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Policy Value Quotation


Life Policy- L534344520 As of Date: 18 Mar 2014

Insured Name : LAM CHOON LEONG Ow ner Name : LAM CHOON LEONG
Insured NRIC : S7733784I Serv icing Agent : 01790-0000037502
Insured DOB : 13 Nov 1977 Writing Agent : 01790-0000045354

Policy Information
Status : INFORCE Bill to Date : 17 Mar 2014
Policy Date : 17 Sep 2003 Maturity Date : 17 Sep 2043
Policy Issue Age : 25 Payment Mode : 01 - MONTHLY
Last Anniv ersary : 17 Sep 2013 Next Anniv ersary : 17 Sep 2014
Policy Address : 118 ANG MO KIO AVE 4 Paid-to-Date : 17 Mar 2014

Policy Quotation
Reinstatement Cost : S$ 0.00 Accumulated Div idend : S$ 0.00
Recommended Loan Amt : S$ 0.00 Interest on Div idend : S$ 0.00
Existing Loan : S$ 0.00 Terminal Div idend : S$ 0.00
Accrued Loan Interest : S$ 0.00 Prepaid Premium : S$ 0.00
Loan Pay Off : S$ 0.00 FPDF - 1 : S$ 0.00
Gross Policy Cash Val : S$ 0.00 Interest : S$ 0.00
Vested RB : S$ 0.00 FPDF - 2 (Coupons Deposit) : S$ 0.00
RB - Cash Value : S$ 0.00 Interest : S$ 0.00
Net Surrender Value : S$ 0.00 FPDF - 3 : S$ 0.00
Total Reduced Paid-Up # : S$ 0.00 Interest : S$ 0.00
Total ETI : S$ 0.00 FPDF - 4 : S$ 0.00
Pure Endow ment : S$ 0.00 Interest : S$ 0.00
Expiry Date :
Premium Breakdown
Plan Code Plan Name Cov erage Amount Premium
C8ALECN8 - S$ 50,000.00 S$ 0.00

Modal Premiums
Annually: S$ 690.00 Semi Annually: S$ 352.00
Quarterly: S$ 186.50 Monthly: S$ 58.50

# For RPU quotation, if the Loan Payoff amount is lesser than RB-cash value, the RPU Values quoted will be adjusted by the
interest accrued on the outstanding loan as at the Paid-to-Date.

ETI, Reduced Paid-Up, Pure Endowment values are quoted as Paid-to-Date
ETI = Extended Term Insurance
RPU = Reduced Paid-Up
When Policy is converted to ETI, Pure Endowment will be payable on the expiry of ETI if the insured is then living.
'Loan Pay Off' amount is calculated with interest up to the date of quotation and thus, valid as at date of quotation.However in
instances when the premium Paid-to-Date is lesser than the quotation date, the 'Accrued Loan Interest' field will reflect an
amount that is calculated till the Paid-to-Date.
The Quotation Value is indicative based on 18 Mar 2014.
The Owner NRIC & DOB information's will be displayed subject to the data availability and applicable only if insured and
owner are different.

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