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G o f u r t her

with TEFL
around the
180 Hour Online TEFL Course

180 Hour Online


120 180

TEFL Course


 120 Hours of online TEFL training
20 300

regulated: recognised and respected by employers
T E F across the world

 Additional Advanced grammar specialist course
 CO Additional Teaching young learners specialist course

130 320

Study online at your own pace


TE F L CD etailed feedback from expert tutors


 Your passport to thousands of jobs

 Boost your earning potential

The 180 Hour Online TEFL

Course is perfect if:
 You have no previous teaching experience.

Did you know?  You want access to great TEFL jobs abroad.
 You want a recognised, top quality TEFL Certificate.
i-to-i COLLABORATES WITH OVER 600  You want to increase the amount you can earn.
 ou want a TEFL qualification recognised and
respected by employers.
 You want to study online from anywhere in the world.
 You dont want to complete any practical training.






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So what exactly is TEFL?
TEFL stands for Teaching English as a Foreign

Typically, it involves a fluent English speaker teaching

English abroad at schools, language institutes or

A TEFL course equips you with the skills, knowledge and

confidence to teach English abroad. With a TEFL course
under your belt, you can travel the world, teaching and
earning as you go.

The best TEFL courses, like i-to-is, are quality regulated

and recognised by employers around the world. If you want
to travel, earn money, create amazing memories and make
a difference to the lives of others, then jump on board and
start your TEFL adventure.

The world wants TEFL

Wondering what your chances of getting a job are after
getting qualified? Well, the great news is there is huge
demand overseas for qualified TEFL teachers as more
and more countries want to compete economically in the
modern world.

Quite simply, theres never been a better time to teach

English abroad.

Did you know?


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The course
Start your adventure
Want to stand out from the crowd with a TEFL qualification
thatll get you the top jobs and a bigger pay packet? Then our
180 Hour Online TEFL course is just the ticket.

The course is completed 100% online so its super convenient

and you can access the modules anytime, anyplace from your
tablet, computer, or phone.

Heres what youll cover:

Section 1:
Planning a lesson
Learning how to plan a lesson is the first step to becoming a
brilliant teacher.

With a plan in place, youll step confidently into the classroom,

ready to teach and inspire.

In the first part of the course youll learn how to create a

successful lesson plan, looking at:

 Teaching methodologies
 What to include in a lesson plan
 How to set out a lesson plan
 Adapting your lesson for different types of classes

By the end of this section, youll be able to produce a

structured lesson plan for a range of different classes.
Did you know?
Section 2:
OVER 175,000 TEFL TEACHERS HAVE Lesson content
FOUND SUCCESS WITH i-to-i Once youve got planning sussed, its time to add in some
great lesson content. In this section youll get right to the heart
of what youll be teaching by looking at:

 The four key skills (reading, writing, listening, and speaking)

Youll refresh your own knowledge and learn how to turn this
knowledge into great material for your class.

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Section 3:
Making it work in the classroom
The best teachers are never forgotten, and pretty soon that could be you.

In this section youll learn how to:

 Create a good teaching environment for your students.

 Use different approaches to help your students learn.
 Deal with problems as they arise.

Section 4:
120 Hour Online Course assessment
The course assessment is designed to check what youve learnt. To qualify as a
TEFL teacher you need to pass the assessment.

The assessment is broken down into three stages:

1. Course test a multiple choice quiz to test what youve learnt. With 58
questions, youll need a score of 75% or above to pass.
2. Lesson plan youll create your own lesson plan based on a scenario we
provide. Then youll submit your lesson plan to your tutor for marking.
3. W
 ritten work youll produce a written document of 1,000-1,500 words,
explaining the thoughts behind your lesson plan. Again, youll submit this to
your tutor for marking.
After submitting the lesson plan and written work for marking, youll receive
feedback and find out how youve done.

Youll have up to three attempts to pass each part, so dont panic if you dont hit
the grade the first time around and if you fail any part, your tutor will contact you
to chat through everything.

Section 5:
Advanced Grammar course
Grammar can be tough to get your head around, even as a native English
speaker, but by the time youve completed our Advanced Grammar course youll
have a new found love for this often side-lined topic.

During this course youll learn:

 The nuts and bolts of English

 The tenses of English
 The functions of English
 The sounds of English

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Section 6:
Teaching Young Learners
Young children and toddlers can be challenging to any teacher,
no more so than a TEFL teacher where theres a language
barrier to contend with as well. Learn the theory behind
how children learn and practical tips you can take into the

Youll cover:

 Language awareness
 Current methodology for teaching children
 Classroom management & effective lesson planning
 Term planning & creating a syllabus
 Assessing your students
 Task-based learning & project-based learning

Section 7:
Taking it further
Of course, completing the course and successfully passing the
assessments is just the start. The best is yet to come and well
be by your side all the way, helping you plan your next steps.

Weve got tons of valuable resources to help you decide where

youd like to teach. Then of course, theres our jobs board
where you can find amazing positions just about anywhere in
the world. And our friendly team is always on hand to help you
prepare for your first day teaching abroad.

Section 8:
Specialist course
At the end of each of the specialist courses youll be required
to submit a lesson plan and supporting essay to your tutor.
They will review this and provide you with feedback, dont
worry if you dont pass first time, youll have three attempts to
get it right and your tutor will help you.

1. Lesson plan youll need to produce a lesson plan based

on a scenario which will be based on the course youve just

2. S
 upporting essay youll produce a written document of
1,0001,500 words explaining the thinking behind your
lesson plan.

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Why choose
Here are four good reasons why you should choose i-to-i:

1. We give you the choice

We know that there are different reasons why people want to
do a TEFL course and thats why we offer a range of courses.
Employers ask for a minimum of 120 hours training, so thats
the base for all our top TEFL courses. Its up to you whether
you want to add on extra modules or classroom training.

2. We know our stuff

Were the UKs longest-standing short course TEFL provider,

training over 175,000 TEFL teachers over the last 20 years.

3. Were by your side LE

When you choose i-to-i you get much more than just a great
course. You also gain the knowledge and guidance of our
excellent tutors and support team.

4. Our qualification is
The truth is, not all TEFL courses are created equal and not

Did you know?

all can get you an Ofqual-regulated qualification. Ofqual is
the UK government department that regulates qualifications
in England. This means when you choose i-to-i, you can be
confident that youre choosing a high-quality qualification
which is recognised by employers around the world.
and four more reasons to choose i-to-i WORLDWIDE BY 2022
 ur training is interactive, engaging and one of the most
enjoyable TEFL courses out there.
 ur courses have been developed with some of the
worlds leading language schools.
 Our jobs board offers thousands of positions worldwide.
 n passing the course, youll receive an internationally-
recognised professional TEFL certificate.

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Where can I
Feeling adventurous? Theres a whole world waiting to be
explored and the great news is, with a TEFL qualification
from i-to-i you can teach anywhere where English isnt
already the first language.

So fasten your seatbelts, heres our two-minute tour of

some of our graduates favourite destinations.

Teaching in Europe
Think you know Europe? Think again. Living and teaching
here is nothing like a two-week package holiday. Its so
much better! And a brilliant way to become immersed in
the culture and lifestyle of your chosen country.

Whether you want to live la dolce vita in Italy, fiesta til

sunrise in Spain, or go island hopping in Greece, demand
for teachers is always high here as European businesses
often want their staff to speak English. Take a look at our
jobs board to find positions in France, Spain, Italy, Poland,
Czech Republic, Greece and Hungary.

How much could I earn?

With positions in Europe you can typically earn up to
US$2300 per month.

Teaching in Asia
Venture off the beaten track in Asia and fall in love with the
stunning beaches of Thailand or Indonesia, discover the
palaces of South Korea, or explore the bustling streets of
China or Japan.

The demand for TEFL graduates is huge in Asia and there

are lots of opportunities to teach primary school children
here. Take a look at our jobs board to see positions
in China, Thailand, Vietnam, Japan, South Korea and

How much could I earn?

Wages vary across Asia but living costs are often low.
You could earn between US$750 - US$2800 per month.

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Teaching in the Middle East
Explore the beaches and mountains of Turkey, go beyond
Dubai to discover the fascinating landscapes of the UAE or
venture to Saudi Arabia and dive in the Red Sea. Wherever
you choose, the Middle East is sure to change your view of
the world.

There are lots of opportunities to teach English in the

Middle East, making this a great way to explore this
amazing region.

How much could I earn?

Positions in the Middle East can typically pay up to
US$5700 per month.

Teaching in South America

Join the carnival in Brazil, learn to tango in Argentina or
explore the rainforests of Ecuador. Wherever you head to, a
South American teaching experience is a million miles away
from the typical tourist trail.

How much could I earn?

Wages are generally low in South America but then the
cost of living is low too, so youll find your cash goes
further. Positions in South America can typically earn up to
US$1100 per month.

This whistle-stop tour of the world is just a taster.

There are so many places to explore. Where will TEFL
take you?

Did you know?


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Your questions answered
Do I need to speak another language to teach
No. You dont need to know any of the local lingo to teach
English abroad. The classes are taken in English and
youll be teaching conversational English so if you can
speak it, you can learn to teach it.

Do I need a degree to teach abroad?

It depends. For many positions, you dont need a degree
but some countries, such as China, insist that you have a
degree in order to work there.

Dont let the lack of a degree put you off. If you want to
find out more, give us a call on +44 871 423 9941.

How much will I earn?

Teaching salaries vary widely from country to country. In
some places, such as Japan and South Korea, wages
can be relatively high while in others, like Thailand, wages
are lower, but the cost of living is also very low. Our
students generally find that they earn enough money to
live comfortably and enjoy life in their chosen country.

Will I be on my own?
Wherever you choose to travel, youre sure to bump into
fellow travellers and its a great way to meet like-minded
people. And of course, were always here to offer help and
advice both while youre completing the course and as
you take your TEFL qualification into the world.

Whats the difference between learning online and

learning in the classroom?
Our 180 hour course is completed 100% online, with a
range of interactive activities as you progress through the
course. The beauty of learning online is that its so flexible;
you can access the course when it suits you from your
laptop, phone or tablet.

With our combined TEFL courses, you get either 10 or 20

hours learning in the classroom. Its a great opportunity to
practice teaching skills in a classroom environment and is
a real confidence booster.

Will the course fit in with my life?

Absolutely! The course is designed to fit around you
and your lifestyle. The 180 hours online study can be
completed at your own pace. You can access the course
24/7 so you can drop in and out when it suits you.

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How much grammar will I need to know?
Dont let worries about grammar put you off. Youll be
teaching conversational English and were sure youre
already a natural when it comes to talking.

So if grammar leaves you cold, dont sweat; you can still

be a great teacher.

Where can I teach abroad?

Anywhere where English isnt already the first language.
Thats a lot of places! So hit Google Maps and pick your
dream destination. You could be there sooner than you

What are TESOL and CELTA qualifications?

You might have seen a couple of other acronyms out
there, such as TESOL and CELTA.

TESOL means Teaching English to Speakers of Other

How do I access the course? Languages. Its more common in North America, Canada
Simply sign up and well whizz the login details straight and Australia and is the same as TEFL.
to your email. You can then access the course from your CELTA is the Certificate in English Language Teaching
tablet, phone, laptop or desktop computer. Our friendly to Adults (or Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers
team are on hand if you have any questions. of Other Language). Its an intensive full-time course
How long will it take to complete? which many find restrictive due to the cost and time
commitment involved. Its good for those who want to
Most people complete the course within eight to ten
make a life-long career out of teaching abroad but most
weeks but if you need a little more time, thats no
people find TEFL more flexible, affordable and better
problem. Youll have access for 15 weeks.
suited to their needs.
The beauty is, you can work at your own pace.

Will I get feedback?

Yes! We believe feedback is really important, not only to
check youre on the right track but to give you confidence
as you go along.

After submitting your work, it will be checked by our

experienced TEFL tutors and youll receive feedback and
support as youre progressing.

How soon before Im teaching abroad?

Eager to pack the sunscreen and flip-flops? Well, the
great news is you could be applying for jobs in as little as
three months.

We find most people take four to six weeks to complete

the 120 hour course and then start applying for jobs
straightaway. Its up to you if you want to hold off on the
job applications until youve finished the rest of the course
or if you want to complete them as youre applying for
your new TEFL role! As soon as you find the perfect job,
chuck your passport in your backpack and call a taxi to
the airport!

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Got questions?
Want to know more?
Ready to get going?
Whether youve got a burning question or just need
a little more advice, give our friendly team a call on

+44 (0) 113 205 4610

Or for more inspiration, to browse jobs and read real
travellers stories from our graduates, take a look
through the website at:

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