Jantonic Pride Paper Letter of Intent

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Jordan Antonic

18511 The Commons Blvd.

Cornelius, NC 28031
January 4, 2016

Dear Mr. Alburger,

In my Pride paper I will be researching the profession of a graphic novelist, because, from a
young age, my dream of drawing comics as a career remains with me today. My love of comics
and entertainment and my desire to express myself inspired me to chase this field of work. The
goal of the paper is to collect my learnings of sequential arts over the years, explain what is
needed to enter this career path, and the means to fully produce a graphic novel from start to
finish. My sources are books that give immense amounts of knowledge needed to go into
making, producing, and selling comics. My sources are reliable because of their heavy citation
and production by enterprising professionals in the industry, a notable author between my
sources is Stan Lee, founder of Marvel.

I will talk about the skills needed to write, draw, publish, and sell a full-length graphic novel in
my paper. The paper will have sections dedicated to each of these topics with additional sections
on the description of the work day of a sequential artist, the payment, and colleges that provide
study for this field of work. The first half of my paper will describe the process that goes into
creating a comic, publishing it, and selling it. My decision to conclude that section with selling
will help me transition the paper into a final section on payment in the industry. My paper will
conclude on colleges and learning opportunities for sequential artists. I wish to learn how to
publish a graphic novel and distribute it en masse.

My mentor will help me with the construction of the product and advise me in areas wherein I do
not have experience. I do not have a mentor currently, yet I hope to shadow a local cartoonist, or
former Pine Lake Preparatory art teacher, Justin Leluika. During my mentor hours I wish to learn
what it is like making art and entertainment as a career, have him/her critique my work on the
final product. I hope to gain first-hand experience with someone who knows the industry and can
show me the ropes. My ideal product is a full-length, published graphic novel. I hope to write,
illustrate and print the full product. In my presentation, I wish to elaborate on the thought process
used in creating the product, my choices as an artist for this novel, what makes it different and
marketable, and the steps to be taken to enterprise myself and my art.

I have read Pine Lakes ethics guide and understand that plagiarism, either intentional or
unintentional, will result in a zero on my paper.


Jordan Antonic

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