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Homework CM-17-01

1. A simple pendulum of mass m2 and length l is constrained to move in a single plane.
The point of support is attached to a mass m1 that can move on a horizontal line in the same
plane. Find the Lagrangian of the system in terms of suitable generalized coordinates. Derive
the equations of motion. Find the frequency of small oscillations of the pendulum.
2. Consider a stretchable plane pendulum, that is, a mass m suspended from a spring of
spring constant k and unstretched length l, constrained to move in a vertical plane. Write down
the Lagrangian and obtain the Euler-Lagrange equations.
3. A particle is free to move on the surface of a torus given by

x(, ) = (a + b cos ) cos

y(, ) = (a + b cos ) sin
z(, ) = b sin

a) Find a Lagrangian for this problem

b) Find a suitable Hamiltonian for this problem
c) Find two first integrals of motion
4. Verify that a particle with mass m and charge e moving under the effect of an electro-
magnetic potential
U (x, x, t) = e(x, t) ex A(x, t)
obeys the Lorentz force law
mx = e(E + x B)

5. An inextensible massless string of length l passes through a hole in a frictionless table. A

point mass m at one end moves on the table and a point mass m hangs from the other end.
a) Write the Lagrangian for this system.
b) Under what condition will the hanging mass remain stationary?
6. Read carefully Chapter 1 of Landau and Lifschitz Mechanics. (attached)
7. Derive the Lagrangian of the thingy in Problem 1.4 of Landau and Lifschitz
8. Read and discuss amongst ourselves the attached paper by Edwin F. Taylor , A Call to
Action. Do you agree with the main thesis?

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