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Doug Hensley

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Texas A&M University, USA,

World Scientific
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The main justification for this book is that there have been significant
advances in continued fractions over the past decade, but these remain for
the most part scattered across the literature, and under the heading of
topics from algebraic number theory to theoretical plasma physics.
We now have a better understanding of the rate at which assorted con-
tinued fraction or greatest common denominator (gcd) algorithms complete
their tasks. The number of steps required to complete a gcd calculation,
for instance, has a Gaussian normal distribution.
We know a lot more about badly approximable numbers. There are
several related threads here. A badly approximable number is a number x
such that {q\p qx\: p , g Z and q ^ 0} is bounded below by a positive
constant; badly approximable numbers have continued fraction expansions
with bounded partial quotients, and so we are led to consider a kind of
Cantor set EM consisting of all x e [0,1] such that the partial quotients of
x are bounded above by M. The notion of a badly approximable rational
number has the ring of crank mathematics, but it is quite natural to study
the set of rationals r with partial quotients bounded by M. The number of
such rationals with denominators up to n, say, turns out to be closely related
to the Hausdorff dimension of EM, (comparable to n2d'mEM^ w m c n j s in
turn related to the spectral radius of linear operators LM,S, acting on some
suitably chosen space of functions / , and given by LM,sf(t) = J2=i(k +
t)~sf(l/(k + t)). Similar operators have been studied by, among others,
David Ruelle, in connection with theoretical one-dimensional plasmas, and
they are related to entropy.
Alongside these developments there has been a dramatic increase in the
computational power available to investigators. This has been helpful on
the theoretical side, as one is more likely to seek a proof for a result when,
VI Continued Fractions

following computations and graphical rendering of the output, that result

leaps off the screen.
Consider, for instance, the venerable Hurwitz complex continued frac-
tion algorithm. This algorithm takes as input a complex number (say,
inside the unit square centered on 0), and returns a sequence (an) of Gaus-
sian integers a\, 0,2, ., all outside the unit disk, such that

ai -I
a2 + '
The algorithm uses an auxiliary sequence ( n ), with 1 = and n +i =
l / n an. Is there any particular pattern to the distribution of the fc's?
What sorts of numbers have atypical expansions?
These questions are analogs of questions for which, in the case of the real
numbers and the classical continued fraction expansion, answers are known
or suspected. Almost always, the expansion of a randomly chosen real input
(0,1) will have the property that if = l / ( a i + l/(a2 H )), then the
n given by the same recurrence relation as mentioned above are distributed
according to the Gauss density l / ( ( l + x) log2). Quadratic irrationals have
ultimately periodic continued fraction expansions, and therefore, their n
are not so distributed, but in the case of real inputs these seem to be the
only algebraic exceptions. Back in the complex case, to assemble some tens
of thousands of data points (a bare minimum considering that a 1-megapixel
image is hardly high resolution) can require extensive computations. But
once this is done, it turns out there are some surprises-there are algebraic
numbers with expansions atypical of randomly chosen inputs, yet not of
degree 2. This is discussed in Chapter 5.
Passing from the complex numbers, at once one-dimensional and two-
dimensional, we turn our attention to simultaneous diophantine approx-
imation of real n-tuples = (1, ,) Here, we are looking for a
positive integer q, and further integers {p\,... ,pn), such that e(g,) :=
max{|pj qj\, 1 < j < n} will be 'small'. The Dirichlet principle guaran-
tees that there are infinitely many choices of q such that, in combination
with the unique sensible choice of the p^-'s, gives e(g,) -c q~xln. (If
contains only rational entries, these q are eventually just multiples of a
common-denominator representation of , and the errors are zero.)
Computing good choices of q by head-on search is computationally pro-
hibitively expensive, as the sequence of good q tends to grow exponen-
Preface VII

tially. We discuss two algorithms for this task. Both rely upon the insight
that approximation of is related to the task of finding reduced bases of
(n + 1) x (n + 1) lattices of the form

/ 1 0 ...0\
0 1 ...0
: 0 '. :

There are different ways to give exact meaning to the notion of a reduced
lattice basis. The general idea is that the vectors should form an integral
basis of the lattice, and they should be short.
The Gauss lattice reduction algorithm treats the two-dimensional case,
and has recently been analyzed by Daude, Flajolet, and Vallee. It is dis-
cussed in Chapter 2.
The Lagarias geodesic multidimensional continued fraction algorithm
uses a form of Minkowski reduction, which is computationally feasible for
modest dimensions and gives in a sense best-possible answers, while the
Lenstra-Lenstra-Lovasz algorithm gives much quicker answers when the di-
mension is large, but at the risk that the results obtained may not be quite
so good. These are discussed in Chapter 6.
Some numbers, for instance, e, have continued fraction expansions fea-
turing fairly frequent, ever-larger partial quotients. (Liouville numbers take
this to an extreme!) Others, for instance, \^2, have continued fraction ex-
pansions with bounded partial quotients. Chapter 3 is dedicated to this
latter type of number, further broken down as the union U ^ = 2 ' M of contin-
ued fraction Cantor sets. Of course, even E2 is uncountable, and quadratic
irrationals are but the tip of this iceberg. The size of the EM is best un-
derstood in the context of Hausdorff dimension, and we discuss this. The
discrepancy of the sequence (na), as well as the behavior of related sums,
is discussed as well. Chapters 4 and 9 also treat the topic of EM-
In Chapter 4, we look at the ergodic theory of continued fractions.
(There is a recent book by Dajani and Kraaikamp which treats the topic
more extensively.) Portions of this chapter first appeared in New York J.
of Math. 4, pp. 249-258.
Chapter 5 is devoted to the complex continued fraction algorithms of
Asmus Schmidt and of Adolf Hurwitz. Interest in the former has perhaps
suffered from the lack of a convenient algorithms for computer implementa-
tion, while it seems not to have been recognized that the latter enjoys many
Vlll Continued Fractions

good properties beyond those initially established by Hurwitz. In particu-

lar, there is an analog to the Gauss density for the Hurwitz algorithm; it
even makes a pretty picture, and is featured on the cover.
Chapter 6 is devoted to multidimensional Diophantine approximation,
and in particular, to the so-called Hermite approximations to numbers
and vectors, and the Lagarias geodesic multidimensional continued fraction
Chapter 7 discusses an interesting generalization of the approximation
properties of quadratic irrationals. The field Q(v2), seen as a vector space
over Q, has the canonical basis {1, \/2}- The field Q(2 1 / 3 ), seen also as a
vector space over Q, has canonical basis {1,2 1 / 3 , 2 2 / 3 }. Thus from a certain
point of view, we should expect theorems about quadratic irrationals to
have analogues not in the context of rational approximations to a single
number such as 2 1,/3 , but rather in the context of simultaneous diophantine
approximation to (2 1 / 3 , 2 2 / 3 ). And so it is.
Chapter 8 discusses Marshall Hall's theorem concerning sums of con-
tinued fraction Cantor sets. This theorem has undergone various iterations
and the current strongest version seems to be due to Astels. We give a
taste of his approach.
Chapter 9 discusses the functional-analytic techniques arising out of
work by K. I. Babenko, E. Wirsing, D. Ruelle, D. Mayer, and others, or,
if one goes back all the way, out of the conjecture by Gauss concerning
the frequency of the partial quotients in continued fraction expansions of
typical numbers. Combined with modern computing power, it becomes
possible to evaluate, say, the Wirsing constant, to many digits. Portions of
this chapter first appeared in Number Theory for the Millennium, Vol II,
pp. 175-194.
Chapter 10 discusses a dynamical-systems perspective, related to Chap-
ter 9 but bringing new tools to the analysis. This approach has scored a
real triumph recently, with the result by V. Baladi and B. Vallee that all
the standard variants of the Euclidean algorithm have Gaussian normal
distribution statistics for a wide variety of measures of the work they must
do on typical inputs.
Chapter 11 discusses so-called conformal iterated function systems.
Much of the material of continued fractions can be seen as an instance
of such systems. In this topic, the names Mauldin and Urbahski are
Finally, Chapter 12 discusses convergence of continued fractions, in the
spirit of Perron's classic book, and the later classic by Jones and Thron.
Preface IX

Little in this chapter is new, but it would be a pity to omit all mention
of these wonderful results. One tidbit that emerges from an extensive the-
ory going back to Jacobi and Laplace is a (standard) continued fraction
expansion for e 2 ' . Also discussed are analytical continued fraction expan-
sions, such as those for log(l + z), tanh(z), and ez. This also gives us the
classical Euler expansion of e itself as a continued fraction, so that at the
end of the book we have come full circle to the beginnings of the subject
What's N e w Quite a bit, actually. Theorems 3.2, Theorems 4.2 and
4.3, Theorems 5.1-5.5, Theorem 6.2, Theorems 7.1-7.3, the estimate for the
Wirsing constant in Chapter 9, Theorem 9.5, the proof of Theorem 12.1,
and Theorem 12.5, are, so far as the author is aware, new.
What's Wrong Nothing that I know of. But there is scant chance
that the text is free of errors. Any errors remaining after proofreading are
the author's. Where the works of others have been restated, if there is a
mistake, it is in my restatement of their work. As to algorithms, they are
presented here solely for purposes of illustration. No warranty, express or
implied, is made that these algorithms are free of all defect. (And with
algorithms, even a typographical error invalidates the algorithm.)
Acknowledgments My thanks first to colleagues who gave advice or
encouragement, among them O. Bandtlow, I. Borosh, P. Cohen, H. Dia-
mond, O. Jenkinson, J. C. Lagarias, D. Mauldin, and B. Vallee.
In a sense, it should go without saying that no book is written from
scratch. Everything has roots, and the content presented here is a distilla-
tion and compilation of the work of hundreds of researchers, over and above
the author's own contribution. Many of their names have been left out, but
only because citation chains must be pruned, or through an oversight.
It should also go without saying that authors do not work in a vacuum.
For creating and explaining I^TfrjX, (particularly as it applies to books,) my
thanks to the Knuths and to George Gratzer, respectively. For editorial
assitance and help with I M E X , my thanks to Mary Chapman and Robin
Campbell, respectively.
It should further go without saying that authors are far from disem-
bodied scholarly entities. The kilo-hours that are devoted to preparing a
manuscript are a gift from their families. As leaf litter forms the floor of a
forest, on occasion, yellow legal pad litter formed a floor of sorts across one
room and another. My thanks to Pam for the gifts of time to work, and
patience with the worker.
x Continued Fractions

My thanks finally to Lucille, who always held that scholars should write
books, but would have had to wait until her 114th birthday or so to see
the result. These things should go without saying, but they should not go

Preface v

1. Introduction 1
1.1 The Additive Subgroup of the Integers Generated by a and b 4
1.2 Continuants 6
1.3 The Continued Fraction Expansion of a Real Number . . . 7
1.4 Quadratic Irrationals 8
1.4.1 Pell's equation 10
1.4.2 Linear recurrence relations 11
1.5 The Tree of Continued Fraction Expansions 12
1.6 Diophantine Approximation 13
1.7 Other Known Continued Fraction Expansions 19
1.7.1 Notes 21

2. Generalizations of the gcd and the Euclidean Algorithm 23

2.1 Other gcd's 23
2.2 Continued Fraction Expansions for Complex Numbers . . . 26
2.2.1 Computing the gcd of a pair of algebraic integers . . 28
2.3 The Lattice Reduction Algorithm of Gauss 30

3. Continued Fractions with Small Partial Quotients 33

3.1 The Sequence ({na}) of Multiples of a Number 39
3.1.1 The sequence of increments of [naj 40
3.2 Discrepancy 45
3.3 The Sum of {na} from 1 to N 46

xii Continued Fractions

4. Ergodic Theory 49
4.1 Ergodic Maps 49
4.2 Terminology 50
4.3 Nair's Proof 52
4.4 Generalization to EM 53
4.5 A Natural Extension of the Dynamic System {EM,^,T) . . 58
4.5.1 Variants on the theme 61

5. Complex Continued Fractions 67

5.1 The Schmidt Regular Chains Algorithm 67
5.2 The Hurwitz Complex Continued Fraction 71
5.3 Notation 73
5.4 Growth of \qn\ and the Quality of the Hurwitz Approximations 75
5.5 Distribution of the Remainders 79
5.6 A Class of Algebraic Approximants with Atypical Hurwitz
Continued Fraction Expansions 82
5.7 The Gauss-Kuz'min Density for the Hurwitz Algorithm . . 86

6. Multidimensional Diophantine Approximation 99

6.1 The Hermite Approximations to a Real Number 107
6.2 The Lagarias Algorithm in Higher Dimensions Ill
6.3 Convexity of Expansion Domains in the Lagarias Algorithm 117

7. Powers of an Algebraic Integer 127

7.1 Introduction 127
7.2 Outline and Plan of Proof 130
7.3 Proof of the Existence of a Unit \i Q(a) oF Degree n . . . 132
7.4 The Sequence v[k] of Units with Comparable Conjugates . . 133
7.5 Good Units and Good Denominators 135
7.6 Ratios of Consecutive Good q 137
7.7 The Surfaces Associated With the Scaled Errors 138
7.8 The General Case of Algebraic Numbers in Q(a) 141

8. Marshall Hall's Theorem 145

8.1 The Binary Trees of EN 145
8.2 Sums of Bridges Covering [ajv,w/v] 150
8.3 The Lagrange and Markoff Spectra 153
Contents xiii

9. Functional-Analytic Techniques 155

9.1 Continued Fraction Cantor Sets 161
9.1.1 Hausdorff dimension of continued fraction Cantor sets 163
9.1.2 Minkowski dimension 166
9.2 Spaces and Operators 167
9.2.1 A simple linear space and the fruits of considering it 167
9.2.2 A Hilbert space of power series 168
9.3 Positive Operators 176
9.4 An Integral Representation of gu,a 177
9.5 A Hilbert Space Structure for G when s = cr is Real . . . . 181
9.6 The Uniform Spectral Gap 190
9.7 Log Convexity of AM 195
9.7.1 Applications of strict log convexity 202

10. The Generating Function Method 205

10.1 Entropy 206
10.2 Notation 207
10.3 A Sampling of Results 208

11. Conformal Iterated Function Systems 213

12. Convergence of Continued Fractions 217

12.1 Some General Results and Techniques 218
12.2 Special Analytic Continued Fractions 224

Bibliography 233

Index 241
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Chapter 1


The Euclidean algorithm is the epitome of elegance in computational math-

ematics: it is clean and simple, much faster than factoring the inputs one
by one and then casting out common factors, and requires little memory.
As mathematics it shines too: there are numerous fruitful generalizations,
it can be used to prove things outside its own orbit, and tools from the
wide reaches of mathematics are needed to ferret out its deeper aspects. It
even lends itself to striking graphics.
The algorithm goes back to antiquity and was known to Euclid. It
takes as input a pair of integers, not both zero, and returns their greatest
common divisor gcd[a,6]. Many books express algorithms in pseudocode.
Here we sometimes use Mathematica in place of pseudocode. This has the
advantage of being executable on a machine.

EuclideanAlgorithmGCD[p_Integer,q_Integer]:= Module[{a,b>,
While[a>0 ) {a,b}={Mod[b,a] ,a>] ;

This book is about that algorithm, and about the deep and intricate
theory that has grown up in association with it. For all its origin in antiquity
and its accessibility to schoolchildren, there is still an open research frontier.
For instance, it is not known whether, for every b > 2, there exists a < b so
that every approximation c/d to a/b with 0 < d < b satisfies \c/d - a/b[ >
1/(10GP), and it has only recently been established that the number of steps

2 Continued Fractions

needed to complete the algorithm, averaged over pairs (a, b) with a,b < x,
has asymptotically a Gaussian distribution.
The greatest common divisor of two integers, not both zero, has been
of interest to mathematicians for millennia. For a, b Z, not both zero,
gcd[a, b] is the largest integer d so that d | a and d | b. An equivalent
definition is that it is the least positive integer d in A(a, 6) := {ja + kb :
j , A; Z}, for if d | a and d | 6, then d \ ja + kb. In the other direction, if u
is the least positive element of A(a,6), then u divides all the rest because
otherwise, there would be an element v A(a,b) not divisible by u. But
then v mod u A(a, b) and 0 < v < u, a contradiction.
One can also speak of the gcd of a set of integers, and again, the two
definitions, as the greatest integer that divides them all, and as the least
positive element of the set of finite integer linear combinations of them, are
The gcd algorithm given above (in Mathematica code) discards poten-
tially valuable ancillary information. There are variants of the algorithm
which keep and return this information. Our first variant starts with a pair
(Po, Qo) '= (p, q) of positive integers, sorted so that p < q, and generates a
list of working pairs (pj,Qj) of non-negative integers. It halts when pn = 0.
The loop generates successive pairs using the rule

(Pn+i,qn+i) = (qn modpn,pn).

n+l := [qn/Pn\
(Pn+i,qn+i) := {qn - an+xpn,pn).

It also keeps a working matrix Mj defined by MQ = 1 1 and Mj+i =

Mj [ I. The algorithm terminates when pn = 0 and returns a list

V1 aj+iJ
with five integer entries: (d,u,v,p',q'), where d = gcd(p,q), (u,v) is a
pair of integers so that qu pv = (l)nd, 0 < u < q, 0 < v < p, and
p' = p/d, q' = q/d. Here, d = pn while Mn = I , ).
The reason the algorithm returns the gcd is that with each step, d | pj
and d | qj if and only if d \ qj kpj and d \ pj so that in particular d | p J + 1
and d \ qj+i if and only if d | pj and d\ qj. Thus,
gcd(pj+1,qj+1) = gcd^j,^).
Introduction 3

At the end, the working pair is (0, qn) = (0,cf) which clearly has greatest
common divisor d. The reason the algorithm is fast is that pj+iQj+i <
(l/2)pjQj. (The reader will see the proof as readily by thinking about it a
bit, as by reading about it.)
There are various modified versions of this algorithm which achieve
slightly improved efficiency, at the price of slightly greater complexity and
a certain loss of elegance. But inasmuch as the algorithm is a workhorse
of computational number theory, every bit of efficiency counts. Instead
of taking the remainder a mod b to be the non-negative integer a' = a
(mod b), one can take the integer, positive or negative, nearest zero and
in the required congruence class. This sometimes gets us two steps for the
price of one.
The centered algorithm, which is another way to present this same idea,
proceeds by replacing a working pair (u, v) of integers satisfying 0 < u < v
by the pair (\v nu\,u), where n = [v/u\ + 1/2, until u = 0. It is on
average faster than the classical algorithm by a factor of ]og(2)/log(^>),
where cj> = (1 + \/5)/2.
Division of one large integer by another, to obtain the quotient and
remainder, is the most time-consuming part of executing the classic Eu-
clidean algorithm on large integer input pairs. This can be circumvented
with the binary shift Euclidean algorithm.
Suppose we are representing our integers in binary notation, as strings
of 0's and l's. Extracting common factors of two is then trivial. The binary
shift Euclidean algorithm takes up where stripping out the 0's leaves off,
accepting inputs of the form (u, v) where u and v are odd positive integers
with 0 < u < v. The algorithm has a double loop structure. Let Val2(n)
denote the largest b so that 26 | n.
The algorithm takes as input a pair (UQ,VQ) of odd positive integers
with uo < vo- It terminates when un vn, returning un, and if desired,
performance statistics such as n. If un < vn, the outer loop passes the
current pair (un,vn) to an inner loop.
The inner loop generates a list wn<j beginning with u>i0 := vn which
proceeds while wnj > un by

= K j - Un)
= Val 2 (z)
= 2~b^x

and exits when wnj < un, returning (u n +i, vn+i) '= (wn,j,un) to the outer
4 Continued Fractions

Performance bounds are easy. Since each step of the inner loop reduces
the number of bits in w by at least one, the sum of the bit-string lengths of
the pair being processed decreases with each step, so that the total number
of subtractions effected by the inner loop is on the order of logvo or less.
Clearly there are no more exchanges than subtractions, so the total number
of steps is also O(logvo).
A more exact analysis has recently been made by Vallee [Va2], who
showed that the number of subtraction steps, averaged over all odd input
pairs (u, v) with v < x, is asymptotically A log x where A is a positive
constant related to a certain linear operator. She has a similar result about
the number of exchanges.
There are other variations on this theme. To determine whether or not
n is a quadratic residue mod p (Legendre symbol), one uses the Kronecker-
Jacobi symbol ( | ) . The Kronecker algorithm (see p 29 of [Co]) has at its
heart a cycle of steps of the form (a,b) > (6 mod a, a), but with additional
steps which remove powers of 2 from a and b between divisions, so that all
divisions involve a pair of odd numbers. Vallee discusses averages related
to this algorithm in [Va2].

1.1 The Additive Subgroup of the Integers Generated by a

and b

Another way to look at what is achieved by computing the gcd of two

integers is that the set of all integer linear combinations of a and b forms
an additive subgroup of the integers, this subgroup has a single generator,
and we find it by finding a series of pairs that generate the same subgroup,
culminating in the pair (0, d). At first sight, this amounts to nothing better
than throwing around big words, but there is an important fact implicit in
this perspective. Our output d belongs to the subgroup, so there must exist
integers x and y so that ax + by = d. The basic Euclidean algorithm, unlike
the matrix-based version, does not provide this ancillary information, but
it can be readily adapted to do so. The extended gcd algorithm takes input
(a, b) with 0 < a < b and returns d, x, and y.

Algorithm 1.1 Extended gcd algorithm. Inputs: Nonnegative integers

a and b. Outputs: Integers x and y, and a positive integer d, so that
d = gcd(a, b) and ax + by d, with \x\ < b/d, \y\ < a/d. (If a and b are
both zero, which they should not be, rather than crash the algorithm we
Introduction 5

specify that it return oo for d, and (0,0) for x and y.)

Input a, b. Set p' l,p 0,q' = 0, and q = 1. Set u = a, v = b, and
r = 0.
While u > 0, set c = |_U/UJ> (u> v) < (v cu, M), (p',p) < (p, cp + p'),
and (<?', q) < (<?, c<? -f q'). Increment: r < r + 1.
If r is even, return (q',p',v) as the values of (x,y,d). If r is odd,
return (</, p', v) as values of (x, y, d).
Variant: Keep track of p, q, and c. Set r = 1, p_i := l,po := 0, g_i := 0
and q0 := 1. Then while u > 0 set ar := |_U/UJ> P r ' arPr-i + Pr-2, a nd
gy := arqr-i + g r _ 2 - Return the lists ( a i , . . . a r ) , (pi .. .p r ), and (qi,.. .qr),
as well as the final value of v, which is the gcd of a and 6.
Remark 1.1 This algorithm carries over without significant modification
to the case of polynomials in one variable over afield. When working over,
for instance, the field Q, there is a practical difficulty in that the coefficients
can become so unwieldy as to obviate the formal speed and simplicity of the
algorithm. In a finite field, where exact arithmetic is realizable in practice
as well as in principle, the algorithm is generally simpler than with integers,
mainly because all polynomials of the same degree are of the same size, in
the sense that the number of congruence classes modulo such polynomials
depends only on the degree and on the underlying field, see [FriHe].

The list (pj,qj) of intermediate values of p and q, and the list (<2j) of
values of c, give valuable information. Suppose 0 < a < b. The fractions
Pj/qj, 1 < j ' < r are especially good approximations p/q of a/b with q <b.
The final pr/qr is the reduced value of a/b. The value of r is the number
of steps needed to execute the algorithm. The identity pr-\qr prqr-\ =
(l)r, together with pr = a/gcd[a, 6] and qr bj gcd[a, 6], give x and y so
that ax + by = d = gcd[a, b].
An important special case is d = 1. Two randomly chosen positive
integers will, more likely than not, be relatively prime. This goes back to
Euler, who calculated the fraction of such pairs to be FT p r i m e ( l p~2) =
6/TT2. NOW there is scant point in computing the gcd of numbers a and b
if they are known to be relatively prime. But when we get x and y, we
will have found a - 1 mod b (that is x), and vice-versa. This algorithm thus
lies at the heart of computational number theory, for it allows us to find
multiplicative inverses in finite fields of prime order. (For finite fields of
order q = p", finding the multiplicative inverse of an element amounts to
solving a system of n linear equations in n variables, in the ground field
Z/pZ. Straight Gaussian reduction suffices.)
6 Continued Fractions

1.2 Continuants

The denominator qr of the finite continued fraction

[u] = [ u i , . . . ur] = [0; u i , . . . , ur] =

1*1 +
u2 +
' + l / t
is a function of the integer list u = (1*1,1*2, -ur). We call this number
the continuant of u and write |(i*i,i*2, -ur)\ or, if there is no risk of
confusion, simply |u|. The continuants satisfy a number of useful identities.
By convention, the continuant of the empty list is 1. For u G Z + , we write
u~ for (1*1,1*2, , u r - i ) a n d u_ for (112,.. .,ur). We write {u} for the
continued fraction [ur,..., u\]. (When dealing with a single real number x,
we use {x} as usual to denote the fractional part of x.) For the empty list
z = (), we declare |z| = 1, [z] = {z} = 0.

P r o p o s i t i o n 1.1 Suppose u = (1*1,1*2, ,ur) and v = (vi,...,vs)

are lists of positive integers. Let uv denote the concatenation
(MI , v\,..., vs) of u and v. The

i 1 0 0.
- 1 1x2 1 0.
0 -1 u3 1.
ii) u = = qr

0 0 1 ur
(ii) |uv| = |u||v| + | u - | | v _ | = |u||v|(l + {u}[v]),
(iii)pr = |u_| = [u]|u|,
(iv) qr^x = | u _ | = {u}|u|,
(v) \ui,u2,...ur\ = |ur,ur_i,...ui|.

The proof is by induction. The identity qj+i = Uj+\qj + q^-\ determines

the successive denominators, together with qo := 1 and g_i : 0. Clearly,
the determinant obeys this same recursion, and agrees with qr for r = 1 and
r = 2. Item (ii) is an immediate consequence of (i) and basic properties of
determinants. Item (iii) is a consequence of the construction of pr, which
is governed by the same recursion as for qr but beginning with 1*2- Items
(iv)and (v) are an immediate consequence of (i).
Introduction 7

1.3 The Continued Fraction Expansion of a Real Number

The gcd algorithm is closely related to the continued fraction expansion

of a real number. Given a rational number a = a/b with 0 < a < b, if
ci,C2,... ,cr are the partial quotients in the continued fraction expansion
of a/b, then a/b = [(ci,c 2 ,... ,c r )] = l/(cx -f l/(c 2 + l / ( c 3 + (- l/c r ))) is
exactly pr/o.r = a/b. Truncating the expansion at some earlier value r' < r
gives Pr'/lr', a rational approximation of a/b by a simpler rational number.
For general real numbers a, a relentlessly constructivist approach would
be to insist that since we know real numbers by their rational approx-
imations, we should ask for the continued fraction expansion of a ra-
tional interval, and then take limits. This is actually not such a bad
idea, for it forces us to consider something we should eventually have
to think through in any case: what is the quality of the approximations
pr/qr = l/(ci + l/(c 2 + ...l/cr)) as we go along? But this author is
not a relentless constructivist. Here is the conventional continued fraction
expansion algorithm for a real number:

Algorithm 1.2 (Continued fraction expansion of a real number a.) In-

put a, and a limit R to your patience. Set p_i = 1, po = [a\, q-\ = 0, and
qo = 1. Set ao = [a\, and set CCQ = a ao so that 0 < ao < 1. Set r = 0.
While ar > 0 and r < R, set f3 = l/ar, ar+i |_/3J, and ar+\ = (3 ar+\.
Set pr+i '= ar+ipr + P r - i and qr+i = ar+iqr + qr-i- Increment r. Return
the lists (a0,a1,a2,-..aR), (po,Pi,p2, -PR), and (qo,qi,q2, QR).

Remark 1.2 The list (ao, a\, a2, gives the continued fraction expan-
sion of a to depth r: a = ao + l/(a\ + l/(a2 + 1/(03 + 1/(^4 + . - ))))
The integers pr and qr are the numerators and denominators respectively
of the rational numbers ao + l / ( a i + l/(2 + l / ( a 3 + + l / a r ) ) ) - Both
this algorithm, and most of the associated results below, carry over without
significant modification to the case of power series with coefficients over
Q or over a finite field, on taking the stance that higher powers of z are

Theorem 1.1 The integers ar, pr, and qr for the continued fraction ex-
pansion of a rational number a = a/b are the same as the corresponding
numbers generated by the gcd algorithm given input (a, b). For both rational
Continued Fractions

and irrational a, and for all relevant r,

(0 P2r/
(i) P2r/q2r < a < P2r+l/q2r+l,
pr + Ot-rVr-X
(ii) a =
qr + a r Q r _i
(Hi) ar = [ar+i,ar+2,...],

{lV) < ar+1g2'

(2 + ar+l)q?<la-Pr
(v) 0 < ar < 1.

The proofs are straightforward induction. The estimate for \a p/q\ can
be given a sharper constant. Hurwitz [Scl] proved in 1891 that for every
irrational number a there are infinitely many distinct rationals p/q with
I" ~ P/q\ < l/CV^g 2 ). The constant \/5 is best possible; any real number
with arbitrarily long strings of consecutive ar = 1 in its continued fraction
expansion provides a counterexample to the form the result would take with
a smaller constant in place of l/\/E.

1.4 Quadratic Irrationals

There is a nice analogy: Terminating binary decimal expansions<-> dyadic

rationals, periodic binary expansions*-* rational numbers: terminating con-
tinued fraction expansion <-> rational number, periodic continued fraction
expansion <-> quadratic irrational.

Theorem 1.2 Given an eventually periodic (infinite) continued fraction

uQ + [uv] = w0 + [ u v v . . . ] = [u0;ui,u2,.. .ua,vi,. ..vt,vi,...vt,...}

the corresponding real number a = a(u, v) is a quadratic irrational a =

a + b\fd where a and b are rational and d is square-free, and conversely.

Proof. Let a = uo + [uv]. Since every rational number has a terminating

continued fraction expansion, a is irrational. Now a = UQ + [u + (3] where
P = [v + 0\. From theorem 1.1,

P= (pt+0Pt-i)/(qt+Pqt-i)

so that

qt-1P2 + (qt-pt-l)P-pt = 0.
Introduction 9

Thus f3 is a quadratic irrational and hence a is as well. In the other di-

rection, suppose a is a quadratic irrational, with a = 9 + <f)y/w, 9 and <fr
rational and w a non-square positive integer, and 0 < a < 1. We leave as
an exercise for the reader, to put a first in the form (s y/t)/r with integer
s, t and r ^ 0, and then in the form a = (a Vd)/b with integers a, 6 and
d, d > 0, b > 0, and 6 | (rf a 2 ).
Consider first the case in which x = (y/d+a)/b with 6 > 0, b | (a 2 d),
d> a? and 0 < a; < 1. A single step

x -> {l/rr} = 1/x - |_l/ij = l/x-k

takes a; to x' = (Vd + (-a - kb')/b' where b' = (d - a?)/b > 0. Let
a' = -a- kb'. Then 0 < x' < 1 so
-v/d + a ' X ) , a'>-Vd.

On the other hand, a < \fd so a fc6'< yfd so |o'| < \fd, and trivially
6' | (da'2). Thus all subsequent iterates of x > {1/a;} will again be of this
form. Since there are only finitely many pairs (a, >) of integers with a2 < d
and 6 | (d a 2 ), some value of a: = (\/d a)/b must eventually repeat, and
thereafter, the continued fraction expansion of x will be periodic.
This proof has the advantage that it gives an upper bound to the length
of the period, and to the size of the integers aj := [ l / ^ j j t n a t occur in the
periodic part of the expansion, in terms of d alone.
Next, consider the case (x = a vd)/b, with a2 > d but as before with
0 < x < 1, b > 0, and b | (a2-d). This time, b' = (a2-d)/b and a' = a-kb'
where k \l/x\, so that x' (a' \fd)/b'. Since a' < a, there can be
but finitely many consecutive steps x > {1/a;} of this type, and after that,
we are in the first case, in which the number of steps needed to finish is
bounded by 0(d) [this could be sharpened but we have other fish to fry].
Therefore, the expansion must go into a loop.

Proposition 1.2 The purely periodic expansions are those in which the
loop begins immediately. That is, if XQ is the quadratic irrational to be
expanded, and Xj+i := {l/xj},aj+x := [l/xj\, then aj+p = aj and Xj+p =
Xj for all j > 0. The expansion of x is purely periodic if and only if the
algebraic conjugate x ~ (a :p \fd)/b of x = (a \fd)]b with 0 < x < 1
satisfies x < 1.

Proof. If x satisfies the conditions, then Xj+i = 1/XJ aj+\ so that

Xj+i = l/x~] aj+i. Inductively, then, Xj satisfies the same conditions.
Now because XQ is a quadratic irrational, the sequence (XJ) is at any rate
10 Continued Fractions

eventually periodic. But if Xj = Xj+p for some p, then x~] = Xj+p. But
x~j < 1 and x~] = 1/XJ-I a,j and likewise Xj+p = I/XJ+P-I a^+p. On
the other hand, since xJZ\ < 1, 1 < 1/XJ-I < 0 so that a,j [_afjj and
a.j+p = [Xj+p. Thus a,j = (ij+p and so x~JZ\ = Xj-i+p so Xj-\ = Xj-\+p.
From this it follows that Xj+p = Xj for all j > 0 as claimed.
In the other direction, if x has a purely periodic expansion, then x =
[ai, ei2,... a r _ i , ar + x] for some r > 1 and some list of r positive integers.
Thus x = (pr + xpr-x)/{qr + xqr-x). Consequently,

(Pr-l ~ qr) A/ 9r - 1qrpr-l + Mr-lPr + Pr-1

X =: _____
and since 1qTpT^\ + ^qr-\pr = 2qrpr-\ + 4(l) r _ 1 ,

^_ (pr_1-qr) V(gr+pr_1)2+4(-lpI
2g r _i

The + in gives x, which we already know to lie between 0 and 1, while

the in gives the conjugate. But with this minus sign, for r > 2 at
any rate, (pr-i + 9r) 2 4 > (pr-i + qr l ) 2 and so the conjugate satisfies
x < (qr l)/<?r-i < 1 as required. If the base period of the continued
fraction is one, one nevertheless has x [ai,ai + x] so the argument still

1.4.1 Pell's equation

We can use this to solve Pell's equation, X2DY2 = 1. This is linked to the
continued fraction expansion of y/D. The numerators and denominators
pn and qn in the continued fraction convergents pn/qn to y/T) serve as
reasonable candidates for integers x and y, and it turns out that one need
only extract this expansion to the depth of a full-period.
The continued fraction expansion of n + \/D, where n \_\H5\, is purely
periodic. That is,

n+VD = 2 n + l / ( a 1 + l / ( a 2 + - + l/(a P + l / ( 2 n + l / ( a 1 + l / ( a 2 + ...))))))

so that if := n + xlD and (xr/yr) is the rth convergent to \TD n then

Vr + yr-i
Introduction 11

Prom this it follows that

VD - (n + xr/yr) = (VD - n) - xr/yr = -i i

42/r + J/r-1

l(, r + n ^ - ^ | < ^ + n ^ + ^-<2,

(n + VD)yr
this last because xr < yr. Thus taking X := xr + nyr and Y = yr gives the
fundamental solution to X2 Dy2 = 1 .
For instance, to solve x 2 76?/2 = 1 in integers, one calculates the
continued fraction expansion of \/76- In these calculations there is no need
of decimal approximations, and we can proceed with exact calculations.

76 = 8 + (\/76 - 8) = 8 + 1/((V76 + 8)/12)

Continuing in this vein, we obtain a series of identities of the form A/76 =

a0 + l / ( a i + l / ( a 2 + + l/(\/76 + ur)/vr)...) where qr | (76 - u2),
vr > 0, 0 < ur < \/76, and where p2 76q2 = (l)rvr. The continued
fraction expansion is periodic, (and would be purely periodic if we started
with 8 + \/76), and one eventually reaches ur = |_T/76J, vr = 1 which gives
the fundamental unit. As it happens, the continued fraction expansion is
that \/76 = 8 + [1,2,1,1,5,4,5,1,1,2,1,16,...]. The sequence is purely
periodic, and the numerator and denominator 57799 and 6630 respectively
of [1, 2,1,1, 5,4,5,1,1, 2,1] give the fundamental units 57799 6630 V76-
What we have done here is not the last word in computing solutions to
the Pell equation, though. For large D, the approach taken here requires
too many steps. There are better ways. For further information, see [Vardi].

1.4.2 Linear recurrence relations

The continued fraction algorithm uses the recurrence relations pn =
GnPn-i +Pn-2, Qn = 0-nQn-i + Qn-2 to generate the numerator and denom-
inator sequences (pn) and (qn) for the convergents to a real number a. In
the special case that the sequence (an) of partial quotients for a is constant,
this provides, forthwith, a second order linear recurrence with constant co-
efficients for the corresponding (pn) and (qn). If the (an) vary, then there
is no such second order linear recurrence. But this does not foreclose the
12 Continued Fractions

possibility of a higher order linear recurrence with constant coefficients gov-

erning (pn) and (g). A recent result of Lenstra and Shallit [LeSh] provides
a nice counterpart to our other characterization of quadratic irrationals,
as numbers with an ultimately periodic continued fraction expansion. A
linear recurrence with constant complex coefficients, for a sequence (zn), is
a recurrence of the form zn = Y2k=i ^kZn-k, with fixed complex numbers
Afc, 1 < k < N, that holds for n> N.

Theorem 1.3 Let a be an irrational number, with continued fraction

expansion a = [ao;a,a2> ] Let (pn) and (qn) be the numerator and de-
nominator sequences of the convergents to a. If either (pn) or (qn) satisfy
a linear recurrence with constant complex coefficients, then a is a quadratic
irrational, and conversely, if a is a quadratic irrational, then both (pn) and
(qn) satisfy a linear recurrence with constant complex coefficients.

It may come as a bit of a surprise that this was not known since
classical times, but the only known proof requires a difficult result of
van der Poorten, known as the Hadamard Quotient Theorem. [vdP2;

1.5 The Tree of Continued Fraction Expansions

The continued fraction expansion of a real number is a path along a tree.

At each step, the tree branches countably many ways, with one branch
for each positive integer. The vertices of this rooted tree are the finite
lists of positive integers [ai, 0 2 , . . . a r ], of whatever length, and the edges
go from each vertex (list) to each list got by appending a single positive
integer to the original list. The root of this tree is the empty list. The set
I* I(ai,a2, of all real numbers a,0 < a < 1 such that the continued
fraction expansion begins with the list a = (ai, 0 2 , . . . a r ) is an interval with
endpoints pr/qr = [a] and (pr + pr-i)/(qr + qr-i)) = [a, 1], closed at the
former end and open at the latter. If r is odd, the open end of the interval
is its lower end and J a has the form (x, y], while if r is even, the interval 7 a
has the form [x, y). The length of J a is l/(qr(qr + qr-i) = l / | a | 2 ( l + {a})-
Every interval (p/q,p'/q') of length l/qq' occurs as the interior of 7 a for
a unique list a of positive integers; [0,1) is the interval corresponding to
the empty list.
The union of all the intervals corresponding to lists of length r is the
whole interval [0,1), and for any r and any list a = (0,1,0,2, . .ar), the
Introduction 13

set of extensions of this list to arbitrary fixed depth generate a partition

of the interval J a . If a is rational, the number a will appear as pr/qr for
some r; as we have already observed, in this case generating the continued
fraction expansion of a, and finding the gcd of the pair of integers whose
ratio is a together with the auxiliary information, are essentially identical
computations. The expansion terminates when this fraction is reached,
which will also be when ar = 0.
For irrational a, the expansion is infinite, and there is then a one-to-
one correspondence between paths to infinity in the tree (that is, infinite
sequences of positive integers), and irrational numbers.

1.6 Diophantine Approximation

Diophantine approximation takes for its subject the approximation of real

numbers or vectors by rational numbers or vectors. The particular case of
real numbers (dimension 1) is particularly well understood because of its
connection to continued fractions.
Given an irrational number a, and given a positive integer Q, the list

(XI,X2,...XQ) := (a mod 1,2a modl,...Qo! modi)

has an element nearest zero mod 1. (That is, the distance ||ra|| from the
fractional part of one of these numbers ra mod 1, to 0 or 1 whichever is
closer, is minimal among the numbers in the list.) Consider the sequence
of successive minima of \\ra\\. This sequence, it turns out, is just another
facet of the continued fraction expansion of a. [L]. The discrepancy of the
list (na mod 1, 1 < n < N) is also essentially governed by the continued
fraction expansion of a. Discrepancy is a measure of how unevenly the list
is distributed in the unit interval, but we defer further discussion until the
necessary background is in place.

Proposition 1.3 For all positive integers Q, there exists integer q, 1 <
q<Q so that \\qa\\ < 1/Q.

Proof. The sequence qa, 0 < q < Q has Q + l elements. Some two entries,
say q\a and q^a, must fall within the same interval [k/Q, (k + 1)/Q) mod
1, and these two will differ by strictly less than 1/Q. Take q = \q\ q^l-

Remark 1.3 If a = a/b is rational, and if Q > b, the result reduces to

the trivial observation that \\b(a/b)\\ = 0.
14 Continued Fractions

From theorem l.l(iv), it follows that the continued fraction convergents

pr/qr furnish approximations to a that satisfy ||gr<*|| < 1/<3VJ and that
the ratio by which qr undercuts this bound, is effectively given by a r +i-
It can happen that fractions of the form (apr + pr-\)/(aqr + qr-i), with
1 < a < ar+i, also slip under the wire. That is, in certain cases, there do
exist positive integers a and r, with 1 < a < ar+i so that \\(aqr + qr-i)\\ <
l/(aqr + qr-i)- In any event, for these a, as a consequence of our upcoming
Theorem 1.4,

||g r + ia|| < ||(ag r + g r _ 1 )a|| < ||gr-ia||.

Furthermore, we have at least this result to the effect that good approx-
imations come only from convergents:
Proposition 1.4 Let a (0,1/2) be a real number, and p and q be
positive integers. Let (0/l,Pi/qi,P2/q2, ) be the convergents of a. If
q > qi and \a p/q\ < l/(2q2), thenp/q is a continued-fraction convergent
of a.
Proof. Assume p/q is not a convergent, yet \a p/q\ < l/(2q2). Choose
j > 2 such that q^-y < q < qj. Since q > qi, we can do this. Consider
the open interval A with endpoints pj-i/qj-i and pj_2/qj-2- We must
have p/q A, because otherwise either \p/q a\ > |pj_i/<?.,_i p/q\ or
\p/q a\ > \p/q pj~2/qj-2\, and in either case, the latter difference is at
least 1/qqj-i and thus more than l/2q2.
Thus, (p, q) can be written as

(p, q) = c(pj_i, qj-x) + d(pj-2,qj-2)

with integers c, d > 0. Now there is a positive integer n such that

(Pj,qj) = n(pj - 1, qj-!) + (pj-2,qj-2),

and 0 6 (0,1) such that

_ (n + 6)pj-i +Pj-2
(n + 6)qj-i + qj-2 '
Since q < qj, c < n so n > 2. Now
(n + 9)pj-i +Pj-2 cpj-i + dpj-2 _ (n + 9)d - c
(n + 6)qj-i + qj^ cqj-i + qj-2 q{{n + 0)qj-i + qj-2)'
This exceeds l/2q2 because on expanding and clearing fractions, the claim
amounts to 2{cqj-\ + dqj-2){(n + 8)d c) > (n + 6)qj-\ + qj-2- The worst
Introduction 15

case is d 1, but even then, the coefficients for both qj-\ and qj-i are
greater on the left hand side than on the right, in view o f l < c < n 1
and 0 < 6 < 1.

Now let pj := q^a pj, with p-\ := 1 and po := a, be the signed

distance from q^a to the nearest integer. Note that the distances to the
nearest integer, though not the sign, are identical for a and 1 - a.

T h e o r e m 1.4 For 0 < a < 1/2 and j > 1,

(i) \\qja\\ = ( - l ) V i ,
(ii) Ifl<q<qj then \\qa\\ > \pj\,
(Hi) pj = cijPj-i + pj-2,
(iv) pj = ,
Qj + otjqj-i

(v) ^77 TT < \Pi\ <

(vi) aj = L|Pi-i/pj- 2 |J,
(vii) For 1 < k < aj, \kpj-i + Pj-2\ > \pj-i\-

Note: Taken together, (i) and (ii) say that the nearest approaches to 0
mod 1 in the sequence (qa) are alternately from the right and the left, and
that the sequence of integers qj at which successive minima of the unsigned
distance occur, is the same sequence as that generated by the continued
fraction algorithm.

Proof. We begin with (iii). The recurrence follows from the fact that
(j)j)) and (qj) obey that recurrence, and pj is a linear combination of these.
Now (vi) follows from (iii), and (vii) from (vi).
For (ii), we have a calculation beginning with

a = Pj+ajPj-i
qj + Ujqj^x '

Thus (qj + a>jqj-i)a = (pj + ajPj_i), so (qja - pj) = -aj(qj-Xa - pj-i)

as required.
Part (iv) holds by induction. For j = 1, qi = a\, qo = 1, p\ = a\a 1,
and a\ = 1/a a\ so that

(-l)ai (-l)(l/a-ai)
qi+ceiqo ai + (a/a - a0) = a\a 1
16 Continued Fractions

as required. Now suppose the inductive hypothesis holds for j 1. Then

3 ^.!
Pj = -otjPj-i
5j_i + a j _ i 9 j _ 2

and we must show that this is equal to (l)J'aJ-/(gJ- + a_?-qij_i). Equivalently,

we need to show that aj = (qj-i + aj-iqj-2)/(lj + aj<lj-i)- But

Qj + ajqj-i = (flj9j-i + qj-2) + oijqj-i =

/ , 1j-i + ^j-ilj-2

as needed.
The inequalities, parts (i) and (v) here, are as usual the more difficult
parts. An heuristic argument for (i) both lends plausibility to the con-
clusion, and motivates the proof. The plausibility argument begins with
the observation that since [|gf^ct|[ is small, nq^a. mod 1 = npj for n small.
Thus, the sequence (nq^a mod 1) marches across the unit interval in steps
of directed magnitude pj, heading for the opposite end. That value of n
so that pj-i mod 1 lies between npj and (n + l)pj provides the first n
so that \\(nqj + qj-\)a\\ \\npj +/9j_i|| < \pj\. A little calculation shows
that n = Oj+i = Ll/ a jJ But while it is clear that this affords one way to
find values of q for which |<7Q:|| < \pj\, we have as yet no guarantee that no
smaller choice of q works.
Suppose, then, for purposes of deriving a contradiction, that such a q
exists. Let q' be the least integer between qj and qj+\ so that \\q'a\\ < \pj\.
Let p' be the integer nearest q'a. If q'a p' and qj<y pj have the same
sign, then \(qj q')a (pj p')\ < \pj\, a contradiction. If, on the other
hand, q'a p' and qjQ. pj have opposite signs, then qj-ia Pj-\ and
q'a p' have the same sign, with \q'a p'\ < \qj-ia Pj-i\- Thus (q',p')
lies in the positive cone of the vectors (qj-i,pj-\) and ( l , a ) and so it is a
positive integer combination of (qj-i,pj^\) and (qj,Pj). But for n < aj+i,
||(nq , j+g , j_i)a|| > \pj\ which eliminates the most promising candidate linear
combinations. What of the less promising ones?
If 1 < n < cbj+i and m > 1, then

(nqj+mqj-i^pj+mpj-i) = {nqj^^+pj-.i) + (m-l)(qj-i,pj-1).

Since both vectors lie on the same side of the ray t(l,a),t > 0, the vertical
distance from n(gj,pj)+m(qj_i,pj_i) to the ray t(l, a) is \\(nqj+mqj-i)a\\,
and it is greater than the vertical height of the parallelogram with vertices
Introduction 17

Q,{<lj,Pj),(<lj-i,Pj-i) and (qj,Pj) + {qj-i,pj-i) which is l / ^ - i > \pj-i\.

T h u s , ||(nQj + g j _ ! ) a | | > 11^^_ice11 = | p j _ i | , a contradiction. This proves
(i). Finally for the inequality (v), we first note t h a t

1j + aj Qj -1 Qj /ocj+qj-i

Now a,j+i < l/(Xj so

a a
j+iQj+Qj-i j+iQj

In the other direction, we need qj/aj + qj-\ < 3aj+iqj. B u t q^\ < qj, so
qj/ctj + Qj_i < (1 + l/aj)qj. T h u s it will suffice t h a t 1/aij < 2CLJ+\. B u t
1/2 < ajdj+i because 1/2 < atj(l/ctj {l/o,-}) where {u} (in this context)
denotes the fractional p a r t of u. O

There is a remarkable recent elementary result due to F.E. Su[Su] con-

cerning the distribution of {na : 1 < n < q^) mod 1, where (pk/qk) are the
successive convergents to an irrational a. T h e result is simplest in t h e case
where the fractional p a r t of a is less t h a n 1/2, so we make t h a t assumption.
As we have seen in Theorem 1.4, the successive minima of \\qa\\, q>l
occur at q = qj,j > 0 and are given by \\qja\\ = \pj\. Su's result begins
with the notion of dividing the open unit interval (0,1) into countably many
half-open intervals, or bins Bj, j > 0, with Bj : = [\pj\, \pj-i\). Next, Su
asks: how do the numbers qa mod 1 distribute themselves into these bins
for 1 < q < qj? Following his notation, we let Na(m,n) denote t h e number
of q with 1 < q < m so t h a t qa mod 1 e Ba{ri).
Consider the illustrative example a = A/2. All partial quotients aj are 2.
By convention, q_i = 0 and qo = 1. T h e next few qj are 2, 5,12,29 and 70,
while the first few pj are a conventional po = 1 followed by pi = A/2 1,
p2 = 2A/2 3, p3 = 5A/2 - 7 and p4 = 12A/2 - 17, so t h a t the bins are

. . . (17 - 1 2 \ / 2 , 5 V 2 - 7], (5V2 - 7,3 - 2V2], (3 - 2V2, V2 - 1], (V2 - 1,1]

T h e numbers ky/2 mod 1,1 < k < 12 fall into bins 0 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 2 , 0 , 2 , 1 , 1 , 2 , 0 ,

and 3 respectively. One number fell into bin 3, three into bin 2, five into bin
1, and three into bin 0. T h u s for q = 12 q% the answer to Su's question
can be given as a list

18 Continued Fractions

We form a similar list for each qj and arrive at a table of which the preceding
calculation forms the basis for the entries in the fourth row.
000000 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
000000 0 0 0 0 1 1 2
000000 0 0 0 1 3 1 5
000000 0 0 1 3 5 3 12
000000 0 1 3 5 15 5 29
000000 1 3 5 15 33 13 70
0 0 0 0 0 1 3 5 15 33 83 29 169
0 0 0 0 1 3 5 15 33 83 197 71 408
0 0 0 1 3 5 15 33 83 197 479 169 985
Inspection reveals an apparent recurrence relation and Su proves it. The
details of the result are these: Put a conventional row for q_\ on top, with a
single nonzero entry: iV a (g_i,0) : 1. Observe that Na(qo,0) - 1 while
Na(qj,k) = 0 if k > j and Na(qj,j) = 1 for j > 1. The recurrence relation
applies to the non-trivial entries in the table. Column zero (the rightmost
column as we have displayed it) lists the number of q < qj for which ||ga||
falls in bin 0, the interval [a, 1). It is governed by the recurrence

Na(qj+1,0) = aj+1(Na(qj,0) + ((-1) + ( - 1 ) ^ / 2 ) + #(<&_!, 0)

while for k > 1, the recurrence relation is

Na(qj+1,k) = aj+1(Na(qj,k) + (-iy-k) + Na(qj-i,k).

Although this result is of interest in its own right, Su had an application in
mind. A random walk on the circle starts somewhere and moves clockwise
or counterclockwise, each with probability 1/2, by an angle lixa. If a is
rational, the walk is a discrete walk and the distribution of frequencies
with which the walk is in any one state converges to I/AT where N is the
denominator of a. But if a is irrational, the walk has a dense orbit with
probability one, and the appropriate measure of the extent to which the
distribution after r moves differs from uniform, is the discrepancy of the
sequence. (See section 3.3) If a is badly approximable, and in particular
if it is a quadratic irrational, then the discrepancy of the distribution is
comparable to best possible. This result has been generalized to the case of
a random walk in which the step size is chosen at random from a list of n
possible steps; here one does best to take the list to be a badly approximable
vector [HenSu]. These are discussed in Chapter 6.
Introduction 19

1.7 Other Known Continued Fraction Expansions

Let 4> be the golden mean constant (1 + y/E)/2. Then


a : = ^ 2 - L " / ^ = [0;2 0 ,2 1 ,2 1 ,2 2 ,2 3 ,2 5 ,2 8 ,2 1 3 ...]


where the exponents are the Fibonacci numbers. This result, and a gener-
alization, goes back to B6hmer[B]. There is a nice proof of the more general
result in [AB]. One key tool is an old observation of H. J. S. Smith, Note on
continued fractions, Messenger Math. 6 (1876), 1-14. We quote this result
from [AB]:
Let a be an irrational number with 0 < a < 1. Let a = [0, a\, 0 2 , . . . ]
and p-n/q-n [0,a\,a2,.. -an], n > 0, where pn, qn are relatively prime
non-negative integers. (As usual, we put p_i = 0,p0 = l,q-i = l,qo = 0,
so that pn = anpn-i + pn-2, <? = a-nQn-i + 1n-i for all n > 1.) For
n > 1, define fa(n) = [(n + l)aj [na\, and consider the infinite binary
sequence fa(n)n>i, which is sometimes called the characteristic sequence
of a. Define binary words Xn, n > 0, by XQ = 0, X\ = 0 a i _ 1 l , Xn =
X^_xXn-i for n > 2, where Xa denotes the word X repeated a times, and
X\ 1 if ai = 1. Then for each n > 1, Xn is a prefix of fa. That is,
Xn = / a ( l ) / a ( 2 ) fa(s) where s is the length of Xn.

R e m a r k 1.4 The proof of this last statement is a matter of attention to

detail once the key is at hand: the progression of (na) mod 1 brings one
back to near zero for each q^, so that the further progress of the sequence
will duplicate its initial segment, until such time as the difference between
qk<y mod 1, and exactly zero, becomes large enough to affect the result.

There is another more recently discovered class of particular numbers

denned in some other way than by their continued fraction expansion, for
which the continued fraction is known. The best known instance is

/ 3 : = ^ 2 - 2 " = [0;l,4,2,4,4,6,4,2,4,6,2,4,6,4,4,2,...]
Tl = 0

due originally to M. Kmosek [Km] and independently by J. Shallit [Shi].

The most recent work along these lines of which the author is aware is H.
Cohn's paper [Ch]. Some of the key ideas can be stated briefly. First, one
20 Continued Fractions

may study the more general situation



where f (x) denotes the n-fold iteration of / on x, and / is a polynomial
function which takes integer values at integers. Secondly, there is a folding
lemma at the heart of these expansions.
Folding Lemma: If pn/qn = [ao,w], v= (wn, iy_i, u>i), and
0 < x < 1 then
Pn (-1)" , . -,
+ 5 - = [ao,w,x, v\.

This lemma is also used in an analysis of the intriguing number, call it the
van der Poorten-Shallit constant,

] T 2 " F " = [1,10,6,1,6, 2,14,4,124,2,1,2, 2039,1,9,1,1,1,262111,...].


It is unusual to find numbers outside the familiar classes of rational and

quadratic irrational, defined other than by their continued fraction expan-
sions, for which that continued fraction expansion is atypical of randomly
chosen real numbers. This one results from taking the special case X = 2 in
a formal identity for the continued fraction expansion of the Laurent series
J2X~Fj [vdPS].
One application of this to matters outside the immediate topic of con-
tinued fractions is a proof that every prime p of the form p = 4n + 1 is the
sum of two squares. See [CELV] for a very simple and clear proof. The
basic idea is that corresponding to every integer 2 < b < p/2 there is a list
(ai, <22,... ar) so that [ai, a^,.] = b/p. Since there are In 1 such lists,
(one for each value of b) and since 2n 1 is odd, if we pair each off with
its reversal (ar, a r _ i , . . . ai) there must be one case of a list paired with it-
self. That list will be palindromic, reading the same forward and backward,
and with a little more work, one sees that it must have r = 2s even. Thus,
p = |a 1 ,a 2 ) - . a s , a s , a s _ i , . . . ai| andp = \ai,a,2,... as\2 + \aua2, . . a s _ i | 2 .
While this proof does not give any efficient way to find the two squares,
another continued-fraction idea does. Half the residues mod p are quadratic
nonresidues. Take a random 1 < b < p and check whether it is a quadratic
nonresidue by checking whether & ( P - 1 ) / 2 = - 1 mod p. Half the time, this
will be the case, so with reasonable luck, such a b can be found quickly.
Introduction 21

Retrieve n = M? - 1 )/ 4 mod p, and observe that n2 = 1 mod p. The lat-

tice generated by (n, 1) and (p, 0) is a set of integer pairs (u, v) such that
u2 + v2 = 0 mod p. It has determinant p, so the shortest nonzero vector
in the lattice lies within the square y/p < x < y/p, y/p < y < y/p- The
Gauss lattice reduction algorithm is an efficient method for finding this
shortest vector, and the resulting (u, v) will satisfy u2 + v2 = p.

1.7.1 Notes
Edward R. Burger [Bg] shows that there are real numbers for which all
the denominators of convergents are squares, cubes, or values of other
such polynomials, or even prime. Unsolved is whether these things can
be achieved using real numbers for which the continued fraction expansion
has bounded partial quotients.
Glyn Harman and Kam C. Wong [HW]show that almost all real a have
infinitely many even numbered convergents with even numerator, and they
give a natural generalization.
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Chapter 2

Generalizations of the gcd and the

Euclidean Algorithm

2.1 O t h e r gcd's

There are several mathematical settings in which it can make sense to speak
of greatest common divisors, and of algorithms for determining them. In-
deed, the term "Euclidean domain" is defined precisely so that the Eu-
clidean algorithm will work in any such setting.
A Euclidean domain is a ring R with identity, and equipped with a
function A from -R\{0} to N so that if a, b G R with 6 ^ 0 then there exist
q,r R so that a qb + r, and either r = 0 or A(r) < A(6). Given any
Euclidean domain, the gcd algorithm of Chapter 1 can be used (almost)
verbatim. Suppose, then, that we have a Euclidean domain, and we have
an algorithm 'r' that takes as inputs a pair (a, b) and returns the r such
that A(r) < X(b). Then our new version of the Euclidean algorithm is given
below. It returns an element a of R which in a sense is the greatest common
divisor of the inputs u and v. That is, a | u, a | v, and if d \ u and d \ v,
then d | a and X(d) < X(a).

EuclideanAlgorithmGCD[u_,v_] : =
Module [-[a,b},

The Gaussian integers form a Euclidean domain, with X(z) = zz = |z| 2 .

24 Continued Fractions

There are several other Euclidean domains of the same sort (quadratic
extension of Z); they are Q[VD] where D = - 1 1 , - 7 , - 3 , - 2 , - 1 , 2 , 3 , 5 ,
6, 7,11,13,17,19, 21, 29,33,37, 41, 57, or 73.
Another example is the ring of polynomials in a single formal variable X
over a field K. A polynomial in X over K is a formal expression of the form
ao -i 1- anXn, where n is a nonnegative integer and all the at K. We
require also that an ^ 0, except that if n = 0 we allow the zero polynomial.
The degree of a polynomial p = Y^o aiXl is n; but if p = 0, the degree is
by convention set to oo. There is a division 'algorithm' for polynomials:
given polynomials p, and q ^ 0, there exist unique polynomials 6 and r so
that p = bq + r = qB(p,q) + R(p, q) and the degree of r is less than that of
In practice, real or complex numbers given as the limit of a sequence
of rational numbers do not lend themselves to the exact calculations called
for in the division algorithm, so that the procedures involved are arguably
not exactly algorithms. If we brush aside this point, we can go ahead and
think about a continued fraction expansion

- = b0 + - j


where &o = b and where the successive bk are determined by the recursion

Pk = qk-i, qu = R(Pk-i,qk-i), frfc-i = B(pk-i,qk-i)

with initial conditions po = p,qo = q, and terminating when qr = 0. If the
coefficients are algebraic numbers, and particularly if they are rational, it is
possible to carry out the exact computations and implement the algorithm.
There is, however, a tendency to computational explosion, as the coefficients
become complicated.
Another way to determine the successive b^ involves matrices. We begin
with po = p and qo = q as before, and we set

(P') = ( 1
As before, bj = B(pj,qj) is t h e unique polynomial b so t h a t deg(pj bqj) <
deg(qj). T h e algorithm terminates when qr = 0.
If we are working in a finite field, this all works beautifully. T h e r e is
no combinatorial explosion. If f/g = [&i; 62, , W\ = b\ + 1/(62 + l / ( \~
l/br)) then t h e list of convergents b\ + 1/(62 + 1/(63 + + l / 6 m ) ) =
Generalizations of the gcd and the Euclidean Algorithm 25

[61;..., bm], 1 < m < r may be calculated recursively. Each convergent

is a good approximation to f/g, in the sense that [61;... ,bm] is the best
approximation to f/g by a rational function with numerator of degree less
than or equal to Y^i deg&fc. There are applications. Of particular interest
are rational functions with partial quotients (bi,...,br) of small degree.
[Ni2]. One way to generate pseudorandom numbers, due to Tausworthe
[Tau], involves a recursively defined sequence of integers between 0 and
p 1, where p is prime. Fix integers ao ^ 0 (mod p), a\,..., afc_1; and let
j/o, J/ii be the sequence of integers in [0,p 1] generated by the recurrence
Vn+k = ^2 ajVn+j ( m o d P)

with initial conditions y = l , 0 < n < / c 1. The characteristic polynomial

of this recurrence relation is
fa(x) =xk - y^ajXJ

seen as a polynomial over the finite field with p elements. Successive pairs
of entries in the (ultimately periodic) sequence (yn) are more nearly statis-
tically independent if the continued fraction expansion of f(x)/xk has all
partial quotients of degree one. Niederreiter proves that in the case p = 2,
if r is the largest integer so that 2 r < k, then

fk(x) = ] [ > f c - L ^

is the unique polynomial mod 2 with these properties and with /fc(0) = 1.
He gives other results in this vein. By relaxing the condition on the largest
degree of a partial quotient, it is possible to impose the further condition
on / that it be a primitive polynomial.
There are results about the statistics of the continued fraction expan-
sion: What is a typical value for r, when we look at the pool of all / and
g of degree n, for example?
Suppose we are working over the finite field Tq of order q. There is a
q 1 to 1 correspondence between pairs (/,g) of polynomials over !Fq,
with deg(/) = n and deg(<?) < n with / and g relatively prime, and
lists (of length r > 1) (61,62, , K) of polynomials over J-q with posi-
tive degrees that sum to n. The correspondence pairs (/, g) with that list
26 Continued Fractions

b = (61,... ,br) so that

f/g = h + i/(b2 +1/(... + l/M).

For 1 < k < n, let ^ ( n , /c, q) denote the number of such lists for which the
maximum degree of any bj is at most k. Then we have this result, due to
C. Friesen and the author : [FriHe]
Theorem 2.1 There are positive constant \(k,q) and C(k,q) so that

\F(n, k, q) - C(k, q)\(k, q)nqn\ < (2/3)qn.

The constant X(k, q) is an algebraic integer and indeed a PV number: it

is the principal root of a monic irreducible polynomial, and the remaining
roots all lie strictly within the unit circle in C. The polynomial in this
case is zk (q 1) J2Q~ z^ and its principle root is approximately equal
to q q1~k. The other constant C(k,q) is given by C(k,q) = (\(k,q)
l)/(X(k, q) k(qX(k, q)) and is positive and approximately equal to 1 1/q.

2.2 Continued Fraction Expansions for Complex Numbers

Algebraic number theory has its roots in the observation that the Gaussian
integers, that is, the complex numbers of the form a + bi where a, b G Z,
have a theory very similar to that of the (rational) integers. We shall see
that in some respects, continued fractions for Gaussian integers work just
about the same as in the classical case, while in other respects, matters
are different and apparently considerably more complicated. The whole of
Chapter 5 is given over to this topic, but we make a start on it now.
Our first feat, as a warmup, will be to compute the gcd of two Gaussian
Given Gaussian integers u,v, we arrange them so that \u\ > \v\, and
then compute successive pairs [uk, Vk) with steps of the form

(wfc+i, Ufc+i) = (vk, uk - gvk)

where g is chosen to be the Gaussian integer nearest Wfc/i'fc, rounding real

and imaginary parts down if there are ties. We halt when some vr = 0.
Equivalently, we could keep a parallel column of computations in which,
after arranging that |u| > \v\, we set z = v/u, and proceed by means of
steps z > 1/zg, where g is the Gaussian integer nearest 1/z, halting when
2 = 0. Clearly, \l/z-g\ < l/V^, so in the other column of execution, where
Generalizations of the gcd and the Euclidean Algorithm 27

pairs (u, v) of Gaussian integers are kept track of, we have |ufc+1Vfc+i| <
{l/y/2)\ukVk\. Thus, it is a fast algorithm. (In fact, the ratio is generally
better than this, because after the first step, we have |u| > \/2|v|, so that
W+\vk+i\ < {l/2)\ukvk\ for k > 1.)
Consider the example in which we start with (u,v) = (UQ,VO) (77 +
190i, 20+204*'). Our successive pairs are (20+204i, 57-14i), (57-14i, - 2 2 +
33i), (-22 + 33i, 2 - 3i), and finally, (2 - 3i, 0).
This Gaussian-integer analog of the centered continued fraction algo-
rithm serves nicely the purpose of extracting gcd's, and its diophantine
approximation behavior has been studied already in the 19th century, by
Hurwitz. We have much more to say about this topic in Chapter 5.
Work by Asmus Schmidt has thrown considerable further light on the
topic of diophantine approximation by Gaussian rationals. This, too, is
discussed further in Chapter 5. [Sch] [Sch2] For now, we just sketch the
basic idea, which bears similarities to one way of looking at the familiar
real case.
Even in the setting of real numbers, one can restate all questions of
continued fractions as questions about invertible integer matrices. Instead
of having approximations p n _i/q_i and pn/Qn, one has an integer matrix

Mn = \(Pn ~ l
Pn q )

and the twin recurrence relations that generate the sequences (pn) and (qn)
are replaced by a matrix-valued recurrence relation: Mn+i = AMn, in
which A is a matrix of the form

This setup can be reduced to a still simpler scheme in which A is always


Co) (J!)'
with no two consecutive instances of the first choice.
For the complex case, Schmidt uses instead a list of 8 matrices with
Gaussian integer entries, each with a determinant equal to one of 1 or i .
These take the place of the two choices above.
Another way to compute good Gaussian-rational approximations to a
general complex number ZQ involves lattice reduction. One may use either
28 Continued Fractions

the lattice reduction algorithm of Lenstra, Lenstra, and Lovasz, [Co] or

Minkowski reduction. One starts with the matrix
/ 1 0 00\

M o W
= -0,-0, tO
\02 -9x0 tj
and the resulting reduced matrix will have for its first entry an integer linear
combination of the four initial row vectors, say, n\V\ + n2Vi + n^vz + n^v^.
(The dual vector n2v\ n\v2 + 714^3 n^vs will be perpendicular and have
the same Euclidean norm, so it too must go into the reduced basis.) The
complex-number perspective on this computation in a real setting is that

|(ni + in2) - (n 3 + in4)(6i + i92)\2 + t2(nj + n\)

is small, which means that

n 3 + tn 4
If we put aside the goal of finding 'diophantine approximations' along
with finding greatest common divisors, we can with reasonable efficiency
compute the gcd of two arbitrary algebraic numbers.

2.2.1 Computing the gcd of a pair of algebraic integers

The perspective we want is one that is available to us even in the simplest
of settings, the rational integers. Associated with any integer n is the ideal
(n) consisting of all integer multiples of that integer. An integer d is a
proper divisor of an integer n if and only if (n) is a proper subset of (d).
The gcd of two nonzero integers a and b is the (single) positive integer d
that generates the ideal (a) n (b). Computing the gcd, then, is a matter of
passing from one generating set {a, b} for an ideal, to another, and another,
arriving eventually at a simplest generating set {d}.
An algebraic number field K is an algebraic extension of Q of finite
degree. We bring in some standard facts. See, e.g. H. Cohen [Co].
An algebraic integer is a real or complex number a that is a root of
a monic irreducible (over Q, that is) polynomial pa of positive degree, in
a single variable, with integer coefficients. If the degree is one, then it
is a rational integer. If the degree n of a is greater than one, then a
has n conjugates, among them a itself; these are the roots of pa, and
Generalizations of the gcd and the Euclidean Algorithm 29

they are distinct. All symmetric integer polynomials of the conjugates are
rational integers; the elementary symmetric functions of the conjugates are,
to within a factor of 1 , the coefficients of pa.
An algebraic number field K is an extension of Q of finite degree. Every
algebraic number field K can be expressed as Qja] where a is an algebraic
integer. The set 0[a] of algebraic integers in Q[Q] is a ring which includes
Z as a proper subset.
It need not be the case that 0[a] = Z[a], that is, there may be integers
of 0[a] not of the form ^Zo _ 1 akak-
An ideal in 0[a] is an additive subgroup I of 0[a] that is closed under
multiplication by O[o\. That is, if /? e I and 7 0[a\ then @j I. The
set 0[a] is itself an ideal. It is the largest ideal of 0[a], while {0} is the
Every ideal of 0[a] is finitely generated. That is, for every ideal I of
0[a], there exists a finite list (/?i,... ,j3m) so that every element of I has
the form J2T "fkPk for some integers 7fc of 0[a\. Every ideal also has an
integral basis. That is, there exists a set ti ,...,/. of n elements of I, so that
every 7 I can be written as 7 53 a-h^k, with all afc rational integers.
The product of two ideals I1I2 is the set (it is again an ideal) consisting
of all sums of products a/? with a I\ and (3 I2. This ideal, too, is
finitely generated of course. The set of n2 elements got by multiplying each
element of an integral basis of h by each element of an integral basis of I2
is an integral generating set for I1I2, but with considerable redundancy. To
each such product we may associate the coefficients of its representation in
terms of a fixed integral basis of 0[a\. This gives us a list of n2 vectors in
Z". It is the province of lattice reduction theory to provide us with a lattice
basis, of just n elements, for this lattice. There is a modified version of the
LLL algorithm (algorithm 2.6.8 page 94 of [Co]) which does the job. When
we have our lattice basis of n integer vectors, the n algebraic numbers which
are formed by using as coefficients on the integral basis of 0[a\, the entries
of each of the n integer vectors, constitute an integral basis of the product
One ideal I\ divides another I2 if and only if there exists an ideal D
so that I\D = I2; equivalently, though this is not obvious, I\ divides I2
if and only if 72 h- And this, finally, brings us to the gcd. The 1cm
of two ideals is simply their intersection. The gcd is the product divided
by the 1cm. But from the computational perspective, there is work to
do. We require not just a description of the gcd, but an integral basis
for it. We may assume that I\ and I2 come to us with integral bases
30 Continued Fractions

B\ and B2, respectively. We must purge redundant elements from the

generating set B\ U 5 2 of G = gcd(Ii,l2). This, too, is a lattice reduction
The Gaussian integers are a principal ideal domain ; every ideal D has
a single generator d if we allow Gaussian integer multiples of a generator.
If we want an integral basis, then (d,id) will serve. The obvious choice
for an integral basis of the Gaussian integers is ( l , i ) , and with this choice,
the coefficient vector for d = d\ + idi is (d\,d?), and the integral basis
for the ideal generated by d is ((^1,^2)1 (^2,^1))- Thus, to find the gcd
of (77 + 190e) and (20 + 204i), say, using our general methods, we would
reduce the two by four matrix

/ 77 190\
-190 77 (-2 3\
20 204 ^ V 3 2)
\-204 20/

and conclude that the ideal (3 + 2i) is the required gcd. Our earlier com-
putation with this same example can, in retrospect, be seen also to have
done just this. Our successive pairs (uk,Vk) had associated with them a
set of four lattice vectors. If Uk = Xk + iyk, with x,y Z, then the inte-
ger vectors (xk,yk) and (yk, Xk) belong to the lattice associated with the
principle ideal generated by Uk- Thus, we were in effect generating a list
of four-element generating sets for a two-dimensional lattice, and reduction
was complete when we arrived at a set in which two of the vectors were zero
and so the remaining two formed a basis, which, conveniently, consisted of
two orthogonal vectors.

2.3 The Lattice Reduction Algorithm of Gauss

Given a pair of positive integers, the Euclidean algorithm finds a least

common denominator. Another way to look at this is to consider the pair
as generators of the lattice that includes the given pair and is closed under
addition and multiplication by integers. The Euclidean algorithm then
amounts to a sort of one-dimensional lattice reduction algorithm. In the
context of K 2 , a lattice over the integers is a discrete subset of M2 which
is closed under addition and integer scalar multiplication. The set of all
Gaussian integer multiples of a given Gaussian integer affords a natural
example of such a lattice if we identify C with R 2 .
Generalizations of the gcd and the Euclidean Algorithm 31

For a related example, consider a prime p = 1 mod 4, and a quadratic

nonresidue k. Take j = A;(P - 1 )/ 4 mod p. Then j 2 ~ - 1 mod p. The
closure, under addition and multiplication by rational integers, of the set
{(ii l)i (Pi 0)} i s a lattice A of determinant p and with the property that for
(a, b) A, a2 + b2 = 0 mod p. We can use this to find an integer solution to
a2 + b2 = p because the shortest nonzero vector in the lattice must give this
result. To find this shortest vector, we need to reduce the lattice. In two
dimensions, that amounts to finding a basis for A so that the first vector
is the shortest vector in the lattice, and the second vector is the shortest
vector which is not a multiple of the first.
It should be noted that in higher dimensions, lattice reduction is much
more difficult. The Lenstra-Lenstra-Lovasz reduction algorithm [Co] is
computationally feasible and gives a useful, though not necessarily best-
possible, reduction. Best-possible reduction is in general an NP-class prob-
lem. This to some extent overstates the difficulty of the task. For any fixed
dimension, the computational complexity does not rise exponentially with
the length of the input data. There is an algorithm, the Fincke-Pohst algo-
rithm [Co], which finds all lattice elements with norm below a fixed upper
bound, and it can be applied to the task of lattice reduction.
The Gauss algorithm proceeds along very much the same lines as the
classical Euclidean algorithm: given a pair of vectors (a, 6) and (c, d), one
subtracts an appropriate multiple of the shorter from the longer, to arrive
at a new pair. When no further progress can be made, we are essentially
done. (There is a bit of an 'endgame', but that need not concern us here.)
But what can this have to do with our g and G and so on? Daude, Flajolet
and Vallee [DFV] have found that there is a close connection. They first
observe that the workings of this algorithm is isomorphic to the action of
the following algorithm acting on the single complex input z, after scaling
and rotating so that the second input becomes 1.
The reduction step takes as input a complex number z e D where D
is the open disk in C with diameter (0,1). It returns the complex number
1/z [3?(l/z)J. The iteration repeats the reduction step until the output
no longer lies in this disk. The set of points within the disk so that the
algorithm takes at least k + 1 steps is the union of the set of disks with
diameters of the form (a, b) where (a, b) is a real pair of the form ([v], [v+1])
or ([v+1], [v]), depending on the parity of k, with v Vz+(k). Color coding
the regions by parity for graphic effect gives the following picture (which B.
Vallee has made her personal research logo) of the region where the number
of steps is odd (black) or even (white): They prove that the probability pr
32 Continued Fractions

Fig. 2.1 The Gauss lattice reduction algorithm.

that more than r steps will be needed is X^veV |v| 2 |v + 1 | 2 . The rate
at which pr declines (and a look at the figure will persuade the reasonably
credulous reader that indeed it does decline exponentially) is thus given
by pr = 0(Xr) where A is the spectral radius of a certain linear operator
G 4 Z +. Where is z likely to be after r reduction steps z > l/z |jft(l/z)J,
given that it has not yet exited the disk? The answer revolves around the
dominant eigenfunction g for G 4 z+. We refer the reader to the excellent
survey article [DFV] for further information on this and related topics.
This lattice reduction algorithm ties into another one-dimensional 'con-
tinued fraction' algorithm, curiously enough. A rational number p/q is
a Hermite approximation to a if \p qa\ + tq2 is, for all t in some in-
terval (a, b) C E+, minimal. We then term q a Hermite denominator.
The Hermite denominators of a are continued fraction denominators of
a, but not vice-versa. Computing Hermite denominators is computation-
ally more laborious than computing the continued fraction denominators,
but not radically so. We discuss this in some detail in Chapter 6, (multi-
dimensional continued fraction algorithms), because it turns out that the
Hermite approach can be generalized to the task of simultaneous diophan-
tine approximation, in which we want a single q so that fractions of the
form pj/q afford approximations to each of several targets a 3 .
Chapter 3

Continued Fractions with Small

Partial Quotients

Harald Niederreiter has written a major paper on this subject. [Ni3]. Both
his paper, and this section, have mainly to do with what uses we can make
of continued fractions with small partial quotients, and how common such
fractions are. Just what 'small' means will vary from case to case. The
continued fractions can be integer-based, or fractions with the numerator
and denominator taken from polynomials over a finite field, or formal power
Given a pair (a,m) of integers with m > 2 and gcd(a,m) = 1, one can

a X
= a0 + [ a i , 0 2 , .\ = a0 H

a2 H
a3 H
'. + l/ar

where ao = [a/mj and where the a,j, 1 < j < r are positive integers. There
are two such expansions. Ha/m = ao + [a\,a2, .ar], and ar = 1, then also
a/m = ao + [ai,a,2,... 1 + a r _i]. Let v[a,m] = (ai,a,2, . .ar) with ar = I
be the first of these two expansions. We recall our notation that for v g
Z+r, v = ( a i , . . . , ar) say, |v| is the denominator of the continued fraction
[01,02,. . . a r ] . By convention, assign to the empty list the 'denominator'
1. We continue to use v_ = (02,03,.. . a r ) , v~ = (ai,a2> - a r - i ) , and
v' = {ar, ar_i,... ai). By further convention, assign to either decrement of
an empty list, the 'denominator' zero.
For 0 < 9 < 1, let v + 6 = ( a i , a 2 ) . . . a r _ i , a r + 6). Let [v] =
[ai,d2,.. . a r ] , and let {v} = [v'] [ a r , a r _ i , . . .a\\. If w = uv is the

34 Continued Fractions

concatenation of two lists of positive integers, then by prop. 1.1,

|w| = |u||v| + | u _ | | v _ | = (1 + {u}[v])|u||v|.
Furthermore, |v| = |v'|.
Let K(a,m) max{ai,ci2, - a r } . Let Km = mmK(a,m), where the
minimum is taken over all 1 < a < m so that gcd(a, m) = 1. Let S(a, m) =
Yli<j<raJ> where (a\,a2, -ar) v[a,m]. Note that S(a,m) does not
depend upon which of the two continued fractions representing a/m are
Zaremba [Za] conjectured that for all m > 2, there exists a relatively
prime to m, with 1 < a < m, such that a/m = [ai, a 2... ar] with all partial
quotients a,j < 5. The strong version of this conjecture would be that even
if we restrict to a,- < 2, all sufficiently large m admit of an a so that a/m
has such a continued fraction expansion.
Fractions a/m for which all the partial quotients are small can be useful
for numerical integration. The list Z[a, m] := ((j/m, {ja/m}): 0 < j < m)
forms part of a lattice in K which is well distributed in the plane. Moreover,
in any segment of the list, the second entry is reasonably evenly distributed
over the interval (0,1). Fractions of this form are also relevant to the
construction of linear-congruential pseudo-random numbers. [Ni4],[Ni5].
But, do such fractions exist? If we get to pick m, asking only that m
lie between x and 3a; say, then the answer is trivially yes. We need only
choose a list v of l's and 2's at random, continuing until |v| > x, and |v|
will be our m, and |v_ | our a. We can, with some tinkering, hit a target far
narrower than the interval [x, 3x]. There are also certain special types of
m for which it is known that an appropriate a exists, and better yet, there
is a fast and simple algorithm for a. Niederreiter has shown that
Theorem 3.1 For all positive integers n, K2 < 3.
The proof of the theorem stated above rests on two lemmas that allow
us to pass from a pair (a,m) to a new pair (a',m2) or to (a", 2m 2 ) while
preserving a certain structure in the corresponding list v.
Lemma 3.1 Let a/m = [v] = [ai,.. .ar] with gcd(a,m) = 1 and m > 2
and vr > 2. Let b > 2 be an integer. Let w be the list

w = (a\,... a r _ i , l + a r , 1,6l,a r ,a r _i,.. .ai) = ( v _ , l + o r , 1,61, v')

where v' denotes the reversed list (ar, a r - i , i)- Then |w| = 6|v| 2 .
Lemma 3.2 Let u = (v~, - 1 + ar, 1 + ar,v~'). Then |u| = |v| 2 .
Continued Fractions with Small Partial Quotients 35

Induction, of course, is the method. We defer the proof of the lemmas, and
get on with the main business.

Proof. The inductive step takes as established that for some TV, and for
each n with N <n < 2N, there exists an odd a with 1 < a < 2" such that
v[a,2] begins and ends with 2 or 3, and consists entirely of l's, 2's and
3's, so that K{a,2n) < 3. The same then holds for the interval [27V, 4JV).
If 2N < k < AN and k is odd, then Lemma 3.1 applies with 6 = 2. The list
w begins and ends with the a\ of v, which by hypothesis began and ended
with entries 2 or 3. All interior entries are still 1 or 2 or 3. If 2N < k < 4JV
and k is even, Lemma 3.2 applies and again we get a u that begins and
ends with 2 or 3 and has all interior entries consisting of 1, 2, or 3.
It is unusual in an inductive proof that there is any difficulty whatever
in getting started, but on this occasion we must be careful. There is no list
of the sort required for the induction, when n = 5, though there is a v of
the sort required by the theorem in question. Thus we must first exhibit
values of a suitable for the theorem when m = 2,4,8,16, or 32, and then
take N = 6, and exhibit corresponding values of a for 6 < n < 11. Here
they are: 1/2, 3/4, 5/8, 7/16, and 25/32 will serve for the first task, while
23/64, 47/128, 95/256, 223/512, 367/1024, and 791/2048 have K(a, m) = 2
with a continued fraction expansion that begins and ends with 2.

We now turn to establishing Lemma 3.1.

Proof. Assume that v is a list of length at least 2, ending with ar > 2.

We then calculate.

|w| = | V - ) 0 P - 1,1||6- l , v ' | + | v - , a r - l||v'|;

= ( | v " , a r - 1| + |v-|)((6 - l)|v| + |v~|) + | v - , a r - l||v|.

Now v~ = (v , a r _ i ) , so | v ~ , a r 1[ = (ar - l ) | v ~ | + |v |, and

\v~,ar 1| + |v~| = | v ~ , a r | = |v|. Thus, using our identities,

|w| = \\",ar - l , l | | v , 6 - 1| + | v ~ , a r - l||v|

= |v|((6 - l)|v| + |v"|) + ((a r - l ) | v " | + | v ~ | ) | v |
= | v | ( ( 6 - l ) | v | + | v - | + | v | - | v - | ) = 6|v| 2 .

The proof of the second lemma is similar:

36 Continued Fractions

Proof. We have
|u| = |v~,a r l||v~,a r + 1| + |v~| 2
= ( K - l)|v~| + |v--|)((a r + l)|v"| + | v ~ | ) + |v-| 2
= (a2 - l)|v-| 2 + 2a r |v-||v| + | v ~ | 2 + |v"| 2
= a 2 |v-| 2 + 2 a r | v - | | v | + | v ~ | 2 = (a r |v" + |v|) 2 =

Niederreiter gives the additional detail that [w] = [v] + ^ b,K2 and that
[u] = [v] + . | i . He also proves similar results for the case of m = 5".
Note that the constructions of the two lemmas provide us with the heart
of an algorithm for a given m = 2". If n is small, we use our table. If
not, we first work out, going backwards from n, the chain of doublings,
and doublings plus 1, that will take us from some number no in the range
[6,11) to n. We then apply Lemma 3.1, with b = 2, in case a doubling plus
1 was used, and Lemma 3.2 if it was a doubling alone, to build the original
v associated with no, into a suitable list associated with n.
For a general m, nothing so efficient is known, by which an a with
minimal K(a,m) may be found, or (a lesser task), by means of which an a
with K(a, m) = c may be found if one exists. We now give a method which
is, at any rate, significantly better than trying a = 1, then a = 2, and so on
until either success occurs, or we reach a = m 1 without having hit upon
a suitable a. This method, which lends itself to algorithmic implementation
but is not presented in such detail as to merit calling it an algorithm, also
gives us a proof that, for arbitrary integer c > 2, there are rather more
numbers m < x than guaranteed by a result of Sander [Sa], for which
Km < c. We shall require a result from the literature [He2]. Associated
with each integer c > 2 there is a positive real number j3[c] > 1/2 so that
linv^oo Z)VG{I,2,...C}'- l v l~ 2 s = 0 if a nd only if s > (3[c\. This f3[c] is known
to be the Hausdorff dimension of a certain continued fraction Cantor set,
but that is beside the point at the moment. What is important is that, for
c = 2, we have /? = 0.53128 . . . , and as c -> oo, (3 = 1 - ^ c - 2 + o{c~2).
The basic idea behind our approach is that real numbers which are es-
pecially near a simple rational number have a continued fraction expansion
which tracks that of the nearby rational until that is completed (ending
either in 1 or in some larger ar), and then continues with a large next a r + i .
Thus, any a so that a/m lies especially near any simple rational may be
skipped over, in the search for an a for which K(a, m) < c. Since there are
many simple rationals, there is a good chance that we can prescreen most
Continued Fractions with Small Partial Quotients 37

of the available a's and save ourselves most of the effort of a direct search.
The pictures show the situation for c = 2. Pairs (a,m) each cast a
'shadow', into which no further pairs fall. The largest gap, down the middle
of the graphics, is the shadow of the pair (1,2).

- .. . -nz , , _-
5 10 15 20 25 30 100 200 300 400 500

Fig. 3.1 Pairs with partial quotients one and two only.

At first blush, it may seem that this is an idea which, however well it
works, can only go to proving an upper bound for the number of m < x
for which Km < c. But there is a twist. For fixed e > 0, the number of
v for which x < |v| < (1 + e)x is known to be comparable to x2^. [He2]
The fewer the number of a potentially associated with a particular m, the
greater the number of m for which at least one such a must exist. (If the
peanut butter is spread thin, much of the toast must be covered.)
We now turn to the details. Let V[c] denote the set of all finite lists
v = (ai, a-2, , a r ), of length r > 1, for which each entry is no greater than
c. Let Ac = [c, l,e, 1,...], so that Ac = l / ( c + l / ( l + A c ) ) . Let I[v,c] denote
the real interval about [v] with endpoints [v + Ac] and [ v - , ar 1,1 + Ac].
Which endpoint is the lesser depends on the parity of r.
The intervals corresponding to distinct v V[c) are disjoint, and their
union is all of [0,1] save for a Cantor dust of measure zero. (And Hausdorff
dimension /3[c], though we do not need that fact at the moment.) The
length of I[v,c] is comparable to l/(c 2 |v| 2 ). The number of integers a so
that a/m G /[v, c] is thus 0(1 + m c - 2 | v | - 2 ) .
Consider, then, a procedure in which first, all v V[c] with |v| <
yjxjc are listed. There will be on the order of (x/c)^ of these. The real
interval [0, m] is dissected into that many intervals in which no a for which
K(a, m) < c is to be found, and as many intervals, give or take 1, in which
we must search case by case. The aggregate length of the intervals which
38 Continued Fractions

must be searched individually, is comparable to ^2 y, ,, , r~Tc 2 v

| l 2-
But using [He2], this quantity is comparable to

L 2-2/3[c] \cJ

For large c, this is comparable to c ^ ^ H a ^ M - 1 .

For x < m < (1 + ex), then, the number R[m] of a which must be
examined individually is thus bounded by

R[m] = O I {x/cfW +m c~2\v\-2 = Oc (x^) .

\ vev[c],|v|>v^ /

The total number of times we shall have to either calculate a continued

fraction expansion of a fraction a/m, or the corresponding fraction for a
list v, is thus 0(xPW). This improves upon the naive approach of trying
cases one by one, from 1 up to m, by a factor of xx~^c\ and is thus most
effective when c is small. On the other hand, if the Zaremba conjecture is
correct, c need never be greater than five.
Our bound on the number of cases we should have to check individually
is of course an outright upper bound on the number of a < m for which
K(a,m) < c. Since there are, for x < m < (1 + e)x, on the order of x2^
suitable pairs, and since no single m gives rise to more than 0{x^) such
pairs, we have the following result:

T h e o r e m 3.2 There are at least on the order ofx^ integers m between

x and (1 + e)x for which Km < c.

There are enough rationals a/q with continued fraction expansion of

the form [a\,a2,.. .ar] with r > 1, q < x and a, < 2 for 1 < i < r to
allow for one to each q < x, for as we shall see in Chapter 9, there are in
fact on the order of a;1-062561 such pairs (a, q) with x/2 < q < x. This is
leeway sufficient that probabilistic modelling of the question corroborates
the stronger conjecture: a process choosing on the order of a; 106256 integers,
with reasonably uniform distribution, in an interval of length on the order
of x will for large x hit every integer at least once.
The actual distribution of these points may have irregularities or
patterns, but at any rate it does not favor particular congruence
class pairs. That is, for any modulus m, and any a', b' so that
Continued Fractions with Small Partial Quotients 39

gcd[gcd[a',m},gcd[b',m]) = 1, one has with asymptotically equal frequency

(a = a' mod m,b = b' mod m).
The evidence in favor of this stronger conjecture is on its face not over-
whelming. In the interval 1 < m < 1000, the minimum, over 1 < a < m
and relatively prime to m, of the maximum partial quotient in that contin-
ued fraction expansion of a/m not ending in one, is more often 3 or 4, than
2, while for m = 6, 54 and 150, it is five. Sampling among larger values of
m indicates that we cannot expect 'sufficiently large' in this conjecture, to
be at all small.

3.1 The Sequence ({na}) of Multiples of a Number

There are several results in the literature on distribution of sequences which

involve continued fractions, or throw light on continued fractions.
Here we are concerned with particular sequences of the form

(na \na\) = ({na}),n > 1.

Without meaningful loss of generality we require 0 < a < 1/2. When a =

a/b is rational with a and b relatively prime, ({na}) is periodic with period
b, and the sequence cycles through a permutation of ( l / 6 ) ( 0 , 1 , . . . , b 1).
When a is irrational, the sequence ({na}),n > 1 is dense in (0,1) and
asymptotically uniformly distributed. Of course, for any finite N the list
({na}), 1 < n < N is discrete and the distribution is necessarily somewhat
lumpy. One of the basic issues in the theory of distribution of sequences
is to determine the extent to which sequences can approximate a uniform
distribution. If N is fixed, then the list (0,1/iV, 2/N,..., (N-l)/N), or any
translate thereof, affords a trivial best possible approximation to uniform
distribution. But what one really wants of a sequence (XJ) is that it provides
'streaming' uniform distribution: any initial segment (xi,... ,x^) should
give not too far from best-possible discrepancy. The best that is possible
along these lines is that the discrepancy, as a function of iV, be 0(logN/N).
[KuN]. Taking a to be an irrational number with bounded partial quotients
gives a sequence (XJ) = {ja} that achieves this best-possible streaming
nearness to uniform distribution.
40 Continued Fractions

3.1.1 The sequence of increments of [na\

For any positive irrational a, consider the sequence Sk(a) = [(k + l ) a j
[ka\, (k > 1). This sequence is a string of [cx^s and |"a]'s, and so is
effectively a bit sequence. The sequence is highly ordered, and almost peri-
odic in this sense: most finite subsequences of this sequence occur infinitely
often in the sequence, and with positive density. There is a sequence of
integers jk > 2, and pairs of words, that is, finite strings of [a\ 's and
[o/|'s, (Ak, Bk), so that beyond an initial string Wk of |_c*J's and [of]'s with
length comparable to either of the words, the rest of the sequence consists
of concatenations of one or the other of these words, strung together so
that between each word Bk there are either jk 1, or jk, consecutive copies
of Ak- The pattern of the Ak and Bk and jk, in that part of the sequence
sn(a) beyond its initial segment Wk, is itself an exact copy of the pattern
of a sequence sn(a>k), but with words Ak and Bk (in one order or the other)
in place of individual integers [ak\'s and \ak]'s. The ak come out of the
centered continued fraction expansion of a.
The centered continued fraction expansion of a number a writes
a = a0 ,
G2 ;
a3 ...
where each ak is a positive integer other than 1. The expansion is calculated
by means of the following modification of the standard continued fraction
Input a, and a depth n to which the calculation is to
be taken. Local variables C, k, and a'. Initialize the list
C with the single entry [a + | J , and set k = 0 and a' = a.
While k <n, execute the Loop subroutine with input a':
Loop Step: Given input a', let a = 1 if {a1} <
1/2, else a 1. Then reset a' with the update

a' - [a' + i j
Increment k. Append to C the (new) pair (a, a').
Return[(cr, a')].
Output C.
Continued Fractions with Small Partial Quotients 41

The resulting list begins with a single integer ao, and continues with pairs of
the form (&k,a,k+i); these give the continued fraction expansion described,
using crfc to determine the sign of the after ak-
The conventional continued fraction expansion of a number given in the
centered continued fraction may be easily obtained by a simple substitution

Input the sequences (ak) and (ah) to depth n. Pass

through this list, and in each case in which o\. = 1, decre-
ment afc, and replace ak+i with 1 followed by ak+i 1- Go
to the next case in which a = 1 until the entire list has
been processed. Output the modified list of a's.
Note that this substitution procedure can produce a 0 in the output list if
it is given consecutive 2's in the input. However, consecutive 2's do not
occur in the output of the centered continued fraction expansion.
We now describe the connection between (na), sn(a), and the centered
continued fraction expansion of a, when a is irrational. The sequence
(sn(a)) has the basic property that there are two entries: [a\ and 1 4- \_a\.
The pattern of these is then a mix of strings of the more frequent entry,
call it AQ, punctuated by single instances of the less frequent entry, BQ.
We define a word to be a finite list of entries AQ and Bo- Given two
words A,B, and a positive integer j , let A^B denote the word got by
concatenation of j copies of A followed by a single B.
We associate with a two auxiliary sequences of irrational numbers and
two auxiliary sequence of integers. Let UQ = a. For k > 0, let (3k be the
unsigned distance from ak to the nearest integer. Let jk = |_VAJ > a n d let
<7fc = 0 if {l/?fc} < 1/2, else o~k = 1. The connection to continued fractions
is that the ak in this algorithm are the same as the ak in the centered
continued fraction algorithm. The following result cannot be new, but the
author has not been able to determine the original discoverer.
Theorem 3.3 If a is an irrational real number, and sn(a) = L(n+l)o:J
\na\, then there are sequences (Ak), (Bk) and (Ck) of words, and sequences
(ak) and (/3k) of irrational numbers and (jk) of positive integers, such
(1) If {a} < 1/2, then AQ = [aJ and Bo = 1 + Ao, else Bo = [aJ and
Ao = I + Bo- C_i is the empty word, and C0 = A0~1Bo-
42 Continued Fractions

(2) Fork> 1, Ak = Aiksr1+k~1Bk-i> Bk = ^ - " - ' S t - i , and<7fc =

f3j For eac/i A; > 0, the sequence s(a) consists of an initial word Ck-i
followed by a string of words Ak or Bk, and the rth such A or B is in
fact Ak, if and only if sr{(3k) = 0; it is Bk if and only if sr((3k) = 1.
Proof. We first establish a lemma.
Lemma 3.3 Suppose 0 < (3 < 1/2 is irrational and let 7 be the unsigned
distance from 1/(3 to the nearest integer. Let j = \l/(3\. Then
(1) The first j entries of sn((3) are the word C consisting of n 1 O's
followed by a single 1;
(2) If 0 < {1/(3} < 1/2 then the rest of sn{(3) after the initial word C
consists of strings of the word A = 0 J _ 1 1 broken by single instances of
the word B = CP1, and the rth such A or B is A if sr("f) = 0, B if
r('j) = 1/ omd
(3) If 1/2 < {1//3} < 1 then A = (PI and B = 0 J ' _1 1 but the rest is the
Proof. For 1 < n < j , (n + 1)(3 < 1 so s(/3) = 0. For n = j , then
j(3 < 1 < (j + l)/3 so Sj(f3) = 1. Thus (s(/3)) begins with the string
( p - 1 ! = ( 0 , 0 , . . . 0,1) as claimed. Now there are two cases. If {1//3} < 1/2,
then 7 = {1/(3}. Consider the sequence (nfc) of successive positive integers
at which snk{(3) = 1. Observe that

Sn (/3) = l o l - / 3 < |_n/3J < 1 .


tk = {nk/3} G (1 - (3,1), uk = - ( 1 - tk), and let vk = {kj}.

Then we claim uk = vk for all k > 1.

If k = 1 then t\ j(3, ui = 4(1 j(3) 7, and v\ = 7. Now suppose
uk = vk for some k > 1 and consider tk+i, uk+i, and vk+i. We have

1 - (3 < nk(3 - \nkp\ < 1,

0 < (nfc + r)/3 - (1 + [nk(3\) < 1 - (3 for 1 < r < nk+i - nk, and

nk+1 -nk=j if and only if 1 - (3 < (j(3 - 1) + tk < 1,

Continued Fractions with Small Partial Quotients 43

or equivalently,

nk+i -nk=j&-/3< (j/3 - 1) + (ifc - 1) < 0

nfc+i - n f c = j ' < ^ > 0 < u f c + 7 < l
nk+i =nh+j&0<uh<l-'y
so that in this case,

tk+i = nk+iP ~ \nk+i(3\ = tk + (j(3 - 1)


Mfe+l = Wfc + 7-

vk = Uk < 1 - 7 => ufc+i = vk + 7.

which proves that Ufc+i = u^+i.
On the other hand, nk+i nk=j + lii and only if [j{3 l) + tk < I (3,
so that in this case u/t > 1 7. But then

tk+i = nfc/3 - |nfc/3J + (j + 1)/? - 1 = tk + {j + 1 ) 0 - 1

so that

Uk+l = Ufc + -r - (j + 1) = Ufc + 7 - 1.

Since wfc = vfc > 1 - 7 , u fc+ i =v f c + 7 - l = U f c + 7 - l = uk+\. Thus again,

f fc+i = Wfc+i. It now follows that nk+\ = nk + j if and only if Sfc(7) = 0,
while rifc+i = n^ + j + 1 if and only if Sfc(7) = 1. As the kth string
of either 0 J _ 1 1 or 0J'l after the initial string in (s(/3)) is 0 J ' - 1 1 exactly
when nk+i j + nk, this completes the proof of the lemma for the case
{1/(3} < 1/2. When {1/(3} > 1/2 the proof is similar. We use the same
rifc's and t^s. But this time, 7 = (j + 1) 1/(3, and uk = \{tk (1 /?)).
Thus u\ = i ( t i (1 - 0)) = 7, and u^ moves by steps of 7 or 7 1. Again
uk = vk for all k, but the consequence for sn((3) is that the nth word after
the initial &~ll is (PI when sn{"f) = 0 and is 0 J _ 1 1 when s n (7) = 1.

We now turn to completing the proof of the theorem. Recursive use of the
lemma gives us that
Ck = Ck^A^~xBk
where the words Ak and Bk are determined by reference to ak.
44 Continued Fractions

E x a m p l e . If a = y/2 then for k > 1, otk = y/2 + 1 while for k >

0, pk = y/2- 1. Thus Co = (1,2), A0 = (1,2) and B0 = (1,1,2), so
that Ci = (1,2,1,2,1,1,2), Aj = A0Bo = (1,2,1,1,2), Bi = A2B0 =
(1, 2,1, 2,1,1,2), and C2 = Cx AxBi and so on.
This particular sequence has come in for a lot of attention. It is also
generated by the replacement rules 1 * 12, 2 < 121, starting with the
list (1). The list is featured as sequence number A006337 in Sloane's
Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences:

h t t p : / / w w w . r e s e a r c h . a t t . c o m / ~ n j as/sequences

Let a > 0 be given. We want a good way to determine long initial segments
of the sequence ([(n + l)aj (_naj). The basic algorithm we now describe
requires irrational inputs, so that the dichotomy 0 < {/?} < 1/2 or 1/2 <
{/?} < 1 will not be violated during execution. If a is rational, however,
the sequence is purely periodic with length equal to the denominator of
a. Thus it is only necessary to determine the initial sequence of some
sufficiently close but larger a* to appropriate depth. One workable and
simple choice if a = a/b is (ab + l)/b2.

Input a, and a depth d to which the calculation is to be taken.

Working variables are A,B,C,j,/3,d', and a'. Let Ao = [a\ and
B0 = 1 + [a\ if {a} < 1/2, while if 1 / 2 , set A0 = 1 + [a] and
B0 = {a}.
If a is an integer then sn(a) is constant at that integer. Exit
the algorithm and return a message to that effect. If a is rational
and equal to a/b with a and b relatively prime and b > 1, let
a* = (ab + l)/b2 and let /3 = a* - [a* + 1/2J. Otherwise a is
irrational; let f3 = a- [a +1/2J. Now let a' = 1//3. Let j = [1//3J.
Let C = AQ~ BQ be the finite list in which the first j 1 entries
are Ao while the last entry is Bo- Let d' = 0. While d' < d, (and
while Length[C]< b if a = a/b is rational), execute the following

Let $ = a1 - [a' + 1/2J. Let j = [1//3J Update A and

B to Aj~1B and AjB respectively if {1//3} < 1/2, or to
AjB and A^lB if {1/(3} > 1/2. Update C to CA^^B.
Update a' to 1//3. Increment d'.

Output C,a',A, and B.

Continued Fractions with Small Partial Quotients 45

Remark 3.1 There is a recreational mathematics side to this. Larry

Tessler has given a fetching metaphor: "A tank rolls forever along a per-
fectly straight infinite highway whose center line is studded with reflectors
spaced exactly 1 meter apart. The center of the tread rides the highway's
center line and leaves marks on the pavement that are spaced exactly r me-
ters apart, where r is an irrational number. At the beginning of the trip,
the initial mark falls directly on a reflector." For the rest of this story, see

3.2 Discrepancy

There are various kinds of discrepancy, but in the one dimensional case the
distinctions are minor. The definition we choose is this: the discrepancy
D*N(x) of a sequence x = [x\,x^,. ) of real numbers in [0,1) is

DUx) = omax iN^Mk'

<t<i i <
: 1 < k <

N and 0 < x < t\-> - t\.
k i

Clearly D^(x) is invariant under permutations of [1,2,... ,N], and is be-

tween 1/iV and 1. But, no sequence consistently yields this lower bound
for all N. In fact, there exists C > 0 (C 0.04667 will do, according to
theorem 1.51 of [DT]) so that for any sequence, D^(x) exceeds ClogN/N
infinitely often.
For sequences of the special form xn := n a mod 1 the continued frac-
tion expansion of a gives reasonably complete information about the dis-
crepancy. Suppose a positive integer N is given. Let m be the largest integer
so that qm < N, and choose further positive integers bj using the greedy
algorithm: take bm = \_N/qm\, Nm = N, and then once bm,.. .bj+\ and
Nm, ...,Nj have been determined, set bj = L^j/tfjJ an< ^ ^ j ' - i = Nj bjqj.
With this algorithm we have N = YlT=o ^jQj> anc ^ 0 bj < a-j+i- The max-
imum value of N'D*N,(an), over 1 < N' < N, is known to be comparable
to bm + XXa.?.[DT] (Corollary 1.64 page 52.)
If a number a has only small partial quotients, as we have seen, then
the discrepancy of (ka), 1 < a < n is about as small as we could hope for.
If a = p/q is rational, then this will hold so long as n < q.
It should be noted that there are other sequences that give low discrep-
ancy , and that in higher dimensions, generalizing the tactic of picking a
number and looking at the fractional part of its successive integer multi-
46 Continued Fractions

pies, is not the best approach. Instead, one wants things called Halton
or Hammersley sequences, or, a more recent development, Niederreiter's
(t, m, s) nets. See [En] for starters and some great eye candy, and then see
[Ni6]. The field is an active one, and has various practical applications, so
much so that there is even a demand for commercial software implementing
these ideas:

3.3 The Sum of {na} from 1 to AT

This, like the discrepancy, depends essentially on the continued fraction

expansion of a to that depth so that qm < N < qm+i The basic result
is given in [DT], who in turn credit Schoifiengeier. [S] Let Nj and bj be
defined as before, so that N = YlbjNj. By convention, set N-i = 0.
Next, let
Aj = Nj-i(a - )
+ 5Z bt^ta ~ Pt)
for 0 < j < m. Then (p 63)
N m
2 { n a } - N = A0 - J > ( ( - 1 ) ' - qjAj).
n=l j=0

In connection with the estimate (p 50)

QjAi = bj(-1)Ja3+i + O^/o-i+i),

this allows us to conclude immediately that if a has bounded partial quo-
tients a.j, then 2J2n=i{na} ~ N = ^(lS-^)> a result which also follows
from the bounds on the discrepancy of the sequence.
We close with some illustrations of these sums. There are strong hints
of a fractal structure to these sums.
The last shows the sequence of partial sums of a discretized version of
this last sum: ^ = 1 sign({fc\/2} 1/2):
Continued Fractions with Small Partial Quotients

*& h

sa A &
ra?r Wf^NiW'

J Tf f f f 1
Fig. 3.2 Partial sums of {ne} to 4000.

Fig. 3.3 Partial sums of {n\/2} to 34000.

48 Continued Fractions

Fig. 3.4 Running total of parity of {fc\/2 - 1/2}.

Chapter 4

Ergodic Theory

4.1 Ergodic Maps

Ergodic theory is based on the intuitive idea that a process which shuf-
fles points around may well cause most points to have an orbit that visits
every neighborhood of the same size equally often. More exactly, suppose
(X, B, /i) is a probability space. The points are the elements of X, B is the
CT-algebra set of measurable subsets of X, and p is the function from B to
[0,1] that assigns measure to measurable sets. An excellent reference is the
recent book by Dajani and Kraiikamp [DK2] Ergodic Theory of Numbers.
There is a considerable literature connecting ergodic theory to the met-
ric theory of continued fractions. Here, we consider one particular theorem
in this vein, and extend it to the case of continued fractions with restricted
partial quotients.
Consider the distribution of the normalized approximation error
8n(x) = qn\pn xqn\, where pn and qn are the numerator and denomi-
nator respectively of the nth continued fraction convergent to x. That is,
if we make a scatterplot of 0n(x) for 1 < n < N, what will it look like?
This varies with N and x. For 4> = (\/5 - l ) / 2 , Bn{4>) -> 4>/{l + <j>2),
while 6n(e) gives a scatterplot approaching two point masses: two-thirds
of the values lie near 1/2, while the rest lie near 0. But these distributions
are not typical.
H. Lenstra thought about the normal distribution of 9n(x) and con-
jectured the answer. The theorem of Bosma, Jager and Wiedijk [BJW]
consists of the affirmation of this conjecture:

50 Continued Fractions

Theorem 4.1 Let

z/ log 2, /0<2<l/2;
/(*) = { , A _ ( l - z + log(2z)), if 1/2 < z < l ;
1, ifz>l.

Then for almost all x 6 [0,1],

lim :#{l<n<N: 6n(x) < z) = f{z).

N>oo iv

In [Na], along with a number of other theorems, Nair extends this to show
that for a certain class of increasing sequences (n,-), one has a.e. that

lim > ^ # { l < J < i V : Onj(x)<z}=f(z).

In [He8] the restriction on the sequences is removed; any strictly increasing

sequence will do.
Here, we give Nair's proof as it applies to the basic sequence (rtj = j) and
show how it can be extended in another direction to give the distribution
of 6n{x) when x is taken from the set EM consisting of all numbers in [0,1]
with infinite continued fractions for which all partial quotients come from
There is one catch: not just any set M will do. There are certain sets M
for which the analysis falls through. We defer the discussion of all this for
later, and proceed now with setting the stage for Nair's proof as it applies
to the simplest case, Lenstra's original conjecture.

4.2 Terminology

A dynamical system consists of a set X, a cr-algebra B of subsets of X, a

probability measure JJL on (X,B), and a map T: X > X such that T is
measurable and measure-preserving with respect to /i. That is, fi(T~1A) =
H(A) for all AeB.
The map T is called ergodic if T has no invariant measurable subsets
of measure other than 0 or 1, that is, T has the property that if A is a
measurable set and TA C A then fi(A) 0 or n(A) = 1. A condition
equivalent to ergodicity is that if / is an integrable function from X to R
so that f(Tx) = f(x) [i a.e. then / is a.e. equal to a constant.
Ergodic Theory 51

A stronger condition which implies ergodicity is mixing: T is mixing,

or 2-mixing, if for any measurable sets A and B,

lim n(AnT-nB) = n{A)n{B).


The transformation Tx = x + y/2 (mod 1) on the unit interval equipped

with the usual measure, is ergodic but not mixing.
Just about as useful in practice is weak mixing: T is weak mixing if for
all measurable sets A and B,

1 r
lim - ^ \n(T-jB n A) - n(A)n(B)\ = 0.
r T
^ 3=1

Even weak mixing is stronger than mere ergodicity. For a discussion of the
nuances of these distinctions, and some related theorems, see [HI].
To study the continued fraction transformation T: x > 1/x [l/x\
on the measure space (0,1) we need the right measure; T is not measure
preserving with respect to Lebesgue measure. As we might have expected,
though, it is measure preserving with respect to the Gauss measure [i which
assigns to (0,2:) mass J* ^ *?* . The verification of this is left to the
Nair's proof, in the special case of the basic BJW theorem, depends
upon two main points. The first point is a general one about sequences
and dynamical systems. A sequence (rij) of nonnegative integers is termed
Lp-good universal if it satisfies certain technical properties for some p > 1.
He obtains a theorem to this effect: If, moreover, the sequence satisfies
the further condition that for all irrational numbers a, {rija) is uniformly
distributed mod 1, and if (X,B,fi,T) is weak mixing, then a.e. on X with
respect to /i,
N .
lim V / ( T " ^ ) = / /d/i.

In the case we are interested in here, rij = j for all n, and the premises of
Nair's good-universal theorem are satisfied. But here, we can obtain the
conclusion of his theorem from scratch, as it were. The individual ergodic
theorem[Hl] says that if T is ergodic on X and if / Ll(X) then the same
conclusion as above holds.
The second point is that taking X = [0,1] and T to be the usual operator
Tx = 1/x [l/xj is not the optimal choice of dynamical system for this
52 Continued Fractions

game. Instead, we should consider the related dynamical system in which

X = ft = ([0,1]\Q) x [0,1], and T: ft -> ft is given by

T(x,y) = '
' x [^\+y
Then we take u> to be the measure on ft with density ^~^ ^ * . a . We take
B to be the Lebesgue measurable sets of ft. This T is one-to-one on ft, and
is weak mixing . The first coordinate of Tn(x, 0) is Tnx. We omit the proof
that (Q,B,T,LO) is weak mixing, as we shall later be showing, in greater
generality, that (T,U>M) is outright mixing, whenever M is a regular set
(defined in section 4.4) and OJM is the measure appropriate to M.

4.3 Nair's Proof

Let ftc = {(s, t) e f t : 7 + t > c). Note that w(ft(l/z)) = f(z). Let

en(x) =
\T"X + qn J

so 6n(x) < z if and only if T n (a:, 0) e ft(l/z).

Now, fix e > 0. For n sufficiently large, we have

2 / e [ 0 , l ] , T n ( : r , j / ) e f t ( i + e) = T"(z,0) e fi(l/z), and

T (x, 0) e ft(l/z) =* Vy e [0,1], T " ^ , y ) e ft ( i - e) .

Thus, a.e in ft, we have

lim - i # { n : 1 < n < iV,T"(x, j/) e ft ( i + e)}

< lim T 7 # { " : 1 < < N

andT n (a;,0) e ft(l/z)}

< BE ^ # { l < n < i V : T"(x,0)eft(l/z)}

N>oo J\
< lirn^^ {I <n<N: Tn(x,y) e ft ( - e)} .

But by the individual ergodic theorem, the first and last limits here exist
for almost all (x, y) G ft, and are equal to w(ft(l/z -f e)) and w(ft(l/z e)),
respectively. This completes the proof.
Ergodic Theory 53

4.4 Generalization t o EM

We now show how all this can be extended to the case in which the choices
of x are restricted to x taken from some EM- To make sense of this, we
must have a suitable measure on EM, and to define that measure, we need
M to be regular.

\M(s)= lim( V |vP)1/2r.

r>oo ^'

Since for lists u and v of positive integers, |uv| = |u||v|(l + {u}[v]), it

follows that (J2VM(2r) | v | _ s ) 1 ^ 2 r is decreasing in r, so if X)fceM ^~s is finite,
the limit exists. (If, on the other hand, YlkzM ^~ s = > t n e n ^M(S) = oo
as well.) A set M is regular if there exists an s > 0 such that XM(S) = 1-
Since for u 6 M r , |u| > ((1 + VE)/2)r, it follows that if XM(s) < oo and
e > 0, then XM(S + e) < ((1 + \/5)/2) _e AAf (s). Thus, there can be at most
one s such that A^(s) = 1. When M = Z + , this value of s is s = 2, and it
is never more than 2.
If M is empty or has just one element, then it is not regular because
AM( S ) < 1 f r all s > 0. If M is finite and has at least two elements, it is
regular. Z + is regular. But there do exist (infinite) subsets of Z + that are
not regular. One such set is the set of integers that occur in the sequence
(a), where an is the integer nearest l + 100nlog n. What happens in such
cases is that AM (S) leaps from below 1 straight to oo as s slides below some
critical value.
Whenever XM(S) is finite, there exists a positive, decreasing function
fc s
5M,(*), with SM,S(0) = 1, such that X)fceM( + *)~ #M, s (i) = XM(s)gM,s(t)
for 0 < t < 1 (see Chapter 9). That is, gM,3 is the eigenfunction correspond-
ing to the leading eigenvector \M,S of the operator HM,S taking a function
/ denned on [0,1] to E f c M( f c + i )~ 3 /(V(fc + *))
So suppose M is regular, and let 0M be the unique positive real number
s such that AM(S) 1. Let gM be the eigenfunction corresponding to
this dominant eigenvalue 1 for the linear operator HM = HM,P given by
HMI SJCGMC^ + *) _ / 3 /(l/(' i ; + *))> normalized by the condition that
g M (0) = 1. Let // = /iM be the probability measure on [0,1], and supported
on EM, determined by the condition that for all r > 0 and v Mr, if
Iv = {[v + i\: 0<t< 1}, then

/i(Jv) = |V|-^5M({V}).
54 Continued Fractions

This collection of requirements involves some overlapping conditions, for

instance, that Iv = UfcgM-^vfe- Thus, we must check that they are consistent.
They are, because

E ,i(/ vfc ) = J2 |vfc|-^({vfc}) = | v | - " (k + {v})"^(l/(fc + { v

fceM fceM fceM
= |v|- /3 5({v}) = /i(/v).

Now 5(0) = 1, so /i([0,1]) = 1. We now show that [i is supported on EM-

Consider an open interval J disjoint from EM- There exists r such that
UveM'-^v is also disjoint from J, while

_ / 3
/ x ( U v e M r / v ) = M ' v ) = E M ff({v})
vSM vAf

= E E iwfcr/3fl({wfc})
weAf-' fceM

= E M^E^+wrta/cfc+iw}))
= E l w l ~ ^ ( { w } ) = M (UweM-^w)

By induction, this boils down to /x([0,1]) = 1. Thus there is no mass left

over to be assigned to J.
Let 7 = 7Af = V J o QmdpLM- This will be a normalizing constant
for our next measure. We need some information about the connections
between HM, 5M, and the linear functional A M given by A M / = c/ when
lim^oo i J w / = CfdM- We fix the space 5 of functions on which HM is
acting to be the Banach space

U := {/: [0,1] - K: / , / ' are continuous on [0,1]}

with H/IU := sup |/(t)| + sup \f'(t)\.
0<t<l 0<t<l

This space is discussed in Chapter 9, section 9.2.1.

Ergodic Theory 55

Proposition 4.1 If M C Z+ is regular, then for f eH and x e [0,1],

/ EMf d\xM = / fduM

Jo Jo

A M / = 7M / fdfiM

gM(x)= f (1 + 9x)-P" dnM(0)

lim HrM(l + xO)-^ = lM9M{e)gM{x).

Proof. For the first claim, suppose f H. Fix M, and abbreviate JJLM
as fi, PM as ,5, and so on. We calculate:

f HMfdn= f ^(k + tyPff^) d^t)

= r1imc EE f & + *)-*/(&) Mt)

v M r fceM

= lim J2 /(M)M_/V{}) = / / ^ -

Here we used continuity of / on [0,1], the fact that the lengths of the
intervals Iv tended to zero, and the fact that for long v, the front and back
continued fractions [v] and {v} are close to the front and back fractions of
their initial and end segments respectively.
For the second part, consider h = f JM (J0 f d^j g. By construction,
f0 hd/j, = 0, so for all r > 1, by the first part, fQ HrMhd[i = 0. Thus,
Aj^/i = 0, and since A tug = 1, it follows that

0 = A M ( / - 7 M ( / fdfj,)g)=AMf-7M fdfi

as claimed.
56 Continued Fractions

For the third part, we have

HM f (1 + 0x)-fi dfi{6) =T(k + x)~e [ (1 + -r^) dy.(6)

Jo kM Jo \ k + xj

= *& 5 > + *)-' / f1 +fcT^)" MO)

= lim Y(k + x)-P y {k+[y]+x)-^\v\-fig({v})
z J z J
kM veM'
(passing from an integral to a Riemann sum). Using the identity for g and
returning from Riemann sum to integral, this simplifies to

lim V (l + x[u])-p\u.\-pg({u})= [ (l + 6x)-^d/M(e).

Thus, J0 (1 + Ox)"13 dfi(6) is a positive function of x on [0,1], is invariant

under HM, and evaluates to 1 at x = 0. Since the eigenfunction of HM
corresponding to the leading eigenvalue 1 is unique up to scaling, it follows
that g = fQ (1 + 8x)~P d\x(8) as claimed.
For the final claim, we first use the two previous, and now estab-
lished, parts of the proposition. This gives A M [ ( 1 + 0x)~^)) = ^M J0 (1 +
0t)~P dfiM(t) = 7 M 5 M ( # ) - But A M gives the coefficient for the limiting
behavior of HM applied to the function x (1 + 6x)~P, so we are done.
This completes the proof of the proposition.

We now define a related measure v = VM o n EM-, determined by the

condition that v(Iv) = 7 M JT g(x) d/x(x). Equivalently, for any continuous
/ on [0,1], JQ f dv = 7M f0 f(x)gM{x) d/J.. Like n, v is a probability mea-
sure supported on EM', if ^ is like the uniform measure, but for EM, then
v is like the Gauss measure, but for EM-
What exactly does this mean? The Gauss measure is invariant under
T: For any measurable set A, m(T~1A) = m{A). And the same holds for

Proposition 4.2 The probability measure VM on EM is invariant under

T: x > 1/x [l/x\; VM(T~1A) = VM(A) for all ^.-measurable subsets A
of [0,1].
Proof. It is sufficient to show that for r > 1 and v e M r , VM{T~1IV) =
VM(IV)- Since each Iv can be written as a disjoint union, apart from
Ergodic Theory 57

common endpoints, (which can occur if M is infinite), of the form Iv =

UweM^vw, it will suffice to show that as r > oo, and for v Mr,

u(T-1Iv) = (l + 0(^)HIv)-
But if v e M r , then

!/(T _ 1 7 v ) = v (UfcgM-ffcv) = E K-ffcv) = 1M E / 5 M ( ^ ) d/i(z)

= (1 + 0(^))7M E ^M ( s q f o ) |fev|-^ M ({fcv})

= (1 + 0(^))7M5M({v})|v|-'3 > + [ v ] ) " ^ ( F T R )
= (1 + 0 ( ^ ) ) 7 M 3 M ( { V } ) 5 M ( [ V ] ) | V | - ^ = (1 + <W))"Af Cv).
This proves the proposition. D
We need a stronger statement along the same lines. Not only is v an
invariant measure for T, T is ergodic with respect to u, and even mixing.
P r o p o s i t i o n 4.3 (T,VM) is mixing on EM-

Proof. What is required is that for all measurable A and B,

lim v{T~rAC\B) = v(A)v(B).

Again we show that this holds to within arbitrarily tight tolerances by

looking at what happens with the canonical intervals Iv.
Any measurable A and B can be approximated to arbitrary closeness by
unions of such intervals, so we assume A = U u 6 s A / u , B = UUSBIu, where
SA, SB C Mn for some n. We need to show that v(T~rAnB) -> u(A)u(B)
as r > oo. We abbreviate VM to v, gu to g, and so on, and calculate:

u(T~rAnB)=22 E X>(Jwvu)
U S A vMr~" we5B

= ( i + o t n ) 7 E E iwr/?iu|-^([w])fl({u})
USA W 6 5 B

| v r / J ( l + {w}[v])-"(l + {v}[u])-' 3 .

Now the inner sum here has the form

22 \vr0(i + [v}x)-0(i + {v}t)-0

veM r -"
58 Continued Fractions

with x = {w} and t = [u]. But

(1 + 0(0-")) J] |v|-'3(l + [v]*)-'3(l + {* + v})-'3
veM r -
= (l + O ( 0 - ) ) f l J f - l [ ( l + x z ) - ' 3 ] | z = t

= (1 + o{\))-yMgM{x)gM{t),

so that as r 00,

t /(r-Mn5) = (i + 0(i))7M ^ |w|-0|u|-^

= (i + o(i))(i + o(0")) 53 K/uMJw)

= (l + o(l))(l + 0 ( ^ ) H A M B ) .
Thus, on sending both n and r n to 00, we conclude that
lim^oo v(T~rA n B) = v(A)v{B). O

4.5 A Natural Extension of the Dynamic System {EM , M> T)

Recall that T: ft = [0,1]\Q x [0,1], T(x, y) = ( l / x - k, l/(y + k)), with

k = \l/x\. Let QM = EM X [0,1]. Then T is a one to one mapping on ft
that carries QM into itself.
As always in this chapter, we assume M is regular. Let v' = v'M be the
measure on ft, and supported on A M , determined by

/ fd^M=lM / / f(x,y)(l + xy)~13 diiM{x)dnM(y).


Then i/M is a probability measure, since the measure of ft is given by

1M I / {l + xy)~f3diJ,M{x)diJ,M(y) =1M I 9M(y)dfJ,M(y)^'i-

Jo Jo Jo

If / : ft > K depends on x alone, say f(x,y) f(x) for y G [0,1], then

Jn f dv' = fE f dv. We claim that v'M is invariant under T.
Ergodic Theory 59

Proof. As usual, we may approximate a measurable set A C fi by a

union of subsets of Cl of the form Iu x Iv, with u, v G Mr, r large. It will
suffice, then, to show that for all u , v G Mr,

v'(T-\lu x / v ) ) = (1 + 0(<f>r)y(Iu x J v ).

So suppose u G Mr and v G M r , with v = (vi,V2,... ,vr). As we have

done before, let v_ = (i>2,..., vr). Then

= ^ ' ( ^ l U x 7V_)
= (l + O(0 r ))7M(l + [ v i u ] [ v _ ] ) - ^ | t , 1 u | - ^ ( { 1 u } ) | v _ | - ^ ( { v _ } )
= (i + o(<r)ftM(i + [y-}/(vi + [u})r0(vi + Mr"
= ((1 + 0 ( < 0 7 M ( 1 + [u]/(i + [v_]))^|u|-' 3 |v|-' 3 9 M({u})gM({v})
= (1 + 0 ( ^ ) ) 7 M ( 1 + [ u ] [ v ] ) - " | u | ^ | v | - ^ ( { u } ) f f A f ({v})
= (l + 0(cj>r)y(luxlv).
As in the case of T, T is not merely measure preserving, but mixing. The
proof is not entirely routine, though many of the techniques will by now be
First note that if u, v G Ms and r > 4s, then

T~r(Iu x Iv) = U w e M r - . / w v / u x [0,1]

where v' = (vs,..., v\) is the reversal of v.

Now consider measurable sets A, B C fi. Since v' is supported on
EM x E M , and since T(EM X JBM) Q EM X B M , for purposes of discussing
p'{T~r A n B), we may restrict attention to A, B C E M X E M - Fix e > 0.
Approximate A and B by open sets A* U( U i V ) e s A I u x Iv and B* =
U(w,z)esB-fw x I z so that A C i ' . B C B*, v{A*\A) < e, iv(B*\B) < e,
and for all (u,v) G SA and (w,z) G 5 B , U, V, W, and z, which are finite
lists of integers belonging to M, have the same length s.
With this in place, we have

\v'(T-rA n B) - p'{T-TA* n B*)\ < 2c.

Thus, it will suffice to show that as r - oo, v'{T~rA* n B*)

60 Continued Fractions

v'{A*)v'{B*). We therefore calculate:

i/(T-M'n*)= ]T E ^^uxlv)n(/wx/,))
(u,v)esA (w,z)esB
= E E E "'((V- x EM) n (7W x /.))
(u,v)GS A (w,v)S B y e W - *
E E E "'(JwxVu X 4)
(U,V)G5A (w,z)eS B x M ' - 2 s

= (i+o(^))7M E E E
I w x v ' u l ^ l z r ^ l + [w][z])-" 9 ({u}) 5 ({z})
= (i+o(<As))7M E 5({u}M{z})iz|-'3H-'3|vr^ur'3
.(i + MivD-^i + HN)-/ 3
5 ; ixr^i + iwKxD-^i + ivKx})^.
xeM r - 2s
The innermost sum here has the form
X) | x | ^ ( l + ( T [ x ] ) - / 3 ( l + r{x})-' 3
r 2s
xM -

with <r = {w} and r = {v}. But this is equal, to within the tolerance of
the error factor of (1 + 0((ps)), to

(1 + 0 ( 0 ' ) ) E | x r / 3 ( l + a[x + r])- / 3 (l + r{x})- / 3

r 2s
xeM -
which in turn is equal (exactly) to

njr a '(i+oo H V r .
In view of Proposition 4.1, last item, this is, again to within the tolerances
allowed, simply (1 + 0(a r _ 2 s ))7M9({w})g({v}). We conclude that

v>(T-rA* n B*) = (1 + 0 ( ^ - 2 s ) ) 7 i k E 5({u}) 5 ({z})3({w}) ff ({v})

(l + [u][v])-"(l + [w][z])-'
= (1 + o((Ar-2s))^(A*)i/'(s*).
This completes the proof that T is mixing with respect to v' on QM-
Ergodic Theory 61

With this mixing established, we may plug in directly to the arguments

of theorem 2.2 of [Na] and conclude the following, bearing in mind that the
measure v', supported on EM, depends on EM'-
Theorem 4.2 With respect to v', for almost every x EM the fraction
over 1 < n < N of n so that 6n(x) = q^\x pn/ln\ < z tends to FM{Z) =
i/({(s,i): 0<t<z-l/s}).

4.5.1 Variants on the theme

There are many variants of continued fraction algorithms to which the same
circle of ideas may be applied. The Knopfmacher CF-algorithm takes as
input a pair of polynomials or power series over some field, say / and g.
The algorithm provides an expansion of (1 + zf)/(l + zg) of the form

1 + Zf Cizkl
= 1
l + zg i + fia^2 '
y i +
We single out the particular case when the field is {0,1}. The expansion
then takes the form
1 + zf = zh-
l + zg 1 + ^2 '
y i +
1 + 2*3/...

The algorithm proceeds by steps, keeping a working pair (fj,gj) and out-
putting the successive positive integers ki, /c2, fe... as it goes. Given a
pair (f,g), let K[(f,g)] := (g, ( ( / + g)zl~k + l ) * " 1 ) , where k - 1 is the
number of consecutive terms, starting with the constant term, at which /
and g agree. The CF algorithm terminates when, in the next working pair,
f g. Example: We execute the CF algorithm on the pair (1 + z + z3, z)
to get an expansion of (1 + z(l + z + z3))/(l + z2). The initial working
pair, with / and g viewed as a bit sequences instead of polynomials, is
((1,1,0,1),(0,1)). The sequence of values of k spun off by the algorithm
is (1,2,1,1,1). The second working pair is ((0,1), (0,0,1)), the third is
((0,0,1),(1)), the fourth is ((1), (0,1)), the fifth is ((0,1), (1)), and the last
is ((1),(1)). Because the two entries in this final working pair are equal,
the algorithm halts.
Let P denote the set of all formal power series / = eo + e\z + e^z1 + ...
with all j {0,1}. Let B(f,g,n) := (/ + 0{zn)) x (g + 0(zn)) be a
'box' about (f,g). Let fi be the usual product measure on fi = P x P,
so that nB(f,g,n) 2~2n. We equip P with the 2-adic metric, so that if
62 Continued Fractions

f = zk(l + zg) P then ||/|| = 2~fc, and we equip the product space Cl
with the sup norm, that is, ||(/, g)\\ = max[||/||, ||g||].
Now if is a measure preserving map on fl. Let K~l be the function
given by Kj\f,g) := ( / + z ' " 1 + zig,f). Then
Kj\B{f, 9,n)) = {(, v): vf + 0(zn),u Gv + z^1 + z^g + 0(zn)}.

Now any open U C fi can be written as the disjoint union of boxes: U
U m = l Bm(fm, 9m, m)- T h u s ,

#-![/= (J (J ^- 1 B m (/ m , 9m ,n m ).
j = l ra=l

We claim that the components in this representation are again disjoint.

Consider two components, corresponding to (ji,mi) and (.72,^2)- Without
loss of generality we assume j \ < fa.
If m\ = m2 = m and j \ < J2, and if (u, v) K~^Um n K~^Um, then
u G D + z 3 , " 1 + ^ 1 S m + 0 ( ^ + n ) n w + z i 2 " 1 + 2 i 2 j n i + 0 ( / + n ' ) . This is
impossible since contradictory values of the z-7'1-1 coefficient are specified.
If mi ^ rn 2 then f/mi f| C/m2 = 0. If j x = j 2 = j , then

because the inverse images of disjoint sets, under the function Kj, are
disjoint. Finally, if mi ^ m.2 and j i < J2, then again the coefficients
required on 2 J 1 _ 1 of first entry u in a (u,v) belonging to the intersection,
would be different.
We now show that K is measure preserving with respect (i. Under the
circumstances, it will suffice to show that for any open set U, [iK~lU
fi U. This is because Q, is a compact set, so that by theorems 2.14 and 2.17
of [Ru], for any measurable E C Q, and for any e > 0, there exists an open
set U such that E C U and fi(U\E) < e. Thus

[iK~xE < nK~lU = iiU<nE + e.

In the other direction, U\E is measurable, so there exists an open V such
that U\E C V and fj,V < 2e. Now U\V C E so K-l(U\V) C # - ! , so
/i K~lE > iiK-\U\V) > ptK-lU - nK~lV = n(U) - n{V) >nE-2e.
Ergodic Theory 63

As these inequalities hold for all e > 0, pK~1E = \iE. That is, K is
measure preserving on Q. This is of course the prelude to the main result,
that K is in fact ergodic.
Theorem 4.3 K is ergodic on P equipped with the measure p.
Proof. We must show that there is no measurable set in fi, other than
sets of measure 0 or 1, that is invariant under K. So suppose E is some set
of measure 6 with 0 < 6 < 1 and suppose K~lE C E. This will lead to a
We use the transfer operator G associated with K: If p is bounded and
measurable on ft, then Gp is the function given by

Gp(u, v) = Y^ 2 " > ( u + z"" 1 + znv, u).


This transfer operator has the key property that if D is a measurable subset
of Q, and if p is a bounded measurable function on fi, then

/ ' - /
This is because K lD can be written as a disjoint union UfKn X
and the Jacobian of K~x is 2~n. Thus,

/ Pd^=zZ\ pdp=\] (poKn )dp= Gpdp,.

Now for n > 1, let Z n = {(r, s ) e O | r + s -z" - 1 + 0(zn)}. If we identify

a point (r, s) fi with the real number pair obtained from (r, s) by setting
z = 1/2, we can depict these zones. (The remaining on-diagonal squares
comprise Zk, k > 4.)


Fig. 4.1 Zones for the CF-algorithm.

64 Continued Fractions

By a suitable change of variables,

2~n [ p{u + zn-1+znv,u)= f p(r,s).

Summing over n, we see that JnP = Jn Gp. Now we are going to take two
perspectives on what happens, as n > oo, to GnpE when

= \0 if not.

On the one hand, since K~lE C .E, and since p(K~lE) = p(E), we
must have

PE= PE= GnpE.

On the other hand, perhaps if we look at the 'fourier series' representation
of PE , we shall see that the nonconstant terms decay under iteration of G.
A direct realization of this ambition will encounter certain difficulties,
unfortunately. E need only be a generic measurable set of measure strictly
between 0 and 1. Convergence of any sort of fourier expansion is doubtful.
We thus assume that 4e < p{E) < 1 4e, and consider an open set E'
with p(E'AE) < e4, of the form E' = Ui<m<M5(/>2>m)- Now
fi(K-nE'AE') < e4, so fE, GnpE> = 1 + 0(e 3 ).
The other 'hand' here is the fourier approach. For S, T C N, u =
Y,akzk, and v = J2hzk, let ips,T- ^ * {-1,1} be given by

Then the ips,T form an orthonormal set of functions on 0, with respect to
the inner product (ij},<f>) = fat(j(j)dp. Furthermore, if B = B(u,v,n), then
PB(f,g) = 22/[(/,g) B] has the representation

PB = ^2 CS,TlpS,T
S,TC{0,1 n-1}

where CS,T = I/>S,T{U, V). In general, the coefficient of ips,T in the represen-
tation of some measurable, L 2 function <j> on fl, is Jn <pips,T dp,. Now con-
sider the finite-dimensional subspace FN of (trivially measurable, bounded,
L\ and L%) functions on Q which are constant on all boxes of the form
B(u,v,N). Setting N = 1 + max{n m : 1 < m < M}, we have pE< G i*jv.
Let PN = {(S, T) : (S, T) C { 0 , 1 , . . . , N - l } 2 } .
Ergodic Theory 65

Now suppose (f>FN, cf> = Y,(s,T)ePN cs,Tips,T- Then


(G<t>)(u, v) = Y, E 2-"C<?,TV'T(U)V<S(W + * n - 1 + znv).

PN n=l

Now the coefficient of 1 = ip^^ is invariant under G, but as we shall now

show, G acts (almost) like a contraction on the orthogonal complement Fjy
of 1 in FJV-
For 7 G FN, 7 = ( s , r ) e P N <Hs,T)*l>(s,T), let hll = E(s,T)Piv lc(s,T)l-
This is a norm on -FAT.
Lemma 4.1 For 7 e i ^ , ||G 2 T || < (1 - 2 - w ) | | 7 | | .
Proof. First, we note that Gipq,iT tprfi- Thus, it will be sufficient to
show that for 5 ^ 0 , ||GV(s,T)|| < 1 - %~N For n G N, let 5 - n =
{ s - n : 6 5 } n N . Then
max S
G^s.T) = 5Z 2- n (-l)l Sn {"- 1 >l^ SAT> s_ n .

Thus ||GV(S,T)|| = 1 - 2 - m a x S < 1 - 2"^. D

From this lemma, it now follows that Gnps' > 1 uniformly on fi as n *
00. But then lim_>oo \E, GnpE' = fJ-(E'). This contradicts our earlier
calculation, contingent on the hypothetical existence of an E with measure
other than 0 or 1, yet invariant under K, that fE, Gnps' = 1 + 0(e3).
Therefore, there is no such E after all, and K is ergodic on Cl. D
This page is intentionally left blank
Chapter 5

Complex Continued Fractions

5.1 The Schmidt Regular Chains Algorithm

A complex continued fraction algorithm is, broadly speaking, an algorithm

that provides approximations by ratios of Gaussian integers, or integers
of another complex number field, to a given complex number. We are
faced with an immediate choice: does speed matter, or does approximation
quality trump everything else?
If quality of approximation is paramount, then the algorithm of choice is
due to Asmus Schmidt [Sch]. The basic idea is to partition (we ignore issues
concerning breaking ties at the boundaries) the complex plane into pieces
bounded by line segments and arcs of circles, and to successively refine this
partition. The partition component to which the target belongs shrinks
down to as this process is iterated.
Each component of the partition is associated with a linear fractional
map z > (az + b)/(cz + d), where the coefficients a,b,c,d are Gaussian
integers, as well as with the matrix
The Schmidt algorithm resembles the Lagarias multidimensional con-
tinued fraction algorithm (discussed in Chapter 6) in that both generate,
for each , a sequence (M n ()) of matrices with 'integer' entries, whose in-
verses also have 'integer' entries. The required Diophantine approximation
to the target can then be read off from Mn ().
It produces a tesselation of its space of possible targets, with the prop-
erty that each set of associated to a given Mn splits into some number of
shards, each associated with a specific one of the possible successors MnT.
We show the fourth-generation partition of that portion of C bounded by
the circle with diameter (1,1 + i):

68 Continued Fractions

Fig. 5.1 Fourth generation and (zoom to left-center) fifth.

On average, the Schmidt algorithm would appear to require only poly-

nomial time in the binary length of the numerator and denominator of
Gaussian-rational inputs. The worst-case is a different matter. Given a
real input, or one equivalent at an early stage to a real number, the algo-
rithm can be quite slow.
The Schmidt regular chains algorithm [Sch] takes as input a com-
plex number and returns a sequence (T) = (Ti,T2,...) of 2 x 2 ma-
trices in GZ,2(Z[i]) drawn from a certain finite set, or alphabet, <S =
{Vi, V2,Vz,Ei,E2,E2,,C}. Associated with this sequence of 'letters', we
have a sequence of products (M), where Mn = T\.. . T, a sequence of
candidate approximations Pn /qn given by

and finally, a sequence of approximations (r n ), where rn is whichever of the

three fractions pi? /qn is nearest . The building block T"s are

* - ( ; . , ;) * - G 0- * = ( 0 9 .
Complex Continued Fractions 69


KV ;)-
We take Mo to be the identity matrix. Associated with each product Mn =
I 1 we have also a linear fractional map m onCUoo, given by mn(z) =
(az + b)/(cz + d), and a region Tn that contain and is delimited and
determined by a/c, b/d, and (a + b)/(c + d).
Given three noncollinear points zi, 22,23 C, let C = C(zi,Z2,zz) be
the circle through the Zj, D the closed disk bounded by C, and T the
connected closed subset of D bounded by arcs of circles perpendicular to
C, running inside D from each Zj to the other two.
When det Mn is real, (1), Tn is the disk D(a/c, b/d, (a + b)/(c + d)).
When instead the determinant is imaginary (i), J-n is the 'triangle' (each
vertex has interior angle of zero) T(a/c, b/d, (a + b)/(c + d)) with vertices
C'*i,r2,r3) = (a/c,b/d,(a + b)/(c + d)); the 'edges' of this triangle are arcs,
from each of the vertices to the other two, of circles orthogonal to the circle
or line through all three vertices.
A regular chain is a sequence (Ti, T2, ) of matrices in iS such that

(1) If d e t M n _ i - 1 then Tn {VUV2,V3,C},

(2) There is no no Z + and j {1,2,3} such that for n > no, Tn = Vj.

There is a connection between m and Tn- Let J = {z \ Ssz > 0} and

J* = {z I 0 < SRz < 1, 3z > 0, and \z - 1/2| > 1/2}. If det(M n ) = 1 ,
then Tn is whichever omn(J) or mn{J) forms the interior of a disk, while
if det Mn = , then Tn is whichever of mn{J*) or mn(J*) is the bounded,
'triangular' set. Thus, another description of which T is to be used next is
this: take that T such that the new J- will contain .
Computationally, one may implement this algorithm on Gaussian ratio-
nal inputs, breaking ties ad hoc by having the algorithm return the first
permissible choice of T. Testing whether a 'triangular' region contains
may be accomplished by mapping that region onto J* or its conjugate with
an appropriately chosen linear fractional mapping <f> and checking whether
(/>() belongs. The algorithm terminates at , and all steps can be carried
out with exact arithmetic on Gaussian rationals. The approximations rn
have the form r = p/q, p, q S G, q ^ 0, and are in each case the best of
70 Continued Fractions

the three Pn jq. . They satisfy (page 16 of [Sch])
1 V2\q\
and conversely, (theorem 2.5 of [Sch]) if p, q G G, q ^ 0, and if | p/q\ <
\/2/((\/2+l)|q| 2 ), then pjq is one of the rn found by the Schmidt algorithm.
We illustrate the algorithm by executing it on input = 7/11 + 14i/31.
We have T\ = V3 because belongs to the circle through the points (1 -f
i,i/(l + i),l) determined by V3. The next few M are
3i i 4 -1
Mo M3 = M4 =
2il + i 2-3il +i 4 - 3 i -1 + i

3 + i - 4 + 3i 2 + 8i - 3 - 4i
MB = M6
4 i - 2 + 6i 8 + li - 6 - 2i

- 5 + 7z - 6 - 9 i -5 + 7i-13-14i
M7 = M8 =
Hi -13 - 5 i Hi - 2 4 -hi
The data can be presented as well in visual form: The regions are the
successive J-n, together with some neighboring candidates for those regions
which were not selected because lay outside them. In the first figure, we
show the individual region as well.

Fig. 5.2 First few iterations of the Schmidt algorithm.

Complex Continued Fractions 71

S d$ A ^
Fig. 5.3 Multiple zooms.

Schmidt also announces explicit chain expansions for e 1 / ^ - ^ ) and

+ l
ei/(-&) when a, 6 e Z . In particular, the chain for e is

e* ~ C2V3C2ViC2VfC2V'C2VC2V3nC2....

5.2 The Hurwitz Complex Continued Fraction

If we relax the priority we set on quality of approximation, what do we

get in exchange? Any complex continued fraction algorithm should take
as input a complex number z = z$, and return as output a sequence of
approximations (pn/qn) to z, where pn,qn G = {a + ib: a e Z, b Z} are
relatively prime Gaussian integers. The following properties are desirable:

(1) The sequence (|<2n|) increases at least exponentially.

(2) The sequence (pn/qn) terminates in p/q if the input z is a Gaussian
(3) All approximations are of quality at least comparable to that which is
known to exist by virtue of the Dirichlet pigeonhole principle:

uniformly over n and over all inputs z.

It would be nice if the algorithm were also easily executed, provided

that basic arithmetic operations and truncations present no particular dif-
ficulty. (If the input is given only as the limit of a sequence of decimal
approximations, for instance, it may be impossible to resolve a truncation
72 Continued Fractions

operation.) We might hope that the pn/qn take the form

ai H
a2 + '' +

We might also hope that every reasonably good Gaussian rational approxi-
mation p/q to z, of quality comparable to or better than that vouchsafed by
the Dirichlet pigeonhole principle, was either a continued fraction conver-
gent, or simply related to the two convergents whose denominators brack-
eted q in absolute value.
Finally, we might hope to understand both what typically happens for a
'random' initial z, and what happens in selected special cases such as inputs
that satisfy a quadratic polynomial with Gaussian integer coefficients.
The classical algorithm due to A. Hurwitz [Hur] meets most of these
desiderata. It takes as input a complex number z, and outputs a sequence
(an) of Gaussian integers, from which further sequences (pn) and (qn) of
Gaussian integers can be computed exactly as in the case of the classi-
cal continued fraction. The Gaussian rationals p/qn then come to us in
reduced form, and they furnish decent approximations to z. The arith-
metic needed to decide on the next step is decidedly simpler than with the
Schmidt algorithm, while the approximations are comparable if not always
quite as good.
We denote by [z] the Gaussian integer nearest z, rounding down, in
both the real and imaginary components, to break ties. The Hurwitz com-
plex continued fraction algorithm, like the near-classical centered continued
fraction algorithm for real numbers, is simplest when restricted to inputs
inside the fundamental domain of the truncation function. Here, that do-
main is B = {x 4- iy | - 1 / 2 < x < 1/2, - 1 / 2 < y < 1/2}. The algorithm
proceeds by steps of the form zn+i = l/zn [l/z n ]. If z = z0 G Q(i), the
algorithm terminates when, as must eventually occur, zn = 0, and the final
finite-depth continued fraction gives a reduced fraction p n /?n equal to z.
The next-to-last convergent pair gives a solution to uqn vpn = 1.
If initially z fi Q(j) then the algorithm continues indefinitely, or in
practice, until some other terminating condition is met.
Once (ao,ai,.. . a) have been computed, we compute the convergents
Pk/qk using the usual formula. (Details are provided in the next section.)
Complex Continued Fractions 73

As in the case of the classical algorithm,

Pn-l Vn
= ("If
Qn-1 In

Here, we show that this algorithm has excellent convergence properties,

and we study some surprising cases in which algebraic inputs z lead to
expansions that exhibit behavior that is neither periodic (along the lines
of the classical continued fraction expansion of y/n), nor 'typical'. We
close by working out the details of what that 'typical' behavior is, and give
an analog, for the case of the Hurwitz algorithm, to the classical Gauss-
Kuz'min theorem, itself discussed in Chapter 9.

5.3 Notation

It will be convenient to introduce some additional notation. We assume that

z = ZQ is given, with z 0 B, and that p_i = qo = 1 while po = 9-i = 0.
For n > 1 let an = [l/z n _i], pn ap_i + p n - 2 , and qn anqn-\ + qn-2-
Let xn = l / z _ i , and let wn qn-i/<ln- Then
zn+i OTJ+1

an+i + wn
Let 1/5 denote the set of reciprocals of the nonzero elements of B; 1/5 is
bounded by arcs of circles of radius 1 about 1 and i , and these arcs pass
through 1 i and through 2 and 2i. Let G' denote G\{0, l,i}.

Fig. 5.4 B and 1/B.

From the figure, it is evident that only elements of G' can occur as partial
quotients an. On the other hand, it is not so simple to say which sequences
74 Continued Fractions

can actually occur. There is a variant on this algorithm, due to Julius

Hurwitz[JH] in which the an are restricted further to be multiples of (1 + i),
and in this variant, it was apparently possible to ferret out the details of
which sequences of (a) can occur.
For the algorithm now under investigation it is possible, at any rate, to
work out that certain finite combinations of consecutive a^ cannot occur.
The following table gives the set of all possible pairs (a, b) of consecutive aj.
The reason for these constraints is a matter of geometry, and we explain
two of the cases in some detail. If a, = 1 + i, then Xj belongs to the
intersection of l/B and the square 1/2 < 9fa < 3/2, 1/2 < 3ty < 3/2, so
that Zj = XJ (1+i) belongs to the intersection of l/B (1 + i) and B. The
set of reciprocals of complex numbers in this set, in turn, is the intersection
of the regions R[z] > - 1 / 2 , 9[z] < 1/2, \z + 1| > 1, and \z + i\ > 1.
If aj = 2 + i, then Zj belongs to that part of B lying on or outside the
circle of radius 1 about - 1 i, so 1/ZJ lies in that part of l/B lying on or
outside the circle of radius 1 about 1 + i, with the result that all of G'
apart from 1 + i is a possibility for a J + i .
The dots indicate Gaussian integers that are available for a J + i . For

Fig. 5.5 Oj = 1 + i: Possible Zj, Possible a^+i.

Fig. 5.6 aj = 2 + i: Possible Zj, Possible a^+j.

Complex Continued Fractions 75

other values of aj, we have the following little table; negating or taking
the conjugate of aj negates or conjugates the set of possible Oj+i, while if
\aj\ > 2\/2, any element of G' is a possibility for aj+i-

aj possible a J + i
1+i x iy,x + y >2
1i x + iy,x + y > 2
2 x + iy, x > 0, |x| + \y\ > 2
2+i c'\{-l + i}
l + 2i G'\{-l + i}

5.4 Growth of \qn\ and the Quality of the Hurwitz Approx-


Hurwitz continued fraction convergents to a target zo are good approxima-

tions. With the notation established above, we have

Pn __ (-!)"*
q q%(l + znwn)'

Since \zn\ < 1/V2, and \wn\ < 1, it follows immediately that \ZQ
Pn/<ln\ < 2\/2\zn\/\qn\2. When ZQ is a Gaussian quadratic irrational, such
as \/2 + i 1 or, for that matter, y/2 1, the Hurwitz continued fraction
expansion is (eventually) periodic, and \zn\ is bounded below by a positive
constant. On the other hand, a simple computation with (algebraic) conju-
gates shows that when the target ZQ is a Gaussian quadratic irrational, there
exists e > 0, depending on ZQ, such that for all Gaussian integers p, q with
5 ^ 0 , \ZQ p/q\ > e|?| - 2 - Thus for such targets, the Hurwitz continued
fraction gives approximations that are essentially best possible. Whenever
zn is small, we get particularly good approximations, but this alone does
not exclude the possibility that there might be particularly good approxi-
mations that the Hurwitz algorithm misses. The algorithm does, however,
achieve approximations that are essentially best possible, in the following

Theorem 5.1 Suppose a C has a Hurwitz algorithm sequence of con-

vergents to depth at least n, and suppose (p n -i,<7n-i) and (pn,qn) >re the
numerators and denominators of the n lth and nth convergents. Suppose
76 Continued Fractions

q G with \qn-i\ < \q\ < \qn\, P S G, andp/q ^pn/qn- Then

- (V >I Pn

- (V

q - 5 qn q
We defer the proof as we shall need some of the machinery developed below.
We now discuss the growth of the continuants, that is, the denominators
qn. The first result along these lines is due to Hurwitz, who showed that for
all initial ZQ G B, and all n such that the expansion has not yet terminated,
|<Zn| > |<7n-i|- His proof is based on the observations given above.
To this, we now add

Theorem 5.2 / / z B has a Hurwitz continued fraction expansion to

depth n + 2, then

Proof. Recall that

qn+i = an+iqn + qn-i

zn+i fln+1

an+i + wn
n+l =
qn _

Let Ga denote the set of possible values in G' for the successor a J + i to aj
if aj = a. We shall need some estimates for wn.

Lemma 5.1 Suppose z B, n > 1, and z has a Hurwitz continued

fraction to depth n + 2. If \wn\ > 2/3, then |iu n +i| < 2/3. Furthermore,
either \wn\ < 2/3, or 3 < \wn\ < 1 and one of the following, or its negative
or complex-conjugate counterpart, holds:

Wn -
<' -i) < - and an = 1 + i
Wn ~ < and an = 2.
16 lo
Complex Continued Fractions 77

The proof of the lemma is inductive and begins with the observation
that the claim is true at the outset because WQ 0. We use a fact about
reciprocals of disks: If D is a disk in C with center z and radius r, and if
\z\ > r, then with the notation D(s,r) := {z G C : \z s\ < r},


Now let Do be the disk about 0 with radius 2/3, and let D\ = 1/(1 + i +
D0) = D ( ( 9 / 1 4 ) ( l - i ) , 3 / 7 ) , D2 = l/{-l + i + D0), D3 = _ i / ( i + i + >),
D 4 = l/(l-i+D0), Ds = l/(2+D0), D 6 = l/(2*+A>), D7 = -l/(2+D0),
and Ds = l/(2i + Do). Assuming the claim to be true for k < n, we have
either that \wn\ G Do, or that wn lies in the intersection of one of 8 other
disks with the open unit disk, and an takes a corresponding specific value,
either 1 i or 2 or 2i.
Now if \a\ > y/5, then l / ( a + D0) Q D0, while if a is one of the 8
Gaussian integers in G' nearest the origin, l/(a + Do) is one of Di,..., D&.
Thus the inductive step cannot fail in the case that wn Do. On the other
hand, for 1 < k < 8, one readily checks that for any eligible successor a
to an, \/{Dk + a) C D0. Thus, for instance, when wn G D\\Do, we have
an = 1 + i so that an+\ G Gi+j = {u iv : u > 0,v > 0,u + v > 2}.
For a G G1+i, though, if \a\ > 2\/2 and |u>| < 1 then | l / ( a + w)\ < 2/3,
while if a G {2,2 i, 1 i, 1 2i, 2i} then, from case by case calculation,
l / ( a + Di) C D 0 . For instance, 1/(1 - i + Di) = D((23/73)(l + i),6/73),
while 1/(2 - i + Di) = D(37/133 + 23i/133,6/133). Thus the inductive
step cannot fail in any of these other cases either, as |w+i| < 2/3. We now
note that we have shown that whenever \wn\ > 2/3, |w n +i| < 2/3.
At this point the proof of the theorem falls right out: |w n ||iu n +i| < 2/3
because both factors are less than 1 and one of them is less than 2/3, and
so \qn+2/qn\ = l / | w w n + 1 | > 3/2.

We now give the proof of Theorem 5.1. We first write (p, q) =

s(pn-i,qn-i) + t(pn,qn). If s = 0 the estimate is immediate. We now
break the question into two main cases: |s| = 1 and |s| > 1.
If \s\ = 1, then we may multiply s and t by the same unit and so take
s = 1. Now \a -pn/qn\ = \zn\/{\qn{qn + -zg_i)|). Thus we must show
that if q ^ qn then

Pn + ZnPn-l tpn + P-l 1

> -
qn + z n <7n-i tqn + qn-i 5 \qfan + Znqn-lW
78 Continued Fractions

or equivalently, \t l/zn\ > 1/5. Now q = qn+i if and only if t = [l/zn].

But \q\ < \qn\ < \qn+i\, so t ^ [l/zn], so \t - l/zn\ > 1/2. This completes
the proof for the case \s\ = 1.
We break the case \s\ > 1 down into subcases depending on the value
of an. There is sufficient symmetry that rotations and reflections are of no
consequence, so these cases reduce to the following: \an\ > 3, an = 2 + 2i,
an = 2 + i, an = 2, and an = 1 + i. We now assume that p/q gives a
counterexample at depth n. The premise \qn-\\ < \q\ < \qn\ gives \wn\ <
\swn + t\ < 1, while our assumption that p/q is a good approximation to a
gives \s/zn t\ < (1/5). Equivalently,

1 t 1 t
Wn + ~
Zfi s -5H' S

From these it follows that \wn + l/zn\ < 6/5|s|).

Now the value of an constrains both wn and zn. It constrains wn
because wn = l / ( a + wn-i) and |u>n_i| < 1. Thus, wn belongs to
the disk D(a^/(\an\2 l ) , l / ( | a n | 2 1)) where D(c,r) denotes the disk
{z C : \z c\ < r}. The effect of an upon the possible values of zn comes
from the fact that zn G D(an, 1) n B, which becomes important only when
\an\ < \/5-
For the case \an\ > 3, we have |w| < 1/2 while | l / z n | > V%, so
\wn+l/zn\ > \ / 2 - l / 2 > 6/5v^. If a = 2+2ithen wn G D((2-2i)/7,l/7).
Thus it will suffice to complete this case, that D((-2+2i)/7, (1/7+6/(5y/2))
sits inside the union of the disks about 1 and i of radius 1. It does, since
| - (1 + *) + (2 - 2i)/7| = 5 v ^ / 7 > 6/(5v^) + 1/7.
If an 2 + i then zn C B\D(1 i, 1), so l/zn lies outside the union
of the disks of radius 1 about 1 , i, and 1 + i. On the other hand, wn G
> ( ( 2 - i ) / 4 , l / 4 ) ) . The disk about - ( 2 i)/4 of radius (1/4 + 6 / ( 5 v^)) fits
comfortably within the region from which l/zn is excluded, which completes
the proof for the case an = 2 + i.
If an = 2, then wn G ( 2 / 3 , 1 / 3 ) while zn G B\D(-1,1) so that l / z
belongs outside the union of our disks and the half-space $iz < 1/2. The
disk D ( - 2 / 3 , 1 / 3 + 6 / ( 5 v ^ ) ) fits comfortably inside the region from which
l/zn is excluded, which completes the proof for the case an = 2.
Finally, if an = 1 + i, then wn G >(1 - i, 1) while zn G B\(D(-1,1) U
D(i,l)). Thus l / z is excluded from the union of our four unit disks
about 1 and i, and the half-planes 3iz < 1/2 and 3z > 1/2. But
D(1 + i , l + 6/(5v2)) fits comfortably within this excluded zone.
Complex Continued Fractions 79

Fig. 5.7 Excluded values of l / z n and disks for wn.

5.5 Distribution of the Remainders

The sequence (zn) of remainders arising out of execution of the Hurwitz

continued fraction algorithm on input ZQ depends, of course, on the input
ZQ. If ZQ is rational, then it terminates. If ZQ is a Gaussian quadratic
irrational, that is, if ZQ satisfies a quadratic polynomial over Q(i), then it
is ultimately periodic. [Hur]. These things are no surprise in view of what
is known about the classical continued fraction algorithm.
In the classical theory of continued fractions, we have the famous Gauss-
Kuz'min theorem to the effect that if X is taken at random with uniform
distribution in [0,1], then the probability density function of TkX converges
exponentially fast to the Gauss density -^-^JT^ on [0,1]. This density
is characterized by the fact that it is absolutely continuous with respect
to Lebesgue measure and is invariant under the map x 1/x \l/x\.
Numerical experiments suggest that something in the same vein might be
true for the Hurwitz complex continued fraction. We do obtain such a
theorem, but for the moment, we just show a picture of the density that
plays the role for the Hurwitz continued fraction that the Gauss density
plays for the classical real continued fraction.
The invariant density p for the Hurwitz algorithm is, in its own way,
rather pretty: we show here a false-color image of a somewhat crudely com-
puted approximation to it. A simple expression for this invariant density
is not known, but the topic is new and there may well be one. The figure
suggests, and we later prove, that this density is real-analytic on the inte-
riors of the 12 regions into which arcs of circles of radius 1 centered at 1 ,
i, and 1 i cut B, and that it has the symmetry group of the rotations
and reflections that map B to itself. A key fact is that T maps the union
of these arcs, and the boundary of B, into that same union.
Knowing this density, we can determine the relative frequency of the
partial quotients a,j. For instance, the limiting frequency with which a,j =
(1 + i), as j oo, is fEt1+ii P, where E[a] = {z B : [1/z] = a}, so that
80 Continued Fractions

Fig. 5.8 Invariant density for the Hurwitz algorithm.

E[l + i] is the region bounded by the line segments 1/2 + it, - 1 / 2 <t<
- \ / 3 / 6 , t - i/2, \/3/6 < t < 1/2, and by arcs of the circles \z - 1/3| = 1/3
and \z + i/3\ = 1/3 joining (1 - i)/Z and (1 - i)/2. We can also make a
well-founded conjecture as to the average speed with which the algorithm
brings a random Gaussian-rational input to zero.
As in the case of the rational integers and the classical gcd algo-
rithm, a continued fraction algorithm executed on rational inputs is, en
passant, computing the gcd of the input pair, as well as auxiliary in-
formation. Consider an input z0 = so/to- As execution of the Hur-
witz algorithm proceeds, SUCC6SSiV6 ZJI Sji/tji are computed according
to the rule z + i = l / z - [l/z n ] = l/zn - a n +i- From this, we have
Sn+itn+i = sntn(l-an+izn) = sntnzn+izn. We conjecture that for typical
random rational inputs drawn from \s0\ < R, |in| < R say, the distribu-
tion of (z) more or less conforms to p, except at the beginning, where it
will be more uniform, or near the end when it will of necessity be concen-
trated on a few simple Gaussian rationals. From this it would follow that
the average number of steps needed to execute the Gaussian gcd algorithm
should be proportional to log ||, with the constant of proportionality be-
ing 1/ fBlog\z\p(z)dm(z). This integral was estimated by Monte Carlo
methods to be 1.092766. Numerical tests of the conjecture on 100 pseudo-
random pairs with s, t chosen at random among Gaussian integers with real
and imaginary parts of absolute value less than 10 1000 gave an aggregate of
210863 steps to finish all 100 inputs, as against a predicted value of 210679.
Complex Continued Fractions 81

It would be nice to know the asymptotic behavior of the growth of

qn. For this, it would seem at first that we would need the distribution of
wn; if we had a function w along the lines of p for the distribution of the
successive wn, n fD(- log |z|w(z)) would be the expected value of log \qn\.
This hypothetical ui can be guessed at by amassing some statistics; here is
a pictures of the result. The range of the picture is the square |D?(z)| < 1,
|S(z)| < 1- On grounds of Hurwitz's result, we know in advance that the
picture sits within the unit circle tangent to the four edges of this frame.
What is not clear in advance is that the set in which u> is positive is a
fractal, and that within this domain, there are interior fractal boundaries
delimiting regions of greater and lesser intensity.

0 200 400 600 800 1000

Fig. 5.9 Color representation of u>.

On the other hand, we can turn around the speculations about the rate
at which the Hurwitz algorithm deals with random rational inputs. Suppose
the algorithm is given s0/to, and requires n steps to reduce this to zero. As
the algorithm is executing it is at the same time building a fraction p n /<j n
equal to the input. In general, log |g| will be not much less than | logt|
because it is rare that so and to will have a large common factor. Thus,
we should expect the rate at which t 0 is eroded to zero to be equal to the
rate at which qk builds up, and if this rate is the same for typical random
rational inputs as it is for the average complex input (taken at random from
B with a uniform distribution), then we should expect that almost always,
lg|9n| ~ 1.092766n. A simple numerical experiment is not quite trivial,
as it is not feasible to carry a computation to an appropriate depth with a
82 Continued Fractions

pseudorandom number. What we can do is to take advantage of the rough

and ready randomizing effect of rounding to a fixed number of digits as
we go, which has the side benefit of restoring 'precision' to floating-point
numbers that lose precision during extracting their Hurwitz expansion. The
exact value one arrives at will depend on the details of the truncation and
precision rules employed; the author got a rate of 1.09302 during 10 6 steps,
on one run, and 1.09299 on another.
We defer the proof of the existence of this invariant density p for the
moment, and take up a rather different topic.

5.6 A Class of Algebraic Approximants with Atypical Hur-

witz Continued Fraction Expansions

Algebraic numbers may be expected to perhaps have atypical diophantine

approximation properties. When we are dealing with real numbers, the sit-
uation is not all that well understood but certain things are well-known. Ra-
tional numbers have terminating continued fraction expansions. Real roots
a of an irreducible quadratic polynomial over Q have ultimately periodic
continued fraction expansions. As a result of this, the sequence of remain-
ders is ultimately periodic, while the sequence of scaled errors qn(cepn/qn)
converges to a periodic loop. For real a of degree greater than 2, there are
results concerning simultaneous diophantine approximation of the powers of
a, but concerning a alone, all we know is that the continued fraction expan-
sion cannot involve extraordinarily large integers, such as would be typical
of Liouville numbers. Thus, the theoretical frequency of 1,2,..., 10 ac-
cording to the Gauss density is (0.415037,0.169925, 0.0931094, 0.0588937,
0.040642, 0.0297473, 0.0227201, 0.0179219, 0.0144996, 0.0119726), while
the actual frequency of these same partial quotients in the expansion of
2 1 / 3 to a depth of 10000 is (0.4173, 0.1675, 0.0946, 0.0636, 0.0421, 0.0295,
0.024, 0.0163, 0.0122, 0.0118).
In the case of the Hurwitz algorithm, at first it seems that we are in for
more of the same. When the approximation target is in Q(i), the algorithm
terminates, having found a reduced Gaussian rational equal to the original
target. When the approximation target satisfies an irreducible quadratic
polynomial over Q(), the Hurwitz expansion is ultimately periodic. [Hur].
But if we look a bit further, we come upon a new behavior. Somewhat
typical here is what happens with ZQ = y/2 1 + i(y/E 2). This z0 satisfies
an irreducible quartic polynomial over Q(i), to wit, x 4 4- (4 + 8i)x 3 (12
Complex Continued Fractions 83

24i)x2 (32 lQi)x + 24. But the Hurwitz continued fraction expansion of
ZQ is neither ultimately periodic, nor anything like the typical expansion.
Instead, what we see is that

(1) The sequence of remainders is confined to a certain finite set of arcs of a

circle. None of these arcs goes through the origin, and so the sequence
of remainders is bounded away from the origin.
(2) The scaled errors (which we now define to be |g n | 2 (2o Pn/<Zn)), all lie
very near one or another of a set of six parallel line segments cutting
through B, equally spaced except that the one that would have gone
through the origin is missing. The lines have equations of the form
^/2x + y/5y = n/2 where n is an integer, 3 < n < 3.
(3) The ratios of successive qn are confined as well. They are not dis-
tributed like the fractal we saw previously. Instead, they appear to lie
very near one or another of a set of circular arcs, as with the remainders.

Fig. 5.10 Remainders for \/2 + iVE and \ / 2 + i \ / 3 .

For most of these observations, we can provide reasons.

Theorem 5.3 For arbitrary positive integers u, v such that u, v, and uv
are not square, there is a finite set A of circles and lines in C such that for
all j > 1, Tjz0 e UACAA n B.
Proof. Let C(f, r) denote the circle in C about 7 of radius r. Fix posi-
tive integers u and v, neither square, and assume that uv is also not square.
Let ao = [y/u + iy/v\, m = u + v, and ZQ = y/u + i^/v ao 6 B. As z0 is not
84 Continued Fractions

Fig. 5.11 Ratios of successive qj for \/2 + iy/E and \/2 + iy/Z.

a Gaussian rational, the Hurwitz continued fraction expansion of z0 is infi-

nite. Let (zo, zi,...) be the sequence of remainders, and (ao, ai,...) the se-
quence of partial quotients, thus generated. Let {po,Pi, ) and (qo, q\,...)
the sequence of numerators and denominators, generated by the Hurwitz
algorithm on input y/u + iy/v. By convention, p-\ = l,Q-i = 0,po = a-o,
and qo = 1. Let WQ 0, and for j > 1, let Wj = qj^i/qj. Equivalently, for
j > 1, Wj = l/(dj + Wj-i).
We now consider a variant of the Hurwitz algorithm in which we keep
track not only of the points zn = Tnzo, but of particular circles or lines
on which zn must lie. Our variant algorithm starts at an initial state
(zo, C(~ao, y/rn). All states have the form (x, K), where K is either a circle
passing through B of the form (C(^/d, y/m/\d\)) with 7 e G*, d Z*, and
d I (I7I2 m), and with radius r = \/m/\d\ satisfying l/(2\/2) < r < y/m,
or a line passing through B of the form L(k/(26),i5) where k 6 Z and
\5\2 = m.
Let T(x,K) = (1/x a,<j>a(K)) where a = [1/a;] and </>a is the linear
fractional map given by (j)a(z) = \/z a.
Each statement below is readily verified and the details are left to the

(1) If x G K n B, K is a circle of the form C ( 7 / d , y/m/\d\) with d Z*, d |

(| 7 |2 _ m) ^ 0, and vW<* > l/(2\/2), then T(x,K) = (x',K') where
x' K' H B and JFC is another circle of the same form satisfying the
same conditions.
Complex Continued Fractions 85

(2) If x e Kr\B, if is a circle of the form Cft/d, y/m/d) with d G Z*, I7I2 =
m, and y W d > 1/(2 v^), then T ( z , i f ) = (a;', if') with j ' e B f l if',
and A"' is the line L((d - 2^(aj))/(2'y),irf), which passes through B.
(3) If x if n B and if is a line of the form L(0, ilS) with |J| 2 = m, then
T{x,K) = (x',K') where if' = L{-R(a5)/6,i5).
(4) If a; K n B and if is a line of the form L(k/26,iS) with k e Z*,
and |<5|2 = m then T(x,if) = (a/, if') where 1' if' n B and if' =
C ( -^jjr-) I n ) > t n e n e w circle passes through 0 so that it has the required
form, and the radius |<J|/|A;| = y/m/\k\ is at least l/-\/2 because the
diameter of if' is at least \/2 because it is the reciprocal of the distance
from 0 to the point on if nearest 0, and that nearest point lies within
B and thus lies at a distance of less than l / \ / 2 from 0.

There are only finitely many lines of the form L(k/2S,iS) passing
through B, with |<5|2 = m. There are only finitely many circles of the
form C(i/d,y/m/\d\) with 7 e G, d e 1*, d | (| 7 | 2 - m) ^ 0, and
y/m/d > l/(2\/2). We take A to be the set of all such lines and circles.

We now turn to the topic of scaled errors. Let ej be the scaled error
for the jth convergent. Since ZQ = (pj + zpj-i)/(qj + znqj-x), and since
Pj-i Pj
(l)-7, the scaled errors are also given by
Qj-i <lj

e. = (-l) 3 'g7*j
1j + Wj-i'
Theorem 5.4 Let u and v be positive integers. Let a = y/u + iy/v. Let
p, q be Gaussian integers with \q\2 > 9, and assume \p - qa\ < 2V2/M-
Let e(q,p, a) be the scaled error e(q,p, a) = q{qot p). Then
$l{ae(q,p,a)) = - +6

where n = (\p\2 (u + v)\q\2) is an integer satisfying \n\ < 8y/u + v and

6eC with \S\ < 4 / | g | 2 .

Remark 5.1 In other words, the scaled errors lie almost, but not quite,
on a finite set of parallel lines. The amount by which the scaled errors stand
off from these lines is itself at most comparable to \q\~2.

Proof. Letp = pi+ip2, q = q1+iq2withpi,p2,qi,q2 Z. Letc = piqi +

p2q2, d = p2qi -Pi<?2, so that c2 + d2 = \p\2\q\2- Let 6X + i62 = e(q,p,a).
86 Continued Fractions

Then the given conditions are then equivalent to

(pi + ip2)(qi -m) = \q\2(Vu + iy/v) + 0i +i02,

e{q,p, a) = (c- \q\2y/u) + i{d - \q\2^) = 0i + i02,
0 -\-9l< 8.

Thus, ae(q,p,a) = {0ly/u + 62y/v) + i{62y/u - 6iy/v), and

$t(ae(q,p, a)) =9iy/u + 62y/v = {cy/u - \q\2u) + {dy/v - \q\2v).

Turning this around, we have c = \q\2y/u + #1, d= \q\2^Jv + 92, and so

|p| 2 M 2 = c2 + d2 = \q\\u + v)+ 2\q\2(e1V^ + 0 2 V ^) + iPl + 02).


(elyft + 62J~v) = i ( k f - ( + v)\q\2) - * | | l

With n = \p\2 (u + v)M 2 , we note that

\n\ < \p2 - {Vu + iy/v)2q2\ = \p - aq\\2aq + (p - aq)\

< ^ff. ( 2 > / u T u k | + ? | < (4.y/2y/u + v + 8/kl 2 ) < 8 v ^ T ^ .

- k\ \ \q\)~ ~ D

This takes us back to the question of just what is typical of the orbits Tnz?

5.7 The Gauss-Kuz'min Density for the Hurwitz Algorithm

There can be more than one measure on a set that is invariant under a self-
mapping T. There can, in principle, be more than one that is absolutely
continuous with respect to Lebesgue measure.
We are certainly not exempt from the first possibility, as there are peri-
odic orbits and uniformly weighted discrete measures on these are invariant
under T. But the second pathology does not exist.

Theorem 5.5 There is a unique measure \i on B that is absolutely con-

tinuous with respect to Lebesgue measure and invariant under T. This
measure has a density function p; the density is continuous except perhaps
along the arcs \z 1| 1, \z i\ = 1, and \z 1 i\ = 1. It is real-analytic
on an each of the 12 open regions into which B is dissected by these arcs.
Complex Continued Fractions 87

The mapping T on B is mixing with respect to /J,: for Lebesgue-measurable


lim ii{T-nAi n A2) = n{A1)ii{A2).


The expected symmetry obtains: n{iA) = n(A) and fJ.(A) = fi(A) for all
measurable A.
The general plan of the proof is this: We show that if / is a continuous
probability density function on B and X a random variable on B with
density / , then there exists a positive integer n, depending on / , and e > 0,
such that the density of TnX is greater than e everywhere in B.
The theory of positive operators [Kr] can then be applied. The result
we use is an extension of the Perron-Frobenius theorem to certain positive
operators. (The classical Perron-Frobenius theorem states that if M is a
square matrix with nonnegative entries, and if there exists n such that all
entries of Mn are positive, then the largest eigenvalue of M is positive and
has multiplicity 1, and the corresponding eigenvector has positive entries.)
What we first need is a Banach space V of functions on B and a positive
compact linear operator L on V such that if a random variable X has density
/ G V then the density of TX is Lf. Then we need an element ZQ of V
with the property that for all nonzero positive / G V, there exists an n, and
positive constants c\ and c2, such that C\ZQ < Lnf < C2ZQ. The operator
L is then said to be uo-positive, and as a consequence, the operator L has
a decomposition as L XP + N, where P is a positive projection of V
onto a one-dimensional subspace of V, A a positive real number, and iV an
operator of spectral radius less than A such that PN = NP = 0.
In our specific circumstances, some care must be given to the selection
of the Banach space B in which our transfer operator will lie. We recall that
T : B\{0} -> B, with Tz = 1/z - [1/z]. We want B to consist of reasonably
nice functions, and we want the transfer operator LT for T to be compact.
Since the formula for the transfer operator is basically set in stone by the
requirement that it be the transfer operator for T, our only latitude is in
the selection of B. We use the ideas of 0 . Bandtlow and O. Jenkinson from
their recent work [BJ], Their work features a single compact connected
subset X of K and a map T : X > X that is "real-analytic full branch
expanding with countably many branches." In our setting, it might at first
seem as though we could take X = B and use T as is, but unfortunately,
the part about "full branch" fails. The conclusion they reach fails as well,
at least on the numerical evidence, which should not be surprising as the
88 Continued Fractions

premises were not met. The invariant density for our T is, on the numerical
evidence, discontinuous along the arcs through B of the eight circles that
dissect it into 12 distinct sectors.
Nevertheless, their work can be adapted to the situation at hand. The
trick is to stitch together B as the Cartesian product of 12 distinct sub-
sidiary Banach spaces B\... B12, and to break LT up into a matrix of 144
compact operators carrying the various Bj to each other.
First, we describe the zones into which the numerical evidence prompts
us to expect we must dissect B. Our zones Bj are connected, compact
subsets of B with disjoint interiors, whose union is B. We take the view
that B is a subset of R 2 rather than a subset of C, we set R : M2 >
R 2 , R(x, y) (y, x) (a counterclockwise rotation through an angle of 7r/2
radians), and we set

fli = {(x,y) \0<x< l/2,:r 2 + (y - l ) 2 > l,and x2 + {y + l ) 2 > 1},

B2 = {(x, y)\x2 + (y- l ) 2 <l,(x- l ) 2 + y2 < 1, and
(a:-l)2 + ( s / - l ) 2 > l } ,
B3 = {{x,y) I x < 1/2, y < 1/2, and (x - l ) 2 + (y - l ) 2 < 1},
B4 = RBi, B5 = RB2, BQ = RB3, Bf B\, Bs = B2,
Bg = B3, B\Q = B4, Bn = B$, B12 BQ.

We take U = {(zuz2) S C 2 | |^ x | 2 -|-1^212 < 1} to be the open unit ball in C,

and, reserving the choice of e but with 0 < e < 1/10, we set Dk = Bk + eU,
1 < A; < 12. Thus, Dk is an e-neighborhood of Bk, and all elements of Dk
are close to a real pair (x, y) Bk.
Let 7p : C 2 \ { 0 , iz) \ z e C} -> C 2 be given by

\z2 + z% z2 + z2J
Remark 5.2 Of course this is a thinly disguised translation of the map-
ping 1/z acting on C. But we need a map on pairs of complex numbers that
tracks what happens to a single complex number in terms of the real and
imaginary parts.

Let G' C 1 + il = {ai + ia2 | a1,a2 G %,ax + ia2 ^ 0 , l , i } , and

for 1 < k < 12, let Gk = {a G G' \ ip{a + Bk) C B.}. Then Gx =
G'\{-1 i, - 2 } , G2 = G'\{-1 i, - 2 , - 2 t } , and G 3 = G ' \ { - 1 t, 1 -
i, - 2 , -2i, - 2 - i, 1 2i}. Together with Gk+3 = iGk, this describes Gk,
1 < fc < 12.
Complex Continued Fractions 89

Now T maps the arcs partitioning B into themselves or the boundary of

B, so for each a G G', (abusing terminology by equating a with (01,02) =
(3?a,Sa),) either ip(a+Bk) C R2\B, or for some j , 1 < j < 12, ij)(a+Bk) C

Let G^fc = {a G Gfc | V>(a + 5fc) C Bj}, and for 2 Dfc, let TQ(z) =
tp(ai + zi, a2 + z2). At this point we need a lemma.

Lemma 5.2 For e sufficiently small, and a Gj k, Ta{Bk + tU) C Bj +

(That is, with an appropriate choice of e, Ta maps Dk compactly into Dj,

and Ta takes Bk into Bj.)

Proof. It will suffice to show that for a Gk and z G Bk + tU,

||V>'|| < 2/3. Here, ip1 is the matrix derivative of ip, and for w G C 2 ,
||w|| = v r ^ i F + T ^ F - Now for a G Gk and z G eC/ + B^, there exists
s G a + Bk and C G eC7 such that 2: = s + .
Consider 1/5 as a subset of M2. It is the exterior of the union of the
open disks about (1,0) and (0, 1) of radius 1. Thus if {a\, a2) G Gk and
(si,s2) G (ai,a2) + Bk C 1/5, then s\ + s | > 2.
It follows that for (Ci,C2) G eU and (si, s2) G 1/5,

|(*i + Ci)2 + (S2 + C2)|2 > (a? + s2)-2 | Sl Ci + S2C2I - e2

> (Sf + s2) - 2e(sf + si)1/2 - e2 > || S || 4 (1 - 2e).

Now with z = s + C with s G 1/5 and G eU, ip'(z) = (z2 + z$)~2Mz,

where \(z2 + zf)| 2 > (1 - 2e)||s|| 4 and where

_ (z2 - z\ -2zlZ2\
~{2zlZ2 zl-z2)'
we have

Mz = Ms + 2 f 8 f 7 8& ~Sf ~ Sf) + MC.

VS1C2 + S2C1 S2C2 - iCi /

But the entries of MSjf are each bounded in absolute value by e(s 2 + s2)1/2
by Cauchy's inequality, so \\MS^|| < 2e(s 2 + s2) and similarly \\M^\\ < 2e 2 .
From this it follows that for e sufficiently small, ||M Z || < ||M 3 || +3e||s||. But
by direct calculation, we see that ||M S || \\s\\2, so

| | M z | | < | ( l - 2 e ) | | 5 | | 4 < | | , 2 + z22|2.

90 Continued Fractions

Thus ll^'H < 4/5 for z G 1/B + eU. Since Ta mapped Bk into Bj, and since
excursions from Bk in the input to Ta are damped by a factor of 4/5 or less
in the output, the lemma is proved.

Now consider the space H(Dk) of bounded holomorphic functions from

Dk into C, equipped with the sup norm. Let Bk be the subspace of H(Dk)
consisting of elements that take Bk into K, (equipped with the same norm.)
Let D" = L)aeGjikTaDk. As we have seen in our lemma above, D" fits inside
a compact subset of Dj. We take Dj to be a connected, open subset of Dj
containing D" and contained in a compact subset of Dj. Within H(D'j)
we take B'- to be the subspace consisting of all / G H(D'j) such that / is
real on D'j nBj.
For a G Gjtk, f G H(D'j) and z G jDfc let

to0(*) = ((ax + zi) 2 + (a 2 + z2)2)-2,

Laf = wa(z)f(Ta(z)),
Lj,k = ^^ a-

L e m m a 5.3 Ljtk is a bounded linear operator from iJD'- into HDk,

it is compact, and it maps B'- into Bk-

Proof. The proof of the first claim goes exactly as in Proposition 2.3 of
[BJ], which (since this paper has not yet appeared) we quote with a few
minor changes to adapt it to our slightly different circumstances. We take
to be Ljtk- In their work, a single domain serves both as Dk and D ' , so
all mention of either of these is our own adaptation; a verbatim quotation
would have had D in place of both. We also use wa in place of their Wi,
and our set of subscripts is Gjk rather than N.

Let S := s\ipzeDk \wa(z)\ < co. First we show that C maps

tf(K) to H(Dk). Fix / G H{Dfi. If

gk(z) = J2 M*)f(Ta(z))

for k G N, then gk G H(Dk). Since

|7*(*)|< J2 \v*(z)\\\f(Ta(z)\\ < SW/WHOO^ (*)

Complex Continued Fractions 91

for all k e N, we see that the sequence {gk} is uniformly bounded

on D'j. Moreover, lim^oo gk(z) =: g(z) exists for every z G Dk-
By Vitali's convergence theorem ( see e.g. [Nar], Chapter 1, Prop.
7) gk thus converges uniformly on compact subsets of Dk- Hence,
g is analytic on Dk- Moreover, by (*) we see that \g(z)\ < S\\f\\
for any z e Dk, so g G H(Dk). Thus, / = g H(Dk).
In order to see that is continuous we simply note that

SU ^ u, 0 (z)/(T a (z))
\\f\\H(Dk) = P

< sup J2 \Mz)\\f{Ta(z)\

We next introduce their 'canonical embedding' operator J, defining J to
be the operator which takes any element of H(Dj) and regards it as an
element of H(D'j). This, as they note, is, by Montel's theorem [Nar]
Chapter 1, Prop. 6, a compact operator from H{D'A into H(Dj). But
Ljtk = C o J, and the composition of a bounded operator with a compact
operator is compact. This proves the second claim. The third claim is
obvious: if z = (x, y) <= R 2 , then wa(z) E and Ta(z) & R 2 , so for / B'j,
Lj,kf Bk. a
We are now at last in a position to define our overall transfer operator
L. We take B : B\ x x B\i to be our Banach space, equipped with
the norm ||/|| = maxi<j<i2 | | / j | | , and we take LT to be the operator on B
given by

'A '1,1 ^1,12 \ A

\fi2J V-^12,1 ' ' l2,12/ \/l2/

This LT is compact since its components are compact.

Remark 5.3 One point worth noting is that for z = (x, y) IR, wa(z) =
((ai + x)2 + (a2 + y)2)~2 = |( a i + ia2) + (x + iy)\~A. Thus if we had
defined wa as a map on C rather than on <C2, then it would not have been
holomorphic, and the arguments of [BJ] could not have been used. Another
point is that this formulation of LT opens the way for effective computation
of the invariant density p, which will be a suitably normalized multiple of the
92 Continued Fractions

one-dimensional eigenspace of LT corresponding to the dominant eigenvalue

1. The operators Ljtk will have matrices with respect to the expansion of f
in a two-dimensional power series, and these matrices can be truncated with
controllable errors, so that LT becomes a computationally tractable object.
A final point is that by taking full advantage of symmetry we can work with
just B\ x B2 x B3.

At this point, we may as well regard LT as an operator acting on a space

of real-valued functions of B C C, since the details of just which functions
count as elements of our Banach space, and just how we coped with the
difficulties presented by the boundaries of the Bk, are no longer relevant.
Having now constructed B and LT, we next set about demonstrating
that LT, seen as an operator on B, has the needed positivity properties.
What are these? We need the following, in the topology induced by our
norm || || on B. There is a positive cone P with the following properties,
some intrinsic to P and others related to LT- We write f>g if f g P.

(1) P is closed under addition and scaling by positive numbers.

(2) P ^ 0.
(3) P is a closed subset of B.
(4) For all / G B, there exist fi,f2 G P such that / = /1 - / 2 . (P is
(5) LT maps P into P.
(6) There exists UQ G P such that if / ^ 0 and / G P then there exist
n G Z + and ci,C2 G R + such that C\UQ < LTf < C2U0. {LT is o-

We define P to be the set of all / G B such that each of the fk is

nonnegative on Bk- Clearly P is nonempty, and P is closed in B. Any
element of B can be written as f\ fi with /1 = f + C where C =
2maxj? :1 ||/|| and fi = C. Clearly / maps P into P. We claim that the
element / B given by fk = 1 can serve as uo, but this is far from clear.
The reason it is true is that, given any open disk E in any of the Bk,
there exists an open squarish (bounded by arcs of circles that meet at right
angles) subset Q of E, and a positive integer n, such that the image under
Tn of Q is B. This we prove by demonstrating the existence of such a
domain Q that does not, during iteration of T, touch the boundaries of B
until the end, when it covers B. To this end, we first demonstrate that
given x B and e > 0, there exists a Gaussian rational r' G B and a
neighborhood A of r', such that the orbit of r' under T stays inside B until
Complex Continued Fractions 93

the end, when, as it eventually must, it reaches zero and stops.

Using the existence of r', we then show that there exists also r, another
Gaussian rational near x, a positive integer n, and a neighborhood Ar of r
and contained within A, with the following properties:
(1) Tkr G B for 1 < k < n.
(2) T"r = 0.
(3) If a j , a2 . . . are given by a^ = [1/Tk~1r], and if Vi is the linear fractional
map z \jz a\, and ipk(z) = l/V'fc-il-2) ak, then for 1 < k < n,
ipk takes Ar into the same one of the Bj to which T^r belongs, while
the restriction of ipn to Ar is a conformal bijection from Ar to 5 .

We begin our proof that such an r' exists by considering an auxiliary

s B with \s x\ < e/2, and the histories of various elements of a small
neighborhood of s under iteration of not only T, but all the variants of T
got by truncating to the right, or top, of B instead of to the bottom and
left as we have been in the habit of doing. We do this by means of a tree,
which we shall call the disk partition tree of s, in which the vertices are
ordered pairs (P, a). The first entry is a 'triangle' in C with one vertex
at s, bounded by arcs of a circle, and contained in the disk \s x\ < e/2.
The second entry is a list a of Gaussian integers, all in G'. For vertices
at distance j from the root of the tree, the triangles P are disjoint and fit
together to cover an open disk Dj C Do centered on s, apart from their
shared boundaries and from the perimeter of Dj. The lists &p paired with
these 'pizza slices' all have length j , and an edge extends down the tree
from (P, ap) to (Q, &Q) if and only if aQ is an extension of a p and Q C P.
The key point of the construction is that we arrange matters so that each
slice P at depth j is carried intact to a region inside B by all iterates of
T of depth 1 through j . We now turn to the details.
Let so = s. Since s B, 1/SQ (mod G) B, though it could happen
that l / s 0 (mod G) B. For however long it may be that this does not
happen, we construct a list of further Sj, and a nested list Dj of open disks
about so, starting with Do = {z B : \z s\ < e/4}. We put ai = [1/so]
and si = 1/so ai, and we take D\ to be a (possibly smaller) disk about so
such that 1/Diai C B. We continue the construction taking ai = [1/si],
S2 = 1/si a2, and D2 C D\ so that

and so on. Eventually, (unless we are lucky) there will be a first integer k
94 Continued Fractions

such that T J so B for 1 < j < k but 1/Tk~1s0 has either its real part, or
its imaginary part, on the boundary of some translate of B by a Gaussian
To track what now happens, we bring in some linear fractional mappings
defined in terms of a list a of Gaussian integers. If a (a\,... ,afe), let
V>[a, j] be the linear fractional given by

ai, 3=1
V'ta.j'K*) = 1
. V>[a,j-l]( Z ) "J>

Let tp[a] V[a, k]. Thus if we put ipg := z . 1/z - g, then i/>[a,j] =
>Paj V V V'ai By our construction, if a = ( a i , . . . ,afc_i) then for
1 < j < k 1, -0[a, j] maps Dk conformally into 5 , but Sk-i = Tfc-i so
lies on the boundary of B. Let a^ [1/sfe], and consider the inverse
image under ij)\{a\,..., a*,),fc]of the line (or, in the exceptional case that
Sk = (1i)/2, two lines) in C and bounding B on which Sk lies. This line,
(or these lines), will cut Dk into two or four pieces. We take the disks Dj

Fig. 5.12 Dk_x cut by i/> _1 (edge) and ip[a](Dk_i) cut by 8B.

small enough that these circles, inverse images of one of the lines bounding
B, meet each other only at the center, and so that they all exit all the Dj.
Now 4)[{a\,..., afc)] maps one of the parts into which this arc cuts Dk
conformally into B, and carries the other part to the exterior of B. But
tp[(ai,..., afc-i, 1 + afc)] carries that part of Dk conformally into B. In the
exceptional case that Tkso = |(l + i), we would see instead a circle on the
left about so, roughly quartered, mapped by tp to a disk enclosing, (though
typically not centered at) 1(1 + i). One of the quarters would map to
inside B, while the others would be mapped there by a modification of I/J
corresponding to a change in the last entry in a. Note that this exceptional
case can only occur at stage n, because T(1(1 + i)) 0.
Both in the main case, and in this special case, Dk has been partitioned
Complex Continued Fractions 95

into a finite number of 'slices', together with an equal number of bounding

arcs each running along some circle from the center so to the rim of Dk,
and for each of the slices P, there is a corresponding list a p of Gaussian
integers, and a corresponding linear fractional map V'[ a p]; that maps P C
Do conformally into B. This begins the construction of a list of similar
partitions Vj of neighborhoods Dj of so-
The vertices of the tree are pairs (P, a). Edges join (P, a) and (Q, a*) if
a* is an extension of a to a list one entry longer, and in this case, Q C P.

Remark 5.4 Normally, Q C P, as we shall have to shrink our neighbor-

hoods of so as construction proceeds. Any mapping z 1/z a is expanding
when acting on B, and since we want the image of Dj under a composi-
tion of linear fractionals of this sort to be a subset of B, we must make it
small enough that the expansions to come do not cause it to overflow these

The first k 1 stages have an open disk Dj centered on so, associated

with an integer list a,,- of length j , each an extension of the previous, and
with the property that for 1 < < j , i{;[aj,] maps Dj conformally into
B. Beginning with Dk, and continuing until such time as Tns0 = 0, we
have disks Dj, and associated partitions Vj of Dj, such that for each slice
P ~Pj, there is a list a p = ( a i , . . . , a,j) of Gaussian integers such that for
1 < f- < j , ^[d-PiC] maps P conformally into B, is injective on Dj, and
the inverse image under ^>[ap,^] of the lines $i(z) = ^ and 3(z) = A
bounding B either miss Dj entirely (if T^so dB), or cut through Dj in
a single arc through so (if TjSo lies on just one of these bounding lines), or
quarter Dj, HTjSo = | ( l + i). In any case, we take Dj small enough that
all these arcs enter and exit Dj, and none of them meets any of the others
except at so-
Assuming we have carried this construction to depth m, with k < m <
n, we now detail how it is extended to depth m + 1. Each P Vm is a
'triangle' bounded by three circular arcs. Two of these arcs have the form
of the preimage under i[>[a.p,m] of a segment of one of the lines bounding
B, and SQ lies at the intersection of these, while the third arc is part of
the rim of Dm. For 1 < I < m, if z e P, then Tez = iP[a.P, ](z) S B.

Remark 5.5 Once we hit the first occasion on which Tks0 dB, the
future orbits of So under the various i\)p = ip[a.p] are confined to the union
of the boundary of B and the internal boundaries of the Bk, as this set is
closed under T and its variants that round to the right or up.
96 Continued Fractions

Now consider the region

RP =
MP) tpp(so).

If the T(i/jp(so)) B, then there is a new, possibly shrunken, neighbor-

hood Dm+i of so such that, with a' = [l/ipp(so)], we have (l/i/jp(z)) a'
B for all z Dm+i n P . We won't need to split P , though we may have
to trim it back towards its vertex SQ.
If, on the other hand, b = l/ipp(so) a' dB, we introduce a new
arc cutting Dm through so- This arc is the inverse image under z >
l/ipp(z) a' of the line bounding B on which b lies. Say that an arc a
cuts P if it meets P in any neighborhood of So- Our new arc may or may
not cut P. If it does not cut P, we take a suitably shrunken portion of
P about so to be one of the pieces of Vm+i, and we extend the Gaussian
integer list a by appending a', to provide the pair (P, a') say. If it does
cut P, we take suitably shrunken portions of the two sectors into which the
portion of P near SQ has been cut by our arc, to be the two pieces in Vm+i
corresponding to P.
One of these pieces will be associated with the same extension of a we
used before, while for the other, we extend instead by a' + 1, if b was on
the left edge of B, or by a' + i, if 6 was on the bottom edge of B. We now
further truncate our slices, if necessary, to a radius which is the minimum of
the radii of the pieces we got during the construction of Vm+i- The union
of these pieces, together with their internal boundaries with each other, is
now a pie-slice partition of an open disk Dm+i centered on so, and for each
P Vm+i, there is a corresponding Gaussian integer list a, an extension
of the one that was associated with the parent P in Vm, such that V,[ai^]
maps P into B for 1 < I < m + 1.
We now claim that for all P Vn-i, l/4>[a.P](s0) G'. That is, the
variants of the algorithm all run to completion on Gaussian rational input
in the same number of steps. The reason for this is symmetry. The group S
of rigid motions taking B onto B is generated by Ai(z) = z and \z(z) = iz.
We consider the equivalence relation ~ on C determined by u ~ v if u = \v
for some A e S.
If z ~ w then 1/z ~ l/w, and if z, w B and z ~ w, and if a, b G'
such that 1/z a B and l/w b B, then 1/z a ~ l/w b. Initially,
s 0 ~ so- If i/j[a.i,](so) = S( ~ i/>[a2,-](so) = s[ for all pairs (aj,a2) of lists
of length occurring in the disk partition tree of so, then 1/s^ ~ l/sp,
and now for any of the choices a* by which ai may be extended,the various
Complex Continued Fractions 97

l/s( a* are equivalent under ~ to each other, and to the complex numbers
that may arise out of 1/sz* by extending a2 with a**, say. (Another way
to say this is to say that if we identified all elements of a given equivalence
class under ~ , all the variants of T would condense to one.)
At the end, when s_i 1/G', all other s ~ s_i also belong to 1/G',
so T maps them to zero as well. Therefore, all branches of our disk partition
tree for so have the same depth.
Now for each (P, ap) of depth n in our disk partition tree,

-(/'[a, n](z) = I an J o ( a_i J o ( ai

takes so to 0, and takes P on an orbit that at each stage remains inside B.

Since these slices P partition the final disk Dn about SQ into a finite
number of slices, and since the sum of the angles at s 0 of the slices is 2TT,
there must be at least one slice that occupies a positive angle at so- Let P'
be such a slice, and a' its Gaussian integer list. The image under ip[af] of
P is a 'triangle' in 5 with its vertex r/>[a'](so) = 0 with a positive angle at
0. For all z P', Tnz = tp[^'](z)- Our disk partition tree has now served
its purpose.
There are Gaussian integers g G' such that 1/g P'. Any neighbor-
hood E of 1/g contained in P' will be taken conformally under z > 1/z g
to a neighborhood E of 0. We take another Gaussian integer h such that
l/(/i + B) C E, and such that l/(h + B) is also a subset of some partic-
ular Br. Let a be the list got by appending g and then ft to a'. Now let
r = %l)[a!]-x{l/{g + l/h)) = ^ [ a ] " 1 ^ ) , and let

Iterating T takes D conformally to various squarish neighborhoods inside

B, until Tn+l takes it to the squarish region (l/(h + B)) C E, and finally
Tn+2 carries it via z > 1/z h onto B.
A bit more is true. The orbit of D never meets any of the internal
boundaries separating the various Bk until the last step, when it is splashed
across B. This is because if, at any earlier point any part of the orbit had
touched an internal boundary, the subsequent iterations of T on that point
would have also been in the union of these internal boundaries with the
boundary of B itself, and yet, at the stage immediately prior to the final
one, no point of Tn+1D belongs to any of these boundaries.
98 Continued Fractions

Now that we have our magic r, we are in a position to complete the

proof that LT is uo-positive with UQ = 1. If / ^ 0 V, and / > 0, then
there exists s B such that f(s) > 0. We choose an open disk Do around
s such that Do C Bk where Bk is the one containing s, and such that for
z Do, f(z) > \f{s). Now for z G B, (LT+2f)(z) is a sum of terms, among
which (keeping in mind that [c\, c^, , Ck] l/(ci + l/(c2 + . . . + 1/cjt)))
is the term
J J \[a,j,.. .,an+2 + z}\4 f([(an+2,an+i,..., a2, ai + z)}).
But for arbitrary z B, the argument of / lies inside Do, and the product
is bounded below by a positive constant on B, so this term is bounded
below by a positive constant on B C B. Since LT is a bounded linear
operator, we are almost done. We have proved most of the claims in our
Gauss-Kuz'min theorem.
For the symmetry claims, we first note that p(z) = p(~z). Suppose not.
Let pi{z) = p(z) p(iz). Then LTPI = p\- But f^pi 0, so p\ must be
identically zero on B. For mirror symmetry, let pi(z) = p(z) p(J). Then

LTP2(Z) =^2\9 + z\-i (p(l/(g + z)) - P(l/(gTz)))


= p(z) - LTp(z) = p(z) - p(z) = p2(z).

As before, fg p2 0, so p2 is the zero element of V. This completes the
proof of our Gauss-Kuz'min theorem.
Chapter 6

Multidimensional Diophantine

The standard continued fraction expansion of a real number has several

properties which we might hope to carry over into higher dimensions. Given
a real number 6 with 0 < 6 < 1 as input, it returns a sequence of integer
pairs (pr,qr) so that


hr-\ qr-l\ _ p fPr-2 qr-2\

\ Pr qr J \Pr-l qr-lj


That is, the new integer pair is a positive integer combination of the
previous two pairs, and the matrix Pr has integer entries and is invert-
(2) The pairs generated are exactly the best-possible approximations in the
following sense: For 1 < q' < q, and for arbitrary integer p', if (p, q) is
one of the (pr, qr) then \p q0\ < \p' q'0\, and vice versa.
(3) The algorithm is fast. Each step is fast because the arithmetic needed
to execute a given step is modest, amounting to a bounded number
of multiplications, divisions, additions and subtractions, all involving
integers no bigger than the inputs, if 6 is a rational number, or floating
point arithmetic to an accuracy no greater than the original accuracy
with which 9 is presented. Each two steps at least double the product
of successive values of q.

100 Continued Fractions

It so happens that we cannot have all these properties in a multidi-

mensional Diophantine approximation algorithm [Gr]. There are trade-
offs. The task of simultaneous Diophantine approximation is to take as
input a list of real numbers 9 = (#i,#2, 9n), which may as well all
satisfy \9j\ < 1/2, and to return a sequence of integer-valued (n + 1)-
tuples of the form (pi,p2, -Pn,q)r with increasing g's such that the vector
(Pi q9\, Vi 1^2, pn q9n) is "short". The output may as well be simply
a sequence of integers qr since the best choice of the various corresponding
Pjtr will be obvious.
The Dirichlet box principle gives some bounds on what "short" should
mean, and points us to an algorithm which gets good approximations. For
x = (x1,x2,...,x) G K, let {x} = ({xi},{x2},...,{xn}). Given an
integer Q > 1, partition the unit n-dimensional box into Qn cubicles each
of side 1/Q. If Q* > Qn then there exist 0 < j < k < Q* so that {j9} and
{k9} fall into the same cubicle. Thus the sup norm of {(k j)9} will be
less than 1/Q. From this it follows that there exists 1 < q < Qn so that the
approximation error vector (p q9) will be no longer than 1/Q in the sup
norm, or \fnjQ in Euclidean norm. The defect of this algorithm is that it
requires inordinate time when Q is large.
J. Cassels [Ca] has proved that there exists e > 0 so that there are
uncountably many vectors 0 for which, for all q, ||(p q6)\\ > eq1^, and
W. Schmidt [Scl] showed that the Hausdorff dimension of the set of badly
approximable vectors in this sense is equal to n. M. Drmota and R. F.
Tichy [DT] showed that for a real algebraic number a of degree n over
Q, the vector (l,a,a2,.. .an~x) provides an explicit example of such a
'badly-approximable' vector.
The set of badly approximable elements of IR2 has zero Lebesgue measure
in M2, which complicates its visual representation. In the spirit of the
striking pictures afforded by the stages enroute to the so-called Sierpinski
gasket set, though, we offer a picture. The rays pointing into the first
octant along badly approximable directions in K 3 each cut the plane x\ +
1 2 + 1 3 = 1 i n a single point. If we fix a parameter e > 0 and consider just
those directions v for which the angle between v and any integer vector u
satisfies arg[u, v] > e||u|| - 3 ' 2 , then the points in the cross-section are those
which remain when the ellipses formed by the intersection of this plane
with circular cones of the appropriate angle about each integer vector in
the first octant. Fudging matters for computational simplicity, circles of
radius (l/9)||u||~ 3 / 2 about the point {u\,U2,uz)j{u\-\-U2 + u^) were colored
black, for all nonzero u with 0 < ui, 142,1/3 < 20.
Multidimensional Diophantine Approximation

Fig. 6.1 A Sierpinski gasket of badly approximable pairs.

One of the first algorithms intended to provide simultaneous Diophan-

tine approximations was the Jacobi-Perron algorithm. Here, we give a
slightly simplified description of the algorithm, appropriate to the case of
inputs that are linearly independent over Q.
The algorithm takes as input a list 8 of d positive real numbers. With
n d+1, it produces a sequence of nxn integer matrices Mk of determinant
1 and with all entries nonnegative. The first is the identity matrix Inxn-
A working vector w is initialized to

(wi,...,wn) = (l,0i,...,0n_i).

With bk = lu>k+i/wij, the update rules below are applied repeatedly:

(wi,...,wn) <- (w2 -biwi,w3 -b2wi,...,wn -bn-iw1,w1)

M fc+ i = PbMk

where Pb has for its first n 1 rows, the second through nth rows of In, with
its final row (1, b, b2,..., 6_i). With this construction, at each stage,

(l,6i,..., 6d) = (wi,w2,...,wn)kMk.

102 Continued Fractions

Geometrically, the rows of Mk include ( l , # i , . . . ,6d) in their convex hull,

and each update consists of rotating the rows (7712,..., mn) of the previous
M, as in volleyball, into positions 1 through n 1, and generating a new
last row (the 'server' m'n), by the rule
m'n mi + ^2 bk-\mk.

The bk are the same as those described above, but they are also generated
by choosing each b as large as possible so that the convex hull of the other
vectors, together with the new final vector, shall include 6.
At the heart of modern algorithms for simultaneous Diophantine ap-
proximation lies the notion of lattice reduction.
For our purposes, a lattice A is a discrete additive subgroup of M.n,
equipped with some inner product. The dimension JD[A] of A is the dimen-
sion of the span of A; in this Chapter, D is always equal to n. A lattice
basis is a sequence ( b i , . . . , b) of n nonzero elements of A such that, for
all v G A, there exists a unique a G Z so that v J^ dfcbfc. By a slight
abuse of language, we shall conflate the matrix having rows b i , . . . , b with
the list of vectors, and call it, too, a lattice basis of A. Note that whether
a list, or its associated matrix, is a basis of A is independent of the inner
product in use.
Any lattice of dimension greater than one has infinitely many lattice
bases. When working in a lattice, we cannot scale vectors by arbitrary
ratios, so we cannot implement the Gram-Schmidt algorithm and transform
some given initial lattice basis into an orthonormal lattice basis. We cannot
even ensure that the vectors of our lattice basis are mutually orthogonal.
In two dimensions, there is really only one sensible definition of a re-
duced basis. A basis is reduced if its first vector is the shortest nonzero
vector in the lattice, and its second vector is that vector most nearly or-
thogonal to the first, as well as the shortest vector which is not a multiple
of the first. In higher dimensions, there are various ways to give concrete
meaning to the intuitive notion of a reduced basis for a lattice. We use two
such versions of lattice reduction: LLL reduction, and Minkowski reduc-
tion. We discuss LLL reduction immediately below, but defer a discussion
of Minkowski reduction.
We have already seen one lattice reduction algorithm, the Gauss al-
gorithm for two dimensional lattices. Given two vectors, this algorithm
quickly yields an equivalent basis so that the first vector is a shortest
Multidimensional Diophantine Approximation 103

nonzero vector of the lattice, and the second is shortest among those not
parallel to the first. While one ought not feed this algorithm a pair of real
numbers, or a pair of parallel vectors, instead of a pair of linearly indepen-
dent vectors, if one does, the result is isomorphic to the classical continued
fraction expansion of the ratio of the inputs, and to the classical Euclidean
algorithm, if it be fed a pair of integers.
General lattice reduction algorithms aim to extend or approximate this
sort of optimality in higher dimensions. One such algorithm, the famous
Lenstra-Lenstra-Lovasz procedure [Co], known as LLL-reduction, rests on
the well-known Gram-Schmidt algorithm. The Gram-Schmidt algorithm is
not a lattice algorithm; it takes as input a list of vectors ( b i , b 2 , . . .bjv)
and returns a list of mutually orthogonal vectors ( b | = b ^ b ^ , . . - b ^ ) so
that hj is the component of bj orthogonal to the span of (bi, b 2 , . . . b j - i ) .
The LLL algorithm takes as input a list of N linearly independent vec-
tors in M.N. These form an ordered basis of a lattice. The algorithm re-
turns a new basis for the same lattice, and if desired, an integer matrix
P so that P(old basis) = (new basis). The new basis is 'LLL-reduced'.
An ordered basis (bj, i>2, .. bjv) is LLL reduced if the following holds, Let
^ , j := ( b , - b * ) / | b * | 2 . Then

(i) \y-i,j\ < 1/2 for i < j < N,

(ii) |b* + ^ - , i - i b ; _ 1 | 2 > ( S / ^ l b ^ l 2 for Kj<N.

For a LLL-reduced basis of a lattice, the first vector b i is not necessarily the
shortest non-zero vector x in the lattice, but it does satisfy the condition

We can adapt the LLL algorithm to the task of simultaneous Diophan-

tine approximation, and this is the best choice if speed is of paramount
importance. The idea is (almost) this: start with the vectors ( 1 , 0 , 0 , . . . 0),
(0,1,0,.. .0), . . . ( 0 , 0 , . . . 1) and (#i,#2> -^n-i), and reduce the resulting
'basis'. The snag is that the vectors are linearly dependent. This is fixed by
a well-known trick which we shall be using throughout the rest of this Chap-
ter. Hop up to the next higher dimension and insert a parameter which goes
to zero. Start with the vectors ( 1 , 0 , . . . 0), ( 0 , 1 , . . . 0), . . . ( 0 , 0 , . . . 0,1,0)
and finally [6\, 82, . 0_i, t). For all positive t these n vectors are linearly
independent, but for small t the matrix is ill-conditioned and the lattice
generated by the given basis can be reduced substantially. That is, there
is another basis, equivalent by way of a matrix P GL(n,Z) so that the
vectors in the new basis are short. Since the vectors all have the form
104 Continued Fractions

(pi #i<7,P2 #2<7, -Pn-i Sn-iq, qt), we will have found an approxima-
tion to 0.
How good will it be? The determinant of the lattice is t. A LLL-
reduced basis of a lattice of dimension n + 1 has a vector x which is
no longer than 2"/ 2 times the shortest nonzero vector in the lattice. By
Minkowski's theorem, a ball of radius R in real (n + 1) space, which has
volume ( 0 r " + 1 / r ( l + (n+l)/2))Rn+1, will contain a nonzero lattice point
provided the volume is greater than 2n+1t. Thus, with R comparable to
y/n, or more accurately, R asymptotic to ^/2n/(ne)t~1^n+l>, we see that
||x|| < y/2n(l + e)/(7re)t~ 1 / ( n + 1 ) and so the vector b found by LLL re-
duction will satisfy ||b|| < 2n/2y'2n{l + e)/(7re)^- 1 ^ n + 1 \ By choosing
tr := 2~r, then, we may obtain, quickly, a sequence of serviceable Dio-
phantine approximations to 6. This approach has the drawback that none
of the approximations is sure to be particularly good, and even if we chance
upon some of the best approximations, we cannot hope to hit upon all of
There is a middle ground approach, due to Lagarias, which though of
exponential complexity in the dimension n, gives us a reasonably dense
subsequence of the Euclidean-norm best approximations and with tolerable
rapidity for fixed and modest n. It so happens [La] that the sequence of q
yielding these best-possible approximations increases at least exponentially,
so in a sense we substantially match the ideal properties (ii) and (iii) of the
one-dimensional algorithm. Unfortunately matters are not quite so sim-
ple, since the Lagarias algorithm works by updating a unimodular integer
matrix and only updates that affect the first row yield new values of q.
We first adapt a changed perspective on lattice reduction . Instead of
fixing the inner product and varying the basis Bo[0, t] as t > 0, we fix
our initial basis, and thus the point set of our lattice, to be the set of all
products of an integer row vector in Z n with o[#], which shall be the nxn
matrix which is in its first n 1 rows, equal to the identity matrix, but
which has for its last row, the entries (#i, 62,..., # n -i> 1)- We then
take, for a > 0,

(u, v ) a = ^2 ukvk + aunvn.
Multidimensional Diophantine Approximation 105

Associated with this inner product is the norm

XL =
~ \
x? + ax^.
The basis and the inner product, taken together, determine the lattice
A a [#], which is isomorphic to our earlier lattice with final row ( 0 , . . . , 0, t =
y/a). One advantage to this new perspective is that when the input vector
is rational, the critical values of t in the first approach are square roots of
rational numbers, while in this approach they are rational.
The Lagarias algorithm reduces, in the case n = 2 in which we have
just one number 9 to approximate, to an algorithm studied by Hermite. It
is instructive to see how things go. We first note that the algorithm can
be seen as a procedure for calculating through which cells in the picture
presented here, the complex number 6 + it passes as t decreases from 1
to zero. Since the cells are 'triangles' with a foot meeting the real line at a
rational number, we are getting, in effect, a series of rational approximations
Consider the complex domain D0 : {z 6 C : \z\ > 1,9(z) > 0, and
1/2 < $l(z) < 1/2}. Let 'the scalloped region' be the union of all integer
translates Do + k of DQ. The various images of Do under the group $
of linear fractionals generated by the three linear fractionals z \ 1/z
and Z H z l tile the upper half plane. The tiling is essentially the

Fig. 6.2 Cells through which the Lagarias continued fraction algorithm passes, ID case.
106 Continued Fractions

so-called modular tiling, with the difference that in the modular tiling, the
original tile Do is split down the imaginary axis to make two tiles, and the
group is correspondingly enlarged to include z 1/2. (The modular tiling
is described in John Stilwell's article [St].)
Our group $ of linear fractional consists of all functions of the form
z -> l^ftg for which ad be = 1 and a, b, c, d Z. The points at which
9 + it pass from one tile to the next, along its descent toward the real axis,
correspond to the tr delimiting the intervals Ir on which Br(t) is reduced.
They also correspond to the values of t at which the auxiliary quantity zr(t)
enters and exits Do-
The name 'geodesic' comes from the fact that there is a metric with
respect to which the paths zr(t), and corresponding 'paths' taken by the
matrices Br{t) in higher dimensions, are geodesies, either in the complex
plane as here, or in a space of matrices. In the case at hand, we may
think of the plane as a medium through which light passes. The local
speed of light in this medium is l/Q(z). The 'distance' between two points
is the time needed for a signal to reach from one to the other. For two
points, or complex numbers x + iy\ and x + iyi with the same real part,
this distance is | log(t/2/2/i)|- The metric is invariant under linear fractional
transformations of H onto H. The geodesies are the vertical half lines, and
all half-circles with diameter along the real line. All tiles are congruent in
the sense that there is a <fi 3> taking one tile to the other. Tiles other
than lateral translates D 0 n, n G Z have one corner, call it the foot, on
the real line. If D = ^fig-Do with c 7^ 0 is such a tile, then a/c is the point
at which the tile touches the real axis.

Fig. 6.3 Detail.

Multidimensional Diophantine Approximation 107

The algorithm begins with a matrix

with to = 1. A two-dimensional matrix is reduced if the two rows mi,m,2

say satisfy ||mi|| < ||TO2|| and ||m2|| < \\rn2 + kmi\\ for all integers k.
Initially, that is, for t = 1, Bo{t) is reduced. As t decreases, the matrix
passes from being reduced, to not reduced, as t hits \ / l #2- The idea
of the Lagarias algorithm is that we keep track of a working basis Bj(t)
which is reduced in a certain interval 7, = ( t , + i , t , ) . The initial interval
la = (\/l # 2 ,1). At each juncture, as t hits the lower limit tj+i of the
interval Ij on which the working basis Bj(t) is reduced, the working basis
matrix Bj (t) is updated so that the new basis will be reduced on some new
interval (<J+2, t J + i ) .

6.1 The Hermite Approximations to a Real Number

One perspective on continued fractions is that we are given a real number

a, and tasked to find the sequence of successive q with the property that
for all 1 < q' < q,

min \q'a k\ < min \qa k\.

With the notation ||x|| := mhifcgz \x k\, we are finding a sequence of

integers which in a certain sense provide best denominators for rational
approximation to x.
Hermite had another way to think about what is a best denominator.
A positive integer q is a Hermite denominator for a if there exist positive
real numbers a < b such that, for all a < t < b, and for all positive integers

\\qa\\2+tq2<\\q'a\\2 + tq'2.

Every Hermite denominator for a is a continued fraction denominator, for

the simple reason that if q satisfies the condition above, and if q' < q, then
since also ||go;||2 + tq2 < ||Q'OJ||2 +tq'2, we must have ||ga|| < ||<7'a:||, and
this property characterizes continued fraction denominators for a.
The Hermite denominators are not identical with the classical continued
fraction denominators; it is possible for some of the latter to be skipped
108 Continued Fractions

by the Hermite sequence for a. Any algorithm for finding Hermite denom-
inators for general real numbers must somehow cope with the fact that
inequalities which break one way or the other can hang on knife-edge while
we accumulate further digits of our input a; our chosen method of coping
is to punt and provide an algorithm only when the input a is rational, and
further simplifying matters, to restrict attention to the case 0 < a < 1/2. If
it is necessary to get an answer for an irrational number, one may compute
upper and lower bound rational approximations to a and run the Hermite
algorithm given here on both. Until the results diverge, they are also the
results for a itself.
Our algorithm depends for its validity on an observation about a cer-
tain lattice. Consider the lattice A[a, t] generated by ((1,0), (a, 1)) and
equipped with the inner product associated with the norm ||u|| t given by
\\(x,y)\\2 = x2 + ty2. That is, we fix a and the basis, and make the norm
depend on the parameter t.
The Gauss lattice reduction algorithm terminates upon arriving at a
lattice basis (u,v) with the property that ||u|| < ||v|| and that ||v|| <
||v + fcu|| for k Z, k ^ 0. An ordered basis (u,v) of a two dimensional
lattice is termed Minkowski-reduced if these inequalities hold.
The observation about Hermite denominators is that q is a Hermite
denominator for a if and only if there is a positive real number t such that,
when p is the integer nearest qa, the vector (p qa, q) A [a, t] is, for that
t, the unique shortest vector, up to multiplication by 1, in the lattice, and
thus, the leading member of any Minkowski-reduced lattice basis of A[a, t].
The idea, then, is to generate a sequence of auxiliary variables, the
successive tfc's, and successive second basis vectors, so that, as compu-
tation proceeds, we always have in hand a reduced basis (ufc,Vfc) =
((Pfc Qka, <lk), {Tk ska, Sfc)) and a parameter tk, so that Ufc will be the
shortest vector of the lattice, for tk+\ < t < tk- Since this topic is some-
what peripheral, we omit the somewhat pedestrian proof that the algorithm
is correct, and just give the algorithm. We enumerate the key facts. At
each transition, the new basis (ufc, vjt) = ((pk - qka, qk), (rk - ska, sjt)) =
((/3fc, Ik), (7fc> sk)), say, has these properties:

(1) For k > 1, qk,Sk Z + , with qk > Sfc.

(2) pk and r-fc are the integers nearest q^a. and s^a respectively.
(3) If (pfc - qka)(rk - ska) > 0, then qk > 2sk-
(4) \\qka\\2+tkq2 = \\ska\2+tsl.
(5) For a l l j G Z, ||v.,- + j U j | | t f c > ||vj|| tfc .
Multidimensional Diophantine Approximation 109

(6) If ak sign(/?fc7fc), then Ufc+i = akvk + nkuk where nk is either

[\jk/M or 1 + U7*/AIJ- I f {\hk/0k\} < 1/2, n* is the lesser choice.
If {||7fc//?jt|} > 1/2, then which value nk takes depends on whether the
value of t at which, with n = |_|7fc/Afc|J> Ilufc||t = IkfcVfc + n u f c | | t is
greater than that at which |<7fcVfc + nufc||t = ||cfcVfc + (n + l)ufc||t, or
(7) In all but certain exceptional cases, vk+i = \ik. The exceptions occur
when ||u fc ||t t+1 = \\akvk + nfcufc||tfc+1 = ||crfcvfc + (nfc - l)u f c || t t + l . In
that case, vk+i = -wk + (nk - l)u*.

A sample result: hermite[41/99, oo] gives


1 w0 yj0 - xI
J. 9801
11 0 _ L L1 LO _ 1 464
99 ^ 99 * 9801
_-L ^ 17 9 9 _) 80
99 99 ^ ^ -1 68607
A 19 _ X >5 9 -1 12
gg J-^ 99 ^ " 1 1 6 6 3 1 9
_ X 9Q 1 2 21 -
x A
99 *" 99 ^ ^ 6831297
0 gg JL oo 3 i
u 99 ^ 87816960
This gives the successive (3k, qk, (in this case (1,2,5,12,29,99)), 7^, sk,
nk, <Tfc, and fc that are encountered during the execution of the Hermite
algorithm on input 41/99.
There is a geometric interpretation of what is happening here. One
keeps track of a point p(t) moving inside the domain D : 1/2 < x < 1/2,
y > 0,x2 + y2 > 1. Initially, the point is moving along the line x =
41/99, y = t, with t decreasing from infinity.
Any time the point hits the bottom scalloped arc boundary, it is sent
off on a circular arc which is the negative reciprocal of the translation
back into Do of the path it was on before. Thus, when t reaches ti =
y/1 - (41/99) 2 , the point strikes the bottom boundary at (-41/99, ti). The
negative reciprocal of this is (41/99, ti), and the new trajectory is is an arc
along the circle through 0 and 99/41, moving up and away from (41/99, ti).
Each translation followed by reflection off the lower boundary corresponds
to a new uk- Each transition from one zone to another in the scalloped
region corresponds to a new reduced basis in which only the second vector
has changed.
The doppelganger of this sequence of movements within \Jk(Do k) is
a succession of milestones on the straight line path from (41/99 + ioo)
to (41/99). The images under appropriate linear fractional transforma-
tions, of DQ and the various paths our moving point has taken through it,
110 Continued Fractions

are conformal linear fractional copies of Do, together with the appropriate
segment of our straight line path. We illustrate with graphics showing one
such packet of movement, corresponding to a circular arc along the scallop
shaped top zone of the upper half plane. The arc runs from (41/99, t\) Do
across to Do+ 2, where it crosses below the scalloped boundary and triggers
the calculation of a new value of q. The zeroth and first segments of the
straight line path are shown on the left, and the first corresponding arc on
the right. The distorted 'strips' in the left picture converge at zero, which
is the simplest p/q approximation to 41/99. In one dimension, a direct

Fig. 6.4 Descent to zero through zones of the modular map.

implementation of the Lagarias algorithm resembles an additive variation

on the algorithm presented above. The Lagarias algorithm pauses at each
intermediate state corresponding to passages across a vertical line in the
scalloped region. The expected value of any particular ctj in the classical
continued fraction expansion of a random input 6 (0,1) is infinite, but one
can in one dimension readily look ahead and avoid counting upward one by
one-this is what we did above. In higher dimensions, matters are less likely
to get stuck in this kind of a groove, and it becomes increasingly difficult in
any case to 'see ahead'. Nevertheless, for any fixed dimension, there ought
not in principle be any insuperable barrier to similar accelerations of the
Lagarias algorithm.
The execution of the algorithm, in this case, can be expressed in terms
of linear fractionals. Start with the identity linear fractional 4>o(z) '= z,
and zo(t) := 6 + it. Let t decrease from 1 towards zero, and set j = 0.
Multidimensional Diophantine Approximation 111

Whenever 4>j{t) exits Do, set tj+\ to be that value of t, and set Vj+i to be
that linear fractional, one of 1/z or z 1 as needed, so that Vj+\ <j>j{t) 6
D 0 for some interval (t, + i e, tj+i). When i,- exits into Do + 1, Vj+i(z) =
z 1, and vice versa, while when tj exits across the lower boundary of
D 0 , Uj+i(z) = 1/z. In the exceptional case that (j>j{t) exits D 0 through
the right or left corner, Vj+i(z) will instead be 1/z 1. Set Zj+\(t) =
Uj+i(t)zj(t) = </>j+iZo(t). The map taking Do to the tile containing 0 + it,
when tj+\ <t <tj, will be tfrj1.
All the continued fraction partial quotient pairs (j)j,qj), as well as all the
intermediate values (pj-i + kpj,qj_i + kqj) with k < a J + i , arise as (a,b)
or (c, d) for one of the linear fractionals 4>j arising in the expansion. If 8 is
rational, we eventually arrive at a tile which has its foot at 6, and 8 + it
descends through this tile to 8 without exiting the tile. If 8 is irrational,
there will be infinitely many tiles, and t,'s and so on. The foot of the j t h
tile is the image of oo under (pj1.

6.2 The Lagarias Algorithm in Higher Dimensions

Turning back to a discussion of the general case, there are several issues.
First, we need just the right notion of a 'good' simultaneous Diophantine
approximation to a list 8 of n 1 real numbers. Next, we must say what
it means, for a lattice basis to be 'reduced', and we need to show that re-
ducing the initial basis Bo [8] gives rise to a good simultaneous Diophantine
approximation of 8.
A Euclidean-norm best denominator for 9 is a positive integer q so that
for all positive integers q' < q,

2 2
where the p[ and pi are the integers nearest q'8i and q8i respectively. This
very natural standard for judging the quality of Diophantine approxima-
tions turns out to not lend itself to the ideas we now wish to use.
A Hermite denominator for 9 is a positive integer q so that there exist
positive numbers /? < a so that for all q' > 0 and all 7 (/?, a),

$ > i - <^) 2 + '2 > I > - idi? + iq2-

1 1
112 Continued Fractions

Every Hermite denominator for 9 is also a Euclidean-norm best denomina-

tor for 6, but the converse is not true. The sequence of Hermite denomi-
nators may skip some of the Euclidean-norm best denominators. On the
other hand, it preserves the essential information about approximability of
C{9) = lim g2^"-1) fo ~ <^)2'
q+00 .

where as usual, the pi are the integers nearest q9i. Lagarias proved the
following result: [La]

Theorem 6.1 Each Hermite denominator qj of 9 is also a Euclidean-

norm best denominator of 9. Furthermore,

(i) c{9) = ns^oo gf( - x ) ElTi1 & - qA)2-

(2) 9 i + 2 > 3 g , - .
(3) If a = <5~ 2 _ 2 /( n _ 1 ), then the Hermite denominator q corresponding to
a satisfies two inequalities:
(a) l<q< TJEQ

The next issue is how to compute Hermite denominators. By definition,

a Hermite denominator is a positive integer q which appears as the final
entry in a nonzero vector of minimal norm in A a [9].
A basis ( b i , . . . , b) for an n-dimensional lattice A is Minkowski-reduced

(1) bi is a nonzero lattice vector of minimal norm.

(2) For 2 < k < n, ||bfc|| is minimal among all lattice vectors v such that
there exists a basis of A that starts with ( b i , . . . ,bfc_i, v).

The definition here is not quite what we might have expected. Why not
instead specify that bfc be that vector v of minimal length, among those
not in the span of b i through bfc_i? The reason is that for large n, there
are examples of lattices in which the shortest such v cannot be appended
to bj through b^_i and then augmented to arrive at a lattice basis.
This wrinkle on the definition gives us a clue to how we might convert
the definition, which does not on its face tell us how we might compute a
reduced basis, into an algorithm for Minkowski reduction.
Multidimensional Diophantine Approximation 113

If B is a (matrix) lattice basis of A, and P S GL(n,Z), then PB is

a lattice basis of A, and vice-versa. What are the possibilities for the
first row of such a PI Clearly, the gcd of the entries of this first row
must be one, for otherwise, | det P\ could not be one. On the other hand,
if gcd(<ii,a2,... ,a) = 1, then there exists a unimodular integer matrix
P with first row equal to a. This is because we can transform the row
vector a, by a sequence of post-multiplications by simple integer matrices of
determinant 1 , into successive rows of the form (0, gcd(ai, 02), 0 3 , . . . , an),
then (0,0, gcd(ai, a 2 , "3), ^ 4 , . . . , a n ), and finally into ( 0 , . . . , 0,1).
If bi is a nonzero vector of minimal norm in A, then the set of all P
which leave bi intact as the first row of a matrix basis, is exactly the set
of all P which have ( 1 , 0 , . . . ,0) as a first row. The second row of PB is
determined by the second row of P, so we are led to think about what the
possibilities are for that second row. This time, it is necessary and sufficient
that the gcd of ( 0 2 , . . . , an) be 1. This line of reasoning leads ultimately to
an effective criterion for Minkowski reduction: A basis B = ( b i , . . . , b n ) of
a lattice A is Minkowski-reduced, if for all 1 < d < n, and all a e Z " for
which gcd(a<j,..., an) = 1, we have

When a = 1, the lattice Aa[6] is Minkowski-reduced. As a decreases, it

drifts out of reduction, and we must conduct some kind of search and restore
reduction, by premultiplying the basis we are currently using for Aa[&] by
some matrix in GL(n, Z). The computational task, then, is to determine
the correct 'update matrix' by which to multiply the current basis.
Suppose we have a lattice basis B = {61,62,. --6} and we wish to
determine whether or not it is Minkowski-reduced, and if not, determine
a unimodular, integral 'update matrix' M so that MB is in some sense
closer to being Minkowski-reduced. We know from the general theory
of Minkowski reduction [La] that a matrix B with rows b i , b 2 , . . . b is
Minkowski-reduced if and only if the rows of B are presented in increasing
order of length, and if for every integer vector s G Z n , |53 s jb,'l < \hd\
where d = d[s] is the largest integer so that gcdjs^, Sd+i,. sn] = 1.
There is a simple reason why every Hermite denominator occurs as one
of the qj associated with the shortest nonzero vector in A a [0]. If not, then
for all a in the interval (s,t) on which q meets the conditions to be a
Hermite denominator, there would have to be some positive integer Qj ^ q
114 Continued Fractions

such that, with an appropriate choice of pj e Z " ,

\\PjO-qj(9)l\\a = \\pO-q01\\a.

Since the interval (s,t) is uncountable, there would then have to be two
distinct numbers a\ < 0:2 in (s,t) so that this equality held for both a\
and a2. But then q = qj.
The converse is a bit tricky. If q is the last entry in the first row of a
Minkowski reduced basis of AQ[0], then that first row is a nonzero vector of
minimal length in the lattice. This alone almost qualifies it as a Hermite
denominator, but a bit more is needed: there must exist an interval in which
this same vector, but with respect to a different norm, is still minimal. We
cannot be sure of this; there can be values of a, and Minkowski-reduced
bases of Aa[6>], so that the shortest nonzero vector in this basis is not
shortest, for any other value of a.
It is for just this reason that we need a stricter notion of reduction
than is provided by Minkowski reduction. Lagarias chose to work with
lexicographically Minkowski reduced bases. A lexicographically reduced
basis is a basis so that not only is bi a shortest nonzero vector in the
lattice, but so that, among all such vectors, the eventual choice of b2 is
shortest, and to further break ties if needed, the eventual choice of b3 is
shortest, and so on.
This definition has the disadvantage that it requires more or less full
knowledge of the structure of the lattice, to determine of a given basis
whether or not it is lexicographically reduced. Thus, we choose instead to
work with another variant upon the notion of Minkowski reduction. Our
new notion, that of a 'forward reduced' basis, is contrived so that a forward-
reduced basis will have three properties:

(1) If B is a forward-reduced basis of A a [0], then there exists a /? < a so

that for all 7 6 (/?, a], B is a forward-reduced basis of A7[0].
(2) If q is the absolute value of the last entry of the first row of a forward
reduced basis, then q is a Hermite denominator of 6.
(3) Computing a forward-reduced basis is not much more difficult than
computing a Minkowski reduced basis for A a [0].

A basis B of a lattice A a [9] is forward reduced if it is Minkowski reduced,

and if, moreover, for each integer 1 < d < n, among all s Z" with
gcd(sd,..., sn) = 1, either \\J2i sjbj\\a > I M U , or | | E i S A I U = HM*
and |]Ci Sj6j[n]| < \bd[n)\.
Multidimensional Diophantine Approximation 115

(Another way to say this: a basis is not forward reduced, if there is

any way to replace one of the vectors in the basis with a vector that is no
longer, and for which the last entry has larger absolute value.)
We now prove the first claim: If B is a forward reduced basis of AQ [6]
for a ao, then it is also a forward reduced basis on some interval (/3, o]-
Suppose B is a forward reduced matrix of A a [#]. Suppose also that
I < d < n, that s 6 Z n , and that gcd(sd,... ,sn) = 1. Then either
II J2sjbj\\a > ||bd||a, which will continue to hold with /3 in place of a, on
some interval below a, or || J Z S J ^ I U = \\bd\\a and E s j ' M n ] l - IMnll>
which will continue to hold with any /? < a in place of a.
We now prove the second claim. If q is the final entry of the first row
of B, and positive, and if B is a forward reduced basis of A a [0], then there
exists (3 < a so that B is also a forward reduced basis of A7[#], for all
7 G (/?,] Thus, the first row of B serves as a shortest nonzero lattice
vector of A7[#], for /? < 7 < a, so that q, as the last entry of that first row,
serves as a Hermite denominator.
The third claim was never articulated exactly. But the point is that we
can decide upon one vector, and then the next and the next, and thereby
construct a forward reduced basis, without having to as it were think all
the way through to the end, the chain of cascading consequences.
It is unfortunately neither trivial, nor, in general, fast, to find the short-
est nonzero vector in a lattice, or to find all the short vectors. Nevertheless,
if we are to arrive at an executable version of the Lagarias multidimensional
continued fraction algorithm, we shall have to do just this.
Consider the lattice As with basis the rows of B, and a positive number
r. The set of all s so that

is just the set of coefficients, with respect to the basis B, of lattice points
in AB and within a ball of radius r about the origin. There is an algorithm
(though unfortunately this task is NP-hard, so it may be slow if the dimen-
sion n is large) for this; the Fincke-Pohst algorithm [Co], pages 102-104.
It is based on the observation that there is a hyperplane ( b 2 , . . . , b n ) , the
span of the b^-'s apart from the first, such that every lattice vector can be
written as the sum of an integer multiple of the orthogonal complement
b | of bi with respect to this hyperplane, and a vector in the hyperplane.
Thus, the only integers which can appear as coefficients of b i are those
integers s\ so that |si| < r / | | b j | | .
116 Continued Fractions

So, given a lattice basis B = ( b i , . . . , b n ) of A Q (#), with its inner prod-

uct || || a , we first find the shortest nonzero vector in the lattice, by taking
T = ||bi|| a an< ^ executing the Fincke-Pohst algorithm on that input. (In
general, we might want to run the LLL algorithm first on our lattice ba-
sis, but in our current circumstances, we are working always with a matrix
which is already close to Minkowski reduced, so this is not needed.)
The corresponding list s of integers will not be zero, and its entries will
have no common divisor greater than one, or we should divide through by
that divisor and arrive at a shorter nonzero vector after all. Thus, there is
a unimodular matrix for which the first row is s.
It may happen that, even apart from the inevitable choice of , there
are multiple vectors of minimal norm. Since we want our basis to be forward
reduced, we choose, among those s which lead to minimal norm ^ S j b j ,
the one for which | Y^" sjbj[n}\ ls maximal. If there are still choices (a rare
situation), we break ties by choosing the lexicographically least s.
Now that we know how to get a forward reduced basis for Aaj(9),v/e
still need a way to find the next critical point ctj+i; that is, the largest real
number a for which Ap(6) is not forward-reduced for any /3 < a. Here, the
idea is to make an exploratory reduction of a, setting /3 = a / 2 . This may,
or may not, result in a situation in which some vector of Ap(9) is shorter,
with respect to || \\p, than one of the basis vectors. We calculate all s 6 Z
so that || X^r^'bj'll/J < | | b n | | a , thus casting a wide net. We inspect these
to determine whether any of them allow for a change of basis at some value
between a/2 and a, and we select that one which triggers a change, at
the greatest /?. If there are competing alternatives at this point, we select
the one for which the index d of the least h<t affected, is minimal. And
if there are still competing alternatives, we select that one for which the
final entry of the resulting new b^ is greatest in absolute value. If no such
changes occur, we halve a again. This will yield a sequence of decreasing
critical values a,, tending to zero, so that the corresponding bases Bj are
forward reduced on (atj+i, otj]. If any of the 9 k are irrational, the sequence is
infinite. But if all are rational, then we must eventually arrive at a situation
in which the final entry of the first row of Bj is equal to the least common
multiple of the denominators of the 9k. At this point, the algorithm can go
no further, so it terminates.
Thus, modulo filling in some details which belong more properly to the
realm of writing code, than explaining mathematics, we have described
how to implement the Lagarias multidimensional continued fraction algo-
rithm on an ideal computer which does exact arithmetic with arbitrary real
Multidimensional Diophantine Approximation 117

In practice, such computers are not available. On the face of it, we
cannot be sure our algorithm can be executed, except when 9 has rational
entries. If there should be 'ties', in the norms of various competing sums,
and if we were working with real numbers known only by the availability
of arbitrarily good rational approximations, we might not be able to break
the ties and proceed. What is more, we do not yet know anything about
'continuity' of the Lagarias continued fraction algorithm output. We are,
in effect, trying to map lists of n real numbers, to sequences of unimodular
matrices, so as to arrive at the sequence of Hermite denominators. There
must be discontinuities. Thus, one needs information about the geometry
of the domains in which a given expansion prevails.

6.3 Convexity of Expansion Domains in the Lagarias Algo-


Suppose we execute the algorithm to a finite depth r and return only the
first r such matrices. We deem #i ~ #2 if and only if the first r matrices
generated by the algorithm, on the two inputs, are equal.
The induced partition of (1/2, l / 2 ) n _ 1 is thus refined, as r increases.
But what sort of things, geometrically, are the pieces of any one such par-
They are, we claim, convex sets. This is convenient, because if we have
some irrational 9 and we want to obtain M\ through MT for 9, we could
enclose 9 in a simplex of n rational 9i, and execute our algorithm on all of
them. If the results agreed to depth r, we would then know that this was
indeed the result we would have got, from an ideal computer, working with
9 itself.
Theorem 6.2 For Mlt..., Mr in GL(n, Z), let Z[M\,..., Mr] be the set
of all 9 6 ( - 1 / 2 , 1 / 2 ) " - 1 such, for 1 < j < r, MjBQ[6\ is the forward
reduced lattice basis of Aa[9] in our algorithm, for some a > 0 (the a can
depend on 9 as well as on j). Then either Z[Mi,..., Mr] is empty, or it is
a convex subset of R".

Remark 6.1 It would be very nice if we knew that not only are these
pieces of the induced partition convex, but relatively round. There is room
for further research on this topic.

Proof. The algorithm works by passing from one pair (M, a) to another,
118 Continued Fractions

where in each case, MBQ[9) is forward-reduced on some interval (a e, a],

but is not (even) Minkowski reduced for any /? > a. The new M, call it M',
is a product PM, where P itself is a product PmPm-\... Pi of matrices of
a certain form, generated by an inner loop of the algorithm.
At the outset of one of these inner loops, we have a lattice basis B
which was forward reduced for j3 > a, but which is not reduced for /3 = a,
because one or more of the inequalities which define forward reduction is
at the cusp of nipping from valid, to not valid, as f3 decreases through a.
The inner loop identifies the least d so that there exists s Z" so that
g c d ( s d , . . . , s) = 1, for which || " sjbj\\a = ||bd|| 0 , and E i s j b j [ n ] l >
|bd[n]|. This s is used to construct a matrix Pi e GL(n, Z) of the form

/l 0 o \
0 1 0

i Sd
0 td+l,d td+ltr\

\ 0 ... tn,d *n,n J

This matrix has for its first d\ rows, the elementary unit vectors ei>n,
1 < i < d 1. The rfth row is s. The remaining rows have zeros in the first
d 1 entries, all entries are integers, and the determinant is one.
This matrix Pi, when multiplied from the left by B, leaves invariant the
vectors b;, I < i < d s, it replaces b^ with ^Sjbj, and the remaining
rows of PiP> are elements of ( b ^ , . . . ,b). Insofar as b, 1 < i < d 1
were concerned, the current B was already forward reduced at a, and no
improvements were possible. An improvement has been made in b<j, and
the new h'd will be shorter than the old b^, for all f3 < a. In the wake of this
improvement, there is chaos. True, the new list of vectors b'k, d+1 < k < n,
appended to b i , . . . , b d - i , b d , constitutes a lattice basis for AQ[0]. But we
have lost all control over reduction upstream of d.
On the other hand, the good news is that no further work on h'd is
needed or possible, at this value of (3 a. This claim requires proof.
Suppose that, to the contrary, there were now a new s', satisfying

gcd(s^d i a d + l > Sn) = 1,

Multidimensional Diophantine Approximation 119


| l E s i b i l U = llbdlla = l|bd|U
and with

There would then exist a matrix Ps<, constructed in the same way as Ps.
The product PS'PS would once again have, for its first d 1 rows, the
first rows of the identity matrix. It would have integer entries in the dth
row. It would have, for each of its rows from d + 1 t o n , integer linear
combinations of b^ through b. And finally, it would have determinant
one. Thus, the gcd of the entries d through n, in row d of PS>PS, would be
1. By assumption, the final entry of the dth row of PSIPSBQ[6) has absolute
value greater than that of b^. But this means that the dth row of PS'PS
would have been a superior alternative to the s which we assumed to have
been chosen, and that contradicts our rules for how s is to be chosen. Thus,
once bd has been modified, the new value is permanent for the duration of
the inner loop.
This means that the inner loop visits each bd at most once, and the inner
loop executes at most n times, updating some subset of rows 1 through n
of B, one after the other.
The product of the P's for each such update, constitutes the overall
update implemented by the outer loop. The trigger time for (s, d, B) is
that positive real number j3, if it exists, such that

Sjhj <llb,d\h

if and only if 7 < /?. Equivalently, (s, d) has trigger time j3 if and only if
\EisJhM\ > M a n d IIEi^bjII/j = IIMI/3- Let T[s,d,M,0] denote the
trigger time of the move (s, d) when the basis B is MBQ[6].
We are now in a position to directly address the issue of why it is that
the zones in which the Lagarias algorithm (as modified here) has common
execution history to depth r, are convex. For purposes of induction, we
may assume that up to some value r, it is already established that the set
of all 9 so that successive matrices M\ through Mr are held in common,
is a convex polyhedron. Some or all of the faces may be present in this
polyhedron, and some part of the faces may belong to an adjoining zone.
No matter: it is a convex polyhedron. Suppose now that 6 and <p have this
120 Continued Fractions

same execution history to depth r, and that ip lies on the interior of the
line segment joining them. All three inputs eagerly await the result of the
next inner loop. What P = Pm.. .P\ will be chosen? For 0 and for <f>, the
same P is output by the inner loop, albeit perhaps associated with different
values of a. But for ip, a different inner loop update matrix P' is selected!
This, we claim, cannot happen.
If it did, there would be a number 1 < d < n, and an s Z n , so that
for n = 0, and for /J, = 0, but not for ^ ip,


Hi b jM < IIMM]IUM

J2sihi > \bd[n]\

(3) The move associated with (s,d) has priority, according to our inner
loop tiebreakers, and with respect to the basis B[/j], over any other
moves triggered at the same time.

There are a number of ways such a situation might occur; none of them
are, as we shall see, viable.
Suppose we have an s, an integer d with 1 < d < n, and a lattice basis
First, it might be the case that the move associated with s is never
triggered, at any (3 < a[ip}. That is, for all /? < a[tp], it might be that
lEi^jH < |b d [n]|, or that for all /? < o # ] , H E ^ A ' M I I ^ > WMfAb-
Second, it might be that there was a different pair (s',<f) so that the
trigger time /3(s', d') was greater than that for s.
Third, it might be that there was a different s', and a d' < d, so that
the trigger time for (s', d1) was equal to that for (s, d). The move associated
with s' would then have taken priority.
Finally, it might be that there as a different s', with the same d, and
triggered at the same time, but that s' had priority, in the inner loop, on
We eliminate these hypothetical failure modes for the claim, in order.
If (s, d) is never triggered at ip, then for all a[ip] > e > 0, || J2i sjbj[ip]\\e >
Multidimensional Diophantine Approximation 121

Now since s is presumed to be triggered for 9 and <f>, \Y^isi^An\\ >

\bd[n]\, (this will give q > v) but for e sufficiently small, | | X ^ 5 J ^ ' [ ^ ] I I <
||b d [#]|| and E s j ' b j ' H I l < ||bd[^]||. Thus, in particular,

X>AW|| n <IM*]llo

<l|b e

Now there are integerspj, 1 < j < n 1, and q, and Uj, 1 < j' < n 1, and
v, with q > v > 0, so that for all /J e R n _ 1 ,
X^jfyM (P1 - 9 M l . - - - . P n - l -qf*n-l,q)
6 d [jU] = (Ui - U / X i , . . . , U n _ i -U|X_1,U).

With this notation, the previous batch of inequalities now reads


Efe-^) <EK-^) 2 2

n-l n-l
5Z(Pj " 9</>j)2 < E ( " j - W>j)2

5^(pj- - q^j)2 > J2(ui - v

Now this would mean that

(P - qQ) (P - 90) < (u - 6) (u - v6)


(p - Q4>) (p - Q4>) < ( u - u</>) ( u - u</>)

122 Continued Fractions

and ip = (a)9 + (1 - a)<t>, with 0 < a < 1, and yet

(p qip) (p qip) > (u vip) (u vip).

With a bit of algebra, this becomes

p - p - 2 q p - V ' - u - u + 2wu tp < (v2 - Q2)(o-6> 9 + (I - a)<j> <f>)


p p - 2gp ^> u u + 2uu ip > (v2 q2)ip ip.

But since q > v, from this it follows that

{q2 - v2)iP -ip>X>(q2- v2)(a6 9 + (1 - a)<f> (f>)

where X = (p p 2gp ip u u + 2tm ip). Dividing by (q2 v2) which

is positive, and combining inequalities, we are faced with

ip-ip> (06 9 + {\ - a)(p $).

Putting ip a9 + (1 <j)<p and expanding, gives

a{a -1)9-9 + 2a(l - a)9 <p + (1 - a){-a)<p -<p>0.

Dividing now by <r(l - a), we would have

-9-e + 29-<p-(t>-<t>>0

which is impossible. This shows that the first possible failure mode of the
claim cannot, after all, occur.
In the second hypothetical failure mode for convexity, the trigger time
for a competing move (s',d') was greater than that for (s,d) for fi = ip,
although not for 9 or (p. We have a current value for M, common to 9,
<p, and ip, so that the current basis in each case is MBQ[9], MBQ[4>), and
MBo[ip] respectively. Thus,

T[s',d',M,ip] >T[s,d,M,iP]
T[s',d',M,9] <T[s,d,M,9]
T[s',d',M,<p] <T[s,d,M,<p}.

Now T[t, S, M, fj] is that real number 7 so that ( t i , . . . , tn)MBo[/j] satisfies

\\t M Bo[0}\\.y = \\ed[n} M B0[e]\\y

Multidimensional Diophantine Approximation 123

or equivalently,

2 2
n-l / n \ / n \
X] ( 5Z ifc(7Tl^' ~ Hmkn) I + 7 I ^2 t^mkn I
j = l \fc=l / \fc=l /

= 5Z ( m * ~ Nmdnf + 7dn-

Now we need some more notation. Let

n-l \
s m
A[s, d, M] = Y^ I I S ^ifc I - lk
fc=i y \,=i y y

B [ s , M ] = I j ^ S j m j n J f ^ s ; m , f c , 1 < A; < n - 1J ,(soB[s,M] e K " " 1 )

C[s, d,M]= X SjTTljn J - 771
V=i /
4[s, d, M]
D[s,d,M} = -
C[B, d, M]'

Note that C[s, d, M] > 0 because s is assumed to be a valid move, so that

the new vector has a final entry greater, in absolute value, than the vector
bd that it replaces. With our new notation,

T[s,d,M,v] = D[s,d,M] + E [ s , d , M ] - n ~ |M| 2 .

The danger to convexity was that T[s',d',M,4>] > T[s,d,M,tp] while at 6

and at <fi it was the other way around.
That is,

D[s', d', M) + E[s', d', M] V - Uf > D[s, d, M) + E[s, d,M\-il>- \\ip\\2

D[s', d', M] + E[s', d', M]-6- \\6\\2 < D[s, d, M] + E[s, d,M]-6- ||0|| 2
D[s', d\ M] + E[s', d1, M]-<j>- W\\2 < D[s, d, M] + E[s, d,M]-<f>- \\<t>\\2

With the shorthand Dx for D[s', d', M], Ei for E[s', d', M], and D2 and E2
124 Continued Fractions

when s and d take the place of s' and d!, this boils down to

>i + Ei ip > D2 + E 2 i>,

>i + Ei 9 < D2 + E 2 9,
Di + E i <t> > D2 + E 2 <f>.

But this is impossible because there is a positive linear combination of the

bottom two inequalities that flatly contradicts the top inequality.
Remark 6.2 This is the heart of the matter. This shows that the interiors
of the regions in question are convex. The rest of the calculations go to
establishing that convexity holds also with respect to the zones themselves,
and not just their interiors.
In the third failure mode, we have the possibility that (s, d) generates
the next move, for 9 and for <j), but that there is a move (s', d') with d' < d
which triggers at the same time as (s, d) at cf>.
Since d' < d, and since it is given that (s, d) was the move chosen by
the algorithm at both 9 and </>, we must have T[s,d,M,8] < T[s',d',M,9]
and T[s, d, M, <j>] < T[s', d', M, 4>}. B u t then

D[s, d, M] + E[s, d,M]-6- \\9\\2 < D[s', d', M] + E [ s ' , d', M}-6- \\9\\2


D[s, d, M] + E[s, d, M] <f> - l l ^ f < D[s', d', M] + E [ s ' , d', A]-<f>- ||<?!>||2.

From these two inequalities, though, it follows that

D[s, d, M] + E[s, d, M] V - HV'II2 < D[s', d', M] + E[s', d', M\ V> - ||V|| 2 ,
which contradicts the assumption that at ip, the algorithm takes a different
step based on (s',d') than what it took at the two points bracketing tp.
The last possibility for failure of convexity was that there might have
been a different s', but with the same d, and triggered at the same time for
input ip as was s, which took priority on tiebreakers.
But if it had come to tiebreakers at either of the endpoints of our line
segment, this s' would have been selected there too. Tiebreakers do not
depend in any way on the value of 9, i/>, or <j>, but only on M and s. Thus,
as it is given that (s, d) was the chosen move for inputs 6 and <p, this move
can only have been chosen because it was triggered prior to the trigger time
for (s',d). The same calculation shows that in this case, too, (s,d) must
have been triggered before (s',d) at tp.
Multidimensional Diophantine Approximation 125

Having completed the proof of the convexity result, we pause to take stock:
For each input 6, there is a sequence, finite if all the entries of 6 are ratio-
nal, and infinite otherwise, of matrices M\, M2, which is output by the
Lagarias algorithm, as given here. The set of all 6 (1/2, l / 2 ) n _ 1 so that
the algorithm output, up to depth r, agrees with a certain list of M's, is
the region Z[Mi,M2, , Mr], and it is a convex set. Its interior is either
a convex polytope, or empty. (The author has no example of an instance
in which a region has empty interior, but has not found a proof that this
cannot happen.)
There are two factors that work against speed in this algorithm. One is
intrinsic: finding the shortest vector in a lattice is in general an NP-hard
problem, and this algorithm requires finding that shortest vector along with
other things, and finding it repeatedly as a decreases and the geometry of
the lattice changes.
The other obstruction, which can make the algorithm slow even when
the dimension is modest, is less forbidding. Even in the case of ordinary
continued fraction expansion of a real number, it can [and in general will]
happen that several consecutive steps are all of the form 62 * 61 + 62, or
all of the form 62 < 61 + 62- The regular continued fraction algorithm
captures all these steps in a single step 62 < 62 ab\.
In higher dimensional cases, it can happen from time to time that the
vector to be approximated lies very nearly parallel to a single lattice vector,
or very nearly parallel to a lattice subspace of some intermediate dimension.
The algorithm in its simplest form fails to take advantage of these 'lucky
breaks', and plods along, despite the inherent advantage in simplicity of
dealing with lower dimensions for a time. It should be possible to refine the
procedure so that these situations are recognized and exploited. If this hope
were realized, the resulting algorithm could well crank out the successive
qr in time that while exponential in n was polynomial in the number of
binary digits in qr. That is, one can hope that for any fixed dimension n,
finding the qr for an arbitrary 9 can be done rapidly.
There are special cases of particular interest in which these hazards seem
in practice not to materialize. If the target vector 6 for approximation has
algebraic entries which constitute a basis for a certain algebraic extension
of Q, then the resulting vector is badly approximable. But from our per-
spective, the nonexistence of extraordinarily good Hermite denominators
means that we are assured a steady supply (qr,r > 1) of new Hermite de-
nominators, all just barely as good as the theoretical minimum quality. On
general principles, we can be sure that when we have a vector 6 M n _ 1
126 Continued Fractions

associated with an algebraic extension of <Q> of degree n, the approximation

errors p r qr8 will be comparable, in magnitude, to q7 . Thus, if
we scale these errors by multiplying by qr , we shall find all the points
somewhere inside a hollow ball about the origin, with finite inner and outer
It so happens that in the case in which the target vector is, say, the
list (, 2 , . . . ,-1) of successive powers of a single algebraic integer
satisfying the polynomial ]T} a^Xk = 0, these scaled approximation errors
all fall, to within increasingly narrow tolerances as r oo, on a Russian-
doll set of nested copies of a single surface; a hyperboloid of sorts. Moreover,
the ratios qr+i/qr, while of course themselves rational, are approximately
equal to one or another of a finite list of algebraic integers in Q[]. This
phenomenon is the topic of our next chapter.
Chapter 7

Powers of an Algebraic Integer

7.1 Introduction

Let Q e I be an algebraic integer of degree n. For a > 0 and for integer

q > 0, we call the triple (a, q, a) good if there exist integers pi,p2, -Pn-i
so that for 1 < j < n 1,

\Pj-qaj\ <o-q-l/{n~l).

It is an elementary exercise in the pigeonhole principle that for any integer

Q > 1 there exist q, 1 < q < Qn~l, and integers p\,P2, -pn~i, such that
\pj qai\ < l/Q. Thus, for any a > 1, there is an infinite sequence of
positive integers q so that (a, q, a) is good. On the other hand, none of the
resulting approximations are all that good: Drmota and Tichy [DT] have
shown that for any algebraic number a of degree n, there is a a > 0 so that
for no q is (a, q,a) good. Such vectors are termed 'badly approximable'.
The scaled error associated with q is

q1/{n~1){pi - qa,p2 ~ qa2,.. .pn-i - qan~l),

and it is bounded between two balls about the origin.

If we were to calculate, for some a > 1, the first several good q and plot
the associated scaled error vectors, we should see some sort of scatterplot
of points, all belonging to this hollow ball. Until recently, the calcula-
tion of a robust set of good q, for a goodly sample of algebraic a, has
been difficult. The LLL algorithm gives passable industrial grade good
q. The Jacobi-Perron multidimensional continued fraction algorithm con-
verges rapidly, but the q it gives are not necessarily even good q as we
have defined them. The literature on the Jacobi Perron algorithm deems
the sequence of approximations associated with a sequence of g's to be

128 Continued Fractions

strongly convergent to the approximation target (#i,#2i -Qd) provided

|(Pi)P2, -Pd g(#i, #2, 9d)\ * 0. The <? we want must give approxi-
mations involving an error that is roughly 0{q~1ld) times that of the ac-
ceptable error in strong convergence.
In 1994, Lagarias [La] gave a description and analysis of his geodesic
multidimensional continued fraction algorithm. This algorithm takes as
input a vector S l " , and returns a sequence of unimodular matrices,
the rows of which are increasingly near to parallel to the original 6. The
first row is always, in a certain technical sense (due to Hermite), an optimal
approximation, taking into account an appropriate tradeoff between quality
of approximation and the size of the q involved.
(An integer q > 0 is Hermite optimal for a target 6 1 " if there exist
0 < u < v and p Z" so that |p - q8\2 + t2q2 is less, for all u < t < v,
than any other |p' - q'6\2 + t2q/2. Here, |x| 2 = x x = " x2-)
The Lagarias algorithm is of exponential complexity in the dimension,
but it is tolerably fast for small dimension, and with current technology,
feasible up to dimension ten or so. The author implemented this algorithm
in Mathematica and eventually got around to looking at the scatterplots
described above, for a variety of cubic algebraic integers, expecting to see
a sort of cloud of points, with perhaps some clues to a density function.
A scatterplot of the errors associated with the first several Hermite q for
(log 2, log 3) is representative of what one might have expected to see, except
that in this case, there is no evidence of the 'hole in the middle' that must
occur in the case of badly approximable pairs.

''. ' ' . ;

J.I ' - i . 4 -1|. '

- : . ; . . .

Fig. 7.1 Scaled error vectors for a pair of transcendentals.

But in every case, the sequence of 'Hermite optimal' q generated by the

algorithm gave rise to a scatterplot in which all the points appeared to lie
on one or several concentric, similar ellipses or hyperbolas about the origin;
with ellipses when a had a pair of complex conjugates, and hyperbolas
Powers of an Algebraic Integer 129

when a was totally real. The figures at the end of this section show typical
results, for x 3 7x 11 and for x3 7x 3, respectively.
Numerical work confirmed that the curves really were (very nearly) el-
lipses and hyperbolas, and the hunt was on for an explanation. In this work
we explain why this was observed, and extend the analysis to the general
case of a an algebraic integer of degree n > 1. There is a second result
concerning the good approximations. For a sufficiently large, if q[k,a,a]
denotes the kth successive q > 1 so that (a, q, a) is good, then there is a
finite set of numbers so that q[k+1, a, a]/q[k, a, a] lies within 0(q~n^n~^)
of some element of that set, as q * oo. So, even as the scaled errors fall
nearly on a finite set of surfaces, the ratios of the underlying q's fall nearly
on a finite set of numbers.
When j8 is an algebraic number, but not an algebraic integer, of degree
n, then there is a positive integer N = N[{3] so that N(3 is an algebraic
integer. Any particularly good approximation (pi/q,P2/l, -Pn-i/q) to
((3, f32,.. ./? n _ 1 ) would yield a comparably good approximation, namely
(NPl/q, N2p2/q,... N^pn-i/q), to (N/3, (Nf3)2,..., {Nj3)n~l).
While our analysis and results apply to the case n = 2, they give noth-
ing new for that case. The best approximations come from the continued
fraction expansion of a. Everything we prove, as well as much that has no
evident analogue in higher dimensions, is quite well understood in the case
of quadratic irrationals. Still, the analysis here does represent an extension
to higher dimensions of many of the properties of the continued fraction
expansion of a quadratic irrational.
We illustrate, and foreshadow, with the example a = ^/2> 1, which has
continued fraction expansion
a = -.

and for which /J, = 2 + -\/3 is a fundamental unit of Q(a). The minimal
polynomial for \x is x2 Ax + 1, and the associated matrix M for which
that polynomial is the minimal polynomial is M = ( i \). The matrix
P = (2 ~i ) has the property that for k > 1, MkP has rows nearly parallel
to ( l , a ) . Moreover,

(1) The rows of MkP provide good approximations to the desired (target)
direction ( l , a ) .
(2) All 'good' approximations (q,p) to (q,qa) can be written as simple
integer linear combinations of the rows of some (l/3)M f c P. For in-
130 Continued Fractions

stance, (56,41), associated with [0,1,2,1,2,1,2,1], can be written as

(-l/3)(26,19) + (2/3)(97,71), and thus as a combination of the rows
of M3P, while (7953,5822), another continued fraction convergent of
A/3 1, is (1/3) times the sum of the rows of M7P.
(3) The approximation errors e(q) = q(l,a) (q,p) tend to zero and are
always comparable to 1/q. Thus, to properly assess which q do the
best job, it is necessary to rescale the errors by multiplying by q. This
done, the scaled errors converge to a number of one-dimensional 'circles'
about the origin of a fixed radii. The errors 'rotate' their way around
these 'circles', flipping alternately from negative to positive and back,
as well as hopping from level to level.

So, what happens in higher dimensions? Calculation of a few hundred

consecutive Hermite optimal denominators for some typical cubic algebraic
integers, followed by plotting of the scaled errors, gives a clue. Here we show
two such plots. These show scaled errors for Hermite optimal denominators
associated with (a, a2) when a is the real root of a;3 7x11, or the largest
of the three real roots of xa 7x 3, respectively:

Fig. 7.2 Scaled error vectors for two algebraic integers.

7.2 Outline and Plan of Proof

The full details of the results require additional notation and are thus de-
ferred to the appropriate sections. But we can now indicate the major
Powers of an Algebraic Integer 131

stepping stones along the path to these results.

(1) Given an algebraic integer a of degree n > 1, there is a unit fi > 1 in

Q(a) so that Q(/u) = Q(a). For this unit fi, there is a positive integer
d = d[fj\ so that every algebraic integer (3 Q(o;) has the form
1 n1


(This is not to say that all such sums give an algebraic integer. A
simple example would be Q(y/5), where the algebraic integers have the
form \{a + b(\/5 1)) with a even.)
(2) Let

/ 1 1 \
Ml M2 Mn

V:-- /*? f4

W M2 K v
be the Vandermonde matrix associated with fj, = /j,i, where the remain-
ing conjugates of fi2, , \J-n of \i are numbered so that real conjugates
come first, and so that if there are r\ real conjugates and r-i complex
conjugate pairs, then //ri+r2+fc = ~pri+k for 1 < k < r%. Then the nxn
matrix P^ = V^V^ is nonsingular and has rational integer entries.
(3) There is a sequence (^[A;]), (A; > 1) of units, each greater than one, in
Q(a), and a positive constant C, so that for all k > 1, if u[k]j denotes
the jth conjugate of u[k], numbered consistent with the conjugates of
fi, then for 2 < i, j < n,

\v\k\ifv\k\j\ < C and 2 < v[k + l]/v[k] < C.

As the other conjugates of v[k\ are comparable and have product with
absolute value l/i/[k], each must be 0(z/[/c] _ 1 /' n _ 1 ').
Since Y^j=i vW\j l[k] is an integer, and since the other conjugates
are small, q[k] = v[k] + OCgffc]-1/!"-1)).
Remark 7.1 For k sufficiently large, these units are a special case
of PV numbers.

(4) For any real algebraic integer a of degree n > 1, there is a cro > 0
and a positive integer m so that for every a > CTQ there is a finite set
132 Continued Fractions

A(a, a) C 17 so that for all q with (a, q, a) good, there is an I > 1 and
an a A(a, a) c Z n so that
1 n n
9= -E E^_1*
*=i i=i
Furthermore, the corresponding p G Z-1 has, for 1 < i < n 1,
n n

p^-E^E^ - 1 ^]^}- 1 -
fc=i j=i

This formula will lead to the announced results about the scaled errors
associated with good q.

7.3 Proof of the Existence of a Unit /x 6 Q(a) of Degree n

The set /Q of units in Q(a) is a finitely generated multiplicative group with

structure {1} x 17 with r = r\ + T2 1 where ( r i , r 2 ) is the signature
of Q(ai), that is, where a has ri real conjugates and 2r 2 that are not real.
Given a fundamental set of units {/ii, ^2, , Mr)} fr Q(a) , every unit
7 G Q(a) has the form
7 = JJ/A* J , ( a i , a 2 , . . . a r ) Zr.

Let A(7) = (ai, a 2 , . . . a r ) be the list of exponents in this characterization,

so that A : Ua > Z r . The mapping is two to one, and the inverse image of
0 is 1 . For any subfield K of <Q>(a), let A(-Q be the lattice of all a V
so that A - 1 (a) C K. If, contrary to our claim, there were to be a real
algebraic integer a. so that no one unit fi of Q(a) generated Q(a), then for
each unit /i Ua, the subfield K(^i) generated by fi would be a proper
subfield of Q(a). From Galois theory, the set K. of proper subfields of Q(a)
is finite. This would lead to a representation of 17 as the union of a finite
set of lattices A(K).
In one dimension we are at once done since no finite set of proper sub-
lattices of Z has union Z; 1 would be excluded nor could the density of
the union be 1. There are, after all, infinitely many primes. But even in
two dimensions, one may readily construct a set of three proper lattices of
Z 2 , each of determinant 2, so that their union is all of 1?.
Powers of an Algebraic Integer 133

This does not much impede our argument, because, we claim, the sub-
lattices A(K) C Z r corresponding to proper subfields K have dimension
less than r, and thus density zero in Z r . From this, the existence of a
generating (i is immediate.
To prove the claim, we note that the degree of K over Q(a) is n/d for
some d > 1. Thus if K has signature (rj,/^) then r[ + 2r'2 = n/d < n/2
while r = rx + r 2 - 1 > (n l ) / 2 . Thus r[ + r'2 1 < r, and so the number
of generators of f/^ in K is less than r, and the lattice A(iiT) has dimension
less than r. From this, it is apparent that not only does there exist a unit
u S Q(a) so that Q(/i) = Q(a), but that almost all units are like that. We
choose for our fixed /x associated with Q(a) any such unit that is greater
than 1.
In the outline, we mentioned that the matrix P^ = V^V^ had rational
integer entries and was nonsingular. The proof of this claim is simple now
that we know that /J, has n distinct conjugates: We now know that we can
indeed construct V^, and the entry (j, k) of PM is PM[j, k] = J27=i A*i_ ai ~
and is invariant under automorphisms of Q(a). It is thus both an algebraic
integer, and a rational number. Since the conjugates of fi are distinct, V^ is
nonsingular and of course for the same reason so is V so P^ is nonsingular.

7.4 The Sequence v>[k] of Units with Comparable Conju-


For a positive unit v e Q(a;), we call (C,v) good if, for all conjugates of u
other than v itself, \UJ\ < CV - 1 ^ - 1 ). If the signature of a is ( n , ^ ) , we
put r = r\ + T2 1. This is the number of units, apart from 1, needed
as generators for the multiplicative group of units in Q(a). We prove that
there exists C C(a) > 1 and a sequence (^[A;]), (k > 1) of units of Q(a),
each of degree n, so that 2 < v[k + l]/v[k] < C and (C, v[k]) is good.
We associate to any positive unit v S Q(a) the real vector

x(i/) = (xi,x2...xr+1) &W+1

given by

x(^) = (log(^i), log | i / 2 | , . . . log \vri |, 2 log \v\+ri | , . . . 2log K 1 + r 2 1 ) ,

which lies in the hyperplane H = {x G Rr+1 : 2 i + 1 xk = 0}.

Now consider the lattice A(a) C H consisting of all x(i/) so that u is a
unit of Q(a). We claim that there is a set of r such units, each of degree
134 Continued Fractions

n, which generates the group of units of Q(a) apart from the torsional
component 1 . Only the claim that we may take our units to have degree
n requires proof. The lattice points a in the lattice of the previous section,
corresponding to units of degree less than n, have zero density in Z r and lie
in a finite set of sub-dimensional hyperplanes. Thus if we select, as we may,
a lattice basis of IT consisting of vectors all nearly parallel to some vector
not in any of the hyperplanes, the units corresponding to that lattice basis
will all have degree n. This proves the claim.
Thus in the representation of units as v = f]i li\j\ai > w e m a y a s w e u i
and we do, assume that all the fi[j] have degree n, and each is greater than
1. Each of these units has a list of n conjugates, /i[j] = /i[j]i, A*[i]2j /4i]n,
which we number consistently with the numbering of the conjugates of a.
We take our basic fx, used in V^ and so on, to be /x[l], and we define
6[j] G Rr+1 by

S[j] = (log \fJ.[j]i\, ,log \n[j]ri |,21og|/x[j]i +ri | , . . . 2log \fi[j}ri+r2\).

The set A {(5[l],5[2],...,6[r]} is then a basis for H. The question of

the existence of units v fitting our conditions, can now be rephrased as
a question about the lattice L C H generated by A: Does there exist
a sequence <j>[k]{k > 1) of elements in L, confined to a cylinder about
the ray {t(r, 1, 1 , . . . 1) : t > 0}of radius small enough that any v
corresponding to a point inside the cylinder must have (C, v) good, and so
that the sequence of first components of <j>[k] is increasing to infinity with
log2<flfc + l]i-0[fc]i < l o g C ?
Put this way, a simple construction shows that the answer is yes when
C is large enough. Let A = A(L) := { " Sj6[j] : - 1 / 2 < SJ < 1/2 for 1 <
j < n}. Let 6 > 1 be large enough that the first coordinate of any element
of 6{r, 1 , . . . , 1) + A is greater than the first coordinate of any element
of A. Any translate of A contains exactly one element of L. We take
x e L to be an element sufficiently distant from the cylinder axis that
no element of A + x lies on the cylinder. (This displacement of the cell
from the axis forecloses the possibility that the sequence of lattice elements
would lie in some fixed subspace of dimension less than that of H.) We
then take v[k] to be the unit corresponding to the element <f)[k] of L in
A + x + k8(r, - 1 , . . . , - 1 ) + . The units then satisfy u[k] = exp(kr9 + O(l)),
2 < v[k + l]/i/[k] < C, and Hfclj/^fclil < C for 2 < i, j < n, as claimed.
Furthermore, the set of ratios v[k + l]/v[k] is finite because the set of
differences <j)[k + 1] cf)[k] is a subset of the set of all lattice points in
Powers of an Algebraic Integer 135

6(r, 1 , . . . 1) + 2A and there are just 2 such lattice points. Finally,

we purge the sequence of any elements of degree less than n; as there are
only finitely many subfields of Q(a) to avoid, and as each corresponding
subspace of H can touch only finitely many of the boxes from which we
originally took our sequence of lattice points, this leaves an infinite sequence
of good units, each of degree n, and with all the asymptotic properties of
the original sequence.

7.5 Good Units and Good Denominators

Let v = Vk be one of our sequence of good units. For each such u, there
is a polynomial / with integer coefficients and degree less than n, so that
" = iMfi)-
From this point on, we dispense with keeping track of the details of the
constants in good units or good denominators, and use 'Big Oh' terminol-
ogy. When we say that some object depending on k is good, what we mean
is that there exist constants so that for all sufficiently large k, that object
is good with respect to those constants, and ' 0 ' will also be with respect
to k.
Now for any /3 Q(a), let Dp be the diagonal matrix with diagonal
entries Dp\i, i] = Pi, the ith conjugate of 0. Let

M = V^V^Pp = V^Vl

u a _1
Now the (k,j) entry of M may be written as M\j, k] = X]"=i lA~ ii
which is a sum of products of integers of Q(a) and thus an integer of Q(a),
and since the sum is a symmetric polynomial in a\,..., an, it is a rational
number. Thus, the entries of Mv are integers. Since both V^ and Vv have
determinants of absolute value 1, | det Mv\ = \ det Pfl\=p say, and p > 1.
On the other hand, the rows Mv[j] of Mv satisfy the estimate

Mv[3]=M,'-1Kl,",2,---,n"1) + 0(""1/(n"1))-

In particular, the (1,1) entry qu, which is also (for large v) the integer near-
est the PV number u, is a good denominator for simultaneous diophantine
approximation of the powers of a.
Now suppose c = (ci, c 2 , . . . c) 7^ 0 Z n . Then ? ckfik-x ^ 0. Thus
136 Continued Fractions

for any such c and for any v = Vk from our sequence of good units,
c-M y = ^ ^ c f c / - 1 ( l , a , a 2 , . . . , a n - 1 ) + 0(i/- 1 / ( "- 1 ))

so that the first entry of this vector is a good denominator for a. More
important is that a kind of converse is also true.
Theorem 7.1 Let a be a real algebraic number of degree n > 1. Let \x > 1
be a unit ofQ(a) of degree n. Letp = | detP^|. Suppose (u) is a sequence of
units of degree n in Q(a), with the property that if i/j[k] are the conjugates
of Vj, ordered so that Vj = Vj[l], then Vj\\] > 1, 2 < Vk+i/fk < C for all k,
and \Vj\k]\ [1/C, C\v, ^n~ for all conjugates Vj\k] ofi/j, 2 < j < n. Let
qk be the sum of i>k and all its conjugates. Then for all a large enough that
(a, qk, a) is good for all k, there exists N > 1 so that if q > 1 and (a, q, a)
is good, there exist integers (cj,C2,... ,c) with |CJ| < N for 1 < i < n,
not all zero, and an integer m > 1, so that vm < q < f m +i and, writing
vm = v,

q = - (c Mv\ .
Remark 7.2 Informally, this says that all good denominators for a come
from simple rational linear combinations of the rows of some Mu, for some
good unit v in our sequence. Stripped to a mnemonic, good denominators
come from good units.
Proof. Suppose (a, q,a) is good. Then the integers nearest qctj re-
spectively, call them (p\,... ,p_i), satisfy \pj qa^\ < crq'1^71-1^ for
1 < j < n 1- Choose m so that v = vm < q < vm+i- Note that Mv has
integer entries, but on the other hand, we can express the &th row of Mv
in the form

Mv[k] - (1 + 0{q-1Kn-1>))qmnk-1(l,a,a2,...a""1) + e

where e (1, a, a2,... a " - 1 ) = 0 and where |ej = 0(q~1^n~1^).

Now consider the n x n matrix Tq determined by the twin require-
ments that {I,a, a2,. ..a - 1 ) Tq = q~l(l,a, a2,.. . a n _ 1 ) and that for
any vector x G Rn with x (l,a,a2,.. .an~l) = 0, x Tq = g 1 / ( n _ 1 ) x .
From the foregoing observations about Mv, it follows that the rows of
M Tq have length 0(1). Since det(T g ) = 1, it follows that the rows
of Mu Tq are in fact comparable to 1 in length, and from this, it follows
that (M Tq)~l has bounded entries, independent of m and q. Now let
Powers of an Algebraic Integer 137

r = r[z/] = ( r i , r 2 , . . . , r n ) = (q,pi,p2,... ,pn-i) M'1. Thenpr^ is an inte-

ger for all j . Also, (q,Pi,p2,..-,Pn-i)-Tq = 0(1) and IKM^-T,) - 1 j| < 1, so
x l
|(9iPi)P2, ,Pn-i) Tq T~ M~ \ <; 1. That is, \rj\ is bounded indepen-
dent of m and q. From this it follows that (q,Pi,P2, ,Pn-i) = p~lc Mu
with Cj = Ptj 6 Z, and the \CJ\ are bounded, independent of m and q.
The bound does depend on a, p., and a. This completes the proof of the
theorem. In a nutshell, every good q is the first entry in an integer vector
of the form p~lc Mv for some v = v[m] in our sequence of good units, and
c with c G Z n bounded, independent of m.

7.6 Ratios of Consecutive Good q

We are now in position to prove our second theorem, to the effect that the
ratios of consecutive good q are asymptotically close to one or another of a
finite set of elements of Q(Q;).

Theorem 7.2 Let a be a real algebraic integer of degree n > 1. Then for
all sufficiently large a, there exists a finite set B(a, a) C Q(a) n (1, oo), and
a constant C C(a, a) > 1, so that if (a, q, a) and (a, q', a) are consecutive
good triples for a, then there exists (3 B(a,a) so that


Proof. Choose a so that for all qk associated with u^, {o~,<Ik,o<) is good.
Choose N so that, for all q such that (a, q, a) is good, there exists a c G
[-N, N]n and a k > 1 such that q is the first entry of p~lc-MUk. Choose m
so that qm < q < qm+i- Then q' < qm+i- Let u = vm. Then as in Theorem
7.1, there also exists c' 6 [ N, N] such that

q'=l- (c' Mv) [1] .


(c.M v )[l] = i / c j y - 1 + 0 ( i / - 1 / < n - 1 > ) I

and similarly for c'. Thus, since qm = v + 0(J/_1^_1^),

(c M)[l] = g m cj^-1 + Ofe-1^-!)),
138 Continued Fractions

and similarly for c' and q'. Thus

q' _EUC>J~1+(l~1/(n~1})

Now the entries of c and c' are bounded by N, so the quantity

I S ? = i c jM J _ 1 | i s bounded and bounded away from zero, independently
of m, as is the corresponding quantity for c'. Thus

- = ^i=1 ^ j _ 1 +o( 9 -" / ( - 1 ) ).
The set B(CT, a) of ratios of this type is finite because c and c' come from
a finite set.

7.7 The Surfaces Associated W i t h the Scaled Errors

In this section we explain the experimentally observed ellipses and hyperbo-

las mentioned in the introduction, and prove a theorem generalizing what
was observed.
Any hyperbola centered at the origin has a parametric representation
as the image, under a nonsingular linear transformation of R 2 , of {(^1,^2) :
1^2 = 1}) a n d a n y ellipse is a like transformation of the unit circle. For
(ri, 7-2) G Z 2 with rx + 2r 2 = n and r\ > 0, r2 > 0, let

tf[ri,r2] = {(z2,z3,.. -zn) E C " - 1 : Zj G R,2 < 3 < n ,

n+r2+fc = ^ri+A, 1 < & < r2, and J J |^-| = 1}.

Also, if M is an (n 1) x (n 1) invertible matrix with complex entries,

and if in each column of M, the first r\ 1 entries are real, and the last r2
entries are the respective conjugates of the middle r2 entries, we say that
M is of type (ri,ra).
If M has type {r\,r2), then U[r\,r2]M is a surface inR -1 of dimension
n 2, and 0 ^ U[ri,r2\M. In the special case r\ = 3, r2 = 0, it is a pair
of hyperbolas, a linear transformation of {(ti,^2) : ^1*2 = i l } ) whereas if
r\ = T2 = 1, it is an ellipse.

Theorem 7.3 Let a. be an algebraic integer of degree n > 1 and signature

{TI,T2)- Then for all a > 1 there is a finite set R(cr, a) of positive elements
Powers of an Algebraic Integer 139

of Q(a), and a nonsingular matrix Wa of type (r\,r2), so that for each

q > 1 with (a, q, a) good, there is a 7 R(o-, a) such that the scaled error


lies, to within 0(q~n^n~^), on the surface ryU[ri,r2]Wa. The (k,l) entry

of Wa is Wa[k, 1} = a k+1 - a[.

Proof. Without loss of generality we may take a arbitrarily large, be-

cause if (ai,q, a) is good and 02 > cri, then (02, q, a) is good. We may also
take q arbitrarily large. We recall that p = | detP^I- Now by Theorem 7.2,
there is a finite set B(a, a), and a positive integer N, so that for all large
q with (a, q, a) good,

(q,pi, = ~{c-Mv)

for some v = v[m] with m > 1 and some integer-entried c 6 [N,N]n.

Now Mv = V^DVV^. A routine calculation then yields
n n
(c Mu)j = ]T a Y, ti^vkcjr1.
t=l fc=l

-. n n

i=\ jb=i

so that the j t h entry of q(a,a2,...a"-1) is

.. n n
c lv
qai = - J2 ]T i^k koP, {l<j<n- 1).
P i = i fc=i

The resulting approximation error

e(<?) = ( p i , . - - , P n - i ) -q(a,...,a"-1)

has jth entry

M = - ( E E ^ r ^ K - i ) ) , a < j <n-1).
140 Continued Fractions

This sum can be written as a sum of matrix products, writing D(xi,X2,.

for the diagonal matrix based on the given entries:

e =
(l) -^ci{v2,---^n) D((M2, , Atn)*_1Wa,

where Wa [k, j] = {oc3k+1 a\) for 1 < j , k < n 1. We now show that Wa is
nonsingular. For if ~x.-Wa = 0, consider y = ( Y^l Xj,%i,X2, , xn-i)
K", and consider the nx n matrix Va V, where V has n identical rows,
each being (1, a,..., a " " 1 ) . Then y (Va - V) = 0. But y V = 0, so
y Va = 0 so that y = 0 and thus x = 0.
_ l/(n-l)
For c 6 Z n , let (c) = ( ? c ^ f 1U ) , and let

Sa(c) = {p~1C-V/lD(S2,S3,...Sn) IS U[n,r2]}

where V' is the nx (n 1) matrix got by deleting the leftmost column from
VM. Then

^ ( " " ^ e f a ) = (1 + 0 ( 9 - n / ( n - 1 ) ) ) p - 1 / ( n - 1 V 1 / ( " - 1 ) ^ ( c ) e ( 9 ) .

,/l/(n-l)e(g)W-l = p-l ^ C i ( ^ l / l / ( n - D ) . . . ^ ^yl/("-l))D(/i2, . . . , / v T 1 ,


(I^I/1/^-1), . . . , VniAKn-V) t/[ri,r 2 ].

Equivalently, i/1^n~1^(c)e(q)W~1 (c)Sa(c), and so the scaled errors

lie, to within a factor of (1 + 0(q-nKn-V)), on p ~ 1 / ( " - 1 ) ( c ) S Q ( c ) H V
It remains only to show that for each nonzero c G Z there is a
nonzero scaling coefficient p(c) so that every point of (c)Sa(c) belongs
to p(c)Sa(l, 0 , . . . , 0). The scaling coefficient must be
l/(n-l) l/(n-l)
P(c)= Ill/cWI ^E^"
where fc{x) = X)fc=i Cfcir*1-1. Note that jo(c) ^ 0, because / C (A0 ^ 0 since /x
is algebraic of degree n, and because the other conjugates of fj, are likewise
of degree n.
Powers of an Algebraic Integer 141

To prove that these surfaces are scalar multiples of each other, it is

sufficient to show that for any s G f/[ri,r 2 ] and any c ^ O , there exists
t G U[r\,r2] so that

c V;D(s2,... sn) = ( 1 , 0 , , . . . , 0) V^D(t2,..., tn).

So suppose c G Z n , c ^ (0,0, . . . , 0 ) and suppose s G ^[?"i,r2]. Then

p(c) T^ 0, and

c V;D(S) = (/c(/i2),..., fMMs) = P(c)(4/c(/i2),..., s'jM)

where s'- = Sj/p(c). But

(s'2 fc(^2), s'3fc(H3), , s'nfc(Vn)) G *7[ri,r2]

80C^JD(t/[ri,r2])Cp(c)t/[ri,r2]. D
A direct illustration of Theorem 7.3 in three or more dimensions is far
more difficult than in two dimensions. The two dimensional paper does not
readily reveal nested three dimensional surfaces. But what can be done
without great trouble is to calculate the p associated with each q, that is,
by what number must we multiply the standard surface so that the current
scaled error falls on the surface? This was done for x4 4x + 2, and the
resulting plot is shown in the next figure.

1005 0.001 1015 0.002 0.0025

Fig. 7.3 Point frequencies for the various nested surfaces.

7.8 The General Case of Algebraic Numbers in Q ( a )

Suppose now that a is as before an algebraic integer of degree n, and a real

number, and it has signature ( r i , r 2 ) . Suppose also that

142 Continued Fractions

is linearly independent over <Q>. Recall that (q, a, (3) is good if there exist
integers p i , . . . ,pn-x so that \qf3j Pj\ < q"1^71^1^ for 1 < j < n 1.
Then we have the same theorems for (3 = ((3i,/32,... ,/3n-i) that we had
for algebraic integers a.
We first note that there is an invertible matrix B with integer entries,
and a positive integer N, such that

(1, A , . . . , / 3 ) = i V - 1 ( l , a , . . . , an'l)B.

Let d = | detBJ, so that B~l d~lB' with B' again an invertible matrix
with integer entries. If (q,a,(3) is good, then (Nq,Nn^n~1^a, (3) is also

(Nq, Nq/3) = (Nq, NPl,..., Npn-i) + (0, eu ..., e_i)

where \ej\ < ^ / ( " - ^ ( A T ^ - i / ^ - i ) for 1 < j < n - 1. Thus with b' =
maxij \B'tj\, we have

(7Vg,JVgi9)B' = r + ( 0 , e i ) e i 1 . . . , e ; _ 1 )

where r e Z " and where |e^| < (nAf n /( n - 1 )cr6')(A r 9)~ 1/(n_1) - Now the first
entry of r is dg, so we restate this as

Wj\ < (nNd^^-^ab^idq)-1^11-^.

Thus, (dq, (nNdl/^n~v>ab'),a) is good. Thus, Theorem 7.3 applies and

( d g ) 1 / ^ - 1 ' ^ ; ^ , . . . ^ ^ ) lies, to within 0(q-1^n~1'>), on a surface of
the form pU[ri,r2]Wa, where p is one of a finite set R[a',a] of pos-
itive real numbers. Let B* be what remains of B after deleting the
top row and the left column. Then |detJ3*| = d/N, and B* is an in-
vertible matrix with integer entries. Now ( e i , . . . , e n _ i ) d~xe'B*, so
e G q-1Hn-Vd-nttn-1)pU[ri,r2]WaB* + 0(q-!ittn-1'>), from which we con-
clude that the scaled approximation errors for (g/3) lie nearly on one of a
finite list of surfaces of the same sort as before.
Our theorem about ratios of consecutive good approximations also ex-
tends to this nominally more general case. There is a finite set G(o~, (3) C
Q(a) n (l,oo), and a constant C = C(a, (3) > 1, such that if q and q'
are consecutive good numbers in the context of (*,a,(3), then there exists
7 G G(a,j3) such that \q'/q-^\ < Cq-n^n~l\
To see this, we first note that as before, (Nq,Nn^n~^a, f3) as well
n n
as (Nq', N ^ ~^a, /3)are good, as are (dq,a',a) and (dq',a',a), where
a' =nNd}l(-n-Vb'
Powers of an Algebraic Integer 143

Now choose m\ and 7712 so that u[m\) < q < v\\. + rni\ and 1/(7712] < q' <
v[l + 7712]. Because f3 is badly approximate, there is a number K > 1 such
that for all q, q' that are consecutive good (in context of a) denominators,
q'/q < K. Now
<t_ = g' g(^[m2]) _ g(^[mi])
q g(^[m2]) q{y[mi}) q
But the the two ratios at either end of this product of ratios are covered
by our earlier theorem on ratios of q's, while the central ratio is a ratio
that, to our usual tolerances, coincides with !/[m2]/!/[mi]. But this ratio is
an algebraic integer corresponding to a bounded lattice displacement, from
one lattice point in our cylinder to another. The number of choices for it
is therefore finite.
This page is intentionally left blank
Chapter 8

Marshall Hall's Theorem

For A, B C R, let A + B = {a + b | a e A and b B}, A - B = {a - b |

a A and b B } , and AB = {ab \ a G A and 6 B}. Let i?jv denote the
continued fraction Cantor set

EN = {[ai,... o] | 1 < afc < N for fc > 1}, and

F w = Fw + Z.

Marshall Hall [Hall] proved in 1947 that F 4 + F4 = K. It has since been

shown that F4 + F2 ^ M and F 3 + F 3 ^ E, but F 3 - F 3 = E, F 3 + F 4 = E
and F 2 + F5 = E. In this chapter, we give Astels' proof [As] of the positive
result that F 3 + F4 = M and discuss how, on the other hand, it may be
verified by means of interval computations that F3 + F3 ^ E. We close with
a discussion of connections to the Lagrange and MarkofF spectra.
For both the positive and the negative result, one key idea is a variant of
a familiar theme: there are trees associated with continued fraction Cantor
sets. But this time, we shall be using binary trees. The vertices of the
tree Tjv associated with EN will be labelled in three different ways. The
first labeling associates to each vertex a finite string a = (a\, a.2,... an) of
integers, each in { 1 , 2 , . . . , JV}, with the last entry less than N. The second
associates to each vertex a closed real interval, termed a bridge A[&], and
the third associates to the same vertex, an open interval 0[a] C A[&]. These
will be called the formal tree, the bridge tree, and the gap tree, respectively.

8.1 The Binary Trees of EN

The root of the formal tree TNJ is the string (1). The children of a vertex
a = ( a i , . . . , a) are two strings. The first is ( a i , . . . an, 1). The second

146 Continued Fractions

depends on an. If an < N 1, then the second string is ( a i , . . . , 1 + an).

If an = N 1, then the second string is instead ( a ^ , . . . , an-i,N, 1). Thus
the vertices of the formal tree are finite strings of positive integers, each in
the closed interval [1, N], with the last entry less than N.
The root of the interval tree TN,I is the closed interval [ajv,a>jv], w n e r e
ajv and OJN a r e the least and greatest element of Epf. The interval
A[&] associated with the string ( a i , a 2 , . . . , a n ) is determined by its end-
points: in one order or the other depending on the parity of n, these are
[ a i , . . . , a n _ i , a n + a] and [ a i , . . . , a n _i + a]; if n = 1 then this latter end-
point is simply a.
Now let p = PN = 1 - wn. The root of the gap tree T/v,g is the
open interval about 1/2 extending from 1/(2 + a) to 1/(2 /3). The end-
points (not included) of the open gap interval 0[a] corresponding to a string
(ax,..., <z) are [ a i , . . . , a n - i , l + a n a] and [ a i , . . . , l + a /3]; the rational
number #[a] with smallest denominator in the gap is [a\,..., a n _ i , 1 + an].

L e m m a 8.1 The following hold for all integers N > 2:

(1) Each of the trees T/v,* is a binary tree. Each vertex has exactly two
(2) Every bridge A[&] in T^,i is the disjoint union of its two children and
of the gap 0[a\.
(3) The endpoints of each A[&], and of each 0[a], are elements of EN,
while the gaps themselves are disjoint from E^.
(4) The longest interval of A[a]\EN is the gap G[a\.
(5) The union of the gaps O/TJV )S is [a,u;]\.Ejv.
(6) If A = A[{ai,a2,...,an-i,b)} = A[{ed>)), the length of A[(ab)] is

(7) The length of 0[(ab)} is | a | - 2 ( 6 + 1 _jj, + { a } - b+1+l+{a))-

(8) Equivalent^, \0[a}\ = (a + f3)\a\~2(l + a j a } ) - ^ ! - /3(a))- 1 . (This

second formulation helps in seeing that 0[a] is a larger gap than any
of its descendants.)
(9) Given a bridge A A[(a\, a 2 , . . . , a_i, &)],
let Ao be the bridge A[(ai,a2,. . ,a n _i,6,1)]
and let Ai be the other descendant. Then
Marshall Hall's Theorem 147

\Ai M-(-^
6+l+a+{a} N+u WyJ

\AQ\ _ c j - a b + l + {a} + g
| 0 [ a 6 ] | _ a + /3 b + {a} + a


[Ail _ N-b-a-P b+{a} + oj

\0[ab]\ ~ a + /3 N + {a} + w'

The statements about the lengths of the intervals and gaps are a conse-
quence of a more general fact. If x = [a\,..., an, s] and y = [ai,..., an, t],

\x-y\ = |a|
(s + {a})(t+{a})-
The proof is inductive. For the null list, the default values of |a| and {a}
are 1 and 0 respectively, so the identity collapses to | l / s l/t| \s t\/(st).
For a list a = (a\), {a} = l/a\ and |a| = a\, so the identity simplifies to
the algebraic fact that

1 \s-t\
(ai + l/s) (oi + l/t) af(l + s/ai)(ai + i / a i )

Assuming the identity to hold for all lists a of length n, we consider the
case of a list {a\, a,2,.. , an, b) of length n +1. By the inductive assumption,

\[ai,...,an,b+ l/s] - [ai,...,an,b+l/t]\ =

| a | - 2 j ( b + l / S ) - ( b + lA)l
(6+{a} + l/a)(6+{a} + l/t)"
In view of the fact that |ab| = (6+ {a})|a|, and that {ab} = |a|/|a6|, this
simplifies to the required expression |a6| _ 2 |s t\/((s + {ab})(t + {ab})).
There are various characterizations of EN- One is that
EN = \J k + EN'
148 Continued Fractions

Another is that if one sets EN = [a, w], and EN = U f l/(fc + ;v), then

The length of any gap associated with a list a = (ai, 0 2 , . . . , a) is at most

comparable to | ( 1 , 1 , 1 , . . . , 1)| 2 and this tends to zero exponentially. Thus,
there is a one to one correspondence between EN and infinite binary strings
designating paths to infinity down the tree. The complement [a,u>]\EN is,
we claim, the union of the gaps 0[a], taken over all lists a = {a\,..., an)
with n > 1, 1 < Gifc < N for k < n, and with an < N.
Consider x [a,w] (~l 0[N]. This x has a continued fraction expansion
x = [ai, a 2 , . . . ] in which not all the a,j belong to [ 1 , 2 , . . . , N\. There must,
therefore, be a least k so that x = [ a i , a 2 , . . . , a^ + y] with y $ [a,ui]. If
afc = 1 then y > u>, since otherwise we should have x = [a%, 0,2, ,a^-i +
1/(1 + y)\ with 1/(1 + y) > OJ contrary to the definition of k. For 2 <
o-k < N, we could have either 0 < i / < a o r i / > u . If y < a then
x 0[(ai,a 2 ,afc_i,afc - 1)], while if y > u, then x 0 [ ( a i , a 2 , . . . afc)].
In the other direction, if a; belongs to 0[a] for some a, then the continued
fraction expansion of x has the form [ai, a 2 , . . . a/t + y] where y ^ [a, tJ\. But
then, either y is rational so that x is rational and not in EN, or y has a
continued fraction expansion which eventually involves some digit greater
than N.
We now prove point (4) of the lemma: The gap 0[a] is the longest
interval of 0[N, 00] D A[a\. It is sufficient to prove that each gap is longer
than the gaps associated with the immediate descendants. That is,

|0[(ai,...,an)]| > |0[(ai,...,an),l]|,

| 0 [ ( a i , . . . , o n ) ] | > | 0 [ ( a i , . . . , l + a n )]| if a < N - l,
| 0 [ ( a i , . . . , a n )]| > | 0 [ ( a i , . . . , 1 + an, l)]| if a = N - 1.

To prove this, we first note that 1/(N + 1) < aN < 1/N, 1/(N + 2) <
PN < 1/{N + 1), and a - (3 < 1/N2. For a = ( a i , a 2 , . . . , a n ) , let a' =
(a1,a2,...,l + an) and a" = ( a i , . . . ,2 + a). Let G[a] = l / ( ( a + /?)|0[a]|)
and note that

G[a] = | a f - ( l + a { a ' } ) ( l - / 3 { a ' } ) .


G[al] - |a2| 2 (l + a / ( 2 + {a}))(l - /3/(2 + {a})

Marshall Hall's Theorem 149


G[a'] = |a"| 2 (l + a { a " } ) ( l - / ? { a " } ) .

Let e = {a'} < 1/2, so that {a"} = e/(l + e) and {a2} = (1 - e)/(2 - e).
Since a < 1/N and j3 < 1/(N + 1),

(l + a e ) ( l - / ? e ) ^ 1
(l + ^ ) ( l - l f e ) '

^ = (2( 2 -ej ) 2>>b6

so that


and with room to spare.

Matters are a little more delicate in the case of the comparison of G[a"]
and G[a']. We have

C[a"] (1 + ) 2 ( l + 1%) ( l ~ & ) (1 + e + ge)(l + 6 - /fe)

G[a'] (l + a e ) ( l - / 3 c ) ( 1 + a e ) ( l -/3e) '
When an = N 1, the calculation about G[a2]/G[a] is unaffected, but the
other case is affected. The claim to be established is that G[{a\, 0 2 , . . . , an +
1,1)] > G{(ai,a2,..., a)]. We just proved, though, that G[a'] > G[a] and
that G[al] > G[a'], and concatenating these inequalities gives us the desired
conclusion. This calculation establishes, in the terminology of Astels' work,
that the system of bridges and gaps used here is what he terms an ordered
The next important point is that the children intervals Ao and A\ of
j4[a] have lengths comparable to 0[a], and that the minimum value of
|A,[a]|/|0[a]|, taken over all intervals A, and over both children, is readily

L e m m a 8.2 For all finite lists a = (<2i,a2,..., an) of positive integers

satisfying 1 < a,k < N for 1 < k < n, and 1 < an < N,

min[{|Ao[a]|/|0[ a ]|,|^[a]|/|0[a]|}] > ^ ^ L . ^ Z ^ .

150 Continued Fractions

This lower bound is achieved by the choice a = (N 1), using the sub-bridge
A, = [1/(N + 1/(1 + aN)), 1/(N + aN)}.

Proof. From (9) of Lemma 8.1, if (a&) = (0.1,0,2,... ,an,b), then 0[a6],
Ao[a6] and Ai[a6] satisfy

[A)[afr]| _ w-a b + 1 + {a} + a

\0{ab]\ ~ a + j3 ' b + {a} + a
|i4i[ab]| N-b-a-P b+{a} + uj
\0[ab}\ ~ a +P ' N + {a} + w'

The first of these expressions is greater than (u) a)/(f3 a), while the
second is at least
u> a N 1+u)
a +P ' N + UJ '

with the minimum being achieved when a is the null list, so that {a} = 0,
and with b = N -1.

For N = 2,3,4, and 5, this lower bound evaluates to T-I (y/3 l ) / 2 ,

r 3 = (4 v / 2l - 6)/15, r 4 = (15\/2 - 3)/14, and r 5 = 4-^5/5.

8.2 Sums of Bridges Covering [CKJV^JV]

Let / and J be the root bridges of 3 and E4, respectively. Then I3+I4 =
[0:3, LO3] + [0:4, UJ4] and this is an interval of length greater than 1. The idea is
that given 7 G I + J, we can construct a sequence of bridges An in the tree
of Ez, and Bn in the tree of E\, so that (An) descends on a path to infinity
in its tree, (Bn) does likewise in its tree, and for each n, 7 G An + Bn. This
not only will prove that 7 G 3 + E4, it will provide an algorithm which
computes an appropriate pair of elements from E3 and E4 which sum to 7.
The descent is determined inductively. We set AQ = I = ^43[(1)], and
in the tree for E4, we set Bo = J A4{(1)]. The gap corresponding to Ao
we call OAQ = A[(l)]; it is the open interval

OA 0 = O 3 [(l)] = ( ^ , 2 ^ ) .

The gap associated with Bo is OBQ = ^44[(1)] and is given similarly. It may
readily be verified that AQ is longer than OBQ and that Bo is longer than
Marshall Hall's Theorem 151

Now assume that An and Bn are determined, with \An\ > \OBn\ and
\Bn\ > |OA n |, and 7 An + Bn. From our results about the ratio of bridge
length to gap length, for each of the two descendants Aln of An, and each
of the descendants Bt, of BninJ

\OAn\ >- r 3', \OBn\ > r 4 > 1.
Thus |J45J|.B| > |0^4||OB|, and it follows that in particular if we choose
i and j so that Aln and Bl are each the shorter sibling, then | J 4 ^ | | B ^ | >
|(X4 n ||OB|. There are now two cases. If \A*n\ > \OBn\, then A + Bn =
(A% U A) + Bn, because Bn is longer than the gap between the two pieces
of An. Since the gap OAn is longer than the gaps OA and OA\ of the
children of A, and since Bn was longer than OAn, Bn is longer than the
gap of either A-child. By the case hypothesis, either child of An is longer
than OBn. We choose Bn+i = Bn.
We choose An+\ to be whichever of the two intervals A, A\ happens
to have 7 contained in Aln U Bn; if 7 belongs to both, we choose the one in
which the list (a\, a-i,..., an) is replaced by (ai, a-i,..., an, 1). Our induc-
tive premises are preserved:
\An+i\ > | O B n + 1 | and | 5 n + i | > \OAn+1\.

In the other case, we do the same thing but split Bn instead. There
cannot be arbitrarily long runs of splitting A and leaving B unchanged,
since the interval An would eventually shrink to a length less than \OB\
which is forbidden, nor can there be arbitrarily long runs of splitting B
only. Thus, An and Bn each descend to infinity in their respective trees.
Since every element of [a3+a4,W3+o;4] belongs to E3 + E4, this set contains
an interval of length greater than one, so that F3 + F4 = R as claimed.
The same proof works to show that Ei + E5 contains an interval of
length greater than 1 so that F2 + -5 = M.
Remark 8.1 Astels investigates the more general situation in which a
finite or infinite set B of positive integers is designated. If B is finite, then
FB is defined to be the set of all real numbers of the form a + [61,62,... ]
where a G Z and where the infinitely many bi must all come from B. If
B is infinite, the definition of FB is modified to include all numbers of the
form a + [61, 6 2 , . . . , br] where r > 0 and all bi, if any, belong to B.
In the other direction, B. Divis showed in [Di] that F3 + F3 ^= R. We
now present a reason that F3 + F3 7^ R. It is forthrightly computational.
152 Continued Fractions

We compute the intervals corresponding to all the A [a] to depth 4 in the

tree for 3. From this we may compute the set of sums of these intervals,
and we do the same for (E3 + l) + E3. Sorting these by their left endpoint,
we use a computer to check that there is a gap. This does not suffice to
establish that E3 + E3 contains no interval.
The integer lists corresponding to this depth 4 penetration of the tree
for 3 are (1,1,1,1,1), (1,1,1,2), (1,1,2,1), (1,1,3,1), (1,2,1,1), (1,2,2),
(1,3,1,1), (1,3,2), (2,1,1,1), (2,1,2), (2,2,1), (2,3,1), (3,1,1,1), (3,1,2),
(3,2,1), and (3,3,1).
One gets two gaps out of this: (1.6041682996,1.6048884362933), and
(1.6127896650,1.62202018532). Pressing ahead to depth eleven gives nine-
teen gaps. These gaps are actual gaps in F3 + F3. Using exact arithmetic,
the union E^1 of the bridges of depth 11 in the tree for E3 was calculated.
The intersection of _F3 + F3 with the closed interval [1,2] is a subset of
F 3 n = (.E3-1 + E\x + {0,1}) n [1,2]. This set is the union of a finite number
of closed intervals of the form [a, b] where a and b are in turn numbers of
the form n + r2^/2l^ fj rational. Consolidating overlapping intervals leads
to a representation of F311 as a disjoint union of twenty finite intervals. Of
these, the thirteenth and fourteenth are

99404761 39241 y ^ I 12235699 37819V2T

61918457 + 1300287597' 7615457 ~ 159924597


"980382 x/21 500 \/2T

610601 + 610601' 311 ~ 2177 '

On the basis of these calculations, it would appear that F3 + F3 contains

a long central interval, but that there are infinitely many intervals in both
(F3+F3) n [1,2] and its complement in [1,2], and that the boundary region
is a maze of a few large gaps and many smaller ones. This is indeed the
has been shown by Freiman [Frei]. In fact, F(3) + F(3) contains
the interval [a, b], where

a = [0; 3TT] + [0; 2, T73] 0.62202, b = [0; ITS] + [0; 1,2,173] 1.52753.
Marshall Hall's Theorem 153

8.3 The Lagrange and Markoff Spectra

There is a connection between Hall's theorem and the subsets of R + known

as the Lagrange and Markoff spectra. Both may be defined in terms of
continued fractions associated with a doubly infinite sequence A : Z Z + .
If A is such a sequence and if i Z, let

Xi(A) = [ai;ai+i,ai+2...] + [0; a ; _ i , a i _ 2 , . . . ] .

Let L(A) = \imiz\(A) and M(A) = s u p i e Z \ i { A ) . Let L = {L(A) \ A :

Z - Z+} and M = {M{A) \ A : Z -> Z+}. It is known that [6,00) C
L C M C [\/5, 00), and that L and M are closed. The first inclusion is a
straightforward corollary of Hall's theorem. Recall that F4 is the set of all
real numbers of the form [ao; ai, a 2 , . . . ] so that for k > 1, 1 < c^ < 4, while
4 = jP 4 n(0,1). Now since F4 + F4 = F 4 + 4 = R, if x > 6 then there must
be an integer a > 5, and numbers e%, e 2 4, such that x = (a + ei) + e 2 =
[a;bi,...] + [0;ci,...] say. Let A : Z > Z + be the sequence with right
half (a 0 , a i , . . . ) given by (a, ci,fei,a, cx,c2, b2, bx,a, ci, c 2 , c 3 ,63,6 2 ,61, ),
and with aj = 1 for i < 0. Since a > 5, the only i for which Xi(A) is
relevant to the determination of L(A) are those for which a* = 5, and thus,
L(A) = a + ei + e 2 .
Another of the inclusions,that M C [\/5,00), while unconnected to
Hall's theorem, nonetheless has a simple proof using continued fractions,
which we give here.
If ai > 3 for any i, then clearly M{A) > 3. Thus we may restrict
attention to the case that all Ai < 2. If any Ai is 2, though, then Xi(A) =
2 + ei + e 2 where e1: e2 e E2. But then min[E2] = [271] = (A/3 - l ) / 2 so
Ai(yl) > v%+ 1 > -A- Taking all a* = 1 yields M(yl) = \ / 5 .
There is a deep connection between M , the theory of quadratic forms,
and solutions in positive integers ( m , m i , m 2 ) to the equation

m + m 2 + 7712 = 3mmim 2 .

It is known that [CuFla]

M n [0,3] = L n [0,3] =
{ \ / 9 m 2 - 4 / m | m G Z + , 3m1,m2 Z+ , 77ij < m, rn 2 < m, and
m + mf + m2 = 3mmim 2 }.
154 Continued Fractions

The set of ordered triples (mi < m2 < m) e ( Z + ) 3 satisfying the

Markoff condition has a tree structure. The root is (1,1,1), the trunk is
(1,1,2), the crotch is (1,2,5), and from each such triple beyond (1,1,2)
there spring two further triples, (rri2,m,3mm2 m{) and ( m i , m , 3mmi
7712). Going down the tree, the vertex below (mi,7712,771) is (3miTO2
m, 7711,7712). It is conjectured that for each m associated with a Markoff
triple, there is but one such triple in which 771 is the largest entry. At any
rate, if there is a counterexample, it involves an m greater than 10 10S [Bo].
Chapter 9

Functional-Analytic Techniques

Pick a random number X = XQ in the unit interval. Generate its continued

fraction expansion X = [v\,V2, V3,...] by calculating vn := |_l/-X"n-iJ and
Xn := TnX where TX = 1/X - [l/X\. What can be said about the
asymptotic distribution of Xn? (If we know this, then the corresponding
probability that vn+i = k is simply prob[l/(&+ 1) < Xn < 1/k].)
In a letter to Laplace, Gauss [Gauss] stated that the event TnX < a has
asymptotic probability log 2 (l + a) for 0 < a < 1. It may be that Gauss was
aware of facts which we would now interpret as saying that the probability
density function g(t) := 1/((1 + t) log 2) is invariant under T: If a random
variable X has density g, then so does TX.
The reason for this invariance is that f o r O < a < a + h < l , TX lies
between a and a + h if and only if there exists k > 1, so that X lies between
l/(fc + a + h) and l/(k + a). Thus

prob[a < TX < a + h] ] P prob <X <

fe=i k+a+h k+a
Taking limits as h > 0 gives, for an arbitrary
;rary pprobability density function
/ for X, the corresponding density Gf for TX:
00 , 1


Clearly Gg = g.
From another perspective, the operator T is an ergodic operator on the
unit interval (see Chapter 4), g is the density of the invariant measure, and
G is the so-called transfer operator for T.
Returning to the case at hand, if X starts with density g, TnX also
has that density. The difficulty is that, in general, it can happen that a

156 Continued Fractions

dynamic process with a fixed point, or even with a unique fixed point, fails
for some initial points to converge to that fixed point. Here, our 'points'
are probability density functions / . The initial density /o is not g, but the
constant function 1. A proof must demonstrate convergence of this initial
density to g. That is, it must be shown that / := Gnl g. The first
published proof is due to Kuz'min in 1928 [K].
Subsequent work has focused on the question of which initial probability
distributions converge, and at what rate, to a distribution with density g,
and on what happens when we restrict our continued fractions to those in
which all v^ come from a restricted subset of the positive integers.
The modern reader, seeing equation (*), will want to bring in the theory
of linear operators. This requires some care in specifying the linear space
and the norm. Linear operators in general are not necessarily mere 'big
matrices' and we might expect to run into the full range of complexities
these present. We have a little good luck immediately in that G is positive,
that is, if / is positive on [0,1] then so is G[f]. Furthermore, as we might
expect given its connection to probability densities,

f f(x)dx= f (Gf)(x)dx.
Jo Jo
Among the best early treatments of the Gauss-Kuz'min theorem is that
of Eduard Wirsing. [W] Instead of dealing directly with G, he uses an
operator T, given by

^ ) W - g ( t + x ) ( t + + x + 1)WC=^)).
which we will consider to be acting on the space of functions which are
continuously differentiable on [0,1], equipped with the sup norm. If further
R[f](x):=(l + x)f(x),then

RG = TR and T[l] = 1.

The integral invariance property of G translates to the following property

f1 f(x)dx ^ ^(TftWdx
Jo 1+ z Jo 1+ z
Thus convergence of Gr\ to g is equivalent to convergence of Tr[l + x] to
1, or to the convergence of (T r [l + x])' to zero. The leading eigenvalue of
G and T is of course 1. The next eigenvalue, call it A2, (now known as
Functional-Analytic Techniques 157

the Wirsing constant) will determine the rate of convergence in the Gauss-
Kuz'min theorem. One way to study interior eigenvalues and eigenfunctions
of an operator is to invent a related operator with the property that the
interior eigenvalue of the original operator is the leading eigenvalue of the
new operator. Wirsing does this.
He defines an operator U acting on the set of all continuous functions
h on [0,1] so that (T[f](x))' = -U[f'](x), so that

^rffiix) = (-iyurif](x).
This U is given explicitly by

,, vf i+* J M +, * [1/{k+x) h\
Zs\(k+x)*(k+i+X) {k+x) (k+i+x)2y1/(fc+1+x)7'
from which it follows that U is also a positive operator. Our expectation
that G r [l] tends to g translates into the expectation that Ur[l] tends to
zero and this is the path Wirsing takes.
Wirsing's approach depends on the fact, special to the circumstances at
hand, that if one has a (tractable) <f>*(x) and if Aje/>* < U(f>* < \%4>*
for 0 < x < 1 then - A J < - A 2 < - A j .
Wirsing defines

MX) := + S t h a t U(t)a = (1 + a + X) 2
(IT^F (1 + \l + a)x)> ~-
He then takes a\ = 0.6247 and a?, 0.7 and sets <f>* : 8<j>ai - 7(f>a2,
and calculates that 0.3020^*(a;) < U(j>*(x) < 0.3043</>*(a;) for 0 < x < 1.
This has the advantage that U<f)a can be calculated in closed form. But no
systematic method for constructing further such functions is offered, and
so we have recourse to the series methods developed later in this Chapter.
For the moment, the reader may think of our <f> as a rabbit drawn from a
Let $ be the leading eigenfunction of U, normalized so that $(0) = 1.
Equivalently, $(x) = ((1 + x)g2(x))', where gi is the second eigenfunction
of G. Then U<b(x) = X2^(x). The first eigenfunction of T is the constant
function 1 by construction; the second eigenfunction of T, which we call
$(2:), is simply (1 +x)g2(x).
We have a further purpose with these kind of calculations. We need
some explicit bounds for the rate of convergence of Gr acting on functions
158 Continued Fractions

fa,b : [0,1] -> R given by

f fcfa).= J^(i + S:g.(i + ( 1+03; )" 1 ( 1+fa; )" 1 ' ifa

/a 6U
' " l/a,a(-)=(T^F if a = 6.
When a, 6 > 0, these functions are probability density functions associated
with the conditional density of Tn+kX given a fixed value for ( a i , . . . an) [X],
and taking the initial density to be the Gaussian density g, and the strongest
'mixing' results for T require sharp estimates for the rate at which this
conditional density settles back to the Gauss density g as we consider events
depending only on Am{X],m > n + k.
T h e o r e m 9.1 For 0 < s < 1, 0 < x < 1, and r>l,

fa,b(X) - log 2(1 + i ) <
(l + x)log2
Proof. We shall need some auxiliary results. Wirsing shows that if <J)Q
is a positive, decreasing function on [0,1], if So,to are positive numbers so
that so</>o < U4>o < tofio, if

, i _ r1/3y(i-y)My)dy , 1 f1/2 , , w

toM) Jo (1 + 2/)2 9ii/3

if (<in) is the sequence determined by do = to so, dn := do(l qo + do/to)n,
and if 7 = nt(-'- + ^n/ s o), then there is a multiple <fro of the leading
eigenfunction $(x) for J7 such that for 0 < x < 1,

-M^) < $(x) < iMx)-

We take for <f>o(x) a computer-generated polynomial of degree 256 which
arises out of calculations using PARI of a matrix representation for U. This
gives us the following values, which bracket the Wirsing constant:

so = 0.30366300289873265859744812190155574000

to = 0.30366300289873265859744812190155674000

and <f>o{x) := ^ n = 0 a n ( i l ) n where the coefficient list is (here we give a

sharply truncated version of a long list of very high precision numbers:)

(o) = {2.45921, -2.1303,1.35604, -0.75315,0.3856, -0.1866,0.08655,

- 0.03881,0.016924, -0.007206,0.00300435, -0.001229}
Functional-Analytic Techniques 159

This function is positive and strictly decreasing, with

0 ( 0 ) = 7.425402628622091836985007832864181145536366119


0(1) = 2.45920694984189824692360970015518372582480723466.

The matrix calculations involve first finding a similar polynomial approxi-

mation in powers of (x - 1) to the second eigenfunction of G, which we call
g2; the first few coefficients to g2 are

(1., 0.7296, -0.8974,0.674695, -0.43149,0.254304, -0.14270,0.0775).

The first few coefficients to $(x) as a series in powers of (x 1), while we're
at it, are

(2., 2.45921, -1.06515,0.452014, -0.18829,0.077115, -0.031098,0.012364).

For F[</>] we do a numerical integration and get 0.250409 which we round

down to .25 to be safe, while ||/0o|| < *o||0o|| == 2.25482 which means that
we can take qo := 0.11105. We start also with do = 1 0 - 3 3 , and

7 = 1.0000000000000000000000000000000263613039704666892807

so that $(1), the exact (positive, leading) eigenfunction for U corresponding

to A2, satisfies 0o(x) < $(x) < 70o(x) for 0 < x < 1.
Now consider iteration of G on an arbitrary continuously differentiable
function / . Naturally, the second eigenfunction 32 for G is involved. Its
counterpart for T is (1 + x)g2(x) = ^{x), following Wirsing's notation.
#'(2:) = *(a;) and JQl ^(x) dx/(l +x)=0.
Next, recall that T[f] = (1 + x)G[f(x)/(l + x)\ and that U[f] =
-&[T[f[f]]]- Thus

^Tr[f}{x) = (-iyUr[f'}[x),

and in view of the integral invariance property for T mentioned earlier,

Tr[f] tends to the constant Q[f] := / J (/+*]?*g2- I f the original 'error'
f Q[f] has derivative / ' , then the next error has derivative U[f], and
so on. Thus if \f'\ < Cf$(x) for 0 < x < 1, then \Tr[f}'\ < |A 2 | r C / *(a;) for
0 < x < 1. For / = fa,b{x) the maximal Cf occurs with a b 0 and is
1/$(1) = .40663515531472035361552127, while ^ ( 1 + x)'1 fa,b{x) dx = 1.
160 Continued Fractions

The second of these assertions is easily verified by formal integration.

The first requires some justification. We begin with a simple estimate for

fo(ar)/to(l)<(l + (5/6)(l-z)).
Since (f>o(x) is a polynomial of degree 256, we may write

M*)/Mi) - (i + (5/6)(i - *)) = E M i - *)*


We then set Cfc := 5Z,-_2 6j. If Cfc > 0 for 2 < A; < 256 then the polynomial
<p(x)/<j)(l) (1 + (5/6)(1 x)) takes positive values for all 0 < x < 1
and the claim is established; the short version of ^o (x) given above makes
this assertion about 4>o(x) plausible, and PARI code is provided in the
electronic appendix which will enable the reader with access to a computer
to reconstruct 4>o and check this calculation.
Without loss of generality we may assume that a > b in fa,b(x). If a > b
then ( a - 6 ) / ( l o g ( l + a ) - l o g ( l + 6)) < 1 + a because (a-b)- (l + a)(log(l +
a) log(l b)) < 0, because this last expression tends to zero as b > a and
because its derivative with respect to b is 1 + (1 + a)/(a b) > 0. Thus to
establish our claim that f'ab{x) < <f>o{x)j'<f>o{\) it will suffice to show that
for 0 < b < a < 1 and 0 < x < 1,

(1 + (5/6)(l - x))(l + axf{\ + bxf > (1 + o)(l - a - b - 2abx - abx2).

Expanding both sides and subtracting, this is equivalent to the claim that
for all a, b and x in the range in question,
2 ,
-+az + b + ab
, ,'5\ 11a 116 , 2 ,\
+ {-[-)+ + +2ab+2a2b) x

5a 11a 2 56 25a6 2L 1162\ 2

+ +
( 3 6
' - 5 a2 10a6 lla26 562 11 a b2
+ +
< 6 3 3 6 3
2 2 2 2
'-5a 6 5a6 , Ha b \ 4
H 7. %
< 3
5 a262^5
Functional-Analytic Techniques 161

Let ca}b,j be the coefficient of x? above. It is sufficient for the claimed

inequality that 3j=o ca^,j > 0 for all relevant a and b. On forming the
required running totals, it turns out that every term, at every k, is positive.
Given that |/i'(:r)| < c<j)(x) and that

h(x) dx
it follows that maxo<i<i \h(x)\ < c\ij)(Qi)\, where ip(x) satisfies ij)'(x) = </>(x)
a,ndf^tp(x)dx/(l+x) = 0. Here, we have ^(0) = -2.2931242543678787835
so \(T fs){x) - l / l o g 2 | < 0.932464937331|A2r. But then

Grfa,b{x) - log2(ll + x) ~ - 9 3 2 4 6 4 9 3 7 3 3 1 l A 2 l 7 ( l + *) < (2/3)^21^(1),

which improves slightly on the claimed result.

9.1 Continued Fraction Cantor Sets

Until now, we have restricted ourselves to a discussion of the classical con-

tinued fraction expansion of a real number drawn 'at random' from the real
interval [0,1]. But the same methods are as well suited to the study of
the statistics of continued fraction expansions of numbers with restricted
partial quotients.
The continued fraction Cantor sets EM corresponding to a subset M
of the positive integers with at least two, and perhaps infinitely many,
elements. The classical middle-third Cantor set (the set of all numbers in
[0,1] so that all digits in the base 3 expansion are zero or two) has analogues
for continued fractions. The continued fraction digits of an irrational x G
(0,1) are a sequence of positive integers (ai, 0 2 , . . . ) . The set EM Q [0,1]
is defined by

EM = {x E (0,1) : Vfc e Z+,a fc G M).

The question is, how big is this set? Trivially EM is uncountable, while
unless M = Z + , EM has Lebesgue measure zero. There are, however, a
couple of nice intermediate yardstick by which to measure EM , about which
more will be said shortly.
One can ask another question in connection with M and continued
fractions: How many pairs (p, q) of positive integers are there so that p <
q < x and so that all of the (finitely many) a^ in the expansion p/q =
162 Continued Fractions

l / ( a i + l / ( a 2 + l/(.'. . a r _ i + l / a r ) ) ) belong to M? This will depend on

x, and asymptotically, this quantity will turn out to grow like x" where
0 < a < 2. Here, and in all that follows, Mr denotes the Cartesian product
of r copies of M.
The value of a = a{M) may be denned without reference to linear
operators. Let

AM(<T) := sup{A > 0 : lim sup A~r ^ M - 1 7 < }-

-+ veM-


AM(O-) = exp^lim^r -1 log I ^ |v| _<r J .


CT(M) : = i n f { s : A M ( S ) < 1}.

If a(M) < 1, then there are too few such fractions to permit the existence
of one p for each large q. A conjecture of Zaremba[Za] asserts that if
M = {1,2,3,4,5} then for all q there exists p so that all the partial quotients
in the continued fraction expansion oip/q belong to M. In view of the result
above, it seems that more is true:
Conjecture 9.1 For all finite M such that a(M) > 1, there exists C =
C(M) so that for q > C, there exists p so that all partial quotients of p/q
belong to M.
There is evidence in favor of this conjecture, and partial results in that
direction, but there is also computational evidence that runs counter to
certain heuristic justifications for the conjecture.
The bulk of these questions can be addressed in the linear operator
setting, which we now discuss. The most general case we will treat involves
a complex parameter s with positive real part, and a subset M of the set Z +
of positive integers. The operator G3>M, acting on any space of functions
defined on (0,1), is given by

GsMf}(t)= (fc + irs/(l/(A; + i))


provided J2keM ^_SR'S' < o. Whatever the space on which G is deemed

to live, G at least has the property that it maps linear combinations of
functions of the form (1 + 6t)~s, 0 < 6 < 1 to other such functions. We
Functional-Analytic Techniques 163

shall have to specify the linear space or spaces on which these G act to
be definite, but one main point that will emerge from this will be that for
appropriate real a, the spectral radius of G ^ , is AM(<T).
When M is finite, this operator is also closely linked to the fractal struc-
ture of EM- One useful yardstick for such sets is the Hausdorff dimension.
Another is the Minkowski dimension.

9.1.1 Hausdorff dimension of continued fraction Cantor

The Hausdorff dimension of a bounded set A in a metric space (as for
instance the real line) is defined as the infimum of all a > 0 so that, for
all e > 0, there exists an open cover V of A with the property that for all
P V, diam P < e, and so that J^p G p(diam P)a < e. Informally, if the
'price' of an interval is the a power of the length of the interval, then for
a > dim A, we can buy open covers of A arbitrarily cheaply using only
small pieces, while if a < dim A, we cannot.
A good way to get a feel for this definition is to verify that the Haus-
dorff dimension of the Cantor middle third set is log 2/log 3, while the
Hausdorff dimension of a countable set is zero. The Hausdorff dimension
of the ordinary unit cube in n dimensions, is n.
For the continued fraction Cantor set EM , we begin with some notation.
Recall that Mr denotes the Cartesian product of r copies of M. The basic
identity is that

Gra,M{f}{t)= J2 lv + *l""/([v + t]).

(It doesn't matter, yet, just which space we regard G as being denned on.
The space of all functions from [0,1] to C will serve.) Taking / = 1 in the
identity above, and then setting t = 0, gives

G^MWW = |vr

The importance of this identity is that the length of the interval {[v -f s] :
0 < s < 1} is exactly l/(|v||v + 1|), and to within a factor of 2, is | v | - 2 .
Thus, the canonical open cover {{[v +1] : 0 < t < 1} : v Mr} has price
comparable to G\a ^ [1](0). Clearly, if this tends to zero, then a > dim EM-
The converse is not obvious, but it is true: if Gr2rj M[1](0) does not tend to
zero as r > oo, or if it is infinite, (which can only happen if M is infinite),
164 Continued Fractions

then a < dim EM-

The proof involves two cases. Either M is finite, or infinite. We first
show how the infinite case follows from the finite case. Suppose, then, that
we already know the claim holds for finite sets M'. If M is infinite, and
if EM has only 'expensive' open covers for some particular a, then the
canonical open covers for EM in particular are all expensive. Replace a
with any smaller a', and the price will tend to infinity as the upper bound
on interval length tends to zero. Thus for all a' < a, there exists r so that
J2VMr lv|~2<T > 10- (The sum may even be infinite.) But then there
exists a finite M' C M so that J2vev ,(r) \v\~2<7' > 9- From this it follows
that G"; M , [l](t) > oo, so that dim EM> > &'. But then, the larger set EM
also has Hausdorff dimension greater than a'.
For the case of finite M, we need a tool from the literature. (A quote
would be sufficient; the original proof is due to Cusick [Cu]. But the ap-
proach here serves to motivate further the study of the operators which are
the main topic of this Chapter.)
Let A be the spectral radius of G = G2a,M- There exists a positive,
decreasing function g on [0,1] with the property that G[g] = Xg, g(0) = 1,
and g(l) > 22<Tg(0)[He7]. Assume that there exist 'cheap' finite open covers
of EM with all interval lengths small. Let V be one such open cover, with
the property that YLp^v l - T < 1/10- P need not be a canonical open
cover. However, such an open cover can be converted into a canonical
open cover without much increasing its 'price'. First, for any P V,
we determine the least r so that there exist two distinct elements of the
canonical open cover of order r + 1 which meet P. That is, there should
exist v G Mr a n d n i , n 2 N, tx,t2 E [0,1] so that [v + l / ( n i + ti)] G P and
[v + l / ( n 2 +1 2 )\ G P , but P C {[v + ij : 0 < t < 1}. The length of P, then,
is comparable to the length of the canonical interval [v + l/(ri2 + 2)] &P,
so replacing P with this interval will not significantly increase the 'price'
of the open cover. Should there be more than one such P associated with
the same v, so much the better, for we may discard the rest. Just because
the components of our 'working' open cover are now canonical intervals,
though, does not mean that the cover itself is canonical, for we may have
different values of r for different intervals.
Now consider the tree structure of UL 0 M r : Each v is a vertex of the
tree, with edges between v and u if there exists k G N so that u = \k
or vice-versa. Our 'working' V is an open cover of EM, and this is equiv-
alent to the statement that every path from the root to infinity, outward
along the tree, must pass through some vertex v for which the associated
Functional-Analytic Techniques 165

canonical interval belongs to V. Should there be any redundant intervals,

corresponding to cases in which both v and some descendant of v in the
tree structure are represented in V, we may remove the descendants, and
reduce the 'price' of the cover, to arrive at a working cover V so that each
path from root outward to infinity meets exactly one vertex v.
We now propose to recount the 'price' of the cover, by weighting intervals
not by the price length2<T = | v | _ c r | v + l | _ < T , nor by the essentially equivalent
|v|~ 2 ', but instead by |v| -2CT g({v}). This does not significantly affect the
price of our open cover, because g is comparable to 1 throughout the interval
[0,1]. Now the claim to be proved is that 'cheap open covers' imply A =
A(2cr, M) < 1. So assume to the contrary that A > 1.
There must exist some maximal level r in the finite set S of vertices,
corresponding to intervals in our open cover, 'cutting' the path from the
origin to infinity. For this maximal level, there must exist a v M r _ 1
so that for all k e M, (v, k) G S. We replace these (v, k) with v. This
replacement reduces our cost (or leaves it unchanged if A = 1) , in the new
way of counting prices. The calculation is that

|v, k\-*g({v, k}) = |v|- 2CT (1 + {v}/A0- 2 "ff(l/(fc + W ) )

fceM fceM
= |v|- 2CT A(2a,M) fl ({v}).

Further such replacements eventually bring us all the way back to the single
element cover corresponding to the root of the tree. But this cannot have
arbitrarily small 'price', a contradiction. The contradiction stemmed from
our assumption that X(2a, M) > 1 even though cheap open covers of EM
existed. This proves the converse, and with it, the full conclusion: For all
sets M c Z + with two or more elements, the Hausdorff dimension of EM
is equal to half the infimum of the set of all a so that G M [1] () 0 as
r > oo.
This suggests a strategy for computing this Hausdorff dimension: Find
a linear space which contains the constant function 1, or at any rate, con-
tains the image under G = Ga^M of that constant function, and study
the spectrum of G. If the spectral radius p of GtM is l e s s than one then
a > 2dim EM, and conversely. Loosely speaking (but this is exactly cor-
rect if M is finite), the leading eigenvalue of G}M is one if and only if
a = 2dim EM-
166 Continued Fractions

9.1.2 Minkowski dimension

The other approach to sizing up these continued fraction Cantor sets is to
look at the Minkowski dimension of the set complement. We discuss this in
the special case where M = MN = { 1 , 2 , . . . iV}. The complement in (0,1)
of EN := EMN is a fractal string, that is, a disjoint union CN of open
Let aN := [N, 1, N, 1, N... ] and wN := [1, N, 1, N,... ] be the small-
est and largest elements of EN, respectively. Then (0, a^) and (u>;v,l)
are the two outermost intervals of CN- Given any element v 6 Mr for
some positive integer r, with vr > 1, there is an interval Lv with endpoints
[vi,V2,... tV-i, vr + a] and [v\,V2,-.. v r - i , vr +u> 1] (in one order or the
other depending on the parity of r) of CN corresponding to v and Lv has
length comparable to the square of the denominator |v| of [vi, V2,... vr\. If
d(x, EN) denotes the distance from x to EN, then we may consider the set
JV[ ] of all points in CN within e of the boundary EN, and the aggregate
length (Lebesgue measure) V/v[e] of this set. The Minkowski dimension of
CN is then inf{o": Vjv[e] 0(e1~a) as e > 0 + } . Lapidus and Frankenhuy-
sen have a recent book on fractal strings in which they discuss the topic
of Minkowski dimension and the associated geometric zeta function of C,
defined as the sum of the s power of the lengths of the intervals in the
string. In our case, this geometric zeta function Ccjv(s) is comparable to
S v gM lvl 2s s i n c e the length of Iv is comparable to | v | _ 2 s . As we have
seen, the abscissa of convergence for this sum is the Hausdorff dimension of
EN- But it is known [LvF] that the Minkowski dimension of a fractal string
is also the abscissa of convergence of its zeta function. Thus in the case of
the continued fraction Cantor sets EN, the Hausdorff dimension of EN is
equal to the Minkowski dimension of the fractal string (0, 1)\EN- (These
authors cite [BT].) The complex dimensions of C are the poles of c- This
requires an analytic extension of (c into a wider domain than the one in
which convergence, and analyticity, is on the face of the matter assured. For
the case of EN, this topic is not well understood. Going by computational
experiments and hope, it seems probable that cN (s) can be extended at
least into some domain 5i(s) > 2dim[.En] e. This would require that the
associated eigenvalues of GStN, or at least the leading eigenvalue XN(S),
(leading, that is, for real s greater than twice the Hausdorff dimension),
have an analytic extension into the same domain. With enough assump-
tions along these lines, the poles of the string's zeta function are the places
where AJV(S) = 1. While XN(S) is not known to exist much less be analytic
Functional-Analytic Techniques 167

in such a wide domain, computation and speculation can forge ahead; it

seems that the first non-real s so that A2(s) = 1 occurs at 0.91 13.92.
This was computed using the approach of the next section.

9.2 Spaces and Operators

In this section we discuss the linear spaces and operators of continued frac-
tions. We use three linear spaces.

9.2.1 A simple linear space and the fruits of considering it

The first is in some ways the simplest, but there is an interaction between
all three and the full spectrum of results seems to require hopping from one
to the other as circumstances require. Let

HA : = {/ : [0,1] -> R : / , / ' are continuous on [0,1]}

with H/IU := sup | / ( 0 | + sup \f'(t)\.
0<t<l 0<t<l
This is a Banach space. We shall need some conditions on M and s to ensure
that the operators and sums we work with are defined. These standard
conditions will be assumed from now on whenever we mention such a sum
or operator without explicitly naming conditions.

a = 5ft(s) > 0 and J ^ k'a < oo.


The operators GM,S ' f SfceM^ "*" ^ ) _ S / ( V ( ^ + *)) a r e then bounded

linear operators on HA- Since HA is not compact, the Krasnoselskii gener-
alization of the Perron-Probenius theorem does not apply directly. (That is
one reason we bring in the other two linear spaces.) The point of using this
space is that one can show the existence of a spectral gap that is uniform
in M and a satisfying the standard conditions. From this, it will follow by
standard perturbation methods that there is a complex analytic extension
of \M {a) to a domain DM (that contains the real segment) satisfying the
standard conditions (which depend on M), and an analytic extension of
9M{~,t) to an analytic function of two complex variables, s and t, in a
domain of the form DM X (^[t] > 1).
A simple calculation shows that the associated sums XlveAf \v\~a a r e
log-convex in a, from which it follows that AM(C) itself is log-convex so
that log AM (c) has non-negative second derivative. More work is needed
168 Continued Fractions

to show that this AM(C) has positive second derivative on the standard
interval, but it does.
Let EM(r) denote {x e (0,1) : x = [ui, t> 2 ,... vr + 6] with 0 < 9 < 1}.
What can we say about the conditional distribution of the random vari-
able logQr(X) = log(|ui,U2, vr\) given that X S EM{r)l The results
announced above, about \M (&), are sufficient to establish that it is asymp-
totically Gaussian, with mean and variance proportional to constants that
depend on M through the first and second derivatives of \M (<T) evaluated
at a = 2, for which the standard conditions are satisfied whatever the value
of M.

9.2.2 A Hilbert space of power series

The Hilbert spaces Ha can be defined for arbitrary a > 0, but in the
application, we shall require a > 1. Let Ha denote the set of all complex
analytic functions on the disk \z l\ < y/a so that if f(z) = J^^Lo cn(z~l)n
then X ^ o |CTI|2CK"' < oo, equipped with the norm
oo .

11/11. - E M V ^ lim / \f(z)\ds.

=0 V^y| 2 -l|=r

This is clearly isomorphic, with the natural map, to the space of all se-
quences a = (ao,ai,a,2, ) so that ^ | a | 2 a n converges, with the norm
llalla S l a n| 2 a T l ! a n d we shall identify this sequence space with Ha.

Lemma 9.1 For a > 1, GM,S maps Ha into H9/4.

Proof. Suppose a > 1 and choose e, 0 < e < min[l/10,1/2 1/(1 + ^ 5 ) ] .

Let 6 = 9/4 + e. The disk \z - 1| < (3/2) + e is mapped by z -> l/(fc + z)
onto the open disk of diameter (l/(k + 5/2 + e), l/(k - 1/2 - e)), and the
union of these, for k M, is a subset of the disk \z 1| < 1 + 5e which in
turn is a subset of the disk \z 1| < 3/2. Thus


converges uniformly on the disk \z - 1| < (3 + e)/2 to an element of Hb- O

Our next lemma says that there is an 'infinite matrix' representation of

GM,S with respect to the 'basis' {(z l ) " , n > 0}.
Functional-Analytic Techniques 169

e H
Lemma 9.2 If f(z) = ~ = 0 a ( z - 1)" <* then GMM\(Z) =
E~=0bm(z-ir where

bm = ^2'YM,s[m'n]an and

lM,s[m,n] = <f (z- IP""1 $> + *)- (r^T - I)" dz.

J\z-l\=3/2 ^M \k + Z J
Proof. We have already seen that GM,s[f] ^(9/4)+<E f r some e > 0,
so that there exist be, b\, . . . for which G M , 8 [ / ] ( Z ) = Sm=o ^m(^ l ) m -
What remains to be shown is that the announced values for bm are correct,
and that the sums and integrals involved converge.
We begin by noting that

1 dm
m! dzm W ( C M , S [/])(*) =
( ir 1 +zr /
^l *- "~ J> ' (^h
where C is the circle \z 1| = 3/2, and this integral expands to

-(z-1) Y: (*+*r E - ( ^ -1)" dz. v

"- keM n=0 '

The order of summation and integration is arbitrary here because the inte-
gral and sum are absolutely convergent by Cauchy's inequality:
1 2
oo n / oo \ /

/c + z

so that

^ = t^JcYjk+z)-(z-ir^^z-i)ndz
as claimed. D
Our next lemma says that GM,S is a compact operator. Definitions of
this concept differ from author to author but the difference is in appearance
only. One definition, the one we shall use here, is that there be a sequence of
finite dimensional operators that converge in norm to the compact operator.
170 Continued Fractions

The alternate definition terms an operator L on a Hilbert space H compact,

if there exist orthonormal sequences (/) and [gn) and positive real numbers
(pn) with pn -> 0 so that L = ^/?(-, fn)gn [May]. In [GK], p 28, it is
shown that a compact operator, in the first sense, has such an expansion,
there termed the Schmidt expansion; the pn are precisely the so-called s-
numbers of L, and will be defined and used later in this section.
The proof that C J J , , is compact provided s = a + IT and X^fceM ^~" : =
Y^keM k_<T < i depends on estimates for |7M,s['Tl>n]| which we give as a

Lemma 9.3 If M C Z + with \M\ > 2 (including infinite M), and if

TlkeM k~a < i then for all m , n > 0,

|7w,.Kn]|<2'(3/2)- m 5>-'.

Proof. Let C = C[M, s] := 1 J2keM k~' ( F o r t h e moment, M and s

are fixed so we drop the subscripts.) We must show |7[m, n]| < C ( 3 / 2 ) - m .
We calculate:

\l[m,n}\<- max ( 3 / 2 ) " m V \k + z\-\l - \/{k + z)\n

1 1 J
' 27T | z - l | = 3 / 2 ^ ' ' ^

<(3/2)-m^(fc-i)-amax 1- l
1 1

A;+ 5/2 fc 1/2
< C(3/2)-m.

Remark 9.1 Note that (3/2) is best possible in this proof, for with a
larger radius, the factor involving powers of n could not be safely replaced
with 1.

NOW for f(z) = J2n=0 " ( 2 ~ 1

) " 'W e Set

JV-l oo
z 1 1
GN[f] = GMt,iN[f] = E ( - )" E 7[m,n]a.
m=0 m=0
Functional-Analytic Techniques 171

For | | / | | a = l w e then have

oo oo ^

||(G-G n )/||< X)(3/2)ro $>Kn]

m=N n=0
oo / oo \ V * / oo * / *

m=JV \n=0 / \n=N

< 3( 3/2)-c 2 yCLl.

Since the range of GJV is contained in the set of polynomials of degree less
than N, this shows that G is approximated in norm by a sequence of finite
dimensional operators and so is compact.
Remark 9.2 G is not itself a finite dimensional operator, because the
polynomials zn have linearly independent images under G: if in

n=o fceM
not all cn are zero, then this sum has a singularity at z = minfcgM k and
is thus not identically zero.
The spectrum of a compact operator on an infinite dimensional Hilbert
space consists of a countable [finite or infinite] set of isolated eigenvalues,
each of finite algebraic multiplicity, and zero, which is in the continuous
spectrum. Here GM,S ' Ha Ha provided 1 < a < 9/4. In general, the
spectrum of an operator may depend on the space on which the operator
acts. Not this time.
Lemma 9.4 The spectrum of GM,S is independent of a.
Proof. Suppose A / 0 belongs to the spectrum of GM,S seen as an
operator on Ha, 1 < a < 9/4. Then there exists / Ha so that
{GM,S M)[f] = 0- Thus / = A _ 1 G M , 5 / G #9/4 so that A is also an
eigenvalue of GM,S in the context of H9/4. Conversely, if A is an eigen-
value of GM,S in this context, then there exists a nonzero / .H9/4 so that
G M , S / = A/. Since i/9/4 C Ha, this selfsame / serves as an eigenfunction
for A in Ha, and this completes the proof.
This brings us to the question of estimating the eigenvalues of GM,<J-
Briefly, most of them are small, as would be the case if they declined ex-
ponentially. The main idea is that the compact operator GM,S crams any
172 Continued Fractions

unit cube of dimension N into a Hilbert cube which is, in most directions,
quite narrow, and this is inconsistent with the existence of N relatively
large eigenvalues.
The machinery to make this idea work is developed in [GK]. In Chapter
2, the "s-numbers" of a compact operator A on a Hilbert space H are
If A : H > H is compact, then the s-numbers of A are the eigenvalues,
in decreasing order and taking multiplicity into account, of the self-adjoint
operator S = (A*A)1/2. We cite two results.
Lemma 9.5 If P is an orthogonal projection of H onto a subspace of H
of dimension n, then sn+i(A) < supi| x || =1 \\Ax PAx\\
This is a corollary to Theorem 2.2, p. 31 of [GK].
Lemma 9.6 If X\, X2,... A and S\, S2, . sn are the first n eigenvalues
and s-numbers of A respectively, then |Ai A2 . . . A| < S1S2 sn.
This is Lemma 3.3, pages 35 and 36 of [GK], and is due originally to
H. Weyl.
We take a = 1 + 1/n and apply these results to A = GM,<? acting on
Ha with P = Pn[f] = Efclo *(* - 1)* w h e n /(*) = ~ ak(z - l)K For
||/|| Q = 1, with / = J2T ak{z l) fc , w e calculate
00 00

||G[/j - PnG[f]\\Q = || J2 h(z ~ l) fc || where bk = ^[kjfa.

k=n j=0


1 / 2 N V 2
/ 00 \ /
fc 2 n a
<C(2/3) X)K-| J E "-3
= C(2/3)fcv/rT+T.
\G - PG\\a < CVnTl J2{2/3) ak I

C(2/3) n (l + l / n ) " / 2 ( l - (4/9)(l + 1/n))" 1 / 2 < 6C(2/3) n .

From this, the result we have been aiming at (and now again making explicit
the dependence on M and s) follows:
Functional-Analytic Techniques 173

Theorem 9.2

|Ai[M,s]\ 2 [M,s]...\ n [M,s}\ < (6C[M,s])"(2/3)n("+1)/2

and so


This representation of G and g is computationally accessible, most read-

ily in the case of finite M. It turns out to be computationally more efficient
to use series in powers of (z 1/2) rather than in powers of (z 1). We
define Q : Rn -> Mn by
n n
a z
GMAYI ^ - V2) ] = Y. b^z - 1l2)k + ^z - l/2)"+1)
o o
^M, s [(ao,ai,...a)] = (60, foi,... bn).

We can also get eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the matrix. But here,
caution is in order. Although the leading eigenvalue of a positive operator
is relatively stable under perturbation of the operator, small perturbations
of G loom larger in comparison to small eigenvalues. This topic has been
developed further just recently in [FV2].
(The famous illustration of this has to do with the roots of the poly-
nomial Y\1 (x k) + exn.) We content ourselves here with an illustration
of the method and make heuristic judgments to reject outright, or tenta-
tively accept, the output of our calculations as reflecting the eigenvalues
and eigenfunctions of GM,O itself.
The procedure here, called gamma, takes as input the exponent a, the list
M = m l i s t of elements of M, the size of the square matrix to be evaluated,
and the accuracy to which intermediate arithmetic is to be carried. It pays
to keep plenty of digits, for there are cancellation errors to worry about and
the interior eigenvalues of a matrix can be thrown off by apparently small
roundoff errors.
One may then calculate the matrix of GM,<T to arbitrary depth and pre-
cision, continue by calculating the eigenvectors of that matrix, and finally,
examine the output (best done by some sort of visual representation.) Here,
the fact that only the values of / on the set EM have any bearing on the be-
havior of GrM af as r goes to infinity, is apparent. Our eigenfunctions look
very reasonable when plotted on the interval [o, b] = [min[i?M]>lriax[-E'M]]
just covering the continued fraction Cantor set under investigation. How
174 Continued Fractions

fitting, after all, that this set should re-emerge after having been shunted
far into the background of our investigations.

r i s i n g f a c t o r i a l [ u _ , n_Integer] :=
r i s i n g f a c t o r i a l [ u , n] = Product[u + k, {k, 0, n - 1 } ] ;

gamma[sigma_, m l i s t _ , s i z e _ , accuracy.] :=
Module[-[r, kpwrs, p , u, v, w, x, y, z, mm, n, m, j , k } ,
mm = L e n g t h [ m l i s t ] ;
Do[Do[p[m, n] = 0 , {m, 0, s i z e - 1 } ] , {n, 0, s i z e - 1>];
Print["p established"];
kpwrs =
Table[N[(mlist[[j]] + l/2)"(-sigma), accuracy],
{ j , 1, mm}];
Print["kpwrs e s t a b l i s h e d " ] ;
Do[v = k p w r s [ [ j ] ] ;
P r i n t [ " j and k and v=", { j , m l i s t [ [ j ] ] , v > ] ;
k = m l i s t [ [ j ] ] ; ( * k loop*)
Do[w = (k + l/2)~(-m)*(-l)~m/m!;(*m loop*)
Do[u = ( - l ) " n / 2 " n ; ( * n loop*)
x = u v w; y = 0;
Do[z = r i s i n g f a c t o r i a l [ r + sigma, m]*
(k + 1 / 2 ) * ( - r ) * ( - 2 ) " r *
Binomial[n, r ] ; y += z , { r , 0, n>] ;
y *= x;
p[m, n] = p[m, n] + y, {n, 0, s i z e - 1 } ] ,
{m, 0, s i z e - 1 } ] , ( * c l o s i n g m loop*)
-Cj , 1, mm}] (*closing k loop*);
Table[p[m, n ] , {m, 0, s i z e - i } , {n, 0, s i z e - 1}]]

Executing the command

gg = gamma[
1.06256101255441,{1, 2},256, 320];

but with the given value of a padded with many zeros followed by a 1 so
that the machine accepts the input a as a high precision decimal, gives a
large matrix. Calling the Mathematica built-in routine for eigenvectors and
eigenvalues confirms that this value of cr and M yields A^(er) near 1, so that
the Hausdorff dimension of {1,2} is, if we trust the calculations, approx-
Functional-Analytic Techniques 175

imately 0.5312805062772. Current computing machinery allows for these

calculations to be extended to more places without great difficulty, and the
whole business can be made rigorous. [He7] Converting the eigenvectors
of our approximation to Q corresponding to the first four eigenvalues (here

{1.00000000000000018, -0.3117672,0.109605, -0.04019}

back into the corresponding power series gives the first four eigenfunctions
of C{I,2},<T, shown below on the interval [a = 153/418,5 = 418/571] The
values of a and b are approximately the left and right boundaries of {1,2}
The eigenfunctions have been scaled to take the value 1 at a. The figure
on the right shows the coefficients of the series itself, for the fourth eigen-
function, as a list-plot. It is typical of the others. Matrix truncation and

Fig. 9.1 Eigenfunctions.

numerical roundoff error can introduce spurious values and care is needed
in interpreting numerical results. The sixth eigenvector reported by Mathe-
matica, in a calculation taken to considerable depth, is in no way consistent
with the overall pattern and must be judged spurious, for instance. More
detailed calculations yield the following approximate value:

d i m 2 0.5312805062772051416244686473

This agrees, to all 54 places given there, with computations made by Oliver
Jenkinson [Je], using the altogether different algorithm of [JPj. The source
cited makes that calculation en passant; its main point is to partially prove
a conjecture made independently by this author and by D. Mauldin and
M. Urbariski, to the effect that the set of Hausdorff dimensions associated
to finite sets M is dense in [0,1]. Jenkinson proves that it is, at any rate,
dense in [0,1/2], and gives numerical and heuristic evidence in support of
176 Continued Fractions

the rest of the conjecture. Just recently, a proof of the conjecture has been
announced by Marc Kessenbohmer and Sanguo Zhu [KZ].

9.3 Positive Operators

In this section and in the next, we assume that s = a is real. The Perron-
Frobenius theorem for finite k x k matrices says that if L is a matrix with
non-negative entries and with the property that for some n > 0, Ln has
all entries positive, then there is a unique eigenvector p of L so that all
entries of p are positive, the corresponding eigenvalue A is positive and has
geometric multiplicity one (that is, the space of all vectors q so that for
some n > 0,(L XI)nq = 0 has dimension one and consists merely of the
scalar multiples of p), and the rest of the spectrum of L lies inside a circle
about the origin of radius less than A. Thus uniformly on Rk,

(\-1Lrv = cvP + 0((l-e)n\\v\\)

and the mapping M : v > cvp is a projection. The restriction of the linear
operator v > Lv to the null space of M has spectral radius less than A.
Krasnoselskii has shown that the same sort of result holds for positive
linear operators under suitable definitions and hypotheses. In a Banach
space B, a proper cone P is a set P of vectors closed under addition and
multiplication by non-negative scalars, and P D P = 0. If B = P P,
then the cone is called reproducing. Suppose the cone also has nonempty
A compact operator L is positive if LP C P. It is uo-positive if for all
p T^ 0 in P there exist positive real numbers a and b and a positive integer
n so that buo < Lnp < auo, where u < v means that v u G P.
The cone P of elements / G Ha so that /() ^ 0 for all 0 ^ t ^ 1 is a
proper, reproducing cone in the sense of Krasnoselskii. It has non-empty
interior; the function uo(t) := 1 lies in the interior of the cone. The operator
GM,S is Mo-positive with respect to the cone P because for every / ^ 0 in
P there exist real numbers 0 < a < b, and a positive integer n, so that
b < Gn[f] < a. For although / may have isolated zeros on [0,1], the zeros
of Gn[f] are the set of all z so that for all v Mn, every number x of the
form x[v, z] [v\, vi,... w n _i, vn + z] is a zero of / itself. Thus if Gr [/] had
k zeros, / must have had at least |M|rfc zeros. Finally, G is compact as we
have seen.
With all this in place, Krasnoselskii's Perron-Frobenius theorem applies
Functional-Analytic Techniques 177

and we have that GM,O has an isolated largest eigenvalue A which is positive
and simple, and a corresponding positive eigenfunction g = gM,cr, and the
rest of Ha tends to zero exponentially under iteration of X~1G. That is,
the spectral radius of the A _ 1 G restricted to the set of / G HM for which
(\~1G)nf > 0 is less than 1. Clearly this largest eigenvalue A is our old
friend Aj(a).

9.4 An Integral Representation of <7M,<T

From our earlier observation that A^ r a G r M a [1] (t) is always a function of the
form JQ (1 + 6t)~a dfi with /J, a positive measure on [0,1] of mass bounded
between two positive constants, uniformly in r , and from the fact that the
set of all such functions, with the Levy metric, is compact, it follows that
9M ("> t) itself has that form:

9M(cr,t)= f {l + 6t)-dnMA6)-

Up to now, 3 M ( C ; * ) has been specified only up to scaling by a positive

constant. We choose that constant so that the underlying measure is a
probability measure. That is, /XM,<T[0, 1] = 1, and equivalently, gM{&,fy =
The set P of all probability measures on the unit interval becomes a
compact set when equipped with the Levy metric. The mapping L : \i >
/ 0 (1 +8t)~a d(i(9) from P to HA^HB is continuous, with the Levy metric
for the domain and either || \\A or || ||B for the domain. But it is not (yet)
excluded that there could be two probability measures mapped by L to the
same function.
This does not happen. The difference L[(j,\] L[/J,2] cannot be zero be-
cause it would be a function f(t), analytic at least in the disk \t 1/2| < 1,
and it would have a power series expansion about zero. The derivatives
/( n )(0) would be nfc=o(- CT - k) So 0n d(Vi ~ ^)- F o r t h e s e t o a11 b e z e r o
would contradict the fact that if fii ^ /J.2 then there would exist an interval
[a,b] so that (fiy /J,2)([0,9) has constant sign for a < 6 < b. Integrat-
ing by parts and constructing an appropriate polynomial, we arrive at a
contradiction because we can force

/ p(0)(/ii-M2)(0)#O
178 Continued Fractions

yet we would be requiring

/ 6> n (//i-/i 2 )d<9 = 0.

So L is a one-to-one mapping, and thus the underlying measure HM,<J is
We can say more about this measure. There is a formula for /i^.u in
terms of gM{&,t)- This is not as circular in computational terms as it
looks, because we can calculate g using truncations of the 'infinite matrix'
representation QM,V of GM,O- acting on HB-

Lemma 9.7 For all M and a satisfying the standard conditions, and for
all x with 0 < x < 1, we have

^MA^X) = lim \M(cr)~r V* \v\~agM,a({v}).

v>oo *'

That is, (iM,rr is the limiting case of discrete measures assigning mass


to the point [v], summed over all v e Mr. Incrementing r has the effect of
splitting this atom of mass into an equal total mass

AMO?)-7-1 ]T \vk\-'g({vk})

with point masses at the various [vfe], k M.

The overall mass is invariant because

A" 1 Y, |vfc|-"5({vA}) =

A - V r (k + {v})-'g(l/{k + {v}) = \v\-g({v})

from the definition of g. Backtracking this 'hair-splitting' argument to the
beginning shows that the mass assigned to [0,1] is g(0) = 1, for all r, and
thus also in the limit.
Since the mass assigned at step r to a particular v is scattered a dis-
tance of at most 0 ( | v | - 2 ) during subsequent steps, ending up at various
points [v + 6] instead of at exactly [v], and since the function (1 + 6t)~a is
continuous in 9 and in either of our norms (as an element of HA or HB), it
Functional-Analytic Techniques 179

follows that these sums converge both pointwise and as elements of HA or

HB respectively. That is,

lim \-Mr(a) V |v|- f f 5 M,a({v})(l + [y)t)-"= f (1 + 0t)-dfiM,a(0)-

vGM Jo
It remains to show that this measure HM,<T gives rise to a function in-
variant under A M (<T)GM,<T- To show that \x gives rise to g we calculate

A - 1 G ( / (1 + 0t)- dn{9))
= lim A 1 J ] |v|-CT(A;+[v]+i)-^({v})

= f S s , ^ p - 1 E M-^({v})(* + [v])-(i + ] n i R )"'

= rUm A-"" 1 ^ |fcv|-CT5({fcv})(l + i[fcv])-

= rliinA-r-1 Yl | w r 5 ( { w } ) ( l + [w]*)-ff

= / (i + et)-adnM,a(e).
The step in which {v} is replaced with {kv} is valid because
{fcv} = (l + 0 ( ( ( l + v / 5 ) / 2 ) - ) ) { v } .

From this calculation we see that the function defined by this integral is
invariant under A - 1 G, and clearly it is positive and when t = 0 it evaluates
to 1. Thus it is g as claimed.
Now consider the linear functional AM,a : HB > C denned by

AM,J:= lim \Mr(a)GrMJf}(0).


Let A/M,<T denote the null space of this linear functional. Then every / HB
has a unique representation as

/ = !M + AM,[/1S,

and from the Krasnoselskii results, (A _1 G) r /jv' tends to zero exponentially,

while the second term is invariant under G. There is an explicit char-
acterization of AM.CT as an integral, as we should expect from the Riesz
180 Continued Fractions

representation theorem. The key fact is that

/ AM(0-) _ 1 G M ,<r[/](z)^M,<7(z) = / f(x)dHM,<r{x).

Jo Jo

Proof. Abbreviating G = GM,O and g = <7M,<7, we have / 0 X~lGfdfi

J0 f dfi because the second integral is

lim X-r J2 |v|-'/([v])ff({v})

1 *00 * '

while the first is
J2 l E ^ _ r " 1 |vr , T (fc+[v])- < 7 /(l/(A+[v]))5({v})
* * rKX)
v o o * *

lim V A"'- 1 |w|- ff /([w])ff({w})


which simplifies to JQ f'd\x. Since (A lG)rf tends to some multiple of g,

the correct multiple must be the one with JQ f dfi = c fQ gd\i and this is
equivalent to our last claim.

Lemma 9.8

AM,<T[/] = CM,a I f(t)d(lM,a(t)

CM,a = 1 / / 9M,a{t)d^M,a{t).

Proof. Fix / , and write fi \IM,O, 9 = 3M,CT and so on. Let c =

CM,a Jo f dfi, and let h = f eg. Then J0 hdfi = 0. We claim that
(X~1G)rh > 0. For if not, we should have (X~1G)rh -> ag for some
nonzero a, which would mean that J0 hdfi = CM,<J- rather than its as-
sumed value of zero.
Observe that the operator PM,<T ' f > (AM,<T[/])<7M,<T is a projection,
and that JQ J' dfiM,a is invariant under XjJaGM,a-
The next best thing to an orthogonal projection on a Hilbert space H
is a projection P with the property that the null space of the projection
makes a positive angle with the range of the projection, or equivalently,
that there is a positive constant c so that if Q = I P, then for all X H,
Functional-Analytic Techniques 181

||PX|| > c||X|| for X G H and QX\\ > c\\X\\. We have this property in the
case at hand. Consider the sequence

c:=(2/3)" / (z-l)ndiiM,a(z).

/ = J> n (z - 1)" tfB


with | | / | | B = 1 then the condition that J0 f dfx = 0 is equivalent to requiring


^(3/2)"ancn = 0

while if

SM,a(s) = > n ( z - l ) n

oo 1
2"" < (3/2)"6c = / gdn = C^\ < 1.
n=0 -^O

In W B , then, (a) is orthogonal to (c n ) while (6) makes a certain positive

inner product. All that remains to do is to show that indeed (c) S HB,
that is, that E ^ o i 3 / 2 ) ^ < - B u t cl < (2/3) 2 n which completes the

9.5 A Hilbert Space Structure for G when s = a is Real

Our second space HM depends on M. The idea of connecting G to a setting

like the one presented here goes back to Babenko, who worked this kind of
structure out for the case M = Z + , and to Mayer [May], The existence of a
Hilbert space structure, and the consequent reality of the eigenvalues of G
acting on a suitably chosen space, for GM,<? and for the more general case
in which the set M from which the ar must be taken varies periodically in
r, has been established by Vallee in [V2]. What is new here is the 'matrix
expansion' of the associated operator KM,<J on this 'hidden Hilbert space'
182 Continued Fractions

in terms of Laguerre polynomials. This expansion affords a second proof

that the eigenvalues of GM,<T decay at least as fast as (2/3)". We take

HM '= { 4> ' [0, oo) > C : <j> is measurable and

(:r)| Yle

Equipped with the norm


W\h-= \4>2(x)\J2e~kXdx,

HM is a Hilbert space. The point of introducing HM is that there is a

symmetric operator K = KM,<J on HM that replicates the spectrum and
the action of GM,O on Ha. This time the proofs work only for a < 9/4, so
we assume from now on that 1 < a < 9/4. We also assume that we have a
fixed M and real a in mind, and the operators K and S to be denned will
depend, but only implicitly, on these two parameters.
Let x! := T(a; + 1), which, in the case of non-negative integers, agrees
with the usual definition of x\. We also extend the notation of binomial
coefficients; Q := yl^Lyy Recall that (M(<T) = HkeMk~a a n d l e t
e kx in a
e i u W '= J2kzM ~ ll this, we lean heavily on the approach taken
by Mayer [May], but using the spaces Ha in place of a certain space of
analytic functions he used, which was tied closely to the choice M = Z + .
(We must pay somehow for generality in M.)
Let S = SM,C ' HM * Ha be the operator given by

S : 0 - / e~xz4>{x)x{a'^'2 Y, e _fcr dx.

' keM

Lemma 9.9 S maps HM into Ha and is a bounded linear operator.

Proof. By the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, if z = u + iv with u > 1/2


\SM,M{z)\ < ( I x~le-2u* T e-kxdx) ||0|| M <

\Jo keM J
(a - 1)! 1 / 2 ((1 + 2 ) - " + l)1'2 (CM W ) 1 / 2 ||<A||M,
Functional-Analytic Techniques 183

which is finite. To bound ||5M,<T[0]||B we need bounds for the various

derivatives, evaluated at 1, of SM,O[</>]. Using the same inequality, if


then using the facts that T(a + 2j) < (l + a-1)(l + 2j)<rT(2j + l) and that
(2j) <22j, we have

-_s l + 2 i 2x \ ^ kx _T__ 1 ii ( i,
1 \ 1/2
r ( ^ + 2j) /2
ff 2i
2 ( * + 2)- - 11011M
VfceM /

] | | a / M A f M,a j ^ (2/3)2^

which proves that 5 takes HM into Ha and is bounded as claimed.

Remark 9.3 The bound tends to infinity as a > 0, as a > 9/4, or as

SfcgM k~ -^ ! happily these cases have not arisen in applications.

We now proceed with a string of lemmas.

Lemma 9.10 S = SM,V is nonsingular, that is, if <f> s HM ^ 0 then

S[</>] GHa^0.

Proof. S[<f>] is the classical lapiace transform of x^a~l^2eM{x)^. If (f> is

not the zero function in HM (that is, it is not the case that 4> is zero almost
everywhere), then this other function is likewise not zero, so that its lapiace
transform is not identically zero.

Our next lemma says that if / is a linear combination of functions of the

form (1 + 9z)~a then G[f] Range [S]. The classical Gauss-Kuz'min ques-
tion has to do with the convergence of G + 2 [1] and the constant function
184 Continued Fractions

1 is covered by this lemma. Furthermore, it so happens that the eigenfunc-

tion <7M,CT corresponding to AM(") from Section 9.3 above has this form, so
9M,<r i s m the range of S.
Lemma 9.11 If f(z) = JQ (1 + 9z)~a d/j.(9) where n is a finite signed
measure on [0, oo) then G[f] has the same form, and

s x{a i)/2e 9x d
(r^y r ' ~ ^)=G^W-
Proof. It is sufficient to establish the result for the case that /J, is a
probability measure on [0,oo). So suppose f(z) = f0 (1 + 9z)~cr d/j,(0).

G[f](z) = / (k + B)-(l + z/(k + 6))- dfi(9)


Jo given by
(\ + 9z)-adv{9)

where v is the measure


"[M)= / {k + 4>)-"d^).
L . ^ m a x fl/e-fc,01
On the other hand,

{mLxi"We~"Me\ M

A routine calculation shows that <f>f(x) := J*0 x^a~l^2e~6x d\x(S) is indeed

in HM which completes the proof.
Our interest in HM, as previously noted, is that there is a sister operator
K = KM,<J on HM so that SM,<TKM,<T = GM,<TSM,<T- We now discuss K.
The tools are Bessel functions and Laguerre polynomials.
The Bessel J functions of order a > 1 are defined by

r/n. V- (-1)"W2)2"+"
j W . _ 2 ^ n ! r ( n + a + 1)
Tl=0 '

The Bessel I functions are defined by the same series as the Bessel J func-
tions, except with no alternating signs; they will arise later in this section.
Functional-Analytic Techniques 185

The Ja are linked to the generalized Laguerre polynomials

by the identity

Now we are ready to define K:


^M,<r[^](w) := / J,T-i(2-v/viu;)<A(w)eA(f(u)du.
That is, K is an integral operator for which the kernel is the symmetric
function Ja-i(2y/vw) and for which the measure with respect to which the
integration is done is d^M(v) YlkeM e~vk ^v- Ultimately we show that K
is a compact symmetric operator on HM with the concomitant nice spectral
properties: an orthogonal system of eigenfunctions, eigenvalues real, and as
in the case of finite dimensional operators, nothing more to the story. But
first we must show that K is well denned.

Proposition 9.1 If < e HM and if (M{&) = HkM^~" < > ^ e n

for x > 0, K[4>](x) is defined. Moreover, the function f = K\4>\ satisfies

Proof. By the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality,

\K[4>](x)\ < MM / {J2a_1(2^y)eM{y)f2 dy.


/ j2_1(2V^)e-fc^y = k-le-2*lkh-x{2xlk).
This is most easily checked using Mathematica [Ma]. A similar identity
may be found in [Ask]; (formula 2.45W) it reads

y Ja(xz)Ja(yz)e-t2*2zdz = ^ e x p ( - ( z 2 + y2)/(4t2))Ia g )

but this has a typographical error in that the first factor 1/t2 on the right
hand side should read l/(2 2 ). With this repaired, the identity used here
186 Continued Fractions

is equivalent after a change of variable to the case x y of 2.45. Thus,

\K[<I>](X)\ < (j2k~le~2x/kI^(2x/kn M^

VfceM /
Now 7<T_i(2u) < u ^ e 2 ^ 5 , so

\K[4>](x)\ < ( ^ fc-1e-2^fc(rr//c)-1e2V^] ||0|| M

VfceM /


l l ^ l l 2 < ||^|| 2 e 1 / 2 / x'-1^M(a)eM{x)dx

= T{o)ell\M(o?\\4>\\M^
=* I I ^ I I M < e1/4v/rMCM(<j)||</.||M.
Therefore, X : HM > -HMI and TT is a bounded linear operator.
The claim that SK = GS is verified by a straightforward evaluation of
both sides of the equality, renaming v and x with a; and v on the GS side,
expanding Ja-i as a series, and integrating term by term.
The upshot is this: K is a compact, nuclear-of-order-zero operator, with
an expansion in terms of Laguerre polynomials.
Theorem 9.3 If a > 0, K = KM,O, and <j> HM, then


uk{w) = w^-ls>/2L3k-l{w) and ek{w)


||fc|| 2 lka +'" ^J(M(V)


||e f c || 2 (2/3) 2 f c .
Functional-Analytic Techniques 187

(<r-i)/2 |

Proof. First we establish the identity for J 0 -_ 1 (2 v /w) claimed above.

because if f(v,w) = (vw)~^cr~1^2 J^_1)(2-s/vw) then

tt \ ^ (-l)nvnwn

A ( - l ) V V y , ^,1 _&w
^n\T(n + a)^ l\
n=0 ' 1=0
OO k


-70 fc=o 11* + ff) jM

,,.k+(<T-l)/2.,IU oo

v ;
fc=o fc=o
For the bound on ||efc||, we calculate

r(2fc + c r ) r fc
r fc ff 2
( + )^
For the case k = 0, this simplifies to HeoH^ < (r(cr)) - 1 ^ e M j" i r
. For
2 2fc
k > 1, our bound simplifies to ||efc||^ < X)/^3 ^ ~ ~ r/^t^ since the sum
188 Continued Fractions

here is 0(3~2k) while the ratio of T function values is <C {2e)a~122k by

Stirling's formula.
To bound ||wfc||, we take a = a 1 in an identity given in Askey [Ask]


/ xa{L%)2{x)e-xdx = T(k + a + l)/kl


Next, we calculate that

I M M = E / x-l{Lrl?{x)e-ixdx.

The term corresponding to j = 1, which will be present if 1 M, is thus

T(k + a)/k\. We now consider the terms corresponding to k = 1 and the
contribution to those terms coming first from the range 0 < x < l/k and
second from x > l/k.
The contribution coming from x < l/k is bounded above by

JUMsr: I e~jxdx.

Now for x < l/k,

J^ (k + a - 1\ k
x y

Thus for x < l/k,

Functional-Analytic Techniques 189

For the contribution due t o i > 1/k, and from j > 1, we calculate that


-/ f c jM,j>l

<Jfc / a; < r - 1 (L2- 1 (a;)) 2 e- I da;


<*jf 00 ^- 1 (ir 1 ()) a - x ^ = ^ r ^

which is < &CT. D

In a sense, the formula



gives us a matrix representation of if. Even though K acts on a Hilbert

space rather than a finite dimensional space, and even though the 'matrix'
is with respect to not one basis but two, we learn a lot. Grothendieck
has worked all this out in greater generality, but in our Hilbert space set-
ting matters are simpler. A compact symmetric operator has an orthogo-
nal eigenvalue-eigenvector expansion just as in the finite dimensional case:
-K<A = Y^Li ^nln, with ||7|| = 1, (7^,7*:) = 0 for j ^ k, and with A -> 0.
Now observe that the image under K of the unit ball is a sort of ellipsoid,
with the property that any subspace of dimension n meets the ellipsoid
in an ellipsoid of minimal diameter 2|A n |. On the other hand, the image
under K of the span of {u\, U2, un-i} is an n 1 dimensional subspace
of H, and if we write K = Kn-i + Rn-i with Kn-\<j> = Y^j=i {uh<t))eji
then |[i?_i|| <C (2/3) n . Thus, if B is the unit ball in H, then the minimal
diameter of KnB is <=C (2/3)". Therefore, An < (2/3) n . We now claim that
the spectra of G as on operator on Ha and K on HM are identical. In both
cases, we are dealing with compact operators so the spectrum is pure point
spectrum with the exception of an accumulation point at zero. In neither
case is zero itself an eigenvalue. Now if K<f> = X(p, let / = S<f> G Hi. Then

Gf = GS<f> = SKcj> = S\tj> = XS<j> = A /

so that A is an eigenvalue of G as well. If Gf = A/, let (j) = S^1Gf H.


K<j> = KS~lGf = S~1G2f = S^XGf = XS^Gf = A0

190 Continued Fractions

so that A is an eigenvalue of K as well. This completes the proof that G

and K have the same spectrum. We leave to the reader the verification that
there is no instance of (G - CD/i = f2, (G - C 0 / 2 = / 3 , (<?- (I)fr = 0.
(Since K is symmetric, nothing of the sort can happen with K.) Prom this
it follows that all eigenvalues of GM,V are real.
There is some numerical evidence in support of the conjecture that the
eigenvalues decline exponentially, (we already know that An <C (2/3)),
that they alternate in sign, and that the geometric multiplicity of each
eigenvalue is one. (This multiplicity is the dimension of the space of all / so
that (G XI)kf = 0 for some k > 0, but under the circumstances, there can
be no nilpotent action in G since there is none in K, so that if (GXI)kf = 0
then (G XI) f = 0.) Thus, the geometric multiplicity of an eigenvalue is
simply the dimension of the eigenspace corresponding to the eigenvalue in
question. In particular, recent work of Flajolet and Vallee [FV2] reports
strong numerical evidence that for the successive eigenvalues of Gg+2, the
ratio A n + i/A tends to ((y/E l)/2) 2 ). Bolstering the numerical evidence
is the fact that G is the sum of operators Gk : f * (k-j-z)-'7 f(l/(k+z)) each
of which has a geometric sequence spectrum [May2]. In the case at hand,
the leading eigenvalue is (1 + 9/k)~a where 6 = (k + \/k2 + 4)/2 is the
positive solution to 6 = l/(k + 6), and the ratio of consecutive eigenvalues
is 82, from which it would seem that this one component of G controls
the behavior of the deep eigenvalues.

9.6 T h e Uniform Spectral G a p

In this section we show that there is a positive, continuous function p(a) so

that for all M with \M\ > 2 for which Y^k^M k~a < i the spectral radius
of G, as an operator on HA or HB, as well as the radius of K on HM, when
restricted to the complement of the eigenspace of multiples of QM,C or its
counterpart in HM, is less than (1 P{<J))XM{O').
That is, the operator G has one big positive eigenvalue, of multiplicity
one; A M ( C ) . The rest of the spectrum sits inside a circle of radius (1
P(&))XM(CT)- This has the important consequence that there is a complex
analytic extension of AM(C) into a neighborhood of the real interval on
which AM(CT) is convergent. The consequence is important because the
derivatives of AM(C) at selected values of a determine the dynamics of the
continued fraction algorithm and related processes, but the existence of
these derivatives must first be established, and that is done by showing
Functional-Analytic Techniques 191

that XM (O-) is complex analytic, through perturbation theory, which, if it

is to apply, requires this spectral gap.
Recall that we have shown that for a > 0 and M satisfy the standard
conditions, there exists a function g = gM,a ' [0,1] M+ of the form

g(t) = gMAt) = / (i + 9t)~a dmAQ)

so that
GM,agM,a{t) = AM(O")5M,<J(*)-

Prom its form, it is clear that g S HA- NOW the idea is that the action
of G2M a on HA amounts to a scaling by \2M (a) combined with a compres-
sion toward multiples of QM,B- The pace of this compression is the issue.
We begin by defining another cone. Positive functions with bounded log
derivative are in a sense preserved by G. Let

AM,a :={feHA:f>0on [0,1] and |/'(i)l < /(*) for 0 < t < 1}.
Then AM,a is closed under addition and multiplication by a positive scalar.
Lemma 9.12

GM,CT ' AM,2<J > AM,{3/2)O-

Proof. Clearly if / is positive on (0,1) then so is G2f. Taking derivatives

and simplifying, we see that the claim holds provided that for all (j, k) G M,
ak 2a (3/2)cr
1 2
(jk + 1 + tk)^ (jk + 1 + tk)+ {jk + 1 + kt)
and clearing terms and simplifying reduces this inequality to one which is
true by inspection for 0 < t < 1 and for any positive integers j , k.
Recall that PM,<T is the projection operator taking / to the component
of g in / , or more exactly,

P M , C T [/]= r lim o A- t r G r M i f f [/]

and that

PMAJI = 71 "
Jo 9M,adfJ.M,cr
It will now be convenient to introduce also the related linear functional
L = LM,a given by ! , , [ / ] = / fdfj,M,a-
192 Continued Fractions

Theorem 9.4 Uniformly over a and M satisfying the standard condi-

tions, and uniformly over f HA,

\~r rr m - Jo fdV-M,<r __
^M^M^Ui - 71 ~ 9M,<r
J 0 9M,o- d/J,M,cr

+ 0((l+^)(l-e- 3 76r/ 2 ||/|u).

Proof. We begin with some lemmas.
Lemma 9.13 Let Ca := 2>e(1 + 1/a). If h = h[f] = f + Ca\\f\}AgM,a
then h Aia.

Proof. We have |/(t)| < ||/|| A and | / ' ( t ) | < \\f\\A for 0 < t < 1. Now
gMAt) = fo(1 + 0t)-aM0)so

0 > ^-hr > - -

g(t) 1 + t'

Thus g Aa and 1 > g(t) > (1 + t)~a. A simple calculation shows that

h[f](t) > -WfU + CaWfUgit) > \cag{t),

while on the other hand

\h[f]'(t)\ < (l+aC.gmifWA < \^Cag{t)\\f\\A.

From the two inequalities above, \h'\< 2ah so h Ai.

Lemma 9.14 G2MCT : A2 -> Aza/2-

Proof. All that is needed is to expand G2f and check the details:

G2M = Uk +1+j*rCT/(i/(j+i/(k+1)))



(f(i/(j +1/(* + *))) - ^'(jfc +1+jty

f(i/(j + i/(k + t))).
Functional-Analytic Techniques 193

Our next lemma is the heart of the matter: peeling off a little multiple
of g from a function in Az/2 leaves a function in Aio-

Lemma 9.15 If u A^a/2 then

u - (l/6)e~ 3<T XM,<TMSM,<T G ^2<T-

Proof. It suffices to show two things: first, that u(0) > e~3a/2L[u], and
second, that if C < (l/6)e- 3 < 7 / 2 u(0), then u-C,ge A2a.
The first is simple: since u Aza/2, u(t) < e3<T/2u(0) so that

/ ud/j,M,a <u(0)e 3 f f / 2 .

For the second claim, suppose C < (l/6)e _ 3 < T / 2 u(0). Then

\(u-<:gY(t)\<\u'(t)\ + ^e-^u(0)\g'(t)\

< ^u(t) + ic-^VOM*)

< 2o-(u(t) - \e-^/2u{Q)g(t)).


I ( u - & ) ' ( * ) I <2<r(u(t)-&(*))

Now consider the sequence determined by h0 = h[f] = f + Cag and

recursively by

hr+i = A^ (cr)GM(7[hr} - ergM,a

where e r = (l/6)e~3(TLM,V[K]-

Lemma 9.16 For all r > I,

hr ,42c


LMAhr+\] = (1 - (l/6)e_3'LM,a9M,a)LMAhr]-

Proof. By 9.13, h0 e .42a- By 9.14, if hr e -42<r then A- 2 G 2 [/i r ]

-43<r/2- To apply 9.15 and conclude that hr+i e A2&, we need to know
that e r < (l/6)e- 3 C T / 2 ^ r [0]. But L[hr] = J^hrdfi < J 1 /i(0)e3ff*/2 d/x <
194 Continued Fractions

/i(0)e3<7/2 so this lemma applies. Thus inductively hr 6 Aia for all r. For
the second claim, we calculate

L[hr+i]= [ X-2G2hr-(l/6)e-3,TL[hr}gdti
= f hrd^- (l/6)e-^L[hr]L[g] = L[hr}(l - (l/6)e-3L[g}).
Jo a
We now proceed to the main proof. We have

L[ho] = J {f + Ca\\f\\Ag)dli<\\f\\A{l+Z{l+l/o)e J gd^)

< ( l + 3(l + l/a)e )||/|U.
L[hr] < (1 - (l/6)e- 3ff ) r (4 + 3/a)e\\f\\A.
2r 2r
X- G [h0} = (J2^)9 + hr-

Because e^ = {l/>)e~3<TL[hj\ declines exponentially, J27Lo ei ^s a conver-

gent geometric series with sum A[/io]/A[<7] and this fits in with the require-
ment that \~2rG2rho (L[h0]/L[g])g. Consequently,

X-*Gi*[ho] = * i 5 + hr - (1 - ( l / 6 ) e - > T * ! 5 .

For any h G A2a, \\h\\A < L{h}e2<,(l + 2a).

Thus since L[hr] = (1 - (l/6)e-3aL[g})rL[h0},
\\hr\\A<L[h}e2"(l + 2a),
and so
,-2rr,2ri f\ _ L[f]


\\PA\A < (1 - (l/6)e- 3CT i[ 5 ]) r (X[/j + Ca\\f\\AL[g})e2{l + 2a)+

Functional-Analytic Techniques 195

Now L[f] < U/IU, and L[hQ] = L[f] + 3(1 + l/a)e\\f\\L[g], so

Putting this all together gives

||p r |U < 8(1 + 2a)e3CT(l - (l/6)e-3L[g])r\\f\\A

and this completes the proof of Theorem 9.4.

Stripped to its essentials, this says that XMaGM,a has 1 as an eigenvalue

of multiplicity 1, and the rest of the spectrum sits inside a circle of radius
What of the spectral gap in HE? It is at least as large, because we
know that GM,O- acting on HB has pure point spectrum apart from an
accumulation point at zero. If there were any eigenfunction gi e HB for
which the corresponding eigenvalue A2 satisfied p(a) < | A 2 | / A M ( C ) < 1, this
52 would also be an element of HA and an eigenfunction of GM,O acting
on A, contrary to the conclusion of theorem 9.4. Since the spectrum
of KM,a acting on HM is identical to that of GM,<? acting on HB, this
operator too has the same spectral gap. By standard perturbation results
[CR], it therefore follows that AM(C) extends to an analytic function in a
neighborhood of a, for any pair M, a satisfying the standard conditions.
From this it now follows that

Theorem 9.5 For all M and a satisfying the standard conditions, the
operator GM,CT has spectral radius \M{O~), and as r > 00,

W 2
\-^{a)GMAm) = CfgMAt) + O ( ( l - ^ ~

uniformly over f S HA and over a and M.

9.7 Log Convexity of A M

There is a natural interval IM = (<*M, 00) on which AM is defined:

J2neMn~'S < 00 for s > a M and ^neMn~s = 00 for s < aM- The
sum is convergent on all of R if M is finite, and CCM = 1 if M = Z + . It can
converge, or diverge, at s = aM', more commonly, it diverges.
196 Continued Fractions

Log convexity of XM means that for s R and h > 0 such that s h >

XM{S - h)XM(s + h)> X2M(s).

We say that a positive function is strongly log concave on an interval if its

log is twice differentiable and positive on that interval. We then have

Theorem 9.6 For any M C Z + with at least two elements XM is strongly

log convex on IM

Proof. First we show that AM is at least log concave in the weaker sense.
Recall that

XM(s) = rlim ( ^ |vp) ,

\veAf /
so it is sufficient to show that for all r, M, and relevant s and h, we have

Y Y \<s+h\v\-s-h > Y E i u r>r-

u6M r vM r uMrvgMr
But this follows immediately from the fact that
|u|-S+h|v|-S-h _ 2|U|-S|V|-S + ^-s-h^-s+h > Q_

Now on IM, XM is analytic, positive, and not constant, so logA^f can at

worst only have isolated zeros of its second derivative. The rest of the proof
is somewhat lengthy but the idea is simple: the digits (Xi) of a continued
fraction decomposition are correlated, but the correlation between Xi and
Xj decays exponentially in \i j \ . This long-range near-independence per-
mits us to establish that for some 0 < 8 < 1, and uniformly over B E I ,

Y, |u|-s(log|u|-E)2neA^(S).

From this, we can show that

Y, | u r s | v | - s ( l o g |u| - log |v|) 2 neX%(s).


On the other hand, differentiating the identity

Xn(s)g(0) = Y ll"S3(M)
Functional-Analytic Techniques 197

once, then again, and combining terms leads to an identity of the form

\ Yl l u r S | v r S # s ([u])fl s ([v])(log|u| - l o g | v | ) 2 + error terms.

With adequate control of the error terms, the possibility that (A^A^
A'M ) ( S ) = 0 at some particular value of s is excluded.
We now present the details. Let v(f) denote the total variation of /
on [0,1]. Consider the space V of functions of bounded variation on [0,1],
with norm ||/|| = v(f) + sup[ 01 i |/|. The operator L3 maps V into itself.
It is analytic, and in particular, infinitely differentiable. Thus, for any
so (aM,oo), there is a complex neighborhood of so in which LM,S has the
form L+(SS0)L'+^(SSQ)2L"+L*, with L, L', and L" bounded operators
on V that depend on SQ but not s, and with ||L*|| <SC \s so| 3 - Furthermore,
L = LM,S0 has a decomposition of the form L = \M(SO)PM,S0 + QM,0!
where PM,S is a projection of V onto the one dimensional subspace of V
spanned by gM,s, and QM,S is an operator which takes gs to zero and has
spectral radius strictly less than XM(S)-
From this it follows by standard perturbation theory that the eigen-
function gs (here normalized so that gs(0) = 1 for all s) and corresponding
eigenvalue \M{S) are analytic in s. In the case of gs, this means that for
each so > ctM, there exist / i = dgs/ds and fi = d2gs/ds2 V such that
in some complex neighborhood of so,

gs = gSo + (s- so)A + |(s - s 0 ) 2 / 2 + 0{(s - so)2).

We recall that for real s > OLM, gs has the form gs(t) = / 0 (1 +
8t)~sdfi(9), where fi is a probability measure on [0,1]. Thus gs(t) is a
strictly decreasing function of t, and <?s(l)/<?s(0) > 2~s.
The measure /x, which depends on M and s, is given by

V([0,x])= lim\-Mn(s) J2 M'MM).


Equivalently, let [[v]] = {[v +1] : 0 < t < 1}. Then fi = HM,S is character-
ized by the condition that for v G M " , /x([M]) = A^ n (s)|v|~*3M,s({v}).
The projection operator PM,S then has two characterizations. If C =
CM,S = Jo 9M,s(*)d/XM,s(t).

/ = lim \j(s)LnM f = CM1s ( / fdnM,s ) 9M,S

198 Continued Fractions

Let MM,S be the kernel of PM,S- Because of the spectral gap, the re-
striction of (/ A M ( S ) _ 1 L M , S ) to M is invertible and bounded, with the
inverse given by Yl'kLoi^-1 L)k
With this background in place, we are now in a position to take deriva-
tives and draw conclusions.
Fix M and s and let L = LM,S- Let g = gjw.s, a n d let g' and g" denote
the first and second derivatives of g with respect to s. Let A(s) = Ajif(s).
On setting t = 0 in the formula Lng(t) Xn(s)g(t) and taking derivatives
with respect to s, we have

\n(s) = (Lng)(0) = Yl l v r S 3([v]),

n\ -i(s)\'(s)= J2 | v | - s ( - 5 ( [ v ] ) l o g | v | + 5 ' ( [ v ] ) ) , and
n{n - l)A"- 2 (s)(A'(s)) 2 + n\n~l{s)\"{s)
= |v|-s(9([v])log2|v|-2g'([v])log|v|+5"([v])).

Thus, on multiplying the first line above by the last and subtracting the
square of the middle line, we have

n\2n-2(s){\{s)\"(s) - \'2(s))
= J2 |u|- s |v|- s { 5 ([u]) 5 ([v])log 2 |v|-2 fl ([u]) 5 '([v])log|v|+ 5 ([u])fl"([v])
+ ff'(M)s'([v]) - l o g | u | f l ( [ u M [ v ] ) -log|v| 5 ([v])</([u])}.

This simplifies to nA 2n (s)(log A(s))" = A + B + C, say, where, on taking

advantage of the symmetry between u and v in summation,
= \ E iursivrs3(H)5([v])(iog|u|-iogH)2,
u,vGM n

B= J2 |u|-s|v|-s(log|u|-log|v|)(ff([u]y([v])-5'([u])ff([v]),

and where C, the sum of the terms not involving log|u| or log|v|, is
0(A 2 n (s)) because g' and g" are bounded uniformly in t.
Functional-Analytic Techniques 199

Now by the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality together with the fact that g

and its derivatives are bounded,

s Y, N-sivri(iog|u|-iog|v|)i

t V /2
< ^ |u|-s|vrs A1'2 < A n (a)>/I.
\u,veM" J
It now remains to give a lower bound on A that is strong enough to ex-
clude the possibility that logA"(s) = 0. Anything that swamps 0(A 2 "(s))
will serve, in view of the bounds on B and C above. And then, once it
is established that logA"(s) > 0, we can conclude, roundabout, that A
was comparable to nA 2 "(s). But this is getting ahead of the story. For
now, we begin by reducing A to a one-dimensional sum. Let EM,U{S) =
^~n(s) S u e M " l u l~ s 3([ u D 1S l u l be the "expected value of log |u|."Then

^ = 5 A Yl \u\-s9([u})(log\u\-EMtn(s))2.

If only log |u| were the sum of n independent random variables, each with
variance comparable to 1! Our wish is not granted in full, as there is this
pesky short-range correlation in the digits of u. However, there is enough
truth to this wish to serve our needs. This stems essentially from the fact
that for any r > 1, any w Mr, and any q < r, the value of a convergent
depends only weakly on the deep digits: If 7 = 2/(1 + y/5), then [w] =
(1 + 0('yq))[w1W2...wq} and {w} = (1 + 0{jq)){wr-q+1wr_q+2 ... wr}.
We next recall that u is a string of n positive integers, say, u = U1U2 un,
and that
log|u| = ^ l o g ( u j + { u i . . . U j - i } ) . (9.1)

Although these terms are not independent, one from the next, if we skip
through the list, breaking it into lists of length y/n, then those at the end
of each batch are effectively independent of each other. Moving from the
metaphorical to the computational, we take k = \_y/n\ and write n as the
sum of k terms, each k or k +1 in case k2 + k > n, or each k +1 or k + 2, in
case k2 + k < n, and with the smaller numbers first. We then write u as the
concatenation of k strings of the form VjXj. (For instance, if n = 13 and
u = (1234123512362), then k = 3 and u is decomposed as V1X1V2X2V3X3
200 Continued Fractions

with vi = 123, Xi = 4, v 2 = 123, X2 = 5, v 3 = 1236, and X3 = 2.) We let

V(M, n) denote the set of such lists of k lists of integers in M, of lengths
k 1 and fc, or A; and k + 1 with the shorter lists first, and with the sum of
the list lengths equal to n k.
Now by (9.1), we have
k k
|u| = (1 + 0(n 7 f c )) J ] |v,-1 n ^ O + {Vi} + to+i]),
l l

where [vjt+i] = 0 by convention.

Now let 0j = {VJ} + [vj+i]. For a list v of lists of k 2 or k 1 elements
of M, such that the sum of the lengths of the Vj is n fc, and for a list X
of k elements of M, let u[v, X] denote the list v j X i . . . v^Xk G M " . Let
ll[v,X]|| = n * I v i K ^ +Gj), so that ||[v,X]|| = |u[v,:r]|(l + 0 ( n 7 * ) ) . Let

R , , _ Sxe^ll[v^]l|-slogll[v^]il
>M,n,v{S) _ vlll-s
ExeAf*ll[ >*ill
That is, BM,H,V(S) is the expected value of log |u[v, X] | when the probability
of X is given by \U[V,X]\\-'/ZYBM- H^YWl"-
If we cut a probability space into segments, and sum the weighted square
departure from the segment mean instead of the overall mean, and then take
a weighted average of these variances, we shall arrive at a number that is
in general less than the overall variance, agreeing if and only if the segment
means are all equal. Thus
v w E iurs<?([u])(iog|U|-BM,)2
= (l+0(n7k))X-Mn(s) Yl E \\[v,X]\\-'g([viWog\\[v,X]\\-BMin)*
>V(s) E ll[v > X]||-^([v 1 ])(log||[v,X]||- J B M , ) V ) 2 .

But this last is


A E ^[viDijK-
veV(M,n) 1
A; / fc \ ^

xeMk i Vl /
Functional-Analytic Techniques 201

where C v = BM,n,v E i lg l v j|- Now a little calculation shows that also

c = (ZxeM* Yli(Xj +gj(v))-'Ei'lg(^j +gj(v)) > \

v E*6^nte+*;)-' y
Next, we observe that

AM"(*)E3(M)ll[v,*]ir Elog^+^-Cv
= V(*)Es(N)nw~s
v,X 1

Now this is a weighted sum of the variances of random variable sums

of the form ^ x log(X, + 8j), taken over the various v V(n), where
for each v V(n), the random variables X\,...,Xk (which implicitly
depend also on v, M, and s) are functions on the discrete probability
space Uv with event space Mk, (k = [y/n\), and assigning to x Mk the
probability pv,M,s(x) = <XV,M,S(X)/ E y e M * a v,M,s(y), where aViM,s(x) =
x _s k
Ui( j + ^ ( v ) ) . The weights total 1 + 0{n-y ). For each v, the Xj are
independent, and the variance of each Xj is bounded below, independent
of v and j , though not of s or M. Thus, for each v, the variance of the
sum is comparable to k, and so also is the weighted average. Therefore,

Xjfis) E |urs(log|u|-SM,)2n1/2.

From this, together with our earlier bounds for the error terms linking
this sum to the second derivative of log AM (S), it follows that this second
derivative is strictly positive on the entire interval (CXM , oo), as claimed.

Note that we have, in a somewhat roundabout way, proved that

Eu.veM" l u l _ s (lg l u l - lg l v l) 2 > n-Mw(s)> J u s t a s w o u l d have been the
case had the 'digits' Uk been entirely uncorrelated in the sums in question.
202 Continued Fractions

9.7.1 Applications of strict log convexity

Take a random number X in [0,1], using the usual measure m[0, x] := x. Let
Pr [X] and Qr [X] denote the numerator and denominator of the continued
fraction expansion of X taken to r terms. How is log Qr distributed? What
if we restrict attention to those X for which the first r digits belong to a
fixed set M. What is the conditional distribution of logQr?
These questions amount to asking for the asymptotics of the measures

m r :
Ev^ivr'a 2+ wr^aogivi)
~ E v ^ i v | - ( i + {v})-> -
where S(z) denotes a unit point mass at z and where

{ v } = {(vi,v2,...vr)} := [vr,vr-i,].

The moment generating function, or characteristic function, of this proba-

bility measure is

EveM-M-'+'q + M ) - 1
EveM-M-^i + M ) - 1
There is a theorem due to Hwang (cited in [Val]):
Theorem 9.7 If flr is a sequence of random variables for which the
moment generating functions

Fr(s) := E[snr] = exp{Vr(s) (1 + 0(l/wr))},

with the implicit constant uniform in a complex disk about the origin, if
vr(s) = <firU(s) + V(s) with U(s) and V(s) analytic in that disk, ifU(0) =
V(0) = 0, ifU"(0) ^ 0, and if <f)r and wr tend to infinity as r > oo, then
with the notation /i r := <j)rU'(0) and of := 4>rU"(0),

E[Qr] = nr + V'(0) + 0(l/wr)


Var\nr] = o-? + V"(0) + 0(l/wr).

Furthermore, the distribution o / Q r is asymptotically Gaussian, with distri-
log Qr - Ar
Pr = prob < X <!>(X) + 0(1/Sr)
y Hr
where Ar = .E[logQ r ], Br = Var[\ogQr], and Sr = min[y/<fc,Wr].
Functional-Analytic Techniques 203

We shall now need some of the details of the perturbation theory by

which we establish the existence of analytic continuations of G M ( S , ) in
s, in neighborhoods of real s = a. Our application involves the particular
case cr = 2 but the ideas would work more generally.
Let PS,M be the (analytic) projection operator given by

P s [ m : = 1
2 ^ / K ( + 0J-GM,.)-1[/]](*K-

We set QM,S :~ I PM,S and observe that PM,S, QM,S and GM,S all com-
mute. We also set NM,S '= QM,SHB-
This gives us the following:

(i) GM,s[9M(s,t)} = A M (s)sM(s,t)

(it) XM{s)I - GM,S HB -> NM,S
(in) ((XM(S)I GM,S)NM , ) - 1 exists and is bounded.
(iv) X'M(s) = (PM,sG'MiS[gM(s,t)}(0)/gM(s,0)
(v) \\Q MJ<(l-)rXrM(s)

this last, uniformly over s in some neighborhood of s = a, with some fixed

e depending only on M and a.
We must adapt a slightly different definition of gM,s than our usual
normalization which was to set g(0) = 1. This time, we choose the normal-

9M(s,t) := P s ,M0M(2,t).
(Indeed, we had no definition of g]w(s,t) for complex s.) With this termi-
nology, we have

GM,,[l/(\ + t)} = \M(s)PMlB[l/Q. + t)]gM(s,t) + GM,B(t)QM,B[l/(l +1)}.

From this it follows that the conditional moment generating function for
the random variable fir[X] = logfQrfX]], where X has uniform distribution
on [0,1], satisfies

- Ev6M^v|-2(l + {v})-
= A^(2 - S ) P 2 _ S , M [ 1 / ( 1 + t)](0)gM(2 - s, 0) _
U j ;
A- M (2)P 2 , M [l/l(+t)](0)ffM(2,0) '
an estimate which fits the requirements of Hwang's theorem, with <f>r = r,
U'(0) = (-logA M )'(2)), and U"(0) = (logA M )"(2).
204 Continued Fractions

In Hwang's theorem, then, we have

(*) C/(S) = Iog[A M (2-s)/A M (2)]

(it) V(s) := logP M i 2 _ s [1/(1 + t)](0)- logP M a [1/(1 + t)](0) +
log[5M(2-s,0)/ 5 M (2,0)].

Thus, the conditional distribution of logQ r [X] given that the first r digits of
the continued fraction of X are in M, is asymptotically Gaussian, with mean
asymptotic to r\'M(2)/AM(2) and variance asymptotic to rlogA'^(2). In
particular, if M N, this says that the mean of log Qr is asymptotic to
(7r 2 /(121og2))r 1.18656911041562545 and the variance to approximately
0.004826620315037090. (There is no known connection between the value
of the second derivative of logAz+(s) at s = 2 and familiar constants.
The importance of this quantity to questions of continued fractions has
prompted interest in it, and Loick Lhote has studied the related quantity
and given a polynomial time algorithm for computing it. This related
quantity gives the scaling coefficient in the variance in the distribution of
the number of steps in the Euclidean algorithm taken over pairs (u, v) with
0 < u < v < x. This variance is comparable to logo;.)
The French school, we may call it, has taken great strides in the past
decade, and has developed a distinctive approach integrating functional
analysis, complex analysis, and the perspective of dynamical systems, into
the study of continued fractions and related topics. This is the topic of our
next chapter.
Chapter 10

The Generating Function Method

Several continued-fraction style algorithms have been studied in recent

years with great success by a loose team of investigators, for the most
part French, and in particular by B. Vallee of the University of Caen, using
the perspective of dynamical systems, generating functions, and complex
and functional analysis. Here, we concentrate on their results and methods
as they apply to the standard continued fraction algorithm. Everything in
this chapter comes from their work.
The various continued fraction algorithms all fall within the scope of
dynamical systems, that is, systems in which one has a compact metric
space termed the state space X, and an endomorphism T of that state space,
termed the shift mapping. The trajectory of a point x X is the sequence of
iterates (x,Tx,T2x...). Here, we take X = [0,1]. The textbook example
of a dynamical system is T<i : x > 2x \2x\ = {2a;}. The basic dynamical
system associated with continued fractions involves the mapping T : x >
1/x \l/x\ = {1/a;}. Both are of course piecewise continuous.
In the case of T^, there are two inverse branches, hi(x) = x/2 and
h,2{x) = (x + l ) / 2 , and there are 2 r inverse branches of depth r, corre-
sponding to the 2 r elements of {hi, /i2} r . The images of [0,1] under these
mappings constitute the dyadic partition of [0,1] into the 2 r subintervals
[2" r (A;-l),2- r A;], 1 < k < 2r.
In the case of T, there are countably many inverse branches hk{x) =
l/(k+x), and the inverse branches of depth r have the form h = h\o.. .ohr,
and are linear fractional mappings of [0,1] into intervals Uh = {h(x) : 0 <
x <1} which again form a partition of [0,1].
The rth iterate under T of x has the form Trx = hr o o h\X, and
one studies the sequence (h\, /12, ) of /i's that unfold from x, or what is
essentially the same, the sequence of integers by which these h were indexed.

206 Continued Fractions

This sequence in effect encodes x.

In the case of T2, we get the binary decimal expansion of x, and it
terminates if and only if a; is a dyadic rational. In the case of the continued
fraction mapping T, if x is rational, we get a finite sequence, while if x is
irrational, it is infinite; the sequence of indexing integers is just the sequence
of continued fraction digits.

10.1 Entropy

The entropy of a partition of [0,1] into a set U of intervals is defined to

be Xe(y lul 1 Mi thus, the entropy of the rth order dyadic partition of
[0,1] is r log 2. The entropy of the dynamical system D with partitions of
depth r indexed by the inverse rth order branch set HrD is defined to be

hD = - lim - Y^ Itt/Jlogluhl
+00 T

According to a classical formula of Rohlin [V3], hr> is also given by

hD= log\T'D(x)\ipD{x)dx

where tpo is the probability density function for the measure with respect
to which To is ergodic. (Or, equivalently, the density function which is an
eigenfunction for the transfer operator f > J2hzH W(x)\f h(x).)
The entropy of our first example is thus log 2, both directly and from
Rohlin's formula. For the continued fraction dynamical system, it is

"21 log{x)i){x) dx =
Remark 10.1 For the centered continued fraction algorithm, inciden-
tally, the invariant density is iftc(x) = f ^ i ( x r ^ + \+\-x ) > w^ere 4> =
(1 + \/5)/2, and it works out that the entropy is 7T2/(61og</>). The speed of
the algorithm, in terms of the number of steps in typically needs, is directly
proportional to the entropy, so the centered algorithm is faster by a factor
of (log 2)/(log (f)) than the classical algorithm.
The Generating Function Method 207

10.2 Notation

For rational inputs x = u/v, let l(u/v) and l(u,v) both denote the number
of steps of the form x * T{x) it takes to carry x to 0. Let

CI = {(u, v) : 0 < u < v and gcd(u, v) = 1},

Q,(x) = {(u,v) : (u,v) G Q and v < x}.

Let flM = {(M,V) : (w,v) fi and Z(u, u) = r } , and define fllrl(a;) in the
obvious way.
The expected value of l(u,v), taken over all pairs (u,v) Q(x), is

*-isb|> K H
and the higher moments are

Let S(s,w) = Er>i w r E(,)6fiM ' y _ s - (This is the 'generating func-

tion' of the title of this section.) Let

G(fc>(s) = 5 > - S ] T (Z(W,n))fc.

n>l (u,n)el


G(fc)(s) = J ^ ( s , e % = 0 .
Let J4OO(V) denote the space of functions from V = {z : \z 1| < 3/2}
into C that are continuous on V and holomorphic on the interior. We equip
^4oo(V) with the sup norm. Note that the image under any linear fractional
mapping h "H of V is a complex disk strictly inside V, and carries the real
interval [0,1] into its own (real) interior. Aoo(V) is a Banach space.
Let Hs and Fs denote linear operators given by

#*[/](*) = E( n + a ; )~^ 1 /(n+2)),

*M/])(s) = ( n + * r s / ( l / ( n + aO).
71 = 2
208 Continued Fractions

For 5Rs > 1, Hs maps Ax>(V) into Aoo(V). Furthermore, Hs is compact

[Shp] and nuclear of order zero [V3]. In consequence, they have discrete
spectrum apart from a (possible) accumulation point at 0.
Furthermore, for real s > 1, Hs is a positive operator, that is, if / is
positive on [0,1] then so is Hsf. It enjoys a stronger condition along the
same lines, [V3], and in consequence, for s > 1, there is a unique domi-
nant eigenvalue A(s), and a corresponding (positive) eigenfunction ips, also
unique up to scaling. We scale so that fQ ips(x) dx = 1, and we note that
V>2, call it just ip, is our old friend the Gauss density ip(x) = l/((l+a;) log2),
while A(2) = 1. It turns out that X(s) is also given as lim r _oo J2hHr l^l _ S '
where \h\ is the denominator of h(0), or equivalently, \h\ = \fh'{x)\x=o-
Finally, let (I wHs)~1[f](x) be the mapping that takes / S X to that
F X, if it exists, such that (/ wHs)F f. For |tu| sufficiently small,
(/ - wHs)~l[f]{x) Y^T=owk(^s lf])(x)- The existence of an inverse in
other circumstances is not obvious, but perturbation theory is relevant. At
(s,w) = (2,1), (/ wHs) is singular, with a null space consisting of the
multiples of 1/(1 + x), and a complementary invariant subspace consisting
of all functions / so that f0 f(x) dx = 0. This fact constitutes a kind
of pivot for the functional analysis and perturbation theory that figures
prominently in this approach.

10.3 A Sampling of Results

Out of all this, Vallee distills the following result, here specialized to the
classical continued fraction algorithm.

Theorem 10.1 Let p be a positive integer, and let f ^ ^ ( V ) , with

/ > 0 on V Pi E. Then I Hs is an invertible operator in -i4oo(V), and for
x G V n R, for s in a neighborhood of 2,

Furthermore, the function s > X(s) is strictly decreasing on the real interval
(1, oo), while for s = a + it with a > 1 and t 6 R, the spectral radius of Hs
is strictly less than X(o) except when t = 0.

There is a Tauberian theorem due to Delange which now applies. This

theorem reads as follows:
The Generating Function Method 209

Theorem 10.2 Let a > 0. Let F(s) = Y^f ansn be a Dirichlet series
with nonnegative coefficients (an) that converges for 9i(s) > a. Assume
further that F(s) extends to an analytic function on a domain that includes
all of the vertical line 5R(s) = a with the exception of s = a, and finally,
that for some 7 > 0, F(s) has the form F(s) A(s)(s a ) - 7 - 1 + C(s)
where A and C are analytic at a with A{a) ^ 0. Then as x > 00,

With w = ez, we have

S(s,ez)= Y, v~"ezl{u'v)-

Thus GM(s) = ,S(s,ez)\z=0. But

S(s, ez) = ezFs[l}{0) + e2z(Fs o (I - ezHs)~l o HS){1]{0).

Differentiating this k times with respect to z gives an expression in which

the main term is

It now follows from the Tauberian theorem that the fcth moment of the
number of steps in the Euclidean algorithm is asymptotic to (2/h)h log x =
(12 log 2/7r2)fc log x. Similar results are obtained for the centered algorithm
and other variants; in particular, the average number of steps taken by the
centered Euclidean algorithm, on input pairs (u, v) with u < v < x, is
asymptotic to (12log</>/7r2).
From these estimates, we are led to expect that the distribution of the
number of steps l(u,v) on Qx is bunched near (121og2/7r2) logo;. It turns
out that not only is this the case, but that the distribution is in fact asymp-
totically Gaussian, or normal, with a variance also comparable to log x. The
proportionality constant for the variance is related to the second derivative
of logA(s). This result was first established, but with a weak error term
and only for the classical Euclidean algorithm, in [He4]. More recently, Bal-
adi and Vallee have established that a wide range of performance statistics
for a wide range of Euclidean algorithms exhibit Gaussian distributions,
and their results also provide essentially best-possible error estimates. We
now sketch their results and give some indication of their approach, again
limiting ourselves to the case of the number of steps taken by the classical
210 Continued Fractions

Euclidean algorithm. The following two results are the specialization to

this case of theorems in [BV].
Let A(s) = logA(2s), so that A(l) = 0. Let fi = 2/|A'(l)| = 121og2/7r2,
a n d l e t 2 = 2A"(l)/|A'(l)| 3 .
(The constant 62 is also referred to in the literature as 7 # or "Hensley's
constant".) It has been shown to be computable in polynomial time as a
function of the number of digits required, and computed rigorously to some
20 places, by Loicke Lhote, who obtained the value

7// = 0.51606240889999180681.

Theorem 10.3 (Baladi and Vallee) Uniformly for y e l , as x > oo,

1 (, N ^ l(u,v) ulogx
|fix| I ^Vlog x
e _ t /2dt + 0 . .
oo \Vlog:

Their second main result gives an estimate for how many pairs (u, v) G fix
there are for which l(u, v) takes a given value.

Theorem 10.4 Uniformly over y M., as x > oo,

|or# |( w > v ) :
Mlogx + Sy-y/logx - 1/2 < l(u, v)
< fi\ogx + Sy^x' + 1/2j = . e~y2/2 + O (--) .
i dV27rloga; Vlogz/
The proof depends heavily on a key innovation: the complex analysis is
extended from treating just a neighborhood of the critical point (s = 2 or
s = 1, depending on how we define A or A), to treating at least a punctured
half plane.
One defines again a linear operator H$tW acting on a space of functions,
but this time, a family of topologically equivalent norms is used: ||/||i,t =
sup | / | + i sup |/'|. Take


Their crucial technical result is this:

The Generating Function Method 211

Theorem 10.5 For any with 0 < < 1/5, there is a (real) neighborhood
0% of (1,0), and an M > 0, such that for all (complex) (s,tu) satisfying
( R s , 3 t o ; ) e O c and \t\ > ((1 + \/5)/2)\ ||(7 - tf^rMkt < M|t|.
By means of this result, it becomes possible to carry through a calculation
using residues and contours that deform from a vertical line.
This page is intentionally left blank
Chapter 11

Conformal Iterated Function Systems

There is a body of work, due in large measure to Daniel Mauldin and

Mariusz Urbahski, that extends and generalizes continued fractions in a
direction different from what we have seen so far. Our continued fraction
Cantor sets EM can be seen as instances of sets associated with conformal
iterated function systems. These were introduced by Mauldin and Urbahski
in [MUl] and developed further in [MU2]. A conformal iterated function
system involves a countable index set I with at least two elements, a com-
pact set X of a Euclidean space, and a set Si of injective contractions
4>j on X satisfying certain technical conditions. The restriction of these
conditions to the case in which X = [0,1] is that

(1) Uniform contraction: there must be a constant c < 1 such that for all
j I and all x,y G X, \4>j[x) 4>j(y)\ < c\x y\.
(2) Analytic extension: there must be an open interval V containing X such
that all (f>j extend to monotone continuously differentiable injections of
V into V.
(3) Bounded distortion: The bounded distortion property concerns not
only the <frj but their compositions. There must be a constant K such
that, for all functions <p formed by composing a finite number of ele-
ments of Si, (in any order and allowing repetition), and for all x, y V,

These properties are essentially satisfied by the system in which I =

M C Z + and <j>j is the function x > l / ( j + x); the snag is that if 1 M,
the uniform contraction condition applies only to compositions of two or
more <f>j] this however turns out to be sufficient for all purposes.
The connection between this system and EM is straightforward. Let
M* denote L)%LxMn. Given a word w M, let (w | n) M* denote the

214 Continued Fractions

truncation (wiw2 . wn) of w to its first n entries, and let <j>w\n denote the
composition </>i o o <f>n. Then

EM= U n^iw-
wgM00 n = l

(Note that M = ^J^M<I>J{EM)- This condition, together with the stipula-

tion that EM be a nonempty subset of X, seems to characterize EM-)
The fine structure of fractal sets can be looked at with tools other than
dimensions of one sort or another. What about density? The story here is
simple; Urbahski proves that if M ^ Z+, then EM is nowhere dense. But
there are other ways to distinguish between sets that have little holes only,
and sets that have relatively big holes at all scales.
A set E C X is porous if there exists c > 0 such that for all e > 0 and
all x 6 X there exists y e X such that the open ball about y of radius
ce is disjoint from E yet contained in the open ball about x of radius e.
Urbahski proves [U] that

T h e o r e m 11.1 EM is porous if and only if there exists 0 < 0 < 1 and

x > 0 such that for every j <E M and every x < p < j , either the integer
interval [j p, j] or the integer interval [?', j + p] contains a run of at least
\0p\ consecutive non-elements of M.

When j and 9 are small, Op < 1 so nothing is required; thus, a corollary

is that for all finite M, EM is porous.
Our next result from the work of Mauldin and Urbahski has to do with
measures associated in some cases with EM- TO describe the cases in which
these measures exist, one needs the pressure function PM of a system.
The general definition of Pi is that it is l i m n - ^ log (Swg/** l $ J a ) '
In the particular case of a continued fraction conformal iterated function
system, PM(S) = log A M ( 2 S ) . They prove that this P M is strictly decreasing
on the interval where it is finite, that for all M, dim^M is the infimum
of the set of all s such that PM(S) < 0, and that if there exists an 5 such
that PM{S) 0, or equivalently, A M ( 2 S ) = 1, then necessarily that s is the
Hausdorff dimension.
When M is finite, such an s does exists. When M is infinite, there is
the possibility that X ) n e M n _ 2 s diverges for all s < OLM, and converges for
all 5 > Mi and PM{&M) < 0, and then no such s exists. The Hausdorff
dimension of EM is then (*M, but we do not get the next nice feature: a
natural measure associated with EM and /IM-
Conformai Iterated Function Systems 215

When there exist s such that PM(S) > 0 but finite, we do get such a
measure. (We have already encountered this measure, which we termed
HM,<T, in connection with an integral representation of gM,a(t).) Mauldin
and Urbanski prove that if KM is the Hausdorff dimension of EM, a n < i if
PM(^-M) = 1, then there is a probability measure /i on [0,1] such that if
jj^keM, then p(l/(X + j) n 1/{X + k)) = 0, and for all Borel sets A of
[0,1], and all j M,

To this we add that if g is the eigenfunction associated with the leading
eigenvalue, (normalized so that g(0) = 1), of the operator LM,2HM, if v
Af, and if [[v]] denotes the interval with endpoints [v + xnin EM], [V +
max^M], then
/x([[v]]) = | v | - 2 " 5 ( { v } ) ,

which also characterizes /i. Finally, there is a connection to the structure

of LM,HM a n d V. Let A/" be the set of all / G V such that LM h f > 0 as
n > oo. Then V Rg+A/", and both H<? and A/" are invariant under LM,HM
There is a projection TTM linear operator from V onto M.g that satisfies
TTM o Lu,hM = LM,!IM OTVM = KM* and Jsf is its kernel. If CM = fgdp,,
then this projection has the integral represent

XM/= (cMl I fdpjg.

What sort of measure is this? It is supported on EM If we expand an

interval about some x not in EM, the measure of that interval may jump
from zero to some positive value. If, on the other hand, we consider the
measure of an interval (x - e, x + e) about x G EM, then as a result of one
of our characterizations of fx, it has positive measure because there is some
v G M* such that [[v]] is contained in our interval. What happens if we
expand the interval?
A measure v on X is said to have the doubling property if there exists a
constant c > 0 such that for almost all x G X (with respect to t/), and for
all 0 < e < 1,

i / ( [ x - 2 e , x + 2e]) < cv{[x - e,x + e]).

It is not terribly difficult to see that if M is finite then / i ^ has this doubling
property, so we sketch the proof before describing the results of Mauldin
216 Continued Fractions

and Urbariski concerning infinite sets M.

Fix a finite set M, and consider x EM and e > 0. There is a longest
v e M* such that x [[v]] and [[v]] C (x e,x + e). For this v, |v| will be
comparable to e~ 1,/2 , and /i([[v]]) 3> e ^ . On the other hand, if y g [[v]],
but y i?M and |x 1/| < 2e, then there exists u M* such that x = [uj+T
and y = [uk + t], with , r G jBj^f and j ^ k M. Since M is finite, it
follows that

l x ~~ y\ ^ l u l~ 2 (1 + nnn^f max.EM)
and taking w to be the shortest of these u's, over all y EM^(X26, x+2e),
we conclude that | w | - 2 <C e and (a; - 2e,x + 2e) (1 EM [[w]]. Thus
H((x - 2e, 2 + e)) = n((x -2e,x + 2c) n E M ) < A*([[w]]) < e h " .
In [MU2], it is shown that if M satisfies any one of a list of technical
conditions, then /JM exists and satisfies the doubling property. The simplest
of these conditions is that 1 ^ M. Examples are also given of M for which
/J.M exists but does not satisfy the doubling property.
Chapter 12

Convergence of Continued Fractions

Simple continued fractions (3 = \b\, b2,...] = l/(i>i + 1/(^2 + -)) m which

the partial quotients b\, b2 are positive integers, always converge, and
there are good, simple, explicit bounds for | [&i, 62> > K] P) If, however,
we allow the bj to depart from these conditions, widening the domain of
possible values to, say, the positive real numbers, then convergence is not
assured. There are also continued fractions of the form

Oi= = [{ai,b1),(a2,b2),(a3,b3),...],
h M

b2 +
63 +

in which the aj need not all be one, and again, convergence is problematic.
There are interesting and important continued fractions of this type; for
instance, [JT]
tanh(z) =
1+ z2
is a continued fraction which reduces to a simple continued fraction with
positive integer partial quotients when z = 1. But to understand the re-
stricted identity, one must understand the more general identity, and for
that, we must have some control of issues of convergence. The classic ref-
erences for this topic are Perron's Kettenbruchen [Pe], and more recently,
Jones and Thron's Continued Fractions: Analytic Theory and Applications,
218 Continued Fractions

12.1 Some General Results and Techniques


K\(aubi),... ,{ar,br)} = Kr = [(ai,h),..., (ar,br)}

bx +
b2 +

denote the finite continued fraction 'convergent' at depth r, associated with

a sequence of a's and 6's. Let Ar and Br be the formal numerator and
denominator of the rth convergent, so that AQ = 0, A\ = ai, Bo = 1,
B\ = bi, and An = bnAn-i + anAn^2, Bn = bnBn~\ + oB B _2- Let
Wn = Bn/B-\.
The exact form of a continued fraction is to some extent a matter of
presentation. A continued fraction can be rewritten in such a way that the
convergents are unchanged, for instance,

a\ 1
h + {h/a1) +
b2 + T (aib2/a2) +
b3 + ... (a2b3/aia3) + ...

We begin with an old result of Stern and Stolz.

Theorem 12.1 IfYlT l^jl < > then the sequence (Kr), given by

h+ 1
b2 -. +
fails to converge.

Proof. We give what may be a new proof, which yields en passant an

explicit lower bound for the difference \K2r K2r+i\'-

\K2r - K2r+i\ > expl - ^2 \bj\)
Convergence of Continued Fractions 219

We use the spherical representation of C, and associate to any z G C a

point p(z) G S C K3, where S is the sphere xf + x?, + (x3 - 1/2) 2 = 1/4
about (0,0,1/2) of radius 1/2: For finite z = x + iy with x and y real,
(x,2/,a;2 + y 2 )
p(x + iy) = V 2 /
1 + x 2 + ?r
is the point in S, other than (0,0,1), at which the line joining (x,y,0)
to (0,0,1) meets S. The natural completion of this representation is to
associate the complex point at infinity with the unused point (0,0,1) of S,
and we do this. Next, let p[z\,Z2] = \\p(zx) p(z2)\\ denote the Euclidean
n o r m i n R 3 ofp^)p(2 2 ). Then pis a metric on C, and |zi 2 2 | >p[zi,z2],
with equality if and only if z\ = z 2 .
The key step in the proof is the following
Lemma 12.1 Ifu, v, and w are complex numbers, then

\\ogp[u + z,v + z] - logp[u,v]\ < \z\.

Proof. We use an identity which is, while simple enough to state, rather
a chore to verify. For real t,
z(u + tz) z(v + tz)
log p[u + tz, v + tz] = -5ft
l + \u + tz\2 l + \v + tz\2
It is sufficient for this claim, that if ui,U2, v\,V2, and 21,22 are the real
and complex parts of u, v, and z respectively, then
d p2\u + tz,v + tz] _ _ (U\Z\ +U2Z2 V1Z1 +V2Z2\
~dt p2[u,v] t=0~ \l + u\ + u2 l + v2+v2)
Verifying this last statement is a matter of multiplying everything out and
cancelling, which is a fit task for a computer algebra system. We choose
Mathematica. In actual use, intermediate steps for the code below may be
viewed by suppressing the semicolons, and instead executing the lines, one
by one, by entering on the keyboard a Return command in place of each

rhosqrd [u_, v_] : = (p [u] -p [v] ) . (p [u] -p [v] ) ;
expn=rhosqrd[t{zl ,z2}+-[ul ,u2> , t { z l ,z2}+-[vl ,v2}] ;
expnprime=(D[expn,t])/.t->0; expn0=expn/.t->0;
and then
220 Continued Fractions

claimed=-2({zl ) z2}.{ul,u2}/(l+ul-2+u2"2)+
{zl,z2}.-Cvl,v2}/(l+vl"2+v2"2)) ;

and finally,


and when zero is returned, we have verified the identity. The utility of this
identity comes from the fact that in general, for real z\, Z2, w\, and u>2,
we have (zl,z2) (wi,u>2) < \/zf + z^y/wf + w\. Thus in the right hand
side of the identity we just verified, the expression to be multiplied by 2
is no greater than | | z | , so that the expression is no less than \z\. As
this holds for all t in [0,1], it follows by integration from zero to one that
|log/o[u + z,v + z] logp[u,v]\ < \z\ as claimed.
Armed with this lemma, we now consider two finite lists, both depending
on n and on the initial segment (6i, 62, , ^2n+i) of our sequence (b). We
set zo[n] = 0, wo[n] = 00, and then use the recurrence relations

Zfc w
W =1 ; rT' kln} = r ; n
02n+2-fc + Zfc-1 [n\ 02n+2-k + Wk-1 [n\
for 1 < k < 2n + 1 with the result that 22n+i[n] = -Ji^n+i is the 2n +
1st convergent of our continued fraction, while W2n+i[n] = K(2n) is the
immediately preceding 2nth convergent. Initially, p[zo[n],to0[n]] = 1. As A;
increases, the pair (zk-i,Wk-i) is replaced first by (z^-i +&2n+2-fc, wk-i +
^2n+2-fc), which has the effect of multiplying p[z, w] by a factor of at least
exp[ |&2n+2-fc|], followed by inversion of both z and w, which has no effect,
as p[z, w] = p[l/z, 1/w}. Thus,
p[zk,Wk] > exp - 2 J b2n+2-j

and in particular, p[K2n+u K2n] > exp - X)i" + 1 l^jl

See also Theorem 7.4 of [Be] for a recently discovered conceptual proof.
There is a partial converse to the theorem of Stern and Stolz, due to Van
Vleck. [ W ] .
T h e o r e m 12.2 Let (b) = (bi,b2,...) G C , e > 0, and assume that for
all n > 1, - 7 T / 2 + e < arg[6n] < 7r/2 - e. Let Kn = [bi,b2,..., bn] be the
convergent of depthn in the continued fraction l/(J>i + l/(&2 + l/(^3 + - )))

(1) Both (K2n) and (K2n+i) converge to finite complex values.

Convergence of Continued Fractions 221

(2) Each Kn is finite and nonzero, and ir/2 + e < arg[i^ n ] < 7r/2 e.
(3) There is a complex number K so that

lim K2n = lim #2n+i = K

n*oo n*oo
if and only if ^2\bn\ = oo.
Here, we give Jerry Lange's constructive proof of his recent strengthened
version of this result [LJ].
T h e o r e m 12.3 Suppose (bn) is a sequence of nonzero complex numbers
within the wedge V[e] = {z e C | z ^ 0 and |arg(z)| < 7r/2 e}. Let
fn = [ 6 i , . . . , 6 n ] . Then

(1) (/2n) and (/2n-i) both converge to finite values, f& and fo say, in
(2) All fn are finite complex numbers in V[e\.
(3) (fn) converges, that is, fE = fo = f, if and only if
I l f c ^ 1 + \kVJk-i\sme) diverges.
(4) Yl'k'=2(^ + \bkWk-i\ sine) converges if and only i / ^ J |6fc| diverges.
(5) If this sum diverges, then

|/-/n-ll< ,* , <
M[BnBn-i] " [&i]II]U(l + M>fc-i|sine)"

Proof. We first prove the last item. Recall that if Mo = 1 1 and if

Mn = Mn-X ( *) then Mn = ( ^ ^n) where

-51 = : = [b\,...,bn].
On 1
b2+ '

We now use an idea which has played a significant role in both the study
of the more general analytic continued fractions currently under discussion,
and in the dynamical analysis of algorithms related to continued fractions.
The linear fractional transformations on C, given by ht, : z > 1/(6 + z),
are intimately connected to continued fractions. If we have a sequence
(&i,62, ) in mind, we let tn = hbn. In general, a linear fractional trans-
formation on C is a mapping <j> : z > (az + b)/(cz + d), where ^ 0 .
222 Continued Fractions

The set of linear fractional transformations on C, with the operation of

function composition, is a group. The identity element is the identity func-
tion. Linear fractional transformations are meromorphic on C and map the
set of lines and circles in C onto the set of lines and circles. Their specific
relevance to continued fractions comes from the fact that if

T(b,n) = Tbub2, =hb1ohb2o---ohbn = h o otn

rri / \ An + ZAn\

Let us fix (6), and abbreviate T(b,n) to Tn. Lange introduces the notation
/ = k = T "() = T"+i()- Now

Anl An An2 An
= |M| = ( - ! ) " and
Bn-i Bn Bn-2 Bn

Lange sets hn = T~l(oo) = B " = l/[bn,... ,b\\. Observe that HQ = oo,

hi = b\, and for n > 2, hn = bn + l / / i n _ i , because [bn,..., &i] = l/{bn +
[b-i,..., 6i]). Furthermore,

Tn{hn) = + = ifn+fn i)
l(k fe) \ ~
Next, we define a finite list of subsets of C. Let 0 < 6 < TT/2 and let VQ be
the closed right half plane of C, that is,

V0 = {z G C | z = x + iy with x>0,y eR}.

Then let

Vi = hVo = 1/(6: + V0) = {z e C | 3u e C, z = ti(u)},

V2 = tMVo) = T2V0,..., Vn = [h, b2,..., bn + Vo\.

Then V0 D Vx D V2 ..., and fm e Vn for m>n. Thus

m > n => \fm - fn\ < diamV.

This brings us to the crux of the matter: Why is Vn small?
Well known properties of linear fractional transformations on C give us
the following start: Vn is a closed disk in C containing, on its boundary, the
points An/Bn = r(0), (An + a _ i ) / ( 5 n + t _ i ) = T(), and Tn(-i).
A somewhat painful calculation, which we relegate to another Mathematica
Convergence of Continued Fractions 223

session, now establishes that the diameter of the circle through these three
points is l/^t(BnBn-i).
A lower bound for Dn = R(BnBn-i) will serve to bound diamV^, so we
calculate D0 = 0, D\ = 5R[6i], and then

Dn = *t\BnBn-i] = 3J[(6S_! + 5 _ 2 ) 5 _ ! ]
= >_! + SR[fc]|5n_i|2] = D_! + U\bn)\hn-1\\Bn-{EZ3[
> D - l ( l + [6]|Wn-l|).

Thus, for n > 1,

A i > A - i ( l + K[&n]h"-il)

so that

I > n > I > i n ( l + 8lN|;fc-i|)



This completes the proof of the last item in Lange's Van Vleck theorem.
Now if X)IM converges, then by the Stern-Stolz theorem, (/) diverges,
and indeed, as we have seen, diamV^ > exp[ ^ ^ |6fc|], so that

J J ( l + |6fcw;fc_i|sine)< expf ^ \bk\ J .

This proves one direction of the third item. In the other direction, if the
product at issue converges, we set dk bkWk-i, and calculate that (1+dfc
WkWk-i), so t h a t

<J2n I!? (l + d2k-2) 2n+1

, _12n+1
, , n^C 1 +^2fc-l)
viEd+daib-i) " nra+^o
Now fl^-'- + |^fcWfc_i|sine) is presumed to converge, so X)l^*l converges,
so the products of the twin identities above for &2n and &2n+i converge, so
that bn is comparable to dn in absolute value. Thus, J2 l&n| converges. This
proves the other direction of the third claim in the theorem.
The second item is an immediate consequence of the fourth. This leaves
the first item, or strictly speaking, that subcase in which J2 IM converges.
224 Continued Fractions

Now, let D denote the reciprocal of the diameter of Vn. Here, we calculate

|/n - / n - 2 | s i n e = K
l-B n B_i| | B n _ i 5 n _ 2 |
D n - D_! / 1
< <
DnDn- Dn-l D.n - 2 Dn- Dn

Since (Dn) is a monotone increasing sequence, the sequence of values of

(l/Dn-2 - l/Dn) converges.

There are numerous other results on convergence of continued fractions. We

give one of these, but without proof. The new classic in this realm is Jones
and Thron's Continued Fractions: Analytic Theory and Applications. [JT].

Theorem 12.4 The continued fraction a i / ( l + 02/(1 + 3 / ( l + )))

converges if and only if at least one of the series

02^4 . . . fl2n
a^as ... a2n+i
0305 . . . Cl2n+1
a^a6 . . . a 2 n + 2


Finally, we mention again the work of Beardon, [Be], who has linked
continued fractions to the theory of Mobius maps of C U 00 and their ex-
tensions to maps of hyperbolic 3-space H 3 , where they become isometries.
This allows him to provide new proofs of classical theorems and to extend
some of them to multiple-dimensional analogues of continued fractions.

12.2 Special Analytic Continued Fractions

One begins the study of analytic continued fractions with the obser-
vation that it is perfectly legitimate to consider fractions of the form
ao + bi/(cn + b2/(a2 + )) where the bt need not be 1. The calculation of
the corresponding pr and qr proceeds almost as in the case of simple con-
tinued fractions, with the difference that the recurrence relation becomes
pr = arpr-i + brpr_2, qr = a r ? r - i + bTqr-i- There is a matrix version of
Convergence of Continued Fractions 225

this: Let M_i := ( ) and for r > 0 let

Mr = Mr_! ( 6r
where 60 is by convention 1. Particular interest attaches to cases in which
br involves a complex variable z. For a modern survey of the subject, see
Space does not permit a complete development of this topic, but it is
possible to give the flavor, and to then explain some classical and famous
continued fraction identities such as the one for e.
We begin with a discussion of analytic continued fractions in general.
An analytic continued fraction is a continued fraction


a\\z) +
, , +,
a3(z) + b3(Z)/(a4(z) + ...)
where the functions dj(z) and bj(z) are complex analytic functions. All the
applications made here concern the case in which all dj(z) and bj(z) are
polynomials, so that the convergents are rational functions of z. This makes
them relatively tractable objects computationally, and one may hope that
for certain complex analytic functions, a continued fraction approximation
furnishes faster convergence, over a wider domain, than do partial sums of
the Laurent expansion of a function. There are now some general theorems
in this vein. There is the basic notion of 'correspondence': a continued
fraction corresponds to a meromorphic function / = X ^ J V cnzTl if t n e
Laurent series of the convergents agree, coefficient by coefficient, with that
for / , to a depth which tends to infinity as the depth of the continued
fraction expansion increases.
One of the earliest discovered remarkable identities in continued frac-
tions is that

tanh(l) = 1 + 1/(3 + 1/(5 + 1/(7 + . . . ) ) ) .

There are numerous identities along these lines, and most of them are now
understood to be special cases of a few more general theorems in analytic
226 Continued Fractions

continued fractions. The first order generalization of the above identity is

tanh(z) =

valid for all z other than poles of tanh(^). Although some continued fraction
formulas are slow to converge, this one has excellent and rapid convergence.
Plots of tanh over C would require four-dimensions so we show the log of the
absolute value as a contour plot, both for the five-layered continued fraction
and for the function log | tanh(j/ + ix) | (switching x and y for convenience
of display):


I) w
0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Fig. 12.1 tanh and its continued fraction approximation.

But this identity is still just the tip of the iceberg. The yet more general
result (in Volume 2, page 104 of [Pe]) is that if

OO t. fc1

k=i ?=o '

then with the exception of those x for which ^1(7 + 1; x) = 0,

* ! ( 7 + l;x) 7 + 7 + 1+
7+2+ ^ i ^

Taking 7 = 1/2 and setting x = z2/4 in the formula directly above gives
a result equivalent to the one for tanh(.z).
The formal correctness of this more general formula is an immediate
Convergence of Continued Fractions 227

consequence of the recursive identities

$i(r,x) = j^>ih+l;x) + x^1(j+2;x)

and the consequent recursive system

#1(7 + 71; a) = (7 + 71)^1(7 + 71+ l;x) + 1*1(7 + n + 2\x).

Perron shows that one has equality, rather than the weaker formal power
series agreement, giving this case as an example of Theorem 2.46, criterion
B p.97.
Still more general power series identities involve the hypergeometric
Let F(a, /?, 7; x) := 1 + ~ x ^ t o ( + f f i + J ) These are the hyper-
geometric functions, and they will come up again later in this chapter. For
now, their importance is that

F(a,(3,r,x) _ axx
F(a,/3 + l , 7 + l ; z ) 1+

where a2k = -(/? + A:)(7 ~ a + k)/h + 2k- 1)(7 + 2k) and a2k+\ = -{a +
k)h~0 + k)/h + 2k)(-y + 2k + l). Here, "U ~ V" means that a given power
series and a given rational function agree formally, coefficient by coefficient.
The proof of this formal identity is inductive, based on two simple power
series identities involving hypergeometric functions:

ah - 0)
F(a,0,r,x) = F(a,0 + ln+l;x)- ^ ^xF(a + 1,0+ 1,7 + 2;s)

3(y - a)
F(a, 0,7; x) = F(a + 1,0,7 + 1; x) - ^-f xF(a + 1,0 + 1,7 + 2; z),
7(7 + 1)
which are readily checked by referring to the definition of F. Now with

F ( a + n, /3 + n, 7 + 2n; a;)
2 n W
' F ( a + n,/3 + n + l , 7 + 2n + l;a ; )

F(a + n, /? + n + 1,7 + 2n + 1; x)
2n+l (*):=
-F(a + n + 1,0 + n + 1,7 + 2n + 2; z)
228 Continued Fractions

an application of the identities above using {a + n, (3 + n , 7 + 2n) or (a +

n, (3 + n + 1,7 + 2n + 1) in place of ( a , /?, 7) gives
r> / x -> . a2n+lX , _ , . a2n+2^
P 2 n (:r) = 1 + T a n d P 2^n++ 11 (V: r )' = 1 + P 2 n + 2 W

a n d a ftom
where a 2 n + 1 = - ( ffi")(7+2+i) ^+2 = - ^t+Vh+tn^)
this it follows t h a t
F ( a , /?, 7; x) ^ aix
F(a,/3+1,7+1;^) 1+ T I ^

as claimed.
T h e continued fraction expansion of ez is
= 1+
2-z +
2+ ^ 5

A detailed t r e a t m e n t of this identity with attention t o convergence m a y

be found in Perron, in the section on P a d e approximations. I t is implicit
in t h e proof t h a t convergence is uniform on compact subsets of C, with a
small error inside \z\ < l o g n for the n * " convergent. It t u r n s out t h a t t h e
error remains small for \z\ < n/2. Since t h e n t h rational approximation has
poles within \z\ < 3 n / 2 for large n, this is essentially best possible.
To prove this, first let pn{z) and qn(z) be t h e numerator a n d denomi-
nator in t h e expansion of t h e continued fraction above t o d e p t h n, scaled
so t h a t t h e constant t e r m in each polynomial is 1. Equivalently, pn(z) is
the polynomial given by po = l,p\ = 1 + z/2, a n d for n > 2, by

M*)=Pn-l(z) + 4 ( 2 n _ 1 ) ( 2 n _3)^-^)

and qn(z) pn{z). These polynomials are known explicitly a n d have

been studied extensively; they are also given by pn(z) YJk=o (2ni^Jn-k}
T h e o r e m 12.5 For all n>l and all z with \z\ < n/2,

e-*-l <2"
Proof. We use the classical identity

pn{z) - qn{z)e* = > J etz{l - t)"t" dt
Convergence of Continued Fractions 229

and we use a result of Saff and Varga [SV] concerning the zeros of qn{z):
all zeros of qn(z) lie in the right half plane, and outside the parabola y2 <
4(n + l ) ( n + l x). From this it follows immediately that \Cn,k\ > n + lfor
each of the zeros (n,k, 1 < k < n of qn. It is sufficient to prove the result
with an error of 2 - n _ 1 in the right half plane because if u 1 then 1/u m 1,
and taking u pn(z)e~z /qn(z) with 3?[z] > 0 we have \pn(z)ez/qn(z)
1| = \qn{z)/(jpn[z)e-z) - 1| < 2~" because \pn{z)e~z/qn{z) - 1| < 2~n~l.
Turning now to the proof of the bound for K(z) > 0 and \z\< n / 2 , we first
observe that from the integral identity for pn qnez we have

(n/2) 2n+l (n/2) 2 " + 1 (n!) 2

\pn{z)e z
-qn(z)\ < f (l-t)ntn( ,t(*-l)
(2n)! Jo (2n)!(2n+l)! '

Now qn(z) = ^ ( - l j n n L i C * - Ck,n) so that for \z\ < n/2, \l/qn(z)\ <
^ ( l + n / 2 ) - " . Thus

Pn{z) 12n+l (n!)2" - 2 n - l 2" n"+12_n_1

< Hin+j)-1 < 2- n-- 2
qn(z) 2n+l

Saff and Varga have studied the zeros of pn. They obtain remarkably
complete information [SV] for the asymptotic behavior of the zeros of pn
(The zeros of qn, which are the poles of the Pade rational approximations
to ez, are the negatives of these zeros). The zeros of pn lie close to the curve
2nT where r = {z : $t(z) > 0 and = 1}. The relative density of
zeros along this curve is proportional to the derivative of the argument of
this modulus-one quantity with respect to arc length as one moves along
r . The nearest point to zero along this curve lies within distance 2/3 of
the origin so that poles of pn/qn will be found within distance 4n/3 of the
origin for large n. The polynomials pn(2x) and pn{2x) are themselves
serviceable approximations to ex and e~x respectively; fn(x) := pn{1x)
satisfies the differential equation fn(x) = fn{x) 2 n ^ ^ / n - i ( a : ) , from which
it follows that for 0 < x < n/2, fn(x) = e *-0* 2 /(2n-i) w n e r e 0 < 0 < 1.
It seems likely that similar results could be established for a wide class
of classical analytic continued fraction expansions.
We now give a small list of some other continued fraction identities in-
volving well-known functions. (16) p 103 Perron: (Laplace, Jacobi, Seidel)
230 Continued Fractions

e - ' 2 dt =
k 1+ _ V2e
1 2/2g2
3/2 2
1 +
1 + ...

e* = 1 + a:/(l - (x/2)/(l + (a:/6)/(l - (x/6)/(l + ( i / 1 0 ) / ( l - ...)))))

log((l+a:)/(l-a:)) =

2x/{\ - x2/(3 - 4z 2 /(5 - 9x 2 /(7 - 16z 2 /(9 - ...)))))

(for |x| < 1)

ez = 1/(1 - 2/(1 + z/(2 - 2/(3 + 2^/(4 - 22/(5 + 32/(6 - 32...)))))))

[JT] page 207.

log(l + z) = .
3+ 42
4 + 5 + 92/(7 + 9 2 / . . . )

Equivalently, log(l + z) = z/(l + ai/(z + 02/(2 + . . . ) ) ) , where a^n =

n/(2(2n + 1)) and a 2 n +i = ( n + l)/(2(2n + 1)), and for 2 not in (00, 1].
Other special functions for which continued fraction expansions are
known include, but are not limited to, arctan2, the Bessel function ratio
Jv+i(z)/Ju{z), (1 + z)a (for non-integer a), and j(a, z) = JQZ i a _ 1 e _ t dt.

R e m a r k 12.1 Francis Clarke, Continued Fraction Expansions and the

Legendre Polynomials, Bull. London Math. Soc. 18 (1986) 255-260, gives
a clean proof of the (classical) identities

e'1" = 1 +
Convergence of Continued Fractions 231

(valid for integer k > 1;) these are based on specializing the expansion
for ez. The classical continued fraction expansion of e, (case k = 2
above) follows from this by an induction showing that the convergents of the
above continued fraction constitute every third convergent to this classical
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absolutely continuous, 79, 86 Banach space, 54, 87, 162, 167, 207
algebraic extension, 125, 126 Bandtlow, 87
algebraic integer, 26, 28, 29, 126, 127, basis: lattice, 29, 102
129, 137, 141-143 basis: reduced, 102
algebraic integer-quartic, 82 Bessel function, 184, 230
algebraic number, 24, 100, 125, 127, binary shift, 3
136 Borel set, 215
algorithm, 1, 2, 7, 11, 31, 34, 36, 41, Borosh, 154
44, 45, 150 Bosma, 49
algorithm-CF, 61 bounded distortion property, 213
algorithm-Euclidean, 3 bounded linear operator, 90, 186
algorithm-Lagarias, 128 bounded partial quotients, 33, 34, 37,
algorithm: Pincke-Pohst, 115, 116 39, 45, 46, 161
algorithm: Gauss, 102 bridge, 145, 150
algorithm: Jacobi-Perron, 127 Burger, 21
algorithm: LLL, 29, 103, 116
analytic continued fraction, 224 Cantor set, 145, 213
approximation error, 8, 70, 71, 75, Cassels, 100
127 Cauchy's inequality, 89
approximation error-best possible, 14, Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, 182, 185,
104 199
approximation error-normalized, 49 centered continued fraction, 40, 41,
approximation-simultaneous, 101 72, 206
Askey, 185, 188 CF algorithm, 61
Astels, 145, 151 Clarke, 230
Cohen, 28
Bohmer, 19 Cohn, H., 19
Babenko, 181 compact operator, 87, 90, 91, 169,
badly approximable, 143 170, 189
badly approximable vector, 18, 100, compact operator: s-numbers of, 170
125, 127, 128 compact set, 177
Baladi, 209 conformal, 93, 94

242 Continued Fractions

conjugates-of an algebraic number, determinant-of a lattice, 21, 104

134 dimension-of a lattice, 102
continuant, 6, 76 Diophantine approximation, 13, 100,
continued fraction algorithm-Hurwitz, 102, 111
71 Dirichlet pigeonhole principle, 127
continued fraction Cantor set, 36, Dirichlet series, 209
145, 161, 163 discrepancy, 13, 18, 39, 45, 46
continued fraction expansion, 225, discrete spectrum, 208
229-231 Divis, 151
continued fraction expansion-tanh(z), dominant eigenvalue, 92, 156, 166
225 doubling property, 216
continued fraction expansion-e", 71 doubling property-of a measure, 215
continued fraction expansion-for Drmota, 100, 127
log(l + z), 230 dynamical system, 50-52, 205
continued fraction expansion-of e z , dynamical system-extension, 58
continued fraction expansion-unusual, eigenfunction, 53, 206, 215
19, 20, 82 eigenfunction-dominant, 32
continued fraction eigenfunction-positive, 208
expansions-miscellaneous, 230 eigenvalue-dominant, 53, 215
continued fraction-analytic, 225 ellipse, 128
continued fraction-convergent, 10-12, Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, 44
14, 17, 21, 24 entropy, 206
continued fraction-nonconvergence of, ergodic, 49-51, 57, 63, 155, 206
218 Euclid, 1
continued fraction-periodic, 8, 9 Euclidean algorithm, 1, 3, 4, 7, 30,
continued fraction-purely periodic, 9, 103
10 Euclidean algorithm-binary, 3
continued fraction-rewriting, 218 Euclidean algorithm-centered, 3
continued fraction-terminating, 8 Euclidean algorithm-extended, 4
convergent, 14, 72, 75, 218, 225, 231 Euclidean domain, 23, 24
convex polytope, 125 Euler, 5
convex set, 117, 119
convex-polyhedron, 119 field-algebraic, 28
correspondence-of a continued field-extension, 29
fraction to a function, 225 Fincke-Pohst algorithm, 31, 115
Cusick, 153, 164 finite field, 5, 7, 24, 25, 33
cylinder, 134 Flahive, 153
Flajolet, 31, 190
Daude, 31 folding lemma, 20
degree-of a field extension, 133 fractal, 46, 81, 163
degree-of a polynomial, 24, 26 fractal set, 214
degree-of an algebraic number, 127, fractal string, 166
129, 131, 133-138, 140, 141 Frankenhuysen, 166
Delange, 208 Freiman, 152
determinant, 6, 101, 113, 118, 119 Friesen, 5, 26
Index 243

fundamental set of units, 132 hyperbola, 129

fundamental unit-of an algebraic hyperbolic tangent, 225
number field, 129 hypergeometric function, 227

Gauss, 102, 108, 155 ideal, 28, 29

Gauss density, 79, 158 ideal-finitely generated, 29
Gauss measure, 51, 56 individual ergodic theorem, 51, 52
Gauss-Kuz'min theorem, 73, 79, 156, integral basis, 29
157 integral basis-of an ideal, 29
Gaussian (normal) distribution, 2, invariant density, 79, 86, 155, 206
209 invariant measure, 56
Gaussian integer, 23, 26, 27, 30, 67, invariant subspace, 208
74, 77, 80, 94 inverse branch, 205
gcd, 1, 2, 4, 7, 13, 26, 28, 113, 118, iterated function system, 213, 214
gcd-of ideals, 29 Jacobi, 101, 229
generating function, 207 Jacobi symbol, 4
geodesic, 106 Jacobi-Perron algorithm, 101, 127
geometric zeta function, 166 Jager, 49
golden mean, 19 Jenkinson, 87, 175
good denominator, 127, 129, 132, Jones, 217, 224
135-137, 139, 143
good unit, 133-137 Kessenbohmer, 176
Gram-Schmidt algorithm, 102, 103 Kmosek, 19
Grothendieck, 189 Knopfmacher, 61
group, 4, 29, 222 Krasnoselskii, 87, 167
group-generator, 4 Krasnoselskii generalization, 176, 177,
Hadamard, 12 Kronecker algorithm, 4
Hall, 145
Halton sequence, 46 Levy metric, 177
Hammersley sequence, 46 Lagarias, 119
Harman, 21 Lagarias geodesic algorithm, 67, 128
Hausdorff dimension, 36, 37, 100, Lagrange, 13
163-166, 174, 214, 215 Lagrange spectrum, 145, 153
Hensley's constant, 210 Laguerre polynomial, 182, 184, 186
Hermite, 32, 105, 107 Laguerre polynomial-generalized, 185
Hermite approximation, 107 Lange, 221-223
Hermite denominator, 32, 107, 108, Lapidus, 166
111-115, 125, 128 Laplace, 155, 229
Hilbert space, 168, 181, 189 lattice, 21, 30, 34, 102, 132
holomorphic, 207 lattice basis, 29, 102, 103, 108
holomorphic function, 90 lattice determinant, 104
Hurwitz algorithm, 71, 72, 79, 80 lattice reduction, 21, 28, 29, 31, 32,
Hurwitz, A., 8, 72 102-104, 108
Hurwitz, J., 74 lattice reduction-Gaussian, 31
244 Continued Fractions

Laurent series, 225 ordered derivation, 149

Lebesgue measure, 79, 86, 100, 161, orthogonal set-of eigenvectors, 189
166 orthogonal vectors, 30
Legendre, 4 orthonormal set, 64, 170
Legendre polynomial, 230
Lenstra, A., 103 Pade approximation, 228, 229
Lenstra, H., 12, 49, 50, 103 parabola theorem, 224
Lhote, 204, 210 PARI, 158
linear fractional, 94, 95, 110, 205, partial quotient, 7, 11, 17, 111, 217
207, 221 partition-of C, 67
linear functional, 54 Pell's equation, 10, 11
linear operator, 53, 156, 162, 207, 210 Perron, 101, 217, 227-229
LLL algorithm, 29, 31, 103 Perron-Frobenius theorem, 87, 167,
LLL reduction, 102, 103 176
LLL-reduced, 103, 104 perturbation theory, 208
log convexity, 195 pigeonhole principle, 127
log convexity-strict, 202 Pisot-Vijayaraghavan number, 26, 131
Lovasz, 103 point spectrum, 189
polynomial-primitive, 25
porous-fractal set, 214
Markoff spectrum, 145, 153
positive cone, 92
Markoff triple, 154
positive operator, 87, 156, 176, 208
Mathematica, 1, 2, 185, 219, 222
positive: wo-positive, 87, 176
Mauldin, 175, 213-216
pressure function, 214
Mayer, 170
prime-sum of two squares, 20
meromorphic, 222 principal ideal domain, 30
Minkowski dimension, 163, 166 probability density, 79, 87, 155, 156,
Minkowski reduced, 108, 112-114, 158, 206
116, 118 projection, 87, 180, 215
Minkowski reduction, 28, 102 proper cone, 176
Minkowski's theorem, 104 pseudo-random numbers, 25, 34
Minkowski-reduced, lexicographic, pseudorandom, 82
Minkowski-reduced: forward-reduced, quadratic irrational, 8, 9, 12, 18
114-116, 118 quadratic nonresidue, 20, 31
mixing, 51, 57, 59-61, 87 quadratic residue, 4
modular inverse, 5
modular tiling, 105 random number, 155
Montel's theorem, 91 random walk, 18
reduced basis, 28, 102
Nair, 50, 51 regular chain, 67, 68
Niederreiter, 25, 33, 34, 36, 46 relatively prime, 5
Niederreiter net, 46 reproducing cone, 176
NP-hard, 31, 115, 125 restricted partial quotients, 50
nuclear of order zero, 186, 208 Riemann sum, 56
null space, 179, 180, 208 Riesz representation theorem, 179
Index 245

Rohlin, 206 Tauberian theorem, 208, 209

Rohlin's formula, 206 Tessler, 45
Thron, 217, 224
Saff, 229 Tichy, 100, 127
Sander, 36 trajectory, 205
scaled error, 82, 83, 85, 127, 130, 139, transfer operator, 63, 87, 91, 155
142 tree, 12, 13, 93, 97, 145, 150, 154, 164
scaled error-typical, 49 tree-binary, 145, 146
Schmidt, A., 27, 67, 72 tree-bridge, 145
Schmidt, W., 100 tree-formal, 145, 146
Schoifiengeier, 46 tree-gap, 145, 146
Seidel, 229 tree-interval, 146
Shallit, 12, 19
Sierpinski gasket, 100 unimodular matrix, 113
signature-of a field extension, 132, unit-of an algebraic number field, 129
133 Urbanski, 175, 213-216
signature-of an algebraic number,
138, 141 Vallee, 4, 31, 181, 190, 205, 208, 209
simultaneous diophantine van der Poorten, 12
approximation, 32, 101 van der Poorten-Shallit constant, 20
Sloane, 44 Van Vleck, 220, 223
Smith, 19 Vandermonde matrix, 131
spectral gap, 167, 198 Vardi, 11
spectral gap-uniform, 190 Varga, 229
spectral radius, 32, 87, 163, 165, 208 variance, 209
spectrum, 182, 189, 190 Vitali convergence theorem, 91
spectrum-discrete, 208
spherical representation of C, 219 weak mixing, 51, 52
statistics, 25 Weyl, H., 172
statistics-of an algorithm , 209 Wiedijk, 49
Stern, 218 Wirsing, 156-158
Stilwell, 106 Wirsing constant, 157
Stirling's formula, 188 Wong, 21
Stolz, 218 word, 40, 41, 213
Su, 17
sum of two squares-prime, 20 Zaremba, 34, 162
sum-of sets, 145 Zaremba's conjecture, 34, 38
surface, 138, 139, 141, 142 Zhu, 176
surface-for scaled errors, 138
he Euclidean a l g o r i t h m is one o f t h e oldest in
mathematics, while the study of continued fractions
as tools of a p p r o x i m a t i o n goes back at least t o Euler
and Legendre. While our understanding of continued
fractions and related methods for simultaneous
d i o p h a n t i n e a p p r o x i m a t i o n has burgeoned over the
course of the past decade and more, many of the results
have n o t been b r o u g h t t o g e t h e r in b o o k f o r m .
C o n t i n u e d f r a c t i o n s have b e e n s t u d i e d f r o m t h e
perspective of number theory, complex analysis, ergodic
theory, dynamic processes, analysis of algorithms, and
even theoretical physics, which has further complicated
the situation.

This book places special emphasis o n continued fraction

Cantor sets and the Hausdorff dimension, algorithms
and analysis o f a l g o r i t h m s , a n d m u l t i - d i m e n s i o n a l
algorithms for simultaneous diophantine approximation.
Extensive, attractive computer-generated graphics are
presented, and the underlying algorithms are discussed
and made available.


World Scientific
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