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Articles of Incorporation


Taj Telephone Company


We a majority of whom are residents of the Philippines have this day voluntarily associated
ourselves together for the purpose of forming a corporation under the law of the Philippines.

And we hereby certify as follows:

First. The name of said corporation is TAJ TELEPHONE COMPANY

Second. The purpose for which said corporation is formed are to install , maintain and
operate lines, cables and all kinds of equipment for communication and the transmission of
messages and signals. To install, maintain, operate or lease in part of telephone lines and systems and
all other systems and lines of communication.

Third. That the place where the principal office of the corporation is to be established or
located at Orange Building, Blumentrit Avenue, Naga City

Fourth. That the term for which said corporation is to exist (50) years from and after the date
of incorporation.

Fifth. The name and residences of the incorporators of said corporation are as follows:

Name Residence

Padilla, Daniel F. San Felipe Naga City

Bernardo, Kathryn M. Bagumbayan Sur

Dasigan, Donniel R. Dayangdang

Barreto, Julia H. West park Magsaysay

Garcia, Joshua C. Villa Grande Homes

Magalona, Elmo L. Concepcion Pequena Naga City

Salvador, Janella O. Azucena St. Calauag Naga City

Sixth. That the number of directors of said corporation shall be ten, and the names and
residences of the directors of the corporation who are to serve until their successors are ejected and
qualified , as provided by the By-laws, are as follows:

Name Residence

Padilla, Daniel F. San Felipe Naga City

Bernardo, Kathryn M. Bagumbayan Sur

Dasigan, Donniel R. Dayangdang

Barreto, Julia H. West Park Magsaysay

Garcia, Joshua C. Villa Grande Homes

Magalona, Elmo L. Concepcion Pequena Naga City

Salvador, Janella O. Azucena St. Calauag Naga City

Gagero, Xavier A. Park Magsaysay, Naga City

Garcia, Christopher V. Francia St. Naga Cit

Banola, Almira P. Villa Karangahan Subd.Naga City

Seventh. The capital stock of said corporation is Five Billion One Hundred Ninety Five Million Pesos
(5,195 ,000) and said capital stock is divided into two classes consisting of: (A) Preferred Capital Stock
sub-classified into : One hundred million (150,000,000) shares of Voting Preferred Stock of the par
value of One Peso (P 1.00) each and Three Hundred Eighty Seven Million Five Hundred Thousand
(387,500,000) shares of Non- Voting Serial Preferred Stock of the par value of Ten Pesos (10.00) each,
and (B) Two Hundred Thirty Four Million (234,000,000) shares of Common Capital Stock of the par
value of Five Pesos (5.00) each.

The shares of Voting Preferred Stock may be issued, owned or transferred only to or by:
(A) A citizen of the Philippines or a domestic partnership or association wholly owned
by citizens of the Philippines;
(B) A corporation organized under the laws of the Philippines of which at least sixty
percent of the capital stock entitled to vote is owned and held by citizens of the
Philippines and at least sixty percent of the Directors of such corporation are
citizens to the Philippines; and
(C) A trustee of funds for pension or other employee retirement or separation
benefits, where the trustee qualifies under paragraphs a and b above and at least
sixty percent of the funds accrue to the benefit of citizens of the Philippines.

Eight. That the amount of said capital stock which has been actually subscribed is
Two Hundred Thousand Pesos (P 200,000.00), and the following persons have
subscribed for the number of shares and amount of capital stock set out after
their respective names:

Name Residences Number of Shares Amount Subscribed

Padilla, Daniel F. San Felipe Naga City 1 P 100.00

Bernardo, Kathryn M. Bagumbayan Sur 50 5,000.00
Dasigan, Donniel R. Dayangdang 503 50,300.00
Barreto, Julia H. West Park Magsaysay 100 10,000.00
Garcia, Joshua C. Villa Grande Homes 400 40,000.00

Magalona, Elmo L. Concepcion Pequena Naga City 10 1,000.00

Salvador, Janella O. Azucena St. Calauag Naga City 1 100.00

Gagero, Xavier A. Park Magsaysay, Naga City 25 2,500.00

Garcia, Christopher V. Francia St. Naga City 100 10,000.00

Banola, Almira P. Villa Karangahan Subd.Naga City 300 30,000.00

Ninth. That the following persons have paid on the shares of capital stock for which they have
subscribed, the amount set out after their respective names:
Name Residence Amount Paid on Subscription

Padilla, Daniel F. San Felipe Naga City P 25.00

Bernardo, Kathryn M. Bagumbayan Sur 10,000.00

Dasigan, Donniel R. Dayangdang 1,250.00

Barreto, Julia H. West Park Magsaysay 2500.00

Garcia, Joshua C. Villa Grande Homes 12,575.00

Magalona, Elmo L. Concepcion Pequena Naga City 250.00

Salvador, Janella O. Azucena St. Calauag Naga City 2,500.00

Gagero, Xavier A. Park Magsaysay, Naga City 10,000.00

Garcia, Christopher V. Francia St. Naga City 250.00

Banola, Almira P. Villa Karangahan Subd.Naga City 25.00

Tenth. That Chris Holmes has been elected by the subscribers as Treasurer of the Corporation, to act
as such until his successor is duly elected and qualified in accordance with the By-Laws, and as such
Treasurer he has been authorized to receive for the corporation and to receipt in its name for all
subscriptions paid in by said subscribers.

Eleventh. The starting point of the telephone system of the Taj Telephone Company is to be in the
City of Naga. The lines will run from the said City of Naga to the Pili City and such lines and circuits
are to be extended as the business so warrants to all of the progressive municipalities. The estimated
length of the lines covered by the initial project is over three hundred kilometers.
In Witness whereof, we have set our hands and seal this 13th day of September, 2017

(SGD) Daniel Padilla

(SGD) Kathryn Bernardo

(SGD) Donniel Dasigan

(SGD) Julia Barreto

(SGD) Chris Holmes

(SGD) Joshua Garcia

(SGD) Elmo Magalona

(SGD) Janella Salvador


Signed and sealed in the

Presence of:

(SGD) Illegible


(SGD) Henry Khalid


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