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Ayurveda Healing Arts Institute

of the
Medicine Buddha Healing Center (1)510-292-6696


Na Mwo Sa Dan Two Su Chye Dwo Ye E La He Di San Myau San Pu Two Sye.
Chr Two Ni \ E Jya La \ Mi Li Ju | Bwo Li Dan La Ye \ Ning Jye Li
Namo Medicine King Bodhisattva: She Lu Seng E Mu Chywe Ye Nan Wei La Ye Wei La Ye Sa Wa He

NOTE: All materials included in the text of these next pages are quoted,
paraphrased, excepted and/or used under the
"Fair use" provision (17 USC §107) of the United States Copyright Act
for non-profit educational and religious
purposes and are provided free-of-charge
in order to spread the Proper Healing Dharma of the Founder of Chinese
Medicine: Arya Shen-Nong (Medicine King Bodhisattva - Bhaisajya Raja)
Credit is given where appropriate using the M L A style
of citations as footnotes or endnotes or via front or back ISBN cover page

Under Fair-Use, the redactor compiler does not claim copyright or ownership
for any of this material
nor charge money for it but instead
publicly and freely donates it as an offering
to the Triple Jewel (Namo Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha)
in service to all living beings.

The timeless Healing Dharma is a priceless jewel

and hence a price cannot be assigned to it, nor ownership claimed of it.
Nidana Panchakam
The Five Clinical Barometers

The clinical study of disease begins with nidana panchakam. It is the

first and foremost barometer for studying any disease or any suffering.
Nidana means etiology, pancha means five. So nidana panchakam
are the five clinical barometers through which we try to understand a
disease. These are:
1. Nidanam: etiology or causes
2. Purvarupa: prodromal signs and symptoms
3. Rupa: cardinal signs and symptoms
4. Upashaya: therapeutic guidelines
5. Samprapti: pathogenesis, the origin and development of a

The Importance of Understanding the Cause of Disease

Ayurveda classifies all disorders in terms of qualitative changes. The
twenty qualities (gunas) are manifest in the doshas, dhatus, urine,
feces and sweat, and they affect the mind and consciousness. In fact
they are present throughout the universe. Our body is constantly
exposed to the outer environment, which induces its qualities into the
body, m i n d a n d consciousness through diet, lifestyle, seasonal
changes and the quality of our relationships. These qualities slowly

Medicine Buddha Sanskrit Buddhist Ayurvedic Healing Mantra
for use with the previous page:

Om Namo Bhagavate Bhaisajya Guru Vaidurya Prabha Rajaya Tathagataya Arhate

Samyaksam Bodhaya Tadyata Om Bhaisaje Bhaisaje Bhaisajya Samudgate Svaha
Namo Quelling Disasters Lengthening Life Medicine Master Buddha

Dedicated to the health, happiness, compassion and wisdom of all sentient beings
Ayurveda Healing Arts Institute
of the
Medicine Buddha Healing Center (1)510-292-6696

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