BAR Don Reviewer CriminalLaw

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Q: What are the source of Philippine Criminal Q: What are the limitations on the power of

Law? the lawmaking body to enact penal

A: The following are the source of Philippine: legislation?
1. RPC A: The following limitations are imposed the Bill
2. Special Penal Laws of the Rights of the 1987 Constitution imposes
3. Penal presidential decrees the following:
1. No ex post facto law
Q: Is there common law crimes in the 2. No bill of attainder
Philippines? 3. No person shall be held to answer for a
A: Common Law is the part of law that is derived criminal offense without due process of
from custom and judicial precedent rather than law
statutes. Often contrasted with statutory law.
In the Philippines there is no common law. Q: What is ex post facto law?
Unless there be a particular provision in the A: An ex post facto law is one which:
penal code or special penal law that defines and 1. Makes criminal an act done before the
punishes the act, even if it be socially or morally passage of the law and which was
wrong, no criminal liability is incurred by its innocent when done, and punishes such
commission. an act;
2. Aggravates a crime, or makes it greater
Q: What are the different schools of thought than it was, when committed;
or theories in Criminal Law and describe each 3. Changes the punishment and inflicts a
briefly.To what theory does our Revised greater punishment than the law
Penal Code belong? Answer; annexed to the crime when committed;
A: There are two schools of thought in Criminal 4. Alters the legal rules of evidence, and
Law, and these are: authorizes conviction upon less or
1. the classical theory, which simply means different testimony than the law required
that the basis of criminal liabilities is ta the time of commission of the offense;
human free will, and the purpose of the 5. Assumes to regulate civil rights and
penalty is retribution which must be remedies only, in effect imposes penalty
proportional to the gravity of the offense; or deprivation of a right for something
and which when done was lawful;
2. the positivist theory, which considers 6. Deprives a persona accused of a crime
man as a social being and his acts are some lawful protection to which he has
attributable not just to his will but to become entitles, such as the protection
other forces of society. As such, of a former conviction or acquittal, or a
punishment is not the solution, as he is proclamation of amnesty.
not entirely to be blamed; law and
jurisprudence should not be the Q: What is a bill of attainder?
yardstick in the imposition of sanction, A: is a legislative act which inflicts punishment
instead the underlying reasons would be without trial. Its essence is the substitution of a
inquired into. legislative act for a judicial determination of
We follow the classical school of thought
although some provisions of eminently Q: What are the rights of an accused?
positivist in tendencies, like punishment A: The following are the rights of an accused
of impossible crime, Juvenile based on the Revised Rules on Criminal
circumstances, are incorporated in our Procedure:
Code. 1. To be presumed innocent until the
contrary is proved beyond reasonable
Q: Was the text of the RPC approved by the doubt;
Philippines Legislature in Spanish or 2. To be informed of the nature and cause
English? of the accusation against him;
A: Spanish. 3. To be present and defend in person and
by counsel at every stage of the

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proceedings, from arraignment to want long-term premium accommodations.
promulgation of the judgement; For conjugal weekenders, he plans to rent out
4. To testify as a witness in his own behalf rooms with hotel-like amenities at rates
but subject to cross-examination on equivalent to those charged by 4-star hotels;
matters covered by direct examination. for long-term occupants, he is prepared to
His silence shall not in any manner offer room and board with special meals in air
prejudice him; conditioned single-occupancy rooms, at rates
5. To be exempt from being compelled to be equivalent to those charged by 3-star hotels.
a witness against himself; What advice will you give the Senator from
6. To confront and cross-examine the the point of view of criminal law, taking into
witness against him at the trial; account the purpose of imprisonment (7%)
7. To have a compulsory process issued to and considerations of ethics and morality.
secure the attendance of witnesses and A: I would advice Senator Salcedo to forgo and
production of other evidence in his permanently abandon his proposed bill as it will
behalf; result in economic inequality in the field of
8. To have a speedy, impartial, and public criminal justice. The bill runs afoul with the
trial; equal protection clause of the 1987
9. To appeal in all cases allowed and in the Constitution. The equal protection clause in the
manner prescribed by law; Constitution does not merely bar the creation of
inequalities but commands as well the
In addition, based on the Bill of Rights of the elimination of existing inequalities. Additionally,
constitution: the purpose of imposing penalties, which is to
1. All persons except those charged with secure justice, retribution and reformation, will
offenses punishable by reclusion be defeated and put to naught if the bills
perpetua when evidence of guilt is program/scheme should eventually become a
strong, shall, before conviction, be law.
bailable by sufficient sureties, or be
released on recognizance as may be Q: What are the characteristic of criminal
provided by law. law?
2. No torture, force, violence, threat, A: Criminal law has three main characteristics:
intimidation or any other means which 1. General;
vitiate the free will shall be used against 2. Territorial;
him. Secrete detention places, solitary, 3. Prospective.
incommunicado, or other similar forms
of detention are prohibited; Q: What is the generality characteristic of
3. Excessive fines shall not be imposed, nor criminal law?
cruel, degrading or inhuman A: Criminal law is binding on all persons who
punishment inflicted live or sojourn in the Philippines territory.
4. No person shall be put in jeopardy of
punishment for the same offense Q: During times of war, has civil court
5. Free access to the court and quasi- concurrent jurisdiction with the military
judicial bodies and adequate legal court over soldiers of the Philippine Army?
assistance shall not be denied to any A: Yes. Provided that in the place of the
person by reason of poverty. commission of the crime no hostilities are in
progress and civil courts are functioning.
Q: No. XI. Assume that you are a member of
the legal staff of Senator Salcedo who wants Q: If a military court takes cognizance of the
to file a bill about imprisonment at the case, which law shall be applied?
National Penitentiary in Muntinlupa. He A: When the military court takes cognizance of
wants to make the State prison a revenue the case involving a person, subject to military
earner for the country through a law law, the Articles of War apply, not the RPC or
providing for premium accommodations for other penal law.
prisoners (other than those under maximum
security status) whose wives are allowed Q: What is the exception of the general rule
conjugal weekend visits, and for those who regarding generality of criminal law?

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A: The code shall be enforced except:
1. As provided in treaties; Q: The Japanese ambassador in India during
2. As provided by laws of preferential his last permanence in the Philippines has
application; been charged with criminal offense. Is he
3. For sovereign and other chiefs of state; entitled to invoke immunity based on the
4. Ambassadors, ministers plenipotentiary, exception of the generality rule of Criminal
ministers resident, and charge daffairs. Law?
A: No. Only foreign ambassador assigned in the
Q: Visiting Force Agreement. Philippines can invoke immunity.
A: The VFA provides the following:
1. Philippines authorities shall have Q: The American Consul accredited to
jurisdiction over US personnel with the Philippines while driving his car
respect to offenses committed within the recklessly and imprudently along Roxas
Philippines and punishable under the Boulevard bumped a pedestrian who was
laws of the Philippines; crossing the street and the latter died as a
2. US military authorities shall have the consequence of his injuries. Prosecuted in
right to exercise within the Philippines all court for the crime of homicide thru reckless
criminal and disciplinary jurisdiction imprudence, the Consul claimed diplomatic
conferred on them by the military law of immunity, alleging that he is not subject to
the US over US personnel in the Philippine laws and regulations. Is his
Philippines defense tenable? Why?
3. Philippine authorities exercise exclusive
jurisdiction over US personnel with A: Under the principle of public international
respect to offense, including offense law, only sovereigns or heads of states,
relating to security of the Philippines; ambassadors, ministers plenipotentiary and
4. US authorities exercise exclusive ministers resident enjoy diplomatic immunity.
jurisdiction over US personnel with Consuls do not enjoy immunity from criminal
respect to offense, including offenses prosecution
relating to the security of the US;
5. US military authorities shall have the Q: What is the territorial characteristic of
primary right to exercise jurisdiction over Philippine Criminal Law?
US personnel subject to the military law A: Pena laws of the Philippines are enforceable
of the US in relation to the offenses solely only within its territory.
against the property or security of the US
or against the property or person of US Q: What are the exception of territoriality of
personnel and offenses arising out of any criminal law?
act or omission done in performance of A: The RPC shall be enforced outside the
official duty. Philippines against those who:
1. Should commit an offense while on a
Q: How laws of preferential application are Philippine ship or airship;
exception of Generality rule of criminal law? 2. Should forge or counterfeit, any coin or
A: R.A. NO. 75 a law of preferential application currency note of the Philippines or
in favor of diplomatic representatives and their obligation and securities issued by the
domestic servants. Government of the Philippines;
They are exempted to any criminal charge, 3. Should be liable for acts connected with
provided that the foreign country adversely the introduction into the Philippines of
affected does provide similar protection to our the obligations and securities mentioned
diplomatic representative. din the preceding number;
4. While being public officers or employees,
Q: Are consul entitled to the privileges and should commit an offense in the exercise
immunities of an ambassador or minister? of their functions;
A: In the absence of treaty to the contrary, a 5. Should commit any of the crimes against
consul is not exempt from criminal prosecution national security and the law of nations,
for violations of the laws of the country where he defined in Title One of Book two of the
resides. RPC.

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Q: What are the two rules governing Thereafter, Abe and Connie returned to the
jurisdiction over crimes committed on board Philippines and lived as husband and wife in
a foreign merchant vessel within a states the hometown of Abe in Calamba, Laguna.
territorial waters? Can Abe be prosecuted for bigamy?
A: The 2 rules are the: A: No, Abe may not be prosecuted for bigamy
1. French rule: emphasize nationality. since the bigamous marriage was contracted or
Crimes committed aboard a foreign solemnized in Singapore, hence such violation is
merchant vessel should not be not one of those where the Revised Penal Code,
prosecuted in the court of the country under Art. 2 thereof, may be applied
within the territorial jurisdiction of extraterritorially. The general rule on
which the crimes were committed, territoriality of criminal law governs the
unless their commission affects the situation.
peace and security of the territory or the
safety of the state is endangered. Q: Aaron is the defendant in a civil case being
2. English rule: stresses the principle of tried in the Manila Regional Trial Court
territoriality. Such crimes are triable in Together with his lawyer, Aaron went to
the courts of the country within whose Singapore to take the deposition' of a witness
territory the crimes were committed, who. Aaron hoped, would support his
unless the crimes involve matters within defense. The deposition was taken in a
the vessel or refer to the internal function room of the Singapore Hotel before
management of the vessel. Mr. Aguila, the Philippine Consul General.
Neither plaintiff nor his counsel attended the
Q: What if Filipino private citizen commits a proceeding. After the deposition taking,
crime on board a foreign registered merchant Aaron, not satisfied with the results,
vessel while in international waters, may persuaded Aguila to make substantial
Philippine Criminal Law apply to him? changes in the transcripts of stenographic
A: No. notes. Aaron offered $5,000.00 in
Singaporean currency which Aguila readily
Q: What if a crime is committed on board a accepted. Leona, vacationing daughter of
Philippine Airlines flight, would Philippine Aguila, was given $200.00 by Aaron when she
Criminal Laws apply? made the alterations in the transcripts. The
A: Yes. deponent, with neither notice nor knowledge
of the alterations, signed the deposition.
Q: What Philippine government issued items
are involved? May Aaron, Aguila, and Leona be prosecuted
A: There are 4 items: coins, currency, in a Philippine court for offenses punishable
obligations, and securities. under our Revised Penal Code? What are the
offenses, if any? Explain.
Q: If a public officer while in another country, A: Only Aguila can be prosecuted before the
charged with the custody of secret papers Philippine Court. Being the Philippine Consul
reveals the contents of such papers to an General in Singapore, as a public officer, the
official of the host state, would Philippine provisions of the Revised Penal Code can be
Criminal Law apply? given extra -judicial application, as the crime
A: Yes. committed by him is related to the duties of his
office. Aaron and Leona, being private persons,
Q: If a public officer while in another country, cannot be prosecuted before the Philippine
charged with the custody of secret papers, Court because regarding the offenses committed
injures a civilian citizen of the host state by them, the provisions of the Revised Penal
while driving under the influence of alcohol, Code cannot be given extra-territorial
would Philippine Criminal Law apply? application.
A: No, the Philippine public officer is not in the Aguila committed bribery and Aaron corruption
exercise of his official functions. of a public officer. Leona committed falsification
of a public document as a principal by direct
Q: Abe, married to Liza, contracted another participation and Aaron as a principal by
marriage with Connie in Singapore. inducement. (Art. 2, Revised Penal Code).

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under the old law is no longer
Q: After drinking one (1) case of San Miguel punishable, the crime is obliterated.
beer and taking two plates of "pulutan",
Binoy, a Filipino seaman, stabbed to death Q: How felonies are classified according to
Sio My, a Singaporean seaman, aboard M/V the means by which they are committed:
"Princess of the Pacific", an overseas vessel A: Art. 3 classifies felonies according to the
which was sailing in the South China Sea. means by which they are committed in:
The vessel, although Panamanian registered, 1. Intentional felonies;
is owned by Lucio Sy, a rich Filipino 2. Culpable felonies.
businessman. When M/V "Princess of the
Pacific" reached a Philippine Port at Cebu Intentional Culpable
City, the Captain of the vessel turned over Act is malicious Not malicious
the assailant Binoy to the Philippine With deliberate intent Injury causes is
authorities. An Information for homicide was unintentional, being
filed against Binoy in the Regional Trial just an incident of
Court of Cebu City. He moved to quash the another act
Information for lack of jurisdiction. If you performed without
were the Judge, will you grant the motion? malice
Why? Has intention to Wrongful act results
A: Yes. the Motion to Quash the Information cause an injury from imprudence,
should be granted. The Philippine court has no negligence, lack of
jurisdiction over the crime committed since it foresight, or lack of
was committed on the high seas or outside of skill.
Philippine territory and on board a vessel not
registered or licensed in the Philippines (US vs. Q: What are the three kinds of culpa or
Fowler, 1 Phil 614) negligence?
A: The 3 kinds of culpa or negligence are:
It is the registration of the vessel in accordance 1. Culpa criminal:
with the laws of the Philippines, not the a. Criminal negligence penalized in
citizenship of her owner, which makes it a art. 365.
Philippine ship. The vessel being registered in 2. Culpa contractual:
Panama, the laws of Panama govern while it is a. Art. 1170 of NCC which provides
in the high seas. that throw who in the
performance of their obligations
Q: What is the prospective characteristic of are guilty of fraud, negligence, or
criminal law? delay, and those who in any
A: A penal law cannot make an act punishable manner contravene the tenor
in a manner in which it was not punishable thereof, are liable for damages
when committed. 3. Culpa aquiliana:
a. Covers quasi-delicts or torts
Q: What are the exceptions in the prospective under Art 2176 of NCC.
application of criminal law?
A: The following are the exceptions: Q: What are the 2 kinds of criminal
1. If the repeal makes the penalty lighter in negligence as seen from Art. 365?
the new law, the new law shall be A: Criminal negligence may be either reckless or
applied, except when the offender is a simple. Reckless imprudence consists in
habitual delinquent or when the new law voluntarily, but without malice, doing or failing
is made not applicable to pending action to perform such act.
or existing cause of action; Simple imprudence consists in the lack of
2. If the new law imposes a heavier penalty, precaution displayed in those cases which the
the law in force at the time of the damage impending to be caused is not
commission of the offense shall be immediate nor the danger clearly manifest.
3. If the new law totally repeals the existing
law so that the act which was penalized

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Q: Between reckless and simple negligence, Q: Requisite of mistake of fact as a defense:
which of the 2 is graver or more severe in A: The following:
terms of the level of negligence? 1. That the act done would have been lawful
A: Reckless negligence is more severe than had the facts been as the accused
simple negligence. Reckless negligence is equal believed them to be;
to gross negligence. 2. That the intention of the accused in
performing the act should be lawful; and
Q: What are the requisites of intentional 3. That the mistake must be without fault
felonies? or carelessness on the part of the
A: The requisites are: accused.
1. Freedom:
a. Voluntariness on the part of the Q: Different between general and specific
person who commits the act or criminal intent.
b. If there is lack of freedom, the General Crim. Specific Criminal
offender is exempt from liability Intent Intent
(i.e., presence of irresistible force) The intention do The intention to
2. Intelligence: something wrong commit a definite act
a. Capacity to know and Presumed from the Existence is not
understand the consequence of mere doing of a wrong presumed
ones act; act
b. This power is necessary to The burden is upon Since he specific
determine the morality of human the wrong doer to intent is an element
acts, the lack of which leads to prove that he acted of the crime, the
non-existence of a crime; without such burden is upon the
c. If there is lack of intelligence, the criminal intent prosecution to
offender is exempt from liability establish its
(i.e., offender is an imbecile, existence
insane or under 9 years of age)
3. Criminal intent: 1. General criminal intent is presumed
a. The purpose to use a particular from the criminal act and in the absence
means to effect a result; of any general intent is relied upon as a
b. The intent to commit an act with defense; such absence must be proved
malice, being purely a mental by the accused;
state, is presumed. Such 2. Generally, a specific intent is not
presumption arises from the presumed. Its existence, as a matter of
proof oaf commission of an fact, must be proved by the State just as
unlawful act; any other essential element;
c. However, in some crimes, intent 3. This may be shown, however, by the
cannot be presumed being an nature of the act, the circumstance
integral element thereof; it has to under which it was committed, the
be proven; means employed and the motive of the
d. Intent which is a mental process accused in some particular felonies,
presupposes the exercise of proof of specific intent is required;
freedom and the use of 4. In certain crimes against property, the
intelligence; must be intent to gain (robbery, theft)
e. If an act is proven to be unlawful.
The intent will be presumed Q: What are the requisites of mistake of fact
prima facie; as a defense?
f. An honest mistake of fact A: Ignorance or mistake of fact relieves the
destroys the presumption of accused from criminal liability provided the
criminal intent which arises from following circumstances are present:
the commission of a felonious 1. That the act done would have been lawful
act; had the facts been as the accused
believed them to be;

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2. That the intention of the accused in special law, like plunder which requires proof of
performing the act should be lawful; criminal intent.
3. That the mistake must be without fault
or carelessness on the part of the Q: Are good faith and absence of criminal
accused. intent valid defenses in malum prohibitum?
A: No.
Lack of intent to commit a crime may be inferred
from the facts of the case. Q: May an act be malum in se and be, at the
same time, malum prohibitum?
Q: Are the difference of mala in se vs. mala A: Yes, an act may be malum in se and malum
prohibita. prohibitum at the same time. In People v.
A: Mala in se are wrongful from their nature, Sunico, et aL. (CA 50 OG 5880) it was held that
mala prohibita are wrong merely because the omission or failure of election inspectors and
prohibited by statute. poll clerks to include a voter's name in the
registry list of voters is wrong per se because it
Mala in se Mala prohibita disenfranchises a voter of his right to vote. In
Wrong from its very Wrong because it is this regard it is considered as malum in se.
nature prohibited by law Since it is punished under a special law (Sec.
Good faith is a valid Good faith is not a 101 and 103, Revised Election Code), it is
defense defense considered malum prohibitum.
Criminal intent is an Criminal intent is
element immaterial, but still Q: Difference of intent vs Motive.
requires intelligence A: In criminal law, there is a sharp distinction
and voluntariness between intent and motive. But this distinction
Degree of The act gives rise to is often neglected. Motive is the moving power
accomplishment is crime only when which impels one to action for a definite result,
taken into account consummated whereas intent is the purpose to use a particular
for the punishment means to effect such result. Motive is often not
Mitigating and Mitigating and an element of a crime, while intent normally is.
aggravating aggravating The question of motive then suggests an inquiry
circumstances are circumstance are not into the state of mind of a person and his
taken into account in taken into account in thoughts (which is difficult, if not impossible, to
imposing the penalty imposing the penalty conclusively determine), while intent can be
When there is more Degree of established based on a persons manifest,
than one offender, participation is external actions, e.g., intent to kill is established
the degree of generally not taken when a person inflicts mortal wounds on a
participation of each into account. All who person. By distinguishing between intent and
in the commission is participated in the motive, the chances of legislating thought-
taken into account act are punished to crimes are avoided since the commonly
the same extent required element of criminal intent will only be
These are three No stage of execution manifested once there are overt acts (or
stages: attempted, omissions) by an accused. It is a principle in
frustrated, criminal law that one is punished for ones
consummated actions, not for what one thinks.
The principal, Generally only the
accomplice and principal is liable. Q: When motive becomes material in
accessory penalty is determining criminal liability?
computed on such A: Generally, proof of motive is not necessary to
basis pin a crime on the accused. However, it is
relevant in the following cases:
1. When there is doubt as to the identity of
Q: Special penal law prescribes only mala the assailant;
prohibita offenses? 2. ANTAGONISTIC THEORIES: When there
A: No. When the acts are inherently immoral, is the need to ascertain the truth
they are mala in se, even if punished under

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between two antagonistic versions of the There must be a relation of cause and effect,
crime; the cause being the felonious act of the offended,
3. When the identification of the accused the effect being the resultant injuries and/or
proceed from an unreliable source and death of the victim.
the testimony is inconclusive and not
free from doubt; Q: If the accused created in the mind of the
4. NO EYEWITNESSES: When there are not victim an immediate sense of danger which
eyewitnesses to the crime, and when cause the victim to injure himself, would the
suspicion is likely to fall upon a number accused be responsible for resulting injuries?
of persons; A: Yes. The accused is liable for the direct,
logical, and natural consequences for his act of
Q: Is proof of motive alone sufficient to instilling an immediate sense of danger in the
support a conviction? mind of the victim.
A: No, the existence of motive is not a sufficient
proof of guilt. Mere proof of motive, no matter Q: Alexander, an escaped convict, ran amuck
how strong, is not sufficient to support a on board a Superlines Bus bound for Manila
conviction if there is no reliable evidence from from Bicol and killed ten (10) persons.
which it may be reasonably deduced that the Terrified by the incident, Carol and Benjamin
accused was the malefactor. who are passengers of the bus, jumped out of
the window and while lying unconscious after
Q: When criminal liability incurred? hitting the pavement of the road, were ran
A: Criminal liability shall be incurred: over and crushed to death by a fast moving
1. By any person committing a felony Desert Fox bus tailing the Superlines Bus.
although the wrongful act done be
different from that which he intended; Can Alexander be held liable for the death of
2. By any person performing an act which Carol and Benjamin although he was
would be an offense against persons or completely unaware that the two jumped out
property, were it not for the inherent of the bus?
impossibility of its accomplishment or on A: Yes, Alexander can be held liable for the
account of the employment of inadequate death of Carol and Benjamin because of
or ineffectual means; felonious act of running was the proximate
cause of the victim's death. The rule is that when
Q: What is error in personae? a person, by a felonious act, generates in the
A: A misstate in the identity of the victim. It does mind of another a sense of imminent danger,
not exempt a person from criminal liability. prompting the latter to escape from or avoid
such danger and In the process, sustains
Q: What is aberration ictus? injuries or dies, the person committing the
A: There is a mistake in the blow. It does not felonious act is responsible for such injuries or
exempt a person from criminal liability. death.

Q: What it praeter intentionem? Q: Vicente hacked Anacleto with a bolo but

A: The injurious result is greater than that the latter was able to parry it with his hand,
intended. causing upon him a two-inch wound on his
right palm. Vicente was not able to hack
Q: Characteristic of the wrong done? Anacleto further because three policemen
A: The wrong done must be the direct, natural arrived and threatened to shoot Vicente if he
and logical consequence of felonious act. did not drop his bolo. Vicente was
accordingly charged by the police at the
Q: What is a proximate cause? prosecutor's office for attempted homicide.
A: The proximate cause is that cause, which, in Twenty-five days later, while the preliminary
natural and continuous sequence, unbroken by investigation was in progress, Anacleto was
any efficient intervening cause, produces the rushed to the hospital because of symptoms
injury, and without which the result would not of tetanus infection on the two-inch wound
have occurred. inflicted by Vicente. Anacleto died the
following day. Can Vicente be eventually

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charged with homicide for the death of A: It depends:
Anacleto? 1. YES the accused would incur criminal
A: Yes, Vicente may be charged of homicide for liability for the victims death if:
the death of Anacleto, unless the tetanus a. The blow accelerated the victims
infection which developed twenty five days later, death.
was brought about by an efficient supervening b. The blow was proximate cause of
cause. Vicente's felonious act of causing a two- the victims death.
inch wound on Anacleto's right palm may still be 2. NO the accused would not incur
regarded as the proximate cause of the latter's criminal liability for the victim if:
death because without such wound, no tetanus a. The blow had nothing to do with
infection could develop from the victim's right the victims death, and the death
palm, and without such tetanus infection the was really caused by the victims
victim would not have died with it. internal malady or fatal heart
Q: When the felony committed is not the
proximate cause? Q: While the crew of a steamer prepared to
A: The felony committed is not the proximate raise anchor at the Pasig River, A, evidently
cause of the resulting injury when: impatient with the progress of work, began to
1. There is an active force that intervened use abusive language against the men. B, one
between the felony committed and the of the members of the crew, remonstrated
resulting injury, and the active force is a saying that they could work best if they were
distinct act or fact absolutely foreign not insulted. A took B's attitude as a display
from the felonious act of the accused; or of insubordination and, rising in a rage,
2. The resulting injury is due to the moved towards B wielding a big knife and
intentional act of the victim. threatening to stab B. At the instant when A
was only a few feet from B, the latter,
Q: What are not efficient intervening cause? apparently believing himself to be in great
A: The following: and immediate peril, threw himself into the
1. The weak or diseased physical condition water, disappeared beneath the surface, and
of the victim. As when one is suffering drowned.
from tuberculosis or heart disease.
2. The nervousness or temperament of the May A be held criminally liable for the death
victim; of B?
3. Cause which are inherent in the victim, A: Yes. A can be held criminally liable for the
such as the victim not knowing how to death of B, Article 4 of the Revised Penal Code
swim; provides in part that criminal liability shall be
4. Neglect of the victim or third person, incurred by any person committing a felony
such as the refusal by the injured party although the wrongful act done be different from
of medical attendance or surgical that which he intended. In U.S. vs. Valdez 41
operation, or the failure of the doctor to Phil. 497. where the victim who was threatened
give ant-tetanus injection to the injured by the accused with a knife, jumped into the
person; river but because of the strong current or
5. Erroneous or unskillful medical or because he did not know how to swim, he
surgical treatment, as when the assault drowned, the Supreme Court affirmed the
took place in an outlying barrio where conviction for homicide of the accused because,
proper modern surgical service was not if a person against whom a criminal assault is
available; directed believes himself to be in danger of death
6. Delay in the medical treatment of the or great bodily harm and in order to escape
victim. jumps into the water, impelled by the instinct of
self-preservation, the assailant is responsible for
Q: Suppose the accused hits the victim who the homicide in case death results by drowning.
is sickly and suffering from a heart ailment
or other fatal disease, and subsequently the Q: During the robbery in a dwelling house,
victim dies, is the accused responsible for the one of the culprits happened to fire his gun
victims death? upward in the ceiling without meaning to kill

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anyone. The owner of the house who was any person committing a felony shall incur
hiding thereat was hit and killed as a result. criminal liability although the wrongful act done
be different from that which he intended.
The defense theorized that the killing was a
mere accident and was not perpetrated in In this case, the death of the three passengers
connection with, or for purposes of, the was the direct, natural and logical consequence
robbery. of Luis' felonious act which created an
immediate sense of danger in the minds of said
Will you sustain the defense? Why passengers who tried to avoid or escape from it
A: No, I will not sustain the defense. The act by jumping out of the train. out of the train;
being felonious and the proximate cause of the hence their deaths.
victim's death, the offender is liable therefore
although it may not be intended or different from Q: Maryjane had two suitors - Felipe and
what he intended. Cesar. She did not openly show her
preference but on two occasions, accepted
The offender shall be prosecuted for the Cesar's invitation to concerts by Regine and
composite crime of robbery with homicide, Pops. Felipe was a working student and could
whether the killing was intentional or only ask Mary to see a movie which was
accidental, as long as the killing was on occasion declined. Felipe felt insulted and made plans
of the robbery. to get even with Cesar by scaring him off
somehow. One day, he entered Cesar's room
Q: Luis Cruz was deeply hurt when his offer in their boarding house and placed a rubber
of love was rejected by his girlfriend Marivella snake which appeared to be real in Cesar's
one afternoon when he visited her. When he backpack. Because Cesar had a weak heart,
left her house, he walked as if he was he suffered a heart attack upon opening his
sleepwalking so much so that a teenage backpack and seeing the snake. Cesar died
snatcher was able to grab his cell phone and without regaining consciousness. The police
flee without being chased by Luis. At the next investigation resulted in pinpointing Felipe
LRT station, he boarded one of the coaches as the culprit and he was charged with
bound for Baclaran. While seated, he Homicide for Cesar's death. In his defense,
happened to read a newspaper left on the seat Felipe claimed that he did not know about
and noticed that the headlines were about Cesar's weak heart and that he only Intended
the sinking of the Super Ferry while on its to play a practical joke on Cesar.
way to Cebu. He went over the list of missing
passengers who were presumed dead and Is Felipe liable for the death of Cesar or will
came across the name of his grandfather who his defense prosper? Why?
had raised him from childhood after he was A: No, Felipe is not liable because the act of
orphaned. He was shocked and his mind went frightening another is not a crime. What he did
blank for a few minutes, after which he ran may be wrong, but not all wrongs amount to a
amuck and, using his balisong, started crime. Because the act which caused the death
stabbing at the passengers who then of Cesar is not a crime, no criminal liability may
scampered away, with three of them Jumping arise therefrom.
out of the train and landing on the road
below. All the three passengers died later of Q: The conduct of wife A aroused the ire of
their injuries at the hospital. her husband B. Incensed with anger almost
beyond his control, B could not help but
Is Luis liable for the death of the three inflict physical injuries on A. Moments after
passengers who jumped out of the moving B started hitting A with his fists, A suddenly
train? State your reasons. complained of severe chest pains. B, realizing
that A was indeed in serious trouble,
A: Yes, Luis is liable for their deaths because he immediately brought her to the hospital.
was committing a felony when he started Despite efforts to alleviate A's pains, she died
stabbing at the passengers and such wrongful of heart attack. It turned out that she had
act was the proximate cause of said passengers' been suffering from a lingering heart ailment.
jumping Under Article 4, Revised Penal Code, What crime, if any, could B be held guilty of?

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A: B could be held liable for parricide because
his act of hitting his wife with fist blows and Is Rustom criminally liable for the death of
therewith inflicting physical injuries on her, is the child?
felonious. A person committing a felonious act A: Yes, Rustom is criminally liable for the death
incurs criminal liability although the wrongful of the child because his felonious act was the
consequence is different from what he intended. proximate cause of such death. It was Rustom's
Although A died of heart attack, the said attack act of pulling Olive's hand which caused the
was generated by B's felonious act of hitting her latter to fall on her baby. Had It not been for said
with his fists. Such felonious act was the act of Rustom, which is undoubtedly felonious
immediate cause of the heart attack, having (at least slight coercion) there was no cause for
materially contributed to and hastened A's Olive to fall over her baby. In short, Rustom's
death. Even though B may have acted without felonious act is the cause of the evil caused. Any
intent to kill his wife, lack of such intent is of no person performing a felonious act is criminally
moment when the victim dies. However, B may liable for the direct, natural and logical
be given the mitigating circumstance of having consequence thereof although different from
acted without intention to commit so grave a what he intended.
wrong as that committed (Art. 13, par. 3,
Revised Penal Code). Q: Element of impossible crimes?
A: The following:
Q: X and Y ran amuck on board a train and 1. That the act performed would be an
killed ten persons. Four persons out of fear offense against persons or property;
jumped out of the train while the same was 2. That the act was done with evil intent;
running and died. Are X and Y liable for the 3. That its accomplishment is inherently
deaths of the four persons who jumped out of impossible, or that the means employed
the train? Reason. is either inadequate or ineffectual;
A: X and Y are also liable for the deaths of the 4. That the act performed should not
four persons who jumped out of the train. By constitute a violation of another
running amuck on board the train and killing provision of the RPC.
ten persons, the acts committed by X and Y are
felonious and they are responsible for the direct, Q: What are legal impossibility?
natural and logical consequences thereof. (Art. A: Legal impossibility occurs where the intended
4, par. 1, RPC). These acts of X and Y created acts, even if completed, would not amount to a
fear in the minds of those four persons which crime. Legal impossibility would apply to those
caused them to jump out of the running train circumstances where:
which resulted in their deaths. The rule is that 1. The motive, desire, and expectation is to
if a man creates in another man's mind an perform an act in violation of the law;
immediate sense of danger which cause such 2. There is intention to perform an act in
person to try to escape and in so doing injures violation of the law;
himself, the person who creates such state of 3. There is intention to perform the physical
mind is responsible for the injuries which result. act;
4. There is performance of the intended
Q: Bhey eloped with Scott. Whereupon, physical act;
Bhey's father, Robin, and brother, Rustom, 5. The commission of the offense is
went to Scott's house. Upon reaching the inherently impossible.
house, Rustom inquired from Scott about his Q: What is an example of legal impossibility?
sister's whereabouts, while Robin shouted A: The impossibility of killing a person already
and threatened to kill Scott. The latter then dead.
went downstairs but Rustom held his (Scott's)
waist. Meanwhile Olive, the elder sister of Q: When is there physical or factual
Scott, carrying her two- month old child, impossibility?
approached Rustom and Scott to pacify A: Factual impossibility occurs when extraneous
them. Olive attempted to remove Rustom's circumstances unknown to the actor or beyond
hand from Scott's waist. But Rustom pulled his control prevent the consummation of the
Olive's hand causing her to fall over her baby. intended crime.
The baby then died moments later.

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Q: What are examples of physical or factual They asked the assistance of Ella, who is
impossibility? familiar with the place. On April 3, 1992, at
A: When a thief, after securing the safe about 10:00 in the evening, JP, Aries and
combination, opens the safe for the purpose of Randal, all armed with automatic weapons,
stealing the money and jewelry believed to be went to Barangay Pula. Ella, being the guide,
inside, but finds the safe empty. directed her companions to the room in the
house of Elsa. Whereupon, JP, Aries and
Q: What is an example of inadequate means? Randal fired their guns at her room.
A: When a person invited another person to his Fortunately, Elsa was not around as she
house for the purpose of killing him by poison attended a prayer meeting that evening in
but did not give him enough quantity that would another barangay in Laurel.
kill him.
JP, et al, were charged and convicted of
Q: What is an example of ineffectual means? attempted murder by the Regional Trial
A: When a person invited another person to his Court at Tanauan, Batangas.
house for the purpose of killing him by poison
but instead of giving poison, whisky is served by On appeal to the Court of Appeals, all the
mistake. accused ascribed to the trial court the sole
error of finding them guilty of attempted
Q: What are felonies against person? murder.
A: Parricide, Physical Injuries, Rape, Homicide,
Murder, Infanticide, Abortion and Duel. If you were the ponente, how will you decide
[Peter Pan Really Hate Making Iced Americano the appeal?
Drink] A: If I were the ponente, I will set aside the
judgment convicting the accused of attempted
Q: What are felonies against property? murder and instead find them guilty of
A: Robbery, Malicious mischief, Brigandage, impossible crime under Art. 4, par. 2, RPC, in
Usurpation, Theft, Arson, Chattel mortgage, relation to Art. 59, RPC. Liability for impossible
Swindling and other deceits, Culpable crime arises not only when the impossibility is
insolvence. legal, but likewise when it is factual or physical
[Ruby Manibo Bought Unused Tarpaulin At impossibility, as in the case at bar. Elsa's
Copy Service Center] absence from the house is a physical
impossibility which renders the crime intended
Q: X, a domestic servant of Y has been Inherently incapable of accomplishment. To
nurturing a grudge against him for long. One convict the accused of attempted murder would
day, while Y was seated on his favorite make Art. 4, par. 2 practically useless as all
rocking chair, X suddenly fired a volley of circumstances which prevented the
shots towards Y. It turned out, however, that consummation of the offense will be treated as
Y has been dead from a severe stroke an hour an incident independent of the actor's will which
ago. For what crime can X be held liable? is an element of attempted or frustrated felony.
A: X is liable for an impossible crime of murder.
The reason is the inherent impossibility of killing Q: Buddy always resented his classmate, Jun.
Y since he has been dead due to a severe stroke One day. Buddy planned to kill Jun by mixing
one hour before X shot him. The acts of poison in his lunch. Not knowing where he
execution would have been a crime against can get poison, he approached another
persons were it not for the inherent impossibility classmate, Jerry to whom he disclosed his
of its accomplishment. (Art. 4, par. 12, RPC). evil plan. Because he himself harbored
Subjectively, X is a criminal although resentment towards Jun, Jerry gave Buddy a
objectively, no crime is committed. X cannot be poison, which Buddy placed on Jun's food.
liable for trespass to dwelling because being a However, Jun did not die because, unknown
domestic servant, his entrance to the house of Y to both Buddy and Jerry, the poison was
cannot be against the will of the latter. actually powdered milk.

Q: JP, Aries and Randal planned to kill Elsa, 1, What crime or crimes, if any, did Jerry
a resident of Barangay Pula, Laurel, Batangas. and Buddy commit?

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commit kidnapping. There is thus no impossible
Suppose that, because of his severe crime of kidnapping.
allergy to powdered milk, Jun had to be
hospitalized for 10 days for ingesting it. Q: Under art. 05 RPC, what is the duty of the
Would your answer to the first question be courts?
the same? A: The courts, in passing judgement, and
A: Jerry and Buddy are liable for the so- imposing the penalty, regardless of the judges
called "impossible crime" because, with intent to personal beliefs or convictions, must impose the
kill, they tried to poison Jun and thus perpetrate penalty prescribed by law when it renders a
Murder, a crime against persons. Jun was not judgement of conviction.
poisoned only because the would-be killers were
unaware that what they mixed with the food of Q: Should the courts apply the law and
Jun was powdered milk, not poison. In short, impose the penalty prescribed by law even if
the act done with criminal intent by Jerry and the penalty is clearly excessive?
Buddy, would have constituted a crime against A: Yes for so long as the law or penalty is
persons were it not for the inherent inefficacy of constitutional, the courts must apply the law
the means employed. Criminal liability is and impose the penalty prescribed by law even
incurred by them although no crime resulted, if the penalty is clearly excessive.
because their act of trying to poison Jun is
criminal. Q: IF the judge deems the penalty to be
excessive, what may the judge do?
No, the answer would not be the same as A: After imposing the penalty prescribed by law,
above. Jerry and Buddy would be liable instead he may recommend to the Executive branch of
for less serious physical injuries for causing the government that executive clemency be
hospitalization and medical attendance for 10 extended to the offender.
days to Jun. Their act of mixing with the food
eaten by Jun the matter which required such Q: What factors may the court consider in
medical attendance, committed with criminal determining whether or not a penalty is too
intent, renders them liable for the resulting excessive?
injury. A: The trial court may consider:
1. The degree of malice;
Q: Carla, 4 years old, was kidnapped by 2. The injury caused.
Enrique, the tricycle driver paid by her
parents to- bring and fetch her to and from Q: With respect to executive clemency, what
school. Enrique wrote a ransom note forms of executive clemency may the court
demanding P500,000.00 from Carla's parents recommend to the Executive branch of
in exchange for Carla's freedom. Enrique sent government?
the ransom note by mail. However, before the A: The court may suggest that the offender be
ransom note was received by Carla's parents, extended the benefit of:
Enrique's hideout was discovered by the 1. Absolute executive pardon;
police. Carla was rescued while Enrique was 2. Conditional executive pardon;
arrested and incarcerated. Considering that 3. Commutation of the sentence.
the ransom note was not received by Carla's
parents, the investigating prosecutor merely Q: Is art. 05 applicable to crimes which are
filed a case of "Impossible Crime to Commit mala prohibita?
Kidnapping" against Enrique. Is the A: No Art. 05 is applicable only t crimes which
prosecutor correct? Why? are mala in se or crimes committed with malice
A: No, the prosecutor Is not correct in filing a or intent.
case for "impossible crime to commit
kidnapping" against Enrique. Impossible crimes Q: How felonies are classified based on the
are limited only to acts which when performed stage of execution?
would be a crime against persons or property. As A: Attempted, Frustrated, Consummated.
kidnapping is a crime against personal security
and not against persons or property, Enrique Q: Describe the development of a crime.
could not have incurred an "impossible crime" to

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A: From the moment the culprit conceives the A: Physical activity or deed indicating intention
idea of committing a crime up to the realization to commit a particular crime which logically and
of the same, his act passes through certain necessarily ripen into a concrete offense.
These stages are: Q: Are overt acts necessarily physical
1. Internal acts: mere ideas in the mind of activity?
a person. The mere idea is not A: No, there are felonies where, because of their
punishable. Intention and effect must nature, the over acts are not performed with
occur. bodily movement. Thus, a proposal consisting in
2. External acts: making an offer of money to a public officer for
a. Preparatory acts: proposal and the purpose of corrupting him is the over act in
conspiracy. Ordinarily not the crime of corruption of public officer.
punishable except when the law
provides for their punishment Q: What is an indeterminate offense?
b. Acts of executions: the stage of A: It is one where the purpose of the offender in
the acts of the execution are performing an act is not certain. Its nature in
attempted, frustrated and relation to its objective is ambiguous.
Q: What are the element of a frustrated
Q: What are the element of an attempted felony?
felony? A: There are four elements which are:
A: There are four elements which are: 1. The offender performs all the acts of
1. The offender commences the commission execution;
of the felony directly by overt acts; 2. All the acts performed would produce the
2. He does not perform all the acts of felony as a consequence;
execution which should produce the 3. But the felony is not produced;
felony; 4. By reason of causes independent of the
3. The offenders act is not stopped by his will of the perpetrator.
own spontaneous desistance;
4. The non-performance of all acts of Q: Difference between attempted/frustrated
execution was due to a case or accident felony and impossible crime.
other than his spontaneous desistance. A: Attempted/Frustrated felony vs impossible
Q: What is the distinction between the 1. In attempted/frustrated felony and
subjective and objective phase of execution? impossible crime, the evil intent of the
A: The subjective phase is that portion of the offender is not accomplished;
acts constituting the crime included between the 2. In impossible crime the evil intent cannot
act which beings the consummation of the crime be accomplished while in attempted or
and the last act performed by the offended frustrated felony is possible to
which, with the prior acts, should result in the accomplish the felony;
consummated crime. From the time forward, the 3. In impossible crime, the evil intent of the
phase is objective. It may also be said to be that offender is inherently impossible or the
period occupied by the acts of the offender over means employed are inadequate or
which he has control. If between these two ineffectual; in attempted or frustrated
points the offended is stopped by reason of any felony, what prevented its
cause outside of his voluntary desistance, the accomplishment is the intervention of
subjective phase has not been passed and it is certain cause or accident in which the
an attempt. If he is not so stopped but continues offender had no part.
until he performs the last act, it is frustrated.
Q: When a felony is consummated?
Q: Does art 6. apply to felonies punished by A: When all the element necessary for its
special laws (art. 10)? execution and accomplishment are present.
A: No.
Q: How to determine if a crime is only
Q: Definition of overt acts. attempted, frustrated or consummated?

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A: In determining the stage reached the following A: Crimes that are not consummated in one
shall be considered: instant or by a single act such as homicide, rape
1. Nature of the offense; etc.
2. Elements constituting the offense;
3. Manner committing the same. Q: Is there attempted or frustrated
impossible crime?
Q: Why there is no crime of frustrated theft? A: No, since the offender has already performed
A: Theft, is an unlawful taking which is most the acts for the execution of the same, there
material in nature. Unlawful taking, which is the could be no attempted impossible crime. There
deprivation of ones personal property, is the is no frustrated impossible crime, because the
element which produces the felony in its acts performed by the offender are considered as
consummated stage. At the same time, without constituting a consummated offense.
unlawful taking as an act of execution, the
offense could only be attempted theft, if at all. Q: Mr. Carlos Gabisi, a customs guard, and
Therefore, theft as a crime have only attempted Mr. Rico Yto, a private Individual, went to the
or consummated stage. office of Mr. Diether Ocuarto, a customs
broker, and represented themselves as agents
Q: Can physical injuries be considered an of Moonglow Commercial Trading, an
attempted or frustrated murder? Importer of children's clothes and toys. Mr.
A: If any of the physical injuries described in the Gabisi and Mr. Yto engaged Mr. Ocuarto to
RPC is inflicted with the intent to kill on any of prepare and file with the Bureau of Customs
the persons mentioned in art. 246, the crime the necessary Import Entry and Internal
would be either attempted or frustrated murder. Revenue Declaration covering Moonglow's
shipment. Mr. Gabisi and Mr. Yto submitted
Q: What are formal crimes? to Mr. Ocuarto a packing list, a commercial
A: Crime consummated in one instant, no invoice, a bill of lading and a Sworn Import
attempt such as slander and false testimony, Duty Declaration which declared the
which are consummated in one instant, by a shipment as children's toys, the taxes and
single act. There can be no attempt at a formal duties of which were computed at
crime, because between the thought and the P60,000.00. Mr. Ocuarto filed the
deed there is no chain of acts that can be severed aforementioned documents with the Manila
in any link. International Container Port. However,
before the shipment was released, a spot
Q: Which crimes are consummated by mere check was conducted by Customs Senior
attempt or proposal or by overt act? Agent James Bandido, who discovered that
A: Flight to enemys country or corruption of the contents of the van (shipment) were not
minors. There is no attempted crime because the children's toys as declared in the shipping
overt act in itself consummated the crime. documents but 1,000 units of video cassette
recorders with taxes and duties computed at
Q: Can there be attempted stage when the P600,000.00. A hold order and warrant of
felony is by omission? seizure and detention were then issued by
A: No. The offender omits to perform an act the District Collector of Customs. Further
which the law requires him to do. In this kind of investigation showed that Moonglow is non-
felony, the offender does not execute acts. existent. Consequently, Mr. Gabisi and Mr.
Yto were charged with and convicted for
Q: Describe stage of execution of crimes violation of Section 3(e) of R.A. 3019 which
requiring the intervention of two persons makes it unlawful among others, for public
agreeing to commit them. officers to cause any undue Injury to any
A: In those crimes. Like betting in sport contest party, including the Government. In the
and corruption of public officer, which require discharge of official functions through
the intervention of two persons to commit them, manifest partiality, evident bad faith or gross
the same are consummated by mere agreement. inexcusable negligence. In their motion for
reconsideration, the accused alleged that the
Q: What are material crimes? decision was erroneous because the crime
was not consummated but was only at an

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attempted stage, and that in fact the of crime, heeds the call of his conscience and
Government did not suffer any undue injury. returns to the path of righteousness.

Is the contention of both accused Q: X, a physician, wanted to kill his wife. He

correct? Explain. gave her food with poison. After eating the
Assuming that the attempted or food, the wife became unconscious. Bothered
frustrated stage of the violation charged is by his own conscience, X gave her medicine
not punishable, may the accused be to counteract the effects of the poison and
nevertheless convicted for an offense the wife was saved. X is prosecuted for
punished by the Revised Penal Code under frustrated parricide. Is he guilty of the
the facts of the case? Explain. charge? Reason.
A: Yes, the contention of the accused that A: X is not liable for frustrated parricide.
the crime was not consummated is correct, RA. Although he has already performed all the acts
3019 is a special law punishing acts mala of execution to kill his wife, because she ate the
prohibita. As a rule, attempted violation of a food with poison which he gave her, she however
special law is not punished. Actual injury is did not die due to the medicine which he
required. administered, after she became unconscious
and because his conscience bothered him. The
Yes, both are liable for attempted estafa death of the wife, therefore, did not result due to
thru falsification of commercial documents, a a cause which depended upon the voluntary will
complex crime. of X. In a frustrated felony, the offender performs
all the acts of execution which would produce
Q: A and B, both store janitors, planned to kill the felony as a consequence but which,
their employer C at midnight and take the nevertheless, do not produce it by reason of
money kept in the cash register. A and B causes independent of the will of the
together drew the sketch of the store, where perpetrator.
they knew C would be sleeping, and planned
the sequence of their attack. Shortly before Q: Intending to kill his estranged wife Myrna,
midnight, A and B were ready to carry out the Anthony mixed poison in her coffee which
plan. When A was about to lift C's mosquito would have normally killed her. After
net to thrust his dagger, a police car with drinking the coffee, Myrna felt nauseated and
sirens blaring passed by. Scared, B ran out of vomitted. Appalled by the suffering and
the store and fled, while A went on to stab C helplessness of his wife, Anthony took pity
to death, put the money in the bag, and ran on her and gave her an antidote. Myrna
outside to look for B. The latter was nowhere recovered completely after ten(10)days.
in sight. Unknown to him, B had already left
the place. What was the participation and Discuss with reasons the criminal liability, if
corresponding criminal liability of each, if any, of Anthony. May he invoke desistance in
any? his favor?
A: A shall incur full criminal liability for the A: Anthony will not be liable for frustrated
crime of robbery with homicide, but B shall not parricide. Although the wife, Myrna, had drank
incur criminal liability because he desisted. B's the poisoned coffee, and all the acts of execution
spontaneous desistance, made before all acts of to kill her were already committed, she did not
execution are performed, is exculpatory. however die due to the antidote administered by
Conspiracy to rob and kill is not per se Anthony. The crime was therefore not produced
punishable. due to the voluntary act of Anthony. In a
frustrated felony, the acts of execution have
The desistance need not be actuated by remorse been performed which would produce the felony
or good motive. It is enough that the as a consequence but nevertheless do not
discontinuance comes from the person who has produce it by causes independent of the will of
begun the commission of the crime but before all the offender. So, if the perpetrator himself
acts of execution are performed. A person who prevented the consummation of the crime, it is
has begun the commission of a crime but not frustrated. In that sense, when Anthony
desisted, is absolved from criminal liability as a gave the antidote to his wife, when he saw her
reward to one, who having set foot on the verge suffering after drinking the poisoned coffee,

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such act may be considered desistance in killing or otherwise in restraint of trade or commerce
her, although as a rule, desistance refers to acts (art. 186), when more than three armed persons
of execution. The facts of the problem merely form a band as highway robbers or brands (art.
state that after the administration of the 306)
antidote, the wife recovered after ten (10) days.
It may be presumed that she was ill during that Q: Difference of conspiracy as a felony from
period. Since there is no mention of medical conspiracy as a manner of incurring criminal
attendance nor incapacity from work, the liability?
offense will be slight physical injuries under Par. A: When the conspiracy relates to a crime
2 of Art. 266 of the Revised Penal Code. actually committed, it is not a felony but only a
manner of incurring criminal liability, that is,
Q: X and Y had a heated altercation and then when there is conspiracy, the act of one is the
exchanged blows. X pulled out a knife and act of all.
stabbed Y in the abdomen. Y ran away but In conspiracy related to crimes of treason,
before he could reach his house was struck by rebellion and treason, if any of them is actually
lightning and died. The Fiscal filed homicide committed the conspiracy is not a separate
against X. Decide. offence but only a manner of incurring criminal
A: X is not liable for homicide but for the crime liability.
constituting the stabbing of Y in the abdomen.
Since the injury was mortal, the liability of X is Q: How would you identify a conspiracy?
for frustrated homicide. The death of the victim A: Indication of conspiracy is when the offender
was caused by the lightning which struck him. by their acts aimed at the same object with
Although a felony was committed by X such was cooperation, indicating closeness of personal
not the direct and proximate cause of the death association, concerted action and concurrence
of Y. The lightning was an efficient intervening of sentiments. For a collective responsibility
cause. among the accused, it is sufficient that at the
time of the aggression, all of them acted in
Q: Acting under the impulse of hunger, Jose concert, each doing his part to fulfill the
tried to steal the two-pesos (2) bill in the common design.
breast pocket of a stranger. But before he It is fundamental for conspiracy to exist that
could get the money, he was seen and there must be unity of purpose and unity in the
eventually apprehended by a policeman. execution of the unlawful object.
Later on, Jose was charged of the light
offense of attempted theft for P2.00. Was Q: Is the period of time to afford opportunity
Jose correctly charged considering that light for meditation and reflection a requisite of
offenses are punishable only when conspiracy?
consummated? State four reasons. A: No, unlike in evident premeditation, where a
A: Jose was correctly charged for a light felony sufficient period of time must elapse to afford
of attempted theft of P2.00 because theft is a full opportunity for meditation and reflection
crime against property and is punishable even and for the perpetrator to deliberate on the
though it is not consummated. consequences of his intended deed, conspiracy
arises on the very instant the plotters agree,
Q: Is conspiracy a felony? expressly or impliedly to commit the felony and
A: As a general rule, a conspiracy does not forthwith decide to pursue it.
constitute a felony; it is merely a preparatory act
in the execution a felony and as a preparatory Q: What are the requisites of conspiracy?
act is not punishable. A: Three requisites:
1. That two or more persons came to an
Q: When is a conspiracy punishable as a agreement
felony? 2. That the agreement concerned the
A: When the law specially provides a penalty commission of a felony
thereof. Example: 3. That the execution of the felony be
conspiracies to commit treason (art. 115), decided upon
rebellion (art. 136), sedition (art. 141),
conspiracy or combination in the form of a trust

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Q: Is direct proof necessary to establish When the accused simultaneously stabs
conspiracy? the victim together with his companion
A: No, it may be inferred from the collective acts When the accused, while heavily armed
of the accused before, during and after the with a gun, stands guard
commission of the crime.
Q: What kind of over acts are present in
Q: Is quantum of proof required to establish conspiracy?
conspiracy? A: There are two type
A: Yes. The crime itself must be proven beyond 1. Moral: when the accused gives
reasonable doubt. a. Advice
b. Encouragement
Q: Does the presence of a person at the scene c. Agreement
of the crime constitutes conspiracy? Example:
A: No. The mere presence of a person at the a. Uttering the words patayin mo
scene of the crime does not make him a na, pataying mo na
conspirator for conspiracy transcends b. Providing armed presence and
companionship. back up

Q: With respect to criminal liability, why it is 2. Material: when committed various

important to determine whether a conspiracy external acts indicating a manifest intent
exists or not? of supplying aid in the perpetration of the
A: When several persons are accused of crime in an efficacious way.
committing a crime, knowing whether or not a
conspiracy existed will affect the criminal Example:
liability of those persons accused. If there was a a. Holding the victim down in order
conspiracy, then the criminal liability of all those to make it easier for his
who participated in the crime becomes companion to deliver the fatal
collective. On the other hand, if there was no blow
conspiracy, then the criminal liability of those
accused becomes individual. Q: To prove conspiracy, there should be
unity of purpose. Give an example.
Q: What are the steps in trying to establish a A: In a cockfight, Cori approached the victim
conspiracy? Landicho from behind and without uttering
A: There are five steps: anything, stabbed Landicho at the back several
1. Determine the overt act performed by the times. Thereafter, Federico, brother of Cori, who
con- conspirator in pursuance or was nearby, joined Cori in stabbing Landicho.
furtherance of the conspiracy; The conspiracy was apparent from the way the
2. Given the overt act performed, show victim was simultaneously attacked by the
that unity of purpose existed between brothers.
or among the con-conspirators; The acts collectively and individually
3. Given the unity of purpose make sure demonstrate the existence of a common design
the Prosecutions evidence is clear and towards the accomplishment of the same
convincing; unlawful purpose. [Padilla p. 238]
4. Given the evidence at hand, satisfy the
quantum of evidence required and; Q: Must there be an actual meeting or formal
5. Establish and show the existence of an agreement between or among the accused in
agreement. order to conclude that there existed unity of
Q: What kind of overt act shall be present A: No. A conspiracy may be inferred although no
to determine conspiracy? actual meeting among them is proved.
A: Cooperation, participation or furtherance
with regards the commission of the offense. Q: What kind of evidence are necessary to the
Example: prosecution to prove conspiracy?
When the accused embraces the victim A: There are two kinds:
while his companion stabs the victim;

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1. Direct: if the prosecution has evidence of (whether morally or materially) does not
an agreement between or among the amount to the existence of a conspiracy;
accused occurring prior to the 5. Mere suspicion speculation,
commission of the crime. relationship, association and
2. Circumstantial: when unity is shown via companionship cannot by itself prove
the actions of the co-conspirator conspiracy;
before, during or after the 6. Mere relationship does not prove
commission of the crime. conspiracy.

Q: What is the quantum of proof required to Q: Albert desires that the present
prove the existence of a conspiracy government be overthrown. Albert, afraid to
A: Proof beyond reasonable doubt. commit it himself with others, suggest the
overthrowing of the government to some
Q: In the absence of conspiracy, if the desperate people who will do it at the
inculpatory facts and circumstance area slightest provocation.
capable of two or more explanations, one of Is albert liable for proposal or conspiracy to
which is consistent with the innocence of the commit rebellion?
accused and the other consistent with his A: No, Albert merely suggested it and there was
guilt, can we say that the evidence does not not a concrete and formal proposal. Moreover,
fulfill the test of moral certainty and is not Albert was not determined to commit the felony
sufficient to support a conviction? which is essential in conspiracy crimes. [Reyes
A: Yes, the accused should be acquitted. Since p. 134]
the facts and circumstances are capable of two
or more explanations, then the required proof is Q: Benjamin conceived the idea of
not satisfied. overthrowing the present government.
Benjamin called several of his trusted
Q: Must the agreement between or among the followers and instructed them to go around
accused occur before the commission of the the country and secretly to organize groups
crime? and to convince them of the necessity of
A: Not necessarily. The existence of an having a new government. Is Benjamin liable
agreement may be seen at two different of conspiracy to commit rebellion?
moments in time either before or during the A: No, Benjamin merely proposed to organize
commission of the crime. group and therefore it was a mere a preparatory
To establish conspiracy, it is sufficient that there act for the commission of rebellion and not the
be a common purpose and design, concerted execution of the crime. Therefore, there is no
action and concurrence of interest and the criminal proposal. [Reyes p. 134]
minds of the parties meet understandingly so as Q: Degamo was holding Garate while Recones
to bring about a deliberate agreement to commit and Wahing were raining blows on the victim.
the offense, notwithstanding the absence of a Garate died as a result Is Degamo liable of the
formal agreement. crime of murder?
A: Yes, Degamo is liable for murder by reason of
Q: In trying to prove the existence of an conspiracy. Although accused Degamo did not
agreement, what are some doctrines that deliver the fatal blow, Degamo remains
should be kept in mind? accountable for the death of Garate on the
A: The following: principle that the act of one is the act of all.
1. Mere presence at the scene of the crime [Padilla p. 232]
at the time of the crime committed is not,
by itself, sufficient to establish Q: Amadeo is on his way home when 5 friends
conspiracy; (Boy, Kano, Elliot, Crisanto and Moroy)
2. Conspiracy transcends mere armed with assorted weapons and suddenly
companionship; blocked Amadeo.
3. Leaving the scene of the crime together Boy stabbed Ignacio. Another member joined
does not, by itself, establish conspiracy; but the evidence is unclear as to who that
4. Mere knowledge, acquiescence, r person was. Amadeo died as a result. The post
approval of the act, without cooperation mortem reports reveals that only one or two,

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but not all, of the group of friends actually purpose. The criminal design of Benny had not
inflicted the fatal injuries on Amadeo. Are yet been revealed prior to the killings. Even if
they all liable of the crime of murder by Carlos was standing guard behind Benny with a
reason of conspiracy? drawn gun, the suddenness of the attack by
A: Yes. The fact that only one or two inflicted the Benny negates the possibility of any previous
fatal injuries would not exonerate the others agreement that could have existed between the
who did not or were not able to lay their hands two. Hence no moral cooperation or
on the victim Ignacio where there is a showing encouragement. [Padilla p. 236]
that their armed present lent moral
encouragement and sense of security indicating Q: Mario was sleeping in his home when he
community of purpose with their comrades who was awakened by the calls of Simon and
actually dealt the fatal blow. All their overt acts, Alfonso. The two asked him to come down
taken collectively show that they conspired to from his house. Once Mario was outside his
kill Ignacio. [Padilla p. 235] house, Simon suddenly embraced Mario.
Thereupon, Alfonso stabbed Mario. Mario
Q: Emilio shot Ramon. Ramon ran into a died as a result.
house to seek refuge. Is Simon liable of murder by reason of
Emilio ordered his militia companions, all conspiracy, despite merely embracing the
armed with high powered firearms, to victim Mario?
surround the house and prevent anyone from A: Yes, from the mode and manner in which the
entering or exiting so that Ramon would die offense was perpetrated, as can be inferred from
of hemorrhage. Emilio look for Ramons their acts, it is evident that Simon and Alfonso
friend, Antonio. Upon seeing Antonio, Emilio were one in their intention. For conspiracy it is
shot him. While all this was happening, sufficient that at the time of the commission the
Emilios militia stood guard on the road and accused had the same purpose and were united
house. in its execution. [Padilla p. 238]
Is the Emilios militia criminally liable by
mere staying stood guard? Q: Mario was on his way home when George,
A: Yes, the accused militia companions were not armed with a knife, suddenly appeared and
merely innocent bystanders but were in fact vital stabbed Mario who died as a result. Stephan,
cogs in perpetrating the savage murders. Georges classmate, was standing behind a
Undoubtedly, these were overt acts to ensure the Meralco post some four meters away when
success of the commission of the crimes and in the stabbing occurred.
furtherance of the aims of the conspiracy. Is Stephan criminally liable?
[Padilla p. 236] A: No, conspiracy is not presumed. To effectively
serve as a basis for conviction, conspiracy must
Q: Benny and Carlos are police officers. One be proved as convincingly as the criminal act
night, Benny stopped a group of teenagers itself. The conspiracy was not proven beyond
and start frisking them. Benny and Carlos reasonable doubt. Also, mere knowledge,
were police officers armed with handguns, acquiescence or approval of the act without
and smelled of liquor, therefore the group cooperation does not amount to the existence of
agreed to be frisked. Benny, with Carlos a conspiracy. [Padilla p. 244]
standing guard behind him with a drawn gun,
ordered the group to form a line. Without any Q:X , Y, and Z fired their guns almost
warning, Benny suddenly fired his gun in simultaneously at the principal victim,
quick succession and killed one member of resulting in his death and his driver. Is there
the group. conspiracy among the accused in the
Carlos standing guard behind him gave commission of the crime? Reason.
support to the act and therefore shall be held A: There is conspiracy among the accused X, Y
criminally liable along with Benny. Do you and Z. The fact that the three fired almost
agree? simultaneously at the principal victim shows
A: No, there was no conspiracy between Benny that they have acted in concert pursuant to a
and Carlos. Carlos could not have anticipated common criminal objective. (Define conspiracy).
Bennys act of shooting the victims since the There is, therefore, a unity of action and
attack was sudden and without any reason or intention (People v.San Luis, 86 Phil 485), To

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establish conspiracy, proof of previous but individual They have not acted conceitedly
agreement is not necessary. It is enough that if for the realization of a common criminal
at the time of the commission of the crime, all objective. H and J who dealt blows on the victim
the accused have the same purpose and were without causing any physical injury could be
united in its execution. liable for ill-treatment.

Q: When L, a notorious robber in the Q: At a pre-wedding celebration where

neighborhood, was apprehended by an irate plenty of people were milling and walking
crowd and while L was being held from behind about or standing close together, a mad killer
by M, N stoned L, hitting him on the head. O shot up the wedding party. The three
hit him on the knee with a piece of wood, and appellants were convicted by the owner court
P stabbed him on the chest, which stabbing as co-conspirators of the killer because they
was the cause of the death of L. Said acts were allegedly with him before, during, and
were committed almost simultaneously to after the shooting. It was proven conclusively
the surprise of M. What criminal liability, if that the appellant were friends of the killer;
any, was incurred by M, N, O and P? Reason that they went together with the killer to the
fully. celebration; and that they left at the same
A: M has no criminal liability for what N, O and time with the killer, after the shooting.
P did because their acts surprised him and, However, the appellants had no guns and
hence, M was not aware of what they would have passively witnessed the shooting, without
done. The criminal liability of N, O and P is intervening in the killing in any way nor
individual and not collective. The facts of the shielding killer.
problem show that these offenders did not act
concertedly in pursuance of a common purpose. Is there conspiracy among them? Why?
They had no knowledge of each other's criminal A: There is no conspiracy among them because
intent. There is no unity of action and intention as the problem has stated, they passively
to hold that the act of one is the act of all Mere witnessed the shooting. No overt act was
"simultaneousness" of acts does not of itself committed therefore the element that the
indicate concurrence of will nor the unity of conspiracy must be proved as the essence of the
action and purpose, which are the basis of the crime itself is not present.
opportunity of two or more persons.
Q: Aki and Ben, while walking together, met
Q: "H" made a bet of P10 with "I" in a game of
Caloy. There was an altercation between Ben
"beto-beto". "H" won but "I" refused to pay the
and Caloy so that Ben chased and stabbed
amount. A dispute arose between them,
which culminated in a fist fight. "J", the Caloy with a knife hitting his right arm
father of "H", and "K", the brother of "H", thereby causing slight physical injury. Ben
intervened. desisted from further assaulting Caloy, but
Aki lunged at Caloy and felled him this time
When the fight began, "H" held the hand of with a bolo which mortally wounded Caloy.
"I", "J" seized the front part of "I's" shirt, and Thus, he died.
while they were dealing blows on one
another, "K" came with a "balisong" and What is the criminal liability of
stabbed "I" inflicting upon him a mortal Aki? How about that of Ben? Explain your
wound. answers.

"H", "J", and "K" were charged with Homicide. Assuming conspiracy is
Is it proper to hold all the accused established, will your answer in problem (a)
responsible for the fatal wound inflicted upon be the same? Explain your answer.
the victim by "K"? A: Aki is liable for homicide because, while it is
A: It is not proper to hold H and J liable for the clear that he intentionally caused the death of
fatal wound inflicted upon the victim by K Caloy, none of the circumstances attendant to
because of the absence of conspiracy. He and J
murder are present. Intent to kill is clear as Aki
are not co-principals of K in the killing of the
lunged at Caloy, after the latter was inflicted a
victim. The liability of H, J and K is not collective

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wound at the right arm, and gave him a mortal and attacked him. Nestor used a knife; Jolan,
wound. a shovel; Arthur, his fists; and Reden, a piece
of wood. After killing Joe, Reden ordered the
Ben is guilty only of slight physical injuries as it digging of a grave to bury Joe's lifeless body.
is evident from the wound he inflicted upon Thereafter, the four (4) left together.
Caloy that he did not Intend to kill the latter. Convicted for the killing of Joe, Arthur now
Also, there was no other act on the part of Ben claims that his conviction is erroneous as it
to show such intent. was not he who inflicted the fatal blow.

Would you sustain his claim? Why?

No, there being no conspiracy each will be liable
for their own individual act. This time both will
What was the crime committed by the
be liable for homicide because in conspiracy
four assailants?
they are equally liable. A: No. Arthur's claim is without merit. The
offenders acted in conspiracy in killing the
Q: During a fiesta, Simeon Marco, victim and hence, liable collectively. The act of
brandishing a knife, asked Constancio one is the act of all.
whether he was the one who slapped his
(Simeon's) son the year previous. Vicente The existence of a conspiracy among the
[father of Constancio) shouted at Constancio offenders can be clearly deduced or inferred from
and his other son, Bienvenido, telling them the manner they committed the killing,
to run away. When Bienvenido passed by demonstrating a common criminal purpose and
Rafael Marco (brother of Simeon), Rafael intent. There being a conspiracy, the individual
stabbed him. Bienvenido parried the blow but acts of each participant is not considered
fell down, his feet entangled with some vines. because their liability is collective.
While Bienvenido was lying on the ground,
Rafael continued to stab him, inflicting slight The crime committed is murder,
injuries on the shoulder of Bienvenido, after qualified by treachery.
which Rafael stood up. At that moment,
Dulcisimo Beltran (no relation to the Marco Q: At about 9:30 in the evening, while Dino
brothers), came out of nowhere and, together and Raffy were walking along Padre Faura
with Simeon, stabbed Bienvenido. Both of Street, Manila. Johnny hit them with a rock
them inflicted fatal wounds resulting in the injuring Dino at the back. Raffy approached
death of the victim, Dino, but suddenly, Bobby, Steve, Danny and
Nonoy surrounded the duo. Then Bobby
Discuss the criminal liability of stabbed Dino. Steve, Danny, Nonoy and
Dulcisimo, Simeon and Rafael. Johnny kept on hitting Dino and Raffy with
rocks. As a result. Dino died,
Supposing Dulcisimo is a convict out
on parole, will the aggravating circumstances Bobby, Steve, Danny, Nonoy and Johnny
of quasi-recidivism be appreciated against were charged with homicide.
A: Simeon and Dulcislmo will be liable for the Is there conspiracy in this case?
death of Bienvenido as the fatal injuries
sustained by the victim were inflicted by the two. Can the court appreciate the
aggravating circumstances of nighttime and
Rafael is not liable for slight physical injuries as band?
conspiracy was not present, and there was no A: Yes, there is conspiracy among the offenders,
apparent intent to kill when he inflicted the as manifested by their concerted actions against
slight physical injuries on the arm of the victim. the victims, demonstrating a common felonious
purpose of assaulting the victims. The existence
Q: As a result of a misunderstanding during a of the conspiracy can be inferred or deduced
meeting, Joe was mauled by Nestor, Jolan, from the manner the offenders acted in
Reden and Arthur. He ran towards his house commonly attacking Dino and Raffy with rocks,
but the four chased and caught him.
Thereafter, they tied Joe's hands at his back

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thereby demonstrating a unity of criminal design others. A stealthily entered the house and
to inflict harm on their victims. stabbed F. F ran to the street but was blocked
by C, forcing him to flee towards another
Q: Jose, Domingo, Manolo, and direction. Immediately after A had stabbed F,
Fernando, armed with bolos, at about one A also stabbed G who was visiting F.
o'clock in the morning, robbed a house at a Thereafter, A exited from the house and,
desolate place where Danilo, his wife, and together with B and C, returned to the
three daughters were living. While the four waiting taxicab and motored away.
were in the process of ransacking Danilo's
house, Fernando, noticing that one of G died. F survived.
Danilo's daughters was trying to get away,
ran after her and finally caught up with her Who are liable for the death of G and the
in a thicket somewhat distant from the physical injuries of F?
house. Fernando, before bringing back the A: A alone should be held liable for the death of
daughter to the house, raped her first. G. The object of the conspiracy of A. B, C, and D
Thereafter, the four carted away the was to kill F only. Since B, C, and D did not know
belongings of Danilo and his family. of the stabbing of G by A, they cannot be held
criminally therefor. E, the driver, cannot be also
What crime did Jose, Domingo, held liable for the death of G since the former
Manolo and Fernando commit? Suppose, was completely unaware of said killing.
after the robbery, the four took turns in
raping the three daughters of Danilo inside For the physical injuries of F, A, B and C. should
the latter's house, but before they left, they be held liable therefore. Even if it was only A who
killed the whole family to prevent actually stabbed and caused physical injuries to
G, B and C are nonetheless liable for conspiring
identification, what crime did the four
with A and for contributing positive acts which
commit? Explain.
led to the realization of a common criminal
intent. B positioned himself as a lookout, while
Under the facts of the case, what
C blocked F's escape. D, however, although part
aggravating circumstances may be of the conspiracy, cannot be held liable because
appreciated against the four? Explain. he left the scene before A could enter the house
A: (a) Jose, Domingo, and Manolo where the stabbing occurred. Although he was
committed Robbery, while Fernando committed earlier part of the conspiracy, he did not
complex crime of Robbery with Rape, Conspiracy personally participate in the execution of the
can be inferred from the manner the offenders crime by acts which directly tended toward the
committed the robbery but the rape was same end. In the same breath, E, the driver,
committed by Fernando at a place "distant from cannot be also held liable for the infliction of
the house" where the robbery was committed, physical injuries upon F because there is no
not in the presence of the other conspirators. showing that he had knowledge of the plan to
Hence, Fernando alone should answer for the kill F.
rape, rendering him liable for the special
complex crime. The crime would be Robbery Q: Juan and Arturo devised a plan to murder
with Homicide. Joel. In a narrow alley near Joel's house,
Juan will hide behind the big lamppost and
Q: A had a grudge against F. Deciding to kill shoot Joel when the latter passes through on
F, A and his friends, B, C, and D, armed his way to work. Arturo will come from the
themselves with knives and proceeded to the other end of the alley and simultaneously
house of F, taking a taxicab for the purpose. shoot Joel from behind. On the appointed
About 20 meters from their destination, the day, Arturo was apprehended by the
group alighted and after instructing E, the authorities before reaching the alley. When
driver, to wait, traveled on foot to the house Juan shot Joel as planned, he was unaware
of F. B positioned himself at a distance as the that Arturo was arrested earlier. Discuss the
group's lookout. C and D stood guard outside criminal liability of Arturo, if any.
the house. Before A could enter the house, D A: Arturo, being one of the two who devised the
left the scene without the knowledge of the plan to murder Joel, thereby becomes a co-

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principal by direct conspiracy. What is needed continuing with the commission of the crime; he
only is an overt act and both will incur criminal did not. So the act of A in pursuing the
liability. Arturo's liability as a conspirator arose commission of the crime which both he and B
from his participation in jointly devising the designed, planned, and commenced to commit,
criminal plan with Juan, to kill Jose. And it was would also be the act of B because of their
pursuant to that conspiracy that Juan killed expressed conspiracy. Both are liable for the
Joel. The conspiracy here is actual, not by composite crime of robbery with homicide.
inference only. The overt act was done pursuant
to that conspiracy whereof Arturo is co- Q: Mahigpit is the general manager of Blue
conspirator. There being a conspiracy, the act of Chips Co. He fired Alibugha, Bulagsak,
one is the act of all. Arturo, therefore, should be Bisyoso, and Mabisyo for gross incompetence
liable as a co-conspirator but the penalty on him The following day, the four dismissed
may be that of an accomplice only (People vs. employees happened to meet by chance at a
Nierra, 96 SCRA 1; People us. Medrano, 114 restaurant, a block from the residence of
SCRA 335) because he was not able to actually Mahigpit. Then and there, the four hatched a
participate in the shooting of Joel, having been plan to beat up Mahigpit so he would not be
apprehended before reaching the place where so harsh to his personnel in the future.
the crime was committed. Immediately, thereafter, the four proceeded
to Mahigpit's house. After being allowed to
Q: A and B, both store janitors, planned to kill enter, a heated discussion ensued. Mahigpit
their employer C at midnight and take the ordered the four to leave his house
money kept in the cash register. A and B immediately. Thereupon, Alibugha and
together drew the sketch of the store, where Bulagsak started raining blows on Mahigpit
they knew C would be sleeping, and planned while Bisyoso held him by his arms. Mabisyo
the sequence of their attack. Shortly before proceeded to the second floor of the
midnight, A and B were ready to carry out the residence where he chanced upon Katulong,
plan. When A was about to lift C's mosquito the housemaid of Mahigpit. Katulong saw
net to thrust his dagger, a police car with what was going on and rushed to a window
sirens blaring passed by. Scared, B ran out of shouting for help. Mabisyo hit Katulong on
the store and fled, while A went on to stab C the head with a metal flower vase. The four
to death, put the money in the bag, and ran then fled from the house. When the police
outside to look for B. The latter was nowhere arrived at the scene, they found Mahigpit
in sight. Unknown to him, B had already left dead on the floor of the sala and Katulong,
the place. What was the participation and also dead, near the window on the second
corresponding criminal liability of each, if floor.
any? Reasons.
A: There was an expressed conspiracy between Alibugha, Bulagsak, Bisyoso, and Mabisyo
A and B to kill C and take the latter's money. were charged with murder on two counts. The
The planned killing and taking of the money Fiscal stated that the two offenses were
appears to be intimately related as component characterized by conspiracy and, therefore,
crimes, hence a special complex crime of robbery all the accused should be equally guilty for all
with homicide. The conspiracy being expressed, the consequences of their criminal acts. Is
not just implied, A and B are bound as co- the Fiscal correct? Explain.
conspirators after they have planned and agreed A: Regarding the death of Mahigpit, only
on the sequence of their attack even before they Alibugha, Bulagsak, and Bisyoso are criminally
committed the crime. Therefore, the principle in liable. They acted pursuant to a conspiracy to
law that when there is a conspiracy, the act of beat the deceased whose death is the direct,
one is the act of all, already governs them. In natural and logical consequence of the crime
fact, A and B were already in the store to carry agreed upon to be committed. Mabisyo is not
out their criminal plan. liable for the death of Mahigpit because although
he participated in the plan to beat him, he did
That B ran out of the store and fled upon hearing not personally perform any overt act as his
the sirens of the police car, is not spontaneous contribution to realize the common criminal
desistance but flight to evade apprehension. It objective.
would be different if B then tried to stop A from

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Regarding the death of the housemaid, only to be liquidated by them for graft and
Mabisyo will be liable. The others are not corruption. He was further asked if any of
criminally liable as the death of the housemaid them is innocent. After going over the list,
is not covered in the conspiracy nor is it a Ricky pointed to two of the policemen as
necessary consequence thereof. honest. Later, the vigilante group liquidated
Q: Efren, Greggy and Hilario. wearing fatigues the three other policemen in the list. The
and carrying unlicensed firearms, barged into commander of the vigilante group reported
the residence of Arnulfo Dilat at Scout the liquidation to Ricky. Is Ricky criminally
Lazcano St. (Before making their entrance, liable? Explain.
they gave instructions to their companion A: No, there was no conspiracy between Ricky
Sakay to stand watch outside). Once inside, and the Commander of the vigilante. Mere
they announced that they were members of vouching for the honesty of the two (2) policemen
the Philippine National Police (PNP) on an in the list cannot make him a co-conspirator for
official mission. Inside the master bedroom, the killing. Ricky enjoys the presumption of
they demanded from Luningning, the wife of innocence.
Arnulfo, cash and jewelries. After receiving
the jewelries but before the money could be Q: What is the definition of imputability?
handed to them, they heard their companion A: It is the quality by which an act may be
Sakay shouting: "Pulis! Pulis!" Panic- ascribed to a person as its author or owner. It
stricken, Efren shot Arnulfo who was implies that the act committed has been freely
seriously injured. Greggy and Hilario picked and consciously done and may, therefore, be put
up the jewelry box whose contents spilled all down to the doer as his very own.
over the floor as they rushed out. Before they
could make good their escape, however, the Q: What is the definition of responsibility?
police blocked their way, one of them A: It is the obligation of suffering the
clutching Sakay by the collar. They were consequences of crime. It is the obligation of
forthwith brought to the Police Headquarters taking the penal and civil consequences of the
nearby. crime.

Discuss the individual and collective Q: What is the difference of imputability and
criminal liabilities of Efren, Greggy, Hilario responsibility?
and Sakay. A: While imputability implies that a deed may be
A: There appears to be conspiracy amongst the imputed to a person, responsibility implies that
four offenders; in which case the act of one the person must take the consequence of such
becomes the act of all. Ergo, they are all liable deed.
for the consequent crime, which is robbery
under Art. 299, special complex crime of robbery Q: How many justifying circumstances are
with serious physical injuries, committed in an there?
inhabited house, by pretending to be persons in A: There are six (6) justifying circumstance,
authority. There is no band as only three are namely:
armed. 1. Self-defense,
2. Defense of Relative;
Sakay, who seems to have participated only as 3. Defense of Stranger;
lookout, still will be liable as principal because 4. Damage to Another (State of Necessity)
of the conspiracy. Even if there is none, he is Avoid an evil or injury
criminally liable as a principal by indispensable 5. Fulfillment of Duty or Lawful Exercise of
cooperation. Right;
6. Obedience to an Order issued by a
The crime is definitely consummated as Superior for some Lawful Purpose
offenders have complete disposal of the subject
matter of the offense. Q: With justifying circumstances, is there a
crime, criminal or criminal liability?
Q: Ricky was reviewing for the bar exam when A: No. The act is justified; hence, there is no
the commander of a vigilante group came to crime. There is no criminal nor criminal liability.
him and showed him a list of five policemen

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Q: Is there civil liability? b. Defense of property
A: As a general rule NO. However, under c. Defense of property rights
paragraph 4, state of necessity. In cases falling
within subdivision 4 of art. 11, the persons for Q: In self-defense regarding property, and in
whose benefit the harm has been prevented, particular defense of home, discuss what can
shall be civilly liable in proportion of the benefit you do against a thief inside your home?
which they may have received. A: It depends on the circumstance. Thera are 4
Q: Art 11 Par 1 Self defense. What is the 1. If the intruder is armed and assaults
basis of the law? the persons living in the house you may
A: It is based on mans impulse of self- attack (even kill) the intruder;
preservation. It is part of his nature as a human 2. If the intruder is armed and has not
being to defend himself. yet assaulted the persons living in the
house you may attack (even kill) the
Q: What are the elements or requisites of self- intruder;
defense? 3. IF the intruder is not armed and
A: The 3 elements or requisites of self-defense: assaults the persons living in the house
1. Unlawful aggression you may attack (even kill) the intruder;
2. Reasonable necessity f the means 4. If the intruder is not armed and does
employed not assaults the persons living in the
3. Lack of sufficient provocation from the house you may attack the intruder but
defender not kill.

Q: What are the positivist and classical Moreover:

theories of self-defense? 1. There is no need to be an actual attack
A: To the classicist in penal law, lawful defense by the armed intruder against the
is grounded on the impossibility on the part of defenders person. The defender may
the State to avoid a present unjust inconceivable defend his home even if there is no attack
for the State to require that the innocent by the thief.
succumb to an unlawful aggression without 2. There is no need to verify if the thief is
resistance, while to the Positivists, lawful armed or not before you can defend your
defense is an exercise of right, an act of social home.
justice don to repel the attack of an aggressor.
Q: Can a person kill someone in order to
Q: Does self-defense only include defense of defend his property rights?
his person? A: No, unless there is an attack against his
A: No, self-defense includes both defense of his person.
person as well as defense of his rights such as:
1. Life or limb Q: In justifying circumstances, what must
a. A person may defend his right to the accused prove?
life or limb when the aggression A: The accused must prove:
from another person constitutes 1. Unlawful aggression the unlawful
a real menace to ones self or aggression came from the victim-
when a peril to his persons exists. aggressor and not from the accused-
2. Honor defender
a. Such as a woman defensing 2. Reasonable necessity of the means
herself against an aggressor employed the accused had reasonable
attempting to rape her; self- necessity of employing self-defense and
defense in libel cases; self- reasonable means were employed to
defense against a slap to face. prevent or repel the aggression from the
3. Liberty; and aggressor; and
a. Such as resisting to an unlawful 3. Lack of sufficient provocation the
arrest. accused did not sufficiently provoke the
4. Property aggressor as to want the aggression
a. Defense of home; committed by the latter

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6. When the victim threatens to aim and
Q: In justifying circumstances, discuss throw a pot;
elements of unlawful aggression. 7. When the victim utters the words so
A: In understanding unlawful aggression, we leche, you after all want something from
shall be discussing several points to wit: us;
1. Definition of unlawful aggression 8. When the victim is killed on the belief
a. Aggression is equivalent to an that the victim might attack;
attack. For the right of defense to 9. When the victim is killed because he is
exist, it is necessary that we be known to be of violent temper and
assaulted or that we be attacked, quarrelsome.
or at least that we be threatened [INCLUDES CASE IN PADILLA BOOK PAGE 302]
with an attack of an immediate
and imminent manner. Q: Can the use by the aggressor of a toy pistol
The aggression must not be an constitute unlawful aggression?
imagined threat. It should not be A: Yes so long as the person invoking self-
speculative. defense really believed the gun to be real.
2. Pointing a gun to another constitutes
unlawful aggression and in particular as Q: Would the mere cocking of a gun, without
the circumstances show a situation aiming the firearm at any particular target,
where the aggressor had intent of using be sufficient to conclude that a persons life
the gun; is in imminent danger?
3. Unlawful aggression must come from the A: No
victim and not from the defender;
4. A mere slight provocation is not unlawful Q: Would the mere thrusting of the
aggression; aggressors hand into his pocket as if for the
5. Unlawful aggression is indispensable in purpose of drawing a weapon, be unlawful
self-defense; aggression?
6. Unlawful aggression should always A: No. [include cases of padilla book page 303]
precede self-defense;
7. The unlawful aggression should be Q: Include the cases of judge padilla
continuing; regarding the 4th point page 304
8. In an agreed fight, unlawful aggression is A:
reciprocal; hence no self-defense;
9. A defender may apply the @stand-your- Q: Is the matter of whether or not the victim
ground-when-in-the-right rule; was indeed the aggressor factual?
10. Unlawful aggression considered A: Yes. Determination of who was the unlawful
improbable aggressor is a matter of fact.
11. Battered Woman Syndrome.
Q: If it was the accused-defender who
Q: In self-defense, what are some examples of initiated the unlawful aggression, can self-
cases where the aggression was merely defense still prosper?
imaginary and not real; hence, the Court did A: No. Self-defense is accepted only when the
not appreciate the presence of unlawful accused did not initiate the unlawful aggression.
A: In the following: Q: Can mere slight provocation from the
1. When the victim merely draws out a victim amount to unlawful aggression
knife; sufficient to justify the accused into killing
2. When the victim merely started scolding the victim and claiming it was done in self-
him; defense?
3. When the victim merely shouts out of A: No, slight provocation is not the same as
threats and pounds on the door; unlawful aggression. A mere slight provocation
4. When the victim approaches and is not from the victim is not enough for the accused to
brandishing his weapon; claim self-defense.
5. When an unarmed victim raises his right
arm chest high; Examples:

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1. The victim simply woke up the accused Q: What is the exception to the general rule
with kicks and blows as a mere that self-defense will not lie in an agreed fight
disciplinary measure because the aggression is reciprocal?
2. The victim merely gave a playful ick to A: If one of the fighters commits an aggression
the accused. ahead of the stipulated time and place of the
agreed encounter, then there can be unlawful
aggression from the person who broke the
NOTE: A provocation which is against a persons agreement.
honor may constitute unlawful aggression.
However, it must be noted that the defense Q: What if your companion (who manages to
against an aggression towards a persons honor engage himself in a fight with another group)
must be reasonable. calls for you to help, can you claim self-
defense? Will there be unlawful aggression
Q: If there is no unlawful aggression, will the from the other group?
2nd and 3rd requisites have any basis? A: No, the first attack which may come from
Q: No. either is but an incident of the fight and cannot
be considered an unlawful or unexpected
Q: Should the accused show that the unlawful aggression
aggression existed for some time prior to his
injuring or killing the aggressor? Q: What is the stand your ground when in
A: No. All that is required is that the injuring or the right rule?
killing of the aggressor by the accused be A: During an unlawful attack by another and
simultaneous with the attack made by the while a struggle is going on and the danger to
former, or at least both acts succeeded each his person or hi life continues, the party
other without an appreciable interval of time. assaulted has a right to repel the danger by
wounding his adversary, and if necessary
Q: Should the unlawful aggression be disable him. The fact that person when
continuing? assaulted does not flee from his assailant is not
A: Yes. In legitimate self-defense the aggression sufficient for claiming, in a proper case, to
must still be existing or continuing when the uphold the rational necessity of the means
person making the defense attacks or injures the employed in repelling the illegal attack.
aggressor. Thus, when an unlawful aggression One who is unlawfully assailed need not attempt
ceases to exist, the one making the defense has to retreat where there is no reasonable ground
no more right to kill the former aggressor. In to believe that by doing so he can safely avoid
particular, self-defense will not prosper in the the threatened attack; nor is he required to
following: continue his retreat when there is nor
1. The victim was disarmed; reasonable ground to believe that he can do so
2. The victim turned around and walked with safety.
3. The victim ran away and was disarmed; Q: Is there any exception to the application
4. The victim fled in retreat; of the stand-your-ground rule?
5. The victim ran and fled after running out A: Yes, when the unlawful aggression ceases.
of bullets/ Include case pag. 316

Q: Difference between retaliation and self- Q: Is the application of the stand-your

defense. ground rule even stricter for police officers?
A: In retaliation, the aggression that was begun A: Yes, a police officer must stand his ground.
by the injured party already ceased to exist when The duty of a peace officer requires him to
the accused attacked him. In self-defense, the overcome his opponent. The peace officer, in the
aggression was still existing when the aggressor performance of his duty, represents the law
was injured or disabled by the person making a which he must uphold. A police officer, in the
defense. performance of his duty must stand his ground
and cannot, like a private individual, take refuge
in flight.

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Q: May a police officer, in the performance of 2. The acute battering incident;
his lawful and official duties, be held liable a. Characterized by brutality,
for homicide or murder, if in the process of destructiveness and sometimes
preventing a prisoner from escaping, is death. The battered woman
required to shoot the escaping prisoner deems this incident as
resulting in the prisoners death? unpredicted, yet also inevitable.
A: Depending on the facts of the case. A general She has no control. The battered
rule, No. woman in this cycle knows from
her past painful experience that
Q: What are some examples of cases where it is futile to fight back.
the Court held that it was highly improbable 3. The tranquil, loving phase;
for accused to have committed the unlawful a. Acute battering incident ends.
aggression? The couple experience profound
A: Unlawful aggression was deemed improbable relief. The battered woman tries
in the following: to convince herself that the
Unlawful aggression committed by a battery will never happen again.
polio victim; However, in this phase of
Unlawful aggression committed by an old remorseful reconciliation that
man after being seriously injured and she is most thoroughly tormented
having lost his right hand; psychologically.
Unlawful aggression committed by a
sexagenarian (in his 60s) grandfather Q: Is battered woman syndrome an
when he assaults a 24-year old armed admissible defense in Philippines courts?
with a gun and a bolo. A: Yes. It is important to note that the existence
of the syndrome in relationship does not in itself
Q: How is battered woman defined? establish the legal right of the woman to kill her
A: A battered woman has been defined as a abusive partner. Evidence must still be
woman who is repeatedly subjected to any considered in the context of self-defense.
forceful physical or psychological behavior by a
man in order to coerce her to do something he Q: Why is the battered woman syndrome
wants her to do without concern for her rights. allowable in the context of a dense of
Battered woman cases are limited to wives or stranger?
women in any form of intimate relationship with A: In the principle of self-defense, if not
men. continuous, does not warrant self-defense.
To be classified as a batted woman, the couple However, if the following are presents, the
must go through the battering cycle at least battered woman syndrome may be used as a
twice. This cycle is the following: justifying circumstance:
1. Tension-building phase; 1. Each of the phases of the cycle of
a. Minor battering occurs. It could violence must be proven to have
be verbal or slight physical abuse characterized at least two battering
or another form of hostile episodes;
behavior. The woman usually 2. The final acute battering episode
tries to pacify the batterer preceding the killing of the batterer must
through a show of kind, have produced in the battered persons
nurturing behavior. What mind an actual fear of an imminent a
actually happens is that she harm from her batterer and an honest
allows herself to be abused. All belief that she needed to use force in
she wants to prevent is the order to save her life;
escalation of the violence 3. At the time of the killing, the batterer
exhibited by the batterer. must have posed probable grave harm to
However, the techniques adopted the accused, based on the history of
by the woman in her effort to violence perpetrated by the former
placate him are not usually against the latter.
successful, and the verbal and or
physical abuse worse.

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Q: In self-defense, the second requisite is A: The 3 requisites are:
there is reasonable necessity of the means 1. Unlawful aggression;
employed. Does reasonable necessity imply 2. Reasonable necessity of the means
material commensurability between the employed;
means of attack and defense? 3. In case the provocation was given by the
A: No. The law requires rational equivalence person attacked, the person making the
which is based on test of rational necessity. defense had no part in the provocation.
Such test sees how an individual in such dire
situation, with the grim prospect of the loss of Q: Which relatives are included in defense or
life, would react. relatives?
A: A person may defend the following relatives:
Following are some examples of cases showing 1. Spouse;
reasonable necessity: 2. Ascendant;
1. When there is no recourse but to use any 3. Descendant;
weapon to save himself 4. Brothers or sisters (legitimate, natural or
2. When the policemen had to use his pistol adopted);
to repel aggression with a knife 5. Relatives by affinity (in the same
These instances do NOT show reasonable 6. Relatives by consanguinity (within the
necessity: 4th civil degree);
1. Using the same weapon after wrestling
the same away from the aggressor. Q: What is meant by relatives by affinity?
a. EXCEPTION: However, if the A: A relationship by affinity arises from marriage
aggressor continues to press on and incudes parents-in law, sons or daughters-
his attack and tries to obtain in-law, and also brother or sisters-in-law.
another weapon, the unlawful
aggression does not cease. Q: If the person making the defense (in favor
Hence, the necessity of self- of his relative) is induced by revenge,
defense does not likewise cease. resentment or other evil motive, may he
2. Using a knife against an aggressor using claim the benefit of defense of relative?
only his bare fists. A: No, defense of relative will not prosper if the
a. EXCEPTION: However, if the defender was motivated by revenge, resentment
aggressor is of superior strength, or evil motive.
use of a knife is reasonable.
Q: What are the requisites or elements of
Q: In self-defense, the third element is the defense of stranger?
lack of sufficient provocation on the part of A: The 3 elements are:
the person defending himself. When is 1. Unlawful aggression;
provocation deemed sufficient? 2. Reasonable necessity of the means
A: The provocation must be sufficient, which employed;
means that it should be proportionate to the act 3. The person defending be not induced by
of aggression and adequate to stir the aggressor revenge, resentment or other evil motive.
to its commission. These are instances where
provocation is sufficient: Q: What is the rule when a police officer
1. When one challenges the deceased to shoots at a person attacking his fellow police
come out of the house and engage in a companion? Is there a valid defense of
fist fight with him and prove who is the stranger?
better man A: Depending on the circumstance and facts.
2. When one hurls insult or imputes to Yes, so long as the police officer who comes in
another the utterance of vulgar language defense of his fellow companion can prove the 3
3. When the accused tried to forcibly kiss elements of defense of a stranger convincingly.
the sister of the deceased.
Q: What are the 3 requisites of the state of
Q: What are the requisites or elements of necessity circumstance in the Art. 11?
dense of relative? A: The 3 requisites are:

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1. That the evil sought to avoided actually pocket knife which he was carrying in his
exists; pocket and stabbed Erik. Among the wounds
2. That the injury feared be greater than the inflicted on Erik, the wound in the left side
act done to avoid it; of his breast was the most serious on account
3. The there be no other practical and less of its having fully penetrate the lungs and
harmful means or preventing the evil or caused him to spit blood. He would have died,
injury had it not been for the timely medical air
rendered him.
Q: What are the requisites of fulfillment of Is Marco criminally liable?
duty or lawful exercise of right in the art. A: The defensive act executed by Marco was
11? attended by three requisites of illegal aggression
A: The 2 requisites are: on the part of Erik, there being lack of sufficient
1. The offender acted in the performance of provocation on the part of Marco, who did not
a duty or in the lawful exercise of a right provoke the occurrence complained of, nor did
or office he direct that Erik be invited to come down from
2. The injury or offense committed be the the parochial building and arrange the
necessary consequence of the due interview. Finally, because Marco, in defending
performance of such duty or the lawful himself with a pocketknife against the assault
exercise of such right or office. made upon him with a cane, employed
reasonable means to prevent or repel the same.
Q: What are the requisites of obedience to Therefore, the case at bar met all the
an order issued by a superior for some lawful requirements of self-defense of justifying
purpose in the Art. 11? circumstances. No criminal liability. [Reyes p.
A: The 4 requisites are: 158]
1. A superior officer gives an order;
2. The order must be lawful; Q: The accused, Mr. Jericho, invited several
3. The subordinate obeys and performs an persons to a picnic in a fishery on his
act in obedience to such order property. They spent the day at said fishery
4. The act of obedience is within the and in the afternoon returned in two boats,
limitations of law. ne steered by the accused and the other by
an old woman. Nine persons were in the boat
Q: Carmela was walking on her way from the steered by the accused, the great majority of
house of Castillo accompanied by several whom were women. The accuseds wife and
young people when he was approached by son and a nursing child were passengers in
Marco who suddenly kissed her and the boat, together with the deceased Mr.
thereafter ran off in the direction of his Juan.
house. Carmelas companions, including Upon reaching a place of great depth, the
Castillo, pursued Marco but failed to overtake deceased rocket the boat which started to
him. take water. The accused, fearing the boat
Two nights after, while Marco was at an might capsize, asked the deceased not to do
entertainment held on the second floor of the it.
parochial building, he was invited to come As the deceased paid no attention to this
out into the yard. warning and continued rocking the boat, the
Erik asked then Marco why he kissed accused struck him on the forehead win an
Carmela which is Eriks girlfriend. Marco oar. The deceased fell into the water and was
replied that he had done because Carmela submerged, but a little while after appeared
was very fickle and prodigal of her use of the on the surface, having grasped the side of the
word yes on all occasions. Erik told him boat.
that he should not act that way and The deceased then stated that he was going
immediately struck him a blow on the head to capsize the boat and started to move it.
with a cane or blow, which assault made The woman began to cry, and the accused
Marco dizzy and caused him to fall to the struck him on the neck with the same oar,
ground in sitting posture. which submerged the deceased again. The
As Marco feared that his aggressor would deceased died as a consequence.
continue to assault him, he took hold of the

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Is there criminal liability on the part of Mr. a. The exhibition of a small wound
Jericho? shortly after the occurrence does
A: Due to the condition of the river at the point not meet the requirement of self-
where the deceased started to rock the boat, if it defense. It is not a sufficient proof
had capsized, the passengers would have run of aggression.
the risk of losing their lives, the majority of 2. Number and extent of wound: The victim
whom were women, especially the nursing child. alone sustained alone sustained 21
The conduct of the deceased in rocking the boat wounds. It is unreasonable to consider it
until the point of it having taken water and his as a result of self-defense action.
insistence on this action in spite of accuseds 3. Nature: The victims wound who has
warning, gave rise to the belief on the part of the been examined by the doctor, show that
accused that it would capsize if he did not the deceased was struck either from
separate the deceased from the boat in such a behind or while his body was in a
matter as to give him no time to accomplish his reclining position. From which I follows
purpose. It was necessary to disable him that the accused did not act in self-
momentarily. For this purpose, the blow given defense.
him by the accused on the forehead win an oar 4. Character: considering that the
was the least that could reasonably have been aggressor provoke the incident and
done. And this consideration militates with started the aggression; considering that
greater weight with respect to the second blow he is of violent temperament,
given in his neck with the same oar, because troublesome, strong and aggressive with
then the danger was greater than the boat might three criminal records, twice of slander
upset, especially as the deceased had expressed by deed and once of threat to kill, the
his intention to upset it. accused can invoke self-defense and
The case at bar involves defense of relatives and justified in striking the aggressor with a
at the same time defense of strangers. It meets bolo on the forehead.
the requirements prescribed in art. 11 and
therefore Mr. Jericho has no criminal liability.
[Reyes p. 159] Q: Is the fact that the accused declined to
give any statement when he surrendered to a
Q: Teodoro was squatting with a friend, policemen be relevant during prosecution?
Irving, in a plaza. Romeo and two others A: Yes. When the accused surrendered to the
approached them. All of them were close and policemen, the fact that he declined to give any
old friends. Romeo gave Teodoro a foot-kick statement, which is the natural course of things
greeting touching Teodoros foot with own he would have done if hed acted merely do
left foot. Teodoro thereupon stood up and defend himself, is inconsistent with the plea of
dealt Romeo a first blow, inflicting him self-defense.
different wounds. It took 11 to 12 days for A protestation of innocence or justification is the
Romeo to recover. logical and spontaneous reaction of a man who
Is Teodoro criminally liable? finds himself in such an inculpatory
A: A playful kick at the foot by way of greeting predicament.
may be a practical joke and therefore it is not a
serious or real attack. It may be a mere slight Q: When the aggressor flees, unlawful
provocation and therefore the case at bar does aggression no longer exists. Is there an
not meet the requirement prescribed by Art. 11. exception?
Teodoro is criminally liable. [Reyes p. 161] A: Yes. If the retreat purpose is to tame more
advantageous position. Thus, if it is clear that
Q: In which way nature, character, location the purpose of the aggressor in retreating is to
and extent of wound of the accused allegedly take a more advantageous position to insure the
inflicted by the injured party may belie clam success of the attack already begun by him, the
of self-defense? unlawful aggression is considered still
A: The following cases: continuing, and the one making a defense has a
1. Extent of wound: The accused, claiming right to pursue him in his retreat and to disable
self-defense, exhibited a small scar on him.
his head.

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Q: The accused, Mr. Romualdo, armed with a
shotgun, was looking over his land. He Q: Does the fact that the relative defended
noticed a man carrying a bundle on his gave provocation relevant during prosecution
shoulder. Believing that the man had stolen for invoking defense of a relative under art.
his palay, the accused shoulted for him to 11?
stop, and as he did not, the accused fired in A: No. Thus even if A had slapped the face of B
the air and then at him, causing his death. who as a consequence of the act of A,
Is the accused acted in self-defense of his immediately commenced to retaliate by drawing
property? a knife and trying to stab A, and C, father of A,
A: Defense of property is not of such importance killed B in defense of his son, C is completely
as right to life, and defense of property can be justified, notwithstanding the fact that the
invoked as a justifying circumstance only when provocation was given by his son A.
it is coupled with an attack on the person of one
entrusted with said property. However, if C, induced his son A to injure B,
Therefore Mr. Romualdo is criminally liable. thereby taking part in the provocation made by
[Reyes p. 175] A, C would not be completely justified in killing
B while the latter was about to stab A, because
Q: When the aggressor is disarmed can the the third requisite of defense of relative is
accused invoke self-defense as prescribed art. lacking.
A: It depends on circumstances. Example: Q: A was able to deprive B, a constabulary
1. When the wife was disarmed by her lieutenant, of his pistol during the fray. B
husband after wounding him seriously ordered C, a constabulary soldier under his
but she struggled to regain possession of command, to search A for the pistol. When C
the bolo, there was a reasonable was about to approach A to search him, the
necessity for the husband to use said latter stepped back and shot at C who was
bolo to disable her, because he was able to avoid the shot. When A was about to
already losing strength due to loss of fire again a C, D, another constabulary, fired
blood and to throw away the bolo would at A with his rifle which killed him. Is D
only give her a chance to pick it up and criminally liable?
again use it against him A: No, art. 11 defense of stranger.
2. When the defendant, who had been
attacked by the deceased, succeeded in Q: A head screams and cries for help. When a
snatching the bolo away from the latter, responded, he saw B attacking his wife with
and the deceased already manifested a a dagger. A approached B and struggled for
refusal to fight, defendant was not the possession of the weapon. In the course
justified in killing him. of which A inflicted wound on B. Is A
Q: Must unlawful aggression exist as a matter criminally liable?
of fact, or can it be made to depend upon the A: No, art. 11 defense of a stranger.
honest belief of the one making the defense?
Yes, it can be made to depend upon the honest Q: A Japanese hit an old man 78 years of age
belief of the one making a defense. on the face, shoved him to the ground and
Thus when A attacked and wounded B with a attempted to choke him. The accused, Mr.
dagger, causing the latter to fall down, but B Romeo, furnished the old man wish a small
immediately stoop up and defended himself by gaff, used by game cocks, with which the old
striking A with a boo and a as result, A was man killed his assailed. Is Mr. Romeo
seriously wounded and fell in the mud with B justified in furnishing a weapon to the old
standing in front of A in a position as if to strike man?
again in case A would stand up, there is no A: Yes. Art. 11 defense of a stranger.
doubt that A was the unlawful aggressor. But Furnishing a weapon to one in serious danger of
when the sons of A came, what saw was that being throttled is defense of a stranger.
their father was lying in the mud wounded. They
believed in good faith that their father was the Q: A person, Mr. Coco, was driving his car on
victim of an unlawful aggression. If they killed B a narrow road with due diligence and care
under such circumstances, they are justified. when suddenly he saw a six by six truck in

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front of his car. If he would swerve his car to went after him and fired again his revolver,
the left he would fall into a precipice, or if he this time hitting and killing him.
would swerve it to the right he would kill a The policeman was tried and convicted by
passerby. He was forced to choose between the Court of First Instance of homicide and
losing his life in precipice or sacrificing the sentenced to reclusion temporal and the
life of the innocent bystander. He chose the accessory penalties.
latter, swerved his car to the right, ran over A: The killing was done in the performance of a
and killed the passerby. Is Mr. Coco duty. The deceased was under the obligation to
criminally liable? surrender, and had no right, after evading
A: No, in view of this example and the principle service of his sentence, to commit assault and
involved, the instinct of self-preservation will disobedience with a weapon in his hand, which
always make one feel that his own safety is of compelled the policeman to resort to such an
greater importance than that of another. [Reyes extreme means. Felipe committed no crime as
p. 210] Art. 11 Part 05 applies to the case at bar. [Reyes
p. 213]
Q: Give examples of damage to property
under Art. 11 Par. 4 State of necessity. Q: Is shooting an offender who refused to
A: The following falls under Art. 11 Par. 4: surrender justified?
1. Fire breaks out in a cluster of nipa A: Yes.
houses, and in order to prevent its
spread to adjacent houses of strong Q: A security guard accosted a thief. The thief
materials, the surrounding nipa houses tried to flee. The security guard ordered him
are pulled down. to stop, but the latter disregarded he order.
2. Where a truck of the Standard Vacuum The guard fired four shots into the air to
Oil Co, delivering gasoline at a gas scare the thief. As the thief continued to flee,
station caught fire and, in order to saying that he would not stop even if he died,
prevent the burning of the station, the the security guard fired directly to the leg of
truck was driven to the middle of the the thief but the bullet hit him in the lumbar
street and there abandoned, but it region. The thief died. The security guard
continued to move and thereafter invoked Art. 11 par. 05 Justifying
crashed against and burned a house on circumstances in fulfillment of duty.
the other side of the street, the owner of A: The security guard acted in performance of
the house had a cause of action against his duty, but he exceeded the fulfillment of his
the owner of the gas station. duty by shooting the deceased. He was adjudged
3. During the storm, the ship which was guilty of murder. [Reyes p. 215]
heavily loaded with goods was in danger
of sinking. The captain of the vessel Q: Art. 11 Par. 6. Example of unlawful order.
ordered part of the goods thrown A: The court ordered that the convict should be
overboard. In this case the captain is not executed on a certain date. The executioner put
criminally liable for causing part of the him to death on a day earlier than the date fixed
goods to be thrown overboard. by the court. The execution of the convict,
[Reyes p. 211] although by virtue of lawful order of the court,
was carried out against the provision of Art. 82.
Q: Lorenzo escaped from the jail where he The executioner is guilty of murder.
was serving sentence. Some days afterwards
the policemen, Felipe, who was looking for Q: Boy Bala was a notorious gang leader who
him in the house of Jorge, armed with a had previously killed a policeman. The Chief
pointed piece of bamboo in the shape of a of Police ordered his vice squad headed by
lance, and demanded his surrender. The Captain Aniceto, to arrest Boy Bala and
fugitive answered with a stroke of his lance. should he resist arrest, to shoot and kill him.
The policemen dodged it, and to impose his Acting upon an informer's tip, Aniceto and
authority fired his revolver, but the bullet did two (2) of his trusted men went to the
not hit him. The criminal ran way, without Corinthian nightclub where they saw Boy
parting with his weapon. The peace officer Bala dancing with a hostess. Without any
warning, Aniceto shot Boy Bala who slumped

BAR REVIEWER Prepared by Don Dela Chica Page 34 of 49

on the dance floor. As Aniceto aimed another his having earlier killed a policeman, it does not
shot at Boy Bala, the brother of the latter, appear that Pedro, the one making the defense
Pedro, who was seated at a table nearby, got had taken any part in said provocation.
hold of a table knife and stabbed Aniceto
killing him instantly. The Chief of Police filed Q: Despite denial of a rally permit from the
a homicide case against Pedro for the death City Mayor, a group of students from
of Aniceto. On the other hand, Pedro filed a different schools held a rally at Liwasang
complaint for murder against the Chief of Bonifacio. At the rally site, they were met by
Police for the death of Boy Bala alleging that members of the WPD Dispersal Unit, armed
the issuance of the shoot-to-kill order was with truncheons, water hose, etc.
illegal and the Chief of Police was liable as a When student A saw a policeman striking a
principal by inducement. How tenable are the fellow-student, B, with a truncheon, he hit
respective claims of the Chief of Police and the forearm of the policeman with an empty
Pedro? Explain. bottle of Coke in order to prevent the latter
A: The charge for murder against the Chief of from further hurting B. At this point, other
Police for the death of Boy Bala is not tenable. policemen came, subdued A and arrested
Although, the Chief of Police is the superior on him.
Captain Aniceto who shot Boy Bala in cold
blood, he cannot be held accountable for .the act For what crime or crimes, if any, under the
of Aniceto. His order was specific; to arrest Boy Revised Penal Cede may A be charged? If A is
Bala and should he resist arrest, to shoot and liable for any crime, what circumstances
kill him. Aniceto did not act in compliance with would mitigate or aggravate his liability
this order. He shot Boy Bala without warning, under the given facts? Explain.
without even attempting to make an arrest. A: None. When the policeman struck B with a
Consequently, it could not be said that the truncheon, he goes beyond the limits of his
killing of Bala by Aniceto was induced by the powers. Consequently, A who employed
Chief of Police so as to make the latter criminally adequate means to prevent the policeman from
liable as a co-principal by inducement. The hurting B could not be held liable for assault or
liability for the death of Bala is individual and resistance nor for physical injuries considering
not collective. that he merely acted in defense of a stranger. A
is not liable under the Revised Penal Code. He is
On the other hand, the charge of homicide entitled to defense of stranger, which has the
against Pedro for the stabbing of Aniceto is following-requisites: 1) unlawful aggression, 2)
likewise not tenable. Pedro acted in legitimate reasonable necessity to prevent or repel it, 3) the
defense of relative, he being the brother of Boy person defending is not induced by revenge,
Bala. All the requisites of this justifying resentment of any evil motive. (Art. 11, par. 3,
circumstance are present. Thus: Rev. Penal Code People vs. Lara CA 43 O.G.
3152). The policeman who hit the student B with
There was unlawful aggression. At the a truncheon, while the students were at the rally
time that Pedro stabbed Aniceto, the latter had site, abused or exceeded his authority. In this
already shot at Boy Bala and was in the act of case, the policeman would be an unlawful
shooting him for the second time. The aggressor. A acted on impulse by striking the
aggression is unlawful although Aniceto is a policeman on the forearm with an empty coke
police officer and Boy Bala is notorious gangster. bottle to prevent him from farther hurting B.
By shooting Boy Bala without warning instead From the facts of the case B was already injured
of attempting to arrest him first, Aniceto became by the policeman when A hit him and the means
an unlawful agressor. employed under the circumstances would be
reasonable. A was, not actuated by revenge,
There was reasonable necessity of the resentment or any evil motive.
means employed by Pedro to prevent or repel
unlawful aggression. The use of a knife against Q: B. A chanced upon three men who were
a gun for defense is reasonable. attacking B with fist blows. C, one of the
men, was about to stab B with a knife. Not
Assuming that Boy Bala had provoked knowing that B was actually the aggressor
that attack on his person by Aniceto because of because he had earlier challenged the three

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men to a fight, A shot C as the latter was and when he was about 7 meters away, Pat,
about to stab B. May A invoke the defense of Reyes shot him in the right leg. Jun-Jun was
a stranger as a justifying circumstance in his hit and he fell down but he crawled towards a
favor? Why? fence, intending to pass through an opening
A: Yes. A may invoke the justifying circumstance underneath. When Pat. Reyes was about 5
of defense of stranger since he was not involved meters away, he fired another shot at Jun-
in the fight and he shot C when the latter was Jun hitting him at the right lower hip. Pat.
about to stab B. There being no indication that Reyes brought Jun-Jun to the hospital, but
A was induced by revenge, resentment or any because of profuse bleeding, he eventually
other evil motive in shooting C, his act is died. Pat Reyes was subsequently charged
justified under par 3, Article 11 of the Revised with homicide. During the trial, Pat Reyes
Penal Code, as amended. raised the defense, by way of exoneration,
that he acted in the fulfillment of a duty. Is
Q: In mercy killing, is the attending the defense tenable? Explain. (3%)
physician criminally liable for deliberately A: No, the defense of Pat. Reyes is not
turning off the life support system tenable. The defense of having acted in the
consequently costing the life of the patient? fulfillment of a duty requires as a condition,
State reasons. inter alia, that the Injury or offense committed
How about in an instance when in saving the be the unavoidable or necessary consequence of
life of the mother, the doctor sacrificed the the due performance of the duty (People vs.
life of the unborn child? Oanis,, 74 Phil. 257). It is not enough that
A: The attending physician is criminally the accused acted in fulfillment of a duty.
liable. Euthanasia is not a justifying
circumstance in Philippine jurisdiction. After Jun-Jun was shot in the right leg and was
already crawling, there was no need for Pat,
There is no criminal liability on the part Reyes to shoot him further. Clearly, Pat. Reyes
of the doctor because his acts are justified under acted beyond the call of duty which brought
Article 11(4) of the Revised Penal Code which about the cause of death of the victim.
provides that: The following do not incur any
criminal liability: x x x 4) any person, who in Q: As Sergio, Yoyong, Zoilo and Warlito
order to avoid an evil or injury, does an act engaged in a drinking spree at Heartthrob
which causes damage to another, provided that Disco, Special Police Officer 3 (SPO 3) Manolo
the following requisites are present: First: That Yabang suddenly approached them, aimed
the evil sought to be avoided actually exists; his revolver at Sergio whom he recognized as
Second. That the injury feared be greater than a wanted killer and fatally shot the latter.
that done to avoid it; Third. That there be no Whereupon, Yoyong, Zoilo and Warlito
other practical and less harmful means of ganged up on Yabang. Warlilo, using his own
preventing it." pistol, shot and wounded Yabang.

Q: Lucresia, a store owner, was robbed of What are the criminal liabilities of
her bracelet in her home. The following day, Yoyong, Zoilo and Warlito for the injury to
at about 5 o'clock in the afternoon, a Yabang? Was there conspiracy and
neighbor, 22-year old Jun-Jun, who had an treachery? Explain.
unsavory reputation, came to her store to
buy bottles of beer. Lucresia noticed her In turn, is Yabang criminally liable for
bracelet wound around the right arm of Jun- the death of Sergio?
Jun. As soon as the latter left, Lucresia went A: The acts of Yoyong, Zoilo and Warlito are
to a nearby police station and sought the help justified under pars. 1 and 2 of Article 11, RPC,
of a policeman on duty, Pat. Willie Reyes. He that is, self-defense or defense of a stranger, as
went with Lucresia to the house of Jun-Jun they have reason to suspect that Yabang might
to confront the latter. Pat. Reyes introduced not be satisfied in killing Sergio ONLY, the three
himself as a policeman and tried to get hold being friends and companions of the victim.
of Jun-Jun who resisted and ran away. Pat. Hence, they are entitled to protect their own lives
Reyes chased him and fired two warning and limbs from the unlawful aggression of
shots in the air. Jun-Jun continued to run Yabang. Alternatively they have the justified

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right to defend a stranger (Sergio) whose life at in the fight. The first stage was when B stabbed
that moment might still be saved by ganging up A repeatedly with a kitchen knife, who managed
on Yabang to prevent the latter from any further however to escape and ran away, pursued by B.
attack by the latter. In either case reasonable When A reached the safety of his house, he was
necessity of the means employed and lack of already safe from the unlawful aggression of B
sufficient provocation are present and so such was deemed to have ceased. When
A took a scythe inside his house and while thus
Yabang is liable for Homicide for the armed he went out of his house and dared B to
killing of Sergio as the attack was frontal come forward and fight, be became therefore the
(Alternative: Murder, because of the qualifying challenger. From the facts, a struggle ensued,
circumstance of abuse of superior strength, in which implies that the challenge of A was
terms of weapon). Sergio, being a suspected accepted by B, which is an agreement to fight
killer, is no justification to be killed by Yabang and hence there can be no unlawful aggression.

Q: When A saw B rushing towards him holding Q: X, a private citizen, saw two masked men
a bolo and poised to strike him, he break into a drug store across his home. He
immediately picked up a pointed iron bar and telephoned the police to come. Without
believing that his life was in danger as B was waiting for the police, he went outside his
close enough, he made a trust on B hitting house with a pistol and tried to intercept the
him on the stomach which caused the death thieves. He told them to stop but they did
of B thereafter. The truth, however, is that B not. He fired several shots at them, wounded
was merely trying to play a joke on C who was them and caused their hospitalization for 20
then behind A. Is A criminally liable for the days. May the thieves file any criminal case
death of B? State your reasons. against X? May X invoke the defense of the
A: A is not criminally liable because he acted in person or rights of a stranger?
self-defense due to mistake of facts. As the facts A: The thieves can file a criminal action against
of the problem state, A thrust the pointed iron X. In defense of the person or property of a
bar on B, hitting him on the stomach as he stranger, the elements of (1) unlawful
believed that his life was in danger because B aggression; (2) reasonable necessity of the
was close enough when he rushed towards A means employed to prevent or repel it; and (3)
holding a bolo and poised to strike him. (U.S. vs. that the person defending must not be induced
Ah Chong, 15 Phil. 488). Under the by revenge, resentment or any other evil motive,
circumstances, he had no time or opportunity to must be present. In self-defense of property, the
verify whether B was only playing a joke on C doctrine is that the attack on the property must
who was behind A. Hence, his mistake of the be coupled with an attack upon the person of the
facts was without fault or carelessness. He had possessor of the property. (People vs. Apolinar,
no alternative but to take the facts as they CA 38 O.G. 2870). The same rule should apply
appeared to him to justify his act. So A acted in to defense of the property of a stranger since the
good faith without criminal intent. first two elements of defense of a stranger are
also the first two elements of self-defense, that
Q: B repeatedly stabbed A with a kitchen is unlawful aggression and reasonable necessity
knife. A managed to escape with minor of the means employed to prevent or to repel it.
injuries, and to run away from B who The means employed by X in firing several shots
continued to pursue him. A, upon reaching at the thieves was not reasonable as there was
the safety of his house, took a scythe with no attack upon the person of the owner of the
which to defend himself against B. Thus drugstore or of any person present therein. Nor
armed, A went out of his house and dared B can there be defense of the person of a stranger
to come forward and fight. In the ensuing since unlawful aggression is absent.
struggle, A killed B. Charged with homicide,
A claimed self-defense. Is A entitled to the Q: "F" and "G" quarreled. "F" attacked "G"
justifying circumstance? Decide and give with a club two or three times, but "G" was
your reasons. able to parry the attack. "G" did not move
A: A is not entitled to the justifying circumstance backwards but struck back hitting "F" on his
of self-defense. There is no unlawful aggression head with a lead pipe which he picked up
on the part of the victim B. There are two stages from the ground, causing "F's" death.

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offended husband. The act of B in assaulting X
"G" was charged with Homicide. If you were under the circumstances cannot constitute
the Judge, would you find "G" guilty as unlawful aggression (U.S. vs. Merced 39 Phil.
charged? 198). Furthermore, in view of his illicit relations
A: If the term "quarreled" implies an agreement with A, B's wife, and the situation in which B
to a fight, G would be guilty of the crime charged. found them, lying together in bed, would
He cannot invoke, self-defense because if there constitute sufficient provocation to B for him to
is an agreement to fight there would be no attack X. The third requisite of self-defense
unlawful aggression. Any attack is considered as which is lack of sufficient provocation on the
a mere consequence of the agreement to fight. part of the person defending himself is,
therefore, also absent.
On the other hand, if the word "quarreled"
involves only a verbal altercation, G would not Q: "A", intending to kill "B", attacked the
be guilty because F committed unlawful latter with a bolo. "In trying to defend himself
aggression when he attacked G three times with with a piece of wood by parrying the blows
a club. When G struck back hitting F on his delivered by "A", "B" hit "C", an onlooker, on
head with a lead pipe which he picked up on the the head, as a result of which "C" died. Is "B"
ground, he acted in self-defense because the liable for "C'"s death under the legal
aggression of F was still present and the pipe
provisions that "although the wrong done be
was the only means available to him in
different from that intended?" Explain your
defending his person as he was acting under the
instinct of self-preservation. The assumption is answer.
that G did not give any sufficient provocation A: B is not liable for C's death because he acted
which immediately preceded the attack made by in self-defense. The legal provision that
F. "although the wrong done be different from that
Q: "A" is the wife of "B", but she and "X", her intended" contemplates the commission of a
former boyfriend, were having an illicit felony and the wrong done is the direct, natural
relation. One afternoon, "B", unnoticed by and logical consequence thereof even though not
"A", followed his wife to a motel and saw her intended. Had B acted in incomplete self-
enter a room and close the door. After the defense, then this provision would apply,
lapse of some minutes, "B" managed to get in because there is mistake in the blow or aberratio
and found "A" and "X" lying together in bed.
ictus. In the case of self-defense, however, which
With his knife, "B" lunged at "X " but the
is a justifying circumstance, the act committed
latter parried the thrust and was able to wrest
the weapon from "B" and stabbed the latter to is lawful, hence B would not incur any criminal
death. or civil liability.

Prosecuted for Homicide, "X" invoked the Q: "A" intending to kill "B", shot the latter
justifying circumstance of self-defense in with a gun at close range. Although hit but
killing "B". not mortally wounded, "B" grappled with "A"
for the possession of the gun until "B"
Would you uphold the defense? Explain succeeded in wresting it from his adversary.
briefly. Immediately thereafter, "B" fired the gun at
A: X cannot invoke the justifying circumstance "A" whom he killed. Prosecuted for homicide,
of self-defense. An essential requisite of self- "B" interposed self-defense. The prosecution
defense is unlawful aggression. The act of B in
however contended self-defense was
assaulting X when he found him and A, B's wife,
untenable because "A" had already been
lying together in bed in a room of the motel is
natural and lawful, as it was made by B, the disarmed. Decide, explaining fully your
deceived and offended husband in order to decision.
defend his honor and rights. X should have A: The contention of the prosecution that self-
known that having illicit relations with A, a defense was untenable because A had already
married woman, X being her former boy friend, been disarmed must be sustained. The reason is
he was performing an unlawful and criminal act there is no more aggression to be prevented or
that would expose him to the vengeance of the repelled. Upon almost identical facts, in the case

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of People vs. Dayag et al, 98 SCRA 851 (1980) as a result of which the gun was thrown one
the Supreme Court held that as the victim was meter away. Pedro jumped for the gun, and
killed after the accused had wrested the gun Jose unsheathed his dagger and stabbed
from the former, since there was no more Pedro at the base of his neck, causing the
aggression to stop or repel as the victim was shot latter to fall down. Jose ran away as he was
and killed when he was already unarmed and afraid Pedro's relatives might kill him. He was
defenseless, self-defense cannot be invoked. apprehended three days later in another
barrio. Fortunately, Pedro survived after 40
Q: Feeling homesick and terribly missing his days of hospitalization. The gun turned out
wife after a long absence, Ronald, without to be without live bullets. During the trial for
notice, came home from Saudi. Arriving at frustrated homicide against Jose, Pedro
their residence, he immediately proceeded to testified that he drew his gun even while he
their bedroom where he saw his wife lying on knew it had no bullets, merely to scare Jose,
their bed under a mosquito net locked in and he jumped for it when it was thrown away
embrace with his compadre Dante Ayala He for the same purpose. Jose pleaded self-
immediately drew his gun but was beaten to defense. The Fiscal argued that Jose's act of
a draw by Dante whose bullet felled him. running away is evidence of guilt and negates
self-defense. He also said that, in any event,
Prosecuted for Homicide for killing Ronald, there was no reasonable necessity of the
Dante set up self-defense but was means employed namely, stabbing with a
nevertheless convicted. dagger - because Pedro's gun had no bullets.

Comment on the validity of Dante's Decide the case.

conviction. A: Jose is entitled to self-defense.

In the above given case, supposing Considering the circumstance of the case,
Ronald shot Dante and his (Ronald's) wife, unlawful aggression, the first element of self-
while Dante was on top of the latter, thus defense is present. Pedro loose his carabaos
killing both of them, will you grant him the which destroyed his plants and he then loose his
benefit of Article 247 of the Revised Penal carabaos which destroyed his plants and then
Code? Explain. immediately drew his revolver which Jose
A: The conviction of Dante was valid. He instinctively grabbed from Pedro's hand. In the
cannot claim self-defense as there was no struggle for the possession for the revolver, it
unlawful aggression on the part of the victim. was thrown one meter away, and when Pedro
When Ronald drew his gun upon surprising his jumped for the gun, Jose unsheathed his dagger
wife locked in embrace with his compadre Dante and stabbed Pedro who fell down. Jose ran
while lying on their bed at their residence, his away. The intimidating attitude of Pedro when
act was natural and lawful as it was made by a he drew his revolver constitutes imminent
deceived and offended husband. The act of unlawful aggression. Jose did not give any
Dante in maintaining illicit relations with the provocation to Pedro. Pedro was in a violent
wife of his compadre was unlawful. mood and in the mind of Jose, was armed, with
revolver, in hand, and what Jose did in grabbing
Q: Pedro confronted Jose one morning near the gun was to prevent an aggression that is
the latter's house and angrily inquired why expected (People vs. Domingo CA 13 Rep. 1355).
he let loose his carabaos which destroyed his Stabbing Pedro with a dagger was the only
plants. Pedro saw that Jose was armed with a available means to prevent the expected
dagger tucked on his waist and thinking that aggression considering that Jose acted by
Jose would react violently. Pedro following his instinct of self-preservation. The
immediately drew his revolver. Instinctively, flight of Jose after stabbing Pedro cannot be
Jose grabbed the gun from Pedro's hand and considered as evidence of guilt because he did
a struggle for possession of the gun ensued,

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so as he was afraid the relatives of Pedro might
kill him. Q: A security guard, upon seeing a man scale
the wall of a factory compound which he was
Q: 1] Pat. Negre saw Filemon, an inmate, guarding, shot and killed the latter. Upon
escaping from jail and ordered the latter to investigation by the police who thereafter
surrender. Instead of doing so, Filemon arrived at the scene of the shooting, it was
attacked Pat. Negre with a bamboo spear, discovered that the victim was unarmed.
Filemon missed In his first attempt to hit When prosecuted for homicide, the security
Pat. Negre, and before he could strike again, guard claimed that he merely acted in self-
Pat. Negre shot and killed him. defense of property and in the performance
of his duty as a security guard.
Can Pat. Negre claim self defense? Explain.
If you were the judge, would you convict him
Suppose Pat Negre missed in his shot, of homicide?
and Filemon ran away without parting with A: Yes. I would convict the security guard
his weapon. Pat Negre pursued Filemon but for Homicide if I were the Judge, because his
the latter was running so fast that Pat Negre claim of having acted in defense of property and
fired warning shots Into the air shouting for in performance of a duty cannot fully be
Filemon to stop. Inasmuch as Filemon Justified. Even assuming that the victim was
continued running Pat, Negre fired at him scaling the wall of the factory compound to
hitting and killing him. commit a crime inside the same, shooting him is
never justifiable, even admitting that such act is
Is the plea of self-defense sustainable? Why considered unlawful aggression on property
would you then hold Pat, Negre criminally rights. In People vs. Narvaes, 121 SCRA 329, a
liable? Discuss. person is justified to defend his property rights,
A: 1) Yes. self-defense can be claimed as there is but all the elements of self-defense under Art.
an Imminent and great peril on the life of Negre. 11, must be present. In the instant case, just
like in Narvaes, the second element (reasonable
No, self-defense is no longer sustainable as there necessity of the means employed) is absent.
is no more peril on his life; Yes, excessive force Hence, he should be convicted of homicide but
Is used. entitled to Incomplete self-defense.

Q: When A arrived home, he found B raping Q: While C was approaching his car, he saw D
his daughter. Upon seeing A, B ran away. A slowly driving it away. So he shouted at D to
took his gun and shot B, killing him. Charged stop but D instead accelerated his speed. To
with homicide, A claimed he acted in defense prevent his car from being car-napped, C
of his daughter's honor. Is A correct? If not, drew at once hit revolver and fired at D who
can A claim the benefit of any mitigating was by then about twenty meters away,
circumstance or circumstances? fatally hitting him on the head. When
A: No, A cannot validly invoke defense of his charged for the death of D, C interpose the
daughter's honor in having killed B since the defense of his rights to property. If you were
rape was already consummated; moreover, B the judge, will you acquit or convict C?
already ran away, hence, there was no A: If I were the Judge, I would convict C. There
aggression to defend against and no defense to is no defense of his right to property because
speak of. although D drove the car of C away and he did
not stop in spite of his shouts for him to do so,
A may, however, invoke the benefit of the D had not attacked him. To be entitled to
mitigating circumstance of having acted in complete self-defense of property, the attack on
immediate vindication of a grave offense to a the property must be coupled with an attack
descendant, his daughter, under par. 5, Article upon the person of the owner or possessor of
13 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended. said property.

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his family are already in immediate and
Q: In the middle of the night, Enyong heard imminent danger. Hence, it may be reasonable
the footsteps of an intruder inside their to accept that he acted out of an honest mistake
house. Enyong picked up his rifle and saw a of fact and therefore without criminal intent. An
man, Gorio, with a pistol ransacking honest mistake of fact negatives criminal intent
Enyong's personal effects in his study. He and thus absolves the accused from criminal
shot and killed Gorio. liability.

Is Enyong criminally liable for killing the Q: Five laborers were hired by Manuel Diong
robber Gorio? State your reasons. to harvest coconuts from a plantation which
he told them belonged to him. Unknown to
Suppose Enyong shot Gorio while he them, the ownership of the land was in
was running away from Enyong's house with dispute, and the registered owner
his television set, what is Enyong liable for? subsequently filed a case of qualified theft
Explain your answer. against them. How would you defend them?
A: Enyong is not criminally liable because Explain briefly.
he was acting in defense of property rights. A: I would defend them by citing U.S. vs. Ah
Under the case of People v. Narvaez (G.R Nos. L- Chong (15 Phil. 488) on mistake of facts and
33466-67, April 20, 1983, 121 SCRA 389} charge the owner with violation of Article 282 on
defense of property need not necessarily be grave threats. In U.S. vs. Ah Chong, the accused
coupled with aggression against persons. was exempted from criminal liability because he
performed an act which would be lawful had it
There is criminal liability this time with been true as he believed that "Grave, threats.
the mitigating circumstance of incomplete self- Any person who shall threaten another with the
defense. Under the case of People v. Narvaez, infliction upon the person, honor or property of
defense of property can be availed of even when the latter or of his family of any wrong
there is no assault against a person. It is amounting to a crime, shall suffer.
recognized as an unlawful aggression.
Q: Pat. Josue, a member of the INP Western
Q: The accused lived with his family in a Police District, together with two other
neighborhood that often was the scene of policemen, was chasing Katindig, a notorious
frequent robberies. At one time, past police killer. Katindig entered a nearby dimly
midnight, the accused went downstairs with lighted warehouse. Josue and his
a loaded gun to investigate what he thought companions continued pursuing him. When
were footsteps of an uninvited guest. After they reached the mezzanine, Josue saw a
seeing what appeared to him an armed man crouching behind a pile of boxes,
stranger looking around and out to rob the holding what appeared to be a long rifle.
house, he fired his gun seriously injuring the When the man suddenly stood up and faced
man. When the lights were turned on, the Josue and his companions, Josue fired at the
unfortunate victim turned out to be a man hitting him fatally. It turned out,
brother-in-law on his way to the kitchen to however, that the deceased was the
get some light snacks. The accused was warehouseman who was holding a mere lead
indicted for serious physical injuries. Should pipe.
the accused, given the circumstances, be
convicted or acquitted? Why? Discuss Pat. Josue's criminal liability for the
A: Considering the given circumstances, namely; said killing stating your reasons.
the frequent robberies in the neighborhood, the A: Patrolman Josue will not incur any criminal
time was past midnight, and the victim appeared liability. He can invoked in his favor mistake of
to be an armed burglar in the dark and inside facts due to good faith. Under the
his house, the accused could have entertained circumstances, Patrolman Josue shot the victim
an honest belief that his life and limb or those of in the honest belief that he was the notorious

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police-killer whom they were chasing until he A: When a person was insane at the time of the
entered a dimly lighted warehouse. In the commission of the felony, he is exempt from
mezzanine of the warehouse, Patrolman Josue criminal liability. When he was sane at the time
saw a man crouching behind a pile of boxes of the commission of the crime. But he become
holding what appeared to be a long rifle. The insane at the time of the trial, he is liable
patrolman fired at the man when he suddenly criminally.
stood up and faced him. He had no opportunity
Q: What disease is or may be covered by the
to verify first the identity of the victim before
term insanity?
acting. He acted, therefore, without criminal A: The following:
intent and had the facts turned out to be true, 1. Dementia praecox: the disease is
as Patrolman Josue believed them to be, that is, designated a chronic, deteriorating
that the victim was the notorious police-killer, psychotic disorder characterized by
that act committed would be lawful. rapid cognitive disintegration, usually
beginning in the late teens or early
Q: Is there criminal liability in Art. 12 adulthood. The unlawful act of the
exempting circumstances? accused may be due to his mental
A: Yes. But there is no criminal. Technically, disease or a mental defect.
who acts by virtue of any of the exempting 2. Schizophrenia: a chronic mental
circumstances commits a crime, although by the disorder characterized by inability to
complete absence of any of the conditions which distinguish between fantasy and reality
constitute free will or voluntariness of act, the and often accompanied by hallucinations
offender is not deem a criminal. and delusions.
3. Kleptomania: a recurrent urge to steal,
Q: Difference of imbecility vs insanity. typically without regard for need or
A: Imbecile is exempt in all cases from criminal profit. The case of a person suffering
liability, the insane is not exempt if it can be from kleptomania must be investigated
shown that he acted during a lucid interval. by competent alienist or psychiatrist to
During lucid interval, the insane acts with determine whether the impulse to steal
intelligence. is irresistible or not.
An imbecile is one who, while advanced in age, 4. Epilepsy: a chronic nervous disease
has a mental development comparable to that of characterized by fits, occurring at
children between two and seven years of age. intervals. Where it was shown that he
was under the influence of an epileptic fit
Q: Is lack mental faculties or abnormality when he committed the offense he is
ground of exempting circumstances? exempt from criminal liability.
A: No. Mere abnormality of mental faculties is
not enough, especially if the offender has not lost Q: Which disease are not covered by the term
consciousness of his act. insanity?
A: The following:
Q: How much evidence is necessary to 1. Feeblemindedness: A mental deficient.
overthrow the presumption of sanity? However is not exempted from criminal
A: In order to ascertain a person; mental liability because the offender could
condition at the time of the act, it is permissible distinguish right from wrong.
to receive evidence of the condition of his during 2. Pedophilia is not insanity.
a reasonable period both before and after that 3. Amnesia is not proof of mental condition
time. of the accused.
To prove insanity, therefore, circumstantial
evidence, such as thoughts, motives and Q: What are the 2 tests for determining
emotions of a person determine whether his acts insanity?
conform to the practice of a people of sound A: Those are:
mind. 1. Test of cognition: verity the deprivation of
intelligence in committing the act
Q: Insanity at the time of the commission of 2. Test of volition: verify that there be a total
the felony vs insanity at the time of the trial. deprivation of freedom of the will.

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Q: How would you prove discernment?
Q: Which is the better test to use with respect A: Manner of committing the crime and conduct
to a plea of insanity? of the offender.
A: Test of cognition. An examination of our case
law has failed to turn up any case where the SC Q: What shall the judge do in case of doubt of
has exempted an accused on the sole ground the age of the child?
that he was totally deprived of freedom of will. A: It shall be resolved in favor of the child.

Q: How to determine the age of a person?

Q: Which other cases may lack of intelligence A: The age shall be determined according to the
and therefore lead to exempting following:
circumstances? 1. Certificate of live birth;
A: The following: 2. Baptismal certificates or school records;
1. Committing a crime while in a dream 3. Testimony of a member of the family
2. Hypnotism related to the child by affinity or
3. Committing a crime while suffering from consanguinity.
malignant malaria
Q: How allegation of discernment shall be
Q: Is a person under nine years of age found in the information filed?
criminally liable? A: The requirement that there should be an
A: No, based on Art. 12 RPC. allegation that the person acted with
discernment should be deemed amply met with
Q: Define the periods of criminal the allegation in the information that the
responsibility? accused acted with the intent to kill.
A: The following:
1. The age of absolute irresponsibility 15 Q: Will there be civil liability in connection
years and below with the criminal acts committed by the
2. The age of conditional responsibility 15 minor?
years and 1 day to 18 years A: Yes. Generally the parents are civilly liable.
3. The age of full responsibility 18 years
or over to 70 years Q: What are the elements of Art. 12 par. 3?
4. The age of mitigated responsibility 15 A: There are four elements:
years and 1 day to 18 years, the offender 1. A person is performing a lawful act;
acting with discernment; over 70 years of 2. With due care;
age. 3. He causes an injury to another by mere
Q: Who are child in conflict of law? 4. Without fault or intention causing it.
A: A child in conflict with the law is a person who
at the time of the commission of the offense is Q: What is an accident?
below 18 years old but not less than 15 years A: An accident is something that happens
and one-day old. outside the sway of our will and although it
comes about through some act of our will, lies
Q: What is the meaning of discernment? beyond the bounds of humanly foreseeable
A: The capacity of the child at the time of the consequences. If the consequences are plainly
commission of the offense to understand the foreseeable, it will be a case of negligence.
difference between the right and wrong and the
consequences of the wrongful act. Q: Can there be negligence and accident exist
at the same time?
Q: Whats the difference of discernment and A: Accident and negligence are intrinsically
intent? contradictory; one cannot exist with the other.
A: Intent refers to the desired act of the person Accident is an event happening without any
while discernment relates to the moral human agency or if happening wholly or partly
significance that a person ascribes to the said through human agency, cause effects unusual
act. or unexpected. Negligence however is the failure
to observe, for the protection of the interest of

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another person, that degree of care, precaution 2. That it promises an evil of such gravity
and vigilance which the circumstances justly and imminence that the ordinary man
demand without which such other person would have succumbed to it.
suffers injury.
Q: Can be duress used as a valid defense
Q: When claims of accident is not under Art. 12 par. 6?
appreciated? A: Yes, duress as a valid defense should be
A: Following cases based on real, imminent or reasonable fear for
1. Repeated blows ones life or limb and should not be speculative,
2. Accidental shooting by threatening word fanciful or remote fear.
preceding it
3. Husband and wife had an altercation Q: Distinction of irresistible force vs
uncontrollable fear?
Q: In the exempting circumstance of A: Irresistible force, the offender uses violence or
accident, does the victim have the right to physical force to compel another person to
recover civil liability? commit a crime.
A: No, In accident Art. 101 of the RPC does not Uncontrollable fear, the offender employs
provide for civil liability under this exemption. intimidation or threat in compelling another to
Hence there is exemption from civil liability. commit a crime.

Q: What are the elements of Art. 12 par. 5? Q: What are the elements of Art. 12 par. 7?
A: There are three elements: A: There are three elements:
1. That the compulsion is by means of 1. That an act is required by law to be done;
physical force 2. That a person fails to perform such at;
2. That the physical force must be 3. That his failure to perform such act was
irresistible due to some lawful or insuperable cause.
3. That the physical force must come from
a third person Q: What are absolutory causes?
A: These are defenses which have the same
Q: Can passion or obfuscation be considered effects as the exempting circumstances but they
as irresistible force? are not among those enumerated in Article 12.
A: No. They are found in certain Articles of the Revised
Penal Code or are developed by jurisprudence.
Q: What is the nature of the irresistible Those are where the act committed is a crime
force? but for reasons of public policy and sentiment
A: The force must be irresistible to reduce the there is no penalty imposed. Ex:
actor to a mere instrument who acts not only 1. Art. 6 spontaneous desistance;
without will but against his will. 2. Art. 20- accessories who are exempt from
The duress, force, fear or intimidation must be criminal liability;
present, imminent and impeding and of such a 3. Art. 19 par. 1 by profiting themselves
nature as to induce a well-grounded or assisting the offenders to profit by the
apprehension of death or serious bodily harm if effects of the crime.
the act is not done. A threat of future injury is 4. Art. 124 last par. The commission of a
not enough. crime shall be considered legal ground
The compulsion must be of such a character as for the detention of any person
to leave no opportunity to the accused for escape 5. Art. 247 par. 1, 2 Death or physical
or self-defense in equal combat. injuries inflicted under exception
Q: What are the elements of Art. 12 par. 6? 6. Art. 280 par. 3 The provisions of this
A: There are two elements: article shall not be applicable to any
1. That the threat which causes the fear is person who shall enter anothers
of an evil greater than or at least equal dwelling for the purpose of preventing
to, that which is required to commit; some serious harm.
7. Art. 322 Persons exempt from
criminally liability

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8. Art. 344 par. 4 In case of seduction, b. The criminal intent originates
abduction, acts of lasciviousness and from the mind of the lawbreaker
rape, the marriage of the offender with c. The entrapper resorts to ways
the offended party shall extinguish the and means to trap and capture a
criminal action or remit the penalty lawbreaker while the lawbreaker
already imposed upon him. is execution his criminal plan
d. Entrapment is no bar to
However, the following do not constitute prosecution and conviction
absolutory cause: instigation and entrapment. e. Entrapment is a trap for the
unwary criminal
Q: What is entrapment? 2. Instigation or inducement:
A: Entrapment is the lawful employment of ways a. Act is illegal
and means of trapping and capturing a b. The criminal intent originates
lawbreaker. from the mind of the instigator
c. The instigator practically induces
Q: What does the law enforcer do in an the would-be accused into
entrapment? committing the offense, and
A: The entrapper resorts to ways and means to himself becomes a co-principal
capture and trap a lawbreaker while the d. The accused would have to be
lawbreaker is executing his criminal plan. acquitted
e. Instigation is a trap for the
Q: Is entrapment a bar to prosecution and unwary innocent.
conviction of the accused?
A: No, A lawbreaker who was the subject of an Q: May the accused claim instigation or
entrapment can be prosecuted and inducement as a defense?
subsequently convicted. He cannot invoke self- A: Yes. Example: Mr. Alcantara has admitted
defense. that he induced Quintana to buy marijuana
leaves for him, which Quintana allegedly did
Q: What is a buy-bust operation? although, curiously enough, he had not known
A: An undercover operation by narcotics Alcantara before. What the court clear sees is
detectives to catch unsuspecting drug dealers. that Quintana did not sell but was asked by
Alcantara t buy the marijuana leaves for him.
Q: How does the accused, in a buy-bust
operation, rebut the presumption of Q: Is mistake of identity or error in personam
regularity in favor of the arresting police an absolute cause?
officer? A: No. See art. 3 RPC
A: The accused must show with clear and
convincing proof that there was ill motive on the Q: Is mistake of blow or aberration ictus an
part of the arresting officers to falsely impute to absolute cause?
him a serious and unfounded charge. The A: No. See art. 3 RPC
accused must show that witnesses for the
prosecution were moved by improver motives. Q: May the performance of a righteous action
be considered a justifying, exempting or
Q: Is entrapment the same as instigation or mitigating circumstance?
inducement? A: No, no matter how meritorious the action may
A: No, entrapment is legal while inducement or be.
instigation by law enforcers is illegal, hence a
person who was induced or instigated to commit Q: Is alibi a good defense?
a crime would have to be acquitted. A: No, because an alibi is easy to concoct a
difficult to disprove.
Q: How is entrapment distinguished from
instigation or inducement? Q: How can an alibi prosper?
A: The distinctions are as follows: A: The accused must show that it was
1. Entrapment physically impossible for him to have been at
a. Act is legal

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the scene of the crime either before, during or possession of firearms, as he does not appear to
after the commission of the crime. have either a license to possess a high-powered
gun or to carry the same outside of his
Q: Between the alibi given by the accused and residence. At the time he shot at the wild pig,
the positive identification made by the therefore, Nicandro was not performing a lawful
witnesses of the prosecution, what will act.
A: The positive identification by the Furthermore, considering that the M-16 is a
prosecutions witness will prevail. high-powered gun. Nicandro was negligent in
not foreseeing that bullets fired from said gun
Q: "A" and "B", both civilian guards, were may ricochet.
seated inside the guardhouse. While "A" was
cleaning his service pistol, "B" snatched it. In Q: A, brother of B, with the intention of
the ensuing struggle for the possession of the having a night out with his friends, took the
weapon. "A" succeeded in wresting it from the coconut shell which is being used by B as a
hand of "B". But then the pistol exploded with bank for coins from inside their locked
the bullet hitting the breast of "C", another cabinet using their common key. Forthwith,
civilian guard, who died as a consequence of A broke the coconut shell outside of their
the gunshot wound. home in the presence of his friends.

Is "A " criminally liable for the death of "C''? What is the criminal liability of A, if any?
Why? Explain.
A: A is not criminally liable. Since his service A: A is criminally liable for Robbery with force
pistol was snatched by B, in trying to regain its upon things.
possession, A was in the lawful exercise of a
right. When A succeeded in wresting the pistol No, A is not exempt from criminal
from the hand of B and it exploded with the liability under Art. 332 because said Article
bullet hitting C, A cannot incur any criminal applies only to theft, swindling or malicious
liability as he was performing a lawful act. Even mischief. Here, the crime committed is robbery.
under the Civil Code, he is justified to employ
reasonable force to repel the unlawful Q: A raped X. In the process, X resisted and
deprivation of his property, (Art. 429, Civil slapped A. Angered, A grabbed a stone and hit
Code). Criminal intent is not present nor is there X. She was dying when A consummated the
negligence under the circumstances. The death sexual attack. A psychiatrist from the
of C was, therefore, accidental. National Center for Mental Health testified
that he conducted physical, mental and
Q: Nicandro borrowed Valeriano's gun, a high- psychological examinations on A and found
powered M-16 rifle, to hunt wild pigs. him to be suffering from a mental disorder
Nicandro was accompanied by his friend, classified under organic mental disorder with
Felix. On their way to the hunting ground, psychosis. A's father testified that A was
Nicandro and Felix met Pedro near a hut, playful but cruel to his brothers and sisters,
Pedro told them where to hunt. Later, stole his mother's jewelry which he sold for
Nicandro saw a pig and then shot and killed low sums, wandered naked sometimes, and
it. The same bullet, however, that killed the oftentimes did not come home for extended
pig struck a stone and ricocheted hitting periods of time. The prosecution on the other
Pedro on his breast. Pedro later died. May hand, presented an array of witnesses to
Nicandro be held liable for the death of prove A that was lucid before and after the
Pedro? Explain. crime was committed and that he acted with
A: Nicandro may be held liable for the death of discernment. After trial, the court convicted
Pedro. While Pedro's death would seem to be the accused and sentenced him to "life
accidental, the requisites of exempting imprisonment" considering that under the
circumstance of accident are not all present. Constitution death penalty could no longer
When Nicandro borrowed Valeriano's high be imposed.
powered M-16 rifle and used it for hunting wild
pigs, he committed the crime of illegal

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Given the conflicting testimonies as to sanity her culpability. Due to the injury. Pomping
of the accused, was the trial court correct in lost his right eye.
ruling out insanity as an exempting
circumstances in this case? Is the sentence Is Katreena criminally liable? Why?
of "life imprisonment" a correct imposition of
penalty? Discuss the attendant circumstances and
A: Yes, the court is correct in ruling out insanity effects thereof.
as an exempting circumstance. While there was A: No, Katreena is not criminally liable
testimony that A was suffering from a metal although she is civilly liable. Being a minor less
disorder, the testimony of A's father disclosed than fifteen (15) years old although over nine (9)
that A had lucid intervals. Because what is years of age, she is generally exempt from
presumed is sanity, not insanity, it is to be criminal liability. The exception is where the
presumed that A was sane when he committed prosecution proved that the act was committed
the crime. Consequently, evidence being with discernment. The burden is upon the
wanting that A is completely deprived of reason prosecution to prove that the accused acted with
at the moment of committing the crime, he discernment.
should be liable. Besides, the crime committed
and the acts done by the accused in the The presumption is that such minor acted
commission of the crime hardly reconciles with without discernment, and this is strengthened
Insanity of the offender, as rape presupposes by the fact that Katreena only reacted with a
evident premeditation. ballpen which she must be using in class at the
time, and only to stop Pomping's vexatious act
Q: John, an eight-year old boy, is fond of of repeatedly pulling her ponytail. In other
watching the television program "Zeo words, the injury was accidental.
Rangers." One evening while he was
engrossed watching his favorite television The attendant circumstances which may
show, Petra, a maid changed the channel to be considered are:
enable her to watch "Home Along the Riles."
This enraged John who got his father's 1. Minority of the accused as an exempting
revolver, and without warning, shot Petra at circumstance under Article
the back of her head causing her
instantaneous death. Is John criminally paragraph 3, Rev. Penal Code, where she
liable? shall be exempt from criminal liability, unless it
A: No, John is not criminally liable for was proved that she acted with discernment.
killing Petra because he is only 8 years old when She is however civilly liable;
he committed the killing. A minor below nine (9)
years old is absolutely exempt from criminal If found criminally liable, the minority of
liability although not from civil liability. the accused as a privileged mitigating
circumstance. A discretionary penalty lower by
Q: While they were standing in line awaiting at least two (2) degrees than that prescribed for
their vaccination at the school clinic, the crime committed shall be imposed in
Pomping repeatedly pulled the ponytail of accordance with Article 68. paragraph 1, Rev.
Katreena, his 11 years, 2 months and 13 days Penal Code. The sentence, however, should
old classmate in Grade 5 at the Sampaloc automatically be suspended in accordance with
Elementary School. Irritated, Katreena Section 5(a) of Rep. Act No. 8369 otherwise
turned around and swung at Pomping with a known as the "Family Courts Act of 1997";
ball pen. The top of the ball pen hit the right
eye of Pomping which bled profusely. Also if found criminally liable, the
Realizing what she had caused. Katreena ordinary mitigating circumstance of not
immediately helped Pomping. When Intending to commit so grave a wrong as that
investigated, she freely admitted to the committed, under Article 13, paragraph 3, Rev.
school principal that she was responsible for Penal Code; and
the injury to Pomping's eye. After the
incident, she executed a statement admitting

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The ordinary mitigating circumstance of other articles looted from the store of Mang
sufficient provocation on the part of the offended Pandoy were later found in the houses of
party immediately preceded the act. Victor and Ricky.

Q: X, engaged in illegal gambling, was Discuss fully the criminal liability of Victor,
accused of bribing Y, a policeman. X's defense Ricky, Rod and Ronnie.
was fear of reprisal from the police in case of A: All are liable for the special complex crime of
non-payment of bribe money. He testified robbery with homicide. The acts of Ricky in
that when he attempted to stop giving bribe stabbing Mang Pandoy to death, of Rod in
money to Y, the police raided his .boxing the salesgirl to prevent her from helping
establishment without warrant for half a Mang Pandoy, of Ronnie in chasing the salesgirl
dozen times. Y also threatened to plant to prevent her in seeking help, of Victor in
incriminating evidence on him. X was also scooping up money from the cash box, and of
manhandled by Y on the pretext of resisting Ricky and Victor in dashing to the street and
arrest. X would park his police jeep in front announcing the escape, are all indicative of
of his house obviously to drive away his conspiracy.
regular customers. X's defense is that he
bribe Y under the impulse of an The rule is settled that when homicide takes
uncontrollable fear of an equal or greater place as a consequence or on the occasion of a
injury. Please decide. robbery, all those who took part in the robbery
A: X's defense that he bribed Y, a policeman, are guilty as principals of the crime of robbery
under the impulse of an uncontrollable fear of with homicide, unless the accused tried to
an equal or greater injury, is untenable. This prevent the killing (People vs. Baello, 224 SCRA
exempting circumstance can be appreciated if a 218). Further, the aggravating circumstance of
person is compelled to commit a crime by craft could be assessed against the accused for
another through intimidation. It is also essential pretending to be customers of Mang Pandoy,
that the person intimidated must not have any
opportunity for escape or to avoid the threat. The Although Rod is only 14 years old, his act of
facts of the problem show that X could have boxing Lucy to prevent her from helping Mang
easily reported to the authorities the alleged acts Pandoy is a clear sign of discernment, thus he
of harassment committed by the policeman. cannot invoke exemption from criminal liability
Lastly, the fear must not be speculative or under Art. 12, par. 3, RPC. Rod and Ronnie are,
fanciful but must be actual or real. All the acts however, entitled to two and one degrees lower,
testified to by X do not show any actual or direct respectively from the penalty of the principal
intimidation on the part of Y in case of non- under Art. 68. RPC.
payment of the bribe.
Q: Macky, a security guard, arrived home late
Q: Victor, Ricky, Rod and Ronnie went to the one night after rendering overtime. He was
store of Mang Pandoy. Victor and Ricky shocked to see Joy, his wife, and Ken, his
entered the store while Rod and Ronnie best friend, in the act of having sexual
posted themselves at the door. After ordering intercourse. Macky pulled out his service gun
beer Ricky complained that he was and shot and killed Ken. The court found that
shortchanged although Mang Pandoy Ken died under exceptional circumstances
vehemently denied it. Suddenly Ricky and exonerated Macky of murder but
whipped out a knife as he announced "Hold- sentenced him to destierro, conformably
up ito!" and stabbed Mang Pandoy to death. with Article 247 of the Revised Penal Code.
Rod boxed the store's salesgirl Lucy to The court also ordered Macky to pay
prevent her from helping Mang Pandoy. When indemnity to the heirs of the victim in the
Lucy ran out of the store to seek help from amount of P50,000. Did the court correctly
people next door she was chased by Ronnie. order Macky to pay indemnity even though
As soon as Ricky had stabbed Mang Pandoy, he was exonerated of murder? Explain your
Victor scooped up the money from the cash answer.
box. Then Victor and Ricky dashed to the A: No, the court did not act correctly in ordering
street and shouted, "Tumakbo na kayo!" Rod the accused to indemnify the victim. Since the
was 14 and Ronnie was 17. The money and killing of ken was committed under the

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exceptional circumstances in Article 247, committed the crime, insanity as a defense to
revised Penal Code, it is the consensus that no the commission of crime must have existed and
crime was committed in the light of the proven to be so existing at the precise moment
pronouncement in People v Cosicor (79 Phil. 672 when the crime was being committed. The fact
[1947]) that banishment (destierro) is intended of the case indicate that Romeo committed the
more for the protection of the offender rather crime with discernment.
than as a penalty. Since the civil liability under
the Revised Penal Code is the consequence of Q: Jack and Jill have been married for seven
criminal liability, there would be no legal basis years. One night, Jack came home drunk.
for the award of indemnity when there is no Finding no food on the table, Jack started
criminal liability. hitting Jill only to apologize the following
day. A week later, the same episode occurred
Q: Immediately after murdering Bob, Jake Jack came home drunk and started hitting
went to his mother to seek refuge. His Jill. Fearing for her life, Jill left and stayed
mother told him to hide in the maids with her sister. To woo Jill back, Jack sent
quarters until she finds a better place for him her floral arrangements of spotted lilies and
to hide. After two days, Jake transferred to confectioneries. Two days later, Jill returned
his aunts house. A week later, Jake was home and decided to give Jack another
apprehended by the police. chance. After several days, however, Jack
Can Jakes mother and aunt be made again came home drunk. The following day,
criminally liable as accessories to the crime he was found dead. Jill was charged with
of murder? Explain. parricide but raised the defense of "battered
A: Obviously, Jakes mother was aware of her woman syndrome." Would the defense
sons having committed a felony, such that her prosper despite the absence of any of the
act of harboring and concealing him renders her elements for justifying circumstances of self-
liable as an accessory. But being an ascendant defense under the Revised Penal Code?
to Jake, she is exempt from criminal liability by Explain.
express provision of Article 20 of the Revised A: Yes, Section 26 of Rep. Act No. 9262 provides
Penal Code. On the other hand, the criminal that victim-survivors who are found by the
liability of Jakes aunt depends on her courts to be suffering from battered woman
knowledge of his commission of the felony, her syndrome do not incur any criminal and civil
act of harboring and concealing Jake would liability notwithstanding the absence of any of
render her criminally liable as accessory to the the elements for justifying circumstances of self-
crime of murder; otherwise without knowledge defense under the Revised Penal Code.
of Jakes commission of the felony, she would
not be liable.

Q: While his wife was on a 2-year scholarship

abroad, Romeo was having an affair with his
maid Dulcinea. Realizing that the affair was
going nowhere, Dulcinea told Romeo that she
was going back to the province to marry her
childhood sweetheart. Clouded by anger and
jealousy, Romeo strangled Dulcinea to death
while she was sleeping in the maids quarters.
The following day, Romeo was found
catatonic inside the maids quarters. He was
brought to the National Center for Mental
Health (NCMH) where he was diagnosed to be
mentally unstable. Charged with murder,
Romeo pleaded insanity as a defense. Will
Romeos defense prosper? Explain.
A: No, Romeos defense of insanity will not
prosper because, even assuming that Romeo
was insane when diagnosed after he

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