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Additional powers for Inhabit

By Paul Strack ( (28 June 1995)


OK, one of the (few) problems I have with Wraith is that most of the lower level Inhabit powers
only work with advanced Technology. Seeing as how the Artificers Guild is one of the oldest and
most powerful guilds, I think Inhabit is an ancient Arcanos. To fill the void, I've made up a few
additional lower level powers for it.

Basic Abilities

Evaluate Relic

Artificers regularly work with relics, including those created during a wraith's death, and
those claimed and brought across the shroud by other Artificers. By examining a relic, the
wraith can tell if it is a more durable death-relic, or one that was created via Inhabit. The
wraith can also tell if the relic is Empowered or Invested, if it has any unusual properties,
who the original "creator" of the relic was, etc.

System: The Artificer rolls Perception + Inhabit (difficulty 6). Each success reveals one
fact about the relic, starting with the most basic information and moving on to the more

* Curse of the Maker

By use of this art, the wraith can briefly "contact" an object in the Skinlands, lightly possessing it,
though not actually entering it. The wraith has no fine control, but can cause problems for
anyone using the object, jerking it away from its intended path.

System: The player must roll Wits + Inhabit (difficulty of the local Shroud level). The
number of successes gained subtracts from the successes of the living person currently
using the object. For example, this power can be used to deflect weapons. The power
only blocks a single "use" of the object; further deflection requires additional rolls. The
wraith can also "yank" the objects short distances, one inch per success, but in an
uncontrolled fashion (chose the direction at random).
** Guiding Hand

This art works like Curse of the Maker, but the wraith has a greater degree of control, to the
point where she can aid a living person using the object. This power is limited by the wraith's
knowledge of how the object is actually used.

System: The wraith must spend 1 Pathos, and make a Wits + Inhabit roll (again,
difficulty depending on the level of Shroud). The wraith's successes add to the successes
of the user. However, the wraith cannot add more successes than her rating in the Ability
needed to use the object properly. Thus, if the wraith had a Firearm skill of 3, she could
add no more than three successes to someone using a gun. With this level of power, she
can pull an object 1 inch per success, and control the direction.

*** Energize Relic

Talented Artificers are able to strengthen the plasmic form of relics, lengthening their lifespan in
the Shadowlands. With greater effort, they can even repair broken relics with the material of
their own Corpus.

System: The wraith must spend a number of Pathos depending on the relic's size as
described under the Level 4 power, Claim. The wraith makes a Stamina + Inhabit roll
(difficulty 7). Each success adds a year to the life of death-relics, but only a month to the
life of relics created via Claiming. The roll is botched, the relic is completely destroyed,
ceasing to exist.

With three successes, the wraith can fix broken relics as well. If the art is used in this
way, the Artificer must also spend Corpus equal to the Pathos needed for the size of the
object, to provide the necessary plasm for the repair.

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