English Grammartasks:: Toggleexample

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English grammartasks :

Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps in the correct tense - Past Perfect or Simple Past.


had spende w anted

1) After Fred (to spend) his holiday in Italy he (to want) to learn
had phoned leaved
2) Jill (to phone) Dad at work before she (to leave) for her trip.
turned on had w ashed
3) Susan (to turn on) the radio after she (to wash) the dishes.
arrived had started
4) When she (to arrive) the match already (to start).
came had feeded
5) After the man (to come) home he (to feed) the cat.
signed had played
6) Before he (to sing) a song he (to play) the guitar.
had w atched w ent
7) She (to watch) a video after the children (to go) to bed.
maked had phoned
8) After Eric (to make) breakfast he (to phone) his friend.
w ere had studied
9) I (to be) very tired because I (to study) too much.
have rided met
10) They (to ride) their bikes before they (to meet) their friends.

Put in the phrases in brackets into the gaps. Use Simple Past or Present Perfect.


1) The police two people early this morning. (to arrest)
w ent comes
2) She to Japan but now she back. (to go - to come)
have already bough
3) Dan two tablets this year. (already/to buy)
w ins your team
4) How many games so far this season? (your team/to win)
have you visited stayed
5) the CN Tower when you in Toronto?(you/to visit - to
you doesn't finished
6) your homework yet? Yes, I it an hour ago. (you/to do -
to finish)
7) There an accident in High Street, so we have to use King Street to get to
your school. (to be)
didn't seen arrived
8) I Peter since I last Tuesday. (not/to see - to arrive)
get have
9) Frank his bike last May. So he it for 4 months. (to get - to
English grammartasks :

cannot w rite w orked

10) I'm sorry, I earlier, but I a lot lately.(not/to write - to

Error Text - Tenses

The story should have been written in the Simple Past. Click on the wrong verb and
write the correct version into the gap.
Mandy gets up at 7o'clock. She goes into the bathroom, washes, dresses and
thengoes into the kitchen. She has breakfast at 7.30. Mandy leaves the house at 7.45
anddrives to work in her car. She works from 8.30 till 12. Then she rushes to the
snackbar where she has lunch. From 1 o'clock till 4.30 she has to work on the computer.
Mandy does the shopping after leaving her office. She arrives at her flat at 7 o'clock in
the evening.

didn't eat
1) Look! This lady a hamburger. (not/to eat)
2) Our cat seldom on the sofa. (to lie)
are sending
3) they text messages at the moment? (to send)
4) I supermarkets, but my father doesn't. (to like)
w ere did
5) What the man in our garden? (to do)
didn't take
6) We the bus to school. (not/to take)
did come
7) Where you from? (to come)
is w ears
8) your girlfriend always green T-shirts? (to wear)
9) I a cup of tea now. (to have)
is sw imming
10) the boy in the pool right now? (to swim)

Put in the verbs in brackets in Simple Past or Past Progressive into the gaps.


texted w as arriving
1) While I , the school bus . (to text) (to arrive)
breaked w as bsnow bo
2) Cindy her leg while she . (to break) (to snowboard)
listened w as preparing
3) He to the radio while he breakfast. (to listen) (to prepare)
English grammartasks :

drived w as stopping
4) My father at 70 km/h when a policeman him.(to drive) (to stop)
noticed w atched
5) The girl that the boy her. (to notice) (to watch)
falled off w as painting
6) My dad the ladder while he the carport. (to fall off) (to paint)
w ere w aiting did
7) While we , we crossword puzzles. (to wait) (to do)
became w as traveling
8) Nick sick while he in Texas. (to become) (to travel)
did you do hears
9) What when you about 9/11? (to do) (to hear)
is not happy talked
10) She said that she happy, so I to her. (not/to feel) (to talk)

Put in the phrases in brackets into the gaps. Use Simple Past or Present Perfect.


have lost
1) I my keys, so I can't open that door. (to lose)
2) Columbus in the New World in 1492. (to arrive)
have breaked
3) Nina her leg. She is still in hospital. (to break)
has lived
4) He here all his life. (to live)
5) Colin for Brazil this morning. (to leave)
6) Last winter Robin with his father in the Alps for three days. (to stay)
have w rited
7) Ellen with her left hand. (always/to write)
8) She a language course in Paris last summer. (to do)
is phoned
9) anyone yet? (to phone)
didn't seen saw
10) I Paul today, but I him last Sunday.(not/to see - to see)

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