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AW 150

03399.85301 29700.000010 04969.401019 1 73090000006544

It is all real simple:

The 2 power conductors (red and black) need to be 24AWG.
A 1 Meter cable will deliver the full 5V @ 2.1A current across a 1M 24AWG cable.
Across a 2M cable, amperage drops about 300mA. As the cable gets longer, the loss
is even greater.
Longer and fatter wires mean you need to increase charger's output voltage to reach
the other end... now you risk frying a battery.
Going larger than 24AWG may lead to durability issues, due to added stress on the
solder pads of a connector, especially when the cable has gone mobile. Let's think
about swinging a steel link chain welded to a paper clip at each end.
Fatter connector heads (the plastic) = made by the lowest bidder. It also means it
won't fit a lot of cases, and has an awkward fit on the device.

Make sure that any dirt or debris stuck in this port is removed. Once this is done
charge our phone using a different charging cord and wall charger ( make sure it
has an output rating of 2.0A).
If the above steps fails to fix the problem then your phone might already have a
faulty battery. I recommend that you bring this to a service center and have it
checked if this is the case.

- Check your cables and ports for any damage, debris or lint
- Are you using the charger that came with your device?
- Check that you have not damaged your cables by excessively rolling the cable or
creating sharp bends

I would also like to recommend some steps that may help:

- Temporarily place your device into Ultra Power Saving mode while charging
- Be sure to close all applications or services not in use as well.
- Check your drop down menu to ensure that your device is set to fast charge while

. You can also try putting your device into Airplane Mode to see if perhaps it
triggers that fast charging. If it does, it very well could be a setting or program
that's running that is preventing that speedier charge.
Let's go over these quick pro - tips as well:
Toggle fast charging off in your settings, soft reset the phone & toggle back on
Make sure all of your apps are up to date (outdated software can make the phone act
Make sure your operating system is up to date
Test the device in Safe Mode to isolate the source from third party apps

While your phone is plugged in, does it still hold a charge though? If it does, you
may want to check the cable itself that you're using. You'll want to make sure that
the pins/contact points of either the plug or your charging port on your phone
aren't damaged in any way. There could even be some build up that's blocking one of
the points, which would not let the full connection through, and stop that fast

I'd say if you have a Q-tip lying around, take some rubbing alcohol, and give it a
light cleaning on both your port and the charging cable you're currently using.

Just turned off mobile data and wifi.... fast charging started okey

Hello. I have en s6 edge that is made here, in Brazil ,and I have the same issue.
Does not fast charge at all. Tried everything, from soft to hard resets, wipe
caches, port cleaning, cables, chargers, nothing works.
What is strange is that no matter the charger Im using, the charging time is
always the same when it is connected to a PC and charging via USB. Around 5h30min
for a full charge. This doesnt make sense at all.
With all other phones, a 3a output charger charges faster than a 1a charger. I was
with a J5 wich charged very fast with a 3a charger. What is blocking those s6 from
charging fast? Even when fast charging is disabled via menu, they should have a
variable time for charging with different devices.
Even with the phone turned off, while no apps or programs are running, it charges
the same way, as some microchip was controling it. It was on the motherboad, or the
charging port?

Does some one tried to downgrade to Marshmallow android and tried it?
Does someone tried to change the battery and or the charging port?

It would be interesting if some technician or engineer could ligh up some ideas

I love my S6 edge due to the smaller overall size. The S7 came only with the bigger
version and the S8 its still bloody expensive here and also very fragile/expensive
to repair right now.
If I could solve this problem would be amazing.

The way Ive found to not give up from this beautifull phone is to use dark themes,
and medium battery saving. This has slowed down a bit the battery drain.
Im still testing but seems that the dark theme seems to save more than the battery
saving mode, wich could lead to a hungry screen. If Samsung inserts a way to
download the screen resolution, as the S8 have, we could be happier, with a barely
percetible lower ppi on the screen.

1764 Road 20
San Pablo - California


2) Always use spacers above and below the stem. Although less obvious than correct
torque, a minimum of 5mm and a maximum of 40mm spacers under the steerer, plus a
5mm spacer above the stem are required. Riders should factor in these spacers when
sizing their bike.

nove, oito, oito, meia, meia, nove, dois, trs, nove


Elevation Up : SHFT ENTER

Elevation Down : SHFT BACKSPACE





eyepoint = -3.86, -1.55, 6.32 //(feet) longitudinal, lateral, vertical distance
from reference datum

Estrutura esquerdista/comunista/socialista

1 - Nascimento do "novo homem"

2 - Um mundo melhor atravs da revoluo
3 - Eugenia
4 - Euntansia
5 - Aborto para os "inferiores"
6 - Controle de armas.
7 - Estadogrande
8 - Alianacom o isl
9 - Averso a Judeus/Israel
10 - Perseguio grupos polticos
11 - Controle da mdia
12 - Dvida histrica

0800 7741515

Originally posted by KINGGARY01 View Post

Sorry for the delay in replying to the forum, i have decided that rather than keep
sending out individual emails i would post the solution and attachment i was given
by tech support. Please see below and attached file
Hope this helps you all as much as it did me.

Dear Gary,

Thank you for contacting Garmin Europe.

Following on from our earlier conversation, please follow the below instructions to
resolve the issue.

1. Download and install WebUpdater from the Garmin website here:
2. Download the archive attached and extract the region file (file type
3. Open the directory into which WebUpdater was installed so that you
can see the WebUpdater executable.
4. Drag the region file (extracted previously) onto the executable file
WebUpdater. This will start the WebUpdater program and instruct it to load the
indicated region file.
5. Before you press 'Next' on the WebUpdater program's main window,
attach your 705 to the computer via USB cable.
6. While holding up on the control stick of the 705, press and release
both the 'lap' and 'mode' buttons simultaneously. Do not release the control stick.

7. Immediately press the 'Next' button on the WebUpdater program's main

8. The WebUpdater program will attempt to find the 705. As soon as the
unit is found, immediately press the 'Next' button in the WebUpdater program.
9. At this point the WebUpdater program should perform the update and
the program should issue the message 'Your Garmin device has been updated.' Release
the control stick and leave the USB cable connected while the 705 executes its
initialization procedure. This may take up to one minute, and the screen will be
blank during this time. The 705 should restart automatically.
At this point, all user settings will be cleared and will need to be re-entered.

Please help us improve the service we offer you by taking our Customer Support
survey. Please click the following link -

If there is anything else I can help you with then please let me know.
Alternatively you can search for a solution here:

Kind regards,

Matthew Morley

Garmin Europe

How to Re-calibrate your Galaxy S6 Battery?


Plug in original charger into your Galaxy S6 VIA Power Supply .

Leave it there plugged in for 30 Mins.
Let it charge to 100%
When the battery is fully charged. Remove the charger
Let your S6 drains to 0%(Discharge) ( Do intensive CPU usage tasks, Playing games,
streaming videos etc.)
Repeat these step twice.
The battery will subsequently receives its charging cycle.
By performing this every 3 times in per 6 months will keep your battery in good

Ol a todos!

Tenho um Note 5.

O problema de carregamento lento e da tela preta com x est relacionado com a

instalao compulsria do Gear VR ativada pelo Samgsung Push Service.
Tive que instalar o dito cujo e desabilitar as notificaes de todos os apps
relacionados com o Gear VR para eliminar a tela preta com x. Depois percebi que o
carregamento estava lento. Ai adquiri o Packge Disabler Pro (R$ 2.53 ) na Google
Play para desativar todos estes apps (aproveitei e fiz uma limpa no Bootlawares da
Resolveu o problema.
Um outro efeito que percebi foi a intermitncia na deteco do carregamento rpido
na USB (uso pouco pois tenho carregador wirelless). Tive que desabilitar e
reabilitar o carregamento rapido e tudo voltou ao normal.
O suporte da Sammy desconhece o problema!

Boa sorte!

Galera, meu S6 apresentou problemas para carregar via cabo. Fiz os testes:
1. Testei outros carregadores. Sem sucesso!
2. Testei a minha fonte em outros celulares. Tava toda ok, ou seja, o problema no
era nela;
3. Testei meu carregador sem fio e a bateria estava pegando carga normalmente, ou
seja, no era defeito na bateria;
4. Limpei o conector interno de carga e no resolveu;
5. Restaurei s configuraes de fbrica e no resolveu, ou seja, no era o
6. Por fim, tudo me levava a crer em problema de hadware, no caso, no conector
interno. Fui vrios tcnicos e ningum quis correr o risco de abrir e danificar a
tela j que o S6 abre-se dando calor nas bordas. Fui Samsung e desembolsei 200
reais pra trocarem o Flex que envolve o conector interno e as teclas laterais ao
boto home. S assim resolvi meu problema. E olha que nem a Samsung queria garantir
o servio sem danificar a tela. um celular timo mas no todo mundo que mexe.

O meu estava igual resolvi forcando parado do app GEAR VR...mesmo o aplicativo no
estando instaldo ele aparece na lista de aplicativo em configuraes

Enquanto no consigo a resoluo, descobri que consigo efetuar o carregamento

rapido da bateria utilizando um carregador sem fio, por induo.


S voltei ao forum por acaso!

Desabilitei tudo que se refere ao Gear VR para resolver o problema
Boa sorte!

The old 'fully charge and discharge' approach stands as one of the simplest ways to
'recalibrate' your Android battery. We've warned you in the past about low voltage
problems in lithium batteries and the negative impacts of fully draining a battery
on its lifespan and the same holds true here. But, if your phone battery is causing
you real problems, it's worth taking the risk.

Method 1
1. Discharge your phone fully until it turns itself off.

2. Turn it on again and let it turn itself off.

3. Plug your phone into a charger and, without turning it on, let it charge until
the on-screen or LED indicator says 100 percent.

4. Unplug your charger.

5. Turn your phone on. It's likely that the battery indicator won't say 100
percent, so plug the charger back in (leave your phone on) and continue charging
until it says 100 percent on-screen as well.

6. Unplug your phone and restart it. If it doesn't say 100 percent, plug the
charger back in until it says 100 percent on screen.

7. Repeat this cycle until it says 100 percent (or as close as you think it's going
to get) when you start it up without it being plugged in.

8. Now, let your battery discharge all the way down to 0 percent and let your phone
turn off again.

9. Fully charge the battery one more time without interruption and you should have
reset the Android system's battery percentage.

Remember that it is not recommended to perform this process regularly. Even when
your battery is so dead your phone won't even turn on, your battery still has
enough reserve charge to avoid system damage. But you don't want to poke the tiger
with a stick. Perform this process once every three months at the most. If it is
required more often than that, you have bigger problems at hand.

Put plainly: fully discharging a battery is bad for it. Trying to overload a
battery is also bad for it. The good news is that charging batteries will shut off
automatically when they've reached their safe limit and there's always a little in
reserve even if your phone won't start. Again: only do this when really necessary,
because it does have a negative impact on battery life.

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