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Shall we have a party? ‘Vocabulary: food and special occasions B sistent pctres to these word treadroll_ choclate cake fredtsh_ greenselad leon art _ east cheken —spinachemelete—svawberis and cream @ discuss these questions with your parte. 1 What's your favourite foog? How often do you eat? 2 What kind of food do you usualy have: ata birthday party at plenle Ina restaurant_on New Years ve _@ language focus: agreeing, disagreeing and suggesting 2 @ Vou wi near tre sort cnversatons. Write the number ofthe Conversion next tothe cect descrbton hoosnaa present Oeesahow tocesbate_ Pasing#mens @ eas te prass trom the conversations above, Do we se them to gre (At disagree (0) oto suggest (5)? Add ides of your own ets s Yes, youreright, That's god / the best dea How / What about Wel, m nt sure 7 What a good ide! Font thin that's 2. goodie. Why dontwe. "tink ve shoud. EEE commit ne secon conversation wth he pirates. ‘may / might / could we should shallwe lets dont think youre ight Use these modal verbs arenes eee ‘Act's Mum and Dad's wedding anniversary nest month it 7a) abt a roe opr em computor noe tine nee oat tery ae ecu aedy 1 ee omc pt eth 0 @ Listen again and check your answers 8 ep. Exam practice: Writing Part 3 (letter) ‘Begin with Dear or Hi @ Read the exam question and the answer to it. Does the answer: andthe persons name. 1 havea suitable beginning and ending? 2 answer all the questions in Pips eter? 3 have enough words? 4 Include only important information? ‘End witha pivase ite See you seon, Take care or Best wishes @ write your own answer tothe question. “This is part of an email you rece fom your tana Pra, HiPhip. ee ‘harks for youremal wen toa reat partyast watt orgarce a party fr my parents 20 vedi areoroany Nous curgce party te right easy fiend Sans 1th Te fod bec oro that abadide? Sha eck a cable was fantaticand then was.abandayng Yo For arrstaurarcorhavethepartyathome? What] | | or parent part, thnk you saul hock a abla wailsoodor - resurrect and ma cre tha are + Now wrt an ai new your fond Alheniongou ae thor prer doin cuter toagood ia tote pay aaa | We yourematin aut 10 wrt. GED. Exam practice: Speaking Part 2 ‘Taksboutine or @ stentotwo people ong this exam tak and answer these questions. vantages, anaes 1 Hom man ofthe tures do they tak about? thepletures 2 boesane person ak more thane ster? | + Take turns to ask 3 Do they just give their opinion or do they give reasons as well? weston and ge saroaiicn ‘A friend of yours is organising an end of year party for her lass Tak together about the ditferant ideas, and decide which ores the best. Here sa picture with cme eas 10 hap you. @ reas the exam qeston agin ad try the atk wth your partner cx@ You'll be given a lot to eat! Vocabulary: food and restaurant adjectives BB vvicn ote acjectives can describe these things fod, serie, morphere and restaurant? You can use words more than once biter creamy —dolcous dzguting excelent fashionable lively modern relaxed say simple slow smart stylsh tradtionaluntienaly Listening @ wnat sort important to youin a restaurants fst service: tasty food w prices eat amasphere? “4 B Listen to vanessa teting Kath about a vis toa restaurant calles hare’, Are these sentences tre (A) ofl 8)? 1 ath went to Charlie's once last yea. 2 Therestaurant was very quet when Vanessa went there. 3 Vanessa enjoyed her main course, but not the starter or dessert. [-] “4 There were very few waters in the restaurant 5 Vanessa complained fo the manager about her mal o SP language focus: quantifiers © @ complete the sentences trom the tistening withthe correct {quanter fom his st. Listen agin to check Your answers. acoupleot afew great dealot allot few ite a lotof many mest much no noneot plenty ef several some 1 twent there __thmes ast year et 3 Isaw Famous people 44 There was atmosphere at al 5 There were A valers 6 ‘hem wanted to serveus. nich quantities are used with countable nouns, which wth ‘uncountable nouns, and which can be used with both? G@ Putte quantity expressions in order from least to most. few. vie @ akin coups sbout restaurants where you live, Whose neightournood offers the best estarants? There area couple of great Chinese restaurants near me + Underine the Important wordsin ‘The people onthe et all want to go toa restaurant, On the right, there are eight restaurant reviews, Decide which restaurant would the descriotions of be the most suitable forthe following people. the people ‘The correct text wi havea his infomation, ot just seme of 1 clout i organising her 1 birthday party. She wants to goto a fashionable restaurant run by atop che, where she and her friends can dance after their meal 2 Sonia and Emilia workin the ety centre and would ite to have leh near their fice. They wart arestaurant that can I Serve good quality meals Es | domes would to take iiemather to aque restaurant for une He hus plenty of ime a ist worried about he rice, as fg asthe food > *: Pete and ila wouldve togosomentere where i @ | Aq ‘They dor't want to spend 2 great doa of money, and would enjoy listening tolive music Inthe evening to lively restaurant wth a groun of friends. They tke eating large meals but are rot keen on complicated cooking methods, YN) N=) OTST f=) ooo Reprraticee rpettener= ee eld er eer oer ie arenes Peery ronnie isan esi hr st eae ey or es 4s Peed Imagine you and your partner each went out to a different one of these restaurant lastnight and had 3 terrible time, Complaln to teach other about your restaurant. Whose experience was Worse? Penne ani ‘should / ought to We use should and ugh to when we are Giving advice. You should have an Xray, You ought togo home ‘and le down ap. + Read the question Cert and okt the plete: betore you Isten Tn abut the vordsynmotinen. It’s terribly painful Vocabulary: going tothe doctor @ vive says wnat? Mark statements 9 patient (a doctor (0) -B 1 thope havent broken my an 6 ve cut msl.’ sti ttn pina bleeding 2 te gota realy sore throat end 7 Fe gt stomactvache nasty cough and feel sick, 3 Open wide and havea lok 8 Tve got earache and a = 4 rigive you eresription for temperature Some pails. You should take _9 i put @ bandage ont lone tablet thre times ada. for you 5 Youought to go home andie —-_10 You shauidhave down and you shoulén't eat an eray anything for 24 hours @ wisten ne statements tothe people nthe picture. Thee sone Statement you won't need © You ant your partner both have heath problems. Give each other advice Student A, look at page 64. Student 8, look t page 66. G For each question there are three pctres anda shor recording. hoods the correct plture and puta ek 1 nthe bo Baow 1 wnat has the tennis player injured today? 2 What shoud te gir stop doing? Sarats = ao ao eo ag 6 3 Where wll Rose go tomorrow? ©O “4 What happened to ~ ‘on holiday this year? 2g cO Reading @ Lok tthe eatin nd the photo What do you think happened? Read the text. Were you igh? Shark attacks boy in his bedroom | hark tack na bedroom mies fn te sea may sound unbelialebut hats ‘sat happened fo eal Sun Hvinoce Ms Hawthorne nos woken SO by oud rans rom Samson tbe RSUEBEBEEN und thot Sam w having bad deer, When she eat a chsk se fund the shark's oth nd suck and ther ws bod on hi pyams fromthe wound ‘Sam had SEH leptons of n-dead souvenir shck ha vas hanging oa is Reroom wll. Lucky the eth i oot ERB ut esky ‘ohae sea Sam ade a day of School ARAM oresver rom is et, "Most studs the dg arene heir homenrk: My xcse ma hve Ben ten bya hrk” The school GI recorded the eon ris sbce ash aac’ @ wee these sentences correct orincoret (a? 1 The Hanthome family ive onthe coast f 2 ts Howiorne woe up when San seeped er om. | 3 Samohi go te shoal on the day ater the accident.) | SP Language focus: adverbs and ddverbial phrases @ dive te highihted words ond phrase from the atl it 1 Adverbs of manner tll us how 2 Adverbs of mete us when) 3 Adverbs of place (tellus where) B compete the rules 1 Advesbs of manner usualy go before/after the ver. 2 i there is more than one adver the orders usally Cara) @ 114 tne words onthe ight to Mrs Hawthorne's leer to Sam's teacher. There may be more than one correc plac for sme words Dear Me Kamp lam sary Sam wat of thal ¢£ yesterday very He masta, Inhis room ‘during the night bya share “es det sid Sam out relth at Nome itl for 24 hours angry happy nosy polite quick quiet rude sow {D Tot bout one oF the topes nth manner of one of he adverbs above. Your partner must guess which adver you chose, myst anaccdent the internet_my town TV stars my fry an® Exercise needn't be boring S51 compound ates Lagan Exam practice: Reading Part 5 @ ead ne article quickly and mach the pictures to the correc steps. ‘Step ryt sotawide variety (0) ___ ferent foods You con do te easy by Increasing the of fui vegetables, whole grons and freshly squeezed uce in| | yourdet These foods wil) you ops dseaze and ageing. j Step 2c) __ he quntyof sugary andhigh ot oodin your det bacausatis kindof food 0 ood. fs sf et fo much of (5) Remember, forlong sing Banelis, you should make ese changes permenant ‘Stop 3) _ rere ere ris ent bo bara. yoursolt ‘1. fye-klometrerun oro lem an unsal sper. Dont wony (8) __youcant fed jin a gym = (9) ‘re pen oflocost eps, sh os jaggeg. and you el eed afterwards. Stop 4: Be kn to yoursl! Do geo ted and make sure you 10) enough sleep This the kay oc healt, sesso ite empv. @® read the article again and circle the correct word fr each space. oxm 8 for cy Dio + Red the nhl ert 1am 8 anoint ze O total ‘once before youtry to 2A sae 8 hold € protect support res theeestins. 3 asm B fal bp Rede + Lookt what comes 4a tries B eats C tastes pleases before and ater the 5 A them Bit C theirs D yours aeRsaee 6A Make B Perform Practise Bo es 7 A chalenge 8 Chore 0 Push aan C whether 0 since 9 those 8 C here D there TOA tal a have 90 @ Fine out wien ot ne tour stops your cass has the healthiest este? already do. Who ‘Vocabulary: compound adjectives B compoend cctv th nected tr no trae word ed other wh nah Which word in the titi of the article Is @ compound adjective? Underline six more compound adjectives Inthe article fg @ Witch the pictures to the descriptions 1 alow cake — 2 astarshaped cake 3 achocobtecovered cake ae 4 ahatreaten cake - aS @ Use one word from box A and one from box B to make compound a adjectives. Complete the phrases Slow in as many ways as you can ‘badly. ily long_low —Brbrokon cost fat lom recent two. wall lasting pened use’ ran 1a _ankle 3 a et 5 stat 2" changes 4 2 sportscantie 6 a race | _s@ banguage focus: ing and -ed adjectives | @ 100k at the examples trom Activity 1 and complete the rules with “ingore Exercise need be boring Youl fet realy relaved afterwards. Dont gett tires 1 adjectives describe people or situations 2 adjectives desrive how they make you fee @ complet the text wth an active form of he wordin brackets How often have you stated an exercise -rogramme bat stopped ater afew weeks ‘because you got), (bore)? {Ar Pve Pines: we ole a wide ange of sport and fines faites, o theres always something 1a ep you 2) (tere), Our highly que sal kaow how to design @)__(exete) programmes tat keep you (4) {sats week afer week. Aer session ‘with us youl el) (clas) and acy to face the wodd, And we have fal promise - Ifyou on and ind our ais ©. (alsappotn in any way. well sve you your maney back Socal toy for ae tal ~ you wont egret it Speaking @ Poie-pay joining a health club. Student A, look at page 64. Student , look at page 66. The wind was blowing hard G Vocabulary: travel and transpo Match the words to pictures AC. (aeroplane bicycle tran boat bur Match each group of words to one ofthe ways of traveling © tosail/ cabin / deck voyage boat 1 totake off /checkin ight baggage 2 tocycle/ seat / brakes helmet 3 toboard/carage platform / announcement 4 topul/ snow / ice uggage 5 to catch traffic / passenger /route 6 tocvertake seatbelt / windscreen / ue Exam practice: Reading Part 3 } ead th tite ofthe article about tivo young men whe travelled from the North to the South Pole, Look at the map of thai route and read ‘the frst sentence. What means of transport do you think they used ‘on thelr Journey? From Pole to Pole - Manpowered ‘ny 2008 tb a5 2, Rob Gaunt nd James Hope baa theft eg ae ‘rom rn ole oth Sou Pole witout egies roar, sng ony ata pow, attr the Noth Pleo ‘saan Geeiandon Apt 8h 2007 Tho bana tour on ss bt tna pgs waco slow hat afer af okt urged a dogs, vas onths pat of thojeurey te Feb aos loins Thay were rachg rhe Ieowten Re croopedis give io the Snow Ass wosrving back get Ne fol sear noah ales roo reseng war ting shod she a, He ay e=p.. + Undertine the important words inthe sentences nd tetas you read + Check the santences and text again. Make sure they say tho same thing, @) facedown be wate fortes mae rl prs aio ct ‘2 four ous bors we eu ar taka oan exlanad aes. ‘Our eis ware us to ge up al ha pot, ut nw hao conue tert ree month ken foot 089 "a Ace, Rob ae James salem Lsamavcn Greran a New Yr Thee ‘hoy bonena 17.000-Momete se ‘trough Oana and Sau rca 0 Pls otha ol ep. We ged 16 te cy wr was, ry chien we sopped, ocpi met Wh bi reso fod fo G1 reas te txt to deci tach sentence correct (or incorec (8. Many travelers have completed this journey without poweres transport. ] Rob and Jaties changed o dog ses in arer to improve ther speed.) Rob's ecidet inthe Artic happened because he feof the dog sed.) Rob managed to cle cut ofthe water alone. o Rob and James hadt wal fr severl hours before help ative i. ‘Te boys parents persuaded ther to continue with thelr journey, eopein South America were very friendly to Rob and James, gq Both Rob and James were an deck when the storm hit ther boat. gq ses was knocked off the boat curing the storm. gq Rb and James are confident that they wil go.onanather journey together, =] OOOO000nn4 | PB language focus: past continuous and pat simple © 20 ttn gran. hich verb isn ps continous and whieh iin | past simple? =e “a= Wer a dope @ conplete teres wth ast continuous o past simple A We use {otal about complete actions inthe past B We use totalk about activites a progress at eperticuler ont inthe pas, We ten irk two activities with whi, © Weuse to talkatot a longo activity interrupted by 2 Shorler action Weuse for the shorter action, Frat nboys bate he ‘ornate yc ert 98 cos he Souern Oxzan, Bu ist teu cay btn chan r= South Pl tugs rm arcs, Find four more examples of past continuous In the article Do they rmateh rule Bor rule C? @ comet th sentences wih the coret for ofthe vr in brackets Sresarnistesn'ime | Ln —had_ava nasty cet tomy ‘otngantedsscnonaness | Sewer) —"twesnesn@) gah aca eo ccmamecien apemnsuen ommaaoatconaute | to ——tdteoman squangman eens vecrweragssrmmentine | rerbyowiet) Centneccant se) — otras Srauananewvameuied | ‘Slaranniner Viiew to) tobe oeaes Dee] Snore vera wazaatmoets — "mon cenarsemamarapere | hawevndoqotoThesne sch wets) ta anee ae Team es han hare ‘Soyabean aaeuae 7 Try microg | SPEDE Tatar turansscawane || Te yor pavers so canbe te ornvented Choose atte. seit esc pou aT LRT RN and docu about ‘pero We da hen for enor xpos ty, but ry sre we wt crea We ist a nat oft + Use past continuous to set the scene and give background details Who were the peopl in your story? What were they doing? + Use past simple to tel the main events ofthe story. What di the peopie do? Waat happened the end? ‘Your partner must guess ifthe story i rue ar made up an® Into the rainforest Vocabulary: the natural orld Match the plant and wildlife words tothe picture. branch bush buttery cat_crocedle_ tower. atte Insect leat _ moikey parrot polarbear B) Wich o the animals dont belong in th focest? Where do they Ive? apy. +The questions willbe Inthe same order a¢ her experiences. D Which ofthese places have you visited? Ask your partner about his / the information in the acave acl adesert aforest alake ea mountain arsinforest 3 watertal + Read the questions i rote a weet before you stn o that you know what kind of -xam practice: Listening Part information you are Eyam peal arene going to ear. 4 @ You wit near a ratio interview with an explorer, Sally Brendle. For each question, puta tick (/) in the correct box. 1 onar ae rip, Sally 4 Sally was invited to join the Amazon {8 Tound aww kindof snake, 1] expeion because 18 sawa are crocodile, [5] W'shesnew aot about medicine ciscovered an unknown ver Benet the erginal team members 2 When Sally was child she was injured she was a wellknown pant expert 5 What does Sally say about the rainforest? Ws adangerous place sts vey calm C ts easy to get lost. 6 Sal's naw TV programe is sbout B tha mays people can protect wife © her experiences in the rainforest. 1 enjoyed going to the 200. 8B worried about the enuronment. kept wid animals at nome what war did Sal do when she went to aca? 1 She helped to buld a schoo B She stated animals nthe forest. certain animal coco md oo oo JP anguage focus: conjunctions | G) reas th sentences and put the undertined word into the fale. When Sally was a hil se hep wid animats at home Sally was invited to jo te Amazen expedition because /since /as Ste new aol about medicine, {Even though / although the snake ws ny, i as silvery exciting. ‘Many animals will lsappear ules they are protected. when © EERIE] rns sentences with hes conjunction in the rancript of Sal's Interview on page 16, and put the conjunctions into the table. despite / in spte of Beene eae although assoonas but if (inorder) to since so. while + noun tointroduce two contrasting ideas. ‘Complete the spaces inthe blog ith these inking words. Desptetncrestand tte Cor ace ° ad wae, W's quite sae although attough asseon ae as soon ae becouse before but sothat until wnen while ene is © oD wisi mybiogcar Myton a ip eel (0)_2s:207\05 We hat ae (6) seat as fey ase al ran a wooed Then wn api. ‘new et wean ‘toed oie et Mee aa 2) Toc —_soneboul uta arrose Sse ma ne cou ta mandamus et.) Kesey) ene pcp a un. otwe wel weg rs 4). tromnse ts giho dak ‘ofa aretone e ‘oan rats (5) we reciedteatralwopit were ad 0) asa eat. en a nang gs aS J} exp... ‘Exam practice: Writing Part 3 (story) ‘Before youstat plan Look atthe exam task and plan your story Think about: your story carta, + Use conjunctions to 1 where the storys set aretha 2 what the discovery s~a plant. an animal, bulding. something ese Seekers 3 who the characters re inthe tory natural end. 4 what happen tthe beinnng, mile and end of your story. Your Engish teacher has asked you to wit @ fore + Your sory must have the flowing ite Anamsazing discovery + Wie your stor about 100 words. @ weit your story. D rensyour story to yourorup. hoses the most excng / rin? ax@ Review 2 @ voter exch ofthe word nthe box to one ofthe lst elon car dlet fight main course rainforest restaurant taste unwell wound © atmosphere service men 1 sweet sour detious 2 baked potato roastchicken ried sh 3 bandage love cut 4 earache temperature sorethroat 3 sugary hightat heathy 6 snouncement board baggage 7 tate windscreen overtake insects waterfall trees Ua ta nee nae rg) ie ton torr neat nna eae Ii cha pans ye Sg nach pp a oh em Teh ey ie (e/a (cto ten yal wrt ‘Sep et fd ‘nen ern os ences on ‘Seu om omni an fetta oat @ ond the restaurant review and cic the correc adjectives. price restaurant fruty spinach omelette pain ough meat ree checkin “Th anephr of teresa ares depen on where ya Latte fon very aac iy. Ba re ae soap ‘alsa he ack wer yo can ave a ite, ve ane ot sacl Sane he pel cot party wr veins andr wee) sapaed ‘dsapainangta fa tere wr so ow desc te meno ‘ers og e ever ws ey, ere wae ly eu wars We twat ages oot eink Bl ore scone sw wae eng (9) aud lang ndhap canine a Wo Kes neve loreemte. el eerste el erect seer eee receer toe 0 The werd t/t have much on aK 1 AN/ Same tT ces oer ey uy 2 Inweareoten ett of qa ase the earn 3 Theat haves fa coplanar RIASCITe ian guetta oe noni bee Sa aia] oar mes eT Pe {@ conpcte te min-converstons by puting the verde into past simple or pst conthaaes 1 AsHow /be your journey? How wes your journey? Terrible! They /epair/ the roads and the trafic was awful 2 AL eat /amealinarestaurant the other Say when |/ id / an insect in my soup! B: That's elsgusting What / you do? ‘:1/ scream / and eal fo the waiter! 23 Asl/ try to call you lst rght but you/ not answer / your phone. What / you do? B:1/)09.t™m trying to get 4 acHow / hurt / your leg? 'B:1/ ot 0ok /whore/ go Js fal ito a ole the pavement @ hove are some things an explorer sid in aT interview. _ Complete the sentences withthe word nthe box sithough assoonas because Mt inarderto so ("rm nere inthis Atican forest nora try and eave the lite ofthe region. 1 “the conditions ae tic, I's ery enjoyable work: 2*___wearrived we setup our equipment and began our research 3 Time s cunning out fr some ofthese animale ee to hurry 4s ficult work the forests very thick an there are few roads” 5 we ace lucky we may discover anew specs @ complete the conversation, What does David say to Sally? Sal: Look! We've recived an imitation to my ld schoo! ‘0h, don' thnk that's a ood idea Iriena’s wedding in Franceldiove to See her again. You know ge cr sick on ong Shallwe go? Journeys Davie: (0) Sal; We dont have toy. We could drive. That way we'lbe 8: Shall book he tickets then? ‘ble to ee more ofthe county Tha’ not aad ides, but i tla Devi» Sally: forgtten. How about aking the train? Jo of money or ust one days rp Davie @) Wal, fm not sure, Can we afar to Sally; Why dort we take adayor two of werk hen? We could havea tie olday whe were ther, eras oi: hata good Kea ts ge sce we Sate OF Tlve Pr. be eau al that tine ya. eon ees ava: (a tora? Say Yes. leant wat How well can you do these things? write alongertext find important Information in several short texts E listen for key information scan a teat for spectc ntormaton Valk about food and healthy ving Tak about travel and the natural wor {make suggestions and agree ond saree with other people ‘we adverbs and adverbial pases correctly use past continuous when teling a story v join ideas with appropriate inking words Exam skis ¥ Vocabulary skis L Language sits are

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