where installing pipe,and the supporter and hanger location
shall be correct and its installation shall be smooth,firm and
keep best contact to pipe

Cleaning up pipe interior,clearing off scale and sundries shall be

carried out before installing pipe,provided tapping on the pipe
required for installation,then the slag or scrap iron shall be
prevented falling into pipe.

In the process of equipment installation,inspection and

acceptance shall be carried out in time;provided last procedure
has not be qualified by inspection and acceptance,the next
procedure shall not be carried out,and the concealed project
must be carried out after inspecting and accepting its
qualification and transacting approvals

Personnel working on operating boiler,pressure vessel and

pipe,inspection,welding,post-weld heat
treatment,non-destructive testing shall obtain relevant
qualification certificate.

Equipment repair in the process of trial operation and after trial

operation shall be transacted working tickets

Acceptance result

Construction organization:(seal) Supervision organization:(seal)

Project technical director: Supervision engineer:
Date: Date:

Note: the content listed in this Table may be increased or decreased according to actuality.

4.8.72 Check table on the implementation of the compulsory provisions for subsection project
of lift system of boiler house
1 Application scope:applicable to inspecting the implementation of the compulsory
provisions for the subsection project of boiler house lift system installation
2 Implementation of the compulsory provisions for subsection project of boiler house lift
system shall be in accordance with those requirements specified in Table 4.8.72
Table 4.8.72: Check table on the implementation of the compulsory provisions for the subsection project of
boiler house lift system installation

Project number Acceptance time Date:

No. Inspection item Related information

Personnel working on operating boiler,pressure vessel and

1 pipe,inspection,welding,post-weld heat treatment,non-destructive
testing shall obtain relevant qualification certificate.

Alloy steel parts and pipe material shall be carried out spectrum
2 test or other test before and after installing,reparing and
transforming,and check type of steel to prevent misuage

Hook shall be put into operation provided it has technological

document including manufacturer certificate of
conformity,etc.otherwise it shall be put into use after inspecting and
identifying its qualified performace

4 The hook shall set up the sealled safety device to prvent unhooking

Pulley shall be used in accordance with the permissible load

5 specified by nameplate.If there is no nameplate, it may be used
after calculation and the qualified test

Acceptance result

Construction organization:(seal) Supervision organization:(seal)

Project technical director: Supervision engineer:
Date: Date:

Note: the content listed in this Table may be increased or decreased according to actuality.

4.9 Coal handling equipment installation

4.9.1 Installation of disk coal allocating machine
1 Application scope: disk coal allocating machine installation
2 See Table 4.9.1 for quality criteria and inspection methods
Table 4.9.1: Installation of disk coal allocating machine
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Elevation deviation of rail head mm 5 Testing with glass tube level

Deviation of track space Dominant mm 5 Testing with a steel ruler

Levelness deviation of the rail head 1, Length and full

mm Testing with glass tube level
surface length10

Elevation deviation of two tracks

mm 3 Testing with a steel ruler
top surface
Track installation

Vertical deviation of both

1 Testing with a steel ruler
Track end
Center deviation 2 Testing with a steel ruler

Meeting design
Fixing track connection
requirements, and fix firmly

Firm and reliable, two

blocking devices at one and
Blocking device of terminal limit
the same end shall be able to
work simultaneously

Meeting the requirements

Examining reductor specified in 7.2.8 of DL/T Inspecting

Center deviation of two chain

mm 1 Measuring with steel ruler

0.5Centeral distance of
Repairing and installing coal feeder

of two chain wheels mm

two chain wheels Pulling line and testing with

0.5Centeral distance of steel ruler

Relaxation degree of chain wheel
two chain wheels

Gap between bottom surface of

coal poking impeller and coal mm 10 Testing with a steel ruler
bunker table-board

Deviation between coal conduit

mm 5 Testing with a steel ruler
center and conveyer belt center

Contact of transport wheel and Balanced contact of each

orbit plane wheel, Free from rake angle

Flexible operation, correct

Restrict and adjust control device Observation

4.9.2 Vibrating coal screen installation

1 Application scope: vibrating coal screen installation
2 See Table 4.9.2 for quality criteria and inspection methods
Table 4.9.2: Vibrating (slope angle changing) coal screen installation
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Parts Free from scathe and crack

Smooth and perfect, the

Sieve surface sieve mesh shall meet
requirements of drawing
of coal Outer shell
Smooth, clean and
flattening, tightening firmly

Connecting bolt

Deviation of vertical and

mm 10 Testing with a steel ruler
horizontal center line
Coal screen installation

Elevation deviation of shaft center mm 5

Testing with glass tube
level or level
Lateral levelness deviation mm 1 Width

Meeting requirements of
Installation inclination of
Dominant equipment technological Observation
screening surface

4.9.3 Installation of probability screen for coal

1 Application scope: installation of probability screen for coal
2 See Table 4.9.3 for quality criteria and inspection methods
Table 4.9.3: Installation of probability screen for coal
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Appearance of case body Free from flaw and blister

Appearance inspection of coal screen

Free from scathe and

Sieve surface of each layer rupture, and with smooth
sieve surface

Anti-vibrating spring of supporter and Meeting equipment

hanger technological records

Equipment shall be perfect Observation

Vibrator appearance
and be fixed firmly

Anti-vibrating spring of supporter and

Coal screen installation

Even stress

Anti-vibrating Stress adjustment

Meeting equipment
Installation angle technological records

4.9.4 Installations of hammering coal crusher and reactive coal crusher

1 Application scope: installations of hammering coal crusher and reactive coal crusher
2 See Table 4.9.4 for the quality criteria and inspection methods

Table 4.9.4: Installations of hammering coal crusher and reactive coal crusher
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Correct coordination and

Each hammer head and shaft sleeve Observation
flexible swaying

Meeting requirements of
Gap between driving hammer top
mm equipment technological Testing with the steel ruler
and grid plate

Gap between beater plate and

impact plate
Repairing and installing of hammering coal crusher and reactive coal crusher

Driving hammer installation

Beater plate installation Parts shall be flawless and

bolt shall be connected Observation
Beater plate installation firmly with locking device

Installing lining plate

Operation door opening Best seal and flexible switch Observation

Flexible and reliable

Adjusting device of impact plate Observation

In accordance with
requirements of equipment
Counterweight deviation of driving technological records, the
g Observation
hammer or beater plate counterweight shall be
request not to assemble

Deviation of vertical and horizontal Pulling line and testing with

mm 10
center line steel ruler

Elevation deviation of shaft center mm 10 Testing with glass tube level

Horizontal deviation of vertical and

mm 1 Testing with leveling rod
horizontal direction

Timber sleeper shall be

Vibration attenuation layer

disposed by antiseptic
Material treatment with features of

solid, high resilience, Observation


Contact requirements

Coal Testing with the accuracy

Levelness deviation of boss rod Dominant mm 0.1
breaker level meter
alignment Coupling center alignment Dominant Meeting the requirements Alignment with dial gauge

specified in 7.2.6 of DL/T

Note: Unit in this Table "g" represents "Gramme"

4.9.5 Installation of hammering coal crusher

1 Application scope: installations of hammering coal crusher
2 See Table 4.9.5 for quality criteria and inspection methods
Table 4.9.5: Installation of hammer coal crusher
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Free from solder skips,

Each part appearance Observation
blister and crack

Vertical and horizontal center Pulling line and testing with

mm No greater than10
deviation steel ruler

0.5 Length of a Testing with glass horizontal

Repairing and installing hammering coal crusher

Horizontal deviation of engine body mm

side(width) tube

Levelness deviation of the main Testing with the accuracy

mm 0.1 Axial Length
shaft level meter

Gap between hammering circle of

mm 20--25 Testing with a steel ruler
rotation track and sieve plate

Cleanlily cleaning, oil

pouring shall meet
requirements of
Cleaning bearings of both ends of
technological records: Observation
rotor and injecting oil
supramoly lithium based
grease shall be used where
without requirements

Mass difference of corresponding

g 170 Measuring with balance
tier of hammer ring

Timber sleeper shall be

Vibration attenuation layer

disposed by antiseptic
Material treatment with features of

solid, high resilience, Observation


Close contact of machine

Contact requirements
base on foundation

Testing with the accuracy

Levelness deviation of boss rod Dominant mm 0.1
level meter
Meeting the requirements
Coupling center alignment Dominant specified in 7.2.6 of DL/T Alignment with dial gauge

Note: Unit in this Table "g" represents "Gramme"

4.9.6 Installation of bridge type screw coal unloader
1 Application scope: installations of bridge type screw coal unloader
2 See Table 4.9.6 for the quality criteria and inspection methods
Table 4.9.6: Installation of bridge type screw coal unloader
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Elevation deviation of rail top

Testing with the level meter

Pulling line and testing with

Track gauge deviation mm 10
steel ruler

Relative elevation deviation of two

Testing with glass tube level
Track installation

Measuring one point every

Longitudingal levelness deviation mm 1 Length other 10 meter, and testing
with the glass tube level

Top surface
deviation mm 1 Testing with a steel ruler

of track Side surface


Installations of gasket plate and Bolt-up with reliable locking

fishplate device

Meeting requirements of
equipment technological
Span deviation Mm Testing with a steel ruler
records, *without
Bridge requirements8
framework Meeting requirements of
equipment technological
Horizontal diagonal line mm Testing with a steel ruler
records, *without
Central distance difference of chain
of elevation mm 2 Testing with the steel ruler
wheel on both sides
Verticality deviation of chain wheel
of bridge mm 1 Leveling rod
Verticality deviation of running
mm 1Slideway length Testing with leveling rod
roller slideway

Meeting the requirements

Inspection and installation of
specified in 7.2.8 of DL/T Observation

Meeting the requirements

Coupling center alignment specified in 7.2.6 of DL/T Alignment with dial gauge

4.9.7 Installation of rotary car dumper

1 Application scope: installations of rotary car dumper

2 See Table 4.9.7 for the quality criteria and inspection methods
Table 4.9.7: Installation of rotor for rotary car dumper
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Equipment assembling mark Clear and complete Observation

Central distance
Dominant 2
Installation of carrier roller device

Carrier roller track

Parallism deviation
Testing with accuracy
Center elevation level and steel ruler

Deviation of diagonal

Levelness deviation of
Carrier 0.5 Length of a side
mounting surface Testing with the accuracy
level meter
pedestal Elevation deviation 3

Shall be in accordance with

Assembling requirements Observation
manufacturer sign

Weld bead height shall

meet requirements of data
provided by the
Testing weld bead height
manufacturer, and the
Welding with weld inspection ruler;
formed surface shall be
observing others
Installation good and free from the

of defects like flaw, undercut,

inlet-outlet air hole and slag inclusion

end disc of
Verticality deviation Dominant Testing with theodolite
Both end height difference of Testing with the accuracy
horizontal center line level meter

Central distance difference of ball

2 Testing with the steel ruler
track of inlet-outlet end disc

Meeting technical
Tightening force moment of Testing with torque
N. m requirements of equipment
attachment bolt spanner
provided by manufacturer

Installations Pulling the steel wire from

of chassis Camber deviation of framework 3 the center, and testing with
beam, car a steel ruler
crushing Meeting technical
Dimension deviation of framework
beam, requirements of equipment; Measuring with steel tape
hydraulic 5without requirements

system and Meeting technical
Tightening force moment of Testing with torque
backup N. m requirements of equipment
attachment bolt spanner
plate provided by manufacturer

Meeting technical
Installations of hydraulic station and
requirements of equipment Observation
oil cylinder
provided by manufacturer

Acid-washing and internal

cleaning shall be carried
Installation of hydraulic oil pipe out before installing pipe; Observation
Firm connection, closeness
and inleakage

Meeting technical
Hydraulic oil quality requirements of equipment Testing oil sample
provided by manufacturer

Meeting technical
Installation of backup plate requirements of equipment Observation
provided by manufacturer

Meeting technical
Vibrator requirements of equipment Observation
provided by manufacturer

Testing with the accuracy

Elevation deviation 1
level meter
Steel rail Staggered joint 1 Testing with the steel ruler

Steel rail on of car

Meeting requirements of
rotor in-let end
Space deviation of two equipment technological
inlet-outlet mm Testing with a steel ruler
steel rails records, 5 without
and steel
Testing with the accuracy
rail on Elevation deviation 1
level meter
chassis mm
beam Steel rail staggered joint 1 Testing with a steel ruler
installation of car
Meeting requirements of
out-let end
Space deviation of two equipment technological
mm Testing with a steel ruler
steel rails records, 10mm without

Assembling in accordance
Installing driving device

with serial number

Installation of tooth block Observation
sequence provided by

Circular pitch difference of adjacent

mm 2 Testing with template

Joint surface Good closeness
of tooth
Testing with the feeler
block and
circular Gap mm 0.05

Meet requirements of
Meshing of
Tooth height
pinion gear Contact
% 50 Color printing inspection
and tooth face
Tooth width

Testing with the feeler

Gear backlash mm 2.5-4.0

Coupling Radial deviation 0.05 Testing with dial gauge

center Dominant mm
alignment Axial deviation 0.10 Testing with dial gauge

4.9.8 Installation of car puller platform of rotary car dumper

1 Application scope: installations of car puller platform of rotary car dumper
2 See Table 4.9.8 for quality criteria and inspection methods
Table 4.9.8: Installation of car puller platform of rotary car dumper
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Elevation deviation of
Testing with the accuracy
steel rail top surface on mm 3
level meter
both sides

Levelness deviation of 1Length of steel rail of Testing with the accuracy

steel rail car puller platform level meter

Meeting requirements of
Elevation of steel rail top Testing with the accuracy
mm equipment technological
Steel rail of car puller platform
Installation of car puller platform

surface level meter


Central distance deviation

mm 3 Testing with steel tape
of steel rail on both sides

Diagonal line distance

deviation of steel rail on mm 3 Testing with steel tape
both sides

Meeting requirements of the

Gap between guide wheel
mm equipment technological Testing with the steel ruler
on both sides and side rail

Installations of driven Meeting requirements of the

pulley group and driving equipment technological Observation
wheel group records

Installing reductor Meeting requirements of the Observation

equipment technological

Meeting requirements of
Installations of driven pulley group
equipment technological Observation
and driving wheel group

When the wheel contacts

with the wall hanger, the two
Range of oil damper of locating dampener work
mm Observation
device synchronously and the
compression travel of the
dampener is 100

Meeting technical
Hydraulic cylinder installations requirements of equipment Observation
provided by manufacturer

Acid-washing and internal

cleaning shall be carried out
Installation of hydraulic oil pipe before installing pipe; firm Observation
connection, closeness and

Meeting technical
Hydraulic oil quality requirements of equipment Testing oil sample
provided by manufacturer

Stopping car puller platform,

flexible and reliable buffer
Four groups of cushioning device
action with synchronous

Reliable stop block, and

make steel rail of car puller Observation
Stop block
platform direct to steel rail on

Meeting requirements of
Safety backstop device on land
equipment technological

4.9.9 Installations of light and weight shunters of rotary car dumper

1 Application scope: installations of light and weight shunters of rotary car dumper
2 See Table 4.9.9 for quality criteria and inspection methods
Table 4.9.9: Installation of heavy and light shunters of rotary car dumper
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Installations Installations Elevation deviation of Testing with the accuracy

mm 2
of heavy of shunter two travelling steel rails level meter
and light steel rail Central distance
Testing with the accuracy
shunters of and driving deviation of two 3
level meter
wagon rack travelling steel rail

tipper Elevation deviation of Testing with the accuracy
driving rack level meter

Straightness deviation Full length within range of

Testing with theodolite
of driving rack 3

Space deviation of
driving rack and steel 1 Testing with steel tape
rail on both sides

Meeting requirements of
Adjacent teeth spacing
mm equipment technological Testing with steel tape
on the driving rack

Center deviation of two Meeting requirements of

travelling steel rails and equipment technological
mm Testing with steel tape
heavy steel rail or records; without
empty steel rail requirements, 1.5

Adjusting side clearance of eccentric

Dominant mm Meeting requirements of
wheel and rack
equipment technological Observation

Drive motor installation records

Meshing of
Tooth height Dominant
pinion gear
% 50 Color printing inspection
and tooth
Tooth width Dominant

Meeting requirements of
Supporting of cable slide wire equipment technological Observation

Backstop of terminal machinery on Firm, reliable, and with

the land cushioning device

Meeting technical
Hydraulic cylinder installations requirements of equipment
provided by manufacturer

Acid-washing and internal

cleaning shall be carried out
Installation of hydraulic oil pipe before installing pipe; firm Observation
connection, closeness and

Meeting technical
Hydraulic oil quality requirements of equipment Testing oil sample
provided by manufacturer

Flexible, safe and reliable

Car-puller arm Observation

4.9.10 Installation of wheel gripper for rotary car dumper

1 Application scope: installations of wheel gripper for rotary car dumper
2 See Table 4.9.10 for quality criteria and inspection methods
Table 4.9.10: Installation of wheel gripper for rotary car dumper

Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting requirements of
Elevation of wheel gripper installation mm equipment technological Observation

Meeting technical
Hydraulic station installation Dominant requirements of equipment
provided by manufacturer
Acid-washing and internal
cleaning shall be carried out
Installation of hydraulic oil pipe before installing pipe; firm Observation
connection, closeness and

Meeting technical
Hydraulic oil quality requirements of equipment Testing oil sample
provided by manufacturer

4.9.11 Installation of water-fog dust control device

1 Application scope: installations of water-fog dust control for rotary car dumper
2 See Table 4.9.11for quality criteria and inspection methods
Table 4.9.11: installation of water-fog dust control device
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting requirements of
Installation of dedusting pump equipment technological Observation

Meeting requirements of
Installation of dedusting water tank equipment technological Observation

Meeting requirements of
Installation equipment technological
Installation of solenoid valve Observation
of dust records; Flexible and
control reliable switch
device Meeting technical
requirements of equipment
Installing pipeline provided by manufacturer; Observation
Reasonable layout, beautiful

Meeting technical
Nozzle installation requirements of equipment Observation
provided by manufacturer

4.9.12 Inspection of equipments for bucket wheel stacker reclaimer

1 Application scope: Inspection of equipments for bucker wheel stacker reclaimer
2 See Table 4.9.12 for quality criteria and inspection methods
Table 4.9.12: Inspection of equipments for bucket wheel stacker reclaimer

Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting the requirements

Reductor specified in 7.2.8 of DL/T Inspecting
Driving carriage


Oil injection pump Good oil-injection

Close contact with rail and
Rail clamp
flexible operation

Swing gear ring shaft bearing Free from flaw and iron mold

Meeting the requirements

Worm gear reduction box specified in 7.2.8 of DL/T
Cleaning the pump body oil
swing Oil pump with tilt bucket wheel
chamber, each part gap meet
requirements of the equipment
Drum with tilt bucket wheel
technological records

Meeting requirements of
Hydraulic motor equipment technological
Rolling bearing of bearing pedestal Free from defects such as
of bucket wheel scathe and crack

Cleaning grease chamber Cleaning grease chamber

Motorized pulley

Bucket Tooth surface contact shall

wheel and Gear meshing meet requirements of
boom equipment technical document
Oil level gauge Closeness and inleakage

Flexible rotation, and bearing

Jockey pulley of conveyor shall be rustless and with good

4.9.13 Combination of metal frame for bucket wheel stacker reclaimer

1 Application scope: combination of metal frame for bucket wheel stacker reclaimer
2 See Table 4.9.13 for quality criteria and inspection methods
Table 4.9.13: Combination of metal frame for bucket wheel stacker reclaimer
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Levelness deviation of race mm 2 Testing with the level


Center line deviation mm 0.5total length Testing with steel tape

Deviation of diagonal line

Center line deviation 0.5Rotary disk diameter Testing with steel tape
Rotary disk


Levelness deviation 2 Testing with the level

Tightening bolt-up, close

Device of swing bearing and race Testing with the steel ruler

Combination Plugging test shall be carried

of swing out within range of 200,
Gap of race contact surface mm 0.1
bearing and and within range of 90arc
lower race length

0.5External diameter of
Surface inclination of upper race mm Testing with glass tube level
upper race

Width deviation mm 0.5width Testing with steel tape

Gantry combination

Verticality deviation mm
Pulling plumb-bob line and
0.5Gantry length
testing with steel ruler
Parallism deviation mm

Deviation of diagonal line 5

Arm support
mm Testing with steel tape
combination Center deviation of root hinged

4.9.14 Installation of bucket wheel stacker reclaimer

1 Application scope: Installation of bucker wheel stacker reclaimer
2 See Table 4.9.14 for quality criteria and inspection methods
Table 4.9.14: Installation of bucket wheel stacker reclaimer
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Linearity deviation of wheel on the

2 Testing with steel tape
same side
Installations mm
Testing with glass tube
of driving Elevation deviation of trolley 3
carriage and
Center line
follower mm
Contact end surface of deviation
trolley 0.5
trolley and gantry Deviation of
mm Testing with steel tape
diagonal line

Installation of Center deviation of


swing bearing trolley


of gantry Testing with the level
Levelness deviation 1.5
framework meter

Welding (gantry framework includes Weld bead height shall meet Testing weld bead height

ground jack, trolley, up and down requirements of data with weld inspection
races) provided by the ruler; observing others
manufacturer, and the
formed surface shall be
good and free from the
defects like flaw, undercut,
air hole and slag inclusion

Center deviation of swing bearing Plumb bob, testing with

mm 5
center and gantry framework center steel ruler

Meshing Tooth width 65%

Inspecting with color
contact Dominant
Transmission face Tooth height 50%

Meeting requirements of
Installation of Testing by pressing fuse
Meshing gap Dominant mm equipment technological
turntable or feeler gauge
mechanism Rotating oil pump
Meeting the requirements
Coupling Testing with feeler gauge
Bucket wheel oil pump specified in 7.2.6 of DL/T
alignment and steel ruler

Pitching oil pump

Meeting requirements of Testing with steel tape,

Central distance
Dominant mm equipment technological And take gate post center
Gate post

deviation of rotation
Installation of records as standard
pitching urn Plumb bob, measuring
Verticality deviation mm 1 Height of gate post
of gate post with a steel ruler

Axial line verticality deviation of

mm 1Oil cylinder length
pitching oil cylinder

Center deviation of gate

mm 4 Testing with steel tape

Weld bead height shall meet

requirements of data
Arm support

provided by the
Testing weld bead height
Installation of Welding of hinged manufacturer, and the
with weld inspection
counterweight support and gate post formed surface shall be
ruler; observing others
support of good and free from the

arm support defects like flaw, undercut,

air hole and slag inclusion

Center deviation of gate


mm 4 Testing with steel tape


Welding of hinged Weld bead height shall meet Testing weld bead height
support and gate post requirements of data with weld inspection

provided by the ruler; observing others
manufacturer, and the
formed surface shall be
good and free from the
defects like flaw, undercut,
Bucket-wheel air hole and slag inclusion

Center deviation 2 Testing with steel tape

Shaft levelness Testing with the leveling
deviation rod
Even gap of bucket-wheel,
Installation of coal spill plate free from coal leakage and Observation

Tight and reliable, free

Connecting bolt Observation
from looseness

Deviation between coal drop pipe Plumb bob, and
of cantilever
center of conveyer belt and rotation m 3 measuring with a steel
conveyer belt
center of turnplate ruler
for feeding

4.9.15 Installation of dynamic electronic rail balance

1 Application scope: installation of dynamic electronic rail balance
2 See Table 4.9.15 for quality criteria and inspection methods
Table 4.9.15: Installation of dynamic electronic rail balance
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

The surface is flat and

without moulding sand, dung
Surface state or crack; no air hole, sand

Casting hole or loosen on finish Observation


Perfect oilation anticorrosive

Equipment inspection

Oiling layer

There shall be free from any

sharp edges, sharp corners,
Parts appearance burrs, scars or mechanical
damage that may affect the
Workpiece use

Crack, peeling, overproof

Parts heat treatment deformation and abating shall
be free after heat treatment

Rail Installing Testing with glass tube

Elevation deviation mm 5
balance pedestal level
Levelness deviation of the mm 0.2Base length Testing with the

upper surface accuracy level meter

Relative space deviation mm 1 Testing with steel tape

Levelness deviation of
Installation 0.5Transverse beam Testing with the
longitudingal and lateral mm
of length accuracy level meter
Elevation difference of two Testing with glass tube
beam mm 0.5
transverse beams level

Levelness deviation of four connecting Testing with the

mm 0.1Connecting rod length
rods accuracy level meter

4.9.16 Installation of belt coal conveyer

1 Application scope: belt coal conveyer installation
2 See Table 4.9.16 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table 4.9.16: Installation of belt coal conveyer
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting the requirements

Foundation Measuring with steel
Scribing line for base inspection specified in 8.2.1 of DL/T
inspection tape and theodolite

0.5Length of each Pulling line, and testing

Center line deviation mm
section of framework with a steel ruler
Installation of framework

Testing with glass tube

Elevation deviation mm 10

Levelness Lateral direction Pulling line and testing
mm length(width) and overall
deviation with a steel ruler
length of framework10
Longitudinal direction

Deviation of vertical and horizontal

5 Testing with a steel ruler
center line
Roller installation

Testing with glass tube

Elevation deviation of shaft center mm 10

Testing with the

Levelness deviation 0.5
leveling rod

The angle of roller center line and center Pulling line and testing
Maintain perpendicular
line of conveyer belt length with steel ruler

Flatten, smooth and clean

Tension slip plane of bearing, Free
apparatus Tail tension device from burrs, lead screw, Observation
installations bending and with flexible

Perpendicular tension apparatus of Firm erection of framing,

central section parallel slideway Free from
bending; block-free of
roller bearing and slideway, 444
flexible elevation and
subsidence of sliding

Firm fixing of counter

weight frame and the
Installation of counter weight frame and emplacement of clump
clump weight weight in accordance with
requirements of design

Deviation of distance between centers mm 20 Testing with a steel ruler

Levelness deviation of up and down Testing with the

mm 0.5
carrier roller leveling rod
Carrier roller installation

Face height deviation of neighboring Testing with glass tube

mm 2
carrier rollers level

The bolt shall be between

Connection of roller carrier and belt
slot holes with taper liner
iron and loosen pad

The installation of roller Observation

carrier slot and axle head of

Roller carrier
carrier roller shall be close,
firm and tight

Each part shall be smooth

and flattening Free from
Parts appearance
solder skips and

Shall meet requirements of

drawing, weight shall not
Coal hopper, coal pipe and coal transmit trough

Installation of supporter and hanger

act on the coal transmit

Parallel slag leading slot

shall fit to the center of
Installation of coal transmit trough conveyer belt with even Observation

both side and with

inleakage of belt contaction

Flange gasket shall be close

and bolt-up, and the nut
Flange connection screw thread shall be
revealed properly from the

Flexible operation of coal

Installation of guiding coal valve valve, and correct mark of

Accessory Observation
Sweeper installation The contact of sweeper and

belt shall be level, close
and firmly installed

Shall meet requirements of

drawing, firmly installing,
Backstop installation
flexible and reliable

Flexible operation of coal

tip, belt and coulter
Installation of plough type tripper combine tightly where it Observation
discharges coal, then the
coal may unload clearly

Esthetic appearance and

Installations of gapping bridge and
firm, meeting requirements Observation
climbing steps
of drawing

Meeting the requirements

Inspection and installation of reductor Dominant specified in 7.2.8 of DL/T Inspecting

Motor Meeting the requirements

Installing sizing block and anchor bolt
installation specified in 7.2.1 and 7.2.2

Meeting the requirements

Coupling center alignment Dominant specified in 7.2.6 of DL/T

Meeting requirements of
Belt requirements equipment technological Observation

The tensioning stroke of

tension apparatus behind Measuring with steel
Belt truncated length mm
the cemented belt joint tape
shall be3/4
Belt laying The surface with thicker
Selection of belt working surface Observation
glue line shall be chosen

The working surface of

cementing interface shall
Observing and
follow the direction of
Setting belt interfaces measuring with a steel
travel of belt, and the belt
length between two joints
shall * roller diameter6

Cemented Close mouth must be

Close mouth of cemented joint Observation
belt joint aligned

Appearance inspection of cemented joint Dominant Thickness shall be even Observation

and air hole, bulging and
crack shall be free, and the
seam crossing of the joint 446
surface shall cover one
layer of fine canvas with

Meeting requirements of
Strength test of cemented joint Dominant equipment technological Test measurement

4.9.17 Installation of disc type magnetic separator

1 Application scope: installations of disc type magnetic separator
2 See Table 4.9.17 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table 4.9.17: Installation of disc type magnetic separator
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting requirements of
Suspending rootage embedded parts Observation
design, firm and reliable

Distance deviation of magnet surface

mm 10 Testing with the steel ruler
and belt

Firmly suspending,
flexible angular
Suspending and shifting device of
adjustment, stable and Trial operation
flexible operation of
mobile device
of disc Levelness deviation of roller mm 0.5 Testing with the level meter
Inspecting center line of roller
separator Two centers shall be Pulling line and measuring
spindle and inspecting longitudingal
perpendicular with angle ruler
vertical center line of rubber belt

Testing with glass tube and

Elevation deviation mm 10
steel tape

Making iron in accordance

Meeting requirements of with requirements of
Disc type magnetic separator test Dominant instruction provided by instruction provided by
manufacturer manufacturer to do

4.9.18 Installation of belt magnetic separator

1 Application scope: installations of belt magnetic separator
2 See Table 4.9.18 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.9.18: Installation of belt magnetic separator
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Installation Meeting requirements of

Suspending rootage embedded parts Observation
of design, firm and reliable
draper-type Distance deviation between belt
magnetic bottom surface of separator and belt mm 10 Testing with the steel ruler
separator on the conveyer belt

Suspending and shifting device of Firmly suspending, flexible Trail operation

magnet angular adjustment, stable
and flexible operation of
mobile device

Meeting requirements of
Parallism deviation of separator belt Bind steel wire tightly, and
mm instruction provided by
and conveyer belt testing with steel ruler

Making iron in accordance

Meeting requirements of with requirements of
Belt magnetic separator test Dominant instruction provided by instruction provided by
manufacturer manufacturer to do

4.9.19 Installation of sampling device

1 Application scope: installation of sampling device
2 See Table 4.9.19 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.9.19: Installation of sampling device
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Using plumb bob and

Verticality deviation mm 3
testing with a steel ruler

Meeting requirements of
Space deviation of post mm equipment technological Testing with steel tape
of post
Gantry records
installation Testing with plumb bob and
Deviation of diagonal line mm 3
steel rule

Meeting requirements of
Installation of transverse beam equipment technological Observation

Elevation deviation of
Testing with the accuracy
steel rail top surface on mm 3
level meter
both sides
Central distance deviation
Walking of steel rail mm 3 Testing with steel tape
of steel rail on both sides
installation Deviation of diagonal line mm 3 Testing with a steel ruler

Meeting requirements of
Installing driving device Dominant equipment technological Observation

Installation Meeting requirements of

of Installation position equipment technological Observation
sampling records
head Meeting requirements of
Installations of electric and hydraulic
equipment technological Observation

Acid-washing and internal
cleaning shall be carried out
Installation of hydraulic oil pipe before installing pipe; firm Observation
connection, closeness and

Meeting requirements of
equipment technological
Coal scuttle for sample adopting
records; Fixing firmly and

Meeting requirements of
Gap between coal scuttle for sample equipment technological
adopting and outer shell records; free from crashing
where operation starts

Meeting requirements of
Charging conduit equipment technological Observation

Meeting requirements of
Installation of driving device Dominant equipment technological Observation

Meeting requirements of
Installation of cell body equipment technological Observation

Meeting requirements of
Installation of screw shaft equipment technological Observation
of screw
Meeting requirements of
conveyer Testing with feeler gauge or
Gap of screw shaft and cell body mm equipment technological
steel ruler

Meeting requirements of
Driving device installation Dominant equipment technological Observation

4.9.20 By-part trial operation of bucket wheel stacker reclaimer

1 Application scope: By-part trial operation of equipment for bucker wheel stacker
2 See Table 4.9.20 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table 4.9.20: By-part trial operation of equipment for bucket wheel stacker reclaimer
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

General Meeting the requirements specified

General requirements Observation
requirements in Article 7.2.11 of DL/T 5047-1995

Operation of driving trolley Positive and negative rotating of
driving trolley on both sides with
synchronous operation, smooth

performance, no-impacting and

Flexible rotation of wheel, flattening

Wheel travelling rail contact, no edge-blocking, no
off-tracking and no angle-raking

Fast and slow speed meets

Speed of travel requirements of equipment
technological records

Brake on both sides with

Brake operation
synchronous operation

Close holding with track and

Rail clamp
flexible operation

Meeting design requirements

Rotation angle Observation
provided by manufacturer

The elevation and subsidence of

piston in pitching urn on both sides
shall be synchronous, consistent in
Pitching urn Observation
Rotary range height, stable operation, correct
mechanism operation indicating and oil

Pitch up angle of amplitude, pitch

down angle of amplitude and radius
Operation test Observation
changing speed shall all meet
functions of design technique

Smooth performance, no
Test running of conveyer belt off-tracking and temperature of each
Operation bearing noise shall be normal Observation

Meeting the requirements specified

Test running of complete machine
in 7.2.11 of DL/T 5047-1995

4.9.21 Installation of belt press filter

1 Application scope: installation of belt press in coal water treatment house
2 See Table 4.9.21 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table 4.9.21: Installation of belt press filter
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting requirements
Foundation inspection specified in 8.2.1 of DL/T Observation

Foundation Shall meet design

Foundation intensity Dominant Adopting test block
preparation requirements of drawing

Foundation surface Free from leaking tendon, Observation

Inspection honeycomb, crack, cobble
extruding, defects, and

cleaning up interior of
foundation bolt hole

Meeting requirements of
Equipment inspection equipment technological Observation

Center line deviation mm 10 Measuring with steel ruler

Measuring with steel ruler

Elevation deviation mm 10
coordianted by level

Levelness deviation of longitudinal

mm/m 2 Measuring with level ruler
and transversal directions

Main body of press filter Clean and Free from

installation sundries
Installation of press filter

Bolt of pedestal
mm 0.5 Testing with a steel ruler

Secondary grouting of the >Pipeline diameter, and

mm Testing with a steel ruler
anchor bolt >100

Maintenance mm >50 Testing with a steel ruler

4.9.22 Installation of dosing equipment

1 Application scope: installation of dosing equipment in coal water treatment house
2 See Table 4.9.22 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.9.22: Installation of dosing equipment
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Scribing Meeting the requirements

line and Foundation inspection specified in 9.3.8 of DL/T Observation
inspecting 5047-1995
foundation Shall meet design
Foundation intensity Dominant Adopting test block
Foundation requirements of drawing
preparation Free from leaking tendon,
honeycomb, crack, cobble
Foundation surface
extruding, defects, and Observation
cleaning up interior of
foundation bolt hole

Cleaning the tank shell

inside, impurity-free, and
the welding of each several
Equipment inspection Observation
part in tank shell shall meet
requirements of equipment
technological records

Center line deviation mm 10 Measuring with steel ruler

Elevation deviation mm 10 Measuring with steel ruler

coordinated by level

Levelness deviation of longitudinal

mm/m 2 Measuring with level ruler
and transversal directions

Inspecting the interior of Clean and Free from

butt welded tube sundries

Flatness deviation of
mm 0.5 Testing with a steel ruler
contra aperture

Two weld spacing at >Pipeline diameter,

mm Testing with a steel ruler
section of straight pipe and>100

Distance of weld edge

Installation of coagulant aids equipment

and edge of supporter and mm >50 Testing with a steel ruler

Installing pipeline

Distance of welded joint

mm >50 Testing with a steel ruler
and tapping

Weld bead height shall meet

the design requirements,
and the welding shall be
Welding inspection Dominant Observation
well formed and be free
from undercut, air hole,
crack, ect.

Correct installation,
Valve installation Observation
convenient for operation

Installation of supporter Shall meet design

and hanger requirements of drawing

Inspecting the interior of Clean and Free from

butt welded tube sundries

Flatness deviation of
mm 0.5 Testing with a steel ruler
contra aperture

Two weld spacing at >Pipeline diameter,

mm Testing with a steel ruler
section of straight pipe and>100
Installation of coagulant aids equipment

Distance of weld edge

and edge of supporter and mm >50 Testing with a steel ruler
Pipeline installation


Distance of welded joint

mm >50 Testing with a steel ruler
and tapping

Weld bead height shall meet

the design requirements,
and the welding shall be
Welding inspection Dominant Observation
well formed and be free
from undercut, air hole,
crack, ect.

Correct installation,
Valve installation Observation
convenient for operation

Installation of supporter Shall meet design
and hanger requirements of drawing

4.9.23 Installation of mud scraper

1 Application scope: installation of mud scraper in coal water treatment house
2 See Table 4.9.23 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table 4.9.23: Installation of mud scraper
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Elevation deviation of rail head 5 Testing with steel tape

Deviation of track space Dominant 5 Testing with glass tube level

Levelness deviation of the track top 1/1000L(length), and full Testing with a steel ruler
surface length, 10 coordinated by precise level

Elevation deviation of two tracks Testing with a steel ruler

mm 3
top surface coordinated by precise level
Track installation

Vertical deviation of both

mm 1 Testing with the steel ruler
Track ends
Center deviation mm 2 Testing with the steel ruler

Meeting requirements of
Track connection equipment technological Observation
records. And fixing firmly

Firm and reliable, two

blocking devices at one and
Terminal stop block Observation
the same end shall be able to
work simultaneously

Clean, and free from casting

sand, crack, burrs; smooth
and clean tooth surface; the
Appearance inspection coordination of gear and Observation
shaft meets requirements of
equipment technological
Repairing reductor

Meeting requirements of
Type equipment technological Observation

Rolling Inside and outside cover Smooth, free from rust, Observation
bearing scratch; clean and neat with

Rolling body cladding lubrication oil Observation

Shaft fit Meeting requirements of Observation

equipment technological


Meeting requirements of
Measuring with method of
Thrust gap mm equipment technological
pressing lead wires

Meeting requirements of
Measuring with method of
Expansion clearance mm equipment technological
pressing lead wires

Grinding with cladding red

Tooth width % 60
Gear lead powder
meshing Grinding with cladding red
Tooth height % 50
lead powder

The contact patch are at the

Grinding with cladding red
Meshing contact face of worm gear % center position; and the
lead powder and observing
contact area; 575

Meeting requirements of
Tooth top mm equipment technological Testing with the steel ruler
Meshing records
gap Meeting requirements of
Tooth side mm equipment technological Testing with the steel ruler

Flange joint surface of cover and Close contact with oil Grinding with cladding red
body of machine tightness lead powder

Even size of tightened force

moment, consistent
Connecting bolt Using torque spanner
direction of installation and
with locking device

Flexible, stable,
Inspection of assembly rotation no-impacting, continuing or Observation
no-blocking rotation

Center deviation of two chain

mm 1 Testing with the steel ruler

0.5/1000L(L represents
Parallism deviation of two chain
mm Central distance of two Testing with the steel ruler
chain wheels)
Installation of mud scraper

2/1000L(L represents
Relaxation degree of chain wheel mm Central distance of two Testing with the steel ruler
chain wheels)

Gap between bottom surface of

mud scraping board and surface of mm 10, and proper Testing with the steel ruler
pool bottom

Deviation between mud scraper

mm 5 Testing with the steel ruler
center and track center

Contact of transport wheel of mud Balanced contact of each Observation

scraper and rail surface wheel, Free from rake angle

Operation of restriction and Flexible operation, correct

adjustment device operation

4.9.24 Installation of electronic belt weigher

1 Application scope: installation of electronic belt weigher in coal conveying system
2 See Table 4.9.24 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.9.24: Installation of electronic belt weigher
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Parts Free from scathe and crack Observation

Firm welding, appearance

and dimension of equipment
Supporting platform of belt Observing, and inspecting
shall meet requirements of
weigher with steel tape
equipment technological
Equipment inspection


Flexible rotation, and free

Carrier roller inspection from blocking, damage and Observation

No-stretching joint of
conveyer belt support or
spliced longeron, the
Inspection of belt support in Inspecting with the steel
Main mm rigidness of longeron shall
weighing area wire line and the steel ruler
meet requirements and the
deflection shall be within
range of weighing0.5

Meeting requirements of
Installation site of belt weigher Testing with steel tape,
equipment technological
support observing

Coinciding with center line

Central position of belt weigher Inspecting with plumb
of conveyer belt

Distance deviation of the conveyer

Main mm 1.0 Measuring with steel ruler
Equipment carrier roller in weighing area
installatio Horizontal deviation of conveyer Pulling steel wire and
Main mm 0.5
n carrier roller in weighing area measuring

Velocity measurement roller

and belt shall be
Installation of velocity longitudingal perpendicular,
measurement roller and the angle of belt and
roller shall meet

4.9.25 Installation of chain code calibrating apparatus

1 Application scope: Installation of chain code calibrating apparatus

2 See Table 4.9.25 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table 4.9.25: Installation of chain code calibrating apparatus
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Complete and free from scathe,

crack and rust
Equipment appearance inspection

Firm welding, appearance and

dimension of equipment shall
Supporting platform
meet requirements of equipment
technological records

Flexible rotation and free from

Driving device

Connecting bolt Firm tightening

Deviation of diagonal line3,

Welded joint shall meet
Installation of chain code device Inspecting with steel wire
Main mm requirements of drawing, and
framework line and steel ruler
the straightness deviation of full
length3, Torsion resistance5
Equipment installation

Coinciding with center line of

Center line deviation mm Inspecting with plumb
conveyer belt

Meeting requirements of
Height difference between chain
Main mm equipment technological Observation
code device and belt

Location shall meet

requirements of equipment
Driving device Observation
technological records, Reliable
and firm installation

4.9.26 Confirmation and signature of the examination before equipment trial operation
1 Application scope: Inspection of each accessory machinery of coal conveying system
and trial operation of conveyor belt before carrying out trial operation
2 Inspection and requirements before trial operation are specified Table 4.9.26
Table 4.9.26:_____________________ confirmation and signature of the examination before equipment trial

Project name

Subitem project name Project number

Equipment type Equipment number

Technical director

Inspection record

Inspection project Inspection result Note

Cleaning degree of the

internal equipment

Complete degree of the

system (installation
situation on the local
temperature and
pressure, accessory, etc)

Improvement degree of
the cooling water

Improvement degree of
the lubricating system

Complete degree of
heat control equipment

Situation on manhole

Installation situation on
rotating partial
protection cover

Safety situation on the

equipment surrounding

Testing conclusion:

Acceptance organization Acceptance signature




4.9.27 Confirmation and signature of by-part trial operation

1 Application scope: Confirmation and signature of each type accessory machinery of
coal conveying system and trial operation of conveyor belt after carrying out trial operation
2 Confirmation and signature requirements (See Table 4.9.27)
Table 4.9.27:_____________________ Confirmation and signature of by-part trial operation

Project name

Subitem project name Project number

Equipment type Equipment number


Inspection record

Inspection item Inspection result Note

Installation record

Mechanical part

Electrical part

Oil system

Trial operation records

Inspection conclusion:

Acceptance organization Acceptance signature




4.9.28 Check table for enforcement conditions of compulsory provisions for installing coal
handling equipment
1 Application scope: Check table for enforcement conditions of compulsory provisions
for installing conveyor belt, wagon tipper, bucket wheel stacker reclaimer and other types in
coal conveying system
2 Inspection of compulsory provisions implementation shall meet the requirements
specified in Table 4.9.28
Table 4.9.28: Check table for enforcement conditions of compulsory provisions for installing coal handling

Project name

Unit project name Subsection project name

Project number Acceptance time Date:

Implementation Related
No. Inspection item
performance information

Cleaning of coal transportation system structure shall be adopted

water flushing or vacuum cleaning. Where adopt water flushing,
1 equipment layout, relevant technology, structure design shall meet
requirements of washing and shall be equipped with facilities such as
fine coal sediment and reclamation

In designing power plant, mechanical equipment shall adopt

prevention of mechanical injury measure, all exposed part of
mechanical rotatable parts shall be set protective hood, and
mechanical equipment shall set imperative blocking device

Channel side of belt conveyor shall set protective barrier, astride

conveyor shall set pedestrian bridge (astride ladder), head and end of
machine shall set protective hood, and coral grid plate shall be set at
coal falling opening
3 Button of linked emergency shutdown shall be set at head and end of
belt conveyor, beyond that, emergency pull switch and warning device
shall be set along full length of belt conveyor
Interlocking device of starting warning electrical bell shall be set at
belt conveyor

Acceptance result

Construction organization: (seal) Supervision organization: (seal)

Project technical director: Supervision engineer:
Date: Date:

Note: the content listed in this Table may be increased or decreased according to actuality.

4.10 Installation of Desulfurization Equipment

4.10.1 General requirements
1 This section is applicable to the acceptance of limestone-based process /
limestone-gypsum process flue gas desulfurization and seawater desulfurization works
2 The acceptance item whose acceptance tables are not specified in this section shall
comply with the provisions of DL/T 5210.3-2009, DL/T 5210.5-2009 and DL/T 5210.6-2009
as well as the relevant tables in this part, and specific tables shall meet requirements of Table
4.2.1-1Quality Acceptance Range Division
3 Acceptance requirements of new products and new equipments, if the manufacturer

provides no definite requirements, then requirements shall be studied and established jointly
by the construction organization, the development organization, the design organization and
the construction organization. These shall be implemented in the process of construction.
4.10.2 Installation of tank container
1 Application scope: installations of various tank containers
2 See Table 4.10.2 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.10.2: installation of tank container
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Horizontal deviation of random

Installation Testing with steel ruler
two points on the drum 2
of drum coordinated by level

Permissible deviation of
Testing with steel ruler
combinated plumb with individual Dominant 2
coordinated by plumb bob
ring and wall plate mm

Testing symmetrically with

Permissible deviation of tower
5 steel tape at eight divided
wall semidiameter
line points of drum

Permissible Plate thickness

2 ~3 Measuring with steel ruler
value of hoop 16mm
butt joint gap
clearance of 1 ~2 Measuring with steel ruler
wall plate

Permissible Plate
2 ~3 Measuring with steel ruler
value of thickness12mm
butt joint gap Plate
1 ~2 Measuring with steel ruler
clearance of thickness12mm
wall plate

Inner side unfitness of butt joint of

up and down contra aperture of 1 Measuring with steel ruler
Permissible value of partial Measuring with steel ruler
concavo-convex deformation of 3 coordinated by radian
drum within length range of 1.5 m template

Permissible deviation of drum total

0.5H And30 Steel tape

Gross permissible deviation of Testing with steel ruler

drum plumb coordinated by plumb bob

Measuring with steel tape

Deviation of tower shaft and
0.4H And20 and steel ruler coordinated
vertical line
by plumb bob

Allowable deviation of outer

15 Steel tape

Weld bead height shall meet
requirements of design, and
Testing weld bead height
the formed surface shall be
Welding Dominant with weld inspection ruler:
good and free from the
observing others
defects like flaw, undercut,
air hole and slag inclusion

Surface roughness Dominant Reach Sa 2.5 level Observation

No-leakage, and the

Intensity and tightness of tower Observing and measuring
intensity and tightness shall
bottom with level
meet technical requirements
Dominant No-leakage, the intensity Testing verticality with steel
Water filling test

Intensity, steadiness and tightness shall meet technical ruler coordinated by plumb
of tower body requirements, no-incline of bob on the drum
drum circumference and observing

Take datum elevation

Observing foundation settlement 20 or technical provided by civil work
after 48 h watering requirements organization as reference,
and testing with level

4.10.3 Installation of tank container accessory

1 Application scope: installations of all classes of tank container
2 See Table 4.10.3 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table4.10.3: Installation of tank container accessory
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Permissible deviation of elevation 5 Measuring with level

Installation of strengthening tendon

Gap between strengthening tendon

3 Measuring with steel ruler
and welded joint of drum wall

Gap of butt welded junction of mm

3 Measuring with steel ruler
strengthening tendon

Permissible value of staggered joint

of two adjacent strengthening 2 Measuring with steel ruler

Calculating the arc length

Permissible deviation of central from eight divided line point
Dominant 3
Installation of pipe joint chair

position with tape measure in

accordance with drawing
Permissible deviation of center
Dominant 5 Measuring with level

Permissible deviation of flange face Testing with steel ruler

Dominant 1DAnd2
verticality coordinated by leveling rod

Testing with steel tape,

Permissible deviation of angle Dominant Angle 0.2
measuring and calculating

with theodolite

Calculating the arc length

Permissible deviation of central from eight divided line point
Installation mm 5
position with tape measure in
accordance with drawing
Testing with steel tape,
Permissible deviation of angle Angle 1 measuring and calculating
with theodolite

Calculating the arc length

Permissible deviation of central from eight divided line point
Installation of internal bearing beam

position with steel tape in accordance

with drawing

Center elevation deviation 5 Measuring with level


Horizontal permissible deviation of Measuring horizontally with

Dominant 1H And5
beam glass tube

Distance of any two beams, and

permissible deviation of distance Dominant 10 Measuring with steel tape
between beam and beam slab

4.10.4 Installation of spray line

1 Application scope: installation of spray line (glass fibre reinforced plastic) in the
internal absorption tower
2 See Table 4.10.4 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.10.4: Installation of spray line
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Free from defects such as

flaw, bruise, crack etc. and
Appearance inspection of pipeline
nozzle angle, direction shall Observation
and nozzle
meet requirements of
Inspection of material and equipment


Meeting requirements of Testing with steel ruler and

Inspection external dimension
drawing vernier caliper

Meeting requirements of Product qualification

Material inspection
design certificate

No-alkali, no-polishing,
Glass Appearance inspection no-twisting, no-wrinkle and Observation
fiber dry
cloth Product qualification
Thickness selection mm 0.1 ~0.30.5

Operation log of on-site


Meeting requirements of
Constituent mixture ratio witness and inspection where
design and technology
carry out first mixture ratio

Weighing with platform
Firming agent error kg 2%

Pick up counting from

Service time min 30 ~40
adding firming agent

Pipe center out-of-level deviation mm 3 Leveling pipe

Meeting requirements of
Welting degree of pipe joint mm equipment technical Measuring with steel ruler

Distance between pipe end and Meeting requirements of

mm Measuring with steel tape
drum design

Correct location, and contact

Plastics support area of bearing beam shall Observation
meet requirements of design

3~5 (where no specific

Distance of fixing clip and pipe mm requirements in Measuring with steel ruler
technological document)

Tight flanged joint, correct

Flange connection Observation
gasket adding

Meeting requirements of
Polishing butt joint pipe orifice equipment technical Observation

Soaking adhesive agent

Sticking glass fiber cloth Dominant entirely, free of bubbles and

Overlapping length of glass fiber

Adhesive bonding solidification

mm 30 Measuring with steel tape


Even and no-leakage of

Brushing adhesive agent Dominant Observation

Preliminary solidification of
Tack-free Try by hand
layering surface

Determined by
Hardening time characteristics of resin and Recording time
firming agent

Degree of cure Dominant Full curing, tack-free Try by hand

4.10.5 Installation of demister and wash water pipe

1 Application scope: installation of demister and wash water pipe (plastics material of PP,
PPTV, etc. ) absorption tower inside
2 See Table 4.10.5 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.10.5 Installation of demister and wash water pipe
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Appearance inspection Free from defects of flaw, Observation

damage, etc.: no-blocking in
nozzle, and complete screw

Meeting requirements of Testing with steel ruler and

Inspection of external dimension
drawing vernier caliper

Meeting requirements of Product qualification

Material inspection
design certificate

Dimension shall meet

Teflon disc installed on the bearing Measuring with ruler and
requirements of design, firm
beam observing
adhesive bonding

Out-of-level deviation of the wash

mm 5 Leveling pipe
water pipe center

Direction and angle of

nozzle shall meet
Nozzle requirements of design, Observation
tightened position,

Distance of pipe, sealing plate edge Meeting requirements of

mm Measuring with steel ruler
and drum design

Gap between retaining plate of Meeting requirements of

mm Measuring with steel ruler
demist slab and bearing beam side design

Length of support overlapped at Meeting requirements of

mm Measuring with steel ruler
bearing beam design

Reasonable overlapping,
Overlapping and sealing of demist

meeting requirements of Observation

design, good seal

No macroscopic gap
between sealing plate of
demist slap and bearing
Seal of flow passage beam and no macroscopic Observation
gap between demist slaps to
ensure flue gas pass the
demister entirely

Correct location, complete

Fixing device fittings installment, Observation
no-leakage of bolt

No-leakage, gasket setting

Observing and testing with
Bolted connection and force moment shall meet
torque spanner
requirements of design

Setting and adding seal ring

Butt joint of wash water pipe correctly, and tightening Observation
outer sleeve

Flange connection Tight flanged joint, correct Observation

gasket adding

Free from defects of flaw,

Equipment inspection after
damage, etc. no-blocking in Observation

4.10.6 Confirmation and signature of polishing metal surface

1 Application scope: confirmation and signature of polishing metal surface of antiseptic
gas duct or tank container inside
2 Confirmation and signature of polishing metal surface shall be in accordance with
those requirements specified in Table 4.10.6
Table 4.10.6: Confirmation and signature of polishing metal surface

Project name

Inspection lot
Subitem project name

Project number Inspection time

Inspection record

Inspection item Inspection result Remarks

Surface irregularity

Fillet radius

Weld bead height

Derusting cleanliness

Surface drying degree

Testing conclusion:

Acceptance opinion Acceptance signature



4.10.7 Confirmation and signature of tank container cleaning and sealing

1 Application scope: confirmation and signature before sealing manhole doors of gas flue,
all classes of tank containers and sealed container
2 Confirmation and signature of cleaning and sealing of tank container shall be in
accordance with those specified in Table
Table 4.10.7: Confirmation and signature of tank container cleaning and seal

Project name

Inspection lot
Subitem project name

Project number Inspection time

Inspection content Inspection result

Scaffold of pipe (tank container) inside

Sundries, corner and remainder, temporary

measures in the pipe (tank container ) inside

Cleaning out sundries at bottom of dusting

orifice (drainage pipe line)

Intact and undamaged internal equipments

No constructor inside

After sealing witness, close manhole door in


Testing conclusion:

Acceptance opinion Acceptance signature




4.10.8 Confirmation and signature of tank container water filling test

1 Application scope: confirmation and signature of all classes of tank container and
sealed container water filling test

2 Confirmation and signature of water filling test shall be in accordance with those
requirements specified in Table 4.10.8
Table 4.10.8 Confirmation and signature of tank container water filling test

Project name

Inspection lot
Subitem project name

Trial operation
Project number

Inspection record

Inspection item Inspection result Remarks

Inspection of water
level and holding time

Tightness inspection

Inspection of drum

observation records

Testing conclusion:

Acceptance opinion Acceptance signature




4.10.9 Installation of feed pump at rotational flow station

1 Application scope: installation of feed pump at wastewater rotational flow station
2 See Table 4.10.9 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.10.9: Installation of feed pump at rotational flow station
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Equipment Meeting Table 4.3.11 of this

Foundation inspection
installation part

Making and installation of sizing Meeting Table 4.3.11 of this
block and anchor bolt part

Center line deviation mm 10 Measuring with steel tape

Elevation deviation mm 10 Measuring with level

Measuring horizontal flange

Levelness deviation of vertical and
mm/m 2 or discharge flange with
horizontal direction
leveling rod

Equipping adjustable gasket

Installing motors with different 1~2 mm thickness at iron
pump pedestals feet (big pump adopts big

Meeting requirements
Coupling center deviation Dominant specified in 7.2.6 of DL/T

Installations of cooling water pipe,

Complete, firm, without
dewatering conduit, bleeder pipe Observation
interfering with channels
and water holder funnel

Firm and esthetic

Coupling protective cover Observation

Final grouting Meeting requirements

4.10.10 Installation of gypsum rotational flow station

1 Application scope: installations of gypsum rotational flow station
2 See Table 4.10.10 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.10.10: Installation of gypsum rotational flow station
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Smooth surface, and free

Tank container with ground jack Observation
from flaw and looseness
Leveling mortar and
Tank container with flat bottom cladding damp proof course Observation
of asphalt

Inspecting after 10 min water

Pressure tank Dominant No leakage pressure with 1.25 times
working pressure

No-pressure water tank No leakage Inspecting after 24h watering

tank container
Installation of

Elevation deviation 10 Measuring with the level


Center line deviation 10 Measuring with steel tape

Perpendicularity deviation mm/m 2 Measuring with leveling rod

Levelness deviation

Meeting requirements of
Interface direction Checking drawing

Complete parts, and

Water level gauge

Flexible operation,
Water level control device

Sampling tube Unimpeded, correct location

Completeness, meet
Internal anticorrosive coating
requirements of design

Final grouting Meeting requirements

4.10.11 Installation of vacuum belt water extracter

1 Application scope: installation of vacuum belt water extracter in desulfuration system
2 See Table 4.10.11 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.10.11: Installation of vacuum belt water extracter
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Without flaw, skin

Equipment appearance lamination, serious rust Observation
and damage

Internal cleaning Without sundries Observation

Firm root, and mudsill

Bearing frame installation Observation
without solder skips

Meeting technical
Installation of filter cloth Dominant requirements provided by Check technical manual

Meeting requirements of
Installing equipment

drawing, Ensuring serosity

Serosity feed system Observation
evenly distributed on the
belt width all the time

Correct direction and

orientation, rotational flow
Flooding nozzle direction shall meet Observation
technical requirements
provided by manufacturer

Locating correctly and

Drip disc Observation
welding firmly

Measuring with the steel
Elevation deviation of unloading skid mm 3

Elevation deviation of filter cake

Dominant mm 10 Measuring with the level
thickness detector

Consistence reveal of bolt,

correct direction, correct
Installation of vacuum tank Observation
installation of wear strip
and even gap

Meeting the requirements

Belt installation Dominant specified in Table 4.9.16
of this Part

Center line deviation mm 10 Measuring with steel tape

Installation Elevation deviation mm 10 Measuring with level

of cyclone
Levelness deviation of
vertical and horizontal mm/m 0.2 Measuring with iron level

Meeting the requirements

Access door specified in Table 4.4.40
of this Part

Welding shall meet the

requirements specified in
manufacturer's technical
Observing, testing the
documents: free from
Welding weld size with welding
defects such as slag
inspection ruler
inclusion, undercut or air
hole: good formed weld

Meeting requirements of
Driving device installation equipment technological

Meeting Table 4.3.11 of

Foundation preparation
this part

Making and installation of sizing block Meeting Table 4.3.11 of

and foundation bolt this part
pump, Pedestal levelness deviation mm/m 0. 2 Measuring with iron level
Verticality deviation of gas and liquid Measuring with plumb and
water mm/m 2
separation device steel tape
Pulling line and testing
Radial deviation of pulley alignment Dominant mm 1
with steel ruler

Compacting when Observing and inspecting

Final grouting
grouting, smooth surface, construction records

no pitted surface, external
dimension shall meet
requirements of design

4.10.12 Check table on the implementation of the compulsory provisions for desulfuration
installation engineering
1 Application scope: inspecting the implementation of the compulsory provision for
desulfuration installation engineering
2 Compulsory provisions implementation shall meet the requirements specified in Table
Table4.10.12: Check table on the implementation of the compulsory provisions for desulfuration installation

Project name

Subsection project
Unit project name

Project number Acceptance time Date:

Implementation Related
No. Inspection item
performance information

Personnel working on operating boiler, pressure vessel and pipe,

1 inspection, welding, post-weld heat treatment, non-destructive
testing shall obtain relevant qualification certificate.

The quality of metallic materials used for boiler, pressure vessel and
pipe shall meet requirements of codes, and all these shall have
2 quality certificates and the imported materials used shall have not
only quality certificate but also documents of qualified commodity

Before boiler unit is combined and installed, development

organization (owner) shall organize "supervision" and "safety
inspection" and must carry out reinspection for the equipments
according to the requirements of this code. Manufacturing defects
3 discovered shall be submitted to the owner and manufactory for
treatment, confirmation and signature. If installation quality can not
reach the requirements of this code due to manufacturing defects, it
shall be confirmed and signed by the representatives of the owner
and manufacturing organization.

In the process of equipment installation, inspection and acceptance

shall be carried out in time: if the last procedure has not had
qualified inspection and acceptance, the construction of next
procedure shall be not carried out. The qualified inspection and
acceptance must be carried out before concealing the concealed
work, and transact the confirmation and signature.

Alloy steel (excluding low alloy steel such as 16Mn) parts shall be
analyzed and reinspected piece by piece with spectrum.

Before filling water, it must thoroughly clean up internal rusty
scale, weld beading and foreign bodies. The internal anticorrosive
6 coating shall be painted according to design requirements or after
the study of technical section. After confirmation and signature for
inspection, the water supply tank may be sealed finally.

Cleaning up pipe interior, clearing off scale and sundries shall be

carried out before installing pipe, provided tapping on the pipe
required for installation, then the slag or scrap iron shall be
prevented falling into pipe.

All pipes shall be constructed according to design drawing. If it

8 need modify design or adopt substitute material, it must apply to the
design unit and handle it according to relevant system

At the time of taking water pressure test of pipe system, maintain

10min when the pressure reaches to the test pressure, then it drops
to the design stress: carry out complete test for all joint and
connecting positions. There shall not be water seepage or leakage
mark on the overall system except partial places obstruct of pump
or valve padding and no deformation by visual observation.

Installations of lining pipes ( rubber-lining pipes, plastic lined pipes,

rotational molding pipes, etc ) shall meet the following
A) Before assembling, all pipeline section and pipe fittings shall
carry out an inspection
1) Judge appearance quality and metallic pickup by observing or by
tapping with a wood hammer with under 0.25 kg.
2) Inspecting completely the tightness with electrical leakage
monitor, there shall be free from any electrical leakage, and service
voltage of the leakage test shall not be larger than 15 Kv, and the
travel speed of probe head shall be 3m/min~6m/min, and the probe
shall not stay at the glue line for a long time, and cut it off
immediately when it is not used to prevent break down the glue
3 ) The flanged joint surface shall be leveling, and the overlapping
section shall be closeness and be free from any radial groove. When
the flanged edge of the large caliber pipe flange has unevenness, it
shall be polished.
B ) When the rubber lined pipe and pipe fittings have been polluted,
the solvent treatment which is able to dissolve rubber shall not be
C ) Prohibit to take electric fire welding or drilling on the mounted
rubber lined pipe
D ) The equipment and pipe fittings with lining hard rubber shall be
kept in the environment with 5 or above and shall not be under
the blazing sun for quite a long time.

Acceptance result

Construction organization: (seal) Supervision organization: (seal)

Project technical director: Supervision engineer:
Date: Date:

Note: the content listed in this Table may be increased or decreased according to actuality.

4.11 Installation of Denitration Equipment

4.11.1 Confirmation and signature of denitration gas system and reactor air pressure test
1 Application scope: confirmation and signature of denitration gas system and reactor air
pressure test
2 Confirmation and signature of denitration gas system and reactor air pressure test shall
be in accordance with those requirements specified in Table 4.6.2
4.11.2 Installation of catalyst lining truss
1 Application scope: installation of catalyst lining truss of denitration equipment
2 See Table 4.11.2 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table 4.11.2: Installation of catalyst lining truss
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Without flaw, skin lamination,

Equipment appearance Observation
serious rust and damage

Weld size shall meet

requirements specified in
manufacturer's technical Observing, and testing weld
documents: and welding shall size with welding inspection
Welding by manufacturer
be free from defects such as ruler, and check certification of
flaw, undercut or air hole of outgoing quality
welding: and the welded joint
shall be formed well

Equipment Checking the product technical

Material Dominant Without misusage
inspection information

Testing length of four corner

Length deviation of bearing beam mm angles with steel tape to adopt
the maximum value of tolerance

Whole length shall be not Testing the two position

Deflection value and side way
mm greater than 1/1000, and shall forming a angle of 90 : pulling
not be greater than 10 mm line, and testing with steel ruler

With horizontal placement,

Whole length shall be not
inspect the horizontal deviation
Twist value mm greater than 1/1000, and shall
of post four corners with glass
not be greater than 10 mm
tube level and adopt the

maximum deviation absolute
value 1/2, which is the twist
value of the post.

Take the geometrical center line

of beam cover plate as a
Correct method and definite
Lineation Lineation for bearing beam reference, then line out a center
line on the upper and lower
cover plates of the beam

Take the bearing beam upper

Relative elevation deviation surface as the reference to
mm 2
between bearing beams measure the maximum

Horizontal testing with the glass

Levelness deviation mm 5
tube or testing with the level

Testing the distance between the

both ends center line of the
Center line deviation mm 5
beam and the shell center line
with steel ruler

Smooth, correct position,

Installation of connecting plate Observation
clinging to the structure

Welding type shall meet the

requirements specified in
manufacturer's technical
Observing, testing the weld size
Welding Dominant documents: no such defects as
Equipment with welding inspection ruler
slag inclusion, undercut, pore
or incomplete penetration:
good weld seam shaping

Testing with glass tube level or

Levelness deviation mm 5

Deviation of track Testing the maximum deviation

Dominant mm 3
space of the track with steel tape

Tightening bolted connection,

Repairing Bolted connection no-looseness and with Inspection with spanner
trolley anti-looseness measure
tracks with Welding type shall meet the
catalyst requirements specified in
manufacturer's technical Observing, and testing the weld
Welding documents: no such defects as size with the welding inspection
slag inclusion, undercut, pore ruler
or incomplete penetration:
good weld seam shaping

4.11.3 Installations of catalyst and sealing members

1 Application scope: Inspection and installations of catalyst module and catalyst sealing
member in the denitration device

2 See Table 4.11.3 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table 4.11.3: Installations of catalyst and sealing members
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

The catalyst shall be free

from flaw, crack, damage and
damping, etc, and the
interlayer material between
the catalyst single units shall
be in good condition and
Appearance inspection Dominant Observation
tight, and there is also no
sundries in the medium pipe
as well as the module serial
number of the catalyst and
catalyst shall be perfect and

Meeting requirements of
Equipment External dimensions of the module
Pulling line, and testing with
mm drawing
steel ruler
Deviation of diagonal line 10

Meeting manufacturers Checking the product

Catalyst pitch mm
design requirements technical information

Meeting manufacturers Checking the product

Catalyst material Dominant
design requirements technical information

Alloys material of the module

No misusage Spectrum analysis
packing unit

Height shall meet

requirements of the design,
Manufacturer welded joints and the welding shall be well
formed and be free from
undercut, air hole, crack, ect.

The installation shall be

Installing carried out after the warm
Installation time Dominant h Observation
equipment operation of the smoke
cleaning system ( baker )

There is no sundry such as

water spot, rust and ash
Pre-Inspection installation Observation
deposition in the furnace tank
and reactor inside.

The catalyst single unit

direction and vehicle
Transfer of catalyst module travelling direction in the Observation
catalyst module inside shall
be consistent

Meeting requirements of
Record the inspection and
design drawing provided by
installation, and reinspect the
Module location and quantity Dominant manufacturer, and the
random inspection which shall
installations record shall be
not be less than 25 %
detail and comprehensive.

After random extraction,

Deviation of the module gap mm 5
measuring with the steel ruler

Free from the mechanical

Observing the spot inspection
Catalyst main body damage and damping in the
assembly process

Filter screen shall be free

from rust, damage, obvious
Installation of module filter screen Observation
roughness and it shall be
firmly fixed

Meeting requirements of
External dimension of parts Inspecting with a steel ruler

Observation, and pulling line

Planeness deviation of partial sealing at the obvious location of
mm 5
plate deviation as well as testing
with the steel rule

Meeting manufacturers
Sealing member material
Installation design requirements
of sealing Weld bead height shall meet
members the design requirements, and
Welding the welding shall be well
formed and be free from
undercut, air hole, crack, ect.

Meeting requirements of
drawing, complete welding,
Compression check Dominant Observation
no solder wrong, no solder

There is no sundry such as

scale, welding slag, wood
chip and metal chip, etc, Before sealing, observe the
Cleaning degree of the reactor inside Dominant
(contain temporary reactor one by one.
Internal strengthening and ironworks
cleaning cut cleanly )

Clean cleanly the reactor, flue

gas pipe and catalyst lining,
Internal cleaning Dominant Observation
and the catalyst shall be

4.11.4 Catalyst module installation record

1 Application scope: catalyst module installations. Post-installation spot check might be
carried out according to those specified in the Table 4.11.4

2 Fill-in of the catalyst module installations records shall be in accordance with those
specified in Table 4.11.4
Table 4.11.4: Catalyst module installation record
Project name

Subitem project name Project number

Construction principal Technical director Reactor:

Catalyst layout:

Module serial number Module serial number of

Installation personnel Sampling date Remarks
of design location installation site

Testing conclusion:

Acceptance opinion Acceptance signature



4.11.5 Concealment confirmation and signature of catalyst installations

1 Application scope: catalyst module installations
2 Before concealment when catalyst module installations have been finished shall be in
accordance with those specified in Table 4.11.5
Table 4.11.5: concealment confirmation and signature of catalyst installations

Project name

Subitem project name Project number

Reactor location Module dimension

Environment Catalyst
temperature manufacturer

Inspection item Inspection condition Remarks

Remainder inspection
of the construction in
the reactor inside

Cleaning degree
inspection of the

Medium pipe
inspection of the

Testing conclusion:

Acceptance opinion Acceptance signature




4.11.6 Inspection and installation of the reducer storage pot

1 Application scope: inspection and installation of the reducer storage pot
2 See Table 4.11.6 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table 4.11.6: Inspection and installation of the reducer storage pot
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Equipment Storage tank

inspection main body Appearance inspection Dominant Free from flaw, double Observation
skin and scar, the depth of
depression and pockmark
shall not exceed 3~4 mm

Meeting manufacturers
design requirements

Meeting manufacturers
Wall thickness mm
design requirements

Meeting requirements of
Artical 25 " Technologic
Recheck the pressure Recheck and provide the
Dominant Supervision Regulations
parts report
On Safety Of Pressure
Vessels " (1999)

Check according to
requirements of the
drawing provided by the

Pipe head height mm

Inspecting with the steel
Meeting manufacturers
External diameter of ruler and the vernier
Dominant mm design requirements
Pipe pipe head caliper, and randomly

connector Pipe head wall thickness Dominant inspect the same class of
seat the pipe head with the
Pipe head groove quantity of not less than
Pipe head angle Dominant Angle

Meeting requirements of According to the welding

Pipe saddle welded joint Dominant
drawing inspection regulation

Without such sundries as

Internal cleaning Observation
dust, scale and metal chip

At the section of 20 mm
When L<15m 10
inner side of welded joint
Full length on both ends of the drum,
tortuosity of the mm pull line and test two
drum When L15m 20 directions with 90 with the
steel ruler, then adopt the
maximum value

Parts shall be free from

defects such as
deformation, crack,
damage, etc: and the screw
Liquidometer Appearance of main Trial preparation
shall be free from defects
inspection body observation
such as thread slipping,
bending, crack, etc: and the
screw and the nut shall be
well matched.

Leveling, closeness,
Concealed joint surface Dominant smooth, and even Painting inspection

Tight sealing surface of the

valve spool and the valve Painting and inspecting the
Valve Dominant seat, correct filling of the sealing surface, and try to
filler, and flexible valve operate the valve

Concealed joint surface Meeting requirements of

gasket drawing

Meeting requirements
specified in the
technological document
Liquidometer water provided by the
Dominant No leakage
pressure test manufacturer, and testing
according to the working
pressure, then observe or
inspect the test record

Leveling, no radial Observation, testing with

Manhole door joint surface penetrance scar and partial measuring instruments
scar0.5mm when there is a question

Meeting requirements of According to the welding

Other welded joints Dominant
drawing inspection regulation

Equipment Take the support upper

Elevation deviation Dominant 5
installation surface as a reference to test

Measurement based on the

Levelness deviation of vertical and
Dominant 2 center line at both end
horizontal direction

Measurement based on the

mm vertical and horizontal
Axial central position deviation 5
bisector of the supporting
stand hole distance

Measurement based on the

vertical and horizontal
Longitudinal center line deviation 5
bisector of the supporting
stand hole distance

Installation Correct location, straight Observation, and testing

General requirements
of liquid and even with a leveling rod
meter Take the storage tank center
line as the reference, and
horizontal testing with the
Liquid meter deviation 1
glass tube in accordance
with the requirements of
technical conditions

Obvious liquid level
Liquid meter sign line with normal, high Observation
and low

Meeting requirements of
Enclosure installation Observation
drawing, and firm fixing

Meeting requirements of
technical standards
provided by manufacturer,
and meeting requirements Testing according to the
of TSGR 0004-2009 " calibrated standard pressure
Water pressure test Dominant
"Supervision Regulation gauge ( be not less than 1.5
on Safety Technology for level )
Stationary Pressure Vessel"
where no requirements

a L in the "drum full length tortuosity " column represents the storage pot length of the reducer

4.11.7 Internal setting, inspection and installation of the reducer storage pot
1 Application scope: internal setting installations of the reducer storage pot
2 See Table 4.11.7 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table 4.11.7: Internal setting, inspection and installation of the reducer storage pot
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection index Property Unit Quality criteria

Checking according to the

Quantity Complete
design drawing

Spectrum analysis inspection

No misusage of the alloy with providing the report, and
material make marks at the obvious

No obvious defects such as

Inspection Appearance rust, damage or deformation, Observation
of internal etc.
devices Good shaping, no solder skip
and crack, etc, cleaning up the
splash, and the weld bead
Welding by manufacturer Dominant Observation
height shall meet
requirements of the design

Complete bolt, tight

Bolt and nut connection Spot checking with spanner
connection, no looseness

Installation Correct, and be correspond Checking according to the

of internal with the original marks design drawing

Bolted connection Tightening bolted connection, Inspection with spanner

no-looseness and with

anti-looseness measure

Good shaping, no defects

such as solder skips and
crack, etc, cleaning up the
Welding splash, and the weld bead Observation
height shall meet
Dominant requirements of the design

Be free from dust, scale,

metal chip, water
Clean the storage pot inside Observation
accumulation and welding

Bolt screw thread and flange

gasket circle shall be coated
evenly with lubricant of black
lead powder, and the flange Observation, and inspecting
Manhole door installation Dominant
gasket shall be in good with the spanner
condition with true-up,
deflection, bolt-up, and even

The gasket contacted with the Meeting requirements of

Dominant Observation
internal medium drawing

4.11.8 Inspection and installation of the reducer heater main body

1 Application scope: inspection and installation of the reducer heater main body
2 See Table 4.11.8 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table 4.11.8: Inspection and installation of the reducer heater main body
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection index Property Unit Quality criteria

No obvious defects such as

Appearance inspection rust, damage or deformation,

Meeting manufacturers
Gasket material and coating Observation
Inspection design requirements

Cleaning degree of the pipe inside Dominant Unimpeded and no sundry Air purging

Tightening bolted connection,

Bolted connection no-looseness and with Inspecting with the spanner
anti-looseness measure

Meeting requirements of
Center line deviation mm Observation
Installation design
of main Gap between the anchor bolt and the Meeting requirements of
mm Observation
body lug support hole design

Verticality deviation a mm 15L/1000 Plumbing bobs at the 90

position of the main body
upper part and measuring
with a ruler

Measurement based on the

vertical and horizontal
Center line deviation mm 5
bisector of the supporting
stand hole distance

Measuring with the reference

Elevation deviation mm 5 of the horizontal center line of
the heater main body

Good shaping, no defects such

as solder skips and crack, etc,
cleaning up the splash, and
Welding Dominant
the weld bead height shall
meet requirements of the
design drawing

Participate in system
Water pressure test Dominant Closeness and no leakage
hydraulic pressure

Closeness and inleakage, easy

Safety valve, drainage valve Observation

Bolt screw thread and flange

gasket circle shall be coated
evenly with lubricant of black
lead powder, and the flange Observation, and inspecting
Manhole door installation
gasket shall be in good with the spanner
condition with true-up,
deflection, bolt-up, and even

a L in the "verticality deviation" column represents main body length of the reducer heater

4.11.9 Reducer preparation, pipe contra aperture of the transmission pipeline

1 Application scope: reducer preparation, transmission pipeline contra aperture
installations in the denitration device
2 See Table 4.11.9 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table 4.11.9: Reducer preparation, pipe contra aperture of the transmission pipeline
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection index Property Unit Quality criteria

Groove Groove type mm Meeting drawing Observation

Testing with weld inspection
Groove angle deviation Angle 2.5

Meeting the requirements

Testing with the rectangle
Slope deviation of groove end face mm specified in the Article
ruler and the feeler gauge
3.1.8 in DL/T 5047-1995

Metallic luster but iron rust
or oil sludge within the Before welding, observation
Groove cleaning
range 10 ~15 mm inside and inspection
and outside of the pipe end

10% pipe wall thickness Testing with 100mm gap

Contra aperture misalignment Dominant mm
degree,and1 ruler and the feeler gauge

Testing with steel ruler and

feeler gauge on the position
Contra aperture deflection degree mm 2/200 200 mm away from welded
aperture of
joint center: the result

Meeting requirements
Testing with feeler gauge
Gap between clearance mm specified in Table 1 DL/T
during operation procedure

4.11.10 Water pressure test confirmation and signature of the reducer storage pot
1 Application scope: water pressure test confirmation and signature of the reducer
storage pot
2 Water pressure test confirmation and signature of the reducer storage pot shall be in
accordance with those specified in Table 4.11.10
Table 4.11.10: Water pressure test confirmation and signature of the reducer storage pot

Project name

Subsection project Project number

Water space of temperature of
Pressure vessel type
the pressure test the test

Accuracy class
Pressure gage type of the pressure

Calibration serial
number of pressure Test pressure

Inspection item Test results Inspection item Inspection results

Installation position of Completing the

the pressure gauge temporary boost system
upper part installations

Completing the water

Installation position of filling ( temporary )
the pressure gauge system installation on the
lower part hydraulic pressure, which
has conditions for water


Completing the booster

Completing the storage
pump trial operation, in
pot water inlet
working order

Completing the back row

water system installations
Cleaning with water
in the hydraulic pressure,
for the test
which has conditions for

Inspection records:

Testing conclusion:

Acceptance opinion Acceptance signature



4.11.11 Confirmation and signature of reducer pipe water pressure test

1 Application scope: confirmation and signature of the reducer pipe water pressure test
2 Water pressure test confirmation and signature of the reducer pipe shall be in
accordance with those specified in Table 4.11.11
Table 4.11.11: Confirmation and signature of reducer pipe water pressure test
Project name

Subitem project name Project number

Pipeline name Transmission medium

Accuracy class of the
Pressure gage type
pressure gauge

Calibration serial number

Testing medium
of pressure gauge

Surrounding temperature Date of test

Inspection record

Inspection item Inspection result Remarks

The lifting speed of the

water pressure test

Reducer pipe system


Water pressure test records

Testing conclusion:

Acceptance opinion Acceptance signature



4.11.12 Confirmation and signature of the reducer reserves and the transmission pipeline air
tight test
1 Application scope: Confirmation and signature of the reducer reserves and transmission
2 The confirmation and signature of the reducer reserves and transmission pipeline air
tight test shall be in accordance with those specified in Table 4.11.12
Table 4.11.12: Confirmation and signature of the reducer reserves and the transmission pipeline air tight

Project name

Subitem project name Project number

Equipment name Pipeline name

Accuracy class of the
Pressure gauge type
pressure gauge

Calibration serial Number

Testing medium
of the pressure gauge

Surrounding temperature Date of test

Inspection item Inspection record Remarks

Reducer storage pot and

unloading equipment and

Reducer evaporating unit

and pipe

Systematic inspection of
the reducer transmission

Testing conclusion:

Acceptance opinion Acceptance signature



4.11.13 Confirmation and signature of the reducer preparation and the transmission pipeline
1 Application scope: Confirmation and signature of the reducer preparation and the
transmission pipeline blowing
2 The Confirmation and signature of the reducer preparation and the transmission
pipeline blowing shall be in accordance with those specified in Table 4.11.13
Table 4.11.13: Confirmation and signature of the reducer preparation and the transmission pipeline blowing

Project name

Subitem project name Project number

Medium blowing Medium pressure

Surrounding temperature Blowing date

Inspection item Inspection record Remarks

Pipeline system

Inception the medium

quality (observation)
after blowing

Testing conclusion:

Acceptance opinion Acceptance signature



4.11.14 Confirmation and signature of the Ammonia gas replacement

1 Application scope: confirmation and signature of the Nitrogen replacement
2 Confirmation and signature of the Ammonia gas replacement shall be in accordance
with those specified in Table 4.11.14
Table 4.11.14: Confirmation and signature of the Nitrogen replacement

Project name

Subitem project name Project number

Replacement systematic
Date of test

Inspection item Inspection record Remarks

Measuring point oxygen

content after the

The monitoring point

location of the oxygen

The quantity of the

oxygen content

monitoring point

The monitoring point

oxygen content

Reports of oxygen
content testing

Testing conclusion:

Acceptance opinion Acceptance signature




Design Unit Date:

4.11.15 Static mixer ( AIG ) installations

1 Application scope: inspection and installation of the static mixer ( AIG ) in the
denitration device
2 See Table 4.11.15 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table 4.11.15: static mixer ( AIG ) installations
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Free from crack, skin

Appearance inspection lamination, severe rustiness Observation
or damage

Weld size shall meet

requirements specified in
manufacturer's technical Observation: testing the weld
documents: and welding shall size with welding inspection
Welding by manufacturer Dominant
be free from defects such as ruler: checking the outgoing
flaw, undercut or air hole of quality certificate
welding: and the welded joint
shall be formed well

Checking technical
Parts material Dominant No misusage
information of products

Length deviation of the single mixer mm 3 Testing with steel tape

Length 0 Testing length of four corner

deviation of the -4 angles with steel tape to adopt
mixer 0 the maximum value of
framework -8 tolerance

Difference of diagonal line of the Testing the framework upper

mm 10
mixer framework surface with the steel ruler

Meeting the requirements of Checking the product

Pipe material Dominant
the design technical information

Free from crack, bruising,

chap, flattening, blister and Observation: testing with the
layering: depth of local measuring instrument in case
Pipe appearance
damage on surface 10% the of the question on defect
design thickness of the pipe depth

Conducting the spectral

Material of alloy steel element Dominant No misusage analysis and providing the

Testing with steel ruler and

Pipe external diameter, wall
mm Meeting design vernier caliper: randomly
Mixer pipe thickness
inspecting at least 2 roots
Air lancing with compressed
Free from sundries like dust,
air: for large aperture pipe,
Pipe inside cleaning Dominant scale, water accumulation
confirming by pulling
and metal chip
brushing with a wire brush

Meeting requirements
Valve inspection specified in the 3.5 DL

Good appearance quality, free

Elbow preparation from crack and lamination on Observation

Meeting requirements
Supporter and hanger preparation specified in the 4.4 DL

Take the mixer geometrical

Mixer Correct method and definite center line as the reference,
Mixer lineation
installation mark and line out the center line on
the mixer framework

Elevation deviation mm 5 Take the 1 meter elevation

line of the denitration steel
frame post as the reference,
testing with the spring scale,
steel tape or indirect
measuring horizontally with
the glass tube

Horizontal testing with the

Levelness deviation mm 5 glass tube or testing with the

Welding type shall meet the

requirements specified in
manufacturer's technical
Observing, and testing the
documents: no such defects
Welding Dominant weld size with the welding
as slag inclusion, undercut,
inspection ruler
pore or incomplete
penetration: good weld seam

Leveling, correct location,

Mixer support member installations and firm welding of the gas Observation

Mixer pipe Overall planning, reasonable

Planning layout
inspection layout
Piping Short, regular and beautiful Checking drawing or
Pipeline direction of strike
layout route observing

Thermal expansion Shall meet the operating

compensation requirements

Reasonable arrangement,
sound construction and Checking drawing or
Supporter and hanger layout
without impacting on thermal observing

The location shall be

convenient for operation and
Checking drawing or
Valve layout repairing, and the valve
(more valves) line up neatly
with even intervals

Meeting requirements
Pipe contra aperture specified in the Table 5.2.7 in
DL/T 5210.5-2009

Bending Dg100mm mm 1Length,and20

degree of Checking drawing, pulling

the line and measuring with steel

horizontal Dg>100mm mm 1.5Length,and20 ruler


Verticality deviation of the vertical Observing, plumbing bobs

mm 2Length,and10
pipe and testing with steel ruler

Regular arrangement and Observing and testing with the

Pipe segment in rows
uniform distance steel ruler

Meeting requirements
Valve specified in the 5.5 in DL

Meeting requirements
Supporter and hanger specified in the 5.6 in DL

Leveling joint surface, free

from perfoliate scratch, and
the internal diameter of the
gasket shall be larger 2~3
mm than the flange internal
diameter, and the flange butt
joint shall be parallel and Measuring with the steel ruler,
Flanged connection concentric, as well as the observing and inspecting with
deviation shall not be greater the spanner
than 1.5 flange outer
diameter and shall not be
greater than 2mm: the bolt
stress shall be even, and the
bolt shall reveal the nut with
2~3 pieces thread interval

4.11.16 Inspection table on delivery performance of the subsection project compulsory

provisions for the reducer preparation storage system
1Application scope: Inspection table on delivery performance of the subsection project
compulsory provisions for the reducer preparation storage system
2 Delivery performances of the subsection project compulsory provisions for the reducer
preparation storage system shall be in accordance with those specified in Table 4.11.16
Table 4.11.16: Inspection table on delivery performance of the compulsory provisions for subsection project
of the reducer preparation storage system

Project name

Subsection project
Unit project name Installations of flue gas denitration device Reducer preparation storage system

Project number Acceptance date Date:

Delivery Related
No. Inspection item
performance information

1 Hydrazine must be stored in the sealed container

The coffer and wash facilities shall be set around the hydrazine

Personnel working on running and operation the boiler, pressure

3 vessel and pipe, inspection, welding, post-weld heat treatment,
non-destructive testing shall obtain relevant qualification certificate.

4 Missing Terms or data in the quality certificate shall be

supplemented inspection. And the inspection method, range and
quantity shall meet the relevant requirements of the code.

Alloy steel parts and pipe material shall be carried out spectrum test
5 or other test before and after installing, repairing and transforming,
and check type of steel to prevent misusage

On the pressure vessel, access opening, welding pipe saddle, belt

6 adding, covering as well as using pipes as the support point for other
heavy things hoisting, which are all prohibited to carry out randomly

Acceptance result

Construction organization: (seal) Supervision organization: (seal)

Project technical director: Supervision engineer:
Date: Date:

Note: the content listed in this Table may be increased or decreased according to actuality.

4.12 Boiler Wall Masonry

4.12.1 Membrane wall, super-heater and furnace hopper wall:
1 Application scope of Table 4.12.1-1: the construction of membrane wall, super-heater,
combustion chamber hopper wall, insulating concrete and rendering coat.
Table 4.12.1-1: construction of membrane wall, super-heater, combustion chamber hopper wall, insulating
concrete and rendering coat
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting the requirements With inspection reports from

Insulation material inspection Dominant specified in Table 4.3.15 of qualified inspection
this Part organizations

Inspecting with ruler

Spacing (length, width) deviation mm 5 according to the requirements
in Article E.5 of this Part

Meeting the requirements

Hooked nail specified in manufacturer's
(bolt) technical documents; no such
installation defects as slag inclusion,
Welding Observation
undercut or pore; good weld
seam shaping and firm
welding; no damage to base

wire mesh Fixing Firm, flat and smooth Inspecting with hammer by
welding and banding; without beating according to the

edge lifting requirements in Article E.5 of
this Part
laying Inspecting with ruler
Firm overlapping, joint lap
Overlapping mm according to the requirements
length 20
in Article E.5 of this Part

Meeting the requirements

Inspecting test block Dominant specified in Table 4.3.17 of Checking inspection reports
this Part

Observation and according

Concrete pouring Dominant Uniform tamping to the requirements in Article
E.5 of this Part

Insulating Inspecting with 1m wooden

concrete guiding rule or wedge gauge

Surface planeness deviation mm 7
layer according to the requirements

construction in Article E.5 of this Part

Surface crack Without shrinkage crack

Straight, even and in good
Edge arris

Meeting the requirements

Inspecting construction
Concrete curing specified in Article 9.3.8 of
DL/T 5047-1995

Fastened to hooked nail; Observation and according to

Wire mesh fixing welded firmly and clinging on the requirements in Article
Wire mesh
insulation layer E.5 of this Part
laying on
Observation and inspecting
Flat, smooth and firm with ruler according to the
coat Wire mesh overlapping
welding; joint lap length 20 requirements in Article E.5 of
this Part

Meeting the requirements

Mortar test block inspection specified in Table 4.3.18 of Checking inspection reports
this Part

Flat, smooth; regular arris,

Rendering coat appearance no exposition of fixed Observation
Examining with 1m wooden
guiding rule or wedge gauge
Rendering coat planeness deviation mm 5
according to the requirements
in Article E.5 of this Part

Without crack (except hair

Rendering coat crack Dominant Observation

Environment temperature 25 50 Inspecting with transistor

Temperature Dominant thermometer, infrared ray and
of the outer Environment temperature >25 Environment temperature + radiation thermometer

wall of 25 according to the requirements
rendering in Article E.5 of this Part

inspecting with ruler

Boiler wall +15
Wall thickness deviation mm according to the requirements
thickness -10
in Article E.5 of this Part

a Temperature measurement of the outer wall of rendering coat is only limited to boiler body (water wall, super-heater wall etc.),
i.e. other positions are not inspected.

2 Application scope of Table 4.12.1-2: the laying of mineral fiber felt and plate for
membrane wall, super-heater and combustion chamber hopper wall.
Table 4.12.1-2: laying of mineral fiber felt and plate for membrane wall, super-heater and combustion
chamber hopper wall.
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting the requirements With inspection reports from

Insulation material inspection specified in Table 4.3.15 of qualified inspection
this Part organizations

inspecting with ruler

Spacing (length, width) deviation mm 5 according to the requirements
in Article E.5 of this Part

Meeting the requirements

Hooked specified in manufacturers
nail (bolt) technical documents; no such
installation defects as slag inclusion,
Welding Observation
undercut or pore; good weld
seam shaping and firm
welding; no damage to base

Fixed firmly with hooked Observation or inspecting

nail; jointing blocks tightly with feeler gauge according
Laying of fibrofelt and plate Dominant
and laying felt and plate in to the requirements in Article
Plate/mesh layers in staggered joints E.5 of this Part
laying Compacted and
Observation according to the
properly-fixed fibrofelt and
Laying of steel mesh Dominant requirements specified in
lancet plate; steel mesh butt is
Article E.5 of this Part
firmly tied with iron wire

Inspecting with transistor

Environment temperature 25 50
Boiler wall thermometer, infrared ray and
surface Dominant radiation thermometer
Environment temperature
temperature Environment temperature>25 according to the requirements
in Article E.5 of this Part

Inspecting with ruler

Boiler wall +15
Wall thickness deviation mm according to the requirements
thickness -10
in Article E.5 of this Part

4.12.2 Ceiling super-heater boiler wall
1 Application scope: the construction of refractory concrete, insulating concrete,
refractory plastics, microdilatancy refractory plastics and rendering coat for ceiling
super-heater and boiler top wall.
2 See table 4.12.2 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table 4.12.2: Ceiling super-heater boiler wall
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting the requirements With inspection reports from

Material inspection Dominant specified in Table 4.3.15 of qualified inspection
this Part organizations

Inspecting with ruler

according to the
Spacing (length, width) deviation mm 5
requirements in Article E.5
of this Part

Meeting the requirements

Hooked nail
specified in manufacturers
technical documents; no such
defects as slag inclusion,
Welding Observation
undercut or pore; good weld
seam shaping and firm
welding; no damage to base

Inspecting with hand

Firm, flat and smooth
hammer according to the
Fixing welding and banding;
requirements in Article E.5
without edge lifting
Concrete wire of this Part
mesh laying Observation or inspecting
Firm overlapping, joint lap with ruler according to the
Overlapping mm
length 20 requirements in Article E.5
of this Part

Pouring of Meeting the requirements

refractory Test block inspection specified in Table 4.3.19 of Checking inspection reports
concrete and this Part
microdilatancy Concrete Inspecting with platform
Cement and additive 2
refractory mix scale
plastics proportion Coarse and fine Inspecting with platform
error aggregate scale

Cleaning of sundries in construction

Dominant Cleaning away
position Observation

Concrete tamping Dominant Uniform and compact

Concrete surface planeness mm 5 Examining with 1m wooden

deviation guiding rule or wedge gauge

according to the
requirements in Article E.5
of this Part

Without honeycomb. spongy

Concrete appearance
surface, hole or crack

Reserving expansion
clearance or filling it
Expansion joint
according to the requirements
specified in design drawing

Meeting the requirements

Inspecting construction
Concrete curing specified in Article 9.3.8 of
DL/T 5047-1995

Meeting the requirements

Concrete test block inspection Dominant specified in Table 4.3.17 of Checking inspection reports
this Part

Observation according to the

Concrete tamping Uniform tamping requirements specified in
Article E.5 of this Part

Insulating According to the

Concrete surface unevenness mm 5 requirements specified in
pouring Article E.5 of this Part

Concrete surface crack Without shrinkage crack

Straight, even and in good
Concrete edge arris

Meeting the requirements

Inspecting construction
Concrete curing specified in Article 9.3.8 of
DL/T 5047-1995

Fastened to hooked nail;

Wire mesh fixing welded firmly and clinging Observation or inspecting
Wire mesh
on insulation layer with ruler according to the
laying on
Flat, smooth and firm requirements in Article E.5
rendering coat
Wire mesh overlapping mm overlapping; joint lap length of this Part


Rendering Meeting the requirements

coat Mortar test block inspection specified in Table 4.3.18 of Checking inspection reports
construction this Part

Flat, smooth; regular arris, no

Rendering coat surface Observation
exposition of fixed ironworks

Examining with 1m wooden

guiding rule or wedge gauge
Rendering coat planeness deviation mm 3 according to the
requirements in Article E.5
of this Part

Without crack (except hair
Rendering coat crack Dominant Observation

Inspecting with transistor

Environment temperature 25 50
thermometer, infrared ray
and radiation thermometer
coat surface Dominant
Environment temperature according to the
temperature a Environment temperature>25
+25 requirements in Article E.5
of this Part

Measuring with ruler

Boiler wall +15 according to the
Wall thickness deviation mm
thickness -10 requirements in Article E.5
of this Part

a The rendering coat surface temperature of boiler top wall is not measured

4.12.3 Upper boiler wall:

1 Application scope: the laying of mineral fiber felt and plate for the upper boiler walls
of super-heater and reheater etc.
2 See Table 4.12.3 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.12.3: Upper boiler wall
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting the requirements With inspection reports from

Insulation material inspection specified in Table 4.3.15 of qualified inspection
this Part organizations
Inspection Inspecting the spectral
Inspection of such materials as steel Meeting the requirements
analysis for alloying element
plate mesh, steel wire mesh and iron specified in technical
in product technological
wire documents

Inspecting with ruler

according to the
Spacing (length, width) deviation mm 5
requirements in Article E.5
of this Part
Meeting the requirements
of hooked
specified in manufacturer's
nail and
technical documents; no such
flat steel
defects as slag inclusion,
etc. Welding Observation
undercut or pore; good weld
seam shaping and firm
welding; no damage to base

Plate mesh
laying Laying of fibrofelt and plate Dominant Fixed firmly with hooked Observation or inspecting
nail or tied firmly with iron with feeler gauge according
wire; jointing blocks tightly to the requirements in Article
and laying felt and plate in E.5 of this Part
layers in staggered joints

Firmly and evenly fixed steel

plate mesh; compacted and
properly-fixed fibrofelt and
lancet plate; steel mesh butt
being firmly tied with iron
Inspecting with ruler
Spacing meeting the design
Laying of steel plate mesh and steel according to the
Dominant requirements, i.e. if no
wire mesh requirements in Article E.5
specification is available, the
of this Part, observation
spacing of iron wire to fix
insulation material is 300mm
and the spacing of iron wire
to fix steel plate mesh is
Fixed firmly

Inspecting with ruler

Boiler wall +15 according to the
Wall thickness deviation mm
thickness -10 requirements in Article E.5
of this Part

4.12.4 Boiler wall of economizer:

1 Application scope: the construction of the insulating concrete, refractory concrete
building, hard insulation board and refractory bricks for the boiler wall of economizer
2 See Table 4.12.4 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.12.4 boiler wall of economizer
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting the requirements With inspection reports from

Material inspection Dominant specified in Table 4.3.15 of qualified inspection
this Part organizations

Steel bar Inspecting the spectral

Meeting the requirements
preparation analysis for alloying element
Steel bar inspection specified in technical
and in product technological
banding documents

Observation according to the

Cleaning up oil sludge;
Cleaning and painting bitumen requirements specified in
painting bitumen uniformly
Article E.5 of this Part

Welding and banding Dominant Meeting the requirements Observation and inspecting
specified in manufacturer's with hand hammer according
technical documents; no such to the requirements in Article
defects as slag inclusion, E.5 of this Part
undercut or pore; good weld 499
seam shaping and firm
banding; no damage to base

Measuring with ruler

Spacing (length, width) deviation mm 5 according to the requirements
in Article E.5 of this Part

Thickness of the layer to protect

mm 25 Inspection
concrete fire-toward surface

Tight masonry, plump

mortar; staggering joints in Observation according to the
Building technology the first layer and requirements specified in
overlapping joints in the Article E.5 of this Part

Hard second layer

insulation Inspecting with ruler

board Mortar joint width mm 5~7 according to the requirements
building in Article E.5 of this Part

Examining with 1m wooden

guiding rule or wedge gauge
Planeness deviation mm 5
according to the requirements
in Article E.5 of this Part

Meeting the requirements

Concrete test block inspection specified in Table 4.3.17 of Checking inspection reports
this Part

Observation according to the

Concrete tamping Uniform tamping requirements specified in
Article E.5 of this Part

Examining with 1m wooden

guiding rule or wedge gauge
concrete Concrete surface planeness deviation mm 5
according to the requirements
in Article E.5 of this Part

Concrete surface crack Dominant Without shrinkage crack

Straight, even and in good
Concrete edge arris

Meeting the requirements

Inspecting construction
Concrete curing specified in Article 9.3.8 of
DL/T 5047-1995

Refractory Meeting the requirements

concrete Concrete test block inspection specified in Table 4.3.19 of Checking inspection reports
pouring this Part

Cement and additive 2 Inspecting with platform
mix %
Coarse and fine aggregate 5


Cleaning sundries in construction

Dominant Cleaning away
position Observation

Concrete tamping Uniform and compact

inspecting with ruler

Spacing (length, width) deviation of
mm 5 according to the requirements
expansion joint in concrete layer
in Article E.5 of this Part

Examining with 1m wooden

guiding rule or wedge gauge
Concrete surface planeness deviation mm 5
according to the requirements
in Article E.5 of this Part

Without honeycomb. spongy

Concrete surface Observation
surface, hole or crack

Meeting the requirements

Inspecting construction
Concrete curing specified in Article 9.3.8 of
DL/T 5047-1995

+3 Inspecting with ruler, wooden

Deviation of length and width mm
-5 guiding rule, wedge gauge

Deviation of diagonal line mm 8 and plumb bob

dimensions Planeness deviation mm 5
Inspecting with ruler, level
of concrete 5/2000, And total length ruler and plumb bob
Levelness deviation mm
components 10 according to the requirements

Verticality deviation mm 3, And total height 15 specified in Article E.5 of this

Thickness deviation mm 10

a Heat resistant steel may not be painted with bitumen

4.12.5 Boiler wall of jet burner:

1 Application scope: boiler wall of jet burner
2 See Table 4.12.5 for quality criteria and inspection methods
Table 4.12.5 boiler wall of jet burner
Inspection method
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria
and instrument

With inspection
Meeting the requirements specified in Table reports from
Material inspection Material inspection Dominant
4.3.15 of this Part qualified inspection

Steel bar
preparation and
Steel bar inspection Meeting the requirements specified in technical Inspecting the
documents spectral analysis for
alloying element in

according to the
Cleaning and painting Cleaning up oil sludge; painting bitumen
bitumen a uniformly
specified in Article
E.5 of this Part

Meeting the requirements specified in Inspecting with hand

manufacturer's technical documents; no such hammer according to
Welding and banding Dominant defects as slag inclusion, undercut or pore; good the requirements in
weld seam shaping and firm banding; no damage Article E.5 of this
to base material Part

Spacing (length, inspecting with ruler

mm 5
width) deviation according to the

Thickness of the layer requirements in

to protect concrete mm 25 Article E.5 of this

fire-toward surface Part

Tight masonry, plump mortar; staggered joints in according to the
Building technology the first layer and pressed joints in the second requirements
layer specified in Article
Hard insulation E.5 of this Part
board building inspecting with ruler
according to the
Mortar joint width mm 5~7 requirements in
Article E.5 of this

Concrete test block Meeting the requirements specified in Table

inspection 4.3.17 of this Part

according to the
Insulating concrete
Concrete tamping Uniform tamping requirements
specified in Article
E.5 of this Part

Meeting the requirements specified in Article Inspecting

Concrete curing
9.3.8 of DL/T 5047-1995 construction record

Pouring of Concrete test block Meeting the requirements specified in Table Checking inspection
refractory concrete inspection 4.3.19 of this Part reports
and microdilatancy Cement and
refractory plastics Mixture additive
Inspecting with
ratio Coarse and %
platform scale
error fine 5

Cleaning sundries in
Dominant Cleaning away
construction position

Concrete tamping Uniform and compact Observation

Without honeycomb. spongy surface, hole or

Concrete surface

Meeting the requirements specified in Article Inspecting

Concrete curing
9.3.8 of DL/T 5047-1995 construction record

a Heat resistant steel may not be painted with bitumen

4.12.6 Boiler walls of doors and holes:

1 Application scope: doors and holes of boiler wall
2 See Table 4.12.6 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.12.6 boiler wall of doors and holes
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting the requirements With inspection reports from

Refractory material inspection Dominant specified in Table 4.3.15 of qualified inspection
this Part organizations

Inspecting the spectral

Meeting the requirements
analysis for alloying element
Steel bar inspection Dominant specified in technical
in product technological

Observation according to the

Cleaning up oil sludge;
Steel bar Cleaning and painting bitumen requirements specified in
painting bitumen uniformly
preparation Article E.5 of this Part
and Inspecting with hand
banding hammer according to the
Welding and banding Dominant Firm welding and banding
requirements in Article E.5 of
this Part

inspecting with ruler

Spacing (length, width) deviation mm 5 according to the requirements
in Article E.5 of this Part

Refractory Meeting the requirements

concrete Concrete test block inspection specified in Table 4.3.19 of Checking inspection reports
pouring this Part

Cement and additive 2
% Inspecting with platform scale
Coarse and fine aggregate 5

Cleaning sundries in construction

Dominant Cleaning away Observation

Concrete tamping Dominant Uniform and compact

Without honeycomb. spongy
Concrete surface
surface, hole or crack

Meeting the requirements

Concrete curing specified in Article 9.3.8 of Inspecting construction record
DL/T 5047-1995

a Heat resistant steel may not be painted with bitumen

4.12.7 Boiler wall of header tank:

1 Application scope: construction of various boiler walls of header tanks for concrete
2 See Table 4.12.7 for quality criteria and inspection methods
Table 4.12.7: boiler wall of header tank
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting the requirements With inspection reports from

Material inspection Dominant specified in Table 4.3.15 of qualified inspection
this Part organizations

Inspecting the spectral

Meeting the requirements
analysis for alloying element
Steel bar inspection specified in technical
in product technological

Observation according to the

Cleaning up oil sludge;
Cleaning and painting bitumen a requirements specified in
painting bitumen uniformly
Article E.5 of this Part

Steel bar Meeting the requirements

preparation specified in manufacturer's

and technical documents; no such

Inspecting with hand hammer
banding defects as slag inclusion,
Welding and banding Dominant according to the requirements
undercut or pore; good weld
in Article E.5 of this Part
seam shaping and firm
banding; no damage to base

Spacing (length, width) deviation mm 5 inspecting with ruler

according to the requirements
Thickness of the layer to protect
mm 25 in Article E.5 of this Part
concrete fire-toward surface

Tight masonry, plump mortar;

Observation according to the
staggered joints in the first
Building technology requirements specified in
layer and pressed joints in the
Hard Article E.5 of this Part
second layer
inspecting with ruler
Mortar joint width mm 5~7 according to the requirements
in Article E.5 of this Part

Examining with 1m wooden

Planeness deviation mm 5
guiding rule or wedge gauge

according to the requirements
in Article E.5 of this Part

Meeting the requirements

Concrete test block inspection specified in Table 4.3.17 of
this Part

Observation according to the

Concrete tamping Uniform tamping requirements specified in
Article E.5 of this Part

Examining with 1m wooden

guiding rule or wedge gauge
concrete Concrete surface planeness deviation mm 5
according to the requirements
in Article E.5 of this Part

Concrete surface crack Dominant Without shrinkage crack

Straight, even and in good
Concrete edge arris

Meeting the requirements

Concrete curing specified in Article 9.3.8 of
DL/T 5047-1995

Meeting the requirements

Concrete test block inspection specified in Table 4.3.19 of Checking inspection reports
this Part

Concrete Cement and additive 2

mix Inspecting with platform
proportion scale
Coarse and fine aggregate 5

Cleaning sundries in construction

Dominant Cleaning away
position Observation

Concrete tamping Uniform and compact

concrete inspecting with ruler
Spacing (length, width) deviation of
pouring mm 5 according to the requirements
expansion joint in concrete layer
in Article E.5 of this Part

Examining with 1m wooden

guiding rule or wedge gauge
Concrete surface planeness deviation mm 5
according to the requirements
in Article E.5 of this Part

Without honeycomb. spongy

Concrete surface Observation
surface, hole or crack

Meeting the requirements

Inspecting construction
Concrete curing specified in Article 9.3.8 of
DL/T 5047-1995

External +3 Inspecting with ruler, wooden

Deviation of length and width mm
dimensions -5 guiding rule, wedge gauge

of concrete Deviation of diagonal line mm 8 and plumb bob
Planeness deviation mm 5
Inspecting with ruler, level
5/2000, Amd total length ruler and plumb bob
Levelness deviation mm
10 according to the requirements

Verticality deviation mm 3, And total height15 specified in Article E.5 of this

Thickness deviation mm 10

a Heat resistant steel may not be painted with bitumen

4.12.8 Boiler wall of cinder room:

1 Application scope: construction for the boiler wall of cinder room
2 See Table 4.12.8 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.12.8: boiler wall of cinder room
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting the requirements With inspection reports from

Material inspection Dominant specified in Table 4.3.15 of qualified inspection
this Part organizations

Inspecting the spectral

Meeting the requirements
analysis for alloying element
Steel bar inspection Dominant specified in technical
in product technological

Observation according to the

Cleaning up oil sludge;
Cleaning and painting bitumen requirements specified in
plaiting bitumen uniformly
Article E.5 of this Part
Steel bar
Meeting the requirements
specified in manufacturer's
and Inspecting with hand
technical documents; no such
banding hammer according to the
Welding and banding Dominant defects as slag inclusion,
requirements in Article E.5 of
undercut or pore; good weld
this Part, observing
seam shaping and firm

Spacing (length, width) deviation mm 5 inspecting with ruler

Thickness of the layer to protect according to the requirements

mm 25
concrete fire-toward surface in Article E.5 of this Part

Tight masonry, plump mortar;

Observation according to the
staggered joints in the first
Hard Building technology requirements specified in
layer and pressed joints in the
insulation Article E.5 of this Part
second layer
Inspecting with ruler
Mortar joint width mm 5~7 according to the requirements
in Article E.5 of this Part

Meeting the requirements
Concrete test block inspection specified in Table 4.3.19 of
this Part

Cement and additive 2
mix Inspecting with platform
proportion scale
Coarse and fine aggregate 5

Cleaning sundries in construction

Dominant Cleaning sundries away
position Observation

Concrete tamping Dominant Uniform and compact

Refractory inspecting with ruler
Spacing (length, width) deviation of
concrete mm 5 according to the requirements
expansion joints in concrete layer
pouring in Article E.5 of this Part

Examining with 1m wooden

guiding rule and wedge
Concrete surface planeness deviation mm 3 gauge according to the
requirements in Article E.5 of
this Part

Without honeycomb. spongy

Concrete surface Observation
surface, hole or crack

Meeting the requirements

Inspecting construction
Concrete curing specified in Article 9.3.8 of
DL/T 5047-1995

a Heat resistant steel may not be painted with bitumen

4.12.9 Armored boiler wall:

1 Application scope: mainly the insulation construction of top guard plate, rear shaft ash
bucket, chimney flue and air box
2 See Table 4.12.9 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.12.9 armored boiler wall
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting the requirements With inspection reports from

Insulation material inspection specified in Table 4.3.15 of qualified inspection
this Part organizations

inspecting with ruler

Spacing (length, width) deviation mm 5 according to the requirements
in Article E.5 of this Part
Hooked nail Meeting the requirements
(bolt) specified in manufacturer's
installation technical documents; no such
Welding Observation
defects as slag inclusion,
undercut or pore; good weld
seam shaping and firm


Flat, smooth and firm Observation and inspecting

Laying of steel plate mesh in air welding; joint lap length 20; with ruler according to the
layer wire mesh at expansion shall requirements specified in
be disconnected Article E.5 of this Part

Fixed firmly with hooked

Observation according to the
Laying of nail; jointing blocks tightly
Laying of fibrofelt and plate Dominant requirements specified in
plate mesh and laying felt and plate in
Article E.5 of this Part
layers in staggered joints

Compacted and
Observation according to the
Laying of wire mesh and steel plate properly-fixed fibrofelt and
Dominant requirements specified in
mesh in insulation layer lancet plate; steel mesh butt is
Article E.5 of this Part
firmly tied with iron wire

On both sides of flange (removing

Sufficient Inspecting with ruler
Space On both sides of supporter and
reservation hanger (expansion) Sufficient, in the right Measuring with ruler and

On both sides of expansion joint direction Observing


Fastened to hooked nail;

welded firmly and clinging on Observation according to the
Wire mesh fixing insulation layer; wire mesh at requirements specified in
Wire mesh
expansion shall be Article E.5 of this Part
laying on
Observation and inspecting
Flat, smooth and firm with ruler according to the
Wire mesh overlapping
welding; joint lap length 20 requirements specified in
Article E.5 of this Part

Meeting the requirements

Mortar test block inspection specified in Table 4.3.18 of
this Part

Flat, smooth; regular arris, Observation according to the

Rendering coat appearance no exposition of fixed requirements specified in
Rendering ironworks Article E.5 of this Part
coat Examining with 1m wooden
construction guiding rule and wedge gauge
Rendering coat planeness deviation mm 5
according to the requirements
in Article E.5 of this Part

Observation according to the

Without crack (except hair
Rendering coat crack Dominant requirements specified in
Article E.5 of this Part

Measuring with
Boiler Environment temperature 25 50
thermodetector according to
wall surface Dominant
Environment temperature the requirements in Article
temperature Environment temperature>25
+25 E.5 of this Part

Measuring with ruler

Boiler wall +15
Wall thickness deviation mm according to the requirements
thickness -10
in Article E.5 of this Part

a The rendering coat surface temperature of boiler top wall is not measured

4.12.10 Sampling records for reinspection of boiler wall and insulation material:
1 Application scope: sampling records for reinspection of boiler wall and insulation
2 Records on sampling for reinspection shall meet the requirements specified in Table
Table 4.12.10: sampling records for reinspection of boiler wall and insulation material

Project name

Subitem project
Inspection lot name

Project number Sampled by

Sampling date Submitting date

Manufactruing lot
Supplied quantity (m3 or
number of boiler wall Specification Sampling quantity (Kg) Remarks
and insulation material


Inspection opinions Acceptance signature



4.12.11 Acceptance, confirmation and signature of the concealed project and key procedures
of boiler wall:
1 Application scope: acceptance, confirmation and signature of the concealed project and
key procedures of boiler wall
2 Acceptance, confirmation and signature of the concealed project and key procedures of
boiler wall shall meet the requirements specified in Table 4.12.11.
Table 4.12.11: acceptance, confirmation and signature of the concealed project and key procedures of boiler

project name

Subitem project
Inspection lot name

Signature range Signature date

Inspection item Inspection result Remarks

Inspection conclusion:

Acceptance opinion Acceptance signature



4.12.12 Records on the inspection of boiler-wall surface temperature

1 Application scope: records on the inspection of boiler-wall surface temperature
2 Records on the inspection of boiler-wall surface temperature shall meet the
requirements specified in Table 4.12.12.
Table 4.12.12: Records on the testing of boiler-wall surface temperature

Project name

Subitem project
Project number

Tested by Recorded by

Testing instrument
Testing instrument Unit load

Testing points Tested place name and measuring position Testing temperature

Testing conclusion:

Acceptance opinion Acceptance signature



4.12.13 Building of cast stone plate for boiler ash channel:

1 Application scope: building of cast stone plate for boiler ash channel
2 See Table 4.12.13 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.12.13: Building of cast stone plate for boiler ash channel
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting the design

Mastic cement mixture ratio Dominant Inspecting with platform scale

Firm building and plump Inspecting with the feeler

Building of cast stone plate
mortar gauge

Building Mortar joint clearance of cast stone

mm 5 Inspecting with ruler
of cast plate
stone Surface smoothness deviation of Inspecting with 1m wooden
mm 5
plate cast stone plate guiding rule and wedge gauge

Technology on building at channel

Smooth arc
Meeting the design
Slope of cast stone plate

4.12.14 Installation of boiler wall pins (support members) in boiler:

1 Application scope: the installation of boiler wall pins (support members) in
circulating-fluidized-bed-boiler dense zone, water-cooling chamber, outlaid bed, slag cooler,
air duct burner, cyclone separator and its inlet & outlet chimney flue, feed back system and
waste incineration boiler room.
2 See Table 4.12.14 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.12.14: pins (support members) installation
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting the requirements

Pin material Dominant Spectrum reinspection
specified in design drawing
Meeting the requirements
inspection Pin type Checking drawings
specified in design drawing

Welding material Dominant Meeting the requirements Checking quality certificate

specified in design drawing

Conducting hammer test or

Pins (support members) installation Firm
90 bend test

Installation direction of pins Meeting the requirements

Dominant Observation
(support members) specified in design drawing
Measuring with steel tape
Spacing deviation mm 5 according to the requirements
in Article E.5 of this Part
Meeting the requirements
specified in manufacturer's
technical documents; no such
Welding Dominant Observation
defects as slag inclusion,
undercut or pore; good weld
seam shaping

Painting bitumen on the surfaces of Re-measuring with steel ruler

Corrosion mm 1~2
pins (support members) by referring to drawings
Cleaning up rust; surface is
of pins Construction position cleaning Dominant Observation
clean and free from sundries
Painting bitumen on iron Re-measuring with steel ruler
members) 1~2
components surfaces by referring to drawings

Note: support members include support ring plate and clasp nail

4.12.15 Pouring of boiler wall in boiler insulation pouring materials:

1 Application scope: pouring of boiler walls in boiler-wall insulation pouring materials
for circulating-fluidized-bed-boiler slag cooler, outlaid bed, cyclone separator main body inlet
& outlet chimney flue, feed back system as well as waste incineration boiler room
2 See Table 4.12.15 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.12.15: Pouring of boiler wall in insulation pouring materials
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting the With inspection reports

Material inspection Material inspection Dominant requirements specified in from qualified inspection
Table 4.3.15 of this Part organizations

Meeting the
Insulation-pouring requirements on thickness Observing and measuring
Formwork installation mm
material construction specified in drawings, with a steel tape
with deviation of 10

Formwork dismantlement No damage Observation

Material is weighed by
Meeting manufacturer's
Material mixture ratio Dominant bench scale and water is
measured with burette

Meeting manufacturer's Timing with watch and

Time to mix material min
requirements checking mixing records

Suspending thermometer
Temperature to mix concrete 5~40 on site and checking

Observation and
Uniform tamping, according to the
Concrete tamping Dominant
compacted requirements in Article
E.5 of this Part

Flat, smooth and without

Concrete surface Observation
shrinkage crack

Inspecting with 1m
wooden guiding rule and
Not greater than 5 per
mm wedge gauge according to
Surface smoothness deviation the requirements in
Article E.5 of this Part

Not greater than 10 in

mm Observation
the total length

Inspecting with 1m
Inspection of
wooden guiding rule and
insulation-pouring-material Not greater than 10 per
Dominant mm wedge gauge according to
boiler wall meter
Surface verticality deviation the requirements in
Article E.5 of this Part

Height of whole wall is

mm Observation
not greater than 15

Without shrinkage crack,

Concrete appearance honeycomb, spongy Observation
surface or hole

Straight, even, regular,

Edge arris, corner pouring square and smooth arc Observation

Meeting the
requirements specified in
Curing Concrete curing manufacturer's technical Observation
documents and not less
than 7 days

Re-measuring with steel

Thickness deviation of
Thickness mm 10 ruler by referring to
refractory concrete layer

Re-measuring with steel

Deviation of expansion joints in Meeting drawing
Expansion joint Dominant mm ruler by referring to
the whole wall requirements, or 2mm

4.12.16 Pouring of boiler wall in boiler refractory insulation pouring materials:

1 Application scope: pouring of boiler wall in boiler refractory insulation pouring
materials in circulating-fluidized-bed-boiler water-cooling chamber, air duct burner,
cyclone-separator inlet & outlet chimney flue and feed back system flow channel

2 See Table 4.12.16 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.12.16: pouring of boiler wall in boiler refractory insulation pouring materials:
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting the With inspection reports

Material inspection Material inspection Dominant requirements specified in from qualified inspection
Table 4.3.15 of this Part organizations

Twining grid-plate duct with Re-measuring with steel

ceramic fiber paper painting it mm 2 ruler by referring to
with bitumen drawings

Meeting the requirements

on thickness specified in Observing and measuring
Formwork installation mm
drawings, with deviation with a steel tape
of 10

Formwork dismantlement No damage Observation

Material is weighed by
Meeting manufacturers
Material mixture ratio Dominant bench scale and water is
Insulation-pouring material measured with burette

construction Meeting the

Weighing with platform
Steel fiber content Dominant % requirements of design
and manufacturer

Meeting manufacturers Timing with watch and

Time to mix material min
requirements checking mixing records

Suspending thermometer
Temperature to mix concrete 5~40 on site and checking

Observation and
Uniform tamping, according to the
Concrete tamping Dominant
compact requirements in Article
E.5 of this Part

Inspection of Flat, smooth and without

Concrete surface Observation
insulation-pouring-material shrinkage crack
boiler wall Inspecting with 1m
wooden guiding rule and
Not greater than 5 per
mm wedge gauge according to
Surface smoothness deviation the requirements in
Article E.5 of this Part

Not greater than 10 in the

mm Observation
total length

Surface verticality deviation

Dominant mm Not greater than 10 per Inspecting with 1m
meter wooden guiding rule and
wedge gauge according to
the requirements in515
Article E.5 of this Part

Whole wall is not

mm Observation
greater than 15 in height

Without shrinkage crack,

Concrete appearance honeycomb, spongy Observation
surface or hole

Straight, even, regular,

Edge arris, corner pouring square and smooth arc Observation

Meeting the requirements

specified in
Curing Concrete curing manufacturers technical
documents and not less
than 7 days

Re-measuring with steel

Thickness deviation of refractory
Thickness mm 10 ruler by referring to
concrete layer

Re-measuring with steel

Deviation of expansion joints in Meeting drawing
Expansion joint Dominant mm ruler by referring to
the whole wall requirements, or 2mm

a It is filled during the acceptance of items with grid-plate ballistic cap; while it may not be filled for the item without grid-plate
ballistic cap

4.12.17 Pouring of boiler wall in boiler wear-proof and refractory insulation pouring
1 Application scope: pouring of boiler wall in boiler wear-proof and refractory insulation
pouring materials in circulating-fluidized-bed-boiler dense zone, air duct burner, slag cooler,
outlaid bed, cyclone-separator inlet & outlet chimney flue and feed back system flow channel
2 See Table 4.12.17 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.12.17: Pouring of boiler wall in boiler wear-proof and refractory insulation pouring materials:
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting the requirements With inspection reports from

Material inspection Dominant specified in Table 4.3.15 of qualified inspection
this Part organizations

Twining grid-plate duct with ceramic Re-measuring with steel ruler

mm 2
Construction fiber paper painting it with bitumen by referring to drawings
of Meeting the requirements on
wear-proof thickness specified in Observing and measuring
Formwork installation mm
and drawings, with deviation of with a steel tape
refractory 10
Formwork dismantlement No damage Observation

Material mixture ratio Dominant Meeting manufacturers Material is weighed by bench

requirements scale and water is measured
with burette

Meeting the requirements of Weighing with platform

Steel fiber content Dominant %
design and manufacturer balance

Meeting manufacturers Timing with watch and

Time to mix material
requirements checking mixing records

Suspending thermometer on
Temperature to mix concrete 5~40

Observation and according

Concrete tamping Dominant Uniform tamping, compact to the requirements in Article
E.5 of this Part

Inspecting with 1m wooden

guiding rule and wedge gauge
Dominant mm Not greater than 5 per meter
Sidewall surface smoothness according to the requirements
deviation in Article E.5 of this Part

Not greater than 10 in the total

mm Observation

Inspecting with 2m wooden

Not greater than 5 every 2 guiding rule and wedge gauge
Deviation of levelness on grid plate meter according to the requirements
surface in Article E.5 of this Part
Not greater than 10 in the total
wear-proof mm Observation
Inspecting with 1m wooden
guiding rule and wedge gauge
pouring Dominant mm Not greater than 5 per meter
according to the requirements
boiler wall Surface verticality deviation
in Article E.5 of this Part

Whole wall is not greater

mm Observation
than 15 in height

Without shrinkage crack,

Concrete appearance honeycomb, spongy surface or Observation

Straight, even, regular,

Edge arris, corner pouring square and smooth arc Observation

Meeting the requirements

specified in manufacturers
Curing Concrete curing Dominant
technical documents and not
less than 7 days

Deviation of wear-proof refractory Re-measuring with steel ruler

mm 5
concrete layer by referring to drawings
Re-measuring with steel ruler
Whole wall thickness deviation mm 10
by referring to drawings

Meeting the requirements of
Nonmetallic expansion joint
Dominant manufacturer's technical Observation

Nonmetallic expansion joint Meeting drawing Re-measuring with steel ruler

Dominant mm
deviation requirements, 5~10 by referring to drawings

Meeting the requirements of

Expansion Expansion joint structure design and manufacturer's Observation
joint technical documents

Compact filling and without

leakage; filling materials Observing and checking
Filling materials in expansion joint
meeting the design design

Deviation of expansion joints in the Meeting drawing Re-measuring with steel ruler
Dominant mm
whole wall requirements, or 2mm by referring to drawings

a It is filled during acceptance where this item is available and not filled when this item is not available.

4.12.18 Boiler wall building in boiler refractory insulation (wear-proof and refractory)
1 Application scope: pouring of boiler wall in boiler wall wear-proof and refractory
insulation pouring materials in circulating-fluidized-bed boiler, slag cooler, outlaid bed,
cyclone separator main body, cyclone-separator inlet & outlet chimney flue and feed back
system flow channel
2 See Table 4.12.18 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.12.18: boiler wall building in boiler refractory insulation (wear-proof and refractory) bricks:
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting the requirements With inspection reports from

Material inspection Dominant specified in Table 4.3.15 of qualified inspection
this Part organizations

Meeting the requirements of

Mastic cement mixture ratio Dominant design and manufacturers
technical documents

Firm building and plump Beating with hand hammer

Insulating brick building Dominant
mortar and observing

Meeting the requirements of

Refractory design and manufacturers
insulating brick Masonry building in stagger Dominant technical documents; Observation
building adjacent brick layers are

Inspecting randomly by
Insulation material filling Uniform filling, compact
inserting needles

5~7, maximum number of Re-measuring with steel

Insulation mortar joint mm brickwork joints shall not be ruler by referring to
greater than 5; mortar joints drawings

shall be staggered

Inspecting with 1m wooden

guiding rule and wedge
Surface smoothness deviation mm Not greater than 5 per meter gauge according to the
requirements in Article E.5
of this Part

Inspecting with 1m wooden

guiding rule and wedge
Inspection of
mm Not greater than 5 per meter gauge according to the
Surface verticality deviation requirements in Article E.5
of this Part
boiler wall
Whole wall is not greater
mm Observation
than 15 in height

Without shrinkage crack or

Concrete appearance Observation

Straight, even, square,

Edge arris, corner pouring regular and smooth arc Observation

Meeting the requirements

specified in manufacturer's
Curing Concrete curing Dominant Observation
technical documents and not
less than 7 days

Re-measuring with steel

Thickness Whole wall thickness deviation mm 10 ruler by referring to

Meeting the requirements of

Expansion joint structure design and manufacturers Observation
technical documents

Re-measuring with steel

Deviation of expansion joints in the Meet drawing requirements
Expansion Dominant mm ruler by referring to
whole wall or 2
joint drawings

Compact filling; without

leakage; filling materials
Filling materials in expansion joint Observation
meet the design

4.12.19 Spray coating of boiler wall in boiler wear-proof and refractory material:
1 Application scope: wear-proof and refractory spray coating of wear-proof and
refractory wall in circulating-fluidized-bed-boiler dense zone, air duct burner, slag cooler,
outlaid bed, cyclone-separator main body, cyclone-separator inlet & outlet chimney flue and
feed back system flow channel
2 See Table 4.12.19 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.12.19: wear-proof and refractory material spray coating
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting the requirements With inspection reports from
Material inspection Dominant specified in Table 4.3.15 of qualified inspection
this Part organizations

Dry, placed in classification

Storehouse pipe Observation
and not greater than 2.5 layers

Meeting material
Water quality Test
manufacturer's requirements
Spray Complete and meeting the
Stuff quality of expansion joint Check
coating design requirements
preparation Meeting the design
Expansion joint arrangement Dominant Observation

Without heavy rust, cleaning

Metal surface cleaning up metal surface and without Observation
large floating rust

Observing and re-inspecting

Formwork installation Meeting requirements
with steel ruler
Formwork dismantlement No damage Observation
refractory Re-measuring with steel ruler
Spray coating thickness mm 10
material by referring to drawings

spray Inspecting with 1m wooden

coating External dimensions of refractory guiding rule and wedge gauge

mm 10
and wear-proof pouring according to the requirements
in Article E.5 of this Part

Inspecting with 1m wooden

guiding rule and wedge gauge
Dominant mm Not greater than 5 per meter
according to the requirements
Surface smoothness deviation
in Article E.5 of this Part

Not greater than 10 in the

mm Observation
total length

Inspection Inspecting with 1m wooden

of boiler guiding rule and wedge gauge

Dominant mm Not greater than 5 per meter
wall according to the requirements
Surface verticality deviation
sprayed in Article E.5 of this Part

with Whole wall is less than or

mm Observation
wear-proof equal to 15 in height
and Without shrinkage crack,
refractory Concrete appearance honeycomb, spongy surface Observation
material or hole

Straight, even, regular, square

Edge arris, corner pouring Observation
and smooth arc transition

Smooth and compact in

Visual observation and
post-spray inspection Dominant surface; uniform particles;
inspecting with hammer
without inter layer or cavity

Meeting the requirements
specified in manufacturers
Curing Concrete curing Dominant
technical documents and not
less than 7 days

Re-measuring with steel ruler

Thickness Whole wall thickness deviation mm 10
by referring to drawings

Meeting the requirements of

Expansion joint structure design and manufacturers Observation
technical documents

Deviation of expansion joints in the Meet drawing requirements or Re-measuring with steel ruler
Dominant mm
Expansion whole wall 2 by referring to drawings
joint Compact filling and without
leakage; filling materials Observing and checking
Filling materials in expansion joint
meeting the design design

4.12.20 Integral boiler baking :

1 Application scope: wall boiler baking in the incineration room of circulating fluidized
bed boiler and waste incineration boiler
2 See Table 4.12.20 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.12.20: integral boiler baking
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Rational and approved

Boiler-baking scheme Dominant Inspection

Boiler-baking temperature
curve meets the
Boiler-baking temperature curve Dominant Check
requirements of design and
material manufacture
Inspection Measuring points in each
before baking the position is installed
boiler accurately; meet design
Temperature measuring points Re-inspecting according to
drawing requirements and
installation drawing
can reflect the surface
temperature of refractory
material actually.

sound protection of boiler

No damage of equipment Inspection

Uniform temperature
Boiler-baking Temperature distribution in all Observing according to
distribution during
process boiler zones CRT display

Boiler-baking temperature Dominant Temperature change Recording according to

change in each position consistent with CRT displays and taking the
boiler-baking curve and the mean value to draw actual
maximum error is not boiler-baking curve
greater than 20

Superheating temperature
No Heating shock during is generally not greater than Observing according to CRT

boiler-baking process 150 display

Inspecting water (steam)

Drainage hole Observation
drain of drainage hole

With fine cracks (not

exceeding manufacturer's
Inspection after Surface inspection after the requirements) on surface; Joint inspection,
baking the boiler baking of boiler normal expansion joints and observation
without boiler wall falling

4.12.21 Sampling records for reinspection of boiler wall pouring material in boiler:
1 Application scope: reinspection of boiler-wall pouring material in the incineration room
of circulating fluidized bed boiler and waste incineration boiler
2 Records are listed in Table 4.12.21.
Table 4.12.21: Sampling records for reinspection of boiler wall pouring material in boiler

Project name

Subitem project name Inspection lot name

Project number Sampled by

Sampling date Submitting date

Manufacturing lot
number of pouring Specification Supplied quantity (Kg) Sampling quantity (Kg) Remarks


Acceptance opinion Acceptance signature



4.12.22 Records on construction of boiler wall in boiler:

1 Application scope: inspection of boiler wall construction in the incineration room of
circulating fluidized bed boiler and waste incineration boiler
2 Records shall be met requirements in Table 4.12.22
Table 4.12.22: records on construction of boiler wall in boiler:

project name

Subitem project name Inspection lot name

Project number Construction date

Inspection of the installation and

welding of support members (pin,
clasp nail and support plate)

Inspection of cleanness in pouring


Inspection of bitumen painting at

the metal position which contacts
with castable

Inspection of wind-cowl duct

twining with ceramic fiber paper or
painting with bitumen

Inspection of
insulation-pouring-material pouring

Inspection of refractory
insulation-pouring-material pouring

Inspection of wear-proof and

insulation-pouring-material pouring

Inspection of insulating brick


Inspection of wear-proof and

refractory brick building

Inspection of brick-masonry
staggered joints

Inspection of brick-masonry
mortar joint

Inspection of expansion joint


Inspection of expansion-joint stuff


Serial number of used instrument

and equipment

Inspection conclusion:

Acceptance opinion Acceptance signature



4.12.23 Confirmation and signature for the inspection of boiler integral baking:
1 Application scope: boiler-wall integral baking in the incineration room of circulating
fluidized bed boiler and waste incineration boiler
2 Confirmation and signature shall be met requirements in Table 4.12.23
Table 4.12.23: Confirmation and signature for the inspection of boiler integral baking

project name

Subitem project name Inspection lot name

Project number Boiler-baking time

Inspection before baking of the boiler:

Inspection after baking the boiler:

Serial number of used

instrument and equipment

Inspection conclusion:

Acceptance opinion Acceptance signature



Design organization Date



4.12.24 Inspection table on the implementation of the compulsory provisions for the
subsection project of boiler wall masonry:
1 Application scope: inspection on the implementation of the compulsory provisions for
the subsection project of boiler wall masonry
2 Inspection of compulsory provisions implementation shall meet the requirements
specified in Table 4.12.24.
Table 4.12.24: Inspection on the implementation of the compulsory provisions for the subsection project of
boiler wall masonry

Project name

Subsection project
Unit project name

Project number Acceptance time Date

No. Inspection item Related information

Quality of alloy steel components shall meet the requirements
specified in equipment technological documents; before
1 installation, material quality shall be reinspected and marked in
obvious positions; after installation, marks shall be checked; those
materials without clear marks shall be reinspected.

Acceptance result

Construction organization: (seal) Supervision organization: (seal)

Project technical director: Supervision engineer:
Date Date

Note: the content listed in this Table may be increased or decreased according to actuality.

4.13 Heating Equipments and Piping Insulation in the Whole Plant

4.13.1 Laying of mineral fiber felt and plate for membrane wall, super-heater and
combustion chamber hopper wall
1 Application scope: the laying of mineral fiber felt and plate for membrane wall,
super-heater and combustion chamber hopper wall
2 See Table 4.13.1 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.13.1: laying of mineral fiber felt and plate for membrane wall, super-heater and combustion
chamber hopper wall
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Shall meet design criteria or

Material meet those specified in Table Inspection reports from
Insulation material inspection Dominant
inspection 4.3.15 of this Part if design corresponding organizations
criteria are not available

Inspecting with ruler

Spacing (length, width) deviation mm 5 according to the requirements
in Article E.1 of this Part
Hooked Insulation hooked nail is
nail welded firmly; its surface
installation shall be free from pore or slag
Welding Observation
inclusion; and there is no base
material undercut out of

Main Tight laying; staggered joints Observation or inspecting

insulating Building technology Dominant in the first layer and pressed with steel ruler according to
layer joints in the second layer the requirements in Article

building Shaping and banding of insulation Firmly fixed with hooked E.5 of this Part
layer nail

Shall meet drawing design

Insulating layer thickness mm

Connected with hooked nail;

Wire mesh fixing iron wire without end
Wire mesh is butted firmly
Wire mesh butting and clings to main insulating

Inspecting according to the

Support members (angle steel or Shall meeting the design
requirements specified in
U-steel) arrangement requirements
Article E.5 of this Part

Inspecting with plumb bob

Support members (angle steel or and steel ruler according to
Dominant mm 5
U-steel) planeness deviation the requirements specified in
Article E.5 of this Part

Support member is welded

firmly; its surface shall be
Support members (angle steel or free from pore, slag inclusion
U-steel) welding or crack; and there is no base
material undercut out of
Shall cling to angle steel or
Enclosure positioning Dominant U-steel; and shall be firmly

Upper enclosure overlaps the

Observation and inspecting
lower one; overlapping 100;
Enclosure overlapping Dominant mm with steel ruler according to
the adjacent overlapping
the requirements specified in
opening is one waviness
Article E.5 of this Part
Fixed with tapping screw or
self-plugging rivet; and the
Enclosure fixing Dominant mm
spacing shall be arranged
uniformly between 160~250

Inspecting with infrared

boiler Environment temperature 25 50
radiation thermometer
Dominant according to the requirements
25+ Environment specified in Article E.5 of this
temperature Environment temperature>25
temperature Part

4.13.2 Main insulation wet building and outer-wall plastering for heating equipments:
1 Application scope: main insulation wet building and outer-wall plastering for heating
2 See 4.13.2 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.13.2: Main insulation wet building and outer-wall plastering for heating equipments

Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Shall meet design criteria or

Inspecting inspection reports
Material meet those specified in Table
Insulation material inspection Dominant from corresponding
inspection 4.3.15 of this Part if design
criteria are not available

Meeting design
requirements; if no
Ordinary position mm
requirement is available, it is
Inspecting with ruler
Meeting design
Hooked nail according to the
Upside the end enclosure of requirements; if no
(bolt) spacing mm requirements in Article E.5
horizontally round tank requirement is available, it is
of this Part
400~ 500

Meeting design requirements;

Round-tank end enclosure mm if no requirement is available,
it is 150~200

Hooked nail is welded

firmly; its surface shall be
free from pore or slag
Welding Hooked nail welding Dominant Observation
inclusion; and there is no
base material undercut out of

tight masonry, plump

mortar; staggered joints in
insulating layer Ordinary position Dominant
the first layer and pressed
joints in the second layer

Masonry shall be overlapped;

Inspecting with steel ruler or
pituitary masonry shall be
Four corners at square feeler gauge according to the
Dominant mm layered; the spacing of
equipments requirements specified in
involvement hooked nail
Article E.5 of this Part
shall be 300~500

Meeting requirements of
Thickness mm

Mortar joint thickness mm 5~7

Observation according to
Masonry block banding Dominant Bond firmly the requirements specified in
Article E.5 of this Part

On both sides of flange

Sufficient Inspecting with ruler
Reserved (removing bolts)
space On both sides of
Sufficient, in the right Measuring with ruler and
expansion joint
direction Observing

On both sides of
supporter and hanger

Wire mesh is butted firmly

Wire mesh butting Dominant and clings to main insulating

Connected with hooked

Observation according to
Wire mesh Wire mesh fixing Dominant nail; iron wire without end
the requirements specified in
laying breakage
Article E.5 of this Part
No bump or dead level on
Appearance inspection

Wire mesh at expansion

Expansion joint treatment Dominant
joint shall be disconnected

Shall meet design criteria or

Inspecting inspection reports
meet those specified in Table
Mortar test block inspection Dominant from corresponding
4.3.18 of this Part if design
criteria are not available

Smooth, regular and esthetic

Rendering coat appearance surface; no exposition of Observation
Insulation-layer fixed hooked nail
outer wall Inspecting with 1m wooden
plastering guiding rule or wedge gauge
Planeness deviation mm 3 according to the
requirements in Article E.5
of this Part

Without crack (except hair

Surface crack Observation

4.13.3 Main insulation masonry and outer-wall metal enclosure installation of heating
1 Application scope: main insulation masonry and outer-wall metal enclosure installation
of Heating equipments
2 See Table 4.13.3 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.13.3: Main insulation masonry and outer-wall metal enclosure installation of heating equipments
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Shall meet design criteria or

Material meet those specified in Table Inspection reports from
Insulation material inspection Dominant
inspection 4.3.15 of this Part if design corresponding organizations
criteria are not available

Hooked Meeting design requirements; Inspecting with ruler

nail Ordinary position mm if no requirement is available, according to the requirements
spacing it is 200~300 in Article E.5 of this Part

Upside the end enclosure of Meeting design

horizontally round tank requirements; if no

requirement is available, it is
Equipment top mm
400~ 500

Meeting design
requirements; if no
Round-tank end enclosure mm
requirement is available, it is

Insulation hooked nail is

Welding Hooked nail welding Dominant welded firmly; no undercut or Observation
slag inclusion

tight laying; staggered joints

Ordinary position Dominant in the first layer and pressed
joints in the second layer Inspecting with feeler gauge

Masonry shall be overlapped; and steel ruler according to

pituitary masonry shall be the requirements specified in

At four corners of square equipments Dominant mm layered; the spacing of Article E.5 of this Part

involvement hooked nail shall

be 300~500

Meeting requirements of Inspecting with steel ruler

Thickness mm
Main drawing according to the requirements
Mortar joint thickness mm 5 in Article E.5 of this Part
building Observation according to the
Shaping and banding of insulation
Dominant Bound firmly requirements specified in
Article E.5 of this Part

On both sides of flange

Sufficient Inspecting with ruler
(removing bolts)

On both sides of
expansion joint
space Sufficient, in the right Inspecting with ruler and
direction observing
On both sides of supporter
and hanger (expansion)

Wire mesh is butted firmly

Wire mesh butting and clings to main insulating
Observation according to the
Wire mesh layer
requirements specified in
laying Connected with hooked nail;
Article E.5 of this Part
Wire mesh fixing iron wire without end

Installation Observation or inspecting

of Support members (angle steel or Meeting the design with steel ruler according to
supporting U-steel) arrangement requirements the requirements in Article
members E.5 of this Part

Support members (angle steel or Dominant mm 5 Inspecting with plumb bob

U-steel) planeness deviation and steel ruler according to
the requirements specified in
Article E.5 of this Part

Support member is welded

firmly; its surface shall be free
Support members (angle steel or
from pore, slag inclusion or Observation
U-steel) welding
crack; and there is no base
material undercut out of limits

Shall cling to angle steel or

Enclosure positioning Dominant U-steel; and shall be firmly

Upper enclosure overlaps the

Observation or inspecting
Metal lower one; overlapping 100;
Enclosure overlapping Dominant mm with steel ruler according to
enclosure the adjacent overlapping
the requirements specified in
installation opening is one waviness
Article E.5 of this Part
Fixed with tapping screw or
self-plugging rivet; and the
Enclosure fixing Dominant
spacing shall be arranged
uniformly between 160~250

4.13.4 Main insulation masonry (with air layer) and outer-wall metal enclosure installation
of heating equipments:
1 Application scope: insulation of chimney flue, hot air duct and cold air duct
2 See Table 4.13.4 for quality criteria and inspection methods
Table 4.13.4: Main insulation masonry (with air layer) and outer-wall metal enclosure installation of heating
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Shall meet design criteria or

Material meet those specified in Table Inspection reports from
Insulation material inspection Dominant
inspection 4.3.15 of this Part if design corresponding organizations
criteria are not available

Steel bar mesh is welded

Steel bar
Steel bar mesh welding firmly and base material shall Observation
be free from undercut

Shall meet design

Hooked nail requirements; if no
Ordinary position mm
installation requirement is available, it is
Inspecting with ruler
Upside the end enclosure of Shall meet design
mm according to the
horizontally round tank requirements; if no
requirements in Article E.5
requirement is available, it is
Equipment top mm of this Part
400~ 500

Round-tank end enclosure mm Shall meet design

requirements; if no
requirement is available, it is

hooked nail is welded firmly;

its surface shall be free from
Hooked nail welding pore or slag inclusion; and Observation
there is no base material
undercut out of limits

Shall meet design Inspecting with steel ruler

Flow-blocking Flow-blocking zone spacing mm
requirements according to the
requirements in Article E.5
arrangement Flow-blocking zone fixing Dominant Tight laying and firm fixing
of this Part

Tight masonry, plump mortar;

staggered joints in the first
Ordinary position
layer and pressed joints in the
second layer
Inspecting with feeler gauge
Masonry shall be overlapped;
and steel ruler according to
pituitary masonry shall be
At four corners of square the requirements specified in
mm layered; the spacing of
equipments Article E.5 of this Part
involvement hooked nail
shall be 300~500

Shall meet requirements of

Main Thickness mm
Observation according to
layer building Shaping and banding of insulation
Dominant Bound firmly the requirements specified in
Article E.5 of this Part

On both sides of flange

Sufficient Inspecting with ruler
(removing bolts)

On both sides of
Reserved expansion joint
space (expansion) Sufficient, in the right Inspecting with ruler and

On both sides of direction observing

supporter and hanger


Wire mesh is butted firmly

Wire mesh butting Dominant and clings to main insulating
Observation according to
Wire mesh layer
the requirements specified in
laying Connected with hooked nail;
Article E.5 of this Part
Wire mesh fixing Dominant iron wire without end

observation or inspecting
Installation of
Support members (angle steel or Shall meet the design with steel ruler according to
U-steel) arrangement requirements the requirements in Article
E.5 of this Part

Inspecting with plumb bob
Support members (angle steel or and steel ruler according to
Dominant 5
U-steel) planeness deviation the requirements specified in
Article E.5 of this Part

Support member is welded

firmly; its surface shall be
Support members (angle steel or free from pore, slag inclusion
U-steel) welding or crack; and there is no base
material undercut out of

Shall cling to angle steel or Observation according to

Enclosure positioning Dominant U-steel; and shall be firmly the requirements specified in
overlapped Article E.5 of this Part

upper enclosure overlaps the

Metal lower one; overlapping 100;
Enclosure overlapping Dominant mm
enclosure the adjacent overlapping
installation opening is one waviness

Fixed with tapping screw or

self-plugging rivet; and the
Enclosure fixing Dominant mm
spacing shall be arranged
uniformly between 160~250

4.13.5 Main insulation wet building and outer-wall plastering for heating pipelines:
1 Application scope: main insulation wet building and outer-wall plastering for heating
2 See Table 4.13.5 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.13.5: main insulation wet building and outer-wall plastering for heating pipelines:
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Shall meet design criteria or

Material meet those specified in Table Inspection reports from
Insulation material inspection Dominant
inspection 4.3.15 of this Part if design corresponding organizations
criteria are not available

Main Tight masonry, plump mortar;

Inspecting with feeler gauge
insulating staggered joints in the first
Building technology Dominant according to the requirements
layer layer and pressed joints in the
in Article E.5 of this Part
building second layer

Shall meet requirements of Inspecting with ruler

Thickness Dominant mm
drawing according to the requirements

Mortar joint thickness mm 5~7 in Article E.5 of this Part

Observing according to the

Shaping and banding of insulation
Dominant Bound firmly requirements specified in
Article E.5 of this Part

On both sides of flange Sufficient Inspecting with ruler

(removing bolts)

On both sides of sliding

Sufficient, in the right Observing, inspecting with
supporter and hanger
direction steel ruler

On both sides (expansion)

of high-temperature mm 20~30 Inspecting with ruler
pipeline elbow

space Between pipelines with

expansion in different mm
Measuring the distance
Between pipelines with
between plastering outer
different medium mm 10~20
walls of pipeline insulation
Periphery of platform
which pipeline passes mm

Bracket of Spacing Dominant m 3~4 Measuring with ruler

Knocking with hand
insulation layer Fixing Dominant Firm
hammer and observing

Wire mesh is butted firmly

Wire mesh butting Dominant and clings to main insulating

Connected with hooked nail;

Observing according to the
Wire mesh Wire mesh fixing Dominant iron wire without end
requirements specified in
laying breakage
Article E.5 of this Part
No bump or dead level on
Appearance inspection Dominant

Wire mesh at expansion joint

Expansion joint treatment Dominant
shall be disconnected

Shall meet design criteria or

Inspection of mortar test block on meet those specified in Table Inspection reports from
rendering coat 4.3.18 of this Part if design corresponding organizations
criteria are not available

Flat, smooth; regular arris;

Rendering Rendering coat appearance no exposition of fixed hooked Observation
coat nail
construction Inspecting with 1m wooden
guiding rule or wedge gauge
Rendering coat planeness deviation mm 3
according to the requirements
in Article E.5 of this Part

Without crack (except hair

Rendering coat crack Dominant Observation

4.13.6 Main insulation masonry and outer-wall metal enclosure installation of heating

1 Application scope: main insulation masonry and outer-wall metal enclosure installation
of heating pipelines
2 See Table 4.13.6 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.13.6: Main insulation masonry and outer-wall metal enclosure installation of heating pipelines
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Shall meet design criteria or

Material meet those specified in Table Inspection reports from
Insulation material inspection Dominant
inspection 4.3.15 of this Part if design corresponding organizations
criteria are not available

Inspecting with feeler gauge

Tight laying; staggered joints
according to the
Building technology in the first layer and pressed
requirements in Article E.5
joints in the second layer
of this Part

Inspecting with ruler

Shall meet requirements of according to the
Thickness mm
drawing requirements in Article E.5
of this Part

Observing according to the

Shaping and banding of insulation layer Bound firmly requirements specified in
Article E.5 of this Part

On both sides of flange

Sufficient Inspecting with ruler
(removing bolts)

On both sides of sliding

Sufficient, in the right Inspecting with ruler and
supporter and hanger
Main direction observing
layer On both sides

building (expansion) of
mm 20~30
pipeline elbow
Reserved space
Between pipelines with
expansion in different mm
Measuring with ruler
Between pipelines with
different medium mm 10~20

Periphery of platform
which pipeline passes mm

Bracket of Spacing Dominant m 4~5

Knocking with hand
insulation layer Fixing Dominant Firm
hammer and observing

Shall be cling to main Observation according to
Enclosure positioning Dominant insulating layer and the requirements specified
overlapped firmly in Article E.5 of this Part

overlapping opening is
downward; the direction of
adjacent overlapping
openings shall be consistent
Inspecting with ruler
with pipe slope; and the
according to the
Enclosure overlapping opening Dominant mm spacing of
requirements in Article E.5
of this Part
overlapping opening shall
not be less than 30 (it shall
not be less than 50 for
open-air overlapping

High temperature
stream pipeline with
overlapping mm 75
large diameter
Open-air pipeline
Observation and inspecting
Overlapping shall be with ruler according to the
seamed with big and small requirements specified in
wires which shall be make Article E.5 of this Part
Axial overlapping and fixing of
into round reinforcement bar
to be fixed tapping screw;
the spacing shall be even and
between 160~250mm

4.13.7 Main insulation masonry and outer-wall metal enclosure installation for heating
main-water-supply, main steam and reheated steam pipelines:
1 Application scope: main steam pipeline, water supply pipeline and reheated steam
pipeline etc.
2 See Table 4.13.7 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.13.7: Main insulation masonry and outer-wall metal enclosure installation for heating
main-water-supply, main steam and reheated steam pipelines
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Shall meet design criteria or

meet those specified in
Material Inspection reports from
Insulation material inspection Dominant Table 4.3.15 of this Part if
inspection corresponding organizations
design criteria are not

insulating Building technology Tight laying; staggered Inspecting with feeler
joints in the first layer and gauge according to the

pressed joints in the second requirements in Article E.5
layer of this Part

Inspecting with ruler

Shall meet requirements of according to the
drawing requirements in Article E.5
of this Part

Observing according to the

Shaping and banding of insulation layer Bound firmly requirements specified in
Article E.5 of this Part

On both sides of flange

Sufficient Inspecting with ruler
(removing bolts)

On both sides of
Sufficient, in the right Inspecting with ruler and
supporter and hanger
direction observing

layer On both sides

building (expansion) of
mm 20~30
pipeline elbow
Reserved space
Between pipelines with
expansion in different mm
directions Measuring with ruler

Between pipelines with

different medium mm 30~40

Periphery of platform
which pipeline passes mm

Bracket of Spacing Dominant m 3~4 Measuring with ruler

Knocking with hand
insulation layer Fixing Dominant Firm
hammer and observing

Metal Shall be cling to main Observation according to

enclosure Enclosure positioning Dominant insulating layer and the requirements specified
installation overlapped firmly in Article E.5 of this Part

Circumferential overlapping
opening is downward; the
direction of adjacent
overlapping openings shall Inspecting with ruler
be consistent with pipe according to the
Enclosure overlapping opening Dominant mm
slope; and the spacing of requirements in Article E.5
circumferential-adjacent of this Part
overlapping opening shall
not be less than 30 (it shall
not be less than 50

High temperature stream
Enclosure pipeline with large
overlapping diameter mm 75
Open-air pipeline
Observation and inspecting
Overlapping shall be with ruler according to the
seamed with big and small requirements specified in
wires which shall be make Article E.5 of this Part
Axial overlapping and fixing of
into round reinforcement bar
to be fixed tapping screw;
the arrangement shall be

Separate metal enclosure;

being convenient for
Metal enclosure at creep measurement
installation and Observation
points a
disassembly; esthetic
appearance and fixed firmly

Identification of the outside seam Correct identification of

position of metal enclosure position

Inspecting with infrared

Environment temperature 25 50
Outside radiation thermometer
temperature Dominant according to the
25+ Environment
measurement Environment temperature>25 requirements specified in
Article E.5 of this Part

a Installation of metal enclosure at creep measurement point is only applicable to the main steam pipeline and reheated steam hot

4.13.8 Spray coating insulation for steam turbine main body:

1 Application scope: spray coating insulation for steam turbine main body
2 See Table 4.13.8 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.13.8: Spray coating insulation for steam turbine main body
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Shall meet design criteria or

meet those specified in Table Inspection reports from
Insulation material inspection Dominant
4.3.15 of this Part if design corresponding organizations
criteria are not available
Inspection Shall meet design criteria
or meet those specified in
Inspection of insulating concrete Inspection reports from
Table 4.3.17 of this Part if
test block corresponding organizations
design criteria are not

Cleaning of base coat and oil

Cleaning Cleaning away Observation
sludge for cylinder body

Fixing of
Hooked nail spacing mm Meeting requirements of Measuring with ruler

drawing according to the
requirements in Article E.5
of this Part

Insulation hooked nail is

welded firmly; its surface
shall be free from pore or
Hooked nail (fixed bolt) welding Dominant Observation
insulation slag inclusion; and there is
hooked nail no base material undercut
out of limits

Inspecting with hand

hammer by knocking
Connection between hooked nail
Bound firmly according to the
and grid mesh
requirements in Article E.5
of this Part

Compact stickiness and

Spray coating Spray coating technology Dominant without falling off, Observation
honeycomb or hole

Firm overlapping and the

Wire mesh overlapping mm quantity of overlap being not Observation and inspecting
Wire mesh less than 20 with steel ruler according to
laying Firmly bound with hooked the requirements specified in
Wire mesh banding nail and clinging to spray Article E.5 of this Part

coating surface

Shall meet design criteria

or meet those specified in
Inspection reports from
Mortar test block inspection Table 4.3.18 of this Part if
corresponding organizations
design criteria are not

Rendering coat Flat, smooth; regular arris;

construction Rendering coat appearance no exposition of fixed
hooked nail Observation

Without crack (except hair

Rendering coat crack Dominant

Temperature difference between Inspecting from operating

Dominant 50
upper and lower cylinders dial

4.13.9 Insulation of steam turbine main body by sticking with aluminium silicate fiber felt:
1 Application scope: insulation of steam turbine main body by sticking with aluminium
silicate fibrofelt
2 See Table 4.13.9 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.13.9: Insulation of steam turbine main body by binding with aluminium silicate fiber felt
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

inspection Insulation material inspection Dominant Shall meet design criteria or Inspection reports from
meet those specified in Table corresponding organizations
4.3.15 of this Part if design
criteria are not available

Aluminium silicate
fire-resisting fibrofelt is
sticked on plate iron with
Inspection of sticker (aluminium
Without falling off sticker; after it is dried, it is
dihydrogen phosphate)
placed in electric furnace for
baking for 6~12 hours at
temperature of 550~600

Cleaning of base coat and oil sludge Cylinder body must be

Cleaning Observation
for cylinder body cleaned up

Sticker is painted uniformly;

being tightly sticked with
Sticking of aluminium silicate cylinder body; sticked in
fire-resisting fibrofelt staggered joints in each layer;
tight, flat and smooth layers;
without falling off

Temperature difference between Inspecting from operating

Dominant 50
upper and lower cylinders dial

4.13.10 Insulation of steam turbine main body with mineral fiber felt and plate:
1 Application scope: insulation of steam turbine main body with mineral fiber felt and
2 See Table 4.13.10 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.13.10: Insulation of steam turbine main body with mineral fiber felt and plate
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Shall meet design criteria or

Material meet those specified in Table Inspection reports from
Insulation material inspection Dominant
inspection 4.3.15 of this Part if design corresponding organizations
criteria are not available

Inspecting with ruler

Meeting requirements of
Hooked nail spacing mm according to the requirements
in Article E.5 of this Part
Insulation hooked nail is
welded firmly; its surface
Hooked nail (fixed bolt) welding Dominant shall be free from pore or slag Observation
inclusion; and there is no base
material undercut out of limits

Tight laying; insulation layer

Main Observation and inspecting
clings to steam cylinder;
insulating with steel ruler according to
Building technology pressed joints in the first layer
layer the requirements specified in
and staggered joints in the
building Article E.5 of this Part
second layer

Insulation shaping and banding Bound firmly

Shall meet requirements of

Insulating layer thickness mm

Temperature difference between

Dominant 50 Inspecting from operating dial
upper and lower cylinders

4.13.11 Insulation mixture bottoming, hard insulation board masonry and rendering coat
construction for the contact surface of steam-turbine main cylinder:
1 Application scope: insulation mixture bottoming, hard insulation board masonry and
rendering coat construction for the contact surface of steam-turbine main cylinder
2 See Table 4.13.11 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.13.11: Insulation mixture bottoming, hard insulation board masonry and rendering coat
construction for the contact surface of steam-turbine main cylinder
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Shall meet design criteria or

Material meet those specified in Table Inspection reports from
Insulation material inspection Dominant
inspection 4.3.15 of this Part if design corresponding organizations
criteria are not available

Cleaning of base coat and oil Cylinder surface must be

Cleaning Observation
sludge for cylinder body cleaned up

Inspecting with ruler

Shall meet requirements of
Hooked nail spacing according to the requirements
Installation in Article E.5 of this Part
of Insulation hooked nail is
insulation welded firmly; its surface
hooked shall be free from pore or slag
Hooked nail welding Dominant Observation
nails inclusion; and there is no base
material undercut out of

Observing and inspecting

Uniform and compact
Coating Technology on coating insulation with ruler according to the
Dominant mm stickiness with steam cylinder
technology mixture requirements in Article E.5 of
and being 20~30 in thickness
this Part

Fastened firmly and clings to

Positioning laying the surface layer of insulation

Wire mesh Two wire meshes shall be

Overlapping between mesh Observation
laying overlapped firmly

Wire mesh is firmly

Fixing of mesh to hooked nail connected with fixed and
hooked nail

insulating Building technology Tight laying, plump mortar;
pressed joints in the first layer

and staggered joints in the
second layer

Mortar joint dimension mm 5

layer Observation and inspecting
building with ruler according to the
Insulation shaping and banding Fixed and firm banding
requirements specified in
Shall meet requirements of
Insulating layer thickness mm Article E.5 of this Part

Two wire meshes are

overlapped firmly and the
Laying of Wire mesh overlapping Dominant mm
quantity of overlap is not less
wire mesh
than 20 Random inspection
in outer
Wire mesh is firmly bound
Fixing of mesh to hooked nail Dominant with hooked nail and clings to
insulation layer surface

Shall meet design criteria or

meet those specified in Table Inspection reports from
Mortar test block inspection Dominant
5.2.16 of this Part if design corresponding organizations
criteria are not available

Rendering Flat, smooth; regular arris;

coat Rendering coat appearance no exposition of fixed hooked
construction nail Observation

Without crack (except hair

Rendering coat crack Dominant

Temperature difference between Inspecting from operating

Dominant 50
upper and lower cylinders dial

4.13.12 Insulation of heating pipelines (with small caliber) with aluminum-silicate

refractory fiber strip or rope:
1 Application scope: insulation of heating pipelines (with small caliber) with
aluminum-silicate refractory fiber strip or rope
2 See Table 4.13.12 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.13.12: insulation of heating pipelines (with small caliber) with aluminum-silicate refractory fiber
strip or rope
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Shall meet design criteria or

Material meet those specified in Table Inspection reports from
Insulation material inspection Dominant
inspection 4.3.15 of this Part if design corresponding organizations
criteria are not available

Staggered joints in layers;

Strip/rope compact winding; no gap;
Winding of fiber strip or rope Random inspection
winding banded with lead wire at front
and rear

4.13.13 Insulation of valve and flange with glassfiber-plastics insulation cover:

1 Application scope: insulation of valve and flange with glassfiber-plastics insulation

2 See Table 4.13.13 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.13.13: insulation of valve and flange with glassfiber-plastics insulation cover
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Shall meet design criteria or

Material meet those specified in Table Inspection reports from
Insulation material inspection Dominant
inspection 4.3.15 of this Part if design corresponding organizations
criteria are not available

Meeting the design

Tensile strength Mpa

Meeting the design

Insulation Flexural strength Mpa
requirements Inspection reports from
Meeting the design corresponding organizations
inspection Impact strength KJ/m2

Meeting the design

Oxidation index %

Filling mineral fiber Uniform filling Observation

Close to equipment; fixed

firmly; being convenient for Observing according to the
Insulation cover fixing assembling and requirements specified in
disassembling; without Article E.5 of this Part

4.13.14 Construction for the insulation of valve and flange of heating equipment and
pipeline by installing metal enclosure:
1 Application scope: construction for the insulation of valve and flange of heating
equipment and pipeline by installing metal enclosure:
2 See Table 4.13.14 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.13.14: Construction for the insulation of valve and flange of heating equipment and pipeline by
installing metal enclosure
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Shall meet design criteria or

Material meet those specified in Table Inspection reports from
Insulation material inspection Dominant
inspection 4.3.15 of this Part if design corresponding organizations
criteria are not available

Uniform, compact and the Inspecting with ruler

Filling mineral fiber materials thickness meets the design according to the requirements
requirements in Article E.5 of this Part
Fixed firmly; being
convenient for assembling
Metal enclosure fixing 10% random inspection
and disassembling; esthetic

4.13.15 Confirmation and signature for the sampling and reinspection of insulation material:
1 Application scope: insulation material, insulating concrete material and plastering
material etc.
2 Confirmation and signature for the sampling and reinspection of insulation material are
specified in Table 4.13.15.
Table 4.13.15: Confirmation and signature for the sampling and reinspection of insulation material

project name

Subitem project
Project number

Manufacturer Supplier

Quality certificate Date of

No. production

Sampled by Sampling date Sampling site

Submitting data

Testing content

Material name Material specification Supplied quantity (m3 or kg) Sampling quantity (blocks)

Reinspection conclusion:

Acceptance organization Inspection opinions Acceptance signature

Construction organization Date

Supervision organization Date

4.13.16 Testing records on the surface temperatures of post-insulated equipments and


1 Application scope: testing of the surface temperatures of boiler wall, boiler top wall,
reheated steam pipeline, main steam pipeline and water supply pipeline after insulating
2 Records on testing shall meet the requirements specified in Table 4.12.12.
4.13.17 Inspection table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions:
1 Application scope: inspection on the implementation performances of compulsory
provisions related to steam turbine equipments and piping-insulation subsection projects
2 Implementation performances of compulsory provisions shall meet the requirements
specified in Table 4.13.17.
4.13.17: Inspection table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions:

project name

Heating equipments and piping insulation in the Subsection project Steam turbine equipments and
Unit project name
whole plant name piping insulation

Project number Acceptance time Date

Implementation Related
No. Inspection item
performance information

Those important materials used in construction shall be provided

with quality certificate and material certificate. If the quality of such
materials are doubted during checking and inspection; they shall be
inspected and identified necessarily. All performances of quality
steel, alloy steel, nonferrous alloy, high-pressure-temperature
welding material, lubricating-oil (grease) fire-resistant liquid and
insulation material must meet design requirements and national
standards and then used.

Removable insulation shall be designed at the creep measurement

section; insulation outside shall be marked and the insulating
property shall not be less than the one of the insulation materials for
this component. Equipments to prevent water penetrating into
pipeline surface shall be installed at outdoor or semi outdoor
creep-measurement sections. Reliable measures to prevent
insulation materials gliding shall be taken at the creep measurement
section of vertical pipe section.

Acceptance result

Construction organization: (seal) Supervision organization: (seal)

Project technical director: Supervision engineer:
Date Date

Note: the content listed in this Table may be increased or decreased according to actuality.

4.14 Painting of Equipments and Pipelines in the Whole Plant

4.14.1 Plastering surface paints for equipments and pipes insulation:
1 Application scope: plastering surface paints for equipments and pipes insulation

2 See Table 4.14.1 for quality criteria and inspection methods
Table 4.14.1: Plastering surface paints for equipments and pipes insulation
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Insulation layer drying Dominant Dry Observation

Observing according to the

Ash deposit and ash scars
Pretreatment Rendering coat cleaning Dominant requirements specified in
being cleaned up
Article E.5 of this Part

Insulation rendering coat cleaning Cracks being filled Observation

Uniform and consistent tone;

impenetrable; without spot,
falling off, wrinkle, flow
Paint layer appearance
mark, floating film, paint
particle or obvious brush Observing according to the
Dominant mark requirements specified in
Painting Re-painting must be carried Article E.5 of this Part
Re-painting time limit out after the former layer is

Tight layer combination and

Combination between layers
without layering

Consistent color,
Paint color Observation

4.14.2 Paint on the metal surface of equipments and pipelines:

1 Application scope: paint on the metal surface of equipments and pipelines
2 See Table 4.14.2 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.14.2: Paint on the metal surface of equipments and pipelines
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Oil sludge, ash and rust being

cleaning Cleaning on metal surface Dominant
cleaned up

Uniform painting;
Painting on bottom layer (anti-rusting
Painting impenetrable and without

Uniform and consistent tone;

Observing paint according to
impenetrable; without spot,
Floating coat appearance the requirements specified in
falling off, wrinkle, flow
Article E.5 of this Part
mark, floating film, paint
particle or obvious brush mark
Re-painting must be carried
Re-painting time limit out after the former layer is

Combination between layers Tight layer combination and

without layering

Consistent color,
Paint color Observation

4.14.3 Sticking of glass fiber cloth on the rendering coats of equipments and pipelines:
1 Application scope: sticking of glass fiber cloth on the rendering coats of equipments
and pipelines:
2 See Table 4.14.3 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.14.3: Sticking of glass fiber cloth on the rendering coats of equipments and pipelines
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Insulation layer drying Dominant Dry Observation

Ash deposit and ash scars
Rendering coat cleaning
being cleaned up

A layer of PVAC emulsion is

evenly painted on insulation
Adhesives painting rendering coat and glass fiber
Observing according to the
cloth surface without any
Sticking of requirements specified in
glass fiber Article E.5 of this Part
Overlapping between glass
Glass fiber cloth overlapping mm fiber clothes is not less than

Flat and smooth sticking;

Appearance inspection after sticking
without wrinkle or falling off

4.14.4 Painting of metallic pipes with Stone Matrix Asphalt:

1 Application scope: Painting of metallic pipes with Stone Matrix Asphalt
2 See Table 4.14.4 for quality criteria and inspection methods
Table 4.14.4: Painting of metallic pipes with stone matrix asphalt
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Oil sludge, ash and rust shall

Cleaning on metal surface Dominant
be cleaned up Observing according to the
Pretreatment Uniform painting; requirements specified in
Painting on bottom layer
impenetrable and without Article E.5 of this Part
(anti-rusting paint)

Uniform painting;
ainting of Stone impenetrable; and the
Painting technology
Matrix Asphalt thickness of two layers is
Observing according to the
requirements specified in
Re-painting must be carried
Article E.5 of this Part,
Re-painting time limit out after the former layer is
measuring with ruler

Combination between layers Tight layer combination and

without layering

Tight winding ; without

According to the
spacing and overlapping
Outer-layer packing and winding mm requirements specified in
between winding layers
Article E.5 of this Part
shall not be less than 30

4.14.5 Corrosion protection for metallic pipes by winding glass fiber cloth on the outer
1 Application scope: corrosion protection for metallic pipes by winding glass fiber cloth
on the outer layers
2 See Table 4.14.5 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.14.5: corrosion protection for metallic pipes by winding glass fiber cloth on the outer layers
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Oil sludge, ash and rust

Cleaning on metal surface Dominant
shall be cleaned up Observing according to the
Pretreatment Uniform painting; requirements specified in
Painting on bottom layer
impenetrable and without Article E.5 of this Part
(anti-rusting paint)

Each layer of bituminous

Bituminous paint paint shall be painted
Observing according to the
Each layer of glass fiber
Outer-layer requirements specified in
Appearance of glass fiber cloth cloth is wound flatly,
glass fiber Article E.5 of this Part or
winding smoothly and without any
cloth winding measuring with ruler

Overlapping of glass fiber cloth Overlapping length not less

winding than 30

4.14.6 Paint on the surface of the glass fiber cloth for equipments and pipes:
1 Application scope: paint on the surface of the glass fiber cloth for equipments and
2 See Table 4.14.6 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.14.6: paint on the glass fiber cloth surface for equipments and pipes
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Drying of glass fiber cloth surface Dominant Shall be dry Observation

Cleaning of glass fiber cloth surface Ash layer must be cleaned up Observing according to the
requirements specified in
Uniform and consistent
Article E.5 of this Part
tone; impenetrable; without
spot, falling off, wrinkle, flow
Painting Paint layer appearance
mark, floating film, paint
particle or obvious brush

Re-painting must be carried
Re-painting time limit out after the former layer is

Tight layer combination and

Combination between layers
without layering

Consistent color,
Paint color

4.14.7 Inspection table on the performance implementation of compulsory provisions of the

painting for equipment pipes in boiler house, turbine house, fuel pump house, compressed air
house, circulating water system, desulfurizing zone and denitration zone:
1 Application scope: inspection on the performance implementation of compulsory
provisions of the painting for equipment pipes in boiler house, turbine house, fuel pump
house, compressed air house, circulating water system, desulfurizing zone and denitration
2 Inspection of compulsory provisions implementation shall meet the requirements
specified in Table 4.14.7.
Table 4.14.7: inspection on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions on
equipment-piping-painting subsection projects

Project name

painting of equipments and pipelines in the Subsection project

Unit project name
whole plant name

Project number Acceptance time date

Implementation Related
No. Inspection item
performance information

Anti-corrosive coating for buried steel pipe shall be painted before

installation; anti-corrosive measures shall not be taken for the
weld seams before they are qualified in inspection; the
anticorrosive coating shall be prevented from damage during
transportation and assembling; and those damaged anticorrosive
coatings shall be repaired.

Acceptance result

Construction organization: (seal) Supervision organization: (seal)

Project technical director: Supervision engineer:
Date Date

Note: the content listed in this Table may be increased or decreased according to actuality.

4.14.8 Inspection table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions on

water treatment and hydrogen plant pipeline paintings:
1 Application scope: inspection on the implementation performance of compulsory
provisions on water treatment and hydrogen plant pipeline paintings:

2 Inspection of compulsory provisions implementation shall meet the requirements
specified in Table 4.14.8.
4.14.8: inspection on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions on the subsection project of
chemical-water equipment pipes painting

Project name

painting of equipments and pipelines in the Subsection project

Unit project name
whole plant name

Project number Acceptance time Date

Implementation Related
No. Inspection item
performance information

Anti-corrosive coating for buried steel pipe shall be painted before

installation; anti-corrosive measures shall not be taken for the weld
seams before they are qualified in inspection; the anticorrosive
coating shall be prevented from damage during transportation and
assembling; and those damaged anticorrosive coatings shall be

Accessory and valves on alkali pipes shall not be made of alpha

2 brass or aluminium materials. It is forbidden to paint in pipes or in
containers with alkaline solution.

It is forbidden to paint red lead or other paints in the equipments or

3 pipes which contacts with electrolyte; in case paints are painted,
they shall e cleaned up before assembling.

Acceptance result

Construction organization: (seal) Supervision organization: (seal)

Project technical director: Supervision engineer:

Date Date

Note: the content listed in this Table may be increased or decreased according to actuality.

4.15 Installation of Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler

4.15.1 Special components of circulating fluidized boiler in power station shall be accepted
according to the requirements listed in this Section and all the other components shall be
accepted according to the specifications on general boilers.
4.15.2 Installation of ornament outer guard plate for boiler:
1 Application scope: installation of profiling outer guard plate on boiler heating surface
and in low temperature area outside the insulation layers of other areas.
Installation of guard plates in high temperature zone is accepted according to the guard

plate installation of general boiler
2 See Table 4.15.2 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.15.2: Installation of ornament outer guard plate for boiler
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Metallic guard plate surface

Parts appearance is smooth, clean and has Observation
consistent color

Firmly fixed but shall not be

Support fixing Observation
welded with heating pipes
Fixed support Degree of the curvature of section steel Measuring with a steel ruler
mm 10
installation to fix guard plate after pulling steel wire

Observing; measuring with

Support spacing m 25
a steel ruler if necessary

Uniform arrangement;
Fixed bolt (rivet) installation fastened; outer sheath does Observation
not shake

Obvious scratch and slight

scratch with length being Not allowable Observation
greater than 100mm
Surface Slight scratch with length Not be greater than 3 on one
scratch being less than or equal to surface and not greater than Measuring with a steel ruler
100mm 10 in total

Inspecting with a steel

Installation Total scratch area mm2 500

Observing; measuring with

Surface smoothness deviation mm 10
a steel ruler if necessary

Observing; testing with

Verticality deviation mm 10
steel ruler, if necessary

Expansion is in the right

Observing; measuring with
Expansion direction and expansion
a steel ruler if necessary
space is sufficient

Overlapping length between expansion

mm 20 Measuring with a steel ruler
end and stop block

Door opening Not affecting the opening

Outer sheath installation Observation
installation and closing of door

Esthetic; outer sheath is fixed

Appearance firmly and the drainage slope Observation
in lower plane is outward

Spacing deviation of square

Opening mm 2 Measuring with steel ruler

Difference of diagonal line Deviation of diagonal line

mm Measuring with steel ruler
of square opening 3

Ellipticity of circular
mm 3 Measuring with steel ruler

Meeting the requirements

specified in manufacturer's
Observing, inspecting the
technical documents; no such
Welding Welding weld dimension with
defects as slag inclusion,
welding inspection ruler
undercut or pore; good weld
seam shaping

4.15.3 Boiler-top sealing installation, boiler sporadic-sealing-element installation and

installation of sealing device at slag discharge opening shall be accepted according to the
corresponding acceptance criteria and inspection methods of general boilers.
4.15.4 Installation of inner guard plate at flue gas entrance upside the shaft after boiler:
1 Application scope: installation of guard plate at flue gas entrance upside the shaft after
2 See Table 4.15.4 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.15.4: installation of inner guard plate
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

External dimensions meet

drawing design requirements
and are free from such Observing, testing with steel
Parts appearance
defects as skin lamination, tape
severe corrosion, damage or
Checking technical
No misusage; spectral
information of products;
analysis is conducted for
Parts material conducting spectral analysis
alloy parts which is marked
for alloy parts and writing
in obvious position

Installation positions and dimensions

Meeting the design Observing; measuring with a
Installation for parts (structure and sealing plate
requirements steel ruler if necessary

Plane warpage of guard plate mm 10 Measuring with steel ruler

Local planeness deviation mm 5 Measuring with steel ruler

Overlapping meets drawing

requirements. If no design is
available, the overlapping
Overlapping dimension of guard Observing; measuring with
mm shall be carried out along
plate steel ruler, if necessary
flow direction and the
overlapping length shall not
be less than 50.

Arrangement of fixing devices Dominant Meet the design requirements Observing and counting
and fixed position points
meet the design requirements

Heat expansion is in the right

Inspection of guard plate expansion Dominant direction and the Observation
displacement is sufficient

Meeting the requirements

specified in manufacturer's
Observing, inspecting the
technical documents; no such
Welding Welding weld dimension with welding
defects as slag inclusion,
inspection ruler
undercut or pore; good weld
seam shaping

4.15.5 Sealing and installation on the fire-toward surface of water wall:

1 Application scope: sealing of fire-toward abutted seam on boiler water wall Inspection
and acceptance include the sealing of fire-toward surface in dense phase region at bottom of
boiler water wall as well as of fire-toward surface in dilute phase region at the up of boiler
water wall.
2 See Table 4.15.5 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.15.5: sealing and installation on the fire-toward surface of water wall
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

External dimensions meet

drawing design requirements
and are free from such Observing, testing with steel
Parts appearance
defects as skin lamination, tape
severe corrosion, damage or

checking technical
No misusage; spectral
Equipment information of products;
analysis is conducted for
inspection Parts material conducting spectral analysis
alloy parts which is marked
for alloy parts and writing
in obvious position

Heating side pipes and fin weld Polished smoothly for Observing; measuring with a
seams in fire-toward surface transition steel ruler if necessary

Welding inspection for the abutted Polished smoothly and the

Observing; measuring with a
seam of water wall in fire-toward Dominant mm difference of height being
steel ruler if necessary
surface not greater than 0.5

Installation positions and dimensions

Meeting the design Observing; measuring with a
Installation for parts (structure and sealing plate
requirements steel ruler if necessary

Region Staggered joint of

overlaid by abutted seam for sealing mm 2 Measuring with steel ruler
refractory member
material at
bottom Seal weld in fire-toward Dominant No such surface defects as 100 % dyeing inspection for
surface crack, slag inclusion or all weld seams

severe undercut

No such surface defects as

Welded junction seam 100 % dyeing inspection for
Dominant crack, slag inclusion or
in fire-toward surface all weld seams
severe undercut

Staggered joint of
abutted seam for sealing mm 1 Measuring with steel ruler

Surface of weld
Region not
between heating side
overlaid by Polished smoothly for Observing; measuring with a
pipes and sealing Dominant
refractory transition steel ruler if necessary
member on fire-toward

Weld surface of abutted Polished smoothly on

Observing; measuring with
seam on fire-toward Dominant mm surface; with no staggering;
steel ruler, if necessary
surface surface smoothness 0.5

Meeting the requirements

specified in manufacturer's
Observing, inspecting the
technical documents; no
Welding Welding weld dimension with welding
such defects as slag
inspection ruler
inclusion, undercut or pore;
good weld seam shaping

4.15.6 Confirmation and signature for the sealing on the fire-toward surface of boiler water
1 Application scope: confirmation and signature for the sealing and installation on
boiler-water-wall fire-toward surface without area covered with refractory materials
2 Confirmation and signature for the sealing and installation on boiler-water-wall
fire-toward surface without area covered with refractory materials shall meet the requirements
specified in Table 4.15.6.
Table 4.15.6: confirmation and signature for the sealing on the fire-toward surface of boiler water wall

Project name

Installation of boiler metallic guard plate ,

Subitem project name Project number
sealing member and door opening

Completion time Technical director

All seal welds on the fire-toward surface of water wall are polished smoothly, flatly and evenly.
There is no staggering for abutted seam and the surface smoothness is not greater than 0.5mm.
No pit being greater than 0.5mm

Content on


Acceptance opinion Acceptance signature




4.15.7 Installation of cyclone separator:

1 Application scope: installation of boiler cyclone separator
2 See Table 4.15.7 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.15.7: cyclone separator installation
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

checking technical
No misusage; spectral
information of products;
Equipment analysis is conducted for
Parts material conducting spectral analysis
inspection alloy parts which is marked
for alloy parts and writing
in obvious position

No severe corrosion, damage

Appearance Observation
or deformation

Surface smoothness deviation mm 3 Observing; measuring the

severe warping with steel


Length deviation mm 10 Steel tape

Equipment perimeter deviation mm 10 Steel tape

Diameter deviation mm 10 Steel tape

Ellipticity deviation mm 15 Steel tape

Contra aperture clearance is

uniform; gas cutting surface
at terminal is repaired to be
flat and smooth; contra Observing; measuring with a
Combination contra aperture mm
aperture misalignment is not steel ruler if necessary
greater than 1 and terminal
face shall be processed into
Measuring horizontally with
of drum
level gauge or glass tube with
body Elevation deviation mm 10
the datum elevation of steel
frame as the reference

Vertical and horizontal center

mm 10 Steel tape
deviations of the drum

Inspecting the outlet centers

Deviation of cyclone-separator center on straight drum and under
Dominant mm 10
verticality cone by suspending plumb

Angular deviation of flue gas Measuring with steel ruler or

Dominant 0.5
entrance angle ruler

Center deviation to outer drum mm 3 Steel ruler

Measuring with a steel ruler

Installation angle deviation Dominant 0.5
after pulling steel wire
Measuring horizontally with
of inner Elevation deviation mm 3
level gauge or glass tube
Meeting requirements of
Hook installation position Observation

Observing; measuring with a

Contact between hook and inner drum Dominant 100%
feeler gauge, if necessary

Installation Shall meet drawing design

Structure Observation
of isolation requirements
devices in Measuring horizontally with
Elevation deviation of installation mm 10
impact level gauge or glass tube
zone and
Installation position deviation mm 20 Measuring with steel tape

Deviation of segregation board width mm 5 Measuring with steel ruler

Measuring horizontally with

Installation Elevation deviation of installation mm 20
level gauge or glass tube
supporting Deviation of supporting ring No slope down; slope up is
Measuring with angle ruler
ring in levelness less than or equal to 5 degree

drum Deviation of supporting ring width mm 10 Measuring with steel ruler

Meeting requirements of
Arrangement Observation
Support supporting Contacting well with base Observation
of supports
Meeting requirements of
Stop block Observation

Meeting the requirements

specified in manufacturer's
Observing, inspecting the
technical documents; no such
Welding Welding weld dimension with welding
defects as slag inclusion,
inspection ruler
undercut or pore; good weld
seam shaping

Inspecting according to the

Meeting requirements of method to inspect the
Position and type of installation
drawing installation position of general
meet the requirements in
of steam Contra aperture
Table 4.3.9
Meeting the requirements
specified in manufacturer's Observing, inspecting the
Seal welding technical documents; with weld dimension with welding
good weld seam shaping and inspection ruler
no defect

4.15.8 Installation of outlaid bed and air-water combined slag cooler:

1 Application scope: assembly installation of outlaid bed and air-water combined slag
2 See Table 4.15.8 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.15.8: assembly installation of outlaid bed
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

checking technical
no misusage; spectral
information of products;
Equipment analysis is conducted for
Parts material conducting spectral analysis
inspection alloy parts which is marked
for alloy parts and writing
in obvious position

Appearance mm No severe corrosion, damage Observation

or deformation

Surface smoothness deviation mm 3 Steel ruler

Length deviation mm 10 Steel tape

Deviation of diagonal line mm 5 Steel tape

Degree of curvature mm 5 Steel tape

Deviation of vertical and horizontal

mm 20 Steel tape

Measuring horizontally with

Elevation deviation mm 20
level gauge or glass tube

Suspending plumb bob, and

Verticality deviation of enclosure Dominant mm 5
measuring with a steel ruler

Planeness deviation of side plate in

mm 3 Steel ruler
Installation internal surface

Deviation of clearance length in

mm 5 Steel tape

Deviation of clearance width in

Dominant mm 3 Steel tape

Position is in the right

Manhole door direction and meets the Observation
design requirements

Meeting requirements of
Arrangement Observation
Support supporting Contacting well with base Observation
of supports
Meeting requirements of
Stop block Observation

Meeting the requirements

specified in manufacturer's
Observing, inspecting the
technical documents; no such
Welding Welding weld dimension with welding
defects as slag inclusion,
inspection ruler
undercut or pore; good weld
seam shaping

4.15.9 Installation of feed-back instrument (J valve):

1 Application scope: installation of boiler feed-back instrument (J valve)
2 See Table 4.15.9 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.15.9: Installation of feed-back instrument (J valve):
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

inspection Parts material No misusage; spectral checking technical
analysis is conducted for information of products;
alloy parts which is marked conducting spectral analysis
in obvious position for alloy parts and writing

No severe corrosion, damage

Appearance Observation
or deformation

Length deviation mm 10 Steel ruler

Degree of curvature mm 5 Steel ruler

Perfect surface and no

Internal boiler wall Dominant Observation

Deviation of vertical and horizontal

mm 20 Steel ruler

Measuring horizontally with

Elevation deviation mm 20
level gauge or glass tube
Concentricity deviation
of drum
from the conoid section Dominant 5 Steel ruler
of cyclone separator
of enclosure
Verticality deviation of
mm 5 Steel ruler

Position Correct position Observation

of conical Conical contact Good contact Observation

valve Smooth expansion and

Expansion and contraction Observation
contraction, correct route

Meeting requirements of
Arrangement Observation
Support supporting Contacting well with base Observation
of supports
Meeting requirements of
Stop block Observation

Correct position and no

Sweeping hole Observation
Installation blockage
of Position is in the right
accessory Manhole door direction and meets the Observation
design requirements

Meeting the requirements

specified in manufacturers
Observing, inspecting the
technical documents; no such
Welding Welding weld dimension with welding
defects as slag inclusion,
inspection ruler
undercut or pore; good weld
seam shaping

4.15.10 Installation of charging device:

1 Application scope: installation of boiler charging device
2 See Table 4.15.10 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.15.10: installation of charging device

Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

checking technical
No misusage; spectral
information of products;
analysis is conducted for alloy
Parts material conducting spectral analysis
Equipment parts which is marked in
for alloy parts and writing
inspection obvious position

No severe corrosion, damage

Appearance Observation
or deformation

Deviation of vertical and horizontal

mm 10 Steel ruler

Measuring with level gauge or

Elevation deviation mm 10
glass tube

Opening position Meeting design requirements Observation

Enclosure installation mm 5 Steel ruler

Uniform clearance, flatly &

Clearance of installation contra smoothly repaired terminal;
aperture terminal face is processed into

Flat and smooth flange face;

correctly-added cushion;
Flange installation uniformly-stressed bolt; and Observation
consistent reveal of screw

Meeting the requirements

specified in manufacturers
Observing, inspecting the
technical documents; no such
Welding Welding weld dimension with welding
defects as slag inclusion,
inspection ruler
undercut or pore; good weld
seam shaping

4.15.11 Installation of compensation devices:

1 Application scope: installation of compensation devices of boiler feed-back instrument
or at outlaid-bed melt-down-furnace ash channel
2 See Table 4.15.11 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.15.11: installation of compensation devices
Propert Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Unit Quality criteria
y instrument

checking technical
No misusage; spectral
information of products;
Equipment analysis is conducted for
Parts material conducting spectral analysis
inspection alloy parts which is marked
for alloy parts and writing
in obvious position

No severe corrosion,
Appearance Observation
damage or deformation

Length deviation mm 10 Steel ruler

Meeting requirements of
External dimensions Steel ruler

Deviation installation direction Meeting requirements of

of expansion center position drawing

Deviation installation value of

mm 5 Measuring with steel ruler
Installation of expansion center position

compensation Planeness deviation of interface

mm 3 Measuring with steel ruler
device surface
interfaces Domin Observing; measuring with a
Interface clearance deviation mm 0~5
ant feeler gauge, if necessary

Deviation of installation angle to Domin

0.5 Measuring with angle ruler
connect interfaces ant

Two right angle surfaces

Filling position contact well; without Observation

Bolt is in right position and

fastened till filling
Hold-down device bolts Observation
Installation seal deformation; 2-3 screw
filling threads are exposed

In right position; no contact

with two right angle
Observing; measuring with a
Hold down device surfaces of interfaces; with
steel ruler, if necessary
sufficient compaction

Meeting the requirements

Flexible Installation of flexible expansion
specified in Table 4.15.18 of
expansion joint joint
this Part

Structures meet those

Structures meet drawings Observation
Installation of specified in drawings

supporting stop
Deviation of member bar angle Less than 3 Measuring with angle ruler
Spacing deviation mm 10 Measuring with steel tape

Structures meet the

Connection with pipes requirements specified in Observation
design drawing
Connection and Meeting the requirements
welding specified in manufacturers Observing, inspecting the
Welding technical documents; no weld dimension with
such defects as slag welding inspection ruler
inclusion, undercut or pore;

good weld seam shaping

4.15.12 Installation of ballistic cap:

1 Application scope: installation of boiler ballistic cap
2 See Table 4.15.12 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.15.12: installation of ballistic cap
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Checking technical
no misusage; spectral
information of products;
analysis is conducted for
Parts material conducting spectral analysis
alloy parts which is marked
for alloy parts and writing
in obvious position

Equipment No severe corrosion, damage

Appearance Observation
inspection or deformation

Length deviation mm 3 Steel ruler

Deviation of central distance between Measuring with a steel ruler

mm 2
open holes of ballistic cap after pulling steel wire

Degree of curvature mm 1 Measuring with steel ruler

Parts serial numbers coincide

Checking field installation
with those specified in
Ballistic cap arrangement Dominant type by referring to the design
drawing and installation is in
one in drawing
the right direction

Verticality deviation mm 1 Measuring with plumb bob

Measuring with a steel ruler
Spacing deviation mm 3
after pulling steel wire

Deviation of the height from ballistic

mm 1 Measuring with steel ruler
cap top to fixed surface

Measuring with a steel ruler

Relative deviation of elevation Dominant mm 1
after pulling steel wire

Meeting the requirements

specified in manufacturers
Observing, inspecting the
technical documents; no such
Welding Welding weld dimension with welding
defects as slag inclusion,
inspection ruler
undercut or pore; good weld
seam shaping

4.15.13 Installation of fixing devices in the heating surface of outlaid bed:

1 Application scope: installation of fixing devices in the heating surface of boiler outlaid
2 See Table 4.15.13 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.15.13: Installation of fixing devices in the heating surface of outlaid bed

Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

checking technical
No misusage; spectral
information of products;
analysis is conducted for
Parts material conducting spectral analysis
Equipment alloy parts which is marked in
for alloy parts and writing
inspection obvious position

No severe corrosion, damage

Appearance Observation
or deformation

Meeting requirements of
Installation position Observation

Arrangement planeness deviation mm 10 Steel ruler


Verticality deviation mm 5 Steel ruler

Fixing Firm and without looseness Observation

Meeting the requirements

specified in manufacturers
Observing, inspecting the
technical documents; no such
Welding Welding weld dimension with welding
defects as slag inclusion,
inspection ruler
undercut or pore; good weld
seam shaping

4.15.14 Installation of combustion equipment:

1 Application scope: installation of boiler combustion equipment
2 See Table 4.15.14 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.15.14: installation of ignition burner
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

checking technical
no misusage; spectral
information of products;
Equipment analysis is conducted for
Parts material conducting spectral analysis
inspection alloy parts which is marked
for alloy parts and writing
in obvious position

No severe corrosion, damage

Appearance Observation
or deformation

External dimension deviation mm 10 Measuring with steel ruler

Measuring with a steel ruler

Degree of curvature mm 5
after pulling steel wire

Straight, even, internally

Core tube of oil gun unimpeded and with no Strip inspection

Atomizing nozzle Dominant Straight, even, internally Strip inspection

unimpeded; smooth and

clean atomizing slice without
damage; tight joint without

Bend radius is by 10 times

greater than external
diameter and the minimum Testing real objects or
External dimension of metal hose distance from joint to the checking technical
starting-bend point is by 6 information of products
times greater than external

Testing with 1.25 times

Water pressure test for metal hose Dominant Tight and without leakage working pressure, observing
or inspecting test records

Deviation of vertical and horizontal

mm 20 Measuring with steel tape
Enclosure Measuring with level gauge
Elevation deviation mm 20
installation or glass tube

Deviations of burner center and air

Dominant mm 10 Measuring with steel ruler
duct center

Meeting design requirements;

the deviation from the
Observing and measuring
Stretching depth of oil gun mm relative center of burning
with a steel ruler
torch is less than or equal to
Oil gun
In right position; with free
Actuating mechanism Observation
expansion and contraction

Spray test Good, without oil dripping Observation

Cooling air duct Unimpeded Observation

installation Flame-check hole Correct position Observation

Meeting the design

Position of fire observation hole Observation

Unimpeded channel;
convenient operation; small
area coverage; not affecting
Installation of the lateral pipes for oil
the disassembly and Observation
entrance & return
assembly of oil gun; tight
pipe and joint without

Meeting the requirements

Platform and staircase specified in Table 4.4.13 and
Table 4.4.14 of this Part

Installation of supports Firm and in right position Observation

Meeting the requirements

specified in manufacturers
Observing, inspecting the
technical documents; no such
Welding Welding weld dimension with welding
defects as slag inclusion,
inspection ruler
undercut or pore; good weld
seam shaping

4.15.15 Installation of steam drum:

1 Application scope: installation of boiler drum
2 See Table 4.15.15 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.15.15: installation of steam drum
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Checking according to the

Installation direction Correct
design drawing

Taking 1m elevation line of

Elevation deviation mm 5
boiler steel frame as reference
Dominant Taking the boiler lateral
Vertical and horizontal levelness
mm 2 expansion center as reference,
testing with steel tape
Installation Taking the boiler lateral
Horizontal central position expansion center as reference,
mm 5
deviation suspending plumb bob,
testing with steel tape

Taking the boiler vertical

Longitudinal central position expansion center as reference,
mm 5
deviation suspending plumb bob,
testing with steel tape

Deviation of support installation

5 Measuring with steel tape

Installation Fixed support installation Meeting the design requirements Observation

of supports
Structures meet the design
Observing; measuring with a
Expansion support installation requirements; free expansion and
steel ruler, if necessary
sufficient expansion space

Meeting the requirements

specified in manufacturers
Observing, inspecting the
technical documents; no such
Welding Welding weld dimension with welding
defects as slag inclusion,
inspection ruler
undercut or pore; good weld
seam shaping

4.15.16 Assembly installation of water wall in air chamber:

1 Application scope: assembly installation of water wall in boiler air chamber
2 See Table 4.15.16 for quality criteria and inspection method

Table 4.15.16: Assembly installation of water wall in air chamber
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Length deviation of assembly parts mm 10 Steel tape

Assembly Width deviation of assembly parts mm 5 Steel tape

Diagonal line deviation of assembly

mm 8 Steel tape

Deviation of vertical and horizontal

mm 10 Steel tape

Relative elevation deviation of

Measuring horizontally with
air-chamber water-wall ballistic cap Dominant mm 10
level gauge or glass tube
between landing legs

Deviation of the vertical and

horizontal centers of adjacent air Dominant mm 2 Measuring with steel ruler
Installation chambers in landing leg

Deviation of relative elevation

installation in the adjacent Measuring horizontally with
mm 2
air-chamber ballistic-cap fixed bed level gauge or glass tube
surface in landing legs

Meeting the requirements

Pipe contra aperture Dominant specified in Table 4.3.9 of
this Part

Measuring horizontally with

Deviation of stiffening bar elevation mm 5
level gauge or glass tube

Deviation of the central distance

Installation mm 5 Steel ruler
from stiffening bar to heating surface
of stiffening
Meeting drawing
Connection between stiffening bar requirements; free expansion;
and water wall without leakage or wrong

Deviation of sealing surface

Installation Dominant mm 2 Steel ruler
of sealing
No such surface defects slag
members Sealing members welding Dominant Observation
inclusion or undercut

Meeting the requirements

specified in manufacturers
Observing, inspecting the
technical documents; no such
Welding Welding weld dimension with welding
defects as slag inclusion,
inspection ruler
undercut or pore; good weld
seam shaping

4.15.17 Installation of boiler flow channels:

1 Application scope: installation of all flow channels and ash channels after boiler flow
channel and before shaft

2 See Table 4.15.17 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.15.17: installation of flow channels
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

No severe corrosion, damage

Equipment appearance inspection Observation
or deformation

Equipment Ellipticity of circular ash channel mm 10 Measuring with steel tape

inspection External dimension deviation of

mm 10 Measuring with steel tape
square ash channel

Surface smoothness deviation mm 5 Measuring with steel ruler

Length deviation of component mm 2% length and 10 Measuring with steel tape

Curvature degree of component mm 2% length and 10 Measuring with steel tape

Deviation of vertical and horizontal

mm 10 Measuring with steel tape

Measuring horizontally with

Deviation of elevation installation mm 10
level gauge or glass tube

Uniform contra aperture

clearance; flatly and smoothly
repaired terminal; contra Observing; measuring with a
Installation Contra aperture mm
aperture misalignment 1mm steel ruler, if necessary
and groove meeting relevant

Surface smoothness deviation mm 5 Steel ruler

Clean, without sundries or

Cleaning in pipes temporary reinforcing

Meeting the requirements

Installation of supporter and hanger specified in Table 4.3.5 of this

Meeting the requirements

specified in manufacturers
Observing, inspecting the
technical documents; no such
Welding Welding weld dimension with welding
defects as slag inclusion,
inspection ruler
undercut or pore; good weld
seam shaping

4.15.18 Installation of boiler flexible compensation devices:

1 Application scope: installation of boiler nonmetallic flexible compensation devices
2 See Table 4.15.18 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.15.18: installation of flexible compensation devices
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Equipment Inspection of equipment dimension Meeting the design Checking by comparing with
inspection and type requirements design

Symmetrical arrangement,
Fixing Arrangement of bolt hole Observation
uniform spacing

Relative center deviation of two

mm 5 Steel ruler

Torsion deviation of two flanges mm 5 Steel ruler

Flange Spacing deviation of two flanges mm 8 Steel ruler

Flange face Smooth, burr free Observation

Round, smooth; with

Flange side Dominant chamfering on edge; without Observation
arris or burr

Flat, smooth and without

distortion; length between Observing; measuring with a
Non Laying of non metallic material
flange holes meeting relevant steel ruler, if necessary
material requirements

Surface of non metallic material Dominant No damage on surface Observation

Straight and without pressure
block Installation of pressed block Observation

Consistent threading out

Bolt installation direction; 2-3 screw threads Observation
being exposed

4.15.19 Installation of metal-expansion compensation devices:

1 Application scope: installation of boiler metal-expansion compensation devices
2 See Table 4.15.19 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.15.19: Installation of metal-expansion compensation devices
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

checking technical
No misusage; spectral
information of products;
analysis is conducted for
Parts material conducting spectral analysis
Equipment alloy parts which is marked in
for alloy parts and writing
inspection obvious position

No severe corrosion, damage

Appearance Observation
or deformation

Meeting the design

Installation Structures of connection with pipes Observation

Contra aperture deviation mm 2 Measuring with steel ruler

Length deviation of installation in

Dominant mm 10 Measuring with angle ruler
cold state

Meeting drawing design
Pretension value in cold state Measuring with steel ruler

Installation direction is the

Installation direction of expansion
Dominant expansion direction of inner Observation
curtain board

Meeting the requirements

specified in manufacturers
Observing, inspecting the
technical documents; no such
Welding Welding weld dimension with welding
defects as slag inclusion,
inspection ruler
undercut or pore; good weld
seam shaping

4.15.20 Slag discharge pipes of outlaid bed, feed-back instrument and slag cooler etc. shall
be inspected and accepted according to those specified in Table 4.7.3 of DL/T 5210.5-2009.
4.15.21 Integral water pressure of boiler is inspected and accepted according to primary
steam-water circuit and secondary steam-water circuit respectively. Thereinto, the quality
criteria inspection methods are the same with the ones of general boiler.
4.15.22 Integral air pressure of boiler is inspected and accepted two system respectively: air
pressure tests for boiler air-flue gas system and fluidized air system. Thereof, the test pressure
is design operating pressure; the quality criteria and inspection method are the same with the
ones of general boiler.
4.15.23 Installation of limestone transmission pipes are inspected and accepted according to
the low-pressure pipe installation requirements specified in Piping Part. Bin pump is
inspected according to the following Table.
1 Application scope: installation of bin pump
2 See Table 4.15.23 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.15.23: installation of bin pump
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Correct type; no corrosion;

Shape flat and neat enclosure; clean Observation

Equipment Vertical and horizontal center line

mm 5 Measuring with steel tape
installation deviations

Measuring horizontally with

Elevation deviation mm 10
level gauge or glass tube

In the right direction, tight

Installation of door at bin top Observation
and without leakage

Esthetic arrangement,
Installation of exhaust pipe convenient operation, tight Observation
and without leakage

Installation of blockage-overcoming Convenient operation, tight

equipment and without leakage

Sealed severely and without

Bottom sealing Observation

Consistent bolt direction and
Bolted connection Observation
exposed length

Internal cleaning Clean and without sundries Observation

4.15.24 Installation of bucket elevator:

1 Application scope: installation of bucket elevator
2 See Table 4.15.24 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.15.24: installation of bucket elevator
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting drawing
requirements; level and
regular box; without
Equipment Appearance and shape Observation
obvious unevenness or
corrosion ; without sundries
in box

Deviation of box diagonal line mm 5 Measuring with steel ruler

Equipment Suspending plumb bob,

Verticality deviation of enclosure Dominant mm 1 height, and 15
installation testing with steel ruler

Testing with the level

Levelness deviation of roller mm 0.5

Testing with steel ruler

Parallism deviation of up and down
mm 10 after suspending plumb

Uniform and firm bolt load

Firm connection
Installation of
Meeting the design Observation
bucket line Clearance between shaft
requirements, without
and cell body

Meeting the design

requirements; free
Tension device installation Observation
adjustment and with
adjusting allowance

Flat and smooth flange

face; correctly-added
Observing and testing with
Flange connection cushion; uniformly-stressed
bolt; and consistent reveal
of screw thread

Firm root-age, correct

Installation of supporter and hanger position, flat and smooth Observation

Meeting the requirements
specified in manufacturers
Observing, inspecting the
technical documents; no
Welding weld dimension with
such defects as slag
welding inspection ruler
inclusion, undercut or pore;
good weld seam shaping

4.15.25 Installation of rotation flap valve:

1 Application scope: installation of rotation flap valve
2 See Table 4.15.25 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.15.25: installation of rotation flap valve
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Equipment No corrosion; flat and

Appearance Observation
inspection smooth enclosure

Deviation of spacing between driving

mm 2 Measuring with steel ruler
shaft and impeller shaft

Assembling the main shaft and Firm, correct and main shaft
impeller without any bend

Blade is straight and even;

the clearance between it and
Impeller clearance mm Measuring with feeler gauge
Equipment enclosure meets drawing
installation requirements

Measuring horizontally with

Elevation deviation mm 10
level gauge or glass tube

Deviation of vertical and horizontal

mm 5 Measuring with steel tape
center line

Sealed severely and without

Shaft seal Observation

4.15.26 Rotary-drum slag cooler:

1 Application scope: installation of rotary-drum slag cooler
2 See Table 4.15.26 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.15.26: rotary-drum slag cooler
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Without corrosion or
Equipment appearance deformation; flat and Observation
smooth enclosure
inspection Driving chain Perfect; good meshing Observation

Meeting manufacturer's
Equipment water pressure Testing with pressure gauge
design requirements

Installation deviation of
vertical and horizontal mm 5 Measuring with steel tape

Deviation of elevation
mm 10 Measuring with steel tape

Levelness installation Measuring horizontally with

mm 10
deviation level gauge or glass tube

4.15.27 Shaker feeder:

1 Application scope: shaker feeder
2 See Table 4.15.27 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.15.27: installation of shaker feeder
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Equipment Clean, consistent color and

Appearance Observation
inspection without corrosion

Measuring with angle

Installation angle of feeder Meeting design specification

Installation of feeder and shaker Linked firmly Observation

Installation Meeting requirements of

Measuring with steel
Electromagnet clearance mm equipment technological
records, or 1.8~2

Compaction nail of vibrating plate spring Tightened evenly and with

Dominant Observation
pack locking device

4.15.28 Installation of dedusting equipment:

1 Application scope: installation of dedusting equipment
2 See Table 4.15.28 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.15.28: installation of dedusting equipment
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Without corrosion, obvious

unevenness; flat and neat
Appearance Observation
enclosure; tight and without
leakage; no sundries in box
Equipment Installed correctly; firm,
inspection inleakage; tension force
Installation of filter bag Observation
meeting relevant

Without corrosion; firm


Installation position In the right direction Observation
Suspending plumb bob,
Verticality deviation mm 10
testing with steel ruler

Measuring horizontally with

Elevation deviation mm 10
level gauge or glass tube

Deviation of vertical and horizontal mm 10 Measuring with steel tape

center line

Levelness deviation mm 10 Measuring with level ruler

Horizontally even, vertical,

Pipe installation Observation
Pipe esthetic, tight and inleakage
connection Consistent bolt direction and
Bolted connection Observation
exposed length

Installation Firm root-age, correct

Installation of supports Observation
of supports position, smooth installation

Meeting the requirements

specified in manufacturers
Observing, inspecting the
technical documents; no such
Welding Welding weld dimension with
defects as slag inclusion,
welding inspection ruler
undercut or pore; good weld
seam shaping

4.15.29 Installation of boiler wall anchoring element:

1 Application scope: installation of boiler-wall anchoring element
2 See Table 4.15.29 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.15.29: installation of anchoring element
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Material meets relevant requirements

Meeting the design Observing, checking
and are provided with quality
requirements material certificate

Bin pipe of anchoring element Dry, placed in classification Observation

Holding corresponding

Guarantee certificate and being Checking welder's

Welder qualification
item qualified in on-site trial certificate

Meeting the design

Anchoring element type Observation

Checking the quality

Meeting the design
Welding material Dominant certificate of welding

Polishing at the contacts of anchoring

Installation Polished brightly Observation
elements and parts

Perfect plastic cap; 20 long

Soundness of plastic cap at the end of
Dominant mm anchoring element end at the Observation
anchoring element
skip is painted with bitumen

Installation direction of anchoring Meeting requirements of

Dominant Observation
element drawing

Spacing deviation of anchoring

mm 5 Steel ruler
element installation

Inspection on the firm installation of Conducting hammer test or
anchoring element 90 bend test

Length meets the design

requirements and if no
design is available, the
length shall not be less than
Weld seam
20; welding type meet the
Weld seam of anchoring element requirements specified in Observation
manufacturers technical
documents; no such defects
as slag inclusion, undercut or
pore; good weld seam

4.15.30 Inspection of boiler-baking:

1 Application scope: inspection of inner boiler wall surface after boiler-baking
2 See Table 4.15.30 for quality criteria and inspection method
Table 4.15.30: inspection after baking the boiler
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Condition of test block in each Perfect, without washing by

position gas flow

Sent to the qualified Inspecting the qualification

Submission inspection of test block
organization for inspection of inspection organization
Test block
Technical parameters of all
test blocks meet the relevant
Technical parameter of test block Dominant technical specification Inspecting report
requirements or design

Inspection No collapse, the maximum

Observing; measuring with a
of boiler Boiler wall surface in each position stripping area is greater than
steel ruler, if necessary
wall 25cm2
surface Condition of boiler wall surface in With crack on surface, Observing comprehensively
dense phase area meeting manufacturer's in boiler

Condition of boiler wall surface in requirements

dilute phase area

Condition of boiler wall surface of

cyclone separator

Condition of outlaid bed surface

Chimney flue at the inlet of cyclone


Chimney flue at the outlet of cyclone


Inner guard plate at the top of flue gas
entrance of rear shaft

Ash channel at the inlet & outlet of

outlaid bed

Ash channel at the outlet of outlaid


Ash channel from feed-back

instrument to furnace

Without deformation but with

Expansion joint in each position Observation
free expansion

4.15.31 Confirmation and signature on the sealing inspection at boiler top:

1 Application scope: confirmation and signature on the sealing inspection at boiler top
2 Requirements for confirmation and signature on the sealing inspection at boiler top are
listed in Table 4.15.31.
Table 4.15.31: Confirmation and signature on the sealing inspection at boiler top

Project name

Subitem project name Project number

Inspection time Technical director

Inspection content:
Welding material:
Quality of refractory pouring at boiler top:
Quality of weld seam in four corners of boiler top:
Quality of weld seam at four sides:
Quality of seal welding at the place where boiler passes through ceiling pipe:
Quality of other weld seams:

Inspection conclusion:

Serial number of used
instrument and equipment

Acceptance opinion Acceptance signature



4.15.32 Confirmation and signature on the installation of boiler anchoring element:

1 Application scope: confirmation and signature on the installation of boiler anchoring
2 Confirmation and signature on installation of boiler anchoring element are shown in
Table 4.15.32.
Table 4.15.32: Confirmation and signature on the installation of boiler anchoring element in the position of

Project name

Subitem project name Project number

Inspection time Technical director

Anchoring element type is right.

Installation direction of anchoring element is right; installation spacing is correct and uniform.
Position and length of welding meet design requirements.

Content on Plastic cap on anchoring element is arranged properly; if no plastic cap is available, 20mm long anchoring element
confirmation shall be painted with bitumen.
and There is no skip on the installation of anchoring element at corner and door opening.



Acceptance Acceptance opinion Acceptance signature





4.15.33 Confirmation and signature on the masonry of refractory and antifriction materials
in cyclone separator:
1 Application scope: confirmation and signature on the masonry of refractory and
antifriction materials in cyclone separator
2 Requirements for the confirmation and signature on the masonry of refractory and
antifriction materials in cyclone separator are listed in Table 4.15.33.
Table 4.15.33: Confirmation and signature on the masonry of refractory and antifriction materials in
cyclone separator

Project name

Subitem project name Project number

Inspection time Technical director

Masonry thickness:
Installation of supporting strips:
Bricks for swash zones, non-swash zones and other parts:
Contact between anchoring element and brick:

Content on Corner at the flue gas entrance:

confirmation Circular ellipticity:
and Brick joint:

signature Expansion joint:


Acceptance opinion Acceptance signature




4.15.34 Confirmation and signature on the masonry of refractory and antifriction materials
of outlaid bed:
1 Application scope: confirmation and signature on the masonry of refractory and
antifriction materials of outlaid bed
2 Confirmation and signature on the masonry of refractory and antifriction materials of
outlaid bed are listed in Table 4.15.34.
Table 4.15.34: confirmation and signature on the masonry of refractory and antifriction materials of outlaid

Project name

Subitem project name Project number

Inspection time Technical director

Masonry thickness:
Difference of inner clearance length, width and diagonal line:
Installation of anchoring element:
Content on Boiler wall surface quality:
confirmation Arrangement position of expansion joint:
and Expansion joint width:


Acceptance opinion Acceptance signature




5 Evaluation on the Construction Quality of Single Project
5.1 Basic Requirements
5.1.1 Such single project as the civil work, boiler unit, steam turbine generator unit, thermal
meter and its control device, pipe and pipe system, the equipment and the system with the
water treatment and hydrogen generation, welding engineering, processing preparation and
electrical device installation in thermal power generation project shall be evaluated
5.1.2 Single project evaluation for the boiler unit, steam turbine generator unit, thermal
meter and its control device, pipe and pipe system, the equipment and the system with the
water treatment and hydrogen generation and processing preparation in thermal power
generation project shall be evaluated respectively according to the corresponding Parts in
DL/T 5210.
5.1.3 Those project construction organizations engaged in creating high quality project shall
organize the participating organizations to formulate quality objective, conduct objective
management, develop quality planning, highlight corresponding responsibilities, strengthen
process control and intensify quality acceptance in each phase before the commencement of
5.1.4 Organizations to evaluate and construct single project shall inspect themselves
according to the requirements specified in this Part; development organizations shall be
responsible for organizing supervision organizations or other evaluation organizations to
evaluate; in addition, the supervision organizations or other evaluation organizations shall
summarize and analyze the evaluation results and then write evaluation report.
5.1.5 Single project shall be evaluated after all the acceptance of unit project is qualified.
5.1.6 During the evaluation of single project, the actual project quality and technical project
information shall be comprehensively inspected.
5.1.7 The construction quality of single project in boiler unit shall be evaluated according to
these five project positions (scopes) respectively: boiler body installation, integral air pressure
test; installation of boiler dust removing, desulfurizing and denitration equipments;
installation of boiler auxiliary machinery; installation of coal handling equipments, fuel fired
equipments and pipes; boiler wall masonry, equipment piping insulation and paint.
5.1.8 Each project position (scope) shall be evaluated according to the quality guarantee in
construction site, performance testing, quality records, dimensional deviation and actual limit
measurement, implementation performance of compulsory provision and appearance quality.
Corresponding weight of each evaluation project shall be given according to its work load and
importance in this project position (scope).
5.1.9 Each evaluation item shall consist of several kinds of evaluation which shall specify
the standard score according to the importance. During the evaluation of construction quality,
each evaluation is judged as Class I, Class II or Class III which are corresponding to the
standard scores of 100%, 85% and 70% respectively.
5.1.10 During project quality evaluation, attention shall be given to promote scientific
management, strengthen project quality control, improve management mechanism and persist
to improve evaluation competence.
5.1.11 Control of project quality shall highlight material receiving inspection, process

quality control and function effectiveness test so as to improve management efficiency and
operating skills.
5.1.12 During the evaluation of project construction quality, attention shall be given to
apply the advance of science and technology as well as environmental protection.
5.1.13 The score for the evaluated excellent quality of single project shall be greater than or
equal to 85 scores; those projects with total score being at last 92 shall be extremely excellent
5.2 Evaluation Provisions
5.2.1 The evaluated weight of position (range) contained in single project is specified
according to the comprehensiveness of importance, difficulty and work load. Evaluation of
single project position (range) shall be carried out according to those specified in Table 5.2.1.
Table 5.2.1: distribution on the weight evaluated for the project position (scope) of boiler-unit single project
Project position Weight score

Installation of boiler body and entire air pressure test 41

Installation of boiler dust removing devices, desulfurization

equipments and denitration equipments

Installation of boiler auxiliary machinery 15

Installation of coal handling equipments, fuel fired equipments

and pipes

Boiler wall masonry, equipment piping insulation and paint 20

5.2.2 Quality evaluation of each project position (scope) shall include the quality guarantee
in construction site, performance testing, quality records, quality records, dimensional
deviation and actual limit measurement, implementation performance of compulsory
provision and appearance quality.
5.2.3 Weight of the evaluation item shall be according to those specified in Table 5.2.3.
Table 5.2.3: distribution on the weight of evaluation item in project position (scope)

Project position (scope)

Installation of boiler
dust removing Installation of coal Boiler wall

No. Evaluation item Installation of boiler devices, handling masonry,

Installation of boiler
body and entire air desulfurization equipments, fuel equipment piping
auxiliary machinery
pressure test equipments and fired equipments insulation and
denitration and pipes paint

Evaluation on
1 quality guarantee on 12 12 15 15 15
construction site

2 Performance test 18 20 28 20 20

3 Quality record 30 20 20 20 15

4 deviation and actual 15 16 12 15 10
limit measurement

performance of
5 15 20 15 15 12

6 Appearance quality 10 12 10 15 28

Note 1: if it is lack of item in project position (scope), the weight is distributed according to actual work load but it shall be
integral value.

5.3 Evaluation Content

5.3.1 Construction quality of single project shall be evaluated item by item according to the
project position (scope) and evaluation item content of this Part; the construction quality shall
be statistically analyzed basing on the records of random inspection on construction site as
well as the quality acceptance records of each inspection lot, subitem project, subsection
project and unit project; in addition, the construction quality is scored according to project
position (scope) and the requirements specified in evaluation item (corresponding table).
5.3.2 Single project shall not be evaluated to be excellent where there is any of the
following conditions:
1 To use the materials and products which China forbids publicly
2 The obtained score of any project position (scope) or evaluation item is less than 85%
standard score
5.4 Evaluation Methods
5.4.1 Content and methods to evaluate the quality guarantee on construction site shall meet
the following requirements:
1 If the followings can be practically achieved, the quality guarantee on construction site
is Class I and gains 100% standard score: sound quality management, liability system and
project-department organizations; effectively-operated quality management system; perfect
technologies, working management system, site acceptance system and sampling inspection
system of equipments. If sound quality management and liability systems can be basically
achieved, the quality guarantee on construction site is Class II and gains 85% standard score.
And if main quality management and liability systems can be basically achieved, the quality
guarantee on construction site is Class III and gains 70% standard score.
2 The quality guarantee on construction site with standard quality inspection and
acceptance required by projects, standard construction technologies, complete working
methods, operation specifications and operational guide books which have strong pertinency
and operability is Class I and gains 100% standard score; the quality guarantee on
construction site with standard and complete quality inspection and acceptance, standard
construction technologies, basically complete operation specifications and operation guide
books which have relatively strong pertinency and operability is Class II and gains 85%
standard score; and the quality guarantee on construction site with standard and complete
quality inspection and acceptance, standard major construction technologies and complete
operation specifications as well as operation guide books which have general pertinency and
operability ais Class III and gains 70% standard score.
3 The quality guarantee on construction site with complete processes to develop and
approve construction management plan, construction scheme, construction measures and risk
prevention measures which have strong pertinency and operability, are seriously implemented

and achieve notable effectiveness is Class I and gains 100% standard score; the quality
guarantee on construction site with complete development and approval processes, relatively
strong pertinency and operability, being basically implemented and achieving preferable
effectiveness is Class II and gain 85% standard score; and the quality guarantee on
construction site with sound development and approval processes, being generally
implemented is Class III and gains 70% standard score.
4 The quality guarantee on construction site with specified quality objective, proper &
effective management system and notable implementation effectiveness is Class I and gains
100% standard score; the quality guarantee on construction site with preferable
implementation effectiveness is Class II and gains 85% standard score; and the quality
guarantee on construction site with general implementation effectiveness is Class III and
gains 70% standard score.
5.4.2 Content and methods to evaluate performance inspection shall meet the following
1 Inspection and test of construction process as well as by-part trial operation shall meet
the requirements specified in relevant standards; the performance inspection provided with
complete and standard test records and reports is Class I and gains 100% standard score;
2 Inspection and test of construction process as well as by-part trial operation shall meet
the requirements specified in relevant standards; the performance inspection provided with
complete and basically standard test records and reports is Class II and gains 85% standard
3 The above test items and test conditions basically meet the requirements specified in
relevant standards; and the performance inspection provided with basically complete test
records and reports is Class III and gains 70% standard score.
4 To sample test records and reports; to measure on site, if necessary
5.4.3 Content and methods to evaluate the quality records shall meet the following
1 Those quality records with material & equipment quality certificates (outgoing quality
certificates), complete site acceptance record, construction record, construction test record,
data; actual and effective content, standard classification & rearrangement, perfect reviewing
and signing procedures and meeting the requirements specified in design and standards are
Class I and gain 100% standard score. Those quality records with complete information,
relatively complete data, actual and effective content, relatively standard rearrangement,
relatively complete reviewing and signing procedures and meeting the requirements specified
in design and standards are Class II and gain 85% standard score. Those quality records with
basically complete information, data; actual and effective content; basically standard
rearrangement, basically complete reviewing and signing procedures and basically meeting
the requirements specified in design and standards are Class III and gain 70% standard score.
2 To inspect the quantity and content of information
5.4.4 Content and methods to evaluate the dimensional deviation and actually measured
limit shall meet the following requirements:
1 As for those evaluation items, if they are permissible deviation ones; the actual values
measured at each item measuring point reach the ones specified in standard and the actual
values of 80% and more measuring points are less than or equal to 0.8 times the ones

specified in standard, they are Class I and gain 100% standard score. For those evaluation
items, if the actual values of each measuring point reach the ones specified in standard and the
average actual values of greater than 50% (including 50%) but less than 80% measuring
points are less than or equal to 0.8 times the ones specified in standard; they are Class II and
gain 85% standard score. For those evaluation items, if the actual values of each measuring
point reach the ones specified in standard; they are Class III and gain 70% standard score.
2 For those evaluation items, if they are two-way limits items, the actual values measured
at each measuring point meet the ones specified in standard and the actual values of at least
50% measuring points approximate to the medium limit value; they are Class I and gain 100%
standard score; those evaluation items all of whose actual values at each measuring point are
within the limit specified in standard are Class II and gain 85% standard score; those
evaluation items whose measuring points meet the standard speciation after treatment are
Class III and gain 70% standard score.
3 For those evaluation items, if they are one-way limit items and all the actual values at
each measuring point meet the ones specified in standard, they are Class I and gain 100%
standard score; those evaluation items whose measuring points meet the standard speciation
after treatment are Class III and gain 70% standard score.
4 If both permissible deviation and limit are available, the decision value is from the
lower Class.
5 Random 10 inspection lots or all lots if they are less than 10 are sampled from the
relevant inspection lots or subitem projects in the category for analyzing and calculating. If
necessary, random measurement on site may be carried out.
5.4.5 Content and methods to evaluate the implementation performance of compulsory
provisions shall meet the following requirements:
1 Those compulsory provisions with detailed implementation plan, comprehensive
content, strong operability, strict implementation and complete inspection records are Class I
and gain 100% standard score; those ones with implementation plan, comprehensive content,
preferable operability, preferable implementation and relatively complete inspection records
are Class II and gain 85% standard score; those ones with implementation plan,
comprehensive content, operability, implementation and inspection records are Class III and
gain 70% standard score.
2 To randomly inspect the executive plan, scheme measures, operation guide book,
construction record confirmation and signature and inspection records of compulsory
5.4.6 Content and methods to evaluate the appearance quality shall meet the following
1 The inspection points of each evaluation item are evaluated according to "good",
"ordinary" and "poor". Those evaluation item whose 90% or more inspection points are
"good" and the other inspection points are "ordinary" are Class I and gain 100% standard
score; those evaluation item whose greater than 70% (including 70%) and less than 90%
inspection points are "good" and the other inspection points are "ordinary" are Class II and
gain 85% standard score; those evaluation item whose greater than 30% (including 30% ) and
less than 70% inspection points are "good" and the other inspection points are "ordinary" are
Class III and gain 70% standard score.

2 To observe (to measure, if necessary); to inspect the quality acceptance records of
subsection project and to analyze and calculate
5.5 Evaluation on Construction Quality of Boiler Body Installation and Integral Air
Pressure Test Project
5.5.1 Evaluation on the quality guarantee on the construction site of boiler body installation
and integral air pressure test:
1 Evaluation methods shall meet the requirements specified in Article 5.4.1 of this Part.
2 Evaluation on the quality guarantee on the construction site of boiler body installation
and integral air pressure test shall be judged according to the inspection of relevant systems,
measure information and random inspection of implementation and such evaluation shall be
carried out according to those specified in Table 5.5.1.
Table 5.5.1: evaluation on quality guarantee on construction site
Boiler-body installation project, Construction
Project position (scope) Before 168h trial operation in full load
integral air pressure test stage

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation result Obtained

No. Evaluation content Score Remarks
100% 85% 70% score

Quality Organizational structure and quality

management management system operation in project
and product department
1 liability Technology, management, working system 30
system for Systems for material, equipment site
construction acceptance and sampling inspection

Pertinency and workability of quality inspection and

acceptance standard, construction technology standard,
2 30
working method, operation specifications and operation

Examination and approval of construction organization

design, construction scheme, construction measure, risk
3 20
aversion measure, etc. Pertinency, workability and
implementation effect of contents

Implement effects of quality objective and management

4 20

Weight: 12 score
Total score:
Total obtained score:
Evaluation on the quality guarantee on the construction site of boiler body installation and integral air pressure
test=Obtained score/Score12=
Evaluator (signature):

5.5.2 Performance inspection and evaluation:

1 See Table 5.5.2 for the inspection and evaluation items of boiler body installation and

integral air pressure test performance
Table 5.5.2: Inspection and evaluation on performance
Project position Boiler-body installation project, Construction
Before 168h trial operation in full load
( scope ) integral air pressure test stage

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation results Obtained

No. Evaluation content Score Remarks
100% 85% 70% score

Installation quality of high-strength bolt and connecting

1 10

Elevation, geometric dimension and deflection of

2 12
boiler-steel-frame top plate

Installation dimension of heating surface: steam drum;

3 15
position and elevation of up header tank

Expansion capacity and direction of the equipment in

4 10
boiler heating surface

5 Stressing of hoisting device at boiler top 13

6 Through ball in heating surface 15

7 Hydraulic boiler test 15

8 Ladder footpath unblocking 10

Weight: 18 score
Total score:
Total obtained score:
Performance inspection score of boiler-body installation project and integral air pressure test =Obtained score/Score
Evaluator (signature):

2 Inspection criteria
1) Installation quality of high-strength bolt and connecting piece:
High-strength bolt auxiliary connecting pieces shall be complete, tightening torque shall
meet the design and without screw skip.
All wabblers of torsion-shear-type high-strength bolt shall be screwed off. Amount of
bolts whose wabblers are not screwed off during the final screwing shall not be greater than
5% of bolt amount at this joint after final screwing of connectors, except those whose
wabblers can not be screwed off with special spanner due to structure reasons.
2) Elevation, geometric dimension and deflection of boiler-steel-frame top plate
Elevation and geometric dimension of top plate shall meet design requirements; beam
elevation deviation: 5mm; beam spacing deviation: 5mm; plate beam deflection deviation:
not greater than 30 mm upward and not greater than 5mm downward; beam parallism
deviation 5mm
3) Installation dimension of heating surface
Position and elevation of steam drum: elevation deviation, 5mm; longitudinally and
horizontally central position deviations, 5mm

Position and elevation of up header tank: elevation deviation, 5mm; longitudinally and
horizontally central position deviations, 5mm
4) Expansion capacity and direction of the equipment at boiler heating surface: the
direction meets design requirements; there is no object in the expansion direction to obstruct
the expansion and there is sufficient reservation for expansion.
5) Stressing of hoisting device at boiler top: rational load distribution and uniform
stressing of hanger rod
6) Through ball in heating surface: through ball test is carried out on site before
installation so as to guarantee unimpeded heating surface and a clean internal surface.
7) Hydraulic boiler test: the test pressure meets the requirements specified in
manufacturer's technical criteria or those specified in DL 612-1996 if the manufacturer's
requirements are not available. Pressure boosting and reduction speeds meet the requirements
of specifications. There shall be no leakage or deformation fracture of bearing pieces and at
all welded joints, manholes, hand-holes, flanges and valves etc. after the test.
8) Ladder footpath unblocking: ladder footpaths are installed completely and there are
complete handrails but no skip; footpath can reach all the reach-required positions on boiler
without obstruction; the platform handrails which affect the pass are actively altered.
3 Inspection methods
1) Installation quality of high-strength bolt and connecting piece
Large hexagon head high strength bolt: inspected by knocking with hammer (0.3kg) to
see if there is screw skip. At the same time, construction record shall be inspected.
Torsion-shear-type high strength bolts: inspecting bolts to see if their wabblers have been
screwed off. At the same time, construction record shall be inspected.
Inspection quantity: randomly inspecting 10% of nodes, but shall not be less than 10;
final-screwing torsional inspection shall be carried out for all torsion-shear-type high strength
bolt connectors whose wabblers are not screwed off in the randomly-inspected nodes.
2) Elevation, geometric dimension and deflection of boiler-steel-frame top plate: site
3) Installation dimension in heating surface: site inspection and measurement; if it is not
available, inspecting construction note
4) Expansion capacity and direction of the equipment in boiler heating surface:
Consulting drawing design data and observing expansion on site
5) Stressing of hoisting device at boiler top: shaking hanger rod by hands on site or
shaking hanger rod with hand hammer for judgment
6) Through ball in heating surface: checking the records, confirmation and signature of
through ball test
7) Hydraulic boiler test: checking the confirmation, signature and construction record of
water pressure test
8) Ladder footpath unblocking: Site inspection and observing the blockage and
5.5.3 Quality record evaluation:
1 Evaluation items on the quality records of boiler body installation and air pressure test
are specified in Table 5.5.3 and are comprehensively evaluated according to those specified in
this table.

2 Those quality records with material & equipment quality certificates (outgoing quality
certificates), complete site acceptance record, construction record, construction test record,
data; actual, effective, with correct content, standard classification & rearrangement, perfect
reviewing and signing procedures and meeting the requirements specified in design and
standards are Class I and gain 100% standard score. Those quality records with complete
information, relatively complete data, actual and effective content, relatively standard
rearrangement, relatively complete reviewing and signing procedures and meeting the
requirements specified in design and standards are Class II and gain 85% standard score.
Those quality records with basically complete information, date; actual and effective content;
basically standard rearrangement, basically complete reviewing and signing procedures and
basically meeting the requirements specified in design and standards are Class III and gain
70% standard score.
3 Evaluation methods: to inspect the quantity and content of information
Table 5.5.3: evaluation on quality records
Project position Boiler-body installation project, integral air
Before 168h trial operation in full load
(scope) pressure test

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation results Remarks
No. Evaluation content Score score

100% 85% 70%

1 Installation record of boiler steel frame 12

2 Records of installation in boiler heating surface 13

3 Installation record of flue and air duct 10

4 Installation record of boiler accessories 5

Records of hydraulic boiler test and integral air pressure

5 8

6 Installation and trial operation records of air preheater 10

7 Records and reports on alloy steel spectrum reinspection 10

8 Confirmation and signature of concealed project 8

Confirmation and signature on the washing and sweeping

9 5
of pipes

Notice letter and registration form of design alteration and

10 5
materials substitutes

Delivery test report, quality certificate and registration

11 5
form of equipments and materials

Equipment defect notice, equipment defect handling report

12 5
and registration form

13 Reports of equipment quality supervision 4

Weight: 30 score
Total score:
Evaluation Total obtained score:
results Quality records score of boiler-body installation project and integral air pressure test =Obtained score/Score 30=
Evaluator (signature):

5.5.4 Dimensional deviation and limit evaluation:

1 Dimensional deviation and limit evaluation items of boiler body installation and
integral air pressure test are specified in Table 5.5.4.
2 Inspection criteria
1) Steel frame verticality and 1m elevation line:
Verticality deviation of post: 1/1000 post length and 15mm;
1m elevation line deviation of post: 5mm
2) Deflection of large plate beam (before and after bearing): deflection deviation of plate
beam: 30mm upward and 5mm downward
3) Steam drum (steam separator), header elevation and horizontal deviation
Position and elevation of steam drum: elevation deviation, 5mm; longitudinally and
horizontally central position deviations, 5mm; longitudinal and horizontal levelness
deviation, 2mms
Position and elevation of up header tank: elevation deviation, 5mm; longitudinally and
horizontally central position deviations, 5mm; longitudinal and horizontal levelness
deviation, 3mms
4) Expansion clearance: it meets drawing design requirements and with free expansion.
5) Installation elevation of water level gauge: it meets drawing design requirements.
6) Integral dimension of furnace: it meets drawing design and the requirements on
acceptance deviation criteria.
3 Inspection method:
1) Steel frame verticality and 1m elevation line
Steel frame verticality: inspecting randomly: for the posts which can be inspected,
inspect the two directions which forms a 90 angel of posts with theodolite and steel ruler; for
those posts which can not be inspected on site, inspect the construction notes.
1m elevation line: measuring with level instrument or glass horizontal tube with the
datum elevation of factory building as the reference.
2) Deflection of large plate beam (before and after bearing): inspecting and comparing
the records before and after bearing
3) Steam drum (steam separator), header elevation and horizontal deviation: returning the
elevation line from the 1m elevation line of steel frame and measuring with glass horizontal
4) Expansion clearance: consulting drawing design data and measuring on site
5) Installation elevation of water level gauge: measuring with glass horizontal tube on
6) Furnace integral dimension: measuring with instrument on site and checking records
Table 5.5.4: Evaluation on the actual measurement of dimensional deviation and limit

Project position Boiler-body installation project, Construction Before 168h trial operation in full load

(scope) integral air pressure test stage

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation results Obtained

No. Evaluation content Score Remarks
100% 85% 70% score

1 Steel frame verticality and 1m elevation line 20

2 Deflection of large plate beam (before and after bearing) 15

Steam drum (steam separator), header elevation and

3 20
horizontal deviation

4 Expansion clearance 20

5 Installation elevation of water level gauge 15

6 Integral dimension of furnace 10

Weight: 15 score
Total score:
Total obtained score:
Score on the actual measurement dimensional deviation and limit of boiler-body installation project and integral air
pressure test=Obtained score/Score 15=
Evaluator (signature):

5.5.5 Implementation performance evaluation of compulsory provisions:

1 Evaluation items on the compulsory-provisions implementation performance of boiler
body installation and integral air pressure test are specified in Table 5.5.5.
2 Methods to inspect and evaluate the implementation performance of compulsory
provisions on boiler body installation and integral air pressure test shall meet the requirements
specified in 5.4.5 of this Part.
Table 5.5.5: Implementation performance evaluation of compulsory provisions
Project position Boiler-body installation project, integral air
Construction stage
(scope) pressure test

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation results Obtained

No. Evaluation content Score Remarks
100% 85% 70% score

Compilation condition of implementation plan of

1 5
compulsory provisions

Workability of implementation plan of compulsory

2 15

Compulsory provisions of this position(system) has been

3 25
implemented entirely

Strictness degree of implementing compulsory provision

4 25
of this position (system)

Whether the records of implementing compulsory

5 30
provision are complete and meet requirements of

specification or not

Weight: 15 score
Total score:
Total obtained score:
Performance score on the compulsory-provisions implementation of boiler body installation project and integral air
pressure test=Obtained score/Score 15=
Evaluator (signature):

5.5.6 Appearance quality evaluation:

1 Appearance quality evaluation items of boiler body installation and integral air pressure
test are specified in Table 5.5.6.
2 Inspection criteria
1) Layout technology of these small-caliber pipes for drainage, emptying and sampling:
integral layout, pipe slope and vergence direction shall be reasonable, distance between pipes
in rows shall be the same, bending radian shall be consistent, the layout shall be regular and
esthetic and types of pipe fittings in the same area shall be consistent; piping layout shall be
filled firmly but not influence the passage or expansion; types of water drain funnel shall be
unified, positions shall be rational , elevation shall be consistent when arranged in rows, and
the layout shall be regular and esthetic.
2) Installation technology of supporter and hanger: the installation shall be regular and
esthetic, the expansion direction shall meet design requirements; auxiliaries are installed
completely, nuts of bolts shall be exposed by 2~3 threads and with anti-looseness measures;
the verticality of hanger rod shall not greater than the limit. The layout shall not affect the
passage; the welded joints shall be shape well and beautifully but without any defect.
3) Ladder platform technology: ladder shall be stable, stairway ladder angle is correct;
handrail is straight, even, smooth, clean, there is not any staggered joint but smooth and
esthetic corners; brattice is installed completely, straightly, evenly and without obvious
roughness; the upper and lower grating plates are arranged into an straight line; the cutting is
done with machine and free from random cutting marks; the welding is standard and the
craftwork are esthetic.
4) Technology on valve layout and flange bolt connection: integral layout for valve
installation is rational and esthetic; those valves which are arranged in concentration are in
good order and convenient for operation or maintenance; where connecting bolts are used, the
bolts should be exposed by 2~3 threads and nuts are positioned on the same side of flange;
after installation, it shall be marked by hanging plate.
3 Inspection methods: on-site inspection; if necessary, necessary measurement and
inspecting the quality acceptance records of subsection project, analytical calculation
1) Layout technology for these small diameter pipes for drainage, emptying and
sampling: on-site observation; actual measurement shall be carried out on the positions with
obvious deviation for pipe verticality, flatness and gradient.
2) Supporter and hanger installation technology: on-site observation
3) Ladder platform technology: on-site observation; actual measurement shall be carried
out on the positions with obvious deviation for handrail column verticality, platform
planeness and cross rod flatness.

4) Valve layout and flange bolt connection technology: on-site observation
Table 5.5.6: evaluation on appearance quality
Project position Boiler-body installation project, Construction
Before 168h trial operation in full load
(scope) integral air pressure test stage

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation results Obtained

No. Evaluation content Score Remarks
100% 85% 70% score

Layout technology of small-caliber pipes for drainage,

1 30
emptying and sampling

2 Supporter and hanger installation technology 20

3 Ladder platform technology 30

4 Valve layout and flange bolt connection technology 20

Weight: 10 score
Total score:
Evaluation Total obtained score:
results Appearance quality score of boiler-body installation project and integral air pressure test =Obtained score/Score 10=
Evaluator (signature):

Construction Quality Evaluation on the Installation Project of Boiler Dust
Removing Devices, Desulfurizing and Denitration Equipments
5.6.1 Evaluation on the quality guarantee on construction site:
1 Evaluation methods shall meet the requirements specified in Article 5.4.1 of this Part.
2 Evaluation on the quality guarantee on the construction site of boiler dust removing
devices, desulfurizing and denitration equipments installation shall be judged according to the
inspection of relevant systems, measure information and random inspection of
implementation and such evaluation shall be carried out according to those specified in Table
Table 5.6.1: evaluation on quality guarantee on construction site
Installation project of boiler dust
removing devices, Construction
Project position (scope) Before 168h trial operation in full load
desulfurization equipments and stage
denitration equipments

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation results Obtained

No. Evaluation content Score Remarks
100% 85% 70% score

and product
1 liability Organizational structure and quality 30
system for management system operation in project
construction department
Technology, management, working system
Systems for material, equipment site 592

acceptance and sampling inspection


Pertinency and workability of quality inspection and

acceptance standard, construction technology standard,
2 30
working method, operation specifications and operation

Examination and approval of construction organization

design, construction scheme, construction measure, risk
3 20
aversion measure, etc. Pertinency, workability and
implementation effect of contents

Implement effects of quality objective and management

4 20

Weight: 12 score
Total score:
Total obtained score:
Quality guarantee score on construction site on the installation project of boiler dust removing devices, desulfurizing
and denitration equipments = Obtained score/Score 12=
Evaluator (signature):

5.6.2 Performance inspection and evaluation:

1 Performance inspection and evaluation items on the installation of boiler dust removing
devices, desulfurizing equipments and denitration equipments are specified in Table 5.6.2.
2 Inspection criteria
1) Boiler dust removing devices
Air pressure test of dust removing devices: carrying out air pressure test according to the
requirements on the installation of air-flue gas duct-coal chute pulverized coal pipe;
inspecting the leakage of door opening, welded joint, baffle and moveable sealing device
Inspecting the ash hopper, enclosure and inlet & outlet smoke boxes with oil penetration test
before air pressure test.
Rapping test at the anode and cathode of dust removing device: rapping device is firmly
fixed and beaten at its hammer seat center with top rapping hour hammer (allowable deviation,
3mm); where side rapping is adopted, the horizontal deviation of rapping axle is not greater
than 1.5mm and the contact length between hammer head and beat-bearing anvil line is
greater than 2/3 hammer head thickness.
Inter-electrode distance measurement: measuring all the inter-electrode distances in the
whole passage; the deviation of the distance between the same electrode and different
electrodes shall not be greater than 10mm.
2) Desulfurizing equipments:
Alloy steel spectral analysis: actual material coincides with the design one
On-site inspection of equipment rubber-lining and anti-corrosion: it meets the relevant
requirements specified in Table 14.1.3.
Leak test of equipment and pipe: there shall be no leakage of equipment and pipe during
leak test.

Air pressure test of flue gas system: it is carried out simultaneously with the air pressure
test of the entire boiler; no leakage during inspection
3) Denitration equipments:
Installation quality of high-strength bolt and connecting piece: high-strength bolt
auxiliary connecting pieces shall be complete, tightening torque shall meet the design and
without screw skip. All wabblers of torsion-shear-type high-strength bolt shall be screwed off.
Amount of bolts whose wabblers are not screwed off during the final screwing shall not be
greater than 5% of bolt amount at this joint after final screwing of connectors, except those
whose wabblers can not be screwed off with special spanner due to structure reasons.
During replacement process of nitrogen, after the replacement, the twice oxygen content
shall be less than 0.5%.
During the replacement process of ammonia gas, the gas ammonia concentration in air
shall be less than 10 ppm and there is no partial pungent odour.
The air tight test pressure of reducing agent reservation and transmission pipes are design
operation pressure and not less than 1.15MPa.
3 Inspection methods: site inspection; if necessary, inspecting construction records to
judge it comprehensively.
1) Boiler dust removing devices:
Air pressure test of dust removing device: inspecting the records, confirmation and
signature of test or inspecting the electric precipitation inlet & outlet with blast pressure
Rapping test at the anode and cathode of dust removing device: rapping axle is inspected
according to trial operation and observation and inspected with steel ruler as well.
Inter-electrode distance measurement: the spacing between each cathode wire and anode
plate is divided into several points to be inspected with self-made ruler on site.
Inspect the test records of gas-flow uniform distribution test
Temperature of the insulation outer wall of electro dedusting enclosure is measured with
2) Desulfurizing equipments:
Alloy-steel spectral analysis: on site spectral analysis; checking whether the actual
materials coincide with the ones specified in design.
On-site inspection on the equipment rubber-lining and anti-corrosion: checking primary
records; on-site observation
Leak test of equipments and pipes: water filling test for tank and container; hydrostatic
(pressure) test for pipes
Air pressure test of flue gas system: it is carried out simultaneously with the air pressure
test of the entire boiler
3) Denitration equipments:
During the replacement process of nitrogen, take the representative gas sample with
portable oxygen content analyzer after replacement for analyzing.
During the replacement process of ammonia gas, special instrument to inspect ammonia
gas shall be adopted to inspect ammonia leak concentration in the air near the leakage point.
The leakage of all joint flanges, sealing surfaces and welded joints are observed
according to the air tight test of reducing agent reservation and transmission pipes (the valve

seal point, flange connection, manhole blind plate, instrumentation, equipment and pipe
connection point are inspected with soapy water).
Table 5.6.2: Performance inspection and evaluation
Installation project of boiler dust
Project position removing devices, Construction
Before 168h trial operation in full load
(scope) desulfurization equipments and stage
denitration equipments

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation results Obtained

No. Evaluation content Score Remarks
100% 85% 70% score

Air pressure test 0

Anode and cathode rapping test 8

Electro-dedusting inter-electrode
Boiler dust
distance measurement (inspection of 10
1 removing device
bag and cage)
(weight, 40)
Gas-flow uniform distribution test 8

Temperature of enclosure insulation

outer wall

Alloy-steel spectral analysis 10

Desulfurizing On-site inspection for equipment

2 equipment rubber-lining and anti-corrosion

(weight, 40) Leak test of equipments and pipes 10

Air pressure test of flue gas system 8

Alloy-steel spectral analysis 4

Connection and installation quality of

high-strength bolts
Air pressure test of entire denitration
3 equipment 4
(weight, 20)
Air tight test of reducing agent
reservation and transmission pipes

Nitrogen replacement 4

Weight: 20 score
Total score:
Total obtained score:
Performance inspection score on the installation project of boiler dust removing devices, desulfurization equipments
and denitration equipments=Obtained score/Score 20=
Evaluator (signature):

5.6.3 Quality records inspection and evaluation

1 Quality records evaluation items on the installation project of boiler dust removing
devices, desulfurizing equipments and denitration equipments are specified in Table 5.6.3.

2 Those quality records with material & equipment quality certificates (outgoing quality
certificates), complete site acceptance record, construction record, construction test record,
data; actual and effective content, standard classification & rearrangement, perfect reviewing
and signing procedures and meeting the requirements specified in design and standards are
Class I and gain 100% standard score. Those quality records with complete information,
relatively complete data, actual and effective content, relatively standard rearrangement,
relatively complete reviewing and signing procedures and meeting the requirements specified
in design and standards are Class II and gain 85% standard score. Those quality records with
basically complete information, date; actual and effective content; basically standard
rearrangement, basically complete reviewing and signing procedures and basically meeting
the requirements specified in design and standards are Class III and gain 70% standard score.
3 Evaluation methods: to inspect the quantity and content of information. Evaluation
methods shall meet the requirements specified in 5.4.3 of this Part.
Table 5.6.3: evaluation of quality records
Installation of boiler dust removing
Project position devices, desulfurization Construction
Before 168h trial operation in full load
(scope) equipments and denitration stage

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation results Obtained

No. Evaluation content Score Remarks
100% 85% 70% score

Installation of Delivery test report, quality certificate and

1 boiler dust registration form of equipments and 1
removing materials
device (weight, Notice letter and registration form of design
40) alteration and materials substitutes

Equipment defect notice, equipment defect

handling report and registration form

Construction records on foundation

lineation and iron gasket installation

Electro-dedusting inter-electrode distance

records (or the records on the installation of
bag-type dust remover bag and cage)

Records on the installation of

electro-dedusting rapping device (or
records on the installation of rotation and 3
injecting devices for bag-type dust

Acceptance tables and construction records

on subsection project, subitem project and 5
inspection lot

Confirmation and signature for the oil

penetration tests of ash hopper, enclosure, 5
inlet & outlet smoke boxes and top plate

Confirmation and signature for the

secondary grouting of equipment 3
foundation bolts

Confirmation and signature for concealed


Air pressure test records 3

Trial operation records 5

Delivery test report, quality certificate and

registration form of equipments and

On-site reinspection information on

rubber-lining and anti-corrosion operation

Spectrum reinspection reports of alloy steel 2

Notice letter and registration form of design

alteration and materials substitutes

Equipment defect notice, equipment defect

handling report and registration form

Inspection acceptance record of foundation

Confirmation and signature for equipment
equipment 5
2 secondary grouting
Records on tank container installation 5
(weight, 40)
Records on the installation and trial
operation of mechanical equipments

Confirmation and signature of concealed


Acceptance tables and construction records

on subsection project, subitem project and 3
inspection lot

Confirmation and signature for the tank,

container and pipe water pressure test

Confirmation and signature for the oil

penetration test at chimney-flue welded 2

Denitration Delivery test report, quality certificate and

3 equipment registration form of equipments and 1
installation materials
(weight, 20) Auxiliary torque-coefficient reinspection

report of high strength bolts, inspection

report of friction-surface antiskid

Spectrum reinspection reports of alloy steel 2

Post-fastening reinspection records of

high-strength bolts, integral reinspection
records of steel frame; secondary grouting 3
confirmation and signature for steel-frame
column base

Confirmation and signature of concealed

project records

Installation records of injection pipes and

catalyst module

Confirmation and signature for the water

pressure test of reducing agent pipes

Confirmation and signature for the water

pressure test of reducing agent storage tank

Weight: 20 score
Total score:
Total obtained score:
Quality records score on the installation project of boiler dust removing devices, desulfurization equipments and
denitration equipments=Obtained score/Score 20=
Evaluator (signature):

5.6.4 Dimensional deviation and limit evaluation:

1 Evaluation items on the installation project of boiler dust removing devices,
desulfurizing equipments and denitration equipments are specified in Table 5.6.4.
2 Inspection criteria:
1) Boiler dust removing devices:
The installation type of column top support meets the requirements detailed in technical
document; there is no obstacle which affects the base expansion; the spacing between
supports is 1/1000 column spacing and not greater than 10mm; post verticality is 1/1000
column height and not greater than 10mm; top elevation is 5mm and the mutual deviation of
all columns are not greater than 2mm.
Inter-electrode distance measurement: measuring all the inter-electrode distances in the
whole passage; the deviation of the distance between the same electrode and different
electrodes shall not be greater than 10mm.
Enclosure tightness is inspected according to the oil penetration test of butt welded seam
with kerosene or inspected with air pressure test or smoke bomb test.
Inspection of anode-cathode rapping installation is specified in Table 5.6.3.
2) Desulfurizing equipments:
Verticality and radian of tank container: the verticality is 0.5H and 20mm or meets
the design requirements. Radian of tank-container wall plate: deformation of drum partial
unevenness is within 1.5m and the allowable value is 3mm.
Vibration and temperature of mechanical equipments: sliding bearing: 65; rolling
bearing: 80; mechanical maximum two-way amplitude: 0.1mm
Settlement observation of tank container: foundation settlement observation after it is

filled with water for 48h is not greater than 20mm or meets the design requirements.
Tightness of tank container and pipe: no leakage during water filling test of tank
container and during water pressure (air pressure) test of pipes
Installation slope of pipes: pipes are arranged in the rational direction, located in the
position with a slope not less than 2/1000 or meet the design requirements.
Verticality, expansion direction and expansion capacity of supporter and hanger: the
fixed support are rooted firmly and connected well with pipes. Sliding surface of sliding
support is clean and its contact is favorable. The clearance between the support and
guide-plate both sides of guide support is uniform. For rolling support, the contact between
support surfaces, ball bearing (roller) are sound. For hanger, there is no bending on hanger rod;
the flying rings are welded firmly, the screw thread is complete and well-integrated with nut.
For spring supporter and hanger: the pre-compression height for spring installation meets the
design requirements.
3) Denitration equipments:
Deviation of steel frame verticality and 1m elevation line: seeing Article 5.5.4 of this Part
Flue tightness: no leakage
Vibration and temperature of rotating machine: they are the same with desulfurizing
equipment ones.
Verticality, expansion direction and expansion capacity of supporter and hanger: they are
the same with desulfurizing equipment ones.
Expansion capacity of expansion joint: it meets the requirements detailed in drawing
3 Inspection methods: it shall be site inspection assisted by inspecting construction
records and comprehensive judgment.
1) Boiler dust removing devices:
Steel frame verticality: inspecting randomly; for the posts which can be inspected,
inspect the two directions which forms a 90 angel of posts with theodolite and steel ruler. For
the posts which can not be inspected on site, inspect the construction records; during diagonal
line inspection, measure with 1m elevation line and column center line.
Rapping axle is inspected according to equipment trial operation, observation and with
steel ruler.
During inter-electrode distance measurement, the spacing between each cathode wire and
anode plate are divided into several points and measured with self-made ruler and the
construction records shall be inspected.
Inspect test record for enclosure tightness.
2) Desulfurizing equipments:
Verticality and radian of tank container: for tank container verticality, inspect the primary
records; measure on site with theodolite or steel square assisted by plumb bob and then
compare the measurement with primary records. Radian of tank container wall plate: it is
measured on site with steel square assisted by radian template
Vibration and temperature of mechanical equipments: measuring on site with vibration
(temperature) meter or observing the instruments.
Observation of tank container settlement: checking primary records; or measuring on site
with theodolite and then comparing with primary records

Tightness of tank container and pipes: water filling test for tank and container; water
pressure test for pipes
Installation slope of pipes: on-site observation; measuring the pipe segment with obvious
deviation in installation slope
Verticality, expansion direction and expansion capacity of supporter and hanger: on-site
observation; measuring the position of supporter and hanger with obvious verticality
deviation with steel square together with plumb bob; measuring the free expansion position of
hinder obstructing pipes on site and checking it with drawing.
3) Denitration equipments:
Deviation of steel frame verticality and 1m elevation line: see Article 5.5.4 of this Part
Flue tightness: on-site observation
Vibration and temperature of rotating machine: they are the same with desulfurizing
equipment ones.
Verticality, expansion direction and expansion capacity of supporter and hanger: they are
the same with desulfurizing equipment ones.
Expansion capacity of expansion joint: on-site observation; measuring, if necessary,
according to the drawing design data
Table 5.6.4: Evaluation on dimensional deviation and limit
Installation of boiler dust
removing devices, Construction
Project position (scope) Before 168h trial operation in full load
desulfurization equipments stage
and denitration equipments

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation results Obtained

No. Evaluation content Score Remarks
100% 85% 70% score

Reservation dimension of post support

expansion capacity

Spacing, diagonal line and verticality of


Installation of 1m elevation deviation of post 5

boiler dust Inspection of inter-electrode distance

1 12
removing device (bag and cage installation test)
(weight, 40) Tightness of enclosures and pipes 5

Dimension on anode-cathode rapping

installation (dimension on the driving
device installation of bag-type dust

2 Desulfurizing Verticality and radian of tank container 8

equipment Vibration and temperature of
installation mechanical equipments
(weight, 40)
Settlement observation of tank container 6

Tightness of tank container and pipes 8

Installation slope of pipes 5

Verticality, expansion direction and

expansion capacity of supporter and 5

Deviation of steel frame verticality and

1m elevation line

Flue tightness 4
Vibration and temperature of rotating
equipment 4
3 machine
Verticality, expansion direction and
(weight, 20)
expansion capacity of supporter and 4

Expansion capacity of expansion joint 4

Weight: 16 score
Total score:
Total obtained score:
Dimensional deviation and limit score on the installation project of boiler dust removing devices, desulfurization
equipments and denitration equipments=Obtained score/Score 16 =
Evaluator (signature):

5.6.5 Implementation performance evaluation of compulsory provisions:

1 Evaluation items on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions on the
installation project of boiler dust removing devices, desulfurizing equipments and denitration
equipments are specified in Table 5.6.5.
2 Inspection and evaluation methods on the implementation performance of compulsory
provisions on the installation project of boiler dust removing devices, desulfurizing
equipments and denitration equipments shall meet the requirements specified in Article 5.4.5
of this Part.
Table 5.6.5: evaluation on implementation performance of compulsory provisions
Installation project of boiler dust
Project position removing devices, Construction
Before 168h trial operation in full load
(scope) desulfurization equipments and stage
denitration equipments

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation results Obtained

No. Evaluation content Score Remarks
100% 85% 70% score

Compilation condition of implementation plan of

1 5
compulsory provisions

Workability of implementation plan of compulsory

2 15

Compulsory provisions of this position (system) have

3 25
been implemented entirely

Strictness degree of implementing compulsory provision
4 25
of this position (system)

Whether records of implementing compulsory provisions

5 are complete and meet requirements of specification or 30

Weight: 20 score Total score:

Total obtained score:
Evaluation The implementation performance score of compulsory provisions on the installation project of boiler dust removing
results devices, desulfurizing equipments and denitration equipments=Obtained score/Score 20=
Evaluator (signature):

5.6.6 Appearance quality evaluation:

1 Appearance quality evaluation items on the installation project of boiler dust removing
devices, desulfurizing equipments and denitration equipments are specified in Table 5.6.6.
2 Inspection criteria
Layout technology of pipes with small caliber: rational layout, simple route, esthetic, not
affecting passage and with strong appreciation; being in favor of the insulation construction
and post-insulation aesthetics
Installation technology of supporter and hanger: uniform spacing, rational structure and
firm of supporter and hanger; constant extension elongation of screw rod and consistent
auxiliaries orientation
Ladder platform technology: ladder shall be stable, stairway ladder angle is correct;
handrail is straight, even, smooth, clean, there is not any staggered joint or burr but smooth
and esthetic corners; brattice is installed completely, straightly, evenly and without obvious
roughness; the upper and lower grating plates are arranged into an straight line; the cutting is
done with machine and free from random cutting marks; the welding is standard and the
craftwork are esthetic.
Installation technology of rotating machine shield: firmly installed; complete fastening
pieces and strong appreciation
Technology of valve layout and flange bolt connection: centralized layout of valves,
being convenient for site operation and with proper nearby space for repairing
Technology on outdoor layout and equipment protection: protection shed frames are
made esthetically, straightly and evenly, the paint tone is consistent; contour plate is installed
esthetically and with uniform color.
3 Inspection methods
Layout technology of pipes with small caliber: on-site observation, no affection of
passage when it travels upward
Installation technology of supporter and hanger: on-site observation; actually measuring
those positions of supporter and hanger spacing, pole arm levelness and hanger rod verticality
(except those shall be installed in inclination) with obvious deviations.
Ladder platform technology: on-site observation; actual measurement shall be carried out
on the positions with obvious deviation for handrail column verticality, platform planeness
and cross rod flatness.
Weld appearance technology: on-site observation, esthetic shaping surface of welded

joints and without shaping defect
Installation technology of rotating-machine shield: on-site observation, no obvious
inclination of shield when it is pushed by hand slightly.
Technology of valve layout and flange bolt connection: being convenient for site
operation; those components with obvious deviation of flange parallelism and exposed bolt
length shall be actually measured.
Technology of outdoor layout and equipment protection: on-site observation; those parts
with obvious deviation of protection-shed-frames verticality and horizontal pole flatness shall
be measured actually.
4 Appearance qualities shall be inspected on site; if necessary, necessary measurement
and the quality acceptance records inspection shall be carried out and analytical calculation
Table 5.6.6: evaluation on appearance quality
Installation of boiler dust
removing devices, Construction
Project position (scope) Before 168h trial operation in full load
desulfurization equipments and stage
denitration equipments

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation results Obtained

No. Evaluation content Score Remarks
100% 85% 70% score

Installation technology of ladder, handrail

and platform

Surface quality of steel structure 7

Installation of Surface quality of top plate 5

boiler dust Installation technology of rotating machine
1 5
removing device shield
(weight, 35) Appearance quality of fastening piece

Installation technology of supporter and


Layout technology of these small-caliber

pipes for process water and wash water etc.

Installation technology of supporter and


Desulfurizing Installation technology of ladder, handrail

equipment and platform
installation Installation technology of rotating
(weight, 40) machine shield

Valve layout and flange bolt connection


Technology on outdoor-layout equipment


3 Denitration
Layout technology of small-caliber pipes 5

for drainage, emptying and sampling

Installation technology of supporter and

equipment Installation technology of ladder, handrail
installation and platform
(weight, 25) Installation technology of rotating machine

Valve layout and flange bolt connection


Weight: 12 score
Total score:
Total obtained score:
Appearance quality score on the installation project of boiler dust removing devices, desulfurization equipments and
denitration equipments=Obtained score/Score 12=
Evaluator (signature):

5.7 Construction Quality Evaluation of Boiler Auxiliary Machinery Installation

5.7.1 Evaluation on the quality guarantee on construction site:
1 Evaluation of boiler auxiliary-machinery installation project shall meet the
requirements specified in Article 5.4.1.
2 Evaluation items on the construction quality guarantee of boiler auxiliary machinery
are specified in Table 5.7.1; the relevant information on systems and measures shall be
inspected and their implementations shall be randomly inspected; and the quality guarantee
shall be judged comprehensively.
Table 5.7.1: Evaluation on quality guarantee on construction site
Installation of boiler auxiliary Construction
Project position (scope) Before 168h trial operation in full load
machinery stage

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation results Obtained

No. Evaluation content Score Remarks
100% 85% 70% score

Organizational structure and quality
management system operation in project
and product
department; Technology, management,
1 liability system 30
working system; Systems for material,
equipment site acceptance and sampling
inspection, etc.

Pertinency and workability of quality inspection and

acceptance standard, construction technology standard,
2 30
working method, operation specifications and operation

Examination and approval of construction organization design,
construction scheme, construction measure, risk aversion
3 25
measure, etc. Pertinency, workability and implementation
effect of contents

Implementation effects of quality objective and management

4 15

Weight: 15 score
Total score:
Evaluation Total obtained score:
results Quality record score of boiler auxiliary machinery installation project =Obtained score/Score 15=
Evaluator (signature):

5.7.2 Performance inspection and evaluation:

1 Performance inspection and evaluation items of boiler auxiliary machinery are
specified in Table 5.7.2.
2 Inspection criteria
1) Water pressure tests of equipment systems: test pressure meets the manufacturer's
technical criteria requirements; if such requirements are not available, the test pressure shall
meet the provisions specified in "Supervision Code for Boiler and Pressure Vessel of the
Power Industry" DL 612. The Pressure boosting and reduction speed shall meet specification's
requirements. There shall be no leakage or deformation fracture of bearing pieces and at all
welded joints, manholes, hand-holes, flanges and valves etc. after the test.
2) Debugging of system valve and air door: all the system valves or air doors shall be in
the right direction and indicates clear opening which shall coincide with actual opening, with
obvious indication; simultaneously, the operation shall be reliable, flexible and without any
jamming; the installation position shall be correct, lined neatly, operated easily and meet
design requirements.
3) Single machine debugging of equipment:
Bearing temperature shall meet the relevant requirements: sliding bearing 65 and
rolling bearing 80.
During the operation of main equipment body, there shall be no abnormal sound and the
vibration shall not be greater than 0.08mm (less than 10 threads).All bolted joints shall not
loose. Equipment oiliness shall be correct and qualified; the oil level shall be proper and each
interlocking protection of lubricating oil system shall operate normally. Supply of cooling
water shall be unimpeded. All the exposed parts of equipment during its operation shall be
endowed with reliable protection measures.
Vee-belt driving equipment: not skidding or jammed edge
Chain-wheel driving equipment: stable operation and without abnormal noise
The equipment is qualified if it operates at least 4-8 hours but there is no abnormality.
4) Debugging of equipment subsystem: each system shall meet the operating
requirements of machine unit and all the parameters shall meet the design requirements.
Operation of each equipment and valve interlocking protection shall be normal.
5) System leak test: during the operation of each equipment, there shall be no leakage of
powder, water, oil, gas, ash, slag or steam and the quality problems shall be eliminated.

3 Inspection methods
Water pressure test of equipment systems: checking the confirmation, signature and
construction record of water pressure test
Debugging of system valve and air door: checking relevant debugging records and
randomly inspecting the records (if available)
Single machine debugging of equipment: checking the confirmation and signature for
trial operation and records table; checking equipment operation on site.
Debugging of equipment subsystem: checking the confirmation and signature for trial
operation; checking equipment operation in central control room
System leak test: on site checking
Table 5.7.2: performance inspection and evaluation
Installation of boiler auxiliary Construction
Project position (scope) Before 168h trial operation in full load
machinery stage

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

No. Evaluation results Remarks
Evaluation content Score score

100% 85% 70%

1 Water pressure test of equipment systems 10

2 Debugging of system valves and air doors 15

3 Single machine debugging of equipments 20

4 Debugging of equipment subsystem 30

System leak test, including no leakage of water, oil or gas

5 25

Weight: 28 scores
Total score:
Evaluation Total obtained score:
results Quality record score of boiler auxiliary machinery installation project =Obtained score/Score 28=
Evaluator (signature):

5.7.3 Quality record evaluation

1 Quality record evaluation items are specified in Table 5.7.3.
2 Those quality records with material & equipment quality certificates (outgoing quality
certificates), complete site acceptance record, construction record, construction test record,
data; actual and effective content, standard classification & rearrangement, perfect reviewing
and signing procedures and meeting the requirements specified in design and standards are
Class I and gain 100% standard score. Those quality records with complete information,
relatively complete data, actual and effective content, relatively standard rearrangement,
relatively complete reviewing and signing procedures and meeting the requirements specified
in design and standards are Class II and gain 85% standard score. Those quality records with
basically complete information, date; actual and effective content; basically standard
rearrangement, basically complete reviewing and signing procedures and basically meeting
the requirements specified in design and standards are Class III and gain 70% standard score.
3 Evaluation methods: to inspect the quantity and content of information

Table 5.7.3: evaluation on quality records
Installation of boiler Construction
Project position (scope) Before 168h trial operation in full load
auxiliary machinery stage

Construction organization

Evaluation results Remarks
No. Evaluation content Score score

100% 85% 70%

1 Equipment product certificate and quality certificate document 10

2 Oil product certificate and quality certificate document 5

3 Equipment alteration implementation and defect treatment 5

4 Equipment construction record 15

5 Water pressure test records 10

6 Confirmation and signature of equipment sealing 10

Records on single machine and by-part trial operation of

7 25

8 Content listed in Construction Quality Acceptance Table 20

Weight: 20 score
Total score:
Evaluation Total obtained score:
results Quality record score of boiler auxiliary machinery installation project =Obtained score/Score 20=
Evaluator (signature):

5.7.4 Dimensional deviation and limit evaluation:

1 Evaluation items on dimensional deviation and actual limit measurement of boiler
auxiliary machinery are specified in Table 5.7.4.
2 Inspection criteria
1) Foundation bolt hole deviation :10mm
2) The vertical and horizontal center lines deviation of coal mill is not greater than 3mm;
the vertical and horizontal center lines deviation of blower is not greater than 10mm and the
vertical and horizontal center lines deviation of pump body is 10mm.
3) Elevation deviation of equipment is not greater than 3mm and the elevation deviation
of pump body is 5mm.
4) Two central deviations of coupling menber:
Rotational speed of solid coupling:
3000 r/min, 0.04mm
1500 r/min, 0.06mm
750 r/min, 0.08mm
500 r/min, 0.10mm
Rotational speed of spring coupling:
3000, 0.06mm
1500, 0.08mm
750, 0.10mm

500, 0.15mm
5) Clearance between stator shell and impeller air inlet: it shall meet drawing provisions;
if such provisions are not available, the clearance shall be not greater than 2mm (under
thermal state) and uniform.
6) Axle levelness deviation is not greater than 1 axial length.
3 Inspection methods:
1) Deviation of foundation bolt hole: on-site random inspection; if it is not available,
checking installation records
2) Vertical and horizontal center lines deviations of coal mill, blower and pump body:
checking installation records
3) Elevation deviations of equipment and pump body: random inspection on site and
inspecting with steel ruler and level ruler
4) Center deviation of coupling member: inspecting it with dial gauge after equipment
stops and comparing the inspection with installation records
5) Clearance between stator shell and impeller air inlet: opening the manhole door of
wind shell and inspecting the clearance with feeler gauge; checking the corresponding
installation records.
6) Axle levelness deviation: rear equipment stops, inspect the deviation with level gauge
and check corresponding installation records.
Table 5.7.4: Evaluation on actual measurement of dimensional deviation and limit
Project position Installation of boiler auxiliary Construction
Before 168h trial operation in full load
(scope) machinery stage

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation results Obtained

No. Evaluation content Score Remarks
100% 85% 70% score

1 Deviation of foundation bolt hole 20

Vertical and horizontal center lines deviations of coal

2 20
mill, blower and pump body

3 Elevation deviation of equipment and pump body 20

4 Center deviation of coupling member 20

5 Clearance between stator shell and impeller blast inlet 10

6 Axle levelness deviation 10

Weight: 12 score
Total score:
Total obtained score:

Quality record score of boiler auxiliary machinery installation project =Obtained score/Score 12=
Evaluator (signature):

5.7.5 Implementation performance evaluation of compulsory provisions

1 Evaluation items on implementation performance of compulsory provisions are
specified in Table 5.7.5.
2 Implementation performance evaluation methods of compulsory provisions for boiler
auxiliary machinery installation project shall meet the requirements of Article 5.4.5 in this
Table 5.7.5: evaluation on implementation performance of compulsory provisions
Project position Installation of boiler Construction
Before 168h trial operation in full load
(scope) auxiliary machinery stage

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation results Obtained

No. Evaluation content Score Remarks
100% 85% 70% score

Compilation condition of implementation plan of

1 5
compulsory provisions

Workability of implementation plan of compulsory

2 15

Implementation on the compulsory provisions of this

3 25

Strictness degree of implementing compulsory

4 25
provision of this position (system)

Whether records of implementing compulsory

5 provisions are complete and meet requirements of 30
specification or not

Weight: 15 score
Total score:
Evaluation Total obtained score:
results Quality record score of boiler auxiliary machinery installation project =Obtained score/Score 15=
Evaluator (signature):

5.7.6 Appearance quality evaluation

1 Appearance quality evaluation items of boiler auxiliary machinery are specified in
Table 5.7.6.

2 Inspection criteria
1) Layout of oil, water and steam pipes: with rational integral layout, convenient route
and reserved inclination slope; the pipe layout shall not affect the passages; pipes are firmly
fixed and arranged in rows; pipes are not buried in cement or with no random openings.
2) Installation technology of supporter and hanger: regular and esthetic installation,
laying off with saw without teeth; nuts of bolts are exposed by 2~3 threads and with
anti-looseness measures; the layout shall not affect passage; good and esthetic welded joint
shaping; flawless, firmly fixed supports.
3) Ladder platform technology: ladder shall be rooted firmly; handrail is straight and
even; handrail joints are smooth and clean; there is not any burr but smooth and esthetic
corners; brattice is installed completely, straightly, evenly and without obvious roughness; the
upper and lower grating plates are arranged into an straight line; the cutting is free from
random cutting marks; the welding is standard and the craftwork are esthetic.
4) Technology on valve layout and flange bolt connection: integral layout for valve
installation is rational and esthetic; those valves which are arranged in concentration are in
good order and convenient for operation or maintenance; where connecting bolts are used, the
nuts of bolts should be exposed by 2~3 threads; valve shall be located in the right direction;
after installation, they shall be marked by hanging plate.
5) Equipment in natural color; tidy and clean appearance:
Equipment surface shall be free of any dust, waste, deformation or paint skip; it shall be
colored obviously and be esthetic.
6) No drip, seepage and leakage of oil, water and plaster
Equipment operates normally (without drip, seepage or leakage) and all the connecting
places are clean.
7) Firm and beautiful shelters in rotating parts, convenient for disassemble:
Shelters are rooted firmly, convenient for disassembly during repair, esthetic and without
3 Inspection methods: on-site inspection; if necessary, necessary measurement and
inspecting the quality acceptance records of subsection project, analytical calculation
1) Layout of oil, water and steam pipes: on-site observation and random inspection
2) Supporter and hanger installation technology: on-site observation
3) Ladder platform technology: on-site observation
4) Valve layout and flange bolt connection technology: on site observation, random
inspection of bolt length
5) Equipment in natural color; tidy and clean appearance: on-site observation
6) No drip, seepage and leakage of oil, water and plaster: on-site observation
7) Firm and beautiful shelters in rotating parts, convenient for disassemble: on-site
Table 5.7.6: evaluation on appearance quality
Installation of boiler Construction
Project position (scope) Before 168h trial operation in full load
auxiliary machinery stage

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

No. Evaluation content Score Evaluation results Obtained Remarks

100% 85% 70% score

1 Layout technology of oil, water and steam pipes 15

2 Support installation technology 10

3 Ladder platform technology 10

4 Valve layout and flange bolt connection technology 10

5 Equipment in natural color; tidy and clean appearance 15

6 No drip, seepage and leakage of oil, water and plaster 25

Firm and beautiful shelters in rotating parts, convenient for

7 15

Weight: 10 score
Total score:
Evaluation Total obtained score:
results Quality record score of boiler auxiliary machinery installation project =Obtained score/Score 10=
Evaluator (signature):

5.8 Construction Quality Evaluation on the Installation Project of Coal Handling

Equipments, Fuel Fired Equipments and Pipes
5.8.1 Evaluation on the quality guarantee on construction site:
1 Evaluation on the quality guarantee on the construction site for installation project of
coal handling equipments, fuel fired equipments and pipes shall meet the requirements
specified in Article 5.4.1 of this Part.
2 As for the evaluation on the quality assurance on the construction site for the
installation project of coal handling equipments, fuel fired equipments and pipes, relevant
systems and measure information shall be inspected as well as their implementation
conditions shall be inspected randomly to carry out comprehensive judgment according to the
content specified in Table 5.8.1.
Table 5.8.1: evaluation on quality guarantee on construction site
Installation project of coal
Project position (scope) handling equipments, fuel Before 168h trial operation in full load
fired equipments and pipes

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation result Obtained

No. Evaluation content Score Remarks
100% 85% 70% score

Organizational structure and quality
management system operation in project
and product
1 liability 30
Technology, management, working system
system for
Systems for material, equipment site
acceptance and sampling inspection

2 Pertinency and workability of quality inspection and 15

acceptance standard, construction technology standard,

working method, operation specifications and operation

Examination and approval of construction organization

design, construction scheme, construction measure, risk
3 35
aversion measure, etc. Pertinency, workability and
implementation effect of content

Implement effects of quality objective and management

4 20

Weight: 15 scores
Total score:
Total obtained score:
Evaluation score on the quality guarantee on construction site for the installation project of coal handling
equipments, fuel fired equipments and pipes =Obtained score/Score 15=
Evaluator (signature):

5.8.2 Performance inspection and evaluation:

1 Performance inspection evaluation items on installation project of coal handling
equipments, fuel fired equipments and pipes are specified in Table 5.8.2.
2 Inspection criteria:
1) Coal handling equipments:
Installation quality of high-strength bolts and connecting pieces: connecting pieces shall
be complete, tightening torque shall meet the design and without screw skip. All wabblers of
torsion-shear-type high-strength bolt shall be screwed off. Amount of bolts whose wabblers
are not screwed off during the final screwing shall not be greater than 5% of bolt amount at
this joint after final screwing of connectors, except those whose wabblers can not be screwed
off with special spanner due to structure reasons.
Disalignment and skid of belt conveyer: conveyer belt shall be stable; the distances from
both sides of the belt to the both sides of carrier roller edge shall be equal; in case
disalignment, belt shall not be outside the edge of carrier roller and rotary drum; belt
conveyer shall operate favorably, with proper belt looseness but without skid.
Quality of iron separator installation: the installation position, angle and rotation
direction of iron separator as well as the separator distance from belt surface shall meet the
technical requirements detailed in drawing.
Quality of bucket wheel machine installation: revolution angle of bucket wheel machine
shall meet the technical requirements of equipment; the operation of pitching (amplitude
variation) equipment shall be synchronous and flexible; there is no leakage for hydraulically
operated equipments and pipes; and the operation shall be safe and reliable.
Quality of wagon tipper installation:
Geometric dimension, curvature degree and verticality deviations on the installation of
inlet-outlet end trays shall be not greater than 3mm;
Vehicle entrance and exit directions of chassis beam shall meet design requirements;
Top elevation deviation of chassis-beam steel rail, light-heavy shunter steel rail,
car-puller-platform steel rail shall be not greater than 3mm;

Center line deviation of chassis-beam steel rail, light-heavy shunter steel rail,
car-puller-platform steel rail shall be not greater than 1.5mm; and their parallism deviation
shall not be greater than 1.5mm either.
Hydraulic system equipments and pipes shall be free of leakage and operate safely and
Vehicle pulling arm shall operate flexibly and reliably;
Operation at each thermal measuring point shall be flexible and reliable.
2) Fuel fired equipments and pipes;
Tightness of fuel fired equipment and pipe systems: the system shall be tight and free of
any release, drip or leakage
Contribution of fuel fired equipment and pipeline oil pump: actual capacity shall be
within the range of specified and designed contribution
Indication of tank oil level: oil level gauge operates flexibly and accurately
Quality of oil tank installation: it shall meet the requirements of project oil storage and
reach designed oil storage competence.
Reliability of oil pot relief valve: accurate fixed value and flexible operation
Quality of fuel oil heater and filter installation: position, direction and effectiveness meet
design requirements
3 Inspection methods: onsite inspection, random measurement together with the inspection of
construction and trial operation information as so to judge comprehensively
1) Coal handling equipments:
Installation quality of high-strength bolt and connecting piece:
Large hexagon head high strength bolt: inspecting by knocking with hammer (0.3kg) to
see if there is screw skip. At the same time, construction record shall be inspected.
Torsion-shear-type high strength bolts: inspecting bolts to see if their wabblers have been
screwed off. At the same time, construction record shall be inspected.
Inspection quantity shall be not less than 50% total quality. If the fastening moment of
one bolt is discovered to be not qualified, all the bolts shall be inspected.
Elevation, center line, verticality and curvature degree of wagon tipper: they shall be
inspected on site. The elevation is measured with glass tube (horizontally) or level gauge
together with steel tape; for the center line and parallelism, the distance between two center
lines of beam both end is inspected with spring scale and steel tape; verticality and curvature
degree are measured with theodolite.
Disalignment and skid of belt conveyer: on site visual observation
Amplitude variation and revolution angle of bucket wheel machine: on-site measurement
2) Fuel fired equipments and pipes:
System tightness: checking the operation of on-site equipments and systems
Contribution of fuel fired equipments and pipeline oil pumps: inspecting the flow and
outlet pressure records of trial operation or operating oil pump; or inspecting the outlet
pressure and flow of pumps on site
Indication of tank oil level: measuring the actual oil level of oil tank and then comparing
it with the oil level indicated by oil level gauge
Installation quality of oil tank: checking the installation information and construction
record of oil tank; information inspection

Reliability of oil pot relief valve: inspecting the checking certificate report of oil pot
relief valve
Quality of fuel oil heater and filter installation: inspecting the installation records and
information of fuel oil heater and filter, checking the equipment operation on site.
Table 5.8.2: Performance inspection evaluation
Installation project of coal
Project position Construction
handling equipments, fuel fired Before 168h trial operation in full load
(scope) stage
equipments and pipes

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation result Obtained

No. Evaluation content Score Remarks
100% 85% 70% score

Quality of high-strength bolt


Disalignment and skid of belt

Coal handling Coal-breaking granularity of coal
1 equipment breaker
(weight, 60) Deferrization competence of iron

Amplitude variation and revolution

angle of bucket wheel machine

Coal discharging competence of

wagon tipper

System tightness 10

Oil pump contribution 8

Fuel fired Tank oil level indication 6

2 equipments and Quality of oil tank installation 6
pipes (weight, 40)
Reliability of oil tank relief valve 5

Quality of fuel oil heater and filter


Weight: 20 score
Total score:
Total obtained score:
Performance inspection score on the installation project of coal handling equipments, fuel fired equipments and pipes
=Obtained score/Score 20=
Evaluator (signature):

5.8.3 Quality record evaluation

1 Quality record evaluation items on installation project of coal handling equipments,
fuel fired equipments and pipes are specified in Table 5.8.3.
2 Those quality records with material & equipment quality certificates (outgoing quality

certificates), complete site acceptance record, construction record, construction test record,
data; actual and effective content, standard classification & rearrangement, perfect reviewing
and signing procedures and meeting the requirements specified in design and standards are
Class I and gain 100% standard score. Those quality records with complete information,
relatively complete data, actual and effective content, relatively standard rearrangement,
relatively complete reviewing and signing procedures and meeting the requirements specified
in design and standards are Class II and gain 85% standard score. Those quality records with
basically complete information, date; actual and effective content; basically standard
rearrangement, basically complete reviewing and signing procedures and basically meeting
the requirements specified in design and standards are Class III and gain 70% standard score.
3 Evaluation methods: to inspect the quantity and content of information
Table 5.8.3: evaluation of quality records
Installation project of coal
Project position Construction
handling equipments, fuel Before 168h trial operation in full load
(scope) stage
fired equipments and pipes

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

No. Score Evaluation result Obtained

Evaluation content Remarks
100% 85% 70% score

Delivery test report, quality certificate

and registration form of equipments and 3

Auxiliary torque-coefficient
reinspection report of high strength
bolts, reinspection report of
Installation of
friction-surface antiskid coefficient
coal handling
1 Delivery quality certificate of rubber
equipment 5
(weight, 60)
Product certificate and on site
reinspection report of lubricating oil and 3
hydraulic oil

Letter of notice and registration form of

design alteration and materials 3

Equipment defect notice, equipment 3

defect handling report and registration

Construction records on foundation 5

lineation and iron gasket installation

Pickling, passivation and installation 5

records of oil pipes

Acceptance tables and construction 8

records on subsection project, subitem

project and inspection lot

Confirmation and signature for the 4

secondary grouting of equipment
foundation bolts

Tensile test reports of on-site rubber belt 9

adhesive bonding opening

Trial operation records 10

Delivery test report, quality certificate 5

and registration form of equipments and

Letter of notice and registration form of 3

design alteration and materials

Equipment defect notice, equipment 3

defect handling report and registration
Installation of form
fuel fired 3
Installation record of oil pump
2 equipments
Installation records of oil tank and 5
and pipes
(weight, 40)
Installation records of oil pipes 4

Washing and sweeping records of 3


Acceptance tables and construction 6

records on subsection project, subitem
project and inspection lot

System tightness test 5

Trial operation records of oil pump 3

Evaluation Weight: 20 score

result Total score:
Total obtained score:
Quality records score on the installation project of coal handling equipments, fuel fired equipments and pipes
=Obtained score/Score 20=
Evaluator (signature):

5.8.4 Dimensional deviation and limit evaluation:

1 Dimensional deviation and limit evaluation items on the installation project of coal
handling equipments, fuel fired equipments and pipes are specified in Table 5.8.4.
2 Inspection criteria:
1) Coal handling equipments:
Flatness of conveyor belt frame: deviation of each section of structure from design center
shall not be greater than 3mm; elevation deviation is 10mm and horizontal levelness
deviation is not greater than 3mm. Longitudinal fluctuation plane deviation shall not be

greater than 10mm.
Rotary drum installation shall meet the following requirements: axis must be vertical to
rubber belt; longitudinal position deviation shall not be greater than 5mm; levelness deviation
shall not be greater than 5mm and elevation deviation shall not be greater than 10mm.
Height difference of adjacent carrier rollers shall not be greater than 2mm; these groups of
carrier rollers being close to head rotary drum shall contact sufficiently with rubber belt;
otherwise, the these carrier rollers shall be blocked up properly.
Carrier roller installation: the installation positions of all coal-conveyer impact rollers
shall be aligned with coal drop pipe; if the pre-determined position in drawing does not
conform to this, the installation position of impact roller shall be adjusted on site. Coal
transmit trough shall be parallel with rubber belt; they shall match with each other at the
center and contact uniformly in sealing place.
Plough coal tip: flexible, with proper position of heavy punch and being able to unload
coal completely
Inlet & outlet rail deviations of wagon tipper: platform steel rail of wagon tipper chamber
are aligned wit foundation steel rail; the ends of two steel rails are reserved with 5~10mm
clearance; the height difference on rail surface is not greater than 3mm; the difference of two
side surfaces is not greater than 5mm; the clearance between platform both end surfaces and
foundation rolling-stop surface is not greater than 5mm at the vehicle entrance end and not
greater than 1mm at the vehicle exit end.
Center deviation of bucket wheel machine and belt conveyer: it is required that the coal
drop pipe of feeding rubber belt are concentric with revolving tray.
2) Installation of fuel fired equipments and pipes
Bearing temperature of oil pump: rolling bearing <80; sliding bearing < 65
Bear vibration of oil pump: vibration <0.10mm
Outlet pressure of oil pump: within the allowable range of oil pump design but not
greater than the designed and rated maximum value
Static protective ground of oil system pipe: meeting the static protective ground
requirements, fastened at joints and without skip
3 Inspection methods: on-site random inspection assisted by inspecting construction
records and comprehensive judgment
1) Coal handling equipments:
Vibration and temperature of rotating machine are inspected on site;
After the disalignment on-site operation of belt, it is measured with steel ruler from the
side and then the measurement is compared with the central value;
Contact between plough coal instrument, carrier roller and belt is observed on site;
Difference of inlet & outlet rails of wagon tipper: measuring with level gauge and steel
Deviation of bucket wheel machine and belt centers is measured on site with line
dropping and steel ruler;
2) Installation of fuel fired equipments and pipes:
Bearing temperature of oil pump: measuring on site with thermoscope or inspecting trial
operation information
Bearing vibration of oil pump: measuring on site with vibration meter or inspecting trial

operation information
Outlet pressure of oil pump: checking meter display on site or inspecting trial operation
Static protective ground of oil system pipe: inspecting the connection on site
Table 5.8.4: Evaluation on dimensional deviation and limit
Installation project of coal
Project position Construction
handling equipments, fuel Before 168h trial operation in full load
(scope) stage
fired equipments and pipes

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation result Obtained

No. Evaluation content Score Remarks
100% 85% 70% score

Vibration and bearing

temperature of rotating 12

Inspection of the center

deviations of coal hopper and
belt conveyer as well as belt

Contact between plough coal

Installation of 8
instrument and belt
coal handling
1 Contact between rotary drum,
equipment 10
carrier roller and belt
(weight, 70)
Switching angles of Tee-baffle 5

Flatness of conveyor belt


Deviation of inlet & outlet

rails of wagon tipper

Center deviations of bucket

wheel machine and belt 9

Bearing vibration of oil pump 6

Installation of
Bearing temperature of oil
fuel fired 6
2 equipments and
Static protective ground of oil
pipes (weight, 8
system pipes
Outlet pressure of oil pump 10

Weight: 15 score
Total score:
Total obtained score:
Dimensional deviation and limit score on the installation project of coal handling equipments, fuel fired equipments
and pipes=Obtained score/Score 15=
Evaluator (signature):

5.8.5 Implementation performance evaluation of compulsory provisions:

1 Evaluation items on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions on the
installation project of coal handling equipments, fuel fired equipments and pipes are specified
in Table 5.8.5.
2 Inspection and evaluation methods on the implementation performance of compulsory
provisions on the installation project of coal handling equipments, fuel fired equipments and
pipes shall meet the requirements specified in Article 5.4.5 of this Part.
Table 5.8.5: evaluation on implementation performance of compulsory provisions
Installation project of coal
Project position Construction
handling equipments, fuel Before 168h trial operation in full load
(scope) stage
fired equipments and pipes

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation result Obtained

No. Evaluation content Score Remarks
100% 85% 70% score

Compilation condition of implementation plan

1 5
of compulsory provisions

Workability of implementation plan of

2 15
compulsory provisions

Compulsory provisions of this position(system)

3 25
has been implemented entirely

Strictness degree of implementing compulsory

4 25
provisions of this position (system)

Whether records of implementing compulsory

5 provisions are complete and meet requirements 30
of specification or not

Weight: 15 score
Total score:
Total obtained score:
Implementation performance score of compulsory provisions on the installation project of coal handling equipments,
fuel fired equipments and pipes=Obtained score/Score 15=
Evaluator (signature):

5.8.6 Appearance quality evaluation:

1 Appearance quality evaluation items on installation project of coal handling

equipments, fuel fired equipments and pipes are specified in Table 5.8.6.
2 Inspection criteria
1) Coal handling equipments:
Layout technology of lubricating oil, pollution discharge and dust removal: integral
layout shall be reasonable, pipe slope and vergence direction shall be reasonable, distance
between pipes in rows shall be the same, bending radian shall be consistent, in a line in the
longitudinal direction, types of pipe fittings in the same area shall be consistent; piping layout
shall not influence the passage, without sweeping pipes; pipes shall be fixed firmly.
Supporter and hanger installation technology: installed regularly and beautifully,
expansion direction shall meet the design; auxiliaries shall be installed completely, all bolts
shall expose 2~3 thread pitch of the nut, with looseness proof measures; layout shall not
influence passage, shall not pass through cable bridge frame and equipment piping insulation
layer; welded joint shaping shall be good and beautiful, without defects.
Ladder platform technology: ladder shall be stable, stairway ladder angle is correct;
handrail straight and even, without staggered joint, handrail joint smooth and clean, without
burr, intersection angle smooth and beautiful; brattice complete, straight and even, without
obvious roughness; upper and lower grating plate shall be arranged in a straight line; machine
cutting shall be adopted, without scarification sign; welding normative, technology beautiful.
Technology on valve layout and flange bolt connection: integral layout for valve
installation is rational and esthetic; those valves which are arranged in concentration are in
good order and convenient for operation or maintenance; where connecting bolts are used, all
the nuts of bolts should be exposed by 2~3 thread pitches and nuts are positioned on the same
side of flange; after installation, they shall be marked by hanging plate.
Belt interfaces: uniform thickness, no pore or crack at the interfaces
Installation technology of coal drop pipes: pipe walls are flat and smooth; the connection
at flange is tight; no coal dust leakage
2) Installation of fuel fired equipments and pipes:
Pipes installation: rational layout, consistent spacing, straight and even pipes
Installation of supporter and hanger: type and spacing meet design requirements; fixed
parts do not decline
Valve and flange: rational layout, convenient for operation, no deflection, firm bolted
joints and exposed by 3-5 threads
3 Inspection methods: on-site inspection; if necessary, necessary measurement and
inspecting the quality acceptance records of subsection project, analytical calculation
1) Coal handling equipments:
Pipe layout technology: on-site observation; actual measurement shall be carried out on
the positions with obvious deviation for pipe verticality, flatness and gradient.
Installation technology of supporter and hanger: on-site observation
Ladder platform technology: on-site observation; actual measurement shall be carried out
on the positions with obvious deviation for handrail column verticality, platform planeness
and horizontal pole flatness.
Valve layout and flange bolt connection technology: on site observation
Coal drop pipe installation and belt interface: on-site observation
2) Installation of fuel fired equipments and pipes:

The installation of pipes, supporters and hangers, valves and flanges are inspected on
Table 5.8.6: evaluation on appearance quality
Installation project of coal
Project position Construction
handling equipments, fuel Before 168h trial operation in full load
(scope) stage
fired equipments and pipes

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation result Obtained

No. Evaluation content Score Remarks
100% 85% 70% score

Layout technology of pipes for

lubricating oil, hydraulic oil,
pollution discharge and dust

Supporter and hanger

Installation of installation technology
coal handling Installation technology of
1 10
equipment handrail, ladder and platform

(weight, 80) Valve layout and flange bolt

connection technology

Weld appearance technology 7

System coal splash 15

Installation technology of coal

drop pipe (or material hopper)

Appearance technology of belt

Installation of
Installation technology of oil
fuel fired 8
system pipes
2 equipments and
Installation technology of pipe
pipes (weight, 6
supporters and hangers
Valve layout and flange bolt
connection technology

Weight: 15 score
Total score:
Total obtained score:
Appearance quality score on the installation project of coal handling equipments, fuel fired equipments and pipes
=Obtained score/Score 15=
Evaluator (signature):

5.9 Evaluation on the Construction Quality of Boiler Wall Masonry, Equipment Piping
Insulation and Painting Engineering
5.9.1 Evaluation on the quality guarantee on construction site:

1 Quality guarantee evaluation on the construction site of boiler wall masonry, equipment
piping insulation and paint engineering shall meet the requirements of Article 5.4.1 in this
2 As for the evaluation on the quality assurance on the construction site of boiler wall
masonry, equipment piping insulation and painting, relevant systems and measures
information shall be inspected as well as their implementation conditions shall be inspected
randomly to carry out comprehensive judgment according to the content specified in Table
Table 5.9.1: Evaluation on quality guarantee condition for construction site
Boiler wall masonry,
Project position Construction
equipment piping insulation Before 168h trial operation in full load
(scope) stage
and paint

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation result Obtained

No. Evaluation content Score Remarks
100% 85% 70%

Quality Organizational structure and quality

management management system operation in
and product project department
1 liability Technology, management, working 30
system for system
construction Systems for material, equipment site
site acceptance and sampling inspection

Pertinency and workability of quality inspection and

acceptance standard, construction technology
2 30
standard, working method, operation specifications
and operation instructors

Examination and approval of construction

organization design, construction scheme,
3 construction measure, risk aversion measure, etc. 25
Pertinency, workability and implementation effect of

Implement effects of quality objective and

4 15
management system

Weight: 15 score
Total score:
Total obtained score:
Quality record score of boiler wall masonry, equipment piping insulation and painting engineering=Obtained
score/Score 15=
Evaluator (signature):

5.9.2 Performance inspection and evaluation:

1 Performance inspection and evaluation items of boiler wall masonry, equipment piping

insulation and paint engineering are specified in Table 5.9.2.
2 Inspection criteria
1) Boiler wall masonry:
Spectrum reinspection of insulation-member alloy steel: spectral analysis shall be carried
out for alloy steel piece by piece; materials shall not be misused. Material of alloy steel parts
shall meet the requirements specified in equipment technological documents.
Expansion joint and expansion clearance in main positions: they shall meet the
requirements specified in equipment technological documents. Expansion joints shall be
arranged to be criss-cross; through expansion joints shall not be available and the expansion
joints directions shall be consistent with designed ones. For the quality and clearance of
expansion joints: the expansion joints shall meet the design requirements; the dimensional
deviation of expansion clearance meets design requirements and insulation materials are filled
in compaction;
No falling off or crack of boiler wall: observing no blocky falling off of boiler wall; no
large cracks being greater than or equal to 2mm
Inspection of temperature on insulation layer surface: during the trial operation of boiler
unit in full load, the insulation layer or metal enclosure surface around boiler, at boiler top and
of chimney flue are inspected in thermal state; where the environment temperature is not
greater than 25, the insulation-layer surface temperature shall be not greater than 50;
where the environment temperature is greater than 25, the insulation-layer surface
temperature is not greater than the one: 25 + environment temperature.
2) Equipment and pipe insulation:
Qualification of material on-site inspection: technical performance of insulation material
meets design criteria. There are complete quality certificates, delivery report s and random
inspection reports.
Binding and laying of insulating layer:
If the same kind of thermal insulation product is adopted during the laying of insulating
layer, in the following conditions, the layer must be divided into sub-layer: thickness of hard
material is greater than 80mm; or the thickness of semi-hard material or soft material is
greater than 100mm Gap joint shall not be larger than 5mm. Joints in the same layer shall be
staggered and in the adjacent vertical layers shall be pressed; angle joint is close-over overlay
one. The edge joints shall be regular, the staggered joints shall be in good order, and the layer
surfaces shall be even.
Binding of hard or semi-hard insulating layer shall be firm and the binding spacing of
hard insulating layer shall not be larger than 400 mm. Where the nominal diameter is equal to
or greater than 600mm, the pipe or equipment shall be reinforced with additional iron wire or
steel strip and the binding spacing shall not be greater than 500mm. Binding spacing of
semi-hard insulating layer shall not be larger than 300mm. What's more, the galvanized iron
wire bound on each thermal insulation product shall not be less than two passes; the spacing
shall be uniform and the appearance shall be flat and straight.
Quality of support member installation: support member is firmly installed in the right
position without looseness.
Support member spacing: for vertical pipes with nominal diameter greater than 100mm
and vertical equipments, the spacing of plane-wall support member is 1.5 ~ 2m. Round tanks

and pipes: spacing of the support members for high temperature pipes is 2~ 3m; the spacing
of support members for moderate temperature pipes is 3~5m. Spacing of support members for
low temperature pipes is 5~7m. Width of support member shall be by 10mm less than
insulation thickness but not less than 20mm.
Installation quality of protective layer: the upper circumferential joints and longitudinal
joints of the metallic protective layer for equipment and pipe shall overlap the lower ones in
downstream direction; the overlapping shall be firm, without looseness or falling off; the
joints shall be regular; the layout of self plugging rivet or tapping screw shall be uniform.
Appearance of protective layer is tidy and esthetic. Overlapping spacing of metallic protective
layer for indoor equipment and pipe, it is not less than 20mm in general positions and not less
than 50mm in expansion joint position. For outdoor equipment and pipe: it is not less than
50mm in general position and not less than 75mm in expansion joint position. Overlapping of
metallic protective layer for upright high temperature pipe shall be not less than 80mm.
Where the rendering coat is taken as the protective layer, the broken joint of the rendering
coat for high temperature pipe shall be kept at the same position of the expansion joint of
insulating layer. The expansion joint surface of outdoor rendering coat shall be added with
metal protective shell or provided with other waterproof measures. The width and depth of
quadrilled or annular flute expansion joints reserved by the rendering coat of large equipment
shall meet design requirements.
3) Equipment and pipeline paint:
Paint color shall meet design requirements; post-painted surface color is uniform and
consistent; there shall be no spot, falling off, flow mark or obvious brush mark etc.
3 Inspection methods: site inspection; if necessary, inspecting construction records to
judge it comprehensively.
1) Boiler wall masonry:
Spectrum reinspection of alloy steel: checking spectral analysis report.
Expansion joints and expansion clearances of main positions: inspecting the construction
acceptance records.
Falling off and crack of boiler wall: checking acceptance confirmation and signature
Surface temperature inspection of boiler wall: measuring with thermoscope for the
surface temperatures of metals or outer guard boards
2) Equipment and pipe insulation:
Qualification of materials for on-site inspection: inspecting whether the delivery report,
quality certificate and material random inspection report of each lot of materials are complete
or not.
Binding and laying of heat insulating layer: observation and ruler-based inspection
Installation quality of support member: observing, measuring with ruler and by
Installation quality of protective layer: observation and ruler inspection
3) Equipment and pipe paint: observation
Table 5.9.2: Evaluation on performance inspection
Boiler wall masonry,
Project position Construction
equipment piping Before 168h trial operation in full load
(scope) stage
insulation and paint

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation result Obtained

No. Evaluation content Score Remarks
100% 85% 70% score

Spectrum reinspection of alloy steel 5

Expansion joints and expansion

Boiler wall 8
clearances of main positions
1 masonry
Falling off or crack of boiler wall 5
(weight, 30)
Inspection of boiler-wall surface

On-site inspection qualification of


Equipment Binding and laying of insulating

piping layer
insulation Installation quality of support
(weight, 40) member

Installation quality of protective


Equipment Adhesive force 15

3 pipe painting
Consistent color 15
(weight, 30)

Weight: 20 score
Total score:
Total obtained score:
Performance inspection score of boiler wall masonry, equipment piping insulation and paint engineering=Obtained
score/Score 20=
Evaluator (signature):

5.9.3 Quality record evaluation:

1 The quality record evaluation items of boiler wall masonry, equipment pipe insulation
and paint are detailed in Table 5.9.3 and shall be comprehensively evaluated according to
those specified in the table.
2 Those quality records with material & equipment quality certificates (outgoing quality
certificates), complete site acceptance record, construction record, construction test record,
data; actual and effective content, standard classification & rearrangement, perfect reviewing
and signing procedures and meeting the requirements specified in design and standards are
Class I and gain 100% standard score. Those quality records with complete information,
relatively complete data, actual and effective content, relatively standard rearrangement,
relatively complete reviewing and signing procedures and meeting the requirements specified
in design and standards are Class II and gain 85% standard score. Those quality records with
basically complete information, date; actual and effective content; basically standard
rearrangement, basically complete reviewing and signing procedures and basically meeting
the requirements specified in design and standards are Class III and gain 70% standard score.

3 Evaluation methods: to inspect the quantity and content of information
Table 5.9.3: evaluation on quality records
Project Boiler wall masonry,
position equipment piping insulation Before 168h trial operation in full load
(scope) and paint

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation result Obtained

No. Evaluation content Score Remarks
100% 85% 70%

Delivery certificates and reinspection

reports of materials and equipments

Letter of notice and registration form

of design alteration and materials 3

Confirmation and signature of the

Boiler critical process records of concealed 8
wall project
1 masonry Expansion joints and expansion
(weight, clearances records of main positions
40) Confirmation and signature for the
records on the inspection of 8
boiler-wall surface temperature

Formulation and inspection report of

wearproof concrete, insulation
concrete and boiler wall plastering
material during construction

Equipment Delivery certificate or report of

2 3
pipe material
insulation Site acceptance record of material 3
On-site inspection report of material 4
Confirmation and signature for the
measurement of boiler-wall surface 6

Confirmation and signature for the

measurement of main steam pipe 7
surface temperature

Confirmation and signature for the

measurement of reheated steam 6
surface temperature

Confirmation and signature for the

measurement of steam cylinder 6
surface temperature

Quality acceptance records of
inspection lot, subitem project and 5
subdivision project

Equipment Delivery certification of material 5

pipe Site acceptance record of material 5

3 painting Quality acceptance records of
(weight, inspection lot, subitem project and 10
20) subdivision project

Weight: 15 score
Total score:
Total obtained score:
Quality record score of boiler wall masonry, equipment piping insulation and painting engineering=Obtained
score/Score 15=
Evaluator (signature):

5.9.4 Dimensional deviation and limit evaluation:

1 The evaluation items on the dimensional deviation and limit of boiler wall masonry,
equipment piping insulation and paint engineering are specified in Table 5.9.4.
2 Inspection criteria
1) Boiler wall masonry:
Boiler wall thickness: deviation of boiler wall thickness, -10 ~ +15mm
Expansion joint and expansion clearance dimensions in main positions: they shall meet
the requirements specified in equipment technological documents.
Inspection of temperature on boiler wall surface: during the trial operation of boiler unit
in full load, the insulation layer or metal enclosure surface around boiler, at boiler top and of
chimney flue are inspected in thermal state; where the environment temperature is not greater
than 25, the insulation-layer surface temperature shall be not greater than 50; where the
environment temperature is greater than 25, the insulation-layer surface temperature is not
greater than the one: 25 + environment temperature.
2) Equipment and pipe insulation:
Insulating layer thickness: shall meet the design requirements; allowable deviation of
thermal insulating material thickness shall be +10mm, -5mm
Thermal inspection on insulation layer surface of the heating power pipes for equipment,
main steam and reheated steam, of the valve and the pipe fittings: where the environment
temperature is not greater than 25, the insulation-layer surface temperature shall be not
greater than 50; where the environment temperature is greater than 25, the
insulation-layer surface temperature is not greater than the one: 25 + environment
3) Equipment and pipe painting:
Film thickness shall meet the design requirements.
3 Inspection methods: dimensional deviation and limit shall be inspected on site assisted
by inspecting construction records and comprehensive judgment
1) Boiler wall masonry:
Boiler wall thickness: inspecting the confirmation and signature records.

Expansion joint and expansion clearance dimensions in main positions: inspecting the
confirmation and signature records and they shall meet the requirements specified in
equipment technological documents.
Confirmation and signature for the inspection records on boiler wall surface temperature:
the insulation layer or metal enclosure surface around boiler, at boiler top and of chimney flue
is inspected with thermoscope.
2) Equipment and pipe insulation:
Insulating layer thickness: inspection on heat insulating layer for its thickness by
vertically inserting one straight pin with a length above that thickness into this heat insulating
Inspection on boiler wall surface temperature: to inspect with infrared thermometer and
spot inspect three points every 50 m2.
Inspection on surface temperatures of the heating power pipes for equipment, main steam
and reheated steam, and of the valve and the pipe fittings: to inspect the main steam pipe with
infrared thermometer and spot inspect three points every 50 m.
The thermal insulations for the creep measurement points and the parts with special
purposes by the design and criteria shall meet the relevant requirements.
3) Equipment and pipe paint: paint thickness tester shall be adopted for measurement.
Table 5.9.4: evaluation on dimensional deviations and limits
Boiler wall masonry,
Project position Construction
equipment piping Before 168h trial operation in full load
(scope) stage
insulation and paint

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation result Obtained

No. Evaluation content Score Remarks
100% 85% 70% score

Boiler wall thickness 8

Expansion joint and expansion

Boiler wall
clearance dimensions of main 6
1 masonry
(weight, 20)
Random inspection of boiler-wall
surface temperature

Insulating layer thickness 15

Inspection of boiler-wall surface


Test on surface temperatures of

Equipment the heating power pipes for main
2 pipe insulation steam and reheated steam, and of
(weight, 70) the valve and the pipe fittings

The creep measurement points

and the parts with special
purposes by the design and
critaria shall meet the


Equipment Film thickness 10

3 pipe painting
(weight, 10)

Weight: 10 score
Total score:
Total obtained score:
Quality record score of boiler wall masonry, equipment pipe insulation and painting engineering=Obtained
score/Score 10=
Evaluator (signature):

5.9.5 Implementation performance evaluation of compulsory provisions

1 Evaluation items on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions for
boiler wall masonry, equipment piping insulation and paint are specified in Table 5.9.5.
2 Inspection and evaluation methods on the implementation performance of compulsory
provisions for boiler wall masonry, equipment piping insulation and paint shall meet the
requirements specified in Article 5.4.5 of this Part.
Table 5.9.5: implementation performance evaluation of compulsory provisions
Boiler wall masonry,
Project position equipment piping Construction
Before 168h trial operation in full load
(scope) insulation and painting stage

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation result Obtained

No. Evaluation content Score Remarks
100% 85% 70%

Compilation condition of implementation plan of

1 5
compulsory provisions

Workability of implementation plan of compulsory

2 15

Compulsory provisions of this position(system) has

3 25
been implemented entirely

Strictness degree of implementing compulsory

4 25
provision of this position (system)

Whether records of implementing compulsory

5 provisions are complete and meet requirements of 30
specification or not

Weight: 12 score
Total score:
Total obtained score:
Quality record score of boiler wall masonry, equipment piping insulation and painting engineering=Obtained
score/Score 12=
Evaluator (signature):

5.9.6 Appearance quality evaluation:

1 Appearance quality evaluation items of boiler wall masonry, equipment piping
insulation and painting engineering are specified in Table 5.5.6.
2 Inspection criteria
1) Boiler wall masonry:
Boiler wall surface technology: the appearance and process shall be fine: the surface
smoothness shall not be greater than 3mm /m; it shall be regular, straight and even; the
circular arc shall be smooth; free from shedding and obvious crack; the color and luster shall
be uniform and tidy without contamination.
2) Equipment and pipe insulation:
Outer guard plate installation technology: when corrugated plate (contour plate) is
adopted as the outer guard plate, the upper and lower corrugation shall be vertical, upper
joints shall overlap the lower joints, downstream overlapping, the upper and lower joints shall
be in the same horizontal line, and interfaces shall be flat. Axial and circumferential
overlapping of pipe outer guard plate shall not be less than 50mm; outdoor pipe and
high-temperature pipe overlapping shall not be less than 75mm. Circumferential joint of outer
guard plate shall be consistent with the pipe gradient direction. Axial joint shall be downward,
arranged in the 15-45 position below the pipe horizontal center line, and form an extended
line, recommended to be installed in the concealed position, and moved to the 60 position
above the pipe horizontal center line when there are obstacles in the side surface or bottom.
Self plugging rivet or self-tapping screw shall be arranged uniformly in the fixed distance.
The surface shall be tidy and beautiful.
Construction technology of rendering coat: the surface smoothness shall not be greater
than 5mm/m; rendering coat surface shall be flat and smooth; arris shall be square and straight;
arc shall be smooth; no obvious crack.
Valve bushing technology: valve bushing shall be firmly fixed and without looseness.The
appearance shall be even, esthetic and convenient for installation or disassembly.
Small pipe thermal insulation technology: thermal insulating belt or thermal insulating
rope winding shall be tight, firm, with multi-layer pressed joints and consistent thickness.
Surface shall be even, smooth and esthetic.
3) Equipment and pipe paint:
After paint, the surface tone shall be uniform and consistent; without spot, falling off,
wrinkle, flow mark, floating film, paint particle or obvious brush mark
4) Equipment and system mark: it shall meet the design requirements; be complete,
standard, uniform and striking.
3 Inspection methods: on-site observation; if necessary, do actual measurement and
inspect acceptance record, confirmation and signature; carry out calculation and statistics and

make qualitative or quantitative conclusions.
Table 5.9.6: evaluation on appearance quality
Boiler wall
Project position Construction
equipment piping Before 168h trial operation in full load
(scope) stage
insulation and

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation result Obtained

No. Evaluation content Score Remarks
100% 85% 70%

Appearance technology of
boiler wall surface
Boiler wall
Planeness of boiler wall
1 masonry 4
(weight, 15)
Surface crack 3

Tone and contamination 4

Rendering coat construction

Outer guard plate installation
piping 20
2 technology
Valve bushing technology 10
(weight, 60)
Small pipe thermal insulation

Consistent color 5

No flow mark or brush mark

Equipment 5
of paint layer
3 pipe painting
Good coordination 5
(weight, 20)
Appearance of post-sticking
glass fiber cloth

Equipment Meeting design requirements 2

4 and system Complete, standard, uniform
mark (5) and striking

Weight: 28 score
Total score:
Total obtained score:
Quality record score of boiler wall masonry, equipment piping insulation and painting engineering=Obtained
score/Score 28=
Evaluator (signature):

5.10 Evaluation on the Construction Quality of Single Project of Circulating Fluidized

Bed Boiler Installation

5.10.1 Quality of unit for circulating fluidized bed boiler, the same as general boiler unit, is
evaluated according to single project.
5.10.2 For the quality acceptance evaluation of circulating fluidized bed boiler unit, this Part
only lists the content inconsistent with general boiler unit and the other evaluation content and
methods are the same with general boiler ones.
5.10.3 Supervision or evaluation organizations shall evaluate the construction quality of
single project according to the evaluation criteria and methods listed in this Part; in addition,
the evaluation results shall be summarized and analyzed; then evaluation reports shall be
written. In evaluation report, the construction quality of refractory and antifriction materials
shall be comprehensively analyzed and evaluated in separate chapters or sections.
5.10.4 Construction quality acceptance results shall be quantified maximally. Project quality
evaluation of circulating fluidized bed boiler unit shall be carried out practically.
5.10.5 Project quality control shall highlight material receiving inspection, technological
process quality control and function effectiveness test. It shall be focused on the action of
quality management in project quality control, the improvement of management efficiency
and operating skill. Good quality management mechanism shall be established and
competence for quality continuous improvement shall be enhanced.
5.10.6 During construction, attention shall be given to the application technical progress,
environmental protection and energy conservation so as to reduce construction wastes and
energy consumption maximally.
5.10.7 For the quality evaluation on the single project of electric power construction, the
corresponding weight shall be given according to the importance and work load of the unit
project which this single project belongs to. Weight of project position (scope) shall be
determined according to the characteristics of various professions.
5.10.8 Quality evaluation of each project position (scope) shall include the quality guarantee
in construction site, performance testing, quality records, quality records, dimensional
deviation and actual limit measurement, implementation performance of compulsory
provision and appearance quality. Weight score of this single project position (range) is
specified in Table 5.10.8.
Table 5.10.8: distribution on the weighing value evaluated for the project position (scope) of the single
project of circulating fluidized bed boiler unit
Project position Weight score

Boiler body installation and integral air pressure test 40

Installation of boiler dust removing devices, desulfurization equipments and

denitration equipments

Installation of boiler auxiliary machinery 16

Installation of coal handling equipments, fuel fired equipments and pipes 12

Boiler wall masonry, equipment piping insulation and paint 25

5.10.9 Corresponding weight score of each item of evaluation is given according to its
importance and work load in its unit project (see Table 5.10.9).
Table 5.10.9: distribution on the weight of evaluation item in the project position (scope) of circulating
fluidized bed

Boiler wall
Boiler body Installation of boiler dust Installation of Installation of coal masonry,
installation and removing devices, boiler handling equipments, equipment
No. Evaluation item
integral air pressure desulfurization equipments auxiliary fuel fired equipments piping
test and denitration equipments machinery and pipes insulation
and paint

Evaluation on
1 quality guarantee on 12 12 15 15 20
construction site

2 Performance test 18 20 28 20 20

3 Quality record 30 20 20 20 15

measurement of
4 15 16 12 15 12
deviation and limit

performance of
5 15 20 15 15 10

6 Appearance quality 10 12 10 15 23

5.10.10 Each inspection item includes several inspections and each inspection shall be
evaluated with standard score according to its importance. Thereof, the evaluation results
consist of three classes: Class I, 100% standard score; Class II, 85% standard score and Class
III, 70% standard score.
The score for the evaluated excellent construction quality of single project shall be
greater than or equal to 85 scores; those projects with total score being at last 92 shall be
extremely excellent projects.
5.10.11 In Table 5.10.9: the distribution on the weight of project position (scope) evaluation
items, if there are some unit projects which are not in the evaluation items, these unit projects
may not be evaluated but the weight of this item is kept unchanged.
5.10.12 Evaluation provisions shall meet those specified in Article 5.3.
5.10.13 Evaluation content shall meet those specified in Article 5.4.
5.10.14 Quality guarantee on the construction site of boiler body installation and integral air
pressure test:
1 Quality guarantee items on the construction site of boiler body installation and integral
air pressure test are specified in Table 5.10.14.
Table 5.10.14: Evaluation on quality guarantee on construction site
Boiler-body installation
Project position Construction
project , integral air pressure Before 168h trial operation in full load
(scope) stage

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

No. Evaluation content Score Evaluation result Obtained Remarks

100% 85% 70% score

Organizational structure and quality
management system operation in project
and product
1 liability 18
Technology, management, working system
system for
Systems for material, equipment site
acceptance and sampling inspection

Pertinency and workability of quality inspection and

acceptance standard, construction technology standard,
2 10
working method, operation specifications and operation

Examination and approval of construction organization

design, construction scheme, construction measure, risk
3 20
aversion measure, etc. Pertinency, workability and
implementation effect of content

Implement effects of quality objective and management

4 10

5 Inspection and acceptance of quality 20

6 Quality defect treatment 10

Quality accident treatment and preventive measure

7 12

Project position Boiler-body installation Construction Before 168h trial operation in full load
(scope) project, integral air pressure stage

Evaluation Weight: 12 score

result Total score:
Total obtained score:
Quality record score of boiler body installation and integral air pressure test project=Obtained score/Score 1 2 =
Evaluator (signature):

2 Quality guarantee on construction site shall meet the following inspection criteria:
1) The quality guarantee with sound quality management and liability system and can be
implemented is Class I and gains 100% standard score: the quality guarantee with sound
quality management and liability system and can be basically implemented is Class II and
gains 85% standard score: the quality guarantee with main quality management and liability
systems and can be basically implemented is Class III and gains 70% standard score.
2) The quality guarantee with complete quality inspection and acceptance standards as
required and construction technology standards (enterprise standards, operation specifications)
for main procedures is Class I and gains 100% standard score; the quality guarantee with
complete quality inspection and acceptance standards as required and construction technology
standards (enterprise standards, operation specifications) for at least one half main procedures

is Class II and gains 85% standard score; the quality guarantee with corresponding quality
inspection and acceptance standards for major items and construction technology standards
(enterprise standards, operation specifications) for at last one quarter but less than one half is
Class III and gains 70% standard score.
3) The quality guarantee with complete processes to compile and approve the
construction management plan and construction operation guide book (scheme), good
workability, strong pertinency and being seriously implemented is Class I and gains 100%
standard score; the quality guarantee with complete processes to compile and approve the
construction management plan and construction operation guide book (scheme), preferable
workability, pertinency and being basically implemented is Class II and gains 85% standard
score; the quality guarantee with approved construction management plan and construction
operation guide book (scheme) and being generally implemented is Class III and gains 70%
standard score.
4) The quality guarantee with specified quality objective, specified and effective
measures, being practical and with good implementation effectiveness is Class I and gains
100% standard score; the quality guarantee with preferable implementation effectiveness is
Class II and gains 85% standard score; and the quality guarantee with general implementation
effectiveness is Class III and gains 70% standard score.
5) The quality guarantee with good implementation of regular quality inspection,
practical inspection, acceptance and complete acceptance information and procedures is Class
I and gains 100% standard score; the quality guarantee with preferable implementation of
regular quality inspection, basically practical inspection, acceptance and complete acceptance
information and procedures is Class II and gains 85% standard score; the quality guarantee
with regular quality inspection, quality acceptance and basically complete acceptance
information and procedures is Class III and gains 70% standard score.
6) The quality guarantee with timely and thorough treatment of quality defect, complete
signature procedure is Class I and gains 100% standard score; the quality guarantee with
complete treatment of quality defect and basically complete signature procedures is Class II
and gains 85% standard score; the quality guarantee with complete treatment of main quality
defects and signature procedures is Class III and gains 70% standard score;
7) The quality guarantee without quality accident, with perfect rectification and
prevention measures of repeated quality defects, being in favor of continuous quality
improvement is Class I and gains 100% standard score; the quality guarantee with timely and
thorough quality accident treatment, perfect rectification and prevention measures of repeated
quality defects and being in favor of continuous quality improvement is Class II and gains
85% standard score; the quality guarantee with timely and thorough quality accident
treatment, rectification and prevention measures is Class III and gains 70% standard score.
5.10.15 Inspection and evaluation on the engineering property of boiler body installation
and integral air pressure test
1 Inspection and evaluation items on the engineering property of boiler body installation
and integral air pressure test are specified in Table 5.10.15.
Table 5.10.15: performance inspection and evaluation
Project position Boiler-body installation Construction
Before 168h trial operation in full load
(scope) project, integral air pressure stage


Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation result Obtained

No. Evaluation content Score Remarks
100% 85% 70% score

Installation quality of high-strength bolt and connecting

1 10

Elevation, geometric dimension and deflection of

2 5
boiler-steel-frame top plate

Installation dimension of heating surface: steam drum;

3 7
position and elevation of up header tank

Expansion capacity and direction of the equipment in

4 4
boiler heating surface

5 Stressing of boiler top hoisting device 15

6 Through ball in heating surface 10

7 Hydraulic boiler test 12

8 Ladder footpath unblocking 3

Levelness of air-preheater rotor support seat, levelness

9 of guide bearing seat, verticality of central axis and 5
sealing installation quality

Installation quality of air-chamber water wall and

10 10
ballistic cap

11 Installation quality of cyclone separator 6

Sealing and installation on the fire-toward surface of

12 8
water wall

13 Compensation device installation 5

Weight: 18 score
Total score:
Evaluation Total obtained score:
result Quality record score of boiler body installation and integral air pressure test project=Obtained score/Score 18=
Evaluator (signature):

2 Performance inspection criteria

1) The evaluation methods specified in Table 5.10.15 from No. 1-8 are the same with
general boiler ones and shall meet the requirements specified in Article 5.5.2 of this Part.
2) Installation quality of air preheater: the levelness of rotor support seat is less than
0.5mm; the levelness of guide bearing seat is not greater than 1%; the verticality of central
axis is not greater than 0.5; and sealing expansion allowance meet the manufacturer's
3) Installation quality of air-chamber water wall: the relative elevation error of the
ballistic cap of air-chamber water wall between landing legs shall not be greater than 10mm;

the vertical and horizontal center errors of ballistic caps in landing leg shall not be greater
than 2mm; and the relative-elevation installation error of ballistic-cap fixed bed surface in
landing leg is not greater than 3mm.
4) Installation quality of cyclone separator: deviation error of inner-drum installation
angle is not greater than 0.5; elevation error of inner-drum installation is not greater than
3mm; there is 100% contact between hook and inner drum; and the angular deviation of flue
gas entrance is not greater than 0.5.
5) Sealing and installation quality in the fire-toward surface of water wall: in the
fire-toward surface not covered with refractory material, the sealing is polished smoothly and
the height difference is not greater than 0.5mm; in the area covered with refractory material,
there shall be no such surface defects as crack, slag inclusion or severe undercut of seal weld.
6) Installation of compensation devices: interface surfac evenness, 3mm; interface
clearance deviation, 0~5mm; installation angle deviation of connection interface, 0.5
3 Inspection methods:
1) The inspection methods specified in Table 5.10.15 from No. 1-8 are the same with
general boiler ones and shall meet the requirements specified in Article 5.5.2 of this Part.
2) The levelness of air-preheater rotor support seat, bearing seat levelness and central
axis verticality are measured with delicate level gauge; seal clearance is inspected with feeler
3) Installation quality of air chamber water wall:
Relative elevation of ballistic cap of air chamber water wall between landing legs:
measuring with glass tube horizontally or with level gauge;
Vertical and horizontal center errors of ballistic caps in landing leg: measuring by pulling
steel wire
Relative elevation of fixed bed surface of ballistic cap between landing legs: measuring
with glass tube horizontally or with level gauge;
4) Installation quality of cyclone separator:
Inner-drum installation angle: pulling two steel wires which are parallel with the vertical
and horizontal center lines of boiler; measuring the installation angle of inner drum basing on
steel wires;
Installation elevation of inner drum: measuring with glass horizontally or with level
Contact between hook and inner drum: inspecting with feeler gauge;
Entrance angle of flue gas: pulling two steel wires which are parallel with the vertical
and horizontal center lines of boiler; measuring the installation central angle of the flue at the
entrance of cyclone separator basing on steel wires;
5) Sealing and installation quality in the fire-toward surface of water wall: steel ruler is
leaned against inspection surface and measuring with feeler gauge
6) Installation of compensation devices:
Planeness of interface surface: steel ruler is leaned against inspection surface and
measuring with feeler gauge;
Deviation of interface clearance: after two joint surfaces are fixed according to design
requirements, the deviation is measured with feeler gauge;
Installation angle deviation of connection interface: pulling steel wire and measuring

with the center of two interface ash channel as the reference;
5.10.16 Inspection and evaluation on the project quality of boiler body installation and
integral air pressure test project
1 Inspection and evaluation items on the project quality records of boiler body
installation and integral air pressure test are specified in Table 5.10.16.
Table 5.10.16: evaluation on quality records
Boiler-body installation
Project position (scope) project, integral air Construction stage Before 168h trial operation in full load
pressure test

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation result Obtained

No. Evaluation content Score Remarks
100% 85% 70% score

1 Installation record of boiler steel frame 10

2 Records of installation in boiler heating surface 12

3 Installation record of flue and air duct 5

4 Installation record of boiler accessories 3

Records of hydraulic boiler test and integral air pressure

5 5

6 Installation and trial operation records of air preheater 8

7 Records and reports on alloy steel spectrum reinspection 10

8 Confirmation and signature of concealed project 8

Confirmation and signature on the washing and sweeping

9 5
of pipes

Letter of notice and registration form of design alteration

10 5
and materials substitutes

delivery test report, quality certificate and registration

11 5
form of equipments and materials

Equipment defect notice, equipment defect handling

12 5
report and registration form

13 Reports of equipment quality supervision 4

14 Installation records of cyclone separator 5

Confirmation and signature for the sealing and

15 installation on the fire-toward surface of water cooled 5

16 Installation records of outlaid bed 2

17 Installation records of compensation devices 3

Weight: 30 score
Total score:
Evaluation Total obtained score:
result Quality record score of boiler body installation and integral air pressure test project=Obtained score/Score 30=
Evaluator (signature):

2 Those quality records with material & equipment quality certificates (outgoing quality
certificates), complete site acceptance record, construction record, construction test record,
data; actual and effective content, standard classification & rearrangement, perfect reviewing
and signing procedures and meeting the requirements specified in design and standards are
Class I and gain 100% standard score. Those quality records with complete information,
relatively complete data, actual and effective content, relatively standard rearrangement,
relatively complete reviewing and signing procedures and meeting the requirements specified
in design and standards are Class II and gain 85% standard score. Those quality records with
basically complete information, date; actual and effective content; basically standard
rearrangement, basically complete reviewing and signing procedures and basically meeting
the requirements specified in design and standards are Class III and gain 70% standard score.
3 Evaluation methods: to inspect the quantity and content of information
5.10.17 Evaluation on the actual measurement dimensional deviation and limit of
boiler-body installation and integral air pressure test project
1 Evaluation items on the actually-measured dimensional deviation and limit of boiler
body installation and integral air pressure test project are specified in Table 5.10.17.
5.10.17: Evaluation on actual measurement of dimensional deviation and limit
Boiler-body installation
Project position Construction
project, integral air Before 168h trial operation in full load
(scope) stage
pressure test

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation result Obtained

No. Evaluation content Score Remarks
100% 85% 70% score

1 Steel frame verticality and 1m elevation line 18

2 Deflection of large plate beam (before and after 8


3 Steam drum (steam separator), header elevation and 18

horizontal deviation

4 Expansion clearance 5

5 Integral dimension of furnace 10

6 Installation elevation of water level gauge 5

7 Air preheater 10

8 Cyclone separator 8

9 Outlaid bed 5

10 Feed-back instrument 5

11 Installation of compensation device 8

Evaluation Weight: 15 score

result Total score:
Total obtained score:
Quality record score of boiler body installation and integral air pressure test project=Obtained score/Score 15=
Evaluator (signature):

2 Inspection criteria:
1) The evaluation methods specified in Table 5.10.17 from No. 1-6 are the same with
general boiler ones and shall meet the requirements specified in Article 5.5.4 of this Part.
2) Vertical and horizontal center line deviation of air preheater is 2mm; the elevation
deviation at the bearing point of stator support is 0~20mm; the levelness deviation at the
bearing point of stator support is less than 2mm; and the sealing installation clearance shall
meet the manufacturer's requirements.
3) Vertical and horizontal center error of cyclone separator is not greater than 10mm;
elevation deviation is not greater than 10mm and the cyclone-separator center verticality is
not greater than 10mm;
4) Vertical and horizontal center error of outlaid bed is not greater than 10mm; elevation
deviation is not greater than 10mm; outlaid bed is provided with sufficient inner clearance and
the outlaid bed does not affect the expansion of heating surface;
5) Vertical and horizontal center error of feed-back instrument is 5mm; the elevation
deviation is not greater than 10mm;
6) Installation of compensation devices: interface surfac evenness, 3mm; interface
clearance deviation, 0~5mm; installation angle deviation of connection interface, 0.5
3 Inspection methods
1) The inspection methods specified in Table 5.10.17 from No. 1-6 are the same with
general boiler ones and shall meet the requirements specified in Article 5.5.4 of this Part.
2) Air preheater
The deviation of vertical and horizontal center lines is measured with steel tape and by
pulling steel wire basing on the center of steel frame post;
For the elevation of stator-support bearing point, elevation line is returned upward from
1M elevation line of steel frame and then the elevation is measured with glass horizontal tube;
Levelness of stator-support bearing point is measured with level gauge;
Seal clearance is inspected with feeler gauge.
3) Cyclone separator
Vertical and horizontal center error of cyclone separator is measured by pulling steel wire
and suspending a plumb bob basing on the boiler center line;
For the elevation, elevation line is returned upward from 1M elevation line of steel frame
and then the elevation is measured with glass horizontal tube;
For the verticality of cyclone separator center, steel wire is pulled at the up and down
openings of cyclone separator to set the center from which a plumb bob is suspended for
4) Outlaid bed

Vertical and horizontal center error of outlaid bed is measured by pulling steel wire and
with steel frame post as the reference;
For the elevation, elevation line is returned upward from 1M elevation line of steel frame
and then the elevation is measured with glass horizontal tube;
Clearance in outlaid bed is measured with steel tape;
5) Feed-back instrument
Vertical and horizontal center error of feed-back instrument is measured by pulling steel
wire and with steel frame post as the reference;
For the elevation, elevation line is returned upward from 1M elevation line of steel frame
and then the elevation is measured with glass horizontal tube;
6) Installation quality of compensation devices:
Planeness of interface surface: steel ruler is leaned against inspection surface and
measuring with feeler gauge
Deviation of interface clearance: after two joint surfaces are fixed according to design
requirements, the deviation is measured with feeler gauge;
Installation angle deviation of connection interface: pulling steel wire and measuring
with the center of two interface ash channel as the reference;
5.10.17 Inspection and evaluation of the implementation performance of compulsory
provisions on boiler body installation and integral air pressure test project shall meet the
requirements specified in 5.5.5 of this Part.
5.10.18 Inspection and evaluation on the appearance quality of boiler body installation and
integral air pressure test project
1 Inspection and evaluation items on the appearance quality of boiler body installation
and integral air pressure test project are specified in Article 5.10.18.
Table 5.10.18: evaluation on appearance quality
Boiler-body installation
Project position Construction
project, integral air pressure Before 168h trial operation in full load
(scope) stage

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation result Obtained

No. Evaluation content Score Remarks
100% 85% 70% score

Layout technology of small-caliber pipes for drainage,

1 12
emptying and sampling

2 Supporter and hanger installation technology 5

3 Ladder platform technology 15

4 Valve layout and flange bolt connection technology 10

5 Ornament outer guard plate for boiler 18

6 Cyclone separator 10

7 Outlaid bed 6

8 Feed-back instrument 5

9 Inlet and outlet flow channels of cyclone separator, all 10

ash channels

10 Ignition air duct 5

11 Pipe layout for oil station 4

Weight: 10 score
Total score:
Evaluation Total obtained score:
result Quality record score of boiler body installation and integral air pressure test project=Obtained score/Score 10=
Evaluator (signature):

2 Inspection criteria
1) The evaluation methods specified in Table 5.10.18 from No. 1-4 are the same with
general boiler ones and shall meet the requirements specified in Article 5.5.6 of this Part.
2) Ornament outer guard plate of boiler: it is required that the structure installation meets
design requirements; it can expand freely, without obstruction or falling off; door opening is
designed rationally and convenient for the opening and close of manhole door; guard plate
surface is flat, smooth, clean, consistent in tone and free from obvious scratch. Fixed bolts are
arranged esthetically and in uniform spacing.
3) Cyclone separator, outlaid bed, feed-back instrument, inlet & outlet flow channels and
all ash channels of cyclone separator, ignition device: all the surface shall be flat, smooth and
free of foreign matters; they shall be straight, even and with evident arris; arcs are even,
smooth and esthetic; welded joints are shaped esthetically.
4) Pipe layout in oil station: pipe layout is rational, esthetic, and consistent in bend radian
and small area coverage; valve layout is in good order; passage is unimpeded and convenient
for operation and repair; flange bolt connection is standard and consistent in length; support
layout is rational and it is convenient to observe cooling water.
3 Inspection methods
1) The inspection methods specified in Table 5.10.18 from No. 1-4 are the same with
general boiler ones and shall meet the requirements specified in Article 5.5.6 of this Part.
2) Ornament outer guard plate of boiler: on-site observation assisted by actual
measurement with ruler, chalk line and plumb bob.
3) Cyclone separator, outlaid bed, feed-back instrument, inlet & outlet flow channels and
all ash channels of cyclone separator, ignition device: on-site observation
4) Pipe layout in oil station: on-site observation

5.10.19 Installation engineering inspection and evaluation of boiler dust removing device,
desulfurization equipment and denitration equipment: as it is unnecessary to design
desulfurization equipment and denitration equipment for circulating fluidized bed boiler (CFB
boiler), the weight of desulfurization and denitration is zero, namely, the weight of boiler dust
removing device is 100 during the process of installation engineering inspection and
evaluation of boiler dust removing device, desulfurization equipment and denitration
equipment. Others are consistent with the general boiler and shall meet the requirements of
5.6 in this Part.

5.10.20 Installation inspection and evaluation of boiler auxiliary machinery shall be
consistent with that of the general boiler and shall meet the requirements of 5.7 in this Part.
5.10.21 Performance inspection and evaluation of coal handling equipment, fuel fired
equipment and pipe installation engineering shall be consistent with the general boiler and
shall meet the requirements of 5.8 in this Part.
5.10.22 Quality assurance condition inspection and evaluation at the construction site of
boiler wall masonry, equipment piping insulation and painting engineering shall meet the
requirements of 5.10.14 in this Part.
5.10.23 Performance inspection and evaluation of boiler wall masonry, equipment piping
insulation and painting engineering
1 See Table 5.10.23 for performance inspection and evaluation items of boiler wall
masonry, equipment piping insulation and painting engineering.
Table 5.10.23 Performance test evaluation table
Boiler wall masonry,
Project position Construction
equipment piping insulation Before entering into 168h full-load trial operation
(scope) stage
and painting

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

No. Evaluation results Obtained

Evaluation contents Score Remark
100% 85% 70% score

Material inspection 5

Material storehouse management and


Boiler wall structure 15

Boiler wall Boiler wall surface quality 10

masonry (50) Boiler-baking temperature fluctuation

Inspection after baking the boiler 3

Expansion joint 2

Sample inspection 3

Material inspection 5
Binding and laying of insulating layer 12
2 piping
Installation of supporting members 5
insulation (30)
Installation quality of protective layer 8

Bottom layer derusting 7

Equipment pipe
3 Paint thickness 7
painting (20)
Surface quality 6

Weight: 20
Total score:
Total obtained score:
Performance inspection score of boiler wall masonry, equipment piping insulation and painting
engineering=Obtained score/Score20=
Evaluator (signature):

2 Inspection criteria
1) Boiler wall masonry
Material inspection: After boiler wall materials are sent to the site, on-site witness
sampling shall be carried out, and then they shall be sent to the qualified inspection
organization for re-inspection. Technical performance of re-inspection shall meet the design
criteria. Quality certificates of materials shall be complete.
Material storehouse management and usage: they are required to be stored strictly
according to the manufacturer's requirements to prevent them from metamorphism. Materials
for each part shall be used correctly and meet the design requirements. Materials shall be
agitated strictly according to the manufacturer's requirements.
Boiler wall structure: it shall be constructed strictly according to the design structure;
anchoring elements shall be installed correctly; plastic caps shall be complete or painted with
Boiler wall surface quality: internal solid and external smooth; free from such
surface quality defects as cracks, hollowness, honeycomb, and pitted surface.
Boiler-baking temperature fluctuation curve: actual temperature fluctuation record
of each position shall be complete and actual during the process of baking the boiler. The
actual temperature fluctuation shall not exceed 25 of the value specified by the
Inspection after baking the boiler: boiler wall conditions of each position shall be
inspected after baking the boiler; such phenomenon as collapse, shedding and stripping shall
not appear.
Width and length of cracks shall meet the manufacturer's requirements.
Expansion joint: expansion joint shall be arranged in accordance with the design
requirements; deviation shall be less than or equal to 0~5mm.
Sample inspection: samples selected synchronously during the process of
construction shall be put back to the original construction position during the process of
baking the boiler and baked synchronously. After boiler-baking is completed, the samples
shall be sent to the qualified organization for inspection and their performance indexes shall
meet the design requirements.
2) Equipment piping insulation
Material inspection: After insulation materials are sent to the site, on-site witness
sampling shall be carried out, and then they shall be sent to the qualified inspection
organization for re-inspection. Technical performance of re-inspection shall meet the design
criteria. Quality certificates of materials shall be complete.
Binding and laying of insulating layer: Laying structure: meet the design
requirements; insulation material laying shall be compact. Layering laying: main

insulating layer shall be layered if its thickness is larger than 100mm; insulating layer splicing
shall be tight; staggered joint shall be used on the first layer and pressed joint shall be used on
the second layer; joints must be flat and solid. Binding: firm; shall ensure the design
thickness of insulation materials.
Installation of supporting members: Hook nails and pins in the insulating layer
shall be installed strictly in accordance with the design requirements. Without design, they
can be produced by 3~6mm galvanized iron wire or low-sulfur round steel; its arrangement
spacing shall not be greater than 350mm; hook nails generally are not less than 6/m2 in the
elevation and not less than 8/m2 at the bottom. Thermal insulation supporting members of
upright pipes and equipments shall be installed strictly according to the design requirements;
without design, section supporting brackets shall be installed about every other 3m.
Installation of protective layer: Metallic protective layer of equipments and pipes:
circumferential joint and longitudinal joint; circumferential overlapping opening shall be
downward, overlapping mode shall be upper overlapping lower, downstream overlapping;
overlapping opening length shall not be less than 25mm; overlapping shall be firm, free from
looseness and shedding. Protective layer of rendering coat: shall be free from cracks in the
cold state (except hair cracks). The surface shall be flat and smooth, regular edges and corners,
planeness no larger than 3mm/m. Expansion joints shall be set aside out of high-temperature
pipe supporter and hanger. Square or circular expansion joints (should be 5~10mm) shall be
set aside on the rendering coat for the large-scale high-temperature equipments according to
the expansion conditions.
3) Equipment pipe painting:
Bottom layer derusting: oil dirt, dust and rust on the metal surface must be cleaned
Paint thickness: meet the design requirements.
Surface quality: color melody shall be uniform and consistent, shall be free from
such defects as internal reveal, spot trace, shedding, wrinkle, flow mark, pellicle and obvious
brush mark.
3 Inspection method
1) Boiler wall masonry
Material inspection: inspecting material inspection application form, product
certificate and material inspection report.
Material storehouse management and usage: observation; agitation record shall be
inspected randomly if necessary.
Boiler wall structure: observation and measuring with a steel ruler.
Boiler wall surface quality: observation.
Boiler-baking temperature fluctuation curve: thermocouple shall be installed about
10mm on the surface of boiler wall, and the temperature signal shall be lead into the
measuring devices or DCS measurement.
Inspection after baking the boiler: observing in the boiler.
Expansion joint: observation, measuring with a steel ruler if necessary.
Sample inspection: inspecting the test report.
2) Equipment piping insulation
Material inspection: inspecting material inspection application form, product

certificate and material inspection report.
Binding and laying of insulating layer: observation.
Installation of supporting members: observation and measuring with a steel ruler.
Installation of protective layer: observation.
3) Equipment pipe painting
Bottom layer derusting: observation.
Paint thickness: film thickness tester.
Surface quality: observation.
5.10.24 Quality record inspection and evaluation of boiler wall masonry, equipment piping
insulation and painting engineering
1 See Table 5.10.24 for quality record evaluation items of boiler wall masonry,
equipment piping insulation and painting engineering.
Table 5.10.24 Quality record evaluation table
Boiler wall masonry,
Project position Construction
equipment piping insulation Before entering into 168h full-load trial operation
(scope) stage
and painting

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation results Obtained

No. Evaluation contents Score Remark
100% 85% 70% score

Material product certificate 8

Material re-inspection report 15

Qualification report of liquid for

Boiler wall
1 Boiler-baking temperature fluctuation
masonry (65) 18

Inspection record after baking the


Sample inspection report 7

Material product certificate 8

Material re-inspection report 10
2 piping insulation
Surface temperature measuring record
(25) 7
of each equipment pipe

Random measuring record of paint

Equipment pipe 6
3 thickness
painting (10)
Material product certificate 4

Weight: 15
Total score:
Evaluation Total obtained score:
results Quality record score of boiler wall masonry, equipment piping insulation and painting engineering=Obtained
Evaluator (signature):


2 Inspection criteria:
1) Class I: taking 100% standard scores, material product certificate, material
re-inspection report, sample inspection report and each record are complete and actual;
contents are normative and tidy; arrangement is normative; reviewing and signing procedures
are complete. Class II: taking 85% standard scores; information is complete; data is complete
and actual; reviewing and signing procedures are basically complete; arrangement is basically
normative. Class III: taking 70% standard scores; information is basically complete; data is
basically complete; reviewing and signing procedures are basically complete; arrangement is
basically normative.
2) Inspection method: inspecting the quantity and content of information.
5.10.25 Dimensional deviation and limit inspection and evaluation of boiler wall masonry,
equipment piping insulation and paint engineering
1 See Table 5.10.25 for dimensional deviation and limit inspection and evaluation
items of boiler wall masonry, equipment piping insulation and paint engineering
Table 5.10.25 Dimensional deviation and limit evaluation table
Project position Boiler wall masonry, equipment Construction
Before entering into 168h full-load trial operation
(scope) piping insulation and painting stage

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation results Obtained

No. Evaluation contents Score Remark
100% 85% 70% score

Agitation mixture proportion of

refractory wear resistant materials

Boiler wall curing 3

Boiler wall surface quality 10

Boiler wall Boiler wall planeness 7

masonry (65) Boiler wall verticality 7

Boiler wall thickness 8

Boiler-baking 12

Inspection after baking the boiler 8

Expansion joint 5

Insulating layer thickness 10

Equipment piping Pipe surface temperature 5

insulation (25) Expansion joint 3

Protective layer 7

Equipment pipe
3 Film thickness 10
painting (10)

Weight: 12
Total score:
Total obtained score:
Dimensional deviation and limit score of boiler wall masonry, equipment piping insulation and paint
engineering=Obtained score/Score12=
Evaluator (signature):

2Inspection criteria:
1) Boiler wall masonry
Agitation mixture proportion of refractory wear resistant materials: materials shall
be agitated strictly according to the manufacturer's mixture proportion.
Boiler wall curing: shall not be less than the curing days required by the material
Boiler wall surface quality: internal solid and external smooth; free from such
surface quality defects as cracks, hollowness, honeycomb, and pitted surface.
Boiler wall planeness: refractory wear resistant pouring boiler wall planeness shall
be less than 3mm/m; fire brick masonry planeness shall be less than 3mm/m; thermal
insulation pouring material surface planeness shall be less than 5mm/m; insulating brick
masonry planeness shall be less than 7mm/m.
Boiler wall verticality: refractory wear resistant pouring boiler wall verticality shall
be less than 3mm/m shall not be greater than 10mm in the whole surface; fire brick masonry
verticality shall be less than 3mm/m and shall not be greater than 10mm in the total height;
thermal insulation pouring material surface planeness shall not be greater than 10mm;
insulating brick masonry planeness shall be less than 7mm.
Boiler wall thickness: refractory wear resistant material pouring boiler wall
thickness shall be 5mm; full-wall thickness error of fire brick masonry boiler wall shall be
-5~10; thermal insulation pouring material thickness shall be 10mm; insulating brick
masonry thickness shall be 10mm.
Boiler-baking: actual temperature fluctuation record of each position shall be
complete and actual during the process of baking the boiler. The actual temperature
fluctuation shall not exceed 25 of the value specified by the manufacturer.
Inspection after baking the boiler: boiler wall conditions of each position shall be
inspected after baking the boiler; such phenomenon as collapse, shedding and stripping shall
not appear. Width and length of cracks shall meet the manufacturer's requirements.
Expansion joint: expansion joint shall be arranged in accordance with the design
requirements; deviation shall be less than or equal to 0~5mm.
2) Equipment piping insulation
Insulating layer thickness: shall meet the design requirements; allowable deviation
of thermal insulating material thickness shall be -5mm ~10mm.
Pipe surface temperature: when ambient temperature 250 C, boiler wall surface
temperature shall not be greater than 500 C; when ambient temperature >250 C, boiler wall
surface temperature shall 25 + ambient temperature; temperature difference of steam turbine

upper and lower cylinder500 C.
Expansion joint: 5~10mm.
Protective layer: overlapping opening length shall not be less than 25mm.
3) Equipment pipe painting
Film thickness: meet the design requirements.
3 Inspection method:
1) Boiler wall masonry
Agitation mixture proportion of refractory wear resistant materials: materials shall
be weighed by the bench scale; liquid shall be measured by the measuring cup.
Boiler wall curing: counting.
Boiler wall surface quality: observation.
Boiler wall planeness: measuring with a steel ruler after steel wire is drawn.
Boiler wall verticality: measuring with plumb bob.
Boiler wall thickness: measuring with steel tape.
Boiler-baking: thermocouple shall be installed about 10mm on the surface of boiler
wall, and the temperature signal shall be lead into the measuring devices or DCS
Inspection after baking the boiler: observing in the boiler.
Expansion joint: observation, measuring with a steel ruler if necessary.
2) Equipment piping insulation
Insulating layer thickness: measuring with a steel ruler.
Pipe surface temperature: measuring with infrared thermometer.
Expansion joint: observation, measuring with a steel ruler if necessary.
Protective layer: observation, measuring with a steel ruler if necessary.
3) Equipment pipe painting
Film thickness: measuring with film thickness tester.
5.10.26 Compulsory provision implementation performance inspection and evaluation of
boiler wall masonry, equipment piping insulation and painting engineering shall be consistent
with the general boiler and meet the requirements of 5.9.5.
5.10.27 Appearance quality inspection and evaluation of boiler wall masonry, equipment
piping insulation and paint engineering
1 See Table 5.10.27 for appearance quality inspection and evaluation items of boiler
wall masonry, equipment piping insulation and painting engineering.
Table 5.10.27 Appearance quality evaluation table
Boiler wall masonry,
Project position equipment piping
Construction stage Before entering into 168h full-load trial operation
(scope) insulation and

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation results Obtained

No. Evaluation contents Score Remark
100% 85% 70% score

1 Boiler wall Boiler wall surface quality 7

masonry (10) Expansion joint 3

Outer guard plate installation


Equipment Rendering coat construction

2 piping technology

insulation (55) Valve bushing technology 10

Small pipe thermal insulation


Paint surface color 10

Equipment pipe Paint surface quality 20

painting (35) Appearance of sticking glass fiber

Weight: 23
Total score:
Total obtained score:
Appearance quality score of boiler wall masonry, equipment piping insulation and painting engineering=Obtained
Evaluator (signature)

2Quality criteria:
1) Boiler wall masonry:
Boiler wall surface quality: internal solid and external smooth; free from such
surface quality defects as cracks, hollowness, honeycomb, and pitted surface before baking
the boiler. Boiler-baking boiler wall surface quality shall meet the manufacturer's
Expansion joint: expansion joints shall be intact, uniform and free from shedding.
2) Equipment piping insulation:
Outer guard plate installation technology: when corrugated plate (contour plate) is
adopted as the outer guard plate, the upper and lower corrugation shall be vertical, upper
joints shall overlap the lower joints, downstream overlapping, the upper and lower joints shall
be in the same horizontal line, and interfaces shall be flat. Axial and circumferential
overlapping of pipe outer guard plate shall not be less than 50mm; outdoor pipe and
high-temperature pipe overlapping shall not be less than 75mm. Circumferential joint of outer
guard plate shall be consistent with the pipe gradient direction. Axial joint shall be downward,
arranged in the 15-45 position below the pipe horizontal center line, and form an extended
line, recommended to be installed in the concealed position, and moved to the 60 position
above the pipe horizontal center line when there are obstacles in the side surface or bottom.
Self plugging rivet or self-tapping screw shall be arranged uniformly in the fixed distance.
The surface shall be tidy and beautiful.
Rendering coat construction technology: rendering coat surface shall be flat and
smooth; edges and corners shall be regular; the plane unplaneness 3mm/m; surface is free
from cracks in the cold state (except hair cracks).
Valve bushing technology: valve bushing fixation shall be firm and free from

looseness; internal insulation materials shall be compact; length of outer sheath inserted into
the valve bushing shall not be less than 100mm; penetration and assembly direction of valve
bushing bolts shall be consistent; assembly and disassembly shall be convenient.
Small pipe thermal insulation technology: thermal insulating belt or thermal
insulating rope winding shall be tight, firm, multi-layer pressed joints, consistent thickness.
Appearance shall be flat, smooth and beautiful.
3) Equipment pipe painting:
Paint surface color: surface color melody shall be uniform and consistent, free from
color difference.
Paint surface quality: shall be free from such defects as internal reveal, spot trace,
shedding, wrinkle, flow mark, pellicle and obvious brush mark.
Appearance of sticking glass fiber cloth: flat, tight, firm, multi-layer pressed joints.
2 Inspection method:
1) Boiler wall masonry: observation
2) Equipment piping insulation:
Outer guard plate installation technology: observation, inspecting with 1m ruler and
wedge-type feeler gauge.
Rendering coat construction technology: measuring with plumb bob and ruler and
observation inspection.
Valve bushing technology: observation, pulling and tapping inspection with hand.
Small pipe thermal insulation technology: observation, pulling inspection with hand
and inspecting with ruler
3) Equipment pipe painting
Paint surface color: observation.
Paint surface quality: observation.
Appearance of sticking glass fiber cloth: observation, pulling or tapping inspection
with hand if necessary.

5.11 Evaluation Score Summary of Each Position (Scope) in Single Project
5.11.1 As for the actual score of single project quality evaluation, summarize and evaluate
grade according to each project position (scope) and evaluation item.
5.11.2 Quality evaluation score and evaluation grade of single project shall be carried out
according to the requirements of Table 5.11.2.
Table 5.11.2 Single project quality evaluation score summary table

Project position (scope)

Installation of
boiler dust Installation Boiler wall
removing of coal masonry,
of boiler Installation
devices, handling equipment
No. Evaluation item body and of boiler Total Remark
desulfurization equipments, piping
integral air auxiliary
equipments fuel fired insulation
pressure machinery
and equipments and
denitration and pipes painting

On-site quality assurance


2 Performance test

3 Quality record

Dimensional deviation and

actual limit measurement

5 performance of compulsory

6 Appearance quality


Total score Evaluation grade

Evaluator (signature):
Evaluation organization (Seal)

5.12 Construction Quality Evaluation Report of Single Project

5.12.1 After quality evaluation of single project, evaluation report shall be issued by the
supervision or evaluation organization with the following contents:
1 General situation of single project.
2 Quality evaluation conditions and results of project position (scope).
3 Quality evaluation conditions and results of single project.
5.12.2 Single project quality evaluation report shall meet the following requirements:
1 General situation of single project: primary equipment conditions, each participating
development organization (such as design, construction, debugging and supervision),
contracting mode, construction and installation work load (contract value), major project
characteristics, as well as quality control conditions during the process of construction.
2 Administrative situation of single project: quality characteristics (technology

lightspot, management innovation, technology innovation and "four new" application), as
well as completion conditions of safety and environmental protection targets.
3 Acceptance conditions of construction quality: Check conditions for acceptance
results of unit project, subsection project and subitem project.
4 Each project position (scope) evaluation: seriously unmatched items shall be
explained mainly.
5 Single project quality evaluation score summary, evaluation grade and conclusive

6 Quality Evaluation of Single Unit
6.0.1 The quality evaluation for single unit shall be conducted after the quality evaluation
for all single projects and the 168-h trial operation of the unit with full load are completed and
the environmental protection projects matched are normally put into operation. The synergic
system shall be brought into the evaluation for the first unit.
6.0.2 Synchronous multi units shall be evaluated respectively according to single unit.
Matched synergic system of units put into production subsequently shall be evaluated
synchronously with the units put into production.
6.0.3 Unit 168h full-load trial operation quality evaluation shall be in accordance with those
specified in Table 6.0.3.
Table 6.0.3 Unit 168h full-load trial operation quality evaluation table

Project name Unit number

Testing Evaluation
organization organization

No. Evaluation contents Property criteria/examination Remark
results/actual values

Meeting the
1 Conditions for entering 168-h trial operation Dominant

2 Continuous operation time Dominant 168h

3 Continuous steady load Meeting set load curve

4 Consecutive mean load rate 90%

5 Continuous full load time 96h

6 Thermal protection investment ratio Dominant 100%

Thermal control automatic investment ratio

7 (coordination investment, adjustment quality Dominant 95%
reaching the standard)

Investment ratio of thermal control and

8 99%
electrical measuring point/meter

Accuracy of thermal control and electrical

9 98%
measuring point/meter display

10 Electric protection investment ratio Dominant 100%

11 Electric automatic device investment ratio Dominant 100%

12 Steam and water quality Qualified

Approved by the
13 Completion of full load trial operation Dominant
commander in chief

Days from the first blowpipe ignition to

14 90d
completion of 168-h full load trial operation

15 Start numbers of 168-h trial operation 3 times

16 Tightness of vacuum system Dominant 0.3kPa/min

17 Hydrogen leakage rate of generator 10Nm3/d

18 Unit shafting vibration Dominant 76 m

Meeting the
19 Unit load dump test

Evaluation score:

Evaluator (signature):

Note: 1. Class I: evaluation score 92 (including 92) ~100; each index reaching examination value and relevant requirements; test
conditions meeting the requirements; test report, confirmation and signature complete and normative.
2. Class II: evaluation score 85 (including 85) ~92; dominant indexes reaching examination value and relevant
requirements; test conditions meeting the requirements; test report, confirmation and signature complete and normative; 85%
and above general indexes reaching examination value and relevant requirements; test report, confirmation and signature
complete and normative fundamentally. 3. Class III: evaluation score 70 (including 70) ~85; dominant indexes reaching
examination value and relevant requirements; test conditions meeting the requirements; test report, confirmation and signature
complete and normative; 70% and above general indexes reaching examination value and relevant requirements; test report,
confirmation and signature complete and normative fundamentally.

6.0.4 Single unit evaluation score is the sum of obtained score of all weighted single project
quality evaluation and unit 168-h full load trial operation technical index evaluation.
Evaluation score statistics shall be in accordance with those specified in Table 6.0.4.
Table 6.0.4 Single unit evaluation score statistic table

Project name Unit number

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

No. Single project quality evaluation Score Weight %

1 Civil engineering 15

2 Boiler unit 16

3 Steam turbine generator unit 15

4 Thermal meter and control device 9

5 Pipe and system 5

The equipment and the system with the water treatment and hydrogen
6 5

7 Welding engineering 6

8 Processing preparation 3

9 Installation of electrical devices 10

10 Technical index of unit 168-h full load trial operation 16

Evaluation score:

Evaluator (signature):
Evaluation organization (Seal)

Note: 1. Civil engineering shall be evaluated according to the requirements of GB/T 50375-2006
2. Electrical device installation shall be evaluated according to the unit project excellent rate in DL/T 5161-2002; Class I:
excellent rate is 100%; Class II: fine rate is 95%~99%; Class III: fine rate is 90%~94%.

7 Quality Evaluation of Overall Project
7.0.1 The quality evaluation for overall project shall be conducted after the quality
evaluation for all single units, net special test, the performance tests of the units and the
engineering archives management evaluation are completed.
7.0.2 Unit performance test technical index evaluation shall be in accordance with those
specified in Table 7.0.2.
Table 7.0.2 Unit performance test technical index evaluation table
Project name Unit number

Testing Evaluation
organization organization

Test report
value / Actual Test conditions
No. Evaluation contents Property (coincidence Remark
guarantee values (coincidence rate)

1 Boiler thermal efficiency Dominant

2 Boiler maximum continuous rating

3 Boiler nominal rating

Boiler fuel (arc) cut minimum stable

combustion rating

5 Coal pulverizing system rating

6 Coal mill unit consumption

7 Air preheater air leakage ratio

8 Dust remover efficiency

Maximum rating of steam turbine

9 Dominant
(combustion engine)

Nominal rating of steam turbine

(combustion engine)

Heat consumption of steam turbine

11 Dominant
(combustion engine)

Coal consumption of unit power

12 Dominant

Power consumption rate in the unit

13 Dominant

14 Unit shafting vibration Dominant

15 Unit RB test

Pollutant emission (NOx, SO2,

16 Dominant
smoke and dust, waste water)

17 Noise

18 Heat dissipation

19 Dust

20 Desulfurization efficiency

21 Denitration efficiency

22 Waste water and sewage treatment Dominant

Power generation water

23 Dominant
consumption rate

Evaluation score:

Evaluator (signature):

Note: 1. Class I: evaluation score 92 (including 92) ~ 100; each index reaching design value, contract guarantee value and
relevant criteria; test conditions meeting the requirements; test reports and statistical forms complete and normative. 2. Class II:
evaluation score 85 (including 85) ~ 92; dominant indexes reaching design value, contract guarantee value and relevant criteria;
test conditions meeting the requirements; 85% and above general indexes reaching design value, contract guarantee value and
relevant criteria, test reports and statistical forms complete and normative fundamentally. 3. Class III: evaluation score 70
(including 70) ~ 85; dominant indexes reaching design value, contract guarantee value and relevant criteria; test conditions
meeting the requirements; 70% and above general indexes reaching design value, contract guarantee value and relevant criteria,
test reports and statistical forms complete and normative fundamentally.

7.0.3 Engineering archives management evaluation shall be in accordance with those

specified in Table 7.0.3.
Table 7.0.3 Engineering archives management evaluation table

Project name Project scale

Development Evaluation
organization organization

Contents of unmatched Obtained

Evaluation contents Score Remark
items score

Each item archives working system shall be improved;

management system and working procedure shall be
developed. Unified leadership, hierarchical management
and responsibility system of leader shall be adopted for
project archives work. Development organizations shall
supervise and instruct participating development
Basic organizations. Project archives work shall be carried out
management synchronously with project construction.
of archives Filing work shall be brought into the post
work responsibilities of relevant department and personnel as
well as contract management, and provided with
examination measures.

Archives management shall be informationalized and

convenient for shortcut retrieve and utilization. Facilities
and equipments shall meet the requirements of archives
safety, protection and modernization management.

Personnel shall be on duty with certificates.

Time of Within 45 days after put into production, all archives

filing shall be handed over to development organizations

Filing project documents shall be intact, accurate,

Scope of
systematic and effective. Retention period shall be 30
classified accurately.

Project document arrangement (classification, volume

compilation, arrangement, serial number and catalog)
shall be normative; hand-over procedures shall be
Archives complete.
quality Completion drawing compilation shall be normative
and meet the actual conditions

Durable carrier, legibility, complete signature and seal 10

Engineering archives management evaluation score:

Evaluator (signature):

Note: 1. Class I: evaluation score 92 (including 92)~100 2. Class II: evaluation score 85 (including 85)~92 3. Class III:
evaluation score 70 (including 70)~85

7.0.4 Application of advanced technology such as advance of science and technology as

well as energy saving and emission reduction shall be paid attention to in the overall project
quality evaluation. Projects that win state, province and department (industry) level award or
certificate shall be awarded scores according to those specified in Table 7.0.4.
Table 7.0.4 State, province and department (industry) level award statistic table

Project name Project scale

Name of
Award Awarded
No. Awarded project awarded
department scores

1 High quality engineering award

2 Scientific or technical award

3 Patent

4 Engineering method

5 QC achievement

6 "Four new" application

7 New record

8 Saving

9 Environmental protection

Total score:

Evaluator (signature)
Evaluation organization (Seal)

7.0.5 Overall project quality evaluation score is the sum of mean value of all single unit
evaluation scores, mean value of all unit performance test evaluation scores, Obtained score
of engineering archives management evaluation and awarded scores. Overall project quality
shall be evaluated according to those specified in Table 7.0.5.
Table 7.0.5 Overall project quality evaluation summary table
Project name Project scale

Development Design organization


Construction Debugging
organization organization

Supervision Performance testing

organization organization

No. Evaluation contents Weight% Obtained


1 Mean value of all single unit evaluation scores 55

2 Mean value of all unit performance test evaluation scores 30

3 Engineering archives management evaluation 15

4 Awarded score

Overall project quality evaluation score:

Evaluator (signature): Evaluation organization (Seal)


7.0.6 Excellent project: overall project quality evaluation score is 85 and above;
high-quality excellent project: 92 and above.
7.0.7 Overall project quality evaluation shall be organized and coordinated by development
organizations, and carried out independently by supervision organizations or other evaluation
organizations. Evaluation results shall be provided with examination report.
7.0.8 Overall project quality evaluation shall meet the relevant requirements of current
national and professional project completion acceptance and evaluation.

Annex A


Installation of Waste Incineration Boiler

A.1 General Requirements
A.1.1 This Annex is applicable to the oblique reciprocating mechanical grate waste
incineration boiler, and other type of waste incineration boilers and their general parts may be
enforced in accordance with this standard.
A.1.2 Other quality acceptance items not listed in this Annex can be increased
A.1.3 Installation of exhaust-heat boiler in this Annex shall be in accordance with the
relevant requirements of 4.4 in this Part.
A.1.4 Installation of incineration boiler auxiliary machinery in this Annex, except
installation and trial operation of dusting rapping device, slag extractor and vibrating screen,
shall be in accordance with the relevant requirements of 4.8 in this Part.
A.1.5 Boiler wall masonry in this Annex shall be in accordance with the relevant
requirements of 4.12 in this Part.
A.1.6 Thermal equipment and piping insulation in the whole plant in this Annex shall be in
accordance with the relevant requirements of 4.13 in this Part.
A.1.7 Equipments and pipe painting in the whole plant in this Annex shall be in accordance
with the relevant requirements of 4.14 in this Part.
A.1.8 Except the implementation performance inspection tables of construction record,
confirmation and signature, and compulsory provisions listed in this Annex, relevant tables
shall adopt the uniform table form in the text.
A.2 Quality acceptance scope division table
A.2.1 See Table A.2.1 for waste incineration boiler construction quality acceptance scope
Table A.2.1 Waste incineration boiler construction quality acceptance scope division table

Number of quality
Project number Project name Property Acceptance organization
acceptance table

Unit Subsection Subitem Inspection Construction Supervision Design Manufacturing Development

project project project lot organization organization organization organization organization

01 Installation of exhaust-heat boiler

Installation of steel frame

Lineation of boiler foundation

01 01 Lineation of boiler foundation Dominant Table 4.4.1

Combination of steel frame assembly parts

01 Combination of steel frame assembly parts Table 4.4.3

01 Installation of steel frame

01 Inspection of post Table 4.3.1

02 Inspection of transverse beam and bracing Table 4.3.2

03 Table 4.3.4
03 Installation of single-layer steel frame Dominant
Table 4.4.4

04 Installation of transverse beam Dominant Table 4.4.5

05 Connection of high-strength bolt Dominant Table 4.3.4

04 Installation of boiler top steel frame

Table 4.3.4
01 Installation of boiler top steel frame Dominant Table 4.4.4
Table 4.4.5

02 Installation of large plate beam Dominant Table 4.4.6

Integral alignment of steel frame

Table 4.4.4
01 Integral alignment of steel frame Dominant Table 4.4.5
Table 4.4.6

Secondary grouting of post base

01 Secondary grouting of post base Dominant Table 4.4.7

Aggregate installation of platform and


Aggregate installation of single-layer

platform and ladder
Aggregate installation of single-layer Table 4.4.13
platform and ladder Table 4.4.14

Installation of tube-box-type air preheater

Installation of tube-box-type air preheater

03 Installation of primary duct-box-type air

01 Dominant Table 4.4.18
01 preheater

Installation of secondary duct-box-type air

02 Dominant Table 4.4.18

Installation of boiler guard plate, sealing

member and door opening

Installation of guard plate
01 Installation of guard plate Dominant Table 4.4.37

Installation of sealing member and door

Table 4.2.10

01 Installation of sand sealing devices Dominant Table 4.4.38

02 Installation of boiler top sealing cover shell
02 Dominant Table 4.4.39
and partial sealing member

Installation of boiler main body door

03 Dominant Table 4.4.40

03 Installation of ash bucket Table 4.2.10

03 01 Installation of ash bucket Table 4.4.42

05 Installation of heating surface

Installation of steam drum

01 Inspection and lineation of steam drum Dominant Table 4.4.51

02 Installation of steam drum Dominant Table 4.4.52

Table 4.4.53
03 Inspection and installation of drum internals Dominant
Table 4.4.54

02 Installation of water cooled wall Dominant

Table 4.3.9
01 Combination of water cooled wall Dominant
Table 4.4.55

Installation of water cooled wall component Table 4.3.9

02 Dominant
and monolithic Table 4.4.56

Table 4.3.9
03 Installation of evaporator Dominant
Table 4.4.63

04 Installation of heating surface pendant tube Dominant Table 4.3.6

Table 4.3.9
05 Installation of downcomer
Table 4.4.59

Table 4.3.9
06 Installation of evaporating pipe
Table 4.4.59

Installation of superheater

Table 4.3.9
01 Installation of superheater Dominant
Table 4.4.61
03 Table 4.3.9
02 Installation of ceiling superheater Dominant
Table 4.4.64

Installation of superheated steam Table 4.3.9

03 Dominant
connection pipe Table 4.4.59

Installation of economizer

Table 4.3.9
01 Combination of economizer Dominant
Table 4.4.67

Table 4.3.9
04 02 Installation of economizer Dominant
Table 4.4.68

03 Installation of water supply pipe Table 4.4.59

Table 4.3.9
04 Installation of desuperheating water pipe
Table 4.4.59

Hydrostatic test for entire boiler

01 Hydrostatic test for entire boiler Dominant Table 4.4.72

06 Installation of boiler auxiliary equipments

and pipes

01 Installation of boiler auxiliary equipments

Installation of intermittent blowdown flash

01 Table 4.4.81

02 Installation of steam drum water gauge Dominant Table 4.4.83

Table 4.4.84
03 Installation of safety valve Dominant
Table 4.4.85

04 Installation of soot blower Dominant Table 4.4.82

05 Installation of expansion indicator Dominant Table 4.4.87

06 Installation of pressure gauge Table 4.4.86

02 Installation of boiler auxiliary pipe Table 4.2.10

Table 4.3.8
01 Installation of intermittent blowdown pipe Table 4.3.9
Table 4.4.80

Table 4.3.8
02 Installation of high-voltage drainage pipe Table 4.3.9
Table 4.4.80

Table 4.3.8
03 Installation of low-voltage drainage pipe Table 4.3.9
Table 4.4.80

Table 4.3.8
04 Installation of air release pipe Table 4.3.9
Table 4.4.80

Table 4.3.8
Installation of safety valve steam exhaust
05 Table 4.3.9
pipe (including muffler)
Table 4.4.80

Table 4.3.8
06 Installation of flash tank steam exhaust pipe Table 4.3.9
Table 4.4.80

Table 4.3.8
07 Installation of sootblowing steam pipe Table 4.3.9
Table 4.4.80

DL/T 5210.5-2009
Table 4.5.2
08 Installation of sampling pipe
DL/T 5210.5-2009
Table 4.5.3

DL/T 5210.5-2009
Table 4.5.2
09 Installation of chemical feed pipe
DL/T 5210.5-2009
Table 4.5.3

DL/T 5210.5-2009
Installation of station-service compressed Table 4.5.2
air pipe DL/T 5210.5-2009
Table 4.5.3

DL/T 5210.5-2009
Installation of instrument-service Table 4.5.2
compressed air pipe DL/T 5210.5-2009
Table 4.5.3

07 Installation of flue and air duct

01 Installation of flue

01 Combination of flue Table 4.4.89

02 Installation of flue Table 4.4.89

03 Installation of flue operating devices Table 4.4.90

02 Installation of air duct

01 Combination of primary and secondary air Table 4.4.89


02 Installation of primary and secondary air Table 4.4.89


03 Installation of air duct operating devices Table 4.4.90

04 Installation of boiler wall cooling air duct Table 4.4.89

05 Installation of auxiliary burner air duct Table 4.4.89

08 Installation of boiler sundry

01 01 Installation of leachate pipe

Installation of leachate pipe DL/T 5210.5-2009

Table 4.5.2
DL/T 5210.5-2009
Table 4.5.3

02 Air pressure test for entire boiler

01 Air pressure test for entire boiler

01 Air pressure test for entire boiler

01 Air pressure test for entire boiler Dominant Table 4.6.1

03 01 Installation of incineration boiler

Installation of incineration boiler main body

01 Installation of steel frame

01 Lineation of grate steel frame foundation Table 4.4.1

02 Installation of grate steel frame Dominant Table 4.4.4

Table 4.4.5

03 Connection of grate steel frame Dominant Table 4.3.4

high-strength bolt

02 Installation of incineration boiler

01 Installation of grate bar Dominant Table A.3.1

02 Installation of driving device Table A.3.2

03 Installation of grate ash bucket Dominant Table A.6.2

04 Installation of boiler shell Table A.3.3

02 Installation of incineration boiler auxiliary


01 Installation of incineration boiler hydraulic

oil system

01 Installation of incineration boiler hydraulic Table A.3.4

oil station

02 Installation of incineration boiler hydraulic Table A.3.5

oil pipe

03 Oil circulation of incineration boiler Dominant Table A.3.6

hydraulic oil pipe

04 Trial operation of incineration boiler Dominant Table A.3.7

hydraulic system

02 Installation of incineration boiler firing Table 4.2.10


01 Installation of burner Dominant Table 4.4.48

02 Oil gun motion test Dominant Table A.3.8

04 01 Installation of boiler fuel fired equipments

and pipes

01 Installation of oil tank and auxiliaries

01 Installation of oil tank and auxiliaries Dominant Table 4.7.1

Table 4.7.2

02 Installation of oil supply equipments and Table 4.2.11


01 Installation of oil supply equipments

01 Inspection and lineation of oil pump Table 4.3.11

foundation; installation of iron gasket and
stone bolt

02 Installing oil pump Dominant Table 4.7.5

03 Segmental trial operation of oil pump Dominant Table 4.7.11

04 Installation of fuel oil heater and filter Table 4.7.10

02 Installation of fuel oil pipe

01 Installation of fuel oil pipe Dominant Table 4.7.12

05 Installation of boiler auxiliary machinery

01 Installation of slagging system equipments

01 Installation of slagging system equipments

01 Installation of wet-type scraper conveyer Table 4.8.30

02 Trial operation of wet-type scraper Dominant Table 4.3.14


03 Installation of slag extractor Table A.4.1

04 Trial operation of slag extractor Dominant Table A.4.2

05 Installation of vibrating screen Table A.4.3

06 Trial operation of vibrating screen Dominant Table 4.8.31

07 Installation of magnetic separator Table 4.9.18

08 Trial operation of magnetic separator Dominant Table 4.3.14

09 Installation of scrap metal belt conveyer Table 4.9.16

10 Trial operation of scrap metal belt conveyer Dominant Table 4.9.25

02 01 Installation of incineration boiler auxiliary


01 Installation of incineration boiler Table 4.8.29

ash-collecting conveyer

02 Trial operation of incineration boiler Dominant Table 4.3.14

ash-collecting conveyer

03 Installation of incineration boiler ash Table 4.8.30

discharge scraper conveyer

04 Trial operation of incineration boiler ash Dominant Table 4.3.14

discharge scraper conveyer

05 Installation of primary air fan Table 4.8.23

Table 4.8.24

06 Trial operation of primary air fan Dominant Table 4.3.14

07 Trial installation of secondary air fan Table 4.8.23

Table 4.8.24

08 Trial operation of secondary air fan Dominant Table 4.3.14

09 Installation of combustion cooling fan Table 4.8.23

Table 4.8.24

10 Trial operation of combustion cooling fan Dominant Table 4.3.14

11 Installation of boiler wall cooling fan Table 4.8.23

Table 4.8.24

12 Trial operation of boiler wall cooling fan Dominant Table 4.3.14

13 Installation of auxiliary combustion fan Table 4.8.23

Table 4.8.24

14 Trial operation of auxiliary combustion fan Dominant Table 4.3.14

03 Installation of exhaust-heat boiler auxiliary


01 Installation of exhaust-heat boiler auxiliary


01 Installation of exhaust-heat boiler Table 4.8.29
ash-collecting conveyer

02 Trial operation of exhaust-heat boiler Dominant Table 4.3.14

ash-collecting conveyer

03 Installation and trial operation of dusting Dominant Table A.4.4

rapping device

04 Installation of air compressor Dominant Table 4.8.33

05 Installation of dryer Table 4.8.34

06 Segmental trial operation of air compressor Dominant Table 4.3.14

04 Installation of leachate treatment equipment

01 Installation of leachate treatment equipment

01 Installation of leachate submerged pump Table 4.8.35

02 Installation of leachate transfer pump Table 4.8.35

03 Installation of leachate booster pump Table 4.8.35

04 Segmental trial operation Dominant Table 4.8.40

05 Installation of hoisting equipment

01 Installation of feed system hoisting


01 Installation of waste grab crane Table 4.8.60

Table 4.8.61
Table 4.8.62

02 Load test of waste grab crane Dominant Table 4.8.63

Table 4.8.64

02 Installation of cinder system hoisting


03 Installation of cinder grab crane Table 4.8.60

Table 4.8.61
Table 4.8.62

04 Load test of cinder grab crane Dominant Table 4.8.63

Table 4.8.64

03 Installation of other hoisting equipment

01 Installation of other hoisting equipment Table 4.8.58

02 Load test of other hoisting equipment Table 4.8.59

06 Installation of waste feed system

01 Installation of waste discharge door

01 Installation of waste discharge door

01 Installation of waste discharge door Table A.5.1

02 Installation of waste discharge door Table A.3.5

hydraulic oil pipeline

03 Oil circulation of waste discharge door Dominant Table A.3.6

hydraulic oil pipeline

02 Installation of fuel pilot shaft

01 Installation of fuel pilot shaft

01 Installation of feed hopper Table A.5.2

02 Installation of downspouting Table A.5.3

03 Installation of bivalve flapper valve Table A.5.4

04 Installation of stowing tool ash bucket Table 6.6.2

05 Installation of stowing tool Table A.5.5

06 Trial operation of stowing tool Dominant Table A.5.6

07 Installation of gas cleaning system

01 Installation of reaction tower

01 Installation of reaction tower

01 Lineation of reaction tower steel structure Table 4.4.1


02 Installation of reaction tower steel structure Dominant Table 4.3.2

Table 4.4.4
Table 4.4.5

03 Installation of reaction tower Table A.6.1

02 Installation of auxiliary equipments in the

purifying area

01 Installation of auxiliary equipments in the

purifying area

01 Installation of elevated tank Table A.6.2

02 Installation of water tank Table A.6.3

03 Installation of active carbon storage hopper Table A.6.4

04 Installation of middle hopper Table A.6.5

05 Installation of ash bin Table A.6.6

06 Installation of lime silo Table A.6.6

07 Installation of preparation groove Table A.6.7

08 Installation of distribution groove Table A.6.7

09 Installation of dilution groove Table A.6.7

03 Installation of bag-type dust remover

01 Installation of bag-type dust remover

01 Lineation of dust remover foundation Table 4.4.1

02 Installation of dust remover steel support Dominant Table 4.3.2

Table 4.4.4
Table 4.4.5

03 Installation of dust remover shell Table 4.4.37

04 Installation of dust remover filter bag Table 4.5.9

05 Installation of dust remover ash bucket Table 4.4.42

06 Installation of dust remover ladder and Table 4.4.14


04 Installation of auxiliary machinery in the

purifying area

01 Installation of auxiliary machinery in the

purifying area

01 Installation of preheating fan Table 4.8.23
Table 4.8.24

02 Trial operation of preheating fan Dominant Table 4.3.14

03 Installation of dust remover ash conveyer Table 4.8.30

04 Trial operation of dust remover ash Dominant Table 4.3.14


05 Installation of distributing screw conveyer Table 4.8.29

06 Trial operation of distributing screw Dominant Table 4.3.14


07 Installation of humidifying screw conveyer Table 4.8.29

08 Trial operation of humidifying screw Dominant Table 4.3.14


09 Installation of screw feeding conveyer Table 4.8.29

10 Trial operation of screw feeding conveyer Dominant Table 4.3.14

11 Installation of crusher Table A.6.8

12 Trial operation of crusher Dominant Table A.6.9

13 Installation of public chain conveyer Table 4.8.30

14 Trial operation of public chain conveyer Dominant Table 4.3.14

15 Installation of bucket elevator Table A.6.10

16 Trial operation of bucket elevator Dominant Table A.6.11

17 Installation of screw conveyer under the Table 4.8.29

reaction tower

18 Trial operation of screw conveyer under the Dominant Table 4.3.14
reaction tower

19 Installation of clarified water pump Table 4.8.35

20 Trial operation of clarified water pump Dominant Table 4.8.40

21 Installation of lime slurry pump Table 4.8.51

22 Trial operation of lime slurry pump Dominant Table 4.3.14

23 Installation of lime slurry preparation Table 4.8.49

groove agitator

24 Trial operation of lime slurry preparation Dominant Table 4.3.14

groove agitator

25 Installation of lime slurry distribution Table 4.8.49

groove agitator

26 Trial operation of lime slurry distribution Dominant Table 4.3.14

groove agitator

27 Installation of drain tank agitator Table 4.8.49

28 Trial operation of drain tank agitator Dominant Table 4.3.14

29 Installation of clarified water box groove Table 4.8.49


30 Trial operation of clarified water box Dominant Table 4.3.14

groove agitator

31 Installation of draught fan Table 4.8.24

Table 4.8.25

32 Trial operation of draught fan Dominant Table 4.3.14

08 Boiler wall masonry

01 Waste incineration boiler masonry

01 Waste incineration boiler masonry in the

incineration chamber

01 Installation of pins (support members) Table 4.12.14

02 Insulating brick masonry in the waste Table 4.12.18

incineration boiler incineration chamber

03 Wear resistant fire brick masonry in the Table 4.12.18

waste incineration boiler incineration

02 Spraying and pouring of wear resistant

refractory materials

01 Installation of pins (support members) Table 4.12.14

02 Spraying of wear resistant refractory Table 4.12.19


03 Pouring of wear resistant refractory Table 4.12.17


02 Exhaust-heat boiler wall masonry

01 Masonry in the exhaust-heat boiler chamber

01 Installation of pins (support members) Table 4.12.14

02 Insulating brick masonry in the waste Table 4.12.18

incineration boiler incineration chamber

03 Wear resistant fire brick masonry in the Table 4.12.18

waste incineration boiler incineration

02 Pouring of wear resistant refractory


01 Installation of pins (support members) Table 4.12.14

02 Pouring of wear resistant refractory Table 4.12.17


03 Baking the entire boiler Dominant

01 Baking the entire boiler Dominant

01 Baking the entire boiler Dominant Table 4.12.20

09 Thermal equipment and piping insulation in

the whole plant

01 Boiler equipment and piping insulation

01 Boiler equipment thermal insulation

01 Exhaust-heat boiler wall thermal insulation Dominant Table 4.13.1

02 Economizer boiler wall thermal insulation Dominant Table 4.13.1

03 Steam drum thermal insulation Dominant Table 4.13.2

Table 4.13.3

04 Ash bucket thermal insulation Table 4.13.3

05 Boiler main body header thermal insulation Table 4.13.2

Table 4.13.3

06 Tubular preheater thermal insulation Table 4.13.1

07 Draught fan thermal insulation Table 4.13.3

08 Bucket elevator thermal insulation Table 4.13.3

09 Conveyer thermal insulation Table 4.13.3

10 Bag-type dust remover thermal insulation Dominant Table 4.13.3

11 Reaction tower thermal insulation Dominant Table 4.13.3

12 Ash warehouse thermal insulation Table 4.13.3

13 Cyclone separator thermal insulation Table 4.13.3

14 Blowdown flash tank thermal insulation Table 4.13.2

Table 4.13.3

15 Flue thermal insulation Table 4.13.3

Table 4.13.4

16 Hot air duct thermal insulation Table 4.13.3

Table 4.13.4

02 Boiler pipe thermal insulation

01 Downcomer thermal insulation Table 4.13.6

02 Superheated steam pipe thermal insulation Table 4.13.6

03 Connection pipe thermal insulation Table 4.13.6

04 Desuperheating water pipe thermal Table 4.13.6

insulation Table 4.13.12

05 Boiler drainage pipe thermal insulation Table 4.13.6

Table 4.13.12

06 Boiler blowdown pipe thermal insulation Table 4.13.6

Table 4.13.6
07 Sampling pipe thermal insulation Table 4.13.12
Table 4.13.13

08 Thermal insulation of oil supply and return Table 4.13.6

pipe in the boiler room

09 Boiler thermal meter pipe thermal Table 4.13.6

insulation Table 4.13.12

10 Boiler valve and flange thermal insulation Table 4.13.13

Table 4.13.14

02 Steam turbine equipment and pipe thermal


01 Steam turbine equipment thermal insulation Dominant

Table 4.13.8

01 Steam turbine main body thermal insulation Dominant Table 4.13.9

Table 4.13.10
Table 4.13.11

02 Thermal insulation of deaerator and Table 4.13.2

deaerator water tank Table 4.13.3

02 Steam turbine pipe thermal insulation Dominant

01 Main stream pipe thermal insulation Dominant Table 4.13.7

02 All-level steam extraction pipe thermal Table 4.13.6


03 Thermal insulation of heating steam, gland Table 4.13.6

sealing steam and valve stem steam leakage


04 Water supply pipe thermal insulation Dominant Table 4.13.7

05 Condensed water pipe thermal insulation Table 4.13.6

06 Thermal insulation of drainage pipe in the Table 4.13.5

turbine room Table 4.13.6

07 Thermal insulation of main throttle valve Dominant Table 4.13.5

and steam lead pipe Table 4.13.6

08 Steam turbine valve and flange thermal Table 4.13.13

insulation Table 4.13.14

03 Chemical water equipment and pipe thermal Table 4.2.10


01 Chemical water equipment thermal Table 4.13.3


02 Chemical water pipe thermal insulation Table 4.13.6

Table 4.13.12

10 Painting of equipment and pipe in the whole


01 Painting of equipment and pipe in the boiler


01 Painting of equipment in the boiler room

01 Painting of equipment metal surface in the Table 4.14.2

boiler room

02 Painting of boiler steel structure Table 4.14.2

03 Painting cold air duct Table 4.14.2

04 Painting of feed system Table 4.14.2

02 Painting of boiler room pipe

01 Painting of boiler room pipe Table 4.14.2

Table 4.14.4
Table 4.14.5
Table 4.14.6

02 Painting of boiler room supporter and Table 4.14.2


02 Painting of equipment pipe in the turbine


01 Painting of equipment in the turbine room

01 Painting of equipment metal surface in the Table 4.14.2

turbine room

02 Painting of equipment thermal insulation Table 4.14.1

rendering coat in the turbine room

03 Sticking glass fiber cloth for equipment Table 4.14.3

thermal insulation rendering coat in the
turbine room

04 Painting of equipment thermal insulation Table 4.14.6

rendering coat glass fiber cloth layer in the
turbine room

02 Painting of pipe in the turbine room

01 Painting of pipe in the turbine room Table 4.14.2
Table 4.14.4
Table 4.14.5
Table 4.14.6

02 Painting of supporter and hanger in the Table 4.14.2

turbine room

03 Painting of service water pipe Table 4.14.2

Table 4.14.4
Table 4.14.5
Table 4.14.6

03 Painting of equipment pipe in the flue gas

purifying area

01 Painting of equipment in the flue gas

purifying area

01 Painting of equipment in the flue gas Table 4.14.2

purifying area

02 Painting of steel structure in the flue gas Table 4.14.2

purifying area

02 Painting of pipe in the flue gas purifying


01 Painting of pipe in the flue gas purifying Table 4.14.2


02 Painting of supporter and hanger Table 4.14.2

04 Painting of chemical water equipment and


01 Painting of chemical water equipment

01 Painting of chemical water equipment metal Table 4.14.2


02 Painting of chemical water pipe

01 Painting of chemical water pipe Table 4.14.2

Table 4.14.4
Table 4.14.5
Table 4.14.6

05 Painting of fuel oil system equipment pipe

01 Painting of fuel oil system equipment

01 Painting of fuel fired equipment Table 4.14.2

02 Painting of fuel oil system pipe

01 Painting of fuel oil pipe Table 4.14.2

Table 4.14.4
Table 4.14.5
Table 4.14.6

06 Painting of equipment pipe in the air

compressor room

01 Painting of equipment in the air compressor


01 Painting of equipment in the air compressor Table 4.14.2


02 Painting of pipe in the air compressor room

01 Painting of compressed air pipe Table 4.14.2

Table 4.14.4
Table 4.14.5
Table 4.14.6

07 Painting of electrical equipment frame and

instrument pipe

01 Painting of electrical equipment frame

01 Painting of cable frame Table 4.14.2

02 Painting of electrical equipment Table 4.14.2

03 Painting of electrical hard busbar Table 4.14.2

02 Painting of electrical instrument pipe

01 Painting of instrument pipe and supporter Table 4.14.2

and hanger

02 Painting of electrical dial Dominant Table 4.14.2

08 Painting of circulating water pipe

01 Painting of circulating water pipe

01 Painting of circulating water pipe Dominant Table 4.14.2

Table 4.14.4
Table 4.14.5
Table 4.14.6

A.2.2 See Table 4.2-Table 4.2.12 for the project quality acceptance table.
A.2.3 See the following tables for check table list of construction record, confirmation and
signature, as well as implementation performance of compulsory provisions of each unit
Table A.2.3-1 Check table details for installation construction record, confirmation and
signature, as well as implementation performance of compulsory provisions of exhaust-heat
Table A.2.3-2 Check table details for construction record, confirmation and signature, as
well as implementation performance of compulsory provisions of entire boiler air pressure
Table A.2.3-3 Check table details for installation construction record, confirmation and
signature, as well as implementation performance of compulsory provisions of incineration
Table A.2.3-4 Check table details for installation construction record, confirmation and
signature, as well as implementation performance of compulsory provisions of boiler fuel
fired equipments and pipes
Table A.2.3-5 Check table details for installation construction record, confirmation and
signature, as well as implementation performance of compulsory provisions of boiler
auxiliary machinery
Table A.2.3-6 Check table details for installation construction record, confirmation and
signature, as well as implementation performance of compulsory provisions of waste feed
Table A.2.3-7 Check table details for installation construction record, confirmation and
signature, as well as implementation performance of compulsory provisions of gas cleaning
Table A.2.3-8 Check table details for construction record, confirmation and signature, as
well as implementation performance of compulsory provisions of boiler wall masonry
Table A.2.3-9 Check table details for construction record, confirmation and signature, as
well as implementation performance of compulsory provisions of thermal equipment and
piping insulation in the whole plant
Table A.2.3-10 Check table details for construction record, confirmation and signature, as
well as implementation performance of compulsory provisions of equipment and pipe
painting in the whole plant
Table A.2.3-1 Check table details for installation construction record, confirmation and signature, as well as
implementation performance of compulsory provisions of exhaust-heat boiler

No. Name of information Table No. Remark

1 Installation of steel frame

1 Lineation record of boiler foundation Table A.3.9

2 Inspection record of post Table A.3.9

3 Inspection record of transverse beam and bracing Table A.3.9

4 Combination record of steel frame assembly parts Table A.3.9

5 Installation record of single-layer steel frame Table A.3.9

6 Installation record of boiler top steel frame Table A.3.9

7 Installation record of large plate beam Table 4.4.11

10 Re-inspection sampling confirmation and signature of Table 4.4.8

high-strength bolt

11 Fastening record of boiler steel frame high-strength bolt Table 4.4.9

12 Re-inspection confirmation and signature after fastening Table 4.4.10

boiler steel frame high-strength bolt

13 On-site re-inspection report of a set of high-strength bolt Provided by the testing


14 Field inspection report of friction surface antiskid Provided by the testing

coefficient organization

15 Secondary grouting confirmation and signature of boiler Table 4.4.12

steel frame post base

2 Installation of tube-box-type air preheater

1 Installation record of primary duct-box-type air preheater Table A.3.9

2 Installation record of secondary duct-box-type air Table A.3.9


3 Confirmation and signature of air preheater oil penetration Table 4.4.35


4 Confirmation and signature of air preheater air pressure Table 4.4.36


3 Installation of heating surface

1 Record of steam drum inspection and lineation Table A.3.9

2 Record of steam drum installation Table A.3.9

3 Inspection and installation record of drum internals Table A.3.9

4 Confirmation and signature of steam drum sealing Table 4.4.77

5 Combination record of water cooled wall Table A.3.9

6 Installation record of water cooled wall component and Table A.3.9


7 Through ball confirmation and signature of water cooled Table 4.4.73


8 Installation record of superheater Table A.3.9

9 Installation record of ceiling superheater Table A.3.9

10 Through ball confirmation and signature of superheater Table 4.4.73

11 Confirmation and signature of superheater header Table 4.4.74
cleaning and sealing

12 Installation record of evaporator Table A.3.9

13 Combination record of economizer Table A.3.9

14 Installation record of economizer Table A.3.9

15 Through ball confirmation and signature of economizer Table 4.4.73

16 Confirmation and signature of economizer header tank Table 4.4.74

cleaning and sealing

17 Confirmation and signature of hydraulic boiler test Table 4.4.78

18 Confirmation and signature of boiler wall leakage Table 4.4.79


4 Installation of boiler auxiliary facilities and pipes

1 Installation record of intermittent blowdown flash tank Table A.3.9

2 Installation record of safety valve Table A.3.9

3 Installation record of expansion indicator Table A.3.9

4 Confirmation and signature of intermittent blowdown Table 4.4.74

flash tank cleaning and sealing

5 Confirmation and signature of high-voltage drainage pipe Table 4.4.75


6 Confirmation and signature of desuperheating water pipe Table 4.4.75


7 Confirmation and signature of purging compressed air Table 4.4.76

pipes and equipments

8 Tightness test of compressed air pipes and equipments Table 4.4.88

9 Confirmation and signature of flushing water supply pipes Table 4.4.75

5 Installation of flue and air duct

1 Installation record of flue Table A.3.9

2 Installation record of primary and secondary air duct Table A.3.9

3 Installation record of flue operating devices Table A.3.9

4 Installation record of air duct operating devices Table A.3.9

5 Confirmation and signature of flue and air duct oil Table 4.4.96
penetration test

6 Confirmation and signature of flue and air duct air Table 4.4.97
pressure test

6 Installation of boiler sundry

1 Confirmation and signature of leachate pipe tightness test Table 4.4.96

7 Check table on the implementation performance of

compulsory provisions for installation of exhaust-heat

1 Check table on the implementation performance of Table 4.4.100

compulsory provisions for subsection project of steel
frame installation

2 Check table on the implementation performance of Table A.7.1

compulsory provisions for subsection project of heating
surface installation

3 Check table on the implementation performance of Table A.7.2

compulsory provisions for subsection project of boiler
auxiliary facilities and pipes installation

Table A.2.3-2 Check table details for construction record, confirmation and signature, as well as
implementation performance of compulsory provisions of entire boiler air pressure test

No. Name of information Table No. Remark

1 Air pressure test for entire boiler

1 Confirmation and signature of air pressure test for entire Table 4.6.2

Table A.2.3-3 Check table details for installation construction record, confirmation and signature, as well as
implementation performance of compulsory provisions of incineration boiler

No. Name of information Table No. Remark

1 Installation of incineration boiler main body

1 Lineation record of grate steel frame foundation Table A.3.9

2 Installation record of grate steel frame Table A.3.9

3 Installation record of grate bar Table A.3.9

4 Installation record of driving device Table A.3.9

5 Re-inspection sampling confirmation and signature of Table 4.4.8

high-strength bolt

6 Re-inspection confirmation and signature after fastening Table 4.4.9

boiler high-strength bolt

7 Confirmation and signature for incineration boiler hearth Table A.3.13


2 Installation of incineration boiler auxiliary system

1 Confirmation and signature of inspection before trial Table A.3.10
operation of incineration boiler hydraulic system

2 Installation record of incineration boiler hydraulic oil Table A.3.9


3 Confirmation and signature after segmental trial operation Table A.3.11

of incineration boiler hydraulic system

4 Confirmation and signature of oil circulation of Table A.3.12

incineration boiler hydraulic oil pipe

5 Installation record of burner Table A.3.9

2 Check table on the implementation performance of

compulsory provisions for incineration boiler installation

1 Check table on the implementation performance of Table A.7.3

compulsory provisions for subsection project of
incineration boiler installation

2 Check table on the implementation performance of Table 4.7.15

compulsory provisions for subsection project of
incineration boiler auxiliary system installation

Table A.2.3-4 Check table details for installation construction record, confirmation and signature, as well as
implementation performance of compulsory provisions of boiler fuel fired equipments and pipes

No. Name of information Table No. Remark

1 Installation of oil tank and auxiliaries

1 Confirmation and signature for filling water in the oil Table 4.7.3

2 Installation of oil supply equipments and pipes

1 Alignment record of oil pump coupling Table 4.8.11

2 Confirmation and signature of fuel oil pipe hydraulic Table 4.7.13


3 Confirmation and signature for purging fuel oil pipe Table 4.7.14

4 Confirmation and signature before trial operation of oil Table 4.8.7


5 Confirmation and signature after trial operation of oil Table 4.8.8


3 Inspecting implementation performance of compulsory

provisions for installing boiler fuel fired equipments
and pipes

1 Check table on the implementation performance of Table 4.7.15

compulsory provisions for subsection project of oil
supply equipment and pipe installation

Table A.2.3-5 Check table details for installation construction record, confirmation and signature, as well as
implementation performance of compulsory provisions of boiler auxiliary machinery

No. Name of information Table No. Remark

1 Installation of slagging system equipments

1 Installation record of wet-type scraper conveyer Table A.3.9

2 Inspection confirmation and signature before segmental Table 4.8.11

trial operation of wet-type scraper conveyer

3 Confirmation and signature after segmental trial Table 4.8.12

operation of wet-type scraper conveyer

4 Installation record of slag extractor Table A.3.9

5 Inspection confirmation and signature before segmental Table 4.8.11

trial operation of slag extractor

6 Confirmation and signature after segmental trial Table 4.8.12

operation of slag extractor

7 Installation record of vibrating screen Table A.3.9

8 Inspection confirmation and signature before segmental Table 4.8.11

trial operation of vibrating screen

9 Confirmation and signature after segmental trial Table 4.8.12

operation of vibrating scalper

10 Installation record of magnetic separator Table A.3.9

11 Inspection confirmation and signature before segmental Table 4.8.11

trial operation of magnetic separator

12 Confirmation and signature after segmental trial Table 4.8.12

operation of magnetic separator

13 Installation record of scrap metal belt conveyer Table A.3.9

14 Inspection confirmation and signature before segmental Table 4.8.11

trial operation of scrap metal belt conveyer

15 Confirmation and signature after segmental trial Table 4.8.12

operation of scrap metal belt conveyer

2 Installation of incineration boiler auxiliary machinery

1 Installation record of incineration boiler ash-collecting Table A.3.9


2 Inspection confirmation and signature before segmental Table 4.8.11

trial operation of incineration boiler ash-collecting

3 Confirmation and signature after segmental trial Table 4.8.12

operation of incineration boiler ash-collecting conveyer

4 Installation record of incineration boiler ash discharge Table A.3.9

scraper conveyer

5 Inspection confirmation and signature before segmental Table 4.8.11
trial operation of incineration boiler ash discharge
scraper conveyer

6 Confirmation and signature after segmental trial Table 4.8.12

operation of incineration boiler ash discharge scraper

7 Installation record of primary air fan Table A.2.9

8 Inspection confirmation and signature before segmental Table 4.8.11

trial operation of primary air fan

9 Confirmation and signature after segmental trial Table A.3.9

operation of primary air fan

10 Installation record of secondary air fan Table A.3.9

11 Inspection confirmation and signature before segmental Table 4.8.11

trial operation of secondary air fan

12 Confirmation and signature after segmental trial Table 4.8.12

operation of secondary air fan

13 Installation record of combustion cooling fan Table A.3.9

14 Inspection confirmation and signature before segmental Table 4.8.11

trial operation of combustion cooling fan

15 Confirmation and signature after segmental trial Table 4.8.12

operation of combustion cooling fan

16 Installation record of boiler wall cooling fan Table A.3.9

17 Inspection confirmation and signature before segmental Table 4.8.11

trial operation of boiler wall cooling fan

18 Confirmation and signature after segmental trial Table 4.8.12

operation of boiler wall cooling fan

19 Installation record of auxiliary combustion fan Table A.3.9

20 Inspection confirmation and signature before segmental Table 4.8.11

trial operation of auxiliary combustion fan

21 Confirmation and signature after segmental trial Table 4.8.12

operation of auxiliary combustion fan

3 Installation of exhaust-heat boiler auxiliary machinery

1 Installation record of exhaust-heat boiler ash-collecting Table A.3.9


2 Inspection confirmation and signature before segmental Table 4.8.11

trial operation of exhaust-heat boiler ash-collecting

3 Confirmation and signature after segmental trial Table 4.8.12

operation of exhaust-heat boiler ash-collecting conveyer

4 Installation and trial operation record of dusting rapping Table A.3.9


5 Inspection confirmation and signature before segmental Table 4.8.11

trial operation of dusting rapping device

6 Confirmation and signature after segmental trial Table 4.8.12

operation of dusting rapping device

7 Installation record of air compressor Table A.3.9

8 Inspection confirmation and signature before segmental Table 4.8.11

trial operation of air compressor

9 Confirmation and signature after segmental trial Table 4.8.12

operation of air compressor

4 Installation of leachate treatment equipment

1 Installation record of leachate submerged pump Table A.3.9

2 Inspection confirmation and signature before segmental Table 4.8.11

trial operation of leachate submerged pump

3 Confirmation and signature after segmental trial Table 4.8.12

operation of leachate submerged pump

4 Installation record of leachate transfer pump Table A.3.9

5 Inspection confirmation and signature before segmental Table 4.8.11

trial operation of leachate transfer pump

6 Confirmation and signature after segmental trial Table 4.8.12

operation of leachate transfer pump

7 Installation record of leachate booster pump Table A.3.9

8 Inspection confirmation and signature before segmental Table 4.8.11

trial operation of leachate booster pump

9 Confirmation and signature after segmental trial Table 4.8.12

operation of leachate booster pump

5 Installation of hoisting equipment

1 Inspection confirmation and signature before trial Table 4.8.11

operation of waste grab crane

2 Confirmation and signature after trial operation of waste Table 4.8.12

grab crane

3 Inspection confirmation and signature before trial Table 4.8.11

operation of cinder grab crane

4 Confirmation and signature after trial operation of cinder Table 4.8.12

grab crane

5 Inspection confirmation and signature before trial Table 4.8.11

operation of other hoisting equipment

6 Confirmation and signature after trial operation of other Table 4.8.12

hoisting equipment

6 Check table on the implementation performance of
compulsory provisions for boiler auxiliary machinery

1 Check table on the implementation performance of Table A.7.4

compulsory provisions for subsection project of
exhaust-heat boiler auxiliary machinery installation

2 Check table on the implementation performance of Table A.7.5

compulsory provisions for subsection project of leachate
treatment facility installation

3 Check table on the implementation performance of Table A.7.6

compulsory provisions for subsection project of hoisting
equipment installation

Table A.2.3-6 Check table details for installation construction record, confirmation and signature, as well as
implementation performance of compulsory provisions of waste feed system

No. Name of information Table No. Remark

1 Installation of waste discharge door

1 Confirmation and signature of oil circulation of hydraulic Table A.2.12

oil pipe

2 Installation of fuel pilot shaft

1 Installation record of feed hopper Table A.3.9

2 Confirmation and signature of feed hopper leakage test Table 4.4.96

3 Installation record of bivalve flapper valve Table A.3.9

4 Installation record of stowing tool Table A.3.9

5 Trial operation record of stowing tool Table A.3.9

6 Inspection confirmation and signature before segmental Table 4.8.11

trial operation of stowing tool

7 Confirmation and signature after segmental trial operation Table 4.8.12

of stowing tool

3 Check table on the implementation performance of

compulsory provisions for waste feed system installation

1 Check table on the implementation performance of Table 4.7.15

compulsory provisions for subsection project of waste
discharge door installation

Table A.2.3-7 Check table details for installation construction record, confirmation and signature, as well as
implementation performance of compulsory provisions of gas cleaning system
Name of
No. Table No. Remark

1 Installation of reaction tower

1 Lineation record of reaction tower steel structure foundation Table A.3.9

2 Installation record of reaction tower steel structure Table A.3.9

3 Installation record of reaction tower Table A.3.9

2 Installation of auxiliary facilities in the purifying area

1 Installation record of active carbon storage hopper Table A.3.9

2 Record of middle hopper Table A.3.9

3 Installation record of ash bin Table A.3.9

4 Installation record of lime silo Table A.3.9

3 Installation of bag-type dust remover

1 Lineation record of dust remover foundation Table A.3.9

2 Installation record of dust remover steel support Table A.3.9

3 Installation record of dust remover shell Table A.3.9

4 Installation record of dust remover filter bag Table A.3.9

4 Installation of auxiliary machinery in the purifying area

1 Installation record of preheating fan Table A.3.9

2 Installation record of dust remover ash conveyer Table A.3.9

3 Installation record of distributing auger conveyer Table A.3.9

4 Installation record of humidifying screw conveyer Table A.3.9

5 Installation record of screw feeding conveyer Table A.3.9

6 Installation record of crusher Table A.3.9

7 Installation record of public chain conveyer Table A.3.9

8 Installation record of bucket elevator Table A.3.9

9 Installation record of screw conveyer under the reaction tower Table A.3.9

10 Installation record of clarified water pump Table A.3.9

11 Installation record of lime slurry pump Table A.3.9

12 Installation record of lime slurry preparation groove agitator Table A.3.9

13 Installation record of lime slurry distribution groove agitator Table A.3.9

14 Installation record of drain tank agitator Table A.3.9

15 Installation record of clarified water box groove agitator Table A.3.9

16 Installation record of draught fan Table A.3.9

17 Inspection confirmation and signature before segmental trial operation Table 4.8.11

18 Confirmation and signature after trial operation Table 4.8.12

Check table on implementation performance of compulsory provisions for

gas cleaning system

Check table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions for

1 Table 4.4.100
subsection project of reaction tower installation

Check table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions for

2 Table 4.5.15
subsection project of bag-type dust remover installation

Check table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions for

3 Table A.7.4
subsection project of auxiliary machinery installation in the purifying area

Table A.2.3-8 Check table details for construction record, confirmation and signature, as well as
implementation performance of compulsory provisions of boiler wall masonry
No. Name of information Table No. Remark

1 Waste incineration boiler masonry

1 Confirmation and signature of internal boiler wall masonry concealment Table 4.12.11

2 Exhaust-heat boiler wall masonry

1 Confirmation and signature of internal boiler wall masonry concealment Table 4.12.11

3 Inspection confirmation and signature after baking the entire boiler Table 4.12.23

Check table on the implementation performance of compulsory

provisions for subsection project of boiler wall masonry

Check table on the implementation performance of compulsory

1 Table 4.12.24
provisions for subsection project of waste incineration boiler masonry

Check table on the implementation performance of compulsory

2 Table 4.12.24
provisions for subsection project of exhaust-heat boiler masonry

Table A.2.3-9 Check table details for construction record, confirmation and signature, as well as
implementation performance of compulsory provisions of thermal equipment and piping insulation in the
whole plant
No. Name of information Table No. Remark

1 Boiler equipment and piping insulation

Confirmation and signature for the sampling and re-inspection of insulation

1 Table 4.131.5

Confirmation and signature for the inspection record of equipment and pipe
2 Table 4.13.16
surface temperature after thermal insulation

2 Thermal insulation of steam turbine equipment and pipe

Confirmation and signature for the sampling and re-inspection of insulation

1 Table 4.13.15

Confirmation and signature for the inspection record of equipment and pipe
2 Table 4.13.16
surface temperature after thermal insulation

Check table on implementation performance of compulsory provisions for
thermal equipment and piping insulation in the whole plant

Check table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions

1 for subsection project of heating power and piping insulation in the whole Table 4.13.17

Table A.2.3-10 Check table details for construction record, confirmation and signature, as well as
implementation performance of compulsory provisions of equipment and pipe painting in the whole plant
No. Name of information Table No. Remark

Check table on implementation performance of compulsory provisions for

1 equipment and pipe painting in the boiler room

Check table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions for

1 Table 4.14.7
subsection project of equipment and pipe painting in the boiler room

2 Check table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions for Table 4.14.7
subsection project of equipment piping painting in the turbine room

Check table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions for

3 Table 4.14.7
subsection project of equipment piping painting in the gas cleaning area

Check table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions for

4 Table 4.14.8
subsection project of chemical water equipment and pipe painting

Check table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions for

5 Table 4.14.7
subsection project of equipment piping painting in the fuel oil system

Check table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions for

6 Table 4.14.7
subsection project of equipment piping painting in the air compressor room

Check table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions for

7 Table 4.14.7
subsection project of electrical equipment frame and instrument pipe painting

Check table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions for

8 Table 4.14.7
subsection project of circulating water pipe painting

A.3 Installation of waste incineration boiler

A.3.1 Installation of grate bar:
1 Application scope: installation of incineration boiler grate bar.
2 See Table A.3.1 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table A.3.1 Installation of grate bar
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Inspection Appearance inspection Without flaw, blister and defect Observation

Positions of fixed rows and

movable rows shall be correct;
Installation Grate bar laying Dominant Observation
joints of each row of grate bar shall
be staggered

Upper and lower row grate bar Smooth contact Observation


Meeting requirements of equipment

Grate bar Fixed row Testing with a feeler gauge
technical document
side Dominant mm
Meeting requirements of equipment
clearance Movable row Testing with a feeler gauge
technical document

Correct bolt specification and tight Observation, inspecting

Connection of grate bar bolt
connection with a spanner

A.3.2 Installation of driving device:

1 Application scope: installation of incineration boiler hydraulic driving device.
2 See Table A.3.2 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table A.3.2 Installation of driving device
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Appearance inspection Without flaw, blister and welding skips Observation

Observing and checking

Materials meeting design, correct matting
Insulating base plate laying equipment technical
position and good contact
Grate documents
passage Connection with steel Observation, inspecting
Correct bolt connection
support with a spanner

Installation of fixing and

Dominant Correct position, type and direction Observation
guiding devices

Observing and checking

Driving Layout position Dominant Meeting design equipment technical

Center deviation mm 3 Testing with a steel ruler

Testing according to E.2

Oscillating Elevation deviation Dominant mm 2
of this Part
Bolt fastening, correct gasket, correct Observation, inspecting
Shaft block bolt
baffle plate layout, firm welding with a spanner

Baffle swaying Correction direction and block free Observation

Tail baffle Clearance at both sides of Even clearance, meeting the requirements Testing with a feeler
baffle of equipment technical document gauge

Observation, inspecting
Connection between scrapers Smooth contact and bolt fastening
with a spanner
Tail Installation of tensioning Correct assembly and proper spring
scraper screws lamination compression

Even clearance, meeting the requirements Testing with a feeler

Side clearance of scraper mm
of equipment technical document gauge

Observing and checking

Specification and layout Meeting the drawing equipment technical

Liner laying Dominant mm Smooth liner surface, and the expansion Observation, testing with

clearance between liners shall meet a feeler gauge
requirements of equipment technical

Correct bolt specification and tight Observation, inspecting

Connecting bolt
connection with a spanner

A.3.3 Installation of boiler shell:

1 Application scope: installation of incineration boiler shell.
2 See Table A.3.3 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table A.3.3 Installation of boiler shell
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Without flaw, skin lamination, serious

Appearance inspection Observation
rust and damage

Physical dimension deviation

mm 10 Testing with a steel tape
of assembly parts

Diagonal line deviation of

Dominant mm 10 Testing with a steel tape
assembly parts
Observing, drawing wire and
Flexibility deviation of testing with a steel ruler on
Dominant mm 8
assembly parts the uneven position with
obvious deviation

Welded joints shall meet the drawing Observation, randomly

Weld inspection requirements, without such defects as inspecting the weld dimension
flaw and pore, good shaping with welding testing ruler

Suspending plumb at both

mm 1Height of post, and10 ends and testing with steel
Bolted connection Bolt fastening, regular gasket, correct Observation, inspecting with a
soleplate soleplate baffle plate spanner

Installation Plug-in soleplate Correct position Observation

Installation position
Meeting design Observation
and dimension
Observing and checking
member Sealing material and
Dominant Meeting design equipment technical

Sufficient heat expansion displacement,

Heat expansion Observing and testing with
Dominant without wrong welding and welding
inspection steel ruler

Welded joints shall meet the drawing Observation, randomly

Boiler shell seam and weld
Dominant requirements, without such defects as inspecting the weld dimension
flaw and pore, good shaping with welding testing ruler

A.3.4 Installation of incineration boiler hydraulic oil station:

1 Application scope: installation of incineration boiler hydraulic oil station.

2 See Table A.3.4 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table A.3.4 Installation of incineration boiler hydraulic oil station
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Equipment appearance inspection Intact without damage Observation

Taking the production building

Vertical and horizontal center line
mm 10 center line as reference and
testing with a steel tape
Oil station
Testing with glass horizontal tube
installation Oil station levelness deviation mm 0.5 side length
or level instrument

Clean and without

Cleanliness in the tank Observation

Connecting with foundation Connecting firmly Observation

A.3.5 Installation of incineration boiler hydraulic oil pipe:

1 Application scope: installation of incineration boiler hydraulic pipe.
2 See Table A.3.5 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table A.3.5 Installation of incineration boiler hydraulic oil pipe
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Checking technical
information of products
Pipe material specification and
Dominant Meeting design requirements and alloy materials to
carry out spectral
analysis and issue report
Inspection Without flaw, bruise, chap, squish, Observing defect depth;
blister, delamination; surface local testing with measuring
Pipe material surface quality
damage depth 10% pipe wall design instruments if there is
thickness doubt

Valve unit, valve specification Checking drawing or

Meeting design requirements
and type observing

Reasonable layout, beautiful

Installation Piping layout
technology Checking drawing or
System trend Correct trend

Carrying out purging

Inspecting in the butt welded Without such sundries as dust, scale,
Dominant confirmation with
tube seeper and metal chip
compressed air

Inspecting with steel

ruler and feeler gauge at
Contra aperture deflection degree mm 05 200mm around the
center of the welded

Installation of valve unit and Position shall meet drawing Checking drawing and

valves requirements, correct position and firm observing

Reasonable layout, not interfering pipe

Installation of supporter and Checking drawing and
free expansion, beautiful technology
hanger observing
and firm welding

Observing, suspending
Verticality deviation of standpipe mm 2 length, and15 plumb, testing with a
steel ruler

Regular arrangement and uniform Observing and testing

Pipe segment in rows
distance with steel ruler

Weld bead height shall meet the Observation, randomly

Weld inspection Dominant drawing requirements, without such inspecting with welding
defects as flaw and pore, good shaping testing ruler

A.3.6 Oil circulation of incineration boiler hydraulic oil pipeline:

1 Application scope: installation of incineration boiler hydraulic pipeline.
2 See Table A.3.6 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table A.3.6 Oil circulation of incineration boiler hydraulic oil pipeline
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Complete and firm installation as

Installation of temporary pipes well as free expansion of supporter Observation
and hanger; reliably hose connection

Qualified cleaning before sealing,

transacting confirmation and
Temporary oil tank and oil signature, manhole added with
charging implement gasket correctly, uniform bolt
fastening, consistent exposed length
of screw thread

Checking technical
Oil used for oil circulation Qualified hydraulic oil
information of products

Selecting oil sample for Meeting requirements of equipment Checking report of oil
analysis in the system pipe technical documents analysis

Recovering inspection after oil Checking drawing and

Correct system recovery
circulation observing

A.3.7 Trial operation of incineration boiler hydraulic system:

1 Application scope: trial operation of incineration boiler hydraulic system.
2 See Table A.3.7 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table A.3.7 Trial operation of incineration boiler hydraulic system
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Oil Oil station self-circulating Normal Observation

Oil pressure of hydraulic Meeting the equipment technical
in the oil Observation
oil document

station Meeting the equipment technical Testing with infrared
Motor bearing temperature
document thermograph

Tightness of oil pipeline Dominant Tight without leakage Observation

Motion of electromagnetic
Normal switch Observation

Normal operation and without

Trial Motion of grate monomer Observation
block phenomenon
Stroke and limit of
of grate Correct and reliable Observation
hydraulic cylinder

Normal operation and without

Motion of entire grate Dominant Observation
block phenomenon

A.3.8 Oil gun motion test:

1 Application scope: incineration boiler oil gun motion test.
2 See Table A.3.8 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table A.3.8 Oil gun motion test
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Without flaw, deformation, serious rust and

Equipment appearance Observation

Tight shaft seal, flexible rotation, block-free,

Operation Driving parts Dominant correct scale indication, corresponding with Observation

test the actual position

Spray test Dominant Good without oil dripping phenomenon Observation

Positions of oil gun

Meeting design Observation
stretched into the hearth

A.3.9 Construction record:

1 Application scope: installation construction for waste incineration boiler.
2 Construction record shall be in accordance with those specified in Table A.3.9.
Table A.3.9 Construction record

Project name

Subitem project name Project number

Equipment name

Acceptance opinion Acceptance signature



A.3.10 Confirmation and signature before trial operation of incineration boiler hydraulic
1 Application scope: confirmation and signature before trial operation of incineration
boiler hydraulic system.
2 Confirmation and signature before trial operation of incineration boiler hydraulic
system shall be in accordance with those specified in Table A.3.10.
Table A.3.10 Confirmation and signature before trial operation of incineration boiler hydraulic system

Project name

Subitem project name Project number

Equipment type Equipment number

Construction organization Technical director

Inspection record

Inspection item Inspection result Remark

Oil mass in the oil tank

meeting the requirements

Perfection degree of
hydraulic system

Unobstructed degree of
grate stroke

Perfection degree of
thermal measuring point
and remote control

Electrical perfection
condition of hydraulic

Inspection conclusion:

Acceptance opinion Acceptance signature



Debugging organization Date



A.3.11 Confirmation and signature after trial operation of incineration boiler hydraulic
1 Application scope: confirmation and signature after trial operation of incineration
boiler hydraulic system.
2 Confirmation and signature after trial operation of incineration boiler hydraulic
system shall be in accordance with those specified in Table A.3.11.
Table A.3.11 Confirmation and signature after trial operation of incineration boiler hydraulic system

Project name

Subitem project name Project number

Equipment type Equipment number

Technical director

Inspection record

Inspection item Inspection result Remark

Abnormal sound in the


Oil pressure of hydraulic


Motor bearing

Motor current

Motion of
electromagnetic valve

Stroke and limit of

hydraulic cylinder

Motion of entire grate

Inspection conclusion:

Acceptance opinion Acceptance signature



Debugging organization Date



A.3.12 Confirmation and signature of oil circulation in hydraulic oil pipeline:

1 Application scope: confirmation and signature of oil circulation in incineration boiler
hydraulic oil pipeline.

2 Confirmation and signature of oil circulation in hydraulic oil pipeline shall be in
accordance with those specified in Table A.3.12.
Table A.3.12 Confirmation and signature of oil circulation in hydraulic oil pipeline

Project name

Subsection project System name Project number

Circulating oil Oil circulation

Equipment name
pressure date

Inspection record:

Inspection conclusion:

Acceptance opinion Acceptance signature



A.3.13 Confirmation and signature for incineration boiler hearth concealment:

1 Application scope: confirmation and signature for incineration boiler hearth

2 Confirmation and signature for incineration boiler hearth concealment shall be in
accordance with those specified in Table A.3.13.
Table A.3.13 Confirmation and signature for incineration boiler hearth concealment

Project name

Subsection project Project number Equipment type

Inspection position Inspection date Recorded by

Inspection content Inspection result

Without such sundries as dust, seeper and metal

chip in the hearth

Purged with compressed air after sundries in the

grate passage are cleaned up

Unobstructed and block-free cold/hot air duct

and leachate pipe

Intact and undamaged internal equipments

Firm and reliable temporary blockage for door

opening and handhole cover devices after
internal cleaning


Acceptance opinion Acceptance signature




A.4 Installation of boiler auxiliary machinery

A.4.1 Installation of slag extractor:
1 Application scope: installation of incineration boiler slag extractor.
2 See Table A.4.1 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table A.4.1 Installation of slag extractor
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Without flaw, blister and welding

Appearance inspection Observation

Taking the production

Installation Vertical and horizontal center building center line as
mm 10
of slag line deviation reference, inspecting with
extractor steel tape
body Uniform bolt fastening, sealing Observation, inspecting
Inlet flange connection Dominant
meeting the design requirements with a spanner

Type meeting the design, firm and

Bracing installation Observation

Cover and body flange Uniform bolt fastening, sealing Observation, inspecting
connection meeting the design requirements with a spanner
of slag
extractor Cover hanger Type meeting the design, firmly fixed Observation

Cover sealing Type meeting the design, good sealing Observation

Cylinder body appearance Without flaw, rust and scratch; with

inspection complete auxiliaries Observation
of Observing and checking

hydraulic Position, type and specification Dominant Meeting design drawing equipment technical

cylinder documents

Pin roll installation Dominant Correct assembly Observation

A.4.2 Trial operation of slag extractor:

1 Application scope: trial operation of incineration boiler slag extractor.
2 See Table A.4.2 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table A.4.2 Trial operation of slag extractor
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Inspection of mechanical and Without sundries and temporary

connecting system strengthening

Bolted connection of each Observation, inspecting with

Without parts missing and looseness
section a spanner

operation Hydraulic oil system Operation adjustment meeting Checking equipment
requirements of equipment technical technical documents
documents; oil quality meeting
requirements of equipment technical

Stable motion, without abnormal

Hydraulic cylinder motion Observation
vibration, blocking and oil impregnate

Correct stroke, without abnormal

Slag extractor motion vibration and blocking in the entire Observation

Limit switch Accurate and reliable motion Observation

A.4.3 Installation of vibrating screen:

1 Application scope: installation of incineration boiler vibrating screen.
2 See Table A.4.3 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table A.4.3 Installation of vibrating screen
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Without damage and flaw;

screening surface smooth and
Equipment appearance inspection Observation
intact; connecting bolt fastening

Taking the production

Vertical and horizontal center line building center line as
mm 10
Equipment deviation reference, testing with steel
installation ruler

Elevation deviation of support According to the

mm 5
soleplate requirements of E.2

Testing with glass horizontal

Transverse levelness mm 3

Screening surface installation Measuring with bevel

Dominant Correct direction and angle
inclination direction and angle protractor

A.4.4 Installation and trial operation of dusting rapping device:

1 Application scope: installation and trial operation of incineration boiler dusting
rapping device.
2 See Table A.4.4 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table A.4.4 Installation and trial operation of dusting rapping device
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Without defects such as flaw,

Component appearance inspection deformation, damage and Observation
Inspection serious rust

Alloy steel component material Checking spectrum

Dominant Without misusage
quality re-inspection report

Installation of rapping track bracket Dominant Welding firmly Observation

Distance between shaker terminal Meeting design requirements Testing with a steel ruler

surface and heating surface edge

Stable movement, travel switch

Movable part of shaker Dominant motion is consistent with shaker Observation

Driving hammer aims at the

Position of rapping hammering point corresponding header tank Observation
Rapping hammer operation Flexible motion and correct
Dominant Observation
condition rapping position

A.5 Installation of waste feed system

A.5.1 Installation of waste discharge door:
1 Application scope: installation of incineration boiler waste discharge door.
2 See Table A.5.1 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table A.5.1 Installation of waste discharge door
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Equipment appearance Primary members without flaw, skin

Inspection Observation
inspection lamination, serious rust and damage

Contact of door frame and

Connecting firmly and reliably Observation

Contact of discharge door

Contact tightly Observation
and door frame
Installation Connection of upper and
Correct assembly Observation
lower door bolt

Correct position and type; cylinder body Checking technical

Installation of hydraulic
Dominant appearance without flaw, rust and scratch; information of products
correct pin roll assembly and observing

A.5.2 Installation of feed hopper:

1 Application scope: installation of incineration boiler feed hopper.
2 See Table A.5.2 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table A.5.2 Installation of feed hopper
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Equipment appearance Without defects such as flaw, deformation,

Inspection Observation
inspection damage and welding skip

Assembly physical
Installation mm Meeting the drawing Testing with a steel ruler

Taking the boiler center

Vertical and horizontal line as reference, drawing
mm 5
center deviation wire, and measuring with
steel ruler

Hopper upper opening Testing four sides with

mm 10
elevation deviation glass horizontal tube

Hopper upper opening Testing four sides with
mm 0.5 side length
horizontal deviation glass horizontal tube

Connection of feed Observation, inspecting

Meeting the design, firm and reliable
hopper and foundation with a spanner

Welding type meeting the requirements

specified in manufacturer's technical Observing, testing the
Welding Dominant documents; no such defects as slag inclusion, weld dimension with
undercut, pore or incomplete penetration; welding inspection ruler
good weld seam shaping

Observing, transacting
Welded joint oil
Dominant Closeness and inleakage confirmation and
penetration test

A.5.3 Installation of downspouting:

1 Application scope: installation of incineration boiler downspouting.
2 See Table A.5.3 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table A.5.3 Installation of downspouting
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Equipment appearance Without defects such as flaw, deformation,

Inspection Observation
inspection damage and welding skip

Assembly physical
mm Meeting the drawing Testing with a steel ruler

Uniform bolt fastening, sealing meeting the Observation, inspecting with a

Upper flange connection
design requirements spanner

Observing and testing

Installation of horizontal Meeting the design, and not interfering
expansion distance with steel
support equipment expansion

Meeting the design, with adequate

Installation of expansion expansion amount, sealing plate welding
Dominant Observation
joint direction is consistent with the medium
flow direction

Welding type meeting the requirements

specified in manufacturer's technical Observing, testing the weld
Welding Dominant documents; no such defects as slag dimension with welding
inclusion, undercut, pore or incomplete inspection ruler
penetration; good weld seam shaping

A.5.4 Installation of bivalve flapper valve:

1 Application scope: installation of incineration boiler bivalve flapper valve.
2 See Table A.5.4 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table A.5.4 Installation of bivalve flapper valve
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Type and specification Meeting design requirements Observing and checking

equipment technical documents

Without flaw, blister and

Equipment appearance inspection Observation
welding skips

Uniform bolt fastening, sealing Observation, inspecting with a

Flange connection meeting the design spanner

Cylinder body appearance Without flaw, rust and scratch;

Installation inspection with complete auxiliaries
Hydraulic Position, type and Observing, checking technical
Meeting design drawing
cylinder specification information of products

Assembly meeting the

Pin roll installation Observation

A.5.5 Installation of stowing tool:

1 Application scope: installation of incineration boiler stowing tool.
2 See Table A.5.5 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table A.5.5 Installation of stowing tool
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Equipment appearance Without flaw, blister and

inspection welding skips
Physical dimension mm Meeting the drawing Testing with a steel ruler
tool main
body Uniform bolt fastening,
Observation, inspecting with
Bolted connection sealing meeting the design
a spanner
Equipment requirements
Without flaw, rust and
and Cylinder body appearance
Dominant scratch; with complete Observation
installation inspection
Hydraulic Observing, checking
Position, type and
cylinder Dominant Meeting design drawing technical information of

Assembly meeting the

Pin roll installation Observation

A.5.6 Trial operation of stowing tool:

1 Application scope: trial operation of incineration boiler stowing tool.
2 See Table A.5.6 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table A.5.6 Trial operation of stowing tool
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Inspection of mechanical and Clean, without sundries and

Preparation Observation
connecting system temporary strengthening

Without parts missing and Observation, inspecting

Bolted connection of each section
looseness with a spanner

Operation adjustment meeting
requirements of equipment
Observing, checking
technical documents; oil
Hydraulic oil system technical information of
quality meeting requirements
of equipment technical

Stable motion, without

Hydraulic cylinder motion Dominant abnormal vibration, blocking Observation
and oil impregnate
Correct stroke, without
Stowing tool motion abnormal vibration and Observation
blocking in the entire stroke

Limit switch Accurate and reliable motion Observation

A.6 Installation of gas cleaning system

A.6.1 Installation of reaction tower:
1 Application scope: installation of incineration boiler gas cleaning system reaction
2 See Table A.6.1 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table A.6.1 Installation of reaction tower
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Without serious rust, damage

Equipment appearance inspection Observation
or deformation

Allowable deviation of cone external

mm 20 Testing with a steel ruler
diameter perimeter

Suspending plumb, testing

Cone eccentricity Dominant mm 70
with steel ruler

Height deviation mm 10 Testing with a steel ruler

Testing with steel ruler

Installation Cone surface straightness mm 3
and feeler gauge
of reaction
Observing and testing
tower cone
Longitudinal joint mm 1 with 100mm clearance
Contra aperture ruler and feeler gauge
malposition Observing and testing
Circumferential joint mm 1.6 with 100mm clearance
ruler and feeler gauge

Inspecting with angle

Adjacent longitudinal weld Staggered 60

Manhole nozzle opening position Away from the welded joints Observation

Installation Without serious rust, damage

Appearance inspection Observation
of reaction or deformation

tower Allowable deviation of drum maximum
Dominant mm 25 Testing with a steel tape
drum and minimum diameter

Height deviation mm 10 Testing with a steel tape

Testing with steel ruler

Drum surface roundness deviation mm 3
and feeler gauge

Plumb bob, testing with

Drum verticality deviation mm 12
steel ruler

Observing and testing

Longitudinal joint mm 0.5 with 100mm clearance
Butt ruler and feeler gauge
misalignment Observing and testing
Circumferential joint mm 0.5 with 100mm clearance
ruler and feeler gauge

Adjacent longitudinal weld Staggered 30 Inspecting with angle ruler

Manhole nozzle opening position Away from the welded joints Observation

Checking according to
Positions of box parts and auxiliaries Meet requirements of drawing

Taking the production

Vertical and horizontal center line building center line as
mm 10
deviation after installation reference, inspecting with
steel tape

Testing with glass

Levelness deviation of the tower tray mm 15
horizontal tube

Drawing wire, testing two

Flexibility deviation after tower body
mm 20 directions in 90 with steel
is installed

Welding type meeting the

requirements specified in
manufacturer's technical Observing, testing the
Welding Welding Dominant documents; no such defects as weld dimension with
slag inclusion, undercut, pore or welding inspection ruler
incomplete penetration; good
weld seam shaping

A.6.2 Installation of elevated tank:

1 Application scope: installation of purifying elevated tank in the incineration boiler
gas system.
2 See Table A.6.2 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table A.6.2 Installation of elevated tank
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Appearance inspection Without serious rust, damage or Observation, inspecting
deformation; dimension with a steel tape

meeting the design

Open pore position and quantity of Observing and checking

Meeting design requirements
stub tube drawing

Correct position, straight and

Observing, inspecting
Installation of tank body even, firm fixation and
Installation with level ruler
complete auxiliaries

Watering test Closeness and inleakage Observation

A.6.3 Installation of water tank:

1 Application scope: installation of purified water tank in the incineration boiler gas
2 See Table A.6.3 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table A.6.3 Installation of water tank
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Without such defects as

deformation and rust; Observation, inspecting with a
Installation of tank container
dimension meeting the design steel tape

Open pore position and quantity of Observation, checking

Meeting design requirements
stub tube drawing

Taking the production

building center line as
Center line deviation mm 20
reference, inspecting with
steel tape

Correct position and firm

Installation of tank container Observation
Installation fixation

Level gauge without blocking

Installation of level gauge Watering inspection
and inleakage

Cleanliness in the tank Clean and without sundries Observation

Watering test of tank container Closeness and inleakage Observation

A.6.4 Installation of active carbon storage hopper:

1 Application scope: installation of active carbon storage hopper in the incineration
boiler gas system.
2 See Table A.6.4 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table A.6.4 Installation of active carbon storage hopper
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Without such defects as

deformation, damage and rust; Observation, inspecting
Inspection Appearance inspection
dimension meeting the design with a steel tape

Open pore position and quantity of Observing and checking
Meeting design requirements
stub tube drawing

Correct position, vertical drum Observing and checking

Installation of drum
and firm fixation drawing
Observing and checking
Installation of auxiliaries Complete and correct

A.6.5 Installation of middle hopper:

1 Application scope: installation of middle hopper in incineration boiler gas cleaning
2 See Table A.6.5 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table A.6.5 Installation of middle hopper
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Smooth plane, without obvious

roughness, temporary weldment
Appearance inspection Observation
cut cleanly, without sundries in
the hopper
Interface side length
Component mm 0~-10 Testing with a steel tape
Interface diagonal line
dimensions mm 10 Testing with a steel tape

Correct position and firm

Installation of hopper Observation

Welding type meeting the

requirements specified in
Installation manufacturer's technical Observing, testing the weld
Welded joints Dominant documents; no such defects as dimension with welding
slag inclusion, undercut, pore or inspection ruler
incomplete penetration; good
weld seam shaping

A.6.6 Installation of ash bin:

1 Application scope: installation of ash bin in incineration boiler gas cleaning system.
2 See Table A.6.6 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table A.6.6 Installation of ash bin
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting design, without such

Installation Appearance inspection Observation
defects as deformation and rust

Drum welding Dominant Welding type meeting the Observing, testing the
requirements specified in weld dimension with
manufacturer's technical welding inspection ruler
documents; no such defects as
slag inclusion, undercut, pore or
incomplete penetration; good
weld seam shaping

Correct position, vertical drum

Drum installation Observation
and firm fixation

Observing and checking

Installation of auxiliaries Complete and correct

A.6.7 Installation of preparation groove:

1 Application scope: installation of preparation groove in incineration boiler gas
cleaning system.
2 See Table A.6.7 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table A.6.7 Installation of preparation groove
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting design, without such

Appearance inspection defects as deformation, Observation
damage and rust

Watering test Closeness and inleakage Observation

Correct position, straight and
Groove body installation even, closeness and inleakage, Observation
firm fixation

Level gauge installed

Installation of level gauge Watering inspection
correctly without leakage

A.6.8 Installation of crusher:

1 Application scope: installation of crusher in incineration boiler gas cleaning system.
2 See Table A.6.8 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table A.6.8 Installation of crusher
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Observing, checking
Specification and type Meeting design requirements technical information of
Without such defects as
clogging, flaw, shrinkage cavity,
Appearance inspection Observation
and slag inclusion; good flange
sealing surface

Added with gasket correctly,

Observation, inspecting
Flange connection uniform bolt load carrying, tight
with a spanner
and leakless joint surface
Levelness deviation of boss rod Dominant mm/m 2 Inspecting with level ruler

Rotatable parts Flexible rotation without block Observation

A.6.9 Trial operation of crusher:

1 Application scope: trial operation of crusher in incineration boiler gas cleaning
2 See Table A.6.9 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table A.6.9 Trial operation of crusher
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Internal inspection Clean and without sundries Observation

Proper oil level and correct oil

Trial Lubricating oil Observation
Without oil and air leakage
preparation Equipment appearance Observation

Bearing and rotatable parts Without abnormal state Observation

Testing with infrared

Trial Bearing temperature Dominant <80
Vibration of each part Dominant mm 0.10 Testing with vibration meter

A.6.10 Installation of bucket elevator:

1 Application scope: installation of bucket elevator in incineration boiler gas cleaning
2 See Table A.6.10 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table A.6.10 Installation of bucket elevator
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Checking technical
Type and specification Meeting design
information of products
Equipment appearance
Without flaw, deformation and serious rust Observation

Taking the production

Vertical and horizontal building center line as
mm 10
center line deviation reference, inspecting with
steel tape

According to the
Elevation deviation mm 10
requirements of E.2

Horizontal deviation of Testing with the accuracy

Dominant mm/m 0.3
main shaft level instrument

Equipment shall be in good condition,

Tensioning regulating flexible and with proper tight regulation,
device which shall set aside above 1/2 adjustment

A.6.11 Trial operation of bucket elevator:

1 Application scope: installation of bucket elevator in incineration boiler gas cleaning
2 See Table A.6.11 for quality criteria and inspection method.

Table A.6.11 Trial operation of bucket elevator
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Internal inspection of mechanical and

Clean and without sundries Observation
connecting system

Without parts missing and

Bolted connection of each position Observation
operation Protection of each rotational exposed Protection cover and fence shall
preparation part be complete and reliable

Oil level Proper oil level Observation

oil Meeting requirements of Checking equipment
Oil quality
equipment technical document technical documents

Testing with infrared

Bearing temperature Dominant 80
Trial Maximum mechanical two-way Testing with vibration
mm/m 0.1
operation vibration meter

Stable operation without

Chain drive Observation
abnormal sound

A.7 Inspection table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions

A.7.1 Confirmation and signature table on the implementation performance of compulsory
provisions for subsection project of heating surface installation:
1 Application scope: inspecting implementation performance of compulsory provisions
for the subsection project of waste incineration boiler heating surface installation.
2 Implementation performance of the compulsory provisions for subsection project of
heating surface installation shall be in accordance with those requirements specified in Table
Table A.7.1 Confirmation and signature table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions
for subsection project of heating surface installation

Project name

Unit project name Installation of exhaust-heat boiler Subsection project name Installation of heating surface

Project number Acceptance time

Implementation Related
No. Inspection item
performance information

Personnel working on operating boiler, pressure vessel and pipe,

1 inspection, welding, post-weld heat treatment, non-destructive testing
shall obtain relevant qualification certificate.

Water whose quality does not conform to standard requirements must not
be poured into the boiler heating surface system. If reliable chemical
water treatment conditions are not provided, boiler must not be started

Installation organization shall consult manufacturing quality inspection
record (including nondestructive testing record), before frame, steam
drum, header, pressure vessel and main pipes are installed. When quality
3 certificate information is incomplete or quality is doubtful, installation
organization shall question manufacturing organization with development
organization, as well as require re-inspection. Installation shall not be
carried out without inspection.

Before boiler heating surface pipes are combined and installed, through
ball test must be carried out respectively. Diameter of balls used in the
test shall meet relevant requirements. After through ball test, sealing
measures shall be well carried out.

Access opening must not be opened randomly on the pressure vessel,

pipe seat must not be welded, and repair must not be carried out, as well
as pipes must not be used as hanger and support points for hoisting other
heavy things.

When overpressure test is carried out for the boiler, hydraulic pressure
shall rise and drop slowly. When the hydraulic pressure rises to the
working pressure, it shall be suspended from rising, rise to the
overpressure test pressure after no-leakage or abnormal phenomena is
inspected, kept for 20min under the overpressure test pressure, drop to
the working pressure, and then re-inspection shall be carried out (pressure
shall be constant during the inspection period).
During the hydraulic test, ambient temperature shall not be less than 5.
When ambient temperature is less than 5, freezing-proof measures
must be adopted. Water temperature in the hydraulic test shall be
controlled according to the values specified by the manufactory, should
be 30~70 in general.

Before boiler unit is combined and installed, development organization

(owner) shall organize "supervision" and "safety inspection" and must
carry out re-inspection for the equipments according to the requirements
of this code. Manufacturing defects discovered shall be submitted to the
owner and manufactory for treatment, confirmation and signature. If
installation quality can not reach the requirements of this code due to
manufacturing defects, it shall be confirmed and signed by the
representatives of the owner and manufacturing organization.

Quality of alloy steel components shall meet the requirements specified

in equipment technical documents; before installation, material quality
8 shall be re-inspected and marked in obvious positions; after installation,
marks shall be checked; those materials without clear marks shall be

Steam drum and header hoisting must be carried out after qualified boiler
frame alignment acceptance; during the installation alignment of steam
drum and header, measurement shall be carried out according to the
rechecked punching center line on the frame center line, steam drum and

header; installation elevation shall be subject to frame 1m elevation point.

Arc strike and welding shall not be carried out on the steam drum wall
10 where welding is prohibited, they must be agreed by the manufactory, and
strict welding process qualification shall be carried out before welding.

Cleaning up pipe interior, clearing off scale and sundries shall be carried
out before installing pipe, provided tapping on the pipe required for
installation, then the slag or scrap iron shall be prevented falling into

Medium and low alloy-steel pipe, pipe fittings, pipe auxiliaries and valve
12 shall be carried out spectrum recheck piece by piece before using, and
material quality shall be marked.

The heating temperature shall be controlled under the lower critical

13 temperature AC1 of the pipe where alloy-steel pipe shall be carried out
bending alignment partially.

Distance between center line of boiler heating surface pipe welded

junction and pipe bending starting point or header outer wall or support
edge shall be at least 70mm; distance between two butt welding openings
of the same pipe shall not be less than 150mm.

Electric arc must not be ignited, current must not be tested or temporary
upholder must not be welded randomly on the surface of welded
workpiece; chucking appliance for contra aperture shall not be welded on
the high alloy steel material surface.


Construction organization: (Seal) Supervision organization: (Seal)

Project technical director: Supervision engineer:

Date Date

Note: the content listed in this Table may be increased or decreased according to actuality.

A.7.2 Check table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions for

subsection project of boiler auxiliary facilities and pipes installation: 1 Application scope:
inspecting implementation performance of compulsory provisions for the subsection project
of waste incineration auxiliary facilities and pipes installation.
2 Implementation performance of compulsory provisions for subsection project of
auxiliary facilities and pipes installation shall be in accordance with those specified in Table
Table A.7.2 Check table list on implementation performance of compulsory provisions for subsection
project of boiler auxiliary facilities and pipes installation

Project name

Installation of boiler
Unit project name Installation of exhaust-heat boiler Subsection project name
auxiliary facilities and pipes

Project number Acceptance time

Implementation Related
No. Inspection item
performance information

Personnel working on operating boiler, pressure vessel and pipe, inspection,

1 welding, post-weld heat treatment, non-destructive testing shall obtain
relevant qualification certificate.

Alloy steel parts and pipe material shall be carried out spectrum test or other
2 test before and after installing, repairing and transforming, and check type
of steel to prevent misusage

Alloy steel (excluding low alloy steel such as 16Mn) spare parts shall be
analyzed and re-inspected piece by piece with spectrum.

Quality of alloy steel components shall meet the requirements specified in

equipment technological documents; before installation, material quality
4 shall be re-inspected and marked in obvious positions; after installation,
marks shall be checked; those materials without clear marks shall be

Cleaning up pipe interior, clearing off scale and sundries shall be carried out
5 before installing pipe, provided tapping on the pipe required for installation,
then the slag or scrap iron shall be prevented falling into pipe.

Medium and low alloy-steel pipe, pipe fittings, pipe auxiliaries and valve
6 shall be carried out spectrum recheck piece by piece before using, and
material quality shall be marked.

The heating temperature shall be controlled under the lower critical

7 temperature AC1 of the pipe where alloy-steel pipe shall be carried out
bending alignment partially.

Distance between center line of pipe butt welding opening and pipe bending
start point shall not be less than external diameter of the pipe and shall not
be less than 100mm (excluding typing pipe fittings); distance between the
8 center line and the supporter and hanger edge shall not be less than 50mm.
Distance between two butt welding openings of the same pipe generally
shall not be less than 150mm; when the nominal diameter of the pipe is
greater than 500mm, it shall not be less than 500mm.


Construction organization: (Seal) Supervision organization: (Seal)

Project technical director: Supervision engineer:

Date Date

Note: the content listed in this Table may be increased or decreased according to actuality.

A.7.3 Check table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions for

subsection project of incineration boiler installation:
1 Application scope: inspecting implementation performance of compulsory provisions
for subsection project of incineration boiler installation.
2 Implementation performance of the compulsory provisions for subsection project of
incineration boiler installation shall be in accordance with those requirements specified in
Table A.7.3.
Table A.7.3 Check table list on implementation performance of compulsory provisions for subsection
project of incineration boiler installation

Project name

Installation of incineration
Unit project name Installation of incineration boiler Subsection project name

Project number Acceptance time

Implementation Related
No. Inspection item
performance information

Alloy steel (excluding low alloy steel such as 16Mn) spare parts
shall be analyzed and re-inspected piece by piece with spectrum.

As the valve (isolation function) of closed circuit members,

tightness test must be carried out before installation to inspect the
2 tightness of valve seat, valve core, valve cover and various filler
room. Tightness test of valves shall be carried out according to the
hydraulic pressure of 1.25 times of nameplate pressure.

Electric arc must not be ignited, current must not be tested or

temporary upholder must not be welded randomly on the surface of
welded workpiece; chucking appliance for contra aperture shall not
be welded on the high alloy steel material surface.

Drilling hole, gas cutting and welding shall not be carried out on the
4 oil pipe after it is cleaned up and sealed, otherwise, cleaning,
inspection and sealing must be carried out again.


Construction organization: (Seal) Supervision organization: (Seal)

Project technical director: Supervision engineer:

Date Date

Note: the content listed in this Table may be increased or decreased according to actuality.

A.7.4 Check table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions for

subsection project of exhaust-heat boiler auxiliary machinery installation:
1 Application scope: inspecting implementation performance of compulsory provisions
for the subsection project of waste incineration boiler exhaust-heat boiler auxiliary machinery
2 Implementation performance of compulsory provisions for subsection project of
exhaust-heat boiler auxiliary machinery installation shall be in accordance with those
specified in Table A.7.4.
Table A.7.4 Check table list on implementation performance of compulsory provisions for subsection
project of exhaust-heat boiler auxiliary machinery installation

Project name

Installation of exhaust-heat
Unit project name Installation of boiler auxiliary machinery Subsection project name
boiler auxiliary machinery

Project number Acceptance time

Implementation Related
No. Inspection item
performance information

In the process of equipment installation, inspection and acceptance shall

be carried out in time; provided last procedure has not be qualified by
1 inspection and acceptance, the next procedure shall not be carried out,
and the concealed project must be carried out after inspecting and
accepting its qualification and transacting confirmation and signature.

Alloy steel parts and pipe material shall be carried out spectrum test or
2 other test before and after installing, repairing and transforming, and
check type of steel to prevent misusage


Construction organization: (Seal) Supervision organization: (Seal)

Project technical director: Supervision engineer:

Date Date

Note: the content listed in this Table may be increased or decreased according to actuality.

A.7.5 Check table on the implementation performance of compulsory provisions for

subsection project of leachate treatment facility installation:

1 Application scope: inspecting implementation performance of compulsory provisions
for the subsection project of waste incineration boiler leachate treatment facility installation.
2 Implementation performance of the compulsory provisions for subsection project of
leachate treatment facility installation shall be in accordance with those requirements
specified in Table A.7.5.
Table A.7.5 Check table list on implementation performance of compulsory provisions for subsection
project of leachate treatment facility installation

Project name

Installation of leachate
Unit project name Installation of boiler auxiliary machinery Subsection project name
treatment equipment

Project number Acceptance time

Implementation Related
No. Inspection item
performance information

In the process of equipment installation, inspection and acceptance shall be

carried out in time; provided last procedure has not be qualified by
1 inspection and acceptance, the next procedure shall not be carried out, and
the concealed project must be carried out after inspecting and accepting its
qualification and transacting approvals

Alloy steel parts and pipe material shall be carried out spectrum test or other
2 test before and after installing, repairing and transforming, and check type of
steel to prevent misusage


Construction organization: (Seal) Supervision organization: (Seal)

Project technical director: Supervision engineer:

Date Date

Note: the content listed in this Table may be increased or decreased according to actuality.

A.7.6 Check table on implementation performance of compulsory provisions for subsection

project of hoisting equipment installation:
1 Application scope: inspecting implementation performance of compulsory provisions
for the subsection project of waste incineration boiler hoisting equipment installation.
2 Implementation performance of compulsory provisions for subsection project of
hoisting equipment installation shall be in accordance with those specified in Table A.7.6.
Table A.7.6 Check table list on implementation performance of compulsory provisions for subsection project
of hoisting equipment installation

Project name

Subsection project Installation of hoisting

Unit project name Installation of boiler auxiliary machinery
name equipment

Project number Acceptance time

Implementation Related
No. Inspection item
performance information

Steel wire ropes shall be selected conforming to the multi-strand wire

1 rope specified in GB 8918-2006, and must be provided with product
qualification certificate.

Hook shall be put into operation provided it has technical document

including manufacturer certificate of conformity, etc. otherwise it shall be
2 put into use after inspecting and identifying its qualified performance.
The hook shall be equipped with the sealed safety device to prevent

Pulley shall be used in accordance with the permissible load specified by

3 nameplate. Without nameplate, it may be used after qualified calculation
and test.


Construction organization: (Seal) Supervision organization: (Seal)

Project technical director: Supervision engineer:

Date Date

Note: the content listed in this Table may be increased or decreased according to actuality.

A.8 Installation engineering quality evaluation of waste incineration boiler

A.8.1 Construction quality evaluation of waste incineration boiler engineering shall meet
the relevant requirements of 5.1 ~ 5.4 of this Part.
A.8.2 Each project position (scope) score of single project and each project evaluation score
shall be summarized according to the following table.
Single project quality comprehensive evaluation summary table

Single project name Date

Construction organization

Six evaluation contents Weight %

deviation of Implementation
site quality
No. Project position (scope) Quality evaluation performance of Appearance
assurance Performance
record score and compulsory quality
condition test (score)
(score) actual limit provisions (score)
measurement (score)

Exhaust-heat boiler
1 installation and integral 25
air pressure test

Installation of
2 25
incineration boiler

Installation of boiler fuel

3 fired equipments, pipes 10
and auxiliary machinery

Installation of waste feed

4 10

Installation of gas
5 20
cleaning system

Boiler wall masonry,

equipment piping
6 10
insulation and painting
engineering evaluation

Total score:

Evaluation results:

Note 1: "Qualified": comprehensive evaluation scoring average less than 85% according to the degree that meeting the evaluation
criteria conditions; "good": scoring average 85~92%; "excellent": scoring average greater than or equal to 92%.Projects that can
not meet the evaluation criteria conditions at one time shall not be evaluated as "excellent".
Note 2: Multi-waste incineration boiler shall be evaluated respectively according to the single project of each waste incineration
boiler. All synergic system shall participate in evaluation of No. 1 waste incineration boiler.
Note 3: Each "project position (scope)" shall be evaluated according to "six evaluation contents", and scores shall be filled in this

A.8.3 As for the quality evaluation of single project, corresponding weight and unit project
weight shall be given according to the six project positions it belongs to and its importance in
the single project, and shall meet the requirements of the following table.
Project position (unit project) weight distribution table
Weight score
Weight score
Project position

Exhaust-heat boiler installation and integral air pressure test 25

Installation of incineration boiler 25

Installation of boiler fuel fired equipments, pipes and

auxiliary machinery

Installation of waste feed system 10

Installation of gas cleaning system 20

Boiler wall masonry, equipment piping insulation and

painting engineering evaluation

A.8.4 Corresponding weight shall be given for each evaluation content according to its
workload and importance in this unit project; weight distribution of each evaluation content

shall meet the requirements of the following table.
Project position (scope) evaluation item weight distribution table

Project position (scope)

Exhaust-heat Boiler wall

Installation of
boiler masonry,
No. Evaluation item Installation of boiler fuel fired Installation of Installation of
installation equipment
incineration equipment pipes waste feed gas cleaning
and integral piping
boiler and auxiliary system system
air pressure insulation and
test painting

Construction site
1 quality assurance 12 10 15 10 10 15
condition evaluation

2 Performance test 18 40 20 40 40 20

3 Quality record 30 10 20 10 10 15

Dimensional deviation
4 and actual limit 15 10 15 10 10 10

5 Appearance quality 15 10 15 10 10 28

Management and
6 10 20 15 20 20 12
performance of
compulsory provisions

Note 1: If there is nonexistent evaluation item in the table, its weight shall be calculated according to full score.Note 2: After
inspected and scored with each inspection score table, all scores shall be converted to the scores in this table, and converted to
the weight in project position (scope) weight distribution table as required.

A.8.5 Unit project evaluation provisions, evaluation contents and basic evaluation methods
shall meet the relevant requirements of 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5 in this Part. Each project position
(scope) quality evaluation report of single project shall meet the relevant requirements of 5.12
in this Part.
A.8.6 Relevant evaluation tables of general boilers shall be adopted for the evaluation table,
inspection and evaluation method and inspection criteria that are not listed in this section.
A.8.7 Inspection and evaluation items and methods for construction site quality assurance
conditions shall meet the relevant requirements of 5.4.1 in this Part.
A.8.8 Quality evaluation of incineration boiler installation engineering
1 See Table A.8.8-1 performance test evaluation table for performance test inspection
and evaluation items.
A.8.8-1 Incineration boiler installation performance test evaluation table
Project position Installation of incineration Construction
Before entering into 168h full-load trial operation
(scope) boiler stage

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation results Obtained

No. Evaluation contents Score Remark
100% 85% 70% score

1 Installation quality of high-strength bolt connection 20

2 Installation quality of grate bar 30

3 Installation quality of driving device 10

4 Concealment of incineration boiler hearth 10

Oil circulation of incineration boiler hydraulic oil

5 20

6 Installation quality of burner 10

Weight: 40
Total score:
Total obtained score:
Quality record score of incineration boiler installation engineering =Obtained score/Score40=

Evaluator (signature):

1) Performance test evaluation criteria:

Installation of high-strength bolt and connecting piece:
High-strength bolt auxiliary connecting pieces shall be complete; tightening torque shall
meet the design and without screw skip.
All wabblers of torsion-shear-type high-strength bolt shall be screwed off. Quantity of
bolts whose wabblers are not screwed off during the final screwing shall not be greater than
5% of bolt quantity at this joint after final screwing of connectors, except those whose
wabblers can not be screwed off with special spanner due to structure reasons.
Installation quality of grate bar: grate bars in the upper and lower row shall contact
smoothly; grate bar side clearance shall meet the requirements of equipment technical
Installation quality of driving device and hydraulic oil system: center deviation 3mm;
elevation deviation 3mm.
2) Performance test evaluation inspection methods:
Installation of high-strength bolt and connecting piece:
Large hexagon head high-strength bolt: inspecting by knocking with hammer (0.3kg) to
see if there is screw skip. At the same time, construction record shall be inspected.
Torsion-shear-type high-strength bolts: inspecting bolts to see if their wabblers are
screwed off. At the same time, construction record shall be inspected.
Inspection quantity: randomly inspecting 10% of nodes, but shall not be less than 10;
final-screwing torsional inspection shall be carried out for all torsion-shear-type high-strength
bolt connectors whose wabblers are not screwed off in the randomly-inspected nodes.
Installation of grate bar:
Positions of fixed rows and movable rows shall be correct through visual observation;
joints of each row of grate bar shall be staggered.
Side clearances of grate bars in the fixed rows and movable rows shall be tested with
feeler gauge and shall meet the requirements of equipment technical documents. At the same
time, construction record shall be inspected.
Inspection quantity: no less than 8 points shall be inspected randomly per row.
Installation of driving device and hydraulic oil system:

Elevation and center deviation shall meet the design. Baffle side clearance and scraper
side clearance shall be tested and inspected with feeler gauge and shall meet the requirements
of equipment technical documents. At the same time, construction record shall be inspected.
Liner connecting bolts (no less than 10 point) shall be inspected randomly with spanner.
Levelness deviation of oil station shall be tested with glass horizontal tube and shall not
be greater than 0.5 side length.
2 See Table A.8.8-2 for quality record evaluation items; quality record evaluation
methods shall meet the requirements of Article 5.4.3 in this Part.
Table A.8.8-2 Incineration boiler installation quality record evaluation table
Project position
Construction stage Before entering into 168h full-load trial operation

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation results Obtained

No. Evaluation contents Score Remark
100% 85% 70% score

Re-inspection record after fastening grate bar steel

1 10
support high-strength bolts

2 Installation record of grate bar 40

3 Installation record of driving device 20

Installation record of incineration boiler hydraulic oil

4 20

5 Installation record of incineration boiler firing system 10

Weight: 10
Total score:
Total obtained score:
Quality record score of incineration boiler installation engineering =Obtained score/Score10=

Evaluator (signature):

3 See Table A.8.8-3 for evaluation items of dimensional deviation and actual limit
measurement. Field inspection shall be carried out, and construction record shall be inspected
if necessary.
1) Inspection criteria for dimensional deviation and actual limit measurement:
Steel frame verticality and 1m elevation line:
Post verticality deviation: 1/1000 post length and 15mm; post 1m elevation line
deviation: 5mm.
Installation side clearance of grate bar: shall meet the requirements of equipment
technical documents.
Expansion clearance: shall meet the requirements of equipment technical documents.
Installation elevation of jet burner: Elevation deviation: 5mm.
2) Inspection method:
Steel frame verticality and 1m elevation line:
Taking main factory building as the reference, inspecting 1m elevation line with steel
tape and level instrument.

Steel frame verticality: random inspection; as for the post that can be tested, two
directions of the post in 90 shall be tested with theodolite and steel ruler; as for the post
incapable of field test, construction record shall be inspected.
Installation side clearance of grate bar: inspected with feeler gauge.
Expansion clearance: drawing design data shall be consulted; each expansion point of
incineration boiler shall be inspected with steel tape, and the reserved space shall be greater
than the expansion value of this point.
Installation elevation of jet burner: taking 1m elevation line as the reference, inspecting
installation elevation of jet burner with steel tape and level instrument.
Table A.8.8-3 Dimensional deviation and actual limit measurement evaluation table
Project position Installation of incineration Construction
Before entering into 168h full-load trial operation
(scope) boiler stage

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation results Obtained

No. Evaluation contents Score Remark
100% 85% 70% score

1 Steel frame verticality and 1m elevation line 15

2 Installation side clearance of grate bar 35

3 Expansion clearance 15

4 Installation elevation of jet burner 10

Installation record of incineration boiler hydraulic

oil pipes

Weight: 10
Total score:
Total obtained score:
Quality record score of incineration boiler installation engineering =Obtained score/Score10=

Evaluator (signature):

4 See Table A.8.8-4 for inspection and evaluation items for implementation
performance of compulsory provisions; evaluation methods shall meet 5.4.5 of this Part.
Table A.8.8-4 Compulsory provision management and implementation performance evaluation table
Project position Installation of incineration Construction
Before entering into 168h full-load trial operation
(scope) boiler stage

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation results Obtained

No. Evaluation contents Score Remark
100% 85% 70% score

1 Implementation plan of compulsory provisions 10

Check table on implementation performance of

2 compulsory provisions for subsection project of 50
incineration boiler main body installation

Inspection table on implementation performance
3 of compulsory provisions for subsection project of 40
incineration boiler auxiliary system installation

Weight: 20
Total score:
Total obtained score:
Quality record score of incineration boiler installation engineering =Obtained score/Score20=

Evaluator (signature):

5 See Table A.8.8-5 for appearance quality evaluation items, field inspection shall be
carried out, subsection project quality acceptance records shall be measured and inspected if
necessary, and analytical calculation shall be carried out.
1) Inspection criteria:
Ladder platform technology: ladder shall be stable, stairway ladder angle is correct;
handrail straight and even, without staggered joint, handrail joint smooth and clean, without
burr, intersection angle smooth and beautiful; brattice complete, straight and even, without
obvious roughness; upper and lower grating plate shall be arranged forming a straight line;
machine cutting shall be adopted, without scarification sign; welding normative, technology
Hydraulic oil piping layout technology: integral layout shall be reasonable, pipe gradient
and vergence direction shall be reasonable, distance between pipes in rows shall be the same,
bending radian shall be consistent, in a line in the longitudinal direction, types of pipe fittings
in the same area shall be consistent; piping layout shall not influence the passage, without
sweeping pipes; pipes shall be fixed firmly and not influencing expansion; types of water
drain funnels shall be unified, elevation shall be consistent when arranged in rows, in a line in
the longitudinal direction.
Supporter and hanger installation technology: installed regularly and beautifully,
expansion direction shall meet the design; auxiliaries shall be installed completely, all bolts
shall expose 2~3 thread pitch of the nut, with looseness proof measures; layout shall not
influence passage, shall not pass through cable bridge frame and equipment piping insulation
layer; welded joint shaping shall be good and beautiful, without defects.
2) Inspection method:
Ladder platform technology: field observation; actual measurement shall be carried out
on the positions with obvious deviation for handrail post verticality, platform planeness and
cross rod flatness.
Layout technology for small diameter pipes such as drainage, emptying and sampling:
field observation; actual measurement shall be carried out on the positions with obvious
deviation for pipe verticality, flatness and gradient.
Supporter and hanger installation technology: field observation.
Table A.8.8-5 Appearance quality evaluation table
Installation of incineration Construction
position Before entering into 168h full-load trial operation
boiler stage

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation results Obtained

No. Evaluation contents Score Remark
100% 85% 70% score

1 Platform staircase technology 20

2 Hydraulic oil piping layout technology 40

3 Supporter and hanger installation technology 30

4 Weld appearance technology 10

Weight: 10
Total score:
Total obtained score:
Quality record score of incineration boiler installation engineering =Obtained score/Score10=

Evaluator (signature):

A.8.9 Waste feed system installation evaluation:

1 See Table A.8.9-1 for performance test evaluation items with the evaluation methods
as follows:
1) Inspection criteria:
Bivalve flapper valve and stowing tool installation quality: flange bolts shall be fastened
uniformly and sealed meeting the design requirements.
Oil circulation in the hydraulic oil pipe: temporary oil tank and oil loading implement
shall be cleaned qualified, confirmation and signature shall be transacted, manhole shall be
added with gasket correctly, bolts shall be fastened uniformly, and exposed length of screw
thread shall be consistent. Oil analysis shall meet the requirements of equipment technical
Feed hopper leakage test: closeness and inleakage.
Segmental trial operation of stowing tool: entire grate bar shall motion normally without
blocking phenomenon.
2) Inspection method:
Bivalve flapper valve and stowing tool installation quality: randomly inspected with
spanner, no less than 6 points per side.
Oil circulation in the hydraulic oil pipe: oil sample shall be selected and submitted
outside for inspection, and inspection record shall be checked.
Feed hopper leakage test: observing through kerosene leakage test.
Segmental trial operation of stowing tool: temperature and current values shall be
observed and recorded.
Table A.8.9-1 Performance test evaluation table
Installation of waste feed Construction
position Before entering into 168h full-load trial operation
system stage

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

No. Evaluation contents Score Evaluation results Obtained Remark

100% 85% 70% score

1 Bivalve flapper valve installation quality 10

2 Stowing tool installation quality 10

3 Oil circulation in hydraulic oil pipe 20

4 Feed hopper leakage test 30

5 Segmental trial operation of stowing tool 30

Weight: 40
Total score:
Total obtained score:
Quality record score of waste feed system installation engineering =Obtained score/Score40=

Evaluator (signature):

2 See Table A.8.9-2 for quality record evaluation items; quality record evaluation
methods shall meet the requirements of Article 5.4.3 in this Part.:
Table A.8.9-2 Quality record evaluation table
Installation of waste feed
position Construction stage Before entering into 168h full-load trial operation

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation results Obtained Remark

No. Evaluation contents Score
100% 85% 70% score

Installation record of waste discharge door

1 10
hydraulic oil pipeline

Oil circulation record of waste discharge door

2 30
hydraulic oil pipeline

3 Installation record of bivalve flapper valve 20

4 Trial operation record of stowing tool 40

Weight: 10
Total score:
Total obtained score:
Quality record score of waste feed system installation engineering =Obtained score/Score10=

Evaluator (signature):

3 See Table A.8.9-3 for dimensional deviation and actual limit measurement evaluation
1) Inspection criteria:
Feed hopper installation deviation: vertical and horizontal center deviation: 5mm,
hopper upper opening elevation deviation 10mm, hopper upper opening horizontal deviation
0.5 side length.
Bivalve flapper valve and stowing tool installation deviation: flange bolts shall be

fastened uniformly and sealed meeting the design requirements.
2) Inspection method:
Feed hopper installation deviation: taking the boiler center line as the reference stayguy,
measuring with a steel ruler, taking the factory building datum elevation as the reference,
elevation deviation and upper opening horizontal deviation shall be measured with level
instrument or glass horizontal tube.
Bivalve flapper valve and stowing tool installation deviation: four sides shall be
randomly inspected with spanner, no less than 6 points per side.
Table A.8.9-3 Dimensional deviation and actual limit measurement evaluation table
Project position Installation of waste feed Construction
Before entering into 168h full-load trial operation
(scope) system stage

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation results Obtained

No. Evaluation contents Score Remark
100% 85% 70% score

1 Feed hopper installation deviation 20

2 Bivalve flapper valve installation deviation 35

3 Stowing tool installation deviation 45

Weight: 10

Total score:
Evaluation Total obtained score:
results Quality record score of incineration boiler installation engineering =Obtained score/Score10=

Evaluator (signature):

4 See Table A.8.9-4 for inspection and evaluation items for implementation
performance of compulsory provisions; evaluation methods shall meet 5.4.5 of this Part.
Table A.8.9-4 Compulsory provision management and implementation performance evaluation table
Project position Installation of waste feed Construction
Before entering into 168h full-load trial operation
(scope) system stage

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation results Obtained

No. Evaluation contents Score Remark
100% 85% 70% score

1 Implementation plan of compulsory provisions 10

Check table on implementation performance of

2 compulsory provisions for subsection project of 90
waste feed system installation

Weight: 20
Total score:
Total obtained score:
Quality record score of waste feed system installation engineering =Obtained score/Score20=

Evaluator (signature):

5 See Table A.8.9-5 for appearance quality evaluation items, field inspection shall be
carried out, subsection project quality acceptance records shall be measured and inspected if
necessary, and analytical calculation shall be carried out.
1) Inspection criteria:
Discharge door installation technology: shall be opened and closed flexibly, discharge
door and door frame shall contact tightly.
Hydraulic oil piping layout technology: integral layout shall be reasonable, pipe gradient
and vergence direction shall be reasonable, distance between pipes in rows shall be the same,
bending radian shall be consistent, in a line in the longitudinal direction, types of pipe fittings
in the same area shall be consistent; piping layout shall not influence the passage, without
sweeping pipes; pipes shall be fixed firmly and not influencing expansion; types of water
drain funnels shall be unified, elevation shall be consistent when arranged in rows, in a line in
the longitudinal direction.
Supporter and hanger installation technology: installed regularly and beautifully,
expansion direction shall meet the design; auxiliaries shall be installed completely, all bolts
shall expose 2~3 thread pitch of the nut, with looseness proof measures; layout shall not
influence passage, shall not pass through cable bridge frame and equipment piping insulation
layer; welded joint shaping shall be good and beautiful, without defects.
2) Inspection method:
Discharge door installation technology: observation.
Hydraulic oil piping layout technology: field observation; actual measurement shall be
carried out on the positions with obvious deviation for pipe verticality, flatness and gradient.
Supporter and hanger installation technology: field observation.
Table A.8.9-5 Appearance quality evaluation table
Project position Installation of waste feed Construction
Before entering into 168h full-load trial operation
(scope) system stage

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation results Obtained Remark

No. Evaluation contents Score
100% 85% 70% score

1 Discharge door installation technology 30

2 Hydraulic oil piping layout technology 40

3 Supporter and hanger installation technology 20

4 Weld appearance technology 10

Weight: 10
Total score:
Total obtained score:
Quality record score of waste feed system installation engineering =Obtained score/Score10=

Evaluator (signature):

A.8.10 Gas cleaning system installation evaluation:

1 See Table A.8.10-1 performance test evaluation table for performance test evaluation
1) Inspection criteria:
Installation quality of high-strength bolt and connecting piece:
High-strength bolt auxiliary connecting pieces shall be complete; tightening torque shall
meet the design and without screw skip.
All wabblers of torsion-shear-type high-strength bolt shall be screwed off. Amount of
bolts whose wabblers are not screwed off during the final screwing shall not be greater than
5% of bolt amount at this joint after final screwing of connectors, except those whose
wabblers can not be screwed off with special spanner due to structure reasons.
Reaction tower installation quality: allowable tolerance of maximum and minimum drum
diameter shall not be greater than 25mm; drum verticality shall not be greater than 12mm;
drum surface ellipticity deviation shall not be greater than 3mm.
Dust remover installation quality: allowable tolerance of brace verticality shall be 1/1000
of its height and shall not be greater than 10mm; allowable tolerance of elevation is 5mm;
beam levelness deviation shall not be greater than 5mm.Shell shall be tight and leakless.
Dust remover filter bag installation quality: bag cage shall be vertical, surrounding
clearances shall be uniform.
2) Inspection method:
Installation quality of high-strength bolt and connecting piece:
Large hexagon head high strength bolt: inspecting by knocking with hammer (0.3kg) to
see if there is screw skip. At the same time, construction record shall be inspected.
Torsion-shear-type high strength bolts: inspecting bolts to see if their wabblers have been
screwed off. At the same time, construction record shall be inspected.
Inspection quantity: randomly inspecting 10% of nodes, but shall not be less than 10;
final-screwing torsional inspection shall be carried out for all torsion-shear-type high strength
bolt connectors whose wabblers are not screwed off in the randomly-inspected nodes.
Reaction tower installation quality: measuring with steel tape; suspending plumb,
verticality shall be inspected with steel ruler.
Dust remover installation quality: brace verticality: suspending plumb, inspecting with
steel ruler.
Elevation and beam levelness: measured with glass horizontal tube or level instrument.
Dust remover filter bag installation quality: observation.
Table A.8.10-1 Performance test evaluation table
Project position Construction
Installation of gas cleaning system Before entering into 168h full-load trial operation
(scope) stage

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation results Obtained

No. Evaluation contents Score Remark
100% 85% 70% score

1 Installation quality of high-strength bolt connection 10

2 Reaction tower installation quality 10

3 Dust remover installation quality 20

4 Dust remover filter bag installation quality 20

5 Trial operation of auxiliary machinery 40

Weight: 40
Total score:
Total obtained score:
Quality record score of gas cleaning system installation engineering =Obtained score/Score40=

Evaluator (signature):

2 See Table A.8.10-2 for quality record evaluation items; quality record evaluation
methods shall meet the requirements of Article 5.4.3 in this Part.
Table A.8.10-2 Quality record evaluation table
Project position Installation of gas cleaning Construction
Before entering into 168h full-load trial operation
(scope) system stage

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation results Obtained

No. Evaluation contents Score Remark
100% 85% 70% score

1 Installation record of reaction tower 20

Installation record of auxiliary facilities in the

2 10
purifying area

3 Installation record of bag-type dust remover 40

4 Installation record of auxiliary machinery 30

Weight: 10
Total score:
Total obtained score:
Quality record score of gas cleaning system installation engineering=Obtained score/Score10=

Evaluator (signature):

3 See Table A.8.10-3 for dimensional deviation and actual limit measurement
evaluation table for dimensional deviation and actual limit measurement evaluation items.
1) Inspection criteria:
Installation of reaction tower steel structure:
Post verticality deviation: 1/1000 post length and 15mm;
Post 1m elevation line deviation: 5mm.

Reaction tower shell and dust remover shell installation: vertical and horizontal center
line deviation shall not be greater than 10mm; levelness deviation of tower tray shall not be
greater than 15mm; flexibility deviation after tower body is installed shall not be greater than
Dust remover filter bag installation: bag cage shall be vertical, surrounding clearances
shall be uniform.
Auxiliary machinery installation: center line deviation 10mm; elevation deviation
2) Inspection method:
Reaction tower steel structure installation: verticality shall be inspected randomly; as for
the post that can be tested, two directions of the post in 90 shall be tested with theodolite and
steel ruler; as for the post incapable of field test, construction record shall be inspected.1m
elevation line: Measuring with level instrument or glass horizontal tube with the datum
elevation of factory building as the reference.
Reaction tower shell and dust remover shell installation:
Vertical and horizontal center line deviation; testing with steel tape with reference line
axis of factory building as the reference.
Levelness deviation of tower tray: measuring with level instrument or glass horizontal
Flexibility deviation after tower body is installed: suspending plumb, measuring with
steel ruler.
Table A.8.10-3 Dimensional deviation and actual limit measurement evaluation table
position Installation of gas cleaning system Before entering into 168h full-load trial operation

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation results Obtained

No. Evaluation contents Score Remark
100% 85% 70% score

1 Installation of reaction tower steel structure 25

2 Installation of reaction tower shell 35

3 Installation of dust remover shell 15

4 Installation of dust remover filter bag 10

5 Installation of auxiliary machinery 15

Weight: 10
Total score:
Total obtained score:
Quality record score of incineration boiler installation engineering =Obtained score/Score10=

Evaluator (signature):

4 See Table A.8.10-4 for inspection and evaluation items for implementation
performance of compulsory provisions; evaluation methods shall meet 5.4.5 of this Part.

Table A.8.10-4 Compulsory provision management and implementation performance evaluation table
position Installation of gas cleaning system Before entering into 168h full-load trial operation

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation results Obtained

No. Evaluation contents Score Remark
100% 85% 70% score

1 Implementation plan of compulsory provisions 10

Check table on implementation performance of

2 compulsory provisions for subsection project of 90
equipment installation in gas cleaning system

Weight: 20
Total score:
Total obtained score:
Quality record score of gas cleaning system installation engineering=Obtained score/Score20=

Evaluator (signature):

5 See Table A.8.10-5 for appearance quality evaluation items, field inspection shall be
carried out, subsection project quality acceptance records shall be measured and inspected if
necessary, and analytical calculation shall be carried out.
1) Inspection criteria:
Ladder platform technology: ladder shall be stable, stairway ladder angle is correct;
handrail straight and even, without staggered joint, handrail joint smooth and clean, without
burr, intersection angle smooth and beautiful; brattice complete, straight and even, without
obvious roughness; upper and lower grating plate shall be arranged forming a straight line;
machine cutting shall be adopted, without scarification sign; welding normative, technology
Piping layout technology: integral layout shall be reasonable, pipe gradient and vergence
direction shall be reasonable, distance between pipes in rows shall be the same, bending
radian shall be consistent, in a line in the longitudinal direction, types of pipe fittings in the
same area shall be consistent; piping layout shall not influence the passage, without sweeping
pipes; pipes shall be fixed firmly and not influencing expansion; types of water drain funnels
shall be unified, elevation shall be consistent when arranged in rows, in a line in the
longitudinal direction.
Supporter and hanger installation technology: installed regularly and beautifully,
expansion direction shall meet the design; auxiliaries shall be installed completely, all bolts
shall expose 2~3 thread pitch of the nut, with looseness proof measures; layout shall not
influence passage, shall not pass through cable bridge frame and equipment piping insulation
layer; welded joint shaping shall be good and beautiful, without defects.
2) Inspection method:
Ladder platform technology: field observation; actual measurement shall be carried out
on the positions with obvious deviation for handrail post verticality, platform planeness and

cross rod flatness.
Piping layout technology: field observation; actual measurement shall be carried out on
the positions with obvious deviation for pipe verticality, flatness and gradient.
Supporter and hanger installation technology: field observation.
Table A.8.10-5 Appearance quality evaluation table
position Installation of gas cleaning system Before entering into 168h full-load trial operation

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation results Obtained

No. Evaluation contents Score Remark
100% 85% 70% score

1 Platform staircase technology 30

2 Piping layout technology 40

3 Supporter and hanger installation technology 20

4 Weld appearance technology 10

Weight: 10
Total score:
Total obtained score:
Quality record score of gas cleaning system installation engineering=Obtained score/Score10=

Evaluator (signature):

Annex B


Installation of Biomass Incineration Boiler

B.1 General Requirements
B.1.1 This Annex is applicable to the quality acceptance of biomass incineration station
B.1.2 Particular inspection and evaluation information for installing this type of boiler is
listed in this Annex, and contents in the relevant unit project of this Part are quoted for other
part acceptance.
B.1.3 As the feeding equipments of biomass incineration boiler are various, if equipments
not involved in this section or not listed in other unit project appear in the actual installation
and acceptance, their acceptance criteria shall be determined according to the manufacturer's
B.1.4 Chain conveyer, distributor, weighing conveyer, sealed conveyer, buffering conveyer,
quantitative conveyer, and constant feeder are applicable to the packing-type feed system.
Spiral charging machine, belt conveyer and bucket elevator are applicable to the bulk material
feed system. Bulk material conveyer belt system involved in the construction shall be
enforced in accordance with the relevant criteria in the installation of coal conveyer belt
B.1.5 Inspection table of corresponding compulsory provision implementation performance
for each unit project in Chapter 4 of this Part is also applicable to the installation of
corresponding equipments in this project, so they are not listed one by one herein.
B.1.6 Contents of starting boiler shall be enforced according to corresponding standards,
which are not listed specifically.
B.1.7 See Table B.1.7 for quality acceptance scope division table
Table B.1.7 Biomass incineration station boiler installation quality acceptance scope division table

Project number Acceptance organization

Number of quality
Unit Subsection Subitem Project name Property Supervision Design Manufacturing Development
Inspection lot Construction organization acceptance table
project project project organization organization organization organization

01 Installation of boiler body

01 Installation of main body parts

01 Installation of steel frame

01 Lineation of boiler foundation and installation of post baseplate Dominant Table 4.4.1

Aggregate installation of boiler bottom, boiler rear and

02 Dominant Table B.2.1
downcomer bottom bracing

Table 4.4.3
Table 4.4.4
03 Installation of steel frame beam and post Dominant Table 4.4.5
Table 4.4.6
Table 4.3.4

Table 4.4.4
04 Re-inspection and alignment of entire steel frame Dominant Table 4.4.5
Table 4.4.6

05 Secondary grouting of post base Dominant Table 4.4.7

02 Installation of metal guard plate and sealing parts

01 Installation of guard plate Table 4.4.37

02 Installation of heating surface sealing member Table 4.4.39

03 Installation of boiler main body door opening Table 4.4.40

Installation of spiral finned-tube-type air preheater Dominant

03 01 Installation of spiral finned-tube-type air preheater Table B.2.2

02 Installation of preheater turning box (connection box) Table 4.4.20

04 Installation of platform and ladder

Table 4.4.13
01 Inspection and installation of platform and ladder
Table 4.4.14

05 Installation of slag well and ash bucket

01 Installation of slag well Dominant Table 4.4.41

02 Combination of ash bucket Table 4.4.42

03 Installation of ash bucket Table 4.4.42

06 Installation of combustion equipment

01 Inspection of oil burner Dominant Table 4.4.45

02 Installation of oil burner Dominant Table 4.4.46

02 Installation of heating surface

01 Installation of steam drum

01 Inspection and lineation of steam drum Dominant Table 4.4.51

02 Installation of steam drum Dominant Table 4.4.52

03 Installation of drum internals Dominant Table 4.4.54

02 Installation of water cooled wall

01 Inspection of heating surface Dominant Table 4.3.7

02 Installation of header Dominant Table 4.3.10

Table 4.3.9
03 Combination of water cooled wall Dominant
Table 4.4.55

Installation of assembly parts of water cooled wall and water Table 4.3.9
04 Dominant
cooled grate Table 4.4.55

Table 4.3.9
05 Installation of water cooled wall downcomer
Table 4.4.59

Table 4.3.9
06 Installation of connecting pipe
Table 4.4.59

03 Installation of superheater

Table 4.3.9
01 Combination of Class I superheater Dominant
Table 4.4.62

Table 4.3.9
02 Installation of Class I superheater assembly parts Dominant
Table 4.4.63

Table 4.3.9
03 Combination of Class II superheater Dominant
Table 4.4.62

Table 4.3.9
04 Installation of Class II superheater assembly parts Dominant
Table 4.4.63

01 Table 4.3.9
05 Installation of Class III superheater Dominant
Table 4.4.61

Table 4.3.9
06 Installation of Class IV superheater Dominant
Table 4.4.61

07 Installation of Class I desuperheater Dominant Table 4.3.10

08 Installation of Class II desuperheater Dominant Table 4.3.10

09 Installation of Class III desuperheater Dominant Table 4.3.10

Table 4.3.9
10 Installation of superheater connecting pipe Dominant
Table 4.4.59

Installation of flue gas cooler (high-low temperature)

01 Installation of flue gas cooler Dominant Table B.2.3

05 Installation of economizer

Table 4.3.9
01 Installation of economizer Dominant
Table 4.4.68

02 Installation of economizer connecting pipe Table 4.4.59

06 Hydrostatic test for entire boiler

01 Hydrostatic test for entire boiler Dominant Table 4.4.72

03 Installation of boiler auxiliary pipes and equipments

01 Installation of water supply pipe

Table 4.3.9
01 Installation of water supply pipe
Table 4.4.59

02 Installation of desuperheating water pipe

Table 4.3.9
01 Installation of desuperheating water pipe
Table 4.4.59

03 Installation of blowdown pipes and equipments

Table 4.3.8
01 Installation of intermittent blowdown pipe Table 4.3.9
Table 4.4.80

Table 4.3.8
02 Installation of continuous blowdown pipe Table 4.3.9
Table 4.4.80

03 Installation of intermittent blowdown flash tank Table 4.4.81

04 Installation of water supply, drainage and air release pipes

Table 4.3.8
01 Installation of emergency drainage pipe Table 4.3.9
Table 4.4.80

Table 4.3.8
02 Installation of drainage pipe
Table 4.4.80

Table 4.3.8
03 Installation of air release pipe Table 4.3.9
Table 4.4.80

01 05 Installation of steam exhaust pipe

Table 4.3.8
01 Installation of safety valve steam exhaust pipe Table 4.3.9
Table 4.4.80

Table 4.3.8
02 Installation of ignition steam exhaust pipe Table 4.3.9
Table 4.4.80

03 Installation of flash tank steam exhaust pipe Table 4.3.8

Table 4.3.9

Table 4.4.80

Table 4.3.8
04 Installation of sootblowing steam exhaust pipe Table 4.3.9
Table 4.4.80

06 Installation of soot blower device

01 Installation of soot blower Table 4.4.82

Table 4.3.8
02 Installation of sootblowing steam pipe Table 4.3.9
Table 4.4.80

07 Installation of sampling pipes and equipments

DL/T 5210.5-2009 Table

01 Installation of sampling cooler
4.5.2 and Table 4.5.3

DL/T 5210.5-2009 Table

02 Installation of sampling pipe
4.5.2 and Table 4.5.3

08 Installation of chemical feed pipe and equipment

DL/T 5210.5-2009 Table

01 Installation of chemical feed box (tank)
DL/T 5210.5-2009 Table

02 Installation of chemical feed pipe DL/T 5210.5-2009 Table

DL/T 5210.5-2009 Table


09 Installation of boiler service water pipe

DL/T 5210.5-2009 Table

01 Installation of boiler service water pipe
DL/T 5210.5-2009 Table

10 Installation of internal and external flushing and dust removal

water pipe of the boiler room

DL/T 5210.5-2009 Table

Installation of internal and external flushing and dust removal 4.5.2
water pipe of the boiler room DL/T 5210.5-2009 Table

01 03 11 Installation of compressed air pipe

DL/T 5210.5-2009 Table

01 Installation of compressed air pipe
DL/T 5210.5-2009 Table

12 Installation of boiler body auxiliaries

01 Installation of steam drum water gauge Dominant Table 4.4.83

02 Installation of safety valve Dominant Table 4.4.85

03 Installation of pressure gauge Table 4.4.86

04 Installation of expansion indicator Dominant Table 4.4.87

04 Installation of smoke air duct and auxiliary facilities

01 Installation of flue

01 Production of flue square pipe Table 4.4.89

02 Production of flue square elbow Table 4.4.89

03 Combination of flue Table 4.4.89

04 Installation of flue Table 4.4.89

05 Installation of flue operating devices Table 4.4.90

02 Installation of hot air duct

01 Combination of hot air duct Table 4.4.89

02 Installation of hot air duct Table 4.4.89

03 Installation of hot air duct operating devices Table 4.4.90

03 Installation of cold air duct

01 Combination and installation of cold air duct Table 4.4.89

02 Installation of cold air duct operating devices Table 4.4.90

02 Installation of boiler unit dust removing device

01 Installation of bag-type dust remover

01 Installation of bag-type dust remover

01 Lineation of bag-type dust remover foundation and installation of Dominant Table 4.4.1

stone bolt Table 4.4.2

Table 4.4.4
02 Aggregate installation of bag-type dust remover steel frame
Table 4.4.5

03 Secondary grouting of bag-type dust remover foundation Dominant Table 4.4.7

04 Installation of bag-type dust remover rain-proof shed Table 4.4.39

Installation of bag-type dust remover inlet/outlet speaking

05 Table 4.4.42

06 Installation of bag-type dust remover drum Table 4.4.37

Table 4.4.13
07 Installation of bag-type dust remover ladder and platform
Table 4.4.14

08 Installation of bag-type dust remover card Table 4.5.8

09 Installation of filter bag and bag cage Dominant Table 4.5.9

02 Equipment arrangement

01 Installation of rotary injection device Table 4.5.7

02 Segmental trial operation of rotary injection device Dominant Table 4.3.14

03 Installation of scraper unit Table 4.8.30

04 Segmental trial operation of scraper unit Dominant Table 4.3.14

03 Air pressure test for entire boiler

01 Air pressure test for entire boiler

01 Air pressure test for entire boiler

01 Air pressure test for entire boiler Table 4.6.1

04 Installation of boiler fuel fired equipments and pipes

01 Installation of boiler fuel fired equipments and pipes

01 Installation of oil tank and auxiliaries

Table 4.7.1
01 Installation of oil tank and auxiliaries
Table 4.7.2

02 Installation of oil supply equipments and pipes

01 Installation of oil supply equipments and pipes

01 Installation of screw pump Table 4.7.5

02 Segmental trial operation of screw pump Table 4.7.11

03 Installation of centrifugal pump Table 4.7.9

04 Segmental trial operation of centrifugal pump Table 4.7.11

05 Installation of fuel oil heater and filter Table 4.7.10

06 Installation of oil supply pipe Table 4.7.12

05 Installation of boiler auxiliary machinery

01 Blower installation

Blower installation Dominant

Lineation for foundation inspection and installation of iron

01 Table 4.3.11
gasket and stone bolt

Table 4.8.23
02 Blower installation
Table 4.8.24

03 Motor installation Table 4.8.25

04 Coupling installation Table 4.3.12

05 Installation of oil system Table 4.8.26

06 Segmental trial operation of blower Dominant Table 4.3.14

02 Installation of suction blower

01 Installation of suction blower Dominant

Lineation for foundation inspection and installation of iron

01 Table 4.3.11
gasket and stone bolt

Table 4.8.23
02 Installation of draught fan
Table 4.8.24

03 Motor installation Table 4.8.25

04 Coupling installation Table 4.3.12

05 Installation of oil system Table 4.8.26

06 Segmental trial operation of suction blower Dominant Table 4.3.14

03 Installation of scraper submerged chain conveyer

01 Installation of scraper submerged chain conveyer

Lineation for foundation inspection and installation of iron

01 Table 4.3.11
gasket and stone bolt

02 Installation of scraper submerged chain conveyer Dominant Table 4.8.41

03 Segmental trial operation of scraper submerged chain conveyer Dominant Table 4.3.14

04 Installation of chain scraper conveyer

01 Installation of chain scraper conveyer

Lineation for foundation inspection and installation of iron

01 Table 4.3.11
gasket and stone bolt

02 Installation of chain scraper conveyer Dominant Table 4.8.43

03 Segmental trial operation of chain scraper conveyer Dominant Table 4.3.14

05 Installation of sump pump

01 Installation of sump pump

Lineation for foundation inspection and installation of iron

01 Table 4.3.11
gasket and stone bolt

02 Installation of sump pump Table 4.8.44

05 03 Segmental trial operation of sump pump Dominant Table 4.3.14

06 Installation of vibration driving device

01 Installation of vibration driving device

01 Installation of vibration driving device Table B.2.4

02 Segmental trial operation of vibration driving device Dominant Table 4.3.14

06 Installation of feed system

01 Installation of feed system frame

01 Feed system foundation lineation and iron gasket installation

01 Feed system foundation lineation and iron gasket installation Dominant Table B.2.5

02 Aggregate installation of feed system frame

Table 4.4.4
02 Aggregate installation of feed system frame Dominant
Table 4.4.5

03 Secondary grouting of feed system foundation

03 Secondary grouting of feed system foundation Table 4.4.7

04 Installation of platform and ladder

Table 4.4.13
04 Installation of platform and ladder
Table 4.4.14

02 Installation of feeding equipment

01 Installation of distributor

01 Installation of distributor Dominant Table B.2.6

02 Segmental trial operation of distributor Dominant Table 4.3.14

02 Installation of weighing conveyer

01 Installation of weighing conveyer Dominant Table B.2.8

02 Segmental trial operation of weighing conveyer Dominant Table 4.3.14

03 Installation of sealed conveyer

01 Installation of sealed conveyer Dominant Table B.2.7

02 Segmental trial operation of sealed conveyer Dominant Table 4.3.14

04 Installation of buffering conveyer

01 Installation of buffering conveyer Dominant Table B.2.8

02 Segmental trial operation of buffering conveyer Dominant Table 4.3.14

05 Installation of constant feeding conveyer

06 02 05 01 Installation of constant feeding conveyer Dominant Table B.2.8

02 Segmental trial operation of constant feeding conveyer Dominant Table 4.3.14

06 Installation of constant feeder

01 Installation of constant feeder Dominant Table B.2.8

02 Segmental trial operation of constant feeder Dominant Table 4.3.14

07 Installation of crusher

01 Installation of crusher Dominant Table B.2.9

02 Segmental trial operation of crusher Dominant Table 4.3.14

08 Installation of feeder

01 Installation of feeder Dominant Table B.2.8

02 Segmental trial operation of feeder Dominant Table 4.3.14

09 Installation of chain conveyer

01 Installation of chain conveyer Dominant Table B.2.8

02 Segmental trial operation of chain conveyer Dominant Table 4.3.14

10 Installation of water jacket, water jacket cooling water pipe and

fire door

01 Installation of water jacket and water jacket cooling water pipe Dominant Table B.2.10

02 Installation of fire door Dominant Table 4.4.40

11 Straight line screw conveyer

01 Installation of straight line screw conveyer Table B.2.11

02 Trial operation of straight line screw conveyer Table 4.3.14

12 Bucket elevator

01 Installation of bucket elevator Table B.2.12

02 Trial operation of bucket elevator Table 4.3.14

13 Screw conveyer

01 Installation of screw conveyer Table B.2.13

02 Trial operation of screw conveyer Table 4.3.14

07 Boiler wall masonry

01 Boiler body masonry

01 Boiler body masonry

Table 4.12.1-1
01 Membrane wall boiler wall Dominant
Table 4.12.1-2

02 Superheater boiler wall Dominant Table 4.12.2

03 Boiler wall of economizer Table 4.12.4

04 Boiler top wall Dominant Table 4.12.3

05 Boiler wall of door opening Table 4.12.6

08 Thermal equipment and piping insulation in the whole plant

01 Boiler equipment and piping insulation

01 Boiler room equipment thermal insulation

01 Membrane wall boiler wall thermal insulation Dominant Table 4.13.1

Table 4.13.2
02 Steam drum thermal insulation Dominant
Table 4.13.3

Table 4.13.2
03 Boiler main body header thermal insulation
Table 4.13.3

04 Air preheater thermal insulation Dominant Table 4.13.1

Table 4.13.2
05 Thermal insulation of intermittent blowdown flash tank
Table 4.13.3

06 Ash bucket thermal insulation Table 4.13.3

Table 4.13.3
07 Draught fan thermal insulation
Table 4.13.4

Table 4.13.3
08 Flue thermal insulation
Table 4.13.4

Table 4.13.3
09 Hot air duct thermal insulation
Table 4.13.4

10 Boiler water tank thermal insulation Table 4.13.3

11 Electric dust remover thermal insulation Dominant Table 4.13.3

02 Boiler piping insulation

01 Downcomer thermal insulation Table 4.13.6

02 Evaporating pipe thermal insulation Table 4.13.6

03 Superheater connection pipe thermal insulation Dominant Table 4.13.6

04 Water supply pipe thermal insulation Dominant Table 4.13.7

05 Re-circulating pipe thermal insulation Table 4.13.6

06 Emergency drainage pipe thermal insulation Table 4.13.6

Table 4.13.6
07 Desuperheating water pipe thermal insulation
Table 4.13.12

Table 4.13.6
08 Boiler drainage pipe thermal insulation
Table 4.13.12

08 01 02 09 Boiler blowdown pipe thermal insulation Table 4.13.6

Table 4.13.5
10 Soot blowing pipe thermal insulation
Table 4.13.6

Table 4.13.6
11 Sampling pipe thermal insulation Table 4.13.12
Table 4.13.13

12 Steam heating pipe thermal insulation Table 4.13.6

Thermal insulation of oil supply and return pipe in the boiler

13 Table 4.13.6

14 Thermal insulation of equipment and pipe in the oil pump room Table 4.13.6

Table 4.13.6
15 Boiler thermal meter pipe thermal insulation
Table 4.13.12

Table 4.13.13
16 Boiler valve and flange thermal insulation
Table 4.13.14

02 Steam turbine equipment and pipe thermal insulation

01 Turbine room equipment thermal insulation

Table 4.13.8
Table 4.13.9
01 Steam turbine main body thermal insulation Dominant
Table 4.13.10
Table 4.13.11

Table 4.13.2
02 High-pressure heater thermal insulation
Table 4.13.3

Table 4.13.2
03 Low-pressure heater thermal insulation
Table 4.13.3

Table 4.13.2
04 Thermal insulation of deaerator and deaerator water tank
Table 4.13.3

02 Turbine room pipe thermal insulation

01 Main stream pipe thermal insulation Dominant Table 4.13.7

02 All-level steam extraction pipe thermal insulation Table 4.13.6

Thermal insulation of heating steam, gland sealing steam and

03 Table 4.13.6
valve stem steam leakage pipe

04 Water supply pipe thermal insulation Dominant Table 4.13.7

05 Condensed water pipe thermal insulation Table 4.13.6

Table 4.13.6
06 High-pressure heater drainage pipe thermal insulation
Table 4.13.12

Table 4.13.5
07 Thermal insulation of drainage pipe in the turbine room
Table 4.13.6

Table 4.13.5
08 Thermal insulation of main throttle valve and steam lead pipe Dominant
Table 4.13.6

Table 4.13.13
09 Steam turbine valve and flange thermal insulation
Table 4.13.14

Chemical water equipment and pipe thermal insulation

08 01 Chemical water equipment and pipe thermal insulation

01 Chemical water equipment thermal insulation Table 4.13.3

Table 4.13.6
02 Chemical water pipe thermal insulation
Table 4.13.12

09 Painting of equipment and pipe in the whole plant

01 Painting of equipment and pipe in the boiler room

01 Painting of equipment in the boiler room

01 Painting of equipment metal surface in the boiler room Table 4.14.2

02 Painting of boiler body and tail steel frame Table 4.14.2

03 Painting of smoke air duct metal surface Table 4.14.2

02 Painting of boiler room pipe

Table 4.14.2
01 Painting of boiler room pipe
Table 4.14.4

02 Painting of boiler room supporter and hanger Table 4.14.2

02 Painting of equipment and pipe in the boiler room and deaerator


01 Painting of equipment in the turbine room and deaerator room

Painting of equipment metal surface in the turbine room and

01 Table 4.14.2
deaerator room

Painting of equipment thermal insulation rendering coat in the

02 Table 4.14.1
turbine room and deaerator room

02 Painting of pipe in the turbine room and deaerator room

Table 4.14.2
Table 4.14.4
01 Painting of pipe in the turbine room and deaerator room
Table 4.14.5
Table 4.14.6

Painting of supporter and hanger in the turbine room and

02 Table 4.14.2
deaerator room

Table 4.14.2
Table 4.14.4
03 Painting of service water pipe metal surface
Table 4.14.5
Table 4.14.6

03 Painting of chemical water equipment and pipe

01 Painting of chemical water equipment

01 Painting of chemical water equipment metal surface Table 4.14.2

02 Painting of chemical water pipe

Table 4.14.2
Table 4.14.4
01 Painting of chemical water pipe
Table 4.14.5
Table 4.14.6

09 04 Painting of equipment pipes in the fuel pump room and ignition


01 Painting of equipments in the fuel pump room

01 Painting of equipment metal surface in the fuel pump room Table 4.14.2

02 Painting of fuel oil ignition system pipe

Table 4.14.2
Table 4.14.4
01 Painting of fuel oil ignition system pipe
Table 4.14.5
Table 4.14.6

05 Painting of air compressor plant, dust remover equipment and

ash removal system

01 Painting of equipment pipe in the air compressor plant

01 Painting of equipment pipe in the air compressor plant Table 4.14.2

02 Painting of dust remover equipment

01 Painting of dust remover steel structure Table 4.14.2

02 Painting of dust remover equipment Table 4.14.2

06 Painting of circulating water pipe

01 Painting of circulating water pipe

Table 4.14.2
Table 4.14.4
01 Painting of circulating water pipe Dominant
Table 4.14.5
Table 4.14.6

B.2 Installation of biomass incineration boiler
B.2.1 Installation of supporting structures at the bottom of boiler heating surface:
1 Application scope: installation of supporting structures at the bottom of boiler
heating surface in the biomass incineration boiler.
2 See Table B.2.1 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table B.2.1 Installation of supporting structures at the bottom of boiler heating surface
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting Table 4.3.1 and 4.3.2 in

Equipment inspection Observation
this Part

Measuring post cylinder center

line taking post knuckle line as
Correct method and definite
Lineation the reference and 1m datum
elevation according to E.2 in this

Length8m mm Maximum: 0; minimum: -4

Length15m mm Maximum: 2; minimum: -6 Testing with a steel ruler

Drawing wire or suspending

Flexibility deviation Dominant mm 1/1000 post length, and10 plumb, and measuring with a
steel ruler

According to the requirements of

Installation Twist value deviation mm 1/1000 post length, and10
E.4 in this Part
of post
Measuring according to the
lineation Post deviation Dominant mm 1 post distance, and10
requirements of E.4 in this Part

Testing with theodolite or plumb

Post verticality deviation mm 1 post distance, and15

Post top elevation deviation mm 5

Testing with glass horizontal tube
Mutual elevation difference and steel ruler
mm 3
between posts

Post top
Space10 1
Diagonal>10 Dominant mm

Post top According to the requirements of

Diagonal20 5
support E.1 in this Part

Diagonal>20 Dominant mm 4

Installation Testing with glass horizontal tube

Elevation deviation mm 5
of and steel ruler
Beam levelness deviation mm 5 Testing with the level instrument

beam Beam space deviation Dominant mm 5 Testing with a steel ruler

Beam parallism deviation Dominant mm 1 beam length, and5 Testing with a steel ruler

Beam diagonal difference Dominant mm 1.5 diagonal length, and15 Testing with a steel ruler

Relative malposition between

Entirety mm 5 Testing with a steel ruler
beam and post center

Installation of joint plate Smooth, correct position,

(support) clinging to the beam post

Weld bead height shall meet the

Installation drawing requirements, without
Welding Dominant such defects as flaw, slag Observation
inclusion and pore, good

B.2.2 Installation of spiral finned-tube box-type air preheater:

1 Application scope: installation of spiral box-type air preheater.
2 See Table B.2.2 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table B.2.2 Installation of spiral finned-tube box-type air preheater
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Testing with steel ruler and

glass horizontal tube, taking
Bearer frame elevation deviation mm 10 1m elevation line of boiler
steel frame main post as the

Testing tops at both ends of

Bearer frame upper levelness
mm 3 supporting frame with glass

According to the requirements

Header elevation deviation mm 5
of E.2 in this Part

Header vertical and horizontal According to the requirements

Dominant mm 3
levelness deviation of E.3 in this Part

Taking boiler center line as

the reference, according to the
requirements of E.1 in this
Header vertical and horizontal center
Part, drawing wire,
line and boiler center line distance mm 5
suspending plumb, measuring
distance between two
terminals of header and boiler
center line

Suspending plumb, testing

four corner side tube
Tube-box verticality deviation mm 5
verticality of tube-box
assembly parts with steel ruler

Measuring the distance
Tube-box and post center line space between vertical/horizontal
Dominant mm 5
deviation direction and post center line
with steel ruler

Testing with steel ruler and

glass horizontal tube, taking
Air preheater top elevation deviation mm 15 1m elevation line of boiler
steel frame main post as the

Welded firmly with tubes and

Spiral fin sheet inspection Observation
with uniform distance

Carrying out hydraulic test

together with the connected
Assembly hydraulic test Dominant Closeness and inleakage
system, observing during the

Welded joints shall meet

requirements of information
provided by the manufacturer, Testing weld bead height with
Welding and the formed surface shall weld inspection ruler;
be good and free from such observing others
defects as flaw, undercut, pore
and slag inclusion

B.2.3 Installation of high (low)-temperature gas cooler:

1 Application scope: installation of high (low)-temperature gas cooler.
2 See Table B.2.3 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table B.2.3 Installation of high (low)-temperature gas cooler
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting the requirements

Equipment inspection specified in Table 4.3.7 of this Observation

With vertical and horizontal

Rechecking with steel ruler
Cooler header lineation center line mark (punching) at
and glass horizontal tube
both ends of header

According to the
Cooler header elevation deviation mm 5 requirements of E.2 in this

According to the
Header vertical and horizontal
Dominant mm 3 requirements of E.3 in this
levelness deviation

Header vertical and horizontal mm 5 Taking boiler center line as

center line and boiler center line the reference, according to
distance deviation the requirements of E.1 in
this Part, drawing wire,768
suspending plumb,
measuring distance between
two terminals of header and
boiler center line

Without such sundries as dust, Inspecting with light and

Cooler internal cleaning
scale, seeper and metal chip reflector before sealing

Meeting the requirements

Pipe contra aperture specified in Table 4.3.9 of this Observation

Cooler and boiler post center line

Dominant mm 5 Testing with steel ruler
space deviation

Welded firmly with tubes and

Spiral fin sheet inspection Observation
with uniform distance

Carrying out hydraulic test

together with the connected
Assembly hydraulic test Dominant Closeness and inleakage
system, observing during the

Weld bead height shall meet the

Observation, randomly
drawing requirements, without
inspecting the weld
Welding such defects as flaw, slag
dimension with welding
inclusion and pore, good
testing ruler

B.2.4 Installation of vibration driving device:

1 Application scope: installation of vibration driving device.
2 See Table B.2.4 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table B.2.4 Installation of vibration driving device
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Equipment appearance inspection Without flaw and damage Observation

Equipment vertical and horizontal

Equipment mm 5 Measuring with steel ruler
center line deviation
Measuring with a glass
and Shaft center deviation Dominant mm 3
horizontal tube
Meeting manufacturer's
Testing with level instrument
Shaft levelness deviation Dominant mm/m requirements, and
or glass horizontal tube
0.05% L

Meeting the requirements of

Coupling Testing with micrometer
Match of shaft and hole drawing, matched tightened,
installation caliper and vernier caliper
without looseness

Meeting equipment installation

Center deviation of the two axes Dominant Testing with steel ruler

Meeting equipment installation

Coupling end face space Testing with steel ruler

Solid, firm, convenient
disassembly and assembly,
Installation of connecting shaft
proper and uniform clearance, Observing and inspecting
safety guard
without friction with
connecting shaft

Uniform load carrying, proper

Installation Installation of vee belt Observation
of cone
Center deviation value of two
belt wheel Dominant mm 1 Inspecting with pulling line

Installation Meeting Table 4.3.13 of this

Installation of reductor
of part
Trial operation of vibration driving Meeting Table 4.3.14 of this
device Part

B.2.5 Feed system foundation lineation and iron gasket preparation:

1 Application scope: feed system foundation lineation and iron gasket preparation.
2 See Table B.2.5 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table B.2.5 Feed system foundation lineation and iron gasket preparation
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Foundation physical dimension

mm 20 Testing with a steel ruler
Inspection deviation

Central position deviation mm 20 Testing with a steel ruler

Foundation vertical and horizontal

mm 20 Testing with a steel ruler
main center line deviation

Distance deviation between posts mm 10 Testing with a steel ruler

Testing with glass tube
Elevation deviation mm 10 level instrument and steel

Block number in each group Block 3 Observation

of iron Placing position Under post soleplate stud Observation

gasket Without looseness, spot welded Tapping with hand hammer

Iron gasket installation
with post base soleplate and observing

Testing with level
of post Post soleplate horizontal deviation Dominant mm 0.5

B.2.6 Installation of feed system distribution trolley:

1 Application scope: installation of feed system distribution trolley in the packing
charging system.
2 See Table B.2.6 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table B.2.6 Installation of feed system distribution trolley

Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Best appearance, without such

Appearance Observation
defects as bruise and flaw

Physical dimension mm Meeting the drawing Testing with a steel ruler

Internal inspection Clean and without sundries Observation
Conveying chain shall be
Clearance between conveying smooth, and clearance shall meet
Dominant Observation
chain/soleplate and both sides requirements of drawing and
shall not occur friction

Testing with glass horizontal

Installation elevation deviation mm 10
tube and steel ruler

Installation Testing with glass horizontal

Elevation deviation of shaft center mm 5
tube and steel ruler

Installation of protective cover Safe and reliable Observation

Testing with level

Orbit plane elevation deviation mm 10

Parallel deviation of two tracks mm 2 Testing with a steel ruler

Relative elevation deviation of two Testing with glass horizontal

mm 2
tracks tube
Measuring a point every
Longitudinal levelness deviation mm 0.1% length other 10m, testing with
glass horizontal tube
Staggered Top surface
deviation of
Side surface mm 1 Testing with a steel ruler
track joint

Installation of gasket plate Bolt fastening with reliable

and fishplate locking device

Installation of reductor Meeting Table 4.3.13 of this part
of reductor

trial Segmental trial operation Meeting Table 4.3.14 of this Part

B.2.7 Installation of sealed conveyer:

1 Application scope: installation of sealed conveyer in the packing charging system in
biomass power plant.
2 See Table B.2.7 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table B.2.7 Installation of sealed conveyer
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Equipment Best appearance, without such
Appearance Observation
inspection defects as bruise and flaw

Physical dimension Meeting the drawing Testing with a steel ruler

Internal inspection Clean and without sundries Observation

Conveying chain shall be smooth,

Clearance between conveying and clearance shall meet
Dominant Observation
chain/soleplate and both sides requirements of drawing and shall
not occur friction

Testing with glass

Installation elevation deviation mm 10 horizontal tube and steel

Testing with glass

Elevation deviation of shaft center mm 5 horizontal tube and steel

Levelness deviation 2 length

track Parallism deviation of Testing with level
Dominant mm 2
two tracks instrument and steel ruler

Installation of protective layer Safe and reliable Observation

Without defect, flaw and

Appearance of fire door Observation
perforation blister

Flexible switch and correct

Boiler door switch Observation
Installation Boiler door installation position
mm 10 Testing with a steel ruler
of fire deviation
door Fixed bolt Full weld at the internal root of the
Root welding Observation
installation equipment

Tightened up, exposed length of

Nut connection bolt screw thread shall be Observation

Installation of reductor Meeting Table 4.3.13 of this part
of reductor

trial Segmental trial operation Meeting Table 4.3.14 of this Part

B.2.8 Installation of feeding conveyer:

1 Application scope: this section is applicable to the installation of chain conveyer,
weighing conveyer, buffering conveyer, constant feeder and quantitative conveyer in the
packing charging system in biomass power plant; weighing sensor is only used to the
installation of weighing conveyer; quantitative cutting knife is applicable to the installation of
quantitative conveyer.
2 See Table B.2.8 for quality criteria and inspection method.

Table B.2.8 Installation of feeding conveyer
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Best appearance, without such

Appearance Observation
defects as bruise and flaw
inspection Physical dimension mm Meeting the drawing Testing with a steel ruler

Internal inspection Clean and without sundries Observation

Conveying chain shall be

Clearance between conveying smooth, and clearance shall meet
Dominant Observation
chain/soleplate and both sides requirements of drawing and
shall not occur friction

Testing with glass horizontal

Installation elevation deviation mm 10
tube and steel ruler

Elevation deviation of shaft Testing with glass horizontal

mm 5
center tube and steel ruler

Levelness deviation 0.2% length

track Parallism deviation of two Testing with level
Dominant mm 2
Installation tracks instrument and steel ruler

Installation of protective layer Safe and reliable Observation

Accurate installation position

Installation of weighing sensor Observation
and firmly installed

Meeting requirements of
Installation of feeding sprocket Observation
equipment technical document

Installation of pneumatic cutting Normal and flexible movement,

knife without block

Installation of reductor Meeting Table 4.3.13 of this part

Segmental trial operation Meeting Table 4.3.14 of this Part

B.2.9 Installation of crusher:

1 Application scope: installation of crusher.
2 See Table B.2.9 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table B.2.9 Installation of crusher
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Best appearance, without such

Appearance Observation
defects as bruise and flaw
inspection Physical dimension mm Meeting the drawing Testing with a steel ruler

Internal inspection Clean and without sundries Observation

Clearance of tapered spiral slice and Uniform clearance, meeting the

Installation mm Measuring
cell body design requirements

Testing with glass horizontal
Installation elevation deviation mm 10
tube and steel ruler

Testing with glass horizontal

Parallism deviation of two shafts Dominant mm 2
tube and steel ruler

Shaft center Shall be on the same axis

Installation of protective layer Safe, reliable and firm Observation

Fitted tightly, staggered

deviation at the guard plate
Flange connection Observation
internal surface joint shall be
less than or equal to 2mm

Installation Support (beam) upper levelness

mm 2 Testing with the level meter
of support deviation

(beam) Rootage and installation of support Firm and stable rootage Observation

Installation Meeting Table 4.3.13 of this

Installation of reductor
of reductor part

Meeting Table 4.3.14 of this
trial Segmental trial operation

B.2.10 Installation of water jacket and cooling water pipe:

1 Application scope: installation of water jacket and cooling water pipe.
2 See Table B.2.10 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table B.2.10 Installation of water jacket
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Pipes and pipe fittings specification Meeting the drawing design Rechecking

Carrying out spectrum test

Material quality Meeting the drawing design confirmation if there are
alloy steel materials

Without such defects as flaw and

Surface quality Observation

Equipment Testing with glass horizontal

Elevation deviation Dominant mm 15
installation tube and steel ruler

Dn100mm 1/1000 and 20
mm Testing with a steel ruler
Dn>100mm 1.5/1000 and 20

Pipe gradient direction and

Pipe gradient gradient shall meet design Observation

Verticality of standpipe mm 2/1000 and 15 Testing with a steel ruler

Flatness of mating pipe (welting) Dominant mm 1 Testing with a steel ruler

Weld bead height shall meet the

drawing requirements, without
Weld inspection Dominant such defects as flaw, slag Observation
inclusion and pore, good

Valve inspection Dominant Meeting design

Internal clean, correct position

Valve installation Dominant
Valve and direction

Installation Flexible joint shall rotate

flexibly, without block,
Valve adjustment
specification type meet the
design requirements

Water jacket installation position

Dominant mm 10 Testing with a steel ruler

Dominant Meeting the requirements of

Installation Installation of supporter and hanger Observation
DL/T 5210.5-2009
of water
Without damage, flaw and
jacket Appearance of water jacket Observation
perforation blister

Sealing between water jacket and Tightly sealed with stainless

water cooled wall steel locking plate

B.2.11 Installation of straight line screw feeder:

1 Application scope: bulk material charging system equipment in the biomass power
plant: screw feeder installation.
2 See Table B.2.11 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table B.2.11 Installation of screw feeder
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Equipment appearance Without damage and flaw, intact Observation

Smooth and uniform production;

Spiral fin sheet grabbing-material baffle plate is Observation
welded firmly without shedding

Appearance Without flaw and blister Observation

Shaft bend (each section) mm 0.5 shaft section length Testing

Installation Deviation of transverse

Installation of rack mm Measuring with steel tape
of driving installation5
device Assembling in accordance with
Installation of tooth block serial number sequence
provided by manufacturer

Circular pitch difference of adjacent

mm 2 Testing with template

Tooth block rootage Firm rootage Testing

Longitudinal levelness deviation of Measuring a point every

mm 1 length
rack other 10m

Levelness deviation3, two

Installation of guiding slot mm adjacent steel plates shall transit Measuring and observing
smoothly and be welded firmly

Meeting requirements of
Meshing Assembly
equipment technical document
of pinion
Contact Tooth height
gear and
tooth surface Tooth width % 50 Inspecting with color print

block Gear backlash mm 2.5-4 Testing with a feeler gauge

Blocking device of terminal limit Firm and reliable Observation

Center deviation of two chain

mm 1 Measuring with a steel ruler
of chain 0.5Centeral distance of two
Parallism deviation mm Testing by pulling line
wheel wheels

Installation of chain Proper laxation Observation

Clearance between bottom surface

of impeller and storage hopper Meet the drawing requirements Measuring with a steel ruler
Installation of reductor Meeting Table 4.3.13 of this part

Coupling installation Meeting Table 4.3.12 of this part

Segmental trial operation Meeting Table 4.3.14 of this Part

B.2.12 Installation of bucket elevator:

1 Application scope: bulk material charging system: bucket elevator installation.
2 See Table B.2.12 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table B.2.12 Bucket elevator installation
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Meeting the drawing, smooth

box, without obvious
External dimensions mm roughness, temporary Observation
weldment cut cleanly, without
sundries in the box

Measuring with a steel

Diagonal difference mm 5

Equipment Suspending plumb, testing

Shell verticality deviation Dominant mm 1 height, and15
installation with steel ruler

Rolling shaft levelness deviation 0.5 Testing with the level meter

Uniform and firm bolt load
Installation Connected firmly
of bucket
Clearance between bucket Meeting the design
line Observation
line and cell body requirements, without friction

Meeting the design

Installation of tension devices Observation
requirements, free adjustment

Flat and smooth flange face;

correctly-added cushion;
Observing and testing with
Flange connection uniformly-stressed bolt; and
consistent reveal of screw

Firm rootage, correct position,

Installation of supporter and hanger Observation
smooth installation

Welding firmly, without

Welding Dominant Observation
welding skip

Meeting Table 4.3.13 of this

Installation of reductor

Meeting Table 4.3.14 of this
trial Segmental trial operation

B.2.13 Conveyer installation:

1 Application scope: screw conveyer installation in bulk material charging system.
2 See Table B.2.13 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table B.2.13 Installation of screw conveyer
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Best appearance, without such

Appearance Observation
defects as bruise and flaw
inspection Physical dimension mm Meeting the drawing Testing with a steel ruler

Internal inspection Clean and without sundries Observation

Uniform clearance and without

Clearance of spiral slice and shell mm Measuring

Testing with glass horizontal

Installation elevation deviation mm 10
tube and steel ruler

Testing with glass level

Shaft levelness deviation mm 2
instrument and steel ruler
Shaft center Shall be on the same axis Observation

Installation of protective layer Safe, reliable and firm Observation

Fitted tightly, staggered

Flange connection deviation at the guard plate Observation
internal surface joint shall be

less than or equal to 2mm

Installation Supporting bracket (beam) upper

mm/m 2 Testing with the level meter
of levelness deviation
Rootage and installation of
bracket Firm and stable rootage Observation
supporting bracket (beam)

Installation Inspection and installation of Meeting Table 4.3.13 of this

of reductor reductor part

Meeting Table 4.3.14 of this
trial Segmental trial operation

B.3 Installation engineering quality evaluation of biomass incineration boiler charging

B.3.1 Inspection and evaluation for construction site quality assurance conditions shall meet
the relevant requirements of 5.4.1 in this Part.
B.3.2 As for the quality assurance conditions and inspection methods at the construction site
of biomass incineration boiler charging system project, relevant systems and measure
information shall be inspected as well as their implementation conditions shall be inspected
randomly to carry out comprehensive judgment according to the contents specified in Table
Table B.3.2 Construction site quality assurance condition evaluation table
Installation of boiler charging Construction
Project position (scope) Before carrying out trial operation with full load
system stage

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation results Remark
No. Inspection item Score

100% 85% 70%

Organizational structure and quality management system

operation in project department
1 Technology, management, working system 30
Systems for material, equipment site acceptance and sampling

Pertinence and workability of quality inspection and acceptance

2 standard, construction technology standard, working method, 25
operation specifications and operation instructors

Examination and approval of construction organization design,

construction scheme, construction measure, risk aversion
3 30
measure, etc. Pertinence, workability and implementation effect
of contents

Implementation effects of quality objective and management

4 15

Weight: 15
Total score:
Inspection Total obtained score:
results Quality record score of boiler charging system installation project =Obtained score/Score15=


B.3.3 Performance test evaluation

1 See Table B.3.3 for performance evaluation of biomass incineration boiler feed
2 Inspection criteria
1) Installation quality of bolts and connecting pieces: connecting pieces shall be
complete; tightening torque shall meet the design and without screw skip.
2) Stability of mechanical equipment operational performance: equipments shall
operate normally, without over-temperature phenomenon, blocking and abnormal sound.
3) Equipment no load and rated load rating testing: equipment operation shall
meet the requirements of unit operation; rating shall meet the design requirements.
3 Inspection method
1) Installation quality of bolts and connection pieces: inspected by knocking with
hammer to see if there is screw skip, construction record shall be inspected at the same time,
or randomly inspected with spanner.
2) Stability of mechanical equipment operational performance: operational
conditions of equipments shall be observed on site, and relevant installation records shall be
3) Equipment no load and rated load rating testing: field observation, operation
record shall be inspected.
Table B.3.3 Performance testing evaluation table
Installation of boiler feed Construction
Project position (scope) Before carrying out trial operation with full load
system stage

Construction organization

Evaluation results Remark
No. Evaluation content Score score

100% 85% 70%

1 Installation quality of bolt and connecting piece 30

2 Testing for operation stability of mechanical equipments 30

3 Testing for equipment no load and rated load rating 40

Weight: 30
Total score:
Evaluation Total obtained score:
results Quality record score of boiler feed system installation project =Obtained score/Score30=

Evaluator (signature):

B.3.4 Quality record inspection and evaluation

1 See Table B.3.4 for quality record evaluation items
2 Inspection criteria: Class I: taking 100% standard scores, material and equipment
quality certificate (delivery quality certificate), site acceptance record, construction record
and construction test record are complete, data are complete, and can meet the requirements
of design and code; actual, effective, contents are correct; arrangement is normative;
reviewing and signing procedures are complete. Class II: taking 85% standard scores,
information is complete, data is relatively complete, and can meet the requirements of design
and code; actual, effective; arrangement is normative fundamentally; reviewing and signing
procedures are complete fundamentally. Class III: taking 70% standard scores, information is
complete fundamentally, data is complete fundamentally, and can fundamentally meet the
requirements of design and code; actual, effective; arrangement is normative fundamentally;
reviewing and signing procedures are complete fundamentally.
3 Inspection method: to inspect the quantity and content of information
Table B.3.4 Quality record evaluation table
Installation of boiler feed
Project position (scope) Construction stage Before carrying out trial operation with full load

Construction organization

Evaluation results Remark
No. Evaluation content Score score

100% 85% 70%

Product Layout drawing of design institute

certificates of Product certificates of charging equipments
equipments and and products
materials, Installation instructions (figures) and
technical performance instructions
documents for
installation and Inspection and acceptance records of
operation, and equipments and materials approaching the
on-site unpacking construction site (including unpacking)
acceptance records

Construction Civil work hand-over records and lineation

records records

Installation record of steel supporting


Installation construction records of
mechanical parts and electrical parts

Acceptance record of concealed work of

shell installation.

Quality acceptance records of subsection,

subitem and inspection lot projects

Construction tests Equipment adjustment and test records

3 during the process of installation

Equipment operation test records

Weight: 15
Total score:
Total obtained score:
Quality record score of boiler feed system installation project=Obtained score/Score15=

Evaluator (signature):


B.3.5 Dimensional deviation and limit evaluation

1 See Table B.3.5 for dimensional deviation and actual limit measurement evaluation
items of boiler feed system:
2 Inspection criteria
1) Center line deviation in equipment installation: center line deviation20mm.
2) Elevation deviation in equipment installation: 10mm
3) Verticality deviation: 2/1000 and15mm
4) Chain parallism: 2mm
3 Inspection method
1) Center line deviation in equipment installation: tested with steel tape
2) Elevation deviation in equipment installation: tested with level instrument or
glass horizontal tube and installation records shall be checked.
3) Verticality deviation: randomly inspected with plumb.
4) Chain parallism: using two parallel chains as a unit, measuring both ends and
the middle with steel tape for inspection.
Table B.3.5 Dimensional deviation and actual limit measurement evaluation table
Installation of boiler feed Construction
Project position (scope) Before carrying out trial operation with full load
system stage

Construction organization

Evaluation results Remark
No. Evaluation content Score score

100% 85% 70%

1 Center line deviation in equipment installation 30

2 Elevation deviation in equipment installation 20

3 Verticality deviation 30

4 Chain parallism 20

Weight: 10
Total score:
Evaluation Total obtained score:
results Quality record score of boiler feed system installation project=Obtained score/Score10=

Evaluator (signature):

B.3.6 Implementation performance evaluation of compulsory provisions

1 See Table B.3.6 for implementation performance evaluation items of compulsory
2 Implementation performance evaluation methods of compulsory provisions for boiler
feed system installation project shall meet the requirements of 5.4.5 in this Part.
3 See coal conveying system for the contents of detailed compulsory provisions.
Table B.3.6 Compulsory provision management and implementation performance evaluation table
Project position Construction Before carrying out start-up trial operation of complete
Installation of boiler feed system
(scope) stage machine

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation results Remark
No. Evaluation content Score score

100% 85% 70%

1 Implementation plan of compulsory provisions 10

Inspection table on the implementation performance of

2 20
compulsory provisions for equipment installation

Inspection table on the implementation performance of

3 compulsory provisions for mechanical equipments 30

Inspection table on the implementation performance of

4 40
fireproof compulsory provisions for feed system

Weight: 20
Total score:
Evaluation Total obtained score:
results Quality record score of boiler feed system installation project=Obtained score/Score20=

Evaluator (signature):

B.3.7 Appearance quality evaluation

1 See Table B.3.7 for appearance quality evaluation items of boiler feed system.
2 Inspection criteria
1) Installation appearance of charging steel supporting construction: without obvious
deformation and scarification phenomenon; bolt load carrying is uniform; exposed length is

consistent and meet relevant requirements;
2) Equipment surface clean and tidy: equipment without dust, sundries and in their
natural color;
3) Equipment shield of rotating parts firm and beautiful: technology is beautiful; field
equipments without such defects as oil leakage and water leakage; shield rootage is firm.
4) Equipment without obvious deformation and scarification phenomenon, temporary
strengthening points polished cleanly and brushed with lacquer.
3 Inspection method
1) Installation appearance of charging steel supporting construction: field observation
2) Equipment surface clean and tidy: field observation
3) Equipment shield of rotating parts firm and beautiful: field observation and random
4) Equipment without obvious deformation, temporary strengthening points polished
cleanly: field observation.
Table B.3.7 Appearance quality evaluation table
Installation of boiler feed Before carrying out start-up trial operation of complete
Project position (scope) Construction stage
system machine

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation results Remark
No. Evaluation content Score score

100% 85% 70%

Installation appearance beautiful of feeding steel

1 20
supporting construction

2 Equipment surface clean and tidy 25

Equipment shield of rotating parts firm and beautiful,

3 equipment surface without such defects as oil leakage and 25
water leakage

Equipment without obvious deformation and scarification

4 30

Weight: 10
Total score:
Evaluation Total obtained score:
results Quality record score of boiler feed system installation project=Obtained score/Score10=

Evaluator (signature):

Annex C


Installation of Combustion Engine Exhaust-Heat Boiler

C.1 General Requirements
C.1.1 This Annex is applicable to installation project quality acceptance of combustion
engine exhaust-heat boiler.
C.1.2 Particular acceptance table for installing exhaust-heat boiler is listed in this Annex,
and relevant contents of this Part may be quoted for unlisted acceptance table.
C.1.3 As the combustion engine exhaust-heat boilers are various, if equipments not
involved in this Annex or not listed in other unit project appear in the actual installation and
acceptance, their acceptance and evaluation shall be carried out according to the approximate
acceptance standards and technical documents of the manufacturer and design institute.
C.1.4 Some inspection tables of the confirmations and signatures, construction records and
implementation performance of compulsory provisions in the text of this Part are applicable
to the acceptance of corresponding unit project in this Annex. See the following applicable
Table 4.2.4-1 Inspection table list of construction records, confirmations and signatures,
and implementation performance of compulsory provisions for boiler body unit project;
Table 4.2.4-3 Inspection table list of construction records, confirmations and signatures,
and implementation performance of compulsory provisions for entire boil air pressure test
unit project;
Table 4.2.4-5 Inspection table list of construction records, confirmations and signatures,
and implementation performance of compulsory provisions for boiler auxiliary machinery
installation unit project;
Table 4.2.4-8 Inspection table list of construction records, confirmations and signatures,
and implementation performance of compulsory provisions for denitration equipment
installation unit project;
Table 4.2.4-10 Inspection table list of construction records, confirmations and signatures,
and implementation performance of compulsory provisions for thermal equipment and piping
insulation unit project in the whole plant.
C.1.5 See Table C.1.5 for inspection table list of construction records, confirmations and
signatures, and implementation performance of compulsory provisions.
C.1.6 See Table C.1.6 for combustion engine exhaust-heat boiler acceptance quality scope
division table.
Table C.1.5 Inspection table list of construction records, confirmations and signatures, and implementation
performance of compulsory provisions for combustion engine exhaust-heat boiler installation single project
No. Information name Table No. Remark

1 Boiler body

1 Low-voltage steam drum installation record drawing

2 High-voltage steam drum installation record drawing

3 Module construction record drawing

4 Header tank stop block installation record drawing

5 Economizer header tank record drawing

6 Evaporator header tank record drawing

7 Superheater header tank record drawing

8 Heating network heat exchanger header tank record drawing

9 Desuperheater installation record drawing

2 Steel stack installation

Chimney foundation lineation and iron gasket installation record


2 Steel stack installation record drawing

Oil seepage confirmation and signature of steel stack drum

welded joints

3 Installation of denitration equipment and pipe

1 Catalyst support installation record drawing

2 Catalyst module installation record drawing

Table C.1.7 Combustion engine exhaust-heat boiler installation quality acceptance scope division table
Project number Acceptance organization
Number of quality
Unit Subsection Subitem Inspection Project name Property Construction Supervision Design Manufacturing Development
acceptance table
project project project lot organization organization organization organization organization

01 Installation of boiler body

01 Installation of steel frame

01 Lineation of boiler foundation

01 Lineation of boiler foundation Dominant Table 4.4.1

02 Installation of post baseplate

(iron gasket)

Installation of post baseplate

01 Table 4.4.2
(iron gasket)

03 Combination of boiler steel


Combination of boiler steel

01 Table 4.4.3

02 Connection of high-strength bolt Dominant Table 4.3.4

04 Installation of steel frame

Table 4.3.1
01 Inspection of post\beam\bracing
Table 4.3.2

02 Connection of high-strength bolt Dominant Table 4.3.4

03 Installation of post Dominant Table 4.4.4

04 Installation of transverse beam Dominant Table 4.4.5

05 Installation of top plate beam Dominant

01 Inspection of plate beam Dominant Table 4.3.3

02 Installation of top plate beam Dominant Table 4.4.6

03 Connection of high-strength bolt Dominant Table 4.3.4

06 Re-inspection of entire steel


Table 4.4.4
Re-inspection of entire steel
01 Dominant Table 4.4.5
Table 4.4.6

07 Secondary grouting of post base Dominant

01 Secondary grouting of post base Dominant Table 4.4.7

02 Aggregate installation of

platform and ladder

Project number Acceptance organization

Number of quality
Unit Subsection Subitem Inspection Project name Property Construction Supervision Design Manufacturing Development
acceptance table
project project project lot organization organization organization organization organization

01 02 01 Aggregate installation of platform and


Inspection and installation of platform and Table 4.4.13

ladder equipment Table 4.4.14

03 Installation of boiler guard plate, sealing

member and door opening

01 Installation of guard plate

01 Installation of guard plate Dominant Table C.2.1

02 Installation of water sealing\sand sealing


Installation of water sealing\sand sealing

01 Table 4.4.38

03 Installation of boiler top sealing cover

shell and partial sealing member

Installation of boiler top sealing cover

01 Dominant Table 4.4.39
shell and partial sealing member

04 Installation of boiler body door opening

01 Installation of boiler door opening Dominant Table 4.4.40

04 Installation of steam drum Dominant

01 Inspection and lineation of steam drum Dominant

01 Inspection and lineation of steam drum Dominant Table 4.4.51

02 Installation of high-voltage steam drum Dominant

01 Installation of high-voltage steam drum Dominant Table C.2.2

03 Installation of medium-voltage steam


01 Installation of medium-voltage steam Dominant Table C.2.2


04 Installation of low-voltage steam drum Dominant

01 Installation of low-voltage steam drum Dominant Table C.2.2

05 Inspection and installation of high-voltage

steam drum internal devices

Inspection of high-voltage steam drum

01 Dominant Table 4.4.53
internal devices

Installation of high-voltage steam drum

02 Dominant Table 4.4.54
internal devices

06 Inspection and installation of

medium-voltage steam drum internal Dominant

Inspection of medium-voltage steam drum

01 Dominant Table 4.4.53
internal devices

Installation of medium-voltage steam

02 Dominant Table 4.4.54
drum internal devices

07 Inspection and installation of low-voltage

steam drum internal devices

Inspection of low-voltage steam drum

01 Dominant Table 4.4.53
internal devices

Installation of low-voltage steam drum

02 Dominant Table 4.4.54
internal devices

Project number Project name Property Acceptance organization Number of quality

acceptance table
Unit Subsection Subitem Inspection Construction Supervision Design Manufacturing Development
project project project lot organization organization organization organization organization

01 05 Installation of module Dominant

01 Installation of Class I module group Dominant

01 Inspection of Class I module group Dominant Table C.2.3

02 Installation of Class I module group Dominant Table C.2.4

02 Installation of Class II module group Dominant

01 Inspection of Class II module group Dominant Table C.2.3

02 Installation of Class II module group Dominant Table C.2.4

03 Installation of Class III module group Dominant

01 Inspection of Class III module group Dominant Table C.2.3

02 Installation of Class III module group Dominant Table C.2.4

Installation of Class IV module group Dominant

01 Inspection of Class IV module group Dominant Table C.2.3

02 Installation of Class IV module group Dominant Table C.2.4

06 Installation of economizer

01 Installation of economizer

01 Inspection of heating surface equipment Dominant Table 4.3.7

02 Inspection and installation of header Dominant Table 4.3.10

Table 4.3.9
03 Installation of economizer Dominant
Table 4.4.68

07 Installation of evaporator

01 Installation of evaporator

01 Inspection of heating surface equipment Dominant Table 4.3.7

02 Inspection and installation of header Dominant Table 4.3.10

Dominant Table 4.3.9

03 Installation of evaporator
Table 4.4.68

08 Installation of superheater

01 Installation of superheater

01 Inspection of heating surface equipment Dominant Table 4.3.7

02 Inspection and installation of header Dominant Table 4.3.10

Table 4.3.9
03 Installation of superheater Dominant
Table 4.4.68

Project number Acceptance organization

Number of quality
Unit Subsection Subitem Inspection Project name Property Construction Supervision Design Manufacturing Development
acceptance table
project project project lot organization organization organization organization organization

01 09 Installation of heating network heat exchanger

01 Installation of heating network heat exchanger

01 Inspection of heating surface equipment Dominant Table 4.3.7

02 Inspection and installation of header Dominant Table 4.3.10

Table 4.3.9
03 Installation of heating network heat exchanger Dominant
Table 4.4.68

10 Installation of water supply pipe

01 Installation of water supply pipe Dominant

01 Inspection of water supply pipe Dominant Table 4.3.8

Table 4.3.9
02 Installation of feeder pipe Dominant
Table 4.4.59

03 Inspection and installation of desuperheater Dominant Table 4.3.10

04 Inspection of water supply connection pipe Dominant Table 4.3.8

Table 4.3.9
05 Installation of water supply connection pipe Dominant
Table 4.4.59

11 Installation of boiler recirculating pipe

01 Installation of boiler recirculating pipe

01 Inspection of boiler recirculating pipe Dominant Table 4.3.8

Table 4.3.9
02 Installation of boiler recirculating pipe Dominant
Table 4.4.59

12 Installation of downcomer

01 Installation of downcomer

01 Inspection of downcomer Dominant Table 4.3.8

Table 4.3.9
02 Installation of downcomer Dominant
Table 4.4.59

13 Installation of header tank stop block

01 Installation of header tank stop block

01 Inspection of header tank stop block Dominant Table 4.3.5

02 Installation of header tank stop block Dominant Table 4.3.6

14 Installation of shake-proof device

01 Installation of shake-proof device

01 Inspection of shake-proof device Dominant Table 4.3.5

02 Installation of shake-proof device Dominant Table 4.3.6

15 Installation of hoisting devices

Project number Acceptance organization

Number of quality
Unit Subsection Subitem Inspection Project name Property Construction Supervision Design Manufacturing Development
acceptance table
project project project lot organization organization organization organization organization

01 15 01 Installation of hoisting devices

01 Inspection of hoisting devices Dominant Table 4.3.5

02 Installation of hoisting devices Dominant Table 4.3.6

16 Hydrostatic test for entire boiler

01 Hydrostatic test for entire boiler

01 Hydrostatic test for entire boiler Dominant Table 4.4.72

17 Installation of blowdown pipes and equipments

01 Installation of intermittent blowdown pipe

Table 4.3.8
01 Installation of intermittent blowdown pipe Table 4.3.9
Table 4.4.80

02 Installation of continuous blowdown pipe

Table 4.3.8
01 Installation of continuous blowdown pipe Table 4.3.9
Table 4.4.80

03 Installation of intermittent blowdown flash tank

01 Installation of intermittent blowdown flash tank Table 4.4.81

04 Installation of continuous blowdown flash tank

01 Installation of continuous blowdown flash tank Table 4.4.81

05 Installation of drain flash tank

01 Installation of drain flash tank Table 4.4.81

06 Installation of blowdown heat exchanger

01 Installation of blowdown heat exchanger Table 4.4.81

18 Installation of water supply, drainage and air release pipes

01 Installation of emergency drainage pipe

Table 4.3.8
01 Installation of emergency drainage pipe Table 4.3.9
Table 4.4.80

02 Installation of high-voltage drainage pipe

Table 4.3.8
01 Installation of high-voltage drainage pipe Table 4.3.9
Table 4.4.80

03 Installation of low-voltage drainage pipe

Table 4.3.8
01 Installation of low-voltage drainage pipe Table 4.3.9
Table 4.4.80

Project number Acceptance organization

Number of quality
Unit Subsection Subitem Inspection Project name Property Construction Supervision Design Manufacturing Development
acceptance table
project project project lot organization organization organization organization organization

01 18 04 Installation of heating network drainage pipe

Table 4.3.8
01 Installation of heating network drainage pipe Table 4.3.9
Table 4.4.80

05 Installation of air release pipe

Table 4.3.8
01 Installation of air release pipe Table 4.3.9
Table 4.4.80

19 Installation of steam exhaust pipe

01 Installation of safety valve steam exhaust pipe (including muffler)

Table 4.3.8
01 Installation of safety valve steam exhaust pipe (including muffler) Table 4.3.9
Table 4.4.80

02 Installation of ignition steam exhaust pipe (including muffler)

Table 4.3.8
01 Installation of ignition steam exhaust pipe (including muffler) Table 4.3.9
Table 4.4.80

03 Installation of flash tank steam exhaust pipe

Table 4.3.8
01 Installation of flash tank steam exhaust pipe Table 4.3.9
Table 4.4.80

20 Installation of sampling pipes and equipments

01 Installation of sampling pipe

DL/T 5210.5-2009 Table

01 Installation of sampling pipe 4.5.2 DL/T 5210.5-2009
Table 4.7.3

21 Installation of chemical feed pipe and equipment

01 Installation of chemical feed pipe

DL/T 5210.5-2009 Table
01 Installation of chemical feed pipe 4.5.2 DL/T 5210.5-2009
Table 4.7.3

02 Confirmation and signature of flushing

22 Installation of boiler sundry pipe

01 Installation of other system pipes

DL/T 5210.5-2009 Table

01 Installation of other system pipes 4.5.2 DL/T 5210.5-2009
Table 4.7.3

23 Installation of compressed air pipe and equipment

Project number Acceptance organization

Number of quality
Unit Subsection Subitem Inspection Project name Property Construction Supervision Design Manufacturing Development
acceptance table
project project project lot organization organization organization organization organization

01 23 01 Installation of air storage tank

01 Installation of air storage tank Table 4.4.81

02 Installation of instrument-service compressed air pipe

DL/T 5210.5-2009 Table

01 Installation of instrument-service compressed air pipe 4.5.2 DL/T 5210.5-2009
Table 4.7.3

03 Installation of station-service compressed air pipe

DL/T 5210.5-2009 Table

01 Installation of station-service compressed air pipe 4.5.2 DL/T 5210.5-2009
Table 4.7.3

24 Installation of boiler body auxiliaries

01 Installation of steam drum water gauge

01 Installation of steam drum water gauge Dominant Table 4.4.83

02 Installation of safety valve

01 Installation of piston and impulse type safety devices Dominant Table 4.4.84

02 Installation of spring type safety devices Dominant Table 4.4.85

03 Installation of pressure gauge

01 Installation of pressure gauge Table 4.4.86

04 Installation of expansion indicator

01 Installation of expansion indicator Dominant Table 4.4.87

25 Installation of flue

01 Installation of flue

01 Combination of flue Table 4.4.89

02 Installation of flue Table 4.4.89

03 Installation of flue operating devices Table 4.4.90

04 Installation of flue supporter and hanger Table 4.4.94

26 Installation of steel stack

01 Installation of steel stack

01 Foundation lineation and iron gasket installation Dominant Table C.2.6

02 Combination of steel stack Dominant Table C.2.7

03 Installation of steel stack Dominant Table C.2.8

Project number Acceptance organization

Number of quality
Unit Subsection Subitem Inspection Project name Property Construction Supervision Design Manufacturing Development
acceptance table
project project project lot organization organization organization organization organization

01 26 01 04 Installation of steel stack air door Table 4.4.40

05 Installation of steel stack ladder landing Table 4.4.14

06 Installation of steel stack silencer

02 Air pressure test for entire boiler

01 Air pressure test for entire boiler

01 Air pressure test for entire boiler

01 Air pressure test for entire boiler Dominant Table 4.6.1

03 Installation of boiler auxiliary machinery

01 Installation of economizer recirculating pump Dominant

01 Installation of economizer recirculating pump Dominant

Lineation for foundation inspection and installation of iron gasket and

01 Table 4.3.11
stone bolt

02 Installation of economizer recirculating pump Table 4.8.37

03 Segmental trial operation of economizer recirculating pump Dominant Table 4.8.40

02 Installation of air compressor

01 Installation of air compressor

01 Lineation for foundation and installation of iron gasket and stone bolt Table 4.3.11

02 Installation of air compressor Table 4.8.33

03 Installation of dryer Table 4.8.34

04 Segmental trial operation of air compressor Dominant Table 4.3.14

03 Installation of denitration recirculating fan

01 Installation of denitration recirculating fan

Lineation for foundation inspection and installation of iron gasket and

01 Table 4.3.11
stone bolt

Table 4.8.23
02 Installation of denitration recirculating fan
Table 4.8.24

03 Segmental trial operation of denitration recirculating fan Dominant Table 4.3.14

04 Installation of ammonia pump

01 Installation of ammonia pump

Lineation for foundation inspection and installation of iron gasket and
01 Table 4.3.11
stone bolt

02 Installation of ammonia pump Table 4.8.36

03 Segmental trial operation of ammonia pump Dominant Table 4.3.14

Project number Acceptance organization

Number of quality
Unit Subsection Subitem Inspection Project name Property Construction Supervision Design Manufacturing Development
acceptance table
project project project lot organization organization organization organization organization

03 05 Installation of denitration equipment and pipe

01 Installation of denitration equipment

01 Installation of catalyst support Table 4.11.2

02 Installation of catalyst module Table 4.11.3

02 Installation of denitration pipe

DL/T 5210.5-2009 Table

01 Installation of denitration circulating air pipe 4.5.2 DL/T 5210.5-2009
Table 4.7.3

DL/T 5210.5-
2009 Table 4.5.2 DL/T
02 Installation of ammonia water pipe
5210.5- 2009 Table

DL/T 5210.5-
03 Installation of ammonia spraying pipe 2009 Table 4.5.2 DL/T
5210.5-2009 Table 4.7.3

03 Installation of ammonia water tank

01 Installation of ammonia water tank Table 4.11.6

04 Thermal equipment and piping insulation in the whole plant

01 Boiler equipment and piping insulation Dominant

01 Boiler room equipment thermal insulation

01 Exhaust-heat boiler internal wall thermal insulation Dominant Table 4.13.4

02 Exhaust-heat boiler external wall thermal insulation Table 4.13.3

Table 4.13.2
03 Steam drum thermal insulation Dominant
Table 4.13.3

Table 4.13.2
04 Boiler main body header thermal insulation
Table 4.13.3

Table 4.13.2
05 Thermal insulation of intermittent blowdown flash tank
Table 4.13.3

Table 4.13.2
06 Thermal insulation of continuous blowdown flash tank
Table 4.13.3

07 Thermal insulation of inlet intersection angle flue inwall Dominant Table 4.13.4

Table 4.13.3
08 Flue thermal insulation
Table 4.13.4

09 Chimney thermal insulation Table 4.13.3

02 Boiler piping insulation

01 Boiler connection pipe thermal insulation Dominant Table 4.13.6

02 Water supply pipe thermal insulation Dominant Table 4.13.7

Project number Acceptance organization

Number of quality
Unit Subsection Subitem Inspection Project name Property Construction Supervision Design Manufacturing Development
acceptance table
project project project lot organization organization organization organization organization

Table 4.13.6
03 Desuperheating water pipe thermal insulation
Table 4.13.12

Table 4.13.5
04 Soot blowing steam pipe thermal insulation
Table 4.13.6

04 01 02 Table 4.13.6
05 Boiler drainage pipe thermal insulation
Table 4.13.12

Table 4.13.6
06 Sampling pipe thermal insulation Table 4.13.12
Table 4.13.13

Table 4.13.6
07 Boiler thermal meter pipe thermal insulation
Table 4.13.12

Table 4.13.13
08 Boiler valve and flange thermal insulation
Table 4.13.14

02 Steam turbine equipment and pipe thermal insulation Dominant

01 Turbine room equipment thermal insulation

Table 4.13.8
Table 4.13.9
01 Steam turbine main body thermal insulation Dominant
Table 4.13.10
Table 4.13.11

Table 4.13.2 and Table

02 Thermal insulation of deaerator and deaerator water tank

02 Turbine room pipe thermal insulation

01 Main stream pipe thermal insulation Dominant Table 4.13.7

02 Reheated steam pipe thermal insulation Dominant Table 4.13.7

03 Condensed water pipe thermal insulation Table 4.13.6

Table 4.13.6
04 High-pressure heater drainage pipe thermal insulation
Table 4.13.12

Table 4.13.5
05 Thermal insulation of discharge pipe in the turbine room
Table 4.13.6

Table 4.13.5
06 Thermal insulation of main throttle valve and steam lead pipe Dominant
Table 4.13.6

Table 4.13.13
07 Steam turbine valve and flange thermal insulation
Table 4.13.14

03 Chemical water equipment and pipe thermal insulation

01 Chemical water equipment thermal insulation

01 Chemical water equipment thermal insulation Table 4.13.3

02 Chemical water pipe thermal insulation

Table 4.13.6
01 Chemical water pipe thermal insulation
Table 4.13.12

04 Thermal equipment of equipments and pipes in the heating station and

heating network system

01 Thermal equipment of equipments and pipes in the heating station and

heating network system

01 Equipments in the heating station and heating network system Table 4.13.6

Project number Acceptance organization

Number of quality
Unit Subsection Subitem Inspection Project name Property Construction Supervision Design Manufacturing Development
acceptance table
project project project lot organization organization organization organization organization

Thermal equipment of pipes in the heating station and heating network

02 Table 4.13.6

03 Thermal insulation of natural gas heater hot water pipe Table 4.13.6

04 05 Thermal insulation of equipments and pipes in the denitration area

01 Thermal insulation of equipments in the denitration area

01 Thermal insulation of equipments in the denitration area Table 4.13.3

02 Thermal insulation of flues in the denitration area Table 4.13.3

02 Thermal insulation of pipes in the denitration area

01 Thermal insulation of pipes in the denitration area Table 4.13.6

C.2 Installation of combustion engine exhaust-heat boiler
C.2.1 Aggregate installation of guard plate:
1 Application scope: aggregate installation of exhaust-heat boiler guard plate.
2 See Table C.2.1 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table C.2.1 Aggregate installation of guard plate
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Appearance inspection of guard Without flaw, skin lamination,

plate serious rust and damage

Checking drawing design;

Material Dominant Without misusage carrying out spectral analysis
for alloy components

Measuring length of two

Side length L1m corresponding sides with steel
Physical -6
Inspection 0
deviation Side length L3m Measuring 3 points with steel
for -8
of guard mm tape (two sides must be
assembly 0
plate Side length L5m measured)
parts of -10
equipment Measuring 4 points with steel
parts) 0
and guard Side length L>5m tape (two sides must be
plate measured)

Diagonal Side length L2.5m 5

difference Side length L5.0m 8

of guard Dominant mm
Measuring with steel tape
Side length L>5.0m 10

Side length L2.5m 4
Drawing wire and testing with
of guard Dominant mm
steel ruler
Installation plate Side length L>2.5m 8

Welding type meeting the

requirements specified in
manufacturer's technical Observing, testing the weld
Welded joint inspection of guard
documents; no such defects as dimension with welding
plate (assembly parts)
slag inclusion, undercut, pore inspection ruler
or incomplete penetration;
good weld seam shaping

Suspending plumb, testing
1/1000 guard plate height, with steel ruler, measuring
Verticality deviation of guard plate mm
and10 over 2 places for each

Taking the beam or post

Position deviation of guard plate Dominant mm center line as reference,
testing with steel ruler

Shall meet the requirements of

guard plate heat expansion
Bolted connection Dominant direction and clearance; Observation
consistent exposed length of
bolt screw thread

Welding type meeting the

requirements specified in
manufacturer's technical Observing, testing the weld
Welding documents; no such defects as dimension with welding
slag inclusion, undercut, pore inspection ruler
or incomplete penetration;
good weld seam shaping

C.2.2 Installation of steam drum:

1 Application scope: installation of exhaust-heat boiler steam drum equipment (drum
and stub tube).
2 See Table C.2.2 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table C.2.2 Installation of steam drum
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Checking according to the design

Installation Installations direction Correct

Testing with steel ruler and glass

horizontal tube, taking 1m
Elevation deviation mm 5
elevation line of boiler steel
frame as the reference

Testing horizontal central

Vertical and horizontal levelness
mm 2 position at both ends of the steam
drum with glass horizontal tube
Dominant Taking the boiler transverse
expansion center as reference,
Transverse central position deviation mm 5
suspending plumb, testing with
steel tape

Taking the boiler vertical

Longitudinal central position expansion center as reference,
mm 5
deviation suspending plumb, testing with
steel tape

Suspending plumb, measuring
Verticality deviation Dominant mm 1L, and10
with a steel ruler

Firm rootage, meeting the

design requirements, stably
Installation of fixed support Dominant Appearance inspection
combined with the steam

Correct position, heat

displacement offset device
Installation of sliding support shall meet the design Appearance inspection
requirements, clean sliding

Welding type shall meet

the requirements specified
in manufacturer's technical Observing, testing the weld
Welding Dominant documents; no such dimension with welding
defects as slag inclusion, inspection ruler
undercut or pore; good
weld seam shaping

C.2.3 Module inspection:

1 Application scope: inspection of exhaust-heat boiler module equipment.
2 See Table C.2.3 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table C.2.3 Module inspection
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Without such defects as flaw,

bruise, chap, squish, blister,
Equipment Appearance inspection of header and delamination; allowable
inspection pipe surface defect depth: pipe
10% design wall thickness
and 1mm; header 1mm

Without vertical and

horizontal center line on two
end faces of header, with
Header lineation mark (punching) at the center
point; with mark (punching)
at the symmetrical centre of
the boiler

Pipe opening, pipe joint position and Testing with steel ruler and
Meeting the drawing
external dimension of header vernier caliper

Header Meeting 3.1.8 in DL/T Measuring with steel ruler

End face inclination
pipe joint 5047-1995 and glass horizontal tube

Random inspection with

Angular deviation to the
Meeting the drawing L-square and steel ruler or
taking-off random inspection

Randomly inspecting with
Distance deviation of pipe
mm Meeting the drawing steel ruler close to header
drum and tube opening

External diameter Random inspection: testing

with vernier caliper,
Pipe joint mm
micrometer and thickness
Wall thickness
Meeting the drawing tester

Length mm
Drawing wire, testing with
Width mm steel ruler and angle ruler, or
inspecting by checking
of the
Height mm samples on the pipe reshaping
module Meeting the drawing
and positioning platform
Diagonal line mm

Auxiliaries (such as hoisting device Correct position and without Observing and testing with
and top guard plate) damage and defect steel tape

Checking technical document,

Without misusage, meeting product certificate, spectral
requirements of the analysis of alloy steel
Material Dominant
equipment technical component, issuing report,
document making on the obvious

Weld dimension shall meet Observation, randomly

the drawing requirements, inspecting the weld
Manufacturer's welded joints Dominant
without such defects as flaw dimension with welding
and pore, good shaping testing ruler

C.2.4 Module installation:

1 Application scope: installation of exhaust-heat boiler module equipment.
2 See Table C.2.4 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table C.2.4 Module installation
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Equipment According to the requirements

Module elevation deviation Dominant mm 5
installation of E.2 in this Part

Vertical and horizontal levelness According to the requirements

Dominant mm 3
deviation of module of E.3 in this Part,

taking boiler center line as the

reference, according to the
requirements of E.1 in this
Distance deviation of vertical and
Part, drawing wire,
horizontal center line of module to Dominant mm 5
suspending plumb,
the boiler center line
respectively testing distance
to both ends of header vertical
and horizontal center lines

Testing distance two ends of
Deviation of module longitudinal
two header center line
center line verticality and horizontal mm 5
according to the requirements
of E.1 in this Part

Clearance between module edge pipe Testing several points with the
Dominant mm Meeting the drawing
and gas baffle steel ruler

Clearance between module header Testing several points with the

Dominant mm Meeting the drawing
tank and shake-proof device steel ruler

Testing several points with the

Module expansion clearance Dominant mm Meeting the drawing
steel ruler

Meeting the requirements of

Hoisting device Dominant
4.3.5 in this Part

Correct position and angle;

Installation of auxiliaries (such as gas
mm meeting the drawing Measuring with steel tape
baffle and connecting plate)
requirements; firmly installed

Without such defects as flaw, Observing, testing the weld

Welding Dominant slag inclusion and pore, good dimension with welding
shaping inspection ruler

C.2.5 Installation of stop block:

1 Application scope: installation of exhaust-heat boiler header tank stop block and
shake-proof device.
2 See Table C.2.5 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table C.2.5 Installation of stop block
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Dominant components shall

be free from flaw, skin
Appearance inspection Observation
lamination, serious rust and
Physical dimension Dominant mm Meeting design requirements Testing with a steel ruler

Material Meeting design requirements Spectrum testing

Testing several points with the

Thermal expansion clearance Dominant mm Meeting design drawing
steel ruler

Testing with steel ruler and

Elevation deviation mm 5
glass horizontal tube

Testing with steel ruler and

Equipment Levelness deviation mm 10
glass horizontal tube
Flexible rotation, complete
Door opening opening and shutdown, Observation
closeness and inleakage

Without such defects as flaw, Observing, testing the weld

slag inclusion and pore, good dimension with welding

shaping inspection ruler

C.2.6 Foundation lineation and iron gasket installation of steel stack:

1 Application scope: foundation lineation and iron gasket installation of exhaust-heat
boiler steel stack.
2 See Table C.2.6 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table C.2.6 Foundation lineation and iron gasket installation of steel stack
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Pitted surface, the position

Observing, inspecting with
Foundation surface placing iron gasket shall be
level ruler

Distance deviation between vertical

Suspending plumb, testing
and horizontal central line of Dominant mm 20
Inspection with steel ruler
foundation and benchmark of plant
Testing with level
Elevation deviation of foundation 0 instrument and steel ruler,
of mm
plane -20 comparing with design

Deviation of foundation external +20

dimension 0 Testing with steel tape or

Central line deviation of embedded steel ruler

mm 20
stone bolt

Total height of secondary pouring mm 50 Testing with a steel ruler

Block number in each group Block 3 Observation

Installation At both sides of chimney

Placing position Observation
of iron support rib plate or stone bolt
gasket 60% foundation design
Bearing pressure Determined by calculation

Without looseness; mutual spot Observing, and tapping with

Installation of iron gasket
welding. hand hammer

Vertical deviation of stone bolt mm L/100 Observation

Distance of hook (loop) head to hole The bottom shall not contact
Installation wall the hole wall

of stone Smooth and good contact; bolt

Installation of stone bolt, nut and
bolt shall expose 2-3 buttons after Observation
nuts are tightened up

Concrete strength in stone bolt Checking construction

70% concrete design strength
tightening record

C.2.7 Combination of steel stack:

1 Application scope: combination of exhaust-heat boiler steel stack.
2 See Table C.2.7 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table C.2.7 Combination of steel stack

Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Reference line, point and

elevation mark and serial
Mark Dominant Observation inspection
number shall be complete and

Without crater and obvious

Drum appearance surface Dominant concave surface, scratch shall Observation inspection
be less than 0.5mm

Drum diatmeter5m Dominant mm 10

Drum diameter >5m Dominant mm 20 Inspecting with steel ruler

Deviation of external diameter +6

mm Inspecting with steel ruler
perimeter 0

Inspecting with ruler and

Combination Contra aperture deviation mm 1
feeler gauge
of steel stack
Staggered distance of two adjacent
mm 300 Inspecting with steel ruler
sections of welded joints

Deviation of drum two end faces Inspecting with suspension

mm 3
with axis or verticality of drum wall wire and steel ruler

Inspecting with 1m steel ruler

Straightness of drum mm 2L/1000, and8
and feeler gauge

Inspecting with template no

Circular arc degree of drum mm 2 less than 1.5m chord length
and feeler gauge

Inspecting with 1m ruler and

Surface planeness mm 3
feeler gauge

H/2000, and no greater than

Drum length deviation mm Inspecting with steel ruler
10 (H=length)

Note: H is the height of steel cylinder assembly section

C.2.8 Installation of steel stack:

1 Application scope: installation of exhaust-heat boiler steel stack.
2 See Table C.2.8 for quality criteria and inspection method.
Table C.2.8 Installation of steel stack
Inspection method and
Procedure Inspection item Property Unit Quality criteria

Inspecting production
Installation Must meet the design
Installation quality of steel drum and installation quality and
of steel Dominant requirements and relevant
manufacture of support loop relevant technical
stack quality criteria

Without crater and obvious

Drum appearance surface Dominant concave surface, scratch Observation inspection
shall be less than 0.5mm

Concentricity C15m 10
of drum and mm Inspecting with steel ruler
support loop C1>5m 20

Inspecting with a feeler

Clearance of drum and support loop mm 1.5

Inspecting with ruler and

Butt misalignment mm 1
feeler gauge

Staggered distance of two adjacent

mm 150 Inspecting with steel ruler
sections of longitudinal welded joints

Inspecting with level

Elevation deviation of shake-proof point mm 10
instrument and steel ruler

Drum center deviation mm 100 Inspecting with plumb meter

Measuring with steel ruler

Drum total height deviation mm 4-100 and inspecting with

Center deviation of flue opening mm 15 Inspecting with theodolite

Inspecting with level

Elevation deviation of flue opening mm 20
instrument and steel ruler

Height and width deviation of flue

mm 20 Inspecting with steel ruler

Note: C1 is the drum diameter

C.3 Single project quality evaluation of combustion engine exhaust-heat boiler

C.3.1 Basic requirements for single project quality evaluation of combustion engine
exhaust-heat boiler shall meet those specified in 5.1 of this Part.
C.3.2 Evaluation provisions:
1 As for single project quality evaluation of electric power construction, corresponding
weight shall be given according to the importance and work load of project position (scope) in
single project. Weight of project position (scope) shall be determined according to the
characteristics of each profession. See Table C.3.2-1 for each project position (scope) weight
score in this single project. In Table C.3.2-1 "Project position (scope) weight distribution table
of boiler single project", if there is inexistent unit project according to the actual situation of
project, its weight shall be redistributed according to the original weight proportion of the rest
unit projects.
Table C.3.2-1 Project position (scope) weight distribution table of combustion engine exhaust-heat boiler
single project

Project position (scope) Weight score

Installation of boiler body and integral air pressure test 36

Installation of denitration equipment 25

Installation of boiler auxiliary machinery 13

Equipment and piping insulation in the whole plant 26

2 Quality evaluation of each project position (scope) shall include the quality assurance
conditions on construction site, performance testing, quality records, dimension deviation and
actual limit measurement, implementation management and performance of compulsory
provision, as well as appearance quality. Corresponding weight score shall be given for each
evaluation content according to its importance and work load in the unit project, see Table
Table C.3.2-2 Project position (scope) evaluation item weight distribution table
Installation of boiler Equipment and
Installation of Installation of boiler
No. Evaluation item body and integral air piping insulation in
denitration equipment auxiliary machinery
pressure test the whole plant

Evaluation on quality
1 assurance conditions on 12 12 15 15
construction site

2 Performance test 18 20 28 20

3 Quality record 30 20 20 15

Dimensional deviation
4 and actual limit 15 16 12 10

Compilation condition
of implementing
5 15 20 15 12
compulsory provision

6 Appearance quality 10 12 10 28

3 Other evaluation requirements shall meet those specified in 5.2 of this Part.
C.3.3 Evaluation contents: shall meet the requirements specified in 5.3 of this Part.
C.3.4 Evaluation methods: shall meet the requirements specified in 5.4 of this Part.
C.3.5 Evaluation on construction quality of boiler body installation and integral air pressure
test project:
1 Inspection and evaluation items for construction site quality assurance conditions
shall meet the relevant requirements of 5.4.1 in this Part. As for the quality assurance
conditions and inspection methods at the construction site, relevant systems and measure
information shall be inspected as well as their implementation conditions shall be inspected
randomly to carry out comprehensive judgment according to the contents specified in Table
Table C.3.5-1 Construction site quality assurance condition evaluation table
Boiler body installation and integral air Construction Before carrying out 168 start-up trial operation
Project position (scope)
pressure test stage of complete machine

Construction organization

Evaluation Obtained Remark

No. Evaluation items Score
results score

100% 85% 70%

Site organization structure, quality guarantee system, site acceptance

1 system of materials and equipments, system of job responsibility, as 30
well as reward and punishment system

Pertinence and workability of quality inspection and acceptance

2 standard, construction technology standard, working method, operation 25
specifications and operation instructors

Examination and approval of construction organization design,

3 construction scheme, construction measure, risk aversion measure, etc. 30
Pertinence, workability and implementation effect of contents

4 Implement effects of quality objective and management system 15

Weight: 12
Total score:
Total obtained score:
Quality record score of boiler body installation and air pressure test project=Obtained score/Score12=

Evaluator (signature):

2 See Table C.3.5-2 performance test evaluation table for performance test inspection
and evaluation items.
Table C.3.5-2 Performance test evaluation table
Boiler body installation and integral air Construction Before carrying out 168 start-up trial operation of
Project position (scope)
pressure test stage complete machine

Construction organization

Evaluation Obtained
No. Evaluation items Score results score

100% 85% 70%

1 Installation quality of high-strength bolt and connecting piece 10

Elevation, physical dimension and deflection of boiler-steel-frame

2 15
top plate

Installation dimension of heating surface: steam drum; position and

3 20
elevation of up header tank

Expansion capacity and direction of the equipment in boiler heating

4 10

5 Stressing of boiler top hoisting device 15

6 Spectrum re-inspection of alloy steel 10

7 Through ball in heating surface 5

8 Hydraulic boiler test 10

9 Ladder footpath unblocking 5

Weight: 15
Total score:
Evaluation Total obtained score:
results Quality record score of boiler body installation and air pressure test project=Obtained score/Score30=

Evaluator (signature):

1) Inspection criteria:
Installation quality of high-strength bolts and connecting pieces: connecting pieces shall
be complete; tightening torque shall meet the design and without screw skip. All wabblers of
torsion-shear-type high-strength bolt shall be screwed off. Amount of bolts whose wabblers
are not screwed off during the final screwing shall not be greater than 5% of bolt amount at
this joint after final screwing of connectors, except those whose wabblers can not be screwed
off with special spanner due to structure reasons.
Elevation, physical dimension and deflection of boiler steel frame top plate: shall meet
design requirements; beam elevation deviation: 5mm; beam spacing deviation: 5mm; plate
beam deflection deviation: not greater than 30 mm upward and not greater than 5mm
downward; beam parallism deviation 5mm.
Installation dimension of heating surface: position and elevation of steam drum:
elevation deviation 5mm; longitudinal and transverse center position deviation 5mm.
Position and elevation of up header tank: elevation deviation 5mm; longitudinal and
transverse center position deviation 5mm.
Expansion capacity and direction of the equipment in boiler heating surface: the direction
meets design requirements; there is no object in the expansion direction to obstruct the
expansion and there is sufficient reservation for expansion.
Stressing of hoisting device at boiler top: rational load distribution and uniform stressing
of hanger rod
Spectrum re-inspection of alloy steel: spectral analysis shall be carried out for alloy steel
piece by piece; materials shall not be misused.
Through ball in heating surface: through ball test is carried out on site before installation
so as to guarantee unimpeded heating surface and a clean internal surface.
Hydraulic boiler test: the test pressure meets the requirements specified in manufacturer's
technical criteria, without manufacturer's requirements, those requirements in Article 14.9 of
"Supervision Code for Boiler and Pressure Vessel of the Power Industry" CL 612 shall be met.
Pressure boosting and reduction speeds meet the requirements of specifications. There shall
be no leakage or deformation fracture of bearing pieces and at all welded joints, manholes,
handholes, flanges and valves etc. after the test.
Ladder footpath unblocking: ladder footpaths are installed completely and there are
complete handrails but no skip; footpath can reach all the reach-required positions on boiler
without obstruction; the platform handrails which affect the pass are actively alternated.
2) Inspection method:
Installation quality of high-strength bolt and connecting piece:
Large hexagon head high strength bolt: inspecting by knocking with hammer (0.3kg) to

see if there is screw skip. At the same time, construction record shall be inspected.
Torsion-shear-type high strength bolts: inspecting bolts to see if their wabblers have been
screwed off. At the same time, construction record shall be inspected.
Inspection quantity: randomly inspecting 10% of nodes, but shall not be less than 10;
final-screwing torsional inspection shall be carried out for all torsion-shear-type high strength
bolt connectors whose wabblers are not screwed off in the randomly-inspected nodes.
Elevation, geometric dimension and deflection of boiler-steel-frame top plate: site
inspection Beam elevation: measured with glass horizontal tube or level instrument. Beam
spacing and parallism: space between center lines at both ends of the beam shall be inspected
with spring scale by pulling steel tape. Plate beam deflection: inspecting by pulling steel wire.
Installation dimension in heating surface: site inspection and measurement; if it is not
available, inspecting construction note
Expansion capacity and direction of the equipment in boiler heating surface: consulting
drawing design data, observing expansion conditions on site.
Stressing of hoisting device at boiler top: shaking hanger rod by hands on site or shaking
hanger rod with hand hammer for judgment
Spectrum re-inspection of alloy steel: checking spectral analysis report.
Through ball in heating surface: checking the records, confirmation and signature of
through ball test
Hydraulic boiler test: checking the confirmation, signature and construction record of
water pressure test
Ladder footpath unimpeded: field inspection, observing if there is blocking and
3 Quality record inspection and evaluation shall be enforced according to Table C.3.5-3
quality record evaluation table. Evaluation methods shall meet the requirements specified in
5.5.3 of this Part.
Table C.3.5-3 Quality record evaluation table
Boiler body installation and integral air Construction Before carrying out 168 start-up trial operation of
Project position (scope)
pressure test stage complete machine

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation results Remark
No. Evaluation items Score score

100% 85% 70%

1 Installation record of boiler steel frame 15

2 Installation record of boiler heating surface 18

3 Installation record of flue and air duct 10

4 Installation record of boiler accessories 5

5 Records of hydraulic boiler test and integral air pressure test 10

6 Records and reports on alloy steel spectrum re-inspection 10

7 Confirmation and signature of concealed project 8

8 Confirmation and signature on the flushing and purging of pipes 5

Letter of notice and registration form of design alteration and
9 5
materials substitutes

Delivery test report, quality certificate and registration form of

10 5
equipments and materials

Equipment defect notice, equipment defect handling report and

11 5
registration form

12 Reports of equipment quality supervision 4

Weight: 30
Total score:
Evaluation Total obtained score:
results Quality record score of boiler body installation and air pressure test project=Obtained score/Score30=

Evaluator (signature):

4 Dimensional deviation and limit inspection and evaluation shall be enforced

according to Table C.3.5-4 dimensional deviation and actual limit measurement evaluation
table. Evaluation methods shall meet the requirements specified in 5.5.4 of this Part.
Table C.3.5-4 Dimensional deviation and actual limit measurement evaluation table
Boiler body installation and integral air Construction Before carrying out 168 start-up trial operation
Project position (scope)
pressure test stage of complete machine

Construction organization

Evaluation Obtained
No. Evaluation items Score results score

100% 85% 70%

1 Steel frame verticality and 1m elevation line 25

2 Deflection of large plate beam (before and after bearing) 20

Steam drum (steam separator), header elevation and horizontal

3 25

4 Expansion clearance 20

5 Installation elevation of water level gauge 10

Weight: 15
Total score:
Total obtained score:
Quality record score of boiler body installation and air pressure test project=Obtained score/Score15=
Evaluator (signature):

5 Implementation performance inspection and evaluation of compulsory provisions

shall be enforced according to Table C.3.5-5 implementation performance evaluation table of
compulsory provisions. Evaluation methods shall meet the requirements specified in 5.5.5 of
this Part.

Table C.3.5-5 Implementation performance evaluation table of compulsory provisions
Boiler body installation and integral air Construction Before carrying out 168 start-up trial operation
Project position (scope)
pressure test stage of complete machine

Construction organization

Evaluation results Remark
No. Evaluation items Score score

100% 85% 70%

1 Implementation plan of compulsory provisions 10

Inspection table on the implementation performance of compulsory

2 15
provisions for steel frame installation

Inspection table on the implementation performance of compulsory

3 5
provisions for steam drum installation

Inspection table on the implementation performance of compulsory

4 10
provisions for economizer installation

Inspection table on the implementation performance of compulsory

5 15
provisions for evaporator installation

Inspection table on the implementation performance of compulsory

6 10
provisions for superheater installation

Inspection table on the implementation performance of compulsory

7 15
provisions for heating network heat exchanger installation

Inspection table on the implementation performance of compulsory

provisions for equipment (such as boiler discharging, sampling,
8 5
drainage, heating, sootblowing, steam exhausting and dosing
equipments) and pipe installation

Inspection table on the implementation performance of compulsory

9 15
provisions for hydrostatic test for entire boiler

Weight: 15
Total score:
Total obtained score:
Quality record score of boiler body installation and air pressure test project=Obtained score/Score15=

Evaluator (signature):

6 Appearance quality inspection and evaluation shall be enforced according to Table

5.5.6. Evaluation methods shall meet the requirements specified in 5.5.6 of this Part.
C.3.6 Construction quality evaluation of boiler denitration equipment installation project:
1 Inspection and evaluation items and methods for construction site quality assurance
conditions of boiler denitration equipment installation project: see relevant provisions of 5.6.1
in Chapter5. As for the evaluation on the quality assurance conditions on the construction site
of boiler denitration equipment installation project, relevant systems and measure information
shall be inspected as well as their implementation conditions shall be inspected randomly to
carry out comprehensive judgment according to the contents specified in Table C.3.6-1.

Table C.3.6-1 Evaluation table on the quality assurance condition on the construction site of boiler
denitration equipment installation project
Installation project of boiler Construction Before carrying out 168 start-up trial operation of
Project position (scope)
denitration equipment stage complete machine

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation results Remark
No. Evaluation items Score score

100% 85% 70%

Site organization structure, quality guarantee system, site

1 acceptance system of materials and equipments, system of job 30
responsibility, as well as reward and punishment system

Pertinence and workability of quality inspection and

acceptance standard, construction technology standard,
2 25
working method, operation specifications and operation

Examination and approval of construction organization

design, construction scheme, construction measure, risk
3 30
aversion measure, etc. Pertinence, workability and
implementation effect of contents

Implement effects of quality objective and management

4 15

Weight: 12
Total score:
Evaluation Total obtained score:
results Quality record score of boiler denitration equipment installation project =Obtained score/Score12=

Evaluator (signature):

2 See Table C.3.6-2 performance test evaluation table of boiler denitration devices for
performance test inspection and evaluation items. Performance test inspection and evaluation
methods shall meet the requirements specified in 5.6.2 of this Part.
Table C.3.6-2 Evaluation table on the performance test of boiler denitration equipment installation project
Construction Before carrying out 168 start-up trial operation of
Project position (scope) Boiler denitration equipment
stage complete machine

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation results Remark
No. Evaluation items Score score

100% 85% 70%

Denitration Spectral analysis of alloy steel 20

Installation quality of high-strength bolt connection 10

Air pressure test of entire denitration devices 20

Segmental trial operation of mechanical equipments 15

Reservation of reducer and gas-tightness test of transmission


Nitrogen replacement 20

Weight: 20
Total score:
Total obtained score:
Quality record score of boiler denitration equipment installation project=Obtained score/Score20=

Evaluator (signature):

3 Quality record inspection and evaluation shall be enforced according to Table C.3.6-3
quality record evaluation table. Evaluation methods shall meet the requirements specified in
5.6.3 of this Part.
Table C.3.6-3 Evaluation table on the quality record of boiler denitration equipment installation project
Boiler denitration Construction Before carrying out 168 start-up trial operation of complete
Project position (scope)
equipment stage machine

Construction organization

Evaluation results Remark
No. Evaluation items Score score

100% 85% 70%

Installation Delivery test report, quality

of certificate and registration form of 10
denitration equipments and materials
certificates and
devices Torque coefficient reexamination
report of high strength bolt
reports of 10
connector, antiskid coefficient test
materials and
report of friction surface
Spectrum re-inspection reports of
alloy steel

Re-inspection records of
high-strength bolt after fastening

Secondary grouting confirmation and

signature of steel frame post base

Construction Re-inspection records of entire steel

acceptance frame

records Confirmation and signature of

concealed project record

Installation records of injection pipes 10

Installation records of catalyst


Confirmation and signature of
reducer pipe hydrostatic test
Construction tests
Confirmation and signature of
reducer storage pot hydrostatic test

Weight: 20
Total score:
Total obtained score:
Quality record score of boiler denitration equipment installation project=Obtained score/Score20=

Evaluator (signature):

4 Dimensional deviation and limit inspection and evaluation shall be enforced

according to Table C.3.6-4 dimensional deviation and actual limit measurement evaluation
table. Evaluation methods shall meet the requirements specified in 5.6.4 of this Part.
Table C.3.6-4 Evaluation table on the dimensional deviation and limit of boiler denitration equipment
installation project
Construction Before carrying out 168 start-up trial operation of
Project position (scope) Boiler denitration equipment
stage complete machine

Construction organization

Evaluation results Remark
No. Evaluation items Score score

100% 85% 70%

Steel frame verticality and 1m elevation line deviation 20

Installation Flue tightness 20

of Vibration and temperature of rotating machine 20

denitration Verticality, expansion direction and expansion capacity of
devices supporter and hanger

Expansion capacity of expansion joint 20

Weight: 16
Total score:
Total obtained score:
Quality record score of boiler denitration equipment installation project=Obtained score/Score16=

Evaluator (signature):

5 Implementation performance inspection and evaluation of compulsory provisions

shall be enforced according to Table C.3.6-5 implementation performance evaluation table of
the compulsory provisions. Evaluation methods shall meet the requirements specified in 5.6.5
of this Part.
Table C.3.6-5 Implementation performance evaluation table of the compulsory provisions for boiler
denitration equipment installation project
Project position (scope) Boiler denitration equipment Construction Before carrying out 168 start-up trial operation of

stage complete machine

Construction organization

Evaluation results Remark
No. Evaluation items Score score

100% 85% 70%

Installation Implementation plan of compulsory provisions 50

of Inspection table on implementation performance of
denitration compulsory provisions for subsection project of reducer 50
devices preparation storage system

Weight: 20
Total score:
Evaluation Total obtained score:
results Quality record score of boiler denitration equipment installation project=Obtained score/Score20=

Evaluator (signature):

6 Appearance quality inspection and evaluation shall be enforced according to Table

5.6.6. Evaluation methods shall meet the requirements specified in 5.6.6 of this Part.
C.3.7 Construction quality evaluation of boiler auxiliary machinery installation project:
1 Inspection and evaluation items for construction site quality assurance conditions
shall meet the relevant requirements of 5.7.1. As for the quality assurance conditions and
inspection methods at the construction site, relevant systems and measure information shall be
inspected as well as their implementation conditions shall be inspected randomly to carry out
comprehensive judgment according to the contents specified in Table C.3.7-1.
Table C.3.7-1 Construction site quality assurance condition evaluation table
Installation of boiler auxiliary Construction Before carrying out 168 start-up trial operation of
Project position (scope)
machinery stage complete machine

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation results Remark
No. Evaluation items Score score

100% 85% 70%

Site organization structure, quality guarantee system, site

1 acceptance system of materials and equipments, system of job 30
responsibility, as well as reward and punishment system

Pertinence and workability of quality inspection and acceptance

2 standard, construction technology standard, working method, 30
operation specifications and operation instructors

Examination and approval of construction organization design,

3 construction scheme, construction measure, risk aversion 25
measure, etc. Pertinence, workability and implementation effect

of contents

4 Implement effects of quality objective and management system 15

Weight: 5
Total score:
Total obtained score:
Quality record score of boiler auxiliary machinery installation project =Obtained score/Score5=

Evaluator (signature):

2 See Table C.3.7-2 for performance test inspection and evaluation items; performance
test inspection and evaluation methods shall meet the requirements of Article 5.7.1 in this
Table C.3.7-2 Auxiliary machinery installation performance test evaluation table
Installation of boiler auxiliary Construction Before carrying out 168 start-up trial operation of
Project position (scope)
machinery stage complete machine

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation Obtained
No. Evaluation items Score results score

100% 70%

1 Hydrostatic test of equipment system 10

2 Valve debugging and segmental trial operation of equipments 20

3 Combined trial operation test of fan 30

4 Tightness test of coal pulverizing system 10

5 Water injection and hydrostatic test of equipment oil system 20

6 Confirmation and signature after trial operation of equipment 10

Weight: 40
Total score:
Total obtained score:
Quality record score of boiler auxiliary machinery installation project=Obtained score/Score40=

Evaluator (signature):

3 Quality record inspection and evaluation shall be enforced according to Table C.3.7-3.
Evaluation methods shall meet the requirements specified in 5.7.3 of this Part.
Table C.3.7-3 Auxiliary machinery installation quality record evaluation table
Installation of boiler auxiliary Construction Before carrying out 168 start-up trial operation of
Project position (scope)
machinery stage complete machine

Construction organization

Obtained Remark
Evaluation results
No. Evaluation items Score score

100% 85% 70%

Equipment product certificate and quality certificate
1 10

2 Oil product certificate and quality certificate document 5

3 Equipment overhaul record 5

4 Equipment construction record 15

5 Hydrostatic test record 10

6 Confirmation and signature of equipment sealing 10

7 Segmental trial operation record 25

8 Construction quality acceptance record 20

Weight: 20
Total score:
Total obtained score:
Quality record score of boiler auxiliary machinery installation project=Obtained score/Score20=

Evaluator (signature):

4 Dimensional deviation and limit inspection and evaluation shall be enforced

according to Table C.3.7-4. Evaluation methods shall meet the requirements specified in 5.7.4
of this Part.
Table C.3.7-4 Dimensional deviation and actual limit measurement evaluation table for boiler auxiliary
machinery installation
Installation of boiler auxiliary Construction Before carrying out 168 start-up trial operation of complete
Project position (scope)
machinery stage machine

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation results Remark
No. Evaluation items Score score

100% 85% 70%

1 Stone bolt hole deviation 20

Vertical and horizontal center line deviation of coal mill,

2 20
fan and pump body

3 Elevation deviation of equipment and pump body 20

4 Center deviation of coupling 20

5 Clearance between shell and impeller blast inlet 10

6 Levelness deviation of shaft 10

Weight: 20
Total score:
Total obtained score:
Quality record score of boiler auxiliary machinery installation project=Obtained score/Score20=

Evaluator (signature):

5 Implementation performance inspection and evaluation of compulsory provisions

shall be enforced according to Table C.3.7-5 implementation performance evaluation table of
compulsory provisions.
Table C.3.7-5 Implementation performance evaluation table of compulsory provision management for
boiler auxiliary machinery installation
Installation of boiler auxiliary Before carrying out 168 start-up trial operation of
Project position (scope) Construction stage
machinery complete machine

Construction organization

Evaluation results Remark
No. Evaluation items Score

100% 85% 70%

1 Implementation plan of compulsory provisions 15

Inspection table on the implementation performance of compulsory

2 20
provisions for subsection project of fan installation

Inspection table on the implementation performance of compulsory

3 20
provisions for air compressor installation

Inspection table on the implementation performance of compulsory

4 25
provisions for pump equipment installation

Inspection table on the implementation performance of compulsory

5 20
provisions for hoisting system installation in the boiler room

Weight: 10
Total score:
Total obtained score:
Quality record score of boiler auxiliary machinery installation project=Obtained score/Score10=

Evaluator (signature):

6 Appearance quality inspection and evaluation shall be enforced according to Table

C.3.7-6. Evaluation methods shall meet the requirements specified in 5.7.6 of this Part.
Table C.3.7-6 Boiler auxiliary machinery appearance quality evaluation table
Installation of boiler auxiliary Construction Before carrying out 168 start-up trial operation of
Project position (scope)
machinery stage complete machine

Construction Evaluation
organization organization

Evaluation results Remark
No. Evaluation items Score

100% 85% 7004

1 Oil, water and steam pipe layout technology 15

2 Support installation technology 10

3 Ladder platform technology 10

4 Valve layout and flange bolt connection technology 10

5 Equipment in natural color; appearance tidy and clean 15

Oil, water and plaster without drip, seepage and leakage

6 25

Shelters in rotating parts firm, beautiful and convenient for

7 15

Weight: 5
Total score:
Evaluation Total obtained score:
results Quality record score of boiler auxiliary machinery installation project=Obtained score/Score5=

Evaluator (signature):

C.3.8 Construction quality evaluation of equipments and piping insulation project in the
whole plant shall meet the requirements of 5.9 in this Part.
C.3.9 Score summary and analysis of each position (scope) in combustion engine
exhaust-heat boiler single project shall meet the requirements of 5.12 in this Part, and be
summarized according to those specified in Table C.3.10.Table C.3.10 Single project quality
comprehensive evaluation summary table
Single project name No. boiler unit Date

Construction organization

Six evaluation contents

Quality Dimensional Management

assurance deviation of and
Project position (Unit condition Performance Quality evaluation implementation Appearance Subtotal
No. Weight%
project) name evaluation test record score and performance of quality score

on (Score) (Score) actual limit compulsory (Score)

construction measurement provisions
site (Score) (Score) (Score)

Installation of boiler
1 body and integral air 36
pressure test

Installation of
2 25
denitration equipment

Installation of boiler
3 13
auxiliary machinery

Thermal equipments
4 and piping insulation in 26
the whole plant

Total score:

C.3.10 Single project construction quality evaluation report shall meet the requirements of
5.13 in this Part.

Annex D


Confirmation and Signature Table of Unit Project Appearance

Quality Acceptance
D.1 See Table B.1 for confirmation and signature table of unit project appearance quality
Table D.1 Confirmation and signature table of unit project appearance quality acceptance
Project number:
Unit project name

Acceptance result
No. Acceptance item name
Qualified Unqualified

Equipment and structural support shall be installed firmly, paint shall be

uniform, objects shall be in the natural color and free from pollution

Mark and label shall be united, complete and normative

Overall appearance
1 Heat preservation appearance shall be good
Pipes below 76mm shall be arranged reasonably and in order

Platform, stairway and handrail shall be stable and with good technology

Protective results of finished products shall be good

Seepage point
Equipment and system
2 Leakage point
Serious leakage point

Material, procedure, thickness and color shall meet the design

Color and luster shall be consistent, uniform, without flow mark and
3 Painting construction

Without bubbles, shedding, rust recovery and pollution

Welded joint quality shall meet the specification.

Welded joints shall be uniform, without weld beading and residual

4 Welding construction electrode coating

Welded joints shall be free from deformation; welded junction shall be

free from welding skip

Surface shall be smooth, without damage and shedding

Rendering coat shall be smooth and without cracks

Heat preservation
5 Seaming of heat preservation metal shell shall meet the specification
Overlapping dimension of insulating layer enclosure in the metal

6 Bolted connection Matching application, firm connection and corrosion-proof

Penetration direction shall be consistent

Exposed screw thread shall be united and meet the specification

Equipment and system Mark shall be striking, united and normative

mark Label shall be complete, united, clear, hung firmly and without pollution

Without construction residue

Production area Without water, oil or ash accumulation

management Articles shall be stacked regularly and fixed

Doors of cabinets (boxes) shall be closed tightly

Acceptance organization Quality acceptance opinions Signature

Construction organization Date

Supervision organization Date

Development organization Date

Annex E


General Testing Methods

E.1 Testing method of main physical dimension for boiler installation
The main physical dimension for boiler installation may be measured under the same
tightening force (tightening force scope: 5~15N), using spring scale to tension a steel tape
(the steel tape shall be accredited through the quality control department).
E.2 Testing method of elevation
1) Boiler installation elevation shall be measured with level instrument or glass
horizontal tube with the datum elevation of factory building as the reference.
2) Determination and measurement of boiler steel frame 1m elevation: after a specified
post is installed in place, it shall be measured with level instrument or glass horizontal tube
with the datum elevation of factory building as the reference and shall be fixed after meeting
the requirements. When this post is used as the reference point for measuring elevation of
other posts, this measuring point shall not be moved randomly.
3) Determination and measurement of header tank (steam drum) elevation. Each header
tank (steam drum) elevation reference point shall be measured and determined with steel tape
from 1m elevation line using one (or two) post as the reference, and then positioned by
punching. Horizontal center positions at both ends of header tank (steam drum) shall be
measured respectively with the above corresponding elevation as the reference point to
determine installation elevation.
Elevation of testing beam may be measured according to the above methods, unless
otherwise specified.
E.3 Testing method for vertical and horizontal non-levelness of header tank (steam drum)
and beam
Vertical and horizontal non-levelness of header tank (steam drum) and beam may be
tested with horizontal glass tube according to the testing positions specified in Item 3 of E.2.
E.4 Inspection method of post and beam distortion value
The post and beam shall be placed horizontally; the horizontal deviation at four corners
of post and beam shall be tested with glass tube horizontally. Half of the maximum deviation
value is the distortion value of post and beam.
E.5 Testing method of boiler wall, heat preservation and paint
Random inspection shall be adopted for tested items. Therein, 10 points of dominant
items shall be inspected randomly; 5 points of general items shall be inspected randomly.
Mean of the randomly-inspected item results shall be adopted.
E.6 Kerosene penetration testing method
Lime water shall be brushed at the back of welded joints, kerosene shall be brushed on
the other side of the welded joints after lime water is dried, the side that brushed with lime
water shall be inspected after kerosene is brushed for 20 minutes, if there is no black spot on
the white lime surface, the welded joints are close and not leaked.

Explanation of Wording in This Code
1.0.1 Words used for different degrees of strictness are explained as follows in order to
mark the differences in executing the requirements in this code:
1 Words denoting a very strict or mandatory requirement:
Must is used for affirmation; must not for negation.
2 Words denoting a strict requirement under normal conditions:
Shall is used for affirmation; shall not for negation.
3 Words denoting a permission of a slight choice or an indication of the most
suitable choice when conditions permit:
Should is used for affirmation; should not for negation.
4 May is used to express the option available, sometimes with the conditional
1.0.2 Shall comply with or Shall meet the requirements of is used in this code to
indicate that it is necessary to comply with the requirements stipulated in other relative
standards and codes. "May refer to" is used to indicate it is unnecessary to comply with the
requirements stipulated in other relative standards and codes.


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