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Copyright 2003 by Randy Tan

Second Edition 2011
Amazon Kindle Edition

The writing of "When the Holy Spirit comes" is indeed a direction from God. One day I was
thinking of all the wonderful things that the Lord had done in my life, I heard a voice inside my
spirit telling me to put them on record. I was reluctant at first. Later, I thought I should be at
least be obedient and put the ball back to Gods court by saying this prayer: "You have to do it
for me, God."

Isaiah 30:8
Now go, write it before them on a tablet,
And note it on a scroll,
That it may be for time to come,
Forever and ever.

Initially, I was not sure how to start or where to start. And then I thought of my prayer that God
would take care of it. Strange as it might be, one day I woke up at 5.00 am (my usual time was
around 7.00 am) and I just went to the PC and started typing whatever events that came to my
mind. I was half asleep but I sensed someone was guiding me in my mind and my fingers which
were doing the typing. Then a few days later, the same thing happened. I woke up at 5.00 am
and again I went to the PC to type. Each time, I would type between two to three hours. This
happened about one to two times a week until I had finally exhausted recording all my
supernatural adventures with God. Then I rearranged all the chapters in a comprehensive flow
and the book was born. After this, I was thinking how I should design my cover. One morning,
I looked out from my apartment at the sky and saw how beautiful the sky was. I took out my
camera and took a picture of that glorious morning. I went to the printers and the book was
printed. It all seemed effortless because God was there for me. I was so grateful to Jesus. When
the book was published, I received many wonderful emails from the readers. They were
encouraged by the various events and how God was still moving in our midst with miracles,
signs and wonders. I began to see the fruits of this book. Many lives had been touched.

An Email From New York

Then one day, I received an unusual email from someone who lived half the world away. I did
not know her at all. It must be the work of the Holy Spirit. This is what Arlene Brissett from
New York wrote:

Subject: When the Holy Spirit comes

Hello Pastor Tan:

Greetings in Jesus name. I am part of the family of God, saved, sanctified, baptized in Jesus
name and filled with his Spirit.

Last night I had a dream. Well, let me preface by saying that before I went to bed last night I
read, 1 Cor. 2. I saw in my dream a book entitled "When the holy spirit comes". I searched the
internet and there I saw the exact book with the same color written by you.
How can I get it? Please email me as soon as possible. I can't wait to see what the Lord wants to
do with my life.

Thank you,
Arlene Brissett

Arlene saw the title and the cover of the book in her dream. Something else amazed me as well.
Of the 1189 chapters in the bible, she must mention that she read 1st Corinthians, chapter 2. I
could not believe my eyes!

My First Holy Ghost Meeting In Sydney

My mind raced back to the first Holy Ghost meeting we had in Sydney, Australia. In order to
really seek God together and see the manifestations of Gods glory, I fixed the meeting to run
from 10.00 am to 5.00 pm without any lunch break.

One lady came forward to testify that before she heard about the meeting, she saw a vision a
month ago that the glory of God came down on Grace Hotel. When she enquired about whether
there was going to be a special meeting, she was told about the three-day Holy Ghost meeting.
She said the vision she saw began to unfold before her very eyes during the meeting. She was on
fire and wanted to do more for God.

When the worship team was singing and ushering in the presence of God, I was thinking over the
five or six sermons I had in mind to share. At one stage, I lost confidence and thought that I had
made a mistake by doing a seven-hour meeting. All kinds of negative thoughts began to flood
my mind. Then I realized I was wrong and began to confess to God that I should not doubt Him.
I felt better and began to think what I should speak again. As I turned the pages of the bible, I
stopped at 1st Corinthians, chapter 2 and a sudden voice spoke to me, Preach from here.

That day, I could not really remember exactly what I shared, but I knew I was speaking from 1st
Corinthians, chapter 2 throughout the service. At one stage, in the enclosed hotel conference
room, I felt a strong wind hit me. I nearly fell but was able to steady myself. Suddenly a group
of people rushed to the altar, most of them kneeling down and began to pray and weep. I even
heard some confessing their sins. There was such a strong presence of God.

There was a man who hated his father as his father left him when he was very young. That day
the anointing broke the bondage of hatred and the love for his father was able to fill his soul
again. He told this to the congregation with tears flowing down from his eyes. To prove what he
said, he brought his father to the meeting the next day. He openly asked his father to forgive him
for harboring hatred in his heart. They both hugged each other as they could experience the love
of God moving in our midst.

Seven-Hour Meeting Was Too Short

At the end of the meeting, many told me that they felt that time went by too quickly and they
wanted to be there the whole night. They felt that seven hours were too short for such an
exciting meeting, especially when they did not really know what was going to happen next.
Some said that they did not want to go to the toilet when I was teaching from 1st Corinthians,
chapter 2.

With this book, you can share the gospel and the miraculous events with your friends and
relatives and you will see the impact upon their lives. They will draw closer to Jesus and begin
to hunger for the things of God.


1. The Holy Spirit

2. A Supernatural Testimony By Arlene Brissett, New York
3. Compassion For An Uncommon Face
4. The Meeting That Was Planned By God
5. Pastor From Malaysia Received A Double Portion Of The Anointing
6. Divine Intervention In India
7. Eleven Years Later In Chennai (Formerly Known As Madras)
8. Bullet Light
9. God Spoke To A Pastors Wife In An Audible Voice
10. An Incredible Mission Trip To Auckland And Sydney
11. The Miracle Van
12. One Soul Saved At Thirty Five Thousand Feet
13. God Planned My First Evangelistic Meeting
14. Read The Red Letters
15. When The Holy Spirit Moves
16. Seeking God
17. Run The Holy Ghost Meeting
18. Start Of The Holy Ghost Meeting
19. How To Ensure You Are Called To Do Gods Work

Chapter 1
The Holy Spirit

This book is about the Holy Spirit. Jesus Himself said that it is to our advantage when the Holy
Spirit comes.
John 16:7
Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go
away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you.

When the Holy Spirit comes, the atmosphere that we live in will change. Whenever there is
anointing, there is power. Our lives will also change. We cannot live without Him. The Holy
Spirit gives us the power to overcome our weaknesses. It also gives us the anointing to
The Holy Spirit is extremely creative. In the very beginning, He was hovering over the face of
the waters when the earth was without form and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep.
He was waiting for the voice of the Father so that he could move into action. When the Father
gave the command, He helped with the creation of this world so that we can exist.

Why is it so important that we must depend on the Holy Spirit? The answer is that when He
moves with His creative force, miracles, signs and wonders will happen. When the supernatural
visitations of God are manifested, it shows that God is real. Those who respond and hunger to
have a closer relationship with Him can receive a higher level of anointing.

Miracles In Acts Are Not Meant To Stop

After Jesus had ascended to Heaven, the Holy Spirit came down in the Upper Room. Lives
would never be the same again for the 120 early Christians and for mankind. They began to
evangelize with miracles, signs and wonders. The incidents recorded in the book of Acts are not
meant to stop. It is supposed to carry on until Jesus comes. Where the Holy Spirit is welcomed,
there will be supernatural visitations of God.

We need to understand that the Holy Spirit is a Person. He is the third Person in the Trinity. He
has great feelings for us. We must learn how to welcome Him and to co-operate with Him to
glorify Jesus. Above all, we must learn to love Him. Once we really know Him, then we will
know that He is our Comforter, Teacher, Helper and the Spirit of Truth.

Many times, before I stepped into the pulpit to deliver my sermon, He would give me a brand
new sermon to replace what I had prepared. Without fail, the Holy Spirit sermons would usher
in the presence of God in a mighty way.

How can you ever experience the advantage that Jesus mentioned if you do not really know the
Holy Spirit. He is waiting for you.

Chapter 2
A Supernatural Testimony By Arlene Brissett, New York

On May 28th which was one of the most celebrated holidays in the US, I decided to stay at home
and spend some time with the Lord. I spent some of the day praying to the Lord and meditating
on the word. I remembered asking the Lord in prayer specifically that I would like to be used by
Him. In my prayer, I placed my all on the altar of sacrifice and surrendered my will to the Lord
Jesus Christ. On May 29th, I went to work and checked my email as usual. On this date, I
received an email from the assistant national youth president (for the church organization which I
belong) first asking whether I was the local youth president of my church. I replied in the
affirmative then she asked, "Would you be interested in teaching a class at the national
convocation in Woodbridge, VA?" Please understand that I had never spoken with this sister
before and I did not know her personally. Then I knew this was the work of the Almighty God.
I was elated but at the same time saying, "Lord, I know I asked you that I would like to be used
by you, but I was not expecting you to reply so soon and also to give me such a great task." I
remembered saying to the Lord, You have skipped levels here for me. You are not asking me to
speak at a district level, but you are sending me to the national convocation to minister to people
whom I have never seen and never met in my entire life.

The Supernatural Dream

I spent hours praying and fasting for direction in preparation for this assignment. During this
period, I experienced the Lord in such a new and special way. I remembered before going to bed
that night, I read from 1 Cor. 2:9. I had a dream that night. In my vision, I saw a book entitled
"When the Holy Spirit Comes". I wanted to take the book from where I saw it but could not.
The morning I woke up, the vision was very clear to me. I got onto my computer and searched
for the book. I knew the color of the book and the title from my dream. When I plugged in the
name of the book, the exact title came up with the exact color that I saw in my dream. The
writer was Randy Tan from a faraway country, whom I had never heard of him before. I emailed
Pastor Tan, told him of my dream and the task ahead of me (speaking assignment) and he
emailed parts of the book to me and later mailed me a copy of his book.

As I read the book and learned of Pastor Tan's first preaching engagement and how the Holy
Spirit orchestrated that meeting, and how the spirit moved in that meeting, I knew then in my
spirit that the Lord was speaking directly to me through his experience.
As I told Pastor Tan about my assignment, he emailed me an outline of some of the key points I
might want to bring out and most importantly to allow the Holy Spirit to have His way.
Needless to say, this book has inspired me and lifted my faith. Pastor Tan through this dream
has been more than a blessing.

The two (2) day teaching sessions at the convocation were a blessing. The favor of God was
upon my life and I was able to minister to the young people through the power of the Holy Spirit
and also shared my personal testimony with them.

My spiritual life has never been the same. I am closer now to Him than ever before because of
these real experiences I have encountered. I am so hungry for God and am in pursuit of Him.
I praise God for Pastor Randy Tan and his Holy Spirit experience and God's special anointing
upon his life and trust that he will continue to avail himself to be used by God and continue to be
a blessing to people around the world.

Chapter 3
Compassion For An Uncommon Face
From a small town in Indonesia, Gina and her two sisters travelled the cheapest way by ferry to
come to Singapore. I did not know them but yet they came all the way here to look for me.

When I saw Gina for the first time, I was taken aback as her face was totally distorted by severe
cleft lips and palate. It appeared there was a big hole in her mouth and there was a muscle pull
on one side that pulled down her left eye. Apparently, Gina looked extremely grotesque and had
to wear her veil to hide her deformity.

The two sisters quickly explained to me that they got my contact from their pastor and they had
brought all their life savings, around $500 and wanted me to recommend a doctor who could fix
their sisters face. In their simplicity, they did not know that the amount was grossly inadequate
and the job had to be done by an expensive plastic surgeon and not just a GP. When I heard
what they said, my heart went out to them as $500 could buy them 2 acres of land in their
hometown and they could be a successful landlord or farmer. I saw the faces of the two sisters
and I could see the love of God in them and they were willing to spend all they had on Gina.

Compassion overwhelmed me and I had no heart to tell them that $500 was hardly enough.
Instead, I told them I would pray and see what I could do.

Finding A Plastic Surgeon

That night I went to sleep with a heavy heart and I prayed that God would open a way. The next
morning, a seemingly impossible plan grabbed my mind. I searched for the list of plastic
surgeons and starting calling them whether they were willing to do charity work. In return, I
promised them I would try to get some publicity in the press for them. After four rejections, I
got a well known plastic surgeon to agree. My confidence grew and I knew Gods hands were
directing me.

I drove Gina and her two sisters to the clinic and after the medical examination, the plastic
surgeon told me that dental work was needed and he could get his friend to do it at a reduced cost
of about $5000. The rest of the operation he would do it free. I agreed to undertake that amount.
I was also told that the whole process would take about a year to complete.

When I met the reporter, I told her that I would get a lawyer to handle the contributions from
readers should there be any. Getting the lawyer was not a problem, because my close friend Sam
was a lawyer and he would not charge a fee for such a case. While waiting for Sam in his
conference room, I could really sense the presence of God. Suddenly I felt that the whole
environment was different and like everything was at a standstill. Then I felt something warm
enveloped my whole body and there was such a peace in me.

Philippians 4:7
and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds
through Christ Jesus

When Sam came in, he stood still like he was in a trance and I knew that he felt the peace
anointing too. I went to stand beside him putting my arm over his shoulders and we began to
pray. We could feel heaven coming down. Sam told me he never experienced such a visitation
of God before. He also told me that he was handling a very difficult case and during that prayer
his mind became very clear on how he was going to handle the case.

Months passed. Sam told me that over $5000 was received from the readers. Ginas operation
was a success. Although it was not perfect, she did not have to wear a veil any more in public.

The pastor invited me to his small town and my three-day meeting was extremely packed. They
all had heard of Ginas case and many wanted to have a look at Gina and they wanted to meet
me. Instead of the usual 500-600 attendance, we were getting over 1,000 people per meeting. I
told them what happened and preached on compassion and peace. When I told them that only
Jesus can give them peace when they have compassion, hundreds came forward to find their
Savior. This testimony tells me that we need Gods hands to direct us to do His work and
nothing shall be impossible.

Chapter 4
The Meeting That Was Planned By God

Sometime ago, as I woke up, the Holy Spirit spoke to me very clearly: "Before the end of this
year, you will be preaching in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia." As you might know, Kuala Lumpur is
the capital of Malaysia and it is about 45-minute flight by plane from Singapore.

Then I heard one of my friends was going to Kuala Lumpur for a business meeting. So I told her
to do me a favor. Look at the Yellow Pages there and get me a list of churches as I had the
intention to write to the pastors there since I had heard from God. She came back with the list
and I wrote a personal letter to about a dozen churches there telling them about my ministry with
the hope that I could fulfill God's plan for an invitation. No one acknowledged or replied to my
letter. Then I realized that I should simply trust God and not to try to do His job. If God had
spoken, it would be fulfilled. All I needed was to wait for Him. So in a way I was wrong and
then I got it right by waiting upon God.

The Invitation From Kuala Lumpur

One morning, a very excited voice from Kuala Lumpur called me. He told me that he heard my
ministry through his secretary as they were deciding who to call for their next fellowship
meeting. This person was a CEO of an IT company and they conducted a monthly Christian
meeting for all the IT people in Kuala Lumpur. God had planned it and now He was fulfilling
His call upon my life. When the date was fixed, he sent me a return air ticket and also said that
they had already paid the hotel for two nights accommodation.

There were about fifty plus people in the meeting and after the worship, I took the pulpit and
preached about how I was called into the ministry and some testimonies on the moves of the
Holy Spirit. At the end of the service, about twenty people came forward for prayers, some
wanted healing, some wanted direction and some wanted more of the anointing. The anointing
was very strong and I heard some sobbing before God.
It was a good meeting and I returned home thanking God for arranging me to be in Kuala
Lumpur although it was not really a very big meeting.

Salvation Came To The Girls From China

A few months later, this CEO was in Singapore and he called me for lunch. He told me initially
he was puzzled why the committee wanted to invite someone from overseas to speak in his
meeting. Normally they would invite speakers in Kuala Lumpur as they normally did not want to
spend expenses on airfare and hotel. And then he told me what happened. One of the ladies in the
meeting was hit by the anointing and for the next few days after the meeting she was crying and
praying to God. She had a burden for the girls from China who came to Kuala Lumpur and most
of these girls did not know Jesus and some were cheated to take up jobs in the sex trade. The
burden was so great in her that she had to do something. As she had bible training before and
also strong in the Mandarin language, she told her pastor that she wanted to do a weekly meeting
using the church premises to reach the China girls. This CEO looked at me in my eyes and said,
"Pastor Randy, because we were obedient and because you were obedient, this girl has reached
out to over 200 China girls in Kuala Lumpur and more souls will be saved in the coming month."
Then I looked at the CEO in his eyes and said, "Before you contacted me, God had already told
me that I would be speaking in Kuala Lumpur." Then we both realized why the committee
wanted someone from overseas to speak.

Chapter 5
Pastor From Malaysia Received A Double Portion Of The Anointing

Not long ago, a pastor from Malaysia called my hand-phone with a desperate voice. He only had
my number a day ago but he was trying to contact me for the past one year when someone gave
him a copy of When The Holy Spirit Comes. He was in town and wanted to meet me that
night. Although I was extremely busy that day, I sensed in my spirit that I should meet up with
him. We agreed to meet at 7.30 pm in one of the MacDonalds outlets in town. I arrived slightly
late as I was caught up in a meeting but he was already there waiting for me. He told me that he
was hungry for God and wanted the anointing to pray for the sick. He did not know who else to
turn to.

After chatting with him for close to half hour, I told him that I would pray for him to receive the
anointing. Right in the crowded MacDonalds, he grabbed my two hands. When I prayed, I
could feel electric current flowing out of my hands to his. He could also sense the flow of the
anointing as both his hands began to shake. After the prayer he told me that he could feel the
tangible anointing flowing into his life. He asked me whether he should start praying for the sick
in his church, and I nodded my head to say yes.

I forgot about this incident until a week later. I received a text message from him to say that he
had prayed for the sick and a few were healed. He also stated that there was power in his
preaching. Two weeks later, I received another text message. This time, he informed me that
many people were healed.

I praise God for people who are hungry for Him. God will definitely fill them. And God will
definitely use them.

A few months later, he was in town and he wanted me to pray for him again for more of the

Pastor Sithus Testimony (in his own words)

I am a pastor of three churches in Malaysia. After my first meeting with Pastor Randy Tan (as a
result of reading his book "When the Holy Spirit comes"), my ministry took off and my
preaching was accompanied by a strong presence of the Lord's anointing in signs and wonders.
Recently, I met Pastor Randy again and he prayed for me for more of the anointing. The very
next weekend I went to Chaah to preach in Holy Glory Church as agreed a month ago with the
pastor of the church. I was to preach in two meetings - one on Saturday evening and the other at
the main service on Sunday morning.

After my sermon on Saturday as the pastor asked me to pray for the people, I sensed a wonderful
increase in the Lord's anointing and awesome presence in the room. I literally felt the wind of the
Lord blowing and people assembled in front began to fall under the anointing of the Lord
without me getting close to them. Demons manifested themselves and people were set free and
healed by the Lord. Old bondages were broken. For example, a brother named Praksam who had
been in bondage for 22 years because he ate at a wayside shrine, where the food was offered to
idols. The Lord showed me his problem through the word of knowledge even though this had
happened long ago. He was set free immediately from the crippling back pain and demonic

Many unbelievers were slain in the Spirit as the Lord revealed their deep hurts and private
sufferings by the word of knowledge and set them free. They were asking their Christian friends
who brought them to the meeting how they felt someone touching their heads (I was nowhere
close to them!) and how they were slain when they had no intention of doing so. They became
believers after the experience.

A greater anointing for deliverance and healing was felt during the Sunday service. I just had to
speak the word to release the anointing and people just fell washed by waves of the Lord's glory.
It was awesome to watch the Lords working.

Needless to say, the demonstration of the resurrection power of the Lord had touched many
people in Chaah and I was invited to pray in so many homes with the Lord working deliverance
and healing in each home in a wonderful way. Word of knowledge was also in operation in
abundance causing healings to happen.

In short, the Gospel was preached in the power of the Spirit.

I thank God for the ministry of Pastor Randy Tan that I was able to catch the powerful anointing
from him and give all glory and praise to the resurrected Lord Jesus, who is our eternal Savior.
Chapter 6
Divine Intervention in India

A pastor from Vijayawada, India visited me one day. He told me that the Lord had directed him
to me and asked whether I could do a three-day crusade in his city. I agreed after a church had
decided to pay for all the expenses. I told the pastor that I would visit him three weeks before
the crusade and select and pay for the venue to hold the crusade.

Vijayawada had no airport and the only way to reach there was by rail or road from Madras (now
known as Chennai). The two cities were one hundred and twenty miles apart. When I landed in
Madras three weeks before the crusade, they told me that the train services were always packed
and the schedules were not reliable. Therefore, I decided to rent a car together with a local driver
to take me to Vijayawada. I thought the car journey would probably take two to three hours.
How wrong I was! I did not realize that at that time a cyclone had just hit the coastal road, the
only road that linked the two cities. The road was full of pot-holes, some were three feet deep
and six feet wide. Besides cars, vans, lorries and buses plying that road, there were bullock carts,
cows and goats using that same road. It became a torturous journey which took more than
twelve hours. The journey was also constantly bumpy. I was fully exhausted when I reached my
destination late at night and I could not wait to check into my hotel room.

The next morning, bright and sunny, we went looking for a suitable crusade venue. After going
to see a few places, I saw an ideal place that would suit my requirements. It could also seat ten
thousand people. When I wanted to book the dates, the auditorium owner told me that those
dates were taken. I was disappointed. The other venues that I had inspected were not suitable at
all. At the end of the day, we went to the pastors house to conduct a service and finished the
service by praying for some members who were not feeling well. It was late and I told the pastor
that I would pray that night and make a decision the next day regarding the venue.

The Holy Spirit Kept Me Awake

I went to my hotel room and spent some time praying. At about 10.30 pm, I decided to go to
bed. Although I was quite tired, I could not sleep. The clock beside my bed turned 11.00 pm
and I was still awake. Then the Holy Spirit spoke, Dont hold the crusade in Vijayawada, hold
it in Madras. I was surprised. How could I hold a crusade in Madras? I did not know anyone
in Madras who could help me to organize a crusade. I tried to sleep, but the Holy Spirit would
not let me. I wrestled until 12.00 midnight because I knew in my heart what an impossible task I
was facing. I still could not sleep at midnight. Then in desperation I cried out to the Lord, If
you want me to go to Madras to hold the three-night crusade, make sure the driver is awake and
he is willing to drive me to Madras now! When I made this cry, I was hoping that the driver
would be sleeping so that I could go to bed. I did not know then that God had kept him awake.
Sure enough the driver was awake and was having his supper. When I checked with him, he told
me he was all ready to go. I went back to my hotel room and hastily packed my bags. As I left
Vijayawada, I was thinking and praying very hard. How could I get a contact in Madras? Then I
recalled that there were one or two big ministries in Madras that could possibly help me to set up
the crusade. Fortunately the driver was a Christian. So I asked him about the big prayer ministry
in Madras. Immediately he told me he knew the place and I told him to drive me there without
further delay. Many thoughts flashed through my mind. But deep inside my heart I knew that
God would not fail me. After all, it was the voice of the Holy Spirit that directed me to go back
to Madras. I thought of my first evangelistic meeting in Fiji and was assured that sometimes
God moved in mysterious ways. With implicit faith, I decided to obey the direction of the Holy

Back To Madras

The return journey was a little bit better. It was in the night and was cooler. The road was not as
crowded. When we reached Madras, it was mid-day. The driver drove straight to the big prayer
ministry building. I rushed in and asked to see the senior pastor. The receptionist told me that
the pastor was away but I could see the public relations officer.
When I was in the office of the public relations officer, I told him what happened. How we were
supposed to hold a crusade in Vijayawada and that I was back in Madras because the Holy Spirit
wanted me to return to Madras to hold this crusade. All this while, he was smiling and nodding
his head as if he could help me to organize this crusade. I thought my problem would be over
soon and I would be able to check into the hotel room and catch up with my much needed sleep.
When I finished, he gave me one of those big smiles and said, Sorry, I cant help you. But
perhaps you can see this pastor, who runs a very big church in this city, who might be interested
to organize a crusade for you.

He wrote a name and an address on a piece of paper and handed it to me. I rushed back to the
car and was relieved to find the driver familiar with this place. In less than half an hour, I was in
front of the big church building. Again, I rushed to the reception area and requested to see the
senior pastor. The receptionist asked me whether I had made an appointment. I said no and tried
to explain that it was a last minute arrangement and it was very important that I would like to see
him. She was politely trying to tell me again that the pastor would not see anyone who had no
prior appointment. Just as I was about to tell her how I came to her church, the pastor came out
of the room and was heading towards the direction of the washroom. He was in a hurry and
walked pass me. Suddenly he stopped. He turned around, inclined his head and looked at me
directly. With an inquisitive look, he asked, Are you here to see me? I nodded with a sense of
relief and he invited me to his room.

The senior pastor explained that he would not see anyone without any prior appointment because
he had a busy schedule and he had visitors all the time. He told me that as he walked near me, he
could sense a very strong anointing in me and there was such a strong presence of God. That
was the reason why he stopped and even forgot that he was on his way to the washroom. He
decided to invite me to his room to hear me out.

As I told the senior pastor what had happened in the last few days, he looked at me intently.
When I finished my story, he told me that he was counseling a pastor in north Madras who was
dealing with problems with his small church. The pastor had gone into a forty-day fast and
prayers and was not contactable that day, which happened to be the fortieth day, the last day of
his fast and his seclusion. The senior pastor looked at my tired face and told me to get some
sleep. He promised to contact this pastor for me the following day. I told him the hotel which I
would be staying. The moment I checked into the hotel, I went straight to bed. With the burden
gone, I slept like a little baby.

God Brought Us Together

It must have been late morning. I was still sleeping. The phone rang and I was still in a dreamy
state. The man that I was seeking in Madras to hold a crusade in India was at the other end of
the telephone. This was the man that the Holy Spirit wanted me to work with. Yes, there was
Gods anointing in his voice. He had spent 40 days fasting and praying at the feet of Jesus. It
was liked he just came out of the Upper Room after the day of Pentecost experience. He
sounded excited.
Thinking that he had missed some of his favorite food for the past 40 days, I invited him to come
to the hotel to have a meal with me so that we could talk. In less than an hour, we were in the
hotel caf sharing a well-deserved meal. He told me that he was having problems with his
church even though he had only a small congregation of about 120 people. The spiritual ground
there was hardened because the people were all idol worshippers. About three months ago, he
took a step of faith. He prayed to God to send an evangelist to his church to conduct a three-
night crusade so that the bondage of idol worshipping would be broken. As permit to hold such
meeting was required in advance, he went to apply for one not knowing when and how the
speaker would come. He even rented a convenient crusade venue, which was near the railway
station. In his forty-day fast and prayers, he told God that he needed the evangelist urgently as
he had done everything he could.

Thousands Were Touched and Saved!

As this was the works of the Holy Spirit, we held a three-night evangelistic crusade in north
Madras three weeks later. The first night, about six thousand people came to the meeting. The
following night, the attendance increased to over seven thousand. And on the third night, nearly
ten thousand people came to the meeting. Most of the people who came never heard the gospel
before. Thousands came forward when the salvation call was made each night. Hundreds were
healed and testified on stage.

No man can organize this event on his own. We can only do it when the Holy Spirit directs us.
At the starting point, we can never see the complete picture of Gods plan. The complete picture
can only be seen at the end.

Chapter 7
Eleven Years Later In Chennai (Formerly Known As Madras)

As the flight was heading towards Chennai, my mind flashed back to eleven years ago. I could
still remember vividly what had happened. I was in Vijayawada trying to book for a venue to
hold a three-night crusade. Then I could not sleep and the Holy Spirit told me repeatedly to hold
the crusade in Madras. Initially, I was reluctant because I did not know anyone in Madras.

Finally I went back to Madras as directed by the Holy Spirit and found the pastor who was on the
last day of his forty-day fast and prayers. This pastor even applied a permit in advance and
booked a venue not knowing who was coming to speak in his crusade. As a result of the moves
of the Holy Spirit, hundreds were healed by the healing anointing and thousands came to accept
Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out the pastors name card. This was the only thing in the
world that could lead me to contact him again. Earlier I did a yahoo and google search but his
church and his name were not in the internet. It would be nice to buy him dinner again even
though he might be fasting, I cheekily joked to myself as I carefully put the card back into my
This trip, I was not on a mission trip. I was working for a MNC and had to interview and recruit
some staff from India. I would land on Tuesday morning and head straight to the office. The
India office had already arranged appointments from Tuesday to Thursday and I would return
home on Friday morning. I was anxious to find out what happened to the pastor and his church
after that three-night crusade that happened eleven years ago.

On reaching the office, I went to work because my schedule was rather tight. At lunch time I
tried to call the pastor. The number was out dated. Eventually I enlisted the help of one of the
local staff to find out what the new number was. Finally, the pastor was on the phone with me
and he sounded exactly the same like eleven years ago. He was not fasting and he would meet
me at 7.00 pm for dinner.

Coincidentally, the office had booked the same hotel that I stayed eleven years ago. As usual, he
was punctual. We hugged each other and I felt really teary because we experienced God that not
many in this world had the privilege to see such miracles.

The pastors church had grown from 120 to over 2,000 people. They bought more land in the
same location and built a bigger church building to accommodate their expanded congregation.
When he told me the blessings God had given him, I began to realize how important that night in
Vijayawada I agreed to go back to Madras for the crusade. I dared not think of the consequence
if I had refused.

Pastor Received The Evangelists Anointing

He told me that the best spiritual gift that he ever received from God when we did the crusade
was that he caught the evangelists anointing and he was able to preach with the power of the
Holy Spirit with miracles, signs and wonders. He added that he was so hungry for God at that
time as his burden for his people was so great because he did not want to see souls perished.
With the new evangelists anointing he went to many cities and remote towns in India and held
three-night crusades just like what we did together eleven years ago.

I was amazed at what I heard. Gods plan is always much bigger than what we think.

Then he grabbed my hand and said with a serious tone, Thousands and thousands have been
saved because I received the evangelists anointing. When there are no churches in those remote
towns, I start to plant churches and send my pastors to help them grow. I even provide bible
training for them. Before I met you, all these were not possible. In fact, my ministry nearly
closed down.

He told me that some of his pastors and church leaders had never met me before. They all heard
about me and the three-night crusade which we conducted. He checked my schedule and invited
me to speak for two nights on Wednesday and Thursday. Although he had no planned meetings
for these two nights, he would inform his people even though it was really last minute.

That night I thanked the Holy Spirit for telling me to go back to Madras to hold the crusade
eleven years ago. As I sat in the hotel room praying and pondering, I could not help thinking of
Apostle Thomas who died as a martyr in India. When the lots were cast that he should go to
India to evangelize, he refused to go. Finally, Jesus had to appear in person and sold him as a
slave carpenter to a merchant who was heading to India.

More than 200 church pastors, leaders and members crowded round me to shake my hand during
the two-night meeting. The anointing was very strong and I pleaded to God to empower every
one of them so that the gospel of Jesus could reach over one billion people in India.

Chapter 8
Bullet Light

Following my first trip to Madras, the senior pastor of the big church invited me to hold a three-
day Holy Ghost meeting in his church. I loved to work with this church because its emphasis
was on prayers. The church had a 24-hour program where full-time staff and church members
took turn to pray. When they implemented this prayer program, the attendance in the church
grew and today it is one of the biggest churches in the city.

For this meeting that I would be conducting, we wanted to reach out to the housewives and the
jobless and we decided that the Holy Ghost meeting would run from 10.00 am to 5.00 pm
without any lunch break. I was told that the people were full of hurts and some were physically

The Holy Spirit is our Comforter. When people are open to the anointing, hurts, fear and
depression can be delivered by the power of God. The peace and joy of God can flood into our
souls. But people often focus on their problems. And self-pity and pain will set in. If somehow
we can take our eyes away from our problems and focus more on Jesus and the word of God, life
will definitely be better.

The Peace Of God

Philippians 4:6-7
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving,
let your requests be made known to God;
And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and
minds through Christ Jesus.

The first time that I experienced the incredible presence of the peace of God was in Sydney. A
senior pastor of a big church was praying with me just before the evening service was about to
begin. We were in his office and I requested him to lay his hands on me and pray for me because
I was the speaker that night. When he started praying, there was such a presence of the peace of
God in that room. Everything seemed to stand still and there was this strong presence of the
Holy Spirit. All our human thoughts were subdued. The only thing we wanted to do was to
worship Him. I believe that under such anointing, anyone with hurts, pain, fear and hatred in his
heart will be delivered.

Receive The Anointing

To receive the anointing of God, our hearts must be opened. It is just like jumping into the river.
If we do not jump in, we will never get wet and experience the flow of the current. The Holy
Spirit comes in waves at times. And we must learn how to catch each wave as it comes. The
anointing is caught and not taught. If we are constantly hungry for God, we will always be
ready to receive it.

For this trip, my brother-in-law decided to join me. We would also be sharing the same hotel
room. As he was a new Christian, I thought it might be a good idea that I spent time guiding him
to do mission work and learn how to minister to people. He was very reluctant and on the first
day of the meeting, I observed that he just stood at the side watching and observing all the
prayers and healings that took place. He did not minister to the people at all despite my
encouragement. That night, I was too tired to talk to him. I just spent time in prayer and then I
fell asleep. Half way through my sleep, I woke up and caught sight of my brother-in-law who
was not sleeping. I saw both his hands high up in the air, like he was reaching out to God and
talking softly to Him. It was extremely unusual for his character to be doing something like this.
I was too sleepy to fully wake up to find out what had happened, and immediately I went back to
sleep again.

Supernatural Bullet Light

When I woke up the next morning, I saw the excitement on his face. Before I could ask him why
he was worshipping God in the middle of the night, he quickly told me what had happened. He
said that in the middle of the night, he woke up and turned his position to face my bed. He said
that I began to cough once. Then he saw a bright light, the size of a bullet, coming out from my
mouth and hit his face. It was a bit painful. Then I coughed again. Again, the same kind of
bullet light came out of my mouth. He tried to avoid a direct hit by the bullet on his face, but it
was too fast for him. He said he began to worship God as the supernatural manifestation was so
real to him. He concluded by saying that this was the way he received the anointing and would
start ministering to the people.

For three glorious days, many came to the meeting. Sick bodies were healed. Those possessed
of demons were set free. Sorrowful faces turned to joy.

Suddenly The Children Spoke And Sang In Tongues

Many came with their children. This was no surprise because many could not leave their young
ones at home unattended. I did not expect them there so I did not have any sermons directed to
the children. They sat there with their parents and were well behaved without running around. It
looked like they were receiving the word of God with understanding.

And suddenly, it happened! At least two hundred children burst out in tongues. It was like an
orchestra just started its encore and that orchestra was not there before. The whole place was
filled with the wonderful sound of children singing and speaking in tongues. It was like a piece
of well harmonized encore. I had to stop my message and that afternoon the children took over
the service. And everyone saw on that day how the children were responding to the presence of
the Holy Spirit. We ended the meeting by praying for all these children. We prayed that God
would raise up these children to be spiritual giants in this land for the end-time harvest.

Chapter 9
God Spoke To A Pastors Wife in An Audible Voice

Batam is an Indonesia island located just south of Singapore. It takes an hour to reach there by
ferry. I had never preached there before. However, one particular week, there was a burden in
my heart for Batam. It seemed that the Holy Spirit wanted me to go there as I had an extremely
strong feeling that I would be preaching there. I did not know any churches or pastors there, but
then, I vaguely remembered that one of the pastors from Indonesia had given me a name of a
pastor living in Batam. He said that if I were to visit Batam, I could look up this pastor as he was
running a successful ministry there.

Excitedly, I looked in my contact file and was extremely glad to find that small piece of scrap
paper bearing that Indonesian pastors name, address and telephone number. With a shaky hand,
I dialed the number, but no one at the other end spoke English, and from what I understood, the
person said that the pastor was not in town.

For the next couple of weeks, I tried calling the number and each time, the answer would be the
same: the pastor was not in town. As my ability in the Indonesia language was fairly limited, I
could not communicate further to find out when he would be back in town or what happened to
him? It appeared that I could not go to Batam to preach after all, but the heavy burden in my
heart still persisted.

I knew in my heart that if the Holy Spirit wanted me to go to a particular place, I would be there.
Despite this assurance, I tried a few more times by phone and nearly gave up. And then one day
while deep in prayers, I had this great desire to jump onboard a ferry and visit Batam myself. A
day later, I met a Christian brother who spoke fluent Indonesia and I told him about my desire to
visit Batam to preach and showed him my contact. I asked him whether he could be my
interpreter and take a trip with me and he readily agreed.

Hearing From The Holy Spirit

We are serving a God who never goes back on His word and promises. I have always trusted
Him. I started having that spiritual hunger to understand Him since 1995 and to know Him since
the day I was filled with the Holy Spirit in 1967. When you have tasted the sweetness of a close
relationship with the Holy Spirit, you will always remember it. The most important thing in our
Christian life is to have a closer relationship with Jesus, our Lord and Savior. For me, there are
three stages in achieving this closer relationship. Firstly, I want to know Him more. Secondly, I
want to have more faith in Him. Thirdly, I want to love Him more. It is from this desire of love
for Him and in return, feeling His love for me that I am able to come to a place of hearing Him.
And the Holy Spirit who is our Teacher and Spirit of Truth, lives in us and speaks to our spiritual
The Holy Spirit can speak to us in a number of ways. He can speak to us in an audible voice. As
he resides in our spirit, he can speak to us in our spirit. Sometimes there is such a strong
impression in our mind that we know that this is from God. At times, the Holy Spirit speaks
through the word of God. That particular verse in the bible seems to jump out. The Holy Spirit
also speaks to us by putting a burden in our heart. The Holy Spirit can also use a third person to
speak to us.

The Anointing Is Stronger In The Mission Field

When you serve the true and living God, you are always faced with the unexpected when you
venture out. You always hear Christians commenting that when a minister goes out into the
mission field, the anointing somehow is stronger. Why? The answer is really simple. God does
not want to have walls in His churches. Also, when you go out of the comfort zone, you have to
exercise your faith to step out. It is only by going out and everyone doing his part, that the four
corners of the world can be evangelized.

When we reached Batam, we were really excited. It was like living in Singapore twenty years
ago. The pace of life was much slower. Our excitement began to subside, however, when we
discovered that the taxi driver did not know the location even when we had shown the address to
him. He took us to the wrong place! We were in his cab for nearly three hours and still could
not find the church. Finally, we were able to find a telephone booth for the taxi driver to call the
church number to find out the exact location. It took us over five hours before we reached our

Pastors Having A Prayer Meeting

When we reached the church, we were pleasantly surprised to find that there were about thirty
pastors of different churches having a prayer meeting in the middle of the week. We later
learned that these pastors would gather to pray at least once a month for their country and their
ministries. The pastor I was looking for was not in town as he was in Jakarta doing his one-year
sabbatical. Instead I met his wife who was running their two churches now. As the pastors
meeting was still in progress, I was asked to join the meeting.

Sitting at the back of the church, I could sense the presence of God in that building. The church
building was quite bare, with just the basic essentials for a place of worship. But I could feel the
urgency of their prayers. They were asking God to move mightily in Batam.

When the meeting was over, the pastors wife invited us to her house, which was located next to
the church building. As I did not speak the Indonesian language, I left it to the Christian brother
who was accompanying me to do most of the talking. I was just sitting there trying to figure out
what he and the pastors wife were talking about. I was also thinking of how I could be of
service to God in Batam. I was jolted out from my thoughts when my Christian brother
introduced me to her and said, This is Pastor Randy Tan.

Pastors Wife Heard From God

The pastors wife just looked at me with such a wide-eyed expression and exclaimed, Randy,
Randy, and then she burst into tears, wailing with a loud tone. We were really taken aback.
She continued to cry uncontrollably for almost twenty minutes. We wondered what was this all
about while we waited anxiously for her to stop crying.

Finally, she was able to compose herself and stop crying. She quickly explained that three
months ago, when she was praying, she was crying out to God for help. She had wanted Him to
send someone to help her because her husband had gone to Jakarta and she had to look after the
two churches. (I later learned that due to some personal issues, the husband had to go for the
one-year sabbatical at the request of the church council. It was a difficult time for the wife.)
Then God spoke to her through the power of the Holy Ghost and this was what she heard:
Randy will come to help you. From her perspective, she never thought that this person God
mentioned would be a foreigner. Therefore she contacted many pastors in Indonesia to enquire
who Pastor Randy was and no one seemed to have any clue.

And now, in flesh and blood, I was standing before her. She tried so hard to find me throughout
the whole of Indonesia and all of a sudden, I was there to offer my assistance. This was the
power of the move of the Holy Spirit. I was able to conduct some wonderful revival meetings
for her two churches. The Holy Spirit came in such a mighty way that there was forgiveness and
love so the feeling of pain and uncertainty could be overcome. They began to experience Gods
peace and joy once more.

Chapter 10
An incredible Mission Trip To Auckland And Sydney

I always believe that the miracles, signs and wonders in the book of Acts are not meant to stop.
As Gods workers for the end-time harvest, we must constantly spend time in the Upper Room to
receive the anointing and the direction from God so that with the power of the Holy Spirit, we
can declare, Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus
Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.

I was very excited that week. An invitation had come for me to speak at a fairly large church in
Auckland and a pastor in Sydney had arranged a two-day Holy Ghost meeting at the Russian
Club. God had arranged the meetings at both cities at around the same time so that I could
organize my trip to travel from Singapore to Auckland first, and then from Auckland to Sydney.
Just one trip and we would have covered two cities.
I had never spoken in Auckland before but I had, however, been to Sydney a year earlier. We
had three glorious days of the Holy Ghost meetings. I began to recollect what happened on that
first Sydney trip. The pastor in Sydney organized a three-day Holy Ghost meeting at the Grace
Hotel. We structured each meeting to begin at ten in the morning and go all the way to five in
the late afternoon without any lunch break. I wanted everyone in the meeting to seek God and
hunger for Him just like the one hundred and twenty disciples did when they were in the Upper
Room. They were there for a full ten days before the greatest outpouring the world had ever
seen began.

Most Powerful Anointing

I always believe that every time the Holy Spirit comes in a powerful way in a meeting, we stop
the meeting because we have a schedule. I remember that one day, while we were having a Holy
Ghost meeting in Johore Bahru, the anointing came very early at the beginning of the five-hour
meeting. But when we came to the end of the five hours, there was an even stronger anointing
that fell upon the congregation. It was Gods supernatural visitation. A few people were literally
flung out of their chairs. Many were on the floor crying and laughing at the same time. I could
not understand why God sent His most powerful anointing at the end and not the beginning of
the meeting.

Immediately after the meeting, I went to my room and cried out to God. I wanted an answer.
Then the Holy Spirit spoke, I enjoyed the fellowship with all of you. I always feel very sad at
the end of each Holy Ghost meeting. Thats the reason why I came in such a powerful way at
the end of this meeting. I guess that when we have a strong relationship with each other, it is
more difficult to break up.

I cried that night realizing that the Holy Spirit has feelings too and wants us to seek Him and
have a close fellowship with Him. It was then that I understood that having a love relationship
with the Holy Spirit is very important.

Wonderful Events

Some wonderful events happened in that first Holy Ghost meeting in Sydney. One brother, who
could not forgive his father, was changed by the power of God. Openly he told the congregation
that he hated his father since his father left him when he was very young. Now he felt he wanted
to contact his father and tell him that he was ready to forgive him. To prove it, he invited his
father to attend the meeting the next day and both embraced at that meeting. He confessed that
he would forgive his father from that day and would also resume his love for him.

Many were delivered from bad habits in the meeting. Some were healed. At one point of the
meeting, in the enclosed conference room, I felt a gust of wind hit me. I was nearly knocked
over but managed to steady myself. Many just rushed forward towards the altar and knelt down
although I did not say anything about coming forward to the altar. Some were crying and I heard
some confessing their sins. The conviction power of God was there.

One lady came forward to testify that before she heard about the meeting, she saw a vision a
month ago that the glory of God came down on Grace Hotel. When she enquired about whether
there was going to be a special meeting, she was told about the three-day Holy Ghost meeting.
She said the vision she saw began to unfold before her very eyes during the meeting. She was on
fire and wanted to do more for God.

Arrival In Auckland

For this trip, there were seven of us. Before each service, we would spend time in prayers and
sharing the word. And in our prayer sessions, I would normally tell the group to abandon our
lives to God and let Him do whatever He wants. It is a good way to fully open our hearts to

We finally arrived in Auckland, and while we were in one of those prayer sessions, I began to
smell something really wonderful the smell of heavenly perfume. One of the ladies in the
group also enjoyed that heavily fragrance and the rest just nodded their heads.

I had experienced the smell of this heavenly perfume once before. It was 1995 while I was
seeking God for a whole year when suddenly the smell of heavenly perfume came. That moment
when I began to wonder how this smell had manifested to me, the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart,
This heavenly smell comes from the Garden of Eden. Just like doubting Thomas, I asked in
my mind, How can this be, we are now in the year 1995? And the Holy Spirit simply
answered, I was there and now I am here to bring you this heavenly perfume. It is the perfect
perfume because the relationship between man and God was perfect at that time. Then I
realized that we could only receive the perfect things of God if somehow we can restore our
relationship with God in a perfect way. I thought of Adam and Eve and how perfect they were
before they sinned against God. There was the glory of God shinning from their bodies. Their
eyes had never seen anything which was unholy. After they had sin, the glory was lifted up and
without the covering of Gods glory, they realized they were both naked and had to cover
themselves with fig leaves. Their sin was the act of disobedience when they ate the forbidden

I believe the only thing that can stop us from being an effective and anointed vessel for God is
the act of disobedience. An anointed vessel is one who is covered by the glory of God and when
he ministers, the presence of God is there. Let us walk in obedience before God living a life that
is pure and holy. I am sure we can usher in the next revival that history has never seen.

Galatians 5:24-25
And those who are Christs have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live
in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

For three days in Auckland, we had at least two meetings a day. The crowd was hungry for God.
They absorbed everything that I shared from the pulpit. I could sense that most of their hearts
were revived by the power of the Holy Spirit. Some testified that they received healings.

One of the greatest miracles that happened in our trip was the last day when we had no services.
The senior pastor wanted to take us on a sightseeing tour of the north island. I readily agreed as I
felt all seven of us deserved a treat. Besides facing an enjoyable and exciting day, our faith in
signs and wonders was going to be tested.

Chapter 11
The Miracle Van

That morning, we woke up to a beautiful sunny day. The senior pastor himself drove his van to
our hotel to pick us up. And that was the start of our tour in the north island of New Zealand. I
liked this beautiful country. For a group of city dwellers like us, New Zealand was a big country
with its open spaces and beautiful countryside. Everything went smoothly and we had a
wonderful time feasting our eyes on Gods creation.

Close to the end of the day when we had one more stop to visit, we noticed that smoke was
coming out from the engine compartment. Then we noticed that the engine heat meter had
pointed its needle to high, very close to the red marker. We did not stop the car. A little later,
the needle hit the red marker, which triggered the engine to stop. We suspected there was a
major leak in the radiator. Fortunately, the van stopped near a brook. We waited for the engine
to cool down first, which was a long wait. We were in the middle of nowhere and had to resort
to spend our waiting time in prayers and having some fellowship. According to the senior
pastor, it would take nearly an hour to drive to the nearest town where help would be available.
The only thing we could do was to fill up the radiator with water from the brook and hoped that
we could drive for another hour. With the help of a few empty bottles, we managed to fill up the
radiator with water when the engine had cooled down. It was a temporary measure. We prayed
hard when the senior pastor tried to start the engine. Fortunately, it worked but we did not how
long the radiator would last.

Faced With An Impossible Situation

Ten minutes into the journey, the needle in the meter began its upward swing. I was sitting in
the front seat beside the senior pastor, who was driving the van. On seeing that the needle was
going to hit the red marker, he turned to me and asked, Do you think we should stop? It was
getting dark and we were all exhausted. Then I thought to myself. I had been preaching about
signs, wonders and miracles for the last three days and I was telling the people to believe God for
the impossible. And now I was facing with an impossible situation and I was turning away from
God and not believing in the impossible. With faith rising in my heart, I replied firmly, Why
dont you continue driving. I will start praying.

Two Kinds Of Prayers

I have always said that there are two kinds of prayer. The first kind is very common. It is the
prayer that we pray in the comfort of our room.

The second kind of prayer is really a desperate prayer just like when you are on board the sinking
Titanic. For sure, it will be a prayer when you mean what you say and say what you mean. It is
a prayer that if full of faith and focus that will penetrate into the realm of the heavenlies.

If the temperature needle hit the red marker again, either the engine would stop or if it was in the
red marker for too long, the engine would possibly explode into flames.

Not A Single Drop Of Water

I looked at the temperature needle and prayed like I was on a sinking ship, Engine, cool down.
Needle, come down in Jesus name! Somehow the needle ignored my command. It inched up
again and this time touching the red marker. Amazingly the engine did not stall. The van kept
running. The engine might explode but I refused to give up and stop the van. I prayed more
earnestly. I commanded the engine again and again, Engine, cool down. Needle, come down in
Jesus name! For a couple of minutes, the needle remained in the range of the red marker. I
kept on praying. Then I noticed that the needle began to inch down very slowly. Miraculously
the needle went on a southward swing and stopped at the 75 percent mark, which was 25 percent
away from the danger of the red marker. When we reached our destination of help, the needle
was still on the 75 percent mark although there was not a single drop of water in the radiator.
Jesus had said that if we have faith in Him, we can move mountains. Although we did not move
any mountain that day we did move the miracle van! We were travelling for over thirty minutes
in a van without a single drop of water in the radiator.

Traveled Business Class

We went back to our hotel rooms rejoicing. Jesus did not leave us or forsake us. We packed our
bags that night because the flight from Auckland to Sydney was in the morning. I could not get
to sleep. My heart was so grateful to Jesus. Even on our flight to Auckland, somehow all seven
of us were given business class seats although we were holding economy class tickets. I thought
the airline upgraded us because their economy class was full. But I was wrong. On board the
flight, I went to the economy class cabin to check and found it was unusually empty. God
wanted us to travel business class. He cares for His children.

Before I finally fell asleep, I was wondering whether God would give us a treat again and put us
in business class to fly out of Auckland. I did not know that God was about to give us the best
treat thirty five thousand feet across the Tasmania Sea.

Chapter 12
One Soul Saved At Thirty Five Thousand Feet

We were so joyful and full of the Holy Ghost on board that flight from Auckland to Sydney. As
the flight was quite empty, one flight attendant approached me and asked me what my group was
doing in Auckland. As I told her the miracles that happened while we were in New Zealand, she
was very interested. She was a Christian and later I could hear her sharing my story with two of
the flight attendants onboard. The moves of the Holy Spirit can be classified under the Acts of
God. That is why we have the book of Acts, which details what the Holy Spirit accomplished
since the day of Pentecost. For every miracle wrought by the Holy Spirit, the name of Jesus was
glorified. This has not changed up till today. When the Holy Spirit comes, the name of Jesus is

Then one brother in my group began to talk to a guy sitting next to him. There was power and
conviction and as a result of the witnessing, this guy decided to accept Jesus as his Savior. Right
in the sky, thirty five thousand feet above planet earth, this guy said the sinners prayer. I used to
say that this was one of the few people on earth who said his sinners prayer closest to heaven.
We were all rejoicing when he asked Jesus to come to his life. Even onboard the aircraft, we had
the opportunity to proclaim Jesus. We were all ready for Sydney when the plane landed.

This time in Sydney, we decided to do the meeting for two days from 2.00 pm to 9.00 pm. On
the first day, the presence of the Holy Spirit was strong. Again, we saw people slain, some cried
and laughed and many came forward for prayers. The Holy Spirit again was doing a wonderful
job changing lives and healing those who were full of hurts. The people were hungry for the
word. Sometime in the evening a drunken man walked into the meeting with a strong smell of
alcohol all over his body. He walked straight to the front of the altar. One of the church
members went to him and asked him what he wanted. In a Russian accent, he simply answered,
I want to be a Christian. The church member led him to say the sinners prayer.

The Miracle Cordless Microphone

On the second day, while waiting for the worship team to end their worship, I could sense the
anointing like electric current hitting everyone in the congregation. I saw two ladies sitting in
the front shaking. I was handed a cordless microphone and was told where the switch button
was. When the worship team finished their part of the service, the pastor introduced me to the
congregation. I turned the switch in the cordless microphone and saw the red indicator lighted
up. I asked the two ladies, who were shaking, to come forward to receive more of the anointing.
They staggered forward and before they could come any closer to me, the just went down onto
the floor.

I must have used the cordless microphone for about four hours when the red light indicator went
off and I quickly exchanged it for another one. It was only after the meeting that the technician
manning the sound system told me this. He said, After you used the microphone, it was handed
to me. I wanted to replace the battery inside the cordless microphone. But when I opened up the
battery compartment, there was no battery inside. It must be the anointing that powered this
microphone when you were first using it! We were all amazed when we heard this.

Chapter 13
God Planned My First Evangelistic Meeting

In 1996, I was in the island of Fiji with two pastors, assisting them to organize some healing
meetings. On one particular night, we discovered that we were one speaker short. At the
suggestion of one of the pastors, I reluctantly agreed to be one of the speakers.
I was told that the venue would be a church that could sit about five hundred people. My first
task was to prepare the sermon in advance as this was my first time standing before a few
hundred people to conduct a healing meeting.

The Day Of My First Sermon

That fateful morning I felt someone gently shaking my right arm to wake me up. I woke up but
saw no one in my room. I was sure someone shook my right arm. As it was still dark, I turned
on the lights. Then I realized there was no one. So I thought it was my imagination. My first
reaction was to reach for my sermon notes. Just as I was turning to my notes, which were in
between the pages of my Bible, I heard the Holy Spirit speak to my heart. It was a very gentle
voice, Dont use your message. I have given you a new one. Just as the voice spoke, my eyes
were fixed on the gospel of John chapter 10, verse 10. Somehow in that split second, the whole
message was in my mind and in my heart. It is hard to explain. The whole message was in my
being. Suddenly, there was such a great presence of God in my room. The message and the
meeting did not seem important anymore. It was just my soul crying out for more of God.
Everything except God seemed so unimportant. I just wanted to worship God at His feet. I
could feel His presence and love so great that I felt was not human anymore. The air seemed to
be filled with electricity as I could feel the tangible anointing like electric currents going through
all over my body.

While traveling in the car towards the venue of the meeting, I was praying with my eyes closed.
When the car came to a complete stop, my eyes were still closed. Were here, the driver
informed me. It was then that I opened my eyes. To my amazement, right in front of me stood a
large stadium. There were about five to six thousand people worshipping God in songs and
praises. This cant be, I told myself. I was about to ask the driver when the car door opened.
One of the ushers greeted me and led me to the platform.

We had to cross the big field to reach the stage. Out in the open air, I was nervous. The strong
wind was blowing at my face. Am I the evangelist? I asked myself a few times. Then my
confidence began to build up as I thought of the incident in the morning. God did give me a new
message for this night and also He had empowered me with His precious anointing.

I Felt The Anointing

When the microphone was passed to me, I felt the anointing like a blanket covering my shoulder
and body. There was an incredible power in my voice. I just spoke what was in my mind that I
received in the morning. It was spontaneous and I could see faith rising up in the hearts of the

When I finished the sermon, I called the sick to come forward. Hundreds came forth and I
started to pray. I could sense the electric current all over my body again. From the stage, some
people were shaking, some were slain by the Holy Spirit and others were vomiting. The healing
anointing was flowing and the works of the devil were destroyed.

From that year on, I began to receive many invitations to hold healing meetings all over Asia and
the Pacific.

Chapter 14
Read The Red Letters

After my first evangelistic message in Fiji, I came home hungry for the word of God. I began to
concentrate reading the 4 gospels and the book of Acts over and over again. Everything else in
life seemed so unimportant. Nothing in this world could be more exciting and more fulfilling
than the moves of the Holy Spirit. I also paid special attention to what Jesus said in the red
letters. The uppermost thing in my mind was to find a solid foundation that would influence how
I would teach the word of God in my future meetings. During that time, everyone seemed to be
teaching on prosperity. But I wanted something more concrete that could build the spiritual man.
I did not want to base my ministry out of my own flesh.

Then one day I came across this verse like a bright light that shone on my face.
Luke 7:28
For I say to you, among those born of women there is not a greater prophet than John the
Baptist; but he who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he.

So the greatest prophet born of women is John the Baptist. Why? Digging further into his way
of life and his teaching, I could summarize why he was the greatest prophet. This was an
excellent way I could follow.

He was not after fame for himself. Neither did he want to take Gods glory. He was always
pointing people to the kingdom of Jesus, not himself or his ministry. He was obedient and knew
exactly what to do. His job was to prepare the way for Jesus to start His earthly ministry.

Matthew 3:1-3
In those days John the Baptist came, preaching in the Desert of Judea and saying, "Repent,
for the kingdom of heaven is near." This is he who was spoken of through the prophet
"A voice of one calling in the desert,
'Prepare the way for the Lord,
make straight paths for him.'

John the Baptist knew how to glorify Jesus. He knew that a servant was not greater than his

John 3:30
He must increase, but I must decrease.

John the Baptist lived a simple life. When we empty all our earthly desires and come to Jesus,
our mind and our heart are so pure that Jesus can fill us with His righteousness. Our level of
anointing will increase as our earthly desires decrease.

Mark 1:6-7
Now John was clothed with camels hair and with a leather belt around his waist, and he
ate locusts and wild honey. And he preached, saying, There comes One after me who is
mightier than I, whose sandal strap I am not worthy to stoop down and loose.

Matthew 11:7-9
As they departed, Jesus began to say to the multitudes concerning John: What did you go
out into the wilderness to see? A reed shaken by the wind? But what did you go out to see?
A man clothed in soft garments? Indeed, those who wear soft clothing are in kings houses.
But what did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes, I say to you, and more than a prophet.

I realized that God had set His standard. This is the way that every servant of God should follow
so that God can give us more of His anointing.
Obedience to God will bring us to a high standard of righteous living. The world is so
contaminated and complicated that the truth of Gods standard can set people free.

Chapter 15
When The Holy Spirit Moves

The supernatural visitations of God come at a certain time and at a certain season. For example
when that special outpouring of the Holy Spirit started in 1994, it came for a season and then the
number of incidents like the holy laughter, drunk in the Spirit and being stuck on the floor did
not happen so often. I believe there is a reason for this. God wants us to have a fresh anointing
for each outpouring, just like receiving fresh manna from heaven. If each outpouring lasts too
long, human beings tend to take God for granted when the same miraculous incidents occur too
often. We must always remember that the moves of God are sacred and holy and we cannot take
them lightly.

Greater Works Will Come

Another season of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit will come. It will not be the same like the
last one. God is highly creative and original. We can never foretell how the next outpouring will
be like. All we can say is that the manifestations will be different and we can expect a higher
level of anointing. A higher level of anointing means the presence of the Holy Spirit is stronger
which will result in greater works and miracles.

John 14:12
Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also;
and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.

As Gods calendar of one day equals to one thousand years, obviously there will be a long period
when nothing seems to happen. This is a time when Christians should be still and wait upon the
Lord. We can never be in a place where we are always moving forward without any rest.
Waiting and resting upon the Lord refresh our souls.

The moves of the Holy Spirit come in waves. While in Bangkok doing a four-day Holy Ghost
meeting, I saw the anointing hit the first row of people with an invisible force. Then it moved
like a wave hitting every row as it moved backwards. When it hit the last row, some were flung
backwards together with their chairs in which they were sitting.

Different Kinds Of Anointing

Running the Holy Ghost meeting gives me the opportunity to experience the tangible power of
God. Sometimes it is the tingling sensation that starts at my shoulders and go all the way down
my body. Sometimes it is like someone throwing a blanket over me. Sometimes I can feel
electric current flowing through all over my body. And a few times I have felt thousands of
needles going through my body.
During that Bangkok meeting, I had a new experience. On the first day of the meeting, while
waiting for my turn to be on stage, I felt something like a ball entering my right hand and it
rolled up and down my right arm. I could actually feel the tangible movement. During that
meeting, when I lifted my right hand to pray for people, they just went down. Every time that I
lifted up my right hand, people would get slain. It never stopped. When I went for dinner, I just
waved to one or two people with my right hand, they would get slain right in the restaurant. I
was amazed and all throughout that week, the sensation of the anointing like a ball rolling up and
down was there all the time. And every wave with that hand would result in people getting slain.
Two days after returning home and lying in bed resting, I felt that this special anointing like a
ball rolling out of my right hand and that special anointing in me was gone.

Electric current

The electric current that hit my body is an ongoing experience. Sometimes, just before a Holy
Ghost meeting, I experienced it more often than usual. There were many occasions when I laid
hands on people, they would comment that they could feel the electric current going through
their bodies.

200 Percent Anointing

I like the way Elisha received a double portion of the anointing from Elijah. Have you ever
wondered how Elisha could receive 200 percent of the anointing from Elijah, when Elijah had
only 100 percent anointing? The answer lies in Matthew 18:18. Whatever you loose on earth
will be loosed in heaven. To put it simply, 100 percent of Elijahs anointing was transferred to
Elisha, and the additional 100 percent was from heaven.

The Lingering Anointing

Sometimes we experienced a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit in our evangelistic meetings.
Even when the event was over, the anointing that came in a mighty way was still lingering in that
place and continued to produce miracles before it faded away. I call this the lingering power of
God. When Elisha died and was buried, somehow his bones still possessed the resurrection
anointing. That special anointing was still lingering in his bones.

2nd Kings 13:20-21

Then Elisha died, and they buried him. And the raiding bands from Moab invaded the
land in the spring of the year. So it was, as they were burying a man, that suddenly they
spied a band of raiders; and they put the man in the tomb of Elisha; and when the man was
let down and touched the bones of Elisha, he revived and stood on his feet.

Word of Knowledge

One night when I was preaching to a small congregation of over twenty people, the word of
knowledge came. Someone in the group had severe stomach pain and I had to pray for that
person. When I stopped preaching and called out for that person to come forward for prayers, no
one responded. I carried on with my message. Then the still small voice said, It is a lady. I
stopped my message again and told them that the person was a lady. The shy lady finally
responded and walked towards the front. I was still on the stage and I just said, I proclaim that
you are healed in the name of Jesus. She began to fall and a woman beside her tried to catch
her. As soon as the woman touched her left shoulder, she got an electric shock. She quickly
pulled back her hands and the lady who came forward for prayer fell on the ground without
getting hurt. She was lying on the floor throughout the meeting. A month later the lady told me
what happened to her. When she came forward, she said that electric current was all over her
body. She said that since that day, the pain in her stomach was gone. Her father, who was a
non-believer, asked her why he could feel electric current every time she went near him. She
said she took the opportunity to share with her father about Jesus and also the power of God.
Since then, her father had decided to attend church regularly.

Acts 11:14
Who will tell you words by which you and all your household will be saved.

The word of God is powerful and fulfilling. I was the first in a family of six to become a
Christian. In less than ten years, all members in my household were convicted by the power of
the Holy Spirit.

Chapter 16
Seeking God

The first question that came to my mind was how to seek God. I remembered reading a book
about a pastor who spent the whole year seeking God every evening instead of watching
television. While seeking God, he finally saw a vision and then he launched into a new ministry,
which became extremely successful. But I had no intention to start a new ministry or to preach.
At that time a church organization wanted me to assist them in their overseas mission work.

A year earlier, I had an operation and during the operation, I stopped breathing for a few minutes
and my life was nearly gone. With this experience and the opportunity to assist in overseas
mission work, I told myself that I would spend at least three hours every day in 1995 to seek
God. My plan was to pray, speak in tongues, worship Him in spiritual songs and to read the
word with a pair of new spiritual eyes. That was my interpretation of seeking God. I wanted to
hear from God what my spiritual life would be. So I felt that if I did all these, He would
somehow speak to me. It was a great motivation.

It took great discipline for me to come home every evening and lock myself in my study room.
It was extremely difficult for the first few months. I would start saying something like this,
Hello God, here I am. I am seeking You. Please speak to me. And what I heard was the echo
of my voice bouncing back from the walls. I wanted so much to hear from Him and also to feel
His presence. But the atmosphere was so dry and heaven seemed so far away during those first
few months. Many times I felt it was a bad idea and I was crazy thinking that God would come
this way for me. Sometimes, I felt that the devil was laughing at me. A few times, I literally
wanted to give up. I had to tell myself again and again that I had promised God that I would
seek Him for one year. At least if I had tried, I would not blame myself later for not trying and
then life would revert to normal after that one year.
Presence Of The Holy Spirit

I persisted and somewhere in the middle of 1995, I began to sense the presence of the Holy
Spirit. Somehow the atmosphere in my study room was different. That loneliness feeling was
gone. I could feel something warm and reassuring. I felt the atmosphere of love. Then the still
small voice spoke, I want you to repent. God began to show me things that I had done and
words that I had spoken, which I was not proud of and were long forgotten. I tried to argue and
said, God, I have confessed all my sins already. The more I protested, the more those
memories kept coming back. Finally, in total submission, I began to confess those sins one by
one. That was the turning point of my life in seeking God.

Since then, I began to have supernatural experiences. One day I smelt the perfume from the
Garden of Eden. That experience came back again while I was in Auckland. Another time when
I was deep in prayers, I saw a spiritual vision in my mind. My eyes were closed and I was
kneeling down. I saw myself at the foot of the cross where Jesus was hanging. I could sense the
atmosphere was wet. I dared not open my eyes, but when I stretched forth my right hand to
touch the foot of the cross, I could feel the wet wooden texture. I did not dare look up to see t he
bruised body of Jesus. The Holy Spirit was telling me that the event of Jesus on the cross was
the greatest event in world history. Salvation is available for everyone in the world because
Jesus shed His blood on the cross.

During that period, I looked forward to seek God. It was no longer dry. There was a high
expectation in my spirit wondering what God was going to say or reveal to me next. In fact,
there was a sense of excitement and fulfillment in my life. Every time I prayed, I could sense the
presence of the Holy Spirit.

At that time, I had told my friends that if Jesus were to appear to me in an open vision, I would
have many questions to ask Him. Little did I know that this would happen but I would have no
opportunity to ask Him any question.

An Open Vision Of Jesus

It was one of those nights that I was soaked in prayers. I wanted to go deeper into the spiritual
realm that no man had ever been. I wanted to enter deep into the holy of holies. That was my
strong desire. I cried and sobbed before God that He would take me deeper. Suddenly, it
happened. I turned my head towards the empty chair next to me and I saw Jesus sitting there in
an open vision. The next second and He was gone. He was totally covered by the glory, the
powerful illumination of an extremely bright light and therefore his physical profile was not very
clear. The room was also brightened up and this extreme white light was not the same as our
electrical light. This brightness cannot be found in our physical world.

There were occasions when God showed me in my mind, visions of some of our past preachers
who were obedient to the tasks God had given him. One day, I could see this great preacher in
his hometown walking towards a meeting with a bible in his hand. He did not own a car. It was
summer. The street was dusty and I could sense the heat. He was sweating profusely but he
never slowed down. Despite the distance and the discomfort he had to walk, he was praising
God and preparing his spiritual man for the meeting. God wanted me to learn from him the
attitude he had despite the hard life he was leading. This was an important lesson because I had
to go to some very difficult places to preach the gospel in my ministry.

Just before the end of my one year of seeking God, I could feel the tangible power, like electric
current, hitting my body many times while I was sleeping. I would wake up to pray when this
happened. Also there were occasions when I dreamt I was on stage preaching to crowds of
different people in different nations. Later when I started to minister, those dreams became a

Chapter 17
Run The Holy Ghost Meeting

It was only somewhere in the middle of 1997 that God spoke to my heart with a very strong
voice of command, Run the Holy Ghost meeting!

I was a little puzzled. I had never been to a Holy Ghost meeting before, let alone conducting
one. I expected that in the next few weeks or even in the next few months, a preacher with this
kind of anointing would cross my path and possibly impart some of his anointing to me.

So Many Spiritual Truths

There was a compelling urge to read the four gospels and the book of Acts again and again
during that period. I must have read them more than thirty times. It was amazing to find out that
you could learn so many spiritual truths just by reading these five books in the New Testament.
Somehow Acts chapters 2 and 9 began to catch my attention like never before. In Acts chapter
2, the day of Pentecost was the very first outpouring since Jesus had ascended to heaven. One
hundred and twenty people were hungry for God and were seeking Him in the Upper Room.
Also they were obedient to Jesus as they tarried in Jerusalem until they received the power from
heaven. They were waiting for the Holy Spirit to come. They did not know how long they were
going to wait. They were there ten days waiting for the outpouring. I do not think in the present
time there is any group of Christians who is willing to seek God for ten days. But the early
Christians did and they possessed a higher level of anointing, which we seldom see today.
Conversely in Acts chapter 9, we see a very defiant Paul going all out to persecute the saints. He
was not seeking God. In fact, he was doing the very opposite of what the saints were doing. But
God in His mercy and grace sent a very special anointing to Paul. A great bright light blinded
him and the voice of Jesus changed everything in Pauls life.

So for the one hundred and twenty disciples, when the power came, it was the mighty rushing
wind, tongues of fire and the speaking of other tongues. But for Paul, it was a great bright light
and the voice of Jesus. The big difference in these two incidents is that one group was seeking
God and Paul was against God. It shows clearly that God is in control of everything. It is also
up to Him who He wants to choose and use regardless of the state of mans heart because when
God intervenes, mans desires, thoughts and perceptions come to nothing. Gods anointing will
override everything. The other interesting fact is that the work of the one hundred and twenty
disciples was to build the church and Pauls job was to go on mission. This forms the basis that
modern day evangelism needs to use this two-prong approach to further expand the kingdom of

The Most Powerful Sermon

If you are called to preach, you would come to a stage where you would try to find out what
constitutes a good and powerful sermon. So it is only logical for one preacher to listen to other
successful preachers to figure out what it takes to deliver a good sermon. During that time when
the commanding voice asked me to run the Holy Ghost meeting, I was at that stage. I was trying
to find out how to prepare powerful sermons for the Holy Ghost meeting. You see, I was using
my human brain trying to find human ways to fulfill my divine calling. I did not realize it at that
time but God was there to direct me where to find the answer. One morning when I woke up, the
answer to a good and powerful sermon was in front of my eyes. It was in Acts chapter 2, verse
14 onwards. If you read this passage carefully, you will realize that this sermon delivered by
Peter was not prepared beforehand. In fact Peter was among the one hundred and twenty who
spent time waiting for the Holy Spirit in the Upper Room. He did not know he was supposed to
preach that day. He was inspired by the Holy Spirit to explain to the people what happened
when the Holy Spirit came. And it resulted in the most powerful sermon ever spoken by a man.

Peter started by telling the people about the situation they were in. They were filled by the Holy
Spirit and they were not drunk. He quoted the prophecy of Joel about the outpouring of the Holy
Spirit. Then he began to proclaim and glorify Jesus. He quoted the word what King David
said and what Jesus did. It was so powerful and so anointed that 3,000 souls were saved.
Indirectly, this message was not from Peter, but rather it was from the Holy Spirit. The message
was basically focusing on Jesus and the word of God.

Chapter 18
Start Of The Holy Ghost Meeting

Having a call to start running the Holy Ghost meeting is a divine task. God has to equip me with
His anointing. I just knew in my heart that I had to fully trust the Holy Spirit. There was no
turning back. Sometimes spiritual truths are hard to explain. We live in the world of logic and
everything must be explained in a logical or scientific way.

If a high level of power of God comes to a person, chances are that our physical body cannot
take it. Our physical movements become unnatural. A few times, when praying for people, I
have seen a tangible gush of power descended on them and every time it happened, people
buckled under their knees and fell to the ground. Sometimes they began to display very
awkward movements. But the end result was always beneficial. Their hurts were gone. They
were healed of a physical ailment. They were delivered from fear. They drew closer to God.
They prayed more. They were hungry for the word. And many other encouraging testimonies
were made because the power of God demonstrated to them God was real.

One day when I was in the highlands of Chiangmai in Thailand, a young tribal girl who was deaf
in the left ear came forward to be prayed for. It was not during a meeting when this incident
happened. We were having our Feeding the Poor program and somehow one of the Christian
sisters led this tribal girl to me for prayers. When I rebuked the spirit of deafness on her left ear,
a gush of tangible power was felt and it hit the girl to the ground. When she recovered from the
force of Gods power, her left ear was completely healed.

Whatever Anointing I Have, Receive It!

Someone introduced me to two Burmese pastors. They told me that they were hungry for God
and just wanted the anointing. At that particular time, I had just come back from an overseas
mission trip and was full of the anointing because I had been preaching and praying for the past
one week. Without hesitation, I put my hands on them and just simply proclaimed, Whatever
anointing I have, receive it in the name of Jesus! They both yelled at the top of their voices as if
a lightning had hit them. Then they went flat on the ground breathing heavily. A few weeks
later, I heard that they were ministering in their country with miracles, signs and wonders.

New Sermons Just Came

Being led by the Holy Spirit defies logic. Sometimes I had only a few short sermons for a seven-
hour service. New sermons just welled up in the nick of time in my inner being. It was just like
fresh manna from heaven. Although we ran long meetings, many reported that they wished the
meeting that they attended was longer because time seemed to pass so quickly.

Holy Ghost Came To The Conservative Japanese

During one Holy Ghost meeting in Japan, the anointing came and hit one of the most
conservative people in the world, the gentle and polite Japanese ladies. Some were even wearing
kimonos while the power came down. At the end of the meeting, some were dancing in the
spirit. Many were weeping in the front when they came for prayers. Some just lifted up their
hands and prayed loudly to God. When we finally came to the end of the meeting, the senior
pastor tried to close the meeting in his usual manner, but he could not do it. When he tried to
open his mouth to say something, no words came out. Somehow that atmosphere there was no
longer filled with the air of tradition, but was filled with the power of God. Finally when he
could speak, he said that he would not know what the service would be like the following week.
All he could say was that in his thirty five years as a pastor, he always wore his full suit at the
pulpit and everything had to be in order and predictable. Now he would have to seek God on
what to do.

Lady Received Her Financial Breakthrough

I was invited to speak at a ladies meeting one Saturday afternoon. There were about sixty ladies
in the meeting and they were all looking forward to my sermon because many were hungry for
the anointing.

The one who invited me told me to preach a sermon on the moves of the Holy Spirit which I did.
I began to share with them about my experience on what happened when the Holy Spirit came to
my meetings and how miracles, signs and wonders happened. That day, the anointing was very
strong and most of the ladies were all ready for me to pray for them so that they could receive the
anointing. Many were slain. One lady was healed of her back pain.

There was a lady who came forward and told me what God had told her. She said that God had
told her that today would be the day she would receive the anointing to break the bondage of a
serious financial debt in her life. I sensed her faith level had gone up as I began to pray for her.
I prayed that the bondage of debt would be broken in the name of Jesus. I could sense a very
strong anointing flowing through my hands. I expected to see her slain but nothing happened. I
repeated the prayer once more and nothing seemed to happen. When she opened her eyes after
the prayer, I could see that she was disappointed. So I told her to trust God. A few months later,
I met her again. She was all smiles when she saw me and was very excited. She told me that she
was hit by the anointing when she went home. As she was preparing for bed that Saturday night,
the anointing came down and she fell onto her bed crying and laughing. She told me that God
had given her the wisdom to solve her debt problem and the banks were no longer chasing her
for payment. I rejoiced with her. As I have said before, it is up to the Holy Spirit when He
wants to move and how He wants to move. All we need to do is to believe in Him.

Chapter 19
How To Ensure You Are Called To Do Gods Work

1 Corinthians 2:13-15
These things we also speak, not in words which mans wisdom teaches but which the Holy
Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man does not
receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know
them, because they are spiritually discerned. But he who is spiritual judges all things, yet
he himself is rightly judged by no one.

Whatever we want to do for God must originate from the Holy Spirit. He will be the One who is
going to reveal it to us. He will also lead us. We should not try to do something for God out of
our own thoughts. This is because our thinking to do Gods work is oceans apart from what
God wants us to do. To do great things for God starts with a very simple step. We need to start
a relationship with Him and learn to listen and talk to Him. We should love Him because He
first loved us. He cannot reveal anything if you do not learn how to listen to Him. When He
leads you to do something, you must be obedient to do it. It may start with very simple tasks
initially. It is not what you want to do for Him that counts but what He wants you to do. You
must be prepared to take this spiritual journey.

Fresh bible school graduates often say that they want to build the biggest church. They are called
to be evangelists and prophets. They look at certain spiritual leaders and they want to copy
them. Obviously all these notions do not originate from God and they have not learned how to
discern spiritual things yet.

One pastor told me that he had to write 100 books for God before he left this world. I told him
that God only wrote 66 books. He never wanted to talk to me again.

A businessman told me that he wanted to make $3 million before he could start to serve God full
time. I told him that with God everything was possible. And then I added that if he really made
$3 million, God would probably ask him to give everything away to the poor first. And since
God would answer his prayer, if he did not make this amount on earth, God would certainly give
him the money in heaven. He never wanted to come near to me again.

The greatest weakness in man is that he always put himself first. It is a self centered mentality of
I, me and mine. This thinking will lead us to nowhere as the gospel is about helping the weak,
the poor and the afflicted. Matthew 25:41-46.

There was a young couple who graduated from bible school. During graduation day, many
graduates with great enthusiasm talked about what they wanted to do for God in the normal
clichs. This couple was very different. They said that God wanted them to go to a leprosy
colony in India.

Another couple was doing quiet time one day. The husband had just finished his bond as a
doctor with the government and the wife was a lecturer in accountancy. Both were destined to
earn good money. Their daughter was only 16 months. Yet in the quiet time, God spoke to the
doctor that he had to go to one of the poorest parts in rural China to start a clinic and train up
some locals as para doctors. He was obedient to God. When he landed in the rural part of China
with his wife and their 16-month daughter in his arms, he felt completely lost and wanted to rush
back to the plane that just took them there.

Today, he has a clinic and a hospital in that part of China and his work has been recognized and
honored by the Chinese government. After 14 years, he is now going home as four young
doctors from his homeland have caught his vision and they will be there to relieve him.

Moses had to spend 40 years in the wilderness before he started his mission to free the children
of Israel. Even Jesus had to be led into the wilderness and fasted for 40 days and 40 nights and
be tempted by the devil before He started His earthly ministry.

Today we have many Christians who rush themselves into full time ministry without knowing
whether there is a call in their lives in the first place. And when problems come, they begin to
feel discouraged and expect other ministries to help them. If you are really called, God will send
people to help you even if you have not told a single soul about your problems.

The End

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