Shinobigami Draft BM

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Make sure to choose names

1 - Characters that reflect this. Be sure to look
for an appendix containing a
Players should prepare them- random name chart in a later
selves a copy of the character release.
sheet found at the end of the
rulebook. Each player should 1.02 Gender and Age
then create their character. You may choose any gender
Make sure to create your and age for your character.
character out of the sight of the
other players. Once your char- 1.03 Character Clan
acter is finished, make sure to There are several distinct
have it approved by your Game ninja clans in the world of
Master before gameplay begins. Shinobigami. Each character
belongs to one of these clans.
1.01 Character Name The following 6 clans are repre-
Lets begin by choosing the sentative of the major powers in
characters name. The world of this world. Please choose one.
Shinobigami is contemporary
society. However, the charac-
ters are also ninja.

Translators Clan Correlation Chart

Hirasaka Otogi Private
Though I chose Agency Academy
to go with clan Protect Japan s Find out others
in this translation, national interests secrets
you can see that
very few of these Hostility
groups are clans Bloodline Lost Ones
per say. School, of Oni
as in a school of
Collect information about Unbound; fight for
resurrection of Shinobigami their own reasons
martial arts, may
be a better transla-
tion, but in this
Kurama Shin Hasuba
case I decided that Clan Ninja Army
clan felt more... Prevent the resurrection Accumulate the
ninja-like. of the Shinobigami Ougi of other clans
Hasuba Ninja Army
Secret of Ninja Scroll 1 - Characters

Clan Aim: Accumulate the Ougi of other clans.

Specialty: Tool
Hasuba Ninja Army
Enmiy: Kurama Shin Clan

An ancient ninja army

that is constantly develop-
ing new ninja gear. They
also continually study the
Ninpo of all clans with
the aim of making Hasuba
the master of all clans.
The various sects within
this clan have names such
as Gearteeth Group and
Inkpot School, using the
words and names of tools.
The leader is the CEO of
Yata Heavy Industries,
2 Kuroshio Hitori.
Kurama Shin Clan

Clan Aim: Prevent the resurrection of the Shinobigami.

Specialty: Body
Kurama Shin Clan
Enmiy: Bloodline of Oni

Rumored to be the
successors of the legendary
Kyouhachi Sword School,
these warriors are said to
be the patriarchs of several
overwhelming sword-
fighting techniques.
This clan protects the
6 Divine Treasures that
have the power to revive
the Shinobigami and are
constantly searching for
ways to seal them away
for good. Their leader is
Mitsuyoshi Yagyu.
Lost Ones
Secret of Ninja Scroll 1 - Characters

Clan Aim: Unsworn; fight for their own reasons.

Specialty: Stealth
Lost Ones

The Lost Ones consist of

ninja without ties to the
other major factions. Free
ninjas with no loyalties,
Enmiy: Hasuba Ninja Army

members of tiny ninja

villages and run-aways
from the larger clans make
up the bulk of this force.
As most of these ninja
operate on their own, there
is no recognized leader.

Hirasaka Agency

Clan Aim: Protect Japans national interest.

Specialty: Scheme
Hirasaka Agency

An intelligence agency
whose background lies in
the conservative Hirasaka
Shinto sect. With their
intricate ties to the
government of Japan, they
keep a watchful eyes on
Enmiy: Otogi Private Academy

the defense of the

nation and its interests.
The leader of the agency is
also the leader of the
Hirasaka Shinto Sect:
Ubume Hirasaka the

Otogi Private Academy
Secret of Ninja Scroll 1 - Characters

Clan Aim: Discover others secrets.

Specialty: Strategy
Otogi Private Academy

Though it seems like

an ordinary elementary
through high school, the
academy is actually a spy
agency that administers
ninja training to its
Enmiy: Lost Ones

students. It has ties to

many foreign nations. It
is said that other schools
have ties to its
administration. The leader,
Rokaku Arthur Masashige,
serves as the school

Bloodline of Oni

Clan Aim: Collect information about Shinobigami.

Specialty: Sorcery
Bloodline of Oni

These are the descendants

of the oni and tsuchigumo
that have inhabited the
land since the days of
ancient Japan. Many
Enmiy: Hirasaka Agency

various creatures such as

vampires or werewolves,
known as Night Ghosts,
also populate this clan.
They are the most zealous
power driving the
resurrection of the
Their leader is Torihiko
Secret of Ninja Scroll 1 - Characters

1.03.1 Character Rank 1.04 False Identity

Once your characters clan You must keep your identity
has been decided, you must as a ninja a secret. In order to
determine your characters clan do so, all characters must have
rank. All characters begin as a cover that is used in everyday
Chunin, or the middle rank. society. If you cannot decide a
This means that all characters suitable false identity, you can
begin with 3 skills, 4 Ninpo and choose one at random on the
1 Ougi. You can move up in Clan Cover Chart found in the
rank to become more powerful appendix.
as you gain more experience.

Rank Chart
Rank Ninpo Ougi Req. XP
Kusa 1
Genin 2
Geninkashira 3
Chunin 4 1
Chuninkashira 5 1 10
Jounin 6 2 20
Jouninkashira 7 2 50
Touryou 8 3 100

Translators Note:
Ninpo: Ninja Arts; these are the special techniques that your
ninja has mastered. I think that many fans of ninja culture are
already familiar with the word, so I kept it as is.
Ougi: Secret/Esoterica; these are the final/special techniques of
each ninja, similar to a super move in a fighting game or a Rider
Kick. There isnt really a word that works well in English,
especially since many Ougi arent attacks, per se.

1.05 Conviction 1.06 Skills

All characters have a single Next, please choose your
defining conviction. If you are characters skills. These are the
having problems role playing, techniques and skills that your
you can fall back on this char- character is adept at.
acteristic to decide what course The skills are divided into 6
of action your character is most categories, each of which is a
likely to undertake. Please specialization of each clan. The
choose from the Six Paths skills are introduced in the next
Chart, or roll 1d6 to decide at few pages.
First, choose 3 skills from
your clans specializated
Six Paths Chart category. Then completely fill
in the white squares to either
1 Wickedness - Destroy!
side of the categorys column
2 Law - Correct societys ills (called the gap) with your pen
3 Self - Money, fame, power! or pencil.
4 Emotion - A loved one Next, choose 2 additional
5 Loyalty - Your clan or ideal skills from any category of your
6 Peace - Happpiness for all! choosing.

Make sure to circle all 5 of

your chosen skills on the
character sheet.

Secret of Ninja Scroll 1 - Characters

Tool Body
Hasuba Ninja Army Kurama Shin Clan
A ninja using skills from this category A ninja using skills from this category
is able to put tools to use in any is capable of incredible movement and
situation. combat abilities.

Engineering: The proficient Riding: Mastery at riding ve-

use of machines or electronic hicles or animals.
devices. Ballistics: Mastery over guns or
Pyromancy: The proficient use cannons. Ballistics.
of fire, flames, and flame- Shuriken: Mastery over the use
producing effects or items. of the various shuriken.
Hydromancy: The proficient Sleight of Hand: Precise
use of water, walking on wa- movements of the hands and
ter, anything related to water. detailed writing.
Acupuncture: The proficient Contortionism: The ability to
use of long, thin items such as move and stretch your body,
needles. Can also be used to being able to dislocate bones,
tell direction. etc.
Weapon Concealment: Train- Walking: Walking silently or
ing in the use of clothing or for long distances.
everyday items to hide weap- Running: Running at high
ons. speed.
Clothing: Using clothing to Jumping: Jumping incredibly
conceal your background or high or far.
store things. Brawling: Hand-to-hand fight-
Rope Use: Proficient use of ing. Karate.
ropes; throwing, tying, etc. Sword: Mastery of swordsman-
Climbing: Climbing up or ship.
down steep inclines. Weightlifting: Carrying and
Torture: The proficiency use of lifting heavy things.
of devices designed to inflict
Demolition: The proficient use
of tools of large scale destruc-
Digging: The use of tools to dig
10 underground.

Stealth Scheme
Lost Ones Hirasaka Agency
A ninja using skills from this category A ninja using skills from this category
is a master of the 5 senses and is a master of deception and trickery
concealing their presence. as well as conversation and guile..

Survival: The ability to survive First Aid: Skills related to the

in harsh weather, underwater, medical treatment of illness
etc. or injury.
Infiltration: Infiltrating a hos- Poison: The skilled use and
tile area. administration of poison.
Escape: Running away from a Sleep: Putting people to sleep.
hostile area. Investigation: Investigation of
Interception: Listening through things or people.
walls, hacking, etc. Bluff: Hiding your true feel-
Ventriloquism: Making your ings; tricking people.
voice sound as though it were Inception: Leaving particular
coming from somewhere else. impressions on strangers.
Invisibility: Making ones body Performance: Performing arts;
invisible. dancing, singing, etc.
Disguise: Becoming someone Seduction: Seducing people us-
else through disguise. ing charm.
Olfaction: Eliminating your Manipulation: Making people
scent; picking up others act the way you want.
smells. Rumourmongering: The art of
Multiplicity: Making multiple spreading and creating lies
actions as though your body and fabrications.
split into multiple copies. Finance: Financial skills and
Concealment: Concealing money-making ability.
people, items or informatin.
ESP: A sixth sense; percieving
things strictly out of experi-
ence, etc.

Secret of Ninja Scroll 1 - Characters

Strategy Sorcery
Otogi Private Academy Bloodline of Oni
A ninja using skills from this category A ninja using skills from this category
has incredible fighting capacity and is can call upon ghosts and use magic.
skilled at plotting strategems.
Transformation: Transform-
Cooking: The creation of bal- ing the whole or part of your
anced and healthy meals. body.
Creature Mastery: The control Summoning: Summoning a
of insects and wildlife. creature from another world.
Nature: Being able to live in Necromancy: Controlling the
the mountainside. spirit or body of a dead per-
Guerrilla: Being able to make son.
proficient use of any battle- Abjuration: Creating a pro-
field; whether water, man- tective barrier that can keep
made buildings or the wilds. certain things or beings out.
Willpower: Power to succeed Binding: The ability to seal
when it seems you might supernatural abilities.
panic or lose control. Word Magic: Utilizing the in-
Strategy: Tactics and strategy; herent power in words them-
used to improve chances of selves; word magic.
military success. Illusion: Creation of illusions
Memory: Being able to remem- that deceive people.
ber as much as possible. Visual Control: Control over
Analysis: Studying the enemy the things your eyes are see-
and seeing how their attacks ing or have seen.
work. Clairvoyance; seeing past,
Encryption: Writing and read- future and the present from
ing in ciphers; decoding far away.
ciphers and secret codes. Possession: The possession of
Writing: Proficiency in ex- another body using your own
pressing yourself through any spirit.
sort of written word. Curse: The ability to curse oth-
Contacts: Having personal ers..
connections in normal society
and/or the underworld.


1.07 Ninpo of the same name twice, unless

Ninpo are the mysterious marked with a * symbol.
abilities that ninja are able to
use at will. When used in- All characters start with the
game, they have special effects Close Combat ninpo; itdoes not
that can alter the natural course count towards a characters 4
of the game. There are 3 types starting ninpo.
of Ninpo: attack, support and
equip. 1.07.1 Ninpo Cost
Attack Ninpo are used dur- You can use a ninpo of the
ing battle; they deal damage same name only once per cycle
directly to the opponent. or round of combat.
Support Ninpo has a vari-
ety of uses including making In addition, all ninpo have a
combat easier or dealing status cost written in their information.
ailments to the opponent. If The lower the cost, the easier
you mix and match these ninpo, they are to use; accordingly, the
you can come up with interest- higher the cost, the riskier they
ing results. However, in order are to use and it becomes more
to use multiple ninpo at once, a difficult to use multiple ninpo at
high Plot value is requried. once.
Equip Ninpo, once chosen,
takes effect at all times. Please see section 6.02.10 for
more information on ninpo cost.
When making your charac-
ter, choose 4 ninpo from the
following pages to acqurie.
Of the 4 ninpo, at least 1 must
come from the characters clan-
specific ninpo list. You may not
acquire ninpo from any other
clan-specific lists.
If a ninpos assigned skill is
marked as Any or has multiples,
you must choose 1 skill when
the skill is acquired.
You may not acquire a ninpo
Secret of Ninja Scroll 1 - Characters

Attack Ninpo
Close Combat Attack * Type Attack Range 1 Cost --
Assigned Skill: Any
Effect: Close Combat Attack. If the attack is successful, you may deal 1 close combat damage to
the target.

A normal close combat attack.

Cross Cut Type Attack Range 0 Cost 1

Assigned Skill: Sword
Effect: Close Combat Attack. If the attack is successful, you may deal 2 close combat damage to
the target.

A powerful attack with a short range.

Poison Fist Type Attack Range 0 Cost 1

Assigned Skill: Poison
Effect: Close Combat Attack. If the attack is successful, you may deal 1 close combat damage and
the Paralyzed status ailment to the target.

An attack with poison coated claws.

Ranged Combat Attack * Type Attack Range 2 Cost --

Assigned Skill: Any
Effect: Ranged Combat Attack. If the attack is successful, you may deal 1 ranged combat damage
to the target.

A normal ranged combat attack.

Blast Type Attack Range 1 Cost 1

Assigned Skill: Pyromancy
Effect: Ranged Combat Attack. If the attack is successful, you may deal 2 close combat damage to
the target.

A powerful ranged combat attack.

Surefire Type Attack Range 2 Cost 3

Assigned Skill: Ballistics
Effect: Ranged Combat Attack. When the target attempts the Dodge Resolution, they must meet or
exceed this attacks Achievement Value. If the attack is successful, you may deal 1 ranged combat
to the target.
An attack that cant miss.

Group Combat Attack * Type Attack Range 4 Cost --

Assigned Skill: Any
Effect: Group Combat Attack. If the attack is successful, you may deal 1 group combat damage to
the target.

A normal group combat attack.

Domination Type Attack Range 3 Cost 4

Assigned Skill: Creature Mastery
Effect: Group Combat Attack. If the attack is successful, you may deal 1 ranged combat damage
and 1 group combat damage to the target.

A normal group combat attack with additional ranged damage.

Phantom Soldier Type Attack Range 2 Cost 4

Assigned Skill: Illusion
Effect: Group Combat Attack. If the attack is successful, you may deal 1 close combat damage
and 1 group combat damage to the target.

A group attack by a phantom army.

Carnage Type Attack Range 2 Cost --

Assigned Skill: Any
Effect: Close Combat Attack. Choose any characters in range of this attack; they become the tar-
gets for this attack. If the attack is successful, you may deal 1 close combat damage to the target.
This ninpo is only available to jounin-ranked ninja.
A jounin ninjas wide area attack.

Kaleidoscope Type Attack Range 3 Cost --

Assigned Skill: Any
Effect: Ranged Combat Attack. If the attack is successful, you may deal 2 ranged combat damage
to the target.
This ninpo is only available to jounin-ranked ninja.
A jounin ninjas high firepower attack.

Encirclement Type Attack Range 5 Cost --

Assigned Skill: Any
Effect: Group Combat Attack. Choose any characters in range of this attack; they become the tar-
gets for this attack. If the attack is successful, you may deal 1 group combat damage to the target.
This ninpo is only available to jounin-ranked ninja.
A jounin ninjas wide area group attack.
Secret of Ninja Scroll 1 - Characters

Support Ninpo
Take the Hit Type Support Range -- Cost 1
Assigned Skill: --
Effect: You may use this when someone takes damage or loses a Life Point. You may take the
damage the character would have taken. You must take the same amount of damage as them (and
the damage to the Life Points go to the same Categories if possible).
A ninpo allowing you to take the damage for someone else.

Continuous Attack Type Support Range -- Cost 2

Assigned Skill: --
Effect: You may use this when someone dodges your attack. You may use the same attack ninpo

A ninpo allowing you to attack again when your attack failed.

Wind Dancer Type Support Range -- Cost 4

Assigned Skill: Brawl
Effect: You may use this when you deal damage to someone. On a successful Action Resolution
of this ninpos skill, you may use the same attack ninpo again.

A ninpo allowing you to attack again after dealing damage.

Resupply Type Support Range -- Cost --

Assigned Skill: Finance
Effect: You may use this ninpo when you are the Scene Player of a Drama Scene. On a successful
Action Resolution of this ninpos skill, you may regain one lost ninja gear. You may not have
more ninja gear than you started with.
A ninpo allowing you to regain a ninja tool.

Arrow Catching Type Support Range -- Cost 1

Assigned Skill: Clothing/Sleight of Hand
Effect: You may use this ninpo when someone makes a successful ranged attack at someone. On
a successful Action Resolution of this ninpos skill, that attack fails.

A ninpo allowing you to negate a ranged attack with a long coat, tatami, etc.

Guidance Type Support Range -- Cost 2

Assigned Skill: Running/Performance/Abjuration
Effect: You may use this ninpo at the end of the round. On a successful Action Resolution of this
ninpos skill, you may change the battlefield to any of your choice. If two people use Guidance in
one round, the player who rolled highest chooses.
A ninpo allowing you to lead your opponent to a battlefield of your choosing.

Out of Sync Type Support Range -- Cost 1

Assigned Skill: Interception
Effect: You may use this ninpo when you reveal your Plot Value. On a successful Action Resolu-
tion of this ninpos skill, you may subtract one from your Plot Value.

A ninpo allowing you to change your footing after hearing your opponents hearing.

Resolution Type Support Range -- Cost 3

Assigned Skill: Transformation
Effect: You may use this ninpo when you reveal your Plot Value. On a successful Action Resolu-
tion of this ninpos skill, you may add one to your Plot Value.

A ninpo allowing you to change your footing with speed alien even to most ninjas.

Insight Type Support Range -- Cost 1

Assigned Skill: Riding
Effect: You may use this ninpo when you enter a battle after the Plot Values have been revealed.
On a successful Action Resolution of this ninpos skill, you may enter the battle on any Plot Value
of your choice.
A ninpo giving you advantageous movement after entering battle.

Savage Song Type Support Range -- Cost 2

Assigned Skill: Word Magic
Effect: You may use this instead of an attack when there are no other characters on the same Plot
Value as you. On a successful Action Resolution of this ninpos skill, you may inflict the Break-
down status ailment on any character in the battle.
A cursed word disabling your opponents ninja gear.

Destruction * Support Range -- Cost

Type 2
Assigned Skill: Demolition/Jump/Invisibility/Investigation/Writing/Binding
Effect: You may use this ninpo when someone uses a Support ninpo that uses a skill of the same
Category as this ninpo. On a successful Action Resolution of this ninpos skill, you may negate
the effect of the opponents ninpo. If you take this ninpo again, the assigned skill must differ.
A ninpo allowing you to cancel your opponents ninpo.

Counter Type Support Range 2 Cost 2

Assigned Skill: Acupuncture/Contortionism/Concealment/Sleep/Guerilla/Visual Control
Effect: You may use this when you successfully dodge an attack. On a successful Action Resolu-
tion of this ninpos skill and the opponent is within the ninpos range, you may deal 1 ranged
damage to the character that attacked you.
A ninpo that allows you to strike your opponent when their attack takes them off guard.
Secret of Ninja Scroll 1 - Characters

Crushing Blow Type Support Range -- Cost 1

Assigned Skill: Any Tool
Effect: You may use this before attempting an Attack Resolution. On a successful Action Resolu-
tion of this ninpos skill, your attack may deal 1 extra damage.

A ninpo allowing you to enhance your attacks damage.

Assassin Type Support Range -- Cost 1

Assigned Skill: Any Body
Effect: You may use this before attempting an Attack check. On a successful Action Resolution of
this ninpos skill, your next Attack Resolution will be a Special on a roll of 10 or higher.

A ninpo raising the chances of achieving a Special attack.

Body Switch Type Support Range -- Cost 1

Assigned Skill: Any Stealth
Effect: You may use this ninpo when attempting a Dodge Resolution. Expend a ninja gear. On a
successful Action Resolution of this ninpos skill, you successfully dodge the attack. You may use
this ninpo even if you have Fumbled this round.
A ninpo allowing you to escape any attack by using ninja gear.

Emotion Manipulation Type Support Range -- Cost 1

Assigned Skill: Any Scheme
Effect: You may use this ninpo when your Attack Resolution has succeeded and your opponent
has failed their Dodge Resolution. On a successful Action Resolution of this ninpos skill, choose
1 character targeted by your attack and change their Emotional Bond.
A ninpo allowing you to control your opponents feelings.

Strategic Command Type Support Range -- Cost 3

Assigned Skill: Any Strategy
Effect: You may use this ninpo when anyone other than yourself attempts an Action Resolution.
On a successful Action Resolution of this ninpos skill, you may modify that characters Achieve-
ment Value by +/-1.
A ninpo allowing you to support someones action.

Plot Restriction Type Support Range -- Cost 3

Assigned Skill: Any Sorcery
Effect: You may use this ninpo when your Attack Resolution has succeeded. On a successful Action Resolution
of this ninpos skill, your opponent, beginning the next round, cannot choose a Plot Value of 3 or higher. At the
end of each round, your opponent may attempt an Action Resolution using Will to negate.

By trapping your opponents body, you can prevent high-speed movement.


Equip Ninpo
Able-bodied * Type Equip Range -- Cost --
Assigned Skill: --
Effect: You have 2 extra Life Point slots. When taking damage, deduct Life Points from these
slots first.

You have incredible vitality.

Talented * Type Equip Range -- Cost --

Assigned Skill: --
Effect: When choosing this ninpo, choose a corresponding skill. Even if that skills Category is
disabled, you can still use that skill.

You have burned a particular skill into your bodys memory.

Haze Type Equip Range -- Cost --

Assigned Skill: --
Effect: When choosing this ninpo, choose a status ailment. This status ailment will never affect

Protection against a status ailment.

Vibrato Type Equip Range -- Cost --

Assigned Skill: --
Effect: When this character uses an Ougi, other characters suffer a -1 to their Insight Resolution.

Your Ougi becomes harder to defend against.

Unmovable Type Equip Range -- Cost --

Assigned Skill: --
Effect: When attempting an Action Resolution during battle, only a result of your (Plot Value - 1)
will result in a Fumble.
This ninpo is only available to jounin-ranked ninjas.
Jounin-ranked magic. It becomes harder for jounin ninja to fumble.

Akasagarbha, The Recepticle of Void Type Equip Range -- Cost --

Assigned Skill: --
Effect: When choosing this ninpo, choose the space between 2 Categories. Completely fill in each
square in the gap.
This ninpo is only available to jounin-ranked ninjas.
Jounin-ranked magic. Jounin ninja have a broader scope to their versatility.
Secret of Ninja Scroll 1 - Characters

Clan Ninpo: Hasuba Ninja Army

Surprise Attack Type Support Range -- Cost --
Assigned Skill: Weapon Concealment
Effect: You may use this when you are the Scene Player of a Drama Scene. On a successful Ac-
tion Resolution of this ninpos skill, you may deal 1 close combat damage to another character in
the scene. This ninpo cannot be used twice in the same scene against the same opponent.
Cut and tear at your opponent in normal society.

Spider of Darkness Type Support Range 2 Cost 6

Assigned Skill: Rope Use
Effect: You may use this in battle instead of an attack. Choose a single character within this
ninpos range. On a successful Action Resolution of this ninpos skill, you may deal 1 ranged
combat damage. However, Category damaged by this attack is not disabled.
Cut and tear at your opponent using invisible threads, chain and sickle, etc.

Brutal Attack Type Support Range -- Cost 1

Assigned Skill: Torture
Effect: You may use this ninpo when you succeed on an Attack Resolution and your opponent
fails their Dodge Resolution. On a successful Action Resolution of this ninpos skill, expend a
ninja tool. You may deal 1 extra damage on the attack.
Hit them with a bone-breaking attack, using a ninja tool.

Sunder Type Support Range -- Cost 2

Assigned Skill: Demolition
Effect: You may use this ninpo when you have succeeded on an attack and have dealt damage. On
a successful Action Resolution of this ninpos skill, the target suffers a -2 to all Attack Resolutions
for the rest of the battle.
Destroy your opponents weapon.

MechaNinja Type Equip Range -- Cost --

Assigned Skill: --
Effect: You may now select any ninpo from any clan, even those outside of the Hasuba Ninja
Army and its sects (but not hiden ninpo or Enemy ninpo). However, the Assigned Skills for those
ninpo become Engineering and the Cost is raised by 1. If the Cost was --, it becomes 1.
Mechanize a part of your body.

Hadesology Type Equip Range -- Cost --

Assigned Skill: --
Effect: Whenever you attempt an Action Resolution, you may substitute skills as though the Tool
and Sorcery Categories were adjacent.

You understand the science behind the supernatural.


Clan Ninpo: Kurama Shin Clan

Drizzle Type Attack Range 2 Cost 1
Assigned Skill: Ballistics
Effect: Ranged combat attack. Choose up to two targets within this ninpos range. If the attack is
successful, you may deal 1 ranged combat damage to the targets.

A gun or shuriken attack that rains confusion on your foes.

Evening Calm Type Attack Range 0 Cost 2

Assigned Skill: Shuriken
Effect: Close combat attack. When attacking an opponent on the same Plot Value as you, the
attacks do not occur simultaneously (unless both characters use Evening Calm). If the attack is
successful, you may deal 1 close combat damage to the target.
An attack that is faster than your opponent by a fraction of a second.

Silhouette Type Support Range -- Cost 2

Assigned Skill: Walking
Effect: You may use this ninpo during the Plot phase before you have revealed your Plot. On a
successful Action Resolution of this ninpos skill, choose a character. You start the round ont he
same Plot Value as that character.
You follow your opponent as though you were their silhouette.

Heat Haze Type Support Range -- Cost 1

Assigned Skill: Sword
Effect: You may use this before your Attack Resolution. On a successful Action Resolution of this
ninpos skill, your opponent suffers a -2 to their Dodge Resolution.

A shimmering attack that is hard to see coming.

Bloody Determination Type Equip Range -- Cost --

Assigned Skill: --
Effect: You may use this when you succeed on an Attack Resolution and your opponent fails their
Dodge Resolution. Expend a single Life Point. You may deal 1 extra damage for the attack.

Attack your opponent, overcoming the limits of your own body.

End of the Beginning Type Equip Range -- Cost --

Assigned Skill: --
Effect: When you attack a character of a Plot Value higher than you, you deal 1 ranged damage in
addition to the attacks normal effect.

Wait for your opponents attitude to display a weakness--then strike!

Secret of Ninja Scroll 1 - Characters

Clan Ninpo: Lost Ones

Spiral Formation Type Attack Range 0 Cost 1
Assigned Skill: Invisibility
Effect: Close combat attack. Choose any characters within this ninpos range; chosen characters
become the targets for this attack. If the attack is successful, you may deal 1 close combat damage
to the targets.
An attack like drawing a spiral that hits all nearby targets.

Scent of Spring Type Attack Range 3 Cost 4

Assigned Skill: Olifaction
Effect: Ranged combat attack. All characters within this ninpos distance on a lower Plot Value
than you become the targets for this attack. If the attack is successful, you may deal 1 ranged com-
bat damage OR move the target to the Fumble area. You may choose separately for each target.
Control all those downwind by producing an intoxicating scent from your body.

Wandering Type Support Range -- Cost --

Assigned Skill: Infiltration
Effect: You may use this ninpo during a scene that you are not participating in. On a successful
Action Resolution of this ninpos skill, you may participate in the scene.

A skill that allows you to be at unexpected places at unexpected times.

Body Double Type Support Range -- Cost 4

Assigned Skill: Ventriloquism
Effect: You may use this ninpo when you have been chosen as the target of an attack and there
is another character on the same Plot Value as you. On a successful Action Resolution of this
ninpos skill, you may change the target of the attack to someone else on your same Plot Value.
By confusing the opponent, you can switch their target.

Ninpo Copy Type Support Range 2 Cost 4

Assigned Skill: Disguise
Effect: You may use this ninpo during a Combat Scene when someone within this ninpos range
uses a support ninpo. On a successful Action Resolution of this ninpos skill, you may use that
support ninpo up to 2 times. The second time you use this will make you forget the copied ninpo.
Memorize your opponents ninpo and use it.

Shadow Duplicate Type Equip Range -- Cost --

Assigned Skill: Multiplicity
Effect: You may use this during the Plot phase before you have revealed your Plot Value. On a
successful Action Resolution of this ninpos skill, you may use 2 dice for Plot. After the revealing
of Plot, choose 1 to use as your Plot Value.
Use Plot twice, but choose the one you like.

Clan Ninpo: Hirasaka Agency

Poison Cleansing Type Support Range 1 Cost 3
Assigned Skill: First Aid
Effect: You may use this during a Combat Scene instead of an attack. On a successful Action
Resolution of this ninpos skill, you may choose 1 character within this skills distance and cure 1
of that characters status ailments.
Cure an allys status ailment.

Reticence Type Support Range -- Cost --

Assigned Skill: Investigation
Effect: You may use this when you have received information from any source. On a successful
Action Resolution of this ninpos skill, you may choose not to share information with anyone who
shares an Emotional Bond with you. Also, all Insight Resolutions targeting you receive -1.
Keeping closely guarded secrets.

Fascination Type Support Range 3 Cost 2

Assigned Skill: Seduction
Effect: You may use this during a Combat Scene instead of an attack. Choose all characters
within this ninpos range that have a positive Emotional Bond towards you. Each target character,
until hit by you or you drop out of the battle, suffer -1 to all rolls. This cannot be negated.
Use a perfume to make opponents inattentive.

Marionette Type Support Range -- Cost 5

Assigned Skill: Manipulation
Effect: You may use this during a Combat Scene when a character with an Emotional Bond towards you
begins their turn. On a successful Action Resolution of this ninpos skill, you may control that charac-
ters actions, though you may not use their Ougi or ninja gear. If they take damage this turn, you do, too.
Freely control someone by invading their mind.

Social Battle Type Support Range -- Cost --

Assigned Skill: Rumourmongering
Effect: You may use this during a Drama Scene when you are the Scene Player. On a successful
Action Resolution of this ninpos skill, you may choose 1 character whose Location is known to
you. You may deal 1 group damage to that character.
Take someone out socially.

Shaken Type Equip Range -- Cost --

Assigned Skill: --
Effect: When you attack a character that knows your Secret, you deal 1 ranged combat damage in
addition to the attacks normal effect.

Put a crack in your opponents weakness.

Secret of Ninja Scroll 1 - Characters

Clan Ninpo: Otogi Private Academy

Ambush Type Attack Range 1 Cost 1
Assigned Skill: Strategy
Effect: Group combat attack. The Dodge Resolution for this attack is modified by -2. If the attack
is successful, you may deal 1 group combat damage to the target.

Ambush your foes with an attack theyll never suspect.

Rations Type Support Range -- Cost --

Assigned Skill: Cooking
Effect: You may use this ninpo during a Drama Scene in which you are the Scene Player. On a
successful Action Resolution of this ninpos skill, you may choose any characters participating in
the scene. Those characters recover 1 Life Point.
The creation of a mysterious food that restores wounds.

Pursuit of Knowledge Type Support Range -- Cost --

Assigned Skill: Memory
Effect: You may use this ninpo during a Drama Scene in which you are the Scene Player. On
a successful Action Resolution of this ninpos skill, you may choose 1 of your chosen skills.
Change that skill to another, permanently.
Changing skills in the middle of the game.

Diversion Type Support Range -- Cost 2

Assigned Skill: Encryption
Effect: You may use this ninpo when someone attempts a Dodge Resolution. On a successful
Action Resolution of this ninpos skill, randomly choose another skill of the same Category as the
Dodge Resolution roll. The Dodge Resolution now uses that skill.
Randomly switch the Dodge Resolution skill.

Tactical Shock Type Support Range -- Cost --

Assigned Skill: Writing
Effect: You may use this during a Drama Scene in which you are the Scene Player and you have
just received a characters Location. On a successful Action Resolution of this ninpos skill, you
may enter a Combat Scene with that character.
Go for the kill the instant you find your target.

The Essentials of the Battlefield Type Equip Range -- Cost --

Assigned Skill: Multiplicity
Effect: When selecting this ninpo, select a battlefield. When in that battlefield, all rolls receive a
+1 modification. Also, all effects of that battlefield do not affect you.

Choose the battlefield you excel on.


Clan Ninpo: Bloodline of Oni

Bloody Vortex Type Attack Range 3 Cost 1
Assigned Skill: Transformation
Effect: Close combat attack. If the attack is successful, you may deal 1 close combat damage to
the target.

Changing your blood or a part of your body to attack your foe.

Meteor Shower Type Attack Range 3 Cost 3

Assigned Skill: Summoning
Effect: Ranged combat attack. All characters within this ninpos range become targets. If the
attack is successful, you may deal 1 ranged combat damage to the targets.

Summoning hail or meteors.

Vampirism Type Support Range -- Cost 1

Assigned Skill: Necromancy
Effect: You may use this ninpo when your attack has successfully dealt damage to an opponent.
On a successful Action Resolution of this ninpos skill, you regain 1 Life Point.

You steal your opponents vitality.

Enlightenment Type Support Range -- Cost 2

Assigned Skill: Clairvoyance
Effect: You may use this ninpo when everyone has decided their Plot. On a successful Action Resolu-
tion of this ninpos skill, choose 1 participating character and choose a number from 1-6. If you
correctly guess their Plot Value, they are inflicted with the Curse status ailment.
Read your opponents mind and seal their magic.

Demonic Rebirth Type Support Range -- Cost 5

Assigned Skill: Possession
Effect: You may use this during a battle instead of an attack. Expend a Life Point. On a successful Action
Resolution of this ninpos skill, you may immediately begin a Drama Scene where you are the Scene
Player. However, this scene is a flashback in the past. When this scene ends, the battle continues.

You can recall important moments from the past in an instant.

Imperial Wrath Type Equip Range -- Cost --

Assigned Skill: --
Effect: When selecting this ninpo, choose a Category. When you have lost a Life Point from that
Category, you recieve a +1 modifier to all rolls.

Youve got a place that musnt be touched, and when its violated, you become ferocious.
Secret of Ninja Scroll 1 - Characters

1.08 Ougi -Immortal Body: This Ougi

All ninjas have a powerful can be used any time you
and secret Ougi ability that must take damage. You recover
be kept under wraps at all costs. Life Points equal to the roll
When making a character, you of 1d6 minus the # of times
may choose an Ougi technique this Ougi has been used dur-
from the 7 different types. ing this game (to a minimum
An Ougi can be used once of 0). In addition, any status
per Drama Scene or once per effects are also healed.
round of combat.
-Impenetrable Defense: This
-Critical hit: This Ougi can Ougi can be used when any
be used instead of an attack. character loses a Life Point.
Choose 1 character that is 1 The effect that causes the
Plot Number away or less. Life Point loss is nullified.
That character chooses 4
Skill Categories at random; -Resolution Meddling: This
those Life Points are lost. Ougi may be used when
another character makes a
-Radial Attack: This Ougi can Skill Resolution. Turn one
be used instead of an attack. die into a 1.
Choose any characters 3 Plot
Numbers away or less. All -Additional Ninpo: When this
characters hit by this attack Ougi is acquired, choose 2
suffer 2 points of damage. Attack or Support Ninpo that
Those hit can choose which is available to your character.
Art Type/Skill Categories These Ninpo are treated as
suffer the damage. being acquired by your char-
acter. The Assigned Skills
-Perfect Success: This Ougi for the Ninpo acquired by
can be used before you roll a this Ougi are the same as this
Resolution. You succeed on Ougis Hidden Skill. When
the Resolution. This is not you use the Ninpo acquired
a Special and if an Achieve- by this Ougi, any other char-
ment Value is required, it is acters in the same Scene as
treated as 10. you can attempt an Insight
Check. On a success, those

characters receive this Ougis 1.09 Ninja Gear

Information. From that Your character can take 2
point on, those characters items with you during each
can attempt an Ougi Break Scenario. When you first create
against the Ninpo acquired a character, the gear available to
by this Ougi. When such an you are:
Ougi Break is successful, the
effects of these Ninpo are -Hyourougan: When this is
nullified. ingested, recover 1 Life Point
or 1 status ailment.
Once you have chosen your
Ougi from the 7 types above, -Jintsuugan: Use this when you
make a note on your character have rolled the dice in an Ac-
sheet. Then, think about which tion Resolution. Reroll.
skill most closely fits your im-
age of your technique and write -Tonkoufuu: Use this when
it into the Hidden Skill line. someone else has rolled an
This Hidden Skill is now avail- Action Resolution. They
able to your character (so its reroll.
probably a good idea to choose
a skill you dont already have). Once you use an item, it is
You should keep this skill and gone for good.
your Ougi a secret until you
absolutely need to use them. It
is essential to keep them secret.
Once you decide your Ougis
type and Hidden Skill, its time
to decide on its name. If you
cannot think of a suitably dra-
matic name, you can roll ran-
domly on the Ougi Name Chart
that will be released at a later

Secret of Ninja Scroll 1 - Characters

1.10 Emotions 1.11 Experience

This space will be used This space will be used once
during the game. During the the game is completed. It re-
course of the game, your char- cords the achievements of your
acter will develop feelings to- character and how they have
wards other characters that will advanced through their clan.
affect the outcome of the story. Please check 1.3.1 Rank and
You can do certain actions for 9 Session End and Growth for
characters for whom you hold more information.
feelings for. Please check 6.1
Drama Scenes for more infor-


2 - Action Resolution have the determined skill

circled on their character
In Shinobigami, whenever a sheet.
character performs an action for If a character has the skill
which the outcome is uncertain, circled on their character
an Action Resolution is used to sheet, they will have a high
determine if the action is a suc- chance of success. If the
cess or failure. Action Resolu- character does not have the
tions can also be described as skill circled, they must use a
skill checks or challenges. different skill instead. The
During the game, ninjas player then finds the closest
should be attempting to perform skill on the character sheet to
a myriad of extraordinary feats. the determined skill: this is
They may be trying to figure out the skill they will use. Using
someones secret or break into a the originial skill as a start-
compound riddled with security ing point, count the number
systems. They may be trying of squares it takes to reach
to convince others to join their the replacement skill. Each
cause or unwittingly fall into white square inbetween
someones trap. This is when the Categories counts as 1
an Action Resolution is used. square, but a square that has
2.01 Resolution Flow been filled in with black does
not count.
When an Action Resolution
is performed, follow the steps 3) Target Number
outlined, from 1 to 4. Confirmation
1) Skill Determination
The target number is the
The Master determines
number that a character is
the skill most suitable to the
trying to meet or exceed
challenge at hand. There are
when rolling dice; the higher
often situations where the
the number, the lower the
skill will be determined by
chances of success will be.
the rules.
If, in 2) Skill Confirma-
tion, the character was deter-
2) Skill Confirmation
mined to have the determined
Each player involved in
skill circled, their target
the Action Resolution con-
number is 5. If, in 2) Skill
firms whether or not they
Secret of Ninja Scroll 2 - Action Resolution

Confirmation, the character or minus any modifications is

was determined not to have called the Achievement Value.
the skill circled, the target 2.03 Special Results
number becomes 5 + the
number of squares counted to There are two special results
the replacement skill. that can occur when rolling
dice: Fumbles and Specials.
4) Roll the Dice Fumble: A Fumble represents
Roll 2d6. If you meet or a time when a character has
exceed the number deter- failed in an unthinkable manner.
mined in step 3, you succeed During a Resolution, a result on
in the Action Resolution. If a roll of 2d6 that is the same or
the number rolls below the lower of a set value is consid-
target number, you have ered a Fumble. This set value
failed. is called the Fumble Value.
Even if the Achievement Value
Action Resolutions are always
of a roll meets or exceeds your
handled in this manner.
target number, but is the same
There are 3 circumstances
or lower than the Fumble Value,
that may alter the way that Ac-
that character has Fumbled.
tion Resolutions work, detailed
During Drama Scenes and
2.02 Modifications during the Plot phase of a Battle
There are certain times when Scene, the Fumble Value is
the Action Resolution roll will 2. At any other portion of a
be modified. When attempt- Battle Scene, A characters Plot
ing an action that has a higher Number becomes their Fumble
chance of success, the roll will Value.
receive a positive modification.
When attempting something If the Fumble has occured
with a lower chance of success, during a Drama Scene, roll 1d6
the roll will receive a negative to randomly determine a status
modification. effect from the Fumble Chart.
When the roll has been modi- If the Fumble has occurred dur-
fied, the roll, along with any ing a Fight Scene, your char-
modifications, must meet or acter will automatically fail on
exceed the target number. On a all rolls for the remainder of the
30 success, the sum of the roll plus combat round.

Special: A Special represents If the Master feels that the

a character succeeding spec- replacement skill seems unnatu-
tacularly in their endeavor. A ral or ill-fitting for any reason,
Special occurs during a Resolu- the Master may ask the player
tion when, on a roll of 2d6, both to explain how they intend on
dice show a 6 (a natural 12). using the skill in the situation at
hand. The player must then ex-
If your character rolls a plain how they intend on using
Special, you may recover either the skill for the Resolution.
1 Life Point or recover from 1 If the player explains satis-
status ailment. factorily, the Master should al-
2.03 Masters Decision low the skill to be used without
When a character must further question. If the player is
choose a replacement skill for unable to think of a way to use
an Action Resolution, it is pos- the skill, they must use another
sible for a Master to call the skill: if the subsequent skill is
validity of the replacement skill further away from the chosen
into question. skill, the resulting target number
will also be higher.

Fumble Chart
1 You feel a bit strange. For the rest of the cycle, all of your
Action Resolutions have a -1 modifier.
2 Oh no! You lost 1 ninja tool.
3 Youve spilt the information! The secret assigned to you for
this session is revealed to all characters.
4 Youve let your guard down! The action fails and you lost 1
Life Point at random.
5 It was a trap! Youve been caught up in your opponents plot
and suffer 1 random status effect.
6 Phew! That was close. Nothing really happens.

Secret of Ninja Scroll 3 - Session

3 - Session Day Of: The players gather

around a table headed by the
A single game of Shinobiga- Master. The players should
mi is called a session. have their character sheets
A session typically starts checked by the Master. Players
with the Master describing the should take care to handle their
situation. The players listen to character sheets in such a way
the description and think about that they kept out of sight of the
how their characters would other players.
react. A session moves along in
this fashion, bouncing between
the Master and each player.
A single session is broken
up into 3 parts: the Introduction
Phase, the Main Phase, and the
Climax Phase. For more infor-
mation on each phase, please
read each respective section.
3.01 Session Preparation
There are two kinds of prepa-
ration necessary for a game of
Shinobigami: the day before
and the day of the game.
Day Before: By the day
before the session, the Master
must create the scenario. For
more information on scenarios,
please see section 10. The Mas-
ter must also decide what rank
the characters should be.
The players must create their
characters for the game. It
doesnt matter if the players
use characters from a previous
session, as long as they meet the
rank decided by the Master.

4 - Cycle 4.01 Master Scenes

The Master may interrupt the
Cycles are used in Shino- players scenes with a Mas-
bigami in order to ensure that ter Scene. During the Master
each player gets an equal part Scene it is the Masters turn;
in each session. Basically, each the Master becomes the Scene
character gets 1 scene per cycle Player.
in which they are the main char- During a Master Scene, NPCs
acter. The actions available to a important to the scenario may
character may change depend- make actions. Other situations
ing on the phase of the game. for which there are no specific
Actions such as consulting with rules may occur with the Mas-
friends or looking around and ters discretion.
other easily performed actions 4.02 Completed Actions
can occur without restriction. When a player completes
What constitutes a characters their Scene, place a die on the
main action is explained fully illustrated portion of the char-
in the Main Phase and Climax acter sheet. This shows that
Phase sections. the player has completed their
To begin a cycle, play usu- action for the cycle. A charac-
ally starts from the player on ter sheet without a die on the
the Masters left, with each illustrated portion of the char-
player their turn in order. Each acter sheet, on the other hand,
players turn is called a Scene, shows that the character has yet
and the player who is starring to complete their Scene. This
in the Scene is called the Scene way it is easy to see which play-
Player. Once the Scene Players ers have yet to complete their
turn is finished, play then moves actions. Once a cycle begins
to the next player on their left. anew, please remove all dice
If the Master or players so wish, from the illustrated portions of
they may change the order in the character sheets.
which players take their turns.
Once all players have had a
Scene, that cycle is over and a
new cycle begins.

Secret of Ninja Scroll 5 - Introduction Phase

5 - Introduction Phase The Secret portion of the hand-

out is to be folded over and
The Introduction Phase is the placed face-down on the table
phase where the players explain as to remain unseen by the other
how and why they are wrapped players.
up in the event occuring in the Each players Scene in the
scenario. The Introduction Introduction Phase should ex-
Phase is finished after the first plain how or why their character
cycle. is involved in the scenario. A
The Master explains the short introduction to the charac-
background of the event to ter and their Mission is usually
each player and hands out each enough to make an interesting
players Secret and Mission. Introduction Scene. Once every
The Mission is the directive player has had their Introduc-
that each player must strive to tion Phase Scene, the cycle ends
complete by the end of the ses- and the Main Phase begins.
sion. If the player is successful 5.01 People Chart
in completeing their Mission, As players debut in their
they receive extra experience Introduction Scenes, the other
points at the end of the session. players should write the Scene
If they fail, they forfeit those Players name into the People
points. Chart on the character sheet.
The Secret must be kept hid- The players should also write
den by each player at all costs the names of NPCs that appear
throughout the session. You if the Master designates them as
must not and cannot voluntarily having a Secret.
show the Secret to any other
character until forced to do so.
The Secret is usually tied to the
Mission in some way. Showing
your Secret willingly to some-
one else is against the Ninja
Code and is expressly forbid-
The Master is to write the
Secret and Mission on the hand-
out in each respective portion.

6 - Main Phase
Scene Chart
2 The scent of blood floods the
area. Signs of battle litter the
The Main Phase is the core
area. Wait--the battle isnt over
phase of the game. The Main
Phase typically ends when
conditions set by the scenario 3 Is this a dream? This all hap-
pened in the past. I cant ever
are met. It is typical to end a forget what happened...
Main Phase after a set number
4 A row of houses stretches out
of cycles, often 3, or after all
below. You could see the entire
Secrets have been revealed. city from here, but...
During the Main Phase, its
5 Its so dark, youd think the
the players turn to take charge world had ended. In the dark-
of moving the game forward. ness, you whisper...
The rules allow the Scene Play-
6 You are spending time peace-
ers to decide what sort of Scene fully. You almost feel as
occurs and what happens in though you could forget all
them. about the world of shadows...
The Scenes of the Main 7 An air of purity drifts through
Phase are split into 2 types: this forest. You can hear the
Drama Scenes and Combat songbirds and feel a cool
Scenes. The Scene Player de- wind...
cides which type of Scene they 8 A terrible crowd. A raucous
desire for their character. noise. Chatter both inane and
6.01 Drama Scene productive fill the air.
Drama Scenes are scenes 9 A strong rain begins to fall.
depicting a characters everyday People are pulling out their
life, investigation, or other non- umbrellas, hurriedly trying to
combat activity. get out of the rain.
The Scene Player decides 10 A heavy wind blows wildly.
the scenes mood and creates Hair and clothing whip about
madly. It feels as something is
a rough outline for the scenes
about to happen...
atmosphere by rolling 2d6 and
consulting the Scene Table. If a 11 A drunken roar. The sounds of
vendors calling to passersby.
certain result comes up multiple
The street is lively.
times, or if the Master allows
it, the Scene Player may simply 12 The sun smiles down on you.
Its way too bright out here for
describe an atmosphere of their 35
someone who belongs in the
world of shadows...
Secret of Ninja Scroll 6 - Main Phase

choosing. then selects the skill that most

Once the atmosphere has closely applies to the current
been sketched out, the Scene scene.
Player then decides which Once the Scene Player has
characters will populate the chosen their goal and their skill,
Scene. Extras can be pulled a Resolution using the skill is
into any Scene with no limita- performed. The type of Reso-
tion, but player and non-player lution that occurs depends on
characters must have the con- the Scene Players choice; Life
sent of their respective players Point recovery becomes a Re-
or Master before participating. covery Resolution, information
choosing. becomes an Information Reso-
Once the atmosphere has lution, and the emotional bond
been sketched out, the Scene becomes an Emotion Resolu-
Player then decides which tion. On a successful Resolu-
characters will populate the tion, the effect of the chosen
Scene. Extras can be pulled Resolution occurs. These ef-
into any Scene with no limita- fects are detailed here.
tion, but player and non-player 6.01.1 Recovery Resolution
characters must have the con- On a successful Recovery
sent of their respective players Resolution, the Scene Player
or Master before participating. may recover a single Life Point
Next, the Scene Player chooses they lost previously in the Ses-
a suitable time and location for sion.
the scene. 6.01.2 Information Resolution
Once the time, location and There are 2 kinds of Infor-
cast has been decided, the Scene mation obtainable in a Drama
Player directs the scene. At this Scene: Secrets and Locations.
time, the participating players On a successful Information
may trade Information (other Resolution, the Scene Player
than Secrets) or ninja gear chooses a single player, then de-
freely. cides between the players Se-
At the end of the Scene, The cret or Location. If the charac-
Scene Player chooses between ter chosen is an NPC, the Scene
Life Point recovery, receiv- Player then receives the infor-
ing Information, or forming an mation from the Master; if not,
Emotional Bond. The player the Scene Player receives the

information from the characters tional Bond to each other. On

player. The player receiving the each die result, there is both a
Information then checks off the positive and a negative possibil-
appropriate box in the People ity. Each player may choose
Chart on the character sheet between these as they see fit.
next to the characters name. Once the Emotional Bond has
Some characters may have been determined, it is written in
more than 1 Secret. In that the People Chart on the charac-
case, after a characters Secret ter sheet.
is revealed to another character, Characters that share an
the character must declare that Emotional Bond are able to
they have Secrets remaining. make use of Information Shar-
6.01.3 Emotion Resolution ing, Battle Bursts, and Emo-
On a successful Emotion tional Modifiers.
Resolution, the Scene Player
another character participating Information Sharing
in the same Scene. If a character towards whom
Both the Scene Player and your character has an Emotional
the player chosen roll 1d6 and Bond receives Information,
consult the Emotion Chart, your character may automati-
deciding their characters Emo- cally access that information.

Emotion Chart
1 Sympathy (+) Doubt (-)
2 Friendship (+) Anger (-)
3 Affection (+) Jealousy (-)
4 Loyalty (+) Contempt (-)
5 Admiration (+) Inferiority Complex (-)
6 Fanatacism (+) Murderous Intent (-)

Secret of Ninja Scroll 6 - Main Phase

However, you cannot receive EmoMod

information that was given to When a character towards
that character through an Emo- whom you hold an Emotional
tional Bond: you must have the Bond attempts an Action Reso-
Emotional Bond towards a char- lution, you may use your Emo-
acter who received the Informa- tional Bond to affect a modifica-
tion directly. tion to the roll. This is known
You may never share your as Emotional Modification, or
own Secret. EmoMod. Battle Burst If your character has a posi-
When a character towards tive Emotional Bond towards
whom you hold an Emotional the character, you may give a
Bond enters combat, you may +1 bonus to the roll; if negative,
choose to have your character you may give a -1 penalty to the
burst into that combat uninvit- roll. Your character must be in
ed. Please see 6.02.11 for more the same scene in order to use
information on Battle Bursts. an EmoMod.
EmoMods may be used once
per cycle for Drama Scenes
and once per round for Combat
6.01.4 Other Players
Players other than the Scene
Player, whose characters are
participating in the Scene, may
trade ninja gear and Information
between each other. You may
never reveal your Secret.


6.02 Combat Scene 6.02.1 Battlefield

Combat Scenes are scenes The Scene Player may choose
depicting a fight between char- a battlefield at the start of battle.
acters. If so, 1d6 is rolled and the
In order to initiate a Combat Battlefield Chart is consulted.
Scene, the Scene Player must The combat must occur at the
choose a character whose Loca- battlefield indicated and each
tion they have checked off in battlefield has its own special
their Person Chart. This is the set of rules.
character with which battle shall Like the Scene Chart for
be joined. Drama Scenes, each result of
During this battle, any char- the Battlefield Chart is designed
acters that have an Emotional to be a framework around
Bond toward either character which interesting scenes can be
may enter the scene and join constructed.
battle at any time. Please see
6.02.11 for more information on
Battle Bursts.

Battlefield Chart
1 An even field. No effect.
2 In water; a beach, a river, an area flooded with blood. During
this battle, all Dodge Checks suffer a -2 modification.
3 A high place; city skyline, treetops, a sheer cliff. During this
battle, characters that Fumble lose 1 Life Point at random.
4 Bad weather; wind, hail, rain of missiles, etc. During this
battle, the distance on all ninpo are raised by 1.
5 A crowd; a throng of people, a classroom, traffic jam. During
this battle, a Fumble occurs on a characters Plot Number +1
6 Extreme location; space, deep sea, craggy rocks. At the end of
the round, the Game Master rolls 1d6. Any character on the
Plot Number equal to the number that is rolled loses 1 Life
Point. Any characters that drop out of the scene must roll a
1d6. They then suffer the status ailment from the table that
corresponds to that roll. 39
Secret of Ninja Scroll 6 - Main Phase

6.02.2 The Flow of Battle battle; please see 6.02.12 for

Instead of cycles, Combat more information.
Scenes are divided into rounds. 6.02.3 Plot
Combat Scenes proceed in Each player taking part in the
the following manner: battle must take a 6-sided die
1) Plot in their hand, secretly choose a
2) Attack Resolution number between 1-6, and place
3) End of the Round that number face up under their
During a Combat Scene that palm. This action is called Plot
occurs during the Main Phase, and the hidden number chosen
anytime a character is dealt 1 by each player is called the Plot
Life Point or more damage by Number. Once all participat-
another characters attack or ing players have chosen a Plot
action, the damaged character Number, they simultaneously
is dropped from the Scene. As reveal their Plot Number.
characters drop from the Scene, Attacks and actions are then
the last character remaining is carried out proceeding from the
declared the winner. If no char- character with the highest Plot
acters are left, then combat ends Number down.
with no winner. The winner is The rules for Action Reso-
entitled to receive the spoils of lution change as soon as the

Mundain Ghost Walk Shadow Run Neuro Speed Sonic Speed Bullet Speed Light Speed F.T.L.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Preparing the some minis or counters and the Battle Sheet

found in the back of the book would be handy for combat.
When Plot Numbers are declared, simply place your mini or
40 counter on the column in which your Plot Number is written.

character with the highest Plot consequences of the attacks take

Number takes their turn and effect. In this example, if both
return to normal at the end of characters A and B land their
combat. During combat, the attacks, both characters would
Fumble Value of Action Resolu- take damage and fall out of the
tions is equal to a characters battle.
current Plot Number. This 6.02.4 Attacking
means that anytime a character
A character may make a
rolls equal to or less than their
single attack every round on
Plot Number during combat
their turn.
has Fumbled: they automati-
To make an attack, the at-
cally fail any subsequent Action
tacking character chooses an
Resolutions for that round.
attack Ninpo from their Ninpo
In other words, the higher the
List and selects a suitable op-
Plot Number is, the sooner a
ponent. The opponent must be
character acts, but the easier it
within the range described by
is to Fumble.
the Ninpo, which is the differ- Simultaneous Actions ence between the attacking and
If more than one character defending characters Plot Num-
share a Plot Number, their at- bers. As long as the distance is
tacks occure simultaneously. within the Ninpos range, the
For the sake of convenience, attack can occur.
the actions are handled first for The player that initiated the
the player closest to the Master, attack then uses an Action Reso-
but in reality these actions are lution based on the assigned
occuring at the same time. skill of the Ninpo chosen. This
For example, take for in- is called the Attack Resolution.
stance characters A and B sitting If the Attack Resolution is a
on the same Plot Number. To success, the attacking charac-
make things simple, A takes his ter has a chance to damage the
actions first, landing an attack opponent. The type of damage
on B, who Fumbles his defense. dealt will be described in the
Once the action is finished, B Ninpo text. If the Attack Reso-
takes his actions as though As lution fails, the attack misses
attacks hadnt yet happened. completely.
Once all characters on a Plot Once the attack succeeds, the
Number finish their actions, the opponent must make an Action 41
Secret of Ninja Scroll 6 - Main Phase

Resolution based on the same Ranged Combat

skill as the Attack Resolution; Ranged Combat damage is
this is called the Dodge Resolu- typically dealt by shuriken,
tion. If the Dodge Resolution blowdarts, guns and other at-
is successful, the attack has no tacks from a distance. A char-
effect, but if it fails, the oppo- acter that receives a point of
nent takes the damage or effect Ranged Combat damage gets
detailed in the Ninpo descrip- to choose which Category takes
tion text. the damage. Cross off the Life Close Combat Point box at the top of the Cat-
Close Combat damage is egorys column on the character
direct damage typically dealt by sheet.
skills such as Brawl or Sword. If the attacking characters
A character that takes a single Ranged Combat Ninpo suc-
point of Close Clombat damage ceeds on the Attack Resolution
randomly chooses a Category with a Special roll, they may do
by rolling 1d6 and marks off 1d6 damage to the opponent.
the Life Point box at the top of The opponent chooses which
the column with an X. If the Categories are damaged.
Category that is randomly cho- Group Combat
sen already has the Life Point Group Combat damage is
crossed out, the player may typically damage dealt by using
choose which Category receives groups of underlings, such as
the damage. thugs, familiars, or marionettes
If a Close Combat Ninpo suc- to fight indirectly. A character
ceeds with a Special roll, you that receives a point of of Group
may do damage equal to a roll Combat damage rolls 1d6 and
of 1d6. The attacking player consults the Status Ailment
may randomly decide which Chart to determine which status
Categories take this damage, but ailment they are afflicted with.
if any rolls result in a Category If the attacking character rolls
that already has damage, the a Special on a Group Combat
defending character may choose Ninpo Attack Resolution, they
which Category takes the dam- may choose which status effect
age. to inflict upon the opponent.


6.02.6 Special Dodges 6.02.7 Damage

The target of an attack may, When a Category takes dam-
no matter what the assigned age, its Life Point box is crossed
skill of a Ninpo is, use the Es- out and it becomes disabled: all
cape skill in the Dodge Resolu- skills within the Category are
tion. If this Dodge Resolution unusuable until the Life Point is
succeeds, the attack has no recovered.
effect and the targeted character
drops out of combat.

Status Ailment Chart

1 Disabled: You are unable to use any ninja tools. At the end
of every cycle, you may attempt an Action Resolution using
karakurijutsu. On a successful roll, this status ailment is cured.
2 Paralyzed: Choose one of your characters skills at random;
that skill may no longer be used. At the end of every cycle,
you may attempt an Action Resolution using shintaisojutsu.
On a successful roll, this status ailment is cured.
3 Serious Injury: On your next turn, choose a random Skill
Category; this Skill Category takes 1 Life Point of damage. At
the end of every cycle, you may attempt an Action Resolution
using seizenjutsu. On a successful roll, this status ailment is
4 Missing: After this battle conludes, you may no longer par-
ticipate during the Main Phase. At the end of every cycle, you
may attempt an Action Resolution using keizairyoku. On a
successful roll, this status ailment is cured.
5 Amnesia: Choose an Emotion connection at random; this con-
nection may not be used. At the end of every cycle, you may
attempt an Action Resolution using kiokujutsu. On a success-
ful roll, this status ailment is cured.
6 Curse: Choose a ninpo at random; this ninpo cannot be used.
At the end of every cycle, you may attempt an Action Resolu-
tion using jujutsu. On a successful roll, this status ailment is
cured. 43
Secret of Ninja Scroll 6 - Main Phase

6.02.8 End of the Round that justifies the modification.

Once all players taking part 6.02.10 Ninpo Use
in the combat have taken their Characters participating in a
turns, the round has ended. If Combat Scene may use support
a player so chooses, they may Ninpo at the time specified in
elect to forfeit and have their the description text. However,
character from combat. Once a support Ninpo may only be
one of the two following con- used once per round.
ditions has been met, combat In addition, attack and sup-
ends: port Ninpo have a Cost listed
There are 1 or less combat- in their entry. The total com-
ants left in the battle bined Cost of attack and support
A number of rounds equal Ninpo may not exceed a char-
to the number of combatants acters Plot Number for the cur-
has concluded rent round. A character may use
If neither of these conditions any number of support Ninpo as
are met, combat resumes once long as the Plot Number is not
more from the Plot stage of the exceeded.
Combat Scene. 6.02.11 Battle Burst
If all characters drop out of
Characters that choose to en-
a Combat Scene, there are no
gage in an ongoing battle must
follow the following rules.
6.02.9 Direction Mods A character that decides to
Any player that is not partici- participate in a battle from the
pating in a Combat Scene may, beginning must declare so by
once per round per player, con- the time Plot is declared, and
trol the conditions of the battle- must declare their Plot Number
field.. This is called a Direction at the same time as all other
Modification. characters, as usual. A player
A Direction Modification that chooses to burst into a
can give a positive or nega- scene in progress must do so
tive modifier of 1 to an Action before the final character of
Resolution by any character in the round takes their turn. The
the Combat Scene. The player bursting character must enter
that wishes to use a Direction combat on a Plot Number of 1
Modification must describe and may not use attack Ninpo
44 what happens during the combat this round.

6.02.12 Spoils of Battle Emotion

The winner of a battle may The winner may set or
choose a single losing partici- change the Emotional Bond
pant and decide which of the they have toward the loser.
following spoils to take for They then may set or change the
themselves. losers Emotional Bond toward Information the winner.
The winner may choose to Prize
learn either the losers Location If the loser is holding a Prize,
or the losers Secret. the winner may chose to take
the Prize for themselves.

Secret of Ninja Scroll 7 - Climax Phase

7 - Climax Phase then receive a +3 modifier to

their next Action Resolution.
The Climax Phase is the To receive a bonus to an
final battle that concludes the attacks damage, the character
scenario. This phase is handled must first succeed on an Attack
similarly to an extended Mas- Resolution and their opponent
ter Scene. The Master decides must fail a Dodge Resolution.
what conditions will bring about The attacking player must then
the Climax Phase when writing direct a short flashback scene
the scenario. relating to the Secret. After
All players participate in the this short revelatory scene, their
Climax Phase. Other than the damage will do 1 extra point of
rules for dropping out, death damage.
and Flashbacks, the rules are the
7.03 Death
same as a Combat Scene.
During the Climax Phase, a
7.01 Dropping out character drops out as soon as
Characters do not drop out their Life Points are completely
of the Climax Phase merely by lost. This is not character death,
taking damage. A character will though a player may choose
not drop out until all remaining to have their character die
Life Points are lost. permanantly. If so, you may
choose 1 of the following ac-
7.02 Flashback tions for the dying character to
Each character may take ad- perform at the moment they die.
vantage of the Flashback once Keep in mind that dead charac-
per game to receive a bonus to ters may never return or be used
either an Action Resolution or in another session.
gain extra damage on an attack. Attack: You may use a
To receive a bonus to an Ac- single attack Ninpo and as
tion Resolution, the player must many support Ninpo as you
reveal their Secret to everyone like; The cost for support
before the Action Resolution Ninpo becomes 0.
occurs. They must then direct Information Sharing: You
a short flashback scene relating may share any information
to the Secret. After this short with 1 character.
revelatory scene, the player will

8 - Ougi ter sheet.

If a character chooses to use
Players may use an Ougi their Hidden Skill, the other
at any time according to the characters participating in the
description of their Ougis type. Scene may attempt an Insight
An Ougi may be used once per Resolution as though they had
cycle during Drama Scenes and used their Ougi.
once per round during Combat If a character uses their
Scenes. Ougi, and another character
When an Ougi for the first in the same Scene knows that
time, the Ougis name and ef- Ougis Information, then once
fect is declared and the effect the Ougis name and effect is
happens automatically. declared, an Ougi Break may be
Once the Ougi takes effect, attempted.
all characters participating in An Ougi Break is an Ac-
the same scene may roll an Ac- tion Resolution that completely
tion Resolution based on Analy- negates the effect of an Ougi.
sis. This is called the Insight In order to use an Ougi Break,
Resolution. the opposing character must be
If the Insight Resolution is participating in the same Scene.
successful, the player using A character that does not have
the Ougi must share their Ougi an Ougis Information cannot
Information with the player that attempt an Ougi Break.
succeeded on the Insight Reso- To use an Ougi Break, the
lution. The Ougi Information opposing character uses the
is part of a characters Informa- Ougis Hidden Skill in an Ac-
tion, meaning that characters tion Resolution. If it succeeds,
with Emotional Bonds towards the Ougi has no effect.
the character receiving this In-
formation are privy to it as well.
A player may not choose to
learn another characters Ougi
after succeeding on an Infor-
mation Resolution, however.
When the Ougi Information is
received, check off the box in
the People Chart on the charac-
Secret of Ninja Scroll 9 - Ending

9 - Ending will always have the final say.

As experience points rack
Once the Climax Phase up, you may find that your char-
has ended, each character has acter rises in rank. When this
an epilogue before the game happens, make sure to check the
ends. During the epilogue, the Rank Chart to determine what
Master has complete freedom your character is eligible for.
to describe the outcome of the
session. A Master may simply 9.01 Respec
describe what happens to each When the session is com-
character, or they may even plete, each character completely
decide on one final cycle where restores their Life Points and re-
each character has a final scene. sets all Information. All Prizes
When the epilogue is fin- and ninja gear are lost. Players
ished, experience points are tal- may then choose 2 ninja gear to
lied. To determine the number equip their character with be-
of experience points received, fore the start of the next session.
each player should consult the Also, between sessions it is
conditions on the Achievement possible to choose a characters
Chart. If unsure whether or not skills, Ninpo and Ougi as long
their characters actions met as the limits set by a characters
these conditions, the Master rank is met.

Achievement Chart
Clan Aim: During this session, completed your clans goals or 1 pt
defeated your clans enemy.
Survived: Participated in the session all the way to the end of 1 pt
the Climax Phase without dropping out.
Role-play: Stayed true to a characters Emotion or conviction. 1 pt
Prize: Had control of the Prize at least once during the session. 1 pt
Having control of the Prize from the start doesnt apply.
MVP: Each player chooses a single player other than them- 1 pt
selves that they feel added the most to the session.A player
chosen receives this Achievement each time chosen. A player
may decline to choose.
Mission: Completed the Mission (or Secret Mission if any) as- 3 pts
48 signed to the character.

10 - Scenario a certain NPC (the Prize), and a

team that must protect the same
In order to play Shinobigami, NPC. It might also be a good
the Master must prepare a sce- idea to complicate things once
nario. A scenario consists of an teams are decided by using con-
entire sessions worth of story, flicting Missions and Secrets.
NPC data and character data. It is recommended that Mas-
The following is a step-by- ters fresh to Shinobigami start
step guide to writing a scenario. with a versus scenario.
A Scenario Sheet may be found
in the back of the book; having
10.01.2 Co-op
a copy in hand will be useful The cooperative scenario
while reading this section. type is where the characters find
There are also sample sce- themselves joining together as a
narios found in the back of the group of ninjas against a larger
book to give novice Masters a foe. The Master should ready
feel for how to run a scenario. an incredibly strong enemy for
Masters running their first game the team to fight at the Climax
are encouraged to use one of Phase. Also, it might be a good
these sample scenarios for their idea to set the Climax Phase
first game. trigger to similar to finding the
enemys Ougi or weak point, as
10.01 Scenario Type well as including these in vari-
There are several types of ous characters Secrets.
scenarios possible in Shinobig- A cooperative scenario is
ami. First, choose which type recommended for Masters and
of scenario to create from the players who want to play Shino-
types described below. bigami like other RPGs.

10.01.1 Vs. 10.01.3 Battle Royale

The versus scenario type is The battle royale scenario
where the characters find them- type is where each ninja is
selves in 2 opposing groups locked in a battle to the death
of ninjas. To create a versus with each other, where the
scenario, the Master must first winner is the one left standing.
create 2 differing factions. For Prizes and intertwining Secrets
example, a team that must kill should be in abundance for
Secret of Ninja Scroll 10 - Scenario

players to fight over. 10.02 Background

Battle royale scenarios can be Next, the Master must create
incredibly fun, but the last battle the outline of an event.
usually takes a long time to Record the basic outline of
complete. Trying a battle royale the event, specifying the loca-
would be a good idea if the tion that will serve as the stage
group has the time and inclina- as the event. Also make sure
tion for it. to note how the players will
interact with the event, as well.
10.01.4 Special Masters may find section 11,
The special scenario type is detailing the world of Shino-
where the versus, cooperative, bigami, of some use.
and battle royale mix to cre-
ate an interesting new type of 10.03 Number of Players
scenario. For example, a game The Master must also set the
that starts off as a cooperative number of players involved in
game, but as the Secrets are the scenario. Through the game
discovered, the players realize is playable with 2-6 players, 3-5
that they are actually on oppos- players is suggested. It is also
ing factions; or a scenario that highly suggested that versus
starts off as a versus type but scenarios have an even number
veers into cooperative when of players. If there are an odd
the big bad evil guy shows up number of players in a versus
to destroy them all. Three- scenario, the Master should
way versus battles, a Prize that include a Secret-bearing NPC
throws a well-meaning coopera- participate in the scenario and
tive game into an all out battle make that NPC join a team.
royale assault--there are many Once the number of players
ways to create exciting and has been decided, subtract that
unique scenarios. number from 6. The result is
the number of NPCs that the
Master should prepare for the


10.04 Handout Achieve a number of points

The handout is the sheet as determined by the sce-
detailing each character that nario
will be handed out to the play- Interfere with someones
ers. Copy the handout sheet in Mission
the back of the book and write Make sure everyone in-
in each players Mission and volved lives
Secret. Make sure that each
handout is seen only by the 10.04.2 Secrets
intended player. Secretsarehiddentruthsthat
each character desparately tries
10.04.1 Mission
to hide. Secrets may never
The Mission is the aim that voluntarily be given up. Some
each player should strive for Secrets may include True Mis-
their character to accomplish sions. In that case, even if a
during the session. Make sure characters Mission is fulfilled,
that each Mission is capable of they wont receive experience
being achieved. points unless their True Mission
For a versus or battle roy- is fulfilled. If a character with
ale scenario, make sure to use a True Mission is involved in a
conflicting Missions between session, the Master should ex-
characters. For a cooperative plain this to the players before
scenario, make sure that players play begins.
are given Missions that allow Theremayalsobeinstances
for them to work together. where a characters Mission
changes due to a clause in their
Example Missions: Secret. For example, a Secret
Grab the Prize before the may read: You are in love
scenario ends with Player 1. If by the Climax
Kill someone Phase, you and Player 1 do
Find something not have the Affection and/or
Protect someone Loyalty Emotional Bond toward
Protect something each other, your True Mission
Defeat someone (traitor/ is to defeat Player 1. You
boss) may also write Secrets so that a
Become involved with character has a choice of Mis-
someone specific sions to fulfill due to clauses in
Secret of Ninja Scroll 10 - Scenario

a Secret. 10.05 NPCs

NPCs are non-player charac-
Examples of Secrets: ters controlled by the Master.
Whereabouts of a Prize Heroines, rivals of the player
You are actually the Prize characters, powerful enemies
You are actually another and even those pulling the
characters real parent strings behind large conspira-
You are in love with another cies are appropriate as NPCs.
character Masters may choose an NPCs
You are actually a traitor name, age and sex as appro-
You are another characters priate for the scenario; NPCs
alternate identity receive Secrets and Missions.
The condition needed to If NPCs are going to enter
proceed to the Climax Phase combat as enemies or allies, the
An enemy characters infor- Master should choose skills,
mation: number of under- ninja gear, Ninpo and Ougi for
lings, Ougi, Location, etc. the NPCs as though they were
Background information player characters. The data
You actually have no secrets from the Enemy section of the
rulebook may also be used as
NPC data.

Handout Handout
You may not allow this secret
to fall into anyone s hands Name
Secret Mission


10.05.1 Extras 10.07 Introduction Scene

NPCs that dont have hand- The Introduction Scene exists
outs, Secrets or Missions, and to explain why and how each
are not important to the scenario character is related to the event
are called Extras. The Master occuring in the scenario and
is free to have Extras enter and how much they know about
leave scenes as needed. The what is happening. The Master
Scene Player also has complete should decide these details for
control over the actions of Ex- each character.
tras during their scene. Extras Creating an Introduction
act exactly as directed by the Scene that reflects a characters
Master or Scene Player. Secret, Mission, clan, secret
identity, and so forth, it can
10.06 Prize greatly add to the feeling of im-
The Prize is a special ob- mersion.
ject that exists solely for the
scenario: a secret ninja scroll, 10.08 Master Scene
ritual components, holy relics, Master Scenes are to be in-
damsels in distress, and other terspersed throughout the Main
important targets. Though 1 Phase. The Master should use
Prize per session is suggested, a Master Scene anytime there is
there may be scenarios that call a scene that needs to be shown.
for 2 or more Prizes to exist. Master Scenes may also be used
As long as a character comes to improvise something interest-
into the possession of a Prize ing if the Master feels that the
at least once during the ses- action is stagnating.
sion, that player will receive Inasinglesession,1-4Mas-
the experience point for fulfill- ter Scenes are suggested.
ing the Achievement. Coming
into possession several times, Example Master Scenes:
however, does not increase the On a successful Action
amount of experience gained. Resolution based on a skill
Adding a Mission specifying a determined by the Master,
requirement to keep the Prize the enemys Location is
until the end of the game may found
be a good idea. An NPC creates an Emo-
tional Bond with a PC
Secret of Ninja Scroll 10 - Scenario

A scene for the PCs to share 10.11 Conclusion

information In the conclusion the scenario
should end simply. A session
10.09 Climax Scene of Shinobigami should flow
The Master must set the naturally. Instead of trying to
condition for the Climax Scene, make the conclusion deep, plan
deciding the requirement to on reflecting on the spin that
be fulfilled before the Climax each character has put on the
Phase occurs. For example, development of the scenario
in a cooperative scenario, the and everyones influence on the
characters must find the final storys conclusion.
enemys Location before they In the case of a versus scenar-
can confront him in the Climax io, it is ok to have single team
Scene, or perhaps the Limit has as the winner, and the Master
been reached. should prepare several possible
10.10 Limit
The Limit is the maximum
number of cycles that can occur
before the Climax Phase au-
tomatically occurs. No mat-
ter how far the scenario has
developed, once the Limit has
been reached, the Climax Scene
begins. The Master should find
a plausible reason for the reason
to exist; for example, an evil
ritual may take 3 days/cycles to
The recommended Limit for
most scenarios is 3-4 cycles.


11 - World noses.
And those who struggle
At first glance, the world of through this carnage are, of
Shinobigami is an ordinary one, course, the ninja.
calm and uneventful.
A dark shadow, however, is Ninja
cast silently across this peaceful
faade. Ninja is the generic term that
That shadow wafts on the covers any and all that lives
blackness of night, surging and fight in the World of Shi-
stronger as the moon travels its nobi. They are given a variety
well-worn path until dispelled of other names: Masters of
with the breaking of dawn. Ninjutsu, Shinobi, Masters
They are sometimes called of the Art, The Masked,
Nightwalkers. Housemonkey, Wandering
Maiden, to mention but a few.
Just underneath the surface In general, during the Japa-
of the world you and I inhabit nese middle ages, a ninja was
lies the domain of shadows, someone used by daimyo or
known only as the World of lords in assassinations or intel-
Shinobi. It is a world of vio- ligence gathering. In reality,
lence and conspiracy, and it is a ninja have existed since long
world of sorcery. before as wielders of supernatu-
In the World of Shinobi, in- ral abilities. It is said that they
numerable battles unfold daily have lived among us as long
across the land: thousand-year ago as the Yayoi period, in the
old struggles between conquer- 1st century BC. In some leg-
ors and the conquered; disgrace- ends it is stated that no less than
ful political squabbles over the first emperor of Qin and
national interests; mad scram- Princess Himiko herself were of
bles that shake up our everyday ninja blood.
lives; never-ending personal With a basis in Taoist spiri-
quests to fulfill ones innermost tual belief, the ninja developed
desire. their own abilitiesNinpoby
All of these constant con- utilizing advanced weaponry,
flicts are raging unknown, science and magic.
cleverly hidden just under our With the use of these power-
Secret of Ninja Scroll 11 - World

ful Ninpo, ninja have long held their ancestors. Theirs are the
great influence over politics, battles of a people imbued with
business, and even religion. the supernatural abilities of sci-
During the Sengoku period, ence and magic.
a number of rival warlords
emerged, splitting the ninja into Shinobigami
a number of separate clans, con-
stantly locked in a brutal race The Shinobigami are legends
for power. However, as the war even among ninja. They are
finally ended and the Tokugawa said to have been the progeni-
clan took control of the coun- tors of magic and martial arts.
try, the clans were once again According to both the Hirasaka
reunited and put to work for the Agency and Bloodline of Oni,
Shogunate as secret enforcers. the Shinto god Susano-o of the
As the nation modernized with Kojikithe oldest historical
the Meiji era, the usefulness of record of ancient Japanwas
the ninja seemed to come to an himself a Shinobigami.
end. It is said that many ninja Though many doubt the
then took up jobs as farmers, veracity of these claims, the
agents of law enforcement, fact remains that 6 sacred relics
doctors, pharmacists, firework were left behind by the Shino-
makers, and a myriad of other bigami and were only until re-
suitable occupations. cently accounted for; according
Of course, where there is to the Bloodline of Oni, these
light, there must be shadow; have been stolen away. The
and as the light of modernity Bloodline of Oni had attemped
shines ever brighter, the depth a grand ritual using the relics
of that darkness yet blackens. in attempt to learn the secret
The World of Shinobi contin- art Tenjo Tenge, the mysteri-
ues, as it has always, just below ous art handed down from the
the face of normal society. The Shinobigami themselves with
curtain called Peace is used the power to grant any wish. At
to cleverly disguise the World that time, the relics disappeared
of Shinobi. Just the same, the without a trace. Since that fate-
ninja of today stand as proxies ful day, a great number of ninja
as they fight the same battles have searched for the relics to
and hold the same grudges as find the secret of Tenjo Tenge.

6 Main Factions corporate identities. Stand-

ing out from the others is Yata
The strength and size of ninja Heavy Industries, a corpora-
clans can fluctuate wildly, but tion involved in anything and
at the moment, the balance of everything, including energy,
power has stabilized. The cur- aerospace, and weapon devel-
rent groups in power are called opment. The true core of the
the 6 Main Factions. They are: Hasuba Ninja Army, however, is
the Hasuba Ninja Army, the its research division. Within the
Kurama Shin Clan, the Hira- research division are a num-
saka Agency, the Otogi Private ber of specialist groups, each
Academy, the Bloodline of Oni, assigned names derived from
and the Lost Ones. tools, such as the Screw People,
Sawtooth Gang, and Inkpot
Hasuba Ninja Army Clan.
The Hasuba Ninja Army
The Hasuba Ninja Army is is fervently trying to replicate
intent on using technology to Ninpo with ninja gear. Its ulti-
acquire every ninpo in exis- mate aim is the consolidation of
tence. all other clans and orders under
It is said that in its early the banner of Hasuba. Due to
inception, the order was a this lofty goal, this clan is con-
simple clan of the same lin- stantly at war with the Kurama
eage as the Saika Ikki, famed Shin Clan, a group which is
developers of ancient firearms constantly trying to destroy or
and naval warcraft. When seal away dangerous Ninpo.
Toyotomi Hideyoshi unleashed The leader of the Hasuba
his wrath upon the Saika Ikki Ninja Army is Hitori Kuroshio,
in an attempt to wipe out their CEO of Yata Heavy Industries.
bloodline, those skilled enough
to escape found refuge and Kurama Shin Clan
prosperity by founding the Iga
and Koga clans. There, they The Kurama Shin Clan
continued their development of focuses on hunting the super-
ninja gear and weaponry. natural and making sure that the
Currently, the Yata Group is powerful secrets and techniques
a conglomerate of 30 separate of the World of Shinobi stay
Secret of Ninja Scroll 11 - World

hidden and never find their way the missing holy relics.
to our world. The leader of the Kurama
As the Heian period waned, Shin Clan is the One-Eyed
an onmyouji by the name of Swordsman, Yagyuu Mit-
Kichi Hougan founded this clan suyoshi. It is unclear whether
with 8 warrior monks in the or not there is any relation to
Kurama Mountain of Kyoto. the famed Yagyuu family.
It is said that these 8 monks
became the origin of every Hirasaka Agency
martial arts style in Japan, also
becoming known as the Kyoto 8 The Hirasaka Agency is
Styles. In fact, just about every a secret intelligence agency
well-known master of martial that provides the government
arts has had some secret affilia- with information regarding the
tion with the clan. movement of ninja and magical
Over the course of time, the forces.
Kurama Shin Clan has taken it Long before the influence of
upon itself to make sure that the Buddhism and other esoteric
World of Shinobi stays hidden teachings, the animist Shinto
in the shadows. Two of their beliefs of ancient Japan formed
most important duties are seal- the origins of the Hirasaka
ing away dangerous Ninpo be- Shinto cult. Of the 6 Main Fac-
fore they can fall into the wrong tions, this group has the stron-
hands, as well as the destruction gest ties and strongest influence
of supernatural elements that over the world of politics. In
would otherwise pose a threat essence, this group acts mostly
to innocents. Because of this, in accordance with the nations
they are often called Oni Hunt- best interests in mind. There
ers. Yet another duty passed are rumors that they operate the
down through the generations of nations politics in accordance
shadow is the part they play in to divinations and sacred reli-
halting any other group search- gious rites dedicated to the kami
ing for the legendary Tenjo that protect the land.
Tenge. In order to keep true to A large number of agency
this obligation, they have merci- members are female ninjas,
lessly destroyed a countless known as Miko, that infiltrate
number of people searching for businesses and organizations.

The agency then analyses the selves unable to deal with their
information gathered by the newfound strength. The Otogi
Miko, utilizing it to lead each Private Academy protects these
other faction into directions children, teaching them to hone
and actions that best profit the their powers by teaching them
agency. Though the agency has the ways of the ninja.
terrifying powers of manipula- On the surface, the academy
tion, their upfront combat capa- is a school that encompasses
bilities are somewhat limited; both primary and secondary
this is why Kurama Shin Clan schooling. The school boasts a
members and Lost Ones are large number of accomplished
frequently hired or forced to students and is often admired by
work as security forces for the outsiders. However, in real-
agency. ity the school is an intelligence
The leader of the Hirasaka agency that is training suitable
Agency is the high priestess children as spies. Even within
of the Hirasaka Shinto cult, the school, less than half of the
Ubume Hirasaka. students actually realize what
the true intentions are for their
Otogi Private Academy education.
The sponsors of the academy
The Otogi Private Academy are primarily foreign zaibatsu
provides proper guidance for, conglomerates. Due to their
and protects, youth that show influence, a number of interna-
supernatural potential. tional exchange students and
With the Meiji restoration, trainees of foreign intelligence
a large number of ninja hid agencies attend the school.
themselves away in our peace- The Hirasaka Agency has long
ful society, completely forget- disapproved of this practice
ting about the World of Shi- and more than a few scuffles
nobi. What they didnt realize, between the two have occurred
however, is that their power over the years.
never forgot and is passed down The leader and headmaster
through blood. Many of their of the Otogi Private Academy is
children, as their slumbering Rokaku Arthur Masashige.
powers awakened, have become
led astray as they find them-
Secret of Ninja Scroll 11 - World

Bloodline of Oni The greatest wish of the

clan as a whole is to create a
The Bloodline of Oni is a world in which they can live
group of abnormal beings with peacefully; to that end, they
plans on toppling the nation. pursue the secret Shinobigami
Descendants of the beings rite Tenjo Tenge. In the past,
called oni and tsuchigumo that they suffered a blow when they
once inhabited ancient Japan failed a magic ritual that lost
populate the Bloodline of Oni them control of several holy
clan. Within the clan are a relics, but the clan is steady in
number of inhuman beings, its unwavering commitment to
such as vampires, werewolves, recovering and finding a way to
nightmares and shapeshifters, try again.
that are often called Night The leader of the Bloodline
Gaunts by ninja. Though other of Oni is the leader of a cult
ninja often have some sort of used to mask the existence of
tie to the surface world, this is the clan: Yatonokami Torihiko.
generally untrue of the Blood-
line of Oni. With rare excep- The Lost Ones
tion, the members of this clan
aggressively isolate themselves The Lost Ones are a group of
from normal society, and nearly talented ninja who hold no alle-
all share a world-weary attitude giances toward any of the major
and keep very exclusive social orders.
circles. The Lost Ones clan simply
As a race, various factions refers to any free ninja who,
have long oppressed the Blood- for a variety of reasons, do not
line of Oni. It is this continued belong with the other factions.
history of oppression that has The majority of these ninja are
left the clan with a deep-seated those from small villages, ninja
distrust of government power. who were personally taught and
The Hirasaka Agency in partic- handed down ninja techniques,
ular, with its ancient ties to the and ninja that have run away
imperial court, draws the clans from their clan.
ire; any chance meetings be- Due to the fact that some
tween the two factions seldom ninja in this grouping straddle
end without a battle. the line between the world

above and the World of Shi- the ninja are introduced.

nobieither by taking jobs as
mercenaries or belonging to Gangland
criminal groupsthis clan is
often looked down upon by the This group is comprised of
rest of the factions. The term yakuza, mafia and other gang
Lost Ones began as a deroga- members. Many mobsters em-
tory nickname for masterless ploy unscrupulous ninja; more
and aimless ninja. Nonetheless, often than not, often these ninja
there are an extraordinary va- are Lost Ones. Even so, there
riety of ninja that make up this are few in the world of orga-
faction, making it impossible nized crime who truly know the
for the other groups to ignore. extent of the World of Shinobi.
In a narrow sense, the Lost For the most part, the most any
Ones are not really a clan and gangster knows is that, there
have no unified will. However, are some really scary creeps out
within the group there seems there
to be a large number of ninja
with hatred towards the Hasuba Law Enforcement
Ninja Army. A large number of
villages have been plundered Within the upper echelon
and assimilated due to the of the police force and certain
Hasubas hunger for rare and legal circles, the existence of
powerful Ninpo; the number of the World of Shinobi has be-
victims of their schemes and come common knowledge. Due
their family members grow, as to the pressure of the Hira-
does their resentment and thirst saka Agency, however, they
for revenge. take great pains to make sure
The Lost Ones do not have a that this knowledge does not
true leader. become public. The police,
therefore, do their best to cover
Other Factions up anything that may expose
the ninja clans. Occasionally,
There are entities other than a rogue agent attempts to blow
the 6 major clans that are aware their cover, ignoring orders
of the World of Shinobi. Here, from above. As to their fate
the various factions with ties to the fact that the world at large
Secret of Ninja Scroll 11 - World

remains ignorant says enough. the United States CIA.

Political Dynasties Outsiders

The political dynasties use The Outsiders are inhabitants

ninja to fulfill their schemes of a supernatural realm. They
and designs. For the sake of come into our world through
exploiting their interests and Gates, special points in space
furthering their own causes, and time that breach the wall
they have set innumerable between our world and theirs.
battles into motion in the World Most Outsiders are harbingers
of Shinobi. Of these dynasties, of terrible disaster. Even more
the Mayoinomiya family alone terrifyingly, Outsiders seem
has taken a particular stance; to be impervious to nearly all
they seem to believe that the physical damage. Because of
6 main ninja factions should this, ninja are this worlds only
forever keep a steady balance in line of defenseand it is usu-
relation to each other and make ally up to the Kurama Shin Clan
sure to do what they can to halt and the Bloodline of Oni to
any clan from ambitions to heed the call.
overpower the others. Though Most Outsiders are skilled in
they may approach each clan in mystic arts and come into our
different ways, they appear to world for the sole reason of test-
be trying to ensure the stability ing their skills. Indeed, Outsid-
of our world. ers seem to have little care or
thought about mankind, includ-
Foreign Nations ing ninja. However, if they
come across someone suitable
Other nations have become to their mystical abilities, they
aware of the existence of the may take them back to their
ninja clans of Japan. Many own world to shape them into
countries, however, have creat- their successor. The reason for
ed their own intelligence agen- this seems to be that Outsiders
cies that employ ninja and su- are unable to reproduce on their
perhuman beings akin to ninja. own. This sort of abduction by
Examples are Great Britains an Outsider is known as being
Knights of the Round Table and spirited away.

The legendary Shinobigami cally sealed, inaccessible from

and the ancestors of the Blood- the outside world. All records
line of Oni are said to have been of the city having existed have
Outsiders. been erased and any attempts
to locate it have failed. Even
Dejima within the World of Shinobi, the
only people with any informa-
A few years ago, the Blood- tion regarding the city are those
line of Oni, in an attempt to ob- of Jounin rank or higher; within
tain the ultimate ninja art Tenjo these upper ranks, the most ac-
Tenge, conducted a magical curate information most have is
ritual to revive the Shinobigami that the city, called Dejima to
in a large urban area. The ritual those in the know, is run amok
was designed to sacrifice the with Outsiders. In order to
thousands of city inhabitants, access the lost holy relics and
as well as the 6 holy relicsthe the peculiar skills of the Outsid-
swords Mitsurugi and Yatsurugi, ers, many ninja have attempted
the jewels Mitama and Maga- to enter the city. None have
tama, and the mirrors Mikagami returned in one piece. In a freak
and Sakagami. The Oni sorcer- occurrence, a Hasuba clansman
ers managed to open a Gate and managed to return from Dejima,
began to assert the power of the though it is said that his mind
Shinobigami when, at the last was shattered and his body was
minute, a group of ninja from mangled in a way that resem-
every clan, assembled by the bled an unspeakable amalgama-
Kurama Shin Clan, put an end tion of sea creatures. Those
to their ritual. The incomplete who know of Dejima have
ritual cast unspent magical ener- another name for it: Shijima, or
gy in every direction, dispersing Death Island.
mystical energy throughout the
city. Untold numbers of Outsid-
ers found their way into the city
and its former inhabitants were
transformed into horrors beyond
human imagining.
Since then, that city has
become physically and magi-
Secret of Ninja Scroll 11 - World

Foreign Settings
Kurama Shin Clan
The setting of Shinobigami
assumes that the players are Any group of trained fighters
intimately familiar with the bent on fighting the supernatural
landscape and layout of mod- work well for this clan. Perhaps
ern Japan and its society. With an old lineage of vampire hunt-
very minimal effort, a game ers named Belmont?
can take place in any part of the
modern world. Players need Hirasaka Agency
not necessarily create a Japa-
nese character. A player may Any shadow government
use an analogue of their chosen organization is appropriate; the
clan suitable to their characters Illuminati, Knights Templar,
nationality and yet keep the or even the Freemasons, for
mechanics of play the same. example.
This way, the relationships
between each clan does not Otogi Private Academy
change and interesting elements
of story may develop through Just file the name off the
play. Here are some examples school and replace as appropri-
of alternate names and settings ate by nation. Perhaps an Eng-
for each major clan. lish school called Pigwarts?

Hasuba Ninja Army Bloodline of Oni

Perhaps the Hasuba Ninja Each nation has a tradition

Army has branched out, reach- of the supernatural; simply
ing its mechanical hands changing the name of the clans
throughout the world in its ancestors will suffice.
search for hidden power. Or
perhaps a rival privatized- Lost Ones
mechanical army exists in the
west; Halliburton-like private Any change to this faction is
security firms or a Bond-villain unnecessary.
type billionaires army may fit
some scenarios.

12 - Enemies 12.03 Enemy Data

Life Points
This chapter details the data The number of Life Points an
for the class of NPCs called Enemy starts with. As an Ene-
Enemies. Enemies are a type my loses Life Points, they dont
of character usually controlled lose the use of any Categories.
by the Master and are presented This does not apply, however, to
here in a convenient compact Enemies used in a Battle Royale
form. type game; they will lose the
use of any Categories that suffer
12.01 Adaptation
When an Enemy is first in-
troduced in a game, the Master
may alter their assigned skills or
The specialized Category of
Ninpo as appropriate.
an Enemy. The skills acquired
by an Enemy are written after
12.02 Simultaneous Use the slash.
When multiple Enemies are
used simultaneously in battle, Ninpo
the Master should group each The Ninpo acquired by an
Enemy of the same type and Enemy.
use one Plot Number for each
group. Description
A short description of an

Secret of Ninja Scroll 12 - Enemies

Low-ranking Ninja


subversive activities.
they are responsible for collecting information and other
of every faction. Until they reach the mid or upper ranks,
These are the lower-ranked ninja that populate the rosters

Life Points
Skills Stealth / Infiltration, Analysis
Ninpo Close Combat A (Infiltration) Range: 1
Wandering S (Infiltration)

Within every clan, a number of rookie ninja exist, nicknamed Grass. These ninja are
planted throughout society, collecting information from schools, corporations, and vari-
ous other communities.

Life Points
Skills Body / Shuriken, Sword, Invisibility
Ninpo Close Combat A (Sword) Range: 1
Ranged Attack A (Shuriken) Range: 2
Heat Haze S (Sword) Cost: 1

Even in the lower ranks, ninja specializing in battle exist. They are often employed in
assassinations or sudden attacks.

Life Points

Skills Tool / Pyromancy, Concealment, Rumourmongering

Ninpo Close Combat A (Pyromancy) Range: 1
Blast A (Pyromancy) Range: 2 Cost: 1
Social Battle S (Rumourmongering)

Even in the lower ranks, ninja specializing in special ops exist. They are often employed
in gathering information or subversive activities.

Life Points
Skills Scheme / Clothes, Poison, Seduction
Ninpo Close Combat A (Poison) Range: 1
Marionette S (Manipulation) Cost: 5
Fascination S (Seduction) Range: 3 Cost: 2

Alluring female ninjas. They often charm their victims into honeytraps to learn valu-
able knowledge.

Genin Leader
Life Points
Skills Strategy / Guerilla, Strategy, Encryption, Weapon Concealment
Ninpo Close Combat A (Guerilla) Range: 1
Group Combat A (Strategy) Range: 4
Crushing Blow S (Weapon Con.) Cost: 1
Strategic Command S (Strategy) Cost: 3
The ninja in control over the lower-ranked clan members. Skilled in a number of strate-
gies, they ably conduct their lessers.

Zombie Ninja
Life Points
Skills Stealth / Contortionism, Invisibility
Ninpo Close Combat A (Contortionism) Range: 1
Continuous Attack S Cost: 2
Take the Hit S Cost: 1
Crushing Blow S (Weapon Con.) Cost: 1
Ninja called back into service even after the release of death. Though their memories
are gone, their shinobi skills are still left, imprinted into their very body through their
rigorous practice. 67
Secret of Ninja Scroll 12 - Enemies

Ninja Beast


might not tread.

cial Ninpo. They are often found in places that human ninja
These are animals trained in ninjutsu and taught to use spe-

Ninja Dog
Life Points
Skills Body / Running, Analysis
Ninpo Close Combat A (Running) Range: 1
Continuous Attack S Cost: 2
Take the Hit S Cost: 1

Representative of the ninja beasts loyalty and bravery, these dogs are said to be able to
sense an enemy 1 million times better than a human and crush a mans windpipe with its
sharp teeth.

Ninja Swarm
Life Points
Skills Strategy / First Aid, Creature Mastery
Ninpo Close Combat A (First Aid) Range: 1
Domination A (Creature M.) Range: 3 Cost: 4

Beetles, bugs, centipedes and other creepy crawlies used to follow or hunt enemies, fight
battles, etc. They are also used in healing.

Ninja Raven
Life Points

Skills Body / Sleight of Hand, Jumping, Writing

Ninpo Close Combat A (Sleight of H.) Range: 1
Ranged Attack A (Jumping) Range: 2
Arrow Catching S (Sleight of H.) Cost: 1

The most clever of all birds, trained as a ninja beast. Able to fly into the air to search
and deliver messages over long distances.

King Snake
Life Points
Skills Sorcery / Pyromancy, Walking, Sword, Poison, Transformation
Ninpo Close Combat A (Walking) Range: 1
Cross Cut A (Sword) Range: 0 Cost: 1
Crushing Blow S (Pyromancy) Cost: 1
Assassin S (Walking) Cost: 1
Carnage A (Poison) Range: 2
Poison Fang E Any character damaged by this character must succeed
on an Action Resolution based on Poison or gain the Serious Injury status ailment.
A type of supernatural beast that has lived for over 100 years, with a body longer than 10
meters. Though wild, it enjoys luxury. Its bite is said to drive men mad.

Monster Toad
Life Points
Skills Stealth / Pyromancy, Concealment, Invisibility, Guerilla, Binding
Ninpo Close Combat A (Invisibility) Range: 1
Blast A (Pyromancy) Range: 1 Cost: 1
Counter S (Guerilla ) Range: 2 Cost: 2
Plot Restriction S (Binding) Cost: 3
Kaleidoscope A (Concealment) Range: 3
Poison Gland E Any character damaged by this character must succeed
on an Action Resolution based on Survival or gain the Paralyzed status ailment.
A supernatural toad similar to the King Snake. It is said to inhale any that have touched
its rainbow-colored breath. Its tears are the main ingredient in hyorogan.

Ninja Shark
Life Points
Skills Body / Weightlifting, Survival, Guerilla
Ninpo Close Combat A (Weightlifting) Range: 1
Jaws S (Weightlifting) Cost: 2 Used before this character attempts an At-
tack Resolution when in the Water battlefield. When an Action Resolution based
on this Ninpos skill succeeds, Close Combat deals 2 more damage.
Aquatic E Negate penalty when in Water battlefield.
A savage great white shark that has been altered with brain surgery to follow any and all
commands. The most dangerous combatant underwater.
Secret of Ninja Scroll 12 - Enemies



signed 1 Ougi, chosen by the Master.

sample characters for quick play. They each should be as-
same level as the Player Characters. They can be used as
These are experts from each clan. These enemies are the

Mad Scientist
Life Points
Skills Tool / Pyromancy, Clothes, Torture, Finance, Strategy
Ninpo Close Combat A (Finance) Range: 1
Ranged Attack A (Strategy) Range: 2
Blast A (Pyromancy) Range: 1 Cost: 1
Crushing Blow S (Torture) Cost: 1
Hadesology E

A Hasuba scientist dedicated to unlocking the secrets of the other clans Ninpo.

Life Points
Skills Body / Demolition, Riding, Running, Sword, Analysis
Ninpo Close Combat A (Ride) Range: 1
Ranged Attack A (Sword) Range: 2
Crushing Blow S (Demolition) Cost: 1
Heat Haze S (Sword) Cost: 1
End of the Beginning E

A Kurama Shin Clan soldier hunting for supernatural threats.


Life Points

Skills Stealth / Pyromancy, Escape, Invisibility, Multiplicity, Analysis

Ninpo Close Combat A (Escape) Range: 1
Shadow Duplicate S (Multiplicity) Cost: 1
Blast A (Pyromancy) Range: 1 Cost: 1
Able-bodied E
Continuous Attack S Cost: 2

A ninja who has thrown away his duty, betraying his clan by running away.

Life Points
Skills Scheme / Shuriken, Sleep, Seduction, Finance, Word Magic
Ninpo Close Combat A (Word Magic) Range: 1
Ranged Attack A (Shuriken) Range: 2
Resupply S (Finance)
Emotion Manipulation S (Seduction) Cost: 1
Marionette S (Manipulation) Cost: 5

A female ninja of the Hirasaka Agency, infiltrating an organization to gain information.

Life Points
Skills Strategy / Running, Interception, Nature, Strategy, Writing
Ninpo Close Combat A (Nature) Range: 1
Continuous Attack S Cost: 2
Guidance S (Running) Cost: 2
Essentials of the Battlefield E
Tactical Shock S (Writing)

A strategist from the Otogi Private Academy, planning his next move and looking for the
chance to give him the best chances against his opponent.

Life Points
Skills Sorcery / Climbing, Sleep, Summoning, Binding, Visual Control
Ninpo Close Combat A (Binding) Range: 1
Meteor Shower A (Summoning) Range: 3 Cost: 3
Crushing Blow S (Climbing) Cost: 1
Able-bodied E
Counter S (Sleep) Range: 2 Cost: 2

An oni-blooded sorceror specializing in curses and skilled in magic.

Secret of Ninja Scroll 12 - Enemies



be assigned 2 Ougi, chosen by the Master.

are able to take on several opponents at once. They should
These enemies are stronger than the Player Characters and

Metal Night
Life Points
Skills Tool / Engineering, Pyromancy, Demolition, Invisibility, Strategy
Ninpo Close Combat A (Invisibility) Range: 1
Sunder S (Demolition) Cost: 2
MechaNinja E
Blast A (Pyromancy) Range: 1 Cost: 1
Carnage A (Strategy) Range: 2
Heat Haze S (Sword) Cost: 2
A ninja that has mechanized his entire body. He is now equipped with advanced weap-
onry such as optical camoflage and high-frequency vibro-blades. His heart is now as
cold as iron and will stop at nothing to accomplish his mission.

Demon Blade
Life Points
Skills Body / Weapon Concealment, Ballistics, Running, Sword, Analysis
Ninpo Close Combat A (Weapon Con.) Range: 1
Kaleidoscope A (Ballistics) Range: 3
Assassin S (Sword) Cost: 1
Unmovable E
Bloody Determination E
End of the Beginning E

A warrior that lives by the sword. In a continuous search for that which is True
Strength, they trust nobody but their sword and follow its thirst. And it thirsts for blood.

Ninja Master
Life Points

Skills Stealth / Rope Use, Infiltration, Ventriloquism, Multiplicity, Willpower

Ninpo Close Combat A (Rope Use) Range: 1
Shadow Duplicate S (Multiplicity) Cost: 1
Body Double S (Ventriloquism) Cost: 4
Carnage A (Multiplicity) Range: 2
Crushing Blow S (Rope Use) Cost: 1
Unmovable E
These are the legendary ninja that gave the World of Shinobi its name. However, these
ninja have left their clans, never to be seen again. It is said that they left in order to save
the ones they love.

Master Mind
Life Points
Skills Scheme / Sleight of Hand, Investigation, Rumourmongering, Finance, Illusion
Ninpo Close Combat A (Sleight of Hand) Range: 1
Social Battle S (Rumourmongering)
Reticence S (Investigation)
Emotion Manipulation S (Rumourmongering) Cost: 1
Plot Restriction S (Illusion) Cost: 3
Kaleidoscope A (Illusion) Range: 3
Hidden deeper even than the World of Shinobi, these ninja lurk in the world of shadows
themselves. They control the movements of finance and government to their whim, and
also seem to be able to control where and when things happen.

Master Strategist
Life Points
Skills Strategy / Pyromancy, Invisibility, Creature Mastery, Strategy, Encryption
Ninpo Close Combat A (Pyromancy) Range: 1
Blast A (Pyromancy) Range: 1 Cost: 1
Diversion S (Encryption) Cost: 2
Strategic Command S (Creature M.) Cost: 3
Destruction: Stealth S (Invisible) Cost: 2
Encirclement A (Strategy) Range: 5
These strategists have snatched victory--and the opponents head--in 100 of 100 battles.
Maestros of the art of war of East, West, current and ancient, they live only to conquer
the battlefield.

Mage Blooded
Life Points
Skills Sorcery / Hydromancy, Invisibility, Necromancy, Word Magic, Visual Control
Ninpo Close Combat A (Word Magic) Range: 1
Carnage A (Visual Control) Range: 2
Crushing Blow S (Hydromancy) Cost: 1
Continuous Attack S Cost: 2
Vampirism S (Necromancy) Cost: 1
Counter S (Visual Control) Range: 2 Cost: 2
Within the Oni clan, powerful rites to create terrifying beasts--weapons of destruction-
-exist. Those creatures born of these horrible rituals have magic coursing through their
very blood; they are known as the Mage Blooded. 73
Secret of Ninja Scroll 12 - Enemies



Outsider. They should be assiigned 1 Ougi, chosen by the
solemn duties. The Shinobigami are said to be a type of
them back to whence they came is one of a ninjas most
existence. Most of them are harbingers of disaster. Sending
These enemies are demonic beings from another plane of

Life Points
Skills Sorcery / Acupuncture, Torture, Contortionism, First Aid, Necromancy
Ninpo Close Combat A (Torture) Range: 1
Encirclement A (Necromancy) Range: 5
Destruction: Body S (Jumping) Cost: 2
Counter S (Contortionism) Range: 2 Cost: 2
Vampirism S (Necromancy) Cost: 1
Crushing Blow S (Torture) Cost: 1
A race of Outsider that dabbles in the science of death. They are able to control 2 crests: the Death Crest and the
Life Crest. The Death Crest, when handed to a living thing, changes them to a puppet-like being called a Manne-
quin. When the Life Crest is handed to a dead thing, it turns the body into a Replica, a mockery of life that keeps
the memory of the beings life before death.

Life Points
Skills Tool / Engineering, Rope Use, Digging, Sleep, Encryption
Ninpo Close Combat A (Digging) Range: 1
Kaleidoscope A (Engineering) Range: 3
Spider of Darkness S (Rope Use) Range: 2 Cost: 5
Arrow Catching S (Clothing) Cost: 1
Continuous Attack S Cost: 2
Hadesology E
A race of Outsiders that continuously creates machines. They come into our world
to test out their new creations. They are constantly searching for mortals suitable to
74 become their successor, and will spirit away any they find worthy.

Life Points

Skills Scheme / Clothing, Olfaction, Seduction, Rumourmongering, Possession

Ninpo Close Combat A (Performance) Range: 1
Scent of Spring A (Necromancy) Range: 5
Emotion Manipulation S (Rumourmongering) Cost: 1
Social Battle S (Rumourmongering)
Fascination S (Seduction) Range: 3 Cost: 2
Demonic Rebirth S (Possession) Cost: 5
A race of Outsider that lives off of Beauty. They provide inspiration to artists in recip-
rocation. However, any that deal with a Muse will find their arrangement leads to their
death. The Beauty that the Muse crave eventually coalesces into Gates open to others.

High Roller
Life Points
Skills Strategy / Sleight of Hand, Jumping, Ventriloquism, Willpower, Memory
Ninpo Close Combat A (Ventriloquism) Range: 1
Kaleidoscope A (Sleight of Hand) Range: 3
Guidance S (Running) Cost: 2
Pursuit of Knowledge S (Memory) Cost: 2
Destruction: Stealth S (Ventriloquism) Cost: 2
Body Double S (Invisible) Cost: 4
A race of Outsider that has supernatural nerve and mathematical ability. Their aim in
this world is to dominate in any and all games. They may seem happy-go-lucky, but in
fact will strictly adhere to the rules.

Life Points
Skills Tool / Weapon Concealment, Demolition, Contortionism, Interception, Bluff
Ninpo Close Combat A (Interception) Range: 1
Sunder S (Demolition) Cost: 2
Destruction: Tool S (Demolition) Cost: 2
Emotion Manipulation S (Bluff) Cost: 1
Surprise Attack S (Weapon Con.)
Shaken E
A race of Outsider that provides clients with hard to find components. They are able
to deconstruct items minutely to create and deliver their specific parts: the spring of a
virgin girl, the dream of an ideal, an integrated circuit of envy, etc.

Life Points
Skills Body / Ballistics, Sword, Inception, Transformation, Binding
Ninpo Close Combat A (Binding) Range: 1
Bloody Vortex A (Transformation) Range: 3 Cost: 1
Assassin S (Ballistics) Cost: 1
Heat Haze S (Sword) Cost: 2
Continuous Attack S Cost: 2
End of the Beginning E
A race of Outsider that bears a cursed sword used for fighting in the supernatural realm.
Their sword is made of extreme human emotions. Human bodies are carried to their
realm and processed over extreme heat to collect their dreams, love, hate and despair. 75

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