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Lecturer: Dr. Hossam Hassan

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Computers and Systems Engineering

Essential Books
1- Introduction to Digital Image Processing
- William K. Pratt, CRC Press, 2013

2- Digital Image Processing

- Rafael Gonzalez and Richard Woods, Third Edition, Prentice Hall, 2008

3- Digital Image Processing using MATLAB

- Rafael Gonzalez, Richard Woods and Steven Eddins, Prentice Hall, 2008

4- Image processing, analysis and machine vision

- Milan Sonka, Vaclav Hlavac and Roger Boyle, Third edition, Thomson
Learning, London, 2008
Course Contents
Digital Image Fundamentals
Image Enhancement in the Spatial Domain
Image Enhancement in the Frequency Domain
Edge Detection
Image Segmentation
Representation and Description
Introduction to Object Recognition

Grading System
Final examination 40%
Midterm examination 25%
Attendance 5%
Quizzes 10% (Bets two out of three)
Assignments/Reports 20%

A quiz may be given without being informed before.
Copying assignment is prohibited.
Delay of submission influences on marks.
No Plagiarism!
Early days of computing, data was numerical.
Later, textual data became more common.
Today, many other forms of data: voice, music,
speech, images, computer graphics, etc.
Each of these types of data are signals.
Loosely defined, a signal is a function that
conveys information.
Relationship of Signal Processing
to other fields
As long as people have tried to send or receive
through electronic media : telegraphs,
telephones, television, radar, etc. there has been
the realization that these signals may be affected
by the system used to acquire, transmit, or
process them.
Sometimes, these systems are imperfect and
introduce noise, distortion, or other artifacts.
Understanding the effects these systems have and
finding ways to correct them is the fundamental of
signal processing.
Sometimes, these signals are specific messages
that we create and send to someone else (e.g.,
telegraph, telephone, television, digital networking,
That is, we specifically introduce the information
content into the signal and hope to extract it out

Acquiring Compress Encode and

Natural Enhance
for Transmit over
Image Picture
Transmission Digital network


Codes of Decode Decompress Display
Concerned fields:
Digital Communication


Speech Synthesis and Recognition

Computer Graphics

Image Processing

Computer Vision
What is Image Processing?
Image processing is a subclass of signal
processing concerned specifically with pictures.

Improve image quality for human perception

and/or computer interpretation.
Several fields deal with images
Computer Graphics : the creation of images.

Image Processing : the enhancement or other

manipulation of the image the result of which is
usually another images.

Computer Vision: the analysis of image content.

Several fields deal with images
Principal application areas

1. Improvement of pictorial information for human


2. Processing of image data for storage,

transmission, and representation for autonomous
machine perception.

Pictorial: of or expressed in pictures; illustrated

Image Processing Examples
Mosaic from 21 source images

Mosaic from 33
source images

source: M. Borgmann, L. Meunier, EE368 class project, spring 2000.

Image Processing Examples
Image Morphing
Image Processing Examples
Face Detection
Image Processing Examples
Face Blurring for Privacy Protection
Image Processing Examples
Object Recognition
Different Image Types and
Gamma-Ray Imaging
Nuclear Image
(a) Bone scan
(b) PET (Positron emission
tomography) image
(c) Cygnus Loop
Nuclear Reaction
(d) Gamma radiation from a
reactor valve
X-ray Imaging

Medical diagnostics
(a) chest X-ray (familiar)
(b) aortic angiogram
(c) head CT
Industrial imaging
(d) Circuit board
(e) Cygnus Loop
Imaging in Visible and
Infrared Bands
Light microscopy
(a) taxol (anticancer agent)
(b) Cholesterol
Micro-inspection to materials
(c) Microprocessor
(d) Nickel oxide thin film
(e) Surface of audio CD
(f) Organic superconductor
Remote sensing
Remote Sensing: Weather Observations
Imaging in Radio Band
Ultrasound Imaging
Generated images by computer
3 types of computerized process

Image Analysis Examples: reading bar coded tags or as

sophisticated as identifying a person from his/her face.
Fundamental steps
Image Acquisition:
Frame Grabber
Image Enhancement
Image Restoration
Color Image Processing
Morphological processing
Image Segmentation
Representation & Description
Representation & Description
Recognition & Interpretation
Knowledge base
Human and Computer Vision
Simple questions

What is Vision?
Recognize objects
people we know
things we own
Locate objects in space
to pick them up
Track objects in motion
catching a baseball
avoiding collisions with cars on the road
Recognize actions
walking, running, pushing
Vision is

Deceivingly easy


Computationally demanding

Critical to many applications

Vision is Deceivingly Easy
We see effortlessly
seeing seems simpler than thinking
we can all see but only select gifted people can
solve hard problems like chess
we use nearly 70% of our brains for visual
All creatures see
frogs see
birds see
snakes see

but they do not see alike

Vision is Deceptive
Vision is an exceptionally strong sensation

vision is immediate
we perceive the visual world as external to
ourselves, but it is a reconstruction within our brains
we regard how we see as reflecting the world as
it is; but human vision is

subject to illusions
quantitatively imprecise
limited to a narrow range of frequencies of radiation
Some Illusion
Some Illusion
Some Illusion

Google Image Search

Human Vision is Passive
It relies on external energy sources (sunlight,
light bulbs, fires) providing light that reflects
off of objects to our eyes

Vision systems can be active - carry their

own energy sources
Bat acoustic imaging systems
Spectral Limitation of Human Vision

We see only a small part of the energy

spectrum of sunlight
we dont see ultraviolet or lower frequencies of
we dont see infrared or higher frequencies of light
we see less than .1% of the energy that reaches
our eyes

But objects in the world reflect and emit energy in

these and other parts of the spectrum
Structure of the Human Eye
Structure of the Human Eye
Lens & Retina
Contrast sensitivity
Weber ratio
Simultaneous contrast
Which small square is the darkest one ?
Time-Varying Signals
Spatially-Varying Signals
Spatiotemporal Signals

Video Signal!
Types of Signals
Analog & Digital
Digital Image Representation
Digital Image Representation
Digital Image Representation
Example of Digital Image
Light-intensity function
Illumination and Reflectance
Illumination and Reflectance
Gray level
Color Perception
Color is an important part of our visual experience.

We distinguish only 100 levels of grays but hundreds of

thousands of colors.

Color detection is important to computer vision;

Object recognition is easier
Underutilized because more processing is required, hard
to publish
Color Perception of Reflection
Color Models
Color Models are useful for driving hardware that generates
or captures images
Monitors, TVs, video cameras
Color printers

Since color sensation can be reproduced by combination of

pure colors, it is simpler to use phosphors and CCD
(charge-couple device) elements that have sharp and
narrow spectra rather than combine overlapping spectra.

Color models describe in what proportion to combine

these spectra to produce different color impressions.
Additive Color Models
In monitors, 3 electron beams illuminate phosphors of 3
colors that act as additive light sources.

The powers of these beams are controlled by the

components of colors described by the R,G,B model
Color Models (RGB Cube)
Additive vs Subtractive Color Models
Number of bits
Example Color Depth

1-bit depth 4-bit depth

8-bit depth 16-bit depth

Checkerboard effect
False contouring
Nonuniform sampling
Nonuniform quantization
Image Formation
Lens-less Imaging Systems - Pinhole
Projects images
without lens
with infinite depth of field
Smaller the pinhole
better the focus
less the light energy from any single point
Good for tracking solar eclipses
Pinhole Camera (Cont)
Distant Objects are Smaller
Pinhole Camera (Cont)
Bigger Hole-More Blurred Images
Lenses Collect More Lights
With a lens, diverging rays from a scene point are
converged back to an image point
Lens Equation

n: Lens Refractive Index

hI: Image Height
ho: Object Height
The negative values for image height indicate that the image is an inverted
Thin Lens
relates the distance between the scene point being viewed
and the lens to the distance between the lens and the points
image (where the rays from that point are brought into focus
by the lens)
Let M be a point being viewed, p is the distance of M from the
lens along the optical axis.
The thin lens focuses all the rays from M onto the same point,
the image point m at distance q from the lens.
Thin Lens Equation
m can be determined by intersecting two known rays
MQ is parallel to the optical axis, so it must be refracted to pass
through F.
MO passes through the lens center, so it is not bent.

Note two pairs of similar triangles

MSO and Osm (yellow)
OQF and Fsm (green)
Thin Lens Equation
As p gets large, q approaches f
As q approaches f, p approaches infinity
Field of View
As f gets smaller, image becomes more wide angle (more
world points project onto the finite image plane).
As f gets larger, image becomes more telescopic (smaller
part of the world projects onto the finite image plane)
According to that MODEL?
Vanishing Point?
Vanishing Point TWO Points Perspective

vy vx
Optical Power and Accommodation
Optical power of a lens - how strongly the lens bends the
incoming rays
Short focal length lens bends rays significantly
It images a point source at infinity (large p) at distance f
behind the lens. The smaller f, the more the rays must be
bent to bring them into focus sooner.
Optical power is 1/f, with f measured in meters. The unit is
called the diopter
Human vision: when viewing faraway objects the distance
from the lens to the retina is 0.017m. So the optical power of
the eye is 58.8 diopters
How does the human eye bring nearby points into focus on the
by increasing the power of the lens
muscles attached to the lens change its shape to change the lens
accommodation: adjusting the focal length of the lens
bringing points that are nearby into focus causes faraway
points to go out of focus
depth-of-field: range of distances in focus
Physical cameras: mechanically change the distance between
the lens and the image plane

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