Lesson Plan

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Class Context: Date/Time: Topic: Love Poetry Year Level: Year 10

Some students Friday, Double

were away for Lesson between
the introductory recess and Lunch
lesson, whilst
others are doing
the checking for
task I will walk
through the it
with those who
were away.
Lesson Context: In the previous lesson they had been introduced to the poetic terms
and techniques writers use to create and convey meaning in texts. They had begun
working through a poetry booklet that through a series of activities and prompts got
them to engage with the various techniques.
This lesson will require a fair amount of explicit teaching however I do wish to
stimulate dialogue amongst students where I can both to gage their understanding but
also encourage their interest in the texts and the process of deconstructing poetry. I
want them to feel as though their insights are valued and heard.
Break in the middle of the double 15 minutes independent reading
Relevant Content Descriptor/Achievement Standard:
Recognise some different types of literary texts and identify some characteristic
features of literary texts, for example beginnings and endings of traditional texts and
rhyme in poetry.
Compare and evaluate how voice as a literary device can be used in a range of
different types of texts such as poetry to evoke particular emotional
responses (ACELT1643)
Learning Goal of the Lesson:
To solidify students understandings of what the various poetic techniques are and
begin looking at how they are used in poetic texts. Start the process of applying the
identifying of poetic techniques and what they do to convey meaning by looking at a
couple of mentor texts. The two major mentor texts chosen are Ring of Fire and Love is
a Red, Red Rose.
To also consider cultural context and how it impacts on text production the when
and where of text production. Art imitates life how are the texts reflective of the
time or the happenings of the authors life at that particular moment.

Essential Question for the Lesson:

What are the key poetic techniques writers use? (Recap from last lesson)

How does one approach critically analysing a poetic text? How do you use looking at
techniques to derive meaning from text?

How does cultural context influence text production?

Assessment of Learning:
Checking for understanding activity
Booklet once students have completed it they will be signed off on
Poetry Analysis Guidebook Modelling the deconstruction of a text for and with
Listening to the students and how they interact and respond with the texts and the
analysis process.
Group discussions

Poetry Analysis Guide Booklet
Checking For Understanding Activity
Poetry Activity Booklet
Audio Files Ring Of Fire and Love is A Red, Red Rose

Learning Activities:
Timed Activity Checking Understanding
Read Aloud Students read aloud the poetic texts attached to the analysis guide to get
a feel for how it sounds
Listen to the audio files Class listens to the audio files to hear how the author
intended for it to be delivered to audience
Move through the poetry deconstruction booklet using the mentor texts workshop
the process of poetry analysis as a class, encourage discussion and interpretation
amongst students
Break in middle of lesson 15 minutes of independent reading

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