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Water is the most important element in human body network. No less than 80%, the
constituent of human organs is water. This fact stated water is the most essential factor for human
to live after oxygen in air.

In digesting water, body need more than just a pure water. Minerals that contained in
mineral water is required for body. Although minerals are needed for body, mineral water that
edible still need guarantee for cleanliness and consumption security . Have you ever read a line that
worded "not guaranteed if seal broken" on bottle of your mineral water packaging?

Before water is cleared for consumption and fullfil the standard that regulated by Kemenkes
RI, water needs to be processed. Water treatment aimed to reduce or eliminate impurities that
potentially causing disease in the mineral water. From some methods that used for disinfects
mineral water, Reverse Osmosis (RO) method and radiation with UV rays are commonly used.

Have you ever notice carefully the water refill process in drinking water depot? Commonly,
they will illuminates the gallon with UV rays after the gallon are cleaned with brush in a machine.
Radiation aimed to kill microorganism that dangerous in mineral water. Bacteria as Colli or ColliForm
and Sarmonella is bacteria that causing vomit and stomach disease. UV rays could destroy their
nucleid acid that used in their DNA to mutation and viral activity.

Methods with add chemicals, such as hydrazine, are commonly used in industry. Meanwhile,
for swimming pool, they usually add chlorine for disinfect water. This method could keep water
disinfected although the water is not in closed container.

Add chemical will causing water to be toxic and dangerous if it entry human body. So, UV
rays radiation method are commonly used for disinfect drinking water because this method do not
causing water to be toxic. However, disinfection method with UV rays radiation only effective if
water in closed container (such as bottle or gallon). When the cointainer is opened, the water quality
not guaranteed for consumed.

This fact that causing many drinking water products not ensure their water quality if the seal
are opened, and suggest to immediately drink the water after the seal opened. From now, we need
to pay attention and carefully look at our drinking water packaging, in order to get the benefit from
mineral water.

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