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Causes of Hydronephrosis in Pyelonephritic Children

p a t i e n t s . The p r o g n o s i s for h e i g h t , g r o w t h a n d REFERENCES

development of all segments of the limb is based on serial
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absence of the fibula, l Bone Joint Surg (Am) 1972; 54 (A): 1349.
the long term s. 3. Coventry MB, Johnson EW. Congenital absence of the fibula.
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A s h o k K u m a r 1, Jayant K. G h o s h , Pragya Pant, 4. Sharr~rd WJW. Major Congenital Malformations of the Limbs.
S. Basu and B.D. Bhatia In PediatricOrthopedics and Fractures. ya edn. Oxford; Blackwell
Division of Neonatology, ~Department of Pediatrics Scientific Publications, 1993; 1 : 234-242.
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1977; 125: 107-112.
Varanasi- 221 005, India.

Causes of Hydronephrosis in Pyelonephritic Children

Sir, values, which is less than 0.05 and considered significant.
Urinary tract infection (UTI) is one of the most c o m m o n 346 patients were admited in the hospital with diagnosis
bacterial infectious diseases a m o n g children. Since 1960, of UTI. 70 (20%) subjects h a d d i l a t i o n of UTI b y
the use of radiological imaging has been accepted in child ultrasound. 40 (57%) patients were male, younger than
with UTI. 1However, the choice of radiological imaging in the female patients (45 months vs 63 months). 29 (41%)
children is controversial. Urinary tract ultrasonography is subjects had 6-12-years-old that were more than other
s o m e t i m e s p r e f o r m e d for initial u p p e r u r i n a r y tract age-groups. A m o n g the a g e - g r o u p b e l o w 2 years, the
imaging because of the absence of radiation. Radiologists numbers of males outnumbered the females (Table 1). 37
m a y r e p o r t v a r i o u s d e g r e e s of dilation of collecting (53%) patients had bilateral involvement and 27 (73%) of
system and recommended further investigation to detect them were males. 40 (57%) and 13 (19%) patients had
a b n o r m a l i t i e s such as vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) or VUR and UPJO respectively (p<0.05) (Table 1). 26 (65%)
u r e t e r o p l e v i c junction obstruction (UPJO). VUR was with VUR had bilateral involvement and 22 (55%) of them
r e p o r t e d in 30%-50% of the children with UTI 2, a n d w e r e male. VUR w a s the m o s t c o m m o n c a u s e of
dilatation of collecting system was reported in about 27%- hydronehrosis in the patients with pyelonephritis in both
28% of children with UTI. 3q sexes and all age groups, but renal stone was a second
Based on the data collected from September 1996 to cause of hydronephrosis in males above 6 yr (Table 1).
April 2003, all symptomatic febrile UTI patients referred Ultrasonography is a non-invasive and non-ionizing
to D e p a r t m e n t of Pediatric N e p h r o l o g y of A m i r k o l a radiation form of imaging which could detect dilation of
Children Hospital (north of Iran) were enroled in this collecting system. F o r e s m a n et al reported dilation of
study, and causes of urinary tract dilation were evaluated. k i d n e y in 52 (28%) patients with UTI. 3 Some a u t h o r s
UTI was c o n f i r m e d with positive urine culture in the showed the frequency of VUR had no difference between
samples. Any patient with dilation of collecting system patients with or without dilatation (39% vs 32%). 5 Also,
(by ultrasonography) was selected. Then, VCUG (voiding the sensitivity and specificity of ultrasound for detection
cystourethrography) was done, and if the patients do not of VUR were 40% and 76% respectively; positive a n d
have VUR, [VP ( I n t r a v e n o u s p y e l o g r a p h y ) or DTPA negative predictive value of ultrasound for VUR were
(Diethylenetriamine pentaacetate) imaging was 32% and 82% respectively?"5Dipietro found ultrasound is
conducted. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS not reliable for detection of VUR in children aged 5 yr or
version 10 and student t-test was used to compare the P- older? In this study, 20% of patients with UTI had dilation

TABLE1. Cause of Dilation of Collecting System in Children with UTI According to Age and Sex Groups
Causes Sex VUR UPJO UVJO Stone Uretrocel Total
Age groups (years)
Less than 2 12 5 3 1 3 1 25
3-5 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 2 16
6-15 7 10 2 3 5 2 29
22 18 7 6 5 1 6 3 2 70
VUR: Vesicoureteral reflux; UPJO: Urerteroplevic junction obstruction, UVJO: Ureterovesical junction, M: males, F: females

1058 Indian Journal of Pediatrics, Volume 72--December, 2005


Neonatal Listeriosis

of collating system. Mean age in males was Mss than that REFERENCES
of females, and 41% of patients were between 6-15 yr old.
Urinary tract abnormalities are higher in y o u n g males, 1. Smellie]lV[,Hodson, CJ, Edwards D, Normand IC. Llinicaland
a n d this s t u d y s h o w s m o r e y o u n g e r b o y s w i t h radiological features of urinary infection in childhood. BKJ
h y d r o n e p h r o s i s t h a n girls. So, d e l a y in d i a g n o s i s 1964; 2 : 1222.
2. SmellieJM, Normand JCS, Katz G. Children with urinary tract
(especially in males) may cause irreversible renal damage. infection: a comparison of those with and without
The most c o m m o n cause of dilation of collecting vesicoureteral reflux. Kidney Int 1981;20 : 717-722.
system in this s t u d y was VUR (57%) and than UPJO 3. Foresman WIJ, Hulbert WC, JR Rabinowitz R. Dose urinary
(19%). S a u n d e r s et al s t u d i e d 74 c h i l d r e n w i t h 91 tract ultrasonography at hospitalization for acute
h y d r o n e p h r o t i c kidneys e v a l u a t e d with isotope scan pyelonephritis predict vescourereteral reflux?.J Urol 2001; 165
: 2232-2234.
(mercaptoacetyl tryglycin). Obstructive hydronephrosis in 4. Mahant S, Friedman J, Macartur C. Renal ultrasound findings
22 k i d n e y s (21 with UPJO and 1 with ureterovesical and vesicoureteralreflux in children hospitalized with urinary
junction obstruction) and non-obstructive hydronephrosis tract infection. Arch Dis Child 2002;86: 419-421.
in the 69 kidneys were diagnosed. 7 5. Davey MS, Zerin JM, ReillyC et al. Mild renal dilatation is not
According to this study, although VUR is the most predictive of vesicoureteral reflux in children. Pediatr Radiol
c o m m o n cause of d i l a t i o n c o l l e c t i n g s y s t e m , b u t 1997; 27 : 908-911.
6. Dipietro MA, Blane CE, Zerin MG. Vesicoureteral reflux in
ultrasonography could not predict the VUR, and other older children: concordance of us and voiding
c a u s e s of d i l a t i o n of c o l l e c t i n g s y s t e m s h o u l d be cysturethrographyic finding. Radiology 1997;205; 821-822.
c o n s i d e r e d . Surgical or n o n - s u r g i c a l f o l l o w - u p can 7. Saunders CA, Choong KK, Lavcos G, Farlow D, Gruenewald
p r e v e n t irreversible renal damage, especially in male SM. Assessment of pediatric hydronephrosis using o output
young children. efficiency.J Nucl Med 1997;38 (9) : 147787-147789.

Hadi Sorkhi
Department of Pediatric Nephrology
Amirkola Children Hospital, Babol Medical University, Iran
Zip Code : 47317-41151
Fax : +98 1113240656
E-mail : hadisorkhiC'wpednephir.org

Neonatal Listeriosis
s~ lymphocytes 30%, monocytes 5%) and band cells 4 per
Perinatal listerial infection is the most c o m m o n clinical 100 neutrophils; micro ESR was 4 mm/l'thour; C Reactive
syndrome caused by Listeria monocytogenes and includes Protein was l m g / L and chest X ray revealed bilateral
abortion, still birth, neonatal sepsis and meningitis. Early r e t i c u l o n o d u l a r opacities. C e r e b r o s p i n a l f l u i d
onset neonatal listeriosis develops within 7 days and examination was normal and culture was sterile. Two
classically within 1 or 2 days of life. Aspiration of infected samples of p e r i p h e r a l v e n o u s b l o o d collected f r o m
amniotic fluid contributes to pathogenesis, although, different sites at the same time were inoculated into Brain
transplacental transmission is favored by most authors) Heart Infusion (BHI) broth. After incubation at 37 ~ for
We report a case of early onset neonatal listeriosis in a full 18 hours, Gram's stain from both BHI broths s h o w e d
term baby presenting at 58 hours of life. gram positive bacilli. Subsequent subculture yielded
A 58-hour-old male b a b y p r e s e n t e d with grunting Listeria monocytogenes. The isolate was identified b y
respiration and poor feeding. The baby was born at term standard methods. 2Antimicrobial susceptibility tes~ng by
gestation to an unbooked gravida I mother by emergency Kirby Bauer method showed the isolate to be sensitive to
cesarean section for eclampsia and w e i g h e d 3.4 kg at ampicillin, penicillin, chloramphenicol, gentamicin and
birth. The amniotic fluid was meconium stained and the v a n c o m y c i n . The child was t r e a t e d w i t h p a r e n t e r a l
baby suffered from perinatal asphyxia. There was no ampicillin and gentamicin for fourteen days and showed
history of fever, foul smelling liquor and p r o l o n g e d uneventful recovery.
r u p t u r e of m e m b r a n e s or d r u g intake in the mother. Few reports of neonatal listeriosis are available from
Examination revealed a sick baby with heart rate of 136/ India, wherein the incidence of neonatal listeriosis was
min, respiratory rate of 7 0 / m i n expiratory grunts and found to be 2.2% in meconium stained babies and 0.2% in
subcostal and intercostals retractions. total births) Listeria monocytogenes has been isolated from
L a b o r a t o r y e v a l u a t i o n of the b a b y s h o w e d total the genital tract of 14% cases of bad obstetric history in
leucocyte count of 14,000 c e l l s / m m 3 (neutrophils 65%, Mumbai 4 and 1.34% in Delhi. 5

Indian Joumal of Pediatrics, Volume 72---December, 2005 1059

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