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Find the timeline in the first

section of your book
The Battlefront Identify the key political,
disappeared, and with it military, social and cultural
the illusion that there events that took place.
Draw your own timeline and
Snapshot of had ever been a battlefront.
indicate the type of event by
For this was no war of
World War II occupation, but a war of colour-coding them in your
quick penetration and
Draw the flags of each
obliteration country involved in the event
next to it.
Unknown TIME magazine writer
1939 Select 5 of the events that
happened, 2 political, 1 social
and 2 military, and add
photos next to the event.

The World on the Brink

of War


A post war treaty dominated by the US, Great

Britain and France
Germany lost many territories of German
speaking people to Poland, Romania and
The Treaty of Czechoslovakia
Versailles It was not allowed to raise a large army, navy or
air force
This was consider reparations for the cost of
life and economic spending by the allies in WWI

Germany also lost 10% of its industry and iron

production which further crippled the country
The Treaty of A new system of government was set-up in
Versailles Germany, the Weimar Republic
The newly-installed Weimar republic felt as
though it was burdened heavily by the actions
of the previous government


Weimar republic faced several difficulties in

assuming office
The German people were largely divided
politically and many distrusted democratic
The Fall of the government
Due to this there were a large variety of
Republic disjointed political parties- communists,
nationalists, socialist, etc.
In 1926 Germany was finally running smoothly,
largely due to loans from the US

From 1930 due to influence from landowners

and military leader president Hindenburg used
his executive powers to limit democracy via an
appointed chancellor
The Fall of 1932- 6 million people unemployed in Germany
the Weimar Leading to large disenfranchisement of the
Republic Weimar Republics handling of the economy
In the elections of the same year the National-
Socialist German Workers Party led by Adolf
Hitler became the most prominent political


It opposed democratic government and hence

the Weimar Republic itself
The Fall of Based on deals made by Hindenburg and other
anti-republic politicians Hitler became
the Weimar chancellor of Germany in January 1933
Republic He soon moved quickly to strengthen his
position and powers in a Germany unified by
nationalistic and autocratic ideals

Worldwide economic crisis beginning in 1922,

in the United States
Dramatic rises in unemployment
Agricultural, manufacturing and construction
The Great industries began to collapse
Depression In Germany this economic crisis, aggravated by
the Versailles Treaty strengthened the rhetoric
of anti-democratic leaders
Financial pressure saw France and Britain limit
their expenditure on armaments


Meanwhile 1930s Germany and Japan began to

increase military spending
The Great Reducing unemployment and increasing their
Depression economies
Allowing both countries the opportunity to
claim new territories

Political term originating from World War One

Grew larger in post-war Europe, exacerbated
by the Great Depression
The Rise of The main countries that took up fascist ideals
and leaders were:
Fascism Italy, Benito Mussolini
Germany, Adolph Hitler
Post Civil-War Spain, General Franco


Fascism was a type of extreme nationalism

Belief in the utter superiority of ones own country
Fascism required one party states- it rejected
democratic processes from which it could be
Fascism This state needed to be headed by a strong leader
A leader whom would organise and control even
Defined the smallest aspects of peoples lives
Maintaining this power through military strength
and calculated violence
The 3 European Fascist states all strongly opposed
socialism and communism and often took actions
against groups and parties who supported such

Dissatisfied with the treaty of Versailles drafted by

its World War One allies Italy experienced major
economic issues following the war
Many Italians saw the solution to this as the Italian
Fascist party led by Mussolini
Italian In 1922 the Italian king, smitten by his national
resolve, invited Mussolini to form a government
Fascism By 1924 Mussolini was Europes first fascist leader
In 1940 he unreadily joined WWII on the German
side, hoping to resolve economic problems
worsened by the great depression, however ill-
equipped to do so he was defeated by the allies in
1943, deposed by the king and Italys fascist
experiment was over


By mid-1933 Hitler was the Fuhrer, of a One-party

German He created legislation that enforced systemic
racism against people who did not fit into his
Fascism Aryan Master Race
Lebensraum- Hitlers policy of regaining living
Nationalism space lost in the post-war negotiations
Closely monitored the teachers in schools, and
Nazism made Nazi textbooks full of propaganda
He created Nazi youth groups to brainwash young
people- Aryan young people were made to join
these groups

Propaganda- Radio broadcasts, cinema,

German newspapers, painting, sculpture and sports were
heavily monitored

Fascism The SS (Schutzstaffel)-were a Nazi secret army or

police force which spied on, repressed and
Nationalism terrorised non-abiding citizens
Concentration Camps- were camps ran to hold
people seen as racially impure. This included Jews,
Nazism gypsies, and people of mixed heritage.
The Concentration camps were run by a faction of
the SS


1936 economic and political problems spurred on a

Spanish civil war
Fought between newly formed Spanish Republic ,
socialists, and the rebel Spanish National Forces
Spanish The latter led by General Franco
Ending in 1939 with Europes second Fascist
Fascism Both Italy and Germany gave munitions and men to
General Francos cause
German bombers even destroying the village of
Guernica, see Terror-bombing
France, Britain and US did not intervene to Hitlers
delight- despite Spain being neutral in WWII
Soviet Russia supported the in-power socialist
government much the same

Early 19th Japan was a growing Imperial Power

Japanese Controlling Korea, Taiwan (Formosa), and

Manchuria (part of China)
Militant It was on par with major European super powers
Nationalism Britain, France and Germany

Japans new found colonialism was based on a need

for resources and raw materials

It was restricted by its landmass and by trade


Japan too felt as though it was treated unfairly by

Japanese the treaty of Versailles

Militant It was an ally in World War I but did not win as much
territory as European powers and the USA
Japan felt it was also treated unfairly when
proposing a racial equality act in the League of
Nations to be shot down by Australian PM Billy
Hughes who was afraid it would threaten Australias
White Australia Policy

Japan too was hit by the great depression and a

decline in its trade, leading to massive poverty and
Japanese At a Washington Naval Conference, 1921-22, the US
Militant tried to restrict Japans Naval expansion

Nationalism While the Japanese people largely blamed their

parliament for these issues the military was seen as
powerful and a growing asset to Japan

Japans military leaders saw Nazi Germany as a

model of success for Nationalistic countries and
soon expanded their empire and economy to match
Germanys nation building


1933- Hitlers pulls out of LON

1935- introduced conscription and rearmed
Imperialist Defied the treaty, wanted all Germans in the Reich
Regaining the Saar and Rhineland by 1936
Aggression 1938-9 through mixed methods gains
Mussolini proclaims a new Roman empire
1935 Invades Abyssinia (now Ethiopia)
Supported Spain in Spanish civil war to gain power
over Spain
1939Invaded Albania

1931- Japan invades Manchuria in China for

resources and sets up a puppet state
Renames in Manchukuo- Japanifying it
Imperialist Criticised by LON, Japan withdraws from the league
Aggression in 1933
1937 Second Sino-Japanese War- Japan invades part
of east China in a series of killing, rape, murder and
chemical warfare
Several border conflicts with Soviet Union


The AXIS 1936 Rome-Berlin Axis Agreement

POWERS 1939 Strengthened with pact of steel military alliance

1936 Japan & Germany sign the Anti-Comintern Pact

Both countries agree to support against soviet-

aggressions and cannot treaty with the soviets

1937 Italy enters same pact forming the Axis Alliance

France and Britain sought a policy of appeasement in

the 1930s especially as Germany regained the
Lebensraum (Rhineland, Austria, Czechoslovakia)

Did not wish to return to the horrors of WWI

Both Countries had also lowered production of
to Hitlers munitions and military expenditure

Expansion Stalin was concerned with Nazi Germany but did not see
the Allies as competent to stand up to him

Hitler and Stalin signed the German-Soviet Non-

Aggression Pact in 1939, which also included a secret
deal to leave the east of Poland and Baltic states of
Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia) to the Soviets. A potential
buffer zone from German aggressions


The United States decided to not join the league of

nations after WWI
It returned to the isolationist policies of its past
to Hitlers
Expansion Despite strong ties with Europe it stayed out of
European politics in the inter-war years

America was more concerned with Japans

expansionist moves rather than Germanys


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