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Dialogue English Safety Instruction

Oleh : Sarah Fadillah (1315030078)

Siti Nuramanah (1315030081)
Siti: Hi Sarah, what are you do it here?
Sarah: Hello siti I soldering component for mebuat power supply circuit
Siti: how a procedure in soldering component in board pcb?
Sarah: The first thing to do that is lit jack with push switch to on and plug it in cable power to socket
Siti: True, but Remember, do not plugging
in cable power on moment g's tan we wet because could make electric shock.
Sarah: Of course, I remember it.
Siti: Then What step next?
Sarah: Step next that
is set temperature for soldering and Wait to soldering heat and install component to board pcb corresp
onding with layout
Siti: How many the usual temperature used for soldering:
Sarah: The usual temperature used for soldering about 400 C
Siti: Next what should we do?
Sarah: Next if the solder is
already summer, we take lead and melt with solder ago navigate melt lead to component
Siti: Enough simple way soldering you explain, now I more understand. BTW, why you no use suit labor
Sarah: suit my lab left behind in home
Siti: is you ta h u usability from suit laboratory? wrong one usability from suit laboratory that for keep b
ody we and avoid clothes we wear from dirt moment do paraktik
Sarah: wow I new know that
Siti: All things we do it have procedure and safety instruction
Sarah: How safety instruction for soldering component?
Siti: First, head. For women do not outlets hair but try for tied her
hair and for the use veil Use with neat and fast
Sarah: What aim from p it?
Siti: This for avoid hair or Hoods are exposed solder. For usage suit laboratory, tighty sleeve rolled,
buttons fastened and overalls correct length
Sarah: oh i know, that intended that when practice clothes we no stuck anything that can make fall
down and endanger self we
Siti: yes you true. And the last moment soldering, do
not grasp component with hand open but Use tweezers so that the hand we no exposed hot of solder
Sarah: okay Siti, thanks for sharing knowledge .. I must go more first want take care of ur u san others
Siti: good sarah, equally .. nice to meet you
Sarah: Nice to meet you too

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