Starstruck Script

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Full Script

Starstruck Sterling Knight

Oh Oh, Yeah.

Announcer: Ladies and Gentleman, Christopher Wild!

Oh Oh, Yeah.Oh Oh, Yeah.Oh Oh.Every girl every boyThey got your posters on their wall,Yeah.Photographs,
autographsthe minute you step out the dooryou will need the applausePapparazzi s hiding in the bushestrying
to make a dollar.Wanna be you, when they see you, they scream out loud!StarstruckCamera flashes, cover of
magazines (oh oh)StarstruckDesigner sunglasses living the dream as a teen, driving fancy cars, Hollywood
boulevardHear the crowd callin your name, yeah StarstruckPrepare to getStarstruckAll rightOh oh, yeah. Oh
oh, yeah.Oh Oh, yeah. Oh ohAs soon as you moveThey gonna talk about it.In the pic or the newsThey gonna talk
about it.'Cause your on the A-listYou better believe it,You better believe it.YeahWhatever you do (Whatever you do)

Sara: I just love Christopher Wilde. smiling-Jessica:-stands in front of the TV-Sara:-trying to see- Jessica!
Jessica:-turns around and looks at her- Oh, Im sorry Sara. Am I blocking your view of whats his name?
Sara: Mhm. Move it, or lose it... Sister
.Jessica:-rolls eyes and walks into the kitchen-
Parents:-walks in-
Dad: Sara, Jessica. Suitcases.
Mom: Come pick out your clothes and get packed. Were leaving for the airport rightafter school tomorrow.
Sara:-claps and squealsstarts taking out clothes- Ew Ew
Sara: In less than 24 hours, Ill be in Los Angeles with Christopher loose! What if hepicks me up at the airport?
Jessica: Why would he do that?
Sara: Uhh, Im an original member of his fan club! I follow his minute by minute blogposts. And I text him, everyday. Trust me. He wants to meet
me. points at herself-
Jessica:-looks at her Mom- Is it too late for me to be an only child?
Mom: Yes.Jessica: Then can I please stay home?
Mom: No.
Jessica: Why not?
Mom: Because your grandmother hasnt seen you in 2 years.
Dad: Plus youre a minor and its illegal.
Sara: EVERYBODY SHH! This might be about Christopher. Turns volume up-TV Lady: The fabulous Christopher Wilde picked up 6 music
associations awards lastnight just in time for his new CD, Real Wild, to drop, Wow! Double platinum. We caughtup with our favorite pop star on
the red carpet.
Christopher: Well first Id love to say, uh, thank you so much for buying the records andcoming to my concerts. Youre the reason I love what I
do, uh. You guys are the bestfans in the world, thank you.
Sara: He is such, an amazing person.
Jessica: Hes definitely not amazing.
Sara: Uh, he IS amazing. And if you knew him, like I know him, you wouldnt say that.
Jessica: Hello? We live in Michigan. You dont know him.
Sara: But I do I know everything about him. I know, where he works. Eats. Shops.Surfs. And parties.
(Now we go to a scene with Christopher and his manager/friendStubby.)
Stubby: Aha, ready to party?
Christopher: Absolutely!
Stubby: Then lets do it!They Both Get Out Of the Car
Stubby: Not all of your cars. Angelina. My favorite.
Christopher: Angelina?
Stubby: Yeah, hey look at her. Hey, does that new valet look a little shifty to you?
Christopher: No, not really.
Stubby: Looks shifty to me.
Christopher: Come on stubby. Puts his arm around him- lets find you a real girl?
Stubby: It is a real girl. Oh, wow. Look who it is. Christopher Wildes girlfriend. Thefantabulous fabulous, Alexis Bender.
Alexis: mwah! (A kiss? Loll.) Hi Sweetie. Stubby.
Stubby: ehhChristopher: You look beautiful tonight.
Alexis: Mmm, I know! Wait till you see what Im wearing tomorrow.
Christopher: Tomorrow?
Alexis: Tomorrow. My birthday.
Christopher:-Mouth opens-
Alexis:-Sad- Baby, you promised you were gonna sing.
Christopher: Right. Hey, Ill be there. Touches her chin with his fingers- absolutely.
Alexis:-smiles- okay. about to walk in- Wait Somethings wrong.
Stubby: Yeah, youre here.
Alexis and Christopher:-Looks at him
-Stubby: WHAT? Its guys night out!
Alexis:-Looks at Christopher- Wheres the paparazzi?

Stubby: Oh, you did not blog again, did you?Black Vans Drive Up
Alexis: Ahahaha! Smiles-
Paparazzi:-Gets out- There he is! Lets run!
Alexis: So weird!
Paparazzi:-Taking pictures of them-
Christopher: Alright, back up, back up. Whoa whoa whoa! Back up! Back up! -Pusheshand in front-
(In Michigan, Where they are in school)
Sara: Youre not invited
Jessica: Everybodys invited, Sara. Its an all school dance.
Sara: The operative word being dance. Looks at her friend- Embarrassing!
Jessica: Dont worry, Im just going there to cover it for the school paper.
Sara: Oh. (AJ is Saras friend.)
AJ: Oh, are you bringing your camera to California?
Sara: AJ, of course I am.
AJ: Because we still need pics of Christopher Wilde. Holds up an album- Talking,walking, singing, dancing, moving, breathing.
Jessica: Why are you both so hung up on this guy?
AJ: This guy.
Sara: Mhm. Now? You see what I live with?
AJ: For you.
Sara: Little sister, when we go to California, you can play shuffleboard with grandma,but Im going to meet, Christopher Wilde.
Jessica: Just how are you planning to do that?
AJ:-Opens the album- Well, weve mapped out his every move for the past 18 months

Sara: Mhm. I know when and where hes likely to be every second of every day. Aboutthe time we leave for Los Angeles, hell be having his
daily meeting with his managers.
AJ and Sara:-Sighs dreamy-
(Back In Los Angeles)(CD means Christophers Dad. CM is Christophers Mom.)
CD:-Walks in with a cardboard figure of Christopher-
CM: Hes late.CD: Oh, hell be here.
CM: You need to manage him better.
CD: Hello? We both manage him.
CM: He needs to know opportunities like this dont come everyday.
CD: He knows, hes not a kid.
Christopher: Yeah, whats up?
CM: Your late.Christopher: Sorry Mom. Gives her a kiss on the cheek-
CD: Hey, how you doing son? Hugs him-
Christopher: Ah, great. Excited.
CM: Oh, honey honey honey. You could of cleaned up a little bit?
Christopher: What? Im Sniffs under his arm- Im totally clean.
CM:-Sighs- He looks like a street kid not a movie star.
CD: He looks fine. Just be yourself Christopher.Doorbell Rings
CM: Their here. Walks to the door-
CD: Alright, this is it bud. Youre chance at what weve always wanted
Christopher: Alright.
CM: Allen, please come in.
Allen: Sheri, Daniel. Great place you got here. Shakes his hand-
CD:-Shakes his hand- Oh, uh, its actually Christophers but we kind of work here.
CM: Haha. Smiling-
Allen: Christopher Wilde. Shakes his hand-
Christopher: Mr. Smith
Allen: My daughters are big fans of you.
CD: Oh great!
CM: Aww.
Allen: Wow. Walks on- This is great. I love this! I love this! RocknRoll! HelloCleveland! Laughs-
Allen:-Picks up one of his albums- Oh, got this album at the house. Girls love this.
CM: Aww.
Allen: Something Wilde. Alright, lets get right to the point. Lets get right to it. Ive beenwatching you. And, I like what I see. You are a talented,
talented kid. Hes a talentedkid. You sing, you dance, I hope you can act?
Christopher: Yeah.
Allen: Because I like you for this movie.
CM: Ahhh!
Christopher: Thank you sir, I mean coming for you is such an honor, I mean to work withsomeone like
Allen: But, my people dont necessarily agree with me. See, all they see is a spoiledpunk who likes to tangle with the paparazzi. Holds up the
CD:-Stands up- Allen, You know how the tabloids are, they manipulate photos to

Allen: Yeah, I know. I get it. I get it. Look, all Im saying kid is a chance like this comesalong once in a lifetime and I wanna give you a shot but you
have to prove that youre aserious and committed actor

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