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I. Objective:

The activity aims to determine the specific gravity of fluids using U-tube manometer

II. Equipment/ Apparatus:

A. Breaker A beaker is a simple container for stirring, mixing and heating

B. Funnel It is used to channel liquid or fine-grained substances into
containers with a small opening
An oil is any neutral, nonpolar chemical substance that is a
C. Oil viscous liquid at ambient temperatures and is both hydrophobic
and lipophilic

D. Manometer Stand An instrument to measure pressure in a fluid, especially a

double-legged liquid column gauge used to measure the
difference in the pressures of two fluids.
E. Measuring Stick Used as a reference in making measurements.
F. Mercury Liquid Used for the manufacture of industrial chemicals and for
electrical and electronic applications.
G. Thermometer Measures temperature or a temperature gradient.
H. Distilled Water Water that has had many of its impurities removed through

III. Procedure:
1. Pour a quantity of distilled water in the U-tube glass manometer.
2. Add a quantity of soil inside the U-tube glass manometer until it stands
3. Measure the heights of water and oil inside the U-tube.
4. Using the formula derived below. Determine the unknown specific gravity of your desired liquid.

Points 1 and 2 and are exposed to the atmosphere, therefore, gage pressure is zero
If fluid 1 has known specific gravity, then

5. Perform steps 1 to 4 with other liquids. For heavy liquids, use mercury as standard fluid.

IV. Data And Results:

V. Observation:
We observe that the height difference of oil and water has a small value, while the kerosene
has the greater height difference. This might be the effect of their different specific gravity and
density. It is important to make sure that the liquid poured in the U-tube manometer did not have
bubbles because bubbles can greatly affect the data. We also observe that the kerosene, diesel,
and oil didnt mix with water because of its different density and specific gravity. The data gathered
in all the trials conducted has a precise value. This indicate that the experiment is finely done.

VI. Conclusion:

In the experiment performed, we obtained the specific gravity of different kinds of liquid
namely; kerosene, diesel and oil. The liquid with the largest specific gravity is the kerosene with an
average of 1.27, it simply state that the kerosene is denser than the other two liquids. While the
diesel liquid has an average of 1.16 specific gravity and the oil has an average of 1.05 specific

When the specific gravity of the liquid is equal to zero, the liquid must be a water. If the
specific gravity is less than 1 the liquid will float when mix with water, and if the specific gravity is
greater than 1, the liquid will sink if it is mix water.

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