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Foreign Students Information

Your Health Insurance
Before your studies begin, there are numerous things that have to be organised: A reliable health insurance is particularly
important. The AOK stands at your side as a competent partner.

Student health insurance

Under German law, everybody studying at a state-recognised college or university is required to take out health insurance. Inhaltsverzeichnis
Therefore you will need to submit an insurance certificate (Krankenversicherungnachweis) when you enroll at college or AOK Advantages
university. You can get this certificate at any AOK Office. The social security
system in Germany
There are various ways for students to get health insurance cover:
Student health insurance
1. Insurance cover under a family policy
Studying in Germany
Up to your 25th birthday you may be insured free of charge under your parents' insurance, provided they are also insured in
Germany. However, if your regular monthly income exceeds 425 EUR, you cannot remain insured with your parents and you Working and studying
will need to get your own insurance policy. Military service or civil service in Germany (Bundesfreiwilligendienst) may extend
the period of insurance cover under a family policy.

2. Student insurance
If you cannot be insured through your family, you must take out your own insurance. All statutory health insurance companies, including the AOK, offer a Student
Health Insurance policy at especially attractive rates. At present the monthly insurance contribution amount is 66,33 EUR. An additional 16,55 EUR (18,17 EUR for
students older than 23 years without own children) is due for the statutory nursing care insurance. Regional supplementary charges may be applicable.

With the AOK Student Health Insurance you can be sure of getting excellent medical care. Your insurance takes effect from the day you enrol or re-register at a
college or university and remains valid until the completion of the 14th semester - or until you are 30 years old. Exceptions are possible, however, if an extension is
justified for family or other important personal reasons, for instance serious illness or the birth of a child.

Students from countries with which Germany has a Social Security Agreement including an insurance clause may remain insured in their home country. In this case,
all you need to do is present your insurance certificate (European Health Insurance Card: EHIC) from home to your local AOK office. We will take care of the rest.
Please contact the Foreign Student Office (Akademisches Auslandsamt) for more information.

3. Voluntary insurance
Even if you are over the age of 30, or if you have already completed 14 semesters of study, you are in good hands with the AOK. Students with their place of
residence in Germany, who are no longer insured under the statutory system, may take out insurance as voluntary members of the AOK. In order to qualify,
however, you have to provide proof of "previous insurance" covering either a total of 24 months within the last 5 years or at least 1 year (12 months) uninterrupted
insurance prior to registration with a German statutory health insurance organisation.

Your AOK student adviser will inform you about exact procedures and arrangements, and help you find the best solution for you.

Please note: If members of your immediate family (husband/wife, children) accompany you to Germany, they may in certain circumstances also be insured with the
AOK for no additional charge. In order to qualify for free insurance, members of your family must have their place of abode in Germany, they must not be required to
pay health insurance contributions themselves, and they must not exceed certain income limits. Your AOK Student-Service will be pleased to advise you.


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