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TOPIC OF THE PEOJECT Ecology and Indian Ethos.


ROLL NO.-2013021

SUBJECT-Environmental Law

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY-The research methodology is doctrinal.


1. Environmental jurisprudence-ancient and medieval period

2. Historical analysis of Indian law
3. Environmental care in pre Indian era
4. Gandhian perspectives
5. Modern period
6. Environmental ethics


1. Ecology and international relations, Walter c. Clemens, International journal citation:

28 int'l j. 1 1972-1973.

Environmental pollution may be traced back to the evolution of Homo sapiens on the earth
and it was realized 2500 years ago during the time of Plato1. In the process of
metamorphosis of primitive man into a civilized man, environment was neglected;
importance was given to science and technology, resulting in environmental pollution. When
life of human being on planet. Earth was in the stage of embryo, a stage where he was one
with nature, he had no moral relations or determinate obligations. When human being was
roaming in the forests, he knew neither good nor bad. Human being without any knowledge
of shelter, cooking, speech, and industry, he did not need his fellow creatures and could have
no desire to hurt them. Thus when man was uncivilized and unpolluted, it was said that
nothing was more pure than the state of nature and nothing was more polluted than man in
the state of nature. India being socialist and secular country a good environmental sense has
been one of the fundamental features of Indian philosophy. The civilization of India has
grown-up in close association with nature. There has always been a compassionate concern
for every form of life in the Indian mind. India being rich in its culture and heritage, inherited
the values like tolerance, non-violence, equity, and compassion for animate objects, apart
from this, nature is the common heritage of human beings. To preserve and protect nature
human being must make sincere efforts. Ecological imbalances and environmental
destructions are good examples to say that human being failed in his duty voluntarily then
compulsory action must take over it. It is this process of human negligence and careless ness
dealing with the environment gave birth to environmental jurisprudence.

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