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Although community developments are meant to promote the growth

and development of the communities it targeted.

However, not all community developments are a success and in really

quite a number of them never fail without reaching their objectives.

This is because; some of them are developed without paying necessary

attention to the due processes, procedures, methods, and approaches of
community development.

However, community development has all the attributes needed for

positive results. The following are a few of those positive results:

Awareness Creation
Community development usually becomes instrumental in creating and
generating awareness for the communities.

By this we do not mean communities generally lacks awareness,

however, community development is an endeavor to strengthen certain
kinds of awareness that the community may not be aware of.

The awareness enables the communities to identify their gaps and

subsequently, embrace some of the gaps they may have in order to
progress and develop.
Communities maybe aware of their own needs but perhaps, fail to
respond positively to their needs. It for this reason community
development is needed in order to enhance the capacity of the
communities to respond positively to their needs.

Further Development

Some of the positive results of community development is the capacity

to enhance or spark off further activities that can lead to setting and
reaching of new heights that brings about further community

Demonstration effect

Community undertakings have an influence that moves beyond the

scope of the project and those take part in it.

It broadcasts its effect over a wide area in order to ensure that people
become aware of its success.

Poor people are, justifiably, concerned about the risk that goes with any
project. Therefore, a successful project tends to dispel fears, not only
among participants but also among observers from outside.
More so, a successful project demonstrates to all that people who stand
together and work together can bring about change that can make a

Therefore, its effects will lead to other similar projects being developed
in the area.


The process of learning in community development projects has a wider

reach than only the project,

Those participating in the project learn to be successful in many

different spheres.

The organizational sphere is a good example, a communitys

organization becomes more efficient, more effective and develops the
ability to expand.

Those participating in a community endeavor learn skills as the project

can serve as a skills training such as sewing, other usually learning
organize, to plan, to implement and to evaluate, etc.

Community Building

Community development greatly strengthens a community.

People become more self-sufficient and contribute more towards

enhancing their capacity and regaining their human dignity.
Enhancing capabilities is one of the most fundamental human objectives
of community development.

It contributes towards improving organizational skills, institutional

building fosters and builds leadership within the communities.

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