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Primitives 3D Modelling

Session Objectives

Develop an understanding of the types of 3D software

used to create games

Explore the basic functions of the 3DS Max interface

Generate forms using primitive shapes

Use move, scale and rotate functions to manipulate

primitive forms

Use Boolean function to subtract one primitive form from

another to create new and unique forms

Primitives 3D Modelling
When you see the Weebly
logo create a blog entry and
answer the following
questions in as much detail
as possible

1. What does industry standard

software mean?

2. Research examples of games that

have content made in 3DS Max and list
as many as you can in 2 minutes.

3. Find 2 alternative products made by

Autodesk and list their names, and
briefly describe what they do.

4. What is the difference between

surface modelling and solid modelling?

Primitives 3D Modelling
Software Interface

1. As a session extension task a screen

shot of the 3D Max interface and label it
to indicate the key tools we have used
in todays session. The image along
with the description should be added to
your blog

Primitives 3D Modelling
Primitive Shapes

Practical demonstration and exercise;

1. Creating primitives
2. Manipulating primitives using the transform

Primitives 3D Modelling
Primitive Shapes

1. Using the skills you have acquired

with primitive shapes construct a castle
settlement similar to the example
provided and upload a screen shot to
your blog along with some critical
analysis of your work.

Primitives 3D Modelling

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