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Ilove meeting new people @ ead the ontine pote and match to the core picture above. Hm Zia and | ve makng ends. ebooks, fon and playing he (utr Irate Mondays and can't tard gag to the gym ta oy oes, ‘Sepecalystetes, I vat to be aout and vito about farcus peopl Listening c= @ Listen to two students, Corey and Mik talking together on their first day at collage. Match the speakers to thelr petures above @ Listen agin and complete core’ online prt Hm Cary ard im ton — tho winter pay ico @) hninesunmer ike mountain (3) andpayng (4) Leroy pining (3) ganas bu hato(6) you wantto look at my MySpace page tpn CD _ Vocabulary: hobbies and interests @ Read the profits again and put the words connected to Interests {and freetime activities int the table ‘making ne frends ‘be keen on, be good at a focus: verbs of like and dislike sie ba inated @ Read the sentences. raw QB, @, @, B or GO next to each one ‘These auectve + to show the meaning. repostion phases are ‘fold bya neun oF © shate Mondays. © 23 eno laying computer gomes. “ing orm. 1 cart stord gong tothe gm. 4 We ovegang shopping cones try 2 suite ke playing tens 3 dont mind muse stores Sreyougoodat winter @ Complete the rule wth two of the phrases fom the box. sports? infinitive without sg torm a noun rm nterested in acting, the native wi After verb of tik an ste we usally use _ Oo ————— ep. ‘Do the questions one ata time as they are not onected to each other. + Think about the purpose ofthe message. sit an Invitation, a request or suggestion? ‘Think about wos vrtig to whom ep.. * Dont just answer with ‘one word give reasons or examples. ‘Try to veld ong silences. ay things tke wel while you are thinking. @ How do you fet about these activites? Make sentences chat onne play computer games with Hinds play sports ‘meet new peope at prties spend time onthe computer tak about myse wear fashionable clothes Hove playing sports, especialy volleyball. ‘Exam practice: Reading Part 1 @ Look tthe tox in each question. What dest ay? Cirle the correct etter Bor. Mare wants to change 2 the tim they see B thecinema they go. € the day they see the fi What should Dando? ‘ask Melo come back rom «collage ofc the computer 8 explain te situation to Nel shen se arves home deal wth Murs emas Defore ne goes out 1 Luke ie thinking of becoming amember of tne Green's Gym Yeu eroy keeping dont your My__| B Lukessiser has ree ym Stes gt two exes fora fe session | fiche for Luke and ere. Screens oy, 1ve ned afesey 2 | ¢ Late was ane togo eerste" 1° cer cym en st Exam practice: Speaking Part | @ inte tt part ofthe speaking test the examiner wl ask yousome questions abou your dal ite and your tes ad dsl ‘ak your partner questions to compete the pot Writing @ wate an onne ponte or your partner's webpage based on the Information rom Activity 9. Keeping in touch ‘Vocabulary: communication and technology @ sow are tnse people Keeping in touch? Match the words to the pictures email landline _ mile phone) postcard _ text (message) @ As and answer the questions wih a partner ‘Give reasons for your answers, inane re ema is best ‘Which s he est way to because easy (© tel your friends a funny joke youve ust heara? | fo sen the joke 1 find your fends at» crowded concert? several people 2 lla your trends abou an interesting wobste? 3 wam your finds you'r going tobe ate? 4 tell your frends you're having a great holiday? 5 find out ll your friends news when you come back? (Replace tne undrined words wth the correct forms of these verbs lek rash delete save surf 2 2s Soon as ve ead my eral remove them frm the mailbox. 3 I you dort store the changes you mak toa document you wile them. 44 To start the program press onthe mouse here 55 Youcan spend hours looking at cifferent websites onthe internet 1 Ben's computer suddenly stopped working during the thunderstorm, Exam practice: Reading Part 5 ] 00% tte article on page 9 Rea the title andthe ost iy but don't wrry abut the spaces. Whois Kimberley Brown and wnetis, Itendstorever cont @ eas te rile again and crete orect word for ech space. ep... ‘ok communicai®) 8 contact —Cwrte—_—D exchange 1 Abt B Many = Much More ioral aa cme 2A delete Bemal —C suf copy i ‘le sentence again to gat 8 was Chas Dare | heck makes sense 4 A work 8 rent employ apply Tey the other options 5A form B create think imagine em 6 A price 8 ht success win | bas a TA lst Bal Cleast test, i 8 A tcl 8 near dese 0 convenient 9 A need Bown = must may l 108 among B tor Cited wth Toy thousands of aun people) canna wth ech ater onset 35 QS ‘websites suc 8s MySpate and Bebo.) ‘of them have webpages with background designs by Kimberly Brown Aayene can 2) ece ae ‘ese unusual an attrac designs rom Kinerioys webs, endsfareercon, winch aver ben onsen” yy pitti @ Lew Herc tindeer ores ens enousnioco —___ erate ese ap her francil manager, and shes aaa training fire former classmates to (5) designs for er Kimberey’ parents an teachers ae proud of, hor (6) although they ware shocked at (7) {ave up hh school to concentrate on Now howover, Kinbrly is stuying fora degree at her (8) ‘She always reluses invitations to appear on radio or 1.1 (9 sucessful businesswoman: she sys, but atthe moment want to time wih my friends, 00) anyother teenager” when she $M Language focus: present tenses 2 = @ Feed the examples. re the underne verbs in present imple or ELA rewawsn| prevent continuous? 1 toon 1 Kimber areas ears enough about 25 hows 8 month on ‘heme Chat oom se rely popular but (2) (not understand wy. The comersaions peep o (hat) ther eat real tora. any @ iterstfor game (ba afore game othe moment sed Fre Rider. 2 Sheisteanng thre former classmates to help her 2 She aways refuses invtations to appear on TV. 4 Athe moment want to enjoy my ree tine @ Watch ne verbs in Activity 6 othe uses ofthe present tenses {present continuous fr an activty happening now B present siple fr something that is general true present simple for something that happens repeately D present simple fra verb not usualy used in continuous frm ete ‘nave (go ea, Krom ke, remombor, se, understand. te) ‘eye as . oe @ conpete te weo-post withthe corect forms ofthe verbs nbrackes, Posted Ba on Exam practice: Writing Part2 @ water ne verbs tothe sentences they describe, EID. Aemind 8 apolagse Csuggest Doter Eexplan Fine + Undeine the verbs thatintodie the 1 Sory orga a tet yous righ _ treo posto hap you 2 Yowan borrow my opt nl yours Is mended you he deci wnat twit 3 eat talnithyou now because Yn feishing anessay. + Yavoniy eed to rte 4 Dont forget to swat the computer when youve she. *Svords dor 5 Would you to come tothe tenet cat withing? Inelideunnecessary 6 ny at ona sol netwark the MySpace I YoU want cha intormation D You have anew computer Write an emeil to your English friend Al In your emal you shouls + exolan why you tke the new computer + invite Alec to come to your house + suggest what you can do together onthe compute. Write 35-45 words. cx® He’s the youngest brother Vocabulary: family,ages, describing people @ Lok 2 tne word box and ane the questions. bal beard cheerful confident curly air elderly airhair lasses a grandparent handsome inhi / her thirties. kind lazy ‘moustache pretty shy sim tall atin 1 nich words can we us to describe people's: ‘Apersonalty Baye looks relationship? 2 Which words do we use wih the verb foe and which with tare? 3 bescribe one a the people inthe pictures. Can our partner guess wha itis? and Tim, What are the thee brothers jobs? @ ee these sentences correct ar incorec (87? YES BNO (© his s mere hard-warking than steve q 1 Steveistnehappiest othe tivee brothers. EE] 2 Che sta alas Ti, a 3 Chriss ss good ooking than Tim. 4 Timisaready the most successtulbrother. EE] _Danguage focus: compurative and mperaive adjectives G] eas the sentences in Activity 3. Write Cy the pres that compare ‘two people and S by those that compare more than two peopl tre edectives eee eareroetee Rieter tian Sroroet complete the table andthe ues. We can use realy with both normal and = Sane ° yale ee ‘es an absolutely brant 1 twosyllables endingin-y ——y,¢-ier ‘aittone drew oe 2 twoormoresyables ‘eal amazing 3. to soy two things are the same /itferent 4 Weuse not as. to sy two tings are the same / diferent. GB write sentences giving your opinion. 1 teenagers / elderly peope/rienaiy think tenagers are fender than elderly peepe because 2 men women / hard-working 3 shy people / confident people / attractive emp... Exam practice: Reading Part 4 @ Fees the text and questions below. For each question, circle the Se correct letter A,B, Cor . attitude and opinion and some test specific deta, soread the question caret 1 inthis text Marie Davies is {advising parents how to bring up bins. 8 dercrising her eatonshp wth her ister. C explaining why she dsibes being a twin 1 compaining about ner rena ates ieee HY In lis oftheir ary childhood Mare an Paula eae Rese) 1k play separate games. When pple that in B fenove natfret was. ar est azn conmincate not seating, ‘Cn oun Pada D sonetines ght th eachother ‘ead each others thoughts?" ‘What did Marie and Paula do at school? 1h east copy eae ther sy 8 They taclongestng Gagnon Mey ed toborow each ters cies © They went ut hte same boytiend 4 are tik tat se ‘asa eter emery than Pols nese ne SAGER] has ore notes non ava breyten census atsoulionedibebasatel | fore en ost pole than Pal te sine ofp op misicand especies | 135 endl then Pau anda dtvantotnowme Miwa tus, enone | 5 What woul iets sy about tires? 2st Here he ws ng anne hl ine vas Gata vey st, antineswe a aperhug they ‘react otek we reverie te ane nd oh boy At we wet octet ues on eee tcc orf snot her weet wap se seen Wa astonge, Nowe art in utes an be Sd mes mart. thug we spa or el most ay, ue ses 5, Int so bc a tcc Ait igh andy Poa is hyd ae an ays fring ane coe shea veteran ith et ne bt oe ann tig cg od ae pg vio a io Undeesie ejt ose Bunga win means alwayshaing a bes ier and neve bing lone, From ver eat age my sie and bath ew what the her as thinking ad felng. ve watched ides of us as you chen, plying haps by side nat eeding to ay ning, Sometimes even cart tl which wn wich, ‘were very clone as chiro Bie wevenoverbem as cosesince that ome ‘Welle vlvenaareto each other = vee lst contact because aurhomes reso agar, ron though we bad eoparatolwes row thee tla very sre, comacion votes Writing compete te sentences about your 1 Tispersonisw 2 fmmure less. 3 Weboth ‘and someone els in the cass. @ rend your sentences tote class, Can anyone guess who the other student is? Such a messy room Vocabulary: furniture and furnishings GB 100k at the pictures. which things can you seein each bedroom? ‘armchair binds carpet celing cupboard curtains cushioned Growers duvet fan miror plow photos posters rubbish in helt B® wnicn room is most similar to your room? How are these rooms sitterent trom yours? G) reas the sentences. Which pictures each one about? 1 Youcant relax here because the colours ae so bright 2 There are enough drawers to put thing in 3 There are so many posters that you cant see the wal 4 The desk sn big encugh fo do your homework on 5 The cling much too low to put up posters, 6's Imposibe to in anything a sucha messy room. sPlanguage focus: s0/ such. that and (00 / enough. 1 @ watch the rues to the sentences in Activity 3. [8 We use so much or so_many with nouns. =a B We us so with an adjective on sown, We use such with an adjective pus noun, We put foo before an adjective or adverb. E We can pu enough after an adjective or adverb, F Wecan put enough before a noun ep. “inthis part your speling shouldbe correct Check your answers cvetlly ‘The speakers wil talk about athe petures but eny one wil be Exam practice: Writing Part 1 @ ee are seme sentences about Aerts new room. Fe each ‘Gestion compete tne second sentence so tha means ne sme the st Use no moe then ties words (© Ahem’ family decides to move because their old house was too smal. Their od house wasnt fy czas so Akon's family decided to move 1 Aker’ new room s bigger than her old one. ‘Akers new room ant her od one 2 Whad suen dark walls tal Ake decided opin them ‘Tha wals were atk thot em decided pant ther 23 Aken was too shor to pint the cating hese, ‘emi wast tll Paint te celing hese 4 The curtains were s uly that Akemi thew them away. Thay were curtains that Aken thew them away. 5 As theres pent of space, Aker’ friends can stay the night. Theres space for Ake’ riendst stay the nigh Speaking Fat your partner which room in your house you tke best, and which you ike least. Give your reasons. ‘My leas few oom isthe ltcherrbecaus iss dark, Exam practice: Listening Part 1 trerghtarswer. oa) For each question there are thre pictures anda short recording Chose the corec pctre and put ack (/) inthe box below it 1 where woud the boy ke ove? 2 wha ithe boy do on Saturday evening? ee oft tet ao 3 hin computer desk oes theboyhaveinhis osm? 4 Which poster does the boy want? mao 40 >, °O cO ad 2O cO °a °O °O Speaking ea pan of your oom but dont daw any funitrein cine Your panto your pater. Student A: Describe your rom, Student 8 Draw the things ia’ oom, ‘Change over. G=z® Now. and. then It used to be different Speaking @ Look at the pictures and answer these questions. 1 What are these people dong? 2 Hom do we do these things today? Vocabulary: daily ite hater the verbs withthe nouns by putting tick (9 inthe box. fouse bed dinner dishes floor housework shopping table washing washing up clean “2 lay the mate wash @ rato your partner. no usualy des these jobs in your famiy? ‘Wo id these tings yesterday? How similar are your fries? exp: peasiheisivctons _-‘Exam practice: Listening Part 4 nd avestons to get rani a rete and tne 4% You wil near a conversation between a boy, Carl and git Jenni, eg etna Toking about wing on essay om fe a hundred oor ago. Deis er ‘each sentence Is correct (A) or incorrect (B). AYES 8: 1 art toung wating the essay atic 2 Jennie thinks tat people hada healthier det a hundres ye3rs 299. 5 Jennies shockod toler about he clothes young boys wore. ‘4 Jennie admires the way people enteriinedthemseves. 5 Carl and Jenne agree that chiren were mare respectulin the past 6 Jennie i oratefulto Cal for helping her withthe essay. A 5 ooooon PD banguage focus: post sinple and wed to @ Fead the examples and complete the rules about the past nnshed my essay last ig. Living in the Past | %%272»02 use tot ike that? | ite boys used to wear dresses. They didnt have wasting machines or vacuum cleaners, 1 We use past simple or sage events that are finished til golng on 2 We use used fo ora gast habit / single event tat no longer ests, 53 Used t's followed by past simple / he Itintive, 4 To fxm past simple of regular verbs, 34 (eM ing to the initive, 5 We frm negatives with nat / didnt and te intrve. 66 We form questions with do / di pls the infatve. G Complete the article with verbs from the box, using used fo or past Simpl. bath are possible use used TSERES PEGE ator Get up have to we ook poy take wash wach wear Living in the Past retums to our | scans with the Wiens far who wtbe ng inthe ‘Mrs Hatter (ago 45: erty hard wore A month) | TeurGamryorsmont rene DEC eycne ef ght th re adhe the war Ih 1900 peeps rastentenen (2) alter doe by haa, hc oda et a whl day. The Fonesnenan arena? Retinal tee 8G) me te daa! re. |___wear old-fastioned clothes af the time stem, th ator amy ete oes oy) TREO (6) realy oan toe crete att ety ep sre at sone bs when wart wad _—_tko fais used to doin 1900, Mar Hatter (aged 14: Bore! wert. on he progamms,t(7) | ‘This is what they sid about the lls oFTV bul hey ca even have eloctcyp1000. Peep (@) eperence ‘card games or ead by ol amp, 9 thats what we loo was fi, aay e=Dy. Exam practice: Speaking Parts 9 and ¢ te examiner wil ive you and your partner each a photograph to Speaking Part 3 talk bout for around a minute. Lok at the photographs on page 62 + Say whothe people ae, {and take turns to liaten to eachother. | where they ae an what {voy redoing Dont see J next, the examiner will ask yout talk together about atopic [ust st everything you connected with your photographs. For exemple: {Your photograph showed families doing things together, Now, I'd ke Youto tah together abu! he things or do wth our fa now nd ep. {he things you used fo do with them when you were younger ee Ueno two set a and naan abu he op ae th ethene ter senin nro | ‘not the examiner. Take CaM Suraatoummeu ——eeay pyaar @ How co they start the conversation? Does one of them say more ‘than the other? How do they involve each other?

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