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The raw material used for the production of PTFE is chlorodifluoromethane

(CHClF2). The material is stored within a pressurized vessel at 15 bar and 25C to
maintain it in liquid phase as this allows for easier storage and transportation. Upon
exiting the tank, the pressure of CHClF2 is reduced to 12 bar using a valve to prevent
damage to the upcoming equipment due to sudden inflow of high pressure liquid.

The stream is then heated to 450C as a preparatory step before entering a

tubular reactor (Ebnesajjad, 2013). Within the reactor, gaseous CHClF2 undergoes
pyrolysis reaction and is converted to TFE (C 2F4) alongside hydrochloric acid (HCl)
as the side product. When operating at 810C and 6.55 bar, a conversion of 100%
can be achieved as stated by (Ebnesajjad, 2016). The product stream containing
TFE and HCl is then condensed to liquid state before entering a distillation column
for purification and separation. Since HCl has a lower boiling point than TFE, it will
exit through the overhead stream meanwhile TFE exits through the bottom stream.
The separation produces product streams containing 99.9% w/w HCl and 99.5% w/w
TFE, respectively.

The purified HCl is then diluted with water and sold as a second source of
revenue. Meanwhile, the purified TFE is fed to a continuous stirred tank reactor
(CSTR) for polymerization reaction and produce PTFE. Additionally, water and
benzoyl peroxide are added to the reaction which acts as the solvent and organic
initiator, respectively (Ebnesajjad, 2013). According to (Mori, Tsuchiya, & Okahata,
2005), the conversion can achieve as high as 80% and produce PTFE ranging
between 10,000 g/mol to 1,000,000 g/mol.

The product stream is then fed to a mixing tank whereby a surfactant, sodium
borate is added to reduce the interfacial tension and form a stable colloidal
dispersion of PTFE. (Fernandez & Jebbanema, 2007). The sludge-like stream is
subsequently transported using an extruder to a filter press to remove unwanted
components (waste stream) from PTFE.

The discharged waste stream containing unreacted TFE, HCl and water is
purified using two distillation columns whereby TFE and HCl are recycled back into
the process meanwhile water is sent to a water treatment facility. The solid PTFE is
then transferred onto a conveyer belt and dried to remove residual moisture and
achieve the desired 99% purity.


Figure 6.1: Process flow diagram of PTFE Plant before heat integration

Figure 6.2: Process flow diagram of PTFE Plant after heat integration


The most complex problems faced by the industry in running a plant will be the
proper control and use of the natural environment. Establishment of plans for
environmental planning and management requires that a number of natural and
societal factors must be taken into consideration. Insights into the inherent dynamics
of nature as well as the role that past human activities have played for establishing
the current condition of the landscape and the natural environment in general are

Many natural and man-made changes occur over time scales of decades or
centuries, and these are difficult to comprehend without a historical perspective. One
of the dominant impacts of environmental regulations is that the lead time required
for the planning and construction of the new plants is substantially increased. When
the new plants generate major environmental complexities, the implications can be
profound. Of course, the exact extent of addition to lead time will vary widely from
one case to another depending on which permit requirements apply and on what
difficulties are encountered.

Handle procedures and methods of these waste needs to be specified in

order to meet with the Department of Environmental (DOE) standard. Industries are
required to comply with both air emission and effluent discharge standards which are
regarded as acceptable conditions allowed in Malaysia, as stipulated in the
Environmental Quality Act (EQA) 1974.


6.4.1 Objectives

The objectives of waste management in the industries are to determine any potential
impacts from the waste that generated and to minimizing the impacts and the also to
cut down the number of waste produce in industrial process. Plus, a good handling
of the waste according to the legislative and administrative requirement also one of

the objectives as it can prevent negative impacts on the environment and also to
individual health if it not manages properly and appropriately.

Generally, the objective of waste management is to minimize the impact

residues on the environment by managing the chemical waste that obtains from the
operating plant. The concept of waste management are encompass waste
avoidance by avoiding or reducing the quantity of residues and the recycling of
residues as well as the disposal of the remaining residues as waste. Based on the
Environmental Quality Regulation 1989, waste management required to treat or
disposed the waste.

6.4.2 Waste Management Hierarchy

Waste prevention and minimization is rated high priority in this project because it has
the pivotal role in reducing both the volume and toxicity of the waste to be handled.
Thus, the goal of source reduction is to reduce waste generation as in can be proves
from the waste management hierarchy as shown below. The benefits of waste
minimization are two-fold. Waste minimization reduces waste treatment costs and
reduces raw materials costs

Figure 6.3: Waste management hierarchy.

The 5 options above defined as:
Source reduction (avoids and minimize): Procedures that either
reduce or eliminate the generation of hazardous waste before the waste is
Recycling: Reuse of waste stream as an ingredient in a productive
process or recovery of a reusable product.
Treatment: The use of physical, chemical, biological, or thermal
technologies to reduce the volume, toxicity or mobility of waste.
Disposal: The placement of waste into landfill or the underground
injection of waste

The best waste management is illustrated by the waste management

hierarchy. Source reductions which are avoided and minimize are always the top
priority option in waste management decisions as it can decrease the amount of
toxicity of the waste, save the money and also reduce the pollution to the
environment. In this plant, the waste at the source is reducing by measure the exact
amount of materials that being used in this production to produce the product.

The waste management is lead by source reduction and followed by

recycling. It is the most effective means of waste minimization and one that should
always be considered first. Measures to apply this technique includes process
modifications, feedstock purity improvements, housekeeping and management
practice changes, increases in efficiency of equipment and recycling within a
process. All these measures apply the various concepts in chemical engineering.
Process modifications include devising alternate process conditions at which the
same desirable products will still be produced. Feedstock purity improvements, on
the other hands, pertain to subjecting the feedstock to pre-treatment using suitable
unit operations before feeding into the reactors.

The materials which TFE and HCL that are unreacted during the
manufacturing process are recycled to the process to be used back. So the used of
new raw materials can be reducing by using the recycled raw materials. The
recycling process prevent of many pollutant, reduces the need of new landfills and
reducing the cost for materials used. While, HCL produce at Dilution Tank (V-101) is

not being recycle back to the stream but it will be sell as hydrochloric acid has a
good demand in the industry as it being used in variety of process.

The last technique for waste management is treat and disposal of waste. It is
the least preferable option of waste treatment. Some wastes can be treated to
render them non-hazardous or less hazardous. If treatment is not a part of the end
step of a process and is done separately from the process, it is considered
hazardous waste treatment. Some treatment of waste can be done on site like
neutralizing or detoxifying a chemical as the final step of an experiment. These steps
could decrease or eliminate toxicity or help to reduce the volume of waste.
Permission must be taken first from the Environmental Health and Safety Office
before initializing any treatment procedures of hazardous waste.

So for this plant, the waste water that produced is treated before released
into the external drain. The treatment and disposal is the least preferable technique
to be used in the waste management hierarchy. So, the waste must be minimizing in


6.5.1 Environmental Quality Act (EQA), 1974

The 1974 Environmental Quality Act (EQA) provides the framework for
environmental regulation in Malaysia. The EQA framework is based upon the issuing
of licenses and the prescription of premises to be regulated. The Minister, in
consultation with the Environment Quality Council, may prescribe the occupation or
use of specific premises to be an offence unless the occupant is the holder of an
appropriate license. Conditions for the occupation and use of prescribed premises
are attached to the license by the Director General the licensing authority.

EQA is an enabling piece of legislation for preventing, abating and controlling

pollution, and enhancing the environment, or for other related purposes. Pollution, as
declared in EQA, includes the direct or indirect alteration of any quality of the
environment or any part of it by means of a positive act or act of omission. Pollution

is controlled through the mechanism of licenses issued by the Department of
Environment. The mode of control is by prescribing, by means of a ministerial
regulation, that licenses are mandatory for:

1. The use and occupation of prescribed premises.

2. Discharging or emitting wastes exceeding acceptable conditions into
the atmosphere, as well as noise pollution, polluting or causing the pollution
of any soil or surface of any land.
3. Emitting, discharging or depositing any wastes or oil, in excess of
acceptable conditions, into inland waters or Malaysian waters.

6.5.2 Environmental Quality (Sewage and Industrial Effluents) Regulations,


According to the Environmental Quality (Sewage and Industrial Effluents)

Regulations, 1979, industrial effluent is defined as liquid water or waste water
produced by reason of the production processes taking place at any industrial

The Environmental Quality Act (EQA) 1974 specifies two standards for
effluent discharge:
1. Standard A for discharge upstream of any raw water intake.

2. Standard B for discharge downstream of any raw water intake.

Below is given the standard according to Environment Quality Act, 1974

(Malaysia) Environmental Quality (sewage and Industrial Effluents) Regulations,
1979 [Regulation 8(1), 8(2), 8(3)] Parameter Limits of Effluent of Standards A and B.

Table 6.1: Government guideline for pollutant emission
Parameter Unit
Temperature C 40 40
pH value - 6.0-9.0 5.5-9.0
BOD at 20oC mg/L 20 50
COD mg/L 50 100
Suspended solid mg/L 50 100
Cyanide mg/L 0.005 0.10
Nickel mg/L 0.20 1.0

6.5.3 Environmental Quality (Scheduled Waste) (Amendment) Regulations,


The waste management and waste water treatment of this plant are located and
executed in the plant utilities. For this plant the waste management complied with
the standard rules and regulations of sewage and effluent, scheduled waste, and
environmental impact assessment (EIA). Scheduled wastes means any waste falling
within the categories of waste listed in the First Schedule.

Regulation 2007, First Schedule (Regulation 2), some of scheduled wastes

can be classified accordingly to the standard codes. The codes are as follows:

SW 301 Spent organic acids with ph less or equal to 2 which are corrosive or
SW 305 Spent lubricating oil
SW 409 Disposed containers, bags or equipment contaminated with
chemicals, pesticides, mineral oil or scheduled wastes
SW 410 Rags, plastics, papers or filters contaminated with scheduled wastes.

6.5.4 Environmental Quality (Clean Air) Regulations, 2014

The Clean Air Act is the law that defines EPA's responsibilities for protecting and
improving the nation's air quality and the stratospheric ozone layer. In this PTFE
production, a furnace is used to heat up chlorodifluoromethane from 25 to 450
before entering a reactor for the pyrolysis reaction. The wastes have been produce
from this combustion which are hydrocarbon, carbon dioxide nitrogen oxides and
carbon monoxide which is very poisoning to the human and environment. In order to
release unreacted carbon monoxide to the atmosphere, the effects to the air quality
must be prioritizes and follow the regulation stated in the law.

In order to control air quality, the following emission standards apply to new
and existing power generation boilers with a total capacity of more than 10 MW e
burning solid fuels, which includes coal and biomass. Reference conditions for the
emission limit values are 6% of O2 in the exhaust gas (dry basis) at 273 K and 101.3

Table 6.2: Emission limits / standard for power generation

Pollutant Capacity, MWe Limit value, mg/m3 Monitoring
(unless otherwise
SO2 (SO2 + SO3) >10 500 Continuous*
NO2 (NO + NO2) >10 500 Continuous*
CO >10 200 Continuous*
Total particulate >10 50 Continuous*
Mercury (Hg) >10 0.03 Periodic

Hydrogen chloride >10 - <100 200 Periodic

(HCL) >100 100 Periodic
Hydrogen fluoride >10 - <100 30 Periodic
(HF) >100 15 Periodic
Dioxin / furans >10 0.1 ng TEQ/m3 Periodic

* Averaging time for continuous monitoring is 30 mins


EIA is a process assessing the overall impacts on the environment of developments

projects proposed by the public and private sectors. EIA is an important procedure
for ensuring that the likely effects of new development on the environments are fully
understood and taken into account before the development is allowed to go ahead.

The objectives of EIA are:

1. To examine and select the best from the projects options available.
2. To identify and incorporate into the project plan appropriate abatement and
mitigating measures.
3. To predict significant residual environmental impacts.
4. To determine the significant residual impacts predicted.
5. To identify the environmental costs and benefits of the projects to the

EIA is essentially a planning tool for preventing environment problems due to

an action. It seeks to avoid costly mistakes in project implementation, either because
of the environmental damages that are likely to arise during project implementation,
or because modifications that may be required subsequently in order to make the
action environmentally acceptable. In Malaysia, EIA is required under section 34A,

Environmental Quality Act, 1974. The EIA procedure adopted in Malaysia consists of
three major steps that are:
1. Preliminary assessment of all prescribed activities.
2. Detailed assessments of those prescribed activities for which significant
residual environmental impacts have been predicted in the preliminary
3. Review of assessment reports.

A preliminary assessment should normally be initiated during the early stages
or project planning. Standard procedure steps are provided and the assessment
might be conducted "in house", or by a consultant. Some form of public participation
is mandatory. Environmental data collection may be necessary and close liaison
between the assessor and relevant environment related agencies is encouraged.
The results of preliminary assessment are reported formally for examination and
approval by the project approving authority and the Director General of
Environmental Quality. Preliminary assessment requires resources that are a small
proportion of the man hours, money, skills and equipment committed to a feasibility
study and the assessment should be completed within the time frame of that study.

Detailed assessment should continue during project planning until the project
plan is finalized. Standard procedure steps are provided and specific terms of
reference based on the results of preliminary assessment are issued for each
project. The assessment method is selected according to the nature of the project;
some form of public participation is required. Environmental data collection is almost
certainly necessary. The result of detailed assessment is reported formally.

Review of EIA reports is carried out internally by the Department of

Environment, DOE with the assistance from the relevant technical agencies for
preliminary assessments reports and by an ad hoc Review Panel for detailed
assessment reports. Recommendations arising out of the review are transmitted to
the relevant project approving authorities for considerations in making a decision on
the project. According to the DOE's Client Charter, the period allocated for a review
of a term of reference and EIA reports are as follows:
1. Term of Reference - 2 months
2. Preliminary EIA Report - 3 months
3. Detailed EIA Report - 5 months


For this PTFE chemical plant, waste discharged from the process must be treated
appropriately based on the parameter limit stated in environmental acts and
regulation. In this process, the waste generated is wastewater. The waste is
identified as Stream 23 and is the bottom product of T-102. The wastewater is
collected and transferred to a wastewater treatment plant which is built for the
purpose of treating and nullifying hazardous effects before being discharged into the

Since all of the components of the wastewater are inorganic compounds,

standard treatment methods such as primary, secondary and tertiary will not be
applicable. Generally, primary treatment is used to remove suspended solids,
secondary treatment is used to remove organic components through the use of
microbial activities and tertiary treatment is used when the waste stream is released
into drinking sources such as river or lake. All of these methods are not practicable
for this plant because firstly, the wastewater does not contain suspended solids,
secondly, the components are inorganic and lastly, the waste will be released into
the ocean which is not the primary source of drinking water.

Table 6.3: Wastewater stream summary

Waste Mass Mass Mole Mole Boiling
component flowrate fraction flowrate fraction Point
(kg/h) (kmol/h) (at STP)
Water 191.55 0.9800 10.63 0.9900 100C
HCl 3.92 0.0200 0.11 0.0100 -85.05C
Total 193.50 1.0000 10.74 1.0000 -

Hence, an alternative method is used for the treatment of this wastewater,

which is chemical treatment. These chemical processes, which induce chemical
reactions, are called chemical unit processes, and are used alongside biological and
physical cleaning processes to achieve various water standards. There are several
distinct chemical unit processes, including chemical flocculation, chemical
precipitation, chemical oxidation and advanced oxidation, ion exchange, and

chemical neutralization and stabilization, which can be applied to wastewater during
cleaning. ("Wastewater Chemical Treatment Processes," 2017).

6.7.1 Selection of Chemical Treatment Method

The choice of chemical treatment method depends mainly on the components

present within the wastewater. To determine the most suitable method used for this
process, comparisons will be made between the applications of each method:

Table 6.4: Comparison of chemical treatment methods

(Reference: ("Wastewater Chemical Treatment Processes," 2017)
Method Application Description
Chemical Remove dissolved metals from Precipitation agent causes
precipitation wastewater containing toxic dissolved metals to form solid
metals particles. The particles are then
Chemical Remove suspended particles in Flocculants such as alum or
flocculation water by forming flocs ferrix destabilizes the ionic
charges of the particle and form
flocs, which settle at the bottom
of water
Chemical Removes pollutants such as Oxidizing agents such as
oxidation cyanide from wastewater chlorine are used to transfer
electrons from the oxidant to the
Ion Used to soften hard water (water Positively charged sodium ions
exchange containing high concentration of are used to replace calcium and
magnesium and calcium) magnesium ions. These ions are
then released in the water
Chemical Used to neutralize acidic or basic Chemicals such as HCl or
neutralization wastewater Ca(OH)2 are used to neutralize
the pH of wastewater to
acceptable value

Based on Table 6.4, it is concluded that chemical neutralization would be the most
suitable method to treat the wastewater as it contains HCl as the contaminant.

6.7.2 pH of Wastewater

The pH value provides useful information regarding the acidity or alkalinity of the
wastewater. According to (Goel, Flora, & Chen, 2005), the general acceptable limit
of wastewater that can be discharged to receiving body of water is between pH 5-9.
In this PTFE plant, HCl contributes as the major contaminant in the wastewater.

Molarity of HCl in wastewater, M:

, =

Mass flowrate of wastewater = 195.5 kg/h

Molar flowrate of wastewater = 10.74 kmol/h
Density of wastewater = 2.97 kg/m 3

(10.74 ) (0.0100 )
1 3
(195.5 )

= 1.87 104

HCl dissociates into 1 mol of [H+]

= log[ + ]
= log[1.87 104 ]
= 3.73

Hence, the wastewater needs to be neutralized before it is discharged into the


6.7.3 Chemical Neutralization and Flow Equalization

Chemical neutralization and flow equalization are two important components of

water and wastewater treatment. Chemical neutralization is employed to balance the
excess acidity or alkalinity in water, whereas flow equalization is a process of
controlling flow velocity and flow composition. From the industrial perspective,
chemical neutralization is the adjustment of pH to achieve the desired treatment
objective. Flow equalization is necessary in many municipal and industrial treatment
processes to dampen severe variations in flow and water quality. Both of these
processes have been practiced in the water and wastewater treatment field for
several decades. (Goel et al., 2005)

6.7.4 Flow Equalization

Flow equalization is used to minimize the variation of wastewater flowrate and

composition. If there exists a wide variation in flow composition over time, the
treatment efficiency of the overall process performance may degrade severely. The
cause of variation may be due to many reasons, such as cyclic nature of the
process, sudden occurrence of storm water events and seasonal variations (Goel et
al., 2005).

In order to reduce the effect of these variations, an equalization tank is

utilized at the beginning of the wastewater treatment. The influent wastewater with
varying flow compositions and flowrate enters this tank first before it is allowed
undergo the proceeding treatment process. This provides a uniform flow for the
wastewater stream. The use of equalization tank provide various advantages, some
of which are:

1. Improve sedimentation efficiently by providing hydraulic detention time.

2. Manual and automated control of flowrate are simplified.
3. Treatment efficiency of wastewater is improved and some BOD reduction
odor removal is provided is aeration is used in the equalization tank.

Typically, two configurations for the equalization tank are used variable volume
and constant volume. For variable volume, the tank is designed to maintain the
effluent flow to the upcoming treatment processes. In the case of constant volume,
the effluent flow changes with any changes in the influent. Both methods are used
for different applications, although variable volume is more commonly used when
volume of waste generated daily is small as well as for municipal wastewater
treatment (Goel et al., 2005).

Wastewat Equalizati Pum Flow To

er on Tank p meter chemical

Figure 6.4: Flow equalization process

6.7.5 Chemical Neutralization

Neutralization is a method that is commonly practiced in wastewater treatment and

water stabilization. If a waste stream is found to be hazardous due to corrosivity,
neutralization would be the primary treatment used. For every manufacturing
process, the pH of effluent wastewater has to comply with the limits stated by the
law and regulation before being discharged into receiving water bodies. Typically,
the acceptable pH standard ranges between 5-9 (Goel et al., 2005). In order to
adjust the pH of wastewater, an acidic or basic substance is added depending on
the requirement. Some processes such as boiler operations and drinking water
standards need neutral water at a pH of 7. However, the waste stream is generally
considered neutralized when:
1. Damage to metals, concrete or other materials is minimal.
2. Leaves little damage on fish and aquatic life.
3. Has no effect on biological matter such as in biological treatment.

Neutralization can be carried out in either batch or continuous. In batch mode, the
effluent is retained until its quality meets the desired specification before released.
Bath processes are practical for small scale treatment plants or when the volume of
wastewater is small. On the other hand, continuous neutralization is more suitable

for large volume. Table 6.2 presents the criteria for each mode of operation and
Figure 6.2 illustrates the schematic of a typical neutralization tank:

Table 6.5: Criteria for batch and continuous neutralization

Mode of operation Criteria

Batch There are large fluctuations in influent properties

Influent wastewater contains concentrated acids or
The effluent quality has strict discharge limits

Continuous Flow of influent is relatively constant and sudden

variations are not expected
Influent flow characteristics are essentially
Effluent chemistry is not very critical

Figure 6.5: Schematic of a neutralization tank

For this PTFE plant, a batch mode operation would be more suitable since
the amount of waste produced is relatively low at 1992.1 ton/year and the effluent
quality has to oblige strict discharge limits.

6.7.6 Selection of Neutralization Agent

The major contaminant in the wastewater is HCl, which has a concentration of 6.25
wt%. Acidic wastes can be treated by using a variety of chemicals such as lime
(CaOH), soda ash (Na2CO3), caustic soda (NaOH) and others. Table 6.3 presents
the advantages and disadvantages of each neutralizing agent:

Table 6.6: Comparison of neutralizing agents.

Reference: ("National Lime Association," 2000)

Neutralizing Advantages Disadvantages

Lime (CaOH) Considerably cheaper Sludge produced is very
than other chemicals difficult to handle
Slower reaction time

Casutic soda Fast reaction time Corrosive in nature.

(NaOH) Salt produced is soluble Requires special material of
in water construction for storage
More costly than other

Sodium Moderately fast reaction Corrosive in nature.

carbonate time Requires special material of
(Na2CO3) Salt produced is soluble construction for storage
in water
Cheaper compared to

Referring to the table above, it is concluded that Na 2CO3 would be the most
suitable type of neutralizing agent for several reasons. Firstly, the product formed
from the neutralization process is NaCl, which is not harmful and is soluble in water.
Considering that the effluent waste will be discharged into the ocean, it would not
affect the water quality as much as the effluent produced when using CaOH.
Secondly, the waste treatment process would be greatly simplified when using
Na2CO3 as the effluent does not require further treatment. Third, the reaction time is

moderately fast, which is acceptable for the amount of wastewater generated from
this process.



storage tank

W2 Pump W3

Equalization Neutralization
tank tank

Figure 6.6: Simplified process flow diagram of wastewater treatment

6.8.1 Mass Balance at Equalization Tank

W1 = 193.5 kg/h Equalization W2

xH2O = 0.9000
xTFE = 0.0375
xHCl = 0.0625


1) Steady state.
2) No accumulation.

Flowrate of W2:

1 = 2 = 193.5 /

6.8.2 Mass Balance at Neutralization Tank


W2 = 193.5 kg/h Neutralization W3

xH2O = 0.9800
xHCl = 0.0200


1) Complete neutralization occurs.

2) Efficiency of neutralization reaction is 70%.

Concentration of HCl in wastewater:

Density of wastewater = 2.97 kg/m 3

= 0.0200 2.97 3 106

= 59.40

Flowrate of Na2CO3 required, S1:
For complete neutralization,

2 () + 2 3 () 2 () + 2 () + 2 ()

1 2 3 1
2 3 = 59.40
2 0.7

2 3 = 42.43

2 3
1 3 1000
= 42.43 6 (195.5 )
10 2.97 3

2 3 = 2.76

In actual practice, the actual amount of neutralizing agent required is always greater
than the theoretical amount. Hence, take 15% extra Na 2CO3 added to fulfill the

2 3 = 1.15 2.76

2 3 = 3.18

Flowrate of effluent wastewater, W3:

3 = 2 + 1

3 = 193.5 + 3.18 = 196.68 /


6.9.1 Design of Equalization Tank

Equalization tank is the first equipment which receives the influent wastewater from
the process line. The wastewater is collected within the tank and stored temporarily
before being released for further treatment. The purpose of this equalization tank is
to maintain the flowrate and composition of the wastewater and reduce the effect of
variation arising from sudden occurrence of storm water events, seasonal weather,
plant failure and others. Also, this allows for the temperature of the wastewater to
reduce from 155C to ambient temperature.

1) Detention time is 20 min.
2) Tank has cylindrical configuration with 5 m height.

Volumetric flowrate of wastewater, Q:



2.97 3

= 65.15

Volume of equalization tank:

3 1
= 65.15 20 min
= 21.72 3

Diameter of equalization tank:
For cylindrical tank,


4(21.72 3 )
(5 )

= 2.35

6.9.2 Design of Na2CO3 Storage Tank

A silo is used to store the neutralizing agent, Na2CO3 solution before it is added to
the wastewater. Due to the corrosive nature of the chemical, careful consideration
should be taken when handling and selecting the material of construction. Based on
the corrosion resistivity chart, Mild Steel would be a suitable material as it is resistant
to Na2CO3 and is relatively inexpensive compared to other types of metal (Sinnot,

1) Storage tank is cylindrical configuration with 4 m height.

Volume of silo:
Silo is designed for storage capacity for 30 days

= 3.18 30 24

= 2288.83

Density of Na2CO3 = 2540 kg/m3


2540 3

= 0.90 3

Diameter of silo:
For cylindrical tank,



4(0.90 3 )
(4 )

= 1.68

6.9.3 Design of Neutralization Tank

A neutralization tank is the most important part of the wastewater treatment. Here,
HCl from the influent wastewater is neutralized by the addition of Na 2CO3 to from
NaCl, H2O and CO2. In order to achieve a uniform mixture, an agitator is installed
within the tank, which increases the efficiency of the reaction.

1) Based on (Goel et al., 2005), typical detention time for neutralization is 10
2) Neutralization tank has cylindrical configuration with height of 6 m.

Volume of neutralization tank:

1 3 1 3
= 10 min [65.15 + (2.76 )]
60 2540
= 10.86 3

Diameter of neutralization tank:


4(10.86 3 )
(6 )

= 4.78



Table 6.7: Summary of wastewater treatment plant equipment sizing

Equipment Dimensions
Equalization tank Volume = 21.72 m3
Diameter = 2.35 m
Height =5m
Detention time = 20 min
Na2CO3 storage tank Volume = 0.90 m3
Diameter = 1.68 m
Height =4m
Storage period = 30 days
Neutralization tank Volume = 10.86 m3
Diameter = 4.77 m
Height =6m
Detention time = 10 min

Figure 6.7: Process flow diagram for wastewater treatment


6.12.1 Equalization Tank (TK-101)

The equalizer tank was taken as vertical process vessel that is made from carbon
steel. From the equipment design,
= 21.94 3 = 5.5

From Analysis, Synthesis, and Design of Chemical Processes, 4th edition,

1 = 2.25, 2 = 1.82, :
1 = 3.4974, 2 = 0.4485, 3 = 0.1074

0 (2001) = 3.4974 + 0.4485 log(21.94) + 0.1074 (log 21.94)2

0 (2001) = $ 19,594

For base condition, Fp and FM and is equal to 1. Therefore, CBM is,
0 (2001) = 0 (1 + 2 )
0 (2001) = 19,594 (2.25 + 1.82 (1)(1))
0 (2001) = $ 79,748

For non-base condition where P= 5.5 BarG, FM = 1

(5.5 + 1)2.36
+ 0.00315
2(850 0.6 (5.5 + 1)
= 1.939

,101 (2001) = 0 (1 + 2 )
,101 (2001) = 19,594 ( 2.25 + 1.82 (1)(1.939))
,101 (2001) = $ 113,233

The CEPCI for the year of 2001 and 2011 are 394 and 582 respectively. Thus,

,101 (2011) = 79,748 x = $ 117,748
0 (2011) = 503,961
,101 (2011) = 113,233 = $ 167,585
,101 (2011) = 717,264

6.12.2 Sodium Carbonate Storage Tank (TK-102)

The sodium carbonate storage tank was taken as vertical process vessel that is
made from carbon steel. From the equipment design,
= 0.91 3 = 1

From Analysis, Synthesis, and Design of Chemical Processes, 4th edition,

1 = 2.25, 2 = 1.82, :
1 = 3.4974, 2 = 0.4485, 3 = 0.1074

0 (2001) = 3.4974 + 0.4485 log(0.91) + 0.1074 (log 0.91)2
0 (2001) = $ 3,014

For base condition, Fp and FM and is equal to 1. Therefore, CBM is,

0 (2001) = 0 (1 + 2 )
0 (2001) = 3,014 (2.25 + 1.82 (1)(1))
0 (2001) = $ 12,266

For non-base condition where P= 1 BarG, FM = 1

(1 + 1)1.69
+ 0.00315
2(850 0.6 (1 + 1)
= 0.816

,102 (2001) = 0 (1 + 2 )
,102 (2001) = 3,014 ( 2.25 + 1.82 (1)(0.816))
,102 (2001) = $ 11,257

The CEPCI for the year of 2001 and 2011 are 394 and 582 respectively. Thus,

,102 (2011) = 12,266 x = $ 18,118
0 (2011) = 77,548
,102 (2011) = 11,257 = $ 16,628
,102 (2011) = 71, 169

6.12.3 Neutralization Tank (TK-103)

The neutralization tank was taken as vertical process vessel that is made from
carbon steel. From the equipment design,
= 10.97 3 = 2

From Analysis, Synthesis, and Design of Chemical Processes, 4 th edition,
1 = 2.25, 2 = 1.82, :
1 = 3.4974, 2 = 0.4485, 3 = 0.1074

0 (2001) = 3.4974 + 0.4485 log(10.97) + 0.1074 (log 10.97)2

0 (2001) = $ 12,026

For base condition, Fp and FM and is equal to 1. Therefore, CBM is,

0 (2001) = 0 (1 + 2 )
0 (2001) = 12,026 (2.25 + 1.82 (1)(1))
0 (2001) = $ 48,945

For non-base condition where P= 1 BarG, FM = 1

(2 + 1)4.79
+ 0.00315
2(850 0.6 (2 + 1)
= 1.845

,103 (2001) = 0 (1 + 2 )
,103 (2001) = 12,026 ( 2.25 + 1.82 (1)(0.816))
,103 (2001) = $ 67,440

The CEPCI for the year of 2001 and 2011 are 394 and 582 respectively. Thus,

,103 (2011) = 48,945 x = $ 72,299
0 (2011) = 309,441
,103 (2011) = 67,440 = $ 99,619
,103 (2011) = 426,371


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