GARLAND 1965 - Sicily and The Surrender of Italy

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The Mediterranean Theater of Operations



Lieutenant Colonel Albert N. Garland
H oward M cGaw Smyth
Assisted by
M artin Blumenson


wASHINGTON, D.C., 1965
". l\
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This volume, one of the series UNITED STATES ARMY IN WORLD WAR
11, is the second to be published in the subseries THE MEDITERRANEAN
THEATER OF OPERATIONS. The volumes in the over-all series will be closely
related and will present a comprehensive account of the activities of the Military
Establishment during World War 11. A list of subseries is appended at the end
of this volume.

Library of Congr~ Catalog Card Number: 64-60002

For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Oflice

Washington, D.C., 20402
Stetson Conn, General Editor

Advisory Committee
(Al of 15 June 1963)

Fred C. Cole Maj. Gen. Hugh M. Exton

Washington and Lee U niversity U. S. Continental Army Command

William R. Emerson Maj. Gen. Tom R. Stoughton

Yale U niversity Industrial College of the Anned Forces

Earl Pomeroy Brig. Gen. Ward S. Ryan

University of Oregon U. S. Army War College

Theodore Ropp Col. Elias C. Townsend

Duke Univenity U. S. Army Command and General Staff Collegc
Bell l. Wiley Col. Vincent J. Esposito
Emory University United States Military Academy
C. Vann Woodward
Vale University

O/fice of the Chie/ of Military History

Brig. Gen. Hal C. Pattison, Chief of Military History

Chief Historian Stetson Conn

Acting Cbief, Histories Diviaion Lt. Col. Paul W. Phillips
Chief, Editorial and Graphics Division Lt. Col. James R. Hillard
Editor in Chief Joseph R. Friedman

History of


Northwest Africa: Seizing the lnitiative in the West

Sicily and the Surrender of 1taly
Salemo to Cassino
Cassino to the Alps
. . . to Those Who Served

This volume, the second to be published in the Mediterranean Theater of

Operations subseries, takes up wherc Gcorge F. Howe's Northwest Africa: Seiz-
ing the Initiative in the West left off. It integrates the Sicilian Campaign with
the complicated negotiations involvcd in the surrender of ltaly.
The Sicilian Campaign was as complex as the negotiations, and is cqually
instructive. On thc Allied side it included American, British, and Canadian
soldiers as well as sorne Tabors of Goums; major segments of the U.S. Army
Air Forces and of the Royal Air Force; and substantial contingents of the U.S.
Navy and the Royal Navy. Oppo.sing the Allies were ground troops and air
forces of ltaly and Germany, and the ltalian Navy. The fighting included a
wide variety of operations: the largest amphibious assault of World War 11;
parachute jumps and air landings; extended overland marches; tank battles;
precise and rcmarkably succcsmul naval gunfire support of troops on shore;
agonizing struggles for ridge tops; and extcnsivc and skillful artillery support.
Sicily was a testing ground for thc U.S. soldicr, fighting beside the more ex-
perienced troops of the British Eighth Army, and there the American solclier
showed what he could do.
The negotiations involved in Italy's surrender were rivaled in complexity and
delicacy only by those leading up to the Korean armistice. The relationship of
tactical to diplomatic activity is one of the most instructive and interesting
features of this volumc. Military mcn were requircd to doublc as diplomats and
to play both roles with skill.
The authors were uniqucly qualified to undcrtake this difficult volume. Rare
indecd is the collaboration of an authority on ltalian, Gcrman, and diplomatic
history with an experienced infantry officer who is a Master of Arts in history.

Washington, D. C. HAL C. PATTISON

15 Junc 1963 Brigadier General, USA
Chief of Military History

The Authors
Lt. Col. Albert Nutter Garland rcceived a B.S. degree in education and
an M.A. degree in history from Louisiana State University and has taught in
New Orleans private schools and at Louisiana Polytechnic Institute. A Regu-
lar Army officer with more than 20 years of active service, he served during
World War 11 as a rifle company commander with the 84th Infantry Division
and participated in the Northem France, Ardennes-Alsace, and Central Europe
Campaigns. Since 1945 he has served in Alaska and Taiwan and in numer-
ous assignments in the Statcs. Colonel Garland was a member of OCMH
from 1958 to 1962 and is now Assistant Editor of Military Review, the U.S.
Anny's professional magazine, which is published at the Command and General
Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.
Howard McGaw Smyth, a graduate of Rccd College, received the M.A.
degree in history from Stanford and the Ph.D. degree from Harvard University.
He has taught, chiefty in the field of modem European history, at Recd,
Princeton, Union College, American University, and the University of Califor-
nia, where he devoted himscH to work in the history of modem ltaly. He
served a tenn as a member of the Board of Editors of the ]ournal of Modern
During World W ar 11 he served for a time in the Office of Strategic Services
and then in the Department of State, working on problems relating to Italy
in the Division of Territorial Studies and the Division of Southem European
Affairs. Dr. Smyth was a member of the staff of OCMH from 1946 to 1952
when he joined the staff of the Historical Office, Department of State, where
he is now Editor in Chief, Documents on German Foreign Policy, 1918-1945.


With the expulsion of German and Italian anned forces from North Africa
in May 1943, Allied forces in the Mediterranean prepared to jump ninety miles
across the sea to strike Sicily and thus launch the first blow against Europe's
"soft underbelly." This is the story of that jump, a story which includes the
high-level decisions of President Franklin D. Rooscvelt, Prime Minister Winston
S. Churchill, and the Combined Chiefs of Stafl at the Casablanca Conferen ce,
the planning in Washington, London, and in the theater, and the subsequent
fighting on the island.
Before landing in Sicily, the Allies had hoped that a successful island cam-
paign, coming hard on the heels of Allied victories in North Africa, would
cause ltaly to abrogate its Pact of Steel with Germany and pull out of the
war. How this Allied hope was fulfilled-the politico-military diplomatic nego-
tiations, the ambiguities, the frustrations, the culmination in 1talian surrender-
is also part of the story.
A wealth of Allied documentary material, of captured Gcrman and Italian
records, and of primary and secondary published material dealing with the pe-
riod has been available to the authors in their attempt to reconstruct the crucial
events of the spring and summer of 1943. Although their narrative focuses on
American participation in thesc events, it does not neglect the important role
played by Great Britain. The enemy side of the campaign and the Axis strat-
egies and policics are al"K> prescnted in full measure.
This volume itsclf has an interesting history. lt was begun sorne ycars ago
by Dr. Smyth when Maj. Gen. Harry J. Malony was Chief of Military History
and it is a pleasure to testify to the stimulation and guidance which he offered;
to acknowledge the ~istance and encouragement given by Dr. Gcorge F. Howe
and Dr. Sidncy T. Mathews, collcagues in the then Mcditerranean Section; to
rccall thc helpful critica} comment proferred from time to time by Dr. Hugh
M. Cole, then Chief of the European Section. Mr. Detmar Finke and Mr.
Israel Wicc were unftagging in their aid in thc search for materials.
At a later stage Colonel Garland joined the stafl of OCMH and took over
the rcsponsibility for the work. The volume thus is a product of joint author-
ship. Coloncl Garland tells the story of the Sicilian Campaign. Dr. Smyth nar-
rates the story of the ltalian surrender. The combined work submitted by the
authors ran to exccsfilve length and Mr. Blumenson was called in to assist in

condcnsing and rcvising portions of thc manuscript. He contributcd matcrially
to its final structurc and form.
In thc latcr stagcs of thc work this volumc bcncfitcd from thc assistancc
rcndcrcd by many individuals. Conspicuous among thcsc havc bccn Mr. Charles
MacDonald, Chic{ of thc General Histories Branch of thc Officc of thc Chicf
of Military History, who guidcd thc project during its last four ycars, and Mrs.
Magna E. Baucr, of the same branch, whosc cxhaustive rcscarch in Gcrman
and Italian rccords provided the authors with an invaluable series of studies on
thc encmy's dcfensc of Sicily.
Thc authors have also bcnefitcd from thc hclp of othcr collcagues in OCMH,
notably Brig. Gen. William H. Harris, Col. Lconard G. Robinson, Lt. Col.
Joscph Roclcis, Dr. John Millcr, jr., Lt. Col. William Bcll, and Lt. Col. James
Schnabcl. Many thanks are duc also to David Jaff, senior editor of thc
volumc; B. C. Mossman, chicf cartographcr; Mrs. Lorctto Stcvcns, assistant
editor; and Mrs. Norma Shcrris, photographic editor.
During thc rcscarch stagc, invaluable help was providcd by Mr. Sherrod
East, Chicf Archivist, World War 11 Division, National Archives and Rccords
Scrvicc, and ccrtain of his assistants, Mrs. Lois Aldridgc, Mrs. Hazcl Ward,
and Mrs. Frances J. Rubright. Without thcir willing and chccrful aid, this proj-
cct might wcll ncvcr havc bccn complctcd.
Although thcsc individuals contributcd much to thc final product, thc lan-
guagc uscd, thc intcrprctations placed on thc cvcnts, thc conclusions rcachcd,
are thc authors' own. No onc clsc bcars this rcsponsibility.

Washington, D.C. ALBERT N. GARLAND

15 June 1963 Licutenant Colonel, Infantcy


Background and Plans



Casa/Jlanca: Tlu Decjsion for Sieily
TRIDENT: Beyond Sieily 12
Algiers - And Italy? . . . . . 23
Tlu Surrender Problem . . . . . 25
Tlu ltalo-Gmnan Allianee 27
Tlu Disintegration of Fascism . . . 39
Tlu A.llied Threat . . . . . . . . 44
Tlu Beginnings 52
Tlu Plan . . . . . . 58
Otlur Factors . . . . . 63
Pantelleria . . . . . . 69
Gowing Gmnan Strength 73
The D1/ens11 o/ Sicily . 75
Missions and Fortts . 88
Snmth Army Plans . 96
NaDal anti Plans . 105
Tlu Final Days . 108

Operations and Negotiations
VI. THE ASSAULT . . . . 115
Tlu Airborne Operations 115
Tlu Seaborne Operations 119
Chapt,, Pag1
The Axis Reaction . 147
The Battle . 150
The Beaches 156
StraighJening Out the Sag 185
On to the Yellow Line 189
Sixth Army and OB SUED 202
The Allied Problem: How to Continut 205
Comando Supremo and OKW. 211
The EighJh Army Attempt To Break Through 218
The 11 Corps Front 219
Agrigento 224
Army Directive of 15 July 1943 230
Discord and Harmony 234
The Feltrt Conferenct . 239
Planning the Western Sweep 244
The Pounce on Palermo 250
Dmouement 254
Sardinia Versus the Mainland 258
The Overthrow of Mussolini 263
Allied Reaction 268
Rome: Open City 278
Badoglio's First Moves . 281
Friction Along the Alps . 288
The ltalian Course is Changtd 295
Developing an Easl Front 300
Axis Reactions 306
Nicosia 309
Along the North Coast 316
ChaPlr Pag



The Tarois Conference 368
The Italian Dilemma . 371
The Decision lo Evacuate Sicily 374
Allitd Reaction 378
The Evacuation Btgins 382



The Ract to Mtssina . 406
Conclusions 417
Palton 425

The Surrender


Strategic Isnus at Quebtc 435
The Mission o/ General Castellano 440
The Qutbec Memorandum . 446
Approval o/ the Long Terms 448


The Zanussi Mission . 451
Castellano al Lisbon 455
Zanussi's Negotiations in Lisbon and Algiers . 461
Thoughts in Romt . 465


ACHSE. 469
The Parleys al Cassibile 474
The Dtcision al Romt 479


The Signature 482
Planning GIANT 11 . 485
Stcond Thoughts in Rome 489
"lnnocuous" . . . 498
The Announeemml 505
Badoglio's Announcemml 51 O
Flighl o/ the King antl High. Commantl 513
lnterpretations 519
German Reattion 522
The Battle for Rome . 524
Dissolution o/ the ltalian Armed Forces 532
Musso/ini . . . . . . . . . . 536
M ission to Brintlisi 540
The Long Terms 543
Malta 549
Epilogue . . . . 552
ON 29 SEPTEMBER 1943 559
GLOSSARY ...... .. ... . 571
INDEX .. . . . . . . . . . 579

l. British Eighth Army Operations, 10 July 1943 . . . . . . . . 122
2. The Seizure of Agrigento, 3d lnfantry Division, 14-17 J uly 1943 . 227
3. l 5th Army Group Front, 23 J uly 1943 . . . . . . . . . . 305
4. 11 Corps Advance, 24-31 July 1943 . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
5. The Capture of Troina, 1st Infantry Division, 1-6 August 1943. 335
6. The Fight for San Fratello, 3d Infantry Division, 8 August 1943. 362
7. 15th Army Group Gains, 24 July-10 August 1943 . . . . . . 381
8. Broto and the Naso Ridge, 3d Infantry Division, 11-12 August 1943 395
Maps 1-IX Are in lnverse Order lnside Batk Cover
l. Central Europe and the Mediterranean (National Geographic Society
II. Thc Battlcground and thc Encmy, 10 july 1943
III. Thc Final Landing Plan
IV. Thc Sevcnth Army Assault, 10 July 1943
V. Countcrattack at Gcla, 11 july 1943
VI. Sevcnth Army Advancc, 11-12 July 1943
VII. Thc Seventh Army Changcs Dircction, 13-18 July 1943
VIII. Thc Sevcnth Army Clcars Western Sicily, 19-23 july 1943
IX. Thc Racc to Messina, 13-17 August 1943

Prcsidcnt Franklin D. Roosevclt and Prime Ministcr Winston S. Churchill 9
Allied Lcadcrs in the Sicilian Campaign . . . . 13
Churchill Addreuing thc U .S. Congrcss, May 1943 20
Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini 28 Victor Emmanuel III . . . . . . . . . . 30
Gcnerale d'Armata Ugo Cavallero . . . . . . . 31
Feldmarschall Albert Kesselring and General der lnfanterie Enno von
Rintelen with Prince Umberto Di Savoia . . 34
Gcnerale d'Armata Vittorio Ambrosio . . . . 36
Gcnerale di Corpo d'Armata Giacomo Carboni 37
Count Dino Grandi . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Count Galeazzo Ciano . . . . . . . . . . . 41
General Sir Bernard L. Montgomery and Lt. Gen. George S. Patton, J r.,
in Sicily . . . . . . . . . 55
Lt. Gen. Sir Miles C. Dcmpsey 62
Lt. Gen. Sir Oliver Leese . . . 63
Pantellcria Under Attack . . . 71
Gcnerale di Corpo d' Armata Comandante Designato D' Armata Mario
Roatta . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Gcnerale d'Armata Alfredo Guzzoni . . . . . 77
Gcneralleutnant Eberhard Rodt . . . . . . . 80
Feldmarschall Wolfram Freiherr von Richthofen 80
Gcneralmajor Paul Conrath . . . . . . . . . 80
Gcneralleutnant Fridolin von Senger und Etterlin 81
Col. Ernst Guenthcr Baadc . . . . . . . . . . 81
General der Panzertruppcn Hans Valentin Hube . 81
Looking South From thc Heights of Enna . . . . 85
Gcla Beach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Lt. Gen. Ornar N. Bradlcy and Maj. Gen. Terry de la Mesa Allen 93
Maj. Gen. Troy H. Middlcton . . 94
Maj. Gen. Matthcw B. Ridgway . 94
Maj. Gen. Lucian K. Truscott, Jr. 94
Maj. Gen. Manton S. Eddy 95
Maj. Gen. Hugh J. Gaffey 95

Lt. Col. William O. Darby, Leader of Force X . . . . . . . . 95

Ponton Causcway From an LST to Shore . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Landing Craft Massed in Bizerte Harbor for the Invasion of Sicily 109
Paratroopcrs Preparing To Emplane for Sicily 116
Glider Casualty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Ponte Dirillo Crossing Site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
USS Boise Bombarding Coastal Defenscs in Gela Landing Arca . 121
Licata and Beach Arcas to the East 124
The Right Flank Bcach at Licata 126
Highway 115 . . . . . . . . . . . 127
A Shore-to-Shore LCT at Licata Beach 130
Army Donkeys Wading Ashore at Licata 130
Bringing Up Supplies by Cart at Licata Beach 132
Knocked-Out 1talian Railway Battery on Licata Mole 132
Enemy Defensc Positions Along Coast Road East of Licata . 134
Road J unction Y . . . . . . . . . . 137
ltalian Prisonen Takcn at Gcla on D-day 138
The Coast Line West of Scoglitti . . . . 140
Landing Heavy Equipmcnt at Scoglitti . 145
Looking Down thc Niscemi Road to Piano Lupo 151
American Troops in Gela on D Plus l . . . . 153
Paratroopcrs Moving In on thc Ridgc at Abbio Priolo . 166
American Ships Undcr Air Attack . . . . 167
Col. James M. Gavin in Biazzo Ridge Arca . . . 169
Wrecked German Tanks Dot Gela Plain . . . . 171
The Robert Rowan Exploding Off the Coast at Gela 178
Airborne Reinforcements in a C-47 Heading for Sicily 180
Paratroop Reinforcements Moving Through Vittoria 183
Ponte Olivo Airfield . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
Tank-Mounted Troops Rolling Through Palma 193
Canicatti U nder Artillery Fire . . . . . . . 198
Butera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
Agrigento and the Surrounding High Ground . 225
A Dukw Hauling Supplies in Porto Empedocle . 229
Signal Corps Troops in Caltanissetta . . . . . 234
Caltanissctta, Southwest Corner of the Enna Loop 247
General Ridgway and Staff Near Ribera . . . . 250
Mortar Squad Prcparing To Attack Santo Stefano 251
The 2d Armored Division Rolls lnto Palermo . . 252
Maj. Gen. Geoffrey Keyes and ltalian Gencrale di Brigata Giuseppe
Molinero After Surrender of Palermo 253
Maresciallo d'ltalia Pietro Badoglio 264
Southern Approach to Enna . 302
Leonforte . . . . . . . . . . . . 303


Caronia Valley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 O
Gangi, With Mount Etna in Distance . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
Coast Road Patrol Passing the Bombed-Out Castelbuono Railroad
Station, 24 July 1943 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
Dcmolished Bridge Along Highway 117 . . . . . . 322
Troina Ridge From the High Ground Near Cerami . 326
Looking West From the Town of Troina . . . . . 327
Goumiers Moving Toward Capizzi . . . . . . . . 330
Forward Observation Post Directing Fire on Troina 332
Artillery in Position Near Cerami . . . . . . . . 332
Half-Track Squeezing Through a Narrow Street in Cerami 334
Maj. Gen. Clarence R. Huebner and General Allen, 8 August 1943 346
Provisional Pack Train and Mounted Troops . . . . . . . . 349
Enemy Field of Fire Over Furiano River Crossing Site From San
Fratello Ridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
Looking South Over the Furiano River Valley . . . 351
Highway 113 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354
Looking North Over the San Fratello - Cesar6 Raad 355
San Fratello Ridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356
Sant'Agata From the Seaward Side of San Fratello Ridge 364
Treating a Wounded Soldier . . . . 366
San Marco D'Alunzio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367
Axis Second Echelon Leaders at Tarvis . . . . . . . . 370
Smoke Pall Covers Parts of Messina Aftcr Bombing Attack. 377
Randazzo From the Southern Approach 383
Destroycd Bridge Along Highway 116 384
Americans and British Mect at Randazzo 386
Pillbox Overlooking Highway 113 390
Cape Orlando . . . . . . . . . . . 391
Brolo Bcach From the East . . . . . 392
Enemy View of Landing Area at Brolo 394
Setting a Machine Gun Position on Monte Cipolla 397
Lt. Col. Lyle A. Bcrnard and His Radioman in Command Post Atop
Monte Cipolla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400
The Objective, Messina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407
Troops Moving Around Blown-Out Section of Cliffside Road 408
The Bridge That Was "Hung in the Sky" . . . . . . . . . 409
General Dwight D. Eisenhower and General Montgomery Observing
the Effect of Artillcry Firc on the Italian Mainland 415
Secrct Emissarics to Lisbon . 456
The Tiber Rivcr at Fumicino . . . . . . . . . . 487
The "Rcscue" of Mussolini . . . . . . . . . . . 538
Signing Surrendcr Document Aboard H.M.S. Nelson 550

693 - 029 o - 6~ - 2



Allied Strategy in the Mediterranean

Casablanca: The Deci..rion for Sicily In reality this was not the case. There
was no broad plan at the outsct to clim-
At a series of mcctings held in Casa- inate Italy first as the weaker of the Axis
blanca, French Morocco, in January partners. 1 Actually, Allied strategy in the
1943, thc United States and Great Brit- Mediterranean-after the decision of July
ain dccided to attack the island of Sicily. 1942 to invade North Africa-evolved
The decision made by President Franklin as a series of ad hoc decisions, each sctting
D. Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston forth objectives limited by available re-
S. Churchill, in concert with thcir princi- sources and the conditions of the time.
pal military advisers, thc Combined Chiefs At Casablanca, for the first time, thc
of Staff, started a chain of events which stratcgic initiativc passcd to thc Allies.
led ultimately to invasion of the mainland Hithcrto the Allies could do littlc more
of Italy, collapsc of the Italian Fascist than rcact to Axis movcmcnts: resist thc
rcgime, and the surrcndcr of Italy. submarinc warfare against their sea lines
The Casablanca Conference set up the of communications; hold thc thin linc in
initial Allied move to return to the con- Egypt protecting the Suez Canal; attack
tinent of Europe by way of the Meditcr- Gennany from the air for lack of other
ranean. It marked a continuation of thc avenues to the enemy hcartland; suppon
indirect approach toward the center of the Soviet Union; contain the Japancsc
Axis might started by the Anglo-American in the Pacific. But bctween July 1942
landings in French North Africa two and January' 1943 the pattern had begun
months bcfore, in Novembcr 1942. to change: there was the Ru.s&an brcak-
In retrospect, the decision taken at through behind Stalingrad; British vic-
Casablanca appears as an essential link tory at El 'Alamein; Anglo-American oc-
in an apparently consistent ovcr-all Allicd cupation of Frcnch Northwest Africa.
stratcgy for World W ar 11 in the Mediter- Though cach of thcsc was esscntially a
ranean: first, to expel ltalo-Gennan defensivc action, by thc time Allicd lcad-
forces from North Africa; second, to at-
tack Sicily as a stcppingstone to the 1 Although 10mething similar had been 1ug

I talian mainland; third, to invade thc gcsted in Anglo.American dilcuaioru in mid

19411. See R.obert E. Sherwood, Roo11v1lt anti
mainland and climinatc ltaly from thc Ho;kiru: An lntima11 Hislor1 (New York: Bar
war; and finally, to contain and wcar per & Brothen, 1950, n:v. ed.), p. 459; Maurice
down Gennan forces in ltaly as a prelude Matloff and Edwin M. Snell, S1ra11gic Planning
for Coalition Warfa,,, 1941-1942, UNITED
to thc main attack across thc English STATES AR.MY IN WOR.LD WAR. 11 (Wash
Channcl into northwcst Europc. ( M ap 1) ington, 1953), pp. 1185-86.

crs convened at Casablanca the balance bctwecn the U.S. Joint Chiefs and the
had shiftcd. For thc first time the Allies British Chiefs of Staff.
had a considerable dcgrcc of freedom in These cliffercnces rcflectcd the dissim-
selecting their next move or their next ilar gcographic positions, the unequal
objective. war potentials, and the divergent histori-
Thc instrument of discussion and dc- cal cxpcricnces of thc two countries.
cision at Casablanca-the Combined Even thc English language as used in
Chicfs of Staff ( CCS )-rcprcsented a America and Britain is not identical, and
new institution in the evolution of war- occasionally problcms of verbal exprcssion
fare. A body composcd of thc scrvice superimposcd themselves on divergcnt
chiefs of staff of the United States and concepts arising from diverse national
Grcat Britain, it had taken fonn within outlooks.
a month after Pearl Harbor.2 Despite A basic Allied strategic plan for the
the fact that this combined dircctorate global conduct of the war bcgan to ap-
helpcd make possible an extraordinary in- pear at the ARCADIA Conference in W ash-
tegration of Anglo-American cffort, seri- ington, December I 94 I, when the Com-
ous differcnces on strategy did emerge bined Chiefs of Staff carne into being.
1 Matloff and Snell, Strat1gic Planning for Co- Here thc Anglo-American decision was
alition Warfar1, 1941-19411, pp. 97fl'; 1ee also made, or rcaffirmed, that the main weight
Gordon A. Harrison, Cross-Chann1l .dttack of Amcrica's cffort would be directed to-
(Washington, 1951), ch. 1, and Forrest C. Pogue,
Th1 Su;r1m1 Command (Wuhington, 1954), pp. ward Europc to achicve, in co-opcration
3 7-41, both in UNITED STATES ARMY IN with Great Britain and the USSR, the
WORLD WAR 11; John Ehrman, Grand Strat1gy, dcfeat of Gcnnany. Against Japan, a lim-
vol. V, .4.upst 194J-S1;t1mb1r 1944 (London:
Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1956), pp. 15- ited and esscntially dcfensive action would
94. be conductcd until after victory m
Memben of the CCS were: Field Manhal Sir Europc.3
Alan Brooke, Chief of the Imperial General Stafl';
Admira} of the Fleet Sir Dudley Pound, the Fint Though the American Govemmcnt
Sea Lord ; Air Chief Marshal Sir Charles Portal, would thrcaten at times to tum its cffort
Chief of the Air Staff; General George C. Mar- against Japan, the Allies fought a gen-
shall, Chief of Staff, U .S. Army; Admira} Emeat uinely coalition war, onc grcat group of
]. King, Chief of Naval Operations and Com-
mander in Chief, U.S. Fleet; Lt. Gen. Henry powers against another. And though thc
H. Amold, commanding general of the U .S. Amcricans might havc preferred to tum
Army Air Forces and Manhall's Deputy Chief their major energies toward avcnging
of Stafl' for Air. Until March 1949, Admiral
Harold R. Stark waa Chief of Naval Operations Pcarl Harbor, they had to rctain a Brit-
and a member of the Joint and Combined Chiefs. ish base from which to mount an attack
Admiral William D. Leahy became a member in against the European continent; and thcy
the aummer of 1949 in bis capacity as Chief of
Stafl' to Pre1ident Rooaevelt. Because the CCS realizcd the valuc of thc eastem land
sat in Washington, Field Manhal Sir John Dill,
personal representative of Mr. Churchill as Min-
ister of Defence, repreaented the British Chiefs 3 Harriaon, Cro1s-Chann1l .4.ttack, p. 8; Ray
during the intervals between formal conferences. S. Cline, Washington Command Post: Th 0;-
The main planning bodies of the Joint Chiefs 1ration1 Division, UNITED STATES ARMY IN
were the Joint Stafl' Planners and the Joint WORLD WAR 11 (Washington, 1953), p. 144;
Strategic Survey Committee, the latter established Dwight D. Eilenhower, Crusad1 in Euro;1 (New
in early November 1949 to study long-range pol- York: Doubleday and Company, lnc., 1948), pp.
icies and atrategy. ll7-ia8.

front in absorbing much of the strcngth Alps; the inability to concentrate the full
of Gcrmany's ground forces. power of the U nited States and of Great
How was Gcrmany to be defeated? Britain in the Mediterranean-OPD carne
General George C. Marshall, Chief of out strongly for a c~Channel attack.
Staff of the U.S. Army, asked this ques- Only in England could the Allied military
tion of Brig. Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower rcsources be effectively concentrated for
soon after the latter reported to the W ar the main blow against the Axis. No nat-
Department in December 1941 . As chief ural barriers comparable to the Alps
of the War Plans Division, which in protected Germany f rom attack from the
March 1942 was reorganized to become wcst. Furthermore, England was closcr
the Operations Division (OPD), Eisen- to the great American ports on the Atlan-
hower had the task of formulating the tic seaboard.
basic plan. In the early spring of 1942 After getting the concurrence of the
Eisenhower considered a variety of plans other two members of the Joint Chiefs--
for defeating the Axis in Europe: plans Admiral Emest J. King, Chief of Naval
for attacking through Norway; plans for Operations, and Lt. Gen. Henry H. Am-
working through the lberian Peninsula; old, commander of the Army Air Forccs--
even plans for the use of sea and air then Prcsident Roosevclt's acceptance,
powcr only. The Mediterranean route General Marshall in the second week of
was a1so briefty considercd, this when thc April prcsented the concept to the British
British situation in the Middle East was Chiefs. The British agreed enthusiasti-
rclatively good. But the domination of cally, and the idea took concrete form
the central Mediterranean by Axis air under the code name RouNDUP, which
forces ruled out detailed planning for an projected a full-scale attack across the
attempt to attack ltaly from Gibraltar.4 Channel into northem France in the
By early April 1942 OPD had devel- spring of 1943.
oped the basic American strategic con- General Marshall and bis colleagues
ccpt.1 Rejecting the Mediterranean route adhered consistently to this concept,
for a number of cogent reasons--the which was bascd on a numbcr of ~ump
grcat distance from North African bases tions that in the spring of 1942 were little
to the Gcrman industrial centers; the more than mere hopes. Could the So-
improbability of achieving a decisive re- viet armies rcsist under Adolf Hitler's
sult by first climinating ltaly from thc second summer onslaught? Could the
war; the disadvantage of attacking Ger- Anglo-American coalition relieve the pres-
many ovcr the grcat natural barrier of the sure on Russia's ground forces? 8 Whcn
President Rooscvelt pres,,ed for any action
Eenhower, Crusad in Euro;, pp. 18, 41- which would ~t the Russians in sorne
43. For a full account of the development of manner, however minor, the outcome was
OPD, lee Cline, W4Slaifltlon Commantl Post, pp. the July 1942 decision in favor of ToRcH,
11 Tbe Operationa Diviaion aet forth thia con- an Allied invasion of Frcnch Northwest
cept in the IO-Called Marshall Memorandum. See
Matlofl' and Snell, Slratgie Planning for Coali-
tioa Wtn'fa,., 1941-19p, pp. 177-87; Harrilon 6 Harrilon, Cross-Channl Attack, pp. 2g-30.
Cross-Chanfll .Attad:, p. 15; Cline, Washington The project for an emergency crou-Channel op-
CommaJtd Posl, pp. 143-54. era tion wu termed SLBDOEBAIUIER.

Africa. An cmergency decision designcd thc Westero Powers were waging war
to hclp thc Rwmans, it also had thc vir- against the Germans.8
tuc of gctting American troops into bat- By Novcmber 1942, British thinking
tlc quickly and giving thcm combat tended to favor continucd Meditcrranean
experiencc. operations. At thc very time thc Allicd
Thc landings in North Africa in No- landings in North Africa wcre taking
vcmber 1942 creatcd a new situation. place, Churchill informcd the British
Thc American Joint Chiefs of Staff felt Chicfs of Staff that he foresaw for 1943
that the ToRCH decision had undcrmincd efforts to pin down cncmy forces in north-
the basic stratcgy agrced upon in April, wcst Europe by threatcning a c~-Chan
for thc North African operations mcant nel attack; by invading Italy or southern
such an investment of resourccs that a Francc, prefcrably thc lattcr; and by
c~Channel operation became improb- prcssure "to bring in Turkcy and operatc
able in 1943. Even the decision to con- ovcrland with the Russians into the Bal-
centrate first against Germany rather kans."
than against Japan was thrown open to Toward the end of thc samc month, he
qucstion. The ToRCH dccision necessi- fclt that the paramount task was to con-
tated a reconsideration of fundamental quer North Africa and use the bases
policies. establishcd therc to strike at thc Axis
Thinking about the next step beyond undcrbelly. The second immcdiatc objec-
ToRCH began even before the succ~ul tivc, he considcred, should be either Sar-
execution of that operation in November dinia or Sicily. Churchill considered Sic-
1942. During the planning phasc for ily by far the greatcr prizc. 10 According-
ToRcH, Allied leaders hoped and be- ly, thc British Joint Planncrs already had
licved that the North African expedition code names, appreciations, and outline
would culminate in a campaign of no plans for attacking thc major ltalian
more than a few weeks. Prime Minister islands: BRIMSTONE for Sardinia; HusKY
Churchill forccast "a peaceful occupation for Sicily.
for liberation purposes of French North Elatcd by the initial succcsscs gaincd
Africa and the next step will be to build by thc North African venture, Presi-
up the attack on Sicily and 1taly as well dent Roosevelt supported British inclina-
as on Rommel's back at Tripoli." 1 tions toward a Mediterrancan stratcgy.
But Churchill also envisaged a left On 18 November, the Prcsident pro-
hook after the Allied jab with thc right: poscd to Churchill a survey of ali possiblc
a new cxpedition to Norway which would insular and peninsular invasion targcts
eliminate Axis aerial interference with along the southern fringe of the European
the convoys to Russia and bring visible continent: Sardinia, Sicily, Italy, Greecc,
evidence to the Soviet Government that and the Balkans.11
Roosevelt's thoughts did not reflect a
unificd outlook in the American camp.
T Ltr, Prime Miniater to Harry Hoplna, 4 Sep
42, as quoted in Winaton S. Churchill, "The 1 Churchill, Hinge o/ Fate, pp. 56g-71.
Second World War," vol. IV, The Hinge o/ Fate 11 lbid., p. 649.
(Boston: Houghton MifBin Company, 1950), p . to lbid., pp. 654-55.
541. 11 Harrison, Cross-Channel Auack, p. 35.

Maj. Gen. Thomas T. Handy of OPD 1943. Furthermore, thc Axis reaction
saw the continuation of operations in thc required more Allicd resources than in-
Meditcrrancan beyond North Africa as itally allotted and outgrew thc propor-
logistically unfcasiblc and strategically tions contcmplated in thc ToRCH plan-
unsound. He recommcndcd cithcr thc ning phase.
continuation of RouNDUP as originally In this new situation the U.S. Joint
planncd or turning the wcight of Amcr- Chicfs felt the nced for a long-range view
ica's rcsources against Japan.12 in order to guide American mobilization
In thc middlc of Dccember 1942, Gen- and the allocation of men and material.
eral Marshall still hoped for a cross- Early in December they had proposed a
Channel attack in 1943-a modified strategy of three basic elements: a bal-
RouNDUP. Marshall wantcd to turn anced build-up in the U nited Kingdom
back to the main road immcdiately aftcr for a cnm-Channel attack in 1943; a
what he considered thc North Africa:n great air offcnsive against Gennany from
dctour. According to a private conver- bases in England, North Africa, and thc
sation reported by Field Marshal Sir J ohn Middle East; and a massive air bombard-
Dill, Marshall was "more and more con- mcnt of ltaly "with a view to destroying
vinccd that we should be in a position to 1talian resources and morale and elimin-
undcrtake a modified 'Round-up' beforc ating her from the war." 14 They madc
the summcr if, as soon as North Africa no referencc to further operations in thc
is cleared of Axis forces, we start pouring Mcditerranean.
forces into England instead of sending Meanwhile, Allicd Force Headquartcrs
them to Africa for thc exploitation of ( AFHQ) in thc Mcditerranean, com-
'Torch.' Such an operation would, he manded by Lt. Gen. Dwight D. Eisen-
[Marshall] fcels, be much more effec- howcr, had begun to considcr possiblc
tive than either 'Brimstone' or 'Husky,' altcrnatives beyond TORCH. It lookcd
less costly in shipping, more satisfying to at Sardinia as a possiblc ncxt stcp aftcr
the Russians, engage more German air North Africa, and madc this proposal to
forces, and be the most effective answer thc chicfs in London and Washington. 111
to any Gcrman attack through Spain." 13
Churchill's and Marshall's vicws were 14 Harrison, Cross-Chann1l .Atlack, p. 36; Mat-

colored by early succcsscs in Africa. Thc loff and Snell, Strategit: Planning f or Coalition
race for Tunisia was on. Until Christmas Warfare, 1941-1942, pp. 376-77.
15 AFHQ JPS P/124 (Final), 4 Dec 412, sub:
of 1942, the Allies hoped to seizc Tunisia Appreciation and Outline Plan for Auault on
quickly. But it soon becamc clear that Sardinia, 0100/112A/101, II. See also the col-
thc North African campaign would be lection of AFHQ JPS planning papen in the
Salmon Files, 5-B-12, item 6, OCMH. (The Sal-
long and hard and that the next opera- mon Files con1i1t of a body of papen and other
tions beyond North Africa would follow materiala collected at AFHQ by Col. E. Dwight
not in thc spring, but in the summcr of Salmon.) See abo 0100/112A/101, 1 and 0100/
uA/ 1012, 1; Harry C. Butcher, My Thru Y ears
With Eisenhower (New York: Simon and
11 !bid., pp. 35-g6. For U .S. War Depart- Schuater, 1946), p. 1218, entry for 9 Dec 412.
ment planning in this period see Matloff and Unleu otherwise indicated, ali file nwnben in
Snell, S1ral1git: Planning for Coalition Warfare, this volwne are thote used by the World War
1941-1942, Chapter XVII. 11 Record& Division, National Archives and Rec-
11 Churchill, Hin11 of Pa11, pp. 658-59. orda Service ( N ARS). ( See Bibliographical Note.)

The British Chiefs gave greater support ranean-near Palcstine, Iraq, or Cyprus
to this proposal than the American Joint -in order to retain Turkish good will
Chiefs who gave it only limited encour- and pcrhaps even to induce Turkish sup-
agement.18 port of the Allics. But he opposcd an
The British were thinking of what invasion of Sardinia, which, he fclt, would
would later be termed a peripheral strat- be too costly in terms of shipping.18
egy to defeat Gcrmany: continue the Neither Americans nor British had as
build-up in the United Kingdom; initiate yet mentioned the possibility of a return
operations in the Mediterranean against to the Continent by the Mediterranean
Sicily, Sardinia, Italy, and the Balkans; route, though both agreed that the elim-
and hold back the effort against Japan. ination of ltaly from the war was a de-
The Americans, by contrast, werc eager sirable aim. A sced of scrious disagree-
to initiate direct action against Germany ment on the pricc to pay for this goal-
by means of a power thrust across the difference which would emerge full-
English Channel. lf no offensive action blown at the next major conference in
against Gcrmany were ~ible in the near May 1943 (TRIDENT)-already was ap-
future, the Americans were rcady to con- parent in early January. The Americans
sider increasing their allocations to the obviously were willing to pay only a small
Pacific theaters for more powerful blows price. Although they accepted the need
against the Japancse. In the view of of putting pressure on 1taly to bring about
Admiral King, the defeat of Japan would Italian collapse, they bclieved that air
be infinitcly more difficult once the Jap- opcrations from North Africa would be
ancse had consolidated thcir conqucsts. 17 enough, and they rejected the idea of
After studying the British views, Gen- ground operations on the Italian main-
eral Marshall concluded that the British land. The British were not averse to
Chiefs wanted the build-up in the United paying a higher price to knock ltaly out
Kingdom but not the c~Channel op- of the war. They were intercsted in
eration until a scrious crack in German climinating Italy as a means of diminish-
morale appeared. Opposed to any of- ing Gcrman strength. Churchill noted
fensive action that might rcsult in a heavy that the North African campaign had
loss of resourccs inimical to the cross- compelled the Gcrmans to shift eleven
Channel thrust, in particular the loss of divisions to southern Francc, thus weak-
shipping, Marshall did not entirely rule ening the forty-division force that gar-
out operations in the eastern Mediter- risoned and protected the Channcl arcas
of northern France and the Netherlands.
16 Min, 48th Mtg JCS, 29 Dec 42; Br JP 4,
He predicted that the Gcrmans would
14 Jan 43, sub: Merita of Ba1MSTONE and probably need to move four to six divi-
Hus1tY (arguing that "an earlier Ba1MsTONE sions into ltaly against the threat of Al-
would probably contributc u much as a later lied invasion of Sardinia and other vul-
HusKY"), 0100/12A/177; AFHQ JPS P/49
(Second Draft), 23 Jan 43, 0100/12A/103, 11.
nerable targets in the Mediterranean.
l T Matloff' and Snell, Strat1git: Planning for Dispersing German strength and stretch-
Coalition Warfa,,, 1941-194:1, p. 377; Min, 49th ing the Gcrman defensive line in Europe
Mtg JCS, 5 Jan 43; Arthur Bryant, Th1 Turn
of the Tid1 (New York: Doubleday and Com-
pany, 1957), p. 44rn. 18 Min, 49th Mtg JCS, 5 Jan 43.

would, of course, facilitate Allied re-cntry he preferred not to gamble with shipping.
into the Continent by way of northern Heavy shipping losses in an operation
France. 19 Carrying the thought fur- such as an invasion of Sardinia, he said,
ther, sorne British planners explored the might destroy the opportunity to close
pcmibilities of "an offensive aimed at the with the main enemy in the near futurc.
collapse of Italy, and subsequently devel- lf he had to choose bctween Sardinia
oped against the Balkans." One conclu- and Sicily, Marshall would favor the lat-
sion was that "the loss of either Sardinia ter. Sicily was a more desirable, though
or Sicily would almost certainly lead to probably a more difficult objective be-
the collapse of Italy." It would then be cause it had more and better airfields.
ne~ry for Germany to fill the vacuum But any operation in the Mediterranean,
by increasing the German commitment Marshall believed, would impose a limit
in ltaly and the Balkans to the extent of on the resources that could be sent to
twenty to thirty additional divisions.20 the United Kingdom. Admiral King
Immediately before departing for Cas- added his explicit preference for Sicily
ablanca, President Roosevelt called his over Sardinia, if a choice had to be made,
Joint Chiefs to the White House on 7 for bis primary concern was the protec-
January 1943 to determine whether they tion of sea Janes of communications in
had formulated what might be considered the Mediterranean. Allied possession of
an American position. Acting as spokes- Sicily would insure a sheltered corridor
man, General Marshall admitted that between the island and the African north
though the Joint Chiefs regarded a cross- coast. Ali the Joint Chiefs were agreed
Channel strategy more favorably than a in opposing the concept of invading the
Mediterranean course of action, the ques- southern shore of the European continent.
tion remained open. He summarized When they indicated that Sardinia looked
the British position as he understood it- like a blind alley, the President summed
to maintain the momentum of the North up their feeling by saying that if the
African campaign even at the e~pense of a Allies took Sardinia, they could shout
build-up in the United Kingdom, and to "Hooray," and then ask, "Where do we
attcmpt to bring about the collapse of go from here?" The only argument in
Italy in ordcr to force thc commitmcnt favor of invading Sardinia, Marshall re-
of additional Gennan military units to marked, was Eisenhower's suggestion that
rcplacc ltalian troops in ltaly and thc thc operation could be mounted from
occupied countries. outside the Mediterranean, perhaps one
General Marshall saw the issue pri- division coming directly from the U nited
marily in logistical terms. He declared States, several from England.21
his willingness to take tactical risks, but The American party, with the excep-
tion of Admira! William D. Leahy, who
was ill, arrived in Casablanca on 13 Jan-
11 Harri10n, Cross-Chann,,Z Attaclc, p. 37;
Notes by Minister of Defence, 3 Dec 4ll, as uary. Before meeting formally with the
quoted in Churchill, Hing of Fate, pp. 657-58. British, the Joint Chiefs again carne to-
20 Thia argument is developed in an unoffi-
cial Britiah planning paper, dated 19 January
1943, tubject: Development of the Mediterranean 21 Min of Mtg at White House, 7 Jan 43, OPD
Ofl'ensive, 0100/r'lA/177. Exec ro, item 45.

gether to try to work out a clear-cut units were needed for occupation and
American position. Concemed with the other purposcs, Clark said, it would be
diversion of resources in the struggle ncccssary to keep 250,000 men in North
against Gennany and Japan, Admiral Africa. An exccss of sorne three Amer-
King urged the fonnulation of an over-all ican divisions and the entire British First
strategy which would enable the Ameri- Anny would then remain in the theater
cans to rcsist expected British pressure in at the conclusion of the North African
favor of an invasion of Sardinia. But campaign.
General Marshall made no real effort to The main concerns of thc U .S. Joint
unite the American Joint Chiefs except Chicfs before their meetings with the
to emphasize the necessity of a ero~ British at Casablanca were three: the
Channel invasion. Lt. Gen. Brehon B. shortage of shipping; how to use excess
Somervell, Commanding General, Serv- forces in the theater at the end of the
ices of Supply, estimated that once the Tunisia Campaign; and apprchension
Mediterranean was cleared of enemy that the British would insist on invading
forces the Allics would save 1,825,000 Sardinia.22
tons of shipping in the first five months. Somewhat ironically, thc main conccm
King supported the estimate and spoke of thc British Chiefs was their apprehen-
in favor of opening the Mediterrancan to sion that the Americans would prefcr
eliminatc the long voyage around Africa thc invasion of Sardinia ovcr that of
and thc Cape of Good Hope. Saving Sicily. Field Marshall Sir Alan Brooke,
cargo space, the Americans believcd, was Chicf of thc Imperial General Staff, who
much more important than eliminating spoke for the British when the conference
Italy from thc war, an aim which they opencd on 14 January, indicated a lcs-
werc sure the British would favor. sening of anxiety with respect to Spain,
Lt. Gen. Mark W. Clark, Eiscnhowcr's which was increasingly likely to remain
deputy commander in chief in the Medi- neutral, and at the othcr end of thc Med-
terranean, who was askcd to consult with iterranean a more positive hope that
the Joint Chicfs, estimatcd that an opera- Turkey, though not cxpected to under-
tion against either Sardinia or Corsica take an active campaign in the Balkans,
could not be undertaken before the sum- might grant the Allies air bases from
mer of 1943 because an all-out offensive which to launch attacks against the Ger-
against the Axis forces in Tunisia could man oil supply in Rumania. In the cen-
not be mounted until the middle of tcr of the Mediterranean arca, Brooke
March. To expel the Axis from North suggested, thc Allics had their ma jor
Africa by spring, the Allics would have opportunity-to knock Italy out of the
to build up a force of half a million men. war; to force Gennany to disperse her
Might it be better, after North Africa resources, and thcreby to givc positivc
had been clcared, to use critical shipping aid to the Russians. As for thc croS&-
space to move part of that force elsc- Channcl operation, Brooke cstimated that
where? Or should the force be uscd in thc Allicd build-up in England would
operations launched directly from North total thirtcen British and nine American
Africa? lf, as AFHQ calculated, four
divisions plus service troops and air force 22 Min, 5oth Mtg JCS, 13 Jan 43.


by members of the Combined Chiefs of Sta.lf and other high-ranking,,_military advisers.

divisions by August 1943; these would considerable ( Allied military] force to no

comprise a force large enough to take purpose." 28
advantage of a break in German morale. Relieved that the British were not in-
Brooke the next day, 15 January, again terested in occupying Italy, and begin-
urged the elimination of Italy from the ning to feel that he was fighting a losing
war. He presented severa! choices of in- battle for a cross-Channel a..ttack in 1943,
vasion: Sardinia, Sicily, Crete, and the General Marshall did not oppose an
Dodecanese. The threat to all these is- operation against Sicily. One of the
lamis would compel Gennany to take strongest reasons was his appreciation of
defensive measures or face the prospect the need to use the excess of Allied troops
of relinquishing them. With Italy out that would remain in North Africa after
of the war, Germany would have to make Tunisia was clear of Axis forces. He
larger commitments of military forces to therefore urged that operations under-
hold Italy and the Balkans. The British taken in the Mediterranean be conducted
favored Sicily as the best invasion target with troops already in the theater. Yet
but did not advocate going beyond it un- he returned to a question more funda-
less ltaly collapsed completely. "We mental than the immediate issue-what
should be very careful about accepting
any invitation to support an anti-Fascist Quote is from Min, 58th Mtg CCS, 16 Jan
43; see also Min, 55th Mtg CCS, 14 Jan and
insurrection," General Brooke warned. 57th Mtg CCS, 15 Jan 43; Bryant, Turn of the
"To do so might merely immobilize a Tide, pp. 445-46, 448.

about an over-all strategy? "Was an On the qucstion of altcmativ"c opcra-

opcration against Sicily mercly a means tions, General Marshall reiterated Amer-
toward an end, or an end in itself? Is ican opposition to an invasion of Sardinia
it to be part of an integrated plan to becausc that island offered mercly an air
win the war or simply taking advantage advantage whercas cither Sicily or the
of an opportunity ?" c~Channel opcration might produce
The qucstions were asked, but they decisive results. Though invading Sicily
were not answered. Perhaps they could would be more difficult than invading
not be. Perhaps the Americans had, as Sardinia, Marshall was more concemed
Churchill remarked with sorne annoyance, with the security of Mediterranean ship-
an "undue liking for logical clear-cut ping and with the immediate effects of
decisions," whereas the British were bas- opcrations against Gcrmany, however in-
ically inclined toward an opportunistic direct, than he was with eliminating ltaly
approach to strategy.24 from the war. General Brooke, though
Despite their differences, the British stating his general agreement, insisted
and Americans reached agreement on the that plans be prepared for other opcra-
fourth day of the conference, 18 January. tions on which the Allies could fall back
They decided then to invade Sicily follow- in case of absolute necessity. The British
ing completion of the Tunisian campaign. and the Americans could not resolve dif-
As General Marshall explained, although ferences of opinion, and in the end the
the Americans preferred a cross-Channel decision for Sicily was the only concrete
attack in 1943, thcy were willing to ac- achievement of the Casablanca Confer-
cept an invasion of Sicily becausc of the ence affecting Mediterranean strategy.
largc number of troops which would be- In discussing the date of the projectcd
come available in North Africa, the great invasion of Sicily, thc British mentioned
economy in shipping tonnage to be ob- 22 August as coinciding with the favor-
tained ( the ma jor consideration) , and the able phase of the moon, though they were
possibility of eliminating 1taly from the willing to settle on another, possibly ear-
war and thereby forcing Germany to as- lier, date. Favorable lunar conditions
sume responsibility for ltalian commit- actually represented a compromise be-
ments. 2~ tween the divergent requirements of the
Navy and of the airbome units--airbome
24 Quotes are in Min, 58th Mtg CCS, 16 Jan troops needed a bricf period of moon-
43, and Churchill, Hing of Fate, p. 651. See light for their drops, the fleet required
also Min, JCS Mtg with the President, 16 Jan total darkness to cover its approach to-
43, Casablanca Conf Book, p. 61. ward the Sicilian shorc. When Admiral
25 Min, !Jd Anfa Mtg, 18 Jan 43, Casablanca
Conf Book, pp. 146-47. See also Richard M. King proposed 25 July as another suit-
Leighton and Robert W. Coakley, Global Logis- able date, the ces quickly approved.
tics and Stratgy, 1940--1943 (Washington, 1955), The CCS also dccided that General Eiscn-
ch. XXV, and Maurice Matloff, Strategic Plan-
ning for Coalition WtzTfare, 194s-1944 (Wash- hower was to command the opcration,
ington, 1959), ch. 1, both volumes in UNITED General Sir Harold R. L. G. Alexander
STATES ARMY IN WORLD WAR 11; Bryant, was to be the dcputy commandcr in chicf
Turn of the Tide, pp. 449-5; James Leasor,
The Clock With Four Hands (New York: Rey- and in chargc of thc ground warfare,
nal and Co., 1949), pp. ~33-36. Admiral Sir Andrew B. Cunningham was

to command the naval forces, and Air The purposes of the invasion were to se-
Chief Marshal Sir Arthur Tedder was to cure the Mediterrancan sea lancs, to di-
be the air commander.111 vert pressure from thc Rus&an front, and
General Eiscnhower was "infuriated" to intensify pressure on ltaly. There was
with the new command establishment and no agreemcnt on thc mattcr of thc Medi-
planned to combat actively "intrusion of terranean versus cr~Channel strategy,
the British Committee system" into the no agreemcnt on what to do beyond Sic-
Allied Force Headquarters "scheme of ily, no agreement even that knocking 1taly
things." He drafted a cable to the Com- out of the war was the immediate ob-
bined Chiefs demanding a continuation jective of Anglo-American strategy-
of the centralization of command in bis merely hope that the limited insular op-
own person, which he felt had worked so erations might, in conjunction with air
well during the early stagcs of ToRCH. bombardment, force ltaly from the war.
The cable was never dispatched. At the Even the cxpression of this hope reftected
insistence of Maj. Gen. Walter B. Smith, a diffcrence that was later to emerge as
bis chief of staff, General Eisenhower tore a head-on clash. In thc scssion of 18
up the draft; Smith felt this was no time January, General Marshall rcmarkcd
to be "creating any f~." Thus, Gen- "that he was most anxious not to bccome
eral Eiscnhower found himself lifted to a committed to interminable opcrations in
supreme command with actual operations the Mediterranean." He wished north-
to be conducted by a committee of com- em Francc to be the scene of the main
manders over which he prcsided.27 effort against Gennany. Air Chief Mar-
From even immediate retrospect, the shall Sir Charles Portal, chief of thc Brit-
decision for Sicily represented a compro- ish Air Staff, rcplied that "it was im-
mise between American and British views. possible to say exactly where we should
stop in the Mediterrancan since we hoped
26 AFHQ IN Mag 466, 23 Jan 43, AFHQ to knock Italy out altogether." 28
CofS Log, Army War College; Min, 66th Mtg T oward the end of the Casablanca
ces, u Jan 43; Min, 6gth Mtg ces, 23 Jan Conference President Rooscvelt, in a
43; CCS 170/2, Final Report to the President
and Prime Miniater, and CCS 163, System of seemingly offhand manner, announced to
Air Command in the Mediterranean, 20 Jan 43, the pre~ the unconditional surrender
ali in Srnith Papers (Smith Papen are in Army formula to be imposed upon Germany,
War College and NARS); George F. Howe,
Nor1law1st A.frica: S1izing tla1 lnitiative in tlae ltaly, and Japan. The phrase was not
West, UNITED STATES ARMY IN WORLD made on the spur of thc moment, for Mr.
WAR 11 (Washington, 1957). pp. 353-55. Roosevelt had discussed the mattcr with
21 Diary of the Oflice of the Commandcr in
Chief, bit. VII, p. A-598. The Diary of the Of.
bis Joint Chiefs on 7 January. He had
fice of the Commander in Chief (hereafter cited told them of bis intention to spcak with
as Diary Oftice CinC) was kept by Comdr. Mr. Churchill on the advisability of in-
Harry C. Butcher, USNR, for General Eiscn- forming Marshal Joseph Stalin ( who had
howcr. lt includca summarics of the Supreme
Commander's activities, memoranda written for declined two invitations to confcr with
the diary, many of the top secret letten which the American and British leaders) that
carne to or were scnt by the Supreme Commander, the United Nations would prosecute the
and copies of plans, intelligence estimates, and
the like. Edited portions of this diary appeared
in Butcher's My Tlaree Y ears Witla Eisenlaower. :H Min, 6oth Mtg ces. 18 Jan 43.

war until they reached Berlin and that after the conference, as planners in Wash-
their only tenns would be uncondition- ington, London, and Algiers began to
al surrender. Mr. Roosevelt's original consider the Sicilian decision, the ques-
thought was to assure the Soviet Govem- tion arose not only how to use the Allied
ment that the Anglo-American allics forces in the Mediterranean if the Sicilian
would make no separate pcacc in the Campaign did indced precipitate ltalian
west. Somctime before 20 January, he collapse, but also what to do if it did not.
had proposed to Churchill that they make An ltalian collapse would leave Ger-
a public announcement. At Casablanca many facing three altematives, all of them
sorne thought was given to cxcluding ltaly favorable to the Allies: ( 1 ) occupation
in the hope that the omission would en- of Italy, Sicily, and perhaps Sardinia;
courage ltalian collapse. When the Prime ( 2 ) withdrawal from 1taly but reinforce-
Minister on 20 January wired a report ment of the Balkans; and ( 3) occupation
of the conference to the War Cabinet in of both Italy and the Balkans. The Al-
London, he asked its views on an official lies regarded the latter as the most im-
statement. The Cabinet discussed the probable of the three altematives, for
matter and cxpressed a desire for even they felt that Gcrmany did not have thc
greater rigor. In view of thc misgivings resources to undertake so large an enter-
that might arise in Turkey and the Bal- prise while at thc same time trying to
kans if 1taly were excepted, the Cabinet stabilize the Rusman front.
recommended that unconditional surren- If the invasion of Sicily did not lead to
der be applicd to ali three chief enemy ltalian collapse, the Allies could move
powers alike. Although Churchill pcr- into three arcas, cach with disadvantages
sonally had no reservations on the uncon- as well as bencfits. The invasion of the
ditional surrender formula or on applica- Contincnt through southcm Francc could
tion of it to Italy, he was nevertheless be undertaken with profit only in con-
surprised at the Presidcnt's public an- junction with an assault from the U nited
nouncement; but, recovering quickly, he Kingdom; immediate preparatory steps
indicated his full support.29 would be the conquest of Sardinia, Cor-
sica, and possibly of the ltalian Rivicra
TRIDENT: Beyond Sicily for air bases. An invasion of the 1talian
mainland would bring the diffi.cult prob-
The CCS at Casablanca were hopeful lem of maintaining interna} security and
that an amphibious invasion of Sicily pcrhaps even of establishing civil adminis-
and a subsequent ground campaign on tration throughout thc country; nor was
that island, together with intensified air a crossing of the Alps enticing. Entrance
bombardmcnt of the Italian mainland, into the Balkans would threaten Rumani-
would produce ltalian collapse. But an oil, pcrhaps induce Turkey to enter the
war on the Allied side, and possibly force
thc Germans to abandon Greece and the
n Min of Mtg at Whitc Howc, 7 Jan 43, Aegean lslands; but several subsidiary
OPD Excc 10, tem 45; Matloff, Strategic Plan- opcrations were ncc~ry first-thc cap-
ning for Coalition Warfare, 194s-1944, pp. 37-
38; Shcrwood, Rooseve/t and Hopkins, pp. 696-
ture of Cretc and occupation of the toe
97; Churchill, Hinge of Fate, pp. 684-88. and hccl of Italy to insure control of the

A L LI E D L EADERS IN T HE S1q1...1AN CAMPAIGN . General E iseni1ower meets in Norlh Africa with

(foreground, le.fl to right): A ir Chiej M arshal Sir A rthur T edder, General Sir H arold R. L. G. Alex-
ander, Admira/ Sir Andrew B . Cunningham, and (top row): Mr. Harold Macmillan, M aj. Gen. Walter
Bedel/ Smith, and unidentified British olficers.

Strait of Messina and to open up the believed, for the air bases that would
Adriatic.30 permit intensification of the air offensive.
Top Allied commanders in the Medi- Italy, Tedder declared on 26 March 1943,
terranean were in general agreement ex- was "the backdoor of Germany's vitals,"
cept Air Chie{ Marshal Tedder, who felt and he called for a fuller examination of
that the planners had not properly eval- this target area. 81
uated the benefits to be realized from an Embarked on an examination of what
invasion of the Italian mainland. North might be required if Italy did not collapse
Italy in particular was attractive, he during or after the Sicilian Campaign,
3 0 See AFHQ JPS P/55, Action in the Med-
iterranean in the Event of the Collapse of Italy, Comment a ppended to document cited
7 Mar 43, job 10A, reel 13C. above, n. 30.
693 - 029 o - 65 - 3

AFHQ planncrs continued to fecl that Eisenhower thought, was the need to in-
the Allies ought to seize Sardinia and vade the 1tallan mainland immediatcly
Corsica. Conquest of all three islands thereafter, particularly since the Italian
"and thc subsequent bombing offensivc wcst coast seemed vcry weakly dcfended.
against ltaly which can be conductcd The major objection to an Italian cam-
f rom bases in these islands" might be paign appcared to be the great material
sufficient to drive Italy out of the war. investment rcquired, not only to support
lf not, air action from these islands could thc troops but to nourish the Italian
cover amphibious opcrations launched population. The main advantage to be
either through Genoa into the Lombard gained was the basing of bombers with-
plain or into the Rome-Naples arca. In- in better range of such critical targcts
vading Italy directly from Sicily, without as the Ploesti oil ficlds. Or, Eisenhowcr
the prior conquest of Sardinia and Cor- suggested, the attack on the southem
sica, as a means of forcing ltalian collapse shore of Europc could be shiftcd east-
was a possibility not even considered.82 ward in the Mediterranean, an attractive
Though General Eisenhower agreed course in view of Turkey's neutrality,
with his planners and though he kept but disadvantageous because of the
open the possibility of moving into the lengthening of Allied sea com.munications.
Balkans, he was convinced that the best Yet in the final analysis, if Mediterranean
strategy for the Allies was a cross-Channel opcrations interfered with the build-up
blow-a main assault against Germany required for the cross-Channcl attack,
from England and through northem Eisenhower favored calling a halt to fur-
Francc. Yet cven as he asked Gen- ther offensive warfarc in the Mediter-
eral Marshall for his views on the best ranean.83
courses of action in various ~umcd sit- To AFHQ planners, a campaign on the
uations-that Sicily would prove difficult Italian mainland seemed heavily weighted
to conquer; that the Sicilian opcration on the side of disadvantage. lf 1taly
would proceed according to plan and remaincd in the war or if Germany
without great difficulties; and that the strongly reinforced the 1talian pennsula,
Sicilian defenscs would collapse suddenly the Allies might find themselves commit-
-Eisenhower outlined his own ideas on ted to a major campaign nec~itating
possible Mediterranean operations. See- hcavy garrison rcquiremcnts, heavy ship-
ing Sardinia and Corsica as immcdiate ping and economic commitmcnts, and
objectives after Sicily, he indicated that hcavy military forccs-evcn though the
General Henri Philippc Giraud, com- campaign were limited to thc toe and
mander of the Free French forces in heel arcas. Since the AFHQ planners
North Africa, had spccifically requcsted wcre unablc to gaugc in advance thc
pcnnission to take Corsica, a request Ei- state of ltalian moralc at the end of thc
scnhower favored granting. More im- Sicilian Campaign, thcy preferred the
portant, the long-rangc implication of insular opcrations, particularly becausc
taking the major Tyrrhcnian islands? only comparativcly limitcd forces would
be nccdcd. This would givc thc Allies full
u AFHQ JPS P/70 (Fint Draft), Action
Against ltaly Alter Operation Hus1tv, ~ 1 Apr 33 Ltr, Eisenhower to Marshall, 19 Apr 43,
43, job 10C, reel 138E. Diary Office CinC, bk. V, pp. A-33~-A-333.

libcrty of action to strike, at the conclu- sibility of offensive action in the Balkans.
sion of Husxv, in whatevcr direction They thercforc rccommended a series of
scemcd advisable at that time.14 expcditions to exploit ltalian collapsc-
Tcdder continucd to disagrce. The not against determincd Gcrman rcsistance,
difficultics of a Sardinian opcration, he but rathcr to follow the expccted Gcrman
said, were consistently bcing glosscd over withdrawal everywhere in the Mediter-
and the air advantagcs of Sardinia grossly ranean. After thesc advanccs and occu-
cxaggcratcd. He insisted that he pcr- pations, the Allies could then face the
ceived a grcat bcnefit to be obtained from problem of choosing the route for the
cstablishing air bases in central ltaly for decisive strike against the enemy heart-
bombing targcts in Gcrmany.36 land.
Though Brig. Gen. Lowell S. Rooks, The British were not thinking of de-
the AFHQ G-3, prescnted on 8 May an ploying grcat armies on the Continent,
outline plan for an invasion of Sardinia wherc the decisive strike would be made.
and proposcd that the opcration be en- They werc thinking rather of the large-
trustcd to thc Fifth U .S. Army, now scale employment of air power, of cutting
commanded by General Clark and en- the Gcrman lincs of economic supply, of
gagcd in occupation and training dutics drawing in new allics such as Turkey, of
in Frcnch Morocco, Eiscnhower rcfrained aiding patriot forces in Yugoslavia, of
from issuing a dircctive.38 He awaited stimulating political revolt in Hungary.
guidance from the ces, but until thc As a conscquence, logistical problems wcrc
British and Amcricans carne closer in their no more important than other factors of
stratcgic thinking, thc ces could give no politico-strategic planning. Furthermorc,
advicc or instruction. the British had no liking for far-reaching
British planncrs in London bclieved plans. They wished instead to retain a
that upon thc collapsc of Italy Germany freedom of choice and the ability to ad-
would withdraw its military forces at just to new opportunities as they arosc.87
lcast as far to thc north as the Pisa- The effect of this thinking on a era..
Ravcnna line to covcr the Po valley, thus Channel attack was to reduce it to a
pcrmitting thc Allics to land directly in moderate-scale opcration, onc of many
southcm and central ltaly without grcat which might be executed if the situation
difficulty. They also cnvisaged the pos- appcarcd favorable. If, for example, the
Allies decided to invade southem Francc,
14 AFHQ JPS P/74 (Final), Availability of then a limited cross-Channel opcration
Forces in the Mecliterranean, 3 May 43, job might have value as a holding attack to
10A, reel 18C; Memo for AFHQ CofS, sub: divcrt Gcrman ground and air forces
Opm After Hun:v, lnd A to ces H3, 14 May
43, TamrtNT Conf Boolt, pp. 38-41. from the main invasion arca.
11 Ltr, Tedder to Eitenhower, 8 May 43, Incl Spccifically, the big prizc for the British
B to ces u3, TamNT Conf Book, p. 43. was climinating ltaly from the war. Thcy
H Memo, AFHQ G:-3 for AFHQ CofS, sub:
Plan for Opn Ba11uToN1t, 7 May 43 1 lncl A to thcrcforc cxcludcd immcdiate opcrations
ces "' 14 May 43, TamrtNT Conf Book, pp. against the Dodecanesc "since thc capture
38-41; AFHQ JPS P /6g, Outline Plan for Op-
eration BanirsTONrt, 8 May 43, job 10A, reel 18C; 31 Br JP (43) 99 (Final), 3 May 43, Report
draft directive to CG Fifth U.S. Army, 8 May by the Joint Planning Staft', Mediterranean
43, job 1oC, reel 138E. Strategy-lf ltaly Collap1e1, job 10A, reel t 1C.

of thcsc islands would havc no immcdiatc sure on Italy, but not until the spring of
effcct on thc collapsc of Italy." 88 1944. The British, thereforc, favored an
lf ltaly did not fall after Sicily, was Sar- operation ( BuTTRESS ) against the toe of
dinia and Corsica or thc Italian mainland Italy beforc completion of the Sicilian
the bettcr invasion targct in ordcr to pro- Campaign or as soon thercafter as pos-
duce ltalian surrcndcr? lf Italy did not sible, with the initial objectivc to capture
suc for peacc during thc Sicilian Cam- Reggio di Calabria across the Strait of
paign, thc British planncrs rccommcnded Mcssina and to open a land front on the
invading the toe of ltaly (Operation BuT- European continent. Thc campaign on
TRESS) as soon as J>0S9ible aftcr Sicily. the 1tallan mainland was to develop
Whereas AFHQ planners tended to think toward Crotone in the 1tallan instep
of the insular operations as necessary (GoBLET) and toward thc hccl (Mus-
preliminarics to the 1tallan mainland, the KET) with Bari and Naplcs as eventual
British considered the problem as a choice objectivcs. lf opposition sccmed strong
betwccn the islands and the mainland. enough to deny the Allics the hccl, Sar-
Both invasion targcts imposcd diffi- dinia could be an altemativc targct.40
cultics. An amphibious operation against Although considerable long-range ~
a defended shore would not be easy, litico-strategic speculation took place iD>
particularly bccause of shortagcs of land- London in thc spring of 1943, thc focus
ing craft. Escort carriers would be was on immediate and short-range pos-
nccded to provide air cover for thc land- sibilitics. The next Allied task, accord-
ings, and thcsc could be had only at the ing to the British vicw, was to force ltaly
expense of requirements in the Atlantic. out of the war, and the bcst way to as-
Considerable quantitics of shipping surc this was by invading the mainland
would also be neccssary. But, as thc as soon as possible and at the nearest
. British put it, "In thc long run, thc War point. No grand dcsign for winning the
in Europe would thus be shortencd and war by the Mcditcrrancan routc was
thc switch over of our European re- even impllcd. British long-range plan:.
sourccs to thc War against Japan would ning faded out at the Alps or on the
be brought corrcspondingly closcr." 89 fringcs of the Balkan peninsula.41
In thc sprin~ of 1943, while consider-
ing the choice of immcdiate targets after 40 lbitl.
41 See Notes on Visit to United Kingdom,
Sicily, the British planners preferrcd the Operations in 1943, dated 114 April 1943 1 job
!tallan mainland over Sardinia and Cor- 10A, reel 18C, a record left by a bigb-ranking
sica. Operations on the mainland, thcy but otherwile unidentified oflicer at AFHQ on
concepta being formulated in London.
bclieved, would more likely lcad to Italian In the 1pring of 1944, Mr. Churchill frankly
collapsc that ycar and would open a land told Maj. Gen. Albert C . Wedemeyer "that if
front capable of attracting and contain- we had been able to penuade the Chiefs of
ing more Axis forces. Capture of Sardinia Staff, the Allies would have gone through Tur-
key and the Balkans from tlie South and into
and Corsica, on the other hand, would Norway on the North, thus surrounding the
increasc the wcight of Allied acrial pres- enemy and further dispening his forces." Ltr,
Wedemeyer to Handy, 13 Apr 44, OPD Exec
18 Br JP (.~3) 174, 3 May 43, Operation1 3, item 18. See abo Churchill's imtructions to
Against ltaly, job 10A, reel !l1C. General Sir Hastings L. hmay, 17 Apr 43, in
19 lbitl. Churchill, Hing of Fal, pp. 951-5!l.

In contrast, the Arnericans fclt that the In asses.mig Meditcrrancan ~bilities

single route by which a great Allied anny in terms of a decisive blow to be struck
might pcnetrate the shorc defenscs of the against Germany, the American planners
Contincnt and break through to the vital cxamin:ed the Iberian Peninsula, southem
arca of Gennan power was by way of France, Italy, Yugoslavia, Grecce, the Ae-
northem France, and this General Mar- gean Islands, and Turkey as posmble en-
shall emphasizcd when he replied to Gen- trances into the Continent. But none
eral Eisenhower's rcquest of 19 April for offered the possibility of a strong base
bis views. Yet General Marshall adrnit- backing a good route for a great Allied
ted that plans to seize Sardinia or Cor- movernent into Germany.
sica or both had to be available for im- To invade Europe by way of Italy and
mediate irnplernentation if the Sicilian southem France seerned the best of the
Campaign went according to plan or if Mediterranean approaches, and these pos-
the Italians suddenly collapsed. An all- sibilities the American planners studied
out invasion of Italy, Marshall believed, with carc. They soon concluded that
would have such an effect on shipping there seerned littlc point in considering
as virtually to put a stop to serious offen- anything beyond the initial move into
sive opcrations elsewherc in the world. 1taly. Collapse or unconditional sur-
"The decisive effort," Marshall was rcnder of Italy, they recognizcd, would
surc, "must be rnadc against the Conti- rnake it nec~ry for Gcrmany to divert
ncnt frorn the United Kingdom sooncr or sorne fifteen divisions to rcplace Italian
latcr." 42 troops in occupied arcas; the Italian Fleet
American planncrs in Washington werc would probably be lost to the Gcrmans,
searching for a grand design by which as would certain industrial and agricul-
to rcach the heartland of Europe. Vis- tura} products of marginal significance;
ualizing large-scale annies re-entering the and the Allies would gain an area frorn
Continent to engagc thc Axis annies in which to conduct air opcrations against
decisive battlc, they wanted a basic over- German industrial centers. But thc plan-
all plan to which could be fitted such ners calculatcd that thcse disadvantages
mattcrs as war production, the raising of to Germany would in part be offset by
forces, and the movernent of those forces certain advantages. Gcrmany would re-
to the thcaters of war. Hence they re- gain the use of rolling stock required to
garded approaches to the Continent in supply Italy with sorne twelve million
tcrms of wherc thcse approaches would tons of coal annually, and would prob-
lcad. They were concemed about the ably scizc a large part of the Italian rail-
strctch of road beyond thc point where road cars. It would save not only coal
British thinking stoppcd. Having gaincd but also bread grains and other materials
a bcachhcad on the Continent, could the provided to the Italian ally. The loss
Allics develop it into a base capablc of of Italy to the Germans, thereforc,
supporting a fcasible and effective drive would be a dccidcdly mitigated one. Al-
into Germany? though occupation of Italy after its collapsc
41 M1g, Manhall to Eilenhower, CM-OUT
would givc thc Allics a small quantity
11o68, 'l7 Apr 43, OPD Cable File, Out, 1 Jan of critica} nonferrous mctals and sorne
43-30 Apr 43 supplemental supplies of ccrtain agri-

cultural products, as well as enhanced because operations against Sardinia and

safety of ship transport through the Med- Corsica would be limited in size and
iterranean, they would be burdened with scope, the U.S. Chiefs judged such a
a heavy occupational and administrative course as the least objectionable-in
force of sorne fifteen divisions. It would general, the most acceptable alternativc
drain shipping rcsources, for an estimated if political pressure impclled the Allies to
one and a half million dead-weight tons take sorne action between the completion
of merchant shipping would be needed to of the Sicilian Campaign and the incep-
maintain the Italian economy at a m1m- tion of the cross-Channel endeavor. In
mum level, a requirement the Allies any case, a choice among the three pos-
would find very difficult to meet. Polit- sible acceptable limitcd operations, thc
ical and psychological gains were specu- U .S. Chiefs felt, ought to be postponed
lative and incapable of precise measure- as long as possible in order to better assess
ment, whereas the burden of supporting the motives impelling additional operations
an 1taly pried loose from the Axis was a in the Mediterranean.45
tangible consequence-a huge subtrac- Thus, on the qucstion of what to do
tion from Allied shipping and manpower after Sicily, a gap still existed between
resources.u American and British views. The Brit-
The American Chiefs wanted a defi- ish wanted to put ali resources available
nite commitment and a definite date for in 1943 into the Mediterranean and to
a cross-Channcl attack as the main effort force Italy out of the war by invading
of the Allies in Europe. 44 While reject- Calabria, the toe of the 1talian mainland,
ing the Mediterranean as unsuitablc for at its nearest point to Sicily, and even-
a main cffort, the American Chiefs did tually to secure the airfields of central
not rule out limited operations in this Italy and those in the north. But they
arca. A blow against the Dodecanese, did not foresee the movement of large
they admitted, would be most suitable Allied armies from the Mediterranean in-
for bringing Turkey into the war as an to the heartland of the Continent to meet
ally. Occupation of the toe and heel of the Gennans directly. Thc Americans
ltaly, they estimated, would be the best wished precisely what British planning
way to compel the dispersion of Axis avoided-a grand scale re-entry into the
forces, divert German divisions from the Continent, which meant a main effort
Russian front, and "best satisfy a situa- across the Channel and through northern
tion whereby a limited scale operation France. They did not wish to win the
might force ltaly out of the war." But fight on points, they wanted a knockout.
Opposed to the occupation of ltaly be-
43 JCS 1?88/1, 8 May 43, sub: Invasion of cause Italy was not a vital arca and be-
the European Continent From Bases in the Med- cause an Italian invasion would involve
iterranean in 1943-44. a huge shipping commitment, the Amer-
44 Matloff, Strategic Planning for Coalition
Warfare, 1943-1944, pp. uo-1?5. See also Em- icans envisaged Mediterranean opera-
est J. King and Walter Muir Whitehill, Fle#t
Admiral King, A Naval Reeord (New York: W. 45 JCS 1?93, 7 May 43, sub : Limited Opns in

W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1951?), p. 435; the Mediterranean, and JCS 305, 1 ll May 43,
William D. Leahy, l Was There (New York: sub: Strategic Analysis of the Seizure and Oc-
Whittlesey House, 1950) , p. 15 7. cupation of the Toe of Italy.

tions bcyond Sicily as involving limited revised this to read: "On the basis of
objectives and sustained by limited re- unconditional surrender, the entire fas-
sources. Seizing Sardinia and Corsica, cist party membership from the highest
perhaps even the heel of Italy, might be to the lowest should be removed from any
sound, but a landing on the ~oc of Italy post of govemment authority." Although
seemed unwise. the State Department suggested "sorne
As for the unconditional surrender special treatment" of the power of Crown,
formula, which was to have an indirect the Prcsident simply deleted the state-
effect on the combat not only in Sicily ment. 47 Not only was Roosevelt prcpar-
but bcyond, President Roosevelt had re- ing to demand unconditional surrender,
iterated in February the remark he had he was rcady to assume the respon-
first made at Casablanca the previous sibility, through military govemment, for
month. In March, when British Foreign the domestic rcgeneration of the country.
Secrctary Anthony Eden carne to Wash- Ali these matters carne under examina-
ington to discuss political matters, the tion at the next formal meetings of the
phrase again carne under consideration. ces, held at washington between 1 2 and
Prcsident Roosevelt once more declared 25 May 1943 and called the TRIDENT
that "he wanted no negotiated armistice Con(erence--where "the movements of
after the collapse." The Allies, he said, the land, sea, and air forces of the Amer-
"should insist on total surrender with no ican and British Allies combined . . .
commitments to the enemy as to what [ were] translated into firm commit-
we would do or what we would not do ments." 48
aftcr this action."" Mr. Churchill and the British Chiefs
Soon after Eden's departure the State of Staff sailed on the Queen M ary on 4
Department submitted several memoran- May for the United States. During the
dums to the White House dealing not voyage the British leaders worked out
only with the trcatment of ltaly but their final paper proposing the seizure of
with the Allied military govemment to be a beachhead on the toe of Italy, followed
established there. Unconditional surren- by an assault in the heel, and finally an
der was the implicit assumption in ali the advance up the ltalian boot. Soon after
State Department's papers. Thus, the the Prime Minister and his party of about
department rccommended the removal one hundred persons rcached Washing-
of "the entire f ascist party leadership ton by special train from N ew York, the
from local party sccretaries to the top." British delegation delivered the paper to
Yet the department recommended that the U .S. Joint Chiefs of Staff as the basis
local technical and professional officials for discussion.49
be retained in the lower ranks, respon- As Churchill stepped off the train in
sible to the military administration. the U.S. capital, he was in fine fettle.
Prcsident Roosevelt was dissatisfied. 41 Sherwood, Roosevelt and Ho,kins, pp. 791-
With the advice of Harry Hopkins he 94,
48 Quote from Biennial R1,01t of the Chi1f
41Sherwood, Roos1v1lt antl Ho,1'ins, pp. 715, of Staff of the United Stat1s A1my, /uly 1, 1943
799-93; Cordell Hull, Th1 M1moirs of Co1d1ll to /un1 30, 1945, to the Secretary of War (Wash-
Hull (New York: Macmillan, 1948), vol. II, p. ington, 1945), p. 10.
1571. 48 Churchill, Hing1 of Fate, p. 785.

CHURCHILL addressing the Congress of the United States, May 1943.

He was big and magnificent, Washington against the careful calculations of the
loved him, and the whole nation admired American Joint Chiefs of Staff. At the
his courage. Invited to speak before the plenary opening session of TRIDENT, held
Congress, he made an impression there in the White House on the afternoon of
that no foreigner since Lafayette had 12 May, the Prime Minister sketched out
equaled. His straightforward, simple the British view for the full employment
words, his great speaking voice, carne at of all Allied resources in the Mediterra-
a time for rejoicing, for his visit coincided nean in 1943 and the relegation of a
with the final Allied victory in Tunisia. cross-Channel attack to the indefinite
There was much to cheer about, and there future. Admitting the need to find em-
was no one who could better lead the ployment for the large Allied forces in
cheering. the Mediterranean theater, President
It was one thing for Churchill to speak Roosevelt drew back from the idea of
to the public in generalities. It was putting large military forces into Italy.
another matter for him to match his per- Mr. Churchill expressed a lack of enthu-
suas1ve powers and oratorical talents siasm for Roosevelt's proposal for recon-

stituting ltaly, stating that he did not tions were to be weighed in tenns of a
fcel an occupation of the country would c~Channel attack.
be ne~ry. lf the ltalians collapsed, The British neverthel~ insisted that
the United Nations could occupy the the main Allied task in 1943 was the
necessary ports and air bases from which elimination of Italy from the war. The
to conduct operations against the Balkans continuance of Mediterranean operations
and southem Europe, but they could let and the intensification of the Allied bom-
an ltalian govemment control the coun- ber offensive, the British felt, were the
try, subject to Unitcd Nations super- only methods of giving effective aid to the
vision. GO Russians that year.112 When General
When the Combined Chiefs met to Marshall suggested that air power could
work out a program in dctail, the Amer- basten the collapse of Italy, General
icans suggested that winning the war Brooke voiccd doubt that air bombard-
against Japan and the European Axis ment alone would be enough. Admirals
wcre aspccts of a single problem. The King and Leahy cautioned against di-
Americans still favored the basic goal of verting to, or maintaining in, the Medi-
defcating Germany first, but to them terranean forces that could be used in a
that mcant a determined attack against cros.s-Channel operation. Suspicious that
Gennany on the Continent at the earliest the British were not really converted to
possible date. A strategy of nibbling at the cross-Channel idea, the Americans
thc periphery of German power, the stated that U.S. ground and naval forces
Amcricans implied, was equivalent to re- in the Mediterranean would not be used
pudiating the idea of first defeating Ger- east of Sicily. 118 The British protested
many. And in that event, though they that a premature attempt to land in
did not state it, thc inference was clear- France would court disaster. The Amer-
thc Americans would consider seriously icans continued to argue that further
conccntrating the greatcr part of their ground operations in the Mediterranean
resources against Japan.'H would delay the invasion of northwest
The American position clearly set the Europe and prolong the war. Reas-
limits to the discusmons at TRIDENT. If sured by British declarations accepting
thc British had had any thought of can- the cross-Channel concept, the Americans
didly proposing to discard the cross- agreed to consider Mediterranean opera-
Channel concept in favor of a Mediter- tions beyond Sicily as preliminary steps
ranean strategy, they abandoned the no- for re-entry into northern France.114
tian at the outset. The official discus- By the end of the first week the issue
sions accepted in principie the American was clear: would Mediterranean opera-
frame of reference-all proposed opera- tions facilitate and expedite the main at-

:1o Min, ut White House CCS Mtg, n May ~ 2 Memo by Br COS, Conduct of the War in
43, TRIDENT Conf Book, pp. 253-61; Leat0r, 1943, 12 May 43, TamatNT Conf Book, pp. 336-
The Clock With Four Hands, pp. 239-41; Bry- 41.
ant, Turn of the Tide, p. 503. 53 CCS 219, Memo by U.S. CofS, 14 May 43,
51 Annex A, Global Strategy of the War: sub: Conduct of the War in 1943-44.
VieWI of the U.S. Chiefs of Staff, appended to Gf Min, 84th and 85th ces Mtgs, 14 and 15
Min, 83d Mtg CCS, 13 May 43. May 43.

tack based on thc U nitcd Kingdom? llll a loss of only threc and one-half or four
As the ces dcbated the qucstion during divisions from thc build-up of forces in
the second wcck of the conference, the thc U nitcd Kingdom. General Marshall
Americans proposcd halting ground force still had doubts, for he fcared that Mcd-
operations at the Messina Strait, the Brit- itcrranean operations might exceed in
ish pcrsisted in their dcsire to climinate magnitude those now visualized because
ltaly as a rcquisite preliminary for the a drive in ltaly might generate its own
main attack into northcrn France. momentum and draw in increasing num-
Where the discussion conccrned a course bers of troops.118 Finally, the American
of action for thc immediate future, the Chicfs accepted thc climination of ltaly
British made sorne telling arguments and as a prercquisite for a cross-Channel at-
prcsented their case skillfully. The tack, although thcy insisted on holding
Americans couched their views chiefly in Meditcrranean operations to a role sub-
negative terms, but held out for a cross- ordinate to re-entry into northern France
Channel attack in April 1944.58 The in the spring of 1944. The date origin-
British pointcd out the loss of deception ally proposcd for thc cross-Channel at-
that would rcsult from discontinuing op- tack was 1 April 1944, the conclusion of
erations in the Mediterranean and con- thc fourth phase of the Allied bomber
centrating forces in the United Kingdom; offensive against Germany and the carliest
the threat that could be crcated against practicable date from the point of view
southern Francc; and other benefits im- of wcather. But when General Brooke
plicit in their concept. Eliminating Italy noted that 1 May or 1 June would coin-
from the war might even make the dif- cide more nearly with the spring thaw
ference, they claimed, between success and the opcning of opcrations on the Rus-
and failure in the invasion of northwest sian front, the ces readily accepted a
Europe in 1944. The British believed postponement. 119
that continued opcrations' in the Medi- Final agreement carne on 19 May.
terranean need not detract from the The ces decided to launch the cross-
build-up in the United Kingdom. 117 Channel attack on 1 May 1944 and to
By 18 May the Americans were com- eliminate ltaly from the war immediately.
ing around to the modified British posi- For the latter purpose, General Eisen-
tion. General Brooke emphasized the hower could use only those forces already
low cost of the Mediterranean strategy, in thc Mediterranean, less seven divisions
to be withdrawn on 1 November 1943 and
55 AFHQ'1 view1 as embodied in a memoran- transferred to the United Kingdom. 60
dwn, 7 May 1943, to which Tedder had added The Mediterranean strategic plan trans-
bis dissent, were circulated for the information of
the CCS. This paper advocated Sardinia and mitted by the CCS to General Eisenhower
Corsica as the next objectives; Tedder recom- directed the Allied commander "to plan
mended the ltalian mainland. CCS u7, 16 May such opcrations in exploitation of HusKY
43. [the invasion of Sicily] as are best cal-
58 CCS ia35, 18 May 43, Defeat of the Axis
Powen in Europe: Defeat of Gennany From
the U.K. 58 Min, 87th Mtg CCS, 18 May 43; see also
111 CCS 234, 17 May 43, Defeat of the Axis Bryant, Turn of th1 Tide, pp. 507-08.
Powers in Europe: British Plan for the Defeat 511 Min, 88th Mtg CCS, 19 May 43.
of the Axis Powers in Europe. 110 Min, 89th Mtg CCS, 19 May 43.
culatcd to eliminate Italy from the war Brookc and General Sir Hastings L.
and to contain the maximum number of Ismay.82
German forces." Which of the various Churchill had wanted for sorne weeks
possible plans beyond Sicily would be to consult with General Eisenhower. He
adopted and exactly how far along the apparently hoped that a powerful blow
southern approaches the Allies would go against ltaly might start in the unstable
wcre matters that the ces reserved for Mediterranean-Balkan region a kind of
futurc determination.81 chain reaction, the ultimate results of
TRIDENT, as it turned out, was only which, together with Russian pressure,
one stage in the protracted Anglo-Amer- might render Germany incapable of con-
ican struggle to reach agreement on a tinuing the war. General Brooke, and
Mediterranean versus a cros.s-Channel apparently Churchill too, subscribed to
strategy. the belief that only the armies of Soviet
Russia could yield decisive results in con-
Algiers-And ltaly? tinental warfare; an Anglo-American
force would be, in comparison, only a
Keenly disappointed because the TRI- drop in the buckct. Brooke therefore
DENT Conference did not commit the urged that Allied strategy be directed
Allies to an invasion of the ltalian main- toward diverting German strength from
land and still confident that an attack on the Russian front so as to enable the
1taly, if properly pushed, might be de- Soviets to inflict a decisivc defeat on the
cisivc enough to makc unnecessary Gen- Germans. Naval blockadc and aerial
eral Marshall's direct attack on Germany, bombardmcnt, in Brookc's opinion, wcre
Churchill decided to press his case in the prime Allied weapons. Tremcndou~
another quarter. Since General Eisen- losscs sustained in a ground campaign,
hower now had the responsibility of form- he maintained, would be usclcss, and a
ulating specific plans designed to knock land front in ltaly was about the sizc he
out ltaly, Churchill determined to fly to thought appropriatc for thc Allics.ea
Algiers, there to attcmpt to influence the The formal mcetings of what became
planning in favor of the Italian mainland known as the Algiers Conference opencd
instead of Sardinia and Corsica. He on 29 May 1943 in General Eisenhowcr's
madc no secret to Mr. Roosevelt of his villa as ten British officers, including
hopes and intentions. Lest he appear to Brooke, Alcxander, Cunningham, and
cxcrt unduc influcnce on the Allied field
commander, Churchill requested that
82 Mio, 6th White Howe Mtg CCS, item 6, 25
General Marshall accompany him. Gen-
May 43, TlllDENT Conf Book, p. 310; Churchill,
eral Marshall did so, along with General Hingt1 of Patt1, pp. 810-11; Bryant, Turn of th
Titl, p. 516.
u Min of Mtg at Eisenhower'a Villa, 99 May
43, TamzMT Conf Book, p. 469; Sberwood,
81 CCS 242/6, 25 May 43, Final lleport to Roos1r,.ll antl Ho,kins, p. 717; Leahy, 1 Was
the Praident and Prime Minister, and Memo by Tlar, pp. 156-57; Churchill, Hing of Pal, pp.
CCS, Opm in Mediterranean To Eliminate ltaly 782-83, 939; Bryant, T11rn of th Titl, pp. 494-
From the War, both in TamzNT Conf Book, p. 95, 52<>-21; Eisenhower, Cr11satl in Euro,, pp.
174; 1ee abo Bryant, T11rn of th Titl, pp. 167-68; Matlofl', Stralgie Planning for Coalition
512-16. Warfar, 194s-1944, pp. 152-53.

Tedder, and four American officers, Mar- could be made in advance. The best
shall, Eisenhowcr, Smith, and Rooks, mct idea, Eisenhower said, was for him to
with Mr. Churchill. General Marshall designate two separate headquarters to
carne right to the point. When, he plan for the alternativc courses of action.114
asked, should Eisenhower submit bis plan This was the cxtent of thc dccision
for climinating 1taly from thc war? He reached at Algiers, even though Church-
suggcsted that Eisenhowcr set up two ill began to talle of Rome as the most
headquarters in different places, each productive Allied objcctive in the theater.
with its own staff, one to prepare opcra- "The capture of Rome, with or without
tions against Sardinia and Corsica, thc the elimination of ltaly from the war/'
other opcrations against the mainland. he concludcd, "would be a very great
As soon as the situation in Sicily became achievement for our Mediterranean
clearer, the choice could be made and forces." 611
the appropriate air and naval elements Not only the ancient capital but the
shifted to the force charged with execut- prospcct of sweet revenge on M ussolini,
ing the plan. once greatly admired by Churchill but
Mr. Churchill expressed thc thought now the object of his distaste, fascinated
that the Sicilian Campaign-now less the Prime Minister. Control of the
than six weeks away-might proceed too Adriatic ports would also make it pos-
rapidly, thereby causing an embarrassing sible to supply the patriot bands in the
interlude of Allied inactivity. Eisen- Ballcans, particularly in Yugoslavia, and
hower quickly rcplied that he would be to fomcnt revolt in Greece and Albania.
willing to go straight into ltaly if Sicily And Turkey-this time surely the condi-
fell easily. But beyond that, the same tions would be ripc for Turkey's entrance
factors of unccrtainty that had pre- into the war.88
cluded a firm choice of plan at TRIDENT- One other matter carne under discus-
the strength of Italian resistance and sion at Algiers: the bombing of Rome.
Gcrman intentions--still obtained at Al- Because daylight preciSion bombardment
giers. All agrecd that it would be un- was quite accurate, the Allies could bomb
wise to attack the 1talian mainland railroad marshaling yards with littlc risk
against strong rcsistance. After consid- of damaging the city and no danger of
erable discussion on the opposition to be hitting the Vatican. A tenable objection
met in Sicily, including Churchill's guess no Ionger existed. The conferees agreed
that the campaign would end by 15 that the marshaling yards were an im-
August, Eisenhower summarized three portant target, and they decided to re-
possibilities: ( 1) if the enemy collapsed
quickly in Sicily, immediate opcrations 64 Min of Mtg at Eisenhowcr's Villa, 119 May

should be undertaken against the Italian 43, TamENT Conf Book, pp. 46g-75.
85 Churchill, Hing1 of Fati, p. 8u; Min of
mainland; ( 2) if the cnemy offered pro-
Mtg at Eiscnhowcr's Villa, 31 May 43, TamENT
longed resistance on Sicily, no AIIied Conf Boolr., pp. 4 78-81 ; ibid., 3 Jun 43, p. 5011;
resourccs would be available for immedi- scc also Butchcr, My ThrH Y1ars With Eis1n-
ate post-Sicily opcrations; ( 3) if resist- how1r, pp. 317-18.
61 Background Notes by thc Prime Ministcr
ance was stubborn but could be overcome and Ministcr of Dcfcncc, 31 May 43, Tam&NT
by the middle of August, no decision Conf Book, pp. 491-g11.
quest pcnnmion from thcir respective point. The Joint War Plans Committee
govemments to authorize General Eisen- (JWPC) assumed that civil war, collapse,
hower to bomb them at a time bcst suited or unconditional surrender might occur
to advance the Sicilian Campaign.81 in Italy.H Civil war was the most un-
likely. But if a rcvolution developed, the
The Su"ender Problem Allies could establish ground and air
forces in ltaly to support the rcvolution-
And what if ltaly surrendered? How ists, give economic assistance, and secure
were the Allics to accept an ltalian sur- from the rcvolutionary govemment mili-
render and validate it? This was as tary bases useful in the further prosecu-
much a political as a military problem. tion of the war. Collapse might arise
The first set of armistice terms for use from ltalian military reverses, from Ger-
in ltaly emerged from the planning for man rcfusal of further military assistance,
thc conqucst of Sicily. As early as 29 from destruction caused by Allied air at-
April, General Eisenhower had forwarded tacks, from a loss of faith by the ltalian
a set of terms to Washington for ap- people in their leadership. In this situa-
proval by the Combined Chiefs of Staff. tion, the Germans would probably with-
The twenty-one clauses of this instrument draw from Italy. The Allies might then
provided in detail for full use by the Al- occupy a defensive line in north ltaly,
lies of ali material resourccs in Sicily for establish air bases in ltaly, provide gar-
further prosecution of the war. With a risons to maintain order, and give eco-
few minor changes, the terms had been nomic assistance. The ltalian Govem-
approved by the ces on IO May.88 ment might surrender-but this was
Though surrender was to be uncondi- scarcely to be expected from Mussolini,
tional, the terms did not deal with the who was publicly branded in the Allied
sovereignty of the ltalian state or the camp as a war criminal. Yet the ltalian
qucstion of the continuance of the ltalian Government might nevertheless try to
monarchy. In formulating the paper, negotiate for an armistice. 10
General Eisenhower had been consider- To the British planners, the Italian al-
ing a situation in Sicily wherc the enemy ternatives seemed clearly collapse or sur-
field commander might wish to surrender render. In the event of collapse, a draft
the whole island. declaration of the United Nations to Italy,
At about the same time, the U .S. Joint setting forth the general purposes of con-
Chiefs began to study the problem of tinuing the war against Germa~y from
Italian surrender from a broader view- Italian soil, might be sufficient. In the
event of surrcnder, the sovereign govern-
81 Min of Mtg at Eiscnhower's Villa, 3 Jun
43, TlllDENT Conf Book, pp. 49g-501; Butcher, ment of Italy would have to make a legal
My Thr.e Yars With Eisnhowr, pp. 322-!13; guarantee that all opposition against
Wesley Frank Craven and James Lea Cate, eds.,
"The Army Forc.s in World War 11," vol.
11, Euro;e: TORCH to POJNTBLANK, Au- 89 The JWPC was created jwt shortly before
gust 194:1 to D1c1mr 1949 (Chicago: The the TaIDENT Conference. Sec Matloff, Strat1gic
University of Chicago Presa, 1949), pp. 463-65. Planning for Coalition Warfar, 194s-1944, pp.
118 Msgs 7990, 7991, 7992, 7993 (NAF 212), 106-11.
Eisenhower to AGWAR, Salmon Files 5-B-1, 70 JCS 302, 11 May 43, Collapsc or Uncon-

VIIg, OCMH; ces !105/2, 10 May 43. ditional Surrender of Italy.


United Nations military operations would fications, as a substitute for the British
cease, and that the Allics could make full proposal.
use of Italian territory, facilities, and re- When the CCS on 2 July-a week bc-
sources to prosecute the war against fore the invasion of Sicily-considered
Gerrnany. For this contingency, the the problem of Italian surrender, a gap
British proposed a formal list of arrnistice existed between British and American
terms totaling forty-five articles, which views, a gap so wide that no reconciliation
formed the basis of what later became of views was immediately J><>$ible. Thc
known as the Long Terms. 11 CCS decided to refcr both British and
The British submittcd to the CCS the American proposals to a ncwly cstab-
draft of their armisticc tcnns on 16 June, lishcd Combined Civil Affairs Committee
and requcsted that if approved the tenns (CCAC). 73
be submitted to the Soviet U nion and to When the CCAC took up the problem
the other govemments at war with Italy. on 10 July, the British members requcsted
The U.S. Joint Chiefs referred the British instructions from their capital. On this
draft to the Civil Affairs Division (CAD) point the Anglo-American machinery for
for study, and the CAD recommended directing thc war stalled. For, seventeen
withholding concurrence because the Brit- days later, though thc Sicilian Campaign
ish draft instrument "docs not constitute was by then well under way, thc British
an unconditional surrender." The CAD representatives were still waiting to re-
proposed that, after surrender, the ltalian ccive the views of their govemment.74
Govemment cease to exist, at least for the A rcmarkably skillful and successful
period of the war against the Axis---that organization in formulating a military
it be superseded by an Allied military strategy, the ces could not draw up an
govemment functioning throughout ltaly, Anglo-American political program. Plan-
except over the Vatican City.72 The ning the ltalian surrendcr, like thc stra-
U.S. Joint Chicfs accepted the recom- tegic planning to achievc it, had to await
mendation (alter the concurrence of the further dcvelopmcnts and thc outcome
State and Treasury Departments) on 29 of the combat in Sicily.
J une, and presented it, with minor modi-
73 Min, 1ooth CCS Mtg, 2 Jul 43, Supple-
The CCAC was constituted on 3 July 1943 in
Washington as an agency of the CCS. Its mem-
ces 258, an. 11, 16 Jun 43.
11 benhip was made up of one representative each
12 JCS 373, 23 Jun 43, Surrender Temu for of the U.S. Army, the U.S. Navy, the U.S. State
ltaly and Draft Declaration and Proclamation, Department, the British Foreign Office, two rep-
Report by the Civil Affain Division. resentatives of the Britiah Joint Staff Miuion,
The CAD waa estabfhed on 1 March 1943 and two additional civilians designated respec-
to formulate and co-ordinate U.S. military policy tively by the U .S. and British Govemments. See
concerning the adminiltration and govemment of CCS 190/6/D, 3 Jul 43, Charter, Combined
captured or liberated countries. The division Civil Affairs Committee. The first formal CCAC
served as the central office and clearinghouse meeting waa held 15 July 1943.
where occupation plana ( including surrender H ces Memo, 27 Jul 43, Supplementary
and related documents) were drawn up. Status of Papen.

The Axis on the Defensive

T he I talo-German Alliance Hitler himself at the hcad of the Army,
the Oberkommando des Heeres (OKH).1
Gcrmany and ltaly, bound togcthcr in With Gencralfeldmarschall Wilhelm
thc Pact of Stccl of May 1939, had noth- Keitel as chief of OKW and Generaloberst
ing evcn rcmotcly rcscmbling thc Com- Alfrcd Jodl hcad of thc operations branch
bincd Chlcfs of Staff. Thcy dctcrmincd ( Wehrmachtfuehrungsstab or WFSt),
thcir stratcgy according to a mcthod that Hitler dircctcd German stratcgy during
was considcrably diffcrcnt from and much the first two ycars of the war through
lcss cohesivc than thc modus operandi the OKW. Aftcr Hitler rclicved Feld-
of the English-spcaking Allies. Thc ltalo- marschall Walter von Brauchitsch in 1941
German alliance, termed by the trcaty a and assumcd personal command of thc
pact betwcen the National Socialist and Army, he used thc OKH to dircct thc
thc Fascist rcgimes, was esscntially a per- forces fighting in Russia. He then used
sonal union of the two dictators, Adolf thc OKW to dircct the forces clsc-
Hitler and Benito M ussolini, each the where-in Finland, Norway, Francc, the
Hcad of Govemment of his state and Balkans, and the Meditcrrancan.
cach the supreme commander of his Thc gcographical bifurcation in the
anncd forces. Whatevcr agrecmcnts wcrc chain of command, illogical while the
rcached, whatever tensions devclopcd werc Axis was on thc offensive, became an
ultimatcly determined by the personal
rclations betwcen the two individuals. 1 MS # P-049, Die Stratege der deulselwi
Hitler dircctcd and controlled ali the obersten Fuehrung im zweiten Vierteljahr 1943,
cxecutivc departmcnts in Germany. Af- abo lmown as: OKW Activities, Project #35,
tcr he asmmed command of thc German Strategy of the German Armed Forces High Com-
mand, April-June 1943 (General der Artillerie
anncd forces (Wehrmacht) in 1938, the Walter Warlimont), pp. 4g-50 (See Bibliographi-
Armed Forces Suprcme Command cal Note. ); War Department Technical Manual
(Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, or E 30-451, Handbook on German Military Forces
( 15 Man:h 1945), pp. 1-15; The German Gen-
OKW) emerged as the over-all organ of eral Staff Corps, a study produced in the German
command. Under OKW each military Military Documenta Section, Alexandria, by a
scrvice had its own commander and combined British, Canadian, and U .S. staff, April
1946; General Heinz Guderian, Panzer Leader,
stafl-Grossadmiral Karl Docnitz hcad- translated by Constantine Fitzgibbon (New York:
ing thc Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1952), pp. 47-63, 84-
(OKM) after carly 1943, Reichsmarschall 88, 430-44, 454-65 ; Waltcr Goerlitz, History of
the Grmars General Sta6, 1657-1945, translated
Hermann Gocring controlling the Ober- by Brian Battershaw (New York: Fredrick A.
kommando der Luftwafle ( OKL), and Praeger, 1953), chs. X-XIV.

HITLER AND MussoLINI with ltalian Honor Guard in the Brenner Pass.

acute problem when the Axis had to as- Mussolini's powers in Italy were almost
sume the defensive after November 1942. as great. The King, Victor Emmanuel
There was no over-all organ of command, 111, was the head of the state, to whom
no chief of staff who could plan total the officers and men of the Royal Army,
Gennan strategy, who could view the Navy, and Air Force were bound by oath.
requirements of each service and each Mussolini, the Duce of the Fascist party,
theater in terms of available resources. whose members, both civilians and uni-
Conflicting demands for resources could formed militia, had swom personal al-
be resolved ultimately only by Hitler him- legiance to him, was thc Head of the
self. Becoming more and more jealous Govemment (Capo del Governo). With
and suspicious of the generals, he made ali the powers of that office as enumer-
it increasingly difficult for men of inde- ated by the Fascist constitutional laws of
pendent minds to serve him. 2 1925-26, he had complete control of the
MS #P-049 (Warlimont), pp. 50-y:z; Pogue,
executive branch of the govemmcnt.
Supreme Command, pp. 175-76. After 1939, Mussolini servcd simul-

taneously as Minister of War, of the the stratcgic level only, Mussolini was
Navy, and of the Air Force. The un- amenable to argument and he operated
dcrsecretaries of the Navy and Air Force with the advice of and through bis pro-
werc at the same time chiefs of staff of fe.ssional officer corps.'
their respective armcd forces, while the Before 1941 the Armed Forces General
War Ministry had both an undersccrctary Staff (Stato M aggiore Genera/e), known
and a chief of the Army General Staff. as the Comando Supremo, had only seven
Mussolini maintained close control over members, exercised no command, had
the 1tallan armed forces through their no dircct dcalings with other staffs, and
respective ministrics. served primarily as an advisory body for
Bccausc the ltalian constitution vested Mussolini as Hcad of Govemment. Each
thc power of command over the Army military service had its own staff, the
and Navy ( and by implication over the Stato Maggiore Regio Esercito or Super-
Air Force) in the King alone, M ussolini esercito for the Army; the Stato M ag-
in 1938 secured for himself the military giore Regia Marina or Supermarina for
rank of Marshal of the Empirc, the same the Navy; and the Stato Maggiore Regia
titlc as that held by the King. With Aeronautica or Superaereo for the Air
Italy's entrance into thc war in June Force.5 After 1941, when M ussolini
1940, Mussolini gained the command ousted Maresciallo d'ltalia Pietro Bad-
prcrogative by having the King delegatc oglio as chief of Comando Supremo and
to him the command of ali forces opcrat- appointed Generale d'Armata Ugo Caval-
ing on ali fronts. lero bis successor, the Comando Supremo
Like Hitler, Mussolini had scrvcd in went through a radical rcorganization.
a humble position in World War 1, was The staff developed intelligence and op-
fascinated by military glory and display, eration sections, the service chiefs of
had a keen, rctentive mind, and had staff became dircctly subordinate to the
rcad much military literature. But while chicf of Comando Supremo, and that
Hitler aftcr 1942 tended increasingly to body grew into a huge organization that
intrude on the lower levels of command, acted not only as Mussolini's command
dictating the movements of even a single organ but as the group that co-
division, and eventually depriving his operated with the OKW. Through its
field commanders of the freedom to opcrations section, the Comando Supremo
rnaneuver, Mussolini was not interested controlled the operational theaters:
in details. Exercising his command at North Africa, Russia, Greece, and the
Balkans; Superesercito, the Army Gen-
Carmelo Carbone, La 1>osizion1 gi11ridica dd
comandant1 111pr1mo in g111rra (Rome: Ugo
Pinnaro Editore, 1946), p. 18; Quirino Ar 4 Mario Roatta, Ouo milioni di baion1tt1:
mellini, Diario di gHrra: Nov1 m1si al Comando L'11,,cilo italiano in gv.rra dal 1940 al 1944
Su1>r1mo (Cemwco sul Naviglio: Garzanti, (Milan: Amoldo Mondadori Editore, 1946), pp.
1946), pp. 1-1, 5, 9, 11; Th1 Ciano Diari1s, 21-30; Siegfried Weatphal, H11r in F11s1ln: Aus
193fr1949, edited by Hugh Gibton, with an in din Papi11r1n d11s S1abscla11/s von Romm1l, K1s-
troduction by Sumner Welle1 (Garden City, N.Y.: s1lring und Rundst1dt (Bonn: Athenaeum
Doubleday and Company, 1946), pp. 150, 156, Verlag, 1950), pp. 110-11.
161; Emilio Faldella, L'ltalia n1lla s1conda 5 See Howard McGaw Smyth, "The Command
gnra mondial1 (Rocca San Casciano (Forli): of the ltalian Armed Forces in World War 11,"
Cappelli, 1959), p. n3. Military A.ffairs, XV, No. 1 (Spring, 1951), 39-43
&93-029 o - 6~ - 4

accompanied by members of the OKW

and of the C ornando Supremo), personal
letters ( usually drafted in the appropri-
ate offices), and liaison officers. But the
important matters were decided by the
Though Hitler had great admiration
and friendship for Mussolini, it is more
than doubtful that M ussolini reciprocated
this feeling. As the war progressed and
German predominance grew, Mussolini
found Hitler's ascendancy galling. 7
Nazi and Fascist party leaders for the
most part had considerable liking for
each other, and the Nazi W eltan-
schauung tended constantly to distort
favorably the picture of ltaly's military
capabilities. Professional military ele-
ments in both nations, however, remained
generally unaffected by the mystical-
mythological exuberance of the parties,
and the German and ltalian Armies each
KING VICTOR EMMANUEL 111 retained its own traditional view of the
other. The Germans had a rather low
estmate of ltalian capabilities. They re-
eral Staff, retained thc direction of the membered not only that Italy had aban-
ground troops in ltaly and in occupied doned, then tumed against the Central
France and of the antiaircraft defenses Powers in World War 1, but also that the
within ltaly.6 essential function of the Italian Army since
On matters of interest to both powers, the establishment of the Kingdom of ltaly
ltaly and Germany depended on the had been the defense of the Alps against
older and more traclitional methods of the enemy to the north. 8
co-operation between states allied in war: When ltaly entered World War 11,
ministerial correspondence, military at- Mussolini announced that ltaly would
tach reports, periodie conferences be-
tween Hitler and Mussolini ( who were The Goebbels Diaries 1942-1943, edited,
translated, and with an introduction by Louia P.
Lochncr (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday and
8 Cavallcro was promoted to Maresciallo d'I ta- Company, 1948) , pp. 469, 481; Dr. Henry Picker,
lia on 1 July 1942. Sce Ugo Cavallero, Coman- Hitlers Tischgespraeche im Fuehruhauptquartier
do Supremo : Diario 1940-43 del Capo di S.M.G. 1941-194~ (Bonn: Athcnaeurn-Vcrlag, 1951),
( Bologna: Cappclli, J 948), pp. 1o1-03 ; Roatta, pp. 41, 76-77, 109, 120-22, 235 ; Mario Donosti,
Otto milioni, pp. 141-42; U .S. Mil Attach Rpt Mussolini e l'Europa : La politica estera fascista
17965, Rome, 10 Jun 41, G-2 files; Giuscppc (Rome: Leonardo, 1945 ), pp. 81-82 ; Ciano
Castellano, Come firmai l'armistizio di Cassibile Diaries, pp. 383, 402, 435, 439, 463-64, 467, 509,
( Milan: Amoldo Mondadori Editore, 1945), p . 539, 580.
10. 8 Roatta, Otto mi/ioni, p. 1 1.

fight a "parallel war" with Germany.

Since both powers had the same enemies,
each would fight for its own objectives
within its own sphere. Mussolini wished
no German forces in the Mediterranean,
which he regarded as an ltalian theater.
Though Hitler never appreciated the
significance of the Mediterranean, his
respect for Italian prestige and bis unwill-
ingness to intrude there led in great meas-
urc to bis neglect of opportunities for
striking decisive blows at Britain during
the winter of 1940-41.9
After the Germans managed in the
summer of 1940 to restrain M ussolini
from invading Yugoslavia, the Italian
leader attacked Greece, a move that sur-
prised and annoyed the Germans. Be-
fore long, Mussolini had to appeal for
Gennan assistance, and after receiving
frantic calls for help the Germans dis-
patched units to the Mediterranean. 10
11 Howe, N orthwest frica, p. 6; Raymond de
Belot, Rear Admira!, French Navy (Ret. ) , The
Struggle for the Mediterranean, 193g-1945, trans- The dominant poSJtlon of Germany and
lated by James A. Field, Jr. (Princeton: Prince-
ton University Press, 1951), p. 50.
the subordinate place of Italy in the al-
The relations of Germany and 1 taly in this liance was, therefore, a fact as early as
carly pcriod are well portrayed in Documents ltaly's first winter in the war. Mussolini
on German Foreign Policy, 1918-1945, issued by and the Comando Supremo were never
the Department of State, Series D, vol. X , J une
23-August 31, 1940 (Washington, 1957); vol. thereafter able to establish a parity m
XI, Septembcr 1, 1940-January 31, 1941 (Wash- conference with the Germans. 11
ington, 1960); and vol. XII, February 1-June
22, 1941 (Washington, 1962) .
1 For the ltalian plan to attack Yugoslavia see 11 After Italy's ent.r ance into the war Marshal

Docurrunts on German Foreign Policy, vol. X, Badoglio met with Manhal Keitel on seemingly
No. 343, pp. 481-83, with Rintelen's report of equal terms on the one occasion at Innsbruck
9 August; No. 367, pp. 512-13, Ambassador Mac- 14 and 15 Novembcr 1940. Sec Documents on
kenscn's memorandum of 19 August; and No. German Foreign Policy, vol. XI, No. 400, p. 709
388, pp. 538-39, Mussolini's letter to Hitler of and n. 1. The ltalian military failures were so
24 August. For the Italian attack on Grccce painful that the German Embassy in Rome on
and Hitler's attitude aee vol. XI, No. 246, pp. 27 Decembcr urged that Germany take the lead
411-22, a record of the discussion bctween Hitler in the Mediterranean. See No. 583, pp. 983-87.
and Mussolini at Florence on 28 Octobcr, and Hitler dec.lined this suggestion. He felt that he
No. 4 77, pp. 817-23, the record of Hitler's dis- himself could cxert much infl.uence by personal
cussion with Alfieri, the Italian Ambassador, on discussion with Italian leaden. See vol. XII,
8 Decembcr. For Mussolini's calls for help sce No. 17, pp. 2&--30; No. 24, pp. 44-45 ; and No.
No. 538, pp. 911-14, and No. 541 , pp. 91&--17. 35, pp. 62-63.

The concept of parallel war did not carne the OKW representativc to the
long endure. In his enthusiasm to march Comando Supremo. In addition to re-
with Hitler, Mussolini strewed bis forces porting to OKH and thc German Foreign
ali over the map. During the summer Officc as Military Attach, Rintclen now
of 1941, when Hitler attacked Russia, had direct conununication with OKW as
Mussolini sent an expeditionary corps of well. Having mastcred thc ltalian lan-
four divisions to help; a year later, the guage, holding a high apprcciation of thc
strength of this force had reached the admirable qualities of thc ltalian pcoplc,
size of an army totaling 217 ,ooo men: and enjoying a sympathctic undcrstand-
the Eighth Army, containing three corps ing and friendship with many Fascist
and eight divisions. 11 In Croatia, Slo- leaders, Rintelcn neverthcless estimated
venia, Dalmatia, Albania, Montenegro, the capabilitics of the ltalian armcd forces
Greece, and the Aegean Islands, there on a basis strictly professional. He felt
wcre 579,000 troops. In North Africa, that Nazi enthusiasm for Mussolini and
by the end of September 1942, the Ital- fascism seriously distortcd and magnified
ians had 147,ooo men. After the Allied the military power of Italy. 14
invasion of North Africa, whcn the un- Though Rintclen suffi.ced during the
occupied zone of Vichy France ceased to brief period of Mussolini's parallel war,
exist, an army of sorne 200,000 mcn something more than a single liaison of-
moved into southern France. By Jan- ficcr was necessary to link thc Germans
uary 1943, Italian ground forces were and Italians when Gcrmany moved into
stationed in Russia, Greece, the Balkans, thc Mediterranean to rescuc ltaly in
southern France, North Africa, and the November 1940. As thc Germans pre-
ltalian homeland. About 1,200,000 of pared to invade Greece, to dispatch arm-
1taly's best trained soldiers and best ored forces ( later to be known as
cquipped units were on foreign soil, about Generalfeldmarschall Erwin Rommel's
800,000 in Italy. 18 German Africa Corps, the Deutsches Af-
In the carly stage of the war, only a rika Korps) to North Africa, and to shift
simple expcdient was nccessary to main- sorne 400 to 500 planes of the German X
tain liaison between the Comando Su- Air Corps ( thc X Flieger Korps) to ficlds
premo and the OKW. General der In- in southern 1taly and Sicily, the problem
fantcrie Enno von Rintclen, Gcrman of commanding the combined forces be-
Military Attach in Italy since 1936, be- came acute. Hitler solvcd the problem
in a directive of 5 February 1941 when
12 Roatta, Otto milioni, .pp. 185~3; MS #T- he specificd that the German troops in
15, an. 6, The Italian Expeditionary Corps in Libya ( and if the occasion arose, in Al-
Russia (General der lnfanterie Friedrich Schulz
bania as well) would be under the direct
., al.). pp. ~-
13 These figures include replacementl and troops tactical command of the ltalian theatcr
of the Territorial Defense. See Statistics of 30 commander; the X Air Corps was to
September 194~. Italian Collection, tem IT 1178.
In the present study the individual folders of
the ltalian Collection will be identified by the 14 Enno von Rintelen, M ussolini als Bund1s-
designation appearing on them, or by a descrip- g1noss1: Erinn1Fung1n d11 d1utsch1n Militurat-
tion of their contenu, followed by the key tachs in Rom, 1936-1943 (Tuebingen : R.
letters IT and the number. (See Bibliographical Wunderlich, 1951), p. ~6; Howe, Northw11t
Note.) A.frica, p. 9.

rcmain subordinatc to Gocring but was pcrienced officer, Kessclring had a strong
to co-opcratc closcly with the Italian sense of duty as well as considerable per-
authorities. 111 Over those units cros&ng sonal charm and tact. He found much
Italian tcrritory to rcach southcrn 1taly, to admire in 1taly and in thc 1talian pco-
Sicily, and North Africa, ovcr convalcs- ple, and he devcloped a high regard for
ccnts and mcn rcturning f rom furlough, Mussolini and a firm bond of friendship
ovcr service troops ahd, later, antiairq-aft with Cavallero, then chief of Comando
battcrics stationcd in Italy, Rintclen was Supremo.
to excrcise command. In October 1942, when OKW began
This arrangemcnt lastcd until Dccem- to be apprehensive over the po~ibility of
ber 1941 , when Hitler sent the Gcrman an Allied move in the Mediterranean,
Second Air Force ( Luftflottenkommando Hitler gave Kesselring command over ali
2 ) to 1taly. He named the air comman- the Gcrman armed forces in the Medi-
der, Feldmarschall Albert Kesselring, terranean, with the exception of the
Commander in Chief South (O berbe- Gcrman-Italian panzer army in North
fehlshaber Sued) .16 The title Comman- ..\frica. General von Rintelcn was made
der in Chief South had little real signif- subordinate to Kesselring for ali his com-
icance at this time, for Kesselring's com- mand functions, but as the immediate
mand was not much more than an air OKW representative in Italy, Rintelcn
force headquarters located at Taormina, retained the right of direct communica-
Sicily, for the units opcrating from ltalian tion with that staff. Kesselring thereby
airfields and undcr 1talian opcrational became and rcmained the only German
control. 17 to hold a unificd theater command. 18
A gifted, thoroughly trained, and ex- He moved his headquartcrs to Frascati,
near Rome, to facilitate close co-operation
15 Rintclen'1 new title was German General at with Comando Supremo. The size of his
the Headquarters of the ltalian Armed Forces staff increased not only through the addi-
(Deutscher General bei dem Hauptquarti11 der
italienischen W elarmacht). tion of a small opcrations group but also
See Howe, Northwest .ffrica, ch. 1; Hitler by the attachment of Italian air force
Directive 18, u Nov 40, and Hitler Order, 5 and naval liaison officers. 19
Feb 41, both in Office of Naval lntelligence
(ONI), Fuehrer antl Other Top-Leve! Directives 18 Vice Admira) Eberhard Weichold, com-
of the German .frmetl Forces, 1939-1941 (here- mander of the German naval forces in ltaly
after cited as ONI, Fuehrer Directives, 1939- (which consisted of one destroyer, about fifteen
1941 ) . This is a selection of translated docu- submarines, an E-boat flotilla, about a dozen
menta from German military and naval archives, mine sweepers, and severa) landing boat flotillas),
in two volumes; the second volume covers the came under thc Commander in Chief South.
period 1949-45. 19 Hitler Ordcr, 13 Oct 42, ONI, Fuehrer Di-
141 The term Commander in Chief South will rectives, 194~1945; MS #D-oo8, Beauftragung
be used in this volume to refer to the person des Oberbefehlshabers Sued ( O.B. Sued) durch
holding the title Oberbefehlshaber Sued, while "Fuehr11weisung" im S/Jtember 1942 mit dem
tbe abbreviated form (OB SUED) will refer Oberbefehl im Mittelmeerraum (General der
to bis headquarters. Flieger Paul Deichmann).
11 Order signed by Keitel, 1Z9 Oct 41, and Hit- For a few months Kesselring also controlled
ler Directive 38, 2 Dec 41, both in ONI, Fuehrer the five and a half divisions in Greecc and the
Directi1111, 193rr1941. Though the German Balkans. But at the end of the year ( 19411}
naval forces in the Mediterranean remained un- Hitler created an army group headquarters under
der the OKM, the German admiral attached to Generalfeldmanchall Wilhelm List, named List
Supermarina reported to Keuelring. Oberbefehlshaber Suedost, and removed him from

the bulk of its forces against the Anglo-

Americans in the Mcditerranean. To
Goering, who was in Italy at the time,
Mussolini said that if the war in the east
could not be terminated by agreement
with Russia, the Axis forces should with-
draw to a shorter line. Because he ex-
pected the "Anglo-Saxons" to make their
major effort in 1943, Mussolini thought
that the Axis should defend Africa, the
Balkans, and perhaps even the west with
the greatest possible number of divisions.
Apparently encouraged by Goering, who
suggested that Hitler might approve a
new Brest-Litovsk, with compensation to
Russia in middle Asia, Mussolini proposed
a conference of the dictators.
Because of the critical developments at
Stalingrad, Hitler refused to leave his
.VON RlNTELEN, WITH PRINCE D1 SAVOIA headquarters for a meeting with Mus-
solini. Because of his ulcers, Mussolini
decided against taking the long trip to
see Hitler. The Duce therefore entrusted
Hitler extended Kesselring's command the mission of persuading Hitler to make
further in January 1943, when he placed peace with Stalin to Count Galeazzo
him over the two German arrmes m Ciano, his son-in-law and Minister of
Tunisia. Kes.5elring's staff again m- Foreign Affairs. 21
creased in size.20 At Hitler's headquarters, Ciano, who
While Kesselring's increasing authority was accompanied by Cavallero, found no
represented the growing German influ- inclination to discontinue the war against
ence, M ussolini was concluding that an the Soviet U nion. During three da ys of
Axis military victory was no longer pos- 21 Goebbels Diaries, p. 249, entry for 18 Dec
sible. As early as December 1942, he 42; Roatta, Otto milioni, p. 192; Leonardo Simoni
thought that the Axis ought to make a ( pseudonym for Michele Lanza) , Berlino, Am-
separate peace with the Soviet U nion so basciata d'ltalia 193rr1943 (Rome: Migliaresi,
Editore, 1946), pp. 29f>-97; Ciano Diaries, pp.
that Germany would be free to commit 555-56; Min of Conv, Mussolini and Goering,
6 Dec 42, Ciano Papers (Rose Garden), pp. 713-
any subordination to Kesselring. Kesselring, how- 14, copy in OCMH. The last source is a typewrit-
ever, rct.ained control over ali German aerial ten German translation of papers r~
warfare in the entire Mediterranean area, with ferred to ,in the published Ciano cliarics. It
the exception of the southem France-Mediter- consists of 749 pages of documents for the years
ranean area, until June 1943. See Hitler Direc- 1938-43. A German woman, employed as a
tive 47, 28 Dec 42, and Change to Directive 4 7, translator in ltaly, retained a copy, which she
1 Jun 43, ONI, Fuelirer Directives, 1942-1945. buried in the garden of a house in Munich. U.S.
Hitler Order, 5 Jan 43, ONI, Fuehrer Direc- Army Counter lntelligence Corps investigators
tives, 1942-1945. discovered the papen at thc end of the war.
confcrenccs, 18-20 Dccember, the Ger- When he retumed to Rome on 22
man Fuehrer as usual doing most o the December and rcported to Mussolini the
talking, it became clear that Hitler saw discouraging results o his mission, Ciano
no advantage to be gained by tenninating was not altogether displeascd. He be-
the war in the cast. Hitler's strategic lieved that if ltaly collapsed through
vicws werc deensive in nature, dcsigned Mussolini's failure, thc Western Powcrs
to hold the territories ovcrrun by the would be glad to negotiate with him as
Axis armies, and Hitler thought that the Mussolini's succcssor. 23 Count Ciano also
Axis could do so. He had the wishful found the occasion to disparage Cavallero,
notion that the Rus&ans would bleed to who; he said, had been servile to the Ger-
dcath and make it p<>imble for thc Gcr- mans at Hitler's hcadquarters.
mans to push again to the Don Rivcr, Cavallero pcrsonified the policy of clase
which he conceivcd as the ultimatc bar- integration with Germany, and the Gcr-
ricr betwcen Europc and the Bolshevist mans rcgarded him highly. But at the tum
cast. He considered it esscntial to hold o the year Cavallero began to undergo a
not only a bridgehead in North Africa to change o heart. He rcsented thc Gcrman
protect the central Mcditerranean and accusation that Russian success at Stalin-
rctain Italy's alliancc but also Greece grad was largely the fault of the 1talian
and the Balkans for the bauxitc, coppcr, troops therc. He objectcd to the German
and oil necessary for the German war proposal that the Germans, in the event of
machine. 22 Allied landings, as.c;ume command over
Italian units in the Balkans. He urged Kcs-
selring to recall Rommcl from North Africa
:: The Italian record is found in military sub-
jects discussed in the conversations at German
because Rommel had embittered the ltalian
General Headquarten, Comando Supremo, Rap- officcr corps by bis conduct toward the
J>orti, 18 and 20 December 194!1, IT 107. The Italians after El' Alamein.24
German records 1urvive on microfilm only. Mem- Cavallcro's change of heart carne too
ben of the German War Documents Project, in
the course of a.uembling the record1 of the former late. Mussolini suddenly dismissed him
German Foreign Office, diJcovered a box con- on 1 February 1943. The day beforc, he
taining microfilm copies of memorandums sum- had summoned Gcncrale d' Armata Vit-
marizing conversations of Hitler and of Ribben-
trop with foreign statesmen, the so-called Loesch torio Ambrosio to the Palazzo Venezia in
Film. Copies of these microfilms, designated by Rome and told him that the cyclc of
serial and frame numben, are deposited at the Cavallero was closed, the cycle of Am-
National Archives in Washington, D.C. and in
the Public Record Office in London. See Doc- brosio opening. When Ambrosio ex-
uments on German Foreign Policy, 1918-1945, pressed surprise and sorne disinclination
Series D, vol. 11 {Washington, 1950), pp. viii,
1021, and 1041-42. The memorandums of the
conversations of December 194!1, ali composed
by Paul Otto Schmidt, the senior interpreter in F-5!1, Hitler-Ciano convenation, !ZO Dec F 20/
the German Foreign Office, are as follows: F- 236-2!16.
45, Hitler-Ciano convenation, 18 Dec F !Z0/580- Cf. Ciano Papen, pp. 716-!18; Simoni, Berlina,
626 and F 7/243-!145; RAM-48, Ribbentrop- Ambasciata, pp. 298-99; MS P-049 (Warli-
Ciano convenation, 19 Dec F 20/!154-253; F- mont), pp. 18-19. See also Hitler Directive 47,
49, Hitler-Ciano conversation, 19 Dec F 20/ !18 Dec 42, ONI, Fuehrer Directives, 194a-1945.
!15!1-248; RAM-50, Ribbcntrop-Ciano conversa- 23 Simoni, B11lino, Ambasciata, p. 300.
tion, 19 Dec F !Z0/!147-24!1; RAM-51, Ribben- u !bid.; Cavallero, Comando Supremo, pp.
trop-Ciano convenation, 19 Dec F 20/!Z41-!l37; 433-34, 44 l.

Generale di Brigata Giuseppe Castellano,

who not only hated the Germans violently
but was predisposed to political intrigue.
Ambrosio met Ciano through Castellano,
and together with Generale di Carpo
d' Armata Giacomo Carboni, who was
also clase to Mussolini, these officers
hoped that the dependence of Italy on
Germany could be brought to an end. 27
The cordial relationship between C o-
rnando Supremo and OKW ceased with
Ambrosio's appointment, and this change
was part of a general shift by M ussolini
toward a greater independence with re-
spect to Germany. The Germans re-
garded Ambrosio as correct, but it was
a cold and formal type of correctness.
The wartime spirit of comradeship in arrns
vanished, and Kesselring and Rintelen
GENERAL AMBROSIO found Ambrosio to be a stickler who
made difficulties. When it appeared to
the Gennans in Italy that Ambrosio
to inherit Cavallero's legacy, Mussolini hampered or frustrated the execution of
declared, "We will divide the responsi- Mussolini's declared intentions, they fre-
bility." He then asked Ambrosio for his quently found it necessary to appeal
ideas. Unprepared, Ambrosio neverthe- directly over Ambrosio's head to Mus-
less stated three points: lighten the solini.28
organization of Comando Supremo ; bring Though Ambrosio made but few
back to the Italian homeland the greatest changes in Comando Supremo, retaining
possible number of Italian divisions; and the basic structure and powers established
stand up to the Germans. To the by Cavallero,29 he made strenuous efforts
last point, Mussolini exclaimed, " Benis- to carry out the second and third points
simo!" 25 of his program. In February 1943,
Ambrosio thoroughly disliked the Ger- when Joachim von Ribbentrop, Hitler's
mans. 26 He had a faithful protg in
~ 7 Castellano, Come firmai, pp. 15, 23-26 ;
Caatellano, Come firmai, pp. 26-27 ; MS Ciano Diaries, pp. 558, 572, 576.
#P-058, Events in Italy, 1 February-8 Septem- 28 MS #C-013, Special Report on the Events

ber 1943. in ltaly, 25 July-8 September 1943 (General-

26 Ambrosio had commanded a cavalry squad-
feldmarschall Albert Kesselring) , pp. 3-4; Deich-
ron in the Libyan war of 1912- 13, served as mann in MS #T-1a, Der Feldzu g in ltalien
chief of staff of a cavalry division, then of an April 1943-11 May 1944 (General der Kavallcrie
infantry division in World War l . An anny com- Siegfried Westphal et al. ), ch. 1, p. 9 ; General der
mander at the beginning of World War 11, with lnfanterie Enno von Rintelen in MS #T-1a, ch.
experience in Yugoslavia in 1941, he was ap- 11, pp. ~
poin ted chief of the Army General Staff in 29 Chart of organization of Comando Supremo,
January 1942. IT 101.

Italy could ill afford to provoke Ger-

many, for Italy by this time was an
economic province of the Reich. With
the weakest war potential of all the states
classified as great powers, 1taly lacked
almost all the raw materials required for
warfare in the modern industrialized age.
Cut off from overseas supplies of coal,
scrap iron, cotton, oil, and rubber, Italian
heavy industry had too narrow a base to
supply the new types of aircraft engines,
tanks, and guns necessary to put the
Italiao armed forces on a par in equip-
ment with the leading armies of the
world. The coal and iron for heavy in-
dustry and the oil far the ships and planes
could come only from Germany or Ger-
man-controlled areas of Europe. As the
Axis shifted to the defensive, Italy faced
GENERAL CARBONI a contraction of its war production.31
Germany, too, was showing serious
economic strains by the spring of 1943.
Foreign Minister, and General der Artil- .AJter the manpower losses at Stalingrad,
lerie Walter Warlimont, Jodl's deputy at Germany began to draw from marginal
OKW, traveled to Rome to plan the sup- groups. Although German production
pression of the resistance forces in Yu- increased greatly, the increase did not
goslavia, W arlimont was startled to hear equal both losses and new requirements.
Ambrosio state his intention of withdraw- By March I 943 the rubber supply and
ing sorne Italian forces from Croatia. the production of motor vehicles had be-
Throughout severa! conferences Ambrosio come critica! and fuel oil had to be care-
stubbomly refused to participate in meas- fully allotted.
ures to disarm the Mihailovitch elements. Submarine warfare remained the only
Considering the Axis forces in the Balkans offensive German activity in the spriog
inadequate to crush ali the partisans of 1943. Elsewhere, the Axis was on the
completely, he preferred to use the Chet- defensive. Fully committed in support
niks against the Communists. The dis- of the ground forces in the east and to con-
cussions reached a degree of argument voy protectioo in the Mediterranean, even
oever before heard, and what seemed like the once mighty Luftwaffe had ceased to
obscure Italian political intentions in the be significant as an offensive weapon.
Balkans first excited Hitler's suspicions But reflecting more clearly the state of
that the 1talian generals were plotting affairs was the fact that the Axis no
"treason" against the Axis. 30 31
Cario Favagrossa, Perche perdemmo la
guerra: Mussolini e la produzione bellica ( Milan:
MS #P-049 (Warlimont), p. 21. Rizzole and Co., 1946), p. 192.

longcr had thc scmblancc of a clear stra- most of the time and was confined to bis
tcgic aim. 32 suite, and though Hitler visited the Duce
During Fcbruary and March, 1943, twice a day, the Italian's illness put him
tcnsion grcw betwcen the Axis partners at a decided disadvantagc. Germany
as M woolini presscd for pcacc with the seemed unwilling to send men or mate-
Soviet Union or withdrawal in the east, rials to support the ltalian homeland
Hitler concentrated on destroying Bol- threatened by direct attack. In the face
shevism, Amb~io and the OKW wran- of the great supcriority of material thc
gled ovcr the Balkans, and the 1talian Allies enjoyed in the Mediterranean, Hit-
war machine began to sputter for lack ler spoke in a lofty vein: hopes for future
of Gcrman supplies.aa success in submarine warfare; an iron will
Though the Gcrman Government and in the face of all obstacles; and a ruth-
high command had never entertaincd a lessness toward Greek and Yugoslav rebel
high esteem for the ltalian pcople as forces. The only concrete offer carne
allies, they had placed great faith in Mus- from Reichsfuehrer SS Heinrich Himmler
solini. After March 1943, German trust who promised thirty-six heavy German
evcn in Mwoolini began to waver. When tanks for a spccial division of Fascist
Ribbentrop explained Hitler's reason why militia to be assigned thc task of prescrv-
a renewed offensive in the east was neces- ing order in Rome.85
sary, Mwoolini promi.sed to give energetic Thc Klessheim Conference did not
help, both political and military. Yet bring Italy and Germany closcr together;
M ussolini wrote Hitler on 8 March and it served only to increasc the growing
again on 26 March to urge a scparate friction. Ambrosio, no longer believing
pcace with the Soviet Union. 84 that a separate peace could be made in
Having made up bis mind on a given the east, saw hope for Italy only in the
coursc, Hitler was merely annoyed by possibility that M woolini would be able
advice to the contrary. This was evident to break the alliance with Germany,
early in April when the Duce and thc
Fuehrer, accompanied by military and
15 Vittorio Ambrosio, Promemoria sui colloqui
diplomatic staffs, met for three days ( 7-
di Klesshim, 14 Apr 43, IT 109. Tbe principal
1 o April) at the Klessheim Castle near German records are tbe memorandums composed
Salzburg, Austria, their first meeting in by interpreter Scbmidt and preserved in tbe
almost a year. Hitler's fanatical will to Loescb microfilms: RAM-19, Ribbentrop-Bas:-
tianini convenation witb Mackensen and Alfieri
concentrate ali available power to dcstroy present, 8 Apr 43, F 13/055--090; RAM-110,
the Soviet U nion determined all aspccts Ribbentrop-Bastianini conversation, 9 Apr 43, F
of thc conference, and the results of the 4/51-36 ; RAM-11oa, Ribbentrop-Bastianini con-
venation, 9 Apr 43, F 4/35-113. See also Paolo
meeting were a bitter disappointment to Monelli, Roma 1943 (3d ed., Rome: Migliaresi,
thc ltalians. Mwoolini was ill during 1945), p. 76; Leonardo Vitetti, Notes on the Fall
of tbe Fascist Regime, pp. 4-5. Tbis last is a
ten-page, typewritten manuscript by a high-rank-
u MS #P--049 (Warlimont), pp. 115-119. ing official of the Italian Ministry -of Foreign
u Simoni, Berlino, Ambasciata, p. 316. Affain, procured for tbe autbon by tbe Honor-
' 4 Hitler e Mussolini: Lttere e documenti, able Harold C. Tittmann, in 1946 assistant to
( Milan and Rome: Rizzoli Editore, 1946) , pp. tbe Honorable Myron C. Taylor, Personal Rep-
141-45, 151-54; Goebbels Diaries, p . 1186; Simoni, resentative of tbe President of the United States
Berlino, Ambasciata, pp. 3114-118. to His Holiness the Pope.

T he DisintegTation of F ascism fairs--Ciano bccame Ambassador to the

Holy Sce, Mussolini, himsclf, took thc
Thc difficulty of breaking the alliance Ministry, and Giuseppe Bastianini, a
lay in the fact that the Fascist regime faithful follower of Mussolini, bccame
was sccure only so long as the prospcct U nder Sccretary. Soon after his retum
of victory existed. And victory without from Klcssheim to Rome, M ussolini dis-
thc power of Gcrmany was hard to missed Cannine Senisc, Chief of Police
imagme. and Prefect of Rome, and replaced him
As early as thc summer of 1942, Mus- with a reliable Fascist. On 18 April
solini's personal popularity had bcgun to he made Cario Scorza, an ambitious thug,
diminish, and thc Fascist party structure secretary of the Fascist party, and Scorza
to crack. Mussolini was ill during much sought to rejuvenate the party by a re-
of the winter, and many ltalians hoped tum to the club and castor oil tactics of
and prayed that God might solve the the early twenties. 87
country's problems by removing the Duce. But Mussolini was incapable of check-
But the Duce remained alive, his capacity ing the decline in 1talian morale. De-
for work scarcely impaircd in spite of bis featism became widespread. Clandestine
illness, even though he apparently con- political parties became more vigorous.
sidcred giving up command of the armed On 1 2 March, when almost 50,000 work-
forces and restricting his efforts to the ing men in northem Italy went on strike
political leadership of the state.88 ostensibly to demand compensation pay-
Failing at Kl~heim to persuade Hitler ments to bombcd-out familics, leaflets
to end the war in the east so as to make were circulated dcmanding libcrty and
it possible for the Gcnnans to concentrate peace. Unable to cope with what was
their forces in the Mediterranean against the first open fabor strike under a totali-
the Allies and in support of Italy, Mus- tarian regime, thc Fascist authorities ac-
solini apparently reached the definite con- ceded to the demands for compensation,
clusion that the Axis had lost the war. then arrested and executed severa! of the
He had felt this severa) months earlier, reputed leaders.88 On 1 May, dcspitc
and he had already taken steps to tighten police prohibitions, labor unions marched
thc reins of power over his increasingly in May Day demonstrations.
disenchanted pcople. Soon after dis- An obvious solution was to make peace
mjggng Cavallero from the Comando with the Allies, but two factors compli-
Supremo, Mussolini on 5 February dis- cated the situation: reluctance to break
charged almost ali the mcmbers of his the alliance with Gcrmany and, later,
cabinet and appointcd new ones. The disinclination to accept unconditional sur-
most important change was in foreign af- render. Though sorne of Mussolini's as-
sociates urged him to find a way out of
se Vitetti, Notes on the Fall of the Fascist
Regime, pp. 1-2; Benito Muuolini, ll tempo del 31 Vitetti, Notes on the Fall of the Fascist
bastone e tJella carota: Storia di un anno, Ot- Regime, pp. 4-5; Monelli, Roma 1943, pp. 76,
tobr11 1942-Sett11mbre 1943 (Supplemento del 80.
Corrier11 della Sera, No. 190 del 9 Agosto 1944), 38 Elizabeth Wiskemann, The Rome-Berlin Axis:
p. 17; M11moriale Cavallero, 27 August 1943, in A History of the Rlations Between Hitler and
Francesco Orlando, Mussolini valle il 25 luglio Mussolini (London, New York, Toronto: Oxford
(Milan: Edizioni "S.P.E.S.," 1946), pp. 82-83. U nivenity Presa, 1949), p. 295.

ister at Bucharest had severa! frank dis-

cussions with Ion Antonescu, the Ruman-
ian Prime Minister, on how Italy might
take the lead in a joint peace maneuver,
Ciano laid the proposal before M ussolini
who listened but declined to take action. 41
By early 1943, three distinct groups of
Italians were trying to find a way out of
the war: dissident Fascists; military
officers; and underground anti-Fascist
parties. The first two had the primary
aim of finding a solution to end the war,
and their object was to do so with Mus-
solini if p<>Sfilble, without him or even
against him if necessary. The anti-Fascists
wanted Mussolini's overthrow and the
end of the Fascist system as goals in
themselves. With only the most tenu-
CouNT GRANDI ous connections with each other, ali looked
to the King for initiative.
the war, Mussolini was at an impasse. After Ciano left the cahin et, he beca me
In October 1942, the Honorable M yron leader of the dissident Fascists. He had
C. Taylor, Personal Representative of the frequent contacts with Grandi, Giuseppe
President to His Holiness the Pope, in- Bottai, Roberto Farinacci, and other Fas-
formed the Pope that Mr. Roosevelt cists who expressed criticism of the Duce's
would not receive any peace overtures leadership. Though Ciano himself had
made by Mussolini through the Holy See. negotiated the German alliance, he dis-
When Count Dino Grandi, former Italian liked the Germans and disbelieved in the
Ambassador to London, made arrange- pact. He assumed it was possible to force
ments in November 1942 to travel to Mussolini out of office by means of in-
Madrid in order to talle with the British trigue and yet maintain the Fascist party
Ambassador, Sir Samuel Hoare, Mus- intact. Grandi, Luigi Federzoni, and
solini at first did nothing to prevent the others shared Ciano's hope of tossing
trip, but finally refused to let Grandi Mussolini overboard without swamping
leave the country. 39 In the same month, the Fascist boat. They could then seize
members of the 1talian em bassy in Berln the rudder and steer the ship into the
drew up a plan not only to dissolve the port of a separate peace with the Allies.
alliance with Germany but also to secure These men suddenly discovered that they
a united withdrawal from the war by were monarchists at heart, and as their
Italy, Hungary, Rumania, and Bulgaria. 40 contacts with the royal palace increased,
In January 1943, after the Italian min-
38 41
"Count Dino Grandi Explains," Life, vol. Renato Bova Scoppa, Colloqui con due dit-
18, No. 9 (February 26, 1945) , p. 80. tatori (Rome : Nicola Rufolo, 1949) , pp. 70-72;
Simoni, Berlina, Ambasciata, pp. 294-95 Ciano Diaries, pp. 5 72-73.

they suggested themselves as succeswrs

to M ussolini. 42
The military party began to take form
under Ambrosio, though it remained
small. Most officers had neither the time
nor the inclination for political activity.
Their oath of office was to the King, and
their stronger loyalty, in case of conflict
between fascism and monarchy, was to
him. Seeing no point in war for its own
sake, or war by 1taly for the sake of
Hitler, and believing the war lost as early
as February 1943, Ambrosio favored
terminating the German alliance. He
wanted to cut Italy's losses and save not
only the Army but the monarchy as well.
By keeping Mussolini clearly informed of
the military situation, he hoped that the
Head of the Government would draw
the proper inference that a political solu-
tion of the war was essential. When he By March 1943, Castellano was so
went further and suggested openly the deep in intrigue that he drew up a de-
suitability of terminating the German al- tailed plan for a coup d'tat. He pro-
liance, he only stirred M ussolini to vigor- vided measures to capture M ussolini and
ous reaction, Mussolini declaring fervently those leading Fascists most pro-Duce, and
that he would march to the very end he included steps to be taken against
with his German ally. 43 possible Fascist and German reactions.
Close to Ambrosio were Generals Cas- He submitted the plan to Ambrosio who
tellano and Carboni, both of whom rec- kept it twenty-four hours. But Ambrosio
ognized far earlier than Ambrosio that thought the idea premature, and he re-
any hope of getting Mussolini to break turned the paper with the suggestion that
with Hitler was illusory. Castellano, in Castellano limit himself to alerting Army
particular, rapidly added to his contacts, commanders in a general way to the pos-
and he was soon on good terms with Bas- sibility of public disturbances and orient-
tianini in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ing them on their duties should such
and with Duke Pietro Acquarone, the situations arise. Not satisfied, Castel-
King's personal secretary. 44 lano submitted the plan to Ciano, who
read it, refused to commit himself, and
~ z Franco Maugeri, From the Ashes o/ Di.sgrace carefully locked the treasonable paper in
( New York: Reynal and Hitchcock, 1948), p.
89; Castellano, Come firmai, pp. 40-41 . his embassy safe at the Holy See. 411
43 Castellano, Come firmai, pp. 33-34; MS In May, Ambrosio had sorne rather
# P-058, Project # 46, 1 Feb-8 Sep 43, Ques- candid discus.sions with Mussolini. He
tion 3.
H Vitetti. Notes on the Fall of the Fascist Re- H Castellano, Come firmai, pp. 38-40 ; Vitetti,
gime, p . 3 ; Castellano, Come firmai, pp. 36-38. Notes on the Fall of the Fascist Regime, p. 3.

pointcd out thc Ducc's responsibility for ment as it had cxisted beforc 1922, while
the war and the absurdity to which the the Party of Action regardcd the mon-
concept of a lightning war had been re- archy and the church as thc chicf evils of
duced. But he reccived no favorable Italy. lvanoc Bonomi, a formcr Prime
response. Losing hope that M ussolini Ministcr, was influcntial in drawing the
would scparate ltaly from Gcrmany, he leaders of thc underground parties to-
began to make certain that the King gether in a loosc coalition. He was con-
reccived all the important papers on the cerncd in particular with rcstraining the
state of the ltalian armed forces and on Party of Action, which he fearcd might
the over-all military situation. Ambrosio drive the crown to the embrace of the
was ready to hclp overthrow Mussolini if dis&dcnt Fascists. In March Bonomi
the King gavc the word, but without sccurcd agrccment on a kind of party
that word, he would not act.48 truce for thc periods of wartimc transition
Castellano, meanwhile, had been busy and reconstruction. Thus, despite their
making contacts and lining up men in divergent views on the future needs of
kcy positions for bis coup d'tat. He ltaly, ali the underground parties in the
won over Bastianini, and he sccurcd f rom spring of 1943 were monarchical in the
Rcnzo Chierici, head of the pollee, assur- scnsc that thcy, too, looked to the King
ances that therc would be no interfcrence for action against Mussolini. 48
from that quarter with a political up- Bonomi himsclf expected littlc from the
heaval. Whcn the Dukc of Acquaronc in King in the way of vigorous action, and
mid-Junc hintcd to scvcral dis&dent Fas- he thcrcfore madc no approach to thc
cists that the King was thinking of replac- throne until April, when he learned that
ing Mussolini as Head of Govemment, the the British Minister at the Holy See had
isolation of Mussolini was virtually com- indicatcd thc British Govcrnmcnt's pref-
plete. By the cnd of June, both dissident erence for a monarchical solution to ltaly's
Fascists and military party members wcrc political problcm. Since thc British Min-
waiting only for a signal from the King istcr, Sir D' Arcy Osbornc, had not re-
to turn against the Duce.47 pulscd the efforts of Ciano and Grandi
As for the underground anti-Fascist to see him, Bonomi began to be appre-
parties, they gained a new leasc on life hensive that the Anglo-Americans might
during the second half of 1942-Liberals, be willing to deal not only with the rnon-
Christian Dcmocrats, Socialists, Labor archy but even with the dissident Fas-
Democrats, Communists, and the Party of cists. He thereforc rnadc an appeal to
Action, each of which proposcd different thc King through an old and retircd ad-
remedies for ltaly's ills. The most con- miral, Grand Admiral Paolo Thaon di
servative, the Liberals, wished the com- Rcvcl, who had an almost superstitious
plete abolition of the Fascist system and revcrence for the crown. Thc eldcrly
the rcstoration of parliamentary govern- admiral went to church and prayed be-
fare undertaking the audiencc, but when
u Caatellano, Come firmai, pp. 42-43; MS
#P-058, Project #46, 1 Feb--8 Sep 43, Question
3. u Ivanoe Bonomi, Diario di un anno (a Giu-
n Caatellano, Come firmai, pp. 45-46; Vitetti, gno 194s-10 Giugno 1944) (CemulCO 1ul Navi-
Notes on the Fall of the Faacist Regime, p. 7. glio: Garzanti, 1947), pp. XXI-XXVIII.

he explained the tragic situation of the that sorne troops be brought home.
country to the King, the monarch rc- Though the monarch repeated rather
vealed nothing of bis thoughts. The generic statements of faith in the progress
King's sphinxlike attitude carne as quite of the war, he asked many questions
a shock to Paolo Thaon di Revel's mon- about Washington and London, and he
archist principies. 411 adviscd the Foreign Minister to cling to
More satisfactory was Bonomi's sccret any thread leading in thosc directions,
meeting on 26 May, two weeks after the even if the thread was "as thin as a
end of the Tunisian campaign, with the spider's web." li2
Duke of Acquarone. The course Bonomi Throughout the early months of I 943
urged was: arrcst Mussolini; nominate the King rcmaincd imp~ive. He listened
a ministry headed by a prominent general discreetly to ali suggestions but said noth-
and staffed by anti-Fascists; and de- ing. To Badoglio, who gained an au-
nounce the alliance with Germany. dience at the insistence of bis friends that
Acquarone did little more than agree to he explain the situation and recommend
arrange an audience for Bonomi with a change in political leadership, the King
the King. 110 listened attentively but revealed nothing
King Victor Emmanuel 111 held the of bis thoughts.
pivotal position in Italy's political situa- Bonomi had bis day before the King
tion during the spring of 1943. Having on 2 June 1943. He drcw a picturc of
virtually withdrawn from public life dur- impending disaster and suggested that
ing the turbulent war years, a cautious, the crown had the power, by the 1talian
timid, and sccretive person, he disliked constitution, to recall Mussolini. Since
making decisions. First urged in Novem- the alliance with Germany was a pact
ber 1942 to dismm Mussolini, he stated betwecn National Socialist and Fascist
that he would act "when and if he regimes, Bonomi said, Mu~lini's dis-
thought it was necessary, and in what- missal would give the Italian Government
ever manner he himscH decmed best for a sound legal basis for denouncing the
the country." 111 Yet the King had be- treaty. The King refused to commit
gun, it appeared, to be skeptical of Axis himself.
victory at least as early as 19 November Six days later, the King remained quiet
1942, for on that date he kept Ciano for during an audience with Marcello Soleri,
an hour and twenty minutes at an au- lawyer and politician, and eight days
dience and requested news of the neutral later still, during a meeting with Badoglio,
powers-Spain, Switzerland, and Tur- he maintained bis silence.Gs
key. Apparently concerned over the Although it was not apparent to those
scarcity of troops in 1taly, he asked Ciano who sought comfort in the King, Vctor
to suggest to M ussolini, without revealing Emmanuel 111 had in actuality come to
that the suggestion carne from the King, 52 Ciano Diaries, pp. 545-46.
53 Bonomi, Diario, pp. IIl-IX; Bartoli, V ittorio
41 /bid., pp. XXVIII-XXIX, XXXVII- Emanuele /JI, pp. 234-37; Pietro Badoglio,
XXXVIIJ; Domenico Bartoli, ViUorfo Emanuele L'Italia nella seconda guerra mondiale: Memorie
111 (Milan: Amoldo Mondadori, 1946), p. u9. e documenti (Milan: Arnoldo Mondadori Edi-
110 Bonomi, Diario, pp. XXXVIII-XXXIX. tori, 1946), pp. 61-62; Vitetti, Notes on the Fall
51 Maugeri, .Ashes of Disgrau, p. 96. of the Fa1eist Regime, pp. 6-.

a decision. On 15 May 1943 he pre- ment associates, his party members, and
sented Mussolini with three memoran- his people. The Fascist system was noth-
dums, a clear suggestion for the course ing more than a hollow shell. Thorough-
the King wished the Duce to follow. ly war-wcary, thc Italian peoplc dcsircd
Based on the military data provided by only an end to bombings and hardships
Ambrosio, the first paper compared the and sorrow. Thc military units had lost
military forces of the Axis and the satel- confidence in themsclves, and their com-
lite powers with thosc of the Allies and manders were without hope of victory.
the Soviet Union; the second paper listed Defeatists staffed the foreign service, and
the Allied military capabilities and con- their reports from Bcrlin, Budapest,
trasted the scanty posfilbilities of ltalian Bucharest, and the neutral capitals in-
resistance. The third memorandum out- sisted that continuing the war would
lined a course of action: bring only disaster to Italy. A consider-
One ought now to do everything to hold able number of Mussolini's personal fol-
the country united, and not make rhetorical lowers, members of the Fascist Grand
speeches with a purely Fascist basis. lt is nec- Council, bcgan to sce thc beginning of
essary to maintain close contact with Hun- the end.
gary, Rumania, and Bulgaria, countries that In this situation, Mussolini could only
have little love for the Germans. One ought grope for a way out. The Allies, how-
not to neglect making whatever courtesies
are p~ible toward the goveming men of ever, blocked the way toward a scparate
England and of Ame rica. 1t is necessary to peace with their publicly proclaimed de-
consider very seriously the possibility of sepa- mand for unconditional surrender.
rating the fate of ltaly from that of Germany
whose internal collapse can come unexpect- T he Allied T hreat
edly like the collapse of the German Empire
in 1918.114 Expecting the Allics to invade the
Disliking the Germans, fearful of their European continent, aware of Russian
reaction if he removed M ussolini, thc demands on the Allies for a second front,
King was also scrupulous in his conduct. and anticipating therefore that the Allics
He wished to terminate the German al- would try to time their offensive move to
liancc, but only with German consent. coincide with Russian attacks tying down
Admiring, even envying Mussolini's German forces in the east, Axis intelli-
power and clevemess, the Italian monarch gence agencies shrewdly guessed that
saw no one in Italy as wcll qualified as build-up and other invasion preparations
the Duce to solve the incredibly difficult would occupy the Allies until the end of
problem of ending the alliance and with- June or the beginning of July. But
drawing from the war.1111 where the blow would strike was, of
Perhaps the task was insuperable. coursc, the other side of the coin. The
M ussolini had lost prestige in thc eyes of likely targets in the Mediterranean wcre
his allics, his military forces, his govem- southem France, Sicily, Sardinia, south-
em 1taly, Rhodes, Greece, and the Bal-
114 The three memorandums are printed in full
kans; sorne reports mentioned Spain, Tur-
in Enzo Galbiati, Il as Luglio la M. V.S.N.
(Milan: Editrice BemabO, 1950), pp. 18o-83. key, Sweden, the Netherlands, and north-
55 Bartoli, Vittorio Emanu.l 111, pp. 205-06. em France; and a rumor persisted that

the Allics would invade the Continent Ambrosio, chief of Comando Supremo,
by way of Norway.118 saw Sardinia as bcing important only if
Among the various Axis headquarters, the Allics intended to occupy the ltalian
therc was no agrccment on thc most mainland, and he thought that the Allies
likdy target in the Mediterrancan. C o- would figure a mainland campaign too
mando Supremo, in general, inclined to- costly and time-consuming for the results
ward Sardinia for many rcasons---Allied they could expect. He chose Sicily,
forces could converge therc from Gibral- which did not necessarily presuppose a
tar and North Africa; Sardinia was a latcr invasion of the Italian mainland.
ne~ prcliminary on the way to Sicily would assurc the Allies freedom of
southcrn France; Allicd air based on sea movements in the Meditcrranean,
Sardinia could rangc over the cntirc and would prcvent the Italian Navy from
ltalian mainland and a1so over southern shifting evcn its small ships and subma-
Gcrmany; Sardinia was the gateway to rines from the Tyrrhenian Sea to the
the Po valley; Allied posscs&on of Sar- Ionian and Adriatic Seas.'17
dinia would bottlc up the Italian Flect Mussolini, possibly motivated by wish-
in the Tyrrhenian Sea. Sicily, in con- ful thinking, expected the Allies to harass
trast, would neithcr appreciably shorten the Italian mainland by air attacks and
thc air distance to the industrial centers perhaps try to occupy' the major ltalian
in the Po valley and southern Gcrmany islands for use as bases in future opera-
nor incrcase the thrcat to central Italy tions. But he did not bclieve that the
by air or ground forces. Allies would attempt to invade the ltalian
boot. He thought that the Allies were
H Rpt, Feindlag11b11rielat Nr. 10/43, G1nStdH,
mainly interested in free passage through
Abt. Fr11md1 H1t1,, W1st to G1nStdH, Op.Abt., the Mediterranean, a condition they
15 May 43, OKH.Op.Abt. (11), F1indnaeh1ielat11n would have achieved by securing the
England, noeh Bd. IV (H 12/186); Rpt, F11ind-
lageb11rieht, OKW /WFSt, 10 Jun 43, and Rpt,
North African coast. Though doubting
Roenne, Cla11f, Abt. Fflmd11 H1111r11 W1st to Ch11f,
G11nStdH, 120 Jun 43, both in OKH/Op.Abt., 51 Emilio Faldella, Lo sbarco e la dif isa d11lla
Feindnaelariehten Allg11mein vom 6.IJl.4a-13.Lu Sicilia (Rome: L'Aniene, Editrice 1956), pp. 31,
(H n/384); Rpts, Feindlag11b11riehte N1. u and 34; Rpt, Val1dazion1 d'importanza della Sardegna
Nr. 13/43, G11nStdH, Abt. OKH/Op.Abt. (IJ), nel quadro strat11gieo 11 ftltl qvadro tattieo, 127 Jan
Fremd1 81111111, Bd. 111., 1.llJ.-15. Yll.43 (H 12/ 43, IT 1 179; Rpt, Comando SvfJ11tmo, ProsfJI
1812) ; Estimates of Allied lntentions, IT 106; The tiv11 op11rativ11 p1r la dif11sa d1ll'ltalia e d11lla
Trip of the Commander in Chief, Navy, to Rome Balcania, 15 Feb 43 (hereafter cited as Rpt, Pros-
and His Subsequent Report to the Fuehrer, 112 p1tttiv11 op11ratiu11, Comando Supr11mo), IT 1181;
May 1943-15 May 1943 (cited hereafter as CinC Min, Riunione op11ativa esigenza S.S., Jmpiego
Navy Visiu ltaly, 112-15 May 43), pp. 44-68; dei mezzi d11ll' A111onautiea 1 d11lla Marina, 128
Oflice of Naval lntelligence, Fv1thflr Conf1r1nc1s May 43, item 156, Min of Confa, Comando Supre-
on mall11rs d11aling witla tla11 G11rman Navy, 1943 mo, IT 126. (The documents in this folder are
(hereafter cited as ONI, Fuelar1tr Conf11rences, copies of minutes of confercnces held by members
1943). Fu11larer Conf1111tnus is a selection of of Comando Supremo. They are hereafter iden-
translated documenu from German naval archives. tified only by date and tem number in IT 126.) ;
The conferences cover the period from 1939 to Rpt, Studio O/Jltfativo, Supera11reo, 21 Feb 43, IT
1945, and each ONI issue coven one year. Pietro 1189; Marc'Antonio Bragadin, Che ha /atto la
Maravigna, "Lo sbarco Anglo-Am11rieano in Sici- Marina? ( 1940-1945) (Cernusco sul Naviglio:
lia," Rivista Militare, vol. VIII, No. 1 (Rome, La Lampada, 1950), pp. 434-35; CinC Navy
January 19512), pp. /-31 (cited hereafter as Visits ltaly, u-15 May 43, ONI, Fv1hrer Con-
Maravigna, Rivista Militar, 19512). f11rene1s, 1943.
693-021 o - 85 - 5

that the Allies would consider it impcra- Kcsselring saw thc gravm thrcat in
tive to occupy Sicily or Sarclinia, he the wmern Mediterrancan, and in May
thought Sicily the more directly thrcat- he was considcring such places as Spain,
ened. In May 1943, as the Tunisian thc Balearic Islands, Sardinia, and Sicily.
campaign drew toward its clase, Mus- He rulcd out southem France, northcrn
solini was saying that the Allies would Italy, and thc Balkans as bcing too far
probably land in France for a clirect at- removed from effcctive air support, a
tack on Gcnnany, or perhaps in the prcrcquisite, he figurcd, in any Allied
Balkans.68 planning. Guessing in mid-May from
Hitler expccted the Allies to land in air rcconnaissance photos of the distri-
Grcece or the Balkans, and bis reasoning bution of Allied divisions and landing
was sound. Both arcas werc more im- craft in North Africa, he chosc Sicily
portant to the German economy than first, Sardinia sccond.81
ltaly. The populations were friendly to How well preparcd were the Axis na-
the Allics. An Allied invasion would sup- tions to mcct thc blow?
plement R~ian prcssure, force the dis- Comando Supremo had hoped in Fcb-
persa! of Axis troops over widely scparatcd ruary 1943 that the Italian Flcet, with
arcas, and forestall a R~ian occupation the support of air, both Gcrman and
of the Balkans.69 Italian, would defcat an Allied landing
Noting the movement of New Zealand before the ground troops got ashorc.
troops back to the Middle East after the But a survey made carly in May inclicated
capture of Tunis, and inferring that the that the Navy, whosc major elcments
cntire British Eighth Army was to follow, consisted of three battleships, four cruis-
OKW guessed that the Allies werc plan- ers, and ten destroyers, did not have
ning to mount an attack against Grcece cnough surface vcssels to defcat an in-
and the Balkans from eastem Mediter- vasion fteet. Submarines and small craft
ranean ports. The Germans gave cre- could only harass but not dctcr approach-
dence to an Allied intelligence plant, and, ing cnemy convoys.
as a consequence, OKW in May 1943 Thc combincd German and ltalian air
looked toward Grccce.80 forces in the Mcditerranean early in
1943 consisted of sorne 2,000 planes,
58 MS #P-049 (Warlimont), p. 17; Msg, one-half of them fighters. By May 1943
Mussolini to Hitler, 9 Mar 43, Oberlcommando
der Welarmaclat-W ehrmaclatfuelarungsstab, Kri1gs- thc numbcr had dropped more than fifty
tag1bucla (cited hereafter as OKW/WFSt, KTB) pcrccnt, and of thcsc many werc obsoles-
1.-31.lll.43, 14 Mar 43; Min, 6 May 43, item
138, Min of Confs, Comando Supremo, IT 26; May 43, both in OKH/Op.Abt., Allgemein Mit-
CinC Navy Viaits Italy, 12-15 May 43, ONI, t1lme1r, Chefs., 9.Jll.-:19.Xll.,13 (H 22/147);
Fuelarer Conferences, 1943; MS #R-115, The CinC Navy Visits Italy, 12-15 May 43, ONI,
Fall of Pantelleria and the Pelagian lalands, 11- Fuelarer Conf1r1nc1s, 1943; Telg, OKW!WFSt/
13 1943, ch. 11 of Axis Tactical Operations Op.Nr. 661055/43, g.Kdo1.Cla1fs., 12 May 43,
in Sicily, July-August 1943 (Magna E. Bauer). ONI, Fuehrer Directives, 194:1-1945, pp. 7g-80.
59 Deichmann in MS #T-1a (Westphal et al.), ( See below, pp. 64-65.)
ch. I, pp. 7-8; Rpt, Pros/11ttiv1 operative, Com- 61 Min, 4 May 43, tem 132, Min of Conf1,
ando Supremo, IT 1181. Comando Supremo, IT 26; MS #T-3, P 1, pt.
'Memo, Gen.St.d.H., Abt. Fremde H1er1 11, Mitt1lm1erlcrig, 11. Teil, Tunesien und die
West, Nr. 874/43, g.K., 9 May 43, and Telg, gleichzeitigen Ka1mpf1 d1r A.chsenmaeehte ift
Fr1md1 HHre West, Nr. :17/43, g.Kdos.Chefs., 12 Tripolitanien (Keuelring), pp. 65ff.

cent. Hundreds of planes had been ltaly necdcd ground troops, too, but
destroyed on the ground because of fail- Mussolini was reluctant to request them.
ure to camouftage and disperse them and Concerned chiefty with his tattered pttS-
because antiaircraft defenscs proved in- tige, he sought to dcny his dependence
effective.11 on Gcrmany by trying to persuade him-
The Italian ground forces appcared sclf that the Allies would not attcmpt to
completely unequal to the ta~ of doing occupy Italian territory, and at the same
more than retarding or delaying an in- time that there would be an upsurge of
vasion. With 1talian strength drained spirit among ltalian units dcfending thc
and equipment expended in Russia and homeland. lf the burden of defensc fell
North Africa, with very little having been on Gcrman units, Mussolini's dcpendence
done to improve coastal defenses, with on Hitler would become too obvious,
units spread much too thin along the and he would lose any frcedom for polit-
extensive 1tallan coast line, there was ical maneuver.
little hope of defensive succes.41. "We The Italian Army commander in Sicily,
may be ablc to put up an honorable Gcnerale di Carpo d' Armata Comandante
defense against a large-scale landing," a Designato d' Armata Mario Roatta, con-
high-ranking 1talian officer said, "but wc cerned purcly with his military prob-
have no chance to repel the enemy." ea lem, advocated the use of German
ltaly urgently needed help, not only divisions, welcomed German offers of as-
planes, tanks, and guns, but fucl and sistance, and provided his superiors with
ammunition as well. Thc Germans arguments on why German troops should
promiscd to dcliver 166 guns to ltaly be sought.86
during thc month of March 1943, but Ambrosio adoptcd a middle position.
Gcrman requirements delaycd the first From a professional point of view, he
shipment until thc end of April. Thc was awarc that Gcrman ground forces
Gcrmans were ready to send planes and were indispensable for the defense of
crews to the cxtent that 1taly could Italy, and occasionally he appcared will-
providc airficlds and ground defcnscs, ing to accept them.' But Ambrosio was
but, while Ambro&o claimcd the capacity very conscious of representing a break
of accommodating 2 ,500 aircraft, Gocr- with the tradition of intrusive German
ing considered the airfields unfit for im- ascendancy, and he wishcd to disentanglc
mediate use and the protection offered Comando Supremo from the inftuence of
inadequate.84 OKW. To obviate German help, he
withdrew the Italian Army from Russia;
: Rpt, Prosp.ttiv operativ, Comando Su- he tried to recall to 1taly sorne of the
prmo, IT 1181; Rpt, Studio oPrativo Super-
'"" 21 Feb 43, IT 118g; CinC Navy Visits Italy, divisions occupying France and the Bal-
12-15 May 43, ONI, Fuehrr Confrenees, 1943. kans; and he prevented thc dispatch to
u Faldella, Lo sbareo, pp. 32-33; quotation North Africa of an effective unit, the
from Roatta in Faldella, Lo sbarco, p. 33.
u Deichmann in MS #T-1a (Westphal 'al.), 4th ( Livorno) Jn/antry Divirion, which
ch. I, pp. 110-u; 111, pp. 10-12; Min, 27 Jun 43, was stationed in Sicily. Unfortunately
Min of Confs, Comando Supremo, IT 30311; MS for Ambrosio, he was endeavoring to re-
#T-2, K 1, Dr Kampf um Sizilien: Abschliessend
B.trachtung ds sein,,titig1n Obrbefhlshabers Rintelen in MS #T-ra (Westphal el al.),
Sued, Gn1ralf1ltlmarsehaU Kesselring, p. 7. ch. 11, p. 11; Roatta, Ouo milioni, p. 1161.

assert Italian prestige at a time when the actually failed everywhere." The reasons,
military nced for Gcrman rcinforcement Rintelen found, werc inadequate and
was becoming irresistible. U nable to insufficient armarnent and equipment;
deny thc nced, he fea red that the presencc faulty training of thc officcrs; and a lack
of German ground troops would make of spirit and lan arnong the troops, thc
thcm master of the 1talian house. He latter stemming frorn a "disbelief in a
thercfore sought zcalously to guard and favorable outcome of the war." Only
maintain the established principie of ltal- with German support, he affirmed, could
ian command over the German troops the Italians repel a large-scale invasion of
stationed in ltaly. But this, he recog- their homeland.88
nizcd, was ultimately only a device to On the same day, 6 May, Kesselring
savc face. Unable to take a wholly mil- again met with Mussolini. He told the
itary view of I talian problems, neither Duce that Hitler had promised to send
did he envisagc a purcly military solution a division from Germany to Italy and
of the war, which he regarded as hope- that Hitler had ordercd Kesselring to
lcssly lost. 88 rcconstitute into a complete unit those
On 4 May 1943, Kesselring met with parts of the H ermann Goering Division
M ussolini to discuss how to meet the that had not gone to Tunisia because of
next Allied movc after Tunisia. M usso- lack of transportation and that were,
lini said that the Allies might try to land therefore, still in I taly. In addition to
on ltalian soil, but he doubted that they these two German divisions that would
would attempt an invasion. Perhaps he soon be available, Kesselring pointed out,
was trying to distinguish between a small other contingcnts of various German
Dieppe-style landing and a full-scale in- units still in ltaly because they had not
vasion such as that in North Africa. In been shipped in time to Tunisia could be
any case, after Kesselring presented a gathercd together and formed into a
lucid analysis of Allied capabilities, Mus- third division. Though Kesselring in-
solini agrced that Sardinia and Sicily sisted that Sardinia and Sicily needed
might be threatened. With this admis- immcdiate reinforcement, Mussolini pre-
sion stated, Kesselring offered the 1talians ferred to believe that the Allies in tended
the use of one German division. 87 to land in France. 89
Two days later, Rintelen submitted to Four days later, on 10 May, Ambrosio
OKW a cornprehensive and devastating accepted the three divisions Kesselring had
report on the combat effectivencss of the offered to rcinforce the defense of ltaly.
Italian armed forces. They "have not Ambrosio planned to station one in Sicily,
up to now fulfilled the missions assigned another in Sardinia, and a third on the
them in this war," he wrote, "and have mainland, stipulating carefully that they
would be under his operational command.
66 Rpt, German Military Attach~, Rome, on

Cooperation with Italian High Command/ Com-

mitment of German Forces in ltaly, 14 Jul 43, 68 Rpt, d" derz1itig1n Kampf-
OKW, Amtsgr11.pp1 Au.sland, 30.VL1:-31.Vlll .44, kraft der itali1nisch1n W ehrmacht, OKH, Op.
W1hrmacht Attach ltali1n (OKW 1029); OKW! Abt. (11), Afrika-A 1 Bercht1, Bd.3, 16.l.-18.V.
WFSt, KTB, 1.-31.Vll.43, 21 Jul 43, p. 3. 43 (H 22/190).
11 Min, 4 May 43, item 132, Min of Confs, 611 Min, 6 May 43, item 138, Min of Confs,
Comando S11.p11mo, IT 26. Comando S11.pT1mo, IT 26.

In a subsequent discumon with Rintelen special adviser on the Mediterranean,

that same day, Ambrosio reiterated that Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, embittered
the German divisions in Italy would be since bis relief in Africa, excited the
under Italian tactical command, and he Fuehrcr's suspicions of Italy as an ally.73
declared unnecessary the retention of a Incrcasingly apprehensive of Italian de-
German liaison group that had entercd fection from the alliance, Hitler was
Italy with an Italian corps withdrawn concerned because he was convinced
from the Rlmian front. With the fall that if Italy withdrew from the war,
of Tunis, Ambrosio said, therc would be whether voluntarily or otherwise, he
less need for OKW liaison with Comando would have to give the Mediterranean
Supremo. Hcrcafter, he continucd, Ger- front at least temporary priority over the
man officers might be in contact with other theaters, even the east. Thus, in
Superesercito, which had command in the February and March 1943, partly as a
national tcrritory, but, in any case, he precaution against Italian defection, part-
would issue the orders in tbis regard. 70 ly to bolster Italy, and partly to reinforce
On either the same day or a day later, the defenses of two of the most threatened
Hitler offered Mussolini five fully arcas in the Mediterranean, Hitler had
equipped German mobile divisions for ordered strong German elements placed
thc defense of Italy. Mu~lini at first on Sardinia and Sicily. He also gave
was ready to accept, but Ambrosio in- high priority to Italy on the weapons
duced him to rcconsider, and on 12 being produced in Germany. 74
May, Mussolini declined the new German In May, speculation in the German
offer. 71 Mussolini's refusal to accept Hit- camp on M~lini's intentions, as well as
ler's offer of five additional German di- on bis strength, was far from favorable.
visions constituted an important turning Joseph Goebbels, Minister of Propaganda,
point in the ltalo-German alliance. noted that "the Duce no longer sticks to
Hitler considercd two things ~ntial a clear line, either in bis policies or in
for the defense of Germany: critica} ma- bis war strategy." Mussolini seemed un-
terials from the Balkans, in particular able to rely on anyone for help in waging
bauxite, copper, and chrome; and Italian the war or in carrying out bis policies.
political stability. Reports from German "lf it be true," Goebbels remarked, "that
visitors to Italy had long warned of the the Fuehrer, despite bis tremendous
possible collapse of fascism. 72 As Hitler's powers, has nevertheless been lied to and
cheated so often by the generals, how
" Min, 10 May 43, item 137, and Min, 10 May much more must that be the case with
43, tem 139, both in Min of Confs, Comando Mussolini!" The Duce had become "an
Supremo, IT 26.
11 Rintelen in MS #T-1a (Westphal et al.), old and tired man," and Hitler was "not
ch. 11, p. 11 Deichmann in MS #T-1a (West-
phal et al.), ch. 1, pp. 24-25; Westphal in MS 13 Canadian Historie al Section ( G.S.), Army
#T-1a (Westphal et al.), ch. IV, p. 6; Westphal, Headquartcn, Ottawa, Rcport by Bogislaw von
He'1 in Fesseln, p. 218. Bonm, Considerations on the ltalian Campaign,
12 See, for example, Rpt, Reise nach Rom und 1943-1944, copy in OCMH; Deichmann in MS
Sizilien vom 11.-14.V.43, signed by Maj. l. G. #T-1a {Westphal et al.), ch. 1, p. 34.
Freiherr von Tisenhausen, OKH, Op. (11), 74 MS #P-049 (Warlimont), p. 17; Deich-
A.frika-A. 1 Berichte, Bd. 31 16.l.-18.V.43 (H 22/ mann in MS #T-1a (Westphal et al.), ch. 1, pp.
190). 22-24.

at all convinced that the Italians will stay not well liked, leamed that Italian author-
put when the heavicst strain comes." 111 ities werc doing nothing to check expres-
On 19 May OKW submitted to Hitler sions of anti-Gcrman scntiment. Many
a report on the defensc of ltaly. The ltalians were apparently not to be
situation, OKW declared, was hardly trusted; sorne were Anglophilcs. Rom-
encouraging. Therc werc no principies mel suggcsted that the Italians might
established to guide the co-operation of suddenly close the Brenner frontier and
OKW and Comando Supremo. Italy cut off the Gcnnan troops in Sicily and
demanded command and other prcroga- southem ltaly. Gossip was reported
tives, yet failed to mobilize completcly. that in certain circumstances the ltalians
ltaly could not be defended on the basis might tum against the Gcrmans. Hitler
of the alliance as then constituted. What remarked that he would not be surpriscd
were needed were prcdominant German if the ltalian crown, with the support of
influence on the command structurc and the Army chiefs, tried to overthrow Mus-
German ground troops as "corsct stays" solini and the Fascist party. At the
for the Italian units. The three divisions end of the meeting, Hitler told Keitcl
proposcd by Kessclring werc not sufficient. that it would be well, in the event of
1f Sardinia were lost, the threat to north- Italian treachery, for Rommel to have
em 1taly would be acute, and the Po authority to handle the situation.11
valley was the key arca for the whole of Two days later OKW issued Plan
1taly, for the Balkans, for southem ALAR/CH, a course of action to be
France, and for an Allied air offensive taken if fascism collapsed or Italy de-
against southem Gcrmany. OKW rec- fectcd. Esscntially, the plan provided
ommended an immediate build-up of sup- for a Gennan occupation of northem
plies for the defensc at least of northem Italy, with evacuation by German troops
Italy. 76 of the rest of the Italian boot.
A long took place at the Initially, six or seven mobile divisions
Fuehrer's headquarters on 20 May with werc to be withdrawn from the Eastem
Keitel, Rommel, W arlimont, and others Front when necessary to carry out the
in attendance. Like many of the con- occupation. In command of the occupa-
feren ces when Hitler was in the proc~ tion operation, Rommel expected an even-
of making up his mind, the talk was tual force of thirteen or fourteen divisions.
often desultory. Hitler listened to a de- But whcn no Allied attack materialized
scription of conditions in Italy, heard how and when the intemal affairs of Italy
Italian commanders lacked confidence in seemed to quiet down, Hitler decidcd to
their abilities, deliberated over the rumor launch an offensive in the east. As a
that the Gcrman troops in Sicily werc conscquencc, the only divisions remaining
to execute Plan ALAR/CH were a total
11 Minutes of Conference 5 Between Hitler
11 Entry of 10 May 1943 from Th1 Go1bbels and Sonderfuehrer von Neurath, 20 May 1943,
Diaries, by Louia P. Lochner. Copyright 1948 by part of the collection lmown as Minutes of Con-
The Fireaide Presa, lnc. Reprinted by permission ferences Between Hitler and Members of the Ger.
of Doubleday &: Company, Inc. man Armed Forces High Command, December
111 Memo, OKH, Vortragsnotiz, 19 May 43, 1942-March 1945 (cited hereafter as Min of
Wstl. Mitt1lmHr Ch1fs. (H 22/290). Hitler Confa) .

of eight that could be withdrawn from Still more German troops for Italy
the command of OB WEST in France.18 were in the offing. Ambrosio, despite bis
While Hitler, the OKW, and Rommel wish to sever the German alliance, was be-
made their secret preparations, Kessel- coming increasingly concerned by the Al-
ring continued to co-operate with the lied threat. And Kes.5elring, wbose views
ltalians on the defense of Italy, and Mus- were diametrically opposed to those of
solini and the C ornando Supremo grad- Rommel, believed that if the Italians co-
ually diminished their opposition to ad- operated, the Germans could defend the
ditional ground reinforcement. After whole of Italy. As long as Mussolini re-
Kesselring visited Sicily in May 1943 mained in power, Hitler was willing to
and discusscd matters thoroughly with support him. And as the Italians demon-
the Italian generals, Rintelen on 22 May strated, even though reluctantly, their in-
obtained from the ltalians firm agreement tention to react positively to the next Allied
to employ four German divisions---a pan- move, OKW made no plans to withdraw
zer grenadier division (to be known la ter to a shorter line on the Italian mainland.
as the 15th) to be reconstituted in Sicily Despite Rommel's suspicions of Italian
by 1 June and trained by 15 June; trickcry, Plan ALAR/CH receded into the
another panzcr grenadier division ( even- background, a vague expedient to be ex-
tually designated tbe 9oth) to be ex- ecuted in the unlikely event of political
panded from a brigade stationed in Sar- change in Italy.
dinia; a panzer division ( the H ermann Mussolini was altogether uncomfort-
Goering) to be reconstituted on tbe able. Resenting German domination of
mainland; and another panzer division the war effort, anxious to save bis Fascist
( the r6th) to arrive after being recon- regime, ambitious to restare Italy's status
stituted in France. The Italians also and prestige, fearful of Allied capabilities
agreed to permit General der Panzer- and intentions, he was looking for a way
truppen Hans Valentin Hube and bis out. But as hurtful as the acknowledg-
staff of the XIV Panzer Corps to come ment of German superiority was, more
to ltaly to prepare the German divisions painful was tbe acceptance of uncondi-
for combat.19 tional surrender. If he could, with Ger-
man help, repulo;e an Allied invasion, if
111 For infonnation on Plan ALARICH see:
he could gain even a small moment of
Msg, OKW/WFSt to Rommel, No. 661138/43,
G.Kdos.Chefs., 22 May 43; Msg, OKW/WFSt to triumph, the conditions might be propi-
OB WEST and others, No. 6611!17/43, G.Kdos. tious for approaching the Western nations
Chefs., 24 May 43; Rpt, WFSt-Op. H. Tarnwort for a negotiated peace.
"ALARICH," 27 May 43; Msg, OB WEST to Italy was in a predicament. Fascist
GenStdH, Op.Abt.ll, 31 May 43; Msg, OKWI
WFSt-Op. (H) to OB WEST, 25 Jun 43; ali in Italy, which M ussolini had advertised as
Westl. Mittelmeer Chefs. (H 211/290). a great power, was in the tragic and
111 Min, 17 May 43, item 148, Min, 18 May
ridiculous position of being unable either
43, item 150, Min, 22 May 43, item 152, ali in
Min of Confs, Comando Supremo, IT 116; see to make war or to make peace. Exactly
abo Roatta, Otto milioni, pp. 11411-43 ; Giacomo how ridiculous was to becomc apparent
Zanussi, Guerra e catastro/e d'Italia, giugno in June 1943 when thc Allies madc their
1943-maggio 1945 (Rome: Casa Editrice Libra-
ra Cono, 1946), vol. I, pp. 1187-313; MS #T-3, next offensivc move in the Mediterranean.
P 1 (Kesselring), pt. 11, pp. 67-70.

Preparations and Preliminaries

T he Beginnings ily in thc modern agc of air power had
assumed ncw significancc. When Mus-
In directing General Eisenhower to solini was building up the ltalian Fleet,
execute an amphibious operation to seize he made no provisions for aircraft carriers
Sicily, the Combined Chiefs of Staff at because he felt that Italy already had
Casablanca had in mind securing Allied them in the existencc of the southem
sea lanes through the Mediterranean, extremity of the Italian pennsula, Sar-
trying to knock Italy out of the war, and dinia, and, above all, Sicily. Sicily and
diverting German strength from the Rus- its airfields had forced Britain to abandon
sian front. Whereas almost any objective the direct Mediterrancan route for mari-
in the Mediterranean might have con- timc traffi.c with the Near and Middle
tributed equally well to the last of these East and had compelled the Admiralty to
aims, the very location of Sicily made thc maintain two fleets in the Mediterranean,
island a particularly likely target for con- onc based on Gibraltar, the other on
tributing to the other two. For Sicily Alexandria and Port Said. Sicily, to-
lies only ninety miles acr~ the Sicilian gether with the small island of Pantel-
channel from the tip of Africa at Cape leria, which lies between thc western tip
Bon and a scant two miles across the of Sicily and Cape Bon, had given the
Strait of Messina off the southwestem tip Axis a domination of the air over the
of thc Italian peninsula. central Mediterranean that might have
Thc Greeks had a word for Sicily- been complete had not the British held
Trinacria, thc three-comered, a great tri- on to Malta, sorne 55 miles off the south-
angle encompassing an area of approxi- eastern tip of Sicily.
mately 1 o,ooo square miles, roughly the Scalloped with wide, sweeping bights
size of the state of Vermont. (Map 11) separated by capes, thc coast of Sicily
The northern side measures sorne 1 So has numerous beaches of sand and shin-
miles; the southwestem side is almost as gle. They range in length from less than
long, approximately 170 miles; the castern a hundred yards to severa} miles. A nar-
edge, running in a general north-south row coastal plain backs the beaches in
direction, is considerably shorter, about the blunt northwestern comer of the is-
125 miles. land, then widens somewhat midway
Of strategic importance since the ear- along the southwestern coast opposite the
licst history of migrations and wars in Gulf of Gela and maintains this width
the Mcditerrancan, a steppingstone for on either side of thc sharp southeastem
Romans, Carthaginians, and Moors, Sic- comer, the Pachino pcninsula. Less than

halfway up the cast coast near the pon lished in classical or medieval times, and
city of Catania the plain widcns into the they wcre built on hilltops for the sake
only sizable stretch of flat land in Sicily, of dcfense, with stecp, winding approaches
thc plain of Catania. Ali thc island's air- and narrow streets designcd not for trucks
fields wcre locatcd on thc coastal plains, and tanks but for pedestrians, chariots,
nonc more than fifteen miles inland. 1 and mule carts. The bulle of the is-
From Catania northward on thc east land's dense population of sorne four
coast and ali along the north coast, steep million was located in the towns and
slopcs and precipitous cliffs facc the sea. cities.
In the northcastcrn triangle stand the The major ports were Messina near
highest and most ruggcd mountains of the northeastern tip, Catania and Syra-
the island whose surface is almost ali cuse on the eastem side, and Palermo
mountainous, the Caronie Mountains near the western end, each with a daily
with pcaks from 4,500 to 5,400 feet, and capacity of more than 1,000 tons. Mes-
m~vc Mount Etna itself, 1 o,ooo fcct sina, the largest port, was closest to the
high and twcnty miles in diamcter at its mainland. There, ferry service acros.c; the
base. strait to Calabria connected the Sicilian
Throughout the island the more im- railroads with the continental system.
portant and better roads were close to Me~ina was clearly the most strategic
the coast, including those riding a narrow objective on the island, for, as the link
shclf between beach and mountain in the with the mainland, its capture by an in-
north and northeast. In the interior the vading force would seal off the island's
roads werc poorly surfaced and narrow, defenders and deny them reinforcement
with sharp curves and steep grades. The or resupply. Catania, with a port ca-
roads were particularly difficult for mili- pacity somewhat l~ than M~ina and
tary traffic in the towns and small cities, Palermo, was scarely l~ important by
for most of thc settlements were estab. virtue of its location and its relative
proximity to the Italian mainland.
1 The listing of airfields and seaplane bases on
The problem of attacking Sicily had
Sicily iJ contained in S.S.O . 17/3 (Final), par. 11,
and mentions nineteen known airfields and land-
been blocked out in a general way in
ing grounds in Sicily (Salmon Files, 5-G--j, London and submitted to the CCS
i tem 5) . LikewiJe the same figure of nineteen at the Casablanca Conference. 2 The
known airfields, later raised to thirty at the time
ground forces to be committed, the plan-
of the Allied attack, iJ mentioned in The Con-
que5t of Sicily, ro July 1943-17 August 1943, ners predicted, would have to be in
Despatch by His Excellency Field Marshal the sufficient strength to attain a decisive
ViJcount Alexander of Tunis (cited hereafter as superiority over an Axis force estimated
Alexander Despatch), p. 11, in NARS. The fig-
ure of thirty at the time of the Allied attack is to have a maximum potential of eight
not borne out by enemy accounts and is probably divisions. If Axis strength did not reach
achieved by counting landing strips. Cf. Samuel this figure by the time of the invasion,
Eliot Morison, "History of United States Naval
Operations in World War 11," vol. IX, Sicily-- the rate of build-up was calculated at
Sal'1no-An:io, /anuary 1943-/une 1944 (Bos- one German or one and a half Italian
ton: Little, Brown and Company, 1954), p. 111n. divisions per week by the M~ina ferry
For information on the Sicilian ports see Alex-
ander Despatch, p. 65, and S.S.0. 17 /3 (Final), 2 Br JP (43) 7 (Final), an. 1, 10 Jan 43,
par. ro. oroo/4/59, l.

scrvice alone. On the other hand, Mes- mvaston. Palermo was adequate to sup-
sina was vulnerable to air attack and ply ten divisions, but a landing near
might be eliminated or severely crippled Palermo alone would leave thc enemy in
beforc thc invasion. Of the eight Axis posscsmon of thc two other major po~
divisions likely to be dcfending Sicily, the Mcssina and Catania-and a majority of
planners estimated, four could be con- the airfields. Also, it would be difficult,
ccntratcd against any one Allied landing perhaps impossible, to land at Palermo
within two or three days. The Allied alone forces superior to those that thc
forces, it appearcd, would have to total Axis might quickly concentrate.
at least ten divisions, and if scparate Thc London planners thus suggcsted
landings were made, each would have to two simultaneous assaults in the general
be strong enough to defeat a force of arcas of Palermo and Catania. Landings
four enemy divisions. there would deny the Axis two of the
The heavy fortifications known to exist island's major ports and most of the air-
along the strait ruled out a direct blow fields; would block thc major routes to
against M~a. Similar dcfenses ex- Messina; and would reduce thc enemy's
cluded dircct assaults against the naval ability to concentrate against a single
bases of Syracuse, Augusta, and Palermo. landing.
Admiral Horatio Nelson's adage, "A The disadvantages of the Palermo-
ship's a fool to fight a fort," was as Catania scheme derived primarily from
rclevant for battleships and modern har- the great resources required. The two
bor defenses as it was in the days of arcas would not be mutually supporting.
wooden vessels and stone forts. Because Each attacking force would have to be
the technique of bringing supplics across in sufficient strength to avoid defeat in
the assault beaches was still only theo- detail. The forces and shipping required
rctical, the Allies would have to secure would be grcatly incrcased over those for
ports at once. They would have to come a single, concentrated attack. And un-
ashorc along the rclatively unfortified less the Italian Fleet were driven back
strctches of coast line close to one or more into the Adriatic before the assaults,
major ports. two naval covering forces would be re-
Another rcason militating against a quired. Nevertheless, the planners con-
direct assault on Messina was its distance cluded that a single assault would be
from fighter aircraft bases on Malta and feasible only if the Axis forces in Sicily
in North Africa. The range of the planes numbcred distinctly less than cight divi-
would prcclude adequate fighter protec- sions, and only if enemy ability to make
tion of an amphibious landing. The rapid reinforcements within the island and
Catania area, within the extreme range from the mainland were drastically rc-
of fightcr aircraft, was also more attrac- duced. If these conditions prcvailed, a
tive because of the assault beaches and single assault could be considercd in the
a nearby group of airfields, but the port Catania area.8
could be expected to handle initially the The CCS dircctive of 2 3 January or-
needs of only four divisions and later, dering General Eisenhower to invade
after expansion of the port facilities, only
six, four less than the ten needed for 3 /bid.

Sicily also established the chain of com-

mand and determined the organization
for planning. General Eisenhower as
Supreme Commander had the ultimate re-
sponsibility. General Alexander, named
Deputy Commander in Chief, w~
charged "with the detailed planning and
preparation and with the execution of
the actual operation when launched," in
effect, the ground command. Admiral
Cunningham was to command the naval
forces; Air Chief Marshal Tedder the air
forces. Contemplating the use of two
task forces, one American, the other Brit-
ish, the Combined Chiefs directed Gen-
eral Eisenhower to recommend the officers
to be appointed to the subordinate com-
mand positions. Because the Tunisian
campaign was still under way and at-
tracted the majar energies of AFHQ, the
CCS also directed Eisenhower, in consul- in Sicily, July 1943.
tation with Alexander, to set up a special
operational and administrative staff, sep- the North Afiican invasion, having gained
arate from AFHQ, to plan the invasion. 4 considerable combat experience in North
To command the British task force in Af rica, and soon to be promoted to lieu-
the invasion, Eisenhower settled quickly tenant general, Patton was, moreover,
on Gen. Sir Bernard L. Montgomery, the free for a new assignment. As command-
experienced Eighth Army commander. er of the U .S. 1 Armored Corps, not
To lead the American force, he gave actively engaged in Tunisia, Patton had
serious consideration to General Clark, a staff already available to plan the
who commanded the Fifth U.S. Army in American role in the Sicily invasion. 11
French Morocco and who had demon- CCS approval of Eisenhower's nomina-
strated great diplomatic skill. But be- tions set the scene for the contrasting
cause Clark and his army, organized only operations of two of the most highly indi-
in early January 1943, were charged with vidualistic ground commanders of World
keeping French Morocco under control W ar II. Patton was of the " rough and
and with being ready to invade Spanish ready" school, Montgomery the "tidy"
Morocco should Spain become less than type. These differences in temperament,
neutral, Eisenhower turned instead to technique, and personality, to become
Maj. Gen. George S. Patton, Jr. Having markedly apparent in northwest Europe
commanded the Western Task Force in
5 AFHQ NAF 143, 11 Feb 43, and AFHQ

CofS Mtg 1, '25 Feb 43, both in 0100/ 1'2C/ 101 ;

CCS 171 / '2 / D, '23 Jan 43, Directive to CinC, AFHQ, HusKY, Min of Mtg, 10 Feb 43, 0100/
Casablanca Conf Book, pp. 1 2 7-'28. 4/ 59, l.

in 1944, were not pronounced during the could make a combined headquarters
carly days of planning for Sicily; but be- work.
fore the campaign was over, the differ- As deputy chief of staff and senior
cnces would be more than noticeable. 11 American represcntative in Force 141,
In conformity with the CCS instruc- General Eisenhower initially appointed
tions to set up a separate headquarters Maj. Gen. Clarence R. Huebner, who
to plan the invasion of Sicily, General soon found himself in a situation of fric-
Eisenhower in late January 1943 estab- tion. In this period of the war, in Feb-
lished in Algiers the nucleus of what be- ruary 1943, General Alexander had a
came known as Force 141-from the rather low estmate of the combat effcc-
number of the room in the St. George's tiveness of American troops. Though he
Hotel where the originally assigned offi- considered the material, human and
cers first met. The headquarters even- otherwise, magnificent, he deemed the
tually moved into the cole Nonnale in American troops inexperienced and of
La Bouzara. Without administrative littlc value in combat. Even at the end
responsibilities, the staff remained a part of the Tunisian campaign, Alexander
of the AFHQ G-3 Section until the end would still consider them below the
of the Tunisian campaign, when, on 15 standard of the British fighting man.
May, it became an independent opera- Apparently resenting this attitude, Hueb-
tional headquarters. American officers ner felt impelled to become the protector
~igned to Force 141 carne for the most of American interests. Not until Brig.
part from the United States, though sorne Gen. Lyman L. Lemnitzer succeeded
were transferrcd from the Fifth Army Huebner in July 1943 would American
headquarters and others from the I relations with Alexander show marked
Annored Corps. British personnel carne improvement. 7
largely from the United Kingdom and Force 141 had difficult problems to
the Middle East. At the end of the solve. Lacking a G-2 Section, the force
Tunisian campaign, Alexander's 18 Army had to co-ordinate intelligence matters
Group headquarters was deactivated and with AFHQ. Commanders who had
merged into Force 141; and on D-Day been selected for roles in the invasion
of the Sicily invasion the whole organiza- were actively engaged in Tunisia ( Patton
tion became the 15 Army Group head- commanded the U.S. 11 Corps during
q uarters, commanded by Alexander and most of March and April 1943) or scat-
with a staff of American and British tercd on three continents. Units wcre
officers who had served together and coming from the United States, the United
6 Among the many characterizations of Patton
Kingdom, and the Middle East. Bc-
are, for example, Ornar N. Bradley, A So/dier's causc all the key personnel involved in
Slory (New York: Henry Holt and Company,
1951), p. 159; Eisenhower, Crusade in Europe, 7 Intervs, Dr. Sidney T. Mathews with Field

pp. 40-41, 82, 176, 225; Maj W. G. Bell and Marshal Alexander, 10-15 Jan 49, at Govern-
Martin Blumenson, "Patton the Soldier," Ord- ment House, Ottawa, Canada, pt. 1, North Africa
nance, XLIII, No. 232 (January-February 1959), and Sicily, par. 22. The typescript of the inter-
pp. 589-go. One of the best appraisals of Mont- views wu submitted to Alexander and his correc-
gomery is found in Major General Sir Francis de tions are inserted in ink. ( All interviews cited in
Guingand, Operation Victory (New York: Charles this volume are in OCMH, unless otherwise
Scribner's Sons, 1947), pp. 165-g3. noted.)
the ground, sea, and air planning could The major elements under Seventh
not be gathercd in one place, co-ordina- Army control werc to consist of one corps
tion of sorne aspccts of the opcration headquarters and six divisions--four in-
would still be somewhat lacking even on fantry (one to be the follow-up force),
D-day. 8 one armored, and one airbome. Because
Dcsignating Patton's 1 Armored Corps of the dcsire to employ expcrienced units,
to head the American forces led to sorne the 11 Corps headquarters rcplaced the
confusion in command relationships, for VI Corps, which had bcen originally as-
another corps headquarters was also signed, and the 1st lnfantry Division rc-
scheduled to take part in the operation. placed the 36th lnfantry Division. 10
To darify command channels and also to The British force, known as Force 545,
match the British organization, the 1 as well as the Twelfth Army during the
Annored Corps ( Reinforced) , known as planning period, was somewhat larger.
Force 343 during the planning phase, Under Eighth Army there would be two
would bccome the Seventh U .S. Army corps headquarters, the 1 3th and the
headquarters on D-day of the invasion.9 3oth (a third, the 1oth, was held in
Tripoli), six infantry divisions, one ar-
mored division, one airborne division, a
11 History of Allied Force Headquarten and tank brigade, and an infantry brigade. 11
Headquarten NATOUSA, December 1942-De-
cember 1943, pt. 11, sec. 1, pp. 137-40 (copy in
OCMH); Msg, Force 141 to AFHQ, 12 Feb 43,
0100/4/67, 11; AFHQ JPS P/47 (Final), 26 42, 11 Jun 43, 0100/uA/146, I; AFHQ, Min
Jan 43, Planning for Hus1tv, and AFHQ Memo, of CofS Mtg 22, 13 May 43; Mtg 114, 20 May
4 Feb 43, Formation of New Units, both in 43; Mtg 27, 31 May 43; and Mtg 30, 10 Jun 43,
0100/21/1207; Min of Mtg, Hotel St. George, 15 all in 0100/12C/101. See also Matloff, Strate-
Apr 43, to di11Cuss the Revised War Establishment J!C Planning for Coalition War/are, 1943-1944,
and T/0 of Hq Force 141, 0100/uC/854, with pp. 148-49.
copy in o 1oo/4/ 59, 1 ; AFHQ, Min of CofS Mtg 10 The VI Corps and 36th Division went un-

16, 19 Apr 43; Mtg 18, 26 Apr 43; Mtg 21, 10 der Fifth Anny control. See AFHQ NAF 185, 23
May 43; and Mtg 23, 17 May 43, all in 0100/ Mar 43, ABC 381 Huss.v ( 1943), sec. 1A; AFHQ
12C/101; Mag, 18 Anny Gp to AFHQ, 0920, 13 Out Msg 7645 to AGWAR, 19 Mar 43, OPD
May 43, 0100/21/1473. T/0 for U.S. element Exec 3, item 13; AFHQ, Min of Exec Planning
of Hq Force 141 is contained in OPD 320.2 Se- Mtg 19, 19 Apr 43, 0100/12A/146, 11; Ltr,
curity, sec. 11, case 53; the allotment of grades is Force 141 to Maj. Gen. Geoffrey Keyes, 16 Apr
in same file, case 4 7. 43, Seventh Army G-3 File; AFHQ, Min of CofS
9 Ltr, AFHQ, AG 322.12/384 A-M, to CG 1 Mtg 18, 28 Apr 43, and Mtg 21, 10 May 43,
Armd Corps, 5 Apr 43, sub: Redesignation of Hq both in 0100/nC/101; AFHQ Out Msg 1828
1 Annd Corps and Activation of Force 141, job to 18 Army Gp, 11 May 43, and AFHQ Out Msg
10A, reel 8oF; AFHQ Out Mag 3972 to AGWAR, 11384 to Fifth Army, 17 May 43, both in NARS;
2 Mar 43, OPD Exec 3, item 13; Memo, Hull Report of Operations of the United States Sev-
for Manhall, 13 May 43, sub: Br Twelfth Army, enth Anny in the Sicilian Campaign, 10 July-17
OPD Exec 3, item 1c; AFHQ In Msg SD/55602 August 1943 (hereafter cited as Seventh Army
from MidEast, 26 May 43, AFHQ CofS Cable Rpt of Opns), pp. B-1-B-3.
Log; AFHQ Min of Exec Planning Mtg 39, 4 11 Twelfth Army Opns Order 1, 31 May 43,
Jun 43, 0100/12A/146, I; AFHQ Out Msg 2003, 0100/12A/141; app. A. to S.S.O. 17/3 (Final),
6 Apr 43, to AGWAR, OPD Exec 3, tem 11; 21 May 43, 0100/12A/182; Field Manhal Sir
FanDOM Out Msg 5008, 1 Apr 43, to NATOUSA, Bernard L. Montgomery, Eigluh Army: El Ala-
OPD Exec 3, item 10; NATOUSA Out Msg 332 m6in to th6 River Sangro (Germany : Printing
to AGW AR, 30 Mar 43, and AFHQ Out Msg and Stationery Services, Army of the Rhine, 1946)
9069 to AGWAR, 25 Mar 43, both in OPD Exec ( hereafter cited as Montgoml'ry, Eighth A rmy),
3. item 13; AFHQ Min of Exec Planning Mtg pp. 89-go.

The Plan landing both task forces together in a

conccntrated assault against the south-
Detailed planning started on 12 Feb- eastem comer, he rejected the idea
ruary when Force 141 distributed copies ternporarily because bis staff believed that
of the basic design formulated by the the port facilities that could be scized in
London planners before the Casablanca a single assault ( Catania, Syracusc, and
Conference and accepted by the CCS. 12 Augusta) would be inadequate to sur
Since General Alexander and his staff port the total Allied forces required for
had not had an opportunity to study the the operation. H
plan in detall, Alexander accepted it as The cornrnander of the British invasion
prelirninary and tentative, recognizing the force, General Montgornery, found the
need of sorne rnodification.18 ces concept objectionable on anothcr
This plan sought to sccure adequate ground. His Eighth Army was to land
port facilities and sufficient airfields by in a grcat are around the southcastem
rneans of two simultaneous assaults: one tip of Sicily, with part corning ashorc on
in the west, the other in the southcast. the southwestem side near the ports of
Subscquent landings closcr to the prin- Gela and Licata, thc remainder on the
cipal objectives were to follow at Palermo castem face. Thosc forces landing on
and Catania. Ten divisions were to be the castem side were more irnportant be-
ashore in a week. cause they were oriented toward the ports
Though this plan in sorne respects of Syracuse and Augusta as irnrnediate ob-
looked like an intended double envelor jectivcs. yet the ces had dcsignated
rnent of the enerny forces in Sicily, it only about a third of the initial British
was in reality focused less on enerny troops assault force-one division plus a bri-
than on the ports of Palermo and Catania. gade-to rnake thcsc landings. This
A provision for the immediate seizure of scemed hardly enough, and in mid-March
all the irnportant airfields would add to Montgomery emphatically indicated that
the dispersa} of the assault forces becausc he could not accept the plan as prescnted.
the airfields were widely scattered To Montgomery the plan was valid
throughout the island. The great dis- only against weak !tallan opposition.
advantage, as already rnentioned, was Against German troops, or against 1talian
the fact that the two task forces would troops backed by Germans, the plan
not be rnutually supporting. Thus, the seemed to be of little value. Montgornery
enerny rnight concentrate against either wanted another division in his rnain as-
one and roll it back into the sea. sault on the eastem face of Sicily, and
Though General Alexander considered to get it he recomrnendcd elirnination of
the landings in the Gela-Licata arca.
12 Force 1.p Planning ln1t 1, u Feb 43, printed Not only would this rnakc his rnain land-
in Alexander Despatch, pp. 30-3 1. ings stronger, but his army would be
11 AFHQ JPS P/53 (Final), 2 Feb 43, Pre-
liminary Directive to Commanden of Ground, united, an important point in Montgom-
Naval, and Air Forces, 0100/uA/103, 1; AFHQ ery's conccpt of any tactical operation.
Preliminary Directive to CinC'a of Naval, Ground, Though he rcalizcd that his substitute
and Air Forces, 2 Feb 43, 0403/10/300; AFHQ
Out Msg 4063 to MidEast and Malta, ABC 381
HUSKY (1943), llCC. 1A. 14 Alexander Despatch, p. 5.

plan did not provide for the scizurc of While General Alexander recognized as
sorne airficlcls, it sccmed to him that even valid thc points raiscd by the air and
if he took the airficlds, he would be un- naval commanders, he nevertheless ac-
able to hold them with the two divisions cepted Montgomery's modification "from
allotted for that task. 111 a purely military point of view." 18 He
Air force and naval commanders im- agreed to transfer the British forces from
mcdiatcly raiscd a hue and cry. Air the Gcla-Licata landings to strengthen
Chicf Marshal Tedder pointed out that those on the east coast. But to satisfy
failure to land in the Gcla-Licata arca the air and naval requirements, Alexan-
and to occupy the group of airfields there der reached into the U.S. task force and
would not only "gravely affect the whole plucked the U .S. 3d lnfantry Division
air situation in the Southeast comer of for use in the British sector under Mont-
Sicily" but would also "scriously increasc gomery's command. The 3d Divison,
thc risk of loss of the big ships involved scheduled for a D-day landing far up the
in certain of thesc assaults." To Tedder, southwcstem coast near the western end
this was intolerable, even when he made of the island, was to sideslip southeast-
allowance for the weakening of the enemy ward to make the Gcla-Licata landings.
air strcngth which Tedder was "deter- To compensate in sorne degree for this
mined to achieve before the assault takes weakening of the American assault, he
place.,, To the Allied air commander, proposed that the American landings be
air superiority was as vital as sccuring delayed several days until the British
thc ports, and the only sure way to were ashore and thus, presumably, had
weaken air opposition critically was to attracted the bulk of the opposition. 19
capture the enemy's airfields. 18 General Patton objected to the loss of
Admira} Cunningham agreed with Ted- the 3d Division. The Montgomery plan
der. He preferrcd attacking with widely assumed, Patton felt, that enemy airfields
disperscd forces instead of concentrating in the American sector would be so neu-
against what Cunningham considered the tralized prior to the invasion that adequate
most strongly dcfended part of the is- air support for the main American land-
land. Furthcrmore, Montgomery's plan ings would be assured. But since the
would involve a large number of ships same thcsis when applied to the Gela-
lying offshore with protection against air Licata airfields had been acceptable
attack scverely lesscned by failure to take neither to the air forces and Navy, nor
the airfields in the Gela-Licata area. 11 "prcsumably" to Montgomery and Alex-
ander, it was "no less unacceptable" to
u Opn Hus&Y: Comdn Mtga, 0410/2/297; Patton when applied to the Palermo air-
AFHQ, Min of CofS Mtg 7, 18 Mar 43, 0100/
uC/101; Alexander Dapatch, p. 6; De Guingand, fields. For under the Montgomery plan,
Operation Vielory, pp. 24g-50. the American assault on Palermo could
18 Ltr, Tedder to Alexander, 18 Mar 43, oioo/
be made only if the British were highly
4/66, 11; Opn HusttY: Comdn Mtgs, 0410/2/
11 Alexander Despatch, p. 6; Andrew B. Cunn- 18 AFHQ, Min of CofS Mtg 7, 18 Mar 43,
ingham, A Sailor's OdysHy: Th Aulobiography 0100/12C/101.
of Admiral o/ lhe Fleel Viseount Cunningham of 10 AFHQ NAF 182, 20 Mar 43, ABC 381
Hyndhope (London, New York: Hutchin1<>n and HusKY ( 1943), sec. 1A; Alexander Despatch,
Co., 1951), p. 535. p. 6.

successful, that is, if the enemy defenders Whcn thc British cventually providcd
cracked completely. Furthermore, with- another division and the necessary ship-
drawal of a division from the U.S. troop ping for Montgomery's assault, Alexander
list would not only weaken the American on 6 April retumed the U .S. 3d Division
~ault force but also would dcprive the to Patton. But he still retained thc fea-
Americans of closc air support from thc turcs of staggered landings. Thc 3d
airfields the 3d Division was to have taken. Division was to assault on D plus 2 rather
lf the British werc stopped after getting than on D-day as originally planned,
the bulk of their divisions ashore, would and the other American landings in the
ali the forces be withdrawn from Sicily? Palermo arca were moved back to D plus
Or would Patton continue trying to carry 5, by which time the 3d Division would
out an operation predicated on prior have sccured the airfields in its zone,
British success? Under Montgomcry's thereby affording air support for the
plan, Patton believed, the Americans were Palermo landings. 23
provided with inadequate forces. 20 Nonc of the ground force commanders
Despite Patton's protest, General Ei- selected for the Sicily operation could, in
scnhower approvcd the new plan becau~ this early period, devote much attcntion
of "the obvious fact that initial success in to planning. Alexander was busy with
the southeast is vital to the whole proj- ground operations in Tunisia. Patton
ect." Even though the change made the had been shifted on 7 March to temporary
later U .S. landings more difficult because command of the U .S. 11 Corps, also in
air support expected from Montgomcry's Tunisia. Montgomcry's attention was
arca would not equal that which the orig- devoted to the immcdiatc task of com-
inal plan had contemplatcd, as Eisen- manding the British Eighth Army. It
hower admitted, "the decision must stand, was, as Montgomery subsequently put it,
under the existing circumstances." 21 At a period of "absentee landlordism." 24
thc same time, Eisenhower began to seek The planning staffs of Forces 343 and 545
another division he could assign to Mont- largely functioncd without benefit of the
gomery in order to move the U .S. division views of thosc on whom the responsi-
back to its original landing area. The bility for successful execution of the plan
problem was less that of finding addi- would fall.
tional troops than of finding the shippmg For ali thcir inability to devete full at-
necessary to transport an additional divi- tention to the Sicilian planning, few of
sion to Sicily. 22 the commanders involved were satisfied
- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -
20 Ltr, Hq Force 343 to CinC Allied Forces, 23 1B; GHQ MEF, Min of Mtg, 28 Mar 43, 9th
Mar 43, sub: Outlinc Plan for Opn Hun:v, Mtg, 0100/4/59, I; AFHQ, Min of CofS Mtg
0100/111C/645, IV. 8, H Mar 43, and Mtg 9, 115 Mar 43, 0100/111C/
H AFHQ NAF 1811 and 185, 110 and 113 Mar 101.
43, ABC 381 Hus1tv (1943), sec. 1A; Ltr, Eisen- 23 Min of AFHQ Exec Planning Mtg 14, 7 Apr

hower to Alexander, 23 Mar 43, 0100/4/66, 11; 43; Mtg 15, 9 Apr 43; and Mtg 16, 12 Apr 43,
Ltr, AFHQ to Force 343, 116 Mar 43, sub: Out- all in 0100/ 12A/146, 11. Map in ABC 381
line Plan for Opn HuSKv, 0100/111C/645, IV. HusKY ( 1943) , sec. ll, shows the approved plan.
22 Memo, JSP for U.S. JCS, 25 Mar 43, and Also, see Alexander Despatch, p. 7.
ces 161/5, 116 Mar 43, both in ABC 381 HUSKY H Rpt of 111 Anny Gp Mission on Opn HusKY,
( 1943), sec. 11 ; Memo, COS for CCS, COS ( W) 15 Aug 43, 111 Army GP/89/0pns; Montgomery,
546, 25 Mar 43, ABC 381 HusKY ( 1943), sec. Eighth Army, p. 86.

with Alexander's latest solution. Still thc ltalians are fighting dcsperately now
conccmed over what he considered too in Tunisia and will do so in Italy." 21
dispcrsed landings, Montgomery scnt his What Montgomery wanted was to con-
own chicf of staff, Maj. Gen. Francis de fine the British landings within a much
Guingand, to Cairo to serve at Force 545 more restricted area in order to give his
headquarters as his deputy and chief of force more strength in thc assault. He
staff. Arriving in Cairo on 17 April, de urged that his landings be restricted to
Guingand for the next several days care- the Gulf of Noto (south of Syracusc)
fully studied the 6 April outline plan, and the two sides of the Pachino penn-
and disc~d it with Lt. Gen. Miles C. sula. Since this area was within range
Dempsey, commander of the British 13 of fighter planes based on Malta, the
Corps, earmarked to participate in the landings would have adequate air cover.
operation. De Guingand's analysis of the From a beachhead in the Gulf of Noto,
new plan agreed with that of his chief- the port of Syracuse might be captured
a much greater concentration would be rapidly, and operations could then be
requircd if the Allics were to overcome extended northward to secure Augusta
resistance on a scale similar to that en- and Catania. Most important of ali, his
countered in North Africa.25 whole force would be concentrated.
His reasoning having been confirmed, Montgomery's proposed plan received
Montgomery himseH ftew to Cairo on 23 no enthusiastic reception in Algiers.
April for additional study and consulta- Alexander again faced conflicting army
tion. Though Montgomery appreciated and air-naval demands. Tedder and
the need to seizc ports and airfields, he Cunningham still pointed to additional
considered the plan to be based on an airfields ( at Ponte Olivo, near Gela, and
underestimate of enemy capabilities. "To Comiso) which they wanted included in
spread four divisions, with a relatively the beachhead. Montgomery countered
slow build-up of forces behind them, be- by asking for two more assault divisions.
tween the Gulf of Catania and the Gulf Only with additional strength, he said,
of Gcla," he wrote later, "obviously im- could he extend the beachhead as far as
plied negligible resistance to our assault Gela.27
and a decision by the enemy not to send Though Alexandcr called a new con-
reinforcements from Italy to oppose us." ference for 27 April in Algiers to iron
On 24 April he made known his objec- out the differences, it had to be postponed
tion in a message to Alexander. "Plan- two days when Montgomery's represen-
ning so far has been based on the as- tative, de Guingand, suffered injuries in
sumption that the opposition will be slight an aircraft crash en route to the con-
and that Sicily will be captured rather ference. Lt. Gen. Oliver Leese, com-
easily," he wired. "Never was there a
grcater error. The Germans and also

Montgomery, Eighth Army, pp. 8~7; De

Guingand, Operation Victory, p. 278; Alexander
Dcspatch, p. 7.
~:;De Guingand, Operation Victory, pp. 269, n Montgomery, Eighth Army, pp. 87-88; De
272-74. Guingand, Operation Victory, p. 280.
693029 o. 65. 6

possible moment in order to protect the

shipping which would be lying off the
beaches, less than thirty miles away. Air
Chief Marshal Tedder objected even more
vigorously. He pointed out that the new
plan would leave thirteen airfields in en-
emy hands, far more than could be
neutralized by air action alone. Tedder
declared he would oppose the whole op-
cration unless the plan included prompt
seizure of the principal Sicilian airfields.
The deadlock was now complete.
The contradictory demands of army, navy,
and air could not be reconciled on the
plan proposed either by Alexander or by
Montgomery. 29
To break the deadlock, General Eisen-
hower called another conference in Algier:;
on 2 May. Though Alexander was un-
able to attend because of bad ftying
weather, Montgomery appeared in person
to state bis views. On the following da y,
Eisenhower accepted the new Montgom-
ery proposal. The invasion of Sicily,
mander of the British 30 Corps, took his the first large-scale amphibious assault
place. 28 to be made by the Allies against a coast
The conference at Algiers of 29 April line expected to be staunchly defended,
was less than conclusive. After ably pre- was to be a concentrated thrust limited
senting Montgomery's arguments, Leese to the southeastem part of the island.30
introduced a new concept. He proposed Alexander's plan of 3 May, issued as an
that the basic design of the two-pronged order later that month, embodied Mont-
attack be abandoned and that both the gomery's strategic conception. 81 The in-
United States and the British forces as- dependent American assault on the
sault the southeastern comer, the British
along the Gulf of Noto and the Ameri- 30
Alexander Despatch, p . 8.
cans close by on both sides of the Pachino Min of AFHQ Exec Planning Mtg 26, 5
May 43; Mtg !27, 7 May 43; and Mtg !28, 10 May
pennsula. Admira! Cunningham at once 43, ali in 0100 / uA/ 146, 11; AFHQ NAF 215,
demurred, citing his conviction that am- 5 May 43, 0403/ 10/ 3!21 ; CCS 161 / 6, 10 May
phibious landings should be dispersed, 43, ABC 381 HusKv ( 1943) , sec. 3; Ltr, AFHQ
to Force 141, 8 May 43, sub: Drectives to Task
not concentrated, and that the enemy Force Comdn, 0100/12C/331, 11; Memo, Force
airfields had to be taken at the earliest 141 to Patton, 141 / F / G(P), 3 May 43, sub:
Change in Plan for HusKY, Seventh Army G-3
28 31
Alexander Despatch, p. 8; De Guingand, Force 141 Opn lnst 2, !21 May 43, prnted
Operation Victory, p. !281. in Alexander Despatch, pp. 74-83.

western comer of Sicily was discarded.

The whole weight of the U .S. force
was shifted to the southeastem comer
with landings to be made along thc Gulf
of Gela from Licata eastward to the
Pachino peninsula. The whole weight of
the British force was concentrated on the
coastal sector from the Pachino peninsula
almost to Syracuse. The new plan did not
embody such a radical bunching of as-
saults as General Leese had proposed on
29 April because the American sector was
considerably extended to the northwest.
Moving the entire assault to the south-
eastern comer of Sicily in effect rejected
the ces concept of the necessity to take
major ports and airfields quickly. For
the Americans, it meant no major port
at all-they would have to rely for their
supplies on maintenance over the beaches
for an indefinite period of time. The
exclusion as immediate objectives of both
the cluster of airfields in the southwcst
and the complex in the Catania-Gerbini
area disturbed air officers, as well as and German units. All were under the
Admiral Cunningham, who continued to ltalian Sixth Army headquarters at Enna
have misgivings on what he considered the which controlled two corps and four
sacrifice of the tactical advantagc of Italian field divisibns. The XII Corps
dispersion. commanded the 28th ( Aosta) and the
Whatever the merits of dispersion ver- 26th ( Assietta ) lnfantry Divisions in the
sus concentration, there was no gainsay- northwest comer of the island. The X VI
ing the loss of airfields. And this led to Corps controlled the 4th ( Livorno ) and
a new Allied focus on the island of the 54th ( Napoli) lnfantry Divisions, in
Pantelleria. position to counter a landing on both
sides of the Pachino pennsula in the
Other Factors southeast. Five or six coastal divisions
added to this strength. 82
One of the major questions that con-
32 Hq Force 343, FO 1, 20 Jun 43 , an. 11,
cerned the planners was whether the Axi<> Seventh Army Rpt of Opns, p. d-7ff; Alcxandcr
would reinforce the island defenders be- Despatch, pp. 15- 16.
yond Allied expectations. According to For sorne time, Allied intelligence officen mis-
Allied estimates the Axis garrison con- takenly bclieved that the 103d ( Piacenza ) lnfan-
try Division was south of Catania. The mistake,
sisted of three major elements: ltalian as Alcxandcr stated, "was discovered bcfore it
coastal divisions, 1talian field divisions, could havc any untoward cffcct."

How well would the Italian units fight? supervision over thc panzer grenadier
A few bold spirits among Allied planners battle group already there, the other
predicted that the Italians would be a poised for action in the southeast and
pushover. Their anns and equipment capable of operating against thc Gela
were well below the standards of German, and Comiso airfields. The distribution
British, and American divisions. The of forces indicated that the cnemy anti-
Sixth Army had no combat experience. cipated landings on the southwcstcrn cor-
Sicilians made up a high proportion of ner, along the GuH of Gela, near Catania,
ali units. "Ersatz stuff, all of it," one and along the Gulf of Noto. The Ger-
American officer said. "Stick them in mans had not reinforced Sicily to the
the belly and sawdust will run out." 11 extent possible, a failure the Allics cor-
But no one really knew. Fighting on rcctly attributed to thcir cover plan.811
home soil, they might have higher morale The cfforts of the Allics to disguise
than in North Africa. To be safe, the their intcntions were based in thc main
Allies assumed that the Italians on Sicily on a central covcr plan requcstcd by
would resist strenuously. Force 1.4-1 and dcveloped in London by
Allied intelligence discovered two Ger- British intelligcncc. Onc part of this
man divisions in support of the Italians. plan, known as Operation M1NCEMEAT,
Though definite data on the German order was designed to convincc the encmy high
of battle in Sicily was hard to come by, command that the objectivcs of thc im-
the information was accurate. Not until pending Allied offcnsive in the Meditcr-
the approach of D-day, however, did a ranean were Sardinia and thc Pelopon-
relatively clear picture emerge. Of the ncsus rather than Sicily. The plan itself
two German divisions identified in Sicily, was simple but highly imaginative. With
the 15th Panzer Grenadier and the Her- painstaking care a counterfeit lcttcr from
mann Goering, the latter was somewhat "Archie Nye" of the British War Office
puzzling, for it had been destroyed in in London was drawn up and addres.cied
Tunisia. Apparently, then, it had been to General Alexander. lndicating that
reconstituted. The 15th Panzer Grena- a feint against Sicily would be a decep-
dier Division was divided into three bat- tion maneuver to screen an invasion of
tle groups, one in the extreme western Sardinia, the letter suggcstcd that Gen.
part of the island, the second near the Sir Henry Maitland Wilson, thc British
center ( together with division headquar- commander in chief in the Middle East,
ters) , the third near Catania. Shortly veil his thrust against thc Greek mainland
bcfore D-day, division headquarters and the by simulating action against the Dodc-
center battle group moved to the west. canese islands.
The H ermann Goering Division was To get this letter into Axis hands, Brit-
also divided, but into only two battle ish intelligencc obtained with great diffi-
groups, one in the Catania arca, with culty the body of a servicc man who had
Quotation1 from A Soldin's Stor1, by Omar N.
becn a victim of pneumonia. Endowed
Bradley, p. 114. Copyright 1951 by Holt, Rinehart with thc fictitious personality of Major
and Winston, lnc. Reprinted by pcnniuion of Martin of the Royal Marines, the corpse,
Holt, Rinehart and Winston, lnc. whosc lungs and general condition would
14 Mtg 8707, AFHQ to Taoonas, 7 Jun 43,
job 9.f, reel 1 18D. 15 Alexander De1pa tch, pp. 1 5-1 7.

indicate dcath by drowning, was carried tack, the Germans would be loath to
in a scaled container by a British sub- weaken them in favor of reinforcing Sicily.
marine to the coastal waters of Spain. By the cnd of June, German intelli-
With a courier's briefcasc realistically gence could not yet decide the ultimate
chained to the wrist, the body was cast purposc of bogus shifts of Allied troops
adrift at a predcsignated spot where tide along the North African coast and other
and current would carry it to shore. signs of impending invasion. Corsica
Three days aftcr the submarine ac- seemed in no immediate danger, but
complishcd its mission, London reccived whether the Allies would attack the Bal-
a telcgram from thc British Naval At- kans, Sicily, Sardinia, or any combination
tach in Madrid to the effect that the of targets was far frorn clear.38
counterfeit body of Major Martin, "the Not all the Axis commanders were
man who never was," had been picked deceived. To sorne the signs were un-
up by friends of the Axis, who believed mistakable. Increased Allied air attacks,
him to be an official messcnger drowned increased naval activity, and the concen-
after an aerial mishap. Subscqucnt tration of ground forces near North Af-
scrutiny of the contents of the brief case, rican ports of ernbarkation argued for the
after the body had been duly transferred contehtion that Sicily was next.
to British authorities in neutral Spain, While Allied feints were in process,
indicated that Archie Nye's letter had sorne Allied planners began to wonder
becn opcned, then refoldcd and replaced. whether an earlier invasion of Sicily might
The information reached the Germans be advantageous. lf the Axis forces on
who accepted it as authentic. On 12 May Sicily werc actually as conf used and un-
the OKW directed that measures to be prepared as they seemed, would it not be
taken in Sardinia and the Peloponnesus better to strike at the island just as soon
were to have priority over any others.36 as the Allies destroyed the Axis armies in
The other part of the Husxv cover North Africa? The prospect particular-
plan, Plan BARcLAY, sought to inspire the ly attracted planncrs in Washington.
Axis to give priority to maintaining and Several times during April and May they
rcinforcing its sizable forces in southern raised the question of the feasibility of
France and in the Balkans.17 lf these what would be in effect an ad hoc
arcas appeared subject to imminent at- HusKv. 39 In North Africa, too, AFHQ
as Memo, Gen.St.tJ.H., Abt. Fremde Hure 38 SKL/1. Abt., KTB, Teil A. 1.-30.VL1-3,
West, Nr. 874/43, g.K., 9 May 43, and Telg, 13 and 14 Jun 43 (see Bibliographical Note);
F"md1 Hiere Wst, Nr. 27/43, g.Kdos. Chefs., Rpt, Beurteilung der Lage auf den Inseln Sizilien,
111 May 43, both in OKH/Op.Abt., Allgemein Sardinien und Korsika, Der Oberbefehlshaber
Mittelm.rer, Chefs., 9.Ill.-29.Xll.43 (H 22/147); Sued, Fuehrungsabteilung to GenStdH/0/1. Abt.
Telg, OKW/WFSt/Op. Nr. 661055/43, g. Kdos. (11), 30 Jun 43, OKH/Op. Abt., Westl. Mittel-
Chefs., n May 43, ONI, Fuehrer Directives, meer, Chefs., 19.V.4a-11.VIL1-4 (H 1111/1190) (cited
194a-1945, pp. 7g-80; Ewen Montagu, The hereafter as Westl. Mittelmeer. Chefs. (H 1111/1190).
Man Who N1v1r Was (Philadelphia: J. B. Lip- 39 Msg, FoRTUNE 116, 117 1 1181 to AFHQ, 18
pincott Company, 1954); Cf. Go1bb1ls Diaries, p. Apr 43, and Msg, OPD 164 to AFHQ, 30 Apr
394 43, both in OPD Exec 3, tem 10; Memo, Strat-
31 Force 141, lntelligence Opns Prior to 10 Jul. egy Sec Strategy and Planning Gp OPD to Gen
Salmon Files, 5-G-1-1b; Plan Bucuv, 0100/ Marshall, 111 Apr 43; Msg, OPD 3465 to AFHQ,
4/308; Progress Rpt on Plan BARCLAY, folder 3, 18 Apr 43; and Memo, U.S. JSP for U .S. CofS,
job 111, NWD, Record Group 13, NARS. 19 Apr 43, ali in OPD 381 Security, sec. 1B.

planners werc working on a plan for a Southeastem airfields with no greater

surprise landing in Sicily in con junction strcngth than that necessary to hang on
with an amphibious assault-Operation to a bridgehead while ali of the later
VuLCAN-against the remammg Axis strength is brought along to exploit the
forces still holding out on Cape Bon. 40 initial success." But AFHQ was having
To General Eisenhower and his prin- enough trouble getting the ground, naval,
cipal subordinare commanders, however, and air commanders to agree on the land-
an ad hoc HusKY seemed impractical ing sites; securing their agreement on an
and almost im~ible. As Eisenhower earlier operation would be almost im-
informed the Combined Chiefs in April, po~ible.48
AFHQ was finding it difficult enough to Making his final decision on 1 o May,
meet the requirements of a formal in- Eisenhower concluded there would be
vasion in the time required. To prepare no impromptu invasion to try to exploit
altemate plans would undoubtedly cause the confusion among the Axis forces in-
a delay. 41 cident to their final defeat in North Africa.
In response, General Marshall suggested He so informed the Combined Chiefs on
that "your planners and mine may be too the following day. "We have not suffi-
conservative in their analyses." The ele- cient landing craft at the moment," he
ment of suprise contained in a modified wrote, "to carry a total of more than
HusKY, Marshall continued, and the lack one division and, of this, assault landing
of time afforded the enemy to strengthen craft for one regimental combat team
his forces in Sicily lent trcmendous ad- only. 1 consider an attack with less than
vantages to an early HusKY and "may two divisions . . . too great a risk. . . ."
justify your accepting calculated risks." The prospect of having more landing
Planners were notoriously orthodox, Mar- ships and craft later in the year made a
shall added. They lacked the boldness thoroughly planned operation infinitely
and daring "which won great victories more desirable. 44
for Nelson and Grant and Lee." Eisen- Hardly had this matter been settled
hower's conclusion, he noted, might "sug- when a new CCS directive arrived. It
gest a lack of adaptability." 42 embodied the decision reached at the
General Eisenhower was quick to reply. TRIDENT Conference: to continue Medi-
AFHQ planners were continually search- terranean operations after Sicily with the
ing, he said, for ways to exploit success. purpose of eliminating Italy from the
Quite obviously, stronger invasion forces war and containing the maximum num-
would be necessary after the Axis had ber of German forces. While Mr.
had two months to prepare Sicily's de- Churchill was in Algiers immediately after
fenses. "I am willing," he wrote, "to
take the risk of capturing important u Msg, AFHQ Out 927 r to AGWAR, 4 May
43, Smith Papen.
40 AFHQ JPS P/75, 4 May 43, job 10A, reel u AFHQ, Red of Mtg Held by CinC AF, ro
138E; AFHQ JPS P/64 (Final), 11 Apr 43, job May +3. 0100/4/59, 1; AFHQ JPS P/75 (Third
10A, reel 13M. Draft), 10 May 43, job 10A, reel r38E; MJg,
41 Msgs 77118 and 77119, AFHQ to AGWAR, AFHQ Out W-305 to AGWAR, 1 r May 43,
118 Apr 43, OPD Exec 3, tem 11. Diary Oftice CinC, Boolt VI, p. A-3 73; see abo
42 M1g, FoRTUNE 164 to AFHQ, 30 Apr 43, Memo for Personal Red, r Jul 43, Diary Offiee
OPD Exee 3, item ro. CinC, Boolt VII, p. A-515.

TRIDENT, AFHQ continued its planning U.S. Fifth Army, undcr General Clark,
of future operations in the Mediterranean. appeared to be the logical headquarters
Despite Churchill's efforts to badger for the task, which might be launched
General Eiscnhower and bis staff into a by 1 Octobcr. It was also decided that
direct attack on thc 1talian mainland, the Fifth Army would be directly under
AFHQ studied severa) alternative courses: AFHQ's command.
attacks against Sardinia and Corsica, fol- On 10 June, therefore, General Eiscn-
lowed by an invasion of thc Tyrrhenian hower directed General Clark to prepare
coast, and attacks against the toe and plans for seizing Sardinia, a task Fifth
sole of thc ltalian boot. The chief tan- Army completed by the end of the month.
gible rcsult of Churchill's visit was his Eiscnhower also asked General Giraud,
definite offer to make sorne eight British French commander in North Africa, to
divisions then in the Middle East avail- name a commander and a staff to plan
able to AFHQ. an as~ult on Corsica as a purely French
General Rooks, the AFHQ G-3, on 3 operation.
June outlined the general schcme of The plans for seizing Sardinia and Cor-
AFHQ's altcmative operations. It dif- sica at this time were altemative cour~
fered from earlier plans drawn in May to be followed in case AFHQ judged an
only in its elimination of MuSKET (an attack on the ltalian mainland too risky.
amphibious attack against Taranto) as a This denoted a change in AFHQ strategy.
pos.sibility. BuTTREss, an assault on the Before the Casablanca Conference, Gen-
toe near Reggio, and GoBLET, an a.ssault eral Eiscnhower would have preferred
near Crotone, werc thc operations pro- Sardinia over Sicily if, at that time, the
posed. Provided that conditions were ultimate objective had been fixed as the
auspicious, the two assaults would be invasion and occupation of the Italian
closely correlated and the objective would mainland. In early May, likewisc, Ei-
be, not the mere occupation of the Cala- senhower endorsed Rooks' strategic con
brian pennsula, but the seizure of Cala- cept that the next operations after Sicily
brian ports and airfields to enable Allied should be the occupation of Sardinia and
forces to march overland and gain control Corsica. Once the Allies controlled the
of port facilities adequate to maintain a airfields on those islands, they would be
larger force in southern ltaly. An ad- able to mount amphibious attacks against
vance up thc wcst coast to Naplcs or a southern France or against any point
drive to Taranto and the southern Adri- along the western coast of 1taly. But
atic ports in the hccl were alternativcs.5 since the ces after the TRIDENT Con-
lnvasions of Sardinia and Corsica were ference had defined AFHQ's mission as
considered to be easier. The Allics would eliminating Italy from the war, the oc-
nced a separate hcadquarters to plan and cupation of Sardinia and Corsica and in-
execute the operation, though follow-up tensified aerial bombing attacks hardly
forces might be drawn from Sicily. The seemed likely in J une to be sufficient to
force the Italian Government out of the
war. The considered opinion of AFHQ's
u AFHQ JPS P/87 (Final), 3 Jun 43, job intelligence agencies was that Italy would
54A, reel 88 Special. collapse only after the Allies had invaded

thc mainland and werc marching on These cautious plans for attack on the
Naples and Rome. Italian mainland inspircd little enthusiam
By the last week of June, AFHQ had at AFHQ. BuTTRESS and GoBLET prom-
delcgatcd thc detailed planning of main- ised only a toe hold on thc Calabrian
land opcrations to 15 Army Group (still peninsula. They offcrcd small hope of
using the code namc Force 141 ) , while striking a blow to Italy capable of elim-
the Fifth Army worked on the invasion inating it from thc war; they did not
of Sardinia. By then, BuTTRESS, the in- even guarantec an arca suitable as a base
vasion of the toe, had been ~gned to for futurc large-scale operations. What
the British 10 Corps, and GosLET, the the Allies nceded was a strike at Rome.
invasion of the sole, to the British 5 Corps. But such a step demanded the prior
No time schedule for these operations seizurc of ports. And this in tum led to
could be forccast, but their sequ~nce preoccupation with Naples. Various pro-
seemed evident. BuTTRESS would have posals for overland approaches ran into
to wait one month after Sicily, and Gos- the problem of thc intervening terrain-
LET one month aftcr BuTTRESS. Thus, the ground in southcm ltaly favorcd the
if thc Sicilian Campaign ended 1 August, defense. U ntil therc werc more dcfinite
BuTTRESS might be launched 1 Septem- indications of a wcakening of Italian mo-
ber, GoBLET thc following month. lf no rale, Allied commanders fitted ali the
mainland operations were undcrtaken, schemes for gaining adequate ports on
the ~ult on Sardinia might be launched, the mainland into a cautious framework-
Eisenhowcr belicvcd, by 1 October.48 capturing the toe of ltaly first. The Al-
411 JIC Algiers, Estimates on ltalian Morale, 29
lies werc aware, however, that success in
Jun 43, job 10A, reel 17C; Br JP (43) u8 (Fi- Sicily might open new and exciting courses
nal), an. 11, 21 Jun 43, Mcditerranean Strategy, of action.47
job 10A, rccl 21C; an. 1, 21 Jun 43, to Br JP (43)
218 (Final), 1ub: Note by C.G.S., MidEast; AFHQ for CofS AFHQ, Post-HusKY Opns, job
HF/M/2, Mtg to Discuss Futurc Opn1 in Medi- 1oC, rccl 138E; Msg, AFHQ NAF 250 to CCS,
terranean, 14 Jun 43, job 10A, rcel 18C; COS 29 Jun 43, printed in Alexander, Allied Armies
(43) 134th Mtg, 23 Jun 43, item 2, job 10A, reel in ltaly, vol. 1, an. 11 to app. B, pp. 6o-63; Min
21C; Notes of Mtg at Hq Force 141 on 24 Jun of AFHQ Exec Planning Mtg 2, 7 Jul 43, job
43 To Discuss the Mounting of Opns BuTTREss 61C, rccl 138C.
and GoBLET, job 26A, reel 21158; AFHQ JPS ~ 1 Scc further discussion bclow in section one
P/92 (Final), 26 Jun 43, sub: Memo G-3 uf Chapter XIV, Sardinia Venus the Mainland.

The Axis Situation

Pantelleria eight auxiliary aircraft carriers requested
for air cover of the American assault on
A small island about eight miles long, Sicily. Marshall suggested instead that
fivc miles wide, Pantelleria is rugged, Eisenhower seize Pantelleria for its air-
with sheer cliffs rising out of the sea. field, from which Allied fighters could
The fcw small arcas of level ground were support the Sicily operation. 2
intcnsively cultivated except around thc Though Eisenhower at first was not
airfield, which could handle eighty single- impressed, he set his staff to prepare a
enginc fighter aircraft. About 120 miles plan to reduce Pantelleria, but only "if
southwcst of Palermo, Pantelleria is about the capture became necessary." 8 The
the same distance as Malta from Catania. conclusion of the planners was unfavor-
(See Map l.) able. Pantelleria poscd difficult prob-
Since late 1940, the British had wanted lems even if unlimited resources were
to reduce Pantelleria in order to remove available. With preparations for Sicily
the air threat which it posed. But by the limiting available resources sharply, Pan-
time the British could devote sorne atten- telleria seemed altogether too tough.
tion and effort to the problem, the German Pantelleria could be taken only at the ex-
Air Force had moved into Sicily, making pense of postponing the Sicilian assault,
the risks of assaulting 'Pantelleria too and planners felt that the importance of
great. British plans lay dormant until Pantelleria to the success of HusKY was
the end of 1942, when they began to too small to justify delay.4
receivc consideration. 1 Still, seizing Pan- So the matter rested until May, when
telleria would not be easy, for by the the invasion plan moved the entire Allied
spring of 1943 the island was a seemingly assault to the southeastem comer of
impregnable fortress garrisoned by about Sicily. General Eisenhower again con-
12,000 troops, with underground aircraft
hangars hewn from solid rock impervious ~ Msg, AGWAR Out 2152, 12 Feb 43, and Msg,
to bombardment. AFHQ Out 1413, I7 Feb 43, both in 0100/21/
1079; Ltr, King to Marshall, 11 Feb 43, sub:
AFHQ began to look hard at Pantel- Opn HusKv-Employment o( ACV's (auxiliary
leria in early February 1943, when General aircraft carriers), WDCSA Husx.v.
Marshall informed General Eisenhower 3 Msg, AFHQ Out 1409 to AGWAR, 17 Feb

that the U.S. Navy could not provide 43, OPD Cable File.
~ AFHQ JPS P / 58 ( Third Draft) , 30 Mar 43 ;
Memos, AFHQ G-3 for AFHQ CofS, sub: Cap-
1 Winston S. Churchill, "The Second World ture o( Pantelleria, 4 May 43, and lnterrelation-
War," vol. 111, The Grand Alliance (Boston: ships of Certain Opns, 9 May 43, ali in 0100/
Houghton Mifftin Co., 1950), pp. 56--59. 12C/31r,11.

sidered se1zmg Pantelleria. He admitted On 10 May, perhaps still stung by

that there were disadvantages in such an General Marshall's rebuke on his "lack
operation: ~ible heavy losses in men, of adaptability," Eisenhower decided to
ships, and landing craft, which could be seiu Pantelleria, but without cxpending
ill afforded on the eve of the Sicilian in- heavily in men or matriel. To obviate
vasion; the fact that a succes.5ful defense a full-scale assault, Eisenhowcr thought
at Pantelleria would put heart into the of making the operation "a sort of labora-
Sicilian defenders at a time when "we tory to determine the effect of conccn-
sought to break it;" and the fact that trated heavy bombing on a defended
the operation would point rather obvi- coastlinc." He wished the Allied air
ously to the ncxt Allied move in the forces "to concentrate everything" in
Mediterranean. Yet Eisenhower now blasting the island so that the damage to
saw great advantages in having the island: the garrison, its equipment and morale,
better air cover for the American land- would be "so serious as to make the land-
ings; removal of a serious Axis threat to ing a rather simple affair." Constant
.i\llied air and naval operations during the artillery pounding on the defenders of
Sicilian invasion; the use of Pantellcria Corregidor in 1942 seemed to have had
as a navigational aid for Allied aircraft that cffect and Eisenhower wanted "to
and for bases for air-sea rescue launches; sec whether the air can do the same
denial of Pantelleria as a refueling base thing." T
for enemy E-boats and submarines; and The British 1st Infantry Division, sup-
climination of enemy radio direction finder ported by appropriate naval forces, was
and shipwatching stations to insure a to follow the bombardment and seize and
better po$ibility of achieving tactical occupy thc island. The smaller nearby
surprise for the Sicilian invasion.~ Pelagian Islands-Lampedusa, Linosa,
Intelligence reports were promismg. and Lampione-were also to come under
Only five 1talian infantry battalions, for attack. 8
the most part untested in battle, defended All three services established a head-
Pantellcria, and they were supportcd quarters at Sousse and went to work.
mainly by antiaircraft batteries manned Increasingly heavy air bombardments
by militia troops. The only evidence of and a naval shoot soon reduced Pantel-
the state of their morale was "the poor 1 Ltr. Eisenhower to Marshall, 13 May 43,
display of the antiaircraft gunners when Diaiy Office CinC, Book VI, pp. A-400-A-402;
our air forces raided on 8 May." 8 Memo for Personal Red, 1 Jul 43 , Diary Office
CinC, Book VI, pp. A-515-A-519 ; AFHQ, Red
of Mtg Held by CinC AF, 10 May 43, oioo/
:; Msg. AFHQ Out W-2460 to AGWAR, 11 12C / 331 , 11; Eisenhower, Crusade in Europe, p.
Jun 43, 0100/21/1079; Col. Joscph l. Greene, 165.
" Operation Coa1tsCRE.W: Tough Decision," ln/an- "Ltr, MAC to NAAF, 14 May 43 , sub: Opn
try journal, vol. LIX, No. 5 (November, 1946), CORKSCREW, 0403/11/968; Msg, AFHQ Out
pp. 20-21. W-2460 to AGWAR, 11 Jun 43, 0100/21/1079;
6 Eisenhower's Pantelleria Dispatch, copy in Ltr, AFHQ to Br ut lnf Div, 14 May 43, sub:
OCMH : app. XL to the Zuckerman Rpt, o 1 oo/ Opn CoRKscuw, 0100/ 12C/5~3 . I ; AFHQ JPS
11/966 and 0100/21/1081, 11. Profesaor S. P/ 81 ( Final) , 15 May 43, sub: Action Against
Zuckerman was the scientific adviser to NAAF Lampedusa, job 10A, reel 138E; Memo, AFHQ
with the official title of Chief, Operations Analy- DCofS for AFHQ G-3, 19 May 43 , sub: Opn
sis Unit, A-3. Against Lampedusa, 0100/12C / 331, l.

PANTELLERIA UNDER ATTACK, "a hurricane of.ftre and smoke."

leria to shambles. Enemy casualties were Supremo, Pantelleria had not replied to
few in number, but damage to housing, the Allied ultimatum, Pantelleria would
roads, and communications was severe. resist to the utmost. 10
By 1 J une the port was in ruins, the town Again on 10 June the ltalians refused
practically destroyed, and the electric to accept surrender. The single radio
plant knocked out. Shortages in water, station working assured Rome that "de-
ammunition, and supplies, plus the almost spite everything Pantelleria will continue
incessant explosions, began to have seri- to resist." Successive telegrarns, as many
ous effects on morale. During the first as twenty that night, told of Pantelleria's
ten days of June, more than 3,500 planes crumbling endurance, but none mentioned
dropped almost 5,000 tons of bombs. 9 surrender. 11
On the moming of 8 June, members
of the Italian garrison brought to the Notiziari operativi Supermarina , ITA 1175;
In/ ormazioni dei vari servizi re la ti vi alle Forze
island commander sorne surrender leaflets Aeree, Servizio lnformazioni Militari (SIM ) Rpts,
dropped by the aircraft. As Supermarina IT 1423. See also Enzo Girone, L ' isola disperata
proudly reported the incident to Comando ( Pantelleria ) 19411- 1943 ( Milan: Edizioni Ari-
minum, 1946 ).
MS #R-135, Report on Visit to Rome
Craven and Cate, eds., Europe: TORCH to During January 1959 (Bauer) , pp. 24- 25 ; see
POINTBLANK, pp. 425-26. also MS #R- 115 (Bauer).

On the morning of l l J une, the Al- There was a strangc stillness, thc only
licd invasion fteet carrying the British lst noise being the pounding of the ~ult
Division haltcd about eight miles off the craft, the drone of fighters orbiting over-
harbor entrance of thc port of Pantelleria. head. Cruisers started to fire at shore
The ground troops loaded into ~ult battery positions around 11 oo, and thirty
craft. The wcather was good, the sea minutes later escorting destroyers added
calm. Only a few low-hanging clouds their fires. No reply carne from the is-
ftecked the sky. Pantclleria itself was land. At 1135, U.S. Flying Fortresses
cloaked in the haze and dust raised by bombarded the island in "the most per-
air bombardment earlier that morning. fect precision bombing of unimaginable
The Italian island commander had fol- intensity." At u45, the ~ult echelon
lowcd bis usual custom of holding a staff commander released his craft. By noon
conference that morning, even though British troops were ashore. Shortly after-
Allied planes were plunging the island wards white flags appeared on many of
into a "hurricane of fire and smoke." the buildings.13
Heavy smokc and dust clouds blocked a Lampedusa had also refused the Allied
view of the ocean, and the island com- surrender offer, the island commander
mander was unaware of the Allied fleet notifying Rome that "bombardments are
offshore. Discussion at the staff meeting continuing without interruption, both
soon showed everyone in agreement- from the air and from the sea. Air Sup-
the situation had become untenable be- port required urgently." lnstead of help,
cause of lack of water, communications, only words of intended cheer arrived:
ammunition, and also because of thc "We are convinced that you will inflict
danger of disease. Furthermore, no Axis the greatest possible damage on the enemy.
planes remained on Pantelleria; help from Long live Italy." Disappointed, resentful,
outside could not be expected ; and the feeling that they had done their duty,
24,000 people on the island had about the members of the garrison, after being
rcached the end of their cndurance. ordered to do so by the island commander,
Sincc the commander had wired Super- raised white flags in surrender.14 Linosa
marina severa} hours earlier that "the fell the ncxt day, 13 Junc. The Allies
situation is desperate, ali possibilities of found Lampionc unoccupied.
effective resistance have been exhausted," Allicd intclligcncc had ovcrestimatcd
he ordered his air commander to display thc will to resist of thc dcfcnding garri-
a white cross on the field. Because it
13 Rpt of SNOL, Force 2, 13 Jun 43, Encl 2
would take almost two hours for the
to Rpt, CinC Med Station, 0100/21/1080, I;
order to reach ali the posts, the com- Rpt, Lt Comdr G. A. Martelli (Br) ,. Diary Office
mander set the time for the c~tion of Cinc, Book VI, pp. A-495-A-498; AFHQ G-2
hostilities at l loo. Shortly after he made Weckly Intel Sum 42 and AFHQ Special Com-
his decision, the clouds opened and he munique, 11 Jun 43, job 10A, reel 138E.
14 Review of Sebi Caltabiano, Missione a
saw the Allied ships. 12 Lampedusa ( Catania: Edizione Carnene), Rivista
At about that time the landing craft Militare, vol. XI (Rome, 1955), p. 1364; MS
started their final run to the beaches. #R-115 (Bauer), pp. 47-50. See also Rpt, 15th
Cruiser Squadron, Encl 5 to Rpt, CinC Med Sta-
tion; Rpt, LCI(L) 161, 22 Jun 43, Encl 6 to Rpt,
12 MS #R-135 (Bauer), pp. 19-~Zl. CinC Med Station.
sons. Despite Fascist propaganda, Pan- hope to repel the landings. Naval forces
tclleria and the Pelagian Islands werc could react with only light surface craft
hollow shells manncd largely by ovcr-age and submarine activity against Allied
and inexpericnccd individuals, many of shipping. Air forces were reduced to
whom had their homes on the isles. purely defcnsive efforts. Moreover, Pan-
When the Allies attacked, quite a few telleria scemed to prove to M ussolini that
succumbcd to thc tcmptation of looking air bombardment, like artillery, conquered
alter their familics instead of rcmaining ground and allowed the infantry to oc-
at their posts. But against thc powcr of cupy it. Considering the fact that the
the Western Allies, therc was probably Allies were blesscd with a superiority of
little they could have done with their in- artillery and other equipment, the in-
adequate and obsolete equipment. ference was evident. 16
On 20 June British aircraft bcgan to To thc ltalians, the loss of Pantelleria
operate from the field at Lampcdusa, and was depressing. If this was the start of
six days later a group of U .S. P-40 the battle for Sicily, Sardinia, or the ltal-
fighters was based at Pantelleria. ian mainland, it was a poor bcginning.
Eisenhower's laboratory experiment had As the Italian people awakened increas-
been eminently succ~ful. Pantelleria ingly to thc realization that they had lost
and the Pelagian Islands gave the Allies the war, defeatism spread.17
a safer channel for shipping in the central To the Germans, loss of the islands
Mediterranean and, more important, val- meant not only a military defeat and a
uable airfields closcr to Sicily and the blow to Axis morale, it scrved also as an
ltalian mainland. indication of the performance they could
expect in the future f rom their 1tallan
Growing German Strength allies. The Germans could not under-
stand why the outlying islands had not
Allied scizure of Pantelleria furnished becn sufficiently stocked with the supplics
no sure indication to Axis intelligence of of war. It was difficult for them to
the future course of Allied operations in comprehend why the Italians, fighting on
the Mediterranean. Whether the attack their own soil, had offered so little re-
on the outlying ltalian islands was prc- sistance. Did the speedy fall of Pantel-
liminal"}' to an attack on Sicily or whether leria foreshadow the course of future op-
it scrved a plan of greater scope was not erations in the Mediterranean? 18
clear. 115 If the capitulation of Pantelleria made
What was more than clear was the the Germans feel that they could expect
speed with which Pantelleria and the no resurgence of 1talian morale in de-
other islands had fallen. Thc rapid col- fensc of the homeland, it made Comando
lapse showed that the Axis had definitely
18 Speech by Mussolini, 111 Jun 43, summarized
lost the initiative, for thc Axis Powers in OSS Rpt A-63366, undated, OCMH.
could do little more than await invasion 11 See Zanussi, Guerra ' catastrofe, 11, 13.

clscwhcre, prepare to counterattack, and 18 Rpt, 8 ..Armee, 8. VJl.1943: Bereitschafl

wegtn Einnahmt von Panltll1ria, IT 53/11; SKL/
1..Abt., KTB, Teil A. 1.-30.Vl.43, 111 Jun 43,
15 Prom1moria, Comando Supremo, 15 Jun 43, referring to a report received from the Italians
SIM Rpts, IT r.f113; MS #R-115 (Bauer}, p. 53. dated 11 June 1943.

Supremo much more willing to accept quest reached Kesselring. The Italians
German help in the form of divisions to asked for antiaircraft guns and also for
defend Italian soil. 19 German crews. Thcsc would not arrive
J ust before the fall of Pantelleria, Am- in Italy until August; by then thcy would
brosio, increasingly worried over defend- be too late.22
ing ltaly, had reluctantly concluded that Meanwhile, Kesselring returned to
two robust and highly mobile German Rome on 8 June after visiting Hitler's
divisions were necessary for the defense headquarters. Hitler had told him that
of Sicily. But if the Hermann Goering he was willing to send more planes, tanks,
Division moved to Sicily, southem Italy reconnaissance units, seH-propelled guns,
would be exposed, for the 16th Panzer and troops to Italy. Ali the ltalians had
Division could not act as mobile reserve to do, Hitler said, was to have the Duce
against landings on both east and west and Comando Supremo ask for them.23
coasts.20 Ambrosio discussed these prob- But Ambrosio was in a quandary. lf
lems with Kcsselring and Rintelen on 1 Mussolini was really going to break with
June. And when Kesselring forced the the Germans, the fewer German troops
mue by asking, "Do you request me to in ltaly the better. lf, on the other
inquire with the OKW to see if there is hand, ltaly was to oppose an Allied at-
another division in addition to the 16th tack, more German troops were necessary.
Panzer Division?" Ambrosio admitted More were available, as Kesselring
that that was what he meant.21 The pointed out to Ambrosio on 1 1 June,
Italians were now willing to acccpt five the day that Pantclleria surrendered.
German divisions, the number Hitler had But when Kesselring said that both Gen-
originally offered to Mussolini. eral Hube, the XIV Panzer Corps com-
Bclieving that the Germans could de- mander, and the Italian commander in
fend ltaly if the ltalians co-operated, Sicily thought that additional German
having great faith and confidence in Mus- troops were needed, Ambrosio professed
solini though suspicious of the 1talian to be unconvinced. He wondered wheth-
military command, Kesselring asked Am- er thc 16th Panzer Division might be
brosio whether the 1talians needed more sent to Sardinia, the H ermann Goering
antiaircraft protection for the arterial Division held in southern Italy. Kessel-
railway lines and the power dams. Am- ring objected on two counts: Sardinia
brosio did not commit himself at once, was inappropriate terrain for employing
but a month later a formal, written re- an armored division-the 16th Panzer
Division should therefore stay on thc
10 Deichmann in MS #T-1a (Westphal et al.),

ch. 1, p. 33; Rintelen in MS #T-1a (Westphal 22 MS #T-2, K 1 (Kesselring), pp. 5-6; Min,
et al.), ch. 11, p. 15. 1 Jun 43, tem 158, Min of Confs, Comando Su-
:o The Hermann Goering Division was oflicially premo, IT 26; Ltr, Comando Suprmo (Generale
named the Hermann Goering Panzer Fallschirm- di Corpo d' Arma ta Cario Roui) to the Comman-
jaeger Division, and was a unit of the Gennan der in Chief South (Keuelring), 1 Jul 43, No.
Luftwaffe. The new men were drawn largely 14450/0p., sub: Di/esa controaerea delle com-
from the Luftwaffe, and thus the division acquired municazioni ferroviarie Italia-Germana, an. 6,
the name of a paratroop division. folder IV, IT 3029.
21 Min, 1 Jun 43, item 158, Min of Confs, : 3 Min, 8 Jun 43, tem 165, Min of Confs,
Comando Supremo, IT 26. Comando Supremo, IT 26.
mainland; and one mobile German divi- ltalians wished, the Fuchrer could send
sion was insufficient as a reserve in Sicily a fourth division for thc defense of thc
because two arcas of attack were likely, Italian soil, making a total of six German
in the west and in the southeast. Kcs- divisions in ltaly. Ambrosio replied that
selring urged that Ambrosio, if he planned he would have to study the di'!tribution
to request additional German forces, make of divisions carefully, and would give a
his requests promptly so that OKW formal answer in a few da ys. 211
would have adequate time to prepare the A few days later professional advice
divisions and move them. Ambrosio re- from ficld commanders overcame Am-
plied with sorne irritation that he was brosio's reluctance to admit additional
not prepared to make a formal req uest, Gcrman troops to ltaly. After a very
though he said he would submit a com- pcssimistic report by the ltalian com-
plete statement of Italy's requirements mander in Sicily on 14 June, Comando
within a few days.24 Supremo three days later requested OKW
The fall of Pantelleria and the Pelagian to send to Italy two additional armored
Islands, which prompted Hitler to order or motorized divisions. OKW complied
both Sardinia and Sicily reinforced, by selecting the 29th Panzer Grenadier
caused Ambrosio to change his mind. and the 26th Panzer Divisions, unit'! that
When Ambrosio met again with Kessel- in mid-May had been earmarked for the
ring on 12 June, he was in a completely occupation of northern Italy under Plan
different mood. He acknowledged the ALARICH. 28
validity of not moving the 16th Panzer By thc end of June 1943, five German
Diuision to Sardinia, though he wanted divisions, in whole or in part, were in
to be sure that there were adequate guns Italy; two more divisions were about to
and tanks on the island. Upon learning enter thc country; the XIV Panzer Corps
that the Germans intended to send addi- headquarters was already in ltaly; and
tional strength to Sardinia, Ambrosio agreement had been reached for the ar-
agrced to keep the 16th Panzer Division rival of another corps hcadquarters ( the
on the mainland. Kesselring then an- LXXVI Panzer Corps). ltaly was be-
nounced that the Germans had another ginning to resemble an occupied territory.
motorized division-the 3d Panzer Gren-
adier-available and, if requested, it The Defenses of Sicy
could be promptly moved to southern Recognizing the im~bility of con-
Italy, making ~ible the transfer of the structing and manning effective fortifica-
H ermann Goering Division to Sicily.
~ 5 Min, 12 Jun 43, item 167, Min of Conf1,
Ambrosio agreed to this proposal and to Comando Supremo, IT 26.
another by Kesselring that the reconnais- 26 Rpt, Generale d' Armata Alfredo Guzzoni to

sance battalion of the H ermann Goering S.M.R.E., Comando Supremo: Situazione difen-
siva della Sicilia, IT 3027; OKW!WFSt, KTB
Diuision procced to Sicily at once. He 1.-31.VJJ.,13, 21 Jul 43, pp. 3-4; Rintelen in MS agreed that the 3d Panzer Grenadier #T-1a (Westphal d al.), ch. 11, p. 12; Rpt,
Diuision might move into ltaly immedi- German Military Attach, Rome, on Co-operation
With Italian High Command/Commitment of
ately. Kesselring then said that if the
------- Gennan Forces in ltaly, 14 Jul 43, OKW /Amts-
24 Min, 11 Jun 43, item 166, Min of Confs, gruppe Ausland, 30.VI.4:r31.VJJl.44. Wehrmaelat
Comando Supremo, IT 26. Attach ltaliltn (OKW 1029).

tions along thc cntire cxtcnsivc ltalian torial antiaircraft defenses manned by the
coast line, Comando Supremo had origin- Fascist Militia ( headquartered at Palcr-
ally decidcd to concentrate thc defenses mo), Roatta had no control over ground
on thc major islands, plus part of the militia, naval, and air forces on Sicily.
southcm mainland. During the winter He had no direction of the units under
of 1942-43, the Italians began to give the civilian prefects of the provinces. To
precedencc to the defenses of Sardinia, co-ordinate bis dispositions with the plans
the most likely Allied target. Around of various .independent headquarters,
March 1943, they started to make Roatta had to rely on liaison. In ali, the
special efforts to brace Sicily.21 ltalian command authority was dividcd
German coastal defense advisers, who among seven military and nine civilian
had supcrviscd the construction of the agencies. Except for the naval bases and
Atlantic Wall on the Channel coast, ar- a few ports, the island in early 1943 was
rived in Italy in the spring of 1943, and not on a wartime basis.29
one group went to Sicily to make rec- Shortly after assuming command, Ro-
ommendations for its defcnse. Though atta obtained a degrec of unified com-
ltalian fortification experts, sorne of whom mand by having Comando Supremo give
had visited the Atlantic Wall, were im- bis Sixth Army headquarters the addi-
pressed and anxious to duplicate it, the tional title of Armed Forces Command,
Italians lackcd the resources to build and Sicily.30 Roatta thcn became respon-
man such a fortified belt. Despite stren- sible for the tactical commitment of the
uous cfforts to improve and extcnd the Italian Army, Navy, Air, and militia
fcw existing fortifications on thc coast of elements, plus the German ground troops
Sicily, the Italians made littlc pro~.28 in Sicily and in southcm Calabria.
Thc Italian Sixth Army had becn sta- Through a high comm~ioner for civilian
tioncd on Sicily since the autumn of 1941. affairs, Roatta also assumed control of
Generale di Carpo d' Armata Comandante the civilian administration of the nine
Dcsignato d' Armata Mario Roatta, formcr provincial prefects. The relatively small
chie( of staff of the Italian Army, took German air and naval elements remained
command in February 1943 and assumed under autonomous Gennan control.81
responsibility for part of Calabria as well Roatta ncxt requested troops and
as for Sicily. Roatta controUed almost weapons to bring his ground forces up
a dozen divisions under two corps head- to wartime strength. He wanted man-
quartcrs, an air reconnais.c;ancc force, and, power and materials so he could construct
through liaison, certain German units.
With only partial control over the terri-
~ 0 Rpt, Difsa ddla Sicilia, 9 Mar 43, IT 3024;
~1 Roatta, Otto milioni, pp. 2H-24; Faldella, Deichmann in MS #T-1a (Weatphal t al.), ch.
Lo sbarco, pp. 34, 41. 1, p. 14.
~" Deichmann in MS #T-1a (Weatphal d al.), 30 The deaignations rmd Forc.s Command,
ch. 1, p. 24; Mario Caracciolo di Feroleto, "E Sicily and Sixth Army are wed interchangeably
poi?": La tragdia d.Irurcito italiano, (Rome: in this volume.
Cua editrice librarla Corso 1946), pp. 94-95; 31 Cir, Unittl di comando in Sicilia in Sar-
cf. Memoin of General Caracciolo di Feroleto, d1gna, No. 9880, in a separate folder entitled
Commanding General of the Italian Fifth Army, Costit11zion1 Comando FF.AA.dlla Sardgna, part
EAP-21-a-14/32. of IT 830; Zanuui, Gu.rra tr catastro/, 1, 301.


additional fortifications, improve . com- After serving as commander for three

munications, make possible the evacuation months, Roatta issued a proclamation
of the civilian population from battle that the population interpreted as a slight
areas, and stockpile supplies and food. to Sicilian patriotism. 38 This, added to
But the men and materials he received changes recently made in the ltalian high
were far below the amounts he considered command, prompted Comando Supremo
mnimum requirements. to appoint Roatta chief of the Army
Roatta nevertheless set soldiers and General Staff ( Superesercito ) and to
civilians to work to enlarge and improve nominate Generale d' Armata Alfredo
the defenses on the beaches and at vital Guzzoni in his place.
points on the main highways. He also Guzzoni's appointment was somewhat
began to construct a belt of fortifications surprising, for he was sixty-six years old
and obstacles twelve to fifteen miles be- and had been in retirement for two
hind the beaches in order to contain years. Furthermore, he had never been
Allied forces that might get ashore. He to Sicily, nor had he ever displayed in-
assigned each military unit a specific terest in the island and its military prob-
coastal sector for defense. 32 lems. Guzzoni's chief of staff, Col. Emilio
3~ D ante U go Leonardi, Luglio 1943 in Sicilia 33
The proclama tion and the consequences are
( Modena: Societa tipografica modenese editricc discussed in detail by Roatta, Otto milioni, pp.
in Modena, 194 7 ), p . 55; Zanussi, Guerra e 25 1- 53. See also Zanussi, Guerra e catastro/e, 1,
catastro/e, vol. 1, pp. 303--04. 3 12- 13.
693-029 o - 65 - 7

Faldella, a young and capable officer, Kesselring and Ambrooo, chie{ of Com-
appeared a good choice, but he, too, was ando Supremo, re-established co-ordination
a stranger to Sicily. Nor had Faldella, at that level.
contrary to the usual ltalian practice of Part of this setup was the outgrowth
keeping a commander and his chie{ of of the organization established during the
staff together, ever served with Guzzoni.114 North African campaign. Hitler's prc-
The Italian command structure was dilection for dual control channels, mutual
not rigid but rather relied on co-operation distrust between ltalians and Gennan-s
and co-ordination among commanders. after their defeat in Tunisia, and thc need
An officer's ability to engage in teamwork for ftexibility brought about considerable
was therefore important. Similarly, unit vagueness, not to say confusion, in the
organization was flexible. Commanders command organization of the Axis
fonned small groups of varied composi- partners.
tion to meet various situations, without At the close of the North African
formal reassignment or rcorganization, des- campaign, when an Allied attack on Italy
ignating them by location, the name of appeared in thc offing, Kessclring was the
the commander, or by letters of the al- main connecting link between Hitler and
phabet. When the need disappeared, the OKW on one hand and Mussolini and
task force was informally dissolved and Comando Supremo on thc other. Kes-
its elements retumed to the original selring had controllcd the German armcd
units.85 These featurcs werc particularly forces in ltaly and thc central Meditcr-
significant in Sicily where an anny head- ranean through Gennan rcprescntatives in
quarters had become responsible for em- ltaly who also maintaincd liaison with
ploying a diversity of forces, Italian and Comando Supremo. Now, for bettcr
<krman. Dcspite his unified command, liaison, Kessclring established within Co-
Guzzoni exercised real control in great part mando Supremo a mixed staff of Gerrnans
only through liaison and mere rccommen- and 1talians headcd by his own chicf of
dations. staff, General dcr Artilleric Siegfried
The co-ordination of German and ltal- Westphal.38
ian units on Sicily varied, with the rcsult In mid-June, when Kesselring relin-
that the German el.-:ments were partially quished his air command to Feldmarschall
under German and partially under ltalian Wolfram Frciherr von Richthofen but
control. In due course, parallel channels
of communication and command devel- 38 Kesselring was also the commander of the
oped, one from Guzzoni to Comando German S1Cond Air Forc1 until replaced in June
Supremo and Mussolini, the other from 1943 by Field Manhal von Richthofen, who as-
sumed command over all Gcnnan air forces on
the individual Gennan headquarters on the ltalian mainland, Sicily, Sardinia, and Conica,
the island to O B SUED. Liaison between and certain training units in France. He was
also responaible for tbe Luftwaffe ground units,
most of the German antiaircraft units in ltaly,
14 Zanuai, Gu1rro 1 catostro/1, 1, 313-14. Luftwaffe signal unitl, and ali air force admin-
Faldella was subsequently promoted to brigadier istrative matten. See Deichmann in MS #T-1a
general. ( We1tphal 11 al.), ch. 111, pp. 3-4, 34; Britiah
u Army Map Service, U.S. Army, Hondbook on Air Miniatry Pamphlet No. ll48, Th1 Ris1 and
tl11 ltolion rmy (Provisional Copy) (Washing- Fall of th1 G1rmon Air Pure1 ( 1933 to 1945)
ton, 1943 ). ( London, 1948) .

retained his prerogatives as Commander transfcr of the H ermann Goering Division

in Chie! South, he emerged as the to Sicily.87
strongest Gennan officer in 1taly. As Except at the naval bases, no con-
theater commander, unifying in his per- tinuous system of coastal defenses existed.
son control of all the Gennan armed Obstacles, mine fields on and off shore,
forces in Italy, K~lring was Hitler's antitank ditches, and concrete fortifica-
representative on ali questions concerning tions appeared only at widely separated
the conduct of the war in the central points. Many fortifications lacked gar-
and western Mediterranean arcas. Guz- risons or weapons, many were poorly
zoni found Kesselring a typical Gennan camouflaged and lacked troop shelters.
officer who had a detennined though In the interior, only a few roadblocks
courteous and conciliatory manner and were ready, and most of these were in-
who promised effective co-operation. adequate. On the highway from Licata
Two of Kesselring's major problems were to Campobello, for a distance of more
trying to reconcile the sometimes conflict- than twelve miles, for example, the entire
ing demands of German commanders and antitank defense consisted of one 47-mm.
Italian prerogatives and trying to combat gun. The inland line consisted
Italian pessimism on defending Sicily. of a beautiful colored pencil mark on a
Guzzoni, like his predecessor, saw little map. 38
strength in the Sicilian defenses. The The thrce naval bases on Sicily were
coastal battalions, he reported to Coman- equipped with antinaval and antiaircraft
do Supremo, were composed of men of artillery, and thcir scaward defenses wcre
older age groups, often badly commanded, effectively organizcd. Their weakn~
and in sorne instances covering defensive were the undependable militia who
scctors up to twenty-five miles in length. manned many of the guns, the age of the
Guzzoni, antinaval guns and de- guns, and their small caliber and short
ficient in ali other types of artillery, had range. The bases had little defensc
but one antitank gun for each five miles against landward, attack.89
of coast line. As against a daily need of Though the naval commanders re-
8,ooo tons of supplies to meet civilian mained in control of technical, adminis-
and military requirements, he was re- trative, and training matters, Guzzoni
ceiving 1,500 to 2,000 tons. The morale was responsible for thc defense of thcir
of the civilian population was very low bases. In the event of a ground attack,
because of Allied air bombardments and he was to scnd army reinforcements. Be-
the restricted food supply-the rationing cause of the importance of liaison to the
system had broken down, and black- command channels, the poor condition
market operations were widespread. The of signal communications caused serious
people wanted only an end to the war.
lf resolutely committed, Guzzoni esti-
matcd, his forces might hold back the 31 Rpt, Guzzoni to S.M.R.E., Comando Su-
initial Allied landings but could not check premo: Situazione difensiva della Sicilia, 14 }un
successive attacks. Reiterating Roatta's 43, IT 3027.
38 Faldella, Lo sbarco, pp. 46-48, 62; Mara-
earlier demands for more artillery and vigna, Rivista Militare, 1952, pp. 13-14.
tanks, he urged in addition the immediate 111 Maravigna, Rivista Militare, 1952, p. 14.


apprehension among all the cornrnanders arnent and virtually no transportation,

concerned. 40 they were badly cornrnanded in rnany
Expecting the Allies to try to seize air- cases, and their indigenous personnel, as
fields q uickly, the 1talians started work to rnuch as 75 percent in sorne units, re-
surround the airfields with obstacles and flected the low rnorale of the Sicilian
strongpoints rnanned by infantry support- population. Tactical groups created from
ed by artillery. They mined all landing division elernents and frorn corps reserves
strips to render thern useless in the event were deployed relatively clase to the
of los.5! 1 beaches to support the coastal units, and
The heart of Sicily's defenses consisted these had sorne mobile elernents.
of forces under the two corps cornrnanded The special groups organized to defend
by the Sixth Army: six coastal divisions, the airfields consisted usually of one in-
two coastal brigades, one coastal regi- fantry and one artillery battalion per air-
ment, and four rnobile divisions. In field , but they were soon augmented by
addition, two rnobile Gerrnan divisions rnobile elernents- light tanks, self-pro-
were in Sicily by the end of June. pelled guns, arrnored cars, rnotorized in-
The Italian units, nurnbering sorne fantry and artillery, and various engineer
200, 000 rnen ( including the airfield de- units-and they served as a rnobile
f ense troops) , generally had a poor corn- reserve Cor general defensive operations.
bat effectiveness. The coastal units es- The four 1talian rnobile divisions, the
pecially had antiquated or deficient arm- best of the ltalian cornbat forces on the
island, were none too good. The Aosta
40 M arc' Antonio Bragadin, The ltalian Nav y and Napoli Divisions, largely cornposed
in World War 11 (Annapolis, Md.: United States of Sicilians, were poorly trained. The
N aval lnstitute, 1957 ) , ch. XIII.
Faldella, Lo sbarco, pp. 50- 53 and an. 2 , Assietta Division was sornewhat better.
p. 421; Roa tta, Otto Milioni, p . 218. But all three operated under reduced


Tables of Organization, and their artillery equipment. 43 The Hermann Goering

and other equipment were for the most Division, under the command of Gen-
part antiquated. Only the Livorno Di- eralma jor ( later, General der Fallschirm-
vision was at full strength and had or- truppen ) Paul Conrath, moved from
ganic transportation. In ali four divi- southem Italy into Sicily during June.
sions, artillery ammunition was generally It was somewhat deficient in infantry,
in short supply or nonexistent, signal com- but was also well trained and equipped,
munications varied from poor to inade- although the process of combined train-
quate. 42 ing did not effectively begin until the
The two German divisions made quite arrival of the division on Sicily. Air-
a contrast. The Division Sizilien, re- bome elements and other German units
designated the 15th Panzer Grenadier in southem and central Italy, if neces-
Division on 29 June and commanded sary, could also be employed in the de-
by Generalmajor Eberhard Rodt, was fense of Sicily.44
ready for commitment. It had supplies Though operational command of Ger-
for twenty da ys of operations. Though man units- totaling sorne 30,000 men-
not completely mobile, the division could
MS #C--07 7, Studie ueber den Feldzug in
move relatively quickly with its organic Sizilien bei der 15.Pz.Gren .Div., Mai-August 1943
(Generalleutnant Eberhard Rodt ) ; Unit Record
Rpt, Guzzoni to S .M.R .E ., Comando Supre- C a rd, OKH / Org Abt., Karteiblatt, 15.Pz.Gren.
mo : Situazione difensiva della Sicilia, IT 3027 ; Div ( H 1/ 540) .
Faldella, Lo sbarco, pp. 50-53, 58--60 ; Mara- MS #T-2, Der Kampf um Sizilien (Gen-
vigna, Rivista Militare , 1952, pp. 13-14 ; Comando eral der Parizertruppen Walter Fries et al.) ; the
Supremo, Situazione operativa logstica al 1 detailed order of battle for the 1talian and Ger-
luglio 1943, IT 17; MS #R-117, The Mission man units on Sicily can be found in MS #R-125,
of General Guzzoni, ch. IV of Axis Tactical Oper- Order of Battle, 1 July 1943, ch. V of Axis T ac-
a tions in Sicily, July-August 1943 (Bauer ); MS tical Operations in Sicily, July-August 1943
#R-135 ( Baucr), pp. 10-13, 18. (Bauer ) .

remained in Italian hands, Hitler and the off Sicily. For thcsc rcasons and because
OKW sometimes sent instructions direct- of apprehension that the first major bat-
ly to local commanders, who frequently tle of the surface fleet might well be its
communicated directly with thc OKW. last, Comando Supremo decided late in
The 1talians soon carne to acccpt the view May to commit the naval forces ii;i the
that obtaining German co-operation was defense of Sicily only if an extraordinarily
preferablc to a strict imposition of Italian good opportunity presented itself and if
authority.415 sufficicnt fuel oil was on hand to support
The XIV Panzer Corps headquarters, the operation. Comando Supremo also
located in southern Italy, functioned un- directed the small naval craft stationed in
der OB SUED to administer and supply Sicilian and Sardinian waters to remain
the German units in Sicily. The Ital- in defense of their home stations rather
ians could hardly object to this, and the than join forces in the cvent one or the
Germans had a headquarters ready to other island carne under attack.
take over active operations should such a The most important German v~ls
course of action become nccessary or de- consistcd of a landing craft flotilla at
sirable. General Hube had commanded Messina. Plans to supplement the few
the corps in Russia and had received German submarines in thc Mediterranean
high praise for his performance. s had to be abandoned becausc the p~ge
Late in June 1943, the Germans in- through the Strait of Gibraltar had be-
troduced another officer into the com- come increasingly difficult. 7
mand picture, Gencralleutnant Fridolin The better to organiu their scrvices of
von Senger und Ettcrlin, who bccamc supply across the M~na Strait, the
liaison officer with the Sixth Army head- Germans in May unified a number of
quarters and rcsponsible for co-ordinat- Anny, Navy, and Air Force transporta-
ing the employment of German troops tion installations into a single headquar-
committed on the island. tcrs. Eventually known as Commandant
The ltalian battle fleet, stationed at M essina Strait under Col. Ernst Guenther
La Spezia and far removed from Sicily, Baade, it was responsible for ferry scrvice,
was seriously reduced in strength, lacked depots, and antiaircraft defenses, control-
radar and aircraft carriers. It could be ling in the latter function sorne scventy
effective against an Allied armada only antiaircraft batteries on the ltalian main-
with adequate air protection, which was land and on Sicily to guard the strait.48
not available. Furthermore, it needed ---;r-CinC avy Visits ltaly, 111-15 May 43 and
twenty-four hours to rcach the waters Rpt on the War Situation by the German Staff,
Supermarina, 11 Apr 43, both in ONI, Fuhrr
Conferences, 1943; SKL/1. Abt., KTB, 1.-30.VI.
45 Deichmann in MS #T-1a (Westphal et al. ), 43, !}-10 Jun 43.
ch. 1, pp. 114-115; Faldella, Lo sbarco, p. 65; 48 Details on the organization and execution of
Rintelen in MS #T-1a (Westphal et al. ), ch. 11. the ferrying service are contained in the Transla-
p. 111; OKW/WFSt, KTB, 1.-31.VII.43, 1 Jul tion of the Report on the Evacuation of Sicily
43 (August 1943) by Vice-Admiral Friedrich von
t6 Deichmann in MS # T-1 a ( W estphal et al. ), Ruge ( 1946), with enclosures ( cited hereafter as
ch. 1, p. 117; XIV Panzer Korps, la, Tadigkeits- Ruge Rpt), folder X-111, OCMH, and in Kom-
bericht mit Anlagen, 29.lll.-19.V.,13 (33394/3), mandant Messina Strass, KTB, !l5.Vll.-!l5.Vlll.
17 May 43; Unit Record Card, OKH/Org Abt., 43 und Anlagen (35746/1-3) (cited hereafter as
Karteiblatt, XIV Panzer Korps (H 1/540). Baade Diary) .

Thc Italian Air Force was in a hope- and technical inferiority of German air-
less situation because of obsolete and in- craft to th~ of the Allies was at the
ferior aircraft. After the fall of Tunisia, bottom of Gennan air failure, Goering
Allied air attacks on Sicilian airficlds be- stubbornly refused to admit that the re-
came so intense that toward the end of sponsibility was his own.
May the Axis withdrew its bombers to Because of air and naval weakness, the
the mainland. Italo-Gennan co-ordina- whole burden of the defense of Sicily fell
tion of air matters was poor, the Gennan on the Axis ground forces. Misunder-
fighter units taking over the protection of standings and misinterpretations among
Sicily from their own fields as though ltalian and Gennan commanders further
thc Italians were not even present. But aggravated the
in a series of twenty-one air hattles from Despite inadequate forces, matriel, and
the latter half of May through the early fortifications to defend the entire coast,
days of July, the Gennans sustained heavy the Italians felt impelled to fight at the
l~. Goering, who recognized what water's edge. Small tactical reserves were
was happcning but not the cause, brought to stand ready close behind the coastal
heavy p~ure to bear on the Gennan defense forces, and mobile reserves in cen-
Second Air Force, calling for incessant trally located positions farther to the rear
commitment of long-range bombers and were to be available to counterattack as
fightcrs. But the Gennan aircraft were soon as the point of the main Allied at-
not able to match the speed and anna- tack became apparent. Because the Ital-
ment of Allied planes. Goering added ians considered their coastal units
insult to injury by sending a special incapable of repelling a landing, the com-
message to the fighter pilots of the Sec- mitment of these unit'I to stubborn defense
ond Air Force: meant their sacrifice. Since reserves were
Together with the fighter pilots in France, few, the commanders hoped to increase
Norway, and Russia, 1 can only regard you their effectivene~ by holding them to-
with contempt. 1 want an immediate im- gether and ready to move to any one of
provement and expect that ali pilots will a number of widely separated points.
show an improvement in fighting spirit. If
this improvement is not forthcoming, flying The great drawback in this concept was
personnel from the commander down must the lack of sufficient mobility on the part
expect to be remanded to the ranks and of most units. The Gennan units, with
transferred to the Eastem front to serve on far greater mobility, could fonn the only
the ground. 49 effective reserve. Appreciating this, Kes-
Though Generaloberst Hans J eschonnek, selring, late in May, instructed Gennan
chief of staff of the OKL, visited Kessel- commanders to counterattack as soon as
ring and learned that decisive numerical they knew the location of the main Allied
attacks without waiting for orders from
49 Deichmann in MS #T-1a (Westphal et al.).
Guzzoni's headquarters. 111
ch. 111, pp. 9, 13, 14-15, 20-23, 29-30; Min, 28
May 43, item 156, Min of Confs, Comando Su-
premo, IT 26; Note, Comando Suflrmo to OKW, ~ CinC Navy Visits Italy, 12-15 May 43, ONI,
20 Jun 43, sub: Problema aereo del Mediterraneo, Fuehrer Conferences, 1943.
Giugno 1943, IT 3029, folder IV, an. 2; Opera- 51 MS #T-3, P 1 (Kesselring) pt. 11, pp. 73-
zioni in Sicilia dal 9 al 19 luglio, Narrativa, Al- 75; MS #T-2, K 1 (Kesselring), pp. 12-13;
legati (cited hereafter as IT 99 a), an. 2. Faldella, Lo sbarco, pp. 65-67, 82-86.

Guzzoni's hcadquarters was near Enna, to counterattack immediately and elimi-

fairly close to the center of the island. nate each landing in turn. He asked Guz-
The Italian XVI Corps under Generale zoni to attach to his division the mobile
di Corpo d'Armata Cario Ros.c;i was to groups organized to defend the airfields.
defend the eastern half of the island; the Convinced that the airfields would be
Italian XII Corps, first under Generale immediately threatcned, Guzzoni refused.
di Corpo d' Armata Mario Arisio, later Admitting that thc southeastern comer
under Generale di Corpo d' Armata of Sicily was vulnerable and that the
Francesco Zingales, was ~igned the Na poli Division lacked sufficient mobility
western half of the island. By the latter to move in time to any area under attack,
part of May the coastal units were in Guzzoni, contrary to the German view,
their ~igned sectors, and the Sixth Army doubted that the Allies would space their
had attached the Italian mobile divisions landings in such a wa y as to permit
to both corps for commitment in their counterattacking forces to execute suc-
respective areas-Aosta and Assietta cessive operations. He nevertheles..c; is-
under XII Corps in southwest Sicily, sued a revised plan on 9 June. The
Napoli near Catania, and Livorno near Aosta and Assietta Divisions under the
Gela under XVI Corps. In the Sixth XII Corps and the Na poli Division un-
Army reserve and reinforced by a self- der the XVI Corps were to rcmain in
propelled 1talian regiment of artillery, the their previously assigned arcas. But be-
15th Panzer Grenadier Division split its cause General Guzzoni was very conscious
forces into three regimental teams--Group of the German determination to attack
Ens in thc southwest; Group Fullriede immediately, he feared that the German
in the southeast; and Group Koerner in units, representing his only truly mobile
thc Enna arca as an unassigned reserve. 52 reserves, would escape his grasp. Deem-
General Rodt, the 15th Panzer Grena- ing it wise to have sorne Italian troops
dier Division commander, 'represented by firmly in hand, he transferred the Livorno
bis chief of staff, discussed with Guzzoni Division to army reserve and moved it
the ~ibility of holding the mobile re- closer to bis Sixth Army headquarters.
serves closer to the coast. He proposed The German elements remained generally
moving two of his regimental groups in place. But additional units arriving in
quite close to Gela and Catania, the third Sicily formed a fourth reserve force "
to the wcst but keeping it ready for im- Group Neapel in the center.113
mediatc transfcr to the east if necessary. 53 Faldella, Lo sbarco, p. 69; MS #~77

A'!Suming that the Italian coastal divisions (Rodt); see Overlay, app. C: Planned Deploy-
would barely delay the attackers, and ment of Reserves, 9 June 1943, MS #R-126
estimating that the Allies would land in The identity and composition of Group Neapel
several different places before moving in- is unclear. lt may have included the 215th Tank
land in pincer movcments, Rodt wanted Battalion ( Gennan general headquarters troops),
attached later to the 15th Panz1r Gr1nadier Di-
52 Faldella, Lo sbarco, pp. 62-63; Rintelen in uision; it may also have included the reconnais-
MS #T-ra (Westphal et al.), ch. 11, p. ro; see sance battalion of the Hermann Goering Diuision.
Overlay, app. B.: Deployment as Planned by The deployment of Gennan troops on Sicily as it
Mid-May 1943, MS #R-126, Deployment, ch. appeared on a Gcrman map dated 12 June 1943,
VI of Axis Tactical Operations in Sicily, July- but not otherwise identified, is shown as an over-
August 1943 (Bauer). lay in Appendix D, MS #R-r26 (Bauer).
.~ t: \ .
. ' ..

LoOKING SpuTH FRoM THE HEIGHTS OF ENNA, site of General Guv:,oni's 6th Army Headquarters.

Transfer of the H ermann Goering Di- stationed close to thc coast would be
vision to Sicily as the second German spared long and difficult approach marches
division created a new problem. The and casualties from Allied air attacks.1111
German commanders in Sicily wished to The decision reached was to commit
use the 15th Panzer Grenadier Division the German divisions as much as possible
in the eastem half of the island where as complete units, onc in the east, the
they saw the greatest Allied thrcat and other in the west. The Hermann Goer-
where the division was well acquainted ing Division was to assemble in the south-
with the terrain-wherc, in fact, the eastern arca in Sixth Army reserve but
division had executed a map maneuver was to be available for use by the XVI
based on a simulated Allied landing in Corps with Guzzoni's permission. Group
the Gela arca. They therefore wanted Koerner of the 15th Panzer Grenadier
the Hermann Goering Division, which Division, locatcd near Catania, was to be
was not so far advanced in combined attached to the H ermann Goering Divi-
training as the 15th, committed as a sion. Group Ens of the 15th was to re-
whole in the western part of the island, main in the west under direct army con-
where the thrcat seemed not so great. 114 trol. Group Fullriede, integrating Group
Guzzoni, convinced that the main Al- Neapel into its organization, would be in
lied attack would hit the eastem coast the center ncar Caltanissetta.
near the southeastem comer, wanted to Guzzoni then had as the Sixth Army
hold both German divisions together a~ a reserve the augmented Group Fullriede
mobile reserve in the eastem part of Sicily. and the Livorno Division. This fully
He envisioned the Livorno and Na poli motorized reserve near Caltanissetta would
Divisions fighting delaying actions until be ready for commitment toward Catania,
the two German divisions could mount a sixty miles to the east; Gela, thirty miles
counterattack and strike. to the southeast; Licata, thirty miles to the
Kesselring rciterated the German view south; and Agrigento, thirty miles to the
that an invader was weakest when he left southwest.
his assault boats and waded ashorc. He When the H ermann Goering Division
thercfore wanted the reserves very close established its headquarters at Calta-
to the coast because he believed that the girone, twenty miles northeast of Gela, it
Axis forces werc too weak to eliminate assembled about two-thirds of its units in
beachheads once they were well estab- the arca. The other third combined
lished, and because he was concerned that with Group Koerner of the 15th Panzer
Allied air might rctard daylight move- Grenadier Division to form Group
. ments of the reserves on the narrow, Schmalz and went into position near
winding, Sicilian roads. Furthermore, Catania. The 15th Panzer Grenadier
reserves stationed inland would literally Division headquarters and Group Fullriede
have to come clown the mountains in moved into the western part of Sicily.
daylight and would thus present good Kcsselring, though expecting the main
targets for Allied naval gunfire. Reserves Allied landings to take place on the
eastern or southern coasts, was still prc-
54 MS #C-077 (Rodt); MS #C-095, Der
Kampf 11m Sizilien (General der Panzertruppcn 55 MS #T-2 K 1 (Keuelring), pp. 11-14; MS
Fridolin von Senger und Etterlin), pp. 7-10. #C-095 ( Senger), p. 7.

occupied with a po.ssible secondary attack At thc end of June, thcn, thc Aosta and
in the west. He proposed transferring Assietta Divisions and the bulk of the
Group Fullriede to the western sector, 15th Panzer Grenadier Division werc in
leaving Group N eapel in the Caltanissctta thc west; thc Napoli, Livorno, Hermann
area. He also proposed moving the Ger- Goering Diuisions, and one-third of the
man units closer to the coast than the 15th Panzer Grenadier Division werc in
Italians contemplated, and he suggested the south and east. (See M ap I l.)
concentrating them in the south central Expecting the Allies to land in several
part of the island. quite separate places, the Axis com-
Guzzoni agreed. On 26 June Kessel- mandcrs planned to counterattack the
ring summarized bis concept of repelling landings immediatcly, wipe them out one
an invasion: the battle was to be fought aftcr another, and prcvent the establish-
at the coast line by coastal units sup- ment of a continuous front. When Guz-
ported by local reserves under division zoni committed his mobile reserves, he
and corps control; mobile reserves-the hoped to do so at that "fleeting moment"
four Italian mobile divisions-relatively when thc main invasion sites wcre evident
close to thc coast in small groups, were but the individual beachheads were not
to be rcady to pounce as soon as the yet fully merged.
Allies set foot on shore; finally, the Ger- The axis commanders believed they had
man divisions were to clean up. 58 several more weeks to complete their final
prcparations, for they expected the Allies
56 MS #T-2 K 1 (Keaelring), pp. 10-14; MS
to attack about the middle of July.111
#C-095 (Senger), pp. 5-10; MS #C-o77
(Rodt), pp. g-10; Schmalz in MS #T-2 (Fries 5 ~ Faldella, Lo sbarco, pp. 65-66, 86; MS #T-

et al.), p. 72; see Overlay, app. E: Plan for De- 2 (Fries et 'al.), pp. 6-7 Aosta Division, though
ployment of Reserves on 26 June 1943, in Efl'ect under XII Corps, could be moved only after ae-
9 July 1943, in MS #R-126 (Bauer). curing anny approval.

Final Allied Preparations

Missions and Forces outset that an airborne attack was es-

sential for a successful assault on Sicily.
The Allied concept of making a con- Yet " plans were developed, Washington
centrated assault on the southeastern planners began to feel that it was absurd
comer of Sicily did not mean that all the to threaten the success of the naval effort
troops would land bunched together. It by requiring the Allied naval convoys to
meant instead that more than seven divi- approach the hostile shore in broad moon-
sions, preceded by airborne operations light simply to accommodate an airdrop
involving parts of two airbome divisions, of relatively small proportions. To them,
would come ashore simultaneously along it seemed that Eisenhower was "jeopard-
a front of one hundred miles. Both izing the entire operation because of the
frontage and initial assault forces would desire to use paratroops." Since current
be larger than those of the Nonnandy doctrine favored beach assaults during
invasion a year later. In fact, the in- the hours of darknes..., the planners noted,
vasion of Sicily, the first crack at Eu- could not the airborne troops be dropped
rope's "soft underbelly," was to be at once at dusk the evening before D-day to en-
the largest and most dispersed amphibi- able the naval convoys to approach dur-
ous assault of World War 11. ing the night and the amphibious troops
Though the Combined Chiefs of Staff to hit the shore just before daylight? 1
had hoped that the invasion could go in General Eisenhower thought not. Sup-
June, the length of the Tunisian cam- ported by Admiral Cunningham and Air
paign, which ended 13 May, and the Chief Marshal Tedder, and also by his
difficulties of preparing the Sicilian opera- airbome adviser, Maj. Gen. F. A. M.
tion made it impractical before July. Browning, the Allied commander in chief
lmportant in the choice of date and in- stated that moonlight was necessary so
vasion hour were the confticting require- that troop-carrying aircraft could find
ments of the naval forces, which would the proper drop zones. Thus, moonlight
convey the ground forces to Sicily, and was not a requirement imposed by the
of the airborne troops, which were to airborne troops; it wa5 "mandatory for
drop onto the island to disrupt the enemy the air force." Though Cunningham
rear and thereby assist the amphibious realized the disadvantages of such an
elements ashore. Specifically, moonlight, action, he believed that heavy air attack
necessary for airborne operations, was un- would diminish the threat of enemy air
fa vorable for naval operations. 1 Msg, OPD 138 to AFHQ, 113 Apr 43, OPD
Allied planners had assumed from the Exec 3, item ro.

action against the naval forces and also ter of airfields and the Catania-Gerbini
that moonlight would enhance Allied de- complex remained excluded as immediate
fense against enemy surface ships and objectives, and the hope was that the
submarines. In the Sicilian rcgion, Ei- major port of Syracuse would be occupied
senhower concluded, a second quarter soon after the landings. lf operations
moon provided the necessary light and developed quickly out of the initial
darkness. This occurred between the bcachhead, Augusta and Catania would
1oth and 14th of July. soon add their facilities to Allied port
Having secured the agreement of the capacity.
planners in Wa"hington, Eisenhower des- Though the British thus expected to
ignated H-hour as 0245, D-day as 1o have thrce major ports quickly, the Amer-
July, for the beach assault". The air- icans, served only by the minor porte; of
borne drops would occur around mid- Licata and Gela, would have to dcpend
night, sorne two and a half houn earlier. 2 on beach maintenance. Alexander justi-
Under Admiral Cunningham's opera- fied this logistical risk for two reasons:
tional command, the Western Naval Task the probability of good weather in July,
Force, commanded by Vice Adm. Henry and the availability of a newly devel-
K. Hewitt and numbering more than oped two-and-a-half-ton amphibious truck
1 , 7oo ships, craft, and boats, was to carry called the Dukw, which could ferry men
the American troops to Sicily; the East- and matriel directly to beach dumps.
ern Naval Task Force under Vice Adm. Furtherrnore, after the British captured
Sir Bertram H. Ramsey was to transport and opened the port of Syracuse, they
the British troops. Though enemy air agreed, after the fourteenth day of the
attack was the major naval concern, campaign, to dispatch 1,000 tons of sup-
Cunningham assigned six battleships to plie.c; daily to the Seventh Army. But
cover the convoys against the potential whethcr this, plus bcach maintenance,
threat of surface attack by the Italian would be enough remained to be seen.''
Fleet.3 Before the landings, Alexander made
Under General Alexander's 15th Arrny no spccific plans to develop the land
Group headquarters, Montgomery's campaign growing out of the initial beach-
Eighth Arrny was to land on the beaches hcad. He preferred to get the two arrnies
fronting the Gulf of Noto, just south of firmly ashore befare launching out. But
Syracuse, and on both sides of the south- he counted on the. British Eighth Army to
cac;tern point of Sicily; Patton's Seventh make the main effort, and he expected
Army was to come ashore on seventy Montgomery to drive quickly through
miles of beach along the Gulf of Gela. Catania to the Strait of Messina. 11 He
(Map III) Both the southwestem clus- 1 Alexander Despatch, pp. g-10; Force 343 Out-

:: AFHQ, Min of CofS Mtg 6, 15 Mar 43, line Plan, 18 May 43.
0100/12A/145; AFHQ NAF 182, 20 Mar 43, and 5 Lt. Col. G. W. L . Nicholson, "Official History
AFHQ NAF 186, 23 Mar, in ABC 381 HusKv of the Canadian Army in the Second World War,"
( 1943), sec. lA; AFHQ NAF 188, 25 Mar 43, vol. 11, The Canadians in Italy 1943-1945 (Ot-
OPD Exec 3, item 13; AFHQ NAF 199, 5 Apr tawa: Edmond Cloutier, Queen's Printer and
43, and Msg, AFHQ Out 6666 to AGW AR, 24 Controller of Stationery, l 956) , pp. 86-87; De
Apr 43, both in OPD Exec 3, item 1 l. Guingand, Operation Victory, p. 285; Eisenhower,
3 Eisenhower Sicilian Dispatch, p. 8r. See also Crusade in Euro pe, p. l 78; Churchill, Hin ge of
Morison, Sicly-Salerno-Anzio, pp. 27-29. Fate, p. 827.
GELA BEACH, designated landing area for Patton's Seventh A rmy troops.

was aware of possible resentment in the just south of Syracuse. The American
American Seventh Army over the fact Seventh Anny was to land three divisions
that the Americans would only protect on beaches oriented on the ports of Licata
the British ftank and rear while Mont- and Gela and several airfields nearby. A
gomery drove for the main strategic ob- reinforced regimenta) combat team from
jective in Sicily. Patton's army would the 82d Airborne Division was to drop
be the shield in Alexander's left hand; sevcral hours ahead of the main American
Montgomery's anny the sword in his landings to secure important high ground
right. a few miles inland from Gela. 11
As Alexander expected, sorne resentment The British Eighth Anny planned to
did arise, for Admira} Cunningham re- make five simultaneous predawn land-
ported that the Americans were "very ings, preceded by the air-landing opera-
sore about it." Maintenance, too, was tion just south of Syracuse. The 13
bound to be "a tricky problem" for the Corps (General Dempsey) on the right
Americans, for whether they could bring was to come ashore on the northem
3,000 tons ashore daily for six weeks beaches of the Gulf of Noto, the 5th
over the beaches and through the small Division near Cassibile, the 5oth Division
ports was highly questionable. Yet Pat- near Avola. Troops of the 1st Airbome
ton, Cunningham learned, had taken "the Division were to land south of Syracuse
attitude that he has been ordered to land on the corps north ftank, and together
there and he will do it." 6 Though sorne with Commando units landing just south
of Patton's ~ciates urged him to pro- o( Syracuse, were to assist the 5th Divi-
test, he refused. An ordcr was an order, sion to take the port. With a beachhead
and he would do his "goddamndest to and Syracuse secured, the 13 Corps was
carry it out." i He apparently con- to advance to the north to take Augusta
vinced Alexander of his good faith and and Catania.
finn intention to do thc best he could. 8 The 30 Corps (General Leese) was to
As finally drawn up, the plan provided make its amphibious landings on both
for the employment of thirteen divisions sirles of the Pachino pennsula, the south-
and one brigade. The British Eighth eastem comer of Sicily. The 231st In-
Anny was to land four divisions and one fantry Brigade was to protect the right
brigade, most of them on the Gulf of ftank and gain contact with the ad jacent
Noto beaches, the 1st Canadian Division 13 Corps in the Noto arca; the 5 1st
on onc beach around the southeastem Division was to take the town of Pachino.
comer of thc island. Their objectives On the left, the 1st Canadian Division,
were the port of Syracuse and a nearby with two Royal Marine Commando units
airfield. The Briti')h 1st Airlanding Bri- attached, was to capture the Pachino
gade was to precede the main British airfield and make contact with the Amer-
amphibious landings and seize the bridge ican Seventh Army at Ragusa. After a
called Ponte Grande over the Anapo River secure beachhead was established, Mont-
gomery planned to ha ve the 5 l st Division
8 Cunningham, A Sailor's Odyssey, p . 538.
1 Quoted in Morison, 6icily-Salerno-Anzio, 9 AFHQ FAN 12.1, 12 May 43, 0100/4A/29 ;
p. 200. AFHQ, Min of CofS Mtg 22 , 13 May 43, 0100/
11 Alexander Despatch, p. 1 o. 12C/101.

relieve the 5oth Division at Avola to en- The 1st Canadian Division was to come
able the latter unit to move north toward from the U nited Kingdom; the 5 1st Di-
Messina with the 13 Corps. 10 vision was to be mounted in Tunisia and
The British airborne troops, unlike the partly staged in Malta. The 78th Divi-
Americans who would parachute into sion and a Canadian tank brigade, follow-
Sicily, planned to come in by glider. up units, were to be mounted in the
They were to seize two objectives: the Sfax-Sousse arca of North Africa. 12
Ponte Grande over the Anapo River on In the American invasion, perhaps the
Highway 115, and the western part of most dramatic role was assigned to the
Syracuse itself. Montgomery hoped that paratroopers of the 82d Airborne Division,
the glider troops would assist the advance the newest member of the invasion team,
of his ground troops into the city and a unit which had yet to celebrate its
quicken the opening of the port of Syra- first birthday.
cuse, e.ssential to Eighth Army's logistical Delivering ground combat troops to a
plans. The U.S. 51st Troop Carrier battlefield by air was not a new idea in
Wing, which had worked with the British 1943, nor was Sicily the first place which
airborne troops since April 1943, was to saw the use of this dramatic method of
furnish a majority of the gliders and the warfare. But Sicily was to be the scene
tow planes. of the first Allied employment of a large
Again, unlike the Americans, who pre- number of airborne combat troops, dc-
ferred not to schedule follow-up airborne Jivered by parachute and glider, to sup-
operations, the British scheduled two, port larger bodies of combat troops
one against Augusta, and one in the Ca- engaged in conventional ground warfare.
tania arca. But until the invasion ac- Sicily also marked the first test of the
tually started, no one could say with airborne division concept, which had not
certaintv which, or if indeed either, of been accepted by the U.S. Anny until
these operations would be needed. 11 1942.13
The problem of mounting, assembling,
1 ~ Eisenhower Sicily Di1patch; Bradley, A Sol-
and supplying the various units in the
dier's Story, p . n4; Montgomery, Eighth Army,
Eighth Army was rather more difficult p. 90.
than the one faced by the Seventh Army, 13 Generally, the authon will not difl'erentiate

primarily because of the dispersed loca- between parachute and air-landed operations, but
will use the term airborne for methods of aerial
tions of the units. The 5th and 5oth delivery of troops and supplies into a combat zone.
Divisions and the 231st Infantry Brigade For details in the growth of the airborne division
were to be mounted in the Middle East. concept see: Robert R. Pahner, Bell I. Wiley, and
William R. Keast, The Procu,.ment and Training
10 Twelfth A1my Opns Order 1, 3 1 May 43, of Ground Combat Troops (Washington, 1948) ,
0100/12A/141. See aho Nicholson, The Cana- pp. 433-54, and Kent R. Greenfield, Robert R.
dians in Italy, pp. 62-63; Montgomery, Eighth Palmer, and Bell I. Wiley, The Organization of
Army, pp. 89, 94-95 Ground Combat Troops (Washington, 1947), pp.
11 Br ut AB Div Plan, job 61C, reel n4A ; 96-g8, both volumes in UNITED STATES
NAAFTCC Rpt of Opns, 31 Jul 43, 0403/11/ ARMY IN WORLD W AR II; John T. Ellis, Jr.,
949; John C. Warren, Airborne Missions in the Th1 Airborne Command and Center, AGF Study
Mediterranean, 1942-1945, USAF Historical 25, 1946 ; John A. Huston, Airborne Operationa,
Study 7,\ (Air University, Maxwell Air Force MS in OCMH; William H. Peifer, Supply by Sky,
Base, Ala. 1955) (hereafter cited as Warren, QMC Historical Studies, Series 11, No. 2, pp. 7-
USAF Hist Study 74) pp. 21-29, 42. 71.

Commanded by Maj. Gen. Matthew

B. Ridgway, the 82d Airborne Division
had been activated in August 1942. 1t
had had a difficult trammg period.
Shortages of transport aircraft, gliders,
and parachutes hampered the program,
and as late as March 1943 inspection
revealed an "insufficient training in the
field" and a need for "maneuver experi-
ence" before the division could be cer-
tified "fully prepared for combat duty." 14
Organizational changes immediately be-
fare the scheduled departure of the di-
vision for the Mediterranean theater dis-
rupted what little training time remained.
With only about one-third the amount
of training normally accorded the infantry
divisions, the 82d sailed for North Africa.
lt arrived early in May, two months
before the projected invasion of Sicily.
Training continued "in a fiery fur-
nace," according to Ridgway, . "where aison officers could not overcome the
the hot wind carried a fine dust that deficiencies of a system which split com-
clogged the nostrils, burned the eyes, and mand in a single operation. 16
cut into the throat like an abrasive." 15 Arriving in North Africa in April 1943,
Pilots of the Northwest African Air Forces the 52d Troop Carrier Wing was con-
Troop Carrier Command ( NAAFTCC ) , sidered fully qualified in dropping para-
activated on 2 1 March 1943, worked with chutists and towing gliders, but only on
both the 82d Airborne and the British daylight missions. Accordingly, the troop
1st Airborne Divisions, but a Jack of unity carrier units concentrated on night forma-
of command between the airborne and tion and navigational flying, using both
the air units precluded full co-ordination. normal navigation lights and, later, as
Although an American air force officer proficiency increased, small and lavender-
was attached to the 82d Airborne Divi- colored resin lights, which would be the
sion and an airborne liaison officer was only aids available during the Sicily opera-
attached to the 52d Troop Carrier Wing tion. But no real effort was made by
( the specific N AAFTCC component the wing to check the location of pin-
scheduled to support the American air- point drop zones at night. A night joint
borne operations), the efforts of a few li- training program with airborne troops
and carriers fa red poorly.
1 ~ Huston, Airborne Operations, ch. 111, p. 8 ;
'sec also General Matthew B. Ridgway, Soldier : Lt. Col. C . Billingslea, Report of Airborne
The Memoirs of Matthew B. Ridgway (New Operations, HusKY and BmoT, 15 August 1943
York: Harpcr and Brothers, r 956 ), pp. 59-60. ( cited hereafter as Billingslea Rpt), o 100/ 'l 1 /
s Ridgway, Soldier, p. 65. 1071 , l.
693 029 o. 65 8


General Ridgway selected the 505th the operation were those eventually allo-
Parachute Infantry Regimental Combat cated to the Sevcnth Army: the 11 Corps
Team, commanded by Col. James M. headquarters; the 1st, 3d, and 45th In-
Gavin, reinforced by the 3d Battalion, fantry Divisions; the 2d Armored Divi-
504th Parachute Infantry, to make the sion; the 82d Airbome Divi ion; and a
initial drop. With no specific assignment, portion of the gth Infantry Division, the
the remaining airbome units worked on bulk of the latter cast in the role of a
several plans covering various contingen- follow-up unit to be committed only with
cies that might lead to their commitment. General Alexander's approval.
Unlike the airborne troops, the Amer- Scheduled to control a sizable portion
ican ground units scheduled to make the of the assaulting echelon, the JI Corps
invasion were for the most part combat- had played an important role in the
experienced. Despite its new title, to North African campaign, first under Maj.
become effective on D-day, the Seventh Gen. Lloyd Fredendall, then under Gen-
Army headquarters was essentially that of eral Patton, and finally under Maj. Gen.
the 1 Armored Corps. The headquarters Ornar N. Bradley. A West Point grad-
planned the Sicilian operation first at uate in the class of 1g1 5 and the first of
Casablanca, then at Oran, later at Rabat, that class to receive a star, General Brad-
and finally at Mostaganem. The chief ley had commanded in turn two infantry
planner was Maj. Gen. Geoff rey Keyes, divisions in the United States befare com-
deputy commander. Patton, himself, par- ing to North Africa in early I 943 to act as
ticipated only in the resolution of majar General Eisenhower's personal representa-
problems. 17 tive in the field. On 16 April, Bradley
The subordinate ground units most had assumed command of the 11 Corps
concerned with the detailed planning of and had demon trated a competence that
marked him for higher command.
Seventh Army Rpt of Opns, pp. A- 2- The 3d lnfantry Division had partici-
A-6 ; Bradley, A So/dier's Story, p. 1 12 . pated in the North African invasion and


Force X. ( Photograph taken in

in part of the ensuing campaign. Its com- Oklahoma National Guard unit that had
mander, Maj. Gen. Lucian K. Truscott, been federalized in 1940. Alerted in
Jr., had served as head of the American January 1943 for an amphibious opera-
mission to the British Combined Operations tion in the Mediterranean theater, the
Headquarters, where he had conceived the division was probably one of the best
idea of creating American Ranger battal- trained divisions in the American Army
ions patterned after the British Comman- when it sailed from the U nited States in
dos. An observer in the ill-starred Dieppe June 1943. Its commander, Maj. Gen.
raid of August 1942, he had helped plan Troy H. Middleton, had been the young-
the North African invasion, and had com- est regimenta} commander in the Ameri-
manded the American landings at Port- can Army in France during World War
Lyautey in Morocco. Truscott assumed l. He had retired in 1937, but had
command of the 3d Division on 8 March
returned to active duty in early 1942
1943. and soon a~umed command of the
The 1st lnfantry Division, the oldest division.
division in the American Army, had par- The 2d Armored Division, which was
ticipated in the North African invasion to provide supporting armar to the as-
and had seized Oran after sorne of the sau lt forces as well as to constitute a
bitterest fighting of the campaign. The ftoating reserve, was a comparatively new
di,,..ision had then served throughout the unit on the rolls of the American Army,
remainder of the North African campaign, although its tank strength could be traced
often under trying circumstances. Maj. back through the 66th Infantry (light
Gen. Terry de la Mesa Allen had as- tanks )- the nation's only tank regiment
sumed command shortly before the divi- in 1940- to the American Tank Corps
sion had shipped overseas. of World War 1 days. Three invasion
The 45th lnfantry Division was an teams had been dra wn from the division

to provide annored support in the Amer- originally for firing smoke and gas shells,
ican landings in North Mrica but had although quite capable of firing high ex-
taken no part in the later Tunisian fight- plosive and white phosphorus rounds.
ing. In early 1943 the division provided There was little opportunity for combined
sorne two thousand replacements and training and for instructing infantry com-
numerous wheeled and tracked vehicles manders and their staffs on the capabil-
to the 1st Annored Division. Maj. Gen. ities and limitations of the mortar. This
Hugh J. Gaffey, who as Patton's chief of was doubly unfortunate because the 4.2-
staff in the 11 Corps had gained consid- inch mortar was, in effect, a new weapon
erable experience during the Tunisian and few infantry personnel in North Af-
campaign, assumed command of the 2d rica had had any previous experience with
Annored Division on 5 May 1943. Gaf- it.
fey had been onc of the pioneers of the To give the Free French, who were re-
American armored effort in the early equipping their Army units in North
days of World War 11. Africa with U nited States assistance, at
The follow-up gth Division, which had least token representation in the Sicilian
participated in the invasion of North invasion, General Eisenhower accepted a
Africa and had fought in the Tunisian battalion-size unit, the 4th Moroccan
campaign, notably at Hill 609, was under Tabor of Goums, to operate with thc
Maj. Gen. Manton S. Eddy, who had American forces. Numbering almost 900
been in command since mid-1942. Its men, the tabor had French officers and
39th Infantry Regiment and division ar- noncommissioncd officers, Berber goumiers
tillery were alerted for commitment in in the ranks, 117 horses, and 126 mules.
Sicily any time after D-day. Attachcd to thc 3d Division, the goums
In addition to the major ground units, were scheduled to come ashore on the
the Seventh Anny included a number of fifth day of the invasion.18
units designed for specialized functions.
Of primary importance to the ~ult Seventh Army Plans
phase were three Ranger battalions, the
I st, 3d, and 4th. The latter two had The troops of thc Seventh Army were
been newly activated in North Africa. to land on the beaches of the Gulf of
The 1st Rangers, led by Lt. Col. William Gela west of a boundary line running
O. Darby, had eamed an enviable com- from the coast near Pozzallo inland
bat reputation in the Tunisian fighting. through Ragusa to Vizzini, these towns
Another special unit was a motorized and thc road connccting thcm bcing as-
chemical battalion equipped with the signed to the British. Patton was . to
4.2-inch mortar, an extremely accurate, seize the airfields of Licata, Ponte Olivo,
rifled-bore, muzzle-loading weapon. Four Biscari, and Comiso. He was to capture
of these battalions were assigned to
the Sevcnth Anny, onc to cach infan- 18 W. C. Baxter, "Goums Marocains," Cavalry

try division. Each consisted of forty /ov.rnal, LIII, No. 2 (March-April 1944), pp.
officers and over five hundred men, 62-64 ; for U .S. aasistance to the French, see
Marce! Vigneras, RHrming the Freneh, UNITED
equipped with forty-eight of the big mor- STATES ARMY IN WORLD WAR 11 (Wash.
tars, a Chemical Corps weapon designed ington, 1957).

and put into operation the ports at The seventy miles of beach as.signed the
Licata and Gela. He was then to be Seventh Army from Licata on the west
ready for future operations as directed. to Pozzallo on the east comprised the
As Patton analyzed the terrain, he saw crescent shore line of the Gulf of Gela.
a dome-shaped plateau facing bis landing Though only a few of the beaches had
arcas as the important piece of ground- good cxits, almost all had sorne access to
a high saddle springing from the Caronie inland trails and roads. Except for the
Mountains in the north and extending small ports of Licata and Gela and the
southeast from Enna to Piazza Annerina tiny fishing village of Scoglitti, the coast
and onto the peak of the plateau at was open, with sandy beaches and occa-
Monte Lauro. Hardly less important sional rocky outcroppings. The beaches
was the Salso River on the left. appeared ideal for amphibious landings,
These terrain features indicated roughly but in reality they were not. Gradients
an outline of the beachhead that the were too gentle for many of the assault
anny would have to secure. The obvious landing craft. False beaches, shifting
strongpoint on which to base the beach- sand bars covered by sufficient water to
head on the west was a secondary ridge float smaller landing craft but not enough
east of the Salso River, which would for the larger craft carrying vehicles and
provide a further obstacle to enemy in- heavy equipment, fronted much of the
trusion. Elscwhere the high ground at shore line.
Piazza Armerina would delineate the The shallow plains behind the assault
beachhead. P~ion of this terrain beaches extended inland only a few miles
would deprive the enemy of ground over- before merging with the foothills of the
looking the assault beaches and give the dome-shaped plateau. The main rivers
Seventh Anny protection for building up ftowing from the high ground-the Salso,
its strength preliminary to a push inland. the Gela, and the Acate-presented prob-
But this beachhead would not give the lems for cross-country movement.
army two of its important and as.signed The length of assault frontage and the
objectives, the port and airfield at Licata. compartmenting of terrain created by the
To get these, Patton extended the rivers strongly influenced General Patton
beachhead line on the west to a high in organizing the army for the invasion.
ridge fourteen miles northwest of Licata. He as.signed the 11 Corps the bulk of the
But the key to the entire problem re- assault units and a large section of the
mained the high ground at Piazza Ar- front. He kept the 3d Division, rein-
merina, which was not only commanding forced heavlly with combat and service
terrain but also carried the main road support units, directly under his control.
( Highway 1 17 ) leading from Enna to The 11 Corps was to make the main
Gela and Syracuse. The enemy would effort and seize the key terrain features
most certainly utilize this road in shifting in the Piazza Armerina area; the 3d Di-
his forces from the western and central vision was to attack in the Licata area
portions of the island to oppose the Allied and anchor the beachhead on the west by
landings. To get to this high ground seizing the ridge line west of the Salso
quickly became the basic motive of Sev- River. An arrny reserve was to comprise
enth Anny planning. four principal elements: ( 1) the 2d Ar-

mored Division, minus Combat Command low Line, from Mazzarino on the west to
A but reinforced by the 18th Infantry Vizzini on the east, and gain contact
Regimental Combat Team (RCT) of the with the British Eighth Army at Ragusa.
1st Division, which was to sail with the Truscott's reinforced 3d Division also
as.sault forces prepared to land in support had three principal missions. It was to
of any assault; ( 2) the remainder of the land in the Licata area on D-day and
82d Airbome Division, which was to be capture the port and airfield there by
on call any time after H-hour; ( 3) the nightfall. After extending its beachhead
39th Infantry RCT of the 9th Infantry to the Yellow Line ( from Palma di Mon-
Division, ph..L.'I the gth Division's artillery, techiaro on the west up to and through
which was to be rcady to move from North Campobello toward Mazzarino) to pro-
Africa at any time after D-day; and ( 4) tect the army's beachhead from enemy
the rcmaindcr of the gth Division. 19 interference from the west and northwest,
Patton's schemc of maneuver called for the division was to gain and maintain
simultaneous landings in the Licata-Gcla- conta et with thc 11 Corps on the right. 20
Scoglitti arcas in order to capture thc Expecting Truscott's 3d Division to
airfields, the air landing ground at Farel- capture the port and airficld at Licata
lo, just east of Gela, and the port'! of by nightfall of the first day and the high
Licata and Gela by darkness of D plus ground around Naro soon after, and an-
2. For control, Patton designated two ticipating that Bradley's 11 Corps would
phase lines. The first, called the Yellow have the three airficlds in its zone by the
Line, marked a secure initial beachhead end of the third day, General Patton
and included the initial objectives-a hoped to have his initial objectives in
line through Palma di Montechiaro, threc days. Then he wanted the beach-
Campobello, Mazzarino, Caltagirone, and head expanded to the final phase line,
Grammichele, roughly twenty miles in- named Blue. To bolster the 11 Corps
land. The second, denoted the Blue landing in the Gcla arca, he directed that
Line, through Campobello, Piazza Ar- a parachute task force in reinforced reg-
mcrina, and Grammichele, included the imental strength be dropped in front of
high ground overlooking the lateral roads the Ist Division to securc the high ground
in the army sector. overlooking the 1st Division's assault
To General Bradley's 11 Corps went beaches.
three principal mis.'!ions. U nder the cover Commanding thc left invasion forces,
of darkness on D-day, the assault units-- Truscott, with CCA of the 2d Armored
the 1 st and 45th Infantry Divisions- Division and the tabor of goums attached
were to land at Gela and near Scoglitti, to his 3d Division, had about 45,000
and capture the Ponte Olivo airficld by
daylight on D plus 1. After prcssing in-
2 Force 343 Outline Plan, 18 May 43, Se,,;enth
land and seizing the Comiso airfield by
Army Rpt of Opns, p. d-2; Map, Final Allied
daylight on D plus 2 and thc Biscari air- Plan (HusKY), Seventh Army Rpt o( Opns, p .
field by darkness of that day, the corps a-5; Hq Force 343 FO r , 20 Jun 43 , Seventh
was to extend its beachhead to the Yel- Army Rpt of Opns, pp. d-7-<l-8; the detailed
order of battle of the Seventh Anny may be
found in Seventh Army Rpt of Opns, pp. d-g--
19 Seventh Army Rpt o( Opns, p. a-8. d-12.

mcn. About half were to land on D-day and risk isolation of the western landings
on a front of more than twelve miles. in view of the necessity for seizing Cam-
His objective, Llcata, a city of about pobello and Palma di Montechiaro?
30,000 people, a minor port, rail, and Even though it would be difficult to re-
road center, nestlcd against a mound inforce from thc sea over the beaches
that rises about 500 feet above the Licata west of Licata, Truscott chose to land on
plain, flat terrain rimmed, five miles away, both sides of the river.
by the foothills of thc dome-shapcd Truscott wished to land ali his infantry
plateau. In the middle of the plain, as rapidly as possible, with sorne tanks
three mile"> northwest of thc city and in close support, and seize four key points
adjacent to the highway running north to in the foothills dominating the Licata
Caltanissetta and Enna, was the Licata plain. With a beachhead formed and
airfield. secured, he would then strike immediately
The Seventh Army designated four as- for Campobello and Palma di Monte-
sault beaches as suitable for the 3d Di- chiaro, using if necessary CCA of the 2d
vision-two west of Licata, two east of Armored Division, his floating reserve.
the town. Because beach data was far The right invasion force, Bradley's 11
from complete, Truscott appealed person- Corps, was to bite off more than fifty of
ally to Maj. Gen. James Doolittle, who the seventy miles of army front, though
commanded the Northwest African Stra- in actuality the landings would occur on
tegic Air Force ( N ASAF) , for serial somewhat separated fronts totaling fifteen
photos of the landing sites, which Doo- miles. The 1st Division was to land on
little supplied. 21 the left, the 45th Division on the right.
Early capture of Campobello and Palma The 1st Division's zone extended from
di Montechiaro, both on Patton's Yellow a point midway between Gela and Licata
Line and both controlling avenues of eastward to the Acate River. Gela,
approach from the northwest, were Trus- about twenty miles east of Licata, was an
cott's essential objectives for protecting overgrown fishing village with 32,000 in-
the army's left flank. But the Salso habitants. It had a pier jutting 900 feet
River, bisecting his zone, could be into the water from near the center of the
crossed only by road and railwa y bridge<> town to serve small ships. Behind the
at Licata. The beaches west of Licata town was the treeless plain of Gela, used
were poor, those east of the city good. for growing grain. The Gela River
~uming that the enemy would destroy reached the sea a mile or so east of the
the bridges across the Salso, should Trus- town. Three miles east of Gela and ad-
cott commit his entire force to the east- jacent to the coastal highway was the
em beaches and risk its temporary con- Gela-Farello landing ground. Six miles
finement within the narrow limits of the east of Gela, the Acate ( or Dirillo) River
river, hill, and sea? Or should he land emptied into the sea.
in strength on both sides of the river General Allen, controlling two regi-
ments of the 1st Division, two Ranger
battalions, and supporting units, was as-
21 Lucan K. Truscott, Command Missions
(New York: E. P. Dutton and Co., Inc., 1954), signed six beaches with a total frontage
pp. 200-20 J. of five miles. He split his troops into

three attack groups. The Rangers were contact with the Canadians at Ragusa.22
to take the city of Gela; one of the in- The assault forces and thc ftoating re-
fantry regiments was to assist the Rang- serve were paired off with the naval task
ers, if nec~ry, or was to take high forces which comprised the component
ground overlooking the Ponte Olivo air- parts of Admiral Hewitt's Western Naval
field from the west; the other regiment Task Force. The 3d Division was to
was to move to the northeast toward the be transported on a shore-to-shore basis
hilltop town of Niscemi, thirteen miles by Naval Task Force 86 under the com-
northeast of Gela, make contact with mand of Rear Adm. Richard L. Conolly.
paratroopers dropped inland, and advance Two light cruisers and eight destroyers
against the Ponte Olivo airfield from the were to perform escort and gunfire sup-
east. port duties for this task force. The 1st
Between the Acate River and the Sev- Division and the army's ftoating reserve
enth Army boundary on the right, a dis- were to be carried by Rear Adm. John L.
tance of fifteen miles, lay the zone of the Hall's Naval Task Force 81 on both a
45th Division, a smooth are of coast ship-to-shore and shore-to-shore basis,
lin~ virtually devoid of indentation. Two escorted and supported by two light
rocks jutting above the water signaled cruisers and thirteen destroyers. The
thc cntrance to two coves that served 45th Division was paired off with Rear
the fishing village of Scoglitti. Behind Adm. Alan G. Kirk's Naval Task Force 85
the shore was a broad, relatively open on a wholly ship-to-shore operation. One
plain sloping gradually to the foothills light cruiser and sixteen destroyers were
of the mountainous terrain and to inland allotted to this force for supporting duties.
towns on relatively high ground. About There was to be no naval counterpart to
ten miles inland, Biscari and its airfield the 11 Corps headquarters, nor did Gen-
( three miles to the north of the town) eral Bradley have a naval opposite num-
and Comiso and its airfield ( three miles ber. The 11 Corps commander and a
north of the town) , were the main ob- few key members of bis staff were allotted
jectives of General Middleton's division. space aboard Admiral Kirk's ftagship,
Between the relatively uninhabited coast while the remainder of the corps' staff
line and the coastal highway, which sheers was distributed among five LST's of the
away from the coast after leaving Gela, same force. 28
there were no good roads. One regiment 22 For details of the divisions' plans see: 3d lnf
coming ashore just east of the mouth of Div FO 5, 26 Jun 43; 11 Corps FO 8, 15 Jun 43;
the Acate River was to drive north to rst lnf Div FO 26, 20 Jun 43; AGF Rpt 217,
Biscari to take the town and airfield and sub: Rpt on Opn Husi.v, 1943.
23 Action Report, Western Naval Task Force,
seize the crosWig of the coastal highway The Sicilian Campaign, Operation Hus1tY, July-
over the Acate River-Ponte Dirillo. August 1943 (cited hereafter as WNTF Action
Another regiment was to seize Scoglitti, Rpt), pp. 115-116; Bradley, A Soldi11'1 Story, p.
119; Morison, Sicily--Saltlrno-Anzio, pp. 117-33;
then capture the town of Vittoria, seven Interv, Maj. A. N. Garland and Mr. Martin Blum-
miles inland, and be prepared to hclp enson with Lt. Gen. Troy H. Middleton ( Ret.) ,
take the Comis'o airficld. The third reg- 16 Jun 59, at Louisiana State University.
A total of 6o 1 ships and 1, u4 ship-bome land-
irnent was to drivc on the Comiso airfield, ing craft were auigned to WNTF. This figure
protect the 11 Corps right ftank, and gain includes 32 Liberty ships and 92 LCM's carried

The airborne mission, designed primar- Thc 52d Troop Carrier Wing planned
ily to ~ist the rst Division landing, was to employ 227 aircraft, ali C-47's, or-
the seizure of the high ground ( Piano ganized into five groups to transport the
Lupo) in the Gela area for the purposc paratroopers. They were to fly at just
of blocking enemy approach from the above sea level in do.sed V of V forma-
north and east. The troops were also to tions of nine craft, rising during their
cover the Ponte Olivo airfield by fire and final approaches to 600 feet and widen-
facilitate its capture by the seaborne in- ing their formations. All were to arrive
fantry. Undcr Seventh Army control over the drop zones between 2330, g
until they made contact with the ground July, and 0006, 10 July. After discharg-
forces, the parachute troops wcre then to ing their loads, they were to execute a
come under the 11 Corps. General Brad- widc 180-degree tum and fly back to
ley planned to attach the 3d Battalion, their home bases in North Africa.
504th Parachute Infantry, to the 1 st Di- Though the initial route proposed for
vision to assist the latter unit in taking the troop carriers was a relatively short
Niscemi, while the remainder of the para- and straight ftight over Pantelleria, the
chute combat team assembled near Gela planners eventually chose a route over
as 1st Division reserve. Malta in order to keep the planes away
The drop zone for the major parachute from the naval convoys and their anti-
elements--Piano Lupo--was a hill mas.5 aircraft guns. The final rou te accepted
which dominated a road intersection seven had three sharp turns over water during
miles northeast of Gela. There the roads dim moonlight, "a complicated dog-leg
from Caltagirone ( via Niscemi) and Vit- course requiring over three hours flight
toria met, providing excellent approaches each way." 24
for an enemy force arriving to contest The pilots were to identify their drop
the 1st Division's landings. Drop zones zones from aerial photographs carried in
for lcsser elements were chosen for similar their cockpits. There were to be no
reasons--troops dropped in these areas markers on the drop zones, no pathfinder
were to knock out roadblocks and obstruct teams. But this seemed satisfactory, for
the highway approaches to the beaches. on a previous night reconnaissance, Colo-
One party of forty-two men was to drop nel Gavin found that "ali check points
from thrce planes in the early minutes of and terrain showed up clearly in the
10 July to demolish or hold the vital moonlight, exactly as we had memorized
Dirillo bridge acr~ the Acate River. them from photographs." 211
Attachments of engineers, signal troops, A problem of great concem to General
medical personnel, and naval gunfire and Ridgway, the 82d Airbome Division's
air support parties reinforced Colonel commander, was adequate night fighter
Gavin's combat team. Though the plan- protection for the troop carriers, which
ners hoped for early contact with the
H Harry L. Coles, Participation of the Ninth
scabome forces, they planned at least one and Twelfth Air Forces in the Sicilian Campaign,
aerial resupply mission. USAF Historical Study 37 (Air University, Max-
well Air Force Base, Ala., 1945), p. 80.
on those Libcrty 1hips which arrivcd off the 25 James M. Gavin, Airborne Warfare (Wash-
beaches between D plus 1 and D plus 8. WNTF ington: lnfantry Journal Preas, 1947), p. 5. See
Action Rpt, p. 96. also Warren, USAF Hist Study 74, p. 28.

were vulnerable to attack. No one could and one-third units of fire, while its D
guarantee that the Allied air forces would plus 4 follow-up was to bring in an ad-
have complete air mastery by the time of ditional seven days of maintenance plus
the invasion. Though Ridgway requested one and onc-sixth units of fire. Four-
fighter protection, and though General teen days maintenance, plus two and one-
Patton and the troop carrier cornmander third units of fire, were provided on the
supported him, the NATAF disapproved D plus 8 convoy. Thc 3d Division gen-
the request on the basis that other mis- crally followed the samc plan: seven days
sions were of greater irnportance to the maintenance plus one and one-sixth units
operation as a whole. As a result the of fire on the assault convoy; sevcn days
paratroopers and the troop carrier crew- maintenance and one and one-sixth units
men would have to bank on achieving of fire on the first follow-up convoy; but
tactical surprise or possibly on the unwill- only scven days maintcnance and one and
ingness of enemy air to make a fight of it. 26 one-sixth units of fire on the D plus 8
Though tactical planning was not par- convoy.
ticularly troublesome, logistics posed its Thcrc was also to be a ftoating supply
problems. Planners provided the 45th reserve. In Oran, Algiers, and Bizcrte,
lnfantry Division with twenty-one days twenty days maintenance and four units
maintenance plus ten units of fire in the of fire were to be loaded in seven cargo
assault and first follow-up convoy of D ships and hcld on call to unload ovcr the
plus 4. Seven additional days mainte- beaches any time after D plus 14. In
nancc, plus onc and onc-sixth units of addition, the logistical planners establishcd
fire, would be carried on the second on the ground in the Bizertc arca a re-
follow-up convoy on D plus 8.27 The serve of supplies of three and one-half units
1st Division, fumished with cnough sup- of fire, 25 percent combat vehicles, 10
plies for the airhorne elements committed percent general purposc vehicles, and 1o
in its zone, was to carry on its assault percent weapons, plus fiftcen days main-
convoy scven days maintcnance plus two tenance for 140,000 mcn, to be available
on call for movement to Sicily.
18 For details of the airbome planning, see: II

Corps FO 8, 15 Jun 43; 82d AB Div FO 1, 23

An emergcncy stockpile of supplies,
Jun 43; 505th RCT (Reinf) FO 1, 28 Jun 43; established in the Kairouan arca of cen-
ut Inf Div FO 26, 20 Jun 43; 82d AB Div 2d tral Tunisia for thc 82d Airhorne Divi-
rev. an. 2 to FO 1, 8 Jul 43; Ltr, U .S. Naval sion and available for shipment on call
Forces, NWA Waters, to CinC U.S. Fleet, 24 Jul
43, sub: Naval Gun6re Liaison Off1 Operating from army, consisted of scven days main-
With AB Troops, with lncl, Rpt from En1ign tenance and two and one-third units of
Seibert; Hiatory of 3d USAF Air Support Com- firc for one infantry regimental combat
munications Squadron, 10 January 1944, Sq-A-
Sup-Com-3-Hi, Air University, Maxwell Air team reinforced by three antiaircraft bat-
Field Base, Ala., p. 16; Billinplea Rpt; talions and one tank battalion.
NAAFTCC Rpt. The division commanders were respon-
n The units of 6re used in the Sicilian opera-
tion are 1hown in Annex 3, FO 1, Headquarten sible for thcir own supply f rom ships
Force 343, J5 ]une 1943, Seventh Army Report and landing craft over the beaches, or
of Operation1, p. d-44. A unit of fire represenu through any of the capturcd ports, until
a specific number of rounds of ammunition per
weapon, which varies with the type and caliber of the Seventh Army could assume the lo-
weapons. gistic function. This responsibility m-

cluded maintaining all the beaches in the would be almost three times thc size of
division arcas. To carry out this func- a normal infantry division and expected
tion, each a.ssault division received an to be responsiblc for its own supply and
engineer shore regiment or an engineer maintcnance for a long time, Truscott
combat regiment. When the army took found it nccessary to establish an admin-
over the supply misfilon, the 1st Engineer istrative organization much larger than
Special Brigade (a permanent headquar- that nonnally found in a division, onc
ters) was to assume command of all that was comparable to an army-size
division beach groups and become respon- unit.
sible for the execution of all supply plans The a.ssault against Sicily represented
emanating from army, including the an cnormous improvement in specialized
operation of captured ports. The 11 craft and in the tcchniquc of amphibious
Corps would have no administrativc func- opcrations over the North African land-
tions othcr than thosc pertaining to corps ings of 1942. Scvcral ncw devices werc
troops unless an emergency arose. 28 to be uscd on a large scale for the first
Thc most crucial aspect of all army time. A wholc ncw series of landing
logistical planning remained the balancing craft and ships were to play a prominent
of army requirements with thc avail- part. The most important of these were
able naval shipping capacity. The limita- the LST ( landing ship, tank) , the LCT
tions on the number of landing craft ( landing craft, tank) , the LCI ( land-
assigned to the division task forces cau.scd ing craft, infantry), and the LCVP
logistical planners many sleepless nights. ( landing craft, vchicle or personnel) .
Artillery wanted its guns ashore as quick- Their fun'c:tion was to come aground on
ly as ~ble and did not particularly the shore and disgorgc mcn and matriel
care if the weapons displaced ncc~ry rapidly. Yet they were so new that no
servicc units. Engineers wantcd more onc could be sure of certain aspects of
bridging cquipment and did not hesitatc their performance. For example, the
to argue for the displacemcnt of certain LCI had nevcr been bcached successfully
artillery units. General Bradley, whosc in water shallow enough for infantry to
headquarters was responsible for the wade ashore; many naval officers thought
preparations of two of the three assault that the troops would first have to dis-
forces, was in the middle of the dispute. embark into canvas or rubber boats.
Bradley fought, pleaded, cajoled, and or- No one knew precisely how many men
dered his supply people to come up with could be loaded into an LST or LCT
a workable plan. But the separate arms with both comfort during thc voyage and
and services were difficult to handle, "each
contending," Bradley said, "that if its 30 Truscott, Command Missions, p. 204. The
particular allotment were cut, the whole variety of organizations scheduled for the opera-
invasion might fail." 29 tion was in no way an aid to the logiaticians.
The 11 Corps alone contained 151 different types
Truscott's supply people faced much of uniu "ranging from infantry regimenu to cn-
thc samc problcm. Sincc thc 3d Division gineer well-drilling sections, balloon batteries,
MP prisoner-escort companies, auxiliary aurgical
28 Seventh Army Rpt of Opns, pp. E-1-E-4; groupa, graves rcgistration companies, and naval
I-10; I-16-I-21. shore battalions." Bradley, A. Soldier's Story, pp.
18 Bradley, A Soldirs Story, p. 117. 117-18.

PoNTON CAUSEWAY extendingfrom an LST to shore was /irsl used in invasion of Sicily.

adequate egress ashore. There was also The vanous new craft, products of
the Dukw, an ingenious vehicle a ble to American and British imagination and
swim and roll, and on this vehicle rested industrial skill, in large measure provided
much of the hope of supplying the Sev- the answer to the chief problem of am-
enth Army adequately over the beaches. phibious warfare- the rapid transfer of
Basically an amphibious 2 Y2-ton truck
For their development see: James Phinney Baxter
capable of carrying twenty-five troops and 1d , Scientists Against Time (Boston: Little,
their equipment, or five thousand pounds Brown and Company, 1946) , pp. 6g-77; Matloff
of general cargo, or twelve loaded litters, and Snell, Strategic Planning for Coalition W ar-
/are, 1941-1942, pp. 192-94; George E. Mowry,
the Dukw, with its six-cylinder engine Landing Craft and the WPB (Historical Report
and propeller, could make a speed of five on War Administration: WPB Speciai. Study 11) ,
and a half knots in the water in a moder- rev. ed., Washington, 1946). For a description
of the large troop-carrying transports see Roland
ate sea, and race fifty miles per hour on W. Charles, Troopships of World War 11 (Army
land on its six wheels. 81 Transportation Association, Washington, 1947).
For the development of the Dukw see: Con-
31 For descriptions of landing craft see ONI sta nce McLaughlin Green, Harry C. Thomson,
226, Allied Landfog Craft and Ships; Samuel and Peter C. Roots, The Ordnance Department:
Eliot Morison, "History of United States Naval Planning Munitions for War (Washington, 1955),
Operations in World War 11," vol. 11, Operations pp. 227n, 227-28, and Chester Wardlow, The
in North African Waters, October 1942-/une Transportation Corps: Movements, Training, and
1943 (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, Supply (Washington, 1956) , pp. 442-91 , both
1947) , pp. 266-71 ; ASF Manual M409, 14 Dec volumes in the UNITED STATES ARMY IN
43, sub: Logstica! Planning and Reference Data. WORLD W AR 11.

men and matriel to the far shore. But tions, a situation which posed untold
the Sicilian beaches presented a peculiar problcms since this tcchnique of amphib-
problem. Between the false beaches and ious warfare had been given little study
the true beaches were dcpressions, or in the United Statcs and there was little
runneJs. To overcome this hazard, the official American literature on the subject.
Navy devised two methods of transfcrring As late as the middle of May the naval
vehicles and other cargo from the large staff was planning to employ equipmcnt
landing craft across the runnels to the whose capabilities and limitations were
shore line. The first was the ponton virtually unknown. 88 Nor was there a
causeway, several of which were con- sufficient number of any category of craft
structed at Bizerte and Arzew under the for component forces within the Army to
direction of Admira} Conolly. A num- be similarly equippcd. The 45th Divi-
bcr of ponton units were clampcd secure- sion, coming directly from the United
ly together to forma causeway or portable States, was loaded on the pre-ToRCH
bridge either to be towed to Sicily or principie of "Trans-Divs" (Transport
carried there on the sidcs of LST's. Divisions), consisting of combat-loaded
The second method married an LCT AP and AK ships.84 The 1st Division,
to an LST. Cut out, hinged sections of executing a shore-to-shore operation, had
selected LCT's permitted these modificd for the most part ship-to-shore ships and
craft to be joined to the bow of an LST, craft with thc bulk of its vehicles loaded
at right angles to the larger vessel. Thc into AK or other types of cargo ships.
vehiclcs, or othcr cargo, on the LST could The 3d Division alone had an adequate
then be moved ac~ the lowcred bow number of shore-to-shore craft entirely
ramp of the LST onto the LCT. From suitable for its task.
the first LCT, the vchiclc or cargo could There could be no argument with the
thcn be transferred to a second LCT, suballotment of the available shipping:
bow to bow, and the second LCT could Patton did not have enough of any one
transport the load to shore.82 kind to go around. He chosc to concen-
trate in a single sector-that of the 3d
Naval and Air Plans Division-the means to put ashore rapidly
a powerful armored force which in the
The peculiar difficulty in planning initial phases could have a material effect
HusKv was that the operation did not on the whole of the subsequent cam-
fall specifically into eithcr a ship-to-shore paign. Whcn deciding on the allotmcnt
or a shore-to-shore operation. In the of landing craft to thc divisions, Patton
first place, it could not be called shore- felt that one of the most vital, if least
to-shore sincc the 45th Division was tac- spectacular, of the assigned tasks was the
tically loaded in the United Statcs before protection of the left ftank of the Allied
the final tactical plan was firm. On the
u COHQ Bull Y/1, sub: Notes on Planning
other hand, many of the vessels allotted and Assault Phases of the Sicilian Campaign,
to the army units were the typcs specif- October 1943, 8-7.0010/43.
34 The term AP is uted to denote a troop trans-
ically dcsigned for shorc-to-shorc opera-
port vessel; the term APA to denote an attack
transport. The AK designation refers to a cargo
32 Morison, Sicily--Salerno-Anzio, p. 31. ship; the term AKA to an attack cargo ship.

landings against counterattacks from the Unlike the naval planners who co-
strong Gcnnan formations known to be operated closely with Army planners, the
in the western part of the island. The Air Forces refused to co-ordinate its
rapid disgorgement of armor onto the 3d planning with either Army or Navy.
Division beaches would grcatly assist in Part of this was due to the influence of
meeting any such thrcat. the British concept, which held that the
Whethcr it was vital to soften the bcach air scrvice was independent of and co-
defenscs by naval gunfire before the land- equal with the other scrvices--a concept
ings was a qucstion on which the Army different from the American point of view,
and Navy took opposite views. Not op- which saw the air arm as having a sup-
timistic about the effect of naval gunfire port function as wcll as a more or less
on fixed bcach defenscs, Army planners independent mis&on. But the Air Forces
were concemed with the safety of para- adopted as its primary mission the neu-
troopers dropped ashore bcfore the land- tralization of Axis air power, and until
ings; they were also interested in achieving that objcctive was accomplished to the
tactical surprise. The Navy planners satisfaction of air commanders, little
argued that it was impossible to expect to could be done to sccure ground support.
achieve surprise because of the heavy pre- The Air Forces' position was that air
paratory air bombardments, the dropping strength should not be parceled out to
of paratroopers several hours before the individual landings or scctors, but should
bcach ~ult, and the approach of huge instead be kept united under a single
convoys in bright moonlight. command to insure the greatest possiblc
Thc Army prevailed. There was to be ftexibility. Thus, air power could be
no preparatory naval fire. Yet the Army m~d where it was nccded and not
wished the warships to be ready to fumish kept immobilized where not needed. Bc-
fire support after the troops were ashore. causc the enemy air forces remained the
To this end, fire control parties from each overriding target, and since enemy air-
artillcry battalion received sorne training craft comprised "a fluid targct not easily
in observing and controlling naval gunfire pinpointed in advance," the air plan gavc
on ground targets; arrangements were ground and naval commanders no con-
made for air observation and control of crete information on the amount and type
naval fires; and a naval gunfire liaison of air support they could expcct on
officcr was ~igned to each infantry D-day.80
division stafJ. The air plan issued late in June was
In the event that the enemy discovered described by one American general as a
the invasion forces offshore and began to "most masterful piece of uninformed pre-
take effcctive measures to prevcnt the varication, totally unrelated to thc Naval
landings, the Navy was to be rcady to and Military Joint Plan." 81 D-day
takc shore targcts under fire. Thc plan-
ncrs prepared a systcm of prearrangcd fires, u Quote is from Craven and Cate, eds., Eu-
Army planners selecting certain targets rop1: TORCH to POINTBLANK, p. 445; aee
for the Navy, others for the Air Forces.15 abo Sir John Sleuor, Th1 C1ntral Blu1 (New
York : Frederick A. Praeger, 1957), pp. 417-27.
35Seventb Army Rpt of Opru, pp. A-10-A- n Quote il from COHQ Bull Y/ 1. Thc
12; WNTF Action Rpt, pp. 86-87. air plan may be found in 0407 / 488, Rpt of Opru

bombardment targets were not discloscd, The most support that would be fur-
except thosc diversionary bombardments nished the Seventh Army during the
in support of thc airborne drops. 88 initial phases of the Sicilian Campaign
Ground and naval commanders had no consisted of a maximum of eighteen tac-
idea of the degree of protection they tical reconnaissance mi.smons per day,
could expect, and when the assault troops each m~ion lasting sorne thirty minutes.
set sail for Sicily, their commanders had Dcspite ground dissatisfaction with air
not the faintest idea of when, where, plans, the Allied air forces actually per-
under what circumstances, and in what formcd their preinvasion roles effectively.
numbers they would see their own aircraft. Furnishing all the fighter and fighter-
The U .S. XII Air Support Command bombcr support and much of the light
( Maj. Gen. Edwin House) had the mis- and medium bombcr support, the NATAF
sion of providing air support for the moved three Spitfire wings from North
Sevcnth Army. The command com- Africa to Malta in June to bring the air
prised seventeen squadrons of aircraft: strength on that island to twenty fighter
six of fighter-bombers, ten of day fighters, squadrons. An American P-40 fighter
and one reconnaissance squadron. The group moved to Pantelleria, also in J une,
command also included signal construction to cover the assault landings at Gela and
and signal operation units for maintaining Licata. American aviation engineers in
and operating an extensive communica- the remarkably short time of twenty days
tions network plus a signal aircraft warn- constructed a new airfield on the island of
ing battalion which could provide radar Gozo, near Malta, to base another Ameri-
coveragc over the battle area and ground can fighter group. By the end of June,
control for the aircraft. Of the allotted Allied planes based on the thrce islands
aircraft, however, only the reconnaissancc totaled 670 first-line aircraft.
squadron operated under the direct control On the Cape Bon peninsula of North
of the XII Air Support Command; all Africa, twelve newly constructed, or im-
fighter-bomber and day fighter aircraft proved, Axis airfields went to the XI 1
were placed under the opcrational control Air Support Command and to the Tac-
of the RAF's Malta Command and under tical Bombcr Force. The British Dcsert
NATAF itself, opcrating through XII Air Air Force, based in the Tripoli area and
Support Command's rear headquarters in employing fighter-bombcrs entirely, was

support plan. Several air ofticers tried to secure

by Northwest African Tactical Air Force in the close co-ordination with the ground forces, Col.
Capture of Sicily. Lawrence Hickey in particular. Working with
31 Ltr, NAAF to NASAF, 4 Jul 43, sub: Radio General Patton on air problema, Hickey became
Counter-Measurea, and Huss.Y Outline Plan for Prsona non grata with air force commanden and
Attack on Enemy Radar, 21 Jun 43, both in 0403/ was prevented from receiving a command as the
11/947; see abo Ltr, NAAF to multiple address- result of the personal intervention of Air Manhal
ees, 7 Jul 43, aub: Divenionary Air Opns, same Cunningham, who felt that the "Hickey-Patton
file; Colea, USAF Hiat Study 37, p. 87; Warren, relationship (was) a weakness." See correspond-
USAF Hi1t Study 74, pp. 25-26. ence in 0407/418. See also Ltr, No. 1 Planning
111 See files 0407/430, sub: Co-operation With Staff, Force 545 (Air), 2 Jun 43, to Deputy Air
Force 343, and 0407/418, sub: Operational Plan- CinC on Matter of Air Support for Seventh
ning-XII ASC, for details of worltlng out the air Army, 0403/10/951.

rcady to support ground operations in Chase; General Truscott and Admiral

Sicily and prepared to move to Malta as Conolly aboard the Biscayne.
soon as planes there shifted to newly The Mediterranean was relatively calm
captured airfields on Sicily. until the moming of 9 J uly when wind
The NASAF started its Sicilian opera- and sea began to rise. From a velocity of
tion by first attacking the southwestem ten miles per hour, a westward wind in-
group of Sicilian airfields, then shifted crcased to a maximum of almost forty
during the final week before the invasion miles in early afternoon. Discomfort and
to the eastem fields. Enemy air opposi- seasickness incrcased, especially among the
tion proved surprisingly light. troops crowded into the LCl's.
As the invasion fteet turned to the
The Final Days north in the late afternoon of 9 July for
the final approach, the ships began taking
The general plan for the forces ap- the wind and seas broadside. This
proaching Sicily from the west, which slowed the landing craft to the point
included the entirc American asuult and where it was difficult to maintain the
a goodly portion of the British asuult speed requircd to keep up with the con-
force, was an accretive proc~ in which voy. Sorne of the LCT formations began
the layers were added in consideration of to straggle. Other vessels, including con-
the mounting arcas, the relative speeds trol ships, lost their places in column.
of the vessels, the mutual protection of As LST's and LCI's rolled heavily, car-
the convoys, and to the end of providing goes shifted, and courses and speeds had
maxunum traveling comfort for the to be changed. All the convoys werc
troops. about an hour late in arriving at their
First to sail, the 45th Division re- assigned arcas offshore, and many of the
embarked on the aftemoon of 4 July at vessels were not on proper station.
Oran on the same ships that had brought The gale also had its effect on Gen-
the division from the United States only erals Eisenhower and Alexander who had
a short time beforc. The 1st Division, gone to Malta to await rcports on the in-
less a few units staging through Tu nis, vasion. As increasing tension developed
boarded transports in the Algiers harbor over the weather, the question arose
on the following aftemoon. Still later, whether the operation ought to be post-
the 3d Division departed Bizerte, CCA poned twenty-four hours. Once made,
of the 2d Armored Division, Oran. Gen- the decision could not be revoked, for the
eral Patton, accompanied by General naval forces needed at least four hours
Ridgway, sailed on Admiral Hewitt's to transmit the information to ali con-
ftagship, the M onrovia. The subordinate cerned. After conferring with Admira!
ground commanders sailed with the naval Cunningham's meteorological experts, Ei-
commanders who headed the smaller task senhower decided against postponement.
forces carrying the three major elements After dinner, hoping to catch a glimpse
of the Seventh Army invasion force: of sorne of the troop carrier aircraft tow-
Generals Bradley and Middleton with ing the gliders filled with men of the
Admiral Kirk on the Ancon; General British 1st Airborne Division, Eisenhower
Allen with Admiral Hall on the Samuel scanned the skies. He saw a few planes.

troops marching aboard, 6 July 1943.

He rubbed his ever-present seven lucky On Sicily, meanwhile, General Guz-

coins and offered up a silent prayer for zoni's intelligence had reported early in
the safety and success of ali the troops July that 90 percent of available Allied
under his command. Retuming to the troops, 60 percent of the air forces, and
governor's palace, he sent a wire to Gen- 96 percent of the landing craft were con-
eral Marshall to inform him that the centrated in the central-western Mediter-
invasion would take place as scheduled. ranean and directly threatening Sicily.
Then he returned to Cunningham's un- As the weather during the first ten days
derground headquarters to await first of J uly seemed particularly propitious for
news of the invasion.40 an amphibious landing, information from
I talian and German intelligence sources
Eisenhower, Crusade in Europe, pp. 171-172 ;
repeatedly warned of the Allied danger to
Butcher, My Three Years With Eisenhower, pp.
34 7-52; Stars and Stripes, London ed., l!2 July Sicily and Sardinia, with emphasis on
1943, p. l. Sicily. Though the Germans were not
693-029 o - 65 - 9

cntircly convinccd, the Italians bcgan to Italian military commandcrs in Rome

fecl certain that the Allies would make a by thcn hcld a similar opinion." So
massive effort including, in ali probability, much on edgc werc staffs in Rome that
the use of parachute troops. ' 1 many officers interprctcd Supermarina
When news carne to the Sixth Army rcports on numerous fircs near Marsala
headquarters at Enna on 4 J uly that an on 7 July as indications of Allied land-
Allied convoy of twenty-five merchant ings. Late that samc day, Gcrman rc-
vcsscls with naval cscorts had becn ob- connaissance pilots rcported the prcscnce
scrved in North African waters, Guzzoni of a large Allied convoy four miles off
mued an estmate of the situation that Licata. The rcport turned out to be
strcsscd the lesscncd threat to Sardinia, false, but in the meantime an alert had
the increascd danger to Sicily, particular- scnt coastal dcfenders hurriedly to their
ly thc castern part, and also to Calabria. posts.11
Noting the "substantial number" of Al- By 8 July Guzzoni had ordcrcd the
licd fighter planes on Malta, thc move- ports of Licata, Porto Empcdocle, and
mcnts of hcavy Allied warships, and in- Sciacca on the southern shorc preparcd
creascd Allied air bombardmcnts, Guzzoni for demolition. Comando Supremo or-
alcrted his forces to the possibility of an dercd Trapani and Marsala rcndercd usc-
Allied invasion during the pcriod up to lcss by dumping carth and rock into
10 July-when the moon would be in- the harbors; when this proved impracti-
visible. Thc Gcrmans still inclined to- cal, the 1talians demolished the docks in
ward thc opinion that the Allics would the hope of interfering with Allied land-
launch simultancous attacks against Sar- ings. When Luftwaffe headquarters on
dinia, Sicily, and Grcece, though not in the morning of g July rcported scvcnty
thc immediate futurc, but Guzzoni thought to ninety landing craft and transports
an attack "against Sicily could come even traveling at high speed not far from Pan-
today. We mmt be cxtrcmcly alcrt." 42 telleria, Guzzoni concluded that an inva-
Noting on 5 July an incrcasc in Allied sion on the southcastem comer of Sicily,
hospital ships from two to sixtecn, thc from Gcla to Catania, was not far off. 48
ltalians took this to mean an opcration At 1810, 9 July, Guzzoni rcceived
was immincnt. By nightfall, Italian rc- anothcr message rcporting the approach
connaissancc pilots obscrvcd a convoy of additional convoys. Late in the eve-
travcling under an umbrclla of barragc ning and during the night, information
balloons. With the location of the British kept coming in to Sixth Army headquar-
Eighth Army confirmcd on the samc day, ters of scveral Allied convoys of varying
Guzzoni in his cvcning bulletin concludcd size off the southcastcm comer of thc is-
that that anny would opcratc against land. Meanwhile, Guzzoni, at about
Sicily. To him this was "a vcry scrious
u Telecon, Roatta and Guzzoni, 1245, 7 Jul
and dccisive indication. Thc danger of 43, mentioned in Faldella, Lo sbarco, p. 102.
an immincnt attack is incrcasing."" u Faldella, Lo sbarco, p. 102; ll/Pz. Rgt.
H.G., KTB Nr. 1, 9.XJ.,p-15.JX.43. Typewrit-
41 ltalian intelligence report quoted in Faldella, ten copy of the war diary of the ad Baualion of
Lo sbareo, pp. 100-101. the Panz11 R1gim'11t of the H1rmann Go11in1
42 lbitl., p. 101. Dioision, in OCMH folder X-878.
u lbitl., pp. 101-102. 41 Faldella, Lo sbarco, p. 102.

1900, issued the order for a preliminary and Catania, wherc serious damage was
alert; thrcc hours later, he ordered a full causcd to the various 1talian command
alert. 47 installations. Naval gunfirc was rcportcd
When Hitler learned of the approach- to have struck Syracuse, Catania, Taor-
ing Allied fteet on 9 J uly, he ordered the mina, Trapani, and Augusta."
Gcrman ISt Parachute Division to be At nighall on 9 July the watcrs off
alerted for immediate transfer, by air if Sicily seemed deserted. Yet dcspite the
nec~, from France to Sicily, a move- windy weather and rough sea, the coastal
ment that could be made in five days. 48 defendcrs wcre aware of the presence of
That evening Allied air forces bombed a huge fteet of vcsscls somewherc in the
Caltanissetta ( hcadquartcrs of the Livor- darkness. Filled with American and
no Division ) , Syracusc, Palazzolo Acreidc British soldicrs, the ships werc moving
(headquarters of the Napoli Division), toward the island. The 1talian and Gcr-
man island dcfenders could do little ex-
47 IT 99a, 9 and ro Jul 43; OKW/WFSt, KTB,
cept a wait the rcsumption of Allied air
1.-31.Yll.43, 9 and ro Jul 43 (time of fint alert
reponed by OB SUED aa 1840); MS #T-m
bombardments that would signal the start
(Fries d al.), p. ro; Faldella, Lo sbareo, p. 105 of the invasion.
(time of fint alert reported u 1930); Maravigna,
Rivista Milita,., 1952, p. 17. 48 Faldella, Lo sbarco, p. 105; IT 99a, 10 Jul
u OKW/WFSt, KTB, 1.-31.Vll.49, 9 Jul 43. 43.



The Assault
The Airborne Operations last-minute inspections, and received final
briefings. Heavily laden with individual
At various airfields in North Africa equipment and arms, with white bands
during the afternoon of 9 July, British pinned to their sleeves for identification,
and American airborne troops, under a the troops clambered into the planes and
glaring sun, made the final preparations gliders that would take them to Sicily.
for the operation scheduled to initiate the The British airborne operation got un-
invasion of Sicily. 1 While crews ran der way first as 109 American C-4's
checks on the transport aircraft, the sol- and 35 British Albermarles of the U .S.
diers loaded gliders, rolled and placed 51st Troop Carrier Wing at 1842 began
equipment bundles in para-racks, made rising into the evening skies, towing 144
Waco and Horsa gliders. Two hours
1 Major IOUJ'CeS for the Britisb and American later, 222 C-47's of the U.S. 52d Troop
airbomc opcratio111 are: Warrcn, USAF Hist Carrier Wing filled with American para-
Study 74 (an cxcellcnt account of thc part playcd
by thc troop c:arricr unita) ; 811d Airbomc Division troopers of the 505th Parachute lnfantry
in Sicily and ltaly (a mimcographcd historical Regimental Combat Team and the at-
study prcparcd by the division's historical officcr tached 3d Battalion, 504th Parachute
and found in thc division's files, probably the bcst
single account of the 811d Airbornc Division's part Infantry, were airborne.
in the Sicily Campaign); 505th Para Inf R.egt The British contingcnt made rendez-
AAR; NAAITCC Rpt of Opns, 04011/11/949; vous over the Kuriate lslands and headed
811d AB Div G-3 Jnl, 4 Jul-111 Aug 43; Rpt,
Maj. Gen. F. A. M. Browning, 99-f>6.11; Gavin, for Malta, the force already diminished
Airhorn1 Warfar1; Ridgway, Soltli1r; Maj. Edwin by seven planes and gliders that had
M. Sayrc, Thc Opcrations of Company A, 505th failed to clear the North African coast.
Parachutc Infantry ( 811d Airbomc Division), Air-
bornc Landings in Sicily, 9-114 July 1943 (Fort
Though the sun was sctting as the planes
Benning Ga., 1947); Maj. Robert M. Piper, The neared Malta, thc signal beacon on the
Opcrations of thc 505th Parachutc Infantry Rcgi- island was plainly visible to ali but a few
mcntal Combat Tcam (81td Airbome Division) aircraft at thc end of the column. The
in thc Airbomc Landinga on Sicily, 9-11 July
1943 (Sicilian Campaign) (Fort Benning, Ga., gale that was shaking up the seaborne
1949); By Air to Ba11l1, th1 Olficial Acco11nt of troops began to affect the air columns.
th1 British Airhorn1 Divisions (London: Grcat In the face of high winds, formations locis-
Britain Air Ministry, His Majesty'a Stationcry Of.
fice, 1945), pp. 56-6<>; R.obert Devore, "Para- ened as 'pilots fought to keep on coursc.
troops Behind Enemy Lines," Colli1r's1 vol. 1111, Sorne squadrons were blown well to the
No. 111 ( Scptcmbcr 18, 1943) , pp. 18-19, 54-55; east of the prescribed route, others in the
Lt. Col. William T. Rydcr, "Action on Biazza
Ridge," Satrtlay Ev1ning Post, vol. 1t 16, No. 116 rear overran forward squadrons. De-
Dccember H, 1943), pp. 14, 49-54 spite the troubles, 90 percent of the air-
PARATROOPERS, IDENTIFIED BY WHITE ARM BANDS, preparing to emplanefor Sicily.


craft made lanclfall at Cape Passero, the difficult to rcmain on course. Losing di-
check point at the southeastem tip of rection, missing check points, thc pilots ap-
Sicily, though fonnations by then were proached Sicily from all points of the
badly mixed. Two pilots who had lost comprum. Scveral planes had a fcw t~
their way over the sea had turned back moments as thcy p~ed over thc naval
to North Africa. Two others returned convoys then nearing the coast-but thc
after sighting Sicily because they could naval gunners hcld their BccaU!C
not orient themselves to the ground. A they werc lost, two pilots rctumed to North
fifth plane had accidentally released its Africa with their human cargocs. A third
glider over the water; a sixth glider had crashed into thc sea.
broken loosc from its aircraft-both glid- Even those few pilots who had followed
ers dropped into the sea. the planned route could not yet congratu-
The lead aircraft turned north, then late themselves, for haze, dust, and fires-
northeast from Cape Passero, seeking the all caused by the preinvasion air attacks--
glider rclease point off the east coast of obscurcd the final check points, the
Sicily south of Syracuse. The designated mouth of the Acate River and the Biviere
zigzag course threw more pilots off course, Pond. What fonnations remained broke
and confusion set in. Sorne pilots rc- apart. Antiaircraft firc from Gela, Ponte
leased their gliders prematurcly, others Olivo, and Niscemi added to the difficul-
headed back to North Africa. Exactly ties of orientation. Thc greatest problem
how many gliders werc turned loose in was getting the paratroopers to ground,
the proper arca is impossible to say- not so much on correct drop zones as to
perhaps about 115 carrying more than get them out of the doors over ground of
1,200 men. Of these, only 54 gliders any sort. The result: the 3,400 para-
landed in Sicily, 12 on or near the correct troopers who jumped found themselves
landing zones. The others dropped into scattered all over southeastem Sicily-33
the sea. The result: a small band of sticks landing in the Eighth Anny arca;
le3 than 1oo British airborne troops was 53 in the 1st Division zone around Gcla;
making its way toward the objective, the 127 inland from the 45th Division beaches
Ponte Grande south of Syracuse, about the between Vittoria and Caltagirone. Only
time the British Eighth Army was making the 2d Battalion, 505th Parachute ln-
its amphibious landings. fantry ( Maj. Mark Alexander), hit
As for the Americans who had departed ground relatively intact; and even this
North Africa as the sun was setting, the unit was twenty-five miles from its des-
pilots found that the quarter moon gave ignated drop zone.2
little light. Dim night fonnation lights, Except for eight planes of the second
salt spray from the tossing sea hitting the serial which put most of Company 1,
windshields, high winds cstimated at
2 505th RCT Drop Zones, 10 Jul 43 (an over-
thirty miles an hour, and, more impor-
lay and table prepared by Capt. John Norton, 10
tant, insufficicnt practicc in night flying in Aug 43), in Gen. James M. Gavin's Papen; Msg
thc wamiliar V of V's pattem, broke up 4597, NAAFTCC to AFHQ, 10 Jul 43, 0100/91/
the aerial columns. Groups began to 1099, IV. Eight aircraft were shot down by
enemy antiaircraft fire after releasing their para-
loasen, and planes began to straggle. troopen. Warren, USAF Hist Study 74, pp. 33-
Those in the rear found it particularly 34.

THE PONTE DIRILLO CROSSING S1TE, seized by paratroopers on D-day.

505th Parachute lnfantry, on the correct course, having missed the check point at
drop zone just south of the road junctic;m Linosa, the check point at Malta, and
objective; except for eighty-five men of even the southeastern coast of Sicily.
Company G of the 505th who landed The lead pilot eventually made landfall
about three miles away; and except for on the east coast near Syracuse, oriented
the headquarters and two platoons of himself, and turned across the southeast
Company A and part of the 1st Battalion comer of the island to get back on course.
command group, which landed near their A.ssuming that the turn signaled the cor-
scheduled drop zones just north of the rect drop zone, the pilots of the last three
road junction, the airborne force was planes-carrying the demolition section
dispersed to the four winds. designated to take care of the Ponte Di-
The planes carrying the headquarters rillo over the Acate River southeast of
serial, which included Colonel Gavin, the Gela- released their paratroopers. The
airborne troop commander, were far off other pilots, about twelve of them, dropped

their loads in a widely dispcrscd pattem But I~ than 200 men wcre on the
due south of Vittoria about thrce miles important high ground of Piano Lupo,
inland on the 45th Division's right flank. near the important road junction, hardly
Coming to earth in one of thcsc sticks, the strength anticipated by thosc who
Gavin found himscH in a strangc land. had planned and prcpared nd werc now
He was not even sure he was in Sicily. executing the invasion of Sicily.
He heard firing apparently cverywherc,
but none of it very closc. Within a few The Seaborne Operations
minutes he gathered together about fif-
tccn men. They captured an Italian sol- General Guzzoni, the Sixth Army com-
dier who was alone, but they could get mander, reccived word of the airbome
no information from him. Gavin then landings not long after midnight. Ccrtain
led his small group north toward the that the Allied invasion had begun, he
sound of fire he believed caused by para- issued a proclamation exhorting soldiers
troopers fighting for possession of the and civilians to repcl the invaders. At
road junction objective. the same time he ordered the Gcla picr
The fire actually marked an attack by dcstroyed. Phoning the XII Corps in
about forty paratroopcrs under 1st Lt. H. the western part of Sicily and the XVI
H. Swingler, the 505th's headquarters Corps in the east at 0145, 10 July, he
company commander, who was leading alerted them to expcct landings on thc
an attack to overcome a pillbox-defended southeastem coast and in the Gela-
crossroads along the highway lcading Agrigento arca.'
south from Vittoria. Other sounds of An hour later, the initial wavcs of the
battle carne from Alexander's 2d Battal- 15 Army Group assault divisions began
ion, which was rcducing ltalian coastal to come ashore. Near Avola in the Gulf
positions ncar Santa Croce Camcrina. of Noto, on both sidcs of the Pachino
Near Vittoria, scattercd units of the 3d pennsula, near Scoglitti, Gela, and Li-
Battalion, 505th Parachute lnfantry, had cata, small British and American landing
coalesced and were also cngaged in com- craft ground ashore and started to dis-
bat. The eighty-five men from Company gorge Allied soldiers. Hard on their heels
G, under Capt. James McGinity, had carne thc larger LCT's and LST's with
sci7.ed Ponte Dirillo. Elsewhere, bands supporting artillery and armor. Offshore
of paratroopcrs were roaming through stood Allied war v~ls ready to pound
the rcar arcas of the coastal defense units, Italian coastal defense positions into sub-
cutting enemy communications lines, am- mission.
bushing small parties, and creating con- Overhead, Allied fighter aircraft from
fusion among enemy commanders as to Malta, Gozo, and the rccently captured
exactly wherc the main airbome landing Pantelleria, covcred the landings. Con-
had taken pla.ce.1 cerned lcst the enemy makc his maximum
air effort against Allied shipping and the
assault beaches carly on D..;day and dis-
See revicw commenta of Lt. Col. Charles W. organize the operation at the outset,
Kouns (formcr commandcr of the 3d Battalion,
504th Parachutc Infantry) for an cxamplc of in-
dividual initiativc and re1<>urccfulncss. OCMH. Faldclla, Lo sbarco, pp. 1 1 1, l !Z0-!21.

Allicd air planners had spread their avail- achieved tactical surprisc and 1talian
able aircraft over as many of the ~ult coastal dcfense units offcred only fecble rc-
beaches as possiblc while maintaining a sistance.8 Sorne fire from coastal battcries
complete fightcr wing in reserve. As the and field artillcry positions inland did
ground troops went ashore, fighter air- strike the beaches but it was quickly si-
craft patrolled in one-squadron strength lenccd by supporting naval gunfire and thc
over all the landing arcas to ward off rapid movement of ~ult troops inland.
hostile air attacks, a commitment that In Enna, General Guzzoni received a
was decreased later in thc day.11 In ad- phone call from the commander of the
dition, at daylight, fonnations comp<>SCd Naval Base M essina at 0400. Thc Gcr-
of cithcr twelve A-36 or twelve P-38 man radio station at Syracuse, the naval
fighter-bombcrs were dispatchcd every commandcr said, had announced that Al-
thirty minutes throughout the day to dis- lied troops had landcd by glider near thc
rupt potcntial counterattacks by hitting eastcm coast and that fighting had
the main routes lcading to thc assault started at the Syracuse scaplane base. In
beachrs.8 Becausc of the heavy commit- response, Guzzoni instructed the X VI
mcnt of Allied aircraft to thrse and othcr Corps commandcr to rush ground troops
missions, no direct or close support was to the apparently cndangered Naval Base
availablc to the ground troops this day. 7 Augusta-Syracwe. This, plus thc pre-
The seabome landings of the British vious information from Gcnnan recon-
Eighth Anny were uniformly successful. nais.sance aircraft that Allied fteets were
Evcrywhcre the first ~ult wavcs close to the southcm coast as well,
brought home to Guzzoni the fact that
5 Patrols in one-squadron strength ftew contin-
uously over two beaches throughout the daylight the Allies would land simultaneously in
hours on 10 July. The 1ame sized patrols abo many different places. Realizing his
ftew over all landing beaches from 1030 to 1230, forces would be unablc to counter ali of
from 1600 to 1730, and for the last one and a
half hours of daylight. See 0407/386, sub: Pre-
thc landings, he committcd his availablc
liminary Rpt on HUSltY Opns by Malta-Based reserves to those arcas he considered most
Aircraft, 9"-17 Jul 43; see abo NATAF Rpt of dangerous to the ovcr-all defcnsc of the
Opns, 0407/488; NASAF Opns Rpt, 12 Jul 43, island: Syracuse, Gcla, and Licata. Of
11 Corps file 202-20. 1 ; Craven and Cate, eds.,
EMrope: TORCH to POINTBLA.NK, pp. 449"- these three, Guzzoni considcred Syracuse
52; Coles, USAF Hist Study 37, pp. 99"-106. on thc cast coast the most serious. But
8 The A-36 was a modified P-5 1 fighter air-
he also apparently fclt that thc prescnce
craft, a single-engine, low-wing monoplane. The
P-38 was a twin-engine, single-seat fighter, the there of both Group Schmalz and thc
first U.S. fighter aircraft which could be compared Napoli Division, plus the supposcdly
favorably with the British Spitfire or the German strong dcfenses of the naval base itseli,
ME-109. As a 6ghter-bomber, it could carry a
bomb load of 2,000 pounds in extemal wing racks. would be sufficient to stabilizc the situa-
See Wesley Frank Craven and James Lea Cate, tion and prevent an Allied breakthrough
eds., "The Army Air Forces in World Wa:r II," into the Catania plain. Thus, he or-
vol. VI, Mu and Planes (Chicago: The Uni-
venity of Chicago Presa, 1955), pp. 198-g9; 214- 8 The account of the Britiah landings is based
15. on: Alexander Despatch, pp. u-13; Mont-
1 Or for that matter, with but one exception, gomery, Eighth A.rmy, pp. 94-95; De Guingand,
for the next severa( days. The terms direct and Operation Victory, pp. 284-85; Nicholson, The
clase 1upport used in thia volume are tenm de6ned Canatlians in llaly, pp. 20, 62-63; Mori1e>n,
in TM 20-205, 18 January 1944. Sicily-Salerno-A.nzio, pp. 148-61.

USS Bo1sE BoMBARDING CoASTAL DEFENSES in Cela landing area.

dered the bulle of the H ermann Goering head and started north to join with the
Division to strike the Allied landings near air-landed troops at the bridge site. ( M ap
Gela. 9 1)
In front of the easternmost British land- But by 1500, the small band of British
ing the small band of British airbome soldiers at Ponte Grande found them-
troops, eight officers and sixty-five men, selves in difficult straits. After battling
seized Ponte Grande. By 0800, the 5th with ltalian soldiers, marines, and sailors
Division held Cassibile, on the coastal sent against them from the Naval Base
highway, and by the middle of the after- Augusta-Syracuse, only fifteen men re-
noon successfully consolidated its beach- mained unwounded. At 1530, these men
were overrun. Only eight managed to
Faldella, Lo sbarco, pp. 118-23 ; OKH, Op. make their way southward to meet the
Abt., Meldungen des Ob. Sued, 1.-31.VIl.43 and
1.- 31.VJll.43 (H 22/137 and 138) (cited here- advancing 5th Division, a column of
after as OB SUED, Meldungen), 10 Jul 43. which, supported by artillery and tanks,





IOJuly 1943
_ . . . , . AXIS OF AOVANCE, 10 JUL

Elt111of1ons m meters

~1 1 1 1 , !o &MILES

recaptured the bridge intact. As Italian head line extending from north of Syra-
opposition disintegrated, the British col- cuse on the east coast, west to Floridia,
umn continued unopposed into Syracuse. thence southward roughly paralleling
Scarcely pausing, British troops continued Highway 115.
northward along the coastal highway on The Seventh Anny had a more dif-
the way to Augusta. But early in the ficult time. The gale and high seas had
evening at Priolo, midway between Syra- delayed the three naval task forces and
cuse and Augusta, Group Schmalz, which after fighting their way to the landing
had rushed clown from Catania to coun- craft release points in the Gulf of Gela,
ter the British landings, halted the 13 thcy were somcwhat disorganized. Yet
Corps advance. only one was seriously behind schedule,
According to Axis defense plans Group that carrying the 45th Division. Those
Schmalz, in conjunction with the Napoli landings were postponed an hour.
Division, was supposed to counterattack Admiral Conolly's Naval Task Force
any Allied landing on the east coast. But 86 brought the 3d Division to the Sev-
on 10 July, Col. Wilhelm Schmalz had cnth Army's westcmmost assault arca in
been unable to contact the Italian unit four attack groups, one group for each
and had proceeded alone toward Syra- of the landing beaches on both sides of
cusc. U nknown to the Gennan com- Licata. 11 Conolly's flagship, the Bis-
mander, the N apoli Division had tried to cayne, dropped anchor in thc transport
counterattack, but sorne units had been arca at o 135. The winds had made it
tumed back by British forces near Solar- difficult for thc LST's, LCI's, and LCTs
ino, while other units were lost trying to of his task force to maintain proper speed
stem British advances in the Pachino and formation, so that Conolly, around
area. 10 midnight, when it had seemed virtually
By the end of D-day the British 30 impossible to meet H-hour, had ordered
Corps had secured the whole of the his vessels to go all out to make the dead-
Pachino peninsula as far as Highway t 15, line. Since he had not heard from bis
which cr~d the base between lspica units, all of which had been instructed to
and Noto. The 1st Canadian Divio;ion, break radio silence only to report an
the British 5 Ist Highland Infantry Divi- emcrgency, Conolly assumed that a1l his
sion, and the 23 Ist Independent lnfantry units were in position and ready to dis-
Brigade had gane ashore against only embark the troops of the 3d Division.
feeble resistance and had pushed on in At 0135, 10 July, Admiral Conolly's
good fashion. asfmption that ali units were in posi-
U nloadings over the British beaches 11 The account of the 3d Division landings is
progressed slowly but steadily during the based on: COHQ Bull Y/1, Oct. 43; Joss Force
day, despite small-scale enemy air attacks Planning File, Sicilian Campaign, vol. 1 (Opera-
that proved annoying but caused relative- tions) ; 3d lnf Div in Sicilian Campaign AAR,
10-18 Jul 43; WNTF Action Rpt; Rpt of Arty
ly little damage. By the end of the day, Opns, Joss Force; Truscott, Command Mission.r,
the Eighth Anny had secured a beach- pp. 192-~12; ONI, The Sicilian Campaign, pp.
73-95; Morison, Sicily--SaZ.rno-Anzio, pp. 71-
10 Generalleutnant Wilhelm Schmalz in MS 86; Interv, Howard McGaw Smyth with Maj
#T-2 (Fries I al.); Faldella, Lo sbarco, pp. Gen William W. Eagles (former asst div comdr 3d
'3<>-32, 143-44; IT 4432. Inf Div), 17 Jan 51.

tion was not altogcther corrcct. Partic- thc othcr, was somewhat complicated. Its
ularly in the west, the landing ships and execution was aided by the intensive train-
craft carrying the 7th RCT had had con- ing program undertaken after the end of
siderable difficulty making headway in the North African campaign; by General
the heaving Mediterranean. All were Truscott's extensive knowledge of am-
late in reaching the transport arca, but phibious and combined operations learned
no one had reported that fact to Admiral in England and in North Africa; and by
Conolly. the extrcmely close and pleasant working
By using ali four of his assigned bcaches, relations which existed bctween the divi-
General Truscott had adopted two axes of sion and Admira! Conolly's naval task
advance for his assault units--actually force. The assault was further facilitated
axes that formed the outer and inner by thc weakncss of thc enemy's defenses
claws of a deep pincer movement against in the Licata arca, probably the weakest
Licata. The left outer claw consisted of of all the Seventh Army's assault arcas.
the 7th Infantry Regimenta} Combat Team Only one Italian coastal division, backed
(Col. Harry B. Sherman) landing over by a fcw scattered Italian mobile units,
Red Beach. The left inner claw, consist- stood initially in the 3d Division's path.
ing of a special force ( the 3d Ranger Bat- Two ltalian mobile divisions-Assietta and
talion; the 2d Battalion, 15th lnfantry; a Aosta-and two-thirds of the German
company of 4.2-inch mortars; a battery 15th Panzer Grenadier Division, the only
of 105-mm. howitzers; and a platoon of effective fighting forces in the XII Corps
75-mm. howitzers) under the command sector, were well off to the west near
of the 15th Infantry's executive officer, Palermo.
Lt. Col. Brookner W. Brady, wa< to land Fully exposed to thc westerly wind that
over the two Green Beaches. As the was churning up the surf, the LST's car-
right inner claw of the pincer, and the rying the 7th Infantry had great difficulty
counterpart of the special force, the re- hoisting out and launching the LCVP's
mainder of the 15th Infantry, led by Col. that would take the assault waves to Red
Charles R. Johnson, was to land over Yel- Beach. When one davit gave way and
low Beach. Meanwhile, the right outer dumped a boatload of mcn into the water,
claw, the 3oth Infantry Regimenta! Com- nine men were lost. Nevertheless, around
bat Team (Col. Arthur R. Rogers), was 0200 the small era(t were loaded with
to assault across Blue Beach. Each as- troops and in the water, and soon after-
sault was to movc in columns of battal- wards they werc heading for the rcndez-
ions. Combat Command A, under Brig. vous arca. The LCVP's had trouble
Gen. Maurice Rose of the 2d Armored locating the control vesse1s, which had
Division, constituted the 3d Division's bcen serving as escort ships during the
ftoating reserve, prepared to land in sup- voyagc across the Mcditerranean and
port of any of the assaulting units or for which had not bcen able to take their
commitment against Campobcllo to the propcr places. Shortly after 0300, al-
north, Agrigento to the west, or Gela to ready fifteen minutes bcyond the time
the east. scheduled for touchdown on the beach,
The division's assault plan, involving the attack group commander ordered the
two distinct pincer movements one inside LCVP's in to shore. He was fearful
693-029 o - es - 10


that the LCl's, scheduled to land at 0330, and ineffective artillery fue on the beach
would use their superior speed to over- after the landings were made.
take the LCVP's and he was unable to Red Beach lay in a shallow cove, the
contact the LCI flotilla commander. seaward approach clear of rocks and
As it was, the first wave, Lt. Col. Roy shoals. Only 8 to 20 feet deep, 2,800
E. Moore's 1st Battalion, did not touch yards long, the beach at its widest part
clown until 0430. The delay was im- was backed by cliffs, many reaching a
posed partly by the late start, partly by height of 60 feet. Exits were poor: a
the longer run to the beach than was small stream bed near the center, three
originally contemplated because of the paths over the cliff at the left end.
faulty disposition of the LST's in the Lying in the Italian 207th Coastal Divi-
transport area. The latter error also sion's zone (as were all the division's land-
helped cause the LCVP's to land at the ing areas) , Red Beach was probably the
far right end of the beach rather than at most heavily fortified of all. Artillery
the center as planned. The small craft pieces dominated the exits and most of
met no fire on the way in, and only light the beach; numerous machine gun posi-

HIGHWAY 115, the coastal road, shown running west to Licata in the distance.

tions near the center and western end tion on three low hills just inland from
provided the defenders with ample fire- the beach. The third company wheeled
power to contest an assault landing; an to the east and occupied Sal) Nicola Rock
extensive defensive position along sorne and Point San Nicola, completing both
350 yards of the bluff line contained three tasks an hour and a half after landing.
coast artillery pieces and another ten (Map IV)
machine gun emplacements, all connected The six LCl's bearing Maj. Everett W.
by a series of trenches; and the San Ni- Duvall's 2d Battalion, 7th lnfantry, had
cola Rock at the right end and the Gaffi assembled just east of the LST anchorage,
Tower off the left end gave the defenders more than two miles farther offshore than
excellent observation posts and positions planned. Unaware of this, the flotilla
from which to place enfilading fire. started for shore at 0240, exactly on the
Once ashore, the 1st Battalion promptly schedule planned for the second wave.
set to work. While one company turned At this moment the 1st Battalion's LST's
to the west and began clearing out beach were completing their launching of the
defenses, a second swept the center of the LCVP's. Because the 1st Battalion's land-
landing area and set up a covering posi- ing craft had veered to the right, the

LCI's carrying the 2d Battalion saw no surf added to the difficultics of the five
signs of small boat activity as they passcd craft that did manage to ride over the
the LST's. Assuming that the assault false l>each. One lost both ramps soon
had not yet started, the flotilla com- after they werc lowercd and was able to
mander turned his craft back to the LST land its troops only after salvaging the
anchorage to find out whether H-hour port ramp.
had been postponed. Almost constant enemy firc harassed
After ascertaining that no delay was in the boats. Soldiers in sorne instances be-
order, the flotilla commander again turned came casualties befare they reached the
his craft shorcward. He sighted a con- ramps, othcrs were hit while disembark-
trol vessel herding a number of LCVP's ing. The LCI on the left flank drew the
toward shorc. Recognizing thereby that heaviest fire, a flanking fire from both
thc assault wave was behind schedule, he left and right. The Italians shot away
halted his own craft, planning to wait her controls and communications as she
twenty-five minutes to give the 1st Bat- beached, and though able to lower both
talion time to clear the beach. At 0415, ramps, the LCI started to broach almost
as the sky began to get light, he started immediately and had to cut the ramps
the final run to shorc. Therc was no away. She swung completely around un-
evidence of the lSt Battalion's LCVP's. til her stern rested on the shore. Disdain-
Thc LCI's sailed straight toward the cen- ing normal discmbarkation procedurcs, thc
ter of Red Beach, the troops of the 2d troops scrambled over her stern and
Battalion little rcalizing that they consti- dropped to the beach. By 0500, the bulk
tuted an initial assault wave. of the 2d Battalion was ashore. Two
The LCI's werc about 450 yards from companies swanned inland and scizcd
the beach in a wide, shallow V-fonnation Monte Marotta (sorne four and a hall
just opening into a line abrcast fonnation miles inland west of the north-south High-
when enemy artillery batteries opened a way l 23), while the third turned north-
heavy fire dirccted chiefly at the left hall cast after landing, cut the railroad, and
of thc line. The LCl's increased their cstablished a roadblock at Station San
speed tcmporarily, then 150 yards from Oliva wherc thc railroad crosscd High-
shorc slowed down quickly, dropped stern way 123 sorne threc and a hall miles
anchors, and beached at 0440 in the face northwest of Licata. By 1ooo, after by-
of heavy small arms fire on the beach. passing most of the encrny rcsistance
Thc LCI's on thc right side of the linc cs- along the beach, thc 2d Battalion was on
caped the heavicst firc because the Italian its objectives and successfully drove off a
gunners could not dcpress their gun tubes dispirited counterattack launched against
enough to take thcse craft under firc. Station San Oliva by an ltalian coastal
Fivc of the LCI's beached succcssfully. battalion, a XII Corps reserve unit.
One stuck on the false bar off the shore Whilc the fivc 2d Battalion LCI's wcre
line, tried thrce times without success to trying to rctract from thc beach, six LCl's
ride over the bar, landed a few troops carrying Lt. Col. John A. Heintges' 3d
in rubber boats, and finally transferred Battalion carne in, along with thrce LCI's
thc rcmainder of its troops to an LCI transporting part of thc cngineer bcach
bringing in the third wave. The heavy group. With sorne overlapping of thc 2d

Battalion's LCI's, the 3d Battalion touched deliberately broached the LCI, and sent
down at 0500 on the left end of Red Beach the RCT command group over the sides.
and received the same heavy tire from the The RCT headquarters opened ashore at
shore defenders which was peppering the 0615, just inland from the beach on top
leftmost LCI of the 2d Battalion group. of the cliff.
In fact, it was not until the LCis' guns Naval gunfire might have helped the
went into action to provide covering tires small craft to the beach, but the two tire
that the 3d Battalion troops were landed. support destroyers assigned to Red Beach
The section of beach where the 3d -the Swanson and the Roe-had collided
Battalion landed-near Gaffi Tower-had near Porto Empedocle at 0255 and were
not been cleared either by the 1st or 2d concemed with their own troubles. How-
Battalion. Nevertheless, despite wirc en- ever, help was arriving. At 0520, with
tanglements along the side of the bluff enemy fire still falling on the beach,
and despite heavy Italian rifle and ma- twenty-one LCT's carrying the RCT's
chine gun fire from positions along the supporting armor and artillery approached
top of the bluff, the battalion pushed ag- through the heavy seas. Fearful for the
gressively inland and cleared the immedi- safety of the LCT's landing under enemy
ate beach area. One company, after fire, the commander of the Red Beach
capturing nineteen Italians along the cliff, naval force ordered the craft to halt until
pushed westward and inland, took the the tire could be silenced. But four of the
tower, and occupied the high ground just LCT's, either ignoring the order or fail-
south of the railroad and coastal highway. ing to receive it, kept on going and
The other two companies occupied the bcached at 0630. The four carried the
hill mass north of the highway. An eight- 1 oth Field Artillery Battalion. U nload-
man demolition section pushed on to the ing quickly, utilizing the full-tracked mo-
west through a defile and blew the rail- bility of its M's, the artillery unit estab-
road crossing over the Palma River, sorne lished firing positions 500 to 1,000 yards
two miles in front of the battalion's hill inland and bcgan firing in support of the
positions. infantry units. 12
The LCI bearing Colonel Sherman and At about the same time, the destroyer
his staff carne ashore near the center of
the beach as dawn was breaking. Tan-
gling with another LCI on its way to assist 12 Bcfore embarking them in North Africa, Gen-
the broached LCI of the first wave, the eral Truscott had bis organic artillery battalions
boat lost both ramps after only fifteen exchange their towed 105-mm. howitzen for the
men had disembarked. The LCI com- full-tracked M's of the 5th Armored Field Ar-
tillery Group, a swap to last during the assault
mander tried to discharge the rest of his phase only. Once ashore, the units exchanged
troops by rigging wooden ladders and rope p1eces again.
lies over the side of the boat. But the The M (called the Priest because of its pulpit-
like machine gun platform) had a 105-mm.
weight of individual equipment hamp- howitzer mounted on the medium M3 tank. The
ered the men, and they floundered in the tank was modified for this purpose by having its
water, helpless against the firc com- turret removed and its armor reduced. See
Green, Thomson, and Roots, The Ordnance De-
ing from shore. The craft commander partmenl: Planning Munitions for War, pp. 314-
stopped the unloading by this method, 15.
SHORE-TO-SHORE LCT al Licata Beach.

ARMY DoNKEYS wading ashore at Licata.


Buck, which had bccn scrving as escort flankcd by rocks, had thc most dangcrous
for thc LCT convoy, was scnt in by Ad- approach. Dividcd into two distinct
mira! Conolly to take over the Red Bcach parts by the Mollarella Rock ( 82 fect
fire support role. 11 The cruiscr Brook- high), which was joined to the island by
lyn, which had bccn firing in support of a low, sandy isthmus, the western part
the Green Beach landings, also moved over ( 350 yards wide and almost 20 yards
on Conolly's orders and opened fire on deep) was rockbound cxccpt for a short
Italian artiUery positions which had been stretch of about 150 yards, the eastern
firing on Red Bcach. H By 07 15, Italian part ( 400 yards wide, 40 yards decp) lay
fire had slackcncd appreciably. Seven within a snug cove with a mouth 200
minutes later, Conolly ordered the re- yards across. The eastern beach opened
maining LCTs to bcach regardless of cost. into a stream bed and to a number of
Two additional destroycrs moved over to tracks providing good vehicular and per-
assist thc Buck in laying a smoke screcn sonncl exits to Highway 115, about a
on thc bcachcs to cover the LCT land- mile and a half inland. The west beach
ings. Concealed by the smoke and cov- also possessed exits, but its limited size
cred by thc Brooklyn's six-inch guns, the would restrict its use to personncl traffic.
LCTs touched down without incident. Both appeared to be obstructed by barbcd
By 0900 the supporting tanks and the 7th wire cntanglcmcnts. Gun positions on
Infantry's Cannon Company were ashore, Mollarella Rock dominated thc wcst beach.
followed soon after by the remainder of Immediatcly back of a stretch of vineyards
thc engineer bcach group and two battcrics on thc sector of land fonning the bcach, a
of antiaircraft artillcry. dcfcnsivc position containing at lcast four
Thc 7th RCT's assigncd objectivcs werc machine gun positions and a trench and
secured by 1030 and its establishment of wire systcm had bcen locatcd.
a defcnsivc line on the are of hills border- The special force, spearhcaded by thc
ing the western side of the Licata plain 3d Ranger Battalion, touched down at
assured thc protcction of thc bcachhead's 0257, just twelve minutes behind schedule.
left ftank. Heavy equipment and sup- Moving smartly, three Ranger companies
plies were pouring ashore and bcing moved cleared the beachcs and Mollarella Rock
inland over thc soft sand. and c=stablished a defensive line on the
A mile to the cast of Red Beach and high ground at the left end of Green
threc miles wcst of Licata, Green Beach, West, while thc other three companics
cleared the way inland to thc western cdgc
of Monte Sole. Lt. Col. William H. Bill-
ings' 2d Battalion, 15th lnfantry, went in
13 The Buck carried a main armament of four over Green West at 0342, reorganized,
5-inch 38-caliber guns. Information on the arma- passcd through the Rangers at Monte Sole
ment of the variow gunfire support ships has been as planned, and thrust toward Licata,
taken from Navy Department, Chief of Naval
Operations, Naval History Division, Dictionary of the left inner claw of the planned pincer
Am.,ican Naval Fighting Ships, vol. 1 (Washing- movement. Clearing cnemy hill positions
ton, 1959). as they moved eastward, the men of the
1 4 The Brooklyn carried a main armament of
fifteen 6-inch 47-caliber gun1, a secondary battery 3d Battalion by 07 30 had possession of
of eight 5-inch 25-caliber guns. Castel San Angelo, but a strong naval
BRINGING UP SuPPLIES by cart at Licata Beach.

.. J
!TALIAN RAILWAY BATIERY ON L1CATA MOLE destroyed by American naval bombardment on D-day.

bombardment of Llcata in support of the the Italian defenders put up a somewhat

Yellow Beach landings prevented the bigger show of resistance, though not so
battalion from pushing immcdiately into strong as that offered at Red Beach.
the city. With the 3oth RCT forming the right
Yellow and Blue Beaches east of Licata outer claw of the pincer, the naval task
were much better for ~ault landings. force had been delayed in reaching its
Beginning not quite two miles east of the transport area. The LST's leading the
mouth of the Salso River and running convoy moved into position and began
almost due east for a mile and a hall, anchoring at 0115. But the anchorage
Yellow Beach was of soft sand, about 60 later proved to be well south of the cor-
yards deep at the western end, narrowing rect position, thus forcing the LCVP's
gradually to 15 yards at the eastem end. carrying the assault battalion to make a
Licata on the left and the cliffs of Punta much longcr run to thc beaches than
delle due Rocche on the right would serve planned. Despite this, the first LCVP's
as general guides in the approach. Many grounded just two hours after the LST's
good paths and cart tracks ran from the had .begun anchoring and only a half-hour
beach across a cultivated strip to High- behind schedule. The first wave met
way 115, herc only sorne 400 yards inland. sorne rifle and machinc gun fire from pill-
One-half mile to the east lay Blue Beach, boxes on the beach, and sorne artillery
which consisted generally of finn sand fire from guns on Poggio Lungo, high
with occasional rocky outcrops. Not ground off to the right. Like its coun-
quite a mile wide, Blue Beach deepened terpart on the far left, the 7th RCT, the
from 15 yards on the left to 60 yards on 3oth RCT before noon occupied itc; three
the right. Low sand dunes backed up primary objectives: three hill masses bor-
the right half of the beach; a low, steep dering the eastern side of the Licata plain.
bank, the left half. Exits for personnel Shortly after daybreak Admira) Con-
and vehicles were easy and plentiful, and olly took the Biscayne close in to shore
Highway 1 15 ran everywhere within 500 so that both he and General Truscott
yards of the beach. could see the beaches. What they ~aw
Naval bombardment was the American was encouraging, and reports from two
answer to the only real Italian interfer- light aircraft that had taken off from an
ence. with the Yellow Beach landings. improvised runway on an LST confinned
The opposition consisted primarily of an their impressions. 15 The infantry troops
Italian railway battery on the Licata mole, were on their objcctives or about to take
an annored train mounting four 76-mm. them. The airfield and city of Licata
guns. When the naval fire finally lifted, 1 G Piloted by rst Lts. Oliver P. Board and Julian
the train had been destroyed and other W. Cummings, the Piper L-4 grasshoppers took
Italian resistance silenced. Soldiers from off from a ftight deck (approximately iu6 feet
both Green and Yellow Beaches swanned long, 12 feet wide) built along the center and over
the top deck of the LST. The pilots flew over
into Licata, while a battalion which had the beaches for more than two hours and reported
swung north from Yellow Beach to the enemy positions and the locations of friendly units.
bend in the Salso River moved south into On occasion, they directed landing craft to proper
beaches. See Rpt of Arty Opns, Joss Force;
the city shortly after. 4rst FA Bn AAR; 1oth FA Bn AAR; WNTF
At Blue Beach, farthest to the right, Action Rpt, p. 97.


were in hand. Artillery and armar were while initially following the coast line,
moving into position to support further swung inland sorne fivc miles east of Gela
advances. One counterattack had been as it wound around Piano Lupo. From
bcaten back. The bcaches were well or- the height of Piano Lupo, a good scc-
ganized, men and equipment coming ondary road branched off northward to
ashore without difficulty. The Seventh Niscemi, following high ground on thc
Army's left ftank scemed well anchored. eastern edge of the Gela plain. From
In the process, the 3d Division, its com- this point, known to the paratroop task
mander ashore by midmorning, had suf- force as Road Junction Y, the coast road
fered fewcr than 1 oo casualties. took a sharp tum to the southcast to
Ten miles southeast of the 3d Division's cross thc Acate River at Ponte Dirillo.
Blue Beach, and extending twenty miles to Another good road, Highway 117, led
the southcast, General Bradley's 11 Corps directly inland from Gela, paralleling the
was landing to secure three primary ob- western bank of the Gela River for five
jectives lying at varying distances inland and a half miles. A vivid line bisecting
f rom the assault bcaches: the airfields at thc treeless plain, the highway crossed to
Ponte Olivo, Biscari, and Comiso. Ponte the east sirle of the river at Ponte Olivo
Olivo, along with thc city of Gela, was the to a triple road intersection. There,
responsibility of the left task force, the 1st while Highway 117 continued on its north-
Division; the others belonged to the 45th easterly course, a secondary road swung
Division. almost due east to Niscemi, another ran
East of the mouth of the Gela River, northwest to Mazzarino. In the right
high sand dunes with scrubby vegetation angle formed by Highway 117 and the
lay back of the coast. Three miles east secondary road to Niscemi lay the Ponte
of the city and adjacent to and on the Olivo airfield.17
inland side of the coastal highway ( High- In contrast with the 3d Division's as-
way 115) was the Gela-Farello landing sault plan of landing initially only one
ground, an intermcdiatc division objective. battalion from each assault force, the 1st
Farther to thc east, rclatively high ground Division plan committed two assault bat-
( 400 feet at Piano Lupo, one of the talions from each regimental task force
paratroopers' objectives) flanked the right
side of the Gela plain and separated the
1 7 Chief sources for the ut Division landinga
Gcla River drainage basin from that of are: ut Inf Div FO 26, 20 Jun 43; 1st Inf Div
the Acate Rivcr, which cmpties into the G-3 Opns Rpta, 10-14 Jul 43; AAR's of units
gu1f six miles east of Gcla. The Acate involved; Lucas Diary, pt. 1, pp. 28-31, OCMH;
River, which swings to the northeast at ONI, Sicilian Campaign, pp. 4g-58; Morison,
Sicily-Salerno-Anzio, pp. 93-100; CO NTF 81
Ponte Dirillo, and its tributary, the Ter- Action Rpt, 6-1.2610.43; lnterv, Smyth with Lt
rana Creek, marked thc boundary between Col Bryce F. Denno ( former ExO 2d Bn, 16th
the division task forces of the 11 Corps. 16 lnf) and ~aj . Melvin J. Groves (former CO Co E,
16th Inf), 24 Oct 50, with an addendum dated
From Gela, thc railroad paralleled the 27 Oct 50 by Maj Groves; James J. Altieri, Dar-
coast to Ponte Dirillo, but the highway, by's Rangers (Durham, N.C.: The Seeman Prin-
tery, lnc., 1945) ; Bradley, A Soldier's Story;
1 e The Acate is 10metimes called the Dirillo Maj. James B. Lyle, The Operations of Com-
River. The Acate River from Ponte Dirillo north- panies A and B, ut Ranger Battalion, at Gela.
eaatward lay in the zone of the 45th Diviaion. Sicily, 10-11 July 1943 (Fort Benning, Ga., 1947).

simultaneously, the third battalion re- cut the coastal highway, and move along
maining in reserve. the highway to Piano Lupo to join Colonel
To capture Gela, General Allcn, the 1st Gavin's paratroopers. From thcre, the
Division commander, created what he 16th RCT was to drivc on Nisccmi.
called Force X, a special grouping of Although the Italian XVIII Coastal
Rangers and combat engineers. 18 Under Brigade ( thinly stretched from west of
Coloncl Darby ( commander of the 1st Gela to below Scoglitti) causcd no scrious
Rangcr Battalion), the force was to land concem, the Livorno Divisi.on, concen-
dircctly on the beach fronting Gela, one tratcd to thc northwest near Caltanissctta,
portion on each side of the pier. While and the bulk of the H ermann Goering
the special force worked on thc city, the Division, asscmbled to the northeast near
division would make its main effort east Caltagirone, presented scrious problems.
of the Gela River, where the division's Two fairly strong Italian mobile airficld
two remaining combat teams wcre to defensc groups at Nisccmi and at Calta-
land over four sections of the three-mile- girone were also in position to strikc.
long beach extcnding southeast from Short one combat team-the t 8th RCT
the river. For want of natural bound- was a part of thc Seventh Army's ftoat-
aries, the four sections werc given color ing reserve; shy supporting armor, for only
designations arbitrarily marking off one ten medium tanks were in dircct support
section from the other. of the entire 1st Division; with no division
The two lcft scctions of the beach- reserve ( the parachute task force was to
y ellow and Blue-werc assigned to Col. form the division reserve alter link-up ) -
John W. Bowen's 26th RCT. While one the 1st Division faced the strongest group-
battalion forced a cros&ng over the Gela ing of cnemy forces in Sicily.
River to aid Force X to subdue Gcla, the In three long columns, with transports
rcmainder of the 26th RCT was to by- in the ccnter and LST's and LCI's on
p~ the city on the right, cut Highway the ftanks, Admiral Hall's Naval Task
1 1 7, and occupy high ground two miles Force 8 I brought the I st Division to the
to the north. There the RCT would be Gcla arca in the center of the Sev-
rcady to attack Gela from the landward enth Army zone. Thc eleven transports
side if the city still hcld out, or move far- rcached their proper stations at 0045, 1 o
ther inland to take other high ground July. Thirty minutes later, eleven of thc
overlooking Ponte Olivo f rom the west. fourtcen LST's werc in position ( the othcr
Over the other two sections, Red 2 and three tumed up latcr in thc 45th Divi-
Green 2, the 16th RCT under Col. George sion's zone). Thc twenty LCl's carne
A. Taylor was to come ashorc. After re- up just a few minutes later. Shortly bc-
ducing the beach dcfenses, the regiment fore midnight the wind had dropped, and
was to c~ the railroad, byp~ the long, as the transports and landing ships and
swampy Bivierc Pond on the force's right, craft anchored offshorc, the sea leveled off
into a broad swell. Bchind Gela the cn-
tirc coastal arca, it seemed, was aglow as
18 The ut and 4th Ranger Bru; the rst Bn,
the result of tires started by the prein-
39th Engr Combat Regt; three companiea of the
83d Chem Bn (4.2-inch mortan); and the ut Bn, vasion aerial bombardments and because
53 11t Engr Shore Regt. the few paratroopers at Piano Lupo had

TO GELA TO VITlVllruA- . ,....

RoAD juNCTION Y, the road to Niscemi at itsjunction with coastal Highway JI5, seenfrom the
Piano Lupo area.

lighted a huge bonfire. The beach con- and soon afterwards the cruiser Savannah
tours appeared plainly in silhouette. returned a steady stream of naval gun-
While the two Ranger battalions on the fire. 20 Five hundred yards offshore, the
left were sailing toward shore, a great Rangers carne under machine gun fire,
flash and loud explosion signaled the de- and sorne Rangers answered, as best they
struction of the Gela pier in accordance could, with rockets from their bazookas. 21
with Guzzoni's instructions. An enemy As the enemy fire continued, the Rangers
searchlight fixed its beam on the boats, touched clown at 0335, fifty minutes late,
but the destroyer Shubrick, designated to followed shortly by the 39th Engineers.
render gunfire support if the enemy de- Incurring a few casualties . from mines
tected the invasion, immediately opened on the beaches, losing an entire platoon
fire and knocked the light out after five from one company to enemy rifle and
quick salvos. Three salvos destroyed a
second light. 19 By this time, Italian zo The Savannah had a main battery of fifteen
6-inch 4 7-caliber guns and a secondary battery of
coastal units were at their guns, and mor- eight 5-inch 115-caliber guns.
tar and coastal artillery fire began to fall 21
A rocket launcher, 11.36 inches in diameter,
around the landing craft. The S hubrick merely a tube open at both ends that fired an
electrically triggered, shaped-charge rocket. See
Green, Thomson, and Roots, The Ordnance De-
The Shubrick carried a main battery of four partment: Planning Munitions for W ar, pp.
5-inch 38-caliber guns. 3118-119..


machine gun fire, the Rangers finally face them inland, and use them, if neces-
cleared the beach defenses and by dawn sary, against any enemy force moving
pushed up the face of the Gela meund against bis positions. As the two Ranger
into the city. Two companies under companies prepared hasty defensive posi-
Capt. James B. Lyle wheeled to the west tions straddling Highway 1 15, Lyle manned
and captured an Italian coastal battery of the Italian artillery pieces with Rangers
three 77-mm. guns on the western edge who had a working knowledge of this par-
of the mound. None of the guns had ticular weapon. He also set up an obser-
been fired, although an ample supply of vation post in a two-story building f rom
ammunition lay in the battery position. which he could ad just the fire of the cap-
Though the ltalians had removed the gun tured guns.
sights and elevating mechanisms, the In the meantime, the remainder of the
weapons could still be fired. Captain special force had worked its way through
Lyle decided to turn the guns around, the city and Jlad established a defensive

pcrimeter around the northem and east- lnfantry toward Piano Lupo in order to
em outskirts. By 0800, the entire city link up with Colonel Gavin's parachute
had been cleared of resistance, two hun- force. The leading battalions made con-
drcd ltalians taken prisoner, and a strong tact with Company 1, 505th Parachute
line fonned facing inland. The three com- lnfantry, which had_ been holding the
panies of 4.2-inch mortars were ashore and southem portion of Piano Lupo since early
ready to tire. Portions of the town were moming, but they were unable to locate
still buming, and clouds of billowing the sizable numbers of paratroopers they
smoke poured into the sky. expccted.
To the southeast, the 26th RCT was Thus, by 0900 on 10 July, the 1st
coming on strong to link up with the Division, with much le$ difficulty than
spccial force. Having met little resistance anticipated, was well on its way to secur-
at the beaches, the Ist Battalion ( Maj. ing the tirst day's objectives: Gela, the
W alter H. Grant) by 0900 was nearing Gela-Farello landing ground, and Niscemi.
Gela, while the other two battalions were Unfortunately, General Allen was unaware
across the highway, past the Gela-Farello that the important high ground in front of
landing ground, moving slowly inland to the 16th lnfantry was not in the tirm
cut Highway 117 north of Gela. possession of the paratroopcrs.
The 16th RCT had slightly more trou- On the far right of the Seventh Anny's
ble. Enemy searchlights picked up the assault arca, Admiral Kirk's naval task
assault waves on their way in, but no force brought the 45th Division to offshore
opposition carne from the beach defenders positions in the face of a fairly rough sea
until the troops started to discmbark, and heavy swell. The landings in that
just two minutes after the scheduled arca had been postponed one hour, but
H-hour. From several pillboxes on the the pitch and roll of the ships, straggling,
beach and from a few scattered Italian and confusion dispcrsed and disorganized
riflemen, light and largely ineffective fire the assault waves. 28
f ell u pon the leading American infantry- The 45th Division would land south-
men, then pctered out. Yet vigorous east of the Acate River, along a coast
enemy machine gun fire from apparently line extending fifteen miles in a smooth
bypassed positions struck the second are almost devoid of indentation. The
wave. Even after these positions were stretch of sandy, gentle beach was broken
eliminated, the 1talians continued to be only by a few patches of rocky shore or
active, firing mortars and artillery against
the third and fourth waves, which landed 23 See as major sources: AGF Rpt 1117, Rpt on

alter 0300. Not until 0400 when support- 45th HvsKv,

Opn 1943; AAR's of the units involved;
Inf Div Arty AAR, 4 Jul-16 Aug 43; Ob-
ing naval guns opened up-from the servation and Comments on the Sicilian Cam-
cruiser Boise and the destroyer Jeflers-did paign, 345-11.5; 11 Corps G-3 Jnl; lnterv, Gar-
the enemy tire begin to diminish.22 land with Middleton, 16 Jun 59; Rpt of Opn
Hvsx:v, Comdr Transports, Amphibious Force,
Holding one battalion in reserve, Colonel U.S. "Atlantic Fleet, 17 Jul 43, 6-1.1707/43; Rpt,
Taylor snt two battalions of his 16th Trans Div 5, 17 Jul 43, 6-1.1409/43; ONI,
Sicilian Campaign, pp. 118-]6; Interv, Smyth with
n The Boise carried fifteen 6-inch 4 7-caliber Brig Gen Charles M. Ankcom (Ret.) (former CO
gum and eight 5-inch 115-caliber guns; the Jeflers, 157th Inf), 110 Mar 51; Morison, Sicily-Salerno
four 5-inch 38-caliber guns. -.A.nzio, pp. 1116-37, 143.

low stone cliffs. The only harbor was the nected Highway 115 and Biscari with
tiny fishing village of Scoglitti, where two the junction near Ponte Dirillo.
rocks jutting above the water marked the To insurc the capture of Scoglitti
entrance to two coves forming a haven for (which could be used as a minor port);
fishing boats. The passage was only sorne to narrow the gap between the 45th Di-
fifty yards wide, with a rocky bottom at vision and the 1st Division on the left;
a depth of eight feet. A mile southeast and to put the assaulting units on as di-
of Scoglitti lay the low headland of Point rect a route as possible to the Biscari and
Camerina, a rocky bank about fifty feet Comiso airfields, General Middleton sc-
high faced by five small patches of under- lected two sets of beaches for his landing,
water rocks. At Point Branco Grande, one on each side of Scoglitti, with a total
two miles down the coast, and at Point frontage of sorne 25,000 yards.
Braccetto, a little farther along, submerged Three beaches northwest of Scoglitti-
rocks fronted low cliffs. Red, Green, and Yellow-nicknamed
Inland was a broad, relatively open Wood's Hole by the naval force, actually
plain sloping gradually to the foothills of constituted an cxtcnsion of thc 16th
the mountain core of southem Sicily, RCT's beaches and were similar in ter-
which held the cities and larger towns. 24 rain. Lying in an uninterrupted line
Highway 115 proceeded eastward be- for almost four miles, the beach arca was
yond the Acate River, swinging gradually of soft sand wlch rose gradually for half
inland and upward, following a south- a mile to an uninterrupted belt of forty-
easterly course cutting across the ccnter to eighty-foot sand dunes. Pillboxes were
of the 45th Division's zone through Vit- scattered along the beaches, the dune line,
toria ( 36,000) and Comiso ( 23,000) to and the lghway. A few coastal artillery
Ragusa . ( 48,000 people) , the Seventh batteries dotted the arca.
Army's eastern boundary and co-ordinat- Two regiments would land there. On
ing point with the British Eighth Army. the left, Col. Forrest E. {;ookson's 18oth
Seven miles north of Biscari was thc Bis- RCT would come ashore with two battal-
cari airfield; three miles north of Comiso ions abreast, the left battalion to scize
was the airfield of that name. Ponte Dirillo ( also a paratrooper objec-
Avenues of approach from the assault tive), the right battalion to take Biscari.
beaches to the airfields were limited and On the right, Col. Robert B. Hutchins'
poor. Between the relatively uninhabited 179th RCT would send its left battalion
stretch of coast linc and the lghway there to seize Vittoria, then thc Comiso airficld,
werc no good roads. A fourth class road the right battalion to capture Scoglitti.
connected Scoglitti with Vittoria; a On the division right, Col. Charles M.
scarcdy better road led from the eastern Ankcorn's 157th RCT was to land ovcr
beaches through the little town of Santa two beaches southcast of Scoglitti. In-
Croce Camerina to Comiso. An unpaved cluded in an arca nicknamed Bailey's
road followed the east bank of the Acate Beach, pressed between Point Branco
River from the western beaches as far as Grande and Point Braccetto, these beaches
Ponte Dirillo, while a secondary road con- were quite different f rom those to the
24 Vittoria, 880 fect; Comiso, 803 feet; Biscari, west. Rock formations and sand dunes
660 feet; Ragusa, 1,680 fect. carne almost to the water's edge, and
693-029 o - 5~ - 11

rocky lcdges juttcd into the surf. The toward Ponte Dirillo; Major Alexander's
beaches, Green 2 and Yellow 2, were 2d Battalion, 505th Parachute lnfantry,
small, ten to twenty yards deep, less than was rcorganizing prcparatory to moving
a half-milc wide. Neither was suitable on Santa Crocc Camcrina; Lieutcnant
for bringing vehicles ashore. Swingler's forty paratroopcrs wcrc reduc-
Landing nine miles southeast of the ing an Italian strongpoint along thc Santa
othcr combat teams and fiftecn miles Croce Camerina-Vittoria road; and ele-
northwest of the 1st Canadian Division, ments of the 3d Battalion, 505th, were
the 157th RCT constituted an almost in- crcating confusion and havoc in thc rear
dcpendent task force. Yet Ankcorn had arcas of the XVIII Coastal Brigade from
to get to Comiso as quickly as pos&ble to the Acate River east to Vittoria.
join with the 179th RCT for a co-ordinated In a few cases, postponing the division's
attack on the airfield. Colonel Ankcorn landings led to sorne additional difficulties,
thercforc planned to land a battalion on particularly in the 18oth RCT, the west-
each of his beaches, the one on the right crnmost landing force. The transport
to move due east to capture Santa Croce Calvert's crew did a splendid job of
Camcrina, the left battalion to bypass the getting the landing craft loaded with Lt.
town to the north for a dircct thrust to Col. William H. Schaefer's 1st Battalion
Comiso. The RCT's majar effort would and into the water. Thirty of the thirty-
follow the left battalion's axis of advance. four boats of the first four waves were
All of the 45th Division's supporting ar- circling in the small craft rendczvous atta
mor, a medium tank battalion, was at- by 0200 and, under guidance of a control
tached to the 15 7th. vessel, started for shorc shortly thercafter.
Enemy forces in the division's zone werc But the Calvert had pcrformcd too wcll.
few and scattercd, mainly troops from the Her small boat waves werc far ahead of
XVIII Coastal Brigade~ right ftank units the others. Just befare 0300, as word of
of the 206th Coastal Division (where the the H-hour postponement rcached the
157th RCT would be landing), and a Calvert, her commander had no choice
mobile airfield defense group at Biscari. but to recall the four assault waves to the
The H ermann Goering Division might be rcndczvous arca. When the control ves-
expected to strikc at part of thc division's sel arrived back near the transport, the
beachhead, but disposcd as it was in thc assault waves werc in a bedraggled con-
Caltagirone arca, it posed a more serious dition: sorne of the small craft had
threat to thc 1st Division's landings. lf straggled, others had lost the wave forma-
the 179th and 157th RCT's moved fast tions and had headed off in varlous dircc-
cnough, thcy would have little to fear f rom tions. When the control vessel rcceived
cncmy attempts to interfere with their new orders to take the assault waves in
juncturc at Comiso. to the beach to meet the new H-hour, she
An unexpectcd bencfit carne from the obediently turned to execute the ordcr.
dispersed paratroopcrs who landed in largc The result of this movement back and
numbers in the division's zone. At the forth in unfamiliar waters and in complete
very time the 45th Division startcd ashorc, darkness was that the 1st Battalion, 18oth
Captain McGinity's Company G, 505th lnfantry, landed late and badly scattered.
Parachute Infantry, was making its way What could be collected of the first wavc

eventually touched down on Red Beach ing out sorne pillboxes. Following the
at 0445, almost three hours after its start. secondary road parallel to the Acate River,
Parts of the other three waves arrived at Cochran's small force was at Ponte Di-
brief intervals thereafter. rillo by dawn, thcre to find and join Mc-
In contrast, the transport N euille, car- Ginity's paratroopcrs. With Cochran in
rying Lt. Col. Clarence B. Cochran's 2d command, the combined American force
Battalion, had a most difficult time put a guard on the bridge and then cs-
launching her small craft. 1t took almost tablished and consolidated its position on
four hours to load most of the first four thc high ground just to the north to block
assault waves. At 0337, about three- the coastal Highway 115.
fourths of the total number of landing Meanwhile, Colonel Schaefer had gath-
craft started in to shore even as the ship's ered what he could find of his Ist Batta-
crew still struggled to gct the remaining lion. Just before daylight, he bcgan mov-
landing craft loaded and launched. But ing inland acros..c the dune arca to the
like the 1st Battalion's waves, the 2d Bat- highway. Thcre he paused to reorganiz.e
talion's first assault waves scattered on the before rnarching on Biscari.
way in, and only five boats of the first The landing craft that could retract
wave touched down on Red Beach at from the beachcs returned to the transport
0434, eleven minutes before the first wave Funston to get the 3d Battalion, I 8oth
from the Calvert. Only three boats from lnfantry (Lt. Col. R. W. Nolan), ashore.
the second wave found the beach, three The first wave was ready to go at 0700
minutes latcr. Seven boats from thc third and the commander of the wave's control
wave touched down at 0438, and eight vcssel, who had been with the ealvert's
boats from the fourth wave made it at waves on the carlier landings, started the
0500. Fortunatcly for both of Coloncl wave shoreward. But soon after lcaving
Cookson's assault battalions, ltalian oppo- the rendczvous arca, the wave cornmander
sition at the shore line was ncgligible. noticcd that landing craft frorn other
Though Italian machine guns fired briefly transports wcre cros..cjng his front and
at the Neuille's decimated second wavc, no heading tQward shore on a northwcsterly
one was hit. coursc. Mistakenly concluding that Red
The rest of both assault wavcs were Beach had been shiftcd, he changed coursc
scattered from Red Beach 2 in the 16th and followed the other craft. The Fun-
RCT's sector ali the way down the coast ston's first wave grounded on the 16th
to Scoglitti. Coloncl Cookson and part RCT's Red Beach 2, west of the Acate
of his RCT staff landed on the 1st Di- River, as did the sccond and fourth waves.
vision beach. Instcad of a compact land- For sorne strange reason, the third wave
ing along twclve hundred yards of coast landed on the correct Red Beach at 0800.
just cast of the Acate River, thc I8oth The 3d Battalion troops which landed in
RCT was scattered along almost twclve the 1st Division's sector, alrnost 300 rncn
miles of shore line. from ali units of the battalion, banded
Of the 2d Battalion, only Company F together under three officcrs and startcd
landed relativcly intact. With this unit, the three-mile trek to the correct beach
plus a few men from Company E, Coloncl arca. The group crossed the Acate River
Cochran started inland aftcr first clcar- about ogoo, met thc battalion's cxccutive

officer who had landed with the third the control vessel veered off course and at
wave, and moved into an assembly arca 0355 finally touched clown, not on Green
just inland from the beach, therc, in 11 2, but on thc southcm cnd of Yellow 2
Corps reserve, to await further orders. elose to Point Braccetto. A few scattered
On the other two Wood's Hole beaches, rifle shots grceted thc first Americans
the landings proceeded more smoothly. ashore but caused no casualties. A ma-
The first waves of the 179th RCT touched chine gun crew surrcndercd without firing
down either right on time or just a few a shot. Thcre was little will hcrc to con-
minutes late against no enemy opposition. test the invasion.
The only resistance occurrcd alter day- The Jefferson's second wavc veered off
light, when fire ftared briefly from an Ital- even farthcr to the right. About fifty yards
ian pillbox against the fifth wave. offshore, the boat crcws finally woke to
Lt. Col. Earl A. Taylor's 3d Battalion the fact that thcy were hcading straight
on the left quickly securcd the dune line. for the rocks at Point Braccetto and into
After a speedy rcorganization, the battalion a ten- to twelve-foot surf. Too late to
moved inland, reached Highway 115, and change course, thc first two landing craft
as day broke tumed toward Vittoria. went broadside into the rocks and
Sixty paratroopers of the 3d Battalion, capsizcd. Twenty-sevcn men drownecl,
505th Parachute lnfantry, and three how- wcighcd clown by thcir cquipmcnt and
itzers from Battery C, 456th Parachute poundecl against thc submergcd rocks.
Ficld Artillery Battalion, joined Taylor's The other landing craft managcd to gct
battalion, taking places in the line of to thc point without capsizing, and thcir
march. passengers with sorne difficulty crawlcd
Lt. Col. Edward F. Stephenson's Ist ashore. 211
Battalion had tumed southeast immedi- Six of the sevcn landing craft from thc
atcly after landing to work toward Scog- thircl wave followcd closc behind. In
litti. One company remained on the vain did thc men already on the rocks try
beach to clcar cnemy installations, while to wave off the approaching boats. Only
the others pushed along the dune linc to two of thc six incoriling craft grounded
Point Zafaglione, which dominated Scog- on sand. Four hit the rocky arca along
litti from the north and which proved to the north sidc of Point Braccetto, and
be well fortificd against a seaward ap- though able to unload their troops and
proach. Attacked from thc landward cargo, were unable to rctract. The sev-
side, the Italian garrison of seventy ar- enth boat, far off course f rom the begin-
tillerymen quickly surrcndered.
At Bailey's Beach the landings of the ' 5 Three more men would have drowned bad
15 7th RCT procceded smoothly, although it not been for Sgt. Jeue E. Eut, Jr., Company
a few landing craft grounded on the F, 157th Infantry, who, alter 1erambling ashore,
rocky ledges thrusting out into the surf. toued off bis equipment and dove back into the
surf three times to aave fellow aoldien. He tried
From the transport Jefferson, Lt. Col. a fourth time, but, apparently tired from bis pre-
lrving O. Schaefer's 2d Battalion startecl vious efforts, failed, and drowned with the man
toward shorc at 0303. Battling wind ancl he was trying to aave. See corrrspondence in the
possession of Mr. Sherrod East, Cbief Archiviat,
sea, grazcd by what appearcd to be World War 11 Branch, National Archives and
friendly fires from supporting warships, Record Service.

LAN DI NG H EAVY E QUIPM ENT over the causeway at Scoglitti.

ning, landed most of Company G north immediate beach arca. The 2d Battalion,
of Scoglitti on the 179th RCT's beaches. disorganized by its troubles with the rocks,
The first wave from the transport Car- spent sorne time in reorganizing and
roll, carrying Colonel Ankcorn, his RCT worked mainly on clearing enemy instal-
staff, and Lt. Col. Preston J. C. Murphy's lations along the shore line. Neverthe-
1 st Battalion, touched down an hour after less, by 0900 both battalions were pushing
the Jef!erson's first wave, a delay caused inland toward Santa Croce Camerina
by the loading and lowering of the as.sault and Comiso. Though enemy resistance
craft. All six of the Carroll's waves around Point Braccetto and Point Branco
landed within the next hour on the cor- Grande had been eliminated, the sandy
rect beach- Yellow 2. No assault troops hinterland behind the beaches made it all
landed on Green 2. but impossible to move the RCT's vehi-
Despite the lateness of its landing, the cles inland to follow the assault battalions.
1 st Battalion was the first to leave the Eventually, after much effort, a third

bcach-Blue 2, south of Point Braccett<r- tics against only minor enemy resistance.
was opened, and the original bcaches Supporting armor and artillery werc com-
closed. ing ashorc; mountains of supplies began
Across the entirc Seventh Anny front appearing on many of the bcaches; and
by 0900, 1 o July, infantry battalions werc commanden at all echelons werc urging
pushing inland. The assault had been their troops to keep up the momentum of
accomplished with a minimum of casual- the initial assault.

The First Day

T he Axis Reaction continucd apprchcnsion over an Allicd
landing in the western part of the island,
Thc Axis was unablc to rcact cffectivcly Guzzoni ordered the 15th Panzer Grena-
against the initial Scventh Anny landings. dier Division, the larger part of which had
At 0430, 10 July, the first cnemy planes just completcd its transfer to thc wcst, to
appcared over thc Allied shipping m~d retrace its steps and rctum to the Cani-
in front of the ~ault bcaches. The de- cattl-Caltanmctta-San Cataldo arca in
stroyer M addox took a dircct hit and sank the center of the island.2
within two minutes, just bcforc 0500, and With thcsc new units, the XVI Corps
a mine swccpcr went down at 06 I 5. intended to launch a co-ordinated attack
Enemy fighters shot down severa! planes against the Gcla landings, the H ermann
that wcrc spotting targcts for the cruiscrs' Goering Division and the two Italian mo-
guns, and occasionally .enemy bombs f ell bile groups to strike f rom the northeast, the
in the transport arca. The air raicls inter- Livorno Division from the northwest.
fcred but little with the landings.1 But sincc telcphone communications, poor
Axis commanders werc already trying to begin with, had been almost totally
that morning to stcm thc American ad- scvered by the scattercd groups of Amer-
vances. To counter the Gcla landings . ican paratroopers and by Allied bomb-
and back up thc wcak XVIII Coastal ing raicls during thc night, many of the
Brigade, General Guzzoni attachcd to the units failed to receive the corps ordcr.
XVI Corps the two Italian mobile airficld They proceeded to act on their own initia-
dcfcnsc groups intended for thc defensc tive according to the cstablishcd defensive
of the Ponte Olivo and Biscari airficlds,
the Livomo Division, and thc H ermann i IT gga; Faldella, Lo sbareo, p. 1113; MS #
C-o77 (Rodt); MS #T-2, K 1 {Keuclring);
Goering Division (minus Group Schmalz). MS #C-o95 (Senger), KTB entry for 14115, 10
He wishcd thcsc forces to counterattack Jul 43. Thia manuacript contains certain entries
bcforc the Amcricans could consolidate a from the war diary of the German liaison staff
the Arm1d Fore1s Command, Sicily; the
bcachhcad. At thc samc time, despite his withwar diary itaelf is not available. These war diary
excerptl will be cited as follows: KTB entry,
1 The 1potting aircraft were SOC'1 {Seagull hour, and date.
ICOut obaervation float planes), Curtiu single Parta of the 15th Panz11r Grenadier Division
radial engine biplana with large single ftoata and (an infantry regiment, plus artillery and other
two-man crews: pilot and radioman. The air- unita) were operating under Schmalz'1 control on
craft were uaed primarily for 1potting gunfire and the east coast; other smaller elements had not
for tcouting pW')>OICI and had a top 1peed of 126 yet made the move to the west. Basically the
m.ilea per hour. Each U.S. cruiaer had two cata- two major units involved in moving back to the
pulta and carried four SOC'1. east were Grou; Ens and Grou; Fullriede.

doctrine for the island. The broad- plan, and told him he was jumping off
fronted, massive, co-ordinated push vis- without delay. 15 He was not awarc of the
ualized against the Gela bcaches would XVI Corps' plan for a co-ordinated attack.
turn out to be a series of un-co-ordinated, Nor did he know that bis division was
indepcndent thrusts by small Axis units attached to the corps for the attack.
at varying times and at various places The bulk of the Hermann Goering Di-
along the center of the American front. vision was assembled in and around Cal-
General Conrath, the H ermann Goering tagirone. Conrath had organized the
Division commander, had learned of the division forces into two rcinforced regi-
American landings early that morning, not ments, assembled as task forces. One,
from the Sixth Army headquarters but heavy in infantry, consisted of a two-bat-
from messages relayed to him from Kes- talion infantry regiment mounted on trucks,
sclring's headquarters in Italy and from an armorcd artillery battalion, and an
his own reconna~nce patrols, scveral of attached Tiger tank company of scventeen
which clashed with American paratroopers Mark VI tanks.1 The other task force,
near Niscemi. Latcr, word from Colonel heavy in tanks, had a two-battalion tank
Schmalz reporting bis commitment of rcgiment ( about ninety Mark 111 and
troops against the British landings con- Mark IV tanks) , two armored artillery
vinced Conrath that the time had come battalions, and the bulk of the armorcd
to carry out the predetermincd defense
plan. He decided to countcrattack at
5 It seema odd that Conrath could contact
The Gcrman division was not alto-
Senger, but not General Guzzoni or the XVI
gether unprepared. General Conrath had Corps. He presumably used a separate German
alerted bis units at 2200 the previous telephone net.
night, instructing them to stand by for Called Kampfgrupp1, a term loosely a11igned
to improviaed combat units of various sizes, uau-
definite word on the cxpcctcd Allied as- ally named after the commander.
saults. Becausc his communications with See MS #R-137, ch. VIII, The Counter-
both Sixth Army and XVI Corps had thrust on the First Day, 10 July 1943, Axis Tacti-
cal Operations in Sicily (Bauer), pp. 4-6. For
gone out early on IO July, and bccausc
I a complete order of battle of the Hrmann
he wished someone in authority to know Go11ing Division, aee MS #R-125 (Bauer), pp.
of his counterattack plan, Conrath phoncd 46-49; for its tank strength, aee pp. 50-51.
T The colloquial name, Tiger, was not applied
General von Sengcr, the German liaison officially to thia tank until 1944. This waa a
officer with the Sixth Army, outlincd bis heavy tank, 60 tons, with a 5-man crew, an 88-
mm. gun aa main armament, and carried the
thickest armor ever to be fitted on a German
tank up to thia time. The vehicle was 2 1 feet
long, 12 feet wide, and could do 15 miles per
1 Faldella, Lo sbareo, pp. 118-19. hour on roads, 5 milea per hour cross-country.
4 MS #C-087 a, Division Hermann Goering The Tiger tank company, part of the !U 5tlr.
in Sicily 1943 (Bergengruen); MS #C-o87 e, Tan/e Battalion, 15tlr. Panz1r G11nadi11 Division,
Division H11mann Go1ring in Sicily 1943, Com- had been left behind when that diviaion moved
mentary ( Conrath) ; MS #C-o87 d, H 1rmann to the west, only the forty-1ilt Mark 111 and Mark
Goering Division Queationnaire, 11-u July 1943 IV tanb of the battalion having gone along.
(Generalmajor Hellmuth Reinhardt and Col. Hel- The Tiger tank company was attached to the
mut Bergengruen) ; Bergengruen in MS #T-2 H 11mann Go11ing Division either j uat before or
(Frica 1t al.). at the beginning of the operations.

rcconnamance and engineer battalions, companying his tank regiment, Conrath

which functioned as infantry.8 had to work hard more than once to pre-
General Conrath planned to commit vent panic among his inexperienced troops
bis task forces in a two-pronged attack and admittedly not very capable junior
toward the beaches east of Gela. The commanders. The task forces soon lost
troops were to move on three sccondary contact with each other, and 0900 carne
roads to assembly points south of Biscari and went with both groups still struggling
and Niscemi. With the infantry-heavy toward their assembly arcas.
force on the Biscari side, both were then Meanwhile, thc Italian M obile Group
to jump off in a concentric attack on the E undcr XV1 Corps orders had startcd
beaches. Conrath hoped to begin bis at- its movement south from Nisccmi. Or-
tack before 0900, 10 July, for a later hour ganizcd into two columns, one moving
would put the sun in his men's eyes and along the sccondary road lcading to Piano
make it easier for the Americans to locate Lupo and Highway 115, thc other turn-
his units. Besides, the earlier he could ing west toward Ponte Olivo to pick up
attack, the better his chances for Highway 117 for a drive south on Gela,
Both German task forces were on the thc group had no contact with thc Her-
move shortly alter 0400. (See Map IV.) mann Goering Division. But it was
Although the roads had been previously aware of a corps order to the Livorno
reconnoitered and found to be passable, Division to commit a battalion in an at-
if mediocre, the approach march to the tack on Gela from the northwest. Mov-
assembly arcas turned out to be much ing by truck, this battalion approached a
slower than Conrath had anticipated. jump-off point near Gela for an attack in
Allied armed reconnamance air strikes conjunction with the mobile group.
against the columns and clashes with scat- At 0900, 10 July, therefore, three Axis
tered groups of American paratroopers forces wcre moving against thc center of
causcd sorne confusion and delay. Ac- Seventh Army's front. In thc path of
thcsc forces .Jay the special force in Gela,
thc 26th RCT moving around Gela to-
1 The Mark 111 wu a medium {114Y,-ton) ward Highway 117, the 16th RCT ad-
tank, carried a 5-man crew, and was anned with vancing toward Piano Lupo, and the
a long-barreled 50-mm. or short-barreled 75-mm. badly disorganized 18oth R CT immedi-
gun. It was 17Y, feet long, almo1t 10 feet wide,
could do H miles per hour on roads, and about ately east of thc Acate River, with one of
half that 1peed crou-country. The Mark IV its battalions preparing to push from
medium ( 116 tom) tank alao carried a 5-man Highway 115 to Biscari. Elscwhere, there
crew, but wu armed with the long-barreled, high-
velocity (3,1100 feet per second) 75-mm. gun. It scemed to be no contest. On the right,
waa 19 feet long, about 9Y, feet wide, and had only a few static ltalian defensive positions
roughly the 1a1ne 1peed characteristics as the remained. On the left, the XII Corps
Mark 111.
For an excellent description of the development
was trying to scrape togcther enough units
of German armor, aee Garrett Underhill, "Intro-
duction to German Annor," Part 1, Armor11d
Cavalry Journal, vol. 58, No. 4 (July-August 11 1talian coastal defense troop1 fieeing inland
1949), pp. 3-g, and Part 11, Armor11d Cavalry from Gela and Scoglitti with confusing and
Journal, vol. 58, No. 5 (September-October alarming reporta of speedy American advances
1949), pp. 4!.t-47. did little to help.

to halt, or at lcast slow down, thc Amer- Unable to counter the artillery fire,
icans until the 15th Panzer Grenadier Gorham decided to make for Piano Lupo.
Division rctumed from the wcst. The move would have several advantages:
it would put him on his objective and
The Battle closer to the 16th RCT, which he was
supposed to contact; it would probably
At Casa del Priolo, haHway bctwecn facilitate contact with other paratroopcrs.
Piano Lupo and Niscemi, wherc less than Even though naval gunfire began to come
100 mcn of the 1st Battalion, 505th Para- in on the 1tallan column, Gorham had no
chute Infantry, had, undcr Lt. Col. Ar- way of controlling or directing the firc.
thur Gorham, rcduced a strongpoint and Lcaving one squad to cover the with-
set up a blocking position, an American drawal, he started the paratroopers south,
soldier saw a column of Italian tanks and staying well east of the Niscemi-Piano
infantry heading his way. Alertcd, the Lupo road to escape the effects of the
paratroopcrs allowed the point of the naval fire. It was then close to 0930. 10
column, three small vehicles, to enter their '{he naval gunfirc had come in response
lines bcfore opcning firc, killing or cap- to a call from obscrvers with the 16th
turing the occupants. The sound of fir- RCT's lcading battalions, which were
ing halted the main body. moving toward Piano Lupo. Becausc the
Aftcr thirty minutes of hesitation, about RCT's dircct support artillery unit, the
two infantry companies shook thcmselves 7th Field Artillery Battalion, was not yet
out into an extended formation and bc- in firing position, the destroyer Jeffers
gan moving toward the Amcricans, who answcrcd the call with nineteen salvos from
waited until the Italians werc 200 yards her 5-inch guns.11 A few of the Italian
away. Thcn they opcncd a withering firc tanks werc hit, but the majority werc un-
not only of rifles but of thc numerous scathed.12 No ltalian infantry ventured
machine guns they had capturcd when 10 There is a brief account of this action in
thcy had takcn thc strongpoint. Thcir thc 505th Parachute lnfantry Regiment AAR,
first fusillade pinned down the enemy g-11 July 1943, and in 82d Airbomc Division
troops exccpt for a few in the rcar who in Sicily and ltaly, pp. 10-11. A complete ac-
count is containcd in the Sayre narrative, Thc
managed to get back to the main column. Operations of Company A, 505th Parachute In-
Seyeral minutes later, the Italians fantry. The material presented by General Gavin
moved a mobile artillery piecc into firing in Airborne W arfare, pp. 6-a, is drawn from
Sayrc's account.
position on a hill just out of range of any 11 Tbe 7th Field Artillery Battalion managed

weapon the paratroopcrs possessed. As to get its penonnel ashore early on D-day, but iu
the gun opcned firc, a prcviously dis- howitzen were aboard the LST's which veered
off into the 45th Division'1 zone. Two batterics
patched paratroopcr patrol rctumed and were unloaded during the coune of ro July east
reported to Coloncl Gorham that there of the Acate River and were moved up the beach
appearcd to be no strong enemy force at (northwestward) and across the river by late
the battalion's original objective. This 12 The cruiser Boi11, at the request from the
was the road junction on Piano Lupo, pilot of one of her scout planes, had previously
wherc only a few Italians armed with fired two minutes of rapid fire with 6-inch guns
at the same targct. Apparently the Boise's skip-
machine guns held a dug-in position sur- per was not aware of the nature of the target,
rounded by barbcd wirc. for as he said later: "Had we only known what



PtANO LuPo, LooKJNG DowN THE N ISCEMI RoAD to the high ground south of the crossroads.

past the Piano Lupo road junction, for road junction and turned on Highway 115
they preferred to take cover from the rel- toward Gela. 13 They proceeded down-
atively flat trajectory naval fire in pre- hill only a short way. The two forward
viously prepared defensive positions. battalions of the 16th RCT, though armed
Masked on the south by high ground only with standard infantry weapons,
that caused most of the naval fire to over-
shoot the junction, the ltalian infantry- The 16th RCT reported twenty tanks in
this attack. { rst Inf Div G-3 Jnl, entry 17, 10
men reached and occupied their positions Jul 43.) The exact number of tanks in this
just a few minutes ahead of Gorham's group is not known. One report indicates Mo-
paratroopers. bil1 Group E had nearly fifty tanks when it started
its movement on 10 July (Morison, Sicily-Sa-
The Italian tanks that passed through lerno- nzio, p. 103). Another report ( MS #
the fire, about twenty, continued past the R-n5 (Bauer)) indicates that the Italian unit
had one company ( twelve to fourteen) of Re-
we were shooting at, we would have cut loose nault 35 tanks ; possibly sixteen 3-ton tanks ; and
with the whole fiftcen-gun battery." ( Morison, possibly som,e Fiat "3,000" tanks. The Renault
Sicily-Salerno-nzio, p. 103.) tanks, captured from the French in 1940, weighed
The scout planes, continually harassed by en- two tons and were armed with 3 7-mm. guns.
emy fighter planes, had to take continual evasive From reports contained in other American sources,
action as long as they were in the air and had the number of Italian tanks appea rs to have been
little opportunity to keep any target in sight long between thirty and forty total in both 1talian
enough to accurately adjust fires. groups.

knocked out two of the tanks, thoroughly road. While the destroyer Shubrick
disrupted the Italian thrust, and halted started firing at the tank-infantry column
the column. Without infantry support, on Highway 117, the Ranger-manned Ital-
its artillery under heavy counterbattery ian 77-mm. guns opened up on thc Livorno
firc from American warships, the Italian battalion.
tankers broke off the fight and rctired The first Shubrick salvos halted the Ital-
north into the foothills bordering the Gela ians in sorne confusion. But the tankers
plain on the east. 14 recovercd a measure of composurc; they
The threat dispersed, the 16th RCT rcsumed their movement, though fewer
rcsumed its movement to the Piano Lupo now, for several tanks were buming in thc
road junction. But Gorham's paratroop- fields along the highway. Without fur-
ers, approaching from the opposite dircc- ther loss, nine or ten tanks dashed down
tion, arrivcd first. After reducing one the highway and into the city. But the
ltalian strongpoint, the paratroopers made same thing happened herc that had hap-
contact with scouts from thc 16th RCT pened on the Niscemi-Piano Lupo road-
at 1100.15 The 1st Battalion, 16th In- ltalian infantrymen did not follow the
fantry ( Lt. Col. Charles L. Dcnholm ) , tanks. And so, in the city, the Rangers
thcn cleaned out severa} remaining 1tallan and the engineers began a deadly game
positions around the road junction, a task of hide and seek with the Italian tanks,
facilitated by a captured map, while the dodging in and out of buildings, throwing
2d Battalion (Lt. Col. Joseph Crawford) hand grenades and firing rocket launchers.
and the paratroopers moved across the Colonel Darby jumped in a jeep, dashed
road and occupied high ground to the down to the beach, commandeered a 37-
northwest. mm. antitank gun, rcturned with it to the
Mcanwhile the hcterogencous Ranger- city and knocked out a tank. Another
enginecr force in Gela had observed a burned as Rangers and engineers teamed
column of thirtcen Italian tanks escorted up, first to stop it and then to destroy
by infantry moving south along Highway it. After twenty minutes of this kind of
117 toward the city-the right arm of fighting, the Italians started back out of
M obe Group E's two-pronged attack. the city hotly pursued by American firc.
Another column, the Livorno Division's The Italian crews suffered heavily. Al-
battalion of infantry, could also be seen most every survivor carried with him
moving toward Gela along the Butera sorne kind of wound. 18
As for the Livorno Division's battalion
14 16th Inf Regt AAR, Jun-Jul 43; ONI, Si- -in almost formal, parade ground forma-
cilian Campaign, pp. 6o-6r; Morison, Sicily- tion, the Italian infantrymen advanced
Sal'1no-Anzio, p. 103.
15 In a letter received by OCMH i.r6 December against the western side of Gela. The
1950, Brig. Gen. George A. Taylor (Ret..), former two Ranger companies firing their cap-
commander of the 16th RCT, noted: "Any re- tured ltalian artillery pieces took hcavy
port that any unit of the 82d Division captured
anything and turned it over to me is without toll among the closely bunched enemy sol-
foundation." But the r6th lnfantry's report of diers. Rifles, machine guns, and mortars
action show1 that paratroopen were on Piano joined in as the range closed. Not an
Lupo by the time the leading elements of the
RCT arrived. This is also shown in the 82d
Airbome Division's records. 111 Faldella, Lo sbarco, p. 117.


enemy soldier reached the city. Leaving noon. Two battalions swept past the city
behind numerous dead and wounded, the on the east, cut Highway 117, and took
remnants of the ltalian battalion fled. 11 high ground two miles to the north.
The 1talian thrust against Gela stopped, With the city firmly in American hands,
the 26th Combat Team moved from the Colonel Bowen, the 26th RCT com-
Gela-Farello landing ground into Gela mander, began to think of seizing the ter-
and made contact with Darby's force by rain overlooking Ponte Olivo airfield from
the west. Yet he was not anxious to start
11 ut Ranger Bn AAR, 10-14 Ju! 43 ; 4th until he had adequate field artillery and
Ranger AAR, 10-12 Ju! 43; 39th Engr Combat armor support. As of noon, Bowen had
Regt AAR, 10 Jul-18 Aug 43; Morison, Sicily- neither. Nor was the situation along the
Salerno-Anzio, pp. 103--04; Lyle, Operations of Piano Lupo-Niscemi axis clear.
Companies A and B, ut Ranger Bn, p. 16; Al-
tieri, Darby's Rangers, p. 50 ; Faldella, Lo sbarco, South of Niscemi, the right column of
pp. 1 19, 120, 123. Conrath'& two-pronged counterattack, the

tank-heavy force, closed into its ru;.,embly havc crossed the Acate River and at-
arca. The infantry-heavy force closed in tacked Piano Lupo from thc southeast,
the Biscari area. With ali in readiness at Conrath callcd off his offensive action.
1400, five hours late, Conrath sent his Her- "The tanks are trying to withdraw,"" thc
mann Goering Division into its attack. 16th Infantry reported around 1700.
The tank regiment struck the 2d Bat- And at 1845, "Tanks are withdrawing, it
talion, 16th lnfantry, which had prepared seems wc are too rnuch for them." 19
defensive positions on ground overlooking Conrath's infantry force had jurnped off
the road junction at the coastal highway at 1400, had promptly lost cornmunica-
and had sent patrols almost to Casa del tions with division headquartcrs, and had
Priolo. run in to the 1st Battalion, 18oth Infan-
Colonel Crawford's 2d Battalion, along try, which, together with sorne paratroop-
with Colonel Gorham's paratroopers, bore ers picked up along thc way, was moving
the initial brunt of thc German tank toward Biscari. Their attack bluntcd by
thrust, and soon Colonel Denholm's 1st thc relatively small American force sup-
Battalion was drawn into the fight. Calls portcd by one battcry of the 17 1st Ficld
for naval gunfire soon had shells dropping Artillcry Battalion, thc Germans carne to
on the Niscerrii road, but the German a halt by 1530. Though the terraced
tanks, accompanied by reconnaissance terrain was well suitcd for infantry opera-
and cngineer troops in an infantry rnis- tions, dense grovcs of olive trees interfered
sion, rolled slowly past Casa del Priolo. with the rnovcment of the heavy Tigcr
Not far frorn Casa del Priolo the tanks tanks that were part of thc column.
slowcd, sputtcred, and eventually stopped. Moreover, sorne of the Tigers, among the
Thc tankers could not go on because they first produced, had defective steering
had nothing to cope with, the five- and rnechanisms, and those that dropped out
six-inch naval shells that carne whistling blocked the others. Inexperience among
in frorn the sea. Also, American small junior officers and sorne of the troop units,
arms fire had knocked out the accompany- failure to get thc Tigcr tanks forward, and
ing foot soldicrs and had thrown the lead American tenacity on the ground stopped
tanks into confusion. Then, too, no sup- the German attempt.
port developed from thc infantry-heavy Rcgaining cornmunications later that
column on thc left. 18 aftemoon, Conrath relicved the task force
Conrath ordered the tank attack re~ commandcr. After rnuch prodding from
newed at 1500. But cven Conrath's in- Conrath and under a new cornmander,
spiring and hard-driving prcsencc was not the infantry-heavy force regrouped and
enough to furnish impetus. Thc attack jumped off again. This time the German
failed to get rolling. Still uncertain about attack was bctter co-ordinated. The
the location and thc fatc of the infantry- Tiger tanks led off, followed closely by
heavy task force, which was supposed to foot soldiers. Breaking through the thin
American lines, the Germans overran thc
18 None of the 16th RCT's AT guns C:n-mm. positions of the 1st Battalion, 18oth In-
in the battalions, 57-mm. in the regimenta! AT
platoon) were up at this time. The guns did
not arrive until later that night and early the 19 ut lnf Div G-3 Jnl, entries 21 and 23, 1o
following morning. Jul 43.

fantry, and took prisoner the battalion though commanders were concerned about
commander, Colonel Schaefer, and most the arrival of supporting tanks and ar-
of the surviving troops. The remnants of tillery and the extent of their frontages,
the battalion streamed south toward the the troops in the center of the American
coastal Highway 115.20 beachhead had earned die right to a brief
Thc way sccmcd open for German cx- pause.
ploitation that would endanger thc 1st On thc army lcft, General Truscott sent
Division bcachcs, whcn the 3d Battalion, the 15th RCT, his center unit, seven
18oth Infantry, suddenly appeared. Re- miles up Highway 123 toward Campo-
lcascd from corps reserve to countcr the bello, holding thc others rcady to counter
Gcrman attack, this American force took Axis thrusts. Reconnai.ssance pilots had
dcfensivc positions and held fast. Im- pickcd up the movement of the 15th Pan-
minent American disastcr was averted as zer Grenadier Division, which was return-
the Germans unexpectedly panicked. ing from the western part of Sicily, and
Gcrman soldiers broke and ran in wild Truscott was preparing to meet the threat.
disordcr, their officers finally stopping the Landing the 3d Division's ftoating re-
rout just short of Biscari. The Americans serve, General Rose's CCA, would help,
were content to remain along a line par- and the armored command began coming
allcling the south side of Highway 115.21 ashore over the beaches east of Licata and
Sorne confused fighting among com- through Licata itscH. Truscott planned
bat patrols lasted until well after dark. to send the armor to Naro, a small town
Though strong enemy forces ringed the fiftecn miles northwest of Licata, be-
Gcla plain and the Acate River valley, twecn Palma di Montechiaro on thc south
and Campobcllo on the east. With troops
20 Maj. Gen. Stanhope B. Mason, former chief at Naro and Campobello, Truscott would
of staff of the nt Infantry Division, a close, per- block an important avenue of approach
sonal friend of Colonel Schaefer's, later had the
pleasure of seeing the fonner 45th Division bat- to the division's bcachhcad from the
talion commander released by American troops northwest.
from the U.S. V Corps in Germany in 1945. See On the army right, General Middleton
comments of Maj. Gen. Stanhope B. Mason on
MS. kept pushing his easternmost regiments,
21 18oth Inf R.egt AAR., 10 Jul 43; AGF the 179th and 15 7th. By nightfall thcy
217; 1711t FA Bn AAR.; 45th Inf Div Arty AAR.; were seven miles inland. In contrast with
MS #~87 a (Bergengruen). the 18oth lnfantry's rough experience in
The wartime Gcrman record states simply that
tbe attack mounted by the H ermann Goering the Acate Rivcr valley, the 179th Infan-
Dirnon against the Allied forces advancing from try had Colonel Taylor's 3d Battalion,
the Cela beaches to the arca west of Caltagirone and sorne paratroopers who had joined,
did not bear results. See OB SUED, Mel-
dungen, No. 0114, 0340, 11 Jul 43, and Daily at the outskirts of Vittoria before 1600.
Silrep West, 10 Jul 43, in OKH, Tagesmeldungen A few men entered the city, but small
WEST. It was apparently the early evening ad- arms fire drove thcm out. U nwilling to
vance of the German force that was used in
ONI, Sicilian Campaign, page 4 7, to indica te unleash his supporting artillery until city
withdrawal of the 18oth RCT to the beaches at authorities had a chance to surrender,
2150, 10 July 1943. No doubt part of the ut Colonel Taylor spent much time trying
Battalion did go all the way back to the beaches,
but there is no indication that any part of the to persuade a civilian to go into the cit}
3d Battalion did the same. to bring out thc mayor or sorne other

municipal official. Thc civilian rcfuscd. tcred Ragusa at 1800. No Canadians

lnfantry attack preceded by artillcry bom- and only a few ltalian soldiers were in thc
bardment appeared the only solution. city. Sincc they wcrc unwilling to chance
Unknown to Taylor, negotiations for an ambush during thc night, the Ameri-
Vittoria's surrcnder wcrc alrcady taking can platoons withdrcw to the western
place. Thrce of the ubiquitous para- outskirts, wherc the remainder of thc
troopers had becn in the city since early company joined them shortly beforc mid-
morning, having been captured by the night.
1talians shortly after dropping to ground. Sliding past Santa Croce Camcrina on
Two by this time werc roaring drunk. thc west, thc other two battalions of thc
The third, 1st Lt. William J. Harris 157th lnfantry ovcrran a strongpoint at
(Headquartcrs Company, 3d Battalion, Donnafugata. A four-truck motorizcd pa-
505th Parachutc Infantry), was trying to trol to high ground northcast of Comiso
persuade the Italian commander to capit- secured an assembly arca for the leading
ulate. The approach of Taylor's battalion battalion. And from that point, Hil1 643,
strcngthened Harris' arguments consider- the battalion the next day would support
ably. At 1640, as American artillcry by fire thc attack planncd to seizc the air-
units preparcd to open fire,. the ltalians field. 22
agreed to surrcnder. Bcckoncd by the
hurried display of white ftags, the infan- The Beaches
trymen outside the city marched in un-
opposcd. By nightfall of D-day, 10 July, the
Farther to the right, wherc Americans Seventh Army was firmly established on
werc moving on the Comiso airfield, Santa Sicily. Only in the center was there cause
Crocc Camerina was taken in thc early for any immediate concem, and this
aftemoon as the result of an unplanned stemmed from the failure of the airbomc
pincer movement. Coloncl Murphy's 1st drop. The absence of paratroopers on
Battalion, 157th lnfantry, and Major Piano Lupo dcprived thc 1st Division of
Alexander's 2d Battalion, 505th Parachute a reserve, put the 16th Infantry at a
Infantry, neither of which apparently disadvantage, and increased the thrcat of
knew of the othcr's presence, attacked the enemy counterattack. The paratroopers
town about the same time. The Italian had created confusion in encmy rcar arcas,
garrison, concemed with Murphy's ap- but they had not seriously intcrfered with
proach from the west and totally unprc- the movemcnt of German and ltalian units
pared for the paratrooper attack on thc against the invasion.
east, conceded defcat.
Whilc Alexander's paratroopers moved 22 179th lnf Regt . AAR; an account of the Si-
off to the north and west in search of a cilian Campaign ( !H pages) written by Brig.
higher parachute headquarters, Murphy Gen. Raymond S. McLain, then Commanding
General, 45th Infantry Diviaion Artillery, prob-
outposted thc town and scnt a partially ably in late July or early August 1943, copy in
motorizcd company thirteen miles north- OCMH; 45th Inf Div Arty AAR; AGF Rpt 1117;
east to Ragusa, the 1st Canadian Divi- 157th Inf Regt AAR; Interv, Smyth with Ank-
com, 20 Mar 51; 158th FA Bn AAR; 16oth FA
sion objectivc. With only ncgligible Bn AAR; 45th Inf Div G-3 Jnl, entries g-10
opposition, thc two motorizcd platoons en- Jul 43

The cause of failure lay with the troop havc hclped cause panic among sorne
carriers. As late as !20 June, three weeks ltalian units. 26 Generalrnajor Walter
bcfore the invasion, ohscrvers had consid- Fries, thc a9th Panzer Grenadier Division
ered the 5!2d Troop Carrier Wing deficient comrnander, was less imprcsscd. "Since
in night fonnation ftying, night naviga- they landed in front of thc Germans," he
tion, and drop zone location during dark- wrotc latcr, "cvcn if thcy were in rear of
ncss. The wing had had only two practice thc ltalian troops, there was little pros-
mis&ons at night under simulated cornbat pect of their being able to intervene de-
conditions. One of thcsc had scattcrcd cisively." 27 Kcsselring took a different
the 505th Parachute Infantry all along the tack. Admitting that the paratroopers
ftight route. Further training was impos- "effcctcd an cxtraordinary delay in the
sible aftcr !20 June bccause of the nccd to rnovcment of our own troops and caused
start rnoving troops and planes to the ad- largc losses," he was more inclined to
vanced take-off airfields.23 place blame on the leadership of General
On the evening of 9 July, serious doubts Conrath and other officers of the Her-
had cxisted in sorne quarters on the ability mann Goering Division. Thc command,
of the troop carrier units to deliver the he said, "was not fortunatc." Because
paratroopers to the correct drop zoncs; at the "march groups" were "incorrectly
least one cornmander felt that the Troop cornposcd," the paratroopers delayed the
Carrier Cornmand was far too optimistic division. "It is incorrect annor tactics,"
about the proficiency of the aircraft Kesselring continued, "for the tank units to
crcws.24 Late in July 1943, General march separatc from the armored infantry
Ridgway was uncquivocal in stating that as occurred here. With propcr cornposi-
the opcration "demonstrated beyond any tion of the march groups the armored in-
doubt that the Air Force .... cannot at fantry riftemen would quickly have cleared
prcsent put parachute units, even as large out the snipcrs." 28
as a battalion, within effective attack dis-
tance of a chosen drop zone at night." 215 26 Bergengruen in MS #T-2 (Fries et al.) ,

Gennan commanders tended to mini- Answer to Question 14 re Feldzug Gruppe Sizi-

lien, p. 6o.
mize the effect of the American airborne 21 See Fries in MS #T-2 (Fries et al. ), p. u .
operation. Col. Hellrnut Bergcngruen, a 211 MS #T-2 K 1 (Keuelring), pp. 20-21;
staff officer with the H ermann Goering Quotation from copy of a draft, initialed "Z,"
16 Jul 43, OB SUEDWEST, Abt. le, 18.Vl.4J-
Division, judged that thc airdrops "were 3.Il.44 (HHr1sgruppe "C," 75138/28). A
made in rear of the 1tallan coastal divi- ummary of the analyais is given in OKW/WFSt,
sions, but in front of the Gennan units TB, 1.-31.VIII.43, 13 July 1943. This analy-
and did not interfere with the conduct of is of the 6nt direct German experience againat
large-scale amphibious attack was immediately
the battlc." He conceded only the pos- tranmiitted by OKW to the headquarten in the
sibility that the parachute landings rnight other OKW theaten of war and arcas under its
Very probably this analysis waa the baais for
21 Warren, USAF H ist Study 74, pp. 28, 37. the statement of Generaloberst Kurt Student in
u /bid., p. 28. October 1945 that "lt is my opinion that if it
25 Ltr, Ridgway to AFHQ, 26 Jul 43, sub: had not been for the Allied airbome forces
Analysia of Methods of Employment of 82d AB blocking the Hermann Goering .drmored Division
Div, in Seventh Army 373 file labeled Parachute from reaching the beachhead, that diviaion would
Air Support, KCRC. have driven the initial seaborne forces back into
693-029 o - 65 - 12

General Patton's solution to the vac- M onrovia, the naval force ftagship which
uum created by the unsucccssful airbome also carried Patton and his army head-
drop was to get his ftoating reserve ashore. quarters. Just before 1400, Gaffey rc-
In the early aftemoon, as the threat of ccived the order to land. He was to go
the Axis counterattack developcd in the ashore over the 1st Division's Yellow and
center, Patton directed General Gaffey to Blue Beachcs, the beachcs nearest Gela.
land his 2d Armored Division ( lcss CCA Retuming to the Orizaba, General Gaf-
but augmentcd by the 18th RCT) in the fey sent ashore his chief of staff, Col.
1st Division's zone, to assemble just inland, Redding L. Perry, to reconnoiter the as-
and to prepare for commitment as later signed beachcs and to make the neccssary
ordered. A second, reinforcing airbome arrangements with the 1 st Division for
drop, considered for that evening and assembly arcas, routes, and guides.
shclved in view of the need for armor On shore, Perry discovered a picture
ashore, was tentatively scheduled for the quite different from that visualized on the
following night. Monrovia. General Allen, the 1st Divi-
Throughout the moming the armored sion commander, expresscd concem about
division's headquarters aboard the trans- getting armor ashore. Brig. Gen. Theo-
port Orizaba had been intercepting mes- dore Roosevelt, the assistant division com-
sagcs from the 1st Division to the Seventh mander who had visited all the division
Army, mcssagcs that urged the immediate beachcs, brought word that Ycllow and
landing of artillery and armor to support Blue were heavily mined-both had bcen
the assault units. By noon, not one piece closed. He strongly recommended bring-
of artillery, nor any of the ten tanks at- ing in the 2d Armored Division acrcm Red
tached to the 1st Division had gotten Beach 2.
ashore.211 Appriscd of Roosevelt's recommenda-
For better information on posgble plans tion upon Perry's retum, Gaffey approvcd
for his commitment, Gaffey boarded the the change to Red 2, even though it en-
tailed sorne delay in amending the prcvi-
ous orders.
the sea." (Quoted in Gavin, .Airborne Warfare,
p. 16.) General Student was in France at the About 1700, the command echelon of
time of the Sicilian invasion, but a.a commander Col. l. D. White's CCB landed on Red
of the XI Parachute Corps he probably received Beach 2. After contacting General Allen
the analysis.
u The landing of the Seventh Anny's ftoating and reconnoitering scveral possible assem-
reserve is covered in: 11d Armored Division in bly arcas, White settled on a site near thc
the Sicilian Campaign, a research report pre- Gcla-Farello landing ground which was
pared at Fort Knox, 1949-5 (cited hereafter as bcing vacatcd by the rcannost units of
11d Annd Div in Sicilian Campaign), p. 110; 2d
Annd Div AAR, H Apr-115 Jul 43; WNTF Ac- the 26th lnfantry.
tion Rpt, p. 25; Comments of Col Redding L. The first unit scheduled to land was
Perry on MS; Morison, Sicily--Salern<>---Anzio, the 18th RCT. When General Gaffey
p. 108; 18th lnf Regt AAR, Jul 43; Lt Col F.
M. Muller, "11d Armored Division Combat Load- leamed that the LCI's carrying the unit
ing, Part Two, Sicily," Armored Caualry Journal, had remained in a cruising formation dur-
vol. 56 ( September-October 194 7), pp. g-13 ; ing the day instead of shifting to the
CCB, 2d Annd Div AAR, Jul 43; Interv, Smyth
with Lt Col Ruuel G. Spinney (former CO Co planned landing formation, he neverthc-
F, 18th lnf Regt), 31 Oct 50. lcss ordered debarkation from the cruising

fonnation, counting on subscquent rcor- Allied shipping lying off thc Gcla beaches,
ganization on shorc. Because the beach and to the poor bcaches thcmsclvcs. En-
was unsuitable for LCI's, the beachmastcr cmy air strikcs had bcgun two hours aftcr
was cxpcctcd to provide LCVP's to dis- thc invasion. Aftcr daylight, encmy bat-
charge the men from the LCI's and takc tcries inland, from Ponte Olivo to Niscemi,
them ashore. But apparently bccause of had startcd pounding the bcaches. By
a failurc in communications bctween the 0900, such heavy firc carne in that Yellow
landing craft and the beachmastcr, Beach ( 26th Infantry) was closed. Ship-
LCVP's werc not available, so the LCl's ping was divertcd castward to Blue Beach.
approached as ncar to shorc as possible Enemy artillery firc soon forccd this bcach
and the infantrymen waded the rcst of to be closcd, too, and boat traffic was
the way through the high surf. One again divertcd eastward, this time to Red
officcr and two enlisted men werc drowned. Beach 2. Soon after 1000, enemy shelling
Considerable equipmcnt was lost. But becamc so accuratc that this beach had
the first wave was ashorc by 2130; the en- to be closcd for twenty minutes. Only
tirc rcgiment was on the ground soon aftcr one beach, Green 2, was then availablc
midnight. to rcccive landing craft. Though Red 2
Col. Gcorge A. Smith moved bis rcgi- was rcopened at 1030, cnemy artillery
ment into an orchard near the landing fire and intermittcnt enemy air attacks
ground. The dismounted riftemen of the throughout the day greatly delayed un-
1st Battalion, 41st Armorcd lnfantry Reg- loadings and . did considerable damage to
imcnt, landcd soon aftcrwards and took landing craft and beach supply. Even
positions nearby. Two platoons of Com- aftcr thc enemy artillery fire slackened,
pany 1, 67th Armorcd Regiment, carne both Yellow and Blue Beaches rcmained
ashore at 0200, 11 July, and the ten closed bccause numerous unclearcd mine
medium tanks immediatcly stallcd in the fields lay in the dune arca just back from
soft sand. High surf and bcach conges- the shorc.80
tion prevented thc landing of additional The closing and shifting of beaches
armorcd vehicles. creatcd serious problems, particularly in
By moming of 11 J uly, the chief rcsult of getting thc 1st Division's heavy equipment
Patton's decision to land the anny's ftoat- ashorc. General Allen's calls for annor
ing reserve was that four additional in- and artillery support during the moming
fantry battalions equipped with hand- were so pressing that Admiral Hall finally
carried weapons only were ashore. The ordered in thosc LST's carrying the heavy
ten medium tanks were still having con- cquipment even though therc werc few
siderable troublc getting off the beach. places to accommodatc the large landing
Difficult beach conditions had not only ships. Furthermorc, because of the as-
interfered with landing the reserve, they sumption that the Gela pier would be cap-
had impeded ali the othcr landings. tured intact and put to immediatc use,
The delay in thc arrival of the 1st Di- Hall's naval task force had only threc
vision's supporting artillery and armor ponton causeways. One, unfortunatcly,
could be traced to encmy artillcry firc, was carried by one of the thrce LST's
particularly in support of the various
countcrattacks, to cnemy air raids against 30 ONI, Sicilian Campaign, p. 59.

that had beachcd by mistakc in thc Scog- panics, thcy wcrc unloadcd in the 45th
litti arca. Division's zonc, and wcre still east of the
Onc causeway was finally riggcd on Acate Rivcr.
Red Bcach 2. By 1030 onc LST was With Red Bcach 2 recciving evcrything
fully unloadcd and a sccond was moving coming ashore, it became so congcsted
in to start. As othcr LST's began rigging with landing craft and supplics that many
the sccond causeway on Green 2 late in of the small craft had to turn away with-
thc aftemoon, an cnemy aircraft coming out unloading. Bcach partics wcre com-
in low droppcd a bomb dircct1y on one pletely swamped with work cvcn beforc
of thc landing ships. Loadcd with clc- the 18th RCT started ashorc. And Gen-
mcnts of the 33d Field Artillery Battalion eral Allen continued to call for more ar-
and an antiaircraft artillcry battalion, thc tillery and armor.11
LST blew up with a horrendous roar, Across the Acate River, thc 45th Di-
scattering fragmcnts of trucks, guns, and vision beach situation was little better,
cxploding ammunition in ali dircctions. although more supporting units did movc
All of thc vchiclcs of Battery A, 33d Field ashore during thc day. Exccpt for the
Artillery, and of one scction of the anti- 17 1st Field Artillery Battalion, thc 18oth
aircraft battalion wcrc lost. Fortunately, RCT's dircct support battalion, thc di-
thc howitzcrs wcre already ashorc, having vision artillery landcd in good fashion.12
been landcd by Dukws. But what was Thc mcdium tank battalion carne ashorc
more scrious was thc fact that fragments in the 157th RCT's sector during thc late
from thc exploding LST knockcd out thc aftcmoon.
ponton causeway in opcration on Red
Bcach 2.
By 1800, only thrcc LST's had been 31 For a foil discussion of the ut Division's

unloaded over thc Gela bcachcs. Only beach aituation aee: ONI, Sicilian Campaign,
pp. 65-66; Moriaon, Sicily-Sarno-.A.nzio, pp.
one field artillcry battalion and four scp- 105-09; ut lnf Div Arty AAR, 9 May-g Aug
arate field artillcry battcrics wcre ashore. 43; 5th FA Bn AAR, Jun-Dec 43; 33d FA Bn
These wcre thc 33d Field Artillcry Battal- AAR, J un-Dec 43 ; 7th FA Bn AAR, Sicilian
Campaign, 10 May-31 Aug 43; Commenta of
ion (minus two howitzcrs lost when Col Leonard G. Robinson (former executive ofli-
Dukws overtumed on thc way to shore) ; cer of the 5th Field Artillery Battalion) on MS;
two batteries of the 7th Field Artillery WNTF Action Rpt, pt. 11, Narrative of Evenu,
Battalion ( thc howitzcrs wcre landcd in entriea timed u15 and 9350, 10 Jul 43.
12 In the 17 ut Ficld Artillery Battalion, Bat-
the 45th Division zone, the pcrsonnel in tery A was badly scattered in landing: aomc of
the 1st Division's arca) ; and two batterics its vchiclea landcd on the propcr bcach, but thc
of the 5th Field Artillcry Battalion (de- howitzcra unloadcd on the 11t Diviaion'a Red
Bcach 9 and other battcry impedimenta on the
layed in landing until late aftcmoon when 179th RCT's bcachca ncarer Scoglitti. The bat-
the LST carrying thc batterics made land- tery waa not ready to fire until 2000, and then
fall off Licata and had to travcrsc almost with only three piccea. The fourth howitzcr ar-
rived near midnight. Battery B was a1ao scattcrcd
thc cntire lcngth of both thc 3d Division on landing but got itaelf togcther quickly and
and 1st Division beachcs). Availablc ali was ready to fire at 1230. It moved to a ncw
togcther werc cightecn 105-mm. howitzcrs poaition at 1530 and fired iu firat miuion fifteen
minutes later in aupport of the ut Battalion,
and cight 155-mm. howitzcrs. As for thc 18oth lnfantry. Bccauae of the ahortagc of land-
16th RCT's Cannon and Antitank Com- ing craft, Battery C remaincd aftoat until 11 July.

But, in general, the 45th Division poorer shore party work. Except for
beachcs prescnted a most deplorable pic- trying to get sorne of the stranded craft
ture throughout D-day. Backed by soft off thc bcachcs and back into operation,
sand duncs and with few usablc cxits, there was little that could be done.
the fivc assault bcachcs werc cluttcred In the early aftcmoon, after thc divi-
with masscs of stranded landing craft and sion shorc party command post and a re-
milling groups of meo and vehiclcs soon inforced engineer shore company moved
after thc initial landing. Many landing into Scoglitti and reconnoitcred the arca
craft were hung up on offshore sand bars, around the village, Admiral Kirk and
unablc to rctract. Others broached on the General Middleton werc told it was ad-
beachcs, the sea breaking completcly over visable to close the threc northcm as-
sorne, eddying into others over lowered sault bcachcs at noon thc next day and
ramps. Scattercd and disorganized shore to open six new bcaclies--three above
partics were still not functioning properly Scoglitti, two at Scoglitti itsclf, and one
as late as 0800. In the meantime, land- just below the village. Both commanders
ing craft waited on the bcaches for three approved the recommendation, but im-
to four hours to be unloaded. Because provement was still almost two days
the cfforts of the naval salvage parties to away.83
gct strandcd craft off the bcaches were Only in the 3d Division sector was the
largcly unsuccessful, a diminishing num- beach situation satisfactory. Red and
bcr were available to unload the supplies Green beachcs west of Licata were closed
still on board the transports. An inshore very carly and ali further unloadings were
movement of the transports just after made ovcr the two beaches cast of the
o6oo hclped a little, but the ever-growing city and in the port itsclf.84 Enemy air
shortagc of landing craft soon vitiated attacks spilling over from the 1st Division
even this slight improvement. beachhead were a nuisance, but none
Because they were simply unsuitable, caused more than superficial damage to
ali the southem bcachcs except Blue 2 the mounting accumulation of supplies at
werc closed at 1050, and even though the dumps.35
Blue 2 was no prize, it had a good exit. 33 AGF Rpt 217; Morison, Sicily-Sal1trno--
North of Scoglitti, Red and Green Beach Anzio, pp. 138-41. On 13 July, another set of
traffic used the exit road from Yellow beaches was opened above Scoglitti, and another
Beach, wherc the sandy arca behind the beach was added to the one below Scoglitti.
Morison (page 140) states that a survey as of
bcachcs was smaller in size. noon, 11 July, revealed that only 66 of the orig-
Concemed by the beach conditions and inal 175 LCVP's and LCM's in this naval task
the scrious loss of landing craft, Admiral force were still usable. The 18 transports left
almost 200 LCVP's on the beaches, many of
Kirk sent one of bis transport division which were subsequently salvaged.
commanders ashore in the middle of the 34 Most of the 3d Division's LST's were un

moming to sce what could be done loaded in Licata harbor.

35 On 10 July 1943, over the Gela beaches,
to alleviatc thc situation. The rcport 20,655 roen, 1,027 vehicles, and 2,000 long tona
was pcssimist.ic: bctween 150 and 200 of supplies were put ashore. Over the Licata
strandcd landing craft on the beaches; beaches and through Licata harbor, 18,464 men,
3,3 1o vehicles, and 4, 714 long tons of supplies
insufficient naval salvage parties; not were landed. ( See Seventh Army Rpt of Opns,
cnough bcach exits; poor boat handling; pp. E-15-E-16.) Figures for the 45th Divi-

Dcspitc formidable obstaclcs thc inva- ful. Thc ncxt test would be whcthcr
sion thus far appcarcd cmincntly succcss- thc Allics could stand up to thc inevitable
aion are lumped together for the thrce-day period Axis attcmpu to push thcm back into thc
10-12 July 1943. sea.

The Axis Threat

On the evening of 10 July, Guzzoni had the XVI Corps to commit both Group
a far from clear understanding of the sit- Schmalz and the Napoli Division in a
uation.1 Reports indicated that British detcrmincd attempt to knock out the
and Canadian forces had cstablished British bcachhcad south of Syracuse. He
beachhcads along the eastem ooast bc- instructcd the H ermann Goering Division
tween Syracusc and the Pachino penn- and the Livorno Division to launch a
sula. But bccausc signal communications co-ordinatcd attack against the American
with the naval base had failed com- beachhcad at Gcla. He dirccted the rcin-
pletcly that day, General Guzzoni clis- forccd 207th Coastal Division to strike
missed reports of British proximity to the American bcachhcad at Licata.
Syracusc as cxaggcrations. Not until At his hcadquartcrs ncar Rome, Ficld
0300, 11 July, did he lcam from General Marshal Kesselring, who lacked communi-
von Scngcr that Syracusc had fallen and cations with Guzzoni and who had bccn
that Augusta had bcen evacuatcd briefty recciving information from Luftwaffc
by Axis forccs. 2 Until then, though he headquarters in Catania and Taormina,
was aware that only isolated pockets of was unaware of Guzzoni's intcntion to
ltalian troops still resistcd near Noto and counterattack on 11 July. Lcarning of the
south of Modica, he counted on Group fall of Syracusc (and promptly notifying
Schmalz and thc Napoli Division to dc- Comando Supremo), Kessclring concluded
stroy the British and Canadian bcach- that this, plus the carlier breakdown of
hcads. General Guzzoni a1so knew that the Italian coastal defenses, mcant the
American troops had bccn located in Vit- 1tallan units were putting up little resist-
toria and near Comiso, apparently moving ance. There scemed little likclihood of a
inland from a well-cstablished bcachhcad more dctermincd stand in the futurc.
ncar Scoglitti. The failurc of the coun- Convinced that only the Gcrman units
tcrattacks against the Gcla bcachcs dis- werc effective, Kcssclring scnt a mcssage
appointcd him. through Luftwaffe channcJs to thc Her-
About 2000, 10 July, Guzzoni ordered mann Goering Division and ordercd it to
counterattack toward Gcla on the mom-
1 OKH, M1ld11ng1n, Dtscl&. G1n.b.H.Qu.d.ltal.
ing of 11 July. If p~d home with grcat
W11&rmacl&t, 1.Vll-41.IX.43 (cited hereafter as
OKH, G1rmaft G11111al with Comando Su,r1mo) vigor and bcforc the Americans could land
(H 22/1+c-). 10 Jul 43. the bulk of thcir artillery and armor the
t Faldella, Lo sbarco, p. 157; IT gga. attack, he believed, would be succcsmul.4
IT gga; OB SUED, M1ldung1n; H,.r11-
gr11,,1 C, OB SUED, le, 18.V..f3-30.lX.43, 10
Jul 43. 4 OB SUED, Mldung1n, 0350, 11 Jul 43.

Conrath, the H ermann Goering Division join the tank forces on Piano Lupo.
commander, who had rcccived a call from From the sparsely wooded arca near the
the XVI Corps commander, went to the shore line, the entirc force was then to roll
corps headquarters at Piazza Armerina. up the 1st Division's bcachhead from east
He leamed for the first time of his at- to west, while the Livorno Division, com-
tachment to the corps and together with ing in f rom the west, was to overrun Gela
Gcnerale di Divisione Domenico Chiriclci- and roll up the 1st Division's bcachhead
son, the Livorno Division commander, from the west. 8
also in attendance, he reccived word of Northwest of Gcla, General Chirieleison
Guzzoni's plan for a co-ordinated attack ordered one column to strike at Gela from
against Gcla. According to the plan, the the north, a sccond to advance astride
attack, starting at 0600, would have the the Gela-Butera road and strike Gcla from
Gcrman division converging on Gela from the northwest, the third, while guarding
the northeast in thrce colurnns, the ltal- the division right flank against American
ian division converging on Gcla from the forces near Licata, to move southeast from
northwest, also in thrce columns. Butera Station to Gela. The rcmnants of
Upon rctuming to his command post, the Italian M obile Group E were to sup-
Conrath received Kessclring's order. But port the first column.
this poscd no complication. He reorgan- While the division commanders werc
ized bis division into three attack groups: completing their attack prcparations, Guz-
two tank-heavy forces west of the Acate zoni, at his headquarters in Enna, finally
River, one infantry-heavy force east of the leamed of the fall of Syracuse. The
river. One tank battalion was to move Syracuse-Augusta arca, previously con-
from the Ponte Olivo airficld south along sidered the strongest defensive sector in
Highway 117, then east across the Gcla all of Sicily, had tumed suddenly into a
plain, and meet with the other tank bat- major danger arca. lf the British ad-
talion at Piano Lupo. Severa} tanks of vanced quickly from Syracuse into the
the Ponte Olivo force werc to make a Catania plain and from thcrc to M~na,
feint north of Gcla to deccive the Arneri- they would bottle up all thc Axis forces
cans into bclieving that the city of Gela on Sicily.
was the main objective. lnstead, the Sincc all his reserves wcre too far away
main effort was to be made by the other or alrcady committed, Guzzoni modified
tank column south along the Niscemi- his prcvious orders to the XVI Corps.
Piano Lupo road to occupy Hills 132 Early on 11 July, he had instructed thc
and 123 ( the southern edge of Piano corps to execute its counterattack as
Lupo). Joined by the tank battalion planned. But now, as soon as the Her-
coming across the Gcla plain f rom the mann Goering Division attack showed
west, the tanks werc to strike south for signs of success, thc division was to whcel
the sparscly wooded arca bctween the eastward, not to the wcst, and advance
Biviere Pond and the Gulf of Gcla. The on Vittoria, Comiso, and Palazzolo Acre-
infantry-heavy force, meanwhile, was to
cross the Acate River at Ponte Dirillo and MS #R-138, The Counterattack on the Scc-
ond Day, 1 J July 1943, ch. IX of Axis Tactical Op-
erations in Sicily, July-Augwt 1943 (Bauer),
5 Faldclla, Lo sbarco, pp. 144-46. pp. 1-3.

ide in succession. With the entire Ger- Battalion, Crawford ordered Companies
man division then reunited, a strong E and F to move out and dig in on the
blow could be mounted against the British. little orchard-covered ridge at Abbio Pri-
At the same time, the move would knock olo, about a thousand yards north and
out the 45th Division's beachhead around west of Casa del Priolo. Accompanied
Scoglitti. The Livorno Division, after by Colonel Gorham's paratroopers, these
taking Gela, was to wheel westward and companies reached the ridge at 0530.
destroy the American beachhead at Licata. In Gela, the Rangers and engineers
The 15th Panzer Grenadier Division, re- continued to improve their defenses.
turning from the west, would ~ist the Across the Acate River, in the path of
Livorno Division against Licata.7 the infantry-heavy German task force, the
Before the Axis divisions could launch 18oth Infantry remained in a dishearten-
their attacks, the 1st Division acted. In ing situation. Though the 1st and 3d
keeping with General Allen's confidence Battalions had thrown back the German
in the skillful use of night attacks, the counterattack on the previous evening,
26th Infantry on the left and the 16th In- the regiment still had no contact with the
fantry on the right jumped off at mid- 1 st Division on the left and with the
night, IO July, toward the division's major 179th lnfantry on the right. In addition,
objectives, the Ponte Olivo airfield and the regimental commander probably had
Niscemi. no more than a faint notion of the loca-
Lt. Col. John T. Corley's 3d Battalion, tion of his front. Whether he knew that
26th lnfantry, moved up Highway 117 most of the Ist Battalion had been cap-
toward Monte della Guardia ( Hill 300), tured by the Germans is not clear. Com-
the commanding terrain west of the high- munications with Colonel Cochrane's 2d
way overlooking the airfield. But within Battalion were tenuous at best, and often
thirty minutes, heavy enemy fire from the lost, and the regimenta] headquarters had
front and flanks brought the battalion to no knowledge of the whereabouts of por-
a halt. 8 tions of Companies E, G, and H, which,
On the Niscemi-Piano Lupo road, in actuality, held a strongpoint astride
Colonel Denholm's 1st Battalion, 16th In- Highway 115 near Ponte Dirillo and oc-
fantry, advanced north toward Casa del cupied the high ground just north of the
Priolo, while Company G of Colonel bridge. The one bright spot in the 18oth
Crawford's 2d Battalion paralleled this Infantry zone was that the bulk of the
movement on the west side of the road. I 7 I st Field Artillery Battalion was pre-
Though the 1st Battalion reached Casa pared to tire in support. 1
del Priolo without difficulty and began Unable to make contact with the Li-
digging in, Company G spotted German vorno Division, but ~uming that the
tanks to its left front and returned to its Italian division would Iaunch its attack,
original position near Piano Lupo. Dis- General Conrath at 0615, I 1 July, sent
mayed at the return of bis company and 9 Intcrv, Smyth with Denno and Groves, 24
fearing the German tanks would pounce Oct 50; Sayre, Operations of Company A, 505th
on the unprotected left flank of the 1st Parachute lnfantry, p. r5; r6th Inf Regt AAR,
rr Jul 43.
1 Faldella, Lo sbarco, p. r 58. 10 r8oth lnf Regt AAR; r7rst FA Bn AAR;
8 26th lnf Regt S-r Jnl, r r Jul 43. AGF Rpt 217.


the three task forces of the H ermann was trying to get back to Gela, and
Goering Division forward. ( M ap V) headed directly for the city. Colonel
At the same time, one Italian task force, Darby's force in Gela laid clown heavy
the one nearest Highway 117, jumped off, fire on the approaching enemy. The 33d
but on its own initiative, apparently after Field Artillery Battalion began pounding
seeing the German tank battalion start away at both columns. The two bat-
south from Ponte Olivo airfield. To teries from the 5th Field Artillery Bat-
help support the converging attacks on talion joined in. The 26th lnfantry's
Gela, German and 1talian aircraft struck Cannon Company and the 4.2-inch mor-
the beaches and the naval vessels lying tars in Gela also opened fire. The com-
offshore. bination of fires stopped the ltalians.
The 3d Battalion, 26th Infantry, which The German tanks then swung east
had been advancing up the east side of across the Gela plain to join the force
Highway 1 17, bore the brunt of the Ger- descendin~ the Niscemi-Piano Lupo road.
man attack. Company K was driven to There, the situation had quickly dissolved
the south and west toward Gela, but the into a series of scattered infantry-tank
remainder of the battalion held firm. actions. First to feel the weight of the
The ltalian column passed the 26th ln- German attack was the 2d Battalion,
fantry, bumped into Company K, which 16th Infantry, at Abbio Priolo, where the


infantrymen and paratroopers had little fire support. Nor were there aircraft
time to complete more than hasty fox- available to fiy direct or close support
holes and weapons emplacements. Ger- missions. 12
man tanks, a conglomeration of Mark
III's and IV's, appeared, flanking the 2d 1
~Morison . in Sicily- Salerno-Anzio (page
Battalion from the west. The tanks 1 1 o) , suggests that the shore fire control p a rties
rushed in, shooting their machine guns proba bly did not call for fires becausc smoke ob-
scured the targets. lt seems more likely, how-
and cannon at almost point-blank range. ever. since the 7th Field Artillery Ba tt alion was
With only a few bazookas plus their firing- indicating the ba ttalion ha d observation
regular weapons, the infantrymen and the - Lhat the field artillcryme n either felt they
paratroopers fought back. Aided by could hand le this counterattack without addi-
tional help. or the very nearness of the enem y
fires from eight howitzers of the 7th Field troops and the rough nature of the terrain made
Artillery Battalion and part of the regi- it too dangerous to ca ll in naval fires at this
ment's antitank company, which had time.
Six requests for direct air support were made
finally managed to get across the Acate on 10 July- five by the 1st Division, one by
River that very morning, the battalion Sevcnth Army. None of these missions were
held.11 As yet, there was no naval gun- fl own. On 11 July, the 1st Division requested
five more d irect air support missions ; one was
11 flown, in the late afternoon. See Seventh Army
The 7th Field Artillery Battalion fired a total
of 56 1 rounds in ten missions during the day. File, G-3 Opns, sub: Air Support, KCRC.

Personally directing the attack on the group of American paratroopers led by

Niscemi-Piano Lupo road, General Con- Colonel Gavin appeared from the east and
rath regrouped his forces and again sent struck the enemy column.
them rushing at the American positions. Coloncl Gavin had halted about noon
This time, the tanks rolled directly down on D-day to await darkness before con-
and tried to circle both flanks. The tinuing westward with his small party of
swinging German movement to the right paratroopers. As yet, he had made no
brought the 1st Battalion at Casa del contact with any American force. As the
Priolo into the fight. As German tanks sun began to set on 10 July, Gavin and
swept past the embattled Americans and his men set forth. At 0230, 11 July, five
joined with other German tanks at the miles southeast of Vittoria, the paratroop-
eastem edge of the Gela plain, th~ Amer- ers finally made their first contact with an
icans pulled slowly back to Piano Lupo American unit, Company 1, 179th lnfan-
under covcr of supporting fires, both ar- try. For the first time since landing in
tillery and naval. By 11oo, the Americans Sicily, Colonel Gavin knew his exact loca-
were back where they had started from tion. Entering Vittoria about 0500, and
around midnight. collecting the paratroopers and three air-
East of the Acate river, the German in- bome howitzers that had assisted in the
fantry-heavy task force drove down from capture of the city the previous aftemoon,
Biscari to Highway 115, where Company Gavin then tumed west on Highway 115.
F, 18oth lnfantry, defending Ponte Dirillo, Five miles west of the city, Gavin met
dclayed it a short while. But the com- 180 men of the 3d Battalion, 505th Para-
pany could not hold, and retired to the chute lnfantry, led by Maj. Edward C.
beaches. North of the bridge, Colonel Krause. Krause had halted here the pre-
Cochran, with the remainder of the 2d vious evening after he, too, had failed to
Battalion, 18oth lnfantry ( less than 200 make contact with other American forces.
men) , and the small group of paratroopers, Instructing Krause to organizc the now
Iost ali contact with regimental headquar- sizable paratrooper force into march for-
ters. Fortunately, he made contact with mation and to follow, Colonel Gavin and
the 17 1st Field Artillery Battalion, and his S-3, Maj. Benjamin H. Vandervoort,
through the battalion with naval vesscls. continued westward along the highway.
The artillery and the destroyer Beatty After covering another two miles, Gavin
both gave heroic support.18 carne upon a group of forty men from
At that very moment, about 0900, as Company L, 18oth Infantry, and twenty
the German force pushed past the high- paratroop engineers. They told Gavin
way toward the mouth of the river, a that the Germans were astride the high-
way farthcr to the west, but they could pro-
13 The Beatty, from 0730 to 1030, fired a total vide no details on strcngth or dispositions.
of 799 five-inch rounds on this one Gennan col- Wanting to see the German force for
umn. Three other destroyen also fired on this
column during the coune of the day: the Laub himseH, and apparently not knowing the
(751 round1); the Cowie (1100 rounds); and the Iocation of the 18oth lnfantry, Gavin took
Tillman (46 rounds). See Morison, Sicil)'- the paratroop engineers and began walk-
Salerno--A.nzio, p. 113. See also Infantry Com-
bat, pt. Five: Sicily, (Fort Benning, 1943), p. 1 ing along the highway toward Biscari
(copy in OCMH); 17ut FA Bn AAR, 11 Jul 43. Station. A German officer and a soldier

on a motorcycle suddenly carne around a

bend in the road and were captured.
Though the two made no effort to resist,
they refused to give information. With
enemy troops close by, Gavin sent Van-
dervoort back to hurry along the force of
250 paratroopers under Major Krause.
Vandervoort was then to continue on to
the 45th Division command post near
Vittoria to let General Middleton know
Gavin's location.
Gavin took his engineers toward Casa
Biazzo, a group of five buildings on high
ground sloping gently westward and
overlooking the Acate River. Across what
the paratroopers would call Biazzo Ridge
ran the road to Biscari.
A few hundred yards short of the build-
ings, Gavin's little group carne under small CoLONEL GAVIN in Bia;:,;:,o Ridge area on the
arms fire. Gavin pushed his men forward morning of 11 Ju/y.
to the crest of the ridge where they drove a
Americans in Gela. Now he sent a
small detachment of Germans clown the
second from Butera toward the city.
far slope. As they prepared to follow,
With most of the Rangers and engi-
enemy fire increased. Gavin. ordered his
neers heavily engaged against the Italian
men to dig in and hold until the arrival
thrust clown Highway 117, only two
of Krause's force.
Ranger companies on the west side of
The appearance of Gavin's small unit
Gela stood in the way of Chirieleison's
drew German attention from Piano Lupo
second column. "You will fight with
and the Gela beaches, where the entire
the troops and supporting weapons you
1 st Division front was aftame. The bulk
have at this time," Colonel Darby told
of the Livorno Division had by this time
them. "The units in the eastern sector
joined the H ermann Goering Division
are all engaged in stopping a tank
attack. General Conrath's two tank bat-
attack." 14
talions were once again united, and though
When the Italian column carne within
he still contended with the 16th Infantry
range, the two Ranger companies op:ned
on Piano Lupo, he decided to send the
fire with their captured Italian arttllery
bulk of his armored force across the Gela
pieces, and with their suppo~g platoon
plain to the beaches. General Chirielei-
of 4.2-inch mortars. The ltalian move-
son the Livorno Division commander, was
ment slowed. General Patton appeared
a~ pushing for a concentrat~d attac~ at the Ranger command post in this sec-
that would surge over the Amencan pos1-
tor, a two-story building, and watched the
tions. He had already lost one hour wait-
ing for contact with the Germa.n unit. 14 Lyle, Operations .of Companies A and B,
He did have one column engagmg the 1 st Ranger Battalion, p. 1 7.

Italian attack. As he turned to lcave, he raked supply dumps and landing craft
called out to Captain Lyle, who com- with firc, the division headquartcrs rc-
manded the Rangcrs therc, "Kill every ported victory: "prcssurc by the Her-
one of the goddam bastards." 15 mann Goering Division [has] forced the
Lyle called on the cruiscr Savannah to enemy to rc-cmbark temporarily." 18 At
hclp, and bcforc long almost 500 devastat- Sixth Army headquarters, General Guz-
ing rounds of 6-inch shclls struck the zoni was elated. After discussion with
Italian column. Through the dust and General von Scnger, he instructed XVI
smoke, Italians could be sccn staggering eorps to put the rcvised plan into action-
as if dazed. Casualtics were heavy. The wheel the Gcnnan division that afternoon
attack stalled. Moving out to finish the to the east toward Vittoria and continue
task, the Ranger companics captured al- movement during the night to Palazzolo
most 400 enemy troops. "Therc werc Acreide and the Syracuse scctor.19
human bodics hanging from the trccs," But the Gcnnan tanks never reached
Lyle noted, "and sorne blown to bits." 111 the 1st Division beachcs. Nor was therc
As it turncd out, a large proportion of any thought of American re-cmbarka-
the officers and more than 50 pcrcent of tion.20 The 32d Field Artillery Battalion,
the ltalian soldiers were killed or wounded. coming ashore in Dukws moved directly
North of Gela, artillery and naval firc, into firing positions along the edge of the
small arms, machine gun, and mortar sand duncs and opcned direct firc on the
tires rcduced the Livorno column to com- mass of Gcnnan annor to its front. The
pany sizc, and thcsc troops werc barcly 16th Infantry Cannon Company, having
holding on to positions they had quickly
dug. The third Italian column, in about 18 OKH, Tagesmeldungen West, 1.V.-31.Vlll.

battalion size, starting to move f rom 43, Til 11 (cited hereafter u OKH, Tags1TUl
Butera Station to Gela, ran into a com- dungn West), 11 Jul 43; MS #C-o95 (Scn-
ger), KTB entry 0110, 12 Jul 43, for the day
bat patrol which had been dispatched by bcfore; OB SUED, Meldungen, TWX No. 0134,
the 3d Division to make contact with the 0940, u Jul 43; OKW/WFSt, KTB, 1.-31.Vll.
Gela force. The company-size patrol in- 43, 12 Jul 43.
111 Faldella, Lo sbarco, p. 158.
fticted hcavy casualtics on the 1talians, :to There is no evidence in the ofticial rccords
who pulled back to their original position. of any order to rc-embarlt penonnel or equip-
The battering rcceived during this at- ment from any beaches. The WNTF Action Rc-
port, page 56, indicates that the enginecr 1hore
tack on Gela finished the Livorno Division partics were called inland to establish a tempo-
as an effective combat unit.11 rary defensive line, "and the withdrawal seaward
East of Gela, as General Conrath sent by boats of other bcach penonnel." Moriaon
(Sicily---Salerno-Anzio, page 116) states "nei-
the major part of both his tank battal- ther they [the Navy's advanced base group] nor
ions toward the bcachcs, the Gela plain anyone else were given orden to re-cmbark, aa
became a raging inferno of exploding shells, the enemy reported." General Faldella, the
smoke, and firc. The lcad tanks reached Sixth Army chief of staff, rcported (Lo sbarco,
page 148) an interceptcd Sevcnth Army radio
the highway wcst of Santa Spina, two message that ordered the U.S. ut Division to pre-
thousand yards from the water. As they pare for rc-embarkation. Faldella rcpeated thit
to Mn. Magna Bauer in Rome during an inter-
u lbid., p. 18. vicw in January 1959, asking repcatcdly whether
18 lbid. the original message appcarcd in the rccords.
11 MS #R-138 (Bauer), pp. 13-20. The intercept wu probably mi1interprcted.

AFTER THE TANK BATTLE, wrecked German tanks dot Cela Plain at Highway 115.

just been ferried across the Acate River, talions, 16th lnfantry, had managed to
rushed up to the dune line, took positions, hold the road junction, even though six
and opened fire. Four of the ten me- German tanks had broken into their lines.
dium tanks of Colonel White's CCB fi- The single remaining 37-mm. antitank
nally got off the soft beach, and, under gun in the 2d Battalion disabled one. A
White's direction, opened fire from the lucky round from a 60-mm. mortar
eastern edge of the plain. The 18th In- dropped down the open hatch of another.
fantry and the 41 st Armored Infantry A bazooka round badly damaged a third.
near the Gela-Farello landing ground pre- Colonel Gorham, the paratroop com-
pared to add their fires. Engineer shore mander, put a fourth out of commission
parties stopped unloading and established with bazooka fire. The other two retired.
a firing line along the dunes. Naval With almost one-third of his tank
gunfire, for a change, was silent-the strength destroyed or disabled, General
opposing forces were too close together Conrath called off the attack shortly after
for the naval guns to be used. 1400. Though fighting east of the river
Under the fearful pounding, the Ger- continued until late that evening, the tank
man attack carne to a halt. Milling units withdrew to the foothills south of
around in confusion, the lead tanks were Niscemi.21
unable to cross the coastal highway. The
German tanks pulled back, slowly at first H lt is difficult to state exactly how many tanks
the Hermann Goering Division lost in this coun-
and then increasing their speed as naval terattack. The division had 90 Mark 111 and
guns opened fire and chased them. Six- IV tanks on 9 July. Attached were the 17 Tiger
teen German tanks lay burning on the tanks from the 215th Tank Battalion. The di-
vision reported 54 tanks operational on 1 1 J uly,
Gela plain.
and 45 on 14 July. Since none of the division's
On Piano Lupo, the 1st and 2d Bat- tanks were attached to Group Schmalz, ali tank

At Enna, General Guzzoni agam toria and Comiso. This would cut off
changed bis plans. The fierce American from the beachcs thosc units of the 45th
resistance at Gela, the known arrival of Division that had pushed well inland.
additional Allied units, and the continued Fecling that the 1st Division, which had
pressure of the 45th Division in the borne the brunt of Axis counterattacks
Vittoria-Comiso arca indicated the diffi- for two days, was in no position seriously
culty of getting the H ermann Goering to contest this movement, he ordercd Con-
Division to the east coast by way of Vit- rath to the east.
toria and Palazzolo Acreide. In addition, Conrath was in agrcement with Senger's
a further American advance inland from cstimate. Still expecting bis tanks to
Comiso might bypass the Hermann Goer- rcach the bcachcs, he was surc bis infantry-
ing Division and cut it off entirely from heavy task force could wheel to the east
the east coast. Thus, during the after- from Biscari to strike at Vittoria. Un-
noon of 11 July, Guzzoni ordercd the fortunately for Conrath, his infantry-
XVI Corps to suspend ali offensive action heavy force had been so manhandled by
in the Gela arca, to withdraw the Her- Gavin's men on Biazzo Ridge that it was
mann Goering Division to Caltagirone for hardly in any condition to initiate any of-
movement on the following day to Viz- fensive action.
zini and commitment against the British, About 1 ooo, a good many of the para-
and to consolidate the Livorno Division troopers, coming from Vittoria under
along a line from Mazzarino to Caltagirone Major Krause, had joined Colonel Gavin
to cover the Gcnnan withdrawal. 22 on Biazzo Ridge. Gavin directed this
Befare Guzzoni,s instructions rcached force to advance wcstward along High-
Conrath, General von Senger visited the way 1 15, seize Ponte Dirillo, and open a
H ermann Goering Diuision. Though dis- route to the 1st Division's zone. Aug-
appointed because the tanks had not mented by random troops of the 18oth
broken through to the bcachcs, Senger lnfantry rounded up by Gavin,. the para-
considered the situation favorable for troopers got going. After a mile of slow
turning the division eastward toward Vit- progress against incrcasing Gennan resist-
ance, the attack halted when four Tiger
losscs during the period 10-14 July 1943 occurred tanks, supported by infantrymen, carne
in the battle for Gela and in the subsequent into view and bcgan pressing the para-
withdrawal, with a majority of these lost on 11
July. Thus, the German tank loss is cstimatcd troopers back. Though American soldiers
as being a mnimum of 26, and a maximum of erawled forward singly with bazookas,
45. In addition, 10 of the 17 Tiger tanks werc they could not get close enough to rcgister
also lost. See Mins of Conf 13 Between Hitler, a kili. Fortunately, two of the three air-
Buhle, Jodl and Others, 25 Jul 43, in Min of
Hitler Confs. See also OB SUED, Mtldungen, borne howitzers carne in behind Biazzo
1.-31.VIJ..13, Telg No. 0940, u Jul 43, and Telg Ridge, went into position, and opened
No.0618, 1940, 14Jul43;MS#T-2 (Fries et al.); tire.
MS #C-o87 a and d (Bergengruen); Faldclla,
Lo sbarco, p. 425; MS #C-o77 (Rodt); Rpt, The fight continued until well after
Maj Gierga to Generalinspekteur der Panzertrup- noon. As American casualtics increased
pen, 28 Aug 43, in XIV Panzer Corps, KTB Nr. to the danger point, artillerymen man-
5, Anlagenheft l, 8.-30.IX.43 (No. 48702/8).
22 Faldclla, Lo sbarco, p. 158; MS #C-095 handled one of the little howitzers to the
(Scnger), KTB entry 1315, 11 Jul 43. top of the ridgc just in time to engage

in a point-blank duel with a Tiger tank. man force was scattered, most of the
In the facc of heavy small anns fire and troops making their way north toward
several near misses from the tank gun, the Biscari, a few cros&ng at Ponte Dirillo to
paratrooper crcw got off severa} quick rejoin the main body of the division, a
rounds, one of which knocked out the smaller number remaining near the bridge
tank. Two half-tracks towing 5 7-mm. in blocking positions. With the advent
antitank guns arrived from the 179th of darkness, Gavin called off the attack
Infantry, went into firing positions, and before his troops reached the river. Pull-
engaged the other three Tiger tanks. ing his men back, he organized a strong
Around 1500, the Germans had had defensive line along the ridge.
enough. The paratrooper. stand on Biazzo Ridge
The antitank guns had arrived in re- prompted General Conrath to change his
sponse to Colonel Gavin's rcquest, through plans. Leaming of the heavy I~ be-
another staff officer dispatched to the ing sustained by his infantry-heavy force,
45th Division command post for 3$ist- he decided, apparently on his own initia-
ance, especially for antitank guns, artil- tive, to break off contact with the Amer-
lery liaison parties, and tanks. General icans near Gela. lgnoring General von
Middleton had been quick to react. Senger's instructions to wheel eastward,
Shortly after the antitank guns rolled up, he decided to withdraw to Caltagirone in
a naval gunfire support party and a liaison compliance with Guzzoni's orders. But
party from the 189th Field Artillery Bat- instead of retiring at once to Caltagirone,
talion reached Colonel Gavin's headquar- Conrath planned to pull his H ermann
ters. Within a very few minutes, the Goering Division back in stages. He
field artillery battalion signaled rounds on would reach Caltagirone during the night
the way and the Navy joined in blasting of 13 July, a day later than Guzzoni
the German troops along the Acate River. wished. 23
Still later in the aftemoon, eleven tanks Though bitter patrol clashes continued
from the 753d Medium Tank Battalion in the hills near Piano Lupo during the
arrived. At the same time, Gavin re- night, and though the 16th Infantry re-
ceived word that Lieutenant Swingler, ported an enemy infantry and tank build-
commander of the 505th's Headquarters up, the 1st Division beachhead was no
Company, was on the way with an addi- longer in any serious danger. General
tional one hundred paratroopers. With
this growing strength, Gavin decided to 23 For a complete discutSion of Conrath's de-
switch to the offensive. cision, see MS #R-138 (Bauer), pp. 7-g, and
On trucks fumished by the 45th Di- MS #R-164 b, General Rernarks to Individual
Chapters and Suggested Corrections, Comments
vision, Lieutenant Swingler and his men on Chapter XIX ( Bauer). Though General Con-
arrived shortly after 2000. Forty-five rath, it seems certain, ordered a withdrawal to
minutes later, after a tremendous artillery start during the night of 11 July, this inforrnation
apparently did not reach ali of his units. lnter-
concentration, the paratroopers launched rogation of a German prisoner by 2d Arrnored
their second attack. Every available man Division personnel on 1 2 J uly disclosed that the
was committed, including a few from the prisoner's unit was ordered to attack Gela, which
was reported clear as a result of the tank attack
Navy who had enrolled in the unit during on 11 July. See rst lnf Div G-2 Jnl, 10-14
the day. Not long afterwards, the Ger- Jul 43.
693-029 o - 6~ - 13

Allen had cstablished physical contact Dcspitc the fact that the 1st Division
with the 3d Division on his left. Almost had taken quite a battering on 11 July,
ali of the floating reserve was ashore. in particular the 16th lnfantry, and dc-
The Navy stood by to render gunfirc spitc the fact that cnemy air raids had
support. More supplics and equipment causcd sorne damagc, notably the dcstruc-
werc arriving.H tion of a Liberty ship fillcd with ammuni-
tion, General Patton was ashore urging
14 By nightfall, 11 July, all tanb of the 3d General Allen to gct on with the busin~
Battalion, 67th Armored Regiment; eight light of taking Ponte Olivo and Niscemi, objcc-
tanks from the 8td Reconnaissance Battalion; tives which, according to thc Seventh
ali of Company E, 67th Armored Regiment; and
the bulk of the 78th Armored Field Artillery Bat- Army's plan, should have bcen taken that
talion were ashore. AU this, of course, was in day.25
addition to the foot elements put ashore during
the night of 10 July. July there was no causeway operating on any ut
Colonel Perry, then Chief of Staff, td Armored Division beach until late in the aftemoon. The
Division, disagrees with one report ( Morison, only U.S. tanks to 1ee action on 11 July were four
Sicily-Salerno--Aruio, page 111) that the des-- of the ten medium tanb that were unloaded early
perate need for more armor ashore was not fully in the moming.
appreciated. Colonel Perry states (see bis com- 211 See Combat Operations of the nt Infantry
ments on the MS) that the need for armor was Divi,ion During World War 11 (a 43-page mime-
appreciated by the td Armored Division, but that ographed document prepared by General Allen),
due to the lack of causeways and the 1lowness p. 36. According to General Allcn'1 report, Gen-
of unloading tanb from LST'1 to LCT'1 and eral Patton was very much "wrought up" bccause
then to shore, tanb could not be gotten ashore the rst Division had not as yet taken Ponte
quickly. Colonel Perry further 1tate1 that on 1 1 Olivo airfield.

Airborne Reinforcement

Early on the moming of 11 J uly, in aircraft against the sky. The air over the
order to bolstcr the Gela forces, General Mediterranean Sea was quiet and calm.
Patton ordered the 504th Combat Tcam A quarter moon offered sorne illumination.
to drop into the 1st Division's bcachhead Many pilots, who remembcred the earlier
that evening. 1 At 1900, about the time flight, were confident that this mission
that Colonel Gavin on Biazzo Ridge was would not suffer from the vagaries of the
issuing bis sccond attack order of the day, weather. Knowledge that they would be
Col. Reubcn H. Tucker's 504th bcgan ftying a coursc over friendly territory made
taking off from the airficlds in Tunisia- them fecl sccure. They looked forward
the 1st and 2d Battalions, 504th Para- to a relatively quiet and peaccful night-
chute lnfantry; the 376th Parachute a milk run.
Ficld Artillery Battalion; and Company The coursc had bcen worked out in
C, 307th Airbome Enginecr Battalion- planning scs&ons attended by General
in all a few more than 2,000 men.1 Ridgway (the 82d's commander); Maj.
One hundrcd and forty-four aircraft Gen. Joscph M. Swing (American air-
from the U.S. 52d Troop Carrier Wing in bome adviscr at Allicd Forces Headquar-
the aerial column flew a basic nine-ship ters) ; British General Browning ( the
V of V's formation stepped down to make AFHQ airbome adviscr) ; and represen-
it casier to see the silhouette of the lead tatives from Air Chief Marshal Tedder's
Mcditerranean air command and Admira}
1 General Ridgway dispatched the order at
Cunningham's Mediterranean naval com-
0839, 11 July. The order was received in North mand. Concemed bccausc the airbome
Africa at 1100, and acknowledgcd fiftcen min- troops might be fired on by friendly naval
utes later. Sce 82d AB Div G-3 Jnl, entry 42, vesscls off the Seventh Army assault
1 1 Jul 43: "Mackall tonight wcar White Paja-
mas." Sce also, Warren, USAF Hi1t Study 74, bcaches, Ridgway had tried repeatedly to
p. 39. get as,,urances that the Navy would clear
2 The NAAFTCC Report (pagc 85) statcs
that 2,008 troops wcre carricd on the miuion;
an aerial corridor to the island. He had
Brig. Gen. Paul L. Williams ( commander of TCC) even gone to General Browning with a
statea in bis report that 2,304 troops participated. strong requcst for assurances that the
There is no airbome report available that gives Navy would not firc on any reinforcing
the number of men carried, but, according to
the strengths of the uniu at the time, it appears mWions. Sincc it had already bcen
that the TCC report ia more nearly accurate. planned that any reinforcing mmion
Undoubtedly, General Williama based his figure would be ftown over the same route uscd
on an average load of aixtcen men per aircraft;
the TCC report indicates an average load of by the 505th Combat Team, General
slightly lea than fourtcen men per aircraft. Ridgway was most anxious lest his follow-

up units draw fire from the large number radio instructions and Seventh Army
of naval vessels which would be off the wamings were supplemented at 0845 on
beaches. General Browning could offer 11 July when General Patton sent a top
no such assurances. priority message to his principal subordin-
On 22 June, General Ridgway had ate commanders. He directed them to
presented his views to a joint conference noty their units, especially the antiair-
presided over by General Eisenhower. craft battalions, that parachutists would
The naval representatives in attendance drop on the Gela-Farello landing field
refused to provide a definite corridor for about 2330 that night.4
any airborne mission ftown after D-day General Ridgway, on Sicily, visited six
in the Seventh Army sector. Ridgway crews of antiaircraft artillerymen near the
had then written to General Keyes, the 1st Division command post during the
Seventh Army deputy commander, and afternoon of 11 J uly to make sure that
recommended that, unless a clear aerial the warning had becn sent down the
corridor into Sicily could be provided, no chain of command. Five crews had re-
subsequent airborne troop movement be ceived the warning; the sixth had not.
made after D-day. When he brought this to the attention of
As a result of energetic action by Gen- an officer from the I 03d Coast Artillery
erals Keyes and Swing, General Ridgway Antiaircraft Battalion he learned that a
and the Troop Carrier Command received conference of ali officers from the anti-
assurance from the Navy on 7 July that aircraft units in the vicinity was being
if a follow-up air transport movement held later that aftemoon. The officer
followed certain designated routes and assured Ridgway that he, personally,
made its last leg overland, the withholding would see to it that the subject of the
of friendly naval fire could be guaranteed. airbome mission was discussed.11
Accordingly, the 504th's route was care- Following the prescribed course, the
fully plotted to hit the island at Sampieri, air column rounded the comer at Malta
thirty miles east of Gela and at the ex- in good shape and headed for Sicily with
treme eastern end of the Seventh Army ali formations intaet. A few aircraft en-
zone. Once over land, the troop-carrying countered sorne light antiaircraft fire from
aircraft were to turn to the northwest and Allied shipping north of Malta, but no
fly toward the Gela-Farello landing damage was done and the column con-
ground--0ver friendly lines ali the way- tinued serenely on its way. Inside the
along a corridor two miles wide and at an planes, sorne paratroopers closed their
altitude of 1,000 feet. 8 Earlier AFHQ eyes and dozed; others craned their necks
1 Warren, USAF HiJt Study 74, p. 37; Ltr pre-
to look down at the sea.
pared by Ridgway, 2 Aug 43, sub: Reported
Lou of Transport Planes and Personnel Due to 4 Annex A, Ridgway Ltr, 2 Aug 43; Warren,
Friendly Fire, in Ridgway Penonal File, 1942- USAF Hist Study 74, p. 37; 82d AB Div in
1943, tem 42; Admiral of the Fleet Sir Andrew Sicily and ltaly, p. 190; 82d AB Div G-3 Jnl,
B. Cunningham, D1spatch, Th1 lnvasion o/ entriea 43 and 44B, 11 Jul 43; Bradley, Sol-
Sieily, a Supplement to the London Gaz1U1, di1r's Story, pp. 132-33; Seventh Army G-3
April 25, 1950, p. 2081; Note1 on the Routing Opns File, sub: Air Support. This last contain1
of Troop Carrier Aircraft, 24 Jul 43, 9g-66.2, copies of the variow meuages dealing with the
sub: AFHQ Rpt of Allied Force Airborne Board wamings iuued to variow commands.
in Connection With the Invasion of Sicily. 8 Ridgway Ltr, 2 Aug 43.

Off the Scventh Anny bcaches, though, enemy aircraft flying among the puffs of
ali had not bccn serene on 11 July. smoke of ground and naval antiaircraft
Dawn of the 11 th had brought with it a fire. The melee lasted about an hour.
hcavy aerial attack. At 0635, twclve J ust before the planes carrying paratroop-
Italian planes had swept down over the ers of the 504th crossed the coast line,
transport area off Gela, forcing the ships the enemy bombers withdrew. The an-
to weigh anchor and disperse. Two tiaircraft fire died down. Into this calm
transports received near misses. One, flew the 504th.
the Bamett, was badly damaged by a The leading flight flew pcacefully to the
near miss which blew a hole through her Gela-Farello landing ground. At 2240,
side. Enemy air attacks against the five minutes ahead of the schedulcd drop
beaches and shipping continued through- time, the first paratroopcrs jumpcd over
out the day.8 At 1400, four planes the drop zone. The second flight was in
strafed the Gela beaches while a high sight of Biviere Pond, the final check
level enemy bomber dropped five bombs point, when the calm was rudely shat-
in the anchorage arca. In the Scog- tered by a lone machine gun. Within the
litti arca, four bombs fell about 700 yards space of minutes, it seemed as though
off the prt bow of the Ancon at 1430. every Allied antiaircraft gun in the bcach-
At 1540, around thirty Junker 88's at- head and offshore was blasting planes
tacked the Gela area, harmlessly bracket- out of the sky. The slow-flying, majestic
ing the cruiser Boise with bombs but columns of aircraft were like sitting ducks.
striking the Liberty ship Robert Rowan As one company commander ( Capt. Wil-
( one of seven arriving in the first follow- lard E. Harrison) remembered later:
up convoy). Loaded with ammunition, ". . . guns along the coast as far as we
the Rowan took an enemy bomb in her could see . . . opcned fire and the naval
N umber Two hold, caught fire, exploded, craft lying offshore . . . began firing." 7
and sank in shallow water. Her bow Only the few plancloads of paratroopcrs
exposed, with smoke pouring from the who had jumpcd severa} minutes ahead of
bulle, she provided a pcrfect beacon for schedule floated safely to the correct drop
later waves of enemy bombers. zone.
Around 2 150 carne a massive strike. The first flights of the second serial
Near Gela, the Boise and all the destroyers were just turning into the overland aerial
except one were closely straddled. Many corridor when the firing started. Squad-
ships were damaged by near misses. rons broke apart, tried to re-form, then
Bomb fragments hurt another Liberty scattered again. Eight pilots gave up and
ship. Again the transports weighed an- returned to North Africa still carrying
chor and dispcrsed. The sky over Gcla their paratroopcrs. Those pilots who
became a confuscd jumble of friendly and managed to get over Sicily droppcd para-
troopcrs where they could. Troops
The Axis air forces committed 198 Italian droppcd prematurely, sorne dropped in the
and 283 German planes against the various Al- sea. A few planes turned to the east and
lied beachheads on 11 July. By far the largest
number of enemy air missions was ftown against
the Seventh Army beaches. OKH, Tagsmel-
dungn Wst; IT gga, an. iz. 7 8lld AB Div in Sicily and ltaly, p. 7.

THE RoBERT RowAN exploding off the coast at Gela, 11 ]uly.

released their loads in the British zone. Control over Army and Navy antiair-
Six aircraft received bits as paratroopers craft gunners vanished. One aircraft
were struggling to get out of the door. passed low over the bow of the Susan B.
Many pilots, after dropping their para- Anthony (off Scoglitti) and close by the
troopers, tried to escape the gantlet of fire Procyon. Not identifying the C-47 as
that extended the length of the beachhead friendly, both ships opened fue. The
corridor by turning immediately out to plane crashed in flames just off the stem
sea, flying as low as possible, and taking of the cruiser Philadelphia. Seconds
evasive action against the deadly hail of later, fire from ali the nearby ships
fire rising from the ships. 8 blasted another C-47 out of the sky.9
At bis command post in Scoglitti, Gen-
8 A few of the pilots reported they were un- eral Bradley, the 11 Corps comrnander,
der fire for u much u thirty miles after leaving
Sicily. CO Transport Div 5 Action Rpt, p . 6.

watched in helpl~ fury as the antiair- dcscending. A few were cvcn shot on the
craft fire from both ground and naval ground after they landcd. It scems that
batteries cut the troop carrier formations each succeeding serial rcceived heavier
to pieces. At the Gcla-Farello landing firc than those prcceding it. The last,
ground, waiting to receive the paratroop- carrying the 376th Parachutc Field Artil-
ers, General Ridgway was thundcrstruck lery Battalion, received the heaviest firc
at the events around and above him. At and suffered the greatest losses. Flight
his command post just north of Gcla, Officcr J. G. Paccassi ( thc 61 st Group)
Colonel Bowen, the 26th lnfantry com- lost sight of his element leadcr after the
mander, felt stunned by the terrific volume turn to the northwest had been rnade
of naval fire. and he went on alone to the drop zone,
In the lead aircraft of the third serial, encountering heavy antiaircraft fire a1l
which broke apart even before reaching the way. Paccassi's plane was hit just as
Sicily, Colonel Tucker was dumbfounded. the paratroopcrs went out the door and
His aircraft, well off course, flew through he quickly turned and headed out for sea,
the smoke pouring up from the still- flying alrnost at surface lcvcl. Just off
smoldering Robert Rowan, carne out on the coast, the plane was hit again, the
the Gcla side, and went in low over the rudder shot away, then both engines
1st Division beaches. Heavy fire raked failed. As naval vessels still fired, Pac-
the aircraft. The pilot could not find the cassi crash-landed into the sea. The de-
drop zone. By this time, the plane was stroyer Beatty fired on the downed aircraft
alone. The wingmen were gone, the rest for five seconds with 20-mm. guns beforc
of the serial completely scattered. Going realizing that the plane was American, thcn
forward, Colonel Tucker instructed the dispatched a small boat to pick up thc
pilot to turn west until he could locate survivors. 11
sorne identifiable geographical feature. Two survivors from an aircraft of the
Licata eventually carne into view. The 3 14th Group picked up by the destroyer
pilot tumed and flew back toward Gela. e owie statcd that thcir elcment of thrce
Though the fire was still heavy, Colonel planes passed over the drop zone, but re-
Tucker and his men jumpcd over the ceived such intense firc that the pilots
landing ground. On the ground, Tucker considered the dropping of paratroopcrs
stoppcd the crews of five nearby tanks suicidal. Their plane turned back to thc
from firing on the aircraft with their .50- coast and followed it south at an altitude
calibcr rnachine guns.1 of 500 feet before being hit. As the plane
Other paratroopcrs and aircrew mem- filled with smoke and flame, the pilot
bers were not so fortunate. Sorne para- ordered everybody out just before the
troopcrs were killed in the planes beforc plane crashed. 12 The destroyer /eflers
they had a chance to get out. Other picked up seven survivors from an air-
paratroopcrs were hit in their chutes while
11 Statement of Flight Officer J. G. Paccassi
(f/0, AC, T-185665) on board USS Bally.
10 lnterv, Garland with Brig Gen Reuben H. The 1tatement is attached to Report of Action 111, Washington, 114 Sep 59; Interv, Gar- of the Balty, dated 15 July 1943, DD64Q"/A16,
land with Maj Gen John W. Bowen, Washington, ser. 001, part of NTF 85'1 report of action.
4 Nov 59; Bradley, A Soldi.,'s Story, p. 133; 12 Rpt, USS Cowi, 15 Jul 43, DD6311/A16-
Ridgway, Soldir, p. 71. 3, ser. og.

AIRBORNE REINFORCEMENTS in a C-47 heading for Sicily on 11 ]uly.

craft of the 3 16th Group which had crash- manded the 504th's Headquarters Com-
landed nearby-the entire five-man crew, pany, later recalled:
plus Maj. C. C. Bowman from 82d Air- lt was a most uncomfortable feeling know-
bome Division headquarters, who had ing that our own troops were throwing
been flying as an observer, and one para- everything they had at us. Planes dropped
out of formation and crashed into the sea.
trooper who had refused to jump. 18 Others, like clumsy whales, wheeled and
Capt. Adam A. Komosa, who com- attempted to get beyond the flak which rose
in fountains of fire, lighting the stricken
faces of men as they stared through the
Rpt, USS Jeflers, 15 Jul 43, DD621/A16, windows. 14
ser. 025. Morison (in Sicily-Salemi>-Anzio
page 121, note 51) points out that this ship did 14
Capt. Adam A. Komosa, Airborne Opera-
not fire on the troop-carrying ain:raft because tion, 504th Parachute Regimental Combat Team,
its gun crews had been intensively trained in Sicily, 9 July-19 August 1943: Penonal Experi-
plane recognition. If so, this was one of the few ences of a Regimenta! Headquarters Company
ships that did not firc. Commander (Fort Benning, Ga., 1947), p. 13.

Chaplain Dclbcrt A. Kuehl made a that did not retum. 17

bruising landing against a stone wall Of the six aircraft shot down before
somewherc in the 45th Division sector, the paratroopers had a chance to jump,
wcll southeast of Gela. Almost immedi- one carried 5 officcrs and 15 enlisted men
atcly after landing, the chaplain and a from the 504th's Headquarters and Head-
f cw men with him were taken under fire quarters Company; anothcr carried '3
by American troops. Confidently, Chap- officers and 15 men from the 2d Battalion's
lain Kuehl shouted the password. The Headquarters and Headquarters Com-
rcply was heavier fire. While he tried in pany; and the remaining four carried 1
vain to identify himself as an American, officer and 32 men from Battery C, 376th
the firing continued. Then, as scveral of Parachute Field Artillery Battalion. Of
the paratroopers fired into the air, the these 9 officers and 62 men, a few mirac-
chaplain maneuvered around the flank, ulously survived. Lt. Col. L. G. Freeman
crawled through a vineyard, and closcd in the 504th's executive officer, 2 other of-
on the American position from the rear. ficers, and 12 mcn ( 11 of them wounded) ,
He crept up to one soldier who was blast- crawled from thc wreckagc of thcir downed
ing away at the paratroopers, tapped him plane. 1st Lt. M. C. Shelly, from the
on the shoulder, and asked him what he 2d Battalion's Headquarters Company,
was doing. The firing soon stopped. lt standing at the door of the aircraft when
appears that not every American unit had it crashed, was thrown clear. Ali the
the same sign and countcrsign. 111 other occupants were killed. Onc of the
Of the 144 planes that had departed Battery C planes was shot down at sea,
Tunisia, 23 never retumed, 37 wcre badly carrying with it ali thc occupants. From
damaged. 18 The }0$ ratio in aircraft the other threc aircraft, 5 men saved
was a high 16 percent. Brig. Gen. Charles themselvcs by using thcir reserve chutes-
L. Keerans, Jr., the assistant division com- 2 managed to get out of one plane after
mander, had bcen aboard one of thc planes it had bcen hit twice and was afirc, 3 men
were blown clear when antiaircraft fire de-
molished their planes.
A total of twelve officers and ninety-
15 Komosa, Airbome Operation, 504th Para- two men were aboard the eight planes
chute RCT, p. 16. Also see the Ridgway letter which retumed to North Africa without
of 2 August which brings out the firing on para- dropping : two planes with personnel
troopers by American troops. Both the 1 7 1st and
1 58th Field. Artillery Battalions ( 45th Diviaion) from the 504th's Headquarters Com-
reported skirmishes with paratroopers during thc pany; one plane, Company F, 504th; two
night of 11 July. The 1 711t Field Artillery Bat- planes, Battery C and two planes Battery
talion's report states that "aince no newa of the
American Paratroopers had reached this Hq, they D, 376th Parachute Field Artillery Battal-
were auumed to be hostile and the Bn was de- lion; and one plane, Hcadquarters Battery,
ployed for ali around defense." During the pe- Division Artillery. Four dead and six
riod of confuaion which exiated after the drop of
the 504th, one artilleryman waa killed by bis own wounded paratroopcrs were taken from the
men when "mistaken for an enemy paratrooper." planes that rctumed.
18 General Tucker atated that the aircraft in
A final computation would show that
which he ftew to Sicily did retum to North Af-
rica; the crew later reported over 1,000 boles in 17 Warren, USAF Hiat Study 74, p. 40; 82d
the craft. AB Div in Sicily and ltaly, p. 8.

the 504th Combat Tcam suffercd a total ordination between air, naval, and ground
of 229 casualtics on the night of 11 July forces, or a definite brcakdown in the corn-
1943: 8r dcad, 132 woundcd, and 16 munication systems used to disscminatc
mis&ng.ts the instructions of higher hcadquarters to
In lcss than an hour, the 504th Com- lower echelons. General Williams would
bat Team had become a completcly dis- not say which opcncd fire first-the Navy
organizcd unit. Thc first few sticks or the Army-but statcd simply that his
landed on and around the drop zone, and troop carriers werc fircd on by both
the bulle of the parachutists carried by ground and naval antiaircraft batterics.
the lead group managed to drop fairly Endorsing General Williams' rcport,
near the Gcla-Farcllo landing ground. Spaatz added that thc grcatcst mistake, in
For the most part, the other groups dis- his opinion, was the failurc to place def-
pcrsed beforc thcy rcached the drop zone, inite rcstrictions on all antiaircraft units
and a large number of the aircraft droppcd during the time pcriod when the aerial
paratroopcrs between Vittoria and the column approached Sicily as well as dur-
Acate River in the 45th Division's sector. ing the pcriod when the parachutists
The 504th's dispcrsal was as grcat as droppcd. Air Marshal Tedder agrccd
that of the 505th, with paratroopcrs land- with Spaatz and Williams, but went even
ing on Sicily from Gela on the wcst to the further. He considercd the airborne
cast coast. Coloncl Tucker himsclf did mmion to have bccn opcrationally un-
not locatc General Ridgway until 07 15 sound bccause it had rcquircd aircraft to
the next moming. At that time, of his fty over thirty-five miles of active battlc
2,000-man force, Tucker counted as prcs- front. "Evcn if it was physically pcmiblc
ent for duty the equivalent of one rifle for ali thc troops and ships to be duly
company and one battery of airborne warned, which is doubtful," Tedder said,
howitzcrs. By late afternoon, the effec- "any firc opcned either by mistakc or
tive troops of the 504th numbercd only against any enerny aircraft would alrnost
37 officers and 5 18 men. 111 certainly be supported by all troops with-
General Eiscnhower quickly demanded in range-AA firing at night is infectious
a full rcport of the disaster. On 13 July, and control almost impossible." 20
Brig. Gen. Paul L. Williams, commanding Admiral Cunningham, quick to defend
thc Troop Carrier Command, submitted the naval gunners, felt that the lack of
his rcport to Lt. Gen. Carl Spaatz, the antiaircraft discipline was only partially
NAAF commander. Williams stated that responsible for the tragic occurrcncc. At
the heavy ground and naval antiaircraft night, he pointed out, "no qucstion of A.A.
firc dirccted against the troop-carrying undiscipline can arise. Ali ships firc at
aircraft showed a definite lack of co- once at any aeroplane particularly low
ftying ones which approach them." Noth-
11 Rpt, Ridgway to TAG, 19 May 44, sub:

Caaualties, Sicilian Campaign, CT 504, Ridgway 20 File 9g-66.2, sub: AFHQ Rpt of Allied
Penonal File, item 32; 82d AB Div in Sicily and Force Airbome Board in Connection With the In-
ltaly, pp. 8, 19. On 114 July, 511d Troop Car- vasion of Sicily., See allo 0100/-i/78, sub: Air
rier Wing caaualties were reported as 7 dead, 30 borne Operations in Hus1n ; 0100/ 21/1072, sub:
wounded, and 53 miuing. Airbome Employment, Operation and Movement
11 82d AB Div G-3 Jnl, entries 51A and 58A, of Troop1, vol. 2, 23-30 Jul -i3; and 0100/uA/
n Jul 43; 82d AB Div in Sicily and ltaly, p. 13. 71, 111, sub: Airbome Forces.

ScATTERE D PARATROOP R E INFORC EMENT S moving through Viltoria the morning of 13 July.

ing le$ than that could be acceptable to The exact cause of the catastrophe
the Navy, otherwise merchant vessels and could not be pinpointed. A board of of-
naval combat ships would incur severe ficers appointed by AFHQ to investigate
losses and strong damage. The ma jor the circumstances uttered only generali-
cause of the tragedy, Cunningham felt, ties. Despite agreement that advance
was either bad routing or bad navigation warning had been given to naval vessels
on the part of the aircraft crews.21 and ground antiaircraft batteries, sorne
individuals and units hotly denied ever re-
Admira) of thc Flcct Sir Andrcw B. Cunn-
ingham, Despatch, The In vasion of Sicily, a
ceiving such a warning order. Other
Supplcmcnt to thc London Gazette, April 25, units and individuals claimed that enemy
1950, p . 2081 ; Msg, Cunningham to Eiscnhowcr, bombers returned and mixed with the
23 Jul 43, sub : Airbornc Troops--Enquiry, 99- friendly aerial column. Still others re-
Admiral Cunningham carcfully lcft unsaid why ported that the antiaircraft fire carne from
thc naval firc was not stoppcd sooncr , or why enemy guns. To the last charge, it was
thc ships' crews failcd to rccognizc thc C- 4 7 air- true that at least one plane was brought
cralt, particularly whcn thcy wcrc ftying at such
a low altitudc and wcrc ftashing rccognition sig- down by enemy machine gun fire near
n als (ambcr bclly lights) continuously. Comiso. But retuming pilots and para-

troopcrs alikc noted that thc hcavicst firc justice, and so questionable of ultimate value
carne not from thc right-thc dircction of to the service because of the acrimonious de-
thc front-but from Allicd guns to thc lcft bates which would follow efforts to hold
responsible persons or services to account,
of thc ovcrland acrial corridor. As onc that disciplinary action is of doubtful
pilot said: "Evidcntly thc safcst place for wisdom.
us tonight whilc ovcr Sicily would have Deplorable as is the loss of life which oc-
bccn ovcr cncmy territory." 11 curred, 1 believe that the les!Ons now leamed
General Ridgway probably cxprcsscd it could have been driven home in no other
bcst of ali: way, and that these lessons provide a sound
basis for the belief that recurrences can be
The responsibility for loss of life and ma- avoided.
terial resulting f rom this operation is so di- The losses are part of the inevitable price
vided, so difficult to fue with impartial of war in human life.n
21 Warren, USAF Hist Study 74, P: 41. 21 Ridgway Ltr, !Z Aug 43.

The Beachhead Secure

Straightening Out the Sag force under Colonel Darby captured

Monte Lapa and Monte Zai on the Gela-
Gradually, around midnight of I I July, Butera road by daylight to cover the 26th
the antiaircraft firc died down. The lnfantry advance up Highway 117.2 The
tragic show was over. As groups of 504th 26th lnfantry, rcinforced by Lt. Col. Ben
paratroopers made their way toward Gela, Stembcrg's 2d Battalion, 18th lnfantry,
their advance sometimes marked by firc drove toward Monte della Guardia and
fights with other Americans, a relative the Ponte Olivo airfield. Quickly clear-
stillness stole over the front. It was the ing a small Italian roadblock just north of
lull beforc the next phase of operations, Gela, the troops pushed on to Castle Hill
aimed at moving the Seventh Anny to the ( 11 Castelluccio), an eminence topped by
Yellow Line, which would signify that the the ruins of a medieval tower. There
beachhead was securc. they carne under fire f rom an artillcry
Though the 1st Division fought pri- battalion of the Livorno Division, and at
marily a defensive battle on 1 1 J uly, it dawn the thrcc forward battalions wcre
would go over to the offensive the follow- somcwhat scramblcd in thc ditches and
ing day. Late on the aftemoon of I I ravines below the hill.
July, after bis troops broke the Hermann Daylight facilitated reorganization and
Goering Division counterattack and drove permitted observed artillery fire on the
the ltalians from Gela, General Allen an- ltalian lines and artillcry positions. Aftcr
nounced bis intention in blunt words: thc 33d Field Artillery Battalion poundcd
"Sock the hell out of those damned thc rocky cminence with tclling effect, and
Heinies," he ordercd, "before they can the cruiscr Boise lobbed in 255 rounds,
get set to hit us again." 1 the 2d Battalion, 26th Infantry, surged
The first task was to straighten out forward, gained thc crcst and the tower,
the sag in the I st Division front, and in and rounded up the remnants of a Li-
the very early hours of 12 July, three vorno Division rifle battalion. While thc
American columns departed their defen- 1st Battalion, 26th lnfantry, swung left
sive positions fronting Gela and set out to and took Monte della Guardia, thc 2d
do just this. (Map VI) A composite
2 Darby's command consisted of the tst and
1 Maj. Gen. Terry Allen, Situation and Opera- 4th Ranger Battalions; the ut Battalion, 411t
tiona Report of the Fint lnfantry Division, 8 Armored Infantry Regiment (minw Company
Auguat 19411-7 AugUlt 1943 (a !l!lpage mimeo- A); the rst Battalion, 39th Engineer Combat
grapbed report prepared for the Society of tbe First Regiment; Company A, 83d Chemical Weapons
Divi1ion), p. u. Battalion; and a platoon of medium tanks.
! cr
1 ;,

l A:

t o
1 o
1 z
l p..

Battalion of the 18th lnfantry dashed for- their command post to visit the front-line
ward to take Ponte Olivo airfield. By units, Crawford took a couplc of machine
1ooo, the combat team's objectives were gun bullets in the neck and shoulder.
secure. A large portion of the sagging Dcnno carried the battalion commander
ccnter had been moved forward five miles. back to thc command post and saw to his
The third American column, the 16th evacuation.
Infantry, had harder fighting as it ad- Three hours later, the remaining com-
vanccd astride the Piano Lupo-Niscemi pany carne up from Piano Lupo bringing
road to sccure the division's eastem ftank with it an M 7 105-mm. howitur and a
and to protect the 26th lnfantry's right half-track 75-mm. howitur. About the
during the advancc to the Ponte Olivo samc time, the German infantrymcn
airficld. The 16th Infantry struck the across thc road pulled back to the north.
bulle of the Hermann Goering Division, With the German thrcat removed, the 1st
reinforccd by thosc Tiger tanks that had Battalion moved up in cchelon to the right
withdrawn across the Acate River after rear of thc 2d Battalion and faccd east
the fight at Biazzo Ridgc. Though Con- toward the Acate River valley.
rath had decided to withdraw, the Ger- Ncar 1ooo, southcast of Piano Lupo,
man forward units had had no oppor- Lt. Col. Robert H. York's 1st Battalion,
tunity to begin their retirement. Early 18th lnfantry, supportcd by a platoon of
moming patrols had reported thc dis- medium tanks, had to fight off a column
quicting news of thc Germans' prescncc, of three Gennan tanks moving northwcst
but Colonel Taylor ordered the advancc along Highway 115. This American force
as planncd. had gonc into position shortly aftcr mid-
Coloncl Crawford's 2d Battalion, with night as part of the army rescrve, with thc
Colonel Gorham's paratroopcrs lcading mission of screcning betwecn the two for-
thc way, moved out from positions wcst of ward combat teams of the Ist Division
Piano Lupo, crosscd thc road, and ad- and protccting the division's east ftank.
vanccd up the cast sidc of thc road toward Artillery fire from thc 7th Field Artillcry
Casa del Priolo. Without opposition, the Battalion, plus fires from thc five medium
battalion reached the ridge line just south tanks, dcstroyed two of the threc German
and cast of the Casa and quickly occupied tanks. Thc third withdrew out of range.
the trenches and cmplacements carlier HaH an hour later, American artillcry fire
dug by the Gennans. On reverse slopcs broke up another German tank recon-
to thcir left, the Americans could hear naissancc effort in the samc arca. One
German troops digging in. tank bumed, thc others withdrew.
Soon after first light, about 0530, hcavy Thirty minutes later, six Mark VI tanks,
German fire struck the 2d Battalion from supported by armored cars, haH-tracks,
thc north and northwcst. West of the and two platoons of infantry, moved down
road, between the forward battalion ele- the Acate River valley and tumcd wcst-
ments and a single rifle company left near ward against the 16th Infantry positions
Piano Lupo, the Americans saw Gennans ncar Casa del Priolo, while artillery fire
thrcatening to cut off the route to the from Niscemi gave support.
rear. When Colonel Crawford and Capt. In the 2d Battalion arca, Dcnno moved
Brycc F. Dcnno, the executive officcr, left his two howiturs into position to fire on

the approaching enemy annor. Hardly Niscemi. Dcnno prcvailed on the regi-
had the 75-mm. piece got out of defilade menta} commander to hold what had bccn
when it was hit and dcstroyed by an gained. lncrcased Gennan artillery firc,
enemy artillery round. The 105-mm. growing in intcnsity just bcforc dark and
howitzcr managed to get off five rounds continuing until midnight, scemed to in-
bcfore it was knocked out by tank firc. dicate a possible attack. In reality thc
Colonel Gorham, trying to tcpcat his H ermann Goering Division was covcring
bazooka work of the prcvious day, was its withdrawal. The Piano Lupo road
killed by a dircct hit from an enemy tank. junction remained under hcavy interdic-
Dcspite the thrcat, the 16th Infantry tory firc throughout the night. But no
was in good shapc. The regimenta! Can- more Gennan soldiers or tanks molcstcd
non and Antitank Companics were up and Casa del Priolo.'
in position, annorcd support was nearby, The 16th lnfantry had not taken its
and the 7th Ficld Artillery Battalion was objective, Niscemi, and a sag remained in
giving excellent fire support. The 5th the center of the Scventh Anny front.
and 32d Field Artillery Battalions were But enemy resistance, despite the hcavy
taken off reinforcing missions elscwherc artillery firc, was lcsscning, and on the
to lend their weight. Two platoons of following morning, 13 July, as the Her-
medium tanks arrived near the 1st Bat- mann Goering Division continued to pull
talion and added their fire power-though back toward Caltagirone, the Americans
they lost four of their own tanks, they got entercd Niscemi unopposed.
thrce Tigers. The 16th lnfantry, particularly the ISt
By noon the Gennan thrcat had petered and 2d Battalions, had had by far the
out, but by this time the forward infan- severest fighting thus far in the invasion.
try battalions werc badly battercd. Colo- Thcse two battalions had bcen largely
nel Denholm, the 1st Battalion comman- responsible for blunting the H ermann
der, had bcen shot and evacuated. The Goering Division's counterattacks. Each
rifle companics were at less than half battalion had lost its commander. And
strength. The 2d Battalion was left with each subsequently would receive a cita-
pcrhaps 200 meo, including the few sur- tion for its outstanding perfonnance.
viving paratroopcrs. Casualty figures alonc indicated the sev-
Despite the ragged strength of his ele-
4 nt lnf Div G-3 Jnl, 11-12 Jul 43; ut lnf
ments, Captain Denno moved his troops Div G-3 Diary, 11-u Jul 43; 11 Corps Rpt of
forward and occupied Casa del Priolo Opns, p. 5; AAR's 16th Inf Regt; CCB; 18th
with case. Colonel Taylor urged further Inf Regt; 5th FA Bn; 7th FA Bn; 32d FA Bn,
movement, but Dcnno was rcluctant- and 2d Armd Div; 2d Armd Div in Sicilian Cam-
paign, pp. 28-31; Danger Forward: The Story
his companics were tired and under- of the First Division in World War 11 (Wash-
strength, his flanks were open, the enemy ington, 1947) , pp. 107-10; Lt. John W. Baum-
appcarcd strong bctween the Casa and gartner et al., The 16th lnfanlry, 17g8-1946
(Bamberg, Germany: Sebaldw Verlag, 1946),
pp. 11-13; History of the 67th Armored Regi-
1 The 7th Field Artillery Battalion fired 15 ment (Brunswick, Germany: Georg Westermann,
missions, 914 rounda during the day. The 32d 1945), pp. 235-40; Morison, Sicily-Salern-
Field Artillery Battalion fired 7 missiona, 304 Anzio, p. 113; Interv, Smyth with Denno and
rounds. The 5th Field Artillery Battalion fired Groves, 24 Oct 50; Sayre, Operations of Com-
6 missions, 583 rounds. pany A, 505th Parachute lnfantry, pp. 17-18.

erity of the fighting between Piano Lupo gasoline, and 500 bom~. One Gennan
and Casa del Priolo on the 11 th and plane escapcd.8
12th of July. During these two days the Turning over the job of clearing the
1st Battalion lost 36 dead, 73 wounded, airfield to supporting engineers, the in-
and 9 mWing, the 2d Battalion lost 56 fantry continued inland, the 179th In-
dead, 133 WOUnded, and 57 mming. G fantry going due north along the secondary
But the sag had not been eliminated road Ieading to the Acate River, the r 57th
by nightfall 12 July, the bulge represented lnfantry turning due east, and then north
no serious threat to the lst Division. toward Chiaramonte Gulfi.
Rather, American units on the fianks were Disregarding the boundary line be-
threatening to outfiank the Gennan tween the Seventh U .S. and British Eighth
salient. Armies, a rifle company entered Ragusa,
captured the mayor and chief of police,
On to the Y ellow Line and seized the city's switchboard intact.
The rest of the day, in addition to polic-
On the Seventh Army right, the town ing the city, the Americans amuscd them-
of Comiso fell without opposition to the selvcs by answcring phone calls from
157th lnfantry early on 11 July. The anxious Italian garrisons that wanted to
regiment then Iooked to the west for the know what was going on near the beachcs.
arrival of the I 79th Infantry, which was As night fell on 11 July, the company had
to comprise the left ann of the division's still not made contact with the Canadians.
deep pincer movement against the Comiso The 18oth Infantry, which had been
airfield. Stopped at times by enemy ar- having sorne troublc, finally untrackcd it-
tillery fire, slowed occasionally by long- self and on 12 July began advancing.
range machine gun fire, the 179th Infan- Having becn allowcd a day's brcathing
try in the early afternoon was ready to spcll by thc paratroopcr action at Biazzo
attack the airfield in conjunction with Ridgc, the regimenta! commander was
the 15 7th. Co-ordination between the able to reorganizc bis units and now
two dircct support artillery battalions was moved through Colonel Gavin's lincs.
quickly established, and the artillery radio That evcning, by 2000, Biscari was
net was used from then on to regulate securcd.
the moves of the infantry units. Thc movement to Biscari was hearten-
Soon after 1600, as artillery fires lifted, ing, for thc performance of thc regiment
two battalions of the 179th Infantry had hitherto bcen lcss than impressive.
moved into the airfield propcr from the General Middleton considered rclieving
wcst, driving the defenders into a batta- the commander, and went so far as to
lion of the 15 7th Infantry coming in from rcquest General Bradley f~r a rcplace-
the southeast. Within twenty minutes, ment. Bradlcy askcd General Patton for
the field was in American posscsmon, along
8 11 Corps Rpt of Opns, pp. 5-6; 157th Inf
with 125 enemy planes ( 20 in operating Regt S-1 Jnl, 11 Jul 43 (which reports approxi
condition), 200,000 gallons of aviation mately 150 planes captured or destroyed on
Comiso airfield in one entry; over 200, in serv-
iceable condition, in another entry) ; 179th Inf
Regt S-1 Jnl, 11 Jul 43; McLain MS, Sicily
5 WDGO 60, 29 Jul 44. Campaign, pp. 8-g.
693-029 o - 65 - 14

Lt. Col. William O. Darby, the 1st Ranger routes of advancc of thc 179th lnfantry.
Battalion commander. Though Patton Just bcforc noon, part of thc Hermann
offered the young Ranger commander the Goering Division armorcd rcconnaissancc
18oth lnfantry and an immediate promo- battalion jumpcd thc forward units of thc
tion, Darby tumed down the offer. He 179th lnfantry. Not until late in thc
prcferrcd to stay with bis unit. With no aftcmoon did thc rcgimcnt stabili7.C thc
other qualified rcplacement immediately situation. Further advancc toward High-
available, Middleton made no change, way 124, thc Scvcnth Anny's Ycllow Linc,
exccpt to scnd the assistant division com- it sccmed, would be hotly contcsted.
mander to that headquarters to exercisc In contrast, thc 157th rcached Chiara-
clase supcrvision.7 montc Gulfi, fourtccn road miles north-
The 179th lnfantry, which had mct east of Comiso, without incidcnt. Hcrc
only minar Italian rcsistancc on 11 July, for the first time sincc landing, Coloncl
next day encountcrcd stiffer opposition Ankcom was ablc to pull bis scattcrcd
north of Comiso as it bcgan to mcct battalions together. At Ragusa, whcrc
incrcasing numbcrs of Gcrmans. This the rifle company was waiting for Cana-
rcsulted from General Conrath's response dian troops to show up bcforc rcjoining
to urgent mcssages from General Guzzoni the rcgiment, a misdirccted shclling from
dirccting him to make an immediate with- a British artillery unit preceded thc ar-
drawal to the cast coast. Pulling sorne of rival of 1st Canadian Division elcmcnts.8
bis units out of line in the Gcla arca, Thc contact followcd good gains on thc
Conrath scnt them to the northcast, bis part of the British 30 Corps on thc Sev-
intcntion to occupy first a line along enth Anny right. Thc corps had rcachcd
Highway 124 from Caltagirone cast to the Pozzallo-Ispica-Rosolini line at thc
Vizzini. The sudden thrust by the ut end of 11 July, and ncxt day, while thc
Division prcvented him from denuding bis British 51st Division advanced and took
dcfenses until thc American advance from Palau.olo Acrcidc, thc 1st Canadian Di-
Gcla was stoppcd. The 18oth lnfantry vision clcarcd Modica, cntcrcd Ragusa,
push poscd another problem, for if the and moved ten miles bcyond to Giarra-
rcgiment crosscd the Acate Rivcr north of tana. Thc 30 Corps advancc, paralleling
Biscari it would thrcaten to cut the Ger- thc 45th Division inland movcmcnt,
man withdrawal route. Thus, small Ger- thrcatened to interposc a strong Allicd
man units, primarily intcrcsted in sccuring
the routcs of withdrawal to Highway
124, moved northeast and across thc 8 157th Inf Regt S-1 Jnl, u Jul 43; 45th Inf
Div G-3 Jnl entries 39, 40, 41, 43, 47, 611, 64,
66, 111 J ul 43 ; Nichobon, T lt1 C anadians in
[tal)', p. 81; Histor)' o/ the 157th lnfantry R1gi-
1 McLain MS, Sicily Campaign, pp. 11-14; m1nt (Rifle), by the regimental society (Baton
45th lnf Div G-3 Jnl, entries 45 and 53, u Rouge, La.: Army and Navy Publishing Co.,
Jul 43; 753d Med Tk Bn AAR, 111 Jul 43; George 1946), p. 114; Rpt, 45th Inf Div in Sicilian Opn
S. Patton, Jr., War As 1 Knew lt, annotated (mimeographed), p. 4, with map1 ~B, 11C, 11D;
by Col. Paul D. Harkins (Boston: Houghton Mif- 179th lnf Regt S-1 Jnl, 111 Jul 43; 16oth FA
ftin Co., 1947), p. 58; Bradley, A Soldier's Stor)', Bn AAR, 111 Jul 43; 45th Inf Div Arty Jnl,
pp. 13g-40; OPD 1101 Wedemeycr, A. C., Secur- entries 57 and 70, 111 Jul 43; 753d Med Tk
ity, cue 5; 18oth Inf Regt AAR, p. 6; 11 Corps Bn, 12 Jul 43; OB SUED, Meldungen, 13 Jul
Rpt of Opna, p. 6. 43, Fint Report; MS #C-og5 (Senger).

force betwcen the H ermann Goering Di- cemi.9 The British 5oth Division, paral-
vision and thosc Axis forces opposing the leling the British 5th Division's advance,
British 13 Corps north of Syracusc. If headed directly toward the gap, having
the British 30 Corps moved into the gap moved from its landing arcas at Avola
bctwcen thcsc two Axis forcr.s---a gap of through Cassibilc, Floridia, and Sortino.
eightcen miles from Vizzini to Lcntini- On the wcst ftank of thc Seventh Army,
it would prcvent the H ermann Goering the 3d Division, heavily supplcmentcd by
Division from joining the dcfenders block- armored and reconnaissance units, highly
ing the road to Catania and, ultimatcly, mobile and readily employable in the tcr-
Messina. rain ahead, had gaincd an ideal position
Progrcs,, in the British 13 Corps zone from which to exploit inland to Highway
was slower. The stubbom rcsistance of 124. Such an advance would cut the
Group Schmalz preventcd the 5th Divi- Sixth Army in two at Enna, the important
sion from advancing north from Syracusc hilltop town almost in the gcographical
on 11 July. Dcspitc his defensive suc- center of Sicily.
ccss, Schmalz was concemed, for his General Guzzoni was conccmed by thc
Kampfgruppe could not hold indefinitcly deep pcnetration of the 3d Division to-
against the strongcr British forces. lf ward Campobello, fourtcen miles north
the British broke into the Catania plain, of Licata, for continued advance would
they would block the bulk of the Axis cut off thc Axis forces in the western part
forces from acccss to Mcimina and would, of the island and would threaten the
themsclves, have an unobstructed passage Hermann Goering Division's right ftank.
to this key Sicilian city. Because no units To counter this movement Guzzoni gath-
backed Group Schmalz on the cast coast, ered together what forces he could.
bccause he nceded rcinforcement from the During the night of 10 July, Colonel
main body of the H ermann Goering Di- Venturi, who commanded thc ltalian
vision, Schmalz decided to fight a delaying 177th Bersaglieri Regiment, had arrived
action along the coastal higbway (High- with one of his battalions at Favarotta,
way 114) in the hope of prcventing an whcre a makeshift force of Italian artil-
Allied brcakthrough. During the night lerymen and motorcyclists had managcd to
of 11 July, Colonel Schmalz withdrew to halt 3d Division progress along Highway
a defensive line centered on Lcntini. 123. Taking over the ltalian units then
The withdrawal uncovered the port of on the ground, Venturi created a provi-
Augusta, and on 12 J uly British troops sional tactical group-Group V enturi-
cntercd the city. But advance north to and ordcred a countcrattack the ncxt
the Catania plain was impos&ble, for moming to recapture Licata.
Group Schmalz held finn. Wcst of Licata, along Highway 115,
Schmalz's situation remained scrious. the Italian 207th Coastal Division organ-
He did not have enough troops to hold ized a tactical group near the N aro
for long at Lcntini. Nor did he have River bridge with thc mimon of advanc-
sufficicnt troops to closc thc gap to the
11 Nichollon, Th1 Canatlians in ltaly, pp. 81-
wcst betwcen him and the bulk of the
84; Schmalz in MS #T-2 (Fries 1t al.), pp.
H ermann Goering Division, which had 74-n;; OB SUED, M1ltlung1n, r2 Jul 43, Third
just startcd to move northeast from Nis- and Fourth Reports.

ing east toward Licata. Other Italian dier Regiment) to scrcen against the thrust
units arriving during the night and going from Gela and to protect his cast flank,
into defensive positions at Agrigento and he planned to move one battalion from
Canicattl werc alerted to the possibility Pietraperzia through Riesi in a ftanking
that at least one might move through movement from the east against the Amer-
Naro to Palma di Montechiaro in order ican column moving toward Canicattl.
to amst the attack on Licata from the This attack would relieve prcssurc on
wcst.10 both the Livomo and 207th Coastal Di-
Meanwhile, the 15th Panzer Grenadier visions. The rcinforced rcconnaissance
Division was hurriedly rctracing its steps battalion of the division, known as Group
to the central part of the island. Like N eapel, was to block the main roads
other 1talian and German units, the Ger- north and east from Canicattl and dclay
man division had rcceived no specific the Americans as long as possible. Group
orders on 10 July on its probable futurc Fullriede (the rcinforccd 129th Panzer
operations. But from fleeing ltalian Grenadier Regiment) would deploy along
coastal units, General Rodt was able to a line f rom Canicattl through Delia to
learn that the original Sixth Anny plan Sommatino to halt advances inland along
to throw the Allies back into the sea was the roads leading from Licata, Palma di
not having great success. He thercforc Montechiaro, and Agrigcnto to Caltanis-
decided to try to stop the severa! Amer- setta. His main hope was to disrupt the
ican columns moving inland on the roads 3d Division advancc by dealing it a dam-
emanating from Licata. The rcsult of aging blow on its deep eastcm flank by
this decision was to embroil clements of means of the battalion attack from Riesi. 11
the division during the transfer from wcst General Truscott, meanwhile, had called
to east in numerous small actions, gcn- his senior commanders togcther on the
erally in battalion strength. evening of 1o July and mued his ordcrs
Arriving at bis new command post for the next day's operation. The 7th
south of Pietraperzia (sorne twenty miles lnfantry was to thrust westward to take
northeast of Campobcllo) about 0400, 11 Palma di Montechiaro and the high
July, Rodt learned more about the in- ground just beyond; the 15th lnfantry
vasion. From additional rcports he con- was to continue north along Highway 123
cluded that the Americans who had landed to sei7.c Campobcllo; General Rosc's CCA,
in Gela werc advancing north toward operating bctween thcse two combat
Piazza Armerina, while those American teams, was to sei7.c Naro, then assemble
forces which had landed in Licata planned on the high ground to the north and cast
to drive on through Campobcllo to
Canicattl. 11 MS #C-077 (Rodt) and sketch; MS #
Feeling that he could not block both C-095 (Senger); OB SUED, Mldungn, 12 Jul
major thrusts, he decided to strike the 43.
The commitment of the reconnaiuance battal-
closer one, the advance of the 3d Division ion from the 1511& Panzr Gr1nadir Division ia
from Licata. Scnding the bulk of Group controvenial. lt seems that part of the battalion
Ens (the rcinforced 104th Panzer Grena- was a1so dcployed between Palermo and Cani-
cattl at major road intersectiona. It is difticult

1 Faldella, Lo sbarc", p. 15~, and correctiom to recomtruct the actiom of thia unit from the
madc availablc to Mn. Bauer by Faldclla. scanty Axis reporta available.

TANK-MouNTED CCA MEN push through Palma en roule to Naro.

and prepare for further action. The low hills just south of the town. Deploy-
3oth lnfantry, guarding the division's ex- ing his troops, building up a base of fire,
posed right flank, was to send one battal- and using supporting weapons to excellent
ion cross-country to seize Riesi, there advantage, Heintges pushed slowly ahead
blocking an important avenue of approach and drove the ltalians into the town it-
into the division's eastern flank. self. As the battalion prepared to push
The 3d Battalion, 7th Infantry ( Lt. into Palma around I 1 oo, numerous white
Col. John A. Heintges), led the advance flags appeared on buildings in the town.
on Palma di Montechiaro early on 1 1 Colonel Heintges dispatched a small pa-
J uly. Crossing the Palma River bridge trol to accept the surrender. Unfortu-
without incident, the battalion encoun- nately, civilians, not soldiers, had displayed
tered heavy fire from ltalian troops who the white flags, and the small American
occupied strong positions along a line of patrol carne under fire. Two men werc

killed, another two were wounded. En- thc combat command procecded slowly
raged, Heintges gathered together ten along the narrow, sccondary roads and
rnen and personally led them across an trails northwest of Licata. Thc terrain
open field to a building which scemed to was difficult, thc roads werc poor, but thc
housc the hcaviest fire. Thcy rcachcd only opposition carne from snipers, scat-
the building safely, plantcd demolitions on tcred long-range machinc gun firc, and a
thc lowcr floor, withdrew a short distancc, strafing attack by two German aircraft.
and set off thc explosives. The blast sig- For the first time in a procedure that would
nalcd start of thc attack, and the battalion become standard, the armorcd infantry-
swept into town behind its commander. men mountcd the tanks and rode the
The Palma dcfcndcrs had becn rcinforced last fcw miles.
by a task force that had moved down Just outsidc Naro, a civilian voluntccrcd
from the Naro Rivcr, and hcavy fighting thc information that thc town was un-
crupted up and down the main strcet. occupied and the population friendly.
For two hours the battle raged from housc Unwilling to take any chances on this
to housc. Around 1300, having had rather ncbulous bit of information, Col.
enough, thc surviving Italians began pull- Sidncy R. Hinds, the 4 ISt Armorcd In-
ing out westward along Highway u5. fantry commander, placed the civilian
Quickly reorganizing bis battalion, Hcint- and bis small son on thc hood of bis half-
gcs followed in closc pursuit, rapidly track and led thc column into town whilc
clcarcd the hills on the south side of the small tank-infantry teams clcared thc
highway, and dug in therc to await thc flanks and sccured the exits. The civilian
rest of thc combat tcam. 12 was right. By mid-morning of 11 July,
To Heintges' right, General Rosc's CCA was in possession of N aro.
CCA had begun to move aginst Naro. 18 Continuing toward Canicattl, six miles
With a reconnaissancc company forming north, a company of tanks was briefty
a scrccn and the 3d Battalion, ..pst Ar- delayed by an attack dclivcred by fricndly
morcd lnfantry, rcinforccd by a company P-38 aircraft, which, fortunatcly, causcd
of mcdium tanb as thc advance guard, no damagc to mcn or cquipmcnt. Two
12 7th Inf Regt Unit Jnl, 11 Jul 43; 3d Inf
miles northcast of Naro, on thc ap-
Div in Sicilian Campaign AAR, p. 1 1 ; 7th Inf proaches to a pass betwcen two hills, the
Regt AAR, p. 3 ; overlay showing di1position1 of company ran into stiff rcsistancc. An
7th Infantry troop1, 1100, 11 Jul 43, 3d Inf Div ltalian infantry battalion had moved up
G-3 Jnl File, 11 Jul 43; 7th Inf Regt S-3 Opn1
Rpt 11, 11 Jul 43; 1oth FA Bn in Sicily Cam- from Agrigcnto that moming, and dcspitc
paign AAR, 11 Jul 43; Nathan W. White, From rcpeatcd Allicd air attacks, had rcachcd
Fedala to Berchtesgaden: A History of the 7th the pass minutes beforc the American
U.S. Infantry in World War JI (Germany, 1947),
pp. 116-117. tanks arrivcd. Halting and dcploying,
11 On 11 July, CCA co111isted o{ the 66th thc tankcrs callcd for infantry support.
Armored Regiment; the 411t Armored Infantry Thc battalion of armored infantryrncn
Regiment, minus the 1st Battalion; the 14th
Armored Ficld Artillery Battalion; the 611d Ar- undcr Lt. Col. Marshall L. Crawlcy, Jr.,
mored Field Artillery Battalion ( which, at this carne forward, and an attack at 1600
time, had only one battery ashore) ; reconnais- made slow progrcss against hard-fighting
sance, engineer, and service uniu. The re-
mainder of the 611d Armored Field Artillery Bat- Italians. With thc approach of darkncm,
talion closed at 16oo, 11 July 1943. the ltalians withdrcw. By nightfall, thc

Amcricans wcre in possession of thc pass ion and a battery of the gth Ficld Ar-
and wcre four milr.s short of Canicatd.H tillery Battalion in support, the attack
Thc mistakcn strafing by fricndly started at 0445.
planes tumcd out to be a harbingcr of Bccausc the ISt Battalion, east of the
things to come for CCA. During thc higliway, was delayed almost an hour in
wcck of 11 July, CCA was to lose four- asscmbling, the 3d Battalion moved out
tccn vchiclcs and scvcnty-fivc mcn from cautiously. At Station Favarotta the
such attacks. Thc fricndly pilots, who leading elements ran into Group V enturi,
wcre bricfcd to be alcrt for thc 15th which was moving down the highway to
Panzer Grenadier Divirion, mistook thc attack Licata. For four hours, Americans
CCA annored vchiclcs for cncmy vchiclcs and Italians battlcd for the commanding
dr.spitc thc rathcr prominent display of tcrrain around Favarotta, American ar-
yellow smoke-thc agrecd signal for thc tillcry units firing with devastating eft'ect
idcntification of fricndly vehiclr.s. Onc on ltalian artillery pieccs and annored
pilot, 1st Lt. R. F. Hood ( 86th Fighter- vehiclcs emplaccd ncar the small town. 18
Bomber Group), shot down ovcr Naro by Thc end carne aftcr a rifle company
CCA's antiaircraft fire, said that he had worked its way around the right of thc
seen the yellow smokc but had not been 1tallan line on the side of the high-
infonned of its mcaning. Latcr, thc 15th way. Undcr fire from four or fivc cncmy
Army Group changed thc method of machinc guns on the western cdge of
recognition from smokc to pennants, and Favarotta, thc company called for support.
this apparently solvcd thc problem.111 Bccausc thcse particular enemy positions
The 15th RCT, mcanwhilc, was ad- were dcfiladed from the artillery, Colonel
vancing north along Highway 123 from Johnson ordered his available clcmcnts
Favarotta to Campobello. of thc 15th lnfantry Cannon Company, a
Under Coloncl Johnson's plan of at- platoon of threc half-tracks mounting
tack, thc 3d Battalion moved directly up 75-mm. howitzcrs, to come forward. To
thc highway to capture the high ground do so, thc half-tracks had to move along
west of Campobello, whilc thc 1st Battal- a strctch of road that had scvcral hairpin
ion madc a widc, nincty-dcgrec cnvclop- tums.
mcnt of thc cnemy left ftank, using for The hairpin arca was no place for half-
its approach a scrir.s of north-south draws, tracks to lcavc thc road, and br.sidr.s, the
wcll defiladcd from Campobello and thc cnemy had scveral artillery picccs regi.s-
highway. With thc 2d Battalion in re- tcred on the treacherous curvr.s. The
serve and thc 39th Field Artillcry Battal- first half-track stuck its out from
bchind a hill and into the open and threc
u 411t Armd lnf Regt AAR, 11 Jul 43; 66th
Armd Regt AAR, 11 J ul 43; overlay of opru, encmy salvos checkerboarded the road.
CCA, 10-18 Jul 43 1 in 6o2-CC (A)-3.6; di1po- The half-track quickly revcrscd and got
sition of troopa, CCA, overlay as of 1900, 11 Jul back to shelter. Another try fivc min-
43, 3d Inf Div 0-3 Jnl File, 11 Jul 43; 2d
Armd Div in Sicilian Campaign, pp. 3f>-38;
utes latcr brought the samc rcsult. The
CCA S-3 Jnl, 11 Jul 43; Faldella, Lo sbareo, platoon commander dccided to dash down
pp. 152-55, 179.
11 3d lnf Div 0-3 Jnl, entriea 10 and 12, 12 18 The 39th Ficld Artillery Battalion fired
Jul 43; CCA S-3 Jnl, entries 13 and 15, 12 Jul 1,484 rounds in the day's actiona; the battery of
43; 2d Armd Div in Sicilian Campaign, p. 39. the 9th Field Artillery Battalion, 86 rounds.

the road on a dcad run. First with- Rodt. Schrcibcr immcdiatcly scnt Group
drawing farther into defilade in order to Neapel to Campobcllo to rcinforcc Group
gct a running start, he burst out from V enturi, both to be supportcd by ltalian
bchind the hil1 at thirty miles an hour. artillery at Casa San Silvcstro, two miles
The others followed at fifty-yard intervals. south of Canicattl.
The enemy laid down at lcast four salvos, General Schrcibcr's counterattack,
and the bursts sccmed to be within inches scheduled to jump off at 1330, ncver
of the half-tracks, but the half-tracks kept started. Group Venturi had bccn mauled
going and managed to stay on thc road. too scvcrcly to think of offcnsive action,
Through the hairpin arca safcly, thcy Group Neapel bccame involvcd in dc-
dashed into position to give support. fending Campobcllo, and American artil-
With this added firc, thc 3d Battalion lery firc and thc thrcat to his right ftank
overwhelmed the roadblock. Having lost poscd by the advancc of CCA into Naro
thrce artillery pieccs and more than ha1f promptcd General Schrcibcr to withdraw
its automatic wcapons, and with thc in- to Casa San Silvcstro. Group N eapel rc-
fantry battalion scriously rcduccd in maincd at Campobcllo tcmporarily to
strcngth, Group Venluri withdrcw to cover the withdrawal.17
Campobcllo. At 1500, bchind a thunderous conccn-
In the mcantime, thc 1st Battalion, tration laid down by thc 39th Ficld Ar-
advancing almost without rcsistancc on its tillery Battalion, thc 1st and 3d Battalions
wide envcloping movement, rcached high of thc 15th lnfantry advanccd on Cam-
ground cast of Campobcllo at 1300, just pobcllo. The attack progresscd slowly
as the 3d Battalion, following Group Ven- but stcadily until just short of town wherc
turi from Favarotta, gained high ground conccntrated Gcrman firc forccd a halt.
west of the town. Though Campobcllo Anothcr artillcry prcparation and the
scemed ripc for a squeezc play, it was squcczc of the two American battalions
hardcr than it appcarcd. hurricd the Gcrmans out of town. At
That morning, the XII Corps had or- 1600 thcr 3d Battalion cntcrcd Campo-
dercd Gcncrale di Brigata Ottorino Schrci- bcllo.18
bcr, commander of thc 2071h Coastal
Divmon, to go from bis hcadquartcrs at
Agrigcnto to Canicattl and a.cisume com- 17 Faldella, Lo sbarco, pp. 153-55.
111 15th Inf Regt AAR, 11 Jul 43; 15th lnf
mand of a countcrattack aimed at rctak- Regt Jnl, 11 Jul 43; overlay ahowing routes
ing Licata. Schrcibcr was to take over traveled and positions occupied by 15th Infantry
ali thc ltalian and Gcrman forces alrcady uoops, 11 Jul 43, 303-70.4; 66th Armd Regt
at Canicattl and thosc who would arrive AAR, 1 1 J ul 43 ; 3d Inf Div in Sicilian Cam-
paign AAR, p. 11; 39th FA Bn AAR, 11 Jul 43;
during the day. Col. Augusto de Laur- 9th FA Bn AAR, 11 Jul 43; Donald G. Taggart,
cntiis, commander of the military zone of ed., History o/ tia Third lnfantry Division in
Port Defense "N" at Palermo, a.cisumed World War 11 (Washington, 1947), pp. 56-57.
In the final puah on Campobello, 11t Lt.
command of thc coastal division. Robert Craig, Company L, 15th lnfantry, single-
At Canicattl around 1130, Schrcibcr handedly knocked out two enemy machine gun
planncd to attack south along Highway positions, killing eight Germans and wounding
three othen before he, himaelf, was killed.
123 with Group Venturi, alrcady cn- Lieutenant Craig was posthumoualy awarded the
gagcd, and Group Neapel, dispatched by Meda! of Honor.

That day also, the 3d Battalion, 3oth N ot long afterwards, Schreibcr received
Infantry, marched over fourtccn miles of word from the XII Corps. He was to
ruggcd mountains, overcoming scattcrcd counterattack the next morning with sev-
enemy rcsistance, and occupied Ricsi. eral new units bcing sent to him-an
After making physical contact with the 1st infantry battalion from the Assietta Divi-
Division on its right, the 3d Division at sion, an infantry battalion and an anti-
nightfall on 11 July-a day ahcad of tank gun company from the Aosta Divi-
timc--was in possession of its invasion sion, and two Italian artillery battalions.
objectives. With the Yellow Line now Apprehcnsive over the devclopmcnts in
extended to Palma di Montechiaro, the Licata sector, Guzzoni apparently
Naro, and Campobello, the division front hoped that Schreibcr's counterattack on
formed a broad semicircle from Palma on 12 July would not only delay further
the wcst to Poggio Lungo on the cast. American advances inland but would
Now that he had carricd out the order also block thc major avenues of approach
to gain the Ycllow Line so as to protect into central Sicily.21
the army group left flank, General Trus- At 2000, 11 July, Col. Fritz Fullriede
cott had no further m~ion. Nor had reportcd in to General Schreibcr as the
General Patton bccn instructed on how commander of all German troops in the
to devclop the situation beyond the Yel- arca and placed himself and his units un-
low Line. General Alexander had becn der the ltalian general's tactical leader-
lcss than explicit in his instructiorur-the ship.22 Fullriede reported American tanks
Scventh Army was "to prevent enemy had driven through to points west of
reserves moving eastwards against the left Canicattl, thus threatening to cut off
flank of Eighth Army." 19 German and Italian units south of that
Unwilling to sit still, Truscott ordered town. Fullriede told General Schreiber
General Rose to rcconnoiter toward Cani- that he had assembled the bulk of his
cattl during the evening of 11 July as the German force north of Canicattl, leav-
prclude to a possible attack the next day. ing dctachments at Sommatino and Delia,
Sincc Caltanissetta and Enna appeared small towns to the cast of Canicattl, to
to be logical objectivcs, Truscott decided cover his ftanks. He urged the Italian
to scizc Canicattl as a necessary prelimin- commandcr to do the same with thc Ital-
ary first stcp.20 ian units. Fullriede also stated that he
At Casa San Silvcstro, General Schrei- had rcccived instructions from Sixth Army
bcr's hasty devclopment of new dcfcnsive headquartcrs to switch to the defensive in
positions was intcrrupted at 1800 when the Canicattl arca and to await the ar-
an Allicd bombing attack on Canicatti rival of additional German units.
severcly damaged the town and railroad What thcn of Schrciber's counterattack?
station and produced heavy casualties in Several telephone calls to XII Corps and
the Italian infantry battalion that had re- to Sixth Army cleared up thc confusion.
tircd from Favarotta earlier that day. Guzzoni had changcd bis mind. On 12
111 15th AG Opns Inst 1, 19 May 43; Truscott, 21 Faldella, Lo sbarco, p. 155.
Command Missions, pp. m14-15. 22 !bid.; IT 99a, Sitrep, 2000, 11 Jul 43.
2 COHQ Bull Y/1, Oct 43, p. 26; Truscott, There is no confinnation of this in Gennan
Command Missions, p. 215. sources.

CANICATrl BEING SHELLED by CCA supparting armaredfield artillery.

July, Schreiber was to limit bis actions to mann Goering Division which was known
local thrusts only, those that would not to be somewhere off to the east.2 '
seriously deplete manpower and material. The H erman Goering Division was in the
In view of bis amended orders, General precarious position of operating with a gap
Schreiber decided to withdraw bis units in its center. Between its left flank and
during the night to positions north of the 15th Panzer Grenadier right was
Canicattl and behind Group Fullriede's another gap, this one covered by the
lines. American patrols hung on tenaci- Livorno Division. But the combat effi-
ously to the withdrawing Italians; one ciency of the Livorno Division was near
Italian artillery battery, unable to fall zero. lf the Italians could not, as seemed
back quickly enough, blew up its 105-mm. likely, prevent the Allies from breaking
guns and surrendered. 23 through to Highway 124, the Germans
The leading elements of Group Ens would suffer disastrous consequences.
were by then arriving at Pietraperzia. General Keyes, the Seventh Army dep-
Col. Karl Ens was slightly wounded when uty commander, visited General Truscott
Allied aircraft bombed General Rodt's on the moming of 12 July. Though
headquarters, but he continued in com- Keyes had no information on further
mand of his battle group. He ordered missions for the division, he agreed with
one battalion to a position just south of Truscott that Canicattl should be seized
Pietraperzia, its counterattack through as a prelude to further advances into
Riesi called off because the 3d Division central Sicily. At Canicattl Highway 123
occupied the town; a second battalion to from Licata met Highway 122 from
Barrafranca; and the third to Piazza Ag'rigento, the latter continuing north to
Armerina, to gain contact with the Her- 24
MS #C-077 (Rodt) and sketch ; MS #
C-095 (Senger) ; OB SUED, Meldungen, u
Faldella , Lo sbarco, pp. 155- 56. Jul 43.

Caltanissetta. Except for the mountain surrender. Hardly had Hinds started
pass at Naro, the secondary road north- forward when enemy artillery firc from
east to Canicattl was a valley thorough- high ground north of Canicattl began to
farc practicable for mechanizcd forces. pattem the road. At that moment, Hinds
The road went through the pass (oc- noted that the white flag was actually a
cupied by CCA late on 11 July) and Red CJ:'O$ flag on top of a hospital. By
emerged on a plain in front of Canicattl. then white sheets, towels, and other signs
East from Canicattl a good sccondary of surrcnder began to appcar. Taking
road ran to Delia, Sommatino, and Riesi, no more chances, Hinds deployed bis
the base of the secondary road net in the force on both sides of the road and called
uppcr part of the Licata-Agrigento-Cani- in the supporting artillery.
cattl triangle. Quite certain that General The 14th and 62d Armored Field Ar-
Patton would approve, Keyes told Trus- tillery Battalions obliged. For thirty
cott to go ahead and take Canicattl.2 11 minutes the two artillery units mcthodi-
Truscott immediately telephoned Gen- cally workcd over thc town from end to
eral Rose to get CCA moving on Cani- end, shifting thcir fircs pcriodically to
cattl.28 At the same time, he ordercd batter the German positions in the bilis
the 3oth Infantry to move to Naro, leav- north of town.28 As thc last artillery
ing its 3d Battalion in Riesi. He notified rounds werc being fircd, a company of
the 15th lnfantry to move forward on tanks roarcd down the road and into
the right of the armorcd command to town. Therc was no opposition. Cani-
seizc Delia and Sommatino and then cattl was securcd at 1500.
swing to the west to aid the armor in Scarccly pausing, the company of tanks
taking Canicattl. The 7th lnfantry was drove out the northcm cxit from town and
te guard the division left flank. After ran into Colonel Fullricde's main battlc
taking Canicattl, General Truscott planned position. After expcnding ali its ammu-
to place CCA in division reserve as a nition and losing onc tank, the company
mobile force for exploitation north or pulled back to town to await rcinforcc-
west. 27 ments. A tank-infantry team swung to
Preceded by a five-minute prcparation the right and securcd the eastem edge of
from the two supporting armored field a ridge line a mile north of town. Though
artillery battalions, CCA jumpcd off at the Germans fought stubbomly, they
I 330, 12 July, through the pass and down werc driven off the ridge line by 2000.
the road toward the southem outskirts of By darkncss, CCA had Canicattl, but
Canicattl. A tank-infantry team (with Group Fullriede held the bulk of the hill
infantry on the tanks) leading the ad- mass northwest of the town.
vance was still sorne distance from the The enemy was in poor shapc, howevcr.
town when observers saw a white flag American counterbattery fire had de-
ftying over one of the buildings. Colonel stroyed most of thc supporting Italian
Hinds and another offi.cer jumpcd into a artillery. The German battalion holding
jeep and drove toward town to accept the
28 The 14th Armored Field Anillery Battalion
u Truscott, Command Missions, p. 1115. fircd a total of 1,8611 rounds during the day, most
28 CCA S-3 Jnl, entry 19, 111 Jul 43. of them at thia time. The 611d Armored Field
27 3d lnf Div FO 7, 111 Jul 43. Artillery Battalion fired a total of 6117 round1.

the ridge linc had bcen severely mauled. would rcquire, Truscott thought, a nod
Other small Gcnnan detachments east of from General Patton himself. To go
Canicattl-on the road to Delia and Som- ahead and take Caltanmetta and Enna,
matino--suffered heavy losses from Amer- Truscott would need at least one more
ican tank-infantry tcams that overran regimenta! combat tcam to guard his
their positions. Deeming his forces too lengthy western ftank. His front was
small to hold longer, Colonel Fullriede, almost fifty miles long, and both flanks
with General Schreiber's approval, pulled were open. Though patrols had trav-
back that evening to a new line along the ersed with relative case the arca betwecn
railroad running from Serradalco to San Riesi and Butera, the arca was far from
Cataldo.19 securc. ~ than two miles east of Ricsi
The 15th lnfantry had contributed to lay a strong enemy roadblock, and no one
Fullriede's decision. It moved smartly knew for certain how many other such
and by dark of 12 July had both Delia positions were in the general arca. U ntil
and Sommatino, although the fonner the 1st Division on the right moved up
would not be entirely secure until the f rom Ponte Olivo, Truscott would havc
following morning. Herc, the 3d Battal- to clasmfy the arca as uncertain, though
ion, 15th Infantry, had quite a stiff fight not particularly dangerous. Truscott
with part of the Group Ens battalion would also need a stronger reserve,
which had gone into position carlier in stronger than the 3d Ranger Battalion,
the day. With the entirc important which for two days had been the only
secondary east-west road from Canicattl uncommitted unit.
east to Riesi in 3d Division hands, Gen- General Keyes, who had spent the day
eral Truscott again faced the problem of with General Truscott observing the cap-
what to do. The 7th lnfantry was pa- ture of Canicattl, phoned General Patton
trolling vigorously wcstward toward Agri- that evening. He reported thc succesdul
gento; the 3oth Infantry closed in Naro attack and stated that the situation was
and prcparcd to relieve CCA at Canicattl; favorable for a prompt operation against
the 15th Infantry, with the 3d Battalion, either Agrigento or Caltanmetta. But,
3oth Infantry, at Ricsi, lay along thc concluded General Keycs, "Neither will
secondary road running east from Cani- be instituted tomorrow without your
cattl. Truscott could go either west instruction." 10
against Agrigento or north toward Enna. General Patton could givc no instruc-
Canicattl had becn taken with General tion because he had none from General
Keyes' approval, but to go any further Alexander. And the 15th Anny Group
commander was primarily conccmed with
protecting the British Eighth Anny lcft
ftank. With continued reports from pilots
21 411t Armd Inf Regt AAR, 12 Jul 43; 66th
on sizable enemy movements from wcst to
Armd Regt AAR, 12 Jul 43; overlay of opn1,
CCA, 10-18 Jul 43; CCA S-3 Jnl, u Jul 43; east, Alexander rcmained apprchensive
14th Armd FA Bn AAR, 12 Jul 43; 62d Armd over the possibility of a massive encmy
FA Bn AAR, 12 Jul 43; Faldella, Lo sbarco,
pp. 17g-80; OB SUED. Mldungn, 13 Jul 43,
Third Report and Fourth Report; 14 Jul 43,
Third Report. 30 Seventh Army G-3 Jnl, entry 13, 13 Jul 43.

counterattack.81 And thus he was not ally approved a reconn~nce in force

anxious to move the 3d Division, which in battalion strength toward Agrigento.
provided a solid block on the anny group At the same time, the division was to
left. gain the heights northwcst of Canicattl
Still, Keyes was loath to lcave the 3d and eliminate the troublcsome enemy road-
Division completely sedentary. Bcfore block southeast of Ricsi. Bcyond this,
leaving Truscott's headquarters, he verb- Keycs would not go, though on the fol-
lowing aftemoon, apparently after consult-
81 General Alexander feared that the road
ing with General Patton, Keyes restated
complex in central Sicily would be used by the
Germana to launch an attack against the Eighth bis approval in writing.
Anny. Until the day the Seventh Army cap- These small movements were to de-
tured Palermo, Alexander continued to be wor- velop in a surprising fashion. They
ried about this pouibility. Alexander Despatch,
pp. n, ~4; 15th AGp Radios J47, 13 Jul 47; 184,
would help General Alexander make up
16 Jul 43; and 0165, 18 Jul 43, ali quoted in bis mind on how to use the Seventh Army
Seventh Army Rpt of Opns. These are indica- in Sicily.
tive of Alexander's concem for Eighth Anny's
left ftank. See alao, lnterv, Smyth with Lt Gen
Lucan K. Truscott (Ret.) and Maj Gen Wil- 32 Seventh Army G-3 Jnl, entry 36, 14 Jul 43

liarn W. Eagles, 19 Apr 51. (memo dated 13 July but filed one day later).

Continuing the Campaign: The Decisions

Sixth Army and OB SUED After tcmporarily dclaying the Allied ad-
vancc from the southcastcrn comer of the
At Sixth Army hcadquarters in Enna, island, Guzzoni would fight a dclaying
it was clcar by the morning of 12 July action while falling back to the Catania-
that the period of counterattacks against Santo Stefano line. But i this line was
the various Allied bcachhcads had ended. brcachcd, Guzzoni intended to establish
Until urther dedsions werc made at a third deensive line-a final battle linc
higher levels in Rome and Berlin on that was to be held at ali costs. Guzzoni
whether or not to rcinforce the island's did not immediatcly determine the loca-
defenders, Sixth Army had no choice but tion o this third line, except that he
to go over to the deensive. 1 wanted it anchored on the east coast
Lacking the manpower to erect a salid south o the Catania plain.2
line around thc Allied beachhcads, Gen- Guzzoni rcalizcd that the succcss of this
eral Guzzoni planned to shorten his withdrawal maneuver depended on prc-
ront to a line across the northeastem venting an Allied brcakthrough at the
comer of Sicily-from the east coast south eastern hinge: Catania. This was thc
o the Catania plain to Santo Stefano di critica} spot. This was thc rcasoning be-
Camastra on the north coast. He planned hind thc order of 1 1 J uly that had dircctcd
to withdraw slowly thc forces in contact thc bulle of thc H ermann Goering Divi-
with the British and Americans to the sion to discngagc and move northcast, first
eastern end o this linc-rom Catania to to thc new intermediate defensive linc,
Nicosia-while the forces in the west thcn to the southern edgc of thc Catania
moved to the sector o the line running plain. Thc Livorno Division was also to
bctween Nicosia and the north coast. fall back to this ncw line, scrccning thc
Secing this as a final defensc linc, Guzzoni arca between thc H ermann Goering Di-
planned to pull the units back first to vision on the cast and the 15th Panzer
intcrmediate dcfensive positions, along a Grenadier Division on the west. For the
line from Priolo on the east coast, through Italian division, this mcant a withdrawal
Melilli, Vizzini, Caltagironc, Canicatti, of fiftcen miles, from Mazzarino ( where
to Agrigcnto on the southwestern coast. contact with the German Group Ens was
to be made) east to San Michelc di Gan-
1 Faldella, Lo sbarco, p. 163. Maravigna, zcria {on Highway 124 northwest of
Rivista Militart, 1952, p. u, and Maravigna, rrLa Caltagirone), whcrc contact with the Her-
conquista d1lla Sicilia (Luglio Agosto 1943) ,"
Rivista Milita11, vol. VIII, No. 7 (Rome, July
1952), pp. 793-812. 1 Faldella, Lo sbarco, pp. 163, 185-87, 304-06.

mann Goering Division was to be made. man units werc to co-opcrate with the
With part of the 15th Panzer Grenadier Italian Seventh Army in opposing an Al-
Division even then ncaring Mazzarino, lied landing in southern Italy. With one
Guzzoni hopcd the Livomo Division would jaundiced eye directed at Mussolini's un-
be strong enough to block any American stable control of Italy, OKW retained thc
pcnetration into the important network of German 3d Panzer Grenadier Division
roads near Enna. But bis entire plan and LXXVI Corps headquarters north
rclied on transferring the bulk of the of Rome. On Hitlcr's order, OKW
H ermann Goering Division quickly to the alerted the German rst Parachute Divi-
northeast. sion, stationed near Avignon in southern
While Guzzoni was making bis tactical France, for possiblc air movement to
arrangements, higher headquarters in Sicily.
ltaly and Germany werc following the The first reports of the fighting in
campaign closely. In Germany OKW, Sicily did not give Hitler or the OKW a
after Pantelleria, had modified its views clear picturc of the situation. Kesselring
that the Allies werc preparing a twin reported during the evcning of 1 o J uly
invasion of Sardinia and Greece. But as that he had issued orders to General von
late as 9 July, OKW still considercd that Senger dirccting the bulk of the H ermann
the Allies were preparing an invasion of Goering Division to destroy the American
Greece, with the first step bcing the oc- forces advancing toward Caltagirone and
cupation of Sicily, Sardinia, and Corsica. Group Schmalz to counterattack imme-
OKW had considered that an Allied land- diately and recapture Syracuse.5
ing in Calabria might take place in con- With a better grasp of the situation on
junction with the landing in Sicily, but 11 July, Hitler decided to reinforce the
that a subsequent Allied landing on the German units in Sicily. Spccifically, Kes-
ltalian mainland was far les.s probable selring was to transport the 1st Parachute
than the use of Sicily (or Sicily and Cala- Division by air to Sicily; transfer the
bria) as a springboard for a jump to 29th Panzer Grenadier Division to that
the Peloponnesus. island; and, upon commitmcnt of the lat-
On the basis of this appreciation, OKW ter division, shift the headquarters of the
on g J uly had dirccted Kesselring to move XIV Panzer Corps to Sicily in order to
the German 29th Panzer Grenadier Di- give unified direction to ali the German
vision to the arca north of Cosenza units there.8
( ninety miles north-northeast of Reggio Kesselring, too, by 11 July, had a
di Calabria) ; to shift the German 26th much bctter appreciation of thc strcngth
Panzer Division to an arca east of Salerno; which the Americans and British had
and to retain the German 16th Panzer landed on the 1 oth, and he also realizcd
Division near Bari, on the Adriatic Sea. that his plan to throw the invading Al-
Under the XIV Panzer Corps, the Ger- lied forces back into the sea had failed.
He bclieved that he had an accurate
1 lbid., pp. 15~, 187-88; IT 99a, u Jul view of thc dcvclopments on the island
43; OKH, Tag1sm1ldungH W11t, rpt for 12 Jul
43; MS #R-140, Withdrawal, First Phue, u- 4 OKW/WFSt, KTB, 1.-31.VIl.43, 9 Jul 43.
16 July 1943, ch. XI of Axia Tactical Operatioru ~ OB SUED, M1ltiung1n, 10 Jul 43.
in Sicily, July-August 1943 (Bauer), pp. 1-10. 11 OKW/WFSt, KTB, 1.-31.VIl.43, 11 Jul 43.

from reports furnished him by the Gcr- ditional troops would accentuate an al-
man Second Air Force. He attributed rcady scrious strain on transportation and
the failure of the Axis counterattacks supply lincs. Morcover, Senger privatcly
chiefty to what he considered was Guz- opposcd the introduction of more Gcrman
zoni's delay in ordering the 15th Pan.zer forces into Sicily bccausc he was con-
Grenadier Division back to the central vinced that the bcst course of action was
part of the island and to General Con- an immediate evacuation from the island.
rath's slowness in counterattacking at Accompanied by Senger, Kessclring
Gcla carly on the moming of 10 July.7 ftew to the Catania airfield, where he met
Kcsselring ftew to Sicily on 12 July with Coloncl Schmalz. Plcascd with the
to sec the situation at firsthand. At steady and sure leadcrship demonstrated
Sixth Army hcadquarters, Guzzoni and by Schmalz, Kcssclring asmrcd Schmalz
Senger were pessimistic about repelling that reinforcements were on the way.
the Allied invasion, and Kcssclring had to The 3d Regiment, 1 st Parachute Division,
agree. Resuming the oft'ensive would was en route and would be placed im-
have to await the arrival of rcinforce- mcdiately at Schmalz's disposal.
ments. Guzzoni doubted that he could Likc Guzzoni, Kcsselring believed that
hold all of Sicily. His main concem the Axis might, at bcst, cstablish a ten-
was no longer defending the entire island, ablc position across the northeastem neck
but holding eastem Sicily until hclp ar- of the island. But even this, Kcsselring
rived. Then a new counteroft'ensive could believcd, requircd a strong directing head-
be started. He fclt that his immediate quarters such as the XIV Panzer Corps,
tasks were to prevent any Allied break- reinforcement by at lcast one additional
throughs into the interior of the island, Gcrman division, and great improvcment
and to consolidate aU Axis forces then on in thc system of tactical communications.
Sicily in one strong battle position for- About 1800, while Kcsselring waitcd to
ward of Mount Etna. take off for Frascati, the three infantry
Kesselring shared Guzzoni's doubts on battalions of the 3d Regiment, ut Para-
the ultimate outcome of thc battlc of chute Division, ftew in under fighter plane
Sicily. But he also felt that thc Allies cscort and dropped near the Catania air-
had not yct gained a free hand on the field. The succcssful execution of this
island. Strong and immediatc counter- operation convinced Kcsselring that more
mcasures might delay the Allies in- paratroopers could be brought safcly to
definitely. Sicily by air. 8
The prospective arrival of the ut Para- As Kcsselring departed the Catania air-
chute and 29th Panzer Grenadier Divi- field, the threc paratrooper rifle battalions
sions brought mixed feelings to Guzzoni loaded on trucks and moved into linc to
and Senger. Both fcared that thc ad- reinforce Group Schmalz, two battalions
1 MS #T-'J K r (Kesselring), pp. rg-'Jr.
Kcsaelring was wrong in bis auumption that Guz- 8 MS #T-tJ K r (Kesselring) MS #C-o95
zoni was slow in ordering the 15tla Panzir a,.. (Senger); OKW!WFSt, KTB, 1.-91.VIl.43, 13
nadiir Diuision to retrace its steps. Guzzoni had Jul 43; Msg., Mil Attach Rome to Gen StdH.,
issued this order on ro July, a quiclt decision con- Att. Abt., 13 Jul 43, OKW/Amtsgruppe Aus-
sidering the limited amount of information avail- land, 30.Vl.4s-91.VIJI.,14, Welarmachtsattaclal
able as to Allied intentions. ltalien (OKW roiag).

south of Lcntini, between the coastal 124). The division,s slow movement was
highway and the coast line, the third causing apprchension at Sixth Army hcad-
battalion to Francofonte, a crucial point quarters, for the division was nccded not
for the link-up with the main body of only to strcngthen the castem wing but
the H ermann Goering Division. aJso to stop the American and British
General Conrath had executed only thrusts northward from Comiso and
minor withdrawaJs during the night of 11 Ragusa. Just beforc midnight, Sixth
July when General Guzzoni ordered him Army ordercd General Conrath to attack
carly on 12 July to hurry his withdraw- from Vizzini toward Palazzolo Acrcide
al to the Caltagironc-Vizzini-Palazzolo the following day. But by the moming
Acrcide arca. Still, Conrath did not ap- of 13 J uly, the division was still south of
pcar in any rush to conform. While the Caltagirone, along a line running from
H ermann Goering Division fought near Vizzini on the east almost to Highway 117
Niscemi and Biscari, Guzzoni rcpcated his on the wcst.10
order-Conrath was to discngage from To top off an extrcmcly trying day for
the Gcla sector and move back as quickly Sixth Army, the headquarters at Enna
as possible to Highway 124. General von rcceived a heavy Allied bombing attack
Senger confirmed and amplified this order late in the evening, making a transfer to
in two radio mcssagcs dispatched beforc Passo Pisciaro, east of Randazzo, impera-
noon, dirccting Conrath to make contact tive. The transfer was completed late
at Palazzolo Acrcide with the Na poli Di- the next day.11
vision and Group Schmalz, while the
Livorno Division covercd his western ftank. The Allied Problem: How to Continue
Planning to wait until nightfall to pull
his major units out of line, Conrath Even as the Axis commanders sought
started his rcconnamance battalion back ways and means of slowing up the Allied
during the aftemoon. After encounter- advanccs, General Patton, late on the
ing the 179th lnfantry north of Comiso, aftemoon of 12 July, moved his head-
the battalion rcached Vizzini during the quarters ashorc. He opcned the first
late aftemoon of 12 July. There it was Scventh Army command post on Sicily at
rcinforced by an infantry rcplacement the eastern edge of Gcla "in a very hand-
battalion.9 some mansion, abandoned in a hurry by
At 2140, 12 July, General von Senger the prominent owner, a doctor and fas-
dispatched another radiogram to Conrath cist apparcntly, who lived therc . . . in
instructing him to spced up his with- a spot which was apparcntly a Roman
drawal to the Caltagirone line ( Highway villa or something." 12 Optimism pcr-
11 See OB SUED, Meldungen, 13 Jul 43, First vaded the army hcadquarters. Dcspite
Report; MS #C-095 (Senger); MS #R-138 the H ermann Goering Division's rcsistance
(Bauer), p. 11; MS #R-140 (Bauer), pp. 114- to the 16th Infantry's advance on Nis-
115. Conrath's reconnaissance battalion was rein-
forced by elements of an infantry regiment, prob-
cemi, and German opposition along part of
ably the 382d; thi1 regiment had been on Sicily
for some time, had been attached to the 15th 10 MS #R-140 (Bauer), pp. 30-31 .
Panzer Grenadier Diuision until 1 July, and 1ub- 11 Faldella, Lo sbarco, p. 191; MS #C-095
sequently, while stationed at Regalbuto, to the (Senger).
Hermann Goering Division. 12 Lucas Diary, pt. 1, pp. 58-59.

693-029 o - 65 - 15

the 45th Division's front, General Patton tanissctta and Enna, or toward Agrigento
and General Bradley were awarc of the and the western part of the island. 14
indications of Axis withdrawal from the General Bradley's two divisions moved
1st Division's front. Reports from both quickly on 13 July. (Map Vil) The
the 16th and 26th RCT's during the 1st Division, with the 18th RCT rcturning
night werc chccring. The 45th Division to its control, entered Nisccmi at 1ooo,
seemed to be cncountering no more than advanced six miles north of Ponte Olivo
delaying forces in its push to the Yellow airfield to seize two important hill m~
Line. And General Keyes rcturned from astride Highway I 17, and sent a third
the 3d Division's area with a very satis- column seven miles northwcst of Ponte
factory rcport. Ali in ali, General Patton Olivo to seizc two other hill m~
was happy with the performance of the astride the Ponte Olivo-Mazzarino road.
Seventh Anny units. A number of dis- These advances werc opposed only by
tinguished visitors that day had been most long-range snipcr and artillery fire.
complimentary. Admira! Lord Louis The 45th Division, in contrast, met
Mountbatten, thc chief of the Combined with an unexpected complication. Late
Opcrations Headquarters, was grcatly in the evening of 12 July, General Middle-
impressed by the operation in the 11 ton sent word to bis combat team com-
Corps zone. General Eisenhower, though manders to continue driving toward
pleased with the cxtent of the beachhead, Highway I 24, the Yellow Line, by leap-
was unhappy with what he considercd frogging battalions forward and maintain-
General Patton's failurc to get news of ing constant watchfuln~ to the flanks.
the Seventh Anny's opcrations back to On thc left the 18oth RCT was to e~
AFHQ promptly. "Ike . . . steppcd on the Acate River, sccurc the Biscari airfield,
him hard." 18 then push north toward Caltagirone.
Determined to keep the Scventh Army In the center, the I 79th RCT was to
moving aggrcssivcly, General Patton di- push to Highway 124 in the vicinity of
rccted the 11 Corps to continue its move- Grammichele. On the right, thc 15 7th
ment inland to seizc its portion of the RCT was to drive northeast to Monterosso
Yellow Line-from Mazzarino on the west Ahno, then swing northwcst to take
to Grammichele on the cast. He ap- Licodia Eubea, almost on the highway.
proved Keyes' instructions to the 3d Di- Because the 157th would be operating in
vision for a rcconnaissance toward Agri- part across the anny boundary and in
gento, the scizurc of Canicattl, and the the British zone, Middleton warned Colo-
reduction of the roadblock southcast of nel Ankcorn to maintain careful liaison
Ricsi. Without General Alexander's ap- with the I st Canadian Division on bis
proval, General Patton fclt that he could right.
not tell Truscott to exploit toward Cal- Unknown to General Middleton, as wcll
11 lbitl. pt. I, p. 64; OPD 901 Wedcmcycr,
as to Generals Patton and Bradley, Gen-
A. C., Sccurity, case 5; Butchcr, My Three Years eral Montgomery, thc Eighth Army com-
With Eisenhower, p. 360. Cf. Morrison, Sicily- mander, had decidcd that Highway 124
Salerno-Anzio, p. 123 and 123n.
Lucas statcs, "I didn't hear what he [Eiscn-
hower) said but he must have given Patton hell 14 Seventh Army Dircctive, 13 Jul 43, Seventh

bt-cause Georgie was much upset." Army Rpt of Opns, p. D-6.


wcst of Vizzini (thc Scvcnth Army's Ycl- General Montgomery's new plan gave
low Linc) bclongcd to him. Though the to the British Eighth Army the use of all
original invasion plan rcscrvcd the high- thc roads lcading to Mcssina. There
way to thc Amcricans, Montgomcry were only four roads on the entirc island
haltcd thc 1st Canadian Division at the lcading toward the important port city,
small town of Giarratana and directed and of the four, only two went ali thc
General Lccse to use the rcst of his 30 way. The first was the east coast high-
Corps in a drivc on Caltagironc, Enna, way, on which Montgomcry had his 13
and Lconfortc. Whilc thc 30 Corps thus Corps. The othcr through road was thc
moved dircctly across thc Scvcnth Army north coast highway. Two roads to Mcs-
front, thc 13 Corps was to continuc to sina were inland routes that ran toward
try to break through into the Catania M~na from Enna. The southemmoot
plain. Thc Eighth Army would thcn of thcse ran along the rim of Mount Etna;
advancc on Mcssina on two widely sep- the other, sorne fifteen miles south of the
aratcd axes: onc up thc coastal road on north coast road, passed through Nicosia
the cast, thc other into the interior and Troina. Both thc inner roads con-
through Enna, Lconforte, on to Nicosia, verged at Randazzo, on the M~na side
Troina, and Randazzo, in a swing around of Mount Etna, whcre one road headed
the western side of Mount Etna. The for the cast coast road, and the other ran
13 Corps was to make the Eighth Army's toward Messina. Montgomery's specified
main cffort. A second airbomc drop axis of advancc for the 30 Corps, if car-
was to seizc the Primosole bridge over the ried through to the north coast, would
Simcto Rivcr and a Commando landing give that corps the possession of the fourth
was to capture thc Lentini bridge. The one. The assignment of these roads
opcration was to start on the evening of would effectively restrict thc Scventh
13 July. Without General Alexander's Army's activities to the southwestem part
approval, Montgomery ordered his units of the island.
to start thc operation. 15 In keeping with the Eighth Army
directivc, General Leese, commander of
15 General Montgomery knew of Seventh
Army's plan to take Highway 1114, since this was
the 30 Corps, directcd the British 23d
part of the original plan for the invasion of the Armored Brigade to seize Vizzini during
island. But apparently General Montgomery daylight of 13 July, Caltagirone during
felt that American operations sltould be restricted thc cvening of thc samc day. The Brit-
to the Caltanissetta-Canicattl-Agrigento area,
while the Eighth Army made the main efl'ort ish 51st Highland Infantry Division was to
against Messina (Montgomery, Eighth Army, follow the armored brigade to secure Viz-
page 99). The fact that Montgomery had not zini, and drive on the town of Scordia to
yet aecured Alexander's approval to bis new plan
is indicated in a message which the 30 Corps protect thc corps' north flank. The 1 st
commander sent to the rst Canadian Diviaion on Canadian Division was to remain near
13 July: "45 U.S. Div now on general line Chi- Giarratana.18
aramonte-Biscari. Information received they in-
tend to send one brigade Vizzini, two brigades Thus, when daylight carne on 13 July,
Caltagirone tomorrow 14 July. Army Comd American and British units were heading
rapidly attempting to direct them more to west toward the same objcctives. Pushing out
to avoid claslt with you, but in case NOT retire
from accordingly. Warn ali concerned." Quoted
in Nichobon, Th Canadians in Italy, p. 870. 18 Nicholson, Th Canadians in Italy, p. 88.

of Biscari in difficult terrain, along a Infantry, entered the small village of

single, narrow, secondary road effectively Granieri, about fivc miles south of High-
blocked by the Gennans, facing strong way 124. By this time, too, the advance
delaying forces of the H ermann Goering on a wide front had been discardcd in
Division, the 18oth RCT did not get favor of a column fonnation. Bccause
acr~ the Acate River until late in the civilians indicatcd that the Gennans had
aftemoon and then pushed only a little a large armored force ( an estimated 500
way farther on before being stopped men and 35 tanks) deployed in an olive
again at the narrow Ficuzza River. grove about three miles north of Granicri,
Though the Ficuzza was no more than a the 3d Battalion commander pushed bis
small stream, both banks wcre precipitous, men to gain the high ground just north
and the Gennans had destroycd thc bridge of the village. It took a night attack to
and blockcd thc narrow road which accomplish this, but by 2300 the 3d Bat-
wound down to thc crossing site. 11 talion was in position on the hill mass
On the 179th RCT front, the regiment astride the narrow dirt road it had been
quickly abandoned the leapfrogging pro- following ali day. Thc remainder of thc
cedure and advanced on a wide front, combat tcam closed in near the village.
battalions abreast. Detachmcnts from On the right Montcr~ Almo fell to
the H ermann Goering Division fought the 1st Battalion, 157th lnfantry, at noon.
stubbom rear guard actions whilc with- A further advance by the battalion of al-
drawing toward Highway 124. Often most three miles toward Vizzini was
the leading battalions wcre delaycd by a registered before incrcasing German resist-
few Gennan troops supported by one or ance called a halt to the day's activitics.
two annored vchicles lcft on critica} tcr- Licodia Eubea fell late in the aftemoon
rain features. To dislodge even these to the 3d Battalion, 157th lnfantry, but
small units, thc battalions either had to not bcfore the battalion lost twenty mcn
deploy or wait for the ftank security killed and forty wounded. Across its
elements to catch up and flush out the front, the 15 7th RCT stood less than
Germans. In one or two cases, the Ger- three miles from the Yellow Line.
mans, from positions on especially good Just beforc the news of the seizurc of
terrain features, counterattackcd sharply Licodia Eubea rcachcd the comhat team's
before withdrawing to the next hill. The command post at Monterosso Almo, Colo-
supporting American tanks provcd of littlc nel Ankcorn received an inkling of the
use in the rugged terrain, but the 16oth Eighth Army's ncw plan of action.
Ficld Artillery Battalion, a platoon of Shortly after I 700, thc leading clements
4.2-inch mortars, and a platoon of seH- of the 51st Highland Division began to
propelled howitzers from the regimenta} arrive at Montcrosso Almo. Surprised,
Cannon Company performed yeoman Ankcom leamcd that thc Highlandcrs
scrvice in aiding thc infantry's advancc. were on their way to take Vizzini. Thc
By late aftemoon, the 3d Battalion, 179th 23d Armored Brigadc, advancing north-
eastward f rom Palazzolo Acreide, had run
11 Infantry Combat, pt. V: Sicily, pp. 1, 3- head on into the H ermann Goering Divi-
4; 18oth Inf Regt AAR, 13 Jul 43; McLain MS,
Sicily Campaign, pp. 14-15; 45th Inf Div G- sion (going thc opposite way) and had
3 Jnl, entries 13, H, 30, 44, 57, 13 Jul 43. been stopped by fierce rcsistancc from

Germans and ltalians ( thc remnants of connaissance troops and providcd the
the Na poli Division) cast of Vizzini. The operation did not cost too much in rnan-
Highlandcrs had bccn committcd to thc power or material. Nothing was said
soutb of Vizzini to clear thc town for about any changc in the boundary between
thc armored brigade. Colonel Ankcom the Seventh and Eighth Armies. Nothing
had becn told of thc armored brigade's was said about the assignment of Highway
rnove on Vizzini, but since he had neither 124 to the British.18
sccn nor heard anything frorn that col- Just befare rnidnight, any confusion
urnn, he had continucd his attack on that may have existcd was cleared up
Vizzini. Now it appeared to Coloncl when General Alexander radioed the
Ankcom that the British were to takc following directive to the Seventh Army:
Vizzini after which the Eighth Army Operations for the immediate future will
would swing northward along the army be Eighth Army to advance on two axes,
boundary. But as far as the 157th Corn- one to capture the port of Catania and the
bat Team comrnander was concemed, the group of airfields there and the other to
rcst of the highway was in the Seventh secure the network of road communications
within the area Leonforte-Enna. Seventh
Army's arca and that part of the high- Anny will confonn by pivoting on Pal-
way west of Vizzini was still his objective. ma di Montechianr-Canicattl-Caltanissctta
Nevertheless, he radioed General Middle- -gaining touch with Eighth Anny at road
ton news of the latcst British rnovcmcnts.18 junction HOW 1979 [the junction of High-
The news from the 157th Cornbat ways 117 and 122 southwest of Enna].
Team's front ncar Vizzini must have Boundary between Seventh and Eighth
Annies, road Vizzini-Caltagirone-Piazza Ar-
created sorne confusion at Seventh Army's merina-Road Junction HOW 1979-Enna,
cornrnand post late in the aftemoon of 13 ali inclusive to Eighth Anny. Liaison will
July. General Alexander had visited be carefully arranged between Seventh and
General Patton that very moming. Pat- Eighth Armies for this operation.20
ton asked for approval to take Agrigento The directive carne as a surprise and a
and Porto Empedoclc, thc ports which distinct disappointment to the Sevcnth
he felt would be needed to continue the Army staff, for the ordcr gave thc Ameri-
logistical support of Scventh Army. The cans a passive role in the campaign.
army group commander did not disap-
prove the request, but he did not want 10 Lucas Diary, pt. 1, p. 64; Truscott, Com-

thc Sevcnth Army to get entanglcd in a .mand Missions, p. 218. Seventh Army'a direc-
tive of 13 July, which waa issued shortly before
fight which might interfere with its pri- noon on 13 July, and which mwt have been seen
mary mission: the protcction of the Eighth by General Alexander, indicates that nothing was
Army's lcft flank. Accordingly, he told said about any change in the boundary between
the two Allied anniea. It also indicates that
General Patton that the Seventh Army General Montgomery must have approached Gen-
could take Agrigcnto and Porto Empedo- eral Alexander with his new proposal after the
cle providcd this could be done by re- latter returned from visiting the Seventh Army,
and that the approval to Montgomery's new plan
was given at the same time.
11 157th lnf Regt AAR 13 Jul 43; 157th Inf 20 Seventh Army Rpt of Opns, p. D-6; Alex-
Regt S-1 Jnl, 13 Jul 43; 158th FA Bn AAR, ander Deapatch, app. C-1, p. 84; Seventh Anny
13 Jul 43; Nichobon, Th Canadians in Italy, G-3 Jnl, entry 4, 14 Jul 43. The meuage was
pp. 85, 88; Montgomery, Eighth .A.rmy, pp. 99, received at 2316, 13 July, and po1ted in the jour-
101. nal at 0145, 14 July 1943.

Patton's staff had expccted to advance to Germans to recover their balance. To

the general line Agrigento-Canicatti-Cal- General Bradley, it appeared that General
tanissetta and the 11 Corps to advance in- Montgomery planned to take M~a
land along Highway 124. The Americans alone, while the Seventh Army confined
had expccted to make the swing around its efforts to the western half of the
the western side of Mount Etna toward island.21
Messina, while the British Eighth Anny Although there had bcen no prepared
massed its power for a drive around the plan by 15th Anny Group for the maneu-
eastern side. ver of the two armies after the seizure of
But General Patton did not dispute the the initial ai;.,ault objcctivcs, the assault plan
order. On the moming of 14 July he itself contained by implication the general
called General Bradley to Seventh Army schcme which General Alexander hopcd
headquarters and explained the new di- to follow. While the Eighth Army thrust
rective. It entailed sideslipping the 45th forward into Catania and then into Mes-
Division to the west; giving up Highway sina, the Seventh Army was to protect the
124; and shifting the 11 Corps advance flank and rear of the main striking force
from north to west. bccause General Alexander was convinced
General Bradley was keenly disap- that the Eighth Army was bctter qualified
pointed. "This will raise hell with us," for the main task than the Seventh Army.n
he exclaimed. "I had counted heavily on On 13 J uly, when General Alexander is-
that road. Now if we've got to shift over, sued bis directive to General Patton, he
it'll slow up our entire advance.'' The felt it necessary to restrain the impetuous
11 Corps commander asked whether he American commander, to keep the Seventh
could use Highway 124 at least to move Anny doing its primary job, and not to
the 45th Division to the left of the 1st endanger the operation by movements
Divio;ion in arder to maintain the momen- which might expose the Eighth Army to
tum of his advance. The answer was, strong Axis counterattacks. Events were
"Sorry, Brad, but the changeover takes going according to plan: the Eighth
place immediatcly. Monty wants the Anny had secured a firm bcachhead and
road right away." was moving on Catania with seeming
After reading General Alexander's di-
21 Bradley, A Soldier's Story, pp. 135-36.
rective, Bradley returned it gloomily to
n Intervs, Mathews with Alexander, 10-15 Jan
Patton. He knew that the Gennans 49, p. u .
were falling back toward the northeast. The views which Alexander entertained of the
He fclt certain that the Axis commanders capabilities of American troops were by no meana
wcre pulling back hoping to reassemble unique but were widespread among British ofli-
cen and oflicials. See Bradley, A Soldier's Story,
their forces across the narrow neck of the pp. 58-59, 67-68.
Messina pcninsula. The dclay cncoun- Alexander's skeptical attitude regarding the
tered in pulling the 45th Division out of quality of American troops penisted long after
the Sicilian Campaign; in fact, it penisted to the
linc and moving it around the rear of the period when the situation had changed radically,
1st Division to a new position on thc left when American troops in 1taly had to bear the
of General Allen's unit would take con- brunt of the fighting because of the exhaustion
of British divisions. See lnterv, Smyth and
siderable p~ure off thc H ermann Goer- Mathews with Marshall, 25 Jul 49, at the Penta-
ing Division and perhaps enable thc gon, p. 20.

good speed. The inexpcrienced American Comando Supremo and OKW

divisions could bcst be nursed along with
limited assignments which would gradu- After telephoning a report of the situa-
ally build up their fighting morale and tion in Sicily to General JodJ, Ficld Mar-
expcrience. shal Kesselring saw Mussolini on 13 July.
In addition to his confidence in the Kesselring's account of developments on
Eighth Army and his distrust of American the island shocked M ussolini.
troops, General Alexander was most con- News of the apparently succcmul
cemed about the network of roads which counterattacks on 10 July had raiscd Ital-
converged in the ccntcr of Sicily like the ian hopes and prompted joyful cclebra-
spokes of a huge wheel-in the rough tions in Rome. Disappointment was
quadrangle bounded by Caltanissetta- therefore grcater when, less than two
San Caterina-Enna-Valguarnera Caro- days later, the scanty war bulletins spoke
pepc. As long as this network of roads of "containment" instead of "elimination"
rcmained in enemy hands, General Alex- of the Allied beachheads. Even in those
ander fearcd that the Axis might use the military circles where no one had seriously
arca to launch a mighty counterattack expected the coastal defense units to
against General Montgomery's left flank. put up much more than token opposi-
It was this concern that led Alexander tion, the rcsistance appcared disappoint-
to make sure that his annies held a solid ingly brief. The two mobile divisions, the
front-meaning that the Eighth Anny Livorno and Na poli, had shown sorne
would be firmly cstablished on a line from good fighting qualities, but as soon as
Catania to Enna-before pushing the they had come into range of the Allied
campaign any further. naval guns, they had halted their attacks
Scventh Army, General Alexander felt, and rctired. The collapse of the naval
should cover the Eighth Army's left flank base at Augusta and Syracuse was be-
until the latter had secured the firm line. yond comprchension.24 For Mussolini,
Once that line had been secured, the ex- news of the fall of the naval base was the
ploitation phase of the operation could more deprcssing because it reached him
begin. It would then be safe to thrust through German channels and on the
out. General Alexander feared that if heels of the first favorable rcports from
the Seventh Army pushed out prematurely Gela. 211
all over the western half of the island, the The unfavorable developments on Sicily
enemy might drive in on Eighth Army's increased the already serious friction be-
left flank. This could cause the Allied tween the Italian and Gennan high com-
annies on Sicily a serious reverse, if not a
disaster. Alexander wanted no defeat. 24 MS #R-139, High Command Decisions, 12
He wanted to be certain that the Eighth July-15 August 1943, ch. X of Axis Tactical Op
Army was in a secure position before he erations in Sicily (Bauer), p. 4.
25 OKW/WFSt, KTB, 1.-31.V/1.43, 13 Jul 43.
let "Georgie" go and exploit.28 General von Rintelen, the Gennan Military At-
tach, brought Mussolini a copy of the message
received in OKW on u July 1943. See Benito
Mussolini, The Foil of Mussolini, His Own Story,
23 lntervs, Mathews with Alexander, 10-15 translated by Frances Frenaye (New York: Farrar
Jan 49, pp. 11, 15-16. Straus, 1948), pp. 3 7-38.

mancls. Discus&ons soon went beyond but not irretrievable. Before he would
the defense of the island and entered the make any further decisions, the Duce
far-reaching problems connected with the wanted to know from Comando Supremo
ltalo-Gennan partnership in the war exactly what had happened, what the re-
effort. maining potential was, and how that
Examining the situation at the end of potential could be increased.27
12 July, Comando Supremo detennined But if Mussolini saw a pos.sibility of
that the coastal defenses had indeed col- saving the situation in Sicily-provided
lapsed and that Axis inferiority in naval the Germans sent planes and reinforce-
and aerial strength had made it relatively ments--Comando Supremo was ready to
easy for the Allies to land additional toss in the sponge. Ambrosio, on 14
troops faster and in greater numbers than July, notified Mussolini that the fate of
the Axis countries could hope to match. Sicily had been sealed, and he urged the
Since the counterattacks had failed, the Duce to consider ending the war to spare
only effective defense now appeared to be Italy further waste and destruction. 28
to wagc unrelenting warfare on the Allied In Gennany, Hitler's spontaneous re-
sea Janes. But in order to do this, it was action upon learning of the Allied invasion
imperative to incrcase the Axis air forces had been to send help in the fann of the
committed to the defense of Sicily. Since ISt Parachute Division. But the news
1taly had no reserve of planes, M ussolini immediately after of the failure of the
asked Hitler for help. In an appeal to coastal defense troops and the collapse of
the Fuehrer, the Duce pointed out that the Naval Base Augusta-Syracuse called
Gennan planes were needed immediately, far a review of the situation.
but only for a short time. Once the crisis Kesselring's telephone report to Gen-
in Sicily had been overcome, the aircraft eral Jodl on 13 July described the situa-
would again be available for other com- tion on the island as critical. Because of
mitments. lf Gennany really carne to Allied strength, the failure of the ltalian
ltaly's aid and Gennan planes arrived coastal units, and the lack of mobility of
promptly, Mussolini saw sorne hope for the Gennan units, Kesselring said there
the defense of Sicily. Othcrwise, "if we was no chance to mount another con-
do not throw out the invaders right now, certed counterattack against the Allied
it will be too late." 28 beachheacls. The best that could be
On 14 July, Mussolini continued to find hoped far was to fight far time. This
the situation on Sicily to be disquieting in itself, Kesselring believed, would be an
accomplishment of great importance in
20 Msg io17/S to Comando Supremo, 12 Jul
view of the detrimental effect the loss of
43, IT 99a, an. 15; Msg 51505, Ambrosio to
Generale di Corpo d'Annata Efuio Marras, Ital- Sicily would have on ltalian detennination
ian Military Attach to the Berlin Embassy, 12 to continue the war. In Kesselring's
Jul 43, IT 99a, an. 16; Msg, Comando Supremo opinion, all was not yet lost. He pro-
to Kesselring, 12 Jul 43, IT 99a, an. 17; Trans-
lation of Msg, Muaolini to Hitler, sent through
posed to move the remainder of the Ger-
OKW, in folder OKL, von Rhoden CoUeclion,
4576/5; OKW/WFSe, KTB, 1.-31.VII.43, n 27 Msg, Mussolini to Chief of Comando Su-

and 13 Jul 43 (quotation in entry 13 Jul 43, premo, 14 Jul 43, in Faldella, Lo sbarco, an. 6;
referring to 12 Jul 43); MS #~93, OKW Ac- Mussolini, The Fall of Mussolini, pp. 35-37.
tivities, 1 July-30 September 1943 (Warlimont). 2 s See page 241, note 7.

man parachutc division and ali of the 29th keep the Italians from going over to the
Panzer Grenadier Division to Sicily; to Allies. But the invasion of Sicily by
rcinforce the Luftwaffe; and to incrcase strong British and American annies re-
the number of submarincs and small motor newed Gennan fcars of a possible over-
boats opcrating against Allied convoys." throw of Mussolini and the withdrawal
Awarc of the danger inhercnt in fight- of ltaly from the war.
ing a two-front war, Hitler had known General Jodl felt that Sicily could not
for months--at least since the defeats at be held for any great length of time. He
Stalingrad and in North Africa-that he decided that the moment had come to
would have to weaken the Eastem Front prepare for the defcnse of the ltalian
if he wanted to strcngthen the German mainland and of the German homeland.
position in the Mediterranean. The Ger- He also felt that no German forces should
man offensive to rctake Kursk on the be sent south of the line of the northem
Eastem Front-Opcration ZIT ADELLE Apennines for fear that they would be
-had started on 5 July, only five days cut off in the event of a military or poli-
before the Allied invasion of Sicily. But tical upheaval in Italy. But Kesselring's
in view of the changed military situation recommendation to continue the defense
in the Mediterranean, and because of of Sicily coincided with Hitler's doctrine
Hitler's wish to have politically reliable of holding whatever territory German
troops in 1taly, he decided to call off soldiers occupied, and Kesselring's recom-
ZITADELLE on 13 July. This measure mendation helpcd override Jodl's objec-
gave Hitler the troops for ltaly, including tions. Hitler decided to aid his Italian
in particular an SS Panzer corps on whose ally. He was prepared to take radical
political attitude he could rely. action in case of a political change in
Although predominantly preoccupied Italy, but as long as Mussolini remained
with the events in Russia, Hitler saw the in power, Hitler was willing to give him
possible loss of Sicily principally in the ali possible support.
light of a thrcat to the Balkans. Morc- Hitler acknowledged that the German
over, the probable loss of air bases on forces on Sicily were, alone, not strong
Sicily would decrcase the radius of Axis enough to throw the Allics back into the
air activity and increase that of the Allies, sea, the more so since another Allied
thus bringing Allied air power closcr to landing on the western coast had to be
the northem Italian industrial cities as anticipated. He therefore redefined the
well as to the German homeland. task of the German troops on the island
If the Gennans intended to hold on to as "to delay the enemy advance as much
the 1tallan mainland as a bulwark against as possible and to bring it to a halt in
an assault on the Balkan peninsula, or on front of the Aetna along a defense line
Germany itscH, they could do so only running approximately from San Stefano
with ltalian co-opcration. The German via Adrano to Catania." In other words,
high command knew full well that the only eastem Sicily was to be held, western
ltalians were tircd of the war. Long be- Sicily was to be abandoned. Hitler alsG
fore, Hitler had planned ALAR/CH to confirmcd the insertion of the XIV Pan-
111OKW/WFSt, KTB. I.-31.Vll. 43, 13 and
zer Corps under General Hube into the
14 Jul 43 chain of command on the island-without,

however, rescinding his previous orders on Sicily with the basic idea of saving
that the 1talians were to hold all tactical as much of the Gcrman forces as possible.
commands-and he ordcred the rest of This, too, was to be kept secrct from the
thc r st Parachute Division moved to 1talians.
Sicily. At the same time, the 29th Panzer Kesselring may not havc known of
Grenadier Division was to movc to Reggio Hitler's and Jodl's secrct orders to Hube
di Calabria to await possible transfer to when he informed Ambrosio and Roatta
Sicily. The final decision on its transfer on 14 July that the cxisting line on Sicily
acl'O&'l the Strait of M~a would de- could not be hcld with thc thcn available
pcnd on the amount of supplies within Axis forces. Alter a general withdrawal
the German position on Sicily and on ali along the line, however, the north-
the maintenance of sale traffic across the eastern part of Sicily could be defended
Strait of Messina. The Gcrman Second on a line betwecn Santo Stefano and
Air Force was to receive three bomber Catania. This was in agreemcnt with
groups ( including one night bomber Guzzoni's views. Kesselring also an-
group) as rcinforccments. Onc additional nounced General Hube's transfer to Sicily
bomber group and a torpedo plane squad- to ~ume command of the Gcrman forces,
ron were to be added at a later date. and he reccivcd ~urances from Am-
Hitler also ordered eight 21 o-mm. guns brosio that Comando Supremo had isrncd
sent to the Strait of Messina, and de- sharp orders for the restoration of dis-
manded the addition of German pcrsonncl cipline in thc 1tallan Army.11
to thc crcws of the Italian coastal bat- On thc next day, 15 July, Mu~lini,
teries, a measure to which Ambrosio Ambrosio, Kessclring, and Rintelen met
agreed. in a conference in Rome. The discussions
Hitler then issued special instructions satisfied no onc. Mussolini wanted the
to the XIV Panzer Corps, with the un- proposed dcfensive line extended farther
derstanding that the instructions were to west to include all of the Madonic Moun-
be kept secret from the Italians and that tains. Ambrosio p~d for thc immccli-
knowlcdge of the instructions was to be ate transfer of the 29th Panzer Grenadier
confined to a restricted group of German Division to Sicily and for the movemcnt
officers. Working closely with General of thc 3d Panzer Grenadier Division into
von Senger and the German liaison staff Calabria to protect the toe of 1taly. Kes-
then at Sixth Army, General Hube was selring had the unpleasant task of ex-
quietly to exclude the ltalian command plaining that the 29th Panzer Grenadier
echelons from any further Gcrman plan-
30 MS #T-2 K 1 (Kesselring); MS #T-2
ning; ~ume complete dircction of (Fries et al.), p. 'l'l; OKW/ WFSt, KTB. 1.-
opcrations in the Sicilian bridgehcad; and 31.Vll.43, 13-15 Jul 43; quotation and tcxt of
extend his cornmand to the remaining Hitlcr's dircctivc for further warfare in Sicily, 13
Italian units on the island. Jul 43, in ONI, Fuehrer Di,,ctiv1s, 19,p-1945;
German tcxt in Msg, Kcitel to OB SUED, 13
General Jodl, most anxious to save Gcr- Jul 43, in folder OKH, Op Abt, Westliches Mil
man manpower for the future defensc of telmeer, Chefs., 19.Y.4:1-11.Y/1.44; SKL/l .Aht.
the 1tallan and Gcrman homelands, en- KTB, Tel A., 1.-31.VII.43, 14 Jul 43; Erich
von Manstcin, V erlorene Sege ( Bonn: Athe-
larged on Hitler's secrct instructions. naeum-Vcrlag, 1955), pp. 501-04.
Jodl dirccted Hube to conduct opcrations 11 OKW/WFSt, KTB, 1.-31.VII.43, 15 Jul 43 .

Division could not be shifted into Sicily German divisions, but Roatta deferred
until its requisite supplics were assured. a decision on this point. The two gen-
Meanwhilc, cvcrything should be done to erals estirnated that the addition of the
protect the traffic over the Strait of Mes- two German divisions and Hube's corps
sina. Ambrosio, holding to bis views, headquarters would make it possible to
urgcd that since Calabria reprcscnted a hold a front on Sicily, at least until mid-
most delicate zone, the 3d Panzer Grena- August. 83
dier Division should be moved imrnediate- Thus, by 15 July, Kcsselring and Guz-
ly to that arca. Hcre Kessclring was at a zoni seemed unitcd in believing that at
loss. Thc Fuchrer insistcd on holding least a part of Sicily could be held. Kes-
that particular division ncar Lake Bolscna sclring wantcd always to fight, as long as
to protect thc area of Livorno ( Leghorn) , there was a chance. Guzzoni wanted to
Kcsselring declared, but why Hitler had do bis duty, but he fully realized that
fears for Leghorn, Kesselring did not know. his only effective troops on Sicily wcre
This concluded thc confcrence.112 Al- German, and that he would havc to de-
though no specific dccisions had becn pend on full German support to hold
made, it was evident that at least sorne of even the northeastern comer of thc island.
the Axis lcaders intcndcd to defend Sicily At the higher echelons of Axis military
as long as ~ible. command, this unity of feeling was not
On the sarne day, Kesselring talked so apparent. Ambrosio felt that the war
with Roatta, the chicf of Superesercito, was lost, and he wanted to save the Italian
about thc bcst place to defend ltaly: in armed forces and to separate Italy from
Sicily or on the northern Apennines line. Germany. Jodl did not want to risk hav-
Kcsselring convinced Roatta that holding ing the German forces in Sicily cut off, or
a bridgehead on Sicily was imperative for to send good money after bad. M ussolini
both military and political reasons. The appeared undecided. He wanted to end
two men then decidcd to establish a de- the war but he needed a tactical success
fensive front "around the Etna" from to achieve the proper time for making a
which the Axis forces on Sicily would first peace move. Hitler did not want to
offer stubborn rcsistance and then re- withdraw, and he was willing to support
sume the offensive. Since General Hube Mussolini if the Italians would fight.
was scheduled to arrive in Sicily on this On Sicily itself after Kcsselring's de-
day to take over command of the German parture Guzzoni found little good in the
troops, Kcsselring assured Roatta that in situation. Group Schmalz was barely
all circumstanccs the tactical command holding on to its Lentini positions; the
over the German forces on the island delay in the withdrawal of the bulk of
would remain in General Guzzoni's hands. the H ermann Goering Division prevented
General von Senger was to retain only the blocking of the Allied advances to-
his function as liaison officer with Sixth ward Francofonte and Vizzini, and rnade
Army. Kcsselring also suggested that it doubtful that the formation could be
ltalian units be intermingled with the moved east fast enough to defend at the
32 Min of Mtg between Mussolini, Kesselring, 33 Rpt, Confs, Kesselring-Roatta, OB SUED-

and othen, in Rome, 15 Jul 43, IT 3037. See WEST, Abt. re, 18.Vl.4:-23.Il.44 (Heeres-
Faldella, Lo Sbarco, p. 191. gruppe C, 75138-:JB).

southcm cdge of the Catania plain. Just a short time latcr, though, Co-
Therc was, consequcntly, no assurance mando Supremo overrodc thc anny com-
against an Allied advancc into thc Catania mand's approval. Thc ltalian high
plain. Guzzoni did not know when he command insistcd that the positions then
could expcct thc 29th Panzer Grenadier occupied by Sixth Army be hcld at ali
Division. Thc ltalian units had suffered costs. Specifically, thc Catania plain and
heavy casualties and were exhausted. the airficlcls at Catania and Gcrbini wcrc
Italian moralc was at a low cbb. The to rcmain in Axis hancls. Thc telephonc
Allics scemcd to be cxerting their strong- message transmitting thcse instructions
est pressure on both wings of the invasion closed with thc rcmark that "very numer-
front whilc, at thc same time, maintaining ous" Gcrman planes werc on their way
dangerous prcssurc in the center. to Sicily.H
General Guzzoni still cxpccted to form Becausc the British 1 3 Corps was rc-
and hold a main defensive line with its grouping prcparatory to making its major
eastem hinge south of the Catania plain. effort that same evcning, Group Schmalz
Again, on 13 July, he urged the Hermann had little difficulty in holding its positions
Goering Division to move to thc Catania just south of Lentini on 13 J uly. Colo-
area with the greatest possible speed. nel Schmalz reccived further rcinforce-
Guzzoni also picked this time to define mcnts in the form of other units from the
bis main battle position farther to the rst Parachute Division: a parachute ma-
rear, the position which would be held at chine gun battalion; an airbomc engineer
all costs and from which the Axis forces battalion; and four battcries of airbome
could rctum to the initiativc. He pro- artillcry. In addition, two separate Gcr-
posed the linc running from Acirealc man infantry battalions which had crossed
( north of Catania )-Adrano-CesarO-San into Sicily on thc 11th werc also attachcd
Fratello, and he notified Superesercito to to his command.87
this effect, adding that , he planned to In thc late aftemoon of 1 3 J uly, Colo-
start the withdrawal of the units imme- nel Schmalz was able to get through a
diatcly, delaying as much as possible.34 tclephone call to General Conrath. Aftcr
Superesercito rcluctantly conscntcd to sorne discus&on, the German commanders
Guzzoni's proposal but qualified its ap- agreed that both groups would fall back
proval by stating that such a movcmcnt to a position along the northem rim of
to thc rcar was authorized only if it the Catania plain, there to makc contact
should prove impossiblc to prevcnt an on the moming of 15 July. The whole of
Allicd brcakthrough into the Catania the H ermann Goering Division would then
plain and only if the new eastem wing be united and would form its main line
would be strong enough to pcrmit Axis of resistance along the line Leonforte-
units in central and western Sicily to move Catenanuova-Gcrbini-Catania. For thc
to eastem Sicily in time. 85 remainder of 13 and 14 July, Colonel

34 IT 99a, 13 Jul 43; Faldella, Lo sbarco, pp. 36 IT 99a, an. 21, 13 Jul 43.
170, 190-!llOI. 37Schmalz in MS #T-2 (Fries et al.), pp.
35 IT 99a, an. 20 and entry, 13 Jul 43 (no 77-79 and sketch 111; OKH, Tag1Smeldungen
time given, but apparently late at night, 13 Jul West, 14 and 15 Jul 43; maps, Sizilien, (1:200,-
43 ). 000), WFSt Op. (H), 11, u, and 13 Jul 43.

Schmalz would have to hold wherc he pare to withdraw to the ncw line of
was.88 resistance south of Mount Etna. The di-
By late evening of 13 July, the Her- vision was to fight delaying actions back
mann Goering Division completed its with- to a new line which extended from Agira-
drawal to the Caltagirone-Vizzini line, al- Leonforte-Nicosia-Gangi, and at the same
though it kept strong elements south of time cstablish contact with the H ermann
that line to blunt the various American Goering Division across the remnants of the
thrusts inland from Niscemi, Biscari, and Livorno Division. Accordingly, General
Comiso. The Italian Livorno Division Rodt moved his division headquarters to
also withdrew further into the interior Grottacalda ( two and a half miles south-
to establish a new line betwcen the two wcst of Valguarnera) and started to trans-
German divisions and to prevent a pos- fer the division's service elemcnts to the
sible American brea.kthrough at Piazza new line.88
Armerina. The Axis defenses were giving way,
In the 15th Panzer Grenadier Division but they were not crumbling. The Allics
arca, the Gcnnan units had little trouble had yet to conquer Sicily.
holding their new line on 13 July. Only
minor actions took place between Amer-
ican patrols and the German and ltalian 39 MS #R-140, p. 35, n. 52; Faldella, Lo

units. Group Fullriede, still under Gen- sbarco, pp. 170, 179-80, 189-90; OB SUED,
Meldugen, 13 Jul 43, Third Report; 13 Jul 43,
eral Schreiber's control, extended its front Fourth Report. The date of the order to Rodt's
eastward toward Caltan~tta. Group division is not clear. General Rodt, in MS #C-
Ens remained along a line running from 077, saya 12 July; Senger, in MS #C--095,
says 15 July; Faldella says 0800, 15 July 1943.
Piazza Armerina to Pietraperzia. Some- Map, Sizilien ( 1:200,000), WFSt OP. (H), 15
time during the late evening of 12 July, July 1943, indicates that the withdrawal wu
General Rodt, the division commander, either planned or under way. It appears logical
that the date listed by Rodt is the correct date,
received word from Sixth Army to pre- since this would tic in with Guzzoni's plan to
withdraw to a shorter defensive line south of
38 Schmalz in MS #T-2 (Fries et al.), p. 79. Mount Etna.

Seventh Army Changes Directions

The Eighth Army Attempt large number of the pilots lost formation
To Break Through and circled up and down the coast trying
to find a way through thc firc into the
General Montgomery's major effort to four drop zones. Ten more aircraft
break through into Catania got under tumed back, each with a full load of
way on the evening of 13 July when Com- British paratroopers. Eighty-seven pilots
mando units landed and seized the Lentini managed to thread their way through the
bridge soon after dark. Though the fire, but only 39 of these dropped their
commandos removed the demolition paratroopers within a mile of the drop
charges from the bridge, the Germans zones. All but four of the remainder
soon drove off the British raiders. managed to get their sticks within ten
The airbome operation ( code named miles of ,thc Prim~le bridge; the other
FusTIAN) on the same evening to seize four sticks landed on the slopes of Mount
the Primosole bridge (seven miles south of Etna, about twenty miles away. Of thc
Catania) over the Simeto River and es- 1,900 men of the British Ist Parachute
tablish a bridgehead on the river's north Brigade who jumped into Sicily on the
bank suffered double bad luck. In the evening of 13 July, only about two hun-
first place, the American and British troop dred men with three antitank guns reached
carrier pilots ran into heavy antiaircraft the bridge. Though they seized it and
fire from Allied ships massed along the removed the demolition charges, they com-
southeastem shores of Sicily. A route prised a dangerously small contingent for
supposedly clearcd proved to be replete holding the bridge until the ground forces
with ships, and the aircraft began to re- arrived.
ceive fire from the time they rounded The second piece of bad luck was that
Malta. Off Cape Passero, the real trou- the main drop carne in abnost on top of
ble started-morc than one-half of the the machine gun battalion of the German
aircraft reported receiving fire from 1st Parachute Divirion. The German
friendly naval vessels. Though only two paratroopers themselves had jumped just
troop carriers were hit and downed, nine north of the river only a few hours earlier,
tumed back after injuries to pilots or and they reacted in a savage manner.
damagc to planes. Those aircraft that Yet the little band of British paratroopers
ftew on soon ran into what seemcd to managed to hold on to the bridge all day
be a solid wall of antiaircraft fire thrown long. At nightfall, the paratroopers with-
up by thc cncmy along the coast line. A drew to a ridge on the south bank of thc

river, where thcy could covcr thc bridge bridge. A thrust north of the rivcr on
with fire and prevcnt thc Gcrmans from 15 July nettcd nothing. Additional Gcr-
damaging it. 1 man reinforcements rushcd forward to
General Montgomcry's main assault strcngthcn thc Simcto linc, and Coloncl
was cxccutcd by thc 5oth Division and Schmalz finally madc contact with thc
a brigadc of tanks against thc Group bulk of the H ermann Goering Division.
Schmalz Lentini positions. On the after- On 16 July, a hcavicr British attack re-
noon of 14 July, sorne of the British tanks gained thc bridge that thc Germans had
worked their way between the Gcrman bcen unablc to destroy and pushed a
positions along Highway 114 and thc two shallow bridgchcad across thc river, ex-
Gcrman parachutc battalions cast of the tending it by the 17th to a dcpth of
highway, thcreby thrcatcning to isolate 3,000 yards. Another attack by the 5oth
the paratroopers from thc rcst of the Gcr- Division during thc night of 17 July made
man battle group. Colonel Schmalz, who little headway. The British had failed to
had bccn apprchensivc ali along of being break Schmalz's Catania dcfcnses. The
outflankcd and cut off from withdrawal, Gcrmans wcrc in strong positions, and
decided to )cave the Lentini positions and after thc 17th thcy fclt certain they could
fall back faster than he had anticipated. block thc east coast road.2
Leaving small delaying forces bchind, he
pulled back in two steps, first, eight miles The 11 Corps Front
to thc north behind thc Gornalunga Rivcr,
then, early on 15 J uly, thrcc miles farther The bulk of the H ermann Goering Di-
north behind the Simcto Rivcr. (See vision, rctiring to thc northcast to gain
Map VII.) contact with Colonel Schmalz's battle
In the wake of the Gcrman withdrawal, group, had not had an easy time making
the British 5oth Division moved forward it back to the Simeto River line. Suc-
rcadily and joined thc British paratroopers cesQul on 13 July in holding General
at the southcrn end of thc Primosole Guzzoni's intcrmcdiate defensivc line along
Highway 124, the division began to run
1 Warren, USAF Hiat Study 74, pp. 47-54;
By Air to Battle, pp. 6o-64; Montgomery, Eighth into trouble on the 14th. Thc Germans
rmy, p. 100. See also 9~6.2, sub: AFHQ had to contend not only with American
Report of Allied Forces Airborne Board in Con- attacks against the entirc front from Cal-
nection With the Invasion of Sicily: 0100/4/78, tagirone on the west to Vizzini on the
sub: Airborne Operations in Husxv; 0100/21/
10711, sub: Airborne Employment, Operation, east, they also had to face the British 30
and Movement of Troops, vol. 11; NAAFTCC Corps attacking along thc axis of the
Rpt of Opns; Alexander Despatch, p. 23. Cf. B. highway toward Vizzini.
H. Liddell Hart, The Oth1r Side of the Hill, rev.
ed. (London: Cassell, 1951 ), p. 355; OB SUED, Opposite the eastern flank of the Ger-
M1ldungen, 14-16 Jul 43 (implicit testimony of man division, Colonel Ankcorn, the 157th
the tougbnesa of the British paratroopen);
Schmalz in MS #T-11 (Fries et al.), pagea 11-
111 criticizes the operation as incorrect use of 2 OB SUED, M1ldungen, 15 Jul 43, Sccond
paratroopen. Report; Schmalz in MS #T-11 (Fries et al.), p.
FusTIAN started with 145 aircraft, 1116 carry- sub: Airborne Operations in Husxv; oioo/u/
ing paratroopers, 19 towing gliden. There were George Aria, Th Fifth British Division, 193!r
1,856 paratroopen and 77 glider-borne artillery- 1945 (London: The Fifth Division Benevolent
men starting out on the miuion. Fund, 1959), pp. 123-!l5.

RCT commandcr, found himscH on the Thc added weight of the American bat-
evcning of 13 July in a rather uncom- talion, ably supported by thc 158th Field
fortable position: his forces were betwecn Artillery Battalion, was not enough. As
thc British on the south and east and thc on thc day beforc, thc Germans, fighting
Gcrmans to the north. By this time, to hold their withdrawal routc open,
through British liaison officcrs, Colonel threw back cvery Allied thrust.
Ankcom knew that the British 30 Corps Staunch opposition also developcd from
was intent on taking Vizzini. Ankcom the H ermann Goering elcments west of
had no objcction. He pulled one battal- Vizzini. Early in the moming, a strong
ion away from Vizzini and scnt it to German tank-infantry force struck the
occupy thc high ground northeast of Li- leading battalion of thc 179th RCT.
codia Eubea. He asscmblcd the rcst of Close-in fighting ragcd throughout thc
his combat tcam in the same general arca. moming, additional infantry and artillery
On the moming of the 1 4th, Colonel units finally tuming thc tide. Rcsuming
Ankcom again made contact with the its advancc, thc 179th reached a point
British south of Vizzini. Despite a two- just two miles south of Grammichelc by
pronged advance, the 30 Corps was hav- nighall. 4
ing sorne trouble sccuring Vizzini. An On the favorable side, thc sag that had
attack during the night by the British existcd on the left of the 11 Corps zone
5 1st Division had been thrown back, as straightened out nicely on 14 July aftcr
had another by the armorcd brigade in Darby's Rangcr force took Butera. A
the early moming. Together with Brit- typical Sicilian town with feudal ante-
ish officers, Colonel Ankcom surveyed the cedents, Butera lies on high, almost in-
situation at Vizzini and agrced to fumish accessible ground, an objcctive to intrigue
what support he could to thc British the military imagination. Flouting an
51st Highlandcrs in a renewed attempt to old tradition that prcvious conquerors of
wrest that town from the Germans' grasp. Sicily had always bypasscd the town, the
Rctuming to his command post at Mon- Rangers occupied Butera after a swift
tcrosso Almo, Colonel Ankcom reached night approach and a dash into thc cen-
up to an abandoned ltalian railway car, tcr of town past startlcd Italian ddenders. 5
tore off an old shipping ticket, and across On thc right sidc of the sag, thc 18oth
the back of the ticket scrawled a note to RCT finally securcd Biscari airfield, dc-
Colonel Murphy, the rst Battalion com- spite scveral strong German counterat-
mander: "Murphy, go help thc British."
From positions northcast of Licodia, 'Maj. Ellaworth Cundift', The Operations of
Murphy's rst Battalion struck at Vizzini the 3d Battalion, 179th Infantry, 13-14 July
1943, South of Grammichele, Sicily: Penonal Ex-
at noon in conjunction with the rencwed perience of a Regimenta) S-2 (Fort Benning,
British attcmpt from the south and east. Ga., 1948); lnfantry Combat, pt. V: Sicily, pp.
8-14; 179th lnf Regt AAR, 14 Jul 43; 179th
lnf Regt S-3 Jnl, 14 Jul 43; 45th lnf Div
' The Fighting Forty-Fifth, compiled and G-3 Jnl, 14 Jul 43; 753d Med Tk Bn AAR, 14
edited by the Hiatorical Board (Baton Rouge, Jul 43.
La.: Army and Navy Publishing Co., 1946), p. 5 ut Ranger Bn AAR, 14 Jul 43; Remarks by
23; History of the 157th lnfantry Regiment, p. Col Darby to Col R. F. McEldowney, u Oct 43,
25; 45th lnf Div G-3 Jnl, entries 34, 42, 43, 51, in Rpt, AGF 8d NATO, 8 Nov 43, sub: Remarks
14 Jul 43. Regarding Ranger Force, 4-1.67/43.
693-029 o- 65 - 16

tacks which carne after two infantry to secure the 26th's right flank. By late
battalions gained the ficld by surpnsc. aftcmoon, the 18th RCT carne to rcst on
The German counterattacks pcrsistcd two high bilis, sorne two miles south of
throughout most of the day, but wcrc all the road junction.1
tumed back. Toward evening, the Gcr- By carly morning of 15 July, then, both
mans began pulling back to the north the 1st and 45th Divisions stood at or
and the 18oth set out in pursuit. Its near the Seventh Army's Yellow Line
lcading battalion finally caught up with across the entirc II Corps front. But in
the Germans carly the next moming at the higher echelons of American command,
the very outskirts of Caltagirone.8 the impact of General Alexander's dircc-
In the center, that is, in the vicinity tive of 13 July to Scventh Army bcgan
of Niscemi in the 1st Division's sector, to be felt. At II Corps hcadquarters
the line also pushed forward, not bccausc just bcforc 0900, 14 July, General Brad-
<>f any action by the 16th RCT but bc- ley received from Seventh Army a general
cause of the general withdrawal of the outline of the army group's order. Ac-
German forces to the northeast. Though cordingly, bcforc going to the army hcad-
the town of Niscemi rcmained a hot spot quarters to rcceive the spccifics, General
during the morning, by carly aftemoon Bradley notified thc 45th Division to halt
the rate of enemy firing decrcased and its forward units at lcast two miles south
16th Infantry patrols moved almost into of Highway 124: that road was now in
Caltagirone bcfore meeting German rc- thc British zonc and had bcen tumcd
sistance. The 16th Infantry did not over to General Montgomery. General
follow up this advantage; the advanee of Bradlcy later visitcd thc 1st Division and
friendly units to the east and wcst made left the same instructions.8 Still latcr,
thc move unneccssary. American artillery units werc instructcd
While inclined to keep the 16th RCT not to fire within an arca cxtending from
in position, General Allen was in no way one mile south of thc highway north to
disposed to let the rctiring enemy get away and past thc highway, this to prcvcnt the
without sorne action. Early on 14 J uly- artillery from firing on British troops.9
a few hours after the Rangers jumped The initial effect of thesc orders was
Butcra-the 26th RCT moved toward slight. Only thc 15 7th RCT had by thcn
Mazzarino, its Yellow. Line objective. come within two miles of Highway 124.
The 26th met little opposition-the Li- General Bradley's instructions stoppcd the
vorno Division's few rcmaining battalions 179th and 18oth RCT's from cntcring
had withdrawn the prcvious evening-and Grammichele and Caltagirone, although
beforc noon consolidated on high ground thc 2d Battalion, 18oth Infantry, had
north and wcst of Mazzarino. With the quite a tus.sic with the Gcrmans in the
26th RCT pushed out this far, General southcm outsk.irts of Caltagirone carly on
Allcn ordercd the 18th RCT straight the moming of 15 J uly. Sincc the 26th
north toward Bivio Gigliotto-the junc- 1 AAR'a of 16th, 18th, and !a6th lnf Rcgts;
ture point of Highways 117 and 124- S-1 Jnls of thc 1amc unita; ut Inf Div G-3
Jnl, 14 Jul 43.
6 18oth lnf Rcgt AAR, 14-15 Jul 43; lnfan- 9 45th Inf Div G-3 Jnl, cntrics !28 and !29, 14
try Combat, pt. V: Sicily, pp. 4-8, 14-16; 753d Jul 43; ut lnf Div G-3 Jnl, cntry 37, 14 Jul 43.
Mcd Tk Bn AAR, 14 Jul 43. 11 45th Inf Div Arty Jnl, cntry 19, 14 Jul 43.

RCT stood on its Ycllow Linc objcctivc the Axis troops holding the rcmainder of
at Mazzarino, it was in no way bothercd the front would have time to withdraw.
by the change of plans. On the other Conrath agrced.11 But later in the day,
hand, the new instructions would have General von Senger, urged by K~lring
affcctcd at lcast one American unit on to strcngthen the endangercd eastern wing
15 July had not thc 1st Division com- by weakening the center, ordercd the
mander, General Allen, choscn to persist H ermann Goering Division to move im-
in bis advancc. Thc 18th RCT, striking mediately to the Catania arca. 11
for Bivio Gigliotto, had just a little way With General Conrath's verbal agrce-
to go beforc rcaching the highway. Gen- ment, Sixth Army formally ordercd the
eral Allen declined, apparcntly with Gen- Gcrman division to stay in the Vizzini-
eral Bradley's tacit approval, to halt the Caltagirone line until nightfall on 15 July.
18th RCT two miles south of the high- During that night, the division was to
way. On thc morning of 15 July, the move back to the Gornalunga-Raddusa
18th RCT continued its advance and after line, starting its movement with its eastem
mauling a battalion from the Livorno wing. The Livorno Division was also to
Division in a cork trec grove just south withdraw at the same time, adjusting its
of thc road junction ( taking 200 prisoncrs movements to thosc of the Gcrman
and 11 artillery pieces in the proc~) division. 18
sent patrols into Bivio Gigliotto. Only Not long afterwards, General Conrath
there did General Allen halt the combat rcported to XVI Corps that Allied prcs-
team.10 surc made it impossible for him to hold
Thc American thrusts causcd General bis positions along Highway 124. Sixth
Conrath to become incrcasingly worried Army then authorized General Conrath
about bis situation. News in the late to start bis withdrawal.
afternoon of 14 July of Group Schmalz's In the confusion of the prcvious con-
withdrawal from the Lcntini positions tradictory orders, beset by the British and
along the east coast highway dcepened bis the Americans, apprchensive of bis eastem
concern, for this move lcft the H ermann ftank, unable to contact the 15th Panzer
Goering Division's left ftank open. Con- Grenadier Division to the west, Conrath
rath thercforc decided to take the bulle of ordercd bis units to withdraw immedi-
bis division back in one movement, not ately. In executing this withdrawal,
pausing to defend until after he rcached elements of the division in Vizzini and
the Simeto River linc. Whe:i Conrath Caltagirone lost severa) tanks and suf-
notified the XVI Corps of his decision, fered light casualties during the morning
the corps chief of staff, with Sixth Army's of 15 July. The bulle of the division
approval, went to General Conrath's hcad- moved to the rcar in good order and took
quarters near Caltagirone and beggcd the up positions ( along with Group Schmalz)
German commander to hold the Vizzini- on a linc from the mouth of the Simeto
Caltagirone line through 15 July so that River along the Dittaino River to Castel
1 18th Inf Rcgt AAR, 15 Jul 43; ut lnf Div 11 MS #R-140 (Baucr), pp. 36-37.
G-3 Jnl, 15 Jul 43. Thcrc is no indication of 12 MS #C-095 (Scngcr), KTB cntry, ~330,
disapproval of General Allcn's actions in thc 14 Jul 43.
records. 13 Faldella, Lo sbarco, pp. 174-75.

J udica and Raddusa, with outposts fur- to push on "with all spced to Valguar-
ther south. On its right, a wide gap nera-Enna-Leonforte... 18
separated these troops from the 15th Pan-
zer Grenadier Division, which stuck far Agrigento
out to the south.14
Thc tenacious defense put up by the General Patton paid bis first visit to
Gennans in Vizzini caused another change the 3d Division shortly after noon on 14
in plans far the the British 30 Corps. July and told General Truscott something
Although thc armored brigadc and the of his future plans. With his eyes set on
51 st Division cntcrcd Vizzini carly on 15 Palcnno, Patton said he would need Porto
J uly, thc two British units had been se- Empcdocle to support such a drivc. But
verely strained in thc process. Awarc of because of the limitations imposed by
this cven befare thc town fell, General General Alexander, Patton declarcd, the
Lecse, thc corps commandcr, ordcred the Scventh Army could not attack the port
1 st Canadian Division to pass through in strcngth far fear of becoming involvcd
thc 51st Division and prcss on to Enna. in a costly battle which might expose the
At 0600, 15 July, onc Canadian bri- Eighth Army's left ftank to an Axis
gadc moved wcst along Highway 124 counterattack.
toward Grammichele. U nfortunately, thc General Truscott, who with army ap-
45th Division's artillcry was silenced by proval had already conducted one small-
thc previous day's arder and could pro- scale rcconnaissance effort against Agri-
vidc no assistance. The 157th and 179th gento and Porto Empcdocle on the 13th,
RCT's could only watch helplessly as the fclt that the 3d Division could take both
Germans, then pulling out to the north- towns without too much trouble. All he
east, massed a small rear guard to block needed was General Patton's approval.
thc Canadian approach.111 At 0900, as The Scventh Anny commander agrccd to
the Canadian advance guard neared another reconnaissance in force, this time
Grammichelc, which was situatcd on a in greater strcngth than the onc battalion
high ridge well above the surrounding uscd prcviously. But Patton spccified
countryside, it was halted by Gennan tank that the move was to be made on Tru-
and antitank guns firing at almost point- scott's own rcsponsibility. Far General
blank range. Not until noon were the Truscott, therc was much to gain and
Canadians ablc to clear thc road center. little to lose. lf he could take Agrigento
Pushing on to the west, but dclayed by and Porto Empcdoclc, everybody would
mines along the road, the Canadians be happy. lf he failcd, he nevcrthelcss
entered an undefended Caltagirone by would have gained valuable information
midnight. General Montgomery, his ma- on the status of the enemy's defenses. 11
jar effort on the east coast staUed at the Porto Empcdocle serves Agrigento in
Simeto River, thcn ordered the 30 Corps somcwhat the same fashion as Piracus

19 Quoted in Nichobon, The Canadiam in

14 Faldella, La sbarco, p. 175; 11 /Pz. Regt, /tal)', p. 92.
'H.G., KTB Nr. 1, 9.Xl.4a-15.IX.43, copy in 11 Truscott, Command Missions, pp. 218-19:

folder OCMH X-878. Patton, War As I Knew lt, p. 380; Lucas Diary,
15 45th lnf Div Arty AAR, pp. 3-4. pt. 1, p . 71.

serves Athens. A town of 14,000 pcople, Palermo amountcd to an obscssion. Porto

Porto Empcdocle had a town mole, al- Empcdocle was a logical objectivc in tcnns
m~ completcly surrounded by two brcak- of augmenting the minor capacitics of
watcrs jutting from a narrow shclf of land Gcla and Licata. But with Porto Em-
slightly above sea level. On the castern pcdocle in hand, why Palermo, too? Pcr-
and western sidcs of town, abrupt cliffs haps he thought of a rapid, dramatic
rose in sorne places two hundrcd feet or thrust to draw public attcntion to the
so above the levcl of the shelf, and parts capabilitics of U .S. armor. Perhaps it
of the FCsidential arca faced the sea on was the only objcctive that could com-
thcsc heights. In the center of town, a pensate partially for having bccn rcle-
dccp ravine cut through the cliffs to the gated the mission of acting as Alexander's
lower shclf, sharply dividing the upper shicld. "Palermo," General Truscott
part of town into castcrn and western would write after the war, "drcw Patton
halves. The daily capacity of the port likc a lode star." 18
was 800 tons, approximatcly thc same as The ISt Battalion, 7th lnfantry, which
that of Licata. had conducted the reconnaissance to-
Agrigento, a city of sorne 34,000 in- ward Agrigento on 13 July, had reported
habitants, was pcrchcd on a hilltop about considerable enemy artillery defending
three miles from the coast. Seventeen Agrigcnto along thc castern pcrimeter.
miles west of Palma di Montechiaro and Thcrc appeared to be at lcast twelve dir~t
twenty-two miles southwest of Canicattl, fire, high-velocity wcapons and one or
Agrigento was the m~ important road more battalions of field artillery po&tioned
ccntcr along thc southwestern coast of against an approach along Highway 115.
Sicily. Highway 115 connected Agri- Too, the enemy appcarcd dug in cast of
gento with Licata and Gcla. Highway Agrigcnto along the Naro River. Al-
12 2 linked it to Caltanissctta, Canicattl, though General Truscott cstimated thc
and Favara. encmy's infantry strength at no more than
For the Seventh Army, Agrigento rep- one coastal regiment-a fairly accurate
rescntcd the gatcway to western Sicily. appraisal-hc rulcd out a frontal assault
From therc, Highway 115 continucd bccausc of the strength of thc cncmy ar-
northwestward along the coast to Marsala
and Trapani; Highway 118 zigzagged 18 Truscott, Command Missions, p. !ZH. Trw-
cott remarb ellewhere: "It was perfectly clear
northward over the mountains through to me why General Patton was obseued with
Raffadali, Prizzi, and Corlconc to thc Palermo, it had been made so by all planning
north coast and Palermo. Veering at connected with the Sicilian operation from the
first northeastward, a sccond-class road fint. . . . The reasons had also been made
clear in many discu11ion1 with both General
also lcd to the north coast by way of the Patton and General Keyea. . . . General Patton
inland towns of Conistini and Lcrcara made no secret of the fact that he was not only
Friddi. The scizure of Agrigento thus desirous of emulating Romme1'1 reputation as a
leader of armor, he wanted to exceed it. Gen-
was csscntial for a drivc on Palcrmo, while eral Patton was also anxious for the U .S. armor
Porto Empcdocle would give Scventh to achieve sorne notice. . . . The capture of
Army a port twenty-fivc miles closcr to Palermo by an armored sweep through western
Sicily appeared to 1uit this purpose. . . . " Com-
its front. ments of Lt. Gen. Lucan K . Truscott, Jr. (Ret.}
General Patton's preoccupation with on MS.


14 -17 July 1943

Ccn/Our /n lM'val 100 mIM'

1 '\

H .C. &r-..r. Jr-.

tillery. He detennined instead on a during the night of 13 July, entered Fa-
flanking movement to strike at Agrigento vara early the next morning, and stayed
from the northeast by way of Favara on there. Basing his decision on the infor-
Highway 122. To do the job, General mation sent back by this company, Gen-
Truscott selected the 7th Infantry Regi- eral Truscott directed Colonel Sherman,
ment, the 1oth Field Artillery Battalion, the 7th lnfantry commander, to move two
and one battalion from the 77th Field battalions in the company's path, one to
Artillery Regiment. 19 go ali the way into Favara, the other to
The route to Favara had already been advance on the north side of Highway
checked by a company of the 7th lnfantry 115 to high ground before the Naro River.
that had worked its way cross-country ( M ap 2) The 3d Ranger Battalion,
which was in division reserve, was to move
3d Inf Div FO 8, 14 Ju! 43; Truscott, Com- to Favara, then reconnoiter to the west of
mand Missions, p. !219 Agrigento.

U ntil the ground troops could get to swing south over Hill 316 to take
within striking distance of both towns, Porto Empcdocle.
thc cnemy was to be allowed no rcst. As night fell on 15 July, thc Rangers
Thc Navy agrced to furnish the maximum moved out from Favara. Tbough they
possible gunfirc support. Since 12 July, carne undcr scattercd artillcry firc, they
the cruiscrs Birmingham and Brooklyn suffercd no casualties. A half hour aftcr
had bcen firing missions against Agrigento midnight, 16 July, the Rangers ran into
and Porto Empcdocle. On 14 July, the an Italian roadblock just cast of thc junc-
Birmingham concentrated on Italian shorc tion of Highways 122 and 118. Whilc
batterics, and as thc foot troops moved scouts uncovcrcd thc Italian position,
out to the new arcas that night, the Brit- Maj. Hcrman W. Dammcr, thc Ranger
ish monitor, H.M.S. Abercrombie, joined battalion commander, dcploycd bis men
the Birmingham. The next day, the guns and scnt thcm in. Within an hour the
of the Phadelphia added their action was over; onc hundred and sixty-
Bcforc daylight on 15 July, thc two fivc Italians surrcndercd.
infantry battalions occupied their objec- At daylight, 16 July, Major Dammcr
tivcs without difficulty. Now General started bis mcn wcstward cross-country
Truscott attached the Ranger battalion toward Montapcrto. Tbc Rangers had
to the 7th lnfantry and ordercd a con- crosscd Highway 118 and wcrc on high
tinuation of the rcconnai.ssance effort ground sorne two hundred yards wcst
against Agrigento. That night the 3d of it whcn an encmy column composcd
Ranger Battalion was to move from Fa- of ten motorcyclcs and two truckloads of
vara to thc little town of Montapcrto, troops carne unsuspcctingly down the
situatcd on commanding ground north- highway toward Agrigcnto. Dcploying
wcst of Agrigento. The 2d Battalion, 7th along the high ground, thc Rangers pcr-
Infantry, at Favara was to move on Agri- mittcd the encmy force-ali Italian.s-to
gcnto to take Hill 333, which commanded come fully abrcast bcforc opcning firc.
thc northcm approachcs into Agrigcnto. Thc first shots thrcw the cnemy column
Thcsc two movcs would block the north- into complete confusion. Many Italians
~m and western e:xits from Agrigento. werc killcd; forty werc added to thc bag of
Thcn the 1st Battalion, 7th Infantry, prisoners.
along Highway 115 was to push straight Without further incident, the Rangers
to thc wcst, cr<>M thc Naro Rivcr, and moved into Montapcrto. From the hill-
drivc on Agrigcnto. Only one change top, thcy had a commanding vicw of the
was made in this plan: aftcr taking valley bclow wherc four battcrics of Ital-
Montapcrto, the 3d Ranger Battalion was ian artillery wcrc emplaced. Major Dam-
mer quickly set up bis 60-mm. mortars
2o Rpt, Lt (jg) H. C. Manning, USN, to 3d lnf and opcned firc. Individual Rangcrs
Div, 113 Jul 43, 1ub: Naval Gunfire Support for joincd in with thcir small anns. Though
the JOSS Attack Force During Huss.v Opn, in
3d Inf Div file, Spccial Material; Rpt, 3d lnf a fcw Italians cscapcd toward the south,
Div Arty to CG 3d Inf Div, 115 Aug 43, sub: most carne up the hill with hands held
Rpt of Naval Gunfire Support Josa Force, same high.
file; 1oth FA Bn AAR, 14 and 15 Jul 43; ONI,
Sicilian Campaign, pp. 98-gg; Morilon, Sicily Meanwhile, the two battalions of rifte-
--Sal1rno-.Anzio, pp. 174-75. mcn from thc 7th Infantry wcrc cxecut-

THE VERSATILE DuKw bringing in supplies to Seventh lnfantry troops in Port Empedocle.

ing their roles in what was euphemistically fronted the city. His companies soon
called a reconnaissance in force. The 2d found themselves hotly engaged with Ital-
Battalion, advancing westward along ian infantrymen representing parts of two
Highway 122 from Favara, gained two infantry battalions. By early afternoon of
bilis about a thousand yards east of 1 6 J uly the 1st Battalion was still unable
its objective by 0900. Little resistance to move forward.
was encountered, but loss of contact with In the early afternoon, General Trus-
the Rangers and spotty communications cott ordered the 3d Battalion, which had
with combat team headquarters prompted been in reserve, to move south of Highway
Major Duvall, the battalion commander, 115 to asfilst the 1st Battalion. Just after
to hold his attack until he could further 1400, Colonel Heintges led his 3d Bat-
develop the situation to his front and talion down to the highway. Quickly,
flanks. The 1st Battalion, along Highway the battalion finished off one of the Ital-
115, was having a hard fight trying to ian forces opposing the 1st Battalion.
get into Agrigento. Mter dark on 15 T ogether the two battalions started for
July, Colonel Moore, the battalion com- Agrigento, as Italian resistance slowly
mander, sent his men across the Naro crumbled. In Agrigento, Colonel de Lau-
River and onto three barren hills which rentiis, commander of the defense forces,

was undergoing sorne trying moments. connaissance in force gathered momentum,

His command post had bccn the object General Patton outlined bis plan and is-
of hcavy Allied naval and ground bom- sued bis instructions for executing the army
bardments during the day. By early group's order. Apparcntly still anticipat-
aftcrnoon of 16 July a1l of the ltalian ing a drive on Palermo, he rcarranged bis
artillery batteries had bccn silenced. forces in the belief that he could win
Fircs had broken out in many places. sanction for a thrust to the north coast.
The town was completcly envelopcd. The While rccognizing the initial line of
Americans werc nearing the town. Fi- advance as spclled out by General Alex-
nally, aftcr the rst Battalion had broken ander to be a line from Caltanissctta
into the city propcr, Colonel de Laurcn- to Palma (a line alrcady outstrippcd by
tiis, bis staff, and bis troops surrcndered to the 3d Division) , General Patton ex-
Coloncl Moorc. By this time, too, Porto tended the army boundary past Enna
Empcdocle had fallen to the Rangers. 21 ( wherc General Alexander's army bound-
ary stoppcd) to the north coast just wcst
Army Directive o/ 15 July 1943 of Santo Stefano di Camastra. Within
this new zone, he disposcd bis forces
The 7th lnfantry's thrust against Agri- under two corps hcadquarters, the existing
gento and Porto Empcdocle was only one 11 Corps and a newly crcated Provisional
of a number of events growing out of Corps. To cach of the corps, General
General Alcxander's dircctive of 13 July, Patton assigned roughly one-haH of thc
which turned the Seventh Arrny's axis of new zone of opcrations.
advance from the north to the west. On The right sector, running from just
15 July, even as the 7th lnfantry's re- east of Serradifalco to M ~meli, Lcr-
cara Friddi, Marineo, and Palermo, went
21 7th Inf Regt S-3 Rpts, 14-17 Jul 43; 7th
to General Bradley's 11 Corps. The newly
lnf Regt S-3 Jnl, 14-17 Jul 43; 3d lnf Div G-
3 Jnl, 14-17 Jul 43; loth FA Bn, 77th FA Regt, organized Provisional Corps, under thc
3d lnf Div Arty, and 3d Ranger Bn AAR'1; command of General Keyes, the Scventh
Tnascott, Command Missions, pp. 217-21; Mori- Arrny deputy commander, took over the
son, Sicily-Sal'1no--Anzio, pp. 174-76; Lt Col
Roy E. Moore, A Reconnaiuance in Force at left sector. To the new corps went the
Agrigento, Sicily, n-16 July 1943 (Command 3d lnfantry Division, minus CCA and
and General Staft' College, Fort Leavenworth, other supporting units; the 82d Airbome
Kansas, 1947); Maj Edward B. Kitchen1, Opera-
tions of the 3d Ranger lnfantry Battalion in the Division; units from the gth lnfantry
Landinga at Licata and Sublequent Attack on Division; and artillery units which had
Porto Empedocle, 1~17 July 1943 (Fort Benning, bcen supporting thc 3d Division. Thc
Ga.: 1950); MS #R-141, Withdrawal, Second 3d Division was to continue on its mis-
Phaae ( n-2 l J uly l 943), ch. XI of Axis Tacti-
cal Operations in Sicily (Bauer), pp. 1-10. sion of taking Agrigento and Porto Em-
In an action weat of Agrigento, ut Lt. David pcdocle and of sccuring Highway 122 in
C. Waybur, 3d Reconnaiuance Troop, 3d Infan- its sector bcfore passing to Provisional
try Divi1ion, eamed the Medal of Honor when,
though seriously wounded, he stood in the mid- Corps control. The 2d Arrnorcd Divi-
dle of a road and opened 6re with a submachine sion was to form the army reserve.
gun on a column of ltalian tanks. Waybur Once the 11 Corps had shifted the 45th
knocked out the leading tank and brought the
others to a halt. See 3d Recon Troop AAR, Division from the cast to the west of the
16 Jul 43. 1st Division, the divisions were to drive

to the northwcst to secure Calt~tta to the British, the 1st Division's axis of
and a stretch of Highway 122 by night- advance was along an axis to thc west of
fall on 19 J uly. Expecting the 3d Divi- that boundary, cutting the middle of the
sion to secure the line Serradifalco-Agri- loop roughly parallel to the Salso Rivcr.
gento by dark on 17 July ( which was an Thc 26th RCT, on 15 July, held thc
extension forward of the anny group's old Yellow Linc positions on thc hills in
contcmplated line), General Patton di- and around Mazzarino and was astridc a
rected the 82d Airbome Division, plus secondary north-south road that paral-
the 9th Division's units then on the is- leled Highway 1 17 and joincd Highway
land, to relieve the 3d Division along 122 about midway between Enna and
Highway 115 by dark on 19 J uly as a Caltanissetta. Thc lattcr road was thc
first step in continuing the drive to the division objective and the 26th RCT had
west. The 2d Annored Division was to a direct line of advance to it. Because
be prepared to exploit any offensive op- of the rough terrain ahead, General Allen
eration toward thc north coast, operating ordcred the combat tcam to advance on
principally in thc Provisional Corps zone." 16 July by leapfrogging battalions. Bar-
Thus, General Patton apparently hopcd rafranca was thc first intennediate objec-
that by the end of 19 J uly the situation tive. Thc 16th RCT shuttled ovcr from
on the island would have developed suf- Niscemi, while the 18th RCT, after mak-
ficiently to enable the Seventh Anny to ing contact with the 1st Canadian Di-
start on a thrust to the north coast. As vision along Highway 117, began moving
indicated by the extcnsion of the anny south to follow the division's main axis
boundary past Enna, General Patton was of advance.
not thinking at this time of M~ina as On thc first day of the advance, the
a Seventh Anny objective. Seventh 26th RCT quickly developed a pitched
Anny, of coursc, could not launch out to battle with Group Ens at a point just
the wcst until General Alexander gave forward of Barrafranca. Because the re-
approval. But General Patton fully in- tiring Germans had not destroyed thc
tcnded to be ready to go as soon as Gen- bridge north of Mazzarino, the 1st Bat-
eral Montgomery had finnly established talion, 26th lnfantry, had no trouble
the Eighth Anny on a line from Catania c~ing. The mile and a half stretch
to Enna. before the road entcred the plain in
General Bradley, with the problem of front of the first intennediate objective
pulling bis front apart and putting it was also traverscd without incidcnt. But
together again, started the 45th Division from this point on, German reaction to
to a new assembly arca near Ricsi on 16 the advance became hcavy.
July. Thus. the 1st Division became the From the approach taken by the 1st
right guide for the Seventh Anny, respon- Battalion, the town of Barrafranca gave
sible for maintaining contact with the the impression of being "over behind"
British on the right. Since the east rather than "up on top" the high ground.
boundary of the "Enna loop" belonged Pockcted in a hill platcau, thc town
was shielded by lower hill mU!CS wcst
u Seventh Army Directive, 15 Jul 43, in Sev-
enth Army Rpt of Opna, p. D-7, and map to of the Mazzarino road. At the town's
accompany directive, p. D-8. left front, a stream made a corridor from

the Mazzarino road to a traverse road remaining light tanks continucd their ef-
at the rear, and below this narrow valley forts to slow down the enemy annor. The
a line of lesser hills screened the town 3d Battalion's withdrawal also permitted
from a larger plain. Barrafranca was the supporting artillcry battalions to tum
well suited for defense. The Germans, the plain into a killing zone. Concentra-
expert in such matters, had dug in well, tion after concentration pattcrned thc
and controlled ali approaches and most plain. Slowly the enemy drew back to
of the plain where tanks could be em- Barrafranca; eight Gennan tanks lay
ployed. The Germans sat in positions of smoldering in the fields.
their own choosing, looking down the In the afternoon, the reorganizcd Ist
throat of the American advancc. and 3d Battalions again made for Barra-
On reaching the plain in front of Bar- franca. Their advanee was unopposed;
rafranca, the 1st Battalion swung to the the Gennans had gonc. Immediately, the
left of the road and took position on Hill 16th RCT moved up to keep the presmire
432, close to the road. The 2d Battalion on thc withdrawing enemy. That night
bypassed to the left of thc 1st Battalion the 16th passed through Barrafranca,
and moved on Hill 504. Hcre, thc 2d leapfrogged thc 26th RCT, and pushcd
Battalion carne under heavy fire from on to Pietraperzia. Though thcy met sorne
positions west of the town and was driven resistance, the advance detachments oc-
back. Meanwhile, the 3d Battalion en- cupied the high ground northeast of the
tered thc low line of hills to thc right of town. Late on 17 July, thc 16th forced
the road, fronting the plain. From these a crossing over the Salso River and reachcd
low hills, covercd by Hills 432 and 504 on Highway 122.28
the left, the 3d Battalion was to debouch The 1st Division's advancc from Maz-
onto the plain and advance on Barra- zarino was closely parallclcd by that of
franca in a frontal attack. But evcn as the 45th Division. Faced with the ex-
the 2d Battalion fought to get Hill 504, tremcly difficult task of moving his combat
the Germans sent a column of tanks teams from the far east of thc Sevcnth
down into the plain toward the 3d Bat- Army sector facing north to thc centcr
talion. American light tanks ( the 7oth of the Seventh Army sector facing west,
Light Tank Battalion) from positions on General Middleton, the 45th Division
the rim of Hill 432 opened fire on the commander, at daylight on 16 July began
German tanks, but their guns were not to move his units, pulling them from
heavy enough to be cffective and a num- right to left away from Highway 124.H
ber of the light tanks lost out in thc The 157th RCT was thc first to movc;
ensuing encounter. its front had been the first uncovered by
Though three supporting artillery bat-
talions opened a steady fire on the ap- 23 16th, r8th, and !l6th Inf Regt AAR's; rst

proaching German armor, the advance lnf Div G-3 Jnl; 753d Med Tk Bn AAR; 7oth
Lt Tk Bn AAR; 33d FA Bn AAR; rst lnf Div
was not halted. Unablc to counter the Arty AAR.
tanks from its exposed positions on the H As General Middleton points out, the move

low hills, the 3d Battalion pulled back had to be made through the rear arcas of the
rst Division and over a limited road net. See
across the road to Hill 432 where it tied comments by Lt Gen Troy H. Middleton (Ret.)
in with the 1st Battalion and where the on MS.

the 1st Canadian Division thrust along The rest of the 45th Division, follow-
Highway 124. On trucks borrowed from ing the same difficult route traversed by
other units throughout the 11 Corps zone, the 157th RCT, closed in the Caltanis-
the combat team was forccd to retrace setta arca on 18 July. From ali appear-
its steps south to Highway 1 15, through ances, and though it was now held up at
Gela, and then northwest toward its new Portella di Reccativo, the 15 7th had scorcd
sector. At midnight, 16 July, after a a clean breakthrough of the enemy's de-
ride of almost ninety miles, thc 157th fensive line and little or no resistance ap-
RCT reached Mazzarino. Close behind pearcd to confront the division farther to
carne the 753d Medium Tank Battalion the west. In contrast to the 1st Division,
and two battalions of division artillcry. which confronted the Enna loop and an
Four hours later, at 0400, 17 July, the apparently strong enemy force, the 45th
15 7th jumped off in the attack. lt Division appeared rcady for a dash on
passed through Pietraperzia, already Palermo.26
clearcd by the 1st Division, and went up The Germans had indeed fallen back.
to the Salso River where a demolished General Rodt, commander of the 15th
bridge stopped its advance. By nightfall Panzer Grenadier Division, had rcceived
crossing sites had been reconnoitered, and orders from General Guzzoni to withdraw
at 0100 on 18 July the 157th RCT cr~d northeastward and to take up a defensive
with Caltanissetta as the first objective line running from Agira to Leonforte and
and, if opposition proved weak, Santa on to Nicosia and Gangi to block an Amer-
Caterina (another ten miles away) the ican advance from the west into the Ca-
final objective. tania arca. As an additional measure,
The attack met no serious opposition. Guzzoni ordered Group Schreiber ( minus
By 1600, Caltanissetta was secured and Group Fullriede, which returned to Rodt's
thrce hours later Santa Caterina fell. control) to pull back from Serradifalco
Practically the only opposition carne when to Alimena and Portella di Reccativo to
patrols pushing out from Santa Caterina hold the roads open for the passage of
along Highway 121 ran into a strong, the German division. By evening of 17
Italian-defended roadblock which had July, Group Schreiber was in position
been established the day beforc at Portella and fighting off the 157th RCT thrust
di Recattivo, one of several bottlenecks on from Santa Caterina.
the highway. Therc was no town herc, General Rodt had started his rearward
but the road at this point had narrow movement during the evening of 16 July.
curves and a steep incline. Moreover, Group Ens drew back from Barrafranca,
it was close to one of the rarc side roads passed Valguarnera, and by daylight, 17
which ran through the barren, hilly arca July, was in positions in the hills north-
to Highway 120, and thus was an impor- east and northwest of that town, oppos-
tant point for the enemy to hold. 211 ing the advan ce of the 1st Canadian
Division. Group Fullriede by that same
!! 5 157th Inf Regt AAR, 18 Jul 43 ; MS #R- morning had fallen back to a westward-
141 (Bauer), pp. 30-33. The designation " Por-
tella" which appean frequently on Sicilian maps 26 157th, q9th, and 18oth lnf Regt AAR's ;
-literally translated "narrow passage"-indicates 45th Inf Div G-3 Jnl; 45th lnf Div Arty AAR ;
a particularly difficult spot in the road net. 11 Corps Rpt of Oons.

SrGN A L CORPS LINEM EN setting up wire installations in Caltanissetta, 18 Ju/y.

facing salient running from the southwest Discord and H armony

to the northwest of Enna in line with
the !mera River. From these positions, Even as General Patton prepared to
the German unit could maintain fire on thrust to Palermo, General Alexander be-
the 1 st Division advancing across the base came increasingly worried about the prob-
of the Enna loop.27 lems of clearing the Messina peninsula-
the " long, mountainous, isosceles triangle
with the great mass of Etna filling its
Nicholson, The Canadians in Italy, pp. 93-
base." 28 The German withdrawal from
95 ; Faldella, Lo sbarco, pp. 192-g5, 201-04 ; MS the west to a strong defensive line across
#C-095 (Senger); IT 99a, 16 Ju! 43 ; MS #C- the base of the peninsula was becoming
077 ( Rodt ) ; OB SUED, Meldungen, 16 Ju! 43, apparent, and General Alexander was
Second Report, and 17 Ju! 43, Fint R eport ; Rpt,
Liaison Staff at Sixth Army to OKH, 17 Ju! 43,
OB SUED, Meldungen. 28
Alexander Despatch, p. 12 .

anxious for thc British Eighth Anny to or even the lcsser coursc of moving be-
strike hard around both sides of Mount yond Agrigento, Alexander said nothing.
Etna bcforc thc Germans could gct sct.19 For Patton and Bradley, thc outlook
With this hope in mind, the army seemed dim. Montgomery was to get the
group commandcr on 16 July mued a first prize, Messina; the Americans were to
new dircctive. In reality, this was noth- be denied even the consolation prize,
ing more than a modification of his 1 3 Palermo.80
July muer, slight at bcst, made to conform Having accepted General Alexander's
with what appcarcd to be a quick Eighth earlier directive without audible com-
Anny sweep around thc western slopcs of ment, Patton was "mad as a wet ben"
Mount Etna and the failurc of the British when he got the new directive. What
1 3 Corps to break through to Catania on rankled was not the as&gnment of Mcs-
the east coast. General Alexander for the sina to the British ( and with it assignment
first time spelled out his plan to ex- of three of the four main roads leading
ploit from the "firm line"-a term he to Messina) but what he considered a
used to rcfer to positioning Eighth Anny slight to the U .S. Anny: the passive mis-
along a line from Catania in the east to sion of guaroing Montgomery's rear.
Enna in the west. The directive also knocked out Patton's
General Montgomery was to drive into hope of gobbling up Palermo.
the Messina pennsula along thrce main After conferring with General Keyes,
axes: along the east coast road through Maj. Gen. John P. Lucas, Brig. Gen. Al-
Catania; to Adrano on Highway 121 in bert C. Wcdemeyer, and Brig. Gen. Ho-
order to cut the enemy's lateral com- bart R. Gay, Patton decided to protest
munications; and from Nicosia around the his ~igned mission, and he did so by
western slopes of Mount Etna. If the presenting an alternate plan whercby the
30 Corps could reach the north coast and Seventh Anny would makc an enveloping
cut the island in two, General Montgom- attack on Palermo through Castelvetrano
ery would no longer have to fear an at- (sixty-cight miles west of Agrigento) and
tack against his left flank and could Corleone ( fifty-eight miles northwest of
concentrate on getting to Messina. Agrigento). Impinging in no way on
The major task of the Seventh Army, Montgomery's operations, the plan led
its only task, was ro protect the Eighth the Americans westward toward the only
Army's rear. General Patton was to do objective of consequence aftcr Messina,
this by sccuring the Enna loop area, which Palermo.
would cut important roads, and by ad-
vancing to the north coast on the British
left. Apparently ignorant of General Seventh Army Rpt of Opns, p. D-g; Alex-
Truscott's reconnaissance in force, by then ander Despatch, p. 111; Nicholson, The Canadians
substantially completed, General Alexan- in ltaly, pp. 88, 92; Truscott, Command Missions,
p. 221; Bradley, .A. Soldier's Story, p. 140; Sev-
der authorized the scizure of Agrigento enth Anny G-3 Jnl, entry 1, 17 Jul 43. The
and Porto Empedocle. As for Palenno, directive was received in Seventh Army's head-
quarters at 2355, 16 July 1943.
Montgomery (Eighth .A.rmy, page 102) states
211 /bid.; Intervs, Mathews with Alexander, 10- that Alexander decided on this course of action
15 Jan 43, pp. 11, 15. on 15 July.

Meeting with Alexander in La Marsa, this feeling. Patton was the only Amer-
Tunisia, on 17 July, Patton argued bis ican officer to raise thc point about push-
case. Since the enemy had been knocked ing out to the west, and until he went to
back, he declared, aggressivc action was Alexander the army group commander did
not only imperative but the only way to not know how strongly the Amcricans
give Montgomery complete protection of felt about carrying out only a passivc
bis left flank and rear. An American role. When confronted with tbis senti-
drive to Palermo would split the enemy ment, Alexander realized that be probably
forces irreparably. Alexandcr reluctantly could not rcstrain Patton indefinitely
agreed and gavc bis consent to Patton's from pushing out; if he waited too long
prop<>W. Patton w9uld probably say, "To hell with
At the same time, General Lucas was tbis," and push out anyway. With the
meeting with Maj. Gen. Lowell Rooks, situation then devcloping and with the
the AFHQ G-3, General Eisenhower be- enemy withdrawing into the Messina pen-
ing absent from Algiers on that day. Not insula, Alexander was now willing to
until General Eisenhower retumed on the go along with Patton's plan, albeit re-
2oth could Lucas unburden bis soul. By luctantly.82
then bis rcsentment over seeming British Somewhat paradoxically, even as the
determination to keep the Americans in a element of disunity emerged between the
secondary role had been erased by news British and Americans, the politically en-
that Alexander had acceptcd Patton's forced co-operation between Germans and
plan. In any case, Lucas thought thc Italians on Sicily was going through a
situation was rapidly becorning dangerous period of relative calm. Two command
and that somcthing should be done about changes in the German structure might
it. General Eisenhower stated that he have led to friction, but both took place
had never encountered a case where the smootbly.
British had deliberatcly tried to put some- The first was the arrival on 1 5 J uly of
thing over on the Americans. In the General Hube, XIV Panzer Corps com-
circumstanccs, Eisenhower continued, Al- mander, who was to take charge of ali
exander should not be blamed for being the German forces on the island. On the
cautious. But, said Eisenhower, Patton same day, Kesselring gave Colonel Baade
should be madc to realize that "he must increased responsibility for protecting thc
stand up to Alexander" or else Eisenhower M~ina Strait. 88
would relieve Patton from bis command.81
Whereas there was widcspread indigna- 32 lntervs, Mathews with Alexander, 10-15
tion among American officers regarding Jan 43, pp. 15-16.
33 OKW/WFSt, KTB, 1.-31.Vll.43, 15 Jul
thc original scheme of maneuver, British 43; ibid., 14 Jul 43. For organization of the Ger-
officers apparently were hardly aware of man ferrying service, see MS #R-146, Facts, Fig-
ures, and Thoughts, ch. XVII of Axis Tactical
31 Lucas Diary, pt. 1, pp. 82-83; Patton, War Operations in Sicily, July-August 1943 (Bauer),
As 1 Knew lt, p. 380; Bradley, A Soldier's Story, pp. 27-38. See abo Capt. S. W. Roskill, "History
pp. 140, 144; Butcher, My Three Years with of the Second World War, Unitcd Kingdom Mili-
Eisenhower, p. 368; OPD 201 Wedemeyer, A. C., tary Series," The War at S.a, 193g-1945, vol.
201 Security, case 5; Seventh Army Rpt of 111, pt. 1, r June 1943-31 May 1944 (London:
Opns, p. D-10 (a true copy of the map show- Her Majcsty'a Stationery Oflice, 196o), pp. 143-
ing Patton's proposed plan). 46.
After establishing bis command post in To forestall command difficulties, Guz-
the eastem portion of the island, Hube wni entrusted Hube's XIV Panzer Corps
reported to General Guzzoni on 16 July with the eastem sector of the front. He
and was briefed on Guzzoni's plans for gave the Italian XII Corps responsibility
the Italian XVI Corps to organize the for thc western half. He placed the ltal-
Etna line as a final defensive line behind ian XVI Corps in reserve and in command
temporary positions toward which the of thc northcastcrn portion of Sicily,
Axis forces were then moving. When the where it was to receivc and process units
two German divisions reached the forward expected from thc mainland, in particu-
defenscs, Hube was to supplant General lar the 29th Panzer Grenadier Division.88
von Senger but remain under Guzzoni's Another problcm Guzzoni tricd to dcal
tactical control.H with was thc ltalian ferry servicc across
Kesselring, too, visited Guzzoni's Sixth the Strait of Messina. Though thc Ger-
Army headquarters that day. He found mans operated an indcpendent ferry
no fault with Guzzoni's plans, both for servicc with utmost regularity and started
deploying the troops in Sicily and for hold- to movc the 29th Panzer Grenadier Di-
ing the Etna line. The two divisions in vision to Sicily (as authorizcd by Hitler
Hube's corps, the Hermann Goering and on 19 July), the ltalian movements wcre
the 15th Panzer Grenadier, were to be on the vergc of breakdown. From ali
held in reserve for counteroffensive opera- over Italy carne Sicilians, including mili-
tions provided they were not needed to tary personncl on leave, who converged
man the line itsclf, though Kesselring on Reggio di Calabria, demanding trans-
agreed to let the latter relieve the Li- portation to thc island on the pretext of
vorno Division in the line so that the defending their homcland. Many who
Italian unit could have needed rest and reached the island disappeared at once,
rehabilitation. Kesselring promised to try presumably having rushed off to join their
to reinforce the troops on Sicily by di.s- families. Other Italian troops in Sicily
patching units from the Italian main- used ali their ingenuity to move in the
land, and Guzzoni promised to capture the other direction. In an attempt to tighten
initiative as soon as possible. As a result the water service, Guzzoni urgcd the
of conversations during two days, Kes- Naval Base M essina commander to en-
selring and Guzzoni, though aware that force rigid discipline and regulate traffic
the Allies might resort to additional am- across the strait in the strictcst conform-
phibious operations, agreed that they ance with military necessity.17
would not cvacuate the island of Sicily.85 Meanwhile, during the evening of 16

34 Faldella, Lo sbarco, pp. 202-03, 220-21 ;

Min, Riunione a Palazzo Venezia del 15.7.1943, With Kesselring, 16, 17 Jul 43, IT 99a, an. 42;
IT 3037; IT 99a, an. 31, and map, 15 Jul 43; Telg, Armed Forces Command, Sicily to Com-
MS #C-095 (Senger); see OB SUED, Meldun- ando Supremo, 0020, 18 Jul 43, IT 99a, an.
gen for the dates in question. A description of 43.
the over-all situation as 1een in OKW is con- 38 IT 99a, an. 51, signed Guzzoni. Eft'ective
tained in OKWJWFSt, KTB, 1.-31.V/l.43, 15 2400, 18 July 1943, Hube assumed tactical com-
Jul 43. mand over tbe Hermann Goering, the 15th Panzer
311 Comando Supremo, Liaison Staft' with OB Grenadier, and the Livorno Divisions.
SUED, 18 Jul 43, sub: Notes on Conversation 31 Faldella, Lo sbarco, pp. 203-04; IT 99a.

693-029 O - 6S - 17

July, Guzzoni leamcd of thc fall of Agri- columns advancing toward Palermo and
gcnto. Thc way was now open to thc thc north coast. To dcfcnd Palermo,
Americans to advancc and cut off ali thc Guzzoni ordercd Gcncralc di Divisionc
rcmaindcr of the XII Corps. The last Giovanni Marciani, commander of thc
moment had obviously come to movc 208th Coastal Division, to takc chargc of
these forces to the east. Early on thc ali coastal units in and around Palcnno
following morning, Guzzoni ordercd thc and to kccp thc Palcrmo-Ccrda portion of
XII Corps to begin withdrawing im- Highway 113 open. All told, thc ltalians
mediately to a dcfcnsive linc running frorn had almost 60,000 mcn in thc western
Nicosia wt.St along Highway 120 to Cerda. portian of Sicily, including thc units at
Two coastal divi.sions wcrc to be left in thc Palermo and Marsala naval bases...
place to ward off any Allicd amphibious Thc aura of accord betwccn Italia.ns
attack. and Gcrmans in thc facc of advcr.Dty as
Thc XII Corps thus had to cxccutc a dcmonstratcd on Sicily failcd to cxtcnd
difficult tactical mancuver. Thc major back to thc Contincnt. Hcrc, rifts in
units-thc Assietta and Aosta Divisions- ltalo-German unity widcned to grcat
mobilc in namc only, had to makc ftank- proportions.
ing movcmcnts from thc wt.St to cast
across the spearheads of the American 11 Faldella, Lo sbareo, pp. 904-06.

The Drive to the Climax

The Feltre Conference thc timing. What he nccdcd, he said,
was a better bargaining position, an im-
In the early summer of 1943 Benito proved military situation, a time whcn the
Mussolini's hopes and plans were ali Italian Army would have repulsed thc
based on a successful resistance to an then impending invasion of Sicily or Sar-
Allied invasion of the Italian homcland. dinia. Somctime later that rnonth, though
Though convinccd that thc Axis had lost neithcr bis political nor bis military situa-
the war, he was caught in the dilemma tion had amcliorated, he orally requested
between Hitlcr's insistencc on continuing bis ambassador at Madrid, the Marchcsc
the war and the Allied dcmand for un- Giacomo Paulucci di Calboli, to sound
conditional surrendcr. The only solution out thc W estem Powers on a compromisc
secmcd to be Victor Emmanucl's, for the peace.
King had, in May, given Mussolini threc The, with great confidcnce in
memorandums suggesting a scparation Mussolini's political skill, gave no en-
from Germany as a means of terminating couragemcnt to thosc who since February
thc war. 1 Mussolini's halfhearted efforts had suggcsted the disrni.ssal or arrcst of
to convince Hitler of the need for peace the Duce in order to save Italy from total
had failed. Perhaps the Westem Allics defeat. The considcred Mussolini
might relcnt in thcir dcmand for absolute much bettcr qualified to achicve a com-
defeat. Mussolini had therefore asked the promise pcace than any of bis possible
King to give him three more months to successors.
prepare for a peace move.1 The entire Fascist propaganda system
Thc Under Sccretary of Foreign Af- in early J uly tumed to the theme of an
fairs, Bastianini, on 15 June had prescnted impassioned defense of the homeland by
the Duce with a memorandum suggesting the I tallan anned forces and peoplc.
the closc collaboration of ltaly with the However indifferently the Italian soldicr
Danubian countrics as the path to a had previously fought in overseas theaters,
political solution of the war. On 1 July, Mussolini fully expected an improvement
when Mussolini met with Ion Antonescu,
and listencd to the Rumanian premicr a Bova Scoppa, Colloqui eon du1 dittatori, pp.
spcak long and openly in advocating a 112-15; Gheorghe Barbul, Mlmorial Anton11eo:
11 111 Homm1 d1 l'Ax1 (Paria: tdition1 de la
joint approach to the Westem Power.J, he Couronne, 1950), vol. 1, p. 98; Cf. Andreas
apparently agrecd except with respect to Hillgruber, Hitl11, Konig Carol and Marsehall
Anton11ea: Di1 d1atseh-rum4riiseh1ri B11zi1hung1ri
1 See above, pp. 43-44. 1938-1944 (Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag,
2 MS #P-058, 1 Feb-8 Sep 43, Question 3. 1954), p. 171 .

in fighting morale when the war reached in Sicily and southern ltaly," he wrote,
Italian soil. He himself definitely pro- "there have been more than 320 fighter
claimed that the invaders would be hurled planes destroyed on the ground as a re-
back at the shore line. sult of enemy aerial attack, a majority of
Always a journalist and therefore tend- which could have been employed against
ing to regard the published account of the enemy." 8
an event as of equivalent importance to Mussolini swallowed the bitter cup and
the action itself, Mussolini helped delude on the same day that he received Hitler's
the ltalian people with optimistic initial message, 13 July, he assured Field Mar-
bulletins on the campaign in Sicily. The shal Kesselring that the XIV Panzer Corps
third bulletin, which on 12 July conceded might be committed in Sicily.
the Allied occupation of the coast line The Comando Supremo, much closer to
from Licata to Augusta, pricked the bub- the visible manifestations of Anglo-Ameri-
ble of popular enthusiasm and faith.11 can power than the OKW, now concluded
With Allied success a rude jolt not only that continuation of the war was without
for the ltalian people but for the Duce military justification. In a memorandum
himself, who had believed bis own propa- presented to Mussolini on 14 July, Am-
ganda, Mussolini had sent bis impassioned brosio stated:
pica to Germany for rescue. The fate of Sicily must be considered
To Hitler and the OKW the complete sealed within a more or less brief period.
failure of the defense of Sicily appeared The essential reasons for the rapid col-
to be due essentially to the collapse of the lapse are: the absolute lack of naval oppo-
1talian armed forccs--the refusal of the sition and the weak aerial opposition during
Italian units to fight. Colonel Schmalz the approach to the coast, the debarkation,
the penetration of the adversary and during
had submitted through channels a critica} our counter offensive reactions; the inade-
report on the conduct of Contrammirag- quacy of the armament and of the distribu-
lio Priamo Leonardi at Augusta, accusing tion of our coastal divisions; the scarcity and
Leonardi of blowing up bis guns and lack of strength of our defensive works; the
throwing bis ammunition into the sea be- slight efficiency (armament and mobility)
fore the Allies arrived. Forwarding this of 1talian reserve divisions.
1t is useless to search for the causes of
report to M ussolini, O K W seemed to re- this state of affairs: they are the result of
quest Leonardi's punishment. In a per- three years of war begun with scanty meaos
sonal reply to Mussolini's message for help, and during which the few resources have
Hitler declared that he shared the view been bumed up in Africa, in Russia, in the
of the seriousness of the developments in Balkans.
Sicily, promised additional planes, but The memorandum continued by stating
sharply criticized the faulty ltalian ground that the Allies would be able to invade
organization for its failure to provide for the Italian peninsula at will, unless the
protective dispersa! of planes on the main weight of the Axis effort were
ground: "In the last three weeks alone shifted to the Mediterranean. A second

Rntelen, B11nd11gnoss, pp. 199, ~06-o7; 8 Translation of Msg, Mussolini to Hitler, sent

Badoglo, M1mori Jocumenti, pp. 63-64; through OKW, in folder OKL, von Rhoden Col-
Westphal, Hur in FsHln, p. u5. lution, 4576/5; Msg, Hitler to Mussolini (Italian
5 Mussolni, Storia Ji un anno, p. 11 . translation), 13 Jul 43, IT 3029, folder V, an. 1.

front would be opened up with the in- German and !tallan ground forces to be
vasion of ltaly, and as long as the Russian entrusted to a German commander in
campaign continued there was no hope f chief, most likely Rommcl; for the key
Axis victory unless the constitution of positions in Comando Supremo to be
such a second land front could be pre- filled with officers whom the Germans
vented. lf not, "it pertained to the considered competent and trustworthy;
highest political authorities to consider and for a unified command of the air
if it be not appropriate to spare the coun- forces under Feldmarschall Wolfram
try further fighting and defeats, and to Freiherr von Richthofen.9
anticipate the end of the struggle, given Meeting on 1 7 J uly with Docnitz,
that the final result will undoubtedly be Keitel, Jodl, Rommel ( who was prcsent
worse within one or a few years." What only during part of the conference), and
the Comando Supremo hoped for was that others, Hitler admitted that Sicily could
a meeting of the Duce and the Fuehrer not be held. The units were to be
could be arranged for a real showdown. 7 denied no supplies, but ultimately they
Hitler's immediate military advisers in would havc to withdraw. For the mo-
OKW hoped for a showdown, for ment, until the issues with 1tal y were
they were disgusted with the feeble ltalian clarified, the 29th Panzer Grenadier Di-
resistance in Sicily, with the ineptitude of vision was not to be moved to Sicily. lf
Mussolini's government, and with the per- ltaly collapsed politically, the Germans
petual bickerings of C ornando Supremo. would exccute ALAR!CH and take over
On 14 July the OKW revised and brought the positions fonncrly held by Italian
up to date plans ALAR/CH (occupation units. In this case, the Germans would
of northern Italy by Rommel's Army have to withdraw to a shorter line in
Group B) and KONSTANTIN ( rein- ltaly, for "without thc ltalian army wc
forcement of German troops in the Bal- cannot hold the cntire ltalian pennsula."
kans and Greece) .8 lf there was no political collapsc in Italy,
On 15 July, Jodl had reached the con- the Germans could defend the entirc
clusion that Sicily could probably not be Italian peninsula, but only wi~h Musso-
held. He advocated evacuating the troops lini's full support. Jodl accordingly urged
from the island. Together with Rommel, Hitler to prcsent Mussolini with bis mem-
he prepared a memorandum suggesting orandum of 15 July as an ultimatum.
that Hitler make certain demands of Mus- Or, Hitler had to convince the Duce of
solini: for full unity of command in the thc need to takc radical measures to im-
Mediterranean theater under the Duce; prove Italian morale. Thc ltalian Army
for this supreme command over both was demoralized, Hitler dcclared, and
only the most severe mcasures, likc those
takcn by thc French in 191 7 or by Stalin
7 Comando Suprmo, A.ppunto per il Duc.,
in 1941, could save it. As for thc com-
Prospettiv operativ nell' vntualita di perdita
d1lla Sieilia, 14 Jul 43, IT 112 (another copy in 11 OKW/WFSt, KTB, 1.-91.VIl.49, 15 Jul
IT 3029, folder VI). The concluding paragraph 43; MS #C-093 (Warlimont), pp. 11:7-11:9.
of the memorandum it printed in Francesco Rossi, Sorne inkling of this Gennan plan reached the
Com arrivammo aU' armistizio (Cernusco sul Italian Government. See Simoni, Berlino, A.m-
Naviglio: Garzanti, 1946), p. 41. basciata, pp. 359-60; Dino AUi.eri, Due dittatori
1 OKW/WFSt, KTB, 1.-91.VIl.43, 14 Jul 43. di fronte ( Milan: Rizzoli, 1948), p. 306.

pctent Italian officers available, Rommcl 1 believe, Fuehrer, that the time has come
mcntioncd Roatta. Though thc Gcnnans for us to examine the situation together at-
considcrcd him ablcr than the othcrs, they tentively, in order to draw from it the conse-
quences conforming to our common interests
did not trust him and thought him devoid and to those of each of our countries. 11
of character. Hans Georg von Mackensen,
Ambassador to ltaly, suggcsted-and Hit- It was not, then, that thc faithful Ducc's
ler dccided to say nothing about it to work was being sabotagcd by his incom-
Mussolini-that Rommcl become the Gcr- pctent collaborators as Hitler had hitherto
man commandcr in chicf in Italy. Still prderrcd to believc: M ussolini himsclf
hoping that the Fuchrcr would prcscnt was wcakening. The Fuehrcr immcdi-
an ultimatum to Mussolini and sccurc ately forgot his fears of being poisoned
unified command undcr a Gcrman gen- and discardcd thc scruplcs which had re-
eral, Jodl urgcd thc value of a political straincd him since thc spring from visiting
rcvolution in Italy that would climinatc Italy. In the grcatcst haste arrangcmcnts
the monarchy and rctain Mussolini in wcrc madc for a new meeting of the two
full powcr.10 dictators at Fcltrc in northem I taly.
On 18 July Mussolini adoptcd thc Hitler's wholc purpose was to put Mus-
view of the Comando Supremo and scnt solini back on the rails. For this rcason
Hitler a long tclegram. He rcfutcd the he discarded thc tcntative plans for an
charge that the 1talian units had failed ultimatum demanding Gcrman command
to fight; he criticizcd thc delay in the in thc Italian thcater. In his own pecu-
dispatch of Gcrman rcinforcements. The liar fashion Hitler again prepared to trcat
final paragraphs, which followed closcly Mussolini with dcfcrcncc, to rcinfusc him
the Comando Su.premo's mcmorandum with faith in ultimatc Axis victory, to con-
of 14 J uly, wcre ominous: centrate bis criticisms on the work of
In ltaly the enemy has opened up the sec- Mussolini's subordinatcs, and at the samc
ond front on which the enormous offensive time to ofler whatever was possible in thc
possibilities of England and America will be way of Gcrman rcinforcements.12
concentrated, not only to conquer ltaly but Mussolini was accompanicd to Feltre
also to open up the Balkan route precisely by Ambrosio and Bastianini. Ambassador
at the moment irr which Gcrmany is heavily
committed on the Russian front. Dino Alfieri ftew down frQm Bcrlin. Thc
The sacrifice of my country cannot have Italian dclegation was not briefed in ad-
as its principal purpose that of delaying a vance: ncither the military mcn nor thc
direct attack on Gennany. diplomats had any knowledgc of the pur-
Germany is stronger economically and posc of thc meeting. Thc military mcn,
militarily than ltaly. My country, which
entered the war three years earlier than was
foreseen and after it aiready had engaged in 11 Telg, Mussolini to Hitler, 18 Jul 43, IT 3029.

two wars, has step by step exhausted itself, Roui, in Com arrivammo, page 42, prints the
burning up its resources in Africa, Russia, final sentences of this telegram, 1tatc1 that it waa
and the Balkans. drafted in the Comando Su/l,,mo and presented
to Muaolini on 18 July, but doubts that it waa
1 Min of Conf of CinC with Fuehrer at Hq sent. It is filed in a folder marked Scambio
Wolfnchanzc, 17 Jul 43, ONI, FU11ar., Confer- m111agi fra Fu11&r., 1 DuC', and the folder head-
ne1s, 1949 Field Manhal Erwin Rommel, Pri ing describes it u tlscritto all1gato a, which
vate KTB, 9 May 1943-6 September 1943, entries would indicate that it wu sent.
for 17 and 18 July, copy in OCMH (X-743). 11 MS #C-o93 (Warlimont), pp. 32-33.

however, had shown Mussolini the com- planes available but would send two spccial
plete military weakness of ltaly, and had bomber groups.18
preparcd him for a frank declaration to During the coursc of Hitler's spcech
Hitler that Italy could not continue the reports were brought in to M ussolini that
war. the Americans were bombing Rome. Fol-
The plenary ses&on consisted of one lowing a fcw qucstions by thc ltalian rep-
item: a harangue by Hitler which lasted resentatives the ses&on ended. Hitler and
a couple of hours and left everyone but Mussolini thcn had lunch together, apart
himseH wom out. Hitler made it quite from the rest.
clear that the faulty ltalian ground or- Ambrosio was pcrplexed and disillu-
gan.i7.ation was rcsponsiblc for planc losscs sioned. Aftcr the luncheon he, Bastianini,
in Sicily and southcm Italy. and Alficri saw Mussolini and bitterly re-
"If, as had happcncd," he declarcd, proached him for his silence. They urged
"sorne 300 or 400 machines out of 500 or that it was his duty to save 1taly from the
600 were destroyed on the ground, that situation into which he had plunged it,
meant that thc organization was bad." and that he should take the opportunity
The Fuehrcr said it was "absolutely in- which still remained for direct contact with
tolerable that in Sicily, through unskillful Hitler and explain thc true situation.
and unsoldicrly conduct of the ground Mussolini, a sick man, listened impas-
pcrsonnel, on one day 27 machines should sively-made sorne dry remarks--but
have bcen destroyed on the ground and failed to pluck up his courage. 14
on another day 25." Ambrosio had two discussions with
Tuming to thc question of Sicily, Hitler Keitel during the course of thc Feltre
said that "he was of two minds on this Conference. During the automobile trip
subject. If it were ~ible to insure the from the Treviso airfield to thc Villa
supply line, Sicily should be defended and Gaggia at Feltre the convcrsation was a
at a certain point thc defense should be brief bit of fencing, Ambrosio revealing
transformed into .an attack." He advised what was in his mind and Keitel what
that Reichsmarshall Goering was pre- was in Hitler's. Keitel asked for infor-
pared to concentrate a large number of
ftak batteries at Messina. It would be far u "Memorandum of Convenation Between
better, Hitler urged, to fight the decisive tbe Fuehrer and the Duce in North ltaly on
battle in Sicily rather than in Italy. lf July 19, 1943," (translation from the Gennan)
U.S. Department of State Bullllin, XV, No. 349
such a decision were made, "Germany ( 6 October 1946) 6o1-14, 639; B"v sintsi
would send superior troops down there. qustioni militar trattat al convegno di Feltr
19 luglio 1943, IT 3031, II; Relazion sopra le
Such a decision required great capacity in dichiarazioni del Fuhrr in occasion del suo in-
the way of leadership. What was now conlro col Duc nell' Italia slllntrional il 19/
done in Sicily could not be recalled. 7/1943, IT 30119. With some artful deletion1 of
Many German units must be despatched Hitler' 1harpe1t specific criticisms, this document
is printed by Roui, in Com arrivammo, pages
down there in order first to establish a 3114-35.
defensive front and, following that, a front 14 MS #P-058, 1 Feb-8 Sep 43, Que1tion 1;

suitablc for an attack." Italy, in such a Alfi.eri, Du dittatori, pp. 3 14-16. See also:
Castellano, Com firmai, pp. 55-56 ; Badoglio,
case, should send additional divisions. Mmori e docum1nli, pp. 64-65; Simoni, Ber-
Germany, Hitler said, did not have 2,000 lino, Ambasciata, pp. 367-68.

mation regarding Sicily and Ambrosio of a strong defense in Calabria and Puglia;
asked how things were going on the Rus- ( 3 ) From the organizational point of
sian front. The German replied in sub- view, finnness and rigor in arrangements
stance that they were wearing the Russians giving maximum libcrty to the military
down. "This," said Ambrosio, "is not an authorities of southern ltaly for organiz-
active program but the renunciation of the ing and strengthening the defense-avia-
initiative in operations. In substance the tion fields, railroads, roads, depots, etc.
Axis is besieged, it is closed in a ring; it Keitel reiterated the demand for a for-
is necessary to get out. What prospects mal pledge by ltaly to fight to the limit
have you for doing this?" The question in Sicily and to accept the three points.
was eluded and the subject switched back Ambrosio promised to examine the pos-
to the Mediterranean.15 sibility of sending two additional Italian
On the return trip Keitel again rode divisions to Calabria. But as to the
with Ambrosio, and, at Hitler's orders, three points, which concerned the civil
the discussion was confined to thosc mat- power, the decision would be placed be-
ters which Hitler had mentioned in his fore M ussolini. 18
speech. If Italy would contribute two
additional divisions, preferably Al pine Planning the Western Sweep
divisions, then Germany, said Keitel, was
prepared to send two additional divisions This friction on the Axis side obviously
to reinforce Sicily and southern Italy. could not be so quickly nor so happily
It was up to ltaly to decide whether or resolved as the relativcly minor discord
not Sicily would be defended to the limit. in the Allied camp. Having returned
Keitel declared that the two additional during the evening of 17 July from his
Gennan divisions would be sent immedi- visit to General Alexander's headquarters
ately once the Italian High Command in North Africa, General Patton the next
made the decision to fight to the limit in day issued bis directivc spelling out Pal-
Sicily. There werc three essential points enno as thc Scventh Army objective.
on which the OKW would insist: General Bradley's 11 Corps ( the ISt and
( 1) From the tactical point of view, 45th Divisions) was assigned a dual mis-
the incrcase of the forces so as to permit sion. First of ali, using the 1st Division,
the fonning of a strong line and with- the corps was to gain control of thc west-
drawal of the mobile forces ( 15th Panzer ern haH of thc Enna loop ( the eastcrn
Grenadier Division and H ermann Goering half of the loop and Enna bclongcd to the
Division) to a secondary line; Eighth Army). Thereupon, the Ist Di-
( 2) From the operational point of view, vision was to strike for the north coast
the assurance of supplies and the creation along the axis Alimcna-Petralia-Cefalu,
thus paralleling thc advance of the Brit-
15 Comando Supremo, 20 July 1943, Convegno
ish 30 Corps, which was expected to
di Felt11 ( 19 luglio 1943): Sintesi primo col-
loquio Ecc. Ambrosio Mar. Keitel, IT 3029, folder reach the north coast by using the axis
VII, an. 3. Rossi, in Come arrivammo, pages
335-36 prints a portion of this document, but 111 Comando Supremo, 20 July 1943, Convegno

bis whole document, (pages 335-38) is incomplete di Feltre, IT 3029, folder VII, an. 4; OKW/
and is a fusion of the record of two separate WFSt, KTB, l.VIl.-31.VJI.,43, 19 Jul 43; Cf.
discussions. Rossi, Come arrivammo, pp. 336-38.

of Highway 117 through Enna-Nicosia- are not high or ruggcd, they are not easy
Santo Stdano di Camastra. to cross. A network of secondary roads,
Meanwhile, the 45th Division was to spaced at intervals of about twenty miles,
advance to the northwest toward Palermo, are good near the coast but become pro-
using Highway 121 as its main axis of gressivcly poorer inland. Following the
advance. Once the division reached the intermcdiatc slopcs and ridges rather than
north coast road, it was to wheel to the thc vallcys because of winter floods, thc
west and, if neccssary, strike at Palcrmo. roads are casily blockcd by demolition
11 Corps' castcrn boundary, and thc work. The towns, located on hilltops or
army's as well, was a line running duc on the upper slopcs of the mountains, are
north from Enna to thc north coast just difficult to approach, for thc access roads
west of Santo Stcfano di Camastra. The are usually steep. The Platani and Belice
corps' western boundary, and the bound- Rivers, though insignificant as water
ary with the Provisional Corps, ran from courses during the dry summer season,
Scrradifalco ( entercd by the 3d Division run through valleys which offer excellent
on 18 July) northwestward to Palcrmo, sites for interrupting road traffic. The
paralleling Highway 121. Salso Rivcr, a potential barrier, had
On the 11 Corps left, the Provisional already been crosscd by the rst and 45th
Corps was assigned the zone from High- Divisions. The mountainous terrain and
way 121 (exclusive) on the east to the sea the poor road network would constitute
on the west and north. With the 82d the main obstacles to a rapid advance.
Airbome and 3d Infantry Divisions, Gen- Seventh Army intelligence officers
eral Kcycs was to advancc on Palcrmo painted a picture of ftuidity on 19 July,
from thc south and southwest. The 2d noting the difficulty of locating the enemy
Annored Division was to remain in army f ront. They deemed the Italian units
reserve, follow thc Provisional Corps ad- capable of only limited defensive action,
vance, and be prepared to cxploit a but the Gcrmans might be dangerous,
breakthrough or to extend the cnvelop- even though they seemed to have with-
ment of Palermo to the west. drawn from thc entire Scventh Army front
General Patton designated three phase in favor of final defensive positions pro-
lincs for control purposes, but he spccified tecting Messina. 18
that the units wcre not to stop unless Four hours after Patton ordered the ad-
ordered to do so. He expected to co- vancc to Palermo, Seventh Army received
ordinate the final assault on Palermo General Alexander's written confirmation
himself, and he planned to use the 2d Ar- of approval. But instead of giving Patton
morcd Division for the final thrust into carte blanche, Alexander imposed certain
thc city.17 rcstrictions, conditions which he had not
Though the mountains in western Sicily indicated to Patton during the conference
the preceding day. Now Alexander said
11 Seventh Army Directive, 18 Jul 43, in Sev- go ahead, and cxploit, but first, capture
enth Anny Rpt of Opns, p. D-11, with accom- Petralia; then send detachments to the
panying opns map on p. D-12 ; Truscott, C om-
mand Missions, p. 222; Harry H. Semmes, Portrait
of Patton (New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 18 Seventh Army Periodic Rpt 9, 19 J ul 43 ;
Inc., 1955), p. 162. G-2, G-3 Jnl, Prov Corps, 16-:z 1 Jul 43.

north coast from Petralia, cutting the is- General Bradley was disappointed at
land in two at Campofelice, eleven miles the role assigned to 11 Corps. He had
west of Cefalu; and, finally, establish the wanted ali along to join with the Eighth
Seventh Army along a line running from Army in a .drivc against Messina. Indccd,
Campofelice on the north coast, through the 11 Corps commander completely mis-
Petralia, Santa Caterina, Calta~tta, to interpreted the motives behind Patton's
Agrigento on the south coast-a long, visit to Alexander's headquarters on the
curving line established across the width 17th. Bradley thought that Patton was
of Sicily that would provide protection going to propose using the Seventh Army
to Eighth Army's rcar as it swung around against Messina. Thus, Gay's m~ge
Mount Etna. Only then, alter establish- to 11 Corps on 19 July meant to General
ing this line, was the Seventh Army to Bradley that the worst had come: Sev-
advance and mop up the western end of enth Army would be confined to the
the island. Alexander was willing to let western half of the island where "there
Patton exploit, but only on his terms, and was little to be gained" and where "there
not on the terms laid down in the 17 was no glory in the capture of bilis, docile
July conference. 18 peasants, and spiritl~ soldiers." General
General Gay, the Seventh Army's chief Bradley sided with an officer from Gen-
of stafl, apparently kept Alexander's order eral Patton's stafl who noted that after
from reaching the army commander. the Seventh Army reached the north
lnstead, Gay used only the first portion coast "we can sit comfortably on our
of the message as an order to General prats while Monty finishes the goddam
Bradley to modify 11 Corps' instructions: war." 21
the 1st Division was to advance through But 11 Corps was encountering prob-
Petralia to the north coast, coming out lems of its own in the loop arca south
now at Campofelice instead of at Cefalu. and west of Enna. The corps mmion
Gay ignored the rcst of the message. 20 had called for the securing of Caltanis-
setta and Highway 122 by dark on 19
July. The first objective had been takcn
care of. To secure the highway within
19 Seventh Anny G-3 Jnl, entry 66, 18 Jul 11 Corps' zone, which would also secure
43, TOO 18110, is a copy of Seventh Anny's 18
July directive; entry 74, same file and date, TOR
1111110, is Alexander's directive.
to Seventh Anny ~ Jnl, entry 85, 18 Jul up the message, he almost certainly would a1so
43, TOO 111156, is a message to 11 Corps; 11 have seen to it that no entry would be made in
Corps G-3 Jnl, entry 43, 19 Jul 43, TOR 0401, the journal where Patton would probably have
is the message received in 11 Corps headquarters. picked it up. Semmes further states that Patton
According to Semmes (Portrait of Patlon, page did not know of Gay's action until days after-
168), Gay saw to it that the measage (after tak- ward. Be that as it may, the Seventh Army did
ing out the portion he planned to use) was a not delay the start of the advance, moved with-
long time in being decoded and then, saying the out the southem half of the loop arca being
original meuage had been garbled, asked 15th established, and reached Palermo before cutting
Anny Group for a repeat. By the time this the island in two. Semmes' story, apparently
procesa was completed, the Seventh Army was on based on an interview with General Gay, gaina
the outskirts of Palenno. strong credence from the course of thCJe opera-
Thcre is no verification in Seventh Army's G- tion1.
3 Journal for this statement. But if Gay did hold 21 Bradley, A Solditr's Story, pp. 140, 144.

the American portion of the loop, General push on M~a. On the night of 17
Bradley decided that, while the 45th Di- July, thc British 5oth Division had tried
vision was taking Santa Caterina, the 1st once again to break through into Catania;
Division would movc as far as Santa again, a breakthrough had not been made.
Caterina, turn eastward on Highway 121, General Montgomery then decided to
and take the small town of Villarosa, shift the weight of his advance to the 1 3
seven miles northwest of Enna. With Corps left flank. He brought the British
elements of the two divisions along this 5th Division up on the left of the 5oth
road, Highway 122 would be secure from Division and directed an attack toward
an enemy attack from the north. The Misterbianco. But here, too, the Gcr-
Canadians on the right, then nearing mans offered stubborn resistance, and the
Enna, would secure the highway from the 5th Division could do little more than
east. draw even with the 5oth Division's
Accordingly, the 18th RCT moved to bridgehead north of the Simeto River.
Santa Caterina on the evening of 18 July, It soon became apparent to General
and next morning, the 19th, started east- Montgomery that the Eighth Army was
ward toward Villarosa. Though sorne not strong enough to encircle Mount Etna
German resistance slowed the 18th RCT on both sides. Accordingly, he got Gen-
at the stream crossing sorne three miles eral Alexander's permission to bring in
west of Villarosa, by noon the combat his reserve, the British 78th Infantry Di-
team had forced a cro~ing and was on vision, from North Mrica. This would
high grand overlooking the approaches to enable the Eighth Army to shift the main
the town. axis of its advance from the east coast
By this time, however, the new Seventh highway to the western side of Mount
Army directive had arrived. This called Etna. If sufficient p~ure could be
for a change in the 1st Division's mission, brought to bear there, Montgomery felt,
from one of securing the loop arca to the Germans would have to withdraw
one of pushing on to the north coast. from their Catania positions. Until the
Before General Bradley could draw up 78th Division arrived, the 13 Corps, on
his own plans to carry out the army's the east, was to confine itself to patrol
directive, word carne from the 1st Division activity to keep the Germans pinned down
that the British 30 Corps, which had at Catania. The 30 Corps was to continue
finally cleared Piazza Armerina on the pushing the 1st Canadian Division arouncl
morning of the I 7th but then had been Mount Etna, not on the route originally
delayed by strong German resistance planned, that through Nic~ia and Ran-
farther along Highway 117, had also re- dazzo, but instead, to the northeast. Be-
ceived new orders: the 30 Corps was fore reaching Enna, the division was to
now to bypass Enna to the east and ad- take the secondary road leading from High-
vance instead on Leonforte and Assoro. way 1 I 7 to Leonforte, and push along
The 1st Canadian Division, which had Highway 12 1 toward Agira and Regalbuto.
becn leading the corps advance, was now General Montgomery planned to commit
to swing its axis of advance to the north. the 78th Division in the 30 Corps zonc,
This was in keeping with a new Eighth but he could not do so before I August.
Army plan which called for a renewcd On that date, Montgomery hoped to start

the final offensive to throw the Axis forces The 45th Division, on the other hand,
out of Sicily.22 was not involved in the Enna crisis. To
General Bradley, whose 11 Corps had General Middleton's Thundcrbirds, thcn,
been tied in tightly with the 30 Corps fell the task of cutting the island in two.
since 11 July, felt that the change in By the afternoon of 18 July, the 45th Di-
British plans endangered his right flank vision was ready to go for the north coast.
too much to be ignored. Unwilling to The 18oth RCT began moving up to pass
take any chances on the Gennans using through the 157th RCT. Once this had
this entree from Enna into his rear arcas, been accomplished, and the Italian road-
Bradley dashed off a note to General Leese block at Portella di Reccativo cleared, the
and told him of his intention to take En na: 18oth was to continue pushing just as
"I have just learned you have sideslipped hard as it could along Highway 121. The
Enna leaving my flank exposed. Accord- north coast was eighty miles away; it
ingly, we are proceeding to take Enna at would take aggressive and hard-hitting
once even though it is in your sector. 1 leadership to get the 45th Division to the
assume we have the right to use any of sea.
your roads for this attack." Leese, who Elsewhere, the Provisional Corps, with-
had assumed that his staff had notified the out a worrisome problem like that faced
Americans of the bypassing of Enna and by General Bradley's 11 Corps, regrouped
the shift in the Canadian axis of advance, its newly assigned forces for the thrust at
replied immediately. Bradley, he said, Palenno. Drawing a boundary that ex-
was to use whatever roads he needed to tended f rom Agrigento northwestward be-
take the town.23 tween Highway 115 on the south and
With this settled, Bradley then told Highway 118 on the north, General Keyes
General Allen to send the 18th RCT into disposed the 82d Airborne Division, rein-
Villarosa and then against Enna from forced by the 39th RCT (from the gth
the west, while the 16th 'RCT ad- Division), on the left and the 3d Infantry
vanced to the north from its Salso River Division on the right. Both divisions were
croosings to strike Enna from the south. to advanee by phase lines; both were to
U ntil such time as the En na situation was advance within their zones and were not
clarified, General Bradley was going to to halt at the phase lines unless ordered
send the 1st Division neither to Petralia to do so by corps headquarters; and both
nor to the north coast.24 were to get to the north coast and to
22 Alexander Despatch, pp. 25-26; Nicholson, Palermo as rapidly as po~ible.
The Canadians in ltaly, pp. 95-102; Montgom- By the late afternoon of 18 J uly, the
ery, Eighth Army, pp. 104--06; Aris, The Fifth Provisional Corps was ready to go for
British Division, pp. 123-29.
23 Bradley, .A Soldier's Story, p. 143; 11 Corps Palermo. In a meeting held during the
G-3 Jnl, entry 61, 19 Jul 43; 11 Corps G-3 early evening, General Keyes p~d the
Jnl, entry 90, 20 Jul 43 (a letter from Bradley word: the attack would begin at 0500
to Patton outlining what had happened at Enna
and giving Bradley'a strong feelings toward hav- the following morning, 19 July. 211
ing his right flank left open); 11 Corps G-3 Jnl, ~ 5 Prov Corps FO 1, 1 8 J ul 43 ; Prov Corps
entry 96, 20 Jul 43 (Bradley's letter to Leese). Rpt of Opns, p. 3 ; Truscott, Command Missions,
21 11 Corps Rpt of Opns, pp. 9-10; 11 Corps p. 224; Ridgway, Soldier, p. 73; 82d AB Div FO
G-3 Jnl, entry So, 19 Jul 43 (a copy of Bradley's 2, 18 Jul 43; Ketterson, 82d AB Div in Sicily
verbal orders to Allen) . and ltaly, p. 14.

GENERAL RmawAY ANO S TAFF al the edge of R ibera near the 2d Armored D ivision assembly area.

The Pounce on Palermo Mussolini were meeting at Feltre; on this

day, too, more than 500 U.S. heavy
Jumping off on 1 g July for Palermo, bombers struck in the first large-scale Al-
more than a hundred miles away, the lied bombing attack on Rome.
Provisional Corps would strike through The initial advance forecast the shape
rough, mountainous country for the first of things to come. Paratroopers of Colo-
fifty miles, then through forty miles of nel Tucker's 504th Parachute Infantry
undulating interior plateau terrain, and swept through the 39th Infantry two
finally through rugged highlands blocking hours ahead of schedule, and six hours
Palenno on the west and south. ( M ap later had crossed the Platani River, sev-
VIII) enteen miles from their starting point. A
The advance turned out to be little demolished bridge had threatened to hold
more than a road march. Swarms of up the advance, but quick engineer work
planes struck at targets of opportunity. produced a vehicular bypass, and the
Naval vesrels standing by to render gun- movement continued with hardly a stop.
fire support were, as it tumed out, not Reconnaissance troops screerjng the ad-
needed. On this same day, Hitler and vance brushed aside the few opposing

MoRTAR SQUAD PREPARI NG TO ArrACK SANTO STEFANO in the drive on Palermo, 20 Ju/y.

ltalians. A few rounds of cannon fire, a pons- machine guns, mQrtars, and several
few rounds of small arms fire, the deploy- 37-mm. guns- began to fire, seventy ltal-
ment of a squad or two of infantry, were ian soldiers carne out of their positions
usually enough to convince the ltalians with their hands held high.
they had no chance of succ~. By nighall, when General Keyes halted
The most serious resistance occurred in the advance, the paratroopers had gained
early afternoon, when an Italian antitank twenty-five miles.
gun concealed in a pillbox across the The second day's advance was the
Verdura River fired on the lead American same-scattered ltalian garrisons offer-
vehicle-a 75-mm. gun mounted on a ing little resistance, occasional mine fields,
half-track. Backing off, the half-track and surrendering enemy troops. By the
slid into a fairly deep ditch. Fortunately, end of the day, the Americans were in
when the vehicle carne to rest, its gun possession of Sciacca and its abandoned
pointed directly at the pillbox. The airfield and had moved another twenty
gunner opened fire at once. As the re- miles toward Palermo.
connaissance troops deployed along the Convinced that the lack of resistance
river bank, and as the supporting wea- offered an opportunity for armored ex-

THE 2o ARMORED D1v1s10N RoLLS INTO PALERMO andan enthusiaslic welcome. Note white
surrender .ftags.
ploitation, Keyes decided to commit Gen- At the same time, Keyes turned Ridgway's
eral Gaffey's 2d Armored Division. With 82d Airborne Division north to cover the
General Patton's approval, Keyes ordered armored division's assembly along the
Gaffey to assemble his division, which Belice River line on the east. From this
stretched over an arca of more than assembly arca, the 2d Armored Division
twenty-five miles between Ribera and was to thrust to the northeast to take
Agrigento. While the armor assembled, Palermo.
Keyes formed Task Force X, composed of W asting little time assembling the units
the two Ranger Battalions ( reinforced by to make up Task Force X, Darby moved
artillery and the 39th lnfantry, which had out from Menfi on the morning of 21 July.
landed just three days before), and put it Because the Italians had demolished both
under Colonel Darby for another push to the highway and railroad bridges across
the west. The task force was to secure the Belice River and because the river
the Belice River line astride Highway 115, was a hundred feet wide and four feet
and then push on through Castelvetrano deep, engineer support was needed to get
to establish a line covering the flank of the task force vehicles acros.s. Pending
the armored division as it moved into an the arrival of engineers, Darby directed
assembly arca along the Belice River line. one of the Ranger battalions to ford the

GENERAL KEYES AND ITALIAN GENERAL MOLINERO enter Palermo together following surrender
of the ciry.
river to establish a bridgehead. Pillboxes Col. John J. Toffey, Jr., in pursuit of the
and field fortifications on the far side reconna~nce platoon, which was by then
might have been used to obstruct the rushing toward Alcamo, thirty-five miles
crossing, but the Italians had abandoned to the northeast and only twenty-seven
them. By the time the battalion had a miles from Palermo. At Alcarno 800 Ital-
secure bridgehead, Rose's CCA of the 2d ians surrendered and a large stock of
Armored Division had arrived. His en- gasoline was discovered.
gineers lost little time constructing a Moving like wildfire through the Task
bridge. Force X zone of advance, Rangers and
While waiting for the bridge, a recon- infantry collected alrnost 4,000 Italian
naissance platoon of Darby's force man- prisoners that day. The time was obvi-
aged to snake several light tanks and jeeps ously ripe for a swift thrust and Rose
across the river. After removing a mine moved his units across the river and
field along the highway, the platoon raced prepared for what Patton would later
to Castelvetrano where four hundred characterize--despite the paucity of oppo-
Italians surrendered without a fight. sition-as "a classic example of the use of
After a bridge was in, Darby sent his tanks." 26
regiment of infantry, the 39th under Lt. ~0 Semmes, Portrait of Patton, p . 163.
693 - 029 O - 6S - 18

Mcanwhile, Truscott's 3d Division, entcrcd Palcrmo. At thc royal palace,

aftcr marching to the Belice River in thrtt shortly aftcr 1900, 22 July, the American
days of grueling effort, was also rcady to officcrs formally acceptcd Palermo's sur-
drive on Palermo. The division's ad- rcnder. With this, General Patton, try-
vance, like that of the units following the ing to get up to thc annored division's
coastal road, had bcen markcd for the leading clements, scnt word to occupy the
most part by only spotty enemy rcsistancc. city. At 2000, from the cast and from
By this time, too, the 45th Division, which the wcst, the two American divisions
had becn driving for Palermo, had bcen marched into the largest city on the island.
diverted farther to the east, and its plan General Patton, with Coloncl Perry, the
now was to come out on the north coast 2d Annored Division's chief of staff, scrv-
ncar Termini Imercsc, thirty miles cast of ing as guidc, thrcaded his way into
Palermo. Palenno an hour latcr. Palermo was
As cvents devclopcd, therc was to . 27
be no concentratcd, powerful assault on
Palenno. Both the 3d Division and the Denouement
2d Annorcd Division by the evening of
22 July werc in position to launch such Aftcr the capture of Palcrmo, only thc
an assault But the city's defenders and now isolatcd ports of western Sicily rc-
the civilian population had had quite mained to be moppcd up. Early on 23
enough of the war and werc willing to July, Kcyes instructcd General Ridgway
give up without a fight. In fact, one to shift the 82d Airbome Division f rom
dclegation of civilians arrived at the 7th the Belice Rivcr line, move behind the 2d
lnfantry's command post in the early Annorcd Division, and scizc Trapani and
aftcrnoon of the 22d and offered to sur- thc extreme western tip of the island.
rcnder the city to Brig. Gen. William W. Coloncl White's CCB, 2d Annored Divi-
Eaglcs, the 3d Division's asmstant com- sion, was to takc care of the port cities
mander. The offer was declined; General along the north coast cast of that linc,
Eaglcs had instructions from General Trus- a movc accomplishcd the same day. To
cott that General Keycs was to accept the assist in the mopping-up opcrations, Gen-
surrender of the city. eral Ridgway was given Coloncl Darby's
General Marciani, commander of the
21 For details of the pounce on Palermo 1ee :
ltalian defense forces, fell prisoner to the Prov Corps Rpt of Opru; Kettenon, 811d AD Div
82d Reconnaissance Battalion, and the in Sicily and ltaly; 39th lnf Regt AAR; Col.
final act of the drama devolved on Gen- Paul A. Disney, Operations of the 82d Annored
erale di Brigata Giuscppc Molinero, the Reconnaiasance Battalion in the Sicilian Cam-
paign (Fort Leavenworth, Kanaaa, 1947), file X-
commander of Port Defense uN," Pal- 111153.53; 7th, 15th, and 3oth Inf Regt AAR's;
enno. Late in thc aftcmoon, onc of rst, 3d, and 4th Ranger Bn AAR's; sd lnf Div
CCA's patrols retumcd with General in Sicilian Campaign, 1g-23 Jul 43; 82d AB Div,
2d Armd Div, 3d lnf Div, 45th lnf Div, 11 Corps,
Molinero; the patrol had pushed into thc and Seventh Army G-3 Jnls; Trwcott, Cammand
city without encountering any opposition. Missians, pp. 21111-27; Patton, War As 1 Knew
Molinero offered to surrcndcr thc city to Jt, pp. 61-611; Semmes, Portrait of Patton, pp.
163, 165; Comments of Maj Gen William W.
General Keycs. Together with the ltal- Eagles on MS; Commenb of Gen Tnucott on
ian general, Generals Keycs and Gaffey MS.
Task Force X. Accordingly, the airborne detrucked and deployed to return thc
division commander directed Darby to small anns fire, the 1talians, from posi-
Marsala (twenty-scvcn miles wcst of tions on the hills southwcst and north of
Castclvctrano) ; Coloncl Gavin and the the city, laid down a concentration of
505th Parachute Infantry to Trapani artillery fi.rc on the road.
( nineteen miles north of Marsala) ; and For the next two or thrcc hours the
Coloncl Tuckcr's 504th Parachute lnfan- 1talians kept up a stcady drumfirc of
try to Castellammare (forty miles north of largely ineffective shelling. While the
Castelvetrano) . paratroopcrs moved against the roadblock,
At noon on 23 July, Colonel Darby the 376th Parachute Field Artillery and
moved the 39th RCT wcst along Highway the 34th Field Artillery"' Battalions rolled
1 15 toward Marsala. By late aftcrnoon onto position and bcgan answering the
the RCT was halted by a demolished 1tallan firc. This firc, coupled with the
bridge over the Marsala River and as clearing of the roadblock and the envel-
engineers moved forward to construct a opment of the positions in the hills, pcr-
bypass, enemy artillery bcgan shelling suaded Contrammiraglio Giuscppc Man-
the cr0$ing sitc. Colonel Toffey, the frcdi, commander of the Trapani naval
RCT commander, thereupon decided to district, to give up the fight, the city, and
halt his advance for the night. Early his sword and field gla.sses. Even as
the following morning, 24 July, Toffey Gavin's men entcrcd Trapani, the trucks
scnt two battalions across the river under which had transported the unit this far
covering fi.rc laid down by the 26th Ficld turned and headed back to shuttle the
Artillery Battalion and quickly overran 504th Parachute Infantry to its objective
the city. on the north coast. By noon, 24 July,
Meanwhile, on the 23d, Colonel Gavin the 504th was in Alcamo; by 1730, in
had started his 505th Parachute lnfantry Castcllammare.118
moving by truck toward his objective- The Provisional Corps' combat opcra-
Trapani. Without opposition, the col- tions in Sicily ended on this happy note.
umn rolled through Santa Ninfa and At a cost of 272 casualtics (57 killed,
Salemi, then to Highway 113, where it 170 woundcd, 45 mimng), the corps
turned and started wcst for Trapani. captured 53,000 of the cnemy ( mostly
The motor march proved to be a plcasant Italians), and killed or wounded another
paracle; all along the routc west of Santa 2,900. In addition, a grab bag filled
Ninfa the local population exubcrantly with 189 guns of 75-mm. calibcr or
welcomed the paratroopcrs, showering the larger, 359 vehicles, and 41 tanks was
Americans with fruit, bread, and choco- collectcd. For the rcst of its cxistence,
late-the fruit obviously home-grown, the until 20 August, the Provisional Corps
chocolate obviously pilfered from aban- would concentratc on garrisoning and ad-
doned ltalian military storcs. ministering western Sicily. For the 2d
The mood suddenly changed at 1600 Armored Division and the 82d Airborne
just bcfore the column rcached the castern
outskirts of Trapani. Here, the lead
u Prov Corps Rpt of Opm, p. 8; Kettel'IOn,
vehicles ran into a defended roadblock 812d AB Div in Sicily and ltaly, pp. 16-17; 39th
and mine fields, and as the advancc guard lnf Regt AAR; Ridgway, Soltli.,-, pp. 74-75.

Division, the fighting in Sicily was over, unloaded at Termini Imcrese) from North
and under Provisional Corps control, they Africa~ntered the harbor. By this time,
settled down to occupation duties. the engineers could opcrate thc port at
Palcnno, the objcctive of this drive to only sorne 30 pcrcent of its full capacity
the west, would now become the center becausc of thc still uncleared wrcckage of
of the Seventh Anny's logistical opera- forty-four enemy vessels that had been
tions. The preparation of the port and sunk alongside of moles and in thc
of the city for this function became a channel. 30
mattcr of grcat urgcncy. Though the On 27 July, thc Scventh Anny directed
opening of the port would not signal an that the main axis of supply be transferrcd
end to supply operations across thc assault as quickly as possible from the southcast-
bcaches (now ovcr a hundred miles away), crn bcaches to Palermo, a move madc
it would mark a gradual rcduction in the even more nccessary by the turn of thc
amount of supplies unloaded in the south- fighting forces to the cast. But until the
eastern part of the island.29 port could be placed in better opcrating
By 19 July, the 1st Engineer Special condition and until thc stocks of supplies
Brigadc had taken over thc operation of already gathered in the south had been
the bcaches and ports and was operating reduced, the 1st Engineer Spccial Brigade
the supply services in the south directly was to remain responsible for supply to
under Sevcnth Anny control. New sup- the north in the direction of Caltanis-
ply points had been opened as the army setta and to the northwest toward Ales-
advanced inland, with thc main axis of sandria and Sciacca. The troops moving
supply running to thc north and north- to thc east wcre thus to be supplied from
west. But the capture of Palermo placed two directions: from Licata and Porto
in the army's hands for the first time a Empedocle in the south, from Palenno
dccpwater port capable of handling ships in thc west.31
bringing stores and supplies dircctly from By this time, too, the railroad lines on
the United States. On 24 July, the the island could be counted on to carry
54oth Enginccr Shore Rcgimcnt and the a heavy share of the supply burden. Thc
2oth Enginccr Combat Regimcnt moved entire 727th Railway Operating Battalion
into Palermo to open the port. A great had arrived in Sicily by the end of July
amount of work had to be done in clean- and had rapidly restored rail service in
ing up thc harbor arca and the piers, southern and central Sicily. Thc linc
opcning road cxits, and bridging over east along thc north coast from Palcrmo
wrecked vessels so as to securc more was usable as far as Tcrmini Imcrese at
berthing spacc. On 28 July the first
supply ships-six coasters ( two of which 30 Palermo's operating capacity was raised to

60 percent by 29 August. During the period

21 Scoglitti was closed on 17 July and Porto from 28 J uly to 31 August, the port received
Empedocle opened the following day; Gela was forty-eight 1hips, excluding craft. During thi1
closed on 7. August except for tankers--by this same period, 120,706 dead-weight tona of sup-
time, pipelines extended from the Gela pier to plies were discharged at the port. Sce Seventh
Comiso and Biscari airfields; Licata was ltept Army Rpt of Opns, p. E-15; Joseph Bykofsky
open during the entire campaign. For details on and Harold Lanon, The Transportation Corps:
the unloading of men and 1upplie1 in Sicily, see Operations Overseas (Washington, 1957), p. 198.
Seventh Army Rpt of Opru, pp. E-15-E-16. 31 Scventh Army Rpt of Opns, p. E-15.
the seacoast end of Highway 120. The Palermo, General Patton could now turn
line from Tennini to the Enna loop arca his full attentlon to getting the Seventh
at Caltanissetta was put into operating Anny moving to the east on Messina.
conditlon, as was the lower scctlon run- The use of the Seventh Army in a drive
ning from Licata to Caltanissctta. The on Messina had finally been ordered by
first train moved eastward from Palermo General Alexander.
on 29 July, and with Italian help, the But elsewhere, in ltaly and in North
line was opened along the north coast as Africa, events of great importance, though
far as Cefalu.82 not directly influencing the operations on
With the build-up of supplies through Sicily, wcre taking place, events that
u Bykofsky and Larson, Th1 Transportation would have a profound effect on the
Corps: Operations Overseas, p. 200. future coursc of the war.

The Climax
Sardinia Versus the Mainland altemativc courses. lf thc Axis resistcd
vigorously in Sicily, thercby forccasting
The successful invasion of Sicily clari- high 1tallan mora.le and a bitter and pro-
fied stratcgic probleins and enabled the tracted struggle for the Allics, then BRIK-
Allies to tum from debate to decision. STONE and F0tEBRAND, insular opcrations,
The Combined Chiefs of Staff at thc werc prcferable. Otherwisc, opcrations
TRIDENT Confercnce in May had dircctcd on the ltalian mainland wcrc more prom-
General Eiscnhower to knock Italy out of ising. Dcspite Churchill's articulate cn-
the war and contain the maximum num- thusiasm for the latter coursc, Eiscnhower
ber of Gcrman forces, but they had not had made no commitment. He
told him how. Prcparing to launch op- the factual evidence to be furnishcd in
crations beyond the Sicilian Campaign, Sicily.
AFHQ had dcvelopcd scveral outline Meanwhile, the Amcricans and British
plans: BuTTREBS, invasion of thc Italian continucd to argue ovcr stratcgy. Thc
toe by the British 10 Corps; GoBLET, Americans rcmained intcnt on guarantcc-
a thrust at the hall of the 1tallan foot by ing a cross-Channcl attack in 1944 and
thc British 5 Corps; BRIMSTONE, invasion also advocatcd opcrations in Burma. Thc
of Sardinia; and F0tEBRAND, invasion of British werc still intrigued by Meditcr-
Corsica. But a finn decision on the rancan opportunitics. Thc crux of thc
spccific coursc of action to be taken was argumcnt hing(d on rcsourccs.
still lackil'lg. 1 Conscious of thcater rcquircmcnts
The four plans, Eiscnhower had cx- after Sicily, no mattcr what opcrations
plained to Churchill during the Algiers wcrc launched, General Eiscnhower on
meetings in Junc, pointcd to two broad 29 June asked the Combined Chiefs
whcther two American convoys could be
1 Memo, G-3 AFHQ for AFHQ CofS, 1 Jun
diverted to bis command. He rcqucstcd
43, sub: Opna After Hus1tv, 0100/12C/534,II; a total of 13 combat loadcrs ( 9 for pcr-
AFHQ Directive to Comdn of Naval, Ground, and sonncl, 4 for cargo) for rctcntion in thc
Air Forces, 5 Jun 43, 0100/uC/534,ll. thcater. He rccommended rctaining 15
For detail1 of planning the invaaion of ltaly
prior to the evolvement of AvALANCHz, 1ee Mar- American . dcstroyers in the arca. He
tin Blwnemon, Salemo to Cauino, a volume in forccast his nccd for 930 military govcm-
preparation for the series UNITED STATES ment officers in case of rapid Italian
ARMY IN WORLD W AR 11. See abo Mat-
loft', Strat1gic Pinning for Coalition Warfa11, collapse. He again sought assurancc that
1934-1944, pp. 152~1, 245-46. 40 ships pcr month wcrc to be allocatcd

to meet civilian supply rcquirements in disintegration in the ltalian Army. In

ltaly.2 contrast, Gcnnan units werc displaying
The Combined Chicfs made no imme- "their traditional determination and skill,"
diate commitment, for they too werc probably stimulated, AFHQ guessed, by
a waiting the initial results of the Sicily the "poor performance of their Allies." 11
invasion. Not until 15 July-five days Looking to the ltalian mainland, AFHQ
aftcr the invasion-did the Combined believed that the Gennans would reinforce
Staff Planners draft a proposcd rcply to the ltalians and prepare for a strong de-
Eiscnhower's rcqucsts, and they favored fensc of the ltalian heel because of its
granting Eiscnhower's wishes. Still, the proximity to the Balkans. In contrast,
divergence of American and British views AFHQ planncrs undcrestimatcd thc im-
prcvented acceptance. The U .S. planners portancc of the toe, Calabria, to the Axis.
called attention to rcquirements elsc- The planners felt that the terrain was not
wherc in the world. The British planners suitablc for cmploying large forces, supply
saw "the potential results" in the Medi- routes were vulnerable to Allied air attack,
terrancan "so grcat" as to make unthink- the Gennans would find air support of
able denying Eisenhower the rcsources he their ground troops almost impossible,
wished. and their forces in that arca would be
Discussing their planners' recommenda- continually thrcatcned by the possibility of
tions on 16 July, the ces decided to successive Allied seabome outflanking
defer action on Eisenhower's requcsts for movements. AFHQ estimated that the
rcsources, even though the news from Gennans would elect to defend Italy south
Sicily was good. At Admiral Lcahy's of N aples but would place only small forces
suggestion, the Combined Chiefs agrced in Calabria.e
to accept Eiscnhower's strategic concept Disintcgrating ltalian morale, the ex-
(as embodied in AFHQ's four outline pectation of finding small enemy forces in
plans,) but only "for planning purposcs/' Calabria, and the rclatively light losses in
and at General Marshall's suggestion, they landing craft during the invasion of Sicily
informed Eiscnhower of their interest in promptcd AFHQ to become somewhat
a direct landing at Naples in place of an holder in its strategic thinking. Allied
invasion of Sardinia, "if the indications success achieved in Sicily as carly as the
regarding ltalian rcsistance should make first thrce days of operations gavc rise to
the risks involved worthwhile." the hope that the British Eighth Anny
Indications of crumbling ltalian rcsist- would swcep rapidly up the cast coast to
ance continued to encourage the Allies. Messina, making unnecessary the com-
With incrcasing frcquency, rcports from mitment of the British 78th and 46th
Sicily made clcar the advanced statc of Infantry Divisions as planned. AFHQ

: Telg, Eisenhower to CCS, NAF 1150, 119 Jun 11 AFHQ G-11 Weekly lntel Sum 46, 111 Jul 43,
43, printed in Alexander, Allied Armi1s in ltaly, and AFHQ G-11 Weeldy lntel Sum 47, 110 Jul
vol. 1, pp. 6>-63. 43, both in job 9, reel 113A. See abo Telg 1783,
'CCS 1168/11, Post-Husitv Opm North African AFHQ G-11 to Taoonas, and 5110 to AGWAR,
Theater, Rpt by Combined Staft' Plannen, 15 Jul 17 Jul 43, job 114, reel 1180.
43. 0 JIC (A) 13/43, JIC Algien Estimate of
4 Min, 1911d Mtg CCS, 16 Jul 43, Supplemen- German lntentions in the South of ltaly, 111 Jul
tary Min, item 6. 43, job 116, reel 73, Special.

decided to employ these divisions to gain On 1 7 J uly, after meeting with bis
lodgment in Calabria, and approved a chief subordinates, Tedder, Alexander,
plan called BAYTOWN, which was, in effect, and Cunningham, General Eisenhower
an ad hoc BuTTRESS. This projected an carne to a major decision. He canceled
aSMult on the tip of Calabria, in the the invasion of Sardinia in favor of opcra-
Reggio area, five days after the capture tions on the Italian mainland, the best
of Messina, by a brigade of the British 1 3 arca for "achieving our object of forcing
Corps assisted by paratroopers and com- Italy out of the war and containing the
mandos. The 78th and 46th Divisions maximum German forces." Though the
were then, soon afterward, to make an situation had not sufficiently crystallized
aSMult landing on the shore of the Gulf to pcrmit informing the ces precisely
of Gioia. 7 how the mainland was to be attacked or
But the tenacious defense conducted by even the dates on which operations might
the Germans around Catania blocked the be undertaken, the commanders discusscd,
British sweep toward Messina, and in con- as suggested by the Combined Chiefs,
formity with original plans the 78th Di- the possibility of a direct amphibious
vision was committed in Sicily. The mault on Naples. This appeared im-
formal BuTTRESS and GoeLET, plans to practical for two reasons: Naplcs lay
be executed by the British 1 o and 5 Corps beyond the limit of effective land-based
remained valid. 8 fighter support, and too few landing
In addition, AFHQ began seriously to craft would be available for such an
consider altemative plans leading to a mault in addition to BUTTRESS and
rapid build-up of forces in the Naples GoeLET. MusKET, on the other hand, a
area-MuSTANG, a rapid overland drive plan to invade the heel near Taranto,
from Calabria, and GANGWAY, a seabome now appearcd feasible even though it had
landing to rcinforce those troops that had earlier been rejected. The unexpectedly
seized Naplcs after an overland advance. light of landing craft in Sicily would
More important was Eisenhower's dircc- compensate for the difficulty of fumish-
tive to General Clark, the U .S. Fifth Army ing air protection over the Taranto mault
commander, on 16 July: if the Allies arca. Eisenhower thercforc instructed
landed in the toe, Clark and bis army Clark to plan MusKET as an altemative
werc to be rcady not only to invade Sar- to GANGWAY, which was oriented on
dinia but also "to support Italian main- Naples. 10
land operations through Naplcs." 9
sub: Opns on ltalian Mainland, 16 Jul 43, Fifth
, Min of Third Weekly Exec Planning Sec, 14 Army Rcds, KCRC, Opn GANOWAY, cabinet 196,
Jul 43, tem !U, job 61C, reel 183C; Alexander, drawer 4.
A.llied A.rmies in ltaly, vol. 1, p. 10; Eisenhower, 10 Red of Mtg at La Marsa, 1430, 17 J ul 43,
Italian Dispatch, p. 8. job 26A, reel 2i15B; Telg, Eisenhower to CCS,
8 Eisenhower, Italian Dispatch, p. 1 o; Memo, NAF 265, 18 Jul 43, Salmon Files, 5-B-1 (NAF,
AFHQ for multiple addressees, i15 Jun 43, sub: 1 Jun 43-31 Dec 43); Directive, Maj. Gen. J.
Chain of Command for, and Channels of Com- F. M. Whiteley, DCofS AFHQ, to CG Fifth
munication for Mounting, Opns BIUKSTONE, BuT- Army, sub: Opns on ltalian Mainland, 22 Jul
TllESS and GoBLET, o 1oo/ uC/ 534,II; Ltr, MID- 43, printed in Alexander, A.llied A.rmies in ltaly,
EAST to AFHQ, 15 Jul 43, sub: BuTTuss and vol. 1, pp. 66-67. The outline plan for Opera-
GoBLET Order of Battle, same file. tion MuSKET (AFHQ P/96 Final, 24 Jul 43)
0 Directive, CofS AFHQ to CG Fifth Army, is found in job 1oA, reel 1 3C.

The crucial aspect of this project was insisted on holding to the prcvious ovcr-all
the great distancc of the Bay of N aples decisions limiting Mediterranean resources
from the airfields which the Allies would so as to make ~ible operations in north-
be able to use-those in Sicily and those west Europe and the China-Burma-lndia
in Calabria to be scizcd in the initial attack Theater. 12
on the mainland. Auxiliary aircraft car- Reports on disintegrating 1talian morale
ricrs were not fcasible for reinforcing land- continued to come in. In Grcece and thc
bascd fighters because they could not Balkans at least instances carne to
launch modem fightcrs. In contrast, the Allied attention of Italian commanders
Axis air forces, ablc to use airfields around who indircctly approachcd British reprc-
Naples and Taranto, would have an ex- sentatives attached to the patriot forces
treme advantage. The P-39's ( Airaco- in Greece and in Yugoslavia. Italian
bras) and P-4o's ( Kittyhawks) had short war-weariness and a desire to come to
ranges. The P-38's ( Lightnings) and terms seemed quite obvious from such
A-36's (Mustangs) had the required overtures as well as from negotiations
range but lacked other desired character- which sorne ltalian officcrs were conduct-
istics. Spitfires, the best of thc available ing with Mihailovitch, the Yugoslav Parti-
fighters, if equipped with auxiliary ninety- san leader. The Germans, appreciating
gallon gasoline tanks, could reach the clearly the danger of defection, had' begun
target arcas but would not be able to op- to occupy vital arcas formerly held ex-
crate over Naples for long. Only one clusively by Italians, thereby hoping to
aircraft carrier was operating in the Med- stiffen such arcas, particularly those vul-
iterranean, and this could not furnish nerable to invasion. As the Allies con-
cnough planes to adcquately support an tinued in their conquest of Sicily and as
amphibious operation. 11 the collapse of ltaly seemed to draw ever
Dcspite the problcm of air cover, en- nearer, the Allies believed that the Italian
thusiasm grew in Washington and London troops in the Balkans would rcmain pas-
for a direct attack against the Naples area, sive except to defend against guerrilla
with the American and British Chiefs attack; the Germans, in contrast, would
united and drawn toward this bold course rcmain staunch. 13
by the manifest weakness of Italian resist- With thc benefit of such intelligence,
ance. But the argument over the allot- the CCS carne to partial agreement. On
mcnt of rcsources continued. The British 20 July they approved General Eisen-
wished to pour into an invasion of the Ital- hower's decision to invade the Italian
ian mainland everything that could be
12 ces 268/3, sub: Post-HusKY Opns North
made available, the better to guarantee
African Theater, Memo by the Representatives
success. The Americans, while rccogniz- of British Chiefs of Staff, 19 Jul 43, ABC 384
ing the opportunity for aggressivc action, Post-HusKY ( 14 May 43), Sec. 3; Matloff, Stra-
tegic Planning for Coalition Warfare, 194:J-1944,
pp. 158-6<>; Bryant, The Turn of The Tide, pp.
11 Notes on the Air Implications of an Assault
on Italian Mainland-Naples Area, 25 Jul 43, :i'Telg, MmEAST to TROOPERs, repeated to
printed in Alexander, Allied Armies in ltaly, vol. FREEDOM, sub: Enemy Morale in the Balkans,
I, pp. 68-71. See also Craven and Cate, eds., 1/83652, 19 Jul 43, job 24, reel 188D. Cf.
vol. 11, Europe: TORCH to POINTBLANK, Butcher, My Three Years With Eisenhower, p.
pp. 48H1. 274 (entry for 2 Aug 43).

mainland, and then instructed him to hower to prepare a plan, as a matter of

extend his amphibious operations "north- urgency, for such an invasion, but using
wards as shorc-based fighter cover can be only the rcsources alrcady made available
made effective." H for operations beyond Sicily. This meant
The British, however, werc not satisfied. an assault in the strcngth of about four
On the next day, 21 July, the British divisions, as compared with the seven
Chiefs wired their representatives in mounted for Sicily.18
Washington that the "ltalian will to con- The British werc "most disappointed."
tinue the war may be within measurable The Sicilian Campaign, it seemed to them,
distancc of collapse." They urged im- was cven stronger proof that 1taly could
mediate bold action, specifically an am- be eliminated from the war. This, they
phibious attack against Naples. A day believed, would incrcasc the chances not
later the British Chiefs went further. only for a sucoomul but a decisivc cross-
They provided a plan, code-named AvA- Channel attack into northwest Europe.
LANCHE, for such an invasion and sug- Italian defeat the British regardcd as thc
gested the last week of August as a favor- best if not the esscntial prcliminary to the
able, if fleeting, moment. The prospect earliest posfilble defeat of Germany.
of succcss, they admitted, depended largely And AvALANCHE, if feasible, was the best
on the adequacy of air cover, and they and quickest way to knock Italy out of
proposed allotting Eiscnhower four escort the war. 17
carriers and one 1arge British carrier, plus By this time AFHQ had made a formal
about forty cargo vessels over and above study of the possibility of landing in the
the TRIDENT allocations. Until General Naples arca. General Rooks, the AFHQ
Eiscnhower indicated his requirements for G-3, on 24 July suggested the beaches
an attack in the N aples arca, the British fronting thc Gulf of Salema as thc most
Chiefs urged that orders be ismed to stop suitable for an initial assault. He pro-
the movement of forces away from the posed that Clark's Fifth Army start plan-
Mediterranean theater.15 ning the operation as an altemativc to
The Americans did not consider addi- MusKET, a landing near Taranto. He
tional rcsources neces,,ary. AFHQ alrcady thought an assault force of about four
had, they believed, sufficient means to take divisions would be enough, if provision
Naples, and, if not, "rcasonable hazards was madc for rapid follow-up and build-
could be accepted." They thereforc up. He felt tflat thc Allies should makc
proposed that the CCS instruct Eisen- thcir main cffort and strikc thcir first blow
in Calabria, by means of BuTTRESS and
GoeLET. If as the rcsult of thcse opera..
1t ces 268/4, 20 Jul 43, sub: Post-HUSKY tions thc Allies held thc toe of Italy by thc
Opns North African Theater, Rpt by Combined beginning of October, they could go ahcad
Stafr Planners, 20 Jul 43; Min, 97th Mtg JCS,
20 Jul 43, item 12; Telg, CCS to Eisenhower,
FAN 16g, 20 Jul 43, Salmon Files, 5-B-1.
111 CCS 268/6, 21 Jul 43, sub: Pott-Hus1tY 11 Min, 103d Mtg CCS, 23 Jul 43, Supple-
Opns North African Theater, Memo by Represen- ment, item 7.
tatives of British Chicf1 of Stafr; CCS 268/7, l T ces 268/8, sub: Post-HUSltY Opn1 Nortb
22 Jul 43, sub: Post-Hus1tY Opns North African African Theater, Memo by Representatives of
Theater, Msg From British Chiefs of Stafr. British Chief1 of Staff, 24 Jul 43.

and launch an invasion in the Naples arca was made to OKW and the request for-
at Salemo.18 warded for two additional German divi-
AFHQ's conservativc and deliberate sions. Comando Supremo promised to
approach to an invasion of the Italian do ali within its power to this end and
mainland changcd radically becausc of a Ambrosio askcd that Gcrman coastal and
revolutionary cvcnt which occurrcd on antiaircraft artillery be shipped to the
the ncxt day. Messina Strait arca immcdiately, and that
the 29th Panzer Grenadier Division be
The Overthrow o/ Mussolini transferred from Calabria to Sicily."
The Gcrmans rcplied on 22 July. The
Soon aftcr thc Italian dclcgation re- 29th Panzer Grenadier Division would
tumed from the Fcltrc conference to immediately be sent to Sicily.21 Two
Rome on 20 July, Mussolini told Am- days later, Ambrosio conferrcd with Kcs-
brosio that he had dccided to write a selring on getting more Gcrman divi-
lctter to Hitler to requcst termination of sions. Kessclring named the 305th and
the alliance. Bccausc Mussolini's abjcct 76th lnfantry Divisions as availablc. Both
behavior at Fcltre had dispelled Am- were in France but ready for transporta-
brosio's last illusions that the Duce might tion to ltaly. Roatta had already dis-
break away from Germany, Ambrosio cussed their commitment with K~g;
made a sharp rejoindcr. The opportunity he planned to place one in Calabria, thc
of the spoken word, Ambmsio said, had other in Puglia.22 Thus, while sorne Ital-
bcen lost at Fcltrc. Dcclaring that he ians intrigucd to gct rid of Mussolini and
could no longer collaborate in a policy the German alliancc, othe~in sorne
that jcopardized the fate of Italy, Am- instanccs the same ones--wcre permitting
brosio offcred Mussolini bis rcsignation. the Gcrmans to tightcn their military
Mussolini refused to accept it and dis- grip on Italy.
rnisscd thc chief of Comando Supremo At the bcginning of July 1943 therc
from thc room.19 were still three distinct groups in ltaly
At this time, arrangcments began to who werc actively working and plotting
take definite form in Comando Supremo for Mussolini's overthrow: dissidcnt Fas-
for a coup d'tat against the Duce as the cists; the anti-Fascist opposition; and the
esscntial stcp for gctting ltaly out of the military conspiracy. The dissident Fas-
war. Yct in a curiously inconsistent
policy, Ambrosio made arrangemcnts with
OKW to rcinforce the troops in Sicily. 20 Ltr, Ambrosio to Rintelen, Comando Su

Eithcr on 21 or 22 July, the dccision premo, Prot. N. 15112, H Jul 43, IT 3029,
folder IV, an. 4bis. There is another copy in
was made to fight the campaign in Oprazioni in Sieilia dal 20 al 31 luglio 1943,
Sicily to the limit. Formal assurance Narrativa, Allgali, It 99b, an. 67 (hereafter re-
ferred to as IT 99b). See also OKW/WFSt,
KTB, 1.-31.Vll.43, 23 Jul 43.
111AFHQ P/98 (Final), 24 Jul 43, sub: Ap : 1 Ltr, Lt. Col. Jandl ( on behalf of Rintelen),
preciation of an Amphibious Auault Against the la No. 0641/43, Rome, 22 Jul 43, Comando Su-
Naples Arca, job 10A, reel 13C. /JTmo, Protezion oie eomunieazion dl Brn-
19 MS #P-058, Project 46, 1 Feb--8 Sep 43, n11ro, 1943, IT 102.
Quettion 4; Castellano, Com firmai, pp. 56-57; 22 Min, Colloquio a Palazzo Vidoni, Roma,
Badoglio, Mmorie doeumenti, p. 65. 24 luglio 1943, IT 3037.

Ali three groups thought alike with

respect to the German alliance. Dino
Grandi wished an immediate break of the
alliance following Mussolini's dismissal,
and a simultaneous approach to Great
Britain for a separate peace. Bonomi ad-
vocated overtures to the Allies as soon as
the new govemment was formed. Cas-
tellano's whole purpose in plotting against
Mussolini was to permit Italy to make a
quick and direct approach to the Western
Powers to end the war.
Among the small groups who had ac-
cess to the Royal Palace, it was known
that the King was considering a change in
the head of the govemment, but he had
not yet definitely made up his mind. On
5 July he mentioned to his aide de camp,
Generale di Divisione Paolo Puntoni, that
Ambrosio was making preparations for
the rcmoval of Mussolini which would be
followed by a military dictatorship headed
cists were led by Count Ciano and Dino by either Maresciallo d' Italia Enrico
Grandi. They were in touch with the Caviglia or Marshal Badoglio. The King
Duke of Acquarone ( the King's private was not happy about either choice: he
secretary) and, through him, with the did not trust Badoglio's character; he
King. Their hope was to supplant Mus- thought that Caviglia in power would
solini but to retain the Fascist system. mean a reviva} of freemasonry and
The underground anti-Fascist parties rapprochement with the Anglo-Americans.
were held together by lvanoe Bonomi. Victor Emmanuel did not want to over-
Their minimum program was a complete throw fascism at one stroke: he wished
overthrow of the Fascist system and an for gradual changes only. He recognized
immediate retum to the pre-Fascist, par- that Badoglio had a certain following
liamentary system of govemment. Gen- among the masses which would be use-
eral Castellano and the small group as- ful if Mussolini were dismissed. The
sociated with him in Comando Supremo King remarked to Puntoni that Ambrosio
were, like the others, in frequent contact was undertaking too much and was hav-
with Acquarone and waited only for the ing too many contacts outside military
King to give the word. For this group, circles. 23
the questions of institutional changes were
altogether secondary to the problem of
terminating the war, but they wished the
~ 3 Paolo Puntoni, Parla Vittorio Emanuele Ill
command of ltaly's armed forces restored ( Milan: Aldo Palazzi cditore, 1958) , pp. 136-
to the King in accordance with the Statuto. 37 (entry for 5 Ju! 43) .

Alessandro Casati, an intimate of Bon- ing against Mussolini, Victor Emmanuel

omi, spoke with Acquarone on 12 July remarked that prearrangcd coups had little
and learned that the King's private se<:re- chance of success, particularly in Italy
tary was a gradualist, opposed to ap- where people wcre not accustomed to
proaching the Allies at the same time that kecping secrets. He terminated the au-
Mussolini was removed from power. dience without coming to a decision.
Hoping to get Badoglio to change Ac- Two days later, when Badoglio dis-
quarone's position, Casati and Bonomi cussed with Bononi and Casati the royal
had a long conversation with the marshal reception of bis idea, he was only luke-
on 14 J uly. Badoglio agrced that de- warm on the fcasibility of forming a gov-
nunciation of the alliance with Germany ernment based on party support. Either
should immediately follow the formation the King would accept the Badoglio-
of a new government. He agreed that Bonomi proposal, said the marshal, or
the new government would need the sup- else he, Badoglio, would withdraw thc
port of ali the anti-Fascist parties-- suggestion, thereby letting everyone re-
Liberal, Christian Democrat, Socialist, sume his liberty of action. Sometime
Communist, Actionist, and Democracy during the next few days, he sent per-
of Labor. He agreed with Bonomi that sonal and unofficial representatives to
the proper solution was a politico-military Switzerland to inform the British Govem-
cabinet that would eliminate fascism and ment that he desired to make contact with
break with Germany. He agreed to be- the Westem Allies.25
come the head of the prospective govern- On 18 July, Acquarone let it be known
ment and to name the military members that the King _was preparing to act against
of the cabinet while Bonomi selected the Mussolini but that he wanted the new
civil members and served as vice presi- cabinet to consist of nonpolitical civil ser-
dent. But he objected to Bonomi's desire vants. Bonomi was greatly alarmed. The
for Della Tom:tta as Foreign Minister, mere dismissal of Mussolini would leave
insisting instead on Raffaelc Guariglia, the problem of the war and the German
Ambassador to Turkey. Bonomi acceded alliance unsolved. Calling on Badoglio
on this point after sorne heated argument.24 on 20 July, Casati and Bonomi leamed
At an audience with the King on 15 that Badoglio had been won over to the
July, Badoglio presented a proposal for a course of gradualism favored by Acquarone
new government under himself and the and the King. To wam the sovereign that
indusion of Bonomi and othcr politicians gradualism would not solve the pressing
in the cabinet. The King seemed to be problems of breaking the alliance and
decidedly averse to the proposal. He getting out of the war, Bonomi and Casati
said he did not want any politicans. on 22 July submitted a memorandum to
The men whom Badoglio proposed were Acquarone. The memorandum was
all old, the King said, and they would prescient though without effect. It
simply give the appearance of a return to pointed out that Germany would have no
the pre-Fascist system. Unwilling to doubt of Italy's real intentions once Mus-
admit that he was even thinking of mov-
25 /bid., pp. 22-24; Badoglio, Memorie e docu-
menti, pp. 63, 70-71; Puntoni, Vittorio Emanuele
H Bonomi, Diario, pp. 1g-21. 111, p. 139.

solini was eliminated from power; that a ican bombing of Rome, the King madc
gradualist policy would give Gennany up his mind to act. He told Puntoni:
time to prepare for action against a new "It is neccssary at a1l costs to make a
ltalian Govemment; that a cabinct of change. The thing is not easy, however,
civil servants devoid of political tenden- for two rcasons: first, our disastrous
cies would be viewed as an enemy by military situation, and second, the pres-
Fascists, yet would find no support in ence of thc Gennans in Italy." Two
the anti-Fascist circles; that the Anglo- days latcr Vctor Emmanucl apparently
American coalition would not be favor- tried to induce Mussolini to ofler bis res-
ably disposed to such a cabinet because ignation. There was a long discussion
it would lack men of guaranteed anti- bctwcen the Duce and the King who sub-
F ascist reputations; that in choosing sequently told Puntoni:
politicians representing the people the 1 tried to make the Duce understand that
King would follow custom, but in ap- now it is only his person, the target of en-
pointing civil servants he would draw emy propaganda and the focal point of pub-
upon himself the responsibility for the lic opinion, which impedes an intemal
revival and which prevents a clear defini-
policies of that cabinet.21 tion of our military situation. He did not
Badoglio had severa! conversations with understand and he did not wish to under-
Ambrosio, who brought him up to date stand. 1t was as if 1 had spoken to the
on the military situation and who care- wind.28
fully explained that Italy's position to- Through Acquaronc, the sovcreign in-
ward Gennany excluded a unilateral fonned General Castellano that he had
Italian declaration of withdrawal from made up his mind to appoint Badoglio as
the war bccause Italy had insufficient Mussolini's successor. All preparations
forces to back up an immediate breach of for the change in rcgime would have to
the alliance. Badoglio cautioned Am- be completed within six or sevcn days.
brosio to do nothing without the cxprcss Acquarone said that M ussolini had an
approval of the King. But in one of audience scheduled with the King for 26
their discussions attended by Acquarone, July, and Castellano m,.ade plans to have
they agreed that two things were neces- thc Duce arrested shortly after that
sary for the good of the country: to arrest event.29
Mussolini and half a dozen leading Fas- Another critical step was to protect the
cist officials; and to use the Regular Anny new govemment against a reaction by thc
to neutralize the force of the Fascist Fascist militia. Comando SufJ'l'emo thcre-
militia. Acquarone carefully reported fore moved the 1oth (Piave) Motorized
this discussion to the King.17 lnfantry Division and the 135th (Ariete)
On 20 July, under the impact of Mus- Armored Division to the Romc area, both
solini's failure at Fcltre and of the Amer- to constitute a spccial corps under Gen-
eral Carboni. An intimate of Count
21 Bonomi, Diario, pp. "26-"28.
n Badoglio, M1mori1 1 doeum1nti1 pp. 6g-
63, 71, 76; Castellano, Com1 firmai, pp. 51-5"2; 18 Puntoni, YiUorio Eman111l1 111, pp. 140-
MS #P-058, Project 46, 1 Feb-8 Sep 43, Ques- 41. See also Cutellano, Com1 /irmai, p. 5 7;
tion 6. Castellano (Com1 firmai, page 49) 1tates Vitetti, Notes on the Fall of the Fascist Regime,
that at this time the Gcnnan reaction appeared p. 10; Bonomi, Diario, p. "25.
less of a danger than that of the Fascisu. 21 Castellano, Com1 firmai, pp. 57-6o.
Ciano and at thc samc time of Castellano, deliberately rcstricted himself to the role
Carboni was ambitious. Though he had of the King's cxecutive secretary.11
at times becn a difficult subordinatc, he Curiously enough, M ussolini himself
was strongly anti-Gcrman and pro-Ally.80 helpcd set the stage for bis ovcrthrow.
No measurcs were planned in advance Early in July, Cario Scorza, the new
against a possible Gcrman reaction. The F ascist party sccretary, had planned a
King intcnded neither to creatc an im- series of mass mectings in the principal
mediatc rupture in the Axis alliance nor cities of ltaly and invited leading Fascists
to make an immediate approach to the to exhort the pcople to determined rcsist-
Wcstcm Powers. ance. Largely at Dino Grandi's instiga-
As for Badoglio, in deciding to accept tion, quite a few party officials refused
the high office, he acted with a soldierly the invitation, Severa! of these men saw
sensc of duty toward his sovereign. Mussolini on 16 July, expressed their dis-
Whatever course the King wished to satisfaction with the situation, and pro-
follow, Badoglio made clcar that he, Ba- posed convening the Grand Council of
doglio, would execute. lf the King com- Fascism, which had not met for more
manded continuance of the war in alliance than three years. Surprisingly enough,
with Germany, Badoglio would loyally five days later, on 21 July, after returning
carry out that policy. lf the King di- from the Feltre conference, Mussolini
rected an approach to the Allies, Badog- called the Fascist Grand Council to a
lio would undertake that coursc. The meeting on 24 July.11
rcsponsibility, Badoglio a1so made clear, Aware of the King's intention to oust
would remain with the King. 81 M ussolini, Grandi skillfully lined up a
Vctor Emmanuel was not happy to majority of the council members against
have the responsibility placed on his royal the Duce. He drew up a resolution call-
person, and he almost regretted the im- ing for the King to resume command of
mincnt changc. Things were much easier the armed forces. Sorne members signed
with Mussolini, he thought, who was very it in the belief that it would merely force
clever and who took rcsponsibility upon Mussolini to relinquish the military power
himsclf. The appointment of Badoglio he had exercised since the beginning of
meant, not a return to pre-Fascist con- the war. Grandi and others hopcd that a
stitutional procedurcs, but a return to majority vote favoring his resolution would
absolutc monarchy. While Mussolini as be taken as a lack of confidcnce in Mus-
Capo del Governo claimed for that office solini's leadership and would induce the
ali the power he could grasp, Badoglio King to replace Mussolini by a trium-
Roatta, Otto milioni, pp. 12612-63 ; Roui, 12 For Badoglio' conatitutional position, see
Come arrivammo, p. 1204. For unfavorable com- Howard McGaw Smyth, "ltaly: From Fasciam
ments on Carboni as a general officer, see Gen- to the Republic," The W 1stern Political Quar-
eral Comandante di Corpo d' Armata Carboni, terly, vol. 1, No. 3 (September 1948), pp. 1205-H.
Giaeomo, IT 9712; for his early friendship with 33 Vitetti, Notes on the Fall of the Fasci1t
Ciano and Castellano, see Castellano, Come Regime, pp. 8-g; MUISOlini, Storia di un anno,
firmai, pp. ufl'. p. 14; Ltr, Dino Grandi, 123 Jun 44, Incl 3 to
31 See the penetrating commenta in Telg, Col. Dispatcb 835, 9 Aug 44, from the American Em-
Helfl'ericb, Rome, Chef. Amt Ausland Abw1hr, bauy, Liabon, U.S. Dept of State Files; George
H or 123 Jul 43, OKW/Amtsgrup;e Ausland, Kent, "The Last Days of Dictator Benito Muuo-
19.IV.-1.XL13 (OKW/1000.12). lini," Read11's Dig11t (October 1944), p. 13.

virate: Grancli, Ciano, and Federzoni known when he was Mussolini's Ambas-
( president of the Royal Academy) .84 sador to London. But Grandi had al-
The Grand Council of 28 members met ready played thc part deftly assigncd to
at 1700, Saturday, 24 July. The debate him by Acquarone, and Grandi coolcd his
on Grandi's resolution lasted almost nine heels in Rome. Not until severa! weeks
hours. Around 0300, 25 July, Mu~lini passcd did the new govemment pcrmit
acceded to Grandi's demand for a vote. Grandi to go to Madrid, but without in-
Of the 28 members, many of whom had structions, crcdentials, or power.37 As it
rcmained silent during the course of the tumed out, Grandi's trip proved to be of
debate, 19 voted with Grandi against value, but as a red hcrring, for thc Gcr-
Mussolini.111 mans, who were hot on Grandi's trail,
Neither Mussolini nor Grandi immedi- failed to pick up thc sccnt of the official
ately realized what had happcned. The mission dispatched to make contact with
Grand Council meeting was but a side- the Allies.
show designed to fumish an appro- The meeting of the Fascist Grand Coun-
priate occasion, a constitutional crisis, for cil on 24 July gave the Roman public a
dismissing the Head of Govemment. sense of the political crisis. When news
When Mussolini saw the King after the of Mussolini's dismissal raced through thc
fateful poli, he told the monarch that the city on 25 July, pcople embraced each
Grand Council vote did not require his other in joy, danced in the strcets, and
resignation. The King would not listen. paraded in gratitude to the King. Mobs
Coldly he told Mussolini that he had to attacked Fascist party offices. Fascist
rcsign-Marshal Badoglio would take his symbols were tom down.
place. On leaving the palace, Mussolini With one stroke the House of Savoy had
was unable to find his car. Accepting removed the great incubus that had
thc help of a carabinieri officer, he was brought ltaly into the war on the losing
escorted into an ambulance and whisked side, and everyone expccted the new gov-
away. Not until later did he realize that emment to bring about an immediate
he was under arrest.18 pcace. Nevcr was a pcople's faith in
Grandi hung around ali day waiting royalty destined to be more bitterly d~
to be called to an appointment in the new appointed.
cabinet. Like Bonomi, he believed in No one paid much attention to the
making immediate contact with the Allies, Germans, who disappcared from public
and to this end he sought pcnnission to view. 18
leave for Spain at once. Grandi wished
to talk to the British Ambassador at Mad- Allied Reaction
rid, Sir Samuel Hoare, whom Grandi had
The overthrow of M ussolini took the
34 "Count Dino Grandi Explains," Life, vol. Allies by surprise. At thc TRIDENT Con-
18, No. 9 (February 116, 1945), pp. 81-811; Ba-
doglio, Memorie documenti, pp. 73-74, 82.
ference the Amcricans had argued that
35 Mussolini, Storia di un anno, pp. 16-18; 31 Ltr, Dino Grandi, 20 Feb 44, lncl 11 to Dis-
Bonomi, Diario, pp. 30-311. patch 835, 9 Aug 44, from the American Em-
SS Mussolini, Storia di un anno, pp. 1 g-20; baaay, Lisbon, U.S. Dept of State Files.
Monelli, Roma 1943, pp. 188--g4; Puntoni, 38 Monelli, Roma 1943, pp. 156-5 7; Bonomi,
Vittorio Emanuele 111, pp. 143-45. Diario, p. 36.

the Allies might bring about the collapse Contradictory crosscurrents further
of 1taly without invading the Italian complicated the discussions. The trou-
mainland. The conquest of Sicily and blesome Italian Fleet had aroused British
intensified aerial bombarclmcnt of the pas&on for revcnge, and Churchill's and
mainland, they believed, might be enough. Eden's bitter cxperiences with Mussolini
The British felt that only an invasion of made them endorse a complete ltalian sur-
the ltalian mainland would guarantee render. American feeling against Mus-
ltalian surrender, and this course of ac- solini had never reached a boiling point;
tion had become the basic Allied concept- the U .S. Govemment had no wish to
continuing ground force opcrations be- gain territory at ltalian expense, and a
yond Sicily in orclcr to knock Italy out of significant clement in the American elec-
the war. torate was of ltalian descent or origin
The U .S. Department of State had as and could not be ignored. Thcse factors
yet scarcely discussed the pcace tenns to exerted a moderating inftuence on U .S.
be imposed upon a vanquished ltaly. On policy.
26 July, if it had becn neccssary, the The Combined Chiefs of Staff held a
Allies would have found it impossible to spccial meeting on 26 July, the day after
state their basic terms for pcace-aside Mussolini's overthrow; greatly elated by
from unconditional surrender. the ncws, they reached a decision of sorne
The Allies even lacked a set of armistice import. Though the Americans refused
tenns for an Italy offering to surrender. to alter their stand on resources for an
They had discussed this mattcr but with- attack on Naples, they did not object
out reaching agreement. The British had when the British added one heavy and
proposed a long and detailed list of con- four escort carriers to the Mediterranean
ditions to be imposed upon a defeated resources. The ces agreed to expedite
1taly. The Americans had not con- the elimination of Italy from the war by
curred because thc British list did not authorizing Eisenhowcr to launch AvA-
mean total surrender. They had instead LANCHE at the earliest possible date and
proposed a series of diplomatic instruments with thc resources availablc to him. 89
to obtain unconditional surrender and In Tunis, also heartened by word of
allow the extension of Allied military Mussolini's downfall, Eisenhower was
govcmmcnt over the wholc of ltalian meeting with bis principal subordinates to
territory. Differences in ultirnate objec- review the new situation. They decided
tives effectively hindcred Anglo-Ameri- that promising conditions called for a
can agreement. The Americans had no holder course of action. U pon receipt of
qualms about putting the House of Savoy the ces directive authorizing an invasion
into protective custody and undertaking in the Naplcs arca, Eisenhower ordered
the political reconstruction of the coun- Clark to draw detailed plans for executing
try. To the British, the prospcct of AvALANCHE. He also instructed Clark
another dynasty going into discard was to prepare one division to sail directly
too painful to contemplate. Transatlantic into Naples and seize the port in conjunc-
discussions were continuing without def- 311 Min, Special CCS Mtg, 26 Jul 43; Telg,
inite conclusions whcn the dcvelopments on CCS to Eisenhower, FAN 175, 116 Jul 43, CCS
the Tiber made a decision vital. Cable Log.
693029 o. 65 - 19

tion with an airbome opcration. Scnsing of the Atlantic Charter and the F our
the prospccts of securing a spcedy capitu- Frcedoms and also a voicc in the final
lation of the Italian Govemment, Eisen- negotiations for world pcacc; to suggest
howcr lookcd forward to occupying rap- that if thc King rcmaincd at war with thc
idly kcy points on the ltalian mainland Allics much longcr, British and American
with ltalian consent.40 odium conccntratcd on Mussolini would
By this time, Allicd intclligcncc rcports be transferrcd to thc monarch, thercby
of 1talian morale in the battle for Sicily making an honorable surrcnder difficult.
wcrc caustic. One stated: The radio broadcasts, Eiscnhower pro-
For the most part the ltalian field forma- poscd, should urge the King to makc
tions have not shown a standard of morale immediate contact with the Allied com-
and battle determination very much higher mander in chief.42
than that of the coastal units whose per- General Eisenhower also drafted a set
formance was so lamentably low. . . . Sheer
war weariness and a feeling of the hopeless- of annistice terms:
ness of ltaly's position have, however, ob- r. lmmediate cessation of ali hostile ac-
viously been more potent influences and tivity by the ltalian armed forces with dis-
these have moreover permeated the field armament as dictated by the C-in-C, anda
army to a considerable degree, with the re- guarantee by the ltalian Government that
sult that a sense of inferiority and futility German forces now on the 1talian mainland
has destroyed its zest and spirit. 41 will immediately comply with ali provisions
To exploit the new political situation of this document.
2. Ali prisoners or intemees of the United
and Italian war wcariness, General Eisen- Nations to be immediately tumed over to
hower decided to pull ali the stops on the the C-in-C, and none of these may, from
crgan of psychological warfarc. If he the beginning of these negotiations, be evac-
could, by offering a simple set of anni- uated to Germany.
stice terms, eliminate ltaly as a bclligcrcnt, 3. lmmediate transfer of the ltalian fleet
to such points as may be designated by the
the Allics would be able to use 1talian C-in-C Med., with details of disannament
tcrritory in the war against Gennany. and conduct to be prescribed by him.
Thercforc, Eiscnhower asked CCS ap- 4. Immediate evacuation f rom ali 1talian
proval of a radio message he proposcd to territory of the German Air Force.
broadcast constantly to the Italian pco- 5. lmmediate beginning of the evacuation
ple. He wished to commend the Italians of German land forces from the ltalian
mainland on phase lines to be so prescribed
and the Royal House for ridding them- by the Allied C-in-C that the evacuation
sclvcs of M ussolini; to assurc them that f rom ali 1taly will be complete within one
they could have pcacc on honorable con- month. German forces in Sicily are not af-
ditions; to promisc ltaly the advantagcs fected by this armistice and will either sur-
render unconditionally or will be destroycd.
6. lmmediate surrender of Corsica and of
40 Telg, EiJenhower to CCS, NAF 300, 117 Jul ali ltalian territory, both islands and rnain-
43, Salmon Files, s-B-1; Directive, DCofS land, to the Allies, for such use as opera-
AFHQ to CG Fifth Army, 1ub: Opns on the
Italian Mainland, 'l7 Jul 43, Penonal Papen of
Col Robert J. Wood, file Outline Plan, Opera-
tion AvALANCHE; Min of Exec Planning Mtg ,5, 41 Telg, Eisenhower to CCS, NAF 166, a6 Jul
27 Jul 43, job 61C, reel 183C. 43, OPD TS Cable, IN, 1 Jul--31 Jul 43. Cf.
41 AFHQ G-t Weekly Intel Sum 48, 27 Jul Butcber, My Tlr.r11 Yars Witlr. Eisnlr.owr, p.
43, job 9, reel 113A. 371.

tional bases and other purposes as the Allies Italy."" His tenns werc an attcmpt to
rnay see fit. mcct an Italian rcquest for armistice be-
7. lmmediate acknowledgment of the forc an Allicd invasion of the mainland,
overriding authority of the Allied Com-
mander-in-Chief to establish military gov- and he made no mention of unconditional
errunent and with the unquestioned right to surrcnder. ' 5
effect, through such agencies as he may set Ncither did President Roosevelt urge
up, any changes in personnel that may seem the unconditional surrcndcr formula when
to him desirable. he heard the news of Mussolini's down-
8. lmmediate guarantee of the free use by
the Allies of ali airfields and naval ports in
fall. Cabling Churchill immcdiately, he
Italian territory, regardless of the rate of suggestcd that if thc 1talian Govemment
evacuation of the ltalian territory by the made overturcs for pcacc, the Allies ought
German forces. These ports and fields to to come as dosc to unconditional sur-
be protected by ltalian armed forces until rcnder as possible and then follow that
the function is taken over by the Allies. capitulation with good trcatment of the
9. lmmediate withdrawal of ltalian
armed forces from ali participation in the Italian pcople. Roosevelt thought it es-
current war f rom whatever areas in which sential to gain thc use of ali Italian ter-
they rnay now be engaged. ritory, the transportation system and
10. Guarantee by the Italian Government airfields as well, for the further prosecu-
that if necessary it will employ ali its avail- tion of the war against the Germans in
able armed forces to insure prompt and ex- the Balkans and elsewherc in Europc. He
act compliance with ali the provisions of
this armistice.n wished provision made for the surrcnder
of M ussolini, "thc head devil," and bis
General Eisenhower proposed that this chief ~iates, and he asked the Prime
set of tenns serve as the basis for a ces Minister for bis views on the new
dircctive, and that it also be broadcast to situation.''
ltaly. Knowledge of the tcnns and the As Minister of Dcfence and with thc
assurances thercin of honorable conditions approval of his War Cabinet, Mr. Church-
of pcacc, he believcd, would make the ill sent thc President his proposals on how
Italian population force the govemment to dcal with a defeatcd Italy. Consider-
to sue for an armisticc. He did not ing it very likely that thc dmolution of
envisagc the active co-opcration of ltalian the Fascist systcm would soon follow
troops in the war beyond thc cnforccmcnt Mussolini's overthrow, Churchill expcctcd
of Gcrman withdrawal from Italian soil, thc King and Badoglio to try to arrange
for he bclicved that "they would deem it a separate annisticc with the Allies. In
complctcly dishonorable to attempt to this case, he urged that every possiblc
tum definitcly against their fonner allies advantagc be sought from the surrcnder
and compcl the surrcnder of German
formations now in the mainland of
44 Ibid.
45 Butcher, My Thr YHrs With Eisenhower,
p. 372 (entry for fl7 Jul 43).
u Telg, Eilenhower to CCS, NAF 302, 27 Jul 48 Telg 324, Prcsident to Prime Minister, 25

43, Capitulation of ltaly, p. 14 (a bound file of Jul 43, OPD 300.6 Security (OCS Papen);
copies of telegrams and other documents relating Winston S. Churchill, "The Second World War,"
to the ltalian aurrender, aaembled for Maj. Gen. vol. V, Closing th Ring (Boston: Houghton
Walter B. Smith, Chief of Staft', AFHQ). MifBin Company, 1951), p. 55.

to expedite the destruction of Hitler and to Churchill's. He wished to have a sim-

Nazi Gennany. 41 ple set of tenns that could be broadcast
The text of Churchill's proposals directly .to the Italian people. Hope for
reached AFHQ soon after Eisenhower' had an honorable peace among the population,
dispatched his draft of tenns to the ces. he thought, would malee it impossible for
Both sets of tenns were closely similar. any govemment in ltaly to rcmain in
Both required the use of all Italian ter- power if it declined to malee peace. But
ritory; insisted- on control of the Italian he did not wish to ask 1taly to turn
Fleet; stipulatcd the retum of prisoners against the Gennans, for he doubted the
of war to prevent their transfer to Ger- existcncc of much "fury" among the ltal-
many; demanded the withdrawal of the ian people. Requiring active aid against
ltalian anned forces from further partici- the Gennans would be oflering the Ital-
pation in the war against the Allies; and ians merely a change of sides, whereas
assumed that the 1talians on 1tallan soil the grcat desire of the ltalian people, he
would be able to enforce German com- fclt, was to be finished with the war.48
plince with thc tenns of surrender. Eisenhower's program of psychological
There were sorne differences. Using warfare, designed to bring the Badoglio
phraseology originally suggestcd by Roose- regime to prompt capitulation, carne under
velt, Churchill called for the surrender of close scrutiny and eventual change by thc
Mussolini and the leading Fascists as war heads of the British and American Govern-
criminals. Churchill thought of gaining ments. On the same afternoon, 27 July,
the active aid of Italy's anned forces that Eisenhower renewed his rccommen-
against the Gennans. If the 1tallan dation for a simple set of tenns, the Prime
Fleet and Army carne under Allied control Minister, in the Housc of Commons, was
by the annistice, the Prime Minister making the first official public declara-
apparently would have been willing to tion in response to Mussolini's downfall.
acquiesce in the rctention of sovercignty Churchill said:
by the Italian Govemmcnt ( thc mon- We should let the ltalians, to use a homely
archy) on the mainland. Eisenhower, in phrase, stew in their own juice for a bit,
contrast, wished not only the power to and hot up the fire to the utmost in order to
establish military govemment but also an accelerate the process, until we obtain from
overriding authority over the ltalian their Governrnent, or whoever possesses the
Govemment with powcr to appoint and necessary authority, all our indispensable
requirements for carrying on the war against
disrniss officials. our prime and capital foe, which is not It-
Eisenhower on 27 July explained to the aly but Gennany. It is the interest of Italy,
ces why he preferred bis own conditions and also the interest of the Allies, that the
unconditional surrender of Italy be brought
about wholesale and not piecemeal.9
47 Telg 383, Prime Miniater to President, 26
Jul 43, ABC 381 ltaly-Arm-Surr (5--g-43), Sec
1-A; a copy of this telegram, No. 41 16, which u Telg 4894, Ei1enhower to Deven for Prime
wu forwarded by General Devers (in England) Minister, 27 Jul 43, Capitulation of ltaly, p. 17.
to Eisenhower was received at AFHQ at 0850, 0 Onwards lo Vietory: War S;eeeh'1 by tlae
"7 July 1943, Capitulation of Italy, p. 9; Church- Righl Hon. Winston S. Chvrehill, compiled by
ill ( Closing th Rin1, pages 56-58) prints the Charles Eade (Boston: Little, Brown and Com.
whole message. pany, 1944), pp. 186-87.
As he explained to Eisenhower privately, Italian co-operation in scizing vital ports
Churchill saw "obvious dangers in trying and airficlds. But he had to be able to
to state annistice tenns in an attractive, spcak prccisely and authoritativcly to the
popular fonn to the enemy nation." It commander in chicf of the Italian forces.
was far better, he said, for all to be "cut If economic and political matters could
and dried and that their Govemment be settled later, he might by the use of
should know our full demands and their military tenns alone be able to bring the
maximum expectations." liO On the fol- campaign in the Mediterrancan to a rapid
lowing day, 28 July, President Roosevelt conclusion, thus saving r~urccs for
in a public adclre$ reiterated the strong opcrations elscwhere.153
stand to be taken with 1taly. He said: At the same time, he sent a message
to Mr. Churchill, explaining bis rcquest
Our tenns for Italy are still the same as
our temis to Germany and Japan-'Uncon- for a directive on a slightly different
ditional Surrender.' We will have no truck ground. Bccause he was conducting the
with Fascism in any way, shape, or manner. war in the Mediterranean in accord with
We will permit no vestige of Fascism to re- the ces instruction to force 1taly out of
main.151 the war, he felt it bis duty to take quick
Thc arguments seemed to be a luxury and full advantage of every opportunity.G4
in view of the immediate prospect of get- Meanwhile, the British Forcign Office
ting Italy to surrender, and General Mar- on 27 July had infonned the U.S. State
shall explained the difficulty involved. Department that the British considercd
The British Govemment, he telegraphed the King of 1taly or Badoglio acceptable
Eisenhower, had the attitude that a sur- for the purpose of effecting surrendcr.
render involved political and economic What continued to be a problem was
conditions as well as military stipulations. whether the surrendering authority should
The British therefore viewed Eisenhower's be permitted to continue in office.1515
authority as limited to purely local sur- The Combined Civil Affairs Committee
renders. And the Prcsident agreed that took up the surrender matter on 29 July,
the Allied commander should not fix but was unablc to reach a decision or
general tenns without the approval of both to make any positivc rccommendations.
govemments.152 The British representative urged that the
Eisenhower rcplied by asking for a di- earlier proposal, the lengthy draft of de-
rcctive from both govemments empower- tailed conditions known as the Long Tenns,
ing him to state general tenns. Therc be approved by both govemments so that
might be, he wrote, a fteeting opportunity General Eisenhower could present civil as
to gain all objectivcs. Most important, well as military tenns. The Americans
he felt, was the prospect of obtaining
111 Telg W-6o24, Eisenhower to Marshall, 29
11 Churchill,
Closing tlae Ring, pp. 6o-61. Jul 43, Capitulation of ltaly, pp. 48-49.
111 United States and ltaly 1936-1946: Docu- 54 Telg 5499, Eisenhower to Devers for Prime
mentary Record, U.S. Department of State Pub- Minister, !l9 Jul 43, Capitulation of Italy, pp.
lication 2669, European Series 17 (Washington, 46-47.
1946), p. 45. u Copy of Msg from Br Foreign Office to U.S.
112 Telg 3600, Marshall to Eisenhower, 28 Jul State Dept, 27 Jul 43, OPD Files, Prime-Presi-
43, Capitulation of Italy, p. 30. dent, Exec 10, item 63.

objected, as they had previously, on the that the precise annisticc tenns should
ground that the Long Tenns did not pro- not be broadcast, urgcd that General
vide for unconditional Eisenhower's rccommendcd draft of sur-
On the same day, the British Defensc render articlcs be acccptcd.118 He sccmcd
Committcc cabled its views to the CCAC. mainly impresscd by Eisenhower's argu-
Unconditional surrcnder, the British be- ment that grcat military gains would ac-
lieved, had political and economic, as well crue at little cost if a simple set of tenns
as military, connotations. The annistice of surrcnder could be uscd to sccurc the
tenns should therefore be comprehensive rapid elimination of Italy from the war.
and inclusive. They recommended that Thus, although he had publicly proclaimcd
General Eisenhower be authorizcd to ac- his adhercncc to unconditional surrcndcr,
cept a general surrcnder, but urged that and although he had lcft the American
the Long Terms be uscd as the surrcnder membcrs of the CCAC with the impres-
instrument. Considering it rather un- sion that he was standing by that form-
likely for the Italians to approach General ula, he did not mention the phrasc in bis
Eisenhower dircctly, they anticipated as corrcspondencc with Churchill. Further-
more probable an Italian bid for pcacc more, he rccognizcd that insisting on
through the Vatican or sorne neutral having M ussolini turncd over as a war
state. The proposal to sccure an initial criminal might prejudice the primary olr
surrcnder on the basis of military terms, jective of getting Italy quickly out of the
this to be followed by agrcement to eco- war, and he did not recommend a modi-
nomic and political tenns, struck the fication of Eisenhower's draft on this
British as faulty. What if the Italian point.119
Govemment refuscd to sign at the sccond As Mr. Rooscvclt explained to the
stage? Precise tenns were nccded, and prcss, he did not carc with whom he dcalt
civil as well as military conditions would in Italy so long as that pcrson-King,
have to be included. And toward that prime minister, or a mayor-was not a
end, the British planned in the ncar membct of the Fascist govcmment; so
future to submit to the U .S. Govcmment long as he could get the Italian troops to
a comprchensive draft of tenns in the lay down their anns; and so long as he
expectation that the two Allied govem- could prevent anarchy. At the same
ments would reach agreement in plenty time, the Prcsident wamed neutral na-
of time for AFHQ to conduct the actual tions against shcltering Axis war criminals.90
negotiations.111 Mcanwhile, the British and American
At this juncture Prcsident Rooscvelt, Govemmcnts had approvcd an cmas-
though concurring in the British view
18 The President stipulated one slight change

u Min, 3d Mtg CCAC, 119 Jul 43, ABC 381 dealing with the withdrawal of the German
Italy-Arm-Surr (5-9-43), Sec 1-A, item 6. forces on the ltalian mainland. Telg 330, ROOle-
57 Telg 4995, Foreign Minister Eden to Vis- velt to Churchill, 119 Jul 43, ABC 381 Italy-Arm-
i:Ount Halifax ( repeated to Britiah R.esident Min- Surr (5-9-43), Sec 1-A.
ister, Algien), 119 Jul 43; Telg 387, Churchill to " Telg, R.ooevelt to Churchill, 30 Jul 43, OPD
Roosevelt, 119 Jul 43, both in OPD Mi1e Exec Mise Exec 11, item 5.
11, item 5; Telg 4157, Churchill to Ei11enhower, 0 Harold Calendar in the New York Timu,
119 Jul 43, Capitulation of ltaly, pp. 43-44; Cf. July 31, 1943, p. t. Cf. Churchill, Closing tlie
Churchill, Closing tia, Ring, pp. 6o--61 . Ring, p . 64.
culatcd version of Eisenhower's draft mcs- The day this broadcast hit ltaly, 29
sage to be broadcast to the Italian pcople. July, Hitler was dirccting the ncw divisions
Rcfercnccs to the Atlantic Charter and to for Rommd's Army Group B to make thcir
pcace conditions werc droppcd. The rc- way across the borders into Italy through
tum to ltaly of Italian prisoners capturcd use of force if ncccssary. Roatta, chicf of
in Tunisia and Sicily was promised if ali the ltalian Anny, was drafting instructions
Allied prisoners hcld by the 1talians were to commanders in northem Italy to mine
rcpatriated. On 29 July, thercfore, the railways against Gcrman incursion.
AFHQ began to transmit the following Guariglia, the new Forcign Minister, had
broadcast to ltaly: just rctumed to Rome wherc rumors werc
We commend the 1talian people and the
currcnt of an impcnding Gennan descent
House of Savoy on ridding themselves of upon the capital in force. In Sicily,
Mussolini, the man who involved them in where the U .S. Seventh and British Eighth
war as the tool of Hitler, and brought them Armies werc pressing forward vigorously
to the verge of disaster. The greatest ob- ali along the line, 1tallan resistance had
stacle which divided the 1talian people from virtually collapscd. Throughout ltaly the
the United Nations has been removed bv
the ltalians themselves. The only remain~ population expccted Badoglio to bring
ing obstacle on the road to peace is the about a.e. end to the war. Though
German aggressor who is still on ltalian soil. the Badoglio govemment banned Eisen-
You want peace. You can have peace im- hower's broadcast from publication, the
mediately, and peace under the honorable message in mimeographed form quickly
conditions which our govemments have al- appcarcd on the strccts of the principal
ready offered you. We are coming to you
as liberators. Your part is to cease immedi- cities, wherc it bccame the chief topic of
ately any assistance to the German military discumon in street cars and cafcs. Ac-
forces in your country. If you do this, we cording to one compctcnt obscrver, the
will rid you of the Germans and deliver you Allied broadcast was the straw that broke
from the horrors of war. As you have al- the camel's back.112
ready seen in Sicily, our occupation will be
mild and beneficent. Your men will retum As Churchill and R~velt clcarly
to their normal life, and to their productive wished, the psychological warfarc bcamed
avocations and, provided ali British and to Italy from the Allied hcadquarters in
Allied prisoners now in your hands are re- Algiers was sharply differcntiated from
stored safely to us, and not taken away to the problem of agrceing on suitable ar-
Germany, the hundreds of thousands of tides of capitulation. Therc was a dif-
Italian prisoners captured by us in Tunisia
and Sicily, will return to the countless ltal- ficult problem rcgarding annistice tentlS,
ian homes who long for them. The ancient General Marshall telegraphed General
liberties and traditions of your country will
ltaly, pp. 110-111, 31, 46. The Italian text as re-
be restored.111 ceived in Italy is printed in: Ministero dgli
.A.ffari Esteri, 11 contributo italiano nella gurra
411 The revision and clearance with the Joint contro la Germanio (Rome: btituto Poligrafico
Chiefs of Staft' of the broadcast to ltaly can be Dello Stato, 1946), p. l. See also Telg 3114,
traced in: Telg 3117, Roosevelt to Churchill, 117 Roosevelt to Churchill, 115 Jul 43, and Telg
Jul 43, and Telg 384, Churchill to Roosevelt, 118 Rooaevelt to Eisenhower, 118 Jul 43, both in OPD
Jul 43, as repeated in Telg 4135, Churchill to 300.6 Security (OCS Papen).
Eisenhower, 118 Jul 43; Telg 3611, Manhall to 11 A..ociated Presa dispatch from Beme, Swit-
Eiaenhower, 118 Jul 43; Telg 4399, Eisenhower zerland, July 30, 1943, Ncw York Times, July 30,
to Churchill, 119 Jul 43, ali in Capitulation of 1943, p. 3; Roui, Come arrivammo, p. 711.

Eisenhower on the 28th, bccause the approvcd the short military tenns. Noth-
attitude of the British Govemment was ing was to be said about war criminals,
that political and economic conditions for Roosevclt belicvcd that problcm might
werc involved as well as strictly military bettcr be taken up later. Churchill sug-
stipulations. Meeting on 30 July, the gested two changcs of wording for the sake
British War Cabinet agreed to accept Ei- of prccision; emphasized his govemment's
senhower's draft conditions for Italian ca- agreement to the short tenns only to mcct
pitulation, subject to several amendments. an cmcrgcncy situation; and revealcd that
The British wished to omit ali refercnces London found puzzling Washington's lack
to Gennan forces and to add a stipulation of refcrcncc to the original British terms,
that the Itallans must do their best to a comprchensive and more carcfully
deny to the Gennans facilities useful to wordcd vcrsion of the armistice tenns.04
the Allles. They proposcd to augment On the same day Churchill suggested
Eisenhower's power by enabllng him to to Forcign Secretary Anthony Eden that
order the !tallan Govemment to take such concluding an annistice with Italy in two
administrative or other action as he might stages-initially the short military tcrms,
rcquirc-this in addition to his authority later thc signature of the long tenns---
to establish military govemment. They might be a sound proccdure. Even in
wanted grcater clarity in spelling out the the event of a diplomatic approach,.
p<>wer to prcscn'bc demobilization, dis- Churchill fclt, the military conditions
annarnent, and demilitarization. They might serve very well, for the short tenns
wanted provision made for the surrender would be more easily understood by an
of I tallan war criminals, and for the dis- I tallan envoy. The British Forcign Officc
position of !tallan merchant shipping. was not particularly receptive to Church-
With thcsc changes, the cabinet was will- ill's thought. Edcn preferred uncondi-
ing to authorize Eisenhower's tenns as an tional surrender.811
emergency arrangcment-if the ltalians General Eisenhowcr now had, by the
suddenly sucd for peace and if military end of July, a draft of armisticc tcnns
devclopments rcquired immediate accept- ready for presentation to Badogllo if the
ancc. If it turned out that the Allies latter should seek to get out of thc war,
had time to negotiate through diplomatic as he was expected to do. But it was
channels, the British dcsircd the Ameri- still not clear between London and Wash-
cans to givc carcful consideration to the ington what should happen to the ltalian
formal set of articlcs-thc Long Tcnns-- Govemmcnt after acceptancc of thc short
proposcd earller by thc British.81 terms. Prcsidcnt Rooscvelt studicd the
On the following day, the last day of British draft of comprehensivc tcnns, but
July, the Prcsidcnt and Prime Minister
114 Telg, Roosevelt to Churchill, 31 Jul 43,
81 Telg 36oo, Manhall to Eilenhower, 28 Jul ABC 381 ltaly-Ann-Surr (5-9-43). sec. 1-A.
43, Capitulation of ltaly, p. 30; Telg, Churchill (copy to Eisenhower in Telg 3824, Marshall to
to Roosevelt, No. 389, 30 Jul 43 1 ABC 381 ltaly- Eisenhowet, 31 Jul 43, Capitulation of Italy, pp.
Arm-Surr (5-9-43), sec. 1-A, repeated to Eisen- 5~0) ; Telg, Churchill to Roosevelt, as given
hower through Devers, Msg 4180, Capitulation in Telg 4222, Devers to Eisenhower, 31 Jul 43,
of ltaly, pp. 51-52 (copy also found in OPD Capitulation of Italy, pp. 66-67.
300.6 Security (OCS Papen). 15 Churchill, Closing the Ring, pp. 64-65.

he did not wish to use it. He wired this and economic conditions to be imposed
view to Churchill: that in the future he on ltaly.87
preferrcd to let Eisenhower act to meet The British Government now rein-
situations as they might arise. A copy troduced its draft of the Long Terms,
of this mcssage was given to the American with changes of wording to meet the
Joint Chiefs and to the British Joint Staff American objections, particularly ~ re-
Mission for their guidance. At the gard to unconditional surrcnder.88 At its
same time, in deference to Churchill's in- fourth meeting, the Combined Civil Af-
quiries, President Rooscvelt dirccted the fairs Committec again considered tenns
Joint Chicfs to re-examine the British for Italian surrcnder. The British mem-
draft of the Long Terms." bers presented the British War Cabinet's
On 3 August, the Joint Chiefs again point of view: a comprehensive and all-
studied the Long Tenns, the British pro- inclusive statement of terms would be
posal which had first been considered in nec~ in addition to the terms which
the Combined Chiefs of Staff meeting of General Eisenhower already possessed and
16 June. The Joint Chicfs submitted they submitted the revised and amended
four objections to the British proposal: British draft of the Long Terms for this
there was no statemcnt or reference to purpose. The committec agreed that ad-
unconditional surrender; it referrcd to the ditional terms dealing with political and
"Supreme Command of the United Na- economic matters would be necessary at
tions," a position which did not exist; the a later date. The American members
document did not deal with German troops pointed out that thc short terms did not
in ltaly; and it provided for implementa- include any saving clause empowcring
tion by a Control Commission under the General Eiscnhower to impose the political
authority of the U nited N ations, rather as well as military conditions. The com-
than by Eiscnhower under the authority mittee then recommended the inclusion of
of the United States and British Govern- such a saving clause. No other decision
mcnts through the Combined Chicfs of was made. 811
Staff. The Joint Chicfs expressed agrec- On 6 August, the Combined Chiefs
ment with President Roosevclt's vicw that accepted the committee's suggestion for a
Eiscnhower be permitted to act to meet saving clause, and instructed General Ei-
situations as they arose, using the terms senhower that if he employed the draft
already furnished him as he saw fit. They
conceded that the British proposal, with 81 JCS Memo for President, 3 Aug 43, sub:
appropriate amcndments to meet U .S. Draft lnstrument of Surrender of ltaly, ABC
objections, might serve a useful purpose 381 ltaly-Arm-Surr (5-g-43), sec. 1-A.
118 Memo for red, Surrender Terma for Italy,
for later phases of the Italian situation, n.d., Document A, n.d., ABC 381 Italy-Arm-Surr
since it did embrace in a single document (5-g-43), sec. 1-A. Document A is the revised
many well-considercd military, political, version of ces 1158 with Article 30 filled out,
and with the formula for unconditional surrender
incorporated in the preamble. The Civil Afl'airs
Division of the War Department and the Strat-
98 Memorandum for General Manhall, Admi- egy and Policy Group of OPD made the sug-
ral King, and General Arnold, 2 Aug 43, sub: gestions for the rewording.
Surrender Terma, OPD Exec 2, tem 5, tab 25 811 Min, 4th Mtg CCAC, 5 Aug 43, ABC 381

(copy in OPD 300.6 Security (OCS Papen). Italy-Ann-Surr (5-g-43), sec. 1-A.

tenns which he alrcady had, he should long time, and air commandcrs wished to
make it clear that they werc purely mili- give, their crews a rest.n
tary and that other conditions, political, On thc first day of August, after con-
economic, and financial, would follow. ' ferring with Tcddcr, Eiscnhowcr dccidcd
Mussolini's downfall, therefore, marked to resume air bombardments, particularly
no turning point in Allied strategy. It in the Naples arca and on the railroad
merely hastcned the decision to invade the marshaling yards around Rome. Bcforc
ltalian mainland, but it in no scnse brought doing so, he broadcast his intcntion a day
about the decision itsclf. At American in- earlier. Anothcr Algiers radio broadcast
sistencc, opcrations in the Mediterranean on 2 August wamcd thc Italian pcople
beyond Sicily wcre to be limitcd-5ub- of dire conscqucnces if thc Badoglio gov-
ordinate to thc main effort to be launched emment made no move to end the war."
latcr in northwcst Europe. With his rc- The Allied air forces thcn bombed the
sources consequcntly curtailcd, General ltalian mainland. U.S. Flying Fortrcsses
Eiscnhower was to find that the success attacked Naples twice, night-ftying British
or failure in thc campaign after Sicily Wellingtons raidcd Naples thrce times dur-
would dcpend not on the powcr mar- ing thc first week of August. An opera-
shalled in support of the invasion but tion planned against thc Rome marshaling
rathcr on ncgotiations to climinate Italy yards for 3 August was cancelcd at thc
as a belligcrent. Thc blow at thc ltalian last minute becausc AFHQ reccived word
mainland, originally conceivcd as a means from the Combined Chiefs that the 1tal-
of forcing thc ltalians to surrendcr, was ian Govcmment had requcsted a statc-
to becomc contingcnt on first climinating ment of conditions nccessary to recognizc
Italy from thc war as thc result of military Rome as an open city."
diplomacy. The ltalian attcmpt to gain for Romc
the status of an open city was thc first
Rome: Open City diplomatic approach received by the
Allics. Thc initiative apparcntly had
During the last fcw days of July, while come from the Holy See, for on 3 1 July
working out thc terms of military diplo- the Vatican received in response to its
macy to induce ltaly to quit the war,
whilc broadcasting to thc ltalian pcople ' 1 Telg W-6503, Eisenhower to Manhall, 4
Aug 43, and Telg 4115, Marshall to Eisenhower,
a program of psychological warfare, and 3 Aug 43, both in Smith Papen, box 4. See
while cxpecting word from the Badoglio also Butcher, My Y 1ars With. Eis1nh.ow1r,
governmcnt on thc prospcct of peace, pp. 382-83.
12 Butcher, My Y1ars With. Eis1nh.ow1r,
General Eiscnhowcr had suspended hcavy p. 3 75; Telgs W-6406 and W-6509, Eisenhower
air raids on Italian cities. The lull co- to Manhall, 3 and 4 Aug 43, and Britiah Resi
incidcntally scrvcd another purpose. The dent Minister in Algien to Churchill, 4 Aug 43,
Mcditerranean Allicd air forces had becn Smith Papen, box 4; New York Tims, Auguat
3, 1943, p. l.
opcrating at close to full capacity for a TI Colea, USAAF Hilt Study 37, pp. 163-64;
Telgs W-6406 and W-6509, Eisenhower to Mar.
shall, 3 and 4 Aug 43, and Telg W-6516/7711,
TO Min, 105th Mtg ces, 6 Aug 43, Supple AFHQ to AGWAR, 4 Aug 43, ali in OPD Exec
mentary, tem 9; Telg 4363, Manhall to Eisen 2, item 6 ; see abo, Butcher, My Thr Y ars
hower. With. Eis1nh.ow,,, pp. 378-79.

request, a written statement from the with the Badoglio regime, Churchill a1so
Italian Govemment that the decision had suspected that the ltalian Govemment
been made to declare Rome an open city. might be taking the first stcp toward
Transmitting this infonnation, the Apos- trying to secure recognition of a1l of 1taly
tolic Delegate in Washington informed as a neutral arca so that the govemnient
Sumner Welles, U nder Secretary of State, could withdraw painlenly from the war.
on 2 August that the Papal Secretary of Believing that Allied troo~ would be in
State wished to ascertain what conditions Rome within a few months, Churchill
the Allies deemed necessary for regarding saw the city's communication and air-
the Italian capital in this light. The State field systems as a requiremcnt for further
Department infonned the British Govem- advance up the ltalian peninsula.75
ment and General Marshall, and the lat- Though agreeing with the Prime Min-
ter advised Eisenhower, suggesting that ister's objections, the JCS recommended
air bombardment of Rome be halted for that the President avoid making a direct
the moment. It was then that General denial to the Holy See's request. In ac-
Eisenhower canccled the bombardment cordance with the suggestion, Mr. Sumner
planned for 3 August. Next day Eisen- Welles on 5 August told the Apostolic
hower leamed that he was free to attack Delegate that the matter was receiving
airfields near Rome being used by ltal- the fullest consideration by the highest
ians and Gennans, but bad ftying weather American authorities. He concluded:
around the Italian capital caused him to "1 am instructed by the President to state
cancel the rnmion.7' that, in accordance with thc acccpted
The War Department, meanwhile, on principies of intcmational law and of
2 August had submitted to the President pertincnt intcmational agreements, thcre
and to the State Department a list of is nothing to prevcnt the ltalian Govem-
seven conditions considered essential for ment from undcrtaking unilatcrally to de-
recognizing Rome as an open city. 1
clare Romc an open city." 78
Churchill and his War Cabinet vigorously The first diplomatic movc madc by
opposed such recognition. Apprehensive ltaly toward thc Allies, tentativc and
lest such a move be taken by the Allied tangential though it was, thus receivcd an
public as an abandonment of the prin- ad hoc rcccption that was rathcr cold.
cipie of unconditional surrender and as a Without furthcr communication, thc 1tal-
willingnen to make a patched-up peace

75 Msg 403, Churchill to Roosevelt, 4 Aug 43,

14 Ltr 4911/411, Archbiahop Cicognani to Sum- OPD Exec 2, item 6; Telg 401, Churchill to
ner Welles, !l Aug 43, OPD Exec 9, tem 6; Roosevelt, 3 Aug 43, and Telg 402, Churchill
Memo, Col Hammond for President, White H, to Roosevelt, 4 Aug 43, OPD 300.6 Security
2 Aug 43, OPD Exec 11, item 5; Memo, Sumner (OCS Papen). There were sorne reports of
Welles for Manhall, !l Aug 43, inclosing request thi1 plan in the press. See Associated Presa dis-
from Apostolic Delegate; Memo, Marshall for patch of July 31, 1943, Beme, Switzerland, in New
Handy, 9 Aug 43, sub: Rome an Open City; York Tim1s, August 1, 1943, and article by
Telg, Marshall to Eisenhower, FAN 181, !l Aug Edwin L. James, p. E-3.
43 ; Memo, Col Hammond for President, White Te Memo, JCS for President, 5 Aug 43, and
25, 2 Aug 43; Memo, Col Hammond for Marshall, for General Hull, 19 Aug 43, both in OPD Ex~c
3 Aug 43, ali found in OPD 300.6 Security (OCS 2, tem 6; Telgs, Eisenhower to Marshall and
Papen). Manhall to Eisenhower, Smith Papen, box 4.

ian Govcrnment on 14 August fonnally tives in thc Rome arca as he judged

dcclared Romc an open city. ncccssary. 77
At first thc CCS instructcd Eiscnhower
to makc no furthcr air attacks against
11 CCS 306, 14 Aug 43, Rome an Open City;
thc Italian capital until its status could
Min, 108th Mtg CCS, 15 Aug 43, tem 2; Telg,
be clarificd. But on thc following day, CCS to Eisenhower, FAN 191, 14 Aug 43, and
15 August, the CCS dccidcd that the Telg, CCS to Eisenhower, FAN 194, 15 Aug 43,
Allies should not cornmit themselves on OPD Exec 2, item 6; Telg 5309 Manhall to
Eisenhower, 14 Aug 43, and Telg 1682, AFHQ
thc matter, and they thereby left Eisen- to KKAD, Quebec, 15 Aug 43, both in Smith
howcr free to bomb such military objcc- Papers, box 4.

Dissolution of the Rome-Berlin Axis

Badoglio's First Moves was a clear, official announcement of

the continued vitality of the treaty of al-
About 1700, 25 July, the Italian mon- liance with Gennany. 2
arch summoned Marshal Badoglio, in- Though thc Badoglio government dis-
fonned him of bis appointment as Head solved the Fascist party and began to in-
of Government, and handed him the list corporate the Fascist militia gradually into
of bis cabinet members--dvil servants the Regular Army, the government was
without party connection or support- non-Fascist rather than anti-Fascist. The
that the sovereign and the Duke of Ac- change of regime secmed to mark the first
quarone had selected. As Head of Gov- step toward a restoration of constitutional
ernment, Badoglio was to be responsible government, but the actual basis of
for civil functions only. Victor Emman- Badoglio's powers was in thc Fascist consti-
uel 111 resumed the suprcme comrnand tutional laws. The King had been care-
of the 1talian anned forces, a power that ful to maintain bis role as a constitutional
M ussolini had exercised since 1 1 J une monarch, accepting Mussolini's resig-
1940. Ambrosio was to continue as chief nation and appointing Badoglio bis suc-
of Comando Supremo, Roatta as chief of cessor as Capo del Governo, with al1 the
thc Army General Staff, Superesercito. powers of that office crcatefi by the Fas-
Badoglio accepted the situation and cist laws of 1925 and 1926. But Badog-
the conditions, including two proclama- lio refuscd to take any action without
tions alrcady drafted, which the marshal the explicit authorization of the King. In
issued over bis own signature and com- actuality, ltaly reverted to absolute mon-
municated through the p~ and radio. archy. At Badoglio's insistence, whatever
The first announced Badoglio's appoint- civil power he exercised was to be con-
ment and assurcd ltaly and the world strued as a dircct emanation of the King's
that "The war continues." The second will. Whatever military commands and
proclamation wamed the ltalian pcople, dircctives Ambrosio issued were in ac-
the Fascist organization, and othcr politi- cordance with the King's dircct wishes.
cal parties against agitating the government Relieved of the Fascist burden, the
with precipitate dcmands for wholesale country seethed with political excitement
political changes or for peace. 1 The first 2 ll Pro"sso Corboni-Roolto: L' Armistizio e lo
di/eso di Roma nella sentenza del Tribunale
1 Badoglio, Memorie e docvmenti, p. 71. Ba- Militare (Estratto della "Rivisto Penale," Mag-
doglio learned later that Vittorio Emanuele Or- gio-GiKgno 1949) ( Rome: Societa Editrice
lando, ltalian Premier during World War 1, had Temi), p. 9 ( cited hereafter as 1l Processo
assilted in drafting the proclamations. C arboni-Roatta).

and with the expectation of immediate satisfaction over the decision to continue
peace. To check the unrest, Roatta the war, he wished Badoglio well in bis
transfcrrcd control of four divisions from task of serving thc King, "whose loyal
himself to the Minister of War, Gencralc servant 1 rcmain." 11
di Brigata in Riseiva Antonio Soricc, who Immediately after the Fcltrc confcrcnce,
moved two from the interior of ltaly to Hitler and the OKW had felt rcassured
Turin and two from France to Milan. over thc situation in ltaly. The Italian
Evcntually, Sorice controlled five divisions, High Command had promised to commit
all to be uscd for maintaining public ordcr four additional Italian divisions in thc
and thercforc not available for dcfense south: one in Sicily, two in Puglia, and
against attack by eithcr the Allics or the one in Calabria. On 22 July, Hitler had
Gennans. rcleased thc 2!Jth Panzer Grenadier Di-
While awaiting the rcturn to ltaly of vision for employment on Sicily. That
Raffaele Guariglia, Ambassador to Tur- same day, Ambrosio had accepted the con-
key, who was to becorrie Minister of ditions laid down by Keitel at Feltrc and
Forcign Affairs, Badoglio took charge of had fonnally rcquestcd two additional
forcign policy. In accordancc with thc German divisions. Field Marshal Rom-
King's wishes, thc immediate aim was to mel, who had been dcsignated to com-
avoid conftict with the Gennans. Ba- mand Army Group B in the ALARICH
doglio wishcd to end the war, jointly with plan, was on 21 July removed from this
thc Gennans if pasible. At the least, he assignment and sent to Salonika to takc
was to try to securc Gennan consent to a command of Gennan troops in Grcccc.
dissolution of the Pact of Steel.4 The warning orders for operations ALA-
At the carabinieri barracks wherc he RICH and KONSTANTIN werc sus-
spent his first night in captivity after his pended.8 On 23 July, Hitler mued
forced resignation, M woolini received a orders in accordance with Ambrosio's rc-
note f rom Badoglio. Thc mcasures takcn quest alerting the 305th and 76th lnfan-
toward him, Badoglio explained, were .in try Divisions for movcment from France
the interest of bis personal safety, for a to southem Italy. Hitler entcrtained no
plot had been discovercd against his life. suspicion whatsoever that bis friend Mus-
Mwoolini rcplied, thanking Badoglio for solini might secrctly be searching for
bis consideration. He would make no dif- contact with the Western Powers. Gen-
ficulties, he added, but would, rather, co- eral von Rintelen did rcport, howcvcr,
operate to the fullest extent. Expres&ng that Comando Supremo had little con..
fidence that Sicily could be held and,
Comando Sup11mo, 1 Repa1to, Ope1azioni: on 24 July, he indicated that tension in
R1gio Esercito--Quadro di battaglia alla data
del l luglio 1943i Quadro di battaglia alla data Italy had incrcased rather than dimin-
del l agosto 1943, IT 10 a-h; Roatta, Otto ished as a result of the Feltre conferencc.7
milioni, pp. 263-64; Roui, Come arriuammo, News of the political change in Italy
PP 94, 174-75, 404; Zanwai, Guerra catas-
trofe, 11, 54.
4 MS #P-058, Project 46, 1 Feb--8 Sep 43, 5 Badoglio, M1mo1ie documenti, p. 72; Mu1-
Question 11; Rossi, Come arriuammo, p. 199; solini, Storia di un anno, p . 20.
Roatta, Otto milioni, p. 291; Badoglio, Memo1ie 8 OKW/WFSt, KTB, 1.-31.Vll.43, 25 Jul 43;
e documenti, pp. 84-85; Rintelen, Mussolini als Rommel, Private KTB, entry H Jul 43.
Bund1sgenosse, p. 224. 1 MS #C-093 (Warlimont), pp. 40-41.

carne as a surprisc to the Gennans. The The main ilmue was whether to act at
first reports to reach Berlin on 25 July once in Italy with the forces available or
werc not alanning. They indicated mere- to make more careful preparations that
ly that. the Fascist old guard. had brought involved dclay. Hitler favored immediatc
about the convocation of the Grand action, even if improvised, in ordcr to
Council to urge the Duce to take more capture the Badoglio govemmcnt beforc
energetic measurcs against defeatism. it could consolidate its powcr. A quick,
Not until the next day did the Gennans bold strokc, he ~lieved, would rcstore the
learn that Ciano and Grandi had led a prcstige of Fascism.
revolt, that Mussolini had resigned, and Rommel and others advocated caution.
that the King had appointed Badoglio in They feared that Gennan moves would
his place.8 invite the Allies to establish themselves on
Hitler could not believe that Mussolini the ltalian mainland and that a blow
had resigned voluntarily. He was sure against the King would turn the Italian
that force had been u.sed, and he felt officer corps against the Gennans. Since
that the convocation of the Grand Coun- Rommel concurred in the general belicf
cil had been a show carefully prepared that Mussolini's overthrow had been care-
by the King and Badoglio. He feared fully preparcd, and since be believcd that
that these two, who in his opinion had the ncw governmcnt had already ap-
been sabotaging the war all along, might proachcd the Allies with an offer of peacc,
already have done away with his friend. Rommel thought it best to retire from
Hitler's first impulse was to strike with Sicily, Sard.inia, and southem ltaly, but
lightning speed-seize Rome with the 3d to hold northern ltaly. He recommended
Panzer Grenadier Division (located near that Kesselring withdraw his forces and
Lake Bolsena 35 miles north of the city) , consolidatc with Rommcl's forces in the
and the 2d Paracl&ute Division (to be north, where aU would come under Rom-
air-transported from France to the Rome mel's command. 10
arca) ; kidnap thc King, the Heir Ap- Thc first German ordcrs promptcd by
parent, Badoglio, and the cabinet minis- M ussolini's overthrow wcre issued on the
ters; and discover and liberate Mussolini night of 26 July. The general framework
as the only means of rejuvenating the and outline of Plan ALAR/CH were at
Fascist party. So extreme was Hitler's hand but the Gennan rcaction to the
anger and apprehension that he thought ncw situation in 1taly had a large measure
even of scizing thc Vatican and the Pope. of improvisation. Ficld Marshal von
Goebbels and Ribbentrop, after lengthy Rundstedt, OB WEST, was ordered to
argument, persuaded Hitler to drop this move two divisions toward the 1talian
extreme measure.9 border: the 305th lnfantry Division to-
ward Nice, and thc 4411& lnfantry Divi-
1 Go1bb1ls
sion toward the Brenncr Pass. He was
Diari1s, p. 403, entry !25 Jul
43. Amba.uador von Mackensen's early reporta to carry out two operations which bad
did not reveal the full extent of thc crisis, and he formed integral parts of thc ALAR/CH
was bitterly criticized by Ribbentrop, Ministcr of plan: KOPENHAGEN, the seizure of
Foreign Affairs. See MS #C-013 (Kesselring),
p. 5. 10 Min of Confs 14, 15, and 16, 115 and 116
0 Go1bbels Diari1s, pp. 407-09. Jul 43, in Min of Hitler Confs.

the Mount Cenis pW; and SIEGFRIED, man forces in north ltaly. Kesselring was
the occupation of the southern coast of then to withdraw the German troops
France in the arca of the Italian Fourth from the ltalian islands and from south
Army. Field Marshal Rommel was re- ltaly and consolidate bis forces with
called from Salonika to command Army Rommel's command in the north. At
Group B, with headquarters in Munich. that time, Kesselring's command in ltaly
Meanwhile, AmbasM.dor von Mackensen, would come to an end.
Field Mar.;hal Kesselring, and General In connection with the third step,
von Rintelen were instructed to learn all Hitler's headquarters dispatched a naval
they could regarding the intentions of the officer to Frascati to explain Kesselring's
new government. 11 role in the plan. Kesselring was to halt
Plans against Italy began to develop at ali movements of additional troops to
once in three main stages. First, Army Sicily; prepare to evacuate ali air units
Group B was to occupy north Italy. Be- from Sicily, Sardinia, and Corsica, dc-
hind the two initial divisions dispatched stroying, if necC$3.ry, their heavy equip-
toward ltaly, Rundstedt was to move up ment; concentrate in assembly arcas the
four more divisions from France. The 11 16th and 26th Panzer Divisions and that
SS Panzer Corps, comprising two SS pan- part of the 29th Panzer Grenadier Divi-
zer divisions, was to be withdrawn from sion still on the ltalian mainland, sus-
the Eastern Front to become part of Rom- pending thereby further movements to the
mel,s new command. Second, General- south; alert the 3d Panzer Grenadier and
obem Kurt Student was to fty to Rome, 2d Parachute Divisions (thc lattcr upon
take operational control of the 3d Panzer its arrival near Rome) to their mission;
Grenadier and 2d Parachute Divisions, be ready to take ovcr ali the antiaircraft
seize the capital and the leading political defenses in ltaly, reposses&ng the ftak ma-
per.;onalities, and liberate Mussolini. terial furnished Italian units; and send
Capt. Otto Skorzeny, per.;onally selected transport aircraft to France to carry the
by Hitler, was to have the special mission 2d Parachute Division to Italy.11
of locating and liberating the Duce. Be- Kesselring took a different view of thc
cause earlier ALAR/CH. planning had situation from that of OKW. Optimistic
designated Student to occupy the Alpine by temperament and inclined to trust
passes with bis XI Flieger Korps ( rst those with whom he worked, he had called
and 2d Parachute Divisions), OKW as- on Badoglio on 26 July, accompanied by
signed this task to General der Gebirgs- the German Ambassador, Mackcnsen.
truppen Valentin Feurstein, who was to Badoglio ~ured the Germans that he had
use troops stationed at the Mountain known nothing of thc movcmcnt against
Training School in Mittenwald, fifteen Mussolini until he was summoned by
miles north of Innsbruck. Third, as soon the King to take office. He had insisted,
as all was in readiness for the stroke Badoglio continucd, on maintaining thc
planned against the 1tallan Government, alliance with Gcrmany as a condition of
Rommel was to take command of all Ger- taking office, and bis proclamation madc
clear that the war would continue. When
11 OKW!WFSt, KTB, l.Vll-31.Vll.43, 26
Jul 43; Rommel, Prvate KTB, entries for 25- 12 OKW/ WFSt, KTB, 1.-31.Vll.43, 26 Jul
28 Jul 43. 43.

the Germans exprcssed sorne curiosity as sidc, appreciated the Italian participation
to Mussolini's fate, Badoglio showed Mus-- in the war. He rcspected Ambrosio and
solini's letter as proof not only of bis Roatta. Acccpting the Italian statements
personal safety but also of bis intention in good faith, he bent his efforts toward
to do nothing to oppose the new rcgime. maintaining thc alliance.14
When Kesselring tumed the conversation Though Gocbbels cynically wrote that
to military matters and said it was nec- "Kesselring fcll for a well-staged show,"
essary to overcome the sense of fatigue Kesselring felt that more was to be gained
among I talian troops and to eliminate by exploiting thc current willingness of
certain impediments to the military effort thc Italian Govemment to co-operate than
raised by the civil administration, Ba- by precipitating a crisis that might lead
doglio declarcd he would do everything he to collapse and chaos. After rcceiving
could to improve the co-operation of the instructions brought personally by thc
Italian civil officials. Problems of morale, naval officer, Kesselring rcported to OKW
however, concemed the military, and his belief that the Fascist party had los.t
Badoglio urgcd Kesselring to take up the out because of its own weakness and lack
problem directly with Ambrosio, chief of of leadcrship and that no support could
Comando Supremo. be expected from it. He thought that the
Kesselring and Rintelen called on Am- measures planncd by Student and Skor-
brosio, who assured them that the political zeny could be executed, but not with-
change had no effect on military opera- out carc and consequent delay. Action
tions. Like Badoglio, Ambrosio em- against the Italian forces guarding Rome
phasized Italy's determination to continue would completely alienate, he felt, all who
in the war on the side of her ally. As still bore sorne good will toward Germany.
to improving Italian troop morale, Am- Furthermore, an armed struggle in the
brosio observed that this was not an easy Rome area would disrupt all traffic to the
matter, it would take time. Kesselring south, halt the movement of supplies and
reminded Ambrosio that Hitler at Feltrc reinforccments, and cxpose the German
had promised to send ali the reinforce- forces in Sicily and southem Italy to the
ments Germany could spare, and he danger of being cut off. In the interest
urged measures to restore the sense of of these troops at least, he urged, the
comradeship between ltalian and Ger- Germans should exploit the willingncss of
man troops. 18 the Italian Govemment to receive addi-
Badoglio's and Ambrosio's declarations tional German units. In contrast with
conformed with the King' s basic policy- Rommel's estimate, Kesselring believed
to avoid a unilateral breach of the al- that he could, if reinforced, defend all
liance by Italy, and to take no action that of Italy and the Balkans, and he recom-
would bring Italians into conftict with mended this course of action to Hitler. 111
Gcrmans. Thcse assurances were not al-
together dishonest. Kesselring, on his Westphal, H11r in Fesseln, p. u4; MS #T-
2, K 1 (Kesselring), pp. 6-7; Eugenio Doll-
18 Rintelen, Mussolini als Bundesgenosse, pp. mann, Roma Nazista (Milan : Longanesi & Co.,
u4-25; OKW!WFSt, KTB, 1.-31.VIJ.,43, 26 1949), p. 138.
Jul 43; Min, Colloquio a Palazzo Vidoni, Roma, u OKW/WFSt, KTB, 1.-31.Vll.43, 27 Jul 43;
26 luglio 1943, IT 3037. MS #C-013 (Kesselring), p. 13.
693-029 o. 85 20

K~lring's representations had an explain candidly the need for a joint

effect. On 28 July, OKW suspended peace before the Axis bargaining power
Student's mission, ordering him instead was diluted by divergent diplomatic
merely to be ready to scizc the 1talian COUI"SCS. 18
Govemment and liberate M ussolini. 19 Becausc Alfieri, the Italian Ambassador
Student and Skorzeny were by then at at Berlin, had come to Rome to attend
Frascati, and the first lift of the 2d Para- the meeting of the Grand Council, where
chute Division arrived that day at Pratica he had voted against M ussolini, and had
di Mare, an airfield not far from Frascati. not retumed to his post, the Italian Mili-
Roatta was curious about the sudden tary Attach at Berlin, Generale di Carpo
arrival of Gcrman paratroopers, but he d' Armata Efisio Marras, received instruc-
accepted with sceming good grace Kes- tions to fty to the Fuehrer's headquarters
sclring's explanation-they were reinforce- to reinforce the rcquest for a conference.
ments for thc 1st Parachute Division in Without knowledge of Badoglio's inten-
Sicily. While the Gcrmans thus set the tions, Marras did not know whether
stage for Hitler's cour---kidnapping thc Badoglio was trying to secure a joint Italo-
ltalian Govemment-Skorzeny threw Gcrman peace move, though the idea was
himsclf wholeheartcdly into thc mission of not excluded. According to his instruc-
finding Mussolini. Dazzled by the honor tions, Marras was to establish contact with
of having been summoned to Hitlcr's hcad- Hitler on behalf of the new Italian Govem-
quarters, Skorzeny had fallen under Hit- ment, read a copy of Mussolini's lettcr
ler's spell. Mussolini, the Fuchrer had indicating his continuing loyalty to the
said, was thc last of the Romans and his King, propase a meeting of the heads of
only true friend. He would go to any state, and indicate the ltalian desire to
lcngth to save him from being tumed over withdraw the ltalian Fourth Army from
to the Allies. Skorzcny vowed to be southem France to Italy. 19
worthy of Hitler's trust. 17 The same day that Marras was getting
Meanwhile, on 27 July, Badoglio formu- ready to visit Hitler, 29 July, K~lring
lated his plan for a joint peacc effort was in conference with the Fuehrer.
and presented it to the King, who author- There Kesselring reinforced his argument
ized it as official policy. Badoglio then in favor of maintaining correct relations
sent a telegram to Hitler proposing a with the Badoglio govemment-at least
meeting on ltalian soil between the King until the Germans could introduce ad-
and the Fuehrer. His purpose was to ditional German divisions into Italy
16 OKW/WFSt, KTB, 1.-31.VII.43, 28 Jul On the surface at least, Hitler accepted
Otto Skorzeny, Geheimkommando Skorz::eny
11 Kesselring's program. He instructed Kes-
(Hamburg: Hansa Verlag Josef Toth, r950), pp. sclring to direct all bis dealings with
100-ror. For additional material on Skorzeny Comando Supremo toward securing the
see Extract From Revised Notes r on The Ger
man lntelligence Services, VFZ/34, copy 23, 6 movement of the maximum number of
Dec 44, Source M.I .-6, AFHQ reel 365F, and German troops into northem 1taly. Ac-
Hq U:S. Forces European Theater, Interrogation
Center, Consolidated Intelligence Report (CIR) 18 Badoglio, Memorie e documenti, pp. 84-85.
4, 23 Jul 45, sub: The German Sabotage Service. 1.0Simoni, B"lino, Ambasciata, pp. 3 77-78;
unprocessed files, NARS. Interv, Smyth with Marras, 20 Dec 48.

tually, however, Hitler was using Kessel- attach should be drawn into a political
ring, Rintelcn, and Mackensen-thc matter. Accepting Badoglio's declaration
"Italophilcs" as they were callcd in that the war would continue, Hitler saw
OKW-to allay Italian suspicions and to no immediatc need for a conference with
keep Badoglio in thc alliance whilc OKW the King or Badoglio, particularly because
made ready to takc drastic action. 20 of the recent meeting with Mussolini at
Though ali reports from Kesselring and Feltre. Hitler suggested rather that the
Mackcnsen, and from Admiral Wilhelm ministers of foreign affairs and the chiefs
Canaris, intelligcnce chicf, as well, gavc of staff might examine the situation from
crcdcncc to thc solemn declarations of the standpoint of continuing the war.
loyalty to the Axis by thc King, Badoglio, He made no direct reply to the proposed
Ambrosio, and Roatta, the reports made withdrawal of the Italian Army from
little impression on Hitler. He was cer- southern France. He admitted that it
tain that thc Italian Govcrnment was might be useful at a later date for him
planning "trcason." A transatlantic con- to confer with the King and Badoglio, in
versation betwecn President Rooscvelt and which case the Heir Apparent-Prince
Mr. Churchill intercepted by Germany on Humbert-ought also to be present.22
29 July confirmed Hitler's suspicions that Marras submitted his report to Badog-
negotiations between Italy and the Allies lio on 1 August, and on the same day a
were under way, even though the con- telegram arrived from Hitler proposing a
versation indicated no more than an ex- conference of foreign ministers and chiefs
pectation of recciving Italian overtures.21 of staff at Tarvis, just across the border
Hitler received Marras at his head- from ltaly, on the 5th or 6th of August.
quarters on the morning of 30 . J uly. Badoglio accepted Hitler's proposal.23
Marras felt that Hitler suspected him of Hitler refused to confer on Italian soil
being Badoglio's "torpedo" with the job or to leave Germany because he feared an
of rubbing out the Fuehrer. For while attempt on his life. He proposed, instead,
Marras delivered Badoglio's mC$lge, he the meeting of second echelon officials in
was conscious that Jodl, Generalmajor order to avoid a discussion of what Badog-
Rudolf Schmundt, and Ambassador Wal- lio and others considered the fundamental
ter Hewel were facing him from three issue: whether or not to make peace with
different points in the room, each with the Allies. Badoglio, hoping for a frank
his hand on a revolver in his pocket. talk with Hitler in the near future, declined
Marras rcmained rigid, not even venturing to initiate any approach to the Westero
to makc a move for his handkcrchief. Allies until the Germans had clearly re-
Hitler, who appeared calm, criticized the vealed their intentions.
sudden 1talian political change in the By then, 1 August, OKW had a com-
midst of war, and asked why a military pletely formulated plan, code-named
ACHSE, to meet the possibility of an
2 OKW/WFSt, KTB, 1.-31.Vll.43, :19 Jul
43; MS #C--093 (Warlimont), p. 79; MS #C-
or3 (Keuelring), p. r:r. 22 Simoni, Berlino, Amba1ciata, pp. 3 79-86 ;
21 OKW/WFSt, KTB, 1.-31.Vll.43, 29 Jul lnterv, Smyth with Marras, 20 Dec 48.
43. MS #C-093 (Warlimont), page 84, mis- ~ 3 Badoglio, Memorie 1 documenti, p. 96; Si-
takenly gives credence to thi11 alleged proof. moni, Berlino, Ambasciata, p. 387.

Italian doublc cross. Like ALAR/CH, could be made available to move it to

drawn up in the latter part of May in southern ltaly.211
anticipation of political change in ltaly, Comando Supremo at least had a good
ACHSE was based on the premisc of Ital- excuse and pcrhaps a legitimate reason.
ian defection. Upon reccipt of the code Roatta, who as chief of Superesercito had
word, Gennan units in Italy were to opcrational control over ali the ground
take over the country by force. 24 forces, Gennan and Italian, in ltaly (ex-
Events occurring on the Italian frontier cept those 1tallan troops moved to the
during the last days of July seemed to large cities to restrain civil disturbances) ,
indicate that thc ACHSE button might conferred with Kesselring on 28 July and
be pushcd at any moment. reaffinned that he wanted two more Gcr-
man divisions in the dcfense of southern
Friction Along the Alps Italy. But he explained that railway
traffic was particularly congested becausc
In accordance with OKW instructions of the dispatch of an ltalian division
$ued during thc night of 26 J uly, Rund- northward to check civilian unrest in
stedt started to move thc 305th lnfantry Milan, Turin, and Bologna. Gennan
Division from the interior of France to- movements had to be halted temporarily,
ward Nice and the 44th Infantry Division Roatta said, otherwise situations might
toward thc Brenner Pass. At the bor- occur wherein Gcnnan troops would find
dcr, transportation was to be arranged Italian forces unexpectedly blocking their
with Italian authorities on the assump- way. Roatta hopcd to overcomc thc
tion that the divisions were destined for traffic problem by prohibiting all civilian
southem ltaly in accordance with agree- travel, and proposed that hall the train
ments concluded with Comando Supremo. space be allocatcd for Italian movemcnts,
When on 27 July the leading elements of half for Gennan. Kcsselring sccmcd
thc 305th lnfantry Division reachcd Nice, placatcd.21
which was in the arca controlled by the On 29 July, Mussolini's birthday, whilc
Italian Fourth Army, they lcamed that a rumor swcpt Romc that the Gcnnans
Comando Supremo objected to further were preparing to scizc the 1talian capi-
movement into Italy becausc of a shortage tal, while Amb~dor von Mackenscn
of railway transportation. Comando Su- brought grcctings to Mussolini with in-
premo refuscd to provide transportation quirics as to his whcreabouts, and whilc
on thc following day, 'and on 29 July the Kesselring carried a handsomc .set of the
Italians infonned OKW that the 305th works of Nie~he as a present from Hit-
Infantry Division would have to wait at ler to M ussolini and asked to deliver it
least severa} days before transportation pcrsonally, the ltalian Ministry of War
receivcd threc alanning telegrams from
Gcnerale di Corpo d'Armata Al~dro
24 English ttanalation of two telegrama, OKW / Gloria, commandcr of thc XXXV Corps
WFSt, Nrs. 661747 and 661747/43 g.k.chefs.,
both dated 1 Aug 43 and signed by Keitel, in
ONI, Fueh'6r Dirutives, lg4a-1945 pp. 87-88; 21 OKW/WFSt, KTB, 1.-31.Vll.43, 27, 28,
OKW/WFSt, KTB, 1.-31,Vll.43, 1 Aug 43; MS and 29 J ul 43.
#~93 (Warlimont}, pp. 87-go. 28 /bid., !18 Jul 43.

at Bolzano, forty miles south of the Rome still further, Roatta had the XVll
Brenner Pass. Gloria reported German Corps move thc ro3d ( Piacenza) Motor-
troops asscmbling in the German Tyrol ized Division to positions just south of the
and at lcast onc group moving on foot capital, leaving only two coastal divisions
toward thc Brcnncr Pass.11 to guard the nearby shore area. 28
While the ltalians polltely frustrated For the second mission, Roatta on 30
Mackensen's and Kesselring's attempts to July sent officer couriers to the Fourth
discover Mussolini's whereabouts, Coman- Army in southern France, to the Second
do Supremo prepared to resist the Ger- Army in Slovenia-Croatia-Dalmatia, and
mans on two fronts--to ward off a surprise to the XXXV Corps in Bolzano, warning
attack against Rome and to oppose the them to be ready to oppose by force un-
incursion of unwanted German reinforce- authorized German incursions and direct-
ments into !tallan territory. Summoning ing them to place demolition charges along
Roatta, Ambrosio informed him that pro- the railway lines to impede frontier
viding for the defensc of Rome against a cros&.ngs.29
possible German coup d'tat had priority The 26th Panzer Division, whose entry
over protecting the coast against the into Italy had been authorized earlier
threat of Allied landings. He also told by the Comando Supremo, was not af-
Roatta to oppose the movement of Ger- fected by these orders. About half of that
man units across the frontier, except division was already in southern ltaly in
those specifically requested or pennitted accordance with the joint plans of Co-
by Comando Supremo. mando Supremo and OKW for the de-
For the first mission, Roatta consti- fense of the Italian pennsula. The
tuted a command called the Army Corps remaining parts of the division crossed
of Rome {the 12th (Sassari) lnfantry the Brenner Pass without incident during
Division, elements of the 21 st ( Granatieri) the late afternoon and early evening of
lnfantry Division, pollee forces, African 30 July. These troops reported evidcnce
pollee troops, and depot units) under of demolition charges planted by !tallan
Generale di Corpo d' Armata Alberto troops and the impression that the !tallan
Barbieri to provide for the internal secur- forces in the frontier area had been
ity of the city and to reinforcc General reinforced.80
Carboni, who a week earlier had been
placed in command of the M otorized 28 Comando Supremo, Operazon, Regio Eser-
Corps (thc Piave Division, the Ariete cito: Quadro d battaglia alla data del 1 agosto
Armored Division, the remainder of the 1943, IT 10 a-h; Roatta, Otto miloni, pp. 274,
Granatieri Division, and the 131st (Cen- 294, 297-99; Zanusai, Guerra e catastro/e, 11, 58;
Rossi, Come arrivammo, p. !104; MS #P-058,
tauro) Division) in the outer defenses of Project 46, 1 Feb-8 Sep 43, Question 7.
the city. To augment the defenses of 29 Zanussi, Guerra e catastro/1, 11, 56;
Rossi, Come arrvammo, pp. 204-05; Roatta,
21 Rpt, Admiral Canaris, Chef Ausland Ab- Otto milion, pp. !174-75. Comando Supremo
wehr, OKW/WFSt, KTB, 1.-31.VII.43, 31 Jul informed OK W that 1talian forces had been
43; Simoni, BITlino, Ambasciata, pp. 376-377, ordered to react vigorously to whatever violation
386; Bonomi, Diario, pp. 46-48; Telgs, Coman- or threat. See Comando Supremo, Appunto per
dante XXXV Corpo d'Armata Nos. 414, 454, il Minstero Affari Esteri, 5 Aug. 43, IT 3030.
472/0P., to Mnistero Guerra Gabnetto, 29 Jul Cf. Rommel, Prvate KTB, entry 29 Jul 43.
43, IT 102. 3 0KW/WFSt, KTB, 1.-31.VIl.43, 30 Jul 43.

Hitler was outraged by this seeming tain troops. In accordance with the
manifestation of Italian perfidy. He OKW-Comando Supremo agreemcnt,
directed the divisions moving to ltaly to Feurstein stated, German elemcnts wcrc
carry out their orders even if bloodshed rcinforcing ltalian garrisons along thc
resulted. Specifically, he wanted an as- Brenner railway line. Before rcplying,
sault group of the 6oth Panzer Grenadier Gloria telephoned Rome for instructions.83
Division to move to the head of the 305th Ambrosio made the decision early the
lnfantry Division column in the Nice next day. He directcd Roatta "to make
area and to fight its way, if nec~ry, certain that there enter into Italy only
acl"O$ the border into ltaly. But since those elements authorized, that is, the
the movement of the ~ult group to remaining parts of the 26th Panzer Divi-
Nice required two days, the Nice area sion and 30 antiaircraft batteries, and
remained quiet.81 their I0<>-200 trucks." 84
The test carne, instead, in the Brenner When the leading elements of the Ger-
area. OKW instructed Kesselring to man 44th lnfantry Division reached the
notify Comando Supremo that divisions Brenner frontier on 31 July, Gloria refused
authorized and scheduled to enter 1taly- to let them pass. Feurstein appeared at
such as the 26th Panzer Division-were Gloria's headquarters at 1 ooo and the
still crossing the border; and that to avoid two commanders conferred about an hour.
aggravating the railway congestion still Feurstein made two points. The 44th
further, the motorized elements of these lnfantry Division, he said, was to march
divisions were planning to move by road. f rom the Brenner Pass to Bolzano in thrce
But Kesselring was not to tell Ambrosio days on the basis of OKW-Comando
that the 305th lnfantry and the 44th Supremo agreements. Because the Brit-
lnfantry Divisions, units not authorized to ish were expected to bomb the Brenner
enter, had also been instructed to malee railway line heavily in the near futurc,
a road march into Italy, an instruction German antiaircraft batteries were to re-
passed along to these divisions the same inforce the protection of thc pass. Aftcr
day. Without awaiting the result of Kes- a formal and polite discussion, Feurstein
selring's discussions with the 1talians, returned to Innsbruck, and Gloria reported
OKW directed O B WEST to begin a summary of the conversation to his
moving the other divisions assigned to the immediate superior command, the Eighth
Army Group B from France toward Italy.82 Army, and to the Ministry of War in
Shortly before midnight, 30 July, Gen- Rome. The report arrived in Roatta's
eral Gloria, the XXXV Corps commander operations section before noon, and from
at Bolzano, received a message from there was transmitted to Ambrosio.811
General Feurstein who commanded the
German Mittenwald Training School near 33 Ministero della Guerra-Gabinetto, Notizie
Innsbruck. Feurstein said he was com- pervenute dal Comando d' Armata Bolzano nella
notte dal 30 al 31 luglio 1943, IT 102.
ing to Gloria's headquarters the following u T lg 15403, Comando Sut>rmo to S11.1>1T
morning to co-ordinate the arrival of cer- esercito, 31 Jul 43, IT 102.
35 Telg, Comando XXXV Corpo d'Armata,
31 !bid., 31 Jul 43. No. 577 Op. to Ministro della Gu1Tra-Gabinet10,
32 lbid., 30 Jul 43; MS #C-093 (Warlimont). 31 Jul 43, Comando XXXV Corpo d'Armata,
p. 85. IT 120.

Ambrosio that aftemoon addressed a Hitler's equal he would bring up the sub-
sharp note to Rintclen. He pointed out ject which they, Hitler's subordinates,
that the 44th Infantry Division was sched- dared not suggest-a compromise peace
uled to move to southem Italy, not to as the only way to save Europe from com-
guard the railway lines in the north. He munism. Now they wished, and Rintelen
made it plain that the congested railroads with them, that Badoglio would speak the
would make it impossible to move the words to Hitler that M ussolini had not
44th and 305th lnfantry Divisions for at ventured to utter.
least ten days. He requestcd Rintelen to Disturbed by Hitler's suspicions that
wait until rai1 transportation was clear Badoglio was already trying to make peace
bcfore moving the German divisions into with the Allies, Rintelen urged Kesselring
Italy.80 to resign his command rather than exe-
Kcsselring called on Badoglio later that cute orders to occupy Italy. Plans
aftemoon to clarify the situation. When ALAR/CH and ACHSE not only involved
Badoglio explained that military questions a ftagrant breach of faith but also con-
were outside his compctence, Kesselring stituted a danger for the German troops
went to Ambrosio. He urged that the in the country. How could the war
common war aims of the Axis Powers continue? For certainly the execution
ought to make it possible for the two of the plans to occupy ltaly would throw
German divisions to be permitted to the Italians into the Allied camp. Speak-
continue their movements. Ambrosio re- ing by telephone with Keitel on 3 1 July,
fused, but after a lively exchange he Rintelen requested an appointment to re-
agrced to meet again with Kesselring the port personally to the Fuehrer his views
next moming. Rintclen then requested on the ltalian situation. Keitel agreed.38
OKW to suspend the movements of the Next day, while Rintclen prepared to
two divisions pending the outcome of the fty to East Prussia to see Hitler, a further
Kesselring-Ambrosio conference. 37 crisis occurred in ltalo-German rclations.
Rintelen was dceply distressed by the Momentarily expecting Hitler to give the
growing ltalo-Gennan conftict. He knew code word ACHSE, OKW instructed
bcyond ali doubt that Badoglio considered Feurstein to continue to march the 44th
the war lost, and he found himself in Infantry Division through the Brenner
sympathy with this point of view and Pass into ltaly.89
with Badoglio's policy of seeking to end In Rome, Kcsselring met with Am-
the war in conjunction with the Germans. brosio at 0930. Following OKW instruc-
Not only the ltalians, Rintclen was well tions, Kesselring made an impassioned
aware, but also certain high-ranking Ger- pica that the 44th lnfantry Divisi.on be
man officers and politicians recognized allowed to proceed, a unit being sent, he
that the Axis had lost the war. Before emphasized, in accordance with Am-
the Feltre conference sorne of them had
secretly voiced the hope that Mussolini 38 Rintelcn, Mussolini als Bundesgenosse, pp.
would take the bull by the horns, that as 195, 224; Simoni, Berlino, Ambasciata, pp. 314-
15, 3 26, 341 ; Raffaele Guariglia, Ricordi 19:12-
H Msg, Comando Sv/11,mo, No. 15416/0p to 1946 (Naplcs: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane,
Rintelcn, 31 Jul 43, IT 102. 1950), pp. 548-49.'
31 OKW/WFSt, KTB, 1.-31.VIl.43, 31 Jul 43. 39 MS #C-o93 (Warlimont), pp. 87-88.

brosio's promise of 22 July to defend Badoglio insisted that Ambrosio avoid any
Sicily to the utmost and in accordance action that would bring about an ltalo-
with Ambrosio's request of that same day German battle. He necded time, Badog-
for two additional German divisions for lio said, to carry out his basic policy: makc
duty in southern Italy. Ambrosio turned the Gcrmans rcalize ltaly's plight and the
a deaf ear. He insisted that the German need for a common effort to termnate
division would have to wait at the fron- the war. 43
tier until railway transportation became Having learned of Rintelen's intention
available. 40 to see the Fuehrcr, Badoglio asked Rin-
Soon after the conference, Generale di telen, as an old friend, to call on hiin
Corpo d' Armata Giuseppe De Stefanis, befare leaving Romc. Rintclen did so, at
Roatta's deputy, telephoned Gloria at 1600, and Badoglio explained his posi-
Bolzano. Gloria was to advise Feurstein tion. Fascism, Badoglio said, had fallen
to consult with OKW on the result of of its own weight. As an old soldier he
the confercnce at Rome. Gloria was to had obeyed the call of the King. Now
oppose the movement of the 44th lnfan- he wanted to mcct with Hitler, who
try Division into Italy, and he was to tell had rcbuffed him. "1 have given my
Feurstein that an outbreak of armed pledge to continue the war and 1 stand
strife would be Feurstcin's responsibility. by my word as a soldier," Badoglio de-
Gloria telephoned this information to clared. "But for this 1 need the trust of
Feurstein.41 my ally; it will go bad for hoth of us if
Feurstein called back at 1550. He we do not cooperatc." Pointing out the
said that he had rcceived word from serious military situation, the prcponder-
OKW at 1100. OKW indicated that an ance of Allied rcsources, particularly in
agrecment had been rcached in Rome to the air, which the hombings of Hamburg
allow the entry of the 44th Infantry Di- and Rome had made quite clear, Badoglio
vision. Twenty minutes later Feurstein said that the Germans and 1talians had
called again. He reiterated the informa- to "work together to bring the war to an
tion that Rome had agreed to permit the honorable conclusion." Would Rintelen,
German division to march. lf Gloria op- Badoglio asked, communicate this to
posed its movement, Fcurstein said, the Hitler? 44
responsibility for initiating armed conftict Rintelen readily accepted the mission
would fall on the 1talians.42 entrusted to him by Badoglio. lmmedi-
Though the Italians were actually in ately after this conversation, Rintelcn
thc proccss of changing their minds, went home and wrotc down a summary
OKW's information was probably prema-
u MS #P-058, Project 46, 1 Feb-8 Sep 43,
turc. The main factor modifying Am- Queations 8 and 11; Cf. Badoglio, M1mori1 e
brosio's blunt stand was Badoglio, who docum1nti, p. 96.
44 Rintelen, Mussolini als Bundesg1noss1, pp.
was in frcqucnt contact throughout the
227-32 Rintelen diapatched a telegram outlin-
day with the Comando Supremo chief. ing Badoglio's views, a copy (Telg 3706 of 1
Aug 43) of wbich is in W estl. Miu1lm11r, Ch1/s.
to OKW/WFSt, KTB, 1.-31.Vlll.43, 1 Aug (H 22/290) . pp. 91-g3. Tbe text as printed
43. by Rintelen does not exactly agree with thia copy
41 Tel Conv, 1400, 1 Aug 43, IT 120. whicb ia the copy received from tbe German
42 Tel Conv, 1550, 1 Aug 43, IT 120. Foreign Oflice.

of thc discussion. He then consulted with As quickly as Hitler was successful in

Emst von We~cckcr, Gcrman Ambas- this test case, and while Badoglio was still
sador to thc Holy Sce. Although both hoping that Rintclcn's mission would bear
men could not complctcly cxclude thc fruit, Hitler directed Field Marshal Kes-
J>05.5ibility that Badoglio was acting merely selring to announce that two panzer di-
to win time, they agreed that Badoglio's visions would follow along the Brenner
wish to restore mutual confidencc was line, and that another infantry division
probably genuine.45 would follow the 305th Infantry Division
By then, Badoglio had probably in- by way of Nice. To keep the passage
formed Ambrosio of bis conversation with clear for thc other troops, the 44th Infan-
Rintelen, for at 1810, 1 August, Roatta's try Division held the sector of the railway
operations chief, Generale di Brigata line from Brennero to Bolzano. By 2
Umberto Utili, telephoned new instruc- August the infiltration of Army Group B
tions to General Gloria. Gloria was to into northern Italy was in full swing, and
permit the head of the 44th lnfantry Di- the first lifts of the 2d Parachute Division
vision column to march to the ncarest had arrived near Rome, a movcment sub-
railway station and there await trains for stantially completed after four days.
further movement into Italy. Sorne train Kesselring's explanation to Roatta now
space would be provided on the follow- was that the division was needed in that
ing morning. But the division was not area because of the possibility of an Allied
to march beyond Bolzano. The elements parachute attack. 48
of the 26th Panzer Division, however, A day later, 3 August, OK W trans-
could proceed by road if they wished in mitted through Kesselring a formal note
order to rejoin the rcmainder of the di- to explain its baste in reinforcing thc
vision already in Italy. Less than three troops in Italy. The Germans had feared,
hours later, Gloria was conferring with OKW said, that the political change in
Feurstein's representative and making ar- Italy might encourage the Allies to use an
rangements for the continucd movement estimated thirteen to fifteen available di-
of the 44th lnfantry Division into Italy visions in a landing on thc Ligurian or
by rail. 46 north Adriatic coast. OKW therefore
Thus it was that Army Group B made thought it prudent to provide for the
its initial penetration with Italian consent.
tellano, Come firmai, p. 73; and Guariglia,
lt was seduction, not rape. 47 Ricordi, p. 576. The date 26 July appears first
to have becn futed for subsequent writers in the
45 Rintelen, Mussolini als Bundesgenosse, p. article: Lt. Col. Mario Torsiello, "L'aggressicme
!Z33 germanica all'ltalia nella sua fase preliminare
48 Tel Conv, 1810, r Aug 43, and Tel Conv, (26 luglio-7 settembre 1943) ," Rivista Militare,
u30, 1 Aug 43, both in IT 1!ZO; Rornmel, Pr- 1, vol. 4 (Rome, July, 1945). It is solemnly
vate KTB, entry 1 Aug 43. stated as a matter of court record in Il Processo
41 Telg No. 636/0p, XXXV Corps to Min- Carboni-Roatta, p. 14. Actually, the only Ger-
istry of War, Rome, 1 Aug 43, IT IO!Z. Italian man troops entering Italy between 26 July and r
memoirs after the war ali state that the descent August were parts of the 26th Panzer Division
of Gennan reinforcements over the frontiers be- (the bulk of which was already in Italy) and
gan on 26 July 1943 and without warning. See parts of the ad Parachute Division (which carne
Badoglio, M emorie e documenti, p. 85; Roatta, by air).
Otto milioni, p. 272; Rossi, Come arrivammo, 48 OKW/WFSt, KTB, 1.-31.Vlll.43, 1 and
p. 88; Zanussi, Guerra e catastrofe, II, 47; Cas- 2 Aug 43; Rommel, Private KTB, entry t Aug 43.

sccurity of all forces by moving divisions Gennan troops behavcd as though they
first into thc north, thcn into thc south. believed that the Italians sympathizcd
The 305th lnfantry and 76th lnfantry, with the Allics, an attitude he found in-
under LXXXVII Corps, wcrc to protcct sulting to ltalian honor. "ltaly," he de-
thc Ligurian coast. Thc 94th lnfantry, clarcd, "is not thinking of changing
moving through thc Mount Ccnis p~ as course." ISO
wcll as the ut SS Panzer Division Leib- So far as Roatta knew, he had madc
standarte Adolf Hitler, thc 2d SS Panzer an honest declaration. What he did not
Division "Das Reich," and thc 65th ln- know was that attcmpts had alrcady bccn
fantry wcrc aiso to enter north Italy. initiated to make contact with the Allies.51
OKW added that it was considering send- On the same day, Rintclen was pcr-
ing onc or two additional annorcd divi- sonally delivering Badoglio's message to
sions to ltaly to fonn a reserve. It Hitler, with Keitel and Jodl in attendance.
planned to rcinforce the Mediterranean Alter listening to Rintelen explain Badog-
Frcnch coast defenses with the 715th lio's position, Hitler exploded. "This is
lnfantry and 6oth Panzer Grenadier Di- the biggest impudence in history. Docs
vision, plus two unspecified infantry di- thc man imagine that 1 will bclicvc him?''
visions. All the details of co-ordination, "1 have the impr~ion," Rintclcn re-
OKW proposcd, werc to be settlcd at the plied, "that he is honorably working for
confercnce schcduled for 6 August at the establishment of trust."
Tarvis.'' Hitler brushed this aside, rcmarking
Though the Gcnnans had not men- that the Anglo-Americans had probably
tioned the 94th lnfantry and 65th In- rcpulsed Badoglio's effort to make pcacc
fantry beforc, the Italians accepted the and that Badoglio was thercforc again
note without demur. They bent thcir seeking German support. Alter a brief
efforts toward effecting such a distribu- discussion of the confercnce scheduled in
tion of the Gcnnan divisions as to make a fcw days at Tarvis, Hitler dismissed
for the least thrcat to Rome and to the Rintelen without a reply for Badoglio.52
principal northcrn bases of the flect-La La.ter that day Rintclen received sorne
Spczia and Pola-and for the most ap- sympathy from General der lnfantcrie
propriate dispositions to rcsist an Allied Kurt Zeitzler, an old friend in thc hcad-
invasion of southern ltaly. The crisis quarters and Chicf of Staff of the Gcr-
having passcd, Ambrosio and Roatta faccd man Army. Zcitzler knew that Hitler's
the Gcrmans with seeming good grace. u OKW/ WFSt, KTB, 1.-31.YIII.43, 3 and
Italo-German discussions on 3 August 4 Aug 43.
51 See Guariglia. Ricordi, p. 619, n. 1.
werc friendly. Ambrosio agreed to pro- 112 Rintelen, Mausolini als Bundesgnoss, pp.
vide transportation in the Brcnner arca. 233-34. A briefer atatement by Rintelen is to
Roatta urged that Gcrman reinforcements be found in MS #T-1a (Westphal et al.), Chap-
be sent to the south as quickly as pos- ter II, page 23, where the interview with Hitler
i1 dated the 1eeond rather than the third of Au-
sible. Roatta aiso complained that sorne gwt. OKH/Auachl Abt., KTB 1.lll.4s-31.V.
44 (H27/56) contains the entry that Rintelen
u OKW/WFSt, KTB, l.-31.VIII..13, 3 Aug met with the Fuehrer on the I talian problem on
43; Colloquio Generale Rossi-Generale Westphal, 3 August 1943. Practically the same entry can
1230, 3 Aug 43, Comando Supremo, Colloqui be found in OKH/Auachl Abt., Tutigkits-
1943, IT 104. bericht zum KTB, Feb. 43-15 Jun 44 (H27/58).
allegcd proof of Badoglio's ncgotiations Thc ltalians, howcver, continucd to
with thc Wcstcrn Powcrs was not true. work. with thc Gcrmans to maintain the
Rintclcn also spokc with Kcitel and Jodl dcfensc of Sicily and to prepare to opposc
and told thcm that fascism was dcad, that an invasion of thc Italian mainland. At
Mussolini was a sick man, and that it was the samc time they watched closely for a
nccessary to support the Badoglio govem- hostile Gcrman act against Rome and
ment as a bulwark against communism. sought to make contact with the Allics.
When Jodl mcntioncd this view to Hitler They werc incrcasingly worricd by the
thc next day, he was roundly curscd and stranglehold the Gcrmans had on Italy.
abuscd. Rintclcn, Hitler said, was a The locations of thc ncw Gcrman divi-
traitor. sions offcred no protection to thc south,
Rintclen had alrcady retumcd to Rome, whcre an Allicd threat was real and acute.
where he went clircctly to Kcssclring's Rathcr, thc Gcrmans were in position to
hcadquartcrs at Frascati. Richthofen, seize the Italian naval bases, to occupy
the air commandcr, was somewhat sur- the north, and to grab Rome. 1511
priscd to scc him; he had bcen doubtful
that Hitler would allow Rintelcn out of The ltalian Course is Changed
Gcrmany.111 About thc same time that the crisis of
Badoglio fclt that bis hand had again 29 July-1 August was being overcome by
bccn refuscd. His initial steps to bring the decision of thc Italian Government
about a joint pcace movc or to sccure and High Command to accept unwanted
Gcrman understanding of the ltalian sit- Gcnnan reinforcemcnts, the WUmption of
uation had cnded in failurc. Badoglio the Ministry of Foreign Affairs by Raf-
ncvcrthclcss continued to hope that he faele Guariglia gave a new impulse and
might yet obtain Gcrman consent to a a new direction to 1talian foreign policy.
dissolution of the alliance and thereby Brought from his po& as Ambassador
cxcludc any action that might bring on to Turkey, Guariglia was uninformcd on
1talo-Gcrman conflict.5 the true state of affairs in ltaly and as a
result had indulged in sorne daydrcams
u Rintelen, Mussolini als BundesgenoJSe, pp.
and wishful thinking. He fancied that
u On 24 August, Badoglio told Bonomi: "If Mussolini, out of lovc for Italy, had rcc-
the Gennans would attack, the situation would ognized that he himself was the greatcst
have a aolution. We cannot, by an act of our obstacle in the way of an approach to thc
own will, separate ounelves from Germany to
whom we are bound by a pact of alliance, but Allies, and had therefore made the sac-
if attacked we 1hall resi1t and we will be able rifice of removing himself from power in
to tum for aid to our enemies of yesterday." order to savc Italy from total disastcr.
(Bonomi, Diario, p. 82).
Al late u 3 September the German Naval At- Perhaps, Guariglia thought, a sccret un-
tachE in Rome reponed: "In higher circles the derstanding with both Gcrmany and the
opinion prevails that ever since he assumed office, Allies had preceded Mussolini's resigna-
Badoglio has been trying to bring the war to as
favorable a conclusion as pouible, but only with
tion. Assuming that the first step of thc
Gennany's co111ent, for Badoglio takes Italy's u Roatta gave a very clear and prophetic anal-
honor as ai: Axis partner very seriously." ONI, ysis in bis memorandum, S.M.R.E., Uffi&io di
tranalation German N aual Staff: O J>erations Capo di Stato Maggiore, N. a6/CSM di Prot.,
Division War Diary, pt. A, vol. 49 (September 4 Aug 43, IT 104; Cf. Roatta, Ouo milioni, p.
1943), p. 37. 284.

Badoglio govemment would naturally be leading to Mussolini's dismissal, Am-

an approach to the Allies, he interpreted brosio's note said that it was absolutely
Badoglio's proclamation of continuing the necessary for ltaly to conclude an armistice
war merely as a method of gaining time. with the Allies and that therefore imme-
Bcfore leaving Istanbul, Guariglia asked diate contact had to be made with the
the Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs to Wcstem Powers.157
convey to the Allied representatives in Guariglia tried to do so that very even-
Turkey Guariglia's personal conviction ing. In the greatest secrecy he visited
that Italy had to change coursc as quickly the Papal Sccretary of State and asked
as ~ible. Though he could make no him to request the British Minister to the
commitment, he asked that the Allies Holy Sce, Sir D'Arcy Q. Osbome, to
have faith in ltaly's intentions and under- transmit a message to the British Govem-
standing of her plight. As an indication ment. Unfortunately, the British diplo-
of their faith and understanding, he felt, matic codc at the Holy See had bccn
the Allies should cease bombing Italian brokcn and was known to thc 1talians
cities.158 and the Germans. This ruled out that
After arriving in Rome late in the after- channel of communication. At about the
noon of 29 July, Guariglia took over bis of- same time, Franco Babuzzio Rizzo, a sub-
fice, and then met with Badoglio. He ordinatc of Guariglia's, was meeting with
agreed with Badoglio to limit knowledge of Harold Tittmann, assistant to M yron C.
any negotiations for peace to the smallest Taylor, Personal Rcpresentativc of thc
circle of officials-the matter should not be President to His Holiness, the Pope.
discussed even in the Council of Ministers. Rizzo wanted to get a messagc to the
But at this point he was rudely awakened American Govemment. But the Ameri-
from the dreams he had conjured up in can office within the Vatican walls had
Istanbul, for he found bis position in the no safc and skedy communication chan-
new ltalian Govcmment enormously prej- nel either. Though the American office
udiced by ccrtain stark facts: the war could forward dispatches through Switzer-
continued; there was no contact with the land or Portugal in safcty, this was a slow
Allies. He leamed also that bis position process.158
had bcen prejudiced by Badoglio's pro- On the following day, 31, July, the
posals to Germany through General Mar- crown council met at the Quirinal Palace.
ras, and Badoglio's acceptance of Hitler's Guariglia vigorously advocated an im-
counterproposal of a meeting of foreign mediate approach to the Allies for thc
ministers, scheduled for 6 August. purpose of concluding a separate annistice.
Scarcely had Guariglia taken bis oath He stated that he had already takcn stcps
of office on 30 July when General Castel-
lano presented himself and tendered a 51 !bid., pp. 582-85, 609. Scc MS # P--058,

memorandum from Ambrosio, chief of Project 46, Question 9 and Il Processo Carborti-
Roatta, pp. 18-19.
Comando Supremo. ldentifying Castel- u Badoglio, Memorie e documenti, p. 96;
lano as an intimate colleague who had Guariglia, Ricordi, pp. 586-87; Ltr, Osbome to
played a certain role in the developments Maj Gen Orlando Ward, OCMH, 6 Jul 50; Ltr
and Incls, Tittmann to Ward, OCMH, 19 Jul
50. Thc British minister rcccivcd a new and
58 Guariglia, Ricordi, pp. 553-54, 55g-61. safe cypher later that summer.

in that direction by spcaking to the Turk- Hugh Campbcll, British Ambassador at

ish Foreign Minister and by approaching Lisbon. D'Ajcta was to make a full and
the Allied representatives to the Holy See. candid explanation of the situation of the
As he undcrstood the situation, the dcci- ltalian Government, and point out that
sion to approach the Western Powers had it was threatcned intcrnally by the Com-
already bccn made by the King sorne days munists and by German occupation. He
ago. The crown council formally decidcd was to explain that thc government wished
to separate Italy from the alliance with to break with Germany, but that to do
Germany and to seek an armistice with this the govcrnmcnt needed help for its
the Allies. 69 armed forces. He was to make it clear
Guariglia implemcntcd this decision by that he had no power to negotiate, but
securing approval from the King and he was to suggest the desirability of mili-
Badoglio to send an emissary to Portugal. tary and political agreement by the Al-
He chose the Marchese Blasco Lanza lies and the Italians in order to enable
D'Ajeta, Counselor of the Italian Embassy Italy to break with the Germans or turn
at the Holy See, who through Ciano had against them. As a demonstration of
bcen kept informed of the movement faith, he was to inform the Allies of the
to overthrow Mussolini. D' Ajeta spokc German order of battle in Italy. Cas-
English, and was the godson of the wife tellano carefully drilled D' Ajeta on the
of Sumner Welles, the American Under name, strength, and location of each Ger-
Secretary of State. Furthermore, he was man unit in Italy and of those expected
of intermediate rank and his transfer from to cnter the country, and D' Ajeta com-
the Holy See would excite no German mitted this information to memory. 81
suspmons. Accordingly, the Foreign Of- D' Ajeta flew to Lisbon on 3 August,
fice nominated D' Ajeta Counselor of the and presented himself at once to Renato
Italian Lcgation at Lisbon. Guariglia Prunas, the Italian Minister. He sent his
had D' Ajcta takc along a large suitcase note of introduction to Sir Ronald, and
full of Foreign Officc documents to keep the British Ambassador requested and re-
them from falling into Gcrman hands. ceived from his own government authori-
The gossip of polite crcles in Romc zation to receive the ltalian emissary.
promptly had it that D' Ajeta's mission The conference took place the following
was to save the Countess Ciano's jewels.80 day.
D' Ajeta received his instructions on 1 A trained diplomat, D' Ajeta carefully
and 2 August from Guariglia, Castellano carried out his instructions. After giving
taking part in the second session. Sir a candid and detailed exposition of the
D'Arcy Osborne provided a letter intro- 1tallan situation, he urged the ambassador
ducing D' Ajeta to his cousin, Sir Ronald to inform the British and American Gov-
ernments that I taly was most anxious to
119 Guariglia, Ricordi, pp. 585-86, 6 r9n; 1l
escape the German yoke and to withdraw
Processo Carboni-Roatta, p. r9.
410 Guariglia, Ricordi, p. 587. Castellano
from the conflict. He pleaded for under-
(Come firmai, page 72) rccords that he knew of standing in London and Washington of
the D'Ajeta mission but rcmains silent on whether Italy's tragic situation: ltaly, he said,
he had any part in instigating the appointment.
In any event, Castellano did not know the full
scope of D'Ajeta's instructions. GI Guariglia, Ricordi, pp. 587-88.

was on the eve of a German military Ambassador Campbell listcned attcn-

occupation. Bcsides the German divi- tivcly, asked severa! qucstions. D'Ajcta
sions alrcady in ltaly, two more had begun wamed that the Gcrman armed forces
to arrive from France on 2 August, bound were numerous and powerful. Reports
for Turin, and about 200,000 German of scrious clcava~ betwccn the Nazi
troops asscmbled around lnnsbruck wcre party and the military command, he said,
occupying the Brenner Pass installations. were to be discountcd. Campbcll ex-
Becausc Rome was in danger of imme- plaincd that he had no instructions cxccpt
diate Gcnnan scizure-an armored SS di- to listen. His personal opinion was that
vision with the most modem Tiger tanks the Allies had alrcady detennined thcir
was moving toward the capital-thc King military plans and had clcarly announccd
and thc govemmcnt had plans to escape thcir political views in the unconditional
to the island of Maddalena, off the coast surrender formula. 81
of Sardinia. Sorne 300,000 ltalian work- The Italian Govemmcnt waitcd for an
men were virtual hostages in Germany. official reply to D' Ajcta's overture. None
After thrcc ycars of warfarc, ltaly was on eame.
the vergc of economic exhaustion. ltaly, Mcanwhile, on the day that D'Ajeta
D'Ajeta continued, wished to ncgotiate. had lcft Rome for Lisbon, Guariglia and
Hungary and Rumania would probably Badoglio decided to scnd another emmry
follow suit. to make contact with the British Govem-
D'Ajeta then gave the cxact locations ment. They directed Alberto Bcrio,
of the German divisions as of 2 August. fonner Counsclor of the EmJ>as.,y at An-
He cxplained that 1tallan troops had bccn kara, to fty immediatcly to Tangier, there
moved to protect Rome, thereby leaving to replace Badoglio's son as Consul Gen-
the coast of central Italy practically unde- eral. Bcrio's real mission was to inform
fended. To maintain its independence, the British Consul that ltaly was willing
the 1tallan Govemment was resolved to to negotiate.
defend the capital against Gcrman attack, On the moming of 3 August, the day
even though the only good division in the that D' Ajeta rcached Lisbon, Guariglia
arca was the reconstituted armored Ariete gave Bcrio his detailed instructions. Bcrio
Division, which had only enough am- was to make known the fact that bccausc
munition to fumish a total of eighty-cight the Italian Govemment was a prisoner of
shells for cach of its guns. the Gcnnans, it would be usclcss and dam-
Emphasizing his lack of authority to aging to the Allied cause to dcmand of
negotiate, D' Ajeta urged that his disclos- ltaly an immediate and public capitula-
ure of the Gcrman order of battle be the tion. The Allied armies should attack
starting point for synchronizing Italian the Balkans in order to draw Gcrman
hclp with the Allied political and military troops away from ltaly, thereby making
plans. He requested a ccssation of prop- it possible for the ltalians to join the Al-
aganda attacks against the King and lies in clearing the Italian pcninsula of
Badoglio, a halting of bombings against Gcnnan forces. Finally, the Allied pres,,
ltalian citics. He askcd that Britain and
America not misinterpret the impending
' Guariglia, Ricordi, pp. . 589-99; Telg,
Churchill to Roosevelt, 5 Aug 43, OPD Exec g,
Italo-Gcnnan conference at Tarvis. item 11, No. 55.

campaign against the Badoglio govemment In Tangier on 5 August, Bcrio at once

ought to continue in order to deccive the made contact with Mr. Watkinson, tcm-
Gennans. porarily in charge of the British Consulatc.
When Badoglio briefed Berio later that Aftcr carrying out instructions, Bcrio
day, he added the point that the Allics wircd Romc of action and, like D'Ajcta
would find it to thcir intcrcst to aid thc in Lisbon, waitcd for an Allicd rcply.84
Italian Govcmmcnt maintain itscli against
thc intcmal thrcat of communism. In u lbl., pp. 54-70. D' Ajeta later presented his
this conncction, the Allics should ccasc own account of the miui.on in his defeme at
bombing Italian citics. Thc Marshal's epuration proceedinp. See Consi1lio di Stalo:
son, Mario, who was prescnt, madc an S1zion1 sp1ciau p1r r1parazion1, M1moria a sool-
gim1nto d1l ricorso d1l Consi1lil11 di Llgazion1
additional suggcstion: the Allics should Blasco Lanza d' Ajlla contro la d1cision1 d1lla
land in I taly as soon and as far north as Commission1 ,,, r1parazion1 d1l p1rsonal1 di-
paisiblc.81 p1nd1nl1 dal Minist1ro d1gli Affari Est1ri (Rome:
Tipografia Ferraiolo, 1946), pp. 7g-81, 84-87;
81 Alberto Berio, Mission1 s1g11la (Tan1,,i: and Docam1n1i prodolti a corr1do d1Ua m1morai
Agoslo 1949) (Milan: Enrico Dall'Oglio, 1947), d1l Consiglilt1 di Ll1azion1 Blaset1 Lanza d' Ajlta
pp. 34-42. (Rome: Tipografia Ferraiolo, 1946), pp. 7-35

The Drive to the East

Developing an East Front By the moming of 22 July, the 18oth
RCT was in the small town of Villafrati,
Littlc affcctcd by thc bubbling, boiling only twcnty-two miles from Palermo, and
political pots in Washington, London, had patrols probing thc outskirts of that
North Africa, Italy, and Gcrmany, littlc port city. But the change in boundary,
conccmcd with AFHQ's plans for thc which gavc the Provisional Corps thc use
invasion of the Italian mainland, General of Highway 121, divertcd the division's
Alcxandcr's American, British, Canadian, main effort from Palcnno to the north
and Frcnch soldiers continucd their fight coast town of Termini Imercsc, thirty-one
to clcar Sicily. Thc arena of battlc had miles cast of Palenno. Accordingly, Gen-
shiftcd from the lowlands of thc southeast eral Middlcton sent bis rcmaining two
comer to the mountainous Messina combat tcams, the 179th and I 5 7th,
pcninsula. swinging north from Highway I 2 1. At
The Provisional Corps' spcctacular ad- 0900 on 23 July, the 157th RCT rcachcd
vancc to Palcrmo complctcly ovcrshad- the north coast road-Highway 113-at
owcd General Bradley's 11 Corps maneu- Station Cerda, fivc miles cast o{ Tcnnini
vcrs which, likc thosc to the south, had Imercsc. Therc the rcgiment tumed left
also kicked off on 19 July. (See Map and right and clearcd a strctch of the
VIII.) Enna, pcrchcd high on a moun- highway. Tcrmini fell without a strug-
tain, dominated by the ruins of a large gle, but a battalion moving eastward met
fcudal castle, fcll without a struggle, its Group Ulich, part of thc ncwly arrived
importancc to thc Gcrmans nullified by 29th Panzer Grenadier Division, just wcst
the advanee o{ thc 1st Canadian Division of Campo{clice. Though thc battalion,
on Lconforte (which fell on 23 July) and aided by a company of tanks, managed to
the brcakthrough by the 45th Division clear Campo{elice, hcavy encmy artillery
toward thc north coast. and small anns firc cormng from the ridgc
Matching the rapid advancc of thc line ac~ the Roccella Rivcr brought thc
Provisional Corps to Palermo, General Amcricans to a halt.1
Middleton's 45th Division startcd its
move for Palermo on the evening o{ 19 1 15 7th, 179th, 18oth lnf Regt AAR'1; 753d Med
July. With the 18oth RCT spcarhcading Tk Bn AAR; 45th Inf Div Arty AAR; 45th Inf
the advance northwest along Highway Div G-3 Jnl, 21-23 Jul 43; OB SUED, Md-
12 1, the Americans overcamc thc Italian dungen, 23 Jul 43; Faldella, Lo sbareo, pp. 234-
37; MS #D-o95 29th Panz.r G1'nadier Divi-
roadblock at Portella di Reccativo and sion, 30 July 1943 (Generalmajor Max Ulich);
made a ninetcen-milc advancc on the 2oth. MS #~77 (Rodt).

On the 45th Division right, the 1st ing. Thcre, the ltalian Group Schreiber
Division advanced from Enna in a far les. made its final appcarancc. Sadly reduced
spectacular, les. rapid fashion becausc by ten days of fighting and the loss of units
of greater opposition. Group FuUriede's at Portella di Reccativo, the ltalian unit
withdrawal from its westward facing collected the rcmnants of an infantry bat-
salient southwest of the city during the talion and a cavalry squadron north of
evening of 19 J uly had not gone unno- Alimcna to counterattack the 26th In-
ticed, and General Allen scnt thc 26th fantry's battalion. But American light
Combat Tcam in pursuit. By thcn, the tanks, which had bccn supporting Daniel's
German battle group had passcd through battalion, spottcd tlie concentration and,
an Italian roadblock at Alimena and was roaring down the road from Alimena,
sideslipping into a new east-west defensive blasted into the ltalian fonnation with
line along Highway 120 from Gangi to ali guns blazing. This dashing attack
Spcrlinga. Facing south, these troops, proved too much for thc sorely tried Ital-
according to the expectation of General ians. Leaving mo& of their equipment
Rodt, the 15th Panzer Grenadier Diuision bchind, the Italians scattercd into the
commander, would prevent an American surrounding hills and werc scen no more.
sweep around his division's right ftank. A few other Italians, hiding in the build-
Although a small gap was still open in the ings of Alimena, proved more difficult to
center of his line, his left flank was sccure, handle, and it was not until late after-
for Group Ens had withdrawn slowly from noon that Colonel Daniel could report
Canadian pressure east of Enna and had that the last of the enemy soldiers had
finally made contact with the Hermann bcen flushed out of bascments and other
Goering Division's right flank near Regal- hiding places.
buto. The light tanks pushing on along the
For the first time since the invasion, road to Petralia soon ran into direct enemy
the two major Gennan fighting units on artillery firc covering a blown bridge just
the island had made physical contact. south of Bompietro, halfway to Pctralia.
The gap which had existed in the center The Gennans, fcarful that the 1st Divi-
of the Axis front since 10 July was closcd.2 sion would move east from Alimena cr~
Shortly before midnight on 20 July, country through the hills to Nicosia and
thc 2d Battalion, 26th lnfantry, led off into the gap which cxisted between the two
the ISt Division's advance on its new axis, battle groups, had deploycd a provisional
the sccondary road which wound through group at this point the previous aftcmoon
rough, mountainous terrain almost due to plug thc hole.
north from Enna to Petralia. Pushed on It took until noon the ncxt day, 22 July,
by its aggressive commander, Lt. Col. before supporting 1st Division cngineers
Darrcll M. Daniel, the 2d Battalion moved could repair the bridge. Then, after a
into Alimena at 0500 the following morn- concentration by thrce artillery battalions,
the 1st and 3d Battalions, 26th lnfantry,
2 OB SUED, M1ldung1n, 1g-21 Jul 43; Map, attacked acl"O$ the small stream. Group
Sizilien (1:200,000), WFSt Op (H), Stand, 18 Fullriede's outposts put up stifl resist-
Jul 4'3; Faldella, Lo sbarco, pp. 201, 210-12,
221-22; Nicholson, Tla1 Canadians in ltaly, p.
ance-"the enemy rcsisted stubbomly,
roo; rat lnf Div FO 28, 20 Jul 43. and, for thc second time in Sicily, showcd
893-029 o - 65 - 21


artillery strength." 8 1t was this Ger- leapfrogged the 18th Combat Team to
man artillery, and the difficult terrain, continue the push on Petralia, and to
that slowed the advance. The tanks open a hole through which the 16th
were road-bound. The infantrymen were Combat Team, still at Enna, could move
pinned down until the tanks cold move to the north coast.4 For this was still
forward to knock out at least sorne of the the mission of the 1st Division, even
opposing guns. It was not until 1900 though it had been temporarily diverted
that the tanks managed to get through by the need to clear up the Enna area.
Bompietro with the 3d Battalion, 26th With Enna in hand, the division could
lnfantry, hard on their heels. move to the north coast at Cefalu, paral-
With Bompietro taken, General Allen leling the British 30 Corps advance. Near
s 33d FA Bn AAR. Thc ut Division Artillcry
midnight, 22 July, the 1st and 2d Bat-
fircd a total of 1 , 146 rounds on 2 2 J uly in the
various attackJ on Bompictro. Change 1, ut Inf Div FO 28, 21 Jul 43.


talions, 18th Infantry, dismounted from follow to the north coast. This was done
trucks at Bompietro, and moved through by late aftemoon. 11
the 26th Infantry on the road to Petralia. But Petralia proved to be as far to the
Just befare 0900, 23 July, after a stiff north as the 1st Division would go on its
fight along the southern slopcs of the high drive. The division would not be given
ground overlooking Petralia, the 2d a chance to reach the Tyrrhenian Sea
Battalion, 18th lnfantry, together with as had the 45th Division farther wcst, for
two companies from the 1st Battalion, the Seventh Anny axis of advance was
entered the town. Immediatcly, Coloncl changed again, this time to the cast.
Smith, the combat team commander, On 20 July, General Alexander had
started his battalions cast along Highway
5 18th and 26th Inf Regt AAR's ; ut lnf Div
120 toward Gangi to block the sccondary
Arty AAR ; ut Inf Div G-3 Jnl; IT 99b, entry
road which leads northward toward and an. 71 (map) ; Map, Sizilien ( 1 :200, 000) ,
Cefalu, the route the 16th RCT was to WFST Op (H) , Stand 22 Ju! 43.

mued new instructions to General Patton. tive mercly moved the point at which the
Upon rcaching the coast north of Petra- north coast was to be rcached from Cam-
lia, Scventh Army would scnd strong pofelice east to Cefalu.8
rcconnaissance patrols castward along the Montgomery's decision on 21 July to
two main cast-wcst highways left un- bring over the British 78th Division from
covercd by the Eighth Anny's shift of its North Africa to rcinforce a ncw push
western axis of advance. Thcsc were around the western slopes of Mount Etna,
the north coast road and Highway 120 bis calling off of attacks by the British 13
through Sperlinga, Nicosia, and Troina. Corps at the Catania plain, and his prc-
Thus, General Alexander changed the vious shifting of the British 30 Corps main
boundary between the two Allicd armies. axis of advance from Highway 120 farther
From its previous location running due south to Highway 12 1, indicated to Gen-
north paralleling Highway 117, the new eral Alexander that the Eighth Anny alone
boundary ran due cast betwecn Highway was not strong enough to drive the Gcr-
120 and the road scrving as the British mans from thc Mcssina pcninsula.
30 Corps axis of advance. If ~ible, Just two days later, on 23 July, and
General Alexander continued, thc Scventh after the capture of Palermo, General
Anny was to follow up thcsc rcconnais- Alexander abandoned bis scheme for a
sance forces in strcngth. Apparently, cautious, exploratory probing by the Scv-
then, General Alcxander intended to make enth Army. Patton was now to employ
Palermo the Scvcnth Anny main base of bis maximum strcngth along the two roads
supply, and to bring at least a part of Alexander had given the Americans on 20
the Scventh Army on line with the Eighth July. General Alexander had finally de-
Anny. General Montgomery concurrcd cided to place the Seventh Army on equal
in the need for Seventh Army as&stance. footing with the Eighth in order to finish
Except for thc asfilgnment of the two off the remaining Axis forces. In other
northern roads to the Scvcnth Anny, words, Mcssina was no longer solely an
General Alcxander's 20 July directivc Eighth Army objective; Mcssina was now
amounted to little more than a modifica- up for grabs. 7 (Map 3)
tion of bis 18 July directive. It did not
indicate bis intention of throwing the Seventh Army Rpt of Opns, p. D-11; Alex-
Seventh Army full tilt against the Axis ander De1patch, app. C-4, p. 85. Exactly when
forces in the Mcssina peninsula. General General Alexander reached hit decition to tum
the Seventh Army eastward is not certain. He
Montgomery's attcmpt to break through appean to have informed General Eisenhower on
the enemy lincs on the east coast was still 19 July of the decision to tum part of Patton'1
in proccss, though getting nowherc, when forces to the east. This could have well been
done at Eisenhower'1 insJtence that the Seventh
Alexander published bis new order. The Army play a larger role in the campaign. See
Anny group commander apparently still Ltr, Ei11enhower to Manhall, u Jul 43, Diary
hopcd that Montgomcry's push would be Office CinC, Boolt VII, pp. A-59g-A-&o.
Nichohon, Th1 Canatliam in ltaly, p. 118.
succcssful. The dircctive did nothing Montgomery' new view was a distinct change
to the U.S. II Corps plans, except to add from the view held by him in early June.
1 Seventh Anny Rpt of Opns, p. D-13; Alex-
two more roads to worry about. General
ander Despatch, app. C-5, p. 86; lnterv1, Math-
Bradley's mis&on of going to the coast ews with Alexander, p. 16; Nicholson, Th1 Ca-
"north of Petralia" rcmained; the direc- nadians in ltal-y, p. 119.

23 July 1943

Elvallons m m111r1
IO o
Stopping the 1st Division drive for Ce- and its attached 34th Field Artillery Bat-
falu at Petralia, and pivoting on the di- talion; and other artillery units- and sent
vision, General Bradley began shifting the them scurrying eastward.9 General Patton
11 Corps axis of advance to the east. also called for the remainder of General
General Patton had said that "the British Eddy's gth lnfantry Division to come
have the bear by the tail in the Messina over from North Africa because the 2d
Peninsula and we may have to go in and Armored Division would be less useful in
help." 8 He therefore bolstered 11 Corps, the mountainous terrain of northeastern
to which he assigned the entire Seventh Sicily and because both the 45th Infantry
Army front. He stripped the Provisional and 82d Airborne Divisions would shortly
Corps of the French 4th Tabor of Goums have to be relieved to prepare for the
( which had performed well with the 3d invasion of ltaly. General Eddy, a Reg-
Division since its landing in Sicily on 14 ular Army officer since 1916, had led the
July); the gth Division's 39th lnfantry 9 Seventh Army Rpt of Opns, p. b-12 ; Brad-
8 Semmes, Portrait of Patton, p. 16!:1. ley, A Soldier's Story, p. 146.

gth Division throughout the North African other things, to take drastic steps to save
campaign, and would bring a tried fight- his embattled forces on thc island. He
ing outfit to the Seventh Army for the excitedly told Jodl to evacuate all Gennan
final phases of the Sicilian operation. 10 personnel immediately from Sicily-take
The news of Mussolini's overthrow did out the men, leave ali the heavy equip-
not evoke much enthusiasm among the ment behind; move troops into northem
members of the Seventh Army's front- Italy; occupy the mountain passcs on thc
line units. The soldiers did not believe northem border; maintain firm control of
it had rcally happened, and the news, if the 1talians; occupy Rome; capture the
true, appearcd to have little effect on rc- King, Badoglio, the Crown Prince, and
ducing the scale of enemy resistance. lf other high-ranking officials; let the Ger-
anything, the enemy seemed to be fight- mans take over the 1talian Govemment;
ing more fiercely than ever to hold his and find M ussolini and liberate him.
mountain strongholds.11 Relieved when he remembered that only
part of the rst Parachute Division had
Axis Reactions crossed into Sicily, he insisted that ali the
Outwardly, with the fall of Mussolini, troops had to be taken out. What hap-
nothing had changed in Italy's military pened to their matriel did not matter
policy or in the conduct of operations on in the least. "Everything will have to
Sicily. In rcality, a profound change be done so fast," Hitler said, "that the
had taken place. Thc changc did not entire movement will be completed in two
stem from Rome, where Marshal Badog- days-perhaps only one.,, Warned by
lio's proclamations announced the con- Jodl that no more than 17,ooo men could
tinued vitality of the German alliance. be ferried over in one day under normal
Rather, the change stcmmed from Hitler's conditions, Hitler burst out with: "Well,
headquarters in far-ofJ East Prussia. they'll have to crowd together. Do you
Here, on 25 July, news of Mussolini's remember how it was at Dunkerque?
~ led the angry Fuehrcr, among Is it not ridiculous to think that our Navy
cannot ferry these men over such a small
10 Seventh Army G-3 Jnl, 22-24 Jul 43;
Seventh Army G-3 Rpts, 14, 16, and 17 Jul 43.
piece of water in two-nay in one day-
1t was probably just as well that the 2d Ar- provided the matriel stays behind?"
mored Division did not have to be used in the In closing the discussion, Hitler rc-
later atages of the campaign. On the diviaion'a minded Jodl of an important point. "Of
arrival at Palenno, 151 miles from ita starting
point at Agrigento, about 75 percent of the tanks course," he said, "we will have to continuc
had completely ruined their tracb. The rubber the game as if we believed in thcir [thc
track blocks, made of a aynthetic material aup- Italians] claim that they want to continuc
poaedly good for 300 miles and new when the
diviaion departed North Africa, aimply had not [fighting]." To which Jodl agreed:
held up under the pounding they had to take on "Yes, we will have to do that." From
the daah west. See Rpt by ~n Gafl'ey on Opns then on, the Germans would mask their
of the 2d Armd Div in Sicily, 5 Aug 43, in file
602-0.3. activities behind a cloak of secrccy. 12
11 See Richard Tregaakia, lnvasion Diary (New
York: Random Howe, 1944), pagea 28-29 for 11 Min of Conf 14, Second Meeting Between
how the newa was received by the 1st Diviaion. Hitler, Keitel, Jodl, and Othen, 25 Jul 43, in
Truscott, Command Missions, does not even men- Min of Hitler Confs. Compare a1so Min 13, 15,
tion the occurrence. and 17 of 25 and 26 Jul 43.

That night, General Jodl sent a teletype of ali the ground forces on the entire front.
ordering Kesselring to evacuate Sicily. Guzzoni refused for two reasons. First,
Since Jodl did not dare to cntrust detailed this arrangernent would deal a severe
instructions to conventional rneans of corn- blow to ltalian p?T3tige. Second, Guz-
munication, he dispatched a personal rep- zoni realized that Hube had developed a
resentative to Rorne to brief Kesselring on different concept of dcfense--one that he,
his role in Plan ACHSE.1 Guzzoni, could not approve.111 Whereas
More detailed information and the Guzzoni still hoped eventually to regain
repeated Italian declarations of con- the initiative, he suspected, and rightly,
tinued cobelligerence mollified Hitler. He that Hube had no intention of ever rnount-
changed his mind on imrnediately evacuat- ing a rnajor counterattack--even though
ing the German troops from Sicily. The the situation had becorne sornewhat stable
final evacuation would be delayed as long by 21 J uly with the British advance on
as posfil.ble. 14 Catania stopped. The shift of the British
In Sicily, General Guzzoni was certain rnain effort frorn Catania to Regalbuto
that the Allies would not invade the Ital- and Leonforte and the highway sys-
ian mainland until after Sicily had first tern west of Mount Etna indicated a dis-
been subdued. Thus, the Sixth Army persa} of effort. Withdrawal of the Axis
commander saw his rnission as post- forces frorn the invasion front and frorn
poning the Allied conquest of the island western Sicily to the northeastern comer
as long as pcmible. If he received substan- had been generally cornpleted, except for
tial reinforcernents, he rnight even return sorne 15th Panzer Grenadier Division out-
to the offensive. 111 posts in the northem sector. British at-
But by then the cornrnand relation- tempts to break through would therefore
ships in Sicily had changed. General meet solid opposition. Thus far, the
Hube had cornmitted elements of the American forces, still sorne distance west
:19th Panzer Grenadier Division along the of the main dcfense line, constituted no
north coast on 22 July, when he had imrnediate threat.
nominally had tactical control of only the Guzzoni considered it feasible to defend
eastem half of the front. The cornrnit- northeastem Sicily on what the ltalians
rnent deployed German troops ali along and Germans comrnonly designated as the
the front, frorn the eastem to the north- rnain line of resistance, a line from south
ern coast of Sicily. Since the Italian of Catania to Santo Stefano di Camastra.
troops had lost almost ali their cornbat He expected to hold this line long enough
effectiveness, the German troops had be- to gain enough time to build up the Etna
corne the rnainstay of the defense of the line-frorn Acireale to San Fratello. In
Messina peninsula. order to save those troops still west of
On that sarne day, Hube had informed
Guzzoni that he wanted tactical control te Superesercito supported Guzzoni and con-
finned on 23 July that the tactical command on
Sicily would remain divided between the Italiana
13 OKW/WFSt, KTB, 1.-31.VII.43, 25, 26, and Germans. Later the SaJne day, the Italian
and 28 Jul 43; SKL/1. Abt, KTB, Teil A. 1.- Army headquarten clarified the issue by stating
31.VII.43, 26 Jul 43. that it would not tolerate Hube's assumption of
14 Bonin in MS #T-2 (Fries d al.). tactical command over all the fighting forces.
15 Faldella, Lo sbarco, pp. 218, 236, 305. IT 99b, an. 73; Faldella, Lo sbarco, pp. 233-34.

the main line of resistance Guzzoni on 2 I line. In accordance with the mission
July ordercd both the XIV Panzer Corps given him when he was sent to Sicily,
and the Italian X 11 Corps to withdraw Hube's intentions werc to execute an or-
any outposts in the northem sector. He derly withdrawal from the island, to in-
considercd the troops on Sicily and those clude local counterthrusts but no major
earmarked to arrive in the near future counterattack operations. The purpose of
adequate not only to hold the line but the entirc operation was to gain time and
also to form a reserve for a counterattack to save German manpower for the ex-
to regain the initiative, if only temporarily. pected futurc battles on the Italian main-
What he needed was to keep together as land.
a unit the newly arriving 29th Panzer The Seventh Anny's arrival on the
Grenadier Division, rather than dissipate north coast on 22 July completely changed
its strcngth by commitment in driblets. the situation. Except for rcmnants of
But Hube rcfused to withdraw the Italian divisions, nothing stood in the way
northem outposts. He even committed a of an American drive on Messina via the
part of the new Gennan formation on the north coast road. Experiencc had shown
northem coast. Quoting Hitler's well- that Italian coastal units could not be
known doctrine of holding every foot of depended on. The 15th Panzer Grenadier
ground, Hube disclosed that no German could not further strctch itself to cover
commander would withdraw except under the north coast road. Up to this time,
overwhelming pres.IDrc. Thesc actions the eastem and central sectors of the
put an end to any intentions Guzzoni front had swallowed up all Axis rcinforcc-
had to rctum to the offensive, even beforc ments arriving on the island. To prcvent
it became painfully evident that Italian an American breakthrough on the north,
reinforcements werc not going to be sent then, was the reason Hube had committed
to Sicily. And although Guzzoni was the 29th Panzer Grenadier Division.18
still nominally in command of ali tactical Convinced that a dual or vague com-
operations on Sicily, the preponderance of mand organization was detrimental to thc
German over Italian combat troops on the futurc conduct of opcrations, Guzzoni
island prompted him to bow to Hube's settled for a compromisc. In a confcr-
decisions. 17 ence on 25 July, he and Hube agreed,
On the other hand, General Hube's subject to the approval of their respective
actions werc dictated by sound tactical higher headquarters, that Guzzoni would
reasons. He wished to give those Ger- nominally rctain the over-all tactical com-
man troops escaping from Palermo a mand but with the tacit understanding
chance to rcach the Messina triangle. He that Hube would henceforth conduct the
also wanted to prevent the American defense of the land front. 19
Seventh Army from getting around the The political uphcaval in Rome having
right flank of the 15th Panur Grenadier prcvented an immediate rcply to Guzzoni's
Division and rolling up the entirc Axis
18 OB SUED, Mddungen, 23 Jul 43; MS #
11 Faldella, Lo sbarco, pp. 2 r 8, 22 J-!14, !134- D-o95, :19th Panzer Grenadier Division, 30 Jul
38, 305-06. The difl'erence of opinion between 43 (Ulich); MS #C-077 (Rodt) .
Guzzoni and Hube ia not corroborated in German 19 IT 99b, an. 83; Faldella, Lo sbarco, pp.
sourcet. 237-38. .

and Hube's joint proposal, Hube took over selves were obstaclcs to advance, but
the actual conduct of ground operations high, stcep ridgcs separating the streams
on Skily. He continued to disc~ plans werc even more formidable and created
and decisions with Guzzoni and the Sixth positions of grcat natural strength. In
Army stafl' directly or through thc Ger- addition, those ridges over which the four:
man liaison officer, General von Senger. transverse roads ran also provided signi-
And he tried to creatc the impression that ficant defensive lines. The coastal high-
the Gennans on Sicily intended to fight way itself followed a narrow level belt
to the bitter end. Guzzoni saw through betwecn the ridge ends and the beaches.
the deception, but he was realistic enough At sorne places where the ridge ends carne
to accept the situation. Though Guzzoni flush to the Tyrrhenian Sea, the road lay
remonstrated with Hube against sorne of bracketed into the cliff dircctly above the
. the latter's decisions, he accepted Gennan surf. In one instance-at Cape Calava
pre-eminence. ( east of Cape Orlando )-the road swung
past the point through a short tunnel.
Nicosia The coastal railroad from Palenno to Mes-
sina also followed the beach line, usually
Hube's assumption of real command running between the highway and the sea,
and bis employment of Gennan divisions crossing the streams on iron bridges, tun-
brought to an end the rapid advances of neling frequently through the ridges.
the Seventh Army. Oriented eastward, Though exposed to attack from the sea,
the 11 Corps would face difficult terrain the coastal highway offered defenders a
and a most tenacious foe, highly skilled in series of good positions.
the conduct of defcnsive operations. The other axis of advance-Highway
The. 11 Corps was to advance toward 120---passed along the southern slopes of
Messina along two separate axes: Highway the Caronie Mountains. The road was
1 13 along the north coast, and 'Highway narrow and crooked, with steep grades
120 through Nicosia, Troina, Cesaro, and and sharp tums. In many places, heavy
Randazzo. Bctween the two major axes vehicles had to stop and back up in arder
of advance, and parallel to them, ran to negotiate a turn. Like the coastal
the Caronie Mountain chain, the highest region, the mountainous arca would
mountains on the island except Mount provide a detennined enemy with numer-
Etna. Extremely rugged, not flattening ous ideal defensive positions. But unlike
out to any appreciable degree until just the north coast road, which lay exposed
west of Messina, the mountain chain had to' seaborne ~ult, the mountains dom-
practically no road net save the four roads inated Highway 120 on both sirles.
that crossed it in a general north-south The highland divide between the axes
direction. of advance would also contribute a special
The north coast axis of advance- feature to the campaign in the Messina
Highway 113-skirted the rim of what pennsula. Bccause the divide contained
resembled a washboard, created by num- sorne of the most rugged and inaccessible
erous short streams flowing down from terrain in Sicily, and because its slopes
the mountain crests at frequent intervals dominated the two majar east-west arteries,
to empty into the sea. The streams them- the mountain chain would separate the
CARONIA VALLEY, typical of the rugged terrain in the Caronie Mountains.

ANGI, with Mount Etna in the distant background.

American forces advancing along the roads Division at Petralia. Until the 45th Di-
except at lateral roads, thereby precluding vision carne up with the 1st Division,
mutual support. Supply problems would the 11 Corps would exert unequal pres.5ure
be greatly magnified. The 11 Corps ad- and enable the Germans to shift forces
vance toward Messina would proceed over from one highway to the other to counter
two distinct battlegrounds. the two distinct American thrusts. The
In arder to establish a salid front befare g 1st Reconnaissance Squadron filled the
pushing on to the east, General Bradley gap between the 1st Division and the
first brought the 45th Division on line British 30 Corps on the right, but because
with the 1st Division while keeping the General Bradley was again concerned
momentum of the latter's attack. The about the Enna situation, he held the 16th
45th Division had come out on the north RCT in corps reserve to counter a sudden
coast near Termini Imerese, and though it Axis movement against his right flank.
immediately turned toward the east, its (Map 4)
front line was fifteen miles behind the 1st General Allen brought forward the

" "


26th RCT and pas.sed it through the 18th To cover this movement, the 18th Com-
RCT east of Petralia on the morning of bat Team, late in the aftemoon of 23
24 July to take Gangi and the high July, dispatched a company of infantry to
ground beyond, then Sperlinga, just three the high ground southeast of Gangi.
miles from Nicosia. 20 But before the company reached its ob-
1st lnf Div G-3 Jnl 43, entry 94; for Gen-
jective, the regimenta! reconnais.5ance pla-
eral Bradley's worries about the east flank, see toon moved into Gangi and found the
ut Inf Div G-3 Jnl, 23 Jul 43, entries 23, 28,
30, 50, 66, and 67.
The maintenance of contact with the British
Eighth Anny units had posed a problem for the contact and to protect the division's right flank
1st Division ever since the initial change was against any unexpected enemy movement into its
made in the Seventh Army axis of advance on rear areas. It was not until late in the campaign
14 July. It was always necessary for the 1st Di- that this problem subsided; in fact, it was not
vmon to divert a portion of its strength--some- until the fall of Randazzo. See comments of Maj
times as much as a battalion-to maintain that Gen R ay W. Porter, Jr., on MS.

town clcar of Gcnnans. Group FuUriede talion to "work hard on it-get it back." 21
had pulled its outposts back toward thc As Gcnerals Allen and Rooscvclt hegan
main defensive line extcnding in an are pres&ng Bowen to retake the hill, Bowen,
forward of Nicosia. in order to relieve sorne of the pressure on
Thc 26th Infantry, alter clearing the the 2d Battalion, dirccted the 1st Battal-
Bompictro road junction, pushed toward ion, north of the road, to move forward
Gangi, straddling Highway 120 with a and occupy Hill 825, even though Major
two-battalion front. Against light and Grant felt "there is no place to put any-
intermittcnt artillery fire, the 1st Battal- onc if we did have it." 22 Bowen also
ion moved north of the road toward Hills directed the 3d Battalion to swing around
825 (Monte Cannella) and 937 (Monte the right of Hill 937 and pinch the Gcr-
Caolina), while the 3d Battalion hcaded mans hetween the other two battalions.
for Hill 937 south of the road. When Regaining the hill in the early after-
the 1st Battalion commander, Major noon, two companies of the 2d Battalion
Grant, reported Hill 825 nothing more began a short-range, murderous fire fight
than a big, barren slab of rock, imprac- with the Germans, who withdrew just off
ticable to occupy, which the battalion the crest down the eastem slope. Gcr-
could cover from high ground then held man and 1tallan artillery fire raked the
farther to the wcst, the combat team com- hilltop, but the two American companies
mander, Colonel Bowen, agreed that it stood firm. By this time, Brig. Gen. Clift
was not neccssary to take it. Though the Andrus, the 1st Division's artillery com-
2d Battalion commander, Colonel Daniel, mander, had six artillery battalions plus two
made a similar report on Hill 937, Colonel 155-mm. gun batteries firing in support
Bowen directed him to secure the objective of the 26th.23 As the 3d Battalion carne
hecause Bowen wanted to push the 3d almost in line with the hill and tumed
Battalion around to the right and then toward the highway to take Hill 962
cross-country directly into Nicosia, eight (Monte Barnagiano) in rear of the Ger-
miles away. Daniel complied, and sent mans on Hill 937, the Germans pulled
Company G to occupy the hill, one platoon away from this enveloping threat, and just
of which reached the crest near midnight. befare midnight, the 3d Battalion pushed
Daybreak of 25 July brought heavy en- onto Hil1 962.
emy artillery fire across the entire 26th The enemy was far from finished. In-
Infantry's front. General Rodt had re- stead of hitting with a counterattack, then
inforced Group Fullriede during the night pulling out when American counterpres-
with troops that had just retumed from sure became strong, the German reaction
the eastem sector. With this added to the capture of Hil1 962 was as strong
strength, Colonel Fullriede sent a battalion ' 21 26th Inf Regt S-1 Jnl, entry timed 0952,
of infantry to retake Hill 937. The 25 Jul 43.
22 26th Inf Regt S-1 Jnl, entries timed io17,
American platoon outposting the crcst,
1105, r 116, and 1404, 25 Jul 43.
its leader a casualty, withdrew and re- 21 The artillery in support of the 26th lnfan-
joined the rest of the company at the try fired almost 2,000 rounds during the day.
western base of the hill. Disturhed by The 33d Field Artillery Battalion, in direct
support, alone 687 rounds, while the 7th
the failure to hold Hill 937 without a Field Artillery Battalion, reinforcing the 33d,
fight, Colonel Bowen ordered the 2d Bat- fired 620 rounds.

as against the loss of Hill 937. When The envelopmcnt startcd at 1600, 26
Colonel Bowen, on 26 July, scnt the 1st July, as the 26th lnfantry fought off rc-
Battalion to Hills 921 and 825, eight ncwed Gcnnan counterattacks; the ap-
hundrcd yards farther cast, the Gcnnans proach of darknC3 prcvented more than
knocked the a.ssault elements back to their a slight advance. Ncxt day, 27 July, the
starting line. South of the road, the 16th RCT south of the road was stoppcd
Gcnnans thrcw the 3d Battalion off Hill cold in its drive on Sperlinga and Nicosia.
962, to start a scesaw battle, with Gcnnans North of the highway, while one battalion
and Americans in altemate posscssion of of the 18th Infantry clearcd the two hills
the crest. Hill 962 soon became a no that had given the 26th Infantry so much
man's land, with Gcnnans on thc castcm trouble. another battalion, aided by thc
slopes, Americans on the western, and Goumiers, swung farther north to the ap-
artillery controlling the top. Not until proaches to Monte Sambughetti, a tower-
evening did the 3d Battalion, with support ing hill mass 4,500 fect high. An infantry
from a battalion of the 16th lnfantry, company pushing up thc hill took 300
finally gain full posses&on of Hill 962. Italian prisoncrs, and battalion patrols
General Bradley had rclcascd two bat- moved farthcr to the east and cut High-
talions of the 16th lnfantry from corps way 117.
reserve that moming to enable General Trying to jar thc Gcnnans loosc from
Allen to make a double enyelopment of their positions forward of Sperlinga and
Nicosia. With the 26th lnfantry ap- Nicosia, General Allen ordercd thirty-two
parently stopped on Highway 120 and the light tanks from the 7oth Tank Battalion,
Gcnnans showing no signs of giving up plus a platoon of tanks from the 753d
their positions around Sperlinga and Ni- Medium Tank Battalion, to sweep south
cosia, General Allen that aftemoon scnt to the highway in front of Hill 825, com-
the two battalions of the 16th lnfantry ing out near Hill 962. The light tanks
south of the highway and around Hill deployed at 2030 that evcning and, cov-
962 toward Sperlinga. The 18th lnfan- ercd by thc mediums, roared down to the
try, north of the highway, was to swing highway, wherc they "sprayed for miles
past the 26th lnfantry, take high ground around for at lcast ten or fiftecn minutes
north of Sperlinga and cut Highway befare rcceiving artillery firc" and with-
1 17, the lateral road through Nicosia, drawing. The swcep cost thrce light
then move south to assist the 16th in tanks and six casualtics, but it gained one
clearing Nicosia and Sperlinga. The Gennan antitank gun and bolstercd thc
91st Reconnaissance Squadron was to morale of the American infantrymen on
continue roving in the gap bctween the the surrounding bilis. By then, the Ger-
two armics, the 4th Tabor of Goums was man forces on the Nicosia front had dc-
to work on the left of the 18th Infantry. cided to withdraw.
In explaining bis attack plan, General The Gcrman withdrawal during the
Allen said, "Had we kept up just a frontal night of 27 July opcned the way to the
attack, it would have meant just a bloody 1st Division. By 0830, 28 July, thc 3d
nose for us at every hill." 24 Battalion, 16th Infantry, had patrols in
24 Tregaskis, Invasion Diary, p. 52; ut lnf Sperlinga, and two hours later in Niccma.
Div FO 29, 1116 Jul 43. Sorne sniping was encountcrcd as wcll as

resistance from dug-in emplacements on a on Highway 117 about halfway between

few high, rocky points in the north end Nicosia and Mistretta. By consolidating
of town. Befare the day was over, the the 15th Panzer Grenadier Division and
16th Infantry had captured scven hundred holding the pass, the Axis could stop an
Italians and a few Germans who failed to American thrust north along Highway 117
escape from Nicosia. and thus protect the interior ftanks of the
For General Guzzoni, the los.s of Ni- 29th Panzer Grenadier and Assietta Dt-
cosia was a frustrating development. He vision deployed along the north coast.
had intended to hold Nicosia, which he Guzzoni was a1so worried that an Amer-
considered one of the key positions on bis ican breakthrough at the pass would un-
main line of resistance. He thought that hinge from the north coast the entire
Hube had the same idea. But during the main line of resistance, a move that would
afternoon of 27 July, Guzzoni had learned seriously endanger ali of the Axis units to
from the XII Corps headquarters that the south.
Colonel Fullriede had received orders to Apparcntly neither Rodt nor Fullriede
withdraw. received word of Hube's promise to delay
General Guzzoni's immediate inquiries Group Fullriede's withdrawal from Ni-
produced the infonnation that Hube was cosia, for without informing the Aosta
beginning the withdrawal to the Etna Division, Fullriede began withdrawing bis
line. Though the Sixth Army commander battle group that night to the new posi-
did not know it, Hube's chief of staff on tions he and General Rodt had previously
26 July had attended a meeting at K~ reconnoitered: six miles east of Nicosia
selring's headquarters and had returned extending from Gagliano ( just north of
the same day to Sicily with verbal authori- Agira) , through Serradifalco and Cerami
zation to start consolidating the Gennan (both on Highway 120 ), to Capizzi (sorne
forces on the island for immediate evacua- three miles north of Cerarni). The Aosta
tion. Hitler's rcaction to Mussolini's dis- Division hastily joined the German with-
miml was taking effect. Early on 27 drawal. The result was that sorne units
July, therefore, Hube had instructed became lost in the mountainous terrain
Rodt to reconnoiter suitable defensive while others, apparently not receiving the
positions just forward of the Etna line for withdrawal order, stayed to fend off the
the withdrawal of Group Fullriede that American thrust on Ni<;osia the following
night. . day. At thc important mountain pass on
At Guzzoni's requcst late in the after- Highway 117, a battalion of the Aosta
noon of 27 J uly, Hube promised to amend Division pulled back to join the general
bis orders to Group Fullriede. The Ger- rearward movement, and, as a conse-
man battle group would stop its with- quence, opened the north coast road to
drawal and would organize a new line American advance.211
running along the Nicmia-Agira road, thus
closing the gap which had existed be-
tween Rodt's two battle groups. Guzzoni 211 IT 99b, R7 Jul 43; Faldella, Lo sbarco, pp.

then promised that the remnants of the R3 r-3R, R3g-40, 11411-43; OKW /WFSt, KTB,
1.-31.VII.43, 116 Jul 43; OB SUED, Meldungn,
Aosta Division would hold the 3,000-foot- 117 Jul 43; OKH Tagesmeldungn West, R8 Jul
high mountain pass ( Colle del Contrasto) 43.

CoAST RoAD PATROL passing the bombed-out Castelbuono railroad station, 24 ]uly.

Along the North Coast This brought the 45th Division on line
with the 1st Division.
Despite mine fields and blown bridges, When General Bradley directed Gen-
the 45th Division had advanced rapidly eral Middleton to keep the pressure on
during the night of 23 July and the along the north coast road, Middleton sent
following day. The newly committed the 18oth Infantry through the 15 7th on
Group Ulich of the 29th Panzer Grenadier the evening of 24 July. The 18oth In-
Division was not strong enough to contest fantry crossed the Malpertugio River dur-
seriously the American advance. By blow- ing the night, and under almost constant
ing the bridge over the Malpertugio River, artillery, mortar, and machine gun fire, on
five miles east of Cefah'.t, and by liberally the following day uncovered a new Ger-
planting mines in the river bed, Group man line on the high ground just forward
Ulich brought the 157th mfantry to a of the Pollina River, where the Germans
temporary halt. The I 79th lnfantry, occupied an extremely strong, natural de-
which had been following a secondary fensive position hinged on the 3,000-foot-
road six miles inland, reached the town of high Pizza Spina. The coastal highway
Castelbuono, eight miles north of Petralia. skirts the base of almost vertical cliffs lead-

ing to the crcst of the hcights. With thcir Gcrman left and overran that end of the
main battle position on the west side of the enerny linc, gaining positions near the
river, the Gcrmans did not demolish the pinnaclc of Pizzo Spina. Able to enfilade
highway bridge, but deployed their infan- the rcst of the German line, the cornpany
trymen and supporting weapons on the drove the Germans down the eastern
ground controlling the coastal highway. slopes. Cornpany F moved up to the
The first American task was scizure of pinnacle, while Cornpany G droppcd off
Pizzo Spina, and Colonel Cochrane, the the slopes to occupy the blockhousc posi-
2d Battalion commandcr, hoping to nut- tion on the highway.
cracker the Germans, sent Company F Group Ulich was not yet ready to give
to occupy a defended blockhouse at a up its Pollina River line. Shortly after
bend in the highway just undcr the enemy the Americans occupied Pizzo Spina, the
guns on Pizzo Spina, and Company E Germans launched the first of three coun-
inland up a ravine to come in on the lcft terattacks against the mountain pinnacle.
of the German line. German direct artillery fire from acrcm
While Company E made its tortuous the river at ranges of less than 3,000 yards
way through the ravine toward the south- was precise in searching out American
ern slopes of Pizzo Spina, Company F, positions. But obscrvation posts on Pizzo
under heavy German artillery and small Spina enabled American artillery obscrvers
arms fire, took, but soon gave up, the to bring down heavy fire on the counter-
blockhouse and withdrew. attacking forces. Along the coastal high-
Cochranc immediatcly sent in Com- way, a platoon of .pzinch mortars stopped
pany G, which, with the reorganized Com- one German thrust by laying down a
pany F, tried a frontal attack against the 1 oo-round, thirty-minute, mixed white
Gcrman positions. Scaling the almost phosphorus and high explosive concen-
vertical cliffs, with friendly artillery burst- tration. Though sorne srnall units gave
ing fifty to scventy yards ahead of the way slightly, and though the line close to
skirmish line, using rifle fire, rifle grenades, the shore surged back and forth for a depth
and 60-mm. mortars to aid their advance, of three hundred yards, the Americans
the two companies climbed from sea level held. After one last try just before dark-
to almost 3,000 feet in less than a thousand ness, the Germans pulled back across the
yards. But it was slow going. The ad- river, with American artillery fire so heavy
vance brought down damaging barrages and accurate that the Germans could not
from enemy artillery and heavy weapons, dernolish the bridge.28
and German infantryrnen rolled hand The 18oth Infantry could not scize the
grenades down the slopes. The support- opportunity to pursue. Fourteen uni-
ing 4.2-inch mortars, from positions 500 dentified naval vesscls, four of which were
yards behind the line of departure, blan- believed to be cruisers, were sighted off
kcted obsc:rved and suspected targets, and
with white phosphorus shells neutralized 26 lnfantry Combat, Part Five: Sicily, pp. 1g-
sorne enemy positions high arnong the 24; OKH, Tagesmeldungen West, 25 Jul 43; IT
crags. 99b, an. 81. The 1711t Field Artillery Battalion
fired 1, 1oo rounds in support of the 18oth 1n-
Just as the advance scerned about to fantry; the 189th Field Artillery Battalion, rein-
stop, Cornpany E bounded in on the forcing, fired 500 rounda.
693-029 o - 65 22

Campofclice, betwcen Ccfalu and Ter- arms and artillery fire, and found the
m1m Imercsc. Fearing that thcsc werc Gcrmans in a strong, natural defensive
Axis ships, General Bradley halted the position on a very steep hilI forming the
45th Division advance and instructed eastem slopc of the Tusa River vallcy.
General Middleton to prepare to defend Here, too, the Gcrmans had not demol-
the coast line against a ~ible Axis ished the highway bridge.
amphibious landing. The 18oth lnfantry Whilc the 2d Battalion made a show of
consequently faced toward the sea near cros&ng the river near the bridge, the 3d
Pizzo Spina, while the 157th Infantry, Battalion, 18oth lnfantry, swung inland
with tanks from the 753d Mcdium Tank to outflank thc Gcrman position. At
Battalion, deployed along the beaches in 2030, the battalion scized a high hill ovcr-
the rcar. Not until early the ncxt after- looking thc village of Tusa, two miles in-
noon, 26 July, did a division artillery liai- land from the coast, wcst of the Tusa
son plane identify the vessels as American River and at the end of a fishhook
destroyers and mine sweepcrs.27 road. Across the river, on a high ridge at
Oddly enough, General Hube feared anothcr road end, lay the village of Pct-
that these vessels werc part of an Al- tineo. Since the Tusa and Pettineo ridgcs
lied amphibious force moving to a land- formcd the key to a succesmul Tusa Rivcr
ing in the rear of the Santo Stefano line, cl'Cming, the 3d Battalion's mis&on was to
the northem hinge of the main line of get up on the Pettinco ridge, from wherc
rcsistance. He, therefore, alerted Axis it could then drive north and strike thc
units ali thc way to Calabria to be ready main Gcrman position near thc coast on
to repel a landing.28 thc ftank and in thc rear.
Group Ulich, meanwhile, had moved ~o Early on the moming of 27 July, the
a new line closcr to Santo Stcfano di Cam- 3d Battalion made its move. Tusa fell at
astra, a line which ran from Castel di Tusa 0600; thcre was littlc oppcmtion. But
( on the coast) south through Pettineo ninc hours later, the 3d Battalion had
to Castel di Lucio, the northem hall rcst- managcd to progress only a fcw hundred
ing behind the Tusa River. Late in the yards more, up to thc curve of thc fish-
aftemoon of 26 July, the 2d Battalion, hook road overlooking the rivcr. Cog-
18oth Infantry, reached the Tusa River, nizant of the thrcat that this movcmcnt
halted in thc facc of heavy Gcrman small prescntcd to bis main battlc pcmtion,
Col. Max Ulich had a reinforced infantry
battalion well dug in on thc Pcttinco ridge
21 11 Corps G-3 Jnl, entries 95 and 96, 25 to block thc 3d Battalion.
Jul 43; II Corps G-3 Jnl, entries 110 and 133, The inability of thc 3d Battalion to gct
26 Jul 43; 45th lnf Div G-3 Jnl, entries 40, 41,
and 43, 26 Jul 43; ONI, Sicilian Campaign, pp. across the Tusa Rivcr and outflank thc
101-02. main Gcrman line threw the entire wcight
28 Msg, OB SUED to LXXVI Panzer Corps,
of thc attack on the 1st Battalion, 18oth
in LXXVI Pan%er Corps, KTB, Anlagen, ro.
VII.-30.VIII.,13 (CRS 43005/2). This meuage Infantry, which tried to cross thc rivcr
wa.s probably the cause for a German air strike near thc coast. One company managed
against the American ahips on the next day, a to get across the bridge just aftcr noon,
strike which caused considerable damage to one
of the destroyen. See ONI, Sicilian Campaign, but artillery firc had so damagcd thc bridge
p. 102. structure that it collapscd shortly there-

after. This, coupled with heavy enemy 30 July before moving back on line with
fire, prevented the battalion from rein- the 15th Panzer Grenadier Division.
forcing the one company on the east bank In the meantime, plans for a combined
of the river. Though it managed to hold Anglo-American August oft'cnsive had so-
on to a precarious position for the rest of lidified. On 25 July, General Alexandcr
the aftemoon, just after dark the battalion had met with bis two anny commanders
commander pulled the company back to at Cassibile, the new 15th Army Group
the west side of the river. command post south of Syracusc. Here,
It was on the same evening, thirty the plan for the expulsion of thc Axis
miles inland, that the Germans had forces from the Messina pcninsula was
given up Nicosia. Though Guzwni might agrecd on and placed in eft'ect. The Scv-
disagree with Hube on sorne matters, he enth Army was to continue eastward along
was in basic agreement with the Gennan the two axes previously assigned in "a
commander that the Axis front as it was sustained relentless drive until the enemy
then constituted could not long be held is decisively defeated." 29 General Brad-
with the forces available on the island. ley's 11 Corps would continue to control
The eastern third of the front, manned the ground opcrations along both axes.
by the reinforced H ermann Goering Di- The Eighth Army was to make its major
vision, appeared to be relatively strong and effort on the left with the British 78th
could be expected to hold. But the pres- Division thrusting to the north along the
sure being exerted by the Americans and Catenanuova-Centuripe-Adrano axis and
the Canadians against the northem and the 1st Canadian Division driving to thc
central sectors seemed to demand a con- east along Highway 121 through Regal-
solidation of the Axis forces on the shorter buto. On the Eighth Army's right, the
front of the Etna line. The Gennan 13 Corps was to feint an attack toward
withdrawal from Nicosia was the begin- Catania to deceive the Gennans into
ning of this consolidation. On the next thinking this was the main British effort.
day, 28 July, as the 1st Division entered After the fall of Adrano, which General
Nicosia, Group Ens gave up Agira to the Montgomery estimated to be the key to
1st Canadian Division and pulled back the main Axis Etna positions, he expected
toward Gagliano to join fores with Group the Germans to pull out of Catania.
Fullriede. The Hermann Goering Divi- Then the 13 Corps would exploit to Mes-
sion extended its eastem ftank to block a sina around the eastern side of Mount
further Canadian advance, while the en- Etna. 81
tire 15th Panzer Grenadier Division pre- General Bradley, in accordance with the
pared to block a push eastward by the 1 st new directive to push on to the east-
Division. Thus, on 28 J uly, the central although bis push had never really
sector of the Axis front had consolidated stopped--decided to relieve the 45th Di-
near the Etna line. To cover this pull-
back, and to delay the Americans on the 211 Sevcnth Army Rpt of Opns, p. b-15.

north coast as long as possible, General ao Scvcnth Army Dircctivc, 31 Jul 43, Scvcnth
Hube ordered the 29th Panzer Grenadier Army Rpt of Opns, p. D-13.
u Nicholson, Th Canadians in ltaly, p. 139;
Division to hold forward of Santo Stefano Montgomcry, Eighth Army, p. 106; Butchcr, My
di Camastra at least through the night of ThrH Yars With Eisnhowr, p. 373.

vision with thc 3d Division on 31 July units of the U .S. 64th Fighter Wing had
and to pass the 9th Division through thc moved to Sicily. Ample air support
1st Division. But assembling the bulle of would be available to support the final
thc 9th Division would take time, and drive.84
Bradley dircctcd General Allen to kcep the Naval support was also available, if not
1st Division moving toward Cerami and in the quantity that had been availablc
Troina until the 9th Division could effect on 10 July. On 27 July, whcn Palermo
relief.82 was first opened to Allied shipping, Ad-
The American and British foot soldiers miral Hewitt crcated Naval Task Force
would have plenty of help in this final 88, consisting of the last few remaining
push to evict the Axis forces from Sicily. American warships in Sicilian waters.
The Allied air forces roamed almost at Under the command of Rcar Adm. Lyal
will through the skies above thc battle- A. Davidson, NTF 88 became "General
field. Almost no hostile aircraft rose to Patton's Navy"--set up to support thc
contest Allied air superiority. By the time Seventh Army's operations along the
Palermo fell, no Axis aircraft were operat- north coast.811 To carry out this mission,
ing from Sicilian airfields; all had been Admiral Davidson was initially assigned 2
withdrawn to the ltalian mainland or cruisers, 14 destroyers, 14 MTB's, 19
destroyed. With the enemy's air out of Ianding craft (2 LST's, 10 LCl(L)'s,
the way, the attention of the Allied air 7 LCT's), and a number of small escort
commands could tum to rendering direct craft.38 On the east coast, Admiral Cun-
and close support to the foot soldiers. ningham had warships available to sup-
Thc Seventh Army's advancc on Pal- port the Eighth Army operations, and
ermo had been so swift that it had been was prepared to fumish a number of
unnecessary to call in many close support landing craft to lift British ground units
air missions, with the result that most around the stubbom German Catania
tactical sorties had been flown well ahead defense line. Rear Adm. R. R. McGrigor,
of the advancing units in strafing and the senior British naval officcr in Sicily,
bombing attacks against targets of oppor- had completed all preparations nccessary
tunity and the road networks leading to to launch an amphibious end run.87
the active front. Group Ulich had suf- Even as the 3d Division began its move
fered hcavily from just such attacks, los- forward to effect the relief of the 45th
ing fifty vehicles and a complete artillery Division on the north coast road, General
battery while on the way to oppose the Middleton on the morning of 28 July
45th Division's advance along the north leapfroggcd regiments, ordering the 157th
coast road.88 lnfantry forward to take up the fight.
By this time, too, Allicd fighters, fighter- Colonel Ankcom's leading battalions failcd
bombers, and light bombers operated f rom
34 Craven and Cate, eds., Europ1: TORCH
captured airficlds on Sicily-at Licata,
to POINTBLANK, pp. 462-66; Coles, USAF
Ponte Olivo, Comiso, and others. Both Hist Study 37, pp. 122-28; 0403/9/3, sub:
the U.S. 31st and 33d Fighter Wings flew NAAF Daily Opna Summary, Jun-Jul 43; Sev-
under XII ASC control. By 30 July, all enth Army G-3 Opna File, sub: Air Support.
31 Morison, Sicily-Sal1rno-nzio, p. 191.

u 11 Corps FO11, 31 Jul 43. se WNTF Rpt of Opns, p. 72.

as MS #D-o95 (Ulich). 31 Roakill, vol. 111, pt. 1, pp. 142-43.

to get off to a fast start, for a blown 2d Battalion, 15th Panzer Grenadier Reg-
scction of the coastal road west of thc iment. Thcreafter, thc Germans pulled
Pollina Rivcr dclaycd thcir arrival at the back to the high ground along the Motta
Tusa Rivcr until late in the aftemoon. d'Aflermo-Mistrctta road. The samc day,
Eventually, at 1745, the 1st Battalion, to the south, the 18th RCT began send-
157th lnfantry, rclicvcd thc 18oth ing patrols north on Highway 117 toward
Infantry Battalion at the river. Imrncdi- Mistretta, thereby thrcatening the 29th
ately, Colonel Murphy, thc battalion com- Panzer Grenadier Division's open lcft
mander, scnt Company B across the river ftank.
to the left of the demolished bridge and On the morning of 29 July, the 2d
along the ftat coastal strip. Though it Battalion pushed out toward Motta, driv-
suflercd sorne casualties from mines and ing for two hills south of town. This day,
from enemy artillery fire, Company B though, the enemy refuscd to relinquish
started working up thc slopcs of the Tusa ground, and the battalion's attempt to
ridge-Hill 335-across the top of which ftank the German line to the north was
thc 3d Battalion, 15th Panzer Grenadier of no avail. To add weight to the tum-
Regiment had dug in. In the meantimc, ing movement, Colonel Ankcom, the 15 7th
Company C crosscd the river to the right Infantry Combat Team commander, com-
of the dcmolished bridge and started up mitted the 3d Battalion, which crossed
the forward slopcs of the hill, finally reach- the Tusa River behind the 1st Battalion,
ing a terrace just under thc stcep crest moved south toward Pettineo, then turned
where heavy small arrns and mortar fire inland to drive directly on Motta. Cov-
forced a hall. Company A, pul in on the ered by a three-battalion artillery concen-
right of Company C, could make no more tration ( almost 1,500 rounds) which
progress. As night carne, both companies forced the two forward companies from
clung precariously to thcir terracc pcrch. the 1st Battalion to cling to their terrace
But by this time, Company B had suc- walls whilc shells explodcd almost in their
ceeded in rcaching the top of the ridge faces, the 3d Battalion moved slowly to-
overlooking the sea. The company was ward Motta. The advance was still up-
low on ammunition, but it formed a line hill, for Motta itsclf was sorne 900 feet
near the edge of a clearing, and, though higher than the Tusa ridge line and rep-
harassed throughout the night by sniper rescnted the key terrain before Santo Ste-
fire and hand grenades, it held. fano, the 45th Division's objective. This
While the 1st Battalion developcd the ground the 45th Division would remember
Tusa ridge positions, the 2d Battalion, as "Bloody Ridge." By 1900, somewhat
157th Infantry, had swung inland, passcd disorganized, the two 157th Infantry bat-
through the 3d Battalion, 18oth Infantry, talions halted for the night short of Motta.
at Tusa, and crosscd the river into Pet- The 29th Panzer Grenadier Division
tineo by darkness of 23 July. In con- was still not ready to give up this line
trast to the tough resistance encountered before 30 July. Though General Fries
by the 18oth Infantry thc previous day, had lost the Tusa River line and faced
thc only opposition to the advance on the the threat of an envclopment of Santo
28th carne in the form of a small coun- Stefano from the south-Mistretta (ten
terattack launched by a portion of the miles to the south) was entered by Amcri-

DEMOLISHED BRIDGE ALONG HIGHWAY 117 betwun Santo Stifano and Mistretta slows doum
45th Division troops.

can troops on 29 July-he ordered Colo- Regiment and two battalions from the
nel Ulich to mount a counterattack on division's artillery.
the morning of 30 July to retake the Tusa At 0430, 30 July, without preparatory
ridge to slow the American advance to- artillery fires, the German attack jumped
ward Santo Stefano from the west. Gen- off from just north of Motta. Initially,
eral Fries was confident that the rough it achieved full surprise and gained sorne
nature of the terrain between Mistretta ground, but at heavy cost. The 1st and
and Santo Stefano, coupled with the ease 3d Battalions, 157th lnfantry, recovered
with which Highway 1 17 could be blocked their composure quickly and dug in to
at almost any point, precluded any rapid hold. Alert to its supporting role, the
American advance from the south. The 45th Division artillery began firing soon
most serious threat to Santo Stefano re- after the attack developed. From the
mained the 45th Division; this was the south, the 2d Battalion poured heavy firc
unit that had to be halted if Santo Stefano on the German flank. By noon, the m-
was to hold out another twenty-four petus of the German attack slowed con-
hours. To make the counterattack, Gen- siderably. After taking a fifteen-minute,
eral Fries attached to Group Ulich a bat- three-battalion artillery concentration
talion from the 7 ISt Panzer Grenadier shortly af ter 1300, the Germans stopped.

That night, the 157th Infantry resumed For a short time, at lcast, the division
its advanee. Motta fell without a fight. could cnjoy a respite from the bloody busi-
Leaving one rcinforccd battalion to hold ness o war.
Santo Stcfano as long as posgble, General In its first twenty-one days of combat
Fries moved bis division castward. The in World War 11, the 45th Division had
town fcll the ncxt morning.38 camed an cnviable rcputation. It had
For the 45th Division, Santo Stefano marched and fought from Scoglitti to the
marked the end of active combat opera- north coast, suffercd 1, 156 casualtics, and
tions in Sicily, although the 157th In- taken 10,977 prisoners.
fantry would take part in an opcration As the 3d Division moved into line on
near late in the campaign. the north coast, the 1st Division, on thc
11 Corps southcm axis, Highway 120,
11 157th lnf Regt Rpt of Opru; Infantry Com-
bcgan what was to be its hardest and
bat, Part Five: Sicily, pp. ll4-30; MS #D-o95 bloodiest battle of the Sicilian Campaign-
(Ulich); OKH, Tag"meldung'11 West, ll9 Jul 43. Troina.

The Battle of Troina

The 1st Division's pursuit of the 15th the 15th and 29th Panzer Grenadier Di-
Panzer Grenadier Division from Nicosia visions, placed its four artillery battalions
carne to an end on 29 July, when heavy under German control just east of Troina.2
rain and stubborn rear guard resistance As early as 22 July, American intelli-
stopped the 16th RCT about four miles gence officers were describing the Etna
east of the former Axis stronghold. Tha:t line with accuracy.8 But they gu~d
afternoon thc forward troops of the 16th that the Germans were building up
Infantry dug in on threc hills which com- another, more highly organized, final de-
manded the highway about three miles fensive line from which they could laun ch
short of Cerami. Beyond Cerami, eight a vigorous countcrattack as well as screen
more miles of road would have to be taken a ~ble withdrawal to the Italian main-
befare the 1st Division could enter Troina. land. 4
Meanwhilc, General Rodt's 15th Pan- In this the Amcricans guessed wrong.
zer Grenadier Division had completed its General Hube had no concept of a final
preparations to move back toward the defensive line. Rather, he saw in thc
Etna line, which, in the northern sector northeast sector of the island ground on
extended from Sant'Agata to San Fratello which he could establish a succcssion of
and Ccsaro, first occupying an intermedi- strongpoints----as opposcd to a line of de-
ate defense line hinged on Troina. Along {enses-almost, but not quite, as though
this forward line, General Rodt disposed lateral means of communication did not
Group Fullriede in Troina and along the exist. The fact that the terrain denied
high ground north of the town, Group freedom of maneuver was something Hube
Ens in the terrain to the south. 1 Rodt's could use to his advantage. lf small gar-
division, united for the first time during risons proved effective, they could stay as
the campaign, maintained a loose con- long as they werc not endangered by the
tact with the H ermann Goering Division f all of a flanking stronghold. And when
on its left near Regalbuto, and on the the garrisons were in imminent danger of
right with the 29th Panzer Grenadier falling or of being encircled, they would
Division, also pulling back along the north have at their rear a good road along which
coast toward the Etna line. The Aosta 2 Faldella, Lo sbarco, p. 244 and Table 12.
Division, holding a vague sector between 1 Seventh Army G-2 Periodic Rpt 14, H Jul
43, in Seventh Army Rpt of Opns, p. C-35; aee
1 rst Inf Div Consolidated Preliminary Inter- also Seventh Army G-2 Est of Enemy Sit 5, 23
rogation Rpt, 2 Aug 43; ut Inf Div G-2 Peri- Jul 43, in Seventh Army Rpt of Opns, p. C-17.
odic Rpt 27, 7 Aug 43; OB SUED, Meldungen, 4 Seventh Army G-2 Periodic Rpts 18 and 19,
0750, 30 Jul 43. 27 and 28 Jul 43.
they could withdraw. At the same time, ter, Jr.) rcported at 1215, 29 July,
most of the defending forces would be well "Gcrmans very tired, little ammo, many
away from the front lines. casualtics, morale low." 1 And two days
It was the failure to apprcciate the later, he said: "Offering slight resistance
priority which the Gcrmans gave to their to our advancing force, the enemy fought
withdrawal movement that caused the a delaying action while the bulk of the
Americans most of thcir trouble at Troina. force withdrew toward Cesaro. The de-
This failure was spotlighted by the un- laying forces consisted of small groups of
remitting search for a final dcfensive line infantry with mortars and machine guns
in the Seventh Army's zone. All informa- and were supported by artillery." 8 That
tion pointcd to heavy troop and matriel same evening, 31 July, the 11 Corps an-
movements p~g through, and not stop- nounced: "Indications are Troina lightly
ping at, Troina. Air reconnaissance also held." 9
discovered a large bivouac arca near The terrain facing the 11 Corps forces
Cesaro, and when direct observation from on Highway 1 20 was difficult. Half a
Nicosia and Ccrami showed how lightly dozen ridge systems running generally
Troina was held, the guesses about where north and south compartmentalize the
the Germans would hold focused farther terrain between Nicosia and Randazzo,
and farther eastward. On 28 July, the 11 and each series of hills commands the
Corps G-2 believed the Germans would highway. Any of several might have
continue their rear guard actions and served to anchor a defcnsive line forward
make a final stand either along a line of the Etna positions but the Troina ridge
located on high ground sorne five miles in particular possessed several choice fea-
cast of Troina, or along a line between tures: avenucs of communication in the
Cesaro and Randazzo. The reason: "The vicinity of the town were so few and the
succ~ul defense of Catania and the hill systems so arranged that half a
Catania Plain have raised German morale dozen fortified hills could completely con-
and hopes to the point where they are trol not only Highway 120 but also any
willing to gamble two or three more di- endeavor to ftank these positions-any
visions to hold a Sicilian bridgehead.,, 11 attempt to envelop the town would re-
On 30 July, the 11 Corps G--2 said: quire a very wide encirclement; gun posi-
"Indications from observed bivouac arcas tions in the town not only looked down
north of Cesaro and the general with- on the highway, they could also pour
drawal of the encmy east of Cesaro fol- effective fire on Cerami ( from which an
lowing the day's fighting are that the attack had to be launched) and espe-
enemy is falling back to that area." 11 cially on a wide curve which the highway
The 11 Corps and the 1st Division in- made as it left Cerami; the cup-shaped
telligence estimates also emphasized the valley between Cerami and Troina was ex-
poor condition and small size of the enemy ceptionally barren and devoid of cover;
force holding Troina. Relying chiefly on and, above ali, since the Germans had
prisoner of war and civilian testimony, the shown from the beginning o~ the carnpaign
1st Division G-2 (Lt. Col. Ray W. Por-
7 ut lnf Div G-2 Jnl, 29 Jul 43.
11 II Corps G-2 Est 9, 28 Jul 43. 8 ut lnf Div G-2 Periodic Rpt 20, 31 Jul 43.
6 II Corps G-2 Periodic Rpt 18, 30 Jul 43. 9 11 Corps G-2 Jnl, 31 Jul 43.


that the one line they insisted on holding tire delaying action. Again, to let Troina
was the line stretching along the southem go and try to use Cesara (which had
base of Mount Etna, Troina was the nearly the same bundle of things to
best place along Highway 120 that would recommend it) would bring the Allies
serve as the continuation of the line from entirely too close to the southern portion
Etna to the north coast. Nicosia and of the Etna line. Cesara had to be given
even Cerami were not only comparatively up after, not before, Adrano, to allow the
easy to outftank, but were also too far Gennan center to evacuate along two
from the towns holding out against the roads to Messina instead of only one. In
Eighth Anny- first Agira and Regalbuto, other words, the loss of Troina would
but above all Adrano and Catania. To mean that the entire Etna line would be-
give up these towns ( except on a definite come a dangerous liability.
timetable) would mean that the greater The terrain canalized the 1st Division's
part of the Gennan garrison in Sicily advance, and Troina was an effective
would be trapped in the Etna area, the blocking point. The road itself carne
limited communications and stone walls of under interdiction possibilities at Cerami.
which had been a majar factor in the en- Just south of Cerami, a high hill ( Hill

1030), and just beyond that the Cerami be fired upon also from Monte Acuto.
River, afforded cover for an assembly The south and southwest faces of Hill 1o61
arca, and a strcam-bed approach to the were defiladed f rom fire from Monte
southeast of Troina-the so-called Gagliano Acuto; but Hill 1035 (Monte Basilio) , an
salient. These features in the approaches extension of the Acuto ridge, was vulner-
to Troina weakened somewhat the all able to enfilade on both faces. Thus, an
around defense capabilities. advance on Troina in the terrain north of
U nlike most other towns in Sicily, Cerami the highway would be caught between
has wide streets. Through traffic would not two fires.
be a great problem, and a few blown The Monte Acuto position, almost a
houses would not bccome an effective bar- mile high, marked one of the strong fea-
rier. But as the highway comes in from tures of the German line. It dominated
the southwest, cr~ the south end of the lower ridges and ridge noses toward
town, then turns north, the exposed road Troina. It covered the valley and the
emerges into point-blank range for any entire Troina front; the highway for sorne
artillery in or south of Troina. Beyond distance west of Troina, and east of the
Cerami, the highway bears east for a mile town as far as the Troina River crossing;
and a half before making a reverse loop the front of the positions south of Troina
which is a pocket. Sheltered from artillery along the Gagliano road; and its own
positions on Monte Acuto by Hill 1234 on approaches: west from Capizzi, and south-
the north and from Troina by Hills 1140 west around the flank of Hill 1254 to-
and 1061 on the east, the road pocket wards Cerami. Only from the north,
around a small valley head was in com- where the ground ascended to Monte
plete defilade; high-angle fire alone could Pelato, was the Monte Acuto position
reach it. But the mountain streams that vulnerable, but only if the defenders could
run through the pocket make steep gulches, not hold the higher points.
and two blown bridges in the loop would Troina proper, a town of 12,000 people,
add considerably to the 1st Division's en- was itseli a natural strongpoint, built
gineering problems. on a bluff ridge, high and dominating.
Beyond the face of Hill 1030, Troina The highway did not go through the
looks down the throat of any force ap- town; rather, it ran along the town's
proaching from the west. Two and a front, then turned left and crosscd thc
half miles of the road were completely ridge through a sort of pass. This
dominated by positions in Troina and had several significant implications. First,
on the north extension of the Troina ridge. Troina was not in itseli a roadblock, but
Besides controlling the highway, posi- its high fortified position enabled it to
tions in Troina also covered the hill noses control not only Highway 120, but also
west of the town. Any approach to the road southeast to Adrano and a second-
Troina by troops north of the road must ary road running southwest to Gagliano.
come down these noses, and artillery fire Second, the highway swung around be-
from across the small valley between them hind the ridge and was defiladed for sorne
and Troina could literally slap an advance distance northeast toward Cesaro. This
in the face. The major hill noses are would makc use of thc highway pos.gblc
those of Hills 1061 and 1035, which could even under attack from the west, and

make it available for a withdrawal from of the lower half of the Gagliano-Troina
Troina should the situation become unten- road to help gain ftanking approaches to
able. These advantages did not obtain the other two hills in the salient and to
against positions on the Troina ridge at the key points on the ridge line south of
Monte Basilio ( Hill 1035) which, if taken, Troina. A powerful strike here could
would threaten to cut off any forces in crack the salient and tum up both ftanks,
Troina from withdrawal to the east. or elsc force a rapid withdrawal from the
Troina's streets were narrow with right Pellegrino positions north to the ridge.
angle turns. The main street made such This would pose a serious threat to the
a tum on the northeast face of a cliff. left flank of the Troina positions, and like
At the top of the town, two spires of a Monte Basilio north of the town, the oc-
Norman church overlooked a small public cupation of Monte Pellegrino would put
square. At the cliff front a round feudal the attackers in position seriously to
tower provided an ideal observation post. threaten the highway east of Troina, the
The streets, buildings, and massive stone only good route of withdrawal.
houses made good holding places for in- Throughout the Troina area, the ground
fantry. Once beaten down from the front, was rugged. Hill slopes rose abruptly,
the infantry could always crawl out the forming canyons rather than valleys, and
back way and down the road to Cesaro. usually separated by rocky streams only a
The Troina ridge extended northeast few feet wide. The Americans would find
bcyond the town, covered the Cesaro road, these streams sown with mines. Soldiers
and afforded excellent artillery emplace- would have to scramble over surfaces that
ments. Shielding the town on the west would tax the agility of a mountain goat.
was another ridge system, with key strong- They would find objectives .as difficult to
points both north and south of the high- recognize as to reach, for the hills looked
way, and there would occur sorne of the much alike, and a distinguishing feature
bitterest fighting in the battle for Troina, noted from one angle would tend to dis-
particularly at three key points: Hill 1061, appear when viewed from a different
north of the highway; Hills 1006 and angle. The Troina area was a demoli-
1034, south of the road. Below Hill 1034 tion engineer's dream. The smallest ra-
the same ridge tumed to the east, so that vine was a deep gukh, and a destroyed
south of Troina the town's defenses were road would require a bypass down a long
at right angles to the positions north and descent. The terrain favored the first
west of the town. The south face held comer, especially the defender, and tho
the key strongpoints of Hill 851, Monte Germans proved to be most adept in
Bianco, and Monte San Gregario. Far- selecting and employing the terrain for
ther south lay the Gagliano salient: Gag- defense.
liano, Monte Pellegrino, and Monte Salici, 1st Division patrols, from both the
the latter two lying on high ground ex- 16th and 18th RCTs, on 30 July had al-
tending east across the Troina River. ready probed the approaches to Cerami.
Gagliano was accessible by road from the Noting sorne artillery and much activity
south; it had few natural defenses and in the town, they made no attempt to
was too far from Troina to be held by a enter it. A 39th lnfantry attack was
large force. An attacker could make use scheduled for the following day. This

4TH T A BOR OF GouMs mol'ing north of Highway 120 toward Capizzz~ 30 July.

unit, now under Col. H. A. Flint, had the Americans ar Goumiers, were streng-
been attached to the 1st Division pending thening the right flank of the Gennan dc-
the arrival of the remainder of the gth fenses at Troina. 10
Division. South of the highway similar incidents
North of Highway 120 the 4th Tabor occurred. A troop from the 9 1st Re-
of Goums, attached to the 18th Infantry, connaissance Squadron occupied Monte
moved toward Capizzi on 30 July with- Femmina Marta (less than 1500 yards
out incident until late in the day. Then west of the Gennan ridge positions-
small arms and mortar fire stopped the Hills 1006 and 1034-west of Troina)
goums. Not until daylight, 31 July, and on 30 July and gained contact with 16th
only after a heavy volume of covering Infantry patrols. Another troop of the
artillery fire were the Goumiers able to en- reconnaissance squadron, fumishing right
ter Capizzi. An advance that afternoon of flank protection far the division, made
a mile and a half northeast of Capizzi to
Hill 1321 (Monte Scimone) stirred up 1
Capt Verlet, CO 4th Tabor, Rpt of Opns,
only minar resistance. The ltalian troops 31 Aug 43, KCRC X-15667 ; IT 99b; Opera
zioni in Sicilia dal r al r 7 agosto 1943, Narra-
from the Aosta Division were falling back tiva, Allegati, IT 99c ( cited hereafter as IT 99c ) ;
and in the process, though unknown to Faldella, Lo sbarco, pp. 249-51.

contact with the Canadians in Agira, of the highway at darknt.SS on 31 July

then moved northeast along the unim- for a dircct thrust to Troina by daylight
proved road toward Gagliano. Late in of 1 August. 18 This, Allen hopcd, would
the aftemoon, a huge erater just short of coincide with the 39th lnfantry's advance
the village halted further progr~ The eastward from Cera.mi toward the north-
enemy was nowhere in evidence. cm edge of Troina.
Not until thc following moming, 31 In support of the attack, General An-
July, when the reconnaissance troop tried drus, thc 1st Division's artillery com-
to repair thc crater south of Gagliano did mander, deployed an impressive array of
a detachment of thc 15th Panzer Grena- supporting fires. Controlling the eight
dier Division put in an appcarance and organic battalions of the Ist and gth Di-
contest the road. And not until the next visions, plus almost the same number of
day, 1 August, after heavy supporting artillery battalions attachcd from the 11
fires were laid on the enemy, did the re- Corps, General Andrus had at bis disposal
connaissance troop enter Gagliano.11 165 artillery pieces. 14
Meanwhile, Colonel Flint's 39th In- This massive artillery support actually
fantry on 30 July had passcd through did not appcar to be nccdcd, for when
units of both the 16th and 18th Regiments Flint's 39th Infantry jumpcd off toward
immediately north and south of the high- Cera.mi at dawn on 3 1 J uly the troops
way and by evening was prepared to jump met no opposition exccpt that offered by
off at dawn to take Cera.mi, then con- the rough terrain north of the highway.
tinue to Troina. Both objectives seemed By 0900 that morning a battalion was in
ready to fall, for prisoners' statements Cera.mi.
that day underscored the weakn~ of Though Allen had contemplated mov-
Troina's defenders. Air reconnaissance ing Bowen's 26th lnfantry through the
confirmed tbis impression, for pilots could 16th lnfantry for a direct thrust to Troina,
find little evidence of strong defenses Flint's easy success made committment of
around the town. Only light traffic the 26th seem unnecessary. Allen there-
passed between Troina and Randazzo. fore instructed Flint to continue alone, bis
Troina seemed to be just another place mtsmon to capture Troina and the high
with a skeleton garrison to fight a brief ground east of Troina astride Highway
delaying action before pulling out, even I 20. 111
though one report indicated that "they Optimism was the order of the day
seem to be right in there." 12 Conse- when Genera.Is Bradley and Allen visited
quently, General Allen late on the even- Flint's command post early in the after-
ing of 30 July planned to reinforce the noon. They passcd along a report from
39th lnfantry's attack by committing civilians who said the town contained
the 26th Infantry through the 16th south only a few troops, some antitank guns, an
antiaircraft battery, and one heavy gun.
11 9 ut Rcn Squad AAR. Sgt. Gerry H. Kis-
tcrs, who knockcd out two Gcrman machinc gun 13 ut Inf Div G-3 Jnl, cntry 84, 30 Jul 43.
position1 though fivc times woundcd, was latcr 14 ut Inf Div Arty AAR.
awardcd thc Mcdal of Honor. 15 ut Inf Div 0-3 Jnl, cntrica 12, 14, and 24,
u ut Inf Div G-2 Pcriodic Rpt 19, 30 Jul 31 Jul 43; 39th Inf Rcgt Jnl, cntrics 23 and 41,
43; ut Inf Div 0-3 Jnl, cntry 69, 30 Jul 43. 31 Jul 43.
FoRWARO BSERVATION PosT near Cerami. A rtillery fire is being directed on Troina, in the distance.

ARTILLERY IN Posrr10N NEAR CERAMI. The 155-mm. rifle isfiring 011 Troina.

They infonned Flint that they had no to thc rear on both ftanks, the onc on thc
specific deadline for his capture of Troina. right operating as far as two miles south
They also suggested he use a trail along of the highway.
an aqueduct for his approach to the town Though thc plan for thc ground ~ult
while artillery worked over the reverse seemcd to promise succes,,, the artillery
slopes of the hills shielding Troina. 18 was unable to give the expected support
Despite this optimism Flint's troops because ali thc battalions could not be
were already running into trouble. Gcr- brought far enough forward in time for
man mortar and artillery fire denied the thc attack. The road was in poor shape
Americans a direct approach to Troina. and clogged with traffic. The Luftwaffe
Covered by heavy concentrations of sup- ( making one of its rare appearances) had
porting artillery, the regiment advanced strafed and bombed artillery positions
only with difficulty. By the end of the and caused sorne confusion if not casual-
day one battalion had reached Monte ties. And Gennan artillery was interdict-
Timponivoli ( Hill 1209), about haliway ing thc routes of displacement. 111
to the objective north of the highway, and Despite the absencc of what was con-
two hills south of the road on line with sidered adequate artillcry support, Flint
Monte Femmina Morta. decided to go ahead. Perhaps he had
Y et American optimism persisted. little choice in the matter. The remainder
Gennan prisoners emphasized "There is a of the 9th Division was scheduled to
pull-out now. Troina has a couple of unload in Palenno on 1 August and Gen-
guns in it." 17 General Allen still felt eral Allcn felt a moral obligation to cap-
the 39th lnfantry could take Troina alone, ture Troina befare turning over "a tight
but he again turned to the idea of bring- sector" to General Eddy.20 In any cvent,
ing up the 26th lnfantry if it became almost everybody expected Troina to fall
nccessa.ry in the next few days. 18 easily.
For Flint's second day of attack on When Colonel Bond's 3d Battalion, 39th
Troina, 1 August, the Tabor of Goums, Infantry, jumped off at 0500, 1 August,
relcased from attachment to the 18th the regiment was already haliway from
Infantry and placed under division control, Cerami to Troina: a scant four miles
was to cover the 39th's lcft ftank by mov- from the objective. Advancing southeast
ing castward toward Monte Acuto, thcn from Monte Timponivoli ( Hill 1209)
southeast to Monte Basilio, and cventually
past Troina and the highway east of town. 19 39th Inf Regt Scheme of Maneuver, 1 Aug
Flint's schcmc of maneuver envisioned Lt. 43; Verlet Rpt of Opns, 4th Tabor; ut Infantry
Col. Van H. Bond's 3d Battalion making Division G-3 Journal, entry 54, 31 July 1943
states: "Tell 39th we can't give them ali artil-
the main effort by following the general lery they ask for." See abo 39th Inf Regt Jnl,
line of the highway to seize high ground entries 47 and 57, 31 Jul 43.
ad jacent to and north of the town. The On 31 July, for example, it took the 7th Field
Artillery Battalion three hours to complete a
other two battalions were to be echeloned seven and a half mile move to new positions
southwest of Cerami. See 7th FA Bn AAR, 31
16 39th Inf Regt Jnl, entries 43 and 44, 31 Jul 43.
Jul 43. 20 ut Inf Div 0-3 Jnl, entry 'l7, 'l August 43;
11 ut Inf Div 0-3 Jnl, entry 45, 31 Jul 43. see also Allen, ut Inf Div Sit and Opns Rpt, 8
111 lbid., entry 36, 31 J ul 43. Aug 4'l-7 Aug 43, p. 19.
693-029 o - 65 - 23

39TH INFANTRY HALF-TRACK through a narrow street in Cerami.

north of Highway 1 20, Bond hoped to positions having no effect on the intensity
move as rapidly as the terrain permitted. of the German reaction, Bond in mid-
He would have to cross a series of abrupt morning pulled back to his line of de-
hills that paralleled the highway, but parture. ( M ap 5)
these constituted no ridge line in the real The withdrawal was fortunate. As a
sense of the term. The 3d Battalion, result, Bond was ready to meet and repel
though, would be advancing along hill a relatively small German counterattack
noses west of Troina, noses covered by fire clown the aqueduct trail from the north.
from Troina as well as from Monte Acuto. With effective artillery support, Bond's 3d
Colonel Bond was to be disappointed. Battalion turned back the threat before
His battalion immediately encountered noon. Yet continued mortar and machine
mortar and small arms fire, and beyond gun fire from German positions east and
one thousand yards from Monte Timponi- north of Monte Timponivoli was in suf-
voli the battalion could not advance. ficient volume to negate hopes for any
Artillery fire against suspected enemy advance at ali toward Troina.
1-6 August 1943
Fo,.,,, ;,,,. fJll/y
1 o R lllLES
11 1
''d 1'1/1h'd 1



.3-s AUG



""'C.:)t .
B/91 Rcn


Pesfilrnism might havc bccn warranted join the fight. Allcn dirccted Colonel
had not Group Ens' defenses south of the Taylor to attack on the 39th Infantry
highway proved porous indeed comparcd right, striking out from Monte Fcmmina
to the defense put up thus far by Group Morta toward the south sidc of Troina
Fullriede north of the road. Maj. Philip and then on to Hil1 1056, south of the
C. Tinley's 1st Battalion, 39th Infantry, had highway and about a mile east of the town.
its leading company three miles ahead of By gaining Hill 1056, the 16th lnfantry
its line of departurc and ensconced on Hill would cut the road lcading from Troina
1034, a key spot on the important ridge to Adrano, one of the two exit roads from
position west of Troina, about the time Troina available to the Gcrmans. In ef-
that Bond was rcpelling the counter- fect, Allcn was applying the same tactics
attack to the north. Because the com- used at Sperlinga and Nicosia the week
pany had met no opposition, Tinley beforc: a double envelopment of a strong,
rcinforced it early in the afternoon with natural defcnsive position. General An-
another rifle company. As the lead com- drus promised full support for the attack,
pany dug in on Hill 1034, thc company scheduled to go off at 0500 on 2 August. 21
coming up behind rounded up thirty pris- Later, however as word of Tinley's
oners and entercd the perimeter. Either encouraging progrcss south of the high-
the 1st Battalion had moved too rapidly way carne into division headquarters, Al-
or Group Ens did not yet have its defenses len began to reconsider. After Flint in-
well organized. In any evcnt, Coloncl sisted that his 39th Infantry could do the
Ens bcgan to prepare to rctakc the high job alone, Allen definitely made up bis
ground, less than a milc west of Troina, mind to Jet Flint have another try at
and dislodgc the Amcricans, who had a Troina. Adding support to this decision
clear view not only of thc strccts of Troina was a conversation Allcn had with General
but of artillcry positions farthcr to the Bradley. The 11 Corps commander ex-
east. pected the gth Division to relieve the 1st,
The contrasting fortunes of the battal- not on 4 August as originally anticipated
ions north and south of Highway 120 but a day or two later. Since the
gave General Allcn no surc guidance on 39th Infantry seemed to be moving,
whether or not to commit the 26th In- Bradlcy agreed that thcrc was no rcason
fantry to reinforce the 39th Infantry's for concern over the possibility that the
attack. He first decided to act on the arrival of Eddy's troops might intcrfere
side of prudencc and in midmorning or- with Allen's attack-Troina would surely
dered Colonel Bowen to pass bis 26th be taken in amplc time to allow the 1st
lnfantry around Flint's forces, to the Division to retire to Nicosia and cede the
north of the highway, instead of on the field of battle to the gth.22
south side as originally planned. Operat- But an hour later, near 1400, Allen
ing north of the 39th Infantry positions, again changed his mind. Now, though
Colonel Bowcn was to cut the highway Flint's regiment was to continue making
about two miles beyond Troina by striking thc division's main cffort against Troina,
eastward, first to Monte Basilio, and then
to a hill mass commanding the road. 21 ut Inf Div G-3, Jnl, entry 18, 1 Aug 43.
Now, too, the 16th Infantry was also to 22 lbid., entries 31 and 3a, 1 Aug 43.


thc 26th Infantry was to come up on been in agreement with Colonel Bowcn's
Flint's lcft to go for the hill mass which estmate, for the Goumiers that day, trying
commanded the highway cast of Troina. to push from Monte Scirnone to Monte
Taylor's 16th lnfantry was not to be used Acuto, had advanced only a mile to the
on Flint's right, for it appcared that Troina River before being stopped by
Tinley's 1st Battalion, 39th lnfantry, would showers of mortar and artillery fire. Ef-
be able to take the objective earlier con- forts to advance during the night and on
templated for Taylor. the following day, 2 August, met with no
As for Bowen, since Allen did not spec- success.25
ify the strength Bowen was to employ, the Mcanwhile, Flint, on the aftemoon of 1
26th Infantry commander proposcd to use August and with General Allcn's permis-
two battalions on Flint's left, as Allcn sion, had been trying to take Troina alone.
had suggested carlier in the morning. The He ordered the 2d and 3d Battalions to
rst Division G-3, Lt. Col. Frederick W. launch a co-ordinated attack to the high
Gibb, thought one battalion would be ground north of Troina. But the push
enough, since the Tabor of Goums would tumed out to be a gentle shove that got
be operating on Bowen's left. Bowen nowhere. Enemy shelling was the ob-
finally decided to jump off in a column stacle. Adding to Flint's problems was
of battalions. To satisfy bis request for a counterattack at nightfall directed by
all po~ble artillery assistance, General Group Ens against Tinley's 1st Battalion
Allen gave him four batteries of 155-mm. on Hill 1034, just west of Troina. The
guns (Long T oms), four battalions of light Germans "thumped hell out of A and C
artillery, and one medium battalion for Companies." Strong German artillery
direct support.23 Despite this help, Colo- and mortar fire accompanied the thrust
nel Bowen was still worried over the by sorne two hundred men, which scat-
scale of German resistance around Troina: tered the American companies badly.
"1 think thcre is a hell of a lot of stuff Hoping to use bis reserve company posi-
there up ncar our objcctive," he said, tions--more than a mile to the rear-as
"and clown south also." All the informa- a rallying point, Tinley asked permission
tion at Bowen's disposal pointed toward to withdraw. Flint grudgingly assented.
"a very strong defense," and he questioned By midnight, Tinley had the battalion
whether "we have strength enough to do well in hand, though Company A had
the job." Later, when the 2d Battalion, only two platoons left, Company C
26th Infantry, was moving toward its slightly less. The cntire battalion num-
line of departure, Bowen thought it was bered about 300 men, and the Gcrmans
"moving right into the teeth of the enemy were less than 2,000 yards from the 1st
aJ].d not around him." 24 Battalion's positions. Ens had gained bis
The 4th Tabor of Goums would have objective, the important ridge line strong-
point at Hill 1034, but instcad of ex-
ploiting this success, he set bis troops to
n nt Inf Div G-3 Jnl, entrie1 37, 38, 40, 45, digging in along the ridge to block further
and 58, 1 Aug 43; 26th Inf Regt S-1 Jnl, en-
triea timed 1446, 1504, 1516, and 1532, 1 Aug 43.
u 26th Inf Regt S-r Jnl, entrie1 timed 2115
and 2340, 1 Aug 43. 25 Verlet Rpt of Opns, 4th Tabor.

American attempts against Troina he ex- which he hopcd would devclop in its
pcctcd f rom the west and south.29 later stagcs into a double envclopment.21
The third day of the action against He attached a battalion of the 18th In-
Troina on 2 August again proved fruit- fantry to the 16th on the division's right
less. The Goumiers on the division's left for an attack from Gagliano to Monte
could not CJ"O$ the Troina River and re- Bianco, about two miles south of Troina,
mained in place throughout ' the day. a key strongpoint on the German ridge
Flint's 39th lnfantry was able to do no defense line. The organic infantry battal-
more, every attempt to advance meeting ions of the 16th lnfantry werc to take the
scorching enemy fires. Only in the ter- town and cut the road to Adrano. The
rain between the Goumiers and the 39th 39th lnfantry was to seize Monte San
lnfantry, where the 26th lnfantry entered Silvestro, two miles northwest of Troina
the battle, did the 1st Division achieve and then go into division reserve. The
any success, and this gain, a result of 26th lnfantry was to continue its encircl-
cautious advance, was only tentative in ing movement of Troina, swinging past the
naturc. 39th lnfantry to take Monte Basilio and
Jumping off at 0500 that morning in then moving southeast to cut the highway
a column of battalions, the 26th Infantry behind Troina.
moved eastward slowly, hampered by the Though the main attack was scheduled
lack of success of the units on its flanks to start at 0300, 3 August, the 2d Bat-
as well as by unsatisfactory communication talion, 16th lnfantry, moved out shortly
with them. The lcading battalion met after midnight, lcading the regiment in its
little ground opposition, and though thcy swing to the south toward the southem
received increasingly heavy enemy artillery comer of the Gcrman ridge positions,
fire as well as occasional small anns fire, where the ridge line swings in its are to
the forward clements pushed ahcad more the east. The 3d Battalion followed.
than a half a mile to Rocca di Mania. By dawn, the leading clements of the
With the rcgiment's flanks already exposcd, battalions werc halfway up the slopcs of
further advance seemed not only risky but the ridge, ready for the final assault. But
pointless. Bowen halted his troops and as daylight carne, German small anns and
awaited the following day and the execu- machine gun fire interfered. The men
tion of a stronger attack which Gen- werc pinned to the ground. Several at-
eral Allen was even then planning and tempts to get the assault moving failed,
preparing. and by noon it was evident that the 16th
By this time, Allen was finally convinced lnfantry could not move.
that he had to make a large-scale and co- Having rcached that conclusion shortly
ordinated effort to smash the Troina beforc noon, General Allen ordercd the
defenses. His new plan involved employ- battalion of the 18th Infantry attached
ing additional forces in a frontal assault to the 16th to push beyond its originally
assigned objective and take high ground a
25 39th Inf Regt Jnl, entries 51 and 53, 1 Aug half mile south of Troina. The ISt Bat-
43, and entry 1, 2 Aug 43; 26th Inf Regt S-1 talion, 16th Infantry, was to assist.
Jnl, entries timed 0020, 0625, and 0847, 2 Aug
43; ut lnf Div G-3 Jnl, entries 73, 75, 76, and
79, 1 Aug 43. 27 ut Inf Div FO 30, 2 Aug 43.

The battalion from the 18th lnfantry stoppcd the push about halfway to
had been advancing from Gagliano with- Troina. 811
out opposition, though hindered by ter- Still hoping to keep the attack going on
ram. General Allen wanted the battalion his right ( south) flank, General Allen or-
to speed up its movement, for the two dered one of the two battalions to malee
battalions of the 16th Infantry, pinned a wider swing to the east and attempt to
down on the ridge slope, appeared to be outflank Troina completely. But a few
in a precarious position. What Allen minutes later, the aS5istant division com-
wanted to do was divert German attention mander, General Roosevelt, arrived in
from the main body of the regiment.28 the arca, took one look at the terrain to
Before the battalions coming up from the east, and advised Allen against the
the south could start a real push, Group move. The terrain, much of it sheer rock,
Ens mounted a counterattack around and the condition of the units--badly
noon, using infantry and tanks in an scattered in the process of getting this
attempt to throw the advance troops of far-seemed to rule out success.81
the 16th lnfantry off the slopes of the Conditions north of the highway were
ridge. Responding to a request from hardly better. A battalion of the 26th
Colonel Taylor, General Andrus put the lnfantry reached its initial objective,
fire of six battalions of artillery along the Monte Basilio, with surprising case, about
high ground. This, plus dogged fighting the same time that a battalion of the 39th
by the infantry, prevented the men from lnfantry had, with the same facility,
being overrun. reached Monte San Silvestro. Yet soon
Although stalled in this counterattack, after the leading troops of both regiments
Colonel Ens kept exerting pressure through- reached these hill masscs, enemy artillery
out the afternoon. The strongest effort began to pound them. Observing that
occurred around 1500, when two hun- the fire was coming from reverse slope
dred men carne into such close contact positions to the north and east, positions
with the American troops that artillery difficult to reach with artillery, Bowen
support could not be used. By the end called for an air strike. Sorne half a
of the day, Companies E and F, 16th dozen Spitfires responded about 1 1 oo
lnfantry, seemed to have little more than and bombed and strafed the north slopes
one platoon each remaining, with the of Monte Castagna and Monte Acuto.
others missing. Though the 3d Battalion, The enemy shelling lessened as a result.32
16th lnfantry, was in better shape, it was About the time that Bowen was getting
in no condition to resume the attack.28 his air strike, Flint called for another.
Nor could the two battalions on the He had learned that a road, not shown on
south make much progress in driving available maps, ran generally east and
toward Troina from Gagliano. Gennan northeast f rom Capizzi for sorne fifteen
raids on both flanks and effective fire miles to link Monte Acuto, Monte Pelato,
30 ut lnf Div Adv G-3 Jnl, entry 4r, 3 Aug
28 ut Inf Div Adv G-3 Jnl, entries 9, ro, and 31/bid., entries 48 and 49, 3 Aug. 43
r1, 3 Aug 43. 32rst Inf Div Rear G-3 Jnl, entry 43, 3 Aug
29 ut Inf Div Adv G-3 Jnl, entry 45, 3 Aug 43; 26th lnf Regt S-r Jnl, entry timed J 125,
43; ut Inf Div Arty Jnl, entry 99, 3 Aug 43. 3 Aug 43.

and Monte Camolato. Gues&ng that the refuscd; friendly troops werc too closc,
Gennans had concentrated their artillery and their locations not altogether clear.
along this road, Flint rcquested hclp from Meanwhile, a battalion of the 26th In-
the air. Unfortunatcly, part of Bowen's fantry had moved east early that morning
forward units and the Goumiers werc so with the purpose of coming abrcast of
close to the road that division headquarters the other two battalions of the rcgiment
disapproved the rcquest.33 near Monte Basilio. The battalion be-
Part of the caution at division head- came lost, wandercd in the bilis, and fin-
quarters devclopcd after the Spitfires ally carne to rest on Monte Stagliata,
which had responded to Bowen's call in- sorne two miles west of the other regimen-
advertently strafed the Goumiers, though ta! elements on Rocca di Mania and
no serious harm had been done. The Monte Castagna.
Goumiers were still immobilized at the This lost battalion could have been of
Troina River under the shadow of Monte use on Monte Basilio, which was struck
Acuto, still trying to get across the river in the early aftcrnoon of 3 August, first
and up on the high ground, still incurring by a heavy barragc of artillery firc, and
heavy casualties in the process. then by Group Fullriede infantrymen.
Communication with the 4th Tabor was Stubborn defensive fires f rom the Amer-
rarely as good as with American subor- ican riflemen and machine gunners, sup-
dinate units, and for seven hours that ported by effective artillery concentrations,
day the division headquarters had no repulsed the German effort to retake this
word from thc Moroccans and con- key terrain featurc. But Monte Basilio,
scquently no clear knowledge of their vulnerable to enfilade firc on both faces,
location. This did not prevent thrce ar- continued to take a pounding from Monte
tillery battalions from delivering countcr- Acuto and from the Troina arca.
battery fire most of the afternoon against Although successful in its defensivc
reported enemy guns a hundred yards stand, the battalion on Monte Basilio was
f rom where the Goumiers had last reported in no condition to resume the 26th In-
their positions. fantry's attack to cut the highway east of
After dark, Capt. Guido Verlet was able Troina. During a lull that afternoon,
to pull his Tabor of Goums back from the when General Allen suggested that thc
Troina River and out of enemy firc. 39th Infantry might move its leading
Shortly thercafter Verlet himself was in battalion forward about 800 yards to
Capizzi to picad for a half-hour artillery Monte di Cclso, Flint agrced. "Therc is
concentration on enemy positions two nobody there now," Flint said. "We
hundred yards east of where the 4th Tabor can take it over if you want." 311 Yet
had spcnt the day. This, he was sure, when a company started to move toward
would enable the Goumiers finally to take the high ground shortly before dark, ar-
Monte Acuto. 34 Dubious, the artillery tillery and mortar fire heralded an in-
13 ut lnf Div Rcar 0-3 Jnl, entrica 38 and fantry counterattack that scattered and
47, 3 Aug 43; abo ice 11 Corps Rpt of Opns, p. disorg~d the American unit and drove
14 Vcrlct Rpt of Opns, 4th Tabor; ut Inf
Div Rear G-3 Jnl, entries 46, 47, and 79, 3 Aug
43 35 ut lnf Div Adv G-3 Jnl, entry 52, 3 Aug 43.


the riflemen back to the regimental center, the 16th and 39th, exerted frontal
positions. pressure against the town. 87
Actually, the Germans had telegraphed General Allen would have been even
their intention, but the division head- more hopcful of succ~ had he known
quarters had been asleep at the switch. what effect the fighting of the past two
About an hour anda half earlier, the 26th days had had on the 15th Panzer Grena-
lnfantry had become aware of Gennan dier Division. The German division had
infiltration-troops "walking up the incurred hcavy losses, at least 1,600 men.
stream bed"-on its right flank. Colonel Furthermore, the XIV Panzer Corps had
Bowen had reported tbis to division head- given General Rodt the 1ast of its reserve
quarters, but the Division's G-3 had ap- units during the night of 3 August.88
parently failed to p~ the information General Hube, the XIV Panzer Corps
on to Flint.86 commander, was not only watching the
Despite its failure to take Troina by situation closcly at Troina, he was also
the fourth day of the attack, the division concemed with the sector immediately to
had made sorne important gains. The the south where the Canadians were ad-
16th and 39th Regiments, though tem- vancing along Highway 121. Early 30
porarily disorganized by counterattacks, July, following a hcavy artillery prepara-
retained positions seriously threatening tion, Canadian troops had struck hard in
the town. And Bowen's 26th Infantry on a move to jump the Dittaino River, clcar
Monte Basilio could call interdictory fire Catenanuova, and present the newly ar-
on Highway 120 beyond Troina, thercby rived British 78th Division with a bridge-
disrupting German communications. head for the attack toward Regalbuto on
During the evening of 3 August, Gen- the left, Centuripe on the right. As both
eral Allen ordercd renewal of the attack Canadian and British troops converged
by the units alrcady committed and with against Regalbuto and Centuripe, the
added strength from the south against fonner fell on the evening of 2 August,
the Gagliano salient. lnstructing Colonel the latter the following moming. The
Smith to bring forward a second battal- two main outposts in the German defense
ion of bis 18th lnfantry, General Allen of Adrano thus lay in Allied hands.89
gave Smith responsibility for a zone on the If the British pressed beyond Regalbuto
extreme right flank. Smith was to control and cut the Troina-Adrano road, as Hube
not only two of bis own organic battalions, was sure they would, the German corps
but also the 1st Battalion, 16th lnfantry, commander had to face the danger that
already in the arca. By these mcans, the Canadians might turn north and cut
Allen hoped to execute what would be in Highway 120 east of Troina. In that
effect a pincers movement by the two
regiments on the flanks: the 18th lnfantry 31 ut lnf Div Adv G-3 Jnl, entry 55, Outline

on the south, the 26th Infantry in the Plan, 3, 4 Aug 43, 3 Aug 43
18 MS #R-144, The Lou of the Etna, ch.
north, while the two regiments in the XV of Axis Tactical Operation.a in Sicily, July-
August 1943 (Bauer), pp. H-23; 1ee abo ut
lnf Div G-2 Periodic Rpt 27 (app. A), 7 Aug
38 26th Inf Regt S-t Jnl, entry timed 1725, 43.
3 Aug 43; 1ee also 39th lnf Regt Unit Jnl, entry 311 Nicholson, The Canadians in Ital:y, pp.
30, 3 Aug 43. 139-57

case, withdrawal of Rodt's division would The planes tumed out to be A~6's
be imperative.40 But as long as Rodt's ( modified P-51 's), but this made little
troops retained their escape route to the differehce. Throughout a good part o
east, there was no reason to give up the the aftemoon, as artillery added its weight,
defenses at Troina that had proved so American aircraft plastered Troina and
effective. Although the Allies were seri- the surrounding hills, though Monte
ously threatening the Etna line by 4 Au- Acuto escaped-the pilots failed to idcn-
gust they had not yet cracked it. tify that target. Reactions from thc
Hube's timetable for evacuating Sicily ground units were uniformly enthusiastic:
( although formal evacuation had not yet "Air and artillery bombardmcnt lovely.>'
been ordered) hinged on holding the Etna "The enemy is completely unncrved."
line as long as poo&ble, and this Hube "Have captured a few Germans and they
was determined to do. As a result, Rodt's are jittery, and they seem to be attempt-
units dug in still more firmly around Tro- ing to give themselvcs up." "It took a
ina for what they expected might be a lot of pressure off our troops." '
last-ditch stand.41 Though all four of General Allcn's reg-
The Germans were surprisingly success- iments moved rapidly during thc aftemoon
ful during the morning of 4 August, the of 4 August to take advantage of the
fifth day of the battle for Troina. North demoralization of German troops, thc
of Highway 120, Group Fullriede was benefit proved to be only temporary.
particularly aggrcs&ve in its defense. The American units could register only
Counterattacks by infiltrating parties kept slight gains before meeting firc and coun-
the Americans off balance and inflicted terattacks. One battalion of the 18th
heavy casualties. South of the highway, Infantry managed to dislodge the Ger-
Group Ens, perhaps not quite so aggres- mans from the base of Monte Pclle-
sive in launching counterattacks, remained grino (a key strongpoint in thc Gagliano
firm in its defensive positions. By noon, salient positions) beforc setting up its own
it was evident that the 1st Division nceded perimeter for the night; but try as it might,
more assistancc to get thc attack moving. the battalion could not dislodge the Ger-
Help appeared from the skies. General mans from the rest of the hill. North of
Bradlcy had succe8Sully solicited two Highway 120, two battalions from the
large-scale air attacks, onc scheduled 39th Infantry moved quickly down the
around noon, the othcr at 1700, each by slopes of Monte San Silvestro and against
thirty-six P-51 planes. In addition, Gen-
43 rst Inf Div Adv G-3 Jnl, entries 41, 45,
eral Allen had obtained the promise of
46, and 47, 4 Aug 43. The Canadians at Regal-
eight P-51 's to bomb and strafe Monte buto were not happy with the air strikes. Amer-
Acuto at 1445.42 ican planes had flown ovcr Regalbuto the day
bcfore and droppcd sevcral bombs. And on 4
August two ftights discharged their loads on the
0OB SUED, M1ldung1n, 0740, 5 Aug 43. Canadians. When American aircraft bombcd
41 MS #R-144 (Bauer), pp. 24-26. Regalbuto again on the following day, General
42 ut Inf Div Adv G-3 Jnl, entries 15, 16, Leese, the British 30 Corps commander, asked
28, and 29, 4 Aug 43. The aircraft were dis- General Bradley to call a halt. The bombinp
patched from the 27th and 86th Fighter-Bombcr of Canadian troops at Regalbuto came to an
Groups. See Attack Order 22, 3d Air Defense end. 11 Corps ~ Jnl, entry 278, 6 Aug 43;
Wing, 4 Aug 43. see also Bradley, .A Soldi11's Story, p. 152.

sorne ineffcctual fire rcached Monte San commit Col. George W. Smythe's 4 7th
Mercurio, about a mile northwcst of lnfantry along Highway 120 for a direct
Troina. The 26th lnfantry finally cleared advance on Cesara. There the 47th ln-
Rocca di Mania, more than two miles fantry could assist DeRohan's enveloping
northwest of Troina, but when the mcn on attack from the north.
Monte Basilio tricd to move eastward, What Eddy cnvisioned was making a
they ran into Group Fullriede's last re- wide bypass of Troina on the north and
serve, but a force strong enough to make striking quickly toward the next enemy
thc Amcricans retire to their mountain defensive line. As an added dividend,
position. DeRohan's movement, starting before the
The best gain had been made i'l the Germans had given up Troina, might
south, where part of the 1Bth Infantry prompt thc Gcrmans to loosen their hold
was getting into position to roll up thc on Troina in order to escape a trap at
Gagliano salient and thrust an attack Cesara. On the assumption that Allen
home against the southern approaches to would have Troina by nightfall on 5
Troina. This development seemed prom- August ( at the end of the sixth day of
ising, ali the more so since the Canadians, attack) and that the relief could be com-
pressing on beyond Regalbuto, had that pleted that night, General Bradley directcd
same day crossed the Troina River and Eddy to start moving the 6oth lnfantry
taken firm possession of a stretch of the eastward from Capizzi on the morning of
Troina-Adrano road. 5 August. This would permit the 6oth
By this time, the remainder of Eddy's to work its way toward Cesara while the
gth Division was coming into the Nicosia 1st Division and the attached 39th In-
arca preparatory to relieving the 1st Di- fantry completed the reduction of
vision. General Bradley had instructed Troina.f4
General Eddy to replace Allen's forces east As the 6oth lnfantry, with the Goumiers
of Troina so that the gth Divisio111 could attached, started its Cl'O$-COuntry strike
continue along the axis of Highway 120 toward Cesaro on 5 August, the 1st Di-
to break the next German defensivc line, vision resumed its attack against Troina.
expected to be uncovered in the Cesara On the left, Bowen's 26th lnfantry was
arca. Eager to enter the fray, yet denied unable to move forward because of rifle
maneuver room in the Troina arca, Eddy, fire and artillery shelling. Twice Bowen
with his sights fixed on Cesara, planned asked for air support-once against Monte
to commit Col. Frederick J. DeRohan's Acuto, the second time against "sorne
6oth Infantry on the 1st Division left. guns which we cannot spot from the
With the Tabor of Goums attached, De- ground . . . . Make it urgent." 45 But
Rohan was to make a difficult cross- the missions scheduled could not get off
country advance generally eastward from the ground because of fog at the air-
Capizzi, acr~ Monte Pelato and Camo- fields.46
lato; he was to debouch from the hills on The 26th Infantry, without gaining
the north-south Sant' Agata-Cesaro road
and be ready to attack Cesara. By that 49th Inf Div AAR.
45 rst lnf Div Adv G-3 Jnl, entries 37 and 43,
time, Eddy hoped, the 1st Division would 5 Aug 43.
have cleaned up Troina so that he could 49 /bid., entry 39, 5 Aug 43.

ground, sustained serious casualties. In advance and sent the men of one rifle
the aftemoon, alter an estimated sixty company back in disorganization. Using
Germans attacked Monte Basilio, only two tanks as roving artillery, the Gcr-
scvcnteen men from Company I could be mans poundcd away at Flint's troops. At
located. The fighting had bccn hot and noon, Colonel Flint ordered his men to
hcavy. Pvt. James W. Reesc, for cxam- desist from further eastward advance. lt
ple, had pcrformed with exceptional would be enough, he instructed, if thcy
heroism. Moving his mortar squad to a dug in whcrc they were and did no more
more effective position, he had maintained than thrcaten the castward exit f rom
a steady fire on thc attacking Gcnnans. Troina.
When they finally located his squad and Late in the aftemoon, eighteen A-J6's
placed fire against the mortar position, in two groups bombed east and wcst of
Reesc sent his crew to the rear, picked up Troina. Flint, thinking this was thc start
his weapon and three rounds of am- of another air-artillery show ( although he
munition (ali that was left), moved to a had not bcen informed that one was
ncw position, and knocked out a German coming off), queried Colonel Gibb on
machine gun. Thcn picking up a rifle, this matter. Gibb laconically answercd:
Reesc fought until killed by a heavy "Bombing unscheduled." The division
concentration of German fire. 47 had no plans to exploit the unexpected
By late aftemoon the 26th Infantry was appearance of the American fighter-
in bad shapc. The 2d and 3d Battalions, bombcrs. Thc 39th remained buttoned
on Monte Basilio for almost thrce days, up.'
had been virtually cut off from supplies Similarly, Taylor's 16th Infantry spent
for much of the time and were running the day trying to advancc against the two
low on food and ammunition. Two acrial key points on thc ridgc system west of
rcsupply missions, one by artillery obscrva- Troina-Hills 1034 and 1006-but made
tion planes on 5 August and one the fol- no headway because it had to devote its
lowing day by XII Air Support Command major effort to warding off German coun-
aircraft, failed to bring sufficient relief.4 8 terattacks and digging in for cover against
In contrast with the 26th Infantry, accurate German fire.
Flint's 39th Infantry made a solid gain. South of Troina, where Smith's 18th
During the preceding night, two battalions Infantry tried to seizc the dominating
worked thcir way cast from Monte di bilis of the Gagliano salient as well as the
Celso and Monte San Mercurio. Reach- two hills-Bianco and San Gregorio--
ing a point about a mile due north of closer to Troina, thc Americans werc no
T roina, they tumed southeast to cut the more successful. Heavy German firc,
highway. When daylight carne, the Ger- small counterattacks, and mine fields rc-
mans spotted the movement. Accurate duced American units in strength and
machine guns, small arms, and mortar fire prevented them from seizing the command-
in heavy volume stoppcd the American ing ground. Rifle companies numbering

4T /bid., entry 51, 5 Aug 43. Reese wu post- 411 ut lnf Div Adv G-3 Jnl, entries 15, 22,
humously awarded the Medal of Honor. 23, 45, and 54, 5 Aug 43; 39th Inf Regt Unit
48 26th Inf Regt S-1 Jnl, entries timed 1622, Jnl, entries 6, 8, 13, 15, 21, 26, 33, 36, and 39,
5 Aug 43, and 1310, 6 Aug 43. 5 Aug 43.

sixty-five men bccame common. At the withdraw to a shorter line. This line,
end of the day, Group Ens still hcld the which Hube designated as the shorter
vital heights. bridgehead line ( Guzzoni called it the
Despitc his dcfensive success on 5 Au- T ortorici line), extended from Giarre on
gust, General Rodt knew that he could the east coast over Mount Etna to Ran-
not hold out in Troina much longer. dazzo, Poggio del Moro, and on to the
With his units badly depleted anQ his north coast at Cape Orlando. Ordering
men near exhaustion, he had already re- bis divisions to make a fighting with-
qucsted-though it was disapproved- drawal on successive phase lines, Hube
Hubc's perrnmion to withdraw sorne hopcd to gain a wcek in pulling back to
5,000 yards to a new defensive line. the new line. lf he could have bis troops
Rodt's greatcst concern was the threat in this ncw position by thc morning of 1 2
that American units north of Troina, August, he would be more than satisfied.llO
particularly the 26th Infantry on Monte Guzzoni, still nominally in command of
Basilio, were exerting against Highway the Axis forces on Sicily ( though he had
I 20 east of the town. Sensitive to the surrendcred most of bis prerogatives on
necessity of preventing the Americans from 25 July), protested Hube's decision to
cutting his single escape route out of start withdrawing from the Etna line on
Troina, Rodt had made his strongcst effort 5 August. Guzzoni thought the move-
north of the highway where his troops ment premature, particularly since the
had manhandled Bowen's and Flint's reg- 29th Panzer Grenadier Division still hcld
iments. Though he felt he had thc situa- firmly in the northem sector near San
tion under control at Troina, Rodt had Fratello. But over Guzzoni's protests,
nothing substantial with which to contest Hube sqrted to withdraw his forces in
thc wider cnvclopmcnt that DeRohan's the eastern and central sectors of the
6oth lnfantry represented. Also, he was front during the night of 5 August. In
concerned with maintaining contact on fact, on the east coast, the H ermann Goer-
his lcft flank with the H ermann Goering ing Division began withdrawing from
Division, which was slowly being pushed Catania during the cvcning of 4 August,
back up against Mount Etna by the Brit- leaving only a rear guard to contest Brit-
ish 30 Corps. Only a slight penetration ish entry the following morning. The
as yet cxisted on his lcft flank, but the 5 0B SUED, M1ldung1n, 0815, 6 Aug 43;
absence of Gennan reserves on thc island MS #R-144 (Baucr), pp. 26-29. There seems
made Rodt doubtful that the Gcrmans to be an error in the OB SUED entry which
could long contain the British threat. designates the highway from Troina to Nicosia
instead of from Troina to Cesaro. The descrip-
Bccause of the tense situation along the tion of the new line varies greatly in different
entire front late on 5 August-the greatly sources. It was mcrely a line drawn across the
reduced combat efficiency of the 15th map, and was in no way reconnoitered or forti-
fied. 1ts eastern hinge is shown anywhere from
Panzer Grenadier Division, the over-all
2,000 yards north of Acireale to just south of
lack of Gcrman reserves, the danger of an Giarre; its northern hinge from 6,ooo yards east
Allied breakthrough of the Etna line in of Sant'Agata to Cape Orlando, and as far west
the Cesaro arca, the possibility of Allied as Station Zappulla, with the Zappulla River in
between. In thi1 narrative, the general descrip-
seaborne landings in his rear-Hubc fol- tion Giarre-Mount Etna-Cape Orlando will be
lowed Rodt's suggestion and decided to used.

troops late in the evening of 5 August.

Leaving behind rear guards to delay the
Americans, he moved his forces east along
Highway 120 to Cesaro. By nightf all of
6 August, Rodt's men occupied a defensive
line just west of Cesara, and most of his
heavy equipment was already on its way to
Messina far evacuation from Sicily. 52
The 15th Panzer Grenadier Division
did not slip away from Troina without
detection. American patrols late on 5
August reported Monte Acuto abandoned,
German fires . slackening, and even sorne
positions no longer held. One patrol
managed to reach the crest of Monte
Pellegrino, earlier firmly defended, with-
out opposition.
Despite the signs of German with-
drawal, General Allen had had enough
experience at Troina to be wary. He
made elaborate preparations far the re-
newal of the attack on 6 August, the
seventh day of his effort to take the town.
29th Panzer Grenadier Division was to Planners outlined harassing and prepara-
hold until forced to withdraw by pressure. tory fire missions in great detail. Staff
At the conference with Guzzoni on 5 members requested at least seventy-two
August, the Germans urged the Sixth A-36's to bomb the last half-mile of the
Army commander to transfer his head- highway east of Trana and to strafe the
quarters to the Italian mainland. Sus- road as far east as Randazzo. Y et Allen
pecting that the Germans requested this withheld the hour of the attack until
because they wanted a completely free noon, presumably on the basis that if the
hand in Sicily, Guzzoni asked whether Germans were going, it was better to Jet
the Germans intended to withdraw even them go. F or the subordina te units, the
beyond the Messina Strait. Though the missions remained much the same as they
Germans emphatically denied this, Guz- had been far the past two days. A
zoni remained on Sicily five more days. fifteen-minute artillery concentration was
Not until Comando Supremo charged to precede the attack. 53
him with the defense of a part of Cala- Ali this proved unnecessary. By dawn
bria did Guzzoni evacuate his headquar- of 6 August it was clear that the Germans
ters to the mainland. 51 were gane. Soon after 0800, 16th In-
At Troina, with permission at last to
OB SUED, Meldungen, 0735, 7 Aug 43 and
withdraw, Rodt started to pull out his 0030, 9 Aug 43.
53 ut InI Div Adv G-3 Jnl, entries 55, 56, 57,
51 58, and 59, 5 Aug 43.
Faldella, Lo sbarco, pp. 259-62, 269-70.

fantry patrols were in Troina and meeting the French Expeditionary Forces in Italy,
only sporadic rifle firc that was casily would carn a Medal of Honor during the
silenced. Normandy invasion of 1944 as a.ssistant
Troina itsclf was in ruins. Only scv- division commander of the 4th Infantry
eral hundrcd inhabitants remained to Division."
welcome the Americans, most of the others The end of the battle for Troina may
having fled to the hills. One hundrcd and well have scemed to the 1st Division com-
fifty dead-civilians as well as Gennan mander and bis as&stant like a most un-
and ltalian soldiers-lay in the highway, satisfactory time to tum over the command
in the strcets, in demolished houscs, in of "The Big Red One" to General Hueb-
the round feudal tower that had bccn ner. For it had taken the Ist Division,
uscd as a Gcrman observation post. Plas- rcinforced with an additional regiment, a
tcr dust and the stench of death filled the solid wcck to reduce defenses that had
air. Rubble completcly blocked one originally scemed easy enough to crack
strcct. The water mains were broken. with a single regiment. In the proc~,
The main strcct, wherc it made the right- the division was depletcd in strength, rc-
angle turn on the northeast face of the duced to wcarin~. Perhaps sorne of this
cliff, was completcly blown away. A 200- depletion, sorne of this wearin~, could
pound aerial bomb lay unexploded in the have been avoided had the intelligence
center of the church. estimates of the last few days in July not
That aftemoon, General Allen rclin- been so inaccurate. Perhaps more could
quished bis zone to General Eddy, and have been avoided had General Allen,
the 47th lnfantry passcd around Troina after the failurc of the 39th Infantry to
on its way to Ccsaro. take Troina on 1 August, committed
General Allen also rclinquished com- more of the division's strcngth, instead of
mand of the 1st Division. He and the waiting for two more days to do so.
as&stant division commander, General Evaluation of the division's performance
Roosevelt, tumed the division over to in the fighting at Troina might also in-
Maj. Gen. Clarcnce R. Hucbner and Col. volve an answer to the question: did the
Willard G. Wyman. General Allen would expected rclief by Eddy's incoming gth
rctum to the United States to take com- Division contribute to the initial optimism
mand of another division, the 104th ln- and a ~ble desirc to spare the troops?
fantry Division, which he would lead
54 See AFHQ Msgs, i8 and i9 Jul 43, in Smith
with distinction in northwest Europe;
Papers, box 4; Butcher, My Th.,,, Years With
General Roosevelt, after serving as Fifth Eisenhowr, p. :n6; Bradley, A Soldir's Story,
Army liaison officer to the commander of p. 156.

Breaking the San Fratello Line

On the same day (31 July) that Colonel dcfcnsc positions along the scveral wcll-
Flint's 39th lnfantry opened the battle for defined ridge lines which lie behind deep-
Troina, Truscott's 3d lnfantry Division cut mountain strcams. Faced with this
arrived at Santo Stefano di Camastra to choice, Truscott dccided that the 3d Di-
take the place of the 45th Division on thc vision would make its major effort through
II Corps northern axis of advance. the mountains while units along the road
Like Allen, Truscott faced difficult tcr- would kccp constant pressure on the cn-
rain and a stubborn enemy. From Llcata cmy. To supply and to communicate
to Palermo, the 3d Division had operated with the units operating in the mountains,
generally in terrain where it had space Truscott organized a Provisional Pack
for maneuver, sufficicnt roads and trails to Train ( mules) and a Provisional Mounted
accommodate supporting artillery and sup- Troop (horses) under thc command of
ply trains, and altcmative routes forward. Maj. Robert W. Crandall, a formcr cav-
Now ali this changcd. Highway I I 3, the alryman who had scrved under Truscott
coastal route, is a good, hard-surfaccd before thc war. Sorne of thc animals had
road, capable of carrying two-way military been brought with thc division from North
traffic. As Sicilian roads go, it is not Africa; the others had been acquired
crooked. But it has numcrous curves, during thc preccding three weeks of cam-
ideal places for roadblocks. On the in- paigning.1 Sorne had already seco action
land side of the highway there are few with the I 79th lnfantry thc wcek be-
lateral roads except the four that cro;s the fore during that regimcnt's advance to
mountains-usually they dead-end in thc Mistretta.9
mountainous interior at typical Sicilian Despitc the similarities of terrain and
ridge-end towns, medieval in origin, and enemy, General Truscott had onc trump
built on sites choscn because they were card not availablc to General Allcn. This
almost inaccessible. Thus, General Trus- was thc possibility of amphibious land-
cott had a choice of making bis main ings-scabome cnd runs. The enemy
effort either along the highway or across
the northern slopes of the Caronie Moun- 1 Truscott, Command Missions, p. 230. Before
tains to outftank German coastal defen- reaching Messina the 3d Division would use more
than 400 mules and over 100 hones.
sive lines. Either way, thc defenders 2 See Comments of Col. Robert B. Hutchins
~d the advantagc: they could dcny (Ret.) (former Commanding Ofticer, 179th In-
use of the highway by firc, by demolitions, fantry) on MS. The 179th at fint had consid-
erable trouble with the Sicilian animals, but after
and by liberal use of mines; they could sorne experimcntation found the correct way of
dclay inland movement by plotting handling thcm.

PROVISIONAL P ACK TRAIN and mounted troops organ:.ed for 3d Dvsion supply and communcation
in the Caronie Mountains.

along the north coast, almost no Il}atter quest, General Patton agreed to let the
where he chose to make a stand, was vul- 11 Corps commander time any such opera-
nerable to this type of operation. As tion so that an early link-up between the
early as 30 July, Generals Patton and relatively small amphibious force and the
Bradley had taken note of this valuable main body of the 3d Division would be
military asset. In fact, they had con- assured. Bradley apparently felt that the
sidered an amphibious operation to assist Seventh Army commander might be hasty
the 45th Division in cracking the enemy's and rash in deciding missions to be ex-
Santo Stefano position, but enemy with- e<:uted, and he wanted the 11 Corps, in
drawal had canceled this plan. By 2 Au- co-ordination with Truscott, to exercise
gust, General Patton had definitely decided full control over the forces involved. 3
to utilize his "Navy"-Rear Adm. Lyal A.
3 Seventh Army Ltr of Instr to CG 11 Corps,
Davidson's Task Force 88- to assist the sub : Special Opns, 2 Aug 43, in Seventh Army
3d Division's advance. But Davidson Rpt of Opns, p. D-15; see also Bradley, A Sol-
had sufficient landing craft to lift one re- dier's Story, p. 157, and Truscott, Command
inforced infantry battalion, no more. Missions, p. 2 3 1.
The four possible landing arcas selected by the
Accordingly, the Seventh Army selected Seventh Army were: just east of Sant'Agata;
four tentative landing places, each behind west of Brolo ; near Patti; and at Barcellona.
a predicted enemy defense line, where a Each of these areas was behind an anticipated
German defense line. See map to accompany 2
battalion-size amphibious end run might Aug Ltr of Instr, in Seventh Army Rpt of Opns,
be executed. At General Bradley's re- p . D- 16.

693- 029 o- 65 - 2 4
1 )P . ,

LooKING SouTH VER THE FuRIANO R1vER V ALLEY from the mouth of the Furiano River, San Fratello
Ridge rising al the lefl. Railroad crossing can be sun in foreground, with highway crossing slightly above.

For the first amphibious operations Though Colonel Johnson, the regimenta)
General Truscott selected Lt. Col. Lyle commandcr, sent his Ammunition and
A. Bemard's 2d Battalion, 3oth Infantry Pioneer Platoon and the Antitank Com-
( which had becn onc of the assault bat- pany's mine platoon forward to clcar lanes,
talions on 1o J uly) , reinforced by Bat- heavy fire from across the river put a stop
tcries A and B, 58th Annored Field Ar- to thcsc efforts. It was obvious that a
tillcry Battalion, a platoon of medium bridgchead would have to be established
tanks, and a platoon of combat engineers. before the mines could be clearcd. In
The first mission of the task force was preparation for seizing such a bridgehcad
to plan a landing near thc small town the next moming, Johnson moved the Ist
of Sant' Agata east of the Furiano River. Battalion ( Lt. Col. Leslie A. Prichard)
Immediately beyond the Furiano River up on line with, and inland from the 2d
( fifteen miles east of Santo Stcfano) lay Battalion. Farthcr inland sorne three
the San Fratcllo ridge. If the Germans miles, the 3d Battalion had also arrived at
were going to fight anywhcrc on the thc river, sorne two miles wcst of the town
north coast, Truscott judged that this of San Fratello, after a slow and grueling
would be the place. march across deep gorges and over moun-
The switch of American divisions gave tain trails so precipitous that several of the
General Fries' 29th Panzer Grenadier Di- mules carrying rations and ammunition
vision ample time to retire along and near had lost their footing and tumbled to their
the coast to the Etna linc, which ran deaths hundreds of feet below.
roughly along the San Fratcllo-Ccsaro At San Fratcllo, Fries had terrain
road. The withdrawal was hampered, scarcely less formidable than Rodt had at
however, by heavy American artillery and Troina, whcre, on this same day, the 15th
naval gunfire and by repeated Allied air Panzer Grenadier Division was throwing
strikcs. Naval gunfire bothercd Fries' back every 1st Division thrust. N car its
units most, as Admiral Davidson's war- mouth the Furiano River is wider than
ships busicd thcmselves with numerous fire most Sicilian rivers. Completely domin-
support m~ions along the coast from Santo ated by the ridge beyond, the river bed
Stefano eastward to Cape Orlando. To provided thc Germans with a wide field
delay the 3d Division's advance to the new of fire, as well as an ideal setting for lib-
line, Fries deployed strong rear guards, eral use of mines. The San Fratello ridge
units which included Italian troops. across the river has a scaward Cace about
By moming of 3 August, Fries' outpost a mile and a half long, rising from a point
line had been driven in. The 15th In- six hundred yards from the beach and
fantry, with the 2d Battalion undcr Maj. reaching a climax in the stony plug of
Frank J. Kobes, Jr., operating on the road, Monte San Fratello, a rugged, flat-topped
and the 3d Battalion under Lt. Col. Ash- mountain sorne 2,200 feet high. The
ton Manhart paralleling the advance on ridge then descends into a saddle to the
the slopcs of thc mountains, hit the Furi- town of San Fratello, a thousand yards
ano River during the aftemoon. Here, farther south, before rising again into the
the 2d Battalion carne under heavy fire, Caronie Mountains. The road leading
found the river bank and ali likely cr~ 4 Taggart, ed., History of th1 Third In/antry
ing sites heavily mined, and halted. Division, p. 65.

southward to Cesan>, onc of the four trans- the river on a high stone-arched bridge,
vcrsc roads across thc mountains bctween now blown from end to end. From thc
Santo Stcfano and Me.ssina, twists and bridge north to the sea, a distance of about
tums up thc northcast angle of the a milc, the river bcd widened out. From
ridgc, and about halfway up turns west the high ground east of the river the de-
directly across thc cnd of thc ridgc. It fenders could observe thc narrow coastal
continues on this coursc for about a mile plain as far west as Caronia. This ad-
then turns south around the west face of vantage the Germans put to good account,
Monte San Fratello against a shcer rock and in the days ahead accurate enemy
cliff, hairpins up the ridge crest, and then artillery fire played havoc with any
passcs through the town. It is about movement castward along the highway.
cight miles by road f rom the coast to the Inland, a flanking movement might be
town; it is another sixteen miles to Cesaro. covered from the enemy's view, but the
Along the entirc face of the San Fratcllo roughness of the terrain would make prog-
ridge, pillboxes, trenches and gun em- ress slow and co-ordination difficult. This
placements made things tough for the 3d was by far the toughest enemy position
Division. Particularly strong was a pill- the 3d Division had as yet encountered
box area near San Fratello, a strongpoint in Sicily. Like Middleton's men on
that extended along the road and up the Bloody Ridge, Truscott's regiments were
mountainside against the cliff. Connected to learn to stay "with the damn fight till
by trenches, thcse pillboxes blocked the it's over." 5
approaches on the road from any direction At o6oo on 4 August, after spending
and completely covered the Furiano River the night in developing the enemy's de-
bclow. South of San Fratello, the rldge fenses along the river, the Ist and 2d
rises up as distinct as a camel's back and Battalions, 15th lnfantry, jumped off in
is covered with large boulders and rock the attack. A scheduled thirty-minute
fcnces. Not far wcst of the town- artillery barrage failed to come off be-
where Manbart's 3d Battalion ended its cause the supporting artillery battalions
march on 3 August in a state of exhaus- had displaced forward only during the
tion-the Nicoletta River comes into the night and had had no chance to register.
Furiano River from a southwcsterly direc- On the left, Kobes' 2d Battalion tried
tion. Between the two rivers, the Nicoletta first to cross the river to the left of the
ridge runs north and south along the ap- demolished highway bridge, between the
proachcs to the Furiano River. This high bridge and the sea. Within forty min-
piece of ground, almost indispensable to utes the battalion was stopped cold by
an attacker bcfore he could jump the heavy enemy fire pouring down from
Furiano River, was enfiladed from the the ridge, and by the dense mine fields in
north by Monte San Fratello, f rom the the river bed. For almost four hours the
south by higher ground along the Cesaro battalion tried to get across the open arca.
road. Every attempt failcd. Evcn naval gunfire
Just west of the Furiano River, High- support and the smoking of Monte San
way 113 passed southward around a Fratello did little to help.
prominent spur,. about one-third the
height of Monte San Fratello, and crossed 5 Infantry Combat, Part Five: Sicily, p. 30.
. ........
LooKING NoRTH OvER THE SAN FRATELLO-CESARO RoAD. Cesara ( left center) and Highway 120 are at
the southem terminus of the San Fratello road.
SAN FRATELLO RinoE from the highway. The town of San Fratelio is at upper nght.

In the middle of the afternoon, Kobes Across the river, howcver, General Fries
changed the direction of his attack, lunged was already taking steps to evacuate the
to the right of thc bridge sitc, and scnt San Fratello ridgc. Thc withdrawal of
two companics to attack Hill 17 1, just the 15th Panzer Grenadier Division from
across the river and an apparcnt Gcrman Troina during the night had uncovered
strongpoint. Ali went well on thc near Fries' left ftank. Farther south the Brit-
bank. But when the two companics carne ish 78th Division was ncaring Adrano, the
into the open rivcr bed, the Germans mct key to the center of the Axis front, while
thcm with a withering hail of machine on the east coast, the British 5oth Divi-
gun and mortar fire. A few mcn of the sion had cntered Catania. The entire
forward platoons managed to get across central and eastern scctors of the front
thc river to huddlc under the steep river were pulling back slowly in accordance
bank. At dark, Kobes called them back. with General Hube's decision to form a
Prichard's 1st Battalion suffered much the shorter defensivc line nearer Messina.
sarne fatc; it too had been unable to get Though American units on the south had
across thc river. not yet reached thc Ccsaro road, General
It had becn a costly day for the 15th Fries feared that they would do so shortly,
lnfantry-103 casualties, no ground taken. thus making an envelopment of his San
But this action showed General Truscott Fratello positions possible. Too, ever
that the San Fratello ridge was not to be since the commitment of his division on
taken by a frontal attack executed by only the north coast, Fries had been worried
two infantry battalions, no matter how about thc possibility of an Allied attack
much fire support those battalions were from the sea behind his main lines of re-
given. sistance. He had tried to provide sorne
The next day ( 5 August) turncd out safeguard against such an attack, but he
to be more a day of preparation than of could never spare more than one batta-
progress. Truscott decidcd to shift the lion for this purpose. It was a lengthy
division's main effort to the right, through coast linc with numerous suitable landing
the mountains, to strike at the San Fra- places, and Fries knew he could not guard
tello ridge from the south and roll the them all. He had instructed all scrvice
dcfenders into the sea. Truscott ordered troops and other units committed on or
Colonel Rogers to take the two remain- near the coast to guard against a surprise
ing battalions of his 3oth lnfantry to the Allied landing, but even this measure af-
arca then occupied by the 3d Battalion, forded little real security; it only provided
15th lnfantry, west of San Fratello, to a watch at the most dangerous points.
attack the next day with all three battal- Because of the lack of adequate roads
ions to ~ke the town and cut the road through the mountains, Fries' units south
to Cesaro. At the samc time, the two of San Fratello, as well as sorne of those
I 5th lnfantry battalions near thc coast in Rodt's sector, had to use thc CcsarO-
werc again to storm the west slope of San Fratello road to reach thc coastal
Monte San Fratello.8 highway to withdraw to the east. Real-
izing this, Fries kcpt one reinforccd battal-
ion in the Monte San Fratello positions
6 3d Inf Div FO #20, 5 Aug 43. to hold until all troops and vchiclcs to

the south had passed around the moun- F turned right and advanced up a draw
tain on their way to the east. He also toward a German outpost line. Though
deployed a reinforced ltalian regiment eventually spotted, the troops were close
from the Assietta Division to hold thc enough to leap into the German posi-
ridge line south of the town. The remain- tions befare heavy fire could be brought
dcr of the two divisions, lcss the artillery to bear. But even this succcss was not
which stayed in position to cover the with- sufficient to drive the Germans from thc
drawal, began moving eastward during crest of the hill. While reorganizing in a
thc night.1 small grove of trees preparatory to going
General Truscott had not fully apprc- for the top, Company F was hit by a
ciated the difficulty of the mountainous small counterattack supported by mor-
terrain ovcr which the 3oth lnfantry tar fire. The last two company officers
would be operating. What was supposed were hit, and though the company, undcr
to be a co-ordinated attack on the morn- its noncommissioned officers, beat off thc
ing of 6 August turned into a series of Gcrman threat, it could not get moving
un-co-ordinated battalion-size thrusts. again.
At the highway bridge, following a haH- Kobes, feeling that bis two companies
hour artillery and smoke preparation, both could not gain the hill, sent word for thcm
Prichard's 1st Battalion and Kobes' 2d to hold until nightfall, then to pull back
Battalion, 15th lnfantry, jumped off at acro;., the river. Despite strong German
0600. The belts of German fue proved combat patrols that ranged the slopes of
to be so effective that progrcss was limited the hill that night, Companies F and G,
to only a few yards. Prichard's battalion after several fire fights, recrossed the Fur-
on the right managed to get acro~ the iano where the 2d Battalion, 7th Infantry,
river and to within a thousand yards of had moved up to cover their withdrawal.
thc Cesaro road. But this cost heavy Just a little earlier, the 1st Battalion had
casualties and by 1400 the battalion was also recrosscd the river. At a cost of
barely hanging on. On the left, Kobes' thirty dead and seventy woundcd, thc
battalion met much the same fatc trying 15th Infantry had failed to gain any
to take Hill 17 1. Company G, followed ground.
by Company F, crossed the river and went Whilc this action was taking place ncar
600 yards up thc slopes of the hill before the highway bridge, Colonel Rogers' at-
thc Germans began firing automatic tempt to roll up the German ftank also
weapons, following this up with deadly boggcd down. It had taken Coloncl
accurate mortar fue. lf the small anns Rogers' two battalions until 2200 on 5
fire lacked thc intcnsity of previous days, August to get even as far as a forward
thc German mortar fire proved to be as assembly arca, well to the west of thc
effective as before. Company G stallcd. Nicoletta Rivcr. Colonel Manhart's 3d
A Ranking maneuvcr by Company F Battalion, 15th Infantry-attached to
offered more promise. Swinging around Coloncl Rogcrs for this operation-had
the stallcd Company G, passing along the crossed the Nicoletta River earlier that
river bank for a short distance, Company cvcning and had gaincd a f oothold on thc
Nicoletta ridge ovcrlooking the Furiano
7 MS #R-144 (Bauer), pp. 49-53 River, a good position from which to start

an assault on San Fratello at the prescribed to the right rear. But Doleman's battal-
time the following morning. Having ion was delayed an hour when one com-
gained this position, Manhart sent guidcs pany strayed off course and was punished
back to lead Colonel Rogers' two 3oth severely by cnfilading fire along the Nic-
Infantry battalions to the ridge. oletta ridge. At 0900, Dolcman's battal-
When the guides arrived, Lt. Col. Fred ion finally crossed the Nicoletta ridge and
W. Sladen, Jr.'s 1st Battalion and Lt. went down the eastern slopes toward thc
Col. Edgar C. Doleman's 3d Battalion pre- river. Below the crest the going was
pared to move forward. The early morn- easier. A crossing was made and Dole-
ing hours turned out to be nightmarish man carne up on line with the 15th
for both battalions. Leaving their as- Infantry battalion. Here it too was
sembly arca at 0200, the battalions moved stopped by enemy fire. Though Manhart
slowly through murky darlmess preceded finally managed to get one platoon to the
by Manhart's guides. Unfortunately, the crest of the hill later in the afternoon, it
guides had trouble picking their way was promptly forced back by the Italian
through the woods and down the rocky and German dcfenders. At midnight, the
ridges, and the 3d Battalion, leading the two battalions still lay along the lowcr
way, soon becarne badly strung out. Not slopes of Hl 673.
until 0530 did the head of Doleman's Sladcn's 1st Battalion, 3oth lnfantry-
battalion arrive at Manhart's positions on thc farthest to thc right of thc threc bat-
the Nicoletta ridge; it took another hour talions-was out of touch with the other
and a half ( until 0700) for the rest of two American units for most of the day
the battalion to come in. Sladen's 1st and had little idea of what was happening
Battalion had even tougher going. Its on its left. At 0930, Sladcn finally was
guides lost their way, and the battalion able to send his mcn up and across the
wasted thirty minutes backtracking to the Nicoletta ridgc, two companies leading,
correct trail. After severa! more delays two companies behind. But as with
caused by the rough terrain and by the Doleman's one company, enfilading fire
need to wait for thc mule train to catch from Monte San Fratello and from posi-
up, the head of thc 1st Battalion finally tions south of the Nicoletta ridge playcd
arrivcd on the west slopes of the Nicoletta havoc with the companies. For almost an
ridge--south of thc othcr two battalions- hour the battalion suffered under a rain
at 0630. But not until 0900 did Sladcn of heavy explosives. Both leading com-
havc ali of bis men togethcr. panies became badly disorganized. Fi-
In the mcantimc, Manhart's battalion nally, onc of the companies, plus about
had jumped off at 0730. Despitc heavy half of thc other onc-the rest of the
enemy fire, it reachcd and crossed the unit had gone astray while moving through
Furiano River, and began working its thick brush-reached the Furiano River.
way up Hill 673, the kcy to the encmy's Thc depleted company ncvcr did get across
ridge positions on the south. It got only because of heavy artillery fire and it re-
part way up the southcrn slopes of the maincd for the rest of thc day in a draw
hill before being stopped by enemy fire. at the bottom of the ridge. The other
As soon as Manhart's battalion cleared the company did get across the river at 1530,
ridge, Doleman began to move, echeloncd got to within six hundrcd yards of the

crcst of the ridge, but could pro~ no fantry's operations on that flank, and he
further. Since the company's effort was ordered Colonel Sherman's 7th lnfantry
isolated, Sladen called the men back. into position along the Furiano River
Severa! hours before this, General Trus- near the coast to exploit any succ~
cott, after touring the arca in which the the 3oth Infantry might gain. 1
3oth lnfantry was operating and realizing Both Manhart's 3d Battalion, 15th In-
just how difficult the terrain was, decided fantry, and Doleman's 3d Battalion, 3oth
to outflank the San Fratello line by sea: lnfantry, launched another attack on Hill
to land Colonel Bemard's small task force 673 early in the moming of 7 August.
behind the enemy's line in conjunction This time, Doleman's battalion made the
with a rcnewal of the division's attack main effort. Again thcre was difficulty in
the next moming. 8 Just after noon, maintaining contact, and again units be-
Truscott ordered Bemard's force to an came disorganized.
embarkation point a mile west of Santo Using one platoon from Company I in
Stefano. Unfortunately, the Luftwaffe the lead-the rest of the company had
picked this particular time to interfere disappeared during the prcvious day's
with Truscott's operations. Even as Ber- fighting-and pushing Company K after
nard marched bis infantrymen, artillery- it, Doleman started bis attack at 0530.
men, and engineers toward Santo Stefano, Almost immediately the infantrymen re-
four Gcrman aircraft swooped out of the ceived heavy fire. As daylight broke,
sky over Santo Stefano's beaches, bombing Doleman could see that the face of the
and strafing the loading arca. Although hill on which his two companies wcre
two of the attackers were shot down by trying to move forward was subjcct to
antiaircraft fire, one LST was badly dam- enfilading fire from the south. Tbis fire,
aged. Because this was a key landing combined with the dcfcnses on the hill it-
vessel, General Truscott postponed the am- seH, made an advancc to the top
phibious end run for twenty-four hours seem most unlikely. Doleman accordingly
while the Navy brought up another LST callcd off these two companies, started
from Palermo.9 them back down the hill, and dispatchcd
With the amphibious end run post- bis last unit, Company L, to work up the
poned for at least a day, General Trus- hill farther to the wcst. But during the
cott turned again to the job of keeping withdrawal, the two forward units be-
the p~ure on the San Fratello defenders, came even more scattered, so that by
hoping that the limited successcs gained the time they rctumed to their starting
on the far right might be exploited. He position, Doleman could count-in addi-
sent General Eagles, the assistant division tion to Company L--only one platoon from
commander, to supervise the 3oth In- Company K, one squad from Company
1, and two platoons from Company M.
Company L attacked up the west slopes
8 3d Inf Div FO #21, 6 Aug 43. of Hill 673 only a short distance before
9 2d Bn, 3oth Inf (wbile atchd to 3d lnf Div) being halted by heavy enemy fire pouring
AAR, p. 1 ; WNTF Action Rpt, p. 76; 3otb Inf
Regt AAR; ONI, Sicilian Campaign, pp. 10&-
07; Morison, Sicil;y-Salrno--Anzio, p. 1980;
Truscott, Command Missions, p. 234. 10 3d Inf Div FO #23, 6 Aug 43 .

down from the summit. Doleman lcft frorn the hill, gomg north toward the
thc company on the slopes while he tried coast. 11
to reorganize his battalion for another To thc south of Hill 673, an arca from
attack. which encmy fire had plagued Doleman
Late in the afternoon, the two battal- and Manhart ali day, Sladen's 1st Bat-
ion commanders, Colonel Rogers, and talion, 3oth lnfantry, had tried hard to
General Eagles worked out a new plan for cover the other units by going for the high
a co-ordinated attack on Hill 673. Man- ground to knock out the enemy guns.
hart agreed to tum over to Doleman his The battalion's attempt was unsuccessful,
Company K and a mortar platoon, and as the men from the other two units
to send his other two companies in on could testify. It took Sladen's rifle com-
Doleman's left when the attack went off. panics until the rniddle of the aftemoon
Doleman was to rnake the main effort, to get organized, and even then Sladen
this time just bcfore total darkness set in. could not find all of his small units. Ex-
At 1930, the battalions jumped off, cept for a platoon from Company C that
with Company L, 3oth Infantry, leading managed to get a short way beyond the
the way. Despite heavy enerny fire, the river and annoy the ltalians along the
rifle cornpanies moved slowly up the slopcs, ridge-taking a bcating for its pains-
maintaining contact with each other, and for another patrol that eventually con-
fighting a truly co-ordinated battle. The tacted the units on Hill 673, the 1st Bat-
line that had held for so long bcgan giv- talion, 3oth lnfantry, did little to assist in
ing way and finally cracked. Just bcfore reducing the San Fratello positions.
midnight, Company L, 3oth lnfantry, By this time, however, Colonel Bem-
gained the crcst of the hill, closely fol- ard's small task force was nearing the
lowed by the rifle companies of the 15th beaches east of Sant'Agata. At noon, 7
Infantry. Once on top, the Americans August, General Truscott, with General
began digging in, as Doleman and Man- Bradley's approval, had decided to launch
hart pushed up their supporting heavy the once-postponed end run early on the
weapons companies to provide close fire morning of 8 August. Sherman's 7th
support. Infantry was to penetrate the enemy's
This proved fortunate beca use the 1tal- defenses on the coast to effect the link-up,
ians and Germans, under a withering which Truscott hoped would take place
forty-five minute artillery barrage, moved before noon. 12
back against the two depleted American At 1700, then, Bemard's force again
battalions on Hill 673. For almost two moved from its bivouac arca to the beaches
hours, a savage, clase-in, sometirnes hand- wcst of Santo Stefano. Another LST had
to-hand battle raged across the top of the arrived from Palermo. But again the
hill. Manhart and Doleman committed Luftwaffe almost knocked out the opera-
everything they had in the effort to hold tion. Just before the ground troops be-
on, even distributing machine gun am-
munition to the rifternen to kecp them 11 War Department General Order 15, 5 Feb-

firing. Grenades, bayonets, even rocks, ruary 1946, awarded the Distinguished Unit
Citation to the 3d Battalion, 15th lnfantry, for
played a part in the struggle. Finally, at the period 3-8 August 1943.
0200 on 8 August, the enerny pulled away 12 3d lnf Div FO #~4, 7 Aug 43


a August 1943
_..,. U . 5 . AXIS Of ADYANCE . WOftNING , 8 AUG
i'TT'TTTTTT 2/30 POSIT IONS, 1250, 8 AUG

El~t'al1ons 1n m1tl!r1
1 0 1 WIL[$
1" 1 1'il ', (\ ,, 1 1
1 O t itll.OMETEAI


gan loading, Gennan aircraft dropped out ing from Davidson's warships during the
of the clouds in a bombing and strafing day, General Fries' rear guards had begun
attack aimed at the beached landing pulling out of their positions, covered by
craft. This time the Luftwaffe did not the defenses on Hill 673. That evening,
succeed. Though an LST and an escort one of the warships laid a barrage on the
vessel were damaged, hurried repairs highway bridge across the Rosmarino
made the LST sufficiently seaworthy to River, sorne two and a half miles east of
go on with the operation. At 1940, the Sant' -Agata, and set off demolitions which
ten landing craft pulled away from the the Gennans had placed to blow the bridge
beaches as Admiral Davidson's two cruisers after passage of the last group of defenders
and six destroyers moved in to provide from the San Fratello ridge. Since the
cover. river bed had already been heavily mined,
At the San Fratello line, despite shell- the withdrawal of the rear guard units had

to be halted until engineers could clear a on the right drew the first Gennan fire
route. (Map 6) just after crossing the railroad, sorne two
By 0300, Gennan engineers completed hundred yards inland. A short while
the bypass acr~ the river. The 2d Bat- later, Company F jurnped a small group
talion, 7ist Panzer Grenadier Regiment, of Germans drowsily awakening from a
plus part of the Assietta Division's 29th sound sleep. By 0430 the beach was se-
lnfantry Regiment (most of this regiment cured, and the lead companies began
was left along the San Fratello ridge to moving inland for what they thought
delay American follow-up movements) was Monte Barbuzzo. But Colonel Bern-
started across the bypass. At this very ard now realized that his force had not
moment, Bernard's infantrymen carne landed where it was supposed to land.
across the beaches. Rather than being east of the Rosmarino
According to General Truscott's con- River near Terranova, he had been put
cept of Bernard's operation, the amphibi- ashore west of the river, nearer Sant' Agata,
ous force was to land near Terranova and he began to change bis plans. Since
( east of the Rosmarino River) , attack in- his force could not get to Monte Bar-
land to seize Monte Barbuzzo ( about a buzzo before the 7th lnfantry jumped off
mile to the southwest), cut the coastal to link up, Bernard determined to occupy
highway, and trap the defenders holding high ground on both sides of the river.
the San Fratello ridge. At o 150, 8 Au- This would give him good defensive ter-
gust, the small naval force hove to off the rain and would also provide cover for the
coast, its presence undetected. Com- oncoming 7th lnfantry.
panies F and G, 3oth Infantry ( the first At just about this time, however, the
wave) and one tank platoon and an en- Germans launched their first counter-
gineer platoon ( the second wave) immedi- attack. Part of the German battalion
ately began loading into LCVP's from the had already crossed to the east side of
two LST's. At 0230, the two waves the river, but the elements in and near
started their final run in from about six Sant' Agata, delayed by the demolished
thousand yards out. The LST's and the bridge, now found themselves between
one LCI ( which carried Company E) the 7th lnfantry-which had jumped off
followed to about 1,500 yards offshore, at 0600---and Bernard's task force. Fight-
where the LST's launched sixteen Dukws ing in two directions, the Germans sent a
loaded with Bernard's headquarters per- small infantry detachment supported by
sonnel and Company H. two Italian Renault and two German
At 03 15, Companies F and G touched Mark IV tanks to open a route to the
down and started inland toward the high east along the coastal highway.
ground less than a mile away. The other It was a short-lived effort. Bernard's
waves followed at fifteen-minute inter- armored field artillery batteries and the
vals, with ali troops and vehicles unloaded platoon of medium tanks took the Ger-
by 0415. man counterattack under fire and quickly
Surprise was complete, but reaction destroyed both Italian and one of the
was swift f rom the German battalions German tanks. At this, the Germans
spread from the Rosmarino River ali the pulled back into Sant' Agata. The Amer-
way back to San Fratello. Company G ican artillery pieces and the tanks moved
SANT'AGATA FRoM THE SEAWARD SmE oF SAN FRATELLO RiooE. Tht view follows Highway 113 along the
coast past Sant'A gata ( middle distance) to Cape d' Orlando (top center). The town of Acquedolci is at extreme kfl.

into position in a lemon grove north of F's roadblock and to escape to the east.
the highway. From here they could cover Bemard's third rifle company, Com-
the coastal road east and west. pany E, met problems of a different na-
Meanwhile Company G, having fin- ture. Late in receiving Bernard's change
ished off the small pocket of German re- of plans, thc company had moved inland
sistance which had been opposing its from the beaches toward what the com-
advance, moved up to the highway. One pany commander mistook for Monte Bar-
platoon established a roadblock covering buzzo. But in the rough _terrain, the
the eastem exits from Sant'Agata, another company broke in half. Two of the rifle
took up security positions around the ar- platoons stayed with thc company com-
tillery and tanks, while the remainder of mander; the other rifle platoon and most
the company established a block on thc of the weapons platoon went off to the
secondary road which winds inland to south, still moving inland toward what
Militello. At the same time, Company F the rifle platoon leader thought was his
fanned out toward the Rosmarino River, objective. The company commander then
crossed it without difficulty, and secured learned of Bemard's change of plans and
the high ground on the east bank block- he took his two rifle platoons to a posi-
ing the highway and the trail which leads tion on Company F's right flank and
inland to San Marco d' Alunzio. Both of helped that company fend off the German
Company H's machine gun platoons went counterattacks. The rest of the company,
into position to cover Company F's right which did not learn of the change in
flank. plans, continued up the river bed and
Hardly had these dispositions been com- finally tumed east, well inland f rom the
pleted when the Germans, trying to find rest of the battalion. The_ men entered
an inland route around Bernard's coastal San Marco at 1130, passed through, and
positions, struck at Company F. One climbed up to a high ridge about a milc
German group with two motorcycles, a northeast of the town. This the platoon
vehicle loaded with cans of gasoline, and leader took to be Monte Barbuzzo, and
two troop carriers filled with soldiers, dug in to hold on until the rest of the
moved down the trail from San Marco. battalion arrived.
At the same time, another small column At San Fratello, rneanwhile, the thin-
carne down the coastal highway from the ning out of the German and Italian de-
east. With Company H's machine guns fenders made the task of clearing the ridge
sending out steady streams of flanking a relatively easy one for the 7th Infantry.
fire at both German colurnns, Company By 1130, the 2d Battalion, 7th lnfantry,
F held fast. The Gennan gasoline vehicle was in Sant'Agata after overcoming the
was hit and bumed; all other German remnants of the small force that had pre-
vehicles were put out of action. Again viously tried to break out of Bemard's
the armored artillerymen carne into action. trap. What was left of the 2d Battalion,
This combination of American fires proved 71st Panzer Grenadier Regiment, moved
too much. As the German column on the inland to circle past the American block
coast road pulled back toward Terranova, east of town. At 1230, 7th lnfantry
a few Germans from the San Marco patrols made contact with Bernard's Com-
column managed to get past Company pany G east of Sant'Agata. By this time,
693-029 o - 65 - 25

PLASMA BEING ADMINISTERED to a wounded soldier in a .first-aid station in Sant'Agata.

too, Colonel Rogers' 3oth Infantry, with two American platoons northeast of San
Manhart's battalion still attached, was in Marco. Sometimes small enemy counter-
San Fratello and on Monte San Fratello. attacks carne down the coastal highway
This day, the ltalians <lid not seriously from the east, in an evident attempt to
contest the American advance. Either co-ordinate attacks with withdrawals in-
because they knew they were being left be- land. Eventually, except for about one
hind by the Germans, or because they had company and a few vehicles, the German
fought themselves out, the Assietta men battalion succeeded in making good its
surrendered in droves, almost a thousand escape.
to Doleman's battalion alone. Truscott's first amphibious end run,
For Bernard's Companies E, F, and H, while achieving surprise, had failed to cut
the fighting was not over, for they lay in off the German 29th Panzer Grenadier
the line of German withdrawal to the east. Division. Most of that division had al-
Concentrating on the hill mass in and ready retired by the time Bernard's force
near San Marco, the Germans, usually in landed. At best, the end run deprived
small parties, pushed continuously at the the Germans of the use of the Rosmarino
three American companies, and at the River as a defensive phase line. It prob-

SAN MARCO D'ALUNZIO, with the mouth of the Rosmarino River at left center and with railroad
bridge just visible.

ably did encourage the Germans to give Late in the aftemoon of 8 August, the
up the San Fratello ridge a few hours 7th lnfantry closed up to the Rosmarino
earlier than they had intended. Even a River. That evening it resumed the ad-
landing on the correct beaches east of the vance along the north coast road.
Rosmarino River would have done little
better. 13 Infantry Regiment in World War 11 (Washing-
ton: lnfantry Journal Press, 1947 ), pp. 61-64;
T aggart, ed., History of the Third Infantry Di-
13 See 7th, 15th, and 3oth Inf Regt AAR's ; uision, pp. 66-67; Morison, Sicily-Salerno--
Opns Rpt, 2d Bn, 3oth Inf Regt (while atchd Anzio, pp. 198-g9 ; Heeresgruppe C, OB SUED,
to 3d Inf Div) AAR; Truscott, Command Mis- I e, 18.V .43-30.IX.43, 8 Aug 43; OKH, Tages-
sions, p. 234 ; Rupert Prohme, H istory of the 3oth meldungen West, 8 and 9 Aug 43.


The Tarvis Conference tively long pcriod and thercby tic down
eleven or twelve Allied divisions.
While the 1tallan emi.ssaries, D' Ajeta The weakness of Kcssclring's position
and Berio, were sounding out the Allies in lay in Calabria and southem Italy, where
Lisbon and Tangiers, Comando Supremo he had only alann units (in thc N aples-
was continuing its wary co-opcration with Salemo area) and the 16th Panzer
the Gcnnans on the basis that its primary Division ( dispcrsed over thc interior) .
mission was to defend ltaly against the Because he could not guard Puglia and the
Allies, the sccondary one to guard against wcst coast at the same time, Kcssclring
a Gennan coup. Ambrosio and Castel- asked for reinforccmcnt so that he might
lano knew of the diplomatic missions to the have at least one division for each of the
Allies; Roatta, the Anny chief of staff, three critica! arcas: Calabria, Puglia, and
knew nothing of this. N aples-Salcmo.
Gennan strategic planning at this time Jodl, chief of the OKW opcrations
was quite fluid. On 5 August OKW section, the Wehrmachtfuehrungsstab, held
canceled its plan drawn up for the rapid thc opposite vicw. He argued that thc
scizure of Rome and of the members of Allics in Sicily wcre tying down Gennan
the Italian Govemment. By this time the divisions. He fearcd that if the Allies
ltalians had assembled such forces around wcre to land in force in Calabria, they
the capital as to make its capture appcar would bag thc cntirc XIV Panzer Corps in
more formidable than beforc. Further- Sicily and be able to advance at will to
morc, Skorzeny, busy with a variety of thc northem Apennines. Jodl wantcd an
false leads provided by the Italian counter- immediate withdrawal from Sicily and
espionage scrvice, had been unable to southcrn ltaly.
locatc Mussolini. Hitler rcfuscd to scnd rcinforccments to
Kessclring had helped induce OKW to southern Italy, but he could not make up
postpone its program of scizing Rome his mind to withdraw from Sicily. Intcnt
with the argument that he would, in that on finding and liberating Mussolini, he
event, be forced to withdraw ali bis units believed that the rescue would be such a
from Sicily and southem Italy. Believing shock to the "English'' as to detcr thcm
that the Italian Govemmcnt showed a from any further large-scale landings. Stu-
genuine will to co-opcrate, and hoping dcnt's and Skorzeny's search for Mussolini
that personnel losses could be restored and thereforc continucd. And until thcy
sufficient munitions supplicd, he was sure found Mussolini, the German commanders
that the Axis could hold Sicily for a rcla- in Italy wcrc to observe the appcarance of

good faith toward the Badoglio govem- was stationcd). The Italians also hoped
ment.1 to reach agreement on withdrawing to the
Just bcforc the Tarvis conference sched- homcland the ltalian divisions in southem
uled for 6 August, the Gcnnans consid- France and the Balkans. Fundarncntally,
ercd asking for a greater sharc in the the ltalians werc stalling for time until
command of the Axis armed forces in the thcy rcceived word of the Allicd reply to
Mediterranean arca. To this end they the ovcrturcs of D'Ajeta and Bcrio.
wanted a liaison staff attached dircctly to Ribbentrop, Kcitcl, Guariglia, and Am-
Comando Supremo or to the Army Gen- brosio mct on the morning of 6 August.
eral Staff ( Superesercito), a staff that Guariglia declarcd the change of govem-
would reprcsent Kcsselring's views on the ment in Italy to be purcly an interna!
use of forces in central and southem Italy. matter; Italy held to Badoglio's dcclaration
They also wanted a Gcrman Army head- that the war was to continue. Ambrosio
quarters to exercisc command over all the complained that Gcrmany appcared to
German and 1talian ground forces in place little faith in Italy's word; he was
northem Italy under the supreme com- astonished at the numerous Gcrman di-
mand of the King. They thought of visions coming, in part, unannounced.
bringing up for discussion the matter of Though southern Italy was thrcatened,
possible withdrawal from Sicily. But on Ambrosio said, the Gcrmans were concen-
the day before the conference, they de- trating near Rome and in the north,
cided not to mention the change of com- creating the suspicion that the Germans
mand or a withdrawal. had other intentions than the dcfcnsc of
The conference itself between Gcrman ltaly. Keitel said that qucstioning Gcr-
and Italian forcign ministers and chiefs of man good faith was quite unacceptable,
staff was marked by solemn statements by and he exprcssed indignation that the ltal-
each group which it did not mean, and ians were not thankful for generous
which the other group knew it did not Gcrman aid. Ribbentrop asked directly
mean. Despite Badoglio's intention, the whether Guariglia had had any convcrsa-
confcrees explored the means of continuing tion with the English or Americans.
the war rather than the possibilitics of Guariglia replied in the negative, admit-
achieving peace. The ltalians, intent on ting, however, that he had spoken with
keeping up the appearance pf being a the Turkish Foreign Minister. Ambrosio
faithful ally and on maintaining the no- reaffirmed the intention of the ltalians to
tion that German troops in Italy were march with ali their strength by the side
under operational control of Comando of the Germans.
Supremo, pressed for agreement on the At the afternoon session, attended by
movement of German reinforcements to Keitel, Rintelen, W arlimont, Ambrosio,
the south and away from the capital and Marras, and Rossi, Ambrosio suggested
from the naval bases of La Spezia and that 1talian assurances regarding Gcrman
Pola ( where the bulk of the ltalian Fleet divisions in transit to Italy were not final.
Keitel insisted that the north would first
1 OKW/WFSt, KTB, 1.-31.Vlll.49, 5 Aug have to be fully protected before German
43; situation appreciation by OB SUED of 4 Aug
43 and commenta by Chef WFSt, in MS #C- reinforcements could move to the south.
093 (Warlimont), pp. 102-03. Ambrosio stated bis intention of withdraw-

Axis SECOND EcHELON LEADERS meet in Tarvis, 6 August 1943. From General Keitel,
German Foreign Minister Ribbentrop, lnterpreter Paul Schmidt, Italian Poreign Minister Rajfaele
Guariglia, General Ambrosio.

ing the Italian Fourth Army from France Italian troops from occupied territories.
and three divisions from the Balkans, and Except for an understanding that the
he expres.5ed the hope that the Germans German units in Sicily and southem 1t-
would provide for the protection of the aly were to be brought to full strength and
areas vacated by the ltalians. Keitel re- adequately supplied, no real agreement
plied by saying a decision on this matter was reached at Tarvis. Pious declara-
was beyond his authority, but he agreed tions of alliance were exchanged. The
to present the ltalian proposal to Hitler. Germans believed, or professed to believe,
He recommended that the movement of that the conferees were in accord that
German reinforcements to southem ltaly, protection not only of the Brenner Pass
on which the ltalians placed such empha- but of all the Alpine passes into Italy had
sis, receive priority over the withdrawal of become a joint responsibility. The Ital-

ians understood that 1omt protection by tody or as a hostagc. He had, in any

ground forces applied to the Brcnner Pass case, alrcady started on another coursc.
alone, the other passcs remaining under Leonardo Vitetti complained that the
Italian compctence except for antiaircraft trip to Tarvis was like Columbus' first
batterics.2 voyage: he did not know where he was
The fundamental question of the com- going and when he carne back he did not
mand and distribution of forces was in no know wherc he had been or what he had
way resolved. The Italians, maintaining done}1
the sham that all German forces in ltaly
were under the Comando Supremo's op- The ltalian Demma
erational control, complained that the
German troops in the north behaved as With the Tarvis conference providing
though they were in an occupied country. formal 1talian concurrence for reinforcing
When Ambrosio asked whether Kesselring the north, German troops continued to
commanded the new troops entering Italy move into north ltaly, General Gloria re-
from the north, Warlimont replied: "Up porting on 7 August that approximately
to now, yes. However, it will be neces- 30,000 troops had crossed the Brenner
sary to establish a command over the Pass by that date.9 OKW's policy in this
German divisions in North Italy. Notifi- respect, representing an uneasy day by day
cation will be given at an appropriate compromise between its own views and
time. Until the traffic crisis was over- OB SUED's wishes, exploited the willing-
come or crumpated, the Germans insisted ness of Comando Supremo to rcceive re-
on keeping their new forces concentrated inforcements. Although Hitler remained
in the north. The 1talians had no chance convinced that ltaly was planning treason,
to expound a plan of joint defense that although plans and preparations for seiz-
would have left not a single Gennan di- ing ltaly were constantly reviewed and
vision in the Po valley. kept up to date, therc existed a wide di-
The confercnce had opcned in an at- vergency in strategics to be followed in
mosphere of gravest mutual suspicion. case of Italian betrayal or of Allied attack
It closcd in the same spirit. Ribbentrop in southem Italy.
brought up the matter of a future meeting Skeptical and pammistic of German
of Hitler with the King and Badoglio on success, Rommel was disappointed in the
German soil and suggested that the Heir number of forces actually assigned to bis
Apparcnt aiso attend. Guariglia did not Army Group B ( for thc most part infan-
pmm the subject becausc he feared that
the King might be scized and hcld in cus- 4 Guariglia, Ricordi, pp. 628-29.
5 Simoni, B11lino, Ambasciata, pp. 392--g8 (Vi-
: See the contrasting minutes in OKW/WFSt, tetti statcment, p. 3911). See also: Guariglia,
KTB, 1.-31.Vlll.43, 6 August 1943, and Col- Ricori, pp. 613-30; Rintclen, M ussolini als
loquio del giorno 6 agosto or1 1530, pages u-13, Bund1sgtnosst, pp. 236-39; MS #C-093 (War-
IT 3030. The minutes o( the three 1e11ions at limont), pp. 104-10; Rossi, Come arrivammo,
Tarvis are printed, but not in full, in Hitr 1 pp. 95--g8; Badoglio, M1moru 1 docum1nti, p .
Mus.solini: L11t111 1 docum1nti, pages 190-209. 98; Zanuui, Gu.rra 1 catastro/e, vol. 11, pp. 59-
a See map, Comando Sup11mo, Ufficio Op1r- 60; Castellano, Com1 firmai, pp. 74-77.
azioni Es1rcito, Scacchi111 occid1ntal1, Prog1tto 11 Telg, Comando XXXV Carpo d'Armata No.
disloeazion1 1randi unito italian1 1 g11manich1 970/0P to Ministero d1lla Gu11ra, 7 Aug 43,
/ur la di/11a d'ltalia, IT 3030. IT 102.

try divisions) . Thcy werc so mcagcr in wanted Gcrman rcinforccments, and

comparison with the pan:zcr anny orig- though the unwelcome gucsts werc alrcady
inally planned in June that he cstimated in the housc, Comando Supremo did not
he could dcfend northem Italy against wish them to have the keys to all thc
Allied invasion only wlth Italian co- rooms. Amb~io thercforc ordercd ccr-
opcration. To oppose an invasion with- tain troop movements to counteract thc
out !tallan support or while fighting the Gcnnan strangle hold. He strengthencd
Itallans would be, he felt, an irn~ible the forces guarding Rome and alerted
task. Unawarc of how thoroughly the them to take increascd prccautions against
ltalian officers hatcd him-he doubted, Gcrman movcs. He had the 105th (Ro-
for example, that an announcement of bis vigo) I nfantry Division and the 6th (Alpi
command would cause much rcaction Graje) Alpine Division moved from
among the Italians--he wished to move bis Turin, where they had been maintaining
headquarters from Munich to northern public order, to La Spczia, the main base
Italy, hoping in that way to gain the co- of thc Italian Flect, from which thc Gcr-
opcration and good will of the Italian mans werc to be excluded.
generals. 7 In the Brcnncr Pass arca, General
Kcssclring, who no doubt had little rcl- Gloria's XXXV Corps had had only the
ish for the p~pcct of merging bis com- 2d (Tridentina) Alpine Division, a unit in
mand into Rommel's, continued to take an the process of reconstitution after rcturn
optimistic view. He and Rintclen, in f rom the Russian front. The 4th (Cu-
agrcement on thc mattcr, made grcat ef- neense) Alpine Division, which also shared
forts to prcvent the harsh and suspicious bitter memories of Gcrman behavior in thc
attitude of OKW from completcly alien- retrcat from Stalingrad, had been moved to
ating the 1talians.8 Coscnza (in Calabria) in July. Now,
The full scopc of Gcrman intentions-- however, Ambrosio ordered that division
to compcl the !tallan Govemment to con- moved northward up the whole length of
tinue the war whether it wished or not, the 1tallan pcninsula to become part of
to scizc the ltalian Fleet and capital, and Gloria's corps.10
to convert the 1tallan pcninsula into a On 8 August, in accordance with in-
battlefield for thc defensc of Gcrmany- structions, Gloria scnt a note to General
was abundantly clcar after thc Tarvis con- Feurstein. He statcd that Roatta, the
fcrcnce. The Gcnnan occupation of It- Army chicf of staff, had directed the two
aly, which had been Ambro&o,s grcatcst ..\lpine divisions to take over the protec-
fear sincc May, was rapidly becoming an tion of the Brcnner Pass in order to free
accomplished fact. Though the 1tallan the Gcrman 44th Infantry Division for
Government had formally accepted un- furthcr movemcnt southward. Gcnnan
antiaircraft batterics were to remain, but
1 OKW/WFSI, KTB, 1.-31.VIII.43, 7 Aug under Gloria's command. Feurstein re-
1 Westphal, H11r in Fn11ln, p. 224; R.intelen ' R.oui, Come arrivammo, p. 97; Zanussi,
in MS #T-1a (Weatphal 11 al.), ch. JI, pp. Guerra e cataslro/1, vol. 11, p. 57.
112-23; R.intelen, Mussolini als Bund1sg1nos11, p. 1 Comando Sup11mo, Op6razioni Regio Eser-
239; General der Panzcrtruppen Heinrich von cilo Q.uadro di baltaglia alla data del 1 agosto
Vietinghofl' gen. Scheel in MS #T-1a (Westphal 1943, IT 10 a-h; Ambrosio' order of 2 Aug 43,
1t al.), ch. VI, p .. 8. Comando Supremo, No. 1549a/Op., IT 1011.

plied firmly that the 44th Jnfantry Division with Comando Supremo through Kesscl-
would stay wherc it was and be wholly ring, in accordance with the Tarvis con-
rcsponsible for protecting the Brenner- ference. Yet OKW directed Army Group
Bolzano sector. Professing grcat indigna- B to prepare to occupy the Tarvis Pass,
tion over the northward movement of the northeastem gateway into Italy from
1talian troops while Gcrman divisions were Ljubljana and from Villach-Klagenfurt.1
not only moving south to defend Italy By this time, Comando Supremo had
against Allied invasion but aJso carrying developed schizophrenic tcndencics under
the main burden of the campaign in Sic- the contradictory pressurcs of opposing
ily, Kessclring submitted a formal note of the Allics in the south and the Gcrmans
protcst to Ambrosio. He demandcd the in the north. In accordance with Am-
withdrawal of ali the ltalian troops that brosio's order, Castellano on 9 August
had moved into the Trcntino after 5 traveled to Monterotondo, just outside
August. Otherwisc, he threatened, re- Rome, whither the Army staff was moving
sponsibility for the conscquenccs would in anticipation of the proclamation of
fall upon the ltalian Govemment. 11 Rome's open city status, and directed
Confirming all the points in the Tarvis Roatta to make certain troop dispositions
agrcement, Ambrosio neverthelcss refuscd in view of a probable conflict with the
to suspend the movement of the Cuneense Germans. Roatta objected. The orders
Alpine Division into the South Tyrol. It implied a change in policy, and Roatta did
was to complete its mountain training, he not wish to act unless the order for the
said, beforc commitment against the Al- change carne f rom the King and Badoglio.
lics. An uneasy compromise rcsulted, as Calling on Ambrosio that evening, Roatta
Gcrman and ltalian troops continued to urged him to take the matter to the King.
sharc the protection of the Brenner arca. 12 Atan audience with Victor Emmanuel 111
A new misunderstanding in the South on 1 o August, Ambrosio sccured the
Tyrol occurred on 9 August, when Feur- King's approval of the proposcd troop
stein notified Gloria of new troop move- movements and informed Roatta, who
ments and requcsted the plans and keys ~ued a written directive to his subordinate
of installations suitable for accommodating commanders.
the German units. Informed by Gloria The directive confirmed and elaborated
and interpreting the requcst as a demand the verbal orders Roatta had ~ued at the
for the plans and keys of ali the Italian end of July. Italian forces werc to react
fortifications in the Rcschen and Sillian positively against German violence, safe-
Passcs, Roatta energetically protcsted to guard command posts and asscmbly arcas
Kcssclring the prcsumptious German be- against Gcnnan surprisc attack, reinforce
havior. Kcssclring notified OKW, which the protection of hydroelectric plants and
agrced to confirm all troop movements other important installations, observe
closcly and report all Gennan troop move-
11 Memo of the German General at Headquar- ments and all supporting actions by Fas-
ters of the ltalian Armed Forces, No. 0717/43, cists, plan and prepare for action against
8 Aug 43, IT 1011.
12 OKW/WFSt, KTB, 1.-31.VIJI.,13, 7-8 Aug
43; Min, 8 Aug 43, tem 193, Min of Confs, 13 OKW/WFSt, KTB, 1.-31.VIll..13, 8-g Aug
Comando Supremo, IT 116. 43; Cf. Roatta, Otto milioni, p. 1173.

such vital Gcrman installations as motor Panzer Corps, who attended the meeting,
parks, munition depots, and airfields. informed General Hube when he rctumed
Unless the Gcrmans took the initiative and the same day to Sicily. Hube dircctcd
rcsorted to force, Italian units werc to Colonel Baade, the commandant of thc
execute thcsc plans only upon order from Strait of M~a, and the German sea
Roatta's headquarters. Like prcvious in- transport commander, Frcgattenkapitaen
structions of this naturc ~ued by Roatta, Gustav von Liebenstein, to start prcpara-
thcsc orders werc defensive in naturc. tions for the evacuation. Hube also au-
Therc was no anticipation of posmble co- thorized the withdrawal of the ground
operation with the Allies against the Ger- forces f rom Nicosia that evening and in-
mans. Roatta still knew nothing of the formed General Guzzoni the next day that
mmons of D'Ajeta and Berio.14 German forces would no longer executc a
stubborn defense of Sicily. 111
The Decision to Evacuate Sici/.y On '1. August Kesselring approved thc
detailed evacuation plan submitted to him
The Tarvis confercnce had not settled by Colonel von Bonin, asking only to be
on a futurc course of action to be followed notified beforc Hube implcmcnted thc
by the Axis armies in Sicily, for Sicily had plan. The next day he informcd OKW
been discussed only incidentally. Want- that the evacuation plan was rcady and
ing to avoid a rcpetition of the Tunisian that the transfer of troops and matricl to
disaster and fearing that Hitler would the ltalian mainland could be made in
delay a decision until too late, Kesselring five nights.
took it upon himself to solve the problem. The fall of San Fratcllo on 8 August
Kesselring had rcceived the OKW or- coincided with several other notable cvcnts
der of 26 J uly to prepare for an eventual on Sicily. On that day, the 9th Division
evacuation of the island. To prcvent cntercd Cesan>; thc British 78th Division
leakage of German plans to the 1talians scizcd Bronte; and the British 1 3 Corps
as dirccted by OKW, Kesselring had on thc east coast was eight miles beyond
called a conference on 27 July to brief the Catania striving to break the H ermann
German commanders on the planned con- 1 $ Since most of the German orden were given
duct of futurc operations on the island. verbally during this period, only scanty documen-
"If the ltalians should leave the alliance tary evidence i1 available. A reconstruction of
with Germany," Kesselring said, "the XIV the transmittal of the order from OKW /WFSt
to Hube on 27 July is based on: Instructions
Panzer Corps will immediately disengage from OKW /WFSt on the future conduct of op-
from the enemy and evacuate ali troops eration1 in Italy reached OB SUED on 26 and
from Sicily. Preparations for the evacua- 27 July 1943, as proven by two mentions--with
hardly any details-in OB SUED, M1ld"11g111,
tion will start right away in co-ordination 0725, 26 July 1943 and 2025, 27 July 1943; ar-
between XIV and LXXVI Panzer Corps rival of TWX with instructions from OKW/
and other headquarters involved." Col. WFSt early in the moming of 26 July 1943,
Rintelen, Mussolini als Bundesg1noss1; Keuel-
Bogislaw von Bonin, chief of stafl of XIV ring'1 conference on 27 July 1943 and hit direc-
tive, LXXVI Pan:1r Corps, A.nlag1n, 10.Vll.-90.
14 Roatta, Otto milioni, pp. 275, 287, 289-91; Vlll..1s; Bonin'1 presence at the conference, OB
Rossi, Com1 arriuammo, pp. 2ocr201, 205; SUED, M1ldung1n, 2025, 27 July 1943; LXXVI
Zanuasi, Gu1rra e eatastro/1, 11, pp. 56-57; MS Pan:er Corps, KTB, 22. Yl.4s-2.ll..14, and A.n-
#P-058, Project 46, 1 Feb-8 Sep 43, Queation 7. lag1n, 8 August and ro August for 8 August 1943.

Goering Division's hold on Highway 114. the dcfensc of part of Calabria and to
On that day, too, General von Senger start evacuating ltalian forces from
visited Kcssclring and rcported the scrious- Sicily. 18
ncss of the situation on Sicily. Kessclring With Kcssclring finally giving the word
then ordercd Hube to go ahcad with the to evacuate, Hube instructed Baade and
evacuation. He did not dircctly inform tbe thrcc German division commanders to
Hitler or ask his approval. He depended prepare for final transfer of troops and
on his chief of staff, General Wcstphal, to equipment to Mcssina and across tbe
set matters straight with Comando Su- Strait to the Italian mainland. 19 Late
premo.18 When OKW on 9 August on the aftcmon of 10 August, Hube
leamed of Kcssclring's order, Hitler ac- issued the formal order for evacuation,
cepted the decision as a fait accompli. designating the night of 1 1 August as the
General Warlimont, Jodl's deputy chicf, first of five nights for ferrying troops a cross
rccalled after the war that the decision to the strait in Opcration LEHRGANG.
evacuate Sicily was one of the instanccs By this time, Baade had practically
wherc Jodl "in bis calm way . . . suc- completed his preparations for receiving
ceeded in guiding Hitler to undcsirable but and transporting the troops and cquipment
neccssary decisions . . . ." 17 from the front-line divisions. Within the
The decision could not be kept from large, oval-sbapcd arca of his command-
General Guzzoni and bis staff. Guzzoni including the northcast tip of Sicily and
accordingly examined tbe pos&bility of an arca directly across the Strait of Mcs-
continuing to dcfend Sicily with Italian sina in Calabria-Baade exercised com-
forces alone. He concluded tbat sucb a mand not only over all Gcrman Army
course of action was not feasible. The troops, but over the German antiaircraft
Italian forces on the island might dclay installations and their pcrsonnel, even
the Allied occupation of all of Sicily by a tbough the latter werc administrativcly
few days, but only at the price of human part of tbe Gcrman Second Air Fleet.
sacrifice and loss of equipmcnt out of pro- To counter Allied air and naval su-
portion to any advantages that migbt be premacy, Baade bad under his control
gained. He infonned Comando Supremo about five bundred guns, a majority of
of his views, and on 9 August C ornando them dual-purposc weapons.20 In addi-
Supremo ordercd Guzzoni to take over
18 Faldclla, Lo sbarco, pp. 269; IT 99c, an.
H1 Colloquio Generale W estphal-Generale RoSJi 121.
del giorno 9 agosto 1943, ore 1 ~oo, IT 104; 111 Baade Diary; LXXVI Panzer Corps, KTB
SKL/1.Abt, KTB, Teil A, 1.-31.VIIL13, 16 Aug and Anlagen, 8 and 10 Aug for 8 Aug 43.
43 ; Min of Confs in Rome, 1943, IT 26; Min, 20 It is difficult to determine just how many
8 Aug 43 Item 193, Min of Confs, Comando Su- guns Baade controlled during the evacuation pe-
premo, IT 26; MS #T-1a (Westphal et al.) . riod. A report dated 14 August (Baade Diary,
11 SKL/1.Abt, KTB, Teil A, 1.-31.Vlll.43, pages 11g-20) shows 333 antiaircraft guns on
15 and 16 Aug 43 and one entry 20 Aug 43 hand that day. These were in addition to the
referring to 9 Aug 43; Warlimont in 01-11 R/ coast defcnse guns, which were not dual-purpose
22, Hq U.S. Forces European Theater, Mil lntel weapons. Other reports (an undated map, prob-
Center, Gennan General Staff Series; Bonin in ably late July, in Baade Diary; a map dated
MS #T-2 (Fries et al.) ; Westphal's comments 18 July 1943, part of collection Sizilitn ( r :200,-
on the evacuation order as quoted by Fries in 000), WFSt Op (H)) shows even more guns as
MS #T-2 (Fries et al.), p. 28; OKW/WFSt, being present. See abo Roskill, The W ar at Sea,
KTB, 1.-31.VJIJ.43, 9 Aug 43. vol. 111, pt. 1, pp. 145-46.

tion, just bcfore the evacuation started, imposmblc regulations, and left with lcss
the 15th Panzer Grenadier Division re- than threc hundred opcrational aircraft of
linqu~hed to Baade the two most power- all typcs.
ful batteries on Sicily ( 170-mm. guns with In addition to controlling thc defcnses
an effective range of over ten miles) for of the Mcssina Strait area, Baadc a1so co-
commitment as part of the coastal de- ordinatcd the Gcrman naval fcrrying scrv-
femes on both sides of Villa San Giovanni ice, although this function remaincd the
( just across the strait from Messina) .21 direct responsibility of Captain Licbcn-
Thus, what many Allied officers had re- stcin, thc Sea Transport Commandcr,
garded as one of the most heavily defended Messina Strait. Licbcnstcin had com-
areas in Europc during 1942 and early mand of three naval flotillas, an cnginccr
1943 had pcrhaps bccome the most heavily landing battalion, two or threc cnginccr
defended. One Allied officer was later to fortification battalions, and two port
call the antiaircraft fire at Messina "the maintcnancc companies. The flotillas
hcaviest ever encountercd in the Mediter- had, by thc cnd of July, 33 naval ferry
ranean-hcavicr than 'flak allcy' betwecn barges ( somcwhat similar to American
Bizcrte and Tunis---greatcr than thc inncr LCTs), 12 Siebel ferries ( 10-ton, ftat-
artillcry of London." 22 The single weak- bottomed, multipurpose supply and troop,
ness in Baadc's antiaircraft dcfensc systcm carricrs), 2 naval gun lighters, 11 largc
was thc limited rangc of his guns. A cngineer landing craft capable of trans-
large numbcr would not be able to reach porting 2 trucks, and 76 motorboats dc-
high-flying Allicd bombcrs, aircraft like signed to transport pcrsonncl only.28
thc B-17, the B-24, and thc British Wel- At Hube's requcst, four of six fcrrying
lington. This was one reason why Baade routcs devclopcd by Liebenstein during
had takcn ovcr the 15th Panzer Grena- the coursc of the campaign ( with cach
dier Division's large wcapons. lf thc route having severa! landing places on
Allied air forces attacked the strait using both coasts) were set asidc to cvacuatc
fighter, fightcr-bombcr, light and medium Gcrman troops, all starting from points
bombcr aircraft, then thc antiaircraft firc north of Mcssina. A fifth routc, south of
would be most cffcctivc. lf thc Allicd Messina, was designated a sparc routc, to
air forces scnt mainly high-flying hcavy be uscd only in cmcrgency. Routes 1 and
bombers, Baade's dcfenses would provc 2, near thc northeastcm tip of thc island,
wocfully inadcquatc. In the lattcr case were rcscrved for thc 15th and 29th Pan-
thc Gcrman infantrymen on Sicily would zer Grenadier Divisions; Route 3, two
havc to dcpcnd on thc Gcrman Second miles north of M~ina, was to be uscd by
Air Fleet to cover thc withdrawal. But XIV Panzer Corps headquartcrs and
this was a task that thc German air force hcadquartcrs troops; Routc 4, a milc north
in Italy could not pos&bly hope to pcr- of Mcssina, was set asidc for thc H erman n
form, for the air force was dccimated by Goering Division and attached elemcntsof
thc previous fighting, frustratcd by 1talian the I st .Parachute Division. Other Gcr-
officials who demandcd conformity with man units were to adjust thcir movcments
21 Baade Diary; Bonin in MS #T-R (Fries 23 For additional details, see MS #R-146
et al.) ; MS #C-077 (Rodt). (Bauer), pp. 34-35; see abo Roskill, The War
22 Quoted in Tregaskis, lnvasion Diar')I, p. 70. at Sea, vol. 111, pt. 1, pp. 144-45.

SMOKE PALL CovERS PoRTIONS OF MESSINA afler bombing attack by B- 17's.

to those of the divisions and were to be nounced the formal evacuation order, the
evacuated on a space-available basis. German ferrying service was ready to
Personnel were to cross the strait only dur- transport about 8,ooo men each night,
ing the hours of darkness; weapons and with ferry barges, Siebel ferries, and en-
rniscellaneous equipment were to be evac- gineer landing craft ready to go into action
uated during both the <lay and the night at each of the four designated ferrying
and in line with a priority of antitank sites. All that remained was for General
weapons first, then artillery pieces, then Hube to get the right number of men to
self-propelled weapons of all kinds, and, the proper embarkation points at the right
finally, trucks and motor vehicles. All time in order to make full use of the avail-
matriel that could not be evacuated was able shipping without creating bottlenecks.
to be destroyed. 24 All troops at the front or in the rear
On 1 o August, the day Hube an- areas had, by 1 o August, received orders
to move toward the ferrying routes.
LXXVI Panzer Corps, KTB and Anlagen, Generalleutnant Richard Heidrich, com-
10 Aug 43. mander of the 1 st Parachute Division,

drcw the as&gnrncnt of organizing the mans, the ltalians organized four ferrying
rcccption of the troops in Calabria. The routes, two starting from Me,s.,ina itself,
Tortorici, or shortcr, bridgehcad linc was the other two from points north of the
to be held until 12 August, whcn Hube city. Operating independcntly of thc
planned to begin moving the cntirc front German scrvice, the Italian fcrrying scrv-
back in threc big strides, delaying at phase icc consisted of one train ferry ( capablc
lines across the northeastem tip of the of lifting 3,000 men at a time) , two small
island. To prcvent overcrowding on thc steamboats, and four navy-manned motor
north coast highway, Hube picked thc 15th rafts. Since the 1tallan vcssels were not
Panzer Grenadier Division to start mov- capablc of lifting heavy equipment, Gen-
ing through Randazzo toward fcrry eral Hube offered to take ovcr sorne of it,
Routes 1 and 2 on 1 o August so that its if space should become available on the
transfer to thc Italian mainland could be Gcrman craft.
completed by 15 August. The 29th Pan-
zer Grenadier Division was to follow along Allied Reaction
thc north coast. At thc same time, thc
Hermann Goering Division, withdrawing Allied commanders and Allied intelli-
around both sides of Mount Etna, was to gence agencies seemed quite awarc of the
fall back toward Route 4. Hube planned Axis intention to evacuate Sicily, although
that each of thc three major displacemcnts they rcfuscd to hazard a gucss as to when
to thc rcar would be made at night, and this evacuation might bcgin. General
only on dates that he would specify. Alexander, himself, as early as 3 August,
U pon arrival at each of thc phase lines, f elt that the Germans would start back
the divisions would release up to two-thirds across the strait at almost any time and he
of thc troops then on line and start them requested Admiral Cunningham and Air
moving toward thc embarkation points. Chief Marshal Teddcr to co-ordinate the
Sincc each line was shorter than the prc- Allied forces' naval and air efforts to prc-
ceding one, Hube fclt this proccdurc was vent an encmy evacuation from the
feasible and that it assured a stcady strcam island. 27 On 5 August, the Sevcnth
of men to and across the strait.26 Army G-2 announced that "in all prob-
F or the 1talians, who had started a ability evacuation is taking place. The
limited evacuation on 3 August, official entire operation f rom thc cncmy view-
word to evacuatc thc island carne from point, thereforc, is to delay advance
Comando Supremo on the gth, when Gen- against time." 28 Two days later the
eral Guzzoni was ordcrcd to help defend same officer again indicatcd cvacuation of
Calabria. On the following day, after German troops as the m~ likely cncmy
giving Hube command authority over all course of action, a report issucd daily
Italian and German units still in Sicily, thercafter.29 From a British intclligence
Guzzoni and his Sixth Army headquarters 21 Nicholson, Tite Canadians in Italy, p. 172;
moved across the strait.28 Llkc thc Ger- Roskill, The War at Sea, vol. 111, pt. 1, p. 146
Morison, Sicily--Salerno-Anzio, pp. 212-13.
211 MS #C-o77 (Rodt); MS #T-2 (Fries el 28 Seventh Army G-2 Periodic Rpt 27, 5 Aug

al.) ; Baade Diary. 43.

21 Faldella, Lo sbarco, pp. 26g-70, 308; IT 29 Seventh Army G-2 Periodic Rpt 29, 7 Aug
99c, an. 1 u and 12 1. 43.

office on Sicily carne the following state- General Doolittlc's NASAF heavy bomb-
ment on 9 August: "From now on it ers against the strait was rescinded, with
scems to be a question of who can walk the provision that thc hcavies would not
back the fastest. The Gcrmans are defi- be used during the day except at Doo-
nitely getting out everything they can." 80 little's discretion, and then only on a re-
While it appcars that Allied command- quest from Air Vice Marshal Sir Arthur
ers knew of the impcnding enemy cvacua- Coningham ( NATAF's commander) with
tion, if not the exact date when the a twclvc-hour notice. General Doolittle's
evacuation would start, it also appcars that command was suffering from combat fa-
thesc same commanders had no over-all tigue and it had been found necessary to
plan for thwarting such an opcration. decreasc the frequency of NASAF's opcr-
To General Alexander's query of 3 August ations during the last week in July in
requcsting a co-ordination of the Allied order to give the combat air crews more
air and naval efforts to prevent an enemy rest. Too, NASAF had many targets on
evacuation from Sicily, Admiral Cunning- the 1talian mainland: airficlds, lines of
ham replied that he was aware of the communications, marshaling yards, and
possibility of the enemy forces leaving Sic- rail and road bridges that had to be de-
ily, that he had small craft opcrating at stroyed before the Allied invasion of thc
night in the strait, but that he could not Italian mainland. Coningham fclt that
employ larger warships in the strait arca bis NATAF could handlc any enemy evac-
until the air forces knocked out the ene- uation that might take place during day-
my's strong coastal batteries. Cunning- light hours, provided NASAF could
ham promiscd that the activities of the handle the night hours. Thus, from 5
small craft would be "intensified," and to g August, although British medium
that once the air forces knocked out the Wellington bombers struck nightly at the
coastal batteries he would sci\d "surface beaches north of Messina, American B-17
forces to opcrate further in the straits." 31 hcavy bombers ftew only three daylight
Air Chief Marshal Tedder agreed with m~ons against Messina. Despite this
Cunningham's proposal to knock out the round-the-clock aerial bombardment, Air
coastal batteries, as well as with another Vice Marshal Coningham felt that unless
proposal of Cunningham's to pcrmit AI- the Navy could provide a "positive physi-
lied air forces to operate without "let or cal barrier" at night across the strait
hindrance" ovcr thc whole of thc Messina N AAF could not prevent an enemy evac-
Strait arca, and he notified bis American uation from Sicily. 32
subordinate, General Spaatz (commandcr Unfortunatcly, Admira! Cunningham,
of the NAAF), to put the air forces to after giving "the matter very careful
work immediately. Thus, Spaatz' two thought," concluded that regardless of the
major combat air forces-NATAF and method used by the Allies, "sea or air,"
NASAF-wcre committed to blocking there was no "effective method" of stop-
Hubc's evacuation. An order ~ued on ping an enemy evacuation. Admira!
2 August which had prohibited the use of Hewitt, the American naval commander,
30 Quotcd in Trcgaskis, lnvasicm Diary, p. 70. 32 Roskill, The W ar at Sea, vol. 111, pt. I, pp.
31 Roskill, The War at Sea, vol. 111, pt. I, 147-48; Cravcn and Cate, cds., vol. 11, Europe:
p. 146. TORCH to POINTBLANK, p. 4711.

agreed. Admiral McGrigor's small "In- conjunction with an amphibious landing

shore Squadron," originally created to work or alone to cut off more German units.
with the British Eighth Army, was left As of 8 August, General Montgomery
on its own to do what it could to estab- still had indicated no desire to use any of
lish the "positive physical barrier" in the Admiral McGrigor's lnshore Squadron to
strait; no larger warships were ordered to speed the Eighth Army's advance up the
help out.83 east coast, although McGrigor was ready
From the point of view of the ground and willing to undertake such an opera-
fighters, only two possibilities existed for tion. In fact, McGrigor twice before had
getting sizable numbers of Allied ground embarked a large Commando force ( one
forces into Messina before the enemy had actually sailed) to land it behind the
could evacuate: additional amphibious Germans' Catania defense line to cut the
landings of the type conducted by the Sev- vital east coast highway. Both times Mont-
enth Army at San Fratello, and airborne gomery had canceled the operation. Four
drops designed to sever the last few re- small British airbome missions designed to
maining routes of enemy withdrawal to harass enemy communications and supply
Messina. Both the Seventh and Eighth arcas in northeastem Sicily had been tried;
Armies, on 8 August, were still sorne dis- ali had failed. Montgomery gave no hint
tance from Messina--seventy-five and of a desire to employ larger numbers
fifty-two miles, respectively-with little of airbome troops to aid his army's
possibility of moving any faster than they advance. H The Eighth Army com-
had during the preceding eight or nine mander apparently preferred to slog bis
days unless they sailed around or flew over way slowly around the Mount Etna mas-
the enemy's defensive lines. sif, using much the samc plan he had
General Patton, pleased with the re- dcveloped four days after thc invasion.35
sults of the 11 Corps first seaborne end run, With the Allied naval forces practically
kept Bemard's small task force intact, out of the picture, with thc Allied ground
intending to use it again to expedite the forces miles away from Messina, thc en-
Seventh Army advance along the north tire burden of stopping Hube's evacuation
coast road. lf such landings in the future initially fell on the Allied air forces, who
could be made deeper in the enemy rear were not quite ready to assume thc task.
than at San Fratello, they might be able lnstead of calling on Doolittle's NASAF
to cut off sizable numbers of German sol- to help out after 9 August, Air Vice Mar-
diers; they might even cut off the entire shal Coningham relicd almost exclusivcly
29th Panzer Grenadier Division. Patton on bis NATAF to stop the evacuation.
a1so wanted to use an airbome drop to From 9 August on, the NATAF pilots
further speed up the Seventh Army ad- tried desperately to halt thc flow of traffic
vance, and he directed preparations aimed across thc strait, but they found it difficult
at using a parachute battalion, the 509th,
to drop behind the German lines either in 34 These were the four so-called CHESTNUT
missions, three consisting of two planes, the last
of one aircraft.
33 Morison, Sicily-Salerno-Anzio, pp. 213. 35 Roskill, The War at Sea, vol. III, pt. 1, pp.
216; Roskill, The War at Sea, vol. 111, pt. l. 142-43; Morison, Sicily-Salerno-Anzio, pp.
pp. 147, 14g-50. 206-07; Montgomery, Eighth Army, pp. 110-11.
,......__ - - - _,.,,,_...._- - -


24 July- 10 Au;uat 1943


Form ""'# ont,

'1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 il1 1/1
10 Wll[I
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to penetrate Baade's antiaircraft defenses. He recommended that Doolittle's hcavy

"My squadron lost two out of twelve bombers be released from their commit-
planes yesterday," said one American ment to bomb Messina by day, if requcstcd,
fiyer. "And 1 lost two wing tips," re- but asked that the British Wellington
ported another. "And 1 lost my tail bombers keep up their night strikcs.87
wheel," said a third. "They put up a hell Despite Coningham's optimistic ap-
of a lot of fiak," stated a fourth. 36 But praisal of the situation, it appeared that
on the same day ( 11 August) that Hube unles.5 the ground troops could hurry thcir
started his evacuation, Coningham re- forward movement and exert sizable pres-
ported that should "withdrawal develop sure on Hube's retiring divisions, it was
on a big scale . . . we can handle it with unlikely that Allied air alonc, with only
our own resources and naval assistance." 37
Roskill , The War at Sea, vol. 111, pt. 1,
36 Tregaskis, lnvasion Diary, p. 71. p . 149.
693-029 O - 6S - 26

limited naval support, could do much to coast. The ltalian elements, reduced to a
stop Hube from getting most of his men handful of Assietta Division infantrymen
and equipment off the island. and a few artillery pieces, were intcr-
mingled among the German units.
The Evacuation Begins South of the mountain chain, the rem-
nants of the 15th Panzer Grenadier Di-
The three German divisions reached vision slipped into place along Highway
the Tortorici line by 1 o August, pressed 1 16 between Floresta and Randazzo.
by the American and British forces only This was the division Hube had eannarked
on the extreme eastern and northern as the first to be evacuated from Sicily.
wings. ( M ap 7) Still holding positions Forward of this min battle line, General
west of the northern hinge of that line, Rodt deployed strong rear guards astride
the 29th Panzer Grenadier Division tried Highway 120 to delay a quick American
to delay the 3d Division's advance forward follow-up f rom Cesara. He also resorted
of the Tortorici line foras long as possible, to cxtcnsive use of mines and demolitions,
giving way only to extreme pr~ure and taking full advantagc of the rough tcrrain,
completing its withdrawal by 1 2 August. narrow road, numcrous bridges, and diffi-
Here again, General Fries' division would cult bypasses to aid thc defense.
occupy strong natural defensive positions, From the German viewpoint, if the
ideally suited to fighting a delaying action. evacuation was to succeed, thc advancc of
Here again, the coastal anchor of the line the Allied ground forces had to be slowed
had the same washboard ridges as the San considerably. In particular, Rodt had to
Fratello line, and the Zappulla River hold Ranclazzo-now threatened by both
crossings corresponded with those of the the gth U.S. Division and the British 78th
Furiano. Highway 1 16, running south Division-until both his own and thosc
across the Caronie Mountains from Cape elcments from the H ermann Goering Di-
Orlando through Naso and Ucria to vision north of Mount Etna could with-
Randazzo ( on Highway 120), runs over draw through the only exit now available
high and mountainous terrain like the San in thc central sector of the Axis front.
Fratello-Cesaro road. Roughly halfway Randazzo was a prime target for the AI-
between Cape Orlando and Randazzo, lied air forces--at least for those air units
commanding terrain offered the Germans not committed to thc M~na Strait arca.
positions from which to cover the southem A quick movcment by thc two Ailied di-
terminus of the northern portian of the visions into and through Randazzo would
Tortorici line. not only cut off portions of two German
On 9 August, the 71 st Panzer Gren- divisions, it would cndangcr the Gcrman
adier Regiment still occupied a salient units on both the northern and eastern
extending westward of the Zappulla River. coasts.
The regiment was under orders to hold Colonel Smythe's 4 7th Infantry, com-
until forced to withdraw. The 15th Pan- mitted to taking Randazzo, retaincd posi-
zer Grenadier Regiment deployed west of tions around Cesaro during thc night of
Highway 116, south of Naso. Most of 8 August, dcspitc Smythe's repeated urg-
the 29th Panzer Grenadier Division's ar- ings to bis battalion commandcrs to move
tillery battalions were in positions near the on to thc high ground which overlooked
RANDAZZO from the southern approach. Highway 116 is barely visible winding downfrom the mountains ( beyond
the steeple at lefl center).

the Simeto River, about one-third of the during the day-the 39th lnfantry had
way to Randazzo. Since the advance was covered only three and a half miles, ob-
to continue the following morning, Smythe vious testimony to the effectiveness of the
wanted to be in position to jump acros.s German mines.
the river quickly. General Eddy, also Coupled with an equally slow advance
concemed with getting to Randazzo as by the British 78th Division, the ground
fast as pos.sible, brought all but one bat- movement was doing little to halt German
talion of DeRohan's 6oth lnfantry out of evacuation. Not only was the 15th Pan-
the mountains to follow Smythe's advance. zer Grenadier Division still holding the
This, Eddy felt, would strengthen the di- Randazzo escape route open, but General
vision's main effort; for the time bcing, Rodt was even depleting his front-linc
he was content to give up the mountain- units in accordance with Hubc's with-
scaling strategy to which the 6oth lnfantry drawal plan. Not all was going accord-
had bcen committed since 6 August. ing to plan, however, for Rodt's units
Colonel Smythe's worries were justified found it increasingly difficult to p~
when, after jumping off at 0600, 9 Au- through the Randazzo arca becausc Allied
gust, his battalions just barely got to the air had destroyed two important highway
Simeto River's west bank where they were bridges while other aircraft worked over
halted by heavy enemy fire. A try that the entire arca almost incessantly. Ran-
night also failed to get them across the dazzo itseH quickly bccame one of thc
river. Although the regiment managed most heavily bombed targets in Sicily.88
to clear the west bank of the river for sorne German troops bcgan calling thc highway
distance on 1 o August and make contact through Randazzo the "dcath road."
with the British 78th Division off to the Despite these difficulties, Gennan casual-
south, it could not cross the river. Gen- ties were kept comparativcly low by strict
eral Eddy thereupon sent the 6oth Infan- traffic discipline and by the fact that thc
try back into the mountains to outftank German troops, through necessity, had
Randazzo from the north, and brought up long since lcamed how to take carc of
Flint's 39th lnfantry ( now almost fully themselvcs during Allied air attacks.39
recovered from the Troina battle) to re- Early on 12 August the 39th lnfantry
sume the advance along Highway 120. resumed its advance on Randazzo. On
At 0645, 1 1 August, the 39th lnfantry its right, and almost abreast of Flint's
crossed the Simeto River without inci- front lines, the British 78th Division at-
dent, continued to the east for another tacked for Maletto. Thc British unit took
several miles, but at the Maletto road its objective; Flint did not take bis. Gen-
junction ran into an area where the eral Rodt required only a few more hours
ground was practically interdicted by Ger- of delay at Randazzo, and he picked out
man mines. Moving for the most part
311 During the first thirteen days of August,
north of the highway, the 39th Infantry at
Randazzo waJ hit by a total of 425 medium
midnight had two battalions just west of bomber, 249 light bomber, and 72 fighter-bomber
a long ridge about three miles west of sorties. See Craven and Cate, eds., vol. 11, Eu-
Randazzo. Despite the almost total lack rope: TORCH to POINTBLANK, p. 470.
30 MS #R-145, The Evacuation of Sicily,
of opposition-there was only sorne artil- ch. XVI of Axis Tactical Operations in Sicily,
lery and small arms fire along the highway July-August 1943 (Bauer), p . u.

George A. Smith, Col. H. A. Flint, Maj. Gen. Vyryan Evelegh, and Brig. Gen. E . E. Cass.

the 39th Infantry as the Allied unit rep- Rodt's troops. During the evening of 12
resenting the most serious threat to the August, Rodt had pulled his units out of
town. Accordingly, heavy fire was laid Randazzo and Floresta, one group going
on the approaching Americans. back through Novara di Sicilia, the others
In the meantime, DeRohan's 6oth In- north to and along Highway 1 13, preced-
fantry tried to make its presence felt. But ing the 29th Panzer Grenadier Division.
the distance the regiment had to travel The closing scene of the Randazzo op-
and the mountainous country through eration carne early on 13 August. Ameri-
which it had to move precluded its hav- can patrols probed cautiously into the
ing any real effect on the situation along shattered town, followed by an infantry
the highway. The 2d Battalion, 6oth battalion. Just a short time later, the
Infantry, finally managed to make its way British 78th Division arrived on the scene.
into Floresta ( on the road north of Ran- Like Troina, the capture of Randazzo was
dazzo) early on 13 August, but the ad- anticlimactic. Rodt had been able to
vance fell hours short of catching any of make good his escape by excellent use of

the terrain, liberal use of mines and demoli- ignoring Admira} McGrigor's Inshore
tions, and by the almost complete absence Squadron as a possible means of speeding
of any Allied ground thrcat to his escape up his advance, even went so far as to try
routes. 40 a two-division attack across the southem
The advances registered by the U .S. slopes of Mount Etna. The push was
9th and British 78th Divisions, while slow, slow and costly and gained little ground.
were faster than those made by units of With every advantage of terrain, General
the British Eighth Army on the eastem Conrath, using the H ermann Goering Di-
side of Mount Etna. Montgomery, still vision, fought an almost leisurely with-
drawal battle, fending off the British
40 See 39th, 47th, and 6oth Inf Regt AAR's, with a part of his force, sending the re-
5-13 Aug 43; gth lnf Div AAR. mainder to Messina to cross the strait.


Only along thc north coast was the Ger- Coloncl Sherman's 7th Infantry had
man withdrawal at any time seriously pushcd on east along Highway 113 against
thrcatcncd. For that matter, the entire steadily stiffening German resistance. By
Gcrman northern and central sectors the evening of 1o August, after being
almost fell prcy to another American am- knocked back once, the 7th lnfantry
phibious cnd run, an opcration that for a gained a foothold across the Zappulla
short time altercd Hube's carefully con- River just south of the highway crossing.
ccivcd timctablc for thc evacuation of The opposing 71st Panzer Grenadier Reg-
Sicily. 1 iment pulled back up thc slopes of the
Aftcr relieving Coloncl Bcrnard's battal- Naso ridge roughly in line with Cape
ion at thc Rosmarino River on 8 August, Orlando. It had been unable to delay
1 The account of the battle at Brolo and along
the 3d Division advancc until 12 August,
the Naso ridge line, unless otherwise noted, is as originally contemplatcd.
based on the reports of operations and joumals The new German defensive Iine looked
of the units involved; Truscott, Command Mis-
sions, pp. 234-40; Morison, Sicily---Salerno-
as formidable as that at San Fratello, but
.Anzio, pp. 203-05; Rpt, USS Philadelphia to Patton, Bradley, and Truscott were not dis-
CinC U.S. Fleet, u Aug 43, sub: Opns From posed to pick at this line. Even as the
10 to 18 Aug 43, in 6-1.1008/43; Maj. James
L. Packman, The Operations of the 2d Battalion
7th lnfantry fought to cross the Zappulla
(Reinforced), 3oth lnfantry Regiment in the River, Truscott sent Johnson's 15th In-
Amphibious Attack on Brolo, 11-n August fantry inland to cross the river south of
1943 (Fort Benning, Georgia, 1950); MS #R- Sherman in order to gain the ridge below
144 (Bauer), pp. 6o-63; Taggart, ed., History o/
ti., Third lnfantry Division, pp. 68-71; Prohme, Naso and roll up the German. Iine. Thi."
History of the 3oth lnfantry Regiment, pp. 65- was to be the division's main effort. Gen-
70; White, From Fedala to Berchtesgaden, pp. eral Patton, howevcr, had anothcr idea on
34-37; Bradley, .A Soldier's Story, pp. 158-59.
See also, comments of Truscott and Bernard on how he could more quickly reduce the
this MS. Naso ridge position.
The account of the Brolo landing from the Wanting desperately to get to Messina
enemy side is based principally on Fries in MS
#T-2 (Fries et al.), supplemented and corrected ahead of the Eighth Army and "trying to
by entries in OKH, Tagesmeldungen West; OB win a horse race to the last big town," 2
SUED, Meldungen; IT ggc; Faldella, Lo sbarco; Patton called General Bradlcy to bis com-
and German and Italian maps for the days in
question. mand post on IO August and ordered an
The units participating in the amphibious amphibious end run for the next morning.
landings as part of Bernard's task force were later The maneuver was to be similar to the
awarded the Distinguished Unit Citation (WD
GO 44, 30 May 44). Bernard was awarded the
Silver Star. ~ Semmes, Portrait o/ Patton, p. 167.
BROLO 38~)

one executed three days beforc. Patton enabled Americans in the Mediterranean
had wanted to launch the operation on theater to hold their heads high among
the moming of the 1oth in conjunction British and other Allied soldiers, who had
with the 15th Infantry'f tuming move- been somewhat doubtful of the American
ment, but a Luftwaffe attack the evening soldier's ability after K~rine.
beforc had sunk one of the LST's ear- General Truscott, initially at least,
marked to lift the task force. This setback, agrccd with the plan. He apparently felt
together with the 7th Infantry's trouble at that the ftanking 15th Infantry could oc-
the Zappulla, induced the Seventh Army cupy the Naso ridge on the evening of 10
commander to call off the operation for August. This would put the 15th in
twenty-four hours. 8 Now Patton was in position to link up quickly with the am-
no mood for another postponement, and phibious task force.
he left no doubt in Bradley's mind of this But the 15th lnfantry did not get to
fact. the Naso ridge on the 1oth. Although
Patton was not the only American who one battalion progressed as far as the little
was keen on beating Montgomery into town of Mirto, overlooking the river, en-
MC'!Sina. Of late, several unfortunate re- emy fire from across the way forced a halt
marks had allegedly been made by the and delayed the arrival of the other two
British Broadcasting Corporation ( the battalions. Not until 2 1oo did the last
BBC)-the going on the Seventh Army of the battalions close in the new area.
front had been so easy that the troops were In addition, the lack of roads prevented
eating grapes and swimming while the artillery units from displacing forward to
Eighth Army was fighting hard against support a further advance. These factors,
strong German opposition. Became the and the rough terrain, prevented any
BBC was the principal radio service heard move by the 15th lnfantry across the
by all the troops in Sicily, Americans were Zappulla River that evening.
quite upset by the disparaging comments. With things not working out as he had
Many an American, like Patton, wanted planned, Truscott wanted to postpone
to get to Messina ahead of the British in Bernard's landing for another twenty-four
order to give the lie to these rcmarks." hours. When the Bernard task force had
Besides, the Seventh Army's capture of becn established, General Keyes had as-
Palermo, its rapid and successful dash sured Truscott that the force would be
across western Sicily, and its entirc conduct cntirely under Truscott's command and
thus far in thc campaign had whetted that he would have the responsibility for
American appetites for the grcater pri;r.e: the timing of any operation involving the
to beat the proud and vaunted Eighth force. A delay, Truscott believed, would
Army to Mcssina. The success of the pcrmit both the 7th and 15th lnfan-
Scventh Army had, for the first time, try Rcgiments to get into better posi-
3 Seventh Army G-3 Jnl, entriea 83, 8 Aug 43
tions from which to move forward to
and 68, 10 Aug 43. The LST sunk wu the effect a quick link-up with the scaborne
same one that had previously been damaged, but forces. As the situation on the evening
had nevertheless participated in the San Fratello of 1o August appcared to him, Truscott
4 Butcher, My Th.r-. Y 1ars Witla Eis1111aow11, doubted that the two regiments could get
pp. 384, 388. . through the Naso ridgc positions fast

P1LLBOX VERLOOKING HIGHWA Y 113, east of the ,(appulla River crossing.

enough to save Bernard's small force from telephone and called General Bradley.
the expected German reaction. He explained the situation to the II Corps
When General Keyes arrived at the 3d commander and his desire to postpone the
Division's command post that evening to landing. Bradley agreed, and tried to get
see how the planning was coming along, Patton to agree. But his plea fell on deaf
Truscott informed the deputy commander ears. Patton insisted that the landing
of his desire to postpone the end run. proceed as scheduled. Shortly thereafter,
Knowing full well Patton's intense feeling, Keyes called Patton and stated that Trus-
Keyes replied that he doubted whether cott did not want to carry out the land-
the army commander would agree to any ing. Truscott, called to the telephone,
postponement. Furthermore, Keyes said, tried to explain his reasons for wanting
P~tton had arranged for a large number to delay, but Patton was in no mood to
Jf correspondents to accompany Bern- listen. "Dammit," Patton said, "The op-
ud's force, and Patton would not relish eration will go on." In the face of this
having to tell the writers that the end run bald statement, what could Truscott do?
had again been delayed. Patton wanted He ~ued orders to Bernard to load his
no unfavorable publicity for the Seventh force for the landing.
Army. Link-up. This was what worried Trus-
Neverthele~, Truscott picked up the cott. How to effect a quick link-up be-

CAPE RLANDO (extreme lefl center) with Na so ridge rising inland. The railway can be detecd
running along the coast line. Route 113 hugs the base of Naso ridge.

carne the majar problem at the 3d Grenadier Division's main escape route to
Division's command post the evening of 1o the east, and Truscott knew that German
August. At the time Patton brusquely reaction to Bernard's landing would be
concluded his telephone conversation with swift and heavy. Accordingly, the 3d
Truscott, no 3d Division battalion was Division commander committed every ele-
within ten miles of Bernard's objective- ment in the division, including the recently
Monte Cipolla, a steep hill about midway attached 3d Ranger Battalion, to break
between the Naso and Brolo Rivers which through the Naso ridge line defenses.
dominated the coastal highway and the From left to right he deployed the remain-
ground to the east and west. 5 The coastal der of the 3oth Infantry, then the Rangers,
highway constituted the 29th Panzer then the 7th lnfantry, and, finally, the
15th Infantry.
6 On the 1 :50,000 map this hiJI is shown as Even as General Truscott prepared his
Monte Criole ; on the 1:100,000 map, as Monte link-up plan, the bulk of the 29th Panzer
Cipolla. In the unit After Action Reports, the Grenadier Division continued to hold its
term Monte Creole is used. For the purposes of
this narrative, the designation as shown on the portian of the Tortorici line. Farther to
1 : 100, 000 map is used. the south, the 15th Panzer Grenadier Di-
BROLO BEACH, jrom the east, showing the nose of Monte Cipolla.

vision was holding the gth Division at hay land from the beach riscs in tcrraces to
along the Simeto River, although it was the base of thc hill. The tcrraccs thcm-
then in the process of pulling back into selves are stone-faced, and many other
Randazzo. stone fences and drainage ditches criss-
Immediately in the rear of General cross thc area. Covercd with lemon trees,
Fries' main line of resistance along the this area was soon to be called "the flats."
Naso ridge, a fairly strong German force Parallel to the beach and only a hundred
was stationed in and east of the town of yards inland, a thirteen-foot railroad cm-
Broto maintaining guard along the north bankment, through which ran several
coast against the kind of landing the small underpasses, extended east and west
Americans had made at San Fratello. bisecting the flats, while the coastal high-
U nder Col. Fritz Polack, it consisted of way, another three hundred yards in-
the 29th Artillery Regiment, containing land, skirtcd the base of Monte Cipolla.
the regimental headquarters; the head- Colonel Bernard's plan for the opcra-
quarters of the regiment's antiaircraft tion was fairly simple. He planned to
artillery battalion with two 20-mm. four- land Company E and the naval bcach
barreled antiaircraft guns; and parts of the marking party at 0230 in the first wave.
1 st Battalion, 71 st Panzer Grenadier Reg- The rifle company was to dcstroy any beach
iment. Polack had located his headquar- defcoses, clear the lemon grove betwecn
ters on the northeastern slopes of Monte the railroad embankment and the high-
Cipolla; the bulk of his troops stretched way, and block the entrances to the beach
eastward along the coast from Brolo. from the east and west. Fifteen minutes
At 1800, 10 August, Colonel Bernard's later, the tank platoon and the platoon of
troops completed loading near Caronia combat engineers were to land: the tanks,
and put to sea-one LST, two LCI's, and to reinforce Company E, the engineers,
six LCT's covered by the Phadelphia and after assisting the tanks ashore, to make
six destroyers. At o 1oo the next morning ready to receive the two self-propclled
( 11 August) the small task force arrived artillery batteries scheduled to land in the
sorne three thousand yards off the landing fourth wave. In thc third wavc, duc to
beach, and the troops quickly loaded in land at 0300, Bernard put his hcad-
LCVP's and Dukws for the final run-in. quarters and the other three lettered
Thus far, Colonel Polack's beach defend- companies of the infantry battalion.
ers showed no sign of having discovered Companies F and G were to make their
the amphibious force. way up Monte Cipolla, with Company F
The tcrrain in the landing area was to occupy the knob nearest the coast.
dominated by Monte Cipolla, thc base of After landing, Company H was to send
which lies sorne 450 yards inland from one section of machine guns to cach of
the beach, the top of which---Oivided into the rifle companies and a section of 81-mm.
two small knobs--reaches an altitude of mortars to each of the two companies on
sorne 750 feet. The slopes are precipit- thc hill. Finally, at 0315, the two field
ous, and the northeast nose----on which artillery batteries, the naval gunfire liai-
Polack's headquarters was located-con- son officcr, and fifteen mules (the battal-
stituted the only u.sable approach to the ion's ammunition train) were to land.
knob nearest thc beach. The tcrrain in- The artillery batteries were to go into

ENEMY VIEw of landing area al Brolo,Jrom the northeast nose of Monte Cipolla.

pos1tlon in the lemon grove in the flats without having to fire a shot. As one
with Battery B firing to the west, Battery rifle platoon and the weapons platoon
A to the east. Once established on their swung to the right to block the Naso River
objectives, the units were to dig in, block cros.sing, the remainder of the company
any German attempt to withdraw to the turned to the left to block the railroad and
east from the Naso ridge, and defend highway bridges acros.s the Brolo River.
until relieved by the main portion of the The second wave landed almost on the
3d Division. heels of the first. Although the tanks
The final run-in to the beaches started moved quickly up to the railroad em-
at 021 o. At 0243, thirteen minutes late, bankment, intending to go through the
the first wave touched down. (Map 8) severa! underpasses to support Company
Company E streamed from its five LC\TP's E, the pas.sageways proved too small. As
and splashed ashore against no opposition. the tank platoon leader dismounted to
Quickly cutting pa.s.5ages through a search far a way around the obstacle, an
double-apron barbed wire fence twenty Engineer officer appeared and offered his
yards inland, the rifle company eros.sed services in seeking a way either around or
the railroad embankment and paused over the emoonkment His offer accepted,
briefly to reorganize. Pushing on, the the Engineer officer rushed off one way,
company soon cleared the lemon grove, to the east, while the tank platoon leader
capturing ten Germans in the process headed in the other direction.
11-12 Augu1t 1943
2/30 POllTION, 11 11 &UG
===~ 29 TH pz Gii 01v WITHDHW&L " &UG

Form lm only
O l lllLU


11 Au9


Right on schedule, part of the third clown the highway. Freezing in place,
wave-Companies F and G in LCT's--- the Americans allowed the motorcycle to
landed, followed in another fifteen min- pass. They then continued Cf0$ng the
utes by sixteen Dukws carrying the rest highway and ascending Monte Cipolla's
of the wave: Bcrnard, bis headquarters, slopes. The element of surprise still might
and Company H, which promptly dis- have been maintained had not a German
patched its sections to support the rifle half-track approached from the west. See-
companies. The Dukws continued in- ing troops on the road, the driver halted
land following the two rifle companies bis vehicle. As he rose from bis seat to
until they, too, had to halt because of see whose troops these were, sorne twenty
the railroad embankment. At 0330, the anxious American riftemen opened fire.
fourth and Iast wave touched down; by The driver slumped back in his seat, dead.
0400, Bcrnard's entire force was ashore Seconds later, a small sedan with two
without loss. By this time, Company E occupants pulled up behind the half-track.
was in its blocking positions. A German officer stepped out to see what
Companies F and G reached the high- had happened. A well-placed bazooka
way without incident at 0345. At the round exploded the car, killing the officer
railroad, the Engineer officer returned to and wounding the driver.
the tanks and reported that he had found The noise of the rifle fire and the cx-
a way around the thirteen-foot high em- ploding of the bazooka round woke all
bankment, va the Brolo River bed. The Germans in the neighborhood, including
tank officer had not yet returned, so the Colonel Polack and bis headquarters
Engineer officer offered to guide the two troops on Monte Cipolla. Gathering fif-
artillery batteries into position. His offer teen men around him, Polack opened fire
was accepted and the artillery pieces on the leading elements of Companies F
started to move slowly toward the east. and G. Machine guns in Brolo began to
The tank commander returned about this fire seaward, while other machine guns
time and said that he, too, had located a and the 20-mm. guns located on high
bypass route, via the Naso River bed, ground east of Brolo opcned up on the
and he started his tanks moving toward landing beach. By the light of fiares,
that exit. Polack's men delivered accurate machine
Even as the tanks and artillery pieces gun fire that cut down several of the
began moving out, half of Companies F Americans. But the rcst pushed on, grab-
and G crossed the highway and began bing at long shoots of grass and small
ascending Monte Cipolla by its north- bushes to pull themselves up thc steep
east nose, close to the junction of Highway slope.
1 1 3 and the secondary road which wound Seeing that bis headquarters personnel
inland to the small mountain town of could not stop the Americans, Polack
Ficarra. Thus far, not a shot had been gathercd up the unit's classified documents
fired. Colonel Polack's coast defense units ( including Hube's evacuation order of IO
showed no signs of having discovered the August) and made his way down the far
landing. slopes of the hill into Brolo. Here, from
A German motorcycle, apparently a nearby switchboard, he called General
heading for Naso, suddenly carne roaring Fries and informcd thc division comman-

D1cc1Nc IN A MACHINE GuN PosITION on Monte Cipo/la, 11 August.

der of the situation. Far the first time, port the rifle companies. Three of the
Fries knew that the bulk of his division tanks bellied trying to cross ditches on the
was in danger of being cut off. He or- beach side of the railroad ; the last two
dered Polack to attack the American beach- were damaged trying to knock clown
head as soon as possible, using the elements stone fences. Though the tanks could be
of the 1 st Battalion, 71 st Panzer Grenadier used as fixed guns, their inability to ma-
Regiment, the antiaircraft unit, and a few neuver made them practically usel~ in
German tanks located east of Brolo. the action that was soon to follow. The
Companies F and G managed to reach artillery batteries were more fortunate,
the top of Monte Cipolla at 0530-; within and though they had difficulty travers-
thirty minutes both companies were dug ing ditches and terraces, they managed to
in. Down on the flats, however, the ar- get around the embankment and into fir-
tillery and tanks were having a difficult ing positions befare daylight in the lemon
time trying to get into position to sup- grave north of the highway.
693-029 o - 6~ - 27

With the coming of daylight, Polack's Again Company G allowed the Germans
men in Brolo turned their guns from the to come close before opening fire. Drop-
beaches and began sweeping the eastem ping in mortar concentrations and opening
slopcs of Monte Cipolla. Bcmard's men up with the heavy machine guns, Com-
soon found it hazardous to make the long pany G proceeded to decimate the German
climb down to the beach, and those on force. The survivors beat a hasty reticat
the beach found it equally hazardous to up the river bed, dragging their wounded
climb up. Sorne fifteen men-mainly with them.
communications personnel and ammuni- F or almost an hour the situation re-
tion bearers-were killed during the coursc mained fairly quiet. Then, the 6th Com-
of the early moming trying to work on pany---about one hundred strong-made
the slopes of the hill. The battalion's its effort down the Naso River bed, march-
mule train carrying badly needed am- ing boldly forward. Engaged by Com-
munition from the Dukws up to the pany H's machine guns, the Germans
machine guns and mortars on top of the stopped and began deploying. But be-
hill lost all but two of its fifteen animals fore they could get into an extended for-
to the Gennan fire. From this time on, mation, Company H's mortars opened
ammumtlon resupply was hazardous, fire, and round after round dropped in
spotty, and largely unsuccessful. on the Gennan company. Trapped be-
Trying to aid Bemard's men, the tween the high banks of the river, the
Philadelphia had opened fire shortly after Germans broke and ran. The Americans
0530 at prearranged targets in the arca, estimated they killed and wounded at least
and then shifted her fires under the shore seventy of the attacking force. This
party's direction to Polack's units massing thrust proved to be the last Gennan attack
to strike back at the seaborne force. To from the south, and this sector remained
the west, General Fries had ordered the fairly quiet until after darkness fell.
6th Company, 15th Panzer Grenadier General Fries, nevertheless, continued
Regiment (then deployed in a reserve his efforts to knock Bemard's men off their
position near Naso) , to attack the Ameri- lofty perch. Placing heavy fire on all
can beachhead from the east. He also points on the hilltop and on the slopes of
ordered a smaller German force at Ficarra the hill, the Gennan commander at 0900
to attack the Americans he now knew to started a truck-bome infantry column-
be on Monte Cipolla. another of bis reserve uni~astward
The first German ground reaction noted from Cape Orlando toward thc Naso
by Bcmard's companies carne at 0700 River. Fries was deliberately weakening
when the Germans from Ficarra sent two his Naso ridge positions in attempts to
reconnaissance vehicles down the second- open a way to the east. He had to re-
ary road to probe the American lines. gain control of the coastal highway if he
Company G allowed the two vehicles to expected to get the bulk of his division out
come close, opened rapid fire, set the of the American trap.
vehicles on fire, and scattered the occu- The Philadelphia spotted the German
pants. Shortly thereafter, the main Ger- column and opened fire, knocking out
man force of thirty men began working severa} vehicles and forcing the rest to
their way down the Brolo River bed. leave the highway. Continued firing

scattered the German infantrymen. the effort, there was nothing more he could
Thirty minutes later, an artillery forward do but wait. Leaving nothing to chance,
observer on Monte Cipolla spotted two T ruscott had dispatched a liaison officer,
German tanks with sorne infantry on thc Capt. W alter K . Millar, with a powerful
highway, also moving toward thc Naso jeep-mounted radio, to go along with
River. Bringing Battery A in on the tar- Bcrnard's force. Through this radio,
get, the forward observer forced the tanks Truscott hoped to keep trak of the situa-
to leave the road well before they could tion at Monte Cipolla. Throughout the
reach the rivcr, and the Gennan infantry- early morning, starting at 0600, Millar's
men to scek shclter north of the highway. mes.5ages were most reassuring, and Gen-
By tbis time, Bcrnard's 81-mm. mortars, eral Truscott began to feel better even
because of the mule train's f ailure to get though the progr~ of bis other units up
up the hill, werc low on ammunition and the Naso ridge was slow in the face of ex-
could fire only ha~ing mi.s.sions in sup- tensive German mine fields and of light to
port of the artillery batteries. Bcrnard's heavy German fire.
firepower was reduced even further when, The German division was in a bad
at 1025, the Philadelphia and her cover- way. By noon, Fries had pulled the bulk
ing destroyers set a course for Palermo. of the 15th Panzer Grenadier Regiment
Having attended to all the prearranged back behind the Naso River. Near the
targets and having received no more re- coast, the 71St Panzer Grenadier Regiment
quests for fire after the shoot on the truck was caught between the 7th Infantry on
convoy, Admiral Davidson figured that his the west and Bernard's battalion on the
task had been accomplished and that the east. Whereas the 15th Panzer Grenadier
two field artillery batteries could handle Regiment had a relatively free and pro-
any further Gennan threat. Thus far, tected route to the rear from the Naso
only four enemy aircraft-Italian torpedo- ridge-by moving cr~-country through
bombers--had made any sort of threaten- Ficarra to San Angelo di Brolo ( on the
ing gesture toward the American warships, first defensive phase line as laid clown by
but Davidson felt that the longer he lay General Hube )-the northern German
off Brolo the greater the danger that en- regiment had only the coastal highway for
emy air would strike at bis ships. Since withdrawal. Fries ordered the regiment
he was assured of Allied air cover to fight to open a way to the east by
only until 1200, Davidson thought it wise falling back off the Naso ridge, first be-
to have the protection of the shore-based hind the Naso River, then behind the
Allied antiaircraft guns at Palermo. Brolo River, and then to Piramo, the
To the west and acro~ the Naso ridge, northem hinge of Hube's first phase line.
the units of the 3d Division which General With these orders Lt. Col. W alter
Truscott had so carefully lined up the Krueger, commanding the 7 ISt, began
preceding evening had started their attacks assembling what troops he could spare to
to break Fries' hold and link up with Bcrn- try to force a passage along the highway.
ard's force. In bis command post on the Krueger also turned one of his attached
eastem edge of Terranova, Truscott anxi- field artillery battalions around and began
ously awaited the outcome of the drive. firing to the east.
Having committed everything he had to Colonel Polack continued his efforts to

LT. CoL. LYLE A. BERNARD ANO H1s RADIOMAN in the command post atop Monte Cipolla.

as.5emble his scattered units for an attack river to keep up a steady fire on the single
against the American beachhead. By American rifle platoon guarding the high-
1 1oo, Polack managed to get together way bridge. At 1140, seriously worried
two infantry companies mounted on per- by this new German threat, Bemard be-
sonnel carriers plus severa! tanks, brought gan relaying messages by radio through
them into Brolo, and began probing to- Company E to Captain Millar requesting
ward Company E along the Brolo River. an air strike and naval gunfire on Brolo.
Polack's as.sembling of troops did not Twenty minutes later, Bernard asked for
go unnoticed on Monte Cipolla. Com- long-range artillery support: the 3d Divi-
pany H's mortars began firing slowly on sion had sorne attached 155-mm. guns
the town. Battery B joined in, but, be- ( Long Toms) that could reach Brolo, al-
cause of the short range, encountered sorne though the town was at the extreme range
difficulty in placing effective fire on the of these guns.
town. Polack sent snipers and machine Bemard's first message caused a stir at
guns into the buildings overlooking the Truscott's command post in Terranova.

The 3d Division commander did not know more A-36's zoomcd in ovcr thc arca and
that Admiral Davidson had withdrawn strafcd thc Gcrman assemblage.
the warships and he could not understand Thc combination of American fires
why Bemard was asking for naval support. provcd too much. Polack's men scat-
Thinking that Bemard's shore fire control tcrcd, trying to avoid the rain of American
party's radio had gone bad, he got severa} shells. Thrce German tanks rcmained in
of his staff officers to telephone urgent Brolo, howcvcr, huddled near the stone
messages to Seventh Anny for naval and buildings, and escaped damage. Unfor-
air support. These requests had just gone tunatcly, at just this moment, the shore
out when Bemard's second message carne fire control party's radio link with thc
in. Truscott ordered the 155-mm. guns-- Philadelphia stopped functioning. Not
though firing at the maximum range-to wanting to fire on targets without shorc
open fire on Brolo. At the same time, he control, and sirice friendly air seemed to
renewed the requests for naval and air have the situation well in hand, Admiral
help. Word on the naval support was Davidson at 1505 withdrew his warships
slow to arrive, but Seventh Army stated a sccond time and tumed again for
that the XII Air Support Command had Palenno.
promised an air mission, although it could Now a new thrcat to Bemard's beach-
not give a specific time when the mission head appeared. On the west side of the
would be flown or the number of planes Naso River, Colonel Krucger had man-
to participate. General Truscott was really aged to get together a battalion of infan-
worried now-his forward units were still try for an attack across the river. The
moving slowly up the Naso ridge, but they rest of his regiment he left in position to
were still sorne hours away from a link- delay any American attack from Naso or
up. He knew Bemard's force was too Cape Orlando. At about the same time,
small to beat off a serious Gennan General Truscott left his command post
counterattack. to visit his forward regiments; he wanted
Actually, help was already on the way. personally to urge them on with ali pos-
Just as Admira} Davidson's warships were siblc speed. Truscott, because of the
about to enter Palermo harbor, the Ad- German mines and demolished roads,
miral received word from TF 88's liaison could reach only the 3oth Infantry
officer at the Seventh Army of Truscott's which was then trying to cross the coastal
urgent request for gunfire support. flats into Cape Orlando. From Colonel
Tuming the cruiser back to the east, tak- Rogers' command post, Truscott called
ing two destroyers along to cover, David- Colonel Shennan and told the 7th Infan-
son sped back along the coast, and try commander to forget the town of Naso
shortly after 1400 began firing on Polack's and push forward as quickly as possible
troops in and around Brolo. By this on Rogers' right.
time, Bemard was adjusting the 155-mm. The lst and 3d Battalions, 3oth lnfan-
guns on Brolo. And just as the Philadel- try, began crossing the Zappulla River at
phia opened fire, the air strike materialized 1420 under a smoke screen laid down by
in the form of twelve A-36's that dropped supporting chemical mortars. The l st
bombs on Brolo and on the area just east Battalion soon ran into terrain that was
of the town. Thirty minutes later, twelve heavilv mined and booby-trapped, and

moved only slowly through the coastal Allied planes could come to Bernard's aid,
flats toward Cape Orlando. The 3d the three German tanks crossed the Brolo
Battalion also was slowed by much the River. The platoon of American infan-
same type of obstacle, but it managed to trymen scattered, most moving toward the
keep pace with the 1st Battalion. The beach to join with the other platoon at
7th lnfantry renewed its attack at 1 500 the railroad bridge. As the tanks waddled
straight up the west slopes of the Naso slowly down the highway, Battery B tried
ridge, but its advance, too, slowed in the to engage them with direct fire, but a high
face of extensive mined arcas. Along the wall near the bridge not only limited ob-
ridge, Colonel Krueger's remaining de- servation but also prevented the howitzers
fenders strengthened the mined arcas with from opening fire. German infantrymen,
sporadic artillery fire, frequent periods of who crossed behind the tanks, turned to
heavy small arms fire, and with just engage the Americans near the railroad
enough infantry action to keep the Amer- bridge. The tanks continued moving
ican units from rushing quickly forward. slowly along the road, seemingly intent on
Within the beachhead, the situation going through the American beachhead.
worsened by the minute. After the with- Battery B tried to displace to positions
drawal of the American warships, and the from which it could fire on the tanks, but
ending of the air strike, the three German the Germans spotted this movement. In
tanks that had taken shelter in Brolo, sup- the ensuing fire fight, the tanks knocked
ported by a few infantrymen, started to- out two of the American guns and two
ward the eastern end of the highway ammunition half-tracks. The exploding
bridge. The one American platoon guard- ammunition drove the Battery B crews
ing the bridge crossing managed to drive from their other two guns, although one
off the German foot soldiers, whereupon, crew returned to its vehicle and moved it
the tanks halted just at the river's edge onto the highway, just around a bend in
and opened fire on this annoying group of the road. No sooner had it gone into
Americans. At the same time, Polack's position than the lead German tank
20-mm. guns ( undamaged by either the rounded the bend. The American artil-
naval or air strikes) resumed heavy firing lery crew fired first, and missed. Then
on the flats and on Monte Cipolla's the tank fired, and also missed. The sec-
slopes. From the west, Krueger's field ond rounds from both vehicles, fired al-
artillery battery joined in. On Monte most simultaneously, struck home. Both
Cipolla, Bernard rushed off another mes- the tank and the sclf-propelled gun started
sage to General Truscott: "Repeat air to bum furiously.
and navy immediately . . . Situation still From Monte Cipolla, Company F, over-
critical." looking the fight below, scnt a shower of
Again, Admira} Davidson was flashed rifle fire on the other two German tanks
the word that his guns were needed at without much effect. Company H's mor-
Brolo; again, the XII Air Support Com- tars and machine guns remained silent,
mand promised another air strike, again hoarding their few remaining rounds for
without mentioning numbers of planes or a last-ditch stand.
time of mission. On the right, Battery A had finally
Before either Davidson's warships or managed to maneuver its guns into posi-

tion to fire on the last two Gennan tanks. everybody up out of the low ground.
The battery set one on fire, whereupon Seeing the vessels, an officer from thc
the last tumed and trundled slowly back shore fire control party commandeered a
to the east. Befare recrossing the river Dukw to take him out to thc cruiser to
into Brolo, the tank paused for a brief get supporting fires. Through sorne mis-
moment to destroy the unmanned but understanding, three of the other Dukws
still serviceable Battery B howitzer. The (ali loaded with ammunition) followtd.
German infantrymen followed the tank An artillery officer took a fifth Dukw to
back ac~ the river. recall the threc carrying ammunition.
Worried about Company E, Bemard Thus, practically all of the task force's
started Company F down Monte Cipolla remaining ammunition supply headed out
to take over the Brolo River defenses, to sea. The Dukws managed to make thc
telling Company F's commander to send cross-water run succeW'ully. After tak-
what he could find of Company E to the ing thc men aboard, the cruiser began
Naso River to defend from that direction. firing on Cape Orlando, Brolo, and the
One platoon of Company E was still in highway east of Brolo. Admira} Davidson
position there, and Bemard hoped that did not want to bring the fires in any
by consolidating the remnants of Com- closer to Monte Cipolla.6
pany E into one group, he could use it to After about fifteen minutes of naval fire,
hold on to the highway cr~ing. Be- just befare 1700, eight Gennan aircraft
cause of continued Gennan fire, Com- struck the three American warships. In
pany F's progress down the hill was slow, a brisk thirty-minute fight which fea-
and it was almost 1600 before the com- tured violent evasive actions by the ships,
pany debouched on to the ftats and moved near misses from Gennan bombs, and the
to the river line. appearance of friendly aircraft, only one
Unfortunately, Company F's arrival in German plane managed to make its es-
the ftats coincided with the promised air cape. The cruiser claimed five of those
strike. Seven A-36's swept in low over shot down. Again, Admira} Davidson
Monte Cipolla at just about 1600. Ap- decided to withdraw his warsbips. He
parently not fully oriented to the ground, was still devoid of communications witb
the pilots dropped two bombs on Bern- Bernard's force; bis ships were still prey
ard's command post, killing and wound- for enemy air attacks. He could see noth-
ing nineteen men, and the rest on Battery ing that he could do to ease Bernard's
A's howitzers. Though Company F was situation. Again, the warsbips set a
unscathed, when the smoke cleared the course for Palermo, this time going all tbe
infantrymen discovered that the four re- way.
maining artillery pieces had been de- Company F, with men from the engineer
stroyed. With nothing left to support the platoon and the artillery batteries, got
two companies in the ftats, Bernard or- back up on Monte Cipolla before complete
dered everybody up onto Monte Cipolla. darkness set in. Bemard expended the
Bernard figured the time had come to last of bis mortar ammunition in a caneen-
make his last-ditch stand.
The Philadelphia arrived back on the 11 In ali, the Philadelphia expended 1 ,062 six-
scene just as Bernard finished ordering inch rounds during the day.

tration on a suspcctcd German asscmbly Unknown to General Truscott, both

arca across the Naso River. This he regiments by 2200 had gained the Naso
followed with rifle and machine gun ridge and wcre cven then starting down
fire on the bridge to cover Company E's thc eastcm slopcs to link up with Bcm-
discngagement. The latter unit, still ard's force. By this time, thc bulk of
badly disorganiud, began dribbling in to Colonel Krueger's regiment had made
Bcmard's command post a short time goocl its escape to the east, past the trap
later. Sorne of the company ncver made which had been so neatly set but which
it to the hill, but dug in on the flats for could not be hcld.
the night, fighting as bcst they could Thc 1 st Battalion, 3oth Infantry, crossed
with rifles and hand grenades against the the Naso River and entcrcd thc flats.
retiring German columns. Bcmard passed Men from Company E leaped from their
the word for the units on Monte Cipolla hiding places to grcct the relicving force.
to break into small groups and move back Patrols wcrc immediately dispatched to
toward the 3d Division's lincs as soon Monte Cipolla to locatc Coloncl Bcmard,
after daybreak as possible. who, hearing thc sounds of firing which
By 1900, the 71 st Panzer Grenadier marked the approach of the bulk of the
Regiment was in control of the highway division, rcscinded bis previous instruc-
and a narrow stretch of land on each side. tions for the men to make their way to
Glad to have opencd an escape routc, it the east after daybreak. At 0730, 12
paid little attention to Company E's sur- August, Bcmard made contact with a 1 st
vivors still in the flats. At 2200, Coloncl Battalion patrol. His force-minus 177
Krueger began withdrawing bis units to the men killed, woundcd, and missing~e
east, taking with him bis vehiclcs. Krueger down off the hill.
made no attempt against Monte ipolla. The 3d Battalion, 3oth Infantry, moved
At his command post in Terranova, through to take up the pursuit of the 29th
General Truscott was becoming increas- Panzer Grenadier Division, which had
ingly worried about Bemard's small force. becn forced to givc up its portion of the
Captain Millar, before ascending Monte Tortorici line twenty-four hours ahead of
Cipolla, had sent one last mcssage just time. For a short while, this withdrawal
before 1900 to General Truscott and then had posed a threat to General Rodt's
destroyed his radio set. Only part of the evacuation of Randazzo. But the 29th
mcssage (which asked again for naval was able to slip into position in front of
.support) got through; General Truscott Patti, wherc Rodt's escape route from
felt that the small American force had Randazzo carne out to the north coast.
been overrun before the complete mcssage Here, aided by the terrain, Fries was not
could be dispatched: he could sec "the only ablc to gain baclc the day he had
final German assault swarming over our lost, but to hold open Rodt's escape routc
gallant comradcs." To add to bis wor- as wcll.
rics, both the 7th and 3oth Infantry Reg- Except for forcing General Fries to
iments rcported they had lost contact give up the Naso ridge a day ahcad of
with their leading battalions; the units time, no mean feat considering the natural
had outrun thcir communications with the dcfcnsive strength of the position, Bcrn-
regimenta! command posts. ard's landing accomplished little. But the

operation had come close to trapping a way, advance east along Highway 113
large part of the 29th Panzer Grenadier might havc been virtually unopposed.
Division, and had come even closer to In conjunction with American advances
rolling up the wholc northem sector of from Randazzo, General Truscott might
Hube's defensive line. It was only be- have effectively severed General Rodt's
cause Bernard's force was too small, and withdrawal routes to M~na. This, in
because continuous air and naval support turn, might have Ied to a rapid dash into
was not available, that Hube's entire Mcssina whcre af least a part of the Her-
northern flank was not rolled up and cut mann Goering Divi!ion could have bccn
off from Messina. If a strongcr force prevented f rom making good its escape.
had been landed-at least an RCT-and As it turned out, the 29th Panzer
if continuous naval and air support had Grenadier Division, which suffered about
been provided, General Fries could hardly the same number of casualties as the 3d
have cleared a way out of the trap along Division, made good its get-away. It
the coastal highway. managed to withdraw most of its hcavy
Operations against thc rear of the Ger- cquipment to Hube's first phase line just
man defensive line undoubtedly would east of Piraino--threc miles from Brolo--
have eased the way for the bulk of the thus holding open Rodt's escape routc to
3d Division, and would have made for a the north coast. If the German division's
quicker link-up. Pressure from front and morale was damagcd by this sccond Amer-
rear might have so hampered Fries' regi- ican amphibious end run-and it must
ments that probably fcw if any of thc havc been-its physical capability for
Germans could have madc their way to fighting more delaying actions was only
the east. With Fries' division out of the slightly wcakened.

The End of the Campaign

T Ju Raee to M essina, ncarcr Mcssina. Thus, on the north
coast, by the moming of 13 August, the
Wasting little time in congratulations, 29th Panzer Grenadier Division as it
General Truscott urgcd bis men on aftcr pulled back sorne fiftccn miles lost contact
General Fries' back-pcdaling Gcnnan di- with the 3d Division. Bcforc moving into
vision. Tircd from thcir cxertions at thc the new line cast of Falcone (twcnty-
- Naso ridge, the mcn of thc 3d Division eight miles cast of Cape Orlando )-a
wcarily resumed their castward trck. The line which extended south almost to No-
prcccding five-day battle had bccn slow, vara di Sicilia-Gcrman enginccrs cffec-
costly, and difficult. The 7th lnfantry tivcly blocked the coastal highway by
rcportcd losses of fiftecn officcn and four partially demolishing the highway tunncl
hundrcd mcn killed, wounded, and m~ at Cape Calava and, just to the cast, by
ing, a figure approximated by cach of blowing a 150-foot scction of the road,
thc othcr infantry rcgimcnts. bracketcd 300 fect high on a cliff, into the
South of the mountains, General Brad- sea. It was a masterful demolition job;
ley, the 11 Corps commander, brought overcoming it was to bccome a landmark
the 1st Division back into line. Eddy's of American enginccr support in Sicily.
gth Division drcw the sccondary road Yet cvcn this stratagem would not save
leading from Floresta northcastward the 29th Panzer Grenadier Division, Gen-
through Montalbano to Fumari. Hueb- eral Patton fclt, if a ncw plan rcachcd
ner's 1st Division was to pass through the fruition. On thc same day ( 12 August)
British 78th Division cast of Randazzo, that Truscott executcd the link-up with
then tum north to Bivio Salica. 1 lf they Bcmard's amphibious force ncar Brolo,
were ablc to movc fast enough, Bradlcy Patton had set bis staff to preparing still
bclievcd, the divisions just might catch the another dash around the Gcrmans' right
German division up north and squeeze it ftank. With the Navy's promisc to sup-
against the 3d Division. ( M ap 1X) ply more landing craft, and with General
During thc cvening of 12 August, Gcr- Alcxander's pennis&on to use the 2d Bat-
man units all ac~ the f ront withdrcw to talion, 509th Parachute lnfantry, Patton
Hubc's prcviously designatcd first phase planncd a f ull-scale operation wcll bchind
line. This line was to be hcld at lcast the Gcrman defenders. Late on 12 Au-
until nightfali on 13 August, whercupon gust, Patton's staff carne forth with thc
the units wcrc to withdraw again to the plan, calling for a landing any time bc-
twccn 14 and 18 August in the Bivio
1 11 Corps FP 12, 12 Aug 43. Salica-Barccllona arca. The Scventh Army

west to relieve the encircled German units,

and to seize and hold the highway bridge
just west of Barcellona until the seabome
force landed. Colonel Ankcom's 15 7th
RCT ( from the 45th Division), reinforced
by a company of medium tanks and a
company of 4.2-inch mortars, was to land
near Bivio Salica, join with the paratroop-
ers, then attack westward to link up with
the 3d Division.
As the Seventh Army staff completed
the details for the new end run, the three
American divisions then on line kicked off
to clear the Messina peninsula. On the
north coast, the 15th and 3oth lnfantry
Regiments crossed the Brolo River, the
3oth toward Cape Calava, the 15th c~
country toward Patti. Neither advance
was seriously contested.
The 15th lnfantry had a more difficult
task, for its route led through the moun-
30T H INFANTRY TRooPs MovING AROU ND tainous interior over difficult terrain. Yet,
T H E CAPE CALAVA CLIFF w here the roadbed the 15th reached Patti long before the
had been blow n out by the Germans. 3oth, entering the town at 1530. Along
the highway, the 3oth lnfantry had come
would retain control of the participating to an abrupt halt upon reaching the par-
units until such time as those units actu- tially demolished tunnel and blown out
ally landed. 2 road section at Cape Calava. Pausing
This attempt to cut off the 29th Panzer just long enough to start bis foot troops in-
Grenadier Division, and possibly other land around the obstacle and ac~ thc
German units, was to be much more am- neck of the cape, Colonel Rogers loaded
bitious than either of the earlier amphibi- two Dukws ( which had been in a follow-
ous efforts. Patton hoped to cut Highway up motor column for just such a purposc
1 13 as well as the secondary road along as this) with water, signa] equipment, and
which the 1st Division would be advancing. a few communications personnel and
The battalion of paratroopers was to drop chugged around the cape, rejoining the
at 2000, D minus 1, near Barcellona to foot elements east of that point.
prtvent German forces from moving to the The 1oth Engineer Battalion moved up
to restore the highway for vehicular
traffic. By hanging "a bridge in thc
sky" the engineers were able to pennit a
2 Sevcnth Anny Dircctivc, 12 Aug 43 , in Scv-
jeep-carrying General Truscott- to cr05.5
cnth Anny Rpt of Opns, p. D - 15; scc also, Scv-
enth Anny G-3 Jnl, cntrics 3, 20, 28, and 39,
the wooden structure eighteen hours after
12 Aug 43 . starting work. Six hours latcr, after a


bit of shoring here and there, heavier ve- adier Diuision was well on its way toward
hicles began to cros.5.8 completing its transfer to the ltalian main-
By 0300 the following morning, 14 Au- land. Parts of the other German divisions
gust, the gd Battalion, 15th lnfantry, after were also moving toward the embarka-
a night's march, entered Oliveri. The tion points. In fact, by nightfall on 14
29th Panzer Grenadier Division had again August, only one reinforced infantry bat-
pulled back to the east. It was now on talion held the 29th Panzer Grenadier
General Hube's second phase line, with Division's front. This battalion was to
the northem hinge resting on the coast hold the second phase line until dark on
town of Furnari. The 15th Panzer Gren- 15 August. 4
At Mes.5ina, the German ferrying serv-
3 Ernie Pyle, Brave Men (New York: Henry ice had swung into full operation with the
Holt and Co., 1944), pagcs 65-73, gives a vivid arrival of the first troops from the front on
account of the construction of this bridge. See
also Truscott, Command Missions, pp. 241-42.
the night of 1 1 August. During this first
As General Truscott points out in his com- night, Captain von Liebenstein's craft ran
ments on this MS, it was just as well the Ger- at full capacity until 2045, when the pace
mans did not destroy the tunnel at the same time
they were blowing the section of road. "The
slowed and then stopped, partly because
race to Messina would have ended right there,"
says Truscott. MS #R-145 (Bauer), pp. 25-27.

British Wcllingtons bombed the strait, the craft to keep the artillery pieces from
partly becausc troops were slow in reach- falling into Allicd hands.
ing the ferrying sites. Despite renewed The Italians now accepted Hube's pre-
attacks by Allied bombers, the evacuation vious offer to transport their remaining
rcsumed during the early morning of 12 heavy equipment in German craft. But
August after additional troops from the at the same time, to keep the equipment
15th Panzer Grenadier Division arrived. from falling to the Allies, Hube issued
On the second night of Hube's evacuation additional instructions to ali German units
efforts, thc night of 12 August, tclcphone to take charge of any 1talian matricl that
communications betwccn Messina and thc could not be moved by the 1talians.
mainland failed, and sorne confusion re- Thus, many pieces of Italian equipment
sulted in gctting the naval craft and the were saved but, at the same time, lost to
ground troops together on the Messina the 1talians, for on the mainland the Ger-
side. Ferrying craft stood by at one of mans simply appropriated them for their
the landing places for three hours, only to own divisions. In fact, after completing
leavc shortly before the troops finally its cvacuation on the evening of I 4 August,
arrived. the 15th Panzer Grenadier Division found
Ferrying did not get under way again that it had more and better wheeled
until 0200, I 3 August. Strong Allied air equipment than at the beginning of the
attacks, persisting until 0500, made it im- campaign, for the simple reason that the
possible to use thc ferries at the narrow troops had acquired ltalian motor vehicles
part of the strait. But, then, contrary to of ali kinds before leaving Sicily.6 In-
the original plan of crossing troops only stances were also reported of Gennan
at night, Liebenstein ordered the ferrying commanders who retained ltalian person-
continued throughout the 13th. By eve- nel, put the men into German unifonns,
ning of 1 3 August, a total of 1 5,000 meo, and refused to Jet them retum to their own
I ,300 vehicles, 21 tanks, and 22 assault units.1
guns had completed the c~ing. 11 Despite thesc difficulties, the evacuation
While Liebenstein's fleet of small craft of 1talian personnel from Sicily was virtu-
lifted German troops and matriel acr~ ally completed by 16 August. Generale
the strait, the Italian ferrying service op- di Brigata Ettore Monacci, commander of
erated as best it could with its somewhat 1talian army troops at the Naval Base
limited cquipment. The train ferry Messina, was the last to leave M~ina
caught fire on 12 August and was out of after setting mines to blow up the port's
commission for forty-eight hours. Motor installations. All told, the ltalians evacu-
rafts saved the situation and transported ated between 70,000 and 75,000 men;
20,000 men at the rate of 1 ,ooo a tri p. from 227 to 500 vehicles; betwecn 75 and
In an attempt to relieve the situation, the 1 oo artillery pieces; and 12 mules. 8
Italians loaded one of the other inoperable 8 MS #C-077 (Rodt).
train ferries with heavy artillery, planning 1 Correspondence to and from Comando
to tow it ac~ to the mainland. But Qinta Armata, Stato Maggiore, Situazione, mil-
after ali that work, the ltalians could not itari reduci dalla Sicilia, IT 792.
8 IT 99c, 14 Aug 43; Faldella, Lo sbarco, p .
find a towboat. Eventually, they scuttled !.Z 76; Mario Puddu, Tra due invasioni, campagna
5 lbid., pp. 40-4!.Z. d'ltalia, 1943-'945 (Rome: A. Nardini, 195~).

The Gennan ferrying service continued the actions of certain commanders in the
operations on the evening of 1 3 August Allied hierarchy of command.
-the third night-even though British Almost since the beginning of thc Sicil-
Wellington bombers were again out in ian operation, General Montgomery had
force. While these bombing attacks time had ample opportunities to launch am-
and again forced c~tion of the ferrying phibious end runs around the Gennan
scrvice across the neck of the strait, at the defenses in the Catania plain arca.
wider parts the scrvice proceeded pretty Rather than make use of "the priceless
much according to schedule. Concluding asset of sea powcr, and ftexibility of ma-
that these continued heavy bombing at- neuver," Montgomery chose instead to
tacks made it almost impossible to conduct slug bis way forward up the difficult cast
any sort of satisfactory ferry service in the coast road, first with one division, then
narrow part of the strait at night, Lieben- with two, and then again with one. 10
stein ordered daylight ferrying service only Montgomery steadfastly refused to launch
in this zone, though round-the-clock trans- any amphibious end runs.
fers would continue in the wider parts of Furthennore, there was the failure on
the strait. U ntil the end of the opera- the part of the Allied air commanders to
tion, most of the remaining Gennan troops ~ correctly Hube's cvacuation plan:
on Sicily were ferried to the ltalian main- they believed almost to the end that the
land during daylight hours. Though the Axis forces would cross the strait only
frequent Allied air attacks caused sorne during the hours of darkness, and that
damage to the embarkation points, the NATAF alone could handle any daylight
damage was light and quickly repaired, evacuation attempts. Almost one-half of
particularly because no heavy bombers ap- the available Allied air power-the 869
peared over the strait during the day. aircraft that belonged to NASAF-was
And thanks to Baade's massed guns, Al- used in only a limited way to stop the evac-
lied NATAF ftyers operating during day- uation.11 True, British Wellington bomb-
light hours encountered great difficulty ers, ftying an average of eighty-five sorties
in aiming accurately enough to cause any each night against Messina, did force Lie-
serious damage to either ships or landing benstein to shift from night crossings to day
points.9 crossings. But except for three daylight
Though quite unknown to the Axis, both U.S. B-17 attacks on Messina, up to 8
Gennan and Italian ferrying services were August there were no other calls on the
being aided, inadvertently to be sure, by NASAF heavies to bomb Messina, the
evacuation beaches, the embarkation
0 MS #R-145 (Bauer), pp. 46-47. Craven
and Cate (Europe: TORCH to POINTBLA.NK, 10 Quotation from Cunningham Despatch, par.
page 4 73 ) list Allied air force claims as fol- 40.
low1: 23 ferrying craft destroyed; direct bits on 11 In Augwt 1943, NASAF had 181 U.S.
43 more; near misses on 204. On the other hand, heavy bomben, 130 British and 278 U.S. medium
the AxiJ forces listed their losses as follows: 8 bomben, and 280 fighten and fighter-bomben.
ltalian and 7 Gennan craft sunk (only 1 of which NATAF,had 112 U.S. medium bombers, 94 Bril-
was lost in action) ; 5 I talian and 1 German ish and 43 U.S. light bombers, and 344 British
craft damaged. See abo, Roskill, The W ar at Sea, and 377 U.S. fighters and fighter-bombers. See
vol. 111, pt. I, p. 150; Morison, Sicily-Salerno- chart in Roskill, The War at Sea, vol. 111, pt.
A.nzio, p. 215. 1, p. 148.

points, and Baade's gun emplacements, no time." 13 Without the support of the
until it was too late. In fact, on 11 Au- U.S. B-17's during the daylight hours,
gust, the N ATAF commander had even and with Admira} Cunningham's refusal
relea.sed the heavy bombers from any com- to commit any large warships in the strait
mitment in the Messina Strait arca. On arca to form a "positive physical barrier,"
13 August, when the Germans shifted to the NATAF pilots faced an almost im-
daylight crossings, "the land battle [on possible task.
Sicily] was going so well" that NASAF Thus it was that Hube's evacuation
scheduled a huge raid on the Littorio proceeded fairly close to schedule. By I 4
airfield and Lorenzo marshaling yards August it was too late to catch any sizable
near Rome, committing 106 B-17's, 102 number of enemy ground troops forward
B-26's, 66 B-25's, and 135 P-38's to of Messina. General Patton, however,
this mission.12 continued with bis plans for launching
Despite numerous signs of Axis with- another amphibious end run.
drawal and evacuation, it was not until 14 During the evening of 13 August, the
August that General Alexander felt the Hermann Goering Division gave up Taor-
German evacuation had really begun. mina ( twenty-nine miles from Messina)
He radioed this belief to Air Chief Mar- and fell back to Hube's second phase line,
shal Tedder, but NASAF was committed anchored at the small town of Santa
too deeply to striking at mainland targets Teresa. Here, twenty miles south of Mes-
to be turned loose against Messina. 1t did sina, the German division had orders to sorne medium and light bombers, hold through the evening of 15 August.
as well as fighters and fighter'."bombers, to Leaving a strong rear guard at Santa
assist the NATAF in a round-the-clock Teresa, General Conrath started the rest
pounding of Messina, the strait, and the of his division back to the ferrying sites.
1tallan toe. The British 5oth Division followed
The NATAF had undoubtedly tried slowly, impeded by efficient German dem-
hard to disrupt Hube's schedule, but the olition and mine work. The British 78th
pilots found it almost impossible to pene- Division swung around Mount Etna,
trate the antiaircraft defenses. "The im- cleared Highway 120 between Randazzo
mense concentration of flak on both sides and Linguaglossa, five miles from the east
of the Narrows makes it impossible to go coast highway. But contact was not re-
clown and really search for targets thor- gained with the H ermann Goering Divi-
oughly with fighter bombers," reported sion until late on 15 August, by which
the Dcsert Air Force (the U.S. XII Air time even the German rear guards had
Support Command's counterpart). "lt started to pull back to Hube's third phase
also greatly restricts the use of light bomb- line just short of Messina.
ers. The Hun knows very well that if we In the center of the Allied front, both
really put up a lot of bomber formations the U.S. 1st and gth Divisions encoun-
into bis main flak concentration, we tered little trouble in closing out their
should have the whole lot unserviceable in roles in the Sicilian Campaign. Leaving
12 Quotation and figures from Cravcn and
Cate, cds., Europe: TORCH to POINTBLANK, 13 Ltr, Dcsert Air Force to NATAF, 15 Aug

p. 474. 43, in 0407/ 0/490.


Floresta early on 14 August, DeRohan's as much equipment as pos&ble off the

6oth Infantry pushed northeast along the island, had decided on 14 August to ex-
secondary road leading to the north coast, tend the evacuation by one night. In
and that same afternoon his patrols made order not to upsct the announced time-
contact with the 3d Division at Furnari. table, he ordered the additional night in-
On the same day, the 18th Infantry ( 1st serted between the previously ordered third
Division) passed through Randazzo, and fourth nights. Thus, the evening of
through the British 78th Division, and 14 August became known simply as the
turned north on the secondary road lead- additional night, while 15 August was still
ing through Novara di Sicilia. This designated as the fourth night, and 16 Au-
movement soon turned largely on how gust as the fifth. 14
fast the division's engineers could remove When both German divisions reported
mine fields and construct bypasses. The contact regained with the Allied armies
18th Infantry moved slowly along the on 15 August, Hube completed arrange-
road-there was no enemy opposition- ments to transfer the last elements of thc
and across the ridges to Novara di Sicilia. divisions still on Sicily to the Italian main-
Just after noon, General Bradley tele- land during the evening of 16 August.
phoned General Huebner the informa- The Hermann Goering and 15th Panzer
tion that Truscott's units had already Grenadier Divisions were, after arrival in
passed Bivio Salica and had, therefore, Calabria, to march to thc north. The
pinched out the 1st Division. There was 1st Parachute Division, the 29th Panzer
little point in going any farther, although Grenadier Division, and Colonel Baade's
18th lnfantry patrols did link up with the hcadquarters were to remain in Calabria
3d Division later in the day. attached to the LXXVI Panzer Corps. 1r,
On the north coast road, the 3d Divi- Even as the 7th Infantry neared the
sion pushed on, nearing the very place turn in the road leading to Messina on
where General Patton planned to pull off 15 August, General Patton was calling
his combined amphibious-airborne opera- General Bradley to inform the 11 Corps
tion-Barcellona. At 0930, 15 August, commander that the 157th RCT was to
the 7th lnfantry, which leapfrogged the land on thc morning of 16 August, not at
15th lnfantry, punched into Barcellona. Bivio Salica as originally planned but at
Continuing its drive to the east, brushing Spadafora, ten miles farther to the east.
asid e a series of roadblocks defended by The airborne battalion was not going to
a few German machine gunners and participate, Patton said, since the 3d Divi-
mortar men, the regiment pushed all the sion had already passed Barcellona. Gen-
way to the point where the coastal high- eral Patton apparently felt that, even if the
way swings inland across the northeastern amphibious landing caught no Germans,
tip of the island to Messina. At daylight, it would put additional troops on shore to
16 August, the 7th lnfantry was ready to
turn for Messina, only twelve miles away. 14 lt was probably due to this device that sorne
At Messina, the German evacuation German commanden later claimed to have com-
proceeded unimpeded. Hube, confident pleted the evacuation in five nights. Hube's
order of 14 August 43 in Baade Diary, 1900, 15
that his troops could fend off the advanc- Aug 43, p. 107.
ing Allied armies and determined to get 15 Baade Diary, p. 109.

693-029 o - 65 . 28

help speed Truscott's advance into Mes- would still take place, it would be staged
sina. The thought of taking Messina, of at Bivio Salico on the originally ~igned
beating the. Eighth Anny to this prime beaches. Truscott reluctantly agrecd, al-
objective of the entire campaign, may well though he prefcrred to sec the landing
have appealed even more strongly to the cancelcd. 11
Seventh Anny commander than the spec- On the same day, 15 August, General
tacular dash across western Sicily. Montgomery had finally decided that the
Not pleased with Patton's idea of using Eighth Anny, too, would launch an am-
the 157th RCT at this late stage of the phibious operation. Early on 16 Au-
campaign in what he considered a usel~ gust, tanks from thc British 4th Annored
operation, knowing that the 7th lnfantry Brigade and a Commando unit werc to
was encountering only light rear guard re- land at Cape d' Ali, cut off what Gennans
sistance and could outrun any amphibious they could, and speed the Eighth Anny's
force, Bradley protested the operation. advance into Messina. Almost four hun-
Detennined to go ahead despite General dred British troops wcre to be involved,
Bradley's statement that "we'll be waiting and thcy too had a strong desire to beat
for your troops when they come ashore," 111 the Americans into Messina. 18
Patton sent his deputy, General Keyes, to The same evening, the H ermann Goer-
Truscott's command post to co-ordinate ing Division rear guards began moving out
the details. of Santa Teresa, heading for Hube's third
Like Bradley, Truscott was astonished phase line, anchored at Scalctta, three
when Keyes outlined the Seventh Anny miles beyond Cape d' Ali.19
plan. The 7th Infantry was even then Despite the increase in Allied air at-
approaching Spadafora and undoubtedly tacks on 15 and 16 August, the evacua-
would be past that town by the time the tion of Gennan troops and matriel had
157th RCT started landing. Fearing that continued without serious interruption.
the amphibious landing taking place in General Hube and General Fries, com-
the middle of the 7th lnfantry's column mander of the 29th Panzer Grenadier
might lead to confusion and ~bly sorne Division, crossed to Calabria at 0530 on
intemecine fighting, Truscott bitterly re- the 16th. Before leaving, General Fries
monstrated with the Seventh Anny deputy deployed his now les.5 than 200-man rear
commander. But, as before the Brolo guard in two widely separated positions:
landing, Keyes was reluctant to cancel the half at Acqualadrone to block the road
amphibious end run, knowing full well around the northeastem tip of Sicily; the
that General Patton counted on the fav- others at the Casazza crossroads, four miles
orable publicity such a spectacula. opera-
tion would bring to the Seventh Anny. 1 7 Truscott, Command Missions, pp. 11411-4:l:
Finally, after Truscott stated ftatly that he ONI, Sicilian Campaign, p. 110.
1M Tregaskis, lnvasion Diary, pp. 74, 86: Mont-
would halt the 7th Infantry and withdraw
gomery, Eighth Army, p. 111; Nicholson, The
it west of Spadafora in order to prevent eanadians in 1taly' p. 171.
any conftict with Colonel Ankcom's units, 19 OB SUED, Meldungen, 01150, 17 Aug 43.

Kcyes relented. Though the operation This, and the ensuing British landing are rc-
ported belatedly on 17 August, but dated 15
August. lt is confirmed on the German map for
16 Bradley, A Soldier's Story, p. 162. 15 August 1943.


SHELLING on the ltaLian main/and. Commander Harry C. Butcher is behind General Montgomery.
west of Messina. These two positions dered Ankcom to send one battalion to
protected the ferrying sites. follow the 7th Infantry and assist in the
In the Seventh Army sector, Bradley's capture of Messina; the remainder of
and Truscott's prediction of the day before Ankcom's command was to stay at Bivio
held true when, early on the moming of Salica.
16 August, the 1st Battalion, 7th lnfantry By the time the 15 7th Infantry battal-
passed through Spadafora. By early ion caught up with the 7th Infantry, the
aftemoon, the 7th was on the highway to latter unit had already cleared the German
Messina. rear guards at the Casazza crossroads and
Colonel Ankcom's 157th Infantry, controlled the ridge line overlooking Mes-
meanwhile, had splashed ashore near Bi- sina. The 3oth lnfantry had swung past
vio Salica just after midnight, 16 August. the 7th along the road around the north-
Except for the loss of eleven men in a eastern tip of the island. 1t was nearing
landing craft accident, the landing was Messina from the north. By this time,
uneventful. That aftemoon, Truscott or- too, Truscott had a battery of 155-mm.

howitzcrs ( Battery B, gth Field Artillery Hube reported at o635, 17 August, "Op-
Battalion) firing acl'O$ the strait onto the eration LEHRGANG complctcd." Thc
Italian mainland. Just after darle, aftcr last Axis troops to leave Sicily wcrc
driving off a small patrol from Company eight men of an Italian patrol picked up
1, 7th lnfantry, which was probing toward by a Gennan assault boat about an hour
M~na, the last German rear guards later.21
along both roads pulled back to the out- On the ridge line overlooking thc city,
skirts of M~a on the edge of the last General Truscott received Mes&na's civil
ferrying site that was still operating. dignitaries at 0700, and one hour latcr,
On the east coast highway, Montgom- Col. Michele Tomascllo, who offered to
ery's landing caught thc tag end of the make the formal military surrender. How-
Hermann Goering Division's withdrawing ever, because he had bccn told by Gen-
rear guard unit, which halted and stopped eral Keyes to wait for General Patton
the British column just north of Scaletta. before entering Messina, Truscott sent
Not until dark on 16 August, as the Ger- General Eagles, bis asmstant division com-
mans again startcd back for M~a, did mander, into the city with Tomascllo to
the British column move forward, finally prepare for the surrender of the city aftcr
pas&ng through Tremestieri, two miles Patton arrived, to supervise the activitics
south of M~a, at daylight 17 August. of the various American units then roving
Here again the British column halted, tbis about the port city, and "to sec that thc
time because of a demolished bridge over British did not capture the city from us
a deep ravine. By now it was broad day- after we had taken it." 22
light-about 0815-and the Commando General Patton carne onto the ridge at
leader, a lieutenant colonel and distant 1ooo, asked "What in hell are you all
relative of the British Prime Minister, de- standing arbund for?," took bis place in
cided to bypa$ the obstacle in a jeep and a car at the head of a motor cavalcadc,
start for Mcssina. He was determined to and roared down into the city, accom-
get to the city before the Americans. 20 panied ali the way by enemy artillery firc
The British officer might have spared from the Italian mainland.
himsclf a bouncing, jostling ride. The
evening before, a reinforced platoon from
Company L, 7th lnfantry, under the com- 21 Faldella, Lo sbarco, p. 275; OB SUED,
mand of 1st Lt. Ralph J. Yates, had pushed Meldungen, 2000, 17 Aug 43. The Germana
evacuated from Sicily 39,569 men, of whicb num-
into the city proper. Early next moming, ber 4,444 wcre wounded; 9,605 vehiclea; 94 guns;
patrols from the other 7th lnfantry battal- 47 tanks; 1,100 tons of ammunition; 970 tons of
ions plus a platoon from the 1st Battalion, fuel; and 15,700 tons of miscellaneous equipment
and aupplies. See Translation of Report on the
157th lnfantry, entered M~a. Except Evacuation of Sicily (August 1943) by Vice Ad-
for occasional rifle fire, they met no miral Friedrich von Ruge ( 1946), and an. A, in
resistance. folder X-111, OCMH; Baade Diary. For de-
tails of the last two days' figbting by the 3d Di-
The last of the Gennan defenders had vilion, ace AAR's of the unita involved, includ
crosscd to the Italian mainland just about ing that of the 157th Infantry Regiment (which
two hours earlier. In Calabria, General claims the honor of having the fint American
troops. in Messina) ; 11 Corps Rpt of Opns; 3d

2 For an account of the British operation, see Inf D1v G-3 Jnl; 11 Corps 0-3 Jnl.
22 Comments of Eagles on MS.
Tregaskis, Invasion Diary, pp. 74-89.


At the southcm cdgc of Mcssina, the had bcen accomplishcd at a cost of less
British armored column had finally caught than 20,000 men-7,402 in the Seventh
up with the Commando officer, who had, Anny, 11,843 in the British Eighth Anny.
by this time, made contact with General Measured against Axis losscs of 12 ,ooo
Eagles and leamed that the Americans had German dead and captured and I 4 7,000
bcaten him to thc prize. Continuing ltalian dcad, wounded, and captured, thc
through the southem outskirts and into the Allied losses wcre
center of Messina, the British column From the American point of view, the
clanked its slow way forward, arriving in Sevcnth Anny-the first United States
a large park just after General Patton had field anny to fight as a unit in World War
acceptcd the city's surrcnder. The senior 11-had done more than well. Landing
British officer walked over to General Pat- on expmed bcaches, its airbome mission
ton, shook hands, and said: "It was a jolly an almost complete failurc, initially facing
good race. 1 congratulate you." 28 the bulk of the German defenders, hit
The Sicilian Campaign was over. The by strong Axis countcrattacks within hours
W estem Allics had reached the southem after landing, thc mcn of thc Scventh
gateway to the European continent. Anny had clawed their way inland.
Within scventy-two hours after the initial
Conclusions seabome landings, the army had es-
tablished a firm and secure beachhead.
The Allicd invasion of Sicily and subse- Stopped by General Alcxander from con-
quent rcduction of the island accomplished tinuing on to Messina, the Seventh Anny
the objectives laid down by the Combined refused to relinquish ali thought of offen-
Chiefs of Staff at Casablanca in January sive action and punched its way across the
1943: to make more secure the Allied western tip of the island and into Palermo.
lines of communication in the Mediter- Allowed to turn to the east, alternately
ranean; to divert as much German strength bucking and plunging, it travcled the
as poEble from the Russian front during mountainous roads on and near the north
the critica! summer period; and to inten- coast to enter Messina just a few hours
sify pressure on ltaly. More, the invasion bcfore the Eighth Army.
of Sicily on 1o J uly and the attendant There were many noteworthy accom-
heavy bombing raids on key ltalian cities plishmcnts in the thirty-eight days of
and installations led directly to the over- fighting. Chief among these was the
throw of Mussolini and of the Fascist perfonnance of the American fighting
regime, ltaly's first step toward leaving the man. What he may have lacked in North
war. Allied annies had taken from the Africa, if indeed he lacked anything but
Axis Powers the Sicilian bridge to the Eu- experience, he more than made up for in
ropean mainland, and had placed on one Sicily. On this Italian island, the Ameri-
end of that bridge a force which consti- can infantryman was a first-class fighter,
tuted a serious threat to ali Axis-held por- in top physical condition, aggressive, al-
tions of the European continent. All this
24 The Seventh Army had a peak strength on

Sicily of 1u 7,ooo men; thc Eighth Army, a peak

23 Tregaskis, lnvasion Diary, p. 89; Comments strength of 250,000 men. See Morison, Sicily--
of Truscott on MS; Comments of Eaglea on MS. Salerno--Anzio, p. 223n.

ways pushing ahead. The tenacious and five battalions frequently were uscd on
defense by the 1st Division at Gela; the a single target. By the cnd of the cam-
ag~ive, hard-moving actions by the paign, in 11 Corps alonc, ovcr I 20,000
157th and 179th Combat Teams at Co- rounds of 105-mm. howitzer, 34,000
miso, Scoglitti, and Vittoria; the 3d Div- rounds of I 55-mm. howitzer, and 6,ooo
sion's capture of Agrigento; the 505th rounds of I 55-mm. gun ammunition had
Parachute lnfantry at Biazza Ridge; the been expended.
sweep across western Sicily, where daily Vital, too, was the information gained
thirty- and forty-mile foot marches were on the value and vcrsatility of the artillery
common; the fighting at Bloody Ridge and observation aircraft. These small aircraft
San Fratello; Troina; Randazzo; Brolo; -grasshoppers, puddle-jumpers-proved
all stand in testimony to this man's fighting most effcctive in carrying out fire missions
ability. and, in addition, served in a variety of
Scarcely less notable were the accom- important secondary roles despite the dif-
plishments of the supporting anns. All of ficulties posed by scarce and restricted air-
these played key parts in keeping the in- fields.
fantrymen moving forward. From the The rugged, mountainous country and
first day of the campaign, the field artil- the difficult and limited road net precluded
lery battalions, divisional and nondivi- any mass action by the onc armored divi-
sional, provided tremendous support, and sion which participated in the campaign.
their actions in Sicily were marked by a Thus, the major role of the tanks took the
high degree of succ~. Events clearly form of rapid pursuit action and, where
demonstrated that well-trained artillery necessary, of assistance to the infantry in
units could maintain effective and contin- small units. The confined arcas and nar-
uous fire support despite the difficulties row valleys flanked by high mountains
imposed by mountainous terrain, scarcity provided little space for large-scale armored
of good ~ition arcas, limited and con- operations. The main operation of the
gested roads, and, at times, a rapid rate of 2d Armored Division as a whole was thc
advance. Probably the most important rapid and successful dash for Palcnno
lesson leamed by the artillerymen was the which involved a pursuit action from Agri-
necessity for vigorous and aggressive em- gento to the latter city in only three days.
ployment requiring continued rapid dis- The administrative and technical serv-
placements in order to maintain fire ices also provided outstanding support to
support in a fast-moving situation. At no the infantrymen. Engineer support ren-
time did the artillery fail to deliver re- dered throughout the Seventh Anny's
quested fires, although there were times various zones of action bordered on the
when the infantrymen complained that spectacular. After operating the assault
they were not receiving enough. While beaches, Engineer units pushed inland to
the island's road net did not permit all of repair airfields, roads, and bridges, and
the artillery units to stay near the front sometimes to act as infantrymen. De-
lines at ali times, their fires were massed spite extensive road dcmolitions ( the Axis
when real resistance was encountered. forces on Sicily demolished 130 highway
As many as nine battalions of artillery were bridges and cratered roads in 40 places) ,
placed on a single important target; four mines, and enemy opposition, thc Engineer

units managed to maintain the Seventh support on both the 1oth and 1 1 th of July
Army's limited road net in a most satis- played a key role in throwing back the
factory manner and contributed largely to strong Axis counterattacks near Gela, and
the successful ground operations. Mili- in paving the way for a resumption of the
tary pollee of the Seventh Army, too, op- inland movement the following day.
erating with a limited number of units, Throughout the campaign, American
contributed to the successful ground op- naval elements continucd to furnish sup-
erations by relieving the combat units of port for the Seventh Army divisions, and
the staggering total of 122,204 prisoners not only in the form of naval gunfire sup-
of war, of whom alrnost 75,000 were evac- port. On thc north coast in particular,
uated to North Africa, while another in addition to the thrce amphibious end
34,000 were granted island paroles. The runs, the Navy furnishcd landing craft
almost 9,000 Seventh Anny Signal Corps to fcrry troops, supplies, and artillery
troops rehabilitated 4,916 miles of tele- pieces around badly damaged sections of
phone wire; laid almost 1,800 miles of the coastal highway to facilitatc the ground
spiral-four cable; and handled ovcr 8,ooo advance. And while sorne complaint
radio messages. The Scvcnth Army Mcdi- might be registered ovcr the lack of con-
cal Corps personnel, usually the unsung tinuous naval gunfire support at Brolo,
heroes of any campaign, processed 20,734 this would have to be weighed against the
hospital aamissions of u .s. personnel and perfomiance of the naval gunners at Gcla,
established two field and six cvacuation Niscemi, Biscari, Scoglitti, Agrigcnto, and
hospitals. Of thc total admissions, 7,7 14 San Fratello.
were for wounds or injuries; thc other N one of this should be construed to
13,320 were for diseases, with malaria and mean that HusKY was a perfcct military
diarrhea accounting for two-thirds of campaign, that there were no ftaws in the
these. Roughly half of thc hospital cases planning and execution of the operation.
were evacuatcd to North Africa, an equal In analyzing the Sicilian Campaign, one
number each by air and water. might naturally question why thc original
Outstanding, too, was the close co- plan was ever changed: why the Allied
operation between the ground forces and annies were bunched on the southeastem
the supporting naval units. Even with coast instead of landing at widely scpa-
the mistakes made at sorne of the assault rated points and then converging on Mes-
beach~notably in the 18oth lnfantry's sina. The final plan was based on
sector-the amphibious phase of the oper- anticipation of strenuous ltalian resistance.
ation was an almost unqualified success. The whole approach toward Sicily was
Certainly no complaints could be raised by cautious and conservative. Emphasis was
the ground forces about the naval gunfire on ensuring success and on the avoidance
support so lavishly rendered during the of calculated risk or gamble for high stakes
first forty-eight hours.211 Naval gunfire at little cost. The plan was also designed
to avoid the J>O$bility of cnemy ground
25 The U .S. cruisen which participated in force superiority at any point. If any sub-
HusKY fired a total of 7,537 six-inch rounds ren-
dering close support on the southern beaches, and
another 5,651 aix-inch rounds on the north coaat. 6 1 912 five-inch rounds on both coasts. See Mori-
The twenty-four U.S. destroyers fired a total of son, Sicily--Salerno--Anzio, p . 222n.

task force landing werc to fail or miscarry vanee open to thc other, or to withdraw
through enemy interfercncc, the adjacent quickly to the northeastem comer of the
landings would guarantcc numerical su- island where the two Allied annies would
periority over the dcfenders. converge. The final plan changed ali this,
The final HusKY plan was for a power and embodied an altogether different con-
drive, a frontal a.ssault along a single sec- ception. There would be but one thrust
tor of the coast. At no time during the against Mcsfilna-thc drivc through Cata-
coursc of planning of the Sicilian invasion nia along thc east coast highway by the
did the Allied commanders aim to achieve Eighth Army. Thc Scventh Army would
an envelopment of the dcfending forces-- protcct thc ftank and rear of Montgomery's
to launch the initial attacks behind the forces. Only reluctantly and undcr pres-
ftanks of the enemy. Even the two- sure did General Alexander finally conscnt
pronged attack envisagcd in the initial plan to rcleasc the Scventh Army from a sub-
was designed to gain port facilities, not ordinate and purely supporting mismon.
to get between the enemy and Messina. Thc numerous changes in the HusKv
In the final plan, the two Allied annies plan during the Fcbruary-May period
werc to land abrcast and to advancc to- carne about as a direct result of the com-
gether. This was to minimizc the danger mand structure which had been specifi-
of having the enemy conccntrate against cally spelled out by the Combincd Chicfs
onc task force at a time. Thc riskS in the of. Staff at Casablanca. For the second
plan werc strictly in the matter of supply time-thc first had been in North Africa-
and mainly affected the Seventh Army. an Allied military operation was to be con-
Sound, cautious, conscrvative, the final ducted under the control of a triumvirate
plan was well dcsigned to achieve the oc- of commanders, rather than undcr the
cupation of Sicily, the objective set by the direction of one. General Alexandcr ( Ei-
Combined Chiefs. At the same time, senhower's deputy) was made responsiblc
Alexander's idea of first consolidating a for the ground operations; Air Chicf
firm base on the southeast comer offercd Marshal Tedder for air operations; Ad-
little scope for maneuver with the object miral Cunningham for naval activities.
of destroying the enemy garrison. General Eiscnhower was to act as a sort
In csscncc, the plan as finally designed of chairman of the board, to entcr into thc
was Montgomery's. No one except final decision-making process only whcn
Montgomery was particularly happy with thc board members prescnted him with
it. Thc strategic conception inhercnt in unsolved problems. lf the three board
the plan was both disadvantagcous to and members agreed on policy, there was littlc
disparaging of the American force. Al- that Eiscnhower could do to change the
though thc original two-pronged attack policy unless he was willing to dispense
was bascd solely on logistical considerations, with the board members' services. Eiscn-
it implied a twofold advancc on Messina. hower was raiscd involuntarily far above
Each anny, having gained its port, would the operational level; only indirectly could
advancc by its own route to M~na, the he inftuence the coursc of operations once
hingc of Sicily. The dcfending forces were that coursc had been agreed on by his
expected eithcr to concentrate against one committee of threc.
attacking force, leaving the route of ad- The committee system of command

would have been more palatable if the somewhat different from Patton's relations
headquarters had not been physically sep- with the U .S. XII Air Support Command.
arated-if the committee members had The official air force historians explain
established and maintained a joint head- the airman's views:
quarters at a single location. But with the It should be noted that the air plan dealt
invasion of Sicily, Alexander established his for the most part with broad policies and
headquarters on thc island; Tedder's head- that it had not been integrated in detail with
quarters remained in North Africa, near the ground and naval plans. This was
Tunis; Cunningham's naval headquarters deliberate, and the result of sound strategi-
cal and tactical considerations emphasized
was at Malta; and General Eisenhower's by experience in the Tunisian and Western
staff remained in Algiers. While the sep- Desert campaigns. There would be no par-
aration had little effect on the conduct of celing out of air strength to individual land-
the campaign during the month of July, al- ings or sectors. Instead, it would be kcpt
though it appears logical to assume that a united under an over-all command in order
joint headquarters might have prodded to insure in its employment the greatest
possible fiexibility. lt would be thrown in
General Montgomery into doing more on full force where it was needed, and not
the east coast in the way of amphibious kept immobilized where it was not needed.
end runs, one result of maintaining such Too, the chief immediate task of the air arm
widely separated headquarters became was to neutralize the enemy air force, a fluid
painfully evident during the last ten days target not easily pinpointed in advance. 26
of the opcration, when the Axis forces be- Primarily concerned with other matters
gan evacuating the island. A joint plan -neutralizing enemy air, strategic targets,
was not drawn up to prevent an enemy armed reconnaissances, cover over the
evacuation from the island. Each of the beaches--the Allied air commanders de-
three services operated independently of voted little thought and attention to pro-
the others, doing what it thought best to viding close air support to the ground
prevent the evacuation. Since the issue forces during the campaign. During the
was not presented to the chairman of the first critica! forty-eight hours, no close air
board (General Eisenhower) , the issue re- support missions were flown in support of
mained unsolved, and the Germans and the Seventh Army, and no close support
ltalians completed one of the most suc- missions were handled by the air support
cessful evacuations ever executed from a parties with the 11 Corps and with the
beleaguered shore. assault divisions until 13 July. Even then
Furthermore, there was the question of the cumbersome systcm of rcquesting mis-
air support: whether or not Allied air sions, with attendant delays in transmission
plans were meshed sufficiently with ground and in identifying targets, proved almost
and naval plans. Simply put, the Allied unmanagcable. It resulted in the scrap-
air forces in the Mediterranean refused ping of many requested and approved
to work out detailed plans in co-operation missions, and sometimes worked out in
with the army and navy. This was par- disastrous ways for friendly forces.
ticularly true in the case of the Seventh As regards the cxecution of the plan,
Army-to a much lesscr degree in the 28 Craven and Cate, eds., Europe: TORCH
Eighth Army, where Montgomery's rela- to POINTBLANK, p. 445; see also, Slessor, The
tions with the British Desert Air Force were Central Blue, pp.p7-117.

questions might well be raised as to the reason, pennitted General Montgomery to

conduct of the ground phascs of the cam- change the Eighth Anny's plans. Instead
paign. The ground assault startcd aus- of moving along a single major axis of ad-
piciously on 10 July with thc greatest vance, throwing bis anny's entirc weight
amphibious attack cver uridertaken by any against the German defenders at Catania,
anncd force. Within seventy-two hours Montgomery split bis assault corps into a
after the initial seaborne landings, the two two-pronged effort, one prong continuing
Allicd annies advancing abreast had prac- along the east coast highway, the other
tically secured their designated objectives. prong swinging to the west across Scventh
On the east coast, the Eighth Anny en- Anny's front around Mount Etna. At
tered Augusta on thc morning of 12 July. the same time, Alexander changed the
Thus far, its advance had not been seri- Seventh Anny axis of advance from the
ously contested. The bulk of the defend- north to the west and again relegated
ing forces, particularly the Gennan Patton's force to the pas&ve role of guard-
contingent, was off to the west, one por- ing Montgomery's flank and rear. For
tion counterattacking the Sevcnth Anny all practical purposes, Seventh Anny could
near Gela and Biscari, the other part have stayed on the beaches; its brilliant
hurriedly moving eastward to block any assault achievements were completcly nul-
further American advances inland from lified by the new British plan.
Licata. Catania was almost in sight. Why Alexander pennitted this to hap-
The only force of any consequence op- pen has never been satisfactorily explained.
posing Eighth Anny's two assault corps was Seventh Anny was moving ahead niccly;
the Gennan Group Schmalz, and this it almost had Highway 124; the Gennan
force was almost ccrtainly not strong and Italian forces in front of it had been
cnough to stop an aggressive thru.St north practically dissolved or withdrawn. Thc
from Augusta. Thc Seventh Anny, for German forces from the west, not rcally
its part and after the initial Axis counter- strong enough to contest an advancc all
attacks at Gela, had pushed on strongly, along the linc, wcre still scrambling to thc
so strongly that its left task forcc-the cast in a despcrate cffort to closc the trc-
reinforced 3d Division-had run out of mendous gap in the ccnter of thc Axis
objectives and was poised to strike inland linc. No encmy force of any size opposcd
at the kcy communications center of Enna. cither the Ist or 45th Divisions. General
Highway 124, the important ca.St-west Bradlcy, thc II Corps commandcr, was
highway, was almost in Scventh Anny's ready and willing to takc Highway I 24
grasp. Severa! hugc gaps had been and Enna, thus cncircling the Gcrman dc-
created in the Axis line, gaps that werc fcndcrs facing Eighth Anny. In Nonh
being hcld halfheartedly by remnants of Africa, the remainder of the 82d Airbome
the Livorno and Napoli Divisions. and 2d Annored Divisions lay ready to
It was at this vcry point on the cvening sail for Sicily to reinforce thc American
of I 2 J uly, whcn thc Allicd annics wcre cffort. But apparently it was Alcxandcr's
in the best position of the cntire campaign distrust of the American fighting man that
for finishing off the Axis defendcrs quicl<ly permitted him to accept Montgomcry's
and pushing on through to Mcssina, that plan of a two-prongcd British advancc, of
General Alexandcr, for sorne unknown dividing Eighth Anny in the face of thc

cncmy. Or it may be that General Eiscn- Sicily was an especially bitter disap-)
hower's opinion of Alexander-"At times pointment for men who had put great
it secms that he altcrs his own plans and faith in airbomc opcrations. General
ideas mercly to mect an objcction or a Swing, American airbornc adviscr at
suggestion of a subordinate, so as to avoid AFHQ, attributcd thc unsatisfactory rc-
dircct command methods"-was correct.27 sults to fivc principal causes: insufficicnt
Alcxander's pcrmission givcn to Mont- planning in co-ordinating routes with ali
gomcry to launch Eighth Army on its ill- forces scveral weeks carlier; the inability
fatcd two-prongcd offensivc constitutcd the of troop carrier formations to follow thc
turning point in thc Sicilian Campaign. routes given, partly becausc of poorly
From this date on the course of the cam- trained pilots, and partly becausc of thc
paign could not have proceeded much complicated routes; the rigid requirement
differcntly. The Axis forces, suddenly rc- that naval forces fire at ali aircraft at
lieved of the trcmendous American presrurc night coming within rangc, regardless of
along most of their front, were now givcn their efforts to identify thcmsclves; thc un-
enough time to prepare strong defensive fortunate circumstancc whercin an enemy
positions in the mountainous interior, and bombing raid coincided with the arrival of
the rcst of the campaign turned into little the airborne force; and the failurc of
morc---except for Patton's spcctacular sorne ground commanders to warn thc
dash into Palermo, almost a publicity men manning antiaircraft weapons of the
agent's stunt-than digging the enemy out expected arrival of thc troop carricr for-
of strongpoints and knocking him off mations.28
mountain tops. It was not until 23 July, General Browning, British airbome cx-
when General Alexander finally turncd pert and thc AFHQ airbomc adviscr, was
Sevcnth Army toward Messina, that cven sharp in his criticism of the aerial navi-
these tactics paid off. gation:
Questions, too, might be raiscd about In spite of the clear weather, suitable
thc tragic confusion which marked thc moon, the existence of Malta as a check
four ma jor Allied airborne opcrations. point only 70 miles f rom Sicily and the lat-
Thc scattcring of thc American paratroop- ter's very obvious and easily recognizable
ers and British glic,lcrmen on thc cvening coast line, the navigation by thc troop car-
of D minus 1, followcd by thc shooting rier aircrews was bad.
The troops comprising both British and
down of largc numbers of fricndly aircraft American Airborne Divisions are of a very
on the cvcnings of 11 and 13 July 1943, high quality and their training takes time
almost brought American airbornc cfforts and is expensive. They are given important
in World War 11 to an cnd. Much tasks which may acutely affect the opera-
disillusionmcnt set in following thc disas- tions as a whole. It is cssential both from
trous airborne opcrations, and many rc- the operational and moral point of view
that encrgetic steps be taken to improve
sj>onsible officers bccamc convinced that greatly on the aircrews' performance up to
the basic structurc of thc airbomc division date.
was unsound.
211 Memo, Swing, 16 Jul .u, sub: Comments
on Night Opns, 82d AB Div, Night of D plua 1
21 Memo for pcnonal file, 11 Jun 43, Diary to D plua 2. Photo1tat incl with Ltr, Swing
Office CinC, Boolt VI, pp. A-472-A-474. to Ward, 5 May 50.

lntensive training in low flying navigation been far more vital in thc conquest of Sic-
by night, especially over coast lines, must be y had the airborne troops bcen droppcd,
organized and carried on continuously. ot between the reseives and thc bcach
This must form part of the aircrews' train-
ing before they reach a theater of war and defenscs, but en masse on the central pla-
the standard set must be very high.29 teau, whcre they could havc asscmbled
with littlc intcrferencc and then struc
General Ridgway, comrnander of the ively at the enerny's rcar. 82
82d Airbome Division, stated wecks later In sorne respects Allied airborne opera-
that "both thc 82d Airbome Division and ions in Sicily bear certain similarities to
the North African Air Force Troop Car- the German airbornc invasion of Cretc.
rier Command are today at airbome train- In each case the attacker considercd thc
ing levels bclow combat rcquirements." operation a disappointment, whilc thc de-
He ernphasized that airborne and troop fender considered the operation a more or
carrier units were "unprepared to conduct less spectacular success. Each operation
with rea.sonable chances of success night was sornething of a tuming point in thc
operations either glider or parachute, em- airbomc effort of both sides. For thc
ploying forces the size of Regimenta! Com- Germans, Crctc was thc cnd of major air-
bat Teams." 80 bornc operations. F or the Allies, Sicily
A report on the Sicilian airbome oper- was only the beginning of airborne opera-
ations by thc Fifth Army Airbome Train- tions on an evcn largcr scalc.
ing Ccntcr was more blunt: After Sicily, howcver, it was not ccrtain
The ( 82d) Division was in superb physi- that airborne divisions werc hcre to stay.
cal condition, well qualified in the use of The rcaction of the Army Ground Forces
infantry arms, in combined ground opera- in thc U nited States was that the airbome
tions, and in individual jumping. lt was program had bccn ovcremphasizcd. Thcy
extremely deficient in its air operations. could sec no imrnediatc requirement for
The (52d) Troop Carrier Wing did not thc airbomc strength which had been
cooperate well. Training was, in general,
inadequate. Combat efficiency for night asscrnblcd, and werc willing to abandon
glider operations was practically zero. The the idea of special airbomc divisions.
combined force of (82d) Airborne Division AGF suggested that thc airbome divisions
and troop carrier units was extremely de- then in being be rcorganizcd as light divi-
ficient. 81 sions. Parachutc units would be removed
Allied airbomc operations did live up to and thc light divisions would be given a
sorne expectations, but they might have variety of spccial training. Whcncvcr an
airbornc opcration was contcmplatcd, thcn
29 Browning Rpt, 24 Jul 43, lncl 6 with AFHQ
thc light division could be traincd, prcfer-
Proceedings of Board of Officers. ably in the theater, for that specific op-
Ltr, Ridgway to OPD, 6 Nov 43, in AITCC cration. Parachutc units would be or-
353 (AB Training), quoted in AAF, 1 Troop Car- ganizcd into separate battalions, after the
rier Command, The Operational Training Pro-
gram, pp. 296-g7. fashion of the armored infantry battalions,
11 Brief of Rpt of AB Opn, Husxv, 17 Sep
43, lncl with OPD Memo 319.1 ( 15 Aug 43)
for CofS U.S. Army, 20 Sep 43; quoted in AGF
Study 25, p. 47; also aee extracta of Billingslea 32 As 1uggested by General Swing in a letter
Rpt, in AB Oveneas Rpts, ATTNG, AB Br. to General Ward, 5 May 1950.

and would then be grouped as necessary careful and exact planning and co-ordina-
for training and tactical employment.88 tion with the ma jor ground effort. In this
At the same time, writing from North connection, General Swing recommended,
Africa, General Eisenhower also suggested as he had done earlier, that an airborne
a reorganization: staff section be established in each theater
to ~ist the theater commander in taking
1 do not believe in the airborne division.
1 believe that airborne troops should be re- full advantage of the capabilities of a1r-
organized in self-contained units, comprising borne units. 811
infantry, artillery, and special services, ali In a later study of the subjcct, thc
of about the strength of a regimental com- American and British Combined Staff
bat team. Even if one had ali the air Planners saw nothing in combat experi-
transport he could possibly use the fact is at ence, either British or American, which
any given time and in any given spot only
a reasonable number of air transports can indicated that the division was not the
be operated because of technical difficulties. proper organization for airborne troops.
To employ at any time and place a whole Taking cognizance of the expressed vicws
division would require a dropping over such of Eisenhower, Swing, and others, the
an extended area that 1 seriously doubt planners recommended that no changcs be
that a division commander could regain
control and operate the scattered forces as made in that structure until further experi-
one unit. In any event, if these troops were ence indicated the need for a change.39
organized in smaller, self-contained units, a This recommendation was accepted by
senior commander, with a small staff and both Americans and British. It had been
radio communications, could always be a near thing for the airbome effort. For
dropped in the area to insure necessary with the loss of the division structure and
a reversion to battalion size units only, the
Opposing this trend was General Swing, airborne units would have been no more
who had served as an airborne adviser in effective than if they had retained the
Allied Forces Headquarters and who was same mission originally contemplated for
now at the Airbome Command in the them in the days before the war-the
U nited States. He protested that these seizure of an airhead for the benefit of air-
views were based upon a campaign marked transported infantry units.
by certain adverse conditions which were
remediable. He pointed to the Markham Patton
valley operation in New Guinea ( Septem-
ber 1943) as an example of what could The campaign had done more from an
be done with proper training and plan- American viewpoint than deal the enemy
ning. His conclusion was that airborne a serious blow and prove the abilities of
divisions were sound and that the success- the American soldier. Thc campaign also
ful employment of those divisions required had produced an American field com-
mander, who, on the one hand, by his
33 Memo, CG AGF for CofS U.S. Army, 211

Sep 43, sub: Rpt of Board on AB Opns, file 35 Ltr, Swing to CG AGF, 4 Oct 43 , sub :
353/17 (AB). Overseas Rpts on AB Opns, AGF AB Mise 1942-
34 Ltr, Eisenhower to Marshall, 20 Sep 43, 1945/15, ATTNG, Air 2d AB Brigade.
Mise Exec File, bit. 12, case 80; extractJ in 38 App. A, CPS 91/1, 19 Oct 43, ABC 322
CPS 91/1, 19 Oct 43, ABC 322 (23 Sep 43) . (23 Sep 43).

verve, lan, and prof~onal ability, had ple at home, the situation could be
captured the fancy of his troops and the different.
American public, and on the other hand, Two incidents involving hospitalized
because of sorne of his actions, had in- privates carne close to damaging the mo-
curred severe, even hostile, criticism f rom rale of the Seventh Army and even closer
his superiors, his troops, and the public. to knocking Patton from the military ped-
This commander was General Patton. estal to which the Sicilian Campaign had
Having first emerged as a colorful, capa- elevated him. These two incidents did
ble leader in North Africa, Patton in the not affect the actual conduct or outcomc
Sicilian Campaign had developed as the of the campaign, but, like the debacle of
American answer to Montgomery. Part the airborne rcinforcement, their scanda-
of Patton's distinction was sheer histri- lous nature and the attendant publicity
onics---the characteristic riding breeches have made them an integral part of the
and the pearl-handled pistols that set him story of the campaign, sometimes to the
apart, gave him a trademark. Of a piecc point of eclipsing the achievements of the
with this was the fervor with which he Seventh Army in Sicily and of Patton him-
pursued a relativcly empty but nonethel~ self. These werc the two so-called "slap-
spectacular objective like Palermo. ping incidents" involving General Patton
But, as even his severest critics would and two soldiers whom he suspected of
admit, Patton had done a masterful job. malingering. 81
He had created a battle-worthy field army The first of the incidents took place on
and shaped it in his own image-tenacious, 3 August in the receiving tent of the 15th
bold, aggressive, resourceful, an army Evacuation Hospital (Lt. Col. Charles N.
imbued with Patton's own passion for Wasten), then in the 1st Division's area
beating the British to Messina. Yet in the near Nicosia, during one of Patton's peri-
proc~, under the pressure of the same odic visits to mcdical installations sup-
consuming drive which brought achieve- porting Seventh Army. Patton, in com-
ment, Patton had proven himself cold, pany with General Lucas, entered the
uncompromising, and even cruel in dealing receiving tent escorted by Colonel W asten
with any subordinate who seemed to be and other medica} officers asmgned to thc
remiss or who might hinder him in attain- hospital, spoke to various patients, and
ing his goals. especially commended the wounded mcn.
lf the subordinate was a division com- Then he carne upon a private from Com-
mander, like General Allen, who felt the pany L, 26th lnfantry, who had just re-
lash of Patton's tongue on the beaches
near Gcla, or like General Truscott, who n Infonnation on the slapping incidents has
been drawn from the official reports of the in-
questioned what he considered too much cidenta, actions taken by General Eisenhower,
baste in the end run at Brolo and drew for and Patton'1 actions found in Diary Office CinC,
his protests stinging rebuke, there would Book IX, pp. A-gr 5-A-gu ; papen and tele-
grams in reference to the incidentl in Smith Pa-
be no widespread repcrcussions. But when pen, box 5; Eisenhower, Crllsad1 in Eu.rop1, pp.
thcse hard, personal methods, exaggerated 179-&3; Bradley, A Soldier's Story, pp. 16o-62;
by moments of rage, reached down to Butcher, My Three Years With Eisenhower, pp.
393, 403, 450; Semmes, Portrait of Patton, pp.
private soldiers in a war-swollcn army, 165-66, 168-72; Lucas Diary, pp. 111, 113-
dosely, evcn jealously watched by the peo- 15, 141-43.

cently arrived in the hospital arca with a ously incapable of combat. Such men are
prcliminary diagnosis made at the clearing cowards, and bring discredit on the Army
station of "psychoneuroscs an:xiety state- and disgrace to their comrades who [sicJ
they heartlessly leave to endure the danger
moderate scverc." 18 Approaching, Pat- of a battle which they themselves use the
ton asked the soldier what the matter was. hospital as a means of escaping.
The man replied: "1 guess 1 can't take You will take measures to see that such
it." Patton immediatcly ftew into a rage, cases are not sent to the hospital, but are
cursed him, slapped the private soldier dealt with in their units.
across the face with his glovcs, and finally Those who are not willing to fight will be
tried by Court-Martial for cowardice in the
grabbed him and thrcw him out of the face of the enemy. 1
tent.89 In General Lucas's words: "We
stopped at an Evacuation Hospital beforc Apparcntly, this particular incident
reaching Nicosia to visit the wounded boys causcd no scrious rcpercumons on the is-
and try to cheer them up. Brave, hurt, land or at Allied Force Headquarters in
bewildercd boys. All but one, that is, North Africa. Nor did General Lucas
becausc he said he was nervous and mention the incident to General Eiscn-
couldn't take it. Anyone who knows him hower on his rcturn to North Africa on
can realize what that would do to George. 6 August. Patton, himscH, was not overly
The weak sister was rcally nervous when concerned with the incident, and in his di-
he got through." 0 ary noted: "I gave him the devil, slapped
Patton concluded the inspection of the his face with my glovcs and kicked him
hospital's facilities, toured the front lincs, out of the hospital. . . . One sometimcs
and returned to his hcadquaiters wherc he slaps a baby to bring it to." n
had the following memorandum prepared The soldier, in the meantime, had bcen
and distributed to bis senior commanders: picked up by a hospital corpsman after
lt has come to my attention that a very being thrown out of the rcceiving tent and
small number of soldiers are going to the had been taken to a ward tent wherc he
hospital on the pretext that they are nerv- was found to be running a high fcver and
where he gave a history of chronic diar-
38 Rpt, Lt Col Perrin H. Long to Surgeon,
NATOUSA, 16 Aug 43, sub: Mistreatment of rhea. Two days later, the final diagnosis
Patients in Receiving Tents of the 15th and 93d in his case was made: chronic dyscntery
Evacuation Hospitab, Diary Office CinC, Book and malaria, and on 9 August the man
IX, pp. A-915-A-916. was evacuated to North Africa.8
39 Long Rpt, 16 Aug 43, Diary Office CinC,

Book IX, pp. A-915-A-g 16; Semmes, Portrait o/ Just the day after thc ailing soldier was
Patton, pp. 165-66; Cf. Lucu Diary, pp. 114- scnt off the island, General Patton
15. dropped in unexpectedly at the 93d Evac-
0 Lucas Diary, p. 111. Alter the war, Gen-
eral Lucas wrote that he could see nothing serious uation Hospital (Col. D. E. Currier)
about the incident at the time. "There are al-
ways a certain number of such weaklings in any 41 Seventh Army Memo to Corps, Div, and
Army," he noted in his diary, "and 1 suppose Separate Brigade CO's, 5 Aug 43, 107-10.2,
the modem doctor is correct in classifying them NARS.
as il1 and treating them as such. However, the 42 Semmes, Portrail of Palton, pp. 165-66.
man with malaria doesn't pass bis condition on 48 Long Rpt, 16 Aug 43, Diary Office CinC,
to his comrades as rapidly as does the man with Book IX, pp. A-g 15-A-g 16; AFHQ Out Msg
cold feet nor doeJ malaria have the lethal effect W-6291 to AGWAR, 27 Nov 43, Smith Papen,
that the latter has." Lucaa Diary, pp. 113-14. box 5.

wherc he was met by Maj. Charles B. Spotting Colonel Currier, Patton shouted,
Etter, the hospital's rcceiving officer, and "I want you to get that man out of here
taken to the receiving tent, where fifteen right away. I won't have thesc other
patients had just arrived from the front. brave boys secing such a bastard babied."
Patton started down the line of cots, ask- Reholstering his pistol, Patton started
ing each man where he had been hurt and to leave the tent, but tumed suddenly and
how, and commending each. The fourth saw that the soldier was openly crying.
man Patton reached was a soldier from Rushing back to him, Patton again hit
Battery C, 17th Field Artillery Regiment, the man, this time with such force that
who had been prcviously diagnosed at a the helmet liner he had becn wearing was
clearing station as suffering from a severc knocked off and rolled outside the tent.
case of shell shock. He was huddled on This was enough for Colonel Currier, who
his bunk and shivering. Patton stopped placed himseH between Patton and the
in front of the bed and, as was his way, soldier. Patton tumcd and strode out of
asked the soldier what the trouble was. the tent. As he left the hospital, Patton
The man replied, "lt's my nerves," and said to Colonel Currier, "I meant what 1
began to sob. Patton, instantly furious, said about getting that coward out of
roarcd, "What did you say? " The man herc. 1 won't have those cowardly bas-
again rcplied, "It's my nerves," and con- tards hanging around our hospitals.
tinued, "1 can hear the shells come over, We'll probably have to shoot them some-
but 1 can't hear them burst." time anyway, or we'll raise a brced of
Patton tumed impatiently to Major morons." 44
Etter and asked, "What's this man talking General Patton left the hospital arca,
about? What's wrong with him, if any- still fuming "about the cowardice of peo-
thing?" Etter rcached for the soldier's ple who claimed they werc suffering from
chart but before the doctor could answer psychoneuroses" and exclaiming that
Patton's questions, Patton began to rave "they should not be allowed in the same
and rant: "Your ner:ves, Hell, you are just hospital with the brave wounded men,"
a goddamned coward, you yellow son of and went forward to General Bradley's
a bitch." At this point, Colonel Currier headquarters where he casually mentioned
and two other medica} officers entercd the what had just happened.411 So casual
rcceiving tent in time to hcar Patton yell was Patton about the incident that General
at the man, "You're a disgrace to the Bradley tended to disregard the whole mat-
Army and you're going right back to the ter. 46 For the soldier, the preliminary
front to fight, although that's too good for diagnosis made of his case was latcr f ully
you. You ought to be lined up against
a wall and shot. In fact, I ought to 44 The account of this episode has been re-

shoot you myseH right now, goddam you ! " constructed from Long Report, 16 Aug 43, Diary
With this, Patton rcached for his pistol, Oftice CinC, Book IX, pp. A-g 15-A-g 16; Re-
port by Demarce Bess (Associate Editor, Satur-
pulled it from its holster, and wavcd it in day E11'ning Post) submitted to General Eiscn-
thc soldier's face. Then, as the man sat hower on 19 Aug 43; Eisenhower, Crusade in
quivering on bis cot, Patton struck him Europe, p. 180; Bradley, A Soldier's Story, pp.
sharply across the face with his free hand 45 Eisenhower, Crusade in Europe, p. 180.
and continued to shout imprecations. 48 Bradley, A Soldier's Story, p. 160.

confinned by the 93d Evacuation Hospi- far, none of the correspondents had filed
tal's psychiatrist.47 a story on either of the slapping cpisodes.
Two days later, on 12 August, Bradley Thcy realizcd the seriousness of the inci-
had cause to remcmbcr Patton's casual dcnts, and thc impact such a story would
mention of the incident. Colonel Currier havc on the public in the United States;
had submitted a report through the 11 thcy were willing to hush thc story at the~
Corps surgeon on the incident at his hos- end for thc sakc of thc American effort.49
pital, and Gen. William B. Kean, Bradley's General Eisenhower had already actcd
chief of staff, rushed it into the 11 Corps in the mattcr. On 16 August the Su-
commander's trailer. No one else at 11 prcme Allied Commandcr had in his
Corps headquarters had seen the communi- hands a dctailed report of thc two inci-
cation, which was a full report of the dcnts prepared by NATOUSA's surgeon's
occurrence. Bradley instructed Kean to officc. General EiBcnhowcr was shocked
lock the report in a safe and to do nothing by the rcport, but detennined to give Pat-
more about the matter. 48 Other than ton a chance to cxplain. On the follow-
going directly to Eisenhower with the re- ing day, 17 August, Eisenhower wrote a
port, which would mean jumping channels, personal lctter to his senior American sub-
there was little else General Bradley could ordinate, a letter which offered Patton a
do. He was still under Patton's com- chance to deny the allegations made
mand, and forwarding the report to against him, but which also included a
Seventh Anny headquarters probably strong rebuke if all, or any part of, the
would havc accomplished nothing. This allegations proved correct.
was General Eisenhower' s problem and Though General Eisenhower planned
General Bradley apparently did not want no formal investigation, in the letter to
to be a party to accusing the Seventh Patton, delivered personally by a general
Anny comrnander of any wrongdoing. officer, he indicated his fcelings. "I am
By this time, however, the incident was well aware of the nccessity for hardness
common knowledge all ovcr thc island. and toughness on the battlcfield," Eisen-
An account of it had been carried back hower wrote. "1 clearly understand that
orally to Allied Force Headquarters press finn and drastic measures are at times
camp by three reputable newsmen who necessary in order to sccure desired objec-
had been covering the fighting on Sicily. tives. But this does not excuse brutality,
One of the correspondents stated that abuse of the sick, nor exhibition of un-
there were at least 50,000 American sol- controllable temper in front of subordi-
diers on Sicily who would shoot Patton if nates." While Eisenhowcr felt that Pat-
they had the chance; a second felt the ton's "personal services" as commander
Seventh Anny commander had gone tem- of Scventh Anny had been of immense
porarily insane. Just a few days later, value to the Allied cause during the Sicilian
another correspondent brought in a de- fighting, he stated bluntly that "if there is
tailed written report of what had hap-
pened at Colonel Currier's hospital. Thus 49 AFHQ Out Msg W-6291 to AGWAR, 27

Nov 43, Smith Papen, box 5; AFHQ Out Msg

4 7 Bess Rpt, Diary Oftice CinC, Book IX, pp. W-6017 to AGWAR, 24 Nov 43, same file;
A-g 17-A-g19. Butcher, My Thrtt Ytars With Eisenhowtr, pp.
48 Bradley, A Soldier's Story, p. 160. 393, 403.
693-029 o - 6~ - 29

a very considerable clcment of truth in gretted what had happcned more becausc
thc allcgations accompanying this lettcr, 1 of making "lkc mad when it is my camcst
must so seriously qucstion your good judg- desirc to picase him." 154 But he set about
mcnt and your sclf-disciplinc as to raisc making amcnds befare answcring General
serious doubts in my mind as to your fu- Eiscnhower's letter. He talkcd to thc two
turc uscfulncss." Thc Allicd commandcr soldicrs, explained bis motives, and apol-
thcn statcd that if any of the allcgations ogized for his actions. "In each case 1
wcrc true, Patton was to makc amcnds, stated 1 should like to shakc hands with
"apology or othcrwisc," to thc individuals thcm, and in cach case they acccpted my
concemcd, and statcd baldly that "conduct offer." 1111 Then, acting on General Lucas'
such as dcscribed in thc accompanying suggcstions, Patton talkcd to the medical
report will not be toleratcd in this theater personnel who were prcsent whcn thc
no mattcr who the offcnder may be." 116 incidents occurred and cxprcsscd bis re-
At the samc time, General Eiscnhower grets for "my impulsive actions." And,
ordcrcd General Lucas to Sicily to talk to finally, he addrcssed all Seventh Army di-
Patton, and sent the thcater inspector gen- visions and expressed bis regret "for any
eral to thc island to sec what cffect Pat- occasions when 1 may have harshly criti-
ton's conduct had had on Sevcnth Army. cized individuals." 118
Lucas arrivcd in Palermo on 21 August On 29 August, Patton sent bis reply
and spoke in a "kindly but very firm" tone to General Eiscnhower, assuring thc senior
to the Scvcnth Army commandcr. By American commander in thc thcatcr that
this time, Patton had rcceived Eiscn- he had had no intcntion of "being eithcr
hower's lcttcr, and Lucas found him harsh or cruel in my treatment of the two
"chastened" and agrecable to "everything soldiers in question. M y sole purpose
1 suggested including ncvcr doing such was to try and restare in them a just ap-
things again." 111 Lucas knew of General preciation of their obligation as mcn and
Eiscnhower's strong feelings about Pat- as soldicrs." Continuing, Patton recallcd
ton's actions and realizcd Patton was in a World War 1 incidcnt when a clase
serious danger of being rclieved. As far friend lost bis nerve "in an exactly ana-
as thc inspector general was conccmed, he logous manner." After suffering years of
fclt that no great hann had been done to mental anguish, Patton wrotc, bis friend
Scvcnth Army by Patton's conduct.112 had committed suicide. "Both my friend
Patton, apparcntly not fully realizing the and the medica! men with whom 1 dis-
seriousncss of bis actions at the evacuation cussed bis case assured me that had he
h"J>itals--"cvidently 1 actcd precipitatcly bcen roundly checked at the time of bis
and on insufficient knowledge"-fclt that first misbehavior, he would have bccn re-
"my motive was correct because one can- stored to a normal state." 1t was recalling
not permit skulking to exist." 118 He re- this incident, Patton stated, that causcd
him to "inaptly" try "the remedies sug-
50 Ltr, Eisenhower to Patton, 17 Aug 43, Diary
Oftice CinC, Book IX, pp. A--g16-A--g17. u /bid.
51 Lucas Diary, p. 142. u Ltr, Patton to Eisenhower, 29 Aug 43, Diary
u AFHQ Out Msg W-6o17 to AGWAR, 24 Oftice CinC, Book IX, p. A--g20.
Nov 43, Smith Papen, box 5. 1511 lbid. See also Semmes, Portrail of Patton,
n Semmes, Porlrail of Patton, p. 169. p. 170.

gested," and, "after cach incident 1 He then called in the group of reporters
stated to officcrs with me that 1 fclt 1 had who had brought thc story ovcr from Sic-
probably saved an immortal soul." n ily, cxplaincd what actions had bccn taken,
Patton's admission of the allegations and his rcasons for kecping Patton in
contained in the I 6 August rcport placed command of Scventh Army. Thc corre-
General Eisenhower in a most difficult spondents werc satisfied and voluntarily
posiuon: werc the incidents sufficiently declined to file storics back to the States.
damaging to Patton and to his standing in As far as AFHQ was conccmed, the mat-
Seventh Army to relieve him? Eiscn- ter was closcd.92
hower could rationalizc the incidents, al- Although much was later said about
though he admitted that Patton's bchavior the Patton incidcnts whcn a reportcr,
was undeniably brutal. He knew that frcsh from the United States, got wind of
Patton was impulsive and was, when thc the story and relcascd it over the radio in
incidents occurrcd, in a "highly emo- Novembcr I 943, Eiscnhower did not
tional state." 118 Eiscnhower wantcd Pat- waver in his decision to back General
ton "saved for servicc in the grcat battlcs Patton. Writing then, Eiscnhower said
still facing us in Europe." 1111 He did not simply, "I still feel my decision sound,"
want to get rid of the general "who had and rcfuscd to rcscind it.81 But the inci-
commanded an army in one of our coun- dents did convince General Eisenhower
try's most succcssful opcrations and who is that the horizon of Patton's command
the bcst ground gainer devclopcd so far by role was limited. In a later mesuge to
the Allies." 80 Weighing one set of facts General Marshall, Eiscnhower stated em-
against the other, General Eisenhower phatically: "In no event will I ever ad-
concluded that Patton was too valuable a vance Patton bcyond Army command
,, 84
man to lose, and he determined to kecp
him in command of Seventh Army. 81 82 Eisenhowcr, Crusade in Euro/Je, p. 182;
Butcher, My Three Years With Eisenhower, p.
51 Ltr, Patton to Eisenhowcr, 29 Aug 43, 403.
Diary Office CinC, Book IX, p. A-g20. 113 AFHQ Out Msg W-6o17 to AGWAR, 24
68 Eisenhower, Cnuatle in Europe, p. 181. Nov 43, Smith Papen, box 5; see also Eisenhower,
511 lbid. Crusade in Europe, p. 182; Butcher, My Three
so Butcher, My Three Years With Eisenhower, Years With Eisenhower, p. 450; AFHQ Out Msg
p. 393. W-6291 to AGWAR, 27 Nov 43, Smith Papen,
111 Eisenhower, Crusade in Euro/Je, p. 181; box 5; Bradley, .A Soldier's Story, p. 161.
AFHQ Out Msg W-6017 to AGWAR, 24 Nov 114 Msg, Eisenhower to Manhall, 29 Dec 43,

43, Smith Papen, box 5. Diary Office CinC, Book IX, p. A-gn


The QUADRANT Conferen ce and

the Quebec Memorandum
Even as the military opcrations on to relieve thc prcssure on Russia was no
Sicily neared an end, President Roosevelt longcr valid. Hence, thc argument ran,
and Prime Minister Churchill, together the cross-Channel attack could not in-
with their chief military and political ad- flict thc decisivc defeat on Gennany; it
visers, in August 1943 met in conference could only, in conjunction with con-
at Quebcc. Code-named QuADRANT, this tinued Russian advances, dcliver the final
meeting was the focal point in the formula- blow. The membcrs also suggestcd that
tion of Allied strategy for the sccond an inflexible adherence to thc cross-
half of 1943. Marking a new stagc in Channel conccpt was incorrect; that thc
the Anglo-American stratcgic argument decision to remove scven battlc-tested di-
toward delimiting Mediterrancan opcra- visions from the Meditcrranean was
tions and soliclifying the cross-Channel unsound. Robbing thc Mcditerrancan of-
plan, the conference incidentally and ac- fcnsivc of momcntum might nullify thc
cidentally provided the final conditions for attempt to knock Italy out of the war or
ltalian surrender, detennined the methods to exploit Italian collapsc into an inva-
of applying the terms, and gavc final sion of southem Francc. Furthennore,
approval to an invasion of the I tallan the committcc bclievcd that thc Allies had
mainland. not givcn due consideration to the
bility that Gennany might defend ltaly
Strategic Issues at Quebec with strong forces. 1
The retum of scven divisions from thc
Toward the end of July, the Joint War Meditcrranean to the United Kingdom
Plans Committee of the U.S. Joint Chiefs by 1 Novcmbcr was thc crucial agrccmcnt
of Staff had suggested that the decisive through which General Marshall had
action against the Axis had alrcady taken sought to malee it pos&blc to direct the
place in the successful Russian counter- weight of Anglo-American power into the
offensive against the Gennans, together cross-Channel blow, thereby limiting the
with thc Anglo-American supcriority er Mediterranean offensive to a subordinatc
tablished in the air and on the sea. Since role. Although sorne mcn who scrvcd
Gennany, the committee said, was no
1 JPS 231, Operations in the European-
longcr capablc of defeating thc Soviet
Mediterranean Area, 1943-194-f, Rpt by the
armies, the assumption that Anglo-Ameri- Joint War Plans Committee, 26 Jul 43, CofS
can power had to be directed primarily 381 Fil~

him had doubts, Marshall believed that the bis adviscrs shrank from the plan to strike
decisive defcat of Gennany could be in- the main blow across the Channel in
flicted on the classic battlegrounds of 1944. At the AJgiers confcrcncc in late
northem Francc and nowherc May, immcdiatcly after TRIDENT, General
Among the British planners who scrved Brooke had privatcly told General Eiscn-
Churchill, sorne were quite sympathetic hower that he would be glad to rcconsider
with Marshall's strategic view. Yet the the cross-Channcl project, evcn to the
British Chicfs of Staff had a gcnuine extent of eliminating it from Allied strat-
conviction that the elimination of ltaly cgy, for he fcarcd that a ground conftict
from the war was a prcrcquisitc for a in a largc theatcr would be disadvantagc-
succcssful c~Channcl attack, and that ous for the Allies and might rcsult in
everything p<>smble should be done to make trcmendous lo&!CS.2 Churchill at a later
surc that the attack against Italy would date frankly told General Wedemeycr that
knock it out of the war. if he had been able to persuade the Com-
Despite the qualifications and shadings bined Chiefs of Staff the Allies would
around thc edges of agrccment, an acute have gone through Turkcy and the Balkans
conflict of views prcvailed between from the south and into Norway on the
Churchill and Marshall. The latter held north, thus surrounding the enemy and
resolutely to the concept that thc British further dispcrsing bis forces. 1
Isles constituted the only base in which to The British Chicfs of Staff immediatcly
gather sufficient power for a decisive blow after TRIDENT f ully rccognizcd the priority
against the heartland of Gennany. He of opcrations in the western Mediterranean
had no hope for decisive rcsults by an dircctcd by AFHQ over thosc projectcd
offensive into the Balkans, with or without by the British Middle East Command:
Turkish support. He considered attcmpts AccoLADE (scizurc of the Dodecancsc)
to reach the German heart by way of the and liARDIHOOD ( aid to Turkey to induce
ltalian pennsula, thc Postumia-Ljubljana it to enter the war) . They instructed
gap, or the Danube valley to be logistically General Wilson, the Middle East com-
and strategically unsound. He did not mander, to make sorne of bis rcsourccs
believe it pcmible to inflict a decisive de- available to General Eiscnhowcr. De-
feat on the Gennan annies by landing in spite the American J es veto against cm-
ltaly and pursuing them up the ridges of ploying American ground forces east of
the ltalian pcninsula and over the Alps, Sicily, British strategists kept the Aegean-
whether toward Austria or toward Francc. Balkan arca in mind as a potential route
He wanted a main effort in the cross- toward the Danube once ltaly was knocked
Channel attack, a simultaneous diver- out of the war.
sionary amphibious landing in southem During July the British reprcscntatives
France, and the continued employment of
2 Eisenhower, Crvsatl1 in Euro11, p. 167. Cf.
limited holding forces in the Mediterra- Bryant, Tuna of 11&1 Ti41, pp. 511~111.
nean. This Marshall believed to be the a Ltr, Wedcmeyer to Handy, 13 Apr .u, OPD
bcst way to achieve decisive dcfcat of Miac Exec File, case 611, book 18.
4 Br JP (43) 1118 (Final), 111 Jun 43, llpt by
Gennany in the wcst.
Br JPS, sub: Mediterranean Strategy, and CCS
Dcspitc the TRIDENT agrccments, thcrc (43) 134th Mtg, 113 Jun 43, both in job 10A,
werc indications that Mr. Churchill and reel uC.

in Washington, on orders from London, capital captivated Churchill's mind, and

kept pres&ng the ces to allot resources Rome was the minimum territorial objec-
to General Eisenhower bcyond thosc al- tivc in Italy acceptablc to him. Still, he
located at TRIDENT. The JCS, however, told Stirnson that if by good luck thc
continued to insist that Eisenhowcr's in- Allies gained the complete capitulation of
vasion of the Italian mainland could be Italy, he would favor going as far as the
made without additional resources. northcm boundary. Stimson receivcd the
When the Secretary of War, Henry L. impression that Churchill was looking
Stimson, visited England in July, he be- "constantly and vigorously for an easy
came alanncd by what he hcard from way of cnding the war without a trarur
Churchill and Edcn. Mr. Stimson sug- Channel assault." At Algiers, however,
gested that political rcasons made it nec- Stimson was rclieved to find Eisenhower
~ to press for a cross-Channel attack. in agreement with Marshall's basic idca-
Though Mr. Churchill scemed to under- the attack on Italy was to be for a limited
stand-he "confined bis position to favor- objectivc, onc not impairing or substitut-
ing a march on Romc with its prestigc ing for thc cross-Channcl attack, but
and the pos&bility of knocking ltaly out rather one that would aid and facilitate
of the war"-Eden contended for carry- it. At AFHQ, Mr. Stimson gained the
ing the war into thc Balkans and Greece. impression that the Foggia airfields were
Both American and British officers work- considered the main objcctive of thc
ing on plans for the cross-Channel attack campaign. 8
gave Stimson an impression that thc great Upon retuming to Washington Mr.
threat to the plan carne from the danger Stimson on 4 August scnt a recommenda-
of becoming too deeply involvcd in tion to the President. "The main thing
the Mediterranean. When Marshall sug- thcrcfore to keep constantly in mind," he
gested on 16 July that AFHQ study the wrote, "is that the ltalian effort must be
~ibility of an amphibious attack in the strictly confined to thc objcctivc of sccur-
Naples arca, Churcbill interpreted it as an ing bases for an air attack and there must
indication that Marshall was shifting from be no further diversions of the forces or
bis basic position. A transatlantic phone matriel which will interfere with thc co-
call quickly reassured Stimson that he incident mounting of the RouNDHAMMER
knew Marshall's mind better than Church- [cross-Channel] projcct." 1
ill did. Y et the check reccived by the On 9 August, General Marshall called
British Eighth Army before Catania lcd on the Prcsidcnt in ordcr to ascertain thc
Churcbill to speak of a cross-Channcl Prcsident's views and thc American posi-
attack as producing a Channel full of tion to be prcsentcd at thc impcnd-
corpses.11 ing Quebec Conference. Rooscvelt stated
The vision of occupying the ltalian that in a choice between cross-Channcl
invasion and thc invasion of thc Italian
~Henry L. Stirmon and McGeorge Bundy, On mainland he would insist on thc formcr.
Active Service in Peace and War (New York: But he felt that more could be done for
Harper & Brothen, 1947, 1948), pp. 412g-312;
Butcher, My Thre. Years With Eisenhower, p. 8 Stimlon and Bundy, On A.ctive Service, pp.

373; Bryant, Turn of the Tide, pp. 551-53, 5712- 432-34; Eisenhower, Crustlll in Eurole, p. 16o.
74. 1 Stirmon and Bundy, 0ft Active Seruice, p. 434.

the latter than had been proposed. The he said, would make the appointment of
seven battle-tcstcd divisions should be an American commander easier to secure.
moved to England, but perhaps an equal As for the Mediterranean, the President
number of divisions could go from the stated that he wished to invade Italy for
United Statcs dircctly to ltaly. He stated the purpose of establishing bases; he would
that he would rcsist an operation into go no farther north than Rome. 10
the Balkans or any cxpedition that might The American position to be presentcd
involve a heavy loss of ships and landing at Quebcc, therefore, reaffinned thc
craft without the pambility of achieving stratcgy agreed upon in May-because
decisive rcsults. He thought that the Al- "conditions have not changed as to justify
lics should secure a ~tion in Italy just on sound military grounds thc renuncia-
north of Rome and occupy Sardinia and tion of thc TRIDENT concept." Thc
Corsica, thus setting up a serious threat Americans did not wish to jeopardizc a
to southern France.8 sound over~all strategy "simply to cxploit
The following day Secretary of War local succcsscs in a gcnerally accepted
Stimson called on the President. He secondary theater, the Mediterranean,
presented a memorandum making a pica where logistical and terrain difficulties
for holding to the American strategic con- preclude decisive and final operations de-
cept. As a result of talks, personal con- signed to reach the hcart of Germany."
tacts, and conversations during his recent The ~nce of American strategy was thc
overseas trip, Stimson said, he had reached cross-Channel attack, carefully synchro-
the conclusion that there was no rational nizcd with thc combined bomber offensive.
hope for a succcssful cross-Channel attack The Mediterranean, strictly delimited to a
under a British commander. He urged subordinate arca, was to be cxploitcd with
that the American Government take the only thCXIC rcsourccs already availablc.
leadership, insist on a cros&-Channel at- Threc phascs of operations in ltaly wcrc
tack, and guarantee its execution by forecast: climinating Italy as a belligcrent
securing the appointment of General Mar- and establishing air bases at least as far
shall as its commander. After reading thc north as the Romc arca; scizing Sardinia
memorandum, Mr. Rooscvelt stated and Corsica; and maintaining prcswre on
that he himself had reached the same Gennan forces and creating .conditions
conclusions.9 favorable for entry into southcrn France.11
During the few remaining days before Thc American and British Chiefs of
the conference opened, American policy Staff opened thc argumcnt on 15 August,
makers, after thorough discumon, formu- the second day of thc confcrencc--thc
lated their views. The President told the day Seventh Army cntered Mcssina. Thc
Joint Chiefs that he favored setting up a British cxpressed complete agrecmcnt
great force in Britain as soon as >amble.
10 !bid., 436-39; Matloff, Stralgic Planning
Having more American soldiers than for Coalition Warfa,., 194!]-1944, pp. u4-16.
British for the cross-Channel operation, 11 CCS 305, g Aug 43, aub: Strategic Con-
cept for the Defeat of the Axis in Europe: Mem-
'1 Memo, Manhall for Handy, 9 Aug 43, CofS orandum by the U.S. Joint Cbiefa of Staff',
381 File. QuADIL\NT Conf Book, pp. ?i-77; Telg 4751,
11 Stinuon and Bundy, On A.t:liu Sruic, pp. Marshall to Eiaenhower, 11 Aug 43, Smith Pa-
436-38. pen, box 4.

with the Americans in principie, but they fields. Yet he thought that almost as
challengcd the phrases uscd by the Joint much could be achieved by sccuring the
Chiefs to guarantce the principies. The Florcncc . arca. On the other hand,
British Chicfs, according to General unlcss the Allies decided to rcmove the
Brooke, werc in entirc agrccment that seven divisions from the Mediterrancan,
VERLORD should constitute the major and unlcss the Allics gave overriding pri-
offensive for I 944 and that Italian opcra- ority to VERLORD, the cross-Channel
tions should be planned against that batl- opcration, he believed, would become
ground. But they saw opcrations in ltaly only a subsidiary opcration. The opcra-
as crcating a situation favorable and evcn tion would then be "doomed and our
neccssary for a succcssful cross-Channcl whole strategic concept would have to be
attack-by holding down Gcnnan reserves rccast." lt
and by bombing Gcnnan fighter plane So frank an cxchange of vicws followed
factorics from Italian airfields. Therc- that the Combined Chiefs prcferrcd not
forc, Brooke said, giving overriding priority to kccp a formal record of the discwmon.11
to the crcm-Channel attack over any Med- Not until 17 August did the American
iterrancan opcration was too binding, for Chiefs sccurc written agrccment that
sufficicnt forces had to be uscd in ltaly largely fulfillcd thcir demand for a guaran-
to makc the cross-Channcl attatl possible. tce of VERLORD. They did not quite
Suggcsting that the Allies could achievc gct "ovcrriding priority" for the cross-
far grcater succcss in bombing the fighter Channcl opcration, but they obtaincd
plane factorics in Gcnnany from Po valley assurancc that thc Mcditerrancan thcatcr
airficlds than from thosc in central ltaly, would be subordinate and that the stagc
Brooke proposcd that the Allies consider would be set for only limited opcrations.
thc line of the Apcnnines as mercly the Ground opcrations in the Balkans werc
first phasc line of their advancc, a prc- ruled out, and the purposc of an attack
liminary for seizing the north ltalian plain. against southem Francc was defined as:
At this point Admiral King bluntly "to cstablish a lodgment in the Toulon-
rcmarked that, as he understood it, "The Marscillcs arca and exploit northward in
British Chicfs of Staff had scrious doubts order to crcatc a diversion in connection
as to the possibility of VERLORD." The with VERLORD." H
British protcsted that they wcrc thinking The Allics thus stipulated VERLORD as
only of conditions rcquired for a succcssful the main cffort for 1944. But dcspite
cross-Channel attatl. General Marshall the cogcncy of bis arguments, General
then put bis fingcr on the central mue. Marshall did not obtain a formula for
"The csscncc of the problcm," he said, the Mediterrancan which would serve to
"was whether or not the rcquired condi- ward off bis most acutc fcar: the drawing
tions for a succcssful VERLORD could off of rcsourccs into a secondary thcater.
only be made possible by an incrcasc of This was partly due to the general cxpcc-
strcngth in the Meditcrrancan." He tation that ltaly would promptly surrcn-
agrced that the Allics should scizc as much u Mio, 10Bth Mtg ces, 15 Aug 43.
of Italy as possible if rcmtancc was wcak, 11 Bryant, Turn of tla1 Tid1, p. 579.
14 CCS 303/3, 17 Aug 43, sub: Strategic
for it would be bettcr if the Allies rathcr Concept for the Defeat of the Axia in Europe,
than the Gcrmans hcld the northcrn air- QUADRANT Conf Book, pp. 87-88.

der and that, in conscqucnce, the Gcrmans The Mission of General Castellano
would withdraw to a line somewherc north
of Rome. QuADRANT set the Rome arca In Rome, General Castcllano, who hatcd
as the minimum Allied territorial objective the Gcnnans for their ill-conccaled con-
in Italy and called for "unrcmitting prcs- tempt for Italian officcrs and soldien,
surc" against the Gcnnan forces in watched with growing a1arm the incrcas-
"Northern ltaly." But in case the Gcr- ing Gennan occupation of northcrn Italy.
mans did not withdraw to the line of the One of the chief conspirators against Mus-
northern Apcnnincs, in case the Italian solini and prcdisposcd to political activity,
capital did not fall beforc the momentum he saw a means for saving Italy and the
of the Allied attack, what thcn? For the Housc of Savoy only in shifting si.des in
sake of conquering central Italy, how the war, a feat which that Housc had
much in men and matricl would the often pcrfonned with dcxterity in the 17th
Mediterranean theater be pcnnitted to and 18th centuries when it rulcd Picdmont
absorb at the expense of the cross-Channel only. Disappointed in the outcome of
build-up? In the over-all stratcgy of the Mussolini's ovcrthrow and rcgarding Bad-
war, how much was the occupation of oglio as a fool for not rccognizing ltaly's
the Italian capital and the use of its air- obvious coursc, Castellano flung himsc1f
ficlds worth to the Allies once ltaly was with ardor into the task of making contact
eliminated from the war? QuADRANT with the Allies. 18
did not answcr thcsc qucstions becausc Castellano was not alone in scarching
the problcm was not set in thosc tenns. for a way to avert the intolerable situa-
Churchill was fascinated by Rome and tion into which Italy was drifting becausc
the prospcct of its capture. Marshall of the lack of finn dircction by the King
was profoundly skeptical of the Italian and Badoglio. Many individuals on
theater and considercd it the grcatcst thrcat lower levels of authority wcre fonnulating
to the build-up in England rcquircd for and advocating courses of action for thc
the main blow. govcrnmcnt. Gcncralc di Brigata Um-
The QuADRANT Confercncc devoted but berto Utili and Generale Addctto al Capo
little attention to spccific plans for di Stato Maggiorc Giacomo Zanwm of
invading the Italian mainland. The Com- Roatta's headquartcrs, for example, urgcd
bined Chiefs had delegatcd the fonnula- an immcdiate break with thc Gennans in-
tion of precise opcrations to AFHQ, and depcndcnt of agrecmcnt with thc Allics,
at the meeting held on the last day of the for they believcd that the rcsulting I talo-
confercnce, 24 August, Gcnerals Whiteley Gennan conftict would draw the Allics
and Rooks prescnted in outline the plans into Italy on thc Italian side. Though
for BAYTOWN (a cros.mtg of the Strait of lcss attractive after 1 August, this coursc
Mcssina), and AvALANCHE (an assault in
18 To borrow a phraae from Chun:hill, Cu-
.the Naplcs arca). The CCS merely tellano'a tragedy wu in trying "to carry out a
noted the cxposition of General Eiscn- major and cardinal operation of war from a
hower's plans and gave their approval.115 subordinate position," and, aa Cburchill warm,
"Men are ill-advi1ed to try 1uch venturea."
18 Min, 116th Mtg CCS, tem 3; Telg, Roo1e- Wimton S. Chun:hill, "The Second World War,''
velt and Chun:hill to Stalin, 95 Aug 43, OPD vol. II, Tlair Hov.r (Boaton: Houghton
300.6 Security (OCS Papen). MiJllin Company, 1949), p. 15.

of action was suggcsted even after the 1 o August, the King asscntcd to Ambro-
Tarvis conference.17 sio's proposa.l for sending a representative
In contrast to this point of view, Am- to thc Allies, but thc monarch declincd to
brosio, Franccsco Ros&, his deputy chief furnish any credcntials or writtcn instruc-
of staff, and Castellano, felt that the Ital- tions. Guariglia, when consulted by Am-
ians had to oppose the Gennans, but only brosio, was not enthusiastic over an
after reaching agreement for military co- additional cmissary; he preferred to await
operation with the Allies. 18 Guariglia, the outcome of the mis&ons of D' A jeta
the Foreign Minister, wished military and and Berio, and he dcclined to senda mem-
political agreements with the Allies, but ber of the Ministry of Forcign Affairs to
he wanted the negotiations to be conducted accompany another emissary. Thus far,
by diplomatists. He preferred not to con- the 1talian military men did not know the
cludc an annistice with the Allics until full scope of thc D' Ajeta and Berio mis-
they had landed on the mainland and sions. It was Badoglio who decided that
could occupy and defend Rome. a military man should be sent, and Cas-
Ambrosio pushed for action, but, hav- tellano was chosen.
ing great respcct for Badoglio, he would Ambrosio alone instructed Castellano.
go no furthcr than the marshal wished. Castellano was to negotiate only with
Badoglio would take no step except on Allied military representatives. He was
the explicit word of the King. The King, to fumish them military information. He
however, refused to take any step that was to agree with them on a common plan
would lcad to a break with thc Gennans. 111 of action against the Gcnnans. Though
In this situation Castellano acted. he received no written instuctions, he
After conversations with Roatta, Utili, secured from Acquarone a lctter of in-
and Zanussi on 9 August, Castellano troduction by Sir D' Arcy Osborne to Sir
urged Ambrosio to see thc King on the Samuel Hoare, thc British Ambassador at
problem of reaching agreement with the Madrid. Guariglia at first declined to is-
Allies. ltaly, Castellano felt, should not suc an individual passport for Castellano,
surrender, but go over to the Allied sidc. arranging instead for Castellano to travel
An Italian emissary, he thought, should be on a collective passport being provided
sent immediately to make contact with several diplomatic officials bound for Por-
thc Allies. The emi.ssary should have tugal, but Castellano finally obtained a
documentary instructions and credentials passport for himself made out with the
authorizing him to make agreemcnts for fictitious name "Raimondi."
military collaboration. After reaching Before departing from Rome on 12
agreement, the ltalians would tum against August, Castellano saw Guariglia, who
the Germans. urged the greatcst caution, warning that
At an audicnce granted to Ambrosio on discovery of Castellano's mission would
mean death to the members of the govem-
11 Ca5tellano, Come farmai, p. 78; Zanussi, ment. Guariglia remindcd Castellano
Gu.rra 1 eatastrofe, vol. 11, pp. 49-!) I. that the government was practically a
18 Ro11i, Come arriuammo, pp. 113-18, HU;
prisoner of the Gcrmaus and quite unable
Castellano, Come firmai, p. 78.
11 MS #P-058, Projeet 46, 1 Feb-8 Sep 43, to separate from them unless the Allies
Question 1 1. made it ~ble. Bccausc Romc was in

great danger, Castellano should urge the zer Division, dcstined for Modena, was
Allies to land on the mainland north of moving into ltaly by way of the Tarvis
the capital.20 Pass, and thc 7 ut Infantry Division was
On that day, General Eisenhower's to follow and occupy thc eastcm pa.sscs
AFHQ diary noted that "what had ap- into ltaly over the Julian Alps. Thc
pearcd to be a quick collapse of Italy had 305th Infantry Division, in thc Nice arca
disappeared into uncertainty . . . ." 2 1 since 1 August, was ready to follow thc
And on the following day, Allied bombcrs 76th Infantry Division, which had moved
opcrating from North Africa and England to the Gcnoese coast. The 941h lnfan-
attacked Milan, Turin, Gcnoa, and Rome try Division, not yet in Italy, was await-
as a reminder to Badoglio that the Allies ing transportation at the cntrance to thc
were in eamest in demanding uncondi- Mount Cenis pass and was poised to gain
tional surrender. control of the Modane-Bardonecchia sec-
The ltalians scarcely knew where the tor of the Turin-Lyons railway. Not a
greater threat lay. The Allied armies single Gcrman division had moved south
were making steady progress in Sicily, and of Rome in this pcriod, and the Gcrman
Allied planes were bombing ltalian cities intention scemed clear--to scize thc Ital-
at will. In northern Italy, the Gcrmans ian capital; to grab the ltalian Fleet; to
were rapidly consolidating their control. pull Gcrman forces out of the south and
The 2d Parachute Division completed its dcfcnd a line in the northcrn Apcnnines. 22
move to arcas just north and south of In the meantime, the Allies wcre tack-
Rome; clemcnts of thc 26th Panzer Divi- ling the proposals of D' Ajeta and Bcrio.
sion had reinforced the 3d Panzer Grena- Right aftcr his conversation with D'Ajcta
dier Division ncar Lake Bolsena; thcse on 4 August, Ambassador Campbell in Lis-
plus the headquartcrs troops of O B bon had telegraphcd to London thc
SUED at Frascati constituted an imme- substance of D'Ajeta's remarks. From
diate threat to Rome. The movcment of Downing Street the report was for-
the units under Army Group B into north- warded to Churchill, who was on thc
ern Italy was approximately half com- point of sailing for Canada. Though
pleted, and even though Rommel's Churchill had bcen anxious upon Mus-
headquartcrs was still at Munich, the 44th solini's downfall to gain maximum ad-
lnfantry Division controlled the ltalian vantage f rom the political changc and to
side of the Brenncr Pass, the Brigade turn the "fury" of the ltalian peoplc
Doehla hcld thc entrances to thc auxiliary against thc Gcrman "invadcr," his reac-
passes leading to Bolzano. Along the tion to the D' Ajeta,,ion was chilly.
Brenner route, the SS Panzer Division He relayed Campbell's report to Prcsidcnt
Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler had moved Roosevclt without recommendation, com-
to the Parma arca, the 65th lnfantry mcnting only: "D'Ajeta never from start
Division had moved by thc same to finish made any mention of peacc tenns
routc southwcst of Parma, thc 24th Pan- and his whole story, as you wil1 havc ob-
served, was no more than a pica that we
2 Castellano, Com.. firmai, pp. Bo-84;
Guariglia, Ricordi, pp. 640-47. 22 Data on German diviJions in 1taly from
u Butcher, My Thrl6 Y ears With Eisenhower, OKW/WFSt, KTB, 1.-31.Vlll.49, 6-13 Aug
p. 386. 43.

Eden then drafted the full ' tcxt of a

should savc ltaly from thc Gcrmans as well
as from hcrsclf, and do it as quickly as rcply to be given to Berio in Tangier, a
posmble." 23 draft first forwardcd on 12 August to
Severa! days later, whcn thc rcport of Presidcnt Rooscvelt, who approved the
the Berio fceler rcached London, Church- concept and the precise languagc. On
ill was on the high seas and Eden was at the following day, the day after Castel-
the Forcign Office. After noting that lano dcparted Romc, Bcrio rcceivcd word
Berio's proposal was an offer to ncgotiate that thc Allics were unwilling to negotiate:
on tenns, Eden suggestcd that thc Allies Badoglio must understand that we cannot
take the single coursc of action in con- negotiate, but require unconditional surren-
sonance with thc Anglo-American public der, which means that Italian Government
declarations: should place themselves in hands of Allied
Governments, who will then state their
Should we not then reply that, as is well tenns. These will provide for an honour-
known, we insist on unconditional surren- able capitulation.2 e
der, and the Badoglio Govemment must as
a first step notify us that Italy surrenders Sevcral days carlier, on 8 August, Mr.
unconditionally? Subsequently, at a later Harold Tittmann, asfilstant to the Prcsi-
stage, if the Badoglio Govemment were to dent's Personal Reprcsentative to the Pope,
do this, we should then inform them of the sent a mcssage through Lisbon that
tenns on which we should be prepared to reachcd the Allied leaders in Quebec on
cease hostilities against ltaly.24
15 August. Tittmann rciterated thc
Though Churchill wrote a note to him- Badoglio govemment's dcsire to makc im-
self: "Don't mm the bus," he radiocd the mediatc peace with thc Allics, madc plain
Foreign Secretary: "We agrec with the its inability to do so becausc of thc Ger-
coursc you have taken." Whcn Church- man threat to sei7.e control of the ltalian
ill arrived in Canada on 9 August, he Govcmment and to occupy the entire
sketchcd out somewhat more fully an ap- country. He stated that Badoglio was
propriate reply. "Badoglio must state," forced to play for time in the hope that
thc Prime Minister wrote, "that he is the Allics would come to ltaly's asmtance
prepared to place himsclf unrcscivedly by intensifying air warfare against the
in the hands of the Allied Govemmcnts Gcrmans and by landing in the northem
who havc already madc it plain that thcy part of the pennsula. Hitler, the ltalians
desire Italy to havc a rcspectable place in insisted, was sccking a suitable pretext to
thc new Europe." Yet, as Churchill occupy ltaly. 27
warned Eden, and himsclf as wcll, "Merely Tittmann sent another message by way
harping on 'unconditional surrendcr,' with of Bcrne on 1 2 August, a statemcnt that
no prospect of merey held out even as an reached thc Allied Ieaders on 18 August.
act of grace, may well lead to no surrender He repeatcd that thc Badoglio govcm-
at ali." 25 ment's chicf concem rcmained the Nazi
threat of occupation, that the Nazis we~
23 Cburchill, CU,sing tla1 Ring, p. 100; Telg Iooking for an excuse to carry out their
55, Churchill to Roosevelt, 5 Aug 43, OPD
Exec 9, Book 11. H [bid., pp. 102-03.
24 Cburchill, Closing tla1 Ring, p. 101. 21Telg 58, Handy to QuADRANT, KKAD, 15
25 !bid. Aug 43, OPD Exec 2, item 5, tab 32.

threat, and that if thc ltalians tricd to Allicd military lcaders, for AFHQ was
surrcndcr to the Allics, the Gcnnans would then toying with plans based on the hope
undoubtcdly takc ovcr thc country within of an unopposed lancling in the Naplcs
two hours aftcr lcaming of the cffort.28 arca. U nfortunatcly, Allied diplomatic
To Badoglio's carlicst cfforts to per- channels wcre distinctly different and quite
suade thc Allics that he was not free, that scparatc from strategic and military chan-
he could not unconclitionally do anything nels. Although General Marshall had
bccausc of the Gcnnan noosc around the been careful to kecp AFHQ fully informed
Italian capital, the Anglo-American lcaders of the negotiations to cstablish Romc as
gave little, if any, attcntion-no more, in an open city, General Eiscnhower lcarned
fact, than to the qucstion of e:xactly how nothing of the D' Ajeta and Bcrio missions.80
Badoglio was to surrcnder unconclitionally. Lcaving Rome by train on 12 August,
The capabilitics of the Allicd navics and Castellano intended to present himself to
air forces notwithstanding, the Allics the Allics as a representative not of a
could not occupy Rome or any part of conquered country bowing to the inevi-
1taly until Allied ground troops were on table and asking aid to surrender, but of
the ltalian mainland. No Allied force a country that still had sufficient force to
was in a position to acccpt a surrcnder disown a detcstcd ally and energy enough
and exploit its advantagcs. to fight for redemption. The eRntial
General Eiscnhower saw the closc con- point he wished to make was that ltaly
nection bctween stratcgy and policy, but asked for hclp to enable it to join the
Churchill and Rooscvclt sccmed to ignore battle on the side of the United Nations.11
it. The first ltalian-Allied exchangcs re- Traveling as Signor Raimoncli of the
scmbled two persons talking to each othcr ltalian Ministry of Exchangc and Cur-
in their sleep, cach the victim of his own rency and in company with a party of
hallucination. In the nightmarc of the officials, Castellano anived in Madrid at
Gcrman occupation, Italy gasped, "Hclp, noon, 15 August. While the party was
I am not frce.9' After a long pause, the visiting the Prado M useum, Castellano
Allics replied, "Say Uncle." Part of the took Consul Franco Montanari aside and
Allied rcaction carne from Churchill's sus- revcaled his identity. Swearing Montan-
picion-"Badoglio admits he is going to ari to secrecy and asking him to serve as
double-cross somcone"-and Churchill his intcrpreter, Castellano took him to the
was not at ali willing to be the victim.29 British Emb~. Montanari was not
Yet there was something decidedly in- altogether surpriscd. Before his departure
telligble in what D'Ajeta had said at Lis- from Rome, Guariglia had briefed him
bon on 4 August. He had faithfully on Castellano's mission.82
regurgtated bcfore Ambassador Campbcll Castellano presented his lettcr of in-
the German order of battle in ltaly which
80 The Capitulation of ltaly has no rcfer-
he had spent hours memorizing. This in- ence to thcse missions. General Smith told
fonnation would have bcen helpful to the Howard Smyth on 13 May 19~7 that he, Smith,
had no knowledge of any Italian overtures prior
28 Telg 50111, Miniater Harriton at Deme to to Castellano's mi1sion.
State Dept, forwarded to Gen Deane at Quebec 31 Castellano, Come firmai, pp. 86-87.
as Telg 3465, OPD Exec iz, item 5, tab 36. 12 Guariglia, Rieordi, p. 646; Castellano, Com6
21 Churchill, Closing tla6 Ring, p. 1oiz. firmai, pp. Sfl-90.

troduction, and Sir Samucl Hoare reccived the Fascist militia had been disarmed, it
him. Explaining his position as chicf of was bitterly hostile to the ltalian Regular
Ambrosio's military office, Castellano said Army. lf Badoglio could not reach agree-
that his mi.smon was official and that he ment with the Allies, he feared that the
had complete backing from Marshal Gcrmans might re-cstablish Mussolini in
Badoglio. 1taly, he declared, was ex- power and bring back the militia. lf the
hausted, the ground forces were poorly Gcrmans caught Castellano, they would
armed, aviation was wcak, and Gcrman kili him. Hence the need for secrecy, and
troops were streaming into the country. the necessity for Castellano to proceed
Until the Allies landed on the Italian under his false name to Lisbon on the
mainland, Castellano said, the government ostensible mission of meeting the SS Cabo
was powerless to act. But if and when the de Bueno Esperanza, which was bring-
Allics invaded the mainland, 1taly was ing home the Italian Ambassador to Chile.
prepared to join them in fighting' the Gcr- Castellano had to retum to Rome with
mans. lf the Allics were willing to ac- the Ambassador's party sorne time after
cept ltalian help, Castellano was prepared the 2oth of August.
to give detailed information on Gcrman Sir Samuel asked what the Italians
dispositions and strength. The ltalians would do with rcspect to the Allied de-
were ready to co-operate with Mihailo- mand for unconditional surrender. Cas-
vitch in the Balkans, to repudiate the in- tellano declared: "We are not in a
dependence of Croatia, and to reach position to make any terms. We will ac-
agreement with Yugoslavia over Dalmatia. cept unconditional surrender provided we
Attempts had been made to bring Italian can join the Allics in fighting the Ger-
troops home, all units had been with- mans." Stating that his mission was-as
drawn from the Russian front, and Ger- he firmly believed it to be-to make the
man units had taken over the duty of first official proposal by Italy to the Allics,
garrisoning Greece, particularly at Salon- Castellano again expressed bis willingncss
ika. Because of the rapid build-up of to give information concerning both the
German forces in Italy, Badoglio wished Germans and ltalians to the British rnili-
to take immediate action. Thirteen Gcr- tary attach if the British Ambassador
man divisions were already in Italy, and gave an immediate reply to his proposal.
more were arriving. The Gcrmans, lf they could reach agreernent, Castel-
Castellano said, planned to defend the lano said, the Italian Army could do much
Genoa-Ravenna line. to cut the Gcrman supply lincs.
The greatcst danger Italy faced, ac- Ambassador Hoare expressed no opin-
cording to Castellano, was the prospect ion, for he was without instructions, but
that the Germans would seize control of he promised to forward at once Castel-
the country. The Gcrmans had threat- lano's offer to the British Government. In
ened to bomb I talian citics and use gas addition, he gave Castellano a letter of
if the Badoglio govemment did not con- introduction to Sir Ronald Hugh Camp-
tinue in the war. Hating the Germans, bell, the British Ambassador at Lisbon.83
the Italian people would support a military
1404 and 1406, Hoare to Foreign Of-
alignment with the Allics. M ussolini and fice, Telga
15 Aug 43, as repeated in Telg 4488,
the Fascists were discreditcd. Though Devers to Eisenhower, 17 Aug 43, in Capitula-
693-029 o - 65 - 30

After lcaving thc British Emb~, Cas- justification to makc a complete voltc-
tellano wcnt to a hotel to makc notes of face and will drift impotently into chaos."
his conversation. 1t occurrcd to him that He rccommended that scrious attention
pcrhaps he had not been sufficiently ex- be given to Castellano's proposal, if for
plicit in rcqucsting to mcct Allied military no other rcason than to obtain intelligcncc
leadcrs. Nor had he definitely referrcd of German intentions and dispositions.14
to the Americans, whom he wished to meet
as well as thc British. He rctumed to The Quebec Memorandum
the Embcmy and asked Hoarc whethcr
General Eisenhower might scnd a senior When Forcign Sccrctary E<ien for-
staff officer to Llsbon to takc part in the warded Hoarc's telegrams to Churchill at
disc~ions. That evening, Castellano de- Quebec, he informed the Prime Ministcr
parted from Madrid in company with that he had instructed Ambassador Camp-
Montanari and thc othcrs of the party. bell in Lisbon to hold Castellano therc, to
Sir Samuel made hastc to wirc his gov- listen to what he had to say, but for
emment a full account of his meeting with Carnpbell to make no rcply until he rc-
Castellano. His opinion, bascd solely on ceived instructions. Castcllano's oft'er of
the intervicw, was that the Italian Gov- Italian co-opcration Eden found tempting,
emment was preparcd to accept uncon- but he advised Churchill against accept-
ditional surrendcr if the Allies landed on ing the proposal on the ground that it
thc ltalian mainland, and if the Italian might cause the Allies political difficulties.n
Army could join in thc fight against thc In Canada, Churchill, in a wirc to
Germans. "Without thesc two condi- President Rooscvelt at Hyde Park on 16
tions," he telcgraphcd, "thc ltalian Gov- August, outlined a reply to the Italian
emment will not have sufficient courage or general. Churchill's draft made no mcn-
tion of Italy, pp. 76-77, 79-80; Castellano, tion of the short tenns or of any othcr
Come firmai, pp. 91--g5; Sir Samuel Jobn Gumey tenns. Nor did it state a demand by the
Hoare, Viscount Templewood, .A.mbtuSador on Allies for unconditional surrcnder. This
Special Mission (London: Collins, 1946), pp. was implied in the phrascology of Church-
The Ambassador's memoirs must be used with ill's initial paragraph, which, at the same
caution. Though he denies hi1 intent to do so, time, cxcluded any joint ltalo-Allied plan-
the Ambassador criticizes Allied leadenhip for ning of opcrations prior to ltaly's brcaking
"the slow motion with which the picture was un-
folded which gave the Germana time for sending with Germany. Churchill said that the
1trong reinforcements to Italy." Nor i1 bis ac- Allies could make no bargain on the pros-
count as closely baled on letters and daily notes p<:ct of ltaly's changing sides in the war.
as stated in the preface (page 7). The text is
colon:d by retrospection.
Rather, "by taking action against the
The content of Castellano's account agrees common enemy, the ltalian Govemment,
quite closely with the contemporary telegrama of
Hoare, except for a slight discrepancy in chronol- 14 Telg 1405, Hoare to Foreign Office, 15 Aug
ogy. Hoare states that the offer of an armistice 43, as repeated in Telg 4488, Devers to Eisen-
was made to him on 13 August, a Sunday (pages hower, 17 Aug 43, Capitulation of Italy, p. 79.
212, 216), but the telegrama indicate that he Castellano, Come firmai, pp. 96--g8.
received the two Italiam on the moming of 15 u Telg 4488, Devers to Eisenhower, 17 Aug
August; Castellano states they were not received 43, sub: Repeat of Telegrams Sent to QuADRANT
until the aftemoon of 15 August sometime after (Nos. 231, 232, 233, 234), in Capitulation of
1400. Italy, pp. 76-81.

Army, and pcople could without any and financial terms were to be communi-
bargain facilitatc a more friendly rclation- catcd to the Italian Govemment latcr;
ship with the United Nations." Recog- though the Allics visualized no "active
nizing Badoglio's predicament-Kesscl- resistance" on thc part of ltaly in fighting
ring's forces surrounding Rome and Allied the Gcnnans, they expccted ltaly to ham-
forces ready to invade ltaly-Churchill pcr German opcrations, and in return the
proposcd that Castellano be told: "The Allics promised to rcstrict bombing to
1talian Govemment should . . . resist the targcts affecting the German forces alone;
Gcrmans to the bcst of their ability as hostilitics were to cease at a time to be
soon as :><>.<mble, pending anival of Anglo- detcrmined by General Eisenhower; the
American annics." Until the Allies ar- Italian Govcmment was to proclaim the
rived, the Italian Govemment might cut armistice at once and from that time "to
German comrnunications in southem 1taly, collaborate with the Allies and to resist
safeguard Allied prisoners, sail the ftect to the Germans"; it was to send Navy, mer-
Allied ports, provide intclligence informa- chant shipping, and aircraft to Allied ter-
tion, aid the invasion forces to discmbark, ritory. Until the hour of the armistice,
and co-operatc with guerrilla forces in the the ltalians were to institute general pmve
Balkans.88 resistance and minor sabotage against the
On the following day, 17 August, as Germans, safeguard Allied prisoncrs of
President Roosevclt and Mr. Eden were war, prevent ltalian ships and aircraft
aniving in Quebcc, the ces produced from falling into Gennan hands, prcvent
what becamc known as the Qucbcc Mem- the Germans from taking over ltalian
orandum: "Suggcsted Action on Italian coast dcfenses, and arrange to march Ital-
Peace Feclers." Shaping the memoran- ian units in the Balkans to coastal arcas
dum wcre severa! factors: thc uncondi- for evacuation by the Allies. lf the
tional surrcndcr formula, Churchill's ltalians complied, Eisenhower was to havc
messagc to Roosevclt, thc approvcd text authority to soften the armistice terms
of the short tcrms, thc still unapprovcd proportionately with thc scale of the as-
text of the long terms, and an impcrfcct sistance thc Italians rendered to the Al-
realization of the military difficulties in lies. Eisenhower was also to arrange for
mounting and executing Opcration AvA- a secure channel of communication bc-
LANCHE, the projectcd invasion of the tween him and the ltalian Govemment.81
Italian mainland near Naples. This precise coursc of action laid down
Thc CCS in the Quebcc Mcmorandum by thc CCS gave General Eisenhowcr
suggcsted that Eisenhowcr send two staff
17 CCS 311, 17 Aug 43, sub: ltalian Peace
officers, one American, the other British, Feelen, QuADRANT Conf Book, pp. 141-44; See
to Lisbon at once to meet Castellano. Telg, CCS to Eisenhower, FAN 196, 18 Aug 43,
They were to tell Castellano that: thc Capitulation of ltaly, pp. 9o-g2. Churchill
Allies would acccpt thc unconditional sur- prints an incomplete text in C/osing tht Ring,
pp. 105-06. Most of the memorandum is printed
render of ltaly on thc conditions of thc in translation by Castellano, Come firmai, pp.
short terms, which were to be handed to IO!J-U. The full title of the Quebec Memoran-
the ltalian emissary; political, economic, dum is: "Aide-Memoire to accompany condi-
tions of Armistice, presented by General Eisen-
hower to the ltalian C-in-C." See File 10,000/
18 Churchill, C/osing tht Ring, pp. 103-04. 136/584 ; Bryant, Turn of tha Tida, pp. 58o-82.

authority to bring about the surrcnder of pected to result from the assault on the
Italy, but no power to negotiate. He was mainland; rather, the surrender was to
not to reveal his military plans to Badog- precede and facilitate the invasion.
lio's representative. He was to announce
the annistice a few hours before the execu- Approval of the Long T erms
tion of AvALANCHE, the principal inva-
sion of the Italian mainland, which he had The QuADRANT Conference settled an
decided on 16 August, two days before additional problem, that of the long tcnns
receiving the Quebec Memorandum, to of armistice for Italy. The British mem-
launch on the shorcs of the Gulf of Sal- bers of the CCAC had continucd to urge
emo. He could offcr the Badoglio govem- the necesmty for political and economic
ment but scant induccment to surrcnder: tenns in addition to the military clauses,
a general assurance that thc Allies would and General Eisenhower on 6 August
modify the tenns of surrcndcr in the fu- had been infonncd that if he uscd the short
ture if Italy surrendered completely on the tenns he was to make clear that other con-
eve of the Allied invasion, and if ltalian ditions were to be imposcd later. But it
forces gave positivc aid to that invasion. was not clear to the CCAC members
But he could providc no answer to Badog- what the additional conditions would be.
lio's vital questions: were the Allies Would there be a list of purely economic
able, willing, and planning to occupy the and political tenns to supplement the short
seat of his govemment? Or would sur- terms? Or would there be a single com-
render to the Allies signal the Gennan prehensive instrument to supersede thc
occupation of Rome and the immcdiate short tcnns? Hoping that the QuAD-
establishment of a neo-Fascist Quisling RANT conferees would answer these qucs-
regimc in ltaly? tions; the committee on 12 August began
During the months following the TRI- to prepare for both courses. The mcm-
DENT Conference, the ltalian surrcnder bers made sorne changes in the British draft
and the invasion of the ltalian mainland and, at American insistencc, the uncon-
had become curiously reversed. TRIDENT ditional surrender formula reappeared.18
had dirccted Eisenhower "to knock When Mr. Eden ralsed the mue at Que-
Italy out of the war," and the assault o( bec with Cordell Hull, the Secretary of
the mainland was conceived as the most State consulted with the President and
appropriate meaos of doing so. With leamed that Mr. Roosevelt had not
the collapsc of fascism, the basic design changed his mind. Roosevelt was satis-
of Allied plans for invading the ltalian fied to havc Eisenhowcr use the short
mainland-BuTTREss, BARRACUDA, BAY- tcrms to obtain ltalian surrcndcr, with the
TOWN, AvALANCHE--changed. The plans understanding that political conditions
envisaged not knocking ltaly out of the would be imposed later. Mr. Hull thcrc-
war but getting Allied troops onto the fore told Eden that he had neithcr rec-
mainland to exert pres,,ure on the Ger- ommendations nor objections to makc on
mans. What then dominated Allied the long terms. So far as nonmilitary
thinking was the idea that ltaly, as a con-
u Min, 6th Mtg CCAC, u Aug 43, and
sequence of Mussolini's downfall, would Special Mtg, !21 Aug 43, ABC 381 Italy-Ann-Surr
surrcnder. Capitulation was not ex- (5-ir43), ICC. 1-A.

mattcrs wcre conccmcd, thc Dcpartmcnt General Eiscnhower thus received sev-
of Statc concurred with the latest draft era! difficult assignrnents as a result of
of thc text. the QuADRANT Conference. With limited ,
Churchill and Eden thcn sought Presi- forces and rcsources ( particularly in land-
dent Roosevelt's approval. Mr. Roosevelt ing craft), he was to invade the !tallan
must have given thcm sorne sort of mainland in two place&-ac~ the Strait
assurance of concurrence, for on 23 of Messina and on the shores of the Gulf
August thc British Foreign Officc informcd of Salemo. From the latter landing, he
thc Department of State that the Prime was to swecp rapidly to Rome, I 40 miles
Minister and the President had reached to the north. Without revealing his hand,
agrecment and that the British werc in- he was to bluff Badoglio into surrender to
structing thcir Ambassador in Lisbon to rnake possible the Allied invasion. In
use thc long tcrms in place of the short accordance with instructions to use the
terms in any future dcalings with Italian long terms-an extraordinary complication
emissaries. Because the Foreign Office because negotiations with Badoglio were al-
was not fully certain of thc President's con- ready under way on the basis of the short
currence, however, the British asked the terms and the Quebec Memorandum-
State Department to clear the rnattcr with Eisenhower was to insist on unconditional
the President and have the combined surrender. By this time, AFHQ intelli-
Chiefs direct Eisenhower to use the long gence, too, had obtained a clearer picture
terms--the "Comprehensivc Instrument," of German strength in Italy. The esti-
as it was called-in place of thc short mates of enemy capabilities on which the
terms--the rnilitary terms. Dcclining to AvALANCHE plan for a landing at Salerno
take initiative in a matter outside its had been based were radically wrong.
province, thc Department of Statc indi- German strength had been grosfily under-
cated that it would be more appropriate estimated.
for the Foreign Office to takc up thc mat- When the British Resident Ministcr at
ter with the British Chiefs of Staff. Algiers, Mr. Harold Macmillan, learned of
The President gave his final and formal the long tcrms, he protested against thcir
concurrence on 26 August, whcn he di- immediate use. "I am told," he wired
rected the JCS to instruct Eisenhower to his superiors, "that military difficulties in-
substitute the long terms for the short volved in operation of AvALANCHE are so
terms in any subsequent dealings with great that we cannot exaggerate the value
Badoglio's representatives. Eden on the of an annistice concludcd and announced
same day instructed the Ambassador at
Lisbon-Campbell-to use the long terms for the ltalian Surrender, OPD Exec 11, itero 5:
in any negotiations with !tallan emmaries. Extract from Min, 7th Mtg CCAC, 116 Aug 43,
On the following day the CCS wired the ABC 381 Italy-Arm-Surr (5-9-43), sec. 1-A;
text of the long terms to Eisenhower and Telg 5718, 116 Aug 43, Foreign Office to Sir
Ronald Campbell at Lisbon, OPD Exec 11, itero
instructed him that this document, includ- 5, tab 50 ( the context of which indicates the long
ing the rnilitary terms, was to be used in terms had already been received at Lisbon) ;
any future negotiations.89 Memo, Deane for JCS, 117 Aug 43, ABC 381
Italy-Arm-Surr (5-9-43), sec. 1-A; Telg, CCS
311 Memo, Mr. James Clement Dunn for the to Eisenhower, FAN 1103, 117 Aug 43, Capitula-
U.S. Secy of State, 1 Sep 43, sub: Conditions tion of Italy, p . 137.

in accordancc with timing suggmcd by But thc die had bccn cast. General
thc Praidcnt and thc Prime Ministcr." 40 Eisenhowcr had no altcmativc but to
carry out bis somctimcs confticting, al-
0 Telg 1537, Resideot Minister Algiers to ways difficult, dual assignmcnt-onc a
Wuhiogtoo aod Quebec, 26 Aug 43, u for-
warded in Telg 5 717 (MS), Campbell, Lilboo, military mi.ssion, thc othcr a diplomatic
to Foreign Oflice, OPD Exec 2, item 5, tab 50. mattcr.

The Surrender Preliminaries

Tlu Zanussi Mission Because the Gcrmans and Italians at
the Tarvis conference had not agrecd on
After Castellano's departurc for Madrid a common plan for the defensc o ltaly, on
and Lisbon, Ambrosio continued to co- the command problem poscd by Gcrman
operate warily with the Gcrmans; until forces in ltaly, and on the retum of the
Castellano brought back word that the Al- ltalian Fourth Anny rom France, Roatta
lies were willing to support open rupture proposed a new conference for purdy
with the Gcrmans, the 1talians could do military matters. The Gcrman Govem-
little else. ment accepted on the condition that the
Roatta, Army chicf o staff who was meeting be held at Bologna, the arca where
rcsponsible for deending Italy against Al- the 11 SS Panzer Corps was stationed.1
lied attack, still did not know o Castd- Roatta's strategic views were not esscn-
lano's mis&on. His recognition since May tially different from thosc of Kesselring,
that Italian forces alone were not equal to who still believed that the ltalians showed
the task of opposing an Allied invasion a genuine will to co-operate. Kessclring
prompted him to keep calling for Gcrman also discerned, by the middle of August,
reinforcements, ground as well as air. a slight but definite improvement in the
But the Gcrman troops in Italy were poorly morale of the Italian troops. Intent on
distributed for defensc against the Allies. defending the whole of ltaly and believing
Anxious to dcfend the entire pninsula the task easible, he reported that it would
and believing the most threatened arca to be difficult for the Gcrmans quickly to
be southem Italy, particularly the Naples- seize Rome and the ltalian Govemment.
Salerno arca, Roatta pointed out to the The 26th Panzer Division's vehicles, esscn-
Germans that loss of southem ltaly would tial to render fully mobile the Gcrman
open the Balkans to Allied operations. forces around Rome (3d Panzer Grena-
He proposed that the Gcrmans group their dier and 2d Parachute Divisions), had
divisions into mobile reserves deployed at not yet arrived. More important, ltalian
scveral key points throughout Italy to meet forces were prescnt around Rome in con-
various Allied capabilities. A heavy con- siderable strength. If ltalo-Gcrman con-
centration of Gcrman units in northem flict started in the Rome arca, the Gcrman
Italy would then be unnecessary, Roatta
urged, unlC$, of course, the Germans in- 43, as forwarded by Rintelen, OKW /WFSt,
tended to abandon southern and central KTB, 1.-31.VIII..13, 13 Aug 43. Cf. Roatta,
ltaly at the very outsct. 1 Olto milioni, p. i161 .
2 OKW/WFSt, KTB, 1.-31.VIII..13, u Aug
1 Situation appreciation by Roatta of 11 Aug 43; Simoni, Brlino, .Ambasciata, pp. 399-400.

forces in Sicily and southem Italy would The decision was left for Hitler. Hitler
be cut off. Kesselring therefore urgcd a continued to insist on thc liberation of
postponement of the seizure operation Mussolini, though General Student and
( Operation SCHWARZ) until thc Ger- Captain Skorzeny were still unable to Io-
mans had incontrovertible proof of Italian cate him. Hitler rcfused to pennit rcin-
negotiations with the Allies. Continued forcement of south ltaly, and he instructed
co-operation with the ltalians, he felt, Kessclring to keep the 3d Panzer Grena-
would gain the Germans enough time to dier and 2d Parachute Divisions ncar
move in sufficient reinforcements to hold Rome, to move the 16th Panzer Division
the cntire peninsula, thus preventing the from the Taranto arca to the Gulf of Sa-
Allies from seizing southem 1taly, the lerno arca. This left the hcel unguarded,
springboard to the Balkans. and Hitler asked Kesselring to use his
The weakness of Kessclring's position influence with the Italians to induce thcm
lay in his lack of troops in southem Italy. to ~ume the defense of Puglia, evcn
He had only a few battalions of the 1 st though the ltalians since July had sent no
Parachute Division and certain security forces to southem ltaly. Hitler refused to
units in the N aples-Salemo arca. The evacuate Sicily at once because arrange-
16th Panzer Division alone could not hold ments for defending the Balkans were not
both Puglia ( the heel) and Calabria ( the yet complete. He wanted the Allies tied
toe) . Pleading for reinforcements to en- down in Sicily ( although by this date a
able him to station a full division in each large part of the XIV Panzer Corps had
of the most threatened arcas in the south-. aiready bcen ferried over to the mainland)
the heel, the toe, and Naples-Salemo-he, as long as traffic could cross the strait.
like Roatta, regarded thc heavy concentra- Eventually, the movcment of the XIV
tion of German troops in northern Italy Panzer Corps from Sicily to thc mainland
as wasteful.8 could provide a force to help defend
Jodl and Rommel, in contrast, saw the against an Allied invasion of southern
rnain danger not in Allied power but in Italy. 11
ltalian trcason. Since southern Italy The military conference at Bologna on
needcd stronger forces, and since thc 15 August was as inconclusive and unsatis-
movement of forces from the north would factory for both ltaly and Gcrmany as was
merely aggravate the supply problem, Jodl the earlier conference at Tarvis. Diplo-
recommended an irnmediate withdrawal matic representatives, as well as Keitcl and
from Sicily (this was already under way). Ambrosio, were absent. Jodl represented
With the XIV and LXXVI Panzer Corps OKW and attendcd in company with
concentrated on thc mainland, the time Rommel. The presencc of Kessclring and
would be ripe for grabbing Rome. Then Rintelen tended only slightly to softcn thc
Kessclring's forces would fall back north- brusqucness of thc Gcrman attitudc. Ro-
ward and be absorbed by Rommel's Army atta, Ros& ( dcputy chie( of Comando
Group B. 4
3 Kcuelring'1 estimate of thc situation, 12 Aug cstimate; scc also, OKW/WFSt, KTB, 1.-31.
43, in OKH/Op. .Abt.,Westl. Mittelmeer, Chefs., Vlll.43, 13 Aug 43.
19.V.4s-II.VIJ.,14 (H H/lZ90). 1 OKW/WFSt, KTB, 1.-31.VIII.43, 13 and
4 Addcndum by Jodl to Kcuelring's situation 14 Aug 43.

Supremo), and Zanwm ( of Roatta's of- Palace and askcd about the outcome of
ficc) represcnted ltaly. thc confcrence. Roatta dcscribed the
When Roatta statcd the nccd to with- cold, suspicious, almost hostile attitude of
draw the Fourth Army from France to the Gcrmans. He ascribcd their use of a
Italy to help defend the ltalian homeland, detachment of SS troops as a guard dur-
Jodl asked the direction of an anticipated ing thc meeting to their fcar of an Italian
attack-the Brenner frontier or southern ambush. Badoglio stated that it would be
ltaly? Roatta refused to answer the qucs- necessary to act toward the Gcrmans with
tion on the ground that it was tendentious, the greatcst prudence for a few days more,
but he agreed to lcave two coastal divi- in view of the ncgotiations initiated
sions and a corps hcadquarters in south- with the Allies. Otherwise, the Germans
crn France. Acrimonious discwmon took would dcscend upon Rome in force and
place on the northward movement of Ital- seize thc Italian Governrnent. Roatta
ian divisions into the Brenner arca. When thus learned of Castellano's mission. The
Rommel was prcsentcd as commander of King reaffirmed thc fundamental lines of
all Gcnnan forces north of thc Apennines, the Badoglio government, stipulated at the
Roatta said that he had not bcen infonned time of its formation: personnel limited to
that the Gennan troops in northem Italy military men and technicians, excluding
were to remain there. Who would be politicians; and thc prevention by force if
Rommel's superior? Roatta asked. The necessary of political agitation and organ-
Gennans then agreed to recognizc Am- ization to avoid "the absurdity of judging
brosio's supreme command on condition and condemning by implication the work
that the 1talians recognize the Gcnnan of the King." 1
command over thc forces of both nations A few days afterward, Ambrosio sug-
in the Balkans and Greece. Both parties gested to Badoglio the advisability, in view
then professed to agree, but in bad faith, of Castellano's mission, of issuing written
to reduce thcir forces along the Brenner instructions to the top commanders to in-
frontier. As for Roatta's proposal that an form them of Castellano's mission and to
additional German division be sent to outline the course the armed forces werc
Sardinia, Jodl replied that none could be to pursue in case of an arrnistice. Badog-
spared. Jodl made no objection to mov- lio disapproved. He wished to keep the
ing an 1talian corps from Thessaly to secret of negotiations with the Allies lim-
Albania, and three divisions from the ited to the smallest possible circle. He
Balkans to southern Italy.8 told Ambro&o, "We must not give Gcr-
When the 1talian reprcsentativcs re- many thc least possibility of discovering our
turned to Rome on 16 August, the King intentions." 8
summoned Badoglio, Ambrosio, and Ro- Roatta, bccause he had not bcen in-
atta to a special council at the Quirinal formed of Castellano's mission before he

11 OKW/WFSt, KTB, 1.-31.VIll.43, 15 Aug 7 Mussolini, Storia di un anno, p. !15; Zanuui,

4g; Roui, Com arrivammo, pp. 385-401; Rin- Guerra e catastro/e, 11, 77; Roatta, Otro milioni,
telen, M ussolini als Bundesgenosse, pp. !Z4!Z-45; p. !194; Monelli, Roma 1943, pp. !Z98-g9.
Rommel, Private KTB, 9 May-Sep 43, entry for 8 Monelli, Roma 1943, p. !199; MS #P-058,
15 Aug and appended rpt. Project 46, 1 Feb-8 Sep 43, Question 11.

met with the Gennans at Bologna, had released from the ark, with thc same mis-
been something of a dupc--a mere tool for sion as the first. 10
negotiating with the Germans while Am- A suitablc man was at hand. With no
brosio himsclf was making contact with clearly defined functions in Roatta's officc,
the Allies. Roatta could not object to the General Zanussi could be spared. His
new com"Se of the governmcnt, but he abscncc would be no more noticcable to the
questioned whether Castellano was the Germans than Castellano's. Like Castel-
mmt appropriate choice as cmissary. In lano, Zanussi thoroughly believed in
any event, Roatta wishcd to learn more changing sides. He had written scvcral
about what was going on. memorandums for bis colleagues and su-
Roatta found an ally in General Car- periors, indicating that a switch to thc
boni, commander of the Motorized Corps Allied side was the only sensible course
protecting Rome and known for his pro- after the overthrow of Mussolini.
Allied sympathies. Appointed by Am- Ambro&o probably wanted to keep the
brosio director of Military Intclligence Serv- dispatch of a second cmissary secret from
ice on 18 August in thc hope that Carboni Badoglio, but in the end he decidcd to .let
would be able to clisentanglc the closc con- the Marshal know. Badoglio approved,
ncction betwcen Italian and German in- as he had earlier assented to Castellano's
tclligencc officcs, Carboni quickly pickcd mission. But becausc Guariglia, Minister
up thc news of Castcllano's dcparturc. of Foreign Affairs, would probably objcct
Though Roatta may havc had sorne doubts to what he might considcr anothcr mili-
as to Castellano's suitability for the mis- tary usurpation of a diplomatic function,
sion, Carboni had nonc. He hated Castel- the Forcign Office was not approached for
lano, whom he blamed, along with the a passport. 11 As credcntials, Carboni
Duke of Acquarone, for Carboni's having suggestcd that Zanwm take with him a
been passed ovcr for an appointment in British priS<mer of war. Lt. Gen. Sir
Badoglio's cabinct. Bclicving that Castel- Adrian Carton de Wiart was sclected.
lano was inadequate for the task and un- He was a good choice, for he was well
trustworthy bcsidcs, Carboni urged that a known and easily recognized-hc had
more rcliable envoy be scnt to control Cas- lmt an eye and an arm in the scrvicc of
tellano and to prcvent that ambitious Sici- bis country. If the Germans discovcrcd
lian f rom trying to grab all the glory in him in Zanussi's company, it would be
reprcscnting Italy "in dcalings with" the obvious that thc mission concemcd mcrcly
Allicd powers. Carboni appealcd to thc cxchangc of prisoncrs. Lt. Galvano
Badoglio, Acquarone, Ambrosio, and Roat- Lanza di Trabia, Carboni's aidc, was to
ta. But all apparently wishcd to await go along as thc intcrpreter.12
Castcllano's report. After more than a 1 Giacomo Carboni, L'armistizio 1 la tlif11a di
wcek passed without word, thcy began to Roma: Veritd e mnzogn1 (Rome: Donatello de
fcar that thc Germans had discovcrcd Cas- Luigi, 1945), pp. r8, 113-114; Zanussi, Gu.rra e
eatastrof1, 11, 811; Roatta, Otto milioni, pp. 294-g5.
tellano. Roatta then took thc Icad in 1 1 Guariglia, Ricordi, p. 67 r.
urging that a sccond dovc of peacc be u Happy Odyssey: Th1 M1moirs of Li.at1n-
ant Gneral Sir .Adrian Carton tl1 Wiarl (Lon-
don: Cape Publishen, r 950), pp. 1125-119;
ZanUlli, Gu1rra 1 cataslrof1, 11, 83-85; Roatta>
9 Zanussi, Gu'" 1 catastrof1, 11, 75. Otto milioni, pp. 295-g6.

On 22 August, two days bcfore Zanussi statement from Badoglio to the cft'ect that
departed from Rome, Amrnmador Prunas Castellano was authorized to spcak for the
in Lisbon informed Guariglia that Castel- Marshal. 14
lano had made contact with the Allics and On the same day, 18 August, Maj. Gen.
would soon report. Expccting Castcl- Walter B. Smith, the AFHQ chief of
lano's quick return, Guariglia saw no staff, and Brigadier Kenneth W. D. Strong,
reason to inform Badoglio or Ambrosio. the AFHQ G-2-appointed by General
Becausc Ambrosio and Badoglio had kept Eiscnhower to meet with .Castellano--
the Zanwm mission sccret from Guariglia, were ftying to Gibraltar in civilian clothes
they did not know that Castellano had al- and without titles. From there they went
ready carried out rus mismon by the time to Lisbon, wherc they arrived on the
Zanus& had left. moming of 19 August. That evening, at
Likc Castellano, Zanw;.,i carried no 2200, Smith and Strong, accompanied by
written orders. Ambrosio bricfed him, Mr. George F. Kennan, U.S. Charg
but bis instructions werc broad and vague. d'Affaires, met Castellano and Montanari
If Castellano had disappcared, Zanus& was at the British Em~y .1cs
to take bis place. If Castellano were stiil After an introduction by the British
in Lisbon, Zanus& was to support him in Ambassador, General Smith opened thc
bis quest to conccrt plans with the Allies discussion by stating that on thc assump-
for a war against the Germans.
Zanwm informed Roatta of Ambrosio's u Castellano, Com firmai, p. 98; copy of Telg,
instructions. Carboni passcd along sorne Forcign Officc to Lisbon, 18 Aug 43, Capitula-
advice-first, Ambassador Prunas could tion of ltaly, p. 89.
15 The conference is described in: Minutes of
be trusted, and sccond, it was important a conference held at the residence of the Briti1h
to urge the Allies not to fight thcir way Ambassador at Lbon on August 18, 1943 at
up the 1talian pcninsula but to land in 10 P.M., Capitulation of ltaly, pp. 85-88. Thete
are condensed minutes, not a verbatim record.
force north of Rome. 18 They were telegraphed to Washington and Lon-
don in Telg, NAF 334, 21 Aug 43, Capitulation
Castellano at Lisbon of ltaly, pp. 112-17. The second part of the
conference, which concemed purely military mat-
ten, is 1ummarized in Telg, Eiscnhower to Mar-
General Castellano had arrived in Lis- lhall, NAF 335, 21 Aug 43, Capitulation of It-
bon at 2200, 16 August. On the ncxt day aly, pp. 126-27.
he called on Sir Ronald Hugh Campbell, At the end of the conference, Castellano was
handed a copy of the minutes and asked to check
the British Ambassador. Campbcll told them for accuracy; it appears in tranalation in bis
Castellano he would inform him of devel- Com firmai as Appendix 1, page1 211-15 (bis
raum~ of the military discuaiona is in pagca
opments just as soon as he, Campbell,
215-18); in addition, he gives his account of the
received instructions to negotiate. A day conference which in some pointl 1upplement1 the
later Campbell lcarned that Osbome, Brit- minutCI (pages 102-09).
ish Minister to thc Holy See, had verified The copy of the minute1 in Capitulation of
ltaly (page1 85-88) and NAF 334 dates the con-
to the Foreign Office the letter of intro- ference 18 Augwt, which is incorrect. Smith
duction he had prepared for Castellano. and Strong arrived in Lisbon only on the morn-
Sir D'Arcy had a1so obtained a signed ing of 19 Augu1t. The correct date is the 19th,
as given by Cutellano, and by Churchill in a
1peech to the Houae of Commona on 21 Septem-
13 Zanuai, Gu11ra catastro/, 11, 87. ber 1943.

SECRET EMISSARIES TO LISBON (lefl to right) Brigadier Kenneth W. D . Strong, Genera/e di Brigata
Giuseppe Castellano, General Smith, and Consul Franco Montanarz~ an ojficialfrom the ltalian Foreign

tion that the Italian anned forces were high governmental policy to be decided by
ready to surrender, he was authorized to the heads of the United States and British
communicate the terms on which General Governments. But the Allies werc rcady
Eisenhower was prepared to agree to a to assist and support any ltalian who
cessation of hostilities. The terms, Smith obstructed thc German military effort.
said, constituted a military armistice only General Smith thcn read the armistice con-
and had to be accepted unconditionally. ditions point by point, the short terms that
Somewhat surprised by this abrupt had been furnished General Eisenhower
statement, Castellano said he had come to on 6 August. 19
discuss how ltaly could arrange to join
the United Nations in expelling the Ger- 16 See Appendix C for the tcxt of the short

mans from Italy. tenns. Clawe 3 now read: "Ali prisoners or in-
ternees of the United Nations to be immediately
Smith replied that he was prepared tumed over to the Allied Commander-in-Chicf,
only to discuss the terms of ltaly's surren- and none of these may now or at any time be
der. The status of the Italian Govern- evacuated to Germany." On instruction from
President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Church-
ment and Army operations against the ill the words indicated by italics were substituted
Germans were, he declared, matters of for the original phrase, "from the bcginning of

To pennit careful translation of the wcrc ncar enough to thc coast to pennit
documents and an opportunity for study, their rcmoval to 1taly by Allied ships.
the British and Americans withclrcw from Castellano inquired about the meaning
the room, leaving Castellano and Mon- of sctting up an Allicd military govem-
tanari alone. ment and also about the decision to givc
When the group reassembled, Castellano General Eisenhower an overriding au-
stated that he had no power to accept the thority over the Italian Govemment-
armistice but that he wanted an explana- would the ltalian Govemmcnt retain sov-
tion of certain tenns for his govcmmcnt's ercignty? Smith rciteratcd that his in-
infonnation. With regard to prisoncrs structions rcfcrred only to the terms of a
and intemees, practica! limitations might military annistice. He was not empow-
hinder the extent to which the Italians ercd to discuss questions rclating to the
could prevcnt thc movement of such per- futurc government of Italy. He said that
sonnel to Germany, though the Italians the Allies would establish military govern-
would make every effort to comply with ment ovcr parts of 1talian territory, and
this condition. General Smith replicd he observcd that this was being exercised
that the United Nations understood thc in Sicily in a fair and humane manner.
problem, but expected the Italian authori- Castellano cited the danger to the per-
ties to do their best. son of the King. Accepting the terms
When Castellano rcquested clarification might prompt the Germans to hold the
of the clausc on ltalian ships and aircraft, King as a hostage and even to thrcaten his
Smith explained that this mcant surrender life. It was suggcstcd that the King
of thc fleet and of the planes, their future might leave Italy on an Italian naval ves-
disposition to be decided by General sel. Castellano was assurcd that the King
Eisenhower. Castellano mentioned the would be trcated with ali due personal
lack of fuel that might prcvent sorne war- consideration.
ships and planes from complying. The The discussion then rcturned to the es-
authorities, Smith said, had to make every sential point in Castellano's proposal: the
effort to provide sufficient fuel. manner and extent of ltalian military
As for Allied use of ltalian airfields and collaboration with the Allies against Ger-
ports, Castellano pointed out that most of many. The Allied rcprescntatives rc-
the airfields werc already in Gennan iterated that the clauses of the armistice
hands; those rcmaining under Italian con- werc a military capitulation, not an agree-
trol were small and scattercd. ment for Italy's participation in the war
As for withdrawing ltalian anned forces on the Allied side. Immediately therc-
to ltaly and moving units stationed inland after, however, Smith read to Castellano
in the Balkans, this might prove an im- a paragraph bascd on the Quebec Memo-
pos&ble task. Smith assurcd Castellano randum:
that the Allies did not cxpect the impos-
sible; certain ltalian divisions, howcver, The extent to which these tenns of anni-
stice would be modified in favor of 1taly
the negotiations," in order to avoid any posaible would depend on how far the ltalian Gov-
inference that they were "negotiating" with the ernment and people did in fact aid the
Badoglio government. (Telg, USFOR to AFHQ, United Nations against Germany during the
repeated to Lisbon, No. 45u, 19 Aug 42.) remainder of the war, but that wherever

Italian Forces or Italians fight the Germans, sive. The war, Castellano believed, would
destroy German property or hamper Gennan continue for sorne time because the Ger-
movements they will be given ali possible mans had not uscd up their reserves in
support by the forces of the United Nations.
their rccent Russian operations. Castel-
He then asked Castellano to weigh carc- lano hated the Germans because of thcir
fully the significance of the paragraph and abominable behavior toward Italian troops
explained that the Allied terms had becn in Rwsia. Each time Kessclring visited
drawn up by General Eiscnhower and ap- Ambrosio, it was an occasion for a row.
provcd by thc Allicd govcmmcnts without Dcspite the fact that the ltalian sccrct
considcring the possibility of active ltalian serviccs workcd closely with Gennan in-
participation in the war against Gennany. telligence, and dcspite the fact that many
As President Roosevclt and Prime Minister pro-Gennan officers wcrc in the ltalian
Churchill had declarcd at Quebec, with Army, including Roatta, Castellano be-
Stalin's approval, thc conditions enforced lieved that Badoglio was quite capable of
would be modificd to ltaly's advantage in dirccting policy as the situation rcquircd.
proportion to thc sum total of ltaly's par- When Castellano again cited the Ger-
ticipation in the war. Without using the man thrcat to use gas, the Allied rcprc-
unconditional surrender phrase, without sentativcs pointed out the folly of such an
modifying the imprcssion demanded by the act because the Allics would themselvcs
prcdominant Allied powers, Smith skill- counter with gas. In any event, the eflect
fully used the Quebec telegram as an in- of a few days' vindictive action by the
ducemcnt to sccurc Italian capitulation.n Gennans would be far lcss serious for
Castellano rcturned to the point he had Italy than a long war of attrition.
emphasized to Hoare in Madrid: the Ital- Stating that he now fully understood
ian Governmcnt, without eflective aid both the terms of thc armisticc and the
from the Anglo-Americans, was unable to supplementary infonnation derived from
tum against the Germans. If Italy ac- the Quebec tclegram, Castellano added
ccpted and put into eflect the armistice that he was not authorizcd to accept the
terms, the Gennans would counter with tcrms but would submit them to his gov-
immcdiate rcprisals. ltaly was an oc- ernment. He said that it would be useful
cupied country, and ltalians werc alanned for the Italian Govcrnment to know whcn
by the dcgrcc of control alrcady excrcised or whcrc the Allies planned to invade the
by the Gennans. Nor was Castellano ex- mainland because Gennan countenneas-
aggerating, he said, in order to try to con- urcs would probably makc it neccssary for
vince the Allics to accept his proposal at least part of the government to leave
to co-ordinate military plans. Though Rome simultaneously with thc armistice
the Luftwafle was relatively weak, it could announcemcnt. It was in the Allied in-
wrcak grcat damagc on ltaly. The tercst, he believed, to prcvent capture of
strcngth of the Gennan Army was imprcs- that govemment which, he again insisted,
wanted to rcach an understanding. Gen-
1 7 Ambassador Campbell, a profcsaional diplo- eral Smith ~plied that Castellano, as a
matist, waa much impreued with the akill diJ- soldier, would understand why it was im-
played by General Smith as a negotiator. See
lnterv, Smyth with Mr. George F. Kennan, iz possible to reveal Allicd plans in detall.
Jan 47. Castellano thercforc rcpeatcd that he

would limit his f unction to that of acting hower with five or six hours preliminary
as bearer of the Allied tenns to his gov- warning to ltaly. For a sccret channel of
cmment. communication with AFHQ, Castellano
They then discusscd arrangements for a was to reccive a portable radio, a code,
direct channel of communication, and it and instructions on their use. Ali com-
was proposcd that if Badoglio should ac- munications from the ltalian Government
ccpt the tenns, General Ei.senhower would to AFHQ were to be in the Italian lan-
announcc the armisticc five or six hours guage. In case of acceptancc, Castellano
before the main Allied landing on the 1tal- was to meet again with General Ei.sen-
ian mainland. Castellano objected vig- hower's rcprescntatives in Sicily, and the
orously. Such short notice, he declared, precise hour of the meeting and the coursc
would not allow bis govemment enough of Castellano's ftight to Sicily was stipu-
time to prepare for the landing. He lated: from Rome at 0700, 31 August, to
asked for longer notice, preferably two reach Termini Imercse shortly bcfore
weeks. Smith thought a longer advance 0900.
notice might be possible, and he assured After copies of the annistice terms and
Castellano that he would prcsent the 1tal- of the AFHQ memorandum based on the
ian views to General Eisenhower. But CCS directive were furnished to Castel-
Smith maintained the point that public lano, Ambas.udor Campbell and Mr.
announccment of the armistice would have Kennan withdrcw and the discusmon
to precede the principal Allicd landing by turned to purely military matters. Briga-
a few hours only. dier Strong began to question Castellano
Ali agrecd that the 1talian Government on Gcrman troop dispositions, first in gen-
was to signify its acceptance of the armi- eral, then in detail. Castellano offered
stice by a radio message. If it proved only general inform.ation until he observed
impos.<;ible for the ltalians to do so di- Strong's map, which had accurate infor-
rectly, the government was to scnd a mes- mation on it. Castellano then gave
sage to the British Minister at the Holy detailed unit locations, hoping thus, as he
See as follows: "ll Govemo italiano pro- stated later, to show his good faith.
testa contro il ritardo nella comunica- Strong asked no qucstions about ltalian
zione delle liste complete die nomi dei units, but Castellano noted that the AFHQ
prigionieri catturati in Sicilia." (The ltalian map showed them quite as correctly as the
Government protcsts against the delay in maps of the Operations Section of Com-
the communication of the complete list of ando Supremo.
names of ltalian prisoners captured in Castellano estimated the total Gcrman
Sicily.) military strength in Italy as 400,000 men.
The Italian Govemment was to com- More troops could come from France.
municate its acceptance by 28 August. The Germans intended to defend on a
If no reply carne by 30 August; the Allies line from Gcnoa to Ravenna and to fall
would assume that the terms had been back, if necessary, to the Po. They also
refused. Acceptance of the anrusttcc planned to hold Sardinia and Corsica.
terms meant also acceptance of the method Castellano painted a pitiful picture of
of announcement as then determined-a the Italian armed forces. The fleet had
radio announcement by General Eiscn- enough oil for only one action. The air

force was very short of matricl, though lied confidence in the new ltalian rcgime
the fighter elements werc quite good. Ali enhanced by Castellano's disquisitions on
airficlds except a few small oncs were un- honor, peculiar accompaniment to his de-
der Gennan control. The Italian Army scription of the double-cross of Grandi
was short of gasoline, entirely depcndent and the idea of tuming against Germany
on the Gcrmans for fuel, very short of and jumping into the Allied camp.18
antitank guns, antitank ammunition, and The confercnce lasted ali night, brcak-
evcn of such itcms as boots. lf Italy de- ing up at 0700, 20 August, nine hours
tachcd itself from the Gcrman alliance, after it had started. Smith shook hands
the nation would rcquirc supplics of wheat with Castellano and exprcssed the hope
and coal from the Allics. that their meeting would prove to be the
The Italian general urged the Lcghom beginning of a new collaboration between
arca as the bcst place for an Allied land- their countries. Smith and Strong then
ing. Gennan lincs of communication flew back to Algiers and AFHQ. Castel-
were extrcmcly vulnerable, particularly lano and Montanari rcmained in Lisbon
along the Brcnner route, and Castellano to await the arrival of the Italian Ambas-
rccommended attacking the Brcnner P~. sador to Chile, whosc ship was scveral days
The ltalians planned to withdraw thcir late.
troops from Corsica, he explained, but not After rcflecting on the conference, Cas-
from Sardinia. At the Bologna confer- tellano realizcd that the situation was far
ence of 15 August, Roatta had discusscd differcnt from that imagined in Rome at
plans for dcfending ltaly with Rommcl the time of his departure. He and Am-
and Jodl, but, of course, Castellano was brosio had believed that ltaly was still in
ignorant of the rcsults. a paition to bargain. Actually, it was
Though a numbcr of Gcnnan com- too late. They had thought that the
manders wished to get rid of Hitler, loy- British and Americans would be receptive
alty to the Fuehrer was so widcsprcad to the proposal that ltaly switch sidcs.
throughout the armed forces, Castellano Allied suspicion and distrust carne as a
believed, that overthrow appcarcd un- sob<;ring shock. Castellano had, however,
likely. The Gestapo was an important been able to avoid the humiliating phrasc,
factor in prcventing the collapsc of Ger- "unconditional surrender." And the Que-
man morale. bec telegram offered ~urance that the
In conclusion, Castellano mentioned his terms of capitulation would be modified
part in Mussolini's downfall-how Grandi in ltaly's favor if the govemment and peo-
had been induced to take the lead in the ple rendercd cffective aid to the Allies.
Fascist Grand Council only to be double- Castellano believed that the Allied invasion
crossed when Badoglio was named Musso- of the 1talian mainland would be short
lini's succcssor. On the whole, Castellano and successful because of Allied air su-
made a favorable imprcssion. He sccmed
camest and sincere, and he had an intense
hatrcd of the Gcrmans. Yet the Allied 11 See Telg, AFHQ to CCS, NAF 336, u Aug

rcprcscntativcs wondercd why he had 43, Capitulation of ltaly, pp. H.16-117; Interv,
Smyth with Ambauador Walter B. Smith, 13
neither crcdentials nor formal written in- May 47, and with Brigadier Kenneth D. Strong,
structions from Badoglio. Nor was Al- 119 Oct 47.

periority. He had great faith in Anglo- Though Zanu~i leamed that Castellano
American generosity. has been succ~ful in meeting members of
On the following morning, 21 August, General Eisenhower's staff, and was even
Castellano presented himself at the Italian then on his way back to Rome, he asked
legation in Lisbon, where D'Ajeta was to see the British Ambassador. Sir Ron-
astonished to see him. D'Ajeta took him ald replied through an intermediary, since
immediately to Prunas, the Italian Min- he saw no reason why he should meet
ister, who could not conceal his disappoint- another 1talian general. The Allied tenns
ment that such important negotiations were already in Castellano's hands. Still,
had taken place without his knowledge he asked Zanussi to remain in Lisbon until
and participation. Prunas on 22 August he, the Ambassador, was ccrtain that there
sent two cables to Guariglia and informed was no m~age for him. General Carton
him that Castellano had made contact de Wiart, the British "prisoner-of-war," of-
with the Allies and would soon re- fered to retum to Rome with Zan~i since
port. The British Embl$y delivered to it began to appear that Zanu~ had come
Montanari the radio and code for future on a futile mis&on. 20
communications. On Ambassador Camp- At Quebec on 26 August, Churchill and
bell's advice, Castellano, who had been Roosevelt had at last agreed on the long
thinking of returning to Rome by plane, terms for Italy. The Foreign Office
took his place among the party of officials therefore instructed Campbell to present
who left Lisbon by train on 23 August. the comprehensive document to Zanussi
The Italian Ambassador to Chile carried and to explain that it embodied both the
Castellano's papers acro~ French terri- short terms, already in Castellano's posses-
tory, restored them at the Italian frontier. sion, and the political and economic terms
Reaching Rome on the moming of 27 that Castellano had been told to expect.
August, Castellano made baste to report He was also to suggest that Zanu~i fly
to his superiors. 19 back to Rome immediately with the text
of the long tenns. 21
Zanussi's Negotiations in Accordingly, on the moming of 27 Au-
Lisbon and Algiers gust, Campbell met Zan~i and gave him
the long terms. Zan~i immediately no-
Three days earlier, the second Italian ticed the absence of reference to ltalian
emis.sary, General Zanu~i, together with military co-operation with the Allies, and
General de Wiart, had arrived in Madrid. asked why no mention of this had been
More fortunate than Castellano, Zanussi madc. Campbell read the Quebec tele-
traveled by plane. The next moming, 25 gram to him; this at least left the door
August, he was in Lisbon. He promptly open for eventual Italo-Allied co-operation.
got in touch with Prunas, who was not
2 Zanussi, Gu11ra e catastro/e, 11, 91-g4;
overjoyed to see him. Prunas cautioned
Telg 1721, 26 Aug 43, Campbell to Foreign Qf.
Zanussi to be on his guard, not only fice, and Telg 1723, Campbell to Foreign Office,
against German spies, but also against 26 Aug 43, both in OPD Exec 2, tem 5, tab
sorne members of the ltalian legation. 50; Carton de Wiart, Happy Odyssey, p. 230.
21 Telg 1352, Deputy Prime Minister to Camp-
bell, 26 Aug 43. OPD Exec 2, item 5, tab 50.
19 Castellano, Come firmai, pp. 116-25. See also, pp. 448-50.
693-029 o - 65 - 31

Zanumi and bis interpretcr mired to sbort military tcrms. Aftcr gctting thc
their hotd to study thc comprchcnsivc ltalians to acccpt and sign this documcnt,
conditions of capitulation.22 Eisenhowcr could submit thc comprchen-
Thc British Govcmmcnt had actcd with sivc papcr to thc Italian Govcmment.ta
extraordinary spccd in gctting thc tat of Anxiety still pcrsistcd at AFHQ, how-
thc long tcmlS into Zanussi's hands. So evcr. Thc Allicd commandcrs hopcd to
fast had thc govcmmcnt actcd that Ambas- rccc:ive sorne sort of m~ from Castel-
sador Campbcll at Lisbon had thc com- lano rc-cstablishing contact with thc
prehcnsivc document beforc AFHQ Italian Govemmcnt. Presumably Zanumi
rcccivcd it. Whcn Eismhowcr's hcad- was a rcprcscntativc of Roatta, who was bc-
quartcn later that day rcccivcd thc lievcd to havc strong pro-Gcnnan tcndcn-
docwncnt, Al1icd commandcrs bccamc cics. CastclJano had told Smith and
thoroughly alarmcd. Thc main invasion Strong at Lisbon that Roatta had not
of thc ltalian mainland, planncd for thc bccn takcn into thc confidencc of thc Ba-
Salemo arca, was leas than two wccb doglio govcrnment, though Castellano had
away. It was a risky opcration, particu- added that he prcsumcd Roatta, as a
larly bccause thc ratc of Gennan rcin- soldicr, would loyally follow thc govcm-
forccmcnt was scriously changing thc mcnt if it shiftcd to thc Allied side. Za-
estimatcs on which thc landing plan had nussi had no crcdcntials whatsoever,
becn based. Thc succcss of thc opcra- whcrcas Castellano at lcast had brought a
tion, it sccmcd, was bccoming incrcasingly lettcr of introduction from Osbomc. Did
dcpcndcnt on gctting thc ltalian Govem- the two cmissarics rcpresent two distinct
ment to surrcnder beforchand. Not only factions within thc ltalian Govcrnmcnt,
did ltalian opposition have to be climi- one in closc co-opcration with thc Gcr-
natcd bcforc thc landing, but ltalian as- mans? Or was thc Zanussi mission bona
sistancc during thc critical pcriod of fide, and werc Roatta and Ambrosio work-
getting troops ashorc now appcarcd nec- ing scmi-indepcndcntly toward the samc
cssary. Even Eiscnhower had doubts that end? 24
Castellano would be able to persuade the What General Smith fcarcd mo.5t was
Italian monarch and high command to that Zanussi would makc im.mediatc use
acccpt surrcndcr on the conditions of the of thc diplomatic channcls of the Llsbon
short tcmlS; now thc ces had insistcd on E~ to inform Roatta of thc long
introducing thc long tcml5 with the harsh tcmlS and thercby nullify Castcllano's
initial statcmcnt of unconditional surrcn- negotiations. Smith thcrcforc madc ar-
der and had ordcrcd their use in all rangcments to get Zanussi out of the hands
additional ncgotiations with Badoglio. of the diplomatists and into military hands
General Eiscnhowcr thcrcforc appcaled
to the Joint Chicfs for sorne lccway. 21 Telg, CCS to Eisenhower, FAN 203, 27

The Prcsidcnt rclcntcd, and Eiscnhower Aug 43, with text of long terms; Telg, Eisen-
bower to CCS, NAF 342, !28 Aug 43; and Telg
rcccivcd authorization to procccd with thc 6398, AGWAR to Eiaenhower, 29 Aug 43, aU in
surrcndcr negotiations on thc basi.s of thc Capitulation of ltaly, pp. 137, 16o--64.
u Telg, Eisenhower to CCS, NAF 342, 28 Aug
22 Telg, 27 Aug .n, Brith Embauy at Liabon 43, and Telg, Eisenhower to Lt Gen Sir Noel
to Foreign Office, OPD Exec 2, tem 5, tab 53; Maton-MacFarlane, 28 Aug 43, both in Capitu-
Zanuui, Gu1rra 1 cataslrof1, 11, 91-g4. lation of ltaly, pp. 16o-64.

beforc Zanussi could do any damage. order of battle, though he convinced the
While Carton de Wiart was kept out of Allied officcrs that he was genuine and
sight and later rctumed to London, Za- sincere in his efforts to arrange the armi-
nussi was invited to visit the Allied camp. stice. As "Chief of Staff of Roatta," he
Zanussi accepted. Relieved of bis copy of was in a position to know the military
the long terms, and ftown first to Gibral-- situation, and he seemed as thoroughly
tar under the asmmed name of Pierre persuaded as Castellano of the necessity for
Henri Lamartine, Zanussi, accompanied ltaly to make an arrangement with the
by bis interprcter, dcparted Gibraltar in Allies. Like Castellano, Zanussi laborcd
the early aftemoon of 28 August; to bis under the incubus of the German threat to
surprisc he found himsclf that evening at overthrow the Badoglio govemment and
Algiers.25 occupy Italy.
Castellano later asserted that General Zanussi saw five p<mible developments,
Eisenhower at first planned to admit the each of which made it essential to act in
Italian anned forces to full collaboration concert with the Allies: ( 1 ) if Germany
with the Allies and that Eisenhower was took the initiative and attacked the Badog-
about to cxplain bis plans in full when lio govemment, it would be in the interest
Zanussi's intervention rcndered AFHQ sus- of the Allies and the 1talians to join forces
picious, thereby inhibiting the Allies from and prcvent the rctum of fascism or the
divulging their plans to Castellano. Cas- advent of communism in 1taly; ( 2) though
tellano also believed that AFHQ contem- the ltalians did not favor an Allied attack
platcd shooting Zanussi as a spy. But tbis on Germany through the ltalian main-
was mere speculation; at no time did Eisen- land, a campaign requiring an estimated
hower and Smith consider revealing Allied fifteen to twenty divisions, the ltalians
plans to Castellano, and they had no wanted their anned forces to have a spe-
thought of shooting Zanussi. General cific role in any such campaign; ( 3) if
Smith was prcparcd to hold Zanussi in case the Allies directed their attack into the
he tumed out to be, under questioning, Balkans, the 1talians wished to co-operate;
something other than a genuine emissary.28 ( 4) if the Allies avoided the Italian main-
During several confercnces with General land and occupied Sardinia and Corsica,
Smith, Brigadier Strong, and Mr. Robert they should make no rcquest for direct
D. Murphy, General Eisenhower's U.S. ltalian assistance, for in that case the
political adviscr, Zanussi gave considerable Germans would immediately occupy 1taly;
information about the German forces in ( 5) if the Allies byp~d Italy and at-
ltaly, information that checked quite well tacked the Gennans on the Continent
against that obtained from other sources. beyond ltaly's borders, the Germans might
He did not, however, divulge the ltalian withdraw sorne divisions from Italy, which
would make it po~ible for ltaly to fight
25 Carton de Wiart, Happy Odyssey, p. 231;
the Germans unaided.
Interv with Smith, 13 May 47; Telg 6990, AFHQ
to Gibraltar, 28 Aug 43, and Telg 25227, Gibral- Zanussi's exposition indicated careful
tar to Lisbon, repeated to AFHQ, 28 Aug 43, consideration of Italy's plight and the con-
both in Capitulation of ltaly, pp. 156-57. Cf. clusion that Italy had no way out except
Zanusai, Gue"a e catastrofe, 11, 9o-g9.
26 Castellano, Come firmai, pp. 174-75; Interv by joining forces with the Allies. He made
with Smith, 13 May 47. no objection to the specific clauses of the

tenns---military, political, or economic- and his friends, he said, "for months have
demanded by the Allies, but he was cer- given much study and thought to thcse
tain that Badoglio would object strenuously eventualities [and] have considcred the
to the formula of unconditional surrender means necessary to effect the escape from
as stated in the preamble and in the in- German control of the Govemment and
itial article of the long tenns. Could not King." Thesc old men, he said, were
the Allies sccure everything thcy wished, rather helpless in their cxpcctation of be-
he asked, without imposing this unnecces- ing rescucd by the Allies, and Zanussi felt
sary indignity, which might even result that sorne schcme to rescue them ought to
in a refusal of the armistice by the Badog- be planned. If the Allied landing on the
lio governmcnt? 27 mainland would not be able, in conjunc-
Zanussi painted a gloomy picture of thc tion with the Italian Army, to protect
ltalian political situation-the government Rome, the Kjng and govemment lcaders
was dominated by old men who were might escape on a naval vcsscl from La
tainted by long asoociation with the Fas- Spezia to Sardinia. Therc, he said, "the
cist regime and who were incapable of four 1talian divisions could easily overcome
vigorous action. He compared Badoglio the German division present, especially if
to Marshal Henri Ptain, and asked how the Allies could provide a little support."
long the Germans would allow ltaly any Zanussi regarded Ambrosio as the only
freedom whatsoever. Badoglio's slowness, man who could possibly replace Badoglio,
he said, had given the Germans time to though he admitted that thc chicf of
occupy the country. At any moment the Comando Supremo lacked the marshal's
Germans might decide to oust Badoglio prestigc.
and set up a Quisling govemment under The ltalian Government, Zanussi ex-
Farinacci. The only hope, according to plained, was not only obsessed by fears for
Zanussi, was in the younger Army officers, its own immediate safety but greatly
all of whom, he declared, were fed up with alarmed that the German High Command,
the Germans and would welcome collab- realizing that the war had been lost, might
oration with the Allies. He insisted that throw Germany into the arms of the So-
the Italians would defend Rome at all costs viet Union. In this case, ltaly, in the
if the Germans tried to scize control, and Anglo-American camp, would face a
he cited the movement of five or six Ital- Russo-German combination at its front
ian divisions into positions from which they door with Britain and America far away.
could protect the capital. Although thesc Zanussi stated his opinion that thc Housc
troops had no written orders, Mussolini's of Savoy had to be prescrvcd to avcrt
overthrow told them what was expected chaos in Italy; thc dynasty, he said, had
of them. becn a stabilizing inftuencc for six cen-
Assertions that Rome would be de- turies. 28
fended were not altogether consistent with As a result of thcse convcrsations with
Zanussi's expressions of fear for the safety Zanussi, General Eisenhower decided to
of the members of the govemment. He permit Zanussi's interpreter, Lt. Galvano
27 Telg, AFHQ to CCS, NAF 344, 30 Aug 28 Telg1 W-8750 and W-8751, FREEDOM to
43, Capitulation of Italy, pp. 166-71; Zanussi, AGWAR, 30 Aug 43, Capitulation of ltaly, pp.
Guerra 1 catastro/e, 11, 101-08. 179-84.

Lanza, to return to Italy with a m~ge the Italian surrender as a condition essen-
from Zanussi to Ambrosio-a letter urging tial for the succes.5 of AvALANCHE, the
the 1talian Government to accept irnme- projected invasion of Italy at Salerno.
diately the military terms of the armistice; The co-operation of ltalian forces, cven
indicating that the clauscs of the long terms though those forces had little fighting
were relatively unimportant as compared power, could well prove the difference be-
to the main issue of how much practica} tween defeat and success and could pos-
3.$istance Italy would give the Allies against sibly as.5ure a rapid advancc up the ltalian
Germany; and recommending that the mainland.
Italian Government trust the good faith of
the Allies and send Castellano to Sicily in T houghts in Ro me
accordance with the agreement reached in
Lisbon. In Rome, meanwhile, Castellano had
On 29 August Lanza was to take the returned on the morning of 27 August,
letter to Sicily, and there he was to be just three days after Zanussi's departure.
transferred to an ltalian plane for the re- Finding Ambrosio temporarily gone from
mainder of the journey to Rome. The the capital, Castellano spoke briefty with
text of the long terms, which Zanussi had Ambrosio's deputy, General Rossi, and ar-
received in Lisbon, was not entrusted to ranged to see Marshal Badoglio. Guarig-
Lanza, for AFHQ, besides having no offi- lia and Rossi were also present to hear
cial confirmation of Zanus.5i's mission, did Castellano report on the Lisbon meeting.
not wish to run the risk of having the When Castellano explaincd that thc Al-
document fall into German hands. Za- lies insisted on announcing the armistice
nussi, therefore, retained his copy of the at their own discretion in order to havc
long terms, which had been returned to it coincide with their main landing on
him. ltaly, Guariglia was much upset. Declar-
In reporting his action, General Eisen- ing that Castellano had not been author-
hower urged the American and British ized to state Italy's intention to attack the
Governments to delay communicating the German forces--a statement Castellano
text of the long terms to the other United countered by saying that he had received
Nations governments. He expressed as- no precise instructions--Guariglia advo-
tonishment at the thought of a public cated a different approach. Since it ap-
armistice ceremony in the Compiegne peared that the Allies intended to invade
tradition when negotiations were still not the Italian mainland, the government
only tenuous and delicate but also being should wait until aftcr the landing had
conducted with emissaries who had come been made and the Allies were within strik-
at great risk to themselves and to the mem- ing distance of Rome. At that time,
bers of the 1talian Government. 28 when the Allies were in position to rescue
As increasing information on the build- the ltalian Government, and only then
up of German forces in Italy carne to should the Italian Govemment request an
AFHQ's attention, it became increasingly armistice. Badoglio listened to ali that
neces.5ary, it seemed to Eisenhower, to have was said, but said nothing himself. At
: 9 Telg W-8726, AFHQ to AGWAR, 30 Aug
the end of the meeting, Badoglio took
43, Capitulation of ltaly, pp. 175-76. Castellano's documents of the Lisbon con-

ference and consigned them to Guariglia. Italian Government against Gcrman rc-
Later that day Castellano managed to action.
gct in touch with Ambrosio by tclephone. When Ambrosio and Castellano studied
Ambrosio promiscd to rcturn to Rome on Guariglia's propoal, Castellano, though
the next day. At Comando Supremo, agreeing with Guariglia's analysis, said
Castellano lcamed that Zanussi had bccn that he had alrcady explained the situation
scnt to Portugal to make contact with the and the Italian position to the Allicd gen-
Allics. This devclopment disturbed him erals at Lisbon. The decision, thercforc,
becausc he fcarcd it would complicate the rcsted with the Italian Govemment.
negotiations. Furthermorc, he was not Ambrosio and Castellano saw Badoglio
rcasmrcd by the lack of frankncss on the again on 29 August. Badoglio said that
part of thosc who had scnt Zanussi- he would havc to consult with the King
Roatta denied his knowledgc of the affair, bcfore rcaching a decision. Badoglio, Am-
as did Carboni. brosio, and Guariglia then arranged for
Ambrosio, on the morning of 28 August, an audience. When they arrived at the
was in Rome as promiscd, and he listened Quirinal Palace, they met Acquarone,
to Castcllano's account. Ambrosio then who asked Ambrosio for a detailed ac-
took Castellano and Carboni to Badoglio's count of Castellano's mission and for a
office, wherc he found Guariglia. The copy of the Allicd terms. Acquarone took
Ministcr of Forcign Affairs again declarcd thcsc to the King.
that Castellano had had no authorization Acquarone rcturncd to tell the thrcc
to offer ltalian military collaboration, and who waited that beforc the King gave the
he protcsted once more against agreeing to final word, Badoglio, as Head of Govcm-
announce the armistice at the time of ment, should rcach a dccision and suggest
the Allied invasion. In any case, Guarig- a definite coursc of action. The thrcc
lia considercd the negotiations to be esscn- men discussed the matter but had rcached
tially political. On that basis, he argued, no decision when the King rcccived thcm
his ministry alone should conduct diplo- for a brief audience.
matic negotiations. Ambrosio and Car- Immediatcly after secing the King, Am-
boni advocatcd continuing the negotiations brosio called Castellano and asked how a
through Castellano. No decision was reply could be scnt to the Allics, a rcply
rcached. which would not refusc the armistice and
A few hours later Guariglia prepared a at the same time not accept the conditions
memorandum as a countcrproposal to the stipulatcd at Lisbon. The King and bis
Allics. While not objecting to any of the adviscrs did not, apparcntly, object to the
Allied terms, Guariglia's memorandum terms of the armistice, but they fcarcd that
strcsscd the fact that 1taly was unable if they surrcndered without knowing
alone to scparate from the Gcrmans. where, when, and in what strcngth the
Conscquently, it was esscntial that the Al- Allics would land, they would exposc them-
lics land bcforc the armistice and in suffi- sclvcs to capture by the Gcrmans-par-
cient force to guarantee the safety of the ticularly if the Allics were not planning to
land in strcngth near Rome.
so Castellano, Come firmai, pp. 125-26; Ba-
doglio, Memori e documenti, p. 101; Guariglia, Castellano rcplied that the Allics de-
Ricordi, pp. 663-65. manded a yes orno answer. The messagc

could be sent through Osbome (in the August. But Lanza carried only two lct-
Vatican) or by means of the radio he had ters, onc to Ambrosio recommending ac-
brought from Lisbon. ceptancc of thc annisticc conditions as
After spcaking briefty with Guariglia explaincd to Castellano, thc othcr to Car-
and Ambrosio once more, Badoglio de- boni urging him to support those who
partcd, leaving to the others the decision were trying to arrangc an armisticc.
on how to arrange thc details of thc Since Zanussi had not wired the text of
messagc. the long tcrms from Lisbon, Badoglio and
After further discussion with Guariglia, his advisers remained in ignorance of it.32
Ambro&o called Castellano again. Ad- Summoning Ambrosio, Guariglia, and
mitting that thc Allies in Lisbon had clari- Castellano to him on the moming of 30
fied all points, Ambrosio nevertheless felt August, Badoglio gavc Castellano a revised
it essential to secure an agreement that thc version of the Guariglia mcmorandum as
proclamation of the armistice would be his written instructions. Castellano was to
made only after the Allies had landed in make contact with the Allies again and
force. He directed Castellano to cncode present thc following points. lf ltaly had
and transmit a m~e to the Allies to still enjoyed liberty of political and mili-
cmbody this request. tary action, the governmcnt would havc
Castellano did not dispatch the message. requested an armisticc immediatcly and
For at that moment Carboni carne in accepted the conditions offered. But It-
with news that he had word from Zanussi, aly was not able to do this at once bccause
believed to be in Lisbon ( though in actu- the Italian military forces in contact with
ality Zanussi was in Algiers) . Zanussi the Gcnnan forces inside and outside Italy
said he had documents of the greatest im- were inferior to these forces. U nable to
portance and requestcd that a plane .be withstand a collision with the Gcrmans,
sent to the Boccadifalco airfield near Pa- the Italian forces would be crushed in a
lermo, Sicily, in order to bring thosc docu- very brief time. The whole country, but
ments to Rome. Though it was not clear Rome above all, would be exposed to Gcr-
how Zanussi in Lisbon could have gotten man reprisal. Since the Gcrmans in-
papers to Sicily, Castellano dispatched a tended, at whatever cost, to fight in Italy,
plane as requested, then infonned the 1taly was bound to become a second Po-
King and Badoglio of his action.81 land. Consequently, Italy was able to
The plane dispatched by Castellano request an armistice only when, because of
reached Palermo safely, picked up Lanza, landings by the Allics with sufficient forces
and retumed to Rome the same day, 29 and at appropriate places, thc conditions
were changed, or when thc Allies were in
~ 1 Castellano, Come firmai, pp. 126-30; a position to change the military situation
Guariglia, Ricordi, pp. 672-74. Castellano's is in Europe.
the only account in detail. There is no mention Marshall Badoglio canceled the penulti-
of particulan by Badoglio (Memorie e documenti,
page 101 ), and by Rossi (Come arrivammo, mate paragraph of thc mcmorandum. In
pages u6-27). Carboni's account (L'armi- its stcad he wrote out with pcncil on a
stizio e la difesa di Roma, pages 24-25) is quite piece of paper which he gave to Castellano
fantastic and in glaring contradiction to ali the
other evidence. It is testimony only of Carboni's 32 Castellano, Com1 firmai, p. 130; Zanuaai,
violent hatred of Castellano. Guerra 1 catastro/e, 11, 110.

the following points as guidelines for bis 7. The question of prisoners."

discussion with the Allied generals: Badoglio instructed Castellano to in-
"1. Report the memorandum. dicate the airfields still in ltalian hands
2. In order not to be overwhelmed be- and on which Allied planes might land.
fare the English [sic] are able to make their Castellano was to cxplain that thc Gennan
action felt, we cannot declare our accept- authorities had asked rcpeatcdly about thc
ance of the annistice except after landings status of Allied prisoners, and that the ltal-
have taken place of at least 15 divisions, ian Governmcnt had put off thc Gennans
with the greater part of them between with various excuses. But German insist-
Civitavecchia and La Spezia. encc made furthcr dclay difficult, if not
3. We will be able to place at their dis- im~ible.
position the following airfields . . . Happy at last to have a piece of papcr
4. The fl.eet goes to Maddalena; learn and precise instructions, Castellano made
the approximate period in order that prep- haste to confirm, by rneans of bis secret
arations may be made. radio, bis appointment with the Allied
5. Protection of the Vatican. generals.88
6. Thc king, the hcir apparent, the 13 Castellano, Come firmai, pp. r3Q-312. Cf.
qucen, the govcmment and the diplomatic Badoglio, M1mori1 1 documenti, p. 101; Guarig-
corps remain at Rome. lia, Ricordi, p. 675.

The 1talian Decision

A CHSE on 1 7 August the evacuation of Sicily
was completed. With sorne 40,000 Ger-
What of ltalian-Gennan relations? man troops, plus their weapons and ve-
After the Bologna conference of 15 Au- hicles, withdrawn from Sicily to southem
gust, the relations between the Axis part- ltaly, the Gennans no longer had to suffer
ners continued to be as unsatisfactory as the fcar that had beset them ever since
before. The only agreements reached had the overthrow of M ussolini-that an Al-
been to build Gennan units in southern lied landing in Calabria would cut off the
Italy up to strength and to reduce the XIV Panzer Corps in Sicily. After the
forces of both nations in the Brenner arca. units that had fought on the island had
From the Gennan point of view, no satis- had sorne rest and enough time to make
factory solution to the problem of com- up deficicncies in matriel, the six divi-
mand had been made, and no suitable sions south of Rome would be a strong
agreement reached on the distribution of bulwark against an Allied invasion in the
forces to defend against Allied invasion. south. On that same day, 17 August,
The Gennans remained suspicioqs of Rommel and his Army Group B took com-
ltaly's intentions. 1 mand of all the Gennan fonnations in
The ltalian declaration of Rome as an northern ltaly; Rommel moved his head-
open city the day bcfore seemed to be quarters from M unich to Garda, not
related in sorne fashion to peace moves, far from the Brenner-Verona railway.8
and of course boded no good for the Ger- Hitler and OKW, for their part, had
mans. OKW realized that the Allies no plans to defend ltaly south of Rome.
would recognize the status of Rome as an They did not consider the task feasible
open city only if all movements of troops without Italian aid, and Hitler still fclt
and war materials through the city ceased. intuitively certain of the eventual capitu-
Because traffic to southern ltaly could not lation of the Badoglio government to the
bypass the capital, however, the Gennans Allies. Accordingly, ali Army Group B
had no way of supplying their forces in unit commanders were warned to be ready
southem Italy except through Rome. 2 to act against the 1talians should the
Gennan anxiety lessened somewhat two political situation change. The 7 ISt In-
days after the Bologna conference bccause / antry Division was to occupy the city of
Ljubljana and the Ljubljana-Tarvis pass.
1 OKW/WFSt, KTB, 1.-31.VIIJ.,13, 15 Aug
43; MS #C-093 (Warlimont), p. 128. 3 OKW/WFSt, KTB, 1.-31.VIII.43, 16 and
2 OKW/WFSt, KTB, l.-31.VllL13, 15 and 18 Aug 43; Vietinghoff in MS #T-1a (West-
!ZI Aug 43. phal d al.), ch. VI, pp. 11-u.

Gcnnan forces werc to defend permanently eratcd Mussolini, Kessclring was to act
the Pisa-Arczzo-Ancona line along the independently of Allied action: he would
southem slopes of the northem Apennines. scize Rome, restorc Mussolini to power,
A new headquarters, the Tenth Army, rc-cstablish fascism, and induce loyal Fas-
would be activated in southem 1taly to cist elements to co-opcrate with the Gcr-
control the XIV and LXXVI Panzer mans in defending northem ltaly.
Corps, and General der Panzertruppen About this same time, I 7 August, Skor-
Hcinrich von Vietinghoff genannt Schecl zcny learncd that M ussolini, guarded by
was nominated comrnanding general on 8 about 150 carabinieri, was bcing held
August. As Hitler explained to Vieting- on the Sardinian island of Maddalena.
hoff on I 7 August, when the latter had While he was preparing to raid Maddalena
bccn summoned to the Fuehrcr's headquar- and libcrate M ussolini, Skorzeny suddcnly
ters, "I have clear proof that Badoglio is received ordcrs from OKW to execute a
already negotiating an armistice with the parachute drop on a srnall island near Elba.
Allies." It was pos&ble, Hitler said, that There, OKW had beco informed, Mus-
lta.lian officers werc not informed. Hitler solini was bcing held. But the ltalian
believed that the Allies would soon invade sccret scrvice had planted this informa-
the 1talian mainland with large forces. tion, and Mussolini was, in reality, at
The first mis.5ion of the Tenth Army after Maddalena. Only after a personal ap-
activation, thercforc, would be to with- peal to the Fuehrer did Skorzcny get
draw the German divisions in southern OKW's order revoked. This, however,
Italy as rapidly as possible to the arca delayed Skorzeny's preparations, and when
southeast of Rome. Vietinghoff was to be bis plans for the Maddalena raid were
careful not to give the Italians any excuse completed ten days later, on 27 August,
for getting out of the war, and he was he learned that M ussolini had again beco
therefore not to withdraw prematurely. moved. 1
During the withdrawal toward Rome, Viet- Kesselring, inclined to believc the re-
inghoff was to operate under Kesselring's peated declarations o loyalty to the al-
OB SUED. After the, withdrawal tocen- liance made by Badoglio, Ambrosio, and
tral ltaly and the elimination of Kessel- others, continued to vicw the problem of
ring's comrnand, T enth Army was to come defcnding Italy diffcrently from either
under Rommel's Army Group B.1 Hitler, Rommel, or Jodl. Though he
As for Kesselring, the signal for the recognized the low combat effectiven~ of
start of a German withdrawal from south the 1talian units, he wished to gain as
Italy would be the scizurc of Rome. This much as pc:>S&ble from Italian co-opera-
Kesselring was to achieve with the 3d
Panzer Grenadier and 2d Parachute Di- 1 Lutz Koch, Erwin Rommel: Du W andl11ng
vi.nons. But if Skorzeny located and lib- eins gr-ossn Soldatn (Stuttgart: Walter Ge-
bauer, 1950), pp. 15!1-53. Some rumon of this
OKW/WFSt, KTB, 1.-31.VllJ..13, 16 Aug German plan reached the 1talian Embaay in Ber-
43. lin. Sec Simoni, Br-lino, .A.mhaseiata, p. 403,
11 Vietinghofl' in MS #T-1a (Westphal el al.), entry for u Aug 43.
ch. VI, pp. 6-7; MS #D-117, Bur-tilung dr 7 MS #D-318, Tbe Rercue of Muuolini (SS
Lag durela difl laoclutn DinststUn im .A. u- Oberstleutnant Otto Skorzeny and SS Major Karl
gust 1943. Einsatz ds .A.OK 10. (Vietinghoft'), Radl), pp. 48-134. Cf. Muuolini, Storia di 11
p. 4. "" pp. !Z!l-!13.

tion. Along with Rintelen, he fearcd generals also agrecd on maintaining clase
that Hitler's and Rommel's tactless and liaison and co-operation.10
suspicious attitudc might drive the ltalians To OKW Sardinia also seemed endan-
into needless ovcrt h~ty. 8 gercd, but the thrcat of an Italian capitu-
Despite Kessclring's ltalophile views, lation to the Allies inhibited the Gcrmans
OKW activated Victinghoff's Tenth Army from scnding additional troops to rcinforcc
headquarters on 22 August. Viewing the the 9oth Panzer Grenadier Division and
N aples-Salerno arca as thc one most im- the six fortress battalions on the island.
mediately thrcatened, OKW gave Viet- Considering a protracted defensc impos-
inghoff three magons: to concentrate as sible, the Germans prcparcd to evacuate
quickly as possible in the Naples-Salemo Sardinia by way of Corsica and Elba.
arca a strong group of thrce mobile divi- But the troops werc not to be cvacuated
sions, plus ali units lacking organic trans- unless the 1talians failed to co-operate or
portation; to protect thc Foggia airfields unless developments on thc Italian main-
with part of thc 1st Parachute Division; land, for examplc an Allied invasion of
and to oppose strongly any Allied landing the coast ncar Rome, thrcatened to cut off
in the Naples-Salemo arca, but to institute the Germans. 11
only a delaying action against an invasion Kesselring, by contrast, believed Sar-
of Calabria south of thc Castrovillari neck.9 dinia in grcater danger than the Naples-
The day aftcr Tenth Army activation, Salemo arca. Flying to Hitler's hcad-
Vietinghoff madc a formal call on General quarters on 22 August, he urged that ad-
Arisio, commander of the ltalian Seventh ditional forces be moved to Sardinia, for
Army stationed in southern ltaly. The the troops withdrawn from Sicily, he
two agrced that the six German divisions rcasoned, gave the Naples-Salerno arca
in southern Italy werc to be under Viet- sufficient protection. In effect, Kesselring
inghoff's command and not under Arisio's, was supporting a rcquest by Comando
as before. Arisio also agrced that bis Supremo for an additional German divi-
1talian units would form the first line of sion for Sardinia. OKW rcfused. In-
defense along thc coast, lcaving the more stead, OKW instructed Kesselring to pro-
mobile German divisions to constitute a pose to Ambrosio that Sardinia be guarded
reserve for counterattack purposes. In exclusively by ltalian troops so that Ger-
the event of an Allied landing, and in man troops could take full responsibility
conformity with German principies, the for Corsica. The Tenth Army, OKW
stronger force would as.c;ume command of emphasizcd, was to makc its main stand in
all the troops within the sector where the the Naples-Salerno arca, even if this meant
reserve force was committed. The two giving up Puglia, the 1talian heel.12

OKW/WFSt, KTB, 1.-31.VllI.43, 19 and

8 10 MS #D-117 {Vietinghoft'), pp. g-10.
21 Aug 43 Rintelen, Mussolini als Bund'1- 11 OKW/WFSt, KTB, 1.-31.Vlll.43, 18 Aug
genom, pp. 246-47 MS #C~H3 {Keuelring), 43.
p. 20. 12 Estmate of the Situation by OB SUED, 18
'Telg, OKW/WFSt/Op. No. 661g66/43 G. Aug 43, OKW/WFSt, KTB, 1.-31.VllI.43, 19
K . Chefs to OB SUED and others, 18 Aug 43, Aug 43; OKW/WFSt, KTB, 1.-31.VllI.43, u
Westl. Mittlmur Chfs. (H H/1190). and 23 Aug 43.

A day aftcr Kesselring's visit to Hitler, Ljubljana passes. Before Comando Su-
the Badoglio govcrnment sent a strong note premo could reply, the Gennan 7 rst
of protest to Gennany. Rcports from thc lnfantry Division on 26 August bcgan
Italian Embassy in Berln and from othcr to move to Tarvis and toward the passes
sources indicatcd that certain Nazis were of the Julian Alps, the only ones still held
working closely with Fascists to ovcrthrow and controlled exclusively by the ltalians.
Badoglio and re-cstablish a Fascist govcrn- At first threatening to use force to resist
mcnt in Romc. On the following day, German violation of the Tarvis agreemcnt,
24 August, thc ltalian Government ar- Comando Supremo in the end consented
rested severa! fonncr Fascist leaders, in- to the German move, just as Ambrosio
cluding General Ugo Cavallero, who had had earlier acquiesced in the German oc-
bcen Ambrosio's predecessor at Comando cupation of the Brenner Pass, the Riviera,
Supremo. Pcrhaps this action averted an and the Mount Cenis pass.115
incipient Fascist revolt. Whcthcr it did Meanwhile, the question of who was to
or not, it had the effect of causing Hitler exercise command over I talian and Gcr-
to postpone his projectcd stroke against man forces had again arisen to trouble
Rome. 18 both nations. On 20 August, OKW had
By this time, though, another Italo- made an elaborate proposal for all thea-
Gennan crisis was in thc making. The ters fronting on the Mediterranean: south-
forces of Rommel's Army Group B werc ern France, Italy, and the Balkans. OKW
carrying out their movement into northern proposed Italian supreme command in
Italy, a movement that Rommcl planned Italy, German supremc command in
to complete by the cnd of the month. But southem France and in the Balkans, with
despite the peaceful Gennan occupation of each having the power to direct the or-
northern Italy, relations bctween the two ganization of defense and the conduct of
govemments and the two armed services battle in case of Allied invasion. The
worsened when friction developed during distribution of the forces of both nations
thc relief of thc Italian Fourth Army in in ali three areas was. to be regulated from
France, a relief that bcgan on 23 August: time to time by OKW and Comando
the Germans objected to the movement Supremo. In Italy, Army Group B and
of the 7th ( Lupi di Tos cana) I nfantry OB SUED wcre to be under the immedi-
Division to Nice, and they insisted that ate command of the King, who would
Italian naval v~ls evacuate Toulon. 14 issue his directives through Comando Su-
Thcn on 24 August, after guerrilla premo. The Italian Fourth and Eighth
bands attacked a 24th Panzer Division Armies in northem Italy were to be at-
supply train near Lubliana, OKW in- tached to Army Group B. Four days
structed Rintelen to protest to Comando later, on 24 August, Ambrosio accepted
Supremo and to indicate to the Italians the proposal as it related to Francc--
that the Germans would have to rcinforce I talian units remaining in southem France
the troops protecting the Tarvis-Feistritz- were to be undcr the command of General-
feldmarschall Gerd von Rundstedt as Com-
13 Simoni, Berlino, .A.mbasciata, p. 403; Guarig-
lia, Ricordi, p. 651; Bonomi, Diario, pp. 8o-82.
u OKW/WFSt, KTB, 1.-31.VIII.,13, 112-24 15 OKW/WFSt, KTB, 1.-31.VIII.43, 24-26
Aug 43. Aug 43; Simoni, Berlina, .A.mbasciata, p. 405.

mander in Chief W est. Ambrosio made Though an Allied invasion was an ever-
considerable conc~ions in the Balkans. present danger, the Germans began to
But in Italy, Ambrosio rejected the Ger- regard the prospect of ltalian treachery
man proposal and suggested, rather, as he as the graver threat. Kesselring, while not
had before, a radical regrouping of Ger- unmindful of the ~ibility that he could
man forces. For the time being there be wrong, continued to accept in good
would be no change in the command faith repeated ltalian assurances. 18 But
structure of the two military forces in Hitler had no such illusions. When he
Italy.18 received from Kesselring and Rintelen
By the end of the month, the Germans favorable reports on Italian co-operation,
had received increasing indications both of he con jectured that Badoglio had ap-
an impending Allied invasion and of the proached the Allies, found their terms too
imminent Italian desertion. Which threat severe, and swung back momentarily to
was the greater was difficult for the Ger- the Axis. Convinced that the reporting
mans to determine. of his "ltalophiles" at Rome was not ac-
As aerial reconnaissance reports revealed curate, he sent General der lnfanterie
extensive Allied troop loadings in North Rudolf T oussaint on 1 September to re-
African ports, Kesselring's original es- lieve Rintelen as military attach, and
timate that Sardinia was the arca most Rudolf Rahn to replace Ambassador von
immediately threatened by invasion Mackensen. 19
changed; these preparations were much Two days before, on 30 August, OKW
larger than an attack on Sardinia alone made what turned out to be its final re-
required. But the distribution of Allied vision of Operation ACHSE, the plan to
shipping in North Africa and Sicily, seize control of Italy. German units were
plus the pattern of Allied bombing, still to disann ltalian soldiers, except those
seemed to indicate severa! possibilities-- who remained loyal. ltalian troops who
Sardinia and Corsica; an attack on the wished to fight on the German side were
southwest coast of ltaly followed by a to be permitted to come over to the
drive to cut off Calabria and to reach Wehrmacht; those who wished to go home
Naples; oran invasion of Puglia. Should were to be allowed to do so. O B SUED
the Italians abandon the alliance, the was to withdraw Gennan units from south-
coastal region near Rome was not out of ern ltaly to the Rome arca, then conduct
the realm of possibility, and this prospect further operations in accordance with in-
was not pleasing. The German force structions from Army Group B. The lat-
near the ltalian capital-two reinforced ter headquarters was to reinforce the
divisions--was considered sufficient to troops at all the passes leading into Italy,
eliminate the 1talian forces guarding Rome occupy Genoa, La Spezia, Leghorn, Trieste,
but hardly adequate to resist an Allied Fiume, and Pola, and pacify northern Italy
invasion aided by ltalian co-operation. 17
18 See the account of Badoglio's discussion
16 OKW!WFSt, KTB, 1.-31.Vlll.43, 20 and with Rintelen on 29 Aug 43, OKW!WFSt, KTB,
25 Aug 43. 1.-31.Vlll.43, 29 Aug 43; MS #C-013 (Kes-
17 Situation appreciation by OB SUED, 28 selring), pp. 26-27.
Aug 43, OKW/WFSt, KTB, 1.-31.Vlll.43, 29 111 Rintelen, Mussolini als Bundesgenosse, pp.
Aug 43; See abo OKW/WFSt, KTB, 1.-31. ll4g-55; OKW/WFSt, KTB, 1.-31 .VIIl.43, 4
Vlll.43, 26 Aug 43. Sep 43.

through the instrumentality of a rcvived the long tenns from him at Algiers, and
Fascist organization. The Gennan Navy had just now retumed it. Zanussi seems
was to take over the tasks fonnerly per- to have briefly mentioned these additional
fonned by the Italian Fleet, and the conditions of armistice, but Castellano did
Gennan Luftwaffe was to do the same not ask to see the document and Zanussi
for the Italian Air Force; both werc to co- did not offer it. Castellano rcmained
operate to prcvent ltalian warships from ignorant of the long tenns.21
going over to the Allies.20 By the begin- At Cas&bile, Castellano, Zanussi, and
ning of September 1943, the Gennans Montanari conferred with Generals Alex-
werc ready to m.eet the twin perils of ander and Smith, Brigadier Strong, Com-
ltalian capitulation and Allied invasion. modorc Royer Dick ( Admiral Cunning-
ham's chicf of staff), Maj. Gen. John K.
The Parleys at Cassibile Cannon ( NATAF's deputy commander),
and a British anny captain named Deann
Even as the Germans were taking steps who served as interprcter. General Smith
to counteract a pomble ltalian defection prcsided and opened the discussion by ask-
from the Pact of Steel, General Castellano ing Castellano whether he had full power
and bis interprctcr, Montanari, rcached to sign the military tenns of the armistice.
the Tennini Imerese airfield near Palenno Castellano rcplied in the negative, added
a little before 0900, 31 August. Briga- that he had precise instructions, and rcad
dier Strong met them, and an American the memorandum furnished by bis govem-
plane took the party to the 15th Anny ment: If the ltalian Government werc
Group headquarters at Cas&bile. free, it would accept and announce the
Earlier that morning, General Smith, annistice as demanded by the Allies. Be-
Mr. Murphy, and Mr. Macmillan had cause the ltalian Government was not free
flown from Algiers to Cas&bile with Gen- but under Gennan control (as the result
eral Zanwmi, who again had the text of of the considerable incrcase of German
the long tenns of armistice which he had forces in Italy sincc the Lisbon meeting),
originally received from the British Am- 1taly could not accept the condition that
b~dor at Lisbon. the armistice be announced beforc the
The 1tallan generals met at Cassibile, main Allied landings. The ltalian Gov-
and their meeting was not altogcther cor- ernment had to be certain that Allied
dial. Resenting what he considered Zan- landings werc in sufficient strength to
~i's intrusion into the negotiations, Cas- guarantee the security of Rome, wherc
tellano asked why Zanussi had gone to the King and the government intended to
Lisbon. The rea.son, Zanussi rcplied, remain, beforc it would hazard the an-
was the lack of a rcport from Castellano. nouncement of an armistice. Because of
Castellano then asked why Zanussi had the inferiority of thcir equipment, the
rcquested a special plane for Lieutenant Italians could not face thc Germans alonc.
Lanza, who had not brought any impor- If thcy did, they would be quickly elim-
tant documents to Rome. The Allies, inated. Having eliminated the Italian
Zanussi explained, had taken the text of military forces, the Gennans could turn
:to OKW/WFSt, KTB, 1.-31.VJil.,13, ~9 Aug 21 Castellano, Come firmai, pp. 133-34; Za-

43. nussi, Guerra e catastro/e, II, 116-17.


their undivided attention to the Allied Government at once accepted all of Gen-
invaders. Therefore, the Italian Govern- eral Eiscnhower's conditions, ltaly's role
ment insisted that the Allies make their during the rcst of the war would be
main landings north of Rome and in the pas&ve, and her ultimate fate at the peace
force of at lcast fiftcen divisions. table would be determined purely on thc
General Smith bluntly declared the basis of Allied wishes. As for the fifteen
1talian proposal unacceptable. The 1tal- divisions that Badoglio regarded as es-
ian Govemment had two alternativcs: sential, Smith said that if the Allics were
it could accept the conditions or refuse in a position to land such a force, they
the annistice. He explained that General would not be offering an armistice. The
Eiscnhower had had great difficulty se- Allies intcnded to invade the Italian pen-
curing authorization from the Allied gov- insula with or without ltalian aid, and
ernments to undertake any discusfilons with the ltalians themselves would have to
the Italians, and thcse were rcstricted to decide whether the struggle would' be long
military matters only. The Quebec Mem- and devastating or relatively brief.
orandum offered ltaly an opening, Smith Perceiving that the Allies planned to
said, and General Eiscnhower had full commit a total of fifteen divisions in Italy
power to modify the conditions in accord- rather than to invade with that many,
ance with the degree of support rendered Castellano tried to secure a modification
by Italy in the war. lf the ltalian Gov- of the Allied plan to announce the armis-
ernment refused the offer of an armistice, tice at the time of the main Allied landing.
with its proclamation on the day of the Castellano and Zanussi both tried repeat-
Allied landing-as had been planned by edly to gain sorne indication of the place
General Eiscnhower with the approval of and approximate time of the . principal
the British and American Governments-- Allied debarkation, but General Smith re-
then General Eiscnhower would have no fused to divulge any information.
power to treat with ltalian military leaders Castellano then declared that he could
or to conclude an armistice in the future. say nothing further. He would have to
In this case, negotiations would have to be refer the decision to his government, be-
turned over to the Allied diplomats, who cause he was obliged to follow his in-
would necessarily impose much harsher structions strictly. He raiscd the question
conditions. of whether the 1talian Fleet might go to
Smith was striking at Castellano,s es- Maddalena, off Sardinia, rather than to
sential program of military collaboration an Allied port in order to soften the blow
with the Allics by which the dynasty and of its loss to the ltalian people. Again
the govemment might maintain them- Smith refused to modify the terms.
selves and save something from the disas- Still trying to leam when and where
trous wreck into which the Fascist regime the Allies would invade the Italian main-
had plunged Italy. Ruling out military land, Castellano asked how the Allies
discussions in the future meant the inabil- planned to protect the Vatican City,
ity of ltaly to participate in the war, the and when they hoped to reach Rome. To
exclusion of any mitigation of terms in no avail. And when he made the threat
proportion to ltalian aid. General Smith that the 1talian Fleet would not remain
clearly implied that unless the Italian idle as it had during the Sicilian Cam-

paign, but would attack Allied convoys, more difficult. Castellano reiterated his
Smith replied with stronger threats: what- government's contention that it would
ever the Gennan strength or the ltalian accept the armistice, no matter how harsh
attitude, the Allies would drive the Ger- the temlS, if the proclamation were
mans out of Italy regardless of any suffer- postponed. The Italian Government, he
ing on the part of the Italian people. said, would gladly provide military co-
Nothing could prevent ltaly from becom- operation, but Italy could not do this
ing a battlefield, but the ltalian Govern- unless the Allies offered guarantees to make
ment might shorten the duration of the it p~ble. Now almost certain that the
battle by accepting completely the Allied Allies intended to land south of Rome,
conditions. Castellano remarked that ltalian forces
The 1tallan generals faced a cruel alone could not save the capital, the nerve
dilemma. ltaly's refusal to accept the center of the country. He urged the Al-
military armistice temlS, with the posm- lies, in their own intercst, to furnish help:
bility that later military collaboration if Rome fell to the Germans, he warned,
might favorably modify the tenns, opened a costly battle would be necessary to re-
the way to an overthrow of the dynasty gain the city.
and the disappearance of the regime. And When Smith mentioned the Italian di-
yet, even more immediate was the threat visions disposed around Rome as being
that the Germans would occupy Rome able to rcsist a German attack, Castellano
and seize the government unless the Allies countered that their weapons were so in-
landed close to the capital. The course {erior to those of the Germans that only
of the discussion revealed to General an Allied landing near Rome in addition
Smith and the others that Bidoglio and to the main landing could save the capital.
his emissaries feared the Gennans more Smith then asked Castellano to make a
than the Allies. At Lisbon, Castellano specific request, bearing in mind that the
had given full infonnation on German Allies could not change their general plan
troop dispositions in Italy; at Cassibile, he of operations because of the long and
refused to do so. minute preparations required for an am-
The conference terminated on an in- phibious landing. In response, Castellano
conclusive note, though Smith had the requested one armored division to debark
impression that the ltalian Government at Ostia, the old port of Rome at the
would not pluck up its courage to sign mouth of the Tiber River, and one air-
and announce the armistice unless the Al- borne division to drop nearby.
lies gave assurances of strong landings in After lunch, General Smith conferred
the Rome arca as a means of protecti:Og with Generals Eisenhower (in Africa) and
the government against the Germans. Alexander and with AFHQ staff officers,
While adamant during the conference, while Messrs. M urphy and Macmillan
General Smith was nevertheless courteous. conversed with Castellano and Zanwm.
He invited the ltalian reprcsentatives to The Allied political advisers urged the
lunch, where, after an initial embarrassing ltalians to act immediately on what was
silence, discussion was resumed. Smith the last chance of the Badoglio government
repeated that if Italy lost this opportunity, to salvage something from the war. Oth-
its situation in the future would be much erwise, they said, the Allies would refuse

to deal with thc King and thc Badoglio Allied landing of three to five divisions,
government and would bomb relentlessly and a build-up over two weeks to a max-
the major cities, Rome. It was imum of eight divisions. lf the Italian
like preaching to the converted. The units, fighting on their home soil, sup-
governmcnt of Rome remained more afraid ported the Germ.ans, the Allies might face
of thc immediate German threat than of a disaster of the first magnitude, a failure
the danger posed by the Allies. Accord- that would have catastrophic repercusmons
ing to Castellano and Zanusm, the prob- in England and in the United Statcs.
lem was to induce the cautious, fearful men Literally everything had to be done, he
in Rome to take the initiative against the told Mr. Murphy, to persuade the Ital-
Germans. Much as they yearned to be ians to help thc Allied forces during thc
rid of the Germans, they fearcd that the landing and immediately afterwards.
Allies werc not strong enough, evcn with In thcir anxiety to induce the Italian
Italian help, to take over and protect a Government to surrender and provide
large part of the country against the con- military assistance, the Allics agreed to
siderable Gennan forces stationed therc. Castellano's requcst for protective forces
The Gcrman strength in Italy, which at Rome. They decided to send the U .S.
made the Badoglio government hesitate to 82d Airborne Division to Rome at the
accept an armistice, was prccisely the fac- time of the main invasion. Two plans
tor that made the surrender of Italy es- for using the 82d in AVALANCHE had not
sential to the Allies. General Eisenhower been approved--one, a plan to seize the
felt that the German forces in ltaly had inland communication centers of Nocera
become so powerful as to change materi- and Sarno to block the movement of Ger-
ally the estimates on which AvALANCHE man reserves ( neither place was suitable
had originally been based. The reserves for drop zones); the other, named GIANT
concentrated in north Italy constituted a 1, to air-land and drop the division along
mobile threat, and though Allied air could the Volturno River to secure thc north
delay their movement, it could not im- ftank of the Allied beachhead ( canceled
pose a paralysis on enemy traffic. The because of the difficulty of supplying the
success of AvALANCHE, Eisenhower be- airbome troops so far from the ground
lieved, might very likely turn upon gain- forces) . The division was therefore avail-
ing such a degree of Italian aid as would able, and a new plan, GIANT 11, was
materially retard the movement of German drawn up for a drop near Rome.
reserves toward the battlefield. Eisen- Designed to induce the Italians to sur-
hower had no thought of abandoning render, a prerequisitc on which the entirc
AvALANCHE, but he needed every possible invasion of the Italian mainland seemed to
ounce of support from the Italians. depend, the projected airbome oper-
General Alexander, on whom would fall ation offered certain military advantages.
the immediate responsibility for the first In conjunction with the Italian di-
large-scale invasion of the European main- visions assembled around Rome, the Al-
land, was even more concerned than lies would thercby gain control of thc
General Eisenhower. The Germans had Italian capital and cut off reinforcements
nineteen divisions, he estimated, the 1talians and supplies from the German units south
sixteen. AvALANCHE projected an initial of Rome. The psychological effect of a
693-029 o - 65 - 32

quick stroke against the city might be so regarded as essential by Badoglio; at the
stimulating as to cause the ltalians to tum same time, the Allies would land an air-
against the Gennans. Caught by sur- bome division near Rome and one hun-
prise, the Gennans rnight pull out of south dred antitank guns at the mouth of the
and central ltaly at once. This was the Tiber. (4) The ltalian Govemment was
basis of the decision made by General to make known its acceptance of the ar-
Eisenhower, in discussion with Genera.Is mistice by radio within twenty-four hours
Alexander and Srnith on 3 1 August, to of 2 September; if it refused, no commu-
accede to Castellano's request for protect- nication was to be made.22
ing the govemment at Rome. After leaving Ca.ssibile at 1600 in an
When Srnith retumed to the tent oc- American plane, Castellano, Zanussi, and
cupied by the Italian emissaries, Murphy Montanari transferrcd to the ltalian plane
and Macmillan departed, and the discus- at Termini Imercse and arrived in Rome
sions continued on a military basis. Smith around 1900. During their ftight, the
told the ltalian generals that it would be two gencrals talked over the problem.
very difficult to get an armored division Sharing Castellano's conviction that thc
to Rome but quite possible to obtain an 1talian Govemment could follow but one
airbome division-if the 1talians could course-accept thc armistice on thc mili-
provide certain airficlds. Castellano saw tary conditions-Zanussi had supportcd
no difficulty in malcing airfields available, Castellano at Casmbile. There was, how-
but he thought armored units necessary ever, littlc cordiality betwecn thc two mcn,
to give the whole operation what he because Castellano saw Zanussi as a rival.
termed consistency. lf an entire armored When Zanussi tried to explain the long
division could not be committed near terms, Castellano, belicving thcm to be
Rome at once, at least sorne antitank guns no different from those contained in thc
at the mouth of the Tiber were indispens- papers he had received at Lisbon, refuscd
able. Smith a.s&1red Castellano that he to listen. Zammi did noi insist and Cas-
would study the feasibility of the project; tellano still remained ignorant of the long
perhaps an entire annored division could terms. When Zanussi exprcssed bis fcar
be landed at a somewhat later date. that Castellano might not be ablc to
The conference then carne to an end, persuade Badoglio to accept the armistice,
and both parties summarized the results: he offered to support Castellano's argu-
( 1) The Italian Govemmcnt rnight accept
or refuse the conditions of annistice, but 22 Telg, Eisenhower to CCS, NAF 346, 1 Sep
if it accepted it must accede to the method 43, Capitulation of Italy, pp. 198-202; Castel-
indicated by the Allies for the official de- lano, Com' firmai, pp. 135-44, and the minutes
of the conferencc which he prints as Appendix
claration. ( 2) The Allics were to make 2, pp. 21g-22; Zanussi, Guerra e catastro/e, 11,
a subsidiary landing on the mainland, and 117-20; Ltr, Murphy to President Roosevelt, 8 Sep
against this operation the 1talian troops 43, OPD Files, ltaly; lnterv with Ambassador
Smith, 13 May 4 7; lnterv with Strong, 29 Oct
could not avoid offering resistance. ( 3) 47; lntcrv, Smyth with Maj Gen Lowell W. Rooks,
Soon afterwards, the Allies would make 28 Sep 48; Gavin, Airborne Warfare, pp. 1g-
their main landings south of Rome, bring- 24; 82d AB Div in Sicily and ltaly, pp. 41-45;
Warren, USAF Historical Study 74, pp. 56-57.
ing the total forces employed in both The minutes printed in Castellano are authentic
landings to at least the fifteen divisions (see interview with Strong).

ments. Castellano was not particularly The Allies indicated not the slightest will-
rcceptive. And when Zanussi offercd to ingness to modify the plans they had
try to get Carboni to fcel more favorably formulated before Castellano had first
disposed toward Castellano, the latter was contacted them, and they declined to make
surprised. He had had no prcvious in- their invasion of 1taly primarily an at-
timation that Carboni bore him any tempt to rescue the Italian Govemment.
hostility.28 As for the long terms, the Allies expected
Both generals realized that the Allies the 1tallan Govemment to be fully in-
had made but slight concesmons rcgard- formed of them, for Zanussi had received
ing Badoglio's requests for a landing of them in Lisbon and carried a copy with
fifteen divisions north of Rome and for an him back t.;> Rome. But Zanussi, who
announcement of the armistice after the was Roatta's subordinate, was to give his
landing. It was quite apparent that the copy of the terms to Roatta on 1 Septem-
Allies had completed their plans, that they ber with the suggestion that the paper
would not land north of Rome or even in be passed to Ambrosio. Whether Roatta
that latitude. Where and when the Al- did so or not, Castellano continued unin-
lies would invade the ltalian mainland formed of the comprehensive surrender
were questions which had not been an- conditions, and for the moment Badoglio
swered. Zan~i thought the Allies might too was to remain in ignorance of them.28
come ashore in the Formia-Gaeta sector
sorne forty-five miles northwest of Naples, T he Decision at Rome
and Castellano appeared to share his opin-
ion. The memorandum the Allies had Back in Rome on the evening of 3 1
given to Castellano indicated only the August, Castellano hastened to Comando
possibility that the main attack would Supremo where he found Ambrosio and
come within two weeks.H reported the results of the Cassibile dis-
Castellano had not quite carried out cussions. Since Badoglio had retired for
bis instructions to get the Allies to land in the night, Ambrosio made an appointment
strength north of Rome. The Allies, it to see him the next moming.
was clear, planned a subsidiary landing Accompanied by Ambrosio, Guariglia,
far to the south and a main landing closer Acquarone, and Carboni, Castellano on
to the capital, but still not within imme- 1 September presented his copy of the
diate striking distance. The Allies, Gen- minutes of the Cassibile conference to
eral Smith had said, would land "as far Badoglio and gave a detailed account of
north as possible, within the possibility of what had been said. He admitted frankly
protection by fighter planes." 211 The total that he had been unable to obtain what
of ali the forces employed by the Allies the 1talian Govemment desired-post-
would approximate fifteen divisions. The ponement of the armistice until after the
decision the Badoglio govemment had to main Allied landings. The Allies, he
make could be only in these terms. stated, would not modify their plan to
invade southem ltaly. The Allied leaders,
2 3 Castellano, Come firmai, pp. 145-46; Za-
nussi, Guerra e catastro/e, 11, 123-24. 26 Zanussi, Guerra e catastro/e, 11, 124; Cas-
24 Zanussi, Guerra e catastro/e, 11, 119, 124. tellano, Come firmai, 160; Badoglio, Memori1 e
25 Castellano, Come firmai, p. 222. docum1nti, pp. 102, 132.

he explained, considered the 1talian units he believed, because so much of Castel-

around Rome strong enough to defend lano's negotiations had been placed on
the city. Only after he had made clear paper, a fact which the Allies might use
the absolute inferiority of the Italian troops to precipitate an ltalo-German conflict.
in comparison with the nearby German Apparently uncertain, Acquaronc said
troops had he obtained the promise of an nothing. Badoglio cxpressed no opinion.
American airbome division, one hundred He would, he said, refcr the problem to
pieces of artillery, and the subsequent the King. 27
commitment of an armored division. That aftemoon Badoglio saw thc King.
Sending these troops, Castellano said, The Italian monarch consentcd to thc
would automatically entail the support of arm1St1cc. Badoglio informcd Ambrosio,
Allied aviation. Badoglio listened in sil- who notificd AFHQ by a telegram: "The
ence until Castellano finished. Then he reply is affirmativc repeat affirmative. In
asked Ambrosio's opinion. Ambrosio said consequence, known person will arrive
he saw no course open other than to ac- tomorrow two Septcmber hour and place
cept the proffered conditions. established. Please confirm." AFHQ re-
At this point, Carboni spoke out in ceived this mes.5agc shortly before 2300,
decided opposition. It was he, Carboni, 1 Scptcmber. 28
who commanded the Motorized Corps of Though this act had thc appearance of
four divisions. It was he who would have a decision, Badoglio in rcality had not
to defend Rome against the Germans. made up his mind. He still hesitatcd,
He believed that the Anglo-American as- still hoped that the Allies would rescue
surances were not to be trusted. They him. Unwilling to makc any movc against
were oral promises rather than a written the Germans, he made no suggcstion to
agreement. Furthermore, he said, his any subordinate to start planning for
troops could not withstand a German eventual co-operation with the Allies.
attack because they lacked gasoline and Perhaps he was upset by the replaccment
ammunition. that vcry day of the German Ambassador
Carboni's remarks carne as a disagree- and of the military attach, whom Badog-
able surprise to Castellano, for Carboni lio could hardly cxpect to be so 1talophile
had favored Castellano's mission to Cas- as the men, Badoglio's good friends, they
sibile, and he had not earlier mentioned replaced.
his lack of ammunition and gasoline.
But Zanu5.5i had spoken to Carboni on 21 The records of this meeting consist merely

the preceding evening and apparently had of the autobiographical accounts composcd much
later by sorne of the participants: Badoglio, Mem-
told him something of the discu5.5ions at orie e documenti, p. 102 (brief and inexact) ;
Cassibile. Leaming that he would have Carboni, L'armistizio e la di/esa di Roma, p. 26
the unenviable task of ddending Rome (brief and suspect); Castellano, Come firmai, pp.
against the Germans with very little Al- 146-49 {a full account but prejudiced in bis
own behalf); Guariglia, Ricordi, pp. 677-78.
lied assistance, Carboni had become de- See also Zanussi, Gutrra t catastroft, 11, 133-34,
pressed. and 1l Processo Carboni-Roatta, p. 25.
28 Telg, Eisenhower to CCS, NAF 348, l Sep
Guariglia, for bis part, said there was
43, Capitulation of Italy, p. 205; Castellano,
nothing to do but accept the armistice. Come firmai, p. 149; Badoglio, Memorie e docu-
The 1talian Govemment was committed, mtnti, p . 102.

Ambrosio also remained passive. He Venezia Giulia was to attack the German
issued no orders, gave no word to his sub- 44th lnfantry Division; thc Fourth Army
ordinates of the newly projected orienta- in Piedmont and Liguria was to cut thc
tion of the government. passes leading from France; and the Sec-
For both Badoglio and Ambrosio, it was ond Army in the northeast was to attack
one thing to tell the Allies that the ar- the German 71st lnfantry Division.
mistice was accepted; it was quite another Between 2 and 5 September, officer
to take steps to meet the consequences of couriers carried the order to the generals
the decision. Perhaps more could not who commanded the forces under Roatta.
have been expected. To decide to capit- Each recipient, after reading thc warning
ulate, even haH-heartedly and after rnuch order, was to bum it in the presence of
soul-searching, was in itself a traurnatic the courier except for thc last pagc, which
experience that robbed them, at least was to be signed as a receipt.29
temporarily, of further initiative. Roatta's was the only action taken by
It remained for Roatta to act. With- the 1tallan Government-and this at thc
out instructions from higher authority, he third level of command-as a consequence
issued Memoria 44, an outline order pre- of the decision to accept the armistice.
pared ten days earlier in anticipation of Ironically, Roatta had been considered
a German seizure of Rome and an attempt- somcwhat pro-Gennan in scntiment.
ed restoration of Fascist control. Italian Thc King, intent on playing the role of
troops, in the event of open German a constitutional monarch, took no further
hostility, were to protect railways, com- action once he had sanctioned Badog-
mand posts, and centers of communication, lio's proposed course. Thosc immediately
be ready to interrupt German traffic, seize below him, Badoglio and Ambrosio, were
German headquarters and depots, and timid, cautious, and undccidcd. Only at
sabotage German communications. Upon the third lcvcl and below wcrc men to be
Roatta's order or in case the Gennans found with a real appreciation of ltaly's
initiated hostile actions, the Italian forces predicament and sorne dctermination to
on Sardinia and Corsica were to expel the scek a solution. It was the paralysis of
Germans; the Seventh Army in southem will at thc top which doomcd Italy.
Italy was to hold Taranto and Brindisi;
the Fifth Army was to protect the fleet at 211 Zanussi, Guerra e catastro/e, 11, 1411-44;

La Spezia and at the same time attack the Rossi, Come arriva.mmo, pp. 1107-IO; Roatta,
Otto milioni, pp. 1187-88; Antonio Basso, L'A.r-
German 3d Panzer Grenadier Division; mist:io del sdtembre 1943 in Sardegna (Naples:
the Eighth Army in the South Tyrol and Rispoli, 1947), p. 33.

The Armistice
The Signature LANCHE, the main invasion that Clark,s
Fifth Army was scheduled to makc
When General Castellano, accompanied on g Scptembcr on the bcachcs of Salemo.
by Montanari as his interprcter, by Maj. This amphibious assault poscd many diffi-
Luigi Marchesi, an aide, and by Major culties: the convoys transporting thc
V ~allo, the pilot of his plane, rcturned ground troops from North Africa to thc
to C~ibile on the morning of 2 Sep- landing bcachcs would be wlnerable to
tembcr, he found hirnsclf in a fog of Gcrman air and Italian sea power; thc
misunderstanding. The Allics had wanted landing bcachcs werc at the extreme rangc
him to rcturn to Sicily for a formal signing of Allicd fightcr aircraft; and thc thrcc
of the armisticc terms. Castellano under- initial assault divisions could not be rein-
stood that the I talian Government had forccd quickly enough and in sufficicnt
alrcady formally acccptcd the armisticc by strcngth to mcct the Gcrman and ltalian
means of the radio mcssage Ambl'Ofilo had troops on even equal tcrms. For thcsc
sent on the prcvious day. Castellan rcasons, the Allies nccdcd the help that thc
thought he had rcturned to Cassibile to I talian surrcnder promised-neutraliza-
arrange for Italo-Allied co-opcration, spc- tion of the Italian Flcct and the aid of
cifically for the airdrop ncar Rome. 1 I tallan ground troops in diverting or at
General Smith disabused Castellano of lcast interfering with the movcments of
this idea when the two met. Smith asked Gcrman units to the landing sitcs. Be-
him at once whether he had full power to cause of the obvious indecision and fright
sign the surrcnder document. The rcason among the membcrs of the Italian Govem-
for the blunt rcquest was the growing ment, the Allics wished to malee ccrtain
Allied concern over the risks of 4tvad- that the I talians would stick to thcir agrcc-
ing the Italian pcninsula. Montgomcry,s ment to capitulate. The Allics wanted no
Eighth Army was scheduled to executc misstep, no faltering at the last minute to
Operation BAYTOWN on the following jeopardizc the alrcady risky plans of thcir
day-to CI'Olm the Strait of Mes,,ina from first rc-entry into the Europcan mainland.
Sicily to Calabria in a subsidiary Allied To Smith,squcstion, Ca..vcllano answcrcd
landing. Though rcasonably confident of that he did not havc full power to sign
succcss in this opcration, the Allies had thc armisticc tcmts.
bccome incrcasingly concerncd over the Dcspite thc summer hcat in Sicily, thc
inhercnt hazards of Opcration AvA- tempcraturc droppcd suddenly. The Al-
lied officcrs departcd. For sevcral hours,
1 Castellano, Come firmai, pp. 1511ff. the Italians werc completely ignorcd.

Thcy found that spcnding thc day alonc tember. "Prcsent telegram is sent from
in thcir tcnt in thc midst of an Allicd hcad- Head ltalian Govemment to Supreme
quarters was not without its embarrassing Commander Allied Force." Thc affinna-
aspcct. tive reply dispatched two days carlier,
Late that aftemoon, General Smith rc- Badoglio wircd, had contained "im-
turned to ask Castellano whether he plicit acceptancc [of thc] armisticc
wished to radio Romc for pcrmis&on to conditions." 1
sign the surrendcr document. Castellano Implicit acceptance was not enough.
agrced to do so. Smith also suggcsted Thc Allies wanted to be absolutcly surc.
that thc Italian Govcmmcnt authenticatc And around 1700 Castellano finally re-
Castcllano's authority to sign by mcans of ceived explicit authority to sign. "Gen-
a mes.uge to Osbomc, the British Arnb~ eral Castellano," Badoglio wircd, "is
sador at the Vatican. authorized by the ltalian Govemment to
That evening General Smith rcccivcd a sign the acceptancc of the conditions of
mcssage from Comando Supremo indicat- armistice."
ing Italian acceptancc of an airbornc By then it was clear that Opcration
opcration ncar Rome and suggcsting the BAYTOWN was a succ~. The British
use of thrcc spccific airficlds. But no Eighth Army had landed on the toe of
word carne in answcr to Castcllano's rc- 1taly with the I 3 Corps on a 3-brigade
quest. front, and had seizcd Reggio di Calabria
Again at 0400, 3 September, when the and a ncarby airficld. Virtually no resis-
Eighth Army was crossing the Strait of tance, Italian or Gcrman, had materia-
M~na to invade Calabria, Castellano rc- lized.11
pcatcd his rcquest. Would thc govem- On that day, too, 3 September, the new
ment authorize him to sign the armisticc? Gcrman Arnb~dor to Italy, Rudolf
In Rome that same moming, Badoglio Rahn, presented his credentials to Badog-
summoned the chiefs of staff of the thrce lio. Rahn took the occasion to bring up
military serviccs. "His Majesty," Badog- the mattcr of rcorganizing the chain of
lio announced, "has decided to negotiate command in the Italian thcater so that the
for an armisticc." He then ordered cach Germans would be in control of active op-
service chief to make appropriatc disposi.- erations. Declaring that he welcomed
tions of his forces, but he declined to put
3 Telg, AFHQ Adv to AFHQ, No. 121, 3 Sep
the order in writing because he fcarcd that
43, Capitulation of Italy, p. ri5ri, relayed by
too many persons would learn of the AFHQ to CCS, NAF 354, aame file, p. 257.
decision.2 According to Guariglia (Ricordi, pages 681-
Sometime later Badoglio decided to au- 82), Badoglio decided to authorize Castellano to
sign the armistice terms at the meeting with the
thorize Castellano to sign the armisticc chiefs of staff of the 1talian armed forces.
terms. As a result, the Allies at Cambile 4 Telg 121, AFHQ Adv to AFHQ, 3 Scp 43,

received a radiogram about I 400, 3 Sep- cited n. 3; Sce also Armistice Meetinga, Fair-
field Camp, Sicily, Sep 43, in AFHQ 0100/4/
330. A copy of the armistice document is found
: Baaic sources are: Cutellano, Come firmai, in 10,000/136/584.
pf>. 161ff; Roui Come arrivammo, pp. 21off; 5 For a detailed account of the landing, sce
Badoglio, Memorie e dot:11menti, pp. 112ff; Gua- Montgomery, Eighth Army1 pp. 1ri3-24; Nichol-
riglia, Ricordi, pp. 681ff'. Sce also Monelli, son, The Canadians in ltaly, pp. 202-06; and
Roma 1943, p. 304. Blumenson, Salerno to Cusino.

Rahn's proposal, Badoglio said that he Somewhat latcr, General Smith handed
could not intcrvenc directly in military Castellano a copy of thc long tcrms cn-
matters. He promiscd, howcvcr, to ar- titled "Instrument of Surrcnder of Italy."
rangc an audiencc w:ith the King and a He attchcd a brief note to explain that
meeting with Ambrosio for the following the documcnt
day.8 Contains the political, financia!, and eco-
At Cassibile, at 1715, 3 Septcmbcr, nomic conditions which will be imposed by
General Castellano signed thc tcxt of the the United Nations in accordance with
short tcnns on behali of Badoglio, Hcad paragraph 1 iz of the Armistice tenns. The
military conditions of the Annistice are con-
of the Italian Govemment. General tained in the document which we have just
Smith signed for General Eisenhower, who signed. The attached paper is identical
had flown over from N orth Africa to with the one handed to General Zanussi by
witnes,, thc ccrcmony.7 H. M. Ambassador in Lisbon. 10
As General Eisenhower explained to the Having managed to avoid use of
ces, the signing of the short tenns was the humiliating unconditional surrcndcr
absolutely neces,,ary beforc spccific plans phrasc in ali his negotiations, and having
could be made with Italian rcprcscntativcs bcen rcsponsible for initiating a joint ltalo-
to sccurc the maximum possible aid from Allicd opcration to defend Rome, Castel-
the 1talians, and to obtain the co-opcration lano was painfully surprised to rcad thc
of the M otorized Corps for the 82d Air- initial clausc of the comprchensive terms:
borne Division's projccted opcration near "The 1talian Land, Sea and Air Forces
Rome. Formal signaturc of the long whcrcver located, hercby surrcndcr un-
tenns, he addcd, would take place later conditionally."
and be timed to fit Allied opcrational When Castellano protested, Smith said
plans.8 that Zanussi had rcceived the document
Aftcr the signaturc of the annistice in Lisbon; the Italian Governmcnt cer-
agrccment, thc Italians withdrcw to their tainly knew the conditions of the long
tent. Castellano scnt a mcssagc to Romc tcrms. Castellano was not so surc. He
to rcport his action, whercupon General doubted that his government would accept
Alcxander appcarcd and invited him to the additional clauscs. When Smith re-
dinner. 9 minded him of the modifying force of thc
Quebcc Memorandum, Castellano said
Badoglio, Memorie e docwmenti, pp. 110-
that it contained only general promiscs,
1 1, gives an untruthlul account of this meeting. that his govcrnment had no rccoursc if thc
See Rahn's Report, Telg 4370, 3 Sep 43, Ger- Allies did not convey their promiscs in
man Foreign Office Documenta, U.S. Department writing. Thercupon General Smith sat
of State, Serial 131/ frames 719oo-62, NARS.
1 Castellano, Come firmai, pp. 15~57; Armi- down and made the promise in writing.
stice Meetings, Fairfield Camp, Sicily, Sep 43, "Thc additional clauscs," he wrote for
0100/4/330; Butcher, My Three Years With Badoglio's bcnefit, "have only a rclative
Ei.senhower, pp. 405-06; Diary Office CinC,
Book VIII, p. A-720. valuc insofar as ltaly collaboratcs in thc
8 Telg 1!11, AFHQ Adv to AFHQ, 3 Sep 43, war against the Gennans." 11
Capitulation of Italy, p. 252, relayed by AFHQ
to CCS, NAF 354, 3 Sep 43, Capitulation of 1 Capitulation
of ltaly, p. 224.
Italy, p. 257. 11 Castellano, Come firmai, pp. 16o-61; In-
11 Castella~o, Come firmai, pp. 157-58. terv with Ambassador Smith, 13 May 47.

At 2030 that evening, Castellano met The 3d Panzer Grenadier Division, located
again with Allied officers to discuss what between Viterbo and Lake Bolsena, could
the ltalian Govemment should do now advance on Rome by three parallel roacls
that it had concluded the annistice agrce- and would probably make the main effort.
ment. General Alexander prcsided, Gen- Two ltalian units stood in its way, the
crals Smith, Rooks, and Cannon, Brig. Piave Division, immediately north of the
Gen. Patrick W. Timberlake ( A-3, Med- city, and the Ariete Division, sorne fifteen
iterranean Air Command) , Brigadier miles beyond. The commanders of these
Strong, and General Lemnitzer ( Deputy divisions, Castellano ventured, could de-
Chief of Staff, 15th Anny Group) took fend just south of Lakes Bracciano and
part. After the meeting, Castellano re- Martignano. The Sassari Division, sta-
ceived an aide-mmoire enumerating the tioned in Rome, could reinforce them.
general actions the I talian Govemment South of Rome, the Centauro Division
would take before the announcement of the could block the 2d Parachute Division's
armistice. Commodore Dick handed approach to the capital.
Castellano a memorandum containing in- The Italians did not lack men, Castel-
structions for the movement of I talian lano explained. They lacked firepower.
warships and merchant shipping to ports The Ariete Division, for example, had no
under Allied control.12 antitank guns at all and could hold the
Gennans back for perhaps twenty-four
Planning GIANT II hours, no more.
General Ridgway, commander of the
The Allies also consulted Castellano on 82d Airbome Division, who had suddenly
the plans even then being readied for the been called to the conference, said that he
airbome drop near Rome. Before the had 57-mm. antitank guns able to pene-
signing of the annistice, while Castellano trate Mark IV and VI tanks at ranges up
was waiting explicit perm~ion to sign, to 500 yards, and still heavier weapons
the Allies had begun to plan the airbome p~ibly might be landed. Furthennore,
operation. At 1430, 3 Scptember, Cas- the proposed scabome expedition to the
tellano had met with severa! Allied officers mouth of the Tiber River could bring
to explore ~ble altematives. Presiding even more anns.
at the meeting, Rooks, the AFHQ G-3, But Ridgway and the others were more
stated that the airbome division had the concemed with protecting the airfields
m~ion of co-operating with ltalian units where the landings were to take place,
in the defense of Rome. Castellano then and assuring that no I tallan antiaircraft
outlined how he thought the Gennans battery would fire on the incoming planes.
might act against the airbome landing. Could Castellano give assurance that Ital-
ian antiaircraft batteries would not firc on
12 Capitulation of Italy,
the Allied planes?
pp. !l!U-!l3. The
copy in AFHQ microfilm records, reel R-6!0!-I, Castellano gave several specific guaran-
tem Giant Two, indicates that copy 1 of the tees. The Italians would secure the fields.
aide-mlmoire wu given to Cutellano. See also Antiaircraft defenses would not open fire.
copy 2, 3 Sep .u, in AFHQ 0100/4/330, with
change to par. 5, dated 6 Sep 43, sent to Rome A route north of the Tiber River would
va the secret radio channel. pass over minimum antiaircraft dcfenscs.

1t was pointed out, and agreed to by Cas- given to running two or threc ships up
tellano, that sufficient time would havc to the Tiber River with ammunition and
be allowed to enable a specific order to supplics, and Commodorc Royer Dick
get down to every gun. Castellano also asked if the swing bridges could be opcncd.
promised that 1talian officers of high rank Castellano stated that the bridge at
would meet the commander of thc airbome Fiumicino could be kept open, and that
division on a field to be decidcd upon by this would pcrmit ships to go as far as thc
the Allies. Navigational aids would be fur- Magliano airfield wherc supplies could be
nished. Thc airfields would be illumi- landed along the banks. The Tiber River
nated; the outlines of the ficlds in was thirty feet deep as far as the Littoria
orangc-rcd lights, the outlines of the run- airfield, Castellano said, but the arca south
ways and any obstacles within five hundrcd of the rivcr was occupied by Gcrman
yards of the fields by meaos of red lights. troops armed with antiaircraft batteries.
Castellano also promised that the Italians This was Castellano's rcason for rccom-
would provide motor transportation for mending that the approach of the planes
concentrating the airbome troops and should be about cight miles north of thc
their supplies. Finally, he gave ~urances rivcr. General Taylor, the 82d Airbomc
that ali available intelligence regarding Division's artillery commander, fclt that
both German and Italian units in the such a route would be more difficult to
Rome area would be fumished the Allies find at night than one directly up the
before the opcration. river, and urged that the Gcrman troops
Castellano suggested six available air- south of thc rivcr be mopped up by the
ficlds, none occupied by the Gennans. 11 ltalians as an initial move in the operation.
He produced maps showing thc location Rooks thcn asked if a small planning staff
of Gennan and 1tallan troops near Rome. from thc airbome division could be scnt
He suggested troop Iandings at Centocelle to Rome in advance to complete the de-
and Littoria airfields, heavy equipment at tails of the operation; Castellano agrecd,
Guidonia airfield. He rccommended the and offercd to take two or thrcc American
Littoria airficld, just north of the city, as officers with him on his rctum to Romc
the point of concentration. Also, to reach on thc following day.
thcse fields, which together formed a tri- Aftcr sorne discussion on the availabil-
angle with its base along the eastem out- ity of 1 oo-octane gasoline for such Allicd
skirts of the Italian capital and its apcx fighter aircraft as might be flown into thc
at Guidonia, the planes should fly in f rom Rome area, General Ridgway said that
the west-northwest. he had enough information on which to
During the meeting, certain other mat- draft his outline plan. Thc meeting ad-
ters were briefty mentioned. General joumcd.14
Rooks noted that consideration was being
14 Min of Mtg held at Cauibile on Friday, 3
13 These were Littoria (Urbe), in the northern Sep 43, to discusa a certain projected airborne
suburbs; Centocelle, southeast of the city; The operation, reel R-62-1, item Giant Two; Giant
Race Coune, opposite Littoria; Magliana, on Two Outline Plan, 3 Sep 43, copy 5, reel R-
the river west of Rome ; Guidonia, fifteen miles 62-I; Giant Two Outline Plan, copy 3, 3 Sep
northeast of Rome; and Ciampino, southeast of 43, typewritten copy with ink insertions and cor-
the city (not to be thought of since it was in rections, 82d AB Div G-3 Jnl, 1-15 Sep 43;
the midst of German troops) . Gavin, Airborne Warfare, pp. 24-27; Ridgway.

As General Ridgway worked with a mitted the enormous difficulty of silencing

small planning group on an outline plan every gun in Rome's antiaircraft defenses.
for GIANT II, he grew increasingly con- lnstead of following the instructions of his
cemed over the ~ibility that the ltalian govemment and suggesting, as he had
authorities might not be able to silence a earlier, the Guidonia, Littoria, and Cento-
sufficient number of the guns in Rome's celle airfielcls, he admitted that the latter
belt of antiaircraft defenses. Should too two fielcls lay in the miclst of extensive
few be silenced, the unescorted C-47's flak batteries. He now proposed that in-
would be fat targets as they carne in low itial drops be made at the Furbara and
to drop paratroopers or to land supplies. Cervetcri airfielcls, slightly to thc north of
General Ridgway remembered how Allied Rome and on thc coast. Located outside
fighters on 18 April had intercepted and the city's antiaircraft defenscs, they were
shot down scventy-threc Junkcr 52's flying completcly in Italian hancls. The Lupi di
supplies into Tunisia, and recalled pain- Toscana Division, coming from southem
f ully thc unfortunatc experience during the France and scheduled to concentrate on
invasion of Sicily when friendly fire had 8 Septcmber between thesc two airfielcls,
shot down twenty-three allied transport could provide additional ground security.
aircraft. He also felt that he could not The airbome planners worked ali night,
rely on the Italians for other acts of co- and on the moming of 4 .September they
operation in the degrce "considered essen- had an outline plan. Initial forces werc
tial to success." 115 to land on the Cervetcri and Furbara
Late that night Castellano was called in fielcls, followed during the next night by
for additional consultation. The Italian parachute drops on thc Guidonia, Littoria,
general was now less certain than he had and Centocelle fielcls. The division was
been during the aftemoon session, and then to assemble in the western outskirts
under the pressure of questioning he ad- of Romc, not at Littoria. The plan carc-
Soldir, pp. 8o-83; Warren, USAF Hist Study
fully defined Italian responsibilities. The
74, pp. 57-58; Craven and Cate, eds., Euro pe: ltalians wcrc to securc and protect the
TORCH to POINTBLANK, pp. 51g-!lo; 8!id five airfields. They alone, without Gcr-
AB Div in Sicily and ltaly, pp. 45-49; copy !2 man help, were to man ali the antiaircraft
of Giant Two Outlinc Plan may be found in
0100/nA/173; scc also Hq NAAF, A-5/4363, defenscs around thosc fields. Thc flak
sub: Amendmcnt 1 to Opn AvALANCHE-ut- batteries were to have explicit orders
linc Plan of Troop Carrier Opns ( A-5/P.501) against taking any aircraft under fire dur-
(Final), 0100/nA/173 and Addendum to A-
5/P.501 (Final), same file; Opcration Giant, in ing the nights of the operation. Italian
0403/4/ 1029; Directivc, AFHQ to multiplc troops were to block avenues of approach
adressccs, sub: Operation Giant Two, 4 Scp 43, open to the Germans, fumish local protec-
0100/4/330; Ltr, Rpt by Maj Patrick D. Mul-
cahy, AFHQ Obsv, AFHQ, AG 370-1 (Air- tion of the airfields and drop zones, and
bome) GCT-AGM, 22 Scp 43, sub: Airbome guarantee unmolested pasMge of naval
Activitics in the AVALANCHE Opn, to Air CinC, craft up the Tiber River to Rome. The
Med, 0403/ 10/!296.
15 Rpt, Ridgway to Eisenhower, 25 Oct 43,
ltalians were to have a horizontal search-
sub: Lcssons of Airbome Opcrations in Italy, light beam pointing due west at Furbara
contained in USAAF, A Report of TCC Activi- airfield, and two Rome radio stations werc
tics Including the Italian Invasion, 1 Aug-JO Scp
43, II, 1110; Ridgway, Soldir, pp. 8o-81; War- to broadcast throughout the night as nav-
ren, USAF Hist Study 74, p. 58. igational aicls. The ltalians were to out-

line the perimeter of each field with amber in rations for tw.o days, gasoline for one
lights, the airfidd runways with white day, medical supplies for the initial period,
lights; to remove or silence all antiaircraft and ammunition for thc entire operation.
guns in a 1 o-mile-wide corridor astride the Convinced by this time that any airbome
Tiber and along a shorter, secondary, and drop in the Rome arca would be a tragic
more direct route from the sea to the mistake, General Ridgway protested
Cerveteri and Furbara fields; to have a strongly to Generals Smith and Alexander.
senior staff officer of the M otorized Corps Ridgway's opposition led the Allies to send
mect General Ridgway at Furbara airfield two American officers to Rome to confer
and a senior staff officer at each airfield with the leaders of the ltalian forces around
to receive the American troops; and to thc capital about the final details of ltalo-
furnish one interpreter guide to each Amcrican co-operation. The real purpose
company.u' of their mission was to ~ the feasibility
Castellano later claimed, incorrectly, that of the airbome operation.
he had obtained an agreement for the
Second Thoughts in Rome
American division to "be placed at the
orders of General Carboni." 11 The 82d After working with the Allied officers on
Airbome Division was rather to "secure the the GIANT 11 outline plan, Castellano was
city of Rome and adjacent airfields and infonned that General Eisenhower wanted
prevent their occupation by Gennan to have an ltalian military mission attached
forces," accomplishing this "in cooperation to AFHQ, a mismon composed of ground,
with Italian forces." As General Taylor air, and naval represcntatives hcaded by
described the relationship: Castellano himseli. Castellano radioed a
The airborne troops upon arrival will co- request to Rome for authority to constitutc
operate with the Italians in the defense of such a mission, and canceled his plans to
Rome and comply with the recommenda- retum to Rome. Other arrangements
tions of the Italian High Command without would be made for getting thc two Allied
relinquishing their liberty of action or un- officers to Rome.
dertaking any operation or making any dis- During the early aftemoon of 4 Scp-
position considered unsound. 18
tember, Srnith visited Castellano once more.
The outline plan, a copy of which Cas- Castellano raised the question of when the
tellano received, also stipulated the amount Allied landing would take place and when
of logistical aid the Italians were to pro- the armistice was to be announced. Re-
vide: 23,000 rations, 355 trucks, 12 plying through the interpreter, Srnith said:
ambulances, 120 tons of gasoline and oil, "I understand very well thc grcat anxiety
12 switchboards, 150 field telephones, 1oo you have to know these dates, but un-
picks, 200 shovels, 5,000 wire pickets, and fortunately 1 can tell you nothing; it is a
150 miles of barbed wire. A labor pool military secret which 1 must keep." The~
of 500 men was to be provided by the in a lower voice, "I can say only that the
second day. The Americans would bring landing will take place within two
111Giant Two Outline Plan. wecks." 19 Srnith then departed and that
11 Cutellano, Com firmai, pp. 167-68. aftemoon retumed to Algiers.
18 Giant Two Outline Plan; Program for
Giant II, 6 Sep 43, aigned by Gen Taylor, 82d 111 Cutellano, Com firmai, p. 71; Interv with
AB Div G-3 Jnl, 1-15 Sep 43. Ambaasador Smith, 13 May 47.

During the aftcrnoon Castellano saw into the tip of Calabria, launched on 3 Sep-
scveral other Allied officcrs on the prob- tember-and the main descent on the
lems of co-ordinating various aspccts of mainland. Since Smith had talked to
the annistice announcemcnt. The Allics him on 4 September, the main attack could
would notify the Italian Government what not, according to this line of rcasoning, be
day the announcement was to be made by expccted beforc the 11th. It could take
the sccret radio link already cstablished place any time during the sccond week-
with Rome, and, as an alternatc channcl, 10 to 15 September.22
by the British Broadcasting Corporation Castellano's aide and pilot ftew his let-
( BBC). The BBC would signal the day ter and documcnts, induding thc GIANT
by broadcasting two spccial programs be- 11 outline plan, to Rome early on 5 Scp-
tween the hours of 1ooo and 1200, British tcmber. The aide dclivered thc papcrs to
time: a half hour of Verdi's music and Ambrosio, who read them and turned them
a two-minute discoursc, during the British over to Badoglio. Castcllano's date of 12
overscas program, on the theme of Nazi Scptember for thc Allicd landing and thc
activitics in Argentina. 20 armisticc announccmcnt was only a gu~,
Castellano then preparcd his rcports to but Ambrosio accepted Castellano's csti-
his government, reports to be flown to mate as definite, and he told Badoglio so.
Rome on the following day, 5 September. As a result, all the Italian rnilitary and
While Montanari translated the documents political lcaders involvcd in thc armisticc
from English to Italian, Castellano wrote expected thc main Allicd landing no earlier
a lettcr to Ambrosio. "Despitc cvery pos- than 12 Scptember, J>05.'ibly latcr.28
sible effort to succeed," he stated, "I have General Eiscnhower and AFHQ staff
not been able to get any information on the officers expected the Italians to make vig-
precise locality of the landing. Regarding orous efforts to insure the suc~ of thc
the date I can say nothing precise; but invasion--or at least of the airborne drop.
from confidcntial information 1 presume But Badoglio, Ambrosio, Rossi, and Roatta
that the landing will take place between remained doubtful of thcir ability to givc
the 1oth and 15th of September, possibly real help, possibly becausc they felt that
the 12th." 21 Badoglio had pledged the government to
Castellano had rcached the conclusion a coursc of action-the surrender of ali
from Smith's spoken statement. f the of 1taly to the Allies-that was beyond its
main Allied invasion was to be launched power. The ltalian Government and
within one week, Castellano reasoncd, High Command thcreforc continucd to be
Smith would not have spoken of two more interestcd in being rcscucd than in
weeks. Thereforc, he deduced that at helping fight the Gennans. Whilc Cas-
least one weck would elapse between the tellano supported active co-operation with
initial landing in south Italy-.BAYTOWN the Allics, the leadcrs in Romc remained,
:ro Memo by Brig Gen Robert A. McClure, 5 22 Castellano, Com1 firmai, p. 173.
Scp 43, Capitulation of Italy, p. 271. u Badoglio, M1mori1 1 docum1nti, pp. 102-
21 This is the text of the critical paragraph of 03; Rossi, Com1 arrivammo, pp. 133-35; MS #
the letter as given by Castellano (Com1 firmai, P-058, Project #46, 1 Feb--8 Sep 43, Question
page 172). The original letter has not been re- 110. According to the above sources Maj. Luigi
vealed and there is aome doubt about the exact Marchesi in delivering Castellano' letter gave
wording. See ll Proc11so Carboni-Roatta, p. 28. oral confirmation of 12 September.

in contrast, p~ve. Castellano had rep- drafted several clirectivcs. Before they
rescnted the Italian Anny as hating the reached final form, Castellano's documents
Gennans and willing to turn on them. arrived-on 5 September. This held up
In this way, an American officer later re- the instructions for another day. On 6
marked, he "sold the Allies a bill of September, Comando Supremo ~ued Pro-
goods.'' 24 Badoglio, Ambrosio, Roatta, memoria 1, a general directive for each gen-
and Rossi were hardly anxious to fight. eral staff-Anny, Navy, and Air Force--
Their primary aim was to secure Allied that was, in effect, a complementary
protection of the capital. ordcr to Roatta's Memoria 44. Lik.e the
On 5 September, Roatta later main- earlier Anny order, the Comando Supremo
tained, he received notice from Comando clirective clid not refer to co-operation
Supremo that the annistice with the Al- with the Allies. Rather, its chief purpose
lies was concluded, that the time of the was to spell out 1talian reaction to col-
annistice announcement was as yet unde- lective, general German aggres&on as
tcrmined but would not occur befare 1 2 distinguished from local, irrcsponsible Ger-
Scptember, that in accord with the Ital- man acts. U nder the illusion that 1 2
ian request the Allics would land a force September was the firm date for the
of six divisions in central ltaly and within Allied invasion and the annistice an-
striking distance of Rome, an unknown nouncement, Comando Supremo intended
number of troops by air, and nine Allied subsequently to supplement these instruc-
clivisions in a subsequent landing perhaps tions.26
farther to the north. Bcyond this, the The intermixture of German and ltalian
1talian Govcrnment had no details and headquarters in thc Balkans and Greece
a waited precise information regarding Al- made it appropriate to i~ue instructions
lied plans.26 to Army Group East as late as possible.
Two days earlier, on 3 September, while Since Ambrosio thought of 1 2 September
Badoglio was deciding to authorize Cas- as the target date, he had a draft order
tellano's signature of the armisticc tcnns, ( Promemoria 2) drawn on 6 September
Ambrosio had written a memorandum for for that headquarters, intending to put it
bis deputy chicf, Rossi, to outline the in- into effect later. The clirective instructed
structions he wished ~ued to Superaereo, the troops in Herzegovina, Montenegro,
Supermarina, and Army Group East (con- and Albania to withdraw toward the coast
trolling the Italian troops in Greece and and maintain po~ion of the ports of
in the Balkans). This paper, plus Ro- Cattaro and Durazzo; the commander in
atta's Memoria 44 ( drawn on 1 Septem- Greece and Crete, before withdrawing bis
ber and in the process of dissemination to troops to suitable ports for evacuation, was
the commanders under his control) , to tell the Gennans frankly that the ltal-
reached Rossi on 4 September. In com- ians would not fight against them unless
pliance with Ambrosio's wish, Rossi
28 Rossi, Come arrivammo, pp. 211-15. Curi-
24 Quote is from lnterv, Smyth with Maj Gen ously enough, Roatta ( Otto milioni, pages 302-
Lyman L. Lemnitzer, 4 Mar 47. 03, 314) later identified this directive as coming
n Roatta is in error (Otto milioni, pages 301- from AFHQ. Roatta's Army general staff on the
02) when he gives the date of reception of this same day issued its Memoria 45 to supplement
infonnation as 3 September. the Comando S11.premo directive.

the Germans resorted to violence. In the Parachute Division. General Carboni's

Aegean Islands, the Italians were to dis- M otorized Corps controlled the Ariete
arm the Gennans to a vert open hos- Armored and Piave M otorized Divisions
tilities.21 north of Rome, the Centauro Armored
Thus, the only orders actually ~ued Division east of the capital, and the Grana-
during the three days immediately follow- tieri Division south of the city.
ing the signature of the armistice were As soon as Roatta learned from C om-
essentially defensive. They indicated little ando Supremo on 5 September that the
intention of pursuing thc aggressive action armistice had been concluded, he ordered
against the Gennans that Castellano had the units regroupcd. The Re and Lupi
described at Cas&bile. di Toscana Divisions were scheduled to
The role of the forces defending Rome arrive from the Balkans and from France
was not quite so pas&ve. The nucleus of as a result of the agreement reached on
this body of troops had begun to fonn on 15 August with the Germans-who be-
20 July to protect the government against licved the divisions were slated for com-
a ~ible Fascist reaction to M uswlini's mitment in southern Italy. lnstead, the
imminent overthrow. Since 29 July the Italians planned to use the divisions, sched-
troops had been alerted to act against the uled to arrive in Rome on 8 September,
po~ibility of a Gennan stroke against the to reinforce the capital's defenses. Roatta
capital. Under the immediate command intended to have completed by the mom-
of Roatta, chief of the Army General Staff, ing of 1 2 September the dispositions of
the force consisted of three corps. The these units, plus thc deployment of a
Corpo d' Armata di Roma, controlling the Bersaglieri regiment, scheduled to become
Sassari Division, carabinieri, and service available, as well as the final regrouping
and school troops, was within Rome and of the Motorized Corps. His faith in
had as its task the interna! dcfense of the this date as the time of the Allied invasion
city against SS agents and other spccial and the armistice announcement was
German troops stationed there. The strengthened on 6 September when he re-
XVII Corps had small detachments of the ceived copies of the GIANT II outline plan.
22oth and 22rst Coastal Divisions distrib- According to Generale di Divisione Acrea
uted along the coast from Tarquinia to Renato Sandalli, chief of the Air Force
the Volturno River-a distan ce of 125 Staff, who also received a copy of the plan
miles--and the Piacenza Division inter- and who disc~ed its implications with
spersed among units of the German 2d Roatta, Italian Air Force preparations to
comply with the Allied requirements for
27 Ross.i, Come arrivammo, pp. !J15-16. The
the airborne operation would take at least
Eleventh Army (in Greece and Crete) chief of a week. This confirmed Roatta's belief
staff was summoned to Rome and received the in 1 2 September as the effective date of
draft order during the evening of 6 September; the armistice. 28
he returned with it to Athens on the following
morning. The chief of staff of Army Group
East was summoned to Rome on 7 September, re-
ceived a 'copy of the directive the next day, but 28 Roatta, Otto milioni, pp. 300-305; 11 Proc-

was unable to return to his headquarters at Ti- esso Carboni-Roatta, pp. 30-31; Rossi, Come
rana in Yugoslavia because of bad flying weather. arrivammo, p. 135; Badoglio, Memorie e docu-
See Il Processo Carboni-Roatta, p. 48. menti, pp. 102~3.

As for the airbome plan itself, Roatta lermo. Did this mean that the Allies wcrc
was flabbergasted. It appeared to agggn about to launch a subsidiary attack inde-
missions to the Motorized Corps far be- pendent of and bcfore the armistice
yond its capabilities. Four hundred trucb announcement expected on 12 September?
could be roundcd up only by stripping Or were the Allies gctting ready to invade
the Piave and Ariete Divisions of ali thcir the mainland far south of Rome, or pos-
vehicles (he did not think. of collecting sibly, Sardinia? 30
autos, buses, and trucks from the munici- In any cvent, Roatta concluded that thc
pality of Romc, an expedient which Cas- Allies would be in no position to march
tellano had considered quite feasible). directly on Rome at once. The ltalians
lnstcad of being a plan to dcfend Rome, thcmsclves would havc to defend the cap-
it was, Roatta believed, a preliminary step ital. From this belief was to come contra-
for a future drive north from Rome, with dictory and ambiguous conduct on the
the capital as the base of operations. part of the Italian Govcmment for the
Though he might have had no objection next two days, bchavior that revealcd thc
to tbis conccpt, he could not concur in wide discrcpancy bctween Castellano's
the basic assumption as to the strength of views and thosc of Badoglio, Ambrosio,
his troops. lf bis forces were indeed and Roatta. Part of the trouble was the
strong enough to carry out ali the actions fact that the King gave no finn indication
assigned to them in the airbome plan, they of bis desire to tum actively against
would then be strong cnough to defend the Germans. Thus, Badoglio consistently
Rome against the Germans without Allied took a pcmive attitude. F or him, and for
assistance. The plan, thcrefore, did not Ambrosio and Roatta as well, the armi-
project a rescue operation; rather it em- stice, the invasion, and the airbome oper-
bodied Castellano's conccpt of ltalian co- ation near Rome comprised a multiple
operation with the Allies. What was plan of rescue, not an opportunity for 1t-
most disappointing to Roatta was the lack aly to pay her passage with the Allies.
of indication that the Allies would land The thing that crystallized matters was
six divisions within striking distance of an estimate of the situation that Roatta
Rome, a move which, he maintained, Corn- presented to Ambrosio during the late
ando Supremo had lcd him to expect.29 afternoon of 6 September. The location
Something else seemcd not quite right. of Allied convoys, he averred, made pos-
Aerial photographs of the North African sible only two conclusions as to Allied
ports of Mcrs el Kebir, Oran, Arzew, and intentions. Either the Allies were about to
Mostagenem on 4 September and the make a landing independent of the arm-
knowledge that Allied ships were loaded stice-like that of the British Eighth Army
with landing craft indicated an impend- on thc 3d-or they were going to launch
ing amphibious operation. Comando Su- their main attack bcfore 12 September, an
premo conjectured that the destination of invasion directed against south Italy or
the force might be Corsica. Two days
later, Roatta had word of Allied convoys 30 /bid., p. 306; Rossi {Come arrivammo,
assembling in the open sea north of Pa- pages 144-46) contradicts Roatta on this point.
See also Comando Supremo, l Reparto, Uf!icio del
capo reparto, N". 2087/I, 6 Sep 43, IT 4563, and
29 Roatta, Otto milioni, pp. 305-06. Zanussi Guerra e catastro/e, 11, 168.
693-029 o - 65 - 33

Sardinia. In cithcr case, thcrc was littlc dcliberately prevcnting Briatore from dc-
prospcct of immcdiatc help from Italian livering it to the Allics.88 But Carboni's
forces in thc capital. Thcrcfore, the plan memorandum was a fabrication. 84 The
for joint action with thc Allicd airbomc Italians did not rcnouncc their obligations
division had to be adjusted to reftcct thc in this fashion.
real capabilitics of the Italian forces. That night, at 2200, 6 September, alter
Convinced that a fiasco would instructing the members of the military
rcsult, Ambrosio agrced to thc nec~ity mission, Ambrosio left Rome by train for
for modifying thc GIANT 11 plan.81 Turin. His purpose in going, he ex-
Fortunatcly for thc Italians, a way to get plained later, was to pick up his diary and
in touch with the Allies was at hand. other compromising documents.811 In bis
In response to General Eiscnhower's re- absence, Rossi was in charge of Comando
quest that thc ltalians send a military mis- Supremo, but Rom felt that he could
sion to AFHQ, a request forwarded by make no basic dccision without the con-
Castellano on 4 Septcmber, thc Italian currence of his chicf. During this time,
High Command had selectcd eleven offi- for two days, Carboni, Roatta, and Ros&,
ccrs hcaded by Col. Paolo Decarli of the with the full support and co-opcration of
Military lntelligence Service. These offi- Badoglio, repudiated Castcllano's com-
cers were to leave Rome that evening, 6 mitments with respect to GIANT 11 and
Septembcr. Two hours before their de- contrived to create a situation that struck
parture several of these officers received the Allies as having cvery appearance of
instructions at Comando Supremo for a double c~.
modifying the Allied plans. There were Why Ambrosio chosc this moment for a
three relatively minor proposals--a change trip to Turin is not clcar. Perhaps he
in the text of Badoglio's contemplated ar- was thoroughly convinced that 1 2 Septem-
mistice announcement; a request that the ber was to be the effcctive armistice date.
1talian Fleet be permitted to sail to Sar- Perhaps he did not altogether comprehend
dinia rather than to Malta; and a request
that maximum air support be sent to the u Carboni, L'armistizio e 'la difesa di Roma,
pp. 27, 5g-o, 108-o9.
Rome airfields immediately alter the armi- u Briatore on 'JO January 1945 tcstified that
stice announcement. But a fourth point he had never seen such a document. Ambroaio,
was major-the Italians wantcd the air- Roatta, and Rossi dcnied that the document
printed by Carboni was ever composcd in the
bome operation to be executcd two days Comando Supremo headquartcrs. Carboni'1 tcxt
alter the main landing rather than at the was arul, for ita concepta rcscmbled 10mewhat
same time. 82 a memorandum drafted by Roatta late on 6 Sep-
tembcr after the departurc of the military m-
Carboni later asserted that he gave onc sion. Gf. note 3 7. See the cxcellent critical cx-
member of thc mis&on, Maj. Alberto amination of the Carboni fabrication by the
Briatore, a memorandum completely re- Ufficio Storico, Stato Maggiore dell'Esereito, Min-
pudiating the armistice and thc airbome istero della Difesa, AUegato al f.n. 1780/St., 111
Mar 48, lncl in Ltr, Maj James A. Gray, A11i1t-
operation, and he accused Castellano of ant Military Attach~, to Director of Intelligence,
GSUSA 16 Jun 48, OCMH files. See also Ro-
31 Rossi, Come arriuammo, pp. 140-41; Roatta, atta, Otto milioni, p. 315, and 1l Proeesso Car-
Otto milioni, pp. 30H7; Zanuui, Guerra e ca- boni-Roatta, pp. 33-34
tastro/e, 11, 171. 35 MS #P-058, Projcct #46, 1 Feb-8 Sep
12 Castellano, Come firmai, p. 181. 43, Question H.

Roatta's alarm. Perhapr-though rather sary for the defcnse of Rome but would
improbably, for he and Castellano were not now be available until 12 Septcmber,
close associates-he had even misunder- rather than 8 Septcmber as carlier ex-
stood Castellano's point of view.38 pccted. Rossi thcreupon bccame con-
After Ambrosio's departure, Roatta vinced that it was essential for the armistice
talked with Carboni, who not only com- to bccome effectivc on 15 September if
manded the Motorized Corps but also di- ~ble, in any case not beforc the 12th.
rected the Military lntelligence Scrvice. Likc Roatta, Rossi concluded that Castel-
Carboni confirmed Roatta's low opinion lano had not accurately prescnted to the
of the strength of the 1talian troops around Allies the true situation in Romc. At
Romc. The Motorized Corps, Carboni noon, Roatta and Rossi scnt a mcssagc by
said, without reinforcements and more the special radio. Comando Supremo,
time for preparations, could not put up they radioed Castellano, would soon send
protracted resistance against the Germans, a "communication of fundamental im-
nor could it provide effective protection portancc." 88
for the American airbornc landings. Not long aftcrward Rossi learncd that
Embodying these objections to GIANT the American officers who were coming to
11 in a memorandum, Roatta emphasized Rome to make the final arrangements for
the danger in announcing the armistice the airborne operation were due to arrive
before 12 September at the earliest. He in the city that same evening. Ambrosio
also stressed the neces&ty of having thc had already arranged for their trip to
main Allicd landing take place in accord Rome, but he had not known thcir ranks
with Italian expectations: thc invasion or exact mis&on. When Rossi found out
would have to be made within striking that one was a general officer, he tele-
distance of Rome.87 phoned Ambrosio urging him to return
As director of the Military Intelligence from Turin to Rome by plane at once.
Service, Carboni transmitted a copy of Ambrosio, however, did not rcturn until
Roatta's memorandum to Badoglio early 1000, 8 September.89
on 7 September. Later that morning, Meanwhile, on thc previous evening, 6
Carboni spoke with Rossi. He told Rossi Septcmber, AFHQ had sent two messages
that he had conferred with Badoglio and to Rome via the secret radio. The first
had explained that his Motorized Corps read:
had ammunition for only twenty minutes Picase maintain continuous watch every
of fire, the Ariete Armored Division had day for most important message which will
fuel for about one hundred miles of move- be sent between ogoo hours and 1ooo hours,
ment. Alarmed, Rossi sought Roatta for GMT on or after 7 September repeat seven
confirmation. He learned from Roatta of September. It will be necessary for you to
Roatta's discus&on with Carboni the night reply immediately when you receive this im-
portant message that it has been received
before, and Roatta explained that the Lupi and understood. 40
di Toscana and Re Divisions were neces-
18 Rossi, Com1 arrivammo, pp. 141-42; ll
38 Il Processo Carboni-Roatta, pp. 30-31. Processo Carboni-Roatta, pp. 32-33.
31 Roatta, Otto milioni, p. 307; Rossi, Come 311 Rosai, Com1 arrivammo, p. 144.
arrivammo, pp. 140-41; Zanussi, Gu1rra e catas- 40 Msgs 34 and 35, "Drizzle" to "Monkey,"
tro/e, 11, 171. Capitulation of Italy, pp. 281-82.

The sccond: invasion day and of the time for the

In addition to ali other arrangements for surrender announcemcnt. Obviously, both
the Great (G) day the Italian broadcast cvcnts were schedulcd to occur soon
transmitted by BBC will give two short talks aftcr 7 Scptcmber. Ccrtainly, Carboni
on Gennan Nazi activity in Argentina be- must have k.nown because the sccret radio
tween 11 :30 hours Greenwich time and
12:45 hours. This broadcast will indicate given to Castellano at Lisbon was locatcd
the Great (G) day. Telegram number 36. in the Military Intclligcnce Scrvicc, which
There will not be any special program of Carboni hcaded. Y et Carboni failcd to
music as requested. acknowledge makc the information k.nown to Badoglio,
receipt. 41 Ambrosio, Roatta, or Rossi.
In response to requcsts for acknowl- Thus, when two American officcrs ap-
edgement, the 1talians replied; the messages pcared in Rome on the cvening of 7
acknowledging ltalian receipt carne in to Scptcmber, Ambrosio, chicf of Comando
AFHQ shortly aftcr noon, 7 Scptcmber.42 Supremo, was abscnt on a personal errand
The Allied messages were a clcar indica- in Turin, Roatta and Rossi werc attcmpt-
tion of the imminent approach of the ing to make fundamental changcs in thc
arrangements concluded by Castellano,
and Carboni was playing a dishoncst game
41 M1g 36, "Dri.zzle" to "Monkey," Capitula-
with both thc Allies and bis own superiors.
tion of ltaly, p. 283.
42 Capitulation of Italy, p. 300. 41 ll Processo Carboni-Roaua, p. 37.

The Renunciation

While the I talians toyed with capitula- damentally anti-Gennan in purpose: ( 1 )

tion and became entangled in its meshes, the concentration of Italian troops in
the Gennans took further prccautions northem Italy, particularly in the Alpine
against p<>s&ble defection. Ambassador arca; ( 2 ) the scizurc by thesc troops of
Rahn's meetings with Badoglio and Am- the comrnanding ground in the frontier
brO&io on 4 September, the day after zone; ( 3) the placement of demolition
Castellano had signed the annistice agree- charges under bridges and other installa-
ment, produced no mitigation of German tions near the frontier; ( 4) the expressions
suspicion. On the contrary, OKW on 5 of hostility toward Germany among the
September instructed Kesselring to keep 1talian troops, so widesprcad as to be
his German units well in hand and rcady inexplicable unless a central direction was
for any emergency. Rommel's Army ~umed; and ( 5) the failure to reinforce
Group B, which had the mission of elim- south ltaly even though troops were
inating the Italian military forces in north- availablc in the north and around Rome.
ern Italy and occupying that part of the Jodl then listed eighteen specific measures
country, was ready to act. Contrary to he considered it necessary for Comando
Allied belief, the divisions under Rommel's Supremo to take to rcmove the anti-
control were not intended to reinforce German character of these policies. It
Kesselring's troops in the south--0n 6 was Hitler's intention to serve the ultima-
September OKW specifically directed tum on Badoglio on 9 September.2 Had
Rommel to remain north of the northern Hitler done so, he would have left Badog-
line of the Apennines. 1 lio no choice but to rnake a clear decision-
By 7 September, although the Gennans for a break with Gennany, or for com-
still had no positive proof, indications of plete co-operation. Acceptance of the
1talian obstructionism had become clear ultimatum would havc made Badoglio the
enough to make Hitler absolutely certain gauleiter of Italy. Refusal would prob-
of eventual ltalian "treason." He there- ably havc signaled the start of German
fore prepared to send an ultimatum to action to take over the 1talian Govern-
Badoglio, and he ordered Jodl to draw up ment and the country.
a draft of the military portion of the paper. But the ultimatum was never delivered.
In compliance, Jodl listed five of Italy's Hitler's intended date of delivery turned
basic military policies that seemed fun- out to be thc same day on which thc
Allies landed on the Salerno beaches.
1 OKW/WFSt, KTB, 1.-31.lX.43, 5 and 6 2 OKW/WFSt, KTB, 1.-91.IX.43, 7 Sep 43;
Sep 43. MS #C-o93 (Warlimont), pp. 164-68.

"1nnocuous" her ftcw to Bizertc to bricf bis subordinate

commanders and also to try to spccd thc
Proceeding systematically with their division's movc to Sicily. Thc division
plans, the Allies had dispatched from staff and reprcscntatives o( thc Troop
North Mrica on 3 September, the date Carrier Command workcd most of thc
whcn thc Eighth Army crossed thc Strait night o( 4 September and developcd dc-
of Mcssina, thc first of fifteen convoys tailed plans for shifting thc division back
which would lcavc Tripoli, Bizerte, and to Sicily. On 5 and 6 Scptember thc
Oran. Thcse convoys, carrying assault division rctumcd by air.4
troops of thc U.S. Fifth Army, wcrc to Ready on 5 Scptember, thc final plan
take part in Opcration AvALANCHE, thc for thc airbomc opcration near Romc pro-
main invasion of thc Italian pcninsula.8 jected a combined drop and air landing
Elscwhcrc, othcr Allicd hcadquarters of thc entire division in succ~ve lifts.1
workcd on thc planncd airbomc opcration On thc first night, Coloncl Tuckcr's 504th
at Romc. Parachutc Infantry Rcgimcnt ( minus the
From the momcnt that General Ridg- 3d Battalion) ; Company C, 307th Air-
way had becn summoned to Cassibilc on bome Enginecr Battalion; Battcry B, 8oth
2 September to takc part in the ltalo- Airbornc Antiaircraft Battalion ( with
American planning, sudden change and 57-mm. antitank guns); and signal, rc-
frantic baste characterized 82d Airbomc connaissance, and medical units werc to
Division plans and prcparations. Alrcady land on the Cerveteri and Furbara air-
in thc final stages of prcparing to partic- ficlds and push to Rome. On thc sccond
ipate in AvALANcHE and execute GIANT night, Coloncl Gavin's 505th Parachute
1--securing the north ftank of the Allied lnfantry RCT would drop on thc Gui-
beachhead at Salcrn~the division now donia, Littoria, and Centocelle airfidds.
faced a completely new assignment. On the same day, 5 September, with
Those units of the division which had everything in a rush and while the di-
fought in Sicily had, soon after the cam- vision was preparing to movc back to
paign ended, been shuttled by air back Sicily, a radio message from AFHQ modi-
to the Kairouan arca in Tunisia. Fully ficd the plan. Now, in addition to land-
rcunited therc thc division cngaged in ing on the airficlds near Romc, thc
sorne sketchy training. Troops scheduled division would also scnd a small scaborne
to make an amphibious assault as part of expedition to land at the mouth o( thc
the division's role in AvALANCHE boardcd Tiber Rivcr: an artillery battalion ( the
landing craft on 3 September and werc
4 8ad AB Div in Sicily and Italy, pp. 41-47;
ready to sail. On this date GIANT 1 was Rpt of TCC Activities lncluding the ltalian In-
canceled, and thc cntirc division rcccived vasion, vol. 11; Ltr, Ridgway to Eisenhower, !15
word to prepare to movc by air to Sicily. Oct 43, in above rpt, p. 1!IO; Gavin, A.irhorne
Having complcted the GIANT 11 plan Warfare, pp. 19-!14; Msg 640, AFHQ to Br X
Corps, 5 Sep 43, 0100/4/4,I.
as thc rcsult of thc all-night 8CS.'on at 5 82d AB Div FO 5, 5 Sep 43, 82d AB Div
Cassibile, General Ridgway on 4 Septcm- G-3 Jnl, 1-15 Sep 43; Msg A.284, MAC to
AHQ Malta, 7 Sep 43; Msg A.281, MAC to
NATAF, 7 Sep 43; and Msg 318, NATAF to
a A detailed account of the Salerno invasion MAC, 6 Sep 43, ali in 0403/4/10119. See aho
may be found in Blumeruon, Salerno to Anzio. Tregas!W, lnruuion Diary, pp. 99-100.

319th Glider Field Artillery Battalion was In Sicily, the 504th and 505th Para-
chosen) ; thrce antiaircraft batteries ( of chute Infantry Regiments were getting
the Both Airbome Antiaircraft Battalion) ; ready to head for Rome. Takeoff time
an infantry company ( of the Para- was scheduled for 1830, 8 September, an
chute lnfantry) ; and three platoons of hour selected to coincide with General
the 813th. Tank Destroyer Battalion ( at- Eisenhower's announcement of the ltalian
tached for the operation) . General surrender. According to the Allied time-
Ridgway chose Lt. Col. William H. Bcrtsch table, Badoglio was to make his announce-
Jr., to command this force. ment of the armistice to the Italian people
Leaving Col. Harry L. Lewis, com- shortly thereafter. On the following
mander of the 325th Glider Infantry moming, at 0330, 9 September, the am-
Regiment, to supervise the dispatch of the phibious assault troops of Operation AvA-
seabome expedition, Ridgway ftew to Sicily LANCHE would hit the Salemo beaches.
to supervise the final arrangements for At the same time, the airborne troops were
the airbome operation. Barely in time, to be in the process of securing Rome
Lewis diverted the artillery battalion and against the Germans.
antiaircraft batteries from the air move- To be absolutely certain of Italian co-
ment to Sicily, and after sorne searching operation at Rome and to work out the
located the tank destroyers, stationed final details of the arrival of the American
about forty miles from Bizerte, and airborne troops, General Eisenhower had
started them moving to the dock arca. selected two American officers to make
After much negotiating by telephone the perilous trip to the Italian capital:
on 6 September, Colonel Lewis secured the General Taylor, the 82d Airbome Divi-
promise of two LCl's, two LCT's, and sion's artillery commander, and Col. Wil-
perhaps sorne additional British v~ls liam T. Gardiner of the Troop Carrier
( whereabouts uncertain) for the seaborne Command. At a briefing conducted at
force. When the British ships did arrive, 15th Army Group headquarters, the AI-
confusion developed over their availability. lied leaders decided that unless word to
To meet this emergency, the Bizerte har- the contrary carne from Taylor and Gar-
bor commander provided several extra diner, the airbome operation would go
bottoms. Loading began on 7 Septem- as scheduled. Taylor could recommend
ber, and the men crowded aboard, though changes as well as cancellation, all messages
no one knew when the armada of three to be made in code by means of the radio
LCI's and one LST-the eventual com- given to Castellano and currently operating
position of the task force-would sail. in Carboni's Military Intclligence Service
Having organized and loaded the seabome in Rome. If Taylor was not satisfied
force, Lewis ftew to Sicily with the last with the I talian arrangements, if he judged
remaining elements of the division, leaving that the airbome operation should be
Coloncl Bcrtsch in charge of the seaborne canceled, and if the Italian authorities re-
troops then afloat in Bizerte harbor.6 fused to transmit that message, Taylor was

cr Ridgway Ltr cited above, n. 4; 82d AB Div Fifth U.S. Anny, 6 Sep 43; and Telg 1750,
in Sicily and ltaly, pp. 47-48; Msg 975, AFHQ AFHQ to CinC, Med, 7 Sep 43, ali in 0100/
to 82d AB Div, 5 Sep 43; Msg 1086, AFHQ to 4/4,I.

to radio to AFHQ a single word- The Americans asked to sce Carboni

"innocuous." 1 and Rossi. Only Carboni arrived at 2 r 30.
General Taylor and Colonel Gardiner He procee~cd to give bis views of the
left Palenno at 0200, 7 . Septcmbcr, in a military situation: the Gennans had been
British PT boat and made rendezvous off building up their forces in Italy sincc
Ustica Island with an Italian corvette. Mussolini's overthrow; they had increased
Escorted to a bcach near Gaeta, the their forces around Rome by 12,000 para-
Americans carne ashore. They entered a troopers equipped with heavy wcapons,
sedan bclonging to the Italian Navy and including 1 oo artillery pieces, mainly
transferred to a Red Cross ambulance on 88-mm. in calibcr; they had raised thc
the outskirts of Gaeta. With their uni- effective strength of the 3d Panzer Gren-
fonns intentionally splattered with water adier Division to 24,000 mcn with 150
to give the appearance of aviators shot heavy and 50 light tanks. In contrast, the
down and rescued from thc sea, they rodc Germans had ccascd supplying thc ltalians
toward Romc without incident, though with gasoline and munitions; the result
they passed scveral German patrols along was that his Motorized Corps, virtually
the Appian Way. Just at nighall, they immobile, had enough ammunition for
cntered thc city.8 only a few hours of combat.
Taken to the Palazzo Caprara, oppositc As Carboni estimatcd the situation:
the War Office, the Americans found ac- lf the 1talians declare an annistice, the
commodations ready for them. Three Gennans will occupy Rome, and the Ital-
officers mct thcm: Col. Giorgio Salvi, ians can do little to prevent it. The simul-
chief of staff of Carboni's M otorized taneous arrival of U.S. airbome troops
Corps; Lanza, who had accompanied Cas- would only provoke the Germans to more
tellano to Lisbon as interpreter anti who drastic action. Furthermore, the ltalians
would be unable to secure the airfields,
had bccome Carboni's aide; and Marchesi, cover the assembly and provide the desired
who had accompanied Castellano to logistical aid to the airbome troops. If it
Cassibilc. must be assumed that an Allied seaborne
Confronted with a surprisingly elabo- landing is impossible north of Rome, then
ratc meal, the Americans dined with sorne the only hope of saving the Capital is to
impatience. Their hosts had not arranged avoid overt acts against . the Gennans and
await the effect of the Allied attacks in the
to transact any business that evening, and South. He declared that he knew that the
it was only after bccoming insistent that Allied landings would be at Salemo, which
the Americans were able to get someone was too far away to aid directly in the de-
of high rank to come to see them.1 fense of Rome. He stated that General
Roatta shared his views.10
1 Program for GIANT 11, 6 Sep 43, 82d AB

Div G-3 Jnl, 1-15 Sep 43; Msgs 822 and 823, Elliott Amold, " Secret Miuion to Rome," Har-
AFHQ to 15th AGp, 5 Sep 43, 0100/4/4,I. p1r's Magazine (October, 1944), p. 466.
8 Maugeri, From th1 Ash1s of Disgrace, pp. 10 Aa quoted in Taylor Rpt. Carboni's ac-
170-77; 82d AB Div in Sicily and ltaly, p. 56, count (L'armistizio e la di/esa di Roma, pagea
which quotes in full Taylor'a report on his mis- 28-29) is highly fictitious. Hia statement that
aion to Rome, a report abo in 0100/4/330 and Taylor revealed the imminent invasion at Salemo
in 0100/uA/65,II. i1 not true. Nor did Taylor chargc Castellano
9 See David Brown, "The Inaide Story of It- with misrepresenting the situation to the Allies
aly'a Surrender," Saturday Eoening Post (Sep- at Cas1ibile. See abo, Trqaskia, lnvasion Diary,
tember 16, 1944)._ p. 65; Richard Thruebon and pp. 102-08, quoting an interview with Gardiner.

To the Americans, there was nothing troop strength exactly as Carboni had
new in the facts reported by Carboni. stated them earlier and advanced the
Castellano had explained fully at Lisbon same proposals: the armisticc would have
and again at Cassibile. What was new to be postponed, the airborne operation
was Carboni's realization-and if Carboni canceled.
was to be believed, Roatta's tocr-that To Taylor and Gardiner, it seemed that
the main Allied landing would not be Carboni had used the fifteen minutes dur-
near Rome. What was disturbing was ing which he had been alone with Badoglio
Carboni's "alarming pessimism certain to in order to bring the marshal around to
affect bis conduct of operations in con- bis point of vicw-wait until they res-
nection with GIANT TWO." Bypassing cue us. Badoglio's bland disregard of thc
Rossi, the Americans asked to see Badoglio terms signed by bis accredited representa-
at once. 11 tive, Castellano, and bis unwillingness to
Rossi, as a matter of fact, was on bis oppose the Germans were extrcmely dis-
way to meet with Taylor and Gardiner. concerting to the Americans.
Carboni had telephoned to tell him that When Taylor asked Badoglio whethcr
Taylor had informed him that the annis- he realized how deeply bis government
tice announcement was to be made the was committed as the result of the agrec-
next day, 8 September. Rossi said he ments already signed, Badoglio replied
would be right over and started immedi- that thc situation had changed-Castel-
ately for the Caprara Palace. Upon bis lano had not known all the facts. I talian
arrival, Carboni met him in an anteroom. troops could not posmbly dcfend Rome.
"Everything has been fixed up," Carboni The only effcct of an immediate announce-
said. "We are now going to Badoglio to ment of the armistice would be a German
submit the telegram of postponement to occupation of the capital and the estab-
him." Ros& wished to accompany Car- lishment of a neo-Fascist regime.
boni and the Americans, but Carboni dis- Taylor then asked whether the ltalians
suaded him, saying, "No, it is not neces- feared a German occupation more than
sary; everything is aiready arranged." 12 the posfilbility of full-scale Allied bom-
Carboni escorted t9e Americans to bardment. With considerable emotion,
Badoglio's villa. As the result of an air Badoglio replied that he hoped the Allies
raid a few minutes earlier, around mid- would attack the Gennans, that they
night, the household was awake. Ba- would bomb the northern rail centers
doglio received Carboni at once. The rather than the ltalians, who wcre friends
Americans waited in an antechamber. of the Allies and who wcre only awaiting
After about fifteen minutes, Badoglio ad- the appropriate moment to join them.
mitted them and greeted them cordially. When Taylor asked Badoglio how he
Taylor and Badoglio spoke French, their expected the Allied leaders to react to bis
conversation being supplemented by Eng- changed attitude, Badoglio made repeated
lish and I talian translated by Lanza. professions of sympathy for the Allies and
Badoglio repeated the figures of German expressed the hope that Taylor would ex-
plain the situation and the new ltalian
Taylor Rpt, pan. ~ and 4.

JI Proeesso Carboni-Roatta, p. 35 ; Rossi,

12 point of vicw to General Eisenhower.
Come arriuammo, pp. 151-5~. Taylor refused to do this. But he

added that if the Allied command in- in the changc and spoke at sorne lcngth
structed him to do so, he would serve of his honor as a soldicr and officcr. It
as a messenger for whatever communica- was perhaps mroo, 8 Septcmbcr, when
tion Badoglio might wish to scnd. What Taylor and Gardincr retumed to the
Taylor was angling for was a definitc Palazzo Caprara and tumed ovcr both
statement for Allied headquartcrs, ovcr mcssagcs to Carboni for cncoding and
Badoglio's own signature, of the ltalian transmission.
viewpoint and intention. To make ccrtain that the Allied com-
Badoglio thcrcupon wrotc a mcssagc to mand undcrstood the situation in Rome,
General Eiscnhowcr-a mcssagc canceling Taylor scnt a third mcssage at 0820, a
his earlicr commitmcnts. Written around "summary of situation as statcd by Italian
0100, 8 Septembcr, lcss than twenty-four authoritics," including the Italian rc-
hours bcforc Eisenhowcr intendcd to pub- qucst for a canccllation of thc airbomc
licize the armisticc agrccmcnt, the mcssagc opcration. 111
read: Not long afterwards Taylor lcamed that
Due to changes in the situation brought AFHQ had acknowledgcd rcccipt of Ba-
about by the disposition and strength of the doglio's mcssage. But he was conccmcd
German forces in the Rome area, it is no about his mcssage recommending canccl-
longer possible to accept an imrnediate ar- lation of GIANT 11. Encocling long mes-
mistice as this could provoke the occupation sages required, in some cases, thrcc hours,
of the Capital and the violent assumption
of the government by the Germans. Opera- decoding somewhat lcss. In order to be
tion Giant Two is no longer possible be- ccrtain of stopping the airbome opcration,
cause of lack of forces to guarantee the schcdulcd to start at 1830 that aftcmoon,
airfields. General Taylor is available to re- Taylor, at 1 135, scnt thc mcssagc, "Situa-
tum to Sicily to present the view of the ~ov tion innocuous." 111
emment and await orders. Badoglio.1 Meanwhilc, Badoglio had tclcphoned
At the same time, Taylor wrote a mes- Roatta carly that moming to ask whethcr
sage of his own: he agrccd with Carboni's point of vicw.
Roatta was cautious--hc did not know
In view of the statement of Marshal
Badoglio as to inability to declare armistice what Carboni had said. On rcaching
and to guarantee fields GIANT TWO is Badoglio's housc, Roatta leamcd what
impossible. Reasons given for change are had takcn place during the night. He
irreplaceable lack of gasoline and munitions then suggcstcd that a propcr coursc of
:1.nd new German dispositions. Badoglio action would be to send a high-ranking
requests Taylor retum to present govem- officer to cxplain matters fully to Gen-
ment views. Taylor and Gardiner awaiting
instructions. Acknowledge. Taylor. 14 eral Eiscnhower and to point out what
help the Allics would have to give in view
Imploring the Americans to trust him, of the situation in Romc. Badoglio
Badoglio swore that there was no trickery agrced.17
13 Taylor Rpt, Incl 1. There are alight varia-
tions in the English translation made at AFHQ, 15 /bid., lncl 3.
where the message wu received at 0535 and de- 11 /bid., par. 8.
coded at 0810. Sce Capitulation of Italy, pp. 11 Il Processo Carboni-Roatta, p. 36; lloatta,

333-35. Otto milioni, p. 3 11 ; Zanuui, Gurra e catastro(,

14 Taylor Rpt, lncl !l. n, 1 77 .

Aftcr driving to Comando Supremo to go to Algiers. At 1140, thcrcforc, Tay-

hcadquarters, Roatta infonncd Ros& of lor sent another m~ge to AFHQ: "In
bis meeting with Badoglio and prcparcd a case Taylor is ordercd to rctum to Sicily,
mcmorandum of instructions for whocvcr authoritics at Romc desirc to send with
would be selcctcd to mcet with General him the Dcputy Chicf of the Suprcmc
Eisenhower. General Staff, General Ros&, to clarify
Ros& then wcnt to thc railroad station issucs. Is this visit authorizcd?" 20
at 1 ooo to mcet Ambrosio, who was re- Thus, Rosfil's mission, which had bccn
tuming from Turin. Ros& infonncd him inadvcrtently forccast a day earlicr by thc
of the latest dcvelopments--Allied convoys message to Castellano announcing a
wcre headed for Salemo, the armisticc "communication of fundamental impor-
announcement was scheduled for that tance," was not in bad faith. lndeed,
aftemoon, and Badoglio was planning to R05Si actcd entirely with the bcst of
scnd a high-ranking officer to Allicd head- intcntions. On the othcr hand, ali mem-
quarters to rcqucst basic changes in thc bcrs of the ltalian High Command wcrc
Allied plans. 18 naivc in wishfully thinking that the Allics
Shortly bcforc noon thc ltalians took would, or could, alter their plans radically
this rcqucst to thc American officcrs and at the last minute. What they wanted
asked them to take along a reprcscntative was a dclay in announcing the armistice
on thcir rctum flight. As General Taylor until they werc certain that thc Allies
later reported: would occupy Romc. And thcy had a
The ltalians showed great concern over basis in thcir bclicf that Eisenhowcr was
the possible reaction of the Allied Chiefs to not altogether certain of proclaiming the
their reversa! of position on the annistice. surrcndcr on 8 Scptcmbcr, for certain
The American officers reinforced their ap- cucs were lacking. Initial arrangements
prehension by emphasizing the gravity of with Castellano had included a special
the situation in which the Badoglio govem-
ment found itself. The ltalians repeatedly BBC program of Verdi's music as indicat-
urged the American officers to retum and ing thc date of thc announccmcnt, a BBC
plead their case whereas the latter declined discussion of Nazi activities in the Argen-
to be anything other than messengers. 19 tine as further indication, and finally a
Finally, howcver, the Americans agreed special messagc via the secrct radio to give
to have a senior ltalian officer accompany the Italians several hours specific warning.
them to AFHQ. Roatta was first pro- In reality, AFHQ on 6 Septcmbcr had
posed and then immediately withdrawn, cancelcd the program of Verdi's music.
for he was considercd indispensable in deal- The ltalians had acknowledged rcccipt of
ing with the Germans. He had an cn- this information, but Carboni had appar-
gagemcnt with Kcsselring's chief of staff, cntly failed to disseminate it.21 As for the
W estphal, an appointment which he felt second cue, General Rooks, the AFHQ
he could not cancel without arousing Gcr- G-3, had on 6 Septcmbcr requcsted thc
man suspicion. Ros& was then selectcd BBC to discuss or refcr to Nazi activities

11 ll Procsso Carboni-Roatta, pp. 36--3 7 ; 20 /bid., Incl 5; Capitulation of ltaly, p. :336;

R.oui, Com arrivammo, pp. 156--57. ZanU1Si, G11erra e catastro/e, 11, 177.
19 Taylor, par. 9. 21 Capitulation of ltaly, p. 1183.

in Argentina during its broadcast of 1 130 pany the Americans on their return had
or 1230 on 8 Scptember.22 Yet for sorne not yet reached AFHQ when Taylor rc-
unknown reason, London failed to make ceived, at 1500, AFHQ's message ordering
the broadcast.2 Finally, Rooks on 6 the American officcrs to return to North
September also directed that the warning Africa. Despite the Iack of authorization
order be sent to Rome via the secret for Rossi's visit, Taylor and Gardincr dc-
radio. 24 But this too, apparently, was not cidcd to take Rossi-and an interpreter,
sent, perhaps because by then General a Lieutcnant Tagliavia-with them on
Eisenhower was in direct communication their own responsibility. Though a mes-
with Marshal Badoglio.211 sage from AFHQ later reached Romc
Consequently, when R~ left Rome in granting Rossi permission to come, the
the late afternoon of 8 September in com- party had already departed from the
pany with Taylor and Gardiner, he had capital.27
the vivid impression that none of the Ros& therefore ~med that his m~
signals warning of the date of the armistice s1on had Eisenhower's approval. The
announcement had been issucd. AFHQ, basic misunderstanding lay in the fact
he reasoncd, must be holding up the proc- that the radiogram ordering Taylor and
lamation pending bis arrival there. And Gardiner to return was a portion of a mes-
did he not have General Eisenhower's sage Eisenhower sent to Badoglio, a meS-
permission to make the trip? 28 sage encoded and sent in four parts.
Actually, he did not. Taylor's mes- Had the complete m~ge been revealed
sage asking whether Rossi might accom- at once, Rossi would have known in ad-
vance the complete futility of bis crrand.
22 Telg, AFHQ to CCS, NAF 358, 6 Sep 43, Without such knowledge, he had the im-
Capitulation of ltaly, p. 294, with copy in oroo/ pression that he still had time to explain
4/4,I. the situation to the Allied commander.
28 In response to a requcst by Srnyth, Mr. Ellis
Portcr, Foreign Broadcast Inforrnation Service,
And when the complete text of Eisen-
rcceivcd this rcply from Mr. Orn W. Kayc, Jr., hower's m~ge became available in Rome,
Chic(, London Burcau, FBIS: "Have now ob- Carboni, more than likely, withheld the
taincd frorn BBC copies of both 11 :30-11 :45 vital informatfon f rom bis superiors and
GMT and 12:30-12:45 GMT Italian show of
8 Scpternbcr 1943. Ncithcr rcpeat neithcr-any associates. 28
referencc to Argentina or Nazi activity thcrein." Meanwhile, after canceling an inter-
In reply to further rcquestl by Srnyth, additional view with Ambrofilo scheduled for 1830,
replica werc rcceivcd on 1 Novernbcr and 1 Dc-
cernbcr 1948. The second reply rcportcd: Taylor and Gardiner rode the Red Cross
"Word had now bcen rcccivcd frorn thc Libraran ambulance to the Centocelle airfield.
of thc Forcign Office that a complete search had Hoping that their m~es recommending
bcen made through the file of broadcastt to Italy
and no trace has bccn found of a broadcast re- cancellation of GIANT 11 had reached
f erring to Nazi activitiCJ in the Argentine." The AFHQ in time to stop the paratroopers,
documents are in OCMH files. See also /1 Pro-
eesso Carboni-Roalta, p. 37. 2'I Taylor Rpt, par. 10; Capitulation of Italy,
24 Capitulation of ltaly, p. 320; Interv, Smyth p. 3371
with Rooks, 28 Sep 48. 28 1l Proc1sso Carboni-Roatta, p. 38; Roui,
25 Thc meuage ordercd by R.ooks docs not ap- Come arrivammo, p. 158. General Eisenhowcr'1
pcar in the "Monkey-Drizzle" code-named series mcssagc is givcn in full in Capitulation of l taly,
of mcuages in Capitulation of Italy. pagc 341; with onc slight variation, it appean
28 Rossi, Com1 arrivammo, p. 157. in Diary Oflicc CinC, Book VIII, pagc A-737.

they, together with Ros& and Tagliavia, to open the ports of Taranto and Brindisi
boarded a trim.otored Savoia-Marchetti in the heel of ltaly, and Eisenhower
bomber. The plane took off at 1705. planned to move the British 1 st Airborne
Severa} hours later it landed near Bizerte. Division by warship to Taranta as soon
The American and 1tallan officers were as the Italian Navy was under Allied
then driven to AFHQ to report to the control.31
Allied commander in chief.29 Optimism seemed in order. On 7
September, the secret radio in Rome ac-
The Announcement knowledged receipt of the stand-by warn-
ing order sent the day before. The Allies
On the Allied side, two days before informed the 1talians that two propaganda
Taylor's party arrived in Bizerte, intima- officers would accompany the first Amer-
tions of the tunnoil in Rome were com- ican troops into Rome in order to help
pletely lacking. The Allies infonned Cas- the Minister of lnformation announce the
tellano on 6 September that arrangements change of sides to the Italian people.32
were proceeding smoothly. The Italian That afternoon the Allies brought Cas-
military mission was to leave from Rome tellano from Cassibile ( where he had re-
that evening. The Allies were working mained since signing the armistice on 3
hard to complete the preparations for September) to Tunis. From here Cas-
GIANT 11.30 tellano made a hurried flight to Bizerte
On that day General Eisenhower in- where one designated member of the
formed the ces that he had made the military mission, a Captain Giuriati of
final ad justments in his planning to take the Italian Navy, had refused to give
maximum advantage of the ltalian sur- information to British naval officers on the
render. The British Eighth Anny was grounds that he had received no instruc-
moving through the toe of ltaly. The tions. After informing Giuriati that the
U.S. Fifth Anny was on its way to the armistice had been signed and that he
Salema beaches--without the help of an could in conscience give the information
airborne operation but with an increase requested, Castellano flew back to Tunis.
in seaborne lift, secured by diverting The other members of the military
sorne landing craft from the British assault mission had in the meantime arrived in
across the Strait of Messina. The 82d Tunis. Although most of them were with-
Airborne Division was preparing to assist out instructions, sorne even being unaware
the !tallan Government in preventing the of the signing of the armistice, a few
Germans from occupying Rome, the Ital- members brought new instructions for
ians having promised to protect the air- Castellano: the text of Badoglio's pro-
fields selected far the airborne operation. posed armistice announcement for Eisen-
Surrender of the Italian Fleet would make hower's approval; also requests that the
it possible to think of releasing sorne Al-
lied cruisers and destroyers from Medi- 11 Telg, AFHQ to CCS, NAF 359, 6 Sep 43,
terranean duty. The ltalians had offered Capitulation of Italy, pp. 291-g2.
32 Msg 13, "Monkey" to "Drizzle," received
1304, 7 Sep 43, and Msg 38, "Drizzle" to "Mon-
29 Taylor Rpt, par. 10. key," 7 Sep 43, both in Capitulation of Italy,
3 Castellano,
Come firmai, p. 179. pp. 299-300.

1talian Flect sail to Sardinia rather than was thrown off balance. The staff for-
to Allied ports, that the airbome opcra- warded Badoglio's message to Eiscnhower,
tion at Rome be executed two days after and at the same time scnt a message to
the main Allied invasion, and that Cas- the ces asking whether or not to proceed
tellano make sure of maximum Allied air with the armistice announcement and
support immediatcly after the armistice stating its own belief that the airbome
announcement. 83 operation would have to be canceled.
Castellano took up thcse points with Perhaps Ambrosio, whom Castellano and
General Eisenhower that evening. The Zan~i had mentioned as the only pos-
Allied commander made a changc in the sible succcssor to Badoglio, might be in-
wording of the last paragraph of Badog- duced to depart from Rome, announce
lio's proclamation to encourage Italian the armisticc from another city, possibly
military opposition to the Gennans. He Palermo, and carry out thc provisions of
pcrmitted no changes in the program as the agrccment. In any case, they urged,
agrced upon by the armistice-the Italian thc Badoglio govemment itself deserved no
Fleet was to follow instructions and not consideration becausc Badoglio was rctract-
sail to Sardinia, the airbome operation ing a signed document completed in good
would be launched simultaneously with faith by his authorized representative.85
the armistice announcement rather than Alrcady nettled by the action of his
two days alter the invasion of the ltalian staff in rcferring the problem to the
mainland. He assurcd Castellano that Combined Chiefs, Eisenhower was posi-
all possible air support would be fumished tively enraged by Badoglio's conduct. He
opcrations in ltaly. immediatcly drafted a strong reply.86
Though the encoding process, which re- As for Castellano, it appeared to him
quircd several hours, was started promptly, that Badoglio had scuttled thc success he
these instructions werc not transmitted to had so patiently achieved. Around 1 1 oo,
Rome until after midnight.14 Strong callcd on him and showed him a
Not long after the final portion of the copy of Badoglio's message. Shocked,
instructions had gone from AFHQ, at
35 Telg, AFHQ to CCS, NAF 365, 8 Sep 43,
0530, 8 Septcmber, AFHQ received the Capitulatioo of ltaly, p. 347. The plan for Am-
mcssage from Badoglio that Taylor had brosio as alternate for Badoglio is mentioned in:
transmitted after midnight. Decoding Min of Confs with Castellano at Ca.uibile, 3 Sep
the messagc took until after 0800. By 43, Capitulation of ltaly, p. 245; Telg 129, Roob
to Gen Sugden, 4 Sep 43, Capitulation of ltaly,
that time, General Eisenhower had de- pp. 261-62 ; Memo by McClure, 5 Sep 43, Capit-
parted Algiers for a visit to the AFHQ ulation of Italy, p. 272; Telg, AFHQ to CCS,
advance command post at Bizcrte. NAF 356, 5 Sep 43, Capitulation of ltaly, pp.
When the contents of Badoglio's mes- General Eisenhower, General Rooks, Brigadier
sage, which rcnounced the armistice, be- Strong, and Captain Royer Dick remember only
came known in Algiers, the AFHQ staff that such a plan was discussed. See Intervs,
Smyth with Eisenhower, 16 Feb 49; with Roob,
u Castellano, Com firmai, p. 181. 28 Sep 48; with Strong, 29 Oct 4 7; and Ltr,
34 Msg 40 (TOR 0039, ~ispatched 0455), Dick to Smyth, 5 Nov 48; MS #P-058; Project
"Drizzle" to "Monkey"; Msg 41 (TOR oo 15, dis- #46, 1 Feb-8 Sep 43, Question 21.
patched 0445); Msg 42 (TOR 0101, dispatched 311 Eisenhower, Crusade in Europe, p. 186; In-
0430), 8 Sep 43, ali in Capitulation of Italy, pp. tervs, Smyth with Eisenhower, 16 Feb 49, and with
33<>-32 Cf. Castellano, Com firmai, p. 182. Lemnitzer, 4 Mar 47.

Castellano prepattd a message urging Your accredited representative has signed an

Badoglio to adhere to the original agreed- agreement with me and the sole hope of
upon course of action. He then accom- ltaly is bound up in your adherence to that
agreement. On your earnest representation
panied Strong to Bizerte. the airbome operations are temporarily SQs-
After being made to wait for hall an pended.
hour in a courtyard where he was com- Part 3. You have sufficient troops near
pletely ignored, Castellano was ushered Rome to secure the temporary safety of the
into a room. At a table sat Ei.scnhower, city but 1 require full infonnation on which
flanked by Alexander and Admiral Cun- to plan earliest the airbome operations.
Send General Taylor to Bizerte at once by
ningham and an imp~ive array of aeroplane. Notify in advance time of ar-
other high-ranking Allied officers. Cas- rival and route of aircraft.
tellano saluted. No one returned it. He Part 4. Plans have been made on the as-
had the feeling he was facing a court- sumption that you were acting in good faith
martial. and we have been prepared to carry out
future operations on that basis. Failure
Ei.scnhower motioned Castellano to be now on your part to carry out the full obli-
scated. Then he read Badoglio's message. gations to the signed agreement will have
Finally, the Allied commander made a the most serious consequences for your coun-
statement. lf Badoglio did not announce try. No future action of yours could then
the armistice that evening as agreed, he restore any confidence whatever in your
declared, the inference would be mes- good faith and consequently the dissolution
of your government and nation would
capable-the Italian Govemment and ensue. 37
Castellano hirnseli had played an ugly
role in the armistice negotiations. General Eiscnhower then dismissed Cas-
At these words, Castellano rose to reply. tellano, who returned to Tunis to spend
Neither he nor bis government, he said, the rest of the day in the greatest anxiety.
was guilty of bad faith. Som~thing ex- General Ei.scnhower infonned the CCS
traordinary must have developed in Rome. of bis course of action.88 He had no rea-
He begged General Ei.scnhower to reserve son to be concemed with the action of
judgment until Badoglio should reply to bis staff in informing the Combined Chiefs
Castellano's message asking adherence to of Badoglio's broken promise. Exchanges
the armistice provisions. betwecn London and Washington showed
General Ei.scnhower knew the content the Prime Minister and the President
of Castellano's message, he said, but he in full agreement. The CCS urged Eisen-
hirnself was sending a reply to Badoglio. hower to makc whatever public announce-
He then read to Castellano bis own mes- ment would most facilitate military
sage, which was in the process of being
encoded for transmis&on: 37 Castellano, Come firmai, pp. 183-85; Text
Part 1. 1 intend to broadcast the exist- from Capitulation of Italy, p. 341, where it is
ence of the annistice at the hour originally listed as No. 45 to "Monkey," 8 Sep 43. In
planned. lf you or any part of your anned transmission, the text was divided into four parb
forces fail to cooperate as previously agreed as indicated. Another copy is in Diary Office
CinC, Book VIII, p. A-737. Castellano (Come
1 will publi~h to the world the full record firmai, pages 184-85) correctly gives the 1talian
of this affair. text.
Part 2. 1 do not accept your message of 38 Telg W-g443/1972, FREEDOM to AG-
this moming postponing the annistice. WAR, 8 Sep 43, Capitulation of ltaly, p. 354.

operations, without regard for ~ible em- known map (in actuality, a beach at the
ba~ment to the Italian Government.811 mouth of the Tiber River) . If no one
Whatever else rnight be nec~ry, the met him at "FF," he was to move on to
airborne operation had to be cancelcd. "GG" (a point halfway between the mouth
AFHQ scnt a mei&gc to thc division of the river and Rome) .41
headquarters in Sicily, but because tbis At AFHQ there was nothing clse to do
would takc so much time for encoding, but wait until the time of the surrender
transmission, dccoding, and delivery, a broadcast announcements. At 1830, pre-
quicker method of getting word to ciscly on schedule, though no word had
the paratroopers was nec~ry. General come from Badoglio in reply to Eiscn-
Lemnitzer therefore flew from Bizcrte to hower's message, the Allied commander
Sicily. His pilot, excellent at night fly- broadcast the news of the armistice from
ing, became confused in daylight. His Radio Algiers: -
take-off was shaky, bis navigation worse. This is General Dwight D. Eisenhower,
Not until Mount Etna loomed up was the Commander-in-Chief of the Allied forces.
pilot a ble to identify bis location. He The Italian Government has surrendered its
changed bis course and flew toward the armed forces unconditionally. As Allied
Commander-in-Chief, I have granted a
division command post, near Licata, but military armistice, the terms of which have
by then it was very close to the scheduled been approved by the Governments of the
hour for the start of the operation.0 United Kingdom, the United States, and
At various airfields in Sicily during the the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
afternoon of 8 September, paratroopers Thus I am acting in the interests of the
had begun to load into about 150 air- United Nations.
The Italian Government has bound itself
craft. At Licata, where the headquarters by these terms without reservation. The
of the division and of the Troop Carrier armistice was signed by my representative
Command were located, General Ridgway and the representative of Marshal Badoglio
waited near a radio. Eiscnhower was and it becomes effective this instant. Hos-
planning to broadcast bis annistice an- tilities between the armed forces of the
nouncement at 1830, Badoglio was to make United Nations and those of Italy terminate
at once.
his announcement immediately afterwards. Ali Italians who now act to help eject the
The latter was to signal the start of German aggressor frorn I talian soil will have
Operation GIANT 11. the assistance and support of the United
From Bizerte harbor, Colonel Bertsch's Nations.
small scabome force had put out to sea Radio Algiers then broadcast a survey of
that moming under scaled ordcrs dcliv- the negotiations to explain how the anni-
ered to the flotilla commandcr. Though stice had been reached. But no announce-
Bertsch suspected that he was bound for ment carne from Badoglio over Radio
the Rome arca, he in fact knew only that Rome. After waiting ten minutes, Eisen-
his destination was point "FF" on an un- hower authorized Radio Algiers to broad-
cast in English the text of Badoglio's
39 T elg 7196, Manhall to Eisenhower or proclamation:
Smith, 8 Sep 43, Capitulation of ltaly, p. 352.
40 Interv with Lcmnitzer, 4 Mar 47; See also 41 82d AB Div in Sicily and 1tal y, p. 48; See

Tregaskis, lnvasion Diary, pp. 101-102, and Mor- also Telg A.!177, MAC to AHQ Malta, 6 Sep
ison, Sicily--Salerno--An:io, pp. 23g--42. 43, 0403/4/1029.

The Italian Governrnent, recognizing the time to divert the force to the Gulf of
irnpossibility of continuing the unequal Salerno and to a rendezvous with the
struggle against the overwhelrning power of AvALANCHE convoys. 48
the enemy, with the object of avoiding fur-
ther and more grievous harm to the nation, The atmosphere was tense in Algiers,
has requested an armistice from General where General Eisenhower and his staff
Eisenhower, Commander-in-Chief of- the waited for Badoglio's voice over Radio
Anglo-American Allied Force. This request Rome. Had the Gcnnans already seized
has been granted. The Italian forces will, the Italian Government to prevent Badog-
therefore, cease ali acts of hostility against lio from broadcasting? Could Ambrosio
the Anglo-American forces wherever they
may be met. They will, however, oppose escape from the capital and make the
attacks from any other quarter. 42 announcement elscwhere?
The questions were disturbing becausc
At Licata, Sicily, this broadcast sig- the AvALANCHE convoys were fast ap-
naled the start of GIANT 11. Fortu- proaching the Gulf of Salema. When
nately, only minutes earlier Lemnitzer's the ground troops landed on the following
pilot had brought his plane to ground. morning of 9 September, would they find
Sixty-two planes carrying paratroopers ltalian and Gcnnan units embroiled in
were already circling into fonnation to conftict? Or would they find them
prepare to go to Rome when word of the joined together in overwhelming numbers
cancellation carne through. About the ready to opposc the amphibious landing?
same time, the telegram scnt earlier by U nless the voice of Badoglio carne over
AFHQ reached the division headquarters. the air, the Allies would not know until
As for Bertsch's seaborne task force, news the moment the assault troops went
of the cancellation reached the flotilla in ashore.
42 Foreign Broadcast Intelligence Service, Fed- 43 lnterv with Lemnitzer, 4 Mar 47; 82d AB
eral Communications Commission, Daily Report Div in Sicily and Italy, p. 48; Telg A.288, MAC
Foreign Radio Broadcasts, Wednesday, September to CinC Mcd, 8 Sep 43, 0403/4/1029; 82d AB
8, 1943. Div G-3 Jnl, 1-15 Sep 43.

693-029 o - 65 - 34

The Surrender

Badoglio's Announcement with the King. .As.,uming that the con-

ference would explore thc mcthods of
On the aftemoon of 8 September, Gen- persuading General Eisenhower to post-
eral Roatta, the Army chief, drove from pone the armistice announcement, and
Rome to Monterotondo, bis headquarters hopeful of its success, Roatta felt it cx-
just outside the city. He found a message pedient to remain on good tenns with thc
from Kesselring. Becausc air obscrvation Germans a little whilc longer. He dc-
indicated an imminent Allied landing near cided to stay in bis office to rnect with
Naples, Kesselring asked permission, in ac- Westphal and sent his dcputy, Generale di
cord with protocol, to move the 3d Panzer Carpo d' Armata Giuseppe De Stefanis, to
Grenadier Division southward to meet the attend thc confcrencc with the King.
invasion. 1 Actually, thc meeting with thc
Suspecting that the request disguised a was prompted by Eisenhower's message to
desire to move thc division closer to the Badoglio insisting that Badoglio kecp bis
capital, Roatta stallcd. It would be wcll, word and announce the armistice in ac-
he replied, to defer the movement until cord with his agreement. The message
the following morning in arder to avoid had thrown the Italian Govemment and
any incidcnt betwecn the German troops High Comrnand into panic. U ntil thc
and the Ariete and Piave Divisions north message arrivcd, at approximatcly 17 30, 8
of Rome. When Rintclen telephoned and Scptcmber, an hour before thc scheduled
renewed Kcsselring's request, Roatta announcernent, the 1talians had a.ssumed
yielded, though he limited the German that thc climactic momcnt would be post-
movement to advance elements and, during poned, an assumption based on the fact
darkn~, to a ccrtain line north of the that Taylor and Gardiner had agreed to
capital. takc R~i to North Africa. To thcm,
Later that afternoon Kesselring's chief this had mcant that AFHQ was willing to
of staff, Westphal, tclephoned to confirm cnter into new discussion of joint Italo-
bis appointment with Roatta for early that Allicd plans. Certainly, therefore, it ap-
evening. Roatta said he would be wait- peared that General Eisenhower would
ing. takc no dccisive action until he hcard Ros-
At 1800, Roatta received a telephone si's "communication of fundamental impor-
message from Ambrosio, who urgcntly re- tance." And Roatta would have a fcw
quested Roatta's presence at a conference more days to complete bis preparations
for the defense of Romc.
1 Roatta, Otto milioni, p. 318. Eisenhower's tclegrarn had destroyed

thcse illusions. Thc opcning scntcncc alonc Soricc, who kncw little of the prcvious
lcft no room for misunderstanding: "If you ncgotiations, and Carboni, who had fol-
or any part of your armcd forces fail to lowcd the negotiations with great care,
co-opcratc as prcviously agrccd 1 will pub- both agrccd that the Allics had broken
lish to thc world full record of this affair." faith with the ltalian Govemmcnt by mov-
This was preciscly what Guariglia, thc ing up thc date of the announcemcnt.
Forcign Ministcr, had fcared whcn he Because of their brusque demand, Sorice
lcamed that Castellano had put into writ- and Carboni belicvcd that the Allies de-
ing Italy's willingness to surrendcr. Worst scrved no consideration. Both urged re-
of all, Eiscnhowcr had thc powcr to frus- jection of thc armisticc, particularly since
tratc any attcmpt to patch things up with the German rcprisals would be terrible.
thc Germans. 2 Carboni proposcd that thc King disavow
U pon rcceiving the full text of the tcle- Castcllano's negotiations, if necessary dis-
gram, Badoglio summoned those most inti- m~ Badoglio, and thereby indicate that
mately involved in the armistice negotia- the pledges given in Badoglio's name had
tions to as&st him in prescnting the not been authorized. Soricc thought this
problem to the sovereign. Attending the a good idea.
conference in thc Quirinal Palacc at 1815, In the discussion that followed, sorne
8 Septcmber, fifteen minutes before Eiscn- generals appeared blind to every aspect of
howcr's broadcast, were: the King; thc situation except thc impossibility of
Acquarone, Minister of thc Royal Housc- having the ltalian armed forces face the
hold; Badoglio, Head of Govemment; Germans alone. Eiscnhowcr's tclegram,
Guariglia, Forcign Minister; Ambrosio, they maintained, was nothing but a trap
chief of Comando Supremo; Carboni, in to compromise them with the Nazis.
his capacity as chief of military intelli- Though not asked to spcak, Major
gence; Ammiraglio di Squadra Raffaele de Marchesi felt that his prescnce at the
Courten, Minister and Chief of Staff, signing of the armistice justified his com-
Navy; Sandalli, Minister and Chief of mcnts. He rose and prcsented to thc
Staff, Air Force; Sorice, Minister of War; senipr generals and statcsmen a grim pic-
De Stefanis, deputy chief of thc Army ture of the consequences in store for the
General Staff and representing Roatta; Royal Govcmment if it f ailed to kecp its
Puntoni, senior aide-de-camp to the King; pledge. He explained the import of Gen-
and, at Ambrosio's insistence, Major eral Eisenhower's threat: if the Allies
Marchesi, who was asked to attend be- published thc surrender documents, the
cause of his familiarity with thc negotia- govemment would have no chance of con-
tions Castellano had conducted in Sicily, tinuing the alliance with Germany.
at which Marchesi had been present. Alter Marchesi's remarks, Guariglia,
Ambrosio opened the meeting with a scated at the King's left, rose to speak.
short exposition of the military situation. He had not approved the way in which
The Allied armistice date, he said, had the military negotiations had been con-
caught the 1talians with their Army plans ducted, he declared, but at this stage it
not quite complete. would be absurd to disavow them. Dis-
avowal would leave ltaly in the position
~ Guariglia, Rieordi, p. 669. of facing sirnultaneously the hostility of

both the Anglo-Americans and the Ger- even at that late hour, on what course the
mans. Ambrosio expressed agreement govemment ought to follow. He did no
with this view. more than explain to the King the alter-
Thirty minutes had gone by when word natives which he faced. The sovereign
arrived of a Reuters dispatch from Lon- might disavow Badoglio's pledgcs, declare
don announcing the annistice. Carboni that Badoglio had contracted them with-
promptly proposed that the govemment out the King's knowledge, and accept
~ue an immediate denial. But a few Badoglio's resignation, which he, Badoglio,
minutes later, when the news carne that was ready to offer. Or, the King could
Eisenhower himsclf was broadcasting a de- accept the conditions on which General
tailed statement of the, the coun- Eisenhower insisted, regardl~ of the
cilors' spirits sank to the nadir. Support conseq uences.
for Carboni's proposal to disavow every- Both altematives were staggering. The
thing vanished. Allies demanded complete and abject sur-
In Monterotondo, Roatta was confer- render. They refused to believe that the
ring with Westphal and the ncw German 1talian Govcmment was not a free agent.
Military Attach, T ou.sWnt, on joint They shared none of thcir plans. They
measures to meet the Allied invasion when had avoided giving assurance of thcir
the Gennan Embassy telephoned. The readin~ to occupy the country whose
American Govemment in Washington, surrender they demanded.
the embm}' spokesman revealed, had an- What thc Italians were not aware of was
nounced an armistice with ltaly. Stunned thc politico-military Allicd strategy. They
by the timing of the announcement, Ro- did not know that the Allies were as-
atta had little clifficulty convincing W est- saulting the Italian mainland with limited
phal and Tous.Wnt that he kncw nothing mcans, in effect, a holding attack subordi-
of an annistice. He denounced the nate to a cross-Channel invasion of north-
broadcast from Washington as an Anglo- west Europc. Ovcrestimating the strength
American trick dcsigned to embroil the available to AFHQ for commitmcnt on
ltalians and Gcrmans in warfare. 3 the Italian pcninsula, thcy did not realizc
Westphal and Toussaint departed im- how vital the armistice was to the Allies.
mediately. Roatta decided to move his As for what the 1talians could expcct
staff back to the Palazzo Caprara in from Germany, there was only the grim
Rome. Even before the Germans were prospcct that the Gcrmans would wage
out of the building, Zanussi alerted other war to the bitter end. They expcctcd to
members of the headquarters for the move fight on the 1tallan peninsula and use it
and began to select papcrs to be bumed. as the glacis of Fortress Germany. Yet
In the Quirinal Palace at the royal con- they could not altogether conceal thcir in-
ference, Badoglio expressed no conviction, tention to withdraw to the line of thc
northem Apcnnines. In this case, there
3 Zanussi, Guerra e catast1ofe, II, 17g-80;
Roatta, 0110 milioni, p. 318; JI P1ocesso Carboni- was a basis at least for a slight hope that
Roatta, pp. 3g-41; Albert Keaclring, Soldat bis Rome might be sparcd the dcstruction of
zum letzten Tag (Bonn: Athenaeum-Verlag, combat.
1953), pp. 242-45; Col. Karl Heinricb Graf von
Klinckowstroem in MS #T-1a (Westphal et al.), Since Badoglio could not or would not
ch. V, p. 9. make up his mind on what the govcrn-

rnent ought to do, thc King decided. It hundred aircraft, the effective and power-
was no longer possible, Victor Emmanuel ful fteet, the sixty divisions of about
111 concluded, to change sides once again. 1, 700,000 men who, though woefully ill-
1taly was committed to the annistice. equipped, still compriscd a disciplined
The decision madc, Badoglio hastened force. Without clear directives from a
to Radio Rome. At 1945, 8 September, central authority in Rorne, the military
an hour late, he read his announcement forces did not know what to do. The
of the annistice, following exactly the text vague orders issued before the armistice
approved by AFHQ. The broadcasting had reftected Badoglio's indecision. He
station recorded thc announccmcnt and had not wished, and had not pennitted,
repeated it at intervals throughout thc the armed forces to organize their plans
night. 6 and dispositions for real anti-German ac-
To the Italian people, Badoglio's armi- tion. Hoping to the last to get an Allied
stice announcement carne as startling guarantee to occupy Rome and protect his
news. His only other public statement government, thereby gaining more time,
had been his declaration on ~uming of- Badoglio had refuscd to risk anything that
fice that the war would continue. The might have brought a showdown with
abrupt change itself was a shock, and the the Germans.
announcement gave little explanation-no
indication of swift and harsh German re- Flight of the King
prisals, no suggestion that Germany had and High Command
become thc enemy, no guidance for the
future. Badoglio merely acknowledged At Monterotondo, as soon as Badoglio's
Italy's defeat, and this had been apparent announcement confirmed the news of the
for sorne time. 8 armistice, Roatta telephoned O B SUED
As for the armed forces, the radio headquarters twice to ~ure the Germans
broadcast offered no strong and definite on his honor as an officer that when he
instructions for the behavior of the few had given his word to Westphal, he had
known nothing of the surrcnder.
Chief sources for the Quirinal Palace con-
ference are: Badoglio, Memorie e documenti,
Fifteen minutes later, Roatta issued an
pp. 105-06; Carboni, L'armistizio e la di/esa di order to the three ltalian corps defending
Roma, pp. 30--31; 1l Processo Carboni-Roatta, Rome to man the roadblocks around the
pp. 38-40; Guariglia, Ricordi, pp. 704-06; Ro- capital. German troops leaving the city
atta, Otto milioni, p. 3 12; Zanussi, Guerra e ca-
tastro/e, 11, 179. Puntoni (Vittorio Emanuele were to be pennitted to go; Gennan col-
111, pages 161-62) incorrectly states that Roatta umns moving toward the capital were to
attended the conference. be stopped. Ali units were to "react
~ Badoglio, Memorie e documenti, pp. 1o6-o7,
Il Processo Carboni-Roatta, p. 40; Daily Report energetically against any attempt to pene-
Foreign Radio Broadcasts, Thunday, September trate [into Rome] by force or against any
9, 1943, gives the time of Badoglio's announce- hostile actions whatsoever."'
ment as 1345 Eastem War Time, which was
1945 B time, or Rome time. See also Telg W- Thc order was defensive in nature.
9512 AFHQ to AGWAR, 9 Sep 43, 0100/4/4,I, Though reports had come in that two
and Telg, AFHQ to CCS, NAF 367, 9 Sep 43, Italian sentinels had been killed by Ger-
8 Bonomi, Diario di un anno, pp. 93-94; 7 Il Processo Carboni-Roatta, p. 58; Zanussi,

Maugeri, From the Ashes of Disgrace, p. 185. Guerra e catastrofe, II, 185-86.

man troops ncarby, Roatta declined to or- of bis staff and set up bis command post
der his forces to attack. He apparcntly in Rome. 10
hoped that the Gennans would withdraw Soon aftcr midnight, in the early min-
to the north. utes of 9 Scptcmbcr, Ambro&o ~ued thc
The initial rcaction of the staff of the first ordcr to the 1talian military forces.
Gennan Embmy to the news of the ar- Becausc Promemoria 2, the ordcr drafted
mistice encouraged this Italian hope. several days earlier for the forces in thc
The announcement of the annistice had Balkans, Greece, and thc Aegean lslands,
taken the Gennans by surprise. Ambas- had not reached the various hcadquarters
sador Rahn had had an audience with the in Tirana, Athens, and Rhodes, Ambrosio
King shortly beforc noon, 8 September, rcpeated and rcaffirmcd the provisions of
and though he attempted to discover the earlier directive. He made one addi-
sorne indication of future ltalian policy, tion: "Do not in any case take the initia-
he had lcarned nothing. Emb~y mem- tive in hostile acts against the Gennans." 11
bcrs burned papers in baste, made frenzied Though the dircctive wcnt to Roatta for
arrangements to evacuate civilians. About bis guid.ance, Roatta rcfuscd to transmit
2100, the Charg d'Affaires rcquested it to the Anny troops under bis command
1talian anned protection, and Rahn took becausc he felt that the final prohibition
bis embcmy staff posthastc by special train contained in the addition was in conftict
to the northern border. For the first two with bis own Memoria 44, dispatched sev-
hours after the armistice announcement, eral days carlier. 12
the Gennan civilians scemed intent on Ambrosio's order had not yet gone out
escaping, the Gennan military forces ap- whcn the rosy picturc of Gennan reaction
pearcd to be trying to withdraw. 8 To to the armistice announcement began to
expedite the hoped-for exodus, Ambro&o assume dark shadows. Reports coming
mued instructions around 2200 to let the in to Comando Supremo and the Army
Gennans pass if they prcscnted thernselves rcvealed that Gennan paratroop units
at the roadblocks peaceably.9 along the coast ncar Rome had surrounded
The King, bis family, and Badoglio had, ltalian hatteries and had begun to attack
in the meantime, taken rcfuge for the strongpoints of the Piacenza Division.
night in the Ministry of War, which had From Milan carne a telephone call rcport-
a detachment of armed guards. Ambro&o ing a Gennan attack and asking for in-
also installed bis office there. By 2300, structions. Though these could have been
Roatta had transferrcd the key membcrs nothing more than attempts by the Ger-
mans to securc their lines of withdrawal
to the north, the movement of the 3d Pan-
8 Rudolf Rahn, Ruh1los11 Liben: ..tufzeich- zer Grenadier Division against the outposts
nung1n und Erinn11ung1n (Ducsseldorf: Died-
richa Verlag, 1949), p. H9; 1l Processo Roatta-
Carboni, p. 59; Rossi, Come arrivammo, p. 240; 1 Badoglio, M1mori1 1 docum1nti, pp. 113-
Zanussi, Guerra 1 catastro/1, II, 189; Carboni, 14; ll Processo Carboni-Roatta, pp. 58-59; Za-
L'armistizio e la di/na di Roma, pp. 35-:J6; nussi, GHrra 1 catastro/1, 11, 189.
Guariglia, Ricordi, p. 7u. 11 Rossi, Com1 arrivammo, pp. iu7-18; 1l
1 Carboni, in L'armistizio 1 la di/esa di Roma, Processo Carboni-Roatta, p. 50.
page 36, gives the instruction prcsentcd him by 12 Roatta, Otto milioni, pp. 3311-33; 1l Processo
Ambrosio to let the German1 pass. Carboni-Roatta, p. 50.

of the Ariete Division seemed significant- forces to save themselves and thcir honor.
and ominous, clearly not part of a north- The only cffort toward this end was an
ward withdrawal. Roatta then ordercd arder issued by Ambrosio at 0220, 9
the thrcc corps in defense of Rome to close Septcmber:
all barricades and opposc ~rman moves The ltalian Govemment has requested an
with force. Not long afterwards, a tele- armistice of General Eisenhower, Comman-
phone intercept between the German For- der-in-Chief of the Allied Forces. On the
eign Office and the Embassy in Rome basis of the conditions o armistice, begin-
gave rise to grcater alarm. The 2d Para- ning today 8 September at 19: 45 hours,
every act of hostility on our part should
chute Division, the message stated, was cease toward the Anglo-American forces.
disarming adjacent ltalian units; the 3d The ltalian Armed Forces should, however,
Panzer Grenadier Divirion was marching react with maximum decision to offensives
south on Rome; and both divisions were which come from any other quarter whatso-
confident of succcss.11 ever.111
Should, then, Roatta put into effect This dircctive too was strictly defensive,
Memoria 44, the directive that had alerted its limit prccisely set, by inference at least,
each army headquarters in ltaly and Sar- by the framework of Badoglio's announce-
dinia for specified offensive operations? ment. As for Roatta, he too confined
Carboni, De Stefanis, ~neral Utili (Ro- himself to ordering his troops to react
atta's chief of operations), and Zanussi against force if hostile German acts were
urged Roatta to issue the order. Roatta verified. 111
dcclincd to take thc rcsponsibility since he Incrcasingly serious reports continued to
would be contradicting and disobeying the pour into Rome-a concentric German
latest Comando Supremo dircctive, but. he attack against the capital, a 2d Parachute
put the question to Ambrosio. Ambrosio Division advance against the Granatieri
decided that such a serious decision necded Divirion south of the city, threats against
the assent or concurrcnce of Badoglio. strongpoints along the Via Ostiense and
Badoglio could not be found. Via Laurentina, clashes north of Romc
The result was that Memoria 44 was between thc Ariete and 3d Panzer Grena-
never put into effect.14 Badoglio's radio dier Divi.rions, a movement in unknown
announcement, which had failed to launch strcngth north from Frascati, and about
the armed forces on an anti-~nnan 0330, notice from thc XVII Corps at
cour"Se, remained the determining guide. Vclletri that the 15th Panzer Grenadier
Having declincd to rcsist the movement of Division was marching from the Garigli-
German troops into Italy and having ac- ano River arca north along the Via Appia
quiesced in the movement of ~rman
troops to key positions, Badoglio now failed
to authorize the attempt by Italian ground 15 Order No. 1 1 /36463, 9 Sep 43, signed by
Ambrosio, receipt acltnowledged by countenigna-
ture ( Generale d' Annata Italo] Gariboldi ( com-
u Zanusai, Gu1rra ' catastrof1, 11, 19o-g1; ll mander, Army), IT 2.
Proe#sso Carboni-Roatta, p. 59. 19 Roatta, Otto milioni, p. 333; Caracciolo di
14 Zanussi, Guerra e catastro/e, 11, 190o-91. Feroleto, "E Poi," p. 159. One copy of Roatta's
In bis po1twar testimony, Badoglio affirmed that order is found in IT 2 as received at Territorial
he wu not asked whether to order the execution Defense Headquarten at Treviso, 0430, g Sep 43,
of Memoria 44. No. 02/5651.

with its forward point already seventy lf the King and the governrnent had any
miles from the capital. 11 thoughts of escape, he added, they should
The moot dangerous threat was the situ- move quickly. Only the Via Tiburtina
ation arising from the clash of Gennan remained open, and it too might soon come
paratroopers and the Granatieri Division under fire.
south of Rome. To reinforce the south- Badoglio reached a decision: the King
ern defenses, Roatta at 0330 ordered two and the government would leave Rome;
reserve groups of the Ariete Divirion to the military forces defending the city
move from north of the city to the south, would withdraw to the eastern outskirts
the separate bersaglieri regiment to move and consolidate on positions near Tivoli.20
south as a reserve, and al1 antiaircraft and Tbis was a sudden decision, even though
field artillery units along the right bank of the removal of the King and the govern-
the Tiber River to come into support of ment from the Gennan threat had becn
the forces defending along the Via discu~d on earlier occasions. Castellano
Ostiense. 18 had mentioned the matter at Lisbon.
Having takcn these steps, Roatta spoke Badoglio had directed bis Minister of the
with Carboni. The latter estimated that Interior as late as the morning of 8 Sep-
a defense of Rome could last no more than tember to prepare a plan to evacuate the
twenty-four hours. Shortly thereafter, government from Rome; he had canceled
Roatta received word of Gennan forces the order that afternoon.21 Similarly, the
southeast of Rome engaged with Italian decision to withdraw the troops defending
troops not far from the Via Tiburtina. Rome to the Tivoli arca east of the city
Thus, the Gennans were surrounding the was made on the spur of the moment.
capital, and the Via Tiburtina rcmained Ambrosio and Roatta had planned to de-
the only exit still open. Of an Allied fend Rome if the Allies landed a power-
approach to Rome, there was no sign. ful supporting force within striking
The sea south of Naples was filled with distance of the capital. But in thc ab-
Allied ships; north of Naples, the sea was sence of immcdiate Allied support, Badog-
empty. 19 lio's decision made sense. It implied only
Shortly beforc 0400, Roatta reported a temporary change. Ccrtainly the Al-
the situation to Ambrosio. Meeting Ba- lies would sweep northward quickly and
doglio soon afterwards, Roatta, in the seizc the city. Within a wcck or two, the
presence of Prince Humbert and the King and Badoglio would return.
King's senior aide, repeated bis report. Now more than cvcr, the ltalians de-
pended on the Allies. Hoping to rcmovc
17 /l Processo Carboni-Roatta, pp. 59--60; any residue of resentment that Gencril
Zanussi, Gu111a e calastrofe, 11, 192-94
18 Il Proc.sso Carboni-Roatta, p. 6o; Zanussi, Eisenhower might have, Badoglio sent a
Guerra e calaslrofe, 11, 192 (which gives the time message about this time to AFHQ to ex-
of sending the order as between 0200 and 0230).
Raffaele Cadoma, in La riscossa: Dal as luglio 2 /l Processo Carboni-Roatta, p. 61; Roatta,

alla liberazione (Milan: Rizzoli and Co., 1948), Otto milioni, pp. 322-23; Zanuasi, Guerra e ca
page 37, mentions receipt of tbe order and the tastrofe, 11, 195-96; Badoglio, Memorie e docu-
beginning of hil movement at 0530. menti, pp. 11.4-16.
111 /l Processo Carboni-Roatta, pp. 6o-61; Ro- 21 Carmine Senise, Quando ero Ca;o della
atta, Otto milioni, p. 321; Zanussi, Guerra e Polizia 1940-1943; M1mori1 di colui che se;;1
catastrofe, 11, 194-95 tutto (Rome: Ruffolo editore, 1946), p. 1244.

plain why he had delayed making his departure and to charge the Minister of
announcement broadcast: thc Interior, Umberto Ricci, with the task
Missed reception signal agreed wirel~ and
of heading a caretaker, skeleton govern-
delayed arrival your number 45. He d1d not ment. Perhaps the Gcrmans would per-
consent broadcast proclamation at agreed mit the Italian civil authorities to carry on,
hour. Proclamation would have occurred as for, with the exception of Guariglia, the
requested even without .your pressu~ being civilian ministers had no knowledge of the
sufficient for us pledge given. Excess1ve haste armistice negotiations and no rcsponsibil-
has however found our preparations incom-
plete and caused delay. . . .22 ity for them. The departing group co~
prised those persons who were most di-
Having revealed to Roatta bis decision rectly involved in the surrender and who,
to evacuate Rome, Badoglio now told thercfore, had most to fear from thc
Ambrosio, then went to see the King. He Germans.
found Victor Emmanuel 111 listening to Around 0500, five automobiles carrying
his aide, who was reporting Roatta's ap- the royal party left Rome. H Ambros10
prcciation of the situation. The King returned to his office, notified the Navy and
quickly concurred in Badoglio's decision, Air Force chiefs, Admiral De Courten and
and determined to take with him Badog- General Sandalli, that they were to leave,
lio, Ambrosio, and the chiefs of the mili- and made arrangements for warships and
tary services.23 planes to meet the royal party at Pescara:
Sorne time bcfore 0500, the King, the After leaving a mcssage for Gcnerale di
Queen, Prince Humbert, Badoglio, and Brigata Vittorio Palma to remain in Rome
four military aidcs to the sovereign werc as Comando Supremo representative, Am-
ready to leave Rome. The King sum- brosio, shortly after 0600, was ready to
moned Ambrosio and directed that he, depart. Sometime during the night he
the three chiefs of staff, and the three serv- had given Major Marchesi the diary and
ice ministers depart Rome by way of the other compromising documents he had
Via Tiburtina and plan to meet the King's supposedly gone to Turin to get, and had
party later that day at Pescara, on the asked Marchesi to destroy them. 211
Adriatic coast. Though Ambrosio pro- Roatta, aftcr recciving the royal com-
tested that he could not leave immediately mand to leavc Rome, though with no des-
because he needed time to make final ar- tination specified, decided to move his
rangements, the King insisted. staff to Tivoli to keep in contact with the
To provide for the civil government of troops. He went back to his officc in the
Rome and the country during the absence Palazzo Caprara and, about 05 I 5, in the
of the Head of Government, Badoglio left presence of Carboni and Zanwm, he wrote
instructions with General Sorice, the Min- in pencil on a sheet of notebook paper thc
ister of W ar, to inform the civilian min- draft of an order to Carboni-tuming
isters of the King's and Badoglio's over to Carboni command of the forces dc-
fending Rome and dirccting Carboni to
22 Msg 24, "Monkey" to "Drizzle," received
0905, 9 Sep 43, Capitulati~n of I taly, p. 3 71 ; 24 11 Processo Carboni-Roatla, pp. 62-63 ; Ba-
Cf. Castellano, Come firmai, p. 187. doglio, Memorie e documenli, p. 117.
23 Il Proc.sso Carboni-Roatta, p. 61; Zanussi, 25 MS #P-058, Project #46, 1 Feb-8 Sep 43,
Gu,,ra e calaslrofe, II, 196. Question 22.

withdraw those forces to the Tivoli arca. the Motorized Corps, became the com-
Roatta read thc order to Carboni and mander of all the forces assemblcd for the
told him to have it typcd for his, Roatta's, defense of Rome. By now, however, thc
signature. ~ion was changed.
After protesting that the order could Roatta's intention was to concentratc
not be carried out becausc the troops were these forces---except for the pollee and
already engaged and therefore could not carabinieri units, which were to remain in
break contact and withdraw, Carboni had the city to maintain order-in the Tivoli
a clean copy of Roatta's draft order pre- area as a thrcat to the Germans, who
pared. When he brought it back for would by then, Roatta expccted, have
Roatta's signature, he found that the Army seized Rome. He therefore had ordered
chief had gone.28 Carboni to move his headquarters to
Roatta, it turned out, had hastcned to Carsoli near Tivoli and had instructed his
the Ministry o War around 0545 and had own staff to set up its command post there.
discovered Ambrcmo ready and anxious Carboni, however, had no clear concept
to depart. After dashing back to the of his mission. ~uming that he actually
Caprara palacc for a last look, Roatta could get those forces engaging the Ger-
joined Ambrosio, and the two officers left mans to break contact and withdraw-a
in the same automobile. Not until they difficult maneuver-what was he then
were safely out of Rome did Roatta lcarn supposed to do? The withdrawal would
that they were bound for Pescara, there to pcrhaps spare Rome a bombardment by
transfer to a plane or ship that would take Gennan planes and reprisals on the civil
them to southcrn ltaly. population. Perhaps that alone justified
Other key figures followcd. Zanus& Roatta's order. But why Carsoli, unless
got out in an armored car about thc same the real purpose of the withdrawal and
time. De Steanis let about 0700, Utili concentration was to protect the Via Ti-
approximately 0815. General Sorice. Min- burtina, the's escape route? 27
ister of War, remained. Carboni's chief o staff, Colonel Salvi,
Guariglia, the Foreign Minister, re- was bitterly critical of Roatta's order.
mained, too. He was busy all night long, He started to rail against it, but Carboni
giving instructions to representatives cut him short. Carboni directed Salvi to
abroad and formally notifying Germany prepare orders to the division command-
that ltaly had concluded an armistice with ers for the withdrawal to the Tivoli area
the Allies. He had received no message and asserted that he himself intended to go
whatsoever on the decision of the govern- there immediately as ordered.
ment to leave Rome. After going to the Office of Military In-
In Roatta's absence bis deputy, De Ste- telligence Service to order certain docu-
fanis, just before his departure, signed the ments destroyed, Carboni went home and
order add~d to Carboni. It was in changed into civilian clothes. He re-
this fashion that Carboni, commander of turned to the Palazzo Caprara to look
once more for Roatta, went a second time
28 /1 Processo Carboni-Roatta, pp. 63-65; Za-
nussi, Guerra e catastro/e, 11, 196-g7, 199-200; 21 /l Processo Carboni-Roatta, pp. 63-65; Ro-
Roatta, Otto milioni, pp. 323, 327; Carboni, atta, Otto milioni, pp. 323-29; Zanussi, Guerra
L'armistizio e la di/esa di Roma, p. 3 7. e catastro/e, 11, 197-201.

to his office in the intelligence burcau, senior division commander, Generale di

then drove toward Tivoli. His son, who Divisione Conte Cario Calvi di Bcrgolo,
was a captain, and two other junior offi- the King's son-in-law, who commanded the
cers accompanied him. To avoid diffi- Centauro Division. Carboni, Salvi said,
culties from Fascist or German elements could not be found; would Calvi di Ber-
along the road, Carboni's automobile bore golo take responsibility for thc defensc of
diplomatic licensc plates. Therc were no Rome? Would Salvi, Calvi di Bergolo
incidents, and shortly before o8oo, the countered, put his statement and rcquest
party reached Tivoli.28 in writing? Salvi declined. Calvi di
In Rome, Coloncl Salvi, upon Carboni's Bergolo then said that he had no authority
departure, went to pieces. Though he to assume command of the M otorized
prepared the detailed orders for the with- Corps and that the order for withdrawal
drawal to Tivoli, he did not issue them. must be confirmed.
Suspecting that Carboni was going to Ti- Only then did Salvi issue, without equiv-
voli not to set up a headquarters but to ocation, the order to withdraw to Tivoli.
join the King in escape, Salvi tried to But by then, time had elapscd, making the
get Roatta's order rcvoked. At 0730 he maneuver infinitely more complicated.
went to General Utili, who would soon Furthermore, as thc result of his antics,
leave the capital, showed Utili Roatta's Salvi had disseminated distrust and pessi-
order, declared that Carboni was dead, mism in the minds of the troop command-
and asked who would sign the orders to ers around Rome. 29
the division commanders. U tili suggested
that Salvi get the senior division com- 1nterpretations
mander to do so.
Salvi retumed to bis office and burst In North Africa, no one knew that the
into tears. Embracing a captain who en- Italian Govemment had fled Rome.
tered, he cried: "We are abandoned by Having flown to North Africa with Gen-
everybody !" With tears streaming down eral Taylor and Colonel Gardiner, Rosfil
his face, he told the commander of the arrived at El Aouina airficld at 1905, 8
Granatieri Division: "The cowards ! September, forty minutes beforc Badoglio
They have all escaped and left me alone !" went on the air. The Allies took Ros& to
To everyone he saw, he shouted that Car- Castellano, who asked him why he had
boni had gone off with the King and come to AFHQ. To obtain a postpone-
Badoglio. Though he managed to infonn ment of the annistice announcement,
two division commanders by telephone of Rossi explained. Furthermore, he had
the withdrawal movement, he appealed to documents to show why a postponement
them at the same time to get Roatta's was necessary. His shock was genuine
order nullified. when he learned that Badoglio had con-
Salvi finally determined to call up the firmed the surrender.

:s 11 Processo Carboni-Roatta, pp. 73-75;

Carboni, L'armistizio e la difesa di Roma, pp. :g ll Processo Carboni-Roatta, pp. 74-75;
37-38; Alfredo Sanzi, 1l generale Carboni e la Carboni, L'armistizio e la difesa di Roma, p. 41,
di/ esa di Roma visti ad oc chio nudo (Turin: n. 9; Sanzi, 11 general Carboni, pp. 135-37;
Vogliotti editore, 1946), pp. 123-24. Cadorna, La riscossa, pp. 37-38.

The Allies then took Ros& and Castel- hower had, in actuality, advanced the date
lano to Eisenhower. Rossi explained the of the announcement. 31
difficulties of proclaiming the annistice at Ali the Italians involved in the surrcn-
the same time that the Allies launched der negotiations believed that the Allies
their invasion; he explained the advan- had "agreed to," "suggested," or "indi-
tages, both to the Allies as well as to the cated" a specific time for the surrender
Italians, that would have been gained if announcement and had then advanced thc
the armistice announcement had been date. But the ltalians displaycd a lack of
delayed.30 unanimity on the date allegedly given by
These arguments, and the "documents the Allies. Badoglio expccted thc time to
of fundamental importance," were by now be the 12th or 15th of September; Roatta
an old story to the Allied commander in the 12th, as did Zanussi; Carboni awaited
chief. From the first meeting with Cas- the 2oth or the 25th.82
tellano in Lisbon, the Allies had stipulated Prime Minister Churchill, speaking in
in accordance with instructions from the the House of Commons on 2 1 Septembcr
Combined Chiefs of Staff that the an- 1943, secmcd to confirm the ltalian belicf
nouncement of the annistice was to pre- when he said: "The date, which had
cede the main invasion by a few hours. originally bcen the 15th, was, however, in
There had been no subsequent divergence fact brought forward to the gth-the
from that condition. night of the 8th and gth." 33 In this
General Eisenhower listened patiently to remark Mr. Churchill was answering thc
Rossi despite the irritation he must have charge, raised in Parliament and in the
felt. When Rossi charged Eisenhower British press, that the Allies had been slow
with "anticipating" the date of the armis- in taking advantage of Mussolini's down-
tice announcement because he distrusted fall. Precisely what Churchill had in
the Italians, General Eisenhower, accord- mind was not clear. Perhaps he was re-
ing to Rossi's later recollection, replied: ferring to thc belief at AFHQ during the
"But we were enemies until two hours earliest stages of the AvALANCHE planning
ago. How could we have had faith in that shortages of landing craft appearcd
you?" to make it necessary to have a longer time
At the end of the discussion, Eisenhower interval between BAYTOWN ( the Strait of
sought to establish mutual good faith as Mes.5ina crossing) and the assault landings
the basis for co-operation. "If sorne mis- at Salerno.
take has been made," he said, "we Yet the only significant change in the
ought now to accept the situation as it is." Allied time schedule occurred betwecn thc
No more than a courteous statement re- preliminary planning in June and the final
cognizing the lack of complete ltalian
understanding of Allied plans, the remark 31 Rossi, Come arrivammo, p. 161; Castellano,

was an invitation to look forward. The Come firmai, p. 187.

32 Badoglio, Memorie e documenti, pp. 103-
Italians interpreted the sentence as an ad- 04, 105, 138; Roatta, Otto milioni, pp. 300-301 ;
mis&on of error, as conceding that Eisen- Zanussi, Guerra e catastro/e, 11, 164, 166; Car-
boni, L'armistizio e la difesa di Roma, pp. 25-26.
33 Winston S. Churchill, Onwards to Vctor)':
3 Castellano, Come firmai, pp. 186-87; Rossi, War Speeches, compiled by Charles Eade (Bos-
Come arrivammo, pp. 160-61. ton: Little, Brown and Company, 1944), p. 259.

planning started in carly August. In made significant contact with them. On

June, thc earliest date for an invasion of 9 August, AFHQ forecast AvALANCHE for
thc Italian mainland had appearcd to he 7 Septemher. On 16 August, three days
1 Octoher. In early August, when it before the first meeting with Castellano in
appcarcd the Sicilian Campaign would he Lisbon, AFHQ scheduled the Salemo in-
short, an earlier invasion date seemed vasion, AvALANCHE, for 9 September.
feasible. No sudden change in schedule to surprise
The Allies decided on the tirning for the or take advantage of the Italians was ever
ltalian invasion hefore the Italians had made.

The Dissolution
German Reaction northern ports of La Spezia, Genoa, and
Leghorn, in Rommel's Army Group B
Likc thc rest of thc Gennans in Italy, arca. Nor could Kessclring ignore Puglia,
Field Marshal Kesselring was surprised thc hccl of Italy, for within striking dis-
at the announccmcnt of thc armisticc. tance in eastcrn Sicilian harbors wcre as-
While Hitler and OKW had becn basing scmbled numerous Allied landing craft.
their calculations on the likclihood of Still, the greatcst concern was the pos-
Italian betrayal and wcre concerned sibility that the Allies might land near
chiefly with Badoglio's suspicious be- Rome. The Rome arca represcnted the
havior, Kcssclring and his OB SUED staff German waistline--between the hip
had becn primarily concerned with the bulge filled by the six divisions of thc
Allies. Tenth Army and the overdcveloped bust
Aerial reconnaisuncc reported on 5 containing Rommcl's Army Group B. 1
September that Allicd landing craft pre- Rommel's forces in the north and Viet-
viously assembled between Mers-el-Kebir inghoff's Tenth Army in the south wcre
and Tunis wcre moving eastward. On 7 strong cnough to handlc the ltalian forces
September it was known that large num- and at thc same time offcr effcctive op-
bers of landing craft had moved out of position to an Allicd landing. But in thc
Bizerte and entercd thc latitude of south- ccntcr, strong ltalian units outnumbered
crn Calabria. Bccause these flotillas ap- Kesselring's relatively small forces. Dc-
pcared too largc for mere tactical landings spite thcir smaller numbers, the Gcnnans
in support of the British Eighth Army, might well be able to han die the 1talians
Kesselring looked for an imminent major alone. But should the ltalians join with
invasion of the ltalian mainland. Allied troops coming ashore near Rome,
Where the Allicd troops would come what chance would the Gcrmans have?
ashore was thc question. The hay of Around noon on 8 September, the Al-
Salema sccmed a likcly place, but so did lies dclivered a heavy aerial attack against
the Rome area-Anzio and Nettuno, pos- Frascati, where Kesselring's headquarters
sibly cven Civitavecchia. Though the was located. The bombs wreaked havoc
Rome arca might be too far from thcir on the town, and scveral struck in the
airfields for the Allies to gamblc on, and immediate arca of the command post.
though the Allies had until then displayed Kesselring himsclf was uninjured-when
a conscrvative strategic approach, a land- 1 Klinckowstroem in MS #T-1a (Westphal
ing near Rome was within the realm of et al.), ch. V, pp. 3-5, 1o ; Westphal, H eer in
possibility. So were landings near the Fesseln, p. ~229.

the last wavc of bombcrs flew away, he the offcnsive against the Italian forces
crawled out from bcncath the wreckage. and seize Rome.3
But communications were disrupted ex- Since the armistice announcement im-
ccpt for onc tclephonc line from Gen- plied the close co-operation of I tallan and
eral Westphal's bedroom which rcmained Allied forces, thc Germans expected an
in contact both with OKW and with immediatc invasion of the coast near Rome,
Kesselring's subordinate commands. 2 The including an airborne landing. The Ger-
Germans judged correctly that the air mans acted with dispatch. Kesselring's
attack, obviously meant to interrupt first task was to bring the 3d Panzer
the exercise of command, presaged an Grenadier Division from the arca immc-
Allied landing. After dirccting certain diately north of Rome to consolidate
German units to help rescue civilians and with the 2d Parachute Division, distrib-
clear wreckage, Kesselring sent W estphal uted for the most part south of Rome
and To~int to keep the appointment between the Tiber River and the Alban
made earlier with Roatta. Hills. His ma jor purpose was to seize
While Westphal and Toussaint were control of the lines of communication and
with Roatta, Kesselring received bis first supply leading to the T enth Army in the
intimation of the Italian surrender. Jodl south, thereby securing the army's with-
telephoned from OKW headquarters to drawal route to the north. At the same
ask OB SUED in Frascati whether the time, Kesselring sent a detachment of
Germans in Italy knew anything about paratroopers to seize Roatta and the Army
the capitulation. OKW had picked up staff at Monterotondo in a coup de main.
an English radio broadcast announcing Attacking adjacent ltalian units im-
the surrender. One of Kesselring's staff mediately, the 3d Panzer Grenadier Divi-
officers, knowing that Westphal and Tous- sion advanced rapidly along the two high-
saint were consulting with Roatta, phoned ways, the Via Claudia and the Via Cassia,
the deputy military attach and suggested leading from Lake Bracciano into Rome.
that he put through a call to his chie{. The 2d Parachute Division quickly over-
This was the telephone call that had come ran sorne ltalian defensive positions south
into Roatta's office. of the city, the Piacenza Division making
About an hour and a half after Jodl's scarcely even a show of resistance. The
call, the German Embassy in Rome re- paratroopers racing to Monterotondo had
ceived Guariglia's formal message from more trouble. They ran into ltalian op-
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Italy had position, and, by the time they seized the
surrendered to the Allies. The deputy Army headquarters the following morning,
military attach telephoned the informa- they found that Roatta and bis staff had
tion to O B SUED, and Kesselring issued gone.t
the code word ACHSE, the signal to take
3 Klinckowstroem in MS #T-1a (Westphal
et al.). ch. V, pp. 9-IO.
4 Roatta, Otto milioni, p. 3!11 ; Zanussi, Guerra
2 Jane Scrivener (pseud. ), lnside Rome With e catastro/e, II, 200; 11 Processo Carboni-Roatta,
the Germans (New York: The Macmillan Co., pp. 7g-80; Klinckowstroem in MS #T-1a
1945), p. 1; Klinckowstrocm in MS #T-1a ( Westphal et al.), ch. V, pp. 10-11 ; Kesselring,
(Westphal et al.), ch. V, p. 8; Kessdring, Soldat, Soldat, p. 255; Carboni, L'armistizio e la di/esa
pp. 241-42; Westphal, Heer in Fesseln, p. 227. di Roma, p. 34.

Along with the combat, the Gennans 0800, g September, he found no orders
conducted a skillful propaganda cam- waiting for him as he had expccted. Nor
paign. Exploiting Italian confusion and could the members of the Army General
lack of central direction, the Germans ar- Staff, who were establishing their head-
ranged local truces and appcaled to the quarters at Tivoli, clarify the situation.
honor of Italian officers as com- General De Stefanis and Generale di Di-
rades for the prevention of bloodshed. visione Adamo Mariotti, immediate sub-
They assured the I tallan soldiers that the ordinates of Roatta, passed through Tivoli
war was over and they might go home if that morning en route to Pescara, but
they wished. The latter point of view though they saw Carboni, thcy did not
scemed strangely similar to Badoglio's an- talle with him. Finding no m~ge from
nouncement of the armistice, and many Roatta at the carabinieri barracks, Car-
Italians threw away their weapons and boni drove eastward along the Via Tibur-
disappeared. 11 tina in quest of a mission. At Arsoli,
Though all proceeded favorably during twelve miles bcyond Tivoli, he learned
the early hours of g Scptember, German that scveral automobiles containing high-
concern over Allied intentions continued ranking officcrs had passed through not
until daylight. Only after news of the long before. Deciding to return to Tivoli,
Allied invasion at Salerno carne did the Carboni dispatched two junior officers to
nightmare of an Allied amphibious en- find Roatta. After driving scven miles to
velopment vanish. The Allies had then, Carsoli, they overtook the Army chief.
the Germans sighed in relief, run true to They reported that Carboni was at Tivoli
form after all. Their landing on the Ital- and that he had sent them to maintain
ian mainland was a methodical advance communications between him and Roatta.
beyond Sicily and well within range of Roatta listened but gave no orders. Leav-
Allied air cover-not an employment of ing the problem of what to do with
their command of the sea and air that the forces around Rome to Carboni,
would threaten the destruction of the Roatta-and Ambrosio--<:ontinued to-
Tenth Army in south Italy. The inva- ward Pescara. 7
sion at Salerno was not an opcration de- On returning to Tivoli around 1 300,
signed to take advantage of Italian Carboni took command. His first act
co-operation. Nor was it designed, from was to start the withdrawal to the Tivoli
the German viewpoint, to exploit fully the area of the two most reliable mobile di-
surprise and uncertainty arising from the visions, the Ariete and thc Piave. The
armistice announcement. 8 Ariete Division had that morning given
the 3d Panzer Grenadier Division a bloody
The Battle for Rome nose at Manziana ( on the Va Claudia)
and at Monterosi ( on the Via Cassia),
At Tivoli, where Carboni arrived around when the Germans had tried to rush tank
columns through Italian strongpoints
8 Klinckowstrocm in MS #T-1a (Westphal which were protected by well-placed road
et al.), ch. V, p. 13.
8 Westphal, He.r in Fesseln, p. !l30; Klinckow-
atroem in MS #T-1a (Westphal et al. ) , ch. V, 7 Carboni, L'armisti.:io e la difesa di Roma,

pp. 11-l!l. pp. 38-39; JI Processo Carboni-Roatta, p. 75.


mines and well-dircctcd artillcry tire. Thc afternoon. First, Calvi di Bergolo re-
Gcnnans haltcd, regrouped, brought up ported thc erratic, disloyal bchavior in
infantry, and threatencd an attack. Dur- Romc of Carboni's chief of staff, Salvi.
ing this intcrval, thc Ariete and Piave This was discouraging, for the only ex-
Divisions withdrew, replaccd in line by planation of such bchavior was a dis-
thc Re Division. Unaware of thc sulr heartening situation in the capital. Car-
stitution, thc 3d Panzer Grenadier Division boni asked his Chief of Enginecrs, Col.
commandcr maintaincd his threatening Giuscppe Cordero Montezcmolo, to serve
attitude but foreborc launching an attack. informally as Salvi's rcplacement, an ar-
By thc morning of 1o Scptembcr, thc two rangement that continued cven after Salvi
mobile divisions were in the Tivoli arca.8 appeared that aftemoon at Tivoli. Sec-
South of Rome the Granatieri Division, ond, a telephonc call carne from Generalc
unlike the Piacenza Division which no di Corpo d' Annata Gastone Gambarra,
longer existed, rcfuscd two appeals from who commanded the XI Corps in Fiume.
the 2d Parachute Division for pourparlers Gambarra asked whether the order to
to give the Germans the right of pas- put Memoria 44 into effect had bcen
sage to the city. Exerting the strongest issued. At Carboni's direction, Monte-
pressure against strongpoints guarding the zemolo did not mention the lack of com-
Via Ostiense and the Via Laurentina, the munication bctween Carboni's forces and
paratroopers late in the aftemoon knocked Comando Supremo but said that on the
out severa} Italian artillery batteries. The basis of Badoglio's proclamation and in
Italians pulled back slightly but main- consequcnce of thc German attack on
tained a solid front. Carboni telephoned Rome, Memoria 44 should go into effect.
the division commander, Generale di The puzzling and discouraging thing about
Brigata Gioacchino Solinas, and encour- ali this was that Gambarra's question in-
aged him to continue his fight. dicated that no Italian troops except those
Meanwhile, Carboni had bcen cliscus.s- under Carboni werc actively opposing the
ing with Calvi di Bergolo, the Centauro Germans. 10
Division commander, the problem of what The Germans, meanwhile, continued
to do. Calvi di Bergolo suggested that their appeals to the Italian divisions to
the I talian forces move eastward along the cease fighting their fonner comrades.
Via Tiburtina toward the Avezzano River These appeals had little effeot on the
basin and into the Abruzzi Mountains, Granatieri Division, which fought stulr
there to establish a redoubt. Vehicles bomly and well. 11 But thcy did find a
might be abandoned when they ran out receptive audience in the Centauro Divi-
of gasoline, but the units, Calvi di Bergolo sion, which had thus far taken no part in
recommended, should be maintained intact the fighting. According to the Germans,
so far as po~ible. 9 the initiative for a truce carne from the
Calvi di Bergolo's suggestion did not Italians. An ltalian lieutenant who had
impress Carboni. What did make an im- known Westphal in North Mrica appeared
pression were two other developments that

1 Carboni, L'armistizio e la di/esa di Roma,

p. 43.
8 Cadoma, La riscossa, pp. 38-46, 49. 11 Klinckowatroem in MS #T-1a (Westplal
0 1l Processo CarboniRoatta, p. 83. et al.), ch. V, p. 13.
6 n -029 o - s; - 35

at Kesselring's hcadquarters to propose preter, Giaccone reached Kessclring's hea.d-

Italian capitulation. Westphal worked out quarters at 2100, 9 Septcmber. With
the tenns. Kesselring, W estphal, and Student, he
According to the Italians, the more carried on a protracted disc~on of eight
plausible account, the initiative carne from points, four fonnulated by Giacconc, thc
the Gennans. At 1700, 9 September, a othcrs stipulated by Kesselring. Giac-
Gennan parlementaire, Capt. Hans cone proposed that the Germans continue
Schacht, presented himself at the Centauro to recognize the open city status of Rome
Division headquarters at Bagni Acque and evacuate the capital; that one Italian
Albule, about twelve miles east of Rome. division and the police force remain in
Schacht brought an oral appeal from Gen- the city; that other Italian troops lay
eral Student to the Italian division com- down their arms and be sent away on
mander, Calvi di Bcrgolo. Student sent an unlimited lcave; and that thc ltalians be
expression of personal esteem for Calvi di permitted to surrender honorably. Kes-
Bcrgolo, a declaration of faith in the selring insisted on having Gennan troops
friendly attitude of the Centauro Division occupy the Gennan Embassy, the Romc
troops, and a request that Calvi di Bcrgolo telephone cxchange, and thc Rome radio
treat his Gennan troops as f riends. station; the I talian division pennitted to
Whether this constituted a demand for serve in Rome was to have no artillery;
surrender, a request to let the German he wanted the Italian officer designatcd as
forces pass unmolested to the north, or an commander of the city to render a daily
offer of honorable capitulation, was not report to Kessclring; I talian soldiers, after
clcar. But Schacht, in any cvent, de- their dischargc from active duty, were to
clared that "within a few hours the Ger- have the option of taking up military or
mans will be unopposed masters of labor service with the Gennans.
Rome." 12 At the conclusion of the discussion,
In reply, Calvi di Bergolo sent his chief Kesselring said that the Italian situation
of staff, Lt. Col. Leandro Giaccone, to was hopelcss. He said he was prepared
Kcsselring's headquarters to learn exactly to blow up the aqueducts and bomb thc
what terms the Gennans would offer. city if the Italians refused his terms.
Whether Calvi di Bcrgolo was preparing Giaccone said he thought the conditions
to surrender or whether he was trying were acceptable. He proposed, and Kes-
merely to gain time is not clear. Whether selring agreed to, a three-hour troce to
Carboni knew of and approved Giaccone's start at 0700, 10 September. At the end
mission in advance is not clear either. In of the truce, Giaccone promised, the Ital-
any case, when Carboni lcarned of Giac- ian reply would be delivered. At o 1 30,
cone's mi.s&on, he, as chief of intelligence, 1 o September, he and his intcrpreter
ordered Giaccone closely watched. started back to Tivoli.
Accompanied by a lieutenant as inter- Giaccone reported to Calvi di Bcrgolo,
who was quite uncertain what to do. h.1.
12 Tbe Gennan view is presented by Klinckow- was disappointed and annoyed becausc
stroem in MS #T-1a (Westpbal el al.), page the terms brought from Frascati com-
13 ; the Italian view is in a statement made by
Lt. Col. Leandro Giaccone, the Centauro' chief prised a surrender-quite different from
of staff, in 11 P1ousso Carboni-RoaUa, page 81. Schacht's verbal mcssage from Student.
Yet Calvi di Bcrgolo could not overlook Maresciallo d'ltalia Enrico Caviglia, an
the diffi.cult Italian situation, the unrcli- elderly officer who had bcen a rival of
ability of bis own Centauro troops, and Badoglio for ycars, had takcn what
the impossibility of cffectivcly opposing amountcd to de facto command of the civil
the Gcrmans. and military forces in the capital and had
Calvi di Bergolo scnt Giaccone to Car- bccome what rescmblcd the hcad of a pro-
boni. Though Carboni Iater said he rc- visional govemmcnt.
f uscd the ternlS ( and though. Giaccone During the spring of 1943, the King
latcr said Carboni acccpted thcm), Giac- had considered Caviglia as a possiblc suc-
cone at 0530, 1 o Scptcmbcr, scnt bis in- ccssor to Mussolini, but Caviglia had made
terprcter back to Frascati with a m~ge no movc to furthcr the possibility.111 He
acccpting the Gcrman conditions. He, had maintained bis contact with the crown
Giaccone, would follow Iater. but had remaincd aloof from governmcntal
Whatever Carboni's precise words to matters until the summer of I 943, when
Giaccone might have bcen, Carboni had he bccamc incrcasingly concerncd with
no intcntion of surrcndering. Still hoping what he judgcd to be Badoglio's misman-
for Allied support, from sea or from air, agcment of affairs. His impatience with
he wished to stall by talking with the Badoglio's lcadership had lcd him to ar-
Gcrmans, intending to break off the talles range for an audience with the King.
at the right time on sorne pretext. He Scheduled to sce Victor Emmanuel 111 on
told Calvi di Bergolo of bis aims but the the morning of 9 Scptember, Caviglia went
latter would have no part in this schcmc. to Rome on the 8th. While he was having
Giaccone rctumcd to Frascati, rcaching dinner with friends that evening, he hcard
Kessclring's hcadquarters at 0700, I o a recording of Badoglio's announccmcnt of
Scptembcr. Carboni, meanwhile, ordercd ltaly's surrender. This confirmed bis
the Ariete and Piave Divisions, asscmbling worst suspicions-Caviglia was certain
near Tivoli, to attack the 2d Parachute that Badoglio had arranged to escape
Division in order to relieve prcsmrc on thc from Rome. But Caviglia never doubted
GranaJieri Division. While the divisions the King and the high command. With
preparcd to execute the attack that aftcr- faith that they would remain in Rome to
noon, Carboni left Tivoli about 0700 and meet the critica! situation, Caviglia calmly
went to Rome with severa! of bis staff went to bcd.
officers. He went in response to a tcle- The next morning, 9 Scptembcr, Cavig-
phone call from Sorice, the Minister of lia discovered thc grcatest confusion in
War.1a the city. Only the doormen were on duty
On his way to Rome, Carboni noted at the Quirinal Palace-no guards, no
that all seemed quiet north of the eity, carabinieri. No rcsponsible official was
but on the south the Gcrman paratroopers at the Ministry of War.
continued to press closer to the city limits. 14 Caviglia's mounting concem was height-
Sorice wanted to see Carboni bccausc ened when he met Generale di Corpo
a peculiar situation had ariscn in Rome. d'Armata Vittorio Sogno, a corps com-
13 /l Processo Carboni-Roatta, pp. 81-go; Ca- 15 Enrico Caviglia, Maresciallo d'ltalia, Diario
dorna, La riscossa, pp. 53-5 7. (April 1925-Marzo 1945) (Rome: Gherardo
t t 1l Processo Carboni-Roatta, p. 77. Casini editore, 1952), pp. 392-414.

mander stationed in Albania who had rance of the armistice negotiations. When
come to Rome in civilian clothes to receive Sorice advised the Minister of the Interior,
orders from Comando Supremo. Sogno Ricci, that Badoglio had invested him with
told Caviglia that he had looked in vain responsibility for the civil government of
for Barbieri, commander of the Army Rome, Ricci declined the honor. 17
Corps of Rome. Barbieri was not at his At this point, Caviglia stcpped into thc
office. Carboni, Sogno had Iearned, had breach. He tried to send a tclcgram to
been placed in command of all the forces the King for authorization to rumune full
around Rome, but Carboni had disap- powers in Rome during the absence of
peared. Sogno had been at Comando the Head of Government. But he could
Supremo but had found not a single gen- not learn precisely where thc King was
eral officer. Roatta's office was empty. and undertook to act on his own rcspon-
And Sogno had heard a rumor that the sibility, deriving his power from his p~
carabinieri and the service school forma- tige as a marshal of Italy. 18
tions had been dissolved. At the Palazzo Caviglia's first thought was to sparc
Caprara, Caviglia ran into Coloncl Salvi. Rome and its population the devastation
His eyes red from weeping, Salvi declared of battle. To that end, he fclt it ncces-
he did not know where his commander, sary to pacify the Gennans. From Gen-
Carboni, had gone. After further ef- crale di Divisione Umberto di Giorgio,
forts to find out what was happen- who seemcd to have succecded General
ing, Caviglia made the painful discovery Barbieri in command of the interna! de-
that the King had fted Rome in company fenscs of Rome, he Iearned not only that
with Badoglio and high-ranking officers. the Italian troops could not stand up to
Shocked and depressed, Caviglia went the Gennans but also that the availablc
back to the Ministry of War, whcre he supplies for the civilians were sufficient
met General Sorice. 18 for only a few days. He made repeatcd
Sorice had been having no easy time. attempts, but in vain, to get in touch
Badoglio had instructed him the previous with Carboni. He tried to ncgotiatc with
evening, after deciding to leavc Rome, to the Gennans, but the German Emb~
notify the civilian ministers of the govern- staff had gone and Kessclring's hcadquar-
ment's move. Sorice was to inform the ters outside the city was hostile. To tran-
ministers to meet the King and his party quilize the civil population, Caviglia had
at Pescara. But Sorice did not get the the Minister of Propaganda, Galli, issuc
civilian mcmbcrs of the cabinet together bulletins over the radio and post billboard
until the morning of g Septembcr, when, notices calling on the people to remain
meeting at the Viminale Palace, with calm and assuring them that negotia-
Caviglia present, they were startled by tions were bcing carried on with the
the news of thc departure of the King and Gennans.19
Badoglio. The first reaction of the Min-
ister of Propaganda, Cario Galli, was to 11 Senise, Quando ero Capo della Polizia, p.
summon a notary public and make an 249; Maugeri, From th11 Ashes of Disgrace, p.
official record of bis complete igno- 185; Guariglia, Ricordi, pp. 714, 71 7.
18 Caviglia, Diario, p. 441; Il Processo Car-
18 Caviglia, Diario, pp. 435-40; 1l ProceSJo boni-Roatra, p . 90.
Carboni-Roatta, p. 89. 111 Caviglia, Diario, pp. 439-41.

When the broadcasts and public notices Sorice agreed that Carboni's course of
appeared on the morning of 1 o Septem- action was corrcct.21
ber, they undermined whatever spirit re- Carboni then set up his command post
mained among the civil population and in a private apartment in Rome-at
thc troops. Carboni's plan for continucd Piazza dello Muse 7-which belonged to
opposition to thc Germans thus received an employee of the intelligence bureau.
a check even beforc Carboni could move Equipped with two telephones and with
over to the offensive. good observation of strategic streets, the
When Carboni arrived at Sorice's of- apartment was well located for Carboni's
ficc in the Ministry of W ar that moming, purposc. There Carboni bcgan to urge
he was ushercd in immediately to see civilian rcsistance against the Germans and
Caviglia. Out of respect to Caviglia, to dircct the operations of the military
Soricc took no part in the discwmon. 20 units.
Caviglia had never seen Carboni before, Carboni approved General Cadorna's
and even though Carboni, now in uniform, final orders for the Ariete Division's attack.
madc a favorable impres&on, Caviglia He ordered Generale di Divisione U go
was prepared to dislikc him. Caviglia Tabellini, the Piave Division's commander,
had not thought very much of thc military who reported in person, to bring up his
articles Carboni had written for the daily troops to support the hard-pressed Gran-
prcss; Sorice had described him as head- atieri Division. He encouraged Generale
strong and willful. And, finally, Carboni di Brigata Ottaviano Traniello, the Re
was a product of the Badoglio era of the Division commander. He sent whatever
Italian Anny. separate units he could locate to reinforce
Despite these handicaps, Carboni per- the Granatieri Division, and he urged the
suaded Caviglia of his competencc and of division commander, General Solinas, to
the sincerity of his intentions. He briefed hold out at all costs.
Caviglia on the military situation, ex- As for getting the civilians to fight in
plained how he had received from Roatta defense of the city, four days earlier, on
the order to withdraw his forces to Tivoli 6 September, Carboni had secured and
for no apparent reason, and indicated that set aside 500 rifles, 400 pistols, and 15,000
he could not simply leave the troops in hand grcnades for distribution to th pop-
Tivoli indefinitely. He had insufficient ulation. Luigi Longo, leader of the Com-
fuel to move into the Abruzzi Mountains. munist party, had taken charge of the
He was therefore tuming the Ariete and distribution, and on 1o September Longo
Piave Divisions back to Rome to fight to arrived at Carboni's apartment house
save the capital from the Germans. command post. Carboni urged him to
Still without authorization from the get civilian fighters to support the Grana-
King for his assumption of quasi com- tieri troops south of the city. A little
mand, Caviglia expressed rather unclearly later, around noon, Carboni sent Dr.
what Carboni construed as approval of
Carboni's intention to continue the fight.
21 Carboni, L'armistizio e la di/esa di Roma,
p. 44; Caviglia, Diario, pp. 443-44; ll Processo
2 Carboni, L'armistizio e la di/esa di Roma, Carboni-Roatla, p. 90; Sanzi, Generale Carboni,
p. 44; ll Processo Carboni-Roatta, p. go. p. 224.

Edoardo Stolfi to tell the Committcc of more severe. Undeniably, these condi-
National Libcration that it was time to tions meant capitulation, nothing lcss.18
ann the population and to hclp the troops Giaccone ~tmed with Westphal thc
rcsist the Gcnnans. The committcc de- new tenns in dctail and with care. At
clined to take action, though a few indi- 1 ooo he departed for Rome, taking with
vidual citizcns joined and fought with the him the surrender document in the Ger-
rnilitary, particularly at Porta San Paolo. man and Italian languagcs, both already
There was nothing in Rome on 1 o Sep- signed by Westphal. Giaccone arrived at
tcmbcr even rcscmbling a popular uprising. the Palazzo Caprara around noon, got the
The Romans were disillusioned, fearful, tdcphone number of Carboni's command
and tired of war. They had welcomed post, and phoned Carboni about the out-
the armistice with joy. Wanting only come of bis mismon.
peacc, they preferred to listen to Cavig- Carboni ordered Giacconc to break off
lia's radio broadcasts and read the bill- negotiations immediatcly. Replying that
board announcements that were urging the situation was cxtrcmcly delicate and
them to be quiet rather than to Carboni serious, Giaccone requested an ordcr in
who offered only strenuous and dangcrous writing, or, he added, Carboni could make
adventure.12 a direct and personal communication to
Meanwhile, Giaccone and an aide had Kesselring. Responding that the situation
arrived at Frascati at 0700. W estphal met was indeed serious and delicate, Carboni
them. Giaccone stated that the Italian declined to ~ume any responsibility. He
command had accepted the terms formu- recommended that Giaccone refer the
lated the night bcfore. He also complained problem to Sorice, thc Minister of War.14
that the Germans were not properly observ- When presented with the problem and
ing the troce, which was supposcd to last after listening to Giaccone's estimate that
for thrcc hours, until 1ooo. Westphal at no other course existed except to agrce to
once dispatched two staff officers to ac- Kesselring's terms, Sorice did not feel up
company Giaccone's aide in order to en- to the responsibility of making a decision.
sure obscrvance of the troce by the
u JI Processo Carboni-Roatta, pp. 87-88.
Gennan units. The authon have followed the recorded testimony
At this point, around 0730, Kesselring as given in the trial of Carboni, Roatta, Am-
appeared. He said that Italian resistance brosio, et al., in which some, but not ali of the
was altogether hopclcss bccause the Allies relevant facts regarding the 1urrender were es-
tablished. Gennan postwar writings are leu
had confined their invasion to Salemo, valid as evidence. Note, howevcr, that both
thereby leaving the ltalian troops near Kesselring and Klinckowstroem assert that Gen-
Rome to stand alone. As a result, he eral Calvi di Bergolo and Colonel Montezemolo
appeared at Gennan headquarten early in the
presented a new set of terms---drafted by moming of 10 September along with Colonel
Westphal during the night-considerably Giaccone. See Klinckowstroem in MS #T-1a
(Westphal et al.), ch. V, pp. 13-14; Kesselring,
Soldat, p. 255. The new set of terms may be
found in Il Processo Carboni-Roatta, pp. 88-89.
22 Carboni, L'armistizio e la difesa di Roma, : Il Processo Carboni-Roatta, pp. 88, 92;
pp. 44-45; Il Processo Carboni-Roatta, pp. 9<r Carboni, L'armistizio e la difesa di Roma, pp.
92; Sanzi, Generale Carboni, pp. 14g-50; 46-47. Sanzi (Generale Carboni, page 157)
Scrivener, lnside Rome With the Germans, pp. states that it was General Calvi di Bergolo who
3-4. called, not Giaccone.

He suggestcd that Giaccone lay thc mattcr timate of the military situation, for thc
befare Caviglia, thc highest ranking mili- marshal was an acknowledgcd military
tary person in Rome. Sorice had that cxpcrt, they concurred in thc wisdom of
day found out the whereabouts of the Caviglia's decision.211
King, and he had sent a telegram re- Tbis decidcd, Calvi di Bergolo and
questing authority for Caviglia to become Giaccone shortly after 1400 returned to
thc govemment representative in Rome. Soricc at thc Ministry of War, where Calvi
But ncither Caviglia nor Sorice evcr re- di Bcrgolo telephoned Carboni and asked
ceived thc King's reply, which was ac- him to come over. Carboni arrived in a
tually sent and which invested Caviglia matter of minutes.
with full powers "during the temporary The four officcrs argucd over whether to
absence of the President of the Council accept Kesselring's terms. Sorice and Car-
who is with thc military ministcrs." 25 boni declared them unacceptable and re-
Giaccone, after leaving Sorice, found fused to sign the documents Giaccone
Caviglia at the house of a fricnd. Soon had brought. Calvi di Bcrgolo and Giac-
after Giaccone's arrival, bis comrnanding conc insisted that they had no alternative
officer, General Calvi di Bcrgolo, appeared but to accept, particularly in view of
in search of Giaccone to learn thc results Kesselring's ultimatum. While the argu-
of the second disc~ion with Kesselring. ment continued, machine gun fire soundcd
Ali three officers discussed the problem of nearby. U pon investigation, they learned
whether to accept the German demands that German troops had made their way
and capitulate. Caviglia said he had no to the Via dell'Impero. Without further
authority to capitulatc bccause he had not ado, Giaccone placed bis signature on the
heard from the King. But he added that documents. 27
if bis assumption of authority had bcen Almost imrnediately afterwards, Cavig-
confirmed, he would decide in favor of lia arrived at the Ministry of War. Car-
accepting the German ultimatum. He boni was still arguing in favor of resisting
did not bclieve that the military situation the Gennans on the basis that the Allied
permitted further resistance-and this invasion would soon force the Germans
despite bis approval of Carboni;s decision to withdraw north of Rome. Caviglia
to resist. Caviglia advised Calvi di Bcr- scoffed at the idea-such a belief, he said;
golo to send Giaccone back to Frascati was mere propaganda; the landings at
to accept the German telTllS. Salema could not free Rome. Only an
The discussion was still under way when Allied landing north of the capital, Cavig-
other guests were announced-lvanoe lia said, could libcrate Rome and northern
Bonomi, Alessandro Casati, and Meuccio Italy from German occupation. Carboni
Ruini, politicans who were membcrs of remained adamant. He refused to sign
the Committee of National Libcration, and the capitulation papers. Saying that he
Leopoldo Piccardi, Badoglio's Minister of knew the Germans well, he felt that they
Industry. Caviglia received them and
explained bis views. Accepting bis es- 28 /l Processo Carboni-Roatta, pp. 911-93 ;
Caviglia, Diario, pp. 445-46; Bonomi, Diario di
25 Caviglia, Diario, p. 441; ll Processo Carboni- un anno, pp. 101-03.
Roatta, p. 90; Roatta, Otto milioni, p. 329; 21 JI Processo Carboni-Roatta, p. 93; Carboni,
Zanmsi, Guerra e catastro/e, 11, 1109. L'armistizio e la difesa di Roma, p. 47.

would not honor even the harsh terms bcr. That cvening thc monarch dccidcd
that they were imposing. Calvi di Ber- to continue thc voyagc by ship, and
golo said that he trusted the Gennan shortly aftcr midnight, thc party boardcd
officers. He had faith in their honor, a naval vcssel and sailed to the south.29
and he urged Carboni to speak directly to During this time thc King and his party
Kesselring and get his personal as.mrance. werc rccciving only thc vagucst kind of rc-
With sorne bittemcss, Carboni said he ports from thc rcst of Italy. Fighting
would do nothing of the sort. Calvi di seemcd to be going on around Romc, and
Bergolo's Centauro Division, he said, had this causcd conccm. A mcssage carne in
stood by idly while the Granatieri, Ariete, asking pe~ion for Caviglia to assume
and Piave Divisions had fought and fought full rnilitary and political powcr in the
with distinction. If Calvi di Bergolo had capital, and this causcd puzzlcrncnt-
such faith in the Gennans, let him take what had happened to Carboni and to
command of the city and responsibility for Ricci? For all thc confusion, someone
the annistice. Thc othcrs agrecd. had ncverthclcss had the foresight to bring
Surpriscd by this tum of evcnts, Calvi thc radio and codc for cornmunicating with
di Bergolo after considerable hesitation, AFHQ. On the evcning of g September,
acquicsced. Upon Calvi di Bergolo's re- befare thc King and his party went aboard
sponsibility thcn, Giaccone retumed to the warship, a rncssage went out to the
Kcsselring's headquarters with the sur- Allies: "We are rnoving to Taranta." 81
rendcr documents bcaring his signaturc Around 1430, 10 Septernbcr, the royal
oppositc that of Wcstphal. Giaccone party dcbarkcd at Brindisi. Therc thc
rcachcd Frascati at 1630, hall an hour mernbers of thc govemmcnt staycd, and
bcyond the ultimatum's cxpiration but in Brindisi became the new capital of ltaly.
time to save Rome frorn bombardment Thcre was sorne talk among thc gcncrals
and the ltalian troops frorn further com- of sending an officer to Rome by air to
bat.28 discover thc cxtcnt and rcsults of the
Kessclring thus becarne, aftcr two days, fighting. But beforc an officer could de-
master of Rome. Playing his cards with part, news carne that Caviglia had ar-
great skill, he overcamc more than five rangcd for a ccssation of 1talo-German
1talian divisions though he hirnseli held hostilities.82
only a pair, and in so doing he kept open
his line of communications to thc T enth Dissolution of the 1talian Armed Forces
Army. By occupying Rome and dispers-
ing thc strong Italian forces in the arca, At La Spezia the main part of thc Ital-
he made possible a stubborn defense against ian Flcct had escaped Gennan scizurc.
thc Allies in southern ltaly. Late in thc aftemoon of 8 Septcrnber,
In thc meantirnc, the King and bis the battleships Roma, Italia, and Vittorio
party had rcachcd Pescara on g Scptem- 29 ll Proc1sso Carboni-Roatta, p. 64; Badoglio,
Memorie 11 documenti, pp. 118-19; Zanussi,
28 ll Processo Carboni-Roatta, p. 93; Caviglia, Guerra 11 catastro/e, 11, 203.
Diario, pp. 446--,H; see abo Pietro Pieri, "Roma 10 Roatta, Otto milio11i, p. 329; Zanussi,
nella prima d1cad1 del s1U11mb11 1943," Nuova Guerra e catastro/e, 11, 209.
Rivista Storica, vol. XLIV, No. 2 (Auguat 1960), 31 Capitulation of Italy, p. 379.
pp. 403-09. 32 Roatta, Otto milioni, p. 330.

V eneto had left the harbor, the Gennans cupied France seemingly vanished into thin
having been convinced by De Courten a1r. Four divisions of Rundstedt's OB
that the ships were steaming out to meet W EST-in a series of police actions rather
and destroy the Allied convoys moving than military operations-rounded up
toward Salemo. 33 Joined by cruisers the Italian Fourth Army in southem
and destroyers from Genoa, the fleet on France and Liguria. Sorne units of the
the moming of 9 September was sailing, 5th ( Pusteria) Alpine Division resisted, but
in accord with Allied instructions, off the only briefly, at the Mount Cenis tunnel.
western shore of Corsica. The ships A few soldiers of the Fourth Army in
p~d south of Corsica to pick up other France accepted German invitations and
vessels at Maddalena. That aftemoon, volunteered to fight under German com-
Gennan aircraft based on Sardinia at- mand. Sorne 40,000 ltalians were taken
tacked the fleet and sank the Roma ( the prisoner and later sent north to Germany
commander, Ammiraglio Cario Bergamini, as labor troops. 35
and most of the crew were lost) , and dam- In the Brenner area, the German 44th
aged the Italia. Ammiraglio Romeo Oliva Infantry Division, composed mostly of
took command and tumed the ships to- Austrians, redeemed the South Tyrol with
ward North Africa. At 0600, 10 Septem- avidity, overrunning General Gloria's
ber, this fleet of two battleships, five XXXV Corps headquarters at Bolzano
cruisers, and seven destroyers met the on g September, occupying Bologna the
Warspite, the Valiant, and severa! de- same day. The following evening, two
stroyers, which escorted the ltalian ships thousand railway workers arrived from
to Bizerte. The same aftemoon, the bat- Germany and took over the majar railroad
tleships Andrea Doria and Caio Duilo, two centers in northem Italy.36
cruisers, and a destroyer, on their way from At La Spezia, German forces disrupted
Taranto, reached Malta. 34 telephone communications, then appealed
The capitulation of the Italian forces to the Italian units to disband, the men
around Rome to the Germans, rather than to go home. The Germans surrounded
the surrender of the fleet to the Allies, the Italian XVI Corps headquarters
proved to be the main pattem of Italian ( which had been in Sicily), fired severa}
action. Paucity of matriel, declining machine guns, then walked into the rnain
morale, and lack of direction from Rome building and captured the corps com-
were the reasons why the half-million mander and bis staff. Enraged by the
troops or more in north I taly and oc- escape of the Italian warships, the Ger-
mans summarily executed severa} Italian
33 Ke55elring, Soldat, p . 238; Westphal, Heer
naval captains who had been unable to
in Fesseln, pp. 226-27.
34 Klinckowstroem in MS #T-1a (Westphal get their ships out of the port and who
et al.), ch. V, p. !U, indica tes that the attack was had scuttled their vessels.37
made by the Support Auiation Wing 4. In The German takeover in northern 1taly
Rome, Supermarina seems to have believed that
the attack was by Allied planes (Butcher, My proved rnuch easier than OKW had an-
Three Years With Eisenhower, p. 413). See also
Morison, Sicily-Salerno-Anzio, pp. 242-43; 3~ See Harrison, Cross-Channel Attack, p. 144.
Basso. L' A rmistizio del Settembre 1943 in Sardegna, 36 Rossi, Come arrivammo, pp. 26o-61.
pp. 41, 48; Cunningham, A Sailor's Odyssey, pp. 37 Cunningham, A Sailor's Odyssey, p. 573;
562-63. Rossi, Come arriuammo, pp. 258, 261.

ticipated. The initial rcports showed such Memoria 44 to Arisio-to suggest that the
I talian confusion and paralysis as to make government was thinking of changing
Hitler contemptuous and passionately course.
vindictive. As early as 9 September, an In contrast to the developmcnts in
order issued by Keitel on the treatment northern I taly and in the Rome arca aftcr
of I tallan troops under German jurisdic- Mussolini's overthrow, there had been no
tion rcftected Hitler's feelings. Comman- acute friction between Italian and Ger-
ders in France, northem Italy, and the man forces in the south. The armisticc
Balkans, the order said, could accept announcement humiliated the Italian gen-
Italians who werc willing to fight in Ger- erals, who, led by Arisio himsclf, freely
man units but had to take all others as turned vehicles, supplies, and facilities ovcr
priS<mers of war for forced labor. Skilled to the Germans and voluntarily gave
workers werc to be assigned to the arma- Gennan troops thc good coastal positions
ment industry, the unskilled to help con- they occupied. Only the 9th (Pasubio)
struct a contemplated East W all. Rom- Infantry Division suffercd from German
mel put the order into immediate effect. aggression-thc division was torn to pieces
His subordinate commanders took Italian as the Germans rushcd toward Salcrno to
troops into custody, disarmed them, and opposc the Allics. Only one commander
prcparcd them for transfer to Germany.88 suffercd, General Gonzaga of thc 222d
In southem I taly, the annistice an- Coastal Division, who rcfused German
nouncement had taken the Italian Seventh dcmands that bis troops be disarmcd and
Army completely by surprise. Les than was promptly shot. Only thc 209th
six weeks earlier, when Roatta had thought Coastal Division, stationed at Bari, rc-
that the government might decide to resist mained intact. Except for this latter unit,
the unwanted Gennan rcinforccments, he a few elements of thc 58th (Legnano) In-
told the army commander, Generale di / antry Division (in thc Brindisi and Ta-
Corpo d'Annata Adalberto di Savoia ran to arca) , a few units of thc 152d
Genova, the Duke of Bcrgamo, to react (Piceno) and 104th (Mantova) lnfantry
energetically in case of German violcnce. Divisions in Puglia, and sorne unspecified
He had rcpeated the order to General coastal formations--the forces under thc
Arisio, who had succeeded to the army Seventh Army, thrce regular divisions and
command in August-telling Arisio to act six coastal divisions grouped into four
against the Germans only the Germans corps--werc disarmed, the men permittcd
committed acts of open hostility. Bc- to go home.89
yond that, therc was no warning, no in-
11 Vietingboft' in MS #T-za (Wcstphal et
dication-not even the transmittal of al.). ch. VI; Roui, Come arrivammo, pp. 257,
18 For text of thc ordcr, scc Trials of W ar 277; Col. Gaetano Giannuzzi, L'Esercito vittima
Criminals before the Nvernberg Military Tribv- d1ll'armistizio, ( Turin: P. Castello, 1946), p. 38 ;
nals vnder Control Covncil Law No. 10, Nvern- Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, Oflicc of United
berg, October 1946-April 1949 (Washington, Statet Chicf of Counscl for Prosecution of Axis
1950), vol. XI, Doc. NDKW-898, pp. 1078-79. Criminality (hcrcaftcr citcd as Nazi Conspiracy
B. H. Liddcll Hart, cd., The Romm1l Papers and Aggression) (Washington, 1946), vol. VII,
(London: Collim, 1953), pp. <H5-H Sce also tram of Doc. L-172, p. 935, shows the
Caracciolo di Fcrolcto, "E Poi?" pp. 140--55, and bio Division as dcfinitely disarmcd; Msg 477,
Giweppc Gariboldi-Farina, Follia delle Foll1 Mason-MacFarlanc to Whitclcy, 15 Scp 43, Ca-
(Romc: Staderini, 1945), pp. 194-g5. pitulation of Italy, pp. 503-04.

In the Balkans, Grcece, and the Acgcan, der to fight, an appeal setting out the situa-
the Italian ground forces, numbcring more tion to your people as it now exists is
than 600,000 men, werc with but few cx- essential. Your Excellency is the one man
that can do this. You can help free your
ceptions completely dissolved by 15 country from the horrors of the battlefield.
Scptembcr, having offercd little aid to the I urge you to act now; delay will be inter-
Allics on the Italian mainland and even preted by the common enemy as weakness
l~ rcsistance to thc Germans. On the and lack of resolution. 40
islands of Sardinia and Corsica, though General Eisenhower a1so rccommended
the 1talians outnumbcrcd thc Germans that Prcsident Roosevelt and Prime Min-
by more than four to one, they werc istcr Churchill call on thc Italian peoplc
unable to cxcrt a positivc influencc on to opposc ficrcely cvcry Gcrman in 1taly-
thc war. Thc Gcrmans cvacuatcd thcir such opposition, he explained, would
troops, numbcring a division and a half, grcatly assist Allied military operations.41
from Sardinia to the mainland whcrc, a Accordingly, on 11 Scptembcr, Rooscvclt
most welcomc addition to Kcssclring's and Churchill made public a lcttcr to
forces, they participated in thc battles Marshal Badoglio, calling on him to lead
south of Romc. A significant part of thc thc Italian pcople against the German
Italian 184th (Nembo) Parachute Division invaders. They instructed Eisenhower to
wcnt over to thc German sidc and servcd convey the mcssagc directly to Badoglio.42
actively with thc German forces. Thcsc cfforts to prod the Italian Army
The ineptncss of thc I tallan ground into activity wcrc like bcating a dcad
troops and thc passivity of Badoglio's horse. Perhaps the Allies achicvcd a final
govemmcnt during thc early and critical wiggle whcn on 1 1 Septembcr Roatta issued
days of thc Salemo invasion brought by radio a general order to all army com-
scrious disappointmcnt to AFHQ. Dur- manders to consider the Germans as
ing the aftemoon of IO Scptembcr, Gen- cnemics.41 On the same day, Badoglio
eral Eisenhowcr sent a messagc to informed Eisenhower that he had, thc day
Badoglio in the hope of galvanizing the bcfore, ordcrcd ali 1talian armcd forces
Italians into action: "to act vigorously against German ag-
The whole future and honor of ltaly de-
grcsmon." For the Allies' cdification, he
pend upon the part which her anned forces included a final appeal for an Allied land-
are now prepared to play. The Germans ing north of Rome and an airbome
have definitely and deliberately taken the drop in thc Grossetto arca."
field against you. They have mutilated 0 Msg 443, scnt both over "Drizzle-Monkey"
your fieet and sunk one of your ships; they and by naval channels, ro Sep 43, 16578 time,
have attacked your soldiers and seized your Capitulation of Italy, pp. 405-07.
ports. The Gennans are now being at- u Telg W-g635 FREEDOM to AGWAR; 10
tacked by land and sea and on an ever Sep 43, Capitulation of Italy, pp. 4og-10.
42 Text of message in U.S. Department of State,
increasing scale from the air. Now is the
time to strike. If Italy rises now as one Unit1d Stat1s and Italy 1936-1946: Docum1n-
man we shall seize every Gennan by the tary R1cord, p. 68; Telg 7473, President and
Prime Minister to Eiscnhower, 11 Sep 43, Capitu-
throat. I urge you to issue immediately a lation of ltaly, p. 414.
clarion call to ali patriotic Italians. They 41 Roatta, Otto milioni, p. 338; Zanuasi,
have done much locally already but action Gu1rra 1 catastro/1, 11, 248.
appears to be uncoordinated and uncertain. u Radiograms, "Monkey" to "Drizzle," 11 Sep
They require inspired leadership and, in or- 43, Capitulation of ltaly, pp. 428, 434.

By then it was too late. Only a few him and his intelligence officer over the
I talian commands were still functioning camp. 411
actively. Indecision, fear of the Germans, On 8 Septernber, while flying over the
and lack of communication with com- Gran Sasso in a Heinkel 1 1 1 plane, Skor-
manders in the field had doomed the zeny Jocated the Campo Imperatore from
Italian Army. Not only did this inaction the air and noticed a small triangular
facilitate K~lring's plans and permit green area behind the hotCI that might
him to give his whole attention to the serve for an air landing operation. He
Allied invasion at Salemo, but it also de- and his intelligence officer tried to take
prived the King and the Badoglio govem- pictures, but the camera built into the
ment of resources they might have used plane froze at 15,000 feet, and it was only
to gain a better bargaining position with with great difficulty that they managed to
respect to the Allies. take sorne photographs with a hand
Mussolini This air reconnaissance was responsible
for Skorzeny's abscnce from Frascati dur-
Everything seemed to be going Hitler's ing the Allied air bombardment of Kes-
way except for one thing, the rescue of selring's headquarters. It was fortunatc
Mussolini. lf Skorzeny, under Student's for him that he had left, for his quartcrs
supervision, could locate Mussolini's prison werc badly damagcd. As a result, he
and kidnap him, Hitler felt that he would had to go to Rome to have his film devel-
have a good chance of restoring fascism in oped. In the capital that evening, he
Italy and regaining an ally. Skorzeny had pushcd bis way through joyous crowds of
misscd getting Mussolini by onc day, when civilians who were celebrating the arrni-
the Duce's captors had moved him from stice, madc known not long before by
the island of Maddalena back to the Italian Badoglio's announcement.
main)and just before Skorzeny could exe- Before Skorzeny could go ahead with
cute his planned raid. rescue plans, he needed confirmation of
Shortly thereafter, however, Skorzeny's Mussolini's presence at the ski lodge on
agents informed him that Mussolini had Gran Sasso. He induccd a German staff
been moved to the Campo Imperatore on doctor to visit the lodgc on the pretext
the Gran Sasso, a ski lodge completed that it might be suitable for use as a con-
shortly before the outbreak of the war valescent home for soldiers recuperating
and located on the highest peak of the from malaria. The doctor started out
Apennines. No military map carried its that night and returned the following day.
location. Not even mountain climbers' He reported he had been unable to get to
charts identified the place. The only in- the lodge itself. He had reached Aquila,
formation that Skorzeny could get carne the nearest village, and frorn there had
from a German citizen living in ltaly. gone to a funicular station at the base of
He had once spent a holiday there, and the mountain. A dctachment of ltalian
he had a circular dcscribing the hotel ac- soldiers guarded the station. A telephone
commodations. This intelligence was 0 This account of Mussolini's liberation is based
hardly adequate for a military operation, largely on Skorzeny, Geheimkommando Skorzeny,
so Skorzeny arranged to have a pilot fly pp. u7-5'g.

call to the lodge disclosed that Italian gliders took off at 1300, 12 September.
troops stood guard there, too. Whcther Though the paratroopers were well equip-
Mussolini was at thc lodgc was uncertain. ped with light arms, Skorzeny counted
On the ncxt day, 10 Septcmbcr, Stu- most on the element of surprise. He rode
dent and Skorzeny discussed their problem. in the third glider in the hope that the
They felt they had to act quickly, for men in the preceding two would have the
every hour that went by increased the situation well in hand when he arrived.
possibility that the Italians might transfer But the two leading tow planes went off
Mussolini to Allied custody. Though they course, and Skorzeny's glider was the first
were not absolutely certain, they decided to land. It crash-landed to earth less
to act on the chance that M ussolini actu- than fifty yards from the lodge.
ally was at the lodge on Gran Sasso. Piling out of the glider, Skorzeny and
Because the capitulation of the ltalian his men rushed to the hotel and scrambled
troops around Rome that day made the to a second story window. Inside they
2d Parachute Diuision available for the found Mussolini. The ltalian guards of-
new mission, Student thought it best to fered no resistance. Meanwhile four more
send first a battalion of paratroopers into gliders landed successfully on the little
the valley at night to seize the funicular green area near the lodge.
station. But a ground attack up the With M ussolini safely in hand, Skor-
side of the mountain was impractical. zeny demanded the surrender of the Ital-
The troops might sustain heavy l~, the ian garrison. The colonel who appeared
attack would endanger Mussolini's life. to be in command asked for time to con-
A parachute drop in the thin air over the sider. He withdrew, but he soon retumed
Gran Sasso was also dangerous. Student with a flask of wine and saluted his con-
therefore decided to make a surprise at- querors. By then, the paratroop battalion
tack on the top of the mountain with a in the valley, after a show of force, was
company of glider-borne troops. He or- in possession of the funicular station.
dered twelve gliders flown from southern Skorzeny relayed a message to Student-
France to Rome. by telephone to the valley, thence by
Detailed planning for the operation was scout car radio--advising that he had ac-
completed on 11 September. Paratroop- complished the first part of his mission.
ers were to seize the cable car station in This message reached Student, but sub-
the valley and make a surprise landing on sequent communications were interrupted,
top of Gran Sasso. H-hour was 0600, and Skorzeny was unable to consult with
12 September. To help persuade the higher authority on the best way to remove
1talian guards to give up M ussolini with- M ussolini from the Gran Sasso.
out resistance, Skorzeny induced an Ital- Wishing to get Mussolini to Hitler's
ian general to accompany him. 46 headquarters as fast as he could, Skorzeny
Because the dozen gliders coming from got in touch by radio with a small Storch
France were late in arriving in the Rome aircraft flying overhead to observe thc
area, Skorzeny postponed the operation operation. He wantcd the pilot, Captain
for eight hours. The planes towing the Gerlach, to land on the mountain. With
48 Identified as General Soleti by Mussolini in Italians assisting, the Germans cleared
Storia di un anno, p. 34. boulders from a short path to create a

THE "REscuE" OF MussoL1N1, 12 September 1943.

runway. Gerlach brought his small craft as the pilot revved up the engine. Then,
clown safely. But he was far from pleased with much shaking and bouncing, the
at the prospect of taking off from the plane made its short run, barely cleared
mountain top with so precious a pas- the rim of the escarpment, and leveled
senger. Skorzeny's insistence on accom- off only after a breath-taking drop below
panying Mussolini increased Gerlach's the mountain top. This was the last of
take-off problem by adding to the weight. the excitement. Without further incident,
Skorzeny reasoned that if the little plane the plane proceeded to Pratica di Mare,
failed to get off the ground, he would not where three Heinkel 111 aircraft were
be around to explain his f ailure to an en- waiting to transport M ussolini to Ger-
raged Fuehrer. man y. They took off at once, and shortly
After a questioning glance at the little after 1930 that evening, Mussolini and
ship, Mussolini climbed into the Storch Skorzeny were in Vienna. On the follow-
with Skorzeny and Gerlach. Paratroop- ing <lay they ftew to Munich; two days
ers held the wings and tail of the plane la ter, on 15 September, they were at

Hitler's headquarters in East Prussia. and northem Italy. Spared the ne~ty
Despite his dramatic rescue from the of establishing a military govemment for
~bility of standing tria! before the the four-fifths of the 1talian pcnimula he
Allies, Mu.ssolini was but a hollow shell occupied, Hitler, by rescuing Mu.ssolini,
of his former self. Eventually Hitler also divided Italian loyalties. The Allies
established him in power to govern that possessed one symbol of leadcrship in the
part of Italy under Gennan control.; Hitler held the other in Mu.ssolini.
There he served as Hitler's puppet and as The surrender of ltaly achieved by the
the facade of a new govemment called armisticc of Cas&bile was not much more
the Italian Social Republic, which could than a paper capitulation, for thc Allies
not conceal the German military powcr had neither the ltalian capital nor the
that supported it. administrative apparatus of govemment.
No more than a mere symbol of the What the Allies had was a symbol of
final brief reviva! of fascism, Mu.ssolini, sovereignty scarcely one whit more appeal-
until his death in April 1945 at the hands ing to the Italian people than the dis-
of anti-Fascist partisans, neverthel~ light- crcdited Duce.
ened Hitler's problems of holding central

The Second Capitulation

Mission to Brindisi Govemor of Gibraltar. He directed Mr.
Murphy and Mr. f\{acmillan, the Ameri-
At Brindisi, the King and his entourage ican and British political adviscrs at
found it difficult even to find accomoda- AFHQ, to accompany Mason-MacFar-
tions and to organize a mess. Clearly the lane, whose task would be the establish-
govemment was one in name only. F our- ment of official contact with the Badoglio
fifths of the country was under German govemment.2
control. The Allies on the Salema beaches After expressing his pleasure over the
seemed perilously elose to defeat. Yet the choice, Badoglio suggested that Eiscn-
Badoglio govemment could claim sorne hower and his staff meet with him and his
legitimacy because surrender had brought military staff "to discuss further operations
it Allied recognition as the govemment of in Italy, a theatcr of war which wc [Ital-
Italy. ians] naturally know perfectly." 3
Contact with the Allies, therefore, was The suggestion was not well received.
of critica} importance to the King and Still grievously disappointed in the per-
Badoglio. And fortunately, the royal formance of the Italian Govemment from
party had the radio and code originally the time of the armistice announcement,
given to Castellano in Lisbon. This made Eisenhower was in no mood to confidc bis
it po~ible to communicate with AFHQ. plans to members of that govemment. lt
But there were no real facilities at Brindisi seemed hardly logical, now that the Ital-
for maintaining contact with the rest of ian Fleet had surrendercd and the Army
the country-Radio Bari was so weak that had dissolved into virtual nothingness, for
its emissions scarcely reached Rome. Badoglio to tell Eisenhower how to wage
After receiving from General Eisen- thc war and for Eisenhower to listen.
hower on 11 September the message from What seemed very clear was that "Castel-
Roosevelt and Churchill urging him to lano had been the moving spirit in military
lead the 1talian people in a crusade against armistice," not Badoglio or any member of
the Germans, Badoglio asked Eisenhower 2 Capitulation of Italy, pp. 440--41, also in file

to send a liaison officer to help maintain 10,000/100/1; Msg 5646, AFHQ to TROOP-
close relations. 1 Eisenhower agreed and ERS, 17 Sep 43, o 1oo/ 4/4,II. See the nine-
page typewritten account of the establishment
promptly selected for the post Lt. Gen. Sir and operations of the Allied Military Mission at
Noel Mason-MacFarlane, the Mlitary Brindisi covering the period 3 Septembcr-17
November 1943, 10,000/100/76.
1 Msg 38, "Monkey'' to "Drizzle," 1 r Sep 43, 3 Msg 46, "Monkey" to "Drizzle," 12 Sep 43,
Capitulation of ltaly, p. 434; Badoglio, Memorie Capitulation of ltaly, p. 453; Ltr, Whiteley to
e documenti, pp. 123-!:!4. Mason-MacFarlane, 13 Sep 43, 10,000/100/1.

Badoglio's cabinet. Why had Castellano Despite his low expectations, Eisenhower
brought the negotiations to a head? Prob- was not giving up in his effort to salvage
ably, AFHQ speculated, "chiefly due to something practica! out of the surrcnder,
his treatment by the Gennans who appar- and Mason-MacFarlane's mis&on to Ba-
ently ignored the ltalians militarily and doglio's governmcnt was to be his
told them nothing about operations." 4 instrument. Eisenhower defined Mason-
But whatever the reason, it was of little MacFarlane's task as the transmission of
import compared to the problcm of gain- Eisenhower's instructions to the Italian
ing sorne bcnefit from the surrender. Governmcnt; the collcction of intclligcncc
On the day when thc Allies at Salerno information; and the arrangements "for
were closest to defeat, 1 3 Septembcr, Gen- such coordinated action as the Italian
eral Eisenhower wrote General Marshall armed forces and people can be induced
to depict how hollow a shell the Allies had to take against the Germans." Mason-
inherited as a potential ally: MacFarlane and his subordinatcs were to
Intemally the 1talians were so weak and bear in mind "the extreme importance of
supine that we got little if any practical inculcating in the Italian Government,
help out of them. However, almost on pure anned forces and people, the will to resist
bluff, we did get the ltalian fleet into Malta and hamper in every way the German
and because of the Italian surrender, were forces in ltaly and the Italian possessions."
able to rush into Taranto and Brindisi
where no Germans were present. . . . Mason-MacFarlane receivcd for guidance
The Sardinian and Corsican situations copies of the short military terms of the
show how helpless and inert the Italians armistice and the long comprehensive con-
really are. In both those places they had ditions, but bccause the ltalian Govern-
the strength to kick the Germans into the ment had not yet officially receivcd the
sea. Instead they have apparently done
nothing, although here and there they do
latter, he was not to discuss the contents
occupy a port or two. of the long tenns.9
Badoglio wants to see me and has sug- On thc day that the mission established
gested Sicily as a meeting place. 1 am tell- its first official contact, 15 Septembcr, the
ing him he has to come here. He also British Government proposed that the Al-
wants to bring along sorne of his general lies securc Badoglio's signature to the long
staff but 1 can't make out what his general
staff can possibly be directing just now. A terms and asked for Eisenhower's views
few ltalian artillery units are supporting the on the proposal. In reply, General Eisen-
British Airborne Division in Taranto. Aside 6 Instrs for Mil Mission with the Italian Gov-
from that there has been sorne local battling emment, 12 Sep 43, Capitulation of Italy, pp.
throughout the peninsula. This has, of 46o-61. General Taylor (82d AB Division) wa1
course, served to keep the Germans preoc- the senior American representative and apparent-
cupied, but there has been nothing like the ly handled administration and communications.
cffect produced that was easily within the See Memo, AFHQ for Taylor, u Sep 43, sub:
realm of possibility.r. Notes for Allied Mil Mission; Organizational
Chart for Mission; and Ltr, Taylor to Whiteley,
4 Telg 441, F AIRFIELD REAR G-2 for 15 Sep 43, ali in 10,000/100/1; see also Telg
Strong, FREEDOM, 10 Sep 43, Capitulation of 584, AFHQ to F ATIMA ( MacFarlane Mission),
ltaly, p. 412. 25 Sep 43, and Telg 9907, AFHQ to FATIMA,
5 Ltr, Eisenhower to Marshall, 13 Sep 43, Diary, 26 Sep 43, both in 10,000/100/10; Decisions
Office CinC, Book VIII, pp. A-765-A-767. Made by CinC in Mtgs, Bizerte, 9 Sep-22 Sep 43,
See also Telg 009, Mason-MacFarlane to Eisen- o 1oo/4/ 168; Notes for Mason-MacFarlane, 1"
hower, 18 Sep 43, 10,000/100/1. Sep 43, 10,000/100/ 76.
693029 o. 65. 36

hower acknowlcdgcd thc desirability of and the Communist threat, which lcd to his
obtaining thc signaturc but recommcndcd decision of 1920 [sic]; the hopeless state of
dclay. He also urgcd strongly the omis- the Fascist regime which led to his decision
of July 25, 1943; the Gennan threat to
sion of the unconditional surrcnder form- Rome, which led to his decision on Septem-
ula, for he still had hope of gaining sorne ber 9, 1943.
practical bcnefits f rom the capitulation.1
For their part, thc Italians wcrc also Badoglio seemed
disappointed. Thc membcrs of thc Ital- old, benevolent, honest and very friendly.
ian Govcmmcnt had attributed cxtraordi- Said all the right things. A loyal servant
nary military capabilitics to the Allies. of his King and country, without ambitions.
They had cntcrtaincd visions of an Allied . . . He is a soldier and clearly without
landing in great strength near Romc. much political sense, believing that he has
the popular support at the moment and that
Thus, thcy felt that the Allies wcrc respon- it can all be concentrated in a military
sible-at least morally-for the hasty aban- movement without a political side.
donment of thc capital. Thc Allies, thcy
thought, had advanced thc timing of thc Ambrosio was "intelligcnt and fricndly /'
armisticc announcement and had come though "depressed and lacking in cnthu-
ashore at the wrong place. "They all say siasm." Roatta was "a good linguist" and
wc should havc landed north instcad of "the pcrfcct military attach" but with
south of Naples," Mason-MacFarlane re- questionablc loyalty "to any cause that
ported. "On this point 1 tell them they should show remote signs of bccoming a
know nothing about it and to shut up." 8 lost onc." Zanussi's "position in this
The imprcssion madc by thc Italian rather dreary military hierarchy is rathcr
Government promptcd pity rather than low." 9
confidcnce. Thc King appcared The prospect of gctting help from thc
Italians did not secm bright. All that re-
pathetic, very old, and rather gaga; 74 ycars
old; physically infinn, nervous, shaky, but maincd of thc ltalian Anny wcrc: in
courteous, with a certain modesty and sim- southcm Italy-the Mantova Division ncar
plicity of character which is attractive. He Crotone, thc Piceno Division ncar Brindisi,
takes an objective, even humorously disinter- part of thc Legnano Division north of
ested view of mankind and their follies. Brindisi, and sorne coastal fonnations; in
'Things are not difficult,' he said, 'only men.'
1 do not think he would be capable of Sardinia-four divisions in a "recupcra-
initiating any policy, except under extreme tive" stage; in Ccphalonia and the Dodc-
pressure, e.g. Mussolini's march on Rome canese--onc division cach. Thc rcst of
the Italian Anny, according to Ambrosio,
1 Telg 4929, Gilmcr to Smith, 15 Scp 43, and
was "surroundcd by thc Gennans and
Tclg 478, FAIRFIELD REAR to FREEDOM, finished." It could be "written off." Of
16 Scp 43, both in Capitulation of ltaly, pp. 501, thc divisions in southcm ltaly, ali had
526. "hardly any motor transport lcft," thcir
8 Msg 477, Mason-MacFarlanc to Whiteley, 15
Sep 43, Capitulation o I taly, pp. 503-04; see annamcnt was "mostly 19 I 8" typc, thcy
also Ltr, Mason-MacFarlanc to Whiteley, 14
Sep 43, and Diary Notes of Mason-MacFarlanc
Mission, 12-21 Sep 43, both in 10,000/ 100/1;
Diary Notes of Mason-MacFarlanc Mission, 22 11 Msg 477, Mason-MacFarlanc for Whiteley,
Sep-4 Oct 43, 10.000/100/2. 15 Scp 43, Capitulation of Italy, pp. 503-04.

had "practically no petral," very little and propaganda sphercs. Ei.senhowcr

ammunition, and were "very short of had instructions covering support to be
boots." Exccpt for thc fleet, "the gcnuine given to ltalian units and individuals who
military help we are likely to get," Mason- resisted thc Germans, and to this end he
MacFarlane cstimated, "is going to be was planning to group three Italian divi-
practically nil." 10 sions in the Calabria-Taranto arca into a
As for the political side of the picture, corps to be placed under British Eighth
the Brindisi group was hardly worthy of Army control for thc purpose of defending
being called a government. It was im- ports, lincs of communications, and vital
portant only becausc of its unchallenged installations; two or three divisions would
claim to legality-"exccpt for the Fascist become available in Sardinia, and Ei.sen-
Republican Party now being organized in hower contemplated using them for simi-
Germany by M US&>lini and his gang, no lar duties; Italian divisions in Corsica were
other Govemment has so far claimed collaborating with French forces landed
authority." 11 there and conducting anti-German oper-
ations; two ltalian cruisers were transport-
T he Long T erms ing troops and supplies from North Africa
to Corsica "at considerable risk." Yet all
While Mason-MacFarlane and the mili- this activity, though desirable and even
tary members of his mission remained at necessary to the Allies, was inconsistent
Brindisi, the political adviscrs--Murphy with the tenns of the armistice, which
and Macmillan-retumcd to report to called for the 1talians to be disarmed and
General Ei.senhower. On 18 Septemher, disbanded. Becausc Eisenhowcr would
after conferring with these men, Eisen- soon have to confer directly with Badoglio,
hower informed the Combined Chiefs of he wished to be able to reassure him on
Staff of the problem he faced at this junc- a numher of matters Badoglio was sure to
ture of the surrender developments., matters having "a profound effect
The chief qucstion, as Eisenhower saw on our military relations with ltaly during
it, and one that would have significant in- the period of active hostilities." Instruc-
fluence on Allied military operations in tions from the ces, the dictates of mili-
Italy, was the status to be accorded the tary neccsfilty, and his own judgment
Badoglio government. Determination of provided him the answers to most points.
the status of Italy would dictate ali "ex- But these, Eiscnhower found, were "not at
ecutive action" in the military, political, ali consistent with the provisions of thc
Long Term Armistice conditions" he was
supposed to get Badoglio to sign. Badog-
10 Memo, Mason-MacFarlane for AFHQ, 16 lio, he had leamed, did not understand the
Sep 43; Telg 1 1, Mason-MacFarlane to AFHQ, need to sign further terms, for additional
16 Sep 43; and Ltr, Mason-MacFarlane to Eisen- conditions were illogical if the Allies ex-
hower, 20 Sep 43, ali in 10,000/100/1; Msg
5986, AFHQ to USFOR, 17 Sep 43, o 100/4/ pected active ltalian co-operation in the
4,II. war effort against Germany. Finally,
11 Rpt of Macmillan, 17 Sep 43, Diary Office
drawing up an effective propaganda pro-
CinC, Book VIII, pp. A-790-A-796; see also
Telg 548, Macmillan to Mason-MacFarlane, 22 gram to he addressed to the Italian people
Sep 43, 10,000/100/2. was impractical "until the govemment

structure and the Italian status are clari- After another day of reflection, General
fied." 12 Eisenhower dispatched another message to
His recommendation, Eiscnhower con- the Combined Chiefs. There were, he
tinued, was to institute a new Allied policy said, only two alternatives: cither to ac-
toward Italy. Could the Allied govern- cept and strengthen the legal govemment
ments consider giving the Badoglio ad- of Italy under the King and Badoglio; or
ministration "sorne fonn of de facto to sweep that government aside, set up an
recognition . . . as a co-belligerent or Allied military government over an occu-
military associate" provided the Italians pied Italy, and accept the heavy personncl
would strengthen the national character of and administrative commitment involvcd
the administration; restore the fonner con- in the latter course. He recommendcd
stitution and promise free elections after very strongly the first line of action. As
the war for a constitutional asscmbly; con- a cobelligcrent, the legal governmcnt would
sider possible eventual abdication of the have to declare war on Germany and on
King in favor of bis son or grandson; the Fascist Republican Government. It
adhere to whatever military requirements would thereby become the natural rally-
the Allies might decide on; and accept an ing point for ali elements wishing to fight
Allied organization in the nature of an against fascism. 14
armistice commission, but with a different The first major indication of thc effcct
title, from which the ltalian administration of Eisenhower's recommendation carne on
could accept guidance and instructions? 21 September, when Prime Minister
What prompted Eisenhower to make Churchill, speaking in the House of Com-
such a recommendation was the "hard mons, reviewed . the war in the Mediter-
and risky campaign before us." ltalian ranean and revealed much of the ltalian
assistance might spell the differcnce be- surrender negot1at1ons. Justifying the
tween complete and only partial success. conduct of the Badoglio government, and
Since he could defer a meeting with Ba- noting the threat of civil war arising f rom
doglio for not more than ten days, he Mussolini's escape to Gennany, he urgcd
wished answers to bis questions as soon as the neccssity "in the general intercst as
possible. And because he realized that well as in that of ltaly that ali surviving
bis suggestion would "provoke political forces of ltalian national life should be
repercussions" and perhaps "arouse con- rallied together around their lawful Gov-
siderable opposition and criticism," he ernment. . . ." 15
recommendcd that "the burden be placed With thc asscnt of bis W ar Cabinct,
upon us, on the ground of military neces- Churchill on the same day telcgraphcd
sity, which 1 am convinced should be the President Roosevelt. He recommendcd
governing factor." 18 that thc Allies build up the authority of
12 Telg, AFHQ to CCS, NAF 409, r8 Sep 43, the Brindisi administration and makc it
Capitulation of ltaly, pp. 538-42; see also Ltr, "the broadest-based anti-Fascist coalition
Mason-MacFarlane to Eisenhower, 20 Sep 43,
10,000/roo/76; Telg 7074, Eiscnhower to
Muon-MacFarlane, 20 Sep 43, ro,000/roo/1; 1f Telg 502, Eisenhower to Smith, forwarded
Telg, AFHQ to ces, NAF 377, H Sep 43, to CCS, 20 Sep 43, NAF 410, Capitulation of
or.00/4/3,III; Msg 8636, AFHQ to MIDEAST, Italy, pp. 544, 548; see also Memo, Whiteley for
23 Sep 43, oroo/4/4,II. Mason-MacFarlane, 21 Sep 43, 10,000/100/1.
11 Telg, AFHQ to CCS, NAF 409, 18 Sep 43. 15 Churchill, Onwards lo Victory, p . ~67.

Government pos&ble." Rejecting an Al- seH, with the power to give guidance and
lied status for that govemment, he felt instructions to the Badoglio govemment
that cobelligerency was sufficient. Yet he on military, political, and administrative
did not relinquish bis wish for Badoglio to matters; ( 5) make vigorous use of the
sign the full instrument of surrender.18 Italian armed forces against Germany;
Churchill infonned Stalin of bis desires, and ( 6) infonn the French military author-
pcrhaps as a bid in advance for Stalin's ities of thesc new instructions to the
support should Rooscvelt be reluctant to "extent that you deem advisable." 18
have the comprehensive surrender terms President Rooscvelt also forwarded to
imposed. "I am putting thesc proposals Eiscnhower the text of Churchill's views.
also to President Rooscvelt," Churchill And in response to Eisenhower's sugges-
wired the Russian, "and 1 hope that 1 may tions, slight modifications were made in
count on your approval." 11 the tcxt of the long tenns. Furthermore,
President Rooscvelt was, indeed, reluc- invitations previously issued to the other
tant. Yet he appreciated Eiscnhower's United Nations govemments to send rep-
need for a clear and finn directive. On rcsentativcs to discuss the signature cere-
2 1 September, therefore, he scnt Churchill mony were not to be renewed.18
bis views in a mcssage that crossed U pon receipt of the Presidential direc-
Churchill's telegram to him. Except with tive, Eiscnhower instructed Mason-Mac-
regard to the long tenns, the views of the Farlane to make arrangements for a formal
two were similar. With Churchill's con- conference between him and Badoglio.
currence, consequently, Rooscvelt on 23 The conference, to take place no earlier
September laid down the basic policy for than 26 September, was to be restricted to
Eiscnhower's guidance in dealing with thc the five basic items of the presidential di-
Italian Govemment. Eisenhower was to rective. The long terms were not to be
( 1 ) withhold the long tenn armistice pro- discussed. Badoglio was to be informed
visions until a later date; ( 2 ) recom- that additional terms or instructions of a
mend from time to time the relaxing of political, financial, and economic nature
the military terms to enable the Italians would be communicated to him from time
to fight more effectively against the Ger- to time.IO
mans; ( 3) pennit the Italian Govemment 18 Telg 84311, Presidential Directive, 113 Scp
to assume the status of a trusted cobel- 43, Capitulation of ltaly, pp. 56o-611; see also
ligerent in the war against Gennany if Churchill, Closing lhe Ring, pp. 19o--g1 , and
Memo, Hammond for Hull and Manhall, 110
that govemment declared war on Ger- Sep 43, OPD 300.6 (OCS Papers) .
many and if it promised to give the 10 Revised Proposals for the Signature of the

people the right to decide the fonn of Long Armistice Terms, 111 Sep 43, Capitulation
of Italy, pp. 563-64; see also Telg 550, Eisen-
govemment they wished, though not before hower to Mason-MacFarlane, 113 Sep 43, 10,000/
the Gennans were evicted from Italian 100/11.
20 Telg 565, Smith to Mason-MacFarlane, 114
territory; ( 4) merge the functions of the
Sep 43, Capitulation of ltaly, p. 583; see also
Allied military govemment and of the Telg 7134, AFHQ to Mason-MacFarlane, 110 Sep
contemplated annistice control commis- 43 ; Telg 37, Mason-MacFarlane to AFHQ, 110
sion into an Allied commission under him- Sep 43; and Telg 110, Mason-MacFarlane to
Smith, !l5 Sep 43, ali in 10,000/100/ 1; Telg 57,
16 Churchill, Closing lhe Ring, pp. 189-90. Mason-MacFarlane to Eisenhower, !.111 Sep 43 ,
lT lbid., pp. 1911--g3. 10,000/100/11.

Meanwhile, the naval membcrs of the her, and he had placed a hcavy mortgagc
Mason-MacFarlane ~ion had worked on the postwar continuance of the Italian
out the disposition of the Italian Fleet and monarchy. Although the Prime Mlls-
merchant marine. Ali ships were to tcr made no sccrct of bis prcference for
continue to fly the Italian flag. The battle- monarchical govemment, he had con-
ships werc to go into a carc and mainte- currcd in Roosevelt's dircctive and had
nance status. Cruisers and small craft, endorscd in the Housc of Commons the
both naval and maritime, werc to seive principie of frcc choice by the Italian pco-
the Allied cause by acting in accord with ple on thcir form of govemment at the
instructions that Admira! Cunningham cnd of hostilitics. It was now the Prcsi-
would issue to the 1tallan Ministry of dent's tum to defer to Churchill's cn-
Marine through a liaison officer attached thusiasm in favor of the long terms. Late
to the Badoglio govemment.21 on 25 Septembcr, thercforc, Roosevelt gave
About this time, Mr. Macmillan sent a bis asscnt to using the "long set of terms,"
personal message to Churchill. He said if Badoglio's signature could be obtaincd
he thought it might be possible, if the Al- quickly. 23
lies acted promptly, to securc Badoglio's The final decision having bccn made,
signaturc to the long ternis. With this General Smith, AFHQ's chicf of stafl,
estimate in hand, and with Stalin's support, decided to go to Brindisi himsclf, togethcr
the Prime Minister again urged Prcsident with Murphy and Macmillan, and try to
Rooscvclt to agrce to Badoglio's signing insurc by carcful prcliminary discussion
the comprchensive document. Informed the smoothness of the Eiscnhower-Badoglio
of Churchill's action, Eisenhower in- conferencc. lnstructing Mason-MacFar-
structed Mason-MacFarlane to suggcst the lane to arrange for bis rcccption at Brin-
29th of Scptembcr as the day for bis con- disi, Smith intendcd to have prclimmary
fercnce with Badoglio. By then, surcly, talks with the ltalians in prcparation for
the issue of the long terms would be the formal meeting, scheduled for the
scttled.22 29th.24
President Roosevelt had prctty much By tbis time a rift had devclopcd bc-
had bis way in the dircctive of 23 Septem- tween the King and Badoglio. Victor
Emmanucl 111 opposcd the whole program
21 Cunningham, A Sailor's Odyss1y, pp. 572- that AFHQ prcsented, and the issue carne
73; scc Tclg, F.O. "Z" 1to CinC Med, 12 Scp 43, to a hcad on 26 Septembcr, the day bcforc
and Telg, F.O.T.A. to CinC Med, 16 Scp 43,
both in 10,000/100/1; Memo on Agrccment of
Employment and Disposition of the Italian Navy 23 Mag, Prcaidcnt to Prime Minister, 95 Sep 43,
and Mcrchant Marine, No. Med 0038o/17D, 23 in Churchill, Closing th1 Ring, p. 194; Tclg 8611,
Sep 43, 10,000/100/76; Tclg 066, Muon-Mac- Rooscvclt to Eiacnhowcr, 25 Scp 43, Capitula-
Farlane to Eiscnhowcr, 23 Scp 43; Telg o61, tion of ltaly, p. 593; Memo, Hammond to Stim-
Mason-MacFarlanc to Eiscnhowcr, 22 Scp 43; aon, 25 Scp 43, OPD 300.6 (OCS Papen).
Tclg 560, Eiscnhower to Mason-MacFarlane, 24 24 Tclg 583, Smith to Maaon-MacFarlanc, 15
Scp 43; Telg 583, Smith to Muon-MacFarlanc, Scp 43; scc alto Telg 565, Smith to Maaon-Mac-
2!)' Scp 43, ali in 10,000/100/2. Farlanc, 24 Sep 43, 10,000/100/10; Telg 978o,
22 Memo, Macmillan for Smith, 25 Scp 43, and Smith to Muon-MacFarlanc, 26 Scp 43, and
Telg 583, Smith to Muon-MacFarlane, both in Tclg 118, Mason-MacFarlanc to Smith, 26 Sep
Capitulation of ltaly, pp. 585, 590; Msgs, Church- 43, both in 10,000/100/2; Telg 120, Maaon-Mac-
ill to Rooscvclt, 24 and 25 Scp 43, in Churchill, Farlanc to Eiscnhowcr, 96 Scp 43, 10,000/100/
Closing tht Ring, p. 194. 76.

General Smith was due to arrive at Brin- ate status of an allied power. President
disi. On that day the King asked to see Rooscvclt rcplied that he considered the
General Mason-MacFarlane alone. requcst premature. Churchill, replying
In confercnce with Mason-MacFarlane, on bchalf of bis King, stated that there
the King made known bis opposition to an had nevcr been any question of an
immediate declaration of war against Gcr- alliancc. 28
many. He alone, the King said, could Badoglio's position was quite different
declare war, and then only if a propcrly from that of the King. Badoglio saw
constituted government uphcld the decla- clearly the neces&ty for ltaly to declare
ration. The King did not feel he could war on Gennany, not only to regularize
declare war on Gcrmany until he returned the status of Italian soldiers who fell into
to Rome and constituted a new govern- Gcnnan hands, but as a prerequisite
ment. Otherwisc, a declaration of war for improving Italy's position with the
would be unconstitutional. Furthermore, Westero Powers. Though Badoglio urged
the King was hardly in favor of letting the King to make the declaration of war,
the pcople decide the form of government the monarch rcfused. The King feared
they wanted. "It would be most danger- "that the Gcrmans, who now occupied
ous," the King said, "to leave the choice more than five-sixths of ltaly, would cer-
of post-war government unrcservedly in tainly be induccd to barbarous reprisals
the hands of the Italian people." The against the population." And the King
King wanted to know whether the took comfort in the fact that Acquarone
Allics would insist on Badoglio as Prime stood with him on this ~ue. 21
Minister for the duration of the war. Victor Emmanuel 111 did not easily
Mason-MacFarlane said he thought so. grasp the implications of bis new role as
The King pointed out that it might be titular lcader of the anti-Fascist effort for
very difficult, in that case, to form a rcp- which he had been cast by Churchill and
rcsentative anti-Fascist government. The Rooscvclt. To Badoglio's chagrin, the
sovereign then statcd bis wish for Italian first royal proclamation from Brindisi
troops to be among the first when the Al- made no ackowledgment, implicit or
lics reached Rome. Mason-MacFarlane otherwisc, that significant changcs had
suggcsted that if the King dcsired to pursue occurred-the sovereign ~ued the proc-
these points, he should instruct Badoglio Jamation in the name of His Majesty
to raise them during the scheduled con- the King of ltaly and Albania, Emperor
ference with Eiscnhower.215 of Ethiopia. At Mason-MacFarlane's in-
The King did more than consult with sistence, thc monarch agreed to rcfer to
Mason-MacFarlane. Writing in bis own
name dircctly to the King of England and 28 Badoglio, Memorie e documenti, pp. 131-
to President Roosevelt, Victor ,E'mmanuel 32; Cf. Churchill to Roosevelt, 21 Sep 43, in
111 made known bis wish for he immcdi- Churchill, Closing the Ring, p. 189. See also
Tclg, AFHQ to CCS, NAF 379, 23 Sep 43, reel
R-67-K; Telg, AFHQ to AGW AR, No. W-1J93,
2 5 T clg 12 1, Mason-MacFarlane to Eilenhower, 26 Sep 43, 0100/4/4,II. Copies of the letten
26 Sep 43, Capitulation of ltaly, p. 601 ; Telg 136, from the President and from King George VI to
Mason-MacFarlane to Eisenhower, 26 Sep 43, Victor Emmanuel 111 found in 10,000/100/2.
1o,ooo/1oo/2; Puntoni, Vittorio E man u.u 111, 27 Badoglio, Memorie e documenti, pp. 133-

p. 173. 34.

himself only as the King of Italy. But stice terms signed at C~ibile. The
Victor Emmanuel 111 insisted stubbomly signature of the long terms, he said, was
that he could not surrender bis titles with- to be the principal item at the confcrence
out an act of parliament and such an act with General Eisenhower schcduled for
could not be passed until a constitutional Malta on the 29th. The preamble, as
parliament was elected and assembled.28 the marshal would note, had been
The Allied representatives at Brindisi amended. But the Allies required the
had scarcely rcgained their equanimity in signature, Mason-MacFarlane explained,
the face of this royal gaucherie when the for two basic reasons: to satisfy Allied
King requcsted General Eisenhower to public opinion and to avoid any pos&bil-
forward a message to Dino Grancli, believed ity of later misunderstanding. General
to be somewhere in Portugal. Because Eisenhower had the power to modify the
Guariglia was in Rome, the King wanted application of the terms as he saw fit,
Grandi to come to Brindisi to assume the Mason-MacFarlane continued. Already
portfolio of Foreign Affairs. According the Allies recognized the course of events
to the King, Grandi was a symbol of anti- had outdated sorne of the clauses. In any
F ascism, bis prescnce in the Badoglio gov- case, the Allies would apply the tenns as
emment would create a scbism in the a whole in the spirit of the declaration
Fascist Republican ranks. Furthermore, made by the Prcsident and Prime Minis-
Grandi could produce and develop an ter. Badoglio agreed to discuss the tenns
active pro-Allied propaganda program with the King that evening and to meet
among thc ltalian people.29 again with the Allied represcntatives the
Meanwhile, General Smith, accom- next moming.
panied by the two AFHQ political advis- General Smith then took up the other
ers, arrived at Brindisi on 27 Scptember points on the agenda-the coming Malta
with copies of thc long terms as most re- conference with General Eisenhower, and
cently rcviscd. Together with General thc program for ltaly as outlined by Presi-
Mason-MacFarlane, they had a lengthy dent Roosevelt in bis directive of 23 Sep-
conference with Badoglio that aftemoon. tember, which Mason-MacFarlane had
Mason-MacFarlane presented two copies discussed with the King the day before.
of the long terms document to Badoglio, In favor of declaring war on Germany, Ba-
reminding him that they were the addi- doglio appreciated Smith's arguments; i.e.,
tional conditions mcntioned in the armi- a declaration of war would give Italian
soldiers regular status, and would pre-
28 Tclgs 104, Mason-MacFarlanc to Eiscn- pare Allicd public opinion for future modi-
howcr, ll5 Scpt 43; unnumbcrcd, ll5 Sep 43; fications of thc armistice terms. Smith
and u4, ll6 Scp 43, ali in Capitulation of Italy,
pp. 586, 594, 603. Cf. Churchill, Closing the suggcsted that such modifications might
Ring, p. 195. Sec abo Tclg 95ll5, Eisenhowcr include changes in Allied military gov-
to Mason-MacFarlanc, ll5 Scp 43, 10,000/100/1, crnment and retum of the administration
and Telg 109, Mason-MacFarlane to Eisen-
howcr, ll5 Scp 43, 10,000/100/ll. of Sicily to the Badoglio government. The
211 Telg 161, FATIKA to Eisenhower, !18 marshal was willing to accept the status of
Sep 43, Capitulation of Italy, p. 64 7; Summary cobelligercncy for bis country. As for
of Visit by General Taylor to Italian Supreme
Command, ll8 Sep 43, and Telg 161, Taylor to broadening the royal govemment, Badog-
Eisenhower, 28 Sep 43, both in 10,000/JOO/ll. lio felt it could be done cffectively only

after the King returned to Rome. But Malta

Badoglio did not want a specific com-
mitment giving the Italian people thc right The 1ast act of the Italian surrendcr
to choose their forro of governmcnt after was anticlimactic. Aboard the British
thc war. He suggcsted that thc ltalian battleship H.M.S. Nelson, in Valetta har-
leaders pledgc only: "It should be under- bor, Malta, around I I oo, 29 Septem-
stood that free elections will be hcld after ber, Marshal Badoglio, accompanied by
the war." He did not think thc King and Admiral De Courten, Generals Ambrosio,
his govcrnment ought to throw open by Sandalli, and Roatta, and four officers of
their own act thc question of the mon- lesscr rank, met General Eiscnhower. The
archy. He doubted that the ltalian peo- Allied commander had with him Lord
plc wcre adapted to a republican forro Gort ( thc Governor of Malta) ; Admira!
of governmcnt. The monarchy, in his Cunningham; Generals Alexander, Smith,
opinion, was necessary for maintaining the Mason-MacFarlane, and Maj. Gen. A. A.
stability and unity of ltaly. 30 Richardson; Air Chief Marshal Tedder
Thc King remained stubborn. Though and Air Vice Marshal Keith Parks;
authorizing Badoglio to sign the long Messrs. M urphy and Macmillan; and a
terms, he refused to declare war on Ger- number of lesser ranking officers. Badog-
many, to make a pledge to broaden his lio and Eiscnhower placed their signatures
govcrnment, or to promise to permit the on the long terms.
1talian people to choose their own forro of General Eiscnhower then handed Ba-
government at the end of thc war. He doglio a letter, which read:
repeated his request for Grandi to serve as The tenns of the annistice to which we
Foreign Minister. have just appended our signatures are sup-
Nonetheless, his approval for Badoglio plementary to the short military annistice
to sign the comprehcnsive surrender docu- signed by your representative and mine on
ment was a significant step. As for the 3rd September, 1943. They are based
Grandi, Presidcnt Roosevclt had his own upon the situation obtaining prior to the
cessation of hostilities. Developments since
ideas of the type of man that Italy needed. that time have altered considerably the status
On the day that Badoglio was meeting of ltaly, which has become in effect a co-
with Eisenhower at Malta, Count Cario operator with the United Nations.
Sforza, a distinguished anti-Fascist poli- It is fully recognized by the Govemments
tician who had fled Italy years before, got on whose behalf 1 am acting that these
W ar Department clearance, at the Presi- tenns are in sorne respect superseded by
subsequent events and that severa! of the
dent's instigation, to go to England, thence clauses have become obsolescent or have al-
to North Africa, and General Eiscnhowcr ready been put into execution. We also
was so notified.81 recognize that it is not at this time in the
power of the ltalian Govemment to carry
Memo by Robert Murphy, Brindisi, 'J7 Sep out certain of the tenns. Failure to do so
43, Capitulation of ltaly, pp. 610-11.
31 Msg W-g586, AFHQ to AGW AR, 9 Sep
43, 0100/4/4,II; Telg 575, Eisenhower to Mason- McCloy for Admiral Leahy, with draft of cable,
MacFarlane, 25 Sep 43, and Telg 155, Mason- 1 Oct 43, OPD 300.6 Sec (OCS Papers); telg,
MacFarlane to Eisenhower, 28 Sep 43, both in Eisenhower to Mason-MacFarlane, No. 1J580, 3
10,000/ 100/'J; Telg, Marshall to Eisenhower, No. Oct 43, 10,000/100/'J; Puntoni, Vittorio Eman-
8935, 30 Scp 43, Reel R-67-K; Memo, John J. ueltt 111, p. 174.

ABOARD H.M.S. NELSON, standing off Malta, 29 September 1943. O.fficials present at the sign-
ing of the long terms surrender document are, from lefl: Lord Gort, A ir Chiif M arshal Tedder, Marshal
Badoglio, Lt. Gen. Sir Noel Mason-MacFarlane, General Eisenhower, and General Alexander.

because of existing conditions will not be Thus, the Italian Government surren-
regarded as a breach of good faith on the dered unconditionally, but in the hope of
part of Italy. However, this document rep- redemption. The Allies had wanted the
resents the requirements with which the
Italian Govemment can be expected to com- conference to serve as the point of depar-
ply when in a position to do so. ture for charting the new course of co-
It is to be understood that the terms both belligerency. But the conferees did no
of this document and of the short military more than discuss the program outlined
armistice of the 3rd September may be in President Roosevelt's directive. The
modified from time to time if military neces-
sity or the extent of cooperation by the Series 1604, Armistice with ltaly 1943 (Washing-
Italian Government indicates this as de- ton, 1947) , p. !2!2.
sirable.32 See further, file 10,000/ 136/ 548, sub: Ltrs,
Badoglio, Armistice; Telg 151, Mason-MacFar-
lane to Eisenhower, !28 Sep 43, 10,000/ 100/ 2.
52 The text is printed in U .S. Department of The long terms of surrender remained secret
State, Treatiet and Other International Acts, until 6 November 1945.

Eisenhower-Badoglio conference was ex- Germans in Corsica, Dalmatia, and else-

ploratory and rcached no agrecment. wherc. Eiscnhowcr again wgcd an irn-
Still underlying the discussion was the mediatc dcclaration of war and said he
frustration irnposcd by the obduracy of would turn over to Badoglio the adminis-
the King. tration of Sicily and other liberated arcas
Badoglio opcned the plenary conference if his govcrnment took such a step. The
with a general statement conveying his marshal would make no commitment.
own desirc to sce the fonnation of a gov- Undcr Italian Iaw, he said, only the King
ernment with a broad, liberal base. But could declare war.
he made no commitment. He stated that Toward thc end of the confercnce, ven-
the King would determine the new mem- turing the hope that General Eisenhower
bers of the government. Declaring hirn- considercd hirn a complete collaborator,
self to be only a soldier, Badoglio said he Badoglio asked to be initiatcd into Allied
could not advise the sovereign with respcct plans. He rcquested that ltalian troops
to politicians. And to General Eisen- be perrnitted to participate in the entry
hower's question whether the royal gov- into Rome, an cvent cxpected, not only by
ernment would promptly be given a the ltalians but by thc Allies as well, to
definitely anti-Fascist character, Badoglio take place in the ncar futurc. Eisenhower
avoided a direct answer. Eisenhower was evasive on sharing military plans with
made it clcar that the Italian Government the Italians, but he promised a token par-
would have to take on an anti-Fascist ticipation of Italian troops in the libcration
complexion beforc it could join the Allies of the capital if Italy declared war on
in combat. Badoglio replied sirnply by Germany and co-operatcd with the Allies.
saying that the King planned to invite the In conclusion, General Eisenhower ex-
leaders of the political parties to take part pressed his thanks to Badoglio and said he
in the government. hoped that great good would come from
At the King's direction, Badoglio re- the meeting. In reciprocating, Badoglio
newed the . requcst for Dino Grandi as referrcd to the situation prevailing in
Foreign Minister. Explaining that such 1918, when the ltalians, he said, gave the
an appointment would find no sympathetic decisive blow to the Germans--operating
response in Allied public opinion, Eiscn- with the Italian Army had bcen thrce
hower made known the message he had British divisions and one American regi-
received from Washington-the Ameri- mcnt, and all had co-operated closely to
cans desired Count Sforza to visit Brindisi bring about the German defcat. 88
in the near future. Badoglio said that :u Robert D. Murphy, Notes of the Con-
the King had a distinct antipathy for ferencc Aboard H.M.S. Ne/son in Valetta Har-
bor, Malta, 11 a.m., September 29, 194'.'l, Capitu-
Sforza because of Sforza's remarks about lation of ltaJy, pp. 658-59; see also Telg 1647,
the monarch. Phillips to Mason-MacFarlane, 30 Sep 43, and
Badoglio stated bis own desire for a Telg 192, Mason-MacFarlane to Eisenhower, 1
Oct 43, both in 10,000/100/2; Memo, McCloy
declaration of war against Germany as for Leahy, 30 Sep 43; Telg, AFHQ to CCS, NAF
soon as the Italian Government returned 426, 30 Sep 43; and Telg 9081, Marshall to Eisen-
to Rome. He added that until then he hower, r Oct 43, ali in OPD 300.6 Sec ( OCS
Papers); Msg, AFHQ to CCS, NAF 431, 30
personally considered the 1tallan forces to Sep 43, o 1oo/4/4,ll; Ltr, Badoglio to President
be in a de facto state of war with the Roosevelt, 20 Nov 43, 10,000/136/854.

On that day, 29 September 1943, Al- faunded and troubled Allied planners and
lied troops were at the gates of Naples, the intelligence experts. Had the ltalian
Germans were withdrawing to the Vol- Govemment not surrendered befare the
turno River and trying to establish a de- Salemo invasion, the ltalian units manning
fensive line ac~ the Italian peninsula. the coastal positions along the Salemo
With the Germans retiring northward, beaches, acting in concert with the Ger-
with the Allies having established two mans, perhaps might have increased Allied
armies on the Italian mainland ( Clark's casualties. U nless, to take the opposite
U.S. Fifth and Montgomery's British viewpoint, the Germans were relieved by
Eighth) , the prospects far advancing rap- the surrender because they no longer had
idly to Rome appeared to be good. The to bother even to be polite to an ally of
Allies did not yet realize the extent to dubious worth. Did the Germans, there-
which the Gennans could use the Italian fore, resist the Allies more effectively with-
winter weather, the Italian terrain, and out the Italians? Was this perhaps at
the skill of their own outnumbered troops least part of the reason why the landings
to deny the Allies, and incidentally the at Salemo were more diffi.cult for the Al-
Italians, quick entry into the capital. lies than those made on the beaches of
Crossing the Strait of Messina had been Sicily?
easy, securing a beachhead at Salerno What the Allies really achieved by the
more difficult. But no one could foresee Italian capitulation was an enormous psy-
the bittemess ahead of the fighting at the chological victory, not only in the eyes of
Volturno and the Sangro Rivers, on the the world, but, more important, for the
approaches to the Liri valley, along the fighting man. One of the three major
Rapido and Garigliano Rivers, in the enemy powers had fallen to the combined
shadow of C~ino, and in. the Anzio weight of joint Allied arms, and this gave
beachhead. No one could anticipate the increasing hope that the end of the con-
expenditure of men and matriel that flict would not be far distant.
would be necessary befare Rome fell to Al- This had been brought about by mili-
lied arms. Least of ali the Italians, who tary diplomacy. Not a new phenomenon,
on 13 October 1943 finally declared war this particular perfonnance showed great
on Germany. ingenuity and unusual perception. A mil-
itary command and staff had played the
Epilogue role of the diplomatist with considerable
What had the Allies gained by the sur- If the Allies were taken in during the
render of Italy? A cobelligerent of doubt- negotiations by their belief that the 1tal-
ful value if judged in terms of material ian Government was eager to change
military resources-the Army was virtually sides in the war, it was because the ltalian
ineffective; the Air Force was obsolete; representatives---D'Ajeta, Berio, Castellano,
only the Navy and merchant marine made and Zanussi-all of them, had misrepre-
substantial contributions to Allied power. sented, perhaps unwittingly, the desires
The srrender had eliminated a ground of their govemment. Though Churchill
force of tremendous size that, even though credited the King and Badoglio with the
ill-equipped and low in morale, had con- initiative in Mussolini's downfall and the


subsequent switch to the Allied side, the The King, too, felt this way. Despite
real motivation was a desire to choose the the fears he expressed of Gennan reprisals
l~r of two evils-to be crushed by Ger- on the Italian population, he was also
many or to be redeemed by the Allies. motivated by the desire to be a man of
"If the Gennans would [ only] attack honor. Even after the Germans had de-
[ us] ," Badoglio had said late in August, stroyed most of the 1taliari Anny, he re-
"the situation would have a solution." fused to take the ultimate step of breaking
Along with his fear of Gennan armed with his former ally. And only as the re-
might was the question of honor. "We sult of continued Allied pressure, when his
cannot, by an act of our own will," Badog- govemment was practically a prisoner of
lio had said, "separate ourselves from the Allies, did he make his final capitula-
Germany with whom we are bound by a tion and declare war on Germany.
pact of alliance." Only a Gennan attack The campaign on Sicily that led to the
could relieve Italian pangs of conscience capitulation of Italy proved several things.
and make it easy to go over to the Allies Like the invasion of North Africa, the Si-
and "turn for aid to our enemies of yes- cilian landings showed that Axis-held
terday." 34 Europe was vulnerable to amphibious and
As late as 3 September 1943, the day airborne attack. It demonstrated the su-
Castellano signed the armistice at Cassibile, periority of Allied weapons and equipment.
the Gennan naval attach in Rome was re- It illustrated the resourcefulness and skill
porting to his superiors: "In higher circles of the German foot soldier, who, despite
thc opinion prevails that ever since he numerical and technological inferiority,
assumed officc, Badoglio has been trying to demonstrated once again the fundamental
bring the war to as favorable a conclusion importancc of terrain and its use in a
as possible, but only with Germany's con- struggle between ground forces. lt gave
sent, for Badoglio takes Italy's honor as an the American field commanders in Europe
Axis partner very seriously." 811 experience, and particularly with respect
to the British ally, a maturity not achieved
before. Most of ali, the Sicilian Cam-
u Bonomi, Diario, p. 82. paign, by making possible the Italian sur-
35 ONI, Translation of Gennan Naval Staff
Operations Division War Diary, pt. A, vol. 49 render, marked a milestone on the Allied
(September, 1943), p. 37. road to victory.
Appendix A
CoMPOsmoN OF U.S. FoRcEs ON D-DAv, 10 JuLY 1943

3d Division 16th Combat Team

r6th Infantry Regiment
7th Infantry
roth Field Artillery Battalion 7th Field Artillery Battalion
6 batteries of antiaircraft artillery
Company G, 66th Armored Regiment
1 hattalion, 53 nt Engineer Shore Regiment
1 battalion, 36th Combat Engineer Regiment
1 medium tank platoon, 67th Armored Regi-
3d Ranger Battalion ment
2d Battalion, 15th Infantry
Platoon, Cannon Company, 15th Infantry 45th Dirision
Company B, 3d Chemical Battalion 18oth Infantry
Battery B, 39th Field Artillery Battalion 1711t Field Artillery Battalion
1 battalion, 36th Combat Engineer Regiment
Company C, 2d Chemical Battalion
srd Battalion, 4oth Engineen
15th lnfantry
nt and 3d Battalions 179th Infantry
Company H, 66th Armored Regiment r 6oth Field Artillery Battalion plus r battery
39th Field Artillery Battalion self-propelled howitzen
Companies A and B, 2d Chemical Battalion
3oth Infantry 3d Battalion, 4oth Engineen
41 st Field Artillery Battalion
Company 1, 66th Armored Regiment 157th Infantfy
Company C, 3d Chemical Battalion 158th Field Artillery Battalion plus 1 battery
1 battalion, 36th Combat Engineer Regiment self-propelled howitzers
753d Medium Tank Battalion
Floating Rserve: Combat Command A 2d Ar- 5 batteries of antiaircraft artillery
mored Division ' r st Battalion, 4oth Engineers
66th Annored Regiment ( -3d Battalion)
4 nt Armored Infantry Regiment ( - ut Bat- SEVl!.NTR AaKY FLOATINO RESERVI!.
talion) srd Armored Division
Company B, 82d Reconnaisaance Squadron Combat Command B
14th Armored Field Artillery Battalion 67th Armored Regiment ( - )
82d Reconnaissance Squadron ( - )
lst Division r 7th Armored Engineer Battalion
78th Armored Field Artillery Battalion
FORCE X 92d Armored Field Artillery Battalion
ut Ranger Battalion ut Battalion, 4 ut Armored Infantry
4th Ranger Battalion Regiment
ut Battalion, 39th Combat Engineen
3 companies, 83d Chemical Battalion r 8th Infantry
r battalion, 53 ut Engineer Shore Regiment 32d Field Artillery Battalion
r Engineer company
26th Combat Team
26th Infantry Regiment 54oth Engineen
5th Field Artillery Battalion 2 Antiaircraft artillery battalions
33d Field Artillery Battalion
6 batteries of antiaircraft artillery
r battalion, 53 ut Engineer Shore Regiment
1 medium tank platoon, 67th Armored Regi-
Appendix B

1. General Eisenhower should be in- d. Italian Govemment must under-

structed to scnd two Staff Officers, one take to proclaim the Armistice immcdiately
U.S. and one British, to Lisbon at once it is announc~d by General Eiscnhower,
to meet General "C." and to order their forces and people f rom
2. The communication to General "C" that hour to collaborate with the Allies and
should be on the following lines: to resist the Germans. (NOTE.-As will
a. The unconditional surrender of be scen from 2 c above, thc Italian Govem-
Italy is acceptcd on the terms stated in the ment will be given a few hours' notice.)
documcnt handed to him ( Armistice e. The ltalian Govemment must, at
Terms for 1taly as alrcady agreed. Thcsc the hour of the Armisticc, order that all
do not include political, cconomic, or fi- United Nations' prisoners in dangcr of cap-
nancial terms which will be communicated ture by the Germans shall be immediately
later). released.
b. Thcsc terms did not visualizc the f. Thc ltalian Govemment must, at
active assistancc of Italy in fighting the the hour of the Arrnistice, ordcr the Ital-
Germans. Thc extent to which the terms ian Fleet and as much of their mcrchant
will be modificd in favor of Italy will de- shipping as possiblc to put to sea for Allied
pend on how far the Italian Govemment ports. As many military aircraft as pos-
and people do, in fact, aid the U nited sible shall fly to Allied bases. Any ships
Nations against Germany during the re- or aircraft in danger of capture by the
mainder of the war. The Unitcd Na- Germans must be destroyed.
tions, however, state without reservation 3. Meanwhilc therc is a good deal that
that wherevcr Italian forces or Italians Badoglio can do without thc Germans be-
fight Germans, or destroy German prop- coming aware of what is afoot. The pre-
erty, or hamper German movement, they cise character and extcnt of his action
will be given all pos&ble support by the must be left to his judgment; put thc fol-
forces of the United Nations. Meanwhile lowing are the general lines which should
bombing will be restrictcd to targcts which be suggested to him:
immediately affect the movement and op- ( i) General passive resistancc through-
erations of German forces. out the country if this order can be con-
e. The cessation of hostilities between veyed to local authorities without the
thc United Nations and Italy will take Germans knowing.
cffect from a date and hour to be notified ( ii) Minor sabotagc throughout the
by General Eisenhower. (NoTE.-Gen- country, particularly of communications
eral Eisenhower should make this notifica- and airficlds used by the Germans.
tion a few hours before Allied forces land ( iii) Safcguard of Allicd prisoncrs of
in Italy in strength.) war. lf German p~ure to hand them
over becomcs too grcat, they should be 4. General Eisenhower's rcprcscnta-
rcleascd. tivcs must arrangc with General "C" a
{iv) No ltalian wanhips to be al- sccure channcl of communication bctween
lowed to fall into Gcrman hands. Ar- Italian headquartcrs and General Eiscn-
rangements to be made to insurc that ali hower.
thcsc ships can sail to ports dcsignated by {NoTE.-ln view of the urgcncy of the
General Eiscnhower immediately he givcs matter, a warning order should be scnt to
the order. Italian submarincs should not General Eisenhowcr that instructions as to
be withdrawn from patrol as this would how he is to deal with pcace-feclers are
let the cat out of the bag.1 bcing concertcd bctwccn the Prcsident
{v) No merchant shipping to be al- and the Prime Minister, and that in the
lowed to fall into Gcrman hands. Mer- mcanwhile he should hold two Staff Offi-
chant shipping in Northem ports should, cers in rcadincss to proceed to Lisbon
if ~ible, be sailed to ports south of the immediatcly on rcccipt of thcsc instructions
line Venice-Leghom. In the last resort to meet General "C," who must lcave
they should be scuttlcd. Ali ships must Lisbon on the night of the 2oth at the
be rcady to sail for ports designated by very latest. He should also make the nec-
General Eisenhower. essary transportation arrangements with
{vi) Gcrmans must not be allowed to London for entry into Portugal.) 2
take over Italian coast defenses.
2 CCS 3 11, sub: ltalian Peace Feelcrs, 17
{vii) Make arrangcments to be put in Aug 43, QuADllANT Conf Book, pp. 141-44.
force at the proper time for Italian for- With the one change in phraseology which is
mations in the Balkans to march to the noted, the memorandum was sent to Eisenhower
as No. 50 (FAN 196), 18 August 1943, Capitu-
coast, with a view to their being taken off lation of Italy, pages 9o-g2. Churchill prints an
to 1taly by U nited Nations. incomplete text in Closing the Ring, pages 105-
06. Most of the memorandum is printed in
translation by Castellano, Come firmai, pages
110-12. The full title of the Quebec Memo-
1 Before the message was transmitted to Gen- randum is Aide-Mlmoire To Accompany Con-
eral Ei.senhower some purist deleted the itali- ditiona of Annistice, presented by General
cized words and substituted the clause, "revea) Eisenhower to the Italian Commander in Chief.
our intentions to the enemy." See 10,000/136/584.

693 - 029 o- 6~ - 37
Appendix C
ON 6 AuousT 1943
1. Immcdiate cmation of all hostilc Italian anncd forces from all partiapa-
activity by the ltalian anned forces. tion in the current war from whatcvcr
2. Italy wi1I use its best endcavors to arcas in which thcy may now be cngagcd.
deny, to the Gcnnans, facilities that might g. Guarantce by thc ltalian Govcm-
be used against the U nitcd N ations. ment that if necessary it wi1I cmploy all
3. Ali prisoners or intcmees of thc its availablc armcd forces to insure prompt
United Nations to be immcdiately tumed and cxact compliance with all the provi-
over to the Allied Comrnandcr in Chief, sions of this armisticc.
and nonc of thcm may from the begin- 1 o. The Commander in Chicf of thc
ning o/ the negotiations be cvacuated to Allied Forces reserves to himself thc right
Gcnnany. to takc any measurcs which in bis opinion
4. Immediatc transfcr of the Italian may be nccmary for the protcction of the
ftcet and ltalian aircraft to such points as intcrests of the Allied Forces for thc
may be designatcd by the Allied Command- prosccution of the war, and thc ltalian
er in Chicf, with details of disannament Govemmcnt binds itself to takc such ad-
to be prcscribed by him. ministrativc or othcr action as thc Com-
5. Agreement that Italian mcrchant mandcr in Chicf may rcquirc, and in
shipping may be rcquisitioncd by the Al- particular thc Commandcr in Chicf will ~
lied Commandcr in Chicf to meet the tablish Allicd Military Govcmmcnt ovcr
nccds of bis military-naval program. such parts of Italian tcrritory as he may
6. Immcdiatc surrender of Corsica and dcem nccessary in thc military intcrests of
of all ltalian tcrritory, both islands and the Allicd Nations.
mainland, to the Allies, for such use as 11. Thc Commandcr in Chicf of thc
opcrational bases and other purposcs as the Allicd Forces wi1I havc a full right to pro-
Allies may sec fit. pose mcasurcs of disarmament, dcmobili-
7. Immediate guarantce of the free use zation, and dcmilitarization.
by the Allies of all airfields and naval ports 12. Othcr conditions of a political,
in Italian territory, regardless of the rate cconomic and financial nature with which
of cvacuation of the Italian tcrritory by ltaly wi1I be bound to comply will be
the Gcnnan forces. These ports and transmittcd at a latcr datc.1
fields to be protected by 1talian anncd
1 The italicized phrases were deleted from the
forces until this function is taken over by
short terma prior to their prcsentation to General
the Allies. Castellano at Lisbon. See Summary of Armistice
8. Immediate withdrawal to ltaly of Terma, Capitulation of Italy, pp. 6g-70.
Appendix D

/nstrumtnl o/ Surrmder o/ ltaly

WHEREAS in conscquence of an armistice dated the 3rd September, 1943, between the
United Statcs and the United Kingdom Governments on the one hand and the Italian
Government on the other hand, hostilities were suspended between ltaly and the United
Nations on certain terms of a military nature;
And whercas in addition to those terms it was also provided in the said Armistice that
the Italian Government bound thcmsclves to comply with other conditions of a political,
cconomic and financial nature to be transmitted later;
And whereas it is convenient that the terms of a military nature and the said other
conditions of a political, cconomic and financia! nature should without prejudice to the con-
tinued validity of the terms of the said Armistice of the 3rd September, 1943, be compriscd
in a further instrument;
The following, together with the tcrms of the Armistice of the 3rd September, 1943,
are the terms on which the United States and United Kingdom Governments acting on be-
half of the United Nations are prepared to suspcnd hostilities against Italy so long as their
military operations against Gennany and her Allies are not obstructed and Italy docs not
assist thesc Powers in any way and complies with the rcquirements of these Governments.
These terms have been prescnted by General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Commander-in-
Chief, Allied Forces, duly authoriscd to that effect;
And have been accepted by Marshal Pietro Badoglio, Hcad of the ltalian Government.
1.-(A) The Italian Land, Sea and Air Forces whercver located, hereby surrender un-
(B) ltalian participation in the war in all Theaters will cease immediately. There
will be no opposition to landings, movements or other opcrations of the Land, Sea and Air
Forces of the United Nations. Accordingly, the ltalian Supreme Command will order the
immediate ccssation of hostilitics of any k.ind against the Forces of the United Nations and
will dircct the Italian Navy, Military and Air Force authoritics in all Theaters to issue
forthwith the appropriate instructions to thosc under their Command.
(C) The ltalian Supreme Command will further order all Italian Naval, Military
and Air Forces or authorities and pcrsonncl to refrain immediatcly from destruction of or
damage to any real or personal propcrty, whether public or private.
2. The Italian Supreme Command will give full information concerning . the dis-
position and condition of all Italian Land, Sea and Air Forces, wherever they are situated
and of all such forces of ltaly's Allies as are situated in Italian or Italian-occupied territory.
3. The ltalian Supreme Command will take the ncccssary measurcs to sccure air-
fields, port facilities, and all other installations against scizure or attack by any of ltaly's
Allics. The ltalian Supreme Command will take the ncccssary measurcs to insure Law and
Order, and to use its available armed forces to insure prompt and exact compliance with
all the provisions of the prcscnt instrument. Subject to such use of ltalian troops for the
above purposcs, as may be sanctioned by the Allied Commander-in-Chief, all other Italian
Land, Sea and Air Forces will proceed to and remain in their barracks, camps or ships
pcnding directions from the United Nations as to their future status and disposal. Ex-
ceptionally such Naval pcrsonnel shall proceed to shore cstablishments as the United Nations
may direct.

4. Italian Land, Sea and Air Forces will within the periods to be laid down by thc
United Nations withdraw from all arcas outsidc Italian tcrritory notificd to the Italian Gov-
ernmcnt by thc United Nations and procccd to arcas to be specificd by the Unitcd Nations.
Such movemcnt of Italian Land, Sea and Air Forces will be carricd out in conditions to be
laid down by the Unitcd Nations and in accordancc with thc ordcrs to be issucd by them.
All Italian officials will similarly leave the arcas notificd exccpt any who may be permittcd to
remain by thc United Nations. Those pcrmittcd to remain will comply with the instructions
of the Allied Commander-in-Chicf.
5. No requisitioning, seizures or other cocrcive mcasures shall be cffcctcd by Italian
Land, Sea and Air Forces or officials in rcgard to pcrsons or propcrty in thc arcas notificd
under Article 4.
6. The demobilisation of ltalian Land, Sea and Air Forces in excess of such esta!>.
lishments as shall be notificd will takc place as prcscribcd by thc Allied Commandcr-in-Chief.
7. ltalian warships of all descriptions, auxiliarles and transports will be assemblcd as
dirccted in ports to be specified by the Allied Commander-in-Chief and will be dealt with
as prescribed by the Allied Commander-in-Chief. (NoTE.-If at the date of the Armistice
the whole of the ltalian Fleet has been assembled in Allied ports, this article would run:
"ltalian warships of all descriptions, auxiliarles and transports will remain until further
notice in the ports where they are at present assembled, and will be dealt with as prescribcd
by the Allied Commander-in-Chief. ")
8. Italian aircraft of all kinds will not leave the ground or water or ships, except as
directed by the Allied Commander-in-Chief.
9. Without prejudice to the provisions 14, 15 and 28(A) and (D) bclow, ali merchant
ships, fishing or other craft of whatever flag, all aircraft and inland transport of whatever
nationality in ltalian or ltalian-occupied territory or waters will, pcnding verification of
thcir identity and status, be prcvcnted from lcaving.
10. The Italian Supreme Command will make available all information about naval,
military and air devices, installations and defences, about ali transport and inter-communi-
cation 11ystems establishcd by ltaly or her allies on ltalian territory or in thc approaches
thereto, about minefields or other obstacles to movement by land, sea or air and such other
particulars as the United Nations may requirc in connection with the use of ltalian bases,
or with the opcrations, security or welfare of the United Nations Land, Sea or Air Forces.
Italian forces and equipment will be madc availablc as required by the United Nations
for the removal of the above-mentioned obstacles.
11. The ltalian Government will furnish forthwith lists of quantities of all war material
showing the locations of the same. Subject to such use as the Allied Commander-in-Chief
may make of it, the war material will be placed in store under such control as he may dircct.
The ultima te disposal of war material will be prescribed by the U nited Nations.
12. There will be no destruction of nor damage to nor except as authorised 01'. directcd
by the U nited Nations any removal of war material, wireless, radio location or metcoro-
logical stations, railroad, port or other installations or in general, public or private utilitics
or property of any kind, wherevcr situated, and the necessary maintenance and repair will
be thc responsibility of the Italian authorities.
13. The manufacture, production and construction of war material and its import,
cxport and transit is prohibitcd, except as directcd by the United Nations. The ltalian
Government will comply with any directions given by the United Nations for the manu-
facture, production or construction and the import, export or transit of war material.
14.-(A) AH Italian mcrchant shipping and fishing and other craft, wherever thcy may
be, and any constructed or completed during the period of the present instrumcnt will be
made availablc in good repair and in seaworthy condition by the compctcnt ltalian author-
ities at such places and for such purposes and periods as thc Unitcd Nations may prescribe.
Transfer to enemy or neutral ftags is prohibitcd. Crews will remain on board pcnding

further instructions rcgarding their continucd employment or dispersa!. Any existing op-
tions to repurchase or reacquire orto resume control of Italian or former Italian vesscls sold
or otherwisc transferrcd or chartercd during the war will forthwith be exercised and the
abovc provisions will apply to all such vessels and their crcws.
(B) All Italian inland transport and all port equiptnent will be hcld at the disposal
of the United Nations for such purposes as they may direct.
15. United Nations merchant ships, fishing and other craft in Italian hands wherever
they may be (including for this purpose those of any country which has broken off diplomatic
relations with Italy) whether or not the title has becn transferred as the result of prize court
proceedings or otherwise, will be surrendered to the United Nations and will be assembled
in ports to be specified by the Unitcd Nations for disposal as directed by them. The Italian
Government will take all such steps as may be required to secure any necessary transfers of
title. Any neutral merchant ship, fishing or other craft under Italian operation or control
will be asscmbled in the same manner pending arrangements for their ultimate disposal.
Any necessary repairs to any of the above mentioned vesscls will be effectcd by the ltalian
Government, if required, at their expense. The Italian Government will take the necessary
measures to insure that the vessels and their cargo are not damagcd.
16. No radio or tclecommunication installations or other forms of intercommunica-
tion, shore or afloat, under Italian control whether belonging to Italy or any nation other
than the United Nations will transmit until directions for the control of these installations
have been prescribed by the Allied Commander-in-Chief. The ltalian authorities will con-
form to such measures for control and censorship of press and of other publications, of theatri-
cal and cinematograph performances, of broadcasting, and also of all forms of intercommu-
nication as the Allied Commander-in-Chief may direct. The Allied Commander-in-Chief
may, at his discretion, take over radio, cable and other communication stations.
17. Thc warships, auxiliarles, transports and mcrchant and other vcssels and aircraft
in thc servicc of the United Nations will have thc right frcely to use the territorial waters
around and the air over Italian territory.
18. The forces of the United Nations will require to occupy certain parts of ltalian
territory. The territories or arcas concerncd will from time to time be notified by the
Unitcd Nations and all Italian Land, Sea and Air Forces will thereupon withdraw from
such territories or arcas in accordance with the instructions issued by the Allicd Commander-
in-Chicf. The provisions of this article are without prejudice to those of article 4 above. The
ltalian Suprcme Command will guarantee immcdiate use and access to the Allics of all
airfields and Naval ports in Italy under their control.
19. In the territorics or arcas referred to in article 18 al1 Naval, Military and Air in-
stallations, power stations, ol refineries, public utility services, all ports and harbors, all
transport and all inter-communication installations, facilities and equipment and such other
installations or facilities and all such stocks as may be requircd by the Unitcd Nations will be
made available in good condition by thc competent Italian authorities with the personnel
required for working them. The ltalian Government will make available such other local
resources or services as the United Nations may require.
20. Without prejudice to the provisions of the present instrument the Unitcd Nations
will exercise all the rights of an occupying power throughout the territorics or arcas referred
to in article 18, the administration of which will be provided for by the issue of proclama-
tions, orders or rcgulations. Personnel of the Italian administrative, judicial and public
services will carry out their functions under the control of the Allicd Commander-in-Chief
unless otherwise directed.
21. In addition to the rights in respect of occupied Italian territories describcd in
articles 18 to 2()-
(A) Members of the Land, Sea or Air Forces and officials of the Unitcd Nations
will have the right of passage in or over non-occupied Italian territory, and will. be afforded
ali necessary facilities and assistance in performing their functions.
(B) The Italian authoritics will make available on non-occupicd ltalian territory all
transport facilities rcquircd by the Unitcd Nations including free transit for thcir war ma-
terial and supplics, and will comply with instructions issucd by the Allicd Commandcr-in-
Chief regarding thc use and control of airfields, ports, shipping, inland transport systcms
and vehiclcs, intercommunication systcms, power stations and public utility serviccs, oil
refinerics, stocks and such other fuel and power supplies and means of producing samc, as
Unitcd Nations may spccify, togethcr with connccted repair and construction facilities.
22. The Italian Government and pcople will abstain from all action detrimental to
the intercsts of the Unitcd Nations and will carry out promptly and efficiently alJ orden
given by the Unitcd Nations.
23. The ltalian Government will make available such ltalian currcncy as the Unitcd
Nations may rcquirc. The ltalian Government will withdraw and rcdccm in Italian cur-
rcncy within such time limits and on such terms as the United Nations may spccify ali hold-
ings in ltalian territory of currcncies issued by the United Nations during military opcra-
tions or occupation and will hand over the currencies withdrawn free of cost to the Unitcd
Nations. The ltalian Government will take such mcasures as may be rcquircd by the Unitcd
Nations for the control of banks and business in ltalian territory, for thc control of forcign
exchange and forcign commercial and financial transactions and for the rcgulation of trade
and production and will comply with any instructions issucd by the Unitcd Nations rcgard-
ing thcsc and similar matters.
24. Therc shall be no financial, commcrcial or other intercoursc with or dcalings with
or for the bcnefit of countrics at war with any of the Unitcd Nations or territorics occupicd
by auch countrics or any other forcign country except under authorisation of the Allicd
Commander-in-Chief or dcsignatcd officials.
25.-(A) Relations with countries at war with any of the Unitcd Nations, or occupicd
by any such country, will be brokcn off. ltalian diplomatic, consular and other officials
and mem~rs of the ltalian Land, Sea and Air Forces accrcditcd to or serving on missions
with any such country or in any other territory spccificd by the Unitcd Nations will be rc-
callcd. Diplomatic and consular officials of such countrics will be dcalt with as the Unitcd
Nations may prescribe.
(B) The Unitcd Nations reserve the right to rcquirc the withdrawal of neutral
diplomatic and consular officers from occupicd Italian territory and to prescribe and lay down
rcgulations govcrning the procedurc for the methods of communication betwccn the Italian
Government and its reprcscntativcs in neutral countrics and regarding communications
emanating from or dcstincd for the reprcscntativcs of neutral countrics in Italian territory.
26. Italian subjccts will pcnding further instructions be preventcd from leaving Italian
territory except as authoriscd by the Allied Commander-in-Chief and will not in any cvcnt
take scrvice with any of ,the countrics or in any of the territorics rcferrcd to in arride 25(A)
nor will they procecd to any place for the purposc of undertaking work for any such country.
Thosc at prcscnt so scrving or working will be recallcd as dircctcd by thc Allicd Commandcr-
27. The Military, Naval and Air pcrsonncl and material and the mcrchant ahipping,
fishing and other craft and thc aircraft, vehiclcs and other transport cquipment of any coun-
try against which any of the Unitcd Nations is carrying on hostilitics or which is occupicd
by any such country, rcmain Hable to attack or scizurc whercver found in or ovcr Italian
territory or watcrs.
28.-(A) The wanhips, auxiliarles and transporta of any such country or occupicd coun-
try refcrrcd to in article 27 in ltalian or ltalian-occupicd porta and watcrs and the aircraft, ve-
hiclcs and other transport equipment of such countrics in or over Italian or ltalian-occupicd
territory will, pcnding further instructions, be prcventcd from leaving.
(B) Thc Military, Naval and Air pcrsonnel and the civilian nationals of any such
country or occupicd country in Italian or ltalian-occupicd territory will be prcvcntcd. from
lcaving and will be intcrncd pcnding further inatructions.

(C) All propcrty in Italian territory belonging to any such country or occupied
country or its nationals will be impounded and kept in custody pcnding further instructions.
(D) The ltalian Government will comply with any instructions given by the Allied
Commander-in-Chief concerning the internment, custody or subsequent disposal, utilisation
or employment of any of the above-mentioned pcrsons, vessels, aircraft, material or propcrty.
29. Benito Mussolini, his Chief Fascist associates and all persons suspccted of having
committed war crimes or analogous offences whosc names appcar on lists to be communi-
cated by the United Nations will forthwith be apprchended and surrcndercd into the hands
of the United Nations. Any instructions givcn by thc United Nations Cor this purposc will
be complied with.
30. All Fascist organizations, including all branches of the Fascist Militia (MVSN),
the Sccrct Policc (OVRA), all Fascist organisations will in so far as this is not alrcady
accomplishcd be disbanded in accordance with thc dircctions of the Allied Commandcr-in-
Chief. The ltalian Government will comply with ali such further directions as the United
Nations may give Cor abolition of Fascist institutions, the dismissal and internment of Fas-
cist pcrsonnel, the control of Fascist funds, the suppression of Fascist ideology and teaching.
31. All ltalian laws involving discrimination on grounds of racc, color, creed or po-
litical opinions will in so far as this is not alrcady accomplishcd be rescinded, and persons
detained on such grounds will, as directed by the United Nations, be releascd and rclicved
from ali legal disabilities to which they have been subjccted. Thc ltalian Govcrnmcnt
will comply with all such furthcr directions as the Allied Commandcr-in-Chief may give Cor
repcal of Fascist legislation and removal of any disabilities or prohibitions rcsulting thercfrom.
32.-(A) Prisoners of war belonging to the forces of or specified by the Unitcd Nations
and any nationals of thc United Nations, including Abyssinian subjects, confined, interned, or
otherwise under restraint in ltalian or ltalian-occupied territory will not be removed and
will forthwith be handed over to represcntatives of the United Nations or otherwisc dcalt
with as thc United Nations may direct. Any removal during the pcriod between the presen-
tation and the signature of the prescnt instrument will be rcgarded as a brcach of its tenns.
(B) Persons of whatever nationality who have been placed under rcstriction,
dctention or sentcnce (including sentcnces in abstnlia) on account of their dcalings or sympa-
thies with the United Nations will be released under thc direction of the United Nations and
relieved from ali legal disabilities to which they have becn subjected.
(C) Thc ltalian Government will takc such stcps as thc United Nations may direct
to safeguard thc persons of foreign nationals and propcrty of forcign nationals and. propcrty
of foreign states and nationals. .
33.-(A) Thc Italian Govcrnmcnt will comply with such directions as the United Na-
tions may prescribe regarding restitutions, deliveries, serviccs or payments by way of rcpara-
tion and payment of the costs of occupation during thc pcriod of the present instrumcnt.
(B) The Italian Government will givc to thc Allied Commandcr-in-Chicf such
infonnation as may be prescribed rcgarding thc asscts, whethcr insidc or outside ltalian tcr-
ritory, of the Italian state, the Bank of Italy, any Italian statc or semi-statc institutions or
Fascist organisations or residcnts in ltalian tcrritory and will not disposc or allow thc dis-
posal, outside Italian tcrritory of any such assets cxccpt with thc pcnnission of thc United
34. Thc ltalian Govcrnmcnt will carry out during thc pcriod of thc prescnt instru-
mcnt such mcasurcs of disarmamcnt, dcmobilisation and dcmilitarisation as may be prc-
scribed by thc Allied Commandcr-in-Chicf.
35. Thc Italian Govcrnmcnt will supply all infonnation and providc all documcnts
rcquired by thc United Nations. Thcrc shall be no dcstruction or conccalmcnt of archives,
records, plans or any other documcnts or information.
36. Thc Italian Govcrnmcnt will takc and cnforcc such lcgislative and othcr meas-
urcs as may be neccssary Cor thc cxecution of thc prcscnt instrumcnt. Italian military and
civil authorities will comply with any instructions issued by the Allied Commander-in-
Chief for the same purpose.
37. There will be appointed a Control Commission representative of the United Na-
tions charged with regulating and executing this instrument undcr thc orden and general
directions of the Allied Commander-in-Chief.
38.-(A) The term "United Nations" in thc present instrument includes the Allied
Commander-in-Chief, thc Control Commission and any other authority which thc United
Nations may dcsignate.
(B) The term "Allied Commander-in-Chier in the present instrument includcs the
Control Commission and such other officers and representatives as thc Commander-in-Chicf
may dcsignatc.
39. Reference to Italian Land, Sea and Air Forces in thc present instrument shall be
deemed to include Fascist Militia and ali such othcr military or para-military units, formations
or bodics as the Allied Commander-in-Chief may prescribe.
40. The term "War Material" in the prescnt instrument denotes ali material spccified
in such lists or definitions as may from time to time be issued by the Control Commission.
41. The term "ltalian Territory" includes all Italian colonies and depcndencies and
shall for the purposcs of the present instrumcnt (but without prejudice to thc qucstion of
sovercignty) be dccmcd to includc Albania. Provided, howcvcr, that exccpt in such cases
and to such extent as thc Unitcd Nations may direct the provisions of the present instru-
mcnt shall not apply in or affect the administration of any ltalian colony or dependency
already occupied by thc United Nations or the rights or p<>wcrs thcrein posscssed or cxcr-
cised by thcm.
42. The Italian Government will send a dclcgation to thc Hcadquarters of the Control
Commission to represcnt ltalian interests and to transmit the orders of the Control Commis-
sion to the compctent Italian authorities.
43. The prcsent instrumcnt shall cntcr into force at once. It will remain in operation
until superseded by any other arrangements or until the voting into force of the peacc treaty
with ltaly.
44. The present instrument may be denounced by the United Nations with immediatc
cffect if Italian obligations thcreunder are not fulfilled or, as an alternative, the United
Nations may penalise contravention of it by mcasurcs appropriate to the circumstances such
as the cxtension of the arcas of military occupation or air or othcr punitivc action.
The present instrument is drawn up in English and Italian, the English text bcing au-
thentic, and in case of any dispute regarding its interprctation, the decision of the Control
Commission will prcvail.
Signed at Malta on the 29th day of Scptembcr, 1943.
Hcad of the Italian Government. General, United States Anny,
Commander-in-Chicf, Allicd Force.
Bibliographical Note
This volume has been written on the thcse documents were made and are lo-
basis of extensive rcsearch in the volumi- cated in NARS. The remainder of the
nous mass of documentary material held original documents carne to the United
by the World W ar 11 Records Division, States, and they, too, are located in NARS.
National Archives and Records Service The latter group contains the records of
( NARS), Alexandria, Virginia, supple- the Allied Screening Comm~on ( Italy),
mentcd by collections of documents held the Mediterranean Allied Air Forces Head-
at the Federal Records Center, GSA, quarters ( except the Target Analysis
Kansas City, Missouri; the Division of Files) , the Mediterranean Allied Photo-
Naval History, Department of the Navy, graphic Reconnaissance Wing, the Medi-
Washington, D.C.; the Archives Branch, terranean Allied Strategic Air Force, the
U.S. Air Force Historical Division, Air Mediterranean Allied Tactical Air Force,
University, Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala- the Mediterranean Air Transport Service,
bama; and the Office of the Chief of and the records of Allied Military Govern-
Military History (OCMH), Department ment, the Allied Commission ( Italy), and
of the Army, Washington, D.C. This other Allied control commissions.
official material has been further supple- A largc number of the microfilm docu-
mented by the private papers of Generals ments in the possession of NARS have been
Eisenhower, Smith, Ridgway, and Gavin; photo-enlarged and arrangcd in file fold-
by General Lucas' diary; by interviews ers. Both the microfilm and the photo-
with Allied and Axis leaders; by published enlarged documents are organized by job
histories and memoirs; and by detailed and reel number, as well as by a file classi-
comments by persons to whom the manu- fication. Where the authors have cited a
script was prcscntcd for review. document seen on a microfilm reel, the
The Allied Force Headquarters job number and the reel number are given,
(AFHQ) records constitute the most im- i.e., job 1oC, reel 138E. Where the cited
portant single collection of records used in document was seen in a folder of photo-
the preparation of this volume. The col- enlarged documents, the catalogue number
Iection consists of reports, messages, corre- and the folder number are indicated, i.e.,
spondence, planning papers, and other o 1oo/t '2A/t 77. The original documents
material on all phases of Operation of the various Allied air commands de-
Husxv and the subscqucnt campaign in posited in N ARS are in files prefixed
Sicily. According to a 1945 bilateral with the catalogue numbers 0401, 0403,
agreement, most of the original documents 0406, and 0407; of the Allied Control
in the AFHQ collection were sent to the Commission, with the catalogue number
U nited Kingdom. Microfilm copies of 1o,ooo. Use of thcse records is greatly

facilitated by two finding aids: Kenneth ( 3) The Strategy and Policy Group
W. Munden's Analytical Guide to the file, arrangcd according to the Army deci-
Combined British-American Records o/ mal system and identified by the lcttcrs
the Medite"anean Theater o/ Operalions "ABC" ( American-British Convcrsations) ;
in World War 11, preparcd in 1948; and and,
a more detailed thrce-volume Catalogue ( 4) The Executive Officc file, an in-
o/ the Combined British-American Rec- formal collcction of papers on policy and
ords o/ the M edite"anean Theater o/ planning compiled in thc Exccutivc Officc
Operations in World War 11. Both of of OPD, primarily for the use of the As-
these items are in NARS. sistant Chicf of Staff, OPD.
Two collections subsidiary to this larger The latter two collections were of par-
one are the Smith Papers and the Salmon ticular importance to this volume. Thc
Files. The Smith Papers, a collection of ABC file contains an almost complete set
documents and books belonging to Gen. of papers issued by the Joint and Com-
Walter B. Smith, has been given to the bined Chiefs of Staff and thcir sub-
Eisenhower Library, Abilene, Kansas. committees. The file also contains the
When last used by the authors, it was split important studics on plans and strategy
betwccn NARS and the Anny War Collegc developed by the Strategy Section of the
Library, Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania. Strategy and Policy Group. The Execu-
Of particular importance in this collection tive file contains many documents which
is the file dcsignatcd Capitulation of cannot be found elscwhcre in Department
I taly-a bound file of copies of telegrams of the Army files. This file was infor-
and other documents relating to the ltal- mally arranged after thc war and assigned
ian surrender. A microfilm copy of this tem numbers to permit casier identifica-
file is part of the AFHQ collection. The tion. The entire OPD collection of
Salman Files, stored in OCMH, consist of records is in NARS. For additional in-
a body of papers and other materials col- fonnation on the OPD collection, see thc
lected at AFHQ by Col. Dwight E. Salman. bibliographical note in Maurice Matloff,
The records of the Operations Division, Strategic Planning for Coalition W arfare,
War Department General Staff (OPD) UNITED STATES .ARMY IN WORLD WAR
are of the utrnost importance for deter- 11 (Washington, 1959) , p. 55 7
mining Allied strategic planning and de- The files of thc Office of thc Chicf of
cisions. These records, dcscribed in detail Staff wcrc of limitcd valuc to this volumc.
in Federal Records o/ World War 11, vol. Arrangcd according to thc Anny decimal
11, Military Agencies (prepared by the systcm, thc files are not largc in compari-
General Services Administration, National son with the AFHQ or OPD collections.
Archives and Records Service, The Na- But thcy do contain sorne papers that
tional Archives, Washington, 1951 ) fall cannot be locatcd clsewhere in thc Dc-
into four main categorics: partment of thc Army collcction. Tbese
( 1 ) The official central corrcspondence files, likc those of OPD, are located in
file (O PD) , arranged according to the NARS.
Army decimal system; Intcrvicws and comments on thc manu-
( 2 ) The mcssage center file, arranged script of this volumc are in OCMH.
chronologically in binders; Othcr files and documents which werc
of importancc for the planning, strategy, H one rcmcmbers that the Sicilian Cam-
and high policy are: paign was the first serious action for many
( 1 ) AFHQ Chief of Staff Cable Log, of the American units involved, the fact
which was brought up to date daily by the that the rccords for Sicily are not as
sccrctary of the general staff. It contains good as those maintaincd later in the
typcwritten paraphrascs of cables addresscd war is not surprising. In general, the
to General Eisenhower or scnt in bis 11 Corps G-3 Joumal and the 1st
name which bis subordinates fclt he should Division G-3 Joumal are the bcst unit
sce. This log is prcscntly a part of the rccords availablc. The after action rc-
Smith Papcrs. ports of ali units are usually skimpy and
( 2) Commander in Chief Allied Force providc little dctailed information. The
Diary, depo&tcd in Eiscnhower Library, information in thc unit rccords has bcen
Abilcne, Kansas. On this diary, scc the amplificd and clarificd in the light of thc
bibliographical note in Forrcst C. Pogue, authors' intcrviews and correspondcncc
The Supreme Command, UNITED STATES with participants.
ARMY IN WoRLD W AR. 11 (Washington, Dctails conccrning the activities of thc
1954), pp. 55~0. British Army have been largely taken from
(3) NAF-FAN mcssagcs. Thcse are two published accounts: Nicholson, The
the mcssagcs betwccn General Eiscnhower Canadians in ltaly, and Montgomcry, The
and the Combined Chiefs of Staff. They Eighth Army: El Alamein to the River
may be found in scveral locations, one of Sangro. Anothcr valuablc sourcc of in-
which is the AFHQ files. formation on British opcrations is thc col-
( 4) The official dispatches of General lection of AFHQ daily G-3 rcports.
Eiscnhower, General Alexander, and Ad- F or the activities of thc Allied air forces,
miral Cunningham. These dispatches the authors havc rclicd hcavily on two
may be found in the AFHQ files, and in studics: USAF Historical Study 37,
othcr groups of the files mentioncd abovc. Participation of thc Ninth and Twelfth
In addition, parts of the Alcxandcr and Air Forces in the Sicilian Campaign,
Cunningham dispatches havc been pub- and USAF Historical Study 74, Airbome
lished in the London Gazette. Missions in thc Mediterranean. In ad-
The campaign in Sicily has becn rccon- dition, thc official Air Forces bistory-
structed largcly from thc rccords of thc Craven and Cate, cds., Europe:-TORCH
units involvcd, supplemcntcd by rccords to POINTBLANK-is valuablc.
in the AFHQ G-3 collcction, and from Morison's Sicily-Salerno-Anzio has
publishcd materials. U nit records include provcn indispensable in presenting thc ac-
journals, war diaries, after action rcports, tivities of thc U.S. and British naval forces
field orders, situation reports, and, at the in Sicilian waters. Tbis published volumc
highcr levcls, combined situation and in- has bccn supplcmentcd by an unpublishcd
tclligence rcports and opcrations instruc- ONI pamphlct which covcrs thc samc gen-
tions. The rccords vary from unit to unit, eral material.
from exccllent to poor. They comprisc a Thc account of Gcrman and Italian
spccial collection of combat opcrations rc- opcrations has becn bascd principally on
cords for World War 11 in rccords of four groups of sources: ( 1) ltalian war-
The Adjutant Gcneral's Office, in NARS. timc rccords capturcd first by the Ger-

mans and subscqucntly by thc Allics; ( 2 ) telligcnce survey pcr day ( OB SUED
Gcrman wartirne records captured by the M eldungen). A1so containcd in ( 2) are
Allies; (3) Foreign Military Studies writ- records of thc Gcrman Navy. Thcy pro-
ten by former Gcrman officers between vide insight into the German decisions on
1945 and 1954 under thc auspices of the the highest level through minutes of. con-
Historical Division, Headquarters, United ferences in Hitler's headquarters ( ONI,
States Anny, Europc, 1954; and (4) Fuehrer Directives and ONI, Fuehrer
Italian and Gcrman publications. Conferences), and also serve to corroborate
Groups ( 1 ) and ( 2) are located in information garnered from secondary
NARS, and in the Clasmicd Opcrational sources.
Archives of the Department of the Navy, The manuscript collection mcntioned
( rcferred to in the footnotes as COA/ under ( 3), now in OCMH, providcs nar-
Navy). The Italian records consist of rative descriptions of the entire campaign
Italian documents captured by thc Ger- as well as reconstructions of activities down
mans alter September 1943 and catalogued to divisional and lowcr levcl. They wcre
by them under thc designation AKTEN- writtcn from memory by former Gcrman
SAMM ELSTELLE SUED. This collec- officers who participatcd in thc action,
tion was later captured by the U .S. Army and, gencrally, givc an accurate picture of
and redesignated as the I talian Collection. the cvcnts. Thesc manuscripts serve as an
The collection is incompletc and not fully excellent supplement to the documentary
catalogued. Its most valuablc tem for cvidcncc, although caution must be exer-
the Sicilian Campaign is IT 99a, b, and c, cised in rcgard to dates and to biased
a narrativc written within and upan an vicws.
arder of Comando Supremo during the Among the publishcd works ( 4) , Gen.
opcrations in Sicily. The narrative is Emilio Faldclla's Lo sbarco e la di/esa
based on daily reports from the front. della Sicilia served as the one, outstanding
Situation maps, copies of messagcs and source covcring the entire campaign in
ordcrs, and intelligence cstimates are in- Sicily. General Faldella, Sixth Army
cluded as annexes. chief of staff, wrotc bis book with thc full
The collection of capturcd German approval of the 1talian Army Historical
documcnts contains threc series of partic- Office. As the chicf of that office as.5ured
ular valuc. Thesc are thc war diary of Mrs. Baucr during several.lengthy personal
thc German Armed Forces Operations intcrviews in Romc, Faldclla's book may
Stafl ( OKW/WFSt, KTB) reporting thc be considered authoritative and will prob-
devclopmcnts on all fronts as well as con- ably be fully corroborated in the official
sidcrations and decisions influcncing thesc Italian Anny history now in preparation.
dcvelopments; the German Army High Faldella's most recent publication ap-
Command daily reports (OKH, Tages- pcared too late to serve this volu me; it
meldungen) giving very brief summaries does not, however, contain information
of operations on all fronts; and the reports materially changing thc narrativc.
of the Commander in Chief, South Personal interviews in Romc by Mrs.
( Oberbefehleshaber Sued) to higher head- Bauer with Gcnerals Guzzoni and Faldclla,
quarters giving the situation in bis arca with thc commanding gcncrals of two of
two or three times daily and one in- thc I talian divisions that fought on Sicily,

and with thc director and mcmbcrs of tor of the Italian Navy Historical Office
thc Italian Anny Historical Officc pro- wcre invaluable in reconstructing the
vidcd valuablc supplcmcntary information, cvcnts connccted with the fall of Pan-
whilc similar intcrvicws with Admiral telleria.
Pavcsi, thc commander of Pantelleria, Otherwise published works are listed
and with Admiral Fioravanzo, thc direc- only in the footnote citations.
AAF Anny Air Forces
AAR After action report
AB Airbome
AccoLADE Seizure of the Dodecanese
A CHSE Gennan plan to take over the control of 1taly
ACV Auxiliary aircraft carrier or tender
Admin Admirstrative
Adv Advance
AFHQ Allied Force Headquarters
AGF Anny Ground Forces
AGp Annygroup
AGWAR Adjutant General, War Department
AK Cargo ship
ALARICH Occupation of northem Italy by Rommel's Army
Group B if ltaly collapsed politically.
AP Transport ship
ARCADIA U.S.-British staff conference at Washington, Decem-
ber 1941-January 1'942
Arty Artillery
AT Antitank. (gun)
AVALANCHE Amphibious assault, Salemo, ltaly
BARCLAY Plan to induce the Axis to give priority to maintain-
ing and reinforcing its forces in sou\hem France
and the Balkans
BARRACUDA Plan for a sea and airbome assault on Naples.
BAYTOWN lnvasion of the Italian mainland opposite Messina
Bd Board
Br British, branch
BRIMSTONE Plan for capture of Sardinia
BuTTREss British operation agamst toe of Italy
CAD Civil Affairs Division
ce (A, B, C) Combat Command (A, B, C)
CCAC Combined Civil Affain Committee
ces Combined Chiefs of Staff
CENT Code name for beaches at Scoglitti
Chem Chemical
CHESTNUT Four airbome missions sent by Montgomery in an
effort to aid bis army in Sicily with airbome troops

CIC Counter lntelligence Corps

Conf Conference
CoR.Kscuw Operation against Pantelleria, ltaly, mid-June 1943
cos British Chiefs of Staff
Cositinreps Combined situation and intelligence reports
DCofS Deputy Chief of Staff
DIME Code name for beaches in Gela area
ENTF Eastem Naval Task Force
Exec Executive
FA Field Artillery
FAN Symbol for messages from Commander in Chief,
Allied Expeditionary Force, to the Combined
Chiefs of Staff
FATIMA Mason-MacFarlane Mission
FBIS Foreign Broadcast Information Service
FIREBR.AND lnvasion of Conica, 1943
FO Field order
G-1 Personnel section of division or higher staff
G-2 Intelligence section of division or higher staff
G-3 Operations section of division or higher staff
G-4 Logistics and supply section of division or higher staff
G-5 Civil affairs section of division or higher staff
GANOWAY Plan for an unopposed landing in Naples. Canceled.
GIANT 1 Plan for an air landing and drop along the Voltumo
River. Canceled.
GIANT 11 Plan for an airdrop near Rome. Canceled.
GMDS German Military Documents Section, Alexandria
GoBLET Invasion of ltaly at Cotrone. Canceled.
GSUSA General Staff, U .S. Army
llAIU>IHOOD Aid to Turkey to induce her to enter the war
HusKY Allied invasion of Sicily in July 1943
Instr(s) Instructions
Intel Intelligence
JIC Joint lntelligence Committee
Joss Code name for beaches in Licata area
JP Joint Planners (British)
JPS Joint Staff Planners (U.S.)
JWPC Joint War Plans Committee
Kampfgrupp~ German combat group of variable size
KONSTANTIN Reinforcement of Gennan troops in the Balkans and
KOPENHAGEN German plan for seizure of the M t. Cenis Pass ( part
of Plan ACHSE)
LCI landing craft, infantry
LCI(L) landing craft, infantry (large)
LCM lancling craft, mechani:zed
LCT landing craft, tank
LCVP landing craft, vehicle and personnel
LEHRGANG Evacuation of German troops from Sicily to the
ltalian mainland, 11-17 August 1943.
LST Landing ship, tank
Ltr Letter
MAC Mediterranean Air Command
Min Minutes
Med Mediterranean
MEF Middle East Forces (British)
MIDEAST Middle East
MINCEMEAT Cover plan in connection with HUSKY to induce
the Germans to believe that Allied objectives were
Sardinia and the Peloponnesus
MTB Motor Transport Brigade
Mtg Meeting
MusKET Projected landing on heel of ltaly near Taranto,
MusTANO Plan for an overland seizure of Naples after initial
landings in Calabria. Canceled.
MVSN Fascist Militia
NAAF Northwest African Air Forces
NAAFTCC Northwest African Air Force Troop Canier Com-
NAF Symbol for messages from the Combined Chiefs of
Staff to the Commander in Chief, Allied Expedi-
tionary Force
NARS National Archives and Records Service
NASAF Northwest African Strategic Air Force
NATAF Northwest African Tactical Air Force
OB SUED Oberbefehlshaber Sued (Headquarters, Commander
in Chief South)
OCMH Oflice, Chief of Military History
OKH Oberkommando des Heeres
OKM Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine
OKL Oberkommando der Luftwaffe
OKW Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (Gennan Armed
Forces High Command)
OPD Operations Division
Opns Operations
oss Oflice of Strategic Services
693-029 o - 65 - 39

OVRA ltalian Sccret Police

Prov Provisional
Red Record
RCT Regimenta! combat team
Reinf Reinfon:ed
RouNDHAllllEll A croa-Channel operation, intermediate in sizie be-
tween SLEDOEHAJlllEll and RouNDUP
RouNoUP Various 1941-43 plans for a crcm-Channel attack in
thc final phases of the war
8-3 Operatiom section, regimenta! or lower echelon
SIEGFRIED German plan for occupying the 10Uthern coast of
France (part of Plan ACHSE)
SIM Servizio Infonnazione Militari (Military lntelligence
Sitrep Situation report
SLEDOEHAllMER Plan for a limited-objective attack across the Chan-
nel in 1942 designed either to take advantage of
a crack in Gennan mora.le or as a "sacrifice" op-
eration to aid the Russiam
SNOL Senior naval officer, landings
soc "Seagull"; single-engine Navy scout-obtervation
(VSO) land plane or aeaplane, biplane
Stato Maggiore Generale Italian Armed Forces High Command and General
(Comando Supremo) Staff
Stato Maggiore Regia Italian Air Force High Command and General Staft'
Aeronautica (Superaereo)
Stato Maggiore Regio Esercito Italian Anny High Command and General Staff
Stato Maggiore Regia Marina Italian Navy High Command and General Staff
Sum Swnmary
Tel Telephone
Telg Telegram
Tk Tank
T/0 Table of Organization
TORCH Allied invasion of North and Northwest Africa, 1942
TRIDENT Intemational conference in Washington, May 1943
VULCAN Operation against the Gennans holding out on Cape
WDCSA Chief of Staff, U.S. Army
WDGO War Department General Order
WFSt Wehrmachtfuehrungsstab (Gennan Armed Forces
Operations Staff)
WNTF Western Naval Task Force
Basic Military Map Symbols*
Symbols within a rcctangle indicate a military unit, within
a triangle an observation post, and within a circle a supply

Military Units-Identification
Antiaircraft Artillery . . 181
Armored Command ... .. . . . . . lc::>I
Army Air Forces . . . loo!
Arllery, except Antiaircraft and Coast Artillery . . 8
Cavalry, Horsc .. 0
Cavalry, Mechanized. ~
Chernical Warfare Service . . . m
Coast Artillery EE
Enginccrs . .. . . .. . . .. . m
lnfantry . . .. . ~
Medica! Corps ..... . EE
Ordnance Department . []]
Quartennaster Corps . []]
Signal Corps . .... . ~
Tank Destroyer . . !rol
Transportation Corps .. [fil
Veterinary Corps . . . . .. . IS2J
Airborne units are designated by combining a gull wing
symbol with the arm or service symbol:
Airborne Artillery ... . . . . . . .
Airborne lnfantry.

For complete listing of sy mbols in use during the World War 11 period, sce
FM 21 - 30, dated October 1943, from wl)ich these are taken.

Size Symbols
The following symbols placed either in boundary lines or
above the rectangle, triangle, or circle inclosing the identifying
arm or service symbol indicate the size of military organization:
Squad ..


Company, troop, battery, Air Force flight . .. .
Battalion, cavalry squadron, or Air Force squadron . 11
Regiment or group; combat team (with abbreviation CT fol-
lowing identifying numeral) ....... .. 111
Brigade, Combat Command of Armored Division, or Air Force
Wing..... . ... .. ... . . . . .. ... . . X
Division or Command of an Air Force. XX
Corps or Air Force . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XXX
Anny ............ .... .. . . . . . . xxxx
Group of Armies ... .. ... .. .... ... . .. .... . . . . .. . . . ... . xxxxx
The letter or number to the left of the symbol indicates the
unit designation; that to the right, the designation ofthe parcnt
unit to which it belongs. Letten or numbers above or below
boundary lines designate the units separated by the lines:
Company A, 137th lnfantry . . .... .. . . . .. . . . ... . .. . . . A~l37
8th Field Artillery Battalion . ..... . ....... ".. c!Je
Combat Command A, ht Armored Division. . ........ @1
Observation Post, 23d lnfantry . ........ . . . . . .. . A23
Command Post, 5th lnfantry Division ~5
Boundary between 137th and 138th lnfantry
Machine gun
Gun .. . ...... .
Gun battery ..
Howitzer or Mortar ... . .. . . . . .. . ... . ... . . . . . . . ... ... . . .
Tank ........ .
Self-propelled gun

The multivolume series, UNITED STATES ARMY IN WORLD WAR 11,

consists of a number of subseries which are planned as follows: The War Depart-
ment, The Army Air Forces, The Anny Ground Forces, The Army Service Forces,
The Westero Hemisphere, The War in the Pacific, The Mediterranean Theater
of Operations, The European Theater of Operations, The Middle East Theater,
The China-Bunna-lndia Theater, The Technical Services, Special Studies, and
Pictorial Record.
The following volumes have been published or are in press:
The War Department
Chie/ o/ Stafl: Prewar Plans and Preparations
Washington Command Post: The Operations Division
Strategic Planning for Coalition Warfare: 194-1-1942
Strategic Planning for Coalition Warfare: 194-3-1944
Global Logistics and Strategy: 194-0-194-3
The .Army and Economic Mobilization
The .Army and Industrial Manpower
The Anny Ground Forces
The Organization o/ Ground Combat Troops
The Procurement and Training o/ Ground Combat Troops
The Anny Service Forces
The Organization and Role o/ the .Army Service Forces
The Westero Hemisphere
The Framework o/ Hemisphere Defense
Guarding the United States and lts Outposts
The War in the Pacific
-The Fall of the Philippines
-Guadalcanal: The First Oflensive
-victory in Papua
- C.ARTWHEEL: The Reduction of Rabaul
Seizure of the Gilberts and Marshalls
-Campaign in the Marianas
The A.pproach to the Philippines
Leyte: The Return to the Philippines
....Triumph in the Philippines
--Okinawa: The Last Battle
Strategy and Command: The First Two Years
The Mediterranean Theater of Operations
-Northwest A.frica: Seizing the lnitiative in the West
- Sicily and the Surrender of ltaly

The European Theater of Operations

-Cross-Channel Attack
- Breakout and Pursuit
-The Lorraine Campaign
-The Siegfried Line Campaign
-The Supreme Command
-Logistical Support of the Armies, Volume 1
-Logistical Support o/ the Armies, Yolume JI
The Middle East Theater
The Persian Corridor and Aid to Russia
The China-Bunna-lndia Theater
-Stilwell's Mission to China
-Stilwell's Command Problems
Time Runs Out in CBI
The Technical Services
The Chemical Warfare Service: Organizing /OT War
The Chemical Warfare Service: From Laboratory to Field
The Corps o/ Engineers: Troops and Equipment
The Medical Department: Hospitalization and Evacuation, Zone of Interior
The Ordnance Department: Planning Munitions for War
The Ordnance Department: Procurement and Suppl'Y
The Quartermaster Corps: Organization, Suppl'Y, and Services, Volunu 1
The Quartermaster Corps: Organization, Supply, and Services, Volume JI
The Quartermaster Corps: Operations in the War Against Japan
The Quartermaster Corps: Operations in the War Against Germany
The Signal Corps: The Emergency
The Signal Corps: The Test
The Signal Corps: The Outcome
The Transportation Corps: Responsibilities, Organization, and Operations
The Transportation Corps: Movements, Training, and Supply
The Transportation Corps: Operations Overseas
Special Studies
Chronology: 1941-1945
Military Relations Between the United States and Ganada: 193g-1945
Rearming the Freru:h
Three Battles: Arnaville, Altuzzo, and Schmidt
The Women's Arm'Y Corps
Civil Alfairs: Soldiers Become Governors
Buying Aircraft: Matlriel Procurement for the Army Air Forces
Pictorial Record
The War Against Germany and ltaly: Mediterranean and Adjacent Areas
The War Against Germany: Europe and Adjacent reas
The War Against ]apan
The volumea on the Army Air Forces, published by the Univenity of Chicago Presa, are
not included in thil list.
A-36'1: 120, 120n, 261, 342, 344, 346, 401, 403 Air operatiom, Allied: 5, 6, 12, 14, 17, 59, 70,
Abbio Priolo: 165, 166 261, 320, 378, 379, 380-81, 420. S also
Abruzzi Mountains: 525, 529 Air attacb, Allied; Air 1upport, Allied; Air
Acate (Dirillo) River: 97, 99, 100, 101, 117, 118, borne operatiom, Allied; Airdrops, Allied.
135, 135n, 142, 143, 164, 171, 190, 206, 208 Air patrob, U .S.: 120n
Acate River valley: 155, 187 Air plan, Sicilian invaaion: 106-07, 421. S also
ACCOLADE: 436 Air operatiom, Allied.
.ACHSE, Plan: 287-88, 291, 307, 473, 523 Air powcr, Allied: 15, 21, 59, 106, 213, 320, 460-
Acqualadrone: 414 61
Acquaronc, Dukc Pictro: 41, 42, 43, 264, 265, Air power, Axis: 32, 106. S also Air loues,
266, 268, 281, 441 454, 466, 479, 480, 511, Axis.
547 Air protection, Allied. S Air aupport, Allied.
Adrano: 235, 319, 327, 341, 357 Air rada. S Air attacb, Allied; Air attacb,
Adriatic porta: 24 Axis.
Adriatic Sea: 13, 45, 54 Air reconnaislance, Allied: 155, 325, 331
Aegean lalanda: 12, 17, 32, 492, 514, 534 Air reconnaiaance, Axis: 46, 110, 120, 473, 522,
Aerial bombardment. S11 Air attacb, Allied; Air 536
attacb, Axi1. Air 1upport, Allied: 69, 106, 260, 261, 262, 320,
Aerial navigation, Allied: 423-24 343, 421, 494, 506. S also Air attacb,
Aerial photographs: 99, 101, 493, 536 Allied.
Aerial reconnaiuance. S Air reconnaiaance, Al- for D-day landing1: 119-20
lied ; Air reconnaiaance, Axis. in Monte Cipolla action: 399, 401, 405
Aerial reaupply miuiom: 101, 344 for Seventh Army: 107, 421
AFHQ. S Allied Force Headquarten. Air Support Command, U.S., XII: 107, 320, 401,
Africa.S North Africa. 402, 421
Agira: 233, 319 Airacobraa (P-39'1): 261
Agrigento: 86, 125, 192, 194, 200, 202, 209, 224, Airborne drops. S Airdrops, Allied.
226-30, 235, 238, 418, 419 .
Air attacks, Allied: 23, 72, 110, 136, 197, 205,
Airborne operations, Allied.
tiom, Allied.
S also Air opera
240, 269, 296, 298, 299, 342n, 344, 346, 352, in Italian mainland invaaion: 477-78, 482, 483.
379, 382, 385, 400, 401, 402, 438, 439, 447, S also GIANT 11.
473, 477, 501 in Sicilian Campaign: 269-270, 553. Se also
againat Frascati: 522-23 Airdrops. Allied.
on fricndly forces: 195, 403 and Allied antiaircraft diaaster: 175-84
on Messina Strait: 410, 411-12 British miuions: 115, 117. 218, 380
and Palermo advance: 320 and corridor to Sicily: 175-76
on Pantelleria: 70-72 D-day: 115, 117-19
on Rome: 24-25, 250, 278, 279, 292, 442 evaluation of: 156-57, 423-25
and Sicilian invaaion: 54, 58-59, 83, 88, 106- FUSTJAN: 218
07, 111 tactical planning for: 88-89, 92-94, 101-02.
in Troina battle: 339, 342 485-89, 498-99
Air attacb, Axis: 89, 159, 174, 177, 318n, 362, Airborne operations. Gcnnan: 204, 424
403,518,533 Airborne Training Center, Fifth Army: 424
Air bases, Allied: 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 25 Airborne troops, British: 92. 115, 117, 121, 380,
Air forces, Allied: 157, 175-76, 177-78, 278, 320, 423.
382. S11 also Air plan, Sicilian invaaion. S11 also British Anny units, Division, ht Air-
and air support failure: 421 borne.
and evacuation of Sicily by Axis: 379, 380-81 Airborne units, U.S.: 478, 480, 498-99. Se also
Air losaes, Allied: 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 218, Parachute Infantry uniu, U.S.; Patatroopen,
423 u.s.
Air loues, Axis: 46-47, 189, 189n, 240, 243 Division, 82d: 91 , 93, 94, 9~, 102, 152n, 230.
Airbome units, U. S.-Continued Alexander, General-Continued
Diviaion, 82d-Continued directives: 209-10,230,234-35,245-46,30~
231, 245, 249, 252, 305, 422, 424, 477, 505, and Seventh Army: 209-11, 230, 235-36, 245-
508, 509. S11 also Ridgway, Maj. Gen. 46, 304,422-23
Matthew B. on U.S. troops: 56, 210n, 211, 422
in GIANT 11: 489, 498 Alexander, Maj. Mark: 117
importance of, in Sicily: 92 Alexandria: 52
Battalions Al6eri, Ambasaador Dino: 242, 243, 286
80th Airborne Antiaircraft: 498, 499 Algien: 56, 102, 108, 421, 437, 463, .509
307th Airbome Engineer Battalion: 498 Algiers Conference: 23-25, 61-62, 436
Aircraft, Allied: 73, 107, 117n, 147n, 175, 411n, Alimena: 233, 301
418. S11 also Air loaes, Allied; individual Allen, Maj. Gen. Terry de la Mesa: 95, 99,
types o/ plan11. 108, 136, 139, 158, 159, 165, 173-74, J74n,
attack friendly forces: 195 185, 222, 223, 231, 249, 302, 311-12, 313,
attacked by friendly antiaircraft: 175-84, 218, 320, 331, 333, 340, 342, 343, 346, 347, 348,
423 426
Aircraft, Axis: 83, 166, 177n, 212, 320, 360, 403, and Nicosia attack: 314
457, 513, 533. S11 also Air lossea, Axis. and Troina action: 336-37, 338, 339, 341
Aircraft carrien, U.S.: 69, 261 Allied Force Headquarten (AFHQ): 5, 8, 11,
Airdrops, Allied: 207, 218, 380, 535. S11 also 22n, 55, 56, 66, 67, 68, 176, 183, 206, 258,
Airbome operations, Allied; GIANT 11. 259-60, 262, 263, 274, 275, 278, 427, 429,
and Allied antiaircraft di.saster: 176, 177-78, 431, 436, 437, 440, 444, 449, 459, 480, 489,
179, 182 494, 495, 496, 498, 502, 502n, 503, 504, 505,
planning for: 88--89, 93-94 508, 510, 512, 513, 516-17, 519, 520, 521,
Airfields: 67, 69, 73, 107 532, 535, 540, 541, 546. S11 also Eisenhower,
ltaly: 47, 261, 439, 440, 457, 460, 468, 478, General Dwight D.; Plannen, Allied, AFHQ.
483,486,486n,494,500,502,505,522 Alpine passea: 370
Centocelle: 486, 488, 498 Alps: 3, 12, 16, 30
Cerveteri: 488, 489, +98 Ambrosio, Generale d' Armata Vittorio: 36n, 38,
Foggia: 437, 471 44, 45, 51, 78, 281, 282, 285, 287, 289, 293,
Furbara: 488, 489 294, 296, 368, 451, 452, 458, 460, 462, 470,
and GtANT II: 485, 486, 488, 489 471, 482, 484, 490, 491, 493, 494n, 497, 503,
Guidonia: 486, 488, 498 506, 506n, 509, 512, 514, 516, 517, 524, 542,
Littoria: 486, 488, 498 549
Magliano: 486 absence from Rome: 494, 495, 496
Sicily: 52, 53, 53n, 54, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, and annistice negotiations: 441, 453, 454, 455,
64, 66, 80, 83, 84, 89, 91, 96, 98, 107, 108, 464, 465, 466, 467, 479, 480, 481, 510, 511,
135, 261, 320 515
Biscari: 96, 98, 100, 141, 147, 206, 220 and Axis command atructure: 472-73
Catania: 204, 216 as Comando Supr1mc> chief: 35-36
Comiso: 96, 98, 100, 141, 142, 156, 189, at Feltre conference: 242, 243, 244
189n,320 and German military aid to Italy: 47-49, 74,
Gerbini: 216 74-75
Licata: 99, 320 and German troop movementa into ltaly: 290,
Ponte Olivo: 98, 100, 101, 135, 147, 164, 291, 292, 372, 373
16.5, 174n, 185, 187, 320 and Muuolini: 41-42, 212, 214, 215, 240-41.
AK's: 105. 105n. 263, 264
A.LA.RICH, Plan: 5~51, 75, 213, 241, 282, 283, at Tarvis conference: 370
284,288,291 Ammunition, Italian: 81, 298, 480, 500
Albania: 24, 32, 453, 491 Ammunition aupply, U.S.: 398, 399, 403, 486
Alberrnarles, Bri tish : 115 Amphibious operations, Allied: 436, 491, 501
Alcamo: 253, 255 ltalian mainland: 535, 542. S11 also Salemo
Alexander, General Sir Harold R. L. G: 10, 23, landings.
55, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 64, 89, 91, 94, 108, against Naples, planned: 260, 261-63
197, 200, 201, 201n, 206, 207, 209n, 222, Axis 1peculation conceming: 493-94, 500
224, 231, 234-35, 235n, 248, 257, 304n, 319, scheduling of: 490
378, 379, 406, 412, 417, 420, 421, 474, 476, Sicilian Campaign: 161n, 237, 380, 411, 412,
477, 478, 484, 485, 489, 507, 549 421,553

Amphibiou1 operationa, Allied-Continued Armiatice, ltalo-Allied-Continued

Sicilian Campaign---Continued terma. S11 Long term1; Short terma.
air protection for: 119-20, 261, 262 Armiatice, Italo-German. S11 Capitulation; Truce.
Axis anticipation of: 45, 64, 84, 86-87 Armistice control commiasion, Allied, propoaed:
at Bivio Salica:406, 407, 413-14, 415 544,545
D-day: 120, 121, 123-46 Armored force, German: 169. S11 also Tanb,
improvements and techniques in: 103-05 German.
in San Fratello action: 348, 349n, 352, Armored support, U.S.: 129, 135, 146, 153, 158,
357, 360, 361-63, 366-67 159, 163, 174n, 418. See also Tank units,
tactical planning for: 53-54, 58, 59, 60-63, U.S.; Tanks, U.S.
66, 88-89, 91-92, 96-100, 103-07, 135- Armored unita, U.S.: 155, 226, 226n, 363, 478,
36, 406, 408, 413-14 480. See also Combat Commands; Tank
Task Force Bernard: 388-97, 404-405 units.
Amphibious truck. See Dukws. Division, lst Armored: 96
Amphibious warfare: 104-05. See also Amphibious Division, 2d Armored: 94, 97-98, 158, 174n,
operations. 230, 231, 245, 253, 254, 255, 305, 306n, 418,
Anapo River: 91, 92 422. S11 also Combat Commands.
...tncon: 108, 177 characterized: 95-96
Ancona: 470 landing of: 157-58
...tndrea Doria: 533 and Palermo strike: 252
Andrus, Brig. Gen. Clift: 313, 331, 336, 339 Regiment, 67th Armored: 159, 174n
Ankcorn, Col. Charles M.: 141, 142, 145, 190, Army, U.S.
206, 208, 209, 219-20, 321,415 and Air Forces: 106
Antiaircraft, Allied: 102, 131, 175-84, 185, 218, infantryman's performance: 417-18
423,499 Army, Fifth, U.S.: 15, 67, 68, 262, 482, 498, 505,
Antiaircraft defense, Axis: 47, 74, 76, 79, 82, 117, 5~2
117n, 263, 284, 375-76, 380-81, 412, 485, Army, Seventh, U.S.: 89, 92, 101, 102, 108, 135,
486, 488-89 176, 185-201, 205, 206, 230-36, 275, 304,
Anti-Fascista, Italian: 40, 42, 263, 264, 265 304n, 308, 309, 320, 380, 390, 401, 406, 408,
Antitank companies, U.S.: 160, 167, 188 414, 417n, 422. S11 also Patton, General
Antitank defenses, ltalian, on Sicily: 79 George S., Jr.
Antonescu, Ion: 40, 239
Agrigento as objective of: 224, 226
Anzio: 522, 552
and air support: 107, 421
Apennines: 213, 215, 368, 439, 442, 497, 512 and Allied antiaircraft attack disaster: 176-82
Appian Way: 500 Axis counterattack on. S11 Counterattacks, Axis.
AP's: 105. 105n composition of: 5 7, 94-96
Aquila: 536 and Eighth Army: 89, 91, 206-07, 209-11, 234-
ARCADIA Conference: 2 36, 388-89, 413-14
Ari1io, Generale di Corpo d'Armata Mario: 84, landings of: 123-46, 158-62
471,534 and Palermo advance: 244-54
Arezzo: 470 performance of: 206, 417-19
Armed Forces Command, Sicily: 76 and Menina pennsula drive: 304, 319, 388-
Armistice, Italo-Allied: 25, 539. See also Surren- 89, 417, 420
der of Italy. tactical plans for: 89, 91, 96-100, 209-10, 245-
announcement of: 447, 448, 459, 465, 467, 474, 46, 420
475, 476, 479, 489, 490, 491, 492, 494, 495, Army Oround Forces: 424. S1e also Ground forces,
496, 499, 501, 503-04, 505-08, 508-09, 513, Allied.
515, 516-17, 519-20, 522, 523, 524 Army Groups, Allicd
British-American discussion of: 269, 271-74, 15: ~6, 89, 119, 195, 210, 319
275-78 18: 56
Eisenhower'a draft: 270-71, 276 Arnold, Lt. Gen. Henry H.: 3
1talian discussion of: 465-68, 4 79-81 Anoli: 524
negotiations : 451-65, 474-79 Artillery superiority, Allied: 73
orden and directives following: 514-15 Artillery aupport, Axis: 127, 128, 131, 133, 137,
renunciation moves by Italy: 501-02, 506-07, 139, 159, 188, 196, 198, 199, 228, 230, 255,
510-12 300, 301-02, 313, 317, 318, 321, 325, 333,
signing. S11 under Long tenns; Short tenns. 337' 338, 339, 340, 343, 353, 402, 516
Artillery 1upport, U.S.: 129, 135, 146, 153, 158, Badoglio, Maresciallo d'ltalia Pietrcr-Ccmtinued
159, 160, 163, 167n, 168, 170, 187, 199, 222, ineffectualneu of: 464, 512-13, 515, 527
224, 226-27, 230, 232, 302n, 313, 313n, 317, at Malta conference: 549-51
317n, 321, 322, 330, 337, 339, 346, 348, 352, and Muasolini: 43, 282
353. S11 also Field a.rtillery uniu. reauurances to Germam: 284-85
evaluated: 418 Bagni Acque Albule: 526
at Monte Cipolla: 389, 393-94, 396, 397, 399, Bailey'a Beach: 141, 144
400 Balearic hlands: 46
in Troina battle: 331, 333, 334, 340, 342 Balkans: 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 14, 15, 16, 21, 23, 24,
Arzew: 105, 493 27, 29, 32, 34, 35, 38, 45, 46, 47, 49, 65,
Auault, Allied. Su Amphibioua operationa. 213, 259, 261, 271, 298, 370, 436, 437, 438,
Auault plaru: 125, 135-36. Su also Tactical plan- 439, 447, 451, 452, 453, 457, 463, 472, 473,
ning, Allied; Tactical planning, Axit. 491, 492, 514, 535
Auoro: 248 Barbieri, Generale di Corpo d'Armata Alberto:
Atheru: 514 289, 528
Atlantic Wall: 76 Barcellona: 408, 413
Augusta: 54, 58, 61, 89, 91, 92, 111, 123, 163, Bardonecchia: 442
191, 240. Su also Naval Bas1 Augusla.Syra- .8AaCLAY, Plan: 65
cus1. Bari: 16
Auatriana: 533 Barnd I: 177
AVALANCHE. Set Naples; Salerno; Salerno land- BARRACUDA: 448
ings. Barrafranca: 198, 231-32, 233
Avola: 92 Barrage balloom, Allied: 110
Axis. S11 Feltre conference; ltalo-German alliance; Butianini, Giuseppe: 39, 41, 239, 242, 243
Strategic planning, Axis; Tactical planning, Battleships, Allied: 89
Axis. Battleships, Italian. S11 Italian Fleet.
Bauer, Mrs. Magna: l 70n
B-17'1: 376, 379, 411, 412 Bay of Naples: 261
B-24'1: 376 BAYTOWN: 260, 440, 448, 482, 483, 490, 520
B-25'1: 412
Bazookas: 137, 137n, 167, 171, 172, 188, 396
B-26'1: 412
Baade, Col. J:rnst Guenther: 82, 236, 375-76, 381 Beach parties: 160, 393. S.- also Shore parties.
Badoglio, Mario: 299 Beaches, landing. Su also Beachheads.
Badoglio, Mareteiallo d'ltalia Pietro: 29, 31n, 268, Salerno: 262, 482, 499, 505
271, 273, 276, 28ln, 291, 293, 295, 295n, 306, Sicilian: 97, 104-05, 16ln, 169, 177, 256. S.-
371, 373, 440, 441, 445, 449, 454, 455, 458, also Blue Beach; Blue Beach 2 ; Green Beach ;
459, 460, 462, 465-66, 468, 470, 473, 475, Green Beach 2; Red Beach; Red Beach 2;
476, 483n, 494, 495, 496, 499, 504, 505, 514, Yellow Beach; Yellow Beach 2.
515n, 519, 520, 522, 524, 525, 528 closing of: 159, 161
and American mission to Rome: 501-02 at Monte Cipolla: 393
and armistice negotiatioru: 443, 444, 447, 448, quality of: 99, 141-42, 144-45
453, 454, 455, 466, 467-68, 483, 484, 506-07' Beachheads, Allied: 123, 163, 202, 211. S11 also
508, 510, 511, 512-13, 515, 516-17, 543, 546, Beaches, landing.
548-49 in ltaly, 552
deacribed by Mason-MacFarlane: 542 Monte Cipolla: 393, 397, 398, 400, 402
and Eisenhower: 535, 540, 541, 543, 545, 546, Seventh Anny (Sicily): 99, 206
549-51 defined: 96-97
and evacuation of Rome: 516, 517, 528 1ecuring: 185-200
and Germany: 284-85, 547, 548, 551, 553 ht Division: 164, 173
and GtANT 11: 502, 503 B1ally: 168, l 68n, 179
government of: 264-65, 266-67, 272, 275, 278, Belice River: 245, 252
281, 283, 296-99, 368, 369, 453, 469, 472, Bergamini, Ammiraglio Cario: 533
482, 483, 484, 485, 490, 491, 493, 503, 506, Bergamo, Duke of. S11 Genova. Generale di Corpo
507, 508, 535, 536, 540, 541, 542, 543, 544, d' Annata Adalberto di Savoia.
547, 548, 550. S11 also Armistice, Italo- Bergengruen, Col. Hellmut: 157
Allied. Bergolo, Generale di Divisione Conte Cario Calvi
and Hitler: 283, 286, 287, 292, 294-95, 470, 497 di: 519, 525, 526, 527, 530n, 531, 532
Berio, Alberto: 298, 368, 369, 374, 441, 443, 444, Brady, LL Col. Brookner W.: 125
552 Brenner Pass: 50, 289, 290, 298, 370, 371, 372,
Bernard, Lt. Col. Lyle A.: 352, 360, 363, 388n, 373, 442, 453, 460, 469, 4-72, 533
399, 402, 403-04. See also Task Force Ber- Brenner railway line: 290
nard. Brest-Litovak: 34
Bertsch, Lt. Col. William H., Jr.: 499, 508, 509 Briatore, Maj. Alberto: 494-, 494-n
Bianco: 344 Bridgeheada: 253, 341, 352
Biazzo Ridge: 169, 172, 173, 175, 189, 418 Bridgea: 252, 253, 301, 316, 317, 318-19, 385.
Billings, Lt. Col. William H.: 131 S11 also Ponton causeways.
Biscari: 100, 142, 143, 149, 154, 168, 169, 189, Dirillo: 101
208, 217, 419 Lentini: 207, 218
Biscayne: 108, 123, 133 Palma River: 193
Biviere Pond: 117, 136, 177 Ponte Grande: 91, 92, 117
Bivio Gigliotto: 222, 223 Primoaole: 207, 218
Bivio Salica: 413, 414, 415 Rosmarino River: 362
Bizerte: 102, 105, 108, 498, 505, 506, 507, 508, swing, over Tiber: 486
522,533 BRIKSTONE: 4, 6n, 258. S11 also Sardinia.
Black-market operationa: 79 canceled: 260
Bloody Ridge: 321, 353, 418. S11 also Santo debated: 5-6, 7, 8, 10
Stefano. plans for: 67, 260
Blue Bcach: 125, 133, 136, 158, 159 Brindisi: 481, 505, 532
Blue Beach 2: 145-46, 161 Allied-I talian discusaions at: 545-49
Blue Line: 98 Mason-MacFarlane mission to: 540-43
Board, ht Lt. Oliver P.: 133n British Air Force. S11 Desert Air Force: Royal Air
Boise: 139, 139n, 150n, 177, 185 Force.
Bologna: 288, 451, 533 British Army units:
Bologna conference: 452-53 Army, Eighth: 46, 57, 60, 92, 98, 110, 117, 141,
Bolzano: 289,290,293,442,533 197, 200, 201n, 224, 246, 248, 259, 275, 304,
Bomber group1, Gennan: 214, 243 312n, 319, 380, 387, 417, 417n, 421, 422,
Bomben, Allied: 376 437,482,483,505,522,543,552
heavy: 376, 379, 381 and Catania drive: 218-19
light: 320, 376 D-day landing1 of: 120-23
medium: 376 and Mcssina drive: 234-35, 304, 319, 388,
Bomben, Britiah. S11 Wellington bombers. 389,414,416,420
Bombers, U.S.: 107, 250. See also Aircraft, Allied; and Seventh Army: 89, 91, 206-07, 209-11,
Air au.cb, Allied; B-17'1; B-24'1; B-25'1; 234-36, 388-89, 413-14
B-26'1. tactical planning for: 58, 89, 91
Bompietro: 302, 303 Army, Twelfth: 57
Bond, Lt. Col. Van H.: 333, 334 Corps, 5: 68, 258, 260
Bonin, Col. Bogislaw von: 374 Corps, to: 5 7, 68, 258, 260
Bonomi, lvanoe: 268, 531 Corps, 13: 57, 91, 92, 123, 191, 207, 216,
and anti-Fasciat partiea: 42 248,304,319,374,483
and Muuolini'1 overthrow; 42, 43, 264, 265 Col'l>I, 30: 57. 91. 123, 190-91, 207, 219. 220,
224,235,244-45,248. 249.302,304.311, 345
Bottai, Giu11eppe: 40 Division. ht Airbome: 91, 93, 108, 505
Bowen, Col. John W.: 136, 153, 179, 313, 314, Division, ht Infantry: 70, 72
336,338,339,340, 341,343 Division, 5th Infantry: 91. 92. 121, 123, 248
Bowman, Maj. C. C.: 180 Division, 46th lnfantry: 259, 260
Bradley, Lt. Gen. Omar N.: 101, 108, 178-79, Division. 50th lnfantry: 91, 92, 191, 219, 248.
189-90, 206, 231, 235, 304, 305, 311, 314, 357, 412
316, 318, 323, 331, 336, 342, 343, 349, 361, Division. 51st Highland lnfantry: 91-92, 123,
388,389,390,406,415,422 190,207,208.209,220, 224
career of: 94 Division, 78th lnfantry: 92, 248, 259, 260, 304,
and Enna: 246, 248, 249 319, 341, 357, 374, 382, 385, 386, 387, 406,
and Highway 124: 210, 222, 223 412.413
and logistical problema: 103 Brigadea
and Meuina drive: 319-20, 413-14 lst Airlanding: 91, 218
and Patton slapping incidents: 428, 429 4th Armored: 414
British Army uniU---Continued Campo lmperatore: 536
Brigades-Continued Campobe1lo: 79, 98, 99, 125, 155, 191, 192, 195,
23d Armored: 207, 208, 224 196, 196n, 197
23ht Independent: 91, 123 Campofelice: 246, 300, 318
British Broadcasting Corporation: 389, 490, 496, Canadian units: 91, 92, 100, 163, 189, 248, 301,
503-04, 504n 319,331,342n
British Chief1 of Staff: 2, 19, 436, 449 Division, ht: 91, 123, 156, 190, 206, 207, 224,
at Casablanca: 8-10 231,233,234,248,300,319
and global war strategy: 6-7 in Troina action: 341, 343
on Naple1 attack: 262 Canaris, Admira! Wilhelm: 287
at QuADRANT Conference: 438-40 Canicattl: 192, 194, 195, 196, 197, 199, 202, 206,
at TRmENT Conference: 20-23 226
British Defense Committee: 274 Cannon, Maj. Gen. John K.: 474, 485
British Foreign Office: 273, 276 Cannon companies, U . S.
British Govemment: 296-99, 445-46, 462. See a/sQ 15th Infantry: 195
Churchill, Winston S. 16th Infantry: 160, 170-71, 188
British Joint Plannen: 4. See also Plannen, British. 26th Infantry: 166
British Joint Staff Miuion: 277 179th lnfantry: 208
British Middle East Command: 436 Cape Bon: 66, 107
British Navy. See Naval Task Force, Eastem; In- Cape Calavl: 309, 408
shore Squadron. Cape d'Ali: 414
British War Cabinet: 12, 276, 277, 279, 544 Cape Orlando : 345, 352, 401 , 402, 403
Brolo: 396, 400, 401, 403, 418, 419, 426. See also Cape Pauero: 117, 218
Monte Cipolla; Naso ridge. Capitulation, Italian: 530-32, 533-34, 539. See
Allied assault on: 401 also Armistice; Surrender.
German defense of: 393, 396-97, 398 Capizzi: 315~ 330
landings. Ste Monte Cipolla, amphibious end Caprara. See Palazzo Caprara.
run at. Carabinieri. Su Italian Army units, Carabinieri.
Brolo River: 394, 396, 398, 400, 402, 403, 408 Carboni, General di Corpo d' Armata Giacomo: 36,
Bronte: 374 41, 266-67, 289, 466, 489, 496, 500n, 503,
Brooke, Field Manhal Sir Alan : 8, 10, 21, 22, 504,515,516,520, 526
23,436,439 and American mission to Rome: 500, 501, 502
Brooklyn: 131, 131n and armistice negotiations: 454, 455, 467, 479,
Browning, Maj. Gen. F. A.M.: 88, 175, 176 480, 494,494n,511,512
Buck: 131, l31n and capitulation to Germans: 527, 530, 531-32
Bulgaria: 40, 44 and Castellano: 454, 467n, 479
Burma: 258 and Caviglia: 529
Butcher, Comdr. Harry C.: l ln and evacuation of Rome: 517, 518, 519, 524,
Butera : 169, 170, 220 525,527,528
BUTTRESS : 16,67,68, 258, 260, 262,448 and G1ANT 11: 494, 495
Cargo veuels, Allied: 262
C-47's: 101-02, 115, 178, 183n, 488 Caronie Mountains: 53, 97, 309, 348, 352
Cabo de Bueno Esperanza: 445 Carriers, British: 262, 269
Cadorna, General: 529 Carroll: 145
Caio Duilo: 533 Carsoli: 518, 524
Cairo, Egypt: 61 Casa Biazzo: 169
Calahria: 53, 67, 68, 76, 110, 203, 214, 215, 244, Casa del Priolo: 150, 165, 168, 185-89
259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 282, 368, 375, 378, Casa San Silvestro: 196, 197
413, 414, 416, 452, 469, 471, 473, 522. Set Casablanca Conference: 19, 52. 53, 94, 417, 420
also BAYTOWN. strategic planning at: 1-3, 7-11
Calboli, Marchese Giacomo Paulucci di: 239 and unconditional surrender formula: 11-12
Caltagirone: 86, 98, 136, 148, 172, 173, 202, 203, Casati, Alessandro: 265, 531
206, 207, 219, 222, 223, 224 Casazza crossroads : 414-15
Caltanissetta: 111, 192, 197, 200, 226, 231, 233, Cauibile: 121, 319, 482, 483, 484, 498, 505
246 Cassibile conference : 474-79, 479-80, 492
Calvert: 142, 143 Cassino : 552
Campbell, Sir Ronald Hugh: 297, 298, 442, 444, Castel Judica : 223-24
445,446,449,455,458n,459,461,462 Castel San Angelo: 131


Caatelbuono: 316 China-Burma-India Theater: 261

Caatellammare del Golfo: 255 Chirieleiaon, Generale di Diviaione Domenico:
Caatellano, Generale di Brigata Giweppe: 36, 264, 164, 169
266, 296, 297, 297n, 368, 373, 446n, 451, Christian Democrata: 42
455n, 465, 483n, 493, 494, 496, 497, 500n, Churchill, Winaton S.: 1, 6, 10, 11, 12, 16n, 258,
501, 503, 504, 511, 516, 519, 520, 552 269, 275, 279, 287, 440, 440n, 535, 540, 547,
and armiatice: 46~8, 474, 475, 476, 477, 478, 552
479, 480, 482, 483, 484, 485, 50~. 506--07, at Algien Conference: 23-24
540-41 on Badoglio government: 544-45
and Carboni: 454, 467n, 479 and ltalian armiatice: 271-73, 276, 277, 442-
eoup d'1tal plot of: 41, 42 43, 444, 446-47, 544, 545, 546
and Italian mainland invaaion: 489, 490 atrategic viewa of: 4, 23-24, 67, 436, 437
and military collaboration with Alliea: 459-O, at TamitNT Conference: 19-21
485-86,488,489,490-91,495 Ciano, Count Galeazzo: 34, 35, 36, 39, 40, 41,
peace miuion of: 440n, 440-42, 444-46, 447, 42, 43, 264, 267, 268, 283, 297
454,45~1,462,463 Ciano Papen: 34n
and Zanuui: 455, 462, 463, 474, 478-79 Civil Afl'ain Diviaion: 26, 26n
Castelluccio, 11: 185 Civil war, Italian, pouibilities of: 25, 544
Castelvetrano: 235, 252, 253 Civilian miniaten, Italian: 517, 528
Castle Hill: 185 Civiliana. S11 also Morale.
Casualties, Allied German: 514
British: 417, 552 ltalian: 505, 528, 536
U.S.: 135, 137, 144, 146, 159, 172, 181-82, and armistice: 271, 272, 513
182n, 188-89, 193-94, 208, 255, 314, 321, Eisenhower's peace broadcast to: 275
323, 342, 343-44, 357, 358, 398, 403, 404, and Rome battle: 528-30
406, 415, 417, 419, 552 Sicilian: 77, 193, 194, 208, 254, 255, 331, 333,
Casualties, Axis 347
German: 71, 200, 223, 255, 341, 347, 385, 398, Civitavccchia: 468, 522
417 Clark, Lt. Gen. Mark W.: 8, 15, 55, 67, 260, 269
Italian: 127, 128, 152, 170, 197, 200, 216, 223, Cochrane, Lt. Col. Clarence B.: 143, 168, 317
228,341,385,398,417 Codea, Allied: 504n. S11 als" Radio communica-
Catania: 54, 58, 61, 63, 64, 86, 89, 91, 92; 111, tion, I talo-Allied, aecret.
191, 202, 209, 210, 211, 214, 215, 218, 223, British diplomatic: 296
233, 235, 248, 260, 307, 308, 319, 357, 380, for GlANT n: 499-500, 502
420, 422, 437 Colle del Contrasto: 315
Catania plain; 53, 164, 191, 207, 216, 304 Comando Suprt1mo: 31, 32, 33, 39, 45, 46, 47,
Cattaro: 491 49, 50, 51, 71, 73-74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 82, 110,
Cauaeways. Se1 Ponton cauaewaya. 163, 212, 214, 216, 242, 242n, 266, 281, 282,
Cavallero, Generale d'Armata Ugo: 29, 30n, 33, 286, 289, 290, 346, 368, 369, 371, 372, 373,
34, 35, 36, 472 375, 378, 471, 472, 479, 483, 491, 492, 493,
Caviglia, Mare1eiallo d'Italia Enrico: 264, 530, 495, 514, 515. 525, 528. St1e also Ambrosio;
531, 532 Generale d'Armata Viuorio; Italian High
and capitulation to Germaru: 531 Command.
and Carboni: 529 under Ambrosio: 35-36
as hcad of govcrnment: 527-29, 531 growth and importancc of: 29-30
CefalU: 246, 302, 305 liaison with Germana: 78
Centuripe: 341 and Muuolini's overthrow: 263
Cephalonia: 542 and Promt1moria /: 491
Cerami: 320, 325, 327, 328, 329, 331 and Sicily's defeat: 240, 241
Cerami River: 328 and troop movementa: 288
Ceaa.rO; 327, 343, 345, 346, 357, 374, 382 Combat commands, U.S.
Chemical battalions, motorized, U.S.: 96 A, 2d Armored Diviaion: 98, 99, 108, 125, 192,
CHESTNUT miuiona: 380, 380n 194, 196, 199,200,253,254
Chetnika: 37 attacked by friendly planes: 195
Chiaramonte Gulfi: 190 and Canicatd capture: 199
Chiefa of Staff. S11 British Chiefs of Staff; Com- composition of: 194n
bined Chiefa of Staff; Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S. Naro captured by: 194
Chierici, Renzo: 42 B, 2d Armored Division: 158, 171, 254
Combat loadcn, U.S.: 258 Coningham, Air Vice Manhal Sir Arthur: 379,
Combincd Chicf1 of Staft': 1, 10-11, 12, 15, 19, 21, 380, 381
25, 27, 53, 58, 63, 66, 67, 88, 258, 259, 260, Conolly, Rear Adm. Richard L.: 100, 105, 108,
261-62, 271, 272, 273, 277, 278, 280, 417, 123, 125, 131, 133
420, 436, 437, 449, 462, 505, 506, 520, 543 Conrath, General der Falbchirm-truppen Paul:
and Italian armiaticc: 26, 507-08 81, 148n, 165-66, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172,
and Naplcs aasault planning: 269-70 173n, 187,204,216,387,412
organization and membcnhip of: 2, 2n and Axis counterattack in Sicily: 148-49, 153-
at QuADRANT Confercncc: 439, 440 54, 164, 172, 173
and Qucbcc Mcmorandum: 447-48 Keuelring'1 criticilm of: 157
and rcsources for Eiscnhowcr: 258-59 withdrawab of: 190, 205, 223-24
and Sicilian Campaign preparationa: 52, 54-56 Convoys, Allied: 88, 106, 108, 110, 476, 482,
at TR.IDENT Confcrcnce: 19-23 493,498,503,509,533
Combincd Civil Affain Committce: 26, 26n, 273, Convoys, U.S. : 258
274, 277, 448 Coobon, Col. Forrest E.: 141, 143
Comiso: 100, 141, 142, 164, 217, 418 Corleone: 235
Command, Allied: 82, 502 Corley, Lt. Col. John T.: 165
air: 107, 320 Corps, U.S.
for Sicilian Campaign: 10-11, 54-55, 56, 420-21 Provisional: 230, 245, 249, 250, 255, 300, 305
Command, Axis: 307n, 453, 469 I Armored: 56, 57, 94
air: 32-33, 241 11: 56, 57, 60, 99, 100, 103, 103n, 135, 144,
chain of: 27-28, 483-84 206, 210, 222, 230, 244, 245, 246, 249, 300,
German-Italian relationship in: 32-34, 48-49, 304, 305, 309, 311, 319, 325, 348, 349, 380,
50, 78-79,307, 308-09,369,371,471 421, 429
in Sicily: 82, 211-12, 378 boundaries of: 244, 245
1tructure, OKW proposal: 472-73 front : 220, 222
unification plan : 241-42 tactical plan1 for: 97, 98, 99
Command, German: 27, 33-34, 236, 283, 298, 523. VI: 57
S11 also Command, Axis; Commander in Corregidor: 70
Chief South; Oh1rlcommantlo tl1i H11,,s Conica : 8, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22n, 23, 24, 65,
Oh1rkommando d1r Kri1gsrnarin1; Oh1rkom- 67, 203, 258, 284, 438, 459, 460, 463, 471,
mando '' Lvftwaff1 Ohirrlcommando " 473, 481, 493, 535, 541, 543, 551. S11 also
W1hrmacht. FDlEBRAND.
Command, ltalian: 29-30, 76, 78, 214, 530. S11 Coscnza: 372
also Comando Svpr1mo; Command, Axis; Counterattacks, Axis: 147-50, 153-54, 163-73,
1talian High Command. 196, 197-98, 202, 204, 211, 212, 220, 222,
Command, U.S. Air Force. S11 Air Support Com- 307, 308, 314, 317, 324, 339, 340-41, 342,
mand, XII. 344, 363, 366
Commantlant M1ssina Strait: 82 Counterespionage service, Italian: 368
Commander in Chief South: 33, 33n. S11 also Courten, De, Ammiraglio di Squadra R.affaele:
Keuelring, Feldmarschall Albert. 511, 517, 533, 549
Commander in Chief West. S11 Rundstedt, Gen- Cover plans. See &acuv, Plan; MINCBKEAT.
eralfeldmarschall Gerd von. Craig, ht Lt. Robcrt: 196n
Commandos: 91, 207, 218, 260, 380, 416, 417. Crandall, Maj. Robert W.: 348
S11 also Ranger Battalions, U.S. Crawford, Lt. Col. Joscph: 152, 165, 187
Committee of National Liberation: 530, 531 Crawley, Lt. Col. Marshall L., Jr.: 194
Communications, Allied, 175-84. S11 also Codes; Crete: 9, 12, 424, 491
Radio communication, Italo-Allied. Croatia: 32, 37, 445
Communications, German: 154, 163, 341, 447, Cross-Channel invaaion (OVE.RLORD): 1, 4, 5, 8,
460. S11 also Telephone communications, 10, 14, 17, 18, 20, 21, 46, 88, 258, 262, 437,
German. 438,439,512
Communications, Italian. S11 Radio communica- American position on: 3, 435-36, 437, 438, 439
tion, Italo-Allied; Signal communications, British position on: 437, 439
ltalian; Telephone communications, Italian. date set: 22
Communications, U .S.: 206, 340. See also Radio and Mediterranean operation1, debated: 3, 6, 7,
communication, U.S. 11,20-22,435-36,439-40
Communist party, Italian: 42 scale of: 15
"Comprehensive lnstrument." S11 Long terms. 1trength for: 8-9

Crou-Channcl invaaion-Continued Dircctivcs, ltalian. S11 Memoria 44; Ordcrs, Ital-

TRIDENT Confcrcncc, discussion of: 20, 21 ian; Promemoria 1; Promemoria 2.
Crotonc: 16, 67 Dirillo Rivcr. Ste Acate River.
Crown council: 297 Dittaino Rivcr: 223, 3-41
Cruiscn, Allicd: 72, 100, 147n, 320, 419n, 505 Divisions, Allicd: 8-9, 54, 57. See also Airbomc
Cruiscn, ltalian. Su Italian Flcct. units, U .S.; Armored units, U .S.; British
Cummings, lst Lt. Julian W.: 133n Army units; Infantry Divisions, U.S.
Cunningham, Admiral Sir Andrcw B.: 10-11, 23, Divisions, Axis: 53, 54. Set also Gcrman Army
55, 61, 62, 63, 91, 107n, 182-83, 183n, 320, units; ltalian Army units.
378, 379, 420, 421, 507, 546, 549 Dodccanese islands: 9, 15-16, 18, 64, 436, 542
Curricr, Col. D. C.: 427, 428, 429 Doenitz, Grouadmiral Karl: 27
Cyprw: 6 Doleman, Lt. Col. Edgar C.: 359, 360, 361
Don River: 35
Donnafugata: 156
D-day, Sicilian invasion: 57. S11 also Amphibious Doolittle, Maj. Gen. James: 99, 379
opcrations, Sicil:an Campaign, scheduling in- Drop zones (Sicily): 88, 93, 101, 117-19, 157,
vasion. 177, 179, 182, 218
D'Ajcta, Marchcac Blasco Lanza: 297, 297n, 299n, Dukws: 89, 104, 160, 170, 363, 393, 396, 398, 403,
368, 370, 374,441,442,444,461, 552 408
Dalmatia: 32, 445, 551 Durazao: 491
Dammcr, Maj. Hcrman W.: 228 Duvall, Maj. Everctt W.: 127, 229
Daniel, Lt. Col. Darrcll M.: 301, 313
Danubc arca: 239, 436 E-boats, Axis: 70
Darby, Lt. Col. William O.: 96, 136, 152, 169, Eagles, Brig. Gen. William W.: 254, 360, 361,
185, 185n, 190, 252, 253, 255 416, 417
Davidson, Rcar Adm. Lyal A.: 320, 349, 352, East, Sgt. Jeue E., Jr.: 144n
399,401,402,403 Eaatcm Front, Axis: 213
Dcann, Captain: 4 74 Ecole Normale: 56
Dccarli, Col. Paolo: 494 Eddy, Maj. Gen. Manton S.: 96, 305-06, 333,
Defcatism, Italian: 39, 44, 73, 283 336, 347,385
Defcnscs, Axis. See also Fortifications, Axis; Sicily, Eden, Anthony: 19, 269, 276, 437, 443, 446, 447,
Axis dcfenscs on. 448,449
on Pan telleria: 69-70 Eisenhower, General Dwight D.: 5, lln, 15, 17,
on Sicily: 54, 75-76, 77, 79-80, 83-87, 126- 22, 25, 52, 54, 55, 56, 60, 62, 66, 67, 68, 88,
27, 163,217 94, 96, 108, 176, 182, 206, 206n, 236, 261,
Defi.lades: 195, 196, 328 262, 269, 304n, 421, 423, 427, 436, 437, 442,
Delia: 192, 197, 199, 200 444, 446, 455, 456, 457, 458, 459, 476, 477,
Demolition, Axis: 110, 289, 348, 382, 387, 406, 478, 489, 494, 499, 501, 502, 503, 506n, 509,
410, 418, 497 515, 516, 547, 548. S11 also Allicd Force
Demolition, U.S.: 129 Headq uartcrs.
Dempsey, Lt. Gen. Miles C.: 61 on airbome divisions: 425
Denholm, Lt. Col. Charles L.: 152, 188 at Algien Conference: 23, 24
Dcnno, Capt. Brycc F.: 187-88 broadcasts to Italians: 270, 275, 278, 508, 512
DcRohan, Col. Frederick J.: 343 and command structure: 10-11, 420
Desert Air Force, British: 107-08, 412, 421 and Italian armistice: 270-71, 272, 273, 274,
Destroyers, Allied: 505 275-77, 447, 448, 449, 450, 462, 463, 464-
Dcstroyers, Italian: 533 65, 475, 484, 504, 505, 506, 507, 508, 510-
Dcstroycrs. U.S.: 72, 100, 129, 131, 168n, 177, 11, 520, 535, 541-42, 543-44, 545, 546,
258,318,320,393,419n 549-50
Diary of the Officc of thc Commandcr in Chicf: on Italy's weakneues: 540-41
lln at Malta confercncc: 549-50, 551
Dick, Commodorc Roycr: 474, 485, 486, 506n and Mason-MacFarlane miwon: 540, 541
Dicppc raid: 95 and Pantellcria question: 69-70
Dill, Ficld Marshal Sir John: 2n, 5, 59, 88, 89 and Patton slapping incidents: 429, 430, 431
Dircctivcs, Allicd and strategic planning: 3, 14, 258, 259, 260
Alcxandcr's: 209-10, 230, 234-35, 245-46, El 'Alamein: 1, 35
303-04 Elba: 471
Roosevclt's, on Italy: 545, 548 Elcctioru, ltalian: 544, 546, 549
Elena, Queen of ltaly: 517 Federzoni, Luigi: 40, 268
Enfilade: 317, 328, 353 Feistritz pus: 472
Enfi.lading fire: 340, 359, 360 Feltre conference: 242-44, 263, 282
Engineer 1upport1 U.S.: 128, 131, 136, 154, 165, Ferry barge1, German: 376, 377
168, 169, 253, 255, 301 Ferrying service, German: 82, 82n, 237
excellence of: 418-19 and evacuation of Sicily: 306, 375, 376-77, 378,
in Gela fighting: 152 409-10, 411
Engineer uniu, U.S.: 352, 393, 394, 396, 413. ferry bargea: 376, 377
S,. also Shore partiea. Ferrying aervice, ltalian: 53-54, 237, 378, 410
Brigade, ht Special: 103, 256 Feuntein, General der Gebirptruppen Valentin:
Regimenu 284, 290, 372, 373
20th Combat: 256 Ficarra: 396, 398
39th: 137 Ficuzza River: 208
540th Shore: 256 Field artillery uniu, U.S.: 393-94, 399. See also
Battaliona Artillery support, U.S.
lOth: 408 Group, 5th Armored: 129n
307th Airborne: 175 Regiment, 77th: 227
Engineen, German: 362-63, 406 Battaliona: 418
England. s,. Great Britain. 5th: 160, 166, 188, 188n
Englillh Channel: 6. SH als" Croa-Channel inva- 7th: 150, 150n, 160, 167, 167n, 187, 188,
sion. 188n,313n,333n
Enna: 63, 97, 110, 120, 164, 172, 191, 197, 200, 9th: 195, 195n, 416
205, 207, 211, 224, 244, 248, 249, 300, 301, lOth: 129, 227
302,422 14th Armored: 199, 199n
Enna loop: 231, 233, 234, 235, 244, 246, 248 26th: 255
Ens, Col. Karl: 198, 336, 337, 339 32d: 170, 188, 188n
Equipment, Allied: 73, 131, 159, 174, 486, 553 33d: 160, 166, 185, 313n
Equipment, Axia: 73, 81, 377, 410, 474. s,. also 34th: 255, 305
Matriel, Axis. 37th Parachute: 179, 180
Escort carriers, Allied: 16, 262, 269 39th: 195, 195n, 196
Escort craft, U .S.: 320 58th Armored: 352, 402, 403-04
Etna line: 315, 319, 324, 327, 342, 352 62d Armored: 194n, 199, 199n
Etter, Maj. Charles B.: 428 78th Armored: 174n
Evacuation of Rome, ltalian: 516-19, 527-28 158th: 18ln, 220
Evacuation of Sicily, Axi1: 324, 380, 382, 385, 160th: 208 .
416n,452 171st: 154, 160, 160n, 165, 168, 181n, 317n
Allied failure to stop: 378-79, 409-12, 414, 421. 189th: 173, 317n
S11 also Monte Cipollo. 319th Glider: 499
and ltalians: 410, 416 376th Parachute: 175, 255
operations for: 375-78, 409-10, 414-15 Fighter plane factories, German: 439
plans and debate: 306-07, 368, 369, 374-75 Fighter planes, Allied: 102, 107, 110, 119, 261,
schedule for: 410, 412, 413, 413n, 416, 469 320,376,479,482,486
Fighter planes, Axis: 15ln, 240
Faldella, General Emilio: 77-78, 78n, 170n Fighter-bomben, Allied: 107, 320, 344, 376. s,.
Farello: 98 also A-36'1; P-38'1; P-39'1; P-40'1; P-51'1.
Farinacci, Roberto: 40, 464 Fighter Wings, U.S.
Fascist Grand Council: 44, 267-68, 283, 286, 460 31st: 320
Fascist Militia: 76, 445 33d: 320
64th: 320
Fascist Party, ltalian: 268, 281, 283, 285. See
also Fascist Grand Council. Finland: 27
Fascist Republican Party: 543, 544, 548 Fire control parties: 401, 403
Fascista, Italian: 28, 30, 39, 50, 445
Badoglio govemment threatened by: 472 Fiume: 473
and Muaolini's overthrow: 42, 263-ti4 Fumicino: 486
and surrender movement: 40 Flak.s,. Antiaircraft defense, Axis.
Favara : 226, 227 Flint, Col. H. A.: 330, 331, 333, 336, 337, 339,
Favarotta: 191, 195 340,341,344

Floating reserve, U.S.: 99, 100, 125, 136, 155, Gavin, Col. James M.--Continued
1.58, 1.59, 174 and Axis counterattack: 168-69, 172
Florence: 439 and D-day paratrooper landinp: 119
Floreata: 386 Gay, Brig. Gen. Hobart R..: 23.5, 246, 246n
Flotillu, Allied: .522 Gela: .58, 59, 64, 86, 89, 91, 97, 98, 99, 100, 107,
Flying fortreues, U.S.: 72, 278 117, 119, 120, 125, 13.5, 137, 1.55, 159, 163,
Force 141: .56-.57, .58-.59, 68 166, 169, 170, 171, 172, 177, 185, 192, 204,
Force 343: .57, 58, 60-61. S11 also Corps, U.S., 1 205,226,256n,418,419,422
Armored. Allied auault on: 136-39
Force 54.5 (British taslt force): 57, .58, 60-61 Axis counterattack at: 148-53, 164, 165, 166,
Force X, U.S.: 136-39 170
Formia: 479 Gela-Farello landing ground: 135, 139, 158, 176,
Fortificationa, Axis: .54, 7.5-76, 79, 126-27, 131, 177, 179, 182
253. s,, also Defenses, Axis. Gela Rivu: 97, 99, 135, 136
France: 27, 4.5, 46, 47, 48, .51, 492, .54.5. S11 also Genoa: 14,442,445,4.59,473,522
Crou-Channel invuion; Southem France; Genova, Generale di Corpo d'Armata Adalberto
Vichy France. di Savoia: 534
Francofonte: 20.5, 215 George VI, King: 547
Frascati: 442, 51.5, 522 Gerbini: 63
Fredendall, Maj. Gen. Lloyd: 94 Gerlach, Captain: 537, 538
Free French: 14. S11 also Gowm (4th Moroccan German Air Force (Luftwaft'e): 37, 69, 74n, 78n,
Tabor). 110, 163, 213, 333, 360, 537, 538, 361-62,
Freeman, Lt. Col L. G.: 181 389, 458, 474. S11 also Ob1rkommantlo tler
French forces: 543. S11 also Free French. Luftwaff1.
French Morocco: 1.5, .55 S1contl: 33, 78n, 83, 204, 214
French Northwest Africa: 1, 3-4. S11 also North S1Contl Fu1t: 375, 376
Africa. X Fli1g1r Korps: 32
Fries, Generalmajor Walter: 1.57, 352, 414 XI Fli1g1r Korps: 284
at Monte Cipolla: 396-97, 398, 404, 40.5 Su;;ort Arliation Wing ~: .533n
in San Fratello ridge action: 357-58 German alliance. S11 Italo-German alliance.
and Tusa ridge counterattack: 321-23 German Army: 50, 78, 81, 82, 83, 84, 87, 163,
Fu1hr1r Con/1r1nc1s: 4.5n 173, 190, 197, 198, 199-200, 241, 243, 245,
Fullriede, Col. Fritz: 197, 199, 200, 313, 315 259, 261, 285, 288, 290, 307, 341, 369, 445,
Funicular station: 536, .537 473, 477, 478, 482, 486, 491-92, 509, 522,
Funston: 143 52~, 5j0, 552. s... also German Army units;
Furiano River: 352, 3.53, 3.58, 3.59, 360, 382 Remforcements, Axis; Reserves, German.
Furnari: 409, 413 in Casa del Priolo action: 187-89
FUBTJAN: 218, 219n command. S11 Command, Axis; Command, Ger-
man; Oblrkommantlo tl1r W1hrmacht.
evacuation. S11 Evacuation of Sicily, Axis.
Gaeta. 479, 500 foot soldier: 553
Gaft'ey, Maj. Gen. Hugh J.; 96, 158, 252, 254 glider-bome troops: 537
Gafli Tower: 127, 129 ground forces: 4 7, 48, 369
Gagliano: 315, 328, 329, 331, 338, 339, 341, 342, and Hitler: 28, 29
343,344 and ltalian Army: 30, 32, 36, 47-48, 410, 497,
Galli, Cario: 528 513-14, 525, 534, 535-36. S11 also Command,
Gambarra, Generale di Corpo d' Arma ta Gastone: Axis.
.525 Italian equipment and penonnel tallen over by:
Gangi: 233, 301, 303, 312 410
GANOWAY: 260 and Italian railway transportation: 288
Garda: 469 in Italy: 213, 282, 287-88, 289, 290-94, 293n,
Gardiner, Col. William T.: 499, 500, 501, 502, 368, 369, 371-72, 4.51, 4.52, 469, 477, 492.
.504, .510, .519 S11 also Occupation of ltaly, Gennan; Troop
Garigliano River: .5.52 movementl, German.
Gas, German threat to use: 458 in Sicily: 64, 74, 75, 203, 204, 212-14, 215-16,
Guoline: 2.53, 480, 486, 500, 502 217, 237, 242, 243, 244, 263, 308. S11 also
Gavin, Col. James M.: 94, 101, 118, 136, 173, Evacuation of Sicily, Axis.
175, 255 and Rome battle: 524-25, 528, .531-32
593-029 o. 6~ 39
German Army--Continued German Army uniu--Continued
and truce with ltaly: 525-26 Division, 29th Panzer Grenadier---Continued
German Army units 307, 308, 315, 319, 321, 323, 324, 345, 346,
OB SUED: 33n, 78, 82, 371, 442, 470, 473, 366, 376, 378, 380, 382, 386, 409, 413
513, 522, 523 in evacuation of Sicily: 405
OB WEST: 51, 290, 533 at Monte Cipolla: 391, 404, 405
Army Group B: 241, 275, 282, 284, 290, 293, punuit of: 406, 408
371-72, 373, 442, 452, 469, 470, 472, 473, at Tortorici line: 382
497,522 Dioision, 44th Iafantry: 283, 288, 290, 291, 292,
Army, T1ntla: 470, 471, 522, 523, 524, 532 293,372-73,442,481,533
Corps Division, 60th Panz1r Gr1aatlur: 290, 294
D1utsch1s Afrika Korps: 32 Dioision, 65th In/aatry: 294, 442
11 SS Panz1r: 284, 451 Diuisioa, 7/st Infantry: 442, 469, 472, 481
XIV Panz1r: 51, 75, 82, 203, 204, 213- Divsion, 76tla In/tmtr)': 263, 282, 294, 442
14, 237, 240, 308, 341, 368, 374, 376, Dvision, 90th Pannr Gr1aatlur: 51, 471
452, 469, 470 Division, 94th In/antry: 294, 442
XVII: 515 Divisioa, 305th In/antry: 263, 282, 283, 288,
LXXVI Panz1r: 75, 203, 374, 413, 452, 290, 291, 293, 294,442
470 Divisioa, 715th Infanlry: 294
Division, H1rmann Go1riag: 48, 51, 74, 74n, Kamp/grupp1n: 148n
79, 121, 136, 142, 147, 155n, 157n, 163, 166, Ens: 84, 86, 147n, 192, 198, 200, 202, 217,
169, 198, 205, 208, 210, 215, 217, 219, 220, 231, 233, 301, 319, 324, 336, 337, 339,
237, 244, 301, 319, 324, 345, 374-75, 378, 342, 345
382,387,405,414,416 Fullr1d1: 84, 86, 87, 147n, 192, 198, 199,
and Allied advance to Yellow Line: 190, 217, 233, 301, 313, 315, 319, 324, 336,
191 340,342,343
in counterattaclt: 154, 164-65, 170, 171- Ko1rn1r: 84, 86
72n, 172, 185, 187, 188 N1ap1l: 84, 84n, 86, 87, 192
in evacuation of Sicily: 412 Sclamalz: 86, 120, 123, 147, 148, 163, 171n,
Keuelring's criticism of: 157 191, 203, 204, 205, 215, 216, 219, 223,
organization of: 64, 148-49, 164 422
1tationifl8' of: 64, 75, 81, 86, 87 Ulicla: 300, 316, 317, 318, 320, 322
withdrawal of: 202-03, 223 Brigad1 Do1hla: 442
Division, lst Paraclaut1: 111, 203, 204, 212-13, Regimenta
214, 216, 218, 286, 306, 376, 413, 452, 471 3d, 1st Parachut1 Dioisioa: 204
Division, 1st SS Panz1r L1ibstaadart1 Adol/ 15th Panur Gr1nadur: 398, 399
Hitl1r: 294, 442 29th A.rtiUery: 393
Diuision, 2d SS Panz1r "Das R1icla": 294 71st Panur Gr1aad1r: 322, 382, 388, 399,
Diuision, 2d Paraclaut1: 283, 284, 286, 293, 404
293n, 442, 451, 452, 470, 485, 492, 515, 523, 104tla Panz1r Gr1nadin. s.. German Army
525, 537 units, Kampfgruppea, Ens.
Diuision, 3d Panz1r Gr1nadi1r: 75, 214, 215, 129th Panz1r Gr1natli1r. S11 German Army
units, Kampfgrupp1n, Fullri1d1.
283, 284, 442, 451, 452, 470, 481, 485, 500,
510, 514-15, 523, 524, 525 1st, 71 st PaftZ1r Gr1nadi1r R1gim1nt: 393,
Division, 15th Panz1r Gr1nadin (Sizili1n): 51, 397
64, 81, 84, 86, 87, 125, 147, 147n, 150, 155, 2d, 15th Panz1r Gr1nadi1r R1gim1nt: 231
165, 192, 195, 202, 203, 204, 204n, 223, 224, '2d, 71 st Panz1r Gr1nadi1r R1gm1nt: 363,
233, 237, 244, 301, 307, 308, 315, 319, 324, 365
331, 341, 345, 346, 352, 357, 376, 378, 382, 3d, 15th Panz1r Gr1nader R1gim1nt: 321
385, 391, 393, 398, 399, 409, 410, 413, 515 215th Tank: 84n, 148n, 171n
Division, 16th Panur: 51, 74-75, 203, 284, 368, alann units: 368
452 antiaircraft units: 243, 290, 372, 393, 397, 486
Diuision, 24th Panz1r: 442, 472 artillery battalions: 322, 382
Division, 26th Panur: 75, 203, 284, 293n, 289, coastal defense units: 393, 396, 398
290,293,442,451 divi1ions: 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 64, 74, 75, 87, 244,
Division, 29tla Panzer Gr1nadi1r: 75, 203, 204, 282, 286, 445, 497
213, 214-15, 216, 237, 241, 263, 282, 300, divisions, mobile: 4 71

German Army unit....-Continued Grandi, Count Dino: 40, 42, 264, 283, 460
field artillery units: 399, 402 as foreign minister, King proJ>OICI: 548, 549,
paratroop units: 514. See alsct Paratroopers, 551
German. and Mussolini's overthrow: 267-68
patrols: 358, 500 peace miuion of: 268
reconnaissance units: 205, 205n Granieri: 208
service troops: 357 Grant, Maj. Walter H.: 139, 313
Gennan Embassy, in Italy: 514, 515, 523, 528 "Grasshoppers": 133n, 418
German High Command: 213, 464. See also Com- Great Britain: 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 12, 22, 92. See
mand, German. British Chiefs of Staff; British Government;
German Navy: 474. S11 also Ferrying service, Churchill, Winston S. ; Planners, British.
German. Greece: 4, 12, 17, 24, 29, 31, 32, 35, 45, 46, 64,
German War Documents Project: 35n 110, 203, 261, 437, 445, 453, 491, 514, 535
Germany: 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 14, 15, 37, 45, 46, Greek rebels: 38
73, 512. See also German Army; Hitler. Green Beach: 125, 131 , 141, 144, 161
defeat of, Allied planning for: 2, 3, 6, 17, 21, Green Beach 2: 136, 142, 144, 145, 159, 160
23, 262, 435-36. See also Cross-Channel in- Green West: 125, 131
vasion. Grenades. See Hand grenades; Rifle grenade1.
and Italian armistice announcement: 513, 522 Grottacalda: 21 7
and Italian mainland inv:uion: 522-24, 552 Guariglia, Raffaele: 265, 275, 282, 369, 371, 444,
and ltaly. See Italo-Gennan alliance; Occupa- 461,479,480,483n,511,517,523,548
tion of Italy, German. and evacuation of Rome: 518
and Russia: 464. S11 also Russo-German cam- and peace negotiations with Allies: 295-97, 298,
paign. 441,454,455,465,466,479,480
Gestapo: 460 Guerrilla operations
Giaccone, Lt. Col. Leandro: 530n Balkan: 447
and capitulation to Germany: 530, 531, 532 Italian: 472
and truce with Germany: 526-27, 530, 531 Guingand, de, Maj. Gen. Francis : 61
G1ANT 1: 477, 498 Gulf of Catania: 61
GIANT II: 490, 492, 498, 504, 506, 508, 509 Gulf of Gela: 52, 61, 63, 64, 89, 96, 123
and Italiana: 485-86, 488, 489, 494, 495, 501, Gulf of Gioia; 260
502,505 Gulf of Noto; 61, 62, 64, 89, 91
planning of: 485-89, 494, 498, 505 Gulf of Salemo: 262, 448, 449, 509
purpose of: 477-78 Gun lighters, German: 376
Giarrantana: 190, 207 Guns, German: 224, 263, 393, 500
Gibb, Lt. Col. Frederick W. : 337, 344 and evacuation of Sicily: 375-76, 375n, 377
Gibraltar: 3, 45, 52, 463 20-mm.: 402
Giorgio, Generale di Divisione Umberto di: 528 170-mm. : 376
Giraud, General Henri Philippe: 14, 67 210-mm.: 214
Giuriati, Captain: 505 Guns, Italian: 75, 133
Glider troops, British: 92, 423 antiaircraft: 489
Gliders, British: 92, 93, 108, 115, 117, 120, 219n antitank: 79, 152, 251, 485
Gliden, German: 537 artillery pieces: 81, 126, 138, 150, 152, 169,
Gloria, Generale di Corpo d' Armata Alessandro: 223, 382,410
288,290, 292,293,371, 372, 373 captured by Americans: 138, 150, 152, 169
GoBLET: 16,67, 68, 258, 260, 262 Guns, U.S.: See Howitzers.
Goebbels, Joseph: 49, 283, 285 antiaircraft: 399
Goering, Reichsmanchall Hermann: 27, 33, 34, antitank: 154n, 171, 173, 478, 485, 498
47,83, 243 artillery pieces: 103, 158, 331, 363, 365, 396,
Gonzaga, General: 534 403,419,480
Gorham, Lt. Col. Arthur: 150-52, 171, 188 75-mm.: 251
Gort, Lord: 549 155-mm.: 337, 400, 401
Goums (4th Moroccan Tabor): 96, 98, 305, 314, Guzzoni, Generale d'Armata Alfredo: 78, 79, 83,
330,333,337,338,340,343 84, 86, 87, 109, 170, 172, 173, 190, 191, 197-
Gozo: 119 98, 202, 203, 204, 204n, 205, 214, 215-16,
Grammichele: 98, 206, 222, 224 219, 233, 237, 238, 307, 319, 345, 346, 374,
Gran Sasso: 536, 537 375, 378
Guzzoni, Generale d'Armata Alfredo--Continued Hill 123: 164
and command relationship in Sicily: 77-78, Hill 132: 164
307-09 Hill 171: 357,358
and Nicosia lou: 315 Hill 300: 165
and Sicilian invasion: 110-11, 119, 120, 147, Hill 316: 228
163, 164-65 Hill 333: 228
Hill 335. S Tuaa ridge.
Half-tracks, Gennan: 396 Hill 432: 232
Half-tracks, U.S.: 173, 195-96, 251, 402 Hil1 504: 232
Hall, Rear Adm. John L.: 100, 108, 136, 159 Hill 643: 156
Hamburg: 292 Hill673: 359,360,361, 362
Hand grenadea: 317, 321, 404 Hill 825: 313, 314
Handy, Maj. Gen. Thomas T.: 5 Hill 851: 329
ffAaDIHOOD: 436 Hill 921: 314
Harria, ht Lt. William J.: 156 Hill 937: 313, 314
Harrilon, Capt. Willard E.: 178 Hill962: 313-14
Headquarters, Allied : 421, 498. S also Allied Hill 1006: 329, 330, 344
Force Headquarten. Hill 1030: 327-28
Heidrich, Generalleutnant Richard: 377-78 Hill 1034: 329, 330, 336, 337, 344
Heintges, Lt. Col. John A.: 128, 193, 229 Hill 1035. s.. Monte Baailio.
Herzegovina: 491 Hill 1056: 336
Hewel, Walter: 287 Hill 1061: 328, 329
Hewitt, Vice Adm. Henry K.: 89, 108, 320, 379- Hill 1140: 328
80 Hill 1209: 333-34
Hickey, Col. Lawrence: 107n Hill 1234-: 328
Highway, coastal. S Highway 115. Hill 1321: 330
Highway, east coast.S Highway 114. Himmler, Reichsfuehrer SS Heinrich: 38
Highway, north coast. S Highway 113. Hinds, Col. Sidney R.: 194, 199
Highway 113 (north coast): 207, 238, 255, 300, Hitler, Adolf: 3, 28, 3ln, 32, 33, 33n, 39, 41, 46,
304, 308, 309, 316, 320, 353, 367, 378, 380, 47, 48, 51, 74, 75, 78, 79, 82, 111, 203, 212,
386,388,396,405,408,413 237, 263, 275, 282, 285, 288, 290, 291,
characterized: 348 293, 296, 308, 368, 370, 371, 374, 443, 460,
diflicultiea of: 309 471, 472, 522, 534
Highway 114 (east coast): 191, 207, 219, 235, and Badoglio: 283, 286, 287, 292, 294-95, 470,
248,375,380,416 497
Highway 115 (coastal): 92, 121, 123, 131, 133, and defenae of ltaly: 49-50, 452, 469-70
135, 138, 141, 143, 149, 151, 165, 168, 171, and evacuation of Sicily: 306, 375
172, 187, 191, 194, 226, 229, 231, 233, 252, at Feltre conference: 24-2-44
255, 309, 316-17, 391, 398, 399, 405 and Italian treachery threat: 37, 49-50, 286-87,
Highway 116: 309, 382 473,497
Highway 117: 97, 135, 139, 149, 152, 153, 165, and Muuolini: 27, 29, 30, 34, 38, 215, 239,
169, 185, 206, 222, 231, 245, 248, 309, 314, 240,241, 242, 283,536, 539
315, 321, 322 secret orden of: 214
Highway 118: 226 and Sicily: 213, 214, 240, 241, 243
Highway 120: 233, 238, 301, 303, 304, 309, 313, strategic views of: 35, 213
314, 323, 328, 341, 343, 345, 346, 382, 385 Hoare, Sir Samuel John Gurney: 40, 268, 441,
difliculties of: 309 446,446n,458
terrain around: 325 Holy See. S Vatican; Vatican City.
Highway 121: 233, 235, 245, 246, 248, 249, 300, Hood, lst Lt. R. F.: 195
304, 319, 341 Hopkins, Harry: 19
Highway 122: 198, 226, 227, 229, 230, 231, 232, Hones: 348, 348n
246, 248 Hospital ships, Allied: 110
Highway 123: 155, 191, 192, 195, 196, 198 Hospitals, Seventh Army: 419
Highway 124: 190, 191, 198, 205, 206-07, 207n, 15th Evacuation: 426
208, 209, 210, 222, 223, 224, 233, 422. See 93d Evacuation: 427-28
also Yellow Line. House of Savoy. Se. Monarchy; Vctor Emmanuel
Highways, ltalian. S Va nlris. 111.
Howitzer units, U.S.: 125, 144, 168, 172 Infantry Battaliom, U .S.-Continued
Howitzcn, U.S.: 150n, 160, 167, 172-173, 402, 3d, 7th Infantry: 229
403 D-day landing of: 128-29
75-mm.: 187-88 in Palma di Montechiaro advance: 193-94
105-mm.: 129n, 187, 188 3d, 15th Infantry: 200, 352, 353, 357, 358-59,
Hube, General der Panzertruppen Hans Valentin: 360, 361, 366, 409
51, 74, 82, 213, 214, 215, 236, 318, 319, 357, in Favarotta area action: 195, 196
379, 385, 388 in San Fratello action: 358
and command relationahip in Sicily: 307--09 3d, 16th Infantry: 314, 338, 339
and evacuation of Sicily: 342, 374, 375, 376-77, 3d, 26th Infantry: 165, 166, 232, 301, 302, 313,
378, 381~2. 413, 416 314, 337, 344
and Nicosia lou: 315 3d, 30th Infantry: 197, 199, 200, 359, 360, 361,
phase lines of: 324--25, 345, 378, 406, 409, 412, 401,402,404
414 3d, 39th Infantry: 333, 334
in Troina action: 341, 345 3d, 4ht Armored Infantry: 194
Huebner, Maj. Gen. Clarence R.: 56, 347, 413 3d, 157th Infantry: 208, 321, 322
Hull, Cordell: 448 3d, l 79th Infantry: 144, 155-56, 208
Humbert, Prince: 283, 287, 306, 371, 468, 516, 3d, 180th Infantry: 155, 155n, 165, 321
517 landings of: 143-44
Hungary: 15, 40, 44, 298 in Pettineo ridge action: 318
Hus1tY, defined: 4 Infantry Divisions, U .S.
lst: 57, 94, 98, 100, 101, 108, 117, 135-
Iberian Pennsula: 3, 17. s.. also Spain. 36, 139, 141, 143, 155, 156, 158, 159, 164,
Infantry Battalions, U.S. 165, 167n, 169, 170, 170n, 172, 173, 174,
ht, 7th Infantry: 126, 127, 128, 226, 228, 415 174n, 175, 179, 185, 190, 197, 200, 206, 210,
bt, 15th lnfantry: 195, 196, 352, 353, 357, 358 222, 231, 232, 233, 244, 245, 246, 248,
bt, 16th Infantry: 152, 154, 165, 168, 171, 187, 249, 301, 302, 304, 305, 311, 312n, 314,
338, 339, 341 316, 319, 320, 323, 324, 325, 327, 329, 330,
in Casa del Priolo action: 18~9 331, 336, 338, 340, 343, 352, 406, 408, 412,
casualties: 189 417, 418, 422
ht, 18th Infantry: 187, 302-03 command changed: 347
bt, 26th Infantry: 139, 185, 231-32, 301, 313, logistical planning for: 120
314 in North Africa campaign: 95
lst, 30th Infantry: 359-60, 361, 401--02, 404 tactical plana for: 99-100
lst, 39th Infantry: 336, 337 . in Troina action: 341, 347
lst, 4ht Armored lnfantry: 159 3d: 94--95, 96, 100, 103, 105, 106, 108, 135,
bt, 157th Infantry: 145, 156, 208, 220, 321, 155, 170, 174, 191, 192, 197, 198, 200, 201,
322,416 206, 224, 230, 231, 245, 249, 254, 305, 323,
ht, 179th Infantry: 144 349, 352, 382, 388, 394, 399, 400, 4-05, 406,
lst, 180th Infantry: 142-43, 154-55, 155n, 408, 413, 418, 422
160n, 165, 318 in British task force: 59-60
2d, 7th Infantry: 358, 365 Licata auault plan: 123, 125
and Agrigento drive: 228-29 logistical planning for: 102
D-day landing of: 127-28 at Naso ridge: 391
2d, 15th Infantry: 125, 131, 195, 352, 353, 357, relieves 45th Division: 319-20, 348
358 in San Fratello action: 348, 353
2d, 16th Infantry: 152, 154, 165, 166-67, 171, tactical plans for: 60, 97, 98, 99
338 9th: 94, 98, 230, 231, 320, 330, 331, 333, 336,
in Casa del Priolo action: 187~9 343,347,374, 382,393,406
casualties: 189 arrival in Sicily: 305-06
2d, 18th Infantry: 185, 187, 302-03 characterized: 96
2d, 26th Infantry: 185, 187, 232, 301, 313, 337, 36th: 57
344 45th: 94, 99, 105, 108, 117, 119, 123, 136,
2d, 30th Infantry: 352 142, 165, 172, 173, 206, 210, 222, 224, 230-
2d, 60th Infantry: 386 31, 232, 233, 244, 245, 248, 249, 254, 300,
2d, 157th lnfantry: 144, 145, 321, 322 304, 305, 311, 316, 318, 349, 422
2d, 180th Infantry: 143, 165, 168, 222, 317, accomplishments of: 323
318 characterized: 95
Infantry Divisions, U.S.-Continued Infantry Regiments, U.S.--Continued
landing of: 139 and Axis counterattack: 165
logistical planning for: 102 landing1 of: 142-43
relieved by 3rd Diviaion: 319-20, 348 lnfiltration, German: 341, 342
and Santo Stefano: 321, 322, 323 "lnnocuous" (code word): 500, 502
tactical plans for: 98, 100 Inmbruck: 3ln
104th: 347 lnshore Squadron, British Navy: 380, 387
Infantry Regiments, U.S. Intelligence, Allied: 46, 56, 64, 72-73, 245, 261,
7th: 125, 131, 133, 192, 200, 227, 228-29, 230, 270, 324, 325, 347, 378-79, 449, 541. s
360, 361, 365, 367, 388, 389, 391, 399, 402, also MINCEIHAT.
404,406,413,414,415,416 Intelligence, Axis: 45, 46, 65, 73, 109, 447, 454,
15th: 155, 192, 195, 199, 200, 352, 357, 358, 458, 486. Su also Italian Military lntelli-
361,389,408,413,414 gence Service.
16th: 149, 150, 151, 151n, 152, 154, 154n, lntemee1, Axis: 456n, 457
156, 160, 165, 169, 173, 174, 206, 222, Invasion targets, Axis speculation on: 45--46, 48,
231, 232, 249, 302, 303, 311, 324, 329, 330, 203. S also MrNCEKEAT; Strategic planning,
331, 336, 337,338,339,341, 344 Allied.
in Casa del Priolo action: 187, 188-89 Ionia Sea: 45
D-day objectivea of: 136, 139 Iraq: 6
in Nicosia action: 314, 315 lsmay, General Sir Hutings L.: 23
18th: 98, 136, 160, 171, 208, 222, 223, 231, Italia: 532, 533
248, 249, 302, 312, 321, 329, 330, 331, 333, Italian Air Force: 28, 29, 46-47, 83, 459-60, 474,
338,339,341, 342, 343,344,413 492,552
landing of: 158-59 S
ltalian armistice. Armistice, Italo-Allied.
in Nicosia arca action: 314 Italian Army: 28, 41, 163, 197, 241-42, 245,
26th: 139, 149, 153, 158, 165, 166, 185, 187' 212, 288, 307, 370, 373, 47CV411, 480, 488,
206, 222, 231, 232,301,303 491-92, 501, 509, 515, 5Z2, 523, 524, 540,
Gela landing: 136 545, 547, 553. Se. also ltaH'an Army units.
in Nicosia arca action: 311-12, 313, 314 command. Sie Comando Suprmo; Command,
in Troina action: 331, 333, 336, 337, 338, Axis; Command, l talian.
339, 340,341,343-44, 345 disaolution of: 524, 534-36
30th: 125, 133, 193, 199, 200, 357, 358, 359, and evacuation of Sicily: 410
360, 363,365,366,401,408,415 General Staff: 524
and German Army: 30, 32, 36, 47-48, 410, 497,
39th: 96, 98, 249, 250, 252, 253, 255, 305 513-14, 525, 534, 535-36. S also Command,
at Randazzo: 385-86 Axis.
in Troina action: 329-30, 331, 333, 336,
ground forces: 32, 47, 369, 445, 482, 515, 535,
338, 339, 340, 341, 342-43, 344, 347 552
47th: 343, 347, 382, 385 ground organization: 240, 243
41st Armored: 159, 171, 194 infantry: 150-51
60th: 343, 345, 385, 386 and Memoria 44: 481, 515
66th: 95 military collaboration with Allies: 441, 445,
157th: 142, 155, 156, 189, 190, 206, 208, 222, 446, 447, 456, 457-58, 464, 465, 466, 473,
224, 233, 249, 300, 316, 318, 320, 321, 323, 475,476,477,482,484,485-86,490-91,492-
408,415,418 95, 505, 535, 541, 542-43, 544, 551. s
in Bivio Salica landing: 415 also Military infonnation.
D-day landings of: 141, 142 morale: 239-40, 241, 261, 270, 285, 451, 529,
Mazzarino move: 232-33 533, 552
and Messina drive: 413-14 organization and command of: 29-30
and Viini: 219-20 performance of: 64, 239-40, 259
lf9th: 141, 142, 155, 165, 173, 189, 190, 205, and Rome: 464, 516, 517-18, 519, 528, 529-30,
206, 208, 220, 222, 224, 300, 316, 348, 418 531, 532
at Comiso: 189 shortages: S n Shortages, ltalian.
D-day landing1 of: 144 and truce with Germany: 525-26, 531-32
180th: 141, 149, 155, 155n, 160, 168, 172, 189, weakneu of: 30, 47, 48, 80-81, 542-43
190, 206, 208, 220, 222, 249, 300, 316, 317, Italian Army units
320 Army Group East: 491

ltalian Army unitl-Continued Italian Army unitl-Continued

Annies Divisiona-Continued
Sec<md: 289, 481 152d Pieeno: 534, 542
Fourth: 286, 288, 289, 370, 451, 453, 184th (Nembo) Paraelaute: 535
472, 481, 533 206th Coastal: 142
Fifth: 481 207th Coastal: 126, 163, 191, 192, 196
SiJr:th: 63, 64, 76, 80, 82, 83, 84, 86, 110, 209th Coastal: 534
148, 191, 192, 202, 205, 214, 216, 223, 220th Coastal: 492
237' 309, 346, 378 221 si e oastal: 492
Seventh: 481, 534 222tl Coastal: 534
Eighth: 32, 290, 481 Brigade, XVIII Coastal: 136, 142, 147
Corps: 513 Groups
Corpo d' Armata d Rome: 289, 492 Mobile Group E : 149, 151n, 152, 164
MotorZ1d: 289, 480, 484, 489, 492, 493, Sehreibn: 233, 301
495, 500, 519 Venturi: 191, 195, 196
XI: 525 Regimenta
XII: 63, 84, 119, 149-50, 196, 197, 237, 29th Infanlry: 363
238, 308, 315 177th Bersaglieri: 191, 492, 516
XVI: 63, 84, 86, 119, 120, 147, 148, 149, antiaircraft units: 485, 488, 516
163, 164, 170, 172, 223, 237, 533 earabinieri: 492, 518, 527, 528
XVII: 289, 492 coastal units: 80, 83, 84, 87, 120, 125, 137,
XXXV: 289, 533 138, 141, 149n, 157, 212, 214, 238, 289, 30&,
Divisions: 63, 282, 457, 464, 476, 513, 542-43 379,542
Re: 492, 495, 525 battalions: 79, 128
2d (Tridentina) .Alpine: 372 divisions: 534. Su also Italian Anny units,
4th (Cun-.nse) Alpine: 372, 373 Divisiona.
4th (Livorno): 47, 63, 81, 84, 86, 87, 111, depot units: 289
136, 147, 149, 152, 163, 164, 165, 169- mobile unita: 83, 84, 86, 87, 125, 142, 147
70, 185, 192, 198, 202, 203, 205, 211, patrols: 416
217,222,223,237, 242 police units: 518
Sth (Pusteria) Alpine: 533 service school troops: 492, 528
6th ( Alpi Graje) Alpine: 372 Italian Cabinet, Badoglio's: 265, 266, 281
7th (Lupi di Toscana) Infantry: 472, 488, Italian diplomatic corps: 468
9th (Pasubio) Infantry: 534 Italian Fleet: 17, 45, 46, 52, 54, 89, 269, 272,
369, 372, 442, 459, 468, 474, 475-76, 482,
IOth (Piaoe) Motorized Infanlry: 266,
494,505,506,532, 540,541,543
289, 485, 492, 493, 510, 524, 525, 529, dispoaition of: 546
532 escape from Germana: 533
12th (Sassari): 289, 485, 492 inadequacy of: 82
21st (Granatin): 289, 492, 515, 516, 525,
529,532 Italian government. Su Badoglio govemment;
26th (Assietta): 63, 80, 84, 87, 125, 197, Caviglia; Musaolini.
238,358,366,382 ltalian High Command: 77, 462, 494, 503, 510,
2Bth ( Aosla): 63, 80, 84, 86, 87, 87n, 125, 527. SH also Badoglio, government of; Mon-
197,238,315,324,330 archy.
54th (Napoli): 63, 80, 84, 86, 87, 111, ltalian mainland invasion: 73, 240-41, 278, 295,
120, 123, 163, 205, 209, 211, 422 379, 435, 437, 438, 439-40, 441-42, 446,
58th (Legnano) Infantry: 534, 542 448, 458, 459, 462, 463, 465, 466, 467, 473,
103d (Piaonza) Motorized: 63n, 289, 492, 477-78, 498, 522
514,523,525 airbome operations. Su GIA.NT 11.
104th (Mantova) Infantry: 534, 542 and armistice: 474, 475, 476, 482, 491, 492,
105th (Rovigo) Infanlry: 372 499, 508-09,512
131st (Centauro) Armored: 289, 485, 492, Gennan preparatiom for: 469-71, 523-24
525, 526, 527' 532 Italian co-operation with. Su ltalian Army,
135th ( Ariele) Armored: 266, 289, 298, military collaboration with Allies.
485, 492, 493, 495, 510, 515, 516, 524, landinga Cor. Su Amphibiow operations, Allied,
525, 529, 532 1talian mainland; Salemo landinga.
Italian mainland invasion-Continued Keitel, Generalfeldmanchall Wilhelm--Continued
plana and debate: 12, 14, 16, 17, 18-19, 23, at Feltre conference: 243-44
24,67,259, 261-63,269 at Tarvis conference: 369, 370
scheduling of: 478, 479, 488, 489, 490, 491, 492, Kennan, George F.: 455, 459
493,495,496,499,520-21 Kesaelring, Feldmanchall Albert: 33n, 35, 36, 50,
atrategic planning for: 68, 259-63, 269-70, 440, 51, 78, 78n, 79, 83, 204n, 211, 223, 236,
449, 512. s,, also BA1U1ACUDA; BAYTOWN; 240, 263, 283, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 293,
Buna1tss; GANOWAY; GoBLET; Musx.1tT. 307, 368, 369, 371, 372, 373, 374, 458, 497,
Italian merchant marine: 546, 552 530n,536
Italian Military Intelligence Service: 494, 495, on Allied invasion targets: 46
496,499 and Badoglio government: 284-85, 286
Italian military million: 489, 494, 505-06 and capitulation of ltaly: 530, 531, 532
ltalian Navy: 28, 29, 45, 46, 505, 552. S11 also as Commander in Ch.ief South: 33-34
ltalian Fleet. and counterattack in Sicily: 163
1talian Riviera: 12 and evacuation of Sicily: 374-75
ltalian 1ecret aervice: 4 70 headquarten bombed: 522-23
1talian Social Republic : 539 on H"mann Goering Division failure: 15 7
ltalian War Ministry: 29, 288, 290, 514, 518, 527 and ltalian mainland invaaion: 510, 522, 523
Italiana. S11 Civilians, ltalian. ltalian sympathies of: 470-71, 473
ltalo-German alliance (Pact of Steel): 27, 31, 40, and Italy's defenae: 74, 75, 451, 452
267,295n, 306 and military aid to ltaly: 48, 74-75
under Badoglio: 281, 284, 285, 553 . and occupation of Rome: 470, 532
termination question: 38-40, 41, 43, 44, 263, and Sardinia: 74, 75, 471
264, 265, 282, 297,374,474 and Sicily: 74-75, 86, 87, 203-04, 212-13,
214-15, 237
and truce with Italy: 526
Japan: 1, 2, 4, 5, 11, 16, 21 Keyes, Maj. Gen. Geoffrey: 94, 176, 198, 199,
Jeeps: 253 200, 201, 206, 226n, 230, 235, 245, 249, 251,
Jefiers: 139, 139n, 179-80, 180n 252, 254,389,390,414,416
Jeff1rson: 144, 145 King, Admiral Ernest J.: 3, 6, 7, 8, 10, 21
Jeschonnek, Generalobent Hans: 83 Kirk, Rear Adm. Alan G.: 100, 108, 139, 161
Jodl, Generaloberst Alfred: 27, 37, 211, 212, 287, Kisters, Sgt. Gerry H.: 331n
294, 295, 306, 307, 368, 453, 460, 470, 523 Kittyhawks: 261. S11 also P-40'1.
defense views of: 213, 214, 215, 452 Klessheim conference: 38, 39
and Hitler: 375, 497 Klinckowstroem, Col. Karl Heinrich Graf von:
unified command plan of: 241, 242 530n,533n
Johmon, Col. Charles R.: 125, 195, 352 Kobes, Maj. Frank J., Jr.: 352, 357, 358
Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S.: 2, 3, 4, 11, 20, 25, Komosa, Capt. Adam A.: 180
26, 277, 279, 436, 437, 449, 462. s,, also KONSTANTIN, Plan: 241, 282
Joint War Plana Committee. KOPENHAGEN: 283-84
a t Casablanca: 7-8 Krause, Maj. Edward C.: 168, 169, 172
at QUADRANT Conference: 438-39 Krueger, Lt. Col. Walter: 399, 402, 404
and strategic planning: 5, 6, 7-8, 9-10, 18-19, Kuehl, Chaplain Delbert A.: 181
21-22 Kuriate lslands: 115
Joint Staff Plannen: 2n Kunk: 213
Joint Strategic Survey Committee: 2n
Joint War Plans Committee: 25, 435 La Bouzarfa: 56
Julian Alps: 442, 472 La Marsa: 236
Junctions. See Road junctions. La Spezia: 82, 294, 369, 464, 468, 473, 481, 522,
Junker 52's: 488 532,533
Junker 88's: 177 Labor Democrats: 42
Labor unions, ltalian: 39
Kairouan: 102 Lampedusa: 70, 72, 73
Kaye, Orin W., Jr. : 504n Lampione: 70, 72
Kean, Maj. Gen. William B.: 429 Landing craft, Allied: 16, 66, 70, 72, 103-04, 143,
Keerans, Brig. Gen. Charles L., Jr.: 181 144, 159, 160, 161, 259, 260, 320, 362, 406,
Keitel, Generalfeldmarschall Wilhelm: 27, 31n, 50, 419, 449, 493, 505, 520, 522. Su also LCI's;
282,291, 294, 295,452,534 LCT's; LCVP's; LST'1.
Landing craft, German: 376, 377 Long tern--Continued
Landings. S-. Amphibious opcration1. For land- 462, 463, 464, 465, 467, 474, 484, 543, 545,
ings o/ airbom trools, sH Airbome opcra- 546,548,550n
tiom : Airdropa. modifications in: 545, 548
Lanza, Lt. Galvano: 464-65, 467, 474, 500, 501 QuADRANT agreement on: 448-49
Laurenta, Col. Augusto de: 196, 229-30 signing of: 548, 549
LCl'1: 103, 108, 123, 126, 127, 128, 129, 136, text of: 559-64
158, 159, 320, 363, 393, 499 Long Toms. S Guru, U.S., 155-mm.
LCM'S: 100-lOln, 161n Longo, Luigi: 529
LCT'a: 103, 105, 108, 119, 123, 129, 131, 320, LST's: 103, 105, 108, 119, 123, 125, 126, 127,
393,396,499 128, 133, 136, 159, 160, 161n, 320, 360, 361,
LCVP's : 103, 125, 126, 127, 128, 133, 159, 161n, 362,363, 389,389n,393,499
363,393,394 Lucas, Maj. Gen. John P.: 206n, 235, 236, 426,
Leahy, Admiral William D. : 2n, 7, 21, 259 427,427n,430
Leesc, Lt. Gen. Oliver : 61-62, 63, 207, 224, 248, Luftflollnkommando. S-. German Air Force,
249,342n Sccond.
Leghom (Livomo): 215, 460, 473, 522 Luftwaft"e. Se German Air Force.
LEHRGA.NG. Su Evacuation of Sicily. Lyle, Capt. James B.: 138, 170
Lemnitzer, Brig. Gen. Lyman L.: 56, 485, 508, 509
Lentini: 191, 216 Machine gum, Allied: 150, 152, 170, 177, 179,
Leonardi, Contrammiraglio Priamo: 240 340, 365,393,398,402,404
Leonforte: 207, 233, 248, 300, 307 Machine guna, Axis: 126-27, 131, 133, 137-
Lewis, Col. 'Harry L.: 499 38, 139, 143, 144, 150, 183, 325, 334, 338,
Liberal Party, ltalian: 42 344,357,396,400,533
Liberty ships: 100-lOln, 174, 177 Mackemen, Ham Georg von: 242, 283n, 284,
Libya: 32 287, 288, 289, 473
Licata: 58, 59, 63, 79, 86, 89, 91, 96, 97, 98, 99, Macmillan, Harold: 449, 474, 476, 478, 540, 543,
107, 110, 120, 131, 133, 163, 165, 179, 191, 546,549
192, 196, 197, 226, 240, 256, 256n, 422, 508, McGinity, Capt. James: 119, 143
509 McGrigor, Rear Adm. R. R. : 320, 380. See also
as Allied objcctive: 99 Inshore Squadron, British Navy.
assault on: 123, 125, 131, 132, 133 Maddalena: 468, 470, 475, 533
Licodia Eubea: 206, 208 Maddo": 147
Liebenatein, Fregattenkapitaen Gustav von : 374, Madonie Mountains: 214
376, 409, 410, 411 Madrid: 65, 444
Light divisiona, U.S., proposed: 424 Maintenance, Allied: 91, 102, 102n
Lightnings: 261. Su also P-38'1. Maletto : 385
Linosa: 70, 72, 118 Malpcrtugio River: 316
Liri valley: 522 Malta: 52, 54, 61, 92, 107, 108, 110, 115, 118,
Lisbon. See Castellano, peace miuion of; Zanussi, 119,421,494, 533,541
pcace miasion of. Malta Command, RAF: 107
List, Generalfeldmarschall Wilhelm: 33n Malta conference: 548, 549-51
List Oberbefehlshaber Suedost: 33n Manfredi, Contrammiraglio Giuseppc: 255
Livomo. See Leghom. Manhart, Lt. Col. Aahton: 352, 359, 361
Ljubljana: 373, 469 Manziana: 524
Ljubljana-Tarvia pass: 469, 472 Maps, Allied military: 459
Loesch Film: 35n
Marchesi, Maj. Luigi: 482, 490n, 500, 511, 517
Logistical opcratioru, Allied. Su also Mainte-
nance, Allied; Shipping, Allied; Supplies, Marciani, Generale di Divisione Giovanni: 238,
Allied. . 254
ftoating supply reserve: 102 Mariotti, Generale di Divisione: 524
for Sicilian Campaign : 7, 89, 102-03, 420 Marras, Generale di Corpo d' Arma ta Efisio:
Eighth Army: 92 286,287,296,369
and GrANT 11 : 486, 489, 500 Manala: 110, 255
Palermo as center of: 256 Manala naval base: 238
and railroad linea: 256-5 7 Manala River: 255
Lombard plain: 14 Marshall, General George C.: 3, 14, 21, 69, 70,
Long terms: 26, 273-74, 276, 277, 447, 449, 461, 109,259, 273, 275-76,279,437,438,541
Marshall, General George C.-Continued Military party, Italian: 41
at Algien Conference : 23, 24 Military police, U.S.: 419
and Sicilian Campaign: 9-10, 66 Millar, Capt. Walter K.: 399, 400, 404
1trategic views of: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9-10, 17, 22, MINCEJilaAT: 64-65
435-36, 437, 439-40 Mine field1: 251, 253, 255, 316, 344, 353, 399
"Martin, Major," and Operation MINCEMEAT: Mine 1weepen, U.S.: 147, 318
64-65 Mines: 137, 158, 159, 224, 316, 321, 329, 348,
Muon, Maj. Gen. Stanhope B.: 155n 352,362,382,385,387,401,402,410,524-25
Muon-MacFarlane, Lt. Gen. Sir Noel: 54-0-43, Ministen, Italian: 517, 528
545, 546, 547, 548 Mirto: 389
Matriel, Axis: 306, 374, 377. Su als" Equip- Mistretta: 321, 322
ment, Axis. Mobile reserves, Axis: 80, 83, 84, 86, 87, 451
Mazzarino: 93,202,203, 222,223, 231,233 Mobilization, U .S.: 5
Meda) of Honor awarda: 196n, 230n, 33ln, 347 Modena: 442
Medical Corps, U .S. : 419 Modane: 442
Medica! unita, U.S.: 498 Modica: 190
Mediterranean operations, Allied: 3, 4-5, 6, 7, Molinero, Generale di Brigata Giuaeppe: 254
8, 11, 14, 1~19, 20-22, 23, 66-67, 73, 25~ Mollarella Rock: 131
59, 262, 278, 435, 436, 438, 439, 440. S11 also Monacci, Generale di Brigata Ettore: 410
1talian mainland invasion. Monarchy, Italian : 19, 25, 40, 41, 42, 50, 242,
Mediterranean operationa, Axis: 27, 31 269, 272, 281, 440, 464, 475, 476, 546, 549.
Melilli : 202 Su also Victor Emmanuel 111, King.
Mmoria 44: 481, 491, 514, 515, 515n, 525, 534 Monrovia: 108, 158
Mmoria 45: 491n Monta~ri, Franco: 444, 446, 455, 457, 460, 461,
Men el Kebir: 493 474,478, 482
Messina: 82, 164, 191, 207, 207n, 231, 243, 245, Montaperto: 22~30
246, 248, 257, 259, 260, 327, 346, 387, 405, Monte Acuto: 328, 333, 334, 339, 340, 342, 343
422,423 Monte Barbuzzo : 363, 365
drive for: 210, 234-35, 300-04, 308, 319, 388, Monte Barnagiano. S11 Hill 962.
389, 406-17, 420 Monte Basilio: 329, 333, 336, 338, 339, 340, 343,
and Sicilian invaaion plana: 53, 54 344,345
Messina peninsula: 210, 234, 408. See also Mes- Monte Bianco: 329, 338
sina, drive for. Monte Camolato: 340, 343
Meuina Strait: 13, 22, 52, 82, 89, 214, 236, 263, Monte Canella. See Hill 825.
440, 449, 552. s,, also BAYTOWN. Monte Caolina. Su Hill 937.
Allied bombinga of: 409-10, 411-12 Monte Castagna: 339, 340
antiaircraft defenae of: 376 Monte Cipolla, amphibioua operation at: 391-405
and evacuation of Sicily: 378, 379 Monte della Guardia: 185
traffic regulation acroas: 237 Monte di Celso: 340
Middle East: 5, 67, 92 Monte Femmina Morta: 330
Middleton, Maj. Gen. Troy H.: 95, 108, 141, 155, Monte Lapa: 185
161, 169, 173, 206, 209, 232, 232n, 249, 300, Monte Pelato: 328, 339, 343
316, 318, 320 Monte Pellegrino: 329, 342, 346
Mihailovitch, General Draza: 37, 261, 445 Monte Salid: 329
Milan: 288, 442, 514 Monte Sambughetti: 314
Military collaboration. See Italian Army, military Monte San Fratello: 352, 353, 357, 359, 366
collaboration with Allies. Monte San Gregorio: 329
Military diplomacy: 278, 552. Su also Armistice, Monte San Mercurio: 343
Italo-Allied, negotiations; Rome, American Monte San Silvestro: 338, 339, 342
miuion to. Monte Scimone. See Hill 1321.
Military government for ltaly, Allied plans con- Monte Sole: 131
cerning: 19, 26, 258, 272, 276, 457, 544, 545, Monte Stagliata: 340
548. Se also Occupation of Italy. Monte Timponivoli. s,, Hill 1209.
Military information, from Italy to Allies: 445, Monte Zai : 185
459-60, 463, 476, 505. See also Order of Montenegro : 32, 491
battle, German. Monterosi : 524
Military Intelligence Service, Italian. Su Italian Monterosso Almo: 206, 208, 220
Military Intelligence Service. Monterotondo: 373, 510, 512, 513, 523

Montezemolo, Col. Giuteppe Cordero: 525, 530n Mussolini, Benito-Continued

Montgomery, Field Manhal Sir Bernard L: 55, rescue of: 536-39
58-60, 61,62,89, 91,92, 206-07, 207n, 209n, and Sicilian Campaign: 211, 212, 214
210, 218, 219, 222, 224, 231, 235n, 236, 248, and surrender: 34, 39-40, 41, 51, 215, 239
304, 304n, 319, 380, 387, 389, 411, 414, 416, MusTAHo: 260
420, 421, 422. S11 also British Army units, Mustanga: 261. S11 also A-36'1.
Army, Eighth.
Moore, Lt. Col. Roy E.: 126, 229, 230
Morale Naples: 14, 16, 67, 68, 259, 368, 440, 452, 471,
Axis: 73 473,552
German: 325,342,405,460 assault planncd: 260, 261-63
ltalian: 64, 68, 70, 71, 73, 80, 216, 239-40, bombing of: 278
241, 259, 261, 270, 285, 451, 529, 533, 552. Naro: 98, 155, 192, 194, 196, 197, 199,200
S11 also Defeatism, 1talian. Naro River: 226, 227, 228
U.S.: 314 Naso ridgc: 388, 389, 391, 393, 394, 398, 399,
Moroccaru. S11 Goums. 401, 402, 404, 406. S11 also Monte Cipolla.
Morocco. S11 French Morocco; Spanish Morocco. Naso River: 394, 396, 398, 403, 404
Mortar support, Axis: 137, 139, 321, 325, 330, Naval Bas1 AMgMsta-SyracuS6: 120, 121, 211, 212
334, 337,344,357, 358 Naval Base Messina: 120, 237
Mortar aupport, U.S.: 96, 139, 152, 166, 169, Naval bases, Axis, on Sicily: 79
170, 171, 228, 317, 344, 393, 398, 399, 400, Naval blocltade: 23
401,402,403-04,4-08 Naval bombardment: 133. S11 also Naval gunfirc
Mostaganem: 94, 493 aupport.
Motor boats, German: 213, 376 Naval convoys. S11 Convoys, Allied; Convoys, U.S.
Motor rafts, Italian: 378, 410 Naval tires. S11 Naval gunfire support.
Motor Tranaport Brigadcs (MTB'a): 320 Naval forces, Allied: 88. S11 also Naval opera-
Motor tranaportation, Italian: 486 tions, Allicd; Naval Taak Forces.
Motorcyclcs, German: 396 Naval forces, Axis: 33n, 73, 82
Motta: 321, 323 Naval gunfire support, Allied: 106, 111, 120, 129,
Mount Cenia pass: 284, 294, 442, 472 131, 137, 139, 150, 150n, 151, 152, 154,
Mount Etna: 53, 207, 210, 218, 235, 246, 248, 167, 167n, 170, 171, 173, 174, 352, 353, 401,
304,307,319,345,378, 387,422 402,419n
Mountain Training School, German: 284 cxccllcnce of: 419
Mountaina, Sicilian: 245, 309, 348, 352 friendly planea fired at: 175-76, 178-79, 182-
Mountbatten, Admira! Lord Louia: 206 83, 183n, 218
Mulcs: 348, 348n, 352, 359, 393, 398, 399 at Monte Cipolla: 398, 400, 401, 403
Munich: 442, 469 Naval operations, Allied: 420. S11 also Amphibi-
Munitions, ltalian: 500, 502 ous operations, Allied; Naval gunfire aup-
Murphy, Lt. Col. Preston J. C.: 145, 156, 220, port; Naval aupport; Seabome operations.
321 and evacuation of Sicily by Axia: 378, 379-80
Murphy, Robert D.: 463, 474, 476, 477, 478, 540, and Pantclleria asaault: 69, 70, 72
543,546,549 in Sicilian invasion: 59, 88, 89, 100, 103-06,
Musx.ET: 16, 67, 260-61, 262 108, 110-11, 129, 131
Mussolini, Benito: 24, 25, 31, 35, 36, 51, 52, 73, Naval salvage parties: 161
74, 78, 203, 213, 242n, 242-43, 244, 271, 272, Naval support, Allicd: 320, 380, 382, 405, 419.
278, 281, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 289, S11 also Naval gunfire support.
291, 295, 296, 297, 368, 417, 440, 445, 452, Naval Task Forces
454, 460, 464, 470, 492, 500, 520, 543, 544, Eastem: 89
552 Western: 89, 100, lOOn
on Allied invasion plans: 45-46, 47, 48 81 (Hall's): 100, 136, 159
cabinct changes by: 39 85 (Kirk's) : 100, 139
Goebbels on: 49 86 (Conolly's): 100, 123, 133
and Hitler: 27, 29, 30, 34, 38, 215, 239, 240, 88 (Davidson's): 320, 349, 352, 362, 399, 401,
241, 242,536,539 401., 403
and ltalian Army: 29, 32 Naval vessels, Allied: 108, 110, 119, 177, 258,
overthrow of: 40-42, 50, 263-64, 266, 267-69, 317-18, 485, 486, 488, 516. S11 also Naval
270, 274, 282, 306 gunfirc support; Naval operations; individual
popularity diminiahcs: 39, 44 names of ships and individual types of ships.
Naval vessels, Axia: 376, 377, 411n, 457, 472, 474. Obrkommando ds HHrs (OKH): 27, 32
Su also German Navy; ltalian Fleet; Italian Occupation of ltaly
Navy. Allied: 12, 17-18, 448. S11 also Military govcrn-
Navy, U.S.: 69. S11 also Naval Tulr. Forces. ment.
and Air Force1: 106 Gennan: 283-84, 297-98, 372, 448, 46-4. s,_
and Allied antiaircraft cawtropbe: 175-76, also ..tCHSE; ..tL..tRICH; KONST..tNTIN;
and Sicilian invaaion: 10. S also Naval gun- OKH. s.. Obrkommando des Hn.s.
firc aupport; Naval opcrations. OKL. SH Oberkommando dr Luftwaff6.
Nazi party: 30, 298, 472 OKM. Su Obrkommando dr Krigsmann.
Nelson: 549
Netberlanda: 6, 44 OKW. S Oberkommando dn Whrmaeht.
Nettuno: 522 Oliva, Anuniraglio Romeo: 533
NeviUe: 143 Oliveri : 409
New Guinea: 425 Opcrations DiviJion (OPD): 3
Newspapcr corrcapondentl: 390, 429, 431 Oran: 94,95, 102, 108,493,498
Nice: 288, 290, 442, 472 Order of battle, Gcrman: 297, 298, 444
Nicoletta ridge: 353, 358-60 Order of battle, ltalian: 463
Nicoletta River: 353, 358 Orden, Allicd. s.. Directivca, Allicd.
Nicosia: 207, 233, 235, 309-15, 319, 324, 327, 336, Orden, German
374 for cvacuation of Sicily: 374n, 374-75
Night fighting: 165, 173 Hitler'1 accrct: 214
Night ftying: 93, 101, 117, 157, 175, 177-80, 181, on ltalian troop1: 534
424 Orden, ltalian. s.. also Dircctivcs, ltalian.
Ncemi: 100, 101, 117, 135, 136, 139, 153, 165, poatannistice: 514, 515
174, 187, 188, 206, 217, 222, 419 Roatta'1: 513-14, 517-18, 519, 535. Se also
Nocera: 477 Memoria 44.
Nolan, Lt. Col. R. W.: 143
Orizaba: 158
Normandy invuion. s.. Crou-Cbannel invasion.
Nortb Africa; 1, 3-4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 14, 29, 32, 33, Orlando, Vittorio Emanuele: 281 n
34, 35, 45, 46, 47, 48, 54, 61, 64, 65, 66, 92, Oaborne, Sir D'Arcy Q.: 42, 296, 297, 441, 455,
93, 94, 95, 96, 107, 177, 213, 256, 257, 419, 462,483
421,422,473,482,498,519,553 Ostia: 476
Nortb African Air Force Troop Carrier Com- OvuLORD. Su Crou-Channcl invasion.
mand: 424
Northwest African Air Force1 Troop Carricr Com-
mand (NAAFTCC): 93, 175n P-38 11: 120, 120n, 194, 261, 412
Nortbwcst African Strategic Air Force (NASAF): P-39'1: 261
108,379,380,411,4lln,412 P-40's: 73, 261
P-40 fighter groupa: 107
Nortbwest African Tactical Aii Force (NATAF):
P-5l's: 342
102, 107, 379, 380, 411, 411n, 412
Paccasai, Fligbt Oflicer J. C.: 179
Norway: 3, 4, 27, 45, 436 Pachino pcnimula: 52, 61, 62, 63, 91, 123, 163
Novara di Sicilia: 386, 413
Pack Train. See Provisional Pack Train.
"Nye, Archie": 64, 65 Pact of Stccl. See ltalo-German alliance.
Palazzo Caprara: 500, 502, 512, 517, 518
Oberbfehlshabn Sued. Su Commander in Chief
Soutb. Palazzolo Acreidc: 111, 164-65, 170, 172, 205
Oberkommando dn KriegsmariJH (OKM): 27, Palcrmo: 53, 54, 58, 60, 76, 196, 201n, 224, 226,
33n 226n,230, 233,234,238, 245,256, 256n, 300,
Oberkommando d.r Luftwaff (OKL): 27, 83 304, 320, 399,401,403,417,418,423,506
drivc for: 235-36, 244-54, 246n
Ob.rkommando dr Wehrmaeht (OKW): 27, 29, surrcndcr of: 254
30, 32, 33, 36, 37, 38, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51,
65, 74, 75, 78, 82, l57n, 203, 240, 241, 244, Palermo naval base: 238
263, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, Palestinc: 6
292, 293, 294, 368, 371, 372, 373, 374, 375, Palma, Generalc di Brigata Vittorio: 517
452, 469, 470, 471, 472, 473, 497, 522, 523, Palma di Montcchiaro: 98, 99, 192, 197, 235
533-34 Palma River: 129

Pantelleria: 52, 63, 107, 119 Patton, General George S., Jr.-Continued
Allied assault on: 69-73 rearrangement of forces by: 23~31
fall of: 72, 73-74, 75 1lapping inCidents: 42~31
Parachute Infantry units, U.S.: 424 and tactical planning for Sicilian campaign:
Regiment, 504th; 94, 175, 176, 177, 18ln, 181- 59,60,91,96,97,98, 105--06
82, 185, 250, 255,498,499 Pearl Harbor: 2
Regiment, 505th: 94, 115, 117, 139, 142, 157, Pelagian blanda: 70, 73, 75
175, 182, 418, 498, 499 Peloponnesus: 64, 65, 203
D-day landings: 117-18, 119 Perry, Col. Redding L.: 158, 174n
in Trapani action: 255 Pescara: 517, 518, 524, 528, 532
Battalions Ptain, Marshal Henri: 464
lst, 504th: 17 5 Pc:tralia: 245-46, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 311
lst, 505th: 118, 150 Pettineo: 318, 321
2d, 504th: 175 PhiladlPhia: 178, 393, 398, 399, 403, 403n
2d, 505th: 117, 119, 142, 156 Photographs. S11 Aerial photographs.
2d, 509th: 406 Piano Lupo: 101, 119, 135, 136, 139, 150, 153,
3d, 504th: 94, 101, 115 154, 156, 164, 168, 169, 171
3d, 505th: 119, 142, 144, 168 Piazza Armerina: 97, 98, 164, 192, 198, 217, 248
376th Field Artillery: 175, 179, 255 Piccardi, Lc:opoldo: 531
456th Field Artillery: 144 Pietraperzia: 198, 217, 232, 233
Parachute landings. S11 Airdrops. Pillboxes, Italian: 133, 139, 141, 143, 144, 251,
Parachute task force, U.S.: 98, 136 253, 353
Parachutes: 92, 93 Pincer movements, U.S.: 125, 131, 133, 156, 189,
"Parallel war" concept: 3~32 341
Paratroopen, British: 218-19, 219n, 260. Su also Piper L-4'1: 133n, 418
British Army units, Division, ht Airbome. Piramo: 399
Paratroopen, German: 204, 218, 500, 514, 516, Piaa: 15, 470
523,525,527,537 Pizza Spina: 31~17
Paratroopers, U.S.: 92, 93, 101, 102, 106, 110, Planes: See Aircraft, Allied; Aircraft, Axis; and
136, 139, 154, 155, 165, 167, 185, 187, 423, by nam and dsignalion.
508, 509. S11 also Airborne units; Parachute Plannen, Allied. S11 also Force 141.
Infantry units. air: 120
and airdrop failure: 15~57 AFHQ: 13, 14, 16, 65-66, 258, 259-60
and Allied antiaircraft disaster: 175, 176, 177- CCS: 258-59, 425
78, 179, 181, 18ln, 192 tactical, for Sicilian Campaign: 53, 54, 63, 64,
Biazzo Ridge stand: 168-69, 172-73 65-66,88
D-day operations of: 117, 118-19, 142 Plannen, British: 4, 436
in Piano Lupo drive: 150, 152 and armiatice terma for 1taly: 25-26
Parb, Air Vice Manhal Keith: 549 strategic: 15-16, 18, 19, 21, 258, 259
Party of Action, Italian: 42 Plannen, U.S.:
Passive resistance, Italian: 447 Army os. Navy, Sicilian invasion: 106
Puso Pisciero: 205 for GrANT II: 488-89
Patrols, U.S.: 155, 156, 170, 187, 193, 198, 217, logistical, for Sicilian Campaign: l 02
233, 254, 304, 321, 329, 330, 346, 347, 365, tactical, for Sicilian Campaign: 88
386,404 strategic: 17-19, 258, 259
Patti: 408 Planning. S Auault plam; Strategic planning,
Patton, General George S., Jr.: 55, 56, 94, 108, Allied: Stratqic planning, Axis; Tactical
158, 159, 169-70, 174, l 74n, 175, 176, 189, planning, Allied; Tactical planning, Axis.
197, 199, 200, 201, 205, 206, 206n, 209, 231, Plam. S Air plan; Allault plana; Tactical plan.
245, 246n, 252, 253, 257, 349, 380, 390, 391, Platani River: 245, 250.
406, 408, 412, 421, 423. S11 also Army, Ploeati oil fields: 14
Seventh, U .S. Po valley: 15, 45, 50, 371, 439
and Agrigento drive: 224 Poggio del Moro: 345
and Alexander: 210, 211, 235-36, 245-46 Poggio Lungo: 133, 197
and Messina drive: 304, 305, 388-89, 413, 414 Point Braccetto: 141, 144, 145
and Palermo: 224, 226, 226n, 235-36, 244, 254 Point Branco Grande: 141, 145
performance as commander of Seventh Army: Point Camerina: 141
425-26 Point San Nicola: 127
893-029 o 8~ - 40
Point Zafaglione: 144 Puglia: 244, 263, 282, 368, 452, 471, 473, 522,
Pola: 294, 370, 473 534
Polack, Col. Fritz: 393, 396, 397, 399-400 Punta delle due Rocche: 133
Ponte Dirillo: 100, 118, 119, 135, 141, 142, 143, Puntoni, Generale di Divisione Paolo: 264, 266,
164, 168, 172, 173 511
Ponte Grande: 121
Ponte Olivo: 61, 96, 117, 135, 136, 174, 200 QuADRANT Conference (Quebec)
Ponton causeways: 105, 159-60, l 74n, 408 Long terma agreed on: 448-49
Pope Pius XII: 40, 283 and 1trategic planning: 435-36, 437, 438-40
Port Defense "N," Paurmo: 196, 254
Quebec Memorandum: 447-48, 457, 475, 484,
Port-Lyautey: 95
Port Said: 52
Quebec telegram: 457-58, 460, 461
Porta San Paolo : 530 Qu1111 Mary: 19
Portal, Air Chief Manhal Sir Charles: 11 Quirinal Palace: 511, 512, 527
Portella di Reccativo: 233, 249, 300, 301
Porter, Ellis: 504n
Porter, Lt. Col. Ray W., Jr.: 325 Rabat: 94
Porto Empedocle: 110, 209, 224, 226, 228, 230, Radar: 82, 107
235,256,256n Raddusa: 224
Ports Radio Algien: 508-09
Adriatic: 24 Radio Bari: 540
ltalian: 67, 68, 457 Radio broadcasting, Allied: 278, 508-09. See also
Sicilian: 53, 54, 58, 63, 89, 96-97, 98, 110 British Broadcasting Corporation; Eilen-
Postumia-Ljubljana gap: 436 hower, broadcasu to ltalians.
Pozzallo: 97 Radio broadcasting, Italian: 488, 513, 515, 516-
Pratica di Mare: 286 17, 528, 529, 530. See also Radio Rome.
Prichard, Lt. Col. Leslie A.: 352 Radio communication, ltalo-Allied, ICCl'et: 459,
Priolo: 123, 202 461, 466-67, 478, 490, 495-96, 503, 504,
Priaonen of war, Allied: 447, 454, 468. S11 also 505,532,535,540
Casualtie1, British; Casualties, U.S. Radio communication, U.S.: 176, 189, 399, 400,
Prisonen of war, Axis: 255, 323, 419, 456n, 457, 401,404,499-500
468. See also Casualties, Axis; Casualties, Ger- Radio Rome: 508, 509, 513
man; Casualties, ltalian; Priaonen of war, Radio stations, Axis: 71
German; Priaonen of war, Italian. RAF: 107
Prisonen of war, German: 168-69, l 73n, 342, 394. Ragusa: 91, 96, 98, 100, 156, 189, 190
See also Casualties, Axis; Casualties, German. Rahn, Rudolf: 473, 483, 497, 514
Prisonen of war, Italian: 139, 223, 228, 253, 314. Railroads
See also Casualties, Axis; Casualties, I talian. Italian : 24-25, 288, 291, 293,412, 533
retum of, promised: 270, 275 Sicilian: 256-57, 309
of Germans: 533, 534 Railway Operating Battalion, U.S., 727th: 256
Procyon: 178 "Raimondi, Signor": 441, 444. See also Castellano,
Generale di Brigata Giuseppe.
Promemoria 1: 491
Ramsey, Vice Adm. Sir Bertram H.: 89
Promemoria 2: 491, 492n, 514 Randazzo: 207, 345,346,378,393,404,418
Propaganda. See also Radio broadcasting, Allied; and Axis evacuation of Sicily: 382, 385, 386
Radio broadcasting, I talian. bombing of: 385, 385n
Allied: 298, 543-44 Ranger Battalions, U .S.: 95, 100, 165, 220, 25 2-5 3
German: 524 and Axis counterattack: 169-70
Italian: 239-40, 548 and Gela assault: 136, 137-39, 152-53
Propaganda officers, Allied: 505 lst: 96
Provisional Corps. See under Corps, U.S. 3d: 96, 125, 200, 227, 391
Provisional Mounted Troop: 348 in Green Beach assault: 131-32
Provisional Pack Train: 348. See also Mules. in Montaperto drive: 228
Prunas, Renato: 297, 455, 461 4th: 96
Psychological warfare: 272, 275. See also Propa- Rapido River: 552
ganda; Radio broadcasting, Allied; Radio Ravenna: 15, 445, 459
broadcasting, Italian. Reconnaissance, German: 148, 398. See also Air
"Puddle-jumpers". See Piper L-4's. reconnaissance, Axis.
Reconnaisaance units, U.S.: 107, 192, 194, 201, Rizzo, Franco Babuzzio: 296
224, 228, 229, 230, 235, 25~51, 253, 304, Road junctiona:
312-13, 498 Bompietro: 313
Battalion, 82d: 174n, 254 highway: 209, 222
Squadron, 9ht; 311, 314, 330, 331 Maletto : 385
Red Beach: 125, 133, 141, 161 Piano Lupo: 150, 151, 152, 188
asaault on: 125-31, 143 Y: 135
characterized : 126-2 7 Roadblocb: 79, 101, 185, 196, 200, 201, 206,
Red Beach 2: 136, 143, 158, 159, 160 228, 233, 249, 255, 300, 301, 348, 365, 513,
Reese, Pvt. James W.: 344, 344n 514
Regalbuto: 307, 319, 341, 342n Roads, Italian. Stt Via tntrits.
Reggio di Calabria: 16, 214, 237, 260, 483 Roads, Sicilian : 53, 100, 101, 135, 141, 149, 195-
Regimenta! Combat Teams. Ste lnfantry Regi- 96, 208, 211, 226, 233n, 245, 249, 301, 318,
ments, U. S. 336, 339-40, 401, 418-19. See also Highway
Reinforcements, Axis: 54, 64, 65, 74-75, 203, 204, tntrits.
212-13, 216, 237, 242, 243, 244, 263, 282, Butera: 152
289, 29~94, 293n, 308, 368, 369, 372, 373, in Cancicattl area: 198-99, 200
442,451,452,462,477,492,534 Cesarl>-San Fratello: 352-53, 357
Reporters. S11 Newspaper correspondents. to Messina: 207
Reprisals, German: 513 Niscemi-Piano Lupo: 154, 164, 165, 166, 168
executions: 533, 534 north cout. Set Highway 113.
threatened: 445, 453, 458, 464, 467, 547 Ponte Olivo-Mazzarino: 206
Reschen Pass: 373 Santa Croce Camerina-Vittoria: 142
Reserves, German: 237, 294, 477. Su also Mobile Roatta, Generale di Corpo d' Armata Comandante
reserves, Axis; Reinforcements, Axis. Designato d'Armata Mario: 47, 76, 77, 79,
Reserves, Italian. Set Mobile reserves, Italian. 214, 215, 242, 263, 275, 281, 282, 285, 286,
Reserves, U. S.: 97-98, 136, 187, 200. Su also 287, 288, 290, 293, 294, 368, 372, 373, 374,
Floating reserve. 441, 452, 455, 458, 460, 462, 466, 479, 490,
Reaources, Allied: 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 25, 258-59, 261, 491, 491n, 494n, 500, 501, 514, 520, 523,
262, 278,436,437,439,449 528,529,534,542,549
Revel, Grand Admiral Paolo Thaon di: 42, 43 at Bologna conference: 452-53
Rhodes: 44, 514 and Caatellano's mission: 453-54
Ribbentrop, Joachim von: 35n, 36-37, 283, 283n, and defense of Italy and Rome: 289, 451, 492,
369, 371 493,510,513-14,515,516
Ricci, Umberto: 517, 528, 532 and evacua tion of Rome: 51 7, 518, 524
Richardson, Maj. Gen. A. A.: 549 and German relations: 289, 503, 510, 512,
Richthofen, Feldmarschall Wolfram Freiherr von: 513-14
78, 78n, 241, 295 and Italian mainland invasion: 493-94, 495,
Ridgway, Maj. Gen. Matthew B.: 93, 94, 101-02, 496, 502, 503
108, 182,254-55,498,508 orders and directives: 513-14, 515, 517-18,
on airborne forces: 157, 424 519, 535. Set also Memoria 44.
and Allied antiaircraft diaaster: 175-76, 179, Robert Rowan: 177, 179
184 Rocca di Mana: 338, 340, 343
and G1ANT 11: 485, 486, 488, 489, 498, 499 Roccella River: 300
Rieai: 192, 193, 197, 198, 199, 200 Rocket launchers. Set Bazookas.
Rifle grenades: 317 Rodt, Generalmajor Eberhard: 81, 84, 192, 196,
Rifle support, Axis: 133, 137-38, 139, 144, 343 198, 217, 233, 301, 313, 315, 324, 341,
Rifle support, U.S.: 150, 152, 317, 340, 402, 404 342, 345, 346, 352, 382, 385-87, 388, 404,
Rifle units, U.S.: 189, 344-45, 361, 363, 365, 405
366, 393,394,396,397,400 Rot: 129
Rintelen, General der lnfanterie Enno von: 32, Rogen, Col. Arthur R.: 125, 357, 358, 361, 401,
33, 33n, 36, 49, 51, 74, 21 ln, 282, 284, 285, 408
287, 291, 292n, 369, 372, 452, 471, 472, 473, Roma: 532-33
510 Rome : 14, 24, 38, 68, 71, 72, 441, 442, 444, 448,
on 1talian armed forces: 48 449, 452, 458, 467, 472, 484, 499, 500, 501,
in Italy: 32, 33 502, 503, 505, 512, 513, 514, 515
peace moves of: 291, 292-93, 294-95 and airborne operation by Allies. See G!ANT 11.
Riviera: 472 American mission to: 499-502, 503-05
Rome----Continued Salonika: 445
batde for, Germana and Italiana: 524-32 Salso River: 97, 99, 232, 233, 245
bombing of: 24-25, 250, 278, 279, 292, 442 Sakti, Col. Giorgio: 500, 518, 519, 525, 528
deferue of: 289, 464, 480, 492, 493, 510, 513-14, Sampieri: 176
516, 524-32. Su also M1moria 44. Samu1l Chas1: 108
evacuation of: 516-19, 527-28 San Fratello: 349-67, 374, 380, 382, 388, 393,
Gennan occupation of: 532 418, 419
German threat of 1eizure of: 283, 284, 285, 288, San Gngorio: 344
289, 298, 368, 372, 442, 451-52, 453, 464, San Marco d'Alunzio: 365, 366
470, 476, 481, 515-16. See also .A.CHSE, Plan. San Michele di Ganzeria: 202
and Italian mainland invasion: 437, 440, 473, San Nicola Rock: 127
474,475,477-78,522, 531 San Oliva Station: 128
liberation of: 551, 552 Sandalli, Generale di Divisione Aerea Renato: 492,
u open city: 278-80, 373, 469 511, 517, 549
Rommel, Generalfeldmanchall Erwin: 4, 32, 35, Sangro River: 552
49,50,51, 226n, 241, 242, 282, 283,284, 285, Santa Caterina: 233, 246, 248
371-72, 442, 452, 453, 460, 469, 472, 497, Santa Croce Camerina: 142, 156
522,534 Santa Ninfa: 255
Rooks, Maj. Gen. Lowell S.: 15, 24, 67, 236, 262, Santa Teresa: 412, 414
440,485,486,503,504,504n,506n Sant' Agata: 352, 363, 365
R001evelt, Franklin Delano: 1, 3, 11, 12, 19, 20, Santo Stefano di Cama1tra: 214, 307....08, 321-23,
23, 40, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 348, 352, 360
279, 287, 435, 442, 443, 444, 446, 447, 456n, Sanzi, Alfredo: 530n
458, 461, 462, 507, 535, 540, 544, 547, 548, Sardinia: 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22n,
549,550 23, 24, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, SI, 52, 67, 73,
and Italian armiltice: 274, 276-77, 448, 449, 74, 109, 110, 203, 239, 258, 259, 283, 284,
545,546 438, 453, 459, 460, 463, 464, 471, 473, 481,
and strategic planning: 4, 7, 437, 438 493,494,506,515,535,541,542,543
Rooscvelt, Brig. Gen. Theodore: 158, 313, 339, 347 defense1 of: 75, 76
Ro.e, Brig. Gen. Maurice: 125, 197, 199, 253 invuion plan. S11 BRIMSTONE.
Rosmarino River: 363, 365, 366, 367, 388 and MINCEMEAT: 64, 65
Rossi, Generale di Corpo d'Armata Cario: 84, Sarno: 477
242n, 369, 441, 452-53, 465, 490, 491, 494, Savannah: 137, 137n, 170
494n,495,496,500,501,505,510 Scaletta: 414
and armistice announcement: 503, 504, 519-20 Schacht, Capt. Hans: 526
and GIANT 11: 495, 496, 503 Schaefer, Lt. Col. lrving O.: 144
RouNDHAMMER: 437. S11 also Cross-Channel in- Schaefer, Lt. Col. William: 142, 143, 155, 155n
vuion. Scheel. See Vietinghoff gennant Scheel, General
RouNDUP: 3, 5. See also Crou-Channel invasion. der Panzertruppen Heinrich von.
Rowan. Su Robert Rowan. Schmalz, Col. Wilhelm: lT.3, 147n, 148, 191,
Royal Air Force, Malta Command: 107 204,216,219,240
Ruini, Meuccio: 531 Schmundt, Generalmajor Rudolf: 287
Rumania: 8, 12, 40, 44, 298 Schreiber, Generale di Brigata Ottorino: 197-
Rundstedt, Generalfeldmanchall Gerd von: 283, 98, 200, 217
284, 288, 472-73 SCHW.A.RZ, Operation: 452
Ruuia. Su Russo-German campaign; Union o Sciacca: 251
Soviet Socialist Republics. Scoglitti: 97, 98, 100, 141, 143, 144, 161, 165,
Russo-German campaign: 22, 23, 32, 35, 45, 46, 177, 256n, 418, 419
241,244,417,435,445,458 Scordia: 207
Sabotage, Italian: 447, 497 Scorza, Count Cario: 39, 267, 549, 551
St. George's Hotel: 56 Scout planes: 151n
Salemi: 255 Seabome operations, Allied: 259, 498-99, 500, 508,
Salemo: 262-63, 368, 449, 452, 465, 471, 482, 509. Su also Amphibious operations, Allied.
498,500,503 Second Front, Axis: 240-U, 242
Salemo landings: 482, 505, 509, 520, 521, 522, Senger und Etterlin, Generalleutnant Fridolin
524, 530, 531, 535, 536, 540, 541, 552. See von: 82, 148, 163, 170, 172, 173, 203, 204,
also I talian mainland invasion. 205, 214,215, 223,237,309,375

Senise, Carmine: 39 Smith, Maj. Gen. Walter B.-Continued

Serradifalco: 233 and ltalian mainland invuion: 489, 490
Sfax: 92 Smoke ICl"eeDI: 131, 40 l
Shelly, ht Lt. M. C.: 181 Smythe, Col. George W.: 343, 382, 385
Sherman, Col. Harry B.: 125, 129, 227, 401 Snipen: 321, 4-00
Ship-to-shore operationa: 100, 105 Socialist Party, ltalian: 42
Shipping, Allied: 6, 7, 8, 10, 16, 17, 18, 60, 62, SOC'1: 147n
73, 105, 159, 177,320,473,486 Sogno, Generale di Corpo d' Armata Vittorio:
Shipping, Italian: 485 527-28
Ships. s,, Naval veuels, Allied: Naval veuels, Soleri, Marcello: 43
Axis. Soleti: 537
Shore parties, U.S. : 161, 170n, 171, 401, 403. Solinas, Generale di Brigata Gioacchino: 525, 529
S11 also Beach parties; Naval salvage parties. Somervell, Lt. Gen. Brehon B.: 8
Shore-to-shore operations: 100, 105 Sommatino: 192, 197, 199, 200
Short (military) temu: 273, 274, 276, 277, 447, Sorice, Generale di Brigata in Riaerva Antonio:
448, 449, 461, 462, 465, 541, 549, 558 282, 511, 517, 518,,527, 528, 529
negotiations over: 455-59. S11 also Cassibile and armistice renunciation: 511
conference. and capitulation to Germam: 530, 531
QUADR.ANT discusaion of: 448, 449
Souae: 70
1igning of: 483, 484, 501
South Tyrol: 373, 533
Shortages, German: 37
Shortages, ltalian: 37, 81, 298, 457, 459-60, 480, Southem France: 4, 12, 15, 17, 22, 32, 45, 46, 65,
485, 500,502,542-43 67, 435, 436, 438, 439, 472. See also France.
Shorter bridgehead line. See Tortorici line. Soviet Union. s,, Union of Soviet Sociali1t R.e-
Shubrid: 137, 137n, 152 publia.
Sicily: l, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 33, 44, 45, 46, Spaatz, Lt. Gen. Carl: 182, 379
47, 48, 49, 50, 73, 75, 269, 275, 282, 283, Spadafora: 413, 414, 415
284, 295, 459, 465, 4 73, 498, 499, 508, 541, Spain: 5, 8, 43, 45, 46, 55, 65
551. S11 also Evacuation of Sicily, Axit. Spaniah Morocco: 55
Axis defenses on: 66, 75-77, 79-80, 83, 84, 86- Sperlinga: 301, 312, 314, 336
87, 126-27, 163 Spitfires: 107, 261, 339, 340
geographical features: 52-53. S11 also Terrain, SS agentl: 492
of Sicily. Stalin, Manhal Joseph: 11, 34, 35, 458, 545, 546
1trategic importance of: 52, 213
SIEGFRIED: 284 Stalingrad: 1, 34, 37, 213, 372
Signal communications, ltalian: 79-80, 163 Stark, Admiral Harold R..: 2n
Signa! Corps, U.S.: 419 State Department, U.S.: 19, 26, 269, 273, 279,
Signal units, U .S.: 498 449
Signals, U .S. : 195 Stato Maggiore Generale. s,, Comando Supremo.
Sillian Pass: 373 Stato Maggiore Regia Aeronautiea (Superur10):
Simeto River: 207, 218, 219, 223, 224, 385, 393 29,491
Skorzeny, Capt. Otto: 284, 285, 286, 368, 452, Stato Maggiort Regia Marina (Supermarina):
470,536,537 29, 33n, 71, 72, 110, 491, 533n
Sladen, Lt. Col. Fred W., Jr.: 359, 360, 361 Stato Maggio Regio Esereilo (Su;eresereilo):
SLl!.DOEHAMME.R: 3n 29-30,49, 77,216, 281, 307n, 369
Slovenia: 32 Steamboats, ltalian: 378
Small arms support, Allied: 154, 170 Stefanis, de, Generale di Corpo d'Armata Giu-
Small arms support, Axis: 169, 300, 318, 321, 330, seppe: 292, 510, 511, 515, 518, 524
338, 344,358,402 Stephenson, Lt. Col. Edward F.: 144
Small craft, ltalian: 546 Stemberg, Lt. Col. Ben: 185
Small craft, U.S.: 160, 379 Stimson, Henry L: 437, 438
Smith, Col. George A.: 159, 303, 341 Stolfi, Dr. Edoardo: 529-30
Smith, Maj. Gen. Walter B.: 11, 24, 444n, 455n, Storch aircraft: 537-38
485, 546, 547, 549 Strait of Gibraltar: 82
and armiatice negotiationa: 455, 457, 457-58, Strait of Meuina. S11 Meuina Strait.
458n, 459, 460, 462, 463, 474, 475, 476, Strategic planning, Allied: 1-26, 66-67, 258--63,
478,482,483,484,548 268--69, 278,435-40
Strategic planning, Axis: 34-35, 37-38, 213, 368 Tactical planning, Allied-Continued
Strength, Allied: 8-9, 53, 107, 203, 212, 262, for Meuina drive: 234-35, 245, 246, 248, 319,
417n, 421, 424, 425, 468, 474, 475, 477, 479, 413-14
512 naval operations: 59, 89, 100, 106
Strength, Axis: 32, 47, 48, 53, 63, 64, 226-27, for Nicosia attack: 314
238, 301-02, 449, 458, 459, 477, 500, 501, for Palcrmo drive: 234-36, 244-46
513,535 for Troina attack: 333-34, 336-37
Strikes, 1talian labor: 39 Tactical planning, Axis. See also ALAR/CH,
Strong, Brigadier Kenneth D.: 455, 455n, 459, Plan; Fcltrc confercncc; KONSTANTIN,
460,462,463,474,485,506,506n,507 Plan.
Student, Generalobent Kurt: 157n, 284, 285, 286, to block Allied advance: 192
368,452,526, 536, 537 for countcrattacks in Sicily: 147-49, 164-65,
Submarincs, Axis: 1, 37, 38, 70, 73, 82, 213 170, 172, 196, 197-98
Suez Canal: 1 and dual command: 307-09
SMpe1tur10. See Stato Maggiore Regia eronautica. for Sicily's defcnsc: 83-87, 120-21, 212-14
Superesercito. See Stato Maggiore Regio Esercito. withdrawal and defcnsive lincs: 202-03
Supermarina. See Stato Maggiore Regia Marina. Tactical surprisc: 65-66, 70, 102, 106, 120, 322,
Supplics, Allied: 54, 63, 131, 146, 160, 161, 174, 366,396,537
258-59, 311, 348, 352, 420. See also Logisti- Tagliavia, Lieutenant: 504, 505
cal operations. Tangier: 298
Supplies, Axis: 37, 47, 77, 79, 82, 445, 452, 469, Tank deatroyen, U.S.: 499
477 Tank unita, U.S.: 102, 160, 194, 199, 352, 408.
Supplics, ltalian. See Shortagcs, Italian. See also Armorcd units.
Supply ships, Allied: 256 at Monte Cipolla: 393, 394, 396, 397
Supply trains: 348 Corps: 95
Surprise. See Tactical surprise. Battalioru
Surrender of Italy: 25-26, 39-40, 273, 275, 448, 70th Light: 232, 314
477, 482, 496, 499, 523, 552. See also Armis- 753d Medium: 233, 314, 318
tice, ltalo-Allied; Capitulation, ltalian; Un- 813th Tank Destroyer: 499
conditional surrender, for ltaly. Tanu, British: 219
Surrcnder of Sicily: 25 Tanks, German: 75, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 223,
SMsan B. Anthony: 178 232,344,399,401,500,524-25
Swanson: 45 in Brolo action: 402-03
Sweden: 45 in Casa del Priolo action: 187
Swing, Maj. Gen. Joseph M.: 175, 176, 423, 425 in countcrattack in Sicily: 154, 166-67, 168,
Swingler, ht Lt. H. H.: 119, 173 170, 171, 171n
Switzerland: 43 loases: 171-72n
Syracuse: 53, 54, 58, 61, 89, 91, 92, 97, 111, 120, Mark 111: 148, 149n, 167, 171n
123, 163, 164, 203. See also Naval Base Mark IV: 148, 149n, 167, 171n, 363, 485
A ugusta-Syracuse. Mark VI (Tigcr): 148, 148n, 154, l 71n, 172,
187' 188, 298
Tanu, ltalian: 230n
Tabellini, Generale di Divisione Ugo: 529 in Gela countcrattack: 150, 151n, 151-52
Tactical Bomber Force: 107 Renault: 151n, 363
Tactical planning, Allied ( Sicilian Campaign). Tanks, U .S.: 99, 131, 136, 158, 159, 174n, 179,
Su also Auault plans. 188, 197, 199, 208, 253, 306n, 397. See also
air operations: 59. See also Air plan. Armorcd units; Tanu units.
airborne operations: 88-89, 92-94, 101-02, 485- light: 232, 253, 301, 302, 314
89, 498-99 M3: 129n
Allied armies' miasions: 209-211, 235, 236, 245- M7: 129, 129n
46, 319,420, 422-23 medium 194, 314, 363
for amphibious operations: 53-54, 58, 59, 60-
63, 66, 88-89, 91-92, 96-100, 103-07, 135-36, Taormina: 33, 111, 163, 412
406,408,413-14 Taranto: 67, 260, 262, 481, 505, 532, 541
basic plan and modifications: 58-63, 206-07, Tarvis: 472
209-11, 248-49, 419-20,422-23 Tarvis confcrence: 287, 294, 298, 369-71, 373,
ground operations: 58-59, 60-63, 89-101, 135- 451, 452, 472
36, 141-42,421-23 Tarvis pau: 373, 442, 472


Tuk Force Bernard: 352, 360, 361, 363, 380, 388n, Transportation. S11 Ferrying service, German;
393-405 Ferrying service, Italian; Railroads.
Tuk Force X, U.S.: 252, 254-55 Transporta, air, Allied: 115
Tuk forces, Allied: 5$-56, 58. S11 also Tatk Force Transports, U.S.: 161, 177
Bemard; Force 343; Force 545; Naval Task Trapani: 110, 111, 254, 255
Force 1ntri1s. Treasury Department, U.S.: 26
Tuk forces, ltalian: 78 Tremestieri: 416
Taylor, Lt. Col. Earl A.: 144, 155-56 TRIDENT Conference: 6, 19-23, 24, 66, 258, 268-
Taylor, Brig. Gen. George A.: 136, 139, 152n, 69, 436, 437, 438, 448
187, 188, 336, 339 Trieste: 473
Taylor, Brig. Gen. Maxwell D.: 486, 489, 499, Tripoli: 4, 57, 107, 498
500, 500n, 501, 502, 503, 504, 506, 507, 510, Troina: 207, 320, 323, 352, 418
519,541n battle of: 331-47
Taylor, Myron C.: 40 defense of, U.S. estimates: 325, 328, 331, 333,
Tedder, Air Chief Manhal Sir Arthur: 11, 13, 15, 337
22n, 24, 55, 59, 61, 62, 88, 182, 278, 378, terrain characteristics: 325-29, 339
379,420,549 Troina River: 337, 338, 340, 343
Telephone communications, German: 410, 515, Troop Carrier Command: 157, 176, 182, 498,
523 508
Telephone communications, Italian: 147, 148, 189, Troop Carrier Groups
533 314th: 179
Termini Imerese: 300 316th: 180
Terrain. S11 also Beaches, landing. Troop Carrier Wings, U.S.
ltalian: 259, 552 51st: 92, 115
of Sicily: 97, 100, 101, 135, 154, 208, 245, 250, 52d: 93, 101, 115, 157, 175, 182n, 424
302, 305, 309, 322, 324, 348, 358, 359, 360, Troop carrien, Allied: 101-02, 108. See also
387, 389, 401-02, 408, 553. S11 also Yellow C-47's.
Line. attacked by friendly antiaircraft: 175, 176, 177-
of Monte Cipolla area: 393 80, 181-84,218
of San Fratello area: 352-53
failure of: 157, 423, 424
of Tortorici line: 382
around Troina: 325-29, 339 Troop movements, German: 372-73, 442, 472,
Terrana Creek: 135 492, 510, 514-15. s,, also Evacuation of
Terranova: 399, 400 Sicily; German Anny, in ltaly; German Army,
Theualy: 453 in Sicily.
Thunderbird1. S11 Infantry divisions, U.S., 45th. Troop movement1, Italian: 373. S11 also Evacua-
Tiber River: 485, 486, 488, 498-99, 500, 508, tion of Sicily: Withdrawal, Italian to Tivoli.
509,516 Troop transporta. S11 Transports.
Timberlake, Brig. Gen. Patrick W.: 485 Troops, Allied. S11 also Army, U.S., 1ntri11; Brit-
Tinley, Maj. Philip C.: 336, 337 ish Army units; Corps, U.S.; Infantry 1ntries;
Tirana: 514 Divisions, Allied; Tuk force 1ntri1s.
Tittmann, Harold: 296, 443 airborne: 10
Tivoli: 516, 517, 518, 519, 524, 529 in North Africa: 9
Toffey, Lt. Col. John J., Jr.: 253, 255 Troops, Axis. S11 German Army; German Anny
Tomasello, Col. Michele: 416 units; Italian Army; Italian Army units.
ToacH. s,, North Africa. Troops, British: 72, 89. S11 also British Army
Torpedo-bomben, Italian: 399 units; Glider troops, British.
Torpedo plane squadron: 214 Troops U.S.: 56, 89, 210n, 211, 422. See also
Torretta, Della: 265 Army, Seventh, U.S.; Corps, U.S.; Infan-
Tortorici (shorter bridgehead) line: 345, 345n, try 1ntri1s.
378, 382, 391, 404 Truce, Italo-German: 525-27, 530. S11 also Ca-
Toulon: 472 pitulation, Italian.
Tounaint, General der Infanterie Rudolf: 473, Trucks, German: 290
512,523 Truscott, Maj. Gen. Lucian K., Jr.: 98, 99, 103,
Trabia, Lt. Galvano Lanza di: 454 108, 125, 129n, 133, 155, 192, 197, 198, 199,
Train ferry, ltalian: 378, 410 200, 206, 226n, 227, 229, 235, 254, 357, 358,
Traniello, Generale di Brigata Ottaviano: 529 361, 363, 366, 388, 389, 402, 405, 406, 408,
"Trans-Divs": 105 415,416,426
Truscott, Maj. Gen. Lucan K., Jr.---Continued Vehiclea, U.S.: 252, 409. S11 also DukWI; HaH-
and Agrigento drive: 224, 226-27 trac.b, U.S.; Tanb, U.S.
career of: 95 Velletri: 515
and Mcaina drive: 414 Venturi, Colonel: 191
and Monte Cipolla: 389-91, 399, 401, 404 V erlet, Capt. Guido: 340
and Na1<1 ridge link-up: 389, 390 Via Appia: 515
and San Fratello action: 348, 349, 352, 357, Via Cauia: 523
358, 360 Via Claudia: 523
Tuckcr, Col. Reuben H.: 175, 179, 182 Va dcll'Empero: 531
Tunis: 46, 49, 269, 505 Via Laurentina: 515, 525
Tunisia: 5, 8, 9, 34, 48, 56, 60, 61, 64, 92, 107, Via Ostieme: 515, 516, 525
175, 275, 488, 498 Va Tiburtina: 516, 517, 518, 524
Tunisian Campaign: 8, 10, 20, 46, 55, 88, 374 Vichy France: 32
Turin: 288, 442, 494, 517 Vctor Emmanuel 111, King: 28, 29, 270, 271,
Turin-Lyon1 railway: 442 273, 281, 283, 285, 286, 287, 297, 298, 306,
Turkey: 4, 6, 8, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 24, 43, 44, 369, 371, 373, 440, 441, 453, 464, 467, 468,
436 474, 477, 483, 484, 493, 513, 514, 518, 519,
Tusa ridge: 318, 321, 322 529, 532, 536, 539, 540, 544, 548, 552. Su
Tusa River: 318, 321 also Monarchy.
Tyrol. Su South Tyrol. and armistice: 441, 457, 466, 480, 510, 511,
Tyrrhenian coaat: 6 7 512-13,549
Tyrrhenian i1land1 : 14 and Badoglio government: 453, 481
Tyrrhenian Sea: 45 and Caviglia: 527, 531
deacribed by Maaon-MacFarlane: 542
and evacuation of Rome: 528
Ulich, Col. Mu:: 318, 322 and Germany alliance: 553
Unconditional 1urrcnder: 239, 277, 279, 298, 447, and Govcrnment of Italy, postarmistice: 544,
448,449,458,460,462 546-48,551
Britiah view: 12 and Grandi: 548, 549, 551
for Italy: 11, 12, 19, 25, 39, 44, 51, 269, 271, and Muuolini'1 overthrow: 42-44, 239, 264,
273, 274, 442, 443, 444, 445, 446, 447, 464, 265, 266-68
484, 512, 542, 550. S11 also Long terma. peace cfforts of: 239
Roosevclt's dcmand for: 11-12, 19 power of: 267, 281, 547-48
Union of Soviet Socialist Republica: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, and war declaration againat Germany: 547,
21, 26, 29, 38, 44, 47, 464. SH also Ruuo- 549
Gennan campaign. Vietinghoff gennant Scheel, General der P&n%el'-
and ltaly's peace eJl'orts: 34, 38 truppen Heinrich von : 4 70, 4 71
and 1trategic planning: 3-4, 23 Villa San Giovanni: 376
Unit of firc. S11 Logi1tical operations, Allied; Villach-Klagenfurt: 373
Maintcnance, Allied. Villafrati: 300
Unitcd Kingdom. Su Great Britain. Villarosa: 248, 249
Ustica bland: 500 Vitetti, Leonardo: 371
Utili, Generale di Brigata Umberto: 293, 440, Vittoria : 100, 141, 142, 155, 163, 164, 168, 172,
441, 515, 518, 519 418
Vittorio V 1n1to: 532-33
Vizzini: 96, 172, 202, 205, 207, 208, 209, 215,
V of V's formation : 101, 117, 175 219, 220,224
Valetta Harbor: 549 Volturno River: 4 77, 552
Valguamera: 233 VuLCAN: 66
V aliant: 533
Vandervoort, Maj. Benjamn H.: 168, 169 War criminals: 272, 274, 276
V assallo, Major: 482 War Dcpartment, U.S.: 279
Vatican: 40, 41, 274, 278-79, 283, 468 War Plana Diviaion: 3
Vatican City: 24, 26, 296, 475 Warlimont, General der Artillerie Walter: 37, 50,
Vehicles, Gennan: 37, 320, 365, 398, 451. SH 369, 371, 375
also Tanlt1, German. Warspit1: 533
V~hicles, Italian: 493, 525 Waaten, Lt. Col. Charles N.: 426
Watkimon, Mr.: 299 Withdrawals, Axit---Continued
Waybur, ht Lt. David C.: 230n ltalian, to Tivoli: 516-19, 524-25, 529
Weapons, Allied: 553. S11 also Guna, U.S.; in Sicilian Campaign: 202-03, 205, 216-17,
Weapona, U.S. 217n, 219, 223-24, 233, 234, 238, 245, 314,
Weapons, German: 376, 377, 476. S11 also Guna, 315, 325, 345-46, 357, 366, 404, 405. S11 also
German. Evacuation of Sicily.
antitank: 377 Wood's Hole beachea. S11 Green Beach; Red
automatic: 358 Beach; Yellow Beach.
Weapons, ltalian: 476, 529. S11 also Guns, ltalian. World War 1: 30, 551
Weapona, U.S.: 485. S11 also Guns, U.S.; Howit- Wyman, Col. Willard G.: 34 7
zera, U.S.; Mortan, U.S.
Weapons aupport, U.S. : 361, 394. S11 also Ar-
tillery support, U.S. Yates, ht Lt. Ralph J. : 416
Yellow Beacb: 125, 133, 141, 14-4, 158, 159, 161
Weather conditions, and Sicilian invasion: 89,
Yellow Beacb 2: 136, 142, 144, 145
108, 115, 123, 125, 139
Wedemeyer, Maj. Gen. Albert C.: 16n, 235, 436 Yellow Line : 98, 99, 185-201, 206, 207, 208, 222,
Whrmachl: 27, 473. S11 als11German Army.
W1hrmach1fudrungsslag (WFSt): 27, 368 York, Lt. Col. Robert H.: 187
Yugoslavia: 15, 17, 24, 37, 38, 261, 445
Weicbold, Vice Adm. Eberhard: 33n
Weizsaecker, Enut von: 293
Wellea, Sumner: 279 Zanusai, Generale Addetto al Capo di Stato
Wellington bombera, British: 278, 376, 379, 410, Maggiore Giacomo : 440, 441, 453, 467, 477,
411 480, 484, 506, 512, 515, 517, 518, 520, 542,
Westphal, General der Artillerie Siegfried: 78, 552
375, 503, 510, 512, 513, 523, 525-26, 530 at Cassibile conference: 474, 475, 476, 478
White, Col. l. D.: 158 and Castellano: 455, 462, 463, 474, 478-79
Whiteley, General J. F. M.: 440 peace miaaion of: 454-55, 461-65, 466, 467
Wiart, de, Lt. Gen. Sir Adrian Carton: 454, 461, Zappulla River: 382, 388, 389, 401
463 Zeitzler, General der lnfanterie Kurt : 294-95
Williams, Brig. Gen. Paul L.: l 75n, 182 Zingales, Generale di Corpo d' Armata Franceko:
Wibon, General Sir Henry Maitland: 64, 436 84
Withdrawals, Axis. S11 also Prom1moria 2. ZIT.ADELLE: 213
German, in ltaly: 470, 552 Zuckerman, Professor S.: 70n

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