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1. Additive Colors
To discover how white light is made.

Additional information
What exactly is the color white, and is it truly a color? It's a question
that's been asked many times before. In this experiment we'll explore
what the color what is and how to create it using a few sheets of cellophane and three flashlights.

White is a representation of additive color mixing. The overlapping projection of the primary color
lights of red, green, and blue (RGB) combine to form the color white at the appropriate intensities. In
other words, to form the color white, we need to combine red, green and blue lights in an
overlapping pattern and at the correct offset.

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Required materials

3 flashlights of the same size and light intensity

Red cellophane
Green cellophane
Blue cellophane

Estimated Experiment Time

About 10 minutes

Step-By-Step Procedure

1. Attach the red cellophane over the top of the first flashlight using your tape.
2. Attach the blue cellophane over the top of the second flashlight using your tape.
3. Attach the green cellophane over the top of the third flashlight using your tape.
4. Turn on the flashlights
5. Place the flashlights on a table, about 4 inches apart and shine them onto a white wall.
6. This part may take some patience. Arrange the flashlights so that the light from each flashlight
overlaps with the other flashlights. The easiest way to achieve this is to place the center flashlight on
a shoebox, so it's slightly higher than the flashlights to the left and right of it.
7. When you finally have the colors overlapping, look closely at the wall. What do you see?
The image in figure A will help you to visualize the resulting pattern that should appear on your wall
when you have the flashlights lined up correctly. Use it to help guide you in placing the flashlights in
the appropriate pattern.

Figures & Illustrations

Figure A

Take a close look at the pattern on the wall. Can you spot anything interesting? Take a look at the
overlapping colors from the corners of each light. What can you derive from the patterns?

When the experiment is set-up correctly, you will see a white center and three surrounding circles of
varying colors. The full intensity of all three colors gives a white color.

The pinkish color produced when the blue overlaps with the red is called magenta. The color
produced when the green overlaps with the blue is called cyan. The color produced when the red
overlaps with the green is called Yellow. Magenta, cyan and yellow (CYMK, where K is key black) are
known as subtractive colors.

2. Balloon Rocket Car

To demonstrate Newton's Third Law of Motion by constructing a balloon-
powered rocket car.

Additional information
Newton's Third Law of Motion (law of reciprocal actions) states:
"Whenever a particle A exerts a force on another particle B, B simultaneously exerts a force on A
with the same magnitude in the opposite direction. The strong form of the law further postulates that
these two forces act along the same line." This law is often summed up in the very clich saying
"Every action has an equal and opposite reaction".

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Required materials

Large Styrofoam tray to construct the car body and wheels from (or any flat Styrofoam piece)
4 pins (to serve as wheel axels)
Cellophane tape
Drawing compass
Marker pen
Small to medium party balloon

Estimated Experiment Time

Approximately an hour to construct the car and conduct the experiment

Step-By-Step Procedure

1. Using your ruler, drawing compass, and marker, draw a rectangle on the Styrofoam tray that's
7.5cm by 18cm. Draw an additional 4 circles at 7.5cm in diameter.
2. Use the scissors to cut the rectangle and 4 circles from the Styrofoam tray.
3. Stretch the balloon by inflating it several times and letting the air out.
4. Insert the balloon nozzle over the short end of the flexi-straw (nearest to the bendable section).
Secure the balloon nozzle to the straw with tape. Make sure to seal it tight while ensuring the balloon
can be inflated by blowing into the straw.

5. Tape the straw to the rectangle. To do this properly, place the straw so it's in the center of
the width of the rectangle. Allow the section of the straw with the balloon attached to be raised
slightly while the end without the balloon should extend about an inch or two over the rectangle (see
6. Push a pin into the center of the circles and then push into the Styrofoam rectangle to make four
wheels. Make sure to leave some room for the wheels to spin (too tight and the wheels won't rotate).
7. Inflate the balloon through the straw. Pinch the straw nozzle, place the car on a flat smooth
surface, and then release the straw. Weeeee!!!!!

If you're having trouble getting the wheels to stay on, you may need either a thicker piece of
Styrofoam or thicker pins. Make sure when inserting the wheels you leave some of the pin sticking
out so the wheels don't slide off. Also, feel free to construct cars of varying shapes and sizes to see
how their affected by the experiment. Originality and creativity in car construction is encouraged!

Make careful note of the movement of the car in relation to the balloon size. You should record your
observations in a journal. Some questions that may be answered are: What happens when the
balloon nozzle is released? Can you explain why and how the car is propelled across the floor? Can
you explain how Newton's Third Law is being applied in this project?
When the straw is released, the car is thrust forward and propelled across the floor. This project
satisfies Newton's Third Law of Motion of "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction". In this
case, the air escaping through the straw (the thrust) is the action while the car's propulsion across
the room in the opposite direct is the reaction.

3. Create Lightening
To create your own lightening using just a few simple tools things that
you are likely to find already in your home or at the grocery store. You
will be able to see and possibly hear the lightening as its created!

Additional information
Lightening is a beautiful and frightening natural element. You can hear its
boom from miles and miles away and see it light up a completely dark sky if only for a moment.
You dont have to wait for the next thunderstorm to see lightening heres how you can make your
very own lightening in your own home!

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Required materials

Foil pie plate

Writing pen (ball point will work very well)
Sock (must be wool)
Styrofoam block
Glue (if necessary)
Video camera, if you have one
Notebook paper or journal

Estimated Experiment Time

About thirty to sixty minutes.

Step-By-Step Procedure

1. Gather your materials on the kitchen counter or on the table.

2. Begin by placing your tack in the pie plate from the bottom up. The sharp point should be sticking
out of the top of the pie plate.
3. Place the pen in the pie plate, using the tack to anchor it. You may need to use a drop or two of
glue to get the pen anchored really well. If you do use glue, let it dry before proceeding.
4. After this, do not touch the pie plate with your hands! You will not be able to conduct the
experiment if you do.
5. Take the sock and rub the block of Styrofoam quickly. This will create the negative charge you
need to create the lightening spark.
6. Pick up the pie plate by holding on to the pen and push it down on top of the Styrofoam block so
the tack is lodged into the Styrofoam and anchors it in place.
7. Turn out the lights. If you have a video camera, you can film the lightening spark.
8. Bring your hand towards the pie plate slowly, without touching it. This will complete the

You may want to have an adult with you as you perform the experiment to supervise.

Record each step of the experiment in your journal or on a piece of notebook paper. Be sure to
describe everything in detail if you do not have a video camera to record the experiment.

When you bring your hand close to the pie plate, an electric spark will be created. You will see and
hear it and possibly even feel it! What you have created is tiny lightening!

4. Egg in a Bottle
To put an egg into a bottle and take it out intact using the properties of
air pressure.

Additional information
Variations in air pressure has widespread effects on every facet of our
lives. While this phenomenon governs changes in weather, it also
determines a variety of aspects pertaining to aerodynamics which are vital to modern day living.

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Required materials

Matchbox and matches

Estimated Experiment Time

Approximately 15 minutes

Step-By-Step Procedure
1. Boil the egg until it becomes hard-boiled (simmer for approximately 5to 7 minutes after the water
comes to a boil)
2. Cool and remove the shell of the hard-boiled egg
3. Place the empty bottle on a flat surface
4. Drop a burning match into the bottle just before placing the egg on the mouth of the bottle

Use a bottle with a mouth that is narrower than the girth of the egg.

The hard-boiled egg gets sucked into the bottle. On blowing into the bottle holding it upside down so
that the egg falls into its neck, the egg pops out.

The varied effects of variations in air pressure are clearly demonstrated here. By dropping a burning
match into the bottle just before placing the boiled egg on its mouth, the flame burns up all the
oxygen inside the bottle. This in turn creates a vacuum inside the bottle that sucks the egg into the

5. Floating Ball Experiment

To demonstrate the dynamics of air pressure

Additional information
As per the principles of air pressure, a moving stream exerts less pressure
than the air surrounding the moving stream and a quick air stream has a
lower pressure than a slow moving one.

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Required materials

Plastic straw
Table-tennis ball

Estimated Experiment Time

Less than five minutes

Step-By-Step Procedure

1. From one end of a plastic straw cut a 10 cm piece

2. Put one end of the straw in your mouth and tip back your head
3. Hold a table-tennis ball a few inches above the other end of the straw
4. Blow as air hard as you can through the straw while releasing the ball simultaneously

The harder you blow, the higher the ball will float above the straw.

As long as you blow air through the straw, the ball remains suspended in mid-air.

The reason why the ball remains suspended in air is because it is actually imprisoned by the column
of upward rushing air. The air that is in rapid motion has a lower pressure as compared to its
surroundings and owing to this, as soon as the ball moves even slightly to one side, the greater
pressure outside the air stream forces it back into the fast moving air stream again.

6. Floating Balloon
To demonstrate the principle of buoyancy of warm air.

Additional information
The density variation between warm and cool air can be used to explain
why warm air possesses higher buoyancy. As hot air contain atoms and
molecules with higher kinetic energy than cold air, it has a lower density
and rises up while the colder air goes downwards. In other words, cool air sinks down displacing the
warm air.

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Required materials

A pair of scissors

Estimated Experiment Time

Less than 5 minutes

Step-By-Step Procedure
1. Inflate a balloon with warm air and secure tightly with the string
2. Tie a small piece of cardboard to the end of the balloons string
3. Adjust the size of the cardboard so that it is heavy enough to keep the balloon from rising
4. Use a pair of scissors and start trimming off small pieces of the cardboard so that the balloon rises
above the surface but does not float away and touch the roof


Use a closed room where air currents will not alter the course of the experiment.
Ensure the pieces of cardboard you cut are extremely small in order to save time redoing the exercise!

When the right amount of cardboard is cut away, the balloon remains suspended in midair.

The principle behind the experiment is that cool air is heavier and denser than warm air which has a
greater degree of buoyancy. The balloon thus remains suspended in the lower part of the room
where the air is denser as compared to the areas around the roof which will have comparatively
warmer air. The piece of cardboard balances the weight of air contained in the balloon making it too
light to sink into denser air (near the surface / floor of the room) and is too heavy to rise into the
warmer air (towards the roof of the room).

7. Galileo's Experiment
To demonstrate Galileo's falling objects experiment that states "What goes up,
must come down". After this experiment you'll be able answer the question "Do
larger objects fall faster than lighter ones under the same conditions?"

Additional information
Born in 1564, Galileo Galilei was an Italian physicist, astronomer, philosopher,
and mathematician. Around the year 1589 Galileo set out to prove that two
objects of varying size and weight would hit the ground at the same time when
dropped from great heights. This was contrary to popular belief and the
teachings of Aristotle, who theorized that objects of greater weight fall faster than those of lighter
weight. To prove his theory, it's said that Gelileo dropped a 10 pound ball and a 1 pound ball from
the top of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. A large crowd witnesses Galileo prove his theory and disprove
Aristotles when the balls hit the ground at the same time.

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Required materials

two balls of the same size, but different weights (preferably steel balls or balls not made out of
a ladder (or an area of significant height where the balls can be dropped safely)
a notepad to record observations.
a video camera to record results (optional, but recommended)
a video camera tripod (optional)

Estimated Experiment Time

About 10 minutes for multiple samplings

Step-By-Step Procedure

1. If using a video camera, set the camera up on a tripod or solid surface. Make sure to position the
camera so that it can capture the entire procedure (from the point the balls drop to where they hit the
2. Climb the ladder and prepare to drop both balls at the same time. It's best to have someone spot
you and help you balance while on the ladder.
3. Once situated safely on the ladder, place a ball in each hand. Hold both hands out at equal length
and distance.
4. Count to 3 and release the balls at the same exact time.
5. After the balls hit the ground, record the results in your notepad.
6. To verify your notes, review the optional video recording.
7. Repeat the experiment several times, preferably a minimum of 10 times. Record the results
separately for each iteration of the experiment.

To avoid injury, ensure everyone is clear from the area where you'll be dropping the objects,
especially heavy objects. Also ensure that you have someone to help keep your balance if conducting
the experiment from the top of a ladder.

When you dropped the balls from the ladder, which ball hit the ground first... the heavy ball or the
light ball? If one hit before the other, how many times did this occur? Galileo's experiment is
contingent on objects being dropped under the same conditions. With any experiment, there is a
degree of human error that can result in skewed results. We conduct the experiment several times to
ensure our results are accurate and to take into account variances (such as not releasing the balls at
identical times). The video recording is key to ensure our testing conditions were identical and to
verify results.
When dropped, both the heavier ball and the lighter ball should hit the ground at the same exact
time, proving Galileos theory that objects, in direct proportion to weight, fall at the same rate.
8. Friction And Vibration
To determine if friction can cause a glass to vibrate. After this experiment
you will be able to answer the question, Why did the glass vibrate when
you rubbed your index finger against the rim of the glass?

Additional information
Friction is a form of contact force. It is the force that acts against the
motion of one surface on the other. Contact forces are resent when
surfaces of objects act on each other like when the palms are rubbed or a
pencil is pushed. When two objects are in contact, friction is present.
Friction is necessary and very useful in some situations. The presence of friction is important in
walking and in holding things together. For examples, screws and nails are held in place because of
friction. Even adobe stones can be piled one on top of the other and wont fall because of friction.
Friction is present when two surfaces remain at rest and are in contact. When friction and the force
causing the movement are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction, the object does not move.
The amount of friction increases when objects move along a rough surface. On the other hand, the
amount of friction decreases when objects move on a smooth surface just like when you add
lubrication to make the surface slippery.

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Required materials

Dishwashing liquid (any variant)

Large pan
Thin glassware
Small shallow bowl

Estimated Experiment Time

Approximately 10 minutes

Step-By-Step Procedure

1. Pour a generous amount of the dishwashing liquid to make a soapy water solution in a large pan.
2. Wash the glass and your hands in the soapy solution and rinse thoroughly.
3. Place the glass on the table.
4. In a small bowl, pour just enough vinegar where you can dip your finger.
5. Hold the base of the glass against the table with your left hand.
6. Wet the index finger of your right hand with vinegar.
7. Using your wet index finger, gently rub it around the rim of the glass.
Avoid spilling vinegar all over your work area by carefully pouring it on the bowl. Hold the glass
firmly when washing it and rinse well to avoid slipping. Do not taste the vinegar or play with the

What happened when you rubbed the rim of the glass with your index finger? What were you trying
to remove when you washed your hands and the glass? Is friction between your wet index finger and
the glass increased or decreased? Why did the glass turn or vibrate when you rubbed your index
finger against the rim?

The rim of the glass vibrated because of the presence of friction which allows it to resist motion. You
need to remove the dishwashing liquid which acts as lubricant by washing your hands thoroughly to
decrease friction. In this experiment, friction resists motion which caused the glass to vibrate.

9. Homemade Windmill
To construct a homemade windmill

Additional information
A windmill in a tall structure that converts wind into energy. Windmills
were invented in eastern Persia as early as the 9th century and were
often developed for using in milling grains for means of food production.
In modern days, wind turbines (a form of windmill) are used to generate electricity.

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Required materials

Half-gallon milk or juice container (the paper kind, not the plastic kind)
Rocks or sand
Sharp pencil or pen
Straight straw (do not use the ones that bend at the top)
Wine bottle cork
Pinwheel toy
White thread

Estimated Experiment Time

25 - 30 minutes

Step-By-Step Procedure
1. Wash the inside of your 1/2 gallon carton with warm water. Rinse several times and leave upside-
down to dry.
2. Once the carton is dry, turn it up-right and place your sand or rocks in the opening at the top.
You'll want to put enough sand or rocks so that it fills the container about 1/3 of the way to form a
sturdy base.
3. Using your pencil or pen, poke a hole in the carton about half way up from the base. Make sure the
pencil or pen pokes through to the other side of the carton, forming two parallel holes at the same
height. Your windmill base is now complete!
4. Push one end of your plastic straw into the middle of your wine cork, making sure it has a tight
enough fit that the cork does not slide off. NOTE: Depending on the strength of your straw, you may
need to push partially into the cork with your pencil or pen to carve out a circle.
5. Insert the straw through the parallel holes on your carton. Push the straw as far as it will go.
6. Using a paperclip (or super glue), attach the pinwheel toy to the end of the straw that does not
have the cork attached to it. The pinwheel needs to be attached so it does not slide off from the straw,
but still must spin freely.
7. Cut a length of thread that is between 24 - 36 inches in length and tie one end to the cork. Tie the
other loose end to a paperclip.
8. Your windmill is now complete! Blow on the pinwheel and observe what happens to the paperclip
attached to the thread.

Pinwheels can be found at your local toy store or dollar store. Finding the right size pinwheel is
important. Too small and the pinwheel may not be able to turn when blowing on it, too large and it
may cause your windmill to topple. Go medium.

As you blow on the pinwheel, the pinwheel spins causing the thread to wrap around the cork. As the
thread wraps around the cork, the paperclip moves upward and then back down after it's gone
through enough rotations to have wrapped the entire thread.

Typical windmills are made up of a base, a shaft, blades, and a generator. The base (milk or juice
carton) is the structure vertical structure that is planted to the ground. The shaft (your straw) is the
piece that holds the blades to the windmill base. The blades (pinwheel) are what generates energy
through rotation. Another key component to a windmill that is absent from the experiment is the
generator. The generator is the component that converts the mechanical energy of the rotating
blades into electricity. Your paperclip attached to the cork is used to illustrate how the spinning
blades of the windmill generate wind energy.

10. Inertia of an Egg

To identify a hard-boiled egg from among a dozen, the remainder being
uncooked eggs and thereby demonstrate the Inertia of an Egg

Additional information
Inertia is defined as the property of matter by which it resists changes in
velocity (speed and / or direction). The tendency of a moving object to remain moving at a constant
speed and a stationery object to remain motionless is called inertia.
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Required materials

Raw & boiled eggs

Glass plate

Estimated Experiment Time

Less than 5 minutes

Step-By-Step Procedure

1. Spin each egg and then touch the egg to stop it moving and let go.
2. Observe how each spun egg behaves.


The hard-boiled egg will spin readily and stops soon after it is touched. But the fresh egg is difficult
to get spinning and once it starts moving it is difficult to stop it from moving.

Only the hard boiled egg spins readily since the mass inside it is solid and evenly distributed. In the
case of the raw egg, the liquid within causes a drag effect that resists the spin initially and once the
liquid is moving it resists coming back to the state of being motionless. The egg that spins readily
and comes to a stop as soon as it is touched is the hard-boiled egg hence.

11. Jar Compass

To demonstrate the earth's magnetic force by creating our very own compass in a

Additional information
A compass is an instrument used for navigation relative to the earths magnetic
poles. It's magnetized pointer aligns itself to the earths magnetic field to calculate
heading, allowing for safer and more efficient maritime travel. Compasses are
often built as stand alone instruments, sealed with a magnetized bar and freely
turning needle upon a pivot. Most compasses highlight the four cardinal directions
or cardinal points of north, south, east, and west.
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Required materials

Small piece of card

Estimated Experiment Time

Approximately 15 to 20 minutes

Step-By-Step Procedure

1. Stroke the needle with the magnet several times to give it a magnetic charge.
2. Tie one end of the thread to the small piece of card and the other to the center of the pencil. Tying
the thread to the card can be tricky, but carefully poke a small whole into the top end of the card
that's just wide enough to run the thread through. Loop it around the card and tie in a knot.
3. Push the needle through the center of the card, stop when the needle is dead-center in the middle
of the card.
4. Suspend the piece of card inside the jar by laying the pencil across the mouth of the jar so the card
is dangling in the center of the jar. Do not allow the card to hit the bottom of the jar!
5. The needle should lie horizontally. Make sure to get the middle of the needle to rest in the middle
of the card.
6. Place the jar on a flat surface next to your compass and leave it to stand freely. The needle in the
jar should point in the same direction as your compass.


Setting up the jar compass can be tricky the first time. You can refer to the following figure to get a
general idea on how your compass should be set-up.

What happens when you turn your compass and your jar in another direction? Does the needle in
your jar point in the same direction as your compass?

If your needle doesn't seem to be spinning with your compass, you may need to re-magnetize it.

The magnetized needle is free to turn on its own and will always point north and south. The needle is
acting as a magnet and is attracted to the earths magnetic force.

12. Levers And Force

To demonstrate how levers use force.

Additional information
The principle behind levers is leverage, which is derived using Newton's
laws of motion. These laws state:

First Law: "A particle will stay at rest or continue at a constant velocity unless acted upon by an
external unbalanced net force."
Second Law: "F = ma: the net force on an object is equal to the mass of the object multiplied by
its acceleration."
Third Law: "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction."

The work done through use of a lever can be calculated by force times distance. The stationary point
of a lever is known as its fulcrum. The area where force is applied is called the effort. The resulting
effect of applying force on a source is called the load. To use a lever to lift or pull a certain amount of
weight, the distance between the fulcrum and the area where the force is applied must be twice the
distance between the weight and the fulcrum.

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Required materials

Small hammer

Estimated Experiment Time

Less than 10 minutes.

Step-By-Step Procedure

1. Use your hammer to hit a nail into a piece of wood. Hit it so it's about 2/3rds deep into the wood.
2. Try to pull the nail out only using your hands and fingers. What happens?
3. Now use the end to he hammer to pull the nail out of the wood. What happens?
Get the help of an adult for this experiment.

Why do you suppose you were unable to pull the nail out with your hands? Why did it work using the
back of the hammer? Can you explain the science that makes this experiment work?

The back-end of the hammer acts as a lever, which is a simple machine used to overcome resistance
at a second point by application of force. When you pulled out the nail with the hammer, you put in
the same amount of effort as the load of the nail, and so were able to pull it out.

13. Lift an Ice Cube

To lift an ice cube from a glass of water using a string.

Additional information
When ice and water come in contact, they are said to be in dynamic equilibrium with
each other. During this phase, two processes take place simultaneously the
molecules on the surface of the ice escape into the water by the process of melting
and the water molecules are captured on the surface of the ice by way of the
process of freezing.

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Required materials

Ice cubes
Salt shaker

Estimated Experiment Time

Less than 10 minutes

Step-By-Step Procedure

1. Fill the glass with water

2. Put an ice cube into the glass
3. Place the string over the ice cube
4. Sprinkle salt on the portion of the ice cube where the string makes contact with it
5. Lift the string after a minute or two.

Place the string on the ice cube in such a manner that the mid portion of it makes contact with the
ice cube; leave both ends of the string on either side of the glass for an easy grasp.

The string will adhere to the ice cube at the area where salt was sprinkled on it.

The ice surrounding the string starts to melt and as it extracts heat from the surrounding water,
which in turn refreezes around the string. Subsequently the cube adheres tightly to the string and it
can easily be lifted using this string.

14. Magnified Light

To demonstrate how sunlight can be intensified through a magnifying
glass, concentrating energy to melt an ice cube.

Additional information
It's a hot day and you're bored. This makes for a perfect opportunity to
conduct the Magnified Light experiment! In this experiment we'll harness
the energy of the sun to melt an ice cube at an accelerated rate by concentrating a beam of sunlight
on it. How long will it take for you to melt your ice cube? Let's find out!

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Required materials

Direct sunlight
Magnifying glass
2 ceramic bowls
2 ice cubes
Pen or pencil (optional)
Journal to record results (optional)

Estimated Experiment Time

About 10 minutes.

Step-By-Step Procedure
1. Take 2 pieces of ice from the freezer and place each one in a separate ceramic bowl.
2. Carry the bowls outside to a clearing where there is direct sunlight, beaming down at it's strongest
point. You'll need to be clear of any shade or trees for this to work most effectively. Place the two
bowls on the ground next to each other.
3. Take the magnifying glass and hold it up above one of the bowls so that it catches the sunlight.
This part can be tricky at first, but if you hold it at the correct height and angle it should make a small
beam of light on the ice cube. You may have to adjust your magnifying glass position to get the best
beam. Smaller beams are the most effective.
4. Make sure the beam stays directed on one of the pieces of ice in the bowl. What starts to happen?
Is it melting at a faster rate than the ice cube without the beam of light on it? Record the results in
your journal, noting how long it takes the ice to melt. Also record the condition of the other ice cube
that was left untouched by your bream. How far melted was it when your first ice cube was completely
melted? Record all results. for comparison.

This experiment will only work on a sunny and cloudless day where the strength of the sun is strong.
It's recommended you wear sunglasses to protect your eyes.

Once you get the hang of getting the beam aligned and focused, you can actually use it to burn your
name or initials into a 2x4 piece of wood. As you move the beam across you'll see the smoke rise
and a brown burn mark left in its wake. A slow and steady hand can produce names, art, designs,
and more.

WARNING! The beam of light will be VERY hot! Do not attempt to place your hand under the
magnifying glass. Also be careful where you direct the light. The beam can be intense enough to
ignite loose, dry ground brush.

How long did it take your ice to melt with the beam of light on it? Move the magnifying glass around
the ice to find the beam that works the most efficiently. The smaller the beam, the more intense the
heat. How long does it take for the ice to melt with the smallest, most intense beam? How about with
a larger beam that covers a greater area on the ice but is less intense?

When the sunlight passes through the magnifying glass its intensified as a concentrated energy
through a single focal point. The shorter the focal length of a lens, the larger the area of the beam of
light and vice versa.

15. Long Lasting Bubbles

To explore how one can create bubbles that are long lasting or

Additional information
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Required materials

Measuring device that will measure out CCs of liquid (most likely will be a syringe do not use one
with a needle)
Tablespoon measuring tool
1 gallon distilled water (you will not use it all)
Wooden, plastic or metal spatula or spoon to stir
Thermometer that reads in Celsius degrees (you can also use a traditional thermometer and simply
1 bottle glycerin
1 box Knox Gelatin
1 small bottle Joy dishwashing detergent
Bubble wand or other bubble blowing device
Journal, logbook or notebook paper

Estimated Experiment Time

A few hours at most.

Step-By-Step Procedure

1. Turn the stove on low and place the pan with 60ccs of distilled water on the burner.
2. Add 1 tablespoon of Knox Gelatin, mixing gently with the wooden or metal spoon or spatula. Be
careful not to stir too vigorously!
3. Heat mixture to 90 degrees Celsius.
4. Add 9ccs of glycerin. Stir gently to disperse.
5. Add 3ccs of Joy dishwashing detergent. Stir gently to disperse.
6. Use the bubble wand or other bubble making device to make your bubbles, but do so while the
mixture is still warm. The bubbles will cool instantly once they are blown, making them permanent.

You may need an adult to help you with the measurement of the liquids and with operating the

Make sure you have your camera ready youll want to take lots of pictures of the bubble making
process and of the end results! Make sure to write everything down on paper for your project to
verify step by step why you obtained the results you did.

You should end up with at least a few really cool, long lasting bubbles. You can keep your bubbles in
a jar or just leave them out theyre durable, unlike traditional bubbles! Try experimenting with
different amounts of each solution. Are the bubbles weaker when more water is added? Are they
stronger if you use more glycerin or less water? What do you think would happen if you added food
coloring to the mixture? Do you think it would change the strength of the bubbles or simply change
the color?

16. Make a Parallel Circuit

To construct a parallel circuit. After this experiment, you will be able to
construct your own parallel circuit and answer the question, Why are the
electrical devices and appliances in the home commonly connected in

Additional information
You can connect two or more bulbs or appliances in a circuit. There are two basic ways to connect
electrical devices like bulbs in a circuit. The devices can be connected through series or parallel
wiring. In a series connection, electricity flows through each electrical device. A problem arises if one
device used in the circuit fails to function correctly and will stop the flow of electricity. No part of the
series circuit can be switched on or off without affecting the other devices connected to the circuit.
On the other hand, in a parallel circuit the electric current flows and only part of the total current in
the circuit goes through each bulb or electrical device. Each has a circuit of its own so the electric
current flowing through each device moves in a different path in the circuit.

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Required materials

two flashlight bulbs with sockets

dry cell
half a meter copper wire
electrical tape

Estimated Experiment Time

Approximately 20 minutes

Step-By-Step Procedure

1. Cut the wire into five parts.

2. Remove half a centimeter of insulation from both ends of the wires.
3. Attach a wire to the positive side of the dry cell and wound the other end to the left side of a light
4. Attach another wire to the negative side of the dry cell and connect it to the switch.
5. Get another wire and connect the switch to the right side of the light bulb.
6. Add one more bulb to the setup by wounding another wire to the left side of the first light bulb and
connecting the other end to the left side of the second light bulb.
7. Wound another wire to the right side of the first light bulb and connect it to the right side of the
second light bulb.

In removing insulations, do it slowly and carefully to avoid damaging the wires. Secure your
connections with electrical tapes. Do not play with the light bulbs since they are easily broken.

Does adding a bulb in the setup affect the brightness of the bulb? What happened when you remove
one of the light bulbs? Why does turning off one light bulb not break the circuit? Why is parallel
circuit better than series circuit?

When you added one more light bulb to the circuit, it did not affect the brightness of the first light
bulb. The connection was not broken even when you removed one of the light bulbs in the circuit.
The circuit did not break because a parallel circuit has more than one pathway for the electricity. This
way, it is better than series circuit since the devices can be switched on and off separately without
breaking any circuits.

17. Make Objects Float

To demonstrate how water displacement causes objects (such as ships)
to float rather than sink.

Additional information
Sink or swim! Displacement specifies the position of a point in reference
to an origin or to a previous position. Boats manage to stay afloat because their weight is equal or
less than the water it displaces.

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Required materials

Very large jar * (note: should be an old jar as you'll need to mark it)
Empty soda bottle
Black permanent marker
Notepad and pen to record results
Estimated Experiment Time
Less than an hour to set-up and conduct

Step-By-Step Procedure

1. Pour some water into the large jar so that it's approximately 1/2 filled
2. Mark a point on the jar at the top of the water-line using your black marker (note: you may also
use tape to mark the point)
3. Pour some water into the soda bottle so it too is approximately 1/2 filled
4. Mark a point on the bottle at the top of the water-line using your black marker
5. Drop the soda bottle into the large jar (the bottle should float)
6. Record the results in your journal
7. Fill the soda bottle completely with water and again place it in the large jar
8. If the bottle does not completely sink, mark the new water-line on the jar
9. Record the results in your journal

Depending on the size of your jar (and your soda bottle) the bottle may not sink when it's completely
full. If that's the case, try using a slightly smaller jar or larger soda bottle.

Make sure to make careful observations of what's happening each time you drop in the bottle.
Marking the bottle and jar allows you to track the differential of water displacement. Be sure to
record the variance in your journal so you can answer questions about the experiment. For example:
What happened when you dropped in the bottle of soda when it was 1/2 full? How much water was
pushed up in the jar? Did the bottle sink? What happened the second time when the bottle was filled
with water? Can you describe the process of displacement in relation to this experiment?

When the bottle with 1/2 water was dropped into the jar, the weight of the bottle caused the water
to rise by pushing it away from itself. The difference between the marked water-line on the jar and
the new one is how much water was pushed away or displaced. The second time when you filled the
soda bottle with water and dropped it into the jar, it sank to the bottom because it became heavier
than the water it was pushing away.

18. Matchbox Guitar

To demonstrate how string instruments work by building our very own
miniature guitar from a matchbox.

Additional information
Traditional guitars are played acoustically, where the sound produced is a
result of the vibration of the strings and modulated by a hollow body. Electric guitars produce an
electronically manipulated tone when played through amplifiers. As the guitar strings are plucked,
the guitar pickup senses the vibrations from the strings and sends along an electronic signal to the
amplifier. The amp reads the signal and converts it into an adjustable audible sound by boosting it
through a speaker system.

Traditionally, guitar strings were made from cat intestines. These days strings are made from nylon,
horse hair, bronze, and steel.

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Required materials

Empty matchbox
4 small rubber bands
Balsa wood (very soft and light wood with a coarse open grain, suitable for carving)
Craft knife

Estimated Experiment Time

About 15 to 30 minutes

Step-By-Step Procedure

1. Cut the piece of balsa wood into a flat triangular shape so that its length is a little longer than the
width of the matchbox.
2. Place the triangle across the width of the matchbox so that the pointed end is hanging over. You
don't need the piece that is hanging over, so cut it off. You now have what is called the "bridge".
3. Lay the bridge on the closed matchbox. Open the matchbox so it's about three-fourths open.
4. Put the rubber bands over the matchbox lengthwise and space them evenly. Make sure the rubber
bands are tight. This can be done by opening the matchbox a little more.
5. Raise your bridge so that it stands up. Play your guitar!


If you're having trouble getting the bands to fit tightly around the matchbox, smaller rubber bands
may need to be used. Also, if you find your bands slipping off the bridge, you can create small grooves
on the edge of the bridge where the rubber bands can rest. Refer to illustration for a basic idea on
what your matchbox guitar should look like.

What else could you have used in this experiment to create a more varied sound on your matchbox
guitar? Do you think you can use some of the principles you've learned here to create a bowed string
(violin, cello, etc) instrument out of some common household items?

The matchbox guitar is an example of a plucked string instrument, which also includes mandolins,
balalaikas, and bass guitars. The instrument works by plucking the string with your finger tips. The
different pitches are created by placing your finger at different points along the string to either
shorten the pitch or lengthen it based on the vibration. The strength at which the strings are plucked
also affects the frequency and pitch of the sound as it can create a larger vibration or a smaller

19. Missing Reflection

To demonstrate how light rays interact with smooth surfaces to form

Additional information
Mirrors perform the most common means of specular light reflection.
Mirrors are typically constructed of a smooth panel of glass that is in front
of a metallic coating. The reflection is enhanced in the metals by suppression of wave propagation
beyond their skin depths.

When light rays hit a rough or granular surface, the rays are bounced off in all directions. This is due
to the microscopic anomalies of the surface, causing an image (reflection) not to form. This behavior
is best known as diffuse reflection, where the energy is retained but the image is not.

When light hits a black object and can't pass through, it is absorbed and changed into heat energy. If
light hits a white object and can't pass through, it is reflected back. You can actually feel this
phenomena in summer time. If you wear black clothing in the hot sun, you'll feel hotter than if you
were wearing light colors or white.

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Required materials

Roll of aluminum foil


Estimated Experiment Time

Less than 10 minutes

Step-By-Step Procedure

1. Cut a 12 inch length of foil from the aluminum foil roll. Be careful to keep the surface of the foil
2. Lay the foil on a flat surface, such as a table or tile floor.
3. Look at your reflection on the shinny side of the foil. Even though it's a bit blurred and jagged,
you'll still see your reflection clearly.
4. Scrunch and wrinkle the foil until the surface is no longer smooth.
5. Spread the foil back onto a smooth surface.
6. Look at your reflection again. Like magic, your reflection has disappeared!

Make sure to keep the foil smooth when rolling it out and cutting it.

The disappearing reflection can also be witnessed when a mirror surface is broken and cracked.
When the surface is smooth, you can see a clear reflection. As soon as the mirror gets spider-web
cracks, your reflection is distorted or goes away completely.

Can you think of other instances when you can see a clear reflection, only to have it disappear when
the surface is disturbed? How about ponds and other bodies of water?

Light reflects from a surface in straight lines. When the surface is smooth the light rays reflect back
at you. When the surface is scrunched and wrinkled, the reflected light bounces in all directions and
your image seems to have disappeared.

20. Paper Bridge

To construct a paper bridge that is strong enough to support several
"vehicles" while demonstrating the force of tension.

Additional information
Structures, such as bridges, are anything that can support it's own weight
in addition to weight of other objects against gravity. There are two kinds of forces provided by
weight: compression and tension. Compression is the force that causes the pushing down and
tightening of the structure. Tension is opposite of compression and is the pull that causes the
stretching of the structure. Triangles support both compression and tension. As compression is
pushing down on the sides of the triangle, the base is pulled up equally in two directions, causing

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Required materials

Two even sized wooden blocks

Several standard sheets of writing paper
Several coins (pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters)
Estimated Experiment Time
5 or more minutes (depending on how many bridges you need to construct).

Step-By-Step Procedure

1. Place the blocks on a solid surface, such as a floor or table. Place them about 6 inches apart.
2. Create a paper bridge using one of the sheets of paper. You can fold the bridge any way you like!
The goal is to make it sturdy enough to hold several coin "vehicles".
3. With your bridge folded, place it on the wooden blocks so that it spans the length of the bridge
4. One by one, place your coin "vehicles" in the center of the bridge on your "roadway". Do not place
the coins on the wooden blocks.
5. How many coins was your bridge able to support before it collapsed?
6. Repeats steps 2 through 5, this time folding the bridge in a different manner. The goal is to find
the best fold of the bridge so that it will support the most coin "vehicles" before it collapses.
7. Which one of your paper bridges was the strongest and could hold the most coin "vehicles"?

Do not put any weights or support on the ends of the wooden blocks to hold the bridge down. The
bridge should be placed to lie freely across the blocks. Also make sure to stack the coins only in the
center of the bridge.

What would happen if you were to move the blocks further apart or closer together? What other
materials could you use to form your bridge?

Did you create a bridge with a corrugated roadway, similar to the folds of a paper fan? If so, you
created a very sturdy bridge! The alternating bends and folds form triangular ridges which form the
strongest structure as all three sides equally bear the load.

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