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Proceedings of the 20th Meeting of the Academic Council of VIT held on 26.3.


Subject code: CSUE2 Title: JAVA LTPC: 3, 0, 0, 3

Version No.
Course prerequisite Programming in C & C++
To enable the students to learn the basic and advanced concepts of programming using Java.
On successful completion of the course the students will be able to,
Apprehend the syntax and semantics of the Java programming language.
Use the class and objects to create applications.
Design and Create new applications by interconnecting many classes and reusing the code.
Understand and use the in built packages of Java to reduce the time required for development.
Apply Multithreading concepts to create programs that execute in parallel.
Analyze the various Java packages and understand the way the classes are organized.
Synthesize rich applications using the built in packages of Java.
Expected Outcome: Students will be able to develop Java Standalone applications and Applets.
Unit No. I Introduction 9 hours
Java Features The Byte Code Lexical issues - Class Fundamentals Objects
Overloading Methods Passing and returning objects Recursion Controlling access to members This
keyword - Static and Final keyword..
Unit No. II Inheritance & Packages 9 hours
Nested classes Inheritance Using super keyword Multi Level hierarchy Method Overriding
- Dynamic Method Dispatch The Object class Abstract classes - Packages Access modifiers
Importing packages Interfaces Applying interfaces.
Unit No. III Exception Handling & Threads 9 hours
Exception handling Using try catch Nested try- throw throws finally Built in exceptions
user defined exceptions - Chained exceptions; Threads Thread model Creating a thread Thread
priorities Synchronization Multithreading Suspending, resuming and stopping threads.
Unit No. IV Frames & Applets 9 hours
Java Frame basic GUI components Delegation event model - Event Handling Source of events
Event Listener interface Applet Programming.

Unit No. V Files & Databases 9 hours

I/O streams reading/writing console Files; Manipulating Databases with JDBC Case Study on System
class and Utility classes.
Text Book:
1. Hebert Schildt, Java 2 - The complete Reference, Fifth Edition, TMH, 2002.
Reference Books:
1. H.M. Deitel, Java How to Program, Sixth Edition, Prentice hall, 2004.
2. Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates, Head First Java, Second Edition, OReilly, 2005.
3. Cays S. Horstmann, Gary Cornell, Core Java2 Volume I Fundamentals, Pearson Edi., 2003.
Mode of Evaluation Continuous assessment examination, Quiz, Assignment / Seminar and
Term-end examination
Recommended by the Board
of Studies on
Date of Approval by the
Academic Council


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