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A long time ago, in a dense forest lies the are very much. Among the animals,
which live there is a cat arrogant very clean, hairy and smooth white. So many
animals who liked it, but she was to proud and arrogant to excess.

One day, the cat wants to live alone without family cat, because she felt it was
great to rend for themselves without the help of her family.

On her way shes resting adjacent to the family chickens. Sunny morning, when
the cat is angry because her voice has awakened chickens, hi chicken
presumptuous of you to wake coupled with your son, your son is ugly said the cat.
Chicken family very angry, they repel cats, with feeling annoyed cat it.

With feeling so tired cat sleeping in the shoulders of an elephant, When elephant
was about to wake up the elephant accidentally dropped the cat hi you fool
elephant, why you dropped me,, you want to kill me? elephant closer and said oh
youre so beautiful. Cat scratches elephant, rampage elephants make that cat
darted him.

Cats are very upset and hungry, she tried to look for food on the ground. She met
worm you are a beautiful cat but why did you take my food. The cat said all
animals are well aware of my beauty because I was entitled to do as I please. And
worm said bask cat snob, what you can survive in the soil. hahaha its the little
things said the cat. They also made a deal.

Eventually, after a day on the ground cat worm group tried to see, but the cat was
already dead. Some worm told this to the cat family, but when her family until the
cat arrogant who had died, had been in the eating lions.

Moral : never overbearing advantages because each person its advantages.

Moral : jangan pernah sombong dengan kelebihan yang dimiliki karena setiap orang memiliki
kelebihan tersendiri.

One day, two duck walked a long the road to go to the lake for their swim. In the middle of
the road, they met Mr. fox. He sat under the tree.

hello, sister. Where are you going? Asked Mr. fox.

good morning, Mr. fox, we are going to lake over there. We want to swim. Would you like
to join us? asked the ducks.

no thanks, do you both come a long here every day? asked Mr. fox.

yes, we always walk here every morning. Said the ducks.

delicious..s I mean nice to see you both, said Mr. fox.

The next day, the first duck said are we going to swim today? I bet that Mr. fox is waiting
for us and he has a bad plain.

I know, I have a plan for him too. Said the second duck.

One their way they met Mr. fox again.

hello sisters, going to swim again? asked Mr. fox.

yes, we are, why dont you take us to the lake and protect us from bad animals? said the
second duck.

of course, its my pleasure, replied Mr. fox.

this is an easy way to have a free lunch. I have a big bag with me now, though Mr. fox.

Three of them walked to the lake and sang some songs.

When I say run, lets run fast together. Said the second duck. run!!!
They ran so fast and jumped into the lake. Mr. fox jumped upon them, but he forgot that
he could not swim. So, Mr. fox drowned in the lake. He failed to get his free lunch.

Moral : do not ever intend evil to someone, because evil is self inflicted.

One day, there was a porcupine named landy. He was lonely. No one wanted to play with him,
because they afraid of his spikes.

dear landy, we dont want to play with you because your spikes are too sharp. We dont want
you to hurt us, said cici the rabbit one day.

cici is right, landy, it is not because youre bad or rude to us, no, landy, just because of your
spikes. They will stab us if we are close to you. Said tito the rooster.

Landy felt lonely. Landy spent most of the time day dreaming at the river bank. I would be
happy if there were no spikes on my body.

Suddenly, kuku the turtle appeared from the river. He came to landy and said, landy, what are
you thinking of?

oh, nothing. Landy replied.

dont lie to me, landy! Who knows I can help you. Said kuku wisely. Then he sat beside
landy. He wasnt afraid of landys spikes.

Shortly, landy told his problem. Kuku nodded his head. He said. poor you, but it isnt your
fault. I know your spikes are very usefull and helpful for you. They will realize it someday, trust

Thanks, kuku, you are my best friend.

One day, koko the frog held his birthday party. He invited all his friends, including landy. But he
decided not to com. He didnt want to mess up the party.

Ill come with you landy. Ill tell everyone that youre harmless. Said kuku, finally landy
attended the party. Everyone enjoyed it.
Suddenly tito screamed, helphelp! The evil wolf is coming. Save yourself! then, everyone
saved their lives, except kuku and landy. Kuku pulled his head and his leg into his shell. And
landy rolled his body into a ball.

Unintentionally, the evil wolf touched landy. Of course, the spikes pricked him. He screamed.
ouch! since his foot was bleeding, he didnt chase landys friend any longer. Then, he ran

horray horray! Long live landy! He saved our lives. Said cici and her friends. They
thanked him from then on. Landy wasnt lonely anymore.

The end

Moral : we dont underestimate someones bad physical appearance and we must appreciate

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