Tracking My Challenges in Writing

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Amadu Kargbo

English 101 Lab


Tracking My challenges in Writing

Developing an Argument:

In order to develop a good argument, you have to make a pervasive, persistent case that a

certain thing is true about a piece of literature. This "thing" should not be completely obvious to

the audience. Most importantly it is a claim that must be supported by specific evidence from the


In order to find something to argue:

Look for images or metaphors that the author uses consistently.

What philosophical, moral, ethical, etc. ideas is the author advocating or opposing?

Explain how the work functions as a piece of rhetoric--how does the author attempt to

convince his or her reader of something?

A well develop argument has:

a thesis or claim that declares the writer's position on the problem at hand;

an acknowledgment of other perspectives;

a set of clearly defined premises that illustrate the argument's line of reasoning;

evidence that validates the argument's premises;

a conclusion that convinces the reader that the argument has been soundly and

persuasively made.

Improving your Grammar

Misuse of grammatical actions is an issue that many people have. Whether it is

improper use of conjunctions or incorrect use of diction, grammar is an issue that is very

easy to commit. Students tend to struggle with this problem in their writing. this is an

issue that can be solved.

Some common grammar mistakes

Subject-Verb Agreement Errors.

Sentence Fragments.

Missing Comma After Introductory Element.

Misusing the Apostrophe With Its

No Comma in A Compound Sentence.

Incorrect use of capitalization

In order to improve your grammar, try to

Capitalize when you're supposed to

Cut the filler phrases and buzzwords like due to the fact that

Study commonly misused words and phrases -- and never get them wrong

Drop the word "very" from your vocabulary

Develop a daily writing habit.

Example of grammar
Incorrect use of grammar

"There is lots of good singers in the choir."

Correct use of grammar

"There are lots of good singers in the choir."

Improving Your Sentence Structure

Sentence structure is the way a sentence is organized or arranged. It depends on the language

you're writing or speaking. There are 3 different types of structures which are simple, compound

and complex. Sentence structure is an issue that many students incorrectly use. Some confuse

compound sentences with complex sentences. The main difference is that A compound sentence

has at least two independent clauses that are connected by coordinating conjunctions and a

complex sentence has an independent clause and one or more dependent.

Example of a simple sentence: "She throws the ball."

Example of a compound sentence: The man went to the store, and the sales clerk sold him some


Example of a complex sentence: When an atom is split, it releases neutrons

Common issues with Sentence structure

Sentence Fragment.

Run-on Sentences:

Fused Sentences and Comma Splices

Loose Sentences

Choppy Sentences

Ways to improve your sentence structure

Ensure the information within the sentence is clear.

Make sure to use transitional words.

Use care with subordinate clauses.

Use active voice.

Use active verbs.

Follow grammar rules

Work cited

Home. Improving Your Sentence Structure | Library,


Institute for Writing and Rhetoric. Logic and Argument | Institute for Writing and



VanNest, Allison. Back to Grammar School: 12 Easy Ways to Become a Better Writer.

HubSpot Blog,

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