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ll\ my Jo b Pat ient ca re/ Project Listening Reading Speaking Writing Language spot Vocabulary Pronunciation
Sign s and
1 Emergency medicine p.4
John Rhys- cycle Technical and Recruitment Listening for detai l Guidelines on Eliciting A job application Rap id tense change Adverbs:
paramedic non-technical Description of an continuing information Comparative describing how
words emergency incident profess iona l Signs and and superlative t hmgs happened
development symptoms adjectives and
Describing a job adverbs

2 Accidents p.12
Matthew Jenkins Understanding Accidents Fracture types Describing a Talking about the Fractures
-radiologist verb tenses X-rays fracture present Causes of injury
Accident Minor injuries Saying what's
prevention necessary politely
measures but firmly
3 Sports medicine p.20
Patient Spot the Physical fitness Open questions Head injury Types of questions Verbs of Main stress
vocabulary difference and health Head injury warning movement
Giving warnings Patient attitude warning card Instructions Patient
and using I vocabu lary

4 Obstetrics p.28
Mary Knox- NCT Lay words and Taking details Third stage of Establishing Supporting Giving advice and Technical terms Sentence nucleus
teacher medical terms labour rapport opinions talking about
Giving advice expectation
Discussing topics
in pregnancy

5 Psychiatry p.36
Psychiatric The Edinburgh Mental state The changing face A patient with Describing a chart Phrasal verbs- Verbs with Saying
sy mptoms Postnatal examination of depression anxiety or separable and prepositions prepositions
Interpretation of Depression Scale Asking about elevated mood inseparable
the patient abnormal Assessing risk

6 Geriatrics p.44
Parkinson's and Finding Picking up the Rehabi litation Alzhe imer's A short essay would, used to, get Special
Alzheimer's information thread of what is disease ,used to, be used to equipment
on Alzheimer's be ing said Hip replacement Purpose and
d1sease A t 1 t
c 1ve IS enmg Debate: health- reason
Healt h care care budgets
and changing
Reading bank p.)2
1 Triage 4 Fathers and pregnancy 7 Roman face cream 10 Ethical issues
2 Preventing injuries 5 OCD 8 Training for surgeons 11 Coping in the tropics
3 How dangerous is skiing? 6 Nifty after fifty 9 Powering pacemakers 12 Smart fabrics

7 Dermatology p.66
Zahra EI-Ashry- Understanding Managing skin Listening for details Applied anatomy Skin conditions Reflection Commenting on Lesions Main stress in a
practice nurse exactly what the conditions Dealing with and physiology Diagnosis and on personal the past sentence
patient says teenagers management of experience Verbs with to and
skin conditions -ing
8 Surgery p.74
Putting yourself in Post-op pain Patient response Ovarian cysts: Explaining Describing a Relative pronouns Medical I. Secondary stress
the patient's shoes management Getting into What are the treatments complicated in explanations terminology for
OSCE exams conversations symptoms, An ovarian cyst operation surgery
problems, Technical
and possible vocabulary
9 Cardiology p.82
Talking to an Cardiac risk factors A heart condition High blood Taking a history Difficulties in The future Avoidance of Speaking at
anxious partner Treatment for Advice about pressure- Medication for persuasion technical terms natural speed
Competition hypertension and lifestyle changes hypertension hypertension
Giving advice and cholesterol
10 Respiratory medicine p.90
Lung conditions Inhalers Signs and Flow-volume loop Causes of Describing data The definite and Coughs
symptoms breathlessness indefinite article Nature of the
Mistake ' Explaining tests sputum
recognition Describing a peak
Explaining a device flow meter
Explaining an
11 Tropical diseases p.98
Positioning and Milestones in Treating returning Sickle-cell anaem ia Developments in Describing a life Linking words Travellers'
support of a stroke public health travellers public health cycle diarrhoea
patient Maintaining good Describing a
health disease
Speaking in group
work settings
Patient cultural
12 Technology p.l06
Technological Stem cell Controversial Stem cell therapy Negative questions Change
advances transplant developments Evaluating change
Trying to Reluctant patients
persuade the Stem cel l therapy

Speaking activities p 11'1 Grammar reference p.l18 listening scripts p.l28 Glossary p.l38
4 Unit 1

Check up
Work in groups. Describe the type of rapid response
shown in the photos.

2 Which of these is more appropriate for urban or built-

up areas? For rural areas? Give reasons and examples.
3 Which type of response is common in your country?
4 Does working in such areas of medicine appeal to you?

Listening 1
Listening for detail
1 ~ Listen to a conversation between a doctor and a
patient. Write down as many details as you can about
what you hear. Compare your answers with a partner.
2 Complete a copy of the form on page 115.
3 ~ Listen to the conversation again and then compare
notes again.
4 Check your details with the rest of the class.
Emergency medicine 5

In this unit
rapid tense change
adverbs of manner
e third party interviewing
e continuing profess ional development

Adverbs: describing how things happened
1 Adverbs can help to describe how things happened
and help to make a diagnosis. Look at these statements
from Listening 1 and underline the adverbs.

2 Underline the most appropriate adverb in these

1 The fainting? It just happened abruptly I gradually I
slowly. The next thing I knew she was lying
completely flat on the pavement.
2 The patient suddenly became pale and started to
sweat, but not profusely I rapidly I enormously.
3 After the attack, Mr Jones came to rapidly I slowly I
leisurely, which questions whether it was a seizure.
4 Embarrassingly I Gradually I Clearly , I soiled myself
and wet myself. It wasn't very pleasant.
5 She was lying flat , but bystanders were trying to Patient care
keep her upright, so she was twitching slowly I 1 Decide whether the se items are technical or non-
convulsively I suddenly. technical. Then m atch them with corresponding words
6 As he couldn't see good I clea rly I visually, he got and phrases in Vocabulary 2.
quite frightened.
a post-ictal
7 In a seizure, there is typically I rarely I seldom no
b fit
prodrome, but this is not always the case.
c to be incontinent of stool
8 After collapsing, he didn't get better spontaneously I
d syncope
slowly I gradually. The patient was a bit drowsy for
e a warning sign
quite a while afterwards.
f to be incontinent of water
9 He recovered completely I partially I poorly from the
g supine
accident. Now he's perfectly OK.
h to go into spasm, but not really jerking
10 Fainting and vomiting don't reliably I partially I
to tell the difference (between)
clearly discriminate seizures from faints.
2 Ideally, when speaking to a patient, you should use
J Work in pairs. Decide whether the statements in 2 are
non-technical words. Sometimes, you can make the
likely to be said by a patient or a medical professional.
mistake of using technical words. Work in pairs and
practise giving lay terms or your own explanations for
the technical words above.
PATIENT : I'm sorry, but what's a prodrome?
What does supine mean?
DOCTOR: It's a ... It means ... It's where ...
6 Unit 1

come over (v) suddenly feel

999 (n) th e number dia lled for
emergency calls in the UK

Speaking 2 Place sentences 1, 2, 8, 9, and 15 on the timeline.

Work in pairs. Study the information in the form you
completed for Listening 1. Take turns role-playing a
doctor asking questions to elicit the information from
the patient who fainted in the street.


3 Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in

the correct past tense.
1 We _ _ _ _ _ (walk) along the street when she
_ __ __ (pass) out suddenly.
2 She _ __ __ (have never) the pain before
till now, but she _ _ _ _ _ (experience) some
bleeding the first time.
3 After he (admit), he _ _ _ __
(become) suddenly worse, but he's started
Language spot responding to treatment.
Rapid tense change 4 He (never suffer) a fit before, but he
Understanding the sequence of events and hence the _ _ _ _ _ (feel) unwell since this morning.
t enses is important for correct diagnosis. What are the 5 He _ _ _ _ _ (yawn) repeatedly, which he
tenses of the highlighted phrases? _ _ _ _ _ (not do) before, and then he just
:1-.'Ve were shopping in Cambridge Street in town, when _ _ _ _ _ (faint).
suddenly Barbara, my wife, 2just fainted. 3We tried 6 After he _ _ _ _ _ (fall),he _ _ _ __
to get her upright and 4she started twitching quite
violently. srt was quite scary. 6She came round very (start) twitching violently when we _ _ _ __
rapidly. But 7we dialled 999 and a paramedic appeared (try) to get him up.
almost instantly and then the ambulance almost 7 When she _ _ _ _ _ (lie) on the ground, she
immediately afterwards. sshe had been complaining
_ _ _ _ _ (not shake) at all. Then she just stood
~ :'ee ling a bit unwell, and 9had almost fainted and
:: s~.e :Celt a bit woozy. llShe was a bit dizzy and 12she up.
-~s ::a.vning repeatedly and then all of a sudden, 8 What actually _ _ _ __ (happen) when she
-- =~= s!-.e vas, lying on the ground. When I come to _ _ _ _ _ (fall)?
:__ -~ :: ~~e passed out once before about a month
9 He _ _ _ _ _ (bite) his tongue and he
~- --:: : ~s::-. : !:leen feeling well on and off over the
-=:: ::...g~: it was the heat. _ _ _ _ _ (mess) himself and he _ _ _ __
(feel) a bit groggy since.
button battery (n) a sma ll round a

4 Use each of the tenses in brackets once only as you

expand these notes into sentences.
1 We eat in a restaurant. I suddenly feel woozy. I faint.
This never happen before. (SP, SP, PC, Pres Perf)
2 Ahmed never be ill before but feel unwell yesterday.
He abruptly cried and then pass out. (Past Perf, SP, SP)
3 We travel by train to the city. He not eat since the
morning. He vomit and we come straight here. (SP,
Past Perf, SP, PC)
4 Mary have fainting fits for the past few days. She do
a lot of running around when it happen second time.
She never have them before. And none of us have
them, either. (PC, Pres Perf Cant, Pres Perf, SP, Pres Perf!
5 She get out bed when she come over all giddy, but
she have it before, so we think nothing of it. (SP, SP,
Past Perf, PC)
5 Work in pairs and describe your day so far, pointing out
what you have done so far today
things you haven't done yet
things you were doing while doing something else
and things you had done before you did something. Speaking
6 Role-play these situations. 1 Work in groups. Decide ha
'ould be the main signs
and symptoms you ould expect in a case
Student A, go to page 114. Student B, take a history
from Student A. Write notes as you listen and decide where an othen:ise, 30-year-old man presents
what the patient's complaint is. with pneumonia a A&E or
2 Student B, go to page 116. Student A, take a history 2 where a mo her presents at A&E with a child who
from Student B. has swallowed a button battery.
Go to Grammar reference p 118 2 You are going o role-play the history. Decide which two
of these items you want to focus on in the assessment
of the role-play. Give reasons for your choice.
he sequence of the tenses
the grammatical accuracy of the tenses
the accuracy of the description elicited by the doctor
the use of non-technicallanguage
3 Work with a partner from another group. Each choose
one of the two scenarios in 1. Agree on the two items
you want to be assessed on. Take a history from your
patient. The patient should make a few notes about the
doctor's performance. When you have finished, give
feedback to your partner about your own performance
and then invite comments from your partner.
Remember to begin with positive comments and use
constructive criticism.
8 Un it 1

traffic-busting (adj) able

to get through road
conges ion
free up re ease

It's my job
1 -'iha do you think the work of a cycle paramedic 4 Is the bike the most efficient rapid response means
ir,';olves? What do you think are the advant ages or is this n ot m entioned ?
of a cycle paramedic compared to a conventional 5 Does the cycle paramedic re sponse time in the West
amb ulance? End exceed or equal t he government benchmark?
2 Work in pairs. Skim the text and the question s in 3 4 Work in groups . Is t he emergency system similar in
quickly and decide what the t ext is about. your own country? Give examples. How do you think
the system described below could operate in urban I
3 An swer the qu estions.
rural areas in your country?
Do cycle paramedics in London's West End
arrive at the scene as rapidly as or more rapidly than
conventional ambulan ces?
2 Is the paramedic's bike equipped with only a basic
First Aid Kit or more sophisticated equipment?
3 In serious cases, are t he conventional ambulance
and the cycle paramedics sent simultaneously or are
the latt er sent firs t ?

John Rhys
My name is John Rhys, and I'm one of a team of four
cyc le pa ramedics of the London Ambulance Service's
traffic-b usting bicycle ambulance servi ce. We atte nd
999 emergency calls in the City of Lond on - t he
fi nan cial centre called the Square Mil e. The bike it se lf
is the same as those used by the successful cycl e units
o perat ing in London's West End, which regularly reach
patie nts faster than conventional ambulances.
The t eam 's bikes are fitted with blue lights and siren s,
carry a range of equipment, including a heart-starting
defibri llator, oxygen, pain-relieving gas, and even a
mater nity pack for delivering babies.
Wh ere the patient is believed to be in a life-
th reaten ing condition, we are sent at the same time tou rists who visit the area each year. Using the bike
as a regu la r ambulance crew so that we can start gives us an opportunity to save potentially vital
treat ment before they arrive. Whe re the patient is second s in start ing treatment, especially in the narrow
un derstood t o be suffering from a more m inor injury streets which we ca n negotiate more quickly and
or ill ness, we are initially sent on our own and then easily than a mbulances. For example, my colleagues
are able to req uest further assistance- freeing up in the West End Cycle Response Unit regularly reach
ambulan ces to attend other, more potentially life- 100 pe r cent of the most serious, 'Category f:J:, 999 calls
:nrea en ing, 99 9 ca lls e lsewhere in the City. within eight m inutes. Thi s respon se is much quicker
'.' re ha n 300,000 peo ple work in the City of London than the government standard for this category of
::: u : er num be rs are swelled by the several million call of75 per cent.
Guidelines published by the Ame ri ca n ear: - ss.=: --
state that for every minute of delay in ge ing -;; ~; =-
in cardiac arrest, the chances of successful resusc:;;::
decrease by 10 per cent.

Language spot 4 Work in pairs. Compare your life now as a student I

worker with the past. Use these adjectives I adverbs:
Comparative and superlative adjectives
hard I easy; stimulating I dull; relaxing I stressful;
and adverbs
complicated I simple. Give reasons and examples.
1 Look at It's my job. Can you find examples of
comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs?
Go to Grammar reference p 118

... reach patients faster than conventional ambulances Listening Z
2 Complete the sentences with a word from the list. Description of an emergency incident
Add any necessary words to indicate comparative or
superlative and make any necessary changes to the 1 Look at the picture
and describe the
adjective or adverb.
equipment. What do
drowsy frequent lively long you think is the benefit
bad serious shallow violent wet of such equipment on
cycle ambulances?
1 This time Jessica took to improve
than before. 2 <C;) Listen to a case
2 She didn't twitch as as the last time. study about an
incident at Heathrow
3 It's I have ever had. It was agony. Airport. Write down as
4 Is this attack than the last time, or much detail as you can.
not as bad? Compare notes with a
5 He's than he was about ten minutes
ago. He's coming to gradually. J ~ Listen again and write down the verb only in each
6 Natalia appears a bit _ _ _ _ _ than the last missing step.
1 Gary Edwards had been relaxing.
time we saw her. She's running around.
2 He developed a severe pain in his chest and arms.
7 How have you been coping with the weather? It's
much than last year.
8 Herbreathingis _ _ _ _ _ t han before. 4 His respiration ceased.
9 People seem to be coming in with this
______ than last year. 6
7 A cycle paramedic arrived faster than the ambulance.
J Expand the part of the sentences in italics adding
8 He continued resuscitation.
a comparative or superlative in each case. In some
sentences, both more and less may be used. 9
He is much big the last time you brought him to see us. 10 Paramedics, dispatched in an ambulance, turned up
2 This is by far good hospital I have ever been in. a few minutes later.
3 How does this compare to severe pain you've had? 11
4 It's easy to walk now it was before the operation.
5 He was sweating profusely before.
4 Work in pairs and complete the rest of the missing
6 His heart is beating irregularly before. It's almost
back to normal. 5 In groups, discuss whether this type of rapid response
7 I'm pleased. John is stressed he was last year. would work in your country. Give reasons and
8 He needs exercise to get the full movement back. examples.
10 Unit 1

instigate (v) start

Reading 3 Correct these statements about the text by changing

or removing words.
1 .:...11swer these questions.
1 All doctors keep a written log of their CPD.
. :Jo you try to keep up to date with current
2 The College of Emergency Medicine instigated the
developments in medicine? How?
process of appraisaL
2 Is it important to continue studying throughout
3 The GMC document Good Medical Practice {2001)
your medical career? Why?
contributed considerably to the revision of the
3 Look at the title. What do you think Continuing
College guidelines on CPD.
Professional Development involves?
4 CPD is a process that replaces formal education and
Find words in the text which have the same meaning training.
as these words. 5 The responsibility for keeping up to date lies with
1 experienced, gone through the College of Medicine.
2 put together, drafted, compiled, composed
3 altered, changed, modified
4 set up, introduced, started
5 lying behind, underpinning
6 pertinent, applicable
7 requirements, what you require

Guidelines on Continuing Professional Development

The vast majority of Emergency Medicine This revision of the College guidelines on CPD is an obligatory requirement for all
(EM) doctors practise continuing CPD is based on: practising Emergency Medicine physicians
professional development (CPD); however, A framework for Continuing Professional and it is up to each doctor [you] to keep up
not all doctors keep a record. CPD has Development- The Academy of Medical to date.
undergone a dramatic evolution and was Royal Colleges (February 2002) The GMC set out in paragraph 10 of Good
initia lly formalized by an agreement in Guidelines on CPO Faculty of Accident and Medical Practice (September 2001)
1993 by the Conference of Medical Royal Emergency Medicine- Henry Guly, past 'You must keep your knowledge and skills
Colleges and Faculties. The first guidance for Director of CPD (2003) up to date throughout your working life. In
continuing medical education (CME) for the The GMC guidelines on CPO (April2004) particular, you should take part regularly
College of Emergency Medicine was drawn The GMC document Good Medical Practice in educational activities which maintain
up in November 1995. Since then there have (2001) and further develop your competence and
been many changes due to the introduction performance:
of appraisal and recommendations by the Principles underlying Continuing However, CPD must be relevant to you
GMC (General Medical Council), and the Professional Development and meet your needs to allow maintenance
guidelines were amended in January 1999 Continuing Professional Development of a high quality of patient care. Continuing
and January 2000. The most recent edition (CPD) is a continuing learning process that professional development should be
o the guidelines was written in September complements formal undergraduate and reflective, lifelong learning allowing you to
2003. postgraduate education and training. CPD develop within the specialty of emergency
Since appraisal has been instituted and requires you to maintain and improve your medicine, and should also support you in
re alida tion is inevitable despite the delay in standards across all areas of your practice. developing outside or subspecialty interests.
' e mplementation, the documentation of CPD should also encourage and support
O'OOr of CPD has become more relevant specific changes in your practice and career [CPO Guidance GMC April2004]
Emerge nC) mea c ne 11

Assess your progress in this unit.
Tick {.I) the statements which are true.
I can change tenses rapidly
I can understa nd adverb s of manner
I ca n do third party interviewing
I can understand comparison

Project I can understand continuing professional

1 Work in grou ps. Are jobs in A&E depart ments I Emergency
departments popular in your country? Why I Why not?
2 What met hod s are common in your count ry foro btaining Keywords
jobs, e.g. recruitment by job advert, curriculum v itae (CV) Adverbs
followed by an interview? abruptly
) What do you understand by a job specification I job spec?
Writing appraisal
A job application bystander
Continuing Professional Development
1 Look at this extract fro m a job application form for a post in t he job specification
emergen cy d ep artment of a large cit y h ospital. paramedic
rapid response
job application warning sign
State why you think you should be considered for this post giving Adjectives
suitability for the post giddy
relevant experience
2 Writ e a description of your suitability for the post or a post in soil
your speciality. Remember the informat ion must be individual to twitch
you and contain genuine details . wet

Speaking Useful reference

In an interview, remember that what you say needs to match Oxford Handbook of Emergency Medicin e
accurately what you have written in your job application. Work 3rd edition, Wyatt et al,
in pairs. Give your description from your job application in ISBN 978 - 0-19-920607 - 0
Writing 2 t o a partner. Take turns asking each other about the
details you wrote. Check the description for accuracy.
Make sure that what you are saying does not sound as if you have
learnt it by heart. Avoid repeating exactly what you have written.
When I was in .. .
After Ifinished ...
What makes me suitable for the post is ...
The relevant experience I have is ...
I've fo llowed various training courses like ...
As regards my qualities, ...
12 Unit 2

Check up
1 Describe the pictures.

1 Match the descriptions 1-8 with the types of
fracture a-h.
1 simple a which occurs when certain
m 11 2 avulsion bones are likely to break from
repeated minor injuries
3 spiral
b where the ends of a bone are
4 comminuted
driven into each other
5 crush
c a complex fracture which
6 stress results in more than two bone
7 impacted fragments
8 hairline d where the volume of bone is
reduced because it has been
e where there is a single fracture
of the bone with only two main
f where a bit of bone is pulled off
with a ligament or muscle
g which is not very clear and
2 What type{s) of injuries do you think can occur in
there is no clear displacement
each case?
h which is seen in long bones as a
3 Are these accidents preventable? Why I Why not? result of twisting injuries
2 Work in pairs. Describe a fracture to your partner, who
then gives the name.
Accidents 13

In this unit
knowledge about fractures
describing fractures and accidents
Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect
giving instructions with the imperative and need

Language spot
Talking about the present
1 (1,) You are going to hear three statements by either a
doctor or a patient. Listen and decide who is speaking
and what they are talking about.
2 {~,) Listen again and write down the order in which the
tenses are used.
1 Present Continuous _ __ Present Simple _ __
Present Perfect _ __
2 Present Continuous ___ Present Simple _ __
Present Perfect _ _ _
3 Present Continuous ___ Present Simple _ __
Present Perfect _ __
J In your own words explain why each tense is being
used in the three statements .
... 4 Read the statements made by patients and doctors.
One tense in each item is wrong. Which one is it?
1 I just slam the door on my finger and it's bleeding a
lot. It's really painful.
2 The X-ray is coming back and it shows you have a
hairline fracture here and here. Is it hurting you at
the moment?
3 Yes, the doctor's given me a telephone number and
Listening 1 written instructions in case anything is happening
with the plaster cast. But honestly, I'm fine. I'm not
Understanding verb tenses
getting pins and needles or anything like that.
1 (1,) -Listen and match each conversation with a picture 4 Yes, I've seen the doctor and he's given me some
in Checkup. painkillers. I've just waited for the nurse to come
back. When she comes back, I can go home.
5 It mends rather nicely, considering you have had a
2 rather nasty fall. But avulsion fractures heal quite
3 well.
6 Are you wearing your neck brace all the time? Yes?
2 (1,) Listen again and write down the tenses (a-c) ofthe
And do you begin to regain movement?
verbs as they occur in each conversation.
7 I immobilize his arm with a backslab POP and the
a Present Simple X-rays have been done. They demonstrate the
b Present Continuous whole lengths of the radius and the ulna. I think he's
c Present Perfect feeling comfortable.
1 2 3 Go to Grammar reference p 119
hurt hurt cry
give break fracture
happen look
14 Unit 2

Abraham Calles, 1773-1843,

Professor of Surgery, Dublin

Vocabulary Speaking
Causes of injury 1 Look at the X-rays. Identify the type of fracture for
patients a and b.
1 Complete the sentences using the verbs below.

banged dislocated fell landed

pulled slipped smash squashed
stubbed stumbled tripped twisted
twisted went over
1 on a loose paving stone as I was
walking down the street and flat on
my face.
2 I ______ and lost my footing and
_ _ _ _ _ my ankle.
3 my toe on a chair. I may have
fractured it, but I hope I haven't. ...
4 I my knee on the metal table. I am
surprised I didn't _ _ _ _ _ my kneecap to
2 Work in pairs. Choose an X-ray and create a history
5 my ankle when I went over and for the patient. Include these details: name, sex, age,
now I can barely walk. I don't think it's broken or the presenting complaint (what the problem is, how I
anything. It's more likely to be a sprain. where I when it happened, etc.). need of analgesia, and
any other details you wish to add.
6 I on the wet floor and went over and
_ _ _ _ _ on my bottom. 3 Work with a partner from another pair with a different
scenario and take the history up to the point of sending
7 The motorbike _ _ _ _ _ on my ankle and
the patient for an X-ray.
crushed my leg.
4 Explain the X-rayto the patient.
8 I think I've ______ my shoulder and I can
barely move it.
9 my finger in the door and it's It's my job
throbbing like mad. 1 Work in pairs. What do you think the job of a radiologist
10 I this nick out ofthe side of my involves? How has the radiologist's work changed in
the last half century?
fingernail and now it's infected.
2 Work in pairs. Have you ever treated someone who has 2 Read the text and answer the questions.
injured themselves as in 1 above? Describe the case. 1 Where did Matthew Jenkins originally find that
radiology appealed to him?
2 How does he describe the Royal College's booklet?
3 What is the main purpose of radiology?
4 What does the radiologist see as his role?
5 Why is it important to include the details mentioned
on the request form?
6 Why is the radiologist's day busy?
Accidents 15

I am glad to say that in this country there is no need t o carry out tests as a form of
insurance. It is not in this country desirable, or indeed necessary, that overprotective and
over examination work should be do ne merely and pu rely as I say t o protect onese lf against
possible litigation.
-Judge Fallon, quoted by Oscar Craig, Chairman Cases Committee, Medical Protection Society
-Oxford Handbook of Emergency Medicine

3 Work in groups. Do you think the radiologist's job

Matthew Jenkins will become less or more complex in the future? Give
reasons and examples.

My name is Matthew Jenkins and I am a radiologist at a 4 Describe a situation where a radiologist helped you in
hospital in Manchester. I decided to take up radiology as your work.
a specialty after working in va rious other departments
fir st . It was in the A&E department that my interest was
first aroused . I was at a loss initially as a young doctor Writing
out of medical training as to how to make a request Describing a fracture
to the radiology department even for something as
basic as an X-ray. But I soon found my feet. A very useful 1 Complete the list of the information which is needed to
guide for doctors is the Royal College of Radiologists' describe a fracture.
booklet, Making the Best Use of a Department of Clinical 1 the age of the patient and how the fracture occurred
Radiology, (5th edition, London 2003). This is a must- 2 if it is simple or compound
have for doctors dealing with radiology departments 3 name the bone
and is highly recommended .
4 describe the position of the fracture (proximal,
The primary aim of radiology is to provide information supracondylar)
in order to alter the management of the patient
and the outcome of the disease. So my function as
a rad io logist is to help confirm a diagnosis, exclude 6
something important, define th e extent, and monitor 7
the progress of a di sease. Most of the requests for X-rays 8
that we receive in the department now come though
electronically rather than face-to-face with a clinician.
It is therefore important that all relevant clinical 2 Match the different elements to this description.
information including the mech a nis m ofthe injury
with the side involved, blood tests, recent
radiological finding s, and suspected 2 9 -ye.c:tY -old.,- ~ VVLO'to-vcyc71"wl:dv ~ Ty p0
clinical diagnosis is given on th e I co-mpOtM'l.d,fvcu::tu.,yedv Left htMne.vvw. It" w
request form . Without the benefit of ~~~~[two{,v~fhe,

be ing able to examine the patient, htMne,vcrJ.; }hctftwl:dv no- Vl-UVOV~

all of this detail is crucial. co-mpv~ ...

Fo rms should also state how the

investigation will help resolve the 3 Write descriptions for the X-rays in Speaking on page
clinical problem facing the doctor 14. In each case the patient is a 40-year -old female
and state any invest igations on police officer.
the request form if the doctor
thinks they will take place.
Each day my schedule is full as I try
to balance the needs and
priorities of different
16 Unit 2

Speaking Reading
1 Work in groups. Which of these X-rays shows an
avulsion fracture? What do the other X-rays show?

liTIPE UE UT ;JlnfJElJ dm p
Moqrd p;Jnnd J 1 Before you read the text, answer the questions.
;JPIUE ;Jl.{l JO ;JlnfJElJ UOTSinA'If q 1 Where do you think the majority of accidents occur:
PH4J -e UT mur;JJ ;Jl.{l JO ;JmpEIJ ;J+;JrdwoJUI -e the home, work, or in the street?
Sl;JMSU'If 2 Which groups of society are more prone to
2 Check your answers. Prepare a short presentation of no 3 Are accidents at work generally preventable?
more than five minutes explaining one or more of the 2 Skim the text and match the headings with the
following: appropriate paragraph A-D.
theX-ray 1 Accidents in the home
the likely causes 2 Accidents in the workplace
the symptoms 3 Accidents and children
the treatment. 4 Accidents and the elderly
3 Choose one or more students from your group to 3 Find words and phrases in the text which have the
present the X-ray to the rest of the class. Make the same meaning as these. Items 1-7 are not in the order
presentation and invite comments at the end of the they occur in the text.
1 stated 5 as a matter of course
Give constructive feedback for each presentation, 2 deaths 6 weakness
choosing two of these criteria: organization, relevance, 3 among the poor 7 attending
flu ency, clinical accuracy, grammatical accuracy. 4 encouraging
Accidents 17

pressure sore (n) decubitus ulcer

multifactorial (adj) involving many
features or elements
chip pan fires (n) fires created from
cooking chipped potatoes in hotfat

4 Answer the qu estions about the text.

1 Among children, which group had the greatest
mortalit y rate?
2 Among which group are accidents more frequent?
3 What kind of help should be offered to the elderly
who are susceptible to falls?
4 W hat are the main sources of accidental fires in
5 W hat are doctor s responsi bl e for av erting?

A In 2004, there were 230 child NICE guidelines were issued D During 2005/2006 there were
fata lities due to accidents in 2004 on the assessment and 148,713 occupational inju ries
in England and Wales, the prevention of falls in older reported, of which 212 were fatal.
highest numbers being in people. They state that older All places of work are potentially
five- to fourteen -year-aids. The people should be asked routinely dangerous whether an oil rig, a
commonest cause of accidenta l if they have fallen in the past coal mine, a factory, an office, or
injury in children presenting year. Those who have fallen, or a kitchen. The Health and Safety
to UK hospitals is falls. Others those conside red at risk of falling, Executive has stipulated rules
include suffocating and choking, should have a multifactorial about safety in the workplace .
burns and scalds, and poisoning . falls risk assessment and should It also has the necessary powers
A recent report by the Audit be considered for intervent ions to inspect and enforce them.
Commission and the Healthcare including those to improve the ir Safety equipment must be worn .
Comm ission states that each year strength and balance and remove Risks must be appreciated . Every
there are two million attendances any home hazards. workplace should have a safety
to accident and emergency c In England and Wales in 2004, officer who is respons ible for
departments by children as a there were 3,892 accidental deaths identifying danger and advocating
result of accidents that might have in and around the home. Those action . As doctors, we have a
been prevented . Accidents are most at risk of serious or fatal duty to be aware of measures to
more common in the lowe r socio- injury in the home are young prevent infection and needle-stick
economic groups. child ren and the elderly. Falls injury.
B Frailty and hea lth problems make are the most common type of
the elderly, particularly those over accident.
the age of 75, at increased risk of In 2004, fire brigades attended
accidents, usually occurring in the 442,700 f ires in the UK. There were
home. Falls are the most common 508 f ire-related deaths and 14,600
cause. Inability to get up after non-fatal casualties. A large
falling puts the person at risk of proportion of fires in homes were
hypothermia and pressure sores. accidental, the main causes being
Hip fractures after falls are a major misuse of equipment I appliances
cause of morb idity and mortal ity. and chip pan fires.
18 Unit 2

safety net (n) a reminder to the

patient that they can come back
if there are any changes or if
anything happens

Listening Z Note: avoid using you have to ... and you must ... (on
its own without if) .
Accident prevention measures
Underline the alternatives in italics which are correct.
1 ()) Listen to the extract from a talk on accident
In some cases, more than one may be correct.
prevention measures and tick (.I) the items which are
mentioned. 1 If the arm swells in the plaster cast, come back 1you
need to come back I you 'II come back and see us.
1 Advice about preventing accidents is more
2 Don 't hesitate to I You are going to I you needn't
the responsibility of the government.
contact us if it gets worse in any way.
2 When we use the word accident, this
3 If your fingers become discoloured, raise ! you need
somehow signifies that something cannot
to raise I you 're going to raise your hand and try to
be avoided.
keep it up.
3 Simple safety measures and thinking
4 If the plaster cast becomes tight, you need to come
about the future can reduce accidents.
back I come back I try to come back immediately.
4 Patients can be alerted to any risky
5 If your hand becomes paralysed, don't wait, just
come in I you need to come in I you needn 't come in .
5 People need to be more aware of
6 If you get any pain in your arm, don 't leave it 1 you
accidents caused by leisure than by home
needn 't to leave it I you don 't need to leave it- come
straight in.
6 Halls and stairways need to have good
7 If you get any circulation problems like pins and
needles, you need to get I get yourself I don 't hesitate
7 Loose rugs and flooring are dangerous for
to get yourselfback here immediately.
old people.
8 If the cast becomes damaged or loose, replace 1 we're
2 What other precautions need to be taken at home? going to need to replace I we need to replace it.
Think of the kitchen and heating.
Go to Grammar reference p 120

Language spot
Saying what's necessary politely but firmly
In certain situations when you are giving patients
information, there is not really any negotiation -
on discharging a patient or where there is no
alternative, for example. In any situation, you need
to provide a 'safety net' in case something happens.

You need ... ... to come back and see

Don't hesitate ... us if anything unusual

If anything ... come back and see us

unusual immediately.
happens, ... ... you don't need to ring-
just come in.

You need to ... ... rest your leg for a while.

You 're going to
have to ...
Accidents 19

Assess your progress in this unit.
Tick (.I") the statements wh ich are true.
I can talk abo ut fract ures
I can describe accidents
I can use the Present Si mple, Present
Contin uous, a nd Present Perfect
I ca n give instruct ions with the imperative
Speaking and need
1 These six pictures show common minor injuries you might see in
an A&E department. Describe the injury shown in each picture.
ha irlin e
Nou ns
safety net
slip (over)
st ub
st umble
trip (over I up)
2 Work in groups. Create a history for a nineteen-year-old patient,
Gerhard I Gabriele Schneider, who presents with one or more of Useful reference
the-above minor injuries. Include
Oxford Handbook of Emergency Medicine
details about how the injury happened
3rd edition, Wyatt et al,
when and where it happened
ISBN 978-0-19-920607-0
t reatment
instructions you would give by way of' safety netting'.
J Find a partner from another group and indicate the injuries you
have according to the history you have created. Take turns taking
the history from each other. Use the grid to give feedback about
the language used by the doctor.
Doctor l Doctor 2
Uses tenses
Uses the tenses fluently
Uses non-technicallanguage
Uses safety netting
20 Unit 3

Check up
1 Describe the pictures.

2 Match the lay statements with the pictures in 1. Listening1

1 I'm covered in cuts and bruises. Spot the difference
2 I think I've pulled a muscle in my leg.
3 I've got cramp all down this leg. 1 <(;) Listen. Write down details of what the patient said.
4 I'm dying ofthirst. Compare your notes with a partner.

3 What other injuries are the sportspeople in the pictures 2 <(;) Listen to another version of the same conversation.
prone to? Give examples from your experience. Which details are different?

4 In groups, discuss the questions. 3 What is the difference in the questions that the doctor
Are you interested in sports medicine? Why I Why not? uses in each conversation?
What are the advantages of following a career in sports 4 Which technique is better for the patient? Which
medicine? Are there any disadvantages? approach do you find easier to use?
Sports medicine 21

In this unit
using different types of questions
using colloquial language
giving warnings and using persuasion
using weak I unstressed syllables in speech

Verbs of movement
1 In conversation 1 in Listening 1the doctor was just
about to give the patient some instructions. What
instructions do you think she might give the patient
to check the wrist?
2 Work in groups and match the instructions to the
a n

3 Work in pairs. You are going to check a patient who

has a shoulder injury from the gym. Decide what
instructions you would use for the drawings below.
Then take turns giving instructions to the patient.
I'd Uust) like you to .. . OK.
Could I can you just ... for me? Fine.
I need you to ... Thank you.

1 Bring your knee towards your chest.

2 Straighten the leg at the knee.
3 Put your chin on your chest.
4 Look over each shoulder.
5 Stand up straight without support.
6 Cross your legs over.
7 Lean your head sideways placing your ear on your
8 Point your toes at your head.
9 Fan out your toes as far as possible.
10 Bend the knee as far as you can.
11 Curl your toes and then straighten your toes.
12 Keep your knees together and spread the ankles as
far as possible.
22 Unit 3

No class of questions is 'correct'. Sometimes

you need to ask one type of question;
sometimes another. Get good at shifting
from one kind to another and you will
soon learn to judge the most important
questions for the patient in front of you .
-Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine

Signs and symptoms J Match the medical terms with words and phrases in 2.
Patient vocabulary (adhesive) capsulitis bullae torticollis
furuncle hyperkeratosis paraesthesia
1 Look at the picture.
What does it show
and what is the
colloquial term for
Language spot
these? Types of questions
2 Complete the 1 Use the cues to make questions.
sentences using 1 Have fall over?
the words below. 2 Can tell if you trip in the street?
You will use one 3 youhurt?
body part more 4 What think the problem?
than once. What 5 Who around when pain set in?
do the sentences 6 Could describe what happen me?
mean? 7 How long you have chest pain? (Looking at the
armpit back feet foot hand
... patient holding his chest)
hands leg neck 8 there any other things you like talk about?
shoulder arm
9 What else you concern about?
I've got frozen----- I can't get my arm up 10 the phlegm brown, yellow, or green?
very far. 2 Identify the type of question in 1 by using the
2 I've got wry_ _ _ _ _ . I can barely move my descriptions. More than one may be possible for each
head. answer.
3 I've got what I think is a boil in my .I a a closed question
can't put any deodorant on. b an open question
c a leading question
4 I think I've pulled a muscle in my .I d a patient-centred question
can only hobble along. e a family- I work-related question
5 I've got these blisters all over the palm of my f a prejudicial question or question suggesting the

6 I'm not sure but I think I've torn a ligament in my J In pairs, work out the questions for these answers. In
some cases a prompt has been given. There may be
- - - - - I t ' s swollen and I can't get my shoe
more than one answer in each case.
1 It hurts just here.
7 I've got a lot of calluses on the balls of both 2 Well, I don't know where to start really. I suppose it
happened just after I had been to ...
8 The knuckles on both _ _ _ _ _ have all flared 3 It's gone completely black.
4 No, not that I am aware of. (trauma: knock I bang)
up. I can't get my ring off.
5 Sitting at my desk at work. (when it's worst)
9 I've got a pain right here in the small of my 6 For a week now.
7 No. I can't think of anything.
10 I've got tingling all the way down my left
_ _ _ _ _ and _ _ _ __
Sports medicine 23

stand in for (v) rep lace

temporarily, be a locum

4 Use your own words to complete the doctor's questions 5 Work in groups. Is the conversation patient centred?
in the conversation. What type of questions does the doctor ask? Could you
DOCTOR Good morning, my name is Dr Nesbitt. I'm improve the conversation?
standing in for Dr Ratana while he's on 6 Write out the conversation keeping the same patient
holiday. You're Mr Finn? information, but changing the doctor's questions
PATIENT Yes. where you would like to.
DOCTOR OK. l Go to Grammar reference p 12 0
PATIENT Well, mmm, I'm not feeling too good.
PATIENT Mmm. I have this pain in my back.
1 Work in pairs. Role-play Dr Nesbitt (Student A) and take
the history from the patient (Student B) in Language
PATIENT A couple of weeks now. spot 4 opposite. Remember to be patient centred and
DOCTOR 4 ask open questions.
PATIENT Yes. Off and on for a year or so. But never like 2 Student A, go to page 114. Student B, take a history from
this. Student A. Write notes as you listen and decide what
DOCTOR the patient's complaint is.
PATIENT Well, I could barely move at first. And now 3 Student B, go to page 116. Student A, take a history from
it's like a dull ache. I just have to be careful Student B.
getting up and it's not easy at all getting in
and out of the car either.

PATIENT Mmm, just here in the small of my back.


PATIENT No. It stays just here.


PATIENT Nothing really, but I can't stay in the one

position for long. And walking and lying
down hurts too and, well, I suppose ... I
usually go to the gym quite a lot.
DOCTOR 9_______________________________

PATIENT Not since this started.

DOCTOR 10____________________________

PATIENT Mmm. Well,I still drive, but getting down

into the car is not that easy.
DOCTOR Is it a sports car, then?
24 Unit 3

1 Find adjectives and nouns with similar meaning
that are used to describe nouns in the text.
1 related t o carrying heavy objects
2 covered many people
3 carried out over a period of time
4 relat ed to contests
5 related to exploring and studying
6 worth noting
7 related to questions about physical activity

Physical fitness muscle mass and improved BMD in the

femoral region for all and suggest that
A number of papers address the
more general issue of the relationship

and health if BMD is increased at skeletal maturity,

reductions might be achieved in fracture
between sports participation and health
behaviours in young people. Miller et
risk in later years. Supporting this al (zooo) use data from a large-scale
A series of research findings illustrates conclusion Neville et al demonstrate the survey of school pupils to illustrate that
the positive relationships between importance of sports involving high peak athletic participation has both positive
physical activity and bone mineral strain for determining peak bone status, and negative implications for adolescent
density (BMD) in a variety of sub- especially in young men and possibly for health and recommend ways to use
populations. In longitudinal studies young women (who are less likely to take sport for health promotion . Pastor et al
using various sample sizes, Kemper part in such sports). Greendale et al, use survey data on fifteen- to eighteen-
et al and Puntilla et al illustrate that in a study of 42- to sz-year-old women, year-aids to conclude that the higher the
regular (weight-bearing) physical explore four domains of physical activity levels of sports participation, the higher
activity is significantly related to BMD at (sport, home, work, active living). They the perceived fitness and consequently
the lumbar spine and femoral neck. In illustrate that both sport and weight- enhanced perceived health, with lower
relation to total body and lumbar spine bearing work in the home were the best, levels of smoking and alcohol use also
BMD, van Langendonck et al illustrate and equal, predictors of greater BMD enhancing health perceptions. However,
that the type of sports participation is at lumbar spine and femoral neck sites. the relationships are only weak to
a significant factor, with high impact The work of Cheng et al raises the one moderate. Pyle et al's survey data on
sports (ground forces higher than four negative note in this literature, finding high school students illustrate that, for
times body weight) most effective and that high levels of physical activity males and females, competitive sports
remaining beneficial for the skeletal (running twenty or more miles per week) participation was associated with a
health of males aged 40. Ryan et al were associated with osteoarthritis lower frequency of mental ill-health,
report on the effects of six months' (knee and hip joints) among men less eating and dietary problems, and total
whole body resistive training in both than so years of age (although no risks (although there was a higher
young and older men and women. They relationship was suggested among frequency of sports-related injuries).
report that the programme increased women or older men) .

2 In the text a number of researchers, e.g. Kemper et al, 3 Work in groups. Answer the quest ions.
and the focus of their research are mentioned. Match How can people be encouraged to participate in
each description to a researcher. sport? Think, for example, of clubs, education, and
1 looked only at women advertising.
2 explored information on older teenagers only Is it difficult to dissuade people from over-exercising
3 mentioned findings relating to men and running or exercising when they are injured? What strategies
4 made suggestions to improve health can you use? Can you order or persuade the patient?
5 researched both genders over a wide age range Give an example of what you would say.
Sports medicine 25

In the sick room , ten cents' worth of human understanding

equals ten dollars' worth of medical science.
-Martin H. Fischer

Listening 2 Patient care

Patient attitude 1 Look at the following patient's reasons for not
following the doctor's instructions after a minor head
1 Look at the picture. How
injury. How would you respond to them?
would you describe the
patient's attitude? 1 But I'd like to go a friend's birthday party.
2 But can't I just go and ring if I feel bad?
2 ~ Listen to the 3 But I need to go and pick up my child from school.
conversation between 4 I'm sorry, but I have no one to be with me for that
Dr Johnston and Mr length of time.
Alexander Munro. Map 5 Ifi don't turn up, I'm going to be in trouble with my
the patient's attitude boss.
as the conversation 6 Ifi stay in hospital, I'm going to miss an important
progresses by numbering job interview.
the adjectives. 7 And I'll miss the plane. I have to catch a flight to a
a ecstatic D football match in Germany.
b exasperated D 8 And I can't get to sleep without sleeping tablets.
c desperate D 2 Match the replies to the patient's excuses.
d annoyed D
e uncooperative D a I'm afraid, unless you have someone to be with, we'd
f irresponsible D need you to ...
g friendly D b You need to avoid them; otherwise you can't be
h receptive D roused.
c And what if you feel dizzy or vomit all of a sudden
3 ~ Listen again and do the same for the doctor. and ... ?
a exasperated D d patient D d But can't we arrange for your wife or a friend to meet
b cooperative D e persuasive D her?
c calm D e But if you go to the party, you won't rest and you
may be tempted ...
4 ~ Listen to the conversation again. Which words are
f I'm afraid if you go to a game and you don't rest for
used by the doctor?
the next 24 hours, ...
1 but you must ... D g But can you not just phone and rearrange ... ?
2 weneedyouto... D h You need to rest for the next 24 hours rather than
3 I'm afraid you do need ... D exerting yourself working; otherwise, you could be
4 You may feel well, but .... D off ...
5 I'm sorry but you must ... D
6 Yes, but other things could happen like ... D 3 Work in pairs. Take turns reading the patient's excuses
7 Youmaygeta .. D and replying in your own way.

5 ~ Listen to the conversation again. Which words are

used by the patient?
1 You mean I have to stay... D
2 but I can't. I have to go to ... D
3 Oh, thank you. That's kind of you ... D
4 ButifeelOK... D
5 I appreciate this... D
6 Well, I can take ... D
7 OK,butican ... D
26 Unit 3

Pronunciation An example of head injury warning instructions

Main stress
1 Before you listen, underline the word that you think
has the main stress in the part of the sentence in italics. Ensure a responsible person is available to keep an eye
on you for the next 24 hours and show them this card.
1 Can you tell me a little bit more about how it all
Rest for the next 24 hours.
2 But if your child's mood changes in any way, make Do take painkillers such as paracetamol to relieve pain
and headache.
sure you contact us immediately.
3 But I can 't. I have to go to my best friend's party this DO NOT DRINK alcohol for the next 24 hours.
evening. DO take normal medication but DO NOT take sleeping
4 But I'm afraid you do need to be careful. tablets or tranquillizers without consulting your doctor
5 I'm not sure but I think I've torn a ligament in my first.
foot. It's swollen and I can't get my shoe on. If any of the following symptoms occur, then you should
6 I've had it since the week before last, here on the heel return or be brought back in or the hospital should be
of my hand. telephoned immediately. Tel :********* (24 hours):
7 And you need to have someone to go home with you Headache not relieved by painkillers such as
and stay with you for the next 24 hours as well. pa racetamol
2 ~ Listen and mark with a '0 ' the syllable in 1 that has
the main stress in each clause. Disturbance of vision
Problems with balance
J Work in pairs. Practise saying the statements to each
other and check each other's pronunciation.
Patient becomes unrousable
4 Make seven questions of your own to take a history
from a patient who has fallen off a bicycle and hurt his
knee. Use the range of questions in Language spot on 2 Take turns role-playing the conversation between Dr
page 22. Johnston and Alexander Munro from Listening 2. The
third student u ses the speaking che~;klist on page 117
5 Change partners and take the history. Try not to for the patient and the doctor to give feedback. Use
focus on the pronunciation. Give each other feedback these criteria for assessing the doctor: able to negotiate,
specifically about the pronunciation. You may want to persuasive without being bossy, calm, showing empathy.
practise taking the history several times. Remember to include 'safety netting' at the end.
6 Which statement in 1 has proportionately fewer weak J Now work in groups and study this scenario.
stresses? Why does lay language generally have a
larger proportion of weak stresses?
Mrs Newman, a 25-year-old mother, brings her seven-
year-old child into A& E. The child bumped his head during
a Physical Education (PE) class at school. The mother
Speaking was called and she brought the child in. After a thorough
1 Work in groups of three. Look at the following example examination you are satisfied that the injury is not serious.
of the head injury warning card for adults. Identify Explain to the mother what precautions she needs to take.
which points the doctor already covered in Listening 2 Note that the mother wants to take the child to a party later
in the day.
on page 25.
Assess your progress in this unit.
Tick (.t) the statements which are true.
I ca n use different types of quest ions
I can use col loquial language
I ca n warn and persuade patient s without
upsetting them
I ca n understa nd and use weak I unstressed
4 Adapting the advice for adults, make a list of the 'warnings' you
syll ab les in speech
give the parent. Remember to include 'safety netting' at the end.
5 Again work in groups of three, role-playing the scenario in 3.
Follow the same procedure as in :Z above. Note that the attitude Keywords
of the parent is caring and cooperative, but initially she wants to
take the child to the party.
ba ll
bli ster
Writing froze n shoulder
Head injury warning instructions persuasio n
sma ll of th e back
ting ling
wry neck
exasperat ed
uncoope rat ive
fan out
flare up
negot iat e
straight en
et al

Useful reference
1 Look at the 'head injury warning card' for adults in 1 in Oxford Handbook of Sport and Exercise
Speaking. Using this as an example, write 'head injury warning Medicine, Domhall MacAuley (ed),
instructions' for a sports centre, to be given to teachers and ISB N 978-0-19-856839-1
parents of children who have had a minor head injury while
using the sports facilities . Look at these additional points to
watch out for :
child's mood rest
behaviour: fits, ... tiredness
cannot rouse safety netting.
2 Write the instructions in groups and share your examples with
the class.
3 Role-play the scenario in Speaking 3 again. Check for
improvements in the light of the instructions you have written.
28 Unit 4

Check up
1 Work in pairs. What do you think is happening in each

2 The incidence of Caesarean section in the UK was

23 per cent of labours in 2002. Nine per cent are pre-
labour. How do these statistics for Caesarean section in
the UK compare with your country?
3 Which is more common in your country- natural
or managed labour? Do you think there is too much
intervention in labour?

Taking details
1 Read this extract from a conversation between Mrs
~ Canterbury and DrAb boud. What are they talking
DOCTOR So, what can we do for you?
PATIENT Mmm, well, doctor, it's not really trouble, I
think ... I think 1
DOCTOR I see, and are you happy about that?
DOCTOR OK. Well, let's take some details. Can you
remember when your last period was?
PATIENT Mmm, not exactly, but probably about six
weeks ago.
DOCTOR So you think you've missed one?
DOCTOR Any other changes you've noticed?
PATIENT I do feel a bit sick most mornings, and my
breasts feel a bit tender.
DOCTOR Right, if I give you a little bowl, can you just
4 the
toilet and bring back a sample for me?
2 What clues are there in the conversation to help you
understand what is happening?
Obstetrics 29

In this unit
talking about pregnancy I giving birt h
using small talk
speaki ng smoothly and fluently
understanding lay la nguage in obstet rics
using modal verbs for negot iat ion

3 Complete the conversation using one of these phrases Signs and symptoms
for each gap 1-4 in the conversation in 1.
Lay words and medical terms
I'm as regular as clockwork
1 What does the patient mean? Work in pairs. Translate
I'm expecting
the lay words into medical terms.
I'm like a clock
I'm waiting for something 1 I haven't had a period for three months now.
make a visit to 2 I've been feeling sick in the morning. I keep
pop to throwing up, especially in the morning, and it's
We've been practising for ages worrying me.
We've been trying for ages 3 I haven't been for two days and it's the second time
it's happened.
4 lCJl Listen and check your answers. 4 I think I've got piles.
5 (il Who do you think says the phrases? Listen to the 5 I've come out in this rash on my tummy and arms.
rest of the conversation. What do the phrases mean? My mum says it will go when the baby's born, but I
don't know.
1 You're probably about four weeks gone.
6 I've been bringing up this horrible taste from my
2 We can usually get a clear picture.
3 I take it ...
7 I keep going to the toilet and passing water.
4 I do skip meals sometimes when I'm rushed.
8 My back's killing me, especially at night.
5 There are certain things you need to steer clear of.
9 I don't know what this brown patch is on my face.
6 I haven't been on a binge for ages.
10 I've got this tingling in the thumb and these two
6 Check your answers with your partner. fingers.
7 Work in groups. Is the doctor very patient centred 2 Match each medial term with one of the patient's
or very abrupt I businesslike? If necessary, how statements.
would you evaluate the doctor's manner and what a haemorrhoids
improvements would you make? b amenhorroea
c reflux oesophagitis and heartburn
d morning sickness
e constipation
f prurigo of pregnancy (PEP)
g urinary frequency
h paraesthesia
3 How would you reassure the patient in each case?
Work in pairs. Take turns saying the statements and
reassuring each other.
It happens at this stage, but it'll ... when the baby isborn.
It's a good sign as it is associated with fewer foetal losses.
30 Unit 4

acknowledge (v) recognize I show

Establishing rapport with patients is essential if you
want them to cooperate with you. If you go straight
into the medical aspect of the consultation without
first acknowledging that the patient in front of you is a
person, it can affect the history taking.
1 In Listening, the doctor starts the conversation with the
safe subject of weather during which there are several
very simple exchanges. For the 'safe' subjects in these
pictures, decide how you would begin the consultation.
What would you say?

2 Which topics of conversation are better to avoid if you 4 Match these responses a-h to 1-8 in 3.
don't know the patient? a It's wonderful. I ...
3 You may start the small talk or it may be started by b Yes. I'm soaked through!
the patient. How do you think the statements could be c Yes, but we mustn't complain. We might not have it
developed? for long.
d She's much better. Thank you for asking. It's really
1 PATIENT It's still raining very hard out there.
kind of you.
2 PATIENT The weather's still awfully hot.
e Yes, I've been doing lots of different things this
3 DOCTOR Hi. You look as if you are in a hurry today.
4 DOCTOR How has your work been recently I since I
f Yes, I'm mad about football.
last saw you?
g It's been hectic, but fun . Thanks for asking.
5 DOCTOR Hi. How are you? Fine? Good. I saw your
h He's coming on very well. He's not looking forward
husband with the children the other day.
to going back to work.
He was looking well after the op.
6 DOCTOR How's your mother since you brought her 5 How long should the small talk last? How can you
to see me last week? bring the small talk to an end?
7 DOCTOR [To child with mother] I see you're
6 Work in pairs. Take turns role-playing the beginning of
a football supporter. Have you been
a history from a patient and adding the phrases in 4.
following the football on TV?
Develop it in your own way.
8 DOCTOR You're at university now. How's it all
Obstetrics 31

ballot (v) push down as in pushing down

an apple into water
placenta (n) the afterbirth

Vocabulary 2 Work in pairs. Choose one of the medical topics 1-8

in 1. Prepare brief notes using your own knowledge
Technical terms
and experience about the topic. Then swap pairs and
1 Work in pairs. Complete the sentences by using one use your notes to give a mini-presentation of two or
word from each list in each sentence. three minutes about the topic to your partner.

A ant epartum birth contractions dilation 3 Working with the same partner, choose a subject for
lie mother obst etric placenta your partner to talk about without preparation.

B associated cervix defined descends

fo etal lifting longitudinal Pronunciation
Sentence nucleus
C dilated fundu s gestation haemorrhage
1 Find atleast one word in Vocabulary for each stress
pelvis retained traction ultrasound
1 The first stage of labour is the time from the onset
of regular until the is
2 45
fully _ _ _ __
2 After full the head flexes further and
further into the .. 2 Identify the main stress or nucleus in the text in italics.
At vaginal hysterectomy, the uterus is brought down
3 A not delivered in 30 minutes will
through the vagina.
probably not be expelled . The danger 2 What happens is the womb is brought down through
with a placenta is haemorrhage. the vagina.
4 The usually reports absent 3 Pre-eclampsia is pregnancy-induced hypertension
with proteinuria oedema.
movements. There is no foetal
4 It's a condition where the blood pressure is raised
movement (e.g. heartbeat) on with protein in the urine and possibly swelling.
5 A breech presentation is where the 5 Norma/labour is often heralded by a show.
on palpation is , no head is felt in the 6 When an induction is being planned, the state ofthe
cervix will be assessed.
pelvis, and in the _ _ _ _ _ there is a smooth
7 Ankle swelling is very common when you're
round mass, which can be balloted. pregnant.
6 _ _ _ _ _ haemorrhage has been 8 It tends to worsen at night?Well, if you use a firm
_ _ _ _ _ as bleeding at >24 weeks' mattress and wear flat shoes, it will help.
3 (;) Listen and mark the nucleus and secondary
7 _ _ _ _ _ of the posterior shoulder is aided stresses in the text in italics above. Check your answers
by ______ the head upwards whilst with a partner.
maintaining _ _ _ __ 4 Work in pairs. To help you feel the rhythm of the
8 Most ______ shock is _ _ _ _ _ with sentences, read only the words with secondary stress
and the nucleus. Then read the full sentence. Check
severe _ _ _ __
each other's responses.
5 Which of the sentences has more secondary stresses?
Why is this so?
32 Unit 4

NCT (n) the National Childbirth

Trust, a UK charity supporting

It's my job
1 Answer these questions before you read. 3 Antenatal classes are only held in hospitals.
1 What happens in antenatal classes? 4 The advice given is restricted to the pregnancy itself
2 Are they a good use of resources in your opinion? and the time immediately after pregnancy.
3 Who do you think should run such classes? 5 Pain relief is left to more specialist programmes run
by midwives.
2 Now read the text. Are these statements true or false?
The antenatal course is restricted to pregnant
3 Work in groups. Are antenatal classes held in your
country? If not, would they be useful? Give reasons.
Who organizes I would organize the classes?
2 It is essential for trainers teaching in the name of
the NCT to have the proper certification.

Mary Knox
I am Mary Knox, an NCT teacher of an looking after the mother's health during pregnancy
antenatal course, which was set up to help (for example, nutrition and pelvic floor exercises) and
prepare mothers for labour, their baby's after the birth
birth, and early parenthood. This training the mother's feelings about
is open to pregnant women, their partners, pregnancy, birth, and the period
and their birth supporters. I have undergone after the birth.
a three-year training programme, which is The class also provides an
unique in the world of childbirth education, opportunity to learn about
leading to a diploma in Higher Education. In and experiment with different
order to facilitate classes in the name of the birth positions and gives
NCT, teachers must hold a current licence to mothers the chance to learn
practise. about relaxation techniques
The antenatal programme I run is held in (including massage skills and
the evening for pregnant women and their breathing techniques, for
partners (which may be the baby's father or example). It's really gratifying
another supporting person, such as a mother, giving pregnant women an
sister, friend, or female partner). Some courses, opportunity to discuss the
however, may be held in a home or in a public information available in order
venue and usually start at 30 weeks although to make choices that are right
sometimes 'early bird' classes are available for them. And it isn't just
earlier on in pregnancy. My present class covers antenatal support we
what happens during labour and birth give. NCT classes create a
coping with labour (including information support network because
about pain relief) people make friends
preparing for life with a new baby with others who are at
exercises to keep the mother fit during a similar place in life.
pregnancy and help her during labour
how to care for a newborn baby
Obstetrics 33

the pill (n) the contraceptive pill

Language spot Speaking

Giving advice and talking about 1 Work in groups and discuss these scenarios.
expectation A 25-year-old patient who is epileptic, has a
poor diet, and is t aking the pill wants to become
1 Underline the correct modal verb in these sentences.
1 Are you saying that giving up smoking should I can I A 25-year-old female whose partner smokes and
must improve our chances of having a baby? drinks wants to have a baby. Both have a poor diet.
2 May I Must I Can the epileptic drugs I'm taking
affect the baby if! get pregnant? 2 Make a list of the points you want to make and the
3 Are there things I can I ought to I may be careful questions you want to ask.
about during the first few weeks of pregnancy? 3 Choose one of the scenarios and take turns talking t o
4 Can 't I Mustn 't I Shouldn'tthe baby be lying the the patient. The patient should try to use the questions
other way round? in exercise 5 in Language spot.
5 Do we have to I ought to I need to give up smoking
and drinking then if we want to try for a baby?
6 Can 't I Must I Should I see a specialist? Isn't it
Ifyou want to ...
you can ...
you need to I it should ...
7 Do I must I need to I should have my baby in
you are going to have to ...
hospital? Can't I have it at home?
[smoking] affects [egg production I sperm]
8 The doctor says I can I must I should rest for a couple
of days. There is no alternative.
9 You think it must I needs to be to do with my blood
10 Can't I Shouldn 't I Mustn 't I just have one or two
drinks during the pregnancy?
2 Work in pairs and categorize the statements in 1
as: conclusion, persuasion, expectation, possibility,
necessity, obligation, permission. There may be more
than one answer in each case, as when we speak, we
convey several messages at one time.
3 Work in pairs and choose a question in 1to ask your
partner. Develop the conversation in your own way.
Before you begin, look at Grammar reference on
page 121.
4 Change partners and ask each other another question.
5 Imagine that you are a pregnant woman at an
antenatal class. Think of questions to ask the antenat al
Do you think I should ...? Are you saying I I we ... ?
Can't! (just) ... ? Dol / we have to ... ?
Do you think it must ...? Shouldn 't I I we ...?
Can! ... ?
Go to Grammar reference p 121
34 Unit 4

The pain is really your fri end in labour. In these big tran sitions in life
the pain is coming to help you . And that is such a different concept
of pain; that pain is your friend instead of your enemy. It's the same
as in big emotional problem s. The pain actually helps you when
you're grieving ...
-Well-known Dutch midwife, Beatrijs Smulders


Although, for convenience, health professionals divide

labour into three stages, it is more useful to see labour as one
continuous process with each preceding phase affecting what
follows. The third stage of labour is the phase from the time
when your baby fully emerges until the placenta is delivered.
It is also the time when your baby adapts to life outside the
There are two ways in which your placenta can be
delivered. These are either a natural (physiological) third stage
or a managed third stage.
A natural third stage means that no drugs are used to
deliver the placenta. Instead it relies on the natural contraction
of the uterus, stimulated by the surge of the hormone oxytocin
at birth. This is the hormone that causes your uterus to
contract and expel your placenta. A natural third stage does
1 Before you start to read, use your own knowledge and not increase the likelihood of severe bleeding if the labour has
make a list of the main points you would expect to see been normal and without epidural analgesia until then.
in an information leaflet for women about the third After your baby is born, the umbilical cord will be left
stage oflabour. intact. It is long enough so that you can hold your baby
comfortably and begin the process of getting to know each
2 Underline and number the words in the text that mean:
other. As your baby adapts to life outside the womb the flow
1 through of blood from the placenta to your baby via the umbilical cord
2 hold tightly will decrease, as the role it has had during pregnancy comes
3 accelerate to completion. The cord will only be cut and clamped when it
4 triggered
has stopped pulsating. After a while you will begin to feel your
5 previous
uterus contract. At some stage you will feel your placenta in
6 probability
your vagina and push it out with a few small contractions. This
7 throbbing
stage can take anything from ten minutes to over an hour.
3 Use words from the passage to complete these A managed third stage means that a drug (usually
sentences. In each case you will have to change the syntometrin or syntocinon) is given to speed up the delivery
form of the word. of the placenta. These drugs can cause nausea and vomiting
1 The third stage oflabour ends with the and may raise the blood pressure in some women. They
_ _ _ _ _ of the umbilical cord. are given by injection into your thigh usually as your baby
is being born or if requested, immediately afterwards. The
2 The ______ of bleeding does not necessarily
main effect of this drug is an extra strong contraction. Your
rise in a natural third stage.
midwife will immediately clamp and cut your baby's cord so
3 To quicken delivery a drug can be ______ as to stop him receiving an abnormal surge of blood from the
into the patient's thigh. squeezed placenta. This strong contraction will have the effect
4 When the placenta has ______ its task, the of causing your placenta to peel away from the wall of your
uterus. Other longer-lasting contractions will close the cervix,
blood flow declines.
so your placenta will need to be delivered within about
5 The _ _ _ _ _ of the placenta in a managed
7-8 minutes.
third stage is caused by drug induced contraction.
Obstetrics 35

care plan (n) a system Checklist

of care agreed with
the patient
Assess your progress in this unit.
Tick {.I) the statements which are
I can talk about pregnancy I
giving birth
I can use small talk
I can speak smoothly and fluently
Speaking I can understand lay language in
1 Work in groups of three. Choose one of the topics. Imagine you are a patient obstetrics
and using your own experience, make notes about what you want to know I can use modal verbs for
from your doctor about the topic. negotiation
1 pre-eclampsia 4 stillbirth
2 anaemia in pregnancy 5 urinary frequency
3 where to deliver 6 hyperemesis gravid arum Keywords
2 Share your information with the rest of the class. Make some questions you Nouns
think the patient might ask. afterbirth
3 Divide into two groups of doctors and patients. Patients concerned with breech
one of the topics 1-6 sit in a semicircle as per the diagram above . One doctor conclus ion
sits opposite each patient. The doctors have five minutes to speak to each expectation
patient and one minute for feedback. lie
4 At the end of the five minutes, the doctors move clockwise. After two or morning sickness
three patients, the doctors and patients switch roles and repeat the process. patch
pre-ec lampsia
Writing rapport
Supporting opinions small talk
the Pill
1 Work in groups. Use your own experience to list the checks by weeks that a
pregnant woman might need during pregnancy. Verbs
be expect ing
2 Work in pairs and imagine you are the patient. List the questions and
concerns you would ask the doctor in this scenario.
A young couple, Mr and Mrs Minton, are booking the antenatal Adjectives
care with your GP surgery. Mrs Minton is six weeks pregnant. She is antenatal
primiparus and is in good health. They would prefer to have a home gone
delivery. Answer their questions and address their concerns and then longitudinal
agree the care plan.

3 Take turns role-playing the scenario. Useful reference

4 Work in groups. What type of essay are you being asked to write? Oxford Handbook of Clinical
Descriptive or argumentative? Specialties 8th edit ion, Collier and
Delivery should only take place in a safe hospital environment. ISBN 978-0-19 -92'2888-1
How far do you agree?

5 Brainstorm ideas for hospital and other types of delivery. Select three or
four main ideas. Write a reason (because), an example (like I for example},
an explanation (If), additional information for each (Moreover), a result
(And so I As a consequence I As a result). Then write about 250-300 words
in answer to the question in 4.
36 Unit 5

Check up Signs and symptoms

1 Work in groups. Can you name these people? Psychiatric symptoms
1 Work in pairs. Can you identify the psychiatric
symptoms below?
1 The emotional state prevailing in a patitmt at a
particular moment and in response to a particular
event or situation.
2 The loss of the ability to understand abstract
concepts and metaphorical ideas leading to a strictly
literal form of speech and inability to comprehend
allusive language.
3 A normal and adaptive response to danger which is
pathological if prolonged, severe, or out of keeping
with the real threat of the external situation. There
are two types: psychic and somatic.
4 Deliberately falsifying the symptoms of illness for a
secondary gain (e.g. compensation, to avoid military
service, to obtain an opiate prescription).
5 A sustained and unwarranted cheerfulness.
It is associated with manic states and organic
6 The repetition of phrases or sentences spoken by the
examiner. It occurs in schizophrenia and learning
7 A severe and prolonged elevation of mood. It is a
feature of manic illnesses.
8 A form of mood disorder initially characterized by
elevated mood, insomnia, loss of appetite, increased
libido, and grandiosity. More severe forms develop
elation and grandiose delusions .
9 The subjective emotional state over a period of time.
aomow uh:g1ew p
AEM~u~waH :J,sama J 2 Match these terms with 1-9 in 1.
:J,a~Jas: 1anwes q a affect d euphoria g mood
umqdaH h:a1pnv E b anxiety e mania h elation
c concrete thinking f malingering echolalia
2 All of the above suffered from a depressive illness. 3 Write your own definition for one or more of these
Can famous people like these help remove the stigma terms and compare them with other class members:
of mental illness? How? Or do they confirm people's depressed mood, ataxia, clang association, bulimia,
beliefs? delusional mood, panic attack, somatization.
3 Are there any psychiatric illnesses in your country 4 In pairs, take turns giving definitions of the terms in
which are stigmatized? Are public attitudes changing 1-3. You can use: Can you define .. .for me?
or have they been the same for a long time?
Psychiatry 37

In this unit
understandi ng basic definitions in psychiatry
talking about affect and mood
understanding and using lay terms
using phrasa l verbs
understanding and pronounc ing prepositions with verbs

5 In pairs, decide how to explain one or two of the terms Patient care
in 3 to a patient. Then take it in turns role-playing the
1 Complete these patients' statements using a suitable
patient and doctor.
word of your own.
You can use: Excuse me, but what does ... mean? Choose 1 Ifeel as if I'm on _ _ _ _ _ of the world.
terms from the list that you have not prepared together
to help prepare you for dealing with the unexpected.
2 I'm always o n - - - - - , doctor, for no
real reason. I'm a bundle of _ _ _ __
Use your own knowledge and experience to answer the
patient's questions.
3 I just feel as ifi'm weighed _ _ _ __
by everything and everyone around me.
Listening 1
Mental state examination 4 I get these _ _ _ _ _ attacks when I try to
get on buses or trains. I get pins and needles. I get
out of breath and really tense as if something is
going to happen.

5 I'm out of my wits ofleaving

the flat. I don't know how I got here.

6 I do things like cleaning the house, again

and again. I sometimes think I'm
_ _ _ _ _ my mind.

7 I'm feeling really ______ at the moment.

I've been doing a lot of painting and I think I'm
as good as Picasso, if not better.

1 ~ Listen to a doctor, Dr Vine, talking about the 8 I don't think I need much sleep. It seems such a
appearance, behaviour, and speech of one of the new _ _ _ _ _ of time. I haven't been to bed for
patients as part of the mental state examination. Take two days now and you see I'm OK.
notes under the three headings appearance, behaviour,
and speech.
9 Food? Oh, I have no for preparing
1 ~ Compare your answers with a partner. Then listen anything to eat or doing shopping.
again and check the details.
J What other details would you want to know about for 1 Work in pairs. Categorize the statements according to
the examination under these headings: mood, risk, whether you would associate them with anxiety or
anxiety, perception, thought, cognition, insight? Use elation.
your own knowledge and experience.
J Work in groups. List and discuss other signs and
4 What do you think the patient might say to indicate symptoms you would expect in classic presentations of
their mood, anxiety, or insight? patients with anxiety or elation.
38 Unit 5

Language spot 2 a Sometimes work and the weather get me

Phrasal verbs- separable and inseparable

b Can you try and get some food you
3 a My father got his depression quite
b He got the procedure _ _ _ _ _ to the
4 a I get a violent temper quite easily
these days at work and I know I shouldn't.
b His depression got me ______ a bad mood
5 a It helps to try to talk about it so you can get it
_ _ _ _ _ your chest.
b I find it very difficult to get _ _ _ _ _ to
sleep most nights.
6 a Everybody's getting _ _ _ _ _ mynerves at
the moment.
b He gets _ _ _ _ _ with everybody in the
psychiatric ward.
7 a I've tried getting _ _ _ _ _ Dr Jarvind but
his bleeper appears to be faulty.
b I've tried getting the importance of this message
An understanding of phrasal verbs is another feature _ _ _ _ _ him, but he's very resistant.
of colloquial English that will help you interpret and 8 a He'll get _ _ _ _ _ on his feet very quickly,
understand the patient.
so try not to worry.
Inseparable phrasal verb:I got into washing my hands b When do you think I'll be able to get
again and again. _ _ _ _ _ to work?
Separable phrasal verb:I couldn'tfix it, which got me 2 Use these words to rewrite the relevant sentences in 1
into a rage. where possible.
1 Work in pairs. Add the appropriate particle to each pair annoying (x2) convincing (someone) of contacting
of sentences. depress me eat some food mastered
at back down into explained release it return
off on over through to 3 Write at least two sentences with the separable and
1 a I feel as if everyone is getting _ _ _ _ _ me inseparable phrasal verbs above about a patient you
all the time. have treated. Work in pairs and describe the behaviour
of the patient. Remember to maintain confidentiality.
b With so little information it's difficult to get
_ _ _ _ _ the diagnosis in this case. Go to Grammar reference p 121
Psychiatry 39

goldfish bowl (n) an arrangement where

the aud ience for a role-play surrounds
the performers so they can see both
participants in the role-play

1 Work in groups. Prepare questions you would ask a patient presenting either
with anxiety or with elevated mood. Use the categories in the table below.

Anxiety Elevated mood

Nature: Would you say you were an anxious person? Mood: How has your mood been lately? Do you find your
mood is changeable at the moment?
Severity: Thoughts:

Precipitants: Gifts I talents:

Impact on patient's life: Sleep:

Situations I activities avoided: Appetite:

Time spent on obsessional symptoms: Concentration:

2 Work with a partner from another group. Do a role-

play. Take turns taking a history from each other. The
patient and the doctor should try to use the phrasal
verbs in Language spot.
Do not tell the partner what your condition is. Decide
on a name, age, and sex for the patient.
Take a history from Student A. Bear in mind the Mental
State examination above.
3 When you have finished, discuss any specific medical
or language details that caused problems.
4 Now two volunteers perform the role-play again in
'the goldfish bowl'. Before the performance, turn to the
speaking checklist on page 117 and, as a class, choose
a criterion each to assess the performance. Take turns
role-playing and giving feedback. The feedback should
be constructive.
40 Unit 5

steeped in (v) immersed in

Reading 4 assumptions (affective disorders)

5 subjective symptoms (focus)
1 Below are the answers to questions a bout the reading
6 variable (neurotic or reactive depression)
text. Read the text then work in groups. Make questions
beginning with What, using the words in brackets. 2 Work as a whole class. Compare your questions with
'vapours', 'hypochondria', or 'neuroses' (depressive other groups and decide which group has the best
disorder) question in each case.
2 reduced functioning (other medical disciplines) 3 Work as a whole class. Explain the answers using the
3 physiological (change I depression) information in the text.

The changing face of depression the focus of clinical descriptions from

objective behavioural signs to subjective
Over the intervening years, there
has been much debate as to whether a
'biological' depression exists separate
from a 'neurotic' type. Terminology
has fluctuated around 'endogenous',
'vital', 'autonomous', 'endomorphic',
and 'melancholic' depression, charac-
terized by distinctive symptoms and
signs, a genetic basis, and running an

O UR current ideas of what constitutes

depression date from the mid-eight
eenth century. Before that time, the old
The concept was enlarged and
legitimized by Kraepelin (1921) who
used the term 'depressive states' in
independent course unrelated to psycho
social factors. In contrast, 'neurotic' or
'reactive' depression could manifest in
notion of melancholia, steeped in classical his description of the unitary concept multiple forms, showed clear responsive
humoral theories (melancholia derived of 'man icdepressive illness', encom ness to the environment, and ran a more
from the Greek me/a ina and kale 'black passing melancholia simplex and variable course. Both ICD-1o and DSM
bile'), reflected intensity of idea. Sadness gravis, stupor, fantastical melancholia, -IV 'fudge' the issue somewhat by using
or low mood were not primary symptoms. delirious melancholia, and involutional severity specifiers (i.e. mild, moderate,
The 'melancholic' symptoms we regard melancholia. A number of assumptions severe) as well as 'symptom' specifiers
today as part of a depressive disorder surrounded the affective disorders at that (i.e. somatic symptoms, psychotic
would have been called 'vapours', 'hypo time: they involved primary pathology of symptoms).
chondria', or 'neuroses'. 'Depression', a affect, had stable psychopathology, had The advent of antidepressants
term used to mean 'reduced functioning' brain pathology, were periodic in nature, introduced a further complication into the
in other medical disciplines, came to be had a genetic basis, occurred in persons mix. Although Electroconvulsive Therapy
associated with mental depression . lt with certain personality traits, and were (ECT) was widely accepted as a treatment
was adopted because it implied a 'physi 'endogenous' (not related to precipitants). for 'vital' depression, the idea of a
ological' change, and was defined as 'a In 1917, Freud published 'Mourning drug treatment for 'reactive depressive
condition characterized by a sinking of the and Melancholia', influencing more than disorders' ran counter to the received
spirits, lack of courage or initiative, and a generation in emphasizing cognitive wisdom of the psychological basis to
a tendency to gloomy thoughts.' Oastrow and intra-psychic factors in the aetiology these conditions and the need for psycho
1901). of depressive disorders, and shifting logical treatment.

4 Discuss the contribution made to psychiatry by one or USEFUL EXPRESSIONS

more of the people in the photos. Which was the most The most important is (probably) ...
important development? ... has contributed the most I least to ...
If ... had not... Had he not ...
Psychiatry 41

Baby blues: Up to % of new mothers will experience a

short-lived period of tearfulness and emotional lability
starting two or three days after birth and lasting one to
two days. This is common enough to be recognizable by
midwifery staff and [may] require only reassurance and
observation towards resolution .
-Oxford Handbook of Psychiatry

Vocabulary 1 I sometimes feel I can't _ _ _ _ _ adequately

Verbs with prepositions _ _ _ _ _ the baby as I am on my own with no
2 Inever ______ myselfunnecessarily
_ _ _ _ _ things that go wrong.
3 Thebaby _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mefor
everything and sometimes it all gets on top of me,
but I look forward to every day.
4 I get down at times and sometimes feel a bit
panicky and I don't know where it _ _ _ _ __

5 My friend said you could _ _ _ _ me _ _ __

something to stop my mood fluctuations .
6 No, I can safely say I haven't _ _ _ __
_ _ _ _ _ harming myself or the baby at all.
7 I am so many things
to do on my own that I don't know which way to
turn at times.
8 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the baby a lot,
especially about her health, but I wouldn't hurt her.
9 Would I seeing a
counsellor, do you think?
Each time you come across a verb, note the preposition 3 Which sentences can you rewrite using these words?
that is used with it. Are the prepositions the same in each case?
EXAMPLE deal fret get something I anything out of
He was admitted to the psychiatric ward. rely reproach stem I derive
1 Look back at the reading passage and find the
prepositions which are used with these verbs.
1 date 5 fluctuate
2 steep 6 manifest 1 Search the web for the Edinburgh Postnat al Depression
3 derive 7 introduce Scale (EPDS) or look in the Oxford Handbook of
4 associate Psychiatry.

2 Work in groups. Add a word from each list below to 2 Work in groups. Discuss the significance of each of the
complete sentences 1-8. You may have to change the ten it ems on the scale.
form of the verb. USEFUL EXPRESSIONS
associate with blame for care for
A benefit blame come cope depend
date from discuss with distinguish
face prescribe think worry
from I between hint at insist on
B about for from from of react to relate to stem from
on with with with suffer from suspect of think of
42 Unit 5

Always ask the patient about self harm or

harming the baby.
-Oxford Handbook of Psychiatry

Pronunciation Listening 2
Saying prepositions Asking about abnormal perceptions
1 <(;} Listen and complete the sentences below. 1 <(;} Listen to a doctor asking a 30-year-old patient
1 Icanlaugh ______________________________ about abnormal perception. Complete the sentences.
2 It's difficult to distinguish one day ___ _ _ __ DOCTOR Now I want to ask you about some
experiences which sometimes people have
3 Of course, I care------------------------- but find it difficult to talk about.
4 I'm not trying to hint---------------------
5 She insisted----------------------------- Is that OK?
6 I sometimes blame myself _________________ PATIENT Yeah.
7 The child depends _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ DOCTOR Have you ever had the sensation
2 ~ Work in pairs. Check your answers. When you are
or that the world had become unreal?
sure the statements are correct, listen again.
PATIENT It's like ... I don't know how to explain it. It's
3 What happens to the pronunciation of the preposition ... I suppose it's like being in a play somehow.
in each case? Can you copy the pronunciation? Practise That maybe sounds as ifl'm going mad.
repeating the sentences with your partner.
DocToR Have you ever had the experience of hearing
noises or voices when 3 ?
Speaking PATIENT Yes, sometimes.
DOCTOR IsrtOK 4__________________________
1 Do a role-play.
1 Student A, go to page 114. Student B, take a history PATIENT Yeah, if you want.
from Student A. Write notes as you listen and decide DOCTOR When did it happen?
whether the patient is at risk or not. PATIENT The last t ime was a couple of days ago.
2 Student B, go to page 116. Student A, take a history D0 CTO R Were 5___________________________
from Student B. Write notes as you listen and decide
whether the patient is at risk or not. PATIENT Yeah, it was during the day.
DOCTOR How often has it happened?
Z Work in groups. Discuss the two cases. Give examples
from your own or colleagues' experience, bearing PATIENT Recently only once or twice.
in mind confidentiality. Try to use the verbs and DOCTOR And where did 6___________________
prepositions in Vocabulary and Project. PATIENT I don't know. From someone in the room.

Z Work in groups. Check your answers.

3 What other questions could the doctor ask about
voices? What other questions can the doctor ask about
taste or smell?
4 Do a role-play of the scenario above. Take turns taking
a history.

5 Now perform the role-play in front of the class. Before

doing so, turn to the speaking checklist on page 117
and, as a class, choose a criterion each to assess the
performance. Take turns role-playing and giving
constructive feedback.
Psychiatry 43

Assess your progress in this unit.
Tick (.f) the statements which are true.
I can understand basic definitions in
I can ask about affect and mood
I can understand and use some new lay
Writing I can use some new phrasal verbs
Describing a chart I can understand and pronoun ce
1 Work in groups . Describe the chart below. What is your react ion prepositions with verbs
to the chart ? Do you identify wit h the opinions of the medical

Mal ana
... Nonmedlcal academic (reference group)
. . .....
Tuberculosis Secondary school students Nouns
Cancer of the lung Med,calacademics abnormal perception

Syphilis Generalpractitione~
Poliomyelitis affect
... an xiety
. .. baby blues

. . . .. ..
Multiple sclerosis
... elation

... .,...... . . ........
Muscular distrophy
Pneumonia mania

.. . *..
Cirrhosis of the liver

Asthma mental state examination
Haemophilia mood

Coronary thrombosis
High blood pressure .. . ... . .: Verbs
benefit from
Schizophrenia .......If cope with

,." ... ... depend on

Gall stones
get at

... . .
Hay fever
Duodenal ulcer
Piles (haemorrhoids) .

get down
get on
Carbon monoxide poisoning
Fractured skull
. ,,....... . ...
10 30 40 50 60 70
Percentageof respondentsclassifying conditionas disease
80 90 100
get over
get th rough to
worry about
on edge
2 Make a list of t he most striking feat ures of t he chart and prepare on top of the world
a summary sentence or overview of all t he data.
3 Describe t he information in the chart in your own words. Write Useful reference
about 100-150 words. Then compare your descript ion with a
partner. Oxford Handbook of Psychiatry 2nd edition ,
Semple et al , ISBN 978-0-19-923946-7
While around 85 per cent of genera l practitio ners th ink ..., only
about 45 per cent of. ..
Whereas ...
Whilst ...
a smaller proportion of I fewer seco ndary school students consider
More general practitioners than medical academics
(approxima tely 90 per cent and 75 respectively) thought ...
believe I state I consider that
The percentage of.. exceeded I surpassed I was greater th an ...
a greater proportion of genera l practitioners (approxima tely 60%)
than ... or ... state that
44 Unit 6

Check up
1 Describe the pictures below.

Listening 1
Picking up the thread of what is being said
It can be difficult to pick up the thread of conversations
when people are speaking fast and when you come
into them from outside once they have started.
1 (il Listen to the four conversation extracts and decide
what each conversation is about.
2 (il Listen again, and when you think you have enough
information to identify the topic of each conversation,
ask for the conversation to be stopped.
1 3------
2 4 _ _ _ __

3 What helped you work out the topic of the

4 What stopped you getting into the conversation
2 Work in groups. Discuss the questions. D not knowing the topic immediately
1 What is the benefit of the young person wearing the D the words
training suit? D colloquialisms
2 Why is it good to encourage elderly people to remain D the speed
active? D the voices themselves
3 Which picture reflects care in a home and which D the short words
community care? D listening to every word
3 What is the proportion of elderly people in the UK and 5 Work in groups. Pool your answers. Then discuss what
in your own country? made it difficult or easy for you to understand the
conversations and what strategies you used.
4 What is the difference between handicap and
impairment? Find the answer in the WHO 6 (il Listen to the conversations again. Do you
classification. understand them more?
Geriatrics 45

In this unit
understanding signs an d symptoms
supporting advice with purpose and reason
would, used to, get used to, be used to
talking about rehabilitation
writing an essay with reasons

Signs and symptoms 3 Which sentences in 2 relate to Parkinson's disease and

which to Alzheimer's disease?
Pa rkinson's and Alzheimer's
4 Work in pairs. Take turns eliciting a history from a
1 Look at the pictures. Decide which relates to
woman whose husband presents with early signs of
Parkinson's disease and which to Alzheimer's disease.
Parkinson's disease.
5 Explain to a son I daughter of a patient that their
parent has Parkinson's disease. Point out the signs and
symptoms of the disease. Refer them to the Parkinson's
Disease Society and Age Concern. [Websites: www. and]
What he's got is ...
It's a condition where ...
a mask-like expression- expressionless face
repetitive actions like typing
difficulty doingfme movements like picking things up
difficulty swallowing I dribbles
cog-wheeling- tremors imposed on rigidity
pill-rolling hands- worse at rest
morning stiffness
hesitates in starting movements
6 Work in pairs. Using the technical terms in 2 and your
own experience, describe the signs and symptoms of a
classic presentation of Parkinson's disease.
2 Work in pairs. What technical terms are being
described? If you need help, check the list below.
1 He takes shuffling steps and he leans forward as if Project
he is trying to keep up with his feet.
Check the following sources for information on
2 He has lost interest in everything.
Alzheimer's disease.
3 His arms look as if he is carrying something heavy
when he stretches them out.
4 He has lost all his sense of shame and keeps doing the website for the Alzheimer's Disease Society
embarrassing things. the website for Age Concern
5 When he's relaxing, his hand shakes as if he's rolling the Oxford Handbook of Geriatric Medicine
pills between his finger and thumb. respite for the carer:
6 It started off by his missing appointments when he
used to be really punctual and getting the wrong
end of the stick in conversations.
7 He just wanders off on his own and doesn't know
where he is.
8 He takes his time starting off doing something.
anosognosia apathy
bradykinesia disinhibition
disorientation rigidity
tremor marche au petit pas I festinant gait
46 Unit 6

carer (n) someone who looks

after a family member or friend
on a long-term basis
respite (n) relieffor a carer

Language spot Speaking

would, used to, get used to, be used to 1 Work in groups. Collate
the information that
When we talk about repeated actions in the past which
you collected about
no longer exist we can use used to or would. They are
Alzheimer's disease for
generally interchangeable except used to can relate to
Project. Make a list of
continuous states like jobs which would cannot (unless
three to seven points
it means a repeated action say on a particular day): I
that a husband or wife
used to work at StMary's hospital on Thursdays I I would
would be worried about
work at StMary's hospital on Thursdays.
regarding their spouse
Get used to means 'become accustomed to' and be used who may be suffering
to means 'be accustomed to'. from the condition.
Discuss the possible
1 Underline the correct alternative in each case below. In
management of the case.
some cases both answers may be correct.
1 It's difficult being I getting used to the new regime 2 Work in groups of three
of looking after my husband all day. with partners from
2 I am used I am getting used to doing everything fo r another group. Take turns
myself, so it's very distressing having someone like a taking the history from
carer do it. each other about this
3 He would I got used to take it into his head just to scenario:
wander off for no reason whatsoever.
4 He used to I would work in the same hospital as me. Mr Deacon presents w ith his w ife, who has
5 We would spend I got used to spending a lot of time been suffering mood swings, forgetting things,
in the library when we were undergraduates. and wandering off on her own. He compares
6 I can't get I be used to this night shift. On the what she used to be like and what they would
geriatric ward, it's always busy. do together. He is distressed by the experience.
7 He used I 's used to being turned every night in his Take the history, explain the condition {afte r
bed, but he's getting too heavy for me to move. doing tests), and counsel the husband.
8 I didn 't use to I wouldn 't spend much time doing
exercise but now I wish I had. The doctor should explain what the diagnosis is
after running some tests and offer a leaflet from the
2 Work in pairs. Each choose one thing you would do in
Alzheimer's Disease Society. Encourage Mr Deacon
the past, one thing you used to do, one thing you're
to think about respite for carers. Remember to be
getting used to now, and one thing you are used to.
reassuring, sympathetic, and empathetic.
Explain to each other.
Go to Grammar reference p 122 This can't be easy for you (at all).
This must be really difficult for you, but ...
It's not easy coming to term s with this, but ...
It's difficult to come to terms with all this, but ...
Now and again, you'll need some time to yourself
We are here to help you.
Geriatrics 47

The positive features of dementia (Auntie Kathleen's synd rome) include wandering,
aggres sio n, flight of ideas, and logorrhoea:
'Not for her a listless, dull-eyed wordless decline; with her it is all rush , gabble, celerity.
She had always been a talker, but now with her dementia unleashes torrents of speech ..
one train of thought switching to another without signal or pause, rattling across points
and through junctions at a rate no listener can follow ... Following the sense is like trying
to track a particular ripple in a pelting torrent of talk.' - Alan Benn ett, Untold Stories.

1 Find words or phrases with the same meaning as the
1 attacks or traumas 6 involving the whole body
2 like or similar to 7 peripatetic
3 identify or describe
4 not strong
5 constant or reliable

Reha bi Iitation defines their specialty and it can team can ensure they are consistent
certainly be one of the most rewarding in their approach.

Rehabilitation is a process of care parts of the job. The 'black box ' of functiona lly-based treatment, e.g.
aimed at restoring or maximizing rehabilitation contains a selection of the haemoglobin level only matters

physical, mental, and social non-evidence based, common sense if it is makin g the patient breathless

functioning. It can be used for acute interventions comprising: while walking to the toilet.

reversible insults, e.g. sepsis; acute non- positive attitude. Good individualized holistic outcome
reversible or partially reversible insults, rehabilitationalists are optimists. goals.These incorporate social
e.g. amputation, Ml, and chronic or This is partly because they believe aspects which are often neglected.

progressive cond itions, e.g. Parkinson's all should be given a chance and The team concentrates on handicap

disease. It involves both restoration of partly because they have seen very rather than impairment.

function and adaptation to reduced frail and disabled older people do Specialized rehabilitation wards are

function depending on how much well. A positive attitude from the not the only place for rehab. If the

reversibili ty th ere is in the pathology. main team and other rehabilitation above considerations are in place

Rehabilitation is an active process patients also improves the patients' then successful rehabilitation can take

done by the patient, not to him I her. expectations. Rehabilitation wards place in: acute wards, specialist wards

It is hard work for the patient (akin should harbour an enabling culture (e.g . stroke units, orthopaedic wards),

to training for a marathon)- it is not where the whole team encourages community hospitals, day hospitals,

convalescence (akin to a holiday in the independence: patients dressed in nursing and residential homes,

sun). their own clothes, with no catheter and the patient's own home. The

Rehabilitation is the secret weapon of bags on show, and eating meals at a alternative sites often employ a roving

the geriatrician, poorly understood, table with other patients. rehabilitation team which may be used

and little respected by other clinicians. multidisciplinary coordinated in hospital or the community.

Many geriatricians feel it is what teamworking. By sharing goals the

2 Work in groups. In your own words explain the meaning of 3 Work in groups. Describe the rehabilitation
these phrases from the text and compare them with the rest services that you have had experience of
of the class. or are aware of. If none are available, what
1 restoration of function and adaptation to reduced function do you think could be done to help improve
2 Rehabilitation is an active process done by the patient, not the quality of care for elderly patients in
to him/her. hospitals and at home?
3 Rehabilitation is the secret weapon of the geriatrician
4 Rehabilitation wards should harbour an enabling culture
5 The team concentrates on handicap rather than impairment.
48 Unit 6

One in ten persons is over the age of sixty. By 2050,

this proportion will have doubled to one in five.
- Kofi Annan,former UN Secretary General

Listening 2 Language spot

Active listening Purpose and
1 <(I} Listen to the recording of part of a conversation
between Dr Gonzalez and Mrs Day and decide what it During the
is about generally. conversation between
Dr Gonzalez and Mrs
2 Map the consultation between the doctor and the
Day, the doctor tries
patient. Number the items 1-6 as they are mentioned
to encourage the
by the patient.
patient to do exercise
a ___ Medication by explaining the
b ___ Pain puts her off exercise purpose for doing it:
c ___ Workmates upset her ... to help improve your
strength and build up
d _ _ Sleepless nights
your muscles, exercise
e ___ Handicap like swimming really
f _ _ Lack of physiotherapy helps.
3 Work in pairs. Answer the questions. Supporting advice by giving reasons and the purpose
1 Why doesn't the patient take the painkillers? of rehabilitation treatment can help increase
2 Why is the concordance low? concordance and hence independence in patients.
3 What handicap does the patient mention? 1 All of the phrases below contain purposes. Work in
4 What disability does the patient mention? groups. Decide which sentence endings match each
5 How does the doctor seek to persuade the patient beginning.
about the exercise?
a We encourage people to have physiotherapy ...
4 (I) Listen again and note two examples of active b We will visit your home ...
listening by the doctor. What is the effect of this on the c We are going to send you to rehabilitation ...
patient? d We are going to arrange a carer to come in once a
day ...
5 Take turns role-playing the consultation between Dr
Gonzalez and Mrs Day. Decide how severe the pain is 1 to get you ready for living on your own.
and how cooperative the patient is. Remember to show 2 to help with the pain.
that you are listening actively at least twice during the 3 to see how you get on with doing things on your
consultation. own.
4 in order to assess how you can cope with cooking for
5 to prevent falls.
6 in order to rehearse the skills you need at home.
7 to see if your home environment is suitable to
return to.
8 to ensure that it is feasible for you to leave hospital
and that all possible problems and dangers have
been minimized.
9 to monitor how you are able to get around on your
own with the walking frame.
10 to help with washing in the morning.
11 to improve coordination.
Geriatrics 49

2 Work in pairs. Rewrite at least three of the sentences 2 Work in pairs. Explain to each other the benefit of each
using the following constructions: so that (we I you) of the items a-k. You may use the following sets of
and because. words to help you.
EXAMPLE 1 get people bed to chair and vice versa
We encourage people to have physiotherapy because it 2 dispense tablets patient safely
reduces the pain. I so that we can help you with the pain. 3 support walking
4 get up stairs
J Work in pairs. Take turns encouraging the patient,
5 help ease pain
Mrs Day, to do some physiotherapy. Mrs Day can be
6 walk about house
as cooperative or uncooperative as you wish. Support
7 call help problem fall
what you say by giving reasons and stating purposes
8 help go out street
using the structures in this section.
9 pick something drop
Go to Grammar reference p 122 10 opencans
11 lean I sit on when you get dizzy spells

Vocabulary J Work in groups. Describe what aids are available for

elderly people in your country.
Special equipment
4 Write sentences for items 1-11 using reasons and
1 Work in pairs. What are these items? purposes.
The purpose of the hoist is to get people from the bed to a
chair and vice versa.
You can use the hoist in order to I so that you can get
people from the bed to a chair and vice versa.
The hoist is a practical device because you can use it to
get people from the bed to a chair and vice versa.
[It] can help you to ...
... handy I convenient I useful I helpful

l.{JJade q xoq nassoa e p

S{aaqM l.{HM al.UB1J8UprtBM B ){ ){JaU aqt pun01B UlOM l.U1B{B UB 8 ){JBd lEal.{ B J
1auado UBJ {Bpads B r WI1~Bl.{JB 1 ){Jqs 8Uq{BM B q
(asnoq aqpoJ) ge1 1 1eq e ~ pueq 8u~draq e a lS~Ol.{B B
50 Unit 6

rationing (n) limiting resources FERTILITY RATE

irrespective (adv) regardless In Europe 2.1 children per woman is considered to be the
population replacement level. These are national averages:
Ireland : 1.99 Sweden 1.75 Germany: 1.37 Greece: 1.29
France: 1.90 UK: 1.74 Italy: 1.33
Norway: 1.81 Netherlands: 1.73 Spain: 1.32
Source: Eurostat- 2004 figures

Speaking Project
1 Look at the scenario and prepare notes on your own. 1 Work in groups. Look at the graph below taken from the
ONS (Office for National Statistics) or www.statistics.
A 70-year-old patient, Mr I Mrs Lee,had been What are the implications for health care of the
admitted for a hip replacement operation. The changing demographics? Are there similar projections
operation was successful and he I she wants to for your own country?
go home. However, he I she is not able to go home
because he I she has no one to look after him I her Expected further years oflife at age 50 and 65, UK
and his I her home environment is not suitable.
4 0------------------~---------------
2 Work in groups. Compare the information you 35
have gathered. Discuss the attitude of the patient
paying particular attention to the patient's feelings, 30
impairment, disability, and handicap.
J Work in groups of three. Copy the checklist on 25
page 117. Two students role-play persuading the
patient to stay in the hospital and then to move to a
rehabilitation ward. Remember to indicate that yo'U
15 --- --
are listening actively as the doctor. The third student
listens carefully to the conversation and writes down
10 -- ---- - ------ ----- - ---- -----!---- - -- -- - -----
as much information as possible.
It's better not ... because ... is not suitable because
... not practical I suitable convenient ... because ...
In order to I To make ... safer I more convenient I suitable ...
So that we can ...
Before we send you home we need to ... because 2 Find projections for fertility rates on the ONS website
4 The third student gives feedback about the or Eurostat and I or check Eurostat for fertility rates in
consultation. Discuss any inaccurate details and times the developed world.
where it was difficult to follow the conversation.
5 Work on your own. Learning to speak impromptu Speaking
(without preparation) is a useful skill, but requires a
lot of practice. To help you start preparing, choose one 1 Divide into two groups: one group debate for and
of the following topics. Using a stopwatch, spend two one debate against the statement below. Spend ten
minutes making notes to prepare a short talk on any minutes preparing your arguments and then de bate
aspect of the items below relating to the elderly. the issue as a whole class.
pressure sores the flu
In health-care budgets there should be no rationing
funny turns hypothermia
of resources and everyone should be treated equally,
6 Work in pairs. Place your notes so that your partner can irrespective of age.
see them. Talk about the items you have noted for 3-5
minutes. Your partner should time the talk and allow 2 Appoint a student to make a list of the main arguments
you to speak for no more than five minutes. for and against on the board or on a computer.
7 At the end your partner gives you feedback on how 3 Choose another student to summarize the ideas at the
closely you followed your notes. end. Take a class vote on the issue.
Ger iatrics 51

demographics (n) study of Checklist

population and population
change s Assess your progress in this unit .
Tick {.f) t he statements which a re true .
I can underst and sig ns and symptoms
I can use purpose and reason to support
I can use would and used to, get used to
and be used to
Writing I can talk about rehabi litation
A short essay I can write an essay w ith reasons
1 Work in groups. Use these questions to help you analyse the essay
topics a-c below.
1 Would you write about the topics in the same way or
e words
differently? How? Adjectives
2 Are they the same type of essay? ageing
3 Are they factual? impromptu
4 Does one require description only? shuffling
5 Do any of them require an evaluation where you state an
opinion and support it by giving reasons or examples?
6 Can you u se the factual information in one to support the
apat hy
reasons in another?
a How can governments overcome the problems associated disabi lity
with ageing populations? disinhibition
b Explain how the changing demographics in the world are evaluation
affecting health care provision. ga it
c As the world's population ages, priority has to be given handicap
to the young and able bodied in allocating health care impa irment
budgets. Rationing of health care is therefore inevitable. marche a petit pas
Do you agree? rehabilitation
2 Discuss the topics and prepare at least three idea s for each one. thread
Each group should then present their ideas to the whole class. tremor

J For topic c, which adjective best sums up your attitude to the Verbs
topic? analyse
pick up
acce ptable flawe d im m oral indefen sible
obj ~cti onable offen sive unacceptable u n ethical
u nj ustifiable unreason able unten able wat ertight Useful reference
Oxford Handbook of Geriatric Medicine,
4 Write about 200 words about topic c. Bowker et al, ISB N 978-0 19-853029-9
[The main reason is that][.. .] is unethical because ...
For example, if we look at ... Moreover, the purpose of health care
is to ... Therefore, ...
The main reason is
Another reason is
Governments need to I should
Take,Jor example,
If we take,Jor example, where ...
... can(not) be justified (by} ... (because)
52 Reading bank

Reading bank
1 Triage
1 Work in pairs. Explain what you Triage
understand by the term triage. Compare The nature of triage of Emergency department work means that some
your answer with other students. sorting system is required to ensure that patients with the most immed iately
2 Read the text. Complete the sentences life-threatening conditions are seen first. A triage process aims to categorize
below using words from the text. You patients based on their medical need and the available departmental
may have to change the form of the resources. The most commonly used process in the UK is the National
word. Triage Scale where the scale of urgency is indicated by a colour for ease of
1 Triage is a system where patients reference.

are prioritized for treatment to make National Triage Scale Time to be seen by doctor
sure those whose problems are most Immediate Immediately
_ _ _ _ __ are seen immediately. 2 Very urgent With in 5-10 minutes
2 The purpose of the triage process is 3 Urgent With in 1 hour
to put patients into _ _ _ _ __ 4 Standard Within 2 hours
according to their need medically 5 Non -urgent Within 4 hours
and the resources available in the
As soon as a patient arrives in the emergency department he or she should
department. be assessed by a dedicated triage nurse (a senior, experienced individual
3 Patients who need to be seen with cons1derable common sense) . This nurse should provide any immediate
instantly are indicated in intervention needed (eg elevating injured limbs, applying ice packs or splints,
and giving analgesia) and initiate investigations to speed the patient's journey
through the department (eg ordering appropriate X-rays). Patients should not
4 If patients do not need to be
have to wait to be triaged. It is a brief assessment which should take no more
seen within two hours, they are than a few minutes.
categorized as _ __ ___ on the
Three points require emphasis:
scale with the colour _ _ _ _ __
Triage is a dynam ic process. The urgency (and hence the triage category)
3 Answer the following questions. with which a patient requires to be seen may change with time. For example,
1 What qualities of a triage nurse are a middle-aged man who hobbles in with an inversion ankle injury is likely to
mentioned? be placed in triage category 4 (green). If in the waiting room he becomes
2 What examples of instant treatment pale, sweaty and complains of chest discomfort, he would require prompt
are mentioned for all patients? re-triage into category 2 (orange).
3 How long does triage normally take?
Placement in a triage category does not imply a diagnosis, nor even
4 Why is triage described as a dynamic
the lethality of a condition (egan elderly patient with colicky abdominal
5 What category change is quoted discomfort, vomiting, and absolute constipation would normal ly be placed in
to illustrate the dynamic process, category 3 (yellow) and a possible diagnosis would be bowel obstruction).
standard to very urgent or very The cause may be a neoplasm which has al ready metastasized and is hence
urgent to standard? likely to be ultimately fata l.
Triage has its own problems. In particular, patients in _ _ __ _ _
4 Work in pairs. Complete the text in the
categories may wait long periods of time, whilst patients
l ast paragraph, using the words below:
who have presented later, but with conditions perceived to be more
uncomplai n ing urgent aware _ __ _ __ ,are seen before them. Patients need to be _ _ _ _ __
non-urgent inordinately of this and to be informed of likely waiting times. _ _ _ _ _ _ elderly
patients can often be poorly served by the process.
Reading ban k 53

2 Preventing injuries
1 Work in pairs. Are accidents at work Preventing injuries when working
easily preventable? Give reasons and with hydraulic excavators and
examples from the field of medicine.
backhoe loaders
2 Read the text. In pairs, find verbs that
mean the same as the following. The
Workers who operate or work near hydraulic excavators and backhoe
verbs in the text will be in different
loaders are at risk of being struck by the machine or its components or
by excavator buckets that detach from the excavator stick. The National
1 put Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) recommends that
2 avert injuries and deaths be prevented through training, proper installation and
3 find I isolate maintenance, work practices, and personal protective equipment.
4 hit
Description of exposure
5 suggest
A NIOSH review of the Bureau of Labour Statistics (BLS) Census of Fatal
6 disconnect
Occupational Injuries (CFOI) data identified 346 deaths associated with
7 connect
excavators or backhoe loaders during 1992-2000 [NIOSH 2002]. Review
8 get down
of these data and ofNIOSH Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation
9 check
(FACE) cases [NIOSH 2000, 2001] suggests two common causes of injury:
10 declare
( 1) being struck by the moving machine, swinging booms, or other machine
3 Work in pairs. All of the statements components; or (2) being struck by quick-disconnect excavator buckets
below are false. Find the evidence in that unexpectedly detach from the excavator stick. Other leading causes of
the text. fatalities are rollovers, electrocutions, and slides into trenches after cave-ins.
1 The Summary mentions the Case study 1
recommendations as regards A 28-year-old labourer died after he was struck by the bucket of a
health and safety in all work hydraulic excavator. The victim, a co-worker, and the operator were
situations. using an excavator equipped with a quick-disconnect bucket to load
2 Three main causes of injury by concrete manhole sections onto a truck. The victim was on the ground to
excavators or backhoe loaders have connect the manhole sections to the excavator while the co-worker was
been identified from the data. on the truck to disconnect the sections after they had been loaded on the
3 Cave-ins are the only other main truck. The operator had positioned the excavator bucket near a manhole
factors mentioned as leading to section while the victim attached a three-legged bridle to the manhole
death. section for lifting. The bucket disconnected from the excavator stick
4 In Case study 1, the victim was (Figure 1) and struck the victim. He was pronounced dead at the scene
rushed to hospital. [NIOSH 2001].
5 In Case study 2, the victim was Case study 2
climbing a building when the A 32-year-old construction labourer died after being struck in the head
accident happened. by a backhoe bucket. The victim was part of a two-man crew clearing
earth away from the foundation footing of a house. The backhoe
operator began digging an approximately 60 em-wide by 60 em-deep
excavation around the foundation while the victim used a hand shovel to
remove extra earth after the backhoe had passed through. The amount of
footing protruding was decreasing. The operator lowered the backhoe's
bucket to rest on a pile of earth approximately 8 ft from the victim; he
then dismounted from the backhoe to inspect the trench. When the
operator returned to the machine and stepped over the tyre to sit down,
he inadvertently contacted the boom swing control, swinging the boom
toward the victim standing in the trench. The boom struck the victim,
pinning him against the house. He was pronounced dead at the scene
[NIOSH 2000].
54 Reading bank

3 How dangerous is
skiing? The Big Question: Is skiing now so
1 Work in groups. Read the text, then dangerous that speed limits should
match the paragraph headings below be imposed?
to the paragraphs A-E.
1 Are there too many people on the
A It's all relative. There are no overall statistics on skiing injuries across the
world, but individual studies suggest people's fears may be exaggerated.
2 Why are boarders and skiers in
The Aviemore-based sports injury research facility reports
that only 1.74 alpine skiers per 1,000 will sustain an injury, so statistically
3 So has skiing become very high-
it's safer than a game of football. In addition, only ten per cent of skiing
injuries are caused through collisions. Most are caused by the skier either
4 Are helmets the answer?
falling over or skiing into a tree or other object.
5 How hard is it to avoid skiing into
someone? B Most accidents happen when people get tired, so the last run of the day
is traditionally quite busy for emergency services. Even on the widest of
2 Work in pairs. Use no more than three skiing motorways, it is very possible to collide with another skier- spatial
words from the text to complete each awareness is a key element to mastering alpine skiing. Certain resorts have
sentence. 'pinch points' where a lot of traffic passes at the end of the day as people
According to research, skiing is funnel down the mountain, and when boy racers lose patience and decide
less dangerous than playing a to queue-jump the orderly procession, people get knocked over.
C According to the Ski Club of Great Britain (SCGB), since 2001 the total snow
2 A crucial factor in becoming sports travel market has increased by 23 per cent. That's nearly a quarter
proficient in mountain skiing is additional skiers using, in many cases, the same acreage of space. In many
resorts, it is simply not possible to create more runs, as the land is often
3 Sometimes more ski slopes privately owned, belongs to protected national parks, or doesn't have the
cannot be created because the right topography to allow for easy access. Last season was a bumper year
for skiers, with superb snow conditions across much of Europe and North
of the land makes access to the America; to this end, some 1.35m travellers headed for the slopes.
slopes difficult.
D At the moment, there is no law on wearing a 'lid' on the slopes, but the
4 Wearing a helmet increases the
SCGB recommends that children under thirteen wear one and leaves it
chance of people taking more
up to the discretion of the individual from there on up. The helmet has
become a fashion statement in recent years and is used by all professional
5 Snowboarders are more exposed to
possible _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ freeriders and boarders, who spend their entire time jumping out of
helicopters in the most remote ski fields in the world. By wearing one you
than skiers.
can associate with this romanticism, even if you never stray from the piste,
3 Work in groups. Should greater so this is a force for good. Having said that, the helmet does lead some
controls be introduced into sports people to think that they can take more risks as they are protected, so it
to reduce the risk of injuries? Give leads to a false sense of security.
reasons. Do controls for children E Why are boarders and skiers such a combustible mix? This could be the
reduce the enjoyment of sports? subject of its own Big Question, but generally the two approach the
Does such risk averse control reduce mountain in two entirely different ways. Askier has to have attained a
children's development? level of proficiency in order to tackle the slopes that a snowboarder will
not have had to. In short, there are more 'bad' amateur snowboarders
who take to the slopes than there are 'bad' amateur skiers. Snowboards
-which attract the younger and possibly more reckless thrill-seeker
-simply don't have the same control and grip as two independently
controlled skis, and without a set of poles, a boarder who wants a rest
simply sits down, which makes them less visible and therefore more
vulnerable to potential collisions.
Reading ban k 55

4 Fathers and pregnancy

1 Work in pairs. Is it common for
The role fathers play in supporting their
fathers to be present at the birth of pregnant partners
their children in your country? Why I A social revolution unimaginable 50 years ago is taking place every day in
Why not? What do you think of the the UK's maternity units- a huge majority of fathers now a trend the birth
idea? Give reasons. of their children.
2 Read the text. In pairs, match the One analysis of national statistics (Kiernan and Smith, 2003 ) puts the
names 1-7 to the list of items a-g. overall percentage at 86%. This figure rose to 93 % for fathers living
Kiernan and Smith, 2003 with their child's mother (more than four out of fi ve couples are living
2 Scott et al, 2001 together at the time of the birth). Among the couples not living together
3 Wolfberg et al, 2004 at that time, but still having a positive relationship with each other (one
4 Venners et al, 2005 in ten couples), 64 % of fathers were at the birth. Even where fathers
5 McLeod et al, 2002 were described as 'not in a relationship' with the mothers (one couple in
6 Chang et al, 2006 twenty), 10 % of the fathers were present at the birth (Kiernan and Smith,
7 Penn and Owen, 2002 2003 ).
a showed that mother's smoking is There is a public debate about the importance of fathers, with politicians
related to a father's smoking. on both sides of the Atlantic- notably Barack Obama and David
b stated that childhood leukaemia is Cameron- focusing on the threats posed by absent or disengaged
connected with fathers' smoking. dads, especially those in minority ethnic communities. And yet the very
c showed that prenatal information services that are best positioned to kick-start a more positive, engaged
for fathers has an effect on relationship between fathers and the State- maternity services- only ask
mothers' breastfeeding habits. two formal questions about fathers: if there are any genetic abnormalities
d showed that the majority of on their side of the family and whether they are violent.
fathers are present at their child's This cannot be the best we can do, given what we know about the
birth. significant positive impacts that engaging with fathers can have on the
e stated that early pregnancy loss is health of mother and baby.
greater when fathers smoke. Take breastfeeding- a number of studies have found that fathers '
f stated various studies show behaviour and attitudes influence mothers' decisions to initiate and I or
fathers have an effect on mothers ' sustain breastfeeding (Scott et al, 2001). Wolfberg et al (2004 ) conducted
breastfeeding decisions. a small randomized controlled trial that consisted of a two-hour prenatal
g stated that mothers stop intervention with fathers, where they were given infant care information
breastfeeding early when fathers and encouraged to advocate breastfeeding and assist their partner. It
smoke. resulted in a 74 % breastfeeding initiation among women whose partners
3 Work in pairs. Has the text changed had attended the class, compared with 41 % for the control group.
your answers to the questions in 1 Fathers' smoking is associated with increased risk of early pregnancy
above? Given reasons . loss {Venners et al, 2005), early cessation of breastfeeding (correlation
independent of maternal smoking) (McLeod et al, 2002), and childhood
leukaemia (Chang et al, 2006 ). It is also the biggest predictor of th e
mother's smoking status (Penn and Owen, 2002), and mothers who
stop smoking are consistently associated with fathers ' provision of
support and quitting themselves (McBride et al, 2004 ). Research suggests
that becoming a father can be a 'significant life event' that increases
receptiveness to smoking cessation influences, and that providing
expectant and new fathers with targeted information about the effects of
passive smoking on babies can help them quit (Burgess, 200 7) . Does yo ur
maternity service focus on fathers' and mothers' smoking behaviour at
this time?
56 Reading bank

1 Work in groups. What do you know Brain pattern
about the causes of obsessive associated with
complilsive disorder (OCD}? Have
you treated any patients with OCD? genetic risk of OCD
Describe the presentation of the Cambridge researchers have discovered
disorder. that individuals with obsessive
compul sive disorder (OCD) and their
2 Read the text. Answer the questions
close family members have distinctive
yes or no.
patterns in their brain structure. This
Has a link between OCD and the is the first time that scientists have
structure of the brain in sufferers assoc iated an anatomical trait with
and their near relatives been fami li al risk for the disorder.
established? These new find ings, recently reported in the journal Brain, could help
2 Does a sizeable proportion ofthe predict whether individuals are at risk of developing OCD and lead to more
population have OCD? accurate diagnosis of the disorder.
Obsessive compulsive disorder is a prevalent illness that affects 2-3% of
3 Is the fear of dirt one of the
the population. OCD patients suffer from obsessions (u nwanted, recurrent
obsessions suffered by patients
thoughts, concerns with themes of contamination and 'germs', the need
withOCD? to check household items in case of fire or burglary, the symmetrica l order
4 Is OCD inherited? of objects, or fears of harming oneself or others) as well as compu lsions
5 Were only brains of healthy (repetitive behaviours related to the obsessions such as was hing and carrying
parents of OCD sufferers tested in out househo ld safety checks). These symptoms can consume the patient's life,
the Cambridge research? causing severe distress, alienation, and anxiety.
6 Was the completion of a OCD is known to run in families. However, the comp lex set of genes
questionnaire on the computer by underlying this inheritability and exactly how genes contribute to the illness
the patients part ofthe research? are unknown. Such genes may pose a risk for OCD by influencing brain
7 Did the near relatives of OCD structure (e.g. the amount and location of grey matter in the brain) which in
turn may impact upon an individua l's ab ility to perform mental tasks.
sufferers do better than the control
In order to explore this idea, the researchers used cognitive and brain
measures to determine whether there are biological markers of genetic risk for
J Give the correct information for the developing OCD. Using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the Cambridge
questions in 2 where the answer was researchers captured pictures of OCD patients' brains, as well as those of
no. healthy close relatives (a sibling, parent, or child) and a group of unrelated
healthy people.
4 Work in pairs. As quickly as you can, Participants also completed a computerized test that involved pressing a
find adjectives in the text which have left or right button as quickly as possible when arrows appeared. When a beep
the same meaning as: noise sounded, volunteers had to attempt to stop their responses. This task
objectively measured the ability to stop repetitive behaviours.
1 unconnected
Both OCD patients and their close relatives fared worse on the computer
2 domestic task than the control group. This was associated with decreases of grey matter
3 common in brain regions important in suppressing responses and habits.
4 characteristic Lara Menzies, in the Brain Mapping Unit at the University of Cambridge,
5 recurring explains, 'Impaired brain function in the areas of the brain associated with
6 comparable stopping motor responses may contribute to the compulsive and repetitive
7 enhanced behaviours that are characteristic of OCD. These brain changes appear to run
8 causative in families and may represent a genetic risk factor for developing the cond ition.
9 fundamental. The current diagnosis of OCD avai lab le to psychiatrists is subjective and
therefore knowledge of the underlying causes may lead to better diagnosis and
ultimately improved clinical treatments.
' However, we have a long way to go to identify the genes contributing to the
distinctive brain structure found in OCD patients and their relatives. We also
need to identify other contributing factors for OCD, to understand why close
relatives that share similar brain structures don't always develop the disorder.'
Reading bank 57

6 Nifty after fifty

1 Work in groups. The text is about More seniors-only fitness centers
gyms for elderly people or 'seniors'.
Why do you think gyms like this are popping up
beginning to be opened? Are such NEW YORK - Marshall Kahn
gyms common in your country? If attends a gym with yoga, tai chi
not, would they be popular? Give and Pilates classes, weight train-
examples and reasons. ing, and treadmills. It also has a
driving simulator, where members
2 Read the text. As quickly as you can, can keep their skills from deterio-
find words and phrases in the text rating.
The gym, Nifty After Fifty, is one
which have the same meaning as the of many fitness centers popping up
following: around the country aimed at serving
1 weakening older clients. 'I'm 80, my wife is 48.
2 appearing So I have to stay fit,' said Kahn, who
signed up at one of the company's
3 do exercise four Los Angeles locations earlier
4 hectic this year and pays about $50 per
5 frightened month to work out three times a
6 focusing on week. 'I joined a gym about three
or four years ago, and I didn't like it
7 agile
at my age - it was young, noisy, and a special 'gentle yoga' class for its
8 expanded frenetic. They were doing all these less limber members.
9 available to spend crazy things I couldn't participate 'I think more than half the calls
10 attracts. in. Here, I'm not intimidated. I'm I get, and there's no regionality to
more inclined to go.' this, are about doing a senior-only
3 Find the person or organization that When it comes to designing a health club,' said John Atwood,
gave the information below. You may gym, it's not all about attracting the who runs Healthfit and the consult-
use each name more than once. hard bodies any more, and when ing firm Club Management Group,
it comes to senior fitness, there's which advises small or mid-size
1 there were not many gyms for more out there than water aero- clubs. 'There was very little of this
elderly people at the end of the last bics. As more of America's baby in the 90s.'
century boomers start entering their 60s, The business potential is huge,
2 the number of people joining more startup gyms are homing in and expanding. Club 50, a fitness
on a more mature market. chain for the over-40 crowd that has
health clubs is increasing mushroomed to more than 40 fran-
3 older people are frightened by the Gentler atmosphere chises since it began in 2003, points
music and the very fit people in 'As we get older, we're sort of intim- out that seniors control more than
gyms idated about going into a 25,000 70 per cent of the country's dispos-
4 the number of elderly people is square-foot gym with rock music able income.
and people in tight leotards and And the oldest of the baby
increasing muscles bulging from every aspect boomers, born between 1946 and
5 the queries about gyms for older of their T-shirts,' said 74-year-old 1964, started turning 60 last year.
people are not restricted to one Sheldon Zinberg, who opened Nifty In less than 25 years, there will be
area After Fifty last year. more than 71 million 65-year-olds,
Nifty After Fifty plays softer twice as many as there were in 2000,
4 Work in groups. What is your opinion music than the typical gym, and according to the National Associa-
a bout the development of gyms for uses smooth, air pressure-driven tion of Area Agencies on Ageing.
senior I elderly people? Give reasons equipment for strength training The US health club industry
as opposed to your typical metal pulls in about $16 billion in annual
and examples. weights. So does Healthfit, a club revenue, according to data from the
based in Needham, Mass., where International Health, Racquet &
paintings adorn the walls and the Sportsclub Association. Over the
average client is over 50. FitWright last twenty years, the number of
- a club that opened last fall in people with club memberships has
Dedham, Mass. , which has seen more than doubled and the number
particular interest recently from of clubs has nearly tripled, IHRSA's
people in their 60s and 70s - offers data show.
58 Reading bank

7 Roman face cream

1 Work in pairs. Look at the title and
skim the text. What is the text about? Roman face Gary Brown, managing direc-
:z Read the text. Replace the text in bold tor of Pre-Construct Archaeology,
below with words and phrases from cream found at which discovered the pot, said: 'I
don't think we could have expected
the text. London temple that it would be so full, or that it
1 A small tin which was a gift to
would be some kind of cosmetic,
Roman gods was found recently. site moisturizing cream or_whatever it is.
2 The cont ents of the tin were found Clearly Roman creams of any type,
to be intact. paint or cosmetic, do not normally
3 The experts were very surprised survive ... it's pretty exceptional.'
by the contents of the tin. Tests to be carried out soon will
4 Creams from the Roman period reveal if the ointment is face cream,
usually perish. a form of face paint daubed for
5 An analysis will take place religious services, or something
shortly to ascertain the purpose of completely different.
the cream. Nansi Rosenberg, senior archaeo-
6 Historians suggested the gift was logical consultant on the project,
possibly donated by a wealthy said: 'We know they [Romans)
Briton rather than a Roman. were very keen on appearance,
7 The archaeological site will used earlobe scrapers and tweezers,
become a building complex. and there are a lot of Roman baths
A SMALL TIN can hidden in a around.'
3 Make questions for the information ditch at a Roman temple as an of- Historians said that the offer-
in each statement in 2. Use who and fering to the gods was opened for ing may well have been made by a
what. the first time in nearly 2,000 years member of the emerging British
1 uncover lately? yesterday to reveal what appeared to ' bourgeoisie' who had got wealthy
2 contents tin? be smelly old face cream. through the rise of the Roman
3 reaction when open tin? The sulphurous-smelling oint- Empire.
4 happen Roman cream? ment was discovered to be complete The temple site was built at a
with a genuine fingerprint of a point where the roads to London
5 perform in the near future?
Roman subject on the lid. from Chichester and Dover met -
6 historians propose who made the
The sealed container - the size suggesting a stopping point on one
of a tin of sweetcorn - was found side of London. It has provided rare
7 happen to the archaeological site?
more than a week ago during an evidence of organized religion in
4 Work in groups. Do you think archaeological dig at the first temple the capital.
cosmetics are used more now complex of its kind discovered in The complex, which dates from
than in the past? Does advertising London. the middle of the second century
persuade people to buy cosmetics The can - which museum staff AD, is believed to have been a re-
unnecessarily? suspected might have contained ligious meeting point from when
gold, beads, or a small statue - had native Celtic and Roman cultures
been buried in an old drain at the had become entwined. The rem-
site in Southwark, south London. nants of two small square temples
It was unsealed yesterday at the were found, along with a possible
Museum of London. After Liz guesthouse, an area for outdoor
Barham, a conservator, carefully gatherings, plinths for statutes, and
unwrapped the container and un- a column base. Items of historical
screwed the lid, experts said they importance have been removed and
were stunned to discover what was the site will now be converted to
inside. homes, offices, and shops.
Reading bank 59

8 Training for surgeons

1 Work in groups. Do you think that it is New training method
difficult for surgeons to keep up with
modern surgical techniques? Give
helps surgeons
reasons. How do you keep up to date? evaluate their own
2 Work in pairs. Underline the phrases minimally invasive
in the text which you can replace
with the following: surgery skills
1 do not have any sensation of touch Recent years have seen the rapid
2 a standard emergence of minimally invasive surgery
3 not an objective appraisal procedures in operating theatres.
4 it is not practical However, the training of surgeons in this
5 has had an impact on current field still leaves much to be desired.
procedures Researcher Magdalena Chmarra has
6 is not wholly effective changed this state of affairs by developing a
7 is inadequate realistic training system which records and
analyses the surgeon's movements. As a result there is now, for the first time,
J Scan the text for the answers to the
an objective benchmark for measuring a surgeon's basic skills in the field of
questions as quickly as possible. Time
minimally invasive surgery. Chmarra will receive her PhD for this research at
yourself and compare your time with
Delft University of Technology in The Netherlands on Monday 12 January.
other students.
Despite its considerable advantages, the relatively recent technique
1 What has happened swiftly in the of minimally invasive surgery still has a number of drawbacks. One such
recent past? disadvantage relates to the training of surgeons, which is still, for the most
2 Which downsides of Chmarra's part, delivered in a rather unstructured manner and, moreover, without any
training system are mentioned? objective benchmark with which to measure the progress made by trainee
3 How many training methods surgeons.
are used for minimally invasive Training
surgery? What are they? Broadly speaking, there are currently two safe training methods for
4 What criticisms are voiced of the minimally invasive surgery. The first is the so-called box trainer, an enclosed
training methods? rectangular box in which trainee surgeons can practise performing basic
5 Does Chmarra's device work? manipulative tasks with the surgical devices, such as picking up and moving
4 Work in groups. How do you prefer objects. As they do this, they can be assessed by an experienced surgeon.
to le_arn new techniques and Clearly, this is a somewhat subjective process.
procedures, surgical or otherwise? The other option is the virtual reality trainer, employing computer
Give examples. simulations, which allows for excellent recording and analysis of the
surgeon's actions. However, this training method still has the major
disadvantage that it lacks realism. For exan1ple, users feel no tactile response
when performing surgical tasks.
Thus both of these training methods have their drawbacks. The Delft
doctoral candidate Magdalena Chmarra has sought to change this situation
by developing a training tool that is realistic for the surgeon and at the same
time records and analyses the motion of the instruments manipulated by
the surgeon. This is accomplished with an inexpensive and relatively simple
tracking device known as the 'TrEndo'. A TrEndo incorporates three optical
computer-mouse sensors which record the movements made by the surgeon
in all directions.
60 Reading bank

9 Powering pacemakers
Read the text. Work in pairs to answer
Heart's surplus energy may help
the questi0ns. power pacemakers, defibrillators
In an experimental study researchers show a beating heart may produce
1 Which two of these are mentioned as enough energy to power a pacemaker or defibrillator.
findings ofthe Southampton study? NEW ORLEANS, LA, Nov. 10, 2008- Surplus energy generated by the heart
a Harvesting surplus energy caused may one day help power pacemakers and defibrillators implanted in cardiac
considerable damage to the heart patients, according to research presented at the American Heart Association's
in some people. Scientific Sessions 2008.
b As the heart increased so did In a trailblazing experiment, a microgenerator powered by heartbeats
produced almost 17 per cent of the electricity needed to run an artificial
the energy harvested for the
pacemaker. 'This was a proof-of-concept study, and we proved the
microgenerator. concept,' said Paul Roberts, MD, first author of the study and a Consultant
c The amount of energy harvested Electrophysiologist at Southampton University Hospital in the United
was very erratic. Kingdom. 'Harvesting surplus energy might be a major transition in
d Increases in the energy harvested implantable pacemakers and defibrillators because engineers will have more
energy to work with.'
still rose when the blood pressure
In their study, researchers found:
was reduced.
At a heart rate of 80 beats per minute (bpm), the device yielded an average
e The lining of the heart's chambers
harvested energy of 4.3 microjoules per cardiac cycle.
was not noticeably damaged by
Increasing changes in the heart rate produced corresponding increases in
implanting the microgenerator. energy At 104 to 128 bpm, the harvested energy level increased 140 per
2 Which of these two predictions about
Decreases occurred when the researchers slowed the heartbeat or lowered
the findings of the Southampton
blood pressure.
study does Roberts make?
Implantation and surplus energy harvesting caused no significant injury to
a Pacemakers might soon have the lining of the heart's chambers.
much smaller working parts. 'What this might mean is that in the next era of pacemakers, you 'd get
b The capability of pacemakers devices that lasted significantly longer and we could add more functions to
could be increased. help monitor the heart,' Roberts said. 'It's possible they could be efficient
c Pacemakers could be powered enough to allow complete and indefinite powering of pacemakers ' Since their
introduction into clinical medicine, implantable pacemakers and defibrillators
indefinitely by micrognerators.
have saved lives and become more sophisticated. However, adding new
d Pacemakers will save the lives of monitoring capabilities to the devices has led designers to a critical point.
everyone fitted with the devices. 'The small devices now are really very good, but power consumption must
increase if we want to take them to the next level,' Roberts said. 'Battery
J Which two of these are mentioned as technology has plateaued and the only way we are going to increase power is
drawbacks of the increase in battery to increase size.' This, in turn, would increase the units' weight, making them
size to power the devices? more uncomfortable and less cosmetically acceptable to patients because the
a The discomfort devices are implanted under the skin.
b Thecost The innovative generator- called the self-energizing implantable medical
c Theshape microsystem (SIMM)- helps the heart produce more than enough energy with
each beat to pump blood. The SIMM uses two compressible bladders and a
d Theweight
microgenerator mounted on the lead of a pacemaker or defibrillator, the wire
e The thickness that connects the device to the heart. The lead is attached to the end of the
right ventricle, and the bladders relay the energy from the pressure of each
4 What is the current focus of the heartbeat to the microgenerator, which transforms it into electricity for use by
researchers? the battery.
A consortium of companies including In Vivo Technology, Perpetuum and
Zarlink Semiconductor developed and tested the SIMM microgenerator with
United Kingdom government funds. Researchers used an in-vivo porcine
model to evaluate the study. The researchers are now working to improve the
materials used in the SIMM microgenerator.
'With different materials, we're seeing even greater energy harvesting,'
Roberts said. 'While at the moment we see about twenty per cent harvesting,
we're anticipating that will be significantly more in the next iteration of the
Reading bank 61

10 Ethical issues
1 Work in pairs. What ethical issues
do you think might arise in the Most ethical issues faced by
field of respiratory medicine? doctors arise at the end of a
Give examples from your own patient's life. This particularly
experience. applies to respiratory physicians,
where difficult decisions about the
2 Read the text. Work in groups and
appropriateness oftreatment and the
as quickly as you can find nouns
prolongation of life in patients with
that are connected in meaning with
chronic underlying lung diseases
these verbs.
may need to be made. In some
1 make worse situations artificial ventilation may
2 suit prolong the dying process; life bas
3 lengthen a natural end and the potential to
4 revive prolong life in the intensive care
5 necessitate unit can sometimes cause dilemmas.
6 limit
The General Medical Council
7 differ
(GMC) in the UK states that doctors
3 Answer the questions. have an obligation to respect human
1 What arise at the end of a life, protect the health oftheir
patient's life? patients, and put their patients' best
2 What can the effect of artificial interests first. This means offering the patient, there is no ethical
ventilation sometimes be? treatment where the benefits distinction between stopping the
3 What can the patient ask for outweigh any risks, and avoiding treatment or not starting it in the
even if the medical team denies treatments that carry no net gain to first place (though the former may
treatment? the patient. If a patient wishes to be more difficult to do), and this
4 When should decisions about have a treatment that in the doctor's should be used as an argument for
resuscitation and formal considered view is not indicated, the failing to initiate the treatment in the
ventilation be taken? doctor and medical team are under first place.
5 What does not improve no ethical or legal obligation to
Some clinical scenarios are more
respiratory acidosis? provide it (but the patient's right to a
commonly encountered by the
second opinion must be respected).
respiratory physician. COPD is
The decision about resuscitation the fourth commonest cause of
and formal ventilation is never an death in America and most patients
easy one, but should ideally be die of respiratory failure during
taken with the nursing staff, the an exacerbation. A commonly
patient, and their next of kin, in encountered clinical situation is
advance of an emergency situation. where a patient with COPD is
In practical terms, this is clearly admitted with an exacerbation,
not always possible. Ideally, all and it is type ll r~spiratory failure .
decisions regarding resuscitation Standard treatment does not
and the ceiling of treatment improve respiratory acidosis,
(particularly relating to ventilation) so non-invasive ventilation is
should be documented in advance commenced. Before starting
and handed over to the on-call team. NIV, a decision must be clearly
Most possible outcomes can be documented as to whether or not
anticipated. NIV is the ceiling treatment. It may
Wbere it is decided the treatment be if the patient has severe or end
is not in the best interests of stageCOPD.
62 Reading bank

11 Coping in the tropics

1 Work in groups. Have you ever Tropical forests
worked in difficult conditions
where you had to 'sleep rough'? Tropical rainforests cover a dwindling six per cent of the earth ' s land mass
Give examples. If you haven't , how and are defined by their location (between the Tropic of Cancer 23 27' Nand
the Tropic of Capricorn 23 27'S) and their high rainfall, which can be several
do you think you would cope ?
metres a year. During the day, the forests are hot and humid, often with little
:Z Read the text. In groups, complete breeze to give respite , but ' -- - The forest floor may be underwater for
much of the year. Primary rainforest, where the high tree canopy suppresses
the text using a-g.
ground growth, is more open than secondary forest. Here previous felling
a you risk cuts, insect bites or allows light to reach the forest floor and promote growth of dense jungle.
snake bites, larva migrans,
Clothing and footwear
jiggers, etc.
b to preserve comfort and skin Accept daytime wetness. Rinse kit in camp and re -wear wet next day. Keep
a dry set of clothing in a plastic bag for evening and bedtime use
c at night they become much 2 _ __

cooler, and travellers in upland

Never go barefoot or wear sandals as 3_ _ _
fo rest s may require a blanket or
Use boots with good treads that dry quickly. De-roofed blisters could
lightweight sleeping bag develop into ulcers, so 4_ __
d there is a potential source
Cover up as long sleeves and trousers protect you from irritant plants and
of infections such as insect bites.
histoplasmosis and Chagas' Wear gloves as s_ _ _ .
Wear a hat to protect you against the sun, rain, and barbed leaves.
e this is best cleared from the
ground beneath hammocks and Bases and campsites
around tent entrances Choose with care :
f they protect against sawgrass Avoid river banks, which can flash flood from distant rains upstream. Low
cuts, especially when using a river banks are access points to and from the water for wild animals . Check
machete potential campsite for animal spoor and droppings .
g ensure that boots are properly Avoid abandoned local shelters. They may be structurally unsound and
worn in before entering the can harbour spiders, ants, rodents, and snakes which feed off them . Even
when the fauna has left, 6_ _ _ .
Look up: site shelters away from rotting trees or branches that could crash
down (so-called 'deadfall').
Sleep off the ground to avoid snakes, scorpions, etc. Construct a raised
sleeping platform or sling hammock. Use a mosquito net and, if outside,
protect yourself from rain using plastic sheeting or tarpaulin.

Clearing enough ground for tents can take a lot of energy and it can be
difficult to remove stumps effectively. If used, tents should have a midge
mesh, sewn in bucket type ground sheet and zips that seal the entrance .
They can be stiflingly hot and are heavy when wet.
Leaf litter can hide snakes and scorpions, so 7_ __

Protect group areas from rain by tarpaulin.

Reading bank 63

12 Smart fabrics
1 Work in pairs. Which of the following
do you think are the most likely uses
Smart fabrics make clever
of technology in' smart (medical)
(medical) clothing
temperature control EUROPEAN researchers have developed 1_ __ that can
monitoring a baby and the mother monitor muscular overload and help prevent repetitive strain injury,
during pregnancy or RSI. But that is just the beginning. The team is also exploring
monitoring the heart a pregnancy belt to monitor a baby's heartbeat, clothing to help
detecting illness coach hockey, and shirts that monitor 2_ _ _ during training.
Smart fabrics promise to revolutionize clothing by in -
collecting general medical data corporating sensors into cloth for health, lifestyle, and
2 Read the text. In pairs, complete the business applications. ln the long tem1, they could
consist of circuits and sensors that provide all of the
text using a-h. 3_ _ _ we carry around today, like mobile phones and PDAs.
a crucial hurdles Current, first-generation app li cations are far more modest, and
b a recuperative break pioneering medical smart fabrics are used to monitor vital signs
like heart rate and temperature. But two ~--- - unobtrusive -
c challenging problems
ness and reliability - impede widespread adoption of such clever
d a serious work safety issue clothes.
e a smart fabric Now one European research team has developed ground -
f typical electronics breaking medical -sensing smart fabrics, and its work could lead to
g muscle fatigue pregnancy monitoring belts, sports cloth ing that provides training
tips, a wearable physical game controller, and a vest that helps to
h a mature field of research
prevent repetitive strain injury.
J Work in pairs. Underline the correct The Context project initially sought to develop an RSI vest to
tackle s____ Repetitive actions can, over time, lead to
alternative to make the sentences
permanent injury and the problem costs billions of euros a year.
true. It affects over 40 million workers across the continent and is
1 According to the writer, smart responsible for 50 per cent of all work-related ill-health.
fabric research is in its infancy I old Muscle contraction, the very quiet metric
technology I not worth investing in. The team had to tackle three "- - - First, they were using a
relatively novel sensor that demanded sophisticated electronics
2 The use of clever clothing is
located in the clothing. Second, they were aiming to measure
being held back by its lack of muscle contraction, a ve ty' quiet metric'. Third, they were venturing
dependability and obtrusiveness I on a research path seldom trodden: muscle contraction as a
dependability alone I obtrusiveness predictor for stress. Long- term, low-key stress is the leading risk
alone. factor for RSI.
'Each of the issues was vety difficult. We chose to use a capa-
3 Among the potential users of
citative sensor, because it does not need to be attached to the
smart fabrics in clothing are skin like resistive sensors do, which adds to the comfort. It needs
dancers I singers I sportspeople. control ling electronics close to the sensor to work effectively, and
4 RSI is mainly caused by small that presents a real challenge for textile integration,' explains Bas
amounts of stress over a short I Feddes, Context's co-ordinator.
long I modest period of time Similarly, measuring electromyography, or electrical activity
in the muscle, is more subtle and tricky than elec trocardiogra -
5 Measuring the heart is affected phy, which measures the heart. The rustle of clothing caused by
by the sound I electricity I heat movement can drown out the signal. Context has gone a long way
produced by the clothes moving. to solving that problem but it is not as robust as they would like.
Fina l.l y, medical understanding of muscle stress as a predictor
4 Work in groups. What would you for RSI is not 7_ _ _, so it is difficult to say with certainty that
like to see smart clothing used for in specific activities could lead toRSI. Despite these hurdles, the team
the medical field? Give reasons and successfully designed an RSI vest, and they are currently improving
its reliability.
Context's ambitious programme tackled pioneering and very
complex issues in smart- fabric research, which resulted in a useful,
unobtrusive, and reliable RSI vest that can warn wearers to take
64 Readingbankkey

Reading bank key

1 Triage 4 Fathers and pregnancy
1 Students' own answers. 1 Students' own answers.
2 life-1:hreatening 2 1d 2f 3c 4e 5g 6b 7a
2 categories 3 Students' own answers.
3 red
4 non-urgent I blue 5 OCD
3 a senior, experienced individual with considerable 1 Students' own answers.
common sense. Note that dedicated means 'assigned only 2 1 Yes
to that duty'. 2 No
2 elevating injured limbs, applying ice packs or splints, and 3 Yes
giving analgesia 4 Yes
3 no more than a few minutes 5 No
4 because the urgency (and hence the triage category) with 6 No
which a patient requires to be seen may change with time 7 No
5 standard to very urgent
3 2 It affects 2-3% of the population.
4 non-urgent categories, inordinately long periods, perceived 5 as well as those of healthy close relatives (a sibling, parent,
to be more urgent, aware of this, Uncomplaining elderly or child)
patients. 6 Participants also completed a computerized test.
7 Both OCD patients and their close relatives fared worse on
Z Preventing injuries
the computer task than the control group.
Students' own answers.
4 unrelated
2 1 load 2 household
2 prevent 3 prevalent
3 identify 4 distinctive
4 struck 5 repetitive
recommends 6 similar
6 detach 7 improved
7 attached 8 contributing
8 dismounted 9 underlying
9 inspect '
10 pronounced 6 Nifty after fifty
3 relates to hydraulic excavators and backhoe loaders 1 Students' own answers.
2 suggests two common causes of injury 2 1 deteriorating
3 Other leading causes of fatalities are ... 2 poppingup
4 He was pronounced dead at the scene 3 workout
5 ... toward the victim standing in the trench 4 frenetic
5 intimidated
3 How dangerous is skiing?
6 homing in on
1c 2e 3a 4d 5b 7 limber
2 1 game offootball 8 mushroomed
2 spatial awareness 9 disposable
3 topography 10 pulls in
4 risks 3 1 John Atwood
collisions 2 International Health, Racquet & Sports club Association
3 Students' own answers. 3 Sheldon Zinberg
4 National Association of Area Agencies on Ageing
John Atwood
4 Students' own answers.
Reading bank key 65

7 Roman face cream 10 Ethical issues

Students' own answers. 1 Students' own answers.
2 1 discovered 2 exacerbation
2 complete 2 appropriateness
stunned to discover what was inside 3 prolongation
4 do not normally survive 4 resuscitation
5 Tests to be carried out soon 5 obligation
6 said that the offering may well have been made 6 ceiling
7 be converted to homes, offices, and shops 7 distinction
3 What was uncovered lately? 3 1 most ethical issues
2 What condition were the contents of the tin in? 2 prolong the dying process
3 What was the reaction of the experts when they opened 3 a second opinion
the tin? 4 in advance of an emergency situation
4 What normally happens to Roman cream? standard treatment
5 What will be performed in the near future?
6 Who did historians propose made the donation? 11 Coping in the tropics
7 What will happen to the archaeological site? 1 Students' own answers.
4 Students' own answers. 2 1c 2b 3a 4g Sf 6d 7e

8 Training for surgeons 12 Smart fabrics

1 Students' own answers. 1 Students' own answers.
2 1 feel no tactile response 2 1e 2g 3f 4a Sd 6c 7h 8b
2 an objective benchmark 3 1 in its infancy
3 a somewhat subjective process 2 lack of dependability and obtrusiveness
4 it lacks realism 3 sportspeople
5 has changed this state of affairs 4 long
6 still has a number of drawbacks 5 sound
7 leaves much to be desired
4 Students' own answers.
3 the (rapid) emergence of minimally invasive surgery
procedures in operating theatres
2 the unstructured training of surgeons and lack of any
objective benchmark to measure trainee progress
3 two: the so-called box trainer and the virtual reality trainer
4 subjective, lack of realism, and no tactile response
It records and analyses the motion of the instruments
m!J.nipulated by the surgeon
4 Students' own answers.

9 Powering pacemakers
1 bande
2 bandc
3 aandd
4 to improve the materials used in the SIMM micro generator
66 Unit 7

Check up
1 Work in groups. Describe the pictures and
identify the types of skin condition shown.

.. % t-"" ~ ""~""'!(( ~ .
;: +_

2 What are the causes of each? 4 What experience have you had of treating
dermatological conditions?
3 Why are dermatological problems especially
distres sing?
Dermatology 67

In this unit
commenting on the past
using verbs with to or -ing
talking about dermatology
un derstanding pat ient la nguage
understanding patients at natural speed

Vocabulary m
1 Work in pairs. What lesions do the diagrams show?
When you have answered as many as you can, look
at the list at the bottom to help you.

Visible collection of pus in the Full thickness skin loss


a n
.--~-....__- ....

Flat, non-palpable change in Flat, non -palpable change in

skin-colour <O.Scm skin-colour >O.Scm

a m
A rash caused by blood in A 'bruise'. Technically a
the skin- often multiple form of purpura
... petechiae

Listening 1
Dermal oedema
Listening for details
Fluid below the epidermis
1 0) Listen to the extract
D of a conversation
between Dr Jackson and
John Dodds. Write as
many details as possible.
You may have to listen

Dried exudate is a crust of

2 Work in pairs. One
A small thin piece of horny
epithelium resembling that blood I plasma
student reads their notes
of a fish to their partner and they
check any differences.
crust ecchimosis macule pat ch 3 ~ Listen again and
purpura pustule ulcer vesicle check for detail.
w heal scale
4 Can you improve on the doctor's questions?
2 In groups, discuss how you distinguish between
5 Map the doctor's questions: open, closed, leading, etc.
lesions, for example, between a wheal and a plaque?
Give an example of a condition in which you would see 6 What other reassuring statements could the doctor have
each of these lesions. used?
3 Which lesions would you associate with these verbs: 7 Which diagram in Vocabulary matches the
itch, ooze, discharge, spread, scab, harden? conversation?
68 Unit 7

Patient care ! In which sentences in 1 is the patient very upset?

1 Work in pairs. Match the two parts of the patients' 4 When the patient says something that indicates how
statements. they feel, it is important to be able to acknowledge the
1 I found the whole a but I don't really care. cues given by the patient. These cues may be verbal,
experience so visual, intuitive, or aural. You need to acknowledge
b but I'm worried about
distressing them to show that you are listening and then follow
them up with reassurance. Choose two or more
2 I couldn't leave it c and there are a lot more statements in 1 and decide how you would reassure the
alone. I just kept unsightly things than patient.
playing with it this, but I am always
3 It scabbed over and I aware of it. USEFUL EXPRESSIONS
picked at it and made It sounds I looks I seems as if ...
d I shouldn't have but I
it bleed. I know You sound I look I seem ... (if I am right?)
couldn't help it.
The treatment can make it look worse than it is.
4 I know it's covered up e here on both my With children, it's difficult to stop them scratching.
5 I keep telling him to wrists and elbows. You must have (been itching a lot with this).
leave it alone They're really itchy and
irritating. 5 Work in pairs. Take turns reassuring each other.
6 I suppose a lot of
people would be f I don't know if I have 6 Still in pairs use one or more of the other statements in
bothered by it, ever been so distressed 1 to do a role-play without any preparation.
7 I'm almost beside in my life.
myself with it; g I'm just worried that it
8 My husband says will leave scars on my
it's only a few white face.
patches, h and I couldn't stop
9 I've come out in these myself from scratching.
little red spots i and stop rubbing it, but
he's just very worked up
by it.
2 Find words and expressions in 1 that mean the same as
1 forma crust 6 terrified
2 play about with 7 blemish
3 ugly 8 macule
4 conscious 9 cicatrix
5 agitated
Derm a: o 5: 69

rash (n) eruption of the skin in

spots or patches
flare up (v) erupt

Language spot Speaking

Commenting on the past 1 Identify the two skin conditions and give reasons for
your diagnosis.
1 Work in pairs. Correct the sentences where necessary.
I must've knocked my arm on something and then El
these lumps have come up.
2 I should've come sooner and then the rash would be
so bad.
3 I should've put anything on as that's what's made it
flare up.
4 When I was stung, I could go into shock. I wish I'd
5 He didn't need to pay for his treatment.
6 Surely, I can't have pick up scabies.
7 I would come earlier, but I had to take the children to
8 I should've pay closer attention and kept the box the
tablets were in.
9 Yes, you're right. It should've cleared up by now. q

10 Shouldn't it have go by now? o8qddw1 -e

11 I needn't have paid for the prescription.
Z Work in groups. Prepare a role-play. A patient is going
Z Which of the statements in 1 describe things that did to present with a skin complaint. Make a list of the
not take place? questions you would ask the patient under these
3 What would be the effect on the patient if the doctor headings:
said: You should've paid attention to what you were The presenting complaint
doing and ...;you shouldn't have used that cream ... Past medical history
4 Think of three things that you have done recently or Drug history
you haven't done recently. Describe them to a partner.
Family history
What I should{n 't) have Psychosocial impact
done was ...
3 Compare your list with another group or the rest of the
What I could have done
wa s ...
I needn't have I I didn't 4 Work in pairs. Student A, go to page 114. Student B, go
need to ... , but ... to page 116. In the role-play, the patient answers the
!would've ... but I doctor's questions according to the diagnosis of the
couldn't ... skin condition on the picture. The patient shows the
picture to the 'doctor' at the appropriate moment.
Go to Grammar Make sure the doctor does not see the picture with
reference p 123
the diagnosis .
5 When you finish, check how many questions in
exercise 2 you asked.
6 Give feedback on your own and your partner's
70 Unit 7

Cross- secti on
of the skin

Reading 3 Look at these answers. Read the text and decide what
questions you would ask for each one.
1 Before you read the text, work in pairs. Answer these
questions . 1 the integumentary system
2 prevention of water loss, antigen presentation, and
1 What functions does the skin perform?
2 What are the layers of the skin?
3 unsightly blemishes
3 What functions do glands perform?
4 about three months
2 Find w ords in the text which are made from these: 5 the superficial fascia
1 society 3 sight 5 lie 7 mix 6 puberty
2 thesis 4 out 6 append 8 number

Applied anatomy and physiology

The skin, nails, hair, glands, and Almost 90% of epithelial cells layer or the superficial fascia,
associated nerve endings make up are keratinocytes. These cells are this consists of adipose tissue
the 'integumentary system: produced in the basal layer and and serves both as a lipid store
Skin then rise to the surface as more and provides insulation. It also
The skin acts as a physical, are produced below and the outer contributes to the body contours
biochemical, and immunological cells are shed. The time taken and shape.
barrier between the outside world from forming in the basal layer to Glands
and the body. It also has a role in shedding is usually about three After infancy, sebaceous glands
temperature regulation, synthesis of months. become active again at puberty
vitamin D, prevention of water loss, Melanocytes reside in the basal and secrete sebum, a mixture of
antigen presentation, and sensation. layer and secrete melanin into fatty acids and salts, directly onto
It is important to remember that surrounding keratinocytes via the skin or into the necks of hair
the skin also has an important long projections. This, along with follicles. This waterproofs and
psychosocial function. When we the underlying fat and blood, lubricates the skin and hair. They
look at another person, we are gives the skin its colour. In this are particularly numerous in the
in fact looking at their skin. As way, skin tone is determined by upper chest, back, face, and scalp.
our skin represents our outward the size and number of melanin Sweat glands secrete a mixture
appearance to the world, unsightly granules and not by the number of of water, electrolytes, urea, urate,
blemishes, despite their small size, melanocytes. ammonia, and mild acids. Eccrine
can have a significant impact on a Dermis sweat glands are found all over the
person's self esteem. Below the epidermis lies a layer body surface, besides the mucosa.
The skin is made up of three of connective tissue consisting of Apocrine sweat glands are found
layers - epidermis, dermis, and collagen, elastic fibres, and ground in the axillae and pubic regions,
hypodermis. substance. It is here where the secrete a more viscous sweat,
Epidermis 'skin appendages', muscles, nerves, and are under clear autonomic
This is the outermost layer and blood vessels lie. control. These do not function until
and is formed of a modified Hypodermis puberty.
stratified squamous epithelium. Also known as the subcutaneous

4 Work in groups. Describe a case where you dealt with

a patient with a dermatological complaint and where
you feel that you could've I should've I couldn't have
done things differently.
Dermatology 71

Blackheads . Whiteheads

Listening 2 Language spot

Dea ling w ith teenagers Verbs with to and -ing
1 Work in groups. Look at this scenario. What would have 1 Look at this extract from Listening 2 and underline the
been the management and what advice do you think verbs in the -ing form. Can you use the infinitive with to
should have been given? Make a list. instead?

A sixteen-year -old male patient, Brian Collins,

presented with spots on his face, neck, back, and
... tutd I cUm 't ikej~ (JUt M pet;p{e
chest. Examination reveals blackheads (comedones) Urofc at it tutd I t1tinJc it's dirty. Arr.d it
and whiteheads, red papules, pustules, and cysts. fceetx3e1:tinj won-e. I've tried ~ (JUt
2 i(,) Listen to an extract from the consultation after the
certak fro% but~ workx, tutd
doctor, Dr Aimee Preston, has examined the patient. udrt.j diffore11i: CYea-vM tutd stuff
Check which items on your list were mentioned and
add those which were not. 2 Complete the sentences using the -ing form or the to-
infinitive of the verbs in brackets. There may be more
3 (;) Listen again. Answer the questions and say how than one possible answer for some items.
the doctor does it in each case.
I have to admit to (not use) the
1 Is the doctor sympathetic?
2 Is the doctor reassuring? ointment you gave me.
3 Is the language simple? 2 I stopped (apply) the cream because it
4 Does the doctor seek cooperation? made my skin very angry looking.
5 Does the doctor seek to ensure compliance?
3 I forgot (make) an appointment to see
6 Does the doctor warn the patient about the duration
of the treatment? the nurse.
7 Does the doctor seek to involve the patient in the 4 Yes. I remember (get) the medicine.
management? 5 I always avoid (sit) in the sun.
8 Does the doctor use 'safety netting'?
6 I regret not (come) in sooner.
9 Does the doctor arrange a follow-up?
7 I didn't finish (take) the medication.
4 COl ~om pare notes with partner and if necessary listen
8 I meant (apply) it every morning, but it
meant (get up) earlier and it made me
5 Work in pairs. Take turns talking to the patient in the
late for work.
scenario in 1 above.
9 Following the treatment requires _ _ _ __
(plan) and a lot of effort.
3 Work in pairs. Take turns being the doctor and a patient
with acne. The patient should choose at least three of the
statements above. The doctor should give a response and
develop the conversation.
Yes. It's not easy... It takes time ...
Do you think you could ... ? Is there any way round this ... ?
Was there any particular reason ... ?
Go to Grammar reference p 123
72 Unit 7

Main stress in a sentence Zahra EI-Ashry
1 (,) Listen to the patient speaking. Write the exact
My nam e is Zah ra EI-Ashry. I'm a practice nurse working
words that the patient says.
in a GP surgery, a nd I've got a postgraduate diploma
2 Compare your answers with a partner. in derm atology. I beca me interested in thi s particular
area when I saw how distre ssed people were when they
3 ~ Listen again and mark the main stress in the
ca me to the surgery where I work with variou s sk in
sentence. If you need to, listen for a third time.
problems. It's bad enough for adults, but fo r children a nd
4 Practise saying the statements to each other. Did your teen age rs it's particularly upsetting.
partner say all the syllables? Sometimes, just a few words help to make things
5 Follow t he same procedure as in Language spot 3. This better. But the main thing is help with the treatment
time concentrate on the pronunciation. itse lf as it is sometimes complex. It is ea sy to get
annoyed at the patient's poo r compliance until you
reframe this as a lack of concordance; then we as health
It's my job professionals may get annoyed with ourselves which is
just as bad . In order to encourage
1 Before you read, discuss this question in pairs.
the patient to comply with
What do you think is the value of t he practice nurse any regimen that the doctor
in helping patient s stick to their treatment ? agrees w ith the patient, we
2 Read the text and answer the questions. have found that conco rdance
works if the patient sees me
How did Zahra become interested in dermatology?
after the doctor to help in
2 Why do you think skin problems might be
planning treatment through
particularly upsetting for children and teenagers?
dialogue and unde rstanding
3 What two things can help patients with skin
lifestyle constraints. We
have found from tal king
4 What is the difference between compliance and
to other practices that
nurses are inva luable
5 How does Zahra encourage a patient to follow a
in demonst rating
topical therapies and in
optimizing concordance.
3 Work in groups. Describe cases where you know that
you have been successful in encouraging patients
to keep to a treatment regime. Say why you were Project
successful. Work in groups. Each group chooses one of t he items
4 What are the main fact ors affecting compliance in your below. Check the suggest ed sources and use your own
country or where you are working? experience t o collect information on the management
of the condition. You may check info rmation wit h
student s in other groups. Look at these websit es:
1 psoriasis :
2 eczema: www.
3 solar keratosis:
4 Also check
5 Electronic Dermatology Atlas for
photosensitivity I sunlight and t he skin
Dermatology 73

Assess your progress in this unit.
Tick (.I} the statements which are true.
I can comment on the past
I can use verbs with to or -ing
I can talk about dermatology
I can understand patient language

Speaking I can understand patients at natural speed

1 Work in groups. Collate the information from Project that you

collected about your chosen topic. Create a scenario with which Keywords
you are going to test fellow students in another group. In the
scenarios you may choose to take a history and discuss the Adjective
management, or discuss only the management with a patient. psychosocia I
Give the patient: a name, an age, an attitude, a level of anxiety. Nouns
Discuss how the patient will think and react to the diagnosis and acne (vulgaris}
management. Write down the scenario on a piece of paper. blemish
2 As a group, go though the information for the scenario once compliance
quickly. concordance
3 Work with a partner from another group with a different cue
scenario. Choose who should go first. Give your partner the dermatology
paper with your scenario on it. Take turns taking the history and purpura
discussing the management or discussing the management only. scab
Use the checklist on page 117 and choose at least two criteria for vesicle
your partner to use to assess your performance, e.g. reassurance, wheal
sympathy, empathy, being patient centred.
Remember to be reassuring, sympathetic, and empathetic. avoid
You must have been ... keep
We need to be patient ... mean
It takes time to work ... pick at
It looks I seems I sounds ... play with

Reflection on professional experience
Useful reference
Oxford Handbook of Clinical Examination
1 Work in groups. Talk about the decisions you have made in your
and Practical Skills, Thomas and Monaghan
career so far. In your consideration, talk about whether you
(eds}, ISBN 978-019-856838-4
should have chosen or would choose dermatology as a specialty.
2 Within your group, describe cases where you treated a patient
with a dermatological problem. Explain what happened and
say how you would improve on what you did. Give examples of
what you should have and shouldn't have done and say what you
learnt from it. Remember to maintain patient confidentiality.
3 When you apply for jobs, you may be asked to give examples of
your own experience and what you have learnt from it. Using
your own ideas only, write between 150 and 200 words describing
the case in 2 and remember to say what you learnt from it.
74 Unit 8

Check up Vocabulary
1 Work in groups. Describe the pictures. Medical terminology for surgery
1 Match the prefixes with their meanings.
1 laparo- a nose
2 nephro- b breast
3 pyelo- c large bowel
4 cysto- d chest
5 chole- e uterus
6 col(on)- f bile I the biliary system
7 hystero- g kidney
8 thoraco- h abdomen
9 rhino- renal pelvis
10 masto- I mamma- bladder
2 Complete the sentences by combining one of the
prefixes above with one of the suffixes below. You may
use some of the suffixes more than once.
-ectomy -lithotomy -pexy -plasty
-r(h)aphy, -ostomy -otomy
We're going to do something called a _ _ _ _ __
Day Surgery to have a look inside your tummy.
Reception 2 I'm afraid we're going to have to do an operation
called a to remove your right kidney.
3 The only option left to us is a , where
we remove part of your large bowel and then make
an opening in your tummy wall.
4 So how do you feel about having your womb
removed by laparoscopic _ _ _ _ __
5 We're going to do a procedure which will involve a
_ _ _ _ _ ,where we remove several ribs.
2 What is involved in scrubbing up prior to an operation? 6 We can do bilateral ______, where we lift
How do you gown and glove? both breasts.
3 Have you ever practised doing sutures on manikins? 7 We can do a _ _ _ _ _ , where we stitch the
What manikins have you used? bladder.
4 What minor I major operations have you performed or 8 We're going to have to remove the gall bladder. The
been present at? technical name for this operation is _ _ _ __
5 What are the benefits of day -case surgery to the 9 What we're going to do is destroy some stones in the
patient, the surgeon, and the hospital? Is day-case kidney in a procedure called------
surgery common in your country? 10 We're going to do a procedure called a _ _ _ __
to fix the large part of your gut.
Surgery 75

In this unit
understanding medical terms in surgery
using relative pronouns where and when in
explaining operat ions and informed consent
talking abo ut pain management

Secondary stress
Words that are polysyllabic usually have a nucleus and
a secondary stress.
1 Look at the words in Vocabulary 2, and in pairs decide
where the nucleus and secondary stress occur.
2 OlListen. Circle the nucleus and underline the
secondary stress of each word where appropriate.
1 ~ 6
2 7
3 8
4 9
5 10
3 Work in pairs. Using the sentences in Vocabulary 2,
take turns informing each other what operation is
going to be done.

Listening 1
Patient response
1 OlListen to the conversation between Dr Irina Petrov
and Mr Blackstone. Decide whether the patient is 3 Work in groups. Study this scenario. What are the
apprehensive or relaxed about the operation. similarities between this scenario and the scenario in
2 (;l Listen again. Answer the questions below and note 1 from the communication point of view? What is the
down evidence. father likely to feel?
1 Which adjectives describe the doctor's manner I
A 35-year-old father presents with a seven-year-old
tGne during the conversation?
child, Arthur, who has perforated appendix. Explain
brusque caring friendly to the father that the child has to have an emergency
honest patronizing reassuring operation. Explain what you think it is and explain
2 Is the doctor patient centred? Does she involve the that an operation is necessary.
patient in the decision making?
3 Does the doctor give the patient a chance to ask
questions? Arthur's got what is .. .
4 Is the information presented in a way that the We can do an operation called a ... , where we ...
patient can understand? How? What we do is ...
5 Does the doctor ask about consent for the operation? How do you feel about Arthur having the operation?
6 Does the doctor explain the operation clearly? We'll need you to sign a consent form ifyou're happy
7 Does the doctor check that the patient understands? with everything.
8 Is the doctor reassuring about the pain? Is there anything you'd like to ask me?
9 Is the doctor aware throughout of the patient's 4 Choose two people in your group to role-play the
feelings? scenario while the others watch. Use the questions in 2
as a checklist to give feedback.
76 Unit 8

Language spot Patient care

Relative pronouns in explanations 1 Putting yourself in the patient's shoes, what would you
ask in response to the explanations in Language spot?
Work in pairs. Connect the sentences using one or more
of the words in brackets and I or'zero relative'. You will 2 Match these responses to the explanations 1-6 in
need to add and remove some words. Language spot.
EXAMPLE a Willitpass?
Herniorrhaphy's an operation. It's done under local or b Are there complications if it is removed?
general anaesthetic. The muscle in the tummy wall is c Will that get rid of the cancer, then?
strengthened using a special mesh. {where !when) d But will it be permanent?
Herniorrhaphy's an operation, done under local or e Does that mean it will be difficult to see?
general anaesthetic, where the muscle in the tummy f Can you get it back to normal?
wall is strengthened using a special mesh. 3 Take turns explaining the terms in Language spot and
We're going to do something. It is called a responding using the phrases in 2, then developing the
mastectomy. A breast is removed. (when I where) conversation in your own way.
2 It's a type of stitch. It is done under the skin so that
there is only a faint scar left at the end. The wound
heals. (which I when) Project
3 A colostomy is a procedure. The back passage is 1 Work in groups. Using your own knowledge, describe
closed and the end of the gut is attached to an how pain is managed after an operation.
opening in the wall of the tummy. A bag is attached 2 Find out about the organizations and sites below and
to the opening. (to which I where) what they do. Do they give any advice about pain
4 It's a type of shock. It happens when the volume of management after operations?
blood in the body decreases. (which I who) colostomy-
5 Oliguria is a condition. An abnormally small amount kidney I kidney stones-,
of urine is produced. (where I that) hysterectomy-
6 It's an operation. The appendix is removed. There mastectomy-
is colicky pain in the centre of the tummy followed tonsillectomy-
by vomiting and then a shift of the pain to the right hernia-
iliac fossa. (where I when) 3 In groups, discuss different reactions to pain. How do
people measure pain?
Go to Grammar reference p 124
4 Check your answers about pain in the Oxford Textbook
of Palliative Medicine, 3rd edition, (Doyle et al, 2005,
OUP). Also look at pages 172-181 of the Oxford Handbook
of Palliative Care (Watson et al, 2005, OUP).
5 Work in pairs. Choose a procedure. Take turns being the
doctor talking to the patient about post -operative pain.
sore hurt discomfort
Surgery 77

1 Work in groups. Decide how you would explain to a patient that he is going
to need a permanent colostomy after removal of the part of the bowel.
Discuss what information a patient would want to know in order to give
consent for the operation, especially about the future, e.g. pain management.
Use the questions in 2 in Listening 1 as a guide.

2 Work with a partner from another group. Decide 5 You have five minutes to think about the scenario by
on a name, age, and sex for the patient. Take turns yourself, focusing on both the doctor's and the patient's
role-playing explaining the operation to the patient roles. Note in exam situations you will usually have
and obtaining consent. If you are not happy with the only one minute to walk between stations, read, and
explanation, decline to give consent. prepare to role-play the scenario.
3 When you have finished, as a whole class discuss any 6 Two volunteers role-play the scenario in front of the
medical problems or queries that arose during the role- class. Students sit around so that they can see both the
play. doctor and the patient. The doctors who are watching
use the speaking checklist on page 117 to choose a
4 In exam situations, you are faced with role-plays which
criterion each to assess the performance. Agree all the
you need to do without any preparation. Look at this
criteria beforehand. Some students should also observe
role-play scenario by yourself.
the doctor to see if their performance is sympathetic I
Mr Cordobes, a 30-year-old man, has a ten-year-old empathetic. Students take turns role-playing and
son who has been involved in a car accident. The giving feedback. The feedback should be constructive.
child's spleen has been damaged and his femur has
been fractured . His spleen is so badly damaged that
it needs to be removed. You have to tell the patient's
father and explain the procedure to him. What
would you say?

emergency operation
no choice
We can boost his immune system starting now until
he's an adult.
It is possible to live without the spleen.
78 Unit 8

1 Skim this summary text. What do you think it is describing?

The majority of cysts in the ovaries are harmless and _ _ _ _ _ is frequently down to luck, so if you
- - - - -- but some trigger changes in the have any symptoms that 6 that you
______ as well as in the nature of the periods. have an ovarian cyst, an internal examination may be
Cysts can also become so big that they cause urine performed by your doctor. Treatment is 7 _ _ _ _ __
problems or make people 3 . Despite being on various factors like age and the cyst size.
generally harmless, some can turn to 4 _ _ _ __

2 Read the text below. Complete the summary in 1 using

the correct form of a word from the text.

What are the Although most cysts are benign, some such as your age, whether you are past the
types ~ave a risk of becoming cancerous. menopause, the appearance and size of the
symptoms, problems, Rarely, some ovarian cysts make abnormal cyst from the ultrasound scan, and whether
and possible amounts of female (or male) hormones you have symptoms.
which can cause unusual symptoms. Observation
complications? How is an ovarian cyst diagnosed? Many small ovarian cysts will resolve and
Most ovarian cysts are smal l, benign (non- As most ovarian cysts cause no symptoms, disappear over a few months. You may be
cancerous), and cause no symptoms. Some many cysts are diagnosed by chance. For advised to have a repeat ultrasound scan in
ovarian cysts cause problems which may example, during a routine examination, or a month or so. If the cyst goes away, then no
include oneor more of the following: if you have an ultrasound scan for another further action isneeded.
Pain or discomfort in the lower abdomen. reason.lfyou have symptoms suggestive of Operation
The pain may be constant or intermittent. an ovarian cyst, your doctor may examine Removal of an ovarian cyst may be advised,
Pain may only occur when you have sex. your abdomen and perform a vaginal especial ly if you have symptoms or if the
Periods sometimes become irregular, or (internal) examination. He or she may be cyst is large. Sometimes the specialist may
may become heavier or lighter than usual. able to feel an abnormal swelling which may want to remove it to determine exactly which
Sometimes a cyst may bleed into itself or be a cyst. type of cyst it is and make sure there are no
burst. This can cause a sudden severe pain An ultrasound scan can confirm an ovarian cancer cells in it. Most smaller cysts can be
in the lower abdomen. cyst. An ultrasound scan is a safe and removed by laparoscopic ('keyhole') surgery.
Occasionally, a cyst which is growing on painless test which uses sound waves to Some cysts require a more traditional style of
a stalk from an ovary may twist the stalk create images of organs and structures inside operation.
on itself (a'torsion'). This stops the blood your body. The probe of the scanner may be The type of the operation depends on
flowing through the stalk to the cyst and placed on yo ur abdomen to scan the ovaries. factors such as the type of cyst, your age, and
causes the cyst to lose its blood supply. Asmall probe is also often placed inside the whether cancer is suspected or ruled out. In
This can cause sudden severe pain in the vagina to scan the ovaries to obtain more some cases, just the cyst is removed and the
lower abdomen. detailed images. Your doctor may also take a ovary tissue preserved. In some cases, the
Large cysts can cause your abdomen to sample of blood. ovary isalso removed, and sometimes other
swell or press on nearby structures. For What is the treatment for ovarian nearby structures such as the uterus and the
example, they may press on the bladder cysts? other ovary. Your specialist will advise on the
or rectum which may cause urinary Your specialist will advise on the best options for your individual situation.
symptoms or constipation. course of action. This depends on factors
Surgery 79

J Match the two parts of the sentences below. Vocabulary

1 Many small cysts a leave the ovary tissue.
simply b ascertain cyst type.
2 Size and symptoms c dictate the surgical vocabulary
sometimes removal of ovarian 1 Work in pairs. Describe
3 Cyst removal may be cysts. the condition shown
done to d go away in a matter of in the diagram. Can it
4 Sometimes it is months occur at any age?
possible to
2 Work in groups. Complete the sentences. If necessary
4 Work in groups. Talk about the first time you were look at the words in the upside-down box below.
involved in an operation and your reaction(s).
1 The small bowel as if it were
swallowing itself by invagination.
Listening Z 2 The patient presents with episodic intermittent
Getting into conversations ______ crying and drawing his legs up.

1 Ol Listen to the five short conversations and decide 3 The child may pass blood per (like
what each one is about. Time how long it takes you redcurrant jam or merely flecks -late stage).
to work out what is happening and put your hand up 4 A sausage-shaped may be felt.
when you have worked it out, but do not interrupt the 5 The child may be and moribund.
playing of the recording.
6 The least _ __ _ __ approach is ultrasound
2 Ol Listen again and match the five conversations with with reduction by air enema (preferred to barium).
these descriptions.
7 Pneumatic _ _ __ __ , where a balloon catheter
a ___ Anaesthetic assessment
is passed PR under radiographic control, is another
b ___ Worried about recurrence of a problem
option that is effective in up to 80% of cases.
c ___ Postponement
8 There may be right lower quadrant ______
d ___ Awake in day surgery
perforation on plain abdominal film.
e ___ Refusing consent
9 If reduction by enema fails , reduction at laparoscopy
J ~ Listen again. Work in pairs. One partner or ______ is needed.
concentrates on the patient and the other on the
doctor. Write down how the patient puts pressure on 10 Any necrotic bowel should be _ _ _ __
the doctor and how the doctor resists pressure from the SCldOJS<ll<lt pel)]:J 04S
patient. Compare your answers with another pair. p <q.J<lS <ll uonJnp<ll wnpell A:j.1JBdO
4 Work in pairs. Create a scenario around one of the SSBW AWO:j.01BdBI <lNSBAUl <liqBIOSUOJUT
conversations, giving the patient a name, age, and so
on. Take turns role-playing the situations and then 3 Check with other groups for help with sentences you
developing them in your own way. For example, for cannot complete.
extract 5, you could take a pre-operative assessment,
4 Work in pairs. Choose a sentence from 2 for your
asking about the drug and family history.
partner to explain to you what it means in lay terms.
Use your own experience if possible.
get rid of doesn't work fold inside itself
what we're going to need to do remove
80 Unit 8

Speaking Project
1 Work in groups. Look
at the scenario below.
Decide what the patient
is likely to be concerned
about, for example,
the recurrence of the
cysts, whether they are
cancerous, what caused
them, why it happened to
her, the length of time off
work. What is she likely
to say and what would be
your reply?

Miss Tanaka, who is 22 years old, has been admitted

to hospital after being diagnosed as having a right
ovarian cyst. A laparotomy is going to be performed
and she has to stay in hospital for four days and
subsequently stay at home for six weeks. Explain
the situation to her. Note that a sub-cuticle suture is
going to be used for skin repair. 1 Use these references to find out what you can about
OSCE exams, especially for the PLAB, USMLE, and
2 Decide how you are going to explain what a cyst is, fellowship exams for the Royal Colleges in the UK:
where it is, what is going to be removed, and what is
going to be done with the removed cyst. Then decide For DOPS (directly observed procedural skills} see
how to describe the sub-cuticle suture, and finally the Royal College- uk
when to ask the patient to sign the consent form.
3 Take turns role-playing the scenario in the' goldfish 2 How many stations are there in an OSCE and how long
bowl' setting described in Unit 5. This time, however, does a station last?
the doctor or the patient may interrupt the role-play
3 Which of the following stations are normally found in
to ask questions or clarify specific details. Limit each
interruption to a maximum of two minutes.
D Taking blood pressure
4 Give feedback to the doctor and the patient using the
speaking checklist on page 117.
D Doing CPR
D Giving a presentation
5 When two or three pairs have done the role-play, work
on your own. In two minutes, prepare what you would
D Explaining procedures to a patient
say to the patient for the scenario below and repeat D Taking a case history
steps J and 4 above. 0 Reciting medical detail
D Dealing with difficult situations
Mrs Brodie's eight-month-old baby has been
crying I screaming for the past eight hours, i.e. all D Suturing
night. The findings show the baby is suffering from 0 Using manikins for clinical examinations
intussusception. Explain to the mother what it is
and how it will be treated.
Assess your progress in t his unit.
Tick (.t) the statements wh ich are true.
I can understand some medica l terms r.
I can use relative pronouns in exp lanators
I can explain operations and gain informed
Writing I can ta lk about pain management
Describing a complicated operation
1 Work in pairs. Describe a complicated operation which you have
been involved in, focusing on pre-operative visit, assessment by Keywords
the anaesthetist, the day of the operation, and post-operative Adjective
care, including pain management. Mention anything that went inconsolab le
particularly well, anything that could have gone better, and what
you would have done differently.
2 Work on your own. Write a description of no more than 200 day-case surgery
words, using the phrases in italics in 1 as a step-by-step guide. herniorrh aphy
USEFUL EXPRESSIONS intussuscepti on
... an operation where ... laparotomy
Moreover, ... I Furthermore, ... perforated appendix
The benefit of. .. was ... reduction
The main thing I learnt from this was ... Verbs
... worked well I ... went smoothly I What could have gone better glove
was ... gown
3 Work in pairs. Check for mistakes. Remember not to copy each resect
other's writing and to maintain anonymity and confidentiality. scrub up
t elescope
4 Give your description to another partner to read. Ask each other
questions about the description: Why did you ... ? What factors Prefixes
made ... ? Could you have ... ? col(on)-
lapa ro-
masto- I mammo-

Useful reference
Oxford Handbook of Clinical Surgery
3rd edition, Mclatchie et al (eds),
ISBN 978-019-856825-4
82 Unit 9

Check up
1 Work in pairs. Describe the pictures.

Listening 1
A heart condition
1 (;) Listen to Mr Lawson's wife talking to the doctor
in A&E. What do you think the patient's condition is?
2 Describe the doctor's manner and the mood of the
patient's wife. Give reasons.
J (;) Listen again and write down notes on what is said
1 the GTN spray
2 Match these captions to the ECGs in 1. 2 the time when the pain started
3 thrombolysis
Acute anterior myocardial infarction
4 prognosis.
Complete heart block
4 (;) Work in groups. Compare your notes and listen
J Look at these statistics for the UK taken from the again. Discuss the possible differential diagnosis of the
Oxford Handbook of General Practice. Is the incidence
patient's condition.
of heart disease higher or lower in your country? Why?
5 Choose one member to report back t o the whole class.
Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the most common
cause of death in the UK (1:4 deaths). Mortality is 6 Work in pairs. Take turns role-playing the conversation
falling, but morbidity is rising. between a patient's spouse and a doctor with the same
presentation as in 1.
Cardiology 83

In this unit
using technical and non-technical terms
talking about the future and reassuring patients
about the prognosis
talking about heart disease
talking about signs and symptoms
understanding people speaking at natural speed

Vocabulary :Z Work in pairs. Read all the sentences 1-6 below, then
match them with the relevant points or periods on
Avoidance of technical terms
the diagram.
1 In these sentences, the speaker is trying to avoid using
one of the technical words or phrases in the list below. A 8 c 0 E F G H
Match each word to a sentence.
a hypokalaemia f line
b titrate to effect
c diuretic
d contraindication
e arrhythmia
g secure venous access
h reperfuse
i thrombolysis
1 If we can, we give him a drug to dissolve any clots,
then we increase his chances of getting better.
1 We'll have had eight hours on duty by the end of
the day.
2 We're having an hour for lunch.
2 My heart is not beating in a normal rhythm. 3 We'll have just finished lunch by the time the
3 There are several reasons why this drug should not consultant arrives for her ward rounds .
be used. 4 The weekly presentation, which will last two hours,
4 You have no side effects with this drug. will end just before lunch.
5 We're going to give you something to help reduce 5 Dr Ian Garfield will be starting the presentation as
the swelling in your ankles. soon as he arrives.
6 As soon as the patient is brought in, we need to get 6 The shift today starts at 10.00 with a presentation.
into a vein.
) Work in pairs. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct
7 We'll increase the painkiller by the same amount
future form in the active or passive.
each time until it kicks in.
8 This drug will get the blood flowing back again 1 If his progress so far is anything to go by,
through the heart. he (be) up and about in a few days.
9 If this doesn't work, we'll move onto the next stage 2 He _ _ __ _ (send) home this Saturday.
of treatment.
3 She (soon move) out of intensive care.
10 You've got very low levels of potassium.
4 That means in ten minutes, it (be)
2 Work in groups. Choose a drug that is recommended for
roughly 60 minutes since the pain first came on.
use tn thrombolysis or treating myocardial infarction
or hypertension (e.g. ace inhibitor, a diuretic, (simva) 5 He (walk) around without any
statin, aspirin.) Discuss your own experience of problem in a matter of days.
prescribing the drug. 6 (he be able) to go into a rehabilitation
unit before he comes out?
Language spot 7 What _ _ _ _ _ (hehave)toeatbythetimei

The f uture get there today?

8 The consultant _ _ _ __ (come) round at
1 Work in pairs. What tenses are used in these sentences?
about 1.00 p.m., so we (see) him then.
1 The ward round starts at 10, so we have half an hour.
2 She normally stops at 12, but today, I think she'll 4 Work in pairs. Prepare three or four questions about
have finished her rounds well before 11.30. what you will have done, are planning to do, will be
3 The ward round is finishing at 12 noon. doing, and will do today. Give your questions to your
4 So we'll definitely be sitting in the canteen at 1.10. partner and then ask each other the questions.
5 We'll have been working for 12 hours by 1.00 this Go to Grammar reference p 124
84 Unit 9

Pronunciation Patient care

Speaking at natural speed 1 Work in pairs. How would you respond to the
statements below, made by the spouse of a patient
who has just been brought into A&E suffering from a
heart attack?
1 He's been in the theatre for ages now.
2 Things are looking bad, aren't they?
3 Will he be OK?
4 He looks rather well.
5 I'm a bit anxious about what'll happen with the
procedure you described.
6 How long's he going to be in here?
7 He thinks he's going to die, doctor.
When people speak at natural speed, it is possible to Z Compare your statements with other students. Then
catch the gist of what they say, but sometimes the discuss them with the class.
exact words can be difficult to work out.
3 Work in pairs. What type of word is missing in the
1 (i) Listen and complete the sentences. Note that blank spaces (noun, verb, etc.)? Complete the responses
contractions are used. below with one word.
1 __________________________ theatre for over a Oh. It's only a of days now. In fact,
three hours in a few minutes' time. he'll be seeing the consultant tomorrow morning
and if he's happy, you can ...
2 Dr Nur -------------------------his clinic
b Yes, he does. And if goes according to
till2.00 p.m.
plan, this time next week I expect he'll be sitting at
3 -------------------------- in no time. home with you.
4 All being well, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ c It's not to feel this, but you got him
home by the weekend. here quickly, which'll help him.
5 The operation __________________________ for d It's actually not as bad as it seems. The machines
5.00 this afternoon. and tubes, I'm , don't make things
_________________________ theveinsonthe look good, but they're there to help him. He'll be like
this for a little and then ...
right leg stripped this afternoon, am I right?
e Yes. We expect he'll be ready to leave in a couple
7 The doctor said------------------------- a of days. It's the anaesthetic and the painkillers;
general anaesthetic. they're making him a bit confused, but that'll soon
______ off.
8 -------------------------to the clinic off
and on for the past three years. f It always seems longer when you're sitting waiting.
I'm sure he'll be shortly; in fact, here's
Z Work in pairs. Compare your answers. the nurse now.
3 <C;l Listen again. Check your answers. g It's only to feel worried; everybody
would be, but I can assure you it'll help him.
4 <C;l Listen again. In each sentence, double underline the
nucleus. Single underline the secondary stresses. 4 Match each response a-g to a statement in 1.
5 Work in pairs. Take turns saying only the stressed 5 Work in pairs. Take turns saying the statements in 1 to
words in each sentence. Then say the whole sentence each other and responding in your own way.
using the stressed words to give you the rhythm.
Cardiology 85

Remember the Dialogue can transform a symptom from airy nothingness to a fact
mnemonic SOCRATES
Dialogue-transformed symptoms explain one of the junior doctor's
for questions related
main vexations: when patients retell symptoms to a consultant in
to pain.
the light of day they bear no resemblance to what you originally
heard. But do not be vexed: your dialogue may have helped the
patient more than any ward round.
-Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine

Signs and symptoms Project

Competition 1 Work in groups. Make a list of cardiac risk factors.
Search for information at
1 Work in groups. Using your own experience, decide
what conditions the following signs and symptoms
represent. Compete to see which group finishes with Speaking
all the correct answers first.
1 Work in groups of four. Make a list of questions you
Symptoms: dyspnoea, cough productive of frothy
would ask the patient in the scenario below. Think
pink sputum, palpitations (often associated with
about how the patient would feel, what his I her
atrial fibrillation and resultant emboli)
anxieties might be, and how you differentiate the pain
Signs: palmar erythema, malar flush, tapping apex
from angina pectoris.
beat, left parasternal heave, loud Sl, mid-diastolic
murmur opening snap. Mr Gregory, a 57-year-old patient, presents with a
2 Symptoms: shortness of breath and breathing worse severe retrosternal burning pain which the patient
on lying flat is convinced is connected with the heart. The pain
Signs: collapsing pulse, sustained apex beat comes after eating and drinking alcohol and there
displaced to the left, left parasternal heave, soft is a history of dyspepsia. The pain is relieved by GTN
Sl, loud 52 (pulmonary component), pansystolic spray, but only after about twenty minutes. Take the
murmur heard at the apex and radiating to the left history and reassure the patient that the pain is not
axilla mid-systolic click, 3rd heart sound. connected with his heart, but is oesophageal spasm.
3 Symptoms: calf pain, swelling and loss of use
Signs: warm, tense, swollen limb, erythema, dilated 2 Take turns role-playing taking the history and
superficial veins, cyanosis. There may be palpable reassuring the patient. During each role-play, the two
thrombus in the deep veins. Often pain on palpating other students use the checklist on page 117 to monitor
the calf. the performance of the patient and the doctor, who
4 Symptoms: constant retrosternal 'soreness', worse choose at least two criteria to be assessed on: asking
on inspiration (pleuritic), relieved slightly by sitting questions, empathy I sympathy, reassurance, prognosis,
forwards, not related to movement or exertion and clarity ofpronunciation.
Signs: If chronic, constrictive, may cause Kussmaul's 3 One of the monitoring doctors times the role-play: a
sign, impalpable apex beat, 53, hepatomegaly, maximum of five minutes.
splenomegaly, ascites (pseudo-cirrhosis).
4 The doctor and the patient each give feedback about
srgpreJUdd f7 themselves and each other. The monitors also give
(li\G) SJSOquron:n. UTdi\. dddp t feedback. Then the roles are rotated to allow each
uoq.-e:nl3ml3d1 IEllJW z group member a chance to role-play the doctor.
SJSOUdlS IE1+JW l 5 One pair of students (or more) volunteers to role-play
the scenario while the rest of the class watches and
2 Work in groups. Choose one of the conditions in 1. gives feedback .
Present the details to the rest of the class. You may 6 Student A, go to page 114. Student B, go to page 115.
do this as a formal Power Point presentation with a Student B, take the history from student A and reassure
question and answer session at the end, or informally the patient and vice versa. At the relevant point the
on behalf of your groups with questions at the end. patient gives the doctor the ECG.
86 Unit 9

1 Work in pairs. Discuss these questions. 2 Find these items in the text.
1 What do you know about hypertension? 1 a definition
2 What are the causes? What is the usual 2 an effect of treatment
presentation? 3 prevalence of high BP
3 Have you treated a patient with hypertension? Was 4 precipitating factors I aetiology of the high BP
it drug or non-drug treatment? 5 a connection with other illnesses

High Blood Pressure - Hypertension

Hypertension (HT) is commonly called omega-3 fatty acids is protective against to continue them for life. These tablets are
high blood pressure, nowadays (2005 on) high blood pressure and heart disease. very successful at preventing heart attacks
defined as above 140/85 mm Hg; or if and strokes and have very few side effects.
one is diabetic, over 135/80. About 38% Hypertension -why worry if you
of UK adults have hypertension. Advice feel OK?
and treatment includes exercise, lifestyle High blood pressure does not necessarily Five self-help measures are
changes, and I or diet changes, as well as make someone feel unwell; however, if suggested:
drugs. untreated it tends to cause damage to blood
Avoid being overweight.
Possibly as many as 16 million UK people vessels and the heart. The link between
have high blood pressure, and the proportion hypertension and coronary heart disease Reduce salt intake.

of the population is slowly increasing and stroke is very well established. Keep alcohol down.
over the years. About 5% have an obvious Correct treatment of hypertension
Exercise can reduce your blood
underlying cause such as kidney disease. reduces the risk of a heart attack by
pressure and help to keep your weight
Most of the rest have no single obvious about 20% and reduces the risk of stroke
down . Start slowly and build up.
cause. Some have a genetic component, by about 40%. Here risk is based on the
Walking is excellent. Aim for 20 to 30
with hypertension tending to run in families. observed reduced occurrences in treated
minutes' activity at least three times
In addition there are environmental and past patients. The purpose of treating
a week. Or even better, walk for half
lifestyle factors. The most important causes hypertension is to prevent this damage to
an hour five times per week, which is
are being obese, smoking, too much alcohol, blood vessels and the heart from occurring
better than more intense exercise for a
too much salt, stress, lack of exercise, poor and so help to prevent these illnesses. Most
shorter time.
diet, too little potassium, and family history people with hypertension need tablets to
of relatives with hypertension. Oily fish with lower their blood pressure. Usually, they need Don't smoke.

J Complete these notes using a word or a number from the text. 4 Discuss in groups:
How common is hypertension in your
HT for dia/Je1:ic patients 1._ _ __ country or where you work?
Mo~to 2 -pUu~dief What measures are being taken to
Mtd~r~ reduce it?
For 3_ _ _ _ _ peope ndjud one catAU Are they effective? Give reasons and
4 - - - fatty add, heip P.jaMtd hijk examples.
!M-od MUi !teart dU.eM.e
~with COY011AYf !teart dU.eM.e MUi
woke s_ _ _ __
"You've got the blood
pressure of a teenager -
who lives on junk food ,
TV and the computer."

Listening 2 Have you thought about taking this tablet once a

Advice about lifestyle changes day after meals?
1 <CJl Listen. Write The suggestion here doesn't work because you want to
down as many direct the patient. It would be better to say: You take I
details as you can Take this tablet ... or You 'll need to take this tablet once a
about the patient. day after meals.
Then compare
your details in 1 Work in groups. Look at these statements. Where and
groups of four. when can you say them without annoying a patient?
Which are appropriate for making suggestions to
Z Before you listen again, can you answer any of the patients about changing their lifestyle to reduce the
questions below from the information you have? risk of future heart attack? Give reasons.
1 What evidence can you find of the doctor's good 1 You'll need to stop smoking from now on.
bedside manner? 2 You could stop driving for a while, say six weeks.
2 What evidence can you find of the patient's 3 Have you ever tried to do any kind of sport?
cooperative manner? 4 Don't take any alcohol.
3 How does the doctor seek to involve the patient in 5 I'd strongly advise you to take the medication.
lifestyle changes? 6 It's better for you if you avoid salt.
4 How does the doctor make a suggestion about ., 7 You need to make sure you take this regularly.
lifestyle changes? 8 You might want to take this medication from now on.
5 How does the doctor reassure the patient of the 9 You shouldn't eat fatty food like sweets and cakes.
effect of the lifestyle change suggested? 10 Try and give up smoking if you can.
3 l(J) Listen again. Answer the questions. 11 You take this one once a day, preferably in the
4 What other lifestyle changes could the doctor 12 You need to come back and see me after one month.
encourage this patient to make? How else could the
doctor phrase his suggestions?
Z Work in pairs. Write at least three sentences giving
advice about these topics.
1 caffeine and caffeine-rich products
Patient care 2 relaxation I stress management
3 dynamic exercise- walking, swimming, cycling
When patients are hypertensive, they may have no
4 salt intake
symptoms. It is therefore not always easy for them to
5 fruit and fibre
accept or follow any therapy or even remember to keep
to it. You, therefore, need to be able to give patients 3 Work in pairs. Using the notes you made in Listening
advice and information in a way that fits the situation 2, take turns role-playing the conversation between
and doesn't put them off. Mary and her GP. Continue giving advice to Mary
about changes to lifestyle. Emphasize the benefits the
Look at the following examples:
changes will bring.
Ifyou ...
The imperative here is inappropriate for giving It 'll make you ...
patients advice about lifestyle changes. You 'll soon notice the difference.
It'll reduce ...
All being well, you 'll have ...
88 Unit 9

Cardiovascular disease is estimated to cost the EU economy192 billion a year.

57% is due to direct health care costs, 21% to productivity losses and 22% to the
informal care of people with CVD.
Costs vary hugely between EU member states- per capita annually, Bulgaria
costs under60 but Germany and the UK cost over600.
-European Heart Network

Speaking Project
1 Work in groups. Search for information on the web
or in books or pool your own experience. Each group
should research a different subject from:
1 drug treatment for hypertension
2 prescribing statins for hypercholesterolaemia,
especially any contraindications and side effects
3 non-drug therapy for cholesterol
1 Type in the words statin, hypertension, cholesterol on
the internet or check these sources.

Also check the Oxford Handbook of General Practice,
2nd edition pages 324-5

l1 3 Select which information to talk about and share the

information with the class.

1 Work in pairs. Take turns talking to a 65-year-old,

Vincent Fournier, who presents with hypertension,
about the medication he needs to take.
Check for any contraindications.
how to take the medication
when to take it
the benefits of taking it
any side effects.
Arrange for follow-up in one month's time.
1 Two students volunteer to role-play the part of the
doctor and the patient in the scenario below in front of
the class. Use the Checklist on page 117 to give feedback
using the following two criteria: ability to encourage
the patient and spontaneity.

A 55-year-old patient, Mr(s) Slater, has high

cholesterol. Give advice about non-drug therapy for
high cholesterol with written instructions and I or
drug therapy with benefits and side effects.

3 Give feedback. Remember to be constructive.

C ecklist
As sessyou r progress in th is un it.
Tick (.I) the statements wh ich are true.
I can understand and use technical and
non-technical terms
I can talk about the future and reassure
patients about the prognosis
I can talk about heart disease
Writing I can talk about signs and symptoms
Difficulties in persuasion I can understand people speaking at
1 Work in pairs. Make a list of the difficulties doctors face trying natural speed
to persuade patients of the need to take medication. Explain
the difficulties, giving examples from your own experience.
Remember to maintain confidentiality. Keywords
2 Compare your list with other students in the class and add to Adjectives
your own list. frothy

3 Work on your own. Write between 200 and 250 words explaining Nouns
the difficulties you listed in 1. Use the useful expressions and arrhythmia
suggested plan to guide you as you write your answer. atria l fibri llat ion
main obstacles
problems faced by doctors
First of all I second(ly) l third(Iy)
dynamic exerc ise
In addition, I furthermore I similarly
In conclusion, I as we have seen,
.. lifestyle
Introduction: an overview or example of the topic line
mitral stenosis
The main barrier ... mortality
perica rd it is
Another difficulty ... SOCRATES
stat in
thrombo lysis
... can also effect patient's compliance.
Conclusion or summary

Useful reference
Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine
7th edition, Longmore et al,
ISBN 978-0-19-856837-7
90 Unit 10

Check up
1 Work in groups. Describe the photos. What is the
link between the photos? Give an example relating
to each photo.

1 Choose the adjective that best fits the diagnosis in
italics in each case.
1 Laryngitis: I've got this really bad cough and my
voice is high -pitched I hoarse I smooth .
2 Tracheitis: I've got a dry cough and it's slightly
painful ! painless I really painful.
3 Pleurisy: my chest really hurts when I cough. I get
this stabbing I dull ! sharp pain right here in the
chest when I cough.
4 Post-nasal drip: I've not got any pain or anything;
just a dry, barking I tickly I painful cough. I'm always
trying to clear my throat at night.
5 Asthma: I've been getting this wheezy I tickly I
painful cough after doing exercise and sometimes in
the morning.
6 Oesophageal reflux: first thing in the morning I get
this dry I tickly I hollow cough and it often makes me
feel sick.
7 Epiglottis: she's really poorly with this terrible
tickly I barking I dry cough.
2 Work in groups. Describe interesting presentations 8 Laryngeal nerve palsy: the cough sounds really
involving respiratory medicine that you dealt with barking I hoarse I hollow.
successfully. Describe how you might improve your 9 Bronchitis: he's had this productive I mild I hollow
performance if you were to see the same case again. cough for days now with some fever but no
3 What is the definition of asthma? What symptoms breathlessness.
would you expect to see? 2 <;!) Listen and identify the coughs which you hear 1-5
4 Asthma affects 5-8% of the population in the UK. What as wheezy, hoarse, productive, barking, dry. Check your
is the percentage in your country? Is it increasing or answers with a partner.
decreasing? What are the causes in your country?
Respiratory medicine 91

In this unit
e language for coug h and sputum
e explaining investigations
e using a I an, the, and zero article
checking the patient understands devices
e describing data

3 Work in pairs. Take Vocabulary

turns asking a patient
Nature of the sputum
to describe one of
the coughs in 2 and 1 Cover the causes a-h in the right hand column with
then develop the your hand and use your own knowledge to diagnose
conversation using the cause of the sputum 1-8.
your own knowledge. Nature of sputum Causes
1 white I grey a bronchiectasis I
2 green I yellow abscesses
Listening 1 3 green and offensive b congestive cardiac
Signs and 4 sticky, rusty failure
symptoms 5 frothy, pink c asthma I smoking
6 separates to three d severe bronchiectasis
1 Work in pairs. Decide what the most likely diagnosis layers e bronchitis I
is of a patient who presents with recurrent episodes 7 very sticky, often green bronchiectasis
of bronchitis several years prior to presentation with 8 sticky, with plugs f asthma
these signs and symptoms: g allergic aspergillosis
Signs h lobar pneumonia
1 coarse inspiratory and expiratory crackles on
auscultation ...
2 airflow obstruction with wheeze
1 cough
2 chronic sputum production (typically tenacious,
purulent, and daily)
3 intermittent haemoptyses
4 breathlessness
5 intermittent pleuritic pain (usually in association
with infections)
6 lethargy I malaise
2 ~ Work in pairs. Listen to the conversation between
Dr Zoltan and Mrs Fitzgerald, who is not asthmatic and
is a non- smoker. Student A, listen to the questions the
doctor asks and write them down in note form. Student
B, write down what the patient says. 2 Match the nature of the sputum to the causes in 1.

3 Using the doctor's questions as a guide, explain what 3 Apart from the nature of the sputum, what
the patient says and decide on a possible diagnosis. Is it investigations I tests would you do tp establish the
the same as in 1 above? If not, why not? causes in a-h?
4 Work in pairs. Choose one of the conditions in 1. Then
take turns taking the history from each other.
5 Work in pairs. Choose several of the conditions a -h.
Explain to the patient what you think the diagnosis
might be and what tests you are going to do.
92 Unit 10

afferent (a dj) carrying or directin g

som ething towa rd s a body part
cessation (n) stopping
lodged (a dj) stu ck
OSA Ob str ucti ve Slee p Apnoea
COPD Chroni c Obstru cti ve
Pulmon ary Disease

Language spot J In the sentences below, put the words in italics in the
correct order to complete the texts. Pay particular
The definite and indefinite article attention to the articles.
1 Work in pairs. Complete the sentences using the, a, an, 1 The I majority I chest I patients I of I with I pain I
or zero article (0). referred I to I have I acute I either I pleuritic I the I
1 _ _ _ _ _ _ breathlessness refers to respiratory I team ! well-localized /.pain I pain I or I
_ _ _ _ _ _ abnormal and uncomfortable
2 Not all patients need treatment. evidence I
awareness of breathing. Its physiological
significant I treatment I the I for I on I benefits I
mechanisms are poorly understood; symptoms I rests, I which I drive I treatment, rather
_ _ _ _ _ _ possible afferent sources for than the degree of OSA on a sleep study. decisions I
_ _ _ _ _ _ sensation include _ _ _ _ __ require I a I dialogue ! treatment I close I between I
patient I physician I and.
receptors in _ _ _ _ _ _ respiratory muscles.
3 In addition to supportive care, antiviral treatment
All patients need full history and
of pneumonia with amantidine or rimantidine may
examination. shorten the I an I of I illness I if I started I duration I
2 _ _ _ __ _ smoking is ______..._ of I symptom I within I hours I 48 I onset.
main cause of _ _ _ _ _ _ chronic Go to Grammar reference p 125
obstructive pulmonary disease and lung cancer.
_ _ _ _ _ _ NHS spends 1.7 billion per year
Listening 2
caring for people with _ _ _ _ _ _ smoking-
related conditions. Government targets have been
Mistake recognition
set to reduce number of smokers 1 ~ Listen to the recording of five pairs of statements.
in _ _ _ _ _ _ UK, and health authorities have Decide in which statement (a orb) the use of the articles
is correct.
been allocated funding for _ _ _ __ _ smoking
cessation services.
2 (;) Check your answers with a partner and listen again.
J (;) Work in pairs. Listen to sentences 1-7 in turn and
2 In the sentences below, find the four extra definite
decide together whether the articles in each sentence are
correct. Check your answers w ith another pair.
1 The mortality for patients with the pneumonia
who are managed in the community is less than 4 (;) Listen again and check your answers.
1%, but one in four patients with pneumonia
is admitted to hospital and mortality for those
admitted is around 9%. Speaking
2 TB is spread by the airborne droplets containing Work in pairs. Rank these causes of breathlessness in
mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB). Droplets can order of speed of onset: Instantaneous, Acute (minutes-
remain airborne for hours after the expectoration hours), Subacute (days), Chronic (months-years). Check
because of their small size. Infectious droplets are your answers with another pair.
inhaled and become lodged in the distal airways. pleural effusion pneumothorax
3 Pulmonary embolism is a clinically significant fibrotic lung disease exacerbations of asthma
obstruction of part or all of the pulmonary vascular COPD pulmonary embolism
tree, usually caused by the thrombus from a asbestosis
different site.
Respiratory med icine 93

TB tuberculosis
esolve (v) disappear

Signs and symptoms Speaking

Lung conditions 1 Work in pairs. Write down a scenario for a patient
presenting with the symptoms and signs in Signs and
symptoms and decide on a cause.
2 Work with a pair who have prepared a different
scenario. Swap scenarios and prepare your role as a
patient for your new scenario.
3 Take turns taking the history from the patient and
explaining the tests in Signs and symptoms 2. Then
explain the results and treatment.
4 Work in groups of four. While two doctors do the role-
play, one doctor uses a copy of the speaking checklist
on page 117 to monitor the doctor and give feedback at
the end on agreed criteria. The fourth doctor listens for
correct examples of the use of the articles and incorrect
5 Two doctors volunteer to do a role-play in front of the
class. The class chooses a scenario where a patient
1 Work in pairs. Choose one of these clinical conditions thinks he I she has one of the conditions 1-6 in Signs
and symptoms 1-6. What questions would you ask to and symptoms but the diagnosis is bronchitis or a
reach a possible diagnosis? bad viral flu . The doctor reassures the patient that it
1 Pneumonia is not the condition he I she fears. The role-play may
fever, rigors malaise, anorexia, dyspnoea, cough, include all or part of the following: the history, the
purulent sputum, haemoptysis, and pleuritic pain investigations, the diagnosis, or the treatment.
productive cough, haemoptysis, breathlessness, From what you have told me, ...
weight loss, night sweats, malaise, chest pain It looks as ifyou have ...
Ifyou had ... ,you'd ...
Patients with ... usually have ...
cough, sputum, dyspnoea, wheeze
It doesn 't sound pleasant, but ...
4 Lung tumour Because yourfriend had ...
cough, haemoptysis, dyspnoea, chest pain, recurrent If it doesn't go away, come back and see me.
or slow resolving pneumonia, anorexia, weight loss
5 Pulmonary embolism
acute breathlessness, pleuritic chest pain,
haemoptysis, dizziness, syncope
6 Mesothelioma
chest pain (dull ache, 'boring', diffuse, occasionally
pleuritic), dyspnoea, weight loss, profuse sweating,

2 What tests I investigations would you want to do for

the condition you have chosen?
3 What treatment would be suitable in each case?
94 Unit 10

3 Work in pairs. Find these phrases in the text. Are they

Reading causes or effects?
1 Work in groups. Before you look at the text, describe 1 and hence the airways are at their most open
Figure 1, which shows the flow-volume loop. 2 the highest flow rates are possible at the beginning
of the blow
2 Use these words to complete 1-7 in the text. 3 and are less able to resist dynamic compression
peak expiratory flow rate inspiration 4 Also, increasingly with age, the small airways may
closing volume dynamic compression actually close off
fixed upper airway narrowing 5 the inspiratory muscles are approaching the end of
expiration peak flow their 'travel'

tissue, are pulling the hardest and maximal airflow obtainable, regardless of
Flow-volume loop supporting the airways against 2_ __ effort, falls too.
A good starting point to the during the exhalation manoeuvre. Eventually, the expiratory muscles
understanding of lung function tests This means that the highest flow rates come to the end of their 'travel' and
is the flow-volume loop. This plots are possible at the beginning of the blow, cannot squeeze the chest any more. Also,
inspiratory and expiratory flow against hence the sudden rise to a 3_ _ _ in increasingly with age, the small airways
lung volume during a maximal expiratory the 100 ms or so of the forced breath out. may actually close off, preventing any
and maximal inspiratory manoeuvre. (B). This is the 4_ _ _ and is essentially more emptying. (D). The volume at which
At the beginning of the 1_ _ _ from what a peak flow meter measures. this begins is called the s___ .
a full breath in, the expiratory muscles As the lung empties, and the lung As maximal 6_ _ _ starts, although
are at their strongest, the lungs at their volume drops, the dilatory pull on the the inspiratory muscles are at their
biggest, and hence the airways are at airways from the radial attachments of strongest, the airways are at their
their most open. (A). Because the lungs the surrounding lung tissue reduces. (C). smallest. Thus, flow rates start low and
are at their largest, the radial attachments Hence the airways narrow and become increase as the airways open up. However,
to the airways, effectively the alveolar I less supported, and are less able to resist as the airways open up, the inspiratory
capillary membranes and their connective dynamic compression. This means that the muscles are approaching the end of
their 'travel' and are weakening. This
means the flow rates fall again; hence,
the different rounded appearance of the
inspiratory limb of the flow-volume curve.
RV Thus, normally the inspiratory
and expiratory flow rates depend on
lung volume and are termed 'volume-
Inspiratory dependent'. If there is 7_ _ _ , such
flow as from a fibrous tumour in the trachea,
then the size of the airway at this point
may become so narrow that it now limits
maximal flows.
Respiratory med'c1n e 95

It is now estimated that as many as 300 million people suffer from asthma. British children
are three times more likely to suffer asthma than those from France, Germany, or Italy.
The highest prevalence rates for asthma in the world are found in the UK, New Zealand,
Australia, Ireland, and Canada. Nepal, Romania, Albania, Indonesia, and Macau have the
lowest prevalence rates of asthma.
-GINA {Global Initiativefor Asthma)


~ ~ ~
1 Work in pairs. Describe the device below. ~m~_~ ~~~
~~::;~~-- --;:::;
reo~ 0 ~~~~
Date and time 8: $. ~ '-' "'"" -. >= ::;; Notes
Mon, 01 Aug 200512:00 PM 503 87% XX
Sun,31Jui200512:00PM 480 83% X X X X
Sat,30Jul200512:00 PM 541 94%
Fri, 29 Jul2005 12:00 PM 516 89% X X
Thu, 28Jul200512:00 PM 483 84% X X X
Wed, 27 Jul200512:00 PM 565 98% X XX
Tue,26Jui200512:00PM 497 86% X X X
Mon, 25Jui200512:00PM 273 47% XXX X XXX XX X XXX
Sun,24Jui200512:00PM 501 87% X X
Sat, 23Jui200512:00PM 540 93% X X X X
Fri, 22 Jul200512:00 PM 537 93% X X X
Thu, 21Jui200512:00PM 471 81 % X X
Wed,20 Jui200512:00PM 547 95%
Tue, 19Jui200512:00PM 544 94% X X
Mon, 18 Jul200512:00 PM 470 81 %
Sun, 17 Jul200512:00 PM 500 86% X XX
Sat, 16Jul200512:00 PM 480 83% X X X X
Fri, 15 Jul200512:00 PM 475 82% X X X
2 Make a list of the steps involved in explaining Thu, 14Jul200512:00 PM 520 90% X
to a patient how to use a peak flow meter. Take Wed, 13 Jul200512:00 PM 370 64% X X X XX X XXX
Tue, 12Jul200512:00 PM 496 86% X X X
turns explaining to each other using the picture
Mon, 11 Jul200512:00 PM 562 97%
in 1 and these expressions.
X= Mild or occasional symptoms XX= Medium or frequent symptoms XXX= Severe or continuous symptoms
You need to ...
Can you stand or sit upright? Project
Ensure the meter is set at ...
1 Work in pairs. Find information on the internet on
Take a deep breath.
explaining the use of inhalers to patients. Or choose
Sealyour lips around it.
one of the sites below.
Blow out as hard and as fast possible.
Record the best of three efforts.
Repeat. Asthma UK:
American Society of Chest Physicians:
3 Explain to the patient how to record the
readings appropriately using the chart. British Thoracic Society:
European Respiratory Society:
Society of Thoracic Surgeons:
BTS training site:
For simple thoracic anatomy and other anatomy
Also check the Oxford Handbook of Clinical
Examination and Practical Skills.
2 Share and compare the information with other
students and choose the best resource.
96 Unit 10

Listening 3 Speaking
Explaining a device Work in pairs. Take turns explaining to the patient how
to use the breath-activated inhaler and then ask the
1 ~ Listen to a nurse explaining to a
patient to explain it to you. The patient should make
patient how to use a breath-activated
some mistakes. Correct the patient politely.
pressurized MDI (Metered Dose
Inhaler). Write down the verbs the USEFUL EXPRESSIONS

nurse uses to explain how to use the OK, that's fine, but try to do it like this.
device after she says: First of all, you Do you want to show me again?
remove the cap ... Fine, just try doing it like this.
OK, just see if you can do it like this.
2 Work in pairs. Compare lists and That's nearly it.
check with other students to Can you try it again for me?
complete your list.
3 ~ The nurse asks the patient
to explain the procedure to her. Writing
The following illustrations show what the patient Describing data
explained to the nurse. Listen again to the nurse's
explanation. Which three steps are not illustrated? 1 Work by yourself. Look at the chart opposite which
shows trends in annual rates of primary care
4 Work in pairs. Compare answers. consultations, hospital admissions, and mortality for
asthma among children under five. Which line or lines
on the chart do these words and phrases relate to?
1 trends overall
2 experience a steady decline almost to zero
3 increase substantially during
4 halve
5 more than halve
6 reach a high, throughout the period
7 hospital admission rate
8 rise sharply
9 upward trend
10 downward trend overall with the exception of
Res piratory medi cine 97

Assess you r progress in this unit.
Tick {.f) the statements which a re true.
I can understand language for cough and
I can explain investigations
I can use a I an, the, and zero article
I can check the patient understands devices
Asthma and allergies: decrease in hospital admissions in 1990s
I can describe data

l...--'" Keywords


"\ Adjectives

120 breath-activated
If \ expiratory
100 hoarse
- """"'-!!~~ hollow

-- ""'
~ .............
" "' ,
80 inspiratory
,/' .............
....... .... productive
40 tenacious
tick ly

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 crackles
Annual hospita l admissions per 10,000 (Eng land & Wa les) expectoration
Annual deaths per million (UK) high
Patients treated for asthma annually per 1,000 (England & Wales) malaise
Weekly GP episodes per 100,000 (England & Wales)
Trends in annual rates of primary care consultations, hospital adm issions, sputum
and mortal ity for asthma among children aged under five r yea rs trend

2 Work in groups. Check your answers. Together prepare orally Useful reference
a description of the data of between 150 and 200 words, using
the phrases below. At this stage do not write, but you may make
Oxford Handbook of Respiratory Medicine
2nd edition, Chapman et al,
ISB N 978-019-954516-2
The graph I chart shows I illustrates I provides information about I
provides a breakdown of. ..
Generally speaking, the trends ..., with the exception of...,
For example, I For instance,... / Take ...,for example.
Similarly, I Likewise, I Furthermore ,.. .
As regards I Regarding I With regard to I As can be seen I
Turning to ...
By contrast I Compared to I In comparison with I By comparison
As against I As opposed to
3 On your own, write a description of the data using the simple
past. Quote the data to support your description. You do not need
to describe every change in the chart.
98 Unit 11

Check up
1 Describe these pictures. What relevance do they have
for the spread of infectious diseases?

1 Work in groups. Use your own knowledge and the
internet to find out more information about these
milestones in public health practice nationally and
1600s- Variolation (the induction of mild smallpox
to reduce mortality, an ancient practice in Asia)
spreads to Africa, Europe, the Ottoman Empire, and
the Americas.
2 1796- Edward Jenner immunizes James Phipps with
cowpox virus.
3 1854- John Snow shows that cholera spreads
through contaminated drinking water.
4 1873- Henrik Arnhauer Hansen identifies the
bacillus causing leprosy under microscope.
5 1882- Koch discovers the bacillus causing
2 Work in groups. In the UK certain diseases are 6 1887- Ronald Ross in India describes the malaria-
notifiable. What types of diseases do you think have mosquito life cycle.
to be notified to the authorities and why do they have
7 1928- Fleming discovers the antibacterial effect of
to be notified? Do you have the same system in your
8 1953- Polio vaccine introduced.
3 What epidemics I pandemics do you know in the world
since the beginning of the twentieth century? 2 Share the information you have found with the class.
Tropical di seases 99

In this unit
ta lking about tropical diseases
using vocabulary related to travel lers' diarrhoea
using linking words like next, then, when in descriptions
talking about sickle-cell anaemia and rehabilitation
after stroke
showing respect in discussions

Speaking 4 <(,) Listen again and complete the notes made by a

student during the presentation. In each space write no
1 Work in pairs. Choose the three most important
more than three words from the talk.
developments in Project 1. Rank them in order of
'N (;(-f.,_ -tr"!velhs cu-~ t"'ck- {ru-M f.w[idttys
2 Compare your rankings with other pairs. Are their
U'r'fu-rt";(- tv -t/tirJ_ "!trMt '- - - - - - -
rankings similar to yours?
rrvl0tvry, Med tv "!Jk- "!trM-t
3 Choose the most important development from the list.
If it were not for... If ...hadn 't ... , "!re"!J -tr"!velkd tv ( ()/t:.~ 6-ncf JtvjJu-verJ )
... is the single most ... Byfar, the most ...
-tf,_e dv<.r"!-ticrrv rrf ff..e. tr"!ve[

Listening 1
. nvt~riA rru-rf:11.erxw
Treating returning travellers
k"'-l-t;.,_ rrf mewen rrf -tf,_e , _ _ _ _ __
suvurl cu-11;(-"f.c-tJ vvkls-t "!tru-"!d
., medic"![ -tre"!-tmetl;(- received "!tro"f.d.
Fvt.l[ U"!frl.i~-turrv sf.wvt.ld 6-ec!/werv.
rrvves-ti:J"~-tUrN, ~ "!trM-t FB'C, -thick- "!M ~
+ for nvt~r/A, LFD, vir"!l
serolu-._JJ, 6-lovd cvt.ltw"e, s-tuvl cvt.ltw"e (eNw-e &-t &s
fresf.,_), MIV .

-tf,_e v k..
E"'-!)1 tv WI.UJ dtAc!fMJW
Gre"!-t ' - C"!i'L- rresetl;(- VViJ"t"'
M"!rjy "!~ !)tW'ftvYN
1- rrf f,_e"'-d",_e, nvr~we,
~"'-yiA, "!M "!MrUIA, follu-vved fJ recw-r0;t
fevers, ri:Jm, "!M R , vvkcf.,_ ~-t
1 ~ Listen to the talk on treating illness among for R-2 f.ww-s "1.-t "'- -ti-me
returning travellers. Look at the notes and the picture
above and decide what the illness is.
2 Work in pairs. Look at the notes made by a student. 5 What questions would you ask in taking the history of
What is the part of speech (noun, verb, etc.) of each a businessman who had been to South America and
of the missing words? presented with fever?
3 What do the abbreviations stand for? Use a dictionary 6 Work in pairs and take turns taking the history from
or ask a partner. each other.
100 Unit 11

The Health Protection Agency has a useful A-Z of

topics at www.hpa

Travellers' diarrhoea
1 Complete the text using these adjectives.
chlorinated contaminated frequent
hyper -osmolar preferable reputable
self-limiting sw eet ened unhygienic
Most episodes are 1_ _ _ _ __
Increase fluid intake. Eating e.g. broth with noodles
or salty crackers with 2 drinks will
provide a balance of carbohydrate and salt.
Oral rehydration solution (ORS} is 3_ _ _ __
if the diarrhoea is frequent or severe or if there are
signs of dehydration, weakness, or muscle cramps.
Drinks designed for rehydration during sports
activities do not contain the correct balance of salts
for diarrhoea treatment. Sodas and fruit juices are
often 4 or have high sugar content
and can make diarrhoea worse.
Prompt antibiotic treatment reduces symptom
Loperamide shortens the episode in older children
and adults with s small volume stools.
(Do not use loperamide ifthere is blood in the stools,
fever, tenesmus, or other signs of dysentery.)
Avoid 6 fruit, uncooked vegetables,
sauces which are not freshly prepared and handled in
______ conditions e.g. by street vendors.
1 Work in groups. Describe an interesting case
Where there is no reliable source of s_ _ _ _ __
presentation of a patient who had a disease that is
water, sterilize water by boiling or with chlorine
not prevalent in Western Europe or one that is not
tablets or drink bottled water from a 9_ _ _ __
prevalent in your country. Say what you learnt
source. Avoid bottled water where the bottles are
from the case and what you would do differently
immersed in water or ice to keep them cool. Beware
if you had to do it again.
ice or ice cream, which may be made using IO
______ water. When trekking or in isolated 2 Choose one student from each group to describe
places, it is advisable to carry packets of ORS and a their case to the rest of the class. If possible, use
course of treatment. Hand sanitizers are useful when PowerPoint or the electronic smart board.
hand-washing is impossible.
3 Work on your own. Write a description of no more
2 Work in pairs. Take turns explaining to another doctor than 150-200 words ofthe case you described.
the management or prevention of travellers' diarrhoea. Describe the sequence of events and add what you
Then explain the management or prevention to a learnt from it and how you would improve your
patient. performance if you did it again.
Tropical diseases 101

Remember always to maintain

patient confidentiality.

Language spot
Red blood cell
Linking words

Male Gametocyte



Female Gamete

Zygote \
1 Work in pairs. Look at the diagram of the life cycle of J Work in pairs and describe steps 6-10.
the malarial parasite. Describe steps 1-5 in your own
Go to Grammar reference p 126
2 Read this description of the same steps. Underline the
words that are suitable in each case. In some cases Writing
more than one is suitable. Describing a life cycle
The sexual part of the life cycle of the malarial 1 Work in pairs. Write about 150 words describing steps
mosquito takes place in the invertebrate host {the 6-10 in the life cycle ofthe malarial parasite in the
Anopheles mosquito) and the asexual cycle occurs diagram in Language spot.
in the vertebrate host (the human). 2 Compare your answer with another pair of students.
At the vertebrate stage,lwhen I where I then the Check each other's writing for mistakes.
mosquito needs blood for her eggs, she bites the
human host and at the same time injects motile
At the next step I stage I phase ...
sporozoites into the blood stream. 2After that I Next
Following that ...
I Then these invade hepatocytes, 3where I when I
Afterwards ...
then they develop into liver schizonts. 4 When I As
Before ...
soon as I Next each schizont ruptures, thousands
of merozoites are released. 5After that I Once I After
this happens, the merozoites invade red blood cells.
This 6 after that I next I then triggers the part of
the cycle which is responsible for all the clinical
manifestations of the disease.
102 Unit 11

deoxygenated (adj) having dactylitis (n) inflammation of

oxygen removed the fingers and toes
infarct (n) an area of cell death I
necrosis which is caused by
an obstruction of the local
blood supply. Another word for

Sickle-cell anaemia


The sickle-cell gene is common in equatorial Africa (frequency

25%), Saudi Arabia, and south Asia but less common in the
Mediterranean and the mixed populations of the Americas
1 Work in groups. Before you look at the text, look at the
(frequency 5%). It is due to a single point mutation in the Hb
titles and pool your knowledge on sickle-cell anaemia.
~-globin gene chain. When deoxygenated , HbS molecules
Predict what you expect to see in the reading passage. polymerize into elongated structures causing erythrocytes to
2 Find words in the passage which mean: deform and haemolyze. Sickled red cells are rigid and block
the micro-circulation in various organs, causing infarcts.
1 to break down or disintegrate The inheritance of the disease is autosomal co-dominant
2 combine with another compound to form a polymer (i.e. sickle-cell disease is due to heterozygous inheritance
3 characteristic HbAS). The trait is generally asymptomatic. Sickle-cell disease
4 interchange occurs with homozygous inheritance of the gene (HbSS) or
5 blocking co-inheritance of another ~-globin chain disorder such as
6 accompanying or occurring with HbC (see below). Sickle-cell disease and glucose-phosphate
7 broughton dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency may occur together
8 develops later because of the high prevalence of both conditions in some
9 change. regions. They provide protection against malaria.

Clinical features of sickle-cell anaemia

Severe haemolytic anaemia is punctuated by severe pain
crises. Young patients alternate periods of good health with
acute crises. Later chronic ill health supervenes due to organ
damage. Symptoms begin after six months of age as the HbF
level declines. The first signs are often of acute dactylitis due
to occlusive necrosis of the small bones of the hands and
feet, resulting in digits of varying length. The long bones are
affected in older children and adults. Anaemia (Hb 6-8 g/dl;
reticulocytes 10-20%) is well tolerated because of cardiac
compensation and a lower affinity of HbS for oxygen.
Tropi cal diseases 103

CNS ce ntra l nervo us system

CXR chest X-ray

3 Work in pairs. Are the statements true or fal se?

The severity of comp lications depends on a number of The sickle-cell gene is as widespread in the
factors including the propor tion of non-sickle Hb molecules Americas as it is in Africa.
(e.g. HbF) and the ratio a to~ chains, which may be modified 2 Infarcts can be caused when sickled red cells
by concom itant a thalassaemia trait or conditions affecting obstruct circulation in certain organs.
~-globin chain production (Bantu haplotype is associated with
3 Sickle-cell disease and G6PD combined protect
severe disease, whi lst Senegalese and Asian haplotypes are
sufferers against malaria.
less severe).
4 The first signs of severe haemolytic anaemia are
Types of crises always seen in the bones and hands of the feet.
Painful vascular-occlusive: frequent and precipi tated 5 The severity of the complications is linked to the
by infections, aci dosis, dehydration, or hypoxia. Infarcts proportion of non -sickle Hb molecules.
often occu r in the axial skeleton, lungs, and spleen. 6 Patients can die when a chest crisis occurs during a
Repeated splenic infa rction leads to hyposplenism in
painful crisis.
adu lthood. Crises can involve the CNS (in 7% of the
7 During an aplastic crisis, a blood transfusion always
patients) and spinal cord.
Visceral sequestration: due to sickling within organs and
saves lives.
pooling of blood. 4 Work in groups. How common is sickle-cell anaemia in
Chest: pulmonary infiltrates on CXR, fever, chest your country? Have you treated cases of this condition?
pain, tac hypnoea, cough, wheeze. There is often
Give examples.
concom itant infection, microvascu lar occlusion, and
bronchoconstriction. Chest crises can arise duri ng a
painful crisis; patients should be monitored ca reful ly for
this comp lication , which can be fatal.
Listening 2
Haemolytic: raised rate of haemolysis with a fall in Hb. Maintaining good health
Usually accompanying a painful cris is. Concomitant
G6PD deficiency may wo rsen haemolysis. 1 <('~} Listen to the conversation between Dr Lindt and
Aplastic: Arrest of red cel l production due to infection Mrs Boyce. What is the subject of the conversation?
wi th parvovi rus and I or folate deficiency. It is
2 <('~} Listen again. Write down as many details as you
characterized by a sudden fal l in Hb and reticu locytes,
emergency blood transfusion can be life-saving.
3 (;) Work in pairs. Compare your answers with a
colleague and if necessary listen again.
4 Work in groups. Describe the best ways for patients
with sickle-cell disease to maintain good h ealth. Make
notes and share your information with the class.
5 Work in pairs. You are a GP and you are going to t alk to
a patient, Mr(s) Dillon, about the best ways to maintain
good health for himself I herself. Using the notes from
1 and 4 above, take turns role-playing the conversation.
It's important ... You need to ...
Where possible try to ... Ifyou {do this) ... , then .. .
Ifyou get (sick, especially high fever) ... , contact .. .
104 Unit 11

Physiotherapy should never be Stroke

painful. The expression 'No pain, no One of the complications of sickle-cell anaemia is stroke.
gain' has no place in physiotherapy. Rehabilitation and physiotherapy after stroke is essential24 hours a
-Oxford Handbook ofTropical day and as the physiotherapy can be undone by bad posture during
Medicine the night and at other times, it is a good idea to teach the relatives
the basics of physiotherapy.

Patient care Speaking

1 Work in pairs. Look at the diagrams, which show
positioning and movements for hemiplegic patients
lying down. Decide what instructions you would give
to someone to explain how to position a hemiplegic

side= blue

1 Work in groups. Look at statements 1-10 and match

them with a-g.
1 Do you want to add anything to that?
2 Ahmed, what about you?
3 I agree with what you said but, what about ... ?
4 Can I just say that ... ?
5 I think you're right, but we also need to think about ...
6 I think that's it exactly.
7 I'm not so sure if that's going to work.
8 Any more suggestions or ideas from anyone?
9 No, I'm sorry. It's OK. You go first.
10 Shall we appoint someone to take notes?
2 Match these sentences to the pictures in 1.
a agreeing
1 Help Andrew to get up to sit on the bed.
b disagreeing
2 Position Andrew on the stroke {hemiplegic) side like
c agreeing and disagreeing
this with a cushion under the head and leg like this.
d inviting someone to speak
3 Roll Andrew onto his normal side while supporting
e adding information
his weak shoulder.
f apologizing for speaking over someone
4 Lay Andrew on the normal side like this with
g taking the lead in the discussion
cushions under the stroke {hemiplegic) arm and leg.
5 Position and cushion Andrew in the supine position. 2 Can you add any more expressions of your own to the
list above?
3 Work in pairs. Take turns explaining to a relative how
to position and support a patient who has suffered a
stroke. Use the diagrams above to help you.
Tropical disea ses 105

Assess your progress in this unit.
Tick (.f) the statements which are true.
I can talk about tropical diseases
I can understand and use vocabulary
related to travellers' diarrhoea
I can use linking words like next, then, when
in descriptions
3 Look at the task below, which is an awareness exercise for I can talk about sickle-cell anaemia and
GPs working in areas with patients from a wide range of
reha bi Iitation after stroke
backgrounds. Spend several minutes thinking about the task.
Make mental notes about the measures, but don't write anything I can show respect in discussions

You are working in a general practice in the UK which covers Keywords

an area where there are many patients who have come from or
whose families have come from South America, Africa, and
south-east Asia. You do not feel that the GP practice is catering
well for these patients. What are the three best measures to
improve the situation?
4 Work in groups ofthree or four. Each group should pair with Nouns
another group, one as group A and the other as group B. Group epidemic
A discusses the task in J and decides on the three best solutions. gametocyte
Each student in Group B monitors the performance of a student haemolyze
in group A. After fifteen minutes of discussion, the students each host
give feedback in pairs on the performance using the following life cycle
criteria: ability at turn taking, respect for colleagues, contribution malaria
to the discussion, teamwork. merozoite
1 rigor

sickle-cell anaemia
- 0 <---Task --->0 .._ stopover

travellers' diarrhoea
va riolation

Useful reference
Oxford Handbook of Tropical Medicine,
5 Change roles and this time the students in group B discuss while
3rd edition, Eddleston,
those in A monitor.
ISBN 978-019-920409-0
6 Choose the best measure to improve the situation.
106 Unit 12

Check up
1 Describe these pictures.

2 Work in groups. What are the main advantages and 4 Why do people often resist the introduction of new
disadvantages of technology? technology? Give examples from your own experience.
What are the reactions to innovations in science and
J Some people think that deskilling and losing sight
medicine in particular in your country?
of the patient are the main downsides of the use of
technology in medicine. Do you agree?
Technology 107

In this unit
e using vocabulary about change
e evaluating change and development
e asking and dealing with negative quest ions
e writing about arguments

Vocabulary Listening 1
Change Technological advances
1 Work in pairs. Which two adjectives in italics can you
use together t o complete each sentence? Are the two
adjectives you chose in the correct order?
1 Technology like computers has brought about
structural I big !far-reaching change in the
provision of health care internationally.
2 The first face transplant represented a diplomatic I
medical I real breakthrough.
3 In recent years, some very dramatic I enormous I
technological advances have been made in
4 Throughout history, many important I recent I
medical developments have been curtailed out of
fear and ignorance.
5 Keyhole surgery was a(n) ingenious I modern I latest
6 Society at large, not just the medical field, is
undergoing a computing I complete I technological
7 A radical I whole I sudden transformation occurred
in the way patients were treated.
8 Stifling constant I scientific I important innovations
in medicine through lack of funding is indefensible.
9 I'd like to find something tracing the constant I
biological I technological evolution of medical
sci-ence. 1 (,) Work in groups. Listen to two doctors, a male and
10 The government sponsored a pioneering I latest I female , discussing technological advances in medicine.
joint initiative between the medical schools. Two students (Students A) concentrate on what the
female doctor says and two students (Students B)
2 Work in pairs. What are the verb forms of the nouns in concentrate on the male doctor. Make notes as you
bold in 1? listen.
2 Students A, check your notes with each other. Students
B, do the same. Then combine your information.
J (,) Then listen again and check you have understood
4 Make a list of developments you would like to see in
medicine. Describe and evaluate your predictions for
the future . Give reasons for your comments.
108 Unit 12

xeno-transplant (n) animal to

human transplant

Vocabulary Speaking
Evaluating change 1 Work in groups of four.
Discuss which of these
1 Work in groups. Look at the adjectives on page 107 in
issues you think are
Vocabulary 1. Which adjectives evaluate the nouns?
controversial or sensitive
Which describe?
matters for you and for
2 Work out which adjectives are being described below. the general public.
The words are jumbled upside down below. Animal experiments I
1 a synonym of the word dangerous z_ _ __ vivisection
2 to do with being advantageous n Xeno-transplants
Face transplants
3 a synonym for convincing p e
Genetic manipulation
4 to do with causing harm f Growing spare body
5 to do with having great worth v e parts
6 to do with being easy to use at 2 Choose a topic from 1 and divide into two sides, for
anytime c t and against. Prepare at least three arguments for each
7 a synonym for frightening a m side. Then debate the issue. Discuss also whether the
procedure is acceptable in your own country.
8 to do with not being able to
support something i- -e USEFUL EXPRESSIONS
arouse emotion I controversy I debate
9 a synonym for damaging d
controversial I sensitive I debatable issue
10 to do with distasteful 0 _j e outweigh I offset I be more important than any I
compensate for
;JiqEUOI:p;J[qo diqEnreAu! ;JN!SU;Jj:;Jpll! J Choose a member from one group to summarize both
snopiEZEl.{ ITIJWlEl.{ IEfU;lWTJ:j.;lp sides of the argument for the rest of the class. other
:j.U;JIU;JAUOJ IE!J!J;lU;Jq 8U!WlE1E group members should lend support.

J Which ofthese words are synonyms of the words in 2? Listening :Z

One word may be used twice.
Trying to persuade the doctor
compelling helpful incalculable
offensive practical risky 1 {(;) Listen to the five short conversations between a
shocking unjustifiable unsafe doctor and a patient. Write down the patient's first
question in each conversation.
2 Work in pairs. Compare your answers.
J Work in pairs. Discuss why you think the patients
asked the questions that they did. Then check your
answers in the Grammar reference on page 126.
4 {(;) Listen again. Write down the doctor's reply.
5 Take turns asking each other questions and replying.
Technology 109

Why innovate? Within three years of introduction of the first

anti retrovira I treatments, AIDS deaths d rapped by 70%.
Improvements in treatment have helped cut cancer death rates
in half.
Vaccines have saved countles s children from diseases such as polio,
rubella, measles, and tetanus.
-Council for American Medica/Innovation

Language spot 3 Work in pairs. Match the meanings a-k to the

statements 1-11 in 2.
Negative questions
a You should have.
1 Look at the faces. What feelings do you think they are b He's late.
showing? c I don't like this new one.
d I can't afford to pay for it.
e It's missing.
f Iwantone.
g I feel angry because it's been cancelled.
h I think you've left me off the waiting list.
You've kept us waiting too long.
j I don't want to stop.
k I think you've forgotten.
4 l(i} All of the statements in 2 are made by a patient.
Work in pairs. Listen and decide which you would put
into the categories below. Some may fit into more than
one category.
a a strong criticism
b a mild criticism
c areminder
d avoiding criticism
e showing shock I surprise
f persuasion I a demand
5 Decide how you would reply to each statement in 2.
You could I can, but ...
I'm afraid not, because ...
Oh, yes, sorry ...
Oh,yes,you're right.
I'm very sorry, but ...
Yes, we have.
2 Work in pairs. Look at these statements made by
I did, but ...
patients. What feelings or thoughts could lie behind
the questions? 6 Work in pairs. Take turns asking and replying to the
1 Couldn't I just keep using the same device? questions. Develop the answers in your own way.
2 Isn't this available on the NHS?
7 Can you think of acceptable and unacceptable
3 Wouldn't it be better for me just to continue with
examples of situations where you can use negative
questions like those in 2 with colleagues? Give reasons.
4 Doesn't this device come with a cap on it?
Look at the audio script for Listening 2 on page 137.
5 Shouldn't my daughter be next?
6 Won't I be having the operation today either? Go to Grammar reference p 12 6
7 Can't I have an MRI scan?
8 Hasn't the doctor arrived yet?
9 Haven't you done that referral letter yet?
10 Didn't you say I could go home today?
11 Aren't I next on the waiting list?
110 Unit 12

1 Work in pairs. Look at the photos. You have two
patients. One patient is insisting on having each of
the procedures or items in the photos and the other
is reluctant to have them. Decide what the patient
might say in each case.

Z Work in pairs. Take turns role-playing the conversation

between the doctor and the patient. The patient can be
difficult and insistent.

1 Work in pairs. Look at the three extract s on page 111.
What do you think is the source of each text?
Z Match these sources to the extracts 1-3.
A newspaper
A website for patients
A specialist website on stem cell research
J Replace the highlighted words in these sent ences with
a word from the extracts.
Scientists learnt how to grow stem cells in the
laboratory after years of experimentation.
2 Stem cell treatment involves hazards as well as
being harsh.
3 Professor Dhillon's reaction is unambiguous
when asked if the research at Edinburgh met any
4 As it is connected with the use of foetuses, the term
stem cell is quite sensitive to many people.
5 Patients are given information as to when the
advantages are greater than the dangers in a stem
cell transplant.
Technology 111

harvest (v) (of tissue or organs) collect Do not go where the path may lead , go instead
unspecialized (adj} of cells, not differentiated where there is no path and leave a trail.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1803-1882

Stem Cell Transplant Stem cell research is a subject The specific factors and
A stem cell transplant is used to almost guaranteed to prompt mixed conditions that allow stem cells to
increase the chance of a cure or reactions. As if to illustrate that fact, remain unspecialized are of great
remission for a number of cancers two high-profile Scottish stem cell interest to scientists. It has taken
and blood disorders. It usually trials were announced this week, to scientists many years of trial and
involves intense chemotherapy very different responses. While one error to learn to grow stern cells
followed by an infusion of stem was branded 'immoral and unethical' in the laboratory without them
cells. The treatment requires by critics, the other was warmly spontaneously differentiating into
close nursing and medical care welcomed as offering a potential cure specific cell types. For example,
for a number of weeks. It can be a for some types of blindness. it took twenty years to learn how
gruelling treatment and there are The difference is that the former- a to grow human embryonic stern
risks. Your specialist can advise trial in Glasgow to insert stem cells cells in the laboratory following
when the likely benefits of this into the brains of stroke victims- the development of conditions
procedure can outweigh the risks. relies on stem cells harvested from for growing mouse stern cells.
human embryos, which must be Therefore an important area of
What is a stem cell transplant? destroyed to enable the beginning of research is understanding the
A stem cell transplant may be used a cell line. signals in a mature organism
so that you can have intensive Edinburgh uses stem cells from that cause a stern cell population
high dose chemotherapy (and voluntary adult donors, harvested to proliferate and remain
sometimes radiotherapy) to kill after their death, to treat corneal unspecialized until the cells are
cancerous cells. The chemotherapy blindness. It is the use of voluntary needed for repair of a specific
is higher than conventional adult donors that makes all the tissue. Such information is critical
chemotherapy and also kills the difference to those with moral for scientists to be able to grow
stem cells in the bone marrow and ethical objections to stem cell large numbers of unspecialized
that would normally make blood therapy. stern cells in the laboratory for
cells. Therefore, following the Asked if he had encountered further experimentation.
chemotherapy, you are given back any opposition, Prof Dhillon is
(transplanted) stem cells which unequivocal. 'No. Because we're
can then make normal blood cells using tissue that's been generously
again. donated by adult donors after death,
A stem cell transplant is sometimes those issues don't arise with this type
called a bone marrow transplant. of research.
However, stem cells can be obtained 'I think the term stem cell has
from blood as well as from the become rather emotive in that it's
bone marrow. So, the term stem cell linked with a number of images
transplant is now used. and issues, both ethical and moral,
associated with the use of foetuses,
and this trial is not using foetal stem
cells. But I think it's important for
clinicians, scientists, and the public
to have an open debate.'

4 Answer these questions. 3 What difference is mentioned between normal

1 Why is it important for scientists to understand the chemotherapy and that used in stem cell
signals in a mature organism that cause a stem cell transplants?
population to proliferate and remain unspecialized 5 Work in groups. Are you interested in genetics? Give
until the cells are needed for repair of a specific tissue? reasons and examples.
2 Why has the Edinburgh trial not had a negative
response to its work?
112 Unit 12

demystify (v) take away the Frankenstein (n) a fictional The novel Frankenstein,
mystery about something; to doctor who assembled a human published in 1818, was written
make something clear from the parts of dead people, by Mary Shelley.
Pandora's box (n) a process resulting in a creature often
that, if started, will cause many called 'Frankentein's Monster'
problems that cannot be solved

Speaking 4 Discuss the main arguments for and against stem cell
research I therapy from the ethical and scientific view.
1 Work in pairs. Look at the picture and describe what is
Look at the words and ideas below.

rvt ~eorles
mi ll~t at e(Jse

t ke awa~
the rn~~~er~
2 Work in pairs. Is each statement for or against stem cell
OP.etL a..
therapies? I c.ut of wormS
1 Stem cell research is the breakthrough that sufferers
of illnesses and paralysis have been waiting for. Creo..Ce ()... rnonsfer
2 The best way to approach the issue is to clarify alarm
how the procedure works to make people feel at r10 id.tQ...f
ease with stem cell research. Once it has been
.,/:he outuwY~f endanjer
de mystified, people are more likely to accept it.
3 Stem cell research and therapies are indefensible
vnnaivra.. L eorardze
because they interfere with nature.
4 Many people are apprehensive about harvesting rut a1 risk
stem cells from embryos to use in any kind of
treatment. reckless
5 I can understand the faith people have in stem cell
therapy, but I think it is a step too far both ethically
and scientifically.
6 Provided there are sufficient safeguards in place,
stem cell research is surely a welcome development
7 A development like stem cell research is
scientifically complex and has such dangerous
consequences that it's impossible to allay people's
8 Stem cell research and therapy give hope to
thousands of sufferers.

3 Decide which category of statements you agree with.

Then compare your answers with another pair of
students. 5 Make a master list of ideas in 4 for the whole class.
Technology 113

Discovery consists of seeing

what everybody else has seen
and thinking what nobody else
has thought.
-Albert von Szent-Gydrgyi
7893-7986, Hungarian

Writing Checklist
Stem cell therapy Assess your progress in this unit.
Tick (.I'} the statements which are true.
1 Work in pairs. Look at the text on stem cell therapy. Complete the
text by inserting these phrases. I can understand and use vocabulary about
a these innovations
I can evaluate change and development
b not just objectionable, but dangerous
c a major breakthrough in medical science I can ask and deal with negative questions
d the knock-on effect I can write about arguments
e and other important medical advances

Stem cell therapy is 1_ _ _ which offers new hope for stroke Keywords
victims as well as for sufferers of many other conditions.
However, the benefits are not just limited to the patient, but alarming
extend to the carer, often a family member, and the health beneficial
care system. From the family's point of view the patient compelling
would be given their lives back and would possibly even be
able to lead an active life and work again. For the carer, there hazardous
is the release from the burden of care and the possibility of ingenious
finding work. objectionable
The cost of medical care will be brought down with a radical
reduction in community support, the supply of medications reckless
and equipment like hoists, and home modifications. The sensitive
time spent in hospital will also be reduced. So in a short time
the research will soon pay for itself. Then there is 2_ _ _ of u njustitia ble
being able to use the money saved to pay for other areas of
treatment. It must be emphasized that the health care system breakthrough
will only gain from 3_ _ _ if any changes are well managed criticism
and the benefits spread around. development
Some people, however, have reservations about this 4_ __
that have taken place in recent years, primarily from the
ethical point of view. They feel that stem cell research
Useful reference
. 5 Oxford Handbook of Clinical Mt!dicine,
15 - - -
7th edition, Longmore et al,
ISBN 978-0-19-856837-7
2 Work on your own and continue the third paragraph. Compare
your answer with a partner.
114 Speaking activities

Speaking activities
Student A Unit 7 p.69
Choose one of the pictures and show it to the doctor at
Unit 1 p.7
the appropriate moment.
You are the brother I sister of a 22-year-old male I
female whom you witnessed passing out in a shop.
This is the first time it happened. Your brother I sister
had no prodrome; a cry followed by tonic I clonic
movements; post-ictal drowsiness, confusion, cyanosis,
frothing from the mouth, incontinence, aching limbs;
slow recovery lasting about twenty minutes.
Add any further information from your own medical
Possible diagnosis: epilepsy, but need to rule out other

Unit 3 p.23
Your notes
Unit 9 p.85
3 07ears oj 111Aie I fomaie, paU1- U1 ... You are a 45-year-old patient who has pericarditis. You
fk eflMw, fejt-/uuuJ.ed, !JCTM to fk !Jf"K, are anxious and have the following:

p{-ti.f/ I s1uadt a.nd wm,e W&ijkts, kM RSI Sharp chest pain, central retrosternal, worse on
deep inspiration, change in position, exercise and
'11.Jhen at work, ~ U1 tke wrUlj d.ire-sK't swallowing, pericardial effusion may cause dysphagia
uu ~"0 t~ 1W'f!Jo to tke !}ym, by pressing the oesophagus.
pl-ay U1 tke park, fore up joids At the appropriate point show the doctor the ECG.

Unit 5 p.42
You are Mrs Buxton. You gave birth to a baby ten days
ago. You present to the GP's surgery with a little bit of
tearfulness which has gone on longer than the first few
days after giving birth, but is nothing serious. You are
getting a lot of support from your friends and family.
laugh at things as per normal
look forward to things
know things not your fault even if get on top of you
are sometimes anxious I worried but normal
are sometimes panicky, but no more than normal
are coping quite well
have no problem sleeping
are not sad a lot
cried a little first few days, then perked up, then
started again; not a lot, but it's there
have never thought of harming yourself.
Listening template 115

Listening template
Unitl page4


Doct or:

Sequence of events
Description ofthe event:

Reaction to the event:

Before the event:

After the event:

Past events:
116 Speaking activities

Student B Unit 7 p.69

Choose one of the pictures and show it to the doctor at
Unit 1 p.7
the appropriate moment.
You are the husband I wife of a 50-year-old male I
female whom you witnessed collapsing at the entrance
to a cinema. The onset was sudden; there was pallor
and sweating, rapid recovery, flushing, no nausea,
arrhythmia, no incontinence; several similar episodes
Add any further information from your own medical
Possible diagnosis: cardiac syncopal event, but need to
rule out other possibilities.

Unit 3 p.23
Your notes
Unit 9 p.85
4SJeaYf -male I fouw.le~ hue I
You are a 40-year-old patient who presents with atrial
~ Uj~ rtMUte1} ~ Mtide luu-d fibrillation. You are anxious and have a slight chest
roa.d? uuc_'t >-tot /uu to r-tMt1 Lowe-r back M pain w ith palpitations and dyspnoea. You fainted
wdt I tr~ :for uw.,r~ before you came to the hospital.
At the appropriate point show the doctor the ECG.
Unit 5 p.42 -" I
You are Mrs Chaplin. You gave birth to a baby ten days
ago. You present to the GP's surgery with a little bit of
tearfulness which has gone on longer than the first few
days after giving birth. You are getting no support from
your friends and family and you are feeling panicky.
don't laugh at things as per normal
look forward to things, but definitely less than
know things not your fault even if get on top of you
but sometimes reproach yourself
are often anxious I worried
are sometimes panicky, but more than normal
are not coping well
have problems sleeping
are miserable a lot of the time
cried a little first few days then it got worse
are unhappy and crying a lot
have never thought of harming self or the baby.
Speaking checklist 117

Speaking checklist
Unit3 page 26
UnitS page 39
UnitS page42
UnitS page77
UnitS page 80
Unitg page 85 and 88
UnitlO page 93

Date: Candidate:
Criteria Grade* Comments

A Good
B Satisfactory
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118 Grammar reference

Grammar reference
Unit1 We can use time markers such as when or after to link
actions. Be very careful about the tense you use.
Rapid tense change I was cleaning the windows when I slipped and broke
When describing a series of actions, it is very my leg. or When I was cleaning the windows, I slipped
important to convey accurately the sequence of and broke my leg.
events. It is helpful to remember that the Past NOT J clefl1'!eci the 'Ni1'!6le>vs whe1'1 I slipped fl1'!ci13roke
Continuous and Past Perfect Continuous provide a ~
background to other actions.
After I had rested, I felt better.
Past Continuous: I wa s lifting a box ... He doesn 't remember anything after the am-bulance
=Subject+ Past Simple of be+ -ing form arrived.
Past Perfect Continuous:My mother had been f eeling Note the use of the comma when after or when come
dizzy for a few days. at the beginning of the sentence.
=Subject+ Past Simple of have+ been+ -ing form
Comparative and superlative adjectives
We often u se the Past Simple for events that interrupt and adverbs
other actions or which are connected to a context that
has been provided. Comparative and superlative adjectives

Past Simple: I was lifting a box when I fell over. Adjective Comparative Superlative
My mother fa inted this morning. She had been feeling Short + -er I -est short shorter the
dizzy for a few days. adjective shortest
It is common to use the Past Simple to describe a Adjective + -r I -st large large r the
series of consecutive events. We often use words such ending in largest
as suddenly and then to provide continuity. -e
I got on the bus and then I sat down. Suddenly, I felt Short double the wet wetter the
sick. adjective consonant+ wettest
ending in -er I -est
We use the Past Perfect to refer back to an earlier vowel+
action that is finished. consonant,
Past Perfect: My father had fallen earlier that day. except -w
= Subject+ Past Simple of have+ past participle Adjective more l most modern more the most
of two +adjective modern modern
We use the Present Perfect to talk about something or more
that happened at anytime in the past up to t he expensive more the most
present moment. expensive expensive
Adjective change -y to lively liveli er the
Present Perfect: She hasn 't eaten anything today. ending in -i + -er I -est liveliest
=Subject+ Present Simple of have+ past participle consonant
We use the Present Perfect Continuous to talk about +-y
something that has happened continuously or Irregu lar good better best
repetitively from a point in the past right up to the adjective bad worse worst
present. Sometimes, we can use either a Present far farther I farthest I
Perfect or a Present Perfect Continuous form. The further furthest
important thing to remember is that the latter
emphasizes the continuous aspect of the action. Comparative adjectives

Present Perfect Continuous: She's been having dizzy We use than after the adjective when directly
spells for some time now. comparing two things.
=Subject+ Present Simple of have+ been+ -ing form In the UK, this treatment is m ore expensive than in the
Grammar reference 119

We can also use less+ adjective to mean the opposite Present Perfect
of more.
We use the Present Perfect to talk about something
The injury is less serious than we thought. that has happened recently. We sometimes use just to
NOT TA.e il'ljliry is less serioblser ... emphasize a very recent event.
The patient has {just) discharged himself
We use more and less before nouns. Note that it is
more correct to use fewer rather than less before You haven't broken your arm.
countable nouns. =have I has(+ not)+ past participle
There is more information available now, and more
people expect a full explanation. We also use the Present Perfect to refer to a time span
In the past, there was less information available, and from any time in the past up to the present.
fewer people expected a full explanation. He's broken his arm several times.
We use (not) as ... as to describe two things or = during his life
situations that are (not) the same as each other.
The outcome is as good as it possibly can be. She's fallen over twice this month.
The medication isn't as strong as the one you were
taking before. Present Continuous

Superlative adjectives We use the Present Continuous to describe an

action or situation t hat is happening now. We don't
We don't use than after a superlative adjective. generally use the Present Continuous with verbs
Rest is the best treatment we can offer him. of perception such as think, know, sound or look+
The superlative forms of more and less are the most
and the least. My head's throbbing.
I'm getting pains in my shoulder.
This is the most serious case I've seen.
That hospital has the least up-to-date facilities in the His arm isn't aching as much as it was before.
region. =am I is I are I(+ not)+ -ing fo rm
Comparative adverbs
Present Simple
We can use more, less and (not) as ... as in the same
way for adverbs as for adjectives. We use the Present Simple to describe a state. We can
use the verb be or a verb of perception, or verbs such
She is shaking more violently now.
as need or have got.
He is bleeding less profusely than before.
Mr Janssen's heart isn't beating as fast as it was thirty The wound is ve ry sore.
minutes ago. It looks serio us.
That doesn't sound good.
We generally don't use adverbs in the superlative He needs stronger painkillers.
We can also use the Present Simple to talk about a
habit or repeated action. This is sometimes combined
Unit2 with an adverb of frequency such as-often or regularly.
She falls over very easily.
Talking about the present He doesn't take his medication every day.
There are several ways to talk about actions in the Do you get pains in your back?
present or recent past. With some verbs, we can use either the Present
Continuous or Present Simple with no real change in
meaning, e.g. hurt, show, or work.
120 Grammar reference

It hurts j ust here. Unit3

=It's hurting just here.
Types of questions
The X-ray shows a hairline fracture. We use different types of questions according to the
= The X-ray's showing a hairline fracture. kind of information we want.
Yes I no questions
The tablets don 't work.
=The tablets aren 't working. These are closed questions. They don't begin with
a question word, and generally require a 'yec;,' or 'no'
answer. With yes/no questions, we invert the subject
Saying what's necessary politely but firmly and verb.
To give a polite instruction, we often use You need to+ Have you got the medication with you?
infinitive. This is less direct, and therefore more polite, Is y ou r knee painful?
than u sing the imperative on its own. Do you take your medication every day?
You need to take a course of tablets. Can you bend your arm?
NOT Take 6l COlHSe ojtCl/9/ets. Wh- questions
We can use the negative form of need to say that When we need to have more information, we ask
something isn't necessary. open questions, often beginning with a question
You do n't need to make the appointment yourself word such as where, what, when, how, why. The word
order is the same as for yes/no questions.
However, we do use the affirmative and negative
imperative as part of an instruction, for example What's the problem?
combined with an if-clause. Wh ere does it hurt?
How long has your leg been infected?
Ask your GP if you 're concerned. or If you're
concerned, ask your GP However, we can modify these questions to make
Don't wait for the pain to get worse before contacting them even more open. We can invite someone to talk
your doctor again. about or describe something by using Can you tell me
...? or What do you think ...?
The expression Don't hesitate to+ infinitive without
Can you tell m e how it happened?
to is a fixed phrase and indicates a desire to be helpful.
What do you thin k the problem is?
Don 't hesitate to call me.
Note that in the sentences above, the question form is
Other structures we use with an if-clause or other indirect.
context are You have to I You must+ infinitive without to.
On their own, they are much too direct. NOT Cti.Ryou tell me WRClt is thepFOI9lem?

If thepaingetsworse,you must I have to let us know We can use a word such as else in yes/no or wh-
immediately. questions to elicit a longer reply from a patient. Note
the position of else.
Alternative ways of making a direct instruction sound
more polite, or of making unwelcome information Does it hu rt anywhere else?
sound more acceptable, are You're going to have to I Where else does it hurt?
You 'll have to I You 'll need to+ infinitive without to. Is there anything else you 'd like to talk about?
You 're going to have to be admitted, I'm afraid.
He'll have to wait some time for a bed.
Grammar reference 121

Unit4 ought to to try to persuade someone to do something.

You should eat more fruit and vegetables.
Giving advice and talking about You ought to attend all the antenatal appointments if
expectation you can.
There are several ways of talking about the best thing You shouldn't try to do too much housework.
to do in a situation. We generally use modal verbs,
We can also use the negative question form Can't as a
which are followed by infinitive without to.
persuasive device.
Possibility Can't I have an appointment sooner?
We use can and may to talk about possibility. Can't you refer me to a different clinic?
Eating certain types of cheese in pregnancy can/may Note that we often use negative question forms
be dangerous. when we are (or want to sound) less certain about
In the question form, we tend to only use can, as may
is used more commonly when requesting permission. Should n't I be taking any other supplements?
Can drinking raw milk affect the baby? Can't exercise be harmful to the baby?

Permission Expectation

We also use both can and may to request permission. We also use should!shouldn 't and ought to to talk
about expectation.
You can/may continue to play most sports.
You should/ ought to be careful about drinking too
In the question form, we use may to ask about a much caffeine.
specific request, such as opening a window. We use
You shouldn 't have more than three cups of coffee per
can when we are asking about a general situation.
Ca n I drink any alcohol during pregnancy?
but May I have a glass of water, please? Conclusion

Necessity We use must or can 't to come to a conclusion or make

a deduction.
We usually t alk about necessity by using the verb
An epidural must be quite painful, surely?
need+ infinitive.
I can't be more than six weeks pregnant.
You'llfind you need to rest more frequently.
Do I need to start taking folic acid now?
Oblig~tion UnitS
Obligation is a stronger form of necessity. We Phrasal verbs- separable and inseparable
generally use mustlmustn 't and have to to talk about
obligation. Phrasal verbs are verbs used with different particles
which change the meaning of the verb, e.g. get in and
Pregnant women must/ have to take every
get over. The meaning of these two phrasal verbs is
opportunity to put their feet up.
easy to understand. Some phrasal verbs are more
You mustn't do anything that risks raising your blood idiomatic, so the combination of verb.+ particle gives
pressure further. a special meaning, e.g. get over also means 'recover'.
Note that the question form of must is Must+ subject, Some phrasal verbs have an object. Often, the verb
but it is more common to use Do+ subject+ have to. and the particle are separable.
Do I have to have a special diet? The surgeon pu t on his gloves.
NOT /',1Nst I have a special fiiet? The surgeon put his gloves on.
Persuasion However, a pronoun always goes before the particle.
As a form of advice, we use should/shouldn't and He took them off again.
122 Grammar reference

NOT He took offt11:em flflil'!. The negative form is didn't use to.
With some ghrasal verbs, the verb and particle can't There didn 't use to be a direct bu sfrom here to the
be separated. This depends entirely on the meaning hospital.
of the phrasal verb. For example: get used to
get someone down We use get used to+ noun or -ing form to talk about
= depress someone becoming accustomed to a person, thing, or situation.
NOT et ffOVll'! someol'!e We can use get used to in any tense, and form the
negative accordingly.
get down the stairs He 's getting used to the new rota at work.
= walk down the stairs They've got used to working together.
NOT et tl1:e ste.irs flowl'! I won't get used to living in a city very easily.
She can 't get used to these new uniforms.
be used to
get some food down
We use be used to+ noun or -ing form to mean that
= eat some food we are accustomed to a person, thing, or situation. We
also use be used to in different tenses.
These phrasal verbs have to be learnt individually.
We're used to a more dynamic environment.
She won 't be used to running such a large department.
Purpose and reason
would, used to, get used to, be used to
We use to and in order to before a clause that
would explains a purpose or gives a reason. In order to is
often regarded as being more formal than to and
We use would+ infinitive without to to talk about a can carry more emphasis when the opening clause
habitual or regular action in the past. is long. However, in many cases, they can be used
When !worked at the hospital, ! would often take the interchangeably.
train because the parking was so bad. You need to take regular exercise to I in order to
He would get through a packet of cigarettes a day. improve your genera/fitness.
We can use the negative form wouldn 't. I'll give you a prescription for some tablets to I in order
to help ease the pain.
When she was alive, she wouldn 't answerthe phone
unless she was expecting a call. Note that to I in order to must be followed by the
infinitive without to. We can't introduce a pronoun.
used to
NOT You need to take regular exercise to/ il'l order to
We use used to+ infinitive to talk about habitual or it will improve ...
regular actions in the past. NOT You need to take regular exercise to/ il'l order to
When I was doing an early shift, I used to have yo'll .viii et better.
breakfast at the hospital.
She used to eat two chocolate bars every day.
We can also use used to+ infinitive to talk about a
state or continuous action in the past.
He used to be a heavy smoker.
NOT He .vo'lllfiee e. 11:ee.vysmoker.
They used to work in my department.
NOT Tl1:ey .vo'lllfi work il'l my flepe.rtmel'!t.
Grammar reference 123

Unit7 doctor to explain, but it was unnecessary because

they later found a leaflet. In the second sentence,
Commenting on the past didn't need to suggests that the people didn't ask for
an explanation because they'd already found the
We often use the conditional perfect form would
have+ past participle to talk about situations in the
past happening differently. In informal language, we
Verbs with to and -ing
sometimes use the contracted form of have.
! would've gone to see the doctor sooner, but !was on Some verbs are followed by the infinitive, and others
holiday. are followed by the -ing form.
It wouldn 't have made much difference. Verbs followed by the infinitive:
We can use other verbs in this structure: These include:
must have agree, arrange, ask, choose, decide, expect.jorget, hope,
manage, offer, plan, prepare, promise, threaten, want,
to talk about deduction
She never picked up her prescription. She must've
got better. We offered to give the man a lift to the hospital.
He didn't want to see a female doctor.
can't have
to talk about a negative deduction Verbs followed by the -ing form
There are still patients waiting. Doctor Jarvin can't These include:
have left already. admit (to}, avoid, carry on, consider, deny. dislike, enjoy.
could/couldn't have finish , give up, imagine, involve, keep (on}, mention,
p ractise, regret, remember, risk, suggest
to talk about possibility in the past or a lack of
opportunity in the past He denied wasting the surgery's time.
It's just as well the notes mention her allergy. She Pay attention to the position of the negative
could have been taken seriously ill. form. This depends on whether the main verb or
I couldn 't have gone to the hospital that day even if subordinate verb is the negative element.
I'd wanted to.
I reg ret not telling my family sooner.
shouldlshouldn 't have N.B. this is the opposite of I don 't regret telling my
to talk about past obligation or to advise on a family sooner.
course of action in the past
Verbs followed by the infinitive or -ing form
Yo~ should have asked for clarification ifyou had
any doubts about your treatment. There are some verbs that can be followed by either
They were quite hostile. They shouldn't have spoken the infinitive or the -ing form, with no change in
to you like that. meaning.
needn't have (didn't need to+ infinitive without to) These include:
to talk about a course of action in the past that continue, intend, like, love, mean, prefer, start, try
wasn't necessary I'll continue working Ito work here for as long as I can.
We needn't have asked the doctor to explain the They tried talking Ito talk reasonably to the man, who
condition, as there was a very helpful leaflet. was being very aggressive.
Instead of needn't have, we can use didn't need to+
infinitive without to.
We didn 't need to ask the doctor to explain the
condition, as there was a very helpful leaflet.
However, the difference is that in the first sentence,
needn't have suggests that the people did ask the
124 Grammar reference

UnitS Unit9
Relative p(onouns in explanations The future
We often use relative pronouns to connect a series of There are several different ways of talking about the
sentences describing an activity or situation. future.
These pronouns are who, which, where, and when. The will
pronouns who and which can be replaced by that.
We use will to talk about the future in general.
Who Th e presentation will finish at about 4 o'clock:
used for people, and can be combined with a There won't be much time for questions afterwards.
The patient, to who(m) the consent form will be We can also use will in the main clause of a first
given, must be sufficiently alert to sign it. conditional sentence.

If the presentation finishes earlier, there'll be more
time for questions.
refers to things, procedures, or situations. Which
can also be combined with a preposition. Present Simple
The tube is then connected, which enables the We use the Present Simple to talk about the future in
patient to breathe normally. the if-clause of a first conditional sentence.
The patient is connected to a monitoring device, to
which other tubes are attached. We also use the Present Simple to talk about future
This is a procedure in which we remove part of the timetabled events.
bowel. Dr Carlin 's train leaves London at 1.30 and gets into
Oxford at 2.10.
='in which'. We use where to talk about what is We also use the Present Simple with time expressions
involved in a procedure or situation. such as before, after, as soon as, and when.
This is an operation where we remove part of the We need to make sure that everything is ready before
bowel. Dr Carlin arrives.
N OT ... 19cfore Dr C6lrlil'l vlill6lrrive.
When he gets here, could you let me know?
='after which time' or ' at which point'. When
N OT Whel'l R.e will~et R.ere ...
describes a point in a sequence of events at which
something is expected to occur. Present Continuous
The anaesthetic is reduced and the patient taken to
We use the Present Continuous to t alk about
the recovery room, when he or she will start to come
something that has been planned or arranged. When
this includes timetabled events, it is possible to use
Sometimes, we can omit the relative pronoun and either the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.
have a participle as a connector. This is common The ceremony is taking place in November.
when we are connecting more than two clauses, to or The ceremony takes place in November.
avoid having a sentence that is too long and clumsy.
This is a complex procedure. It is performed under
We're sending out invitations over the next couple of
general anaesthetic.
This is a complex procedure, performed under general
NOT We semi out il'lvit6ltio1'ls ...
anaesthetic. (='which is performed')
We're going to do a procedure which will involve major Future Continuous
surgery. We use the Future Continuous to talk about an
We 're going to do a procedure involving major surgery. action that will be happening at a given point in the
(= 'which will involve') future . This can be part of a schedule or can be a
Grammar reference 125

continuous action. However, this tense must always We use the when there is only one of the thing we're
be used with a time reference. talking about.
Will the doctor be starting her rounds before 10.30? The government is cutting spending on health.
This time next week, you'll be flying back to the USA. (=the government of a particular country)
= Subject+ will+ be+ -ing form
The sun is a major source of vitamin D.
Future Perfect
a, an
We use the Future Perfect to talk about an action that
will have finished at a given point in the future. We use the indefinite articles a and an before singular
countable nouns when it isn't necessary to make
Dr Singh will have finished his rounds by lunchtime. clear which particular thing we are talking about.
=Subject+ will+ have+ past participle
We need to make a decision about the future of this
Will he have left intensive care by then? unit.
(= any decision)
Future Perfect Continuous
Compare with:
We use the Future Perfect Continuous to talk about an
action that leads up to a given point in the future. The The decision was not very popular.
action isn't necessarily finished at that future point. (=the decision that was eventually made)
This is a long presentation. Byfive o'clock, Dr Schwartz
will have been talking for an hour and a half A number ofpeople have presented with the same
(=it's possible that Dr Schwartz will continue beyond
five o'clock) (=several)
=Subject+ will+ have+ been+ -ing form
Binge drinking is the major cause of liver disease.
(= it is a significantly greater factor than other
Unit 10 possible causes)

The definite and indefinite article zero article

The rules for using the, a, an, or zero article are as We use no article (zero article) before plural or
follows: uncountable nouns when we are talking about
the something in general.

We use the definite article the before singular or Disease is a majorfactor in early mortality in many
plural countable nouns when we want to make it developing countries.
clear which person or thing we're referring to. (=disease in general)
The disease is spreading very quickly.
People need to be informed about safe levels of
(=a specific disease, which we have talked about in a consumption.
previous sentence) (=people everywhere)
The number ofpeople being admitted to hospital with Compare with:
'flu has increased dramatically. The people who drink and smoke to excess are the
(=a specific quantity) ones who cost the government most.
(=a specific group of people)
Binge drinking is a major cause of liver disease.
(=there are other factors , but we don't know how Governments are looking to reduce health costs.
significant they are) (=the governments of several or all countries)
126 Grammar reference

Unit 11 The patient is taken into recovery. After this, he or she

is returned to the ward.
Linking words
There are several ways of linking ideas within
Next is similar to after that. However, we tend to use
sentences and between one sentence and the next.
next at the beginning of the sentence.
when Next, the patient is returned to the ward.
When refers to a particular time or stage in a process. once
When a person is bitten by the tsetse fly, he or she may
Once as a time reference must be followed by a clause.
experience symptoms such as fever and headaches.
It means that the next stage of the process can't begin
At a later stage, sleeping sickness enters a neurological until the previous stage is completed. The second
phase, when the parasite passes through the blood- stage follows on immediately.
brain barrier.
Once the patient recovers, he or she is taken back to the
where ward.
NOT Orwe, ti'tept~tiel'lt stt~rts te recever
Where expands on a process or procedure.
In a biopsy, where a sample of tissue is removed for The Present Simple and Present Perfect can be used
further testing, the patient is often given only a local after once with no real difference in meaning.
anaesthetic. Once the patient has recovered, he or she is taken back
to the ward.
Where can also describe a location.
The camera is inserted into the stomach, where it is as soon as
able to take images of the lining. A s soon as is similar to once in meaning and use.
then However, as soon as+ Present Simple suggests that
two stages are happening almost at the same time.
Then introduces the next stage in a process or
As soon as the patient comes round, let me know.
procedure. Look at how the punctuation is used.
Then, the parasite enters the blood and lymph systems. As soon as + Present Perfect suggests that the first
action is completed before t he second one begins.
The lymph nodes then swell up.
As soon as the doctor has consulted with his colleague,
If left untreated, other symptoms such as anaemia will
he will speak to you.
appear, and t hen the disease enters a neurological
after tha t Unit 12
After that is a general term, signalling the next stage Negative questions
in a process or procedure. There is no indication of
how much time has passed between the two stages. We often use negative questions to avoid being overly
Its meaning and use is similar to then . We can say direct when making a demand or criticism, or when
after that happens to refer more specifically to an reminding or persuading someone to do something.
action that has just been described. The choice of a negative question can suggest that the
The disease had practically disappeared between 1969 speaker has expectations and wants to avoid a direct
and 1965. After that, screening and surveillance were 'yes' or 'no' response. A less direct question can also
relaxed and the disease has now returned. show that the speaker is trying to avoid criticism. For
after this
example, beginning a question Isn 't the consultant
going to be talking to my daughter? is much less
After this is slightly more specific than after that, and assertive than Is the consultant going to talk to my
means more immediately after the last point or stage daughter?
made. We can also say after this happens.
Grammar reference 127

The most straightforward type of negative

question is one that appears to be requesting
Aren't these tablets very expensive?
The speaker knows that they're expensive and is
checking that this is understood. Compare with
the more open affirmative question:Are these
tablets very expensive?
When we expect something to have happened, we
can use the negative form Haven't I Hasn't. The
addition of yet makes this a stronger criticism.
Haven't they found my records yet?
A question beginning with Can't or Couldn 't is an
attempt to persuade a person in a decision-making
role to agree to their demand or request. The choice
of an affirmative question would risk inviting a 'no'
Can't I Couldn't I (just) call in and get the results
An alternative is Wouldn't it be better ... ?
Wouldn't it be better if I phoned the hospital
We often convey shock or surprise as well as
criticism by beginning a question with Shouldn't.
Shouldn't you have told us about this sooner?
It would not make sense to begin this question
with Should . The speaker is implying that the
other person is acting irresponsibly. We could also
use Couldn 't here, to indicate that it was within
another person's capacity to do something.
To remind someone about something, we can use
Didn't you say ... ? This is followed by an indirect
speech clause, but ends in a question mark.
Didn'tyou say that I would be near the top of the
waiting list?
128 Listening scripts

Listening scripts
Unit 1 D When she fell, how did she fall? it most probably made the difference
P She just crumpled to the ground between life and death.
Listening 1 slowly. In fact, it all happened so Dave emphasized the importance of
D = Doctor, P = Patient abruptly and silently I didn't realize it quick intervention when someone
D Hi, Mr Stone, I'm Dr Tariq, one of the had happened. suffers a cardiac arrest and took the
doctors in A&E. How are you? D So she didn't cry out or anything?
opportunity to remind members
P I'm OK, but I'm a bit worried about my P No, there was no warning sign at all.
of the public that they can learn
wife. D Just a few more questions.
cardiopulmonary resuscitation- or CPR
D Your wife's OK. P OK.
-at free 'Heartstart' classes given across
P That's good. D Has she ever had anything like this
the capital by the London Ambulance
D Amir, one of the paramedics, says you before? Service and supported by the British
were walking along the street when P When I come to think of it, she passed
Heart Foundation. Effective CPR buys
your wife collapsed. Can you tell me out once before about a month ago. time for a patient and doubles a person's
a bit more about what you actually She hasn't been feeling well off and chances of survival.
saw? on over the summer. We thought it
P Mmm. Yes, sure. We were shopping was the heat.
D At the moment it looks like ... Unit 2
in Cambridge Street in town, when
suddenly Barbara, my wife, just Listening 2 Listening 1
fainted . Mmm, we tried to get her
Gary Edwards, a British Airways D = Doctor, P =Patient
upright and she started twitching
customer service arrivals agent, had
quite violently. It was quite scary.
been sitting with his work colleagues D You look as if you are in quite a lot of
D Yes, it certainly can be, but it can
in a rest room at Heathrow Airport's pain.
happen when people faint like this.
Terminal One when he suffered severe P Yes, I think I've hurt my hip badly. It's
Did anything else happen?
pain in his chest and arms. Within giving me a lot of pain.
P No. Nothing at all. She came round
seconds, he lost consciousness and D I think we need to get you some
very rapidly. But we dialled 999 and a
stopped breathing. His British Airways painkillers. So ... can you tell me a bit
paramedic appeared almost instantly
colleagues immediately dialled 999 for more?
and then the ambulance almost
an ambulance and began attempts to P Oh, I slipped on the kitchen floor. I
immediately afterwards. Do you think
resuscitate him. must have spilled some water and I
she had a seizure or something like
epilepsy? All he can remember is that he had was coming into the living room with
D We don't think so. But can I ask got up from the sofa and said to his a cup of tea and I just went down on
you a few more questions? Did she colleagues that his chest and arm hurt. my bottom and twisted my leg.
complain of anything before that? After that, everything went blank. D Oh, dear. That sounds bad.
P Mmm. She had been complaining of Within seconds of the 999 call being P It was. I couldn't move. Fortunately,
feeling a bit unwell, and had almost made, cycle paramedic Dave Parks I had my mobile in my apron pocket
fainted and she felt a bit woozy? She reached Mr Edwards. Dave was able to and I phoned my neighbour who
... yes, er... she was a bit dizzy and she continue resuscitation and re-start Mr had the key to come in. She called an
was yawning repeatedly and then all Edwards's heart after three attempts ambulance.
of a sudden, there she was, lying on using the portable defibrillator that is D Falls like this happen so easily. You
the ground. carried on ambulance bicycles. may just have pulled a joint out of
D Anything else? Was she ill or anything place rather than breaking anything.
Paramedics, dispatched in an ambulance
before she fell? 2
at the same time as the bicycle
P No. Just tired. D What's brought you here today?
ambulance, arrived a few minutes later
D What about her eyesight? P My wrist is really hurting. I think I've
to continue treatment and took Mr
P Nothing, but she said her hearing broken it.
Edwards to hospital. This resuscitation
was a bit funny- she wasn't hearing D OK. How did it happen?
shows how well-suited bikes are to
clearly. P Well, I was coming out of a shop and
reaching patients quickly inside the
D Any vomiting? I was trying to avoid someone and I
airport. As they are based at the airport
P No. didn't notice the paving stone was
and were able to get to him so quickly,
Listening scripts 129

raised and I just tripped and of course it is too late to go back and take P I don't know. It may be the work. I
I put out my hands to protect myself precautions. type a lot.
and break my fall. My wrist took the There are many simple pieces of advice D OK. So you sit at a desk all day.
full force of my fall. that can be given to prevent accidents P Yes.
D It certainly looks quite bad, yes. I think D Mm. Now the pain, does it ... ?
in the home like fitting stairs with
we need to do an X-ray. banisters or rails and making sure Conversation B
3 that halls and stairways are well lit.
D =Doctor, F =Patient's father D So what has happened to you, Mrs
Encouraging people to climb up only Skinner?
D What's happened here?
on something firm and strong can help P Well, I've hurt my hand.
F She fell down from a tree at school
reduce the risk of falls. Another thing to D Tell me a bit more about it.
and they called me and I came here avoid is loose rugs and flooring in order
from work as the ambulance was p I've had it since the week before last
to reduce the risk of slipping or tripping
bringing her here. here on the heel of my hand, and I'm
especially when old people or children finding it difficult to work and also
D Oh, I see.
are around. And if small children are to go to the gym. I've tried painkillers
F She's crying a lot and I think she's
about, ponds and swimming pools in and that, but they haven't worked.
fractured something in her leg. the garden need to be covered.
D She may not have broken anything, When the tablets wear off, it's still
but let's have a look at her. DIY at home or home improvements there. I don't have a touch of arthritis,
is another area with potential for do you think?
Language spot accidents. When using power tools, D At this stage it's difficult to say. It's
1 So you've taken some painkillers, but people need to be encouraged to use something we have to try and rule
they don't work, and your arm's still adequate protection including sturdy out. But can I just ask you what you
hurting you just here. shoes, gloves, and goggles. think caused it?
2 My toe is throbbing with pain. I don't P I don't really know. It may be the
know what I've done. It looks as if it's work.
Unit 3
broken. D Can you tell me when it is worst?
3 He's had several falls recently and P Mmm. When I'm at the gym, when
Listening 1
he has several fractures, but he's not I'm typing, and when the boss is
crying a lot. D =Doctor, P =Patient around!
Conversation A D Yes, I can imagine the boss making it
Listening 2
worse. You mentioned the gym.
As health professionals, we give advice D So what has happened to you, Mrs
P Yes.
about healthy lifestyles, which should Skinner?
D Do you go a lot?
include accident prevention. When P Well, I've hurt my hand.
P Yes, I do.
we use tf'te word accident, it seems to D Right. When did it happen?
D I'd just like you to put your arm ...
imply that accidents are unavoidable. It P I've had it since the week before last.
is true that we do not live a life free of D Hm, where do you get the pain? Listening 2
risk, but the danger of accidents can be P Here on the heel of my hand. D = Doctor, P = Patient
minimized by simple precautions ... and D Is that both hands? D Alexander, you've had quite a bang on
thinking ahead. P No, just this one. your head.
D And have you taken anything for it? P Yeah, and I'm surprised I feel OK. I
We can, for example, make patients p I've tried painkillers and that, but they thought it might give me a really bad
aware of the potential for risk. All risk haven't worked. When the tablets headache or something, but I really
situations including those in the home wear off, it's still there. I don't have a feel fine. I'm just a bit shaken, really.
or garden, in the workplace, on the touch of arthritis, do you think? D Yes. These things can knock you quite
road, or during leisure activities such D At this stage it's difficult to say. It's a bit. You still need to be careful over
as hillwalking or mountain climbing something we have to try and rule the next twenty-four hours, even
should be treated with due respect. out. But can I just ask you what you though you feel fine .
People need to be reminded to think think caused it? P What? You mean I have to stay in the
of others, especially children and the P I don't really know. hospital?
elderly. Once an accident has happened D Anything at work?
130 Listening scripts

D Oh, no, you don't need to stay in Unit 4 D Well since it's your first, it's probably
hospital, but we need you to look after best. We'll check your details later and
yourself and rest for the next twenty- Listening sort out the hospital.
fourhours . D = Doctor, P = Patient P So you'll let me know which hospital
P Rest? But I can't. I have to go to my it'll be?
best friend's party this evening. I just Exercise 4 D Yes, that's right. Now I just want to
D Good morning, Mrs Canterbury. How
can't miss it. He's getting married ask you a few questions about your
tomorrow. are you enjoying this fine weather lifestyle. Do you eat sensibly?
we're having? P Generally yes, though I do skip meals
D But I'm afraid you do need to be
careful. And you need to have P I love it. It's been the best we've had sometimes when I'm rushect.
someone to go home with you and for a long time. D Well, it's very important now that you
stay with you for the next twenty- D Yes, it's been remarkable. Let's hope it make sure you eat nutritious food
four hours as well. continues. regularly.
P But I feel OK. I mean, why all the fuss? P Well, I think it may. P I realize that. Urn, does it matter what
D Yes, you may feel well, but some D Yes. It looks like it. So, what can we do I eat?
for you? D Yes, there are certain things you need
things may develop afterwards.
P Mmm, well, doctor, it's not really to steer clear of, like shellfish and soft
P Like what?
D You may get a headache. trouble, I think ... I think I'm expecting. cheese. You don't want to risk any
D Ah, I see, and are you happy about
P Well, I can take a paracetamol. kind of food poisoning. Now what
D Yes, but other things could happen that? about alcohol?
like blurred vision or vomiting. P Oh, yes, we've been trying for ages. P A couple of glasses now and then, but
D OK. Well, let's take some details. Can I haven't been on a binge for ages.
P OK, but I can come back if anything
goes wrong. you remember when your last period D Good, well keep it that way. Alcohol
was? should really be avoided in pregnancy,
Pronunciation P Mmm, not exactly, but probably about but the occasional drink will do no
Can you tell me a little bit more about six weeks ago. harm. Do you smoke?
how it all happened? D So you think you've missed one? P Occasionally, but it's not a real habit.
2 But if your child's mood changes in P Yes. I'm as regular as clockwork. D Well, try to cut down, if not give up
any way, make sure you contact us D Any other changes you've noticed? altogether. With a growing baby
immediately. P Er, I do feel a bit sick most mornings, inside you, you need to be very careful
3 But I can't. I have to go to my best and my breasts feel a bit tender. what you are putting into your body.
friend's party this evening. D Right, if I give you a little bowl, can Are there any questions you'd like to
4 But I'm afraid you do need to be you just pop to the toilet and bring ask?
careful. back a sample for me? P No.
5 I'm not sure but I think I've torn a Exercise 5 D And congratulations, Mrs Canterbury.
ligament in my foot. It's swollen and I D Well, congratulations, Mrs Canterbury, P Thank you very much.
can't get my shoe on. you were right, you are expecting,
6 I've had it since the week before last, Pronunciation
and if your dates are correct you're
here on the heel of my hand. probably about four weeks gone. At vaginal hysterectomy, the uterus is
7 And you need to have someone to go P Oh, so the baby'll probably be born in brought down through the vagina.
home with you and stay with you for October. 2 What happens is the womb is brought
the next twenty-four hours as well. D Around then, yes. We'll be able to be down through the vagina.
more precise after you've had a scan. 3 Pre-eclampsia is pregnancy-induced
P When will that be? hypertension with proteinuria with
D It's usually done at about twelve or without oedema.
weeks. By that time we can usually 4 It's a condition where the blood
get a clear picture of the baby. Now, pressure is raised with protein in the
I take it you'll have your baby in urine and possibly swelling.
hospital? Normal labour is often heralded by a
P I haven't really thought about it. show.
6 When an induction is being planned, Listening 2 way and down she goes. I don't know
the state of the cervix will be D = Doctor, P = Patient how she hasn't hurt herself at all.
assessed. D Now, I want to ask you about some 2
7 Ankle swelling is very common when experiences which sometimes people M = Man, W = Woman
you're pregnant. have but find it difficult to talk about. M It was really exciting, the whole
8 It tends to worsen at night? Well, if These are questions I ask everyone. Is experience. But I'm not sure I'd want
you use a firm mattress and wear flat that OK? to go through it that often.
shoes, it will help. P Yeah. W How many people were there?
D Have you ever had the sensation that M Five or six others, I think. They were
very high calibre. A couple of them
Unit 5 you were unreal or that the world had
become unreal? had years of experience working in
P It's like ... I don't know how to explain care of the elderly. One used to run a
Listening 1
it. It's ... I suppose it's like being in a geriatric hospital in his own country.
He's Caucasian, around about fifty years I don't think I stood a chance.
play somehow. That maybe sounds as
of age. His clothes are very extravagant
if I'm going mad. 3
with lots of clashing bright colours. But W =Woman, M = Man
D Have you ever had the experience of
he is not very clean in himself, and he W There are a couple of things that
hearing noises or voices when there
doesn't look as if he's eating properly. It's could be done to help this patient.
was no one there to explain it?
the first time that I've seen the patient, We could get in occupational health
P Yes, sometimes.
but he looks just a little thin. to get things like a perching stool
D Is it OK to talk about this further?
He's not very aggressive, just elated P Yeah, if you want. installed and grab rails.
and is talking rather fast. There is D When did it happen? M Yes, and also flooring and lighting.
copious rapid speech, which is hard P The last time was a couple of days And I don't think all the clutter helps.
to interrupt. He talks at a much faster ago. As the place is full of rubbish, small
rate than normal, which may reflect D Were you fully awake? changes like that will help a lot.
the acceleration of speed of thought in P Yeah, it was during the day. 4
affective illnesses. The patient stutters D How often has it happened? D = Doctor, C = Consultant
slightly and speaks rather loudly. P Recently only once or twice. D And apart from the expression there
D And where did the sound appear to are other tell-tale signs like difficulty
His speech has a rhythmic pattern and
come from? in swallowing, a decrease in the blink
he uses a range of intonation patterns
P I don't know. From someone in the rate, and lead-pipe rigidity.
appropriately. The speech is appropriate
room. C Did you pick up anything else with
to the situation, though it is fast. It is at
this patient?
times pointless with digressions.
D Mmm ... the handwriting.
There are no word-finding difficulties Unit 6 C What about it?
nor any neologisms. D It was really small. His wife said in
Listening 1 the past he would write very long
elegant letters and now ...
1 I can laugh at the problems I have.
M = Man, D = Doctor
2 It's difficult to distinguish one day Listening 2
M She used to be able to get around
from another at the moment. D = Doctor, P = Patient
quite easily. In fact, she would often
3 Of course I care for the child. D Can you tell me how it affects you,
go out all over the place in the bus.
4 I'm not trying to hint at anything. Mrs Day?
And I think she finds it difficult
5 She insisted on going home. P I don't know where to start. I feel tired
getting used to the changes in her
6 I sometimes blame myself for the a lot of the time because the pain
life. But now she says that she gets
day-to-day problems. keeps me awake at night. And at work
a bit muzzy in the head when she's
7 The child depends on me for I can't sit for long. I have to get up and
standing at times and then when she
everything. walk around. At work, people don't
manages to sit down it all passes.
D Has she fallen at all? know how bad it is and it upsets me
M Mmm, yes. Sometimes she doesn't when they make comments.
make it to a chair and her legs give
132 Listening scripts

D Unfortunately, unless people have D So what can we do for you? P OK.

things like this themselves, they don't P Well, I've got this rash with big D From what I can see it's acne.
realize how bad"it is. wheals all over. And it's quite itchy P Can you do anything for it?
P No, I'm afraid not. and getting worse. D Oh,yes.
D Is there anything else? D Oh, yes. It does look quite dramatic. P That's a relief.
P Mmm ... it stops me doing certain Can you tell me some more about it? D Has this been upsetting you?
things ... like I can't catch the bus, P Well, I just suddenly came out in it P Yes, a little.
because I'm afraid offalling if the bus last night. It started on my back and D Can you tell me how?
suddenly jolts, and I can't really go out then it just spread. I put some lotion P I get teased at college about it, and I
and enjoy myself. on it, and it helped for a while ... and don't like going out as people look at
D What about the tablets your GP then I thought they are getting so bad, it ... and I think it's dirty. And it keeps
prescribed? Have you been taking I'm itching all over. And with the heat getting worse. I've tried cutting out
them? it's unbearable. certain foods , but nothing works, and
P Not really. Sometimes. D So you have them everywhere? OK, using different creams and stuff.
D Sometimes. we'll have a look in a moment. But can D Well, I can assure, it's nothing to
P Yeah. you just tell me ... you said you used a do with being dirty. And it's more
D Can you tell me why that is? lotion? common than you think. You are
P I don't like taking them in case I get P Calamine lotion. It was all I had, and nearly seventeen now?
hooked or anything like that or in case then this morning I came straight P Yeah.
they affect my stomach. here. D Well, the peak age is about eighteen.
D But when you do take them, do they D You said itching. Is there any pain And diet doesn't affect acne either.
help? with it? P Ah,OK.
P Yes, for a while. When the pain is so P No, just itching. D But the creams you've been using
bad I can't bear it, I take them. D OK, just itching. Have you had it might just make it worse.
D So you take them when the pain's before? P Mmm, yeah, I shouldn't have used
intolerable. P Yes, once I had it, and I came here and them. I should've come here.
P Yeah. they gave me some antihistamine, D Yes, but you're here now- that's the
D Have you been doing any and it went away, but it wasn't as main thing.
physiotherapy? bad as this. I should've kept the name P Yeah.
P No, not really. of the tablets or kept some as they D So what we need to do first is to
D What about exercise? helped before. They just seem to be reduce the number of spots.
P When I start to do anything it hurts a spreading all over. P OK.
lot. So it puts me off. D Were the tablets Piriton? D Acne's nothing to do with poor
D Well, you know, to help improve your P Yes, I think they were. hygiene, but if you wash twice a day
strength and build up your muscles, D OK. Is there anything you think that and then put on a moisturizer like
exercise like swimming really helps. might have triggered this? aqueous cream, that will help.
P Not that I'm aware of. P Aque ...
D Pets? D Aqueous cream. It's this. It comes
Unit 7
P I don't have a pet, and I haven't been in tubs like this. And cream here.
Listening 1 near any. I'm going to give you some cream-
D What about drugs? benzoyl peroxide- to put on twice a
D = Doctor, P = Patient
P No, I'm not on anything. day and this antibiotic cream. I take it
D Good morning, John. How are you
D Are you aware of being allergic to you are not taking antibiotic tablets
anything? or capsules.
P Fine, doctor, except for the weather!
P No, I don't think so. P No,I'mnot.
D Yes, it's a bit uncomfortable at the
D Now, I must point out that these can
moment. We're not used to the heat. Listening 2
take weeks to work, so you need to be
We want it, but when we get it, we D = Doctor, P = Patient patient.
can't cope. D OK, thank you. You can put your shirt P But they will go away?
P Yes, you're right there. We're never back on again.
Listening scripts 133

D We will certainly do our best to Listening 1 mesh. What we do is make one or

make sure they do. Do you think D = Doctor, P = Patient two small holes in your tummy, one
you'll be able to keep going with the D Good afternoon, Mr Blackstone. My around the belly button and the other
treatment? name is Dr Petrov. How are you today? on the left side. It's a day-case surgery,
P !think SO. P Fine, thank you, doctor. so you'll be in and out quite quickly.
D Would you like to see the nurse who D You're coping with all this rain we're How do you feel about having the
can go through it with you? having? operation ?
P Yeah. P Yeah. It's a bit much at the moment. P Oh, yeah, no problem. Will I be put to
D And I'm going to give you this print D Yes, it's slowing down everything. sleep?
out from an acne support group. It's Right. I see from your GP's letter that D Well, we can do this under a local
got their website on it. You can check you've got a hernia. Am I right? anaesthetic or general.
it out. P Mmm. Yes. I've got this swelling in my P I don't fancy being awake and hearing
P OK, thanks. groin. and seeing everything.
D So you think you'll be OK with this? D OK. Can you tell me about it? D Yes, I can understand why you
P Yeah, I feel better. P It's just down here in my groin on the wouldn't want that. It can be a bit
D OK. You can take this prescription right side. It's been there for about off-putting to some people, but we'll
and make an appointment to see the three or four months now. It's a bit see what the anaesthetist has to
nurse and come back and see me in a uncomfortable when it is sticking out; say when he does the assessment.
couple of months, but if you need to I'm aware of it. I try to sort of put it Er, we'll need you to sign a consent
come back sooner, by all means do. back in, but it only happens when I'm form if you're happy with everything
lying down. I'm a ... I'm a driver so I when you come for a pre-operation
sometimes have to do a lot of lifting assessment.
1 I should've kept on using the cream P Yeah. I'm OK with that.
and that.
you gave me. D Is there anything you'd like to ask me?
D You said the hernia pops back in again
2 I should've taken it all more seriously. P Mmm, er, what about the pain?
when you're lying down?
3 I have to say I regret not applying the D We can talk about the pain at the
P Yes.
cream now. assessment.
D Has there ever been any time when
4 I shouldn't have put anything on it as
it's stayed out? Listening 2
that's what's made it worse.
P No, though sometimes it takes its
5 I meant to get up and do it first thing D = Doctor, P = Patient
time going back in again.
in the morning but I didn't.
D Hm, right. OK. Shall we have a look?
6 I must've picked it and made it bleed. D Would you like me to go over
7 I stopped using it because it made my anything again?
skin itchy. P No, I don't think so.
D OK, as your GP says, you've got what
D Do you feel OK about signing the
is called an inguinal hernia.
UnitS P Mm-hm.
P I'm not sure. I'm a bit worried about
D Do you know what a hernia is
what might happen afterwards. It's a
Pronunciation exactly?
big step and a bit drastic. I'm ... I'm not
laparotomy P Not really.
sure I want to go through with it.
2 nephrectomy D You can get a hernia like you have
D Would you like some time to think
3 colostomy where there is a weakness in the
about it and perhaps talk to other
4 hysterectomy membrane or the lining that holds in
women who've had their womb
thoracoplasty all the gut. Part of the gut then sticks
6 mastopexy out at the weak point and forms a
7 cystorrhaphy bulge, which is what has happened
P Can't you squeeze me in at all today?
8 cholecystectomy here. Let me just draw it for you.
This is the second time this has
9 pyelolithotomy P OK. I ... I see. Can you fix it?
10 colopexy D Yes. We can do an operation called a
D I'm afraid we can't. There's an
herniorrhaphy, where we repair the
emergency, and there're no beds
weak part of the gut using a special
134 Listening scripts

P But the same thing happened the last of his chest. He'd had it several times time. For the moment he just needs a
time. before and he used the spray thing bit of rest.
D Unfortunately, yes, it did, but the he's got.
situation's unavoidable. D The GTN spray?
P OK. Can you gu arantee this won't WYeah ... yeah that's it. And so he gave He'll have been in the theatre for
happen the next time? himself a few puffs but the pain over three hours in a few minutes'
wouldn't go and I could see that he time.
P Will they come back? was getting breathless and agitated 2 Dr Nur isn't starting his clinic till
D I'm afraid we can't guarant ee they and he said he felt sick. He started two p.m.
won't. vomiting a little ... and he was 3 He'll be in and out in no time.
P Is it common? beginning to sweat. And he said he 4 All being well, he'll be able to go
thought he was going to die. home by the weekend.
D I can see you're a bit apprehensive D OK. So can you tell me what time that 5 The operation's scheduled for five
about this. was? this afternoon.
P I am, yes. WWell, I called for an ambulance at 6 You're having the veins on the right
D What are you worried about in sevenish and it came like a shot, ... so leg stripped this afternoon, am I
particular? it was less than an hour ago in total. right?
P Well, a number of things. Feeling D So has he had any other pain? 7 The doctor said I'll be having a
pain, seeing what's going on, hearing WHe said the pain was in both arms. general anaesthetic.
everything, and the smell. If I'm 8 He'll have been coming to the clinic
awake, will I feel any pain? D Your husband is doing very well. off and on for the past three years.
D No. You won't feel any pain, but you'll It's good you got him straight into Listening 2
feel your insides being touched. hospital, but I need to ask you a few
D =Doctor, P =Patient
P And what about seeing what's quick questions.
D OK, Mary. Your blood pressure is quite
happening? WOK.
high, one-forty over eight-five. I think
5 D Has your husband had any injuries or
the last time it was fairly normal.
A =Anaesthetist, P =Patient any other major illness?
P Yes, it was. That was about a year ago.
A Have you had a general anaesthetic WNo.
D Mmm, it was a year ago last July.
before? D Any bleeding?
P At least I've been healthy all this time,
P Yes. WNo.
apart from these headaches.
A Recently? D Any major surgery?
D Yes. Well, everything else seems to be
P No, not for a couple of years. WNo, nothing like that.
OK, so there may be no other cause. I'll
A Did you have any problems with the D Anything else you can think of?
run a few tests just to make sure that
anaesthetic? WNo. Nothing.
your kidneys, etc. are OK and we can
P No, nothing. But I don't like having D OK. What we're going to need to do,
refer you for an ECG at the hospital.
general anaesthetics. with your consent, is to give your
husband something to help get rid
D Is there anything you think might be
of any blood clots. There is a risk of
Unit 9 the cause of the high blood pressure?
stroke with the procedure, and ...
P Well, since I took early retirement I've
... but the benefit can be dramatic if
Listening 1 been less active and I've put on quite a
we get it down quickly. It can have
W = Patient's wife, D = Doctor bit of weight. I used t o be quite active,
a considerable effect. There doesn't
WHe's not very well at all, is he doctor? but I've let things slip a little.
seem to be any reason why he
D He's actually OK. He's a bit more D So when did you retire?
shouldn't have the medication, but we
stable. P About a year and a half ago.
need to give it as soon as possible and
WThat's a relief. D Do you know how much you weigh
we need your consent.
D I just need to ask you a few quick now?
WOK. Can I just ask ...
questions . Can you tell me what P Mmm, I weighed myself about two
happened? weeks ago and I was a hundred and
D By the looks of it, it's all gone very
WWe were sitting at home and he twelve kilos which for my height I
well and he'll be up and about in no
started getting this pain in the centre think is quite heavy, I know.
Listening scripts 135

D OK, let's just check your weight and D OK. So the cough's been getting worse. b How many flights of the stairs can
height. Tell me a little bit more about it. you manage generally?
P Well, I've had this cough for a week or 4 a Have you had chest disease in past?
D For your height, which is five foot so, and it's been getting worse. I didn't b Have you had chest disease in the
eleven inches, or about one point think anything of it as I tend to get past?
eight metres, your weight which is something at this time of year. But 5 a Is it triggered by situation or
now a hundred and fifteen kilos is it's there all the time and the phlegm particular activity?
quite high, if you look on this chart- I bring up- it's a greenish-yellow b Is it triggered by a situation or
it should be somewhere here. colour and it's streaked with blood. particular activity?
P Oh. That is quite a lot over. I do need And I have a touch of fever.
Exercise 3
to get it down. D You said the phlegm was streaky?
Yes. My father had problem with his
D Yes. I see from your family history, P Yes, but only a little.
lungs .
your father had heart problems and D And how much phlegm do you
2 The shortness of breath came on
there's a family history of heart produce?
practically immediately.
disease. P Not that much. It would be less than a
3 I can walk for quite a distance -
P Yes, on my father's side, all his teaspoon each time.
maybe a hundred yards or so - and
brothers and sisters had problems D So not much.
then I get short of breath.
with angina. P No. And it comes up quite easily. I try
4 The cold air at moment makes the
D If nothing shows up in the tests, you to get it up to try and keep my chest breathlessness worse, so I stay at
seem to be generally quite healthy, clear.
home when it's very cold.
but the problem is hypertension, D And is there any smell?
5 I've used nebulizer.
which can lead to other problems. P No. Not that I've noticed. It's just the
6 I've had it for week now.
P Mmm, I'm aware of that. look of it that's not nice; it's rubbery
7 Does the way you lie make it worse?
D Do you think you can get your weight or sticky like mucus from the nose. It's
Or is it worse when you do the
down easily? horrible.
particular exercises?
P I can try. Well I just have to ... D Any pain?
somehow. P No, not really. Listening 3
D Did you do any sport before? D It sounds as if you've got a touch of ... N = Nurse, P = Patient
P Well, I used to swim and walk a lot. N There are different inhaler devices
Listening 2
D Have you thought of starting up to suit different people and the one
Exercise 1
again? I'm going to show you how to use
P Yeah, I suppose I could. 1 a It normally occurs early in the
is this breath-activated Pressurized
morning and sometimes late at the
D You'll feel the benefit of it quite MDI, which stands for Metered Dose
night or after I do any exercise, but
quickly and if you're careful with Inhaler. Are you familiar with this?
at moment it's bad with the cold
what you eat, you'll be back to what P No, not really. I've seen them, but not
you were before. used one.
P I hope so. b It normally occurs early in the
N Well, it's an autoinhaler, which
morning and sometimes late at
D Would you like to ... releases a dose of the drug when a
night or after I do any exercise, but
breath is taken. This means that you
at the moment it's bad with the
Unit 10 don't worry about breathing and
cold air.
hand coordination, and it means
2 a Does the breathlessness you've
Vocabulary that you know that a dose has been
got have any effect on your daily
successfully delivered.
Coughs: 1 dry, 2 hoarse, 3 barking, activities? Your lifestyle? Your
First of all, you remove the cap and
4 productive, 5 wheezy work?
shake the inhaler several times like
b Does breathlessness you've got
Listening 1 this.
have any effect on your daily
D = Doctor, P = Patient You then prime the device by pushing
activities? Your lifestyle? Your
P I've got this really bad cough, doctor, this lever here right up, keeping the
and I can't shake it off. canister upright at the same time
3 a How many flights of stairs can you
like this. If you find it difficult to push
manage generally?
136 Listening scr ipts

the lever up by hand, you can use the A full examination should be given, at times. so I have to use a walking
edge of the table to push it against. Is checking particularly for fever, jaundice, stick.
this OK so far? abdominal tenderness, chest signs, D You seem to be doing very well. You've
P Yeah. It's clear. rashes, and lymphadenopathy. been doing all the right things we
N OK. So you sit upright with your head talked about when you first became a
Exact investigations depend on
up and breathe out. Then you seal patient here.
symptoms and examination findings,
your lips around the mouthpiece here. P Well, yes, I've done my best.
but consider FBC, thick and thin
You inhale slowly and deeply. Breathe D Looking through your notes you've
bloodfilms for malaria, LFTs, viral
in steadily rather than quickly. When only had one blood transfusion, am I
serology, blood culture, stool culture -
the inhaler clicks, don't stop- just ensure it is fresh- and MSU. right?
continue taking a really deep breath. P Yes. That was a while back. The only
You won't feel the spray hitting the And on this slide we have information thing really is my hip and now this
back of your throat although the taste on malaria, which incidentally comes pain.
in your mouth might change. Is this from a sixteenth-century Italian term D OK, first we're going to give you
all OK so far? -mal' aria- meaning 'foul or bad air'. painkillers.
P Yeah, fine . There are about two thousand cases P OK ...
N Then you remove the inhaler and hold notified each year in the UK. Malaria
your breath for as long as possible, is of course very easy to miss, one
reason being that it's a great mimic,
Unit 12
mm, up to ten seconds. You then push
the lever down and replace the cap. and so it can present with virtually
Listening 1
Wait a bit and then when you have any symptoms. It usually consists
of a prodrome of headache, malaise, A, B = Doctors
recovered, take the next dose. But
myalgia, and anorexia, followed by A There are many advantages to
remember to prime it before each
recurring fevers, rigors, and drenching new technology. Recent medical
dose. Do you have any questions?
P No, none. It all seems very clear. sweats, which last for eight to twelve breakthroughs like keyhole surgery
N OK, can you explain to me how to do hours at a time. The examination may are transforming the lives of
be normal, but one needs to look for patients, especially as regards the
anaemia, and jaundice with or without improvement in the speed of delivery
hepatosplenomegaly. of services and the speed of recovery
Unit 11 on the part of the patient. But there's
If we had a case of a patient, say a
also the increased convenience for
Listening 1 businessman, who had been to South
the patient in all this. Let's say we
America and presented with ...
In addition to the usual differential have a patient with long established
diagnosis, in all returned travellers who Listening 2 diabetes, and we are able to offer a
present unwell, it's crucial to consider D = Doctor, P = Patient simple solution like a spray instead
imported disease. And as tropical D You haven't had any problems for of injecting, then there is going to be
medicine is a specialized field, when quite a while, have you? little resistance.
you're unsure, seek expert advice by P No, nothing serious. I've been quite B Well, the spray may not benefit every
telephone or admit the patient. lucky, really. I keep myself nice and patient.
OK, now if we tum to the next slide here, warm, especially at this time of year, A Maybe not, but it's a step in the
and I make sure I eat properly and right direction. Can't you ever see
it shows what we need to ask about
drink well. I've never been a big coffee the beneficial side of anything
the history. As well as the symptoms,
drinker, but I like a cup of tea, and I rather than always dwelling on the
it's essential to find out about the
drink plenty of water as well. And downside? Wouldn't you even feel
area or areas travelled to, including
even though I've had a flu jab, I keep better in yourself if you were a bit
brief stopovers, the duration of travel,
away from people. And I always take more positive?
immunizations received prior to travel,
vitamins every day without fail, so it B I'm not always negative. I'm just
malaria prophylaxis, health of members
keeps my folic acid up. My friend had playing devil's advocate.
of the travel party, sexual contacts
leg ulcers, so I'm very careful- I'm A And surely anything that makes
whilst abroad, and medical treatment
trying to avoid that, but my hip is bad taking medication easier is going to
received abroad.
increase the likelihood of patients
Listening scripts 137

remembering to take medication Listening 2

and sticking to it in the long term, if D = Doctor, P = Patient
needed. 1 P Can't I just have the antibiotics I
B But no matter what, you have to had the last time?
admit that there are downsides to D Well, what you've got is different
new technology. It's not all rosy. from the last time. This is a virus.
A Like what, for instance? P But won't they work against
B Well, I can think of at least two viruses ?
things, one being that with increased 2 P Won't an MRI scan show if there's
life expectancy also comes increased anything there or not?
morbidity and not everyone wants to D An MRI scan's not suitable here. It's
live with a poor quality of life. I know clear from what you've said that
I wouldn't. there's nothing sinister here.
A You say that now, but maybe not later P But my friend had the same and he
on, and as medical science progresses, died of a brain tumour.
so will quality of life for those who 3 P Won't these steroids make me put
are living longer. I would say that by on weight if I take them?
the time we reach our sixth decade, D They can make people add weight,
the quality of life from the medical but it's only a short course.
point of view will be what it is for the P OK.
average forty-year-old now. 4 P Isn't that new stem cell treatment
B Maybe, and I hope you're right, but I available for people with strokes?
think that there is always the danger D It's still at the trial stage, I'm afraid.
with technology of losing sight of P Can't my husband be part of the
the patient. The information that t rial?
people have is being lost as we switch 5 P Wouldn't it be better if I just stayed
on machines and the machine does on this treatment for my diabetes?
the work for us. A simple example D You can, but you might find this is
is taking blood pressure. The old more convenient for you. Do you
sphygonometer is being replaced by want to think about it fo r a while?
digital machines and I'm not sure P Yeah, OK. I'm just worried about
everyone could even read the BP upsetting everything, that's all.
A Well, you have a point there. Language spot
Deskilling is a problem, but this is Couldn't I just keep using the same
all about managing change. I know device?
it arouses debate and at times some 2 Isn't this available on the NHS?
aspects are sensitive, but I don't 3 Wouldn't it be better for me just to
resist it and by and large I think the continue with the medication?
dramatic technological advances in 4 Doesn't this device come with a cap
recent years have been invaluable. on it?
And I wouldn't want to stifle change. Shouldn't my daughter be next?
B Me neither. I think we agree generally 6 Won't I be having the operation today
but just can't agree on some of the either?
finer detail. 7 Can't I have an MRI scan?
A Yes, I suppose we ... 8 Hasn 't the doctor arrived yet?
9 Haven't you done that referral letter
10 Didn't you say I could go home today?
11 Aren't I next on the waiting list?
138 Glossary


J: breech u book aJ line

surgery u: mood au gown
disabil ity Ll imm unize Jl avoid
e sensitive bump IJ period
a~ paramedic :J: curl e:J fl are
o: alarming J perception U:l reass ure
D stop Cl ageing
J: w arning ;)0 co pe


p hyperten sion r affect h hollow

b bronc hitis v stopover 111 im pairment
t elescope 0 afterbirth 11 ma nia
d ra dical 0 wi th IJ alarmi ng
k con sent di slocate I ma laria

9 glove z analyze rapid response

tJ dispat ch s revo lut ion yourself
d3 bin ge 3 conclu sion \A w orry

abnormal perception 'xb ,nJ:ml p 'sepJn anosognosia a~. nnsog 'n;Josi;J, n a avoid J'VJtd vto try not to do
n a way of seeing or experiencing mental condition in which a patient someth ing because it is harmful or
events that is not normal, especially is unable to recogn ise that they have unpleasant
when it is harmful or not wanted lost a physica I sense or abi Iity avulsion ;J 'vAIJn n the act or process
abruptly ,;, 'bnptli. adv suddenly antenatal ,<enti 'ncill adj relating to of tea ring a piece from a bone by a
and unexpectedly, especially in an the medical care given to pregnant tendon or a ligament: an avulsion
unpleasant way women fracture
acne (vulgaris) ,xkni ' \ I '9o:m, n a anxiety '<etJ 'zaiJti/ n the state of feeling baby blues 'be1bi blu:z. n a depressed
skin condition in which your face, nervous or worried that som ething feeling that some women get after
neck, etc. is covered in pimples bad is going to happen the birth of a baby
(=spots) . Acne is common among apathy l'<ep:JOi/ n the feeling of not ball b:d n (of the foot) the part
young people. being interested in or enthusia stic underneath the bi g toe
affect ''<efekt n emotions or feelings, about anything bang ' b<CIJ / vto hit a part of th e body
especia lly when considering how this appraisal ':l 'preJZI. n a meeting in which against something
influences behaviour a doctor discusses with a more senior barking 'bo:kll} adj (of a cough) very
afterbirth 'o:lbb3:8 n the placenta doctor how we ll he or she has been loud and produced with a lot of
and other material that comes out of doing their job; the system of ho lding energy
a woman 's body after a baby is born such meetings beneficial /, be111 'fiJI adj improving a
ageing e1d3II) adj becoming older arrhythmia :J 'nomi;J. n a condition situation; having a helpful or useful
alarming :J 'lo:mnJ adj caus ing worry in which the heart does not beat effect
and fear normally benefit from 'ben eli l fr;1m v to receive
analyse '<en;J]aJz/ vto study or examine atrial fibrillation ,eJtri;J[ 'faibrrleiJnl n help or an advantage from something
something, especially by separating it a condition in which the atria(= the binge bmd3 n an occasion when
into its parts, in order to understand two upper spaces in the heart) do not somebody does too much of an
or explain it beat normally, causing the patient activity they enjoy, such as eating or
to develop a rapid pul se that is not drinking alcoho l
regular, a common type of arrhythmia
Glossary 139

blemish 'blem1J n a mark on the skin concordance k0n k0:d:11b n agreement development d1 'vebpm;mt n 1 the
that spoils its appearance by a patient to follow a particular process of creating something new
blister 'bllst:J(r) n a swelling on the course of treatment after discussing or more advanced; a new method,
surface of the skin that is filled with the choices available to them with a product, etc.
liquid and is caused by rubbing or doctor or nurse 2 a new stage in a changing situation
burning consent bn 'u t n official agreement, 3 the gradual growth of something
bradykinesia , bnedii~I 111:71:1 n a given by a patient to a doctor, to have so that it becomes more advanced,
condition in which a person makes a particular medical treatment such stronger, etc.
unusual ly slow movements, often as an operation disability d1':1 billl nan inability to
associated wit h Parkinson's disease Continui ng Professi on al Development do something such as walk, speak, or
breakthrough / 'brcikOru:. nan bn li11JU : n p 1 l cf nl dJ\cbpm:Jnt learn normally, due to an impairment
important new discovery or n a system for staff who are already disinhibition dJ,JI1hJ h fn n the state
achievement qualified in which they receive or act of expressing your thoughts
breath-activated breO a:kti\CJlld regular training about new medical and feelings openly without concern
adj (of an inhaler) releasing spray procedures connected with their job about the opinion of other people
automatically when a person takes a contra indication f J'1lli kc1Jn dislocate dJsl;~keJl vto put a bone out
breath n a possib le reason for not giving a of its norma l position in a joint
breech hn:tJ n used to describe the patient a particular drug or treatment dispatch d1 spa:tJ vto send a person
position of a baby within the mother cope w ith b l' ,1 vto deal or thing somewhere in order to do
in which when it is born, the baby's successfully with something difficult something
feet or bottom come out first crackles h.J ,tk l nsmall,sharpsounds diuretic ,da 1ju rcllk n a substance that
bronchitis hroiJ 'kaJlls n an that are heard when listening to the causes an increase in the flow of urine
inflammation of the bronchial tubes, sounds within someone's body(= DVT di: \ i: 'ti: n (deep vein
resulting in coughing and difficulty in auscultation), often associated with thrombosis) a serious condition
breathing emphysema (= air in the tissues) caused by a blood clot(= a thick mass
bump lump v to hit something, criticism , n the act of of blood) forming in a vein
especially a part of your body, against expressing disapproval of somebody dynamic exercise da1 na:m1k
or on something or someth ing; a statement showing eks;,sall n physical activity in which
bystander bmstxnd:J( r) n a person disapproval the muscles are continuously moving,
who sees an event, such as a crime or crust ~ r n a hard layer that covers a for example swimming or walking
an acc ident, but who is not directly soft substance or liquid; a scab elation i 'lcJ.fn n a feeling of great
involved in it cue k_it.: n something that you say or happiness and excitement
cholesterol b'lcst:Jrol n a substance do in order to show some body what embarrassingly 1m ba:rJsJJ]Ii adv used
simi lar to fat that is found in blood you are thinking or feeling so that to say that something makes you feel
and most tissues of the body. High they may respond , give advice, etc. shy or ashamed
levels of cholesterol in the blood are curl k. : v to form or make something emotive i 11100lJ\ adj causing people to
associated with heart disease. form a curved shape, for example your feel strong emotions
col- knl- prefix relating to the colon toes epidemic ,cp1 dcm1k n a large number
compelling bm pciJJ) adj (of an idea, cyst o- ~ "t ~ . prefix relating to the of cases of a particular disease
an argument, etc.) able to convince bladde r happening at the same time in a
you that something is true day-case surgery dLJ kc1s s;{:d:=;:1ri n particular community
compliance bm 'plaJJns n the act of operations that are performed in a et al ct 'a:] abbreviation (used after
follow ing the instructions given to single day, without the need for the the names of the main writers of a
you by a doctor or nurse concerning patient to spend the night in hospital report, research paper, etc.) and other
your treatment, such as by taking your afterwards people not mentioned. eta/ comes
medicine depen d on d1 pend nn vto rely on from the Latin phrase et alii/alia= and
conclusion bn klu:;;n n a judgement somebody for help or in order to do others
or a decision, made after considering something evaluation 1 \ <CIJU e1j'n n a judgement
all the information connected with dermatology d:1:1110 tniJd:=;i n the area ofthe value or quality of something
the situation of medicine concerned with the study after thinking about it carefully
and treatment of skin diseases
140 Glossary

exasperated 19 z<csp~reitid . adj get over get ' ~O\ J( r) v 1 to return to host h:JOst nan animal or a plant
extremely annoyed, especially if you your usual state of health after an illness on which another living thing(= a
cannot do anything to improve the 2 to deal with or gain control of a parasite) lives and feeds
situation problem or difficult situation hypertension ,ha1p0 'tcnJn n blood
expectation /, ckspek 'tci.fn n 1 a belief get through to .get Oru: t:J, v 1 to make pressure that is higher than is normal
that something will happen because contact with somebody by telephone, etc hystero- '111St:Jr:l0 prefix relating to the
it seems likely 2 to make somebody understand or uterus
2 a strong belief about the way accept what you say, especially when impacted Im 'pa!ktid adj used to
something should happen or how you are trying to help them describe a type of fracture in which
somebody should behave giddy q1di adjfeelingdizzy(=that the two broken ends of the bone are
be expecting bi: Ik 'spcktiiJ vto be everything is moving around and that pushed into each other
pregnant you are going to fall) impa irment Im 'peJmJnt n a condition
expectoration 1k spekt;:. rciJn n the glove 4l n v to put on surgical gloves in which you are not able to use a part
act of coughing up material from your before an operation of your body or brain normally
lungs and then spitting it out gone gon adj having been pregnant for impromptu un 'promptju: adj, adv
expiratory cks pa1r~ tri adj relating to the length oftime mentioned done w ithout preparation or planning
the act of breathing out air from the gown gaon vto put on a gown(= a inconsolable ,mbn s:lOIJbl adj
lungs piece of clothing that is worn over extremely sad and unable to accept
fai nt fcmt vto suddenly become other clothes during an operation) help or comfort
unconscious because not enough groggy 'grogi. adjfeeling weak and ingenious 111 'd3i:niJs adj (of a device, a
blood is going to your brain unable to think clearly because you plan, a method, etc.) very suitable for
fan out l<cn dOt vto spread are ill or very tired a particular purpose and using clever
something out, like a fan haemolyze hi:m;-~lai7 v to destroy red new ideas
far-reaching ,fu: ri:t.fiiJ adj having a blood cells by causing them to break inspiratory ,ms pairJtri adj relating to
lot of significant effects and open and release their haemoglobin ; the act of breathing in air to the lungs
implications to be destroyed in this way intussusception , mt~s~ ' scp.fn n a
flare up / tlc~r '"-P v (of an illness, injury, hairline 'hcJlain n a very thin crack or painful condition, most common
etc.) to suddenly start again or to line in the surface of a bone : a hairline among young children, in which a
become worse fracture section of the intestine becomes
fracture fncktJ~(r) n a break in a bone handicap ha!Illlik<ep. n in inability folded within itself with the result
frothy " froOi adj (of a liquid) full of or to do certain things such as do a that it becomes blocked
covered w ith a mass of smal l bubb les particular job, get an education, etc., itch 1tj' vto have an uncomfortable
frozen shoulder 1fr~ozn 'J~ok!J(r) / because of a disability feeling on your skin that makes you
n a painfu l condition in which the hazardous 'h<CZJd;Js adj dangerous, want to scratch it; to make your skin
shoulder joint becomes stiff and especially to some body's health or feel like this
difficult to move safety job specification ,d3ob ,spesifi 'keiJn n
gait gcn nawayofwa lking heel hi:l n the raised part of the inside a description of the skills, knowledge,
gametocyte g:J'mi:t:Jsait n a cell that is of the hand where it joins the wrist and experience that are required to do
in the process of becoming a gamete hernia 'h3:ni;J n a condition in which a particular job
gamete 'y<emi:t. n a male or fema le part of an organ is pushed through the keep ,ki:p v to continue doing
sex cel l body wall around it something
get at / ~Jet ~t v 1 to keep criticizing herniorrhaphy /, h3:ni 'nr:Jfi nan land l<cml vto come down to the
somebody operation to repair a hernia ground afterfalling,jumping, or being
2 to learn or discover something high haL n the highest level or largest thrown
get down get daon v 1 to make number of something lapa ro- 'hcpJr;Jo prefix relating to the
somebody feel sad or depressed hoarse h~:rs adj (of a cough, a voice, abdomen
2 to swallow or eat something, usual ly etc.) sounding rough and unpleasant, laparotomy , l <epJ ' rot~mi n a
with difficu lty because of a sore throat procedure in which a cut is made
get on get ' on v 1 to have a friendly hobble 'hobl vto walk with difficulty, in the abdomen, usually in order to
relationship with somebody especially because your feet or legs examine the organs inside
hurt lie h11 n the position in which a baby is
2 (get on somebody's nerves) to
irritate or annoy somebody hollow 'holJo adj (of a cough) making lying within the mother
a low, empty sound
Glossary 141

life cycle lcuf S<llkl n the series of (=the opening that connects the left persuasion p;:~ swe13n n the act
changes in the life of an animal, plant, atrium and the left ventricle of the of convincing somebody to do
etc. heart) becomes more narrow than is something
lifestyle /' latfstad n the way in which normal persuasive p;:~ S\\Ctsl\ adj able to
a person lives, including their work, mood mu:d n the way you are feeling persuade somebody to do or believe
hobbies, diet, physical activity, etc. at a particular time something
line lain n a course of treatment morbidity mJ: 'bid;Jti n the number of pick at p1k ;Jl vto touch something
longitudi nal ,lm) t'tj u:dmll adj (of a people who have a particular illness several times with your nails or
baby within th e mother) lying in an morning sickness mJ:n11_1 stknJs n the fingers, especially by repeatedly
upward or downward position rather need to vomit that some women feel removing small pieces of it
than across the mother's body when they are pregnant, often only in pick up p1k ' P v 1 to take hold of
malaise m0 'letz, n a general feeling of the morning something and lift it up
being ill mortality mJ: 't<elJti/ n the number 2 to start again; continue
malaria /m0 'le0ri;J, n a disease that of people who die from a particular playwith 'plci \\tO vtokee ptouching
causes fever, caused by a blood illness or moving something
parasite that is passed to people by negotiate nt ' g;:~oJic t l vto agree POP ,pi: JO 'pi: n (plaster of paris) a
the bite of a mosquito something by formal discussion white powder that becomes hard
mania ' memi;:~ n a mental illness in nephro- 'nefr;Jo prefix relating to the when it is mixed with water and left
which a person behaves in a very kidney(s) to dry. POP is used to make plaster
excited and active way and may also notifiable 'nJo ttfatJbl adj (of a casts(= a so lid case that is put on a
have exaggerated beliefs about their disease) so serious that it must be person's body in order to cover and
abilities reported to the authorities protect a broken bone); a cast made of
marche apetit pas mu:J J p ;:~ ti 'po: n objectionable Jb ' d :ic kJ;:~ n;>b] adj this material
a way of walking in which the person unpleasant or offensive pre-eclampsia , pri: t'kl a:mpsiJ n a
takes unusually small steps, often offensive ;. I~IN\ adj extremely condition in which a pregnant woman
associated with Parkinson's disease unpleasant has high blood pressure, which can
masto- I mammo- ' ma~s t Jo lll <ClllJu on edge nn cd; adj to be nervous, become serious if it is not treated
prefix relating to the breast excited, or bad-tempered productive prd'd\kll\ adj(ofacough)
MDI ,em di: 'at n (metered dose on top of the world nn t np ;>\ (\;. producing sputum or mucus(= a thick
inhaler) a type of inhaler that releases '' dd adj very happy or proud liquid that is produced in parts of the
a specific amount of medicine each pandemic JXCn dcm1k n a serious body, such as the nose)
time it is used disease that spreads over a whole prone to sth 'pr;1on tJ adj likely to
mean mi:n v 1 to intend to do something region or a large part of the world suffer from something, such as a
2 to involve; to have as a consequence paramed ic pa.:rJ ncdtk n a person particular illness
membrane 'mcmbrem n a thin layer of whose job involves giving emergency psychosocial satbo '> ;Juj"l adj
skin or tissue that connects or covers medical treatment to sick or injured concerning the mental and social
organs or other parts inside the body people in their home, at the scene of aspects of something and how they
mental state examination mcnt l \ tell an accident, etc., before they are taken influence each other
tg n emT ,ne tJn nan interview between to hospita l purpura /p3: 'pjop nan area of red or
a doctor and a patient in order to patch pa.: ti n a small area of something purple spots on the skin , caused by
judge the patient's present mental that is different from the area around it bleeding underneath the surface of
condition perforated appendix p :d;:~retltd the skin
merozoite , mer;~ 'zJoa il n a stage ;. pcnd tk -. n a serious condition purulent 'pj o Jr;JIJnt adj containing
in the life cycle of the parasite that in which the appendix bursts after or producing pus(= a thick yellowish
causes malaria . Merozoites are formed becoming infected and then swollen liquid that is produced in an infected
in large numbers by a schizont and pericarditis ,penka: datlis n a serious wound)
either become another schizont or a inflammation of the pericardium radical 'r<ed tk l adj new and very
sex cell (= gamete). (=the thin layer of tissue surrounding different from what is usually done
milestone " ma il stJo n n a very the heart) rapid response ,ra;> ptd n 'spons n
important stage or event in the period ptJriJd n the flow of blood the act or process of dea li ng with a
development of something each month from the body of a medical emergency quickly
mitral stenosis mattrJI s tJ ' n;:~osts n woman who is not pregnant
a condition in which the mitral valve
142 Glossary

rapport ne p::l:(r) n a friendly a person becomes unconscious and then passes them to humans where
relationship in which people their body shakes violently; = a fit they travel to the liver cells to form a
understand each other very well sensitive sens;"ltl\ ad} 1 (of a subject) schizont.
reckless rek!;Js adj showing a lack needing to be t reated carefully sputum 'spju:t;,m n thick liquid from
of care about the danger or the because it may offend or upset peop le the throat or lungs that is coughed
con sequences of your action s 2 (of people} easily offended or upset up because of disease, etc. In non -
reduction n dAkJn n the act or process shuffling 'J\0!1] ad} (of the way medical situations, sputum is often
of returning a part of the body to its somebody walks} slowly without called phlegm lkm. .
normal position, for example after a lifting your feet completely off the squash skwnJ vto press or crush
hernia, by performing an operation or ground; SEE marche apetit pas something so that it becomes
other medical procedure sickle-cell anaemia srkl sci ;1 'ni:mi;J, damaged or changes shape
rehabilitation ,ri:;J biii 'tciJn n the n a serious form of anaemi a, mostly statin 'st<etm n a type of drug that
process in which a person learn s to affecting people of African origin, in helps to lower cholesterol
have a normal life aga in after they which the red blood cell s lose their stop stop v to prevent somebody from
have been very ill or had a serious normal shape when oxyge n level s are doing something
injury low stopover stop;"!O\:J(r) n a short stay
resect n sd. t v to cut out part of an simple srmpl ad} (of a fract ure) somewhere between two parts of a
organ or a piece of tissue from the involving a break of the bone but with journey
body little damage to the surrounding skin straighten 'strc1tn vto become
revolution rcv;l 'lu:Jn n a major and muscle straight; to make something straight
change in methods, ideas, etc. that slip (over) 'slip ,;"!OV;J(r)/ vto slide a stub st \b v to hurt your toe by
affects many people short distance by accident so that you accidentally hitting it against
rig idity n d3Hbti n the state of being fall or nearly fall something hard
stiff and difficult to move or bend small oft he back , ,smJ:! ;J\ o;:~ ba:~k stumble st.\mbl v to fall or almost fall
rigo r 'ng:J(r) n a sudden attack of n the lower part of the back where it while you are walking or running
shivering(= shaking of the body}, curves in sweetened S\\ i:tnd ad} (of food or
accompanied by a feeling of coldness small talk 'sm:>:l t::1:k n polite a drink) made to taste sweeter by
and a rapid rise in body temperature, conversation about ordinary or adding sugar, etc.
usually indicating the start of a feve r unimportant subjects, for example in telescope telisbop v (of the different
rupture nptJ;J(r) vto burst or break order to make a patient feel rela xed parts of something) to slide within
apart something inside the body; to smash sm<eJ vto break something each other
be broken or to burst apart vio lently into many pieces ; to be tenacious [;l 'nciJ;Js. adj sticky and
safety net 'se1fti net, n used to describe broken in this way difficult to pull apart
any arrangement that is intended SOCRATES ''sokr;Jl!:z n used as a way the Pill t);J prl n the contraceptive pill
to protect a patient and prevent of remembering how to j udge the (= a pill that some women take to
problems from developing after they nature of a patient's pain . Each letter prevent them becoming pregnant)
finish consulting a doctor or having of SOCRATES refers to a word which thread Orcd nan idea that connects
treatment relates to a question , the words the different parts of a conversation ,
scab sk<eb. n a hard layer of dried blood are: Site, Onset, Character, Radiation, argument, etc.
that forms over a cut as it heals Associations, Timing of pain/duration, thrombolysis ,Ornm bolrsrs n the act or
scab over " ska::b ciOv;J(r) v to form a Exacerbating/ Relieving factors, Severity process of dissolving a blood clot(= a
scab soil s:>rl v to accidentally release solid thick ma ss of blood)
schizont 'sk<uznnt also 'Jarzont n a waste from your body onto your t ickly trkli ad} (of a cough} producing
stage in the life cycle of the parasite clothes, bed sheets, etc. an irritating sensation on your throat
that causes malaria, during which spiral ' sparr;:~L ad} (of a fracture) caused that makes you want to cough
it reproduces itself many times by twisting the bone so that it breaks tingling 'lll]glrrJ nan uncomfortable
by dividing to form new cells(= spont aneously spon terni;1s!i adv feeling in a part of your body as if a
merozoites) happening naturally, without the need lot of small sharp points are pushing
scrub up sknb 'P v (of a doctor, for medical treatment or assistance into it
nurse, etc.) to wash your hands and sporozoite ,sporci 'Z;loart n a stage tolerate t o!;JrCil v to be able to be
arms before performing an operation in the life cycle of the parasite that affected by a drug without being
seizure 'si:3;1(r) n a sudden attack of causes malaria. Sporozoites form harmed
an illness, such as epilepsy, in which within the body of a mosquito which
Glossary 143

travellers' diarrhoea ,tr<e\ JIJz dmJ ' nJ; warning sign wJ:nrrJ -;am n a change
nan illness in which you pass solid in a person's health or behaviour
waste from your body frequently, and that indicates that they may have a
in liquid form , and which is developed particular illness;= a prodrome
while travelling in a foreign country wet \\Cl 1 vto urinate by accident
tremor trcm;~( r) n a slight shaking 2adj (ofweather) rain
movement in a part of your body, wheal also weal \\ r: l n a sore red
often associated with Parkinson's swelling on the skin, associated with
disease skin conditions such as urticaria
trend trend n a general direction in woozy \\u:zi . adjfeelingunsteadyand
which a situation is changing or confused
developing worry about \\ Hi ;~ha o t v to keep
trip (over/up) I trip (over/on sth) '' trip thinking about unpleasant things th at
;IO\J(r) - \]1 -on vto catch your might happen or about problems that
foot on something and fall or almost you have
fall wryneck ramek n a condition
try (for a baby) tnu v to attempt to affecting the neck muscles which
conceive causes the neck to turn so that
twist l\~ist vto injure part of your body, eventually the head is permanently
especially your ankle, wrist, or knee, by held to one side;= torticollis
bending it in an awkward way
twitch twrtJ v (of a person's body) to
make a sudden quick movement,
especially one that you cannot control
uncooperative \nb o' np;~r;"~ll\ adj not
willing to be helpful to other people or
do what they ask
uneasy \n i:n adjfeeling worried or
unhappy about a particular situation
unequivocal \n r k\\ I\ ;~kl adj
expressing your opinion or intention
very clearly and firmly
unhygienic \nhar'd3i:nrk, adj not
clean and therefore likely to cause
disease or infection
unjusti~able \11 d3.\strfarJbl adj (of an
action) impossible to excuse or accept
because there is no good reason for it
unpeeled \n pi:ld adj (of a fruit or
vegetable) with a skin that has not
been removed
variolation \'CJriJ laiJn n (historical)
the practice of deliberate ly giving
somebody a small amount of the
smallpox(= variola) virus so that they
cannot catch this disease in future
vesicle vcsrkl n a small blister filled
with clear liquid, associated with skin
conditions such as eczema
warning \\J:nrrJ nan instruction
telling somebody what to do or what
not to do
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